Exercise 1 Descriptive Essay

Compose a concise descriptive essay on a city metro ride. Highlighting the following aspects of the journey: energetic station, approaching train's rhythmic sound, diverse passengers, vibrant advertisements, and the sensory journey inside. Also, reflect on the anonymity and connectivity experienced by commuters.

The city metro is like a magical underground world where the hustle and bustle of the city above ground gives way to a different kind of energy. As I stepped into the metro station it felt like entering a secret portal to another dimension.

As I approach the platform, the rhythmic hum of the approaching train grows louder. It's a comforting sound, like the heartbeat of the city. The train emerges from the tunnel with a whoosh, its doors sliding open to reveal a multitude of faces. There are people of all ages and backgrounds, each lost in their own thoughts or engaged in animated conversations.

Stepping inside the train, the vibrant advertisements on the walls catch my eye. They're a kaleidoscope of colors, promoting everything from the latest gadgets to upcoming events. The jingle of a catchy tune from one of the ads plays in the background, creating a lively atmosphere.

The inside of the train is a mosaic of humanity. There's the tired office worker, slumped in a seat with a briefcase by their side. A group of friends laughs together, their backpacks and school uniforms giving away their student status. A musician strums a guitar in one corner, adding a melodic layer to the ambient noise.

The rhythmic clatter of the train on the tracks becomes a soothing backdrop to the diverse conversations happening around me. The occasional announcement from the intercom breaks through, providing information with a robotic precision. The sense of anonymity is palpable, as everyone is engrossed in their own world, yet connected by the shared experience of the metro journey.

As the train glides through the tunnels, the flickering lights create a mesmerizing dance. The windows frame glimpses of the city above ground, blurred and distant. It's like watching a silent movie, a moving panorama of urban life.

In this underground sanctuary, I feel both invisible and connected. The anonymity allows me to observe without being observed, yet there's a sense of camaraderie with my fellow passengers. We're all on this journey together, riding the currents of the city's pulse.

As the metro reaches my stop, the doors slide open, and I step back into the city's embrace. The station is a hive of activity once again, but the memory of the rhythmic hum, colorful advertisements, and diverse passengers lingers. The city metro, a place where anonymity and connectivity coexist, is a fascinating microcosm of urban life.

The station was a symphony of movement and noise. People rushed in all directions, their footsteps echoing on the cold, tiled floor. The air was filled with the scent of coffee from the nearby café and the distant aroma of freshly baked pastries. It was a sensory overload, but in a strangely exciting way.

As I approached the platform, the rhythmic hum of the approaching train grew louder. It was a comforting sound, like the heartbeat of the city. The train emerged from the tunnel with a whoosh, its doors sliding open to reveal a multitude of faces. There were people of all ages and backgrounds, each lost in their own thoughts or engaged in animated conversations.

Stepping inside the train, the vibrant advertisements on the walls caught my eye. They were a kaleidoscope of colors, promoting everything from the latest gadgets to upcoming events. The jingle of a catchy tune from one of the ads played in the background, creating a lively atmosphere.

The inside of the train was a mosaic of humanity. There was the tired office worker, slumped in a seat with a briefcase by their side. A group of friends laughed together, their backpacks and school uniforms giving away their student status. A musician strummed a guitar in one corner, adding a melodic layer to the ambient noise.

The rhythmic clatter of the train on the tracks became a soothing backdrop to the diverse conversations happening around me. The occasional announcement from the intercom broke through, providing information with a robotic precision. The sense of anonymity was palpable, as everyone was engrossed in their own world, yet connected by the shared experience of the metro journey.

In this underground sanctuary, I felt both invisible and connected. The anonymity allowed me to observe without being observed, yet there was a sense of camaraderie with my fellow passengers. We were all on this journey together, riding the currents of the city's pulse.

As the metro reached my stop, the doors slid open, and I stepped back into the city's embrace. The station was a hive of activity once again, but the memory of the rhythmic hum, colorful advertisements, and diverse passengers lingered.

  • Ensure to answer all parts of the question
  • Be as descriptive as possible, let your imagination wild.

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How to write good essays for ICSE Class 10 (Samples, Books, Topics)

April 14, 2018 by studymumbai Leave a Comment

Essay Writing

As part of ICSE Class 10 board exams, students are required to write a composition (essay) of around 300 to 350 words from a choice of subjects. The idea is to see how well students can describe, explain, present ideas coherently, arrive at conclusions and suggest solutions. Here are more tips and suggestions to help ICSE students master the art of answering/writing essay questions.

How to Write a Good Essay for ICSE Class X

Lot of students look for sample essays that can come in the for class 10 ICSE exam. However, instead of trying to guess, which topics come, a better approach is to learn how to structure an essay, and so some general reading on current topics.


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Here’s how to write a good essay for ICSE. Here are some hints on how to prepare for important essay topics:

  • Read newspaper headlines. Usually, the Essays seem to be based on current hot topics/burning issues
  • Have some information about current incidents, in politics, sports etc
  • Learn how to structure an essay.

Read: How to write essay in Competitive Exams

  • You would be given multiple options of essay topics. Take some time reading those topics and pick the one you’re most comfortable with.
  • You can also buy ‘last 10 years question paper’ book and go through all the essays and letters to understand the style of writing, the way introduction and conclusion should be written.

With this approach, you will surely be able to write on any topic.

Essay Topics for Class X Exam

The ICSE Class X English language exam normally provides five essay topics. Pick the topic you are most comfortable with and you think you know more about.

If you take a look at the past question papers, you will see that the Essay topics are not usually repeated. It means you don’t have to by-heart any particular essay.

What they are looking for is a decent structure, they are not keen to know whether you have a mastery of the topic.

Having said that, be aware of current incidents and controversies in India, which could be one of the essay topics.

Possible topics for ICSE Class X (just have some basic idea about these and maybe practice writing on a few of these):

In the past ‘Science and Technology in Modern Society’ or ‘Comparison of various education systems’ have been hot topics. Other likely topics include demonetization in India, world peace, democracy, advent of selfies, human rights, etc.

Here are some more topics:

Artificial intelligence -job creator or job destroyer

Feminization of agriculture

Women empowerment-men have to walk extra mile

Globalisation and climate change cause or effective

Water scarcity where the buck stops.

Appo deepo bhavo

Rule of law or human rights -which comes first

Science and ethics -antagonism or synergy.

Judicial activism overeach or under performance of other two wings

Media and rule of law -two means to an end.

Fight against poverty, pollution, terrorism

Tiger, an endangered species

Child labour

Memorable day in school

Importance of sports in school life

My favourite pet

Global warming

Importance of reading

Your ambition in life

Swachchh bharat/Plastic bags/ Hygiene

Views on Fashion or show-off

Corporal punishment in school

Views on animal cruelty in circuses

Role of mother in life

TV/Computer/Mobile-boon or bane?

Nuisance by animals in public places

Interviewing a famous person

One day experience as your favourite fictional character

Trip to a hill station

A day visit to an orphanage/old age home

Story on ‘every cloud has a silver lining’

Detective story on a stolen antique

Women empowerment(with reference to Beti Bachao Beti Padhao)

Story titled ‘The gift’.

Good Books on Writing Essays

Here are a few good books on essay writing that can give your more ideas on how to write good essays, and help you to practice better.

  • CBD’s ICSE Model English Essays (by Dr A.K.Mukherjee)
  • Essay writing for high school -Essay writing for high school
  • Cracking the English Essays For ICSE Class 10 Board Exams (by Madhuri Shukla)


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Descriptive Paragraph Writing For Class 10: Format, and Examples

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Table of Contents

In the world of writing, descriptive paragraphs are like magic spells that transport readers to different places, times, and emotions. They paint vivid pictures in our minds and make stories come alive. Whether you’re a student, a budding writer, or just someone who loves to express themselves through words, understanding what a descriptive paragraph is and how to write one can take your writing skills to the next level. In this blog, we’ll break down the essence of descriptive paragraphs, guide you through the process of crafting them, provide a simple format to follow, and offer some delightful examples.

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What is a Descriptive Paragraph?

A descriptive paragraph is a form of written expression that vividly paints a picture, evokes sensations, and engages the senses through words. It goes beyond mere explanation, aiming to immerse the reader in a detailed and sensory-rich experience. By skillfully selecting descriptive language and providing specific details, a descriptive paragraph brings the subject to life, allowing the reader to visualize, feel, smell, taste, or hear what is being described. Whether used in creative writing, essays, or storytelling, a well-crafted descriptive paragraph has the power to transport readers to different places, moments, or emotions, making it an essential tool for effective communication and storytelling. It’s all about showing, not telling. Instead of saying, “It was a beautiful day,” you would describe the clear blue sky, the warmth of the sun on your skin, and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze.

How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph

Writing a descriptive paragraph involves carefully selecting words and crafting sentences to create a vivid and immersive experience for the reader. Here are steps to help you write an effective descriptive paragraph:

  • Choose a Subject: Begin by selecting the subject you want to describe. It could be a place, a person, an object, an event, or even an emotion. The more specific and focused your subject is, the easier it will be to create a detailed description.
  • Brainstorm Details: Close your eyes and visualize your chosen subject. Pay attention to the sensory details: what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. Take notes of these details; they will be the building blocks of your paragraph.
  • Create an Outline: Organize your thoughts by creating a rough outline for your paragraph. Decide on the order in which you’ll present your details, ensuring a logical and coherent flow.
  • Write a Strong Opening Sentence: Start your paragraph with a compelling topic sentence that introduces the subject and sets the tone for the description. This sentence should capture the reader’s attention and give them a sense of what to expect.
  • Use Descriptive Language: Employ vivid and evocative language to convey your sensory observations. Use descriptive adjectives, adverbs, and figurative language (similes, metaphors) to paint a clear picture. Instead of saying “a car,” you could say “a sleek, silver sports car.”
  • Appeal to Emotions: Describe how the subject makes you feel or how it might make the reader feel. Engaging the reader’s emotions can make your description more impactful.
  • Provide Supporting Details: Elaborate on your initial observations with additional details. Describe the subject’s size, shape, color, texture, sounds, scents, or any relevant context. Use specific examples to illustrate your points.
  • Create a Sensory Experience: Engage as many senses as possible. Describe the taste of the food, the feel of the fabric, the sound of laughter, or the scent of a flower garden. Sensory details make the description more immersive.
  • Maintain a Consistent Tone: Ensure that the tone of your description aligns with the subject. Whether it’s a joyful, somber, or awe-inspiring scene, your language should reflect the mood you want to convey.
  • Craft a Concluding Sentence: Wrap up your descriptive paragraph by summarizing the essence of your description. The concluding sentence should leave a lasting impression on the reader and provide closure to your description.
  • Revise and Edit: After writing your paragraph, review it for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Remove any unnecessary words or details that do not contribute to the overall picture.
  • Peer Review: If possible, have someone else read your descriptive paragraph and provide feedback. A fresh perspective can help you improve the quality of your description.

English Paragraph Writing

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Descriptive Paragraph Format

A descriptive paragraph typically follows a specific format to effectively convey a vivid and detailed description. Here’s a basic format to help you structure your descriptive paragraphs:

  • Topic Sentence: Start your descriptive paragraph with a clear and engaging topic sentence. This sentence introduces the subject of your description and sets the tone for the entire paragraph. It should provide a glimpse of what you are describing. For example, if you are describing a beautiful sunset at the beach, your topic sentence might be: “The sun began its descent below the horizon, painting the sky in breathtaking hues of orange and pink.”
  • “The waves gently lapped at the shore, their rhythmic music soothing the soul.”
  • “A warm, salty breeze brushed against my skin, carrying the scent of the sea and a hint of coconut sunscreen.”
  • “The sand, still warm from the day’s sun, cradled my bare feet as I walked along the water’s edge.”
  • “As the sun disappeared beneath the horizon, it left behind a sense of serenity and awe, a perfect end to a day at the beach.”

While this format provides a general guideline for crafting descriptive paragraphs, remember that flexibility is also important. Depending on the subject and your creative style, you may adapt this format as needed. The key is to engage the reader’s senses and imagination, creating a vivid and memorable experience through your words.

English Paragraph For Reading

Examples of Descriptive Paragraphs

Example 1 – A Beach Scene:

The beach stretched out before me, a vast expanse of golden sand glistening in the afternoon sun. The waves danced playfully, their rhythmic crashes creating a soothing symphony. Seagulls circled overhead, their cries echoing in the salty breeze. I could feel the warmth of the sand beneath my toes, and a sense of peace washed over me as I watched the endless horizon.

Example 2 – A Quaint Café:

Stepping into the café was like entering a cozy cocoon of warmth and aroma. The air was filled with the rich scent of freshly brewed coffee and the sweet embrace of cinnamon. Soft jazz music played in the background, punctuated by the occasional laughter of patrons. The dim lighting cast a soft, inviting glow over the worn wooden tables and mismatched chairs, inviting you to linger and savor every moment.

Example 3: A Cozy Winter Evening

As I settled into the oversized armchair by the crackling fireplace, the warmth enveloped me like a comforting embrace. Outside, snowflakes danced in the inky night, painting the world in a soft, glistening white. The scent of freshly baked cinnamon rolls wafted from the kitchen, filling the air with sweetness. The only sounds were the occasional pop of burning wood and the muffled laughter of family gathered nearby. The soft glow of the twinkling Christmas tree lights added a magical aura to the room. It was a perfect winter evening, cocooned in the cozy embrace of home.

Mastering the art of descriptive paragraphs allows you to create captivating narratives, essays, and stories that resonate with your readers. By choosing the right subject, employing sensory details, and crafting your words with care, you can transport your audience to the world you create. So, start practicing, and soon you’ll be weaving enchanting descriptions that captivate hearts and minds alike. Happy writing!

Descriptive Paragraph FAQs

What is a descriptive paragraph example.

A descriptive paragraph example vividly paints a picture with words, like a lush forest bathed in sunlight or a bustling city street alive with activity.

What is descriptive form of paragraph?

The descriptive form of a paragraph uses rich language and sensory details to create a sensory experience, making the reader feel like they're part of the scene.

What is descriptive example?

A descriptive example is a written passage that illustrates a subject or scene with intricate details, appealing to the reader's senses and emotions.

What is descriptive paragraph format?

The descriptive paragraph format typically includes a captivating opening sentence, sensory-rich supporting details, and a concluding sentence that leaves a lasting impression.

Write descriptive paragraph on father:

My father is a tall, strong man with salt-and-pepper hair that crowns his distinguished face. His eyes, a deep shade of brown, exude warmth and wisdom. His laughter is infectious, filling the room with joy. He has a knack for storytelling, and his voice carries the resonance of life's experiences. His presence is a source of comfort, like a steadfast lighthouse guiding us through life's storms.

Write descriptive paragraph on mother:

My mother is the epitome of grace and compassion. Her gentle smile radiates kindness and love. Her hands, weathered by years of caring, are the embodiment of nurturing warmth. Her laughter is a melody that soothes and uplifts. She possesses an uncanny ability to turn ordinary moments into cherished memories. Her unwavering support is the foundation upon which our family thrives.

Write descriptive paragraph about a person:

The person I want to describe is an enigma of creativity and curiosity. With a disheveled mop of chestnut hair and glasses perched on the bridge of their nose, they give off an air of perpetual inquisitiveness. Their eyes, a kaleidoscope of ever-changing colors, mirror their kaleidoscopic mind. They have an infectious enthusiasm for life and an insatiable hunger for knowledge. Conversations with them are a whirlwind journey through ideas, passions, and dreams, leaving you both inspired and intrigued. In their presence, the world becomes a canvas of endless possibilities.

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  • ICSE Sample Question Papers for Class 10 English (2024-25)


Free Download ICSE Class 10 English Sample Paper

The English language is a vital part of the ICSE Class 10 syllabus. At Vedantu.com, you can download the solved sample papers for Class 10 ICSE English language for free. It will take a total of 2 hours, 30 minutes, to solve the sample paper. You should utilize the first fifteen minutes to read and understand the questions.

You may complete your writing within the next 2 hours. There will be a total of 5 questions, and you have to attempt all five questions. It is suggested that you shouldn't spend more than thirty minutes and twenty minutes on question 1 and question 2, respectively. ICSE Class 10 English language sample papers with answers will help in your preparation for the main examination. You will learn to do time management by attempting the sample papers.

ICSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English


Class 10 ICSE English Language Paper - Free PDF Download

The subject experts make the English language sample paper for Class 10 ICSE provided by Vedantu. The sample papers are prepared to help students understand the language as well as their grammar and vocabulary. The sample papers are made of five parts that will help students to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

These sample papers are made by following the question papers of the last ten years. You will find the updated questions and answers in the sample papers. Students will learn to solve both subjective and objective-type questions within a limited time by solving sample papers. Students' confidence and interest will grow by going through the sample papers prepared by the experts of Vedantu.

English Language Solved Sample Papers for Class 10 ICSE

The English language solved sample papers for Class 10 ICSE contain both long answer-type questions and objective-type questions. Many problems are prepared to check the grammar and vocabulary of students. There can be a passage that you have to read well and answer questions accordingly. Students can know about their current preparation level and do self-assessment.

Students should try to solve the questions provided in the sample papers without checking the answer. It will help in their writing speed and accuracy. Most of the questions from sample papers have been asked before in the board exam. Sample papers contain a lot of questions and contents which require complete attention. It prepares students to understand the question pattern and prepare accordingly.

Class 10 ICSE English Language Paper - Weightage of Marks

ICSE Class 10 English examination has two parts. The first part is about the English language. The first paper in English has a total of 80 marks. There are a total of 5 questions based on reading, writing, and grammatical knowledge. The first question is about composition writing of 300 to 350 words. Here, students will get five choices to choose from.

The first question has 25 marks. The second question is about letter writing, where students will get two options to choose from. The second question has ten marks. The third question is about notice and email writing. Here, students will get two questions of 5 marks each. The fourth question is about a particular passage that will be given in the question paper. The fifth question contains the grammatical part. It includes sentence making, preposition, conjunction, and other grammatical usages.

Benefits of Sample Papers for Class 10 ICSE English Language with Answers

There are a lot of benefits of solving sample papers for Class 10 ICSE English language. Some of the benefits are listed below:

Sample papers will help students to learn about the question pattern and take preparation accordingly.

Students will learn to solve both subjective and objective-type questions within a limited time by solving sample papers.

At Vedantu, you can download the solved sample papers for Class 10 ICSE English language for free.

The sample papers are made of five parts that will help students to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Many questions in the sample papers are prepared to check the grammar and vocabulary of students.

Students can know about their current preparation level and do self-assessment by checking the sample papers.


FAQs on ICSE Sample Question Papers for Class 10 English (2024-25)

1. How is the Weightage of Marks of ICSE Class 10 English Paper 1?

ICSE Class 10 English examination has two parts. The first part is about the English language. The first paper in English has a total of 80 marks. There are a total of 5 questions based on reading, writing, and grammatical knowledge. The first question is about composition writing of 300 to 350 words. Here, students will get five choices to choose from. The first question has 25 marks. The second question is about letter writing, where students will get two options to choose from. The second question has ten marks. The third question is about notice and email writing. Here, students will get two questions of 5 marks each. The fourth question is about a particular passage that will be given in the question paper. The fifth question contains the grammatical part. It includes sentence making, preposition, conjunction, and other grammatical usages.

2. State Three Benefits of the Sample Papers of ICSE English Paper 1 for Class 10.

The benefits of sample papers are listed below:

To download the most accurate sample papers you can visit Vedantu.com , where India's #1 teachers have prepared 100% accurate Sample papers. You can Download PDF Sample papers Class 10 English 2024-25 by following certain steps-

Step 1: Go to the Vedantu site or download the Vedantu app. 

Step 2- Select the desired subject and Class, like ICSE Class10 English  2024-25  for example.

Step 3: Simply click on the Download PDF sample paper ICSE Class10 English  2024-25   and it's done!

You can now get multiple online worksheets to practice more and more to get good marks. Vedantu is a one-stop solution for all your educational queries and it provides one-to-one guidance to clear all your doubts.

Nothing is impossible if you want to achieve it, and you can get full marks in English Class. All that you should know is that Hard work is the key to success. Besides that, here are some tips to help you score maximum marks in ICSE English Class 10 exam:

Follow the correct writing format for letter writing and summary.

Practice more and more to improve your writing abilities

Go through the comprehension passage slowly and thoroughly.

Make revision notes to get a quick revision of the syllabus multiple times.

Solve sample papers of Class 10  2024-25.

Many students of Class 10 want to know the exact routine they should follow to excel in Class 10 boards. One should not compare their routine with other students as it can adversely affect their own morale. Some students might study for 3-4 hours and get 98-99 % marks and some may study for 7-8 hours and get fewer marks. Ultimately, the main aim should be to understand the topic thoroughly no matter how much time you devote to it. It is advised to take a good sleep of 8- 9 hours before the exam day. Otherwise, it is up to you how much time you want to be involved in. All you need is to practice more and more, that's all.

  • Descriptive Essay

You ever read a really good travel essay? It makes you believe that you are there with the writer, it paints a vivid picture. This is because the essay is so descriptive, that it appeals to our senses. As a result, our brain starts imagining it. Let’s learn more about a descriptive essay.

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What is a descriptive essay.

Our brain is so powerful that it can easily imagine scenarios and make use of our senses. The job of such an essay is to appeal to our senses in a way that it creates an image in our minds. Hence a descriptive essay plays with at least one of our five senses (touch, smell, taste, hearing, sight).

In other words, the description of the person, place or thing in an essay should be really vivid. This means it after reading the essay, the reader should be left feeling like they actually know the person, have held the object or have visited the place.

Descriptive Essay

In the light of the above-mentioned things, it is comfortable to say that a descriptive essay provides for artistic freedom. For example, assume you’re writing about a house.

Instead of simply stating that the house was beautiful, you should talk about the color of the house, the garden in front of it i.e. all the details about the house. In that way, the readers would be able to imagine the house because of a nicely written essay.

Contents of a Descriptive Essay

As it is with most of the written forms of English literature, the basic structure of a descriptive essay also comprises of an introduction, a body, and the conclusion.

  • The introduction of a descriptive essay should be interesting enough to catch a reader’s attention. The introduction should be all about creating a base or a background for the person, place or thing you’re going to describe in your essay.
  • Next, the main body of a descriptive essay should appeal to the reader’s senses. This includes unfolding the information by creating images in the reader’s mind. A trick to achieving this is to explain how the subject about which you’re writing in your descriptive essay, appeals to your senses.
  • Lastly, the conclusion should summarize the whole essay. Along with again going over the main details about the essay’s subject, you should end the essay in a way that it gives a sense of completion.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay?

Before starting off with a descriptive essay, thinking about the subject in detail will be your best bet. Just take some time off and imagine about the subject. This means to imagine how the subject appeals to your senses- how does it smell, looks like and so on.

Further, if the subject is related to a past experience think about how it felt or your experience with the subject. Next, express all of these on the paper right in front of you. You can also take some time to think about how you want your essay to unfold. Lastly, a revision of the essay provides a great opportunity for improvements and small tweaks. Remember that a descriptive essay is all about teasing the reader’s senses.

A Solved Example For You

Q:   A descriptive essay should:

  • Narrate a story.
  • Appeal to the reader’s senses.
  • Present an argument
  • None of the above

Ans:   The correct option is ‘B’. A descriptive essay should appeal to the reader’s senses in such a way that the reader feels at one with the subject of the essay.

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icse composition tips essay format

ICSE English Composition: 5 Tips to Write Effective Essays

by Yash Soni on Sep 26, 2022

ICSE English composition or essay writing is among the most challenging aspects of the exam. English compositions broadly are of 5 types . Here are few things you need to keep in mind when writing a composition in your English 9 or 10 language exam.

Start with a Strong Introduction

A good introduction will set the tone of your essay and pique the interest of your examiner. It is good to cultivate curiosity in readers.

Write About Something You Know Well

If you're writing about something you know well, you can use examples from your own life to illustrate your points. However, if you're writing about something new, you might find yourself struggling with ideas. Try brainstorming different ways to approach the subject. You can develop your ideas by reading good books from publishers such as Almond Books .

Develop a Point of View

After deciding what you want to say, you need to decide where you stand on the issue. This is called developing a point of view. If you are writing an essay on an argumentative topic, you should begin by identifying the opposing side's position. Then, you should identify your own position. Finally, you should explain why you believe your position is correct.

Craft a Clear Structure

A good composition structure includes three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion (not paragraphs; you can divide your essay body into a few small paragraphs). Each part has its own purpose. The introduction provides context for the rest of the composition. It introduces the main idea and gives background information. The body explains the argument and supports the central idea. And the conclusion summarizes the key points of the composition.

Include Details That Support Your Claims

You should also use examples to illustrate your points. These examples should be relevant to your composition topic. They should not just be random facts; rather, they should relate to your point of view.

You will be able to write effective essays in ICSE if you follow these simple but vital tips. Prepare well for your Language exam by practicing the latest ICSE essay topics (taken from Almond Books ICSE Compositions Textbook ).

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  • essay writing ,
  • icse english language

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Descriptive Writing for Class 10 ICSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

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Argumentative Essay Topics ICSE Board Exams

Here we have covered previous Year Argumentative Essay Writing Topics asked in ICSE board exams.

  • Importance of Writing a Good Composition
  • How to go about writing an Essay
  • Organising and Planning an Essay
  • Paragraph Writing
  • Introdcution and Conclusion of Essays
  • Types of Essays
  • Quotable Quotations
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2016
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2015
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2014
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2013
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2012
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2011
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2010
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2009
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2008
  • A rgumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2007
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2006
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2005
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2004
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2003
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2002
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2001
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 2000
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 1999
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 1998
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 1997
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 1996
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 1995
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 1993
  • A rgumentative Essay Topic ICSE 1992
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 1991
  • Argumentative Essay Topic ICSE 1990
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Should The Use Of Polythene Be Banned?
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished?
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – If You Would Have Peace, Prepare For War
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Our Forefathers Were Luckier Than Us
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – The Greater The Power The More Dangerous The Abuse
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Environmental Pollution Is A Cause For Concern
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Joint Family System Has Lost Its Value
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – It Is And Will Always Be A Man’s World
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – It Is Better To Be Born Rich Than Talented
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Advantages, Disadvantages Of Co-Education In Schools
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Manners Maketh A Man
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Corporal Punishment In Schools
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Child Labour Should Be Banned
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Should Competitive Examinations Be Abolished?
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Pen Is Mightier than The Sword
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Should Punishment Be Retributive Or Reformatory?
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Are Betting And Gambling National Evils?
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – It Is Better To Be Born A Genius Than Talented
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Education Makes The People Easy To Lead
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – It Is Better, To Have Brains Than Beauty
  • Argumentative Essay Topic – Prohibition Is An Infringement Of Our Fundamental Right


  1. Descriptive Essay Format Icse Class 10

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  2. 🐈 Writing a descriptive composition. How to Write a Descriptive Essay

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  3. SOLUTION: IGCSE Descriptive essay writing

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  4. 🌱 Descriptive writing examples pdf. Descriptive Essay. 2022-10-31

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  5. Grade 10 Descriptive Essay Descriptive Essay Example Writing Tips

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  6. Descriptive Paragraph: How to Write with Examples

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  2. ICSE-10|Total English solution 2023-24| Solved assignments of chapter 10| Direct & Indirect speech🔥

  3. English / Descriptive essay / ICSE, CBSE / Karthic Studies / @KarthicStudies

  4. Class 9 English: Descriptive Paragraph (Person)

  5. What is Descriptive writing? In English Essay |Lecture 5| CSS



  1. Descriptive Writing for Class 10 ICSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

    Descriptive Writing: A description is a piece of writing that elaborates a person, place, thing, feeling or state of mind. This outlines the understanding of a person about the thing to be described. It encompasses the factual details in a vivid manner. The person who is describing must know all the concerned facts about the thing to be described.

  2. Descriptive Essay Topics ICSE Board Exams

    Descriptive Essay Topic ICSE 1991. Descriptive Essay Topic - A Day When Everything Went Wrong In School. Descriptive Essay Topic - A Visit To A Bus Station. Descriptive Essay Topic - The Scene At The Railway Station. Descriptive Essay Topic - An Entertainment Programme Organised On Teacher's Day. D escriptive Essay Topic - You Have ...

  3. Descriptive Writing format, examples, topics for Class 10

    Descriptive Writing Examples (Previous Years Questions with Answers) 1. Write a description, in not more than 100 words, of a potted plant that you and your sibling recently chose to gift your parent. (CBSE English Communicative SQP 2023-24) Ans-.

  4. Latest 25 Composition Topics in ICSE

    ICSE English language exams for Class 9 & 10 include composition writing as a mandatory question. Make sure you read important tips to write compositions in ICSE before you begin your practise. Below are 25 trending composition topics in ICSE that you can use to practise essay writing: Descriptive Essays. Describe your favourite place in the world.

  5. Descriptive Essay, ICSE English, Sample Question and Answer

    ICSE descriptive essay sample question with free answer. Aneetta Class offers free exercises for all ICSE board exams. Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Exercises. ... Question. Compose a concise descriptive essay on a city metro ride. Highlighting the following aspects of the journey: energetic station, approaching train's rhythmic sound ...

  6. How to write good essays for ICSE Class 10 (Samples, Books, Topics)

    Spread the love. As part of ICSE Class 10 board exams, students are required to write a composition (essay) of around 300 to 350 words from a choice of subjects. The idea is to see how well students can describe, explain, present ideas coherently, arrive at conclusions and suggest solutions. Here are more tips and suggestions to help ICSE ...

  7. Descriptive Paragraph Writing For Class 10: Format, and Examples

    Here are steps to help you write an effective descriptive paragraph: Choose a Subject: Begin by selecting the subject you want to describe. It could be a place, a person, an object, an event, or even an emotion. The more specific and focused your subject is, the easier it will be to create a detailed description.

  8. ICSE English Compositions: Understanding the 5 Types

    essay writing , icse. ICSE English language examination test students on five different composition types, which includes descriptive, narrative, argumentative, story writing, and picture composition. In this post, we'll describe all these essay types in more detail so students can clearly understand the comparison between them and compose.

  9. ICSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English (2024-25)

    English Language Solved Sample Papers for Class 10 ICSE. The English language solved sample papers for Class 10 ICSE contain both long answer-type questions and objective-type questions. Many problems are prepared to check the grammar and vocabulary of students. There can be a passage that you have to read well and answer questions accordingly.

  10. Descriptive Writing For Class 10 ICSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

    The document provides information about descriptive writing for Class 10 ICSE exams, including format, topics, examples, and samples. It outlines key points to keep in mind when writing a description, such as appealing to the senses and leaving the reader with a clear impression. Two sample descriptions are included, one about visiting school during heavy rain and another about visiting a slum ...

  11. Descriptive Essay ICSE 2016

    This Descriptive Essay was asked in ICSE 2016 board exam. You can find Previous Year Descriptive Essay Topics asked in ICSE board exams. Descriptive Essay ICSE 2016. Narrate an incident from your own experience when you expected to do very well, but for some reason were unable to do so. Explain what happened and why it happened.

  12. Sample Paper of English for Class 10 (I.c.s.e)

    1) Sample Paper Of Physics Class 10 ICSE. 2) ICSE Math Sample Paper for Class 10. 3) Sample Paper of ICSE Math Class 10. Question 1. (Do not spend more than 35 minutes on this question.) [25] Write a composition (350 - 400 words) on any one of the following: (a) Me and my big mouth! (b) Write about a time when you were late for an important ...

  13. Descriptive Essay: Meaning, Content, Format with Examples and Videos

    The job of such an essay is to appeal to our senses in a way that it creates an image in our minds. Hence a descriptive essay plays with at least one of our five senses (touch, smell, taste, hearing, sight). In other words, the description of the person, place or thing in an essay should be really vivid. This means it after reading the essay ...

  14. ICSE Composition Tips for Class 10

    Craft a Clear Structure. A good composition structure includes three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion (not paragraphs; you can divide your essay body into a few small paragraphs). Each part has its own purpose. The introduction provides context for the rest of the composition. It introduces the main idea and gives background information.

  15. Descriptive Essay ICSE 2015

    Descriptive Essay ICSE 2015. You had booked a ticket on an early morning train. However, you woke up late and missed it. You then decided to run to catch a bus to the next station where you hoped to catch up with the train. Narrate the entire event, how you felt, the effort you made and how you finally caught the train.

  16. Descriptive Writing for Class 10 ICSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

    Skip to content. Contact Us; Home; Article; Essay; India; Knowledge; Letter; News. Entertainment; Trending; Speech; Story; Menu. Contact Us; Home; Article; Essay ...

  17. Descriptive Essay ICSE 2010

    Descriptive Essay ICSE 2010. Think of a time when you achieved a personal goal. Say why the goal was important to you and how you achieved it. Describe how you felt on achieving it. (ICSE 2010) Introduction: One of the most difficult personal goal in school was to learn cycling. New situations always made me a bit nervous and my first cycling ...

  18. Narrative Writing for Class 10 ICSE Format, Examples, Topics, Samples

    In the test, word-limit for the descriptive composition is 300-350 and it consists starting 20 markers weightage. ... Essay- ICSE sample paper class 10. Kaushal's fathers were admitted in a hospital and who surgery could bear place only after the required sum had been deposited. IODIN called my father and explained him the situation.

  19. Narrative Essay 3

    Narrative Essay 3 - Grade 10 - ICSE (2020-21) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The narrator describes an unforgettable adventure trip to Thailand with their parents. Some key experiences included arriving in Phuket and being overwhelmed by the tropical climate, spending relaxing days on the beach drinking coconut milk, exploring the island by ...

  20. Argumentative Essay Topics ICSE Board Exams

    Argumentative Essay Topic - Environmental Pollution Is A Cause For Concern. Argumentative Essay Topic - Joint Family System Has Lost Its Value. Argumentative Essay Topic - It Is And Will Always Be A Man's World. Argumentative Essay Topic - It Is Better To Be Born Rich Than Talented.