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The Ultimate 2022 Resume Format for Freshers Guide [Expert samples from over 100,000 users]

Top 5 tactics to create the best fresher resume format:.

  • Don’t simply list what coursework and internships you’ve done. It helps a hiring manager if they can learn about the important things you did in those roles (e.g. started ACM student chapter in Mumbai around Artificial intelligence and control theory)
  • Make sure that you use the right resume buzzwords and avoid the bad ones
  • Modify your resume to match the interests of the organization you are applying to
  • Don’t be vague, paint a complete picture of who you are and how you are a good for the job
  • Design your resume with care and make sure your most valuable work catches recruiter’s attention
  • Don’t build a 10+ page resume just to show everything you’ve ever done. Remember, it is your resume, not your biography

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How to create the best fresher resume format?

Make it one page.

In case you don’t know, there is a generally accepted industry standard on resume page length. Ideally, it should be one page for every 10 years of experience. Given that you’re about to graduate and have just started working, you should really only have a one page resume . A one page resume is not only more organized, but quickly helps a recruiter identify your key skills and shortlist you. Imagine getting 100 ten page resumes every day. Going through that is like reading a 1,000 page book!

Make your resume relevant to the role

Don’t underestimate your skills just because you lack work experience. One technique you can try is breaking down the job into 5 different parts and see how you can reflect in your resume that you have covered some (or all) parts. This increases the relevance of your resume to a hiring manager significantly. For example, to apply for a Junior software engineer role you can easily break it down to 5 parts. First is programming language, second is algorithmic knowledge, third is quality/scalability, fourth is GIT/JIRA (i.e. deployment tools), and fifth is database. Now, if you crafted a resume that reflects you mastering 3 programming languages, being proficient with well known algorithms and having used deployment tools. By doing so, you are creating the exact fresh resume format that a hiring manager is looking for!

Show your experience

A majority of employers out there want to see the difference you can make to their organization. Sadly, most freshers don’t account for this when they craft their resume or even while sending job applications. From your volunteering experience to your internships, try to show what you did and the impact it made. Use exact numbers when possible. If you’ve taken relevant coursework, certifications - make sure you don’t miss these important details. Proactively promoting your experience is often the most important factor to a positive assessment of your resume.

Conduct a resume review

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Inconsistent punctuation
  • Broken website links
  • Incorrect contact information
  • Long or unclear sentences

Secure impactful references

References can have a huge impact on your application. They are also a critical part of application tracking systems (ATS) that a vast majority of large organizations use. References in resume formats can be of two types: References of someone within the target organization, and references of a well known industry professional. If you get referred by an existing employee of the organization, your resume has a much higher chance of landing you an interview. And, if you cite the reference of a well known industry professional, your resume will definitely land you an interview.

10 sections recruiters and hiring managers are looking for in a fresher resume format

latest resume format 2022 for freshers

1. Your Resume Header

Your resume’s header is the first thing that any recruiter will see. Typically, a header has contact information, website link(s), a linkedin profile, and other social links. Make sure that your contact information is up to date, and only add emails that look professional. Ideally, a professional email looks something like '[email protected]'. Also, keep the number of things in your resume format header to a minimum. Your goal is to give recruiters a quick sense of who you are and how to contact you, not overwhelm them with a lot of information.

2. Personal Summary

A personal summary and a fresher resume don’t exactly match all of the time. Almost 90% of freshers write a summary like this in their resume: “My goal is to grow professionally and contribute to your esteemed organization and learn more” This doesn’t work for many reasons. First, this doesn’t say anything about what you really want to do. Second, it fails to convey relevance your resume to the job. And, third, it makes you sound passive and shows a lack of enthusiasm. A better version of a personal summary (for a design related role) would go in depth, connect your skills and goals with the role that you are applying for. Here’s an example: “To become one of the best UX designers in the world by practising minimalism, design systems with optimized onboarding for large scale software products. I have a keen interest in UX research, information architecture, and motion designs which drive my desire to accomplish great things in my career.” As you can clearly see, a hiring manager that looks at this professional summary will now understand who you are and what your motivation is for applying to the role. They will be more likely to take notice and evaluate your resume carefully. Mission accomplished!

  • Relevant to the role you’re applying for
  • Recognizable within your target industry
  • A mix of both soft and hard skills
  • Software skills (proficiency with AutoCAD)
  • Planning and management skills (Expert in SAP SCS planning)
  • Predictive Analytics (Implementing customer lifecycle analytics using Tableau)
  • Market research (Identifying the right, most profitable customers)
  • Inventory management (keeping record of SKUs and managing demand supply pipeline)
  • MS Word and Google docs
  • Your typing speed (unless you are applying to be a typist)
  • Anything that’s not relevant to the role you are applying for

Resume format example

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4. Your Experience

Underestimating work experience is something that’s common across most fresher resumes. A lot of companies that hire freshers usually look for relevant projects or coursework. A relevant example of experience could be something that you did in your coursework, lab, projects or during your internship and can count as a professional grade working experience.

Best resume format

5. Education

A lot of job requirements clearly demand a level of education (undergraduate, post graduate, PhD). Clearly listing them out in a way a recruiter can quickly understand helps your job application in getting closer to being shortlisted. When you add your education to your resume, make sure to mention the important and relevant coursework in it. For example, if you are a mechanical engineering student, highlighting that you’ve gone through Production Planning helps you to be seen as a more relevant candidate for an Automotive Engineering role.

Best fresher resume

6. Languages

  • English : IELTS CEFR B2
  • Tamil : Native Language
  • Hindi : Fluent in reading, writing and speaking
  • German : Full professional proficiency (ILR scale)

Best resume format for freshers

7. Most Proud Of

Did you do something in your college life that you’re incredibly proud of? Adding this section helps you standout from other applicants. After testing it with 100,000+ resume applications, it has proven to be very effective. Freshers can usually add things like a college project, an open source contribution, an achievement in sports, a fellowship, published research papers, etc to name a few.

Resume format for job

8. Life Philosophy

So far, most of the sections we’ve gone through were more focused on your work-related skills. But, hiring is also about cultural fit. Take this chance to be more impactful with your resume format. Fortunately, showcasing your life philosophy doesn’t take much. You can simply reflect it by including a quote from a significant figure or a quote that you live by.

Latest resume format for freshers

9. Certificates and Courses

Often, freshers undergo a number of certification and other courses during college. These courses and certificates can often help you gain first hand experience and prepare you well for your professional career. They are often critical in crafting a winning fresher resume format.

Resume format for freshers engineers

10. References

We spoke about using references and how including them is a part of the best fresher resume format. When you write your references section, ensure to add their name, designation, a contact number and email information.

Resume format examples

How to get a referral for the role you want after graduating

As a fresher, you should try to leverage your existing networks to gain job referrals. A job referral is an incredibly powerful way to land a job as referrals often standout from the rest of job applications. If you are unsure on where to get started, your college alumni, your professors and your social network (Linkedin, Facebook, etc) could be the first place. Here’s a detailed guide to getting job referrals (email outreach template included!) that just might come in handy to get job referrals.

Check out our guide on getting referrals for any job you’re applying for.

Trying to land an interview? Check out more winning resume examples for inspiration

latest resume format 2022 for freshers

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Best Fresher Resume Formats and Samples for 2024

latest resume format 2022 for freshers

As a fresher in the job market, your resume is your primary marketing tool. It is your chance to make a lasting first impression on potential employers and convince them that you have what it takes to excel in the role you are applying for.

A strong fresher resume can set you apart from the competition, and help you land the job of your dreams. However, crafting a winning resume can be a daunting task if you don’t know where to start.

In this article, we will explore the importance of a fresher’s resume and provide valuable tips for crafting a strong one. We will cover the dos and don’ts of resume writing, discuss the best formats to use, and provide examples of successful fresher resumes to help you get started. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of what it takes to create a powerful fresher resume that will get you noticed by employers. Let’s dive in!

Types of Fresher Resume Formats

When it comes to creating a fresher resume, choosing the right format is crucial. Here are the three most popular types of fresher resume formats:

A. Chronological Resume Format

The chronological resume format is the most traditional and widely used format. This format lists your work history in order, starting with the most recent job and working backward. A chronological resume format is a great option if you have a consistent employment history, with few employment gaps. By highlighting your previous work experience in chronological order, this format allows employers to quickly scan your resume and get a sense of your career progression.

B. Functional Resume Format

The functional resume format focuses on your skillset and accomplishments, rather than your employment history. It is a great option for individuals who may have little work experience, or for those who are looking to change career paths. This format allows you to highlight your transferable skills and relevant achievements, which may not be evident from a purely chronological resume.

C. Combination Resume Format

As its name suggests, the combination resume format is a mix of both the chronological and functional formats. This format highlights both your previous work experience and your skills through a combination of the two. The combination resume format is a great option if you have a diverse work history and want to showcase your skills alongside your work experience.

When choosing the best fresher resume format for you, it’s important to consider your unique skills, work history, and career goals. Each format has its pros and cons, so take the time to determine which format would best highlight your strengths and help you stand out to potential employers.

Choosing the Best Fresher Resume Format for You

When it comes to creating a resume as a fresher, one of the key factors to consider is the format. Your resume format should showcase your skills and experience in the best way possible, catching the attention of hiring managers and setting you apart from the competition.

To choose the best fresher resume format for you, there are two key steps:

A. Analyzing your Skills and Experience

Before you can choose a resume format, you need to take a close look at your skills and experience. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are my key skills and strengths?
  • What kind of experience do I have? Is it in a specific industry or role?
  • Have I completed any relevant internships or coursework?

By doing this analysis, you can get a clear picture of what makes you a strong candidate for a particular job. This, in turn, can help you choose the right resume format.

B. Identifying the Best Format to Showcase your Strengths

Once you have a clear idea of your skills and experience, it’s time to identify the best format to showcase them. There are several different types of resume formats to choose from, including:

Chronological resumes: These resumes list your work experience in reverse chronological order, with your most recent job first. This format is great if you have a strong work history in a specific industry, as it shows a clear progression of your career.

Functional resumes: Functional resumes focus on your skills and strengths, rather than your work history. This format is ideal for those who may not have a lot of work experience, but have acquired valuable skills through internships, coursework, or other activities.

Combination resumes: As the name suggests, combination resumes combine elements of both chronological and functional resumes. They highlight your skills and experience, while also showcasing your work history in a logical, easy-to-follow way.

Ultimately, the best fresher resume format for you will depend on your unique skills and experience. By analyzing your strengths and choosing the right format, you can create a compelling, effective resume that will help you land the job of your dreams.

Structuring Your Fresher Resume

Before you start writing your resume, it’s important to have a clear idea of what you want to include and the order in which you want to present your information. This will help ensure that your resume is easy to read, well-organized, and effective at capturing the attention of hiring managers. Below is a breakdown of the different sections you should consider including in your fresher resume and what to include in each one.

A. Header and Personal Information

The header of your resume should contain your name, contact information, and professional title (if applicable). This should appear at the top of the page and be in a larger font than the rest of your text. You can also include a professional profile picture if you choose.

B. Professional Summary or Objective

Your professional summary or objective should be a short statement that highlights your skills, experience, and career goals. Use this section to grab the hiring manager’s attention and let them know right away why you are the best candidate for the position. Keep it brief, but make sure it is impactful.

C. Education Section

The education section of your resume should include information on your academic qualifications, including the name of your institution, your degree, and your GPA (if applicable). If you have any relevant coursework or certifications, be sure to include these as well.

D. Skills Section

In this section, you should highlight your skills and abilities that are relevant to the position you are applying for. This can include both hard skills (such as programming languages or technical skills) and soft skills (such as communication, problem-solving, or teamwork). Be sure to only include skills that are relevant to the position and ensure that you can provide examples of how you have utilized these skills in previous roles or experiences.

E. Work Experience

If you have any relevant work experience, list it in this section, starting with your most recent or current position. For each job, include the name of the company, your job title, the dates you worked there, and a list of your responsibilities and accomplishments. Be sure to focus on how your experience relates to the position you are applying for and provide specific examples of how you have made a positive impact in your previous roles.

F. Extracurricular Activities

While not always necessary, including extracurricular activities on your resume can show that you are a well-rounded candidate who is capable of managing multiple responsibilities. This can include volunteer work, internships, clubs or organizations, or any other relevant activities.

G. References (if applicable)

If the job posting specifically asks for references, be sure to include them in this section. Include the name, relationship, and contact information of each reference. If the job posting does not ask for references, you can leave this section out.

Structuring your fresher resume is all about highlighting your skills and achievements in a clear, concise, and effective way.

Fresher Resume Examples and Samples

When it comes to creating a resume as a fresher, it can be challenging to know where to start. To make things easier, there are several different formats that you can follow to showcase your skills, education, and experience. Here are three different fresher resume examples and samples that you may want to consider:

A. Chronological Resume Sample

A chronological resume is a traditional format that works best for those with a stable work history. This type of resume puts emphasis on your work experience and positions, starting from the most recent and going backwards.

Here’s an example of how a chronological resume for a fresher might look:

  • Contact Information
  • Career Objective
  • Work Experience

This format works well for job seekers who have worked in the same field or industry for some time and are looking to continue in that same sector. Highlight your accomplishments and milestones in your work history to showcase your expertise and experience.

B. Functional Resume Sample

A functional resume is geared toward those with little experience or gaps in their work history. Instead of focusing on work experience, this type of resume highlights your skills, projects, and achievements.

Here’s an example of how a functional resume for a fresher might look:

For those seeking entry-level jobs or internships, this format can be great for highlighting transferable skills that you may have gained from extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or educational projects.

C. Combination Resume Sample

A combination resume is a mix of both chronological and functional formats. This format starts with a summary of your qualifications and skills, followed by a detailed list of your work experience and education.

Here’s an example of how a combination resume for a fresher might look:

  • Summary of Qualifications

This format is good for fresher job seekers who have a mix of skills and experience, including a solid educational background. This type of resume allows you to showcase both your qualifications and work history in a clear and concise manner.

Choosing the right resume format is essential, especially for fresher job seekers. Whether you go with a chronological, functional, or combination resume, make sure that your resume highlights your unique skills, education, and experience. By doing so, you’ll increase your chances of getting noticed by employers and securing your dream job.

Tips for Creating a Visually Appealing Resume

A visually appealing resume can increase your chances of catching the attention of hiring managers. Here are some tips to help you create a visually appealing resume:

A. Choosing the Right Font and Size

Choose a font that is easy to read and professional such as Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman. Use font size 10-12 for the body and size 14-16 for headings.

B. Using Bullet Points Effectively

Bullet points are an effective way to highlight key information and improve readability. Use them to list your accomplishments, skills or experience in a concise manner.

C. Incorporating White Space

Don’t clutter your resume with too much information. Leave enough white space around your content to make it easy to read and visually appealing.

D. Highlighting Key Information

Make sure to highlight key information such as your contact details, education, and work experience. Use bold or italics to draw attention to important points.

Remember, a visually appealing resume is important as it can make you stand out from other applicants. Use these tips to create a professional and eye-catching resume.

Understanding ATS and Why it Matters for Your Resume

When it comes to crafting a winning resume, it’s essential to understand the role of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). An ATS is a software application used by many employers as a preliminary screening tool to help them manage recruitment efforts more efficiently. The system scans resumes for keywords, experience, and qualifications to determine if they are a suitable match for a given job description.

A. What is an ATS?

An ATS is designed to help recruiters sort through hundreds or thousands of resumes quickly, saving them time and effort. By scanning resumes and filtering out less qualified candidates automatically, an ATS speeds up the hiring process and ultimately results in a more efficient recruitment process.

B. Key Elements for ATS Optimization

To ensure that your resume is considered in the recruitment process, it must be optimized for ATS. This requires an understanding of the key elements that the system uses to evaluate resumes. These elements include:

  • Formatting: Many ATS are unable to read resumes with complex or unusual formatting, making it essential to use simple, easy-to-read formats without underlines, tables, or graphics.
  • Keywords: Use relevant keywords that describe your skills, experience, and qualifications to increase the chances of being shortlisted by an ATS.
  • Customization: Tailor your resume to match the job role and requirements by highlighting your related experience and qualifications.
  • Job titles: Use industry-standard job titles to prevent the application from being filtered out during the initial screening phase.
  • Spell checking: Proofread your resume for spelling and grammatical errors; many ATS use filters to delete resumes containing too many mistakes.

C. Best Practices for Creating ATS-Friendly Resumes

To ensure that your resume passes the ATS screening stage and lands you an interview, there are several best practices to follow:

  • Use a clean and simple format, with clear headings and bullet points.
  • Focus on keywords and include them prominently throughout your resume.
  • Avoid using uncommon abbreviations, acronyms, or industry jargon that the ATS may not recognize.
  • Customize your resume to convey how you meet the specific job requirements.
  • Proofread your resume thoroughly to ensure it is error-free, and then save it in a .doc or .txt format to make sure that the ATS can read it.

As an aspiring job seeker, understanding how to optimize your resume for ATS screenings can increase your chances of landing your dream job. By following the above best practices, you can ensure that your resume will be successfully read and shortlisted by ATS, increasing the likelihood of landing an interview and ultimately securing a new job.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Fresher Resume

As a fresher, it’s important to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest. However, there are several common mistakes that you should avoid when writing your resume:

A. Grammatical and Spelling Mistakes

One of the most common mistakes that applicants make when creating their fresher resume is to overlook grammatical and spelling errors. These errors make a bad impression on recruiters and can cause them to reject your application outright. Always make sure to proofread your resume carefully before submitting it and consider using spell-check software to catch any errors that you might have missed!

B. Overloading Resume with Information

It’s easy to feel like you need to include everything you’ve ever done on your resume, but this is a mistake. Recruiters don’t want to read through long resumes filled with irrelevant information. Keep your resume concise and focused on experience that’s directly relevant to the job you’re applying for.

C. Not Tailoring Resume to the Job Description

Your resume should always be tailored to the job you’re applying for. This means customizing your summary, skills, and experience to match the specific requirements mentioned in the job description. It also means focusing on the skills and responsibilities that are most relevant to the position.

D. Listing Unrelated Hobbies and Interests

While it’s important to show personality and interests outside of work, you should avoid listing unrelated hobbies and interests on your fresher resume. Instead, focus on any relevant hobbies or accomplishments that could demonstrate skills that would be useful on the job.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to creating a top-notch fresher resume that impresses recruiters and gets you hired!

Dos and Don’ts of Tailoring Your Resume

Tailoring your resume is a crucial step in increasing your chances of landing your dream job. Employers want to see that you have put in effort to customize your application material to fit their specific needs. In this section, we’ll go over the essential dos and don’ts of tailoring your resume.

A. Understanding the Job Description

Before you even think about tailoring your resume, you need to understand the job description thoroughly. Analyze the job duties, qualifications, experience required, and company culture. Highlight the essential skills and credentials mentioned in the job ad.

B. Including Relevant Keywords

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter out resumes that do not match the job requirements. The ATS scans for specific keywords that match the job description, so it’s crucial to include them throughout your resume. Use the exact wording from the job ad to increase your chances of getting past the bots.

C. Tailoring Your Work Experience and Skills Section

To tailor your work experience and skills section, pick out the relevant qualifications, skills, and accomplishments that match the job description. Highlight them in bullet points and be specific. Show how your past work experience and skills relate to the job you are applying for. Use quantifiable statistics to backup your achievements.

D. Avoiding Common Tailoring Pitfalls

While tailoring your resume can work wonders for your career, there are a few common pitfalls to avoid.

Don’t lie:  It’s tempting to exaggerate or fabricate information to fit the job description. Avoid this at all costs. If an employer discovers that you’ve been dishonest or misleading, it could harm your reputation.

Don’t overdo it:  While you want to customize your resume, make sure you don’t go overboard. The employer still wants to see your genuine qualities and experience.

Don’t forget about formatting:  While the content is essential, formatting is just as important. Make sure your resume is aesthetically pleasing and easy to read.

Tailoring your resume is essential in today’s competitive job market. Use the dos and don’ts mentioned above to increase your chances of landing your dream job. Remember to be honest, specific, and highlight your relevant qualifications and achievements.

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Best Resume Format for Freshers in 2022

Best Resume Format for Freshers in 2022

Competing with other folks for a job can be challenging for a fresher. There are only a limited number of jobs available in each company and the chances of even getting an interview call diminishes drastically over time. 

Don’t worry, we have been there and have found some simple fixes that can help increase your chances of landing an interview. 

Before you even start writing your resume do these things:

  • List down all the roles you would be interested in. For eg. SWE, APM, ASE. 
  • List down all the top companies you are interested to work for. 
  • Read through all their job descriptions and collect important skills and experience they are looking for

Now that you have done your basic research, you can start writing your resume. 

Let’s break down your resume format based on the following categories

  • Common Resume Format. 
  • Resume for Freshers with no experience. 
  • Resume for Freshers with internship experience. 
  • Resume for Freshers with un-related work experience

1. Common Resume Format

  • Education :

Highlight your most recent education and make sure you add courses that would be relevant to the position you are applying to.

Add relevant projects that would highlight your knowledge in the areas that relate to the job you are applying to. Add 2-3 projects and explain where you contributed if it was a group project. 

If you do not have relevant projects, take the time to go over some quick tutorials on Youtube/Udemy and try to enhance your profile. This will not only help you find a job but also increase your skills which will compound over time. 

  • Certification/Awards:

Mention your certifications or awards that show either your leadership skills or skills related to your job. 

This is a good place to highlight the tools and software that you have used for your projects. Look at the job descriptions and find out the keywords that matter to the job you are applying to. If that particular skill is something you possess, make sure you add it to your resume. Do not add skills that you are not aware of. There is no point going to the interview and them figuring it out there. 

Do not engage in keyword stuffing, they rarely help. Even if you get through the Applicant Tracking System (ATS), you would have difficulty explaining that during the interview.

2. Resume for Freshers with no experience

If you have no experience, you could enhance your project section with relevant projects. Go into detail about how you impacted those projects and your learnings. 

You could also explain more about the courses you took within the Education Section. 

If you have some time before you start looking for jobs, you could do the following:

  • Reach out to your university for TA positions
  • Offer pro-bono assistance to help out with say a website/app/accounting to a start-up or non-profit organization
  • Work on a project and launch it (easier if you are a computer science student)

3. Resume for Freshers with internship experience

Your work at the internship should be a highlight of your resume. Talk in detail about the work you performed in the Experience Section.

  • Experience Section:

Add 2-3 points in the Experience section highlighting your contribution. Try to quantify your contribution with numbers (increased something by 5%, improved XYZ by 20 times). Mention the tools you used for the work. 

  • Skills Section :

Make sure to mention the tools that you used while working at the internships. Even simple project management tools like Jira, and Trello or code management like Github, and Gitlab will show your future employer that you know these basic tools and they would not have to spend time training you. This is an added advantage when they are comparing your resume to someone else's. 

4. Resume for Freshers with un-related work experience

This is a perfect opportunity to highlight your leadership, communication, and collaboration skills. Again, do not make it your resume’s focus, but highlight your contributions and make sure you quantify your accomplishments. 

It's a Marathon

Writing a resume is as much an art as it is a science. You need to make sure you research the jobs and target your resume accordingly. This is also a great opportunity to recognize what areas you could be improving and take up additional courses. 

At ResumePuppy we have made this format available for free. Instead of worrying about the formatting, you could be just focussing on getting the right content for your resume. And what more? You could also use the keyword research tool to get the keywords you are missing. Do try it out for yourself, also did we mention it is free? 

Remember, job hunting is a long process, focus on the right things and over time you will get that dream job. 

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latest resume format 2022 for freshers

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A smart fresher resume for IT Engineering can make the difference between you...

Resume Buddy

Struggling with your resume?

Create a professional skill based resume with AMCAT's Resume Buddy.

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. Electronics and Communication Engineer Fresher's Resume Template

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latest resume format 2022 for freshers

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latest resume format 2022 for freshers

For a fresher, we would recommend a resume to a maximum of 1 page displaying all the important skill set & capabilities as per the job requirements.

Follow the above tips to create resume for a fresher job.

Selecting a good format for a resume might be tricky sometimes on the basis of the job you’re applying for & the kind of position you hold.

Best resume format preferred by employers should contain Summary, Core Competencies, Internships/Trainings/Work Experience, Qualifications, Skills.

You also need to make sure that the formats are ATS (Applicant Tracking System) optimized, so that the resumes have higher chances of getting shortlisted during ATS screening.

You can create a free resume using the Resume builder tool having 50+ Resume templates with different formats to choose for graduates.

  • Communication skills - These can include social skills, non-verbal communication, listening skills, and interpersonal skills.
  • Technical skills - Knowledge required to perform specific tasks, like computer skills or clerical skills.
  • Job-specific skills - Particular prowess the company specifically requires.
  • Leadership and management skills
  • Critical thinking skills - Ability to make your own, thought-based decisions and take initiative. Includes analytical skills, decision-making, and problem-solving. 
  • Create a resume using Resume Builder – A professional Resume builder tool
  • Choose a suitable template from 50+ professional resume temlates
  • Fill all the relevant information like Summary, Work Experience, Projects, Education, Skills etc.
  • Preview and Publish your resume
  • Download the resume as PDF
  • Step 1: The first step to create your resume is to visit the Resume builder page and click on Create Resume.
  • Step 2: Fill up your information and Choose a Resume Template from 50+ templates
  • Step 3: Choose Experience Level
  • Step 4: Mention the current details
  • Step 5: Verify / finalise details by clicking on the save and next
  • Step 6: Preview and Publish Resume. Your free resume is created.
  • Give your strongest asset a place of honor up at the top of your resume
  • You can select reverse chronology and follow the below: 1. Contact Information 2. Resume Summary 3. Education 4. Professional Title 5. Work Experience (bulk of content) 6. Skills 7. Additional / Custom sections

latest resume format 2022 for freshers

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What is the best resume format for freshers?

If you are a fresh graduate preparing to apply for your first job, curating a stellar resume is one of the first hurdles that you need to get through.

Given that on average, recruiters only spend about 6 seconds on a single resume, it is essential to make a good first impression with your resume and stand out from the crowd of applicants with a well-formatted resume.

And while you may believe that a quick google search will help you find clarity on the same, it can sometimes trigger more questions and confusion.

But, fret not! You’re in the right place and this guide is just what you need to help you gain clarity on everything about resume formats and the best option for you.

In simple terms, the format of a resume constitutes its layout, design, and other elements such as font styles, headings, bullet points, spacing, and the different resume sections.

Read on to learn more about fresher resume format and related FAQs like the following:

  • What is a resume format and why is it important?
  • What are the different types of resume formats for fresher graduates?
  • What is a chronological resume format for freshers?
  • How to structure a functional resume format for freshers?
  • What are some good fresher resume tips?

What is a Resume Format for Freshers and Why Does It Matter?

Picture this - you spend hours on end tailoring the contents of your resume to the job description of your targetted role but you miss out on the format.

One look at the disorderly resume and the recruiter instantly rejects it without even reading it. Not exactly a dream scenario for freshers. Isn’t it?

Therefore the need to have an organized resume with a simple design and format that is not only parsable by the recruiters but the Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) as well.

Resume format includes the order in which you present your skills and qualifications, and other visual elements that enhance its readability.

  • Some of the well-known resume formats for freshers include reverse chronological, combination, and functional resume formats.

Meanwhile, the visual elements of the resume format for freshers constitutes of the following:

  • Resume font style and size
  • Spacing and margins
  • Resume sections
  • Resume length and file format
Also Read: How to create a simple resume format?

Different Resume Formats For Freshers

As stated earlier, there are 3 well-known resume formats that are generally used by freshers and professionals.

Given below is a breakdown of each resume format for freshers and its pros and cons:

Reverse Chronological Resume Format for Freshers

The reverse chronological resume format is the most well-known and widely accepted format that is preferred by recruiters and is easily parsed by Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) used by employers to select candidates.

This format displays the most recent work experience at the top, followed by the older ones.

While as a fresh graduate, you might not have professional experience, you can use this format to present your internship and volunteer experience and educational qualifications as well.

This format works well because it highlights your most recent and relevant experience or qualification, making it easier for the recruiters to scan through it.

Also, it typically uses bullet points to list job duties and accomplishments, which enhances the readability of your fresher resume.

Here are some tips on structuring a reverse chronological resume format for freshers:

  • Start with your most recent education or job experience and include details like the name of the institution or company, your job title, and the dates of your tenure
  • Describe your responsibilities and achievements by using bullet points, specific examples, and figures
  • In case you have completed any relevant coursework or training, including the name of the program and the institution

Fresher resume template sample chronological

Also Read: How to use the reverse chronological resume format in 2023?

Functional Resume Format for Freshers

A functional format is a resume format that highlights your skills rather than your work history.

It is often used by individuals who are changing careers or have limited work experience and hence can be a good option for freshers.

This resume format for freshers is characterized by limited use of bullet points and job titles whilst emphasizing specific accomplishments or achievements.

There is minimal to zero mention of work history, and the following are some sections included in this resume format:

  • Summary or objective statement
  • Skills (grouped by category)
  • Education and training section
  • Certifications or awards section (if applicable)

Fresher resume sample functional format

Also Read: What is a functional resume format and how can you use it?

Combination Resume Format for Freshers

  • A combination format or a hybrid resume combines aspects of both the chronological and functional resume formats.

It typically includes a summary or objective statement, a list of skills and qualifications, and a chronological work experience section.

While this resume format includes elements of both resume formats, it can be time-consuming to create and can appear cluttered and disorganized to the reader.

Also Read: What is a combination resume format and how to use it in 2023?

Resume Tips For Design Elements of Resume Format For Freshers

As for the design elements related to resume format for freshers, given below are some tips that you can follow:

  • Ensure that your resume design is simple and doesn’t have flashy or bold colors as it can look unprofessional
  • Avoid using infographics and graphs in your resume format if you’re applying for traditional job profiles as the ATS cannot scan them
  • Use a font size of 11-12 points for the main text and 14-16 points for your resume headings
  • Avoid using fancy and decorative fonts as they are difficult to read and may not be appropriate for a professional setting. Stick to professional and easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
  • Ensure to use single spacing for the main text and double spacing for headings to enhance readability and avoid a cluttered look
  • Leave a margin of at least 1” on all sides to follow the standard business letter format
  • Use bullet points to make your resume more visually appealing and easy to read.
  • Create distinct sections in your fresher resume to make it easy for the recruiters and ATS to scan the details.
  • Include resume sections like header, contact information, summary/objective, skills, professional experience, educational background, and additional information section if needed
  • Unless you have 10+ years of experience, ensure to limit your resume to a single page
  • To keep your resume format intact, save your resume in PDF format
Also Read: What are the dos and don'ts of writing a stellar resume?

Key Points from the Blog

  • The format of a resume constitutes its layout, design, and other elements such as font styles, headings, bullet points, spacing, and the different resume sections.
  • The reverse chronological resume format is the most well-known and widely accepted format that is preferred by recruiters and easily parsed by Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) used by employers to select candidates.
  • Functional resume format for freshers is characterized by limited use of bullet points and job titles whilst emphasizing specific accomplishments or achievements.

Visit Hiration’s Career Activator Platform with 24x7 chat support if you need expert guidance on career dilemmas.

latest resume format 2022 for freshers

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latest resume format 2022 for freshers

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Best Resume Format For Freshers in 2022 | Free Resume Templates

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Now that you have finally graduated, you won’t need your student’s ID much longer because in the professional world, your resume will be your new ID in the world of work.Resume Format or Template for Aeronautical Engineer Fresher

Your resume tells your potential employers about your professional life, and it must contain a detailed summary of your skills, educational background, achievements, and professional experiences. Basically, it tells recruiters and employers about your professional journey. It is a must when you are applying for a job.

In the competitive job market, drafting a resume that stands out and quickly catches the attention of the hiring manager or recruiter is important.

In this article, we are going to share with you the best resume format samples for freshers for your reference. And, for your convenience, we will also add resume format for freshers in word as well as resume format for freshers pdf.

Types of Resume Formats for Freshers

The three most common resume formats are –

  • chronological
  • Combination

Let’s take a closer look at these three to see which is the best resume format for freshers.

Chronological Resume Format

In a chronological resume format, experiences and qualifications are written in reverse chronological order. For instance, the most recent employment detail goes on the top, followed by the one before that and so on. This format is best for job seekers who are looking for the same position in the same organization.

If you are looking for a fresher resume format for a job, this format is also ideal as you will be able to focus on your qualifications, skills and freelance or internship experiences.

Order of a chronological resume:

  • Contact details
  • Career objective or summary statement
  • Professional experience in reverse chronological order
  • Educational background in reverse chronological order
  • Skill, awards, certificates, etc.

Pros and Cons of Chronological Resume

  • As the chronological resume format highlights the most relevant information, such as work experiences, in an orderly manner, it catches the eyes and attention of most recruiters and hiring managers.
  • Hiring managers or recruiters feel that this resume format best explains a candidate’s educational qualifications and employment history.
  • A chronological resume format may not be the best choice for those who have long gaps in their career because the dates and years of employment history are the key emphasis in this format.
  • It might not be the best resume format for those who change jobs frequently because too many jobs in different industries or organizations will make the candidate look like a flight risk.

Chronological Resume Format Sample


Sex: Male Father’s name: Amir Khan Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 16/08/1993


I am seeking a  challenging career with zeal in completing finance-related solutions for the benefit of the organization and my professional growth.

  • Master of Business Administration 2019-2021 XYZ University – New Delhi
  • Bachelor of Commerce 2016 – 2019 XYZ University – New Delhi
  • HSSLC: Commerce 2015 – 2016 St. Margaret’s Higher Secondary School – New Delhi

Internship as HR Recruiter at AKAL Infosys (December 2021 – March 2022)

  • Utilize online market platforms such as contract-jobs.com to find candidates for various job positions.
  • Called and screened candidates for various job roles.
  • Prepared daily report.
  • Shadowed managers to see day-to-day operations.
  • Assisted in interviewing candidates.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Proficient in working on MS office
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Time management
  • Leadership skills


I sincerely verify the authenticity of all the information mentioned above.

Date: Place:

Signature Ashish Khan

Download Chronological Resume Word Format Sample

Functional Resume Format

A functional resume holds skills at a higher standard than that of a chronological resume.

The best time to use a functional resume is when you have a career gap(s) or changing your career.

Order of a functional resume:

  • Professional experience
  • Educational background
  • Awards, certificates, etc.

Pros and Cons of Functional Resume

  • A functional resume format can prove to be helpful for those who have gaps in their career as it allows candidates to focus on their skills and duties rather than their periods of employment.
  • This resume format also works best for those who want to change their careers. Rather than mentioning their previous position’ duties, candidates can focus on their skills and achievements.
  • As recruiters and hiring managers opt to look at employment history first to see if the candidate will be able to join the company for a long period of time, they often face challenges in going through this format.
  • As this format focuses on the candidate’s skills, recruiters and hiring managers, who mainly prioritize employment history, are not a big fan of functional resume formats.

Functional Resume Format Sample

Sex: Male Father’s name: Hardeep Singh Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 21/8/2000

I am a fresher, having experience of six months as a Chemical Engineer, searching for a reputed and challenging organization where I can utilize my technical and professional skills. I aim to work in a healthy work environment where I can learn new things and add beneficial value to the organization.

  • Project management skills
  • Resource management skills
  • Understanding of engineering principles and ethics
  • Oral and written communication skills
  • Decision-making skills
  • Analytical skills

Chemical Engineer – Internship (April 2018 – September 2018)

  • Conducted research.
  • Learned how to build computer models for projects.
  • Testing and manufacturing process.
  • Performed research experiments with chemicals.
  • Attended meetings with Senior Chemical Engineer Managers.
  • HSSLC: Science 2014 (April) – 2015 (March) DAV Public School, Lawrence Road – Amritsar
  • Bachelor in Chemical Engineering 2015 (August) -2018 (May) ABC College

I hereby confirm that all the details mentioned above are authentic and accurate to the best of my belief.

Date: 26/ 11/2021 Place: Amritsar, Punjab

Signature Amandeep Singh

Download Functional Resume Word Format Sample

Combination Resume Format

When you combine a chronological and a functional resume in one, you have a combination format resume. Here, your skills and professional experience will take up most of the space as they are the main focus. This is the best resume format for freshers, especially if you are applying for a new position and you have the relevant skills and enough internship or professional experience.

Order of a combination resume:

Pros and Cons of Combination Resume

  • Most recruiters and hiring managers find it easier to go through a combination resume format as it highlights the candidate’s skills, educational background and work experience in chronological order.
  • This resume format works well for freshers and those who are reentering the world of work after a career break.
  • As there are many details to be added in a combination resume format, it can be longer than a chronological or functional resume format.
  • This resume format can confuse readers if it’s not well organised and too lengthy.

Combination Resume Format Sample

Sex: Female Father’s name: Saurav Arora Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 15/09/2000

I am a fresher, seeking to secure the position of Aeronautical Engineer in a challenging, innovative, and healthy organization, where I can utilize my skills and prove my experience in this field, adding a valuable benefit to the organization.

  • Mathematical skills
  • Innovative thinking
  • Verbal and written communication skills
  • Awareness of safety issues
  • Technical experience
  • Time management skills
  • Aircraft structures

Aeronautical Engineer – Internship (June  2020 – September 2020)

  • Practiced command over aircraft components and support equipment.
  • Participated in successfully launching designs.
  • Basic knowledge of auditing internal processes.
  • Worked on brake and steering systems.
  • Worked on aerospace structures using automated and classical methods.
  • Bachelor in Aeronautical Engineering 2018 (August) -2021 (May) ABC University
  • HSSLC: Science 2017 (April) – 2018 (March) The British School –  New Delhi

I hereby declare that the information and details provided in this resume are correct and inclusive to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date:  27/07/2021 Place: New Delhi

Nisha Arora Signature

Download Combination Resume Word Format Sample

Also Read: Declaration in Resume

Resume Format for Engineers Freshers

Sex: Female Father’s name: Rahul Kohli Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 16/08/1995

I am a self-organized and detail-oriented person who is looking for an organization that will allow me to utilize and enhance my skills.

  • HSSLC: Science 2016 – 2017 ABC Higher Secondary School – New Delhi
  • BTech in Mechanical Engineering 2018-2022 XYZ University – New Delhi

Internship at IQUEUE Tech, March 2021-June 2021

  • Collected open-source data for machine prototype development.
  • Participated in installing components that fulfilled requirements.
  • Maintained the research lab to ensure that it was always clean and hazard-free.
  • Participated in comprehensive technical documentation.
  • Proficiency in simulation tools
  • Advanced computer skills
  • Analytical thinking skills
  • Statistic and mathematical skills
  • Communication skills
  • Proficiency in CAD, CAM, and Matlab/LabView programs

I hereby declare that the above particulars of facts and information stated are correct to the best of my belief and knowledge.

Signature Ankita Kohli

Download Resume Word Format for Engineers Freshers

Resume Format for Non-Engineering Fresher

Sex: Female Father’s name: John Adam Rose Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 16/08/1993

I am a firm believer in doing what I love in the company of good people, a good environment, and good management. I am a versatile writer who is proficient in researching, writing, and editing diverse content. I would love to work for an organization that provides room for career development and growth. In return, I know I will strive for the betterment of the company.

  • HSSLC: Arts 2016 – 2017 St. Margaret’s Higher Secondary School – New Delhi
  • Bachelor of Arts: Journalism 2018 – 2021 XYZ University – New Delhi

Content Writer – Internship, Enchanted Woods (December 2021 – March 2022)

  • Utilised exceptional writing, editing, and proofreading skills to produce engaging and error-free content.
  • Completed thorough research into assigned topics.
  • Wrote post/supporting copies for online content, adhering to employers’ overarching brand identity and personality.
  • Creative writing
  • SEO writing
  • Unique content creation
  • Team contribution
  • Marketing and advertising strategies
  • Social Media Content

I hereby declare that all the information furnished above is correct to the best of my belief. I am responsible for the authenticity of all the information.

Signature Aurora Rose

Download Resume Word Format for Non-Engineering Fresher

Fresher Resume Format or Template for Accounting & Finance

Sex: Male Father’s name: John Konsai Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 16/08/1993

I am a career-driven person who possesses strong analytical skills and in-depth knowledge of various accounting software programs, tools and processes. I am seeking to work in an organization where I will be able to learn and grow for myself as well as for the success of the organization.

  • HSSLC: Commerce 2016 – 2017 St. Margaret’s Higher Secondary School – New Delhi
  • Bachelor of Commerce 2018 – 2021 XYZ University – New Delhi

Accounting Internship, LMP Firm  (December 2021 – March 2022)

  • Observed daily cash flow.
  • Helped in compiling and analyzing data.
  • Assisted in recording and maintaining financial records.
  • Data entry.
  • Deep understanding of accounting and financial principles
  • Systems analysis
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Mathematical and statistical skills
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite

The information shared in this resume is correct. I am responsible for the authenticity of all the information.

Signature Ronald Konsai

Download Fresher Resume Word Format for Accounting & Finance

Also Read: Interview Questions for Freshers

Resume Format or Template for MBA Fresher

Internship as HR Recruiter at AKAL Infosys  (December 2021 – March 2022)

Download Resume Word Format for MBA Fresher

Resume Format or Template for Bcom Fresher

Sex: Female Father’s name: Amir Sai Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 16/08/1993

I am looking for a challenging position in an esteemed organization where I will be able to learn and develop new skills and expand my knowledge.

I solemnly declare that the information shared in this resume is correct and truthful to the best of my knowledge.

Signature Meera Sai

Download Resume Word Format for Bcom Fresher

Resume Format or Template for Mass Communication Fresher

Sex: Female Father’s name: Anil Valvi Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 16/08/1993

  • HSSLC: Arts 2016 – 2017 St. Margaret’s Higher Secondary School – New Delhi.
  • Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (BA Mass Comm.) 2018 – 2021 XYZ University – New Delhi.
  • Utilized exceptional writing, editing, and proofreading skills to produce engaging and error-free content.

I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge. I take full liability for the correctness of the information.

Signature Shilpa Valvi

Download Resume Word Format for Mass Communication Fresher

Resume Format or Template for BBA Law Fresher

Sex: Male Father’s name: John Hnialum Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 16/08/1993

A detail-oriented and highly motivated LLB graduate seeking to work in a respected law firm where I will be able to utilize and enhance my skills.

  • Bachelor of Law 2018 – 2021 XYZ University – New Delhi

Internship at J&K Law Office (June 2021 – December 2021)

  • Assisted junior partners by doing extensive research regarding their cases.
  • Drafted memos and helped in writing legislation.
  • Interviewed clients for partners.
  • Handled clerical work such as writing emails, organizing paperwork, filing, answering phone calls, etc.
  • Communications skills (both written and verbal)
  • Commercial awareness
  • Time-management skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Research skills
  • People skills

I sincerely declare that all the details shared above are true to my belief. I am answerable for its correctness.

Signature Jordan Hnialum

Download Resume Word Format for BBA Law Fresher

Format or Template for BA Fresher Resume

Sex: Female Father’s name: Mark Ayer Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 16/08/1993

To be an inspiring teacher whilst enlightening young minds with advanced teaching methods like team learning and e-learning.

  • B.A. English (Hons) 2018 – 2021 XYZ University – New Delhi

Tutor (June 2020 – December 2021)

  • Assisted Class 4 and 5 students from different schools with their homework and school projects.
  • Helped students prepare for their English tests and exams.
  • Collaborated with parents to ensure that the students’ performances increased.

I hereby declare that all the facts mentioned above are accurate, and I take full responsibility for their accuracy.

Signature Mona Ayer

Download Word Format for BA Fresher Resume

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Resume Format or Template for Polytechnic Fresher

Sex: Male Father’s name: Roshan Sharma Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 16/08/1993

I am seeking to be part of an organization with a challenging environment where I will be able to build my career and enhance my skills and experience for the advancement of the organization.

  • HSSLC: Science 2016 – 2017 St. Margaret’s Higher Secondary School – New Delhi
  • Diploma in Civil Engineering 2018 – 2021 XYZ University – New Delhi

Part-time job as a construction worker

  • Used construction materials to build structures or fill gaps.
  • Completed assigned tasks within the time provided by the supervisor.
  • Followed health and safety regulations while working on site.
  • Technical skills
  • Physical strength and endurance
  • Attention to detail
  • Critical Thinking

All the details provided above are genuine to the best of my belief and knowledge.

Signature Akhil Sharma

Downlaod Resume Word Format for Polytechnic Fresher

Resume Format or Template for Computer Science Engineer Fresher

Sex: Male Father’s name: Rishab Sharma Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 25/10/1999

I am a fresher in the Information Technology field, seeking a career opportunity in a dynamic and progressive organization where I can utilize my skills and knowledge. I am highly driven and love facing challenges. I am looking for an IT company where I can showcase my analytical and technical skills, contributing to the growth and development of the company.

  • HSSLC: Science 2017 (April) – 2018 (March) St. Margaret’s Higher Secondary School – New Delhi
  • Bachelors of  Technology: Computer Science 2018 (August) -2021 (May) Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi – New Delhi

Software Engineer  – Internship  (December 2020 – April 2021)

  • Managed full SDLC application development project with other team members.
  • Developed test scripts in python.
  • Implemented web interface.
  • Participated in developing an outlook style desktop application for the organization to help them manage their dashboard.
  • Created multiple HTML templates.
  • Written and verbal communication
  • Goal-oriented
  • Software development
  • Problem-solving and logical thinking
  • Software testing
  • Programming

Date: 07/04/2022 Place: New Delhi

Signature Rahul Sharma

Download Resume Word Format for Computer Science Engineer Fresher

Resume Format or Template for Electrical Engineer Fresher

Sex: Female Father’s name: Devendra Yadav Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 20/05/2001

A fresher graduate with 4 months of internship experience as an Applications Engineer. I am familiar with testing tools, engineering theory, innovative designs and applications, seeking a career opportunity in a challenging environment where I can showcase my technical skills.

  • HSSLC: Science 2017 (April) – 2018 (March) Army Public School, Ballygunj Military Camp, Ballygunge, Kolkata, West Bengal
  • Bachelor in Electrical Engineering 2018 (August) – 2021 (May) XYZ College

Application Engineer – Internship (May 2020 – August 2020)

  • Learned designing all maintenance schedules.
  • Handled clients with payment and proposals.
  • Participated in developing and conducting training programs for employees.
  • Conducted software testing.
  • Knowledge in developing and enhancing software applications
  • Basic electrical engineering experience
  • Troubleshooting skills
  • Effective verbal and written communication skills
  • Project management
  • Competitive

I hereby declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge. I take complete responsibility and liability for the correctness of the information provided above.

Date: 05/03/2022 Place: Kolkata, West Bengal

Signature Nisha Kumari

Download Resume Word Format for Electrical Engineer Fresher

Fresher Resume Format or Template for Electronics and Communication Engineer

Sex: Male Father’s name: Rajesh Singh Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 06/06/2000

Looking for a challenging career where I can utilize the best of my technical and professional skills. I am a fresher with 4 months of internship experience as an Electronics and Communication Engineer, seeking a good scope for learning and implementing new technologies, adding value to the organization with skills and knowledge.

  • HSSLC: Science 2017 (April) – 2018 (March) Kendriya Vidyalaya, Danapur Cantt  – Patna, Bihar
  • Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering 2018 (August) -2021 (May) National Institute of Technology, Patna

Electronics and Communication Engineer – Internship (April 2020 – July 2020)

  • Software development and visualization
  • Interpersonal and communication skills
  • Planning and organizing skills
  • Computing and information technology
  • Knowledge of industry development

I sincerely declare that all the information shared above is true to my belief. I am taking full responsibility for its correctness.

Date: 10/12/2021 Place: Patna, Bihar

Signature Dev Singh

Download Fresher Resume Word Format for Electronics and Communication Engineer

Resume Format or Template for Civil Engineer Fresher

Sex: Male Father’s name: Aman Malhotra Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 14/04/2000

I am a Civil Engineer fresher with four months of experience as a civil engineer intern, looking for a challenging position as a civil engineer in a renowned company where I can utilise my skills to help the company attain its common goals.

  • HSSLC: Science 2017 (April) – 2018 (March) Delhi Public School, Vasant Kunj – New Delhi
  • Bachelor in Civil Engineering 2018 (August) -2021 (May) ABC College

Civil Engineer – Internship (June 2020 – September 2020)

  • Managed documents.
  • Worked closely with the civil engineering manager to resolve technical complaints.
  • Participated in preparing plans and maps.
  • Learned developing, creating, and managing construction projects.
  • Assisted the organization in research projects.
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking

All the facts in this resume are correct to the best of my knowledge.

Date: 20/12/2021 Place: New Delhi

Signature Tushar Malhotra

Download Resume Word Format for Civil Engineer Fresher

Resume Format or Template for Mechanical Engineer Fresher

Sex: Female Father’s name: Rishabh Bhatia Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 15/05/2000

A fresher in Mechanical Engineering, with proven experience of six months as an intern, seeking an opportunity in a preeminent organization where I can apply my chemical engineering knowledge to enhance the manufacturing and production process, adding value to the company’s growth.

  • HSSLC: Science 2017 (April) – 2018 (March) Carmel Convent School – Chandigarh
  • Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering 2018 (August) -2021 (May) LMN College

Mechanical Engineer – Internship (June 2020 – November 2020)

  • Maintained work relationships with multiple teams, including marketing, electrical engineer, designers, and more.
  • Checked design package and concept drawings.
  • Edited and created VHDL and Verilog models.
  • Conducted modelling.
  • Provided ideas and justifications with proven documentation.
  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Measuring skills

I solemnly declare that the information mentioned herein is true and correct to the best of my belief and knowledge.

Date: 18/12/2021 Place: New Delhi

Signature Gayatri Bhatia

Download Resume Word Format for Mechanical Engineer Fresher

Resume Format or Template for Chemical Engineer Fresher

  • HSSLC: Science 2017 (April) – 2018 (March) DAV Public School, Lawrence Road – Amritsar
  • Bachelor in Chemical Engineering 2018 (August) -2021 (May) ABC College

Chemical Engineer – Internship (April 2020 – September 2020)

Download Resume Word Format for Chemical Engineer Fresher

Fresher Resume Format or Template for Bioinformatics Engineer

Sex: Female Father’s name: Armaan Mehra Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 18/7/2000

I am a fresher with a degree in B. Tech in Bioinformatics, seeking a career opportunity in a challenging environment where I can showcase my skills, adding recognised value to the company. I am seeking a work environment that offers development and growth in the long run.

  • HSSLC: Science 2017 (April) – 2018 (March) Global Indian International School – Ahmedabad
  • Tech in Bioinformatics 2018 (August) -2021 (May) LMX College

Bioinformatics Engineer – Internship (April 2020 – September 2020)

  • Assisted in updating an in-house LIMS system.
  • Learned how to design and develop tools for analysis and visualization.
  • Participated in the design and development of a web-based database
  • Maintained application versions using SVN.
  • Tuning the performance of databases.
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Researching skills
  • Programming skills
  • Statistical skills
  • Database management
  • Data mining and machine learning

Date: 23/08/2021 Place: Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Parul Mehra Signature

Download Fresher Resume Word Format for Bioinformatics Engineer

Resume Format or Template for Aeronautical Engineer Fresher

Download Resume Word Format for Aeronautical Engineer Fresher

Sex: Female Father’s name: Shivam Panwar Nationality: Indian Marital Status: Single DOB: 15/09/2000

I am a highly motivated Polytechnic fresher with six months of internship experience, seeking a growing, innovative and challenging organization where I can devote my skills and knowledge to help the organization achieve the common goal.

  • HSSLC: Science 2017 (April) – 2018 (March) The Mother’s International School –  New Delhi
  • Bachelors in Agricultural Engineering 2018 (August) -2021 (May) XYZ College

Polytechnic Engineering – Internship (February 2020 – July 2020)

  • Worked with multiple technicians.
  • Basic knowledge in maintaining electrical equipment.
  • Estimated construction cost, material, and labor for the budgeting.
  • Wrote reports and compiled data.
  • Learned to design, implement, maintain, and enhance electrical instruments, components, facilities, equipment, etc
  • Participated in multiple ranges of engineering tasks.
  • Verbal and written communication
  • Technical knowledge
  • Software knowledge

I sincerely verify that all the information mentioned in this resume is accurate, and I am responsible for this correctness.

Date:  10/04/2021 Place: New Delhi

Aditi Panwar Signature

Also Read: Resignation Letter Format in Word

Conclusion: Remember that a well-written resume without any grammatical or spelling errors will open more interview opportunities for you. And now that you have many resume samples and resume templates to work with, we will leave you here with our best wishes.

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16 ATS-Friendly Resume Templates [Great for 2024]

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Have you ever put so much effort into a job application, only to never get a call-back from a recruiter? 

You might chalk that up to “I just wasn’t a good fit,” but sometimes, the reason for it is something else entirely:

Your resume could have been rejected by an applicant tracking system (ATS in short).

An ATS is a type of software that automatically scans your resume and determines whether or not it’s relevant for the position.

Sometimes, though, an ATS rejects your resume just because it can’t read your resume template because of formatting issues.

This brings us to this article! 

To make sure that your resume can be read by an ATS, we’re going to provide 16 free ATS-friendly resume templates!

But first, let’s start with:

What’s an ATS-Friendly Resume Template?

Large companies usually get hundreds of resumes for each open position they announce. 

Now, imagine a hiring manager going through all of them one by one. It would take months to narrow them down for interviews, let alone figure out who to hire.

This is where Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) come into play . An ATS is a type of software that collects, scans, and ranks resumes based on how closely they match a set of criteria and keywords. 

And here’s the thing: applicant tracking systems are a lot more common than you’d think. In fact, about 75% of applications to big companies are rejected by ATS .

That’s a lot, right? So how do you make sure your resume makes it past an ATS?

It’s actually all very simple, as long as you:

  • Use an ATS-friendly resume template. Some resume templates you find on the web just aren’t readable by an ATS. So, to make sure that you’re not sabotaging your job search, use one of the templates we mention below.
  • Tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for. We’ll teach you how to do this a bit down.

So, first thing’s first. Here are some ATS-friendly resume templates for just about any field!

16 ATS-Friendly Resume and CV Templates

#1. modern resume template.

ats friendly resume templates

A template that fits all types of applicants, from zero to plenty of work experience. It’s a safe template choice for more conservative industries such as banking or law. 

#2. College Resume Template

college ats resume template

Perfect for recent graduates, the College resume template highlights skills and education. 

career masterclass

#3. Professional Resume Template

professional ats resume template

This all-time favorite template is simple, yet eye-catching with its use of an accent color. It emphasizes your work experience and skills.

#4. Simple Resume Template

simple ats resume template

The Modern template features a faded geometric design in the background and bracket details to accent your professional experience similar to a timeline. 

#5. Creative Resume Template

creative ats resume template

The Creative template can be used in any industry. It has a bold color scheme, modern look, and punchy design aesthetic. 

#6. Basic Resume Template

basic ats resume template

The Basic template is the closest to the traditional resume look. A simple, safe choice for any applicant.

#7. Executive Resume Template

executive ats resume template

The Executive template is an upgraded version of the traditional, Basic resume template. It features some minimal details in the header and a bright accent color. 

#8. Functional Resume Template

functional ats resume template

The Functional Template is ideal for a no-work-experience resume . Its structure emphasizes your skills and education, instead of the usual work experience section. 

#9. Simple CV Template

simple ats cv template

The Simple CV template is ideal for applicants with extensive work experience, or those working in industries such as banking or law. 

#10. College CV Template

college ats cv template

If you’re a recent graduate or don’t have any experience in the field, this is the right template for your CV as it focuses on your education and skills. 

#11. Professional CV Template

professional ats cv template

This CV template is traditional in structure but features colors. 

#12. Modern CV Template

modern ats cv template

The Modern template adds a twist to the Professional one. A different layout added bracket details, and orange shades give it a new, fresh look. 

#13. Creative CV Template

creative ats cv template

If you’re applying for jobs in young companies or start-ups, this template is just right. The bold header makes a statement and will make your CV stand out from other applicants. 

#14. Basic CV Template

basic ats cv template

The Basic template is versatile and can be easily personalized to fit different industries. The simple design allows for the content of the resume to be the center of attention. 

#15. Executive CV Template

executive ats cv template

For applicants with more than 5 years of work experience, the Executive CV template could be the right choice. The template focuses on the work experience and skills of the applicant and uses a neutral, professional color palette.

#16. Functional CV Template

functional ats cv template

How to Tailor Your ATS-Friendly Resume To a Job

As we mentioned above, having an ATS-friendly template is the first step to a successful application. It is not, however, the only one. 

After the ATS has successfully scanned your resume, it will search for matching keywords and produce a percentage rating. That number determines how well you fit the hiring manager’s criteria - the higher it is, the more likely a recruiter will read your resume. 

This means you should pay very close attention to the words you use. 

The easiest way to achieve that is by using the exact words from the job posting. 

Let’s say you’re applying for a data analyst position. 

The following requirements are stated on the job posting:

  • 3+ years of experience working in SQL, Python, or R
  • Office tools knowledge (advanced MS Excel like Macros, Pivot tables, Vlookup, Index..)
  • Knowledge of data modeling techniques and tools
  • High analytical, technical, and problem resolution capability

Then, you should mention the following keywords and skills in your resume:

  • Analytical skills
  • Problem-solving, etc.

The more matching words the better. 

Following this strategy will very likely get your resume past an ATS, but remember that a human will be reading it after that, so don't just stuff your resume with random keywords!

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap!

We’ve taught you all there is to know about ATS-friendly templates and how to tailor yours. 

Let’s revise the main points one last time:

  • An ATS-friendly resume template is a template that is recognized by applicant tracking systems worldwide.
  • Using an online resume builder like Novorésumé gives you plenty of pre-formatted template choices, all recognized by ATS.
  • Search the job ad for keywords to mention in your resume. 

As long as you keep these tips in mind, there is no way your resume isn’t making it into the hands of the recruiter. 

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  1. Free Resume Formats

    Are You Making These Common Resume Mistakes? Use Our Free, Automatic Resume Templates. Our Automatic Resume Templates Make You a Perfect Resume in Just a Few Clicks. Free & Easy

  2. Free Resume Formats

    Use the Best Resumes to Create a Resume this Year and Land Your Dream Job. From Resume to Job Search to Interview, We Can Help. Create a Resume Now!

  3. The best 2022 fresher resume formats and samples

    2. Personal Summary. A personal summary and a fresher resume don't exactly match all of the time. Almost 90% of freshers write a summary like this in their resume: "My goal is to grow professionally and contribute to your esteemed organization and learn more". This doesn't work for many reasons.

  4. Resume Format for Freshers—Writing Guide & Template

    Choose a professional resume font, set the margins on your resume to 1 inch, and have the spacing value at 1.15. This way, your fresher resume will have some valuable white space, preventing overcrowding. Make your fresher resume on one page. It's the best resume length for a resume with no experience.

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    Professional goals. Here's a good example of a fresher "About Me" section: This candidate doesn't have any previous work experience, so instead, they draw attention to an internship they did for a company in the same industry they're now applying to work in. 2. Tailor your resume for each application.

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    A chronological resume is a traditional format that works best for those with a stable work history. This type of resume puts emphasis on your work experience and positions, starting from the most recent and going backwards. Here's an example of how a chronological resume for a fresher might look: Contact Information.

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    The best resume format for freshers is the one that gets you the interview. See a good, simple resume format for fresher jobs with a closer look at each part. ... 2018-2022 (expected) Pursued a passion for Finite Element Method Analysis coursework. Won 7-Day Design Competition, 2021.

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    If written effectively, your resume should highlight that you possess the same set of core values as your desired employer. Reading each job description before you write your resume can help you choose the proper keywords you should include throughout your resume. 2. Include your contact information.

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    3 main types of resume formats. Luckily when it comes to choosing a resume format, your choices are already narrowed down to three main types: Reverse chronological. Functional. Combination. Each one offers unique advantages and there are no best resume templates.

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    You can write a fresher resume by taking the following steps: Reread the job advertisement. Make a note of keywords and keyword phrases the company included in the job description and use these to highlight your skills in the resume. These skills should be relevant to the job you're applying for. State your contact information.

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    Fresher resume format tips. Keep the font legible. Select a simple font and opt for size 10 or 12. Any kind of embellishment in an early career resume might be seen as a distraction. Let your potential shine through without fancy fonts or formatting. One page is enough. Unless you have a long and illustrious academic background prior to ...

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    Resume for Freshers with internship experience. 1. Common Resume Format. Highlight your most recent education and make sure you add courses that would be relevant to the position you are applying to. Add relevant projects that would highlight your knowledge in the areas that relate to the job you are applying to.

  14. Resume formats for Freshers

    Download best resume formats in word and use professional quality fresher resume templates for free. Resume formats for freshers in every stream namely Computer Science, IT, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, BCA, MCA, BSc and more with high impact content. Improve your chances of interview shortlisting by using these high-quality resume templates.

  15. Best Resume Formats [Ultimate Guide for 2024]

    This simple resume format is like a Zen garden: it creates a minimalist, lightweight look with lots of white space. This is one of the best resume formats for professionals who prefer sleek, distraction-free resumes. 4. Squares. If you want a simple resume template that oozes confidence and authority, try Squares.

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    Create distinct sections in your fresher resume to make it easy for the recruiters and ATS to scan the details. Include resume sections like header, contact information, summary/objective, skills, professional experience, educational background, and additional information section if needed. Unless you have 10+ years of experience, ensure to ...

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    follow these steps to build an elegant cover letter to send with your fresher resume in 2023: Refer your recruiter or hiring manager by name instead of 'sir', 'ma'am'. Try to cover up everything under 500 words. Mention your achievements, capabilities, and special skills in the first paragraph.

  18. 550+ Free Resume Templates for 2024

    2024. Featuring a modern design and compact layout, the "2024" template strikes a balance between eye-catching and professional. Classic. Formal but not stuffy, our "Classic" resume template is well-organized, suitable for any industry, and lets your content shine. Windsor.

  19. Free Resume Templates for 2024 [Download Now]

    PDF formatting never gets messed up. It's compatible with practically any system or device. PDF documents look cleaner and are overall more professional. Create a professional resume with 16+ of our free resume templates. Create your new resume in less than 5 minutes with our Resume Builder.

  20. 80+ Modern Resume Templates for 2024 [Free Download]

    Give your application the best chance of success in 2024 with one of our modern resume templates (available for Word and Google Docs). For more options, browse all of our other free resume templates or quickly make a resume using our AI-powered software. 2024. Aesthetic. Advanced.

  21. Free printable resume templates you can customize

    Make a great resume template by adding your skills, experience, accolades, and profile picture - which you can edit on our photo editor. If you're applying for a creative role, don't forget to flaunt your creativity. Adorn your layout with illustrations or play around with the tones of the graphic elements with our color picker.

  22. Best Resume Format for 2024 [Guide & Templates]

    10. Send your resume as a PDF. Sending a PDF resume file, unless stated otherwise in the job description, will allow your document to remain intact, keeping the same structure and length. Plus, PDF format is operable on most devices, so your recruiter can surely access it.

  23. Best Resume Format For Freshers in 2022

    Chronological Resume Format. In a chronological resume format, experiences and qualifications are written in reverse chronological order. For instance, the most recent employment detail goes on the top, followed by the one before that and so on. This format is best for job seekers who are looking for the same position in the same organization.

  24. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    The 3 best resume formats in 2024. Now that we've gone over some more specific ways to format your resume, here are the three most common resume formats used by job seekers today: Chronological resume format (aka the standard resume format) Functional resume format (skills-based resume) Combination resume format.

  25. 16 ATS-Friendly Resume Templates [Great for 2024]

    Perfect for recent graduates, the College resume template highlights skills and education. #3. Professional Resume Template. Create Resume. This all-time favorite template is simple, yet eye-catching with its use of an accent color. It emphasizes your work experience and skills. #4.

  26. Microsoft Word Resume Template & Example [Free Download]

    Impactful. Present yourself as a proactive, strong candidate using this Microsoft resume template, featuring bold fonts and a colorful two-column design. Standout. "Connect the dots" of your career using this Word resume design's unique dot graphics. Section headings are arranged on the left for quick navigation.