CBSE Class 10 English Grammar – Direct And Indirect Speech

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(Statements, Commands, Requests, and Questions) The words spoken by a person can be reported in two ways—Direct and Indirect. When we quote the exact words spoken by a person, we call it Direct Speech.

  • Sohan said to Mohan, “I am going to school.”

The exact words spoken by Sohan are put within inverted commas. But when we give the substance of what Sohan said, it is called the Indirect Speech.

Direct and Indirect Speech

  • Sohan told to Mohan that he (Sohan) was going to school.

1. Reporting Clause and Reported Speech: Sohan told Mohan that he was going to school. The words which generally come before the inverted commas are called the reporting clause, i.e. Sohan said to Mohan and the verb ‘said’, is called the reporting verb. The words spoken by Sohan and put within inverted commas are called the reported speech, i.e. “I am going to school.”

2. Rules for Changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech:

  • In the Indirect speech, no inverted commas are used.
  • The conjunctions that, if, whether, are generally used after the reporting verb.
  • The first word of the reported speech begins with a capital letter.
  • The tense of the reporting verb is never changed.
  • The reporting verb changes according to sense: it may be told, asked, inquired

3. Rules for the Change of Pronouns:

  • The first person pronouns (I, me, my, we, us, our) in the reported speech change according to the subject of the reporting verb.
  • The pronouns of the second person (you, your, yourself) in the reported speech change according to the object of the reporting verb.
  • The pronouns of the third person do not change.

For example:

  • He said, “I like the book.” He said that he liked the book.
  • He said to me, “Do you like the book?” He asked me if I liked the book.
  • He said, “He likes the book.”a He said that he liked the book.


  • If the reporting verb is in the present or the future tense, the tense of the reported speech is not changed: Satish says, “I am flying a kite.” Satish says that he is flying a kite. Satish will say, “I want a glass of milk.” Satish will say that he wants a glass of milk.


  • If the direct speech expresses a historical fact, universal truth, or a habitual fact, then the tense of the direct speech will not change: Direct: He said, “Honesty is the best policy.” Indirect: He said that honesty is the best policy. Direct: He said, “The sun rises in the east.” Indirect: He said that the sun rises in the east. Direct: Rakesh said, “I am an early riser.” Indirect : Rakesh said that he is an early riser. Direct: She said, “God is omnipresent.” Indirect: She said that God is omnipresent. Direct: The teacher said, “The First World War started in 1914.” Indirect: The teacher said that the First World War started in 1914.

6. Changing Statements into Indirect Speech:

  • The reporting verb ‘said to’ is changed-to ‘told’, ‘replied’, ‘remarked’,
  • The reporting verb is not followed by an object, it is not changed.
  • The inverted commas are removed. The conjunction is used to connect the reporting clause with the reported speech.

The rules for the change of pronouns, tenses, etc. are followed.

  • Direct: Ramu said, “I saw a lion in the forest.” Indirect: Ramu said that he had seen a lion in the forest.
  • Direct: Satish said to me, “I am very happy here.” Indirect: Satish told me that he was very happy there.
  • Direct: He said, “I can do this work.” Indirect: He said that he could do that work.
  • Direct: Renu said to me, “I was washing the clothes.” Indirect: Renu told me that she had been washing the clothes.
  • Direct: She said, “I am not well.” Indirect: She said that she was not well.
  • Direct: He said to Sita, “I have passed the test.” Indirect: He told Sita that he had passed the test.
  • Direct: I said to my friend, “He has been working very hard.” Indirect: I told my friend that he had been working very hard.
  • Direct: My friend said to me, “I shall go to Delhi tomorrow.” Indirect: My friend told me that he would go to Delhi the next day.
  • Direct: I said, “I agree to what he said.” Indirect: I said that I agreed to what he had said.
  • Direct: The student said to the teacher, “I am sorry that I am late.” Indirect: The student told the teacher that he was sorry that he was late.

7. Rules for the Change of Interrogative (Questions) sentences:

The reporting verb “say’ is changed into ask, inquire,

The interrogative sentence is changed into a statement by placing the subject before the verb and the full stop is put at the end of the sentence.

If the interrogative sentence has a wh-word (who, when, where, how, why, etc) the wh-word is repeated in the sentence. It serves as conjunction.

If the interrogative sentence is a yes-no answer type sentence (with auxiliary verbs am, are, was, were, do, did, have, shall, etc), then ‘if or ‘whether’ is used as a conjunction.

The auxiliaries do, does, did in a positive question in the reported speech are dropped.

The conjunction is not used after the reporting clause.

  • Direct: I said to him, “Where are you going?” Indirect: I asked him where he was going.
  • Direct: He said to me, “Will you go there?” Indirect: He asked me if I would go there.
  • Direct: My friend said to Deepak, “Have you ever been to Agra?” Indirect: My friend asked Deepak if he had ever been to Agra.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Did you enjoy the movie?” Indirect: I asked him if he had enjoyed the movie.
  • Direct: I said to her, “Do you know him?” Indirect: I asked her if she knew him.
  • Direct: He said to me, “Will you listen to me?” Indirect: He asked me if I would listen to him.
  • Direct: I said to him, “When will you go there?” Indirect: I asked him when he would go there.
  • Direct: He said to me, “How is your father?” Indirect: He asked me how my father was.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Are you happy?” Indirect: I asked him if he was happy.
  • Direct: He said to her, “Do you like apples?” Indirect: He asked her if she liked apples.

8. Changing Commands and Requests into Indirect Speech:

  • In imperative sentences having commands, the reporting verb is changed into command, order, tell, allow, request,etc.
  • The imperative mood is changed into the infinitive mood by putting ‘to’, before the verb. In case of negative sentences, the auxiliary ‘do’ is dropped and ‘to’ is placed after ‘not’:
  • Direct: She said to me, “Open the window.” Indirect: She ordered me to open the window.
  • Direct: The captain said to the soldiers, “Attack the enemy.” Indirect: The captain commanded the soldiers to attack the enemy.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Leave this place at once.” Indirect: I told him to leave that place at once.
  • Direct: The teacher said to the students, “Listen to me attentively.” Indirect: The teacher asked the students to listen to him attentively.
  • Direct: The Principal said to the peon, “Ring the bell.” Indirect: The Principal ordered the peon to ring the bell.
  • Direct: The master said to the servant, “Fetch me a glass of water.” Indirect: The master ordered the servant to fetch him a glass of water.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Please bring me a glass of water.” Indirect: I requested him to bring me a glass of water.
  • Direct: I said to my friend, “Please lend me your book.” Indirect: I requested my friend to lend me his book.

9. Sentences with ‘Let’.

  • ‘Let’ is used in various meanings.

(i) ‘Let’ is used to make a proposal.

  • First change the reporting verb into ‘proposed’ or ‘suggested’.
  • Use ‘should’ instead of ‘let’. Example: Direct: He said to me, “Let us go home.” Indirect: He suggested to me that we should go home.

(ii) ‘Let’ is used as ‘to allow’.

  • In Indirect Speech, we change the reporting verb to ‘requested’ or ‘ordered’.
  • We start Reported Speech with ‘to’. Direct: Ram said to Mohan, “Let him do it.” Indirect: Ram ordered Mohan to let him do that. Or Ram told Mohan that he might be allowed to do that.

10. Sentences with Question Tags (i) In the indirect speech the question-tag is usually left. (ii) In indirect speech these words are removed and the word ‘respectfully’ is used in the reporting clause. Direct: Mahesh said, “Sir, may I go home?” Indirect: Mahesh respectfully asked his sir if he might go home.

11. Sentences with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ Direct     : He said, “Can you dance?” And I said, “No.” Indirect: He asked me if I could dance and I replied that I couldn’t. Direct    : My mother said, “Will you come home on time?” And I said, “Yes.” Indirect: My mother asked me if I would come home on time and I replied that I would.

Note  : ‘Yes’ of ‘No’ hides a complete sentence. Therefore, change yes/no into a short answer.

Direct     : She said to me, “You didn’t break the window, did you?” Indirect: She asked me if/whether I had broken the window. Direct : He said to Geeta, “You are going to the station, aren’t you?” Indirect: He asked Geeta if/ whether she was going to the station.

12. Sentences with ‘have to’ or ‘had to’ (i) Change ‘have to’ according to the rules. (ii) But change ‘had to’ into ‘had had to’ in the indirect speech. Direct    : Hari said, “I have to work a lot.” Indirect: Hari said that he had to work a lot. Direct    : Hari said, “I had to work a lot.” Indirect: Hari said that he had had to work a lot.

13. Sentences with ‘Sir’, ‘Madam’ or ‘Your Honour’ etc.

  • Generally such words are used to show respect to the person concerned.

You can master in English Grammar of various classes by our articles like Tenses, Clauses, Prepositions, Story writing, Unseen Passage, Notice Writing etc.

14. Exclamations and Wishes Sometimes Exclamatory sentences contain exclamations like Hurrah!, Alas!, Oh!, Heavens!, Bravo, etc. Such exclamatory words are removed in the indirect speech and we use ‘exclaimed with sorrow’, exclaimed with joy, exclaimed with surprise, etc. instead of ‘said’. Examples:

  • Direct    : Rohan said, “Hurrah! We won the match.” Indirect: Rohan exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
  • Direct    : Reema said, “Alas! Karina’s mother is suffering from cancer.” Indirect: Reema exclaimed with sorrow that Karina’s mother was suffering from cancer.
  • Direct    : The captain said to Kapil, “Bravo! You scored 89 runs.” Indirect: The captain exclaimed with praise that he (Kapil) had scored 89 runs.

(a) Look at these sentences.

  • Direct   : My mother said, “May God bless you!” Indirect: My mother prayed to God for my well being.
  • Direct    : She said, “May God save the country!” Indirect: She prayed to God to save the country.
  • Direct    : They said to the king, “Long live!” Indirect: They blessed the king for his long life.

(b) Look at these sentences.

  • Direct    : Mohan said, “What a pity!” Indirect: Mohan exclaimed that it was a great pity.
  • Direct    : I said, “How stupid he is!” Indirect: I exclaimed that it was a very stupid of him.
  • Direct    : “What a terrible sight it is!” said the traveller. Indirect: The traveller exclaimed that it was a very terrible sight. All the sentences in inverted commas are exclamatory sentences.

(i)  Use ‘exclaimed’ in place of ‘said’ in the reporting verb in the indirect speech. (ii) In Indirect sentences, we use exclamatory sentences as statements. (iii) Indirect speech begins with that and full stop (•) is used instead of the exclamation mark (!). Exercise (Solved)

Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:

(i) He said, “I will do it now.” Answer: He said that he would do it then.

(ii) He says, “Honesty is the best policy.” Answer: He says that honesty is the best policy.

(iii) Ramesh says, “I have written a letter.” Answer: Ramesh says that he has written a letter.

(iv) She said, “Mahesh will be reading a book.” Answer: She said that Mahesh would be reading a book.

(v) She said, “Where is your father?” Answer: She inquired where his father was.

(vi) He said to me, “Please take your book.” Answer: He requested me to take my book.

(vii) The Principal said to the peon, “Let this boy go out.” Answer: The Principal ordered the peon to let that boy go out.

(viii) He said to me, “May you live long!” Answer: He prayed that I might live long.

(ix) She said, “Goodbye friends!” Answer: She bade goodbye to her friends.

(ix) The student said, “Alas! I wasted my time last year.” Answer: The student regretted that he had wasted his time the previous year. Exercise (Unsolved)

  • The captain said, “Bravo! well done, my boys.”
  • He said to her, “Why do you read this book?”
  • He said to her, “Does your cow not kick?”
  • He said to his brother, “Shailesh has broken my glass.”
  • Our teacher said, “The earth revolves around the sun.”
  • He said to me, “Why have you come here?”
  • Usha said, “Father, you are very kind to me.”
  • The teacher said to the boys, “Do not make a noise.”
  • He said to his friend, “May you prosper in business!”
  • The officer said to the peon, “Let the visitor come into my office.”

When we want to tell somebody else what another person said, we can use either direct speech and reported speech. When we use direct speech, we use the same words but use quotation marks, For example: Scott said, “I am coming to work. I will be late because there is a lot of traffic now.”

When we use reported speech, we usually change the verbs, specific times, and pronouns. For example: Scott said that he was coming to work. He said that he would be late because there was a lot of traffic at that time.

Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers 

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English will help you to write better answers in your Class 10 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts.

Rules for Reported Speech While changing direct speech into reported speech or vice-versa the following changes occur:

1. Changes In Reporting Verb Affirmative sentences: said, told (object), asserted, replied, assured, informed, responded, whispered, alleged, believed, assumed, thought Interrogative sentences: asked, enquired, wanted to know Imperative sentences: ordered, begged, pleaded, implored, advised, demanded

2. Change Of Pronouns Direct Speech: Johnny said, ‘I am playing.’ Indirect Speech: Johnny said that he was playing. First-person generally changes to third person {depending upon the subject of the reporting verb).

3. Change Of Tenses

In general, present tense becomes past tense; past tense and present perfect become past perfect.

4. Change of situations Example: Nagesh said, ‘I read this book last week. (direct speech) Nagesh said that he had read that book the previous week, (indirect speech)

  • ‘this’ becomes ‘that’
  • ‘last week’ becomes ‘the previous week’
  • here – there
  • today – that day
  • yesterday – the day before/the previous day
  • tomorrow – the next day/the coming day
  • last week – the week before/the previous week
  • next month – the next month/the coming month

5. In case of questions and answers Examples:

  • Nagesh asked, ‘Have you read this book?’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh asked if’ whether I had read that book, (indirect speech)
  • Nagesh asked, ‘Where is the book?’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh asked where the book was. (indirect speech)

(a) For yes/no questions – use if/whether (b) For wh- questions – use the wh-word

Word Order:

  • Nagesh asked, ‘What’s the matter?’
  • Nagesh asked what the matter was. (what + the matter + was)
  • Nagesh asked what was the matter, (what + was + the matter)
  • The word order can be either:
  • who/which/what + complement + be or ‘
  • who/which/what + be + complement

6. Reported Speech using present and future tenses Examples:

  • Nagesh said, ‘The sun rises in the east.’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh said that the sun rises in the east, (indirect speech)
  • Nagesh said, ‘I will read this book.’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh said that he will read that book, (indirect speech)
  • If the original speaker’s present and future is still present and future, the tense remains unchanged.

7. In case of modal verbs can becomes could

  • will – would
  • shall – should
  • may – might

would, should, could, might, ought to and must are unchanged. Example:

  • Nagesh said, ‘I can solve this sum.’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh said that he could solve that sum. (indirect speech)

Reported Speech Solved Examples Exercises for Class 10 CBSE

Read the dialogue given below and then complete the passage that follows.

Question 1. Read the dialogue and complete the passage given below.

Interviewer: So, why do you want to be a computer programmer? Ravi: Well, I have always been interested in computers. Interviewer: I see. Do you have any experience? Ravi: No, but I’m a fast learner. Interviewer: What kind of a computer do you use? Ravi: Computer? Uhm, let me see. I can use a Mac. I also used Windows 10 once. Interviewer: That’s good.

Ravi recently attended an interview for the selection of a computer programmer. At the interview, he was asked (a) ……………………….. To this question he replied that he wanted to change his job because (b) ……………………….. When the interviewer asked him (e) ………………………. he replied that he (d) ……………………….. Finally, the interviewer wanted to know (e) ………………………. . Ravi replied that he could use a Mac and had also used Windows 10 once in the,.past. The interviewer seemed to be pleased with his answers. Answer: (a) why he wanted to be a computer programmer (b) he had always been interested in computers (c) whether he had any experience (d) didn’t but that he was a fast learner (e) the kind of computer he used

Question 2. Manu: Where are you going to? Annu: I am going to the market. Do you want anything?

Manu asked Annu (a) …………………… Annu replied (b) …………………… Annu replied (b) …………………… and she further asked (C) …………………… Answer: (a) where she was going. (b) that she was going to the market (c) if/whether she wanted anything.

Question 3. Sunita: Tomorrow is your birthday, what do you want as a gift? Neetu: That is a lovely thought but I don’t want anything.

Sunita asked Neetu since the next day was her birthday, (a) …………………… Neetu replied that (b) …………………… but (C) ………………….. . Answer: (a) what she wanted as a gift (b) that was a lovely thought (c) she did not want anything.

Question 4. Gardener: Did you water the plant today? Dev: No, but I will, today. Gardener: Then tomorrow I will get a sapling of sunflower.

The Gardener asked Dev (a) …………………… Dev replied negatively but (b) …………………… Then the gardener said that (c) ………………….. . Answer: (a) if/whether he had watered the plant that day. (b) said he would that day. (c) he would get a sapling of a sunflower the next day.

Question 5. Mr. Harish: Can you polish my shoes? Cobbler: Yes sir. But I will take 10 for each shoe.

Mr. Harish: I will not mind as long as it is done. Mr. Harish asked the cobbler (a) …………………… The cobbler replied affirmatively but (b) …………………… Mr. Harish said that (C) ……………………. Answer: (a) if/whether he could polish his shoes. (b) said that he would take 10 for each shoe (c) he would not mind as long as it was done.

Question 6. Electrician: When did your electricity go? Mohan: It is not working since evening. Electrician: Sorry sir, in this case, I will have to check the fuse now.

The electrician asked Mohan (a) …………………… Mohan replied that (b) …………………… The electrician apologetically said that in that case (c) …………………… Answer: (a) when his electricity had gone. (b) it was not working since evening. (c) he would have to check the fuse then.

Question 7. Teacher : Children, let us all pledge to save trees. Children : Yes, mam, we all pledge to save our trees as the trees are the lungs of the city. Teacher : Let us start today by planting a sapling.

The teacher asked all the children to pledge to save trees. The children replied affirmatively (a) …………………… as the (b) …………………… Then the teacher said that (c) ………………….. . Answer: (a) saying that they all pledged to save trees (b) trees are the lungs of the city. (c) they should start by planting a sapling that day.

Question 8. Buddha : Honesty is the best policy. Disciple : Does honesty always pay? Buddha : It may or may not, but at least you will never feel guilty.

Buddha in his preaching said that (a) …………………… the best policy. A disciple asked him if (b) …………………… always pays, Buddha replied (c) …………………… but at least he would never feel guilty. Answer: (a) Honesty is (b) honesty (c) that it might or might not

Question 9. Doctor : You should take this medicine every day. Patient : Should I take it before dinner or after dinner? Doctor : No, you should take it after breakfast.

The Doctor advised the patient that (a) …………………… The patient further asked (b) …………………… The doctor replied negatively and then said (c) ………………….. . Answer: (a) he should take that medicine every day. (b) if/whether he should take it before dinner or after dinner. (c) that he should take it after breakfast

Question 10. Reena : Do you know how to swim? Surbhi : Yes I know. I have learnt it during this summer vacation.

Reena asked Surbhi (a) …………………… Then Surbhi replied (b) …………………… and also added that (c) ………………….. . Answer: (a) if/whether she knew how to swim (b) in affirmative (c) she had learnt it during the summer vacation.

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Direct And Indirect Speech Worksheet For Class 10

by Manjusha · Published May 19, 2022 · Updated May 1, 2023

Sentences are given in direct speech. Change them into indirect speech.

1. ‘When are you leaving for Mumbai?’ James asked me.

2. ‘Was there a big crowd at the meeting?’ asked the man.

3. ‘Is Varun present today?’ the teacher asked.

4. ‘Do you believe that you will pass the test?’ he asked me.

5. Lakshmi said, ‘I am going to school.’

6. The mother said to the boy, ‘Wait here until I return.’

7. ‘Don’t waste all of your money on gadgets,’ mother told her son.

8. ‘When did you leave school?’ the man asked the boy.

9. ‘Will you buy my hair?’ Della asked Madam.

10. ‘Where were you all the time?’ the father asked the boy.

11. ‘My Lord, is any of your silver missing?’ the Sergeant said to the Bishop.

12. ‘I cannot understand why the spring is so late in coming,’ said the selfish giant.

1. James asked me when I was leaving for Mumbai.

2. The man asked whether / if there had been a big crowd at the meeting.

3. The teacher asked if / whether Varun was present that today.

4. He asked me if I believed that I would pass the test.

6. The mother asked the boy to wait there until she arrived.

7. The mother told her son / advised her son not to waste all of his money on gadgets.

8. The man asked the boy when he left school.

9. Della asked Madam if/whether she would buy her hair.

10. The father asked the boy where he had been all the time.

11. The Sergeant asked the Bishop if / whether any of his silver was missing.

12. The selfish giant said that he couldn’t understand why the spring was so late in coming.

Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheets

  • Direct and indirect speech exercise | Reporting WH Questions
  • Reported speech exercise for class 10
  • Direct and indirect speech worksheet for class 10
  • Indirect speech worksheet for class 10
  • Reported speech worksheet for class 10

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class 10 english grammar direct and indirect speech

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers

When we use the exact words of the speaker, it is called direct speech. Indirect or Reported Speech refers to a sentence reporting what someone has said.

Basic  English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more. in this page, we have explained the Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 .

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers PDF

1. When the actual words are spoken are quoted, it is called Direct Speech. 2. When we report without quoting the exact words spoken it is called Indirect Speech. Example:

  • Ram said, “I am very busy now.” (Direct).
  • Ram said that he was very busy then. (Indirect)
  • In the Direct Speech, inverted commas are used to show the exact words of the speaker. In Indirect Speech, it is not so.
  • In the Indirect Speech, a conjunction that is used before the indirect statement.
  • The pronoun ‘l’ is changed to ‘he’.
  • The verb ‘am’ is changed to ‘was’.
  • The adverb ‘now’ is changed to ‘then’.

Remember When the reporting verb is in the past tense, all present tenses of the direct speech are changed into the corresponding past tenses.

  • am/is → was
  • will → would
  • are → were
  • can → could
  • do/does → did
  • want/like/know/go, etc. → wanted/liked/went
  • have/has → had

The past simple (did/saw/knew, etc.) can usually stay the same in reported speech or can be changed to the past perfect (had done/had seen/had known, etc.)

  • Harjot said: “I woke up feeling ill, so I didn’t go to school.” – (direct)
  • Harjot said that she woke up feeling ill, so she didn’t go to school. – (reported) Or
  • Harjot said she had woken up feeling ill, so she hadn’t gone to school. (reported)

(a) A simple present becomes a simple past.

  • Direct : He said, “I am unwell.”
  • Indirect : He said that he was unwell.

(b) A present continuous becomes a past continuous.

  • Direct : He said, “My master is writing letters.”
  • Indirect : He said that his master was writing letters.

(c) A present perfect becomes a past perfect.

  • Direct : He said, “I have passed the examination.”
  • Indirect : He said that he had passed the examination.

(d) The simple past becomes the past perfect.

  • Direct : He said, “The horse died in the night.”
  • Indirect : He said that the horse had died in the night.

If the reporting verb is in the present tense the tenses of the direct speech do not change. We may thus rewrite the given examples putting the reporting verb in the present tense.

  • He says he is unwell.
  • He has just said his master is writing letters.
  • He says he has passed the examination.
  • He says the horse died in the night.

Words expressing nearness in time or place are changed into words expressing distance.

Direct And Indirect Speech Worksheets With Answers Pdf for Class 10 CBSE

In reporting questions, indirect speech is introduced by verbs as ‘asked’, ‘inquired’ etc.

  • Direct : He said to me, “What are you doing?”
  • Indirect : He asked me what I was doing.

When the question is not introduced by an interrogative word the reporting verb is followed by ‘if’ or ‘whether’.

  • Direct : He said, “Will you listen to such a man?”
  • Indirect : He asked them if/whether they would listen to such a man.

Reported Speech Commands And Requests Examples

Imperative mood is changed into the infinitive and verbs expressing command or request to introduce indirect speech.

  • Direct : Ram said to Arjun, “Go away.”
  • Indirect : Ram ordered Arjun to go away.
  • Direct : He said to him, “Please wait here till I return.”
  • Indirect : He requested him to wait there till he returned.

Direct and Indirect Exclamatory and Wishes Example Words expressing exclamation or wish to introduce the Indirect Speech.

  • Direct : Ela said, “How clever I am!”
  • Indirect : Ela exclaimed that she was very clever.

Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:

  • The captain said, “Bravo! well done, my boys.”
  • He said to her, “Why do you read this book?”
  • He said to her, “Does your cow not kick?”
  • He said to his brother, “Shailesh has broken my glass.”
  • Our teacher said, “The earth revolves around the sun.”
  • He said to me, “Why have you come here?”
  • Usha said, “Father, you are very kind to me.”
  • The teacher said to the boys, “Do not make a noise.”
  • He said to his friend, “May you prosper in business!”
  • The officer said to the peon, “Let the visitor come into my office.”


English Grammar Lessons And Worksheets

  • CBSE Grammar Worksheets

Direct and indirect speech | CBSE class 10 grammar worksheets

by Manjusha · February 24, 2015

Read the pieces of conversation and complete the sentences.

1. Alice Walker’s friend: How does your mother spend the winter evenings?

Alice Walker: My mother spends the winter evenings making quilts.

a) What did Alice walker’s friend ask?

Alice walker’s friend asked ………………………….

b) What was Alice Walker’s reply?

Alice Walker replied ……………………………

2. Gulliver: Why do you search my pocket?

Soldier: It is the order of the king.

a) What did Gulliver ask?

Gulliver asked ……………………………

b) What was the soldier’s reply?

The soldier replied ……………………………..

3. Hazel: Why don’t you rest your handicap bag on the pillows?

George: I don’t notice it any more.

a) What did Hazel ask?

Hazel asked …………………………………

b) What was George’s reply?

George replied ………………………………..

4. Subal: Why are you still in bed?

Sushil: I have a terrible stomach ache.

a) What did Subal ask Sushil?

Subal asked …………………………………….

b) What was Sushil’s reply?

Sushil replied ………………………………..

5. Girl: What are you searching for?

Man: I am searching for my purse.

a) What did the girl ask the man?

The girl asked ………………………………….

b) What was the man’s reply?

The man replied ………………………………..

6. Mira: How long have you been learning English?

Janaki: I have been learning English for six months.

a) What did Mira ask Janaki?

Mira asked ……………………………..

b) What did Janaki reply?

Janaki replied …………………………………..

7. Rashmi: Where is your umbrella?

Gauri: I have left it at home.

a) What did Rashmi ask?

Rashmi asked ………………………………..

b) What did Gauri reply?

Gauri replied ………………………………..

8. Kabir: What is the problem with you?

Aditi: I don’t like this party. I want to go home.

a) What did Kabir ask?

Kabir asked ……………………………………

b) What did Aditi say?

Aditi replied …………………………………..

9. John: When did you get your licence?

Peter: I got my licence last Monday.

a) What did John ask?

John asked …………………………………….

b) What did Peter reply?

Peter replied ………………………………….

1. a) Alice walker’s friend asked her how her mother spent the winter evenings. b) Alice Walker replied that her mother spent the winter evenings making quilts.

2. a) Gulliver asked the soldier why he searched his pocket. b) The soldier replied that it was the order of the king.

3. a) Hazel asked George why he didn’t rest his handicap bag on the pillows. b) George replied that he didn’t notice it any more.

4. a) Subal asked Sushil why he was still in bed. b) Sushil replied that he had a terrible stomach ache.

5. a) The girl asked the man what he was searching for. b) The man replied that he was searching for his purse.

6. a) Mira asked Janaki how long she had been learning English. b) Janaki replied that she had been learning English for six months.

7. a) Rashmi asked Gauri where her umbrella was. b) Gauri replied that she had left it at home.

8. a) Kabir asked Aditi what was the problem with her. b) Aditi replied that she didn’t like the party and that she wanted to go home.

9. a) John asked Peter when he had got his licence. b) Peter replied that he had got his licence the Monday before.

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class 10 english grammar direct and indirect speech

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class 10 english grammar direct and indirect speech

ESL Grammar

Direct and Indirect Speech: Useful Rules and Examples

Are you having trouble understanding the difference between direct and indirect speech? Direct speech is when you quote someone’s exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words. This can be a tricky concept to grasp, but with a little practice, you’ll be able to use both forms of speech with ease.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and Indirect Speech

When someone speaks, we can report what they said in two ways: direct speech and indirect speech. Direct speech is when we quote the exact words that were spoken, while indirect speech is when we report what was said without using the speaker’s exact words. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I love pizza,” said John. Indirect speech: John said that he loved pizza.

Using direct speech can make your writing more engaging and can help to convey the speaker’s tone and emotion. However, indirect speech can be useful when you want to summarize what someone said or when you don’t have the exact words that were spoken.

To change direct speech to indirect speech, you need to follow some rules. Firstly, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb. Secondly, you need to change the pronouns and adverbs in the reported speech to match the new speaker. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I will go to the park,” said Sarah. Indirect speech: Sarah said that she would go to the park.

It’s important to note that when you use indirect speech, you need to use reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” or “asked” to indicate who is speaking. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “What time is it?” asked Tom. Indirect speech: Tom asked what time it was.

In summary, understanding direct and indirect speech is crucial for effective communication and writing. Direct speech can be used to convey the speaker’s tone and emotion, while indirect speech can be useful when summarizing what someone said. By following the rules for changing direct speech to indirect speech, you can accurately report what was said while maintaining clarity and readability in your writing.

Differences between Direct and Indirect Speech

When it comes to reporting speech, there are two ways to go about it: direct and indirect speech. Direct speech is when you report someone’s exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words. Here are some of the key differences between direct and indirect speech:

Change of Pronouns

In direct speech, the pronouns used are those of the original speaker. However, in indirect speech, the pronouns have to be changed to reflect the perspective of the reporter. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I am going to the store,” said John.
  • Indirect speech: John said he was going to the store.

In the above example, the pronoun “I” changes to “he” in indirect speech.

Change of Tenses

Another major difference between direct and indirect speech is the change of tenses. In direct speech, the verb tense used is the same as that used by the original speaker. However, in indirect speech, the verb tense may change depending on the context. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I am studying for my exams,” said Sarah.
  • Indirect speech: Sarah said she was studying for her exams.

In the above example, the present continuous tense “am studying” changes to the past continuous tense “was studying” in indirect speech.

Change of Time and Place References

When reporting indirect speech, the time and place references may also change. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I will meet you at the park tomorrow,” said Tom.
  • Indirect speech: Tom said he would meet you at the park the next day.

In the above example, “tomorrow” changes to “the next day” in indirect speech.

Overall, it is important to understand the differences between direct and indirect speech to report speech accurately and effectively. By following the rules of direct and indirect speech, you can convey the intended message of the original speaker.

Converting Direct Speech Into Indirect Speech

When you need to report what someone said in your own words, you can use indirect speech. To convert direct speech into indirect speech, you need to follow a few rules.

Step 1: Remove the Quotation Marks

The first step is to remove the quotation marks that enclose the relayed text. This is because indirect speech does not use the exact words of the speaker.

Step 2: Use a Reporting Verb and a Linker

To indicate that you are reporting what someone said, you need to use a reporting verb such as “said,” “asked,” “told,” or “exclaimed.” You also need to use a linker such as “that” or “whether” to connect the reporting verb to the reported speech.

For example:

  • Direct speech: “I love ice cream,” said Mary.
  • Indirect speech: Mary said that she loved ice cream.

Step 3: Change the Tense of the Verb

When you use indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb.

  • Indirect speech: John said that he was going to the store.

Step 4: Change the Pronouns

You also need to change the pronouns in the reported speech to match the subject of the reporting verb.

  • Direct speech: “Are you busy now?” Tina asked me.
  • Indirect speech: Tina asked whether I was busy then.

By following these rules, you can convert direct speech into indirect speech and report what someone said in your own words.

Converting Indirect Speech Into Direct Speech

Converting indirect speech into direct speech involves changing the reported speech to its original form as spoken by the speaker. Here are the steps to follow when converting indirect speech into direct speech:

  • Identify the reporting verb: The first step is to identify the reporting verb used in the indirect speech. This will help you determine the tense of the direct speech.
  • Change the pronouns: The next step is to change the pronouns in the indirect speech to match the person speaking in the direct speech. For example, if the indirect speech is “She said that she was going to the store,” the direct speech would be “I am going to the store,” if you are the person speaking.
  • Change the tense: Change the tense of the verbs in the indirect speech to match the tense of the direct speech. For example, if the indirect speech is “He said that he would visit tomorrow,” the direct speech would be “He says he will visit tomorrow.”
  • Remove the reporting verb and conjunction: In direct speech, there is no need for a reporting verb or conjunction. Simply remove them from the indirect speech to get the direct speech.

Here is an example to illustrate the process:

Indirect Speech: John said that he was tired and wanted to go home.

Direct Speech: “I am tired and want to go home,” John said.

By following these steps, you can easily convert indirect speech into direct speech.

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and indirect speech are two ways to report what someone has said. Direct speech reports the exact words spoken by a person, while indirect speech reports the meaning of what was said. Here are some examples of both types of speech:

Direct Speech Examples

Direct speech is used when you want to report the exact words spoken by someone. It is usually enclosed in quotation marks and is often used in dialogue.

  • “I am going to the store,” said Sarah.
  • “It’s a beautiful day,” exclaimed John.
  • “Please turn off the lights,” Mom told me.
  • “I will meet you at the library,” said Tom.
  • “We are going to the beach tomorrow,” announced Mary.

Indirect Speech Examples

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is used to report what someone said without using their exact words. It is often used in news reports, academic writing, and in situations where you want to paraphrase what someone said.

Here are some examples of indirect speech:

  • Sarah said that she was going to the store.
  • John exclaimed that it was a beautiful day.
  • Mom told me to turn off the lights.
  • Tom said that he would meet me at the library.
  • Mary announced that they were going to the beach tomorrow.

In indirect speech, the verb tense may change to reflect the time of the reported speech. For example, “I am going to the store” becomes “Sarah said that she was going to the store.” Additionally, the pronouns and possessive adjectives may also change to reflect the speaker and the person being spoken about.

Overall, both direct and indirect speech are important tools for reporting what someone has said. By using these techniques, you can accurately convey the meaning of what was said while also adding your own interpretation and analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect speech refer to the ways in which we communicate what someone has said. Direct speech involves repeating the exact words spoken, using quotation marks to indicate that you are quoting someone. Indirect speech, on the other hand, involves reporting what someone has said without using their exact words.

How do you convert direct speech to indirect speech?

To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions. You also need to introduce a reporting verb, such as “said,” “told,” or “asked.” For example, “I love ice cream,” said Mary (direct speech) can be converted to “Mary said that she loved ice cream” (indirect speech).

What is the difference between direct speech and indirect speech?

The main difference between direct speech and indirect speech is that direct speech uses the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said without using their exact words. Direct speech is usually enclosed in quotation marks, while indirect speech is not.

What are some examples of direct and indirect speech?

Some examples of direct speech include “I am going to the store,” said John and “I love pizza,” exclaimed Sarah. Some examples of indirect speech include John said that he was going to the store and Sarah exclaimed that she loved pizza .

What are the rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech?

The rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech include changing the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions. You also need to introduce a reporting verb and use appropriate reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” or “asked.”

What is a summary of direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect speech are two ways of reporting what someone has said. Direct speech involves repeating the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said without using their exact words. To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions and introduce a reporting verb.

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Reporting – Direct & Indirect Speech: Classes of CBSE/ICSE and State Exam Boards

  • Post last modified: 26 May 2022
  • Post category: School Grammar

Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect Narration) for Classes of CBSE/ICSE and Different State Exam Boards. Here are given rules with examples to change a direct narration into an Indirect narration. Especially Class 9 and 10 CBSE Syllabus is covered and it is beneficial for all school students.

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What is narration? Showing people’s exact words in quotation marks (” _”) is called direct speech. When you are reporting what someone said, or do not use their exact words and you do not use quotation marks. Instead, you use a verb said or told followed by that and noun clause. This is called indirect speech (or reported speech). 

class 10 english grammar direct and indirect speech

Direct Speech  ( Direct Narration ): The reporting of the words of the speaker without making any changes to it is known as Direct Speech. Direct speech is shown inside double quotation marks.

Indirect Speech  ( Indirect Narration ): The act of reporting the words of the speaker by making necessary changes to it is called Indirect Speech. In indirect speech, while narrating something, changes are made in the original words of the person. For example, tenses and pronouns are changed according to the reporting verb. See the examples below:

(i) The teacher said to me, “I am satisfied with your progress report.” (Direct speech) (ii) The teacher told me that he was satisfied with my progress report. (Indirect speech)

In sentence (i) we can notice that this is the speaker’s direct narration as it is shown inside double quotation marks, but in sentence (ii) tense and pronouns are changed and quotation marks are removed.

See some more examples to observe the rules:

  • He said, “I work in a factory.” (Direct speech) He said that he worked in a factory. (Indirect speech)
  • They said, “We are going to the cinema.” (Direct speech) They said that they were going to the cinema. (Indirect speech).
  • She said, “I am playing.” (Direct speech) She said that she was playing. (Indirect speech)
  • Ashish said to me, “I shall go to the market today.” (Direct speech) Ashish told me that he would go to the market that day. (Indirect speech)

Basic Rules of conversion into Indirect Speech

A) direct speech.

i) Put the words spoken by the speaker within” ” (double quotes or double inverted commas). ii) Separate the reporting verb from the direct speech by a comma. iii) Begin the first word inside inverted commas with a capital letter.

b) Indirect Speech

i) Change the reporting verb according to the sense conveyed by the speech. ii) Do not change the tense of the reporting verb. iii) Remove the comma separating the reporting verb from the direct speech. iv) Remove inverted commas. v) Introduce the indirect speech by some connector  like that, if, whether, what, where, how, why  etc. depending on whether you want to transform a statement, question or request, as the case may be. vi) Convert all kinds of sentences into assertive statements. vii) Make other necessary changes in person, verb forms, time, place and expression.

Some changes to consider

a)  1st person  (I, we, etc.) –> change according to the subject of the reporting verb. b)  2nd person  (You, your, etc.) –> change according to the object of the reporting verb. c)  3rd person  (He, she, it, they, his, her etc.) –> make no change. d) 1st person  changes into  3rd person  if the reporting verb has not object mentioned.

Rules for Changing Simple Direct Speech into Indirect Speech

Changes in Reported Speech with Respect to the Tense

Present tense, future tense, rules for changing interrogative sentences into indirect speech. (the reporting verb ‘said’ becomes ‘asked’ and ‘to’ is removed), rules for changing imperative sentences into indirect speech. (commands, requests and suggestions), rules for changing exclamatory sentences into indirect speech.

School Grammar

All Changes Summarised

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CBSE Class 10 English Grammar - Direct And Indirect Speech

January 12, 2023 by Bhagya

Formulae Handbook for Class 10 Maths and Science

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar – Direct And Indirect Speech

(Statements, Commands, Requests, and Questions) The words spoken by a person can be reported in two ways—Direct and Indirect. When we quote the exact words spoken by a person, we call it Direct Speech.

  • Sohan said to Mohan, “I am going to school.”

The exact words spoken by Sohan are put within inverted commas. But when we give the substance of what Sohan said, it is called the Indirect Speech.

Direct and Indirect Speech

  • Sohan told to Mohan that he (Sohan) was going to school.

1. Reporting Clause and Reported Speech: Sohan told Mohan that he was going to school. The words which generally come before the inverted commas are called the reporting clause, i.e. Sohan said to Mohan and the verb ‘said’, is called the reporting verb. The words spoken by Sohan and put within inverted commas are called the reported speech, i.e. “I am going to school.”

2. Rules for Changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech:

  • In the Indirect speech, no inverted commas are used.
  • The conjunctions that, if, whether, are generally used after the reporting verb.
  • The first word of the reported speech begins with a capital letter.
  • The tense of the reporting verb is never changed.
  • The reporting verb changes according to sense: it may be told, asked, inquired

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  • RD Sharma Class 10 Solutions

3. Rules for the Change of Pronouns:

  • The first person pronouns (I, me, my, we, us, our) in the reported speech change according to the subject of the reporting verb.
  • The pronouns of the second person (you, your, yourself) in the reported speech change according to the object of the reporting verb.
  • The pronouns of the third person do not change.

For example:

  • He said, “I like the book.” He said that he liked the book.
  • He said to me, “Do you like the book?” He asked me if I liked the book.
  • He said, “He likes the book.” He said that he liked the book.

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar - Direct And Indirect Speech 1

  • If the reporting verb is in the present or the future tense, the tense of the reported speech is not changed: Satish says, “I am flying a kite.” Satish says that he is flying a kite. Satish will say, “I want a glass of milk.” Satish will say that he wants a glass of milk.

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar - Direct And Indirect Speech 3

  • If the direct speech expresses a historical fact, universal truth, or a habitual fact, then the tense of the direct speech will not change: Direct: He said, “Honesty is the best policy.” Indirect: He said that honesty is the best policy. Direct: He said, “The sun rises in the east.” Indirect: He said that the sun rises in the east. Direct: Rakesh said, “I am an early riser.” Indirect : Rakesh said that he is an early riser. Direct: She said, “God is omnipresent.” Indirect: She said that God is omnipresent. Direct: The teacher said, “The First World War started in 1914.” Indirect: The teacher said that the First World War started in 1914.

6. Changing Statements into Indirect Speech:

  • The reporting verb ‘said to’ is changed-to ‘told’, ‘replied’, ‘remarked’,
  • The reporting verb is not followed by an object, it is not changed.
  • The inverted commas are removed. The conjunction is used to connect the reporting clause with the reported speech.

The rules for the change of pronouns, tenses, etc. are followed.

  • Direct: Ramu said, “I saw a lion in the forest.” Indirect: Ramu said that he had seen a lion in the forest.
  • Direct: Satish said to me, “I am very happy here.” Indirect: Satish told me that he was very happy there.
  • Direct: He said, “I can do this work.” Indirect: He said that he could do that work.
  • Direct: Renu said to me, “I was washing the clothes.” Indirect: Renu told me that she had been washing the clothes.
  • Direct: She said, “I am not well.” Indirect: She said that she was not well.
  • Direct: He said to Sita, “I have passed the test.” Indirect: He told Sita that he had passed the test.
  • Direct: I said to my friend, “He has been working very hard.” Indirect: I told my friend that he had been working very hard.
  • Direct: My friend said to me, “I shall go to Delhi tomorrow.” Indirect: My friend told me that he would go to Delhi the next day.
  • Direct: I said, “I agree to what he said.” Indirect: I said that I agreed to what he had said.
  • Direct: The student said to the teacher, “I am sorry that I am late.” Indirect: The student told the teacher that he was sorry that he was late.

7. Rules for the Change of Interrogative (Questions) sentences:

The reporting verb “say’ is changed into ask, inquire,

The interrogative sentence is changed into a statement by placing the subject before the verb and the full stop is put at the end of the sentence.

If the interrogative sentence has a wh-word (who, when, where, how, why, etc) the wh-word is repeated in the sentence. It serves as conjunction.

If the interrogative sentence is a yes-no answer type sentence (with auxiliary verbs am, are, was, were, do, did, have, shall, etc), then ‘if or ‘whether’ is used as a conjunction.

The auxiliaries do, does, did in a positive question in the reported speech are dropped.

The conjunction is not used after the reporting clause.

  • Direct: I said to him, “Where are you going?” Indirect: I asked him where he was going.
  • Direct: He said to me, “Will you go there?” Indirect: He asked me if I would go there.
  • Direct: My friend said to Deepak, “Have you ever been to Agra?” Indirect: My friend asked Deepak if he had ever been to Agra.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Did you enjoy the movie?” Indirect: I asked him if he had enjoyed the movie.
  • Direct: I said to her, “Do you know him?” Indirect: I asked her if she knew him.
  • Direct: He said to me, “Will you listen to me?” Indirect: He asked me if I would listen to him.
  • Direct: I said to him, “When will you go there?” Indirect: I asked him when he would go there.
  • Direct: He said to me, “How is your father?” Indirect: He asked me how my father was.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Are you happy?” Indirect: I asked him if he was happy.
  • Direct: He said to her, “Do you like apples?” Indirect: He asked her if she liked apples.

8. Changing Commands and Requests into Indirect Speech:

  • In imperative sentences having commands, the reporting verb is changed into command, order, tell, allow, request,etc.
  • The imperative mood is changed into the infinitive mood by putting ‘to’, before the verb. In case of negative sentences, the auxiliary ‘do’ is dropped and ‘to’ is placed after ‘not’:
  • Direct: She said to me, “Open the window.” Indirect: She ordered me to open the window.
  • Direct: The captain said to the soldiers, “Attack the enemy.” Indirect: The captain commanded the soldiers to attack the enemy.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Leave this place at once.” Indirect: I told him to leave that place at once.
  • Direct: The teacher said to the students, “Listen to me attentively.” Indirect: The teacher asked the students to listen to him attentively.
  • Direct: The Principal said to the peon, “Ring the bell.” Indirect: The Principal ordered the peon to ring the bell.
  • Direct: The master said to the servant, “Fetch me a glass of water.” Indirect: The master ordered the servant to fetch him a glass of water.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Please bring me a glass of water.” Indirect: I requested him to bring me a glass of water.
  • Direct: I said to my friend, “Please lend me your book.” Indirect: I requested my friend to lend me his book.

9. Sentences with ‘Let’.

  • ‘Let’ is used in various meanings.

(i) ‘Let’ is used to make a proposal.

  • First change the reporting verb into ‘proposed’ or ‘suggested’.
  • Use ‘should’ instead of ‘let’. Example: Direct: He said to me, “Let us go home.” Indirect: He suggested to me that we should go home.

(ii) ‘Let’ is used as ‘to allow’.

  • In Indirect Speech, we change the reporting verb to ‘requested’ or ‘ordered’.
  • We start Reported Speech with ‘to’. Direct: Ram said to Mohan, “Let him do it.” Indirect: Ram ordered Mohan to let him do that. Or Ram told Mohan that he might be allowed to do that.

10. Sentences with Question Tags (i) In the indirect speech the question-tag is usually left. (ii) In indirect speech these words are removed and the word ‘respectfully’ is used in the reporting clause. Direct: Mahesh said, “Sir, may I go home?” Indirect: Mahesh respectfully asked his sir if he might go home.

11. Sentences with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ Direct     : He said, “Can you dance?” And I said, “No.” Indirect: He asked me if I could dance and I replied that I couldn’t. Direct    : My mother said, “Will you come home on time?” And I said, “Yes.” Indirect: My mother asked me if I would come home on time and I replied that I would.

Note  : ‘Yes’ of ‘No’ hides a complete sentence. Therefore, change yes/no into a short answer.

Direct     : She said to me, “You didn’t break the window, did you?” Indirect: She asked me if/whether I had broken the window. Direct : He said to Geeta, “You are going to the station, aren’t you?” Indirect: He asked Geeta if/ whether she was going to the station.

12. Sentences with ‘have to’ or ‘had to’ (i) Change ‘have to’ according to the rules. (ii) But change ‘had to’ into ‘had had to’ in the indirect speech. Direct    : Hari said, “I have to work a lot.” Indirect: Hari said that he had to work a lot. Direct    : Hari said, “I had to work a lot.” Indirect: Hari said that he had had to work a lot.

13. Sentences with ‘Sir’, ‘Madam’ or ‘Your Honour’ etc.

  • Generally such words are used to show respect to the person concerned.

You can master in English Grammar of various classes by our articles like Tenses, Clauses, Prepositions, Story writing, Unseen Passage, Notice Writing etc.

14. Exclamations and Wishes Sometimes Exclamatory sentences contain exclamations like Hurrah!, Alas!, Oh!, Heavens!, Bravo, etc. Such exclamatory words are removed in the indirect speech and we use ‘exclaimed with sorrow’, exclaimed with joy, exclaimed with surprise, etc. instead of ‘said’. Examples:

  • Direct    : Rohan said, “Hurrah! We won the match.” Indirect: Rohan exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
  • Direct    : Reema said, “Alas! Karina’s mother is suffering from cancer.” Indirect: Reema exclaimed with sorrow that Karina’s mother was suffering from cancer.
  • Direct    : The captain said to Kapil, “Bravo! You scored 89 runs.” Indirect: The captain exclaimed with praise that he (Kapil) had scored 89 runs.

(a) Look at these sentences.

  • Direct   : My mother said, “May God bless you!” Indirect: My mother prayed to God for my well being.
  • Direct    : She said, “May God save the country!” Indirect: She prayed to God to save the country.
  • Direct    : They said to the king, “Long live!” Indirect: They blessed the king for his long life.

(b) Look at these sentences.

  • Direct    : Mohan said, “What a pity!” Indirect: Mohan exclaimed that it was a great pity.
  • Direct    : I said, “How stupid he is!” Indirect: I exclaimed that it was a very stupid of him.
  • Direct    : “What a terrible sight it is!” said the traveller. Indirect: The traveller exclaimed that it was a very terrible sight. All the sentences in inverted commas are exclamatory sentences.

(i)  Use ‘exclaimed’ in place of ‘said’ in the reporting verb in the indirect speech. (ii) In Indirect sentences, we use exclamatory sentences as statements. (iii) Indirect speech begins with that and full stop (•) is used instead of the exclamation mark (!). Exercise (Solved)

Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:

(i) He said, “I will do it now.” Answer: He said that he would do it then.

(ii) He says, “Honesty is the best policy.” Answer: He says that honesty is the best policy.

(iii) Ramesh says, “I have written a letter.” Answer: Ramesh says that he has written a letter.

(iv) She said, “Mahesh will be reading a book.” Answer: She said that Mahesh would be reading a book.

(v) She said, “Where is your father?” Answer: She inquired where his father was.

(vi) He said to me, “Please take your book.” Answer: He requested me to take my book.

(vii) The Principal said to the peon, “Let this boy go out.” Answer: The Principal ordered the peon to let that boy go out.

(viii) He said to me, “May you live long!” Answer: He prayed that I might live long.

(ix) She said, “Goodbye friends!” Answer: She bade goodbye to her friends.

(ix) The student said, “Alas! I wasted my time last year.” Answer: The student regretted that he had wasted his time the previous year. Exercise (Unsolved)

  • The captain said, “Bravo! well done, my boys.”
  • He said to her, “Why do you read this book?”
  • He said to her, “Does your cow not kick?”
  • He said to his brother, “Shailesh has broken my glass.”
  • Our teacher said, “The earth revolves around the sun.”
  • He said to me, “Why have you come here?”
  • Usha said, “Father, you are very kind to me.”
  • The teacher said to the boys, “Do not make a noise.”
  • He said to his friend, “May you prosper in business!”
  • The officer said to the peon, “Let the visitor come into my office.”
  • English Grammar
  • Grammar Exercises
  • Reported Speech Exercises For Class 10

Reported Speech Exercises with Answers for Class 10

One of the English grammar concepts that almost all of us would have studied in our junior classes is reported speech . Having a clear understanding of reported speech helps students use sentences correctly. This article provides reported speech exercises for class 10 students.

class 10 english grammar direct and indirect speech

Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 with Answers

Here is an exercise on the transformation of direct speech to indirect speech. Go through the following sentences, work them out and then check your answers to assess how far you have understood their usage.

Change as directed

Read the following sentences and change them into reported speech.

  • Mimi said, “I have been writing this letter.”
  • I said, “Sam’s driving the car.”
  • My uncle said, “I am cooking lunch.”
  • My brother said, “I had already eaten.”
  • The old lady said to the girl, “Where do you come from?”
  • Jon said, “I like to play rugby.”
  • My mother said, “I get up early every morning.”
  • The maths teacher said, “Three divided by three is one.”
  • Mohit said, “Switzerland is a very beautiful country.”
  • Ruben said, “It is very cold outside.”
  • The teacher said, “The French Revolution took place in 1789.”
  • Uma said, “I saw a Royal Bengal Tiger in the zoo.”
  • Luke said, “I can do this homework.”
  • Aswini said to her mother, “I have passed the test”.
  • Daphne said to Antony, “I will go to London tomorrow.”
  • The boy said, “My father is sleeping.”
  • The traffic police said to us, “Where are you going?”
  • The man shouted, “Let me go.”
  • Shivina said, “Alas! I am lost.”
  • “I know her contact number,” said Helena.
  • Stefen said, “My granny is making pasta.”
  • Raj said to Simran, “Have you ever been to the National Museum?”
  • Anish said to Sid, “Please lend me the book.”
  • The teacher said to the parents, “Shelly is working very hard.”
  • Joshua said, “I have completed my assignment.”
  • I said to Alka, “How long will you stay here?”
  • The child told his dad, “I want an ice cream.”
  • Meera said, “I am not feeling well.”
  • The teacher said to Vivek, “Draw the diagram of the plant’s parts.”
  • Irin said, “I am playing the piano.”
  • My mother said to me, “Help me carry this bag.”
  • Rahul said, “My sister is very helpful.”
  • The news reporter said, “The flight will be delayed by a few hours due to heavy rains.”
  • Urmi said to her mother, “I want a slice of pizza.”
  • I said to Daniel, “Are you reading this book?”
  • Mimi said that she had been writing that letter.
  • I said that Sam was driving the car.
  • My uncle said that he was cooking lunch.
  • My brother said that he had already eaten.
  • The old lady asked the girl where she came from.
  • Jon said that he likes to play rugby.
  • My mother said that she gets up early every morning.
  • The maths teacher said that three divided by three is one.
  • Mohit said that Switzerland was a very beautiful country.
  • Ruben said that it was very cold outside.
  • The teacher said that the French Revolution took place in 1789.
  • Uma said that she saw a Royal Bengal Tiger in the zoo.
  • Luke said that he could do that homework.
  • Aswini told her mother that she had passed the test.
  • Daphne informed Antony that she would go to London the next day.
  • The boy said that his father was sleeping.
  • The traffic police asked us where we were going.
  • The man shouted to them to let him go.
  • Shivina exclaimed sadly that she was lost.
  • Helena said that she knew her contact number.
  • Stefen said that his granny was making pasta.
  • Raj asked Simran if she had ever been to the National Museum.
  • Anish requested Sid to lend him the book.
  • The teacher told the parents that Shelly was working very hard.
  • Joshua said that he had completed his assignment.
  • I asked Alka how long she would stay there.
  • The child told his dad that he wants an ice cream.
  • Meera said that she was not feeling well.
  • The teacher instructed Vivek to draw the diagram of the plant’s parts.
  • Irin said that she was playing the piano.
  • My mother asked me to help her carry the bag.
  • Rahul said that his sister was very helpful.
  • The news reporter said that the flight would be delayed by a few hours due to heavy rains.
  • Urmi said to her mother that she wanted a slice of pizza.
  • I asked Daniel if he was reading that book.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is direct narration.

When the actual words/sentences spoken by the speaker are quoted in a speech, it is known as direct speech/narration.

Is knowing reported speech necessary for Class 10?

Having a basic understanding of reported speech is necessary for students of any class or age. Solving exercises on direct and indirect speech will help them understand thoroughly and use them correctly.

What is indirect speech?

When the quoted speech is reported in the form of a narrative without changing the meaning of the actual quotation/words by the speaker, it is called indirect speech. Indirect speech is also known as reported speech.

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CBSE Class 10 English Grammar – Direct And Indirect Speech

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(Statements, Commands, Requests, and Questions) The words spoken by a person can be reported in two ways—Direct and Indirect. When we quote the exact words spoken by a person, we call it Direct Speech.

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Target Exam ---

  • Sohan said to Mohan, “I am going to school.”

The exact words spoken by Sohan are put within inverted commas. But when we give the substance of what Sohan said, it is called the Indirect Speech.

  • Sohan told to Mohan that he (Sohan) was going to school.

1. Reporting Clause and Reported Speech: Sohan told Mohan that he was going to school. The words which generally come before the inverted commas are called the reporting clause, i.e. Sohan said to Mohan and the verb ‘said’, is called the reporting verb. The words spoken by Sohan and put within inverted commas are called the reported speech, i.e. “I am going to school.”

2. Rules for Changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech:

  • In the Indirect speech, no inverted commas are used.
  • The conjunctions that, if, whether, are generally used after the reporting verb.
  • The first word of the reported speech begins with a capital letter.
  • The tense of the reporting verb is never changed.
  • The reporting verb changes according to sense: it may be told, asked, inquired

3. Rules for the Change of Pronouns:

  • The first person pronouns (I, me, my, we, us, our) in the reported speech change according to the subject of the reporting verb.
  • The pronouns of the second person (you, your, yourself) in the reported speech change according to the object of the reporting verb.
  • The pronouns of the third person do not change.

For example:

  • He said, “I like the book.” He said that he liked the book.
  • He said to me, “Do you like the book?” He asked me if I liked the book.
  • He said, “He likes the book.” He said that he liked the book.

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar - Direct And Indirect Speech 1

  • If the reporting verb is in the present or the future tense, the tense of the reported speech is not changed: Satish says, “I am flying a kite.” Satish says that he is flying a kite. Satish will say, “I want a glass of milk.” Satish will say that he wants a glass of milk.

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar - Direct And Indirect Speech 3

  • If the direct speech expresses a historical fact, universal truth, or a habitual fact, then the tense of the direct speech will not change: Direct: He said, “Honesty is the best policy.” Indirect: He said that honesty is the best policy. Direct: He said, “The sun rises in the east.” Indirect: He said that the sun rises in the east. Direct: Rakesh said, “I am an early riser.” Indirect : Rakesh said that he is an early riser. Direct: She said, “God is omnipresent.” Indirect: She said that God is omnipresent. Direct: The teacher said, “The First World War started in 1914.” Indirect: The teacher said that the First World War started in 1914.

6. Changing Statements into Indirect Speech:

  • The reporting verb ‘said to’ is changed-to ‘told’, ‘replied’, ‘remarked’,
  • The reporting verb is not followed by an object, it is not changed.
  • The inverted commas are removed. The conjunction is used to connect the reporting clause with the reported speech.

The rules for the change of pronouns, tenses, etc. are followed.

  • Direct: Ramu said, “I saw a lion in the forest.” Indirect: Ramu said that he had seen a lion in the forest.
  • Direct: Satish said to me, “I am very happy here.” Indirect: Satish told me that he was very happy there.
  • Direct: He said, “I can do this work.” Indirect: He said that he could do that work.
  • Direct: Renu said to me, “I was washing the clothes.” Indirect: Renu told me that she had been washing the clothes.
  • Direct: She said, “I am not well.” Indirect: She said that she was not well.
  • Direct: He said to Sita, “I have passed the test.” Indirect: He told Sita that he had passed the test.
  • Direct: I said to my friend, “He has been working very hard.” Indirect: I told my friend that he had been working very hard.
  • Direct: My friend said to me, “I shall go to Delhi tomorrow.” Indirect: My friend told me that he would go to Delhi the next day.
  • Direct: I said, “I agree to what he said.” Indirect: I said that I agreed to what he had said.
  • Direct: The student said to the teacher, “I am sorry that I am late.” Indirect: The student told the teacher that he was sorry that he was late.

7. Rules for the Change of Interrogative (Questions) sentences:

The reporting verb “say’ is changed into ask, inquire,

The interrogative sentence is changed into a statement by placing the subject before the verb and the full stop is put at the end of the sentence.

If the interrogative sentence has a wh-word (who, when, where, how, why, etc) the wh-word is repeated in the sentence. It serves as conjunction.

If the interrogative sentence is a yes-no answer type sentence (with auxiliary verbs am, are, was, were, do, did, have, shall, etc), then ‘if or ‘whether’ is used as a conjunction.

The auxiliaries do, does, did in a positive question in the reported speech are dropped.

The conjunction is not used after the reporting clause.

  • Direct: I said to him, “Where are you going?” Indirect: I asked him where he was going.
  • Direct: He said to me, “Will you go there?” Indirect: He asked me if I would go there.
  • Direct: My friend said to Deepak, “Have you ever been to Agra?” Indirect: My friend asked Deepak if he had ever been to Agra.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Did you enjoy the movie?” Indirect: I asked him if he had enjoyed the movie.
  • Direct: I said to her, “Do you know him?” Indirect: I asked her if she knew him.
  • Direct: He said to me, “Will you listen to me?” Indirect: He asked me if I would listen to him.
  • Direct: I said to him, “When will you go there?” Indirect: I asked him when he would go there.
  • Direct: He said to me, “How is your father?” Indirect: He asked me how my father was.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Are you happy?” Indirect: I asked him if he was happy.
  • Direct: He said to her, “Do you like apples?” Indirect: He asked her if she liked apples.

8. Changing Commands and Requests into Indirect Speech:

  • In imperative sentences having commands, the reporting verb is changed into command, order, tell, allow, request,etc.
  • The imperative mood is changed into the infinitive mood by putting ‘to’, before the verb. In case of negative sentences, the auxiliary ‘do’ is dropped and ‘to’ is placed after ‘not’:
  • Direct: She said to me, “Open the window.” Indirect: She ordered me to open the window.
  • Direct: The captain said to the soldiers, “Attack the enemy.” Indirect: The captain commanded the soldiers to attack the enemy.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Leave this place at once.” Indirect: I told him to leave that place at once.
  • Direct: The teacher said to the students, “Listen to me attentively.” Indirect: The teacher asked the students to listen to him attentively.
  • Direct: The Principal said to the peon, “Ring the bell.” Indirect: The Principal ordered the peon to ring the bell.
  • Direct: The master said to the servant, “Fetch me a glass of water.” Indirect: The master ordered the servant to fetch him a glass of water.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Please bring me a glass of water.” Indirect: I requested him to bring me a glass of water.
  • Direct: I said to my friend, “Please lend me your book.” Indirect: I requested my friend to lend me his book.

9. Sentences with ‘Let’.

  • ‘Let’ is used in various meanings.

(i) ‘Let’ is used to make a proposal.

  • First change the reporting verb into ‘proposed’ or ‘suggested’.
  • Use ‘should’ instead of ‘let’. Example: Direct: He said to me, “Let us go home.” Indirect: He suggested to me that we should go home.

(ii) ‘Let’ is used as ‘to allow’.

  • In Indirect Speech, we change the reporting verb to ‘requested’ or ‘ordered’.
  • We start Reported Speech with ‘to’. Direct: Ram said to Mohan, “Let him do it.” Indirect: Ram ordered Mohan to let him do that. Or Ram told Mohan that he might be allowed to do that.

10. Sentences with Question Tags (i) In the indirect speech the question-tag is usually left. (ii) In indirect speech these words are removed and the word ‘respectfully’ is used in the reporting clause. Direct: Mahesh said, “Sir, may I go home?” Indirect: Mahesh respectfully asked his sir if he might go home.

11. Sentences with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ Direct : He said, “Can you dance?” And I said, “No.” Indirect: He asked me if I could dance and I replied that I couldn’t. Direct : My mother said, “Will you come home on time?” And I said, “Yes.” Indirect: My mother asked me if I would come home on time and I replied that I would.

Note : ‘Yes’ of ‘No’ hides a complete sentence. Therefore, change yes/no into a short answer.

Direct : She said to me, “You didn’t break the window, did you?” Indirect: She asked me if/whether I had broken the window. Direct : He said to Geeta, “You are going to the station, aren’t you?” Indirect: He asked Geeta if/ whether she was going to the station.

12. Sentences with ‘have to’ or ‘had to’ (i) Change ‘have to’ according to the rules. (ii) But change ‘had to’ into ‘had had to’ in the indirect speech. Direct : Hari said, “I have to work a lot.” Indirect: Hari said that he had to work a lot. Direct : Hari said, “I had to work a lot.” Indirect: Hari said that he had had to work a lot.

13. Sentences with ‘Sir’, ‘Madam’ or ‘Your Honour’ etc.

  • Generally such words are used to show respect to the person concerned.

You can master in English Grammar of various classes by our articles like Tenses, Clauses, Prepositions, Story writing, Unseen Passage, Notice Writing etc.

14. Exclamations and Wishes Sometimes Exclamatory sentences contain exclamations like Hurrah!, Alas!, Oh!, Heavens!, Bravo, etc. Such exclamatory words are removed in the indirect speech and we use ‘exclaimed with sorrow’, exclaimed with joy, exclaimed with surprise, etc. instead of ‘said’. Examples:

  • Direct : Rohan said, “Hurrah! We won the match.” Indirect: Rohan exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
  • Direct : Reema said, “Alas! Karina’s mother is suffering from cancer.” Indirect: Reema exclaimed with sorrow that Karina’s mother was suffering from cancer.
  • Direct : The captain said to Kapil, “Bravo! You scored 89 runs.” Indirect: The captain exclaimed with praise that he (Kapil) had scored 89 runs.

(a) Look at these sentences.

  • Direct : My mother said, “May God bless you!” Indirect: My mother prayed to God for my well being.
  • Direct : She said, “May God save the country!” Indirect: She prayed to God to save the country.
  • Direct : They said to the king, “Long live!” Indirect: They blessed the king for his long life.

(b) Look at these sentences.

  • Direct : Mohan said, “What a pity!” Indirect: Mohan exclaimed that it was a great pity.
  • Direct : I said, “How stupid he is!” Indirect: I exclaimed that it was a very stupid of him.
  • Direct : “What a terrible sight it is!” said the traveller. Indirect: The traveller exclaimed that it was a very terrible sight. All the sentences in inverted commas are exclamatory sentences.

(i) Use ‘exclaimed’ in place of ‘said’ in the reporting verb in the indirect speech. (ii) In Indirect sentences, we use exclamatory sentences as statements. (iii) Indirect speech begins with that and full stop (•) is used instead of the exclamation mark (!). Exercise (Solved)

Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:

(i) He said, “I will do it now.” Answer: He said that he would do it then.

(ii) He says, “Honesty is the best policy.” Answer: He says that honesty is the best policy.

(iii) Ramesh says, “I have written a letter.” Answer: Ramesh says that he has written a letter.

(iv) She said, “Mahesh will be reading a book.” Answer: She said that Mahesh would be reading a book.

(v) She said, “Where is your father?” Answer: She inquired where his father was.

(vi) He said to me, “Please take your book.” Answer: He requested me to take my book.

(vii) The Principal said to the peon, “Let this boy go out.” Answer: The Principal ordered the peon to let that boy go out.

(viii) He said to me, “May you live long!” Answer: He prayed that I might live long.

(ix) She said, “Goodbye friends!” Answer: She bade goodbye to her friends.

(ix) The student said, “Alas! I wasted my time last year.” Answer: The student regretted that he had wasted his time the previous year. Exercise (Unsolved)

  • The captain said, “Bravo! well done, my boys.”
  • He said to her, “Why do you read this book?”
  • He said to her, “Does your cow not kick?”
  • He said to his brother, “Shailesh has broken my glass.”
  • Our teacher said, “The earth revolves around the sun.”
  • He said to me, “Why have you come here?”
  • Usha said, “Father, you are very kind to me.”
  • The teacher said to the boys, “Do not make a noise.”
  • He said to his friend, “May you prosper in business!”
  • The officer said to the peon, “Let the visitor come into my office.”

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CBSE Class 10 English Grammar – Direct And Indirect Speech

Formulae Handbook for Class 10 Maths and Science

Reported Speech Class 10

(Statements, Commands, Requests, and Questions) The words spoken by a person can be reported in two ways—Direct and Indirect. When we quote the exact words spoken by a person, we call it Direct Speech.

  • Sohan said to Mohan, “I am going to school.”

The exact words spoken by Sohan are put within inverted commas. But when we give the substance of what Sohan said, it is called the Indirect Speech.

Direct and Indirect Speech

  • Sohan told to Mohan that he (Sohan) was going to school.

1. Reporting Clause and Reported Speech: Sohan told Mohan that he was going to school. The words which generally come before the inverted commas are called the reporting clause, i.e. Sohan said to Mohan and the verb ‘said’, is called the reporting verb. The words spoken by Sohan and put within inverted commas are called the reported speech, i.e. “I am going to school.”

2. Rules for Changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech:

  • In the Indirect speech, no inverted commas are used.
  • The conjunctions that, if, whether, are generally used after the reporting verb.
  • The first word of the reported speech begins with a capital letter.
  • The tense of the reporting verb is never changed.
  • The reporting verb changes according to sense: it may be told, asked, inquired

Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises For Class 10 With Answers

More Resources for CBSE Class 10

  • NCERT Solutions
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Foundation of IT
  • RD Sharma Class 10 Solutions

3. Rules for the Change of Pronouns:

  • The first person pronouns (I, me, my, we, us, our) in the reported speech change according to the subject of the reporting verb.
  • The pronouns of the second person (you, your, yourself) in the reported speech change according to the object of the reporting verb.
  • The pronouns of the third person do not change.

Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises Class 10

For example:

  • He said, “I like the book.” He said that he liked the book.
  • He said to me, “Do you like the book?” He asked me if I liked the book.
  • He said, “He likes the book.” He said that he liked the book.

Reported Speech Class 10

Direct And Indirect Speech Class 10 

5. Change in Tenses:

  • If the reporting verb is in the present or the future tense, the tense of the reported speech is not changed: Satish says, “I am flying a kite.” Satish says that he is flying a kite. Satish will say, “I want a glass of milk.” Satish will say that he wants a glass of milk.

Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises Class 10

  • If the direct speech expresses a historical fact, universal truth, or a habitual fact, then the tense of the direct speech will not change: Direct: He said, “Honesty is the best policy.” Indirect: He said that honesty is the best policy. Direct: He said, “The sun rises in the east.” Indirect: He said that the sun rises in the east. Direct: Rakesh said, “I am an early riser.” Indirect : Rakesh said that he is an early riser. Direct: She said, “God is omnipresent.” Indirect: She said that God is omnipresent. Direct: The teacher said, “The First World War started in 1914.” Indirect: The teacher said that the First World War started in 1914.

Reported Speech Rules Class 10

6. Changing Statements into Indirect Speech:

  • The reporting verb ‘said to’ is changed-to ‘told’, ‘replied’, ‘remarked’,
  • The reporting verb is not followed by an object, it is not changed.
  • The inverted commas are removed. The conjunction is used to connect the reporting clause with the reported speech.

The rules for the change of pronouns, tenses, etc. are followed.

  • Direct: Ramu said, “I saw a lion in the forest.” Indirect: Ramu said that he had seen a lion in the forest.
  • Direct: Satish said to me, “I am very happy here.” Indirect: Satish told me that he was very happy there.
  • Direct: He said, “I can do this work.” Indirect: He said that he could do that work.
  • Direct: Renu said to me, “I was washing the clothes.” Indirect: Renu told me that she had been washing the clothes.
  • Direct: She said, “I am not well.” Indirect: She said that she was not well.
  • Direct: He said to Sita, “I have passed the test.” Indirect: He told Sita that he had passed the test.
  • Direct: I said to my friend, “He has been working very hard.” Indirect: I told my friend that he had been working very hard.
  • Direct: My friend said to me, “I shall go to Delhi tomorrow.” Indirect: My friend told me that he would go to Delhi the next day.
  • Direct: I said, “I agree to what he said.” Indirect: I said that I agreed to what he had said.
  • Direct: The student said to the teacher, “I am sorry that I am late.” Indirect: The student told the teacher that he was sorry that he was late.

Reported Speech Exercises For Class 10

7. Rules for the Change of Interrogative (Questions) sentences:

The reporting verb “say’ is changed into ask, inquire,

The interrogative sentence is changed into a statement by placing the subject before the verb and the full stop is put at the end of the sentence.

If the interrogative sentence has a wh-word (who, when, where, how, why, etc) the wh-word is repeated in the sentence. It serves as conjunction.

If the interrogative sentence is a yes-no answer type sentence (with auxiliary verbs am, are, was, were, do, did, have, shall, etc), then ‘if or ‘whether’ is used as a conjunction.

The auxiliaries do, does, did in a positive question in the reported speech are dropped.

The conjunction is not used after the reporting clause.

  • Direct: I said to him, “Where are you going?” Indirect: I asked him where he was going.
  • Direct: He said to me, “Will you go there?” Indirect: He asked me if I would go there.
  • Direct: My friend said to Deepak, “Have you ever been to Agra?” Indirect: My friend asked Deepak if he had ever been to Agra.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Did you enjoy the movie?” Indirect: I asked him if he had enjoyed the movie.
  • Direct: I said to her, “Do you know him?” Indirect: I asked her if she knew him.
  • Direct: He said to me, “Will you listen to me?” Indirect: He asked me if I would listen to him.
  • Direct: I said to him, “When will you go there?” Indirect: I asked him when he would go there.
  • Direct: He said to me, “How is your father?” Indirect: He asked me how my father was.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Are you happy?” Indirect: I asked him if he was happy.
  • Direct: He said to her, “Do you like apples?” Indirect: He asked her if she liked apples.

Class 10 Reported Speech Class 10

8. Changing Commands and Requests into Indirect Speech:

  • In imperative sentences having commands, the reporting verb is changed into command, order, tell, allow, request,etc.
  • The imperative mood is changed into the infinitive mood by putting ‘to’, before the verb. In case of negative sentences, the auxiliary ‘do’ is dropped and ‘to’ is placed after ‘not’:
  • Direct: She said to me, “Open the window.” Indirect: She ordered me to open the window.
  • Direct: The captain said to the soldiers, “Attack the enemy.” Indirect: The captain commanded the soldiers to attack the enemy.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Leave this place at once.” Indirect: I told him to leave that place at once.
  • Direct: The teacher said to the students, “Listen to me attentively.” Indirect: The teacher asked the students to listen to him attentively.
  • Direct: The Principal said to the peon, “Ring the bell.” Indirect: The Principal ordered the peon to ring the bell.
  • Direct: The master said to the servant, “Fetch me a glass of water.” Indirect: The master ordered the servant to fetch him a glass of water.
  • Direct: I said to him, “Please bring me a glass of water.” Indirect: I requested him to bring me a glass of water.
  • Direct: I said to my friend, “Please lend me your book.” Indirect: I requested my friend to lend me his book.

Direct Indirect Speech Exercises Class 10

9. Sentences with ‘Let’.

  • ‘Let’ is used in various meanings.

(i) ‘Let’ is used to make a proposal.

  • First change the reporting verb into ‘proposed’ or ‘suggested’.
  • Use ‘should’ instead of ‘let’. Example: Direct: He said to me, “Let us go home.” Indirect: He suggested to me that we should go home.

(ii) ‘Let’ is used as ‘to allow’.

  • In Indirect Speech, we change the reporting verb to ‘requested’ or ‘ordered’.
  • We start Reported Speech with ‘to’. Direct: Ram said to Mohan, “Let him do it.” Indirect: Ram ordered Mohan to let him do that. Or Ram told Mohan that he might be allowed to do that.

Reported Speech Class 10 Exercise Class 10

10. Sentences with Question Tags (i) In the indirect speech the question-tag is usually left. (ii) In indirect speech these words are removed and the word ‘respectfully’ is used in the reporting clause. Direct: Mahesh said, “Sir, may I go home?” Indirect: Mahesh respectfully asked his sir if he might go home.

11. Sentences with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ Direct     : He said, “Can you dance?” And I said, “No.” Indirect: He asked me if I could dance and I replied that I couldn’t. Direct    : My mother said, “Will you come home on time?” And I said, “Yes.” Indirect: My mother asked me if I would come home on time and I replied that I would.

Note  : ‘Yes’ of ‘No’ hides a complete sentence. Therefore, change yes/no into a short answer.

Direct     : She said to me, “You didn’t break the window, did you?” Indirect: She asked me if/whether I had broken the window. Direct : He said to Geeta, “You are going to the station, aren’t you?” Indirect: He asked Geeta if/ whether she was going to the station.

Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises For Class 10

12. Sentences with ‘have to’ or ‘had to’ (i) Change ‘have to’ according to the rules. (ii) But change ‘had to’ into ‘had had to’ in the indirect speech. Direct    : Hari said, “I have to work a lot.” Indirect: Hari said that he had to work a lot. Direct    : Hari said, “I had to work a lot.” Indirect: Hari said that he had had to work a lot.

13. Sentences with ‘Sir’, ‘Madam’ or ‘Your Honour’ etc.

  • Generally such words are used to show respect to the person concerned.

You can master in English Grammar of various classes by our articles like Tenses, Clauses, Prepositions, Story writing, Unseen Passage, Notice Writing etc. https://www.cbselabs.com/cbse-class-10-english-grammar-direct-indirect-speech/

Reported Speech Class 10 Notes

14. Exclamations and Wishes Sometimes Exclamatory sentences contain exclamations like Hurrah!, Alas!, Oh!, Heavens!, Bravo, etc. Such exclamatory words are removed in the indirect speech and we use ‘exclaimed with sorrow’, exclaimed with joy, exclaimed with surprise, etc. instead of ‘said’. Examples:

  • Direct    : Rohan said, “Hurrah! We won the match.” Indirect: Rohan exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
  • Direct    : Reema said, “Alas! Karina’s mother is suffering from cancer.” Indirect: Reema exclaimed with sorrow that Karina’s mother was suffering from cancer.
  • Direct    : The captain said to Kapil, “Bravo! You scored 89 runs.” Indirect: The captain exclaimed with praise that he (Kapil) had scored 89 runs.

(a) Look at these sentences.

  • Direct   : My mother said, “May God bless you!” Indirect: My mother prayed to God for my well being.
  • Direct    : She said, “May God save the country!” Indirect: She prayed to God to save the country.
  • Direct    : They said to the king, “Long live!” Indirect: They blessed the king for his long life.

(b) Look at these sentences.

  • Direct    : Mohan said, “What a pity!” Indirect: Mohan exclaimed that it was a great pity.
  • Direct    : I said, “How stupid he is!” Indirect: I exclaimed that it was a very stupid of him.
  • Direct    : “What a terrible sight it is!” said the traveller. Indirect: The traveller exclaimed that it was a very terrible sight. All the sentences in inverted commas are exclamatory sentences.

(i)  Use ‘exclaimed’ in place of ‘said’ in the reporting verb in the indirect speech. (ii) In Indirect sentences, we use exclamatory sentences as statements. (iii) Indirect speech begins with that and full stop (•) is used instead of the exclamation mark (!). Reported Speech Class 10th

Exercise (Solved)

Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:

(i) He said, “I will do it now.” Answer: He said that he would do it then.

(ii) He says, “Honesty is the best policy.” Answer: He says that honesty is the best policy.

(iii) Ramesh says, “I have written a letter.” Answer: Ramesh says that he has written a letter.

(iv) She said, “Mahesh will be reading a book.” Answer: She said that Mahesh would be reading a book.

(v) She said, “Where is your father?” Answer: She inquired where his father was.

(vi) He said to me, “Please take your book.” Answer: He requested me to take my book.

(vii) The Principal said to the peon, “Let this boy go out.” Answer: The Principal ordered the peon to let that boy go out.

(viii) He said to me, “May you live long!” Answer: He prayed that I might live long.

(ix) She said, “Goodbye friends!” Answer: She bade goodbye to her friends.

(ix) The student said, “Alas! I wasted my time last year.” Answer: The student regretted that he had wasted his time the previous year.

Reported Speech For Class 10 Exercise (Unsolved)

  • The captain said, “Bravo! well done, my boys.”
  • He said to her, “Why do you read this book?”
  • He said to her, “Does your cow not kick?”
  • He said to his brother, “Shailesh has broken my glass.”
  • Our teacher said, “The earth revolves around the sun.”
  • He said to me, “Why have you come here?”
  • Usha said, “Father, you are very kind to me.”
  • The teacher said to the boys, “Do not make a noise.”
  • He said to his friend, “May you prosper in business!”
  • The officer said to the peon, “Let the visitor come into my office.”


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  6. CBSE Class 10 English Grammar

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  2. CBSE Class 10 English Grammar

    CBSE Class 10 English Grammar - Direct And Indirect Speech. The words spoken by a person can be reported in two ways—Direct and Indirect. When we quote the exact words spoken by a person, we call it Direct Speech. Sohan said to Mohan, "I am going to school.". The exact words spoken by Sohan are put within inverted commas.

  3. Direct and Indirect Speech Class 10 CBSE English Grammar [PDF]

    Learning direct and indirect speech exercises for class 10 pdf with answers is essential in Class 10 CBSE English Grammar as it enhances students' comprehension skills, improves their writing ability, and enables them to effectively report speech in various contexts, such as narratives, essays, and dialogue-based questions in exams. 7.

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  6. PDF English Grammar Class 10 Direct and Indirect speech

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  18. CBSE Class 10 English Grammar

    CBSE Class 10 English Grammar - Direct And Indirect Speech. The words spoken by a person can be reported in two ways—Direct and Indirect. When we quote the exact words spoken by a person, we call it Direct Speech. Sohan said to Mohan, "I am going to school.". The exact words spoken by Sohan are put within inverted commas.

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  23. CBSE Class 10 English Grammar

    Direct: The master said to the servant, "Fetch me a glass of water.". Indirect: The master ordered the servant to fetch him a glass of water. Direct: I said to him, "Please bring me a glass of water.". Indirect: I requested him to bring me a glass of water. Direct: I said to my friend, "Please lend me your book.".

  24. CBSE Class 10 English Grammar

    Reported Speech Class 10. The words spoken by a person can be reported in two ways—Direct and Indirect. When we quote the exact words spoken by a person, we call it Direct Speech. Sohan said to Mohan, "I am going to school.". The exact words spoken by Sohan are put within inverted commas.