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15 Ways to Develop Better YouTube Presentation Skills

15 Ways To Develop Better YouTube Presentation Skills

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In this article I’ll show you how to can improve your YouTube presentation skills.

In fact, I’m sharing 15 tips that have helped over 580 of my real-world clients and thousands of my online students. Enabling them to speak with confidence and clarity when previously they thought, “ I can’t speak on camera “.

Almost all these tips will cost you nothing. But when you apply them, they will bring you actual results.

So, let’s get started.

The most common reason for people not making videos is that they are nervous about turning the camera on themselves. It’s a frequent problem. And it’s easy to convince yourself that you can’t speak on camera.

That’s why I have 15 strategies to calm your anxiety in front of the lens to improve your YouTube presentation skills. At the end of the article, I also have a video that features many of the video presentation tips I will be talking about.

In a Hurry? Click on any of the items in the following list to go directly to that tip.

  • Be prepared and know your subject .
  • Use a teleprompter .
  • Keep things as normal and familiar as possible.
  • Slow down. Don’t rush to try to get to the end quickly.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise immediately before filming.
  • Do one or two stretches and warm-up exercises to loosen up your shoulder and neck muscles.
  • Don’t worry about being judged. Ignore haters and embrace your fans.
  • Imagine that you are speaking to a friend who is behind the camera.
  • Use the chocolate bar method of filming. Record one chunk at a time and you’ll soon finish it all .
  • Practice and familiarize yourself with the script before recording.
  • Don’t try to be a TV presenter, just be yourself.
  • Make changes to the script to make it your own.
  • Comfortable clothing will help make you feel less awkward.
  • Get a friend to join you in front of the camera.
  • Accept that you don’t need to be perfect.  

Table of Contents

1. Be prepared and know your subject

15 Ways To Develop Better YouTube Presentation Skills - Practice, practice, practice. This is an important thing to do if you want to develop great Youtube presentation skills

The first and the most important tip of all is to know your stuff.

If it is your area of expertise, you may not need to do as much preparation. But if the topic is less familiar to you, make sure you brush up on the subject so that you can speak confidently and not worry that you can’t speak on camera.

Whether you are an expert in the field or a relative novice, always prepare a bullet list of what you want to say.

It does not always have to be a written list; it could just be a mental note to yourself. But I prefer to work with a physical list placed close to the camera lens.

Opens in a new tab.

The bullet list is a kind of security blanket, allowing you to calm your presentation nerves. You will know that you will cover all the necessary points and in the correct order.

The list assures you that the structure of the video is as you intended rather than in the order you remembered the points.

Knowing that you are on top of your subject matter and properly prepared will give you confidence in front of the camera.

If instead, you are unprepared and you know you are going to have to fill your video with fluff and repetition, subconsciously that will make you feel uncomfortable and nervous.

So, prepare, know your stuff, and give your viewer value with the quality of your content. Adopting that approach will help calm your nerves in front of the camera. This really will help you with your YouTube presentation skills

2. Use a teleprompter

A written script is a step up from a bullet list. It is a huge help if you find it difficult to speak unprompted or if you need to use precise technical words or phrases.

It can be stressful trying to remember your lines, but a teleprompter makes the process a lot easier.

You could go down the route of getting a professional teleprompter with a beam splitter, but it really isn’t necessary.

Provided you have at least 6.5ft (2m) between you and the camera, you can use a teleprompter app on an iPad.

Place the iPad next to or above the camera lens and at 6ft or more. At that distance, no one will notice you’re not looking directly into the lens.

Download a teleprompter app that is either voice-activated or has a remote control. This will ensure you will be less stressed.

With this kind of teleprompter, you won’t have to worry about keeping up or running out of words.

If you feel you can’t speak on camera, getting a teleprompter will go a long way to change your mind.

3. Keep things as normal as possible

Making videos may be a whole new world to you. But if you can keep things as normal as possible, you’ll find it a whole lot less stressful.

In other words, rather than stepping into an alien world of video production, try and bring video into your world.

Shoot your video in your office or lounge.

If possible, avoid lots of fancy lights that can be distracting and off-putting.

Choose clothing and makeup that you would normally wear. It will help normalize the situation.

Little things can make you feel a lot more comfortable. So, take time to incorporate them into your preparation for the shoot if you want to up your YouTube presentation skills.

4. Slow down

presentation on youtube app

One huge giveaway that you’re nervous is speaking quickly, or at least quicker than normal.

Behind the break-neck pace is the thought that the quicker you go, the sooner you’ll be finished.

The faster you got, the more likely you will stumble over your own words.

So don’t do it.

Keeping the pace relaxed will make it easier for you to get the script right. Plus, your audience will also find it easier to follow what you’re saying.

So, before you start, close your eyes, and take a couple of deep breaths. Now open your eyes and look up into the lens of the camera. You’ll be more relaxed and can start speaking calmly and at a measured pace.

5. Don’t overexert yourself before filming

presentation on youtube app

If you’re still worried that you can’t speak on camera, my fourth tip is not to overexert yourself just before filming.

Your pulse rate, respiration, and perspiration will be elevated after strenuous exercise. None of which will help you relax.

You’ll be conscious of heavy breathing, being flushed and perspiring and you won’t be able to appear calm in front of the camera.

If you are in that state take a few minutes to relax, cool down, and get yourself looking good.

Only then should you roll the camera.

6. Do a few warm-up exercises

Strenuous exercise is out of the question, but you can do some light warm-up exercises.

A few stretches will help you relax.

Rotate your shoulders and neck to loosen up.

Then try some breathing exercises. Close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly, concentrating on the rise and fall. Don’t try rapid breathing, you’re not trying to hyperventilate.

7. Don’t worry about being judged

You may be getting anxious because you think your viewers will judge you. I would like to say that they won’t, but they will.

The way you look, sound and dress will be noticed. It’s going to happen whatever you do, and there’s nothing you can do about it. So, if you can’t do anything to prevent it, don’t even worry about it. Just try and get over it.

Most of your viewers are not going to be judgemental. They’re watching because they want to hear what you have to say, whether it’s to learn from you or be entertained by you.

So, if someone makes a negative comment, don’t get anxious.

You’re never going to please everyone.

Develop a thick skin and accept that some people will hate you. Then embrace the viewers who love you because they WILL want to hear from you.

You will never please everyone, so don’t try. If you do, try to please everyone you’ll become bland and boring. You’ll no longer be the remarkable voice that you are.

So, chill. Relax. Be yourself. Your fans will love you for it.

8. Imagine you’re speaking to a friend

I’ll admit it. When I first had to speak at a seminar it was a little bit daunting.

So, I can understand that the thought of speaking to a large video audience can be scary.

Instead of thinking that you’re talking to a huge video audience, imagine you’re speaking to an individual behind the camera.

Better still. Imagine the individual is a friend, and you’re explaining something.

That’s a much less stressful situation than imagining you are talking to a huge crowd. After all, you have conversations every day without getting stressed. So, you CAN do it in front of a camera.

The truth is that it’s easier than real-world conversations. If you make a mistake in front of the camera you can stop and start again.

9. Use the chocolate bar method of filming

The more complicated you make the video shoot the more worried you will become.

So keep it super simple.

For instance, don’t give yourself too much to remember, whether that be what you have to say or do.

This especially applies to your first few videos where you are just learning how to do the basics.

Your video is likely to be at least a minute or two long. That can seem like forever and intimidate you into not starting.

But what if your video was just 10sec long?

I bet you could manage to record something as short as 10sec.

Now, if you can do a 10sec video, you can do a minute, five-minute, or ten-minute video. Moreover, it wouldn’t be any more stressful than doing a short 10sec video.

I know. You’re thinking, how’s that possible ?

It’s quite simple and relies on the fact that viewers, unlike traditional video professionals, don’t care about jump cuts. That’s where you seem to shift position between lines.

So, break up your script into short 5 or 10sec sections, that’s about 12 – 25 words respectively. Then record your video one section at a time or one chunk at a time.

You’ll feel a lot less anxious knowing there are just one or two lines to record at a time. That removes the pressure of thinking you must get to the end of a long script and be word perfect.

Record your script as short paragraphs or even phrases.

I call it the Chocolate Bar method of filmmaking.

You bite off one chunk at a time and you’ll get it all finished in no time.

When you come to edit your footage just cut the sections together.

Sure, there will be small jumps in your position, but your audience won’t care. It’s your amazing content they want, not Hollywood production values.

Record in short chunks and relax. It’s just like eating chocolate.

10. Practice and familiarize yourself with the script

We worry if the future is uncertain but feel happy and relaxed if we know what’s coming next. It’s the same when you’re presenting your videos.

Because you’re unsure of what’s coming up that gets you anxious. The greater your anxiety the more likely you’ll make a mistake and convince yourself that you can’t present your YouTube video.

The obvious answer is to read your script in advance.

Don’t read it in your head, read it aloud. You’ll understand where you need to slow down, where to add emphasis and what you need to stress.

You’re not trying to learn your lines; you just need to know what to anticipate. Consequently, you will feel more relaxed and present the script, so it sounds more natural.

Having had a practice, you will feel much more confident when the camera starts to roll.

11. Just be yourself

You’re not a TV presenter, so don’t try and be a fake one.

Some of your audience may even know you and think it’s weird if you put on a completely different persona.

Pretending to be someone you are not takes acting skill. Unless you’re an actor make it as easy for yourself as possible.

Just be yourself.

You know how to do that, so you’ll find presenting is much easier and you’ll be less awkward in front of the camera.

12. Mark up the script and make it your own

Make the script your own, especially if someone else has written it for you.

This is a YouTube presentation skill that’s about reading someone else’s words making them your own.

Adjust the words and phrasing so it sounds natural to you.

Speaking in ‘your own voice’ will seem easier and be more comfortable while presenting to camera.

Don’t include words that you wouldn’t normally use. It won’t sound like you and you’ll feel awkward and uncomfortable speaking that way.

So, make slight changes to the script to keep your performance natural and real.

13. Comfortable clothing with make you feel less awkward

This is one of those YouTube presentation skills that’s about making sure you feel comfortable.

Choose clothing that you feel comfortable in. Clothing that makes you feel good and confident.

If you feel awkward wearing a jacket collar and tie, that will show through, and you’ll appear awkward on-screen.

So, wear what you feel comfortable in to help dispel your anxiety.

14. Get a friend to help boost your YouTube presentation skills

You’ve probably heard the saying, ‘there’s strength in numbers’. Well, it can apply to your performance in front of the camera.

If feeling nervous about filming is a problem, remember that a problem shared is a problem halved.

What’s that?

Invite a friend to join you in the video. Do the video with a co-presenter or even as an interview.

If you decide to work with a co-presenter, it’s easy to get out of situations when you feel yourself drying up. If you feel stuck for what to say next, hand over to your partner. Do it in a natural way rather than just stopping though .

You could ask them for their opinion about what you just said or ask them if they have anything to add. There are many ways of handing over to your co-presenter. You could even ask them what’s coming up next.

Just like a script or cue cards are a safety net for you, having a co-presenter can work in the same way. If necessary, they ca n pick up the narrative while you get a chance to consider what to say next.

With a co-presenter, you don’t have to work to a fixed script.

The video could be recorded as a kind of conversation between the two of you. Each of you contributing your opinions on the topic you’re covering.

Or you could get your friend to interview you. Whether it’s a conversation or interview it will be easy to talk or answer questions because you know your subject.

Another advantage of working with someone else is that if either of you starts to ramble, the other is there to bring the conversation back to the topic of the piece and drive the video forward.

You will also potentially come up with more ideas for videos and how to do them if you work with another presenter. You can bounce ideas off each other and constructively criticize each other. It’s a fast track to boosting those YouTube presentation skills.

15. Accept that you’re not perfect

Finally, my fifteenth tip to improve your YouTube presentations skills is to allow yourself to be imperfect. Allow yourself to make mistakes.

By accepting that you don’t have to be perfect, you will make fewer mistakes. It may sound strange, but the acceptance of imperfection lifts a huge burden from your shoulders. You can then get on with presenting the video without it turning into a terrifying experience.

If you insist on getting everything right, you will keep stopping and become frustrated by every tiny mistake. In the past I even found myself stopping mid-sentence because in my head I thought I was about to make a mistake.

Incidentally, what you think is a mistake will often go unnoticed by your audience. As creators, we care about every detail. But the audience is not as critical as us. Furthermore, they aren’t looking for your mistakes. What they really want is your content, that’s what matters to them.

So just do your best, ignore any stumbles, and keep going. Knowing you can carry on will keep you calm, relaxed, and more productive. Being natural and real will be easier for you and your viewers will appreciate it.

Watch my video to help with YouTube presentation skills

As I mentioned at the start of the article, I’ve also recorded a video about improving your YouTube presentation skills and calming your presentation nerves.

presentation on youtube app

Tosh Lubek runs an audio and video production business in the UK and has been using the Canon EOS R since it was released in the Autumn of 2018 and the Canon EOS R6 in 2020. He has used both cameras to shoot TV commercials broadcast on Sky TV, promotional business videos, videos of events and functions, and YouTube creator content. He has also won several international awards for his advertising and promotional work. You can meet him by visiting his “video booth” at HashTag Business Events across the country.

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How to Upload a PowerPoint to YouTube: Step-by-Step Guide

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Have you ever wondered how to upload a PowerPoint to YouTube? That’s a fairly common question among many Microsoft PowerPoint users.

After creating a PowerPoint presentation, you may want to share it on YouTube to reach a greater audience.

Unfortunately, YouTube can only accept video files.  A PowerPoint presentation may have video and audio elements embedded in it, but it is still not a video file.

You need to convert your presentation to a video file to upload it to YouTube. This tutorial will show you exactly how to do that.

How to Upload a PowerPoint to YouTube Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create Your PowerPoint Presentation

Create your PowerPoint presentation as you normally would. However, keep in mind that you won’t be doing a live presentation, so try to include everything you need to make a great video, including audio clips.

Your audio could be music, sound bites, a narration (your voice recordings), or a combination of all these. Make sure to use them meaningfully.

Here is how to add audio to your presentation:

1. Click the Insert tab on the ribbon

2. Click Audio from my PC

Browse through the audio files on your computer and select the one you want to add to your presentation.

3. Click the Insert button to add the file

Step 2: Convert Your Presentation to a Video

This next step on how to upload a PowerPoint to YouTube is crucial because you can’t share your file on the widely accessible video platform without converting it to a video format.

Here’s how to convert your presentation to a video.

1. Click the File tab on the PowerPoint (2010 version or later)

MS PowerPoint File Option

2. Click the Export tab

3. Click Create a Video from the list of options

MS PowerPoint Create a Video

You can tweak some of the settings, including slide durations, video resolution, and narrations.

You can leave the resolution to full HD if you don’t know what to select. Simply let YouTube handle the file compression.

You can simply set how long you want each slide to display, especially if your presentation doesn’t have recorded narrations and timings. For example, you can set individual slides to show for 15 seconds.

4. Next, click the Create Video box below the settings

5. Click Save on the next dialog box to export your presentation in video format

Your PowerPoint presentation is now ready for YouTube.

Step 3: Upload to YouTube

Now that you’ve converted your presentation to a video, it’s time to upload it to YouTube. Here’s how to do that:

1. Sign in to your YouTube account or click the app on your mobile device

2. Click the Create icon on the top right corner of the window

3. Click Upload video

YouTube Upload Option

On a mobile device, tap the circled plus sign at the center bottom of the screen and tap Upload a video .

4. Locate the PowerPoint video file and click Open

You may be asked to create a YouTube channel if you don’t already have one. You can rename the file, write a description, set the privacy, and apply other settings when the upload is complete.

Tips to Make Your Video Better

Although your presentation will be viewed on YouTube, you still need to remember a few simple tips for a great video.

  • Keep the visuals as simple as they can be; presentations generally work best that way. You don’t want to clutter the entire screen. Instead, allow a few empty spaces on each slide for improved readability
  • Highlight only the most essential facts. Your audience should not have to endure a long list of bullet points. Remember that you are presenting, not writing a book
  • Make use of themes or templates to give your presentation a uniform feel. You might mar an otherwise good presentation unless you are an expert with lots of experience creating eye-catching yet appealing presentations
  • Use audios, effects, and transitions in meaningful ways. You want to engage your audience, but at the same time, you don’t want to appear cheesy

Why You Should Share Your PowerPoint Presentation on YouTube

Learning how to upload a PowerPoint to YouTube gives you the advantage of reaching a wider audience, whether or not they have a presentation program on their computers.

While Microsoft PowerPoint is a fairly popular presentation program, not everyone has ready access to it. Some of your clients, co-workers, students, or friends may not have the software on their computers. Others may have it (or some other similar application) but don’t know how to use it.

However, just about anyone can access YouTube from a computer, smartphone, or other mobile devices. It’s as simple as searching for your video on the platform and clicking play – no downloads or any other technical know-how required.

Closely related to this is that users don’t even need a computer to view your presentation. Not many mobile devices have a PowerPoint program, but they can all play videos, whether it’s an iPod, iPhone, or mobile phone.

Also, you don’t have to worry about specific PowerPoint versions. Usually, presentations in one version of PowerPoint might not work too well on another. A video eliminates all that worry. Users can even view the presentation on a DVD player by downloading it to disk.

You can easily embed the video in your blog or on any web page. Video files have better web support than presentation formats.

In a nutshell, more people can access your PowerPoint presentation if you share it on YouTube.  You can copy and share the link to your video to make it easy for people to watch it.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, you now know how to upload a PowerPoint to YouTube. Don’t worry if your video presentation doesn’t come out as you expected at first. You can also tweak things around until you get exactly what you want. The key is to experiment with the settings during the conversion process.

You can reach more people you can ever imagine with a YouTube presentation. Remember to set proper metadata (or description) so that people can easily find your video on YouTube.

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Jamie Keet is a Technology Instructional Coach with a deep-rooted passion for educational technology. With a background that combines a marketing diploma, a degree in management, and a master's in educational technology, Jamie has spent the last 25 years in education, working across all grades and adult learning. His experience in the classroom has shaped his approach to tech education, focusing on making technology accessible and engaging for everyone.

Jamie's goal is simple: to help users feel confident and successful with technology, encouraging them to explore and learn on their own. He believes in breaking down the barriers that prevent people from getting started with technology, whether they're students in a classroom or individuals looking to improve their tech skills.

Outside of his professional work, Jamie enjoys keeping up with the latest tech trends and finding new ways to incorporate them into his teaching. His approach is all about simplicity, clarity, and making technology fun and accessible for all.

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The best presentation software

These powerpoint alternatives go beyond the basics..

Hero image with logos of the best presentation software

The latest presentation apps have made it easier than ever to format slides and create professional-looking slideshows without giving off a "this is a template" vibe. Even standard PowerPoint alternatives have updated key features to make it easier than ever to collaborate and create presentations quickly, so you can spend more time prepping for your actual presentation.

If, like me, you've been using Google Slides unquestioningly for years, it's a whole new world out there. The newest crop of online presentation tools go way beyond the classic slideshow experience, with new features to keep your audience's attention, streamline the creation process with AI, and turn slide decks into videos and interactive conversations.

I've been testing these apps for the past few years, and this time, I spent several days tinkering with the top presentation software solutions out there to bring you the best of the best. for AI-powered design

Prezi for non-linear, conversational presentations

Powtoon for video presentations

Genially for interactive, presenter-less presentations

Pitch for collaborating with your team on presentations

Zoho Show for a simple presentation app

Gamma for generative AI features

What makes the best presentation app?

How we evaluate and test apps.

Our best apps roundups are written by humans who've spent much of their careers using, testing, and writing about software. Unless explicitly stated, we spend dozens of hours researching and testing apps, using each app as it's intended to be used and evaluating it against the criteria we set for the category. We're never paid for placement in our articles from any app or for links to any site—we value the trust readers put in us to offer authentic evaluations of the categories and apps we review. For more details on our process, read the full rundown of how we select apps to feature on the Zapier blog .

When looking for the best presentation apps, I wanted utility players. After all, slideshows are used for just about everything, from pitch decks and product launches to class lectures and church sermons. With that in mind, here's what I was looking for:

Pre-built templates. The best presentation tools should have attractive, professional-looking templates to build presentations in a hurry.

Sharing and collaboration options. Whether you plan to share your webinar slides later, or you just want to collaborate with a coworker on a presentation, it should be easy to share files and collaborate in real-time.

Flexibility and customization options. Templates are great, but top presentation apps should enable you to customize just about everything—giving you the flexibility to build exactly what you need.

Affordability. Creating compelling presentations is important, but you shouldn't have to bust your budget to make it happen. With capable free tools on the market, affordability is a top consideration.

Standalone functionality. There's no reason to use multiple tools when one can do it all, so I didn't test any apps that require and work on top of another presentation app like PowerPoint or Google Slides.

Familiar, deck-based UI. For our purposes here, I only tested software that uses slides, with the familiar deck-based editor you expect from a "presentation" tool (versus, for example, a video creation app).

While many apps now offer AI features in one way or another, I found many of these features to be lacking still—they're often slow, struggle to pull in relevant imagery, and yield wildly inconsistent designs. For that reason, I opted not to make AI features a strict requirement (for now!), and I've still included apps that don't offer AI. (Of course, if you opt for one of those, you can still easily get AI-generated images from a separate tool and copy them into your presentation app of choice.)

Beyond that, I also looked for presentation apps that brought something unique to the table—features above and beyond what you can get for free from a legacy solution like PowerPoint or Google Slides. (And I opted not to test any brand new apps that are still in beta, since there are so many established options out there.)

Here's what my testing workflow looked like:

I went through any onboarding or guided tutorials.

I created a new deck, scanning through all available templates, noting how well-designed they were (and which were free versus paid).

I added new slides, deleted slides, edited text and images, and played around with other content types.

I changed presentation design settings, like color schemes and background images.

I reviewed and tested the sharing and collaboration options.

I tested out presenter view (when available).

After my first round of testing, I went back into the top performers to test any unique or niche features like AI, brand settings, interactive content, and more. With that, these are the best presentation apps I found—each one really brings something different or radically easy to the table.

The best presentation software: at a glance

The best free presentation software, canva (web, windows, mac, android, ios).

Canva, our pick for the best free presentation app

Canva pros:

Excellent free plan

Tons of amazing templates for all use cases


Canva cons:

The Magic Design AI tool is still inconsistent and not super impressive

Canva offers one of the most robust free plans of all the presentation apps I tested. The app delays account creation until after you've created your first design, so you can get started building your presentation in seconds. Choose from an almost overwhelming number of beautiful templates (nearly all available for free), including those designed specifically for education or business use cases.

Anyone who's accidentally scrolled too far and been bumped to the next slide will appreciate Canva's editor interface, which eliminates that problem altogether with a smooth scroll that doesn't jump around. Choose from a handful of preset animations to add life to your presentations, or browse the library of audio and video files available to add. And Canva also has a number of options for sharing your presentation, including adding collaborators to your team, sharing directly to social media, and even via QR code.

Present directly from Canva, and let audience members submit their questions via Canva Live. Once you share a link to invite audience members to your presentation, they can send questions for you to answer. As the presenter, you'll see them pop up in your presenter view window, so you can keep the audience engaged and your presentation clear. Alternatively, record a presentation with a talking head bubble—you can even use an AI presenter here—to share remotely.

Canvas has added a number of AI-powered tools , but I wasn't super impressed by them yet. When I asked the Magic Design tool to generate a presentation from scratch, for example, the result was a bunch of unrelated images, inconsistent design, and surface-level copy. These features will likely improve in time, but for now, you're better off starting from one of Canva's many great templates.

Canva pricing: Free plan available; paid plans start at $119.99/year for 1 user and include additional features like Brand Kit, premium templates and stock assets, and additional AI-powered design tools.

The best presentation app for AI-powered design (web, mac, windows). pros:

True AI design

No fussing around with alignment

Still allows for customization cons:

No free plan

Generative AI features aren't great yet

If you're like me, editing granular spacing issues is the absolute worst part of building a presentation. uses artificial intelligence to take a lot of the hassle and granular design requirements out of the presentation process, so you can focus on the content of a presentation without sacrificing professional design. If I needed to make presentations on a regular basis, this is the app I'd use.

Many apps have recently added AI design features, but has been doing it for years—and they've perfected the UX of AI design, ensuring the tool's reign as the most streamlined and user-friendly option for AI design.

The editor is a little different from most presentation apps, but it's still intuitive—and you'll start off with a quick two-minute tutorial. When creating a new slide, scroll through "inspiration slides" to find a layout you like; once you choose, the app will pull the layout and automatically adapt it to match the design of the rest of your presentation.

With 10 themes, several templated slides, over 40 fully-designed templates, and 23 different color palettes to choose from, strikes a perfect balance between automation and customization.

While doesn't offer a free plan, paid plans are reasonably priced and offer sharing and collaboration options that rival collab-focused apps like Google Slides. And speaking of Google, you can connect with Google Drive to save all your presentations there.

Note: I did test the newly released generative AI feature (called DesignerBot) and felt it wasn't much to write home about. It's great for adding individual slides to an existing presentation—automatically choosing the best layout and matching the design to the rest of the deck—but as with most other apps, it struggled to generate a quality presentation from scratch. pricing: Plans start at $12/month for unlimited slides, AI content generation, viewer analytics, and more. Upgrade to a Team plan for $40/user/month to get extra collaboration and workspace features and custom brand controls.

If you're a founder looking for an AI presentation tool for your pitch deck, Slidebean is a great alternative for startups. The app offers a number of templates; a unique, content-first outline editor; and AI design help that you can toggle on or off for each slide. I didn't include it on the list mainly because of the price: the free plan is quite limited, and the paid all-access plan starts at $228/year.

The best presentation app for conversational presentations

Prezi (web, mac, windows, ios, android).

Prezi interface

Prezi pros:

Doesn't restrict you to standard presentation structure

Lots of customization options

Prezi Video lets you display a presentation right over your webcam video

Prezi cons:

Steep learning curve

Struggling to squeeze information into a basic, linear presentation? Give Prezi a try. Unlike nearly all other presentation apps on the market, Prezi Present doesn't restrict the structure of your presentation to a straight line. The editor focuses on topics and subtopics and allows you to arrange them any way you want, so you can create a more conversational flow of information.

With the structural flexibility, you still get all the same customization features you expect from top presentation software, including fully-editable templates. There's a learning curve if you're unfamiliar with non-linear presentations, but templates offer a great jumping-off point, and Prezi's editor does a good job of making the process more approachable.

Plus, Prezi comes with two other apps: Prezi Design and Prezi Video. Prezi Video helps you take remote presentations to a new level. You can record a video where the presentation elements are displayed right over your webcam feed. Record and save the video to share later, or connect with your video conferencing tool of choice (including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet) to present live.

Prezi pricing: Free 14-day trial and a free plan that includes up to 5 visual projects; paid plans start at $5/month and include additional features like private presentations and Prezi Present.

The best presentation app for video presentations

Powtoon (web, ios, android).

Powtoon pros:

Timing automatically changes based on the content on the slide

Can toggle between slideshow and video

Can orient presentation as horizontal, vertical, or square

Powtoon cons:

Limited free plan

Powtoon makes it easy to create engaging videos by orienting the editor around a slide deck. Editing a Powtoon feels just like editing a presentation, but by the time you finish, you have a professional video. 

You can edit your slides at any time, and when you hit play, a video plays through your deck—the feel is almost like an animated explainer video. Each slide includes the animations you choose and takes up as much time as is needed based on the content on the slide. Powtoon figures the timing automatically, and you can see in the bottom-right of the editor how much time is used on your current slide versus the total presentation. If you ever want to present as a slide deck, just toggle between Slideshow and Movie.

You'll likely need to subscribe to a paid plan to get the most out of Powtoon—like creating videos longer than three minutes, downloading them as MP4 files, and white-labeling your presentations—but doing so won't break the bank. Plus, you'll unlock tons of templates complete with animations and soundtracks.

One of my favorite Powtoon features is the ability to orient your video: you can choose horizontal orientation (like a normal presentation) or opt for vertical (for mobile) or square (for social media). When your presentation is ready, you can publish straight to YouTube, Wistia, Facebook Ads, and any number of other locations.

Powtoon pricing: Limited free plan available; paid plans start at $20/month and include white-labeling, priority support, additional storage, and more.

The best presentation app for interactive presentations

Genially (web).

Genially, our pick for the best presentation app for interactive presentations

Genially pros:

Don't need a presenter (it's interactive)

You can set universal branding guidelines

Unlimited creations on the free plan

Genially cons:

Free plan has some limitations worth looking into (e.g., can only make public presentations)

While many presentation apps are built for presenter-led decks, Genially 's interactive features and animated templates make it easy to build a self-led presentation. A variety of interactive buttons allow you to show viewers additional context on hover, have them skip to any page of your deck, and let them navigate to external links.

This presentation program offers a bunch of searchable templates, including some for business proposals, reports, social media presentations, and more (though most of those are available on premium plans only). Genially also includes Smart blocks —templated blocks of content for elements like data visualizations and image galleries.

My favorite feature is the brand settings. Premium users can set universal branding guidelines that include your logo, color scheme, fonts, images, and backgrounds, among other options. Think of them like a custom template, created and customized by you, that the whole team can use. Once set, your team can easily create on-brand presentations that automatically apply your brand settings, without even thinking about it.

Plus, Genially supports additional content like training materials, infographics, and interactive images—all subject to your brand presets.

Genially pricing: Free plan available with unlimited creations and views and access to templates; paid plans start at $7.49/month and include additional download options, privacy controls, offline viewing, premium templates, and more.

The best presentation app for collaborating with your team

Pitch (web, mac, windows, ios, android).

Pitch, our pick for the best presentation software for collaborating with your team

Pitch pros:

Google levels of collaboration

Assign slides to specific team members

Start live video calls straight from decks

Pitch cons:

User interface is a little different than you're used to

Need to collaborate on presentations with your team? Pitch is a Google Slides alternative that gets the job done. As far as decks go, Pitch includes all the beautifully-designed templates, customizability, and ease of use you expect from a top-notch presentation tool. But the app really shines when you add your team.

The right-hand sidebar is all about project management and collaboration: you can set and update the status of your deck, assign entire presentations or individual slides to team members, plus comment, react, or add notes. Save custom templates to make future presentations even easier and faster.

You can also invite collaborators from outside your company to work with you on individual decks. And if you opt for a paid plan, Pitch introduces workspace roles, shared private folders, and version history.

The "Go live" feature is a personal favorite—with just a click on the camera icon in the top-right, you can start a live video call. Any team members who open the presentation can hop in and collaborate in real-time. 

Pitch pricing: Free plan offers unlimited presentations, custom templates, and live video collaboration; paid plans start at $8/user/month for additional workspace features, presentation analytics, and more.

The best simple presentation app

Zoho show (web, ios, android, chrome).

Zoho Show, our pick for the best simple presentation app

Zoho Show pros:

Simple and easy to use

Version history and ability to lock slides

Completely free

Zoho Show cons:

Templates are pretty basic

If you're looking for a simple, yet capable presentation app that's a step up from Google Slides, Zoho Show is a great option. It's completely free to use, offers a clean, intuitive editor, and includes a number of great templates.

While the handful of "Themes" offered are on the basic side, Zoho templates boast a more modern and professional design than much of what Google Slides or PowerPoint offer. And I love that you can set the font and color scheme for the whole template, right from the start.

The app doesn't skimp on collaboration or shareability either. You can invite collaborators via email or shareable link, and comments and version history make it easy to work together on presentations. Once you're ready to share, you can even broadcast your presentation to a remote audience right from within Zoho. Plus, you can one-click lock slides to prevent any more editing or hide individual slides to customize your presentation for different audiences.

You can even connect Zoho Show to Zapier , so you can do things like automatically create a presentation when something happens in one of the other apps you use most.

Zapier is the leader in workflow automation—integrating with 6,000+ apps from partners like Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Use interfaces, data tables, and logic to build secure, automated systems for your business-critical workflows across your organization's technology stack. Learn more .

Zoho Show pricing: Free

The best presentation app for generative AI

Gamma (web).

Gamma, our pick for the best presentation app for generative AI

Gamma pros:

Creates fully fleshed-out presentations from a prompt

Chatbot-like experience

Can still manually edit the presentation

Gamma cons:

Not as much granular customization

I tested a lot of apps claiming to use AI to up your presentation game, and Gamma 's generative features were head and shoulders above the crowd.

Simply give the app a topic—or upload an outline, notes, or any other document or article—approve the outline, and pick a theme. The app will take it from there and create a fully fleshed-out presentation. It's far from perfect, but Gamma produced the most useful jumping-off point of all the AI presentation apps I tested. 

Here's the key: Gamma is much more geared toward the iterative, chatbot experience familiar to ChatGPT users. Click on the Edit with AI button at the top of the right-hand menu to open the chat, and you'll see suggested prompts—or you can type in your own requests for how Gamma should alter the presentation.

Once you've done all you can with prompts, simply close the chat box to manually add the finishing touches. While you do sacrifice some granular customizability in exchange for the AI features, you can still choose your visual theme, change slide layouts, format text, and add any images, videos, or even app and web content.

Gamma pricing: Free plan includes unlimited users, 1 custom theme, 400 AI deck credits, and basic view analytics; upgrade to the Pro plan ("coming soon," as of this writing) for $10/user/month to get additional AI credits, advanced view analytics, custom fonts, and more.

What about the old standbys?

You might notice a few major presentation players aren't on this list, including OGs Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides. These apps are perfectly adequate for creating basic presentations, and they're free if you have a Windows or Mac device or a Google account.

I didn't include them on the list because the presentation space has really developed in the last several years, and after testing them out, I found these behemoths haven't kept pace. If they weren't made by Microsoft/Apple/Google, I might not even be mentioning them. They're pretty basic tools, they're behind the curve when it comes to templates (both quantity and design), and they don't offer any uniquely valuable features like robust team collaboration, branding controls, video, and so on.

Some of these companies (think: Microsoft and Google) are openly working on some pretty impressive-sounding AI features, but they haven't been widely released to the public yet. Rest assured, I'm watching this space, and the next time we update this article, I'll retest tools like PowerPoint and Google Slides to see what new features are available.

In any case, if you're reading this, you're probably looking for an alternative that allows you to move away from one of the big 3, and as the presentation platforms featured above show, there's a ton to gain—in terms of features, usability, and more—when you do.

Related reading:

8 Canva AI tools to improve your design workflow

The best online whiteboards for collaboration

How to share a presentation on Zoom without sharing your browser tabs and address bar

This post was originally published in October 2014 and has since been updated with contributions from Danny Schreiber, Matthew Guay, Andrew Kunesh, and Krystina Martinez. The most recent update was in May 2023.

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Kiera Abbamonte

Kiera’s a content writer who helps SaaS and eCommerce companies connect with customers and reach new audiences. Located in Boston, MA, she loves cinnamon coffee and a good baseball game. Catch up with her on Twitter @Kieraabbamonte.

  • Presentations

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How-To Geek

How to add a youtube video to google slides.

If a picture speaks a thousand words, a video speaks a million words!

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Embed a youtube video in a google slides presentation.

Want to spice up your Google Slides presentation by including a YouTube video in it? If so, use Slides' built-in feature to embed your YouTube videos with customizable options. We'll show you how to do just that.

When you embed a YouTube video, you can make the video play from the beginning or at a specified time . You also get to choose the time when your video ends. Additionally, if you don't want the video's sound, you can mute your video, as we'll explain below.

Related: How to Add Screen Recordings to Google Slides

To embed a YouTube video in Google Slides, you'll have to first get your video's URL (web link). You can get this URL by accessing your video's page on YouTube, then copying the link that appears in your web browser's address bar. The link should look something like this:

Once you have the video link ready, start the video embed process by first opening a web browser on your computer and launching Google Slides . On the site, select the presentation in which you want to add a video.

When your presentation opens, in the left sidebar, click the slide in which you want to embed the video. Then, from Google Slides' menu bar, select Insert > Video.

An "Insert Video" window will open. Here, at the top, click the "By URL" tab to embed a video using its web link. The other way to add a video is to use the "Search" tab where you can find and select your YouTube video.

We'll go with the "By URL" method in this guide.

In the "By URL" tab, click the "Paste YouTube URL Here" field and paste your YouTube video's link. You can use the Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Mac) shortcut to paste the link.

As soon as you paste the link, you'll see your video's preview. Confirm this is the video you want to embed, then at the bottom of the window, click "Select."

In your selected slide, you now have your YouTube video embedded. To change the video's size on the slide, drag the handlers available around the border of the video.

To customize how your video plays, use the "Format Options" sidebar on the right. In this sidebar, you'll mainly use the "Video Playback" section to control the playback of your embedded video.

The options you can customize in this section are:

  • Play (On Click) : To make your video play only when you click, select this option.
  • Play (Automatically) : To make your video play automatically when the slide comes, use this option.
  • Play (Manual) : If you'd only like the video to play when you manually play it, select this option.
  • Start At : If you want your video to play at a specified time , enter that time here. For example, enter "02:00" to make your video begin at 2 minutes.
  • End At : With this option, you can choose the timestamp where your video stops playing.
  • Mute Audio : If you don't want your video's sound in your presentation, enable this option.

Feel free to change the options available in other sections, like "Size & Rotation," "Position," and "Drop Shadow."

Google Slides saves your changes automatically, so you don't have to do anything to ensure your video sticks in the presentation.

And that's how you make your presentations more engaging by including multimedia content in them. Enjoy!

Did you know you can add some music as well to Google Slides?

Related: How to Add Music to Google Slides

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MagicSlides Pricing

Deciding the best plan is actually very simple. Consider how detailed your presentation needs to be—some require just 10 slides (free, pro), while others need 50 (premium).

If you need a longer presentation, you have two options: create multiple presentations and combine them, like splitting a 20-page PDF into two 10-page presentations, or you can opt for the premium plan, which handles it all in one go.

Generating presentation from big pdf (10+ pages)? long youtube video(10 min+)? or a long article? You can use the premium plan to generate upto 50 slides in one go with upto 50,000 characters input.

What's included

  • 3 Presentations / month
  • Convert upto 3 to 4 min long youtube video to ppt
  • Convert only 1 page of pdf to ppt
  • Convert only 1 page of docx to ppt
  • Convert only 500 words of summery to ppt
  • 2500 Characters Input per Presentation
  • upto 10 slides per presentation
  • Access to all previous Slides
  • URL, YouTube, PDF to ppt feature
  • Access to AskPPT for chat
  • Supports all Languages

$ 6 . 7 /month

Billed $ 80 /year

  • 120 Presentations / year
  • Convert upto 15 to 16 min long youtube video to ppt
  • Convert upto 5 page of pdf to ppt
  • Convert upto 5 page of docx to ppt
  • Convert upto 2,400 words of summery to ppt
  • Upto 12,000 Character Input limit
  • Wikipedia Integration
  • Supports 100+ Languages

$ 12 . 4 /month

Billed $ 149 /year

  • 600 Presentations / year
  • 12,000 Character Input per Presentation

$ 23 . 3 /month

Billed $ 279 /year

  • Unlimited Standard Presentations (12,000 character limit, up to 10 slides)
  • 600 Premium Presentations/year (50,000 character limit, up to 50 slides)
  • Convert upto 1 hr long youtube video to ppt
  • Convert upto 20 page of pdf to ppt
  • Convert upto 20 page of docx to ppt
  • Convert upto 10,000 words of summery to ppt
  • upto 50 slides per presentation

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YouTube's new AI feature is actually really helpful

Published on April 18, 2024

youtube watch history mobile

  • YouTube is testing a new AI-powered “Ask” button that lets you type questions about the video you’re watching and receive real-time answers.
  • This feature is currently available to select YouTube Premium subscribers in the United States using the Android app.

Google’s AI is everywhere, and its next goal is to transform the YouTube experience. The platform is currently testing a new coversational AI feature to help viewers get the most out of the videos they watch by facilitating real-time question-and-answer interactions directly within videos.

Currently, this feature is in the experimental phase and is limited to YouTube’s Android app for YouTube Premium subscribers who are 18 years or older and based in the United States.

Once you enable the feature for your account, you’ll start to notice an “Ask” button beneath eligible videos. Viewers can then type in questions pertaining to the video or choose from provided prompts requesting summaries or related content. The AI will then process both the video content and the query, offering context-relevant responses without pausing playback.

The responses seem to be reasonably accurate and surprisingly swift, indicating that Google’s AI might already be pre-analyzing YouTube videos even before we invoke the feature.

YouTube's experimental Ask AI feature

As far as I could check, most videos where English is being used to talk or narrate the content did show the Ask prompt, including all of our latest videos on the Android Authority YouTube channel . Informational videos with a mix of Hindi and English language didn’t show the Ask prompt, and the same goes for music videos.

For now, YouTube states that this feature will only be available until May 1, but I can’t wait for it to roll out publicly. There’s a treasure trove of informational videos and tutorials on YouTube, and having a way to quickly summarize them or ask about the specific thing you’re looking for could be fantastic.

Are you happy with the state of YouTube in 2024?

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Read about slide presentations

6 slide presentation software tips to impress, host large-scale virtual presentations, how to make a slide show, what’s new in powerpoint.

  • [1] Once your paid subscription begins, cancelation policies vary based on your status as a new customer, product, and domain selections on Microsoft.  Learn more.  Cancel your Microsoft 365 subscription any time by going to the Microsoft 365 admin center. When a subscription is canceled, all associated data will be deleted.  Learn more about data retention, deletion, and destruction in Microsoft 365 . Microsoft PowerPoint with a Microsoft 365 subscription is the latest version of PowerPoint. Previous versions include PowerPoint 2016,  PowerPoint 2013 ,  PowerPoint 2010 ,  PowerPoint 2007 , and PowerPoint 2003. iTunes, iPhone, and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
  • [*] Copilot Pro benefits are currently available on web, Windows, and macOS and iPadOS. A Microsoft 365 Personal or Family subscription is required to access Copilot in select apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook. Excel features are currently in preview in English only. Microsoft 365 Personal or Family and Copilot Pro are not available in the same transaction and must be purchased in two separate transactions.
  • [**] Copilot for Microsoft 365 may not be available for all markets and languages. To purchase, enterprise customers must have a license for Microsoft 365 E3 or E5 or Office 365 E3 or E5, and business customers must have a license for Microsoft 365 Business Standard or Business Premium.

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2024 WNBA Draft fashion highlights individuality and hometown pride

Angel Reese, Rickea Jackson and more grace the orange carpet with designer looks and hometown homages.

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Angel Reese WNBA Draft, WNBA Draft fashion 2024, best dressed WNBA Draft, sports fashion, athletes fashion, 2024 WNBA Draft fashion, fashion looks at WNBA Draft

It’s apparent that the underlying theme for Monday night’s WNBA Draft fashion was empowerment. From shining designer looks to subtle hometown homages, the draftees showed off every ounce of their individuality and personality. 

The hardest decision for any woman on any special occasion centers around beauty. Women have to take into account every detail from the right hairstyle to the perfect accessories. For other women, especially on the taller side, the search is harder with less suitable options to match their height. However, the draftees, with their dynamic orange carpet looks, made the process look effortless.    

Rickea Jackson stole the attention with not only one, but two show-stopping looks. “I’m choosing between these two fits, and I’m like, ‘Why not give them both? You will never have another draft. Go big or go home,’” she told theGrio, after becoming the 4th overall draft pick for the Los Angeles Sparks.

The first outfit, a striking red pantsuit with Cartier glasses and black heels, was a “powerful statement” that paid homage to her hometown, Detroit. The second look, a silver shimmery pantsuit, gave the sophisticated shine that she wanted for the draft selection. Both looks showcased her full personality, while giving the world a glimpse of the fierceness her hometown instilled in her. 

Dyaisha Fair also paid homage to her hometown with her draft look. The main goal behind her fashion statement was subtleness with a little flair. The Rochester, New York, native accomplished that objective, with the smaller details that brought the outfit together. Her jacket featured a bedazzled flower on her right side, representing her hometown’s nickname, and her Prada sneakers added the finishing touches. 

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The night’s looks proved one thing: the rookies love designer brands. Along with Jackson’s Cartier glasses and Fair’s Prada sneakers, Charisma Osborne’s Louis Vuitton purse was the perfect accessory for her Veronica Beard cream-colored suit. Angel Reese, who secured her dress two days before the draft, wore a sparkling Bronx and Banco halterneck dress, complete with a Simon Miller bag and Christian Louboutin shoes. 

These designer additions are only the beginning for the players, as more opportunities open up both on and off the court. With the rise of viewership and NIL deals, players have a bigger spotlight on them than ever before. The increase of attention is an adjustment for any person, and learning to stay grounded in the moment is key. 

For some of the players, the clothing and accessories they wore reminded them who they were and their goals. With her white dress, silver “A” necklace and sparkly basketball purse, Aaliyah Edwards walked the orange carpet with her signature purple and yellow braids on display. In the midst of the excitement from the draft, it was Edwards’ bracelet from her mother that gave her confidence and kept her present in the moment.

“This bracelet 
 says, ‘Whenever you feel overwhelmed, remember whose daughter you are and strengthen your crown,’” she said. “My mom gave me this bracelet, so it’s something that keeps me grounded because a little piece of her is always with me and it just reminds me to stay confident, know my strength and know my worth.”

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Rickea Jackson at the 2024 WNBA Draft wearing Ellaé Lisqué. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

Aaliyah Edwards at the 2024 WNBA Draft wearing Galvan. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

Angel Reese at the 2024 WNBA Draft wearing Bronx and Banco. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

Celeste Taylor at the 2024 WNBA Draft. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

Kamilla Cardoso at the 2024 WNBA Draft. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

Marquesha Davis at the 2024 WNBA Draft. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

Charisma Osborne at the 2024 WNBA Draft. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

Nyadiew Puoch at the 2024 WNBA Draft. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

Dyaisha Fair at the 2024 WNBA Draft. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

Kayla Grant is a multimedia journalist with bylines in Business Insider, Shondaland, Oz Magazine, Prism, Rolling Out and more. She writes about culture, books and entertainment news. Follow her on X: @TheKaylaGrant  

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Scheffler man to beat (again) at rbc heritage.

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Contenders crash while Scheffler cruises

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Scheffler cements FedExCup top spot with Masters win

YouTube might change the web video player drastically, and users aren't thrilled

It could be the biggest change to YouTube's UI in years.

Watching YouTube on the Pixel Tablet

What you need to know

  • YouTube is testing a redesigned video player on the web that moves the title and comments to the sidebar. 
  • A social media account for the site confirmed that this new view is only a test for now. 
  • Users expressed disdain for the feature, and YouTube suggested they submit feedback through its website. 

YouTube is experimenting with new ways to show video players on the web, and the latest one could represent one of the biggest UI changes in years. Earlier this month, YouTube Shorts started appearing in the recommended videos sidebar for some users. Now, an even more drastic change is showing up for a limited number of users. The latest redesign test moves the title, description, and comments to the sidebar and shifts recommended videos under the currently playing one.

Though this user-interface change is indeed only a test, users aren't thrilled about it for now. The redesign drew the attention of all the major social media sites, including X (formerly Twitter), Threads, and Reddit. One user on Threads, Brian Hamilton , shared a screenshot of the visual overhaul, and over 100 mostly negative replies ensued. 

A screenshot of a YouTube redesign test.

The benefit of this change appears to be that you get to see more of the video title, comments, and description. Meanwhile, less recommended videos appear on the same page as your now-playing content. Instead of a long list of recommended videos with smaller thumbnails and titles, YouTube shows three recommended videos with larger thumbnails and titles in this test.

However, users responded to this change in a similar way to YouTube's last test with YouTube Shorts. In both cases, the bigger thumbnails for recommended videos were found to be distracting from the main content. 

jumping in! it sounds like you’re seeing an experiment/test feature. diff teams at YouTube often test new ways to improve features & experiences. you can share your feedback here: also, you can check out recent experiments here: April 10, 2024

The Team YouTube account on X clarified that this is an experimental test feature that isn't rolling out for everyone yet. The account advises users to submit their feedback through their YouTube account. To do so, users can click on their profile picture on the YouTube site and select Send feedback . After writing feedback or including a screenshot, you can hit Send to submit your thoughts to Google. 

Although the redesigned YouTube video player isn't available to all users and Google accounts on the web, the social media buzz around the change suggests that it is somewhat widespread. Currently, it looks like YouTube is testing a few new ways to improve the web video player, so we'll be curious to see which—if any—of these tests survive. 

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Brady Snyder

Brady is a tech journalist covering news at Android Central. He has spent the last two years reporting and commenting on all things related to consumer technology for various publications. Brady graduated from St. John's University in 2023 with a bachelor's degree in journalism. When he isn't experimenting with the latest tech, you can find Brady running or watching sports.

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macOS 15 Rumored to Feature Revamped Calculator App

Apple will debut a major revamp of the Calculator app in macOS 15 later this year, according to AppleInsider .

macOS 15 Feature

The overhauled version of the Calculator app for Mac will reportedly feature:

  • An enhanced unit conversion system located in the main user interface, including for currency conversion with up-to-date exchange rates.
  • "Math Notes" to allow the Notes app to communicate with the Calculator app in mathematical notation, also coming to iOS 18 .
  • A history tape in the sidebar to show previous calculations, likely accessible via a dedicated button on the top left, which also provides options to toggle between all three calculator views: Basic, scientific, and programmer.
  • Adjustable window size across all three calculator views, with buttons that enlarge and change shape as needed.

The redesigned app will apparently offer a new design inspired by its iPhone counterpart in iOS 18 , featuring rounded buttons. ‌macOS 15‌ is almost certain to be previewed alongside ‌iOS 18‌ and Apple's other major software updates at WWDC on June 10, followed by official release in the fall.

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abatabia Avatar

Wake me when the iPad finally gets one.

t0rqx Avatar

It would be nice if this also came to iPad OS. I would also like to see construction functions added, like feet and inches and building areas.

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What You Should Know About Apple's Journal App

If you've wanted to journal but haven't gotten in the habit, this app could help you change that.

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When Apple unveiled iOS 17 at its WWDC event in June , the Journal app drew a lot of attention. While Apple didn't release the app with iOS 17 in September or with the iPhone 15 series , the tech giant did release the app with  iOS 17.2  in December.

Journaling has been linked with many mental health benefits, including helping manage  anxiety , reducing stress and coping with depression . Some people might have a difficult time remembering to journal or figuring out what to write. Apple's Journal app makes it easy to jot down a few thoughts when you're on your phone, and it provides you with writing prompts and other reminders about what you've done in a day.

Here's what you should know about the Journal app and how it works. 

Read more: You Should Really Download iOS 17.4.1 Right Now

What is Journal?

Journal is an app developed by Apple to help users write journal entries and easily insert pictures, videos and other content. Your entries are stored locally on your iPhone, and you can have backups on iCloud. 

Two Reflections in the Journal app

Journal can suggest Reflections or other moments to write about.

Journal provides prompts, called Reflections, that you can write about. Some Reflections the app gave me included, "Think about something you love to do and why it brings you joy," and "Describe someone in your life who you really appreciate but forget to thank."

The app can also access certain data and give you suggestions about what to write based on that data. For example, on my first weekend with Journal, it suggested I write about a coffee shop and park that I visited. You can control what types of data and other apps Journal can access to create these suggestions. 

How do you get Journal?

Apple included Journal in the  iOS 17.2  update, so if you've downloaded the update -- or later updates like iOS 17.4 -- you should see the app on your home screen.

How secure is Journal?

According to Apple , the app has end-to-end encryption between your device and iCloud, and it uses on-device processes to create journaling suggestions including Reflections. That means the data it uses stays on your iPhone.

"No one but you can access your journal -- not even Apple," the company wrote online.

Beyond that, you can require the app to ask for your FaceID or passcode after it's been inactive for 1, 5 or 15 minutes. If you don't want to take any chances, you can set it to immediately lock when you switch apps or your iPhone goes to sleep -- you know, in case of snooping siblings or roommates.

How do you write an entry in Journal?

On the Journal homepage, you'll see your recent journal entries and a plus ( + ) sign across the bottom of your screen. Tap the plus sign and you'll be taken to a new menu.

Journal app suggestion for Morning walk on Monday, December 11

You can also write about something you saw or thought about on your morning walk.

In this new menu, you'll see suggested Reflections as well as moments from your day that you can write about, like a picture you took or a Podcast you listened to. Tap any of these for a short overview of the suggestion, and then tap Start Writing . You'll be taken to a new page that looks similar to a new note in the Notes app, but the suggestion will show across the top of the screen. You can write your entry on this page, and you can add other content like photos, videos or voice notes.

You can also just write an entry without a suggestion. After tapping the plus sign on the Journal homepage, there is an option across the top of the new menu that reads New Entry . Tap this, and you can jot down any thoughts or feelings you're having at the moment, or you can add your own content here.

Once you're finished, tap Done in the top-right corner and the entry will be saved to the Journal homepage. You can also edit or update entries once they've been saved to the homepage. Tap the three dots ( ... ) in the bottom-right corner of the entry you want to edit, then tap Edit . 

What if I need help keeping a journaling schedule?

Have no fear: You can set the app to remind you to journal. A splash screen in Journal asks you to set a schedule the first time you open the app.

The Journaling schedule menu in iOS 17.2 beta 1 which lets you schedule what days and times to journal

You can set reminders to journal in the app.

If you don't see this splash screen, or you want to change your schedule, go to Settings > Journal > Journaling Schedule and then tap the switch next to Schedule . A menu will appear below Schedule  that will allow you to set a reminder to journal every day -- or certain days -- at a certain time. 

17 Hidden iOS 17 Features You Should Definitely Know About

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For more Apple news, check out what other features could be coming to your iPhone in iOS 17.5 and what was included in iOS 17.4 . You can also check out our iOS 17 cheat sheet .

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  30. What You Should Know About Apple's Journal App

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