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The Ferris Wheel of My Life

By Helene Sula

my life is like a wheel essay

The other day when I revealed that we're moving to Nashville a lot of you were like, cool, now what? Well, to be honest, we don't have all the answers, but we are trying to figure it out. I am freaking out just a smidge. The first reason being because I've never moved out of Dallas. The second? Well, we're doing it kind of quickly. As in, we're trying to move by August 1st.

This is a lofty goal since Michael has never even stepped foot in the state of Tennessee. You guys have asked me some questions so I thought today I'd do some explaining.

Are you leaving Dallas for good? No, we love Texas, our family, and our friends and have every intention of moving back.

Then why are you leaving? Because we want to go on an adventure and why not? This is fairly hard to answer in just a paragraph or two, but if you read this , you'll get the general idea of why. YOLO? …Sorry.

Are you selling your house? No, we are renting it. Just in case something happens and this was the worst idea we've ever had, we can move back fairly easily.

Are you taking the dogs? Hell yes. They are my children! Where I go, they go.

Have you ever been to Nashville? Yes, a couple times for work. Both were very brief stays.

Where will you live? You tell me…! We haven't picked out a place yet, but we're working on it. Suggestions welcome.

Do you own cowboy boots? I'm from Texas. We invented them.

Do you have any friends there? Yes, a few. If you want to be friends that would be awesome. 

How will you listen to EDM music in Nashville? I don't know, I'm going to have to beg my friends Steve Aoki and David Guetta to come play in Nashville.

What about your job? I work 100% from home, and now Michael will too.

Will you visit Dallas? I will of course be visiting often! My 10 year high school reunion is coming up, I'm in a wedding, my mom has a book signing (she's cooler than me) and I'm sure I'll be back all the time. Have to visit this one from time to time too!

REMINDER! Don't forget, tomorrow is the “You Probably Don't Know” Linkup.  Tell me a secret, some fun facts, or introduce yourself! Grab the code below. (Unsure of how to grab the code? Read this tutorial. )

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Helene Sula

I believe that one trip can change your life. It did for me. I'm a self proclaimed home body that quit her job, moved abroad, and more often than not, lives out of a carry-on bag. If I'm not traveling, I'm most likely re-reading Harry Potter or watching "Midnight in Paris" while snuggling my dogs. I'm a digital marketing expert who turned my love of travel into a full-time career. And I help others do it too.

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my life is like a wheel essay

Essay About Life: Ferris Wheel

Life is like a Ferris Wheel. This is an idea I’ve come across while reading Tuck Everlasting, and it is an idea that I’ve found to be more and more true throughout the years. Everyone is a single spoke on the wheel of life. As the wheel rises, life begins, and as it slowly dips down, slowing to a stop, life is reaching its end. But then it starts all over again, new people and new generations. The majority of us have started our wheel of life here at Union Ridge, a place that isn’t really a school at this point. It’s a second home, one where we can talk to new people, where we can really be ourselves.

One where we can tell our friends our problems, and one where we can listen to others’ and give advice. In preschool, I know many of us remember learning our numbers and days of the weeks, wondering how on earth we’ll ever learn the order of the ABC’s. It seemed such a huge feat at the time to just remember the first five letters, but we did it. We were soon able to form words, and after that, write things down, and then learn what everything means and how it all pieces together, actually being able to communicate with people. We learned how to tell time, to learn how to make decimals from fractions and the other way around. We learned from our mistakes, learning more and more throughout the years, soon enough being able to converse with others and become more and more like an intelligible human being. And so ends the first small portion of this great ride called ‘Life’.

We’ve come so far. Now we learn complicated math and stuff in language arts that as children we never thought we’d need. Our heads hurt at the end of long days and all we really want is for nap-time to be back. All of us have goals in life, whether it’s to go to college, or not. We will be successful people because of the things Union Ridge has taught us. We can be whatever we want; some of us will be engineers, while others might just work in an office all day.

Some of us will have big dreams of changing the world, finding the next big thing, while some of us are content to be stay at parents and that’s it for them. Sometimes dreams don’t work out, and we reach the end of that Ferris wheel feeling just a little bit like our life is incomplete. But that’s all okay. Most of us will feel pretty good at the end of our high school years, and those who want to will go into college feeling nervous, and leave still feeling nervous for the new chapter of our lives. 

Union ridge has been our home. Whether it’s been for one year, or for ten, I know I speak for everyone when I say that we had an amazing and impactful time here. None of us could have really imagined that we’d see a school like our second home, but we do. Everyone has had their days where they don’t even feel like getting out of bed and they don't want to come to school. That’s natural. But it’s only been one stage of the Ferris wheel. The wheel keeps turning, and now it’s time for a new part of our lives to begin.

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Life is like a wheel (always turning).

Life is impermanent. If you’re on top, sooner or later, you’ll go back to where you started.

If money and material possessions are the things you value today, once the wheel turns and you lose everything you have, you’ll realize there are more things valuable than money and material possessions.

What about family and friends? What about love, peace, and happiness ?

So don’t devalue or hurt anyone.

Don’t say something you never wish for. Don’t do things you’ll regret in the future. Don’t say you’ll never need help. Don’t let your ego consume you.

You don’t control the outcome of your life. What if a year from now, you lose everything you own? What if a year from now, you face challenges you’re never prepared for? What if a year from now, you get sick and you can’t do anything about it?

Now you need help. You run out of options. But you have no friends or family to lean on because you pushed them away when you have everything in life. What would you do?

To quote the great author Stephen King , “Life is like a wheel. Sooner or later, it always come around to where you started again.”

Stay humble. Stay kind.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, identifying literary devices for college essays.

Hey folks! I'm starting to brainstorm ideas for my college essays and I'd really like to include some literary devices to make my writing more engaging. Can anyone give me some tips on how to identify and effectively use literary devices in my essays? Thanks a ton!

Hello! Great to see you're thinking about employing literary devices in your college essays! Using literary devices can genuinely enrich your writing and make it more engaging for the reader. Here are some popular literary devices you can consider incorporating and tips on how to identify and use them effectively:

1. Imagery: Use vivid and descriptive language to paint a picture in the reader's mind. This can help to evoke emotions and make your story more memorable. Choose sensory details that are relevant to the message you're trying to convey.

2. Anecdotes: Share a brief narrative or story that illustrates a point or supports your main theme. Anecdotes can hook the reader's attention and provide real-life examples of what you're discussing.

3. Metaphors and Similes: These devices help draw comparisons between two unlike things to create a deeper understanding. Metaphors make a direct comparison (e.g., "my life is a rollercoaster"), while similes use "like" or "as" (e.g., "I felt like a fish out of water"). Choose comparisons that are unique but also easy to understand.

4. Alliteration: The repetition of the initial consonant sounds in a series of words can add a poetic touch to your essay and make it more memorable (e.g., "Determined and dedicated, I dived into my dreams."). However, don't overuse this device, as it can become distracting.

5. Personification: This is the attribution of human characteristics to non-human ideas or objects. Personification can bring abstract ideas to life and make your writing more relatable (e.g., "Time raced by as I prepared my application.")

6. Parallelism: Use similar sentence structures or patterns to emphasize corresponding ideas, which can highlight the connections between them (e.g., "I learned to listen, to think, and to act.")

7. Foreshadowing: Hint at something to come later in the essay. This device can create curiosity and anticipation in the reader's mind.

When identifying the most appropriate literary devices to use in your essay, keep the following tips in mind:

- Stay focused: Make sure you use literary devices to support your main points and themes. Avoid using them just for the sake of embellishment.

- Be selective: Don't overuse literary devices to the point where they overshadow your message. Use them strategically to enhance your writing.

- Ensure clarity: Your essay should still be clear and easy to understand. Don't let literary devices obscure the point you're trying to make.

As you brainstorm and write, explore different literary devices and think about how they might enrich your essay's content and make it more engaging. Remember, the most important aspect of any college essay is to tell a compelling story that showcases your unique qualities and experiences. Good luck!

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Poem: "The Ferris Wheel of Life"

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Life Is Like A Wheel

Most of us live our lives like we know everything. We live like we know what’s going to happen in the future. When somebody asks us for help we just look at them and carry on with what we were doing, not knowing that one day we’re going to need that person’s help.

That’s something that I have learned so far, that life is like a wheel, it rotates. Some days you feel like you are on top of the world, like you don’t need anybody’s help. You feel like you are complete, like you will never need anyone’s help, but no, it doesn’t work like that. There is a saying that goes, “What goes around comes around.” So, as human beings, we must learn to help each other. Today you may be on top of the world, but remember tomorrow you might fall and be at the bottom.

I’m saying this because I myself have experienced this.

One day as I was walking around my village a young boy came to me and asked me to help him push his wheelbarrow up a hill. I just ignored him and carried on with what I was doing. I saw him as he struggled trying to push the wheelbarrow up the hill and instead of helping him I took a video of him and posted it on social media. I laughed at him carelessly and left.

The next day my brother gave me his car and told me to take it to the car wash. Well, I took it there and everything went well, but as I was on my way home the car got stuck on a hill and moved back. I didn’t have much of a choice but to get out of the car and push it. The car was so heavy that I couldn’t push it alone, I needed some help. Luckily a boy appeared from nowhere and when I called him I realised that the boy was the same boy who asked me to help him the previous day.

I became so embarrassed that I even looked down when I asked him to help me. The boy looked at me and said, “Oh, it’s you. Do you still remember that I asked you to help me yesterday and you refused? So the same applies now. I also can’t help you, as you can see I’m busy.” After saying these words, he walked a minimum of three meters and turned back to me and said, “Unlike you I have a good heart. I know that one day I might also need a helping hand, so I will help you.”

I became quiet for some time and after a while I said to the boy, “Thanks for making me realise that.”

The boy helped me push the car until it reached the top of the hill.

That day I learnt that we all must help each other because we don’t know what might happen in the future. With hands together we can accomplish anything, so always lend a helping hand, and always remember what goes around comes back around.

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Wheel Of Life Exercise: Explanation & Examples [Coaching & Analyzing Tool]

Posted by Rubin | Happiness | 0

Wheel Of Life Exercise: Explanation & Examples [Coaching & Analyzing Tool]

What is the Wheel of Life excercise ? What can you do with it and what are the concrete steps you can take to get started with this model? Read on for the explanation…

Contents of this page:

What is the Wheel of Life?

The origins of the wheel of life can be traced back to ancient spiritual traditions, but today it has been given a modern twist. The wheel of life allows you to judge yourself in your most important areas of life . You can then see if your life is in balance. You do this by giving a number to all your areas of life and then drawing those numbers in the wheel.

How do you do that step by step? Filling in the wheel of life?

Let’s look at the instructions …

Step 1: Write down scores (1-10) for your current situation

View the model of the wheel of life. On the wheel of life, you can find the different areas of life. Then be honest about your own life and rate on the scale of 1 to 10 for each area of ​​life. First, just do that on paper:

  • Spiritual and Meaning (Mission) (Social contribution) – Grade:
  • Financial – Rating:
  • Career, work – Grade:
  • Relaxation and pleasure – Rating:
  • Family and Friends – Rating:
  • Love and Romance – Rating:
  • Personal growth – Grade:
  • Having enough time, a good organization and a good planning – Grade:
  • Dealing with emotions – Grade:
  • Health and Vitality – Rating:

Step 2: Also give figures for the desired situation

Create an extra column and always put a number per life area as you would like it.

  • Spiritual and Meaning (Mission) (Social contribution) – Desired grade:
  • Financial – Desired figure:
  • Career, work – Desired grade:
  • Relaxation and pleasure – Desired rating:
  • Family and Friends – Desired rating:
  • Love and Romance – Desired rating:
  • Personal growth – Desired rating:
  • Having enough time, a good layout and a good planning – Desired grade:
  • Dealing with emotions – Desired grade:
  • Health and Vitality – Desired rating:

Step 3: Fill in and draw the Life Wheel

wheel of life example

Draw the wheel of life so that it represents your current situation, for example as shown in the image of this article.

Step 4: Brainstorm how to get it more balanced

When you look at your wheel of life, in what ways is it out of balance ? Can you ride smoothly with such a wheel or do you want it more balanced? Do you actually pursue a culture of six and do you want to break through that ? It is nice to discuss this with others as well.

Step 5: Execution & reflection

After you have decided to straighten out one or more areas of life, it is time to actually do that. Give yourself clear tasks ( aka goals ) to do this and then reflect on your efforts.

There are several models that provide a hierarchy to the Wheel of Life

There are a number of models, such as Maslow’s Pyramid, the Pyramid of Spheres of Life or the Pyramid of Life, which imply that one area of ​​life is more important than another area of ​​life, because they create a hierarchy.

You would then get roughly the following hierarchy in the wheel of life.

  • Spiritual and Meaning (Mission) (Social contribution)
  • Relaxation and fun
  • Personal growth
  • Career, work
  • Family and friends
  • Love and Romance
  • Having enough time, a good layout and good planning
  • Dealing with emotions
  • Health and Vitality

To your success!

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About the author.


Hello! Thanks for reading these articles. My intention is to make happiness as simple and clear as posssible. By the way, excuse my English. I am not a native English speaker since I live in Amsterdam. Much appreciated if you use the comments to make suggestions on my grammar. See ya in another blogpost!

Tags: achieving dreams , goal setting , happiness , reflecting

Further Reading (Related)

rubin alaie author

Dear reader, thank you so much for dropping by on this curious happiness blog. I want to honor my teachers though: what you are reading is developed by people who worked hard on it. Keep in mind that I just display their teachings for you.

Have fun with reading!

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my life is like a wheel essay

Quality of Life Self Care Wheel Essay Example

Being in recovery, I understand the importance of having balance in all the other areas of my life. Without balance, things easily become unmanageable and overwhelming which consequently makes me feel defeated. In the past I did not take care of myself like I should have; however, the more I practice self-care the more I am able to fully grasp the importance of it and see how it could have benefited me tremendously in the past. Self-care helps me preserve my well-being and find happiness. I can easily get run down if I do not take care of myself and I have experience how that lessens the overall quality of my life. Self-care, for me, definitely is a necessity but also a process. I am seeing more and more that I cannot put myself in a situation where I am putting everyone else’s needs above mine. 

I have always tried to not let my psychological life become of greater or less importance than all the other areas of my life. It is tricky how to know when I have done all I can to care for my mental health and to not go overboard with it. When it comes to mental health, there are just some things that take longer to work on than others and it is easy to be harsh on myself about why I have not been able to just get to the solution already. I have learned tools to not be so hard on myself and to not let my emotions about myself get the best of me. I have, in the past, found it difficult to be self-aware about certain things I am thinking or feeling which has caused my behaviors to not match up with my morals and values; but, I have been able to work on this by using my past experiences as a tool to stay in tune to how particular instances have made me feel, think, and behave. In addition, I am learning to understand myself more as well as how to cope with life challenges and changes that occur. 

When it comes to my emotional life, I have not always been the kindest to myself; however, I am learning to love myself more and I have been actively gaining more and more self esteem. Affirmations and esteem-able acts have really helped to increase how I feel about myself. Due to my past of being extremely codependent and a tendency to put everyone else’s feelings before my own I have been learning to not put my emotional self-care on the back burner. Throughout my life I have suffered through things, especially relationships at my own expense. My happiness and self-worth has become too important to me to where I am no longer willing to save someone’s feelings and protect them from getting hurt. I have to make sure I check myself daily because if I let my emotions get the best of me then it could very easily affect how I feel in other areas of my life. I have been able to keep caring for myself emotionally by continuing to do what is best for me despite if it may be hard at time or if I am fearful of hurting someone else. 

Spirituality is something that I have always kind of known about but I never really understood what it meant to be “spiritual”. I was clueless on how to establish peace and harmony in my life; in addition, I always wanted to find connection and meaning. Everyday, through enlarging my spiritual life, I am finding those things more and more. For the longest time I thought it meant the same thing as viewing religion and I had a very prejudiced view on the matter. For me, staying active with my spiritual life is what keeps me grounded enough to be able to care for myself in all the other areas of my life. 

I have always been a social person and I used to find it extremely difficult to spend time alone or focus on doing things for myself. My personal life has become almost like a safe haven because without my space away from the chaos of life and people I do not think I would be able to deal with what life throws at me. I have been getting to know myself more when I get time to myself because I am able to figure out my preferences for things and I can engage in finding hobbies and ways to pass my time. I still find it difficult to balance my “me” time with all the other areas of my life. 

As for my professional life, I am assistant house manager of the sober living I also live at; furthermore, it is sometimes difficult to find balance and set up boundaries since I live at the place I also technically work. I have been learning the importance of communicating my needs especially when I need time off; unfortunately, it is still a work in progress and sometimes I still struggle. I have always overworked myself when I have a job so I am learning I cannot do that to myself because if work consumes me then I will be discontent in all the other areas of my life. 

Physically, I do not take care of myself as I should and I can see how it affects my mood and ability to handle life. Eating healthy and exercising are things I have always really struggled with; as well as, my body image and weight which affects my mental and emotional health as well. There is a lot more I could do to take care of myself physically because I have experienced if I am feeling bad about myself physically then I also feel bad about myself in other aspects. Being unhappy physically and health wise definitely takes a toll on the quality of all other areas in my life; that being said, I have been trying to be more mindful about the food I am putting into my body. 

Overall, there are different things I have to continue to work on. Self-care is a continuous process because there is always going to be something I could improve on. It is very important for me to keep balance in every area because I believe all the areas affect each other; moreover, if one area is being cared for more than another then there will be areas of self care which I will slack on. I can see how not taking care of myself when in the helping profession could easily cause a burn out. In order to stay happy I need balance in caring for myself in every area of my life because without self-care I will be irritable, restless, and discontent and everything becomes too much to handle.

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Motivational And Inspirational Quotes

60 Ferris Wheel Quotes And Captions To Inspire You

Ananya Bhatt

  • March 20, 2024
  • Inspirational Quotes

Looking for quotes on Ferris wheel? We have rounded up the best collection of Ferris wheel quotes, captions, sayings, status message, (with pictures and images) to inspire you to overcome your fears and enjoy the ride of life.

We all haev our sweet memories of the Ferris wheel ride on the trip to the funfair. It might me of your childhood days or reminds you of your romantic ride with your partner. We have got you Ferris Wheel Quotes And Ferris Wheel Captions to tag your pictures perfectly On Instagram.

Ferris Wheel Captions For Instagram

  • “Enjoy the ride.”
  • “On top of the world.”
  • “Life is a beautiful ride.”
  • “Oh, the places you’ll go.”
  • “It’s been one blur of fun.”
  • “This is what dreams are made of.”
  •  “Am I tall enough to ride this ride?”
  • “Free admission to those who dream.”
  • “You can find me on the Ferris wheel.”
  • “Keep looking up, that’s the secret of life.”
  • “Cotton candy lips and Ferris wheel eyes.”
  • “The sky is the limit, and I’m almost there.”
  • “Life is a ticket to the greatest show on Earth.”
  • “Live, laugh, and love every second of the ride.”
  • “Just here for the fried dough and Ferris wheel.”
  • “Cotton candy skies and my best friend by my side.”
  • “I never met a French fry or Ferris wheel I didn’t like.”
  • “All friendships should find their way to a Ferris wheel.”
  • “Once you have tasted the taste of sky, you will forever look up.”
  • “I’ll look back on this and smile, because it was life and I decided to live it.”
  • “The only things you should chase in life are your dreams and a chance to be in the sky.”
  • “Life is like a Ferris wheel. Even when you’re down, just remember there’s always a way back up.”

Inspirational Ferris Wheel Quotes

Ferris Wheel Quotes Images

  • “Sometimes I feel like I am stuck on a Ferris wheel.”

Ferris Wheel Love Quotes

  • “He is the guy I want to get stuck at the top of the Ferris wheel with.”
  • “I once knew a man who stole a Ferris wheel.” – Dashiell Hammett
  • “I wish one day we will break the Ferris wheel curse” –. Fahmi Fatima
  • “Certainty a strange Ferris wheel of a statement!” – John Allen Paulos
  • “Reaching for the moon on a Ferris wheel, dizzy as a bat.” – Richard Vallance
  • “I see nothing in space as promising as the view from a Ferris wheel.” – E.B. White
  • “She was afraid of heights, but she was much more afraid of never flying.” – Atticus
  • “Life is like a Ferris wheel. Sooner or later, it always come around to where you started again.”
  • “Life is like a Ferris wheel with ups and downs… In every angle it shows different views.” – Dia
  • “My writing is all wrong, it has yet to capture the crazy never ending Ferris wheel.” – E. Krasny
  • “Life is like a Ferris wheel; you have to get past your fear to enjoy the view.” – Linda Poindexter
  • “Dear Ferris wheel, Thanks for teaching, what goes around comes around surely.” – Dorian Grey

Inspirational Ferris Wheel Quotes

  • “Life isn’t fair. A fair’s a place where you eat corn dogs and ride the Ferris wheel.” – Jennifer Brown
  • “Some people around here say that we’re a Ferris wheel away from being somewhere.” – Ryan Collins

Deep Ferris Wheel Quotes

  • “You never know how great a kiss can feel when you stopped at the top of a Ferris wheel.” – Freddie Cannon
  • “Grieving is like a Ferris wheel. One moment you are up the next you’re down. You just keep going around and around.”

Ferris Wheel Sayings

  • “Life is like a Ferris wheel spinning around, when you get to the top it is hard to look down. Just hang on, you’ll make it through.”
  • “Sometimes I feel like I am stuck on a Ferris wheel. One minute, I’m on the top of the world. Then, the next, I’m at the rock-bottom.”
  • “A Dauntless Ferris wheel wouldn’t have cars. You would just hang on tight with your hands, and good luck to you.” – Veronica Roth
  • “Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels The dizzy dancing way you feel As every fairy tale comes real I’ve looked at love that way.” – Joni Mitchell
  • “You loved Ferris wheels more than roller coasters because life shouldn’t be lived at full speed, but in anticipation and appreciation.” – Amy Harmon
  • “Sitting on a Ferris Wheel is not a thing for faint-hearted people. You need to have the spirit and courage to sit and enjoy this ride which makes this life worthy.”
  • “If you want to see the world don’t be the fulcrum pin of the Ferris wheel. Rather be a nail on one of the benches in one of the cars.” – Vineet Raj Kapoor
  • “You know that feeling when on a Ferris wheel, when you can see the world from up so high, it’s like God is willing you to jump and then spread you wings and fly.”
  • “The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning.” – Natalie Babbitt
  • “Life is like a Ferris wheel. One minute you’re on top, the next you’re at the bottom. Just stay in your seat, enjoy the ride, and hang on until you reach the top again.” – Susan Gale
  • “She used to love watching the mirthful world in a Ferris wheel. Until her life became like a Ferris wheel and she was left with nothing but to jump off from top of the wheel.” – Virali Tiwari
  • “Life is like a Ferris wheel… As it turns and advances forward, we see new things, develop new perspective, experience highs and lows, and we get the choice to enjoy the ride.” – Dan Howard
  • “Sometimes life is like a Ferris wheel. Even when everything seems wrong, the sky is black, it’s starting to rain, and some lady throws up on you, the wheel will keep right on turning to spite you.( the Old Man )” – Michele Young Stone
  • “Hope is a Ferris wheel- It takes low and high; And when you reach the top, it’s like you can touch the sky! And when it takes you down hope becomes a thing that, When you’re getting off, You take with you to bring.” – Robin Herrera
  • “Ride the Ferris wheel. There’s something romantic about riding the Ferris wheel, especially when it stops and you’re feeling like you’re on top of the world. Remember to kiss your Valentine when you’re staring at the stars together.” – Julia Spira
  • “…and where the Ferris wheel carried its passengers high and brought them low and raised them high and brought them low again, as if it were not merely a carnival ride but also a metaphor for the basic pattern of human experience.” – Dean Koontz
  • “The first lights of the evening were springing into pale existence. The Ferris wheel, pricked out now in lights, revolved leisurely through the dusk; a few empty cars of the roller coaster rattled overhead.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • “What a wonder a Ferris wheel is! Up and down, it goes around. You may think, you are at the top but then it turns and there you are, at the bottom! It is the only thing that resembles life. Both are complex but ensures a thrill ride.” – Nahid Belal
  • “A Boat O beautiful was the werewolf in his evil forest. We took him to the carnival and he started crying when he saw the Ferris wheel. Electric green and red tears flowed down his furry cheeks. He looked like a boat out on the dark water.” – Richard Brautigan
  • “The tallest building in the world is now in Dubai, the biggest factory in the world is in China, the largest oil refinery is in India, the largest investment fund in the world is in Abu Dhabi, the largest Ferris wheel in the world is in Singapore.” – Fareed Zakaria
  • “Ferris wheel day: On this wheel, sometimes one goes to heaven and sometimes to hell, sometimes one is born a king and sometimes a slave, and so it goes on. But once a person enters the spiritual abode of the Supreme Lord, he begins his eternal life in his original, constitutional position.”
  • “When you’re on a Ferris wheel all anyone ever talks about is being on the Ferris wheel and the view from the Ferris wheel and whether the Ferris wheel is scary and how many more times it will go around. Dating is like that. Nobody who’s doing it ever talks about anything else. I have no interest in dating.” – John Green
  • “Relationship is like a Ferris wheel, it has its ups and down but you just both have to conquer the challenge. You might not know when to end up, and as you already enjoying the presence of each other, little did you know its already the last. Someone is controlling the ferris wheel and same with life, if fate comes in your way you can’t do anything but accept the reality of life.”

Wherever they touch on a relationship, your life, or your perspective on life, these Ferris wheel quotes tell us that we need to embrace change at some point.

Hanging on to one thing or playing it always safe is not always the best option. Ferris wheels ride can be a magical one – just don’t stay on one forever.

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Essay on Life Is a Journey

Students are often asked to write an essay on Life Is a Journey in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey

The concept of life.

Life is often compared to a journey. Just like a journey, life has a beginning and an end. We are born, we grow, and we eventually pass away.

Paths in Life

In our life journey, we traverse different paths. Some paths are smooth, others are rocky. These paths represent the challenges and triumphs we face.

Travel Companions

On this journey, we are never alone. We meet people who become our companions. They help us navigate our path and make our journey worthwhile.

Lessons Learned

Life, like any journey, teaches us valuable lessons. These lessons shape us into who we are and guide us towards our destination.

In conclusion, life is a journey filled with experiences and lessons. Embrace the journey and cherish every moment.

250 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey

The metaphor of life.

Life is often compared to a journey, a metaphorical concept that demonstrates the progression of life from birth to death. This journey is not merely a physical one, but rather a voyage of self-discovery, personal growth, and understanding.

Unpredictability and Challenges

The unpredictability of life’s journey is what makes it thrilling and daunting at the same time. We encounter various challenges, obstacles, and detours that test our resilience. These obstacles can be seen as opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow, shaping our personalities and perspectives.

Companionship on the Journey

Life’s journey is also marked by the companions we meet along the way. These relationships, whether they last a lifetime or a fleeting moment, can have a profound impact on our journey. They provide us with valuable lessons about empathy, love, and the importance of connection.

Appreciating the Journey

The journey of life is not just about reaching a destination. It’s about appreciating the journey itself, the experiences, and the growth that comes with it. It’s about understanding that each step, each decision, and each experience, positive or negative, contributes to our overall journey.

In conclusion, life’s journey is a complex tapestry of experiences, lessons, and relationships. It is unpredictable, challenging, and filled with opportunities for growth. As we navigate through it, we must remember to appreciate the journey, the companions we meet, and the lessons we learn. After all, life is not just about the destination but the journey itself.

500 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey

The metaphor of life as a journey.

The metaphor of life as a journey is a profound and timeless one. It illustrates the process of human existence, from birth to death, as a voyage filled with experiences, challenges, and learning. This metaphor encourages us to perceive life not as a destination but as a journey, where the ultimate goal is not to reach a particular endpoint, but to grow, learn, and evolve along the way.

Stages of the Journey

The journey of life is composed of several stages. Each stage represents a unique phase of our life, marked by distinctive challenges and opportunities for growth. The stages begin with childhood, a time of innocence and discovery. This stage is followed by adolescence, a period of exploration and self-definition. Adulthood comes next, bringing with it the responsibilities of career, family, and society. Finally, old age is a time for reflection, wisdom, and acceptance.

Challenges and Growth

Just as any journey is fraught with obstacles and difficulties, so too is the journey of life. These challenges, however, should not be seen as deterrents but as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. They provide us with the chance to learn about our strengths and weaknesses, to develop resilience, and to cultivate empathy and understanding towards others. Each challenge we overcome makes us stronger and more capable, shaping us into the individuals we become.

The Importance of the Journey

The essence of the journey metaphor lies in its emphasis on the process, rather than the destination. It teaches us to value the experiences and lessons we gain along the way, rather than fixating on a final goal. This perspective encourages us to live in the present, to appreciate our current circumstances, and to make the most of every moment. It reminds us that the journey itself is the reward, and that every step we take is a part of our personal growth and evolution.

The Role of Companionship

No journey is meant to be undertaken alone. Companionship plays a crucial role in our life’s journey. Our companions – family, friends, mentors – provide us with support, guidance, and encouragement. They share in our joys and sorrows, help us navigate through difficulties, and enrich our journey with their presence. Companionship adds depth and meaning to our journey, making it all the more worthwhile.

Conclusion: The Journey Continues

In conclusion, life is a journey filled with stages, challenges, growth, and companionship. It is a voyage that provides us with countless opportunities to learn, evolve, and become better versions of ourselves. As we navigate through this journey, it is important to remember that the value lies not in the destination, but in the journey itself. As we continue on our path, let us cherish our experiences, learn from our challenges, appreciate our companions, and above all, enjoy the journey. Because, in the end, life is not about where we are going, but how we get there.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on My First Train Journey
  • Essay on An Unforgettable Journey
  • Essay on A Memorable Journey

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Science Leadership Academy @ Center City

Descriptive Essay: Life is Like a Mountain (Revised)

All I need is confidence and courage. Why is it so hard for me to achieve those two things in my life? I started to realized that I lack those two virtues when it all started with this girl I liked in my middle school. I always think of myself as strong and determined, motivated and focus, is what I really think of myself. But I can always expect the unexpected. It’s really what life is about.

It was on a cool and cloudy afternoon, I was in the middle of my summer reading, a book called Son of the Mob. As the school year got closer during the summer, I kind of procrastinated on my summer reading. I, then, realized it wasn’t such a good idea to do that. One of the most annoying things that bothered me was the fact that my idiotic friends kept inviting me to hang out with them. I sighed and said to myself “Here we go again.” I just want to be at home, so that I can get my summer reading over with, I thought to myself.

I finally have a good, old friend asking me to join their birthday party; so I went. I can smell the aromatic smell of sweet, honey barbecue. I can also hear all the loud shouting, distant talking and guests talking loudly and uncontrollably. I was roaming the large, packed backyard looking forward to meeting new people. But I never knew that I would meet him, someone very familiar. A man, dressed in black, almost like the guy from the cover of the Son of the Mob giving this girl that he likes, that I like, beautiful, bright red roses. I felt like somebody just stab me in the back when I saw him giving her flowers. It just struck me suddenly.

As I’m writing this essay, I thought back and said to myself that I should have never went to that party. In my mindset, education is what I really care about, regardless of anything. I never thought this scene that I witnessed, is very similar to the cover of the book . I was kind of mad at myself for not attempting to talk to her at first. I seen a lot of these happened on TVs and movies. But unluckily, my situation is reality. Day by day, I can’t get the image out of my head and reading Son of the Mob sure made it harder to erase that memory.

Although, I could be at fault for not talking to her. I didn’t have enough confidence, which causes an agony in me. And now and then, every time I looked at the cover, it reminded me of one of my friends that gave the girl roses. I hated that feeling. It just recalls back all the things I went through that day. But the good side is I finished my summer reading dealing with what was on the cover of the book. I guess that’s the only thing I accomplished, so far. The book is now in my black, iKea desk in my room, never touched ever since.

In life, I know there will be obstacles that I have to face, kind of like mountains. We can overcome the mountain, but it will take time. Similar to my situation, I know I can get over this, but I need time. Society may expect me to go on and talk to her but they just look at things differently from my point of view. They expect me to do actions from their own experiences, however, I have my own. I don’t really care about their expectations because it’s my life, not theirs.   

I recalled back the time when we were in 7th grade, hoping that will erase some of the haunting memory from the party. And there I was again, still attempting to talk to her after school. I saw her with her talkative friends. I hoped they’re not talking about me being too scared to talk to the girl I liked. Nervousness had almost overcome me. Boom, boom. Boom, boom. My heart pounded rapidly as if I saw a creepy, looking ghost. However, the fear of her friends are more fearful to me than my nervousness. Now, I know two things can prevent me from talking to her. So then I figured out a cunning way to talk to her, and it is getting my friends that are friends with her to talk for me. It was the only solution that I can think of. I had to do it because I liked her so much.

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my life is like a wheel essay


42 ‘Life Is Like A’ Quotes Filled With Amazing Wisdom

my life is like a wheel essay

What is life? There is no straightforward answer to this question because no one knows what it is. It’s unfathomable, it’s indescribable. Perhaps the only way to define it or to understand it is to think of it in terms of similes and metaphors.

This article is a collection of the best ‘life is like’ quotes and metaphors that contain deep wisdom on the nature of life and living.

1. Life is like a camera

Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot.

Life is like a camera. Focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot. – Ziad K. Abdelnour

2. Life is like a book

Life is like a book, it is told in chapters.

Life is like a book, it is told in chapters, and you cannot embrace the next chapter until you close the current one. – Casey Neistat
Life is like a book. There are good chapters, and there are bad chapters. But when you get to a bad chapter, you don’t stop reading the book! If you do…then you never get to find out what happens next! – Brian Falkner
Life is like a book, and every book has an end. No matter how much you like that book you will get to the last page and it will end. No book is complete without its end. And once you get there, only when you read the last words, will you see how good the book is. – Fábio Moon
Life is like a book. You read one page at a time, and hope for a good ending. – J.B. Taylor
I’ve learned that life is like a book. Sometimes we must close a chapter and begin the next one. – Hanz

3. Life is like a mirror

Life is like a mirror, smile at it and it smiles back.

Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you. – Peace Pilgrim

4. Life is like a piano

Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it.

Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it. – Tom Lehrer
Life is like a piano. White keys are happy moments and the black ones are sad moments. Both keys are played together to give us the sweet music called Life. – Suzy Kassem
Life is like a piano; the white keys represent happiness and the black show sadness. But as you go through life’s journey, remember that the black keys also create music. – Ehssan

5. Life is like a coin

Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once. – Lillian Dickson
Your life is like a coin. You can spend it anyway you want, but only once. Make sure you invest it and don’t waste it. Invest it in something that matters to you and matters for eternity. – Tony Evens

6. Life is like a video game

Sometimes life is like a video game. When things get harder, and the obstacles get tougher, it just means you leveled up. – Lilah Pace

7. Life is like a box of chocolate

Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're going to get.

Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re going to get. – Winston Groom , (Forrest Gump)

8. Life is like a library

Life is like a library owned by the author. In it are a few books which he wrote himself, but most of them were written for him. – Harry Emerson Fosdick

9. Life is like a boxing match

Life is like a boxing match.

Life is like a boxing match. Defeat is declared not when you fall but when you refuse to stand again. – Kristen Ashley
Life is like a boxing match, keep on throwing those punches and one of them will land. – Kevin Lane (The Shawshank Prevention)

10. Life is like a restaurant

Life is like a restaurant; you can have anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price. – Moffat Machingura

11. Life is like a drive on a highway

They say life is like a highway and we all travel our own roads, some good, some bad, yet each is a blessing of its own. – Jess “Chief” Brynjulson
Life is like a drive on a highway. There will always be someone behind, along and ahead of you. No matter how many people you overtake, life will always serve you with a new challenge, a new commuter driving ahead of you. Destination is the same for everyone, but what matters in the end is – how much you enjoyed the drive! – Mehek Bassi

12. Life is like a theater

Life is like a theater, but the question is not whether you are in the audience or on the stage but rather, are you where you want to be? – A.B. Potts

13. Life is like a 10 speed bike

Life is like a 10-speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use. – Charles Schulz

14. Life is like a grindstone

Life is like a grindstone; whether it grinds you down or polishes you up depends on what you're made of.

Life is like a grindstone; whether it grinds you down or polishes you up depends on what you’re made of. – Jacob M. Braude

15. Life is like a sketchbook

Life is like a sketchbook, every page is a new day, every picture is a new story and every line is a new path, we just need to be smart enough to create our own masterpieces. – Jes K.

16. Life is like a mosaic

Your life is like a mosaic, a puzzle. You have to figure out where the pieces go and put them together for yourself. – Maria Shriver

17. Life is like a garden

Life is like a garden, you reap what you sow.

Life is like a garden, you reap what you sow. – Paulo Coelho

18. Life is like a game of cards

Life is like a game of cards - Jawaharlal Nehru quote.

Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you is determinism; the way you play it is free will. – Jawaharlal Nehru
Life is like a game of cards. It deals you different hands at different times. You don’t have that old hand anymore. Look at what you have now. – Barbara Delinsky

19. Life is like a landscape

Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it, but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance. – Charles Lindberg

20. Life is like a prism

Life is like a prism. What you see depends on how you turn the glass.

Life is like a prism. What you see depends on how you turn the glass. – Jonathan Kellerman

21. Life is like a jigsaw

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle, you have to see the whole picture, then put it together piece by piece! – Terry McMillan

22. Life is like a teacher

Life is like a great teacher, she will repeat the lesson until you learn.

Life is like a great teacher, she will repeat the lesson until you learn. – Ricky Martin

23. Life is like a bowl of spaghetti

Life is like a bowl of spaghetti. Every once in a while, you get a meatball.

Life is like a bowl of spaghetti. Every once in a while, you get a meatball. – Sharon Creech

24. Life is like a mountain

Life is like a mountain. When you get to the peak, remember the valley exists. – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

25. Life is like a trumpet

Life is like a trumpet – if you don’t put anything into it, you don’t get anything out of it. – William Christopher Handy

26. Life is like a snowball

Life is like a snowball. The important thing is finding wet snow and a really long hill. – Warren Buffett

27. Life is like a foot race

Life is like a foot race quote.

Life is like a foot race, there will always be people who are faster than you, and there will always be those who are slower than you. What matters, in the end, is how you ran your race. – Joël Dicker

28. Life is like a balloon

Life is like a balloon

Your life is like a balloon; if you never let yourself go, you will never know how far you can rise. – Linda Poindexter

29. Life is like a combination lock

Life is like a combination lock; your job is to find the numbers, in the right orders, so you can have anything you want. – Brian Tracy

30. Life is like a ferris wheel

Life is like a Ferris wheel, going ‘round and ‘round in one direction. Some of us are lucky enough to remember each trip around. – Samyann, Yesterday: A Novel of Reincarnation

31. Life is like a taxi

Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still. – Lou Erickso

32. Life is like a steering wheel

Life is like a steering wheel, it only takes one small move to change your entire direction. – Kellie Elmore

33. Life is like a game of limbo in reverse

Life is like a game of limbo in reverse. The bar keeps rising higher and we need to keep rising to the occasion. – Ryan Lilly

34. Life is like a rollercoaster

Life is like a rollercoaster with highs and lows. So quit complaining about it and enjoy the ride! – Habeeb Akande
Life is like a roller-coaster with thrills, chills, and a sigh of relief. – Susan Bennett

35. Life is like a drawing

Life is like a drawing without an eraser.

Life is like a drawing without an eraser. – John W Gardner

36. Life is like a game of chess

Life is like a game of chess. To win you have to make a move.

Life is like a game of chess. To win you have to make a move. Knowing which move to make comes with IN-SIGHT and knowledge, and by learning the lessons that are accumulated along the way. – Allan Rufus

37. Life is like a wheel

Life is like a wheel. Sooner or later, it always comes around to where you started again. – Stephen King
Life is like a long note; it persists without variance, without wavering. There is no cessation in sound or pause in tempo. It continues on, and we must master it or it will master us. – Amy Harmon

38. Life is like a collage

Life is like a collage. Its individual pieces are arranged to create harmony. Appreciate the artwork of your life. – Amy Leigh Mercree

39. Life is like photography

Life is like photography. We develop from negatives. – Anon

40. Life is like a bicycle

Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance; you must keep on moving. – Albert Einstein

41. Life is like a wheel

Life is like a wheel. Sooner or later, it always come around to where you started again. – Stephen King

42. Life is like a sandwich

Life is like a sandwich! Birth as one slice, and death as the other. What you put in-between the slices is up to you. Is your sandwich tasty or sour? – Allan Rufus

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Pat Sajak and daughter share behind-the-scenes video ahead of his last week on ‘Wheel of Fortune’

“Wheel of Fortune” viewers are going where no viewer has gone before.

On May 29, Sajak’s daughter , Maggie, posted a video on Instagram featuring her and her father from behind the puzzle board of the iconic game show.

“So I’m behind the puzzle board, and look who I found,” she said, as she shifted the camera onto her and her father.

“It looks like election headquarters back here, with all these TV screens and everything. I think I see some anchormen,” he joked.

“A lot of people were asking what behind the puzzle board is like, so we wanted to give them a glimpse,” Maggie Sajak said.

“We can’t show a lot because there are certain things that are highly classified,” her dad added.

The camera then swung onto a table with five bottles of water, with a piece of paper reading “Pat’s water” on it.

“They just gave me enough to last the rest of the season,” Pat Sajak said, prompting his daughter to laugh before they ended the video.

Pat Sajak is winding down his time on "Wheel of Fortune."

When will Pat Sajak's last 'Wheel of Fortune' episode air?

The remainder of the season also coincides with the rest of Sajak’s tenure on “Wheel of Fortune.” His final episode will air June 7 . Sajak has become as familiar to TV viewers as the remote control, with him hosting the game show since 1981. In June 2023, he announced he would be leaving the program.

“Well, the time has come,” he wrote on X . “I’ve decided that our 41st season, which begins in September, will be my last. It’s been a wonderful ride, and I’ll have more to say in the coming months. Many thanks to you all.”

Sajak aside, the future of “Wheel of Fortune,” with its outrageous and incorrect guesses, looks as steady as ever. About two weeks after Sajak revealed his departure, Ryan Seacrest was named his replacement . Last September, Vanna White also solidified her plans to remain on the show for the foreseeable future when she signed a contract extension to continue through the 2025-2026 season.

And while Sajak hasn’t said much about his time on “Wheel” drawing to a close, White said his exit prompted her to think about her own place on the show.

“When I heard that Pat was retiring, I thought maybe I should retire too. But I’m not ready!” she  told TV Insider in May. “We’ll see toward the end of those two years how I feel. I thank God after all these years that I still love my job.”

Drew Weisholtz is a reporter for TODAY Digital, focusing on pop culture, nostalgia and trending stories. He has seen every episode of “Saved by the Bell” at least 50 times, longs to perfect the crane kick from “The Karate Kid” and performs stand-up comedy, while also cheering on the New York Yankees and New York Giants. A graduate of Rutgers University, he is the married father of two kids who believe he is ridiculous.

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My grandma couldn't remember my name because of dementia. It really hurt even though I know it wasn't her fault.

  • I've had mixed feelings about my uncommon name my entire life. 
  • My grandma had dementia and despite me visiting her regularly, she forgot my name. 
  • I still have beautiful memories with her. 

Insider Today

I've always had mixed feelings about having an uncommon name . My name means "daughter who brings joy" and is the female version of my dad's name, Anand.

It has three syllables, which I have to repeat whenever I meet someone. What I didn't count on was having to sound out these syllables to my grandma.

When I was 16, my grandma started to forget things like turning off the stove and mistaking sugar for salt. Eventually, she lost interest in reading Harlequin romance novels and watching back-to-back episodes of "Wheel of Fortune" and "Jeopardy."

She stared off into the distance as the nightly news filled our living room. The woman who helped name me and raise me seemed to be disappearing, her matronly frame thinning along with the silvery hair she effortlessly swept into a bun.

Dementia is anything but normal

An estimated five million people are said to be living with dementia, and the CDC expects this number to reach 14 million by 2060. Dementia isn't a specific disease but rather a set of symptoms that includes a loss of memory, language, cognition, and problem-solving and interferes with daily routines.

There are several causes of dementia, but the most common one is Alzheimer's disease. Memory loss is one of the earliest symptoms of dementia and is often noticed first by other people besides the affected individual.

While it's not unusual to forget things as you get older, the type of cognitive and mental decline that's seen in people with dementia is not a normal part of aging. Along with cognitive changes, family members may notice psychological changes as well.

In my grandma's case, she seemed to lose interest in activities she once enjoyed. As her symptoms worsened, she became increasingly confused and agitated, only giving one-word answers to questions.

Meeting my grandma each week

Despite being the youngest of seven, my mom, a single mother of two, didn't have any help from her sisters with caring for my grandma. Eventually, my mom had to make the difficult decision to move my grandma into a nursing home.

My mom would visit my grandma daily while my sister and I accompanied her on weekends. Each time I saw my grandma, she would accept my embrace.

But her touch felt more like the warmth extended to a friendly acquaintance rather than a child she had known and loved since birth. I would say, "Hi Ma, I'm your granddaughter, Nandini," to which she would nod her head and say, "Yes."

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It felt like our roles had switched. Just a few years earlier, it was my grandma asking me if I was hungry and wanted something to eat after school and now, I was asking her what she had eaten for breakfast and if she was warm enough in a cardigan.

The only times our conversations veered from talking about food and the weather were the rare occasions when she asked me about school. "Did you come first in your class?" she asked me one day.

My grandma had a second-grade education and wanted her children and grandchildren to succeed in school. When I graduated at the top of my class in university, I thought back to this moment.

It struck me that, although she couldn't remember my name, she never forgot about the value of getting an education. And she never forgot that she wanted more for her kids.

Despite everything, some memories remain intact

The weekend before my 17th birthday, my grandma was receiving palliative care at a hospital for pneumonia. I went to see her, knowing it would probably be the last time.

The same woman who had greeted me with a hot meal every day after school was now refusing food and water. I watched as my mom tried to cool my grandma's lips and gums with a pink oral swab.

"Hi Ma, it's Nan," I said. This time, she didn't look at me or recognize my voice.

There was no hint of confusion or agitation on her face. Instead, she seemed eerily calm, staring into the distance.

As I held her hand, she reached out and cradled my head in her arms like she had done so many times before. It didn't matter whether she remembered my name or that I was her granddaughter, only that she was a mother comforting a child in pain.

What I remember most about my grandma

My grandma was a masterful cook, seamstress, and gardener — the epitome of a Trinidadian homemaker. She planted plum trees that survived drought and hurricane-level windstorms .

Her skin and the coffee she drank every morning were the color of warm amber. When I came home from school, she sat by the window in her rocking chair.

She bought me the leopard print dress I wore to every birthday and holiday. When my dad died, she became like a second mother.

She died the morning after my 17th birthday. Sometimes, it pains me to relive these memories, but I've learned that grief is the price of loving someone and wishing that the past could be different.

Nandini Maharaj is a freelance writer covering health, wellness, identity, and relationships. She holds a master's degree in counseling and a doctorate in public health.

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  • Host of new podcast based on Oregon murder case talks about the shocking true story
  • Updated: Jun. 05, 2024, 9:02 a.m. |
  • Published: Jun. 05, 2024, 9:00 a.m.

Nancy Crampton Brophy

Romance writer Nancy Crampton Brophy, left, is shown watching the proceedings in court in Portland on April 4, 2022. A jury found Crampton Brophy guilty of fatally shooting her husband. The sensational murder case is explored in a new podcast, "Happily Never After: Dan and Nancy."

  • Kristi Turnquist | The Oregonian/OregonLive

The sensational case of Nancy Crampton Brophy, an Oregon woman who wrote an essay titled, “How to Murder Your Husband,” and was later convicted of committing that very crime , fascinated people who heard about it from The Oregonian/OregonLive reports, and other news coverage.

For Heidi Joy Tretheway , however, the saga hit closer to home. Tretheway had known Crampton Brophy when Tretheway was a member of the Rose City Romance Writers, the Portland chapter of the national organization, the Romance Writers of America.

“I was completely stunned,” Tretheway said in a recent phone conversation. The idea that “you knew a murderer, that you shared the same air with that person – it’s beyond the pale.”

As it turned out, Tretheway’s acquaintance with Crampton Brophy, and her own knowledge of romance writing led to Tretheway hosting “Happily Never After: Dan and Nancy,” a new program from the Wondery podcast studio .

The podcast, which is the first entry in a new true crime anthology series, is available on podcast platforms beginning June 3.

Heidi Joy Tretheway

Heidi Joy Tretheway, who narrates the podcast, "Happily Never After: Dan and Nancy," knew Nancy Crampton Brophy when both were members of the Rose City Romance Writers group. Photo courtesy of Heidi Joy Tretheway

“Happily Never After: Dan and Nancy” tells a genuinely strange-but-true story. As The Oregonian/OregonLive reported, it all began when students at the now-defunct Oregon Culinary Institute found chef Daniel Brophy, an instructor at the school, on the floor of a classroom, the morning of June 2, 2018.

Daniel Brophy had been shot, and his wounds were fatal.

As investigators looked for evidence, Nancy Crampton Brophy, who had been married to Daniel Brophy for more than 25 years, emerged as a suspect. She had self-published several romance novels, but it was another piece of Crampton Brophy’s writing that helped propel the crime case into the national spotlight.

Related: ‘Happily Never After’ podcast exposes stranger-than-fiction crimes of Oregon romance novelist

In 2011, Crampton Brophy had written an online essay titled, “How to Murder Your Husband.” As The Oregonian/OregonLive reported in September 2018 -- shortly after Crampton Brophy had been charged with killing her husband -- the essay included Crampton Brophy noting that, “As a romantic suspense writer, I spend a lot of time thinking about murder and, consequently, about police procedure.”

Crampton Brophy also listed various ways a spouse might kill a husband, including guns, knives, poison, or hiring a hit man.

“I find it is easier to wish people dead than to actually kill them,” Crampton Brophy wrote. “I don’t want to worry about blood and brains splattered on my walls. And really, I’m not good at remembering lies. But the thing I know about murder is that every one of us have it in him/her when pushed far enough.”

Nancy Crampton Brophy bail hearing

Nancy Crampton Brophy at a bail hearing in Portland, in April, 2020.

The “Happily Never After: Dan and Nancy” podcast includes interviews with detectives, people who knew Nancy Crampton Brophy, members of Daniel Brophy’s family, and others.

Tretheway, who lives in Ridgefield, Washington, said she originally came to this story “as a background character.”

Related: ‘Happily Never After’ pulls back curtain on a Portland murder: Beat Check podcast

People working on the podcast initially contacted Tretheway “to get a better sense of Nancy, and the Rose City Romance writers,” she said. “I was able to bring a lot more details about the writer’s life, and publishing, and everything from that romance community that I’ve now been in for 12 years. Then they came back to me, maybe six months after that original interview, and said, we think you might be the right person to narrate, because I was close enough to the story to understand the world of writers, and to know Nancy.”

But she was far enough removed that, unlike some of Crampton Brophy’s friends, Tretheway had never become a member of what she calls “Team Guilty,” or “Team Innocent.”

As she recounts in the podcast, Tretheway met Crampton Brophy in 2013, in the Rose City Romance Writers group.

A woman with grey hair sits at an evidence stand in a courtroom

Nancy Crampton Brophy is seen during cross-examination at her trial, on May 17, 2022. Dave Killen / The Oregonian

“Nancy liked to be the queen bee,” Tretheway, 47, said. “She was always at the front of the room, kind of orchestrating the meetings, doling out sometimes very unsolicited advice. She definitely had presence. As we say in the podcast, she had main character energy. That was the biggest impression that I took away from her, she was the main character at the meetings, in her own life, and in her own mind.”

Tretheway wasn’t a close friend of Crampton Brophy’s, and she was no longer a part of the Rose City Romance Writers group when Daniel Brophy was killed.

When that news broke, Tretheway found it hard to believe thar Crampton Brophy, who was in her 60s and seemed “like a very harmless person,” could have had anything to do with the crime.

“She just didn’t seem like the kind of person who would be capable of murder, or motivated to murder,” Tretheway said. “From all accounts, she had this beautiful, loving relationship with her husband.”

Once Crampton Brophy was arrested and went to trial, Tretheway said, “I just kind of watched it happen. When I came to this podcast, I started with this idea that, objectively, a jury has convicted her. She has been sentenced. But I allowed myself to go into this story and follow all these twists and turns and dead ends, and the way the investigators were uncovering this material. I was almost like a member of the jury myself. I had the moment where I just kind of accepted, OK, she’s been convicted. And then I had the moment of, oh, I think she did it.”

A woman with grey hair sits at an evidence stand in a courtroom

Nancy Crampton Brophy is shown during cross-examination at her trial in Portland on May 17, 2022. Dave Killen / The Oregonian

“Happily Never After: Dan and Nancy” is an example of the enduring popularity of true crime tales, which have captured audiences in news accounts, movies, TV shows, documentaries, podcasts, and more. Wondery, for example, has established a series of true crime franchise podcasts. As the press materials say, “Each original season of ‘Happily Never After’ will feature real-life bad romance stories of love gone awry and the unbelievable aftermath.”

Before she began writing romance novels and working in marketing, Tretheway was a journalist, whose career included covering everything from commercial real estate to “crime, cops, courts, etc.,” as she said.

“I think that people are really drawn to true crime because it’s like a magic trick, it is defying the reality that you know,” Tretheway said. “It’s somebody committing a crime and it being so completely off your radar, you’d never believe they were a murderer. You know, people say, ‘Oh, that’s my neighbor, he was this mild-mannered guy, he was very nice, he let me borrow a cup of sugar.’ And then you find out later this person is actually a criminal. I think it’s that defiance of the reality we believe that makes it so intriguing.”

The podcast also explores Crampton Brophy’s desire to turn her self-published novels into mainstream success. Tretheway isn’t sure whether Brophy would have killed her husband if she had realized her writing ambitions.

“She says in one of her blog posts that she thinks that every one of us has the capacity to murder, and that when pushed far enough, we all could snap,” Tretheway said. “And that’s her world view. That’s not my world view. So, maybe she always had it in her, and she was pushed far enough. I don’t know.”

The podcast also goes into the matter of whether Crampton Brophy was confusing her fiction with reality, Tretheway said.

“Did she really think thar she could orchestrate a murder in the same way that she would plot out a character who killed her husband? Did she really think that she could get away with it because she thought she was smarter than everyone, or she thought, well, if I can orchestrate this in a book, I could probably do this in real life? Those are the kinds of questions that we’re trying to answer.”

Stories by Kristi Turnquist

  • Watch: ‘CBS Sunday Morning’ explores Oregon homeless case and possible impact of upcoming Supreme Court ruling
  • As Pat Sajak prepares to exit, a look back at when ‘Wheel of Fortune’ came to Portland
  • Watch: Celine Dion opens up about health struggles, in documentary from Portland director
  • ‘MasterChef Generations’: A Portland contestant stands out in Millennial auditions

— Kristi Turnquist covers features and entertainment. Reach her at 503-221-8227, [email protected] or @Kristiturnquist

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Third Wheel

Whirlwind Romances Are Not Reserved for Thin Women

An article skeptical of the central love connection in the new season of “Bridgerton” has fans rushing to contest the idea that catching a gentleman’s eye is a size-restricted pursuit.

A man caresses the chin of a young woman

By Gina Cherelus

In the Third Wheel column, Gina Cherelus explores the delights and horrors of sex, dating and relationships.

When an opinion article published in the British weekly The Spectator last week questioned the desirability of Penelope Featherington, a character in the Netflix series “Bridgerton” played by the Irish actress Nicola Coughlan, it touched off a firestorm of objection. People rushed to criticize the claim that her pairing with Colin Bridgerton, the chiseled and handsome leading man played by Luke Newton, would never happen in real life because her character isn’t thin.

After the show’s third season debuted on Netflix this month, fans were offended by what they saw as body shaming in the piece , which bluntly stated that Ms. Coughlan is “not hot, and there’s no escaping it.” The article concluded by arguing that efforts to prioritize equality and diversity aren’t enough to “make a fat girl who wins the prince remotely plausible.”

Many pointed out that Ms. Coughlan wouldn’t even be considered fat by many — descriptors like “plump” and “curvy” came up often — but others online still echoed the same point made in the article. One Threads user wrote that she was “not used to seeing a woman like Penelope get the guy like Colin” and that it “wouldn’t have happened in real life,” which was met with a flurry of responses by plus-size women sharing images of themselves, happily coupled.

Danielle Wallace, a plus-size woman from Houston, said in a phone interview that while she wasn’t an avid watcher of the show, she had felt compelled to join the chorus of objectors under the post, as a woman happily engaged to a man who loves her.

“What one person finds attractive isn’t what everybody else finds attractive, and it seems like some people don’t understand that,” Ms. Wallace, 51, said. “Like, it’s really weird to be an adult and not understand that.”

This criticism overlooked something that has been true for many cultures and communities for a long time: Curvy women are desirable, occasionally almost to the exclusion of thinner women. The many examples of bigger women being desired does not mean that fatphobia isn’t a real issue, of course, because it is. But the claim that you cannot be both curvy and attractive is false.

Emily Ottney, a 28-year-old baker living outside Minneapolis, said that she and Penelope have similar body types — short and curvy — so that when she stumbled on this discussion, it really “rattled” her. “I’m at about, like, 170 pounds, and still being five feet tall, I still look pretty chubby,” she said, adding that her husband had helped her “get to this place where I don’t feel like I have to change.”

“Every time that I have expressed this to him, especially when I had the hardest time with it, in the beginning, he was always so reassuring that he loves me no matter what shape I’m in,” she said.

In 2017, Robbie Tripp, who became known as the “Curvy Wife Guy,” was both dragged and applauded for an Instagram love note in which he praised his wife and “her curvy body.” He wrote that he was often teased as a teen for being attracted to “girls on the thicker side.” Because of the self-congratulatory tone of the post , it wasn’t especially well received, but he was a proud straight man who liked bigger women.

Attraction to larger bodies is a fact across cultures and generations. Well before an April 2023 issue of British Vogue heralded the arrival of “The New Supers” with a cover featuring three mid- and plus-size models ; well before Meghan Trainor declared that she was “all about that bass” ; well before Sir Mix-A-Lot broke it to “the beanpole dames in the magazines” that “you ain’t it, Miss Thing”; and perhaps as far back as 28,000 B.C. (I’m looking at you, Venus ), there has always been a healthy appetite for curves. Even Kim Kardashian’s own body modifications, which helped kick off the Brazilian butt lift era of the 2010s, appeared to respond to a lust for the curvier bodies often seen on Black and brown women.

In “Bridgerton,” the show doesn’t directly point to Penelope’s body type as the reason it takes Colin so long to realize that he’s in love with her, but she is noticeably bigger than the female romantic leads seen in previous seasons of the show. Perhaps that’s the point: Beauty is subjective, and a highborn gentleman can find anyone, including a woman of her shape, beautiful. He could have been hesitant for other reasons.

Kymberli Joye, a 32-year-old gospel singer in southern New Jersey, said that seeing Penelope’s story had resonated with her because she had also experienced a fairy-tale-like romance. Being bigger most of her life, she hadn’t had many connections similar to what she saw on TV, just what had felt to her like a “relationship out of convenience.” When she began dating the man who is now her husband, in 2022, everything changed.

“It was a different kind of spark: It was romantic, and I would say it felt like a movie and I felt like the main character,” she said. “I felt like the leading lady in it. I didn’t feel like a consolation prize.”

Send your thoughts, stories and tips to [email protected] .

Gina Cherelus covers dating, relationships and sex for The Times and writes the weekly dating column Third Wheel . More about Gina Cherelus

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    Life stages are broad divisions such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, adult, midlife, and old age. The four phases of the wheel occur within these stages in an on going cyclical manner. As individuals living in the world, we are always at one of the life four positions: Happy, Loss (Descending), Suffering, or Hope (Ascending).

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    3. Metaphors and Similes: These devices help draw comparisons between two unlike things to create a deeper understanding. Metaphors make a direct comparison (e.g., "my life is a rollercoaster"), while similes use "like" or "as" (e.g., "I felt like a fish out of water"). Choose comparisons that are unique but also easy to understand. 4.

  9. Poem: "The Ferris Wheel of Life"

    Life's Ferris Wheel ride over and over again, And knowing we have GOD that guides and protects. For this we trust in faith and give thanks. Let us bear in our minds that life is full of surprises. Just keep the ride of life alive, And keep believing in ourselves. We can pass the challenges of life. Through God's grace the Ferris Wheel of ...

  10. Wheel of life Essay Example For FREE

    Wheel of life. "Wheel of Life" Life is like a wheel. Sometimes, we are in the top and sometimes if we become unfortunate, we are on the bottom. It is a never ending cycle of sorrow and Joy. I know that we all desire to be in the top of that wheel of life. But in reality, it is a wheel that will roll eventually and we all know what will be ...

  11. Life Is Like A Wheel

    That's something that I have learned so far, that life is like a wheel, it rotates. Some days you feel like you are on top of the world, like you don't need anybody's help. You feel like you are complete, like you will never need anyone's help, but no, it doesn't work like that. There is a saying that goes, "What goes around comes ...

  12. Wheel Of Life Exercise: Explanation & Examples [Coaching & Analyzing

    Step 1: Write down scores (1-10) for your current situation. Step 2: Also give figures for the desired situation. Step 3: Fill in and draw the Life Wheel. Step 4: Brainstorm how to get it more balanced. Step 5: Execution & reflection. There are several models that provide a hierarchy to the Wheel of Life. Related: also read this….

  13. Quality of Life Self Care Wheel Essay Example

    Being in recovery, I understand the importance of having balance in all the other areas of my life. Without balance, things easily become unmanageable and overwhelming which consequently makes me feel defeated. In the past I did not take care of myself like I should have; however, the more I practice self-care the more I am able to fully grasp the importance of it and see how it could have ...

  14. Wheel of Life: What It Is and How To Use It To Find Balance

    The wheel of life, also known as the "life balance wheel," "the coaching wheel" or the "life wheel," is used to assess and understand how areas in your life are currently balanced and to help achieve a work-life balance . Paul J. Meyer, one of the originators of what is now known as life coaching and the founder of the Success Motivation Institute, developed the wheel of life's ...

  15. 60 Ferris Wheel Quotes And Captions To Inspire You

    We have got you Ferris Wheel Quotes And Ferris Wheel Captions to tag your pictures perfectly On Instagram. "Enjoy the ride.". "On top of the world.". "Life is a beautiful ride.". "Oh, the places you'll go.". "It's been one blur of fun.". "This is what dreams are made of.". "Am I tall enough to ride this ride?".

  16. This I Believe In:LIVESTRONG, The Wheel Of My Life

    Throughout my life, I have been to many places and experienced many things. Family has always played an important part of my life. I have traveled to Costa Rica staying in the jungle with monkeys, and walking through the rainforest to see the biggest waterfall. I have also traveled to Hawaii, cruised to the Bahamas, and to my favorite place, Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, with clear blue ocean ...

  17. The 60 Best Stephen King Quotes

    Stephen King quotes about life. 1. "Get busy living, or get busy dying."—. Different Seasons. 2. "And in real life endings aren't always neat, whether they're happy endings, or whether ...

  18. Stephen King

    Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. The purpose of life is a life of purpose. He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. "Life is like a wheel. Sooner or later, it always..." - Stephen King quotes from BrainyQuote.com.

  19. In 'Life Is a Wheel,' Bruce Weber Bikes Across America

    One Man, Two Wheels, 4,122 Miles. A man in the grip of a midlife crisis often gets himself a new set of wheels: a Porsche or a Jaguar or a Mustang convertible. But at 57, Bruce Weber, the author ...

  20. Essay on Life Is a Journey

    The metaphor of life as a journey is a profound and timeless one. It illustrates the process of human existence, from birth to death, as a voyage filled with experiences, challenges, and learning. This metaphor encourages us to perceive life not as a destination but as a journey, where the ultimate goal is not to reach a particular endpoint, but to grow, learn, and evolve along the way.

  21. Descriptive Essay: Life is Like a Mountain (Revised)

    The book is now in my black, iKea desk in my room, never touched ever since. In life, I know there will be obstacles that I have to face, kind of like mountains. We can overcome the mountain, but it will take time. Similar to my situation, I know I can get over this, but I need time. Society may expect me to go on and talk to her but they just ...

  22. 42 'Life Is Like A' Quotes Filled With Amazing Wisdom

    9. Life is like a boxing match. Life is like a boxing match. Defeat is declared not when you fall but when you refuse to stand again. - Kristen Ashley. Life is like a boxing match, keep on throwing those punches and one of them will land. - Kevin Lane (The Shawshank Prevention) 10. Life is like a restaurant.

  23. Understanding Life in a Wheelchair

    They do not want to be talked down to. If you accidentally bump into a disabled person, just apologize. Some people are not paralyzed and have feelings in their body, arms and legs. If you pass a person with a disability, give him or her a big smile. Most of us need a smile in our direction every so often.

  24. When Is Pat Sajak's Last 'Wheel Of Fortune' Show?

    The camera then swung onto a table with five bottles of water, with a piece of paper reading "Pat's water" on it. "They just gave me enough to last the rest of the season," Pat Sajak ...

  25. My Grandma Forgot My Unusual Name Because of Dementia

    Essay by Nandini Maharaj. 2024-06-04T14:07:01Z ... I've had mixed feelings about my uncommon name my entire life. My grandma had dementia and despite me visiting her regularly, she forgot my name ...

  26. Host of new podcast based on Oregon murder case talks about the ...

    People working on the podcast initially contacted Tretheway "to get a better sense of Nancy, and the Rose City Romance writers," she said.

  27. In 'Bridgerton,' Whirlwind Romances Aren't Just for Thin Women

    An article skeptical of the central love connection in the new season of "Bridgerton" has fans rushing to contest the idea that catching a gentleman's eye is a size-restricted pursuit.