Soft skills presentation: A comprehensive guide

How to present with confidence and clarity and manage your time and stress.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

team preparing soft skills presentation

Welcome to a comprehensive guide on creating an effective soft skills presentation.

Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to enhance your skills or a newcomer eager to make a strong impression, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to excel in the world of soft skills presentations.

What are soft skills?

Before we dive into the intricacies of creating a powerful soft skills presentation, it's crucial to understand what soft skills are and why they are integral in various aspects of life.

Soft skills, often referred to as interpersonal or people skills, are the non-technical abilities that enable us to interact harmoniously with others. These skills are not confined to a specific job or industry, making them universally valuable. They encompass a wide array of competencies, from effective communication and teamwork to adaptability, creativity, and problem-solving.

"The most effective way to improve your soft skills is through continuous learning and practice. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, for that's where true growth happens."

Different types of soft skills

As we delve deeper into the realm of soft skills, it becomes evident that these personal attributes come in a wide array of forms, each playing a unique and pivotal role in shaping our personal and professional lives. Let's embark on a journey to closely examine these essential skills that are the cornerstone of effective and harmonious interactions.

1. Communication skills: The art of connection

At the core of soft skills lies the mastery of communication. These skills form the bedrock of effective interaction and involve both verbal and non-verbal communication. They encompass not only the words we use but also how we convey them through our body language and tone of voice. Exceptional communication skills empower individuals to convey their ideas with precision, actively listen to others, and foster the building of robust and enduring relationships.

2. Presentation skills: Conveying clarity and impact

Among the diverse set of soft skills, presentation skills stand out as a fundamental capability. The art of presenting enables individuals to convey information, ideas, and messages with a profound sense of clarity and impact. In a world where visual and auditory engagement is paramount, mastering the art of presentation is a valuable skill.

PPT Presentations serve as a common tool in the business world, allowing you to not only tell but show your message. Engaging your audience visually and audibly enhances the effectiveness of your message, making it more compelling and memorable.

3. Leadership and management: Guiding towards success

Leadership and management skills play a pivotal role in guiding teams and organizations towards success. Effective leaders inspire and motivate their team members, propelling them to achieve their goals. They possess the ability to make critical decisions and ensure the smooth functioning of any project or endeavor.

Effective management, on the other hand, involves delegating tasks efficiently and providing constructive feedback. These skills are vital in any organization, where success hinges on the ability to lead and manage effectively.

4. Teamwork and collaboration: The power of cooperation

Teamwork and collaboration skills are essential for working effectively with others. In a world interconnected by complex projects and goals, the ability to cooperate, share ideas, and contribute to a collective effort is indispensable.

Working collaboratively requires not only technical competence but also interpersonal skills that foster a sense of unity within a team. It's about understanding the dynamics of group interactions and being able to compromise, share credit, and appreciate the contributions of others.

5. Problem-solving and decision-making: Navigating challenges

Life is replete with challenges, and soft skills play a significant role in overcoming them. Problem-solving and decision-making skills enable individuals to tackle obstacles creatively and effectively. It's not just about finding solutions; it's also about thinking critically and making sound decisions in a dynamic and ever-changing world.

These skills are invaluable in scenarios where critical thinking and creative solutions are required, whether in personal life or within a professional context.

Soft skills, as you can see, encompass a rich tapestry of capabilities that are essential for success in all aspects of life, from building relationships and communicating effectively to solving problems and achieving your goals. They empower individuals to thrive in diverse settings and navigate the complexities of an interconnected world.

In addition to the skills mentioned above, soft skills also include:

  • Creativity : The ability to think outside the box and generate novel ideas.
  • Critical thinking : The capacity to evaluate information and make informed judgments.
  • Empathy : The skill of understanding and relating to the emotions and perspectives of others.
  • Ethics : Upholding moral principles and conducting oneself with integrity.
  • Motivation : The drive to achieve goals and overcome challenges.
  • Negotiation skills : The art of reaching agreements and resolving conflicts.
  • Organization skills : The ability to manage time and resources efficiently.
  • Positive attitude : Approaching situations with optimism and a constructive mindset.
  • Time management skills : Effectively managing one's time and priorities.

These skills are the threads that weave the fabric of effective interaction and personal development. Whether in the workplace or daily life, they provide the tools for success and personal growth. So, embrace the diversity of soft skills, cultivate them, and watch as they empower you to thrive in all areas of your life.

Why soft skills presentation is important?

Understanding the importance of soft skills presentation is key to excelling in various areas of your life. These skills are highly sought after by employers, as they enhance your professional performance and help you stand out from the crowd. Here are some reasons why soft skills presentations are critical:

Elevating employability: Your passport to dream opportunities

In today's fiercely competitive job market, soft skills can be the golden ticket that sets you apart and lands you your dream job. Employers are increasingly recognizing the immense value of candidates who possess exceptional soft skills. Here's why:

  • Effective communication : The ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, is highly prized by employers. It's not just about speaking; it's about conveying ideas with precision, listening actively, and fostering connections with colleagues and clients.
  • Teamwork and collaboration : In the modern workplace, collaboration is king. Those who can work harmoniously with others, share ideas, and lead with confidence are sought after. Soft skills presentations demonstrate your capacity to be a valuable team player.

Nurturing interpersonal relationships: building bridges, not walls

The ability to cultivate and maintain healthy relationships is at the core of successful personal and professional interactions. Whether you find yourself negotiating with a colleague, resolving a conflict, or seeking to build strong connections, soft skills presentations are your invaluable allies. Here's how they make a difference:

  • Trust and rapport building : When you present yourself confidently and with clarity, you pave the way for trust and rapport to flourish. People are more likely to trust and engage with someone who communicates effectively.
  • Persuasive power : Your soft skills presentation can elevate your ability to make a compelling argument. Engaging and informative presentations are more likely to persuade others to align with your ideas, support your cause, or endorse your solutions.

Supercharging leadership abilities: Guiding the way to success

As you ascend the career ladder, leadership skills become increasingly vital. Effective leadership can significantly influence your team's performance and contribute to overall success. Soft skills presentations play a crucial role in shaping effective leaders. Here's how:

  • Inspiration and motivation : Effective leaders inspire and motivate their team members to achieve their goals. They convey their ideas with clarity and impact, empowering their teams to excel.
  • Delegation and feedback : Leadership is not just about guiding; it's about delegating tasks effectively and providing constructive feedback. Soft skills presentations reinforce your ability to lead with purpose and precision.

Excelling in customer relations: The art of presentation

For those in customer-facing roles, the ability to present yourself and your product or service can be the difference between sealing the deal or losing an opportunity. Strong soft skills presentations are your secret weapon. Here's how they enhance customer relations:

  • Creating satisfaction : The presentation of your product or service, along with your ability to convey its value, directly impacts customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to return and become loyal patrons.
  • Winning sales : A compelling presentation can tip the scales in your favor during sales pitches. Engaging your audience visually and audibly enhances the effectiveness of your message, making it more convincing and memorable.

How to structure an effective soft skills presentation

Structuring an effective soft skills presentation is a vital component in engaging your audience and conveying the significance of these interpersonal competencies. Regardless of whether you're addressing employees, students, or any other audience, a well-organized presentation can have a profound impact. Let's explore how to structure an engaging and informative soft skills presentation:

Introduction: Grabbing your audience's attention

  • Begin with impact : Start with a compelling opening that instantly captures your audience's attention. You can employ a relevant anecdote, a thought-provoking quote, or a surprising statistic related to the importance of soft skills in personal and professional success. This initial hook sets the stage for an engaging presentation.
  • Define soft skills : Clarify what soft skills are. These are non-technical, interpersonal attributes that are pivotal for effective communication, collaboration, and overall success in various facets of life. Provide real-life examples to make the concept relatable.
  • Emphasize significance : Highlight why soft skills matter in today's fast-paced, interconnected world. Explore their contribution to individual and organizational success, emphasizing their impact on career advancement and personal relationships. Use statistics and practical scenarios to illustrate the significance.

Key soft skills: Delving into the essentials

  • Dedicate sections : Allocate sections of your presentation to specific soft skills. For each skill, provide a clear definition, its significance, and practical ways to develop and enhance it. Use case studies, hands-on exercises, and anecdotes to demonstrate the importance of each skill in real-world situations.
  • Interactive activities : Integrate interactive activities or group exercises that allow your audience to actively practice and experience the soft skills you're discussing. These hands-on activities make the presentation engaging and offer participants a tangible feel for the practical application of these skills.
  • Tips for improvement : Offer actionable tips and strategies for improving soft skills. Provide guidance on how to enhance communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and other key attributes. Share valuable resources, recommend books, and suggest online courses to support skill development.
  • Real-life examples : Share success stories of individuals or organizations that have benefited from honing their soft skills. Emphasize how these skills led to enhanced collaboration, more effective leadership, and personal growth. Real-life examples add depth and credibility to your presentation.
  • Challenges and obstacles : Acknowledge the challenges and obstacles individuals may encounter when trying to improve their soft skills. Address common misconceptions and resistance to change, and provide practical solutions and insights to help your audience overcome these barriers.

Conclusion: Reinforcing the message

  • Summarize key points : In the conclusion, recap the key takeaways from your presentation. Reiterate the importance of soft skills and the impact they can have on personal and professional success.
  • Inspire action : Encourage your audience to take action by setting specific goals for soft skill development. Stress that soft skills are an ongoing journey of self-improvement and personal growth.

Q&A and discussion: Engaging your audience

  • Open the floor : Provide an opportunity for questions and discussion. This segment allows your audience to seek clarification, share their thoughts, and relate personal experiences related to soft skills.

Closing remarks: Motivating change

  • End with a powerful statement : Conclude your presentation with a motivating and impactful closing statement. Encourage your audience to apply what they've learned and reinforce the idea that developing soft skills is a continuous process of self-enhancement.

Handouts and resources: Equipping your audience

  • Provide resources : Offer handouts or a list of additional resources, including recommended books, websites, and workshops, where your audience can further explore and develop their soft skills. Equipping them with valuable resources supports their ongoing learning journey.

By adhering to this structured approach, you can create a compelling soft skills presentation that not only educates your audience but also motivates them to take action. Your presentation becomes a catalyst for positive change, empowering individuals to improve their interpersonal and professional lives. Soft skills are not just taught; they are experienced and embraced, making your presentation a pivotal stepping stone on the path to self-improvement and success.

Do’s and don'ts of a soft skills presentation

Now that we've covered the essentials of creating a soft skills presentation, let's explore some key do's and don'ts to ensure your presentation is effective and well-received.

  • Practice : Rehearse your presentation multiple times to ensure a smooth and confident delivery.
  • Engage your audience : Encourage interaction and questions to keep your audience actively involved.
  • Use visuals : Incorporate visually appealing presentation slides and graphic aids to enhance understanding.
  • Tell stories : Use relatable stories to illustrate the importance and impact of soft skills.
  • Provide resources : Offer your audience additional resources, such as free downloadable PDFs, books, or workshops, to support their learning.


  • Overwhelm with information : Avoid overloading your presentation with too much information. Keep it concise and focused.
  • Lack of preparation : Don't wing your presentation. Adequate preparation is key to a successful presentation.
  • Monotone delivery : Maintain an engaging and lively tone. Verbal communication is as important as the content itself.
  • Ignoring body language : Pay attention to your own body language and that of your audience. Maintain eye contact and open postures to establish trust.
  • Rushing through : Don't rush through your presentation. Take your time to ensure your audience grasps the content.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • Soft skills are non-technical, interpersonal abilities that are universally valuable, encompassing areas such as communication, presentation, leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, and more.
  • Soft skills presentations are important for enhancing employability, nurturing relationships, supercharging leadership abilities, and excelling in customer relations.
  • Structuring an effective soft skills presentation involves an engaging introduction, defining soft skills, emphasizing their significance, delving into specific skills, interactive activities, tips for improvement, real-life examples, addressing challenges, and a motivating conclusion.
  • In a soft skills presentation, do practice, engage your audience, use visuals, tell relatable stories, and provide additional resources. Don't overwhelm with information, lack preparation, deliver in a monotone manner, ignore body language, or rush through the content.

1. How can I improve my speech during a soft skills presentation?

During a soft skills presentation, it's essential to enhance your speech proficiency. Practice speaking clearly and slowly to ensure that your message is effectively conveyed to your audience. Don't rush through your words; take it step by step. If you're struggling, don't be afraid to download speech exercises online to help you out.

2. What role does body movement play in a successful soft skills presentation?

Body movement can add interest to your presentation and help you express yourself more effectively. Appropriate movement, such as gesturing to emphasize points, can make your speech more engaging. It doesn't mean you should dance around the stage, but subtle movements can help maintain your audience's attention.

3. How can I design an engaging powerpoint for my soft skills presentation?

Designing a compelling powerpoint presentation is vital for keeping your audience engaged. Make sure to incorporate visual elements that complement your speech and don't overpower it. The design of your slides should respect the overall theme and message you want to convey. Include images, but don't overdo it, as too much detail can distract your audience.

4. What are some tricks to handle nervousness during an interview-style soft skills presentation?

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but there are tricks to help you manage your anxiety. One such trick is to smile when appropriate. Smiling can make you appear more approachable and confident, even if you can't think of the perfect response instantly. Remember that a little nervousness doesn't mean you're unqualified for the job; it's a natural response to the situation.

Here is a guide on interview presentation .

5. Why is proper grammar usage so important in soft skills presentations?

The use of correct grammar plays a vital role in conveying your ideas clearly and professionally. Improper grammar can risk muddling your message and may lead to miscommunication. To ensure you present yourself well, do your grammar homework and proofread your content. Always remember to paraphrase when necessary to make your ideas more concise and understandable.

Create your soft skills presentation with prezent

Prezent, the communication success platform for enterprise teams, offers a powerful solution for enhancing your soft skills presentation. With its AI presentation tool, Prezent enables you to craft engaging and brand-compliant presentations effortlessly. Leveraging personalized fingerprints and a versatile presentation builder, you can tailor your content to the preferences of your audience, fostering a more effective connection.

Prezent's business storytelling resources, including guides and e-courses, assist in structuring your soft skills presentation with finesse. Moreover, the platform's real-time sharing and collaboration features facilitate seamless teamwork, whether with colleagues inside or outside your organization.

By using Prezent, you not only save valuable time and reduce communication costs but also ensure your soft skills presentation is 100% on-brand and approved by your corporate brand and marketing team, making it an invaluable tool for honing your professional skills.

Now, it's time to take the first step and start developing your soft skills presentation. Remember, you have the power to improve, and the journey begins with a single presentation.

Sign up for our free trial or book a demo today!

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What Are Soft Skills and Why Are They So Important?

Last updated on March 25th, 2023

soft skills presentation slideshare

To succeed and grow, a person may need a variety of skills at various stages of life. These skills can either be soft skills or hard skills. Though hard skills depict how technically knowledgeable and experienced a person is, soft skills indicate his character, traits, and interpersonal skills that will help him work and interact with other people effectively. Therefore, soft skills play a very crucial role in the success and consistent growth of students, professionals, employees, and businessmen. 

What exactly are these soft skills? How are they important to you? Can someone develop and improve his/her soft skills? What are some desirable soft skills for students, businessmen, employees, and other professionals? All of these questions, along with other important topics, will be covered in this important article.

What Are Soft Skills?

Soft skills, also known as people skills, are people’s personal traits that help them communicate, interact, and build relationships with others. These skills help create an environment of trust, confidence, better communication , and collaboration in which healthy interpersonal relationships can be nurtured. They can be pivotal in the success of your workplace, business, and overall personal life.

Why Are Soft Skills Important?

People interact and communicate with other individuals for business, educational, personal, and many other purposes. All of these interactions require some soft skills through which a level of trust and confidence can be achieved for accomplishing further goals like winning a contract, communicating an idea, presenting an offer, finding a new employment opportunity, and so on. People use soft skills in one way or another every day to advance in their professional and personal lives.

While on the other hand, if someone lacks these soft skills, he may face many barriers on his path to success . A person with insufficient soft skills cannot see the career opportunities ahead effectively. He will never become a team leader and will always remain dependent on someone else for his tasks and everyday activities. Ultimately, his professional career will be limited, and he will not be able to use his abilities for his personal and professional advantage.

The importance of soft skills can be realized from the fact that almost all world leaders, business owners, and senior executives are people with sharp time management, critical thinking, problem-solving, and people management skills. Better communication skills in the workplace can boost your productivity. Efficient time management skills can make you more efficient in the same timeframe. Opportunities are limitless when you start exploring the amazing world of soft skills.

Differences Between Soft Skills vs. Hard Skills

In the simplest terms, hard skills are technical skills and expertise necessary for completing job-related tasks and activities. While on the other hand, soft skills are the interpersonal traits that define how better you perform at your work and interact with other people.

Hard skills are often linked to a certain career or job title, but soft skills can be transferred to any person with any kind of job title. Hence, soft skills are relatively broader in scope. Hard skills are usually measurable, but soft skills are normally intangible, like verbal communication skills , etc. However, soft and hard skills are necessary for a person’s ultimate success in his professional and personal life.

Soft and Hard Skills Examples

To further differentiate between soft and hard skills, here are some examples that will clear all ambiguities regarding these seemingly confusing skills.

Hard Skills Examples

Some examples of hard skills are given as follows.

  • Engineering
  • Project management
  • Data Mapping
  • Budgeting and Financing
  • Video Making
  • Photography
  • Carpentry and more.

To have a better idea of an example of hard skills, have a look at this Business Report PowerPoint Template .

Soft Skills Examples

Some examples of soft skills are given as follows.

  • Professionalism
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • People Management and more.

Training, Development, and Improvement of Soft Skills

In order to grow and further strengthen the foundations of your personality, you need to acknowledge the areas that need proper improvement and care . You can locate these areas that need improvement and nourishment through introspection, self-evaluation, self-analysis of your professional performance, or feedback from your friends, family, or even colleagues. To improve soft skills, you need to identify your strengths and weaknesses. In order to have a better idea of how to identify areas of improvement in your soft skills, have a look at this premade Soft Skills PowerPoint Template . 

After proper self-evaluation, it is time for an appropriate plan of action. This action plan must align with your personal and professional schedule so that you can follow and implement it easily. Soft skills are way broader in scope; therefore, the techniques to develop and nurture these skills are also several. How to develop soft skills? Is there any soft skills training? Following are a few ways through which you can develop soft skills and master them over time.

Activities to Improve Your Soft Skills

  • Consider working under a mentor, coach, or trainer who can constantly monitor your progress and guide you along the way. In this case, constant feedback and evaluation are very helpful for those who find it difficult to take the initiative themselves.
  • If you are specifically working on improving your communication and public speaking skills, you can participate in public speaking events like Toastmasters. This will give you direct exposure to a live audience in front of which you can openly practice your oral capabilities and polish your communication skills.
  • No matter what type of soft skill you are going to master, always stay positive and optimistic. It may sound simple, but it is very effective in practice. Most soft skills are empowered by self-confidence and enthusiasm. The passion for learning these skills gets lowered when a person faces anxiety, nervousness, negativity, and insecurity. Therefore, staying positive while learning any soft skill will boost your morale and help in developing leadership skills . 

Top Most Important Soft Skills

Soft skills matter a lot, and they can prove to be a deciding factor in tough situations, like interviewing two qualified candidates for the same position. Many students, businessmen, employees, and professionals may wonder what type of soft skills are desirable and sought after. Therefore, the most desirable soft skills for employees, students, and business leaders are given below.

Soft Skills for Employees and the Workplace

The importance of soft skills in the workplace is increasing day by day. In fact, according to a report by Wonderlic, almost 93% of recruiters consider soft skills as very important for making hiring decisions. Some of them even stated soft skills are more crucial than tech skills. One of the most important soft skills in the workplace is creative and analytical thinking ability . Creative thinking helps maintain an influx of fresh ideas in the workplace. It helps in business automation and reduces the need for machines and repetitive tasks in the workspaces. 

Teamwork and communication are also important soft skills for employees. When teams work together, the business’s overall productivity and resultant output increase. Effective communication is also pivotal in addressing organic growth challenges in workplaces. Hence, the importance of verbal communication skills can not be neglected here.

Soft Skills for Students in High School and College 

For high school and college graduates, soft skills are equally important for acing the next endeavors of life. Although these skills are not normally mentioned in the job descriptions, these skills are always most sought after by employers, recruiters, and potential companies. Skills like conflict resolution, motivation, self-discipline, work ethics, willingness to learn new things, and professionalism are some high-demand skills expected from high school and college graduates .

Soft Skills for Business and Leadership

Successful leaders heavily rely on soft skills. These skills help them cope with everyday work challenges and inspire their teammates and subordinates. As the job responsibilities of business managers and executives increase, it becomes important for them to add more soft skills to their portfolio to manage their tasks, team members, and time effectively. 

Strong interpersonal skills are very beneficial for leaders as they allow them to gauge the emotions and feelings of others. Leaders with strong interpersonal skills interact with others effectively and are better managers and team heads . They value their colleagues’ and subordinates’ ideas, thoughts, and opinions and create an environment of acceptance, collaboration and connectivity.

Strong leadership is further empowered by effective analysis and decision-making skills. A leader must adapt to any situation to evaluate the tasks, processes, and operations quickly. Strong analytical and soft business skills help him predict better project outcomes and implement effective planning processes for future tasks and activities. In order to become a persuasive team leader, you need to improve your presentation skills and public speaking skills as well.

The presence of soft skills like empathy, compassion, confidence, integrity, honesty, mentoring capability, ability to delegate tasks, and organizational skills are also desirable in business leaders and managers.

Final Words

Soft skills help professionals, businessmen, students, and employees nurture effective relationships through proper communication and interaction activities. They are pivotal in achieving success in both your personal and professional lives. Whether you are a small business owner or an employee, these soft skills can help you win new deals, close new clients, attract more potential leads to your business, and retain the most suitable customers for your business. Although hard skills are also important for career success, knowing how to collaborate with people in all kinds of scenarios and communicating with them productively in an efficient manner is also equally important. Soft skills can be considered primary ingredients for corporate success, increased efficiency, improved customer service, boosted revenue, better job satisfaction, and effective team dynamics.

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soft skills presentation slideshare

soft skills

Soft Skills

Feb 02, 2014

430 likes | 1.2k Views

Soft Skills. Soft Skills: Defined. Soft skills refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a good employee and compatible to work with.

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  • positive work ethic
  • eye contact
  • most compliments


Presentation Transcript

Soft Skills: Defined • Soft skills refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a good employee and compatible to work with. • Unlike hard skills, which tend to be specific to a certain type of task, soft skills are broadly applicable.

Soft Skills: Examples of Interpersonal Attributes • Interpersonal abilities • Empathy • Leadership • Communication • Teamwork • Good manners • Ability to teach • Works well with diversity • Self-confidence

Soft Skills: Examples of Personal Attributes • Personal Attributes: • Optimism • Responsibility • Sense of humor • Integrity • Time management • Motivation • Common Sense It’s often said that hard skills will get you an interview but you need soft skills to get (and keep!) the job.

IQ • We live in a society that measures intelligence (IQ) through quantifiable metrics • You complete the assignments, come to class, learn the concepts, and you get an “A”

EI • In the workplace, most compliments will deal more with the use of soft skills (EI – Emotional Intelligence) than your actual knowledge about a particular situation. • Customers appreciate a “willingness to help” or the fact that you “listened to my complaint.”

Good Soft Skills…. Will help you STAND OUT in a crowd of mediocrity. What makes you stand out???

Workforce Profile ( • There are 60 soft skills that employers look for when hiring employees. • Do you have these skills?

Skill #3: Courtesy • Good Manners • Considerate Behavior • Polite • Being kind & empathetic • Thank you notes!

#7: Flexibility • The ability to adapt to new situations quickly • The ability to change or be changed according to situations or circumstances

#8: Team Skills • Do you know how to work effectively in groups? • Do you listen effectively? • Do you understand the value of diverse thought?

#9: Eye Contact • Looking directly into the eyes of someone

#28: Positive Work Ethic & Attitude • If you have a great work ethic but a negative attitude, which one do you think will trump the other? • Belief in the moral value of work

#29: Interpersonal Skills & #32: Personal Chemistry • Interpersonal Defined: of or pertaining to the relations between persons ( • Personal Chemistry: Do others want to be with you?

#34: Common Sense • Good judgment – sound practical judgment based on “experience” rather than theory

#39: Good Personal Appearance • Visual aspect of a person – with regards to personal cleanness and neatness of clothing

# 53: Understanding What the World is About (What’s going on in the News?) • Know what’s going on • Even Yahoo! News is better than no news • Get connected, know what others are doing. Subscribe to Inc. or Fast Company. • Track a few stocks

#56: Willingness to take instruction and responsibility • Do you know someone who always blames others? • Do you know someone who thinks he/she already knows all the answers?

#57: Able to Relate to co-workers in a close environment • Connection with people or things • Water cooler talk • Business retreats • Team Activities

#58: Not expecting to be promoted within the first six months • “This is just a stepping stone for me” • Examples?

#60: Communication skills with public, fellow employees, supervisors, and customers • Are you a good listener? • How many of you have had a good boss? • Telephone line…don’t count on it working! • Networking within your business? How?

Soft Skills and Business Etiquette • Golf etiquette • Scramble – love it! • Competitive? • Poor golfer? • What are your experiences with golf etiquette? • Business dinners/lunches • Formal vs. informal • Topics? (resist family/personal unless they ask!)

Memberships & Volunteering • Professional Organizations • Join! • SHRM • Chamber of Commerce • BPA, DECA • Volunteer Opportunities • Board Member for non-profit agency • Junior Achievement

Soft Skills • One of the most difficult things to teach • And…the most common reason for not hiring, not promoting, & poor performance evaluation Pick one skill…work on it….PRACTICE!

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Soft Skills

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Soft Skills PPT | Presentation | PDF | Free Download

Soft Skills PPT | Presentation | PDF | Free Download : In this competitive world, both the hard skills and soft skills are required. Everyone can have the hard skills like a degree; proficiency in computer programming etc. but the success comes with the combination of hard skills and soft skills. At present, we can see that people are very interested in learning soft skills because every company or every firm wants their employees to be best at soft skills. Some of the soft skills are as below:

Counseling Skills PPT: Definition, Formats, Process and Types

Soft Skills PPT | Presentation | PDF

  • Body language
  • Communication
  • Flexibility
  • Time management
  • Rate of speech
  • Preparation of resume including self-introduction

Skills Required for the Requirement of Job

Fig1: Skills Required for the Requirement of Job

Now, let us discuss few of them in detail and this will help the people in improving their soft skills and will improve the performance in interviews. They are as follows:

       1. Body language:

  • It is a natural representation which is inbuilt within each and every living organism in this world. It is also known as the first language of the world. It is also called as a nonverbal communication.
  • This language delivers its meaning with the help of the physical movements of our body parts which comprise of face expression, body posture, gestures, signs, eye contact, hand, and feet movement.
  • It aids us when the verbal communication is difficult. It also determines the attitude of a person during a conversation.
  • It is easy to express short notes or messages. A positive and an effective body language are always necessary to succeed in any part of the life.
  • Researchers have shown that the effectiveness of communication depends up to 60% on the body language.
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Important facts about body language:

  • Always carry a pleasant smile in your face.
  • Maintain a proper eye contact. You can pull a small trick here by using some coloured eye contacts to make your eyes shine. 
  • When you have the chances of standing, stand up because people who stand always look powerful.
  • Always use your arm movements during any kind of explanation, which will make you look confident.
  • Always sit with your toes pointing out.
  • Avoid hand to face movements during any conversation.
  • Don’t cover or hide in a meeting or a group discussion.
  • Avoid folded arms and crossed legs during speaking and listening.
  • Avoid nail-biting, scratching head during any confused situation.
  • Avoid grooming gestures when you are in public.
  • It is an artificial representation which is not found common in this world. It is a tool which is used to communicate a message from one to one another of the same group.
  • It is also called as verbal communication.
  • Each language has its own set of rules in delivering the meaning from one to another.
  • The grammar of each and every language has to be properly understood to master it.
  • Researchers have estimated that there are up to 7000 different languages spoken around the world.

     Important facts about language:

  • The grammar has to be properly used to during all the conversations.
  • Always think before you talk.
  • Use simple and short sentences to convey your messages.
  • Avoid using complex and long sentences.
  • Don’t use verbal and nonverbal fillers during the conversation.
Communication Skills PPT Presentation

  A modern example of body language or language:

  • A person walking in a computer only with the help of a keyboard is called as a body language.
  • The same person working with the help of a mouse and a keyboard is called as a language.
  • So it is very clear that proper usage of both body language and the language is essential to succeed in every body’s day to day life.


  • It is a process through which a message is exchanged from the sender to the receiver and vice versa.
  • The communication process will be complete once the receiver understands the message of the sender. If not, the communication process will remain incomplete.
  • The proper usage of grammar helps in building an effective communication.
  • It is a set of guidelines which tells us clearly how, when and where to use the words of any given language. Hence all these guidelines form into one shape called grammar,
  • In today’s modern world grammar is defined as the Mother Board of all languages.
  • It is a set of guidelines for any given language in the world.
  • The grammar controls and designs the output of all kinds of communication of an individual.
  • A language can be mastered only after mastering its grammar.

Teamwork , patience and time management:

  • Teamwork, patience and time management is a very important quality because this helps in working with a group of people to achieve the goals of a firm or a company.

The rate of speech:

To communicate clearly, a rate of speech plays a vital role. Speaking fast does not mean that one speaks a good language and speaking slowly does not mean that one has less knowledge in the language. An average rate of speed should be maintained to deliver the message clearly. The average speed of a perfect speaker is around 130 to 160 words per minute.

Preparation of a resume and self-introduction:

  • Well, a self introduction is one of the important and the first question which would be raised at any interview, irrespective of the field.
  • The interviewer would judge your communication and the usage of grammar during the conversation.
  • A resume is a document which represents an individual’s skills, education, work experience, background and other details.
  • The two fundamentals that are involved in drafting a resume are as follows:
  • Major or unchangeable fundament
  • Minor or changeable fundament
Presentation Skills PPT: Planning, Effects and Techniques

Content of the PPT and PDF for Soft Skills PPT Presentation Seminar

  • What are Soft skills?
  • Importance of Soft Skills
  • Communication skills
  • Making Decisions
  • Self Motivation
  • Leadership Skills
  • Team-Working Skills
  • Creativity and Problem Solving Skills
  • Time Management

 Here we are giving you Soft Skills PPT with PDF. All you need to do is just click on the download link and get it.

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Soft Skills Every Salesperson Should Have Training Ppt

These slides provide an in-depth understanding of various soft skills that are required in sales. These are communication, active listening, empathy, self-motivation, time management, adaptability, goal orientation, relationship building, and collaboration.

Soft Skills Every Salesperson Should Have Training Ppt

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

This slide lists soft skills required in sales. These are communication, active listening, empathy, self-motivation, time management, adaptability, goal orientation, relationship building, and collaboration.

This slide talks about the importance of communication as a soft skill for sales. Most of a salesperson's time is spent communicating, not only with their prospects but also with their internal teams. Hence, salespeople must demonstrate exceptional or master-level skills in effective written and verbal communication.

This slide discusses the importance of active listening as a soft skill for sales. The ability to hear and comprehend what your client is saying is known as active listening. It is an essential skill for a salesperson as it gives the speaker enough time to articulate and share their thoughts effectively.

This slide discusses the importance of empathy as a soft skill for sales. Salespeople are able to pick up on verbal and nonverbal indications and have a profound grasp of a client's feelings and emotions when they are empathetic.

This slide talks about the importance of self-motivation as a soft skill for sales. Sales reps need to be diligent and self-motivated. The finest sales professionals ensure they are consistent in their job despite their career ups and downs.

This slide discusses the importance of time management as a soft skill for sales. Time management is the ability to maximize productivity in high-performance and revenue-generating tasks.

This slide discusses the importance of adaptability as a soft skill for sales. An adaptable salesperson creates a difference that benefits an entire sales organization's longevity and prosperity in a fast-evolving market.

This slide discusses the importance of goal orientation as a soft skill for sales. All salespeople have monthly, quarterly, or annual sales targets and metrics they must meet. A salesperson's success depends on their capacity to meet these sales objectives. 

This slide talks about the importance of relationship building as a soft skill for sales. Finding mutual, non-business-related interests with customers to build rapport is known as relationship building. The goal of this is to build trust with your customer.

This slide discusses the importance of collaboration as a soft skill for sales. Salespeople must work closely with organizational divisions like inside sales, manufacturing, and CRM. Effective and efficient collaboration with these departments can help in making a salesperson's job easier.

Soft Skills Every Salesperson Should Have Training Ppt with all 26 slides:

Use our Soft Skills Every Salesperson Should Have Training Ppt to effectively help you save your valuable time. They are readymade to fit into any presentation structure.

Soft Skills Every Salesperson Should Have Training Ppt

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