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Pigtails & Crewcuts Franchise

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January 14, 2020 ·

How to Develop a Children’s Hair Salon Business Plan

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Any new children’s hair salon owner needs to be able to put together a comprehensive business plan that not only demonstrates you have a clear, logical strategy to achieve your specific business goals, but also that you have your finger on the pulse of the industry and local market.

Most importantly, your business plan is your key to securing funding from financial institutions.

So, how do you get started writing a rock-solid business plan for your children’s hair salon? Let’s get started.

What Are the Basic Elements of a Children’s Hair Salon Business Plan?

The good news is a business plan is a straightforward document structurally speaking. There’s not a lot of room for interpretation of what type of information you should include. The trade-off, however, is the level of detail and legwork required to complete the document. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), a well-rounded business plan includes a/an:

Executive Summary

Company description, market analysis, organizational structure, marketing and sales strategies, description of products and services, funding request, financial information.

In the next sections, you can see what exactly each of these subtopics should include.

This is your opportunity to make a great first impression on a potential source of funding, whether it’s a lender or an investor. However, this is the last part of your salon business plan you should write. As the name implies, it provides an overview of the plan and information about the business you intend to open, including the current status and your future plans. Above all, you should focus on your arguments for why you believe your salon will succeed.

little boy choosing a lollipop after getting his hair cut at Pigtails & Crewcuts kids hair salon

Think of the company description as your opportunity to pitch your children’s hair salon. It should provide a cohesive overview of how all of the different aspects – from standard salon services to retail sales to birthday parties and events – of your children’s hair salon come together from an operational perspective. You should also briefly touch on where your business fits into the hair care industry and the demand for your services. Keep this section relatively brief.

inside a pigtails & crewcuts kid's hair salon franchise

To prove to potential sources of capital that you know the industry and market where you’re looking to open your salon, you need to provide a thorough analysis. You should:

  • Discuss the state of the children’s hair salon industry and where it’s headed
  • Identify your target markets and explain why your business is necessary for the specific demographic you’re going after
  • Speak to the growth trajectory of your target market
  • Explain who your customer segments are and which acquisition channels you’ll use to reach your customers
  • Perform a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis to disclose your strengths and weaknesses in comparison to competitors in your market
  • Highlight your revenue streams and pricing structure
  • Outline any potential barriers to entry

The SBA recommends this section of your business plan include your insights from the research you conduct, but the actual data should be added to the appendix . Instead, your goal should be to convey your knowledge and expertise, giving a lender the confidence you know what you’re getting into as a business owner.

kiddies salon business plan

The most logical place to begin this section is to create an organizational chart to show who is in charge of managing the different operational functions of your salon. From that point, you can then start describing the ownership structure from a legal point of view – who owns what and how much they own. Finally, you’ll want to add details about each stakeholder so that a lender can clearly see you and the people on your management team have the experience to successfully operate a kid’s hair salon.

kiddies salon business plan

Potentially one of the single most important considerations when you’re putting together a salon business plan is how you’re going to develop awareness and demand for your services in your local market. The significant upside of opening a franchise business, like Pigtails & Crewcuts, is the fact marketing support is built into the investment opportunity. So, you have a coherent brand style guide and collateral to work with. Still, you need to be able to clarify how you’re going to use these assets and other marketing channels to build your business. This includes identifying who will be responsible for selling and what the strategy will be.

Here, you’ll want to dedicate most of your energy to showcasing how your salon’s services and products are differentiated from competitors. For instance, Pigtails & Crewcuts franchise owners would play up the fact that their salons provide a memorable haircutting experience for the whole family in an environment that’s warm and welcoming to kids. Owners also have two additional revenue streams by providing kid-centric retail products and offering parties.

kiddies salon business plan

This section of your business plan is where you’ll outline how much you plan to invest in your kid’s hair salon. You need to be specific about how much funding you’ll need. Another advantage of a franchise business investment is that most brands will have the projected initial investment included in their Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD). This can be helpful and answer many of the questions lenders will have about different funding scenarios.

Last, but most certainly not least, is the financial plan and projections. Here’s a breakdown of what you should include:

  • Personal financial statements from the owners
  • Any outstanding debt, current status, the amount owed, terms and collateral
  • Projected income and expenses for the subsequent five years
  • Cash flow forecasting
  • Budget for capital expenditures
  • Data visualizations

It’s recommended that you have an accountant look over this part of your business plan to make sure there aren’t any errors and that it closely aligns with your funding requests. Again, this is one of the most critical parts of a salon business plan and will be highly scrutinized. Be sure you put due time and effort into making sure it’s accurate.

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A Touch of Business

How to Start a Hair Salon for Kids

Main Sections In This Post Steps To Starting A Children’s Hair Salon Points to Consider Knowledge Is Power Featured Video

In this post, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to starting a children’s hair salon.

kiddies salon business plan

In addition, we will give you an overview of what you can expect from operating a children’s hair salon and help you make better decisions and gain clarity.

You can access the latest resources in our “Knowledge Is Power” section, which can be used during the startup phase and once your children’s hair salon is fully operational.

There is an abundance of information available to explore. If you like this post, consider sharing it with others and bookmarking it for future reference.

Let’s get started with the steps.

The Steps to Start Your Children’s Hair Salon

Below are the steps to starting a children’s hair salon.

Each step is linked to a specific section, allowing you to jump to your desired section or scroll to follow the steps in order.

  • An Overview of What You’re Getting Into
  • Children’s Hair Salon Overview
  • Researching Your Children’s Hair Salon
  • Looking at Financials
  • Creating Your Mission Statement
  • Creating A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • Choose a Children’s Hair Salon Name
  • Register Your Company
  • Create Your Corporate Identity
  • Writing a Business Plan
  • Banking Considerations
  • Getting the Funds for Your Operation
  • Software Setup
  • Business Insurance Considerations
  • Supplier and Service Provider Considerations
  • Setting Your Prices
  • Physical Setup
  • Creating a Website
  • Create an External Support Team
  • Hiring Employees
  • Getting Customers Through the Door

1. An Overview of What You’re Getting Into

It is essential to have a strong understanding of what you’re getting into. The more you know what to expect, the better your decisions will be and the fewer surprises you’ll encounter.

In this step, we’ll cover the following sections:

a. ) Owning and Operating Your Own Business b.) Pros and Cons of Owning a Business c.) Questions You Need to Consider for Your Children’s Hair Salon d.) Passion, a Key Ingredient For Success

a. ) Owning and Operating Your Own Business

Owning and Operating Your Children’s Hair Salon Business

Owning and operating a business differs significantly from having a job, involving greater responsibilities and unique challenges.

Here’s a brief overview:

No Fixed Work Hours:

Unlike a traditional nine-to-five job, business ownership often entails longer and more flexible working hours.


As a business owner, you’re responsible for addressing and resolving issues that arise. There’s no higher authority to turn to for solutions.


You are the ultimate decision-maker, from day-to-day operations to strategic planning.

Responsibility: The success or failure of the business rests on your shoulders. You are accountable for its performance.


Business conditions can change rapidly, and you must adapt to market shifts and evolving customer preferences.

Before venturing into a children’s hair salon business, assess whether the challenges and responsibilities of business ownership align with your goals and capabilities.

It requires a unique mindset and commitment to succeed.

See the Considerations Before You Start Your Business to identify points for a new business owner.

b.) Pros and Cons of Owning a Business

Assessing the Pros and Cons of Business Ownership

Business ownership comes with both advantages and disadvantages. While the rewards can be enticing, it’s crucial not to overlook the challenges.

Here’s why it’s essential to evaluate both aspects:

Understanding the Full Picture:

Focusing solely on the benefits of owning a business can lead to unrealistic expectations. Recognizing the potential drawbacks provides a more accurate perspective.

Preparation and Planning:

Identifying potential challenges in advance allows for better preparation. You can develop strategies to mitigate risks and handle unexpected issues effectively.

Fewer Surprises:

A thorough assessment of the pros and cons reduces the likelihood of encountering unexpected obstacles that could disrupt your business.

Before starting a children’s hair salon or any business, take the time to assess the complete landscape.

By being aware of the potential challenges, you can make informed decisions and navigate the path to business ownership more effectively.

For more, see Pros and Cons of Starting a Small Business.

c.) Questions You Need to Consider for Your Children’s Hair Salon

Below are several essential questions to consider before starting your business.

You’ll find many answers as you review the rest of the information in this post.

Important Questions for Your Children’s Hair Salon Business:

  • Financing Startup Costs: How do you plan to finance the initial setup expenses for your children’s hair salon?
  • Seeking Partners or Investors: Are you interested in exploring partnerships or seeking investors to support your venture?
  • Time to Profitability: Have you estimated the timeframe it will take for your children’s hair salon to become profitable?
  • Financial Support During Early Stages: What is your strategy for sustaining yourself financially during the challenging early stages of operation?
  • Business Model: What type of children’s hair salon model are you considering – high-end, average, or a discount operation?
  • Skills and Management: Do you possess the necessary skills to effectively manage and operate a children’s hair salon business?
  • Solo or Employees: Will you be handling all the business operations by yourself, or do you plan to hire employees?
  • Management Approach: Are you planning to manage the business personally, or are you considering hiring a manager to oversee operations?
  • Target Customer: Who is your target customer demographic, and what are their specific needs and preferences?
  • Customer Retention: What strategies do you have in place to ensure that customers keep returning to your salon?
  • Product and Service Offering: What products and services will your children’s hair salon provide, and how will they cater to your target audience?
  • Market Demand: How have you assessed the demand for your offerings, and what evidence supports customer interest?
  • Competitive Edge: What unique qualities or services will set your salon apart from competitors in the industry?
  • Value Proposition: Why should a potential customer choose your salon over competitors in the market?
  • Identifying Competitors: Who are your primary competitors in the children’s hair salon sector?
  • Business Positioning: How do you intend to position your salon in the market – as a high-end, average, or budget-friendly option?
  • Contingency Plan: Do you have a plan in place to address potential business failures and unforeseen challenges?
  • Exit Strategy: Have you considered an exit strategy or contingency plan in case you decide to leave the business in the future?

These critical questions will serve as a foundation for your strategic planning and decision-making process as you embark on your children’s hair salon business journey.

d.) Passion, a Key Ingredient For Success

The Role of Passion in Running a Children’s Hair Salon:

Passion is a vital ingredient in the recipe for success when it comes to owning and operating a children’s hair salon.

Here’s why it matters:

Driving Force:

Passion serves as the driving force behind your business. When you’re truly passionate about what you do, it fuels your determination to overcome challenges and find solutions, rather than seeking an easy way out.

Passionate individuals are more inclined to tackle problems head-on. They view challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement, which is essential in the competitive world of salon business.

Sustained Commitment:

Passion is what keeps you committed to your children’s hair salon venture, especially during tough times. It prevents you from giving up prematurely and motivates you to persevere.

Assessing Your Passion:

To gauge your level of passion, consider a hypothetical scenario: Imagine having abundant wealth, possessions, and absolute freedom to pursue any endeavor.

If you would still choose to run a children’s hair salon, it indicates a genuine passion for the business.

Alternative Pursuits:

If the thought of running a children’s hair salon doesn’t align with your passions, it’s essential to explore other avenues that genuinely resonate with your interests and aspirations.

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In summary, passion is the driving force that propels your children’s hair salon towards success. It’s the unwavering commitment to your business that will see you through challenges and allow your salon to thrive in a competitive market.

For More, See How Passion Affects Your Business .

2. Gaining an Overview of Owning a Children’s Hair Salon

Next, let’s discuss the issues that will give you an overview of what to expect from owning and running a children’s hair salon. In this step, we will be looking at the following sections:

a.) A Quick Overview of Owning a Children’s Hair Salon b.) Children’s Hair Salon Models c.) Challenges You Could Face When Starting and Operating a Children’s Hair Salon

a.) A Quick Overview of Owning a Children’s Hair Salon

A children’s hair salon is a specialized grooming establishment catering exclusively to young clients. It provides a range of hair care services tailored to children’s needs and preferences.

These salons are designed to create a child-friendly and comfortable environment, making the haircut experience enjoyable for both kids and parents.

Day-to-Day Tasks in Running a Children’s Hair Salon:

  • Scheduling Appointments: Managing appointments is a crucial daily task. This includes booking clients, rescheduling, and accommodating walk-ins.
  • Client Services: Performing various hair-related services such as haircuts, styling, and treatments for children of different age groups.
  • Customer Engagement: Ensuring a welcoming and child-friendly atmosphere to make kids feel comfortable during their visit.
  • Staff Management: Supervising and coordinating the work of hairstylists and support staff, ensuring they provide excellent service.
  • Inventory Management: Monitoring and restocking hair care products, equipment, and supplies.
  • Cleaning and Sanitation: Maintaining a clean and hygienic salon environment, including sanitizing equipment and workstations.
  • Billing and Payments: Handling financial transactions, invoicing, and managing the cash register.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Promoting the salon through advertising, social media, and other marketing strategies to attract new clients and retain existing ones.
  • Customer Relations: Addressing client concerns, resolving issues, and maintaining positive relationships with parents and children.
  • Training and Education: Keeping up with the latest trends in children’s hairstyles and techniques, and providing training to staff as needed.
  • Record Keeping: Maintaining records of appointments, customer preferences, and financial transactions for future reference.
  • Safety and Compliance: Ensuring the salon complies with safety regulations and licensing requirements for the protection of clients and staff.
  • Business Development: Strategizing for the growth and expansion of the salon, considering factors like location, pricing, and services offered.

In summary, running a children’s hair salon involves a range of daily tasks encompassing client services, staff management, business operations, and maintaining a child-friendly environment.

It requires a dedicated approach to ensure the salon’s success and provide a positive experience for young clients and their parents.

b.) Children’s Hair Salon Models

Types of Setups and Business Models for a Children’s Hair Salon:

Standalone Children’s Hair Salon:

  • Operating an independent children’s hair salon focused solely on providing hair care services to kids.
  • Requires creating a child-friendly and appealing salon environment.

Franchise Model:

  • Partnering with an established children’s hair salon franchise and following their proven business model.
  • Benefits include brand recognition and support from the franchisor.

Mobile Children’s Hair Salon:

  • Offering on-site haircut services to children at their homes, schools, or events.
  • Requires a mobile salon setup, including equipment and a vehicle.

Children’s Salon and Spa:

  • Expanding services to include spa treatments like manicures, pedicures, and facials in addition to hair care.
  • Targets a broader clientele seeking a holistic grooming experience.

Theme-Based Salon:

  • Creating a salon with a specific theme or concept, such as superhero-themed or fairy tale-themed salons.
  • Appeals to children’s imaginations and adds an element of fun.

Eco-Friendly Salon:

  • Focusing on sustainability and using eco-friendly products and practices.
  • Attracts environmentally-conscious parents and aligns with a green business model.

Salon and Retail Store:

  • Combining the salon with a retail section offering children’s hair care products, accessories, and toys.
  • Provides an additional revenue stream and enhances customer experience.

Salon and Play Area:

  • Incorporating a play area or waiting room equipped with games and toys to entertain children while they wait.
  • Creates a welcoming and enjoyable experience for young clients.

Choosing a suitable business model from the beginning is crucial, as switching your model later is more challenging.

It’s essential to consider your target audience, location, and your personal preferences when deciding on a business model.

Focusing on a niche allows you to adapt your products and services to a specific group of customers. Consider becoming a specialist instead of trying to be a business that offers everything to everyone.

Identifying a business model that feels right to you is essential and can give you a better chance of succeeding.

c.) Challenges You Could Face When Starting and Operating a Children’s Hair Salon

Challenges During the Startup Phase:

  • Initial Investment: Securing the necessary funds to start a children’s hair salon can be a significant challenge. This includes expenses for salon space, equipment, licenses, and initial marketing efforts.
  • Finding the Right Location: Choosing an ideal location that attracts your target audience and is accessible can be challenging. High rent costs in prime areas can also strain finances.
  • Competition: Standing out in a competitive market is tough. Existing salons may already have established customer bases and brand recognition.
  • Building a Customer Base: Attracting the first set of customers can be slow, and it takes time to build a loyal clientele.
  • Staff Recruitment: Hiring skilled and child-friendly staff members can be a challenge. Finding the right team is crucial for providing quality services.
  • Regulations and Licensing: Navigating through the necessary permits, licenses, and compliance with local health and safety regulations can be time-consuming and complex.

Challenges During Operation:

  • Maintaining Quality Service: Ensuring consistent and high-quality haircuts for children while managing a busy salon can be demanding.
  • Customer Retention: Keeping clients coming back regularly can be challenging, especially with children who may outgrow the salon.
  • Staff Turnover: High staff turnover can disrupt the salon’s operations and require frequent recruitment and training.
  • Marketing and Competition: Continuously marketing to stay competitive and relevant in the market is an ongoing challenge. Keeping up with trends and customer preferences is crucial.
  • Inventory Management: Managing the inventory of hair care products, accessories, and other salon supplies efficiently to meet customer demands without overstocking is a balancing act.
  • Seasonal Fluctuations: Depending on the location, children’s hair salons may experience seasonal fluctuations in business, affecting revenue.
  • Maintaining a Child-Friendly Environment: Ensuring the salon remains child-friendly, safe, and appealing can be challenging, especially when dealing with wear and tear.
  • Adapting to Trends: Staying up-to-date with the latest children’s haircut trends and technologies to meet customer expectations is essential.
  • Financial Management: Managing cash flow, expenses, and profitability to ensure the salon remains financially stable.
  • Customer Feedback and Complaints: Addressing customer feedback and complaints promptly and effectively is vital for maintaining a positive reputation.

Children’s hair salon owners should be prepared to face these challenges both during the startup phase and throughout the operation of their business.

Adaptability, continuous learning, and a customer-focused approach are essential for overcoming these hurdles.

3. Research

Continuous research is crucial for business owners. The more you know, the better your business will be. High-quality information plays a significant role in achieving success.

In this step, we will be looking at the following sections:

a.) Inside Information – Children’s Hair Salon Research b.) Demand, the Competition and Your Location c.) Target Audience

a.) Inside Information – Children’s Hair Salon Research

Gathering Quality Information:

Before venturing into the children’s hair salon business, conducting thorough research is imperative.

Quality information is your key to understanding the industry and avoiding unexpected challenges.

Seek Advice from Experts:

One invaluable source of information is experienced individuals in the children’s hair salon business. Their insights, gained through years of experience, can be priceless for newcomers.

Benefit from Their Knowledge:

By spending time with these experts, you can gain insights into various aspects of running a successful children’s hair salon.

They can provide advice on everything from location selection to managing staff and customer relations.

Connecting with the Right People:

Identifying and approaching the right individuals is crucial. In my article, “An Inside Look Into the Business You Want To Start,”

I provide detailed guidance on how to find and approach experts in a respectful and non-intrusive manner.

Informed Decision-Making:

Armed with knowledge from experienced professionals, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions and navigate the challenges that come with starting and operating a children’s hair salon.

See An Inside Look Into the Business You Want To Start for all the details.

b.) Demand, the Competition and Your Location

Demand for Children’s Hair Salons:

Before venturing into the children’s hair salon business, it’s imperative to gauge the demand for your services.

Offering competitive prices and high-quality services alone won’t guarantee success if there isn’t sufficient demand. A lack of demand can result in early closure and financial difficulties.

To assess demand, start by conducting market research. Gather data on the local population and demographics. Determine the number of families with young children in your area, as this will be your primary customer base.

Analyze the spending habits of these families to understand if they are likely to invest in hair salon services for their children.

Market Saturation Analysis:

In addition to demand, consider market saturation. Determine if there are already numerous children’s hair salons in your area offering similar services.

A saturated market can make it challenging to gain a foothold unless you can differentiate your salon from competitors.

Evaluate if your business concept is easily replicable by competitors. If they can quickly imitate your idea, you may face tough competition from established players.

Therefore, it’s crucial to identify a unique selling proposition or niche that sets your salon apart.

Understanding the Competition:

Comprehensive knowledge of your competitors is vital. Study their offerings, pricing strategies, strengths, and weaknesses.

This analysis will help you identify gaps in the market that you can exploit. Look for opportunities to provide services or experiences that your competitors are overlooking.

Consider collaborating with complementary businesses or introducing innovative services that can attract customers.

Being proactive and adaptive in response to your competition can give your children’s hair salon a competitive edge.

Choosing the Right Location:

Selecting the ideal location is paramount. You should aim for a location that strikes a balance between demand and competition.

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A densely populated area may offer exposure, but it comes with higher costs. Calculate whether the increased expenses align with your expected revenue and profit margins.

Affordability is key when choosing your location, but don’t compromise on potential customer traffic.

Ensure that the area has a sufficient number of families with young children who would be interested in your services. Access to parking and public transportation can also influence your salon’s accessibility.

In conclusion, thorough research and analysis of demand, market saturation, competition, and location are essential steps in establishing a successful children’s hair salon.

By understanding your market and competition, and choosing a strategic location, you can increase your chances of thriving in this niche market.

Remember that a well-informed decision will lay the foundation for your salon’s long-term success.

For more, see the Demand for Your Products and Services and Choosing The Best Location for Your Business.

c.) Target Audience

Benefits of Understanding Your Target Audience:

  • Tailored Services: Understanding your target audience allows you to customize your products and services to meet their specific needs and preferences.
  • Effective Marketing: You can create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
  • Improved Customer Relations: Building a deeper understanding fosters better relationships with customers, enhancing loyalty and retention.
  • Competitive Advantage: Knowing what your audience values most enables you to outshine competitors by providing unique offerings.
  • Cost Efficiency: Focusing on the products and services your customers want prevents wasted resources on irrelevant offerings.

Target Market Ideas for a Children’s Hair Salon:

  • Parents of young children
  • Families with multiple children
  • Preschools and daycare centers
  • Birthday party planners
  • Event organizers
  • Pediatricians and family doctors
  • Local schools and PTA groups

4. Looking at Financials:

Understanding the numbers in your business and making good financial decisions are crucial factors in succeeding. You will struggle to manage a successful operation without investing the time and effort necessary to understand the financials of your children’s hair salon.

This section has a lot to cover, and these are critical steps in starting and operating your business.

The section is broken up into the following:

a.) Start-up Cost:

In this step, we will look at the importance of getting accurate estimates and a simple list to help you understand your needs.

b.) Monthly Expenses:

Expenses must be monitored, or the operation could be jeopardized. A sample list of monthly expenses is provided, which can be used to generate ideas for your setup.

c.) Profits:

To keep your doors open, you must generate enough profit to pay your bills, grow your business, and provide a personal income. There are a few points you will want to consider in this section.

d.) Best Practices:

In addition to the above, we will examine a few best practices for managing your finances.

Let’s get started!

a.) Start-Up Costs:

Startup Cost Estimation for a Children’s Hair Salon:

Accurate estimation of startup costs is crucial for a successful launch of your children’s hair salon.

Failing to do so can lead to financial problems that may hinder your opening, or it could make your business appear high-risk if you overestimate costs.

Factors Influencing Startup Costs:

  • Business Model: Your chosen business model will significantly impact your startup costs. Consider whether you will offer basic haircuts, specialized services, or additional amenities like themed decorations or play areas.
  • Size and Location: The size of your salon and its location play a pivotal role. Rent and lease rates vary by location, and the size of your space affects your lease expenses.
  • Equipment and Supplies: Decide whether you’ll buy new or used equipment and the quality of supplies you plan to use. High-quality equipment may have a higher upfront cost but can result in long-term savings.
  • Staffing: If you intend to hire employees, factor in their salaries, training, and benefits. Alternatively, you might start as a sole proprietor and expand your team later.
  • Licenses and Permits: Research the licensing requirements in your area, and budget for permits and regulatory fees.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Allocate funds for marketing and promotional efforts to attract your target audience effectively.

Creating an Effective Cost Estimate:

To estimate startup costs effectively, follow these steps:

  • Comprehensive List: Create a detailed list of everything you need for your children’s hair salon, including equipment, furnishings, supplies, and operational expenses.
  • Price Research: Research and obtain accurate price quotes for each item on your list. Don’t forget to account for taxes and shipping costs.
  • Contingency Fund: Set aside a contingency fund for unexpected expenses that may arise during the startup phase.
  • Consult Professionals: Seek advice from industry experts or consult with experienced salon owners to get insights into potential hidden costs.

Variable Nature of Startup Costs:

It’s important to note that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all estimate for starting a children’s hair salon. Each setup varies, and costs depend on numerous variables.


To determine if opening a children’s hair salon is a viable option, invest time in thorough research and gather accurate estimates.

Adjust your budget to your unique business model, location, and objectives.

A well-prepared startup budget will provide you with a realistic financial roadmap, ensuring a smoother transition from planning to opening your salon.

Sample Startup Cost For a Children’s Hair Salon

The purpose of the list below is to focus on the items more than the numbers because these are general samples, and your figures will be different.

Sample Estimated Startup Costs for a Mid-sized Children’s Hair Salon in the USA:

Lease or Rent for Commercial Space:

  • Low: $2,000 per month
  • High: $5,000 per month

Renovation and Interior Design:

  • Low: $10,000
  • High: $30,000

Furniture and Decor:

  • Low: $5,000
  • High: $15,000

Haircutting Chairs and Stations:

  • Low: $3,000 per chair/station (x 4)
  • High: $5,000 per chair/station (x 4)

Hair Washing Stations:

  • Low: $1,500 per station (x 2)
  • High: $2,500 per station (x 2)

Children’s Entertainment Area:

  • Low: $2,000
  • High: $5,000

Salon Equipment (Dryers, Mirrors, Shelving, etc.):

  • High: $10,000

Initial Inventory (Shampoos, Conditioners, Styling Products, etc.):

  • Low: $1,000
  • High: $3,000

Signage and Exterior Branding:

Licensing and Permits:

  • High: $2,000

Insurance (Liability and Property):

  • Low: $1,000 (annual)
  • High: $2,500 (annual)

Marketing and Advertising (Pre-opening promotions):

Professional Fees (Legal and Accounting):

Training and Certification (if required):

Utilities Setup (Electricity, Water, Gas):

  • High: $1,500

POS System and Software:

Employee Salaries (initial month if hiring staff):

  • Low: $3,000
  • High: $7,000

Miscellaneous (Office supplies, small tools, etc.):

Grand Total (Low Estimate): $38,500

Grand Total (High Estimate): $120,000

For more, refer to our article on Estimating Startup Costs.

b.) Monthly Operating Costs:

Understanding Monthly Expenses for a Children’s Hair Salon:

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Your monthly expenses in running a children’s hair salon are a critical aspect of your business’s financial stability.

Just like startup costs, these expenses are influenced by various factors, and it’s vital to manage them effectively to ensure the long-term success of your salon.

Business Structure and Staffing:

One significant factor that affects your monthly expenses is whether you plan to run your children’s hair salon independently or if you intend to have a fully staffed operation.

If you hire employees, you need to budget for their salaries, benefits, and training costs.

Location and Rent:

The location of your salon also plays a pivotal role in determining your monthly expenses.

Operating in a high-traffic area can significantly increase your rent or lease expenses compared to opening in a less premium location.

The choice of location should align with your budget and target market.

Marketing and Promotion:

Marketing and advertising expenses can vary greatly. You might opt for costly marketing campaigns to attract a broad customer base, or you may focus on targeted, cost-effective strategies.

Effective marketing is crucial, but it’s essential to strike a balance between visibility and cost.

Operational Costs:

Typical monthly expenses for a children’s hair salon include utilities (electricity, water, gas), insurance premiums (liability and property insurance), equipment maintenance, and supplies (hair products, cleaning materials, etc.).

These ongoing operational costs are necessary to keep your salon running smoothly.

Loan Payments and Miscellaneous Costs:

If you have taken out loans for your business, you must factor in monthly loan payments.

Additionally, budget for unexpected expenses like repairs and maintenance to ensure your salon’s quality, customer service, and productivity are not compromised.

Expense Management:

To maintain optimal business operations and handle revenue fluctuations, it’s essential to manage your monthly expenses diligently.

Focus on keeping costs low where it won’t affect the quality, customer service, or productivity of your salon. Striking a balance between cost control and maintaining a high level of service is crucial for long-term success.

In conclusion, understanding and managing your monthly expenses is vital for the sustainability of your children’s hair salon.

Each factor mentioned above must be carefully considered and budgeted for to ensure your salon operates efficiently and remains financially stable.

Monitoring your expenses regularly and making necessary adjustments will help you navigate the challenges and uncertainties of the business landscape effectively.

Sample list of estimated monthly expenses for a MID-sized children’s hair salon

Again, the purpose of the list below is to focus on the items in the list more than the numbers. The numbers are a general idea, and your numbers will differ.

Rent or Lease Payment:

Utilities (Electricity, Water, Gas):

  • Low: $300 per month
  • High: $800 per month

Payroll (Including Salaries and Benefits):

  • Low: $3,000 per month
  • High: $7,000 per month
  • Low: $100 per month
  • High: $250 per month

Marketing and Advertising (Monthly Campaigns):

  • Low: $500 per month
  • High: $1,500 per month

Equipment Maintenance and Repairs:

  • Low: $200 per month
  • High: $500 per month

Loan Payments (if applicable):

  • High: $1,000 per month

Supplies (Hair Products, Cleaning Materials, etc.):

Professional Fees (Accounting, Legal):

  • High: $300 per month

Miscellaneous (Office Supplies, Small Tools, etc.):

Grand Total (Low Estimate): $6,900 per month

Grand Total (High Estimate): $17,350 per month

Please note that these are sample estimates, and actual monthly expenses may vary based on location, specific business choices, and market conditions.

It’s crucial to track your monthly expenses diligently to ensure the financial health of your children’s hair salon.

c.) Considerations for Profits

Understanding Profit in a Children’s Hair Salon Business:

Profit is a crucial aspect of running a children’s hair salon, and it’s essential to consider several key points to ensure your business’s financial success.

Impact of Overhead Costs:

Your net profit is heavily influenced by how efficiently you manage your overhead costs. High overhead can significantly impact your profit margins, even if your salon generates substantial sales.

It’s crucial to keep overhead expenses in check to maximize profitability.

Variable Nature of Profit Estimates:

It’s challenging to provide an accurate estimate of your children’s hair salon’s profit because various variables are at play.

Your business model, location, pricing strategy, and customer base all contribute to the profit equation. Conduct thorough research and analysis to estimate your profit potential accurately.

Positioning in the Market:

Your positioning in the market, whether as a high-end salon or a discount operation, directly affects your profit margin.

Each positioning strategy has its unique considerations, and you must align your pricing and services accordingly to achieve your desired profit levels.

Focus on the Big Picture:

Profit should be viewed holistically. Avoid fixating on the profit of individual sales without considering the volume needed to cover overhead costs.

Striking a balance between profit per sale and sales volume is crucial. Ensure that each sale contributes sufficiently to cover expenses, leave room for growth, support your salary, and provide for future bonuses.

Estimation During Startup and Operational Phases:

During the startup phase, your profit estimation relies on research and assumptions.

Once your children’s hair salon is operational, you can work with solid numbers based on actual data. Continuously track and analyze your financial performance to make informed decisions.

Calculating Net Profit:

Calculating net profit is relatively straightforward. Subtract your total costs from your total revenue to determine your net profit.

This figure represents the money your salon earns after covering all expenses.

Analyzing Net Profit Per Sale:

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For a deeper understanding, calculate net profit per sale by factoring in the average number of sales. This calculation helps you identify which products or services are the most profitable.

It’s a valuable tool for optimizing your offerings and boosting overall profitability.

Early-Stage Profit Considerations:

Keep in mind that profits may be lower in the early stages of your salon’s operations.

It takes time to fine-tune your business processes and gather solid data. Be prepared for fluctuations in profits during this phase as you work towards maximizing your financial performance.

In conclusion, profitability in a children’s hair salon hinges on prudent management of overhead costs, a well-defined positioning strategy, and a balanced approach to profit per sale and sales volume.

Estimations during the startup phase provide a foundation, but real profitability data will emerge as your salon operates.

Regularly analyze your financial metrics to adapt and grow your business successfully.

For More, See Estimating Profitability and Revenue.

d.) Financial Bests Practices:

Financial Best Practices for Your Children’s Hair Salon:

To ensure the financial health and sustainability of your children’s hair salon, it’s essential to follow best practices that focus on cash flow management, cost reduction, and diligent financial monitoring.

Maintaining Healthy Cash Flow:

  • Emergency Funds: Maintain a healthy cash flow to access funds during slow seasons, emergencies, or when opportunities for significant savings arise. Running a business means dealing with revenue and profit fluctuations, so having reserves is crucial.
  • Savings for Growth: A robust cash flow can also provide the capital needed for business growth. Whether you’re expanding your salon, investing in marketing, or introducing new services, having readily available funds is invaluable.

Cost Reduction Without Sacrifice:

  • Efficiency Matters: Strive to keep costs low without compromising customer service, productivity, or quality. It’s essential to identify areas where you can cut unnecessary expenses while still delivering exceptional value to your clients.
  • Supplier Negotiations: Regularly review contracts with suppliers and explore opportunities for cost savings. Negotiating better deals or seeking alternative suppliers can lead to reduced operational expenses.

Effective Financial Monitoring:

  • Accurate Record-Keeping: Maintain accurate financial records not only for tax and legal purposes but also for monitoring your salon’s financial health. Tracking every transaction allows you to have a complete view of your financial situation.
  • Utilize Financial Reports: Generate financial reports that offer insights into trends and performance. Regularly review profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements to detect any issues or opportunities.
  • Prompt Action: Timely monitoring of financial data enables you to identify and address problems promptly. For example, if there’s a sudden drop in sales, you can investigate the root causes, whether it’s market changes, service quality, or competition.
  • Budgeting and Forecasting: Develop a budget and financial forecasts to plan for the future. Budgeting helps allocate resources efficiently, while forecasting allows you to anticipate challenges and opportunities.

Following these financial best practices will help your children’s hair salon maintain a strong financial foundation.

By managing cash flow, reducing costs sensibly, and monitoring your salon’s financial performance, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of business and position yourself for long-term success.

Remember that a proactive approach to financial management is key to addressing issues before they escalate.

5. Create Your Mission Statement

Importance of a Mission Statement for Your Children’s Hair Salon:

A mission statement serves as a guiding beacon for your children’s hair salon, helping you define its purpose and objectives.

It encapsulates your salon’s core values, goals, and the main benefit it offers to customers and the community.

Here’s how a mission statement can be invaluable:

  • Clarity of Purpose: It provides a clear and concise statement of why your salon exists and what it aims to achieve.
  • Staying on Track: A mission statement keeps you focused on your salon’s primary mission, ensuring that your actions and decisions align with your core values.
  • Customer-Centric: It emphasizes the main benefit you provide to customers, making it easier to communicate your salon’s unique value.
  • Community Engagement: A well-crafted mission statement can resonate with your community, fostering a sense of connection and loyalty.

Examples of Mission Statements for a Children’s Hair Salon:

  • “Our mission is to create a fun and safe space where kids can express their individuality through creative and stylish haircuts, while providing parents with convenience and peace of mind.”
  • “We are dedicated to boosting children’s self-esteem by offering expert hair services in a welcoming and imaginative environment, where every child leaves with a smile.”
  • “At our salon, our mission is to make haircare an enjoyable experience for children and parents alike, offering quality services that celebrate kids’ uniqueness.”

These mission statements reflect the salon’s commitment to its purpose, whether it’s about creativity, self-esteem, or convenience.

Crafting a mission statement tailored to your salon’s vision can set the tone for your business and help you connect with your target audience effectively.

For more, see How To Create a Mission Statement.

6. Creating A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

The Role of a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) for Your Children’s Hair Salon:

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a critical tool in identifying and creating a distinct identity for your children’s hair salon.

It sets you apart from competitors and defines what makes your salon unique. Here’s how a USP can help:

Defining Uniqueness:

A USP forces you to pinpoint what truly makes your salon stand out. It could be a particular service, a themed environment, or a unique approach to customer care.

Focused Marketing:

With a clear USP, your marketing efforts become more targeted. You can tailor your messages to emphasize the specific benefits that set your salon apart.

Attracting Customers:

A compelling USP attracts customers who resonate with your unique offering, enhancing brand loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.

Examples of USPs for a Children’s Hair Salon:

  • “The Magical Adventure Salon” – Our salon transforms haircuts into enchanting journeys, with themed chairs, storybook settings, and interactive experiences for kids.
  • “Eco-Friendly Glamour” – We take pride in being the first eco-conscious children’s salon, using sustainable products and practices for a healthier future.
  • “The Kid’s Confidence Boost” – Beyond haircuts, we offer confidence-building sessions, helping kids feel great about themselves inside and out.

These USPs highlight unique aspects of each salon, whether it’s themed experiences, eco-consciousness, or a focus on self-esteem.

A well-defined USP shapes your salon’s identity and resonates with your target audience, setting the stage for success.

7. Choose a Business Name

Choosing a Name for Your Children’s Hair Salon:

Selecting the right name for your children’s hair salon is a crucial decision that can impact your brand’s identity and recognition.

Here are some key considerations when naming your salon:

Catchy and Appropriate:

Your salon’s name should be catchy and suitable for the industry. It should resonate with parents and kids alike, reflecting the essence of your services.

Memorable and Pronounceable:

Opt for a name that’s easy to remember and pronounce. A simple, memorable name makes it easier for customers to recall and recommend your salon.

Long-Term Perspective:

Business names tend to be long-lasting. Take your time to choose a name that you’ll be comfortable with throughout the life of your salon. Changing names later can be confusing and costly.

Online Presence:

Ensure the name you select has an available domain name for your online presence. Consistency between your business name and website domain is essential for branding.

Trademark Check:

Before finalizing your salon’s name, check for existing trademarks. You must ensure that your chosen name is not registered by another business to avoid legal complications.

Here are 30 Ideas for Children’s Hair Salon Names:

  • Little Locks Haven
  • Tiny Tresses Studio
  • Cute Cuts & Co.
  • Kidz Kuts Corner
  • Colorful Curls Creations
  • Playful Pixie Parlor
  • Mini Mane Magic
  • Giggles & Glam Hair
  • Sweet Scissor Styles
  • Braids ‘n’ Bows Boutique
  • Lollipop Locks Lounge
  • Funky Frogs Hair Hub
  • Tiny Trendsetters Studio
  • Charm Cuts & Curls
  • Mini Marvel Makeovers
  • Whimsical Waves Salon
  • Junior Jigsaw Tresses
  • Bounce & Braid Beauty
  • Kids’ Crown Creations
  • Curly Q Cuties Corner
  • Totally Tangle-Free Tresses
  • Wiggles & Whiskers Salon
  • Giraffe & Girly Glam
  • Little Mermaid Mane
  • Cheeky Chicks’ Chic Cuts
  • Rockin’ Rapunzel Room
  • Adventurous Alligators’ Locks
  • Rainbow Ringlets Retreat
  • Little Lion Luscious Locks
  • Pigtails & Pirates Parlor

This list can serve as a starting point to ignite your creativity and craft a unique and memorable name for your children’s hair salon.

Remember to conduct due diligence to ensure the chosen name is available and legally sound.

For more, see the following articles:

  • How To Register a Business Name
  • Registering a Domain Name For Your Business

8. Register Your Company

Legal Compliance for Your Children’s Hair Salon:

Ensuring your children’s hair salon operates within the boundaries of the law is essential for a successful and trouble-free business.

Here’s what you need to know about legal compliance:

Professional Guidance:

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Consult with a legal or business professional to determine the most suitable business structure for tax benefits, liability protection, and legal compliance. They can help you make informed decisions.

Common Types of Business Registrations:

  • Sole Proprietorship: The simplest form, where you are the sole owner and personally responsible for the business’s liabilities.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC): Offers personal liability protection and flexibility in management.
  • Corporation: Provides strong liability protection but involves more formalities and paperwork.
  • Partnership: If you’re starting the salon with others, a partnership agreement is crucial to outline responsibilities and liabilities.

Permits and Licenses for a Children’s Hair Salon:

  • Business License: Required for all businesses to operate legally within your city or county.
  • Health Department Permit: Ensures compliance with health and safety regulations in your salon.
  • Zoning Permit: Check local zoning laws to ensure your salon’s location complies with regulations.
  • Cosmetology License: All staff providing hair services must have valid cosmetology licenses.
  • Music License: If you play copyrighted music in your salon, ensure you have the appropriate licenses to avoid copyright infringement.
  • Signage Permit: Some cities regulate the size and placement of business signs.
  • Fire Department Permit: Ensure your salon complies with fire safety regulations.
  • Alcohol License: If you serve alcohol, you may need a license, depending on local regulations.
  • Sales Tax Permit: Necessary for collecting and remitting sales tax on retail sales of hair products.
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN): If you have employees, obtain an EIN for tax purposes.
  • Special Use Permits: If your salon offers unique services, like themed parties, check if you need special permits.

Compliance with these permits and licenses is crucial to avoid legal issues that can jeopardize your children’s hair salon’s reputation and operation.

Always research local regulations and seek professional guidance to ensure full legal compliance.


  • How to Register Your Business
  • How To Register a DBA
  • How to Register a Trademark
  • How to Get a Business License

Business Structures:

  • How to Choose a Business Structure
  • Pros & Cons of a Sole Proprietorship
  • How To Form an LLC
  • How To Register a Business Partnership
  • How To Form a Corporation
  • How To Choose a Business Registration Service

9. Create Your Corporate Identity

The Significance of a Corporate Identity for Your Children’s Hair Salon:

A Corporate Identity (ID) is a crucial element that visually represents your children’s hair salon. It encompasses various components, including your logo, business cards, website, signage, stationery, and promotional materials.

Here’s why a well-crafted corporate ID matters:

Consistency and Professionalism:

A cohesive corporate ID presents a consistent and professional image to both new and existing customers. It establishes trust and credibility, making your salon appear reliable and reputable.

Brand Recognition:

A strong corporate ID aids in brand recognition. When customers encounter your logo, colors, and design elements across different touchpoints, they become familiar with your salon, increasing brand recall.

First Impressions:

Your corporate ID is often the first impression potential customers have of your salon. A well-designed and appealing identity can capture their attention and leave a positive impression.

Marketing Effectiveness:

A well-established corporate ID makes your marketing efforts more effective. It helps convey your salon’s unique value and message clearly and persuasively.

Overall, investing in a professional and consistent corporate ID is a smart move for your children’s hair salon, as it enhances your brand’s image and strengthens your position in the market.

You can see our pages for an overview of your logo , business cards , website , and business sign , or see A Complete Introduction to Corporate Identity Packages.

10. Writing a Business Plan

The Significance of a Comprehensive Business Plan for Your Children’s Hair Salon:

A well-structured business plan holds significant importance in the journey of your children’s hair salon, both as a foundational document and a strategic tool.

Here’s why it’s crucial:

Vision and Clarity:

Your business plan serves as a roadmap, allowing you to create a clear vision of what your salon will be once it’s fully operational. It defines your goals, mission, and strategies.

Startup and Financing:

When seeking financing or attracting investors, a business plan is essential. It provides potential financiers with insights into your salon’s viability, growth potential, and expected returns on investment.

Operational Guidance:

A business plan isn’t just for startups; it continues to guide your salon once it’s operational. It helps maintain focus on your goals, track progress, and adapt to changing market conditions.

Time and Effort:

Crafting a comprehensive business plan requires time, effort, and careful consideration of every aspect of your salon’s operations. However, this investment is worthwhile as it ensures you have a well-thought-out strategy.

Options for Creation:

You have multiple options for creating your business plan. You can start from scratch, engage a professional, use a pre-designed template, or utilize business plan software.

Regardless of the method, your active involvement is vital, especially when working with a professional to convey your salon’s unique characteristics and management approach.

Recognize that your business plan is not set in stone. It can evolve and adapt as you gain experience, encounter market changes, or fine-tune your operations.

Regularly reviewing and updating the plan ensures it remains relevant and effective.

In conclusion, a meticulously crafted business plan is more than just a document; it’s a critical tool that guides your children’s hair salon from inception to full operation.

Whether you’re seeking financing, attracting investors, or simply clarifying your salon’s vision, the effort invested in creating and maintaining a robust business plan is a key step towards long-term success.

Business Plan Template for a Children’s Hair Salon

I. Executive Summary

  • Briefly introduce your children’s hair salon, its mission, and vision.
  • Describe your unique selling proposition (USP).
  • Highlight key financial projections, such as startup costs, revenue, and profit estimates.

II. Business Description

  • Explain the concept and nature of your children’s hair salon.
  • Discuss the specific services you will offer, including haircuts, styling, themed experiences, etc.
  • Share your salon’s location and any unique features.
  • Outline your target market and customer demographics.

III. Market Analysis

  • Provide a detailed analysis of the children’s hair salon industry.
  • Present market trends, including the demand for kid-centric services.
  • Analyze your competition, including their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Identify market gaps and opportunities for your salon.

IV. Marketing Strategy

  • Detail your marketing plan , including online and offline strategies.
  • Define your pricing strategy (e.g., competitive pricing, premium pricing).
  • Outline your promotional campaigns, including social media, local events, and partnerships.
  • Discuss customer retention strategies, such as loyalty programs.

V. Organization and Management

  • Introduce your salon’s management team, including their roles and expertise.
  • Describe the organizational structure of your salon.
  • Highlight any key personnel, such as experienced hairstylists or child-care specialists.
  • Explain the hiring process for additional staff, if applicable.

VI. Services and Products

  • Provide a comprehensive list of services and products offered.
  • Detail any special features, themes, or experiences unique to your salon.
  • Discuss suppliers and partnerships for haircare products or children’s entertainment.

VII. Sales Strategy

  • Outline your sales approach and tactics.
  • Describe how you will attract and retain customers.
  • Explain your pricing strategy and any discounts or packages offered.
  • Include sales forecasts for the first few years of operation.

VIII. Funding Requirements

  • Specify the amount of funding required to start and operate your salon.
  • Break down startup costs, including leasehold improvements, equipment, supplies, and licenses.
  • Detail how you plan to use the funding, such as marketing, staff salaries, and ongoing expenses.

IX. Financial Projections

  • Present financial forecasts, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow projections.
  • Estimate revenue, expenses, and net profit for the first three to five years.
  • Include break-even analysis and assumptions behind your financial projections.

X. Risk Analysis

  • Identify potential risks and challenges specific to your children’s hair salon.
  • Discuss contingency plans and strategies to mitigate risks.
  • Address regulatory compliance and licensing requirements.
  • Highlight any industry-specific risks, such as seasonal fluctuations.

XI. Appendices

  • Include supporting documents, such as resumes of key team members, lease agreements, market research data, and legal documentation.
  • Attach any additional materials that provide context and credibility to your business plan.

XII. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points of your business plan.
  • Reiterate your salon’s unique value proposition and growth potential.
  • Express your commitment to realizing the vision of your children’s hair salon.

Remember to customize this template according to your specific salon’s needs and objectives.

A well-structured business plan is a valuable tool for attracting investors, securing financing, and guiding your salon’s growth.

See How to Write a Business Plan for information on creating yours.

11. Banking Considerations

Selecting a Business-Friendly Bank:

Choosing the right bank for your children’s hair salon is a critical decision.

Here’s why you should consider a nearby bank with a strong small business focus:

Professional Relationship:

Establishing a professional relationship with your banker is crucial. They can offer valuable advice, support you in good and challenging times, and streamline financial applications.

Separate Business and Personal Transactions:

A dedicated business account ensures clear separation of your business and personal finances. It simplifies expense tracking, report generation, and tax filing.

Merchant Account:

Having a merchant account or card processing service is essential. It allows you to accept credit and debit card payments from customers, boosting sales and convenience.

When choosing a bank , prioritize one with a strong presence in the small business sector and a reputation for reliability and support. This financial partner can significantly impact your salon’s financial efficiency and growth.

For more, see How to Open a Business Bank Account. You may also want to look at What Is a Merchant Account and How to Get One.

12. Getting the Funds for Your Operation

Securing Funding for Your Children’s Hair Salon:

If you require financing to start your children’s hair salon, consider these options:

  • Traditional Lenders: Approach banks and credit unions for business loans. Prepare a detailed business plan and financial projections.
  • Private Loans: Seek loans from family, friends, or private investors. Ensure clear terms and repayment plans.
  • Investors: Attract investors by showcasing the growth potential of your salon. Be prepared to share equity or offer returns on investment.
  • Asset Sale: Sell personal assets to generate initial capital for your salon.
  • Government Grants: Research if any government grants or small business programs are available to support your venture.

Considerations when Meeting with a Loan Officer:

  • Business Plan: Present a comprehensive business plan outlining your salon’s concept, market analysis, and financial projections.
  • Credit History: Be prepared to discuss your personal and business credit history.
  • Collateral: If required, discuss potential collateral to secure the loan.
  • Repayment Plan: Clearly articulate how you plan to repay the loan, including interest rates and terms.

Documents Needed for a Children’s Hair Salon Loan Application:

  • Business Plan: A detailed plan showcasing your salon’s concept, market research, financial projections, and growth strategy.
  • Personal and Business Financial Statements: Include your personal financial statement and any existing business financial records.
  • Credit Report: Provide your personal and business credit reports.
  • Collateral Documentation: If applicable, details of collateral assets.
  • Legal Documentation: Business registration, licenses, and any legal agreements related to your salon.
  • Tax Returns: Personal and business tax returns for the past few years.
  • Bank Statements: Recent bank statements for both personal and business accounts.
  • Resume: Highlight your relevant experience and qualifications in the salon industry.
  • Loan Application Form: Complete the lender’s loan application form.
  • References: Provide professional references or letters of recommendation.

Preparing these documents and considering key factors when meeting with a loan officer will enhance your chances of securing the necessary funding for your children’s hair salon.

For more, see the following:

  • Getting a Small Business Loan
  • SBA Small Business Grants
  • Search: Children’s Hair Salon Start-up Loans
  • Search: Grants For a Children’s Hair Salon

13. Software Setup

Selecting Software for Your Children’s Hair Salon:

Choosing the right software is crucial for managing and operating your children’s hair salon efficiently.

Here’s how to make an informed decision:

  • Research Thoroughly: Prioritize researching software options thoroughly before making a choice. It’s easier to implement a program from scratch than to switch systems after your data is already in another program.
  • Company History: Opt for a software provider with a history in the industry. A reputable company is more likely to provide reliable support in the long term.
  • Demos and Trials: Take advantage of software demos and trials whenever available. Testing the software before purchase allows you to assess its suitability for your salon’s needs.
  • User Reviews and Forums: Seek insights from user reviews and online forums. Learn from the experiences of others who have used the software in similar businesses.
  • Training Options: Investigate whether the software provider offers training, either directly or through third-party sources. Comprehensive training ensures you can maximize the software’s potential.
  • Accounting Software: Consider software for tracking expenses and preparing financial documents, especially for tax purposes. Consult with a bookkeeper or accountant to make the right choice.

Types of Software for Children’s Hair Salon Management and Operations:

  • Appointment Scheduling Software: To manage client appointments efficiently.
  • Point-of-Sale (POS) Software: For processing payments and inventory management.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software: To maintain client profiles, preferences, and communication history.
  • Inventory Management Software: For tracking salon supplies and product sales.
  • Accounting Software: To handle financial transactions, expenses, and tax preparation.
  • Marketing and Social Media Management Software: For promoting your salon online.
  • Staff Management and Payroll Software: To manage employee schedules and payroll.
  • Security Software: To safeguard sensitive client and financial data.

Choosing the right software for your children’s hair salon can streamline operations, enhance customer service, and improve overall efficiency.

Check out Google’s latest search results for software packages for a children’s hair salon.

14. Get The Right Business Insurance

Business Insurance for Your Children’s Hair Salon:

Securing the right insurance for your children’s hair salon is essential to protect against unforeseen incidents.

Here are key considerations:

Comprehensive Coverage:

Explore insurance options that provide comprehensive coverage. This includes protection for customers, employees, yourself, anyone on the premises, and your salon property.

Professional Liability Insurance:

Consider professional liability insurance to safeguard your salon against potential lawsuits. It can be crucial in the event of disputes or dissatisfied customers.

Interruption Insurance:

Interruption insurance is a vital safeguard. It acts as a lifeline for your business in case of incidents that force an involuntary shutdown. It helps cover ongoing expenses during the downtime.

Home-Based Business:

If you plan to operate or manage your salon from home, notify your home insurance agent. Running a business from home can impact your existing home insurance policy.

Expert Guidance:

Utilize the expertise of a competent insurance broker. They can provide valuable guidance to ensure you have the right coverage to protect your children’s hair salon.

Continual Review:

Periodically review your insurance coverage to ensure it aligns with your evolving business needs and potential risks.

To learn more about business insurance for your children’s hair salon and to explore available options, consider conducting a Google search for the latest information and insurance providers specializing in children’s hair salon coverage.

For more, see What to Know About Business Insurance . You can also browse the latest Google search results for children’s hair salon insurance .

15. Suppliers and Service Providers

Building Strong Relationships with Suppliers and Service Providers:

Cultivating strong relationships with your suppliers and service providers is essential for the success of your children’s hair salon. Here’s why it matters:

Reliability and Trustworthiness:

A dependable supplier is a cornerstone of your business. They offer competitive prices, enabling you to provide cost-effective services to your customers while boosting your profit margins.

Consistent Supply:

Suppliers ensure you always have the necessary salon supplies on hand, preventing disruptions to your operations.

Mutual Benefit:

Treating suppliers and service providers with respect and ensuring they also benefit financially fosters a positive working relationship. This mutual respect enhances cooperation and reliability.

Items and Services for Children’s Hair Salons:

  • Haircare Products: Shampoos, conditioners, styling gels, and hair treatments.
  • Salon Equipment: Haircutting chairs, wash basins, styling stations, and salon furniture.
  • Hair Accessories: Hairbrushes, combs, hairpins, and hair ties.
  • Sanitization and Cleaning Supplies: Disinfectants, cleaning agents, and disposable salon supplies.
  • Towels and Linens: Towels, capes, aprons, and salon linens.
  • Beauty Products: Hair dyes, hair extensions, and specialized children’s hair products.
  • Maintenance and Repairs: Service providers for salon equipment maintenance and repairs.
  • Marketing and Advertising Services: Graphic designers, advertising agencies, and printing services for promotional materials.
  • IT and Software Services: Support for salon management software, booking systems, and online presence.
  • Professional Training: Haircutting and styling training services for your salon staff.

Establishing strong relationships with these suppliers and service providers ensures the smooth and efficient operation of your children’s hair salon while benefiting both parties.

For more information, see How To Choose a Supplier.

16. Setting Prices

Importance of Pricing Research for Your Children’s Hair Salon:

Thorough pricing research is vital when launching a children’s hair salon.

Finding the Right Balance:

Pricing research helps strike the delicate balance between competitiveness and profitability. If your prices are excessively high, you risk losing potential customers to competitors.

Conversely, if your prices are too low, you may attract more customers but struggle to cover expenses due to reduced profits.

Market Alignment:

Research ensures your pricing aligns with the current market conditions and customer expectations. Understanding your target audience’s willingness to pay is crucial in setting the right prices.

Emphasizing Value:

Pricing research allows you to emphasize the value your salon provides. It’s not just about being the cheapest option but demonstrating the quality and unique services you offer.

In conclusion, conducting pricing research enables your children’s hair salon to position itself effectively in the market, attract customers, and maintain a healthy profit margin.

See the following for more:

  • Setting the Price of Your Products and Services
  • Search Results for Pricing Strategies for a Children’s Hair Salon.

17. Physical Setup

Children’s Hair Salon Layout:

Creating an efficient layout for your children’s hair salon is crucial for smooth operations.

Here are some key considerations:

  • Workstations Placement: Position haircutting chairs, wash basins, and styling stations for easy access and a clear flow of movement.
  • Waiting Area: Design a comfortable waiting area for parents and children, considering child-friendly seating and entertainment options.
  • Sanitization Station: Place hand sanitizers and cleaning supplies strategically for easy access and regular use.
  • Storage Solutions: Allocate storage space for salon supplies, hair products, and equipment, ensuring everything is well-organized.
  • Safety Measures: Implement safety features such as non-slip flooring, secure electrical outlets, and childproofing where necessary.

Business Signs:

Effective signage is essential for attracting customers and enhancing professionalism:

  • Main Business Sign: Invest in a clear and eye-catching main sign that displays your salon’s name and logo prominently.
  • Interior Signage: Add signs to guide customers to key areas like restrooms, exits, and specific salon services.
  • Professionalism: Well-designed signs convey a sense of professionalism and attention to detail, building trust with your clientele.

Your Office Setup:

A well-organized office is essential for efficient business management:

  • Time Management: Managing a children’s hair salon can be time-consuming, so having an organized office space allows you to work efficiently.
  • Productivity: Equip your office with the necessary tools and technology to handle appointments, finances, and client records effectively.
  • Fully Equipped: Ensure your office is fully equipped with computers, printers, appointment scheduling software, and any other resources needed for smooth operations.
  • Considerations for the Setup of Your Office
  • Considerations for Your Company Sign.

18. Creating a Website

The Importance of a Website for Your Children’s Hair Salon

A website serves as a critical tool for your children’s hair salon.

Here’s why it’s indispensable:

Central Point of Contact:

Your website is the primary platform for customers to learn about your salon, its offerings, and promotions.

Ownership and Control:

Unlike social media accounts, a website is your digital property, allowing you to control its content and design when you host and register a domain name.

Marketing Hub:

Utilize your website for marketing purposes. Blogging about industry trends, sharing tips, and offering insights tailored to your customers helps establish trust and positions you as an expert.


Your website is accessible 24/7, providing convenience to customers who can browse your services and make appointments at any time.


A professionally designed and maintained website enhances your salon’s credibility and professionalism in the eyes of potential customers.

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is non-negotiable.

A well-crafted website not only informs but also engages and builds trust with your target audience, contributing significantly to the success of your children’s hair salon.

For more, see How to Build a Website for Your Business .

19. Create an External Support Team

Building Your External Support Team for Your Children’s Hair Salon

An external support team comprises professionals you can rely on for advice and services, without them being on your payroll.

They play a crucial role in the success of your children’s hair salon.

Here’s why they matter and how to work with them:

Understanding Their Significance:

  • Diverse Expertise: Each member brings specialized skills and knowledge to address different aspects of your business.
  • Objective Advice: External professionals offer an unbiased perspective and valuable insights.
  • Resource Efficiency: You can access their services as needed, saving costs compared to hiring full-time staff.

Working with Your Team:

  • Compensation: Payment terms can vary, from hourly rates to project-based fees, retainers, or contracts.
  • Professional Relationships: Building trust and rapport takes time, so start developing these relationships early.

Members of Your External Support Team:

  • Accountant: Manages financial aspects, taxes, and budgeting.
  • Lawyer: Handles legal matters and contractual obligations.
  • Financial Advisor: Provides guidance on investments and financial planning.
  • Marketing Specialist: Assists with advertising, promotions, and branding.
  • Technical Advisors: Offer expertise in technology-related issues.
  • Consultants: Can cover various areas, such as business strategy or operations.

Having a strong external support team ensures you have reliable assistance when needed, contributing to the growth and success of your children’s hair salon.

It’s not necessary to have all team members in place immediately; focus on building relationships and adding professionals as your salon’s needs evolve.

For more, see Building a Team of Professional Advisors for Your Business.

20. Hiring Employees

Managing Growth: Hiring for Your Growing Children’s Hair Salon

Initially, running your children’s hair salon solo can be cost-effective, given that payroll is a significant expense at the start.

However, as your business expands, managing all aspects alone may become overwhelming.

Here’s a crucial point: when you decide to hire, focus on finding qualified individuals with strong work ethics who are the right fit for the job.

Job Positions and Outsourced Services to Consider for a Growing Children’s Hair Salon:

  • Stylists: Experienced hairstylists who specialize in children’s haircuts and styling.
  • Receptionist: Someone to manage appointments, handle phone calls, and greet customers.
  • Assistant Stylists: Supporting your primary stylists during busy hours.
  • Cleaners: To ensure the salon remains spotless and hygienic.
  • Marketing Manager: Handling advertising, social media, and promotional efforts.
  • Accountant: Managing financial aspects and ensuring proper bookkeeping.
  • Inventory Manager: Keeping track of salon supplies and products.
  • Training Coordinator: If you plan to hire and train new stylists.
  • IT Support: For technical issues and maintaining the salon’s online presence.
  • Legal Counsel: For contractual and legal matters, if necessary.
  • Outsourced Marketing: Utilizing agencies or freelancers for specialized marketing campaigns.
  • Accounting Services: To handle taxes, financial planning, and payroll processing.
  • Cleaning Services: For deep cleaning and maintenance.

When deciding to expand your team or outsource services, consider your salon’s specific needs and growth trajectory.

Hiring the right personnel and services is essential for the smooth and successful growth of your children’s hair salon.

For more, see How and When to Hire a New Employee.

21. Getting Customers Through the Door

When you have reached this step, your business is set up and ready to go, with one more final step, which is important: getting customers through the door.

There are numerous ways to do this, like advertising, having a grand opening , word of mouth, etc.

The following sections will give you a few ideas to spark your creativity and draw attention to your new children’s hair salon.

a.) Marketing Considerations b.) The Market Can Guide You c.) Sample Ad Ideas d.) B2B Ideas

Let’s dig a little deeper into the following sections.

a.) Marketing Considerations

Attracting Customers to Your Children’s Hair Salon

Starting a children’s hair salon means little without customers.

Initially, it’s challenging as awareness is low, but over time, it gets easier with a good reputation and more marketing experience.

Here are some essential points:

1. Continuous Marketing: Marketing is ongoing. Invest in effective techniques to boost revenue.

2. DIY Marketing: You don’t always need experts; start simple and learn. Consider professionals when needed.

3. Awareness Building: Think of marketing as creating awareness. Seize opportunities as they come.

Simple Methods to Promote Your Salon:

  • Social Media: Create profiles on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, sharing cute hairstyles and customer reviews.
  • Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses like toy stores or schools for cross-promotions.
  • Online Listings: Ensure your salon is listed on Google My Business and online directories.
  • Customer Referrals: Encourage satisfied customers to refer friends and family.
  • Special Offers: Offer discounts for first-time customers or package deals for multiple services.
  • Community Involvement: Attend local events or sponsor children’s activities to raise awareness.
  • Quality Service: Above all, provide excellent service to build a strong word-of-mouth reputation.

Consistent marketing efforts and a commitment to delivering exceptional service will gradually grow your children’s hair salon’s customer base.

See How To Get Customers Through the Door and our marketing section for ideas on promoting your business.

b.) The Market Can Guide You

Listening to Market Demand in Your Children’s Hair Salon Business

In the world of business, it’s essential to pay attention to your customers’ needs and preferences.

While you may have a specific vision for your children’s hair salon and the services you want to offer, it’s equally crucial to be receptive to market demand.

Customers often provide subtle signs of what they desire.

They might inquire about certain hairstyles or services repeatedly, express interest in specific products, or offer feedback on what they’d like to see.

It’s easy to remain fixed on your initial plans, but ignoring these signals can mean missing out on a thriving business opportunity.

Your business decisions are ultimately your own, but when market demand consistently emerges, it’s wise to take a step back and evaluate.

Adapting to meet your customers’ needs not only enhances their experience but also increases your salon’s chances of success.

In the end, a successful children’s hair salon is one that evolves with the evolving desires of its young clientele and their parents.

c.) Sample Ad Ideas

  • “Enchanting Hair Adventures for Kids!” Transform Your Child’s Look Visit Our Children’s Hair Salon Today!
  • “Magical Makeovers at KidKuts Salon” Where Every Child’s Hair Dreams Come True Book an Appointment Now!
  • “Kids Love Their Haircuts Here!” Fun, Friendly, and Fabulous Styles Discover Kid-Friendly Haircare Today!
  • “Little Ones, Big Styles!” Expert Styling for Your Precious Child Experience Excellence at Our Salon!
  • “Bubbling with Joy – Kid’s Hair Salon” A Place Where Haircuts Are Fun! Bring Smiles to Your Child’s Face!

d.) B2B Ideas for a Children’s Hair Salon: Joint Ventures

Joint ventures in business can be mutually beneficial partnerships where both parties collaborate to achieve their goals.

As a children’s hair salon owner, exploring joint ventures with compatible businesses can expand your offerings and reach a wider audience.

Here are some businesses you could approach for potential joint ventures:

Toy Stores:

Partnering with local toy stores allows you to offer special discounts or promotions to each other’s customers.

Parents visiting the toy store may receive coupons for your salon, and vice versa.

Clothing Boutiques:

Children’s clothing boutiques are a natural fit. You could offer hairstyling services during special events at the boutique, like fashion shows or seasonal collections launches.

Children’s Party Planners:

Collaborating with party planners can lead to joint packages where clients booking parties with the planner can include hairstyling services at your salon.

Pediatric Dentists:

Promote each other’s services by displaying brochures and offering referral discounts.

Parents taking their children to the dentist might discover your salon through this partnership.

Dance Studios:

If there are dance studios for kids in your area, consider offering special hairstyle packages for dance recitals or performances.

This could include unique hairstyles to complement their costumes.

Child-Friendly Cafes:

Parents often visit child-friendly cafes. You can provide promotional materials at the cafe, and the cafe can offer discounts to parents who visit your salon.

Indoor Play Centers:

Indoor play centers and children’s hair salons share a common customer base.

You can offer discounts to parents who frequent the play center, and they can do the same for your salon.

Pediatricians’ Offices:

Collaborate with pediatricians to provide information about your salon in their waiting areas.

You can offer special promotions for their patients.

Kid’s Spa or Nail Salons:

Partnering with kid’s spas or nail salons allows you to offer combined packages for spa days, including hairstyling services.

Children’s Photographers:

Joint packages could include hairstyling before a photoshoot. Parents booking photography sessions can benefit from this added service.

Joint ventures should always focus on mutual benefit, where both parties gain value from the partnership.

Ensure that the terms and conditions are well-defined in any agreement.

These partnerships can help your children’s hair salon reach new customers and provide added value to your existing clientele.

Points To Consider

Next, for your children’s hair salon, let’s review essential points to consider

We will cover sections, including tips to improve the setup of your children’s hair salon, equipment, alternatives to starting from scratch, and more.

After that, you’ll reach the “Knowledge Is Power” segment, where you can access resources containing valuable information.

Key Points to Succeed in a Children’s Hair Salon

Critical Points for the Setup Phase:

  • Market Research: Thoroughly research your target market and competition to identify gaps and opportunities in your area.
  • Business Plan: Create a comprehensive business plan outlining your salon’s concept, services, pricing, and marketing strategies.
  • Location Selection: Choose a strategic and accessible location, considering foot traffic and proximity to your target audience.
  • Legal Requirements: Ensure you meet all legal and regulatory obligations, including permits, licenses, and safety standards.
  • Interior Design: Design an inviting and child-friendly salon layout with comfortable seating, colorful decor, and themed elements.
  • Equipment and Supplies: Procure high-quality salon equipment, child-sized furniture, and a range of hair products suitable for children.
  • Staffing: Hire skilled and experienced hairstylists, ensuring they are well-trained in child hair care and customer service.
  • Marketing and Branding: Develop a strong brand identity and marketing strategy, including a website, social media presence, and promotional materials.
  • Safety Measures: Implement safety protocols for children, including childproofing and staff training in handling young clients.
  • Financial Planning: Establish a budget, secure financing if needed, and ensure you have adequate funds for the initial setup phase.

Critical Points for Success in the Operational Phase

  • Customer Experience: Maintain a welcoming and child-friendly atmosphere, offering a positive experience for both children and parents.
  • Quality Services: Ensure consistently high-quality haircuts and styling services, keeping children comfortable during their visit.
  • Customer Engagement: Foster strong relationships with clients, encourage loyalty, and seek feedback for continuous improvement.
  • Staff Training: Provide ongoing training to hairstylists on current trends, child-friendly techniques, and excellent customer service.
  • Hygiene and Safety: Strictly adhere to health and safety protocols, especially with regard to equipment sanitization and cleanliness.
  • Appointment Scheduling: Efficiently manage appointments to minimize waiting times and provide a seamless customer experience.
  • Product Selection: Continuously update and expand your range of child-friendly hair care products and accessories.
  • Marketing Efforts: Maintain a consistent online presence, engage in local marketing, and explore partnerships to attract and retain customers.
  • Financial Management: Monitor and manage finances carefully, keeping track of expenses, revenue, and profitability.
  • Adaptability: Stay adaptable to changing customer preferences and market trends, adjusting your services and offerings accordingly.

Succeeding in both the setup and operational phases of a children’s hair salon requires careful planning, a strong commitment to customer satisfaction, and ongoing attention to detail.

Ideas to Make a Children’s Hair Salon Stand Out:

  • Themed Decor: Create a fun and engaging atmosphere with child-friendly themes such as superheroes, fairy tales, or fantasy worlds.
  • Interactive Waiting Area: Install play areas or digital screens with games and cartoons to keep kids entertained while waiting.
  • Kid-Friendly Styling Chairs: Use unique and colorful child-sized chairs that resemble toys or favorite characters.
  • Character Haircut Parties: Offer themed haircut parties with a dedicated stylist and activities like face painting or temporary tattoos.
  • Special Packages: Create packages that include haircuts, styling, and a themed gift or accessory.
  • Reward System: Implement a loyalty program or reward system with stickers, small toys, or certificates for well-behaved children.
  • Child-Safe Products: Use gentle, child-safe hair products with appealing scents and packaging.
  • Educational Initiatives: Host workshops or events focused on teaching kids about hair care and grooming.
  • Birthday Parties: Organize salon-themed birthday parties with styling sessions and decorations.
  • Photo Opportunities: Design photo corners with props for parents to capture memorable moments.

Ideas for Add-Ons for a Children’s Hair Salon:

  • Nail Services: Offer kid-friendly manicures and pedicures.
  • Braiding Bar: Introduce creative braiding and hairstyling options.
  • Temporary Hair Color: Provide washable, non-toxic hair coloring options.
  • Ear Piercing: Offer ear-piercing services with sterile, hypoallergenic earrings.
  • Hair Accessories: Sell hair accessories like bows, clips, and headbands.
  • Parent-Child Packages: Create packages for parent-child bonding experiences.
  • Retail Section: Stock child-friendly hair care products and accessories for purchase.
  • Party Favors: Offer custom-made party favor bags for birthday parties.
  • Photo Booth: Set up a photo booth with props and backdrops for kids to enjoy after their styling session.
  • Sensory-Friendly Services: Cater to children with sensory sensitivities, providing a calm and comfortable environment.

These ideas can help differentiate your children’s hair salon and provide value-added services to your young clientele and their parents.

Hours of Operation:

Children’s hair salon hours of operation typically align with regular business hours, which may vary but generally fall within:

  • Monday to Saturday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

Tasks that can’t be completed during regular hours include deep cleaning, equipment maintenance, and inventory restocking.

These are often scheduled during non-business hours to minimize disruption to clients.

Equipment and Supplies

A List of Equipment and Supplies to Consider for a Children’s Hair Salon:

  • Hair Styling Chairs: Comfortable and child-sized chairs designed for hairstyling.
  • Haircutting Capes: Protective capes worn by children during haircuts.
  • Hair Dryers: Professional hair dryers to dry and style hair.
  • Shampoo Chairs: Chairs for washing and rinsing hair.
  • Shampoo Bowls: Basins used for hair washing.
  • Mirrors: Wall-mounted and hand-held mirrors for clients to see their haircuts.
  • Child-Friendly Seating: Waiting area with child-sized furniture and entertainment.
  • Haircutting Tools: Scissors, clippers, combs, and brushes for hairstyling.
  • Hair Products: Shampoos, conditioners, styling products, and hair treatments.
  • Sanitization Equipment: Disinfectants, sanitizers, and cleaning supplies.
  • Storage Cabinets: For storing equipment, products, and supplies.
  • Reception Desk: A desk for scheduling appointments and handling payments.
  • POS System: Point-of-sale system for transactions and inventory management.
  • Child-Friendly Decor: Decorative elements to create a child-friendly ambiance.
  • Children’s Entertainment: Toys, books, or screens to keep kids engaged.
  • Child-Safe Lighting: Well-lit salon with kid-friendly lighting fixtures.
  • Waiting Area Furniture: Comfortable seating for parents and guardians.
  • Kid-Sized Aprons: Protective aprons for children during haircuts.
  • Washing Accessories: Towels, washcloths, and hair-washing accessories.
  • Child-Proofing Items: Safety measures to ensure a child-safe environment.
  • Hand Dryers: For drying hair and hands.
  • Child-Friendly Products: Hair products designed for children’s hair.
  • Hair Rollers and Curlers: Styling tools for creating curls and waves.
  • Spray Bottles: For misting hair during styling.
  • UV Sterilizer: To disinfect combs and brushes.
  • First Aid Kit: Essential for minor injuries or accidents.
  • Sound System: Music or entertainment for the salon.
  • Scheduling Software: Digital tools for managing appointments.
  • Training Materials: Educational resources for staff training.
  • Hair Extensions: If offering extension services.

This list covers the basic equipment needed to operate a children’s hair salon.

The specific equipment may vary based on the salon’s size, services offered, and design preferences.

See the latest search results for children’s hair salon equipment.

Focusing on your skill set is crucial when considering running a children’s hair salon.

Essential skills include customer service, hairstyling techniques, business management, and marketing.

If lacking any of these skills, you can learn or hire professionals with expertise.

List of Essential Skills for a Children’s Hair Salon Owner:

  • Hairstyling and Cutting Skills: Proficiency in various haircuts and styling techniques for children.
  • Customer Service: Ability to provide a child-friendly and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Business Management: Skills in financial management, budgeting, and salon operations.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Knowledge of marketing strategies to attract and retain clients.
  • Staff Management: If you have employees, effective team leadership and management skills are crucial.
  • Hygiene and Safety: Ensuring a clean and safe salon environment, especially with children.
  • Creativity: Offering unique and appealing hairstyles for kids.
  • Time Management: Efficiently scheduling appointments and managing client expectations.
  • Communication: Effective communication with both children and parents to understand their preferences.
  • Adaptability: Ability to stay updated with industry trends and adapt to changing customer needs.

Evaluate your skills and consider training or hiring to fill any gaps for a successful children’s hair salon operation.

For more, see The Essential Skills To Run a Business

Considering the Future of Your Children’s Hair Salon:

Creating a clear vision for the future of your children’s hair salon is a crucial step for long-term success.

Without a vision, you risk running day-to-day operations without a strategic plan.

Example One:

If you don’t have a vision for your salon in the next 10 years and merely focus on daily tasks, it’s challenging to predict where your business will be in the future.

Example Two:

Now, envision your salon expanding to multiple locations, efficiently operated by a dedicated team, and serving a large customer base.

Even if you don’t achieve this exact outcome, having a vision allows you to make informed decisions and steer your business in the desired direction.

Having a vision provides several benefits:

  • Goal Setting: It helps you set clear goals and objectives for your children’s hair salon.
  • Strategy: A vision guides your strategic planning and decision-making.
  • Motivation: It inspires you and your team, fostering dedication and commitment.
  • Adaptability: You can adapt and adjust your strategies to align with your long-term vision.

In summary, a well-defined vision serves as a roadmap for your children’s hair salon’s growth and development.

It may evolve over time, but having one is essential for making informed choices and working towards a successful future.

Considering a Children’s Hair Salon For Sale

  • Immediate Revenue: When you purchase an existing children’s hair salon, you start earning revenue from the moment you take over. This eliminates the lengthy startup phase.
  • Proven Viability: You can assess the salon’s performance and profitability before investing. This reduces the uncertainty associated with starting a new business.
  • Financial Transparency: An existing salon provides clear financial records, including revenue, profit, and expenses, giving you a comprehensive understanding of its financial health.
  • Customer Base: Acquiring an established salon means inheriting an existing customer base. You don’t have to build a clientele from scratch.
  • Reputation: Established salons often have a reputation in the community. This can translate into immediate trust and loyalty among customers.
  • Higher Cost: Purchasing an established salon typically involves a higher upfront cost due to the goodwill associated with an existing customer base and reputation.
  • Operational Changes: If you wish to make significant changes to the way the salon operates, you risk alienating existing customers who were accustomed to the previous setup.
  • Inherited Reputation: Whether positive or negative, you inherit the salon’s existing reputation. Managing and improving a tarnished reputation can be challenging.

Before considering buying an existing children’s hair salon, conduct thorough due diligence, review financial records, and assess the salon’s potential for growth.

Weigh the pros and cons carefully to make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals.

The latest search results for a children’s hair salon for sale and others in the same category.

See our article on performing due diligence for buying a business if you find something promising.

Franchise Opportunities Related to a Children’s Hair Salon

  • Proven Business Model: Franchising offers a ready-made business plan, allowing you to follow a tried-and-tested formula for success. This can reduce the risks associated with starting from scratch.
  • Established Reputation: Joining a reputable franchise brings immediate brand recognition and benefits from existing marketing efforts. Customers are more likely to trust a well-known franchise.
  • Comprehensive Training: Franchisees typically receive thorough training and support from the corporate office. This ensures you are well-prepared and knowledgeable about all aspects of the business.
  • Corporate Support: Franchisees often receive ongoing support and guidance from the franchisor, ranging from operational assistance to marketing strategies.
  • High Costs: Acquiring a franchise often comes with a significant initial investment, including franchise fees, equipment, and leasehold improvements. This financial commitment can be substantial.
  • Limited Autonomy: Franchisees are bound by the franchisor’s rules and guidelines. Significant changes to the business model or offerings may require approval from the corporate office.
  • Product and Service Restrictions: Franchise agreements typically restrict franchisees from offering products or services that are not approved by the corporate entity. This limits your flexibility in catering to specific customer preferences.
  • Operational Constraints: Franchisees must adhere strictly to the operational procedures outlined in the franchise agreement. Deviating from these guidelines is often not allowed.
  • Ongoing Fees: Franchisees are required to pay ongoing royalty fees or a percentage of their revenue to the franchisor. These fees can impact your profitability.

Exploring Related Opportunities:

While there may not be an exact Children’s Hair Salon franchise, consider researching related industries or businesses within the broader beauty and child-oriented sectors.

Exploring adjacent opportunities can help you identify niche markets or innovative ideas to incorporate into your children’s hair salon business.

See the latest search results for franchise opportunities related to this industry.

Knowledge Is Power if You Use It!

There are many sources of information that you may not have considered to increase your knowledge for starting and running a children’s hair salon.

The good news is that the sections below cover a lot of material, and I have made it easy for you by providing links to search results.

You don’t have to focus on what to look for; instead, click the links that interest you and explore the search results.

You can explore now or bookmark this page to return another time.

Children’s Hair Salon Terminology

Being familiar with the terminology in your industry is a must. You can pick it up as you gain more experience.

For now, you can see the list below to get you started.

  • Cradle Cap : A common scalp condition in infants characterized by scaly or crusty patches on the scalp.
  • Pigtails : A hairstyle where the hair is divided into two sections and secured with hair ties or clips.
  • Buzz Cut : A very short haircut typically achieved with clippers, leaving the hair very close to the scalp.
  • Detangler : A hair product used to remove knots and tangles from hair, especially useful for children with long hair.
  • Fringe : Also known as bangs, it refers to the hair that falls over the forehead.
  • Barber Cape : A protective cloth worn by a child during a haircut to keep hair off their clothes.
  • Hair Gel : A styling product used to shape and hold hair in place.
  • Scissor Over Comb : A haircutting technique that involves using scissors and a comb to blend and shape hair.
  • Clipper Guards : Attachments for clippers that determine the length of hair left after cutting.
  • Tousled : A hairstyle that appears messy but intentionally styled for a casual look.
  • Tapered Cut : A haircut where the hair gradually gets shorter from the top to the sides and back.
  • Mousse : A styling product that adds volume and hold to hair.
  • Shampoo Capes : Protective capes worn by children during hair washing to prevent water and shampoo from getting on their clothes.
  • Braids : A hairstyle created by interweaving three or more strands of hair.
  • Split Ends : The fraying or splitting of hair strands, often requiring a trim.
  • Updo : A formal hairstyle where the hair is styled and secured above the neckline.
  • Root Touch-Up : Coloring technique to conceal the regrowth of hair at the roots.
  • Curling Iron : A heated styling tool used to create curls or waves in the hair.
  • Texture Spray : A product used to add texture and volume to hair.
  • Tangle Teezer : A specialized hairbrush designed to detangle hair gently.
  • Hair Bows : Decorative accessories worn in the hair, often popular with children.
  • Taper Fade : A haircut style that gradually fades from longer hair at the top to shorter hair at the sides and back.
  • Heat Protector : A product applied to hair before using heated styling tools to prevent damage.
  • Manicure : Nail care service often offered in children’s salons.
  • Child-Friendly Chairs : Specially designed chairs for children during haircuts, often themed or colorful to make the experience more enjoyable.
  • Rinse : A final step in hair washing, typically with a conditioning product.
  • Head Lice : Parasites that infest the scalp and hair, requiring special treatment and prevention measures.
  • Faux Hawk : A hairstyle resembling a mohawk but with shorter sides and a central strip of longer hair.
  • Fishtail Braid : A braiding technique that creates a herringbone-like pattern in the hair.
  • Hot Towel Shave : A service often offered for boys, involving the use of hot towels to soften facial hair before shaving.

Trends and Statistics

Analyzing industry trends and statistics for a children’s hair salon business aids in making informed decisions, adapting to market changes, and staying competitive in the industry.

See the latest search results for trends and statistics related to the hair salon industry.

Children’s Hair Salons Associations

Trade associations provide benefits such as industry updates and networking opportunities, keeping members informed and connected within their field.

See the search results for associations for a children’s hair salon business and the benefits of Joining the Chamber of Commerce.

The Top Children’s Hair Salons

Analyzing established children’s hair salon businesses can inspire ideas, identify industry gaps for competitive advantage, and reveal overlooked services provided by competitors.

See the latest search results for the top children’s hair salons.

Expert Tips for styling children’s hair salons

Examining expert tips benefits both novices and experts.

Experts can discover alternative techniques or perspectives, while novices gain valuable knowledge and improve their skills.

See the latest search results for styling children’s hair salons to gain tips and insights.

Children’s Hair Salon Insights

Examining tips and insights for operating a children’s hair salon can yield innovative ideas and valuable guidance to enhance your knowledge and mitigate potential challenges.

See the latest search results about insights into running a children’s hair salon.

Interviews With Children’s Hair Salon Owners

Interviewing experienced individuals in the children’s hair salon business can provide valuable insights, tips, and cautionary tales, expanding your industry knowledge and helping you make informed decisions for your salon’s success.

See the latest search results for interviews with children’s hair salon owners.

Children’s Hair Salons Discussion Forums

Engaging in children’s hair salon discussion forums fosters dialogue and relationships within the industry.

These platforms provide valuable insights into customer perspectives, aiding in salon improvements.

See the latest search results related to children’s hair salon discussion forums.

Taking courses, whether online or at a local educational institution, can greatly enhance your skills and knowledge to effectively operate a children’s hair salon.

See the latest courses that could benefit a hair salon owner . Also, see our management articles for tips and insights for managing your business.

Children’s Hair Salons Blogs

Subscribe to various children’s hair styling blogs for ideas and industry updates.

Gradually unsubscribe from inactive or unhelpful ones, curating a valuable collection of top blogs for continuous information flow.

Look at the latest search results for top children’s hair styling blogs to follow.

Children’s Hair Salons News

The news serves as a vital source for staying informed about children’s hair salons, covering relevant media stories and developments in the industry.

See the latest results for children’s hair salons in the news.

Visual learners should explore YouTube for industry insights. The platform’s related video suggestions often reveal new, relevant information.

YouTube videos related to hair salons.

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How to Start a Hair Salon for Kids

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How to Promote & Market Your Child Care

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Children's hair salons can be a niche in a community that small business owners can fill. Children's hair salons use kid-friendly fixtures, bright colors, movies and staff members to draw in their clientele. Previously owned salons are available to owners who want to limit the amount of remodeling required for operation.

Create a business plan and budget. You need money for rental space, utilities, plumbing upgrades, fixtures, signage, register equipment, advertising and salaries. Speak to a financial institution to go over small business loan options to start your children's hair salon.

Locate a space for your children's salon. A new rental space can be used or you can purchase an established children's hair salon from someone who is selling the business. According to "Forbes" magazine, five to six hair styling chairs require a minimum of 1,000 feet of building space.

Decorate the salon with children's needs in mind. Choose fun-shaped salon chairs, such as animals, cartoon characters, trucks and cars. Buy small toys, game sets and puzzles to place in the waiting room to keep children busy before their appointments. Purchase multiple television sets to play kid movies and television shows. Paint the walls in bright colors such as bright blues, yellows, greens and pinks.

Decide on the type of operation you wish to run for the children's hair salon. You can either pay the stylists a salary or act as a landlord for a group of stylists who can pay you a flat fee to use the booth space. In this case the stylists make their own hours, manage their own supplies and book their own appointments.

Choose the services you will offer for children in your salon. Most salons aimed at children offer simple services such as cuts, shampoos and styling. Nail services may also be added to the menu and include mini manicures, nail art and toenail painting.

Hire your staff. The skills and personalities of your staff determine how successful the salon will be. Stylists should have experience working with children and should be patient, entertaining and have an upbeat personality.

Register with your state's department of cosmetology to receive the appropriate license to own and operate your children's salon. Electrical, fire codes and sanitation inspections may be required before you open. Stylists may need to submit copies of their licenses as well before permits are given.

Advertise the children's salon. Put ads in local family magazines and newspapers. Direct mailers can be sent to offer discounts on services in the salon. Check out local competition to set up your pricing model.

  • "Entrepreneur": How to Open a Salon or Day Spa; Aug 2005
  • "Forbes": How To Run A Beauty Salon; Maureen Farrell; April 2007
  • Salon Builder: Starting a Salon Business or Spa Business

Heather Topham Wood is a seasoned writer whose work has appeared in numerous publications, including USA Today, Gadgetell, Feel Rich and Step in Style. Heather is a published novelist with six Amazon bestsellers and a contract through Crescent Moon Press. She holds a bachelor's degree in English from TCNJ.

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Childrens Hair Salon Business Plan Template

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Childrens Hair Salon business plan template

Are you interested in starting your own Childrens Hair Salon Business?

kiddies salon business plan


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Salon Business Boss

How to Start a Salon for Kids

Chances are pretty good that there are a few hair salons in your area, but how many of them cater strictly to children? To some, opening a kids’ salon my seem silly, but businesses of this nature are popping up all over the country as licensed hairstylists recognize that kid-friendly salons make for a better experience for children, and can be a fun and rewarding way for them to open their own businesses. While opening a regular and a kids-only salon has some steps in common, there are some special things to consider when designing a stylish business around a younger clientele.

When starting a kids’ salon, first you will need to create a business plan. Once your plan is written, you can then find the perfect location and begin the process of furnishing and decorating your new business in a fun, kid-friendly fashion. While these steps are, in fact, similar to those you might follow if you were opening a beauty parlor or barbershop for all ages, you will still need to keep your target clients in mind from beginning to end in order to ensure that your kid salon is a fun, relaxed environment for everything from first-time haircuts to picture day perfection. 

Table of Contents

Begin with a Business Plan

The business plan is probably the most important step. This is where you will outline all of the details of your business, from your company’s profile to marketing and budgeting. The very first thing you’ll do when creating your plan is research. You will want to check your local area and see if a kids’ salon has already been established. If there is one close by, how can you compete with it to bring in clients? If there isn’t, why not? You’ll want to make sure you learn as much as possible about your community’s current needs for a business like the one you are planning on opening before you do anything else. 

Once you’ve determined that your dream of opening a kids’ salon is feasible, then you can move on to the next part of your plan: writing your company description. Start with a fun name that will make kids want to visit your salon, then write out your vision for the business. This will include your mission statement, business goals, and the services you will provide, such as shampoos, hair cuts, kiddie mani-pedis, and even flower girl and ring-bearer hair styling. Use your imagination, but be sure to cater to your description of the kids you plan to work with.

Marketing is a key portion of your business plan. In this section, you will describe the ages of your clients and plan out how you will advertise in ways that appeal to both the children you will work with and their parents. This is also where you will include the market analysis research that you did before you began. Who are your business competitors, and how will you make your salon stand out above the rest so that it will be a success?

Your budget is another important part of your business plan. You can use programs like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets and either create your own budget spreadsheets or download ready-made templates to help you record all of the money you are spending and earning throughout the process of starting and running your business. If budgeting isn’t your strong suit, you may want to look for a financing course online or in your area or hire an accountant to help you get started.

Writing your own business plan can be a little intimidating, but it really is a very important step. Fortunately, there are a lot of free resources available online for those who are looking to create a business plan for the first time. Take a look at  entrepreneur.com for some great, detailed articles on how to write a business plan, or download a free business plan template (like this one).

Finding the Perfect Location

How to Start a Salon for Kids

Once you have your business plan created, it’s time to find the perfect place to open your salon. When you go to view rental spaces, make certain that the place you choose is large enough for the number of chairs, shampoo sinks, and other service counters that you want to set up. Though your clients will be smaller than the adults who frequent other salons, you will still want to ensure that you have enough room for all of your stylists to work. According to  thesalonbusiness.com , you will need at least 175 square feet of space per stylist, and the average hair salon is about 1,500 square feet, providing enough room for up to eight chairs. They also suggest leaving at least 40 inches between each chair to give ample space for stylists to work. Keep in mind that you will also need room for your waiting area, shampoo stations, and space for manicures and pedicures if you plan to offer that service.

It is also a good idea to consider the actual location of your salon. You will want to select a space that is near other businesses that children and families already frequent, such as daycare centers and family restaurants. Doing so will ensure that children will see your business and will perhaps inspire them to want to visit, and it will make it more convenient for parents. You may even be able to come up with a promotional plan that benefits yourself and other child-friendly small businesses in your area, which will help you establish a customer base and boost your neighbors’ revenue as well.

Keep in mind that wherever you decide to locate your salon, visibility and accessibility are key. You want kids to see your salon and be excited to go there, and you want parents to be happy to bring their children to you. 

Beauty services that don’t require a license

Kid-friendly decorations and salon supplies.

How to Start a Salon for Kids

Now that you’ve picked the perfect space to open your business, the fun part can begin! It’s time to decorate, supply, and furnish your business! 

When decorating, you’ll want to use fun colors that will appeal to your target audience while remaining mindful that parents and stylists will also be spending a great deal of time in your salon. Calming, gender-neutral colors and kid-friendly themes are best. Use your imagination, and ask the children in your family for input, as well. Just be sure to select a theme or design that appeals to all of the children you plan to serve. Older children will be turned off by babyish decor, but kids of all ages can appreciate themes like under the sea or fun patterns like stripes and polka dots. 

Once you’ve chosen your style or theme, you can start furnishing your salon. When selecting salon chairs, you will find that there are a lot of great options available, from more standard-style chairs in fun colors to kid chairs that are designed to look like everything from animals to automobiles. If you are mainly going to serve very young children, a variety of fun chairs that look like carnival rides will be a great choice, but you may also want to select one or two “big-kid” chairs for older children and tweens. The more standard style chairs in colors that compliment your decor may also be a good choice for clients of all ages if you want your decor to have a more consistent look throughout. 

Salon chairs are, of course, not the only furniture you will require. You will need mirrors, shampoo bowls, stations and supply racks for those mani-pedis, counters, stools, and tool carts for your stylists, and, of course, a comfortable waiting area. For this, you will want to make sure to have chairs for both children and parents to sit in, and a variety of toys, children’s books, kid style magazines, and reading materials for moms and dads. Again, keep in mind that you will want to accommodate clients of all ages and the adults who are with them in order to ensure that their visit to your salon is an enjoyable experience so that they’ll want to come again.

There are, of course, some other supplies you will need, as well. Depending on your set-up, you may be able to ask your stylists to bring their own tools, but you will still want to make sure you have towels, kid-sized hair cutting capes, shampoos and conditioners, and other hair care products. You should also decide if you want to sell hair care products at your salon and make sure you have everything you’ll need on hand if that is an option you want to explore.

As you can see, opening a kids’ salon can be a lot of work, but it is also a fun, creative process. Just remember to keep your target audience and their parents in mind at all times from your earliest planning stages up to your opening day, and you will be thrilled with the results!

Related Questions

Best Operating Hours for Your Salon

Where can I buy kid-style salon chairs?

There are a lot of places online where you can find different styles of salon chairs, both new and gently used. For example, you can find some fun options here or here  

What are some other fun decorations or theme ideas that I can use for my kid salon?

Use your imagination, but keep your target clients in mind so they’ll be excited to visit your salon. Dinosaurs are always a popular gender-neutral option, as are farms and zoos, or you could do a red-carpet runway themed salon that the girls will love.

Looking to start your own Salon? Get the documents you need to get organized and funded  here .

Please note: This blog post is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult a legal expert to address your specific needs.

kiddies salon business plan

About the author. Entrepreneur and Salon Business Fan.

Hi! I am Shawn and I am a happy individual who happens to be an entrepreneur. I have owned several types of businesses in my life from a coffee shop to an import and export business to an online review business plus a few more and now I create online salon business resources for those interested in starting new ventures. It’s demanding work but I love it. I do it for those passionate about their business and their goals. That’s why when I meet a salon business owner, I see myself. I know how hard the struggle is to retain clients, find good employees and keep the business growing all while trying to stay competitive.

That’s why I created Salon Business Boss: I want to help salon business owners like you build a thriving business that brings you endless joy and supports your ideal lifestyle.

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Sample Salon Business Plan

Girl with a beauty face mask, towel on her hair and a flower behind her ear

Writing a business plan is a crucial step in starting a salon. Not only does it provide structure and guidance for the future, but it also helps to create funding opportunities and attract potential investors. For aspiring salon owners, having access to a sample salon business plan can be especially helpful in providing direction and gaining insight into how to draft their own salon business plan.

Download our Ultimate Salon Business Plan Template

Having a thorough business plan in place is critical for any successful salon venture. It will serve as the foundation for your operations, setting out the goals and objectives that will help guide your decisions and actions. A well-written business plan can give you clarity on realistic financial projections and help you secure financing from lenders or investors. A beauty salon business plan example can be a great resource to draw upon when creating your own plan, making sure that all the key components are included in your document.

The salon business plan sample below will give you an idea of what one should look like. It is not as comprehensive and successful in raising capital for your salon as Growthink’s Ultimate Salon Business Plan Template , but it can help you write a salon business plan of your own.

Salon Business Plan Example – ShearElegance Studio

Table of contents, executive summary, company overview, industry analysis, customer analysis, competitive analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, management team, financial plan.

ShearElegance Studio is a premier hair and beauty salon located in the vibrant city of Honolulu, HI. With a commitment to providing top-notch services in hair care, styling, and beauty treatments, we cater to a diverse clientele including local residents, tourists, and professionals in the area. Our salon is designed to offer a luxurious experience, combining the latest industry trends with traditional methods to meet the unique needs of each client. Situated in a prime location, ShearElegance Studio aims to become the go-to destination for anyone looking to enhance their natural beauty and enjoy a moment of pampering in a welcoming and stylish environment.

Our success at ShearElegance Studio is driven by our dedication to customer satisfaction, the expertise of our team, and our strategic location in Honolulu. We have established a strong foundation by securing a loyal customer base among local residents, while our tailored services for tourists and professionals help to ensure a steady flow of clients throughout the year. Our accomplishments to date include building a talented team of beauty professionals, creating a welcoming and luxurious salon atmosphere, and developing a comprehensive service menu that addresses the diverse needs of our clientele. Together, these factors position us for continued success and growth in the competitive beauty industry.

The beauty salon industry in Honolulu, HI, is characterized by intense competition and a dynamic customer base that includes both locals and tourists. Trends indicate a growing demand for specialized beauty services that cater to individual needs, including treatments that address the local climate’s impact on hair and skin. Moreover, there is an increasing preference for salons that offer a holistic beauty experience, combining traditional services with innovative techniques and products. The industry’s growth is further fueled by the rise of social media, which influences beauty trends and customer expectations. ShearElegance Studio is well-positioned to capitalize on these trends by offering a diverse range of services in a luxurious setting, making us a strong competitor in the local market.

ShearElegance Studio targets a diverse clientele in Honolulu, focusing on local residents, tourists, and professionals. Local residents provide a consistent customer base year-round, looking for quality hair care and beauty treatments that reflect the local culture and climate. Tourists offer seasonal opportunities for increased business, seeking luxury pampering or quick beauty services during their stay. Professionals in the vicinity value convenience and efficiency, demanding high-quality service that fits their busy schedules. Our approach is to cater to these varying needs through flexible scheduling, express services, and membership packages, ensuring a personalized and satisfying experience for every client.

Top competitors in our market include established salons known for their quality services and strong customer loyalty. However, ShearElegance Studio sets itself apart through our exceptional customer service, innovative use of technology for booking and service customization, and our commitment to staying abreast of industry trends. Our competitive advantages lie in our ability to offer a unique and personalized beauty experience, leveraging our team’s expertise and the latest trends to meet and exceed customer expectations.

ShearElegance Studio’s marketing strategy is centered on a mix of online and community-based efforts to engage our target audience. We will utilize social media platforms to showcase our services, share styling tips, and promote special offers, leveraging the visual nature of our industry to attract attention. Our SEO-optimized website and email marketing campaigns will further support our online presence, offering easy booking and exclusive deals. Community engagement through local events and partnerships will enhance our visibility and draw in customers looking for a salon that values local connections. Introductory discounts, referral programs, and a loyalty scheme will encourage trial and foster a community of loyal clients. Our commitment to exceptional service will serve as a natural promotional tool, ensuring customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth referrals.

At ShearElegance Studio, our operational focus is on delivering unparalleled beauty services while ensuring smooth day-to-day operations. Key processes include rigorous staff training, inventory management, and the implementation of a streamlined booking system. Our milestones include the launch of our salon with a full suite of services, achieving a set number of bookings within the first six months, and the establishment of partnerships with local businesses within the first year. These steps are crucial for laying the groundwork for our salon’s success and setting the stage for future expansion.

Our management team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the beauty industry and business management. From our salon manager to our lead stylists and beauty technicians, each team member brings a wealth of knowledge and a passion for excellence to ShearElegance Studio. Their expertise not only ensures the highest quality of service but also positions our salon for strategic growth and innovation in the competitive Honolulu market.

Welcome to ShearElegance Studio, a fresh and vibrant salon located in the heart of Honolulu, HI. As a local salon, we are proud to serve our community by offering unparalleled beauty services. We noticed a gap in the market for high-quality, local salons, and we are here to fill that void with our exceptional services and unique approach to beauty and wellness.

At ShearElegance Studio, our offerings are designed to cater to a wide array of beauty needs. Our services include professional haircuts and styling, hair coloring, manicures and pedicures, skincare treatments, as well as waxing and hair removal. Each service is tailored to meet the individual preferences and requirements of our clients, ensuring a personalized and satisfying experience every time.

Our studio is strategically located in Honolulu, HI, making it accessible to customers from all over the city. This prime location allows us to serve a diverse clientele and become a go-to destination for those seeking top-notch beauty services in the area.

We are confident in our ability to thrive and make a significant impact in the local beauty industry for several reasons. Firstly, our founder brings invaluable experience from successfully running a previous salon, ensuring that ShearElegance Studio is built on a foundation of proven success strategies. Furthermore, our extensive range of services sets us apart from the competition, offering our clients a one-stop solution for all their beauty needs.

Since our founding on January 6, 2024, as a Sole Proprietorship, we have made considerable progress in establishing ShearElegance Studio as a premier salon in Honolulu. Our accomplishments include the creation of our unique logo, the development of our distinctive company name, and securing an ideal location for our salon. These milestones are just the beginning of our journey to becoming a leading beauty destination in Honolulu.

The Salon industry in the United States is currently estimated to be worth over $46 billion, with an expected annual growth rate of 3.2%. This growth can be attributed to an increasing demand for beauty services, as well as a rise in disposable income among consumers. As more people prioritize self-care and grooming, the Salon industry continues to expand and thrive.

One of the key trends in the Salon industry is the growing popularity of personalized and specialized services. Customers are increasingly seeking unique and customized experiences when it comes to their beauty treatments. This trend bodes well for ShearElegance Studio, as it positions itself as a new Salon that offers tailored services to meet the individual needs and preferences of its customers. By staying ahead of industry trends and providing exceptional customer service, ShearElegance Studio is well-positioned to capture a share of the growing market.

Another trend in the Salon industry is the rising demand for eco-friendly and sustainable beauty products. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of their beauty choices and are seeking out Salons that prioritize sustainability. ShearElegance Studio can capitalize on this trend by sourcing environmentally-friendly products and incorporating eco-friendly practices into its operations. By aligning with the values of environmentally-conscious consumers, ShearElegance Studio can attract a loyal customer base and differentiate itself in the competitive Salon industry.

Below is a description of our target customers and their core needs.

Target Customers

At the core of ShearElegance Studio’s target market will be local residents of Honolulu. This demographic is crucial as they provide a steady base of clientele year-round. The salon will tailor its services to meet the diverse needs of this group, ranging from traditional hair care to more specialized treatments that reflect the local culture and climate.

ShearElegance Studio will also focus on tourists visiting Honolulu. This segment presents a unique opportunity for seasonal boosts in clientele. The salon will offer services that are appealing to vacationers looking for luxury pampering experiences or those in need of quick beauty services before heading to the beach or a special event. This strategy is expected to complement the regular patronage from local residents by filling in the seasonal demand gaps.

Additionally, ShearElegance Studio will target professionals working in the vicinity. This segment values convenience and efficiency, alongside high-quality service. By offering flexible scheduling, express services, and membership packages, the salon will cater to the needs of busy professionals looking for a reliable beauty solution within their hectic schedules.

Customer Needs

ShearElegance Studio fulfills the essential need for high-quality personal grooming services, including haircut, styling, manicure, pedicure, and skincare treatments. Residents seeking these services can expect to receive unparalleled attention to detail and craftsmanship. The salon prioritizes the use of premium products and cutting-edge techniques to ensure every client feels pampered and rejuvenated.

In addition to the core services, ShearElegance Studio recognizes the importance of a holistic beauty experience. Customers can enjoy a serene and luxurious atmosphere that promotes relaxation and well-being. This environment, coupled with exceptional customer service, ensures that every visit meets the highest standards of satisfaction and indulgence.

Understanding the diverse needs of its clientele, ShearElegance Studio offers customizable services that cater to individual preferences and styles. Whether clients are looking for a bold new haircut, meticulous nail art, or soothing skincare treatments, they can find tailored solutions that reflect their personal taste and lifestyle. The salon’s commitment to versatility and creativity makes it a trusted destination for all beauty and grooming needs.

ShearElegance Studio’s competitors include the following companies:

Salon Blanc offers a wide range of hair services focusing on high-end treatments such as balayage, hair coloring, and precision cuts. Their price points are in the premium segment, reflecting the upscale services they provide. Salon Blanc generates significant revenue by targeting affluent clients who prioritize exclusive hair care experiences. The salon is located in a fashionable district of Honolulu, attracting a clientele that values trend-setting hairstyles and personalized services. Salon Blanc serves customers primarily in the Honolulu area but also attracts visitors looking for luxury hair care while on vacation. The key strength of Salon Blanc lies in its reputation for innovative styling and use of premium products. However, its weakness could be its premium pricing, which may not appeal to budget-conscious consumers.

Salon 808 offers a comprehensive range of hair and beauty services, including haircuts, coloring, and styling, as well as makeup and bridal services. Their price points are designed to cater to a broad spectrum of customers, from budget to mid-range, making them accessible to a wider audience. Salon 808 has a strong revenue stream, supported by its diverse service offerings and competitive pricing. With multiple locations across Honolulu, Salon 808 serves a diverse customer base, from locals to tourists. The salon’s key strengths include its versatility in service offerings and its accessibility in terms of location and price. However, its broad focus might dilute its brand identity, potentially making it less attractive to clients seeking highly specialized services.

Salon Allure specializes in hair care and beauty services, with a focus on innovative treatments such as keratin treatments and extensions, in addition to traditional services like haircuts and coloring. Their pricing strategy balances between mid-range and high-end, aiming to attract a middle to upper-middle-class clientele. Salon Allure has a strong presence in Honolulu, with a single, well-located salon that emphasizes a personalized customer experience. Salon Allure targets a wide geographic area within Honolulu, catering to both residents and visitors who seek high-quality hair and beauty services. The salon’s key strength is its commitment to using advanced hair care technologies and techniques. A potential weakness for Salon Allure is the challenge of maintaining a high level of personalized service as it grows and potentially expands its customer base.

Competitive Advantages

At ShearElegance Studio, we pride ourselves on offering a more extensive variety of haircut, styling, coloring, and other beauty services than our competition. This expansive menu not only allows us to cater to a wider audience but also enables our clients to enjoy a one-stop beauty experience. Our skilled team is trained in the latest trends and techniques, ensuring that every service we provide is of the highest quality. By continuously updating our offerings and staying ahead of beauty trends, we can meet and exceed the expectations of even the most discerning clients, setting us apart in the vibrant Honolulu beauty scene.

Moreover, our commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond the variety of services we offer. We create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere that makes every client feel pampered and valued from the moment they step into our salon. Our use of high-quality products and tools further reinforces our dedication to excellence, ensuring that clients not only look their best but also feel their best. Additionally, our strategic location offers convenience to both local residents and visitors, enhancing our accessibility and appeal. These competitive advantages, combined with our passion for beauty and excellence, make ShearElegance Studio a premier destination for anyone seeking top-notch beauty services in Honolulu.

Our marketing plan, included below, details our products/services, pricing and promotions plan.

Products and Services

At ShearElegance Studio, clients can expect a wide array of premium beauty and grooming services tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. This salon prides itself on delivering quality, style, and comfort across all its offerings. From transformative haircuts to rejuvenating skincare treatments, ShearElegance Studio provides a full spectrum of services to ensure clients leave feeling and looking their very best.

One of the cornerstone services is Haircut and Styling. The salon offers bespoke haircuts tailored to fit each client’s personal style and preferences. Whether you’re seeking a dramatic change or a simple trim, the experienced stylists work with precision and care. Prices for haircuts and styling start at $50, ensuring that clients can access top-tier service at competitive rates.

Hair Coloring is another specialty of ShearElegance Studio, where the aim is to achieve the perfect shade and tone for every client. From full color transformations to subtle highlights, the salon uses high-quality products to ensure lasting results and hair health. Prices for hair coloring services begin at $70, varying based on the complexity and length of the hair.

For those looking to pamper their hands and feet, Manicures and Pedicures are available. The salon offers a range of treatments from basic grooming to luxurious spa pedicures, ensuring that every client’s needs are met. With meticulous attention to detail, the beauty specialists provide a relaxing and satisfying experience. The starting price for manicures is $25 and pedicures begin at $45.

Skincare Treatments at ShearElegance Studio stand out for their personalized approach. Each treatment begins with a thorough skin analysis to tailor the service to the client’s specific skin needs. From facials to more targeted treatments, the salon uses only the finest products to promote healthy, glowing skin. Clients can expect to invest starting from $60 for a skincare treatment, depending on the type and duration of the service.

Last but not least, Waxing and Hair Removal services are available for those seeking smooth, hair-free skin. The salon provides a comfortable and discreet environment for all waxing services, ensuring the highest standards of hygiene and care. Prices for waxing and hair removal services start at $15, varying according to the area being treated.

In summary, ShearElegance Studio offers a comprehensive suite of beauty services designed to cater to a wide range of preferences and needs. With a focus on quality, comfort, and style, clients can expect nothing but the best from their experience at the salon.

Promotions Plan

ShearElegance Studio embraces a comprehensive approach to attract customers and establish its brand in the competitive market of Honolulu, HI. With a keen understanding that the right promotional methods play a crucial role in business growth, the studio will leverage both traditional and digital channels to reach its target audience effectively.

Online Marketing stands at the forefront of ShearElegance Studio’s promotional strategy. The studio will utilize social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, given their high visual appeal, which is perfect for showcasing the studio’s hair and beauty services. Regular posts featuring before-and-after photos, styling tips, and promotional offers will engage the community and drive traffic to the salon. Additionally, the salon will maintain an SEO-optimized website that provides a seamless booking experience, introduces the team of professionals, and highlights services and special promotions. Email marketing campaigns will also be an integral part of the strategy, offering exclusive deals to subscribers and keeping them informed about the latest trends and services available at ShearElegance Studio.

Beyond online marketing, ShearElegance Studio will engage in local community events and partnerships to build brand awareness and attract customers. Participating in or sponsoring local fashion shows, beauty contests, and community events will position the salon as a key player in Honolulu’s beauty scene. Collaborations with local businesses, such as gyms, spas, and boutiques, will provide cross-promotional opportunities, introducing the salon to potential customers who value wellness and style.

To further entice new clients, ShearElegance Studio will offer introductory discounts and referral programs. These incentives not only encourage first-time visits but also turn satisfied customers into brand ambassadors who share their positive experiences with friends and family. Additionally, the salon will implement a loyalty program to reward regular clients, ensuring they feel valued and incentivized to return.

Lastly, ShearElegance Studio will not overlook the power of exceptional customer service as a promotional tool. By creating a welcoming atmosphere, offering personalized consultations, and ensuring each client leaves feeling beautiful and satisfied, word-of-mouth recommendations will become a powerful asset for the salon.

Through a mix of online marketing, community engagement, incentive programs, and unparalleled service, ShearElegance Studio will attract and retain a diverse clientele, securing its place as a go-to destination for beauty services in Honolulu, HI.

Our Operations Plan details:

  • The key day-to-day processes that our business performs to serve our customers
  • The key business milestones that our company expects to accomplish as we grow

Key Operational Processes

To ensure the success of ShearElegance Studio, there are several key day-to-day operational processes that we will perform.

  • Appointment Scheduling and Management : We will utilize a digital scheduling system to book, confirm, and reschedule appointments efficiently. This system will also send reminders to clients to reduce no-shows.
  • Client Check-in and Check-out Procedures : Upon arrival, clients are promptly checked in. After services are rendered, we will ensure a smooth check-out process, including handling payments and booking future appointments.
  • Inventory Management : Regularly monitor and reorder salon supplies, beauty products, and equipment to ensure we always have necessary items in stock to provide our services.
  • Staff Scheduling : Ensure adequate staffing levels to meet client demand while optimizing staff productivity and satisfaction. Adjust schedules as needed based on peak hours and staff availability.
  • Quality Control of Services : Implement a system for assessing and ensuring the quality of services provided. This includes continuous training for stylists and staff on the latest techniques and trends.
  • Sanitation and Cleanliness : Maintain a clean and sanitary environment in line with health and safety regulations. This includes regular cleaning of workstations, tools, and common areas.
  • Customer Service and Feedback : Prioritize exceptional customer service at all points of interaction. Encourage and review client feedback to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes.
  • Marketing and Promotion : Execute ongoing marketing efforts to attract new clients and retain existing ones. This includes managing social media accounts, email marketing, and special promotions.
  • Financial Management : Monitor daily revenues and expenses. Conduct regular financial reviews to ensure the salon is profitable and identify opportunities for cost savings.
  • Compliance and Legal : Ensure the salon complies with all local, state, and federal regulations, including business licenses, health and safety standards, and employee labor laws.

ShearElegance Studio expects to complete the following milestones in the coming months in order to ensure its success:

  • Securing a Prime Location : Find and secure a salon premise in a high-traffic area of Honolulu, HI, that is easily accessible to the target demographic. This location should also comply with local zoning laws and have the potential for attractive signage to draw in walk-in customers.
  • Obtaining Licenses and Permits : Ensure all necessary local and state licenses and permits are obtained. This includes cosmetology licenses for staff, a business license, health and safety permits, and any other regulatory requirements specific to operating a salon in Honolulu.
  • Building Out and Decorating the Salon : Complete the interior design and build-out of ShearElegance Studio. This includes purchasing salon equipment, chairs, styling stations, and creating a welcoming and stylish environment that aligns with the brand image.
  • Hiring and Training Staff : Hire skilled and licensed hairstylists, colorists, and support staff. Implement a training program to ensure all staff are familiar with the salon’s operating procedures, customer service standards, and health and safety protocols.
  • Launch Our Salon : Officially open ShearElegance Studio with a grand opening event to generate buzz in the community. Implement an initial marketing campaign to attract customers, utilizing social media, local advertising, and promotional offers.
  • Establishing a Strong Online Presence : Develop a professional website and establish active social media profiles. Utilize these platforms for marketing purposes, showcasing services, sharing customer testimonials, and providing an online booking system.
  • Building a Loyal Customer Base : Implement a customer loyalty program and gather customer feedback to improve services. Focus on word-of-mouth marketing by providing exceptional service that encourages customers to refer friends and family.
  • Get to $15,000/Month in Revenue : Implement strategies to steadily increase monthly revenue, such as expanding service offerings, optimizing pricing strategies, hosting special events, and increasing repeat business through effective customer relationship management.
  • Monitoring Financial Health : Regularly review financial statements to monitor profitability, manage expenses, and adjust business strategies as necessary. This includes setting up a robust accounting system from the start.
  • Ongoing Professional Development : Provide ongoing education and professional development opportunities for staff to stay current with the latest salon trends, techniques, and health and safety standards. This will help in maintaining a competitive edge and ensuring high-quality service. By successfully completing these milestones, ShearElegance Studio will be well-positioned for success in the competitive salon industry in Honolulu, HI.

ShearElegance Studio management team, which includes the following members, has the experience and expertise to successfully execute on our business plan:

Owen Perry, President

Owen Perry, President of ShearElegance Studio, brings a robust portfolio of experience to the table, having previously managed a successful salon. His entrepreneurial journey is marked by a keen understanding of the beauty industry’s nuances and the ability to foster a culture of excellence and innovation. Owen’s leadership style is characterized by his commitment to setting high standards in customer service and operational efficiency. His prior success in running a salon not only demonstrates his competence in managing day-to-day operations but also his skill in navigating the competitive landscape of the beauty industry. Owen’s insight into market trends and his ability to adapt and evolve business strategies make him a pivotal asset in steering ShearElegance Studio towards lasting success.

ShearElegance Studio requires significant investment to achieve our growth objectives. This funding will be allocated towards salon setup, marketing initiatives, inventory procurement, and operational expenses. Our financial strategy is designed to ensure that we have the resources needed to establish a strong market presence, attract a diverse clientele, and deliver exceptional beauty services, setting the stage for long-term profitability and success.

Financial Statements

Balance sheet.

[insert balance sheet]

Income Statement

[insert income statement]

Cash Flow Statement

[insert cash flow statement]

Salon Business Plan Example PDF

Download our Salon Business Plan PDF here. This is a free salon business plan example to help you get started on your own salon plan.  

How to Finish Your Salon Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your salon business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

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Business Plan Template


Starting A Kid’s Salon


A kid’s salon can be so many things about babies. A kid’s salon may be a place where babies can be groomed by professionals.

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They can have a full make over once inside a kid’s salon. It may also offer themed parties for the kids.

What Is It All about a Kid’s Salon?

This kind of business has been around for a while now. But there are only few salons that made it because some of the salon owners think that their field of market is just limited since it is concentrated on kids. What they don’t know is having a kid’s salon can cater to so many needs of any potential client. Most of the time, the clients are the parents of babies who wants to groom their babies like the way grown up’s groom themselves. In general, a salon gives hair and make-up services to their clients. How about a kid’s salon? Salon owners may serve the same service only in a kiddy little way. Since their clients are babies, they should be treated well and be given extra care to ensure a good relationship with them and their parents.

This kind of salon can also be a salon and a baby boutique in one. A kid’s salon may sell some limited edition baby stuffs and by doing this, it may serve as a promotion to build a good impression in the market and in your business. It’s funny to think that these babies are starting to be vain on them this early.

The Kind of Business You’re Looking Into

A kid’s salon is a kind of business where you can work with your friends, your neighbors or even your kids . There are certain considerations you should think of. You should be very careful with the kind of innovations you want to put up in your kid’s salon business. Remember that you will be dealing with babies and kids. When you plan, you should take all the precautionary measures to avoid some problems when you already start the business. Think of it as if you are grooming your own child. This kind of business is really fun. Adding more services from the ordinary services you could offer will definitely attract more clients. Be creative!

More or less you will experience some trials on the first few years of your kid’s salon business. But if you really put your heart and enthusiasm in this, you will definitely succeed in the future and surely, you will have more clients. This is just like the other types of businesses. All you need is dedication and passion on the job. So why hesitate if your heart tells you to open up a kid’s salon. Go ahead and make the babies and kids in your area the new fashion icon in the land!f


  • Rhea   said on January 4, 2011 To perform basic services on children is it necessary to have a license?? What kind of insurance is needed? what kind of insurance is needed for mobile spa for children? To what extent of the spa services do you need a license? Hair services just twists, braids, curling with rollers and blow dryer-not hot curlers, and pin ups...no cutting, heated equipment except blow dryer or perming. Only hair chemical is hair spray and mouse. Basic manicure and pedicure---no cutting, just filing. Facials, only mask, cleanser and moisturizer. Your help is appreciated.
  • yang ardais   said on July 26, 2011 I am a Business Administration student me and my classmate have a business research about a kiddie salon,can u help me where to buy equipments and products here in the Philippines?As a well as a broad explanation about the on going business of a kiddie salon here in the country.thank you and hope you can help me
  • Nichole   said on July 31, 2011 I am perform basic services on children is it necessary to have a license in the state of Ga.?? Hair services will include twists,up does, basic manicure and pedicure(no cutting),soaking of hands, filing and polish with designs (same with pedicures)and Make-up. I will also offer other theme party services. What kind of insurance is needed? Thanks for assisting me with the questions listed above.
  • Thobekile Vundla   said on November 17, 2011 I want to start a Baby Salon and Boutique, I am in Johannesburg South Africa. My phone number is 00 27 71 0922 159
  • Mongiwa Gogodo   said on December 17, 2011 In Zimbabwe, i have passion for kids. I would like to start a kiddie saloon and boutique please help me with ideas of what equipment is needed would like to start asap
  • Janeka Coker   said on December 20, 2011 I am currently a booth renter in mattydale, ny. But I want to open a kid/teenager salon in syracuse, ny. I need some help or info to get me started? This has always been on my heart and i don't know where to start... Can you please assist me or direct me in the right direction?
  • Nellie Garcia   said on January 20, 2012 I'm interested in opening a kids salon in Grand Praire, Tx. I would like to have theme parties as well. I would like to know where to start and what type of license would be needed? Also do you have any ideas where I could buy my equipment and supplies?
  • anisha kovuri   said on January 29, 2012 Can you assist me with some consultants for kids salon in India
  • carol hobbs   said on February 7, 2012 i'm interested in opening a kids salon in south africa. please give me an idea on how to go about it. have no experience in the industry of hair what so ever
  • latoya Modikele   said on February 24, 2012 hi i want to open a kids salon and theme parties in Botswana please help me in where i could get the equipments and the kids products and help me with more ideas.thank you
  • wingy   said on February 29, 2012 Hi I want to open a children salon and day care centre in Johannesburg and Welkom South Africa where can I buy equipment and kids product and how to do a financial plan. Kind Regards, Wingy
  • selina xakawe   said on April 12, 2012 Hi my name is selina.I'd like to open a baby boutique and salon store in cape town south africa. I have a 7 year old daughter who loves dressing up and grooming and has inspired me to open up a store. I have no experience and would like as much info from business plans upto kids product supplies, where to stock clothing, accessories, books and little gifts for expecting mums.
  • Hibs   said on May 12, 2012 hi, am interested in opening a kiddie salon.. can you help me with where to find equipments and products
  • Tamaq G   said on August 16, 2012 Thank you for your encouraging article. I am in Lusaka, Zambia n wud want to open a kids salon and a boutique, where can I get equipment.
  • irene   said on September 1, 2012 i have a salon and boutique. i am renting out in Northmead. get in touch. [email protected]
  • Hlob'sile Dlamini-mkhonta   said on September 23, 2012 I want to open a kids salon asap in swaziland, please contact me as i need to know where to get kids equipments, license and training if required.
  • Annet Akankwasa   said on November 6, 2012 Hello, am Annet from Kampala Uganda, I would like to start A kids salon but I did not study Cosmetology and yet i have too much interest in setting a kids salon and an other thing, I luck carrage, Please help me with the kids salon proposal and budget. thanks for your good work, thank you and God bless u.
  • Joy   said on November 16, 2012 I am joy , i have passion for kids and teens hair saloon, but not financially okay to start up with.
  • winnie   said on November 26, 2012 Hi, am winnie and I want to open up kids salon in Tanzania, please give me an idea on how to go about it cos I have no experience in it. Thanks.
  • Ema   said on December 23, 2012 Hi i am interested in opening a kids salon and a small cartoon disney character studio (taking pictures with disney custom characters) in Brunei Darussalam. Please help me in where i could get the equipments and the kids products that i need for a start up. Please help me with business plan, financial plan and more ideas since i have no experience at all. Regards & Thanks..
  • Nma   said on January 1, 2013 My name is nma. I live in Lagos Nigeria I want to start a kiddie saloon. Pls would like to get contact where to buy equipments.
  • kondjee   said on January 9, 2013 Hi i want to open a kid's salon Namibia/Windhoek. i have no experience in hair do etc but very interested in going into this exciting adventure. pls advice on how to go about, the equipments, products etc. Thank you, kondjee
  • Urna Banerji   said on January 20, 2013 am interested in starting a kid's salon in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • Varun Sheth   said on February 11, 2013 @Urna Banerji Ma'am I'm from Ahmedabad and we are working on a business plan model of a kids salon. Would you like to help us? Its our college project..
  • Innocent   said on February 20, 2013 I am from free state senekal wiling to open kids hair salon soon as i am done with the plans busy looking for equipment. i think you are welcome to help
  • penny mereeotlhe   said on February 22, 2013 i am very much interested in opening a kiddies hair care salon in kimberley, South Africa. I dont have any experience in hair care but i have interest in this field and i would like to have your guidance on how to achieve this goal and to provide me with the pro's and cons of opening a kids hair salon. Also how one can get funding for this kind of business
  • Felicia Sola-Turner   said on February 23, 2013 i live in Lagos Nigeria, will be very glad if can put through how to get this business started and how to get equipment for kids salon. Thks
  • Stephanie Sule   said on March 11, 2013 Hi am interested in kiddies salon ,I need help on how to get the equipment and the kind of setting conducive for children to make them comfortable thank you!
  • Stephanie Sule   said on March 11, 2013 Hi , I live in Abuja Nigeria am interested in kiddies saloon and I will be glad if u can put me through on how to get the right equipment and how to get it started thank you!
  • Hasho Immanuel   said on March 23, 2013 Hi guys. I am Hasho and i want to open a kiddies hair salon. I really love kids and i know how to do hair. I just want to do something positive in my life and brighten up the face of a young child. Please help. Thank you.
  • Nancy   said on April 9, 2013 Hi, I live in Zimbabwe and I already have an upmarket hair and beauty salon. I am thinking of integrating a kiddies section with all the right equipment namely chairs and the wash basins as I'm always having challenges when shampooing and styling the kids in growup chairs. Please help me with ideas and locating equipment .God Bless. Thank you.
  • Nompumelelo Sukati   said on April 21, 2013 Can u furnish me with an address of an institution where i can be trained as a professional kids hair dresser, am i swaziland.
  • Arwa bhagat   said on April 22, 2013 I am looking at starting a kids salon in mumbai ...I have a passion to start sum thing related to kids...would love grow in this field..any1 interested plz contact me on 91-9867775252
  • Nkemjika Ezedinachi   said on May 6, 2013 i am looking at starting a kiddies saloon in lagos state nigeria.i need ideas
  • phiona namutebi   said on May 9, 2013 Hello, i've always wanted to start up a kids salon but i'm discouraged by people coz according to ma research there are only 2 kid's salons in our country uganda. Ve undieing passion for kids, wt shd i do?
  • shweta sharma   said on June 2, 2013 i want to open a this kid's salon in rajasthan. plz help me to guide what equipment needed, from where it will be arranged?
  • beauty solomon   said on June 8, 2013 hello, planning to open this kiddies and teen salon. help me with equipments needed and layout of the salon
  • Tshepho Motlhagodi   said on June 27, 2013 i want to start a kiddies and teen salon. where can i find equipment. i stay in Botswana(country)at Gaborone(city)
  • kelly   said on July 3, 2013 Hi, I want to start a kiddies hair salon. Where can I get equipment? I am Francis town, Botswana.
  • winfilda Mutizwa   said on July 10, 2013 Hie, I want to open a kids saloon. Pliz help with regards to what equipment shld I buy and the arrangements .In Zimbabwe harare
  • luca   said on July 10, 2013 Hi I live in Namibia and I'm seeking advice on starting a salon for kids as well. especially on equipment
  • kushy   said on July 18, 2013 Hie, i live in Botswana and seeking advice on starting a kids salon, where i can get the equipments and any additional information that i will need for its success. thank you
  • lee   said on August 1, 2013 where can equipment for the start of a kiddies salon be found.
  • prudence   said on August 14, 2013 i live in nairobi, kenya. please advice me on what equipments to purchase when starting up a baby spa.
  • Sanjay   said on August 25, 2013 I want to start kids salon in India. Guide me on equipments
  • nidhi   said on September 4, 2013 hi.. it's nidhi here. I wanna start a kids salon in india(assam).. so can u please guide me with the equipments available in india. and also the legal details required.
  • Beauty   said on September 5, 2013 Please want to start kids salon business in Kenya, please can you help where to get the equipments in South Africa. Thanks
  • Tiny   said on September 21, 2013 I want to start up baby & teens salon. Where can i get the equipment. Exp: Gaborone, Botswana.
  • Baby-V   said on September 22, 2013 Hi i was thinking of opening a baby salon in Gambia with baby products.
  • Julie Asue   said on November 11, 2013 Hi. My name is Julie from Lagos Nigeria. Am interested in starting a Kiddis Salon. More ideas please.
  • Kay   said on November 13, 2013 Hi, I'm planning to open this kids salon, Please help me with equipments needed and layout of the salon and show how to go about this.
  • kittykhett   said on December 6, 2013 hi! i'd like to ask where can i find haircut training & how to make toiletries for kids seminar here in the philippines. my plans in putting up a kids salon is a bit on process & its in 10 % complete. is there any book i can buy to guide me in putting up the said business? Do i need to get license to become a salon owner. Please help me, i really need answers for these questions (especially the book) as this would become the bread & butter of my family when i leave my job. Thank you.
  • lanre   said on December 25, 2013 My name is Lanre looking to open a kid saloon in Nigeria Lagos. i want to know where i can get equipment for the saloon like race car, video games. i will also like to know the cost for each item. its urgent. Thank you.
  • abiah   said on January 6, 2014 My name is Abiah. I want to open a kiddies salon in Gaborone Botswana. I want to know where the kind of equipment that I need and where i can get it, if possible I'd like to know the cost for each item. Thanking you in advance.
  • MARIE   said on January 21, 2014 please advice on where to get the equipments for a kids saloon and the key points and equipments to consider when setting up one
  • Asher   said on February 26, 2014 Hello am Asher from uganda i want to start up a salon in south africa but don't know were to start and what to do please need yr help in this thanks.
  • Adaku   said on May 4, 2014 I am looking to start up a kids saloon and boutique in Lagos Nigeria. Kindly give me some pointers on where to get the required equipments.
  • Cwayita   said on June 3, 2014 Hi there, i would like open a kids salon in Johannesburg. Could you please tell me where i can find equipment and supplies and also tell me what kind of license i need and how to go about getting it. Thank you
  • Patience Mamba   said on June 3, 2014 Hello. please help me with ideas in opening a kids salon in swaziland..where can i get equipment
  • Danielle Smith   said on June 3, 2014 I am interested in starting a kiddie salon and I need help on how to get started and where to buy equipment & supplies
  • Greg   said on June 10, 2014 Doing something different with the kids making a change in the communities
  • irene mmota   said on June 12, 2014 i am from Tanzania. i love kids and it is influencing me to do something good for them then i ave got an idea of opening kids salon...please help me
  • uche chibuike   said on June 24, 2014 Thanks 4 dis detailed info..pls kindly assist me on how I can set up kids salon and what items I need for it dat would be attractive as well as theme parties and baby shop dat would sell both toiletries and baby food items and clothes, toys amongst others ....pls what I would need, how I would make it great and the budget I need 4 it..Thanks a lot
  • Byron   said on July 6, 2014 Windhoek, Namibia, Hello there, i am in the middle of writing up an amazing Business Plan for 2 ladies who want to open a kiddies salon. Contact me for a business plan that suits you. number - +264816115337, email - [email protected]
  • kennedy   said on October 8, 2014 i have never opened a store -salon before. this my first time experience
  • Angie   said on October 10, 2014 Hi, I am in Mutare Zimbabwe. I really am interested in opening a kids hair salon. My dream is to concentrate more on hair treatment more than cutting. I have no professional experience in hair care or in starting a business but I am very keen. Please help
  • Irene Ofori   said on November 21, 2014 Hi, I am in Ghana. I really am interested in opening a kids hair salon. My dream is to concentrate more on hair treatment, natural hair, braiding and less of cutting. I have no professional experience in hair care or in starting a business but I am very keen. Please help
  • Angeley Oku   said on November 26, 2014 Hi, I'm also in Ghana. I really want to open a kids salon but i do not have any experience, i dont know how to start, where to get equipments etc. I need advice.
  • Tumisang Nare   said on December 7, 2014 Hello, I would love to start a kiddies hair salon and want to know where I can get the equipment?
  • atkar   said on December 14, 2014 Hello, am in tanzania and am interested to open up baby saloon and boutique, kindly advise me the equipments needed and where to purchase them.
  • chanazi washaya   said on December 23, 2014 please assist with plan and where i can get equipment i am in Zimbabwe and want to open a kids salon.
  • boipelo gao   said on January 9, 2015 Living in Botswana,Gaborone, want to start kids and teenager saloon, need help with the plan, equipment, and cost of starting up the business.
  • Thato Mosimanewamacha   said on January 26, 2015 I want to start a salon how do i start and do i need a license and do i need to be having a place when i go to ask for salon license. Botswana, block9
  • Maggie M.Mokgadi   said on January 29, 2015 I am interested in starting up a kids hair salon with the kids boutique. Please quote for me equipment that is needed in setting up the salon and where I can get it. I am in Botswana
  • Yanga Dimbaza   said on February 16, 2015 Hi there, I would like to open a kiddies saloon in Mpumalanga. Please guide me on the most important things to consider and coordinate like do I need any license? What are the basic do and donts, where can I get suppliers in SA.
  • ADIGUN ADEBOLA OPEYEMI   said on March 5, 2015 i want to start kids & teenager salon in Nigeria please can you help me with equipment.
  • Ayanda Mabaso   said on March 16, 2015 Can Anyone who has started please tell me how much u have spent.
  • Debrah Molete   said on March 22, 2015 Hi I also want to start a kids & teenage salon in bloemfontein need to know where to buy equipment@ if there is anyone who has already opened it, please tel me hw much hv u spent
  • kebaneilwe Segonyane   said on April 3, 2015 Hi, I'm in Botswana And I want to start Kids hair Salon. I want to know where I can buy equipments and hair products for kids. Thank you
  • Anuradha agarwal   said on April 7, 2015 Hi, I am anuradha from Kolkata (India). I am interested in setting up a salon for kids in Kolkata. I needed help regarding equipments, staff and all the knowledge and the suppliers for this. Please if you can help by person also.
  • nozuko mbalula   said on May 25, 2015 Hi, I really need guidance, would love to open up a kiddies salon. Any information you can provide me with please.
  • Andrea   said on May 26, 2015 Hi, am Andrea, from Nigeria, I av passion for kiddies and teen salon, help me with list of items to start with. Thanks
  • ms Mo   said on July 8, 2015 hi, i would like to start a salon for kids, kindly help me with the materials needed and the type of hair products to use as well as the supplier, estimated budget cost and/or any information you can provide. thank you
  • Melyda   said on July 16, 2015 Hi I would like to start children hair salon in Lesotho. Can you please help me where to get the equipment and the products for children.
  • Thandeka Moyo   said on August 6, 2015 Hi, Am in South Africa, Johannesburg would like to start a salon for kids, kindly help me with the materials needed and the type of hair products to use as well as the supplier, estimated budget cost and/or any information you can provide. Plus a business plan
  • priya   said on August 8, 2015 Hi, I am Priya from Tirupur(India). i am interested in setting up a salon for kid and boutique in tirupur. i needed help regarding equipment, staff, license details and all knowledge and the suppliers for this. please if you can help by person also
  • magdalena   said on October 20, 2015 am coming from Tanzania i have a dream to open kids saloon. i want some ideas on how to go about, where to get equipment. please any one with experiences what are the possible risk and advice me me it is a business to do.
  • Kay Crom   said on November 8, 2015 I am looking to start a kid salon and spa in GA and I wanted to know if I needed to have any type of certifications or licenses other than State and city license to perform basic services like basic manicures and pedicures and regular nail polishing, no drills or acrylic.
  • carol M   said on November 12, 2015 I am from zambia and starting up a kids salon and would really appreciate if you can help me with different ideas on how to run it especially financial management and bookkeeping as well as a business plan.
  • Noeline N   said on January 5, 2016 Hi like kids and I want to open up a kids salon in uganda kampala please help me build this Idea and where to get equipment and safe products for the kids.
  • Tumi M   said on January 8, 2016 write your comment with city, state and country.Hi,i am in North West(South Africa). I have a passion of starting my own kiddies salon,but i don't where to start or what qualifications is needed.Do i have to have a license?And what products should i use on black African hair.And lastly how much will it cost me for equipment,staff and renovations.
  • Constance   said on February 25, 2016 Hi I need help in starting up a kid's salon from scratch.
  • Lerato Masebe   said on March 11, 2016 I also want to start kids hair salon, I already have clients because I do cornrows and braids for kids and i am very good with my angels. but now I want to have a place where I can have beautiful decors, games with play area and help them with their homeworks. i am based in Limpopo Polokwane and now i am practicing from my house.
  • kunal   said on May 18, 2016 Even I am planning to open a kids salon in Kolkata, India. contact me if you could help me by any way for the same on 9903377295
  • Oratile   said on May 24, 2016 Hi there. I have experience in hair or whatever.. but I am jubilant and highly motivated to start this adventure of kiddies Salon. Please help where I can get all the equipments for such a business. Oratile in Botswana
  • yvonne evans   said on July 20, 2016 Hi I would like to open a kiddiss hair salon. please advise where I can purchase all my equipment from and all hair products
  • Folake   said on December 10, 2016 Hello, pls am interested in opening kidies salon. pls where can I get the equipment in Lagos Nigeria. 07068531017
  • Kgomotso   said on January 4, 2017 Kgomotso Masobe, I NEED TO OPEN KIDS SALON HOW CAN I GET THAT FANCY EQUIPMENT. 0718921890
  • latrice   said on May 3, 2017 Hello, i would love to open my own kids salon here in ga but have no idea where to start. would you please send me some information on how to get started and ideas on how to make it a successful salon. thank you in advance.
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kiddies salon business plan

How to Write the Perfect Salon Business Plan in 6 Steps

Discover how to craft a winning salon business plan in just six steps! Boost your salon's success with expert tips, market analysis, and strategy insights.

kiddies salon business plan

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kiddies salon business plan

As a salon owner, having a well-thought-out business plan is essential to the success of your business. A salon business plan outlines your business goals, market analysis, marketing strategies, financial projections, and other key details, serving as a roadmap that guides you through the process of starting, running, and growing your salon. In this article, we’ll go over the key elements of a salon business plan and provide tips on how to write the best business plan for salons in 2023.

How Much Does It Cost to Run a Salon? 

Before you start writing a salon business plan, it’s important to get an idea of the startup and ongoing costs. As we discuss in this article , the costs of starting a salon range from $62,000 for an existing salon to $90,000 for a new operation. With some of the expenses, you’ll incur one-time costs – other expenses will be ongoing such as supplies and inventory. Here are some of the typical costs associated with starting a salon: 

Existing Salon 

When you buy an existing salon, be it a hair salon or nail salon, you save on the costs of buildout, salon equipment , and salon marketing, assuming the salon already has some of these elements in place. Here’s what you can expect to pay for the following:

  • Rent deposit: $4,500
  • Buyout of current salon: $10,500
  • Leasehold improvements: $15,000
  • Equipment: $10,000
  • Initial supplies: $8,000
  • Initial inventory: $4,000
  • Certifications and licenses: $4,000
  • Marketing: $5,000
  • Legal or consulting fees: $1,000

Grand total: $62,000

The upfront costs of building out a brand-new salon, marketing it to local clients, and getting the business up and running will likely exceed those of buying an existing salon. Here are the typical expenses you can expect to incur for a new salon:

  • Buyout of current salon: $0
  • Leasehold improvements: $35,000
  • Equipment: $25,000
  • Marketing: $8,000

Grand total: $89,500

You may also want to budget for the following:

  • If you need a loan or financing to cover startup costs, expect to pay interest rates of 1.25% to 10%.
  • Salon insurance ranges from $50 to $1,000 per month.
  • Salon booking software and a point of sale (POS) system range from free to $500 per month. GlossGenius starts at an industry-low $24 per month with low payment processing fees and includes a website, a branded card reader, and other extras.
  • A salon website can cost you thousands, but with GlossGenius, it’s included free! Beautiful and customizable, your website is packed with scheduling features and is easy to navigate, helping to increase bookings and future appointments.

How Profitable Is Owning a Salon?

If you owned a salon during the pandemic, no doubt you experienced your fair share of struggles between lockdowns, closures, and reduced business hours. According to Statista , the U.S. market size of beauty salons dropped from $69 billion in 2019 to $42.3 billion in 2020. Fortunately, things are beginning to look up for hair, skin, nail, and other types of salons, with the market valued at $53.6 billion as of 2022.

You can take advantage of the comeback by approaching your salon startup with a solid plan in place, a realistic budget, and a marketing strategy. A beauty salon business plan can help you identify any questions , opportunities, and potential roadblocks so you can have the best chances of getting funding, earning a return on your investment and achieving profitability. The more you control your expenses and market your business successfully, the more profitable you will be – so be sure to take your time creating a salon business plan for your needs.

6 Steps to Writing a Hair Salon Business Plan

The business plan is the most important document for any salon owner. It’s a formal, written plan that describes the future of your business and how you intend to achieve it. A good business plan will help you stay on track, get funding if you need it, and avoid costly mistakes as you navigate through choppy waters in this industry. 

We know what you’re thinking – that a business plan is a monster of a document that will take a ton of time to create. But, it doesn’t have to be. In fact, you can pare it down to one page and still have an effective, clear document that outlines everything you (and any other interested parties) need to know about your new salon. Below are six steps to writing a salon business plan that will ensure your success.

Here are six steps to creating your salon business plan:

  • Create an Executive Summary
  • Map Out Your Branding Vision
  • Research Your Industry
  • Create a Client Acquisition Strategy
  • Management and Operations
  • Financial Planning

Let's dive deeper into each one.

1. Create an Executive Summary

The executive summary is the first section of your business and management plan and provides a brief overview of your salon business. This section should include your mission statement , business objectives, target market, products and beauty services, and financial projections. It should be concise, engaging, and compelling to grab the attention of potential investors, lenders, or partners. It also serves to clarify your goals so you can come back to them anytime you need a refresher or wish to update this information.

Your executive summary is just that: a summary. This means you do not have to get into every detail in this section; you’ll provide a more complete analysis in the individual sections of your business plan. Here are some key elements to include in the executive summary:

  • An opening “hook.” The first sentence or two of your executive summary needs to draw in the reader; otherwise, your business plan might not get the attention it deserves. Grab your audience’s attention by sharing a compelling fact about your company, a memorable story related to your industry, or some other well-crafted description of your business that will make your business plan stand out.
  • Summary of your business. Describe what your company does, what services and products you will offer, who will run the company, and other high-level details.
  • Market analysis. Briefly describe the market landscape for your own salon to show there is a proven need for your services. Be sure to address who your competitors are, any advantages you have compared with others, and any research you’ve conducted to demonstrate there is a demand for your services in the area. 
  • Products and services. Highlight the specific services your salon will offer, any products you will sell, and any other information showing that your salon will fill the need you’ve described in your market analysis summary – and how you’ll do it better than the competition.
  • Financial information and projections. Give your reader an overview of your business financials, including any current sales and profits, the funding amount you’re looking to acquire or any funding you already have, and your projections for growth.
  • Future plans. Tell your reader exactly how you plan to use any funds you acquire and how their investment could pay off. Imagine where you want your business to be in a year, five years, and so on. Make it clear how funding will help you get there.

2. Map Out Your Branding Vision

Branding isn’t just about creating a unique identity for your business; it’s also about helping people connect with that identity and remember your name anytime they need your services. Branding helps both current clients and new customers recognize who you are and why they would want to seek out your salon. In your business plan, be sure to map out your branding vision by including:

  • A description of your salon business. Describe who you are and what you do.
  • Your mission and vision statement. Briefly summarize why your salon should exist, its primary objective, and how you plan to achieve your goals.
  • An overview of your products and services, your pricing strategy, and any unique features or benefits that differentiate your salon from others in the market. Discuss the specific services you will offer and their price points, plus any product lines you will carry, such as hair care products, makeup, or skincare.
  • A description of the target audience and customer demographics. Include relevant research on your market and the people who will buy what you’re offering.

3. Research Your Industry

This section should include a market analysis that provides an in-depth look at the salon industry, including trends, customer demographics, competition, and opportunities. It should also identify your target market and describe how you plan to reach them. This section should demonstrate your knowledge of the market and your ability to capitalize on it, with details on:

  • The industry and trends. Provide an overview of the salon industry with relevant statistics, especially those that pertain to your area of expertise and geographic location.
  • Your competition. Conduct a competitive analysis to gain insights into your competition, their marketing strategies, and the services and products they offer. The goal is to show how you will capture market share using stronger business strategies that set you apart from your competitors.
  • Market segmentation. With market segmentation , you break down a larger target market into a smaller group of customers you plan to serve. Demographics such as age and income, geographic location, lifestyles or psychographics, and behavioral factors like price sensitivity or product loyalty are just a few approaches to market segmentation that you can consider for your business plan.
  • SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is a way to assess your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It's an effective method for identifying your business strengths and weaknesses as well as external factors that may affect the success of your salon business.

4. Create a Client Acquisition Strategy

The client acquisition section of your salon business plan should describe how you plan to attract and retain customers as a hairstylist . It should outline your advertising and promotional strategies, such as social media marketing , SMS marketing , email marketing, and referral programs. This section should also discuss your sales strategy, including how you plan to increase sales and generate revenue.

  • Description of marketing channels and tactics . Outline the different channels you will use to generate leads, such as social media, blog articles, emails, and text messages. 
  • Sales forecasting and projections. Discuss how you will convert leads into clients, nurture them through the pipeline, and retain a loyal clientele. Include a realistic estimate of the quantity of goods and services you can sell within the forecast period (for example, monthly, quarterly, and annually). For a salon business, it’s helpful to determine the customer lifetime value of your typical client as well as the customer acquisition cost. You can then break down this number for the forecast period to determine the costs and sales projections.
  • Customer acquisition and retention strategies. Include which strategies you will use and the associated costs, such as pay-per-click (PPC), search engine optimization (SEO), and paid ads on social media. Describe how you will retain customers – for example, through loyalty programs and responses to feedback and reviews on social media and Google. ‍
  • Pricing strategy. It’s critical that you price your services and products competitively to drive revenue and profits. Detail the pricing strategy you plan to implement based on your buyer persona and competitive analysis. The strategy could be based on a variety of factors, but geographic location and local competition will likely be the biggest factors dictating your salon pricing strategy.

5. Management and Operations

The management and staffing section of your salon business plan should describe the organizational structure of your salon, including the roles and responsibilities of each staff member. It should also discuss your hiring and training practices, employee benefits , and compensation plans. This section should demonstrate your ability to attract and retain a skilled and motivated team, with information on your:

  • Organizational structure. Spell out who runs the show and who reports to whom.
  • Management team and staff. If you plan to hire a manager , look for someone who has experience in the industry and understands what it takes to run a salon. This person should also have good people skills and be able to work well with others.
  • Business operations and processes. Consider which other support personnel you will need, such as an accountant and a dedicated marketing specialist. Don’t be a hero; you can’t do it all alone. ‍
  • Legal and regulatory requirements. Include information on any legal advice you will employ to stay compliant with local, state, and federal guidelines.

Note that with GlossGenius, you can manage your team and collaborate with them to make your operations run more smoothly. Our software helps you delegate, mentor, and partner with others based on customizable permissions that let you grant as much or as little access as you wish. Easily manage your scheduling, booking, commissions, and reporting from one intuitive dashboard.

6. Financial Planning

Financial planning is a crucial section to include in any salon business plan. A cash flow forecast shows the anticipated amount of money coming into the business, as well as what you will spend on expenses. It also projects growth over time, which allows you to make predictions about future revenue and expenses so that you can better plan for them in advance.

The best way to get started with your financial projections is by creating an income statement (also called a profit and loss statement), which breaks down all income sources by category (e.g., retail sales and commissions), along with their associated costs (e.g., salaries). This will help provide insight into where your profits are coming from as well as areas where they could improve. Here are some key areas to cover in your salon business and marketing plan:

  • Revenue and expense projections. Your revenue projections should consider the number of clients you expect to serve, as well as the average price per service. Your expense projections should reflect all costs associated with running your salon, such as utilities, rent, and supplies.
  • Capital requirements and funding sources. Detail how much money you need to start and run your small business, including all costs associated with opening the salon. Describe the funding sources that you intend to use for starting your salon business, whether from personal funds, salon loans , or investors.
  • Break-even analysis and profitability projections. A break-even analysis is a financial tool that shows how much revenue you need in order to cover your fixed costs (rent, utilities, etc.) and variable costs (such as salons supplies and staff wages). Profitability projections show how much profit you expect from your salon business for each year of operation. This is based on your estimates of revenue and expenses. You can use this information when seeking funding from investors or lenders.
  • Financial ratios and metrics. A financial ratio is a measurement of the relationship between two numbers, usually expressed as a percentage or a fraction. For example, the working capital ratio compares your current assets to liabilities; this metric allows you to measure liquidity. Include the appropriate ratios and metrics in your business to demonstrate your company’s financial health.

A well-written salon business plan is essential for the success of your business. It provides a roadmap for achieving your business goals, attracting investors, and securing funding. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can write the best business plan for your salon and ensure your salon’s success!

As you’re creating your salon business plan, remember to start your free trial with GlossGenius and give yourself the best chances for success. From salon management to payment processing, we’ve got your new salon covered – making it easier to get up and running sooner rather than later.

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Children's Play Program Business Plan

Start your own children's play program business plan

Bees' Circus

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">.

Bees’ Circus is a children’s play and music program that offers a series of parent/child programs devoted to the physical, emotional and social development of children. We offer eight different weekly classes for children newborn through four years. The activities are designed to improve balance, coordination and other sensory stimuli while reinforcing good social skills in a group play environment. Bees’ Circus also offers music classes. Children 16 months through four years, will enjoy singing and dancing while getting their first taste of different musical beats and rhythms. Each week, new musical styles will be introduced, such as jazz, contemporary, and classical tunes. Activities such as instrument exploration, songs and movement to music are designed to provide a positive musical experience for both parents and young children.

Bees’ Circus offers a unique service in that there is no other program like it in the city of Monroe. Though the city does run some classes for children through their parks and recreation department, they are not part of a comprehensive growth program for pre-schoolers.

Bees’ Circus is centrally located in the new commercial center that serves the affluent northwest area of Monroe. Over the past five years, there has been tremendous housing growth in the northwest of the city. To date, 3,500 new housing units have been built in the area to accommodate the growth of the city’s population. Most these units are being bought or rented by young families with young children. Currently, there is no park program servicing the area. It is anticipated that a new park will be created in the next three years to serve the estimated 10,000 families in the area.

Barbara Miller, co-owner of Bees’ Circus, has been an educator for over 20 years and has been instrumental in the development of Monroe’s pre-school programs. She is starting Bees’ Circus to offer parents and children a nurturing environment in which to spend time together and play.

Childrens play program business plan, executive summary chart image

1.1 Mission

The mission of Bees’ Circus is to promote the physical, emotional and social development of children. Parents are also a central part of Bees’ Circus activities.

When parents enter their child’s world of play and imagination, the child blossoms with more confidence to explore and learn. Time spent playing with mom or dad contributes to healthy emotional development and will also build trust between parent and child.

1.2 Objectives

The objectives of Bees’ Circus are as follows:

  • Fill classes to 70% capacity by end of first year of operation.
  • Retain at least 50% of children moving from one class level to the next.
  • Increase the number of families participating in classes by 15% during the second year of operation.

Company Summary company overview ) is an overview of the most important points about your company—your history, management team, location, mission statement and legal structure.">

Bees’ Circus is a children’s play and music program that offers a series of parent/child programs devoted to the physical, emotional and social development of children. The program will operate as a limited partnership.  Barbara Miller will manage the daily operation of Bees’ Circus. A silent partner will have accounting oversight responsibilities.

Bees’ Circus is located in the Northtowne Center at 3456 Briggs Road. The program space is 7,000 square feet and includes a music room and a party room. Up to 40 children can play and work in the space at the same time.

2.1 Start-up Summary

The start-up expenses for the Bees’ Circus is focused primarily on equipment, play surfaces, and materials needed for the classes.  Barbara Miller and the silent partner will invest equal amounts.  In addition, Barbara will secure a long-term loan and use credit card debt to fund the enterprise.

Childrens play program business plan, company summary chart image

2.2 Company Ownership

Bees’ Circus is owned by Barbara Miller and a silent partner.

Bees’ Circus offers six different weekly classes for children newborn through four years. Activities are designed to help children develop balance, coordination and other sensory stimuli while having fun in a group play environment. 

Bees’ Circus also offers three music classes. Children 16 months through four years get to sing and move while getting their first taste of different musical beats and rhythms. Teachers introduce children to new musical styles each week, such as jazz, contemporary, and classical tunes. Activities such as instrument exploration, songs and movement to music are designed to provide a positive musical experience for parents and young children.

All play and music classes last 45 minutes and are taught to child-parent pairs in small groups. The fee is $100 per class.  The parents can pick which two weekday day sessions she wants to attend with her child.  Each class is a month long.

NewBees (newborn) classes addresses the special needs of newborns and their parents. Activities are designed to gently stimulate the baby’s learning skills with special toys, singing and gentle play.

BabyBees (6 – 14 months) will indulge your child’s natural curiosity and offer creative ways to practice emerging skills through fun-filled exploration of tunnels, slides, climbers, songs, movement activities, parachute play and more.

ToddlerBees (14 – 24 months) will use equipment and activities to learn cause and effect, coordination, balance and motor skill development. Playful movement activities and equipment exploration build pre- and early walking skills, while songs enrich emerging language.

RunningBees (24 -30 months)  challenges a child’s growing body with slides, climbers, balls and tunnels. Activities also focus on language skills and social interaction. 

BuzzingBees (30- 36 months)  will focus on themes like “Dinosaur Day,” “Under the Sea,” and “Forest Fun” with movement stories, puppetry and songs. Physical activity will be combined with imaginative play where children will construct stories. Listening skills and body awareness grow as your child explores our playscapes, creates roles and predicts outcomes. Playfully structured movement to music provide experiences in group interaction and social development.

JumpingBees (37- 46 months) will explore pre-sports and pre-gymnastic skills including kicking, throwing and catching. Each exciting class builds listening skills and coordination while emphasizing cooperative play and encouraging new friendships.

The music program has three levels.

HummingBees (16- 24 months) will build a repertoire of songs to sing together that supports your child’s awareness of melody, pitch and rhythm. Children learn musical phrasing, rhythm and simple musical rules through playful scarf activities, baby dances and ball games. Explore safe and age appropriate instruments, enjoy soothing lullabies from around the world and immerse your baby in activities that build a solid musical foundation to grow on.

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SingingBees (37 – 48 months)  is designed to support and challenge emerging skills, together you’ll share a world of music. Children are encouraged to discover their singing voice and make music of their own as they explore different instruments. Self esteem and social skills get a real boost as your child engages in group songs, chants and finger plays and imagination and listening skills build as children express themselves to music.

Birthday parties at Bees’ Circus . In addition to the extensive program of classes, Bees’ Circus can host a child’s birthday party providing great activities for kids and an easy experience for parents. An enthusiastic Bees’ Circus staff member leads the activities as the birthday child and his or her friends and parents play, laugh, and sing together, creating a memorable celebration.

Market Analysis Summary how to do a market analysis for your business plan.">

Over the past five years, there has been tremendous housing growth in the affluent northwest area of the city.  To date, 3,500 new housing units have been built in the area to accommodate the growth of the city’s population. Most these units are being bought or rented by young families with young children.

Currently, there is no park program servicing the area.  It is anticipated that a new park will be created for the area in the next three years to serve the estimated 10,000 families in the area.

The area also has 15 private child care centers that serve over 1,600 children, ages one to four.  It is estimated that there are 5,000 children in northwest Monroe under the age of four. 

Currently, there are no other activity or music programs in the area that serves the pre-schoolers.

Bees’ Circus will purse both the children at home and children at the private child care centers.

4.1 Market Segmentation

Bees’ Circus will focus on the two target groups:

  • At home pre-schoolers
  • Childcare pre-schoolers

Childrens play program business plan, market analysis summary chart image

Strategy and Implementation Summary

Bees’ Circus will start by sending direct mailings to parents of young children in northwest Monroe.  The mailer will announce an open house invitation to visit the facility.  In addition, Bees’ Circus will offer a 20% discount on its activity and music classes.

Bees’ Circus will also offer a discounted group rate (20%) to the area’s announce centers.

5.1 Sales Strategy

The sales strategy of Bees’ Circus will be to build from a base of satisfied customers.  The program will offer a 20% discount on class fees for each successful referral to Bees’ Circus.  We will also offer one session free visits for any parent and child interested in exploring our program.

5.1.1 Sales Forecast

Bees’ Circus anticipates that May will be weak month for classes.  Enrollment will increase steadily from June on. The following is the sales forecast for Bees’ Circus.

Childrens play program business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

Management Summary management summary will include information about who's on your team and why they're the right people for the job, as well as your future hiring plans.">

Barbara Miller will be the Director of the program.  She has been an educator for over 20 years and has been instrumental in the development of Monroe’s pre-school programs. Most recently, Barbara was the youth activity planner and coordinator for the city of Monroe’s park and recreation department.  She managed a team of ten that organized and scheduled all youth activity classes offered by the city.

6.1 Personnel Plan

The personnel of Bees’ Circus will be as follows:

  • Teacher (3)
  • Class aides (4)

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

The following is the financial plan for Bees’ Circus.

7.1 Break-even Analysis

The monthly break-even point is presented in the following table and chart.

Childrens play program business plan, financial plan chart image

7.2 Projected Profit and Loss

The following table and chart highlight the projected profit and loss for three years.

Childrens play program business plan, financial plan chart image

7.3 Projected Cash Flow

The following table and chart highlight the projected cash flow for three years.

Childrens play program business plan, financial plan chart image

7.4 Projected Balance Sheet

The following table highlights the projected balance sheet for three years.

7.5 Business Ratios

Business ratios for the years of this plan are shown below. Industry profile ratios based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 8351, Child Day Care Services, are shown for comparison.

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Open a Kiddies Play & Party Venue

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Play venues are indoor places with various games that children can play. Here is how to get started.

What & Why Play venues are places where parents take their children to play during the day. It is particular popular with stay at home moms, it is also quite popular in winter when its raining outside. The venue contains various toys and obstacle courses to keep children busy; because there are usually other children as well they get to meet new friends. Play venues require large spaces and is often setup inside of warehouses or other large (and cheap) spaces. Poplar activities include jumping castles and other inflatable’s, play mats with toys and various ride ons.

Business model Because rental is high you have to maximise the potential of your kiddies play venue. Here is how to make money from it: 1. Hourly rate. This is the bread and butter of the business. Parents pay an hourly fee for children to play at the venue. You can also have monthly packages or subscriptions if you want. 2. Food. Sweets, chocolates, cool drinks and chips are usually sold at the venue. Also have something more filling and healthy. And don’t forget tea and cake so the moms can socialise while the children play. 3. Daycare centre. There is usually enough space to turn a corner of the venue into a daycare centre and lots of toys for children to play with as well. During the week, when parents are at work, the venue won’t be very full so a space can be created for daycare kids. You can decide whether to run daycare centre yourself or to rent it out. 4. Parties. This won’t be an everyday thing but it will be lucrative. An area of the venue (upstairs if you have) can be cordoned off for private parties. And afterwards the children can go and play on the toys. This will incur a venue hire fee and a play fee. You can even make money with the catering as well.

There are a few other things to consider as well, such as sourcing of entertaining toys as well as legal (each parent will have to sign an indemnity form before children can use the toys so you are legally protected). Nonetheless kiddies play venue are very popular party spots and you should have regular bookings to make this a sustainable business.

Image credits:  scoopon ,  playcreations 

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Irkutsk Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Irkutsk oblast: Irkutsk .

Irkutsk Oblast - Overview

Irkutsk Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in Eastern Siberia, in the south-eastern part of the Siberian Federal District. Irkutsk is the capital city of the region.

The population of Irkutsk Oblast is about 2,357,000 (2022), the area - 774,846 sq. km.

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Irkutsk oblast coat of arms

Irkutsk oblast map, Russia

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News, notes and thoughts:

5 October, 2013   / Typical news from Russia. In Irkutsk region, the bear made his way in one of the cottages located near Ust-Ilimsk. By night, the bear climbed onto the veranda through the window and ate the whole pot of borsch while owners were in the banya. Arrived on the scene the police shot into the air and the bear ran into the woods.

Irkutsk Oblast - Economy

Irkutsk Oblast is rich in such natural resources as oil, natural gas, gold, iron, coal. It is an important transport hub of Siberia - the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Baikal-Amur Railway pass through its territory. The main rivers are the Angara, Belaya, Iya, Kitoy, Irkut, Oka, Lena, Kirenga, and Nizhnaya Tunguska.

This region plays a significant role in the Russian industry. In the all-Russian production it makes about 6,5% of power production, 15% of timber export, 6% of coal mining, almost 20% of pulp production, over 10% of carton, about 9% of oil.

The following industries are the most developed: timber and wood-processing, pulp and paper, mining, fuel, non-ferrous metallurgy, power engineering, machine-building, chemical and oil, food and ferrous metallurgy. Hydro-power industry is also well developed (the main dams: Irkutsk Dam, Bratsk Dam, Ust-Ilimsk Dam). Industrial enterprises are mainly located in Irkutsk and several district centers.

The railway is the main means of transport. The main transport line is the Trans-Siberian Railway. The western part of the Baikal-Amur Railway stretches from the town of Taishet to the east through the territory of the region. The total length of railways is about 2,500 km.

There are two airports in the cities of Irkutsk and Bratsk, they are international airports and offer flights to China, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, South Korea.

Several large navigable rivers flow through the region - the Angara, Lena, Nizhnyaya Tunguska. The largest ports are located on the Lena - Kirensk and Osetrovo. They provide cargo transportation to the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the northern seaport of Tixi.

Nature of Irkutsk Oblast

Beautiful nature of the Irkutsk region

Beautiful nature of the Irkutsk region

Author: Kovalev Maksim

River in Irkutsk Oblast

River in Irkutsk Oblast

Author: Roman Romanov

Lake in Irkutsk Oblast

Lake in Irkutsk Oblast

Author: V.Chokan

Irkutsk Oblast - Features

Irkutsk Oblast is a large subject of the Russian Federation that is almost equal to the territory of Turkey. It is the largest region of Russia that has no outlet to the sea. From north to south the region stretches for about 1,450 km, from west to east - for 1,318 km.

The distance from Irkutsk to Moscow by rail - 5,192 km, to Vladivostok - 4,106 km. Time difference between Irkutsk and Moscow - 5 hours. The largest cities and towns of Irkutsk Oblast are Irkutsk (617,200), Bratsk (222,500), Angarsk (220,000), Ust-Ilimsk (78,700), Usolie-Sibirskoye (73,800).

The climate in the Irkutsk region is sharply continental, with long cold winters and short hot and dry summers.

Irkutsk Oblast has a rich history: ancient sites, the Russians settling in eastern Siberia, Decembrists, the Soviet construction sites - there are historical monuments in almost every settlement. Over 60 museums are open in the region, they attract historians and tourists from Europe and Asia.

Attractions of Irkutsk Oblast

Baikal , the largest freshwater lake in the world, occupies a special place among the riches of Siberia. This lake is a wonderful natural monument known for its extremely clean, very clear water. Baikal is a unique sea-lake sung in legends and tales of antiquity, one the centers of Asian culture. It is a great place for eco-tourism.

The Circum-Baikal Railway , offering stunning views of the lake and its surroundings, is one of the most visited places of the region. It is an amazing piece of engineering, a historical monument of the 19th century. There are 38 tunnels with total length of 9,063 m, 15 stone galleries, 3 concrete galleries, 248 bridges and viaducts, 172 architectural monuments.

Olkhon , the largest on Lake Baikal, is also popular among tourists. In Buryat folk legends, Olkhon Island is a mysterious place; to this day it is known as the center of shamanism.

Khamar-Daban, Primorsky, North Baikal ridges, Sayan spurs, Olkhinskoye plateau are unique place not only for mountaineering but also for downhill skiing. Tourists are also attracted by mountain skiing in Baikalsk city.

About 60 km from Irkutsk there is an architectural and ethnographical museum “Taltsy”.

Irkutsk oblast of Russia photos

Pictures of irkutsk oblast.

Early autumn in the Irkutsk region

Early autumn in the Irkutsk region

Author: Taranovsky

Sunset in Irkutsk Oblast

Sunset in Irkutsk Oblast

Author: Konstantin Vavilov

Church in Irkutsk Oblast

Church in Irkutsk Oblast

Orthodox church in the Irkutsk region

Orthodox church in the Irkutsk region

Author: Gennady Taraskov

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Ilim Group is the leader in the Russian pulp and paper industry and one of the industry leaders globally

Since 2007, International Paper has been Ilim Group’s strategic partner within the joint venture.

Business assets

Pulp and paper mills.

  • Wood chemicals

Corrugated box plants

  • Corrugated packaging

Sibgiprobum Engineering and Design Institute https://sibgiprobum.ru/

  • Consulting services
  • Pre-engineering
  • Engineering
  • Development of environmental action plans
  • Technical and engineering audits of the existing production facilities and proposed design solutions

Offices and representative offices

  • Central office in St. Petersburg
  • Beijing Office
  • Arkhangelsk

The Company’s mills produce over 75% of all domestically produced market pulp, 20% of board, and 10% of paper. The Company's total annual pulp and paper output exceeds 3.6 million tons.

Sales markets



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    Below is the sales projection for Generation Next™ Children's Hair Salon, LLC Company, it is based on the location of our business and of course the wide range of related services that we will be offering; First Fiscal Year (FY1): $150,000. Second Fiscal Year (FY2): $350,000. Third Fiscal Year (FY3): $550,000.

  2. How To Start A Children's Hair Salon ( A Step By Step Guide)

    To start a children's hair salon come up with a concept, fine-tune the idea, create a business plan, look at your funding options, choose a suitable location, obtain your licenses, hire staff, market and promote your children's hair salon. Before you invest money in anything or apply for a loan, make sure you take the time to plan out your ...

  3. Starting Your Dream Kids Hair Salon: A Comprehensive Guide

    Innovation shouldn't stop with the services you offer; it should extend into how you manage and grow your business financially. Create a welcoming and fun environment for kids. Invest in quality salon equipment that's kid-friendly. Maintain high cleanliness and safety standards. Offer a variety of services tailored for children.

  4. How to Develop a Children's Hair Salon Business Plan

    Discuss the state of the children's hair salon industry and where it's headed. Identify your target markets and explain why your business is necessary for the specific demographic you're going after. Speak to the growth trajectory of your target market. Explain who your customer segments are and which acquisition channels you'll use to ...

  5. How to Start a Hair Salon For Kids: Step-by-Step

    A business plan isn't just for startups; it continues to guide your salon once it's operational. It helps maintain focus on your goals, track progress, and adapt to changing market conditions. Time and Effort: Crafting a comprehensive business plan requires time, effort, and careful consideration of every aspect of your salon's operations.

  6. What Is A Kiddies Salon Business and How to Start One

    To start your own Kiddies Salon, you will need to secure the finances necessary to start the business. You will also need to find a place to house the salon and hire the right staff. You will also need to register with the state, create a business plan containing all of your plans, and advertise your salon.

  7. How to Start a Hair Salon for Kids

    8. Advertise the children's salon. Put ads in local family magazines and newspapers. Direct mailers can be sent to offer discounts on services in the salon. Check out local competition to set up ...

  8. Childrens Hair Salon Business Plan Template

    Target Market The target market for Children's Hair Salon businesses is parents and guardians of young children, typically aged between 1 and 12 years old.

  9. How to Start a Salon for Kids

    Start with a fun name that will make kids want to visit your salon, then write out your vision for the business. This will include your mission statement, business goals, and the services you will provide, such as shampoos, hair cuts, kiddie mani-pedis, and even flower girl and ring-bearer hair styling. Use your imagination, but be sure to ...

  10. How To Write the Perfect Salon Business Plan in 7 Simple Steps

    Here we've broken down the entire process into 7 easy-to-follow, foolproof steps, along with their templates, to help you create a successful salon business plan. Write a mission and vision statement. Create an executive summary. Analyze and identify your target market. Perform a competitor analysis.

  11. Working Kids Into Your Salon's Business Model Can be Smart and

    When sisters Hermine Abkarian, Rosie Nehme and Angela Kokchyan decided to open their salon, Mommy's Retreat, in Tarzana, California, the three recognized a void in the market: a lack of kid-friendly salons where moms can seek beautification while their children play supervised on site.From the get-go, their business plan included a playroom, paid childcare services and other kid-centric ...

  12. Hair Salon Business Plan Template & Guide

    Hair Salon Business Plan. Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 5,000 entrepreneurs and salon owners create business plans to start and grow their hair salons. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a hair salon business plan template ...

  13. Free Hair and Beauty Salon Sample Business Plan PDF

    The 7 elements of an effective hair and beauty salon business plan. 1. Executive Summary. The executive summary provides a high-level overview of your business plan. It should outline the objectives of your hair and beauty salon, such as to offer high-quality services, to expand the client base, or to break into a new market.

  14. Sample Salon Business Plan

    Industry Analysis. The Salon industry in the United States is currently estimated to be worth over $46 billion, with an expected annual growth rate of 3.2%. This growth can be attributed to an increasing demand for beauty services, as well as a rise in disposable income among consumers.

  15. Starting A Kid's Salon

    Windhoek, Namibia, Hello there, i am in the middle of writing up an amazing Business Plan for 2 ladies who want to open a kiddies salon. Contact me for a business plan that suits you. number - +264816115337, email - [email protected]

  16. How to Write the Perfect Salon Business Plan in 6 Steps

    1. Create an Executive Summary. The executive summary is the first section of your business and management plan and provides a brief overview of your salon business. This section should include your mission statement, business objectives, target market, products and beauty services, and financial projections.

  17. Children's Play Program Business Plan Example

    Company Summary. Bees' Circus is a children's play and music program that offers a series of parent/child programs devoted to the physical, emotional and social development of children. The program will operate as a limited partnership. Barbara Miller will manage the daily operation of Bees' Circus. A silent partner will have accounting ...

  18. Open a Kiddies Play & Party Venue

    Here is how to make money from it: 1. Hourly rate. This is the bread and butter of the business. Parents pay an hourly fee for children to play at the venue. You can also have monthly packages or subscriptions if you want. 2. Food. Sweets, chocolates, cool drinks and chips are usually sold at the venue.


    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 Business Description Ruth Marcella will be the proprietor of the proposed business. The name of the business is proposed to be Joy Salon. The proprietor plans to launch the business in January 2012. The business will be located on the 1 st floor of Loita House, along Loita Street in Nairobi. The main activity of the business will be hairdressing.

  20. Bratsk

    Eat. Drink. Sleep. Go next. Bratsk ( Russian: Братск brahtsk) is a large city in Irkutsk Oblast on the Baikal-Amur Mainline . Angara River at Bratsk.

  21. Irkutsk Oblast, Russia guide

    Irkutsk Oblast is a large subject of the Russian Federation that is almost equal to the territory of Turkey. It is the largest region of Russia that has no outlet to the sea. From north to south the region stretches for about 1,450 km, from west to east - for 1,318 km. The distance from Irkutsk to Moscow by rail - 5,192 km, to Vladivostok ...

  22. Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station

    The Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station (also referred to as The 50 years of Great October Dam) is a concrete gravity dam on the Angara River and adjacent hydroelectric power station.It is the second level of the Angara River hydroelectric station cascade in Irkutsk Oblast, Russia.From its commissioning in 1966, the station was the world's single biggest power producer until Krasnoyarsk ...

  23. About Ilim Group

    The business assets are located in Koryazhma (Arkhangelsk Oblast), Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk (Irkutsk Oblast), Kommunar (Leningrad Oblast), and Dmitrov (Moscow Oblast). Pulp and paper mills. ... The Company adopted its strategy through 2030 and business plan through 2020, which implied an increase of the aggregate product output by 500 thousand ...