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  • English Literature Personal Statement Examples

As an aspiring future English Literature student, writing a compelling personal statement is a crucial step in your UCAS application process . 

To help you in this process, we are presenting three exceptional English Literature personal statement examples from successful applicants who have graciously agreed to share their work with you. 

These English Literature personal statements are available to use for free as inspiration and guidance to help you craft your unique application. 

So, whether you are applying to undergraduate or postgraduate studies in English Literature, we hope that these personal statement examples will help you.

English Literature Personal Statement Example

As an avid reader and student of English Literature, I have developed a strong interest in exploring the depths of literary analysis and critical theory. My studies at A level have provided me with a firm foundation in independent research and critical thinking, which I believe are essential skills for success in the field of English Literature.

During my studies, I have delved into Shakespeare’s works, particularly “Romeo and Juliet” and “The Merchant of Venice”, using Leach Scragg’s “Discovering Shakespeare’s Meaning” to gain a more thorough understanding of the plays. Additionally, Anthony Holden’s biography of Shakespeare has helped me to appreciate the context and historical significance of his work. I have also recently begun exploring critical theory through “Literary Theory: An Anthology”, edited by Rivkin and Ryan, which has piqued my interest in further exploring the theoretical underpinnings of literature.

While my studies thus far have focused largely on modern literature, I have developed a newfound interest in the Victorian novel as a precursor to modernism. I have been particularly intrigued by the didactic, omniscient narrator and how Victorian authors grappled with issues of contemporary social change. Reading Dickens’s “Great Expectations” and Eliot’s “Middlemarch” has allowed me to explore these themes in greater depth. I am also fascinated by the expression of religious faith and doubt in Victorian post-romantic poetry, such as Arnold’s “Dover Beach” and Clough’s “The Latest Decalogue”.

In addition to my studies, I have broadened my knowledge of literature through art and French classes. In my art class, I am currently writing a critical and analytical study on the Stuckism movement, while last year I completed a project based on Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales”. My French studies have allowed me to explore foreign literature, including Pagnol’s “Jean de Florette” and “Manon des Sources”, and have given me the valuable skill of revising my thinking before speaking or writing.

My A level in Media Production and Communication has furthered my interest in linguistics, and reading Phillip Howard’s “The State of the Language” has opened my eyes to the richness and complexity of the English language. I have had the opportunity to write and edit for campus publications, and am excited about the possibility of being involved in future publications.

My love of theatre has allowed me to experience literature in a different medium. I have seen productions by the RSC and our local TOADs theatre company, and have even had a role in a university student play. Witnessing the power of live performance has inspired me to think more deeply about how literature can be brought to life.

My experiences as an English Literature student have fueled my passion for literary analysis, critical theory, and linguistic exploration. I look forward to continuing my studies and pursuing a career in the field of English Literature.

English Literature Personal Statement Example for UCAS

As a student of history and French, I have always been fascinated by the power of language and how it shapes our understanding of the world. My studies have given me a deep appreciation for the nuances of language and how different linguistic structures can convey complex ideas and emotions. This enthusiasm has led me to explore the English language and literature in greater depth, and to seek out opportunities to engage with the works of some of the most influential writers of the past century.

One of the most inspiring experiences I have had in this regard was my invitation to attend the Global Young Leaders Conference in Seattle. This event brought together young people from around the world to explore the challenges and opportunities facing our global community. Through a series of lectures, workshops, and interactive sessions, we were able to engage with a wide range of topics, from environmental sustainability and social justice to entrepreneurship and leadership. For me, the most memorable aspect of the conference was the opportunity to discuss the role of literature in shaping our understanding of these issues. Through these conversations, I came to appreciate the power of literature not only as a tool for self-expression and personal growth but also as a means of fostering empathy and understanding across cultures and communities.

Two writers who have had a particularly profound impact on my thinking in this regard are George Orwell and Mark Twain. Orwell’s life and work, in particular, have greatly interested me. His experiences in the Spanish Civil War and his reflections on the nature of power and authority in modern society have helped to shape my own political and social beliefs. Likewise, Twain’s irreverent wit and his keen observations of human behaviour have challenged me to think critically about the world around me. Through these writers, I have come to appreciate how literature can help us to navigate the complexities of our own lives and the world at large.

My academic background also reflects my passion for English literature. I have A-levels in English literature, history, and biology, which have given me a broad range of skills and knowledge that I believe will be useful in pursuing further studies in this field. In particular, my studies in biology have given me an appreciation for how scientific thinking can inform our understanding of literature, from how we interpret and analyze language to the psychological and neurological processes that underpin our reading experiences.

As I look to the future, I am excited by the prospect of further exploring the intersections between language, literature, and society. I believe that studying English literature will not only deepen my understanding of the world around me but also equip me with the skills and insights needed to make meaningful contributions to my community and beyond. I am eager to engage with the works of writers both past and present, to explore how language and literature can help us to grapple with the most pressing issues of our time, and to contribute to the ongoing conversation about the role of the humanities in shaping our collective future.

Personal Statement For English Literature

I always had a passion for literature, and pursuing an English Literature degree seemed like a natural choice for me. From a young age, I have been fascinated by the way words can be woven together to create complex narratives and powerful emotions. Through my studies in A-level English Literature and Media, I have developed my analytical thinking and gained a deeper understanding of classic works of literature as well as diverse media forums.

One of the things that set me apart from other students is my ability to communicate effectively through my writing skills. I have always been drawn to the written word and have a talent for expressing my thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely. Whether it’s through essays, creative writing, or journalism, I am confident in my ability to use language to convey my message.

Throughout my academic journey, I have also been involved in various extra-curricular activities. One of my proudest achievements was organizing an entire show for 19th Century History Month, which required me to draw on my creativity and organizational skills. This experience taught me the value of teamwork, communication, and dedication, which are all essential skills that I will carry with me throughout my future endeavours.

In addition to my extra-curricular activities, I was also selected as head girl in my primary school, where I was responsible for maintaining discipline and providing leadership to my peers. This experience allowed me to develop my interpersonal skills and learn the importance of empathy and understanding when working with others.

I had the opportunity to intern with a secondary school newspaper for two years, where I honed my journalism skills and gained valuable experience in the field. I learned the importance of accurate research, effective communication, and engaging storytelling, which are all essential skills that will serve me well in my future career.

My passion for English Literature, combined with my skills in communication, organization, and leadership, make me a strong candidate for a degree in English Literature. I am excited about the opportunity to continue my academic journey and explore the endless possibilities that the world of literature has to offer.

Recommended for further reading:

  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a Master’s
  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a PhD
  • UCAS Personal Statement: A Writing Guide And Tips For Success
  • Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for the University
  • How to Write a Personal Statement That Stands Out
  • UCAS Application: Process and Deadlines Explained in Details
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24 April 2024

14 minutes read

Crafting Your Personal Statement: Mastering English Literature and Creative Writing Applications


Dirghayu Kaushik


Key Takeaways

  • Emphasize your unique literary influences.
  • Highlight practical writing experiences.
  • Connect personal experiences with academic goals.
  • Demonstrate your analytical and creative skills.
  • Tailor your statement to align with university values.

Writing a personal statement for English Literature and Creative Writing that makes a difference may seem like a challenging task. However, this guide will help you simplify the process by giving you valuable tips and valuable guidance to convey your love of literature and desire to immerse yourself in two bright and erudite areas of study. Regardless of whether your personal statement is for Oxford, Sheffield, or another reputable university, being able to express your love for literature and creative writing is vital to becoming a competitive applicant.

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  • What is a Personal Statement for English Literature and Creative Writing?

In essence, a personal statement for English literature and creative writing is a meticulously constructed document that chronicles a student’s background, knowledge, and ambitions concerning the study of both subjects at the university level. In more familiar terms, it is a personal story that goes deep on what applicants “want to do”: read scrutinizingly and write creatively. Typically, the essay covers the following areas:

  • Personal Experiences : Narrating your Personal Stories, how first came into contact with literature and writing, and what made you love it.
  • Academic Journey : Detailing your academic experiences related to English literature and creative writing, such as favorite projects or essays.
  • Literary Influences : Discuss key authors, books, or literary movements that have shaped your understanding and appreciation.
  • Creative Endeavors : Types of evidence showing, i.e., service work, publications, literary journal contributions.
  • Future Aspirations : Outline what you hope to achieve by studying English literature and creative writing, and how it aligns with your career goals.

Why Do You Need a Personal Statement for English Literature and Creative Writing?

Your personal statement is vital when applying for a university, especially for English literature and creative writing. It is one’s chance to express:

  • Demonstrate Passion : Show how limitless your love for literature and the arts in question runs deeper than academic requirements
  • Convey Unique Perspectives : Your diversified viewpoint and experience-based feelings on all kinds of literature.
  • Articulate Aspirations : What you want to incorporate from study and how your literary education is connected with the big picture
  • Showcase Writing Skills :  Your writing abilities, and how good you are at expressing thoughts, concepts, and images. 

In short, it aids the admissions board in understanding who you are behind the grades. They will understand your motivations and how your application might benefit their program.

What Is the Role of an Admissions Tutor?

An admissions tutor is, perhaps, the most important part of your application. In the situation of high competition for creative fields like English literature and creative writing courses, their roles are as follows:

  • Assessment of Suitability : Evaluating how well your interests and skills align with the course’s objectives.
  • Holistic Review : Looking beyond academic grades to understand your overall potential, including creativity, analytical skills, and passion for the subject.
  • Interviewing Candidates : Sometimes, admissions tutors also conduct interviews to better understand applicants’ motivations and capabilities.

Therefore, while critically assessing one’s personal statement, the admissions tutor seeks to identify students passionately engaging and interested in literature who clearly understand what and why they are willing to study for most of the upcoming years and their professional lives afterward.

How to Write a Personal Statement for English Literature and Creative Writing?

An excellent personal statement on English literature and creative writing sounds like more than a brag or recount of academic achievements. Rather, it involves a deep reflection on your personal journey in literature and creative writing and a clear expression of your academic and career aspirations. Below are the things to include in such a statement:

  • Start with Reflection : Think about the works or moments that sparked your passion for English literature and creative writing. Reflect on your personal journey, such as the books or plays, or writing, what shaped your understanding, and where your interest lie?
  • Articulate Your Goals : State explicitly your academic goals and how they align with the program you apply for. What do you want to accomplish from your studies, and how can you achieve that by pursuing this specific program? 
  • Demonstrate Readiness : Prove that you are ready for the challenges of university-level academic studies. Discuss your previous academic background in English literature and creative writing. Any advanced coursework, such as an A-level in English, or related extracurricular activities would be essential.

What Should You Include in Your Personal Statement?

Your personal statement must alternatively be a mosaic that makes clear your academic interests, your achievements, and your literary passions. Identify what you’ve read and loved:

  • Reading Interests: Tell the admissions committee which genres, authors, or texts you especially like. Whether it’s Chaucer’s classic narratives or Zadie Smith’s novel– and why those texts are important to you.
  • Relevant Projects : it’s a good idea to mention essays, analyses, or perhaps even creative writing projects you’ve completed. This could be a paper that you’ve written about postcolonial literature, a piece for a student magazine, or even a blog where you post your own writing.
  • Influential Experiences : Finally, you can explain some experiences that have helped you to decide to take a degree in English literature and creative writing. For example, did you go to the literature summer school, did you work with a university workshop, or did you have an English literature book club?

What Are Some Examples of Personal Statements for English Literature and Creative Writing?

Examples of effective personal statements typically include:.

  • Personal Anecdotes : Begin with a personal anecdote of first experiencing literature or a memory that sparked your commitment to creative writing. This could be the first time you read “To Kill a Mockingbird” in high school English class or the first poem you ever wrote, for instance. 
  • Detailed Journey : follow this introduction with a detailed journey of how your interest in literature unfolded over the years. Perhaps you started with the Harry Potter series but have now chosen reading “Brave New World” or exploring the historical and cultural entrenchment in Bronte.
  • Connection to Academic Goals : Elaborate on how these past experiences with literature connect to your future academic goals. In other words, how have you prepared yourself to pursue English literature and creative writing at a university, such as Oxford or Brighton? Be sure to reference specific aspects of these programs that make them ideal for your literary interests.

Example Personal Statement for English Literature

Title: Discovering the Threads of Humanity Through Literature

From the moment I first engaged with Brontë and Austen as an eager reader to my more profound interaction with postcolonial narratives such as Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, my foray into the world of English literature has been nothing if not an exploration of intricate human experiences and cultural exchange. My initial experience with literature began with my fascination with the characters of Pride and Prejudice and its rich historical background. Therefore, what got me interested in literature was the impact of society and era on an individual’s identity and sense of morality that could be observed in the classical novel of Jane Austen. At school, I have continued nurturing my interest in literature by taking A-level English Literature. 

Throughout the course, I have read a variety of works spanning from a classic Shakespeare’s Hamlet to a more modern one – Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse. I noticed influential works from different time periods that advanced my understanding of mankind as a whole throughout the entire history.

At Oxford, I hope to continue taking general literature courses as well as narrowing down to literary theory, literary criticism, and history courses. I also hope to become part of the incredible people I have cited above and participate in many events, seminars, and clubs related to Victorian literature and others; hence, to gain new insights and keep improving my analytical and critical abilities. By doing so at a university level, I fulfill not only the purely academic or professional aspiration but a deeply human and perhaps even a sentimental ambition.

 I believe that the approach to language expansion in the process of learning is equivalent to showing the world a more astute and empathic self.

Example Personal Statement for Creative Writing

Title: Crafting Worlds: My Journey into Creative Writing

My first encounter with storytelling was through the simple yet imaginative tales my grandmother shared from her own life, sparking a curiosity in me that grew into a love for creating my own worlds. This love was cemented when I stumbled upon “The Hobbit” at age ten, a book that not only expanded my imagination but also showed me the power of narrative to transport and transform the reader.

Throughout high school, I honed this craft through various avenues – as a contributor to our school magazine, where I experimented with genres from science fiction to personal essays, and as a participant in local writing competitions, where I learned the value of feedback and revision. These experiences taught me that writing is as much about rewriting as it is about initial inspiration.

At Harvard University, I am eager to immerse myself in the Creative Writing program, attracted by its blend of rigorous workshop environments and opportunities for real-world application through the university’s publishing connections. My particular interest lies in developing my skills in both short story and novel writing, where I aim to blend fantastical elements with deep psychological truths.

Moreover, I am excited about the prospect of working with faculty members whose works have influenced my understanding of narrative structure and character development. My ultimate goal is to become a published author who contributes meaningful and engaging literature to the contemporary literary landscape.

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  • What Is the Importance of a Personal Statement for English Literature and Creative Writing?

A personal statement isn’t just another form-filling segment of your university application – it is a vital tool that strategically positions you as the preferred candidate in the eyes of the selection. You need your personal statement for admissions in English literature and creative writing, where passion and creativity matters as much as your grades. Here’s why:

  • Personal Insight: This gives a narrative into your personality, and curiosity, and evaluates your thinking as a student and writer.
  • Differentiation: You need to detail your USP from all other applicants, including unique experience, literary analysis skills, and creativity.
  • Fit and Alignment: Arguably the most vital section for tutors because they seek the person who meets supreme alignment with their program’s vision.
FACT Admissions tutors at top universities like Oxford and Cambridge value creativity and personal insight in a personal statement as much as academic achievements.

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How Can a Personal Statement Help You Stand Out?

To ensure your personal statement helps you stand out, focus on these aspects:

  • Showcase Creativity : Use your personal statement to demonstrate how you approach literature and writing creatively. Whether it’s through your interpretation of “Brave New World” or your ability to entwine contemporary poetry with classic narratives.
  • Demonstrate Critical Thinking : Highlight your ability to analyze and critique literature. Discuss how studying texts from Chaucer to modern authors like Zadie Smith has refined your analytical skills.
  • Reflect Passion : Convey a genuine passion for both reading and writing, which could be shown through your involvement in literature courses, clubs, or your own independent research.

What Are Some Tips for Writing a Strong Personal Statement?

Some essential strategies for writing a powerful personal statement for English literature and creative writing programs include the following:

  • Be Genuine and Reflective : Think about your relationship with the study of literature and writing. What honestly draws you to it? What real experiences have shaped your passion for it and your ability in the field? Offering examples only adds depth to your narrative.
  • Provide Specific Examples : Including examples of specific experiences could be highly effective. For example, you may write about when you analyzed To Kill a Mockingbird in an A-level English course. 
  • Maintain a Positive Tone : Keep the tone of your personal statement optimistic and enthusiastic. This not only makes your writing more engaging but also reflects your positive attitude towards learning and literature.
  • Proofread Rigorously : Make sure that your personal statement is perfect in terms of grammar and syntax. A flawless statement shows attention to detail and respect for the application process.
  • Tailor to Each University : Even though this is a time-consuming approach, creating a special personal statement for every university proves to be beneficial. Include the specific modules, tutors, or topics of the program that you like in the institution of your choice, including Oxford University or Royal Holloway.

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  • How to Choose the Right University for English Literature and Creative Writing?

Choosing the right university for studying English literature and creative writing involves careful consideration of various factors that will influence both your academic experience and your future career. Here’s how to navigate this crucial decision:

  • Faculty and Expertise : Research the credentials and backgrounds of the faculty members. Having professors who are accomplished writers or renowned scholars can greatly enhance your learning experience.
  • Resources and Facilities : Look for universities that offer rich libraries, regular literary workshops, guest lectures, and vibrant writing centers that encourage creative expression and critical analysis.
  • Curriculum Flexibility : Consider how flexible the curriculum is for exploring diverse literary genres and theories, from classical literature to contemporary poetry and digital narratives.
  • Practical Experience : Check if the university offers internships, placements, or opportunities to contribute to literary magazines and journals.
  • Alumni Success : Investigate the success stories of alumni. Universities that boast a network of successful writers and scholars can provide inspiration and career pathways.

What Are Some Factors to Consider?

To select the most suitable university to enroll in English literature and creative writing, consider:

  • University Reputation : Depth, and width of study and researching opportunities in the field. For example, Oxford University, and the University of East Anglia, are considered among the top universities in England 
  • Program Structure : The number of modules and their proportion of the program. Does it offer a well-balanced combination of English literature and creative writing? How many modules may you choose at your discretion?
  • Networking Opportunities : Look for universities that facilitate networking with professionals in the field, which can be crucial for internships and job placements post-graduation.
  • Location : The location can impact your study experience. Cities with a rich literary history or vibrant contemporary writing scenes can offer additional inspiration and opportunities.

What Are Some Recommended Universities for English Literature and Creative Writing?

Each of these institutions provides a unique environment that could be pivotal in shaping your academic journey and literary career. Choosing the right university is about finding a place where your academic interests will be nurtured and where you can develop both as a writer and a scholar.


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  • What Is the Difference Between English Literature and Creative Writing?

English literature and creative writing, while complementary, focus on different aspects of literary engagement:

How Can You Combine Both in Your Studies?

Combining English literature and creative writing as both a reader and a writer can help you better read at the same time as you write. Not only that but most English literature and creative writing dual courses will have you work with interdisciplinary programs and/or modules.

  • Interdisciplinary Programs : Different universities offer dual-degree programs or modules that allow students to work in both fields; these courses cement the link between the disciplines, allowing you to apply critical theory to your creative writing and use creative writing to develop your familiarity with literature. 
  • Skill Enhancement : Studying both can develop a versatile skill set—analytical skills from English literature courses complement the creative skills acquired in writing workshops.
  • Integrated Assignments : Some courses may integrate both fields, asking students to write creatively in response to literary texts, which helps in understanding the mechanics of writing while also studying its impacts.

What Are the Career Opportunities for Graduates of English Literature and Creative Writing?

Graduates with a background in English literature and creative writing are well-prepared for a variety of career paths:

  • Academia : Teaching at all educational levels, or further study and research in graduate programs.
  • Publishing : Roles in editing, publishing, and book design, where a keen eye for text is essential.
  • Journalism and Media : Writing for newspapers, magazines, and digital platforms, often requiring the swift, stylistic composition of ideas.
  • Creative Industries : Engaging in professional writing, including scriptwriting, content creation, and freelance writing projects.
  • Advertising and Public Relations : Crafting compelling narratives and messages for marketing campaigns.
FACT The combination of English Literature and Creative Writing can significantly enhance employment prospects post-graduation.
  • How Can You Prepare for English Literature and Creative Writing Studies?

Writing and literature are subjects based on immersion in diverse reading, critical analysis, and personal creation. Writing and literature go together eagerly, of course, read as a pastime as well as school assignments. How can you prepare for these areas of study?

  • Drown yourself in reading:  Read a lot and widely. Try different genres, cultures, and even epochs. It will not only develop your understanding and critical and analytical skills but also help you discover your unique writer’s and researcher’s voice.
  • Practice writing:  Regular writing is crucial for both these courses. Find your style and format preferences. In addition, you can have your blog, keep a journal, and contribute to school papers.
  • Read between the lines:  Learn how to read texts critically. Discuss them with peers or teachers to gain a deeper understanding.

What Are Some Recommended Books and Authors to Read?

To build a strong literary foundation, consider delving into works by a mix of classical and modern authors:

  • Classics : Works by William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Charles Dickens provide insights into rich language usage and historical contexts.
  • Modernist Literature : Explore the complexities of human psychology and unconventional narratives through the works of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce.
  • Contemporary Authors : Read authors like Zadie Smith and Salman Rushdie to understand diverse perspectives and contemporary issues.
  • Diverse Genres : Don’t limit yourself to fiction. Read poetry, non-fiction, and drama to appreciate the full spectrum of literary expression.

What Are Some Recommended Courses or Programs to Take?

Engaging in the right courses can significantly enhance your preparation for university-level studies in English literature and creative writing:

  • English Literature Courses : These courses typically cover a range of topics from early medieval texts to contemporary literature, emphasizing critical thinking and analytical skills.
  • Creative Writing Workshops : Participate in workshops that focus on crafting narratives, character development, and different writing styles.
  • Literary Theory and Criticism Classes : Understanding various critical approaches—such as Marxist, feminist, or postcolonial criticism—can deepen your analysis of texts.
  • Online Courses : Platforms like Coursera and EdX offer courses from universities worldwide, allowing you to study under leading scholars in the field.

A well-structured personal statement is your chance to demonstrate that you are passionate about pursuing a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing and are a good fit for it. You do not only summarize your academic achievements and experiences but narrate your personal experience of literature and writing. Your personal statement is a story of your intellectual endeavors and creative self-expression. Making the most of the opportunity to tell your story will maximize the prospects of securing a place on the program of your future.

What makes a strong personal statement for English Literature and Creative Writing?

A strong personal statement demonstrates passion, understanding of the subject, and clear academic and career goals.

How important is the role of an admissions tutor in evaluating my personal statement?

Extremely important; they assess your fit for the program based on your personal statement and other application materials.

Can I include quotes from my favorite books in my personal statement?

Yes, but use them sparingly and ensure they enhance your narrative and demonstrate your analytical skills.

What are the common pitfalls to avoid in a personal statement?

Avoid clichés, and general statements, and focus on what sets you apart from other applicants.

How do I tailor my personal statement if I am applying to multiple universities?

Customize your statement to reflect each university’s unique program features and values while maintaining your personal voice.

What are some recommended books to mention in my personal statement for English Literature and Creative Writing?

Classics like ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ or contemporary works like Zadie Smith’s novels are great choices.

How should I address my developmental areas in my personal statement?

Positively frame them as areas for growth that you are eager to explore through your university studies.

Is it beneficial to mention extracurricular activities related to English Literature and Creative Writing?

Absolutely, especially if they show your commitment and enthusiasm for the subject outside the classroom.

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Table of Contents

  • • What is a Personal Statement for English Literature and Creative Writing?
  • • What Is the Importance of a Personal Statement for English Literature and Creative Writing?
  • • How to Choose the Right University for English Literature and Creative Writing?
  • • What Is the Difference Between English Literature and Creative Writing?
  • • How Can You Prepare for English Literature and Creative Writing Studies?
  • • Conclusion

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How to Write an English Personal Statement Worthy of Oxbridge!

Are you dreaming of pursuing English at Oxford, Cambridge or a top Russell Group University? This comprehensive guide equips you with top tips for crafting an English personal statement that truly stands out. Learn how to showcase your diverse literary interests, structure your personal statement or tailor your statement for Oxbridge. To bring these concepts to life, we provide an example Oxbridge English personal statement for your reference.

An Image of Text Stating English Literature Personal Statement Writing

When applying to university, your personal statement is your best opportunity to showcase what motivates you to study the subject you are applying for and why you are suited to study it.  You can do this by providing evidence of your interest: how have you gone beyond the curriculum to satisfy questions which reach past the subject at A Level?  

Interviewers for English at university will be looking for students who have an insatiable curiosity for learning and developed interests in various areas of the subject. They will also be looking for candidates who have the analytical skills and academic rigour required for success at university. And, of course, you’ll be expected to demonstrate evidence of substantial reading; a successful English personal statement will provide a starting point for an interview discussion, so gesture towards a range of different texts which you are prepared to discuss at length. Don’t shy away from making a provocative statement, as long as you are prepared to support any claim you make: independent, fresh responses to texts will generate a positive response.

Tips for your English Literature Personal Statement

The key tips to bear in mind when writing a personal statement are: be truthful, be ambitious and don’t undersell yourself.  This is an opportunity to show off what you’re good at! Don’t hold back from writing about times when you have excelled (for example, winning an English essay competition) but don’t distort what you’ve done either. 

Don’t mention books which you haven’t read all the way through . If you feel like your breadth of reading might be lacking, it’s a good idea to do some extension reading in the months leading up to applying for university, so that when it comes to writing your personal statement, you’ll have a wide variety of texts to choose from.

Showcase your literary diversity : Make your personal statement stand out by referencing a range of text forms, from classic novels to contemporary poetry, thought-provoking essays, iconic plays, and compelling prose. This demonstrates your passion for English literature across different mediums and eras.

Embrace the breadth of English literature: Convey your enthusiasm for the subject by including references to works from various eras. Showcase your appreciation for not only contemporary literature but also texts from older periods, like the Medieval age, the Renaissance, and beyond (whilst staying true to your interests). This illustrates your readiness to explore and engage with the rich tapestry of English literature throughout history. This is particularly important when applying for a course like Oxford English Language Literature as the course modules are chronological, spanning Old English (e.g. Beowulf) through to contemporary texts. An admissions tutor is likely to be impressed if you therefore have some appreciation for a range of literary eras.

Craft a narrative with a few (e.g. 3) focused areas of interest: Instead of providing a superficial overview of various topics that interest you, choose say three specific areas of English literature that genuinely intrigue you. These could be thematic, like postcolonial literature, feminist literature, or gothic literature. For each area, go in-depth by referencing a key book or text you've read, a relevant piece of literary criticism (this isn’t required, but can be good to include!), and your thoughtful analysis of the text or critic's perspective. Then, connect these three areas to create a compelling narrative thread that showcases your passion, analytical skills, and the trajectory of your literary exploration. This approach not only demonstrates your commitment but also provides a captivating structure for your personal statement (See the English personal statement posted below as an example of this!)

How to Structure Your English Personal Statement

The word count for personal statements is quite limited, so it’s important to use every sentence effectively. Don’t repeat yourself and don’t include information which isn’t relevant to your application. When applying for English, there are certain areas which should be addressed in your personal statement, so here is a guideline of how one might structure the personal statement to ensure that all of these areas are mentioned.

Introductory paragraph:

What is your motivation to study English?  Be specific: what do you want to explore at university? What is distinctive about studying literature that makes it worthwhile? Ensure you talk about what motivates your study of the subject now, not a catalyst from your childhood as, even if it may be true, the interviewer will find it clichéd and less relevant.

Main body of the personal statement:

Devote at least a paragraph to talking about specific areas of interest within the subject.  What excites you most? For example, do you have a particular fascination with performance studies or postcolonial theory? Indicate that you have opinions and preoccupations within the discipline.

Mention a range of texts which have interested you: ensure that you’ve mentioned at least one play, prose text and piece of poetry (ideally).  It’s also a good idea to show that you’ve engaged with secondary texts, for example a work of literary criticism or a book covering the historical background of a period of literature you’ve studied.

Show that you have an active interest in the subject: Have you sought out performances of plays, special lectures or essay competitions? These will all reveal that you’ve gone out of your way to immerse yourself in your subject already, and this is a very appealing trait in a prospective university candidate.

Showcase your skills: Don’t just name-drop texts but say something incisive and persuasive about them. This could involve discussing what links together works by authors of the same period or what defines the work of a single author.  Demonstrate your ability to analyse texts effectively, because this is the most important skill which you will use studying English at university level.

Concluding your personal statement:

The personal statement isn’t long enough to talk at length about extracurricular hobbies and activities, so don’t let these take up too much space (a few lines maximum). However, it is a good idea to mention what you do outside your subject to present yourself as a well-rounded candidate. Therefore:

You could mention one or two of your other A Level subjects, perhaps describing how they have enhanced your study of English. This will be particularly convincing if you have studied History or a foreign language at A Level.

Mention any extracurricular activities which make you stand out. Do you play a musical instrument, and if so, to what level? If you’re involved in sport, do you play in a team?  Don’t write at length about this: try to contain this information within one sentence.

Mention any prizes or roles of responsibility which you have had at school, including any clubs that you might organise, such as the school newspaper or student council.

Conclude your personal statement by returning to your aptitude for studying the subject . Which core skills do you possess which will equip you to excel at degree level? It’s important to strike a balance between enthusiasm for the subject and evidence of skills.

Pile of books for English personal statement writing

Applying to Oxford or Cambridge (Oxbridge)? Here's What You Should Also Do

Difference Between Oxford English Language and Literature BA & Cambridge English BA

The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, collectively referred to as Oxbridge, are globally renowned for their exceptional academic courses. In the domain of English studies, both universities offer distinct programmes: Oxford's English Language and Literature and Cambridge's English course. In this section, we will precisely explore the key differences between these programmes, highlighting their unique approaches and focus, to ensure you cater your Oxbridge English personal statement to your Number 1 choice of university.

Writing an Oxford English Language and Literature Personal Statement

Oxford's English Language and Literature course is renowned for its extensive scope, offering a comprehensive exploration of English writing from its origins in Anglo-Saxon England to contemporary works. It provides the unique opportunity to examine literature in English on a global scale, encompassing texts from various parts of the world and originally penned in different languages. The course allows students to tailor their studies to match their interests through core papers, dissertation topics, and special options. Some past options include delving into Literature and revolution, Postcolonial literature, Writing lives, Old Norse, Tragedy, and Film criticism, fostering a dynamic and diverse learning experience.

At the University of Oxford, the course titled "English Language and Literature" is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of both the language and literary aspects of the English discipline . It is therefore important that you ideally reference both aspects in your Oxford English personal statement. Even if the other courses you are applying for do not have the Language element, anything you include will still be relevant to the study of Literature (you can entwine the two).

1. Integration of Language and Literature:

Oxford's course integrates the study of the English language with a deep exploration of literary works. Students examine the language's structure, history, and linguistic components while also engaging with a wide array of literary genres and periods.

2. Language Analysis and Literary Critique:

The curriculum at Oxford hones students skills in language analysis, gives them exposure to linguistic theories, and literary critique. Students learn to analyse the nuances of language and its application in literature, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills.

3. Historical and Cultural Context:

Oxford places significant importance on studying literature within its historical and cultural contexts. Students gain insights into the societal influences that shaped literary works, providing a holistic understanding of the subject.

Writing a Cambridge English Personal Statement

Cambridge's English degree course offers a well-rounded curriculum that combines a strong foundation in English literary works with an opportunity to explore various art forms, including music and film in relation to literature . Furthermore, it delves into literature's connections with intellectual traditions such as philosophy, art history, and politics . In Year 1 (Part IA), students undertake compulsory papers in Practical Criticism and Critical Practice, along with an assessment of Shakespeare through a portfolio of essays. Year 2 (Part IB) introduces compulsory and optional papers spanning different literary periods from Early Medieval Literature to the 20th century. In Year 3 (Part II), students engage with compulsory papers in Practical Criticism and Critical Practice II, explore Tragedy across ages, and undertake a dissertation. Additionally, they can choose from a wide array of optional papers that evolve yearly, covering diverse topics such as Chaucer, American Literature, Visual Culture, and more.

Here’s how to tailor your personal statement to align with these features:

Interdisciplinary Approach : Cambridge's English course places a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary connections. In your personal statement, you could showcase your readiness to explore literature's intersections with other fields such as philosophy, art history, and politics. Mention any relevant experiences or readings that demonstrate your interest in these areas and how they relate to literature.

Exploration of Other Art Forms : Cambridge offers the opportunity to delve into other art forms, including music and film, in relation to literature. Highlight your passion for these art forms and their connections to literature. You could discuss a specific instance where you've analysed how music or film enhances the understanding of a literary work, for example, or how these art forms can provide fresh perspectives on literature.

Critical Thinking and Intellectual Traditions : Cambridge's English course encourages critical thinking and engagement with intellectual traditions. In your personal statement, you could emphasise your analytical abilities by discussing a piece of literature or a critical theory that challenged your thinking. Show how your engagement with intellectual traditions has shaped your approach to literature.

Broad Range of Literature : Mention your fascination with the diverse range of literary works in the Cambridge curriculum, spanning different eras and cultures. Highlight any books or authors that have particularly resonated with you, and explain how they have influenced your literary interests.

How is the Personal Statement Used in Oxbridge English Interviews?

Your personal statement offers admissions tutors a glimpse into your academic journey, showcasing your passion for English Literature or English Language. It acts as a crucial tool for them to assess your commitment to the subject and your ability to articulate your thoughts coherently and persuasively.

Through your personal statement, you have the opportunity to exhibit your enthusiasm for the subject. Your engagement with literary works, language theories, and academic experiences should shine through, portraying a genuine and dedicated interest in the field. Highlighting specific books, theories, or authors you admire and discussing how they have influenced your academic pursuits adds depth to your statement.

Admissions tutors use your personal statement to evaluate how well your academic goals align with the structure and ethos of the course you're applying for. Articulate why you believe the particular course at the university is the right fit for you. Demonstrating an understanding of the curriculum and emphasising how it will help you achieve your academic and career aspirations is key.

During the interview, the personal statement often serves as a starting point for discussion . The interviewers may delve into topics you've mentioned in your statement, seeking deeper insights into your thought processes and motivations. Therefore, it is essential to be well-prepared to expand on the ideas presented in your personal statement, providing a more comprehensive understanding of your perspective.

English Personal Statement

Looking for ideas for English personal statement content?

We have built out an entire co-curricular platform, Minds Underground, for university applicants to use as evidence for their wider subject exploration. A few ideas:

Our English Literature Summer School allows students to broaden their horizons in literature, to consider authors and theorists from across the globe. classes are hosted by our Oxbridge-educated tutors, from a Fellow at all Soul’s College, Oxford, to published authors and Master’s and PhD researchers specialising in English Lang & Lit

Research Projects: E.g. ““Ways of Seeing": Exploring Word, Image and Ideology with a Cambridge Master's English Researcher and Multidisciplinary Artist” (Typically 1 month, 5 project tutorial sessions)

Exemplar Personal Statement for Oxford Language and Literature

Below is a sample English Language and Literature personal statement from U2 Tuition co-founder Camille, that was accepted for Oriel College, Oxford:

The importance of literature in society first became apparent to me when reading Milton’s polemical tract Areopagitica. I was intrigued by the way he used language’s potential not only to liberate, ‘give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely’, but also to manipulate. It is fascinating that this idea of a ‘Janus’ faced’ side to words could have been promoted over 300 years ago. Today, in our progressively plural world and with language’s increasing flexibility, I can see that Milton’s ideas have developed still further. In a culture where we are constantly bombarded with messages, it is all the more important to discern meaning. Here, Saussure’s theories in semiotics have particular resonance. I believe an in-depth study of literature will teach me to deconstruct and question these uses of language. It was for this reason I undertook work as a research assistant on an Oxford University project, Examining the OED. Tracing how language changed over time demonstrated its fluidity and the nuances of the way words are actually used. Considering how literary writers have shaped and influenced the lexicon also showed me how literature constantly interacts with everyday life. This capacity for narrative to be an active force both in the shaping of the lexicon and also upon the reader, became evident to me during my Gap Year travels on the professional tennis tour. During this period of intense training and competition I drew inspiration, both as a tennis player and aspiring novelist, from travel writing such as Robert McFarlane’s Mountains of the Mind and Old Ways and McDougall’s Born to Run. Upon my return I came across Robin Lydenberg’s essay Freud’s Uncanny Narratives. His discussion of the uncanny effect of Freud’s constant shift into autobiographical narrative and complex relation to Italy in The Uncanny, was particularly relevant to a study of a personal and travel narrative. I realised part of the attraction of these texts was their dealings with both the familiar and the foreign. I am also curious about the more typical territory of the uncanny in Gothic fiction, where terror is derived from something, at once strange and intrinsic, in the supernatural. I found the skeleton that reproaches Frederic for his lust in Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto horrific in the truest Gothic sense - an instrument of man’s own secret fears, denials and desires. In a less overt manner (and as a possible reaction to Lewis’s The Monk) Radcliffe interweaves supernatural ‘mysteries’ and human psychology in her rational explanations. I love how she shows the mind itself to almost be a supernatural entity. When reading Radcliffe’s work I was struck by her portrayal of her heroines as paradigms of innocence who cannot function in the active adult world. I recognised this as a recurring theme in Victorian texts like Gaskell’s Ruth, Rossetti’s Goblin Market and Wilde’s A Woman of No Importance. I thought it illuminating that despite Wilde’s feminist tendencies he sends Mrs. Arbuthnot into exile whilst Lord Illingworth is assimilated back into society. The conflict between the way writers depict the private ethics of their female protagonists and the realities of public life is also found in earlier works. In Shakespeare’s The Rape of Lucrece, Lucrece is only given some form of rhetorical political power by committing suicide. Likewise, in Titus Andronicus, Lavinia’s sacrifice and perhaps even her rape are necessary to reestablish purity in Rome, and in Medea, Medea only gains power over Jason by killing her own children. Her revenge is limited. The development of language, the influence of literature in everyday life and the way in which writers treat gender and the supernatural are just some of the literary ideas that intrigue me. I would relish the opportunity to deepen my understanding of these concepts and explore other periods and styles at University level.

Use this personal statement for inspiration and ideas, and to see how to structure an exemplar English personal statement for Oxford or Cambridge. We wish you all the best on your onward journey and encourage you to look at our Personal Statement page for more information, and the ways in which U2 can help.

Looking for an English Personal Statement Writing Tutor or Support For Your Wider Oxbridge English Application?

English Personal Statement Tutoring

U2 Tuition’s Oxbridge-educated tutors have a close insight into what admissions tutors like to see in an English personal statement, and can help students to convey their skills, motivations, and long term goals, in order to stand out from other applicants. The statement should be the candidates own work, but our mentors will provide direction and guide you through the process of content building and writing. We offer offline drafting as well as tuition sessions.

Oxbridge English Tutoring

We have a large team of Oxbridge-educated English mentors including 1st Class, Master’s and PhD level graduates, who support students through each stage of the application process, including personal statement, ELAT and interview preparation.

The Process:

1) We suggest an Oxbridge English graduate as a mentor and send their full CV for review. Our mentors are deeply familiar with the admissions process to study English at the University of Oxford, Cambridge, as well as top UK Universities such as UCL, and are well-placed to guide you through personal statement curation, the entrance exam and interview process. We may suggest a range of application tutors to choose from with slightly differing rates depending on qualifications and level of experience.

2) We typically suggest beginning with a 1.5 hour diagnostic session , where the mentor will informally assess the student’s current performance level for application, including test and interview. Following this, we issue a report with feedback, and structure a plan to best prepare.

3) U2’s approach for regular English application sessions: The main focus of tutorial sessions will be to explore material that can be discussed in the personal statement and at interview - this may sometimes stretch from A-Level standard to First Year Undergraduate. Mentors ensure each student refines their literary interests, and is exposed to a range of literary eras, approaches and new concepts, guiding students in their reading and wider subject exploration. Together, we build a case for the student, solidifying the stance and direction they will take during interview and honing skills for the ELAT if applicable.

Frequency of sessions can be decided between student and mentor. Students can take either ad hoc sessions, or we structure a full programme for preparation, which may include further co-curricular opportunities such as our research projects , English Literature summer school and Oxbridge mock interview days. Honing the skills necessary to succeed for Oxbridge ideally requires long-term preparation and mentoring presents a wonderful opportunity to learn from some of the very best Oxbridge has produced.

Sessions from £75/h + VAT.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE English Literature Personal Statement

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English Literature Personal Statement

The study of English Literature is distinctive to every individual. For me, what began initially as a childhood collection of twenty pence books from car boot sales, spiralled into a form of escapism. Literature is an art form and an underrated power; to capture the complexity of our minds in a few hundred words or even a couple of lines is truly special. From the feminist perspectives of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath to the political criticism of George Orwell, authors of all eras have used their writing to establish a sense of freedom at times where change was so near it almost felt impossible. Writers inspire me and it is this inspiration that will strengthen my desire to succeed not only in my studies but also in the world of literature.

Studying A-level English Literature has allowed me to develop my debating and analytical skills around genres and authors I had never critically explored before. From science-fiction novels to modernist poetry, I became drawn to not only the texts themselves but to the social and political reasoning behind texts like ‘Brave New World’ and ‘Fahrenheit 451’. My interest in society and politics has also developed from studying A-level History; writing critical essays about specific time periods and observing how the nature of the world we live in has changed over the years is staggering. I was privileged enough to see how the effects of social and political change resulted in one of the most devastating events of our history, the Holocaust. In April, I was given the exceptional opportunity to visit Auschwitz concentration camp as an ambassador for the ‘Lessons from Auschwitz Project’. Although the experience was harrowing at times, to sit next to the train tracks where victims were brought into the camp listening to Rabbi Garson recite a beautiful Jewish prayer I felt certain that, despite the amount of hatred and disrespect there is in the world, knowledge and expression will always unite to defeat hostility.

As well as being a lover of literature myself, I feel it is equally important to share my ardour for reading and writing with others. Being part of the ‘Reading Matters’ scheme was fulfilling as I worked with a Year 8 student, helping her to overcome her reading difficulties through independently planned sessions, exploring a variety of plays, novels and poetry. I was able to help build a sense of confidence in my partner, encouraging her to continue developing her love for reading. Volunteering at the Bradford Literature Festival was another opportunity I could not miss; my job consisted of collecting tickets, tidying up after events and ensuring the festival ran smoothly. The aim of the festival was for young people in particular to recognise Bradford’s literary past and encourage literary potentials of the future. It felt incredible to be part of such a creative and transformational community, helping to inspire the youth of today with literature of the past.

From the moment I picked up ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte in the library, I left behind my teen-fiction obsession and began to understand the intricacy and sophistication involved in respected works of literature. By studying English Literature at university level, I look forward to discovering a variety of texts from authors of all backgrounds and analysing these critically through independent research. Knowledge is something I do not take for granted so studying English Literature would allow me to develop more expansive ways of perceiving the historical and cultural differences in the world around me. Being part of the Asian community, it is easy to fall under the impression that the Arts and Humanities are unfavourable compared to the Sciences; realising this only further impelled me to pursue my dream of having a platform for creativity and establishing a voice through my writing.

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Successful Personal Statement For English At Cambridge

Last Updated: 5th April 2022

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through an English applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Cambridge University. The English Course at Cambridge balances a strong grounding in literary works. Let’s see how the candidate addresses this in their Personal Statement. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement (the applicant came very close to the 4,000 character limit):


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:

Enrolling on our Oxbridge English comprehensive Programme will give you access to Personal Statement redrafts. 

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English Personal Statement

Growing up in a house where books have replaced wallpaper, acquiring a love of literature was inevitable. I love the way in which writers explore, question, and critique aspects of human nature through the presentation of their worlds and characters. My favourite pieces of writing are ones such as Levi’s ‘Order on the Cheap’, Gogol’s ‘The Overcoat’ or Hartley’s ‘The Go Between’, where a particular human tendency is both beautifully presented and meticulously analysed. In his short story, Levi explores curiosity by invoking that of his audience: readers become distracted by the narrator’s descriptions of his experiments and overlook their morally problematic side. Hartley employs an opposite technique, allowing the reader to be often sharply aware of the innocence and naivety of the protagonist. Gogol manipulates the reader even more, invoking a painful sense of pathos around the main character whilst at the same time daring us to find Akaky’s concerns a little ridiculous.

I have to admit, however, that I am drawn to Levi’s short story not only because of its literary merits, but also because I sympathise with its main character: a man driven by his fascination with the process of creation. My favourite parts of my Chemistry A level were the ‘practicals’; I derived great excitement from the process of taking a simple substance, subjecting it to particular conditions, and thereby creating a completely different, and often much more complex, chemical. In ‘The Monkey’s Wrench’ Levi seems to emulate the same process in his development of the character of Tino. Starting from a simple first picture Tino is slowly developed, snippet by snippet, as the stories progress, until a fully evolved character finally emerges.

I find it fascinating how unexpected links can suddenly emerge between works: reading around a set text, Murakami’s ‘Blind Willow Sleeping Woman’, I read his ‘Kafka on the Shore’, which led me to read some of Kafka’s short stories, including ‘The Penal Colony’ and ‘A Country Doctor’. Whilst the works of the two writers are in many ways extremely different, I noticed some stylistic similarities. Both present protagonists whose apparently unexceptional lives are suddenly interrupted by a series of unexplained fantastical events. These events are often a metaphor for a wider-reaching process in the life of the narrator.

But without a doubt, poetry has always been my favourite form of literature: I like listening to poems or reading them aloud, appreciating their rhythm and sound, before going back and analysing them. Some of my favourite poems are those in which the sound is almost as important as the words themselves, for example, Lawrence’s ‘Ship of Death’ or Frost’s ‘After Apple Picking’. In this vein, I have a YouTube channel on which I post my readings of various poems, and have also earned at least several pence through poetry busking in the streets of Waterloo.

Eagleton’s ‘Literary Theory: an Introduction’ gave me another way in which to approach texts. As well as my visceral response and the various meanings extracted through analysis, the texts might exemplify the literary or political beliefs of a particular period. Further, members of different literary movements might approach them in very different ways – I enjoyed trying to put on the ‘mask’ of one movement or another and read a poem through it. Similarly, whilst studying ‘Othello’ I was interested by the hugely varying approaches of different critics, from Bradley who focused chiefly on character but seemed to forget the literary context, to Empson who concentrated almost solely on the changing meaning of the word ‘honest’ throughout time. Perhaps most significantly, Eagleton and the other critics reinforced the idea that engaging with a text is itself a creative process.

However, Eagleton’s book is just ‘an Introduction’: what draws me most to the study of English literature is not only that I love it, but that I want so much to learn more about it.

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

The candidate clearly demonstrates a keen and actioned interest in their chosen subject through the presentation of their reading and subsequent thoughts. They can articulate their present interests in their subject, as well as the sources of these interests, and their potential directions for further development. They indicate their ability to think laterally and creatively through their cohesive discussions of seemingly disparate texts, and are self-aware of their strengths and weaknesses as a reader. Their statement is fuelled by their evident personal enthusiasm for their subject, which makes it an engaging and urgent read.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

The candidate has acquired a relatively personal tone, which veers into the casual or confessional at times; their point might have been made more clearly or precisely had they adopted more strictly academic modes of communicating. Their consideration of various works is quite itemised, insofar as their statement reads like a series of ‘nuggets’ of information, rather than a clearly-focused piece with argument and direction. The candidate does reference another subject they study for A-Level, but beyond that, they have not included much information beyond their academic reading and interests. While this could certainly be justified as an approach, it does leave the statement suggesting that the writer is not particularly engaged in questions or activities beyond specific areas of literature.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

The statement is at times quite chaotic in style, due to its familiar tone and slightly haphazard structure. However, it more than compensates for this since its familiarity is clearly a result of the candidate’s sheer enthusiasm for the subject. In addition, the range of material that they consider is very impressive — it includes both primary texts (of various forms) and secondary reading. The candidate has, moreover, articulated their own ideas on these works, and even if their exact communication of these are not particularly precise, the level of thought and consideration is still strong.

This Personal Statement for English is a great example of enthusiasm and passion. The candidate’s interest is clearly shown which is vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Cambridge, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years so you need to appeal directly to them.

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How to write a personal statement for English

Tips for convincing English tutors you deserve a place on their course

Here's an analogy every student of English will grasp: "Think of your personal statement as a very short, short story. It has to have a beginning and an end and a character that we care about.

"For the purposes of this story, you are that character. What makes you tick?" Sheffield English lecturer Jonathan Ellis recommends that's the approach you take when you start writing your personal statement.

But in telling your story, don't let your imagination run riot. Listen to the note of caution sounded by the academics who read the personal statements submitted by sixth-formers trying to get on to their English courses. You need to play it safe, they say.

The quietly thoughtful, honest statement will go a lot further than one puffed up with flamboyant claims and razzmatazz.

Professor Martin Coyle, admissions tutor for English at Cardiff University, says students who strain too hard for effect often sound hollow. An interest in the minor figures in Jane Austen's novels is more likely to interest an admissions tutor than a statement written in blank verse, he says.

"They should also be looking forward to university – to anything from analysing grammar in detail, to learning old English, to studying post-modern American poetry," says Professor Coyle.

Does he object to students with a "passion" for their subject. Not really, he says. "If they're not passionate at 17, they're never going to be passionate!"

But Dr Hilary Hinds, an admissions tutor from the English department at Lancaster University, finds cliches such as "passionate about literature" and "I've loved books for as long as I can remember" dull and predictable. "Demonstrate it rather than claim it," she says.

Lancaster University offers English with creative writing, a course that gives applicants a little more scope to be imaginative in their personal statements, says Dr Hinds.

But it is more important to provide evidence of creative writing experience, such as submitting work to a poetry magazine or editing a school magazine.

Dr Hinds advises students to avoid reeling off a list of their A-level reading. "Give me some kind of contextual, analytical or historical angle that shows you are actively engaging with course texts."

School-leavers fresh to an English degree have to brace themselves for a hefty reading list, and evidence of extensive reading in your personal statement will convince tutors you can handle it.

Dr Richard Storer, admissions tutor for English at Leeds Trinity, recommends students read and discuss as much as they can outside of the A-level curriculum. "Books from pre-1900 will catch the eye – that shows more of a readiness to take on a challenge," he says.

His personal bugbear is the opening quote from Plato, Nelson Mandela or Oscar Wilde that may or may not reflect the applicant's philosophy on life. "Quite often they don't seem to have actually looked at the quote or understood it."

Such misplaced pretension is not going to impress Oxbridge either. Steve Watts, chair of the Cambridge admissions forum, says he's never happy to receive personal statements in badly written verse. "There's standing out from the crowd – fine. But there's also making a show of yourself – not so fine," he says.

"The worst thing you can do is to declare how much you love Tolstoy, say, when you're only at page five of War and Peace. You can guarantee we'll ask you about something from the middle or end."

What should you include in your statement? Ucas guidance recommends applicants state their career aspirations, reasons for choosing the course, academic interests, relevant experience and other interests. Is that applicable to an English degree?

Well, the trick is to keep it relevant. A Duke of Edinburgh expedition to the Lake District might seem tangential but it is interesting if it inspires you to read Dorothy Wordsworth's journals. A supermarket Saturday job doesn't develop your powers of literary criticism – but it does show you can get up early and take responsibility for yourself.

English tutors at the University of Cambridge don't really expect work experience – unless its something that enhances how you think about literature, says Watts.

He also says he'd be surprised if many candidates knew their career aspirations at the personal statement stage. Other interests, however, are important: "Reading, theatre-going, film-watching, creative writing, making drama could all be called hobbies but are also part of the business of critical engagement which most English degrees are all about."

Tutors are assessing your potential, not what you have already achieved. They are aware that some students have a better chance of gathering impressive life experiences than others.

Research conducted last year by Dr Steve Jones of Manchester University found that personal statements from independent school applicants were generally better written and listed more prestigious experiences than those from state school applicants.

"Admissions tutors are increasingly conscious of how past advantage can affect the statements submitted," says Dr Jones, "Academic capital is more important than cultural capital – so it's great if you can play the flute, but we'll be more impressed if you show a deep understanding of your discipline and the kind of content you'll encounter on your chosen courses."

He also advises erring on the side of caution when it comes to style. "Don't be under-formal or over-formal, don't crack jokes, and don't use up your word count with pretentious quotes," he says.

There are subtler and more effective ways of bringing your personal statements to life. "The best personal statements," says Sheffield's Ellis, "have their own story to tell – perhaps beginning with the first book you finished in one sitting or the first book you re-read.

"Do you care about authors or genres? Novels or poems? There's no right answer.

"We certainly don't look favourably on personal statements that don't mention a single book. Alas, there are many of these every year.

And of course, every tutor makes it clear that impeccable spelling and grammar are paramount, particularly for English applications. The advice is to check and check again, then get parents, teachers and friends to check.

A misplaced apostrophe can be really off-putting to admissions tutors, and you don't want to give them an easy reason to turn you down.

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Writing Oxford English Literature Personal Statement for University

Table of Contents

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when writing a personal statement for Oxford University’s English Literature course. It is vital to be unique and tell your story in a way that captures the reader’s attention.

This post will provide helpful tips on writing an effective Oxford English Literature Personal Statement . This way, you can be unique and get noticed by admissions officers.

What Is an Oxford English Literature Personal Statement?

An Oxford English Literature Personal Statement is a document that you submit with your university application. It is an opportunity to demonstrate your interest in the course . And explain why you have chosen it and show how you are suited to the course.

You should focus on conveying what makes you unique. Also, demonstrate why the Oxford University English Literature course can benefit from having you as a student.

Tips for Writing Your Oxford Literature Personal Statement

open book lot

1. Highlight Your Interests and Passions

When writing your statement, highlight your interests and passions within the literature. Use examples of books or authors you’ve read during your studies that have inspired or influenced your writing style and ideas about literature. Additionally, discuss any experiences related to English Literature that you have had, such as attending a play or engaging in discussions about literature.

2. Demonstrate Your Knowledge

 Showcase your knowledge of the history and development of English literature by referencing important authors, works, and periods within the field. Make sure to explain how each author has shaped your understanding of literature and why their work is relevant to today’s society.

3. Mention Research Projects

If you have researched English Literature – such as writing an essay or dissertation – make sure to mention it in your personal statement. By doing this, you will demonstrate that you have the required skills necessary for studying at Oxford University.

4. Showcase Your Personal Qualities

Use your personal statement to reflect on qualities such as motivation, confidence, and self-discipline that make you an ideal candidate for the course. Explain how these qualities will help you excel in an Oxford English Literature course.

5. Conclude With a Vision

End your personal statement by concluding with a vision for your future. Explain why this particular course appeals to you and what goals you hope to achieve upon graduation. This will show admissions officers that you are determined and passionate about studying English literature at Oxford University.

Example of Oxford English Literature Personal Statement

I have been an avid reader of English literature since I was a young child. This led me to pursue the subject at college and university. Reading books by authors such as Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, and George Orwell has enriched my understanding of literature. And its relevance in today’s society. My passion for studying English Literature is also demonstrated through my dedication to researching related topics. For example, I wrote an essay about the effects of censorship on works by 18th-century authors. This course is particularly appealing to me because it will allow me to hone my research skills. It also lets me explore new ideas related to the field. With determination and dedication, I am confident that I can make the most of this course and contribute to Oxford University’s English Literature department.

What Kind of Formatting Should I Use?

The website will submit your final version of your personal statement as digital form with no formatting options. You won’t have to worry about formatting. You won’t have to decide what font or color to use, and you won’t need to choose bold or italics styles.

How Many Paragraphs Should It Have?

While there are no formal rules for the number of paragraphs, a well-structured personal statement tends to be divided. It should be according to five or six paragraphs and easy to read. Admission tutors will need to comprehend your statement very quickly, so structure this statement with this in mind.

Is There a Chance They’ll Find Out If I…overstate My Talents?

Your personal statement for Oxford and Cambridge should serve as a springboard for your interview. It should be expected to be questioned about any detail of it. At Oxbridge Applications, every year, students approach them in January. They complain that their Admissions Tutor spent 20 minutes focusing on a particular author. They claim “I only mentioned that book briefly as a side note.”

The above examples demonstrate how to write an effective Oxford English Literature personal statement. It is essential to showcase your passion for the subject and explain why you are interested in it .

Outline what qualities you possess that make you an ideal candidate for the course. With careful consideration and effort, your personal statement can be unique from other applicants and get you accepted into this prestigious university. Good luck!

Writing Oxford English Literature Personal Statement for University

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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English literature and creative writing personal statement example 1.

I once aspired to be a visual artist, a photographer or painter. However, I later discovered the unique ability of poetry and the written word to maintain its power and resonance in a world saturated with images and messages. The study of literature allows us to engage deeply with novels, plays and poems. Terry Eagelton states in his Theory of Literature that Literature is considered Literature because some value is attached to it by society. I wish to understand what it is we value and why, make sense of the ways people have tried to make sense of the world. I find that my other A level courses Philosophy and History are complimentary to English Literature, and provide new perspectives from which to approach the subject.

I have been writing 'seriously' for two years now, and have enjoyed some success; I was a Foyle Young Poet of the Year in both 2007 and 2008, and received the BBC Prize for Creative Writing in Southwark for a short story. Receiving these prizes lent me extra confidence in my writing, and I have since been published in a variety of poetry magazines, including Pomegranate, Young Writer, Rising, Iota and Cadaverine. I have performed some of my work in The Poetry Cafe in London, and on BBC radio. I am to be included in a forthcoming anthology on Bloodaxe, 'Voice Recognition: 21 poets for the 21st century', in which I will be the youngest poet featured. Although poetry is less popular than it has been, it is just as relevant, if not more so. It has a unique ability to communicate what other mediums cannot, often elucidating through allusion. Unfortunately, it is viewed by many as an antiquated art form; all 'thee' and 'thou'. Some believe that this is what poetry ought to be, but this is like saying all paintings ought to be Pre-Raphaelites. I try to maintain a distinctive voice that resonates outside of a 'poetic' context within my writing.

I cannot write without reading; one fuels the other. Some of my favourite writers are modernists. Hemingway is often dismissed as 'macho', telling war stories for boys, but I think this is a simplification. The Old Man and the Sea is beautifully and economically written, and I enjoy Hemingway's ability to evoke burning emotional struggles through a simple story. His choice of language is wonderful; he leaves you thinking of lavender striped fish and the lions on the beach. Fitzgerald, another favourite, writes with an elegance that makes each of his sentences a jewel. He expresses complex emotional and moral states through mundane images; 'the wretched aura of stale wine, with its inevitable suggestion of beauty gone foul.' I also find it necessary to keep up with contemporary poetry; Clare Pollard and Selima Hill are my favourites. I admire poets able to write powerfully through sparse language, and Yehuda Amichai is a prime example. If his poems were pictures, they'd be stark monochromes. For AS Level Literature I studied William Blake, and admire the dark intensity of his work, his ability to juxtapose the divine with the squalid in a subtly condemning tone.

During my internship with the poetry society in the summer of 2008, I saw the work done by the organisation to encourage fresh talent. I have also experienced first hand the benefits the Poetry Society's work in education, and this has encouraged me to pursue a career in teaching; to inspire interest in Literature in other young people. To this end, I have volunteered in both 2007 and 2008 to help as a teaching assistant in the literature summer school at my college. As a reader and a writer, I look forward to the challenges a degree course will present, but also the opportunities; to immerse myself in the slices of human experience and wealth of ideas offered to us by literature, while also developing my own skills as a writer.

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This personal statement was written by ablakemore for application in 2009.

Degree English Literature at Oxford University

ablakemore's Comments

Got me offers from all five of my choices; Oxford University, York, Warwick, Sheffield and Goldsmiths. s'alright, i found the length restrictions difficult to work within, but i suppose that's the point.

This personal statement is unrated

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Tue, 20/09/2011 - 09:26

why are you alive?

Sun, 02/10/2011 - 16:53

You sound like you've lived each of your years twice. I shudder at your feet.

Sun, 02/10/2011 - 17:22

Insanely impressive. I have a two-page note of what made your PS tick. Consider yourself dissected :).

You make me want to read your poems.

Thanks a bundle.

Mon, 10/09/2012 - 20:43

Truly refreshing after having

Fri, 09/08/2013 - 16:33

Truly refreshing after having trudled through so many dull personal statements. Not only do you seem a very able student, but an interesting person too! No wonder Oxford liked you. I liked the focus on poetry too. Good luck with your career!

Thu, 15/08/2013 - 18:28

This was so helpful, thank you so much!

I was just wondering, what

Thu, 10/07/2014 - 17:29

I was just wondering, what were your AS level and A level grades?

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    English Language and Literature. 1. Evidence of wide, engaged, and thoughtful reading 2. Analytical skills and writing 3. Enthusiasm for literature 4. Response to new ideas and information 5. Capacity for independent thought. STUDENT A • School Prefect • Volunteers • Enjoys reading • Plays flute • Enjoys going to the theatre.

  14. English Language & Literature Personal Statement Example (Oxford

    Language and literature are the strongest forms of weaponry to exist. The alignment of each letter, the meticulous assortment of the vowels and consonants to produce a word, the hard phonetic quality of the 'ger' sound in the word anger and the soft lulling 'l' in love induce an emotional human response.

  15. How to write a personal statement for English

    Wed 10 Jul 2013 04.43 EDT. Here's an analogy every student of English will grasp: "Think of your personal statement as a very short, short story. It has to have a beginning and an end and a ...

  16. English Language/Literature Personal Statement Example 1

    This personal statement is unrated. It is my belief that the most important part of anybody's personality is the way that they exhibit it to the world. This idea of self expression is the basis of everything that I most enjoy and feel passionate about in life, which is why I am applying to study English. I believe that literature is the most ...

  17. How to Write Your Personal Statement

    Explain the challenges you faced and how you dealt with them. Don't focus too heavily on negatives, but use them to highlight your positive qualities. Resilience, resourcefulness and perseverance make you a promising graduate school candidate. Example of owning your challenges and obstacles.

  18. English personal statements

    English personal statements. On this page you'll find a collection of real personal statements written by students applying to study English and related courses at university. These personal statements are written by real students - don't expect them all to be perfect! But by reading through a few of these samples, you'll be able to get some ...

  19. Writing Oxford English Literature Personal Statement for University

    Use your personal statement to reflect on qualities such as motivation, confidence, and self-discipline that make you an ideal candidate for the course. Explain how these qualities will help you excel in an Oxford English Literature course. 5. Conclude With a Vision. End your personal statement by concluding with a vision for your future.

  20. English with Creative Writing Personal Statement Example

    This personal statement is unrated. Reading books and creating imaginary worlds were originally forms of escapism to me, a retreat from the structure and routine of my school studies. However, over the years my favourite pastimes and academic career have merged, to form a passion for English and a clear ambition: to become a successful writer.

  21. How to write an excellent personal statement in 10 steps

    Use your closing couple of lines to summarise the most important points in your statement. 9. Check your writing thoroughly and get someone else to check it, too. 10. Give your brain a rest by forgetting about your personal statement for a while before going back to review it one last time with fresh eyes.

  22. English Literature and Creative Writing Personal Statement Example 1

    English Literature and Creative Writing Personal Statement Example 1. I once aspired to be a visual artist, a photographer or painter. However, I later discovered the unique ability of poetry and the written word to maintain its power and resonance in a world saturated with images and messages. The study of literature allows us to engage deeply ...