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How to Start an Onlyfans Management Agency in Simple Steps

Ever dreamt of diving into the lucrative world of OnlyFans, not as a creator but as the mastermind behind the scenes? Discover the art of launching a thriving OnlyFans agency, where passion meets profit. Dive in, and let’s turn that dream into a reality!

Polina Yan

How to Start an OnlyFans Agency: From Zero to Hero with Scrile Connect

Are you considering joining the thriving OnlyFans economy but not sure where to start? Learning how to start an OnlyFans agency might just be the perfect opportunity for you. With millions of users and creators seeking expert, management companies and marketing services, there’s never been a better time to jump in.

Let’s explore the world of OnlyFans agencies and how you can build a successful business in this exciting industry.

Understanding the OnlyFans Phenomenon

OnlyFans Business Model and Popularity: Why You Should Start Your Own OnlyFans Management Agency

OnlyFans, one of the most prominent social media platforms, has taken the world by storm, boasting over 120 million potential audience members. These fans are eager to pay for exclusive content from their favorite OnlyFans creators, especially within the adult entertainment industry.

The rising popularity of this platform has paved the way for the inception of OnlyFans management agencies. These agencies specialize in offering OnlyFans management and marketing services, catering to creators who aim to maximize their earnings and expand their fanbase with the assistance of an OnlyFans manager.

OnlyFans Business Model

OnlyFans operates on a straightforward yet effective business model. Here, OnlyFans creators can monetize their fan base. Fans or subscribers pay a monthly fee to access exclusive content, ranging from photos and videos to behind-the-scenes access. OnlyFans provides a unique platform for creators to monetize their creativity, offering various monetization tools like paid messages, exclusive posts, and tips.

On the flip side, OnlyFans takes a commission fee, typically 20% from the creators, which has become a standard rate in this burgeoning industry. This commission ensures the platform’s revenue generation while offering a distinctive space for creators and fans.

How do OnlyFans Agencies Make Money?

It’s crucial to understand that an OnlyFans management agency operates more as a partnership rather than a mere service provider. The agency assists the model in overcoming challenges related to communication, publishing content, attracting customers, and increasing sales. In return, OnlyFans agencies receive a percentage of sales. Typically, the profit is divided equally: 50% for the agency and 50% for the models.

The beauty of this arrangement is that a model’s revenue can skyrocket when working with an agency, often increasing by more than double or even hundreds of times. Given such exponential growth, sharing half the profit becomes a small price to pay.

The Demand for OnlyFans Management Agencies

With the platform’s growing influence, the demand for experienced OnlyFans marketing agencies is surging. Creators are in dire need of assistance with:

Automation of their growth

Considering the potential earnings, which can range from tens of thousands to millions of dollars per month, starting your own OnlyFans agency can be a highly lucrative venture. It promises long-term benefits and a significant return on investment for both the agency owner and the creators they serve.

Types of OnlyFans Agencies

There are three main types of OnlyFans agencies:

OnlyFans Management agencies : These agencies primarily focus on assisting creators with strategic planning, account management, and content scheduling.

OnlyFans Marketing agencies : These agencies specialize in promoting creators’ content and growing their fanbase through various marketing methods.

Agencies providing both Management and Marketing services : These agencies offer a comprehensive solution for creators looking to maximize their earnings and simplify their workflow.

You should align your business model for your OnlyFans agency with your strengths, interests, and the specific needs of your target audience. New agencies are advised to initially focus on a single strategy, be it scale, premium, or niche, and become proficient in that approach before diversifying and expanding their agency’s model.

How to Start a Onlyfans Agency from Scratch: Step-by-step Guide

business plan for onlyfans

Beginning an OnlyFans agency from scratch requires the following steps:

Identify a unique and profitable niche within the OnlyFans market.

Conduct thorough market research to detect any gaps and opportunities within that niche.

Identify your target audience and create customer personas.

Craft a comprehensive business plan that includes your core onlyfans management services, pricing structure, processes, tools, and growth roadmap.

Ensure a successful launch by implementing your business plan effectively.

Focus on efficient growth strategies to expand your agency and attract more creators.

By following these steps, you can start an OnlyFans agency and grow it into a successful OnlyFans agency.

Creating Your OnlyFans Agency Business Plan

A detailed business plan lays the groundwork for your OnlyFans management agency, paving the way for efficient growth and sustained success. Your business plan should include:

A clear value proposition

Target customer personas

Core services

Pricing structure

A growth roadmap

With a robust business plan in hand, initiate the recruitment and onboarding process for content creators in your agency. Here are the steps to follow:

Locate potential candidates on third-party platforms such as Fiverr and Upwork.

Engage with chatters and assemble the appropriate team to serve your target audience.

When onboarding creators, introduce your services, discuss parameters, tactics, and regulations.

Determine the percentage of revenue your agency will deduct as a fee.

This will give you a clear course of action and help you stay focused on your goals as your agency grows, especially when managing your business bank account with the assistance of a management company.

Additionally, your business plan should encompass the legal aspects of starting an OnlyFans agency, such as contracts, age verification, and compliance with platform rules. Consulting a lawyer to draft contract documents that cover your company’s policies, regulations, and goals can help prevent future issues and ensure your agency operates smoothly.

Essential Tool for Starting an OnlyFans Agency

Along with a well-structured business plan and robust brand identity, the right tools and software are indispensable for your OnlyFans agency’s success. One such tool is Scrile Connect , a comprehensive software solution designed to facilitate the management of your agency. With Scrile Connect, you can:

Manage creators’ accounts, pages, communications, engagements, and content sales

Access website analytics to track performance

Send mass messages with paid attachments

Publish content quickly and efficiently

By using Scrile Connect, you can efficiently manage multiple creator accounts and streamline your agency’s operations.

From Novice to Pro: Kickstart Your OnlyFans Agency with Scrile Connect!

Start your own OnlyFans management agency – Build it with PRO developers team!

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Scrile Connect’s Built-in Monetization Tools

Multi-level subscriptions

Direct messages with PPV media attachments

Private video calls with per-minute billing

Live streams and scheduled events

How to Start an OnlyFans Agency: Turnkey Solution Scrile Connect

Scrile Connect also provides integration with payment gateways for secure handling of transactions and subscriptions, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for both creators and subscribers. With its built-in tools for monetization, including paid posts, subscriptions, PPV messaging, calls, and live streams, Scrile Connect helps creators maximize their earnings while making it easy for your agency to manage revenue distribution.

Turnkey Solution for OnlyFans Management Agency with Built-in Payment Gateways

To effectively manage and promote your creators, invest in essential tools and software, such as Scrile Connect, for managing multiple creator accounts, handling payments, and providing value-added services. This comprehensive tool will streamline your agency’s operations and allow you to focus on delivering exceptional results for your creators.

Why Choose Scrile Connect for Your Agency?

Access your entire customer base directly from the admin panel.

Retain rights to all content stored in your domain, unlike with OnlyFans.

Boost your brand as models engage with your unique services.

Investing in Scrile Connect enhances your company’s value, allowing potential growth or even market leadership. The creator market is ripe with opportunities!

For those already managing creators and seeking their platform, Scrile Connect is ready to elevate your vision. Discover more about their agency-specific offerings on their site.

Building Your OnlyFans Agency Brand

How to Start an OnlyFans Agency: Your Roadmap to Industry Domination

Establishing a strong onlyfans management agency brand identity for your OnlyFans marketing agency is vital to attract and retain the best talent. Your brand should accurately reflect your agency’s specialty and target audience. Invest in a professional website, logo design, and social media presence to establish credibility and showcase your agency’s commitment to quality.

Leverage tools like Scrile Connect to:

Customize your website’s branding

Oversee content

Incorporate payment gateways

Offer account management services

Additionally, maintaining an active presence on social media platforms can help you connect with potential creators and fans, further solidifying your agency’s reputation in the market.

Recruiting and Onboarding OnlyFans Creators

The success of your OnlyFans agency hinges on recruiting and onboarding the right creators. Here are some steps to follow:

Begin by networking on social media (Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Reddit), participating in industry events, and using direct outreach to identify potential creators.

Offering free consultations or workshops can attract potential clients.

Collaborating with influencers or well-known personalities in the OnlyFans community can help generate referrals.

When selecting creators to onboard, consider their reliability, commitment, and potential for success on the platform. Interview creators before working with them to ensure they align with your agency’s values and goals. Once you have identified suitable creators, establish a clear onboarding process that includes discussing your services, parameters, tactics, and regulations, as well as determining the percentage of revenue your agency will deduct as a fee.

To maintain a strong working relationship with your creators, provide value-added services such as content creation, promotion, and coaching. These additional services can help attract and retain creators, ensuring your agency’s ongoing success.

Elevating Creators with Comprehensive Services

Your OnlyFans management business should offer:

Account Management : Deliver personalized services, understanding creator goals, and guiding them on content strategy, pricing, and promotions.

Content Mastery : A pivotal function of any management company is content management. Beyond OnlyFans, promoting creators on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Reddit is crucial for subscriber acquisition.

Monetization Strategy : Collaborate with creators to craft monetization plans tailored to their niche. By offering expertise, you foster trust and long-term relationships.

Creator Coaching : Equip your OnlyFans models with the latest content-making strategies and trends. Remember, higher-quality content translates to higher profits.

Data-Driven Insights : Offer creators insights on subscriber engagement and revenue trends, enabling informed strategy optimization.

Technical Assistance : Ensure a seamless experience by providing prompt technical support.

In the realm of the OnlyFans management business, hiring skilled account managers and chatters is paramount. Invest in their training to ensure they bolster your creators’ success and fan satisfaction.

Scaling Your OnlyFans Agency

As your OnlyFans agency expands, concentrate on scaling your operations to guarantee ongoing success and profitability. Evaluate your revenue, expenses, and profitability on a regular basis to identify areas for improvement and growth. Adapt your strategies based on analytics rather than speculation to make data-driven decisions that will benefit your agency.

Consider the following strategies to broaden your agency’s reach and increase your revenue:

Expand your marketing and management services

Hire additional staff: account managers, chatters and others

Explore new markets

Specialize in niche markets of adult content

Focus on specific creator demographics

These approaches can help you master a particular approach before diversifying and expanding your agency model.

Legal Considerations for Starting an OnlyFans Agency

Addressing the legal aspects of the business is a necessity before launching your OnlyFans agency. Ensure that all creators you work with are of legal age to avoid marketing and managing adult content for a minor model. Consult a lawyer to draft contract documents that cover your company’s policies, regulations, and goals to prevent future issues and ensure smooth agency operations.

In addition to contracts and age verification, comply with platform rules and guidelines to maintain a positive relationship with OnlyFans and protect your agency’s reputation. By addressing legal considerations upfront, you can focus on growing your agency and providing exceptional services to your creators.

How Much Does It Cost to Set Up OnlyFans?

Setting up an OnlyFans account is free for creators. They can choose to make their page either free or paid, with fans paying for access to exclusive content. However, when creators earn money on the platform, OnlyFans retains a 20% fee, distributing the remaining 80% to the creators. This revenue split allows creators to start their OnlyFans journey without upfront costs, making money primarily through the content they provide to subscribers.

What Percentage Does an OnlyFans Agency Take?

OnlyFans agencies typically take a commission fee from the earnings of the creators they represent. The standard rate for this commission is around 20%, which is a common practice in the industry. This fee is taken in exchange for the various services and support the agency provides to creators, including marketing, account management, and access to monetization tools such as paid messages, exclusive posts, and tips.

Should I Work with an OnlyFans Agency?

Working with an OnlyFans agency can be beneficial, especially if you view running your OnlyFans page as running a business. An agency can help with many aspects, including marketing and account management, which can be overwhelming to handle alone. By partnering with an OnlyFans agency, you can focus more on content creation and building your brand, while the agency handles the operational and promotional aspects, potentially leading to increased earnings and a more streamlined workflow.

In summary, starting an OnlyFans management agency presents a unique opportunity to tap into a thriving market and help creators reach their full potential. By understanding the OnlyFans phenomenon, choosing the right agency model, developing a comprehensive business plan, and offering value-added services, you can build a successful and profitable agency in this exciting industry. Embrace the challenge and seize the opportunity to create a lasting impact in the world of content creation.

As we have discussed, initiating a successful OnlyFans management agency can be a lucrative and gratifying venture for those ready to invest effort and adhere to the given guide. With the right niche, tools, services, and strategies in place, you can build a successful business that benefits both your agency and the creators you serve.

Don’t miss this opportunity to join the booming OnlyFans economy and help creators achieve their full potential.

Check out related articles from our collection of useful guides and tips on how to start your own online business platform for content creators like OnlyFans:

10 Top Apps like OnlyFans: Exploring Alternatives to OnlyFans for Content Creators

How to Build an OnlyFans Like Platform. A Complete Guide

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FAQ: How to Start an OnlyFans Agency

What do i need to start an onlyfans agency.

To start an OnlyFans agency, decide on your agency type, create a business plan and strategy, set up legal structure and contracts, refine your creator selection process, build an effective onboarding process, and get the right management tools. With the proper preparations, you can create a successful agency.

How does an OnlyFans agency work?

OnlyFans agencies provide experienced chatters who are available around the clock to chat with subscribers on behalf of the models and sell their content. They also manage models’ content, assist them in effectively showcasing their talent and charge an average of 20%-50% of the models’ revenue for the service. So starting an OnlyFans management agency is a very profitable business these days.

What is the best management agency for OnlyFans?

The best OnlyFans management and marketing agency to join as a creator is Bunny Agency, with Neo Agency, Seiren Agency and Lunardark Agencyalso being great options. Finasa and are other OnlyFans Management agencies that offers top-notch services.

Explore more info about best OnlyFans management agency in the article: How to Start an OnlyFans Agency: The Ultimate Guide 2024

How do I start a successful OnlyFans business?

To start a successful OnlyFans business, begin by identifying a unique and profitable niche, setting up your platform, recruiting content creators, hiring account managers and chatters, and leveraging your own social media accounts and channels. Additionally, focus on investing in paid shoutouts, consistency, asking for tips regularly, targeting niches, producing high-quality content, and shooting for likes.

How does an OnlyFans manager get paid?

OnlyFans Managers are typically paid a portion of the money made from your OnlyFans page, much like an agent would with sports or acting contracts.

How can I build my own independent website for my OnlyFans agency?

Consider using Scrile Connect, tailored for OnlyFans management agencies. Simply register, select a domain, and utilize the built-in tools to design a sleek, user-friendly site. The platform helps showcase your services and provides essential analytics, positioning your agency effectively in the market.

Comprehensive Strategies for Building and Operating Successful Content Platforms

  • Creating an OnlyFans-Like Platform: The Ultimate Guide : Master the art of building a content subscription platform similar to OnlyFans. This complete guide covers everything from platform design to feature implementation and monetization strategies.
  • Earning on OnlyFans Anonymously: Practical Ways : Discover how to make money on OnlyFans while maintaining your privacy. This article offers creative strategies for content creation without revealing your identity.
  • Staying Anonymous on OnlyFans: Effective Techniques : Understand how to protect your identity on OnlyFans. Get insights into the top strategies for anonymity, from content tips to privacy settings.

These articles provide valuable insights and actionable advice for anyone looking to build, manage, or participate in content subscription platforms, with a focus on privacy and effective operations.

Polina Yan

Product Marketing Manager and Content Writer at Scrile.

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How to Start an Onlyfans Agency


  • August 10, 2023

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Home » Academy » Account Strategies » How to Start an Onlyfans Agency

The explosive growth of OnlyFans has spawned a parallel rise in opportunities for agencies who can help individual creators professionalize and scale up. With over a million creators now on OnlyFans, the demand for knowledgeable agencies to aid with branding, promotion, messaging, analytics, and growth automation has never been greater. As more and more creators seek assistance navigating this new creator economy, there is ample room in the market for new agencies who can build trust and help talents thrive. This guide will explore how to launch and operate a successful OnlyFans management agency.

Table of Contents

Is onlyfans management legal, tldr: start an onlyfans agency.

  • OnlyFans’ growth offers agencies vast branding, promotion, and analytics opportunities for creators.
  • Establishing legitimacy and trustworthiness is crucial when handling sensitive content from OnlyFans creators. 
  • Legally operating requires credibility, formal contracts, and transparency.
  • Profitability depends on business skill and delivering results, with top agencies earning significantly.
  • Agencies provide services from content production to legal compliance.
  • Different agency models like Premium, Scale, and Niche cater to various creator needs.
  • Starting involves choosing an agency type, legal setup, creator selection, and acquiring management tools.
  • Success hinges on strategic operations, automation, creator relationships, and data-driven adaptations.

The good news is that operating an OnlyFans management agency is entirely legal. However, establishing legitimacy and trustworthiness is crucial when handling sensitive content from OnlyFans creators. There are several strategies you can employ to demonstrate your credibility to potential talent.

Firstly, be sure to work with a lawyer to create official talent contracts that clearly outline important factors like consent, compensation structure, rights regarding content, and more. Having this formal legal paperwork in place lends credibility to your agency right out of the gate. Check out our OnlyFans management contract article for more information [LINK HERE]

Secondly, utilize secure tools designed specifically for managing OnlyFans accounts, such as Supercreator. The features specialized for agencies, like Chatter Management which lets you monitor team members, prove you are running a professional operation.

Operating with transparency is also key – be upfront with talent about what percentage cut your agency will take. Honesty around earnings helps build goodwill and trust. Gathering testimonials from current clients showcasing your agency’s successes can provide that important social proof when attracting new talent.

If you or others in your agency have relevant experience in fields like entertainment management or digital marketing, highlight this prominently. Past expertise establishes credibility. And of course, you must follow OnlyFans’ terms and policies extremely closely to protect your clients while avoiding any legal issues.

Finally, joining industry groups, connecting to other agencies allows you to network, demonstrate involvement, and learn best practices at the ground level from others operating OnlyFans agencies.

With the proper legal foundations, tools like Supercreator, transparency around business operations, social proof from satisfied clients, and immersion in the industry, you can establish the legitimacy needed to attract top-tier OnlyFans talent ready to bring their channels to the next level.

Is it profitable to run onlyfans agency?

Whether running an OnlyFans agency can be profitable depends heavily on your business acumen and ability to operate efficiently at scale. The potential earnings are substantial, but so is the competition. You must become extremely skilled in multiple areas to succeed long-term.

Even after successfully recruiting top talent and growing their channels, you must keep margins high while also delivering results to retain clients. OnlyFans takes a 20% cut of creator earnings. Your agency will take an additional percentage. After other expenses, profits may be slim if you don’t run lean.

Becoming profitable requires mastering  OnlyFans growth strategies , understanding what content converts best, learning talent management and negotiation tactics, leveraging promotion tools efficiently, keeping overhead low, and impressing clients with ROI.

The upside for successful agencies is huge, with some earning over 7 figures per year. But mediocre agencies will quickly flounder amidst rising competition. You must become elite across all aspects of OnlyFans management, recruiting, client relations, and business operations to thrive. The expertise required is vast but attainable with relentless self-education and refinement.

For those willing to put in the tremendous effort to become a top 1% agency, the profits can eventually be worth it. However, be realistic about the challenges and commit fully to continuous learning and improvement to profitably compete. Mastering OnlyFans agency operations is challenging but lucrative for those who rise to the task.

What does an OnlyFans management agency do?

An OnlyFans agency provides a wide array of services to support individual creators in growing and optimizing their channels and revenue. Responsibilities can include:

  • Brand Development: Helping creators refine their niche, create consistent branding across social platforms, set pricing strategies, craft promotional messaging.
  • Content Production: Brainstorming fresh concepts, planning photoshoots and videos, sourcing props and costumes, assisting with editing.
  • Messaging Management: Handling all one-on-one fan communication, chatting, requests etc. on behalf of creators.
  • Analytics & Data Tracking: Monitoring performance metrics, sales data, best times to post, top converting content etc. Optimizing based on data signals.
  • Promotion & Growth: Managing all marketing across social media platforms, running promotions and sales funnels, acquiring new subscribers.
  • Legal & Compliance: Ensuring creators stay within OnlyFans terms, handling record keeping, managing tax obligations.
  • Creator Recruitment & Relations: Discovering promising new talent, pitching services, negotiating contracts, maintaining positive ongoing relations.

The core job of an OnlyFans manager  is acting as a strategic partner, providing creators all the support they need to be successful on OnlyFans without having to do everything themselves. Top agencies become irreplaceable by mastering the many facets of optimizing a thriving OnlyFans channel.

Different types of OnlyFans agencies and management types

There are many approaches to managing OnlyFans accounts, but a few common agency models include:

Premium Agencies

Focus on representing elite, high-profile OnlyFans models who already earn substantial income. Providing white-glove service catering to their entire lifestyle needs. Hire professional chatting teams. These agencies take a larger agency cut with fewer clients. Require strong brand partnerships and industry connections.

Scale Agencies

Represent a large volume of up-and-coming OnlyFans models. Focus on recruitment and efficient account management. Operate with small teams handling many accounts simultaneously. Maintain close relations with creators. Generate revenue through volume with smaller margins per client. Requires optimization of messaging, analytics, promotions etc.

Niche Agencies

Specialize in a specific OnlyFans model niche such as Latina, tattoos, anime, bodybuilding etc. These agencies become experts in promoting and creating content for that niche. Develop an exclusive reputation in the category and command higher rates from models eager for specialized niche expertise. Combine premium service with niche focus.

We recommend new agencies focus on a single strategy to start – either scale, premium or niche, based on your strengths and interests. Refine your operational workflow before expanding your agency’s model. Master your chosen approach before diversifying.

How to start an OnlyFans agency Step by Step Guide

1. decide on your agency type.

The first step is determining what type of OnlyFans agency you want to operate. Main options include:

  • OnlyFans Management Agency : Focuses on handling creator account tasks like scheduling posts, messaging fans, selling promotions and PPV content, analyzing performance data, and consulting on growth strategies.
  • OnlyFans Marketing Agency : Specializes in getting creators more visibility and subscribers. Services include managing promotions across social platforms, paid ads, influencer collaborations, SEO optimization, building email lists, and driving external traffic sources.
  • Hybrid Agency : Provides a blend of management, marketing, consulting, and other services to provide creators complete support. This is a common starting approach.

Choose your agency type based on your skills, interests, resources and growth goals. Many successful agencies evolve over time. Focus on your core strengths at launch.

2. Create a Business Plan and Strategy

Outline your agency’s core services, ideal client personas, pricing structure, processes, tools, growth roadmap, and more in a business plan. Key elements:

  • Ideal Client Personas: Detail target OnlyFans creator demographics like age, niche, earnings brackets, content types, etc.
  • Services & Pricing: List services you will offer like messaging, paid ads, consulting etc. and fee structure – typically 20% to 50% of creator earnings.
  • Projected Costs: Estimate costs like talent contracts, tools, chatters, ads, website etc. Factor these into your pricing.
  • Growth Roadmap: Outline creator count and revenue goals over the next 1-3 years. Plot how you will scale services and team to hit goals.
  • Marketing Plan: Describe how you will promote your agency services to attract your ideal creator clients.

A comprehensive plan is essential to launch strategically and scale effectively. Adapt as you learn.

3. Set Up Legal Structure and Contracts

  • Incorporate your agency as an LLC or Ltd (whatever it’s called in your respective country) to limit personal liability. Consult lawyers to ensure compliance.
  • Create talent contracts outlining terms like consent, compensation structure (your percentage fees), rights regarding  Onlyfans content distribution , exclusivity clauses, payment processing, etc.
  • Open a business bank account to easily process transactions and keep finances separate.
  • Learn about taxes, record keeping, age verification, and other legal considerations when handling adult content.

4. Refine Your Creator Selection Process

  • Vet potential clients by reviewing their OnlyFans history and social stats. Analyze work ethic, content quality, posting frequency, fan engagement levels, etc.
  • Pursue creators invested long-term in growing their channels, not quick cash grabs. Passion and determination are key.
  • Be open to various creator demographics and content types when starting out. Seek hard workers looking to scale.
  • Avoid creators who inconsistently post quality content or don’t engage thoughtfully with fans. Identify and filter time wasters early.

5. Build an Effective Onboarding Process

  • Explain your services, strategies, rules, pricing, and what makes your agency stand out. Allow questions.
  • Have creators sign contracts covering expectations, compensation, content rights, exclusivity etc. Leave no ambiguity.
  • Set up shared Drives for content uploading and organization. Provide training resources and growth tips.
  • Onboard clients 1:1 initially. Streamline and simplify as you scale. Automate administrative tasks where possible.

6. Get the Right Management Tools

  • Chatter Management  to track chatters’ activities across accounts and share best practices
  • Creator Analytics to monitor earnings, promotions, trends, and identify opportunities
  • Auto-Follower to re-engage expired subscribers  and drive more sales
  • Super Inbox to identify priority chats and hot leads for chatters
  • Mass Messaging tools like Super Mass to target different fan segments and boost engagement
  • Smart Pricing algorithms to optimize and maximize PPV revenue
  • CRM to organize fan data, preferences, notes and centralized access across chatters

By leveraging  Supercreator’s automation and AI-powered analytics , OnlyFans agencies can significantly streamline operations, minimize costs, drive revenue, and provide irreplaceable value to their creator clients.

  • Integrate payment systems like Stripe to easily invoice clients and collect percentage fees. Automate payments.
  • Build a professional website to showcase services, talent, results and build trust. Optimize SEO.

Launching an OnlyFans management agency demands strategic thinking and efficient operations. With fierce competition, you must differentiate and provide irreplaceable value to creators.

Implement automation to streamline repetitive tasks like messaging, subscriber outreach, and performance tracking. Tools like Supercreator optimize workflows and deliver data-driven insights to inform growth strategies.

Focus on building genuine relationships with talent through hands-on support. Be transparent about pricing and go the extra mile to help creators succeed.

Starting specialized and niche agencies allows you to master specific creator demographics before expanding your agency model. Always adapt based on analytics rather than guesses.

By combining genuine creator partnerships with leveraging automation and insights from tools like Supercreator, OnlyFans agencies can scale creator success and profits sustainably.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it a smart move to start an onlyfans agency.

Yes, with the growing popularity of OnlyFans, there is increasing demand for agencies that can help creators professionalize and scale their operations. By offering specialized services and expertise, agencies can fill a market need and potentially generate substantial revenue.

What are the Functions of an OnlyFans Agency?

An OnlyFans agency provides support to creators by assisting with branding, content production, messaging management, analytics & data tracking, promotion & growth strategies, legal & compliance, and creator recruitment & relations.

How much do OnlyFans agencies make?

Earnings for OnlyFans agencies can vary widely based on their client base, services offered, and operational efficiency. Some agencies might earn a modest income, while top-tier agencies, especially those managing high-earning creators, can potentially generate over 7 figures annually. Typically, agencies take a percentage of the creator’s earnings, ranging from 10% to 50%.

What is an OnlyFans management agency?

An OnlyFans management agency specializes in handling the daily operations and growth strategies of creators on the OnlyFans platform. This includes content scheduling, messaging fans, selling promotions and PPV content, analyzing performance data, and offering growth consultations.

Can I start an OnlyFans management agency?

Yes, anyone with the requisite knowledge and skills can start an OnlyFans management agency. It’s important to ensure you are familiar with the platform’s terms of service, have a legal structure in place, and provide genuine value to potential clients.

How do I find OnlyFans creators to work with?

Finding OnlyFans creators can be done by networking on social media platforms, attending industry events, and through direct outreach. Offering free consultations or workshops can also attract potential clients. Collaborating with influencers or well-known personalities in the OnlyFans community can help in getting referrals.

What tools do I need to be an Onlyfans agency?

Key tools for an OnlyFans agency include talent management systems like Supercreator, onlyfans business payment processors like Stripe for invoicing and collecting fees, a professional website to showcase services, and analytics tools to track and optimize performance. Additionally, having contract templates, CRM systems for managing relationships, and tools for automating tasks like messaging will also be beneficial.

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More Creating, Less Managing

Ditch the admin work. Our AI handles all the chatting, freeing you to focus on creating the awesome content that moves the needle. Make more, manage less

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How OnlyFans Makes Money: The Business and Revenue Model Explained

Curious about how OnlyFans rakes in the cash? This article dives into the business and revenue model behind the platform, unveiling the secrets to its financial success.

Understanding the OnlyFans Platform

Before we delve into the revenue model, let's first understand the concept behind OnlyFans and explore its key features. OnlyFans serves as a subscription-based social media platform that allows content creators to share exclusive content with their fans. Unlike traditional social networks, OnlyFans primarily focuses on enabling adult entertainers to showcase their work.

The platform operates on a freemium model, meaning that while anyone can create an account and access some content for free, exclusive content is only available to paying subscribers. This creates a sense of exclusivity and encourages fans to subscribe to their favorite creators.

The Concept Behind OnlyFans

OnlyFans was launched in 2016 by British entrepreneur Timothy Stokely. It was initially conceptualized as a platform that allows individuals to subscribe to the social media feeds of their favorite creators, providing them with an opportunity to directly support and engage with them.

Over time, OnlyFans evolved into a platform catering primarily to adult entertainers who saw it as a lucrative medium to connect with their audience and generate income. The platform provided a safe and controlled environment for both content creators and subscribers.

One of the key factors that contributed to the success of OnlyFans was its ability to empower content creators. By giving them the freedom to share their work on their own terms, OnlyFans allowed creators to take control of their careers and build a direct relationship with their fans. This direct interaction not only fostered a stronger bond between creators and subscribers but also provided a platform for creators to receive feedback and suggestions from their audience.

Moreover, OnlyFans offered a unique opportunity for content creators to monetize their work. With multiple revenue streams such as subscriptions, pay-per-view content, and tips, creators had the flexibility to choose the most suitable method for their content. This monetization model not only provided financial stability to creators but also incentivized them to consistently produce high-quality and engaging content for their subscribers.

Key Features of the OnlyFans Platform

OnlyFans offers several features that have contributed to its rapid growth and popularity in the adult entertainment industry:

  • Direct Interaction: Content creators can directly interact with their subscribers through chat messages and private messages, fostering a stronger bond between them. This direct line of communication allows creators to engage with their audience on a more personal level, creating a sense of community and loyalty.
  • Content Control: Creators have complete control over the content they share, allowing them to monetize their work as they see fit. This level of control empowers creators to showcase their creativity and express themselves authentically, attracting a dedicated fan base that appreciates their unique style.
  • Monetization Options: OnlyFans provides multiple revenue streams, including subscriptions, pay-per-view content, and tips. This diverse range of monetization options allows creators to tailor their income strategy based on their content and target audience. Whether they choose to offer exclusive subscription packages or sell individual content, creators have the flexibility to experiment and find the most profitable approach.
  • Privacy and Security: The platform prioritizes the privacy and security of both creators and subscribers, offering a safe environment to engage with adult content. OnlyFans implements robust security measures to protect user data and ensures that creators have control over who can access their content. This commitment to privacy has helped build trust among creators and subscribers, fostering a supportive and secure community.

By combining these key features, OnlyFans has revolutionized the way adult entertainers connect with their audience and generate income. The platform's commitment to empowering creators, providing a safe environment, and offering diverse monetization options has made it a popular choice for both content creators and subscribers alike.

The Business Model of OnlyFans

Now that we have explored the platform's foundations, let's examine the various elements of OnlyFans' business model, which have contributed to its success and profitability.

Subscription-Based Model

One of the primary sources of revenue for OnlyFans is its subscription-based model. Content creators can set a monthly subscription price, typically ranging from $5 to $50, for access to their exclusive content. OnlyFans takes a 20% fee from each subscription, with the remaining 80% going to the creator.

The subscription model provides a stable income stream for creators, ensuring a predictable monthly revenue. Additionally, it incentivizes creators to consistently produce high-quality content to retain and attract subscribers.

Pay-Per-View Model

In addition to subscriptions, OnlyFans enables creators to monetize individual pieces of content through a pay-per-view model. This allows creators to charge a specific amount for exclusive videos, photosets, or live-streamed events, providing an additional revenue stream. OnlyFans charges a 20% fee on pay-per-view transactions, similar to the subscription model.

The pay-per-view model provides creators with the flexibility to offer premium content that may not be available through their regular subscription, increasing their earning potential.

Tipping Model

OnlyFans also facilitates direct interactions between creators and subscribers through its tipping system. Fans can show their appreciation for a creator's work by leaving tips, which can range from a few dollars to several hundred dollars. OnlyFans takes a 10% fee from each tip, with the remaining 90% going to the creator.

This model offers an additional channel for creators to earn income and serves as a way for fans to further support their favorite content creators.

Revenue Generation on OnlyFans

By analyzing the various revenue streams on OnlyFans, we can gain a clearer understanding of how the platform generates income.

Revenue from Subscriptions

The subscription-based model is a significant driver of revenue for OnlyFans. With millions of subscribers paying monthly fees to access exclusive content from their favorite creators, the platform has been able to generate substantial revenue. According to company figures, OnlyFans reported a revenue of over $2 billion in 2020, a significant increase from previous years.

Given the platform's continued popularity and growing user base, it is expected that revenue from subscriptions will continue to climb in the coming years.

Revenue from Content Purchases

In addition to subscriptions, OnlyFans earns revenue from content purchases through the pay-per-view model. Creators can set prices for specific content, such as private videos or personalized photosets. With a large user base willing to pay for exclusive content, the revenue generated from such purchases has become a significant factor in OnlyFans' financial success.

The platform has seen a surge in transactions, with creators earning substantial amounts from selling their content to interested subscribers.

Revenue from Tips

The tipping system on OnlyFans has also contributed to the platform's revenue. By enabling fans to directly support their favorite creators through tips, OnlyFans not only fosters a sense of community but also generates income from the tips received. As the number of creators and subscribers continues to grow, the revenue from tips is expected to increase as well.

According to the company, content creators on OnlyFans earned over $2 billion in tips in 2020, highlighting the significant role this revenue stream plays in the platform's financial success.

The Role of Content Creators in OnlyFans' Revenue

Content creators play a crucial role in the revenue generation of OnlyFans. Without their unique and exclusive content, the platform would not be able to attract subscribers or generate income.

How Content Creators Contribute to Revenue

Content creators are the driving force behind OnlyFans' revenue. By consistently producing high-quality and engaging content, they are able to attract and retain subscribers, in turn generating income through subscriptions, content purchases, and tips.

Creators invest their time, effort, and creativity into producing content that resonates with their audience, thus increasing the chances of financial success on the platform.

The Earnings of Content Creators

The earnings of content creators on OnlyFans can vary significantly depending on factors such as the size of their subscriber base, the type of content they produce, and their marketing strategies. Some creators have reported earning thousands or even millions of dollars per month.

While OnlyFans has enabled many content creators to generate substantial income, it is important to note that not all creators achieve the same level of success. The platform provides an opportunity for financial independence and empowerment, but success is not guaranteed for everyone.

The Impact of OnlyFans' Business Model on the Adult Entertainment Industry

The rise of OnlyFans and its unique business model has brought about significant changes in the adult entertainment industry, disrupting traditional paradigms and empowering content creators.

Disruption of Traditional Adult Entertainment

OnlyFans has challenged the traditional adult entertainment industry by providing a platform that allows creators to directly monetize their work. It has bypassed traditional intermediaries and enabled creators to maintain control over their content, earnings, and audience.

This disruption has led to a democratization of the industry, offering opportunities to individuals who may have previously faced barriers to entry within traditional adult entertainment channels.

Empowerment of Content Creators

OnlyFans' business model has empowered content creators by providing them with a direct and reliable source of income. It allows them to showcase their work, build a loyal fan base, and earn money without relying on external companies or agencies.

Furthermore, OnlyFans has been instrumental in enabling individuals from various backgrounds and demographics to monetize their creativity and expression. It has provided a platform for marginalized communities to gain financial independence and pursue their passions on their own terms.

In conclusion, OnlyFans' business and revenue model has revolutionized the adult entertainment industry. Through its subscription-based, pay-per-view, and tipping models, the platform has empowered content creators to monetize their work while providing fans with exclusive and personalized content. With its significant revenue generation and impact on the industry, OnlyFans continues to reshape the way adult entertainment is consumed and produced.

business plan for onlyfans

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How to Start an OnlyFans Agency: A Succinct Guide

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By Jacob Maslow

June 11, 2023

Are you an entrepreneur looking to break into the OnlyFans game? If so, now is the perfect time! With the number of OnlyFans influencers continuing to grow at a record rate and revenue for content creators reaching new heights, starting your own OnlyFans agency could be a lucrative and fulfilling endeavor.

In this blog post, I’ll provide tips on starting an OnlyFans agency successfully – from getting off the ground quickly to building long-term success. You’ll learn strategies for finding talent, generating leads, maintaining relationships, and insights into pricing structures, legal considerations, marketing tactics, and more – everything you need to know about launching a profitableOnlyFans agency!

Key Takeaways

  • OnlyFans agencies help content creators manage and promote their accounts
  • Understanding the platform is crucial for starting a successful agency
  • Future agency owners should familiarize themselves with topics like niches, recruitment, and finances.

business plan for onlyfans

Understanding the OnlyFans Platform

OnlyFans is a popular content subscription service that has gained significant attention recently. It allows content creators to monetize their content through direct fan subscription fees. Here is an overview of its business model, the relationship between content creators and subscribers, and how an OnlyFans agency fits into the ecosystem.

Business Model

The OnlyFans platform operates on a subscription-based model, where content creators (primarily NSFW models) can set monthly fees for users to access their exclusive content. OnlyFans takes a 20% commission from the earnings, and the remaining 80% goes to the content creators. The platform supports various types of content, including photos, videos, messages, and even live streaming. Monetization can also occur through tips, pay-per-view content, custom content requests, and advertisement placement within the content.

Content Creators

Content creators are the driving force behind the OnlyFans platform. They come from various backgrounds and focus on different niches, from fitness, beauty & fashion to adult and NSFW content. Regardless of their niche, these creators are responsible for producing and curating high-quality content that caters to their subscribers’ interests and generates revenue through subscriptions and additional monetization methods. Additionally, they must engage with their subscribers, respond to messages and comments, and maintain an active presence on social media to promote their OnlyFans accounts and grow their following.


Subscribers are the users who pay a monthly fee to access a content creator’s exclusive content on OnlyFans. They invest in the creators they admire, looking for unique, high-quality content tailored to their interests. Common reasons for subscribing include supporting a favorite creator, accessing specialized content not found elsewhere, or forging a closer connection with the content creator through direct communication and exclusive content.

Understanding the OnlyFans platform’s aspects is essential for anyone looking to start an OnlyFans agency. By grasping the platform’s business model, recognizing the roles of content creators and subscribers, and knowing how it all connects, one can create a successful agency that benefits both the creators and subscribers.

SWOT Analysis of an OnlyFans Agency

business plan for onlyfans

A SWOT analysis identifies a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and is essential for forming a solid business strategy. Here is a SWOT analysis for starting an OnlyFans agency:

  • Strong demand for content subscription services : OnlyFans is a popular platform for creators and fans, and demand for personalized content has grown rapidly.
  • Untapped market : The OnlyFans management agency industry is relatively new, which means there are opportunities for businesses to establish themselves as leaders in the niche.
  • Diverse set of clients : OnlyFans caters to a wide range of content creators and niches, so agencies can potentially cater to multiple client types and develop a diverse clientele.
  • Limited experience : As a new agency, there may be a lack of experience, resulting in obstacles while managing multiple clients and their content strategies.
  • Legal and ethical challenges : OnlyFans may involve adult content, which brings its own legal challenges, ethical concerns, and potential stigma associated with the industry.
  • High competition : The growing interest in OnlyFans and similar platforms has increased competition among agencies and freelance creators, making it more challenging to stand out.


  • Expansion to other platforms : With the rapid growth of subscription-based platforms, an OnlyFans agency could expand its services to other platforms and broaden its portfolio.
  • Building a strong brand : Developing a strong brand identity and reputation can help an OnlyFans agency attract more clients and establish itself as an industry leader.
  • Partnerships : Forming partnerships with related businesses like photographers and marketers can provide additional services and create a more comprehensive offering for clients.
  • Changes in platform policies and terms : OnlyFans has faced controversies and issues related to its content in the past, and changes in platform policies could significantly impact the viability of an agency’s operation.
  • Cybersecurity and privacy concerns : As with any online business, an OnlyFans agency must be aware of the risks associated with data privacy and potential data breaches and take necessary precautions to protect clients’ information. This is a bigger concern with adult creators, particularly since they value their privacy and want to keep their content gated. At the same time, users use various methods to “leak” OnlyFans Content.
  • Market saturation : As more OnlyFans management agencies emerge, the market may become saturated, making it harder for newer businesses to enter the niche and remain profitable.

Protect Yourself From OnlyFans Leaks: What You Need to Know

When starting an OnlyFans agency, identifying a profitable and unique niche is crucial. A niche is the main content idea that your OnlyFans will revolve around and differentiates your agency from others in the market. By selecting a clear niche, you can more easily target a specific audience and recruit creators with the same interests.

Some popular niches in the OnlyFans ecosystem include fitness, wellness, cooking, and various adult content niches such as gamer girl, hotwife, bull, amateur, girl next door, guys , feet, and hardcore. A niche can be based on various interests and subject matters. The key is finding a niche with a large, engaged audience, yet remains relatively untapped in the OnlyFans space.

Once a niche has been selected, it’s essential to understand the market and audience further. Consider researching trends, popular creators in the niche, and audience preferences to identify potential growth opportunities. Having an in-depth knowledge of the niche will help tailor your agency’s offerings and create a strong foundation for marketing and promotional campaigns.

After a solid understanding of the niche, your agency can begin recruiting creators who align with the chosen niche. By focusing on creators with a strong following or showcasing potential in their chosen field, an agency can quickly build a promising roster of talent. As a result, this roster can help propel the agency’s growth and success in the niche.

It’s crucial to keep an eye on the trends and developments in your chosen niche to adjust strategies and stay on top of emerging opportunities. By staying active in the niche community and consistently learning about its direction, you’ll be in the best position to maintain relevance and succeed as an OnlyFans agency.

business plan for onlyfans

Setting up an Onlyfans Agency

Legal requirements.

Before starting an OnlyFans agency, you must comply with legal requirements in your jurisdiction. Research the local laws and regulations regarding adult content and agencies. Obtain necessary permits and licenses, and register your business with the appropriate government agencies. Ensure you sign agreements with models and staff, clearly outlining their roles, compensation, and rights and maintaining compliance with labor laws.

Building a Team

An essential aspect of setting up an OnlyFans agency is assembling a talented team that supports the agency’s goals. Your team should include the following:

  • Talent scouts:  Identify and recruit potential models with a strong online presence and marketability.
  • Content creators: Photographers, videographers, and editors who can produce high-quality content for models’ profiles. You may also want to hire “chatters” to engage with fans via messaging.
  • Social media managers:  Experts responsible for promoting your agency’s models on various platforms and maintaining strong engagement with fans.
  • Administration staff: Managing contracts, schedules, and day-to-day operations.

Office Setup

Finding an appropriate office space is vital for running an OnlyFans agency. Choose a location that provides ample space for office activities, including content production and meetings. Consider proximity to your target market and accessibility for models and clients. Set up essential equipment, furniture, and technology required for the agency’s smooth functioning. Establish a reliable internet connection, phone lines, and computer systems to facilitate communication and work efficiently.

Establishing streamlined operations is fundamental to the success of your agency. Develop a concrete business plan outlining goals, strategies, and tactics to achieve them. Design processes for talent scouting, content creation, and promotion to ensure consistency and quality. Implement tools and software to help manage schedules, track progress, and oversee financials. Regularly review and evaluate your agency’s performance to identify areas of improvement and foster growth.

business plan for onlyfans

Unlock your earning potential with OnlyFans!

Recruiting content creators, scouting talent.

When starting an OnlyFans agency, it’s essential to scout talent for potential content creators. Reach out to potential creators through social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Engage with their content and direct message them, expressing interest in working together. Attend industry events or conventions to network with creators to expand the agency’s talent list.

Compliance with OnlyFans Guidelines

Ensure that potential collaborators adhere to OnlyFans’ guidelines and standards. Review their content to ensure compliance with the platform’s rules and regulations, avoiding illegal or inappropriate material. It’s essential for both creators and the agency to establish a professional reputation within the OnlyFans community by avoiding any prohibited activities.

  • Be aware of content restrictions
  • Ensure age verification measures are in place
  • Maintain a safe and respectful community

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Offering Services and Benefits

Attracting content creators involves offering services and benefits that help them grow their OnlyFans account. Some of the services that agencies can provide include:

  • Account management:  Assist creators with scheduling, engaging with fans, and content strategy
  • Marketing support:  Promote creators on social media platforms, submit press releases, and develop advertising campaigns
  • Legal assistance:  Help creators navigate legal considerations, such as copyright and trademarks
  • Financial guidance:  Offer assistance with taxes, budgeting, and investments to ensure the creators’ financial success

By offering these services and benefits, an OnlyFans agency can entice talented creators to join their team and build a thriving agency.

Promoting and Marketing the Agency

Creating a brand presence.

When starting an OnlyFans agency, creating a strong brand presence is essential. This involves developing a professional logo, a catchy name, and a unique selling proposition. A clear brand identity allows potential clients and models to recognize the agency and helps ensure its credibility. Creating a user-friendly website and online portfolio is crucial for showcasing the agency’s models and their work to potential customers.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is an effective marketing tool for promoting an OnlyFans agency. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook provide ample opportunities to showcase models’ content, announce new talent signings, and engage with the agency’s target audience. To maximize reach, consider:

  • Posting regular updates and engaging content
  • Utilizing relevant hashtags and targeted ads to reach potential clients
  • Engaging with followers and responding to comments and messages promptly
  • Running contests and promotions to boost user engagement and visibility

Networking with Influencers

Collaborating with industry influencers and leveraging their networks can greatly benefit gaining exposure for an OnlyFans agency. Influencer partnerships help enhance the agency’s credibility and reach a vast audience engaged with the adult entertainment industry. To foster strong relationships with influencers, an agency can:

  • Offer exclusive promotional deals or collaborate on content creation
  • Invite influencers to events, photoshoots, or interviews
  • Share and repost influencers’ content on social media platforms
  • Create a mutually beneficial arrangement that supports both parties’ growth

By implementing these strategies, an OnlyFans agency can effectively promote and market its services, driving growth and success in the competitive adult entertainment industry.

Managing Agency Finances

Revenue models.

To start an OnlyFans agency, it’s essential to establish reliable revenue streams. There are two primary revenue models for an OnlyFans agency:

  • Commission-based:  The agency takes a percentage of the income generated by the content creators they manage. This model incentivizes the agency to work hard to help creators succeed.
  • Fixed payment: The agency charges a set fee for their services, regardless of the income generated by the content creator. This model is more stable for the agency, but it may not encourage them to go the extra mile in driving creator success.

Both options have pros and cons; each agency must choose the model that best suits its goals and the creators they want to work with. Most agencies charge a commission.

Accounting and Taxes

Proper accounting and tax management are crucial for a successful OnlyFans agency. It’s important to:

  • Set up an organized accounting system to track income, expenses, and cash flow. This can be done using accounting software or outsourcing to an accounting professional.
  • File taxes accordingly for the revenue generated by the agency. This includes ensuring that tax liabilities are calculated accurately, and all necessary paperwork is submitted on time.
  • Provide creators with necessary tax documentation, as they may be considered independent contractors.

Risk Management

Managing financial risks is an essential aspect of running an OnlyFans agency. Key steps include:

  • Planning for unexpected costs and potential losses. Setting up an emergency fund to cover unforeseen expenses can provide a financial safety net.
  • Ensuring the business for general liability, errors and omissions, and other relevant insurance coverage.
  • Implementing client contracts to outline the responsibilities and expectations between the agency and the content creator. This can protect both parties from potential legal disputes.

By thoughtfully managing finances, an OnlyFans agency can ensure the stability and longevity of its business operations.

Scaling Your Agency

Growth strategies.

To scale your OnlyFans agency, focus on implementing effective growth strategies. Some critical strategies include:

  • Recruiting top models : Attract the most talented and popular models to your agency. The greater their reach, the more subscribers they will bring, increasing your agency’s revenue.
  • Implementing optimized content strategies : Assist your models in developing a content strategy tailored to their target audience. Consistent, high-quality content will help retain subscribers and attract new ones.
  • Utilizing social media marketing : Promote your models’ accounts on social media platforms. A well-executed social media plan will increase your agency’s visibility and its models.
  • Expanding your services : Offer additional services such as sponsored posts, collaborations, and custom content to increase revenue streams for your agency and its models.

Analyzing Performance Metrics

Monitoring and analyzing performance metrics is essential for scaling an OnlyFans agency. Some important metrics to track include:

  • Subscriber growth : Monitor the number of new subscribers and the churn rate. These metrics will help you understand how your agency’s promotional efforts and content strategies impact subscriber numbers.
  • Engagement rate : Analyze the likes, comments, and shares on your models’ posts. High engagement levels indicate that the content resonates with subscribers and can help attract new ones.
  • Conversion rate : Track the percentage of visitors to a model’s OnlyFans page who become subscribers. A higher conversion rate suggests that promotional activities and content strategies effectively attract paying subscribers.
  • Revenue growth : Monitor the overall revenue generated by your agency’s models. Aim for consistent revenue growth to scale your agency, which could be achieved through subscriber growth, increased engagement, and effective promotions.

By implementing growth strategies and analyzing performance metrics, your OnlyFans agency is more likely to scale successfully and reach its full potential.

Fees and Contracts

When starting an OnlyFans agency, it’s crucial to carefully consider the fees and contracts involved in operating the business. The agency will negotiate contracts with creators and ensure that both parties interests are protected. These contracts will outline the agency’s services, the fees charged, and the terms and conditions under which the partnership will operate.

Creators typically pay agencies a percentage of their earnings, which can vary based on the agency’s reputation and the services offered. Commonly, agencies charge between 15% to 30% of a creator’s income. The agency needs to determine a fee structure that fairly compensates them for their work while remaining competitive.

Contract Negotiations Negotiating contracts is a key aspect of starting an OnlyFans agency. The contract should clearly outline the scope of services the agency offers, such as content strategy, profile optimization, fan engagement, and marketing. Additionally, the contract should specify the duration of the agreement, the termination process, and the payment terms. Both parties must thoroughly review and agree upon each aspect before signing the contract.

To ensure that the contracts are legally enforceable, it is advisable to consult with a lawyer or legal expert who has experience drafting and reviewing such agreements. This will help protect the agency and creator from potential disputes or misunderstandings.

Fee Adjustments  The fees charged by the agency should be revisited periodically to ensure they remain appropriate and competitive. Factors such as the agency’s growth, changes in the marketplace, and the creator’s increased revenue should be considered in adjusting the fees. Maintaining transparent communication with creators about fee adjustments is essential to sustaining a positive working relationship.

In conclusion, when starting an OnlyFans agency, it is vital to establish a clear and fair fee structure, along with well-drafted contracts that protect the interests of the agency and the creators they represent. An OnlyFans agency can thrive in the ever-evolving market by keeping up-to-date with industry changes and maintaining open communication with creators.

business plan for onlyfans

Start your OnlyFans journey today!

What we like and dislike about this business.

Starting an OnlyFans agency can be a lucrative business opportunity for individuals who can capitalize on the popularity of the platform and the increasing number of content creators. However, it’s essential to understand the pros and cons of running such an agency before diving in.

  • Growing industry: OnlyFans has grown rapidly in recent years, providing significant potential for growth and revenue if you can effectively manage creators’ accounts and help them succeed.
  • Low entry barriers: Starting an OnlyFans agency requires a minimal upfront investment, and you can often begin with just a laptop and an internet connection.
  • Flexibility:  Running the agency allows for a flexible work schedule and remote work, making it an attractive option for business owners who value work-life balance.
  • Networking opportunities: Managing content creators on OnlyFans allows you to connect with other professionals in the adult industry and expand your professional network.
  • Creative freedom:  As an agency owner, you can help shape the content strategy of creators and share your expertise in content production and marketing.
  • High competition: The rapid growth of the OnlyFans platform has led to increased competition, both in terms of content creators and other agencies, making it challenging to stand out.
  • Time-consuming management:  Running an OnlyFans agency can be time-consuming, as managing multiple creators’ accounts often requires significant effort and constant communication.
  • Reputation risks: Working in the adult industry may not be appealing to everyone and can carry some reputational risks, both personally and professionally.
  • Content creation challenges:  Consistently producing high-quality content for multiple creators can be challenging and requires a deep understanding of each creator’s brand and style.
  • Marketing and promotion hurdles: Promoting your agency or the creators you manage may prove difficult, especially in a crowded market and the possible stigma associated with the adult industry.

In summary, starting an OnlyFans agency presents a unique business opportunity with significant potential for growth and profit. However, it’s essential to consider the possible drawbacks and challenges associated with such an endeavor before taking the plunge.

business plan for onlyfans

What is an OnlyFans agency?

An OnlyFans agency is a business that helps models and creators manage their accounts, engage with fans and subscribers, schedule posts, and develop marketing strategies. They also assist in brand building across other adult subscription platforms.

How do I start my own OnlyFans agency?

  • Conduct market research to understand the demand for OnlyFans management services.
  • Develop a solid business plan that outlines your goals, target audience, and financial needs.
  • Register your agency as a legal business entity and obtain the necessary permits or licenses.
  • Create a professional website with information about your services and ways to contact you.
  • Develop a marketing strategy to attract potential clients and spread the word about your agency.
  • Build a network with creators and models by attending industry events or using social media.
  • Set up a system for managing clients’ accounts, including account access, content scheduling, and analytics.
  • Provide ongoing support and recommendations to help your clients grow and thrive on OnlyFans.

How do I recruit models for my OnlyFans agency?

Recruiting models for your OnlyFans agency involves scouting for talent on social media platforms, attending industry events or casting calls, and contacting potential clients directly. You can also advertise your services on job boards or forums where models frequent.

What services should my OnlyFans agency provide?

Your OnlyFans agency should provide management services such as content scheduling and planning, engaging with subscribers, and analytics reports. You should also offer content creation assistance, social media promotion, and advisory services on branding and monetization strategies.

How can I ensure my OnlyFans agency is successful?

To ensure the success of your OnlyFans agency, focus on providing high-quality services, staying updated with industry trends, and maintaining strong relationships with clients. Improving your marketing strategies and expanding your network will also contribute to your agency’s growth.

Jacob Maslow

OnlyFans Refund: A Concise Guide to Receiving Your Money Back

Branding for women: empowering strategies for success.

business plan for onlyfans

OnlyFans Business Model | How Does OnlyFans Make Money?

Onlyfans business model

As a platform that has recently become popular for NSFW content, OnlyFans is one of the most controversial businesses of recent decades. It attempted to disrupt the ‘sex industry’ with its new features and immensely different business strategies.

Surprisingly, it succeeded. Launched in 2016, OnlyFans became profitable in less than four years of its launch. While a major portion of its data is still undisclosed, experts have been trying to get more and more information about the company. What is it that has made this business work? Will it be profitable in the long run? Is OnlyFans really a unicorn in disguise?

Let’s decode OnlyFans business model.

What Is OnlyFans?

OnlyFans is a content subscription-based service that brings creators and influencers in direct contact with the consumers of their content or their ‘fans’. It is a social media platform that helps them earn directly by satisfying their audience’s requirements and thus, ‘monetise their influence’.

The creators on the platform form a mix of health experts, artists, chefs, sex workers, and everyone else who has something to attract and influence people on.

Tim Stokely started OnlyFans in 2016 as a family business. Stokely saw how virtual sex workers rely heavily on the producers of A-grade movies to earn. Also, since social platforms like Instagram don’t allow NSFW content, they have no place to interact with their fans and build their community .

While a few workers use Twitter and the likes to accept direct requests from their fans, most of the work is unorganised and done under the table. Therefore, Tim partnered with his brother, Thomas Stokely, and his father, Guy Stokely, to establish a social media network more friendly to sex workers.

The platform attracted a lot of people from different walks of life. Two years later, Leonid Radvinsky, the infamous ‘porn entrepreneur’, acquired a 75% share of Fenix International Limited, the company that owns OnlyFans. Since then, the platform has focused more on adult content.

Who Are OnlyFans’s Customers?

The customer segment of OnlyFans comprises content creators (aka the ‘influencers’) and content viewers (aka the ‘fans’).

  • Content creators post images, videos, and textual matter on the platform to satisfy their audience’s requirements and earn. They create content on various topics like fitness, art, food, travel, etc. Several celebrities like Cardi B, Blac Chyna, and Chad Johnson also have OnlyFans accounts to interact with their fans and popularise their upcoming works.
  • Content consumers are the loyal fans of these creators willing to pay for accessing their content and interacting with them. Many of the consumers joined the platform because of boredom during the COVID-19 pandemic. When Cardi B announced that she would be starting an OnlyFans account before the launch of ‘WAP’, the growth accelerated so much that its first BTS video brought $1000 in tips.

However, most of the platform’s customers are sex workers and consumers of pornographic content.

What Value Does OnlyFans Provide?

OnlyFans brings content creators in direct contact with their audience. While the creators benefit from a direct payment mechanism, their fans enjoy interactions with them.

What Value Does OnlyFans Provide To Content Creators?

OnlyFans helps creators monetise their influence by hiding their content behind a paywall; that is, it can only be accessed when paid for. This way, they are not dependent on brands to pay them for partnerships, but they can directly earn by providing content pieces to their fans in exchange for money. The platform also facilitates interaction and engagement through live shows and paid direct messages. It further helps in the personal branding of these creators who can now know the requirements of their fans to optimise viewership and build their communities.

Now, sex workers don’t have to rely on the exploitative porn industry; they can now directly engage with their audience, satisfy their requirements, and earn therein. Although other platforms let them interact with their fans over voices and cams, they are unorganised and charge heavy commissions. On the other hand, OnlyFans offer safety, security, and privacy in exchange for a flat 20% commission.

The creators of mainstream content (non-NSFW work) also benefit from direct interaction with their fans. Several influencers opt for posting their artworks, cooking, fitness-related suggestions, etc., on the platform. Music celebrities like Cardi B, Swae Lee, and The Dream have used the platform to hype their upcoming works.

However, it is difficult for new creators to monetise their content despite facing less competition than on social sites like Instagram. OnlyFans is better for influencers with an ideal fanbase on any other platform.

What Value Does OnlyFans Provide To Consumers?

OnlyFans lets the audience of the creators interact and learn more about them. These consumers get access to exclusive textual content, pictures, and videos from their favourite creators. They may also specify their requirements through direct messages and have them fulfilled in exchange for a small fee. This way, they feel like a part of their community.

There is no doubt that most of the consumers are on the site to access pornographic content. They can subscribe to their favourite stars, request personalised content, and interact and tip them for their services. Thus, it is a win-win situation for all the parties.

How Does OnlyFans Work?

OnlyFans protect its content behind a paywall; that is, one has to pay to access them. This amount goes directly to the creators of the content. This is how the platform brings creators and their audience in direct contact.

One can sign up on OnlyFans through their email ID or use a Twitter or Google account to sign in. An important thing to note here is that the platform doesn’t differentiate between a general and a creator’s account. One account can be used in both ways.

how does OnlyFans Work?

Also, the platform asks one to verify their identity by providing a government-issued ID card. It is strict about not letting in anyone under the age of 18.

After one has created their profile, they can update it by filling in the relevant details, changing their usernames, and adding a bank (to earn) and/or card (to subscribe).

Onlyfans profile

The platform also allows its users to link their Spotify accounts and Amazon wishlists.

Onlyfans Signup

The first thing a new user sees on opening the account is the OFTV or OnlyFans TV, a free video channel that partners with creators across OnlyFans to help new users reach their content. OnlyFans also starts suggesting creators for new users to follow.

Onlyfans OFTV

How Does OnlyFans Work For Creators?

New creators have to give their bank details before fixing their subscription rates. They may opt to keep their content free of charge to gain more followers. It has been seen that while celebrities, Instagram influencers, and famous porn artists get paid from the start, others earn little or no amount. There is a huge pay gap on OnlyFans as creators need to have an influence strong enough to monetise.

OnlyFans allow them to earn in three possible ways:

Onlyfans subscription

  • Paid Direct Messages: These are usually PPV (pay per view) images and videos that creators send in response to their fans’ demands. They compose messages for individual accounts with attached visuals and add a price tag to those DMs. While regular paid private messages have a cap of $100, PPV messages are capped at $50.
  • Tips: Tips are the best way to engage users and build a loyal fan base on OnlyFans. While the minimum tipping amount is $5, creators like Monica Huldt have been earning over $100,000 on OnlyFans despite charging only $6.50 for a subscription; that’s the power of tips. Fans can also send non-monetary tips, that is, gifts by accessing the creators’ Amazon wishlist. An important point here is that tips are capped at $100 in the first four months of a creator’s activity, following which it rises to $200.
  • Payment mechanism: The influencers on OnlyFans receive a payout every 21 days. As already mentioned, the platform takes a 20% cut for its services and transfers the rest 80% to them.

Besides posting content and engaging with their audience, influencers host lives and engage in mass messaging to strengthen their brand further. OnlyFans offers services to facilitate these events. It also allows the creators to assess their overall support and thank their top fans of the month.

Moreover, the platform aims to eliminate the concerns of its creator customers regarding the privacy and security of their content. While it has established a DMCA team to look into copyrights violation, privacy is pretty much in the hands of the users. OnlyFans assures that it won’t reveal their data to their subscribers and penalise anyone who tries to take screenshots or share their content outside the website. It also strictly advises the users not to reveal any of their detail. However, the platform does share the information with third-party companies for ‘verification purposes’.

How Does OnlyFans Work For Consumers?

Consumers need to add payment cards before subscribing to a creator. Even if an influencer’s content is free, they need to give their payment information before accessing their content.

business plan for onlyfans

Once this is done, they may start searching for their favourite artists and enjoy their content. Consumers can engage with them through comments and direct messages and send tips for good posts. They can also interact with the creators to learn more about them and get their wants in the form of PPV direct messages. They get a chance to be a part of their favourite creators’ community.

OnlyFans Referral Programme

Under this program, anyone who refers a creator to OnlyFans gets a 5% share of their earnings in the first year up to $1 million. At first, the company used to pay 5% earnings for life, but now it has changed its policy. However, since most new creators don’t earn well on the platform, the program doesn’t benefit many people.

Onlyfans Revenue Model: How Does OnlyFans Make Money?

OnlyFans follows a commission-based revenue model. It earns by taking a 20% cut from its creators’ income.

On the other hand, the company mainly incurs expenditure on solidifying its hosting and payment-processing services, and conducting the referral programme. Lately, it has been working and spending hard on strengthening privacy and security services. Reports also claim that OnlyFans might try to reduce NSFW content to attract more mainstream celebrities and their fans.

While official data is not available, a Bloomberg report mentions that, in 2020, OnlyFans generated more than $2 billion in sales and $400 million in net annual sales. Also, it is profitable!

A major reason for the company’s success is that it has disrupted one of the most successful industries of the current decades: the virtual sex industry. After Radvinsky’s takeover, the platform has strengthened its reputation for ‘homemade porn’. This has struck several debates among the post-modernist and conservative groups regarding the ethics of the company.

However, one cannot let the genius of the founders go underappreciated. As opposed to the linear businesses like Airbnb and Uber, OnlyFans follows a multiplicative model; that is, while an Uber driver needs to engage in one more drive to fuel the company’s revenue, a picture on OnlyFans can generate multiple tips.

Thus, OnlyFans seems to be a billion-dollar business on its path to grow into a multi-billion dollar enterprise.

Go On, Tell Us What You Think!

Did we miss something? Come on! Tell us what you think about our article on  OnlyFans Business Model  in the comments section.

Kavvya Kishan

A finance enthusiast, literature beau and lifelong learner. Working her way up the success ladder and her personal philosophy textbook, Kavvya believes that a good conversation is worth more than a good book. When not working, she can be found reading, writing and engaging in long walks.

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How Does OnlyFans Make Money? The OnlyFans Business Model In A Nutshell

  • OnlyFans is a content subscription service headquartered in London and founded by brothers Tim and Thomas Stokely in 2016. Helped by a £10,000 loan from their father, the brothers envisioned a space where creators could monetize content without advertising.
  • OnlyFans was acquired by billionaire investor Leonid Radvinsky in 2018. Since the acquisition, the platform has become predominantly associated with adult entertainment.
  • As the provider of a platform for paywalled content, OnlyFans has a simple yet lucrative business model . Creators charge for access to their work via subscriptions and exclusive paid content while also receiving tips. In each case, the company takes a 20% commission.

Table of Contents

OnlyFans Origin Story

OnlyFans is a content subscription service headquartered in London and founded by brothers Tim and Thomas Stokely in 2016.

Tim Stokely envisioned a site where creators could monetize their content without resorting to advertising.

This included musicians, artists, and fitness experts, but it also included sex workers.

Many such workers, he noticed, were trying to sell their services on social media sites such as Instagram and having their posts deleted because of inappropriate content.

With a £10,000 loan from their father, the Stokely brothers launched the OnlyFans platform.

It incorporated a news feed not dissimilar to Twitter or Instagram, and users were required to pay a monthly subscription to view the content of their favorite entertainers.

What’s more, users could pay additional money to unlock valuable content.

OnlyFans was a near-instant success with creators, who appreciated the ability to reach a high percentage of their fans with a single post or interact with them directly. 

In 2018, American investor Leonid Radvinsky acquired 75% of the company. After the acquisition, OnlyFans became increasingly associated with adult content.

Two years later, the platform experienced rapid growth as many were stuck at home and left unemployed by the coronavirus pandemic.

A name-drop from musician Beyonce in a music video was also beneficial to the company’s bottom line.

Today, OnlyFans boasts an impressive set of figures.

The platform has over 150 million registered users and has paid out more than $5 billion to 1.5 million content creators .

Value Proposition:

  • Monetization Without Ads: OnlyFans offers creators a space to earn money directly from their content, eliminating the need for intrusive ads. This appeals to creators from various fields, including musicians, artists, fitness experts, and adult entertainers.
  • Subscription and Exclusive Content: Creators can charge users for access to their exclusive content and interact directly with their fan base. This model allows creators to cultivate a loyal following and earn recurring revenue through subscriptions.
  • Customization and Direct Interaction: The platform enables creators to personalize their content offerings and fulfill custom content requests from fans. This direct interaction fosters a sense of community and engagement.
  • Revenue Sharing: OnlyFans provides a revenue-sharing model , with creators receiving 80% of the earnings from subscriptions, tips, and exclusive content. This transparent approach benefits creators by allowing them to retain a significant portion of their earnings.

Revenue Model:

  • Subscription Fees : OnlyFans generates revenue primarily through subscription fees paid by fans to access exclusive content from creators. Creators set their own monthly subscription prices, and OnlyFans takes a percentage of the subscription revenue as a platform fee, providing a recurring revenue stream for the company.
  • Tips and Paid Messages : In addition to subscription fees, OnlyFans offers features such as tips and paid messages, allowing fans to further support their favorite creators through one-time payments or direct messaging interactions. OnlyFans may collect a percentage of these transactions as processing fees, generating additional revenue for the platform.
  • Premium Content Sales : Some creators on OnlyFans may offer premium content or pay-per-view posts for an additional fee, providing fans with the opportunity to unlock exclusive content or experiences for a one-time payment. OnlyFans may collect a portion of the sales revenue as a platform fee, diversifying its revenue streams.

Customer Segments:

  • Content Creators: Creators from diverse backgrounds, including adult entertainment, fitness, art, music, and other niches, use OnlyFans to monetize their content. They appreciate the platform’s ability to provide a direct revenue stream from their work.
  • Fans and Subscribers: Users who are willing to pay for exclusive content and subscriptions from their favorite creators form a significant customer segment. They seek unique and personalized content experiences.
  • Social Media Influencers: Influencers and personalities with a substantial online following may leverage OnlyFans to provide exclusive content and experiences to their dedicated fan base.

Distribution Strategy:

  • Website: OnlyFans operates a user-friendly website that serves as the central hub for both creators and subscribers. Creators can manage their content, pricing, and interactions, while subscribers access content through the site.
  • Mobile App: The OnlyFans mobile app extends the platform’s accessibility, allowing creators to engage with fans and upload content directly from their smartphones. It provides a convenient and on-the-go experience for both creators and subscribers.
  • App Stores: The OnlyFans mobile app is available for download on popular app stores, including the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, enhancing its reach to a wider audience.

Marketing Strategy:

  • Creator Outreach: OnlyFans actively recruits creators from various niches and provides them with incentives to join the platform. The company promotes the idea that creators can monetize their passions and gain a direct connection with their fans.
  • Subscriber Acquisition: The platform encourages creators to promote their OnlyFans accounts to their existing fan base on social media and other platforms. This word-of-mouth marketing helps attract subscribers.
  • Balanced Brand Image: OnlyFans maintains a balanced brand image by acknowledging its association with adult content while also emphasizing its broader appeal to creators from different industries. This approach reduces stigma and attracts a diverse creator base.
  • Content Promotion: The platform promotes featured creators and their content through its website and social media channels, showcasing the variety of content available on OnlyFans.
  • Incentive Programs: OnlyFans offers creators the option to provide exclusive promotions and discounts to subscribers, encouraging user acquisition and retention.
  • Community Building: OnlyFans fosters a sense of community among creators and subscribers. Creators interact directly with their fans, and subscribers feel engaged and valued, leading to a positive feedback loop.
  • Data-Driven Insights: The platform uses data analytics to identify trends, preferences, and user behavior, helping creators optimize their content and pricing strategies.
  • Brand Partnerships: OnlyFans explores strategic partnerships with brands and influencers to expand its reach and diversify its content offerings.

OnlyFans revenue generation

OnlyFans has a relatively simple revenue generation model as the provider of a platform for paywalled content.

For each monthly subscription a user purchases, the company takes 20% while giving the remaining 80% to the content creator.

The company sets a minimum and maximum subscription rates, starting at $4.99/per month and increasing to $49.99/per month. 

Tips and exclusive content

Content creators can also communicate directly with fans, allowing them to consider special requests for custom or personalized content.

This content is then sold back to the fan for a fee, with prices starting at $5 and capped at $100. 

For creators who don’t charge a subscription , the cap on all pay-per-view content is $50.

Alternatively, content creators can receive tips for the content they produce.

Since the earnings from tips and exclusive content constitute creator income, they are treated the same way as subscription earnings.

Key Takeaways

OnlyFans Origin Story:

  • Founded in 2016 by Tim and Thomas Stokely in London.
  • Tim Stokely’s vision was to create a platform where creators could monetize content without relying on advertising.
  • Launched with a £10,000 loan from their father.
  • Initially intended for various creators, including musicians, artists, fitness experts, and sex workers.
  • Allowed creators to sell content through paid subscriptions and offer exclusive content.

Acquisition and Growth:

  • In 2018, OnlyFans was acquired by billionaire investor Leonid Radvinsky.
  • The platform became predominantly associated with adult content after the acquisition.
  • Experienced rapid growth during the COVID-19 pandemic as many people stayed home and faced unemployment.
  • Mention in Beyonce’s music video further boosted its popularity.

Impressive Figures:

  • Over 150 million registered users on the platform.
  • Paid out more than $5 billion to 1.5 million content creators.

Revenue Generation Model:

  • OnlyFans takes a 20% commission from each monthly subscription purchased by users.
  • Creators receive the remaining 80% of the subscription revenue.
  • Subscription rates range from $4.99 to $49.99 per month.

Tips and Exclusive Content:

  • Content creators can offer exclusive content to fans for a fee, ranging from $5 to $100.
  • They can directly interact with fans and fulfill custom content requests.
  • Earnings from tips and exclusive content are treated the same as subscription earnings.

Versatility in Content:

  • Creators from various fields, including adult entertainment, fitness, art, music, and more, can monetize their content on OnlyFans.
  • Platform allows creators to connect directly with their fan base.
  • Provides a space for diverse content offerings, enabling creators to earn income through different content types.

Read Next: Subscription Business Model , SaaS .

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How to Start an OnlyFans Agency and Make Money?

The OnlyFans has been on the rise in recent years, and several OnlyFans agencies are growing along with it. If you’re a budding entrepreneur looking for a lucrative business idea in a highly-scalable market, then starting an OnlyFans agency can be the best choice, as it offers both the income and growth opportunities you need. 

Despite the countless opportunities it offers, starting an OnlyFans agency also has a truckload of challenges. In this article, we offer you end-to-end information on how to start an OnlyFans agency, from knowing your niche, setting up a commission rate, registering and obtaining permits and licenses, and marketing your OnlyFans agency. We also look into what are the skills required to start an OnlyFans agency and how much you can make from it. 

What Is an OnlyFans Agency, And How Does It Work?

The OnlyFans agency is similar to a talent management agency but specifically caters to OnlyFans models. These agencies sign both the aspiring and top OnlyFans models and help them manage and market their OnlyFans accounts. 

Everyone working on an OnlyFans agency has the same goal: book talented OnlyFans models, optimize their profiles end-to-end from branding to pricing and help them advance in their careers. 

They also help OnlyFans creators build good relationships with their fans and subscribers to increase their income. In addition, an OnlyFans agency is also responsible for growing a creator’s fanbase both in OnlyFans and other social media platforms. 

Who Can Operate an OnlyFans Agency?

Starting an OnlyFans agency requires meticulous planning. Many variables can occur in your OnlyFans agency, and you always have to prepare for them beforehand. 

For instance, you should be prepared to deal with situations where a model runs out of content ideas or is on the verge of becoming saturated. Here, as an OnlyFans agency, you should help them by providing effective content ideas, strategy, and a personalized content calendar. 

Moreover, a person who is bashful and indecisive would not be able to run an OnlyFans agency because this business requires someone who is comfortable dealing with a lot of people and can make decisions swiftly. In addition, they also should be capable of serving as an OnlyFans manager for their models when necessary.   

What Do You Need To Run an OnlyFans Agency?

Can an OnlyFans agency only be run by someone who holds a management degree?

The plain answer is “No”. Anyone can run an OnlyFans agency if they have the required skill and experience.  

A solid understanding of social media and other subscription platforms, as well as business management and marketing expertise, is essential to start an OnlyFans agency.

However, if you have yet to gain experience, you can start by learning OnlyFans’ business model and understand how it actually works. Furthermore, to gain some practical experience, we recommend you work as an agent at an OnlyFans agency. 

Because being an OnlyFans agent on the ground will help you learn the roles and responsibilities of an OnlyFans agency and its current challenges, knowing these will enable you to create your own unique solution for your OnlyFans agency and help you stand out from the rest.

What Are The Types Of OnlyFans Agencies?

There are three types of OnlyFans agencies present at the moment. They are as follows:

1. OnlyFans management agency

An OnlyFans management agency helps models to manage their OnlyFans accounts, engages with their fans and subscribers, schedules their posts, develops a content strategy, and assists them in brand building across other adult subscription platforms.

2. OnlyFans marketing agency

The OnlyFans marketing agency works similarly to any other digital marketing agency that helps content creators promote their content online and pilot organic marketing campaigns on social media platforms like TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and YouTube. 

3. OnlyFans management and marketing agency

Combining the first two types of OnlyFans agencies makes the third type. These agencies make money by providing marketing and account management services and help OnlyFans models skyrocket their subscriber counts and revenue.

Now that you understand the types of OnlyFans agencies, let’s look at some of the important things you need to do before starting an OnlyFans agency. 

Things To Do Before Starting an OnlyFans Agency

1. know your niche.

As tons of OnlyFans management or marketing agencies pop up daily, a fierce competition is inevitable. Hence, if you want to grow your OnlyFans agency quickly, you must offer an innovative solution that targets a niche market.  

For example, you can start an OnlyFans agency that focuses on gay models and provide unique social media marketing services and quality chatters to manage the model’s private DMs. The more novel you can make your idea for your niche market, the more likely you will stand out from the crowd. 

2. Define Your Goals and Objectives

You should start your OnlyFans agency with a clear goal and subsequent objectives in mind. Your goal should be something that you intend to achieve in the long term, and the objectives are like stepping stones that help you reach your goals. 

Your goals should include a possible outcome and a timeframe for when you want them to be accomplished. And your objectives should highlight the schedule of the tasks and resources that need to be allocated for each project.

3. Research Your Competitors 

This is the most obvious thing you need to do before starting an OnlyFans marketing or management agency. By looking at your competitors, you get to know both their strengths and weaknesses. 

As you learn their strengths, you will be able to prepare counter-strategies, and as you learn their weaknesses, you will be able to find an opportunity to outperform them.  A recent study shows that 89% of customers will jump to a rival brand if they have a bad experience. So focus on creating a simple solution to your competitors’ shortfalls , and market them as a key aspect of your OnlyFans agency. 

4. Make A Budget For Your OnlyFans Agency

Starting an OnlyFans agency is not an easy task. You need to have a sufficient budget that will back your agency, even if you face a loss for several months in the beginning.

In addition, budgeting your OnlyFans agency at its inception helps you make more strategic decisions, such as gathering additional resources or cutting unnecessary expenses. So once you’re done researching your competitors, draft a complete budget plan that gives an overall estimate of your income and expenses for a period. 

5. Decide On The Services You Offer

As we mentioned above, there are currently three types of OnlyFans agencies. Depending on your funding and resources, your OnlyFans agency can be a management agency, marketing agency, or both. 

Once you are set on a path, determine what sub-services you can provide your customers. For instance, say that you choose to start your OnlyFans agency as a marketing agency. You need to decide whether you can offer both organic and paid marketing services or just organic marketing. 

6. Set Your Commission Rate

Once you decide on your services, you need to figure out how much commission you’re going to charge your customers. Most of the OnlyFans agencies have set their commission rate at 20-50 %. 

Your commission rate should be based on the number of services you can provide to your clients. For example, if you manage and market OnlyFans models, then you can consider making your commission rate 30% or higher.

7. Pick a Location For Your OnlyFans Agency

One of the most important things you need to do is to pick a location for your OnlyFans agency. The location of your agency influences the taxes, revenue and other legal requirements.

You can rent an office space for your OnlyFans agency if you want to start big, but if you’re just testing the waters or don’t plan on hiring any employees, you can use part of your house as your office.

How To Start An OnlyFans Agency?

So, this is it – here is where we will be taking you through how to start an OnlyFans agency. We have also explained the process with some practical examples in this step by step guide to make it easier for you to understand.

1. Register Your OnlyFans Agency

Before registering your OnlyFans agency, pick a name that reflects your brand and mirrors your spirit. Just make sure that your agency name isn’t used by anyone else. 

Once you select a name for your OnlyFans agency, register it legally to protect your brand. You have to register your agency under the federal government and sometimes the state government too. 

If you’re going to operate your agency under a name different from your legal name, then ensure to file a DBA. For example, “Andy’s Modeling Agency” is a legal name, and “Andy’s Models” is a DBA. 

2. Apply for Permits & License

After registering your OnlyFans agency, you’ll need to apply for an EIN (Employee Identification Number). If your agency is registered under sole proprietorship, then EIN is not necessary as you’re the only employee of your agency. But if you register your agency as an LLC or other corporate entity, then you should get an EIN. 

Other legal requirements are based on your jurisdiction, so make sure you check with your local government office. 

3. Create a Website & Social Channels For Your OnlyFans Agency

A website is the face of your OnlyFans agency. Anyone in the world should access it through a smartphone or a computer. So hire a developer and create your own website that is easy to use, robust and functional.

Similarly, you need to create social media accounts on various platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Instagram. You can also consider making a YouTube channel that talks about current trends and tips & tricks of OnlyFans, as it adds value to your audience and also a better marketing strategy.

Remember that you name every social media account of your OnlyFans agency with the same brand name. It helps you protect your brand from scammers who attempt to pretend to be you online. 

4. Start Hiring Models

In order to expand your OnlyFans management agency beyond your local area, you must show that you can deliver on what you promise. 

For starters, invest in OnlyFans models with very few followers and subscribers, and work on them until you improve their fan following and earnings. But remember, the models you choose should be aspirational and have sufficient knowledge about OnlyFans content creation. 

Once you obtain good results from those models, make them into a portfolio for your OnlyFans management agency, so you can entice popular OnlyFans models to work with you. 

5. Outsource The Work

Starting an OnlyFans management or marketing agency can be daunting as it involves a truckload of work, from social media marketing to replying to hundreds of private DMs.

While the work may seem daunting, we recommend you work alone in the beginning instead of hiring employees. This will save you money, help you understand the groundwork in-depth, and give you experience dealing with models. 

But once your OnlyFans agency has picked up the pace and got many clients on board, you can start outsourcing your work online or directly hire staff for your agency. 

6. Market Your OnlyFans Agency

The final step is to promote your OnlyFans agency so that you can recruit more OnlyFans models under your agency and make more money. For starters, you can market your OnlyFans management or marketing agency on social media platforms and relevant online forums and threads. 

For example, Reddit is one of the best places to market your OnlyFans agency, as it is filled with people who sell content on OnlyFans. But you shouldn’t directly pitch your services on their DMs. 

Instead, you create quality content that answers the current challenges of OnlyFans models and post them on relevant subreddits. At the end of the post, you can link your OnlyFans agency and direct your readers to your website. Nevertheless, do not overdo or spam your links since this can result in being banned. 

In addition, work on your website’s SEO to make it better for search engines like Google. To make your OnlyFans agency appear on the first page of Google search results, you need to focus on adding relevant keywords on title, URLs, description, and headers of your website.

Also, consider creating high-quality articles that are relevant to your niche and upload them on your website regularly. Analyze the current trends, challenges and needs of OnlyFans creators and write about them. This tactic makes your website rank on the first page of Google in hundreds of keywords. 

Now that we’ve learned how to start an OnlyFans agency let’s look at how much money you can make from it. 

How Much Can You Make From Your OnlyFans Agency?

You make money from your OnlyFans agency solely based on the commission rate you’ve set. 

OnlyFans Creators Earning With help of OnlyFans Agency

Let’s say you’ve set a 30% commission rate for your OnlyFans agency and have 25 models. On average, an OnlyFans model with a good fan base earns from $5000 to $100,000 per month, and if we consider the models of your agency earning at least $15,000 per month, you can make $112,500 each month with a 30% commission.

Simply put, your OnlyFans agency can make over $100,000 monthly without fail, and if you plan to work solo, you can make around $50,000 or more . 

Once you start your OnlyFans agency, you will come in contact with thousands of models who will be willing to work with you. When that happens, you can take your business to the next level by building your own OnlyFans website or application.  

Building an OnlyFans clone from scratch may seem like the right option, but we can confidently say it is not .  Because it is not cost-effective (may cost you more than $30K) or time-saving (may take 6-8 months) compared to purchasing a ready-made OnlyFans clone script. So we suggest you go for the latter. 

Using an OnlyFans clone script like xFans by , you can build your own OnlyFans site for all the models you manage and go live within a few days. All you need to do is get a domain and adult hosting service, and you’re set to launch your own OnlyFans website. 

So with that, we can end our article on how to start an OnlyFans agency. If you have any queries regarding starting an OnlyFans agency, please let us know in the comments.

FAQ on Starting an OnlyFans Agency

1. what is the best business structure for an onlyfans agency.

Among the several business structures, starting your OnlyFans agency as an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) is ideal. As an LLC, you are not required to pay corporate taxes; you pay only personal income taxes on any profits. Also, your personal assets can be protected from lawsuits and business debts. 

2. How long does it take to start an OnlyFans agency?

You can start an OnlyFans agency within 48-72 hours –  if you can outsource a website builder who can build your website within 24 hours, and you have laid out a clear business plan and services that you can provide. 

3. How much does it cost to start an OnlyFans Agency? 

The bare minimum you need to start an OnlyFans agency is just $15 (for website) as marketing and hiring models can be done for free using your smartphone.  

However, if you want your OnlyFans agency to be as professional as possible with the best website, talented chatters and a creative team working 24×7 for you, then you will at least need to invest 500 to 1000 dollars to make $5000 a month. 

You can watch this video from Cairo Chong where he reveals the initial costs of starting a OnlyFans agency and why you should invest. Check it out!

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12 Proven Strategies for a Successful Only Fans Business

In recent years, the shift towards online media, streaming services, subscription options, and paid online content has grown significantly. OnlyFans has recently emerged as a powerful platform for creative creators to monetize their work and build a loyal fan base online Artists and creative minds with a unique flare for the personal and the exclusive, OnlyFans provides an opportunity to turn their work into a very profitable business.

  • Key Takeaways:
  • OnlyFans is a content-driven platform where creators can specialize and offer exclusive content to paying subscribers.
  • Building a successful OnlyFans business requires dedication, creativity, strategic planning, and consistent engagement with your audience.
  • Strategies for success include identifying a niche, creating high-quality content, utilizing social media promotion, and adapting to the evolving online landscape.


1. Identify a Niche Market

2. quality content, 3. engage with your audience, 4. use other social media, 5. offer special exclusives, 6. consistent scheduling, 7. collaborate and unite, 8. think about ppv, 9. focus on your image, 10. invest in marketing, 11. stay informed about policies, 12. adapt and evolve.

A 2020 article from The Guardian noted that: “Use of OnlyFans exploded during the pandemic, going from 7.5 million users last November to 85 million now. This growth was spurred by celebrities. It got a 15% bump in traffic after Beyoncé referred to it in her remix of Savage in June – and while extra attention brought in consumers, it also attracted thousands of content creators.

Celebrities such as Bella Thorne have made more than $1m in a week after joining the site, and YouTuber Tana Mongeau recently boasted on Instagram of making $3m in just a month, largely off the site. OnlyFans confirmed 100 users have so far made more than $1m on the site, but declined to comment on users’ average earnings.”

Proven Strategies for a Successful Only Fans Business

But like any online production and promotional platform, it takes a certain flare and skill to truly maximize profits on the platform. Hard work is all part of the process!

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To help creative minds like you find success, here are 12 proven strategies to build your own thriving OnlyFans business.

Define your unique selling point and focus on something specific people are searching for and wanting. A focused approach will help you use your talent and energy effectively Rather than wasting time trying to do a little of everything and doing it at 40% because you are spread too thin, focus on a few key things and knock it out of the park! If you are going to be successful on OnlyFans you have to specialize to stand out.

OnlyFans is a content-driven platform. Consistently deliver high-quality, engaging content so your followers and those paying for your content will keep coming back. Being consistent with quality adds value to your subscribers. Whether it’s exclusive photos, behind-the-scenes footage, an intimate video, or something else, be creative and produce quality content!

Actively engage with your subscribers by responding to comments and direct messages. Make your fans feel valued and appreciated, creating a sense of community around your content. OnlyFans is popular with users because of the intimate feel so be sure to capitalize on that. Mass-produced and cookie-cutter content won’t fly, it has to be personal! People can go anywhere for standard videos and photos- they are checking out OnlyFans for something new and exciting so be sure you can deliver that!

Leverage the power of social media to promote your OnlyFans account. Share teasers, previews, and exclusive content across platforms. If you have followers in places like Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and Snapchat then promote our OnlyFans work there as well to attract them to sign up as new subscribers.

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Encourage new sign-ups by offering special promotions, discounts, or limited-time offers. Reward your longtime subscribers with special perks others do not have access to. This can entice potential subscribers to join the OnlyFans community and also reward those already supporting your work on the platform.

Establishing a consistent posting schedule will help you keep your audience engaged. Whether it’s daily, weekly, or bi-weekly, a predictable posting routine makes it easier for your followers to know when to look forward to new content. A reliable Reddit scheduler or other social media management tool can greatly help with this.

Collaborate with other OnlyFans creators to cross-promote each other and unite together within your shared niches. This can expose your profile to a new audience and foster a sense of camaraderie within the community. It doesn’t always have to be about competing!

Experiment with pay-per-view content for exclusive material at an additional cost. This strategy can be a lucrative way to generate extra income from your most dedicated fans. OnlyFans is specially designed to capitalize on exclusive paid content so this approach can work!

Craft an appealing and informative bio that showcases your personality, interests, and the type of content you offer. Your bio, photos and the first few pieces of content users see are how they define their opinions. Make sure you put your best foot forward and present yourself in the best possible way. A well-crafted bio can make a strong first impression and encourage potential subscribers to join and be engaged with your content.

Like any social media and online platform, OnlyFans’ success depends on your promotion and marketing abilities. If you need some help with this, consider investing in professional marketing services to boost your OnlyFans visibility. Specialized advertising, marketing campaigns, SEO work, and shared links and promotions can all help.

Market Now Grow Faster

As with any platform, things can change and the rules can be updated from time to time. This is especially true of a site that is getting so much attention- good and bad- like OnlyFans is today. You must stay informed about OnlyFans policies and guidelines to ensure compliance so you are not penalized or worse kicked off the platform. Staying within the platform’s rules will prevent disruptions to your income flow and keep you trucking along with your content.

The online landscape is constantly evolving, so be prepared to adapt your strategies. Stay informed about trends, listen to subscriber feedback, and be open to adjusting your approach to meet the changing demands of your audience. OnlyFans is unique in that it requires communication and balance from both the content creators and the subscribers. Both sides need to adapt and evolve to the changing market that is exceptional to the OnlyFans platform.

Adapt and Evolve

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Building a successful OnlyFans business requires a combination of dedication, creativity, and strategic planning. By implementing these proven strategies, you can increase your success on the platform. With a focused effort on improving your visibility, attracting a loyal fan base, and creating unique and enjoyable content you can turn your passion into a lucrative hobby and so much more! Remember, consistency and engagement are key, so stay focused, adapt to changes, and watch your OnlyFans business flourish as you engage with your followers.

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Can You Get Rich On OnlyFans? It’s Complicated

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LLC for OnlyFans: Taking Your Adult Content Business to the Next Level

Alison K Plaut

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If you’re building your business and following, you must protect yourself and your content. While OnlyFans was originally used primarily for adult content, music creators, influencers, and others have turned to the platform to capitalize on their following. It’s used by everyone from major celebrities to small creators wanting to share a wider range of content than allowed on Instagram or other social media platforms. 

If you plan to build your business using OnlyFans, learning to create a limited liability company or LLC for OnlyFans can help protect your personal assets and add validity to your business. Read on for everything you need to know.

OnlyFans and the Need for Legal Protection

OnlyFans is a subscription-based platform originally created for adult-only content. It catapulted in popularity during the pandemic. Creators post videos, photos, and text and connect with their fans. Musicians have even started using OnlyFans to launch music videos. Celebrities like Cardi B, Amber Rose, Jordyn Woods, Tyler Posey, Aaron Carter, Austin Mahone, and Chris Brown have all created OnlyFans accounts.

To join, subscribers pay a monthly subscription fee of between $4.99 and $49.99. Creators can also charge $5 or more for tips or paid private messages, significantly boosting the earning potential for those with a highly engaged subscriber base.

Content creators’ risks and legal considerations on OnlyFans include copyright issues, chargebacks and fraud, scams, and even stalking. When you separate your personal assets from your business assets by forming an LLC, you can better protect yourself from liability and legal risks. 

Is LLC the Best Business Structure for OnlyFans Content Creators?

When you create a business, you can choose between creating an LLC or a corporation. The other business structures for OnlyFans—a sole proprietorship or a partnership—don’t offer liability protection. As an individual content creator, a corporation has additional legal requirements and income tax filings, making it more expensive and difficult to maintain. 

That’s why an LLC makes sense for small business owners who want to protect themselves from legal liability and separate personal and business finances. You can create an LLC for any business, from a t-shirt company at home to launching a record label . Some states offer more favorable treatment, with many creators choosing Wyoming or Delaware to create an LLC . You can also consider a DAO LLC . 

Benefits of LLC for OnlyFans Content Creators

There are numerous benefits to creating an LLC for content creators, including:

1. Personal Liability Protection

By operating as an LLC, your personal assets are separate from your business assets. This offers liability protection in case your company is sued. It also separates your personal funds from business finances if the company has to enter into litigation over copyright or trademark issues. 

2. Credibility and Professionalism

Operating as an LLC demonstrates to potential clients, partners, and investors that you are running a legitimate business entity and are committed to its long-term success. Also, having “LLC” after your business name adds a level of professionalism that can help attract and retain customers. This can facilitate collaboration with other creators or add credibility when working with companies and suppliers. 

3. Tax Advantages

By default, an LLC is considered a “pass through” entity, which means that the business’s profits and losses “pass-through” to the owners and are reported on their personal tax returns. The tax benefits are simplified filings. Like any business, you can track business expenses and deduct allowed expenses for potential tax savings. You can also elect to be an S corporation or S corp for additional tax advantages (in some cases).

4. Easy Business Management

The administrative requirements of an LLC are generally simpler and less burdensome than other business structures. While requirements vary by state, you must file an annual report and track business expenses. However, you don’t have to meet any requirements for annual meetings, audits, or other criteria unless you specify that in your LLC operating agreement (more on that below). 

5. Flexibility and Growth Potential

You can have a single-member LLC, where you are the sole owner, or a multi-member LLC, where you can have multiple partners or investors. This flexibility allows for easier expansion and growth in the future. With an LLC, adding new members is simple so your business structure can adapt with you as your company grows. 

How to File an LLC for OnlyFans Content Creators?

There are only a few steps to create an LLC and add a layer of legal protection for yourself. Here’s what you need to know. 

Step 1: Research and Choose a Business Name

If you’ve already been operating an OnlyFans account, you might have a business name already established. If not, you’ll want to research possible names and consider whether you want to have your own website and check available domain names.

Next, you will want to check with the Secretary of State’s database in the state where you plan to establish the LLC to confirm your chosen business name isn’t already taken. You may also want to search in the US patent and trademark office to confirm the name isn’t trademarked.

Step 2: Choose a Registered Agent

A registered agent is an individual or business entity designated to receive and accept legal documents on behalf of the business. The registered agent must have a physical address in the state and be available during normal business hours to accept the service of process if the business is sued. 

In most states, a registered agent can be a person residing in the state, a domestic corporation, an LLC, or a foreign corporation or foreign LLC authorized to do business in the state. You can also act as your own registered agent as long as you can be available at the physical business location during normal business hours. 

Step 3: File Articles of Organization

The Articles of Organization is a legal document that provides the necessary information about the LLC, such as its name, address, purpose, and the names of its members or managers. This is the official filing document in many states to create the LLC.

The LLC becomes a legally recognized entity separate from its owners by filing the Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State or appropriate government agency. This means you gain the benefits of liability protection while easily separating personal assets from business income. 

Step 4: Create an Operating Agreement

An LLC operating agreement is an important document that outlines the rights, responsibilities, and operating procedures of the members of an LLC. Even if you create a single-member LLC, creating an operating agreement is important to establish business governance. 

It serves as a contract between the members and governs the company’s internal affairs. Points covered in the operating agreement include the distribution of profits and losses, management structure, decision-making process, and dispute resolution. 

Common elements of an LLC operating agreement include:

  • The company’s vision and mission
  • Percentage of ownership for each member
  • Responsibilities of each member
  • Voting rights 
  • Powers and duties of managers (if applicable)
  • Distribution of profits and losses
  • Meeting schedule and requirements
  • Buyout and buy-sell rules 
  • Policies on dissolution

Step 5: Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses

Depending on the nature of your business, and the state where you operate, you might need to apply for relevant licenses or permits with the Secretary of state, city, or county. You can check with the Secretary of State and local Chamber of Commerce to ensure you have all necessary licenses.

Step 6: Register for Taxes and Obtain an EIN

All LLCs should get an employer identification number (EIN) from the IRS. The EIN allows you to hire employees and open a business bank account. You can apply for an EIN online or through the mail using IRS form SS-4 . Then, you’ll want to open a business checking account to separate personal finances from business finances. An LLC formation service can include applying for an EIN so you can start opening an LLC bank account faster. 

Learn more about OnlyFans taxes here . If in doubt, talk with a tax professional or CPA to understand more about your company’s tax filings.

Step 7: Stay Compliant

Once you’ve established an LLC, it’s essential to keep the LLC active and compliant. You’ll need to file annual reports and maintain proper accounting records. To file annual taxes in pass-through taxation, you must pass all profits or losses to the LLC members. 

Building Your OnlyFans Business

Creating an LLC is the first step to launching your business. You can use the LLC to pivot in many directions, including side hustles for grad students , teens’ side hustles , or writers , to expand your business in different directions. While building a business, you need a reliable team to be successful. 

doola LLC formation services can be your team. doola guarantees fast business formation in any state. You get company formation, help in securing an EIN, and opening your business bank account. Get doola to take care of the formation so you can focus on building your core business. 

How much does it cost to form an LLC for my OnlyFans business? 

The cost to form an LLC depends on the state of formation. It could be as little as $40 in Kentucky or as much as $500 in Massachusetts. If you choose to use a business formation service, that could add $40 to $200 to the costs, depending on the services offered. 

How long does it take to form an LLC for my OnlyFans?

The time it takes to form an LLC for OnlyFans depends on the state of filing and their average processing times. It could take anywhere from 24 hours to eight weeks for your LLC to be finalized. In most states, you can get faster processing by filing the Articles of Organization online. 

Can I convert my existing Sole Proprietorship into an LLC for my OnlyFans?

Yes, you can convert your sole proprietorship into an LLC for your OnlyFans business. To create an LLC, you’ll need to follow the steps above and form a single-member LLC. It’s a good idea to convert a sole proprietorship into an LLC to protect your legal liability and add legitimacy to your business. 

Do I need to be a US citizen to form an LLC for my OnlyFans?

No, you don’t need to be a US citizen to form an LLC for OnlyFans. Anyone can form an LLC, even non-residents. However, once you form a US LLC, you’ll need to comply with all legal requirements for the LLC. 

Do I need business insurance for my OnlyFans LLC?

It’s wise to get business insurance for an LLC. Many states require LLCs with employees to hold workers’ compensation insurance. You can also consider general liability insurance and other types of insurance based on your business structure. 

Can I change the name of my OnlyFans business after forming an LLC?

To change the name of your OnlyFans business after forming an LLC, you will need to comply with state requirements. In most states, you can file to change the LLC name as long as there isn’t another business with the same name. You can also consider using a DBA instead of changing the LLC name. 

Can I dissolve my OnlyFans LLC if I decide to stop my business?

Yes, you can dissolve the LLC if you stop the business. You must follow state procedures for LLC dissolution and inform the relevant government organizations. In most states, this includes the Secretary of State and the tax services.  

Table of contents

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How to form a US LLC in 5 minutes

A beginner-friendly guide on the basics of LLCs. Learn about formation, banking, and taxes.

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  • LLC vs. C Corporation: The Ultimate Guide for Your Business
  • Best State to Form My LLC In
  • Wyoming vs. Delaware LLC
  • LLC Fees by State

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A beginner-friendly guide on the basics of LLCs. Learn about formation, banking, and taxes. Get ready to turn your dream idea into your dream US business.


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How to start an onlyfans agency a step-by-step guide for beginners.

start an OnlyFans Agency A Guide

It is easy to start an OnlyFans agency. In this article, you will learn how you can start an OnlyFans agency. I am running multiple OnlyFans agencies, and in this article, I have shared everything that you should know about running an OFM.

Want to start an OnlyFans agency ? There is a lot of money in this business, and you can easily find creators who would be willing to work with you as an agency. In this article, we have mentioned what services an OnlyFans agency provides to the creators.

OnlyFans agencies make a lot of money and help adult content creators start making more money by helping them upsell pay-per-view messages.

Are you amazed by the money that many OnlyFans management companies are making? Or have you already decided to start your OnlyFans marketing and management agency? If so, you have made the right choice to earn big figures.

OnlyFans management agencies are rapidly growing and making a metric ton of money through their marketing, counseling, and coaching services. But how to launch a management agency? We know that there are not a lot of resources on the internet to guide you through the long process of launching a management company. We have created a comprehensive step-by-step guide for your management agency to take you out of the woods.

Scroll down to learn how to start your OnlyFans management business.

In the picture given below, a creator made $6k without an agency now made over

The OnlyFans agency working with a creator before and After

Table of Contents

What services does an OnlyFans agency provide to their models?

What are some services do OnlyFans agencies offer? It is better to know the type of services you are going to offer to creators:

  • OnlyFans management services include management-related services like helping creators with chatting, upselling their pay-per-view videos, and helping creators with all the management-related stuff.
  • OnlyFans marketing services : These services include helping creators with marketing. You can devise a social media marketing strategy to help creators get more fans and produce special content for platforms like Reddit , TikTok , Instagram , and other OnlyFans marketing services .
  • Mentorship : You can mentor your creators to produce better content and start helping them to get more fans.
  • Help the creators they are working with through different ways like editing their content, upselling their content, find them more opportunities to work with creators.

Other paid services to buy as an Owner of an Agency:

If you are looking for some of the paid tools that could help you with getting more engagement, make your agency a better agency among a pool of agencies, and help your models get more engagement, you can use these tools as an agency owner:

Step-by-step: Start an OnlyFans agency:

Following is a step-by-step process to start an OnlyFans agency:

  • Build a business plan to start an OnlyFans agency.
  • Design a Website for your OnlyFans management agency
  • Decide How Much of the Model’s Income You Will Cut
  • How to find Models or OnlyFans creators for your Agency?
  • Focus on Growth and Management
  • Outsourcing Your Management Agency
  • Get to Work

Step#1: Establish a Business Plan For Your OnlyFans management agency (OFM)

OnlyFans is a rapidly growing fans platform with more than 1.5 million models showcasing their talent. But not all of the 1.5 million models earn 6 to 7 figures in revenue in a month. In particular, the new models are unsure how to rise to the top. This is where they need you as a manager.

In case you do not want to work with new models, several popular ones are looking for account managers to handle their DMs, promotions, and content scheduling to save themselves some time in creating high-quality content.

So, if we start from scratch, the first thing you have to do is jot down a proper business plan. Of course, you can tell others what to do once you know what to do. Keeping this in your mind, establish a comprehensive business plan that includes

  • Services you are going to provide.
  • Percentage of revenue you will charge from your models.
  • Models you will work with.
  • And the people you have to hire to work with you.

Moreover, you should also have a business bank account and proper strategies to work with models. Consider having a skillset for training new models and other workers to start as a professional.

OnlyFans Management agency software to help you manage Models and Chatters:

If you want to start an OnlyFans management agency, you will need OnlyFans software. Software to help you with the management of your creators as well as chatters or ghostwriters.

CreatorHero is one of the best software for any agency owner to work with without messing up everything. It helps you with the management. CreatorHero gives you data about the creators about how much money you made, and they also give you data about the individual chatters about their performance.

CreatorHero also gives you important information about your fans, like is the auto-renew is on or off and which content is being bought by the fan so your chatter can send videos that didn’t pay for it.

This is the best software you need to pay for if you are interested in starting an OnlyFans agency, sign-up for CreatorHero here .

Step#2: Design a Website for OnlyFans Management Agency

Most management firms undervalue the necessity of creating a website for their offerings, which is where they lose out. Having an Agency website can help you gain the “leap of faith” of new models and other employees you will need to hire while also increasing the legitimacy of your management agency.

It’s not difficult to design a website for your management company. You can hire a freelancer from Fiverr or Upwork to do the task for you in a few days. Remember, you do not have to go fancy, but look professional.

A credible website can serve as an effective sales tool and demonstrate your legitimacy to a model who gives you access to her content and agrees to give you a cut of her earnings.

Note: Do not make the mistake of making your website using free web hosting providers for your management agency. These free sites do not look professional and can also be deleted at any time.

We created our OnlyFans management agency using Webflow. You can use Webflow or Wix, or WordPress to build an OnlyFans agency website.

Step#3: Decide How Much of the Model’s Income You Will Cut

Once you have established a proper business plan and a professional website, now is the time to decide how much you will earn from all your services. Generally, the OnlyFans managers take a percentage of the model’s monthly revenue. This percentage ranges somewhere between 20%-50%.

Mostly, the management agencies charge 25%-30% of the total revenue of the model . However, you can charge more if you offer exceptional assistance through promotion services that can significantly boost the model’s subscriber count.

So, it is up to you as a manager to decide the percentage of the model’s revenue you will cut. But, if you are providing your services to a popular model, keep in mind that even 20% of her revenue would be sufficient for you.

If you are starting an OnlyFans agency, it is always hard to discuss how much you charge from a creator you want to onboard. You can charge less if a creator is making $10k/Month or more.

Step#4: How to find OnlyFans creators for your agency?

I have worked with a lot of OnlyFans management agencies, and one thing is it is easy to onboard a creator.

The following are the things you should consider as a manager when partnering with an OnlyFans model:

  • Consistency: It is recommended to work with hard-working models and remains consistent with their content creation.
  • Career Oriented: Make sure your OnlyFans model has long-term plans for her OnlyFans career and won’t just vent away after a while.
  • Work Ethic: Consider working with models with a professional work ethic rather than a random girl just looking for a few dollars to pay her bills.
  • Easy to Work With Look for models with flexible schedules and adaptable personalities so they can understand and learn new strategies to attract big whales on the OnlyFans platform.
  • Personality and Looks: You must have read the famous quote, “First impression is the last impression.” Search for chicks with attractive shapes and personalities to catch the cash cows.

There are several online platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, or some relevant cam sites where you can research the ideal models. Or else you can also hire a virtual assistant from freelancer platforms like Fiverr and Upwork to search for models for your new management agency.

We have listed the best OnlyFans agencies here in one of our articles. You can contact us to include your agency.

The OnlyFans management agencies I have worked with use the following methods to onboard OnlyFans creators. If you want to start a successful OnlyFans agency , the first and foremost thing you need is; creators.

How to find and reach out to OnlyFans creators for your agency?

The following are the ways you can reach out to creators or get more creators on your agency:

  • Cold emailing . You can find a creator you want to work with, reach out to them through an email and propose a partnership.
  • Cold outreach on social media: You can hire a VA (Virtual assistant) and let them message every other creator on social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram.
  • There are more ways, like giving incentives to the creators you are already working with, to refer more creators to your OnlyFans agency.

Step#5: Focus on Growth and Management

Once you’ve finished running all your search campaigns and signed up with your models, the onboarding process begins. You should create a secured folder for this onboarding process containing materials and data to help your models comprehend your strategies. In this way, you can also leave an impression of professionalism on your models.

Another thing you can do to scale your professional relationship with your model is to give them personal advice. Analyze their OnlyFans and social media accounts and give them detailed suggestions on what they can do instantly to increase their followers or subscribers. This can include suggestions like changing the display picture, writing an attractive OnlyFans bio, changing the frequency of content, or changing their pricing structure.

Then begins the coaching and training process. Here you can give your models specific examples of what they should be posting on their OnlyFans, Tiktok, and Instagram accounts. Teach and coach them about particular postures, angles, outfits, lighting, movements, and anything else that can aid in spotting their potential.

How to grow your OnlyFans agency to get more Models? Simple. Cold outreach. Reach out to creators on social media platforms and through their emails.

Step#6: Outsourcing Your Management Agency

This step entails hiring new people and utilizing their skills to advance your agency. However, before starting the hiring process, ensure you understand what you want from the candidates. From marketing to management, understanding every department will help you with the following thing:

  • Training and coaching the new candidates effectively,
  • Deciding a suitable salary,
  • And giving them deadlines for every task.

So, as an OnlyFans manager, you must learn fundamental skills to understand every aspect of your job. Because once you have learned everything, it will be simple to train your employees professionally.

In case you are wondering where to look for these ideal candidates , there are several reliable platforms like Upwork, and Fiverr that can connect you with people who can run the following tasks for your management agency:

  • Virtual assistants that can outreach new OnlyFans models
  • Managers for handling social media accounts.
  • Marketing experts to promote your agency and the models.
  • A sales team
  • Content writers for writing attractive bios and blogs
  • Chatters to manage and respond to DMs

Step#7: Get to Work

After all the hustle and bustle of searching for legitimate models, marketing, and management experts, you can now get to work with your team comprehensively. Remember that running a management agency is a 24/7 job.

It is easy to land a creator but hard to manage everything. With the right team, you can end up making a lot of money and so the creator working with you.

Here are some of the questions you might be asking about:

Should I onboard every OnlyFans creator to my agency?

No, and Yes. Interview a creator before working with her and if you think she has the potential, you can work with her. Most of the Top OnlyFans agencies usually grow their creator account by 100% to 200% and have some interesting techniques to grow their creator’s accounts. OnlyFans TikTok marketing is one of them.

How to hire chatters for my OnlyFans agency?

Most of the agencies use Upwork, and there are a lot of OnlyFans chatting agencies that you can work with to hire chatters. What type of people do you need to hire for an OnlyFans agency?

You can hire the following type of people for your OnlyFans agency:

  • OnlyFans Chatters
  • OnlyFans social media managers
  • Editors and the OnlyFans managers for managing a set number of creators.

PS: How do you start an OnlyFans agency?

Launching an OnlyFans management agency is a time-consuming and research-based project . But once you are done with all the hard work of creating a business plan, searching for models, establishing contracts, and hiring a team, you can reap the benefits of the OnlyFans platform for a long time.

OnlyFans is a rapidly growing platform with more than 120 million potential fans and millions of creators. All these cash cows are paying big bucks to models and management agencies. Therefore, starting an OnlyFans management service is a win-win for you. The procedure includes seven steps:

  • Create a business plan
  • Design a website
  • Decide the percentage of revenue you will cut from the model’s income.
  • Search for models
  • Focus on management and growth
  • Outsource your work
  • Get started.

How do we get creators’ leads? 

There are a lot of ways you can get creator leads. You can contact them directly on Instagram or Reddit or use SEO, or you can have a referral program where the creator you are working with invites other creators. You can reward those creators by charging them less in percentage. 

Read more related articles:

  • 5 Best OnlyFans Marketing and Management Agencies | Pros And Cons
  • Best Ring Lights for OnlyFans Creators: The Buyer’s Guide
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Join | The No.1 OnlyFans Management And Marketing Agency is the No.1 OnlyFans management and marketing agency. They are working with Top OnlyFans creators, pornstars, and instagram influencers. They helped them grow by 2x to 4x a month. You have more time to focus on content while they manage everything for you.

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The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Strategies for OnlyFans

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Table of Contents


What is onlyfans.

OnlyFans is a popular social media platform that allows content creators to monetize their work. It provides a unique opportunity for individuals to share exclusive content with their fans and followers in exchange for a subscription fee. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of features, OnlyFans has become a go-to platform for creators from various industries, including artists, musicians, fitness enthusiasts, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, OnlyFans offers a flexible and lucrative way to showcase your talent and connect with your audience on a more intimate level.

Why is marketing important for OnlyFans creators?

Marketing is crucial for OnlyFans creators because it helps them reach a wider audience and increase their visibility. With effective marketing strategies, creators can attract more subscribers and generate higher revenue. Additionally, marketing allows creators to build their personal brand and establish a strong online presence. By promoting their content and engaging with their audience through various channels, creators can create a loyal fan base and stand out in a competitive market. Overall, marketing plays a vital role in the success of OnlyFans creators by helping them connect with potential subscribers, build their brand, and ultimately increase their earnings.

Overview of the article

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of marketing strategies specifically tailored for OnlyFans. With the rapid growth of the platform, it has become crucial for content creators to effectively promote their profiles and engage with their audience. We will explore various techniques such as social media marketing, influencer collaborations, email marketing, and more. Whether you’re a beginner looking to gain more subscribers or an experienced creator aiming to boost your earnings, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to succeed on OnlyFans.

Understanding the OnlyFans Platform

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How does OnlyFans work?

OnlyFans is a popular platform that allows creators to monetize their content by offering exclusive access to their fans. It works on a subscription-based model, where fans pay a monthly fee to access the creator’s content. Creators can share a wide range of content, including photos, videos, and live streams. OnlyFans provides a secure and private environment for creators to interact with their fans and build a loyal following. With its user-friendly interface and customizable features, OnlyFans has become a go-to platform for content creators looking to monetize their work and connect with their audience.

Key features of OnlyFans

OnlyFans offers a range of key features that make it an essential platform for content creators. One of the most notable features is the ability to set subscription prices, allowing creators to monetize their exclusive content. Additionally, OnlyFans provides a direct line of communication between creators and their fans, fostering a sense of community and engagement. The platform also offers the option for creators to sell additional content and merchandise, further expanding their revenue streams. With its user-friendly interface and robust analytics tools, OnlyFans empowers content creators to build their brand and connect with their audience in a meaningful way.

Demographics of OnlyFans users

OnlyFans has gained immense popularity in recent years, attracting a diverse range of users from various demographics. The platform has become a hub for content creators, influencers, and entrepreneurs looking to monetize their skills and engage with their audience. While initially known for its association with the adult entertainment industry, OnlyFans has expanded to cater to a wide range of interests and niches. From fitness enthusiasts and artists to musicians and educators, the platform has something for everyone. This diverse user base contributes to the vibrant and inclusive community that thrives on OnlyFans.

Setting Up Your OnlyFans Profile

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Creating an account

Creating an account on OnlyFans is a straightforward process that allows you to start monetizing your content and building a loyal fan base. To get started, simply visit the OnlyFans website and click on the ‘Sign up’ button. You will then be prompted to provide some basic information, such as your email address, username, and password. Once you have completed the registration process, you can customize your profile, set subscription prices, and start posting exclusive content for your subscribers. It’s important to note that OnlyFans requires age verification, so you will need to provide a valid ID to confirm your age. Overall, creating an account on OnlyFans is the first step towards establishing a successful presence on the platform and maximizing your earning potential.

Optimizing your profile

Optimizing your profile is crucial for success on OnlyFans. Your profile is the first impression potential subscribers have of you, so it’s important to make it engaging and appealing. Start by choosing a catchy username that reflects your brand or persona. Then, write a captivating bio that highlights your unique selling points and what subscribers can expect from your content. Don’t forget to upload high-quality profile and cover photos that showcase your personality and style. Additionally, consider adding a teaser video or preview images to give potential subscribers a taste of what they can expect. Finally, regularly update your profile with fresh content and interact with your subscribers to keep them engaged and coming back for more. By optimizing your profile, you’ll increase your chances of attracting and retaining loyal subscribers on OnlyFans.

Choosing your subscription price

Choosing the right subscription price for your OnlyFans account is a crucial step in your marketing strategy. It is important to strike a balance between attracting potential subscribers and ensuring that your content is valued appropriately. Consider factors such as the quality and uniqueness of your content, your target audience’s willingness to pay, and the competition in the market. Experiment with different price points and analyze the response from your audience to find the sweet spot that maximizes your earnings while keeping your subscribers satisfied. Remember, adjusting your subscription price is not a one-time decision, but an ongoing process that requires constant evaluation and adaptation to stay competitive in the ever-evolving OnlyFans landscape.

Content Creation Strategies

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Identifying your niche

Identifying your niche is a crucial step in developing successful marketing strategies for OnlyFans. It involves understanding your target audience and determining the specific area or theme that sets you apart from other creators. By identifying your niche, you can tailor your content, promotions, and engagement efforts to attract and retain a loyal fan base. Whether it’s a particular fetish, lifestyle, or expertise, finding your niche allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. Additionally, focusing on a niche can help you establish yourself as an expert in that area, increasing your credibility and attracting even more followers. So take the time to explore and identify your niche before diving into your marketing strategies for OnlyFans.

Creating high-quality content

Creating high-quality content is essential for success on OnlyFans. In order to attract and retain subscribers, it is important to consistently provide content that is unique, engaging, and of the highest quality. This can include a variety of content formats such as photos, videos, audio recordings, and written posts. By investing time and effort into creating high-quality content, creators can establish themselves as experts in their niche and build a loyal fan base. Additionally, high-quality content can help creators stand out from the competition and increase their chances of earning more revenue on the platform.

Engaging with your audience

Engaging with your audience is crucial for building a successful presence on OnlyFans. By actively interacting with your subscribers, you can create a sense of community and loyalty. Responding to comments, messages, and requests shows that you value your audience and are committed to providing them with an exceptional experience. Additionally, hosting live streams or Q&A sessions allows you to connect with your fans on a more personal level, giving them a chance to get to know the person behind the content. Remember, the more engaged your audience is, the more likely they are to support you and recommend your profile to others.

Promoting Your OnlyFans

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Utilizing social media

Utilizing social media is crucial for the success of your OnlyFans marketing strategies. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok provide a vast audience that can be tapped into to promote your content and attract potential subscribers. By creating engaging and visually appealing posts, sharing exclusive sneak peeks, and interacting with your followers, you can build a strong online presence and establish yourself as a reputable content creator. Additionally, leveraging the power of hashtags and collaborating with influencers in your niche can further amplify your reach and help you connect with your target audience. Remember, consistency and authenticity are key when utilizing social media to market your OnlyFans profile.

Collaborating with other creators

Collaborating with other creators is a powerful marketing strategy for OnlyFans content creators. By teaming up with like-minded individuals in the industry, creators can expand their reach, attract new audiences, and create unique and engaging content. Collaborations can take many forms, from joint content creation to cross-promotion on social media platforms. Not only does collaborating with other creators help increase visibility, but it also allows for knowledge sharing, skill development, and the opportunity to tap into new fan bases. Building strong relationships with fellow creators can lead to long-term partnerships and mutual growth in the competitive world of OnlyFans.

Running paid advertising campaigns

Running paid advertising campaigns on OnlyFans can be an effective way to reach a larger audience and increase your subscriber base. By investing in targeted ads, you can promote your content to potential fans who may be interested in your niche. It’s important to carefully plan your advertising campaigns, ensuring that you have a clear goal in mind and a budget that aligns with your marketing objectives. Additionally, monitoring the performance of your ads and making adjustments as needed can help optimize your campaign’s effectiveness. Whether it’s running ads on social media platforms or partnering with influencers, paid advertising can be a valuable strategy to grow your presence on OnlyFans.

Building and Retaining Your Subscriber Base

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Offering exclusive content

Offering exclusive content is a crucial aspect of a successful marketing strategy for OnlyFans. By providing content that is not available anywhere else, creators can entice their audience to subscribe and stay engaged. Exclusive content can include behind-the-scenes footage, personalized messages, special discounts, or access to private communities. This creates a sense of exclusivity and value for subscribers, making them feel like they are part of an exclusive club. Additionally, offering exclusive content allows creators to showcase their creativity and expertise, establishing themselves as industry leaders and attracting a loyal fan base. Overall, incorporating exclusive content into a marketing strategy on OnlyFans is a powerful way to attract and retain subscribers while building a strong brand presence.

Rewarding loyal subscribers

Rewarding loyal subscribers is an essential aspect of building a successful OnlyFans business. By acknowledging and appreciating the support of your loyal subscribers, you not only strengthen the relationship but also encourage them to continue their subscription. There are several ways to reward loyal subscribers, such as offering exclusive content, personalized messages, special discounts, or even organizing meet-and-greets. These rewards not only make your subscribers feel valued but also create a sense of exclusivity, making them more likely to recommend your OnlyFans page to others. Remember, loyal subscribers are the backbone of your business, so investing in their satisfaction and loyalty is crucial for long-term success.

Communicating with your subscribers

Communicating with your subscribers is a crucial aspect of building a successful presence on OnlyFans. By establishing a strong line of communication, you can foster a sense of connection and loyalty among your subscribers. One effective strategy is to regularly engage with your audience through direct messages, comments, and exclusive content. This not only allows you to provide personalized attention and respond to their feedback, but also helps you understand their preferences and interests better. Additionally, consider creating a communication schedule to ensure consistent interaction and keep your subscribers informed about upcoming content or promotions. Remember, effective communication is key to building a loyal and engaged subscriber base on OnlyFans.

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How to Start an OnlyFans Agency?

Anyone who has an OnlyFans account with a feed of a handful of pictures is an influencer. Bam! Being an Influencer is as easy as sharing images or posting a tweet, but that isn’t enough to create an impact. Rising to the top of OnlyFans, where the competition is cutthroat and fierce, is tough, and everyone, including top models, needs an OnlyFans agency to help them grow. 

While OnlyFans marketing might seem simple, you can’t dive into OnlyFans without proper marketing. And that’s exactly why starting an OnlyFans agency makes sense in this era of the creator economy boom. And that’s what we will discuss in this blog, how to start an OnlyFans agency. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is an OnlyFans Agency, and what does it do?
  • 2 Different types of OnlyFans agencies and management types
  • 3 Starting an OnlyFans agency- Typical duties you need to perform
  • 4 How to start an OnlyFans agency?
  • 5 Conclusion

What is an OnlyFans Agency, and what does it do?

With over 180 million users and over 1.5 million content creators, OnlyFans is growing as a lucrative yet highly challenging platform. In this hustle and bustle, an OnlyFans agency is a third-party service, basically a management agency that works behind the scenes and offers management services to OnlyFans creators or models. 

If you have decided to start your OnlyFans agency or management company, we have good news. It’s a lucrative business considering its revenue generation capabilities. 

OnlyFans agency is a service that is paid to run or operate the OnlyFans page of creators with their approval. This can also extend to the management of OnlyFans off-page promotion, including Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, TikTok, and more. 

OnlyFans management can be done by an individual, an OnlyFans manager, or an agency (consisting of more than one manager) that handles many OnlyFans clients and models.

Different types of OnlyFans agencies and management types

If you are looking for how to start an OnlyFans agency , you must understand typically, an agency might have different models “under contract.” An OnlyFans agency typically has to handle all the aspects of models’ online presence, from their OnlyFans being managed itself to promoting the model’s content and posting it on social media sites.

Here are some types of OnlyFans agencies out there:

OnlyFans management agencies

These types of OnlyFans agencies are individuals or companies that handle tasks like scheduling content, replying to DMs, and helping models with all the jobs related to running an OnlyFans account.

OnlyFans marketing agencies

These type of OnlyFans agencies helps creators grow their follower base, make more revenue, and do everything related to promotional activities. 

A combination of both

If you want to start an OnlyFans agency that is profitable, it is good to consider offering both marketing and management services to OnlyFans creators .

Starting an OnlyFans agency- Typical duties you need to perform

If you want to establish an OnlyFans agency, here are some of the tasks you need to perform to help creators grow their OnlyFans . This is a combination of both OnlyFans marketing and management.

Optimizing OnlyFans account for success: OnlyFans isn’t built in a way that is easy to optimize for more content creators. Hence, an OnlyFans agency must look at the OnlyFans account and start fixing little things to grow subscribers and make more money.

Page conversion improvement: It is the responsibility of an OnlyFans agency to look at the conversion of the OnlyFans page and to make sure the posts and the page is set up to succeed. 

Scheduling your posts to maximize sales: An OnlyFans agency must understand when the fans are most likely to be on and interact with the account. You can perform an A/B test at different times to understand the best time to post the content and to ensure the content is scheduled on time to maximize sales. 

Responding to fans and keeping up to date with them: If content creators on OnlyFans aren’t able to interact with fans, a good OnlyFans management agency has to take the time to message and interact with the fans. 

If you want to start an OnlyFans agency, this will be part of your daily tasks to keep the fans informed of everything going on with the model and the content.

Keeping the OnlyFans page updated with fresh posts: Just like any other social profile, OnlyFans can grow stale if you aren’t consistently nurturing it. This means not just posting when you have content but also posting messages to keep your fan community coming back for more. 

When you start an OnlyFans agency, your aim must be to consistently post updates and keep up the community’s pulse through posts and polls.

Managing direct messages: OnlyFans agency would be responsible for responding to direct messages (DMs) and sending out DMs on the content creators’ behalf. DMs are also an opportunity to sell paid content to consistent buyers.

How to start an OnlyFans agency?

Starting an OnlyFans agency is a significant move; it is the logical next step after gaining through knowledge and experience in the adult entertainment industry. So what does it take to start an OnlyFans agency? 

From understanding which social platforms you want to work with to standing out and finding your first client, there are many things you need to plan before starting. 

Here are the necessary steps to starting an OnlyFans agency and running it successfully. 

Determine the services and (pricing) you want to offer

Promoting OnlyFans involves several approaches, and there will be many services you will and won’t be able to offer. Some of the services you can offer include:

  • Social media strategy
  • OnlyFans branding and growth
  • Social media and community management
  • Content publishing
  • Research and analysis
  • Social media consulting

When launching an OnlyFans agency- two things cannot be understated- The value of a carefully planned process and how to price. 

Define your USPs and prepare a business plan

When thinking about how to start an OnlyFans agency , it is important to study and understand the market. There might be other OnlyFans agencies that offer services similar to yours. So understanding the market is important to determine what your audience wants and what your USPs (unique selling points) will be. 

Start pitching clients

Once you have made a business plan, work on finding clients that match your requirements and build mutually beneficial relationships with them. Create an ideal customer profile that helps you to figure out who you can and can’t work with.

The best way to find clients is to go on social media platforms where OnlyFans models hang out so that you can directly interact with them directly. 

Try building a client base that you like working with, represents your skills well, and is happy to work with you for the long term.

Decide how to price your service

The most important aspect of running an OnlyFans agency or management business is to decide how much you will earn from your service. 

The most common way by which OnlyFans agencies charge their clients is to take a percentage of the creator’s monthly revenue. The percentage of commission can range between 20%-50%.

Mostly, OnlyFans agencies charge 25% to 30% of the total revenue of the content creator. You can charge more if you offer exceptional assistance through marketing services that can significantly increase the creator’s fan count.

Design a website for your OnlyFans management services

Most OnlyFans management agencies undervalue the significance of creating an official website for their offerings, which is where they lose out. 

Having a professional website will help you attain the “leap of faith” of new performers while also increasing the legitimacy of your management agency. 

A credible website for your OnlyFans agency also works as an effective sales tool and demonstrates the legitimacy of a model who gives you access to their content and gives you a share of their earnings. 

OnlyFans is a rapidly growing platform with over 120 million fans. And the popular content creators who make millions are paying big bucks to OnlyFans management agencies. Therefore, starting an OnlyFans management agency is a win-win situation for everyone.

We hope this blog helps you start a profitable OnlyFans agency.

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The Ultimate Guide to Launching Your Own OnlyFans Agency

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Have you ever considered turning your passion for helping content creators into a thriving business by launching your very own OnlyFans agency? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this in-depth guide, we’ll provide you with all the necessary information to kickstart your OnlyFans agency, highlighting essential steps and offering valuable advice on overcoming challenges, attracting top talent, and ensuring your agency’s success. So, without further ado, let’s get started on this exciting journey!

Understanding the OnlyFans Agency Ecosystem

Before taking the plunge, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the OnlyFans platform’s landscape and the vital role that agencies play in content creators’ success. As an agency owner, your primary responsibility will be to support creators in promoting their content, crafting effective content strategies, and managing their accounts to maximize both earnings and engagement.

The Various Types of OnlyFans Agencies

Before diving into the process of starting your own OnlyFans agency, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the different types of agencies available and their respective roles. Here’s a brief overview of the various OnlyFans agencies and their functions:

  • OnlyFans Management Agencies : These agencies primarily focus on handling the day-to-day tasks associated with managing an OnlyFans account. They take care of content scheduling, responding to messages, selling pay-per-view (PPV) content, and assisting creators with any other aspects related to their OnlyFans account.
  • OnlyFans Marketing Agencies : These agencies specialize in helping creators increase their fan base by promoting their content on other social media platforms. Their services are centered around marketing strategies and promotional efforts to boost a creator’s online presence and attract more subscribers.
  • Hybrid Agencies : A majority of OnlyFans agencies offer a combination of both management and marketing services. These agencies provide comprehensive support to creators under their management, assisting them with both account maintenance and promotional activities.

Identifying Your OnlyFans Agency Niche

To set yourself apart from the competition, it’s essential to carve out a niche within the OnlyFans agency landscape. Reflect on your strengths, whether it’s marketing, branding, or expertise in specific content types, and target creators who stand to benefit the most from your unique skills.

Developing Your OnlyFans Agency Business Plan

A robust business plan is the cornerstone of any successful OnlyFans agency. Your plan should address the following aspects:

  • Your agency’s mission statement and vision
  • Target creator demographics and market segments
  • Revenue models and pricing structure
  • Comprehensive marketing and promotional strategies
  • Long-term growth and expansion plans

Assembling a Stellar Team and Infrastructure

In the early stages of your OnlyFans agency, you’ll need to establish a dependable team and infrastructure to support your creators effectively. Key components to keep in mind include:

  • Hiring seasoned professionals with expertise in marketing, content strategy, and customer service
  • Employing efficient tools and software for managing creator accounts and streamlining communication
  • Staying up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in social media marketing and creator support
  • Encouraging collaboration and cross-promotion among creators to foster a sense of community and amplify their reach
  • Regularly reviewing performance data and adjusting strategies to optimize results
  • Providing consistent feedback and support to creators to ensure the production of high-quality content and maintain high levels of engagement

Learning from the Success Stories of Other OnlyFans Agencies

Gain valuable insights from successful OnlyFans agencies that have made a significant impact in the industry. Such as The Bunny Agency , just copy what they are doing and add your own touch to it, no need to reinvent the wheel! By analyzing competitors you can gain effective strategies, distinctive selling points, and the accomplishments of their creators, offering invaluable lessons and inspiration for your own agency’s journey.

Attracting the Best Talent to Your OnlyFans Agency

To draw top-tier creators to your agency, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Offer competitive commission rates and maintain transparency regarding fees
  • Prominently display your expertise and past successes on your website and social media platforms
  • Design a smooth and professional onboarding process to make it easy for creators to join your agency
  • Build a strong online presence and maintain an excellent industry reputation
  • Implement a referral program that incentivizes creators to recommend your agency to others in their network

Navigating the Challenges of Running an OnlyFans Agency

Operating an OnlyFans agency can be a demanding endeavor, but being prepared for potential challenges will enable you to address them effectively. Common obstacles you may encounter include:

  • Managing a large number of creators and accounts
  • Ensuring that content adheres to platform guidelines and regulations
  • Addressing negative feedback and creator concerns in a timely manner
  • Keeping up with platform updates, new features, and industry trends
  • Balancing workload and ensuring the provision of high-quality services

Going Above and Beyond – Become a top-tier OnlyFans Agency

To truly stand out as a top-tier OnlyFans agency, you’ll need to exceed expectations and provide exceptional support to your creators. Here are some ways to set your agency apart from the competition:

  • Offer personalized coaching and mentorship to help creators hone their skills and improve their content
  • Provide additional services such as graphic design, content editing, and professional photography to elevate the quality of creators’ content
  • Maintain a strong network of industry contacts to facilitate collaborations, sponsorships, and promotional opportunities for your creators
  • Host exclusive events, webinars, and workshops to foster a sense of community and provide valuable learning experiences

Measuring Success and Setting Goals

To ensure your agency’s ongoing growth and prosperity, it’s vital to regularly assess your progress and set achievable goals for the future. Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as creator earnings, engagement rates, and audience growth to gauge your agency’s success. Reflect on your achievements, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and to remain successful, your OnlyFans agency must adapt to these changes. Stay informed about the latest trends, platform updates, and industry news by following reputable sources, attending conferences, and participating in online forums. Constantly update your skills and knowledge to ensure that your agency continues to provide unparalleled support to your creators.

Conclusion – Carve out your path to financial freedom

In conclusion, the world of OnlyFans offers an incredible opportunity for both creators and those looking to learn how to start an OnlyFans agency. By launching your own OnlyFans marketing agency and offering OnlyFans management services, you can help content creators grow their fan base, manage their accounts efficiently, and ultimately increase their earnings. At the same time, you can earn a substantial income yourself by providing valuable services and support to these creators. You can then also move into other similar industries such as Webcam girl agencies. You can read our guide on that here .

The potential for financial success in this industry is vast, with top creators and OnlyFans management companies earning considerable amounts of money. As an agency owner, you will be contributing to the success of creators while also carving out your own path to financial freedom. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Starting your own OnlyFans agency can be a fulfilling and lucrative endeavor. As you embark on this journey and learn how to start an OnlyFans management company, remember to stay positive, be consistent, and always strive to provide the best possible service to your clients. By doing so, you’ll create a thriving business that not only benefits you but also makes a real difference in the lives of the creators you represent.

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2023-06-04 at 19:33

Wow, what an incredible post! The Ultimate Guide to Launching Your Own OnlyFans Agency is a comprehensive and insightful resource that provides invaluable information for anyone interested in venturing into this unique and rapidly growing industry. Your expertise shines through every aspect of the guide, from the step-by-step process to the valuable tips and strategies shared. The level of detail and clarity is truly impressive, making it easy for readers to understand and apply the knowledge to their own entrepreneurial endeavors. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and empowering others to succeed in this exciting space. This guide is a true gem and a testament to your expertise and generosity.

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Create an Effective Marketing Campaign for Your OnlyFans Page Successfully in Just One Hour a Day

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OnlyFans Marketing Guides – OnlyFans Marketing One Hour A Day : Last Updated: August 31, 2021 Reading Time: 15 Minutes

For many OnlyFans creators the site is a part time gig and a way to make extra money on the side. With so many options on where to Market your OnlyFans on a daily basis it can likely be overwhelming. I wanted to write this simple guide on the ideal One Hour a Day Marketing Plan for OnlyFans creators. This guide is intended to help you plan out your week and get your Promotion and Marketing for your OnlyFans done in a timely manner building up towards your crescendo of success.

How To Market Your OnlyFans One Hour a Day

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So obviously you can’t just do the same thing every single day for an hour without going kind of crazy from boredom. So I am including tasks that you need to do every day but mixing in weekly tasks as well. I am also leaving room for free thought and analysis of your promotional efforts daily that might come up along the way as well. Remember this is just a guide and you can and should adjust it to how your work and life schedule play out. If you need to market for an hour and 10 minutes each day just so you can have a day off along the way to play with your kids or your significant other that’s alright too.

Your OnlyFans Marketing and Advertising Daily Tasks

So I am going to start with daily tasks first. These are things that you need to do every day for 10 minutes to succeed at OnlyFans Marketing. I am going to add tips as well as far as time management savers along the way. Remember if you get side tracked for 10 minutes on every Social Channel you go onto this could take you twice as long or you might not get everything you need to get done. So do your best to stay on task and not get distracted by the thousands of social posts you might see while trying to work.

What Should your Environment Be Like During this Time?

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I can’t stress enough that your environment needs to be conducive to your success when it comes to tackling serious tasks like Marketing. If you are the sort of person who can handle one hundred things at once then great, do all of this at the same time you are juggling other things. But if you are a person who needs calm and quiet to get activities done make sure you find a spot where you will be able to concentrate fully on your Marketing. Marketing is not easy and it requires planning and forethought and it is not going to go perfect right out of the gate. Create the kind of environment that allows you to be calm and to take mistakes and setbacks in stride. If you need to listen to music before or after you work on your tasks do that as well.

Your Daily Advertising and Marketing Tasks for OnlyFans

Below Are the Four Essential Tasks you must be doing each day for at least 10 minutes to be successful on OnlyFans. If you skip any of these tasks be sure to make up for it by doubling down the next day.

1. Answer All Your Direct Messages on OnlyFans and Social Media

5 Minutes – Review All DM’s from Fans on OnlyFans

5 Minutes – Review all DM’s from Fans on Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, or your Dominant Social Channel

The clients in your Direct Messages and Comment Sections on your Social Media are your biggest fans and the most likely to spend money with you. I can’t stress enough how important it is to build a solid foundation with these individuals in order for you to succeed. Think of them as the cement foundation to the pyramid of success you are looking to build. If you don’t nurture these individuals on a daily basis you will lose them and you’ll just be on the hunt constantly to replace them.

This is another reason I stress building up one Social Channel at a time because you are going to get overwhelmed jumping from Twitter to Tiktok, running over to check your Discord server etc. You really want to have a main hub to make it easier for you to get back to people on your Social Media in a timely manner. 

Quick Tip – Prioritize your OnlyFans DM’s over those on Social Media. Think of those in your OnlyFans inbox as ‘hot leads’ or the kind of hot sauce that will burn your mouth. You may even want to give OnlyFans and other Social Channels nicknames having to do with heat just to remind yourself the priority and where that Marketing Channel stands. For instance, if OnlyFans leads are jalapenos and Twitter DMs are chilli peppers you want to tackle those first.

Time Tip – Don’t try to answer all the DM’s when you open them up. You will be answering and responding to DM’s for hours especially if a lead ends up being on the same site at the same time as you. Prioritize who you need to get back to and move along. You can get back to them during ‘Free Time” later in the day or the week depending on their priority.

2. Schedule Posts on Your Top Social Channel for OnlyFans

10 Minutes – Schedule Your Posts to Go Out on Your Top Social Channel

Notice that I am using the term Schedule Posts and not ‘Post’ on your Social Channel. Say the hour you have to get all your Marketing done is 7 am to 8 am before you go out to work. Is that the hottest time for Social Posting online? Likely not and even if you do happen to hit a hot social posting time, are you going to be rushing around trying to start your Marketing each day at that time? What if you’re just not in the mood at 6 PM to post but that’s when you get the most engagement. Spend your time scheduling posts on your top Social Network for your top fans, they never get sick of seeing you. 

Quick Tip – Almost All Social Media Platforms now have built in post scheduling this could mean you have to utilize it on a Desktop computer and not your phone but most have schedulers. There are also a ton of ‘Free” Social Posting services and I use that term loosely because they all are going to eventually try to get you to pay for their services.   One rule of thumb is that if something is free and still wants your Credit Card or Paypal information you’re likely signing up for a free trial you’ll need to eventually pay for. Regardless you will save a lot of time and effort this way and you’ll be able to stay in front of your fans a lot more at the hours they are online.

Time Tip : Don’t be scrambling every day for a new marketing message at the moment you are going to schedule your posts. This is not the time to be coming up with new Ad Copy ideas, this is the time to post. You should already have your pictures and ad copy lined up to post. If you aren’t prepared with those things you are going to be spending a lot of your time you should be posting ‘figuring things’ out.

3. Building Up Your Next Social Channel

10 Minutes – Research and Follower Growth Projects for your Next Social Channel

Depending on what stage you are at with your next Social Channel this time can be spent on any number of activities from researching the channel itself to creating content and posting on that channel. Remember this is not the channel you are scheduling posts on, when you post on your new channel you want it to be deliberate and be watching it like a hawk. You want to be taking the time to study other creators, emulate their posts, come up with creative ideas for your content etc. This 10 minutes should be spent on one of the following:

  • Adding Followers to your Account who may be interested in you or your content
  • Following People who follow you on your main Social Account
  • Doing Test A/B Postings on this Channel to see how your content does
  • Creating Content Directly for the Channel to Test
  • Commenting on Creators or potential fans content
  • Studying or learning the Social Channel via Podcasts , Blogs or YouTube videos

Quick Tip – Don’t feel like you need to get this Social Channel up to speed with your other Social Channel quickly. This is your growth channel and it will take a while for it to take off. Think of this as an insurance policy in case your other Social Channel goes through a rough patch or you end up losing clout on that channel. You can move your primary efforts over to this channel and then start working on a new one as your secondary channel. Don’t forget to experiment and be creative on this channel and to try to emulate others who have had success.

Time Tip – Nothing you are doing in regards to this channel is a waste of time unless you forget to record the data or don’t learn from what you are doing. So when you are working on this channel and you post something make sure it is intentional and that you measure it completely. If something fails make a note of that as well so that you don’t run the same basic tests again and again.

4. Posting Promotion on Twitter and Reddit

5 minutes – Posting on Reddit

5 minutes – Posting on Twitter

Twitter and Reddit are your best hopes for gaining new OnlyFans subscribers hands down. They don’t require the need to build up huge amounts of followers like Instagram or Tiktok to get yourself noticed. They both have active communities of both creators and subscribers who are always looking for new OnlyFans pages to interact with. This means dedicating 5 minutes each day for both platforms to post on. You can utilize the same pictures but make sure that whatever twitter promo or reddit subreddit you are posting to fit well with those pictures and links. You want to make sure to include your OnlyFans link on every Twitter promo and to go back after posting on Reddit to drop your link in the comment section.

Quick Tip Twitter – There is a lot to be said about where to post when it comes to Twitter. As I personally manage one of the largest promo networks on Twitter I am in a unique position to give advice. I would of course want you to drop your links and pictures under all pages associated to @OnlyFansHero , but my advice is to broaden out your posts on as many different and legitimate OnlyFans promotion posts as possible. I am of the opinion that once a Twitter promo post hits 100 responses it is going to hard to get noticed on that particular tweet. So you should be adding your pictures and OnlyFans links to both new and more established OnlyFans threads. Many potential subscribers are going to be more likely to look over their favorite promo post daily so you want to try to maximize your time by hitting as many people as you can with your posts. 

Time Tip Twitter – Several Promos are very popular and their responses fill up very quickly. Twitter will often times keep the earliest response at the top and it also tends to get the most initial likes and interaction. You should setup alerts with Twitter to let you know when certain accounts post a tweet so you can post a reply with your OnlyFans ad before anyone else or at least quicker than other people who will just notice it after its been retweeted and most of the eyeballs have already been on it and moved on.

Quick Tip Reddit – Reddit has as many NSFW subreddits as Leonardo Dicaprio has had girlfriends under 26 years old. It is absolutely impossible to post on all of them and you really shouldn’t attempt to try. I would suggest doing a simple rotation technique when posting on Reddit. Find 30 or so subreddits that you feel you can post successfully on and rotate between five or so a day each day. Then go check your OnlyFans referral site stats to see if you get a spike in traffic from Reddit each day. If you notice higher spikes when you post to certain subreddits add those subreddits to be posted to daily. It’s impossible to know where your pictures will get the most attention unless you actually post to different subreddits. Attention is not always just upvotes as well. If someone really likes your pictures they might just jump to your profile and then over to your OnlyFans. I have said before that likes are peoples way of saying ‘Thanks for this Free Thing” this is the same when it comes to upvotes. That might be all the action that person takes while you really wanted them to go look at your OnlyFans page. So post in a lot of different places and monitor what happens on OnlyFans when you do, don’t just pay attention to Upvotes.

Reddit Time Tip – As I’ve mentioned it is a bad idea to use Auto-posting services on Reddit like Fancharm unless you are dealing with a throwaway account. If you care about your marketing you will save time by eliminating subreddits that aren’t effective, not by spamming every subreddit and hoping for the best. This will maximize your time by keeping you focused on the subreddits that work best for you. You also want to make sure you have Reddit setup on your phone to allow alerts so if someone comments on your Reddit post you’ll be able to get back to them as quickly as possible.

Weekly Marketing Tasks for your OnlyFans

10 Minutes – Complete One of Seven OnlyFans Marketing Tasks in Rotation

Below are the weekly Marketing Tasks you want to get done to have success on the site. This means devoting 10 minutes one day a week to making sure this task is done effectively. I would suggest doing these specific tasks when you were most in the mood for them.

Commenting on Social Media with Fans

Interacting with your Fans or Social Media is important because it humanizes you to them. Remember being on OnlyFans is being part of someones life and routine not a Goddess on a Pyramid living high up on the clouds looking down at everyone. You want to be slightly out of reach but also familiar at the same time. This can be done by devoting 10 minutes each week to going through and commenting on Fans posts both on your Social Media and theirs.

Posting three times a week on Instagram

Even if Instagram isn’t one your main Marketing Channels it is still an influential channel and one that many people will certainly check out as many fans will think of it as your Free version of OnlyFans. It gives people an idea of what kind of content they might expect on your OnlyFans and also shows them whether or not you can keep a schedule posting online consistently. For this reason it’s important to post consistently on the platform.

Weekly Mass DM Creation

I am not a huge fan of Mass DM’s on OnlyFans as I tend to think they get mostly ignored but they are none the less part of an effective Marketing Strategy. Anything that let’s your fans know you are engaged with them or on OnlyFans is a net positive. This also allows you to promote PPV or whatever you might be offering as far as content that week. Depending on if you have a small or large audience on the platform you can always find a way to customize it enough that it can get noticed. 

Working on SFS with Other Creators

SFS or Share for Share is a popular way that creators on OnlyFans help other creators be seen by their audiences. This can require building relationships with other creators which I highly recommend to begin with. Being part of the OnlyFans community gives you insights and being friends with fellow creators is valuable. When you find creators who are in the same niche as you they will likely have similar types of fans. It is a good idea to hunt out SFS opportunities as they are typically free and both parties will be able to benefit from the added exposure that it brings to an OnlyFans page.

Responding to Low Priority DMs

Remember earlier when I talked about leaving some DMs hanging there. Well this is the time to go back to those lower priority DMs and message the person back. Maybe they seemed like spam but you weren’t sure and didn’t want to investigate their profile then. Well give yourself time during the week to go back into your DMs both on OnlyFans and on Social Media and respond back to those who you were not able to get back to right away while you were answering your more important Direct Messages during the week.

Creation of TikTok Video or Slide Show

As you know from my articles on Creating a TikTik Thirst Trap , I believe all OnlyFans creators should have a presence on that site due to its huge popularity. That means you should be looking at creating at least one TikTok video a week or combining some of those Instagram pictures into a creative slideshow for those coming to your page. Remember all your TikTok needs to be is a more video based version of Instagram for it to be effective for OnlyFans promotion. So make sure you take the time out each week to post something on this platform.

Following Others on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok

Make sure that you are proactive on your Social Media not just reactive. That means taking the time out at least once a week to start following other people on your Social Media. That could mean following back the people who followed you on platforms but also it means investigating people who are following similar creators to you and following them back as well. You also want to follow people who are more successful on the platforms you want to excel at so you can watch what they are up to and how they are posting. Either way you want to take at least 10 minutes each week and follow people.

Free Time and New Tasks for OnlyFans Marketing

10 Minutes – Free Time to Explore New Tasks and Analyze Marketing Efforts

The last 10 minutes of your hour should be utilized for New Thoughts and self examination of the effectiveness of your current Marketing Methods. Each day you should be exploring new thoughts and places to Market your OnlyFans page . You should also be examining the techniques you are currently using to make sure they are still effective. If that means abandoning your second major social channel for another one this is the time to think about that. You can drive as fast as possible to your goal but if you miss an exit along the way and don’t take time to reflect you won’t realize it until you are way off course. That is why one of the keys to effective Marketing is examining the efforts that you have made so far.

Quick Tip – Make sure that you take the time to look at individual issues you may be having in your Marketing and don’t just examine the whole thing as a failure. Inevitably your Marketing efforts will have setbacks and you will be tempted to look at the whole and see it as not working. A better technique is to break down each individual aspect of your Marketing effort and determine which ones are working and which aren’t. Many times you’ll find a small part of your Marketing is doing 90% of the work or gaining you 90% of the sales. This isn’t a bad thing at all, it’s actually good to find this out. You then can pull the plug on the other 90% that isn’t working and zero in on what is. Most Marketers never do this for fear of losing out on a very small sliver of sales and that can be your key to success.

Time Tip – Don’t let this time be taken up by other concerns or over runs from your other daily Marketing tasks. If that happens double your time on this task the next day so that you make sure you don’t start straying further and further from your goals. Quiet reflection and analysis is one of the most important parts of your Marketing effort and you need to make time for it.

Can You Get All Your OnlyFans Promotion Done in Just One Hour a Day?

I won’t say that this isn’t a pretty tight schedule and that you might still have over runs here and there. But in my opinion this is the most effective schedule for having success with your OnlyFans Marketing on a Daily and Weekly basis. For many people they end up lost in the weeds on on Marketing Channel spending all their day on it and never seem to have time to expand out their Marketing efforts. I wanted to create this guide so that you’d see it is possible to promote yourself on many different platforms and in many different ways in a short time each day. I know that not everyone is as passionate about Marketing as I am and they just want to try to get the task done each day as quickly as possible while being effective and making a ton of money with it in the process. This is a great way to achieve those goals and to help you stick with a Marketing campaign on a daily basis towards your road to success.

If you are looking to increase your popularity on OnlyFans you can read our Guide to OnlyFans Promotion as well as reach out to me directly @OnlyFansHero on Twitter or email [email protected] .

If you’re new to OnlyFans and want to support our site you can click here to Sign Up to OnlyFans . Disclosure: SEO Bounty will earn a commission if you sign up via our link but it will not effect the amount you earn from OnlyFans.

Best OnlyFans Agency

The main goal in working with an OnlyFans agency is to increase your creator income. Read on to learn about your best options.

OnlyFans agencies are a dime a dozen. But what can you get out of them? And how do you know which one to trust?

Check out these top choices and see if at least one resonates with you.

Sakura Management

Best for: One-stop, full-service OnlyFans agency solutions Fees: Commission-based [1]

Sakura Management is a one-stop shop for OnlyFans creators, providing management and marketing services to help you succeed on the platform.

As a creator with a substantial following, the daily hustle can be grueling such that you don't have a work-life balance anymore. Sakura Management takes a lot off your plate so you can focus on content instead of working long hours doing everything yourself.

You can get platform-specific solutions for X, TikTok, Reddit, and Instagram. They also have in-house chatters available 24/7 to attend to your messages quickly.

This leading OnlyFans agency has US account managers, which can be a great advantage if your main market is the US. With their consultancy services, you can learn a thing or two about how to establish a brand that sets you apart from others.

Sakura Management does not have upfront fees. Instead, they follow a "profit first, pay later" model. In other words, they won't charge you if you don't make money.

Are you just starting your OnlyFans? Don't worry, because this next agency is more welcoming to new players.

Best for: New creators Fees: $100 for X/Twitter promotions (discount may be available) [2]

Many OnlyFans agencies only accept established creators in their stable, but not SEO Bounty . That's why if you're new to OnlyFans, they can take you under their wing.

Originally an SEO and link building service that started in 2009, SEO Bounty pivoted to OnlyFans management and marketing in December 2020.

That said, it comes with more digital marketing experience, which they apply to their social media management. Promoting your OnlyFans page on their widely followed X/Twitter account is one of their special offers.

They have several educational tools you can benefit from, such as their specialized OnlyFans course on Udemy. You can also learn from listening to episodes on their OnlyFans Secrets podcast.

X is the biggest driver of social media traffic to OnlyFans, comprising 61.16% [3]

Best for: Business diversification Fees: Not advertised

If there's an OnlyFans agency led by somebody who really understands the adult content industry, this would be it. The obviously named was founded by Aamir Kamal. He is an writer who has worked with several NSFW subscription companies for many years.

This full-service agency offers pretty much everything you'll need as an OnlyFans creator. Their chat services make sure they don't just reply to fan messages, they also actively upsell your content!

More importantly, they help you diversify your OnlyFans business by expanding your presence to other channels like Fansly, Fanvue, and other similar platforms. Their priority is increasing your ROI (return on investment) up to 200%. manages over 20 models earning 6 figures per month. [4]

Disclaimer : While CreditDonkey made every effort to deliver accurate information on the given topic, we are unable to verify any self-reported earnings cited in this article. On top of that, other income figures mentioned are either based on multiple publications or merely estimates of how much you can earn.

If you want to see a change in your OnlyFans fast, this next option may be your best bet.

Wonderland Mgmt

Best for: Quick results Fees: Not advertised

You all know how hard it is to grow your OnlyFans, even for experienced models. That's why Wonderland Mgmt's catchphrase of "We Create Influencers Overnight" is hard to ignore. But can they really make it happen?

First, they instill discipline by requiring you to dedicate your efforts to content creation for up to 2 hours a day. Alternatively, you can pick one full day to produce as much content to free up the rest of your week.

Their unique Rabbit Hole marketing formula may only work if you do your end of the bargain. With this tactic, they create marketing campaigns that aim to drive fans to your page in droves in as little as 24 hours.

While this may be the best scenario, it looks like they are confident in their ability to deliver the results you want within a considerably short time.

Their "seduction team" sells your PPVs to your fans using your own voice. However, don't expect them to reply to direct messages on your behalf because that won't be part of the deal. [5]

Although Wonderland Mgmt is opposed to using chatters responding to DMs, several agencies hire them for this purpose.

Best for: Leveraging AI Fees: Commission-based [6]

If you're looking to maximize your OnlyFans by combining human expertise and AI technology, you can get it at Neo Agency .

They are an OnlyFans marketer based in Germany, relying on cutting-edge technology to carry out strategies more precisely. These include analyzing trends, optimizing your content, and engaging with your audience.

Aside from helping you with day-to-day operations, they provide tailored solutions to problems such as fluctuating earnings and a large volume of messages.

Their AI innovation FlirtFlow is a multilingual chatting tool that is always active. The best part is that it picks up from its last activity—no memory gaps whatsoever—while amplifying your persona to your fans. This means everything feeling as natural as possible from the other end.

Want to explore more marketing techniques? This next OnlyFans agency has a few tricks up their sleeve.

Seiren Agency

Best for: Multiple strategies Fees: Commission-based [7]

Established in 2019, Seiren Agency provides the tools and support that can supercharge your OnlyFans account. And it does that with the help of an all-women team.

Given the sensitive nature of the job, you'll be more comfortable working with them, especially if you're a female creator.

They claim to have brought their OnlyFans models from zero to hero with a monthly income of $150K+, getting them on the top 0.1% revenue tier. [8] With more than 20 marketing methods, the chances of at least one working for you can be pretty high.

What is the top 0.01% of OnlyFans? A top 0.01% creator is among the highest earners on the platform within the last 30 days. Since this label is dynamic, their monthly income may range from tens of thousands to millions of dollars. You can check your own updated ranking on your OnlyFans creator app. [9]

Belle Muse Agency

Best for: Holistic growth Fees: Up to 40% of gross income [10]

Maybe you're already making good money. But for all you know, you could be earning more. So why settle for being in the top 2% when you could be a top 0.1% creator?

Belle Muse Agency can help you achieve that. They work with your uniqueness using bespoke strategies that don't just scale your earnings but also build your personal brand.

They treat you as a partner instead of simply being one of their 30+ muses. Your well-being is also looked after with the help of an in-house nutritionist and epigenetic researcher.

There aren't too many agencies that are forthcoming in their fees. Aside from having no upfront costs, Belle Muse Agency clearly states they won't charge you beyond 40% commission. [11] It could be less depending on the services you end up using.

One viral media exposure can change your trajectory with the help of this OnlyFans agency, coming right up.

Louna's Models

Best for: Viral marketing Fees: Commission-based [12]

France-based Louna's Models is another female-backed OnlyFans marketing agency. It has produced over 55 successful models on the platform, which is an impressive portfolio. That is largely due to their viral marketing strategies using TikTok and tailored approach.

Their dedicated team has a great understanding of social media trends and behavior, allowing you to grow your following and enhance your income. While you focus on content creation, they can also provide you with fresh ideas to incorporate into your material.

However, this marketing agency may be picky with the models they work with. Anyhow, it is important that both you and the OnlyFans manager follow the required routine to increase your odds of success.

In case you need to terminate your contract, Louna's Models won't hold you back. You just have to give them at least one week's notice before parting ways.

Even if you do everything right in your marketing, there is still a chance your content does not go viral. This means luck will always be a factor in your success on the platform.

RARE X Network

Best for: OnlyFans agency matchmaking Fees: None [13]

RARE X Network is not exactly an OnlyFans agency. Instead, it is an agency matchmaker. This means that it will match you to the right OnlyFans agency, thus, taking out the guesswork on your part.

You no longer have to worry if the agency is legit as it has already been vetted for by this service. And since services will differ among marketing agencies, you don't have to go through each and wonder which one can take you in.

It may take a week for RARE X Network to find the most compatible OnlyFans agency for you. But it's free of charge.

All the agencies in their network will only collect commissions for their services. None of them will ask for upfront fees whatsoever.

The next one on the list may just give you enough assistance while still keeping your creative freedom.


Best for: OnlyFans agency alternatives Fee: $159/mo/account (Basic); $279/mo/account (Pro) (discount may be available) [14]

If given a choice, you may prefer having external help without sacrificing a significant percentage of your income.

Supercreator is a Chrome extension used by thousands of creators and agencies alike to manage their OnlyFans accounts. With its AI and automation tools, many routine tasks are done efficiently, such as chatting and upselling.

Given its actionable data-driven insights, you can market your content according to your subscriber behavior or status.

Thus, you can adjust your PPV prices and track hot leads. You can also automate your messaging through the Scripts feature, providing canned responses to different scenarios.

Reactivate your expired subs with a tailored offer that's likely going to get them back in.

What Is an OnlyFans Agency?

An OnlyFans agency is a service that assists you in managing or marketing your OnlyFans account or both.

The idea is basically to outsource these tasks so you can focus on content creation. Thus, this agency may offer a range of services such as social media marketing, coaching, growth management, and account audit.

Some agencies choose to provide specific services only, like providing trained OnlyFans agents who will interact with fans on your behalf. Others would focus on driving traffic to improve your current social media presence.

When should I consider an OnlyFans agency? You may want to consider the services of an OnlyFans agency if you want to improve your earning potential. Conversely, you might also need one if you are experiencing tremendous growth on the platform, which can be overwhelming if you are handling it all by yourself.

What Services Do They Provide?

Although not all OnlyFans agencies offer the same services, here are the most common ways they can help you:

How Much Do OnlyFans Agency Cost?

OnlyFans Agency fees are typically commission-based, which could go as much as 80% of your net earnings. [15] Ultimately, the extent of services you require will dictate the pricing.

But roughly speaking, the bigger the OnlyFans creator is, the lower the agency's split. So, if you are a top 1% creator earning $50,000 a month, it is likely that the commission would be a lot less than 80%—perhaps more in the ballpark of 20% to 30%.

A few agencies, however, charge an upfront fee or subscription, which may not be a popular option, especially if you are a new creator.

In case you need a specific service, e.g., chat agents who upsell with exclusive access to your content, you can be charged for their hourly rate plus a commission on their sales.

Is an OnlyFans agent worth it? An OnlyFans agent service can be worthwhile for two reasons. One is that it could jumpstart your OnlyFans by improving your income and increasing your fan base. The other reasons is that they could relieve you from all your repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on creating more high-quality content.

Advantages & Downsides

Here are the pros and cons of an OnlyFans agency for a creator.

OnlyFans agencies are generally beneficial to creators, whether you are new or more established. In any case, many come into this platform clueless, not knowing how to navigate the business side.

A legit OnlyFans agency can help you get started and assist you with day-to-day operations. At the same time, they can provide consultancy to build your personal brand and assign technical support for your content.

For top creators, you will need the extra hands to manage your business. This allows you to dedicate your time to creating engaging content and maintaining your top position on the platform.

As you may know, most OnlyFans agencies charge a commission for their services, which is often based on your net income. If they charge a maximum rate, it can milk you dry.

Also, it's possible that their marketing strategies will not accomplish the goals you have set out. And since they are in charge of your marketing, you may lose your creative freedom in the process.

Is it safe to join an OnlyFans agency? It is generally safe to work with an OnlyFans agency that is legitimate. Just be sure to do your due diligence and research about the agency. Check how long they are operating, how many models they are working with, and what their success rate is.

How to Choose the Best OnlyFans Agency

If you could have the best OnlyFans agency, it would bring a huge difference in your income potential. Here are things you should look for:


OnlyFans creators have different reasons for wanting to work with an OnlyFans agency. Hence, we chose agencies that offer not just full-range services, but also have targeted services like account management or helping the creator in their content marketing.

In addition, we favored those with their own website, which enabled us to look for standout features and value propositions. These include charging a commission only when there is creator income, use of bespoke marketing formula, and 24/7 access to a dedicated account manager.

Bottom Line

The best OnlyFans agency can make a positive difference in your career as a content creator.

While each one offers different services, their expertise can scale your earnings and increase your following.

But remember, your success on OnlyFans does not only depend on them, but also on yourself. Although they can supercharge your business, you will still need to put in the work creating content that sells.

Nonetheless, the right agency that compliments your efforts can fast-track reaching your creator goals.

Write to Penny Besana at [email protected] . Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for our latest posts.

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What is OnlyFans? Experts and creators explain how it works

  • OnlyFans is a subscription-focused online platform with messaging features.
  • Creators can post content behind a paywall, and users pay to access it. 
  • The platform has become popular among adult-content creators, with some making millions of dollars.

Insider Today

OnlyFans is an online platform where creators can publish paywalled content and chat with subscribers.

A creator's followers can access the content by subscribing to their account. Most subscriptions cost a few dollars a month, but some accounts are free.

Subscriptions, however, are not the only way creators can make money on OnlyFans . The platform offers a variety of monetization options, like direct messaging, tips, pay-per-view content, livestreaming, and more. Some OnlyFans models make millions of dollars a year selling pictures and videos to their subscribers.

OnlyFans has become a popular way for adult-content creators to make money.

Read about how a creator made millions of dollars on OnlyFans without any social following

The platform has grown exponentially since it was founded in 2016 — and there's a lot of opportunity for creators. OnlyFans exploded during the pandemic, reporting a 75% increase in sign-ups between March and April 2020. The company's most recent tax filings show that OnlyFans users spent over $5.6 billion on the platform in 2022, and there were over 3 million registered creators for almost 250 million fans.

Why OnlyFans is controversial

Adult content has been the main source of controversy for OnlyFans.

Celebrities like Bella Thorne, Blac Chyna, and Bhad Bhabie have taken advantage of the popularity of the platform and begun sharing content there, sometimes sparking backlash. When Bella Thorne made $1 million in a day, sex workers accused her of "gentrifying" the platform and failing to acknowledge their work.

OnlyFans also stoked the ire of sex workers when it tried to ban explicit content in the summer of 2021. It reversed the decision almost immediately.

Security concerns have also been raised about OnlyFans. For instance, a 2021 BBC investigation found that underage people had published explicit content there after finding ways to bypass the platform's age-verification system.

Another major issue for OnlyFans is revenge porn . A 2024 Reuters investigation found that over 120 people had filed complaints with the US police because they were included in explicit content published on OnlyFans without their consent.

Creators on the platform who publish content that is not safe for work also say that content leaks are frequent. OnlyFans has put measures in place to prevent screenshotting and downloading pictures and videos to try to limit this practice.

OnlyFans did not respond to a request for comment on the issues outlined above.

Another source of controversy, particularly among subscribers of adult-content creators, has been ghostwriting . Some creators have outsourced chatting to assistants or outside agencies to keep up with the high volume of interactions with their subscribers.

Read more about a secretive OnlyFans management firm whose former employees said they were 'ghostwriting' and chatting on behalf of creators

Recently, some creators have turned to using different forms of artificial intelligence for their content, including chatbots that can interact with subscribers. Some in the industry worry this may erode the trust their audiences have in them.

Read more about how OnlyFans creators are using AI for chatting, image generation, and more

How much does OnlyFans cost?

The price of an OnlyFans subscription can vary widely depending on the creator. Many creators set their price at a few dollars a month, but some also charge up to $25 or $30, while others keep their pages free of charge. Some models maintain multiple profiles at different price points to cater to different audiences.

OnlyFans takes a 20% cut of each page's earnings, while the remaining 80% goes to creators.

"I was absolutely in the dark," said creator Morgan Edwards, who uses the pseudonym "Kitty K" online, about establishing the price of her page on the platform. "One of the things that I did was really just sit back, observe, and sort of do what others did."

Read more about how 7 OnlyFans creators who make thousands of dollars a month established their prices

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On top of subscriptions, there are a variety of other services creators can offer for additional charges, like personalized videos or texting sessions. Some create "tip menus" listing the types of content they provide for subscribers and how much they cost.

Here are 3 examples of 'tip menus' creators have used and how much they charge

How much money OnlyFans creators make

The amount of money OnlyFans creators make can vary — it usually starts small, but many creators are able to build up their incomes. Business Insider spoke with eight creators about their yearly earnings, and their answers ranged from $143,000 to $5.4 million.

Read more about how much 8 OnlyFans creators earned and how they did it

A popular and lucrative way creators monetize is via private messaging with their subscribers.

Some men have been able to find relief from loneliness and build relationships with OnlyFans stars by chatting with them

The relationships OnlyFans creators build with their subscribers rely heavily on a monetary exchange. Some models, like Swedish Amber Sweetheart, have been able to earn millions of dollars by selling "connections" with their fans.

Read more about how Sweetheart built her income to $2.6 million by relying on private messaging

How to make $10,000 on OnlyFans

There's a lot of opportunity on OnlyFans, and many creators have been able to build their income to $10,000 a month.

The key to growing a subscriber base on the platform is ensuring traffic from outside sources, like other social-media platforms, because OnlyFans does not have a discovery algorithm .

Creators often use platforms like Twitter or Reddit to find potential new subscribers because those services tend to be friendly to adult content.

Here's how 4 creators have used Reddit to promote their OnlyFans

Despite its serious limitations on explicit content, some models have found TikTok helpful in bringing new audiences to their pages, thanks to its powerful algorithm.

Read more about how 3 OnlyFans creators have used TikTok for promotion

For some of the more popular creators, another lucrative income stream is offering promotional "shoutouts" to smaller accounts in exchange for a fee. Creators collectively spend millions of dollars each month on this marketing practice.

Here's how 'promo shoutouts' have become big business for creators

How to make money on OnlyFans while anonymous

It's not uncommon for OnlyFans creators to publish adult content without showing their faces.

Farrah, a former healthcare worker turned adult entertainer, has been able to make over $1 million in revenue without revealing her identity. One of the key ways she uses to promote her account is by posting regularly on Reddit.

Read more about Farrah's strategy to attract fans while staying anonymous

Mrs Robinson is another creator who began posting on the platform without showing her face. She relies on the "hot teacher" persona she's built online and charges extra to reveal her face to subscribers in pay-per-view messages.

Read more about how Mrs Robinson got started on OnlyFans and built her income to over $800,000

What is not allowed on OnlyFans

The platform's terms and conditions list several types of prohibited content. These are some of the forbidden elements:

  • Violent content, including firearms, sadomasochistic content, bondage,
  • Content including minors
  • Body fluids
  • Drug-related content
  • Tobacco content
  • Public sex content
  • Fully AI-generated content and deepfakes
  • Content that contains any form of advertising, commercial activities, or sales

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People Are Sharing Famous Companies That Went Bankrupt Over Dumb Decisions, And Now I Finally Know What Happened To Circuit City

"Restaurants brought out the servings slowly and were like, 'Nobody is going to sit there for hours and just eat them.' Actually, lots of people did."

Victoria Vouloumanos

BuzzFeed Staff

In light of OnlyFans reversing its ban on sexual content, you might wonder what other companies made seemingly dumb or greedy decisions that they really paid for later.

An OnlyFans logo seen displayed on a smartphone

Well, look no further. Recently, u/WolfgangCaesar asked , "Now that OnlyFans is taking back its ban on sexual content, what other company bankrupted itself (or nearly bankrupted itself) through poorly thought-out or unnecessary decisions?"

People were quick to respond with companies that notoriously bankrupted (or nearly bankrupted) themselves over similar types of decisions:, 1. "one time, red lobster offered an unlimited [snow] crab leg deal. they brought the servings out slowly and were like, 'nobody is going to sit there for six hours and just eat crab legs.' actually, lots of people did — so many, they lost millions.".

The Red Lobster sign outside of a Red Lobster location

— u/ Omniwing

A 2021 article from Mashed  explains that you could get unlimited snow crabs from Red Lobster for $22.99 a person. However, at the time, the price of snow crabs was rising in the U.S. due to farming quotas, and many people were eating three to four servings of snow crabs. 

The article also notes  that The New York Post reported that [Red Lobster] lost $405.9 million in stock in a single trading session and $3.3 million in profits.

2. "Photobucket changed its terms of service back in 2017. It then required a yearly fee for all those images you previously posted on it for free."

The Photobucket logo on a mobile screen

— u/ drizzes

According to a 2017 article from The Verge , "Thousands of listings from online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay are now filled with unsightly error images by Photobucket after the photo hosting site quietly introduced a $399 annual fee to users who want to embed images on third party websites. 

"Users are now accusing Photobucket of extortion, as the service failed to make the update to its terms of service abundantly clear."

3. "Quiznos. The corporate office decided to buy the vendors and then contract all of the franchises to only buy materials from corporate with a price hike. The margins got way too high, and all of the stores went out of business. They shot themselves straight in the foot."

The storefront of a Quiznos

— u/JoshBobJovi

A 2021 article from Eat This cites that "Quiznos reached a high of $1.9 billion in systemwide sales in 2007" but "generates less than $100 million a year in sales across all its stores" as of this year. The article goes on to say that experts attribute Quiznos' fall to rapid expansion at the expense of their franchisees. 

Quiznos onboarded inexperienced franchisees and made "difficult financial demands which precluded these small operators from making a profit." Eat This also cites YouTuber  Company Man , stating that a large portion of Quiznos' revenue came from franchise fees.

They also sold " food and paper products  to its franchisees through a subsidiary called American Food Distributors. Operators were forced to buy these supplies at prices far higher than the industry average, while Quiznos directly profited from hiking up the prices."

4. "Netflix almost bankrupted themselves as they made the transition from DVDs. They had a period where they dropped to dangerously low subscribers."

Netflix DVD packages

— u/RagnarDann3skj0ld

If you don't remember, Netflix lost 800,000 members  in 2011 when it split its rental service into two separate subscription plans: one for streaming movies online and one for getting DVDs in the mail. 

Rather than pay $10 for one plan, each subscription plan cost $8, resulting in a 60% price increase for customers. According to  the New York Times , Netflix stock also "plummeted more than 25 percent in after-hours trading."

5. "JCPenney tried to stop bullshitting customers, and it backfired. They said no more sales. They were just going to price everything low because pretty much all sales at department stores are lies, anyway. You’re not really getting 70% off — the retail price was deliberately set stupid high to convince you it was a great deal, but the discount price is the actual value of it. JCPenney’s heart was in the right place, but ultimately, it failed because customers are really that dumb and would rather be lied to."

A JCPenney department store

— u/Phil_Drill

In 2012, JCPenney announced no more "fake prices." Instead, their new pricing structure set original prices at least 40% lower than their previous prices so that customers no longer needed to rely on sales or coupons. However, when the company released its first-quarter results, it reported a $163 million net loss.

Time reported that a woman interviewed in an Associated Press story said, "The closest JCPenney is about a half-hour away from me. If I don’t get a special discount, it’s not worth the trip."

6. "In 1998, Yahoo refused to buy Google for $1 million. In 2002, Yahoo [was in talks] to buy Google, but Google wanted more money. Yahoo refused the offer. In 2006, Yahoo wanted to buy Facebook for $1 billion, but Facebook backed out. In 2008, Microsoft offered to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion, but Yahoo refused. In 2016, Verizon bought Yahoo for $4.8 billion."

The old Yahoo header from the desktop site

— u/WickedCoolUsername

Yahoo did indeed have two opportunities to acquire Google. In 1998, Larry Page and Sergei Brin were willing to sell their startup — their "soon-to-be patented PageRank system," the core of Google — for $1 million to continue their studies at Stanford. Yahoo declined the purchase because it wanted users to spend "time on its own platform" rather than being sent to a relevant site.

In 2002, Yahoo entered negotiations to purchase Google for $1 billion . However, during the length of the negotiation, Google raised its valuation to $3 billion. Since search only made up 6% of Yahoo's income stream, Yahoo refused the offer.

In 2006, Mark Zuckerberg refused Yahoo's offer to purchase Facebook for $1 billion. However, reports allege that Facebook's "board of directors would have forced Zuckerberg to accept an offer of $1.1 billion, yet Yahoo executives would not agree to the increased bid." However, Zuckerberg did not want to sell since Facebook had not yet built all of its products — at the time, Facebook was about to launch its News Feed.  

In 2008, Microsoft proposed acquiring Yahoo for $44.6 billion , at $31 per share, but Yahoo wanted more per share. Ultimately, in 2016, Verizon announced its acquisition of Yahoo for $4.83 billion , then sold Yahoo (and AOL together) for $5 billion in 2021. 

7. "Sears ended their catalog/mail-order business in 1993. For over 100 years, they had sold everything from hubcaps to houses via mail order and shipped them all over the country. Amazon was founded in 1994."

The entrance to Sears inside of a mall

While Sears filed for bankruptcy in 2019, its sales accounted for 1% of the entire US economy in 1969. In the 1980s, Sears' catalog division annually made $4 billion , but the cost of mailing catalogs that sold low-margin products made the business unprofitable. So in 1993, Sears ended its catalog division and "dismantled the distribution infrastructure while failing to keep updated customer lists." 

When Sears launched its e-commerce site in 1997, it had to rebuild but began offering in-store pickup of e-commerce purchases before Macy's or Target . However, by 2000, its merchandise failed to lure new customers. CEO Eddie Lampert wanted to prioritize e-commerce over department stores after merging with Kmart in 2005. The decision led to Sears stores being neglected, and many stores closed. 

"On paper, Sears had everything to be the e-commerce retailer that dominated the globe. By 1985, they had their own credit card, Discover, to rival MasterCard and Visa. They had their own insurance company in Allstate. They partnered with IBM to create 'Prodigy,' one of the first proto-ISPs in 1984, that offered all sorts of online services (except buying stuff from Sears) years before the World Wide Web existed. In theory, they were posed to make e-commerce a thing back in the late '80s and sweep the world in the '90s — with no chance for outsiders like Amazon, who had to build their stuff from the ground up, to catch on."

The outside of a Sears department store

Sears launched the Discover card nationwide in 1985 with no annual fee and a higher credit limit than most other credit cards. At the time, Sears was the largest retailer in the US . Discover later introduced the innovative "Cashback Bonus." However, by the fourth quarter of 1986, Sears lost $22 million in credit card operations . Sears sold its financial business in 1993 and began accepting MasterCard and Visa, in addition to Discover.

Sears named Allstate Insurance after a car tire it sold in its catalog. In 1993, it took almost 20% of the company public and by 1995, AllState became fully public. 

Prodigy, an online server turned Internet service provider , began in the late '80s as a joint venture between Sears and IBM. By 1990, Prodigy was the " second-largest server of its kind " and enabled users to shop, email, participate in online forums, and read news online. Despite becoming the largest server in 1993, Prodigy eventually suffered from low pricing, heavily moderated forums, privacy concerns, and the taking away of its unlimited chat feature. In 1996, Sears and IBM sold Prodigy . 

8. "Kodak completely went under when they chose not to adopt digital photography. They eventually came back several years later, somehow."

Kodak color film next to a Kodak disc 3100 camera

— u/thehankinato

From a 2012 article from Forbes , "There are few corporate blunders as staggering as Kodak’s missed opportunities in digital photography, a technology that it invented. This strategic failure was the direct cause of Kodak’s decades-long decline as digital photography destroyed its film-based business model."

9. "A&W created the third-pounder. It was the same price as McDonald's quarter-pounder. It bombed massively. When they tried to find out why, it was discovered that Americans thought they were being cheated because three is a smaller number than four. A&W — realizing they can't explain grade school fractions to fully grown adults without coming across as condescending assholes — quietly took the burger off the menu."

business plan for onlyfans

— u/wildcharmander1992

According to A&W's own blog post , "In the 1980s, then-owner A. Alfred Taubman launched the 'Third is the Word' campaign to promote A&W's new third-pound burgers and compete with another brand's smaller quarter-pound burger."

Despite aggressive marketing, the third-pound burgers were not selling, so A&W brought in a market research firm. "The firm eventually conducted a focus group to discover the truth: participants were concerned about the price of the burger. 'Why should we pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as we do for a quarter-pound of meat?' they asked. 

"It turns out the majority of participants incorrectly believed one-third of a pound was actually smaller than a quarter of a pound."

10. "In 2012, after a three-year hiatus in the sport, Lotus F1 team signed driver Kimi Raikkonen. His contract included a clause that stated Raikkonen would earn €50,000 for every point he scored in the two seasons of his contract. Raikkonen went on to finish third in the 2012 championship and fifth in the 2013 season — which was exceptionally impressive for Lotus. In doing this, he scored 390 points in two seasons. He earned €19.5 million off of that bonus alone, which led to Lotus almost filing for bankruptcy."

Kimi Raikkoken driving for Lotus

— u/Aimaan-Zakaria

Though Raikkonen did score 390 points in his 2012 and 2013 seasons  with Lotus and a clause in his contract guaranteed him €19.5 million for those points, Lotus did not pay him in full until 2014 . Lotus executive direction  Mattew Carter said , "The situation with the creditors is much better compared to last year. [Raikkonen's salary] was a big part of our debt, but it has been paid in full by now."

A  feature for the Official Formula 1 Magazine reported, "When, during the second season, the money started to run out, the team spirit at Lotus began to flag. It looked likely that Raikkonen would not drive in the 2013 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix but, after a good deal of dithering, he turned up. Asked why he had arrived so late, he replied: 'When you’ve been paid nothing for a whole year, it’s hardly conducive to positive thinking…'" Unpaid, Raikkonen quit before the end of 2013.

11. "Circuit City. It was a major retail chain in the 1980s that collapsed under mismanagement. Its arguably biggest blunder was firing all of their experienced, better-paid workers for cheaper, inexperienced ones. Apparently, selling merchandise and keeping customers happy are important in the retail business. Who knew?"

A Circuit City storefront

— u/Mount_Drew

Consumers cited Circuit City's most obvious failing as its customer service, according to a 2008 article from Time . "In March 2007, [Circuit City] announced plans to lay off  its highest-paid hourly employees , including salespeople, and replace them with cheaper workers. That same year, then CEO Philip Schoonover received some $7 million in compensation." 

The highest-paid employees were the most experienced employees (who had accumulated higher wages over the years). Circuit City also outsourced its IT department. After the company fired over 3,000 employees,  WSWS reported , "The firings are the most abrupt and brazen manifestation of a trend by corporate America to push out older and better-compensated workers and replace them with a smaller, younger, uninsured and underpaid workforce."

12. "Borders Books. A conversation happened between Amazon and the giant Borders Books. This Internet thing was starting to look like it would harm retail sales, so Borders agreed to sell books online through Amazon. By 2007, Borders ended its marketing alliance with Amazon."

A Borders location

— u/EnnuiDeBlase

In 2001, Borders and Amazon partnered to sell books online. As a result, Amazon handled Borders' inventory, site content, and customer service while Borders "leveraged its brand name to drive sales." But in 2007, Borders ended its arrangement with Amazon and launched its own online business in 2008. 

However, as book-buying shifted from in-person to online, Borders then struggled to compete with Amazon — and even with Barnes & Noble, which had begun selling books directly online in 1997. On top of that, Amazon released its e-reader, the Kindle, in 2007, and Barnes and Noble released the Nook in 2009. 

13. "Quibi — when it decided that 10-minute clips watched in portrait on a commuter train is the future of home entertainment."

The Quibi logo on a mobile screen

— u/oftenGetsItWrong

When announcing they were shutting down Quibi six months after its April 2020 launch, co-founders Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman "cited the unique environment created by the Covid-19 pandemic" as a condition for the company's failure. Quibi — a portmanteau of "quick bites" —   raised $1.75 billion  from investors and targeted users on the go with five- to 10-minute episodes.

However, other reasons attributed to Quibi's downfall include poor original content , weak marketing , and a lack of paying customers . In May 2021, Roku debuted "Roku Originals" — consisting of 30 shows originally produced for Quibi that Roku acquired the global rights to — for free, including Kevin Hart's "Die Hart," the Emmy-winning drama, "#FreeRayshawn," and Comedy Central's revived "Reno 911!"

14. "Ayds Diet Candy. They didn’t change their name after the emergence of the AIDS virus."

A screenshot of an Ayds candy box from a commercial

– u/NoSoul2335

Initially, the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s did not negatively affect the sales of Ayds, the appetite-suppressant candy. The media attention allegedly helped Ayds sales grow, according to Martin Himmel, president of Jeffrey Martin, Inc., the company that manufactured Ayds.

In 1986, chief operating officer Frank DiPrima said , "Consumers are smart enough to tell the difference between a disease and a diet product. The product has been around for 45 years. Let the disease change its name." 

But by 1988, sales were reported to have dropped by as much as 50 percent due to association with the AIDS epidemic. In Britain, Ayds was remarketed as Aydslim, while in the U.S., the name was changed to Diet Ayds. 

15. "Yik Yak. It was a completely anonymous message posting app at first. Obviously, it became a fun anonymous messaging app. They then started to make it less anonymous by introducing usernames which — while they can still be throwaway usernames — certainly made people lose the favor of the app. They eventually shut down."

The Yik Yak page in the Google Play Store on a mobile phone

— u/downtimeredditor

Founded in 2013, Yik Yak had, at one point, a $400 million valuation . While the ability to post anonymously made Yik Yak popular among high school and college students, it also led to cyberbullying, harassment, and hate speech . By 2014, multiple schools either evacuated students or were put on lockdown due to bomb threats or threats of violence made on the app. The same year, one university student penned an open letter after "being targeted on the app for her weight."

In 2017, "two feminist groups and several former students  filed a federal complaint " against the University of Mary Washington and its former president over cyber-harassment and threats of physical and sexual violence on Yik Yak. One of the lawyers involved told the New York Times , "The lack of responsiveness and inability to control this devastating hate speech I think is what ultimately did this app in."

By the end of 2016, Yik Yak laid off 60% of its employees and shut down operations. It  sold off "intellectual property and employee contracts to Square Inc., a mobile payment company, for $1 million."

16. "Vine. It seemed like the best thing at the time."

The app for Vine

— u/WarheadADHD

In 2012, Twitter bought Vine for a reported $30 million , "as a near-perfect video analog to its flagship app’s short-form text posts." By 2016, Twitter announced it would discontinue the mobile app. 

According to The Verge , former executives said that Instagram's then-new 15-second video clips were "the beginning of the end" as Vine "didn't move fast enough to differentiate." As a result, marketers shifted money away from Vine, and Snapchat "became the casual mass-market lifecasting app that Vine’s founders had once pitched their product to Twitter as."

17. "Schlitz. Throughout the '60s, it was one of America's biggest national beers. In 1974, Schlitz's president and chairman, Robert Uihlein, Jr., believed beer drinkers couldn't distinguish their favorite beer from other brands and oversaw the introduction of a slimmer brewing process. It replaced barley with corn syrup and used silica gel as a preservative during the brewing process that was then filtered out, i.e. didn't have to be listed as an ingredient. Instead, the beer spoiled faster, grew cloudy on racks, didn't produce a frothy head when poured, and was flavorless — resulting in a 100-million bottle recall. Schlitz also didn't realize light beer was becoming a thing, so it got its clock cleaned by Bud and Miller. It then ran an ad campaign with some belligerent-sounding guy threatening to kill another guy, who was off-camera, if he took his Schlitz away. By the '80s, it went back to its original brewing process, but the damage was done."

A Schlitz billboard sign above a highway in the 70s

— u/SniffleBot

Schiltz was the world's top-selling brewery in 1934, but by 1982, it was bought out by Stroh . The 'Schlitz Mistake,' as it's notoriously called , was the company's attempt to cut corners on quality to save on costs in the early 1970s. It implemented  a new process called "accelerated batch fermentation." When the company recalled more than 100 million cans and bottles of beer, it lost more than $1.4 million . 

In 1976, Schlitz tried to combat the success of Miller Lite and launched Schlitz Light, but it was deemed a failure . To turn around its declining sales, Schlitz launched a disastrous ad campaign  in 1977, dubbed the "Drink Schlitz or I’ll kill you" campaign. The ads failed so badly that Schlitz pulled them 10 weeks after they aires and fired their advertisers. 

Here's one ad from the "Drink Schlitz or I’ll kill you" campaign:

business plan for onlyfans

View this video on YouTube

18. "digg was bigger than reddit until they decided to force changes on the site. the changes were immensely unpopular — to the point where users began posting reddit links as a way of rebellion. digg stuck to their new ways and collapsed.".

The Digg top news page

— u/mtg-Moonkeeper

According to a 2012 article from Technology Review , a big reason Digg failed was "the changes to Digg’s user experience. ...  In particular, a redesign in August 2010 angered users by changing popular features and rolling out with bugs. Over time, 'it just became more complex of a layout,' [industry analysts] Owyang says, which caused people to leave."

Other changes included an inability to let users communicate directly with another, prompting some to move to Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter — where users could share links.

19. "Blackberry. Most popular smartphone in the world — then they were less than 1% of the market share, and their stock value dropped. A couple of years ago, they announced that they would focus more on software and essentially gave up making phones. Lots of BlackBerry executives took advantage of their market share and thought a flat, touchscreen phone wouldn't take off the way it did. How the mighty have fallen."

A Blackberry Pearl

 — u/valboots

In 2009, Fortune magazine named Blackberry the fastest growing company in the world, but by 2013, Blackberry's stock price collapsed by 90% . Blackberry's insistence on producing phones with full keyboards — despite consumers' preference for touchscreens — is cited as a big reason for their failure to keep up with Apple's iPhones and Google's Androids. 

While they had once controlled 50% of the smartphone market in the US and 20% globally, Blackberry had 0% of the market share by 2016. That same year, Blackberry announced it would stop making its own phones and signed over most of its global branding rights to Chinese manufacture TCL. 

In 2020, Blackberry ended the arrangement with TCL, and Texas start-up Onward Mobility acquired a license to make 5G devices  — one being a 5G BlackBerry device with Android and a physical QWERTY keyboard — for Blackberry in 2021. 

20. "Schwinn. The executives of America's most venerable bicycle maker could not be convinced that mountain bikes were anything more than a fad. They made one and called it the Klunker (yes, really). They then got an Asian company to design a mountain bike for them. Today, Schwinn is just a brand name someone else owns."

A Schwinn logo on a bicycle's main axle

In the late '70s, the sport of mountain biking was developed — but mountain bikes were "just one of several trends in cycling that Schwinn considered irrelevant," according to an article published in Strategy+Business . "Company executives had trouble imagining that any adult would spend money on what they thought of as a toy. Mountain bikes, which sell for anywhere from $500 on up through the stratosphere, now dominate the industry."

Over the next decade, Schwinn's 80-year-old Chicago facility struggled to efficiently produce modern bicycles using new processes (like TIG welding), so the company began "importing bikes from Japan , Taiwan, and China, eventually becoming more a marketer than a maker of bikes." 

When Schwinn finally built a new plant, they built it in Mississippi  to avoid a unionized workforce. However, the location made it difficult to receive materials from Asian suppliers. The new plant lost money until it was shut down in 1991 to avoid liquidation. In 1992, Schwinn filed for bankruptcy . 

21. "MoviePass was a weird one. Their model was too good to be true. They lost money on every subscriber who was seeing more than two movies a month — which was most of their subscribers."

The MoviePass logo on a mobile phone

— u/dirtyLizard

In September 2019, MoviePass shut down after being hailed as a disruptor of the moviegoing business. A 2019 article in the Verge states, "Many MoviePass subscribers who were attracted to the new service by the lower price began using it frequently. MoviePass started losing money on virtually every subscriber, and it then went bankrupt."

The article further explains , "The company’s new bosses understood that they would lose money on every subscriber, but they didn’t care. They wanted leverage in the form of a large, dedicated user base. The company amassed more than 1 million subscribers in the three months after introducing its new unlimited, $9.95 plan." 

MoviePass hoped to recoup the cost of high tickets by buying tickets at a bulk discount and receiving a cut of food and drink sales from partnered theaters. However, AMC refused to partner with MoviePass and announced their own AMC Stubs A-List in June 2018. Due to a myriad of issues over terms of services, customers banded together online and filed two suits against MoviePass before the company finally shut down.

22. And last but not least, "There was a donut shop by my high school. It opened at 6 a.m. and closed at 5 p.m., so students would be there every day before school started at 7:30 and after school ended at 2:15. They changed their hours to 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and couldn’t make any more money. They shut down a few months after the change."

Trays of donuts behind glass in a donut shop

— u/hurr4drama

Did you remember all of these companies and know this is what happened to them? What other companies would you add? Let us know in the comments below!

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By Brendan I. Koerner

I Went Undercover as a Secret OnlyFans Chatter. It Wasn’t Pretty

Because I have a deep and childish fear of being exposed as uncool, I try hard to act nonchalant when I’m around people with lives more interesting than my own. This is the tactic I employed last year when I met an OnlyFans star, a fit cosplayer and Japanophile who has soared into an enviable tax bracket by selling what she terms “exxxtra spicy content.” I made a show of calmly nodding along as she recounted how she’d ditched her plan to become a tech consultant after discovering that droves of admirers will pay $10.99 a month to watch her try on leggings or vigorously bring herself to climax.

Despite my best efforts to appear blasé about the nuances of modern sex work, the creator caught me off guard with one detail about her business. Like many of OnlyFans’ top earners, she had hired a management agency to help keep up with her customers’ demands for personal attention. “The chat specialists they give you, that was a huge deal for me,” she said. The agency provided a team of contractors whose sole job is to masquerade as the creator while swapping DMs with her subscribers. These textual conversations are meant to be the main way that OnlyFans users can interact with the models they adore.

The existence of professional OnlyFans chatters wouldn’t have surprised me so much if I’d given just a few moments’ thought to the mathematical realities of the platform. OnlyFans has thrived by promising its reported 190 million users that they can have direct access to an estimated 2.1 million creators. It’s impossible for even a modestly popular creator to cope with the avalanche of messages they receive each day. The $5.6 billion industry has solved this logistical conundrum by entrusting its chat duties to a hidden proletariat, a mass of freelancers who sustain the illusion that OnlyFans’ creators are always eager to engage—sexually and otherwise—with paying customers.

I wanted to know more about this murky yet vital sector of the OnlyFans economy, so I set out to interview some veteran chatters. But nearly everyone I contacted was reluctant to open up. Some demanded to be paid for their insight; others ghosted me after initially agreeing to speak. I couldn’t fault them for their wariness: OnlyFans is already a touchy subject because sex weirds people out, and chatters have nothing to gain by revealing one of the platform’s shadier quirks. “We need to be anonymous so we can get hired,” said Bel, a 26-year-old engineering student from Argentina who moonlights as a chat specialist.

Gradually I realized that my best shot at understanding how chatters operate would be to join their ranks. As an English major who’s been fortunate enough to make a living with words for more than 20 years, I naively assumed I was qualified to land a gig. And as a writer, I was curious to learn what kind of artistry the job would require—what it takes to ensure that OnlyFans users never doubt they’re really interacting with the objects of their desire.

As I embarked on my job hunt, I asked the owner of a top-tier OnlyFans agency for tips on how to make myself an appealing candidate. He was pessimistic about my odds of getting hired, mainly because I’m American. He said agencies tend to favor contractors who reside in lower-wage countries. That insight was borne out as I poked around the online communities where chatters find help-wanted ads; though the vast majority of OnlyFans users live in the US, the bulk of my competitors were based in places like the Philippines and Venezuela. Judging by their posts on the r/OnlyFansChatter subreddit and in an invite-only Facebook group, these workers are relatively well-educated, with university-level English and ace typing skills that some developed in high-pressure call centers. They also put up with all manner of abuses: OnlyFans agencies are notorious for stiffing their freelancers, forcing them to work 70-hour weeks, and summarily firing them if they miss a shift due to a power outage. “Us chatters are not robots,” a Filipino contributor complained in an anguished screed on Reddit. “We’re humans, we feel.”

Once I started responding to ads, I found that my biggest flaw in the eyes of most recruiters—and yet another way in which many of my global rivals had an edge on me—was my lack of specific experience. Even for positions with a starting hourly wage of just $2, agencies often demanded evidence that applicants had not only chatted on OnlyFans before but had also cajoled subscribers into purchasing thousands of dollars’ worth of so-called exclusive content. (An OnlyFans subscription includes unfettered access to photos and videos that are posted on a creator’s main feed, but the most avid customers also buy additional pay-per-view content that is teased to them in chats.) My fluency in English and my claims to be a quick study meant nothing to agencies that only wanted to deal with proven upsellers.

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Finally, after a few frustrating weeks, I received an encouraging reply from a potential employer—one that introduced a jarring plot twist. The interest came from a man I’ll call Daniel, who said he was based in Serbia, though his company was incorporated in Cyprus. Contrary to the impression I’d gotten from his help-wanted listing, his firm wasn’t in the business of providing human chat specialists to OnlyFans creators. They were instead looking for writers to train a proprietary AI chatbot to spout convincing erotic banter. Though OnlyFans currently bans the use of AI, there are plenty of startups like Daniel’s that are developing the technology to replace flesh-and-blood chatters altogether. (Some claim they’re already routing around OnlyFans’ prohibition by having a lone human press Send on thousands of AI-generated messages.) If I accepted the job, I’d be playing a role in the eventual destruction of the world I was trying to comprehend.

I was hesitant to take such an ass-backward approach to advancing my OnlyFans career. But at this point in my journey, I was desperate to gain a toehold in the industry, however small. So I told Daniel I was game to teach his bots how to mimic online sex workers.

To seal the deal, I needed to pass an elaborate written test. Daniel sent me a biographical sketch for a fictional “adult influencer from Tokyo” named Miko; she was a fan of karate, green tea, and the tongue emoji. My assignment was to write four extended back-and-forth dialogs between Miko and a hypothetical subscriber—two had to involve X-rated material, while the other two were meant to be clean. “Each bot’s reply should contain a call to action, a question, a compliment, or an inspiration to do something,” the instructions dictated, though I was forbidden from using question marks in more than 20 percent of Miko’s responses.

I found it quite easy at first to write the sort of run-of-the-mill smut the Serbs expected. (I’ll spare you the gory details, except to say I cribbed some color from Kathryn Bigelow’s 1995 sci-fi film Strange Days .) For the less explicit chats, I imagined Miko offering to cook the subscriber a pasta dinner and feigning appreciation for his TV recommendations. I did make one glaring error that could have led to an entire chat being voided as unusable: Due to my hasty misreading of Miko’s bio, I characterized her as a fan of spicy ramen when she actually prefers her food mild. “I have to ask you to pay attention to these little facts,” Daniel wrote in his assessment. “In this case, these lines mentioning the food could have been rejected, and that could have led to the dialog’s rejection.”

But despite that mistake and a few other hiccups—my punctuation seemed unnatural because it was too accurate—Daniel offered me the job. I was to be paid 7 cents per line of dialog, with each dialog running for a minimum of 40 lines. For my first assignment, I had to compose 20 dialogs involving sex in public places—10 at the beach, five inside a car, and five in a forest or garden. There was a list of particular sex acts I had to include, as well as a stricture that I refrain from using emoji in more than 30 percent of lines. I had only 48 hours to complete the task.

By the time I wrapped up my fifth dialog, my brain was a puddle of goo. I felt stymied by the confines of the rapid-fire chat format, which make it nearly impossible to keep coming up with novel ways to depict two characters moving from initial tease through consummation. I had to beg for an extra two days to finish my 10 beach dialogs, after which I gritted my teeth through the car and forest scenarios. While I was slogging through this joyless work, Daniel sent me a contract that included such onerous nondisclosure and noncompete clauses that I might never have been able to work anywhere else again (or write this story) if I signed. Upon turning in the last of my dialogs, I informed Daniel that I couldn’t continue. He wished me luck in my future endeavors, but never paid me the $56 I was owed.

The upside to having suffered through the AI chatbot job was that I could now list some relevant experience when approaching more traditional OnlyFans agencies. I finally cleared the initial screening hurdles at a few places and completed their applications, which tended to be arduous despite the terrible compensation on offer. For one agency that quoted me a rate of $1 per hour plus a 6 percent commission on any content I sold while posing as a creator, I was asked to write a lengthy essay about my perception of OnlyFans’ business model. (I never heard back from them after jumping through all of their hoops.)

An agency in Los Angeles liked my résumé enough to arrange a phone interview. I spoke to the founder, the son of a 1980s pop star, and he said he wasn’t happy with the contractors in Pakistan whom he employed as chatters. “They view it more as sales,” he griped. “But I’m like, this isn’t a sales pitch. These fans, they’re desperate, so I say, let’s engage with them more.”

I liked the idea that my foremost duty as an OnlyFans chatter should be to comfort the afflicted rather than wheedle the sexually frustrated into buying pricey “nudes and lewds” content. But I balked when the founder suggested that I start as his intern, an arrangement I suspected would lead to weeks of unpaid labor. I didn’t want to end up like so many of my peers on r/OnlyFansChatter, who called out deadbeats in angry posts littered with all caps text.

Good news finally arrived in the form of a kind email from an agency representative I’ll call Janko. After I confirmed that I’d be willing to work for $5 per hour plus a 0.5 percent sales commission, Janko had me take a brief test. The trickiest of the three short-answer questions asked me to imagine that I was chatting with a 34-year-old construction site inspector who is a lonely virgin and cat owner. If this man was droning on and on about how much he hates his job, how would I nudge our chat in a happier direction?

I thought back to something Bel, the Argentinian chatter, had told me about her approach to such situations. A longtime writer of fan fiction about the Yakuza video games as well as a connoisseur of erotic audio stories, Bel had an excellent feel for how to get a chat back on track. “You can say, ‘Oh, I had this really hot dream,’” she said, “or, ‘Oh, I just saw this porn video.’ And you guide the conversation from there.”

I took the first of Bel’s recommended approaches, keeping in mind that my customer seemed to be a sensitive soul. I told the subscriber I had dreamed of him cooking for me in his apartment as I snuggled up on the sofa with his cat. “And I was watching you in the kitchen making me dinner, except now you were wearing something different—these gray sweatpants that really showed off your body,” I wrote. “I felt so happy in that moment.”

Janko pronounced himself a fan of my cringey work, a bit of validation that I relished too much. He followed that praise, however, with a rude surprise: He didn’t have a job to give me. His agency had vetted me so that I could be placed in the recruiting pool for an entirely different agency, a firm that manages some of OnlyFans’ biggest accounts. So I couldn’t get to work right away, but would instead be admitted to a Discord server with scores of other candidates from around the world. It was there that we would receive the training and testing required to become chatters for the sorts of superstar models who have a million-plus followers on Instagram and TikTok.

“We wish you luck and the only advice I have for you is feel free to be greedy and push for sales as much as you can,” wrote Janko. “We like the approach you have and have high hopes for you.”

There were supposedly three steps to securing a full-time job with the big agency. The first was to attend a series of tutorials led by one of the firm’s principals, a master chatter whom I’ll call Luka. I would then have to take yet another test—a longer, more in-depth version of the one I’d aced for Janko. If I scored high enough, I’d be assigned to shadow some accomplished chatters as they handled major accounts. Once I’d observed a few of these pros function in real time, I would finally be slotted into an eight-hour shift.

At the onset of my initial training session, held in a Discord voice channel, Luka distributed a link to a Google Doc that contained his collected wisdom on the subject of chatting. It included a quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin, who was identified as an American president: “The potential is untapped, dealing with PEOPLE, you may never know what’s awaiting behind the next chat.”

What Luka lacked in respect for historical accuracy he made up for in swagger. “Last night, I was chatting with a guy for like, four hours,” he told us while establishing his credentials. “He was a medical documenter, he was in the basement of a hospital telling me how stressed out he was. And I was like, ‘Oh, how about we chat for the rest of your shift and like, I take your mind away from things?’ And I’m just playing on this guy’s emotional side, and this motherfucker is just eating it up. He ends up sending me a $400 tip.” Luka then told a disgusting yet compelling story about the time he was eating mac and cheese while chatting, and his meal’s squishiness inspired him to invent a sexual scenario that made a subscriber horny enough to tip $600.

Luka instructed us to cycle through three tasks at the start of every chat. We first had to check on the subscriber’s emotional state—are they happy, sad, bored, excited? After that, we were supposed to perform an activity check—what is the subscriber doing, did they have a tough day? Lastly, and most importantly, we had to find a way to assess how much money they might be willing to spend on photos and videos of the creator we were imitating. This involves titillating the subscriber a bit, then sending them some modestly priced content that they must pay to unlock. If the subscriber makes the purchase quickly and affirms in writing that they enjoyed what they saw, the next step is to introduce more expensive options into the conversation.

Luka also told us to study all the customer data available on Infloww, the software his agency uses to manage its chats. Infloww tracks how much each subscriber has spent on pay-per-view content and tips, providing chatters with an easy way to differentiate between the two kinds of clients: “brokies” and “ballers.” We were under strict orders to devote minimal time to the former so we could lavish attention on the latter. Our goal with ballers was to “farm” them—to use our dramatic talents to sell the visual aids they need to fuel their gradual journeys toward orgasm. “If you’re able to play with people’s desires, you’re gonna maximize your cash flow, a hundred percent,” Luka said. “We have literal slaves on this account, meaning these people are so in love and obsessed and literally infatuated by anything that the girl does that they will open up their wallet to about $100,000 a month. And they will literally dump it all onto the girl. Just dumping, dumping, dumping, because we’ve done a good job of evaluating these people and dominating them and giving them enough praise.”

Luka seemed to regard all subscribers as chumps and to take delight in outfoxing them. “I’ve done sales for, like, internet and robotics and all this other fucking shit,” he said toward the end of his lecture. “You always focus on what’s going to make the customer want more right now. You’re selling sex, guys—it’s so easy for you to make sales. But you need to make these relations, you need to make these fucking stories in their head. Focus on the good parts, focus on the fact that long, deep strokes is her favorite way to be satisfied. You know this guy’s dick is hard, just fucking do it—don’t be scared!”

I wanted to believe that I would be a less predatory chatter than Luka if given the chance. But I was starting to worry I might never reach that point: Luka had noted that 450 people had taken the agency’s last qualification exam, which he and his colleagues were grading by hand.

I had resigned myself to spending weeks in employment limbo when I caught an unexpected break: I heard back from a German agency that I’d forgotten I’d applied to, and they were in desperate need of someone to fill the 4 pm–to–midnight shift for one of their creators. The wage was $4 per hour, no commission.

The agency’s manager sent me a background memo about the woman I’d be playing, a purported 21-year-old university student blessed with physical proportions that are in vogue these days. To ensure that my performance was as authentic as possible, I spent two hours committing all of her details to memory: her favorite programming language, her favorite sushi roll, her favorite classic rock band, the width of her rear end. The memo also contained notes regarding her preferred chatting style (I had to strive to be “40 percent girly”) and a pricing guide to all the exclusive content in her “vault.”

When I logged in to the agency’s Discord server at the appointed hour, I found that I was not alone: A polite yet humorless supervisor was on duty, and he walked me through how to install and navigate the CreatorHero software that his firm uses to engage with subscribers. He also told me to beware of anyone who had a red X by their name—those were longtime brokies who’d worn out their welcome and were thus entitled to only the hastiest of interactions.

I had nearly 100 unanswered messages to sift through when I began, and subscribers often replied quickly when I pinged them back. This made for an exhausting experience as I tried to juggle dozens of simultaneous conversations about various subjects, all without breaking character. I constantly had to remind myself that I was not myself, but rather a woman on the other side of the country whose life had almost nothing in common with my own.

True to the OnlyFans stereotype, most of the chats were overtly sexual. I had to wade into several prosaic fantasies about babysitters and office blowjobs, some of which included laughably florid professions of love for me. I couldn’t help but ponder how disappointed these men would be if they could somehow see me sitting in my home office, sipping hibiscus tea as I typed out commands for them to manipulate their genitalia or deposit their semen on certain parts of my body. The most surreal moment came as I noticed the faint sounds of my daughter and her puppy watching Bluey together down the hall, right as a subscriber was waxing poetic about how much he wanted to eat a macaron from between my ass cheeks; the juxtaposition made me question the entire course of my life.

My supervisor occasionally chimed in to remind me to push pay-per-view content on the customers who seemed most aroused. I persuaded one man to unlock a series of short videos priced between $20 and $35, which I swore I had recorded solely for his benefit just minutes before in my bedroom. (The content was actually a year old.) Another subscriber bought all four of the $45 videos in which the creator has sex with her supremely well-endowed boyfriend. I had to promise to notify him as soon as I’d filmed more.

Yet not every chat was centered solely on sexual gratification. There were some subscribers who, it seemed, wanted merely to feel a little less adrift in the cosmos. I analyzed the TV show Suits with a saxophone-playing quality engineer; I let one of my ballers, a math and science teacher, break down his recipe for baked salmon; I queried a New Mexico state trooper, who was chatting with me while on the clock, about the best aspects of his job (“Driving a really cool cop car and shooting guns”). Sometimes these conversations took a sudden prurient turn, like when a haphazardly tattooed psychology student with whom I’d been discussing SpongeBob SquarePants sent me an unsolicited photo of his confusingly shaped penis. But for the most part, the subscribers who came seeking emotional or intellectual companionship were averse to crossing the line.

I kept worrying someone would notice that my tone or vocabulary was slightly different than in previous chats, and as a result get wise to the trick that was being played on them. But only one subscriber expressed any inkling of suspicion: He remarked that he’d heard some OnlyFans models hire professional chatters, and wondered whether I ever did that. With more than a trace of guilt, I replied that although I was familiar with this phenomenon, I was vehemently opposed to it—I was just too devoted to my wonderful fans to ever shortchange them. That lie was more than enough to nip his investigation in the bud.

There was one instance in which I was tempted to drop my charade. A truck driver and single dad told me his son was recovering from an awful night. When I asked what had happened, I was moved by the rawness of his response. “He just has night terrors so some nights are horrible,” he wrote. “He will wake up but he will be screaming with no way of calming him down or anything, it’s really sad.”

The father in me wanted to send a long and heartfelt note in solidarity, to offer some anecdote from my own kids’ younger years to let him know such moments of helplessness are unavoidable parts of parenting. But I couldn’t do that, of course, since I was supposed to be a 21-year-old sex worker who exudes a sense of carefree fun. “You’re such a good dad for doing everything you can to help him,” was the most authentic consolation I could concoct without betraying my true identity; the subscriber did not reply before my shift ended at midnight.

As I prepared to log off, my supervisor gave me no kudos for being kind to a struggling dad. He instead gently criticized me for being too meek about selling content to customers who were clearly ripe to masturbate. I could keep the job, but I’d have to get better at valuing commerce over art.

Though I was now employed as a chatter, I decided to keep attending Luka’s tutorials in hopes of upgrading to one of his agency’s sought-after jobs. His half-hilarious, half-upsetting advice continued in the next session, during which he taught us how to keep our eyes peeled for new subscribers with baller potential. (“If somebody comes in and they tell you where they live, and you don’t understand that that’s a high-income area, you’re gonna miss out on a really good opportunity. Like, ‘Oh, this guy lives on the East Coast, he’s an upper Manhattan businessman, he makes fucking bank.’”)

As he wrapped up, Luka said we could now take the agency’s qualification exam if we thought we were ready. I jumped at the chance and breezed through the test in 25 minutes—my brief stint working for the Germans had taught me how to massage subscribers’ egos and deepen their attachments to the women they follow. I wasn’t given my score, but I must have done well enough: Two days later, I was invited to shadow a star chatter, whom I’ll call Elvin, as he impersonated a jet-setting creator, a woman famous enough to sell hoodies emblazoned with her likeness.

The reason Elvin had been selected as an exemplar quickly became apparent: He was a chatting savant who operated a tick faster than seemed humanly possible. He wove in and out of dozens of conversations with ease, never failing to tailor his writing to each subscriber. In the space of a minute, I watched him quiz one man about Drake lyrics, indulge a second man’s taste for degradation, then provide a third man with a lovey-dovey but manipulative “girlfriend experience.” (“If you want me to be with you, I need your wallet to be with me,” he wrote to that last subscriber. “Forever and always.”) I had kept up with multiple chats, too, but never with such dexterity or style. My gut told me that no matter how much I honed my craft, Elvin would forever be a class above me.

Yet like Luka, he also oozed contempt for the subscribers he was entertaining. This disdain emerged in his typed asides to me, in which he emphasized that the creator’s moments of sincerity were all for show. “This is so he feels it is not just about the money,” he messaged me after pleading with a subscriber to send a dick pic; he didn’t open the photo when it arrived, and immediately got the man to spend upward of $400 on videos.

The most egregious example of Elvin’s rapacity was his use of “points.” When one subscriber became hesitant to purchase more content, Elvin persuaded him to press forward by promising to award him another “point” if he spent an additional $200. Perhaps sensing that I was puzzled by his lingo, Elvin used the notes field in Infloww to send me a message about the maneuver he was making on behalf of the creator. “He thinks there is such a thing as points,” Elvin wrote, “and if he earns enough he gets to fuck her.”

I gamed out the various ways in which this ruse might end, and every outcome was depressing. One day the subscriber will realize he has wasted a fortune in pursuit of a lie, at which point there will be a heavy emotional toll to be paid. Some may think he deserves that comeuppance for getting hoodwinked by such a selfish fantasy, and I understand the moral logic behind that view. But as I watched him succumb to Elvin’s ample literary charms, my dominant feeling was one of pity. And now I worried that if I lingered in the chatting world for much longer, I’d be forced to lose something that so many of us have struggled to retain: the ability to empathize with people we know only through words on a screen.

The agency had several other shadow sessions on my calendar, each promising to teach me a different skill: They had titles like “Scripts and Storytelling” or “High Spender Retention.” I skipped out on them all, a choice I knew would doom my chances of advancement. I also submitted my resignation to the Germans, telling them I’d landed a higher-paying position elsewhere that I couldn’t turn down. The agency’s only response was to delete my CreatorHero credentials and boot me from its Discord server; they never paid me a dime.

The pros and cons of self-delusion have been much on my mind since I emerged from the OnlyFans haze. Though I encountered a few true weirdos while passing myself off as a creator, most of my chat partners seemed, at the very least, like halfway reasonable and competent adults. If they ever were to pause to consider the logistics of the platform where they seek sexual and romantic solace, they’d realize there’s no way the unattainable women they covet have the time or inclination to chat with them. I want to believe these men—and it was only men I encountered, as far as I know—have chosen to avoid such reflection because it would diminish their relief from loneliness. For those whose use of OnlyFans borders on addiction, the scales may fall from their eyes only after they can no longer afford their preferred means of escape.

But maybe I’m just assuaging some of my own anxieties by imagining that these consumers have consented, on some level, to being duped. Robert Carey, a Phoenix-based partner at the law firm Hagens Berman, which specializes in massive class actions, has a less charitable view of the matter. In the midst of my plunge into the chatting industry, I caught wind that he was looking for men to become plaintiffs in a class action against both OnlyFans and the agencies who hire chatters. A lead attorney in the lawsuits that revolutionized college sports by making it possible for student-athletes to get paid for name and image rights, Carey argues that the managers who run creators’ accounts are engaging in a type of bait and switch that fits the classic definition of fraud. “When you subscribe, the very first thing it says is, ‘Have a DM relationship,’” he said. “Well, that’s totally fraudulent … It’s an open secret they’re just defrauding people.”

Carey, who confided in me that his firm plans to file its lawsuit soon, contends that the chatting illusion can lead to serious harm for unwitting subscribers. “A bigger problem than the communications fraud is when you think you’re cultivating a confidential relationship, and a chatter is soliciting private pictures and they’re going to some dude in the Philippines,” he said. “And they’re stored on a server somewhere and put on a Slack channel somewhere, and suddenly your private pictures are all over the goddamn internet. And people are laughing at it.” As Carey laid out this hypothetical, I thought of all the men who’d shared their fantasies or explicit photos with me and how they might feel if they knew I’d chuckled to my wife about them after a shift. (When asked to comment on Carey’s allegations, as well as the industry’s reliance on chat specialists, an OnlyFans spokeswoman stated that the company “is not affiliated with and does not endorse any third party or agency.” She went on to emphasize that “each creator is empowered to run their business as they see fit,” provided they abide by OnlyFans’ terms of service.)

It’s easy to imagine human chatters being squeezed out of the industry if Carey’s class action makes headway. Even if OnlyFans maintains its resistance to AI, creators might see the wisdom in transitioning to chatbots; then they could at least promise their customers that the bots are honest facsimiles of the real thing, as opposed to some remote worker whose performance is based on facts memorized from a 12-page memo. And for the right price, the most fervent subscribers could pay extra—perhaps a lot extra—to chat with the creator herself, the wizard behind the curtain.

Yet the chatters I got to know seem strangely unperturbed by this doomsday scenario. When I posted about the looming AI threat on a private Discord server for chat specialists, my colleagues dismissed my concerns as overblown. “No AI can beat a damn good salesman,” read one typical response. Some chatters clearly take pride in having mastered the art of the upsell. But their confidence may have clouded their ability to recognize that in an AI-saturated future, they, too, are destined to be marks.

Let us know what you think about this article. Submit a letter to the editor at [email protected] .

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  9. How Does OnlyFans Make Money? Business Model Explained

    In 2022, OnlyFans generated $2.5 billion in net revenue, double what it generated in 2021, which was $1.2 billion. The reason for such massive success in a short period is due to the professional and amateur adult content creators of OnlyFans. Their presence has boosted traffic and generated billions of dollars for the platform.

  10. OnlyFans Business Model

    There is a huge pay gap on OnlyFans as creators need to have an influence strong enough to monetise. OnlyFans allow them to earn in three possible ways: Subscriptions: On this platform, creators hide their content behind the paywall of subscription. They can fix the rates to anywhere between $4.99 and $49.99.

  11. How Does OnlyFans Make Money? The OnlyFans Business Model In A Nutshell

    OnlyFans is a content subscription service headquartered in London and founded by brothers Tim and Thomas Stokely in 2016. Tim Stokely envisioned a site where creators could monetize their content without resorting to advertising. This included musicians, artists, and fitness experts, but it also included sex workers.

  12. How to Start an OnlyFans Agency and Make $50,000 Per Month?

    Let's say you've set a 30% commission rate for your OnlyFans agency and have 25 models. On average, an OnlyFans model with a good fan base earns from $5000 to $100,000 per month, and if we consider the models of your agency earning at least $15,000 per month, you can make $112,500 each month with a 30% commission.

  13. 12 Proven Successful Strategies for a Only Fans Business

    To help creative minds like you find success, here are 12 proven strategies to build your own thriving OnlyFans business. 1. Identify a Niche Market. Define your unique selling point and focus on something specific people are searching for and wanting. A focused approach will help you use your talent and energy effectively Rather than wasting ...

  14. The Ultimate OnlyFans Management Blueprint: How to Build a ...

    As the OnlyFans platform and its user base change over time, it's critical to consistently enhance and modify your business plan. Keep an eye on current trends and try out fresh content and ...

  15. OnlyFans Uncovered: Valuation and Business Model Explained

    OnlyFans also had a massive boom in popularity. The site posted 2020 revenues of $400 million - a 540% increase from the previous year. OnlyFans saw a 75% month-on-month increase in signups in March and April 2020. This meant an average of 200,000 users signing up every day.

  16. How to Start an OnlyFans Agency and Make Money in 2023

    The OnlyFans Business Model OnlyFans operates on a simple yet effective business model where content creators can monetize their fan base. Fans or subscribers pay a monthly fee to access exclusive ...

  17. How To Make Money On OnlyFans, According To Creators

    Ultimately, OnlyFans is a business first — and while it might have an accessible entry point for creators, making big money is a lot harder. Jade*, a queer woman of color in New York, posts BDSM ...

  18. LLC for OnlyFans: How Does It Work and Do You Need It?

    If you plan to build your business using OnlyFans, learning to create a limited liability company or LLC for OnlyFans can help protect your personal assets and add validity to your business. Read on for everything you need to know. ... Building Your OnlyFans Business. Creating an LLC is the first step to launching your business.

  19. How To Start an OnlyFans Agency? A Step-by-Step Guide ...

    Step#1: Establish a Business Plan For Your OnlyFans management agency (OFM) OnlyFans is a rapidly growing fans platform with more than 1.5 million models showcasing their talent. But not all of the 1.5 million models earn 6 to 7 figures in revenue in a month. In particular, the new models are unsure how to rise to the top.

  20. The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Strategies for OnlyFans

    Collaborating with other creators is a powerful marketing strategy for OnlyFans content creators. By teaming up with like-minded individuals in the industry, creators can expand their reach, attract new audiences, and create unique and engaging content. Collaborations can take many forms, from joint content creation to cross-promotion on social ...

  21. How to Start an OnlyFans Agency?

    When launching an OnlyFans agency- two things cannot be understated- The value of a carefully planned process and how to price. Define your USPs and prepare a business plan. When thinking about how to start an OnlyFans agency, it is important to study and understand the market. There might be other OnlyFans agencies that offer services similar ...

  22. The Ultimate Guide to Launching Your Own OnlyFans Agency

    A robust business plan is the cornerstone of any successful OnlyFans agency. Your plan should address the following aspects: Your agency's mission statement and vision. Target creator demographics and market segments. Revenue models and pricing structure. Comprehensive marketing and promotional strategies. Long-term growth and expansion plans.

  23. The Ultimate OnlyFans Marketing Campaign Guide

    The Ultimate OnlyFans Marketing Campaign Guide. For many OnlyFans creators the site is a part time gig and a way to make extra money on the side. With so many options on where to Market your OnlyFans on a daily basis it can likely be overwhelming. I wanted to write this simple guide on the ideal One Hour a Day Marketing Plan for OnlyFans creators.

  24. 10 Best OnlyFans Marketing & Management Agencies of 2024

    Here's a shortlist of 10 great options for you: Sakura Management for Best Overall. SEO Bounty for New Creators. for Business Diversification. Wonderland Mgmt for Quick Results. Neo Agency for Leveraging AI. Seiren Agency for Multiple Strategies. Belle Muse Agency for Holistic Growth.

  25. What Is OnlyFans?

    OnlyFans is an online platform where creators can publish paywalled content and chat with subscribers. A creator's followers can access the content by subscribing to their account. Most ...

  26. 22 Companies That, Like OnlyFans, (Nearly) Bankrupted Themselves

    Rather than pay $10 for one plan, each subscription plan cost $8, resulting in a 60% price increase for customers. According to the New York Times , Netflix stock also "plummeted more than 25 ...

  27. The 10 Best Creampie Onlyfans Accounts of 2024

    Serena Stone is the 18-year-old blonde knockout you've been dreaming of, and she's ready to blow your mind. She provides the greatest Onlyfans cumshot content on the web, and with a slew of ...

  28. 10 Best OnlyFans Bio Ideas (Best OnlyFans Content Ideas & Examples)

    If you want to find the best onlyfans bio ideas, you need to dig deep, but you also need to keep your content brief, fun, sexy and satisfying in equal measures. #5. Make a List of Your Fantasies ...

  29. I Went Undercover as a Secret OnlyFans Chatter. It Wasn't Pretty

    The $5.6 billion industry has solved this logistical conundrum by entrusting its chat duties to a hidden proletariat, a mass of freelancers who sustain the illusion that OnlyFans' creators are ...

  30. OnlyFans complaint over BBC investigation rejected by Ofcom

    A complaint by OnlyFans about a BBC investigation which highlighted claims that child abuse images had originated on its site has been rejected by Ofcom. OnlyFans, which is well known for hosting ...