Handy Essay Scrambler

  • No suggestions
  • Suggested replacement
  • Average match
  • Below average match
  • ⛏️ Why Should I Use It?

📎 Plagiarism Definition

  • 💯 Writing w/o Plagiarism

🏷️ References

⛏️ why should i use an essay scrambler.

Before using our essay scrambler, you may wonder: why would I need it? In reality, such tools have plenty of helpful functions beyond simply finding word replacements for essays.

When you use an essay scrambler, you…

1. Save Time

In today’s fast-paced environment, staying on top of things is of utmost importance. Juggling schoolwork, internships, and friendships isn’t easy – not to mention finding a bit of time for yourself.

Our writing software cannot compose your assignment for you. However, using it can definitely save you plenty of precious time rewriting an essay or research paper on your own.

2. Save Space

Quite often, academic works have a word or page limit. Going over it can severely impact your grade, damaging your overall success.

Using an essay word scrambler allows you to downsize the content by finding more efficient ways of expressing information . That could involve using shorter phrasing, better transition words, etc. In particular, it comes in handy when a deadline is right around the corner and you have already exceeded the word limit.

3. Increase Your Work’s Quality

Our tool uses the latest in AI technologies to suggest improvements to your text. It will also let you double-check your punctuation , grammar, and essay structure.

When our essay scrambler rewrites your sentences, it improves the overall quality of your academic paper .

4. Improve Your Skills

An essay word scrambler isn’t just helpful in cutting corners. Besides, it is a chance to learn something new:

  • See what phrasing works best for you as our tool re-works your paragraphs.
  • Learn how to write better by comparing different ways to construct a sentence or replace a word.
  • Pick up new words and expressions from which your future papers will benefit.

5. Avoid Plagiarism

It is not a secret that most information in students’ works comes from outside sources. All of them should still be properly documented during research. Besides, the writer should add all the resources to a reference list at the end of the paper.

Any source not represented correctly might count as plagiarism, which may lead to severe consequences. To avoid accidentally finding yourself in such a situation, use essay scramblers in your works. It will ensure that your paper consists of original and adequately cited content .

Out of all the points listed above, avoiding plagiarism is perhaps the most crucial reason to try our essay scrambler. After all, it is a serious academic offense that can lead to suspension or even expulsion .

So, let’s start with its definition.

By taking someone’s work (or its sections) and presenting it as your own without due credit, you violate academic honesty and integrity. This is referred to as plagiarism .

Students develop their thesis , arguments, and analysis to write a credible academic piece based on their research. They also have to incorporate some supporting evidence from existing sources. That’s when students should acknowledge the original creators they’ve considered for their paper.

It’s done in two ways:

  • By displaying the original quote in the academic paper with proper citation.
  • By adding its author’s name to the reference list at the end.

In academia, plagiarism can be either unintentional or intentional . In both cases, serious consequences can be imposed depending on the nature of the offense.

  • When plagiarism is intentional, the essay writer deliberately and knowingly committed an act of plagiarism. This could range from copying passages word-for-word to downloading complete works from the Internet. Overall, they present someone’s work as theirs by choice.
  • Unintentional plagiarism occurs when the writer fails to give proper credit. It may appear due to citation errors or the addition of invalid sources in the bibliography. Even when plagiarism is a mistake or an oversight, it can still result in severe penalties.

💯 How to Write without Plagiarizing

If you want to steer clear of plagiarism in your works, be sure to follow these tips:

  • Use proper citations. When conducting your research, document the sources of your information. If you are going to refer to a concept or an idea that is not your own, it has to be clearly indicated in your text. Double-check the citation guidelines approved by your institution. You should ascertain that you adhere to them when editing and compiling a reference list.
  • Refrain from copying. Even when you write a standard essay , try to use your own vocabulary and phrasing. It is a bad idea to duplicate excerpts or phrases directly from the source. Make sure never to copy and paste content – unless you plan to put it in a quote.
  • Incorporate quotation marks. The only time where you can copy content is if you intend to quote the source directly. You should remember to put the excerpt into quotation marks and cite it afterward. Ensure that you are not copying a passage that is too long. The general rule is that if a quote is over four lines, it is better to paraphrase it .
  • Develop your own ideas. It is the surest way to ensure you are not accidentally committing an act of plagiarism. Try to come up with new concepts regarding the topic. Mix them with the ideas from your research so that your observations and conclusions prevail.
  • Don’t copy yourself. What if you have already written on the topic? You may be tempted to repeat your thoughts or sentences from the previous works. Yet, it is also considered cheating. This is referred to as ‘self-plagiarism’ and can also carry penalties if discovered.
  • Use an essay scrambler. If you want to avoid plagiarism, your writing has to differ from the source while preserving the same meaning. You can ensure this using the essay word scramblers or similar online tools. They will provide a list of synonyms you can use in your work. In the end, they will guarantee your text is entirely original.

Thank you for reading our article! Feel free to try our essay scrambler as often as you deem necessary. Also, be sure to send this link to your friends if you think they will benefit from it!

💡 Essay Scrambler – FAQ

💡 do essay scramblers work.

Definitely! Essay word scramblers are especially great for improving academic papers. These tools use powerful AI to ensure that your writing is of the highest quality. And they don’t care whether you are exploring European history or economics. Scramblers allow you to transform your text and add a little extra flair to it without changing its initial meaning.

💡 Can scrambling my essay help me avoid plagiarism?

Essay scramblers are useful for various reasons, from ensuring the text is clear to making it persuasive. Yet, avoiding plagiarism is the central purpose. These tools can help you do so by allowing you to express your thoughts and ideas originally.

💡 My English isn’t very good. Will I still benefit from an essay word scrambler?

If your English isn’t as developed as you would like, you will most definitely benefit from an online essay scrambler! It can help you discover new words, phrases, and expressions, expanding and improving your vocabulary. You no longer need to refer to a thesaurus in your word search – simply use our free tool!

  • The Journal of Integrative Behavioral Science Writing Guide: Paraphrasing – Rhoda Palmer, Morgan Library Research Guides
  • 8 Unique Advantages of Paraphrasing Tools – Annalie Gracias, ContentBot.AI
  • Forms of Plagiarism: Paraphrasing – PLATO: Plagiarism Teaching Online
  • Use Information Correctly: Avoiding Plagiarism – GCF Global
  • Citation Guides – Stony Brook University Libraries

Essay Scrambler for Paragraphs & texts

To use the essay scrambler, paste a sentence, a paragraph, or a whole text in the field below. Press the button, and in a couple of moments, a rephrased version of your writing will appear in the next window. That’s it!

Using a paragraph scrambler can be life-saving when you work on an essay. Credible sources are essential to academic writing, yet you can’t put quotation marks each time you need to exemplify your point. Instead, you can simply paraphrase the needed extract from a source or summarize the point of a whole novel with the right words. To accomplish this, you will require the help of our essay scrambler. It will significantly lessen your workload. It will also save you a lot of time to spend on more important things.

In the article below, our team has outlined what this tool is capable of. You will also learn to use this word scrambler to avoid plagiarism in your essay.

🔮 Text Scrambler: What It Can & Cannot Do

🖱️ using a paragraph scrambler for essay writing, 👌 essay scramble generator: the benefits, 🔗 references.

When using an essay or paragraph scrambler, you need to understand that it has certain limitations. You can only fully realize the true potential of this online software once you know what to expect from it.

Here are the things it cannot do:

  • Our tool cannot write an essay for you from scratch. It works with the text you input, changing the vocabulary and making your sentences unique.
  • A paragraph scrambler cannot fix grammatical errors. Therefore, you have to be vigilant when composing your text. Double-check your spelling and punctuation before using this generator.
  • It cannot predict what vocabulary you need. A single word can have dozens of synonyms, depending on its context. However, our text changer offers different options. Click on a word and go through the list.
  • The software cannot function offline. As with any other website application, you need an internet connection to access it.
  • It cannot provide a plagiarism check. Make sure to verify the originality of your scrambled sentences. Remember, if you are using a paraphrased excerpt in academic writing, you should cite it.

Instead, this generator will scramble your paragraphs, sentences, or even phrases. In other words, it will save you hours of looking for the perfect synonym, the suitable replacement, a better expression, etc.

The key reason to use an essay scrambler.

Our digital text scrambler also has the following benefits:

  • Keeps the original meaning. This innovative tool scans your text and replaces words with close synonyms. However, its message and overall purpose will remain untouched.
  • Works fast. Once you press the button, you will get your paraphrased content within seconds!
  • Reviews the writing several times. After the process is complete, you can make further adjustments to your text. Run it through the machine again for a different result. Or look through our list of synonyms yourself!
  • Available at any time of day or night. You can access our essay scrambler 24/7, whenever you want.
  • Operates for free. There are no payments or subscriptions required to use this tool. Paste your text and let the scrambler work its magic!

As we mentioned above, academic writing is directly associated with paraphrasing. Even to compose a simple expository paper , you will need to provide examples from different sources. For you, you will either use an essay scrambler or do the work yourself.

How to use a paragraph scrambler in essay writing.

Over here, we will explain how to use our tool when writing an argumentative essay:

Research your topic of choice.

Imagine that you are writing about the influence of European imperialism on Africa. Look for relevant sources and take note of what you may need. Find information that covers both points of view (African and European). It will give you a rounded understanding of the subject.

Decide on your thesis statement and arguments.

The thesis statement goes at the end of the introduction. It declares the subject matter of your paper and its purpose. Make sure you formulate the thesis clearly so that your audience understands what you will be discussing. The following paragraphs must discuss three arguments that back up your points of view.

Choose examples for your essay.

The claims you are making have to be supported by evidence from your research. Typically, we use citations to indicate which parts come from other sources. If you are using an excerpt directly as it appears in the original text, be sure to include quotation marks around it.

Use our paragraph scrambler to paraphrase them.

There is an easy solution if you want to use what was said in a source but don’t want to quote it directly. You only need to insert the words into the window above and press the button. Our tool will shuffle them for you, creating an entirely new text that still retains the original meaning.

Cite them in the body paragraphs.

Insert the paraphrased texts as you go along with your paragraph writing. Make sure you follow the citation style required by your academic institution. Don’t forget to mention all the sources you have used in the reference list.

If you’re feeling a little mixed up, check out some crucial essay writing tips .

Thank you for using our generator! We hope that it has scrambled the paragraphs in a fashion that will be of use to you. Try our sentence paraphraser if you aren't completely satisfied with the results. Perhaps, it turns out to be just what you were looking for.

  • Plagiarism: Paraphrasing – Research Guides at Randolph Community College
  • How to Write an Argumentative Essay – Academic Success Center, Writing Lab, Bellevue College
  • Quoting and Paraphrasing – The Writing Center, UW–Madison

Essay Software

Essay Shuffler

The art of text shuffling.

Essay Shuffler is a powerful tool that is used to shuffle sentences from paragraphs to help you create articles that looks different from the original version. The tool can randomize the paragraphs and structure including the sentences, organize them into different positions and create a new comprehensive essay.

During the essay work, a student may have been given a topic or an article to be summarized or explained further. Using Essay Shuffler, you can copy and paste it on the box and let it shuffles the wordings. The restructured words become totally different from the original version- giving you a brand new content to submit.

With Essay Shuffler, you can either shuffle sentences using manual program or automatic program. Both methods use simple and easy instruction that will take you no time to rewrite an article.

Download Essay Shuffler

word scrambler for essay

Everything you need to create high quality essays! Subscribe Now!

Free Essay Reworder

  • ️🛠️ How to use the tool?
  • ️📝 Why use the reworder?
  • ️✏️ When to Use the Tool?
  • ️🙋 Who can benefit from this instrument?
  • ️👀 How to choose an essay reworder?
  • ️🚀 Improve your writing with our tools

🛠️ How to Use the Rewording Generator?

Paste the text.

Note that the AI essay reworder processes texts of up to 7000 characters, which is about 1500 words. If your paper is longer, you can split it into several parts and reword each of them separately.

Tune the Tool and Reword

At this point, you can choose the share of words to replace. The more words are changed, the more the result differs from the original source. If you want geographical and geographical names to be reworded, check the box “Process words with a capital letter.”

The picture illustrates the first two steps of using the essay reworder.

Customize the Result

After you click “Reword,” the result will be shown under the button. The changed words will be colored green, blue, or red, according to the quality of the match. By clicking on each of them, you can see the original word and other suggestions. You can choose the most suitable option from the list of words.

Get the Final Version

Once you are satisfied with the final result, you can copy it to the clipboard and paste it into a document. For your convenience, statistics are presented below the changed text. They allow you to see how long the paraphrased essay is and how many changed words it contains.

The picture illustrates the third and the fourth steps of using the essay reworder.

📝 Why Use the Essay Reworder?

This rewording generator will help you make your essay better and get rid of plagiarism. The tool will provide fresh rephrasing ideas, allowing you to select a share of words to change and customize the final result by selecting the most suitable word from a list of suggestions.

Thousands of students trust our free writing tools

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happy students

characters to reword in one go

✏️ When to Use the Essay Reworder?

Each student regularly faces a challenge to reword a piece of writing. This is necessary both to avoid plagiarism and to improve the quality of the text. You have to include in your paragraphs both direct and indirect quotations, which might be challenging.

That’s when our rewording generator comes in handy as it does all the routine work for you:

  • You’ll make indirect quotes within seconds. Paraphrasing texts filled with terms or complex sentences is a tricky task. Our tool will simplify the text for you, making it more readable.
  • You’ll paraphrase without plagiarizing. Did you know that even unintentional plagiarizing may lead to the dismissal from a college? Here is the best solution - use our paraphrasing tool and be sure your text is 100% unique.
  • You’ll expand your vocabulary. While making your text unique, you can learn a lot of synonyms. Isn’t it the perfect way to boost your English writing and speaking skills ?

🙋 Who Can Benefit from This Rewording Generator?

Get rid of plagiarism and improve your writing skills with this free online tool.

Prepare original and varied presentations, lesson plans, and other materials.

Make any scientific text simpler and more understandable to a wide audience.

Rewrite content quickly and efficiently, creating new original pieces with ease.

Adapt any text for a new audience, be it an SEO article, marketing content, or a fictional story.

Prepare a new original speech based on the existing one, adapting it for your new listeners.

👀 How to Choose an Essay Reworder?

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of paraphrasers. Some are downloadable and available offline. As a rule, such software requires a paid subscription. Others function online. Their features are usually free or partially free.

How can you choose the best option? Consider the following issues.

  • Can you upload a file or only copy and paste it?
  • If yes, what is the choice of supported file formats?
  • Can you download the reworded text as a file?
  • What is the maximum possible length of the referenced text?
  • Can you choose the desired size of the summary?
  • What is the list of languages available in the essay reworder?
  • Does the rewording process take long?
  • Is the webpage of the tool heavily loaded with advertisements?
  • Is it expensive to use the rewriting tool?

🚀 Make Your Essay Better with Our Paraphrasers

In addition to this essay reworder, we offer other highly specialized paraphrasing tools designed to help you make your project shine in seconds.

  • Paper rephraser
  • Title rewriter
  • Paragraph rewriter
  • Thesis rephraser
  • Sentence rewriter
  • Text reworder
  • Phrase rewriter
  • Poem paraphraser

You can Choose category

Online Essay Scrambler

Rephrase any text: copy & paste

Choose the % of words to replace:

Legend and some words add:


  • No suggestions
  • Suggested replacement

Replaced words:

  • Average match
  • Below average match
  • 🔥 Tools’ Advantages
  • 🕵️‍♂️ Replacements 101

📍 References

🔥 essay scrambler advantages.

When paraphrasing for an academic paper, students try to formulate their ideas correctly. Yet, with our essay scrambler, you don’t have to think about it. It is a convenient tool that can help you organize texts and find fitting words.

Let’s talk a bit about the tool’s advantages:

🕵️‍♂️ How to Find Perfect Word Replacements

If you want to learn how to scramble texts yourself, we are here to help! Below, check essential tips on finding appropriate synonyms and other substitutions for your terms and phrases.

Here is how you pick perfect word replacements:

  • Identify the key information relevant to your academic work.
  • See if you can change the word order without losing the intended meaning.
  • Select each word you can replace without damage to the message.
  • Leave all the specific terminology in the text – it tends to lack synonyms.
  • Brainstorm to replace an unusual word with something you generally implement in your writing.
  • Use well-known search engines like Synonym.com or WordHippo.com to discover new words to convey the message.
  • Pick each replacement so that it is as relevant and precise as the original phrase.
  • Determine whether you can write one-word substitutions for wordy phrases without changing the meaning.
  • Check an online thesaurus or dictionary to ensure that the replacement’s meaning is suitable.
  • See how the synonym looks in context – does it have the same meaning as the original?

Consider changing the word form, grammar, and overall structure. Word replacement may not be enough for scrambling a text successfully.

📜 Essay Scrambling Examples: Correct & Incorrect

At least once, you will have to paraphrase a passage without our essay scrambler. Free examples of good and bad rephrasing techniques will demonstrate what you can and cannot do. That’s why we’ve provided them below!

Example #1: Unsuccessful Rewrite

Source text.

The potential benefits of the Internet are numerous and range from the simple improvement of communications to a revolution in commerce and an increased potential for increasing the democratic involvement of citizens, whether in the nation-state or some level of political engagement.

Incorrect Paraphrase

The potential benefits of the Internet range from the simple improvement of communications to a revolution in commerce and an increased potential for increasing the democratic involvement of citizens, whether in the nation-state or some level of political engagement.

This paragraph is an example of bad paraphrasing as nothing has been changed in the text. You won’t be able to use it because it will be considered plagiarism.

Example #2: Unsuccessful Rewrite

The Internet is an international medium, and although views will differ on how it should be managed in other ways, all countries should be able to agree on legislation for child abuse and pornography. Balancing the need to protect minors with the need to maintain freedom of expression is continuing to prove difficult.
The Internet is an international forum, and opinions might differ on how it should be regulated in some ways. Still, everyone should agree on child abuse and pornography laws. Assessing the need to safeguard minors with the requirement to preserve freedom of expression is difficult.

Some parts differ from the source, but the word order remains the same. Besides, the information is provided similarly. Thus, the text can still be penalized because it is an example of Mosaic plagiarism .

Example #3: Successful Rewrite

Since legal scholars, as opposed to historians of law, tend to write about their legal system, they often adopt an internal perspective without arguing for their choice or even indicating conscious awareness of it. This might suggest that their approach embodies nothing more than intellectual naivety. But as Alfred Schutz (1962, pp. 3-66) and others have suggested, an internal perspective allows the observer to actively participate in the social system – or, more precisely, in the social practice being studied. It thus provides a separate mode of understanding that cannot be duplicated by external observation. The social scientist who views institutions from the outside obtains insights into their causes and effects but only inadequately understands the meaning that the institution possesses for its members. Because such meanings are components of a comprehensive lifeworld, as complex as that of an observer, they cannot be fully understood unless the observer participates on the same terms as the members.

Correct Paraphrase

Rubin (2010) comments that the internal perspective of legal scholars may have some advantages. He notes that although this focus on their area of law may be an unconscious oversight, many commentators (including Schutz, 1962, cited in Rubin, 2010) have suggested that legal scholars may have a greater understanding of how the law works within their own social context than that of historians of law, who tend to view the legal system from outside. This understanding, Rubin argues, is something not as accessible to external observers. These external perspectives may provide a sense of reasons and consequences but may also miss the broader insight into how that system is experienced by its participants. By observing and commenting on the legal system from the inside, legal scholars can gain insights into each aspect of this ‘comprehensive lifeworld’ (Rubin 2010:549).

It is an example of a very effective paraphrasing. Not only does the writer provide synonyms, but they attempt to shift the information order. It also uses references to the original text. The overall example demonstrates a strong understanding of the material.

Example #4: Successful Rewrite

As performers of the Western classical repertoire, we are acutely aware of the subtle interplay of our bodies and minds and of how these elements generally develop through the course of our life histories, but also, and more specifically, how they function during a music rehearsal process. The performance of the rehearsed music has different physical, mental, and social demands, and we sometimes react in a way that heightens and sometimes inhibits the music we have learned. To date, researchers in music psychology have tended to emphasize the cognitive growth of the musician, looking at how knowledge of musical structures emerges. The role of the body in the production of the work has been relatively underplayed. The current paper provides evidence and discussion to explore the ways in which the body can be regarded as being central to the formation of musical knowledge and its expression of it.
Davidson and Correia (2001) explain how the cognitive growth of the musician has been the focus of much music psychology research. This has often meant an emphasis on looking at the development of musical structures. In contrast, they argue that the ‘role of the body in the production of the work has been relatively underplayed’ (2001:71). Performers of Western music tend to know the inter-relationship between the body and the mind. There is also awareness amongst performers of how this relationship may change over a lifetime with the effect of performing and all the challenges that present. These could be mental, physical, or social, and the reactions to these challenges can cause both positive and negative responses in terms of a given performance.

This example also shows how the writer can change the words and the information order. Additionally, a direct quote is used to draw attention to the central thought. Overall, the style and tone differ from the source text.

Thank you for reading our article! We hope our tool was helpful throughout the process. Further down, you can find the answers to the most common questions regarding our essay scrambler. Note that you can try our summary machine if you need to make a summary quickly. We also offer a collection of free study apps that will match your other needs. Tell your friends about these online instruments if you find them helpful!

❔ Essay Scrambler: FAQ

❔ what is an essay scrambler.

An essay scrambler is a paraphrasing tool that helps paraphrase any academic text. The instrument can rewrite articles and create original content in no time. It doesn’t alter the intended meaning or style. Plus, it is completely free to use.

❔ How do I make my essay not plagiarized with your tool?

Copy and paste the text you need scrambled. Then, click the only button on the page and enjoy the result! The writing software works effortlessly by converting the text and preserving the intended meaning. So, you won’t have to worry about any plagiarism.

❔ Do essay scramblers work?

Of course. An essay scramble is powerful software, despite its limitations. It won’t write new content from scratch or predict the terminology you want to use. It will also not change any facts, grammar, or other mistakes. However, it will rewrite the essay or any other academic text you need without changing its meaning.

Updated: May 8th, 2024

  • Word Choice | The Writing Center, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Identifying Good and Bad Paraphrases | ELTC Language Resources, the University of Sheffield
  • Avoiding Plagiarism – Paraphrasing | Academic Integrity at MIT
  • Quoting and Paraphrasing | The Writing Center, UW–Madison

Essay Word Scrambler Tool

Effortlessly rearrange and enhance your essay content with our word scrambler tool for essays.

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All AI tools in one place

Enhanced Essay Writing Tool

Enhanced creativity.

Utilize our word scrambler tool to unleash your creativity and bring a fresh perspective to your essays.

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Rearrange and refine your essay content to ensure improved readability and impactful delivery of your message.

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Effortlessly refine your essays by easily rearranging words with our word scrambler tool, enhancing overall quality.

Efficient Word Scrambler Tool for Essays

Enhance writing productivity.

Our word scrambler tool for essays is a powerful resource for students and professionals looking to enhance their writing productivity. By using our ai paraphraser, you can quickly generate unique variations of your content, saving time and effort. This text paraphraser online allows you to paraphrase text easily, ensuring that your essays are original and engaging.

The paraphraser tool simplifies the process of creating well-crafted essays by providing an automatic paraphraser that instantly rephrases sentences and passages. With this online paraphraser, you can effortlessly paraphrase text online, leading to improved writing efficiency and originality. Experience the convenience of our paraphrase text tool and elevate your writing to a new level.

Enhance Writing Productivity

Accurate and Reliable Paraphrasing

Our online paraphraser offers accurate and reliable paraphrasing, ensuring that the original meaning of the content is preserved while presenting it in a new form. The ai paraphraser utilizes advanced algorithms to deliver precise results, making it the best paraphraser for generating high-quality essays. With our text paraphrase tool, you can confidently produce well-crafted and plagiarism-free essays.

By utilizing the paraphraser online, you can effectively paraphrase a text without the risk of unintentional plagiarism. The auto paraphraser eliminates the need for manual rewording, providing a seamless process for creating unique content. Trust our paraphraser generator to deliver consistent and dependable paraphrasing for all your essay writing needs.

Accurate and Reliable Paraphrasing

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The text paraphraser is designed to boost writing efficiency by simplifying the paraphrasing process. With the best paraphraser at your fingertips, you can effortlessly paraphrase a text and enhance the clarity and coherence of your essays. Our paraphrase text tool enables you to generate compelling content with ease, empowering you to meet deadlines and produce top-notch essays.

Experience the convenience of our automatic paraphraser, allowing you to efficiently rephrase content without compromising the original message. The paraphraser tool streamlines the writing process, making it an indispensable asset for students and professionals striving to elevate the quality of their essays. Utilize our online paraphraser to achieve remarkable improvements in your writing efficiency.

Boost Writing Efficiency

Effective Strategies for Paraphrasing Essays

Utilize diverse paraphraser tools.

When paraphrasing essays, it's beneficial to utilize diverse paraphraser tools to enhance the quality and originality of your content. Experiment with different ai text paraphrase tools to discover unique ways of presenting your ideas. By leveraging various automatic paraphrasers, you can effectively elevate the caliber of your writing while ensuring authenticity.

Explore the capabilities of different paraphraser generators to broaden your paraphrasing techniques and produce compelling essays. Embracing a range of best paraphraser resources empowers you to craft diverse and engaging content, setting your essays apart from conventional writing styles. Emphasize the use of multiple text paraphrase online tools to unlock your full paraphrasing potential.

Master the Art of Text Paraphrase

To excel in paraphrasing essays, it's essential to master the art of text paraphrase. Familiarize yourself with the functionalities of auto paraphrasers to effectively rephrase content while maintaining coherence and relevance. By honing your skills in using paraphrase tools, you can confidently produce well-crafted essays that exhibit originality and depth.

Immerse yourself in the practice of automatic paraphrasing and strive to refine your text paraphrasing abilities. Embracing the nuances of paraphrase techniques enables you to create captivating essays that resonate with your audience. Elevate your writing prowess by mastering the art of text paraphrase and infuse your essays with creativity and authenticity.

Enhance Essay Quality with Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of essays by infusing originality and depth into the content. Leverage the potential of paraphraser tools to refine and elevate the caliber of your writing. By integrating paraphrase a text strategies into your essays, you can captivate readers with unique perspectives and compelling narratives.

Harness the capabilities of ai paraphrasers to transform conventional essays into engaging and impactful compositions. Utilize automatic paraphrasers to enrich your essays with fresh interpretations and innovative language, creating a captivating reading experience. Maximize the impact of your essays by harnessing the power of paraphrasing to enhance their overall quality.

Ensure Plagiarism-Free Text Paraphrase

When engaging in text paraphrase online, it's crucial to ensure that the paraphrased content remains free from plagiarism. Prioritize the use of reliable paraphrase tools that guarantee the generation of unique and original essays. By prioritizing plagiarism-free paraphrasing, you can confidently present authentic perspectives and ideas within your essays.

Embrace the responsibility of producing plagiarism-free essays by utilizing trustworthy paraphrase generators that prioritize content originality. With the right automatic paraphraser, you can safeguard your essays from unintentional plagiarism while maintaining the integrity of your writing. Emphasize the importance of ensuring plagiarism-free text paraphrase to uphold the credibility and authenticity of your essays.

Embrace Efficient Paraphrasing Techniques

Efficiency is key when it comes to paraphrasing essays. Embrace efficient paraphrasing techniques by utilizing the best paraphraser resources to streamline the rephrasing process. Leverage the capabilities of online paraphraser tools to expedite the creation of well-crafted essays and meet tight deadlines without compromising quality. Emphasize the significance of efficiency in your paraphrasing endeavors.

Optimize the use of auto paraphrasers to efficiently rephrase content and produce polished essays that showcase your unique perspectives. By embracing efficient paraphrasing techniques, you can elevate the impact and coherence of your essays while maintaining a consistent writing flow. Maximize your writing efficiency by embracing the power of efficient paraphrasing techniques.

Unlock Creativity with Word Scrambler Tool

Discover how our word scrambler tool can inspire creativity and enhance your writing process. Explore real examples of queries and responses to spark your imagination and elevate your essays to new heights.

Craft a thought-provoking analysis of a classic literary work using the word scrambler tool to infuse fresh perspectives and original insights into your essay.

Unleash the power of our word scrambler tool to craft a captivating analysis of a classic literary work that transcends conventional perspectives. By utilizing the ai paraphraser, you can infuse fresh interpretations and original insights into your essay, captivating readers with a compelling narrative. Elevate your literary analysis with the innovative capabilities of our word scrambler tool.

With the word scrambler tool, you can explore diverse rephrasing options to present a thought-provoking analysis that resonates with your audience. Embrace the creativity offered by our paraphrase text online tool to breathe new life into your literary essay, offering unique perspectives and enriching the depth of your analysis. Transform your literary analysis into a captivating masterpiece with the aid of our word scrambler tool.

Experience the seamless integration of paraphrasing techniques into your literary analysis, elevating your essay with original insights and innovative language. By leveraging the word scrambler tool, you can transcend conventional analysis and offer a fresh interpretation of classic literature, captivating readers with your unique perspectives. Uncover the transformative potential of our paraphraser online and enhance the impact of your literary analysis.

Reimagine a pivotal historical event by using the word scrambler tool to present an engaging and insightful perspective that breathes new life into your essay.

Embark on a transformative journey through history by reimagining a pivotal historical event with the aid of our word scrambler tool. Utilize the automatic paraphraser to present an engaging and insightful perspective that breathes new life into your historical essay, captivating readers with a fresh interpretation of the past. Unleash the power of our paraphrase text tool to infuse original insights into your historical narrative.

With the word scrambler tool, you can seamlessly integrate diverse rephrasing techniques to offer a captivating perspective on historical events. Embrace the innovative capabilities of our paraphraser generator to enrich the depth of your historical essay, presenting a thought-provoking narrative that resonates with your audience. Elevate the impact of your historical essay by leveraging the creative potential of our word scrambler tool.

Experience the transformative influence of our paraphraser online as you reimagine pivotal historical events, infusing fresh perspectives and original insights into your essay. By utilizing the word scrambler tool, you can breathe new life into your historical narrative, transcending traditional viewpoints and captivating readers with your innovative interpretation. Uncover the boundless creativity offered by our paraphrase text online tool and elevate your historical essay to new heights.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Text & Sentence Scrambler

Scramble text.

Enter your text below and click the button to scramble it!

Scramble Words Maker

Scramble any piece of text with our Text Scrambler Tool. Now, create fun puzzles with words, create new versions of text that become difficult to understand, or play with jumbled words in just a few clicks.

Our tool uses an advanced algorithm to scramble the text in a way that is difficult to unscramble. You can use a mix-up words generator to scramble words within a sentence or scramble the entire sentence to create a completely new version of the original text. Our tool allows you to select the level of scrambling to create the new text.

Quick features of scramble words maker:

Our Text Scrambler Tool offers many unique features which make it the best text scrambler tool available. Here are some key features:

  • Adjust the level of scrambling: Our tool allows you to adjust the level of scrambling to be
  • applied to the given text.
  • Individual word or sentence scrambling: You can use our tool either to scramble individual words within a sentence or scramble entire sentences to create a completely new version of the given text.
  • Quick results: Get your text scrambled instantly.
  • User-friendly interface: A clean and user-friendly interface that makes our tool simple and easy to use for everyone.
  • Free to use: Text scrambler is completely free to use with no hidden charges.

How to use mix-up words?

  • Step 1: Paste the text you want to scramble in the input field.
  • Step 2: Click on the “Scramble Text” Button.
  • Step 3: Our tool will generate a new version of your text and display it on the output field. Copy and paste the scrambled text to use it.

Our Text Scrambler Tool is perfectly designed for the following:

  • Create fun puzzles and games
  • Generate unique and creative sentences
  • Play and mess around with words
  • Protect sensitive information
  • Scramble your text and create fun puzzles now!

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  • Word Shufler & Rearranger

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Boost Your Academic Writing with an Essay Extender:

Essay Extender Tool

The digital age has ushered in an era of convenience and effectiveness in academic writing. Enter the essay extender, a handy tool that transforms short papers into comprehensive essays. This longer essay maker operates by augmenting your content, ensuring your argument maintains its strength while increasing your word count. The question isn't merely about how to make my essay longer; it's about enhancing the quality of your writing.

A quick search for a "website that makes your essay longer" will yield countless results. Yet, amid these options, Grade Writers stands out as a trusted, efficient, and user-friendly platform. Their essay expander tool delivers enhanced content that meets and often exceeds academic standards . The key to successful extended writing is not merely adding words but enriching the content itself.

These tools work like a top-notch essay stretcher. They help make your essay longer without making it confusing or hard to read. A good make essay longer generator can also help you get better at writing. It shows you how to make your sentences longer and how to share your ideas better.

The main goal is to hit your word count. At the same time, your essay or article should still be strong and full of good information.

Harness the Power of Longer Essay Makers: Techniques and Tools

Using a longer essay maker is not just for making your essay larger. It's also for improving your writing. It uses clever computer stuff to tweak and add more to your essay. The tool grows your essay making it both better and bigger.

Harnessing the power of an essay elongator involves understanding the techniques these tools use. For instance, a make essay longer generator may use paraphrasing to expand your content, ensuring the replaced words still convey the same meaning. Grade Writers' essay extenders also provide synonyms to make your language more varied and sophisticated.

Essay extenders also work by breaking down complex sentences into simpler ones, making your content more readable and easy to understand. This approach doesn't just result in an expanded paragraph; it improves clarity and enhances your argument. Therefore, the goal is not just to use a website to make paragraphs longer but to improve your content's overall quality and readability .

The Benefits of Using an Essay Expander Tool: Quality Enhancement and Word Count Increase

Using an essay expander tool offers numerous benefits, from increasing your word count to enhancing the quality of your writing. The best essay extender free tools, like the one offered by Grade Writers, go beyond adding words. They deliver high-quality content that meets your academic needs.

First, an essay elongator significantly saves time. When you're struggling to reach your word count, a make paragraph longer generator can quickly fill in the gaps, ensuring your essay meets the requirements without you having to rack your brains for more content.

Second, these tools also serve as an essay rewriter, offering new ways to express your ideas. The rewriting tool provided by Grade Writers offers new perspectives on your writing, giving you new ideas and improving your writing skills.

Finally, these tools ensure you maintain a high-quality piece. A paper extender generator doesn't just add words; it ensures those words contribute positively to your essay.

Websites to Make Paragraphs Longer: A Comparative Analysis

The Internet has many websites to help make essays longer, but not all essay extender generators are the same. Choosing the right generator should consider factors like quality, efficiency, user experience, and if it's free.

Grade Writers is one such website that ticks all these boxes. It provides an excellent essay expander free of charge, and its AI-powered algorithm also ensures high-quality results. It doesn't merely stretch your sentences; it improves their clarity and coherence, proving to be a powerful tool for students.

Some websites offer tools to lengthen your essay. These tools use simple methods like replacing words with synonyms or adding unnecessary adjectives. However, using these techniques can decrease the quality of your essay and lead to a lower grade. However, these techniques can lower the quality of your essay and result in a lower grade.

Some websites also offer an expand paragraph generator, which is excellent for beefing up shorter sections of your essay. However, the best results come from essay extenders that consider your essay's overall quality and flow.

Using an Essay Elongator to Improve Clarity and Increase Word Count

An essay elongator can help you reach your word count and improve your writing clarity. An essay elongator can help you reach your word count and improve your writing clarity. Grade Writers offers an essay expander tool that extends your content while preserving your original idea. This tool ensures that your writing remains clear and readable.

This essay expander tool helps you expand your essay by adding more information and strengthening your arguments. It doesn't just replace words or reword sentences but also provides detailed explanations and improves your essay.

The result is an essay that meets your word count requirements and is richer in content and quality. When you use Grade Writers' make an essay longer generator, you're not only getting a longer essay; you're also getting a better essay.

Discover Free Essay Extender Tools: Upgrade Your Writing without a Cost

Upgrading your writing doesn't have to come at a cost. With Grade Writers' free essay extender tools, you can enhance the quality of your writing without spending a penny. Their essay extender free tools are powered by advanced AI algorithms that go beyond merely increasing your word count.

The paragraph expander free tool, for instance, focuses on augmenting your content without sacrificing its quality. It ensures your essay maintains its depth and relevance, even as it becomes longer.

The free essay expander tool from Grade Writers is super simple to use. Put your essay in the box, choose how much you want to make it longer, and see your essay grow. This tool helps you share your thoughts in a better and fuller way.

Improve Your Writing with an Essay Scrambler: Unleashing Creativity through Word Mixing

Improve your writing with Grade Writers' essay scrambler, a novel tool that unleashes creativity through word mixing. This word scrambler for essays rearranges your text in ways that enhance its originality and uniqueness while preserving its meaning and coherence.

Using an essay scrambler changes your essay's words in a fun and creative way. It makes your writing not just longer, but more exciting too. It helps to show your ideas in a new and different way. This makes your writing more interesting for everyone who reads it.

This scramble essay tool is entirely free to use. So if you want to add creative flair to your essay or article, give Grade Writers' essay scrambler a try. You might just be surprised at the unique and compelling piece you end up with.

Promoting the Best Essay Extender Generators: Where Efficiency Meets User-Friendly Design

When it comes to essay extender generators, efficiency and user-friendly design are critical factors. Grade Writers shines in both these aspects, offering an essay extender generator that’s not only effective in increasing your word count, but also easy and intuitive to use.

Whether you need a word essay extender, a longer essay generator, or a scramble essay tool, Grade Writers has you covered. With just a few clicks, you can transform your essay into a longer, better, and more engaging piece.

Expanding your writing skills has never been easier or more efficient in the digital era. So why not give Grade Writers' essay extender generator a try?

Essay Extender Tool: Frequently Asked Questions

How many paragraphs is a 200 word essay.

A 200-word essay typically consists of three to four paragraphs. This includes an introductory paragraph, one or two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, the exact number can vary depending on the content and structure of your essay.

What words can I replace to make my essay longer?

Using an essay expander tool like the one provided by Grade Writers can help you identify words that can be replaced or phrases that can be expanded to make your essay longer. This may include replacing short words with longer synonyms, or expanding simple phrases into more complex ones.

Can you write a 1,000 word essay in 2 hours?

Yes, writing a 1,000-word essay in 2 hours is possible, especially if you have a clear idea of what you want to say. However, the use of an essay extender or longer essay maker can streamline the process, helping you reach your word count faster.

How can I make my essay longer without writing more?

You can use an essay expander tool or an essay elongator to help you extend your existing content without necessarily adding new ideas. This can involve expanding on existing points, adding examples, or rewording phrases for added complexity.

What to do if your essay is too short?

If your essay is too short, consider using an essay extender or a paragraph expander free tool. These tools can help you add depth and length to your essay by expanding your existing points and adding more detail.

How do you write an essay not more than 300 words?

Writing a concise essay requires clear and focused ideas. Plan your essay carefully, ensuring that each sentence adds value to your argument. Also, avoid redundancy and unnecessary details. An essay elongator tool can help ensure your essay is as efficient and effective as possible.

Can you go over an essay word limit?

It's generally not recommended to exceed an essay's word limit. If you're struggling to stay within the limit, consider using a tool like an essay scrambler or a word mixer essay, which can help you express your ideas more efficiently.

How strict are college essay word limits?

Most colleges are quite strict about word limits for essays. Exceeding the limit might give the impression that you're unable to express your ideas concisely. Using an essay extender wisely can help ensure you meet the word limit without sacrificing the quality of your essay.

Is 1,000 words too long for a college essay?

The acceptable length for a college essay can vary depending on the specific requirements. While some colleges might accept a 1,000-word essay, others might have a lower limit. Ensure you're familiar with the guidelines before you start writing.

How short is too short for a college essay?

A college essay that's significantly shorter than the provided word limit might give the impression that you haven't fully explored your topic. Using an essay extender or an expand paragraph generator can help you flesh out your essay and meet the word count requirement.

How can I expand my essay?

You can expand your essay by using an essay extender or a make your essay longer generator. These tools can help you add depth and detail to your essay, ensuring that it's longer and of higher quality.

What is the website for making essays longer?

Grade Writers is a fantastic website to make essays longer. Their essay extender tool can help you increase your word count without sacrificing the quality of your essay.

What is the AI that makes essays longer?

Grade Writers uses advanced AI technology to make essays longer. Their longer essay generator uses sophisticated algorithms to expand your essay in a way that maintains its coherence and quality.

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Text Scrambler

Text Scrambler shuffles characters within words, creating a jumbled version for fun wordplay, puzzles, or enhancing creativity in writing.

Upload Plain Text File

Text Scrambler options

Freeze some letters, letters groups and their case, hyphens and apostrophes, text scrambler online.

The online Text Scrambler tool is the ultimate trick to inject fun into your writing. By all means, whether you want to jazz up your social media posts, create mysterious messages, or have fun challenging your friends with mixed-up text puzzles. Our tool is the best option for you.

Our text scrambler will let you easily convert any text into a scrambled version with just a few clicks. So now say goodbye to simple, repetitive sentences, and welcome to content that stimulates and excites!

How to use it ?

  • 1. Input your text into the provided box.
  • 2. Customize the scrambling level according to your preference.
  • 3. Click the "shuffle" button.
  • 4. Copy or download the scrambled text.

Why choose our Text Scrambler tool ?

Easy to use:.

Simplicity is at the core of our platform. No technical experience or creature expertise is necessary for using our text scrambler.

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Free to use :

Yes, that’s right, our text scrambler is free of charge. There are no hidden fees and no subscription fees.

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We can scramble the text as often as you want with our text scrambler.

Most Used Cases for the Text Scrambler

Social media engagement:.

Make your posts interesting by mixing quotes or captions in a funny style that attracts attention and induces dialog.

Puzzle Creation:

Create cryptic messages or puzzles for games, treasure hunts, or brain teasers.

Privacy Protection:

Masking sensitive information such as passwords or personal data for increased security.

Learning Aid:

Apply scrambled words to test the comprehension of language knowledge of the students.

Content Variation:

Produce unique text variants for A/B testing in marketing campaigns or website content.

Fun and Creativity:

Enjoy trying out different languages and creativity, putting a playful element into everyday conversations.

Free Paraphrasing Tool to Avoid Plagiarism

3 hours!

You've finished your essay, but are worried about plagiarism? We’ve got good news for you. Our free online paraphrasing tool is here to rewrite your texts. Be sure never to be accused of plagiarizing!

In this article, you’ll find:

  • The paraphrasing tool;
  • Ways to steer clear of plagiarism;
  • All you need to know about sentence rewriting;
  • Answers to frequently asked questions about this topic.

Free Paraphrasing Tool to Avoid Plagiarism.

  • What Is a Paraphrasing Tool?
  • How to Use the Rewording Tool
  • What Makes Our Online Rephrasing Tool Handy?
  • How to Reword a Sentence
  • How to Reword a Quote

✅ What Is a Paraphrasing Tool?

To paraphrase means to present an idea in different words. A big part of this technique is consulting a thesaurus for synonyms. Luckily, you can put the dull dictionary aside and let the plagiarism changer do the job for you.

When writing a paper, make sure you properly cite all your sources. Also, keep your content unique. Failing to do this will result in plagiarism.

Cue the rephrasing generator. This quick machine:

  • Provides alternative word suggestions;
  • Replaces any part of speech with synonyms;
  • Keeps your intended meaning;
  • Guarantees plagiarism-free results.

🖥️ How to Use the Rewording Tool

With our free paraphrasing tool, you can rewrite a text in your own words in a matter of seconds. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find everything you need to do:

  • Open the website and paste your document into the box.
  • Click “paraphrase my text.”
  • Pick the synonyms you like.
  • You’re done! Now you can copy your paraphrased text.
  • Be sure to do a plagiarism check. For example, the online writing tool Grammarly has a professional plagiarism checker.

👍 What Makes Our Online Word Changer Handy?

Now that you know how our tool rephrases your sentences, you’re probably wondering why you need it. Here are its benefits;

  • Unlike expensive software with the same purpose, it’s free and always available .
  • It offers various synonyms to choose from , saving you time, and ensuring that your text still makes sense.
  • Rephrasing helps avoid plagiarism .
  • The generator can also assist you in creating summaries .

We’ve got your back, but it’s good to know how to stay away from trouble by yourself. Read on to get acquainted with various rewriting strategies.

✏️ How to Rephrase: Strategies to Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone’s intellectual property. It can be deliberate but often happens unintentionally. In academia, this mostly means taking someone’s idea and not crediting the source. But don't worry: there are many ways avoid this. Here are the basics:

  • Always using a plagiarism checker . This way, you’ll know for sure that what you’ve written is 100% yours.
  • Quoting means adopting the original author’s wording directly and putting it in quotation marks. Make sure to resort to direct quoting only if it strengthens your argument, or if the quote is particularly expressive.
  • A summary is a shortened version of the source. You don’t paraphrase its entire contents but break it down into the crucial parts.
  • Taking notes while reading articles. Try to formulate the central ideas in simple words. This way, you'll automatically have a first draft of what you want to paraphrase.
  • Lastly, changing the sentence structure while paraphrasing will help you sound natural.

Keep reading to learn more about rewording sentences and quotes.

📖 How to Reword a Sentence

Paraphrasing is very similar to summarizing. Both are key skills for writers. With these recommendations, you’ll always rewrite correctly and without plagiarizing.

To some terms, such as "globalization," you’ll hardly find alternatives. However, common words can easily be replaced.

Use various conjunctions or break the sentences up.

Replace nouns with verbs, verbs with adjectives, or vice versa.

This includes:

  • Switching the voice from passive to active and the other way round.
  • Turning clauses into phrases and vice versa, e.g., by omitting or adding pronouns.

This being said, the most effective method to rephrase something is by using all these techniques combined. Here are some examples:

“Categorization has become a major field of study, thanks primarily to the pioneering work of Eleanor Rosch, who made categorization an issue. (Lakoff 1987: 7)”

“Eleanor Rosch, who was the first to point out the importance of categorization, paved the way to make it an important subject. (see Lakoff 1987: 7)”

In this version, you can see multiple strategies at work. The structure is different, and all possible words were substituted. Yet, it still contains the original meaning. That’s precisely what we want!

Let’s have a look at this variant instead:


“Categorization is now a major field of study. It can be credited to the pioneering work of Eleanor Rosch, the first person to make categorization an issue.”

While the voice is switched in this paraphrase, it still is too close to the original. It uses the same wording and doesn’t credit the source.

Here’s another example:

“In a rare instance of consensus, linguists agree that grammar is extremely complex and hard to properly describe. (Langacker 2008: 27)”

“Linguists rarely agree with each other, but they all acknowledge that grammar is problematic and that it’s nearly impossible to explain it correctly. (Langacker 2008: 27)”

This version has synonyms and adds an extra preposition. Unfortunately, the alternatives "problematic" and "explain" tamper with the original meaning. Let's see how to paraphrase this paragraph properly:

“While linguists rarely share the same opinions, they all admit that grammar is almost impossible to depict comprehensively due to its intricate nature. (Langacker 2008: 27)”

In this case, the concept stays the same. The phrases are changed; there are a new structure and extra conjunction. Perfect!

💬 How to Reword a Quote

If you want your assignments to sound natural, provide the proper context for your quotes. It includes introducing them with phrases such as according to, in the words of, as defined by . Citing is appropriate, if:

  • The wording is especially valuable;
  • You need to support a claim;
  • You want to debate and analyze the author’s position.

When writing, use a mix of direct quotes and paraphrases with an emphasis on the latter. Once you cite a source, adhere to specific standards. Stick to any one of these styles throughout your entire text:

  • An in-text APA style reference can be either narrative , e.g. Zaliznyak & Ĺ melev, 1997, or parenthetical , e.g. (Zaliznyak & Ĺ melev, 1997).
  • MLA formatting style requires the author’s last name and the page, for example, Clasmeier 37.
  • When citing Chicago style , all source data (name, title, publisher, year, page) goes into the footnotes.

We're happy if this article was useful to you. And don't forget: if you want to save yourself some time, try our free paraphrasing tool!

📌 Is Rewording Plagiarism?

📌 how do you rewrite articles in your own words, 📌 can i use the rewriting tool to avoid plagiarism.

Updated: Apr 5th, 2024

🔗 References

  • Avoiding Plagiarism: Choosing Whether to Quote or to Paraphrase: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Quoting: Australia University
  • Quoting, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing: Ashford University
  • Paraphrasing: American Psychological Association
  • Chicago Quoting and Paraphrasing: Massey University
  • MLA In-Text Citations: Purdue University

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Word Scrambler

Enter your word below to scramble it it’s as easy as entering your word on the left and clicking “scramble word.”.

You can use our word scrambler to solve word puzzles, Scrabble , Boggle , or other games that require you to take a set of letters and find words from them.

If you have a word that you need to scramble for such a puzzle you can use our tool above. Learn more by reading our instructions below.

How to Use Our Word Scrambler

To scramble words.

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  • Click the “Scramble” button
  • Our tool will randomize the letters in the word.
  • You’ll see the scrambled word in the left text box.
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Word Scrambler / Descrambler

Unscramble : essay

Listing all the valid words for the letters 'essay'

5 Letter Words

4 letter words, 3 letter words, 2 letter words.

Word Unscrambler is a simple online tool for unscrambling and solving scrambled words, often useful in discovering top scoring words for Scrabble, Words with Friends, Wordle, Wordscapes, Wordfeud, TextTwist, Word Cookies, Anagrams etc.

Tips for scoring better!

Word Unscrambler helps you find valid words for your next move using the lettered tiles available at your hand. It’s fine if you just wanna win or settle disputes with your teammates but you should also aim to learn and improve your word game strategy to make it easier to score in every play. Just by learning a few words and following a couple of tips, you can easily beat your opponent in the next game, even if you're a complete noob.

  • Learn 2 letter and 3 letter words
  • Use prefix / suffix
  • Learn Q Words without U and with U
  • Use hooks, plan for bingos

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  • Word Scrambler

Our Word Scramble Maker will scramble words & letters for word scramble games.

Our word scramble generator is the easiest way to scramble words for a word scramble game for baby showers, education, or for fun. Go here if you want to unscramble words .

NEW : Create your own printable word scramble worksheet. Here is an example word scramble word. We scrambled the letters, JIRBLES , below to get you started.

Scrambled Word

Word scramble info about jirbles.

  • Unscramble Letters in JIRBLES
  • Words That Start With J
  • Words That End With S
  • 7 letter words
  • The Meaning of JIRBLES
  • Words That Contain JIRBLES

JIRBLES in word scramble games

  • Unscramble JIRBLES
  • Unscramble JIRBLES Letters
  • JIRBLES in Text Twist
  • JIRBLES in Scrabble
  • JIRBLES in Words With Friends
  • JIRBLES in Jumble
  • Unscramble The Word JIRBLES

What is a word scrambler?

A Word Scrambler is different than a Word Unscrambler and a Word Scramble Solver . It is the exact opposite, in fact. While you would use a word unscrambler to unscramble words; a word scrambler is used to scramble words for word scramble games.

Dictionary.com defines Scramble as

NOUN a disordered mixture of things. "the program produced a scramble of the letters of the alphabet"

This makes perfect sense!

Our word scrambler maker is unique. It allows you to create up to 100 different ways to scramble letters for any word. You can choose the starting and ending characters in order to completely customize the word search, crossword puzzle or any word scramble game you are making.

If you need to print a word scramble sheet , go to our word scramble maker.

Word Scramble

Why do i need a word scramble tool to scramble letters.

This is a common question; it seems like it should be simple, but I will show a few examples of how tough it can be.

Example 1: Lets try manually scrambling these 4 letter words


Simple, right? Of course with 4 letters... how about longer words. like 8 letter? Here is another example

Example 2: Lets try manually scrambling these 8 letter words

  • ABDUCTED = ????????
  • HABITANT = ????????
  • ZAPPIEST = ????????
  • FACIALLY = ????????
  • ULTIMATE = ????????

The reason why this is more difficult is not only because the word is longer, but also because the mind can only do 4 things at once, according to this study .

That is why our word scramble generator is so great! All it takes is a few seconds to create your very own word scramble game.

Benefits of using a word scrambler

  • You don't have to worry about scrambling a word very close to the original word. Our word randomizer scrambles the letters so well, that you might forget the original word!
  • You don't have to worry about missing letters like when you scramble words manually.
  • You can customize the word scramble results
  • Practice solving word scrambles
  • You will save loads of time.
  • You can easily make word scramble games using your child's spelling words to help him/her remember in a fun way.
  • You can make fun name scramble games for baby showers.

About Our Word Scrambler

Our Word Scramble Generator will help you quickly scramble words like JIRBLES for your word scramble game, word search, crossword, etc. You can choose how many results and what the scrambled word should start with and/or end with. You can now create a printable word scramble .

Creating your own word scramble game has never been easier!

Words To Scramble

Other word finders.

  • Word Unscrambler
  • Word Combiner
  • Unscramble Letters
  • Text Twist Solver
  • Scrabble Word Finder
  • Words With Friends Cheat
  • Jumble Solver
  • Unscramble Words
  • Word Descrambler
  • Word Generator
  • Spanish Word Unscrambler
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CNN and ABC Snag the TV Coups of the Year

In a matter of hours, two networks outmaneuvered their rivals and landed a coveted pair of Biden-Trump prime-time debates.

Two people in a convertible car are silhouetted against a large outdoor screen showing Donald J. Trump and Joseph R. Biden Jr. during a debate.

By Michael M. Grynbaum

All of a sudden on Wednesday morning, the TV booking of the year was up for grabs.

Since 1987, presidential debates have been simulcast on every major channel in the country. But President Biden’s shock announcement that he would skip this fall’s preplanned matchups in favor of debates sponsored by individual news outlets sent network executives into a scramble.

Such debates typically take months to plan. Instead, in three hours, CNN and ABC News outmaneuvered their rivals to land a pair of prime-time face-offs between Mr. Biden and former President Donald J. Trump that promise enormous ratings and prestige.

Given the circumstances, some improvisation was involved.

CNN’s chairman, Mark Thompson, was backstage at Madison Square Garden, about to deliver a crucial presentation to network advertisers. He began rewriting his remarks after aides confirmed over the phone that both candidates had agreed to a CNN debate on June 27. Mr. Thompson took out his reading glasses to deliver the announcement onstage, reading from a script scrawled across a creased notecard.

Debra OConnell, the head of ABC News, was deep into an annual meeting with regional affiliates when word came in. Because her network also airs major sports and entertainment events, her team had to coordinate with executives at Disney, ABC’s parent company, to find a free night on the schedule. Soon after, ABC announced a Sept. 10 debate.

The anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the CNN debate, which is set to air at 9 p.m. Eastern. ABC said its anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis would moderate its debate in September. ABC will share that debate with other broadcast and streaming news networks to simulcast; CNN has said only that its debate will air on its own platforms.

Mr. Trump said on Wednesday that he would also appear on Fox News for a debate in October, but the Biden campaign quickly made it clear that its candidate would not participate.

Competitors at NBC and CBS were left wondering what might have been. Some journalists at those networks privately expressed frustration on Wednesday that their bosses had not secured the coveted events.

Representatives for CNN and ABC declined to elaborate on their exact conversations with the candidates. Several journalists at the networks said that executives had appeared as surprised as anyone by Mr. Biden’s announcement, and that the day had unfolded at lightning speed.

Some networks may have been better prepared than others.

The prospect that individual news organizations might end up serving as debate sponsors had already been the subject of widespread speculation within the highly competitive TV news industry. Some executives had started thinking through contingency plans.

Mr. Biden had repeatedly declined to pledge his participation in the fall matchups arranged by the Commission on Presidential Debates, the nonpartisan group that has sponsored general-election debates since 1987. One of Mr. Biden’s closest advisers, Anita Dunn, is a longtime critic of the commission. And while Mr. Trump had promised to meet Mr. Biden “anywhere, any place,” he has also complained about the commission.

The Biden-Trump debates were welcome news to journalists at CNN and ABC, networks that have had bumpy runs of late.

ABC News’s previous president, Kim Godwin, stepped down this month after a tumultuous tenure marked by morale problems and softening ratings at the network’s flagship morning show. CNN, which emphasizes straightforward news reporting, has struggled to compete against more partisan competitors in an age of polarization. (Mr. Thompson, its chairman, was previously the president and chief executive of The New York Times Company.)

Jeff Zucker, a former president of CNN, praised the cable news network on Wednesday for securing the first debate of the general election, which is typically the highest rated. “I am incredibly proud of them to pull this off, and I think it will be a really momentous night for the country,” he said at a conference in London.

Mr. Zucker also offered a prediction. “This will be,” he said, “the most-watched event, day, night, in the history of CNN.”

John Koblin contributed reporting.

Michael M. Grynbaum writes about the intersection of media, politics and culture. He has been a media correspondent at The Times since 2016. More about Michael M. Grynbaum


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  24. CNN and ABC Snag the Presidential Debates

    Soon after, ABC announced a Sept. 10 debate. The anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the CNN debate, which is set to air at 9 p.m. Eastern. ABC said its anchors David Muir and Linsey ...