Domestic Tourism: 8 Reasons Why We Should Travel Locally

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benefits of domestic tourism essay

Travel at Home: The Benefits of Domestic Tourism

It’s been a long couple of years since travel was stopped. Even now travel is in a precarious position as countries around the world constantly revise their border measures and restrictions in light of the changing Covid situation. But in the face of such adversity, travel hasn’t been completely stamped out. In fact, the true nomads have found a way to experience the thrill and adventure of travelling even in the midst of Covid by redefining what travelling meant. 

Travelling doesn’t always have to mean going away to faraway exotic places and experiencing foreign cultures. Sometimes the best places are close to home and under the radar. This is exactly the sentiment that gave rise to domestic tourism. 

Domestic tourism isn’t by any means a new phenomenon. But when international travel locked down, domestic tourism became the only respite for wayfarers creating a surge of interest for domestic locations where one could relax and holiday. Now that countries are cautiously reopening borders and easing Covid restrictions, domestic tourism may once again fade into the budget option for many travellers as they look to celebrate their newfound freedom with distance. But there are many reasons why domestic tourism shouldn’t be forgotten or looked down on, even with international shores opening. 

So hold on to your travel pillow and your planner as I go through the beauty and benefits of domestic tourism.       

Domestic Tourism 

Domestic travel is termed as travel within one’s own country. Even visitors to a neighbouring state would be classified as domestic tourists. Domestic travel is important for the domestic economy as it feeds money back into the local economy. This helps revitalise the livelihoods of locals, as well as bolsters the local government’s funds using which they can improve infrastructure and amenities for the local community. This is especially important considering the impact Covid-19 has had on people’s employment and financial outlook. Any bit of help that we can extend to those around us will go a long way to helping them through difficult times. 

But other than helping the local economy, there are other benefits to travelling domestically. 

Save your wallet

Perhaps the most obvious is the impact it has on your wallet. There’s no doubt that international travel can take a chunk out of your finances. This not only applies to foreign countries where the currency is stronger than your local currency or places where the cost of living is much higher. Travelling internationally often involves extra expenses such as immigration fees and visa expenditure, any fees associated with obtaining other necessary documents, tickets for long-haul flights, hotel stays, tour guides, and the more expensive ‘foreign visitor’ tickets for local attractions. And this list doesn’t even include the extra expenses associated with health measures for Covid-19.  

When travelling domestically, you automatically save on immigration and visa fees. You can also save on flight tickets if you travel by car or bus, opt for an AirBnB or stay at a friend’s place to save on expensive hotels, forego a tour guide in favour of exploring yourself, and benefit from the discounted locals’ ticket prices for attractions. 

Not only can these savings translate to a cheaper overall trip, it could also mean a few extra days enjoying the sunny beaches of California or squeezing in one more museum visit for the family.   

Revel in the hyperlocal

Domestic tourism also gives you space to truly enjoy the local. When visiting internationally, most tourists are caught up in what I call ‘the tourist hustle’—visiting all the places catering to tourists. Of course, this makes sense. You can’t go to Paris and not visit the Eiffel tower. But the problem is that these spaces have been developed and maintained by the local government specifically to appeal to tourists, and are often overcrowded . That’s why you often find a McDonalds right next to a major world attraction. Government’s know that some tourists would prefer more globalised, familiar cuisine than their local dishes.

Moreover, the people you run into and interact with during these stays will also likely be other tourists like yourself rather than the locals. By visiting only these spaces that cater to tourists, you miss out on experiencing the true local flavour. Furthermore, if you visit foreign countries with no knowledge of their customs and how to speak their language, you may find yourself experiencing miscommunication with the locals and losing a lot in terms of the depth of experience. 

When travelling domestically, however, you can bypass the major tourist attractions and get acquainted with the lesser-known hidden gems. This can help you rediscover your own culture and the beauty of your homeland. Speaking the same language as the locals and not immediately being recognised as a tourist may also go a long way towards gaining the locals’ favour and insights into the best places to visit, from their point of view. This will be an entirely new experience of travelling than the one you will have access to as an international tourist.    

Both domestic and international travel have their benefits and unique appeal. Next time you plan a trip, don’t just jump straight to international travel. Take a minute to see if there’s anyplace closer to home you’d like to visit. 

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Importance & Economic Impact of Domestic Tourism

benefits of domestic tourism essay

December 2018

By World Travel and Tourism Council

Using the World Travel & Tourism Council’s (WTTC) annual economic impact data, this publication assesses the importance of domestic travel to 185 countries, considers the trends driving this phenomenon and provides policy recommendations for the continued growth of domestic travel in the global economy.

While countries often tend to focus on international tourism due to the revenue earned through exports, domestic tourism remains the leading form of tourism, representing 73% of the total global tourism spend in 2017.

Governments use domestic tourism as a tool to eliminate local poverty, generate employment and economic growth, upgrade infrastructure and alleviate pressure from overcrowding through, for instance, discretionary pricing policies and the provision of non-wage tourism benefits. Moreover, domestic travel helps address seasonality within regions, while also dispersing tourists to less visited rural areas, which tend to be overlooked by foreign visitors.

The research shows that China has been extremely successful in fostering domestic tourism, outperforming all other countries in domestic spending growth over the last ten years thanks to its growing middle-class and government support. China is now the leading domestic tourism market in the world, up from 4th position in 2008. Meanwhile, many developing countries have also shown significant growth in Travel & Tourism domestic spending, as residents with rising disposable income begin to explore their countries.

Benefits of Tourism Research Paper

Tourism is the “sum of activities and relationships between various parties, which arises from the travel and stay of non-residents of a certain location to new locations, as long as the movement does not involve an earning activity or permanent residency” (Robinson, Heitmann & Dieke 220).

Domestic and international tourism are the two main categories of tourism. Domestic tourism refers to the movement of tourists within the same country. On the other hand international tourism refers to the movement of tourists to other countries.

According to the World Tourism Organization, people should not live in the new locations for more than one year (McLean & Hurd 300). Tourism is a very dynamic industry. It influences the development of other industries.

Tourism may lead to significant growth in the private sector and development of infrastructure (Pour, Egbali and Nosrat 1602). Tourism leads to the development of shops, accommodation, transport infrastructure, and growth of the hospitality industry.

Tourism affects education, the health industry, culture and religion either directly or indirectly. Growth of tourism and its economic significance has made governments give tourism special attention. Cultural tourism helps in boosting the pride and identity of a community.

Foreign exchange is critical for the economic well-being of any nation. A country uses foreign exchange to pay for it imports and foreign loans. Exports are the main sources of foreign exchange.

Availability of foreign exchange determines the strength of a country’s currency. Lack of adequate amount of foreign may lead to the diminishing of the value of a local currency. Tourism enables a country to earn foreign exchange.

Therefore, tourism plays a critical part in any country’s economic growth. The amount of foreign exchange that a country earns per visitor varies from one destination to the other (Robinson, Heitmann and Dieke 27).

In the Caribbean countries, tourism is one of the major sources of foreign exchange. Therefore, in these countries, tourism is a critical part of the national development plan.

There is no country in the world with an unemployment rate of zero percent. Unemployment means that there is idle labor in the country. Unemployed people do not help the economy of the nation.

Therefore, they are a burden to the country. Countries strive to reduce the level of unemployment by undertaking various strategies. Tourism is a labor intensive industry.

Therefore, it leads to the creation of a large number of the jobs. Tourism leads to creation of jobs in the transport, hospitality and entertainment industry. Rural tourism is one most important sources of income to people living in rural areas. It provides people living in the rural areas with an alternative source of income.

Rural tourism may facilitate the growth of rural industries (Pour, Egbali and Nosrat 1605). In addition, rural tourism enables rural councils to increase their revenue. However, tourism provides seasonal jobs.

This is due to the fact that most tourists visit foreign locations only at certain times of the year. Most tourists visit exotic destinations during summer. Therefore, during other periods of the year, people who depend on tourism have to look for alternative sources of income.

Infrastructural development determines the economic growth of a certain region or country. In most instances, countries ensure that there is more infrastructural development in areas that of economic importance to the nation.

Rural areas have less economic importance to a country than urban areas. This is one of the principle reasons why there is more infrastructural development in urban areas than in rural areas. However, tourism increases the economic significance of rural areas.

This leads to the development of infrastructure that would support the growth of tourism in the rural areas. Infrastructural growth in the rural areas benefits people living in the rural areas significantly. Infrastructural growth also supports the growth of the local industries (Pour, Egbali and Nosrat 1605).

This would ultimately strengthen the economy of the rural areas. Growth of the rural economy would enable a country reduce over-reliance on urban areas for economic development. This would fuel the overall economic growth of the country.

Economic growth in rural areas would also attract people to rural areas. This would lead to repopulation of rural areas and a significant reduction in congestion in urban areas. Reduction in urban congestion would reduce societal ills associated with congested urban areas.

The culture and national heritage of a country is the identity of any nation. Therefore, it is critical for a nation to preserve its national heritage and culture. Most cultures are slowly fading away.

Modernization is the major reason that leads to the fading away of various cultures. Cultural practices help in bringing social unity to people in the community. Therefore, fading away of various cultures may have dire consequences on the social unity of people in a certain society.

Tourism helps in preserving the cultures of the local people. Tourists visit local areas and pay to watch various cultural activities. This ultimately leads to the preservation of the cultural activities. In addition, tourism may lead to the development of infrastructure that supports the cultural activities (Pour, Egbali and Nosrat 1605).

Therefore, tourism not only enables a nation maintain its cultural activities, it also enables a community to maintain its cultural activities while making money out of practicing their cultural activities.

Tourism also facilitates cultural exchanges between tourists and the local people. Tourists learn the cultures of the local population while the local people learn the culture of the tourists.

This may enable tourists to adopt the cultural practices that are good. In addition, the local population may adopt several cultures from the tourists that they perceive as good. Tourism may also encourage disbanding of oppressive cultural practices.

In most instances, tourists speak a different language from that of the natives of the community. Tourism may encourage tourists to learn the language of the locals whereas the locals may learn the tourists’ language. This enhances communication between the tourists and the local population.

Tourists visit exotic locations to view the scenery of the location in its natural form. This encourages government to take measures to protect the environment in order to attract tourists. Destruction of the environment would make it unattractive for tourists to visit the exotic locations.

This would make the tourists opt to visit other locations. Therefore, the government would lose out on the valuable economic benefits of tourism. In addition, tourism may encourage the rehabilitation of the environment or natural scenery to its original form to encourage tourists to visit the areas.

Tourism may encourage the government to rehabilitate traditional homes or historical monuments to encourage tourists to visit the areas (Pour, Egbali and Nosrat 1605). Tourism may encourage governments to protect the natural habitats of animals to attract tourists to the areas.

Tourism is one the factors that makes governments strive to protect endangered species (Pidd para 8). Tourism may also encourage the beautification of the community in order to attract more tourists to the community.

Most tourists who visit foreign locations stay in expensive hotels. This does not enable them to understand the lives of the people in the foreign locations. Tour companies have developed slum tourism, which enables tourists understand the lives of people who live in slums.

Slum tourism involves tourists taking a guided tour of the slums in various countries. Tour companies offer tourists guided tours at a certain fee. Slum tourism is common in India and several African countries (Basu para 4). Slum tourism faces stiff opposition from various parties.

Various parties claim that it is an inhuman way of exploiting the poor, as slum dwellers do not live in their shanties willingly. Economic conditions force them to live in deplorable conditions. However, slum tourism has several advantages. It enables the slum dwellers to earn money from the guided tours of the slums.

In addition, slum tourism may expose the tourists to the deplorable living conditions of the slum dwellers. This would ultimately encourage the tourists, who are relatively much wealthy than the slum dwellers, to make donations to projects aimed at upgrading the slums.

Therefore, slum tourism is one method of attracting attention to the deplorable living conditions of the slum dwellers, thus facilitating the eradication of slums.

Tourism affects a myriad of industries in any economy. Tourism affects almost all industries either directly or indirectly. Tourism may encourage the development of the private sector. It may facilitate the development of businesses that would support the tourism.

Tourism leads to the development of the transport, agriculture, construction, and retailing industries. The high revenue associated with the tourism industry encourages entrepreneurs to invest in the industry.

Industries that greatly benefit from tourism are the retailing entertainment and hospitality industry. The high return of investment of the establishments related to the tourism industry leads to stiff competition among the establishments.

Tourism may improve development in other areas. Tourists usually visit various areas due to the culture or natural environment of the area. After visiting the areas, tourists may return and settle in the areas. This may lead to an increase in the value of property in the area.

This would greatly benefit residents of the areas as it would improve the value of their property. Tourism can also increase local awareness and interest. This makes the community have a greater sense of ownership and pride in their culture.

This is due to the fact that tourists may come from distant places to watch the cultural activities or traditions of the community. Increased community awareness and pride may lead to the revival of various cultural activities of the community. In addition, community awareness may increase the social cohesion of the community.

Tourism is one of the most important economic activities in various economies. Tourism affects various sectors of the economy either directly or indirectly.

Therefore, development of the tourism industry would have huge economic benefits to any country. Tourism may act as a critical pillar in the economic prosperity of any nation.

Works Cited

Basu, Moni. “ Poverty tours: A learning experience or simply gawking? ” CNN. 2012. Web.

McLean, Daniel and Amy Hurd. Kraus’ recreation and leisure in modern society . Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2011. Print.

Pidd, Helen. “ Tiger population of India facing ‘total disaster’ due to tourism ban .” The Guardian , 2012. Web.

Pour, Sayyed khalil Sayyed Ali, Naser Egbali and Abbas Bakhshandea Nosrat. “Advantages and Harms Caused by Development Rural Tourism (case study of rural َsemnan province).” Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences . 5.12 (2011): 1602-1612. Print.

Robinson, Peter, Sine Heitmann and Peter U. C. Dieke. Research themes for tourism . Oxfordshire: CABI, 2011. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 11). Benefits of Tourism.

"Benefits of Tourism." IvyPanda , 11 Apr. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Benefits of Tourism'. 11 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Benefits of Tourism." April 11, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Benefits of Tourism." April 11, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Benefits of Tourism." April 11, 2019.

UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer

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UNWTO Highlights Potential of Domestic Tourism to Help Drive Economic Recovery in Destinations Worldwide

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  • 14 Sep 2020

As restrictions on travel begin to ease globally, destinations around the world are focusing on growing domestic tourism, with many offering incentives to encourage people to explore their own countries. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), with domestic tourism set to return faster than international travel, this represents an opportunity for both developed and developing countries to recover from the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recognizing the importance of domestic tourism, the United Nations specialized agency has released the third of its Tourism and COVID-19 Briefing Notes, -Understanding Domestic Tourism and Seizing its Opportunities.- UNWTO data shows that in 2018, around 9 billion domestic tourism trips were made worldwide – six times the number of international tourist arrivals (1.4 billion in 2018). The publication identifies ways in which destinations around the world are taking proactive steps to grow domestic tourism , from offering bonus holidays for workers to providing vouchers and other incentives to people travelling in their own countries.

Domestic tourism to drive recovery

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “UNWTO expects domestic tourism to return faster and stronger than international travel. Given the size of domestic tourism, this will help many destinations recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic, while at the same time safeguarding jobs, protecting livelihoods and allowing the social benefits tourism offers to also return.”

UNWTO expects domestic tourism to return faster and stronger than international travel

The briefing note also shows that, in most destinations, domestic tourism generates higher revenues than international tourism. In OECD nations, domestic tourism accounts for 75% of total tourism expenditure , while in the European Union, domestic tourism expenditure is 1.8 times higher than inbound tourism expenditure. Globally, the largest domestic tourism markets in terms of expenditure are the United States with nearly US$ 1 trillion, Germany with US$ 249 billion, Japan US$ 201 billion, the United Kingdom with US$ 154 billion and Mexico with US$ 139 billion.

Initiatives to boost domestic tourism  

Given the value of domestic tourism and current trends, increasing numbers of countries are taking steps to grow their markets, UNWTO reports. This new Briefing Note provides case studies of initiatives designed to stimulate domestic demand. These include initiatives focused on marketing and promotion as well as financial incentives . Examples of countries taking targeted steps to boost domestic tourist numbers include:

  • In Italy, the Bonus Vacanze initiative offers families with incomes of up to EUR 40,000 contributions of up to EUR 500 to spend in domestic tourism accommodation.
  • Malaysia allocated US$113 million worth of travel discount vouchers as well as personal tax relief of up to US$227 for expenditure related to domestic tourism.
  • Costa Rica moved all holidays of 2020 and 2021 to Mondays for Costa Ricans to enjoy long weekends to travel domestically and to extend their stays.
  • France launched the campaign #CetÉtéJeVisiteLaFrance (‘This Summer, I visit France’) highlighting the diversity of destinations across the country.
  • Argentina announced the creation of an Observatory for Domestic Tourism to provide a better profile of Argentine tourists.
  • Thailand will subsidize 5 million nights of hotel accommodation at 40% of normal room rates for up to five nights.

Related Links

  • Download the news release
  • UNWTO Briefing Note – Tourism and COVID-19, Issue 3. Understanding Domestic Tourism and Seizing its Opportunities
  • More Than 50% of Global Destinations Are Easing Travel Restrictions
  • UN Secretary-General: COVID-19 and Transforming Tourism
  • UNWTO Briefing Note – Tourism and COVID-19, Issue 1. How are countries supporting tourism recovery?
  • UNWTO Briefing Note: Tourism and COVID-19, Issue 2: Tourism in SIDS

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Tourism Essay for Students and Children

Where am I Book

500+ Words Essay on Tourism

Tourism Essay – Tourism is a major economic activity that has developed significantly over the years. It’s an activity that can be recognized in both developed and developing nations. In general terms, tourism is the movement of a person from one place to another to visit and mesmerize the beauty of that place or to have fun. Moreover, the concept of traveling is considered a luxury and only people with higher income can afford this luxury.

Tourism Essay

The Growth of Tourism

Earlier our ancestors used to travel by sea routes as it was a convenient and most affordable medium but it was time taking. Due to, technological advancement we can now easily travel to any place without wasting time we can travel thousands of miles within a few hours. Technological advancement has shrunk the earth into a global village. Besides, the modern modes are much safer than the modes that our predecessors used.

Effect of Tourism on a Country

For any country, tourism generates a lot of money especially a country like India. Due to the Taj Mahal (one of the seven wonders of the world) every year the government raise a huge sum of revenue. Also, because of tourism other industries also bloom. Such industries include transportation, wildlife, arts and entertainment, accommodation, etc.

Moreover, this ultimately leads to the creation of job and other opportunities in the area. But there are some drawbacks too which can affect the lifestyle and cultural value of the country.

Importance of Tourism

Traveling is a tiring and difficult thing and not everyone is able to travel. But at the same time, it’s a fun activity that takes your tiredness away. Travelling adds flavor to life as you travel to different places that have a different culture and lifestyle. Also, it’s an easy way to learn about the culture and tradition of a place. Besides, for many areas, tourism is their main source of income.

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India- A Tourist Attraction

The Taj Mahal is not the only destination in India that attract tourist. Likewise, there are hundreds of tourist destination that is spread over the Indian plateau. India has a large variety of Flora and Fauna. Besides, the equator divides the geographical land of India into almost two equal halves that make India a country where six seasons occurs.

Moreover, in almost every city of India, there is a historical monument made by the rulers in their time period.

Benefits of Tourism

Tourism not only benefits the government but also the people that live in the local area. It also creates a business as well as employment opportunities for the local people which ultimately help the government to earn income.

Benefits Due to Tourism

As we know that tourism contributes a lot to the revenue of the country. Also, the government uses this income for the growth and development of the country. Likewise, they construct dams, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, Dharamshala and many more.

In conclusion, we can say that tourism is a very productive activity both for the tourist and the government. As they support each other simultaneously. Also, the government should consider improving the conditions of the country as more and more number of tourist visit their country.

Above all, tourism is one of the fastest-growing industry in the world that has changed the scenario of the world.

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Tourism Teacher

13 Social impacts of tourism + explanations + examples

Disclaimer: Some posts on Tourism Teacher may contain affiliate links. If you appreciate this content, you can show your support by making a purchase through these links or by buying me a coffee . Thank you for your support!

Understanding the social impacts of tourism is vital to ensuring the sustainable management of the tourism industry. There are positive social impacts of tourism, demonstrating benefits to both the local community and the tourists. There are also negative social impacts of tourism.

In this article I will explain what the most common social impacts of tourism are and how these are best managed. At the end of the post I have also included a handy reading list for anybody studying travel and tourism or for those who are interested in learning more about travel and tourism management.

The social impacts of tourism

Preserving local culture, strengthening communities, provision of social services, commercialisation of culture and art, revitalisation of culture and art, preservation of heritage, social change, globalisation and the destruction of preservation and heritage, loss of authenticity , standardisation and commercialisation, culture clashes, tourist-host relationships, increase in crime, gambling and moral behaviour, social impacts of tourism: conclusion, social impacts of tourism- further reading.

Firstly, we need to understand what is meant by the term ‘social impacts of tourism’. I have covered this in my YouTube video below!

To put it simply, social impacts of tourism are; 

“The effects on host communities of direct and indirect relations with tourists , and of interaction with the tourism industry”

This is also often referred to as socio-cultural impacts.

Tourism is, at its core, an interactive service. This means that host-guest interaction is inevitable. This can have significant social/socio-cultural impacts.

These social impacts can be seen as benefits or costs (good or bad). I will explain these below.

happy friends on camper van roof

Positive social impacts of tourism

There are many social benefits of tourism, demonstrating positive social impacts. These might include; preserving the local culture and heritage; strengthening communities; provision of social services; commercialisation of culture and art; revitalisation of customs and art forms and the preservation of heritage.

thai temple under blue sky

It is the local culture that the tourists are often coming to visit.

Tourists visit Beijing to learn more about the Chinese Dynasties. Tourists visit Thailand to taste authentic Thai food. Tourists travel to Brazil to go to the Rio Carnival, to mention a few…

Many destinations will make a conserved effort to preserve and protect the local culture. This often contributes to the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, the protection of local heritage, and a renaissance of indigenous cultures, cultural arts and crafts.

In one way, this is great! Cultures are preserved and protected and globalisation is limited. BUT, I can’t help but wonder if this is always natural? We don’t walk around in Victorian corsets or smoke pipes anymore…

Our social settings have changed immensely over the years. And this is a normal part of evolution! So is it right that we should try to preserve the culture of an area for the purposes of tourism? Or should we let them grow and change, just as we do? Something to ponder on I guess…

Tourism can be a catalyst for strengthening a local community.

Events and festivals of which local residents have been the primary participants and spectators are often rejuvenated and developed in response to tourist interest. I certainly felt this was the way when I went to the Running of the Bulls festival in Pamplona, Spain. The community atmosphere and vibe were just fantastic!

history of the running of the bulls

The jobs created by tourism can also be a great boost for the local community. Aside from the economic impacts created by enhanced employment prospects, people with jobs are happier and more social than those without a disposable income.

Local people can also increase their influence on tourism development, as well as improve their job and earnings prospects, through tourism-related professional training and development of business and organisational skills.

Read also: Economic leakage in tourism explained

girl in white long sleeve shirt and black skirt sitting on swing during day time

The tourism industry requires many facilities/ infrastructure to meet the needs of the tourist. This often means that many developments in an area as a result of tourism will be available for use by the locals also.

Local people often gained new roads, new sewage systems, new playgrounds, bus services etc as a result of tourism. This can provide a great boost to their quality of life and is a great example of a positive social impact of tourism.

Tourism can see rise to many commercial business, which can be a positive social impact of tourism. This helps to enhance the community spirit as people tend to have more disposable income as a result.

These businesses may also promote the local cultures and arts. Museums, shows and galleries are fantastic way to showcase the local customs and traditions of a destination. This can help to promote/ preserve local traditions.

red art relaxation girl

Some destinations will encourage local cultures and arts to be revitalised. This may be in the form of museum exhibitions, in the way that restaurants and shops are decorated and in the entertainment on offer, for example.

This may help promote traditions that may have become distant.

Many tourists will visit the destination especially to see its local heritage. It is for this reason that many destinations will make every effort to preserve its heritage.

This could include putting restrictions in place or limiting tourist numbers, if necessary. This is often an example of careful tourism planning  and sustainable tourism management.

This text by Hyung You Park explains the principles of heritage tourism in more detail.

Negative social impacts of tourism

Unfortunately, there are a large number of socio-cultural costs on the host communities. These negative social impacts include; social change; changing values; increased crime and gambling; changes in moral behaviour; changes in family structure and roles; problems with the tourist-host relationship and the destruction of heritage.

unrecognizable female black player sitting on football field

Social change is basically referring to changes in the way that society acts or behaves. Unfortunately, there are many changes that come about as a result of tourism that are not desirable.

There are many examples throughout the world where local populations have changed because of tourism.

Perhaps they have changed the way that they speak or the way that they dress. Perhaps they have been introduced to alcohol through the tourism industry or they have become resentful of rich tourists and turned to crime. These are just a few examples of the negative social impacts of tourism.

Read also: Business tourism explained: What, why and where

woman in white and red dress holding yellow flowers

Globalisation is the way in which the world is becoming increasingly connected. We are losing our individuality and gaining a sense of ‘global being’, whereby we are more and more alike than ever before.

Globalisation is inevitable in the tourism industry because of the interaction between tourists and hosts, which typically come from different geographic and cultural backgrounds. It is this interaction that encourage us to become more alike.

Here are some examples:

  • When I went on the Jungle Book tour on my travels through Goa, the tourists were giving the Goan children who lived in the area sweets. These children would never have eaten such sweets should they not have come into contact with the tourists.
  • When I travelled to The Gambia I met a local worker (known as a ‘ bumster ‘) who was wearing a Manchester United football top. When I asked him about it he told me that he was given the top by a tourist who visited last year. If it was not for said tourist, he would not have this top.
  • In Thailand , many workers have exchanged their traditional work of plowing the fields to work in the cities, in the tourism industry. They have learnt to speak English and to eat Western food. If it were not for the tourists they would have a different line of work, they would not speak English and they would not choose to eat burger and chips for their dinner!

Many people believe globalisation to be a bad thing. BUT, there are also some positives. Think about this…

Do you want an ‘authentic’ squat toilet in your hotel bathroom or would you rather use a Western toilet? Are you happy to eat rice and curry for breakfast as the locals would do or do you want your cornflakes? Do you want to struggle to get by when you don’t speak the local language or are you pleased to find somebody who speaks English?

When we travel, most tourists do want a sense of ‘familiar’. And globalisation helps us to get that!

benefits of domestic tourism essay

You can learn more about globalisation in this post- What is globalisation? A simple explanation .

bread with soup

Along similar lines to globalisation is the loss of authenticity that often results from tourism.

Authenticity is essentially something that is original or unchanged. It is not fake or reproduced in any way.

The Western world believe that a tourist destination is no longer authentic when their cultural values and traditions change. But I would argue is this not natural? Is culture suppose to stay the same or it suppose to evolve throughout each generation? 

Take a look at the likes of the long neck tribe in Thailand or the Maasai Tribe in Africa. These are two examples of cultures which have remained ‘unchanged’ for the sole purpose of tourism. They appear not to have changed the way that they dress, they way that they speak or the way that they act in generations, all for the purpose of tourism.

To me, however, this begs the question- is it actually authentic? In fact, is this not the exact example of what is not authentic? The rest of the world have modern electricity and iPhones, they watch TV and buy their clothes in the nearest shopping mall. But because tourists want an ‘authentic’ experience, these people have not moved on with the rest of the world, but instead have remained the same.

I think there is also an ethical discussion to be had here, but I’ll leave that for another day…

You can learn more about what is authenticity in tourism here or see some examples of staged authenticity in this post.

Read also: Environmental impacts of tourism

Similarly, destinations risk standardisation in the process of satisfying tourists’ desires for familiar facilities and experiences.

While landscape, accommodation, food and drinks, etc., must meet the tourists’ desire for the new and unfamiliar, they must at the same time not be too new or strange because few tourists are actually looking for completely new things (think again about the toilet example I have previously).

Tourists often look for recognisable facilities in an unfamiliar environment, like well-known fast-food restaurants and hotel chains. Tourist like some things to be standardised (the toilet, their breakfast, their drinks, the language spoken etc), but others to be different (dinner options, music, weather, tourist attractions etc).

Do we want everything to become ‘standardised’ though? I know I miss seeing the little independent shops that used to fill the high streets in the UK. Now it’s all chains and multinational corporations. Sure, I like Starbucks (my mug collection is coming on quite nicely!), but I also love the way that there are no Starbucks in Italy. There’s something great about trying out a traditional, yet unfamiliar coffee shop, or any independant place for that matter.

I personally think that tourism industry stakeholders should proceed with caution when it comes to ‘standardisation’. Sure, give the tourists that sense of familiar that they are looking for. But don’t dilute the culture and traditions of the destination that they are coming to visit, because if it feels too much like home….. well, maybe they will just stay at home next time? Just a little something to think about…

woman in white tank top doing yoga exercise

On a less philosophical note, another of the negative social impacts of tourism is that it can have significant consequences is culture clashes.

Because tourism involves movement of people to different geographical locations cultural clashes can take place as a result of differences in cultures, ethnic and religious groups, values, lifestyles, languages and levels of prosperity.

The attitude of local residents towards tourism development may unfold through the stages of euphoria, where visitors are very welcome, through apathy, irritation and potentially antagonism when anti-tourist attitudes begin to grow among local people. This is represented in Doxey’s Irritation Index, as shown below.

benefits of domestic tourism essay

Culture clashes can also be exasperated by the fundamental differences in culture between the hosts and the tourists.

There is likely to be economic inequality between locals and tourists who are spending more than they usually do at home. This can cause resentment from the hosts towards the tourists, particularly when they see them wearing expensive jewellery or using plush cameras etc that they know they can’t afford themselves.

Further to this, tourists often, out of ignorance or carelessness, fail to respect local customs and moral values. 

Think about it. Is it right to go topless on a beach if within the local culture it is unacceptable to show even your shoulders?

There are many examples of ways that tourists offend the local population , often unintentionally. Did you know that you should never put your back to a Buddha? Or show the sole of your feet to a Thai person? Or show romantic affection in public in the Middle East?

A little education in this respect could go a long way, but unfortunately, many travellers are completely unaware of the negative social impacts that their actions may have.

The last of the social impacts of tourism that I will discuss is crime, gambling and moral behaviour. Crime rates typically increase with the growth and urbanisation of an area and the growth of mass tourism is often accompanied by increased crime.

The presence of a large number of tourists with a lot of money to spend and often carrying valuables such as cameras and jewellery increases the attraction for criminals and brings with it activities like robbery and drug dealing.

Although tourism is not the cause of sexual exploitation, it provides easy access to it e.g. prostitution and sex tourism . Therefore, tourism can contribute to rises in the numbers of sex workers in a given area. I have seen this myself in many places including The Gambia and Thailand .

Lastly, gambling is a common occurrence as a result of tourism. Growth of casinos and other gambling facilities can encourage not only the tourists to part with their cash, but also the local population .

As I have demonstrated in this post, there are many social impacts of tourism. Whilst some impacts are positive, most unfortunately are negative impacts.

Hopefully this post on the social impacts of tourism has helped you to think carefully about the impacts that your actions may have on the local community that you are visiting. I also hope that it has encouraged some deeper thinking with regards to issues such as globalisation, authenticity and standardisation.

If you are interested in learning more about topics such as this subscribe to my newsletter ! I send out travel tips, discount coupons and some material designed to get you thinking about the wider impacts of the tourism industry (like this post)- perfect for any tourism student or keen traveller!

As you can see, the social impacts of tourism are an important consideration for all industry stakeholders. Do you have any comments on the social impacts of tourism? Leave your comments below.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism IELTS Essay: Sample

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Updated on 27 January, 2024

Kanika Pruthi

Kanika Pruthi

Sr. content writer & study abroad expert.

Kanika Pruthi

You can readily check out the samples for the advantages and disadvantages of a tourism IELTS essay here. There are 40 minutes that you will get for completing the essay, with the minimum word count being 250. The upper limit is not present in most scenarios. Make sure that you check the samples carefully for the writing style.

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Question-  Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world .

Essay 1- 

In a time when globalization is sweeping the entire ecosystem, tourism has a crucial responsibility for developing global economies and nations. Nowadays, tourism is what makes widespread economic contributions to all countries, although there are a few negatives as well. This essay talks about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism before concluding with a final opinion. 

The biggest benefits of tourism are quite obvious, i.e., boosting the national GDP and economy and creating more employment for local citizens and communities. Tourists use diverse solutions while traveling, including booking hotels, flights, transportation, and guides. They also require food, shopping, and leisure while indulging in a wide gamut of other activities. This leads to extra income for thousands, which contributes handsomely to the country's economy. Tourism increases the GDP significantly and helps create more employment opportunities. People are always needed as tour guides, operators, booking agents, hotel and restaurant staff, transportation personnel, etc. Tourism thus has huge benefits to bring to the table for any country and its local population. 

Yet, there are some negatives of tourism as well. This includes the rampant damage of several well-known destinations and increased crime or illegal activities. The huge number of tourists thronging popular cultural and historical landmarks and monuments and other centers of pilgrimage lead to major structural and environmental damage. Along with this aspect, national resources are often overused and overexploited for handling this rush of tourists. At the same time, tourists bring their jewelry, money, and other expensive items, becoming targets for anti-social criminals and thieves, leading to a growth in illegal activities and crime. Hence, tourism has some disadvantages as well. However, the Government can take proactive steps to eliminate the same by providing more security and policing while maintaining popular monuments, tourist spots, and natural resources alike. 

To conclude, it can be said that while tourism does have specific disadvantages, it has a positive impact on livelihood, national economies, and overall employment. It also fosters cultural exchange, information gathering, and educational growth. Hence, while Governments may fix the negatives with proactive measures, the positives far outweigh them, in my opinion. (370 words)

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Tourism has witnessed rapid development over several decades, becoming a major industry worldwide. The global tourism sector is responsible for generating a major percentage of economic wealth for several countries. Most developing economies are also hugely dependent upon tourism for earning national income and the smooth operation of several business sectors and industries, along with maintaining their levels of employment generation. Yet, like every other sector and institution, tourism will always have some advantages and disadvantages. Hence, in this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of tourism in detail to have a balanced insight. 

The growth and development of global tourism naturally bring myriad benefits to entire cities, countries, and communities alike. Tourism is one of the biggest foreign exchange sources and boosts the monetary positions of countries by adding to their economy and GPD alike. Whenever tourists visit any other country, they usually use various services and products that enable industries such as hotels and hospitality, airlines, transportation, leisure, food and beverages, souvenirs, apparel, and more. Other benefits of tourism include better relationships and political equations amongst nations, easier travel regulations, and inter-cultural and socio-economic exchange, which fosters better understanding, knowledge, and education overall. Heritage is also promoted and understood by every country at a global level. 

However, there are several disadvantages of tourism as well. Growth in tourism means a higher chance of illegal activities and crime, especially theft, since tourists bring valuables in their wake. Secondly, foreign tourists often damage and vandalize places of national interest and importance. They often litter areas while damaging natural resources and beautiful spots simultaneously. They are often ignorant about social and legal conventions in foreign countries and end up violating the same in some situations. Tourism also opens up avenues for illegal migration and trading illegal items at times. However, despite all these disadvantages, I firmly believe that the advantages surpass them in every sense of the term. (339 words)

In conclusion, tourism undeniably plays a critical role in the global economy and cultural exchange, offering substantial benefits such as economic growth, cultural preservation, and international understanding. However, it also poses challenges including environmental impact, cultural commodification, and economic dependence. Balancing these advantages and disadvantages requires sustainable and responsible tourism practices that respect local cultures, protect natural environments, and promote equitable economic benefits. As the world continues to become increasingly interconnected, understanding and addressing the complexities of tourism is essential for preserving its positive impacts while mitigating its negative effects. This nuanced approach to tourism, embracing both its benefits and challenges, is key to ensuring that it remains a positive force in our global society. Read More About IELTS:

Reading sample test

What are the benefits and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world?

Tourism has many advantages in the contemporary world. It promotes global connections and cultural exchange while leading to more information dissemination and helps people experience and understand new things. It helps in new business opportunities, generates direct and indirect employment, adds to the GDP of the country and earnings of the region and its local people, promotes entrepreneurship and also works to promote the country globally. 

The disadvantages include pollution, littering, waste and a strain on the natural resources and infrastructure of the country. Tourism often leads to severe income dependency and may cause fluctuations in the future as a result. It often leads to crime going up in a country owing to the influx of different people. It may cause chaos and congestion as well. Sometimes, over-tourism makes it difficult to preserve and maintain natural and cultural heritage as well.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism IELTS essay?

You will have to answer the question given in the essay which goes as follows-  Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world . You will have to first provide an introduction talking about the question and your own opinion regarding the same. Then talk about the benefits of tourism in a paragraph, following it up with another paragraph on the negative aspects of tourism. You can then sign off with a conclusion.

What advantages can tourism bring to cities ielts?

You have to write about the distinct tourism advantages for cities. These include the fact that tourism infuses an economic boost for any city along with a steady flow of income and revenues for the Government. It adds to the city’s local economy, creates more jobs and entrepreneurship and also enables inter-cultural exchange and idea/information exchange. It helps a city showcase itself to the world, which brings more business and cultural collaborations in the future.

Why tourism is important for a country IELTS?

Tourism and travel have a huge contribution on the fortunes of any country. This is through not only higher employment and more revenues for the country (that it can spend on infrastructure development) but also through more entrepreneurship, global recognition of a country’s treasures, attractions and achievements and most importantly, the facilitation of cultural and social exchange amongst people of different nations. Travel and tourism plays a vital role in establishing a country’s role in the community of nations.

What are the structures for advantages and disadvantages of tourism essay?

You have to first talk about the given question in your introductory paragraph. You can then state your own opinion in brief about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism. You can then start off with a paragraph detailing the benefits offered by tourism and then talk about the disadvantages of tourism in your essay as well. Thereafter, once these two paragraphs are done, you can write a conclusion, spelling out the topic, your opinion and what you think should be the way forward. This is the basic structure that you can follow in this regard.

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Student Essays

Essay on tourism

9 Essays on Tourism [ Benefits & Importance of Tourism for a Country ]

Tourism is one of the major sectors in the economy of countries. The number of tourists that visit different countries is much more than those who do business or take up jobs there. Tourism has become a great source for generating revenue and also provides the opportunity to people to make friends with other nations.

It not only gives the people of different countries a chance to move around and explore their own world, but also enables people who come from different regions to know more about each other. Tourism provides even more importance when they gather in such places for international events like Olympics, Football World Cup and cultural festivals like Deepawali, Ganeshotsav etc.

Essay on Tourism | Meaning, Purpose, Benefits & Importance of Tourism

Tourism is traveling on holiday, or on a day trip, with the primary purpose of visiting one or more specific places. It includes activities such as sightseeing, exploring historic areas, visiting museums and other attractions. Tourism can be domestic or international travel.

Essay on tourism

The World Tourism Organization defines tourism more generally, in terms which go “beyond the common perception of tourism as being limited to holiday activity only”, as people “traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes”.

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Tourism typically brings large numbers of travelers into a given place, but can lead to substantial economic impacts locally. Visitors may also go to places (such as national parks) not mainly for recreation, but primarily to see the place. Tourism is often linked to other sectors such as employment, housing, and commerce.

Importance of Tourism for a Country

The tourism is important for economic development of a country because it bring large number of tourists in a country and also holds an instrument in promoting international relations. It contribute majorly to the economy and employment opportunities of a nation. Tourism has many benefits such as increase in per capita income, foreign reserves etc., Increase in education status, trade and commerce, employment opportunities, revenue for govt., Investment in various other sectors etc. Tourism can help to run the economy of a country by replacing the loss due to decrease in other source. It brings large number of visitor and investors which provide a positive impact on a country in terms of employment opportunities, import and export etc.

Benefits of Tourism

There are many benefits of tourism such as employment opportunities, increase in per capita income, foreign reserves, increase in education status, trade and commerce, investment in other sectors etc.

Tourism is a source of income because it help to improve the economy by increasing investors and tourists also help us to grow our economy by creating more jobs for unemployed people. When foreign companies expand business in our country it helps to create more jobs for unemployed people.

It creates awareness among peoples due to their intense interest, which result in more knowledge and learning about the culture of other countries. Tourism bring large number of visitors in a country which provide a positive impact on a country in terms of employment opportunities, import and export etc.

Tourism is important for economic development of a country because it brings large number of tourists in a country and also holds an instrument in promoting international relations.

Tourism has many benefits such as increase in per capita income, foreign reserves etc., Increase in education status, trade and commerce, employment opportunities, revenue for govt., Investment in various other sectors etc.

Tourism affect the lives of individuals because those who are below poverty line due to expensive traveling they can easily afford by availing tourism service which provides affordable opportunities to all people with different income level. Tourism also improves interpersonal relationship among countries because we got to know each other culture and traditions

Tourism affects life on individual level firstly it help an individual to boost their knowledge by visiting various places, attracting different cultures etc. Tourism has got various benefits on health issues like less stress, more relaxation and healthy life. Hence it helps to make a better future for themselves and others as well.

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In a nutshell, Tourism is needed by all countries to boost their economy and make themselves heard in the world. It brings large number of visitors in a country which provide a positive impact on a country in terms of employment opportunities, import and export etc.

Essay about Tourism Industry:

The tourism industry plays a significant role in the global economy, accounting for 10.4% of the world’s GDP and employing over 319 million people worldwide. It involves the movement of people from their place of residence to another destination for leisure, business, or other purposes.

One major factor driving the growth of the tourism industry is technological advancements, which have made travel more accessible and affordable. The rise of the sharing economy, with platforms such as Airbnb and Uber, has also contributed to the growth by providing travelers with alternative accommodation and transportation options.

Moreover, governments around the world have recognized the potential of tourism and have invested in developing their countries’ infrastructure to attract visitors. This includes building new hotels, improving transportation networks, and preserving cultural landmarks .

Tourism not only contributes to the economy but also promotes cultural exchange and understanding between different countries and cultures. It allows people to experience new cultures, taste exotic cuisine, and learn about different customs and traditions. This can lead to a better understanding and appreciation of diversity.

However, the tourism industry also has its downsides. Over-tourism in popular destinations can cause strain on the environment and local communities. This can lead to issues such as overcrowding, pollution, and displacement of locals.

In conclusion, the tourism industry has both positive and negative impacts on society and the economy. It is important for governments and stakeholders to work together to ensure sustainable growth in the industry while preserving the cultural and environmental integrity of popular destinations. Responsible travel practices should also be promoted to minimize the negative effects of tourism.

Short Essay on Tourism:

Tourism is the activity of visiting places for pleasure or business reasons. It plays a major role in the economy of many countries and provides employment opportunities to millions of people. Tourism includes activities such as sightseeing, hiking, camping, and cultural experiences.

One of the main benefits of tourism is that it promotes cultural exchange between different countries. Tourists get to learn about new cultures, traditions, and customs while locals get to interact with people from different parts of the world.

Moreover, tourism also contributes to the preservation of historical and cultural sites. Tourists bring in revenue which can be used for the maintenance and restoration of these sites, ensuring they are preserved for future generations.

On the downside, mass tourism can have negative impacts on the environment and local communities. Overcrowding, pollution, and destruction of natural habitats are some of the consequences of irresponsible tourism.

Therefore, it is important for both tourists and governments to practice sustainable tourism in order to minimize these negative impacts. This involves being mindful of the environment, respecting local cultures and traditions, and supporting the local economy.

In conclusion, while tourism has its pros and cons, it is an important industry that has the potential to bring people from different backgrounds together and boost economic growth. It is crucial for all stakeholders to work towards responsible and sustainable tourism in order to ensure its long-term benefits for both the local communities and the environment.

Importance of Tourism Essay:

Tourism is an industry that involves traveling to different places for leisure, pleasure or business purposes. It has become a major source of income and employment in many countries around the world. In fact, tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries globally, with millions of people traveling and exploring new destinations every year.

One of the main reasons why tourism is important is because it contributes greatly to the economy of a country. Tourists bring in revenue through spending on accommodation, food, transportation and other activities. This money then goes towards supporting local businesses and communities, creating job opportunities and improving infrastructure.

Moreover, tourism also helps preserve cultural heritage and promotes cultural exchange between different countries. When people travel to new places, they learn about different cultures, traditions and ways of life. This not only broadens their perspective but also creates understanding and appreciation for different cultures.

Another significant benefit of tourism is that it can alleviate poverty in developing countries. By providing employment opportunities, particularly in rural areas, tourism can help lift people out of poverty and improve their standard of living. It also encourages the preservation of natural resources, as tourists are more likely to support sustainable and responsible tourism practices.

Furthermore, tourism plays a crucial role in boosting international trade and investment. By attracting visitors from other countries, tourism can increase the demand for local products and services, leading to an increase in exports and foreign investment. This also helps improve the balance of payments of a country.

In conclusion, tourism is an essential industry that has numerous benefits for both the travelers and the destinations they visit. It not only contributes to economic growth but also promotes cultural exchange, preserves natural resources, and supports local communities. Hence, it is crucial for governments to invest in promoting and developing sustainable tourism practices to ensure its continued success and benefits for all involved.

Tourism Essay Advantages & Disadvantages:

Tourism is the act of traveling to a different location for leisure, recreation or business purposes. It is an important part of our economy and has become increasingly popular over the years. In this essay, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tourism.


  • Boosts Economy: Tourism brings in revenue and creates job opportunities for local communities. The money spent by tourists on accommodation, food, and activities goes into the local economy and helps in its development.
  • Cultural Exchange: Tourism allows people from different cultures to interact with each other, promoting understanding and acceptance. It also gives locals an opportunity to showcase their customs, traditions, and way of life to visitors.
  • Preservation of Heritage Sites: Tourists often visit historical or cultural sites, which helps in their preservation and maintenance. This not only benefits the local community but also contributes to the country’s cultural identity.
  • Infrastructure Development: To cater to tourists’ needs, governments often invest in improving infrastructure such as roads, transportation, and public facilities. This infrastructure can benefit locals even after the tourist season ends.
  • Employment Opportunities: The tourism industry generates a variety of job opportunities, ranging from hotel staff to tour guides. This provides employment for locals and reduces the unemployment rate in a country.


  • Environmental Impact: The influx of tourists can have a negative impact on the environment, such as pollution and damage to natural habitats.
  • Exploitation of Local Communities: In some cases, tourism can lead to exploitation of local communities, especially in underdeveloped areas. This includes unfair wages and displacement of locals from their homes.
  • Overcrowding: Popular tourist destinations often become overcrowded, causing inconvenience for both tourists and locals. It also puts a strain on resources and can result in increased prices for essential goods and services.
  • Cultural Appropriation: Sometimes, tourists may not respect the local culture and engage in activities that are offensive or disrespectful. This can lead to a loss of cultural identity for the locals.
  • Dependence on Tourism: Some countries heavily rely on tourism as their main source of income, which makes them vulnerable to economic downturns and natural disasters.

In conclusion, while tourism brings many benefits, it also has its drawbacks. It is important for governments and locals to strike a balance between development and preservation, ensuring that tourism is sustainable and beneficial for all parties involved. As individuals, we should also be responsible tourists and respect the culture, environment, and people of the places we visit.

Essay on Tourism in Manipur:

Tourism is a major industry in Manipur, a state located in Northeast India. It is known for its scenic beauty, rich culture and traditions, and warm hospitality. Tourism has been growing steadily in Manipur over the years, thanks to the efforts of the state government and private organizations.

One of the main attractions of Manipur is its natural beauty. The state is home to many picturesque valleys, hills, lakes, and waterfalls. The Loktak Lake, which is the largest freshwater lake in Northeast India, is a popular tourist spot. Tourists can also enjoy trekking in the lush green forests of Manipur or go on a wildlife safari in one of its national parks.

Apart from its natural beauty, Manipur is also known for its rich cultural heritage. The state is home to various ethnic groups, each with their own unique customs and traditions. Tourists can witness these vibrant cultures through the numerous festivals celebrated in the state, such as the Manipur Sangai Festival, which showcases the rich tradition and culture of the state.

Moreover, tourism has also played a crucial role in boosting the economy of Manipur. It has created job opportunities for the locals and generated revenue for the state. The government has taken several initiatives to promote tourism in Manipur by improving infrastructure, promoting eco-tourism, and collaborating with private organizations.

However, the tourism industry in Manipur still faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, lack of promotion at the national level, and political instability. But despite these challenges, the state continues to attract tourists from all over the world.

In conclusion, tourism in Manipur has tremendous potential for growth and development. It not only showcases the natural beauty and rich culture of the state but also contributes to its economic growth. With proper planning and support from the government and private sector, Manipur can become a top tourist destination in Northeast India

Essay on Tourism in Pakistan:

Tourism is an important industry in Pakistan. It plays a significant role in the country’s economy and has great potential for growth. Pakistan offers diverse landscapes, rich culture, and historical sites that attract tourists from all over the world.

One of the most popular tourist destinations in Pakistan is the northern areas, known for its breathtaking mountain ranges, lush green valleys, and crystal clear lakes. It is also home to the world’s second-highest peak, K2.

In addition to natural beauty, Pakistan also has a rich cultural heritage that fascinates tourists. The ancient ruins of Mohenjo-Daro and Taxila are major attractions for history lovers. The country is also home to various religious sites such as the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and the Faisal Mosque in Islamabad.

However, tourism in Pakistan has faced challenges due to security concerns and negative media portrayal. The government has taken several initiatives to promote tourism and improve security measures for tourists. These efforts have shown positive results, with an increase in the number of international visitors in recent years.

In conclusion, Pakistan has a lot to offer for tourists, from scenic landscapes to cultural and historical experiences. With proper promotion and security measures, tourism in Pakistan has the potential to become a major contributor to the country’s economy. Therefore, it is important for all stakeholders to work together to showcase the beauty of Pakistan and make it a must-visit destination for travelers.

Global Tourism Essay:

Tourism is a rapidly growing industry that has a significant impact on economies around the world. It involves the movement of people from one place to another for leisure, business, or other purposes. With increased transportation options and improved connectivity, travel has become easier and more affordable, leading to an increase in global tourism.

The growth of global tourism has brought numerous benefits to countries, including job creation, infrastructure development, and cultural exchange. Many developing countries rely heavily on tourism as a major source of income. In 2019, travel and tourism directly contributed 3.4% to the global GDP and provided employment to over 330 million people worldwide.

However, the rapid growth of global tourism also presents challenges that need to be addressed. One of the major concerns is the negative impact on the environment. The high demand for travel has led to an increase in carbon emissions, pollution, and overconsumption of resources.

Another challenge is the issue of overtourism, which occurs when there are too many tourists in a destination, leading to overcrowding, damage to local ecosystems, and strain on resources. The COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in travel restrictions and border closures, highlighted the vulnerability of the tourism industry to external factors.

To ensure sustainable growth of global tourism, it is important for countries to implement responsible tourism practices. This involves promoting cultural sensitivity, preserving natural resources, and minimizing the negative impact on local communities. Governments must also work together to develop policies that balance economic benefits with environmental protection.

Essay on Tourism in India:

India is a country known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and warm hospitality. It has been one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in the world due to its vibrant colors, breathtaking natural beauty, and fascinating history.

Tourism in India has played a significant role in contributing to the country’s economy and providing employment opportunities. According to a report by the World Travel and Tourism Council, India’s travel and tourism industry generated 9.2% of the country’s total GDP in 2018, creating around 42 million jobs.

The diverse landscapes of India make it a perfect destination for all kinds of travelers. From the snow-capped mountains in the North to the tranquil backwaters in South, from the bustling cities to the serene beaches, India has something to offer for every type of tourist. The country is also home to many UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as the Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, and Hampi. These historical monuments not only attract tourists but also serve as a window into India’s rich cultural past.

Apart from its natural and cultural beauty, India is also known for its spiritual tourism. With a vast array of temples, mosques, and churches, India has been a destination for people seeking spiritual enlightenment for centuries. The ancient cities of Varanasi and Rishikesh are famous pilgrimage sites for Hindus, while the Golden Temple in Amritsar attracts thousands of Sikh devotees every year.

Another unique aspect of tourism in India is its rich cuisine. Each region in India has its distinctive flavors, aromas, and cooking techniques that will leave any food lover craving for more. From the mouth-watering chaats of Delhi to the spicy curries of South India, from the delicious seafood dishes of Goa to the exotic biryanis of Lucknow, Indian cuisine offers an explosion of taste and a gastronomic delight.

India has also emerged as a popular destination for medical tourism due to its cost-effective and advanced medical treatments. People from all over the world come to India seeking affordable medical care, making it one of the fastest-growing segments in the country’s tourism industry.

In conclusion, tourism in India is a vast and ever-growing industry that offers diverse experiences for travelers. With its rich culture, natural beauty, spiritual destinations, and delicious cuisine, India has something for everyone. It is no wonder that the country continues to attract millions of tourists each year and will continue to do so in the future. So, if you are planning your next vacation, India should definitely be on your list! Happy travels!

Essay on Tourism in Nepal:

Nepal is a country situated in South Asia and one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. It is known for its breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and spiritual atmosphere. The tourism industry plays a significant role in Nepal’s economy, contributing to around 8% of the country’s GDP.

One of the main attractions of Nepal is its majestic Himalayan mountain range, including Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world. This has made Nepal a popular destination for trekking and mountaineering enthusiasts from all over the globe. The country is also home to numerous national parks and conservation areas, making it a perfect location for wildlife lovers.

Apart from its natural beauty, Nepal is famous for its diverse cultural heritage and traditions. The country has a vibrant culture, and its people are known for their warm hospitality. Nepal is home to numerous ancient temples, monasteries, and historical sites that showcase the rich history of the country. It is also a melting pot of different religions, with Hinduism and Buddhism being the major ones.

Tourism in Nepal has significantly contributed to the country’s development, providing employment opportunities to thousands of people. It has also helped in preserving and promoting the country’s culture and heritage, as tourists are drawn towards these aspects of Nepal. Tourists also contribute to the local economy by purchasing souvenirs and traditional handicrafts.

However, like any other tourist destination, Nepal also faces challenges in managing tourism sustainably. The government has taken several measures to minimize the negative impacts of tourism on the environment and local communities.

It has implemented strict regulations for trekking and mountaineering activities to preserve its fragile mountain ecosystem. The government is also promoting eco-tourism, which focuses on preserving and protecting natural areas while providing economic benefits to the local communities.

In conclusion, Nepal is a country that offers something for everyone. From its spectacular mountain ranges to its vibrant culture, there is no shortage of things to explore in this beautiful country. However, it is essential to remember the responsibility that comes with being a tourist and to travel sustainably so that future generations can also enjoy the wonders of Nepal.

Q: How do you start a tourism essay?

A: Start a tourism essay with an engaging introduction that presents the topic and its relevance, often with a hook or a brief overview of what the essay will cover.

Q: How do you write a tourist essay?

A: To write a tourist essay, choose a specific aspect of tourism to focus on, such as its economic impact, cultural significance, or environmental consequences. Research your topic and present a clear argument or analysis.

Q: What is tourism in 100 words?

A: Tourism is a global industry encompassing the travel of people to destinations away from their usual place of residence. It involves various activities, such as sightseeing, recreation, and cultural experiences. Tourism plays a crucial role in many economies, promoting cultural exchange, creating jobs, and generating revenue. However, it can also have negative environmental and social impacts, making sustainable tourism practices important.

Q: What is the meaning of tourism in an essay?

A: In an essay, the meaning of tourism refers to the comprehensive understanding and analysis of the tourism industry, encompassing its various aspects, impacts, and significance, often with a specific focus or argument related to tourism.

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Home > Books > Tourism

Contribution of Domestic Tourism to Sustainable Tourism Development

Submitted: 16 June 2020 Reviewed: 19 August 2020 Published: 01 December 2020

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.93646

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Edited by Syed Abdul Rehman Khan

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Tourism literature is awash with evidence of the value of domestic tourism to the tourism industry in general. However; there is limited knowledge of how domestic tourism is contributing towards sustainable tourism development especially in developing countries. This study explored the contribution of domestic tourism to sustainable tourism development in Zimbabwe, one developing country in Southern Africa. Using qualitative methodologies, data were collected and thematically analysed. The study revealed that domestic tourism has both positive and negative contributions to sustainable tourism development in unique ways. In conclusion, it was noted that without domestic tourism, Zimbabwe as a tourism destination would be struggling to grow its tourism product offering and expand its market share on the global tourism market.

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Forbes kabote *.

  • Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe

*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]

1. Introduction

This chapter explores the contribution of domestic tourism to sustainable tourism development. In depth, interviews with 25 domestic tourists and 20 tourism suppliers from Harare, Bulawayo, Victoria Falls and Kariba revealed positive and negative contributions of domestic tourism to sustainable tourism development. Positive contributions of domestic tourism to sustainable tourism development were in the form of destination exposition, destination appreciation and economic development. Notable negative contributions were on destination degradation and low economic value.

2. Positive contributions of domestic tourism to sustainable tourism development

Positive contributions are those facets that seem to be adding value to the long-term sustenance of the destination and the tourism industry. A number of positive contributions portray domestic tourism as a vital dimension upon which to attain sustainable tourism development. These include destination exposition, destination appreciation and economic development.

2.1 Destination exposition

Destination exposition is when a community plays a part in ensuring that the destination becomes popular within and outside the local community. Well-travelled local people expose destinations visited to other tourism stakeholders such as inbound tourists, potential investors and government departments. According to Bessière [ 1 ], knowledgeable local people have a habit of taking new people who visit an area to local attractions they are familiar with. For example, David Livingstone was shown Mosi-oa-Tunya by knowledgeable local people [ 2 ]. He later wrote about it and renamed it to Victoria Falls. Today Victoria Falls is among a number of attractions that were exposed to foreigners by well-informed local people. Destinations like Victoria Falls and the wildlife sanctuaries around it became key attractions and destinations to regional and international tourists to Zimbabwe [ 2 ].

In order to expose tourism destinations to the outside world, domestic tourists assume various positions and functions within the tourism industry such as being information bureaus, ambassadors, role models and tour guides to attractions and destinations within their communities.

2.1.1 Domestic tourists as information bureaus

Domestic tourists act as information rich, well-researched and travelled unofficial information bureaus to potential tourists both domestic and international (see [ 3 , 4 ]). They provide informal information through word of mouth and personal experiences that is not regulated, not packaged, free, available anywhere and anytime to both active and potential tourists. Domestic tourists as information bureaus are not place and time restricted providing inbound tourists with alternative sources of information.

Inbound tourists rely on unprocessed information gained through word of mouth when making travel decisions as they believe it to be the truth as compared to neatly packaged information from official information bureaus (see [ 5 ]). Tourists become more informed on the prevailing environment at the destinations keeping them up to date with changes that might affect their tourism experience. In so doing they become informed travellers which is critical for tourism development.

2.1.2 Domestic tourists as tourism ambassadors

Local people who travel outside their country become default tourism ambassadors when called upon to talk about tourism in their country to people they meet outside their usual area of residence [ 6 ]. Local people leave the country temporarily or permanently.

As temporary travellers, local people need to know their country better to allow them to answer any question foreigners may ask. This way they would be able to sell their country by giving factual information based on the personal experience. Such information on destinations and attractions generates curiosity among the foreigners who would want to visit the country in future widening the tourism base for the destination country.

Local people have also migrated to other countries in search of wealth and found value in foreign lands. In the case of Zimbabwe, these are the bulk that visits Zimbabwean destinations during their own holidays as international tourists. This implies that when they left the country they did not have sufficient resources which could be used for tourism purposes but now can afford to travel for tourism purposes. This is better understood through Reed’s [ 7 ] insights derived from African Americans born of slave trade parents who see tourism to Africa as an opportunity to connect with their past. Diasporeans visit local attractions along with friends and relatives to whom they explain their own experiences in foreign lands and how foreigners travel in their own country and abroad. This would inspire local people to also want to travel creating a strong foundation for future tourism from both domestic and international tourists.

Diasporians usually visit renowned destinations that their foreign friends hear, talk, enquire about and probably have visited in the past. This allows them to familiarise themselves with these destinations in order to convince their foreign friends that they too know their own country. However, fairly unknown destinations are also popular with domestic tourists.

Some tour operators believe that if well advertised to domestic tourists, small destinations have potential to have large volumes of tourists both domestic and internationals through referrals. This draws a comparison between efforts being employed by authorities in advertising small and big destinations in the country. There is too much attention on big destinations that are frequented by international tourists at the expense of small destinations common with domestic tourists. This deliberate neglect of small destination development is counter sustainable tourism development as domestic tourists are known as more influential in building future tourists to any destination through referrals (see [ 8 ]). The others would feel being left out and also visit these places to experience them for themselves expressing the egoistic tendencies inherent among human beings (see [ 9 ]).

2.1.3 Domestic tourists as role models

Domestic tourists also assume the position of role models and ones to set the pace for inbound tourists by first visiting local attractions and destinations. This creates curiosity among potential tourists from other areas who would also want to visit these attractions and destinations. The trend of inbound tourists following domestic tourists supports Hudson and Ritchie’s [ 8 ] argument that domestic tourism provides the bedrock for sustainable tourism development in any destination as more tourists are inspired to visit the local destination in future.

2.1.4 Domestic tourists as tour guides

Through domestic tourism local people assume tour guiding roles. Knowledgeable local people lead inbound tourists around showing them local attractions every time they receive visitors not familiar with the local attractions. The provision of tour guiding services by local people reinforces information sharing through social exchange (see [ 10 ]). This gives a positive image of the conduct of local people which inbound tourists would take back home, share with friends and relatives widening the base for future tourism to the destination.

2.2 Destination appreciation

Attraction and destination attractiveness is built by the people who see value in the attraction and destination, retain the value and sell it so that others would also appreciate them (see [ 11 , 12 ]). Host communities seem to share similar views in that Zimbabweans have developed a higher level of appreciating beauty in objects they used to take for granted. The various views seem to agree on a number of ways in which destinations are appreciated by the stakeholders. Destination appreciation is exhibited through local people being active participants in tourism, their degree of tolerance, conduct of stakeholders at destinations, sense of ownership, management style and the development of tourists.

2.2.1 Active participation

Well-travelled local people help form a stakeholder inclusive tourism industry that guarantees customer satisfaction preparing ground for future tourists to the destination in tandem with the stakeholder theory [ 13 ]. Informed local people have become more welcoming to the tourists as they appreciate them more through active participation in tourism as tourees or tourists. Local people see more value in hosting tourists in their communities. They see value in sharing information, ideas and experiences. They know what kind of stories to share with tourists and where to take them. They even have an appreciation of the different tourists’ expectations hence they are better prepared to handle them.

Unlike in the past where travelling was restricted and associated with foreigners especially those from the west, these days there is a notable paradigm shift where an increasing number of local people are participating in tourism. Over the years, local people have come to realise the economic and social value of tourism for their communities and themselves through interaction with foreigners, observing them going on holidays and their psychological needs and desire to understand the environment in which people live in and how they came to be what they are.

This implies that travelling for leisure is contagious (see [ 14 ]). When people talk about their experiences or excitedly show off pictures and souvenirs obtained during their holidays, they inspire others to also want to travel. In the process, everyone will become part of the wave as people seek to be seen as moving along with times and being modernised. Modernisation theory which argues that everyone seeks to leave behind old obsolete ways of life to modern inspiring ways of life (see [ 15 ]) better explains this thrust.

2.2.2 Tolerance

During domestic tourism, people go to new places they are not familiar with where they interact with people whose way of life they do not know. They make friends with some even getting married. The development of long-term relationships during the interaction from being pure strangers to general friends into marriage partners reinforces the arguments of the uncertainty reduction theory as applied in tourism (see [ 16 , 17 ]). This cements a once sceptical relationship with unfamiliar people, customs and values into a common ground or contact upon which future travellers to these places make use of. This increases the tourists’ confidence to engage with the hosts fully aware that they have some common ground upon which to build better relationships.

However, it is not easy to build such relationships especially in a multilingual countries, for example in Zimbabwe there 16 official languages [ 18 ]. Language ignorance and counter accusations between different ethnicities aggravate animosity between domestic tourists and host communities especially when one visits areas that do not speak the same language as that of the tourist (see [ 19 ]). However, with more combined efforts, such diversity can be turned around into an advantage where the ethnic groups would visit each other as domestic tourists. This would help ethnic groups to better appreciate each other and hence lead to societal integration, peace and nation building. A situation that is ideal for tourism development in any country as tourists do not want to visit volatile destinations that they perceive as risky (see [ 20 ]).

2.2.3 Tourists conduct

Host communities were able to distinguish the attractions that appeals to international tourists compared to those that appeals to domestic tourists through their conduct. Foreigners are believed to have more respect and place more value on local attractions because they have more curiosity as compared to domestic tourists. The attraction is bound to be new and a spectacle to a foreigner; hence, it generates a lot of interest, the need to understand the phenomena and how the local people live with such spectacular attractions.

On the other hand, domestic tourists seem to be excited when exposed to new attractions they are not familiar with in their everyday life. Some families in big cities grew only exposed to urban settings without any exposure to the life outside towns hence they have greater desire to explore the countryside. To them, all the flora and fauna make an exciting encounter, hence the increase in photo safaris. With increasing value in the attractions from both domestic and international tourists, the need to conserve them increases aiding in attaining sustainable tourism development.

2.2.4 Ownership of attractions and destinations

Local people feel they are part of the local cultures on display. As such they develop greater respect for historical and cultural attractions as compared to foreign tourists (see [ 21 ]). This helps maintaining the curiosity of the inbound tourist. The differences in approach and understanding of local values and rituals have had effects on tourists and tourism. For example, in Zimbabwe, there are both domestic and international tourists that disappeared in Mount Nyangani making the mountain a dark tourism site.

To date, there is no agreed explanation as to how these people disappeared. According to Mupira [ 22 ], the scientific explanation points to quicksands believed to be burying people though it has not been proven so. On the contrary, local people attributed the disappearing of people to angry spirits (see [ 22 ]).

It seems though that both the tourists and local people believe the local people’s theories as exhibited by their actions. For example, before climbing Mount Nyangani, tourists consult local traditional leadership. The traditional leadership is perceived as the owners and custodians of local culture and values. The myths around the disappearance of people in Mount Nyangani present local communities with an opportunity to interact with inbound tourists. They use their knowledge of local systems as part of the broader national systems to share safety practices required by tourists for one to have a successful hike in the mountain. Knowledge exchange is based on indigenous knowledge systems [ 23 ] where local values need to be respected. Strict adherence to dos and do nots while at sacred places are agreed to as the best way of touring sacred places. Employment is created where local people act as tour guides for climbers where their knowledge of the area increases the success of such hikes. This would influence more climbers to visit this place in future knowing that it has become safer through engaging knowledgeable local people.

Dark tourism sites have gained international attention. People visit to experience the dark encounters and remember their loved ones who disappeared in these places. Some tourists will be trying to understand spirituality and ritualism practiced by local people believed to have power over what is happening at the sites (see [ 24 ]). Anthropologists will also seek explanations to the mysteries around the disappearance of people at these places. The continued polarisation of the two perceptions would keep the myth ongoing and the destination attracting more tourists.

In other incidences, through domestic tourism, local people have come to realise the value of resources available in their communities. This is a manifestation of the realisation that each area is unique in its offerings to the tourism industry and the need to have responsible local people. Host communities should take care of resources available within their communities by practicing sustainable resource utilisation, for example when fishing.

Domestic tourists felt that tourism was part of their heritage. This portrayed tourism as an inherent phenomenon that was practiced since time immemorial, visiting and enjoying the God-given attractions. However, the difference could be that unlike foreigners who travel and spend some days in some foreign land, domestic tourists do not cross international borders to be tourists. Instead, domestic tourists travel to get their mind together and in the process will be admiring nature and being healed by nature as tourists for the duration of their experience. Domestic tourists benefit personally from tourism just like their international counterparts. A situation which is better understood through the tourist gaze concept which argues that one does not necessarily need to spend at least a day away from home to be a tourist, but rather it is the engagement in touristic activities that makes one a tourist (see [ 25 , 26 ]).

2.2.5 Destination management

To continue gaining tourism benefits, authorities that manage destinations especially dark tourism sites like Nyanga are investing more in scientific ways of ensuring the safety of tourists to these destinations. For example, to increase the safety of tourists to Mount Nyangani, the following may be adopted. Tourists to fully charge their cellular phones have torches with new batteries and spare batteries, be accompanied by a trained tour guide and encouraged to stick to walkways cleared by the authorities, avail and ensure all tourists wear reflective jackets, carry whistles and bells to aid in rescue mission in the event of someone disappearing.

Adherence to the rules is expected to maximise chances of successful trips and enjoyable experiences opening the destination to more risky averse tourists who are not comfortable visiting under the current conditions. These would visit in future as it becomes clearer through testimonies of how others have experienced dark tourism attraction site.

2.2.6 Development of tourists

Building on Urry and Larsen [ 26 ] tourist gaze concept, one can argue that domestic tourism is made up of various building blocks as local people appreciate the value of tourism and its healing power. This gives the impression that at first local people just walk around within their communities unaware that they are actually being tourists in the process, later they explore further afield before travelling internationally as ‘tourists’. Figure 1 shows the development stages and degree of tourism formalisation matrix.

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Tourist development and formalisation matrix.

Tourists undergo four stages of development that build on each other without clear cut off point but rather a gradual change. This is better appreciated through the lenses of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory [ 27 ] that argues that a satisfied need is no longer a motivator hence desire to go for another higher order unsatisfied need. Equally tourists start by exploring their local communities before going further afield. Through exposure they are motivated to explore more and further away from their local community and there is need for the right political and economic environment to prevail before that can happen.

The four stages identified in tourist development are when one is a backyard domestic tourist, micro domestic tourist, macro domestic tourist and international tourist.

2.2.7 Backyard domestic tourists

Backyard domestic tourists are local people who go out of their homes for some moments for leisure. They forget their everyday challenges without spending anything in tandem with the tourist gaze concept (see [ 26 ]). Everything being done at this stage is informal with people going out for different social reasons like managing domestic disputes as given by respondent 17 who said ‘When you have a problem even at home with Madam (wife) you go for a breath of fresh air’. This portrayed backyard domestic tourists as mainly individuals seeking to rest and in need of time to recollect themselves and strategise on challenges they are facing.

In backyard domestic tourism are also young couples hiding from communal eyes especially during courtship. Young people would wonder off the beaten path in search of privacy and seclusion. It is during these moments that attractions are discovered as people wonder off from home. These new attractions become the bedrock of future tourism as tourists graduate from backyard purely informal domestic tourists towards formal international tourists going beyond their own country’s borders.

2.2.8 Micro domestic tourists

Micro domestic tourists are local people who would be fully aware of attractions within their locality. They would take time to visit them. They would take along friends and relatives who would have visited them but not familiar with local attractions. Local people would explain to the visitors the various stories associated with the attractions. Some would even take their families for a day visit at these attractions for picnics [ 25 ].

At this stage local people would also visit official tourism sites located within their communities where they will have to pay to access the attraction. Thus, as one goes up from being a backyard domestic tourist towards being an international tourist, they become more formal. However, at this stage, local people would be spending the day out and come back the same day. Distance covered is subject to the exact location of the attraction though distance is not the key variable but the activities one does during that time when they are tourists. Typically they are recognised in tourism as excursionists though Urry and Larsen [ 26 ] and Cohen and Cohen [ 28 ] describe them as informal domestic tourists whilst Canavan [ 25 ] refers to them as micro domestic tourists.

2.2.9 Macro domestic tourists

On the third level are the macro domestic tourists who take their time to visit attractions within their country but beyond their locality. They spend some time travelling to and from the destination and within the destination [ 25 ].

Apart from the attraction, these tourists also need such facilities like guest houses, lodges, hotels and restaurants. They spend at least a day at the destination to enjoy. They pay for almost everything they need to use and enjoy at the destination contributing to the formal tourism industry. At this stage, all they do is formal qualifying them to be called domestic tourists as they are restricted within the boundaries of the country.

2.2.10 International tourists

The fourth and last stage is when tourists are now travelling beyond the boundaries of their country making them international tourists. At this stage, everything is formal and demands for proper planning and coordination as the people would need to cross borders, deal with foreigners, use foreign language and face unfamiliar economic, political and social environment.

The four stages of tourist development give insights into how domestic tourism can be nurtured according to the resource base of the various tourists. Those with minimal income being encouraged to stick to recreation at local attractions like community recreation areas. Whilst those with more money are encouraged to explore their country further before going international.

When local people evolve from backyard domestic tourists to international tourists they tend to have a better understanding of tourism and tourism resources. As a result they register behaviour change where they become active participants in tourism resource conservation aiding in environmental sustainable tourism development of the destination. Local people would come together and work with other interested parties to conserve nature for their own good and the good of others, present and future generations inclusive ensuring that tourism will thrive into the future satisfying the intergeneration sustainability of the tourism industry. Figure 2 explains how local people and other organisations are working together in conservation.

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Example of mutual effort in conservation.

This gives a community based resource management approach that all stakeholders are part of. With all conservation resources being donated by others, local people will also see value in the same resources as they also seek to understand why someone from as far as Australia would be interested in saving their God given natural resources. Tourism resources are protected from potential threats like poachers ensuring their continued existence into the future. At the same time allowing for coordinated harvesting of such resources in a manner that benefits all stakeholders through such facilities like CAMPFIRE ( Figure 3 ).

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CAMPFIRE activities on resource management in Zimbabwe.

Communities have benefitted from resources within their vicinity through infrastructural developments and employment creation [ 29 ]. This has motivated communities to conserve the resources that will benefit future stakeholders.

Accessibility concerns which can take the form of roads, rail, air, information, technology are real and of concern especially in remote destinations. With rural areas offering the bulk of tourist attractions Government is under pressure to make them accessible as a way of improving tourism (see [ 30 ]). Local people have structures designed to address their concerns. These include local councils, members of parliament and relevant ministries. Addressing accessibility concerns will benefit both present and future domestic and international tourists to the destination as the infrastructure developed to support them will last for some time and have long term effects to the communities and the tourism industry.

Domestic tourism allows local people to understand the different cultures among the indigenous people of a country. Tourists now understand that one has to enjoy the differences than destroy the other people and their culture. They should also help to conserve the other culture for everyone to enjoy from such cultures in future.

2.3 Attraction authenticity

Attraction authenticity is when an attraction remains consistent over time offering same benefits in the same manner as originally presented. On its own, Zimbabwe is believed to be a sustainable tourism destination as it still has its attractions intact. Zimbabwe still has its culture, flora, fauna, food, mountains and rivers unadulterated through modernisation. For example, animals are still available in the natural wilderness not zoos.

The continued practices of traditional cultures provide cultural tourists with essential attractions to enjoy. In the process allowing them to time travel back into the days when the same cultures were experienced by their forefathers through re-enactment of the experiences and listening to stories about the cultures (see [ 7 ]). Serving organic foods creates demand from healthy conscious tourists and food tourists. Making Zimbabwe a dream destination to visit that will satisfy their needs.

There are many other natural attractions available in the country that domestic tourists have helped to develop and maintain for the benefit of both current and future stakeholders. Even after the historic fast track land reform programme, there are new farmers who are investing in wildlife conservation as Zimbabweans realise that wild animals have more value from the tourism industry than just having meat. One such investor said:

I wanted to venture into game parking industry so I wanted to learn more about animals which can survive in this climate in Zimbabwe so I could adopt knowledge. I have a small area where the former white farmer used to have a game reserve that I want to revive (Domestic Tourist 7).

These actions are indicative of a people that have realised their mistakes. Mistakes of destroying once vibrant game reserves and now have to revive them. This is indicative of the weaknesses of the fast track land reform programme. The programme that was adopted without due diligence on the possible short-, medium- and long term implications on communities and other stakeholders like the flora and fauna in the former white owned farms [ 31 ] which has bearing on environmental and economic sustainability of sustainable tourism development in the country.

In addition domestic tourists are helping in the discovery of new attractions with tourism value potential for the industry when they give feedback as to how visitor facilities and experiences may be improved, provide information that links different tourism sites in different parts of the country to give a complete story on available attractions.

By alerting authorities to the existence of local attractions with potential value to the tourism industry, domestic tourists are perceived as helpful in the development of tourism resource base enriching the tourism basket. Stories of how places are connected and developed establishing trails that help explain movements of earlier inhabitants of the country. For example through carbon dating, archaeological studies and fork tales educationists have been able to link Great Zimbabwe ruins in Zimbabwe with Mapungubwe Ruins in South Africa and many other ruins in Zimbabwe. As having been built by people of same origin that shared same ancestry. From cultural trails, authorities will be able to develop tourism trails through the related facilities providing a complete tour package to tourists interested in such related attractions and generating more economic benefits and enriching the social fabric of the local people hence aiding in the economic and social sustainability of the destination.

2.4 Economic development

Domestic tourism is a key driver of local economic development in destination regions [ 32 , 33 , 34 ]. The economic benefits of domestic tourism are felt everywhere where people visit and congregate for some time. Economic benefits cuts across informal and formal domestic tourism with some being direct whilst others are indirect.

Local economy is sustained by combined investment and expenditure of local and incoming visitors. Domestic tourists use money to buy tourism goods and services like artefacts to take back home from vendors, sleep in hotels, eat in restaurants and undertake activities. Profits generated are expected to benefit the local community through Corporate Social Responsibility by having tourism organisations donating to the local communities. Once happy with income from tourism the local communities would embrace tourism in their community making tourists feel welcome in these areas and reduce animosity and hostility towards the tourism industry. This situation is better understood through Doxey’s Irridex Model (1975) where host communities and tourists interaction is normally antagonistic at first but improves as trust between the parties improves through continued interaction and flow of mutual benefits.

Profits generated in a destination are also expected to be used to develop the destination. Unfortunately it seems there is mismatch between what people believe they are paying for and what they are seeing on the ground. Interestingly local authorities were observed taking action such as repaired all the roads, filling pot holes and sometimes resurfacing a whole stretch. Street lights that last worked years ago were repaired. New bins were bought and placed at strategic places all over town. Grass was cut, rubbish picked from lawns and streets and regular refuse collection was done leaving the town clean.

These activities clearly show that the authorities have the ability to make the situation better in destinations but have little regard for the ordinary citizen and or tourist. Despite that they need the support of both local people and tourists to survive. This call for a massive paradigm shift in the way local authorities manage councils and provide services to both local people and tourists.

On the other hand, having MICE tourism whether domestic or international graced by the President helps in improving service delivery at destinations. The facilities presumably put to impress the President will remain well after the President has left to benefit the local people and the tourists. The image of the destinations will positively change in the minds of the future tourist who find the destination in an improved condition after the President’s visit [ 35 ]. Taking with them positive perceptions of the destination to be shared back home.

Domestic tourists were also observed as keen lovers of traditional food items. As such, hotels and restaurants that offer such food items have to get them from local producers. Tourism financial resources will be spread to these communities expanding the reach of tourism income ripple effects in the destination region. Thus, almost everyone will feel and enjoy the value of tourism through indirect and direct benefits. This persuades them to continue supporting the tourism industry to ensure its sustainable growth.

3. Negative contributions of domestic tourism

Negative contributions are the negative impacts to sustainability of the tourism industry attributed to domestic travel. Zimbabweans who travel to various destinations have been blamed for a number of negative impacts they had on local attractions and destinations with potential to affect the long-term sustainability of the destinations. These were attraction destruction and minimal expenditure.

3.1 Attraction destruction

Conflicts have arisen in destinations as domestic tourists were seen destroying attractions. Domestic tourists have been to attractions that have been declared heritage sites and hence protected to undertake some cultural activities for example at Ngomakurira for rainmaking ceremonies. The exercises involve entering caves and clearing routes to sacred places. In so doing they got too close to the actual attraction exposing it to the natural destruction through such geological processes like weathering, rock falls, landslides and mudflows.

Other attractions that are used for cultural purposes such as Great Zimbabwe have also been threatened by local people. For example local people walk on stones at Great Zimbabwe hence loosening the whole structure exposing the site to destruction. Local people were hosts as in residents around the Great Zimbabwe who would herd their domestic animals within the heritage site. The people would walk on the stones whilst the animals would also loosen some stones exposing the site. Unlike the incoming tourists who see the magnificent work of man in the structure, local people are used to such features and hence do not value it much. This disposition is better understood through the Shona proverb that says ‘chikomo chiremera chevarikure varipedyo vanotamba nacho’ meaning (a hill is revered by those far away, those nearby play with it).

In different tourism organisations, there are regulations that govern the behaviour of stakeholders in an effort to make the destination sustainable. Unfortunately, domestic tourists were singled out as having little respect for regulations. Domestic tourists disregard for rules and regulations is better understood through Nozick’s Entitlement Theory [ 36 ], which argues that goods distribution is just when the goods were acquired and transferred legitimately. In this case, the domestic tourists are demanding what they believe is theirs yet is being controlled by authorities. Unless and until both parties come to appreciate the need to have the authorities manage the resources and the local people together with foreigners having to pay for upkeep of such resources, domestic tourists will remain a threat to sustainable tourism development.

The arguments fronted by the domestic tourists for not wanting to pay can also be understood through the ethnicity theory [ 37 ]. The theory postulates that ethnic minorities has unique cultural value systems that influence their behaviour. Thus equally in tourism, the theory would attribute tourism behaviour differences between people (domestic and international) to value differences based on sub-cultural norms unique to each tourist grouping. How much do they value such facilities compared to what they are being asked to pay to enjoy them.

Domestic tourists also have emotional attachments with attractions given their history as such they sometimes act in very different ways. Whilst some exhibit possessive characteristics and fight to gain control of tourism resources they believe are theirs, others would want to destroy the resources. For example, domestic tourists who visited Matopos in Zimbabwe wanted to deface what is written on the grave of Cecil John Rhodes whilst others wanted to urinate on it.

Various reasons may be proffered for wanting to destroy certain attractions. These include differences in political inclination where opposing opinions may lead to physical destruction of relics associated with the enemy or rival group. After which establish own systems as a manifestation of power over your subjects (see [ 38 ]).

The hatred for Rhodes can be attributed to his association with the history of Zimbabwe. Maylam [ 39 ] argues that Rhodes is seen as a symbol of colonialism and all the injustices experienced during the colonial era, death and suffering during the liberation war where some domestic tourists lost their loved ones. Thus, in a bid to revenge their suffering under Rhodesian systems, domestic tourists would want to deface and urinate on his grave, maybe as a way of belittling him even in death.

However, despite the emotions, Rhodes remains part of Zimbabwe’s history. The history can be harvested through tourism to generate money for the country as a destination. Thus, continued emotional involvement by domestic tourists may damage the Rhodes relics such as his carts and furniture at Rhodes museum in Nyanga, Rhodes Nyanga Hotel on his once estate now a National Park and his grave at Matopos. This would remove some tourism attractions from the Zimbabwean tourism basket and is not good for sustainable tourism development in the country.

3.2 Minimal expenditure

Whilst domestic tourists are accepted as the bedrock of tourism in any country, their expenditure patterns have been low. Domestic tourists are presented as economically sensitive to distance and expenditure supporting earlier work by McKercher [ 40 ]. McKercher’s [ 40 ] distance decay theory argues that when comparable offers are available between short distant and long distant destinations, domestic tourists tend to choose short distant destinations to save on time and money. However, instead of using their income to support local tourism businesses, domestic tourists do not support tourism businesses whose services they can do without. These include accommodation providers and restaurants. In so doing domestic tourism is not supportive of the broader tourism industry with only a few selected suppliers whose services are unavoidable doing business with domestic tourists. As such the quality and quantity of facilities on offer on the market is compromised as service provider struggle to maintain standards as their income dwindles through minimal support from domestic tourists. This will have ripple effects on the tourism industry as international tourists will also shun Zimbabwe as a destination citing poor services that are not competitive.

4. Conclusion

In this chapter that explored the contribution of domestic tourism to sustainable tourism development, domestic tourism is seen as helping in exposing once unknown attractions and destinations to the outside world, having well-informed local people assuming various roles such as being quasi-information bureaus, de facto tourism ambassadors and role models and tour guides. Domestic tourism also increases destination value to the local people where they engaged in active participation as domestic tourists, develop high tolerance of incoming tourists and their conduct; exhibition of pride in attraction and destination ownership; increased investment in destination development and management and influence the growth of tourists from micro informal tourists to macro formal tourists. Positives were also noted in retaining attraction authenticity and economic development of destinations.

On the negative side, domestic tourism is blamed for attraction destruction as local people wrestled with authorities for ownership, management style, decisions on what to conserve, charges to accessing tourism resources and distribution of income generated from tourism. Domestic tourism was also blamed for the poor economic performance of some destinations since they were generally low spenders.

Evidence on the contribution of domestic tourism to sustainable tourism development suggest that without domestic tourism, Zimbabwe as a tourism destination would be struggling to grow its tourism product offering and expand its market share on the global tourism market.

5. Research limitations and future studies

This study was carried out in Zimbabwe, a developing country that was grappling with political and economic challenges. These challenges could have had an impact on how the research participants perceive the whole relationship between domestic tourism and sustainable tourism development. This might make generalisation of the results to other countries difficult limiting the study to Zimbabwe and other developing countries going through similar political and economic challenges.

Thus, recommended that similar studies be done in other developing countries that do not share similar economic and political challenges with Zimbabwe. It would also be interesting if similar studies are done in developed countries to see if the results will be comparable.

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Band 7+: Tourism is an ever-growing industry. what benefits do you think tourism brings to individuals and society?

It is widely believed that tourism plays a pivotal role in developing people’s lifestyles and balancing society in many countries. I think that the tourism industry is an essential part of all nations because it creates economic opportunity for local people and enhances cultural learning and communication abilities. I also believe that it is necessary for society, as it increases environmental awareness and cultural preservation.

The hospitality sector creates great potential for employment facilities because it leads to jobs in various sectors, such as hospitality and transportation, which provide income for locals. Moreover, individuals can start their own businesses catering to tourists, for example, restaurants and tour companies. Another prominent benefit for local people is that having a tourism market advances the learning of cultural diversity and languages on the grounds that when people interact with other individuals from different regions, they can gain knowledge with respect to traditional activities and efficient languages. For these reasons, in my opinion, the travel industry is a significant part of the lives of local people.

The tourism market contributes to awareness of the environment because the environment is a major part of it, which is why the authority of tourism in every nation prioritises environmental values. Furthermore, having travel sectors in many countries preserves traditional heritage. The reason for this is that tourism can lead to the preservation and restoration of historical and traditional sites since they become significant attractions. For instance, the tourism industry focuses on the cultural heritage and repairs ancient buildings every year so that tourists are interested in visiting these places, and as a result, the surrounding area is becoming more suitable.

In conclusion, the tourism market is an essential part of all nations, and I believe that it leads to employment opportunities for locals, increases the learning of traditional diversity and languages, and enhances environmental values and the conservation of cultural heritage.

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Tourism is an industry which devolps steadily. From my perspective, I think tourism has economic, cultural, and political benefits for individuals and societies. In my opinion, tourism plays an important role for people from the economic, cultural, and political perspectives. The tourism sector plays a crucial role for local individuals of any country as it […]

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Domestic tourism

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benefits of domestic tourism essay

  • Hyungsuk Choo 3  

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Domestic tourism can be described as tourism involving residents of one country traveling within their own country. It does not involve the crossing of international borders at entry points. As early recorded history provides a glimpse into ancient tourism activities, domestic tourism is in fact the first form of tourism practiced. It has been a well-established practice, happening in every country or region in the world. A strong relationship among tourism and visiting friends and relatives and religious pilgrimage has been found in countries with a long history of domestic tourism (Rogerson and Lisa 2005 ). On the contrary, mass domestic tourism has only recently emerged due to increased disposable income, introduction of labor rights associated with leisure and vacation , governmental policy about the deregulation of internal movement, and so on (Scheyvens 2007 ).

Tourism is essentially an activity engaged by human beings. The minimum necessary features that need to exist for it to be...

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Pierret, F. 2011 Some Points on Domestic Tourism. Madrid: World Tourism Organization.

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Rogerson, C., and Z. Lisa 2005 “Sho’t Left”: Changing Domestic Tourism in South Africa. Urban Forum 16(2-3): 88-111.

Article   Google Scholar  

Scheyvens, R. 2007 Poor Cousins No More: Valuing the Development Potential of Domestic and Diaspora Tourism. Progress in Development Studies 7:307-25.

Sindiga, I. 1996 Domestic Tourism in Kenya. Annals of Tourism Research 23:19-31.

Telfer, D., and G. Wall 2000 Strengthening Backward Economic Linkages: Local Food Purchasing by Three Indonesian Hotels. Tourism Geographies 2:421-447.

UNWTO 2012 Methodological Notes to the Tourism Statistics Database. Madrid: World Tourism Organization.

Xu, G. 1998 Domestic Tourism and its Economic Effect in Beidaihe: The Largest Seaside Resort of China. Pacific Tourism Review 2:43-52.

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Tourism, Leisure, and Event Planning School of Human Movement, Sports, and Leisure Studies, 1001 E Wooster Street, 43403, Bowling Green, USA

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Choo, H. (2015). Domestic tourism. In: Jafari, J., Xiao, H. (eds) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer, Cham.

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Received : 01 May 2015

Accepted : 01 May 2015

Published : 22 September 2015

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-01669-6

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Economic Factors That Affect Tourism

1. introduction to economic factors in tourism.

People travel for a variety of reasons: business, visiting friends or relatives, leisure, or medical treatment. Not long ago, leisure travel was thought of as the main purpose of tourism, but new categories today suggest that tourism includes participants in education, sports, the arts, religion, and health, as well as individuals interested in visiting a new environment. Whatever the motive, travel still impacts on economies both of the visitor's area and the place visited. Uncertain economic conditions in a constantly changing world lead to shifts in travel and have a great impact on the travel industry. Increased income, leisure time, appreciation of natural beauty, and improved transportation and accommodations have provided the environment for a sustained growth in travel domestically and abroad and its spinoff benefits to the economies of the world. The importance of the travel industry varies greatly in different regions and its economic significance may be obscured by its largely seasonal nature. Like other industries, the travel industry is an important factor in the economy of the region in which it is located and this factor is even more significant in the case of travel. The industry is supported by national and local governments whose objective is to maximize the long-run economic benefits resulting from the travel industry. Increased visitor expenditure, job creation, and the tax revenues that derive from it are prime elements of government tourism policy. In order to evaluate the economic significance of the travel industry and to assess accurately the economic benefits that accrue to businesses and governments as a result of funds spent by leisure and business travelers, careful measurement of visitor spending should be made. Accurate and useful data contribute to successful industry planning and tactical management. Because visitor spending creates gross revenues, numerous related effects increase these revenues and exert a profound multiple effect on the general business volume in the local economies.

1.1. Definition and Importance of Economic Factors in Tourism

What are the economic factors affecting tourism? Tourism is a rapidly-growing and much-debated area in the modern world, which has been discussed and examined under a number of aspects. Of these, the relationship between tourism and the economy, and the economic contribution of tourism, have an important place. In this process, the economic factors such as the level of income, exchange rates, cost, saving, unemployment, inflation, and economic variables can lead to changes in the interest rates in the pricing and demand of tourism. In general, there is a wide variety of economic factors that can affect tourism. However, the economic factors that have an effect directly and immediately on tourism are the level of income, economic changes, and the structure of the general economy, while the purchasing power of tourists, funding, and cost of financing will be affected by functions such as prices and value of money. Today, politics, social, and economic parameters are evolving towards globalization, and this has led to new dimensions in the understanding of the relationship of tourism with economic factors. Among the economic factors, the concept of the level of income, exchange rates, cost, saving, unemployment, inflation, and interest rates have a huge impact on everything related to tourism. The fact that tourism can take shape within the economy as a demand or cost and simultaneously realize contributions, therefore, has an important place within the interactions between the economy and the tourism sector. Overall, it is understood even by experts that blockchain will necessitate the use of high-tech computerized systems in the future business of tourism. On the other hand, tourism as a sector which depends mostly on technology, it would also be expected to affect positively the level of knowledge or to be affected by the bigger public as a structure that will work in the tourism industry.

2. Macroeconomic Factors

Besides the individual characteristics of tourists, the other main factors that impact on tourism market demand are those that are associated with the macroeconomic performance of a country. Specifically, these include the economic growth, average income, and output cycle consistency. This has been underscored by the existence of a relationship between the economic cycle and the international tourism cycle. In periods of constant income, international tourism increases month. The most influential variable in a country's national tourism demand appears to be the growth of the country's real GDP. The level of tourist consumption is also highly correlated with the level of population. In addition, higher levels of unemployment influence the propensity of a population to spend on tourism. Lifestyle of countries can have an influence on tourists' preference and consequently the number of tourists that choose a place to visit.

2.1. Exchange Rates and Currency Strength

The above variables provide the main drivers of demand. This section aims to recognize and examine the main economic factors that will enhance the performance of the tourism sector. Data covering the period from 2001 to 2017 has been employed to achieve the aim of the study. The result of the study revealed that inflation rate, net barter terms, and exchange rate exert both short and long-run effects on tourists' arrivals. Following empirical results and study findings, some policy recommendations and conclusions were offered. Data for this study, seasonally adjusted, have been generated and the augmented Dickey-Fuller, Johansen's cointegration approach, and vector error correction-build were adopted to examine the main long and short-run relationships. Furthermore, the Granger causality test was also used to find out the causal effects in a multiregression framework. The shortcoming of the study is a lack of a sample in terms of time and included factors. The study variables could be represented in terms of the other or other factors that are affected by the economic situation other than the considered economic ones. Other research aspects need to be explored theoretically and empirically to encompass the investigation of the effect of some other macroeconomic factors on the tourism industry. Data for this study, seasonally adjusted, have been generated and the augmented Dickey-Fuller, Johansen's cointegration approach, and vector error correction-build have been adopted to examine the main long and short-run relationships. Furthermore, the Granger causality test was also used to find out the causal effects in a multiregression framework. Data of this study have covered the period from 2001 to 2017.

2.2. Global Economic Conditions

The global economic conditions, such as oil prices, the strength of travel currency, and the business cycle, could affect international tourism. In normal economic times, tourists are not highly sensitive to changes in their income country's price level. However, in problematic economic occasions such as the financial crisis or economic depressive situation, income would drop, and travelers tend to shop for cheaper travels, such as domestic travels. There are several economic tools that greatly affect tourism in terms of the market size and purchasing power of tourists, which are significantly related to the world economy. These major economic indicators are the world economic outlook, trade volume of goods and services, global financial situations such as exchange rates, and the Markov transition probability of entering and exiting business cycles. All of these factors would affect international tourism demand. International tourists are those who travel across the international border, and then the market size increases as the weak travel currency value. Additionally, oil and its derived products are main travel consumptions, such as airplane fuel. Economically, oil prices would absolutely matter a lot to international tourism. When oil prices rise on account of the aggravation of the geopolitical situation in the Middle East, especially the increase in tension between Iran and the US, the tourism market tends to alter the direction of travel destinations. In other words, it focuses on other energy-sufficient countries, such as Asia. The relevance of oil prices in the tourism economy is the key to divert the targets of marketing and operational resources in order to attract more effective and proper travelers into spending in the corresponding energy-consuming area.

3. Microeconomic Factors

Microeconomics is the part of economics that considers how consumers and firms make decisions and how those decisions interact. In tourism, it is essential to understand the choices that consumers make and take into consideration both quantitative and qualitative aspects to draw conclusions. The purpose of this chapter is an investigation of the microeconomics nature of the tourism sector and how the concept might be part of the Handbook of Tourism Economics where the dominant focus is macroeconomics. In particular, in this work, the focus is on the major way microeconomics analysis can contribute to the understanding of the sector: the demand or consumer behavior. The demand side of tourism plays an important role in both market and non-market functions and provides a useful framework for first analyzing the overall impacts of tourism. There are light and shadow aspects of many of the impacts which it is necessary to understand and thus can contribute to the design of tax and incentive structures that maximize desired outcomes. The market demand side is the starting point of the whole economic analysis in the tourism sector. Market demand for tourism purchases originates from individual utility functions. In revealed preference theory, the most widely accepted of the traveler preferences, come from the observed pattern of individual behaviors. Specifically, people spend resources on certain travel goods, presumably as a means to increasing their satisfaction, also known as utility, and the revealed choice from their behaviors can be used as evidence of the description of this satisfaction. The first contribution of tourism research to the overall economic understanding of the sector has been the development of the traveler cost model.

3.1. Income Levels and Distribution

Textbook theory would suggest that as income increases, real spending increases and there should be a decrease in tourism demand, especially for domestic residents. Cross-section or time-series studies comparing nationals living in high-income versus low-income areas are fairly consistent in showing that households living in high-income areas do indeed have higher propensities to travel domestically and take more international trips. And, taken together, the evidence supports the view that income must be regarded as the most important factor in determining how Australian tourism is evolving. Demand in recent decades can be explained more on the grounds of economic factors than anything else. Unemployment could be linked to a reduction in some other outlays, thereby freeing funds for touristic use. The worldwide economic recovery that began in 2003 thereafter led to stronger business conditions in the world's most advanced economies and most rapidly expanding real GDPs in a generation. The principal force has been the growth of emergent China and India in the world. Improving personal wealth, also fueled by increasing personal wealth appreciation, was also noted throughout the wealthier economic nations of the world. Discretionary spending through increased revenues and net worth of realizing households leads to an augmented inclination to amuse themselves by newly acquired wealth. As a normal part of the development cycle, individuals are spending, not only on basics but also on issues associated with tourism - increasingly tourism.

3.2. Consumer Spending Habits

Consumer spending refers to the purchases made by households and businesses. This type of spending is very important to the growth of the economy. Essential goods, such as food, shelter, and clothing, are considered nondiscretionary, while non-essential goods, such as a boutique dress or diamond jewelry, are considered discretionary. Most of the 84 categories into which the federal government divides consumer spending fall under the nondiscretionary spending heading. In these categories of consumer spending, demand basically stays the same whether the cost increases or decreases. However, consumers spend a relatively small proportion of total income on these services. Consumer spending, frequently called consumption, is 70 percent of the total economic spending, called expenditures. Moreover, the Consumer Confidence Index is a widely used indicator of consumer sentiment, which measures the level of economic optimism that consumers have about the state of money in the economy. Consumer sentiment is important even when prices change very little. On the other hand, a decrease in payroll withholding taxes would prompt consumers to use a greater portion of their budget on wants rather than needs.

4. Government Policies and Regulations

The government plays an important role in supporting the economic, social, and cultural aspects of tourism development in both urban and rural areas. They do this by using a range of tools, incentives, marketing, and strategies to promote tourism development. For instance, the government encourages investment in hotel and resort development, convention or exhibition centers, and service establishments to cater to the economic, social, health, ethnic, racial, and cultural needs of tourists and locals. In line with the goal to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of policy and developments, the choice of promotional policy, infrastructure development, human resource training, and industry standard setting are important in realizing its full tourism growth potential. Furthermore, the government provides incentives to the sector to spur rapid growth. These incentives can take the form of tax facilities and exemption of duty for tourist products. For a large convention or exhibition, the government may help to find a suitable location by reducing the rental of the location. They can also provide better access to the selected location by providing a more direct road, rail, and port connections. Small and medium cities are also frequent beneficiaries of government assistance for tourism and recreation projects, such as waterfront developments and historic preservation. Through a wide range of programs, cities can mobilize to protect their existing assets. This is an important component of any competitive strategy, as tourists are attracted to areas that retain their distinctive qualities. Local authorities, involved in town and country planning, can also shape the direction of tourism development and its social and environmental effects. They have a function in land use planning control. Controls are likely to be designed to ensure new developments are carried out appropriately and are effectively harmonized with the existing physical and social structures. These can be good steps to allow for planning, management, control, and setting priorities needed to have an infrastructure that can meet the requirements of tourism and to maintain and achieve a balance between efficient and effective road management. By emphasizing land use policy and sustainable tourism, the local authorities are signaling their preference for a type of tourism that has the ability to contribute to the well-being of the local community as a whole. Their sustainability plan lays the groundwork for continuous assessment and long-term planning utilization. It will be important for the community to work together, setting the standards for growth and paying careful attention to the fiscal health and the quality of housing, life, and the natural environment.

4.1. Visa Policies and Travel Restrictions

Visa application processes and qualifications are among the critical factors affecting international tourism. With a stringent visa policy of a visa application period that is too extensive, visas that are too costly, or a system that is not straight, even highly-inclined and willing tourists could not come to the tourist destination. Consequently, this situation triggers transfer reductions by the tourists. A well-defined, consistent, and coordinated visa policy is, thus, an essential aspect of the "open visit" approach to non-failure tourism practices. The financial advantages of post-visit interviews were validated by the evidence provided by feedback on the length of the vacation and the total amount spent by the visitors from different nations. Consequently, many politicians proposed for shared visit interviews so that the interested nations may contribute to the travel promotion of their nations in these increasing revenues. The extraordinary steps of qualification requirements and visa charges will not significantly raise the safety of the destination. It is necessary to build a well-balanced and responsible visa practice. This will require, first, international information along with input of the possible impacts on the whole country and/or region. Second, the process of consultation and policy-making requires comprehension of and reconciliation with potentially various and enigmatic national goals, such as economy, safety, resistance to restraint of the home situation, and also the improvement of international ties.

5. Technological Advances and Innovation

If you aren't convinced of technology's current and future role in tourism, look no further than the fact that the term "e-tourism" has been coined and is in increasing usage. Broadly, e-commerce is about trading using the Internet and the worldwide web. Used in the tourism context, e-tourism is the use of technology to find and make use of services and facilities for things like flights, accommodation, car hire, restaurants, and tickets for attractions such as shows and sports. Technology is an enabler; another term worth considering alongside e-commerce is business process re-engineering, or BPR, which means using technology to streamline and simplify business operations. The primary objective of e-commerce is to improve efficiency, thus improving performance and profit. A second, less obvious objective is the need to improve service delivery. For instance, fewer people in a hotel results in cost savings, but to keep the same profit level, the hotel needs to charge fewer or no extra pounds for each room it does sell. The end result for the consumer is cheaper prices or more amenities for the same price, or both. Then, of course, helping the customer to help themselves is also very much a part of customer service. With customers very time-conscious, if they can't find the information they need quickly and easily on the Internet, they are likely to look elsewhere. Data warehousing companies, who market travel information from a host of travel-related companies, are there to help too.

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  9. UNWTO Highlights Potential of Domestic Tourism to Help Drive Economic

    Given the size of domestic tourism, this will help many destinations recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic, while at the same time safeguarding jobs, protecting livelihoods and allowing the social benefits tourism offers to also return." UNWTO expects domestic tourism to return faster and stronger than international travel

  10. Tourism Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Tourism. Tourism Essay - Tourism is a major economic activity that has developed significantly over the years. It's an activity that can be recognized in both developed and developing nations. In general terms, tourism is the movement of a person from one place to another to visit and mesmerize the beauty of that place ...

  11. PDF Essay: Delivering the Social and Economic Benefits of Heritage Tourism

    Domestic tourism is stagnant. The biggest growth area is outbound - the numbers travelling overseas have increased on average 7% pa since 1999 (in 2010 it was over 14%), boosted by an appreciating Australian dollar. Domestic tourism represents about three quarters of the value of the Australian tourist industry.

  12. Domestic tourism: importance and impact

    A new report from the WTTC reveals that globally, domestic tourism accounted for 73% of travel and tourism spend in 2017. While countries often focus on growing international tourism due to its contribution to export earnings, the report highlights that the domestic market is an important tool for regional economic growth and development, which ...

  13. 13 Social impacts of tourism + explanations + examples

    Negative social impacts of tourism. Social Change. Globalisation and the Destruction of Preservation and Heritage. Loss of Authenticity. Standardisation and Commercialisation. Culture clashes. Tourist-host relationships. Increase in crime, gambling and moral behaviour. Social impacts of tourism: Conclusion.

  14. Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism IELTS Essay: Sample

    This essay talks about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism before concluding with a final opinion. The biggest benefits of tourism are quite obvious, i.e., boosting the national GDP and economy and creating more employment for local citizens and communities. Tourists use diverse solutions while traveling, including booking hotels ...

  15. UNWTO Briefing Note

    An estimated 9 billion domestic tourist trips (overnight visitors) were recorded around the world in 2018, of which well over 50% in Asia and the Pacific. Worldwide, domestic tourism is over six times bigger than international tourism (1.4 billion international arrivals in 2018) measured in number of tourist trips.

  16. 9 Essays on Tourism [ Benefits & Importance of Tourism for a Country ]

    Essay on Tourism | Meaning, Purpose, Benefits & Importance of Tourism. Tourism is traveling on holiday, or on a day trip, with the primary purpose of visiting one or more specific places. It includes activities such as sightseeing, exploring historic areas, visiting museums and other attractions. Tourism can be domestic or international travel.

  17. Contribution of Domestic Tourism to Sustainable Tourism ...

    Domestic tourism is a key driver of local economic development in destination regions [32, 33, 34]. The economic benefits of domestic tourism are felt everywhere where people visit and congregate for some time. Economic benefits cuts across informal and formal domestic tourism with some being direct whilst others are indirect.

  18. Tourism and its economic impact: A literature review using bibliometric

    In addition to this, tourism can lead to other benefits for economy, ... have recently increased the specific weight of tourism in their gross domestic product (GDP); as a result, the relationship between tourism and economic growth has become one of the main research themes in recent literature. ... These three papers corroborate the relevance ...

  19. Reasons Why We Should Travel Locally

    Local travel is a great way to get to know your home country. Here are the reasons why you should travel locally. Even though traveling is mainly about exploring new destinations and exotic countries, travelers should not forget to explore their own backyard. Discover with us the pros of traveling locally and support domestic tourism.

  20. Domestic tourism challenges in Botswana: A stakeholders' perspective

    2. Literature review. Domestic tourism is defined by the UNWTO as travel by residents undertaking tourism activities "within the country of residence" (Libreros, Citation 2009, p. 5).Domestic tourism is referred to as part of "internal tourism" along with inbound tourism as consumption for both forms of tourism is taking place within the country.


    domestic-tourism percentage-share contribution recorded at 54,8% and 58,8% in 2009 and 2010 respectively (Tourism Satellite Account, 2010 Provisional). South African tourism was not spared the impact of the past few years' global financial crisis, and, despite ... encourages tourism that spread benefits to local communities. As we continue ...

  22. Domestic Tourism Essay

    Domestic Tourism Essay. Domestic Tourism Essay. 1756 Words4 Pages. The development of tourism has brought a lot of both positive and negative aspects in a country. The tourism industry is generally seen as promising, and also a passport to development for a country. It is deemed as a critical source of income for many countries, especially in ...

  23. Band 7+: Tourism is an ever-growing industry. what benefits do you

    The essay effectively addresses the prompt by discussing the benefits of tourism to individuals and society. The position is clear and well-developed, providing examples and explanations to support the points made. However, there could be a slightly deeper exploration of the societal benefits of tourism to further enhance the response.

  24. Domestic tourism

    Overall, there is increasing evidence of the several potential benefits of promoting domestic tourism. Although not generating external earnings, it can contribute significantly to local economic development because domestic tourists typically purchase more locally produced goods and services than other tourists, thus supporting small-scale enterprises and the informal sector (Telfer and Wall ...

  25. Economic Factors That Affect Tourism

    The first contribution of tourism research to the overall economic understanding of the sector has been the development of the traveler cost model. 3.1. Income Levels and Distribution. Textbook theory would suggest that as income increases, real spending increases and there should be a decrease in tourism demand, especially for domestic residents.

  26. Investigating the Air Travel-Tourism Relationship Using Granger

    One of the main benefits of air transport is that it allows people to travel quickly from one place to another. This allows people to reach their destinations faster than other modes of transport for purposes such as tourism, business and education. The aim of this study is to investigate the causality relationships between air travel and tourism demand by each market segment.

  27. Domestic Tourism Growth in India, Post COVID-19: Perspectives of ...

    The present study stems from the absence of empirical research on the trends associated with domestic tourism growth in India post-COVID-19. It examines the trends in domestic tourist behaviour from the tour operators' perspective. It employs a qualitative research design to explore the experiences of tour operators in India.

  28. Impacts of tourism

    Tourism impacts tourist destinations in both positive and negative ways, encompassing economic, political, socio-cultural, environmental, and psychological dimensions. Economic effects: Increased tax revenue, personal income growth, enhanced The impacts of tourism , and the creation of additional employment opportunities.

  29. Tourism in China

    Shanghai's skyline attracts foreign and domestic tourists to view it from the Bund Kuling Poster in the 1920s, kuling town, Mount Lu, Jiujiang (China). Tourism in China is a growing industry that is becoming a significant part of the Chinese economy. The rate of tourism has expanded over the last few decades since the beginning of reform and opening-up. ...

  30. Tourism in Mexico

    Tourism in Mexico holds considerable significance as a pivotal industry within ... Southern Mexico is the home of many surviving indigenous cultures and is a destination for many foreign and domestic tourists in Mexico. ... Essays on the history of tourism and related realms in Mexico; topics include the marketing of carnival in Veracruz. ...