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Exam and question tutorial strategic case study 2019 CIMA Professional Qualification

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CIMA's Question Tutorials

Get hands-on experience of our computer-based assessments. CIMA ® offers two types of question tutorials to cover the objective tests and case study exams.

The question tutorials provide you with examples of the types of questions encountered in the exam. They can be used to experience the test driver and how items are presented. They give you the opportunity to explore this technology and become familiar with how the online system works.

  • are tailored for each qualification/subject and provide examples of question types you are likely to encounter in the live exam*. Please note: these tutorials should not be viewed as a full test.
  • provide answers to the questions throughout the exam, by clicking on the ‘answer’ button at the top left of the screen.
  • provide candidates with an opportunity to practice a full-length case study exam.
  • should be taken using the supporting material – pre-seen, model answers, and marking guidance, see additional resources below.

*Please note there are some slight differences between the functionality of the question tutorials and the live exams; in the live exams there is no ‘navigator’ button – candidates can move to the next question by pressing ‘next’. Questions can be flagged for review and reviewed at the end of the exam via the review screen.

How to register for a free question tutorial

  • click ‘create account’ and complete the details
  • select an exam
  • checkout and submit your request
  • take the exam immediately or completed it within 1 month
  • get an email with details of the exam

Additional Resources

  • Operational case study question tutorial supporting material
  • Management case study question tutorial supporting material
  • Strategic case study question tutorial supporting material
  • Level 4 EPA 1 role simulation question tutorial supporting material

Exam tutorials

These are designed to familiarise you with the exam software and functionality you will encounter at the test centre. They are not tailored towards any one qualification.

Take the exam tutorial here »

NB: The above system requirements may only apply to running the tutorials. CIMA’s online exams details »

Operational Level

Operational Case Study

Comprehensive online CIMA OCS courses covering every exam window. Now enrolling for August 2024.

  • 29 hours of course content
  • 3 Mock Exams with Solutions
  • Applied theory sessions
  • ACCA exam debrief lectures
  • 100s of Practice Questions
  • 250 exam-grade questions
  • Specimen exam debriefs
  • 130 exam-grade questions
  • Award-winning training
  • Mock exam debrief lectures
  • Exam debrief lectures
  • Theory review lessons of key topics
  • Buy and start studying immediately
  • Mock exam debriefs

Start learning from only £199.

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  • Elite Course

Course Features & Benefits

HD video lectures covering the entire syllabus delivered by expert tutors. Crisp audio and vivid examples, accessible from anywhere.

Prepare with realistic exams designed by CIMA gurus for each window. Our online simulator offers real test conditions to practice with precision. Model answers included.

Download detailed course notes on the complete syllabus. Crafted with clarity, these concise and clear guides are filled with real-world examples.

When you buy an individual standard course, you get access to that course forever . With any future syllabus updates automatically added.

Contact our student support team any time if you have technical issues with your course or doubts about your access.

VIVA's courses are structured in manageable unit by unit blocks. Your progress is saved automatically so you can resume where you stopped.

Your tutor walks you through every question from the ACCA AFM practice and specimen exams, explaining how you should answer on exam day.

All our courses are updated to reflect the latest syllabi. Any updates to courses you have access to are incorporated free of charge.

VIVA only works with elite tutors from across the UK and Ireland - from university lectures to former Big 4 managers and company directors.

Your tutor walks you through every question from two ACCA SBR specimen exams and one mock exam, explaining how you should answer on exam day.

Your tutor walks you through every question from the ACCA LW specimen exam, explaining how you should answer on exam day.

Your tutor walks you through every question from two ACCA TX mock exams, explaining how you should answer on exam day.

Handy on-demand review lessons covering the key topics from the E, F and P pillars.

Our famous E/F/P Applied sessions identify the key theories from your OT studies, and model how to apply them in your answers on exam day.

Your tutor walks you through every question from the ACCA AA specimen exam, explaining how you should answer on exam day.

  • Multi-award winning accountancy tuition - VIVA has won and been nominated for several prestigious awards since its founding, including the CIMA Global Pass Rate Excellence Award and the PQ Magazine Awards.
  • Accredited provider - VIVA is officially recoginsed by both ACCA and CIMA as an accredited tuition provider, meaning you're getting content and coverage that you can trust.
  • Groundbreaking value - born online, VIVA's unique scaled delivery model ensures you get direct access to the world's best tutors without being charged to cover bloated overheads as with traditional providers.
  • Student satisfaction - we prefer to let our students do the talking. Check out what they're saying about VIVA and why they rate us 4.9 out of 5 here .
  • Flexible payment and study plans - VIVA offers several study options, including individual courses, instalment plans and our famous All Access yearly subscriptions .

cima case study answers

Andrew is a Chartered Accountant and award-winning tutor. He previously worked as a forensic accountant at a Big Four firm, and spent several years tutoring at Kaplan UK. He was voted PQ Magazine's Lecturer of the Year - Private Sector in 2018. His average student feedback score in 2022 was 9.6/10, having taught over 1,000 learners. He has guided '1st in the World' students on 4 separate occasions.

Andrew is VIVA's CIMA OCS guru and is ready to bring his considerable practical and educational experience to bear and help you unlock the latest pre-seen.

Elite Course Extra Benefits

Our Elite Courses include everything from the Standard Course offerings, plus a range of personalised and exclusive features that will guarantee you pass your exams.

Our Elite courses include live, interactive sessions with your tutor and a small cohort of Elite students. Personalised guidance on exam technique and marking criteria.

Elite students get round-the-clock support from their tutor, via office hours, forum access and live interactive sessions.

Mock marking comes as standard for all mock exams on the Elite courses. Our experienced markers give personalised feedback, not just generic advice.

Your tutor will guide you through full mock exam questions, explaining how to approach answering each component, things to avoid, etc.

Your Elite tutor will host sessions focusing on exam writing technique, giving demonstrations and inviting collaboration on constructing answers that are sure to pass.

VIVA's partnership with Circle offers access to a modern private community platform to connect with Elite colleagues, share ideas, and receive guidance and discussion ideas from your tutor.

*We're so confident in the power of our Elite Courses, that we guarantee your pass. If you meet the conditions and still somehow don't pass, we will grant you free access to the next Elite Course.

Course Syllabus

Operational Case Study covers real-world problem-solving: applying operational theories to practical business challenges. Now enrolling for CIMA OCS Aug24 courses.

Pre-course work

Choose your exam window.

Select the tab corresponding to your preferred exam window, and then choose between the Standard or Elite Course (features explained in detail above).

The course runs for 5 weeks, starting on Jul 06, 2024.

We offer two payment options.

The course runs for 6 weeks, starting on Sep 20, 2024.

The course runs for 5 weeks, starting on Jan 03, 2025.

The course runs for 5 weeks, starting on Apr 11, 2025.

Trusted by over 10,000 students

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Despite very difficult personal circumstances, with VIVA's help I managed to not only pass the SCS but to achieve my highest case study score from the 3 levels. Please keep doing what you do as it's so good!

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I passed my OCS with a scaled score of 137 and got a letter from CIMA saying that I obtained the joint third position for the February 2019 case study and I believe that VIVA's materials really helped to make this possible.

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VIVA were absolutely key in my CIMA Case Study exam - where I received first position in the world! I felt extremely supported with VIVA throughout the course, and would recommend them to anybody. I just wish I had found them much earlier in my studies!

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I would highly recommend VIVA Financial Tuition to any CIMA student looking to achieve a high grade in their exams. Their courses offer remarkable value for money when compared to some of the traditional tuition providers. (World Prizewinner 2017)

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I want to thank VIVA for bringing to a successful end my study journey. I only wish I knew about VIVA earlier! Since using VIVA, I have passed my final exams.

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I have used VIVA for all three Case Studies, passing first time on all three. I could not have done it without VIVA's help! Hands down, the best resource out there for CIMA Case Studies.

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Before I signed up with VIVA's Elite course I was already enrolled with another tuition provider, and the way VIVA runs this course is 100x better! I will highly recommend you to my coworkers who are early in their CIMA journey.

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I have passed my SCS using VIVA. I had failed 3 times with other tuition providers. The difference for me was expert feedback on the mock exams.

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CIMA Strategic Case Study

No matter how well you know the theory and the pre-seen, unless you can use your knowledge in an exam situation, all of your revision is worthless!

To make sure you pass first time , you need to prepare yourself for even the most challenging of questions under exam conditions. That’s why we create 5 brand new mock exams for each case study, each tailored to the latest pre-seen and based on topics we think you are most likely to see in your exam.

Our case study mocks will:

  • Test your overall knowledge of the syllabus and the latest pre-seen
  • Highlight your weaknesses to focus on in your remaining revision
  • Improve your time management skills in an exam environment


Start your free CIMA strategic level membership to access our free SCS mini mock, which is just half the length of our full mocks and the final exam, and includes detailed solutions, plus the accompanying debrief video.

We know how important your privacy is. That’s why we do not share any details that you give us.

Get exam ready

Questions designed to challenge you, just like the real thing

Interactive timed experience to test you under exam conditions

7 new mocks for every pre-seen – all the practice you need

Learn from your mistakes

Comprehensive solutions for every question

See how high-scoring answers are structured and written

Expert marking available for even more learning

CIMA exam dates

Our expert marking and feedback

CIMA OCS Mock Marking


  1. CIMA Case Study

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  2. CIMA Strategic Case Study(SCS) Examiner's report

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  3. Essential CIMA Case Study Theory

    cima case study answers

  4. CIMA Case Study

    cima case study answers

  5. cima case study techniques

    cima case study answers

  6. cima past case study papers

    cima case study answers


  1. [PREVIEW] MCS Aug 2017 MCS Industry Analysis

  2. CIMA Case Study Examination Application skills


  4. CIMA CASE Study: How write an Answer

  5. CIMA Strategic Case Study (SCS) Feb 2024 (Robobryce)

  6. CIMA Strategic Case Study (SCS) May & Aug ’24


  1. Full Post Exam Materials May /August 2021 MCS and Gateway

    This document contains the full post exam supporting materials for the May and August 2021 management case study and CIMA gateway exam containing: pre-seen material. exam variants. suggested solutions. examiners report. marking guidance. Open PDF. Published 22/10/21. The CGMA Study Hub keeps you on track to achieve your personal study goals.

  2. SCS November 2022

    This document contains the full post exam supporting materials for the November 2022 and February 2023 Strategic Case Study exam containing: pre-seen material. exam variants. suggested solutions. examiners report (available from 28 April) marking guidance (available from 28 April) Open PDF. Published 28/4/23. The CGMA Study Hub keeps you on ...

  3. How to Pass CIMA Case Study Exams: Detailed Guide to Success

    10. How to Pass CIMA: Key Takeaways for Upcoming Case Study Exams. When it comes to case study success, there are three really key components: 1. Solid theoretical knowledge relating to objective subjects. 2. Intimate knowledge of the pre-seen and some familiarity with industry trends. 3. Excellent exam answer technique

  4. A Walkthrough of Real Exam Answers

    A Walkthrough of Real Exam Answers. What is this? A side by side comparison of (real) good and poor answers to a task in a Case Study exam. Why do I need it? Really helps to illustrate the marking system and where marks can be won and lost. Operational Case Study. Management Case Study. Strategic Case Study. The CGMA Study Hub keeps you on ...

  5. Quick Guide to Passing the CIMA Case Study Exams in 2024

    1. CIMA case study exams - the basics. CIMA case study exams evaluate applying knowledge in business scenarios with essay-based questions across three levels: Operational, Management, and Strategic. Candidates take these exams after passing objective tests, answering questions within fictional company roles using pre-seen and unseen materials. 2.

  6. Helpful CIMA Case Study Exam Resources.

    Exam resources for the current case study exam - May & August 2024. In this section, you can find the pre-seen documents for the current CIMA case study sitting, as well as a link to Astranti's free pre-seen analysis sample materials on YouTube. You can also find links to purchase Astranti's full set of pre-seen analysis materials.

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  9. Astranti: CIMA Strategic Case Study Exam Technique Series

    "The main reason people fail their CIMA case study exams is not lack of theoretical knowledge, not lack of pre-seen preparation - it's poor exam technique. People just don't know how to write answers in a way that scores marks, how to plan to focus what they say and how to manage their time across the exam to maximise marks in each section."

  10. Case Study Resources

    Case Study. Resources. All levels (23) Operational (3) Management (3) Strategic (3)

  11. CIMA Question Tutorials :: Pearson VUE

    CIMA's Question Tutorials. Get hands-on experience of our computer-based assessments. CIMA ® offers two types of question tutorials to cover the objective tests and case study exams. The question tutorials provide you with examples of the types of questions encountered in the exam. They can be used to experience the test driver and how items ...

  12. CIMA Case Study

    In this video, CIMA expert Nick Best runs through a number of case study student scripts, picking out the best areas as well as the areas for improvement. If...

  13. Preparing for the CIMA Feb24 Case Studies: Free Resources and Guides

    Below are a variety of tips, free resources and guides for the CIMA Feb24 case studies to help get you started. 1. Get the CIMA Pre-seen Materials Here. Probably the most important "free" resource of all is the pre-seen document that CIMA releases in advance of the Operational, Management and Strategic case study exams!

  14. PDF Case Study Strategic Level Study Text

    The Case Study mimics their role in a real-work scenario, at each level of the qualification. The Case Study is three hours long. The Case Study will include both pre-seen and unseen material, the latter being made available during the examination. They will incorporate short written answers, emails, letters and any form of

  15. Astranti: CIMA Strategic Case Study Exam Resources

    Our CIMA strategic case study course is designed to give you the highest quality teaching, course materials and support to do just that! Our courses will help you pass with: + Expert insights into the pre-seen, key theory revision and detailed guides on how you need to approach the exam to gain extra marks.

  16. PDF CIMA Case Study Operational Level Study Text

    The Case Study mimics their role in a real-work scenario, at each level of the qualification. The case study is three hours long. The case study will include both pre-seen and unseen material, the latter being made available during the examination. They will incorporate short written answers, emails, letters and any form of

  17. Case Study support 1

    CIMA has released a question tutorial for each case study level of the Professional Qualification. The question tutorial for the Operational Case Study relates to GymFiT, a company that operates 102 low-cost gyms. The candidate is expected to assume the role of a Finance Officer, who supports the company's Finance Manager.

  18. Astranti: CIMA Strategic Case Study Questions Pack

    For the second year running, Astranti has been presented with a Global Pass Rate Excellence Award in the AICPA & CIMA Registered Tuition Provider Excellence Awards!. This award is presented to tuition providers who exceed average pass rates over three case study windows and across all three levels of the CIMA Professional Qualification.. It's an honour to have won this award in both 2022 and ...

  19. VIVA

    Comprehensive online CIMA OCS courses covering every exam window. Now enrolling for May 2024. 29 hours of course content. 3 Mock Exams with Solutions. Applied theory sessions. ACCA exam debrief lectures. 100s of Practice Questions. 250 exam-grade questions. Specimen exam debriefs.

  20. Free exam and question tutorial operational case study

    It can be used to experience the test driver and how items are presented. We have prepared two sample case study exams based on CIMA's 2019 CGMA Professional Qualification. Open the PDF to access all the supporting material you will need before and after you have completed the tutorial case study. Open PDF. Level: Operational.

  21. CIMA E2 Past Papers

    CIMA. ACCA CIMA CAT / FIA DipIFR. E2. BA1 BA2 BA3 BA4 E1 E2 E3 P1 P2 P3 F1 F2 F3 OCS. Exam Centre. E2 Home Textbook Test Centre Exam Centre Progress Search. Classroom Revision Mock Exam Buy Premium $ 249. Buy Premium $ 249. Subject Exam Questions A1. The Ecosystems of Organisations. Return to subject. Objective Test.

  22. Astranti: Discover our CIMA Strategic Case Study Mock Exams

    That's why we create 5 brand new mock exams for each case study, each tailored to the latest pre-seen and based on topics we think you are most likely to see in your exam. Our case study mocks will: Test your overall knowledge of the syllabus and the latest pre-seen. Highlight your weaknesses to focus on in your remaining revision.

  23. Case Study support 3

    Case Study support 3 - developing a fuller answer. This is the third in a short series of three articles written for students who are preparing for case study exams. It is based on the authors' experience in setting and marking CIMA's CGMA case studies. These articles will be valuable to candidates who are preparing for each of the three ...