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Presentation Storytelling Examples & Techniques (2024)

Learn techniques for telling a story in a presentation . Get narrative presentation examples and learn to apply storytelling in business presentations .

story presentation ppt

Joanne Camarce

8 minute read

Presentation storytelling examples

Short answer

What should a presentation storytelling structure include?


Rising Action

Falling Action

Storytelling in business presentations matters (a lot)

Stories convey a deeper meaning, idea, or lesson. They make us feel, experience, identify, and understand.

Most importantly for storytelling in business presentations, telling a story in a presentation makes people more likely to remember the message.

Researchers Dean and Chip Heath found that after a presentation, 63% of attendees could remember the story told by the presenter.

However, only 5% could recall specific statistics from the event.

Because stories allow audiences to visualize and imagine an idea or message, stories also make them better able to make decisions.

In other words, stories bring buyers, stakeholders, and decision-makers to better understand and remember your message. Which in turn enables them to make a decision and increases the chance they’ll act on it.

What is presentation storytelling?

Presentation storytelling is the art of using a narrative structure to convey information instead of dry facts. It delivers a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end that aligns with the presentation's objectives, making the content more relatable and memorable.

Storytelling in business presentations involves 2 complementing aspects: (1) textual presentation narrative, and (2) visual storytelling.

What is a narrative presentation?

A narrative presentation is a style of delivering information where the content is structured as a relatable story. It typically includes characters, a setting, a conflict, and a resolution, and weaves complex ideas, processes, and metrics into the narrative.

What is a visual storytelling presentation?

A visual storytelling presentation tells a story or multiple anecdotes using visual elements like videos, animations, and interactive content.

Modern storytelling presentations apply scrollytelling design which combines visuals and text seamlessly to let readers interact with the presentation as they scroll down the content.

How to use the 4 storytelling archetypes

Storytelling is the art of describing vivid ideas, beliefs, experiences, and life lessons through stories and narratives.

These stories stimulate a listener's imagination as you take them on an emotional journey. There are many ways to tell a story.

These story structures have been shown to work for narrative presentations and corporate storytelling, and they will work for you.

The Hero's Journey: Communicates a transformation from struggle to success

The Story Mountain: Builds tension and anticipation

Story loop: Joins multiple perspectives into a single narrative

In-Media Res: Grabs attention quickly

There are timeless narrative frameworks that have worked for storytellers throughout the ages from the methodologies of old, through Shakespearian plays to Apple commercials.

1) Hero's Journey

The Hero's Journey storytelling technique

The hero's journey narrative archetype involves a hero who goes on a journey and returns as a changed person.

This storytelling template consists of three distinct parts, or "acts," that include a setup, confrontation, and resolution. It makes for a well-structured and engaging narrative.

2) The Mountain

Story Mountain storytelling technique

The mountain storytelling structure strategically maps the tension and drama in a story. This archetype is represented visually as a mountain, with each section building to a complex obstacle that characters need to overcome.

Think of the protagonist at the bottom of the mountain. They must climb the mountain to reach their goal (your business goals in this case). They face obstacles along the way, and they must overcome those obstacles before they can reach the top.

3) Story loop

The story loop structure contains stories within another story. However, they aren't standalone stories.

Your first story is the most important. It's the core of your message, and you use the other stories to elaborate or explain your central point.

But you stop some of the way through it, leaving the audience in suspense. Then, you share part of the second story before moving on to the last.

Eventually, in the end, you bring it all together to make one cohesive point. The purpose of this storytelling technique is to provide context, background, or a different perspective to a central narrative.

Types of anecdotes you can use in your story loop presentation

  • Customer success stories
  • Personal experiences by clients
  • Inspirational stories
  • Fictional or hypothetical stories
  • Historical or factual stories

Here's a short video explaining how to use a story loop:

How to use a story loop

4) In medias res (begin from the middle)

In medias res is Latin for "in the middle of things." With this storytelling archetype, the narrative begins in the middle of a scene. It skips over the background of the story and gets straight to the action.

To choose the right type of story for your presentation, consider your audience, the purpose of the presentation, and the emotional impact you want to create.

No matter what narrative structure you choose, include visuals, sensory details, and precise language to bolster your message.

If you want to learn more about this storytelling archetype, check out the video below:

Story structure In medias res

Effective presentation storytelling structure

A well-structured story can engage and persuade your audience, making your corporate presentation much more effective and memorable.

Stories can be applied in any type of business presentation, such as a pitch deck, sales presentation, white paper, report, or business proposal.

A single document can include multiple stories that make up a joint narrative.

5 basic elements of a story structure:

1. Introduction

  • Sets a relevant context with background information.
  • Introduces the protagonist (business or product) and the current problem or challenge.

2. Rising Action

  • Builds tension by detailing the obstacles and complications faced.
  • Engages the audience with the steps taken to address the challenge.
  • The turning point where the main tension or conflict peaks.
  • Highlights the moment of greatest challenge and the decisive action taken.

4. Falling Action

  • Shows the aftermath of the climax.
  • Begins to lead towards the resolution, detailing the business solution and results of actions taken.

5. Resolution

  • Wraps up the story with the outcome of all actions.
  • Provides a clear ending, showing how the challenge was overcome and what was learned.

After developing your story structure, be sure to connect it to your core message by creating parallels and reinforcing it with examples.

Most importantly, don’t leave your audience with the realization that they need to take action without offering them an immediate way to act.

Effective storytelling techniques for presentations

The beauty of storytelling is that the possibilities are endless. There are so many ways to tell a story in presentations. It's just a matter of finding the right one for your unique needs and goals.

1) Build your stories around your audience’s pain points

Stories establish connections. But don’t confuse your story with your audience’s story.

Your audience doesn’t care about your story, and they don’t care about your product.

But they will care if they feel you care about them.

Understanding the audience's pain points, values, and opinions can help you weave a story into a narrative that aligns with their interests. It gives you the chance to be part of THEIR story.

Stop talking about yourself. Do this and see engagement blow up, conversions increase, and greater brand loyalty .

2) Establish common ground with your prospects

One effective presentation storytelling technique is to find common ground and share experiences with your audience to establish a connection and make them care about what you say.

These commonalities are what resonate strongest with your target audience.

Common-ground stories tell your audience a satisfied client of yours overcame a particular challenge they are experiencing themselves, and offer the lessons learned while overcoming it.

3) Tell stories that foster peer envy

Peer envy is one of the strongest motivators you can flame in sales presentation storytelling.

Simply put it just means telling the story of a known industry player that achieved remarkable results with the help of your product or service.

A peer envy story should present the initial challenge, the journey to overcome it, and the final enviable outcomes. Yet the reader should feel they can attain similar or better results by following a similar journey.

Here's a fragment of a podcast where Michael Bosworth touches on this very topic:

Top 3 stories great salesmen use

Business presentation storytelling examples

Here are some examples of famous brands that incorporated personal stories to convey a powerful message in their business presentations.

Zuora sales deck

The Zuora sales deck was aptly named the best sales deck ever . It is truly a best-in-class example of a transformation narrative set within the story mountain framework.

It masterfully narrates the shift to a subscription economy, emphasizing evolving consumer behavior.

And by highlighting the challenges businesses face in this new economy, Zuora positions itself as the essential solution.

The deck's use of data, visuals, and testimonials weaves a compelling story of transformation, urging businesses to adapt and thrive with Zuora or stay behind and decline.

Mign sales deck

Mign’s sales deck highlights the digital shift in musculoskeletal injury recovery, emphasizing the transformation from mass production to personalized care.

Mign applies the hero’s journey story framework and positions itself as the trusted guide in this transformation.

The deck contrasts "winners," who embrace new technologies like additive manufacturing and virtual care, with "losers," traditional manufacturers stuck in outdated processes.

Tinder pitch deck

Tinder's pitch deck effectively narrates the universal challenge of meeting new people and the fear of rejection.

By introducing a hypothetical user named "Matt," Tinder gives the reader a peek into the mind of their target user - an everyday nice guy scared to approach a girl he's interested in.

This concrete personal experience gives life to a basic human need that investors can understand intuitively and even relate to.

Tinder leverages this emotional understanding to make a compelling case for its solution - a platform that eliminates the fear of rejection.

The deck also applied great data storytelling showcasing Tinder's impressive statistics, emphasizing its global reach and popularity among Gen Z.

They also nail the one-liner. Their slogan "It Starts With A Swipe™" encapsulates the simplicity and effectiveness of the app, positioning Tinder as the modern solution to traditional dating challenges.

Brothers Pub restaurant pitch deck

Brothers Pub's pitch deck presents a captivating local business story, emphasizing the need for a fresh, community-focused social pub venue.

The deck tells the story of the owners’ journey, from the initial concept to securing a prime location in Northampton, highlighting their dedication and vision for the future.

The deck outlines the challenges faced by traditional pubs, with 7000 closures in the last decade, and positions Brothers Pub as the innovative solution.

LKE proposal

Legends Kratom Co. (LKE) creates a narrative around the origins and benefits of kratom. By telling the exotic tale of the medicinal tropical evergreen tree and its transformation into a beneficial supplement, the deck creates a vivid backdrop.

They take the reader on their discovery journey to Indonesia to find a supplier for the coveted plant.

This adds authenticity and allure, while their commitment to education and community showcases a heartfelt mission.

Testimonials provide real-world validation, making LKE's story relatable and positioning them as a trusted leader in the supplement industry.

Genius Workshop Event pitch deck

Genius's pitch deck for their storytelling workshop is a masterclass in selling an experience. The deck introduces Gabrielle Dolan's expertise, setting a foundation of trust.

The workshop's structure is presented as a narrative journey, guiding attendees from novice to storyteller.

The deck mixes video, scrollytelling, and vivid language to give rich detail to the experience it promises to provide.

The 90-day follow-up program adds an element of continued growth, while alumni testimonials serve as real-world success stories.

By framing the workshop as a transformative experience, the deck engages and entices potential attendees, showcasing the power of storytelling in action.

Barbie recruitment pitch deck

Barbie's recruitment deck immerses candidates into Barbie's vibrant world. With playful greetings and whimsical descriptions, it sets a creative tone.

The deck focuses on Barbie’s story as a human being (doll in her case), her values, and her experience, instead of focusing on the recruiting company.

The deck lists attributes and responsibilities that align with Barbie's ethos, such as "spreading positivity" and "rocking a pink wardrobe."

Nokia brand guidelines

Nokia's brand guidelines deck uses visual storytelling to effectively communicate the essence of the brand. It lets the visuals tell the story since they speak louder than words.

The deck begins by anchoring the audience in Nokia's mission and values, creating a narrative foundation.

It then unfolds the brand's visual identity, from color schemes to typography, weaving a cohesive story of what Nokia represents.

By providing clear dos and don'ts, Nokia ensures that its brand story remains consistent and impactful across all touchpoints.

This storytelling approach not only educates but also engages, making it easier for stakeholders to internalize and adhere to the guidelines.

nSure one-pager

nSure's one-pager effectively uses visual data storytelling to convey the benefits of their AI fraud protection for digital gift card purchases.

Introducing the challenge of ambiguous transactions, nSure lets the numbers tell the story.

With impressive numbers like their AI solution’s 98% approval rate. They can afford to.

The deck's visuals, combined with endorsements from industry leaders like AXA, make a compelling narrative that instills confidence in nSure's expertise. proposal's proposal uses video storytelling with real practitioners who tell the story of their experiences using’s solution.

The video testimonial from a practice nurse adds a personal touch, showing the positive impact on patient care. This brings the user's experience to the front and adds credibility to the proposal’s claims.

The proposal uses a transformation narrative to showcase’s remote kidney screening solution.

They highlight the challenges of legacy ACR testing against their modern home-based test using a smartphone app.

Principles of visual storytelling in business presentations

Storytelling allows you to simplify complex or abstract information and address any objections or resistance. As a result, listeners can better retain and remember the message, which improves the decision-making process.

Here are the main principles that can transform your narrative:


Authentic visuals resonate more with audiences. In an era where people are bombarded with staged and polished images, authentic, candid photos that reflect the reality of your work can make your message stand out and be memorable.

Your visuals should evoke a sensory experience. The goal is to cut through the noise and trigger a stronger emotional response.

For example, you can make the experience more immersive by adding interactive clickable elements, embedding videos, or images that highlight details or visual textures.

Scrollytelling can also play a crucial role here, allowing the story to unfold through interaction, as the audience scrolls through the narrative, engaging them in a multi-sensory journey.

You can see the difference that interactivity makes below. Which presentation would you rather read?

story presentation ppt

The stories told by your images must be relevant to your audience. Personalized visual storytelling, supported by data to understand what motivates your audience, can turn your story into an experience that resonates deeply.

Every story has characters that fit certain archetypes, such as the caregiver, the explorer, and the creator. Identifying with these archetypes helps your audience connect with the story on a deeper level, making your organization's mission more relatable and memorable.

Make your own storytelling presentation

We've curated an extensive collection of templates to help you achieve effective storytelling for whatever business presentation you need to make.

The business storytelling presentation templates below have been rigorously tested across various devices and refined with insights gleaned from real-world feedback.

They were designed with interactive storytelling at their core. They’ll serve you as handy visual storytelling aids to make your presentations engaging, memorable, and highly converting.

Grab a template!

Why the human brain loves storytelling presentations

According to neuroscientist Uri Hasson , storytelling fosters deep social interactions through brain-to-brain connections.

He found that when we hear stories, our brains mirror each other, helping us understand what the storyteller is feeling.

Called neurocoupling or mirroring, this process occurs across many areas of the brain, including the ones that are responsible for processing and understanding narratives.

So the human brain loves stories. But why?

The short answer is that ‌neural activity in the brain increases when we hear a captivating story. Our brains are made up of neurons, which are nerve cells that send messages throughout the body.

These neurons release neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that transmit signals from nerve cells to target cells.

The most common neurotransmitters in the brain include:

When we hear a story, the neurons in our brain light up with activity. And according to neuroscientists, "neurons that fire together wire together."

This means that as we hear stories, the neurons in our brains are wiring together. As a result, we're more likely to remember the information we receive from a story.

Storytelling also triggers the release of dopamine ("the brain's form of candy") and oxytocin ("the love drug"). In other words, stories make us feel good.

Here's an infographic showing how storytelling affects the brain:

How storytelling affects the brain

This can influence buying behavior because it helps to create an emotional connection with potential customers or buyers.

Telling a story, instead of making a sales pitch , is less intimidating to an audience.

The company or product you're describing is easier to understand, seems less complex, and provides relevant information in a format that's easy to digest and remember.

As a result, the buyer can relate to the product or service and will eventually want to purchase it.

Joanne Camarce grows and strategizes B2B marketing and PR efforts @ . She loves slaying outreach campaigns and connecting with brands like G2, Wordstream, Process Street, and others. When she's not wearing her marketing hat, you'll find Joanne admiring Japanese music and art or just being a dog mom.

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10 Creative Storytelling Presentation Templates


Adding a story to your presentation is an absolute must-have element if you wish to engage your audience or viewers and make your content memorable.

Humans have gathered around a fireplaces to listen storytelling for thousands of years, so following a story path in your presentation is a natural instinct.

Nobody likes bullet points and slides, people hunger for a beginning, an adventure and a great ending. These are the presentation elements which will make you a legend.

So how to present a story and make it fascinating? The below gallery includes some of our best Story and Storytelling related presentation templates for PowerPoint and Prezi. Replace the content with your own text and images and focus on what matters – your story:

1. Story Timeline Presentation Template

timeline for story presentation on movie film strip

Prezi Template for making a creative timeline or photo frames slideshow. A classic film tape/movie roll with a 3D background for presenting your images, videos or texts. Present about your company history, talk about a movie or a TV show or create a multimedia image gallery slideshow. Easily customize the template by duplicating the film tape and add as many placeholders as needed. Divide your timeline path into sections using the dotted line and zoom in to present the content. Present a story with a smooth flow and take your audience on journey through time.

2. Creative Stories Presentation Template

Good template for educational presentation, for presenting to kids or children in the classroom. Includes a PowerPoint version with animated stickman figures. A fun template with a simple paper sketch concept, I mean come on, we’ve all created stickman figures, and when they come alive, the it feels like a magic hollywood movie for the kids 

3. Digital Story Presentation Template

story presentation ppt

3D Prezi Template with the concept of digital storytelling. A film strip flying out of a white Ipad and scattered white frames for your content. All visual elements are separated; move them around, remove graphics, change the background and create your own unique layout. Duplicate the 2 different kind of frames for your texts, images or videos. A good template for visual storytelling, presenting movie/film scripts, movie reviews, digital media, online videos, streaming content or media from the internet. A simple and universal template for presenting with lot of media content, create a slideshow of photos, or a gallery of videos.

4. Open Book Presentation Template

story presentation ppt

Take your viewers on a story and fly through the letters and numbers on the 3D background. The slides in the template have a nice 3D transition effect and at first, it might look like the template zooms and spins an awful lot, but this example presentation only shows blanks slides, but your presentation will have more content to show, and thus you’re staying on each slide longer.

5. Comic Book Story Presentation Template

story presentation ppt

Do you want to become a superhero? It’s possible with this creative comic book design Prezi presentation template. Tell a story to your audience, add beautiful images, use comic book effects and you’ll be remembered as a storytelling hero, guaranteed! Rethink your boring presentation you were going to present, by adding a character and a narrative. Your audience will be more captivated and everyone will remember your content. People are emotional creatures, and this template limits your ability to present slides with boring and large text blocks, so you have to become creative and rethink your story in a more visual way!

6. Adventure Book Presentation Template

story presentation ppt

People love stories and adventures so give your audience something to remember by using this creative 3D presentation template featuring an open book on a desk and a city popping out of it. A magical and fantasy themed book presentation template with a city with skyscrapers and tall mountain tops popping out from a book. A perfect template for storytelling and making a presentation about education, book, innovation or science fiction. This is your adventure, go ahead and write the first chapter…

7. Project Storyboard Presentation Template

story presentation ppt

Prezi presentation Template with a creative storytelling concept. A storyboard sketch on an A4 paper – present your business ideas or add a story to any other topic. Storyboards are commonly used to visualize movies or animations, in a sketched out sequence. Use this great concept to build your own presentation. Add images and illustrations inside the frames and short descriptions underneath.

8. Story of Time Presentation Template

story presentation ppt

Prezi Template for creating a 3D circular photo slideshow or sharing image/videos. A classic black film/movie tape forming a round circular shape with a clock face (can be deleted) Present about your business or company history or roadmap, or create a gallery of memories. A good photo or video template for any kind of presentation with lots of pictures or videos in it. Present a story and take your audience on journey through time with is symbolized by the circle clock shape. Share memories or present photographs from an event – insert your images into the photo frames. A good template for photographers or videographers to present their work or portfolio. Insert your own photographs, or use video, text or symbols.

9. Writing a Story Presentation Template

story presentation ppt

Prezi template with an abstract pencil concept. Letters flying out from a broken pencil. Illustrates creativity, learning or writing. When zooming in the background fades into a grey color to focus on the content. Move or delete the elements and create an interesting looking presentation. Present about creative writing, copywriting, literature, school, education.

10. Photo Box Presentation Template

story presentation ppt

Prezi Template for creating a 3D photo slideshow, sharing images or videos. A classic black film tape forming a rectangular shape with multiple zoom levels. Present about your company history, talk about a movie or a TV show or create a media gallery. A good photo or video template for any kind of presentation with lots of pictures. Present a story and take your audience on journey through time. Share memories or present photographs from an event – insert your images into the photo frames. A good template for photographers or videographers to present their work or portfolio. Insert your own photographs, or use videos, text or symbols.

So what’s your story? Do you need to a create a presentation to wow your clients, boss or someone else?

Think about that… what is the message behind your presentation and what are you trying to say to your audience? This will determine the kind of story you need to present about.

If you’re looking for some more inspiration, be sure to check out Best 25 Creative presentation templates or browse our Pinterest Channel for more Prezi template ideas.

story presentation ppt

Stand Out in Your Next Presentation

See our collection of 25 stunning presentation templates guaranteed to impress and make your ideas shine.

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Home Blog Presentation Ideas The Power of Storytelling in Presentations: A Guide to Captivate Your Audience.

The Power of Storytelling in Presentations: A Guide to Captivate Your Audience.

Cover for how to use Storytelling in presentations

Presentations happen daily in corporate meeting rooms, hybrid sessions, fully remote summits, seminars, and weekly check-ins. What was once referred to as “Death by PowerPoint” has become “This could have been an email.”

In a survey about the current work state, 91% of workers admitted that they daydream during meetings . They’re creating stories in their minds because they’re not concentrating on the meeting or the presentation on their screen. 

Nobody wants meetings that go nowhere; aim for efficiency and less time wasted. Mindful communication and some good old storytelling techniques are the best ways to reach that goal. On the other hand, stories present a different point of view on how to tell a story to an audience and disclose large chunks of data without losing the audience’s interest.

Research by the Journal of Neuroscience (2019) discusses the importance of using storytelling in business presentations to disclose information to the public in a more accessible format. Our brains are wired to process stories more effectively than raw data or facts. When we hear a story, our brains release oxytocin, a hormone associated with empathy and trust, which helps us connect emotionally with the speaker and the content. Hence, the importance of curating the script to deliver your story to the audience as stories have the power to inspire, worry, heal, and even to attract a negative impact, as suggested by the American Psychological Association .

You can harness this phenomenon in your presentations regardless of their scope. In this guide, we share storytelling techniques you might not have thought of and reinforce the classics with new ideas. This article is for weekly report presenters, sales agents presenting to clients daily, and anyone looking to improve their PowerPoint storytelling training skills. 

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Benefits of Using Storytelling in Presentations

Understanding the audience and tailoring the story to their interests and needs, data storytelling, storytelling structures for crafting a compelling story for a corporate presentation, practical techniques to improve storytelling in presentations, how storytelling enhances the effectiveness of the presentation.

  • The Power of Visual Metaphors and your Stories

Strategies For Overcoming Storytelling Challenges in a Corporate Setting

The power of storytelling.

Communication through storytelling is the intersection between informing, connecting, and persuading. Stories have been the foundation of human connection since the beginning of human history. Before the advent of written language, history was shared through spoken storytelling. Then came books, plays, movies, and storytelling modalities that united people through communication.

Findings demonstrate that storytelling is essential for presenting innovative ideas and gaining interest and support from others. In any scenario, from academic to corporate, when people are engaged with a story, they are more likely to pay attention, ask questions, and participate in the presentation. This engagement can lead to better outcomes for the presenter and the audience.

Storytelling breaks the ice through empathy and relatability. Short, rapid-fire associations help overcome communication obstacles and connect the speaker to the audience, especially when the presenter doesn’t know the audience personally. 

Imagine that you’re about to present to a college audience of students, scholars, and teachers. Tap into what they can all relate to: the room you’re in, the event you’re all attending, the weather, and create a quick story or comment about it. If you’re a visual storytelling master, tie it into your presentation’s intro.

Stories motivate. It’s what they’re most appreciated for. Stories help people understand complex ideas or data by providing context, relatability, and a structure familiar to the human brain.

Using stories improves the memorability and strength of the message while creating a connection between the speaker and the audience. Practicing storytelling in presentations increases confidence in the speaker and, therefore, the audience. 

Research by Stanford University suggests that people remember stories better than simple facts, and incorporating stories into presentations can lead to better retention. A story also has the potential to turn a presentation into a conversation, opening up the possibilities of communication even further. 

Incorporating Storytelling into Corporate Presentations

The average corporate worker is involved in presentations at least twice a week. Incorporating storytelling into those presentations, no matter how small, improves efficiency and results. 

But simply telling a random joke isn’t going to cut it; your content has to be tailored to the audience, finding the right balance between story and data and incorporating structures for storytelling slides , and visual, textual, and auditory storytelling techniques. Storytelling techniques span from small touches like quotes, GIFs, or memes to a full-scale story spanning every presentation slide.

Corporate Storytelling is the branch by which we apply storytelling techniques to business environments, which can happen in the format of writing mission & vision statements, presentations, marketing, sales proposals , product design, etc. Its company-wide application ensures that communication is clear across all levels but also reflects on overcoming obstacles with real-life applications of what the corporation is producing. 

Audiences can be vertical or horizontal. Vertical audiences are people with more or less knowledge than you. Horizontal audiences have the same knowledge as you. This distinction matters because it directs your decision-making toward the terminology and story arc you incorporate into a presentation.

For example, the communication is horizontal in a small meeting with your peers where you present a roadmap for a project launch. You can use industry jargon freely because they’ll all understand. Here’s a possible storytelling technique for a roadmap presentation.

  • Create avatars for each team member with a funny accessory or cool background. Place each avatar on their tasks and move them along every week when you have check-ins. Make it fun and build a story around it. Your plan succeeds if people are talking about it outside the meeting room.

In a hybrid orientation session with new employees and interns . There’s less room for jokes than in a horizontal team environment. Use storytelling to train and inspire 50+ people in a hybrid setting.

  • Open the presentation with real success stories of employees who came into the company and thrived over time. Don’t just show this employee at work doing tasks; also show them in situations where they enjoy themselves and feel a sense of accomplishment. 
  • Incorporate dialogue simulations into the presentation. Choose participants randomly and ask them to have a guided conversation about something they might encounter at work. 
  • Separate the audience into break-out rooms and ask participants different “what if” questions. Afterward, have a group discussion and create possible user stories from the answers.
  • Your storytelling plan succeeded if at least ¾ of the audience participated and there was some laughter and enjoyment during the session.

Presentations to large audiences, like keynote speeches and TED talks, are the easiest to add storytelling techniques to. Communication is typically a combination of vertical and horizontal in these cases. Here are some PowerPoint storytelling training ideas:

  • Tell a story that happened to you that ties into the content you’re sharing. Use unifying and stringing techniques to bring the idea from the story to the content and vice versa. 
  • Separate the presentation into parts and tell one story per section . Select tales that people can relate to, like overcoming obstacles, reaching goals, and surviving traumas. Everyone can relate to those.

Some scenarios present a particular challenge for presenters: how to implement storytelling if the presentation heavily relies on data? Certainly, text cannot replace factual information, not visual metaphors, so in such cases, we highly recommend you follow a methodology like the one exposed in our article about data storytelling .

A storytelling structure will always help create better presentations by captivating your audience’s attention and engaging them more deeply. Sequential steps build a sense of suspense, transforming mere information into a compelling narrative that resonates. By learning how to structure your presentation like a story , you can effectively convey your message and leave a lasting impact. Here are some of the most effective storytelling techniques tailored to their specific scopes:

SCQA – Situation, Complication, Question, Answer 

The SCQA framework is an essential tool for analytic storytelling in presentations. It’s a practical tool in business communication that audiences relate easily to. As it follows a logical flow to present a situation and the steps to its resolution, it is one of the easiest methodologies for implementing storytelling in presentations. In our detailed case study, we shall expose a step-by-step process for applying this framework.

These are the sections of SCQA:

  • Complication

We introduce this case to quickly represent this model: A furniture exporter has found customer complaints regarding the parcel delivery system. Using the SCQA, they can pinpoint the story behind the situation: some third-party vendors don’t use the platform-approved parcel delivery service, which implies an extra charge for the vendors, and opt instead for their own systems. In turn, some orders get lost, and customers cannot retrieve information on the shipping status until it’s delivered.

SCQA framework used to represent the situation of a parcel delivery system

SCQA offers the advantage of helping presenters to structure complex concepts in a story format, which benefits situations like technical or scientific presentations as jargon can be reduced to easy-to-relate life situations.

Story Mountain

The story mountain or story arch is a literary structure for telling stories. It also works for medium size business presentations. It is a visual metaphor that illustrates the path to transit a mountain, from one point to the other end, and lists key points along the road, as well as the differences in the pace for each stage.

These are the stops in a story mountain:

  • Opening: Start by introducing the main characters, the setting, and the context of your story, which, in terms of business situations, reflects the company, product, or service, then the problem your organization intends to address.
  • Build-Up: This is the core problem to resolve. It should be disclosed in a manner that builds expectations and drives interest from the audience on which solutions are proposed and how they will work.
  • Climax: The Climax can also be interpreted as an inflection point by which a direction change is introduced after an action is taken. This can be represented in the form of speaking about a strategic management shift that led your company into a successful path or an innovative solution later presented as a product or service that solves the core problem.
  • Resolution: In this section, we illustrate how the core problem is solved due to the selected solution that arose from the Climax stage. Using testimonials is a great method to validate your authority on the topic and break the barrier between theoretical models and actual solutions. Other alternatives can come from case studies or introducing fact-based data.
  • Ending: We conclude the story mountain structure by summarizing the key takeaways on the path to the mountain and highlighting how the organization solved the problem. Implement CTAs in this section, as it is where you should encourage prospective buyers to acquire your product/service. In the case of academic/scientific presentations, list down your contact information for possible collaboration projects.

We can showcase this model with a case like this: A manufacturing company producing paint cans is looking to implement production monitoring software on its shop floor. The aim is to increase efficiency, track real-time production, and better understand error codes.

  • Opening: The company acknowledged its production needed more efficient, identifying hidden gems in their production process. They decided it was time to implement production monitoring software to take its production rates to new levels.
  • Build-Up: As the company looks for different technology solutions, it can categorize the options offered by factors such as cost, features, and ease of implementation. They also ran an audit to get insights on which technology suits their production line the best.
  • Climax: After a careful evaluation, the company chose a production monitoring software solution within its needs and budget. They opted to run a pilot on a limited number of machines, comparing the output results after 3 months. The implementation phase is handled by the software provided in terms of software, access points, and hardware required.
  • Resolution: Over the first three weeks, the company observed significant improvements in its production process. They could locate bottlenecks that hindered the throughput rate, making the required changes to address them. This led to increased efficiency and brought cost-saving benefits to the company.
  • Ending: The production monitoring software became an integral part of the company’s daily operations, influencing when maintenance tasks should be scheduled, providing insights about hidden production potential, and helping operators understand the consequences of each action taken more clearly. Due to the quick implementation process and the reports on cost-savings, especially from the scrap count reduction and energy-saving perspective, the company opted to install this production monitoring solution across all machines on the shop floor.

Application of the story mountain storytelling format to a problem

The Hero’s Journey 

The Hero’s Journey is a storytelling technique that fits neatly into a long-form presentation or keynote speech. This framework became popularized by Joseph Cambell’s book “The Hero with a Thousand Faces ,” it’s longer than the previous examples and can get quite elaborate. We can identify these sections in the Hero’s Journey:

  • The Call to Adventure: The challenge/opportunity that initiates the path to the journey.
  • Resisting the Call: The hero’s inner struggle to embark on the journey out of fear of failure or inadequacy.
  • Meeting the Mentor: The encounter between the hero and a wise figure who provides advice on the journey.
  • Crossing the Threshold: Moving from the comfort zone into the “Unknown,” walking into danger or uncertainty.
  • Quests, Allies, and Enemies: The hero must transit obstacles and interactions to gather experience to face the key challenge of its journey.
  • Approaching the Cave: In this stage, the hero faces the story’s main conflict.
  • The Abyss: Where the hero experiences an internal crisis, inducing a transformation as it faces its deepest fear or a life-or-death choice.
  • The Reward: After emerging victorious from The Abyss, our hero gains a valuable element (tangible or not) relevant to transit the rest of the quest.
  • The Road Home: This stage represents the path back to their daily life, but finds new obstacles or challenges.
  • The Rebirth: A final challenge emerges, where the hero is confronted with its greatest fear and must put all the knowledge to the test. This point showcases how much the hero has truly changed throughout the journey.
  • Return: The hero is now back in its ordinary life, with the gained knowledge and a better understanding of the world. Now, that newfound knowledge is applied to benefit others.

That is a basic outline of the steps to cover in this road. If you wish to know more about this storytelling technique, we recommend you check our guide on The Hero’s Journey and its application.

A PPT template showing The Hero's Journey framework

Some presentations encompass various styles, functions, and objectives, each catering to specific communication goals. Internal and external presentations serve distinct purposes, requiring tailored approaches to effectively convey information. To enhance your storytelling prowess within presentations, here are some ideas that incorporate PowerPoint storytelling examples :

On Presenting Projects, Plans, Reports, etc.

Suppose you regularly present plans, project roadmaps , and reports to higher management. In that case, you can tap into what you intend to produce from the project and craft a success story, presenting the winning moments and obstacles your organization had to transit. Say, for example, a laptop manufacturer is presenting their newest model release plan. One of the main points to highlight in the marketing strategy is why this model is a flagship for the company. Well, since the product is due to be released in Q3 2023 and there were major differences in previous laptop designs by this company, the marketing team can build a narrative on how the Pandemic affected the initial design they had in mind due to the microchip shortage, the restrictions to work in shopfloor, and how they were presented with a new paradigm in terms of work. Those learnings were applied after noticing what customers needed regarding power and portability to work from anywhere in the world, not just a shared office. And that’s the background why this new laptop model is the solution for digital nomads and a brand new concept in the company’s strategy.

Introducing an Ideal Persona

For OKR sessions with newer employees , tell stories to inspire team members to feel invested in their objectives and key results. You can create one “ideal employee” model and craft a narrative around it to present common challenges, what objectives to aim for, and the benchmarks by which the company shall measure the new employees’ success rate. Express how this “ideal employee” came to the company fresh out of university, heading for a trainee role. How asking the mentors for advice helped the employee better understand their strengths and weaknesses and how to adapt them to perform at a greater level. Then, you can use this same narrative to cultivate the constant-learning mindset, as the “ideal employee” joined for extra-hours workshops that coach how to work with new frameworks, a well-paid sacrifice as it helped the employee to land an in-company promotion in less than 1 year. Use examples of other teams in the company and expose how they overcame new challenges or set new success metrics by collaborating as a team while staying true to your company’s mission & vision.

Strategies for Sales Meetings

Your best storytelling tactic for those presenting during external meetings like sales and proposals is the trusty “get to know your audience” technique . If it’s a big group, study the average person in attendance and direct your stories toward them. For smaller groups, research the client and mention things they’re interested in. Tie it into your presentation with stories, analogies, and metaphors. As an example of this tactic, let’s place ourselves in a sales professional’s shoes, presenting robotic vacuums to a group of investors and guaranteeing higher profits than they would make if investing in competitor brands like iRobot. The sales professional must gather information about the audience’s background, their individual investing profile, which projects similar to this product caught their interest, their expected ROI, and their threshold for risk. Then, the sales professional has to craft a narrative that attends to the needs of the average member in the meeting, with juicy details to spike the interest of the best 3 potential investors in the room. You can ask then what happens if there’s a conflict of interest in contrasting expectations. Step 1 is to stay true to your facts: do not present information your product or service cannot produce. Step 2 is to debate which position is more favorable to your interests and who is your ideal investor candidate. Step 3 is to calmly expose the facts that may drive the interest away from one/several investors and how your proposal aims to solve the problem in a different format than they expected. If, by chance, no consensus is reached, move towards Step 4, which is thanking the investors for their time and wishing that you can reach a business deal in another project.

Repurposing Customer Testimonials

In some cases, users crave tangible results from an innovative product. Talk to the customer satisfaction team at the company and ask them to tell you stories from the customers they talk to. Take notes of those experiences, remembering to write down the name in case you opt to cite a customer and need to ask for permission. 

By working with your customers’ testimonials, your organization can learn about flaws your product or service may present. Such information can later be repurposed as the ground research of a new product line and even be used in the product presentation as a punch line when to introduce “Why did we create this product?” – it is a powerful resource to count with, and automatically validates your efforts by working on suggestions made from real-life customers on what they expect from a product or service.

This approach is also used in the format of surveys held by the customer satisfaction team, as we count on valid insights to work from.

Creating a Dialogue

Turn the presentation into a conversation . Incorporating storytelling into a conversation can feel more manageable than in a speech. This process can be done by following these steps:

  • Simplify the language: Avoid any unrequired jargon when transforming the presentation into a conversational format. If you must use industry-exclusive terms, introduce them in the context and with an explanation as if speaking with a colleague. Overly format language should be discarded as the aim is for a conventional business conversation, as it would happen in a coffee break during an event.
  • Structure the narrative: Make it a back-and-forth conversation where questions and comments can be added by any of the two interlocutors (the presenter and, in this case, the audience). Write down any aspect of the conversation that you feel might be left out if you don’t follow a strict outline.
  • Use examples: As you would in any normal conversation, have some references at bay. Working with your case study in the presentation as an example can help in most cases, as you are already familiar with the ins and outs of that example. If not, opt for an example that is relevant and easy to structure for your talk.
  • Be adaptable: It is not a presentation format but a more relaxed take on delivering a topic. With this, we imply unexpected changes can emerge like a member of the audience raising a series of consecutive questions or making it a lengthy monologue to express an idea. Go with the flow and only return to your speech if you divert too much from your intent.
  • Highlight key points: Don’t dwell too much on specific details that may consume much time. Instead, push the key points into the conversation early on so you can reference them later as the conversation goes on.

Case Study of Storytelling in a Corporate Presentation

A software provider for the retail industry, TechEase, seeks to win a large contract from a potential client, a major retail chain, to implement a new inventory management system. The client, MoreIsLess, has expressed interest in TechEase’s software but has yet to make a final decision. 

TechEase knows they are competing against several other software providers and must make a compelling sales presentation to set them apart.

First, the TeachEase team concretizes the client’s pain points to use them as a basis for a compelling story. TechEase must show how its software will meet the requirements to ease the client’s unique pain points.

  • MoreIsLess needs an inventory management software solutionthat is more effective than the one they use now. 
  • The current software is unstable and is constantly making employees frustrated. 
  • It has also created issues with inventory data, making the company lose clients from its e-commerce platform due to undelivered orders and product sorting and packaging mistakes.
  • MoreIsLess managers have previously had a negative experience with a software implementation project and are hesitant to take on another project that could potentially disrupt their operations.
  • The client is concerned about the software’s complexity and whether it would be easy for their employees to use. 

To address these challenges, TechEase’s sales team develops a sales story that will resonate with the client. One easy way to understand this problem is by implementing a metaphor. In this case, TechEase interprets the inefficiency in the system used by MoreIsLess as a bottleneck problem, given that new orders are added to the queue. However, unresolved/failed orders still hang there, altering the inventory data. In graphical terms, it resembles a car jam on a high-traffic road, where at a certain point, all elements get stuck.

Car jam metaphor to illustrate a process bottleneck

Using the SCQA framework, the team sets up a structure for their sales presentation with the client company. They’ll build a compelling story with this as the foundation. The slides follow this outline and the structure for a sales presentation. Our SCQA Slides Template for PowerPoint is used to illustrate this case.

  • Situation = MoreIsLess needs an inventory management software solution that will be more effective than now.

Situation stage of the SCQA framework

  • Complication = Their current system creates bottlenecks in the supply chain, causing behavioral and financial problems. MoreIsLess managers are worried about disrupting operations to implement new management software. They are also worried about the software’s complexity.

Complication stage of the SCQA framework

  • Question = How will TeachEase offer an inventory management solution that will solve the bottleneck issue quickly and efficiently without disrupting operations? How will they ensure timely employee training?

Question stage of the SCQA framework

  • Answer = TechEase offers to implement the new software over one weekend and train all involved employees within a week. Bottlenecks will ease within two weeks with a full-scale fix at three weeks max. The TechEase team also works with the customer success team to inform customers of the changes when necessary. They will offer a discount code to clients as an incentive if they have any issues in those two weeks.

Answer stage of the SCQA framework

The story uses a visual metaphor, the bottleneck. In this case, a long-term inventory bottleneck with mistaken shipments and unsent orders is caused by the current software.

Ineffective inventory management software = a traffic bottleneck on a highway intersection

Everyone hates it when traffic becomes a bottleneck that makes drivers change routes, get lost, arrive late to their destination, etc. TechEase’s software solves the problem by creating more efficient inventory systems that relieve bottlenecks by “creating different lanes and making some of them wider.” 

TechEase uses the bottleneck visual metaphor in the presentation slides by turning an inventory flowchart into a traffic bottleneck. In the following slides, the bottleneck eases up, and the presenter explains how the software solves that problem. During the conversation, they use analogies and metaphors that tie back to the idea of the traffic bottleneck.

Storytelling can be a powerful tool for persuasion. A well-crafted story can help the audience relate to the presenter’s point of view and see the value in a proposed solution, idea, or product. Using the bottleneck visual metaphor, TechEase connects with the audience in a plane beyond what they’re immediately discussing. 

Finally, the TechEase team mentions a previous client with a similar issue. In a quick story, they explain how the software eased its bottlenecks without affecting daily productivity.

Tying the metaphoric story with a real story brings the idea home, from fiction to reality.

Resulting in MoreIsLess closing the deal and implementing TechEase’s software.

The Power of Visual Metaphors and Your Stories

Data and storytelling have many ways of working together to incentivize creative communication. One particular technique we’re fond of is visual metaphors and associations.

Relevant visual metaphors help you add storytelling to data without confusing the audience. It tends to do the opposite. Say you intend to represent what’s missing from a process to satisfy the customer’s needs. We can represent this situation as the following case study: a language learning application intends to compete on the same tier as top-industry solutions like Duolingo. They found out that users struggle to improve their pronunciation levels in some languages due to their way of pronouncing vocals and consonants in their native language. Take a look at this slide for a gap analysis. The broken road over a crevasse is the visual metaphor for the gap. It’s simple, it makes sense, and it’s effective. Using the gap analysis, the company can represent how the current state of their app is not helping users overcome pronunciation mistakes, as there’s no system to evaluate that in the app.

Gap analysis slide sample for a language learning app

In another example, a company faces communication issues due to workers creating immense email threads due to the “Reply All” function. Instead of replying to the team members who should be aware of the answer, workers keep replying to all, creating email chains of over 20 emails that may not be relevant to the members listed in the initial email, as the current messages include specific instructions for one team. Instead, a wiser solution would be to reply only to those who find that communication pertinent or create a new email thread with the members interacting. Using the 3D square peg metaphor, we can represent how the “Reply All” option is forced into the organization rather than opting for individual email threads per topic or testing communication solutions like Microsoft Teams or Slack. This slide has an adaptable visual metaphor for explaining that something isn’t working as it should and that you’re forcing a solution where it isn’t fit to work.

Using the 3D Square Peg Round Circle metaphor to illustrate a forced solution

The funnel is a classic and highly effective storytelling technique in marketing and business. We can drive the attention from hard-to-understand data into visual cues. Instead of using numbers to express how a media channel brings users to our company and turns them into prospective buyers, we can represent the funnel and categorize from contacts through the next filtered stage of qualified leads, then to prospects, and finally, opportunities. And we can also filter out the users who partially meet the criteria, reformulating solutions to their needs. Make yours unique by using colored dots, icons, and a legend to pinpoint where your team needs to work harder and what areas are strong.

Example of a 4-Level Lead Generation Funnel

As we’ve seen, there are multiple methods to implement metaphors to tell a story . The problem lies in pairing the aesthetic of your visual slides with the rest of the content you are delivering; otherwise, it feels disconnected. A tool like the SlideModel AI Presentation Maker help to bridge the gap by creating an entire slide deck based on a pre-selected design style and theme.

Overcoming Challenges in Storytelling for Corporate Presentations

There are always challenges and obstacles when using storytelling in corporate presentations. They’re the reason why so many presentations could have been emails. And also why deals aren’t closing, sales aren’t being made, and internal meeting presentations are unproductive. These are some of the most common:

  • The company doesn’t have a brand story, no corporate storytelling strategy, nor does its communication culture have any stories to tell. This foments a culture of basic communication that doesn’t inspire action and growth.
  • Everyone just keeps doing “what works.” When faced with something new, they say, “We’ve always been doing it this way.” If a new idea for a presentation comes up, they say, “We’ve used this report presentation template for the past year. Why change now?”
  • It takes time to craft relevant stories and practice them. Many presentations must be finished fast and then presented at a meeting nobody wants to attend.
  • Sometimes, a story used means nothing, and the effort is wasted .

The number one strategy to overcome storytelling challenges is to understand and share that storytelling is worth the time it takes to implement.  

Here are some strategies for overcoming storytelling challenges in a corporate setting.

  • Hire a brand storyteller to build a story from which the entire company can build more stories.
  • Build detailed user personas and create stories around them.
  • Hire a creative director to lead important presentation projects and client communication.
  • Challenge your employees to get creative when building presentations and think of other ideas to implement instead of reusing the same report template every Friday. If your company has a brand story, share it with them. Involve the Learning and Development department and offer storytelling workshops for everyone to build their skills.
  • Don’t create a story for each presentation. Keep a folder of potential stories to use in the future and reference it regularly. 
  • Make the stories mean something. Stories that don’t relate to your audience are as good as nothing. 

Be ready for every situation; you never know when your in-person presentation will turn into a hybrid session at the last minute. If you practiced a presentation for a stage, with some walking around and eye contact, you’ll have to bring it all in and adapt it for the camera. 

In a few steps, you can adapt the storytelling from an in-person meeting into a hybrid session. 

  • Set up a camera to record the front of the room where the presenters will be.
  • Connect it to the webinar or meeting software and test it.
  • Send attendees a digital copy of the presentation slides.
  • When the session starts, don’t just show the front of the room to the virtual attendees; change views and show the slides fullscreen, especially those with the visual metaphor.
  • During the session, have someone in charge of the chat box and motivate attendees to participate in the discussion.

The power of storytelling is undisputed. It differentiates between a presentation considered “this could have been an email” and a presentation that positively impacts the audience. 

Stories in a corporate setting are the glue that humanizes business meetings, making them more entertaining, effective, compelling, memorable, and successful. 

In this guide, we shared some storytelling techniques you can incorporate at different levels of your organization. Try them out and see what works better. Part of getting to know your audience is trying out stories with them and seeing how they react. Check out our storytelling templates for PowerPoint to create your next presentation.

Here’s to much better presentations in your future.

Zacks, J. M., Speer, N. K., & Reynolds, J. R. (2009). Segmentation in reading and film comprehension. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 138(2), 307–327.

Source: Zak, P. J. (2014). Why inspiring stories make us react: The neuroscience of narrative. Cerebrum: The Dana Forum on Brain Science, 2014, 2. Retrieved from

Green, M. C., & Brock, T. C. (2000). The role of transportation in the persuasiveness of public narratives. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79(5), 701–721.

Hinyard, L. J., & Kreuter, M. W. (2007). Using narrative communication as a tool for health behavior change: A conceptual, theoretical, and empirical overview. Health Education & Behavior, 34(5), 777–792.

story presentation ppt

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How to Tell a Story in a Presentation, with Examples

July 26, 2018 - Dom Barnard

Keeping your audience engaged whilst trying to clearly deliver your key messages can be difficult. A helpful way of doing this is by telling stories where you take your audience on a journey and appeal to their emotions. In this article we discuss storytelling techniques you can incorporate into presentations.

The benefits of storytelling

Storytelling is used in every culture, passed down through generations, to help with understanding because  humans like narrative structures . It’s now becoming more popular for business presentations – this is the case for Cisco Systems who switched from fact-heavy presentations to presentations incorporating stories and consequently became more successful in promoting their products.

Research suggests that humans are hardwired to listen to stories, for example, after conducting a fMRI study, neuroscientist Uri Hasson concluded that storytelling causes the neurons of an audience to sync with the storyteller’s brain. This suggests that your brain in responding like the storyteller’s so you are experiencing the same emotions.

Storytelling has multiple benefits:

  • Grabs attention
  • Evokes emotion, especially empathy
  • Uses the audience’s imagination
  • Relatable e.g. humanises a person, company etc
  • Maintains attention because stories are so engaging
  • Builds anticipation by having heroes, challenges, adventures and journeys
  • Changes beliefs
  • Very persuasive

Different ways of storytelling

Monomyth (the hero’s the journey).

In a monomyth, a hero goes on a difficult journey or takes on a challenge – they move from the familiar into the unknown. After facing obstacles and ultimately succeeding the hero returns home, transformed and with newfound wisdom.

Using a monomyth is a useful way of showing the audience how you obtained the knowledge/wisdom that you will be sharing in your presentation. When you deliver your presentation you can hold the audience as the hero – they can come on the journey, you encourage them to walk through it and get passed the obstacles. Your ideas delivered in the presentation can guide them to the rewards/wisdom they seek.

An example of a monomyth: professional snowboarder  Amy Purdy delivered a speech  where she talks about losing her legs to meningitis, re-learning snowboarding and finally receiving a medal in the Paralympics.

  • Engages the audience by accessing their imagination and taking them a journey
  • Universal appeal – has a recognisable and simple structure
  • Demonstrates the benefits of taking risks
  • Quickly evokes empathy
  • Shows how you learned a lesson and how you got your wisdom
  • Your audience sees the value of your product, service etc

Rags to riches

This essentially is a story where the main character has various hardships in their life, usually hits rock bottom but then achieves great success.

  • Relatable as we have all faced difficult times
  • Provides hope

In medias res (into the middle of things)

In this type of story you launch right into the action – providing a snippet/teaser of what’s happening and then you start explaining the events that led to that event. You’ll be familiar with TV shows frequently using this technique.

This is engaging because you’re starting your story at the most exciting part which will make the audience curious – they’ll want to know how you got there.

Don’t give away too much of the action when you start the story; you’ll want to explain it in more detail when you reach it chronologically. Consider hinting at something unexpected or strange occurring – just provide the audience with enough information to get them interested.

  • Attention grabbing
  • Creates suspense
  • Focuses attention on the fundamental moment of the story

False start

When delivering a false start, you begin by telling a supposedly predictable story and then unexpectedly reveal something before starting the story again with an altered perspective. This can be used to surprise the audience and it will get them engaged as it disrupted their predictions.

It’s useful for talking about times where you experienced a failure and then you consequently had to start again and what you learnt from this, including whether you had a special way of solving the problem.

  • Changes the audience’s perspective
  • Relates to the audience by sharing a failure
  • Displays problem-solving

Storytelling diagram with words coming out of book

The mountain

This is similar to the monomyth – the mountain initially starts by setting the scene, it goes on to include a series of small challenges and a build-up of action, finally ending with a climatic finish. Typically something else will be introduced to the story to overcome the final challenge.

  • Highlights how you overcame a series of challenges
  • Builds suspense gradually – used in a lot of films
  • Provides a satisfying conclusion

Practice Impromptu Storytelling

Practice telling a story with plot twists along the way. Learn More

Sparklines are when you contrast this world to an ideal world. You highlight the problems this world has and suggest what it could be like. It’s very persuasive because it gets the audience to want to make changes. A well-known example is Martin Luther’s “ I have a dream ” speech.

  • Emotional appeal
  • Evokes hope
  • Often leads to action

Your whole presentation could follow the structure of a sparklines story:

1. Presentation beginning  – describe current life as this helps create a connection between yourself and the audience because they will agree with what you’re saying. Go on to introduce what the future can be, for example:

  • What is: Our competitors have eaten up 30% of our revenue this year
  • What could be: But what if we could fight back with a completely new product line in the same market? We’ve got the in-house expertise and resources to do just this.

2. Presentation middle  – now you have shown what the issues is continue to reflect on the contrast between the present and what the future could be like, for example:

  • What is: We missed our revenue target by 30%.
  • What could be: We’ve got to perform better next year otherwise we’ll have to start letting people go.
  • What is: We’ve conducted early product trials with some of our customers.
  • What could be: Over 90% said they would purchase the product when developed.

As you keep switching from what is and what could be the audience will find the possible future more appealing.

3. Presentation ending  – You want a call to action that is motivating, you want to show the audience the benefits of taking on your ideas. For example:

  • Call to action: It will take additional work from several of our departments to get the new product line built in time for the launch date and to make up the revenue number for next year.
  • The result of adopting your ideas: I know everyone’s working incredibly long hours, we really appreciate it. This is our opportunity to work together and give the company a massive boost. We’ll fight back against the competitors and you’ll all earn bonuses after a successful launch.

This makes it clear to the audience that everyone will benefit from your plan.

Nested loops

In nested loops, three of more stories are layered within each other. An example would be a character in your first story tells another story and a character in that story tells another story etc. The core of your message is in the centre and the stories around it explain this message or elaborate on it.

Each nested story should end in the order it was introduced, for example, the story you begin with is the last story you finish with, the second story you start is the second to last story you finish etc.

  • Shows how your wisdom was obtained through a series of interactions/showing how wisdom was passed to you
  • Explains how you came to a conclusion

Converging ideas

Converging ideas shows the audience how different people’s thinking came together to produce one idea. This is a good way of showing how a movement started or how an idea was created from various people working towards the same thing.

Converging ideas are similar to nested loops but with converging ideas you can show how stories with equal importance came to one significant conclusion.

  • Demonstrates collaborations between people
  • Can show how relationships formed
  • Demonstrates how a development occurred

Petal structure

The petal structure consists of telling multiple stories from multiple speakers that relate to the main message. This is useful if you have unconnected stories that relate back to the central concept. You can overlap the stories as one story, after it has been completed, introduces the next story.

  • In showing the audience how these stories are related they understand the significance of your message
  • Provides the voice of multiple speakers
  • Provides lots of evidence or emotional appeal around a central idea
  • Shows how multiple situations lead back to one concept
  • Allows a group of speakers to discuss a main message

Example of captive storytelling

Donald Blake from the Scottish Storytelling Centre tells a tale about being hungry for stories. Great example of how to tell a story during a presentation.

Watch the full video here:  ICH for Everyone: The importance of storytelling

Storytelling tips

Storytelling is used by the  top public speakers , here are their tips:

Understand your audience

You first need to find out who you’re presenting to:

  • Know their pain points, values and opinions
  • Topics of interest
  • Try to find similarities, including any shared experiences, you have with the audience because they can relate and empathise with you. Consequently they will care about what you say.

Frame your story

Think about taking the audience on a journey and work out where to start and finish.

To find a place to start ask:

  • What do audience already know about the topic?
  • How much do the audience care about the topic?

If a speech is received poorly it’s usually because it was not framed well – the speaker misunderstood the level of audience interest or they didn’t tell a story.

Know your message

Ensure that you understand what you’re trying to tell the audience and how your story is linked to your call for action.

  • Think about how you want the audience to feel about your message.
  • For example, you might need to share facts and figures but try to deliver this is an engaging way so they will be remembered.

Ensure that you choose a story relevant to the idea you want to support or the point you want to make. The story must be  tailored to your audience  so it relates to them and meets their needs.

Be authentic

  • Tell real-life stories to garner trust.
  • If your story is not genuine this will work against you and the audience will judge you as dishonest.

Use a conversational tone

When telling your story speak in a conversational tone as this will sound more natural and friendly. To help with this pretend that you’re telling the story to friends or family and avoid technical terminology.

Remember that the audience is the hero

  • The audience often needs to view themselves as the hero.
  • Let people see and feel what the journey of achieving the goal will be like.

Visual aids increase engagement  and memory retention. Use relevant images, videos, props etc as supplements to your story.

Visual storytelling with diagrams

Evoke emotions

By evoking certain emotions in the audience, they will feel more connected to the story which will help with their engagement and persuading them. Emotions also increase memory retention.

Sell your story not your product

Focus your story on the outcome that the audience is looking for and not on your product.

There needs to be conflict, contrast or action in the story; in traditional tales there would be a villain. In a  business presentation  there might be a problem that the characters must overcome. This ensures audience engagement because they want to know what happens next. To increase suspense:

  • Tell a story chronologically so you can build to a climactic conclusion
  • Consider telling a predictable story and then shock the audience by going a different direction to what was predicted (false start).
  • Consider using in media res.

Stories need a beginning, middle and end to create drama and anticipation. Sometimes you don’t have to complete the story as this can be a useful way of making a point in the presentation.

Tell personal stories because the audience will enjoy seeing your human side. Consider telling a story about a mistake you made, for example, perhaps you froze up during an important presentation when you were 25, or maybe life wasn’t going well for you in the past – if relevant to your presentation’s aim.

People will empathise and relate to you as we have all experienced hardship. The more the audience relates to you, the more likely they will remain engaged. These stories can also be told in a humorous way if it makes you feel more comfortable.

Ensure that you plan the stories thoroughly beforehand and make sure they are not too long.

How you tell your story

The way you tell a story is important, if you do it effectively the audience won’t forget it. Consider:

  • Using every word and image to help create a clear picture in their mind
  • Using visuals to supplement the story
  • Providing sensory details – using all five senses
  • Using precise verbs and nouns and vivid adjectives.
  • Providing short but effective descriptions

Imaginable characters

Create characters that the audience can imagine easily. Characters are significant because it’s their struggles that make the audience react. You must provide enough detail on the main character and identify their unique characteristic, such, as, perseverance.

A common technique for presenting characters in business presentations is to start with “This is…” followed by the character’s name and their job role and their important characteristics/backstory. For example, “This is Sally, a hard-working but over-worked marketing manager etc.”

Shock the audience

Build up to a dramatic event that they won’t forget – this can be a provoking image, shocking statistics etc. For example, in a  2009 speech  Bill Gates, after providing statistics on the issues of malaria, opened a jar of mosquitoes in the presentation room and said “There’s no reason only poor people should have the experience.”

Satisfying resolution

End with a resolution – this can be a piece of advice or wisdom that will help the audience.

Telling stories is a compelling way of presenting because humans relate to them. Stories engage the audience, evoke empathy, increase trust and motivate action. By working on your storytelling skills you will be more effective at persuading the audience the value of your ideas. Make sure you spend the time refining these skills so you can set your company apart from the rest.

The Science of Persuasive Storytelling in PowerPoint

Table of contents, what is storytelling in powerpoint.

Let’s start at the beginning. The purpose of your slide deck is to persuade your audience and lead them to a conclusion. In order to do this, you need to grab and maintain your audience’s attention.

And the best way to hold your audience’s attention is to tell a story.

It’s not that surprising. Storytelling is as old as humanity. You see the story form in books, plays, films, advertising, religion, politics, and more. Stories have a unique and powerful ability to absorb attention.

Storytelling in PowerPoint is the process of translating your presentation’s argument into a compelling narrative.

Management consultants understand the power of storytelling in PowerPoint. And the ability to craft a storyline in PowerPoint is a fundamental skill of any new consultant.

Your storyline should follow an SCR structure

All almost every story follows the same narrative structure. It looks something like this:

  • The scene is set and the characters are introduced (situation)
  • Something goes wrong (complication)
  • They fix the problem and live happily ever after (resolution)

When storytelling in PowerPoint, you should use the same structure. But in the context of your slide deck, your storyline will look something like:

  • This thing is important (situation)
  • There is a problem with this thing (complication)
  • Therefore, we need to respond — and here is how (resolution)

In the next few sections, we’ll discuss how to craft this Situation, Complication, Resolution story in PowerPoint.

The three types of SCR storylines

Although the SCR structure is universal and should be applied to every slide deck, you can position the same SCR story in different ways.

As the author of the presentation, it’s important that you understand your audience and choose the most appropriate way to position the story.

Let’s look at three SCR stories that lead to the same conclusion:

  • We need to develop new capabilities to meet stakeholder demands
  • We are hampered by a lack of funding for capability building
  • We must develop a business case for the required funding for new capabilities

Positive (i.e. Springboard)

  • We could be the standard setters for service delivery in the industry
  • To get there we need to develop some critical capabilities
  • We must invest heavily in capability development

Negative (i.e. Burning Platform)

  • We are failing to meet the needs of the business and stakeholders
  • This is because we don’t have the capabilities we need
  • We must obtain funding to invest heavily in capability development

Questions to ask yourself as you write your storyline

Choosing the right positioning for your SCR storyline is difficult. It really depends on your audience, the context surrounding the presentation, and the objective you’re trying to achieve.

To help find the best positioning for your storyline, you should always ask yourself a few key questions. These include (but are not limited to) questions like:

  • Who is the audience?
  • What do they already know?
  • What do we want them to leave the room believing?
  • What is their current opinion or perspective?
  • What are their triggers and/or sensitivities?
  • Have we demonstrated what’s in it for them?

After you’ve answered questions like these, you should have a better idea of whether a neutral, springboard or burning platform storyline is most appropriate for your slide deck.

story presentation ppt

Download 120+ strategy consulting presentations for free

Looking for slide inspiration? Download 120+ consulting slide decks from top strategy consulting firms, such as McKinsey, BCG and Bain!

How to write a PowerPoint storyline

The dot-dash storyline.

Writing a storyline for your presentation doesn’t happen in PowerPoint. In fact, you don’t open up PowerPoint until you’re completely satisfied with your storyline.

Instead of jumping into PowerPoint, you start by writing out your storyline in a text document using the dot-dash structure.

The dot-dash storyline clearly articulates every step of your slide deck’s argument:

  • The “dot” refers to the top-level insights that make up your argument
  • The “dash” refers to the data and analysis that support your insight

The storyline is written in a text document for two reasons:

  • It’s easier to identify faulty or missing logic when your storyline is written out on a single page, as opposed to across multiple slides
  • It ensures that you have the data to support each part of your argument and storyline

Here’s an example of a dot-dash storyline that we wrote as part of our Complete Guide Building to Strategy Slide Decks :

Example: Dot-Dash Storyline Australia Post is experiencing significant financial loss due to rising costs 2015-22 revenue growth was 5% p.a. and cost growth was 9% p.a. Annual profit/loss fell from +$10bn in 2015 to -$13bn in 2022 Management responded by addressing the main drivers of cost growth Employee and operational expenses made up 78% of 2015-22 cost growth Reductions in workforce size have been significant but exhausted Total workforce size reduced from 26k to 22k between 2019-22 Mail handled per FTE per year grew from 265k to 325k between 2019-22 According to employment agreements, maximum mail handled per FTE per year is set to 330k Productivity improvements reduced operations costs below industry benchmarks Processing cost per mail piece fell from $0.70 to $0.63 between 2019-22 Delivery cost per mail piece fell from $0.34 to $0.29 between 2019-22 Cost-side measures do not fully address the profitability gap, revenue opportunities must be considered Workforce and operations costs savings reduce 2030 forecast losses from -$32bn to-$16bn Revenues trailed forecast due to mail volume declines and shifting product mix 2022 revenue $106bn compared to forecast of $127bn 63% of the revenue difference was due to volume decline and product mix We identified 4 revenue-side opportunities to close the profitability gap by 2030 Increase prices on Direct Marketing and Advertising products Improve average net revenue per unit by optimizing product bundles Increase volume by improving proposition for Packages product Diversify into tangential products and services

Importantly, this storyline follows the Situation, Complication, Resolution structure that we discussed earlier. And it has clear supporting evidence for every claim.

Storytelling in PowerPoint

Once you’re satisfied with your dot-dash storyline as text, you can start moving it into PowerPoint.

There are two concepts that you need to grasp to master storytelling in PowerPoint:

  • Logic across the slides (horizontal flow): As you flip through your slides and read the slide lead-ins/headers, your presentation should communicate your overall storyline. These are your “dots” in the dot-dash storyline.
  • Logic within the slides (vertical flow): As you read an individual slide, the claim in the lead-in/header should by supported by data and analysis in the body below. These are the “dashes” in your dot-dash storyline.

Horizontal flow (logic across the slides)

One of the things you’ll notice about any strategy consulting slide is the lead-in. The lead-in is always the takeaway of the slide.

So instead of a slide lead-in like “Overview of costs”, the lead-in will be “Over the last 5 years, costs have grown 7% per year, which is double revenue growth”.

And when you line up all of the slide lead-ins from beginning to end, then together they should tell a complete story.

The best test of whether your storyline is fully communicated in the lead-ins is: can you fully grasp the story without reading any slide body?

If the answer is yes, then you’ve successfully articulated the slide storyline in your lead-ins (i.e. the “dots” in your dot-dash storyline).

Vertical flow (logic within the slides)

It is important that every statement or claim in your slide lead-in is fully supported by evidence.

Let’s take the example lead-in from above, which was “Over the last 5 years, costs have grown 7% per year, which is double revenue growth”.

The body of this slide should have two insights. First, it should show 5 year cost growth of ~7% per year. Second, it should show 5 year revenue growth of ~3.5% per year.

The cardinal rule is to show the minimum amount of data required to support your lead-in. Sometimes it can be tempting to show all of your hard work or technical skills. This is bad practice. Keep it minimal and simple.

Example of storytelling in PowerPoint

Enough with the theory, let’s look at a real-world example.

In the image below, you’ll see an Executive Summary written by BCG. We’ll review their Executive Summary, as it reflects the body of a slide deck and shows their story quite succinctly.

The Executive Summary is from the BCG report  Melbourne as a Cultural Destination.  You can download that report and 70 other strategy consulting presentations on this page .

BCG Executive Summary

There are two key aspects to this BCG storyline:

  • The bolded sentences reflect the full storyline and can be understood without the supporting evidence in the bullet points underneath.
  • The storyline clearly follows a situation, complication, resolution structure.

As mentioned, this storyline is reflected in the rest of the slide deck. And the presentation is a great example of storytelling in PowerPoint.

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What are success story slides.

Success story slides in PPT are brief presentations that highlight a project’s, initiative’s, or individual’s successes and good consequences. Typically, these slides comprise an introduction, issue statement, solution, and findings. They intend to give a clear story that highlights the problems encountered, inventive ways employed, and quantitative results.

What To Include In A Success Story Slide PPT Template?

When creating a success story slide in a PowerPoint template, it’s critical to highlight important parts that successfully portray the narrative’s successes and effects. Here are components to include in a success story PPT template:

  • Title:  Begin with a captivating and concise title that summarizes the success story.
  • Introduction:  Include the presenter’s name and any relevant contact details, such as email address or social media profiles.
  • Challenge:  Specify the initial issue or difficulty that the success story sought to solve. Explicitly state the challenges or problems that had to be overcome.
  • Objectives:  Describe the project’s or initiative’s particular aims and objectives. Make certain that these objectives are quantifiable and pertinent to the success narrative.
  • Strategy/Approach:  Describe the plan or method used to deal with the problem. Highlight any original or creative strategies employed to get over the challenges.
  • Implementation:  Describe the process used to implement the plan. The actions completed, resources used, and any partnerships or collaborations engaged all should be highlighted.
  • Results/Achievements:  Describe the success story’s results and accomplishments. Include both quantitative and qualitative statistics to demonstrate the project’s impact. Indicators like more revenue, higher customer happiness, cost savings, or any other pertinent data should be highlighted.

What Are The Uses Of Success Story PowerPoint Templates?

Success Story templates in PowerPoint can be used for a variety of applications in professional context. Here are some of the common uses:

  • Presenting achievements:  Success story PPT templates enable you to graphically present and organize your organization’s success, milestones, and success stories. These templates can be used to showcase important data, case studies, and good results to illustrate the efficacy of your products, services, or efforts.
  • Pitching to investors:  Success story PPT templates are used to provide a convincing narrative about your company’s development and success while seeking finance or investment. You can also display critical KPIs, customer testimonials, and examples of how your company has produced big outcomes to reassure possible investors.
  • Sales and marketing presentations:  Success story PPT templates can also be used to produce convincing sales and marketing presentations. You can offer real-world instances of how your goods or services addressed issues or added value to customers.
  • Employee motivation and training:  Success story PPT templates can be used to inspire others and build a healthy work culture by sharing success stories from individuals or teams. These templates can also be utilised in training sessions to illustrate best practises and success stories, which can serve as excellent learning experience for staff.

Where Can I Download Success Story PowerPoint Slide Templates?

SlideUpLift offers excellent PowerPoint templates for success story slides that will save you time while building one. Simply download the success story slide template in PowerPoint or Google Slides and make the necessary modifications. While on the job, when presenting to clients, the success story PowerPoint slide can help you engage the audience and set the stage for a successful presentation. However, it is critical to personalize and adapt it to your audience and circumstance.

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How to Storyboard your Presentation for the Best Results (Product Launch Case Study)

How to Storyboard your Presentation for the Best Results (Product Launch Case Study)

Anuj Malhotra


“Now at our studios we don’t write our stories, we DRAW them.” Walt Disney

Storyboards , one of the essential tools in making of animated movies, happens to be one of the most neglected practices in designing a PowerPoint presentation. The most common reason could be that many are not aware of this technique. If you have never done storyboarding on account of this reason, then you have landed at the right place. You’ll know why it’s absolutely necessary that you do it to get the best results from your presentation.

If you knew about it and still never followed it, we just hope you start doing it right away. Storyboarding is a must if you wish to save time, money, efforts and create a “deck that sells”.

What is Storyboarding and Why Should You Do It?

A storyboard is a written and graphic representation of your story and typically involves a series of sketches to pre-visualize how your story will unfold. In one word, it’s a blueprint.

This technique was developed by Walt Disney for his classic cartoon Mickey Mouse in the 1920s. The animators would first create detailed sketches of the characters and show the progression of the story. These sketches were tacked up to the bulletin and Walt Disney and his team would then review the entire flow of the story, move the sketches around and finalize the perfect storyline!

One problem here: Presenters aren’t animators who can design great sketches. They don’t have to be. Storyboarding can be simplified in case of designing a PowerPoint presentation. You don’t have to draw the kind of visual you want for your slide, you can simply write it down. Why do that even? Why add an extra step to the entire process? Here’s why storyboarding is essential to craft a successful pitch:

  • Storyboards help you to visualize the structure of your presentation- beginning, middle and end.
  • It gives you the opportunity and space to think-out your presentation, it's flow and content. Starting straight in PowerPoint murders that ability of the intellect.
  • It gives you creative ideas. The array of tools provided in PowerPoint will not set your creative juices flowing. A piece of paper will.
  • Storyboards act as your sketchpad where you can dump all the ideas and choose the best ones.
  • Storyboarding lets you focus on the idea and not the tool. (Click to Tweet This)
  • Storyboarding saves you a LOT of time. Rather than visualize all the information in your head, you can draw it out on paper, make quick changes and replicate the final idea quickly in PowerPoint.

To sum up, the basic rule of Storyboarding is to-

Start on paper, not in PowerPoint!

All successful presenters, including TED speakers, use this technique to craft their powerful stories and PowerPoint presentations. How do they do it? Here’s how:

7 Steps to Follow While Storyboarding a Presentation

For ease of understanding, in this article we are taking the example of a Product Launch deck (a hypothetical product) to be rolled out in front of the public and media. This has to be hard hitting and worthy of going viral. To ensure that you achieve the results, you need to brainstorm and storyboard. Here are the steps that you should follow for your million-dollar presentation:

Step 1: Answer the question- Why should the audience listen to you?

You have launched a new product in the market. Congratulations! But why should I care? What’s in it for me? Advertisers start here, presenters bury it in slide 32 of a 40-slide deck.

Unless you answer this question honestly, you’ll never be able to create a successful story. The “me, me, me” rambling will reduce your presentation to an uninspiring monologue. Look at how Steve Jobs pitches his products- each product and feature revolves around how it will revolutionize people’s lives.

You’ll never be able to infuse that magic in your presentations if you start straightaway in PowerPoint. If you dive into PowerPoint without any brainstorming, you robotically tend to follow “Click here to enter title” and so on. That’s why out of 3 million presentations given everyday (the number must have trebled or quadrupled by now), 99.9% are forgotten even before audience leaves the hall.

Ask the why - Why should the audience care? Since we are taking the example of product launch over here, the answer will be the same as the one that motivated you to launch the product in the first place. Is there a demand in the market that you intend to fulfill? Or a gap that you intend to bridge? That should be the main pitch of your deck. Jot down these points on a piece of paper or sticky notes or as you prefer to do it. This piece of information should guide the content and designing of the presentation, starting to finish.

Why should the audience listen to you?

Step 2- Prepare Rough Presentation Outline

This should be done on paper, not in PowerPoint. We prefer to use sticky notes for this as they can be easily moved around; you may use a paper, napkin or simply a marker and whiteboard to do it. The idea here is to give a rough structure to your presentation.

Jot down any outline ideas that come to your mind, we’ll refine them later. If the Title slide announcing the launch is the only idea that comes to you for the opening slide, write it down.

Here’s how your Product Launch outline will probably look initially:

Create a Rough Presentation Outline

Step 3- Remove the Weak Parts

The best part of doing all this on paper and not in PowerPoint is that it helps the presenter distance himself from his baby (presentation) and review the outline as a third person. This will ensure that the presenter separates the wheat from the chaff and keeps only the most relevant slides.

Here you have to ask yourself- Do I need an Agenda slide? Perhaps not if it’s just a 15-minute presentation. Does the audience care who the CEO of the brand is, who the product manager is and so on. I don’t think so. Do they need to know about the industry your product belongs to? That depends. And do you need a traditional thank you slide in the end? You are as well going to say it, why put these two words on the slide and waste time! Be a little strict with yourself and mercilessly chuck out the unwanted portions from the outline:

Remove weak parts of presentation

Step 4- Add Section Headers

Your presentation outlook looks good now. But you won’t obviously be listing out all problems the industry is facing on one slide as bullet points, right? Right? Or highlight all product benefits on a single slide? Remember the golden rule: 1 message per slide. That’s why you will be needing section headers. You need to let the audience know that you have concluded the problem analysis and are now going to speak on the solutions.

Section Headers help audience stay on the same page as the presenter

Step 5- Prepare Your Final Presentation Outline

Nothing is final. Even when your product launch deck is all polished and ready, you might feel or your boss might tell you to open with the third slide since that has the most hard-hitting fact.

But for your ease, you should finalize the outline before going into design. At this stage when you have the rough outline with section headers included, you step back and play your presentation in mind. Think yourself sitting in the audience. Would they be more interested to know the name of the new product in the market (say R.I.P Jeans) or would they be interested in knowing that they can now order customized distressed jeans! This is your call but keep in mind that you need to have a stellar opening to hook the audience and convince them to buy your product, service or idea. This is where the answer to step 1- why should the audience care, how will it benefit them- will help you in finalizing the outline.

Final Presentation Outline Can Depart from the Norm

Step 6- Storyboard the Presentation (Rough Sketches of Slides)

Now is the time to draw rough sketches of your slides. You don’t have to be a Michelangelo to do this. The sketch should be neat enough to be read easily by you and others with whom you wish to brainstorm. As we mentioned in the beginning, you do not have to draw a visual. You can however specify the type of visual you require; that’ll help you later find the perfect visual faster.

You can also decide the layout of your slide, colors, placement of visuals and text in storyboarding. Here’s how your sketches look at this step:

Storyboarding involves a series of sketches arranged in a sequence

Step 7- Convert sketches into polished slides

If you had started designing your slides straightaway in PowerPoint, you most probably would have designed a run-of-the-mill deck stuffed with anything you find on the web. Needless to say, your product launch deck would have lacked the storyline, the pitch and the punch it deserved. Knowing the elements- visuals, text, icons, etc. you need for each slide, you can now open up PowerPoint and effortlessly create a deck that sells. That too in no time as you only had to replicate it from a piece of paper! Here’s how the ideas on paper get transformed into brilliant designs and an unforgettable product launch deck:

Slide1: Opening presentation with impact

The above case study of a hypothetical product launch presentation gives you an idea how to go about crafting a memorable story that has a beginning, middle and end. Needless to say, the presentation slides would have looked nothing like the above if we had started right away in PowerPoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a great tool to visually pitch your ideas but it won't help you in idea generation. For that you have to rely on the age old practice of jotting down your ideas on paper, refine those ideas and finally bring them to the machine. This will save you a lot of time and your presentation will look thousand times better. Still need help with storyboarding your presentation? Contact our Presentation Design Services Team for any help.

If you found our suggestions useful, share them with your friends and followers.   Here's a pre-populated tweet to get you started.

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  • How To Create an Awesome PowerPoint Presentation in 3 Steps
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  • Why Bullet Points Are Not That Bad After All!

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26 thoughts on “how to storyboard your presentation for the best results (product launch case study)”.

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How to Create Powerful Presentations Using Excel

Portrait of a person named Ankush

TL;DR Transform raw Excel data into compelling presentations with our 15-step guide. Learn to set objectives, clean data, select appropriate charts, and incorporate interactive elements for engaging and effective presentations. Enhance your storytelling and data visualization skills to create powerful, dynamic presentations.


Sometimes, we receive data in Excel and are tasked with transforming this raw data into powerful presentations. Excel is not just for spreadsheets; its powerful data manipulation capabilities make it an excellent tool for creating presentations, especially when dealing with large datasets or when you need to display data-driven insights dynamically. This guide provides 15 detailed steps to help you turn Excel data into compelling presentations effectively.

Detailed Steps to Create Engaging Presentations Using Excel

story presentation ppt

  • Set Your Objectives
  • Clearly define the purpose of your presentation.
  • Identify the core message you want to convey.
  • Understand your audience's needs and expectations.
  • Set actionable goals for what your presentation should achieve.
  • Align your presentation structure to these objectives for maximum impact.
  • Organize Your Data
  • Separate raw data and analysis into different sheets for clarity.
  • Group similar data together to facilitate easier analysis.
  • Use named ranges to make data references clearer.
  • Organize data chronologically or categorically based on the presentation flow.
  • Maintain a clean and organized data setup to avoid confusion during visualization.
  • Clean Your Data
  • Remove any irrelevant or redundant data.
  • Correct all errors and inconsistencies in the data set.
  • Use Excel functions like TRIM to clean text data.
  • Standardize data formats (dates, numbers, etc.) across your dataset.
  • Check for and resolve any missing data issues.
  • Select Appropriate Charts
  • Choose charts that best represent the nature of your data.
  • Consider the impact of different chart types on data interpretation.
  • Use bar or column charts for comparisons among categories.
  • Opt for line charts to display trends over time.
  • Employ pie charts to show proportions within a whole.
  • Utilize Advanced Chart Options
  • Explore Excel’s specialized charts like radar or waterfall for complex data.
  • Customize chart colors, labels, and legends for better readability.
  • Use trend lines or data labels to add meaningful insights to charts.
  • Employ dual-axis charts for comparing different datasets on the same chart.
  • Utilize 3D charts to enhance visual appeal, but use sparingly to avoid distortion of data.
  • Link Data Dynamically
  • Connect charts to live data sources to ensure real-time data updates.
  • Use Excel’s Data Model to integrate data from multiple sources.
  • Apply dynamic formulas like INDEX and MATCH to make charts responsive.
  • Employ data validation techniques to ensure data integrity.
  • Set up dynamic ranges to auto-adjust as data grows.
  • Incorporate Interactive Elements
  • Use slicers and timelines for interactive data segmentation.
  • Implement PivotTables to summarize large datasets dynamically.
  • Add form controls like buttons and sliders to make the presentation interactive.
  • Design your slides to respond to user inputs or selections.
  • Ensure interactive elements are intuitive and clearly contribute to the narrative.
  • Design a Dashboard
  • Combine multiple data visualizations on a single screen for a unified view.
  • Ensure each component of the dashboard provides unique but complementary information.
  • Use consistent design elements across all visuals for a cohesive look.
  • Make sure the dashboard is easy to read and navigate.
  • Include interactive elements in the dashboard to engage the audience.
  • Automate with Macros
  • Use macros to streamline repetitive tasks, enhancing presentation efficiency.
  • Automate data updates and visual adjustments with VBA scripts.
  • Write macros that help navigate through the presentation smoothly.
  • Ensure macros are tested and error-free to avoid glitches during the presentation.
  • Provide button triggers for macros on the Excel interface for easy access.
  • Narrative Flow
  • Structure your presentation to tell a coherent story.
  • Begin with an introduction that outlines key points.
  • Build the body of your presentation with data-driven analysis.
  • Conclude with a strong, data-supported conclusion.
  • Transition smoothly between sections to keep your audience engaged.
  • Maintain Design Consistency
  • Use a uniform color scheme, font style, and layout across all slides.
  • Apply consistent formatting rules for all data visuals.
  • Design templates that can be reused for future presentations.
  • Ensure that the visual design supports the data narrative.
  • Avoid overdesigning that may distract from the data itself.
  • Test and Iterate
  • Conduct dry runs to test the flow and functionality of your presentation.
  • Invite feedback from peers to refine content and design.
  • Make iterative adjustments based on practical trials and feedback.
  • Test on different devices to ensure compatibility.
  • Finalize the presentation after thorough testing and refinement.
  • Prepare Backups
  • Save copies of your presentation in multiple formats.
  • Ensure you have both digital and physical backups available.
  • Regularly update your backups to reflect the latest changes.
  • Store backups in different locations to mitigate risk.
  • Consider cloud storage options for easy access and additional security.
  • Have a contingency plan in place in case of technical issues.
  • Add Supporting Notes
  • Embed comments within your Excel cells to provide additional context.
  • Use the notes section for personal reminders during the presentation.
  • Prepare detailed explanations that can be referred to if questions arise.
  • Keep notes concise and relevant to the data being presented.
  • Ensure all notes are hidden from the audience view but accessible to you.
  • Peer Review
  • Share your presentation with colleagues or experts for feedback.
  • Encourage constructive criticism to refine your presentation.
  • Consider diverse perspectives to enhance the presentation’s appeal.
  • Implement suggested changes that align with your objectives.
  • Conduct a final review session to ensure all feedback has been addressed.

Mastering Excel for presentations transcends basic data visualization—it transforms how we communicate and persuade with data. This expertise not only empowers you to deliver insights in a compelling manner but also enhances your strategic influence within your organization or client base. Through the careful integration of data, design, and narrative, your presentations become not just informative but transformative, inspiring action and facilitating decision-making. The steps outlined in this guide equip you with the tools to turn complex data into captivating stories that resonate deeply with your audience. Embrace these practices to elevate your presentations from mundane to memorable, ensuring that every data point not only informs but also inspires and engages.

Are you ready to leverage your Excel data into powerful narratives that not only inform but also inspire and persuade? Visit INK PPT today and discover how our expert design services can amplify your presentation impact. At INK PPT, we don't just design slides; we craft stories that engage, inform, and motivate your audience to action. Elevate your presentations with us—where data meets design and storytelling.

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Discover how we can create magic in your communication

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About the Author

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Ankush Dahiya - Unleashing Possibilities

My journey is all about forging connections and unleashing the potential of our ventures. Whether it's nurturing partnerships, shaping strategies, or discovering new horizons for our business, I'm your go-to person.

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Why I Prefer Google Slides to Microsoft PowerPoint

Quick links.

  • Ease of Collaboration
  • Offline Access
  • Integration With Other Google Tools
  • More Storage Space
  • Compatibility With PowerPoint
  • AI Features
  • Provide Detailed Version History
  • Customization Features and Template Options

PowerPoint and Google Slides are two popular options for presentations, but which one is best? As someone who has used both programs for a long time, I've found that Google Slides offers many advantages that make it my go-to choice.

Let's be clear: I'm comparing the web-based PowerPoint and Google Slides versions. It's unfair to compare Google Slides to the desktop version of PowerPoint, isn't it? Here are some reasons why Google Slides is my favorite presentation tool.

1. Ease of Collaboration

Ease of collaboration was the central reason I switched to Google Slides for my presentation needs. As a content creator, I always aim for a seamless collaboration experience while dealing with my clients and team members. Google Slides offered exactly that, and I was in love with it.

So, is Google Slides better than PowerPoint for collaboration? It certainly has advantages that make it an ideal choice for a lot of users.

With Google Slides, you can efficiently work with others and share your work , no matter what kind of computer or phone you use. If you have a Google account and the link to the presentation, you can join in and make changes simultaneously with other members.

In contrast, to collaborate in PowerPoint, you have to consider various external factors, such as the user's working device and storage locations. For example, you might not be able to easily collaborate with someone who has an older version of PowerPoint, or with someone using a PowerPoint mobile due to feature limitations. Some things that are restricted in the free web and mobile version compared to PowerPoint on desktop include limited commenting tags, editing options, and more.

Additionally, Google Slides also has built-in chat and commenting features. This feature allows all your team members to stay on the same page and communicate with each other to streamline editing. In PowerPoint, you're limited to comments only.

2. Offline Access

Another important reason for my switch to Google Slides is the offline access feature. With this feature, you can create, edit, and present presentations to others even without an internet connection. Any changes you apply offline are synced automatically once you're back online, so you can keep working even without an internet connection.

You can activate offline access by checking the offline mode option in your Google Drive settings.

Also, with Google Slides, you don't need software installed on your computer to access your presentations offline. However, Microsoft PowerPoint requires an internet connection to save changes to OneDrive storage. No internet, no autosave!

3. Integration With Other Google Tools

Switching to Google Slides is easy if you already use Google apps like Docs, Sheet, Meet, and Gmail. They all work well together. You can import charts and tables from Google Sheets into your presentations with just a few clicks. Any modifications to the original data in Google Sheets will automatically be reflected in your Google Slides presentation.

For example, on Google Slides, open the "Insert" tab and navigate to the "Chart" option. From there, click on the "From Sheets" option and import a chart from Google Sheets.

Furthermore, you can add Google Keep notes to your Slides and share your content in Google Meet with Smart Canvas without switching between tabs.

On the other hand, Microsoft PowerPoint integrates with other Microsoft tools, but it's not as seamless as Google Slides and has limited integration capabilities. For example, unlike Google Sheets, which updates data automatically in Slides, PowerPoint requires you to manual refresh to update Excel charts. This means you need to copy and paste the updated chart from Excel to PowerPoint.

4. More Storage Space

Google Slides offers more storage space through Google Drive. With a Google account, you get 15GB of storage shared across Google Photos, Drive, and Gmail. This is significantly more than what Microsoft offers with its free PowerPoint Web version, which only provides 5GB of OneDrive storage. If you create large presentations with many images or videos, Google's extra storage space can be a significant advantage.

Additionally, Google offers affordable plans to upgrade your storage if needed. For example, you can get 100GB of storage for a $20 annual fee, which is perfect for those who create and store a lot of presentations. However, it's important to note that pricing for additional storage might be different depending on your region.

For detailed information, it's best to check your plans manually by clicking the "Get More Storage" option in Drive.

5. Compatibility With PowerPoint

I know what you're thinking—what if I need to work with someone who only uses Microsoft PowerPoint? Fear not; Google Slides has got you covered. You can import and export PowerPoint presentations into Google Slides, making switching between the two platforms easy.

This feature has been a lifesaver for me when I work with my clients or colleagues who use PowerPoint. I can easily collaborate with them and edit their files without any hassle. After making changes, I can save the Google Slides file again as a PowerPoint file.

You can add your PowerPoint file to Google Slides by either uploading it on Drive or directly opening it from the File > Open option.

6. AI Features

You can also use Google AI tools like Gemini to improve your presentations. For example, the Gemini AI feature in Google Slides allows users to generate images and slides based on their prompts. You can access Gemini from the Slides side panel and input your prompts, such as "Create a slide about," and it will generate slides accordingly.

This feature lets you quickly add relevant and visually appealing presentation content without leaving the Google Slides platform. Using Gemini AI, you can also generate background images in various styles, such as Vector art, Photography, Watercolor, and others.

In contrast, Microsoft AI feature tools like Copilot are not available on the PowerPoint web version. To use Copilot and other AI features in PowerPoint requires a paid subscription to either Microsoft 365 or Copilot Pro.

7. Provide Detailed Version History

Both Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint allow you to view and restore previously edited versions of your presentation. However, Google Slides stands out with its detailed version history feature. This feature groups certain versions of your presentation together if you make multiple changes over a short period. This makes it easy to find and select the version you need. These group versions are displayed under the Version History panel.

Another notable feature of Google Slides is the ability to name the modified versions. This is quite useful when working on large documents with multiple collaborators, as it can take time to find the version you want, among many others. To rename a version, open the "Version History" panel, click the three-dot icon, and then select "Name This Version" from the dropdown menu.

Once you've named important versions of your presentation, you can filter them by selecting the "Named Versions" option from the drop menu. This will highlight only the renamed versions, along with the current version of the document, making it easy to locate the version you need.

8. Customization Features and Template Options

The web version of Microsoft PowerPoint has limited features compared to the PowerPoint desktop app, which can sometimes be helpful while designing presentations. For example, you can't insert charts or equations in the web version. Additionally, you can't add hyperlinks to pictures or shapes. On the other hand, you can add equations, charts, and hyperlinks to images in Google Slides.

While both platforms offer a good selection of templates, I prefer Google Slides because its templates are user-friendly and easy to customize. It also provides more flexibility when working with themes compared to the web version of PowerPoint.

Google Slides isn't a flawless tool, but for me and many other presentation creators, it not only gets the job done but also has some advantages over PowerPoint. Whether you're a student, team, or regular user, you can use it to make clear and effective presentations.

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The 5 best things you can do with Copilot Pro right now

Microsoft Copilot Pro.

Copilot Pro is Microsoft’s AI subscription service that costs $20 per month for individuals and is integrated into the brand’s Microsoft 365 suite. The paid service offers unique features to Microsoft users, provides faster and more consistent AI performance with priority access to the GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo large language models (LLM) during peak times, and also brings the AI technology to the brand’s most popular PC applications — and that’s where things get really interesting.

Create custom GPTs

Dalle-3 access in microsoft designer, make powerpoint presentations from text prompts, create graphs and visuals through text prompts, have copilot write for you directly in word.

Here are some of the best features on Copilot Pro and how they work.

One of the most interesting features of Copilot Pro is that you can build your own custom GPT within the AI service, meaning you can create and edit a unique chatbot to do your bidding. You can create your chatbot as a personal trainer, a chef, a language tutor, a language adviser, or a career coach, among many other personalized ideas. You can do so by accessing the Microsoft Copilot GPT Builder at and signing in using your Microsoft account (such as

Follow the setup steps included there to get started building your custom GPT. Because it is a GPT environment, you essentially need only to input the text parameters of your chatbot to begin training it. There are also instructions on how to edit the GPT, if needed. For the best results, complete the steps in the Microsoft Edge browser.

Because Copilot Pro is a paid service, it benefits from OpenAI’s latest DALL-E 3 image model, which can generate images from more elaborate text descriptions or generate from other images. It also has upgraded editing abilities. Much of the image generation for the brand’s AI subscription service takes place within the Microsoft Designer tool.

Within Copilot Pro, you can generate up to 100 images per day and have the option to create images in either landscape or square. This is a massive upgrade in comparison to the free version, which allows 15 generations per day and square images only.

A very fascinating part of Microsoft’s Copilot Pro is you can use the brand’s AI service in conjunction with other popular programs, such as the Microsoft 365 suite. The Copilot Pro chatbot and icon are integrated into all of these apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook. Typically, you must have a separate Microsoft 365 subscription to access Microsoft Copilot Pro features in tandem with the apps of that service on PCs. However, to access the features without having to invest in a Microsoft 365 subscription, you can use Microsoft 365 apps through the web apps at no extra cost.

Creating presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint is a popular productivity option in the Microsoft 365 suite. Adding Copilot Pro makes the function as simple as typing a sentence. Once you’re in PowerPoint, you go to the Home tab to open the drop-down menu. This reveals the Copilot button in the upper-right corner. Click it to open the Copilot menu on the right side of the PowerPoint window.

Click Create a Presentation, type your prompt, and it will begin to generate the slides of your presentation. You can add a slide, ask questions prompts, and edit the text of your prompt to improve your presentation. You also have access to the Microsoft Designer tab in the drop-down menu, which gives you creative options for your slide within PowerPoint, since you can’t use prompts to make creative edits within Copilot. There is also the Copilot Labs section for generating ideas.

Excel is an extremely useful app for professionals who need to crunch numbers and simplify statistics. Copilot Pro can calculate, analyze, and present your figures and graphs in a manner that is easy to decipher. Once in Excel, you can access the Copilot button in the upper-right corner of the drop-down menu. If you are using Excel online, you may see a notice that says it only works with Excel table, but all of the AI functionalities are actually still intact.

If you have a file with some figures, you can highlight some text and Copilot Pro will give you some prompt ideas (such as show formula suggestions, highlight filter, sort data, and bold the first column) that you can select and will make up the entirety of your prompt once you’re done. These details will not only be the information but the look and feel of your results.

Select Ask for Insights and Excel will generate the tables and graphs with all of your data laid out. Select another insight or All insights for a more complete look at your information. Alternatively, you can enter a prompt in Copilot Pro with the parameters you desire.

Word is one of the most used apps in the Microsoft 365 suite and Copilot Pro introduces several automated features into the word processors. Before even launching Copilot Pro within Microsoft Pro, you can highlight blocks of text within Word and a Copilot icon will appear on the left of the text, indicating that it can be edited by the chatbot. Right-click the highlighted text with your mouse and you can select the options, rewrite with Copilot, or visualize as a table. It will do those functions in the text area without having to execute a prompt.

You can also access the Copilot button in the upper-right corner of the drop-down menu and use it whether you have a blank document or you’re working with an existing document.

You can type your prompt directly into Copilot Pro to generate whatever result you need, or you can get assistance via a host of assistant tabs and quick options, including write about, ask a question, and summarize this document. Summarize this document, for example, will roll out text in a bullet point format and pull credits from the source document that you can refer back to later. For further assistance in prompt generation, you can select more prompts and access Copilot Labs.

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The AI bots are going nuts again. Microsoft Copilot -- a rebranded version of Bing Chat -- is getting stuck in some old ways by providing strange, uncanny, and sometimes downright unsettling responses. And it all has to do with emojis.

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As someone who has created countless PowerPoint presentations, I know firsthand the importance of keeping your audience engaged with concise and visually appealing slides. One question that often comes up when creating presentations is: what is the maximum number of slides that PowerPoint can handle?

A computer screen with multiple PowerPoint slides open, showing the maximum number of slides allowed

After conducting some research, I found that the answer is not as straightforward as one might think. According to Microsoft, PowerPoint does not have a specific limit on the number of slides that can be included in a presentation. However, there are practical limitations to consider, such as the amount of memory on your computer and the size of the presentation file.

It’s important to keep in mind that the number of slides in a presentation should not be the sole focus. The content and information presented on each slide is equally important. It’s essential to strike a balance between the amount of information provided on each slide and the number of slides in the presentation. In this article, I will explore the practical limitations of PowerPoint and provide tips on creating effective presentations with an appropriate number of slides and engaging content.


Designing Effective Slides

Incorporating visuals and graphics, mastering the art of storytelling, applying the 10/20/30 rule, rehearsal techniques, utilizing stories and anecdotes, effective question and answer sessions, concluding your presentation, crafting your presentation.

A person creating a PowerPoint, with a computer screen showing a slide deck, a desk with notes and a cup of coffee, and a window with natural light

When it comes to creating a PowerPoint presentation, the number of slides you use is just one of many factors to consider. To create a truly effective presentation, you need to think about the design, visuals, and storytelling elements. In this section, I will cover some tips and tricks to help you craft a presentation that engages your audience and delivers your message effectively.

The design of your slides is crucial to the success of your presentation. You want to create a consistent look and feel throughout your presentation, so your audience can focus on your message instead of being distracted by inconsistent design elements. One way to achieve this is by using a theme or template that matches your brand or message. You can also use color schemes, font styles, and layouts to create a cohesive look.

Another important aspect of slide design is the use of white space. Too much information on a slide can overwhelm your audience and make it difficult for them to focus on the key points. By using white space effectively, you can create a clean and uncluttered look that draws attention to your message.

Visuals and graphics can be powerful tools to help convey your message and engage your audience. When choosing images and graphics, make sure they align with your message and are of high quality. Low-quality images can detract from the professional look of your presentation.

In addition to images, you can also use charts, graphs, and other visual aids to help illustrate your points. These can be especially useful when presenting data or statistics.

Finally, storytelling is a key element of any effective presentation. By telling a story that relates to your message, you can engage your audience on an emotional level and make your message more memorable. To do this, you can use anecdotes, metaphors, and other storytelling techniques to help bring your message to life.

Overall, crafting an effective PowerPoint presentation takes time and effort. By considering the design, visuals, and storytelling elements, you can create a presentation that engages your audience and delivers your message effectively. Remember, the number of slides you use is just one piece of the puzzle.

Timing and Practice

When it comes to creating a PowerPoint presentation, one of the most important factors to consider is timing. You don’t want your presentation to be too short or too long. The 10/20/30 rule is a popular guideline that suggests that a presentation should have 10 slides, last 20 minutes, and have no font smaller than 30 points.

While this rule may not work for every presentation, it is a good starting point. It forces you to focus on the most important information and avoid overwhelming your audience with too much detail. However, it’s important to remember that the rule is just a guideline, and you should adjust it to fit your specific needs.

Once you have created your PowerPoint presentation, it’s important to practice your delivery. Rehearsing your presentation will help you become more comfortable with the material and ensure that you stay within your allotted time frame.

One technique that can be helpful is to time yourself as you practice. This will give you an idea of how long your presentation will take and allow you to adjust the timing as needed. As a general rule, you should aim for about 1-2 minutes per slide, depending on the complexity of the information.

Another helpful technique is to practice in front of a mirror or a small group of friends or colleagues. This will help you become more comfortable with speaking in front of an audience and allow you to receive feedback on your delivery and content.

In conclusion, timing and practice are essential components of creating a successful PowerPoint presentation. By applying the 10/20/30 rule and using rehearsal techniques, you can ensure that your presentation is engaging, informative, and delivered within the allotted time frame.

Engaging Your Audience

As a presenter, one of the most important things you can do is engage your audience. Engaged audiences are more likely to remember your message and take action on it. There are a few techniques you can use to keep your audience engaged throughout your presentation.

One of the most effective ways to engage your audience is by telling stories and anecdotes. Stories are a powerful tool for capturing your audience’s attention and keeping them engaged. They can help illustrate your message and make it more relatable to your audience. When telling a story, make sure it is relevant to your message and keep it short and to the point.

Another way to keep your audience engaged is by having an effective question and answer session. This gives your audience the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. It also allows you to clarify any points that may have been unclear. When conducting a question and answer session, make sure to repeat the question so everyone can hear it and keep your answers concise and to the point.

To ensure that your audience is engaged, you need to have high energy and be engaging yourself. This means you need to be confident and knowledgeable about your subject matter. You should also be clear and concise in your delivery, using natural dialogue and avoiding jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to your audience.

In conclusion, engaging your audience is key to a successful presentation. By utilizing stories and anecdotes and having an effective question and answer session, you can keep your audience engaged and ensure that your message is remembered. Remember to have high energy and be engaging yourself to keep your audience focused and interested.

As I wrap up my PowerPoint presentation, I want to make sure that my audience leaves with a clear understanding of my message. A strong closing can help reinforce the main points and motivate them to take action. Here are some tips for concluding your presentation:

Restate the main message: In the closing slide, I like to restate the main message of my presentation. This helps to reinforce the message and ensures that the audience leaves with a clear understanding of what I was trying to convey.

Call to action: A call to action is a powerful way to motivate your audience to take action. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or joining a cause, a call to action can help you achieve your goals.

Closing slide: The closing slide is an excellent opportunity to summarize the key points of your presentation. I like to use bullet points or a table to summarize the main ideas, making it easy for the audience to remember the key takeaways.

Question and answer session: A question and answer session can help to engage your audience and address any concerns or questions they may have. I like to encourage my audience to ask questions and provide feedback, as this can help me improve my presentation for future audiences.

In conclusion, ending a PowerPoint presentation is just as important as the opening and body of the presentation. By following these tips, you can ensure that your audience leaves with a clear understanding of your message and is motivated to take action.

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