general laborer skills examples resume

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general laborer skills examples resume

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5 General Laborer Resume Examples Built to Work in 2024

Stephen Greet

General Laborer Resume

  • General Laborer Resumes by Experience
  • General Laborer Resumes by Role
  • Write Your General Laborer Resume

You help uphold the foundation of countless building projects—and sometimes you lay the concrete down, too! Your skills with power tools, codes and regulations, and heavy machinery enable you to get the job done, and done well.

But how do you use all your job skills , work experiences , and relevant personal traits to create a cover letter and build a jaw-dropping resume that will get you the job you crave?

Don’t worry; we’ve done this before. After years of helping laborers like you, we’ve developed five general laborer resume examples to help you pave the way to your success!

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General laborer resume example with 9 years experience

Why this resume works

  • An effective general laborer resume should not only provide your expertise in using a variety of tools but also how your safety efforts helped minimize potential accidents.

Skilled Laborer Resume

Skilled laborer resume example with welding experience

  • When you pick the right skills to highlight for example achieving an impressive first-time-right installation rate, you can impress the recruiter despite having less direct experience.

Concrete Laborer Resume

Concrete laborer resume example with 11 years of experience

  • When you demonstrate your vigilant skills such as reducing unforeseen breakdowns, you give the recruiter an idea of your supervising abilities.

Farm Laborer Resume

Farm laborer resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Rogers leveraging weather data from AcuRite sensors to mitigate a risk that could have cost Sagura Farms $4,132 in yield losses makes for an excellent inspiration here. And as if that wasn’t enough, he also mentions using data from Decagon sensors to up water conservation by 11% at Shamrock Farms. Now, wouldn’t a side-column list of those agricultural software you’re well-versed in look peachy?

Asphalt Laborer Resume

Asphalt laborer resume example with 6 years of experience

  • The last thing you expect potential employers to look at when reviewing your asphalt laborer resume are typos, grammatical errors, and awkward phrases. And yet, they could be the key factors determining whether you receive that long-awaited email or call.
  • Double-check your piece for grammatical mistakes that could torpedo your chances. Take it as making your masterpiece as spotless as a freshly laid asphalt road. A second pair of eyes could be handy, so why not rope in a friend to identify errors you might have missed?

Related resume examples

  • Construction Worker

Adjust Your General Laborer Resume According to the Job Description

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

No two laborer’s jobs are quite the same, so you’ll want to pay close attention to the job description . See what you’re actually applying for. Does the job emphasize the operation of heavy machinery? Or are you more likely to be working with power tools and chemical compounds?

Whatever the “heart” of the job is, make sure you reflect it in your resume! Don’t pitch the wrong skills to the wrong job ad. Instead, write down various job skills and work experiences that you can switch out for various jobs.

Need some ideas?

15 popular general laborer skills

  • Concrete Brushes
  • Concrete Saws
  • Claw Hammer
  • Cordless Drill
  • Welding Torch
  • Wire Stripper
  • Pipe Wrench
  • Concrete Vibrator
  • Code Compliance
  • Circular Saws
  • Accurate Measurements

general laborer skills examples resume

Your general laborer work experience bullet points

Now, as valuable as that job description is, you want to go beyond it instead of just repeating parts of it back to the recruiter. Leverage your experiences in the laborer setting, whether they involve working for a company or excelling at trade school.

Use metrics to substantiate your statements of how successful you’ve been, too! Tell the reader what you did, why, and how it made an impact (in numbers). Quantifiable data gives your credibility a huge boost.

Write your resume with active verbs and language, too. Show that you care about the job and that you show up to each concrete pour or stud installation with your best foot forward.

  • Budget savings in dollars indicate your finesse and efficiency with project materials
  • Positive employee scores show that you’ve worked well with teammates and supervisors
  • Improved customer return percentages show that your work is just plain good
  • Reduced turnover rates thanks to your strategic thinking show strong coordination skills

See what we’re talking about?

  • Supervised the regular maintenance of the concrete pump, resulting in a 37% decrease in unforeseen equipment breakdowns
  • Operated the walk-behind power trowels, contributing to the successful completion of 51+ large-scale projects with efficiency that reduced time-to-completion by an average of 3 days
  • Customized around 277+ fabrication projects, leveraging router skills to craft intricate designs which boosted client satisfaction rates by 58%
  • Adhered to safety regulations by making proper use of hard hats and other safety equipment, maintaining a zero-accident record
  • Carefully measured materials for renovation projects, facilitating accurate installations and reducing material waste by an average of 19%

9 active verbs to start your general laborer work experience bullet points

  • Facilitated
  • Streamlined

3 Tips for Writing a General Laborer Resume if You Don’t Have Much Experience

  • If your experience section feels a bit “thin,” you can always reference notable projects you worked on. These could be internships, school projects, or even volunteer labor. Experience doesn’t have to be paid to gain you some sweet skills!
  • A resume objective , or objective statement , provides a concise overview of why you want the job and how you’re qualified for it. Reference the job description here to drop super relevant qualifications like “concrete pouring” or “circular saws.” Choose thoughtfully so you don’t repeat these traits later in your resume!
  • If you earned some recognition in school for a really high GPA, or you were top of the class in a workshop that fits with your resume, add that in! You can place it next to your education unless you racked up a handful of achievements that warrant their own section.

3 Tips for Writing a General Laborer Resume if You Already Have Some Experience

  • Now that you already have some experience under that tool belt, make sure you’re showing recruiters your highest points. Stick with just three or four laborer jobs for your experience section, and pick only the most impressive points for each one.
  • Honestly, reverse-chronological formatting is always pretty great! Use this layout to put your best achievements at the top. This makes your greatness more eye-catching and reinforces a trend of learning and growth throughout your professional history.
  • You probably don’t need to list academic achievements on your resume anymore. They’ll just be taking up valuable space that would be better used to show off your experiences and complex skills!

Regurgitating the job requirements word-for-word is a big “Nope!” but you do want to use some of the exact skills they list to get past that ATS. Work them into your experiences and skills list organically so that they look good for recruiters after that!

If you lack experience, a resume objective can help outline your career goals and level of promise as a worker. If you’re already experienced, a resume summary could help you give a quick overview of the highlights. Sometimes, if you have enough other qualifying information, you’ll need neither!

While all three of our resume templates will work well for you, you’ll ultimately want to select the one that puts your most impressive creds front and center! If your skills or extra achievements really shine, you might want to use a side column. If your experiences are the most eye-catching, let them take center stage.

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Top 12 General Laborer Skills to Put on Your Resume

In today's competitive job market, standing out as a general laborer requires a well-crafted resume that highlights your unique skill set. This article will explore the top 12 skills that can make your resume more attractive to employers, ensuring you showcase your abilities in a way that catches their attention.

Top 12 General Laborer Skills to Put on Your Resume

General Laborer Skills

  • Forklift Operation
  • Electrical Repair
  • Landscaping
  • Scaffolding
  • Concrete Finishing
  • Heavy Machinery

1. Forklift Operation

Forklift operation involves safely handling and maneuvering a forklift to move, load, and unload materials and goods in various settings, such as warehouses and construction sites, as part of general labor duties.

Why It's Important

Forklift operation is crucial for a General Laborer as it significantly enhances efficiency and safety in moving heavy materials, reducing physical strain and minimizing workplace accidents.

How to Improve Forklift Operation Skills

Improving forklift operation, especially for a General Laborer, involves a combination of training, adherence to safety protocols, and equipment maintenance. Here are concise steps:

Training : Enroll in a certified forklift training program to understand the basics of operation, safety standards, and specific handling techniques.

Safety Protocols : Always follow OSHA’s guidelines for forklift operation which include wearing proper safety gear, understanding load capacities, and performing pre-operation checks.

Equipment Maintenance : Regularly inspect and maintain the forklift. This includes checking brakes, steering, controls, and warning devices. Refer to the manufacturer’s manual for specific maintenance routines.

Practice : Enhance skills through regular, supervised practice sessions in a safe, designated area to build confidence and improve maneuverability.

Stay Updated : Keep abreast of the latest safety protocols and best practices in forklift operation by visiting relevant industry websites and attending refresher courses.

Incorporating these steps will significantly improve forklift operation efficiency and safety for a General Laborer.

How to Display Forklift Operation Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Forklift Operation Skills on Your Resume

Welding is the process of joining two pieces of metal together by melting their edges and adding a filler material to form a strong bond upon cooling.

Welding is crucial for a General Laborer as it enables the joining and repair of metal structures, ensuring the integrity and safety of constructions and machinery.

How to Improve Welding Skills

To improve your welding skills as a general laborer, follow these concise tips:

Practice Regularly : Consistency is key. Spend time practicing various techniques to build muscle memory and improve steadiness.

Learn from Professionals : Seek advice and mentorship from experienced welders. Online platforms like Welding Tips and Tricks offer valuable insights.

Understand Materials : Different materials require different approaches. Familiarize yourself with the properties of commonly welded materials. Lincoln Electric provides good resources.

Safety First : Always prioritize safety by wearing appropriate gear and following best practices. The American Welding Society offers guidelines on safety.

Use the Right Tools : Ensure your welding equipment is suitable for the task at hand and well-maintained. Miller Electric has resources on selecting and maintaining equipment.

Attend Workshops/Courses : Participate in workshops or courses to improve your skills and learn new techniques. Websites like Coursera and Udemy offer relevant courses.

Stay Updated : Welding technologies and techniques evolve. Keep yourself updated by reading industry publications and joining forums.

By following these tips and utilizing the resources provided, you can significantly improve your welding skills and efficiency.

How to Display Welding Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Welding Skills on Your Resume

3. Carpentry

Carpentry is a skilled trade involving the cutting, shaping, and installation of building materials during the construction and repair of buildings and other structures.

Carpentry is crucial for a General Laborer as it provides the foundational skills for constructing and repairing building frameworks and structures, enabling efficient execution of various construction, renovation, and maintenance projects.

How to Improve Carpentry Skills

To improve your carpentry skills as a General Laborer:

Practice Regularly : The more you work with wood, the better you'll become. Focus on mastering basic techniques before moving on to more complex projects.

Learn from Experts : Watch tutorials from experienced carpenters on YouTube or enroll in online courses from platforms like Udemy or Coursera .

Understand Your Tools : Familiarize yourself with the tools of the trade. Websites like Family Handyman offer great insights into the proper use and maintenance of carpentry tools.

Read Carpentry Books and Magazines : Gain deeper knowledge and tips through respected publications. Consider subscribing to Fine Woodworking for high-quality advice and inspiration.

Join a Community : Engage with other carpenters by joining forums or local groups. Websites like Reddit’s r/carpentry provide a platform for sharing experiences and seeking advice.

Remember, improvement in carpentry is a continuous process that combines knowledge, skill, and creativity.

How to Display Carpentry Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Carpentry Skills on Your Resume

4. Plumbing

Plumbing involves the installation, repair, and maintenance of pipes, fixtures, and other apparatus for the distribution of water, gas, and waste in residential and commercial buildings.

Plumbing is crucial because it ensures the safe and efficient delivery of water for use and the removal of waste, maintaining hygiene and health in any building or community.

How to Improve Plumbing Skills

Improving plumbing skills as a general laborer involves both theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice. Here’s a brief guide to get you started:

Learn the Basics : Understand plumbing fundamentals, including types of pipes, fittings, and the principles of water pressure and drainage. Online resources like Khan Academy offer free courses that cover the basics.

Get Hands-On Experience : Practical experience is crucial. Volunteer for projects, assist experienced plumbers, or consider apprenticeships. Websites like Habitat for Humanity can provide opportunities for hands-on learning.

Use Online Tutorials : Platforms like YouTube have countless tutorials ranging from fixing leaks to installing fixtures. Watching professionals tackle various tasks can provide valuable insights and techniques.

Understand Local Codes : Plumbing work must comply with local building codes and regulations. Familiarize yourself with these requirements by visiting your local government’s website or through resources like the International Code Council .

Invest in Tools : Having the right tools is essential. Start with basic plumbing tools and gradually add specialized ones as needed. Websites like Home Depot or Lowe’s can guide you on the necessary tools for different jobs.

Stay Updated : Plumbing technology and techniques evolve. Follow plumbing forums, blogs, and professional organizations to stay informed about the latest trends and methods in the industry.

By combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience and continuous learning, you can significantly improve your plumbing skills as a general laborer.

How to Display Plumbing Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Plumbing Skills on Your Resume

5. Electrical Repair

Electrical repair involves identifying, troubleshooting, and fixing problems within electrical systems and components, ensuring they operate safely and efficiently. For a general laborer, this might include tasks like replacing faulty wiring, fixing broken outlets, and installing lighting fixtures under the supervision of a licensed electrician.

Electrical repair is crucial to ensure safety, prevent hazards like fires or shocks, maintain functionality and efficiency of electrical systems, and avoid costly breakdowns or replacements.

How to Improve Electrical Repair Skills

Improving electrical repair skills as a general laborer involves a combination of theoretical learning and practical experience. Here's a short guide:

Education : Start with understanding basic electrical concepts. Websites like Khan Academy offer free courses on electrical engineering basics.

Safety Training : Learn about electrical safety from authoritative sources like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Hands-on Practice : Practice is crucial. Begin with simple projects under supervision. Websites like Instructables have DIY electrical repair projects.

Certification : Consider obtaining a certification from a recognized body such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER). This can validate your skills and knowledge.

Stay Updated : Electrical codes and technologies evolve. Resources like the National Electrical Code (NEC) provide updates on electrical standards.

Tools Knowledge : Understand and become proficient with electrical repair tools. Home Depot offers guides on electrical tools and their uses.

Remember, working with electricity is dangerous. Always prioritize safety and work under experienced supervision if you're a beginner.

How to Display Electrical Repair Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Electrical Repair Skills on Your Resume

Masonry is a skilled trade involving the construction, repair, and maintenance of structures made from bricks, stones, concrete blocks, and other similar materials. General laborers in masonry assist with tasks such as mixing mortar, carrying materials, setting up scaffolding, and cleaning work areas.

Masonry is important for a general laborer because it provides foundational skills in building and construction, enabling the creation and repair of durable structures made from brick, stone, and concrete, essential for infrastructure and architectural integrity.

How to Improve Masonry Skills

Improving your masonry skills as a general laborer involves a combination of hands-on practice, learning from experienced professionals, and enhancing your knowledge of materials and techniques. Here's a concise guide:

Practice Regularly : Gain hands-on experience with bricklaying, concrete mixing, and other masonry tasks. The more you practice, the better you'll become.

Learn from Professionals : Work closely with experienced masons. Observing and asking questions can significantly boost your skills. Consider apprenticeship programs for structured learning ( National Center for Construction Education and Research ).

Understand Materials : Know the properties of different masonry materials (bricks, mortar, concrete) and their best use scenarios. This knowledge is vital for quality work ( Portland Cement Association ).

Master Techniques : Familiarize yourself with masonry tools and how to use them efficiently. Also, learn various techniques for laying bricks or blocks, ensuring level, plumb, and aesthetically pleasing results.

Stay Updated : Masonry methods and materials evolve. Keep abreast of new technologies and practices through online resources, magazines, and workshops (Masonry Magazine).

Safety First : Understand and adhere to safety protocols to protect yourself and others on the job. Knowledge of proper lifting techniques and the use of personal protective equipment is essential (Occupational Safety and Health Administration - OSHA).

Certifications and Education : Consider obtaining certifications or taking courses in masonry. This can improve your skills and make you more attractive to employers ( National Association of Home Builders ).

Remember, masonry is a skill that improves with time and experience. Stay patient, keep learning, and continuously seek opportunities to enhance your craftsmanship.

How to Display Masonry Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Masonry Skills on Your Resume

7. Landscaping

Landscaping is the process of modifying and maintaining outdoor spaces, including planting, lawn care, and installation of structures, to enhance their appearance and functionality.

Landscaping is important because it enhances the aesthetic appeal and functionality of outdoor spaces, increases property value, and improves environmental quality, making it essential for creating and maintaining attractive, sustainable, and usable environments. For a General Laborer, it provides opportunities for diverse work tasks, skill development, and contributing to tangible, visually satisfying results.

How to Improve Landscaping Skills

To improve landscaping as a general laborer, focus on these key strategies:

Soil Health : Enhance soil quality through composting and aeration . Healthy soil is the foundation of a thriving garden.

Plant Selection : Choose native plants that thrive in your local climate and soil conditions. They require less water and maintenance.

Mulching : Apply mulch around plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and enrich the soil.

Efficient Watering : Adopt drip irrigation for water efficiency, focusing on the root zones of plants.

Regular Maintenance : Perform regular weeding, pruning, and deadheading of flowers to encourage growth and blooming.

Hardscaping : Incorporate hardscaping elements like stones, walkways, and patios to add structure and year-round appeal.

Landscape Design : Plan your landscape with intention, considering color schemes, textures, and seasonal variations in plant life.

By following these practices, you'll enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of any landscape.

How to Display Landscaping Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Landscaping Skills on Your Resume

8. Painting

Painting, in the context of general labor, involves applying paint, varnish, or other finishes to surfaces such as walls, ceilings, and furniture to protect them and improve their appearance.

Painting is important because it protects surfaces from wear and decay, improves aesthetics, and increases property value.

How to Improve Painting Skills

Improving painting skills, especially for a general laborer, involves both learning fundamental techniques and practicing regularly. Here are concise tips along with helpful resources:

Learn the Basics : Understand different paint types, brushes, and surfaces. This Old House offers professional painting tips.

Proper Preparation : Ensure surfaces are clean, smooth, and primed. Family Handyman has a guide on prepping walls.

Brush and Roller Techniques : Master using brushes for edges and rollers for large surfaces. Bob Vila provides techniques for efficient use.

Practice Consistently : Like any skill, practice improves performance. Consider volunteering for community projects or practicing in your own space.

Learn from Mistakes : Analyze your work to identify areas for improvement.

Stay Updated : Follow painting trends and techniques. Websites like Painting & Decorating Contractors of America can keep you informed.

By focusing on these areas and leveraging the resources provided, you can significantly enhance your painting skills.

How to Display Painting Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Painting Skills on Your Resume

9. Scaffolding

Scaffolding is a temporary structure used to support workers and materials during the construction, maintenance, or repair of buildings and other structures, allowing safe access to work areas at height.

Scaffolding provides safe access and support to work at heights, ensuring a stable platform for general laborers to perform construction, maintenance, or repair tasks efficiently and safely.

How to Improve Scaffolding Skills

Improving scaffolding safety and efficiency involves several key practices:

Training : Ensure all workers, including general laborers, receive comprehensive scaffolding training covering assembly, disassembly, alteration, moving, and inspection.

Inspection : Conduct regular inspections of scaffolding to identify and rectify potential hazards before work begins and after any alteration.

Secure Installation : Follow manufacturer’s guidelines for secure installation, ensuring that scaffolds are stable and properly anchored.

Load Management : Adhere to load capacity limits, avoiding overloading with workers, tools, or materials to prevent collapse.

Guardrails : Install guardrails , toe boards, and other fall protection systems to protect workers from falls and falling objects.

Access : Provide safe access points, such as ladders or stair towers, to prevent falls during ascent or descent.

Weather Considerations : Monitor weather conditions and avoid using scaffolding during adverse weather, such as high winds or storms.

Communication : Maintain clear communication among team members regarding scaffolding safety protocols and any changes to the structure or its use.

By focusing on these areas, general laborers can contribute to a safer, more efficient scaffolding operation.

How to Display Scaffolding Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Scaffolding Skills on Your Resume

10. Excavation

Excavation is the process of moving earth, rock, or other materials with tools, equipment, or explosives. It involves digging out and removing material from a site, often for construction or landscaping purposes.

Excavation is crucial for preparing the ground, creating foundations for structures, and installing underground utilities, ensuring safe and stable construction projects.

How to Improve Excavation Skills

To improve excavation skills as a General Laborer, focus on:

Safety Training : Understand and follow OSHA guidelines to ensure safety during excavation projects. OSHA Excavation Standards

Equipment Handling : Gain proficiency in using excavation tools and machinery through hands-on training or courses. Online Equipment Training

Soil Analysis : Learn to identify different soil types and their impact on excavation work. Soil Mechanics

Efficient Techniques : Adopt best practices for digging, trenching, and grading to increase efficiency. Efficient Excavation Techniques

Physical Fitness : Maintain physical fitness to handle the demanding nature of excavation work. Fitness for Construction Workers

By focusing on these areas, a General Laborer can significantly improve their excavation skills.

How to Display Excavation Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Excavation Skills on Your Resume

11. Concrete Finishing

Concrete finishing involves smoothing and leveling freshly poured concrete surfaces to achieve a desired texture or appearance. For a general laborer, this typically includes tasks like spreading, shaping, smoothing, and edging the concrete using tools like trowels, floats, and edgers.

Concrete finishing is crucial as it ensures the surface is smooth, durable, and level, providing a safe and aesthetically pleasing result. This process also helps prolong the concrete's lifespan by protecting it from wear, weather, and damage. For a general laborer, mastering concrete finishing skills is vital for executing construction tasks effectively and meeting project standards.

How to Improve Concrete Finishing Skills

Improving concrete finishing involves mastering techniques and using the right tools. Here are concise tips for a general laborer:

Prepare Surface : Ensure the formwork is clean and apply a release agent if necessary. Concrete Network Surface Prep

Use Quality Mix : Choose the right concrete mix for the job. Types of Concrete Mix

Proper Consolidation : Use vibrators or hand tools to eliminate air pockets. Consolidating Concrete

Bull Float : After screeding, use a bull float for initial leveling and removing marks. Bull Float Technique

Edging : Use an edger to create smooth, rounded edges that resist chipping. Edging Concrete

Jointing : Install control joints to manage cracking. Jointing Basics

Floating and Troweling : Float the surface for smoothness, then trowel for a fine finish. Floating and Troweling

Curing : Proper curing is crucial for strength and durability. Curing Concrete

Sealing : Apply a sealer for protection and longevity. Concrete Sealers

Continuously refine your skills and stay updated with the latest practices in concrete finishing.

How to Display Concrete Finishing Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Concrete Finishing Skills on Your Resume

12. Heavy Machinery

Heavy machinery refers to large, powerful machines or vehicles used for heavy tasks, such as construction, earthmoving, lifting, or agriculture. For a general laborer, it involves operating or assisting with machines like bulldozers, excavators, forklifts, and cranes in various projects.

Heavy machinery is crucial for general laborers as it significantly enhances efficiency, enables the handling of large-scale tasks, and reduces physical strain, allowing for safer and faster completion of construction, excavation, and other labor-intensive projects.

How to Improve Heavy Machinery Skills

Improving heavy machinery efficiency and safety can be achieved through regular maintenance, operator training, and the use of technology. Here's a concise guide:

Regular Maintenance : Ensure scheduled maintenance is strictly followed to prevent breakdowns and extend machinery lifespan. Caterpillar offers guidelines on construction equipment maintenance.

Operator Training : Invest in comprehensive training programs for operators to enhance safety and efficiency. Heavy Equipment Colleges of America provides specialized training for operators.

Use of Technology : Incorporate technology like telematics for real-time monitoring, which can improve fuel efficiency, schedule maintenance, and ensure safety. Trimble offers solutions that integrate such technologies into heavy machinery operations.

By focusing on these key areas, general laborers can contribute to improving the performance and safety of heavy machinery.

How to Display Heavy Machinery Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Heavy Machinery Skills on Your Resume

Related Career Skills

  • Landscape Laborer
  • Construction Laborer
  • Warehouse Laborer
  • Yard Laborer
  • General Maintenance Technician

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General Laborer Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the general laborer job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

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Resume Builder

  • Provide input that would help improve safety, enviro, quality production and maintenance performance in work area
  • Work closely with co-workers to create a highly productive work environment
  • Reviews work of outside vendors and licensed maintenance workers; makes punch lists
  • Work effectively in team environment and provide support and assistance to others
  • Work effectively in team environment and provide support and assistance
  • Perform underground adjustments (i.e. manholes, catch basins)
  • Follow and help develop Safe Work and EMS Procedures
  • Utilizing a continuous improvement mindset and assisting in identifying opportunities to improve processes
  • Marking paperwork properly when making adjustments for product shortages
  • Performing freight handling using forklifts and hand-held tracking devices
  • Maintaining communication with supervisors, management, and other employees and notifying them of any problems and/or concerns that may affect production
  • Maintaining a clean, sanitary, and safe work area
  • Operating machinery and equipment including but not limited to fluid milk filling machines, sour cream filling machines, and blow mold machines
  • Reporting any product/packaging issues
  • Perform basic mechanical, electrical, building, grounds and preventative maintenance across the plant while maintaining a safe work environment
  • Perform and/or assist in equipment installation, calibration and relocation
  • Perform other duties as assigned
  • Working a fixed 1st shift
  • Maintain a safe work environment, maintain good personal safety record, report unsafe conditions or equipment
  • Cutting tubing to specifications provided
  • Pass a manufacturing assessment
  • Strong working knowledge of job site safety as well as ability to complete a company specific safety orientation
  • -Ability to efficiently and safely operate applicable equipment to unload, load and distribute material with minimal supervision
  • Knowledge of basic tools and their uses
  • Able to speak and comprehend basic English
  • Safety minded professional who demonstrates good performance and attendance
  • Ability to communicate with others, via telephone or in person, in a professional and helpful manner while simultaneously building credibility and rapport
  • Knowledge of basic measurements and how to read a tape measure
  • Highly Dependable
  • Ability to operate basic equipment
  • Highly Reliable

15 General Laborer resume templates

General Laborer Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Reports to shop manager
  • Prepare, assemble and pack outdoor advertising structures under the direction of shop manager
  • Paint, assemble, and package accessories for outdoor advertising structures
  • Stage and load a variety of products for on time customer delivery
  • Responsible for the operation of a variety of hand tools and punch press
  • Responsible for assisting shop manager to address all issues that arise in shop
  • Able to work alone or in group with minimal supervision
  • Responsible for safe and effective operation of fork lift
  • Perform all tasks in a manner that assures maximum production, minimum damage and the highest quality attainable
  • Assists all other shop members with work related tasks
  • Prepare, assemble, and pack outdoor advertising displays and accessories consisting of metal components or other material
  • Must be able to read, write, and speak English
  • Must have essential math skills
  • Must be able to identify product identification information
  • Is required to ensure that shop area, employees, and visitors, maintain safe work practices as required by local, state, federal, and company, policies and guidelines
  • Perform daily duties scheduled by shop manager
  • Maintaining assigned work areas including repair, maintenance, cleaning, and organizing for daily assignments
  • Able to move products to a designated area
  • Requires safe and effective operation of forklift, saws, grinders, and drills
  • Support shop manager in planning and organizing equipment and personnel
  • Load and unload truck shipments
  • Assists with set up and break down of equipment
  • Climbing ladders and/or stairs and work at elevations from 10 feet to more than 100 feet
  • Lifting and positioning ladders, safety equipment and materials in excess of 85 pounds
  • Standing, bending, stooping, lifting, positioning, holding, pushing and pulling self, materials and equipment in excess of 85 pounds
  • Operating welding equipment, chain saws, jack hammers, air impacts and various other equipment and hand tools
  • Basic computer skills helpful

General Laborer / Rotary Crewman Resume Examples & Samples

  • Check site for any issues such as graffiti or tree blockage and report to maintenance
  • Take picture of completed job as needed
  • Must have strong organizational and time management skills
  • Must have ability to learn and use company and customer system(s)
  • While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to lift, pull, push and position ladders, ropes, pulleys, material and equipment in excess of 85 pounds
  • Employee is required to climb ladders and/or stairs and work at heights of 100 feet or more
  • Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision and the ability to adjust
  • This job is performed in an outside environment. Employee may be seasonally exposed to heat, cold and humidity as well as marked changes in temperature
  • Set up and cleanup of job sites
  • Ability to follow instruction
  • Work in a safe manner
  • Hard and honest worker that goes above and beyond
  • Works with the Parking Department on weekend mornings to help strategically park cars in the Kirkwood Valley
  • Job share and lend a hand where needed on peak & busy weekend mornings
  • Some maintenance experience preferred but not required
  • Some customer or guest service experience preferred but not required
  • Cleans, sweeps, mops, scrubs, waxes, and polishes floors by hand or machine; cleans carpet and furniture
  • Washes windows, screens, sills, woodwork, doors, desks, walls, and ceilings
  • Orders and stocks needed materials and supplies
  • Cleans and sanitizes restrooms, dusts and vacuums rooms, moves equipment and furniture
  • Cleans, sweeps, stocks break rooms
  • Cleans, wipes down barriers, racking, roll up doors, and conveyor
  • Collects and disposes of waste, maintains outside sidewalks, and assists in keeping outside premises in an orderly condition
  • Uses many different cleaning materials i.e. Windex, Clorox bleach, sanitary cleaner etc
  • One (1) year experience in custodial or general labor
  • Ability to understand and carry out routine oral and written instructions, make routine decisions independently, and work harmoniously with others

General Laborer, Packing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Making boxes
  • Clearing area of empty boxes and trash
  • Palletizing of completed orders and pack outs
  • Placing completed orders onto the conveyer
  • Filling active cases into locations
  • Sweeping of “beads” and debris
  • Minimum of 1 year of experience including warehouse and use of RF scanners
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills to all level of Management
  • Ability to identify and solve problems, collect data, establish facts and draw valid conclusions
  • Complete accurate documentation of all activities during shift
  • Quality Checks
  • Perform regular equipment/machine upkeep
  • Identify, report, and problem solve issues
  • Rotation between qualified jobs
  • Operate a gas or electric forklift
  • Learn other jobs throughout the facility
  • Train new/other employees
  • Participate in CCR supported programs such as Work Design, Cultural Advisory Committee, Decorating Committee, Recycling Committee, Continuous Improvement, Safety Program, etc…
  • Business Etiquette: Ability to communicate with others, via telephone or in person, in a professional and helpful manner while simultaneously building credibility and rapport. This includes the ability to understand, be diplomatic and tactful, demonstrate appropriate behavior in social situations and maintain composure in negative circumstances in order to achieve results
  • Database and System Knowledge: The knowledge and skills required to access and collect data via Company-approved databases or the Internet. This includes the ability to complete electronic forms, produce accurate reports, conduct investigative research, explain data and communicate results. This includes maintaining current knowledge and keeping up with new releases
  • Safety Procedures: Knowledge of and ability to proactively recognize and report safety issues or incidences and maintain a clean, safe work environment (e.g., customer safety, keeping work aisles clear, sanitary health practices, proper placement of tools and machinery, etc)
  • Imports and Exports Good Ideas: Relentlessly seeks, shares, and adopts ideas
  • General material equipment
  • Debris removal
  • Routine cleaning activities
  • Shovels and sweeps around conveyors, elevators, equipment and roofs
  • Uses guzzler truck when necessary
  • Operates equipment including moving hoses as required
  • Handles heavy spouts, bags, hoses, screens in assigned areas
  • Provides coverage for other department jobs as needed
  • Responsible to fill in as Department Helper, Mixer Operator, Coloring Janitor, Tank Loader, Car Loader, Assistant Car Loader and Utility Laborer (Bagging)
  • Notifies supervisor if any equipment is not operating properly
  • Notifies supervisor of any upset conditions affecting quality of the granule product
  • Responsible for any and all miscellaneous duties as directed by the supervisor
  • Works from both written and verbal instructions
  • Works in areas where the environment may be either hot, cold, humid, dry, dusty, or dirty
  • Handles, packages, labels, or transports RCRA hazardous waste. Responds to hazardous waste spills
  • Meets all customer expectations
  • Participates in OJT of new personnel
  • Completes required safety and regulatory training. Participates in monthly crew meetings
  • Performs other related duties as required to promote team effort in achieving department objectives
  • Follows established departmental housekeeping, safety practices and SOPs
  • Experience in a manufacturing/production environment
  • Must be able to lift, push, and pull up to 50 pounds repeatedly
  • Must have good eye-hand coordination
  • Must have good finger and manual dexterity
  • Is required to reach with his/her hands and arms repetitively
  • Must be able to lift 30 to 50 pounds on continuous basis
  • Must be able to operate safely in this environment
  • Prepare and/or mix cleaning and sanitizing chemicals
  • Use foaming equipment to apply cleaning chemicals to equipment
  • Scrub equipment using scrub brushes and/or pads to clean, sanitize, and polish equipment using dilute cleaning chemicals
  • Ability to hold, off and on, a high pressure hose to rinse cleaning chemicals off equipment
  • Sweep with a broom and/or squeegee, and shovel product off of the floor and other equipment
  • Must be able to squat, kneel, crawl and work overhead
  • Will regularly work near moving mechanical parts
  • Is frequently exposed to moderately cold surroundings
  • Is frequently exposed to wet and/or humid conditions and moderate heat
  • Will regularly work in a work environment in which the noise level is usually loud
  • May be assigned to work in a variety of climate conditions both inside of the factory, as well as outdoors
  • Must be able to work safely in a plant environment
  • Must be able to work within our quality policies and procedures
  • Must be able to work in different environments and situations to accomplish our production goals
  • Comply with all safety policies, practices, and procedures
  • Set up and operate line auxiliary equipment. This includes all non-primary line equipment such as coders, case erectors, tapers, check weighers, etc
  • Monitor auxiliary equipment for proper operation during production
  • Maintain current knowledge on the proper operation of auxiliary equipment by participating in machine set ups and training for lines not currently assigned
  • Provide assistance and breaks to any and all positions on the production line
  • Perform quality audits to insure correct weights, seals, blends, and codes
  • Identify and report problems or machine issues that prevent making a quality product or running at required throughput rates
  • Monitor line production in order to detect and report quality issues with the final product
  • Assist adjacent lines when needed
  • Actively participate in and support continuous improvement efforts
  • Take direction from the Operator
  • Cleaning and preparing equipment for production
  • Operating, disassembling, assembling equipment
  • Troubleshooting operation issues and preventative maintenance
  • Managing responsibility for quality, safety and housekeeping
  • High School Diploma or General Equivalency Diploma (GED)
  • Responsible for maintaining continued production in the production area
  • This position reports to the Production Supervisor. The work schedule is typically 12 days on, 2 days off, however this may change based on business needs
  • Read/understand daily production schedule
  • Communicate with the previous shift and the following shift regarding any concerns/issues that occurred during your shift; communicate with other employees on the line to make sure product is meeting all acceptable standards
  • Know and understand start-up/shut-down procedures
  • Comply with all GMP policies and practices
  • Report all safety concerns and potential hazards to a supervisor
  • Attend to any duties assigned by supervisor
  • Keep area clean at all times
  • Ability to train as a loader operator as a backup
  • Must be able to lift, push or pull up to 50 pounds
  • Constant bending and twisting
  • Use mathematics on a periodic basis
  • Able to work in areas that contain dust
  • Able to work in hot and humid conditions
  • Flexible and adaptable
  • Able to work independently and as a part of a team
  • Must be able to be certified for using a pallet jack
  • Clearly document job duties performed that relate to minimum qualifications, preferred qualifications, and essential job duties in the “Work Experience” section on the application. We must be able to evaluate your experience based on this information
  • Clearly outline dates of employment and hours worked per week for each employment experience listed in the Work Experience section of the Application so that we can calculate full-time experience
  • The APPLICATION is the only document that will be utilized to determine if minimum qualifications, as outlined in the job posting, have been met. The Application is considered to be the legal document on file; resumes will not be reviewed for minimum qualification requirements
  • If an Application is considered “Incomplete”, the application will be removed from consideration for the position
  • Perform various general/manual labor duties on a frequent basis such as cleaning coal spills, shoveling, etc
  • Operate vacuum truck
  • Operate diesel powered, rubber tire forklift to load supplies
  • Clean coal spills with shovel, broom, or other hand tools
  • Operate equipment to clean coal skill
  • CDL is preferred
  • Keeps offices, buildings, plant facilities and other work areas in clean and orderly condition
  • Assists in the movement and relocation of furniture, equipment, and machinery
  • Performs line striping and wall painting
  • Removes trash and scrap, dumps used oils, removes empty material containers, etc
  • Operates ride-in and walk-behind floor sweepers to maintain a clean and safe work environment
  • Sweeps, mops, polishes floors, and cleans furniture
  • Dusts and polishes woodwork, fixtures, and equipment
  • Washes windows, walls, and restroom facilities
  • Keeps premises around company building clean and free of debris
  • Maintains driveways, parking lots, and sidewalks in appropriate and safe condition
  • Operates shuttle truck and/or shuttle van to transport site employees and materials to various locations on the campus
  • Operates various types of fork trucks in an industrial/shop environment around materials and pedestrians
  • Identifies mechanical/electrical components in need of technical repair and reports needs to management
  • Maintains adequate stores of cleaning supplies and equipment
  • Communicates verbally (in person and by phone) and/or uses a personal computer to make written electronic (email) communications with URS and client personnel
  • Operates a PC with Microsoft Office Suite programs
  • High school diploma or demonstrated equivalent
  • Basic mechanical skills/aptitude
  • Experience with grounds keeping tasks
  • Experience operating a fork truck
  • Experience safely utilizing a wide variety of hand and power tools
  • Basic computer skills for data entry, email, etc
  • Must be willing and able to work 8 hr shifts including nights, overtime, weekends, holidays, and additional hours beyond regularly scheduled shift to cover vacancies, complete work jobs in progress and attend training
  • Must have adequate transportation and a valid driver’s license
  • Must be able to travel
  • Must be able to ascend and descend stairs, ladders, etc. to work in elevated areas of the plant
  • Must be able to work in confined spaces
  • Must be willing and able to be on call
  • Must be able to work in an outdoor, dusty or dirty environment
  • Must have good time management skills
  • Must be able to prioritize tasks and have good follow-up skills
  • Must have strong analytical problem solving skills
  • Must be a safety minded individual
  • Must be able to learn computer software programs such as Microsoft Office and Maintenance software such as Maximo
  • Must have a desire to learn
  • Understand and comply with all safety and department policies and procedures
  • Keep a professional attitude in stressful situations
  • Maintain a clean and orderly work environment as directed by plant policies and procedures
  • Must have the ability to work overtime as required
  • Must actively practice and abide by all company Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and general hygiene regulations as outlined in the employee handbook
  • Reports directly to Trim Lead on shift assigned
  • Make sure that PPE is clean and in good condition
  • Must follow knife safety procedures
  • Must be able to stay focused on pay attention to the flow of product for long periods of time
  • Must have a good understanding of what Foreign Material is and how it impacts the customer
  • Any metal or glass foreign material must be reported immediately
  • Must have a good understanding of what is considered a defect
  • Must attend monthly communications meetings or attend meetings as directed by Trim Lead
  • Must report any situations in which Foreign Material may have or is entering the line
  • Breaks longer than those allowed by company policy are not permitted
  • Must be able to rework cased product into totes in a timely manner
  • Must maintain up to date annual validation as required by plant training program
  • Must return trim bars prior to the end of their schedule assigned shift
  • Perform other duties as assigned by Team Leader or lead personnel
  • Must be safety conscious
  • Ability to follow directions and provide reliable results and observations
  • Propensity to use good judgment in making independent decisions
  • Ability to keep accurate, legible records
  • Must be able to read, understand and interpret written instructions
  • Must be able to weigh and measure materials accurately
  • Cleans and washes tanks, pots, totes, valves and other apparatus
  • Packages finished goods into proper containers for shipment
  • May assist in other phases of production, shipping and receiving
  • Perform set-up and clean up for tasks
  • Unloading of drums
  • General clean up and maintaining good housekeeping
  • Must have 6 months experience in General Laborer/Tank Washer
  • Must be able to work Day shift: Generally Monday through Friday. Occasional overtime or Saturday work required
  • Possess physical strength and dexterity to perform job; able to lift 50-70 pounds; able to stand for 8-10 hours per day. Ability to use a respirator in performance of job as necessary
  • Good reading and comprehension skills
  • Good math skills and ability to weigh and measure accurately
  • Possess mechanical aptitude
  • Self motivated with high standards for performance
  • Ability to work with various types of personalities
  • Must have a positive attitude and be adaptable to the changing needs of the Company
  • Ability to operate various manufacturing equipment, follow specific direction, operate power hand tools, and other duties as assigned
  • Ability to read a tape measure and have basic math and computer skills
  • Ability to work safely and comply with all safety regulations
  • Ability to lift, push or pull 50lbs, navigate stairs, stand, walk, bend, and kneel throughout the entire shift
  • Required to work daily overtime, weekend work and various shifts depending on your position
  • Assists staff personnel in the performance of various tasks, as needed
  • Supplies workers with materials and tools; holds materials or tools; cleans work area, machines, and equipment
  • Replaces or repairs electrical receptacles, wires, switches, fixtures, lamps, and motors, as required
  • Makes repairs to walls and ceilings using plaster or compound to patch minor holes and cracks, including replacing or repairing ceiling tiles
  • Replaces or repairs sinks, water coolers, and/or toilets
  • Assists with corrosion control techniques for structures and equipment
  • Replaces or repairs damaged paneling, floor tiles, and carpet
  • Replaces or repairs concrete floors, steps, and sidewalks
  • Replaces or repairs doors, windows, and associated hardware
  • Performs general maintenance on equipment and machinery
  • Removes vegetation using walking or riding lawn mowers, weed eaters, and similar equipment
  • Moves and arranges heavy pieces of office equipment and household furniture, equipment, and appliances as needed
  • Assists housekeeping and dining facility staff as needed to include Laundry, dishwashing and unloading freight and produce
  • Performs other work as assigned
  • Degreasing and drying of wheels prior to placing them into baths
  • Loading wheels into the strip tanks
  • Strip, rotate, scrub, water rinse, and air dry the wheels
  • Clean and/or make contact wires used for direct plating dipping
  • Cleaning and painting of large wheels
  • Minimum one (1) year of general labor, manufacturing and/or construction experience
  • Minimum two (2) years of manufacturing experience
  • Excellent verbal communication skills
  • Ability to read and understand written instructions including work instructions, paperwork and drawings
  • Have sound judgement
  • Responsible for executing job assignments in the most efficient, safest, and most professional way possible
  • Prepares construction sites, pours and spreads concrete, sets forms, and/or finishes surfaces
  • Participates in routine and turnaround plant maintenance projects and activities
  • Supports plant production activities in receiving and shipping materials and products
  • Ability to lift/carry at least 50 lbs
  • No experience is required

Entry Level General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • 19 Lidder: Place lids on the spinning rods for 0.5lb tubs
  • 28 Set off:Place finished product on the skid following diagram by SKU
  • 28 Insert: Place cardboard insert in the case before sealing

Snow Removal / General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for completing daily snow removal tasks (list of areas will be provide) at each of the Heavenly Lodges
  • Familiarity with snow blower operation and/or maintenance
  • Possess a basic understanding of local weather patterns
  • Willing and able to work any shift, holidays, weekends, and overtime as needed
  • Willing and able to work in a loud/noisy, hot, humid, dusty, greasy and high volume environment
  • Willing and able to perform tasks such as lifting, walking, climbing, stooping, standing, pushing and/or pulling for at least twelve (12) hours a day
  • Willing and able to maintain a strict adherence to safety rules and regulations, including wearing safety equipment
  • Willing and able to sign a confidentiality agreement as a condition of employment
  • Previous experience working in the corrugated industry
  • Previous experience working with a forklift or clamp truck
  • Experience utilizing computer systems and/or databases
  • Willing and able to work in a hot, humid, cold, and noisy industrial environment
  • Willing and able to perform tasks such as lifting, walking, climbing, stooping, standing, pushing and/or pulling for up to twelve (12) hours a day
  • Willing and able to work a rotating twelve (12) hour shift that includes weekends, holidays and overtime
  • Willing and able to maintain strict adherence to safety rules and regulations, to include wearing safety equipment
  • Willing and able to lift at least 50 pounds
  • Training in engineering, electrical/mechanical systems, paper manufacturing, or reliability
  • Two (2) or more years of experience in an industrial or manufacturing environment
  • Two (2) or more years of experience in the pulp and paper industry
  • One (1) or more years of experience in maintenance or reliability
  • One (1) year of prior work experience
  • Willing and able to obtain a mobile equipment certification and operate mobile equipment
  • Willing and able to work any shift, weekends, holidays and overtime, as needed
  • Willing and able to work in a hot, cold, humid, noisy, industrial environment
  • Willing and able to work around dust, oil, grease, chemicals, and other substances
  • Willing and able to perform tasks such as lifting, walking, climbing, stooping, pushing and/or pulling for at least 8 hours a day
  • One (1) year manufacturing, industrial, construction, or warehouse environment experience
  • Previous corrugated packaging industry experience
  • Experience troubleshooting in a manufacturing setting
  • Painting, small repairs, cleaning & sanitation
  • Mobility to all areas of a multi-level production facility
  • Ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously in a fast paced work environment
  • Work assigned shift based on work week schedules to include 8, 10, 12 or a combination of different hours based on business needs
  • Shift Flexibility and potential weekend shifts required
  • Learn other jobs throughout the facility and train new/other employees
  • Business Etiquette: Ability to communicate with others, via telephone or in person, in a professional and helpful manner while simultaneously building credibility and rapport
  • This includes the ability to understand, be diplomatic and tactful, demonstrate appropriate behavior in social situations and maintain composure in negative circumstances in order to achieve results
  • Basic Math Skills (+, -, x, ÷)
  • Read, write, and speak English
  • Demonstrates good attendance record
  • Ability to move materials weighing 50 pounds for distances of ten feet or more
  • The employee assembles/folds product into packaging containers
  • The employee loads/packs finished containers of popcorn into shipping cases, lifts/stacks filled cases onto shipping pallets
  • The employee reworks "out of spec" packages
  • The employee performs housekeeping & sanitation tasks during & at the end of shift
  • Responsible for maintaining food safety and quality
  • High school diploma or GED and six months related manufacturing experience
  • Ability to read and write English for comprehension of written assembly directions and completion of Production/QA documents
  • Able to lift/carry, push/pull up to 55 pounds
  • Flexibility to work on different packaging equipment
  • Ability to problem solve when production/maintenance issues arise
  • Ability to work with minimal direct supervision
  • Ability to follow directions (written and oral) and work well in a team environment
  • Ensure quality product is shipped and received in compliance with facility Quality standards. Process loads (shipments) in accordance with Company guidelines (standards), interpret loading and unloading documents, and document all product and material movements per guideline (standards). Complete documentation (pick tickets and changes, Bills of Lading, receiving documents, and checklists) with accuracy and efficiency. Assist in physical inventory counts
  • Comply with all standard operating procedures and requirements under TCCC Quality System
  • Perform required cleaning and sanitation duties to meet GMP standards throughout the facility
  • Will provide assistance in the rehabilitation and repair of pipelines, bridges and buildings
  • Drive various vehicles and construction equipment: forklifts, man lifts, boom lifts
  • Enter confined spaces and extremely tall structures (100 feet +) to install various fibers and epoxies products
  • Operate grinding, chipping, and mixing equipment
  • Ability to travel extensively - 80% travel, could be gone for months at a time in busy season within a large territory
  • Valid driver’s license required with clean DMV record. A CDL, Class B is a plus
  • The Ability to perform daily the following physical activities
  • Good reading, comprehension, communication and math skills
  • Ability to use Microsoft suite software package
  • Forklift Operation
  • Cleaning and Painting Facility
  • Sorting and Stacking Product and Pallets
  • High school diploma or general equivalency diploma (GED)
  • Lift, push, and pull a minimum of 50 pounds repeatedly
  • The ability to communicate problems or needs to departmental supervision
  • Six months of previous experience in a galvanizing position
  • Six months of previous experience with hand tools and gauges including impact wrenches, air grinders, drills, taps, oxygen acetylene torches, and mill gauges
  • Six months of previous experience operating a bridge crane
  • The ability to pay attention to detail and follow work instructions
  • 2016-08-28-07:00
  • Perform work in accordance to approved procedures and work instructions. Work instructions are located on site for operators review and training
  • Monitor Quality Points at work station and record required data. Quality check point information is located on site for operator review and training
  • Report quality and production concerns and issues to Supervisor
  • Must have current driver’s license
  • Cleaning, sanitation, painting and small repairs
  • Safety shoes, gloves, safety glasses, ear protection, hairnets, beard nets, protective aprons & face shields where applicable
  • Willing to work in a loud/noisy, hot, humid, dusty, greasy and high volume environment
  • Willing and able to maintain strict adherence to safety rules and regulations, including wearing safety equipment
  • Willing and able to work rotating shifts
  • At least one (1) year of manufacturing experience
  • Will be required to become certified to drive industrial powered equipment (example: fork truck)
  • Moderate to heavy physical effort (lift/carry up to 50 lbs with assist)
  • Prolonged, extensive, or considerable standing/walking
  • Lifts supplies/equipment
  • Pushes/pulls or moves/lifts heavy equipment/supplies
  • Manual dexterity and mobility
  • Considerable reaching, stooping, bending, kneeling, crouching
  • Near Acuity: ability to see clearly at 20 inches or less
  • Depth Perception: ability to judge distance and space relationships
  • Field of Vision: ability to see peripherally
  • Accommodation: ability to adjust vision to bring objects into focus
  • Temperature Changes: variations in temperature from hot to cold
  • Noise: sufficient noise - hearing protection is required
  • Perform routine, repetitive daily inspection and maintenance necessary to building exterior/interior
  • Assists and performs semiskilled tasks of a general nature in connection with maintenance and repair tasks in the upkeep of the buildings on site
  • Assists and performs with installation, maintenance and repair work in the basic building maintenance trades, such as carpentry, painting, electrical, plumbing, locksmith, carpet, and mechanics
  • Assists and performs functions in the maintenance of cabinets, shelving, marker boards, tack boards and a variety of other structures and items
  • Maintains storage areas in clean and orderly conditions
  • Inspect properties and communicate with management regarding general cleanup and maintenance
  • Maintains accurate records of preventative maintenance schedules
  • Some knowledge of semi-skilled work in one or more of the basic building maintenance trades
  • Knowledge of manual and electrical hand tools
  • Ability to work a flexible schedule, which may include off-shift hours and weekend assignments
  • Hang or remove parts on/from hooks on a moving paint line
  • Safely lift up to 40 lbs repetitively
  • Ability to follow directions and pay attention to details
  • Ability to stand for extended periods
  • The ability to work safely is extremely important
  • Position is a very physical job, candidates must be able to perform job duties
  • Manual fasted paced labor lifting up to 70lbs
  • Removing and stacking products
  • Cleaning the production area
  • Shipping and receiving
  • Unload and load trucks
  • Take inventory
  • Use of RF scanner
  • Removing boxes from assembly line
  • Follow Instructions
  • Must be willing to Cross-Train
  • Material Handling
  • Team Spirit
  • All candidates are subject to background and drug screening**
  • Inspect materials and sort items or material into designated areas according to type, size and condition
  • Maintain a clean and orderly work area and surrounding area
  • Transport product between receiving station, warehouse and production areas
  • Execute daily work instructions received from Supervisor in a timely manner
  • Inspect product upon delivery to identify any damages

Production / General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Knowledge of working with wood
  • Use of hand tools
  • Able to work overtime
  • Meet hiring requirements
  • Able to pass internal certification training
  • Ability to print and speak simple sentences
  • Must attend weekly safety meetings
  • Conducts general outdoor and indoor housekeeping of the yard and buildings
  • Complete daily maintenance assignments
  • Must complete all required paperwork including accounting, time cards, safety or equipment reports on a daily basis
  • Must work safely and take action to prevent any and all unsafe actions, processes, and behaviors
  • 2 years experience in a general laborer position
  • Must possess a valid class C state driver’s license and have an acceptable driving record
  • Class A driver's license preferred
  • Regular attendance required
  • Ability to operate machinery and other equipment used in the course of work performed
  • Able to work with all levels of employees
  • Proficiency and accuracy with basic counting skills
  • Ability to maintain positive awareness of quality assurance and safety
  • Frequent lifting of moderate weight material up to 30 lbs and occasional lifting of heavy material of 50 pounds
  • Minimum of High School Diploma or G.E.D. required
  • Use all PPE required when on the floor for job duties
  • Report all incidents/accidents completely and accurately
  • Participate in the development of SOP’s
  • Communicate clearly and timely on issues of the day
  • Go over shift operations with cross shift. Clearly communicate all items of importance (quarantine, failures, operational issues, reasons for variance)
  • Clean all areas as assigned by the supervisor using brooms, shovels, wash-down hoses, etc
  • Inform Shift Supervisor of operational problems or potential problems
  • Observe and report on the condition of equipment to minimize break down. Report equipment damage immediately
  • Thoroughly clean areas of plant as assigned by shift leader or when in specific operating position
  • Respond to fires, based on your training
  • Good communication, interpersonal skills and writing skills
  • Demonstrated coordination
  • Ability to read and understand safety rules and regulations
  • Minimum Grade 12 required
  • Post-secondary education is considered an asset
  • Combination of education and experience 0 to 3 years of industrial experience is ideal
  • Ability to stand on feet for long periods of time, climb, bend, stoop, squat and lift
  • Ability to work in confined spaces and at substantial heights
  • Ability to use a radio and effectively communicate with all departments
  • Trained in fall protection and Man lift operation
  • Moves and secures lumber products and other materials according to instructions
  • Safely receives,stacks and stores jobsite materials according to predetermined instructions and/or jobsite requirements
  • Sorts, stages and protects material based on type, size and count
  • Delivers materials from staging areas to production areas as needed
  • Bands, bundles and secures material
  • Follows instructions for stacking material properly and according to company policy and customer requirements
  • Assists with rigging and tag lining of materials to be hoisted on the jobsite
  • Assists job Supervisor tracking inbound materials and quantities from material lists and points out discrepancies
  • Distributes and stages tools and equipment at the jobsite and insures all are properly retrieved, stored and safeguarded at the end of the day
  • Maintains clean and organized jobsite. Responsible for removal and disposal of jobsite waste
  • Assist other work areas moving material, loading and unloading material
  • Maintain and use Personal protective equipment at all times
  • Participates in safety, CI and other programs and meetings
  • Be mobile in the workforce and travel as required
  • Capable of passing required physical examination
  • Understand and apply basic mathematical skills (adding, subtracting, division, & multiplication)
  • Previous experience a plus
  • Able to work in all kind of conditions

Summer General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Reading, understanding, and following standard operating procedures
  • Keeping accurate records on load sheets, inventory sheets, scrap sheets, and computerized equipment
  • Ensuring proper code date rotation
  • Ensuring all paperwork is filled out in a clear, legible and accurate format, and completed with required information. Ensuring all required information is documented in accordance with SOP’s
  • Experience working in a food manufacturing plant is preferred
  • Candidates must possess solid mechanical skills and the ability to understand, operate, and troubleshoot production equipment
  • Candidates must possess solid math skills and the ability to read and understand standard operating procedures and order and load sheets
  • Must be able and willing to work all shifts and overtime, weekends, and holidays
  • Must be able to lift up to 40 pounds frequently and up to 50 pounds occasionally
  • Must be able and willing to work in a wet environment with moderate to high noise volume
  • Must successfully complete a pre-employment drug screen and background check

General Laborer, Mobile Maintenance Resume Examples & Samples

  • 100% Travel
  • Perform general cleanup and routine, repetitive tasks that require mainly physical abilities and effort involving little or no specialized skill or prior work experience
  • Assists and performs the locating, counting and tagging of RPIE equipment
  • Assists trained technician with, maintenance and repair work in building maintenance trades, such as carpentry, painting, electrical, plumbing, locksmith, carpet, mechanical and HVAC
  • Performs basic filter replacement, cleans mechanical/work areas and equipment as shown and directed by trained technician
  • Maintains storage areas and vehicles in clean and orderly conditions
  • Maintains accurate records of all work performed
  • May assist in the performance of weekly safety checks throughout the facility to ensure a safe and clean environment for the patrons of the facility and to eliminate all hazards
  • Drive/move company/rental cars, vans and pickup trucks
  • Individual should have basic computer skills for mandatory training classes. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions
  • Ability to understand and follow appropriate direction and safety requirements
  • Ability to work a flexible schedule, which may include off-shift hours, weekend assignments and 100% travel
  • Ability to comprehend written and oral instructions is required
  • Ability to understand and speak English
  • Ability to pass drug and background check
  • Ability to work on DOD installations
  • Ability to obtain passport
  • Champions safety of self and others while adhering to all safety regulations and policies
  • Follows Good Manufacturing Practices to ensure high level of Food Safety & Quality
  • Supports Continuous Improvement efforts, including active participation on Autonomous Manufacturing Development (AMD) teams
  • Processes verbal and/or written instructions and procedures consistently and accurately
  • Works well with other associates to ensure the efficient performance of plant processes
  • Consults with immediate Lead or Team Leader concerning issues, unusual problems or developments
  • Performs sanitation duties as required in order to maintain a clean and safe environment
  • Accomplishes other related work as required
  • Maintains logs/data as required
  • Must be available for weekend and overnight shifts as scheduled
  • High School diploma or equivalent (GED)
  • Basic math skills
  • Basic Computer skills
  • Must be able to push, pull and lift up to 75 pounds, regularly stand; frequently walk; use hands to handle and perform tasks with tools or equipment controls; reach with hands and arms; and stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl
  • Must be able to occasionally climb ladders or other supporting structures off of ground/floor level
  • Assist the plant foreperson with the daily operations and upkeep of the plant
  • Ability to maintain and safely and efficiently operate heavy equipment, including but not limited to; Frontend Loader, Haul Truck and skid steer loader
  • May perform welding and fabrication duties as required
  • General understanding of OSHA & MSHA regulations
  • Excellent attendance
  • Safety must be your priority
  • Able to work 12 hour/rotating swing shifts
  • Willing and able to work a rotating twelve (12) hour shift, weekends, holidays and overtime
  • Willing and able to perform tasks such as lifting, walking, climbing, stooping, standing, pushing or pulling for at least twelve (12) hours a day
  • Willing and able to work in high and/or confined spaces
  • Must be willing and able to lift and pull up to 50 lbs
  • A minimum of two (2) years of experience working in a manufacturing environment
  • A minimum of one (1) year of forklift experience
  • Experience repairing/maintaining mechanical equipment
  • Facility and equipment clean up and maintenance
  • Mobile equipment operation
  • General repair and/or maintenance of fixed and mobile equipment
  • Perform manual labor duties using high-powered hose, shovel, pick, etc
  • Alternate assignments may be made as necessary
  • Must be open to working all shifts
  • Ability to read and understand work and safety rules, and plant operating procedures
  • Ability to write notes to employees on other shifts, if needed, and cite tasks that need to be performed
  • Possess a valid state driver's license
  • Willingness to accept high-level training assignments such as driving a heavy-duty rear dump truck or motor-grader, welding, assisting with repair or mechanical work, etc
  • Hold a High school diploma or its equivalent
  • Willingness to work outside, perform dirty and greasy tasks, to work overtime as scheduled, and to adjust personal plans according to work schedule
  • Ability to ascend and descend steps and ladders in screening towers
  • Possess gross motor skills to prevent falls
  • Ability to safely lift and carry 50-pound loads

General Laborer / Multi Resume Examples & Samples

  • Fabricating and assembling architectural aluminum products with various tools and machinery
  • Layout and fabricate door/frame components to accept standard and custom hardware
  • Read and comprehend sales orders, fabrication drawings, hardware templates, die drawings, and product catalogs
  • Performs manual labor on roads, exploration, property improvements and the like
  • Occasionally assists to sledge oversize boulders through grizzly grating. Uses a safety belt attached
  • Sweeps and dusts mill office
  • Sweeps and cleans change room including locker room, toilets and showers
  • Incinerates waste
  • Sweeps and cleans in mill
  • Cleans up mill spillages using scoop shovel and wheelbarrow and vacuum
  • Washes windows as required
  • Assist Exploration Geologist in gridding mine property and in splitting and packaging core drill samples
  • Uses safe working practices and reports hazardous conditions at all times
  • Performs other miscellaneous jobs as directed
  • Safe driving record
  • Meet requirements of the job evaluation
  • Understanding of safety procedures
  • Basic understanding of milling operations
  • Understanding of general tools

General Laborer / Milker Resume Examples & Samples

  • Basic calving experience
  • Dependable work history
  • Experience milking cows
  • TMR experience

Construction General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform fire-stopping procedures on fire walls, install sleeves, pull cable through sleeves and core penetration
  • Follow prints
  • High School diploma or GED equivalency
  • Reads production schedule, customer order or work order to determine items to be moved, gathered, distributed or serviced
  • Conveys materials and items from receiving or production areas to storage or to other designated areas. Records amounts of materials or items received or distributed
  • Operates and/or maintains equipment such as spreaders, aerators and seeders
  • Performs routine grounds maintenance or grounds equipment maintenance in accordance with established safety procedures
  • Interacts with the customer onsite as needed to receive further direction regarding area to be serviced
  • May rake and mulch leaves, aerate, seed, fertilize, mow and/or repair damaged lawns
  • May assist in the pruning of trees and shrubs
  • May drive vehicle to production locations and assigned areas.(4 years clean driving experience required for all driving positions)
  • May assist mechanic or other team members with assigned duties
  • High school diploma or one to three months related experience and/or training in horticulture and/or customer service; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Obtains Certificates, Licenses and Registrations as required by federal or provincial law
  • Ability to follow oral and written instructions, short correspondence and memos. Ability to effectively communicate in one-on-one and small group situations to customers, clients, and other employees of the organization
  • Ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide in all units of measure, using whole numbers, common fractions and decimals
  • Other required knowledge skills and abilities include but are not limited to: Customer Relations, Communication, Handling Multiple Tasks, Flexibility, Adaptability and Teamwork
  • Perform mowing, trimming, edging, mulching, aeration, and fertilization; weed and brush control; flower bed services; tree and shrub pruning; erosion control; debris, drain, and ditch cleanup
  • Shall maintain the buildings, grounds and road shoulders for the areas specified
  • Assist maintenance trades technicians with facility maintenance, repairs and preventative maintenance functions
  • Operate weed eater, blower, and/or mower on a regular basis
  • Operate tractor and/or other equipment as necessary
  • Clean and maintain tools and equipment
  • Assist with customer requests; such as staging chairs and light sets for events on and off the installation, removal of used pallets and used packing materials to the proper disposal areas
  • Clean vehicles during absence of operators
  • Operate vehicles when needed for marshaling
  • Assist with fuel point general clean-up such as emptying trash cans and re-supplying oil can dispensers
  • Drive for parts pick up and drop off
  • Responsible for Maintenance Shop clean-up
  • Must exercise good judgment, flexibility, creativity, and sensitivity in response to changing situations and needs and safety procedures
  • Must be knowledgeable of the regulations on hazardous material, hazardous waste, and the right to know information sheets
  • Possess knowledge of handling emergency or hazardous waste spills
  • Must be able to work independently or part of a team
  • Ability to understand and carry out verbal and written instructions
  • Reading and understanding contract requirements and maps
  • Must be able to work in a fast paced environment
  • Must have the ability and be willing to work outside of normal working hours such as back shift and weekends, in the event of unplanned outages
  • Sweeping, debris removal, and vacuuming in industrial work areas
  • Clean and wipe down surfaces in confined spaces
  • Manually removing paint from fasteners or structures
  • Manually moving and transporting furniture, equipment, and materials
  • Loading and unloading palletized materials from ship to shore and vice versa
  • Operating hand tools to join or fasten equipment and/or materials; to perform simple tasks
  • Installing fastening hardware such as nuts, bolts, washers, etc
  • Physically relocating and temporarily fastening to overhead; air hoses, electrical cables and flexible ventilation
  • Supplying tools and equipment and holding objects for skilled trade craftsman, such as assisting with positioning a pipe
  • Must be able to train for and perform all essential functions of division's Firewatch and Lead Worker position if contract demand requires
  • Ability to work in elevated areas, confined spaces, and on and off ladders
  • Must be able to lift, carry, push and pull up to 70 lbs
  • Ability to pass a respirator physical examination and fit test preferred
  • Ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment
  • Load and unload materials and equipment from work vehicles
  • Assist with construction duties according to job specifics
  • General labor duties essential to job completion
  • Cut grass and help maintain grounds
  • Operate forklift and hand/pallet jacks
  • Clean work area
  • Ability to maintain good housekeeping practices in the work area and comply with all safety policies and procedures
  • Position requires a valid driver’s license and a good driving record to operate a motor vehicle
  • Adhere to all local vehicular regulations while operating a vehicle Education/Training
  • High School Diploma or equivalent Work Environment: The work involves moderate risks or discomforts which require special safety precautions, e.g., working around moving parts or machines, fumes or irritant chemicals. May be required to use protective clothing, or gear such as masks, goggles, gloves or shields. Physical Demands: The work requires some physical exertion such as long periods of standing, walking, recurring bending, crouching, stooping, stretching, reaching or similar activities, and lifting a minimum of 50 lbs assisted or unassisted. Work Status: Temporary/Seasonal

Housemen, General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Cleans and polishes furniture and fixtures
  • Sitting event space according to provided floor plans
  • Monitoring and taking care of in-house inventory
  • Moves heavy furniture, equipment and supplies either manually or by using hand trucks
  • Sets up, arranges and removes decorations, tables, chairs, ladders and scaffolding to prepare facilities for events
  • Ad-hoc cleaning of building floors by sweeping, mopping, scrubbing or vacuuming
  • Able to work on your feet for eight hours while moving heavy furniture

General Laborer Openings Available Resume Examples & Samples

  • Performs minor repairs to doors, fixtures and furniture
  • Mows and trims lawns and shrubbery, using mowers and hand and power trimmers; clears debris
  • Notifies managers about the need for major repairs or additions to building operating systems

MNF General Laborer Light Resume Examples & Samples

  • Communicating effectively
  • Folding or cutting boxes
  • Minimum Requirements include
  • High-school degree required and higher degrees are a plus
  • 1 year of manufacturing experience
  • Frequently working in an environment with: Stooping, Kneeling, Crouching, Standing, Climbing, Talking, Hearing Loud Noises and Exposure to varying elements of all weather conditions
  • Possess ability to work and communicate efficiently with coworkers
  • Must be physically able to work long days and be willing to get dirty
  • Must successfully pass a post-offer pre-employment drug test, physical pre-placement & range of motion exam and background check
  • Performs duties as assigned
  • Assist Packaging Operator in packaging line
  • Participate in the job rotation plan for the assigned production line
  • Assemble boxes and tape them to be ready to use
  • Pack packaged product into boxes
  • Seal boxes with tape gun, or taper machine, and place into pallet configuration
  • Heat seal multi-wall bags and/or poly bags as these are filled with product
  • Fill and tie bulk product into super sacks
  • Pass poly bags, multi-wall bags, and boxes through metal detector
  • Place poly bags into combo tote pallet configuration
  • Place multi-wall bags into pallet configuration
  • Sort plastics from corrugated boxes for recycling
  • Sweep floors as needed
  • Assist in maintaining plant clean as needed
  • Follow GMP’s
  • High School or an equivalent combination of education. A combination of education and experience may be considered in lieu of High School or equivalent Diploma
  • No minimum work experience required
  • Knowledge and experience in Food Industry is a plus but not necessary
  • Ability to work from written and/or verbal instructions
  • Ability to use a utility knife safely that will be provided by the company
  • Ability to learn while training with an experienced employee
  • Ability to follow safety rules and requirements when working in dangerous areas or with powered equipment
  • Ability to learn to accurately read and understand batch cards
  • Ability to work as a team member while under training with experienced employee
  • Follow all Personnel Safety and Food Safety policies/procedures
  • Report any potential food safety or quality concerns to supervisors or quality assurance
  • Follow direction of Supervisor/Line Operator
  • Understand the production schedule for the product being run
  • Understand the proper sanitation procedures and the order of cleaning chemical usage
  • Understand and follow written documentation and reports used in production processes
  • Inspect work area for proper sanitation, maintenance and safety
  • Inspect products for overall appearance according to customer requirements and remove/isolate non-conforming products
  • Make approved adjustments per Supervisor/Line Operator direction to ensure product is manufactured within customer specifications
  • Communicate with Line Operator and other crew members to maintain a proper flow of raw materials and finished product(s) throughout the entire production process
  • Properly feed pockets, pack product into cases, or properly label and stack product into pallets
  • Periodically check to see proper label with correct code date and any other required marking is being used
  • Inspect product for stacking and label defects, grade out substandard product
  • Rotate and work as pocket feeder, case packer, stack-off
  • Other duties as requested by the area Supervisor (Line Leader and/or Production Superintendent)
  • 6 – 12 months of continuous work history is required
  • High school diploma or at least 6 months of solid work history within a manufacturing plant or food industry is preferred
  • Previous manufacturing experience in the meat industry is highly desirable
  • The ideal candidate will exhibit a willingness to be trained in processing methods and be available for multiple shift operations
  • Monitoring the production process and carrying out basic quality checks
  • Cleaning and maintaining work area
  • Employee will work as part of a team under the supervision of a shift leader, carrying out several tasks within the same shift
  • Safely lift 40 lbs repetitively
  • MUST have High School Diploma or GED
  • Pervious solid work history is a Plus
  • Must be able to successfully complete all pre-employment screening requirements
  • Ability to work overtime and weekends
  • Steel Toed Shoes with laces
  • Written pre-employment qualification test
  • Post-offer drug/alcohol screen and physical evaluation
  • Pass background check
  • Inventory experience a plus
  • Good math skills
  • Works well with others
  • Some warehouse experience
  • SAP experience a plus
  • Assist Packaging Operators
  • High School or equivalent Diploma. A combination of education and experience may be considered in lieu of High School or equivalent Diploma
  • Ability to work first shift hours
  • Must be able to safely lift a minimum of 50 lbs. without assistance
  • Must be able to climb stairs occasionally during the shift
  • Ability to bend, stoop, push, pull, grasp, reach, kneel, and twist frequently during the shift
  • Ability to walk frequently within department, and ability to stand during the entire production shift
  • Ability to follow Safety Rules and requirements when working in dangerous areas or with power equipment
  • Ability to work with others and as a team
  • Ability to learn while training with an experienced Packaging Machine Operator or General Laborer
  • Ability to work indoors in a mixing production facility and to be exposed to the smell and dust of different raw spices as these are being blended into commercial formulas
  • Ensures vehicles are maintained according to company standards and customer contracts
  • Provides basic facility maintenance including cleaning, basic repair and yard upkeep
  • Records vehicle information accurately and legibly
  • Operates digital camera or other basic vehicle documentation and tracking devices
  • Provides service to customers as needed
  • Maintains a positive and professional demeanor
  • Follows yard guidelines to maintain a safe working environment
  • Cleans and protect vehicles as needed
  • At least one year of work experience, preferably in an outdoor environment
  • Excellent customer service attitude and skills
  • Proficient written and verbal communication skills
  • Must be able to multi-task in a fast-paced environment
  • Occasional O.T. as needed
  • HS diploma or GED preferred
  • Willing and able to work any shift, holidays, weekends and overtime as needed
  • Willing and able to work in a hot, cold, dusty and noisy industrial environment
  • One (1) year of experience working within a manufacturing or industrial environment
  • Experience working in the corrugated industry
  • Experience with reading an English metric tape measure
  • Read and follow work and packaging instructions
  • Inspect parts
  • Safely use hand tools to trim excess plastic from parts as needed
  • Know proper press operation which includes: cycle stop and start, emergency stops, control panel, purging, cycle counter, door hanging, and part removal
  • Ensure all parts are accounted for: track good parts produced, scrap parts and complete the required production paperwork
  • Ensure parts are labeled and packaged properly
  • Keep a clean and orderly work area
  • High school diploma or GED preferred, but not required
  • Previous hi/lo or forklift experience preferred, but not required
  • Previous manufacturing or general labor experience a plus, but not required
  • Basic math, reading, writing and reading comprehension required

Aggregate Production General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Safety Minded in all aspects of work activities
  • Help perform daily safety checks of all equipment and plant operations
  • Assist in Continuous Plant Improvement through use of performance standards
  • Honest and ethical to all staffing and co-workers
  • Daily Communication with Plant Supervisor. (Good People Skills)
  • A willingness to learn and also teach others proper job skills in a safe and efficient manner
  • Mechanically Inclined: Beneficial to understanding the daily operations of Aggregates Production
  • Assist with Plant and Equipment preventive maintenance programs
  • High School Diploma or General Education Degree (GED)
  • Prior experience in the Heavy Construction industry or Aggregates Production Industry very helpful
  • Some computer skills necessary (windows, excel, general email)
  • Applicant may have to work independently at times
  • Team Orientated
  • Must be able to pass Pre-Employment and Random Drug and Alcohol testing
  • Flexibility to work evenings and weekends if needed
  • Experience with electrical systems or PLC’s is helpful
  • Reliable personal vehicle for possible travel to various job-sites as needed
  • Crews work in the general Southern Minnesota area
  • The employee is frequently required to sit, climb, and use hands, and work at elevated heights
  • The employee is occasionally required to stand, walk, crawl, kneel, bend, and reach with hand and arms above their shoulders
  • Must be able to exert up to 10 lbs. constantly to move objects, 10-25 lbs. of force frequently, and 20-50 lbs. of force occasionally
  • Regularly replaces HVAC air filters
  • Monitors building security and safety by performing such tasks as locking doors after operating hours and checking electrical appliance use to ensure that hazards are not created
  • Removes snow from sidewalks, driveways and parking areas
  • Drives vehicles required to perform work
  • Valid Non-CDL Class C driver's license may be required
  • Moving of furniture with and without moving equipment
  • Moving and relocation of heavy equipment (ie: lathes)
  • Moving transfer cases 65 to 80 pounds
  • Arranging conference room and training room seating per customer requirements
  • Driving forklift/hi-lo as needed
  • Care for Tenneco Monroe’s lawn (cutting grass, etc.)
  • Removal of snow as needed (snow blower and / or shovel)
  • Loading salt into the salt spreader (up to 80 pounds)
  • Irrigation digging to remove heads and repair links in sprinkler system
  • Working with the skilled maintenance employees to move wall boards, demolition of existing walls, remove and replace fan covers on roof, ladder work to assist in removal of ceiling titles)
  • Receiving packages that weigh up to 150 pounds and delivering the packages to employees within the building
  • Work with skilled maintenance team members to move pipes and hydraulic equipment
  • Running electric scrubber and electric buffers for the floors
  • Hand load vans and other vehicles as needed
  • General janitorial duties (mopping, cleaning, etc.)
  • Responsible for spill containment and clean up
  • Ability to lift up to 75 pounds
  • Ability to stand, walk, sit, climb ladders, stoop, kneel, crouch and crawl as needed
  • May need to work in tight spaces on occasion
  • Ability to respond to unplanned events or issues with little or no notice – on call – in order to handle emergency situations that may arise
  • Must be a team player and be willing to work in a collaborative environment
  • Clean components with solvent and with hand tools
  • Repair minor voids
  • Inspect product to conform to quality, engineering standards, and customer requirements
  • Operate hand tools (including but not limited to electrical and pneumatic powered tools)
  • Load, unload, lift, and move materials and product utilizing lifting equipment when available
  • Complete and maintain all associated electronic processes paperwork (including but not limited to checklists, stamping, blueprints, bar coding and including shipping/receiving material)
  • Perform duties in accordance with current Quality Management System, Safety Management System, and Manitowoc Code of Conduct requirements
  • Actively participate in safety training and demonstrate competency by effectively resolving safety issues or bringing them to the attention of management
  • Basic ability to read, speak, and understand English language
  • Ability to demonstrate safe and effective operation of all required material handling equipment
  • Stand and walk on concrete up to 100% of work day
  • Lift and carry up to 50 lbs alone and over 50 lbs with assistance
  • Ability to climb and balance
  • Manual dexterity in hands for tool usage
  • Work in non-temperature controlled environment
  • Ability to visually inspect product
  • Ability to wear all required personal protective equipment
  • For over 40 years, Welbilt – Parsons, Tennessee has manufactured dependable, energy-efficient walk-in coolers, freezers, and refrigeration units for the foodservice industry under leading brand names Kolpak, Harford, and RDI. The facility in Parsons is a division of Welbilt, Inc
  • Work with the ground crew; Mowing, weed whipping, weeding, planting, tree trimming, trash pick-up, and other odd jobs
  • General housekeeping around facility
  • Independent worker with sound judgment and multitasking skills
  • Excellent prioritizing skills

Night General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform varied line duties such as checking code dates, aligning bags on conveyors, refilling cardboard stock, moving product and materials with a pallet jack, filling and weighing bulk product containers, assembling boxes, etc
  • Must be able to tolerate the above-listed physical and environmental demands of this position with or without accommodations
  • Strongly prefer a stable employment history with at least 2 years of continuous employment at one employer within the last 5 years
  • A minimum of six (6) months of experience in a manufacturing, industrial, farming, construction, and/or military environment
  • Experience repairing, maintaining, and/or troubleshooting mechanical equipment
  • Willing and able to work a rotating twelve (12) hour shift, weekends, holidays, and overtime
  • Willing and able to work in a loud/noisy, hot, humid, dusty, greasy, and high volume environment
  • Willing and able to perform tasks such as lifting, walking, climbing, stooping, standing, pushing and/or pulling
  • Willing and able to work eight (8) hours a day and up to twelve (12) hours a day
  • The ability to lift up to 50 pounds from ground to shoulder height or higher
  • Must be a physically able to stand for long periods of time (length of shift) in open air environment; wear PPE; maintain safe work environment
  • Six months of previous experience operating heavy equipment (forklift)
  • 2017-05-31-07:00
  • Responsible for accurately shipping, transferring, receiving inventory
  • Assemble production kits with a high degree of accuracy and in a timely manner
  • Store inventory according to company procedures
  • Deliver inventory to all company locations
  • Ensure all safety equipment is used properly and workplace is organized and hazard free
  • Display an attitude of cooperation and work harmoniously with all levels of company employees
  • Adhere to and ensure company policies, attendance policies, and safety regulations are followed
  • Clean up work areas
  • Fuel vehicles and equipment
  • Clean track on track type and related equipment
  • Perform yard work, including mowing and paper pick up
  • Direct traffic at the site as necessary in a polite and friendly manner
  • Ability to adapt to work environment and schedule
  • Ability to follow through and solve problems as they arise
  • Ability to follow company policy and procedures as set forth by the company

General Laborer / Production Resume Examples & Samples

  • Packing material to customer specification
  • Inspect material to ensure product meets or exceeds customer requirements
  • Verifying all product is in tolerance according to customer orders
  • Visually inspect material for damages caused by handling system
  • Undergo additional cross-functional training as required & scheduled
  • Basic entry level manufacturing skills
  • Ability to follow standard operating procedures
  • Ability to read a tape measure is a plus
  • HS diploma or equivalent
  • Excellent safety performance and attendance are key requirements
  • Must be able to read, understand, and follow all safety rules and policies
  • Must be able to lift up to 40 lbs occasionally
  • Must possess the ability to read, understand, and follow all safety rules and policies
  • Must possess computer literacy, mechanical reasoning skills and problem solving skills
  • Must be able to work at elevated levels in confined spaces
  • Must be able to read and understand a tape measure and perform basic math skills
  • Performing the prepping for the welding department
  • Moving material throughout the warehouse
  • Sweeping and cleaning the area and keeping it safe
  • Strong communication skills and willing to stand a full shift
  • Must be willing to help out in other departments as needed and learn new skills
  • Clean and finish product using hand tools and/or power tools according to specifications
  • Rig/hang parts using wire to prep for galvanizing
  • Assist in other areas of the plant as needed
  • Complete paperwork
  • Assist in general plant clean up and housekeeping
  • Work safely, protecting self and others from accident and injury
  • The ability to learn and apply training
  • The ability to be flexible within the plant
  • The ability to use hand tools and/or power tools
  • The ability to work in an outside environment
  • The ability to communicate problems or needs to lead or supervisor
  • Minimum six months experience using hand tools
  • Minimum six months experience using power tools
  • Minimum six months experience in a manufacturing environment
  • Performs a variety of labor functions that may include any or all of the following
  • Must be able to identify problems and assist in solving. Position incorporates generalist concept and accomplishment of minor maintenance and housekeeping is expected
  • Overtime as necessary is a requirement to the performance of this position
  • The position may require the ability to work in noisy areas and exposure to heat, cold and dust. May work in traffic areas. Must wear personal protection equipment while working
  • The position requires the ability to lift 50 pounds
  • Previous Food Manufacturing experience
  • Must be able to work Overtime, when needed
  • Must be able to work weekends, when needed
  • Must be able to work 2nd / 3rd shift
  • Requires written and verbal communication skills
  • Strong computer proficiency and ability to learn new systems
  • Must be able to multitask, evaluate options and make good decisions
  • Prefer previous experience in a manufacturing setting
  • Clean and prepare sites, dig trenches, set braces to support the sides of excavations, clean up rubble and debris, and removes other construction materials
  • Assist other workers and equipment operators
  • Follows company guidelines to maintain a safe working environment
  • Extensive travel possible
  • Perform job duties in a safe manner compliant with policies, procedures and practices
  • Maintain a safe, neat and clean work environment this includes: work area, equipment, locker rooms, break rooms, and office areas
  • Model professional behavior at all times; report to work as scheduled, on time and prepared to work
  • Collect trash, recyclables and hazardous waste from various locations throughout the facility
  • Breakdown scrap parts for repair or recycling
  • Transport waste/recyclables to disposal container and/or storage location
  • Load semi-trailers and roll-off boxes for shipment to landfill or recycling center
  • Maintain storage areas, and drum pads in accordance to regulations
  • Document and inform manager or designated person of any contamination in recycling containers
  • Complete and submit appropriate paper work and reports (manually and electronically) timely including: time sheets, reports and other documents as required
  • Participate in meetings to access work environment for safety and effectiveness
  • Operate equipment safely and compliant with policies including: fork-trucks, tuggers, and transport carts
  • Perform preventive maintenance (PM) and safety checks on mobile equipment before and after operating; report any defects appropriately and timely
  • Demonstrate a commitment to learning and development; stay current of safe work practices, policies and regulations
  • Work flexible schedule that may include nights, weekends and holidays
  • Commitment to promoting and creating a safety culture and positive work environment
  • Perform other job duties as requested to support the business operations
  • Effective communication skills, both written and verbal
  • Read and understand instructions/signs/directions in English
  • Pass drug screens, physical and safety sensitive background check
  • Work effectively in diverse team environments that are dynamic
  • Perform job duties in a safe manner, in compliance with policies, procedures and practices
  • Perform jobs tasks which include safely using manual tools (shovels); properly operating hoses on vacuum trucks; hydroblasting guns; or manipulating controls on robotic equipment
  • Inspect equipment including: lights, hoses, equipment connections, ensure deficiencies are corrected before starting work to ensure safety and compliance
  • Participate in loading equipment and supplies onto vehicles
  • Maintain a safe, neat and clean work environment, this includes: work area and equipment
  • Comply with appearance and dress policies to ensure a safe and professional work environment
  • Wear personnel protective equipment (PPE) as defined by policy, regulations, practice, and customer
  • Travel to remote work sites and periodically stay overnight for extended periods of time
  • Perform other job duties as requested to support business operations

Seasonal General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • General Warehouse Maintenance
  • All other duties as required
  • 2 years of previous forklift experience
  • Individuals hired into these positions work on a casual status basis, which does not guarantee a minimum number of work hours and provides only limited medical benefits
  • One year experience performing janitorial or general maintenance work in an industrial, large commercial or logistics environment, or demonstrated equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Must have mechanical aptitude

General Laborer, Apprentice Carpenter Resume Examples & Samples

  • General site clean up
  • Assisting the journeyman to complete a variety of projects
  • Must be comfortable framing, measuring, completing trim work, finish work, etc
  • Have the physical strength to haul, unload and load wood and other materials
  • Carry needed tools and materials to and from the job site
  • One (1) year of experience
  • Must be able to lift boxes up to 40 pounds
  • Must be able to load and/or unload carts and/or trucks
  • Must be able to move furniture
  • Fork lift experience and/or certification
  • Plan and work selecting proper tools
  • Compare and understand differences in the size, shape, and form or lines, figures, and objects
  • Follow written and oral directions, plans and blueprints
  • Ability to recognize and report safety hazards
  • Perform duties as required in the wood working area
  • Possess a High School Diploma/GED or higher
  • Minimum three (3) years in a manufacturing environment
  • Minimum one (1) year of maintenance experience
  • Possess a current and valid driver’s license
  • Minimum five (5) years of maintenance experience
  • Previous experience operating manual machines (lathe, mill, grinder)
  • Possess an Electrical certification
  • Functional and technical skills
  • Basic computer skills; including experience in Excel, Word, and SAP
  • Previous HVAC experience
  • Knowledge and understanding of controls and instrumentation
  • Attention to detail and have sound judgment
  • Strong conceptual skills
  • Ability to effectively plan daily activities
  • Team oriented and possess interpersonal skills
  • Attire must be presentable and appropriate for the working environment**

Work Study, General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • An eForm application
  • A copy of current class schedule
  • Must be a FRCC student enrolled in at least 6 credits for the current semester
  • Reliable/dependable
  • Good communication skills, both verbal and written
  • Must be interested in and willing to perform in entry level position
  • Motivated self starter and team player
  • Self-directed
  • Position requires physical work, indoors & outdoors. Must be able to lift 50 lbs on a regular basis
  • Safely run and use required equipment
  • Correctly and accurately inspect product using required measuring equipment
  • Required to read and understand work instructions, paperwork and drawings
  • Minimum one year manufacturing experience
  • No known nickel allergy
  • Knowledge of supply management
  • Inventory control knowledge
  • Sound judgment
  • Call/text Volt at 651-239-1800 or send an e-mail to [email protected]
  • Complete a manufacturing assessment
  • Complete a drug screen and background check (Takes 1-2 weeks for results to come back)
  • Get started!
  • Assist in the operation of various fleet units, including: hydrovac, and other units as required
  • Supplies a safe and effective service to our client
  • Completes all required paperwork on a daily basis
  • Previous hydrovac experience considered a strong asset, willing to train candidates with other prior labouring experience such as industrial/construction/or landscaping
  • Ability to travel as required by business needs, potential for travel up to 1-2 weeks away from home at a time
  • Assists in making decisions on all normal and complex repairs; reports major problems to the maintenance supervisor
  • Constructs, finishes, installs, maintains and repairs electrical and mechanical systems, or the facilities of any related systems, using power and hand tools and other necessary equipment
  • May train and oversee the work of entry level mechanics
  • Cleans, lubricates, services, repairs or diagnoses malfunction of HVAC, electrical and mechanical building systems, sterilizers, sprinkler and standpipe systems, transport systems, electronic signaling systems, fire alarm systems and similar specialty equipment items with appropriate training, certification skills and licensing requirements as needed
  • Reads, comprehends and transmits complicated detailed instructions verbally and in writing
  • Reports on and repairs discrepancies as assigned
  • Analyzes and corrects complex building system problems, alone or as part of a team
  • Maintains logs, performs rounds and completes work orders, tests and inspections
  • Makes recommendations for modification or improvement of preventive maintenance systems
  • May serve as a member of facility’s emergency response team
  • Trade school or maintenance vocational education
  • Five years of experience in a Healthcare setting in an engineering or maintenance discipline

Orange Night General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • The General Laborer position has two main job components: 1) basic line tasks on our cereal/ingredient packaging lines, and 2) cleaning tasks. All GL’s rotate assignments throughout each workday. This is Kerry’s entry-level production job
  • Ability to communicate verbally and in written form
  • Previous manufacturing experience preferred

Utility Person / General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform basic maintenance and housekeeping duties
  • Perform other duties and assignments as required
  • Ensures compliance with all health, safety, and environmental regulations, and with company policies and procedures
  • Report unsafe conditions and report accidents or incident immediately
  • Must have high school diploma or general education degree (GED)
  • 1-2 years of general labor and maintenance experience required
  • Prior construction industry experience highly desired
  • Heavy lifting required
  • Highly dependable, ability to work in fast paced environment
  • Inspect facility to assure adherence to safety and operating policies and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) using company policies and procedures
  • Operate necessary equipment, including floor scrubber, to maintain cleanliness of the warehouse and manufacturing areas
  • Perform production activities for equipment set-up and sanitation
  • Operate hose winding and hose washing stations
  • Maintain safe and clean work areas
  • Handled and dispose of non-confirming product and accurately record information regarding it’s disposition
  • Move raw materials and finished product within production facilities using forklifts or other warehouse equipment in order to supply production and/or facilitate shipping
  • Implement, evaluate, and maintain effective application of the Coca-Cola Quality System in order to ensure product quality as defined by company requirements
  • Communicate with peers and others to exchange feedback on products/service issues, identify and/or solve problems, assess needs and or/achieve business results
  • Identify activities not in accordance with company policies and procedures and inform appropriate parties
  • All other duties as assigned by management

Blue Night General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Palletize, shrink wrap, and record and certify quantities
  • Perform cleaning duties such as sweeping and sanitizing. Cleaning duties often require working at heights using a scissor-lift. During changeovers, GL’s may work entire shifts of cleaning duties
  • Must pass pre-work physical
  • Must have some work experience doing heavy manual labor within the last 5 years
  • Maintain and clean-up Plant
  • Assisting with material flow, shovels and removes spilled material from underneath plants and conveyors
  • Support Plant Operation
  • Operate Water Truck

Related Job Titles

general laborer skills examples resume


  1. General Laborer Resume Samples

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  2. Best Construction Labor Resume Example

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  3. 17++ Construction laborer resume skills list That You Should Know

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  4. General Laborer Resume Samples

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  5. General Laborer Resume & Writing Guide

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  6. Best Construction Labor Resume Example

    general laborer skills examples resume


  1. General Laborer Resume Examples and Template for 2024

    How to write a general laborer resume. Here are the steps for writing a general laborer resume: 1. Determine a format and layout. The format of your resume can accomplish two important tasks. First, it allows you to organize information about yourself in a way that helps you write your resume faster.

  2. General Laborer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    4. Outline your most useful general laborer skills and proficiencies. General laborer positions require a lot of physical strength and endurance, which isn't always easy to show in a resume. Use the list of key skills to show you have the physical capabilities and technical knowledge to handle maintenance and construction projects.

  3. General Laborer Resume Sample with Job Description

    List what you have, and then astound them with the other general labor resume sections. 5. Highlight Your General Labor Skills on a Resume. General labor jobs are increasing rapidly. For example, in the US, construction laborers and helpers are set to increase in number by 12% between 2016 and 2026.

  4. 5 General Laborer Resume Examples Built to Work in 2024

    Try out these five general laborer resume examples for 2024! Resumes. AI resume builder. Build a better resume in minutes. Resume examples. 2,000+ examples that work in 2024. ... Go one step ahead and capitalize your crafting and installation skills in your skilled laborer resume from your previous roles.

  5. General Laborer Resume Samples and Templates for 2024

    General Laborer resumesummary examples. To make your resume pass the seven seconds recruiters spend eyeing a resume, write an impactful resume opener. The resume summary consists of a two to three-sentence paragraph introducing yourself to potential employers by featuring your top skills and professional abilities.

  6. General Laborer Resume Examples for 2024: Templates & Tips

    Here are a few examples of general laborer skills for your resume: Physical strength and endurance: General laborers need to have the physical strength and endurance to perform physically demanding tasks such as lifting heavy objects, carrying materials and operating machinery. Attention to detail: They must pay close attention to details ...

  7. General Laborer Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024)

    Canadian construction worker C$20.62. UK construction worker £11.23. For comparison, the federal minimum wage in the United States is $7.25 an hour. In Washington, D.C., it's $16.10 an hour; in the state of Washington, it's $15.74 (for large employers), and all other state minimum wages are lower than that.

  8. 6 Great General Labor Worker Resume Examples

    Good example: " Proven General Labor Worker with 5+ years of experience in construction, landscaping, and warehouse operations. Demonstrated success in meeting deadlines, improving safety standards, and exceeding customer expectations. Possess strong physical stamina, excellent problem-solving skills, and an eye for detail.".

  9. 12 General Laborer Resume Examples & Guide

    Here are some examples of a General Laborer Resume in terms of education: 2018 Public Certificate in Basic Construction & Maintenance, Houston Community College, Houston, TX Course Curriculum: Measuring and estimating building materials ... What to Write in a General Laborer Resume Skills Section.

  10. Laborer Resume [Example for Free Download and Writing Tips]

    Here are four tips to assist you in writing a compelling laborer resume: 1. Highlight your hard laborer resume skills. An impressive resume skills section is the first step toward securing a laborer job. Hiring managers look at your skills to determine whether you've got the expertise required to succeed.

  11. General Laborer Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Typical duties mentioned on a General Laborer resume sample include preparing job sites, ensuring safety conditions, transporting materials, using power tools and other equipment, building temporary structures, and collaborating with engineers and contractors. Based on our collection of example resumes, these workers should demonstrate stamina ...

  12. General Labor Resume Examples & Job Description

    General laborer resume objective example: New to the construction industry, with a background in [previous field], eager to apply [transferable skills] to a dynamic construction team. Keen on contributing to project success through hard work, quick learning and commitment to safety. Step 3.

  13. General Laborer Must-Have Resume Skills and Keywords

    Communication Skills. Assembly Line. Cleaning Experience. Trucking. Cashier. The top three keywords people who held General Laborer descriptions listed on their resumes are General Labor (appearing on 30.77%), Customer Service (appearing on 12.73%), and Forklift Experience (appearing on 10.17%). 53.67% of resumes with General Laborer ...

  14. Top 12 General Labor Skills to Put on Your Resume

    Heavy Machinery. Scaffolding. Pallet Jack. Safety Compliance. 1. Forklift Operation. Forklift operation, in the context of general labor, involves safely driving and maneuvering forklifts to move, lift, and position goods and materials in warehouses, construction sites, or other industrial environments.

  15. Top 12 General Laborer Skills to Put on Your Resume

    6. Masonry. Masonry is a skilled trade involving the construction, repair, and maintenance of structures made from bricks, stones, concrete blocks, and other similar materials. General laborers in masonry assist with tasks such as mixing mortar, carrying materials, setting up scaffolding, and cleaning work areas.

  16. General Laborer Resume Samples

    Phone. +1 (555) 776 0640. Experience. Chicago, IL. Heaney-Marquardt. Provide input that would help improve safety, enviro, quality production and maintenance performance in work area. Work closely with co-workers to create a highly productive work environment. Reviews work of outside vendors and licensed maintenance workers; makes punch lists.

  17. General Laborer Resume Sample, Job Description & Skills

    Sample Skills for General Laborer Resume. Physical stamina and endurance. Basic construction and carpentry skills. Proficient in using hand and power tools. Knowledge of safety procedures and equipment. Ability to read and interpret blueprints and schematics. Experience with heavy machinery operation.

  18. Best General Laborer Resume Examples

    Include a Summary of Your Skills. Although the description of the job is in the title itself - "General" Laborer - it will help your chances of landing the position if you include a summary of your skills. For example, if you're applying for a construction job, relevant skills would include: Brick-laying. Painting.

  19. 10 General Laborer Resume Summary Examples

    Crafting a compelling resume summary is essential for general laborers aiming to highlight their diverse skills and expertise. Explore versatile and tailored general laborer resume summaries illustrating specific expertise and reflecting a broad range of skills across various industries, from construction to warehouse operations, enabling job seekers to effectively showcase their qualifications.

  20. General Contractor Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    4. Include a list of skills and proficiencies related to general contractors. For an effective general contractor resume, include a "Key Skills" section that gives the hiring manager a view of your broad expertise. This section also helps to optimize your resume for application tracking systems (ATS).

  21. What Are Transferable Skills? 10 Examples for your Resume

    Transferable skills, also known as portable skills, are those versatile abilities that you can bring to any role or industry—which is particularly helpful when changing careers.But you don't need to be an expert to have them; these valuable skills can be acquired from all sorts of experiences, like past jobs, volunteering, internships, college, or personal projects.

  22. Problem-Solving Skills Examples for Your Resume [2024]

    In a recent survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers — Job Outlook 2024 — problem-solving was identified as the top attribute employers look for in potential candidates. Of the survey's 255 total respondents, 88.7% indicated that they seek candidates with strong problem-solving skills, demonstrating the importance of showcasing this key skill on your resume.

  23. Carpenter Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Find expert resume tips, including key skills and action verbs to highlight. Plus, carpenter resume examples for various experience levels. Resume Builder App; Resume Examples; Resume Templates; Cover Letter Examples; ... According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for carpenters is projected to increase by 2% between 2021 and 2031 ...

  24. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    Functional resume format (skills-based resume) Combination resume format; Here's a quick look at the structural differences between the three main resume formats: ... Corissa is always looking for ways to create useful resources for job seekers, from writing job-specific resume samples to crafting in-depth articles on how to ace interviews ...

  25. Landscape Worker Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    4. List key skills and proficiencies for landscape workers. Every resume should list key skills a hiring manager can quickly skim to see if you're a good fit for the job. This list is usually bulleted and doesn't have to be long or complicated, but it must adequately convey why you're suited to the job.

  26. Assembler Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Key Skills Hiring Managers Look for on Assembler Resumes. For a better assembler resume, include a "Key Skills" section. This section gives hiring managers a quick overview of the expertise and value you offer. It also helps your resume perform better in ATS scans. Consider including any of the terms below: