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12 Step Guide to the Hero’s Journey

12 Step Guide to the Hero’s Journey PPT Template

Every story has a hero! And every hero has a journey to achieve a goal, avert a crisis or beat incredible odds. Whether you’re a speaker looking to impress your audience with a PowerPoint presentation or someone aiming at self-improvement, the 12 Step Guide to The Hero’s Journey can help guide you towards awakening your inner hero.

What is the Hero’s Journey?

In 1871 anthropologist Edward Burnett Tylor pointed out some of the common aspects of how a hero is narrated in stories. Over the following years, there was much deliberation regarding the concept of the hero’s journey by various theorists.

Different philosophers have narrated this in various stages. A 20th-century American Professor of Literature, Joseph Campbell, gave 17 stages of the hero’s journey. Another professor, David Adams Leeming, and an American author, Phil Cousineau, gave their own version of 8 stages for the hero’s journey. More recently, author and Disney screenwriter Christopher Vogler came up with 12 stages to the hero’s journey .

The Hero´s Journey Diagram Editable PPT Template

12 Steps of the Hero’s Journey

In what is to follow, we will dig deep into the 12 steps based on Christopher Vogler’s concept of the hero’s journey. Like all steps outlined by philosopher’s in the past, these 12 steps are also divided into three acts, namely; Departure, Initiation and Return. As an example for each stage, we will narrate the concept of the hero’s journey by comparing it to the famous fairytale, Jack and the Beanstalk.

Act 1: Departure

This Act consists of 5 stages: the ordinary world, call to adventure, refusal of the call, Meeting with the mentor, and crossing the first threshold.

1. Ordinary world

This is where the hero is living an oblivious life, not realizing his true destiny and the adventure ahead. This is a safe place for the hero, as he lives through his ordinary life. If we are to take the example of Jack from the story Jack and the beanstalk, it is the stage when he is living an ordinary life with his mother. 

If you’re delivering a business presentation, an author, or even a teacher, you can use this phase to take your audience on a journey. Starting with something ordinary can be a great way to make your audience relate to the hero.

2. Call to adventure

This is the part when the hero is called to the adventure. You might have seen this happen in movies and novels in the form of a threat to the hero or his loved ones, an impending disaster that the hero learns about, or an incident that transforms the hero’s ordinary life with a sudden jolt. This is when Jack’s mother sends him to sell the cow due to the family’s financial woes, and he comes across the tempting offer to sell the cow for magical beans instead of money. 

This is the part where the audience is likely to get excited and tense at the same time, where there is a sense of mystery as to how the hero might react to the situation. 

3. Refusal of the call

Every hero has fears and doubts that hold them back, at least for a while. This is the part where the hero has doubts about his abilities. Many famous stories show the hero as demoralized and beaten down in this stage; it is the part where Jack is reluctant to sell the cow to the man offering him magical beans.

Refusal to call can be a great way to describe a success story to an audience. It can resonate with people’s fears and doubts and motivate them towards an exciting storyline that they will find motivating.

4. Meeting with the mentor

This is the part where the hero meets the mentor. In the case of Jack, it is the man who offers him magical beans for his cow. Meeting the mentor realizes one’s dreams, where the protagonist might receive an object of great importance, some advice, training, or motivation from his mentor.

When narrating a story, this is when a key character is meant to transform the life of the hero forever. In a presentation, this is the defining moment that needs to be identified and explained before an audience.

5. Crossing the threshold

This is the stage where Jack climbs the beanstalk, which appears after his mother throws the magical beans away, thinking that Jack was hoodwinked into selling the cow. At this stage, the hero is now ready to heed the call to adventure and departs on the amazing journey, completing the first act, i.e., Departure. This is usually the take-off point of any story and holds immense importance in keeping your audience intact.

Story Arc Hero´s Journey PPT Template

Act 2: Initiation

The second act consists of four vital stages, i.e. tests, allies and enemies, approach to the inmost cave, the ordeal, and finally, the reward.

6. Tests, allies and enemies

This is the part where the hero is confronted with challenges by his enemies. This is a time of trial and tribulations. The hero must decide who to trust in the wake of great obstacles and threats, testing his abilities to the bitter end. 

Many presenters also use this stage to discuss the doom and gloom they or their organization faced amidst disastrous circumstances. This is where the audience is thrown into a spin, and the hero appears struggling amidst incredible odds. This is the moment when Jack finds the giant after he reaches the castle across the beanstalk. 

7. Approach to the inmost cave

This represents a danger, confrontation with a foe, or an actual place where the hero must enter to face the true challenge. It is the call for the final battle. While entering the cave, the hero might once again face his fears and doubts, making the audience realize the hero’s plight. This is Jack’s face-off against the giant.

Many presenters use this stage to create sympathy for the protagonist’s struggle, be it a hero from an actual story, an organization that faced a crisis, or a historical figure under discussion confronted with incredible odds.

8. The ordeal

This is when the final battle occurs. When Jack must fight the giant, this is the moment of truth when the hero will be reborn through some ‘death,’ even if it is metaphorical. Facing all his fears, to achieve an incredible feat. 

For a presenter, this is the extension of the inmost cave. Where the narrative of the final battle is laid out before an audience so that they might get a grip of the true sacrifices the hero has made to achieve something extraordinary. If you can sell your ordeal to the audience, your call to action will likely be well received.

This is when the hero achieves some success. Such as when Jack acquires the giant’s harp and golden eggs and runs for home as the giant chases him. This is when the hero has achieved a major goal and now must return home!

Whether you boast about an achievement or keep it short as a presenter will depend upon the topic, the mood of your audience, and the magnitude of the success achieved. The Reward completes the second act, where the Initiation phase is completed.

Mountain Diagram Hero´s Journey PPT Template

Act 3: Return

The Return symbolizes the effect of the achievement and what lies ahead for the hero. There would be new obstacles. However, the hero now must return home, even if it is symbolic. This act has three stages, i.e., the road back, the resurrection, and return with the elixir.

10. The road back

Going back home symbolizes the hero’s return with the reward. The hero might be returned with acclaim after achieving a great feat. It is Jack after climbing down from the beanstalk. 

If you’re a presenter, the road back can be kept brief, as this is the part where your audience might be a bit tired and might be looking for a quick conclusion.

11. The resurrection

This is when the hero is reborn. The hero must face a major threat, which is often a face-off with death itself. This is the part when the giant chases Jack down the beanstalk, as Jack climbs down.

If you want to stretch out the final battle for your audience, you might want to keep some of the previous sections short during a presentation. While people read novels at a time of their convenience, the audience sitting in a hall might not be all that patient. Nonetheless, the final battle is crucial and must be played out to the satisfaction of the audience.

12. Return with the elixir

This is when the hero achieves success. Jack acquires the giant’s harp and golden eggs after defeating him by cutting the tree. In the story, the giant is never seen again, which is a reference to the giant being slain. After this stage, the hero is no longer the same. The enemy has been defeated, the challenge achieved, and death has been beaten, one way or the other. The reward is the ultimate goal of the hero that is achieved in some form. Some stories might see the hero dying in the end after achieving a goal. This might include slaying a tyrant, winning a war, or inspiring a revolution. In Jack and the Beanstalk, it is Jack living happily ever after with his mother.

Return with the elixir is the satisfaction that the audience desire, so to speak. Everyone likes a story where the protagonist achieves something great. As a presenter, you can discuss the protagonist’s success to show the audience how great the protagonist achieved a feat in the wake of hard work, sacrifice, and perseverance. Reward also concludes the final stage of the second act, and now the hero must return. 

You will require weaving in your call to action with this stage as a presenter to use the inspirational story to achieve your final goal. The same can be done by a teacher, a student during a class presentation, or someone looking to write an inspirational story with a moral at the end to inspire people with an idea.

When working with the hero´s journey

Final Words

The hero’s journey reflects myths and legends and human nature, and the human will achieve something extraordinary. If you’re someone looking to take your audience on a journey through a presentation, story, video, or even a class lecture or school presentation, you can use the 12 step guide to create a compelling story for your audience.

If you’re someone looking to use the hero’s journey as a guide for self-improvement, you can also use this as a guide as to what phase of your life was the most impactful, what decisions you made, and how you might improve your decision making.

Finally, if you´re looking into the hero´s journey because you are creating content for marketing purposes, or even defining storyboards to understand users better in tech products, hopefully this article will have been helpful for you.

1. Hero’s Journey Diagram for PowerPoint

presentation on my hero

When creating or understanding a character, the Hero´s Journey Diagram is a fantastic way to map out the different stages of the journey. This diagram is great, not only for fantasy characters but also to use a metaphor in real-life situations. 

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/my-hero-essay-examples/

"77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/my-hero-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/my-hero-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/my-hero-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/my-hero-essay-examples/.

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Listen to the speakers talking about their heroes and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.


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My hero isn’t very famous, but she ought to be. She’s Mary Anning, who was only 12 years old and from a poor family when she made an amazing discovery. She found the first dinosaur skeleton, that of an ichthyosaur, on the cliffs of Lyme Regis in the south of England. That was in 1811, and until then people had thought that it was impossible for an animal to become extinct. Because she was a woman and didn’t have enough money for a proper education, she wasn’t able to take part properly in the scientific community of the time. But she read as much scientific literature as she could and continued to search for fossils, often risking her own life to get them by climbing dangerous cliffs. She once nearly died in a landslide which killed her dog. Although she didn’t write famous books about fossils, her contribution to palaeontology, the study of fossils, is said to be enormous. I admire her because she kept on trying to make new discoveries at a time when usually only men, and men with money, were allowed to be scientists. After her death the writer Charles Dickens said that ‘the carpenter’s daughter has won a name for herself, and has deserved to win it’.

My hero is Kailash Satyarthi, who has been campaigning against child slavery for years. He is from India and first became aware of the problem of children working when he was 6 and noticed that a boy younger than himself had to spend all day polishing shoes and was unable to go to school. When he was 11, he began to collect money to help buy textbooks for other children, and when he was 26 he gave up his job as an electrical engineer to fight child slavery in India, by doing things like raiding factories where children were forced to work, making rugs or glass bottles. He introduced a programme first called RugMark, now known as Goodweave, which puts tags on child-labour-free rugs made in factories. He has saved many thousands of children, over 80,000, from a terrible life of enforced labour in South Asia and helped them to get an education. He has often been physically attacked for helping children, for example for trying to free Nepalese children forced to work in a circus. He regularly risks his life to fight injustice; two of his colleagues have been murdered. I believe that the best thing he has done is to change how people think about child slavery and to make it an international issue.

I’m really interested in ecology and my hero, or heroine, is Rachel Carson because she first got people thinking about the way we humans are causing permanent damage to the Earth’s ecosystems. She began as a biologist, specialising in writing about the sea, but she gradually became aware of the danger of  using pesticides like DDT and the way they can harm the whole of the food chain, from the worm to humans! She wrote her classic book Silent Spring in 1962 to explain this to the general public, to explain how humans and nature are interdependent. The title of Silent Spring refers to the fact that one day all the birds might be dead so they won’t be able to sing in the springtime. The agricultural and chemical industries reacted very badly to the book and said she was unprofessional. But further research by other scientists proved that she was right about the dangers of chemicals used to kill insects. Nowadays there is a growing movement for organic food production, but unfortunately things in general are still getting worse, rather than better. We still need to read Rachel Carson’s book and think about its message.

My choice of hero isn’t very original, I’m afraid, but he’s the person I would most like to have met: John Lennon. He died a long time before I was born, and his most famous songs were written long before that, but when I listen to his music I really feel as if he’s speaking to me personally. I love the whole range of the Beatles’ music, from the early pop songs to the very experimental music at the end of their time as a group. John Lennon was the most innovative writer in the Beatles and he continued to create exciting music when he left and went solo. But although I love his music, what I admire about him is his dedication to universal peace. It’s amazing that the song Imagine, written in 1971, is still incredibly popular after all this time. It’s about a world where everyone can be equal, a world with no wars, no divisions between countries, no greed, no hunger, no material possessions ...  I’d like to meet him because he was a lifelong rebel, and although he could be a difficult person, he was original, clever and funny. It was awful that he was killed in 1980 when he was only 40. I wonder what he would be doing if he was alive now.

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Which of the heroes described in the listening were you most interested in? Why? Do you have a hero of your own? Tell us about them!

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My Hero Academia Wiki

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Hizashi Yamada

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The great hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said... 'True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life.' Plus Ultra!! Break a leg, everyone!! Hizashi Yamada to the U.A. Entrance Exam participants in "Entrance Exam"

Hizashi Yamada [1] ( 山 ( やま ) 田 ( だ ) ひざし , Yamada Hizashi ? ) , also known as Voice Hero: Present Mic ( プレゼント・マイク , Purezento Maiku ? ) , [2] is a Pro Hero who's an English teacher at U.A. High School .

  • 1.1 Gallery
  • 2 Personality
  • 3.2 Ultimate Moves
  • 4 Equipment
  • 5 Battles & Events
  • 6 Chapter Appearances
  • 7 Anime Appearances
  • 8 Vigilantes Chapter Appearances
  • 11 References
  • 12 Site Navigation

Hizashi is a tall, slim man with long blond hair, which he wears spiked upwards in a large tuft behind his head, and a small brown mustache. He has rectangular eyes with concentric pupils and greenish-yellow irises (red in the manga), he is almost always seen with a large smile on his face, and is almost never drawn with nostrils.

His hero costume consists of a black jacket with a very tall collar, upturned and complete with studs, and matching black pants and knee-high boots. He sports tan shoulder pads and a red belt and elbow pads, all studded, and black fingerless gloves. His neck is always obscured by a directional speaker which he uses with his Quirk . He always wears a pair of headphones with the word "HAGE" written on the headband and a pair of orange-tinted shades.

His hero costume when he was a second-year student is similar to the current one, although it lacked the shoulder pads and the directional speaker. Hizashi carried megaphones attached to his wrists that he used to boost his Quirk. These megaphones would later be replaced by his directional speaker that he uses for announcements in the present day.

Hizashi's costume in the manga.


Present Mic is the main commentator for U.A

Hizashi providing commentary for the U.A. Sports Festival.

Hizashi maintains the eccentric persona of a radio host. He often poses when he talks and maintains a certain level of excitement or volume, regardless of the situation. His attitude made Kyoka Jiro mistake him for a simple announcer, rather than an actual Pro Hero. [3]

When in front of a crowd of people, he often attempts to bring his audience up to his level by getting them involved (he sometimes refers to them as his 'listeners', even while on a live stage). He will continue to act this way regardless of the crowds' response. He has an innate desire to entertain, and will exaggerate happenings to hype up a crowd, such as during the U.A. Sports Festival , [4] or volunteer to commentate rather than sitting through a boring event, such as during the remedial hero license training. [5]

Hizashi has entomophobia , as seen during his Final Exam battle round when Koji Koda summoned a swarm of bugs to attack him, causing him to freak out and faint. Because of this, he admits to preferring urban areas over forested ones.

Though he tends to be a jovial individual, Hizashi is capable of great rage as demonstrated by his reaction to discovering that Kurogiri is a Nomu created from the corpse of his late friend, Oboro Shirakumo and his confrontation with the man responsible, Kyudai Garaki . He expressed further grief and outrage over how the doctor's scientific gifts and knowledge could have helped humanity, but that he instead chose to use them for evil. Much later, he angrily punched the man for what he did to his friend. [6] [7]

Keen Intellect : Hizashi was the first of the teachers to point out the possibility of a traitor in U.A., even stating his reasons for why this would be the case. His deduction proved to be correct after it is revealed that one of the students was the spy for All For One and leaked intel to him. [8]

Bilingualism : Hizashi is an English teacher at a Japanese school, which implies that he is fluent in both languages.

Hizashi's super loud scream.

Voice ( ヴォイス , Voisu ? ) : Hizashi's Quirk allows him to increase the volume of his voice, giving him an ability that is similar to a sonic scream. The sound from Hizashi's Quirk is strong enough to cause people's ears to bleed from far away.

The only known weakness of this Quirk is that the loud sounds do not travel well underground, making this Quirk ineffective against anything that is underground or separated from him by layers of earth.

Ultimate Moves

  • Loud Voice ( ラウドヴォイス , Raudovoisu ? ) : Hizashi raises his voice to higher levels and releases a shockwave strong enough to shatter glass and blowback anything in his way.
  • DJ Punch ( D ( ディー ) ・ J ( ジェイ ) パンチ , Dī Jei Panchi ? ) : Hizashi throws a strong right hook punch at his opponent.
  • Loud-Out Shout ( ラウドアウトシャウト , Raudoauto Shauto ? ) : Hizashi releases a shockwave of sound to attack a group of targets.
  • Ultra Archive
  • Ultra Analysis

Directional Speaker System : Hizashi has a device around his neck that allows him to aim his amplified voice in a specific direction.

High Density Weights ( Final Exams Arc ): Present Mic and the rest of the teachers use these bracelets to give themselves a handicap while they are fighting their students.

Battles & Events

Chapter appearances, anime appearances, vigilantes chapter appearances.

  • Present Mic's real name, Hizashi Yamada, is based on a Japanese radio personality Yamada Hisashi (やまだひさし or 山田ひさし), the host of "Hisashi Yamada's Radi-Unlimited" in TOKYO FM.
  • Hizashi likes radio and TV.
  • Hizashi's favorite food is fried chicken. [9]
  • The word "HAGE" on his headphones means "Baldness" in Japanese, which may be a nod back to his original design as an old man.
  • Hizashi has a radio show called "Put Your Hands Up Radio" where he broadcasts nonstop music every Friday night.
  • Hizashi is entomophobic .
  • When it came to his Quirk, it was instead Shota who provided the explanation.
  • Ranked 36th in the First Popularity Poll.
  • Ranked 17th in the Second Popularity Poll.
  • Ranked 16th in the Third Popularity Poll
  • Ranked 14th in the Fourth Popularity Poll.
  • Ranked 21st in the Fifth Popularity Poll.
  • Ranked 11th in the Sixth Popularity Poll.
  • Ranked 8th in the Seventh Popularity Poll.
  • Hizashi's first English voice actor, Sonny Strait, also voices Rikiya Yotsubashi .
  • (To the U.A. Entrance Exam participants) "The great hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said... 'True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life.' Plus Ultra!! Break a leg, everyone!!" [10]
  • ↑ My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 10 , Omake
  • ↑ My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 4 .
  • ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 61 and Episode 34 .
  • ↑ My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 21 .
  • ↑ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 164 and Episode 79 .
  • ↑ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 260 .
  • ↑ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 269 .
  • ↑ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 336 .
  • ↑ My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 60 .
  • ↑ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 3 (p. 9).

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  • 1 List of Characters
  • 2 Tomura Shigaraki
  • 3 Izuku Midoriya

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"the greatest hero": my hero academia reveals the meaning of its premise, & it's just perfect.


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My Hero Academia's Final Arc Proves Deku's Biggest Strength isn't One for All

The "my hero academia effect": cringe culture and its impact on anime, my hero academia's ending explained why its big villain is actually a hero.

Warning: Contains spoilers for chapter #422 of My Hero Academia.

  • Deku's strength lies in his heroic heart, kindness, and ability to inspire others.
  • Deku's journey has come full circle, demonstrating that anyone can be a great hero, even without a quirk.
  • My Hero Academia is returning to its original premise, emphasizing the importance of unity in hero society.

My Hero Academia has finally revealed the meaning of its premise, circling back to the beginning of the series and Deku's origins in the best possible way. Ever since the first chapter, My Hero Academia 's central premise has been about Deku becoming a great hero, and over the course of the series, this seemingly simple concept has been re-interpreted in multiple ways. That said, the latest chapter finally makes it clear what exactly makes Deku the greatest hero, and it's a quality he's had from the very start.

In chapter #422 of My Hero Academia , All for One observes Class 1-A's conviction and refusal to give up despite being clearly outmatched and realizes that it is Deku who motivates the young heroes to do their best. All For One notes that Deku's weakness that inspires others , which was a quality that even All Might lacked due to the perfect facade he put up as the Symbol of Peace.

Fittingly, at that very moment, All Might recalls his first meeting with Deku and his lack of hesitation against the sludge villain, which inspired All Might to move as well, thus becoming the greatest hero to All Might ever since that day. As such, though Deku describes his journey as the story of how he became a great hero, chapter #422 makes it clear that Deku's strong resolve despite his weakness and his ability to inspire others has made him the greatest hero from the very start.

While One For All has been a great help to Deku during his Hero journey, his real strength is his heroic heart and overwhelming kindness.

My Hero Academia Circles Back to its Central Premise

Deku has always been the greatest hero.

When Midoriya began his journey, he was a weak, quirkless pariah ridiculed by even his peers. Deku had no place in quirk society, and all he had was a dream he refused to give up on. Despite his helplessness, Deku stood up to bullies and even dove right into danger to save Bakugo. Deku's journey seemed to begin when he received One For All, which finally gave him the chance to fulfill his dream of becoming a hero. However, Deku now has the chance to fulfill his dream of becoming a great hero without a quirk , just as My Hero Academia 's premise originally promised .

For the longest time, fans believed that Deku would acquire fame and prestige by defeating All For One, possibly taking All Might's place as the symbol of peace. However, as the series gradually went on to prove, the Symbol of Peace caused more harm than good to hero society which was already ridden with problems. Instead, what the world needed was an inspiration like Deku , who isn't afraid to rely on others and always strives to do his best, regardless of how strong his opponent is or how his powers measure up in comparison. As All For One points out in chapter #422, as long as Deku keeps moving forward, the other heroes' resolve to keep trying will also stay firm.

Deku promotes the simple idea that anyone can be a hero.

Deku promotes the simple idea that anyone can be a hero, even in a world where people are not created equally. As stated in the opening pages of My Hero Academia , Deku was forced to accept this bitter truth at a very young age. However, Deku's entire journey, from the moment he rushed to fight the sludge villain, proves that all it takes to be a hero is a willingness to step forward and help . Deku has possessed this very quality from the very start and thus never needed One For All to become the greatest hero.

The latest chapters have also proved that Deku cannot defeat All For One by himself and that hero society needs to work together rather than hide behind one hero . Had Class 1-A not arrived at the scene, Deku, who at that point was on death's doorstep after losing his arms, would have had no way of defeating All For One, even with the remaining embers of One For All. Each of Class 1-A's abilities contribute to the effort against All for One in different ways, regardless of the clear difference in strength between their quirks.

Deku's Character Arc Has Come Full Circle

Although Midoriya was ridiculed for being quirkless and useless, the latest chapter sees Midoriya's character and even his signature nickname coming full circle. Though Deku was initially a derogatory nickname, it was Ochaco who rebranded it to mean "do your best" and the latest chapter also calls back to this moment in the best way possible. Chapter #422 is full of people cheering not only for Deku but also for the other heroes on the battlefield with the very same phrase, almost as though they are indirectly chanting Deku's name.

While Deku may be just as powerless as he was at the beginning of the series, he is no longer useless as his nickname previously implied. Deku has lived up to Ochaco's interpretation of his hero name, which in of itself has become something that inspires heroes all around to band together and risk their lives alongside him.

As such, even though Deku is once again quirkless , this time he has the support of everyone around him, including the many civilians whose lives he has touched. No matter who it is that lands the final blow on All For One, Deku will be forever known for his bravery, for risking his life to save Shigaraki despite how he had wronged him, much like Bakugo had.

Overall, the latest chapter proves that My Hero Academia 's story is indeed finally winding up to an end. Though it may be a while until All For One is finally defeated, the upcoming chapters are sure to be a roller coaster of emotions. If anything, the beautifully executed callback to Deku's roots and the series' return to its original premise demonstrates the beauty of Kohei Horikoshi's storytelling, which never fails to be evocative and will surely deliver a fitting end to My Hero Academia 's story.

My Hero Academia is available from Manga Plus and Viz Media.

My Hero Academia (2016)

In My Hero Academia, some humans have superpowers called quirks. Izuku Midoriya, nicknamed Deku, is not one of them. Deku has always idolized heroes like the number one hero, All Might, and since he was a child, he has always wanted to be a hero. However, his lack of a quirk has always held him back, but a chance encounter with All Might after discovering a classmate in danger sets Deku on the path to becoming a true hero. My Hero Academia centers around Deku and a class of heroes-in-training at UA. This school shapes young quirk users into future heroes through fake rescue missions, combat training, and other hero-tempering tasks. With young Deku inheriting the "One-For-All" quirk, he will learn what it means to be a true hero while facing off with dastardly supervillains.

  • My Hero Academia

my hero

Aug 02, 2014

280 likes | 2.08k Views

My Hero. By Mallory. Some of my hero’s traits. My hero is kind , honest, loving , and devoted. The way she shows this is .When my mom is in need of help she is always willing to help how ever she can. How I Know this person . She is my grandma. A hero is .

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  • very flattered
  • always willing
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  • child dream


Presentation Transcript

My Hero By Mallory

Some of my hero’s traits • My hero is kind , honest, loving , and devoted. The way she shows this is .When my mom is in need of help she is always willing to help how ever she can. • How I Know this person . She is my grandma.

A hero is • It is some body who inspires you. Someone that encourages you. • The person who has the most impact to her life. Her mother.

Events in American History • Man first walked on the moon . And President John F. Kennedy. She went to school at . Highland Park elementary, JR. high F. Ben Pievce, she also went to Texas High School.

As a child her dream job was • To be a secretary. • Know that I have chose you as my hero how do you feel? Very flattered and honered.

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My Dad's a Superhero

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"My Dad's a Superhero" is a playful and engaging PowerPoint and Google Slides presentation that your child will absolutely adore. Celebrating the everyday hero in their life, this affectionate and modern design brings out the fun side of storytelling. It includes quirky graphics and animations that make your stories come alive. With this presentation, children can illustrate why they believe their dad is a superhero. Easy-to-edit slides allow for a highly personalized experience. Create memorable moments reflecting on heroic deeds and paternal love with this delightful template.

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  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
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