Revenge Theme in Literature: Examples & Quotes

Revenge provides relief. Characters in many literary stories believe in this idea. Convinced that they were wronged, they are in the constant pursuit of revenge. But is it really the only way for them to find peace?

This article by is going to answer this and other questions related to the revenge theme. Together we will dig deeper into:

  • the meaning of revenge;
  • its characteristics as a literary theme.

And, of course, there will be plenty of examples.

⚔️ Revenge Theme: Meaning

  • Wuthering Heights
  • Frankenstein

🔍 References

Revenge is a response to injustice. To be more precise, it is both a desire and an action of a person who wants to react to a wrong done by the offender. Seeking revenge is a natural impulse of the wounded.

Usually, people want to do it in order to get satisfaction. However, the result will be temporary. Psychologists believe that only forgiveness can provide freedom and the desired peace. Nevertheless, revenge remains an enduring concept in many cultures.

In the English language, various terms denote revenge as well as other closely related notions. We are going to deal with them in the following sections.

Avenge vs Revenge

The major difference between “to avenge” and “to revenge” lies in the inflicted party:

  • If one wants to pay back for someone who was offended, we use “to avenge .”
  • If a person wants to pay back for themselves, we use “to revenge.”

Vengeance vs Revenge

The main difference between vengeance and revenge is that revenge refers to personal action, while vengeance is connected with abstract concepts such as morality.

  • When a person seeks revenge , they want to punish the transgressor.
  • When they seek vengeance , they want to achieve justice or to protect their honor.

Revenge vs Justice

The difference between revenge and justice is that justice as a concept is logical and rational, while an act of revenge is selfish and emotional.

The picture shows the difference between revenge and justice.

Digging deeper, we can say that justice is fair, while revenge isn’t. Usually, when people confuse these two notions, they think that revenge will help them seek justice. However, justice isn’t about equality, and it’s not about experiencing joy because of retaliation. Instead, it’s about acting according to the norms set by the majority.

According to American Psychological Association, revenge is often associated with the concept of emotional catharsis . It means that a person can get an enormous emotional burst after the act of vengeance. It evokes pleasure when a person sees the offender’s suffering. However, this satisfaction is fleeting, and those who take revenge end up feeling even worse.

Revenge is mainly associated with anger, hatred, and grief. That’s why the theme of revenge is so prevalent in art and literature. It allows authors to show the feelings people experience before, during, and after an act of vengeance. Most of the works demonstrate that revenge isn’t worth spending time and effort because it doesn’t provide relief.

🎭 Revenge in Literature: History & Characteristics

The revenge theme has always been popular, and it goes back to ancient times. It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t know the story about brothers Cain and Abel described in the Bible. Also, the topic of revenge was explored in epic poems such as The Iliad and Beowulf . This theme became especially popular in the form of revenge tragedy during the Renaissance.

Revenge Tragedy: Definition

A revenge tragedy is a type of dramatic writing in which a person tries to pay back for the moral or physical harm done to their loved ones. Usually, the protagonists seek revenge because they believe in retributive justice —a concept which, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, is based on the principle “an eye for an eye.”

Revenge tragedies date back to the times of Ancient Rome. The theme of revenge was one of the central issues in the works of a famous Stoic philosopher and politician, Seneca. He described shocking actions, such as incest, violent murders, or cannibalism. In plays such as Oedipus and Agamemnon , revenge is the central theme. So, it’s possible to say that Seneca invented the notion of a revenge tragedy.

But why was revenge tragedy so popular during the Renaissance? The matter is that Senecan tragedies were of significant interest to the writers of that time because of all the terrific plot twists. Jacobean audiences especially adored the bloody scenes. Roman plays were translated into English, and they served as an example for English playwrights.  

William Shakespeare, an outstanding representative of Elizabethan drama, used many Senecan motifs in his plays. However, the major difference between the approaches of these two playwrights is the description of bloodshed. In Senecan tragedies, all the bloody scenes occurred offstage, while in Shakespearean plays, they happened onstage. That’s why the audiences who came to Shakespeare’s theater always knew they’d get to see a thrilling spectacle.

Revenge Tragedy Characteristics

We have already explained the historical side of revenge tragedies. Now, let’s deal with their core aspects. Here are the elements that characterize this kind of writing:

Revenge Theme’s Elements

Just like revenge itself, the theme of revenge is a complicated thing. Its components include specific character motivations and consequences of revenge. Want to learn more about these aspects? Read the following sections.

Plotting Revenge

Taking revenge is usually a lengthy process. An avenger needs to plan everything carefully to carry out their vengeance in the most satisfying way. The proverb “revenge is a dish best served cold” sums up the whole process perfectly.

Cycle of Revenge

The revenge cycle is a continuous repetition of a person’s attempts to avenge themselves or their loved ones. An avenger focuses on the idea of paying back and continuously tries to realize it. Usually, this vicious circle can be broken only with the help of forgiveness.

The Price of Revenge

Avengers tend to pay a high price for their vindictive actions. Revenge is a morally dubious act that causes pangs of consciousness. A person may lose their humanity in the process, and there is no guarantee that they will feel satisfaction.

📚 Examples of Revenge in Literature

It’s time to get to the practical part of our investigation. We have gathered for you some excellent examples of the vengeance theme from famous literary works. Ready to read them? Let’s start!

Revenge in Hamlet

Hamlet is considered to be a revenge tragedy. But is it really? Let’s find it out together.

It’s worth mentioning that the revenge theme is prominent throughout the whole story. There are 3 revenge plots:

  • Hamlet wants to avenge his father’s murder. He blames his uncle, King Claudius. The story of Hamlet and his revenge plan is the central one.
  • Fortinbras is targeted at fighting against Denmark. The reason is that King Hamlet took his father’s life and his land.
  • Laertes intends to kill Hamlet, considering him guilty of his father’s and sister’s deaths.

So, what is the problem with the main character and his retaliation? It roots in his indecisiveness. Even his father’s death didn’t instigate him to act. Hamlet works on his vengeance plan very carefully throughout the whole play. In the end, his delay in action caused many unnecessary deaths: Gertrude’s, Laertes’s, Polonius’s, and Ophelia’s.

Although hesitation is a common phenomenon in Elizabethan revenge tragedies, Hamlet is unique because the main character’s revenge ends up almost as an accident. This way, one of the most prominent revenge tragedy elements becomes subverted. Besides, the whole story is morally ambiguous . You can’t point out who is right and who is wrong or pick the side. It’s not typical for revenge tragedies because usually, you can do both. That’s why this play is so extraordinary.

Still, Hamlet can be called a revenge tragedy because the rest of the elements are there.

  • Does it have a vengeful ghost? Sure, it’s a ghost of Hamlet’s father who induces him to punish King Claudius.
  • Are there mad and bloody scenes? They can be found there as well. In fact, Hamlet acts mad throughout the whole play, starting after his encounter with the ghost. One of the most notable examples is Hamlet’s absurd conversation with Polonius in act 2, scene 2. Moreover, the final scene can be called bloody as almost everyone in the court of Denmark is killed.
  • Is there a play within a play? It’s included: it is The Murder of Gonzago .

As you can see, Hamlet is an ambiguous story about revenge that subverts some of the traditional elements. You can learn more about it from our Hamlet study guide .

Revenge in Hamlet Quotes

Below you will find the best revenge quotes from Hamlet . They reflect the inner hesitations and intentions of Hamlet and Laertes.

O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I! Is it not monstrous that this player here, But in a fiction, in a dream of passion, Could force his soul so to his own conceit That from her working all his visage wann’d, Tears in his eyes, distraction in his aspect, A broken voice, and his whole function suiting With forms to his conceit—and all for nothing! ( Hamlet , act 2, scene 2)
Now might I do it pat, now he is praying, And now I’ll do ‘t. [He draws his sword.]       And so he goes to heaven, And so am I revenged. That would be scanned: A villain kills my father, and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send To heaven. ( Hamlet , act 3, scene 3)
How came he dead? I’ll not be juggled with. To hell, allegiance! Vows, to the blackest devil! Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit! I dare damnation. To this point I stand, That both the worlds I give to negligence, Let come what comes, only I’ll be revenged Most thoroughly for my father. ( Hamlet , act 4, scene 5)

Hamlet Revenge Essay Topics

Need to write an essay on the revenge theme in Hamlet? Check out these topics:

  • Compare and contrast Hamlet’s and Laertes’s attitudes towards revenge .
  • Would it be better if Hamlet killed Claudius right away ?
  • The reasons behind Hamlet’s delay of his revenge.
  • Vengeance and manipulation in Hamlet by Shakespeare.
  • “To be, or not to be” soliloquy : how does it relate to Hamlet’s revenge?
  • How do comedic elements subvert the revenge plot in Hamlet ?
  • The moral ambiguity of vengeance in Hamlet .
  • Fortinbras as an avenger.
  • Why does the ghost of King Hamlet demand revenge?
  • Compare and contrast the revenge plots in Hamlet and The Spanish Tragedy .

Wuthering Heights Revenge

The themes of love and revenge are intertwined in Emily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights . Heathcliff wanted to take revenge on Edgar Linton and Hindley Earnshaw because they separated him from Catherine Earnshaw, his true love. The problem is that this desire for vengeance blinded him and made him cruel. Having stuck in a cycle of revenge, he ruined the lives of innocent people.

In the beginning, Heathcliff directed his anger at Edgar and Hindley , who mocked him and deprived him of his beloved. The fact that he wanted to avenge himself is understandable. However, he chose the wrong method to get satisfaction: Heathcliff made their relatives suffer.

  • He abused Isabella to get revenge on her brother Edgar.
  • He treated Hindley’s son Hareton as a servant. He taught him vulgarities, paying no attention to his education. As a result, Hareton could only read his name.

Heathcliff believed only in long-term vengeance; that’s why he intended to make his offenders suffer for the rest of their lives. He fulfilled his promise, but still, it didn’t bring him the desired satisfaction.

As you can see, this novel is full of fascinating twists. Want to learn more? Check out our Wuthering Heights summary .

Wuthering Heights Revenge Quotes

In this section, we have gathered some quotes that reveal the revenge theme in the novel. Look through them to find out about the feelings and emotions of the protagonists.

I’m trying to settle how I shall pay Hindley back. I don’t care how long I wait, if I can only do it at last. I hope he will not die before I do! ( Wuthering Heights , chapter 7)
He had the hypocrisy to represent a mourner: and previous to following with Hareton, he lifted the unfortunate child on to the table and muttered, with peculiar gusto, “Now, my bonny lad, you are mine! And we’ll see if one tree won’t grow as crooked as another, with the same wind to twist it!” ( Wuthering Heights , chapter 17)
I meditated this plan—just to have one glimpse of your face, a stare of surprise, perhaps, and pretended pleasure; afterwards settle my score with Hindley. ( Wuthering Heights , chapter 10)

Revenge in Wuthering Heights Essay Topics

Write an excellent essay on Wuthering Heights with these topics:

  • Revenge as a vicious cycle in Wuthering Heights .
  • Compare and contrast Heathcliff’s and Hindley’s revenge.
  • What made Heathcliff give up on his revenge?
  • How does vengeance contribute to Heathcliff’s self-destructive behavior?
  • The role of social inequality in Heathcliff’s vengeance.
  • Does Heathcliff redeem himself after having his revenge on Hindley and Edgar?
  • Love and vengeance in Wuthering Heights .
  • Isabella Linton as a victim of Heathcliff’s vengeance.
  • Why did Heathcliff choose Hareton as the target of his revenge?
  • The long-term effects of Hindley’s revenge in Wuthering Heights

Revenge in Frankenstein

The revenge theme plays a significant role in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein . Both protagonists want to pay back to each other. However, the reasons for their hate are different:

  • Victor Frankenstein wants to kill the monster because the latter murdered his family.
  • In contrast, the Creature’s revenge is rooted in his loneliness.

At the beginning of her novel, Shelley shows Frankenstein as an innocent young man with benevolent intentions. Unfortunately, his desire to become a pioneer in science ruined him in the end.

We can see that in this novel, a scientist assumed the role of a creator. Here, the author alludes to the Bible. Victor wanted to act as God, but when he brought his creature to life, it led to moral anarchy. Unlike God and his creation— Adam, Victor didn’t accept the Creature, considering him demonic. Such an attitude became the source of the monster’s desire to revenge. He wanted to have vengeance because he was neglected and abandoned. Neither his creator nor society accepted him.

In this gothic novel, the concept of revenge is depicted in an unusual way. It’s connected with one’s ego and ambitions, as well as social acceptance. If you want to learn more, feel free to read our article on themes in Frankenstein .

Frankenstein Revenge Quotes

Want to see the revenge theme in Frankenstein in action? This section contains some of the quotes that represent this topic in the novel.

“Devil,” I exclaimed, “do you dare approach me? And do you not fear the fierce vengeance of my arm wreaked on your miserable head?” ( Frankenstein, chapter 10)
If you will comply with my conditions, I will leave them and you at peace; but if you refuse, I will glut the maw of death, until it be satiated with the blood of your remaining friends. ( Frankenstein, chapter 10)
The mildness of my nature had fled, and all within me was turned to gall and bitterness. The nearer I approached to your habitation, the more deeply did I feel the spirit of revenge enkindled in my heart. Snow fell, and the waters were hardened; but I rested not. ( Frankenstein, chapter 16)

Frankenstein Revenge Essay Topics

Explore the revenge theme in Mary Shelley’s novel with the following essay ideas:

  • How does revenge create monstrosity in Frankenstein ?
  • Compare and contrast Frankenstein’s and the Creature’s revenge.
  • Was the Creature’s revenge aimed at Frankenstein or humanity as a whole?
  • Explore the cycle of revenge in Frankenstein .
  • Does the Creature succeed in getting his revenge on Frankenstein?
  • How did prejudice contribute to the monster’s desire for vengeance?
  • How does revenge turn into the only purpose of Frankenstein’s life?
  • Vengeance vs. forgiveness in the Creature’s attitude towards Frankenstein.
  • Why did the Creature choose to direct his revenge on Frankenstein’s family ?
  • Is Victor’s love for his family the only reason for his vengeance?

In conclusion, we want to note that revenge is a somewhat controversial concept. You may think it will bring you consolation, but the reality is far from this. This simple truth can be found in the literary works we’ve analyzed in this article and many other stories.

We hope that you find our article interesting and useful. Don’t forget to share it with your friends! We would really appreciate it.

❓ Revenge Theme FAQs

This quote from chapter 16 reveals the revenge theme: “My feelings were those of rage and revenge. I could with pleasure have destroyed the cottage and its inhabitants and have glutted myself with their shrieks and misery.”

Both Victor and the Creature are driven by the desire for revenge. Frankenstein lost not only his relatives but also the opportunity to get appreciation for his creation. The monster, in turn, turned to revenge because of loneliness and rejection.

Hamlet teaches us that seeking justice through revenge doesn’t always bring desired results. In the tragedy, it led to many unnecessary deaths. The play also shows that revenge is a morally ambiguous action.

One of the novel’s messages is that social inequality can lead to personal destruction. The main character couldn’t marry his beloved because of his low social status. As a result, he turned into a vindictive person and ruined the lives of those around him.

The monster blamed his creator for not accepting him. He couldn’t understand the reason for his existence. He felt lonely and rejected. The message of the story is that creators are always responsible for their creations.  

  • The Power of Forgiveness: Why Revenge Doesn’t Work: Psychology Today
  • The Complicated Psychology of Revenge: Association for Psychological Science
  • The Hidden Upsides of Revenge: BBC
  • Revenge Tragedy: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Hamlet and Revenge: British Library
  • The Cycle of Revenge Can Be Broken: The New York Times
  • What Do Restorative Justice and Revenge Have in Common?: EMU
  • The Effects of Past Lives on Males in Wuthering Heights: A Comparative Analysis of Heathcliff and Hareton: Research Gate
  • Revenge Stories of Modern Life: JSTOR
  • Isolation and Revenge: Where Victor Frankenstein Went Wrong: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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66 Forgiveness Essay: Examples, Titles, & Thesis Statement

A forgiveness essay is an exciting yet challenging task. In our article, you can find good forgiveness essay examples in literature, history, religion, and other spheres

📝 Writing a Forgiveness Theme Statement

🏆 best forgiveness essay examples, 🔍 simple forgiveness titles for essay, 💡 interesting forgiveness essay examples.

In your forgiveness essay, focus on different aspects of forgiveness. Some good forgiveness titles for the essay reveal themes of revenge, justice, and personal forgiveness. You can write an excellent reflective or argumentative essay on forgiveness – it is a versatile topic.

Regardless of your forgiveness essay’s specific topic and type, you should develop a strong thesis statement. Below we will provide recommendations on making a good forgiveness theme statement. This will help you come up with a solid base and arguments to prove your position.

Check these tips to make a powerful forgiveness thesis statemen:

  • Determine the primary idea. What are you trying to prove? Can anything be forgiven, or are there cases when it’s not possible? Introduce your one main idea and the angle from which you will look at it. You can also include some facts or opinions about the acuteness of the topic.
  • Work out your argumentation. It is crucial to have a firm structure in your forgiveness essay. You need to support the thesis statement with several arguments and evidence to demonstrate the consistency of your paper.
  • Think of the opposing views. Every argument has a counterargument. When working on your forgiveness theme statement, always keep an opposite thesis statement in mind. Having considered counter positions, you gain additional arguments for your position.
  • Don’t quote others in your thesis statement. A thesis statement is the first and foremost chance to introduce your point of view. Use your own strongest words to reach a reader. This is where they get the first impression about the whole work.

We also have lots of other tips on developing A+ thesis statements. Check our free thesis statement generator to discover more information and get a perfect forgiveness theme statement.

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Essay Samples on Revenge

Revenge, at its core, is the act of seeking retaliation for a perceived injustice or harm. It stems from a primal human instinct to restore balance and redress wrongs. The desire for revenge often emerges from feelings of anger, betrayal, or a sense of injustice, compelling individuals to take matters into their own hands.

In the realm of literature and mythology, revenge has been a recurring theme, inspiring some of the most memorable characters and stories. From Shakespeare’s Hamlet seeking vengeance for his father’s murder to Alexandre Dumas’ iconic Count of Monte Cristo plotting his elaborate revenge scheme, these tales exemplify the enduring fascination with the intricate workings of retribution.

How to Write an Essay on Revenge

When crafting an essay on revenge, it is essential to explore the various dimensions and consequences of this primal urge. You may examine the psychological toll revenge takes on individuals, the ethical considerations surrounding acts of revenge, or the societal impact of perpetuating cycles of violence in revenge essay example.

Furthermore, consider exploring the ways in which revenge has been depicted in different cultural contexts. Analyze the rituals and codes of honor in ancient civilizations, such as the concept of an eye for an eye in Hammurabi’s Code, or the vendettas of medieval Europe. Additionally, examine how revenge is portrayed in contemporary media, including films, television series, and literature, and the influence it has on popular culture.

To make your revenge essay compelling and well-rounded, draw from a variety of disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, and literature. Incorporate relevant theories and concepts, such as Freud’s concept of the “repetition compulsion” or Nietzsche’s exploration of the will to power.

Explore our collection of meticulously curated revenge essays, which encompass a wide range of perspectives, historical analyses, and literary interpretations.

The Power of Revenge, a Virtuous, Ethical and Principled Man I

Sanctimonious hypocrisy, causing one to commit an even greater wrong than the one they seek vengeance for, consumes them with the desire for revenge. Caused by the desire to seek vengeance and punish someone who has caused internal or external pain to one or someone...

  • Ethical Dilemma

Form of Abuse, Bully or Revenge or Domestic Violence

The essence of the word “pornography” is obtained from the Greek language, i.e. “Porne and graphos”. The word “porne” comes from the meanings, a captive who is a female or a harlot or a prostitute. While the word “graphos” is “writing with regard to” or...

  • Domestic Violence

Motivation Of People Seeking For Revenge

People tend to become extremely motivated in the pursuit of seeking out revenge on others for various reasons. From something mediocre to an extreme. Revenge is the forceful desire to inflict hurt or harm to another for a wrong suffered at their hands or just...

The Powers Of Revenge And Forgiveness

The novel A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, is a memoir about himself, sharing his harrowing experience as a child growing up and his struggle for survival in Sierra Leone. The unthinkable happened in his village, Mattru Jong. The civil war occurred out of...

  • A Long Way Gone

Representation of the Theme of Revenge Through the Characters in Beowulf

In the epic poem Beowulf, there is one prominent way that virtually every major character can be compared: the actions that they take against one another are caused by a desire for revenge due to events in the past. Each of the three primary monsters...

  • Beowulf Hero

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Revenge and Injustice in King Lear's Society

In William Shakespeare's renowned tragedy, King Lear, the theme of revenge against society is explored through the character of Edmund. As the illegitimate son of the Earl of Gloucester, Edmund is often belittled and mistreated due to his birth. This mistreatment fuels his bitterness towards...

Exploration of the Theme of Revenge in Shakeapeare's Play Hamlet

Shakespeare's tragedy, Hamlet, is renowned for its compelling exploration of the theme of revenge. Through the character of Hamlet himself, Shakespeare delves into the complex and multifaceted nature of revenge, showcasing its psychological and moral implications. This essay examines how Shakespeare skillfully portrays revenge in...

  • Hamlet Revenge

The Destructive Nature of Revenge in Shakespeare's "Macbeth"

The play Macbeth by William Shakespeare delves into the theme of revenge and its impact on the characters, particularly Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and Macduff. The story shows how revenge serves as a powerful motivator that ultimately leads to tragic consequences. This essay aims to explore...

  • William Shakespeare

Medea Occur Without Just Explanation

Many actions in Euripides’ Medea. The psychology behind these actions appear unpredictable, but still control key parts of the play. The play begins with a heartbroken Medea, angry and depressed because her husband, Jason, has left her for a new bride. However, the rage Medea...

Best topics on Revenge

1. The Power of Revenge, a Virtuous, Ethical and Principled Man I

2. Form of Abuse, Bully or Revenge or Domestic Violence

3. Motivation Of People Seeking For Revenge

4. The Powers Of Revenge And Forgiveness

5. Representation of the Theme of Revenge Through the Characters in Beowulf

6. Revenge and Injustice in King Lear’s Society

7. Exploration of the Theme of Revenge in Shakeapeare’s Play Hamlet

8. The Destructive Nature of Revenge in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”

9. Medea Occur Without Just Explanation

  • First Amendment
  • Criminal Law
  • Social Justice
  • Cyber Crime

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Writing a Revenge Essay: Hamlet, Frankenstein, and Other Examples

The best revenge stories are in literature. Check our Hamlet, Wuthering Heights, and Frankenstein analysis.

As Alfred Hitchcock once claimed: “Revenge is sweet and not fattening.”

Would you agree with this statement?

We bet you are striving to start philosophical reasoning in your revenge essay. Well, let us give you the first hint!

One can find the best revenge stories in literature. Thus, it will be your wisest decision to start the essay on revenge with a literary example.

Check out our ideas below!

  • ✍️ How to Write a Revenge Essay
  • 🤴 Hamlet Essay Prompts
  • 👩‍❤️‍👨 Wuthering Heights Essay Prompts
  • 🧟 Frankenstein Essay Prompts
  • 📝 Revenge Essay Samples
  • ⚔️ 35 Topics for a Revenge Essay

✍️ How to Write a Good Revenge Essay? 5 Rules

You may be starting to wonder how to write a revenge essay if you’ve never done it before. Obviously, before getting down to writing, you have to get some essential key points.

We suggest you go through five good rules of creating an excellent essay on revenge.

The picture contains five rules of  a revenge essay writing.

Rule #1 No Condemnation in an Essay on Revenge

Revenge essays shouldn’t turn into sermons!

Instead of making judgments about a character’s behavior and actions, try to choose a more intelligent approach:

  • Explore the background of characters thoroughly: those are most likely to give you the answers;
  • Analyze the underlying reasons for the particular character’s deeds;
  • Try to interpret the character’s behavior from a psychological perspective.

Rule #2 Less Description – More Analysis

Retelling is excellent when you are delivering the story to your friends. It works the other way round with a revenge essay.

  • You should analyze the very depth of revenge with the help of the example;
  • Do it by searching for all possible methods and techniques the author uses to describe revenge in literature.

Rule #3 Avoid Subjunctive Mood in Your Revenge Essay

There’s no sense in discussing how things would have turned out should a character acted differently. The revenge has already been implemented. We have no power to change anything.

  • The best option is to perform the analysis based on the literary source data;
  • Don’t use the subjunctive mood in topics about revenge. Just don’t.

Rule #4 Think Big – Revenge Is a Piece of a Larger Puzzle

In a literary work, there cannot be any accidents. Everything is intertwined and interrelated. This statement is especially true when it comes to a story with the revenge leitmotiv.

  • Mind that the act of vengeance can’t be floating in the air. It indeed has the context. Look for it carefully.
  • Insert this context into your essay on revenge.

Rule #5 Be Careful with the Personal Opinion

It’s easy to start making judgments about the events and characters’ behavior when writing a revenge essay. But you have to control yourself.

  • Avoid expressing the biased and subjective assessment if the essay format doesn’t imply that;
  • Try to create a perfect balance of analysis and expressing attitudes towards the events in a story.

🤴 Revenge in Literature: How to Write a Hamlet Revenge Essay

Perhaps, one of the best revenge stories in literature is Hamlet which unwinds very dark parts of a human soul. Vengeance is a propulsive force in Shakespearean drama. So, let’s see how it moves things in the play.

The Theme of Revenge in Hamlet

In ‘The Tragedy of Hamlet,’ revenge at times seems to become the lead character. Almost everyone tries to take revenge on others, using various forms. Avengers, successful and not, are convinced in the righteousness of their behavior. Except for Hamlet.

Let’s have a closer look at three extensive revenge themes in the play.

Revenge in Hamlet Topic Ideas

Here are the revenge essay topics you can develop from these three themes.

  • Why was Hamlet constantly delaying the implementation of retribution? Elaborate on the reasons for Hamlet’s lengthy deliberations. Was he born and meant for that? Does the concept of vengeance fit his nature?
  • Did Hamlet love Ophelia, or was she a tool for revenge? Analyze the story of their relationships, how Hamlet eventually rejects Ophelia. Try to find answers in his attitude to his mother. Perhaps, he despises and blames all women?
  • What drove Hamlet – his pride, madness, fairness? Or something else? Eventually, he accomplishes what the Ghost wanted from him. Why? Try to dive deeper into Hamlet’s character and attitude towards the society he lives in.
  • Ponder over the incestuous relations between Laertes and Ophelia. Was Laertes’ affection for his sister the reason he tried to prevent her relations with Hamlet? Perhaps, that is why he decided to take revenge?
  • Compare the passionate revenge of Laertes and the passive one of Hamlet: what do the young men have in common? What makes them different? Elaborate on their attitude to women: Hamlet to Gertrude and Laertes to Ophelia.
  • Why was Laertes calling himself a bastard? And was he, indeed? Try to prove his words were nothing more but a grounding to his revenge on Hamlet.
  • Between Heaven and Hell. Why do you think the Ghost chose Hamlet to implement the revenge? Could the spirit of the murdered King know what consequences it would bring?
  • The revenge is a matter of males. Elaborate on possible reasons why the Ghost didn’t want Gertrude to suffer from Hamlet’s revenge? Was she innocent?
  • Were there the reasons for Hamlet not to believe the Ghost? Why was it so necessary to find proof for the evil deeds performed by Claudius? Try to build up a consistent connection between the will of the Ghost and Hamlet’s behavior.

Hamlet Quotes about Revenge

Nothing can be more illustrative than direct quotations about revenge.

We offer you this set of the most expressive Hamlet quotes.

  • “For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak With most miraculous organ.” Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2
  • “I dare damnation. To this point I stand, That both the worlds I give to negligence, Let come what comes, only I’ll be revenged Most thoroughly for my father.” Laertes, Act 4, Scene 5
  • “No place, indeed, should murder sanctuarize; Revenge should have no bounds.” King Claudius, At 4, Scene 7

Here you can find more Hamlet quotes about revenge, and not only.

👩‍❤️‍👨 Revenge in Literature: How to Write a Wuthering Heights Revenge Essay

Another great story about the intricacies of life and revenge is Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. It introduces complicated and intertwined life stories where you can find a lot about love and revenge.

The story is rich in philosophical and social issues . Thus, a revenge essay based on Wuthering Heights is sure to turn out very fruitful.

Wuthering Heights Theme of Revenge

Revenge, bitter and unsatisfying, pierce the whole novel. Heathcliff performs as the main avenger, but there is more.

Wuthering Heights Revenge Topic Ideas

This is how you can elaborate on the theme of revenge in Wuthering Heights.

  • Are all children innocent? Why did they turn out to be vengeful adults? Traceback to the roots of mutual hatred between two boys: what was the start of it? Why was Hindley jealous of Heathcliff? Did Hindley have good ground for despising Heathcliff?
  • What is the role of Mr. Earnshaw in the development of toxic relationships between Heathcliff and his family members? Was his bringing Heathcliff to the house a subconscious desire to avenge his children or prove something to them?
  • Extreme anger sometimes happens to be the concealed liking, especially between men. Is it possible that Hindley had a latent affection for Heathcliff? If so, was his behavior justified a bit?
  • Were the children (Hareton, Cathy, Linton) to suffer from Heathcliff’s vengeance? Do you think they are responsible for what their parents have done? Why didn’t Heathcliff spare them from suffering?
  • Why did Catherine choose Edgar Linton to become her husband? Was it ever possible for Heathcliff to let them live? Catherine provoked Heathcliff on these feelings; was she aware of the potential consequences?
  • What are the reasons for Heathcliff’s ill-treatment of Isabella? Was she a proper target for his outrageous revenge? Why didn’t she try to defend herself thoroughly from the abuse? Perhaps, she accepted herself as a sacrifice?
  • What does the cycling structure of the novel mean? Elaborate on the reasons for such an outcome. Why was the society Heathcliff lived in so ill-fated? Do the participants deserve what they got?
  • Think about the existential cycle of Heathcliff. Perhaps, his soul was cursed from the very beginning? Was he destined to make a journey filled with suffering through life for redemption? Can we speak about it in such terms at all?
  • Build Heathcliff’s accurate psychological portrait and analyze his burning desire for revenge from this perspective. Was he mentally sick? Who, in your opinion, perfectly deserved the revenge, and who doesn’t?

The picture introduces one of the Wuthering Heights revenge essay topic ideas.

Wuthering Heights Revenge Quotes

There were many words said about revenge in the novel by different characters. Let’s get to know them to understand the story better!

  • “… the young master had learned to regard his father as an oppressor rather than a friend, and Heathcliff as a usurper of his parent’s affections and his privileges; and he grew bitter with brooding over these injuries.” Nelly Dean, Chapter 4
  • “I’m trying to settle how I shall pay Hindley back. I don’t care how long I wait, if I can only do it at last. I hope he will not die before I do!” Heathcliff, Chapter 7
  • “Whatever he may pretend, he wishes to provoke Edgar to desperation: he says he has married me on purpose to obtain power over him; and he sha’ n’t obtain it—I’ll die first! I just hope, I pray, that he may forget his diabolical prudence and kill me! The single pleasure I can imagine is to die, or to see him dead!” Isabella, Chapter 14
  • “You, and I… have each a great debt to settle with the man out yonder! If we were neither of us cowards, we might combine to discharge it. Are you as soft as your brother? Are you willing to endure to the last, and not once attempt a repayment?” Hindley, Chapter 17

This is just a tiny part of quotes about revenge in Wuthering Heights . Look at this website to find more.

🧟 Revenge in Literature: How to Write a Frankenstein Revenge Essay

Perhaps, the story about the Frankenstein monster is the most tragic of all that we discuss in this article. One of the central themes in the novel is ultimate and outrageous revenge. However, we can feel sympathy towards the avengers. How come?

Let’s figure it out together, so you can write an excellent revenge essay!

The theme of Revenge in Frankenstein

There are two major revenge lines in the novel about the Frankenstein monster:

Revenge in Frankenstein Topic Ideas

What are the ways to expand the theme of revenge in Frankenstein? Let’s look at some of them.

  • Analyze the psychological portrait of the monster. Why do we feel sympathetic despite all the murders? Do you think his revenge was fully acknowledged and justified?
  • Is it ethical to consider the monster to be just a flawed and imperfect human? Study through his motifs of revenge and methods of its implementation. Elaborate on the outcome the monster eventually came up to: was he genuinely remorseful?
  • Why didn’t the monster kill his creator right away to take revenge on him? How did he understand that taking away the closest and beloved people from Frankenstein would hurt him more?
  • Did Frankenstein have the right to do what he did? Is it ethical to use dead body parts to satisfy your curiosity and create a monster? Why didn’t Frankenstein give in to the beast to prevent his revenge?
  • Think of the reasons why Frankenstein stopped creating the female monster. Did he realize the consequences when he deprived the beast of his only hope of getting a partner? Was it a part of Frankenstein’s revenge?
  • Does the young man deserve all this damage and pain the monster brought to him? Elaborate on the cyclic structure of the novel that starts with the monster’s creation and ends with Frankenstein’s death.

The picture introduces one of the Frankenstein revenge essay topic ideas.

Frankenstein Revenge Quotes

To illustrate the characters’ motivation in your revenge essay, use these quotes from the novel! We have selected the most significant statements for you:

  • “When I reflected on his crimes and malice, my hatred and revenge burst all bounds of moderation. I would have made a pilgrimage to the highest peak of the Andes, could I when there have precipitated him to their base.” Victor Frankenstein, Chapter 9
  • “The nearer I approached to your habitation, the more deeply did I feel the spirit of revenge enkindled in my heart.” The monster, Chapter 16
  • “Frankenstein! you belong then to my enemy–to him towards whom I have sworn eternal revenge; you shall be my first victim.” The monster, Chapter 16

Visit this website to see more quotes about revenge in Frankenstein.

📝 Revenge Essay Samples: Hamlet, Wuthering Heights, Frankenstein

Good news! The theoretical part is over, now we want you to look at some real examples of a revenge essay.

These are just excerpts from the essays, though they contain the main elements.

Hamlet Revenge Essay Example

“What would he do, had he the motive and the cue for passion that I have?” — exclaims Hamlet on seeing the actor performing on the stage. Endless reflections tear hamlet: to revenge or not to revenge? His constant postponing of vengeance has reasons. Deeply inside, subconsciously, he believes: even well-grounded revenge is poisonous and destructive. This idea is being proclaimed between the lines throughout the whole play. Evil causes evil, and this vicious circle is yet to be broken. Hamlet is a hero of another era: he needs solid and persuasive evidence to implement his revenge. The young prince wants to be sure whether the ghost is real if Claudius is an actual murderer. But even realizing the truth, he takes pains to set the mood for revenge, to pull his decisiveness together. “O, from this point forth my thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth!” are his words in Act 4. Other characters in the play may seem blind or half-blind and don’t notice obvious things. Perhaps, they don’t want to catch them to keep their consciousness clear. They are more shallow and less sensitive than the prince. Hamlet is almost the only person who sees through all the intrigues, making him sarcastic and suspicious. He mourns the passing of his father, but at the same time, the burden of revenge presses upon him. He’s undoubtedly not made for seeking revenge. This destructive thought starts to corrupt his mind and soul gradually. It is this spiritual splitting of his that leads to tragic consequences and pointless deaths of many people.

Wuthering Heights Revenge Essay Example

Wuthering Heights is a novel the plot of which is wrapped around the revenge purposes of the main character. We see the same circular structure as we do in many revenge stories: come events lead to the outcome where the only aim is taking vengeance. The problem is that no matter how fair revenge may seem to an avenger, it barely brings satisfaction. On the contrary, it destroys any virtues and even the whole fates. The trigger for the whole revenge story here is Hindley, who is jealous and mean in his very nature. It is the type of antagonist that is downright vicious: he seems to lack anything human in his heart. His unfair mistreatment plants the seeds of desire for revenge in Heathcliff. The latter grows up with a solid wish to pay Hindley back for all the damage. Heathcliff cannot be blamed for that: he was merely deprived of love and decent life in his childhood. We can only feel compassion towards him being so traumatized. Everything he did after is probably more dreadful than what Hindley did to him, but could it be different? Heathcliff is blinded by the striving to take revenge. The man loses any sense of reason. He also cannot stay safe and untouched, hurting other people. He ends up feeling even more bitter than he used to. We can clearly see that revenge didn’t bring Catherine back to him, while it was what he wanted in the first place.

Revenge in Frankenstein Essay Example

‘Frankenstein’ is sure to be not only a horror story with gothic elements but also a profound ethical parable. It touches upon very distant and dark aspects of human life. In a story about Frankenstein and his monster, we can see what can happen when a human is trying to play God. All these tragic events in the novel conclude: a human must remain human. Otherwise, a wannabe god will be paid back by the whole Universe and destroyed. This is what happened to the main character of Shelly’s story. The plot somehow refers to an old biblical story about Adam, Eve, and forbidden knowledge. What was the outcome of the first people’s selfish desire to know things that only God knows? They were exhaled and cursed forever from Eden. Before that happened, all pleasures were at their disposal. Victor had everything, too: wealthy and caring parents, a beautiful bride, loyal friends. When he started craving something above, the tragedy occurred. The point is that to be a creator means to have an enormous responsibility. Victor Frankenstein wasn’t ready to take it and to deal with his creature’s ugliness or with the prospective to teach his monster how to live. The creature was collecting the idea of life by bits. Realizing his creator’s nonchalance distresses the monster to a great extent. The only thing that is left to him due to his indescribable loneliness is revenge. Ironically, Shelley’s monster possesses more humanism and sensitiveness than real people. He wants to be helpful, tries to help people; eventually, he even repents for everything he’d committed.

If you’ve read our small samples and now wonder how to write your essay, please approach us. We are ready to assist you with any kind of question.

⚔️ 35 More Topics for a Revenge Essay

Of course, we wouldn’t limit you to only three literary works covering the theme of revenge. Here are other great topic ideas you can use for your essay on revenge.

  • Revenge is a dish served cold: do you agree with this statement? Is it ethical to blow a strike back when the fight is over?
  • Revenge, Deceit, and Murder in “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Poe.
  • A desire for revenge: what is a mix of feelings that drives a person to take vengeance on someone?
  • The difference between thinking and acting: can one satisfy their thirst for revenge by only imagining it?
  • Emotion Regulation: Anger.
  • Describe the possible or real situations where revenge is perfectly justified and grounded if there are such.
  • Is it ethical for a modern person to consider taking revenge?
  • Addressing an Anger Issue with Phenomenological Method.
  • Can verbal abuse be answered with physical revenge?
  • Compare and contrast the depiction and development of the revenge themes in “Hamlet” and “Romeo and Juliet.”
  • Explore how revenge appears in mind, its triggers, and the psychological benefits.
  • “An Act of Vengeance” by Isabel Allende and “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor Comparison.
  • Forgiveness and revenge: what is fairer – to take revenge or forgive? How is one to make a choice?
  • Is it acceptable to seek revenge when you know for sure your enemies are dysfunctional and weak?
  • “Othello” by Shakespeare: Heroes Analysis.
  • Compare and contrast how the revenge theme is covered in the original text of Hamlet and the movie.
  • Consider the most famous and significant revenge stories in US history.
  • How People Deal With Being Threatened and Scared.
  • Blood will have blood: reveal the development of the revenge themes in Shakespear’s famous play “Macbeth.”
  • Mahatma Gandhi once said: ‘An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.’ But how can one reach justice if not through revenge?
  • Debate on Punishment v. Rehabilitation.
  • ‘Tell me, tutor, I said, is revenge a science or an art?’ asked one of the characters in Mark Lawrence’s “Prince of Thorns.” How would you answer this question?
  • Crime and Its Victims: Victim Precipitation.
  • “The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.” These were the words of Marcus Aurelius written in “Meditations.” Do you agree that such ‘revenge’ is the best option?
  • Violent Crimes’ Impact on Victims and Society.
  • How does Aeschylus’s play “Agamemnon” prove that vengeance leads to no peace but causes more violence?
  • Just and Sharp Revenge: compare and contrast revenge and justice themes in “Hamlet” and “The Spanish Tragedy.”
  • When Will Things Get to Normal After the Death of a Loved One?
  • Critical Analysis of “The Scarlet Letter”: Character analysis and the themes of revenge.
  • The morality of revenge: how to draw the line between justified vengeance and violence?
  • Enlightenment in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”.
  • A man takes revenge on himself: elaborate on the magnificent twist of revenge in “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
  • Hamlet as the Hero of the Play
  • Why is “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn more about insanity than about revenge?
  • Tell about your own experience with revenge: what were the reasons for it, your feelings after?

These were the most important things we wanted you to know when writing a revenge essay. One more piece of advice for you.

Do not consider revenge as something necessarily wrong. Try to point out the reasons and intentions of a person who wants to take revenge.

Once you take such a position, you have a chance to write a perfect essay on revenge!

We wish you lots of inspiration and happy writing! 😉

Revenge - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

Revenge entails retaliating against someone in response to perceived wrongs or injustices. Essays on revenge might explore its psychological underpinnings, moral implications, or its representation in literature, film, and history. Discussions could delve into famous revenge stories, the societal or personal consequences of seeking revenge, or the ethical debates surrounding retribution and justice. Analyzing different cultural or historical perspectives on revenge can provide a multifaceted exploration of human emotions, social norms, and justice systems. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Revenge you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Revenge is the Overarching Theme of the Play Hamlet

Revenge is a strange idea. It has been around since the dawn of time. An Eye for an eye, right? If someone hits you, you hit them back harder. In the play, Hamlet, William Shakespeare, Revenge is the overarching theme of the play. It shows what revenge can do to a person. Hamlet views revenge as a good deed: something that he must complete to avenge his dad. Revenge is binary, meaning it isn't only the act of revenge, there […]

Revenge and Foreshadowing in the Cask of Amontillado

"Edgar Allan Poe is a famous writer known for his thrilling short stories. One of his shorts, “The Cask of Amontillado” is most known for its intense and prevalent themes, including irony and foreshadowing. Foreshadowing in an element in the story is used to hint an event that will occur further along in the story. There are many types of Irony. One of these is dramatic irony, which refers to when a character thinks something is true, yet the audience […]

Edgar Allan Poe’s the Cask of Amontillado Essay

"Edgar Allan Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado expresses enigmatic themes of desire and human complexity. The protagonist desires revenge on an acquaintance through premeditated murder. Although conversely, that is only on the surface. Montresor's needs and desires are that of something beyond vengeance. It is known that our narrator and protagonist Montresor, seeks vengeance against Fortunato for the insults and ""the thousand injuries"" he felt had been done to him. Although, Montresor never clarifies how Fortunato degrades him nor backs […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Frankenstein Revenge

In her novel ?Frankenstein?, Mary Shelley shows that both Frankenstein and his creature are obsessed with revenge through their strong emotional language and obsessive actions, yet neither of them wins and gets revenge in the end. After Victor Frankenstein is threatened by the creature after destroying his nearly complete bride, Frankenstein states that he “?burned with rage to pursue the murderer of my peace and precipitate him into the ocean. I walked up and down my room hastily and perturbed, […]

Lies, Revenge and Betrayal in Othello

Lies are extremely common in our society today, with millions of people masking their true intentions. In Shakespeare's play titled Othello, one of the characters, Iago, is no different and in fact the same as those deceptive individuals in society. Behind his act as a trustworthy friend, Iago is a manipulative and deceptive character creating disorder and causing many mishaps to occur. Iago uses many acts of manipulation to undermine every single character's weaknesses to get exactly what he wants, […]

William Shakespeare Titus Andronicus Vs. Alice Walker the Color Purple

"I will be contrasting William Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus and Alice Walker's The Color Purple. I chose to contrast these works because they are completely different; they stem from different time periods, feature characters of different genders and races, and portray trauma and religion in uniquely different ways. I was especially interested in observing how their characters handle trauma, how they cope with it, and examining the changes in the Christian community during these different historical periods. Shakespeare wrote Titus Andronicus […]

Examples of Revenge in the Scarlet Letter

Often times we hear "What's good for the goose is what's good for gander," in other words, if one person committed a crime they should both be punished the same. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, he explores the sin of Hester Prynne and Author Dimmesdale. He reveals these two characters to show that staying hidden and suffering in silence is worse than being publicly humiliated. Although Hester has committed a serious crime (adultery), she wears her scarlet letter […]

Revenge and Justice in Wuthering Heights

"There is a blurred line between revenge and justice. Is revenge, justice? Is revenge, justified? The difference, may be nothing but a shuffling of the same words to make oneself feel morally sound. If we can agree on the idea that revenge is a feeling or act of retribution, and also that justice is no more than a ‘just’ act of retaliation, then we can begin to question the fine structure of moral values and how that affects the definition […]

With Love, Violence and Vengeance

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Revenge Essay: Example and Tips

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Before we proceed to the revenge essay example itself, let us say a couple of words. The topic of revenge can be approached in different ways. If you don’t feel like going deep into your feelings and thoughts on that issue, you might choose analyzing some book, movie or story about revenge. Thus, we can think of several topics for different tastes.

Examples of topics for revenge essay

  • Disclosure of the topic of revenge in Hamlet.
  • “V for Vendetta”
  • Attitude to revenge in different religions and cultures
  • Sacred Fire of Revenge – example essay

Template of revenge essay example. Sacred Fire of Revenge

I’m not going to talk about what is right, revenge or forgiving the offenders and enemies, now I want to stop my attention only on consequences of this or that action. I think that in a person who is free in his soul, there must be a choice between revenge and forgiveness. That’s why you decide how you will live, whether you will revenge or forgive, but I will tell you about how both affect your psyche. The Bible teaches us to forgive, extolling it over the desire to take revenge, but does not say that a person who forgave an insult, is mentally suppressed, his inner strength leaves him every time he is forced to forgive because of the inability to do something. Many psychologists advise forgiving their enemies, debtors, abusers, thereby saving a person from the burden on the soul, and it really works, a person really feels easier. But this does not happen because he did something great, forgiving everyone, no, he just stopped looking for an opportunity to take revenge or return his money.

A person experiences anxiety not because he was offended, deceived or humiliated, but because he does not see an opportunity to get even for this, and also because his mind is nailed to the moment when he was “ill”. The sacred fire of vengeance, as far as I remember, these words belong to Al Capone, the Italian mafia, who understood that to forgive is to die slowly. But anxiety disappears with a sense of awareness that your time may come when you will make everyone pay you in full. Any spiritual uneasiness can be removed without any forgiveness, we must only believe in ourselves, and do not put up with defeat. Therefore, I do not support the idea of forgiving everyone for everything. If you approach the question of forgiveness in this way – forgive and you will feel better, then it is better for a person to go not to a psychologist, but to a priest.

Religion is the means that comforts the weak, and the Bible is the only guide to life for them. However, the way of a strong person does not allow forgiveness in any way, because the strength of a person depends, first of all, on the strength of his spirit, which is simply impossible when you constantly give up positions. An elementary example: if you were beaten and you forgave the abusers for this, you will bypass the place where this happened and be afraid of everyone who is trying to beat you. And this is because you do not know how you should behave in such a situation, you did not get revenge, which means you do not know what to do in such a situation. In addition, do not forget the main thing, the person who fucked you with impunity, will necessarily do it again, and will do so until you allow it to him. This is a law of nature, there are no moral aspects, this is our psychology.

Revenge is what allows you to take away from someone who owes you. You just do it and that’s it, you should not have any personal attachments, you regain that inner strength and confidence that you were once deprived of. Here the main thing is not to lose your head, revenge is a dish that is served coldly on the table. It does not matter when and where you get revenge, if you are determined to do it, you will find the opportunity for revenge. Maybe it will not give you anything, maybe you will not return what you lost, but you will regain self-confidence, you will do justice, you will not regret what you did not do, for it is completely pointless to regret what has been done. And in the end, you die a strong man, even if you did not get revenge, but did not accept and did not forgive, you are a strong person. And whether it is right or not, nature has created us so that we just have to correctly understand our essence, and not be guided by the arguments of others, same humans as we are. I do not know how to act properly, I just argue from the point of view of a person who analyzes the behavior and nature of a human being.

I forgave and took revenge in my life, and I do not regret anything. I do what I think is necessary to do, as I am an adult, aware of my actions and ready to bear responsibility for them. I advise you to adhere to the same position. The main thing is not to forgive just because you can not take revenge. And if you do not want to forgive, and do not want to take revenge, then you kill yourself, you paint your own hand in your own impotence, take the position of a weak person, and this will not give you rest all your life. Not taking revenge is just a physical phenomenon, this is the pumping of the psyche, this is a state of mind and soul. A person who committed evil in relation to you, took away your strength given to you by nature, and possibly by God, and you have the right to return it back. I know what a man who has forgiven feels, and he who has a hope of revenge. The latter has much more vitality than the one who has reconciled. Therefore, friends, draw conclusions, if you have big plans for life, you simply can not afford the luxury of forgiveness. Maybe, you find my words unpopular but I’m honest about how I feel.

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Read below our study guide on Of Revenge by Francis Bacon summary and analysis.

Of Revenge by Francis Bacon Summary

Of Revenge by Francis Bacon is a short but meaningful essay that carries the author personal views about the great upsurge of nowadays society that is “revenge”. Bacon starts the essay by calling revenge as animalistic behavior by using the words “wild justice” for it. By such contrast, he describes the whole picture of the animal and human life. The more one’s nature turns toward for taking revenge, the more he is taking the law into his hands. If one commits a crime or does some harm to anybody, he/she is offending and violating the law but when the victim counterattacks, it make the law of no use. The law is useless when a person tries to take revenge himself. Undoubtedly by taking revenge, the wrongdoer and the counter-attacker are equal and at the same level. There is no difference between both, apparently. Bacon highlights the point that revenge is totally against the law. By ignoring or forgiving the wrong done to one by other makes a person superior to other as it is the quality of kings and prince to forgive others. By forbearing others, one makes a respectable place in the society.

By quoting Salomon, a wisest Jewish philosopher, Bacon designates the quality of wise men that a secret of their glory is they always ignore the wrongs from others. To him, wise men don’t think about past. For what is done, is gone that cannot be changed. But the wise men focus on the present and they learn through their previous experiences and apply them in the present. Why should one care about the past as they have much to do about present and future? Forgive, forget, and move on.

Bacon interestingly illustrates that why will a person do wrong to someone? What could be possible reasons behind? Is he/she doing wrong for the sake of wrong? If so, then why? The answer is given by bacon himself. One doesn’t do wrong with others for the sake of wrongs but to gain and acquire himself certain profit ( that could me of money or something else), or a particular pleasure (just like a sadist enjoys sufferings of others), or it might be to avail some respect and honor, or could be anything like that. Bacon, then, argues that why should I become mad at a person who loves himself more than me? This is then not a well-to-do workout to do. And if a person does wrong because it is his nature then these people are like “thorn” and “briar” (bushes) which can only puncture and cut. So, let them do, don’t complain.

Bacon, moreover, points out that if one makes himself engross in revenge that has no legal remedy, “the most tolerable sort of revenge”, then the one looking to avenge should make sure that there is no rule or law to rebuke him. Bacon suggested that the person taking revenge should make his enemies informed as it might make the opposition party repent. It is more delightful to make one repent than to hurt. But if you take revenge silently by not provoking them, you will be a coward which is like an arrow that could hit anyone in the dark.

Bacon extends his argument about the wrongs that cannot be pardoned. These wrongs usually come from our beloved friend, as one can forgive the enemy form whom we can expect such wrongs but these sort of friend are like snakes who stabs at your back and doesn’t give you a moment to understand what they have done to you. The author quoted the Cosmos, the Duke of Florence that we have read that we are commanded to forgive our enemies, but we have never read that we are commanded to forgive our friends. But still, bacon says, we should not be so much inclined toward avenging them. As we are satisfied to take all good deeds from God but why are we not happy to take evil from him, too? So, we should forgive even our friends and consider them an evil from the God.

A person who is always in sickness to take revenge and searching for a good moment to take will keep his wound evergreen and will never let them cure. In such condition, the only loss is to the sufferer which would otherwise heal and move on and focusing more on his present and future than to remain buried in his past.

Bacon, lastly, ends the essay by arguing that public revenge, on the most past for bad leader or rules is fortunate. He gives examples of the public death of Caesar, Partinax (a Roman emperor), and Henry the Third of France. In public act of revenge, there is a huge lesson for the public and rest of people as it set an example for other while the private revenge, on the other hand, makes a person, who nourishes evil desires for others, to live a life of witches. Such life is full of rascal so they end, unfortunately.

Of Revenge by Francis Bacon Literary Analysis

In the essay, of Revenge, Bacon presents the extremely reasonable argument contrary to the private revenge and recognizes “public revenge on the most part is fortunate”. He calls revenge a “wild justice”. Such contrast is made by him to show the animalistic nature of revenge. It is characteristic of an animal to avenge not of humans as they are entitled to forgive and show compassion to fellow beings. Bacon’s essays are characterized as brief but highly comprehensible. Just as by a single statement of wild justice, he presents the whole picture of human and animal life.

Moreover, Bacon argues that the first wrong is overseen by law, but avenging it is out of the law. To avenge is a distortion of the law.

This essay appeals to one’s wisdom of ethical supremacy when the author points out that the wise man is the one who ignores the wrongs of other done to him as he has much more to do in present and future rather than considering his past matters. As wrongs in the past cannot be changed because they are irrevocable, one should move on.

Bacon explains a logical argument for why should one look for to harm others? As one doesn’t go wrong for the wrong sake. To him, one might get some profit by harming others, or some pleasure like a sadist or to achieve some honor. If these could be the reasons to do wrong with others then one should not avenge them as you cannot hate someone because they love themselves more than you. Further, if someone is doing wrong because of their ill-nature then they are just like “thorns and briars that can only cut and scratch”. Forgive them, and move on.

By taking revenge, Bacon argues, one takes the law into his hands. Law becomes useless if one tries to take revenge. But such type of revenge is bearable which has no lawful remedy. One should make sure, Bacon warns, that there is then no law to punish. Along with this, one should make the opposition informed before avenging them. This might make them sorry which is more worth than harming them.

We can forgive the wrongs done by enemies because we expect them to do so, but what about the wrongs that are done to us by our beloved friend, are such wrongs forgivable? Bacon seems to change his opinion against taking revenge by quoting Cosmus, the Duke of Florence, that we are commanded to forgive enemies but we are never commanded to forgive friends. But immediately after this he quotes Job and stands upon his argument that ‘we are satisfied and happy to take all goods from God than why we are not happy to take all evil’? Such friends should be considered as evil from God and shouldn’t be avenged.

Bacon is totally against private revenge but suggests that public act of revenge are for the most part fortunate as it set an example for all. On the other hand, private revenge is unfortunate. The person who takes revenge lives a life of witches and his wound never heals.

Of Revenge Main Themes

Following are the main theme of the essay Of Revenge.

Revenge: A Wild Justice:

“Revenge is a kind of wild justice”, Bacon argues. Wild justice symbolizes animalistic behavior. Animals don’t have any rules and regulation nor do they have any law to maintain order in their society. So they are inclined towards taking revenge. While, on the other hand, human society has a law to regulate human behavior. They shouldn’t be inclined towards avenging others like animals. By doing so they are taking the law into hands and in such cases the law is useless.

Private Revenge is Useless:

Private revenge is unfortunate and useless as by avenging others one takes the law into his hands. One should consult law to take revenge. The revenge for that wrongs is tolerable and fortunate which has no lawful remedy. If there is law then it’s unfortunate. The one who is always in search of the moment to take revenge is the most unfortunate person as his wound are evergreen and lives a life of witches.

Forgive, Forget, and Move on:

Bacon’s argument about revenge highly appeals to one moral and ethical sense of supremacy. According to him, the wise man is the one who forgives others and concentrates on his present and future than on past. Since the wrongs done in past is gone and irrevocable so, it is useless to live in past. Just forgive, forget, and move on.

Public Revenge is Fortunate:

Bacon argues that public act of revenge on the most part are fortunate as they set examples for others. Bad leaders should be punished publically and in the worst way so that other learns a lesson from it and avoid doing such acts.

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Home / Prose / Francis Bacon / Of Revenge by Sir Francis Bacon | Summary and Critical Analysis

Of Revenge by Sir Francis Bacon | Summary and Critical Analysis

Of Revenge by Sir Francis Bacon - Summary and Analysis

“Of Revenge” as the name suggests is about a revengeful person, who thinks to take revenge from an enemy. Sir Francis Bacon, in a didactic tone, talks about merits and demerits of revenge. The essay is full of wisdom but it is of a strange kind. He gives examples from the past, quotes opinions of philosophers and uses allusions to clear his point of view. This essay although has morality yet it is limited to worldly wisdom. He also uses similes , metaphors , and illustrations so that his readers can better understand his message. He puts the pros and cons of taking revenge. Sir Francis Bacon explains some situations, in which revenge is allowed. He also elucidates why people harm others. Let us see what else he has to say to his readers.

Revenge and its Cons: Views of Sir Francis Bacon:

He starts his essay while saying, “Revenge is a kind of wild justice”. He believes that revenge comes in the category of justice but it is certainly rough kind of justice. Firstly, Sir Francis Bacon tries to convince every revengeful person not to take revenge but if someone has decided to take it then he should adopt a legal method. In his eyes, breaking the law is not a rational act. Moreover, a person should do his best to forget the bad deeds of his enemy; by doing so, he will get two benefits; one of them is moral superiority. Forgiveness makes a person noble. He quotes the wise words of Solomon, who said, “It is the glory of a man to pass by an offence.” Secondly, a loss is loss forever. Revenge cannot recover a loss.

Moreover, wise men do not think about past; they concentrate on the present and future. Sir Francis Bacon considers a person unwise if he remembers worst days of the past to take revenge. Moreover, it is a fruitless effort.

Why People Harm Others?

There are certain reasons due to which people harm others; “profit”, “pleasure”, “honour”, “or the like”. Some people harm others to make financial gain; some do it to pleasure themselves or their near and dear ones; whereas some do it to get the honour. All these acts show the selfishness of a person. If a person is selfish then not everyone should follow him. Sir Francis Bacon here suggests that a revengeful person should ignore him. He does not need to keep a selfish person in his mind for the whole life as by doing so, he just wastes his time. There is also another reason due to which people harm others; “ill-nature”. If a person is of ill-nature, then it is better to ignore him. Bacon calls him “thorn or briar, which [only] prick[s] and scratch[s]”. He cannot damage a person at the largest level; therefore, there is no need to think about an ill-natured person.

In Which Situation, a Person Can Take Revenge?

There is a situation when a person can take revenge from his enemy. Where the law does not provide any remedy a person can take revenge. However, precautions should be kept in mind. Firstly, he should keep in mind that law does not go against him. Otherwise, he will still be at disadvantage as compared to his enemy. Moreover, identity should be revealed while doing any harm to an enemy. The true meaning of revenge lies in seeing the miserable condition of the victim. Revenge completes only in case the enemy repents on his wrongdoings. He should know that why harm is being done to him; and it is possible only if the revengeful person has revealed his identity to his enemy. A person who does not reveal his identity while taking revenge is a coward in the eyes of Sir Francis Bacon.

Anyone Is Pardonable but Not friends:

Francis Bacon has deeply studied “Cosmus, Duke of Florence” and “Job”. He quotes their words. Dosimo de Medici (Cosmus) has said that anyone is forgivable but a traitorous friend. It is unwise to pardon treacherous and unfaithful friends. Job, on the other hand, thinks the opposite. He has said that if a person obtains benefits from friends then he should forgive them for their misconducts. Bacon supports Job in this regard while saying that “But yet the spirit of Job was in a better tune”. Here too, readers can witness the worldly wisdom of Sir Francis Bacon. If a person gets favours from his friends then it is necessary for him to ignore the disloyalty of his friends.

Why Revenge is Harmful?

First of all, it wastes time. Secondly, it keeps vengeful person’s wounds fresh. Thirdly, it mentally tortures him as he always thinks of doing harm to his enemy; therefore, he lives a miserable life. Bacon calls this kind of life “the life of witches”. However, there are some revenges, which are necessary to be taken. Sir Francis Bacon named them “public revenge s”. He supports his assertions by referring a “public revenge” from Roman history. Julius Caesar was assassinated for the murder of “Pertinax, and “Henry III of France”. Another kind of revenge is “private revenges”. “Public revenges are for the most part fortunate….. But in private revenges it is not”.

The conclusion of “Of Revenge” By Sir Francis Bacon:

Sir Francis Bacon highly criticizes a revengeful person. He suggests that he should either forget his past or ignore his enemy. Otherwise, he is going to live a miserable life. Nevertheless, we see Bacon’s worldly approach. The essay is moral in nature but nowhere in the essay is morality related to spirituality. This essay is only thoughtful from worldly perspectives rather than religious perspectives. Bacon adds relevant quotations of ancient philosophers and makes his essay rich. The advice of not taking revenge, which Sir Francis Bacon gives to his readers, is not new, but his arguments and references makes it fresh. Indeed, this essay is worth reading especially it is dedicated to those persons, who are living an unhappy life while having revenge in their minds.

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The Works of Francis Bacon/Volume 1/Essays/Of Revenge


Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out: for as for the first wrong, it doth but offend the law, but the revenge of that wrong putteth the law out of office. Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior; for it is a prince's part to pardon: and Solomon, I am sure, saith, "It is the glory of a man to pass by an offence." That which is past is gone and irrecoverable, and wise men have enough to do with things present and to come; therefore they do but "trifle with themselves, that labour in past matters. There is no man doth a wrong for the wrong's sake, but thereby to purchase himself profit, or pleasure, or honour, or the like; therefore why should I be angry with a man for loving himself better than me? And if any man should do wrong, merely out of ill-nature, why, yet it is but like the thorn or brier, which prick and scratch, because they can do no other. The most tolerable sort of revenge is for those wrongs which there is no law to remedy; but then, let a man take heed the revenge be such there is no law to punish, else a man's enemy is still beforehand, and it two for one. Some, when they take revenge, are desirous the party should know whence it cometh this is the more generous; for the delight seemeth to be not so much in doing the hurt as in making the party repent: but base and crafty cowards are like the arrow that flieth in the dark. Cosmus, Duke of Florence, had a desperate saying against perfidious or neglecting friends, as if those wrongs were unpardonable. "You shall read," saith he "that we are commanded to forgive our enemies but you never read that we are commanded to forgive our friends." But yet the spirit of Job was in a better tune: "Shall we," saith he, "take good at God's hands, and not be content to take evil also?" and so of friends in a proportion. This is certain, that a man that studieth revenge, keep his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well. Public revenges and for the most part fortunate; as that for the death of Cæsar; for the death of Pertinax; for the death of Henry the Third of France; and many more. But in private revenges it is not so; nay, rather vindictive persons live the life of witches; who as they are mischievous, so end they unfortunate.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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Bambi: The Reckoning (2024)

Inspired by the animated movie Bambi, it will transform the innocent deer we know into a killing machine. Inspired by the animated movie Bambi, it will transform the innocent deer we know into a killing machine. Inspired by the animated movie Bambi, it will transform the innocent deer we know into a killing machine.

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After 22 years without a state championship, Ashley High School can claim two this weekend

title for revenge essay

When Ashley High School opened its doors in 2001, sports teams had trouble making an immediate impact.

Three teams - Ashley softball (2003), baseball (2007), and girls soccer (2023)- have advanced to state championships in the school's nearly 23-year history, with all resulting in losses.

Ashley can crown its first state champion in a team sport this weekend as the girls’ soccer and baseball teams compete for 4A titles.

SCREAMING EAGLES BASEBALL 'It's amazing': Ashley baseball secures first state championship berth in 17 years

STATE CHAMPIONSHIP BOUND 'It means everything': Ashley girls soccer claims NCHSAA 4A East regional final over Hoggard

For the soccer program, it's the second straight state championship appearance. On Tuesday, the team held off cross-town rival Hoggard in the 4A East regional championship.

The baseball team last played in a state final in 2007, getting swept by South Caldwell.

Revenge game

History was made as the Ashley girls soccer team advanced to its first state championship last spring. The Screaming Eagles narrowly fell 3-2 to Adrey Kell.

This time around, the taste of defeat is something Ashley (23-0-2) will use to its advantage.

"These kids were just so devastated last year to get that close and to come up short," Ashley coach Erik Graf said. "We talked at the beginning of the season about how we are the mountain. We're the ones everyone is climbing to get to the state championship."

Star players like Savannah Manset and Karina Peat have combined for at least 60 goals this spring, and Ashley goalkeeper Morgan Tucker has allowed just 11 goals.

Despite Peat's apparent arm injury suffered in Tuesday's win, Ashley will enter Friday's state championship matchup at Mecklenburg County Sportsplex as the favorite over Western champion Marvin Ridge (14-4-5). The two teams met in the Brittany Soccer Showcase tournament in March, and Ashley won 5-1.

"We're not just a team; we're all family. I think that's what separates us from every other team. We come at it with our all, but we're so together and bring each other back up even when we make mistakes," Ashley's Manset said.

Ashley baseball's magical run

The Screaming Eagles (26-4) have taken a spectacular postseason path to their first state championship appearance in 17 years.

"It's just an awesome chance to have two titles in one school year. Not many people get that chance," Ashley baseball coach Ben Stroehl said of this weekend's games.

Earning the top seed out of the East, Ashley has won four of its six games this postseason with a walk-off run. The mystical streak continued last week as the team defeated Cardinal Gibbons with a seventh-inning walk-off single.

"I'm kind of out of this world right now," Stroehl said after the win. "They never quit; this is the kind of team you want to have."

Ashley faces a T.C. Roberson (26-4) side that has dropped just four games this spring in a best-of-three series at Burlington Athletic Stadium that begins Friday at 8 p.m.

Whether Screaming Eagles squads return to Wilmington with state title trophies or not, this weekend is a prime example of the school's undeniable recent surge of sporting success.

"I've been at the school since it opened its doors in 2001," Stroehl said. "I can honestly say this has been the best overall school year for Ashley High School sports. I've seen a lot of athletes come in and a lot of teams, but this year's been one for the books."


Liv Morgan ‘Revenge Tour’ in Full Force

Noelle perry | may 28, 2024.

title for revenge essay

Here are the highlights from last night’s Raw :

10.) Gunther, Damian Priest, and Drew McIntyre discuss the future of the World Heavyweight Championship

Ludwig Kaiser introduced the new King of the Ring, Gunther, who won the title after beating Randy Orton at this past Saturday’s King and Queen of the Ring.

With this victory, Gunther also earned the opportunity to challenge the World Heavyweight Champion at SummerSlam. He commended the current champion, Damian Priest, for his leadership in The Judgment Day, but complained that the World Heavyweight Championship lacks prestige because Priest won it by taking a shortcut.

Priest would not let that slide. He and his Judgment Day teammates, Finn Balor and JD McDonagh, interrupted the new King immediately to refute his claims.

Priest pointed out the hypocrisy of accusing someone of taking a shortcut when Gunther won the King of the Ring match via pinfall without actually pinning Orton’s shoulders to the mat. Additionally, the “shortcut” in question was cashing in the Money in the Bank contract, which was earned in a ladder match that Priest won cleanly. Priest threatened to teach Gunther a lesson, and Gunther welcomed him to try, as he has not felt challenged by an opponent in a long time. The two alluded to Gunther’s World Heavyweight Championship match at SummerSlam, and were interrupted by Drew McIntyre.

Damian Priest, Gunther, and Drew McIntyre

The Scottish Warrior was not happy about Gunther and Priest assuming that Priest would still be champion by SummerSlam. Priest will defend his title against McIntyre at Clash at the Castle next month, and will only face Gunther at SummerSlam if he can first make it past this battle. McIntyre called them out for acting like Priest being champion by SummerSlam was a foregone conclusion, and Gunther took this as his cue to leave. McIntyre addressed the champion directly, explaining that with the Glasgow crowd on his side at Clash at the Castle, and the current disjointed state of The Judgment Day, Priest’s chances of retaining the title were slim. McIntyre’s attempts to get under Priest’s skin were in vain, as Priest saw right through it and turned the tables, successfully getting a reaction out of McIntyre. He continued to poke the bear, but before McIntyre could strike, the conversation was interrupted once again by Braun Strowman.

Strowman had been causing problems for The Judgment Day over the past few weeks, and McDonagh was tasked with fixing the Strowman problem in a one-on-one match. Prior to the beginning of the match, Strowman asserted his dominance by cutting off the leader of The Judgment Day mid-sentence, and stared him down.

9.) Braun Strowman plows through JD McDonagh and The Judgment Day

JD McDonagh was forced to bite off more than he could chew when ordered to take down Braun Strowman.

Throughout the match, Strowman manhandled McDonagh. The Irish Ace struggled to gain any sort of traction, despite the presence of Finn Balor at ringside. Nevertheless, he was resilient enough to keep the match going, something many of Strowman’s opponents have failed to do. McDonagh did finally manage to use Strowman’s momentum against him, diving out of the way and clipping his knee as Strowman charged towards McDonagh in the corner. McDonagh continued targeting Strowman’s knee, but it still wasn’t enough to keep the big man down. Balor attempted to distract the referee, but strowman picked him up and tossed him. Carlito also ran in to help McDonagh, but was quickly neutralized.

Strowman won the match, but Carlito and Balor immediately descended on him and attacked. While Strowman was outnumbered, he was far from outmatched, and effortlessly threw the two off of him. McDonagh attempted to hit Strowman with a chair, but it did not have any effect besides making Strowman angrier. Strowman chased McDonagh backstage, and continued to hunt him down for the rest of the night.

8.) Ricochet barely cleared for Ilja Dragunov rematch

After his conversation with Ilja Dragunov about a rematch was interrupted by a spear from Bron Breakker, Ricochet was finally medically cleared to compete. He told Raw General Manager Adam Pearce that he wanted to face Breakker that night, but Pearce informed him that Breakker was suspended for his actions. However, Ricochet was granted the rematch he requested against Dragunov.

Ricochet takes flight

Though Ricochet was medically cleared, his ribs were clearly still in rough shape and held him back. The injury did not stop him from delivering an exciting performance, by any means, and he still put up a great fight against Dragunov. Dragunov had previously beaten Ricochet in an exhilarating match during the first round of the King of the Ring tournament. This was the reason Breakker attacked Ricochet in the first place, as he was upset they were selected for the tournament and he wasn’t. It was also why Breakker ignored his suspension and attacked Ricochet last night, interrupting the match with a spear and causing it to end in disqualification.

Bron Breakker

Dragunov tried to fight back against Breakker, but received a spear himself. Pearce ran out to reprimand Breakker, but Breakker did not seem to care.

7.) The Final Testament displays their power

The New Day approached World Tag Team Champions Awesome Truth about a title shot, but The Miz and R-Truth denied them and made a speedy exit. Seeing this, Karrion Kross came over to talk to Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston.

Over the last couple of weeks, Kross has been attempting to drive a wedge between The New Day, to no avail. Kingston asked him to quit the mind games and cut to the chase by challenging them to a match, but he incorrectly assumed Kross’s motive. Kross was not trying to fight The New Day, but help Woods step out of Kingston’s shadow. He invited Woods to watch the Authors of Pain in their upcoming match to see how The Final Testament can benefit his career. Woods not only declined, but laughed in his face, and challenged AOP to a match next week.

In their match, the Authors of Pain made short work of The Creed Brothers. Brutus and Julius could barely get any offense in against Akam and Rezar, and one of their few attempts was thwarted by a distraction at ringside. As they set up for the Brutus Ball, Scarlett attacked Ivy Nile, taking their focus away from the match. This ensured the victory for AOP, but they probably could have gotten the job done without any dirty tactics, albeit a tad bit slower.

6.) Sheamus and Ludwig Kaiser come to blows

Sheamus spoke for the first time since his loss to Gunther in the first round of the King of the Ring tournament.

His loss was due in part to interference from Gunther’s crony, Ludwig Kaiser. Sheamus was at peace with the interference, but he was also injured during the match, and Kaiser continued to insult him while he sat at home nursing the injury. This, Sheamus could not stand for, and he could not wait to get his hands on him.

Kaiser popped up on the titantron to argue that Gunther was the only person responsible for Sheamus’s loss. Sheamus ran backstage to hunt down Kaiser, but Kaiser saw him coming and ambushed him. The two brawled from backstage out to the entrance ramp, and it took a team of officials to separate them.

5.) Lyra Valkyria defeats Kairi Sane

Following her devastating loss to Nia Jax in the final round of the Queen of the Ring tournament this past Saturday, Lyra Valkyria took on Kairi Sane, who was accompanied by her Damage CTRL teammate Dakota Kai. Despite being severely banged up, Valkyria still managed to put up a fight. Her ribs were especially vulnerable after being subjected to Jax’s annihilator on Saturday, and Sane took full advantage of the weakness. Valkyria continued to push through the pain, and successfully took down Sane.

Kairi Sane attempts a picturesque flying elbow

Backstage, Sane and Kai approached Iyo Sky with their tails between their legs. Valkyria eliminated Sky from the Queen of the Ring tournament, making this her second victory over Damage CTRL. Sky was enraged, and tore apart the room, smashing everything she could get her hands on.

4.) The Judgment Day support Carlito against LWO

Rey Mysterio took on Carlito after he attacked and injured Mysterio’s LWO teammate, Cruz del Toro, last week. Mysterio was accompanied to the ring by Zelina Vega and Dragon Lee. Carlito entered unaccompanied, and was disappointed that the judgment day did not come out with him. He overpowered Mysterio for much of the match, even without the additional support, but struggled to get the job done. Finn Balor did end up making a surprise appearance once Mysterio gained the upper hand, but it was too late to make a difference.

Rey Mysterio looks to connect on his signature move

After Mysterio won the match, he grabbed Balor and laid him out on the announcer’s table, setting him up for the high-flying Dragon Lee. Before Lee could jump, Damian Priest showed up to defend Balor, single handedly taking out both Lee and Mysterio. While he was quick to come to Carlito’s and Balor’s aid, Priest was annoyed that he had to pick up their slack because they could not take care of the problem on their own, a recurring theme for The Judgment Day recently.

3.) Otis punished by Chad Gable

Ahead of Otis’s match against Bronson Reed, Chad Gable chewed out Akira Tozawa for not being at King and Queen of the Ring, where Gable lost the triple threat match for the Intercontinental title against Reed and Champion Sami Zayn. Gable also scolded Otis for causing him to lose the match, and said that this match against Reed was his shot at redemption.

During the match, Gable coached Otis by berating him while he was down. When Otis did begin to pick up momentum, he got Reed in perfect position for the caterpillar, a move which Gable detests. Gable protested from outside the ring, stopping Otis in his tracks. Otis stood as Gable dealt his verbal abuse, giving Reed ample time to collect himself and strike back. Gable’s coaching cost Otis the match, but he blamed Otis for attempting the silly offense in the first place.

Chad Gable looked to punish Otis

After this most recent loss in a string of Alpha Academy disappointments, Gable called the rest of the group out to witness the public shaming of Otis. He took off his belt and instructed Otis to bend over so that he could whip him. Gable raised his arm, but Maxxine Dupri grabbed him, stopping him in his tracks. In response, Gable ejected her from the ring. He forced Tozawa to stay and watch. Before Gable could get back to the matter at hand, Sami Zayn’s music hit. Gable warned Zayn to stay out of Alpha Academy business, but the Intercontinental Champion continued. He called Gable a weak little man, manipulating his way into opportunities but falling short and blaming everyone but himself. Gable dug his heels in, continuing to blame Otis, and raised the belt once again. This time, Zayn intercepted and snatched it away.

Zayn then spoke directly to Otis, telling him once again that he should stop listening to Gable, and start listening to the people in the audience who love and support him. Gable stops Zayn with a barrage of fists. After leaving Zayn beaten in the ring, Gable started to leave. Reluctantly, Tozawa followed, but Otis remained stuck in his place, looking back and forth between his mentor, still hurling insults, and Zayn, who just took a beating in his defense. After contemplating, he slowly followed Gable, but struggled to take his eyes off Zayn.

2.) Sonya Deville tries to help Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark

Cathy Kelley interviewed Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark, the number one contenders for the Women’s Tag Team Championships. Stark suggested inviting the current champions, Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair, to Raw next week so that they could properly introduce themselves ahead of their match. Sonya Deville interrupted to tell them that while they talk as though they’re already champions, they won’t win without her help. Baszler got defensive, but Deville said the issue was not their abilities, but rather that the locker room does not respect them.

They refused to hear anymore and walked away, but were stopped by Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn. Fyre and Dawn pointed out that Baszler and Stark have never beaten them, and made it very clear that they don’t believe they can, proving Deville’s point.

1.) Liv Morgan continues her revenge tour

This past Saturday and King and Queen of the Ring, Liv Morgan challenged Becky Lynch for the Women’s World Championship.

Morgan had previously stated that she was on a revenge tour, seeking to take away everything Rhea Ripley holds dear after Ripley injured her, taking away nine months of Morgan’s career. Morgan had already returned the favor, injuring Ripley’s shoulder in a backstage brawl and forcing her to vacate the Women’s World Championship. However, it was not good enough that Ripley did not hold the title, Morgan needed to have it for herself. Becky Lynch was the woman standing in her way.

In what appeared to be an attempt to avenge his Mami and block Morgan from achieving her goal, Dominik Mysterio interfered in the match on Saturday. He slid a steel chair into the ring towards Lynch, but the challenger took advantage of the weapon instead, and won the match as a result. Lynch was incensed, and invoked her rematch clause immediately. Morgan was fine with this, as she still wanted to prove that she could beat Lynch fair and square, and was deserving of the title.

The rematch was a steel cage match, a stipulation that would limit outside interference like what occurred in the first match. However, this did not stop Mysterio from trying. He opened the door of the steel cage to allow Lynch to escape, which would have won her the match. Finn Balor and JD McDonagh ran out to stop him, but Mysterio insisted that he had to fix the mistake he made on Saturday. Braun Strowman, who had been chasing McDonagh since their match earlier in the night ended, finally caught up to him. He chased McDonagh and Balor around the outside of the cage and out of the arena. In his pursuit, Strowman knocked Mysterio into the door of the steel cage, slamming it shut on an escaping Lynch. The impact of the door to Lynch’s face knocked her out, allowing Morgan to crawl through the door without any hindrance. She retained her championship, once again with Mysterio’s unintentional assist.

Liv Morgan and Dom Mysterio

In celebration, Morgan grabbed the exasperated Mysterio and planted a forceful kiss on his lips. While he did not appear to reciprocate, Rhea Ripley will still not likely be pleased with the direction Morgan’s revenge tour has taken.

Noelle Perry



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    Revenge has caused the downfall of many a person. Its consuming nature causes one to act recklessly through anger rather than reason. ... Be sure to capitalize proper nouns (e.g. Egypt) and titles (e.g. Macbeth) in the essay title portion of your citation. In-text citation: ("An Introduction to the Emotion of Revenge, an Invaluable Tool in ...

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    Revenge Essay on 'Beowulf'. The fear of what is inside you, your desire for revenge, your lack of control over your impulses, and your dark side, is the greatest fear presented in the story Beowulf, a book by Robert Nye. Grendel's mother, Cain's wife, a female without a name, represents what is dark inside ourselves.

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    Of Revenge Summary & Analysis. By litmarked.staff / March 5, 2024. Francis Bacon has examined the idea of retaliation, the nature of revenge, and the consequences of revenge on the human psyche in his essay, "Of Revenge.". Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626), was an English philosopher, statesman, author, and pioneering figure of the Scientific ...

  20. The Works of Francis Bacon/Volume 1/Essays/Of Revenge

    OF REVENGE. Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out: for as for the first wrong, it doth but offend the law, but the revenge of that wrong putteth the law out of office. Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior; for it ...

  21. How to Write an Argumentative Essay

    Make a claim. Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim. Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim) Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives. The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays.

  22. Essays on Revenge, Free Examples, Topics, Titles, Outlines

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  24. Bambi: The Reckoning (2024)

    Bambi: The Reckoning: Directed by Dan Allen. With Roxanne McKee, Samira Mighty, Nicola Wright, Russell Geoffrey Banks. Inspired by the animated movie Bambi, it will transform the innocent deer we know into a killing machine.

  25. Revenge of Others

    He helps bullied students take revenge on their bullies by beating up the bullies and thus gets paid for it. Supporting Yongtan High School Students. Seo Ji-hoon as Seok Jae-beom, a student of Class 4 in Yong-Tan High School, who is the son of a wealthy family. He recently woke up from a six-month coma, making him resit the year as a senior ...

  26. Ashley girls soccer, baseball looking for school's first state title

    0:03. 0:44. When Ashley High School opened its doors in 2001, sports teams had trouble making an immediate impact. Three teams - Ashley softball (2003), baseball (2007), and girls soccer (2023 ...

  27. The Liv Morgan Revenge Tour

    Watch as Liv Morgan revs up for her self-proclaimed revenge tour and prepares to defend the Women's World Title from Becky Lynch on Monday Night Raw. 23 HOURS AGO・World Wrestling Entertainment ...

  28. Tyson Fury-Oleksandr Usyk Rematch Set for December in Saudi Arabia

    The rematch between Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk will take place on Dec. 21, the chairman of Saudi Arabia's General Entertainment Authority, Turki Alalshikh, announced on Wednesday.

  29. Liv Morgan 'Revenge Tour' in Full Force

    1.) Liv Morgan continues her revenge tour. This past Saturday and King and Queen of the Ring, Liv Morgan challenged Becky Lynch for the Women's World Championship. Morgan had previously stated ...

  30. Societies

    Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for future research directions and describes possible research applications.