How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay: Examples & Outline

Critical thinking is the process of evaluating and analyzing information. People who use it in everyday life are open to different opinions. They rely on reason and logic when making conclusions about certain issues.

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A critical thinking essay shows how your thoughts change as you research your topic. This type of assignment encourages you to learn rather than prove what you already know. In this article, our custom writing team will:

  • explain how to write an excellent critical essay;
  • introduce 30 great essay topics;
  • provide a critical thinking essay example in MLA format.
  • 🤔 Critical Thinking Essay Definition
  • 💡 Topics & Questions
  • ✅ Step-by-Step Guide
  • 📑 Essay Example & Formatting Tips
  • ✍️ Bonus Tips

🔍 References

🤔 what is a critical thinking essay.

A critical thinking essay is a paper that analyses an issue and reflects on it in order to develop an action plan. Unlike other essay types, it starts with a question instead of a thesis. It helps you develop a broader perspective on a specific issue. Critical writing aims at improving your analytical skills and encourages asking questions.

The picture shows the functions of critical thinking in writing.

Critical Thinking in Writing: Importance

When we talk about critical thinking and writing, the word “critical” doesn’t have any negative connotation. It simply implies thorough investigation, evaluation, and analysis of information. Critical thinking allows students to make objective conclusions and present their ideas logically. It also helps them avoid errors in reasoning.

The Basics: 8 Steps of Critical Thinking Psychology

Did you know that the critical thinking process consists of 8 steps? We’ve listed them below. You can try to implement them in your everyday life:

It’s possible that fallacies will occur during the process of critical thinking. Fallacies are errors in reasoning that fail to provide a reasonable conclusion. Here are some common types of fallacies:

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  • Generalization . It happens when you apply generally factual statements to a specific case.
  • Ambiguity . It occurs when the arguments are not clear and are not supported by evidence.
  • Appeal to authority . This mistake happens when you claim the statement is valid only because a respected person made it.
  • Appeal to emotion . It occurs when you use highly emotive language to convince the audience. Try to stay sensible and rely on the evidence.
  • Bifurcation . This mistake occurs when you choose only between two alternatives when more than two exist.
  • False analogy . It happens when the examples are poorly connected.

If you want to avoid these mistakes, do the following:

  • try not to draw conclusions too quickly,
  • be attentive,
  • carefully read through all the sources,
  • avoid generalizations.

How to Demonstrate Your Critical Thinking in Writing

Critical thinking encourages you to go beyond what you know and study new perspectives. When it comes to demonstrating your critical thinking skills in writing, you can try these strategies:

  • Read . Before you start writing an essay, read everything you can find on the subject you are about to cover. Focus on the critical points of your assignment.
  • Research . Look up several scholarly sources and study the information in-depth.
  • Evaluate . Analyze the sources and the information you’ve gathered. See whether you can disagree with the authors.
  • Prove . Explain why you agree or disagree with the authors’ conclusions. Back it up with evidence.

According to Purdue University, logical essay writing is essential when you deal with academic essays. It helps you demonstrate and prove the arguments. Make sure that your paper reaches a logical conclusion.

There are several main concepts related to logic:

If you want your essay to be logical, it’s better to avoid syllogistic fallacies, which happen with certain invalid deductions. If syllogisms are used carelessly, they can lead to false statements and ruin the credibility of your paper.

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💡 Critical Thinking Topics & Questions

An excellent critical thinking essay starts with a question. But how do you formulate it properly? Keep reading to find out.

How to Write Critical Thinking Questions: Examples with Answers

Asking the right questions is at the core of critical thinking. They challenge our beliefs and encourage our interest to learn more.

Here are some examples of model questions that prompt critical thinking:

  • What does… mean?
  • What would happen if…?
  • What are the principles of…?
  • Why is… important?
  • How does… affect…?
  • What do you think causes…?
  • How are… and… similar/different?
  • How do you explain….?
  • What are the implications of…?
  • What do we already know about…?

Now, let’s look at some critical thinking questions with the answers. You can use these as a model for your own questions:

Question: What would happen if people with higher income paid more taxes?

  • Answer: It would help society to prosper and function better. It would also help people out of poverty. This way, everyone can contribute to the economy.

Question: How does eating healthy benefit you?

  • Answer: Healthy eating affects people’s lives in many positive ways. It reduces cancer risk, improves your mood and memory, helps with weight loss and diabetes management, and improves your night sleep.

Critical Thinking Essay Topics

Have you already decided what your essay will be about? If not, feel free to use these essay topic examples as titles for your paper or as inspiration. Make sure to choose a theme that interests you personally:

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  • What are the reasons for racism in healthcare? 
  • Why is accepting your appearance important? 
  • Concepts of critical thinking and logical reasoning .
  • Nature and spirit in Ralf Waldo Emerson ’s poetry.
  • How does technological development affect communication in the modern world?
  • Social media effect on adolescents.
  • Is the representation of children in popular fiction accurate?
  • Domestic violence and its consequences. 
  • Why is mutual aid important in society?
  • How do stereotypes affect the way people think? 
  • The concept of happiness in different cultures.
  • The purpose of environmental art. 
  • Why do people have the need to be praised ?
  • How did antibiotics change medicine and its development? 
  • Is there a way to combat inequality in sports ?
  • Is gun control an effective way of crime prevention?
  • How our understanding of love changes through time.
  • The use of social media by the older generation.
  • Graffiti as a form of modern art .
  • Negative health effects of high sugar consumption.
  • Why are reality TV shows so popular?
  • Why should we eat healthily ?
  • How effective and fair is the US judicial system? 
  • Reasons of Cirque du Soleil phenomenon.
  • How can police brutality be stopped? 
  • Freedom of speech : does it exist?
  • The effects of vaccination misconceptions. 
  • How to eliminate New Brunswick’s demographic deficit: action plan. 
  • What makes a good movie ?
  • Critical analysis of your favorite book.
  • The connection between fashion and identity .
  • Taboo topics and how they are discussed in gothic literature .
  • Critical thinking essay on the problem of overpopulation .
  • Does our lifestyle affect our mental health ?
  • The role of self-esteem in preventing eating disorders in children .
  • Drug abuse among teenagers.
  • Rhetoric on assisted suicide .
  • Effects of violent video games on children’s mental health. 
  • Analyze the effect stress has on the productivity of a team member.  
  • Discuss the importance of the environmental studies .
  • Critical thinking and ethics of happy life.
  • The effects of human dignity on the promotion of justice.
  • Examine the ethics of advertising the tobacco industry.
  • Reasons and possible solutions of research misconduct.
  • Implication of parental deployment for children.
  • Cultural impact of superheroes on the US culture.
  • Examine the positive and negative impact of technology on modern society.
  • Critical thinking in literature: examples.
  • Analyze the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on economic transformation. 
  • Benefits and drawbacks of mandatory vaccination .

Haven’t found a suitable essay idea? Try using our topic generator !

✅ How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay Step by Step

Now, let’s focus on planning and writing your critical thinking essay. In this section, you will find an essay outline, examples of thesis statements, and a brief overview of each essay part.

Critical Thinking Essay Outline

In a critical thinking essay, there are two main things to consider: a premise and a conclusion :

  • A premise is a statement in the argument that explains the reason or supports a conclusion.
  • A conclusion indicates what the argument is trying to prove. Each argument can have only one conclusion.

When it comes to structuring, a critical thinking essay is very similar to any other type of essay. Before you start writing it, make sure you know what to include in it. An outline is very helpful when it comes to structuring a paper.

The picture enumerates the main parts of a critical essay outline: introduction, main body, conclusion.

How to Start a Critical Essay Introduction

An introduction gives readers a general idea of an essay’s contents. When you work on the introduction, imagine that you are drawing a map for the reader. It not only marks the final destination but also explains the route.

An introduction usually has 4 functions:

  • It catches the reader’s attention;
  • It states the essay’s main argument;
  • It provides some general information about the topic;
  • It shows the importance of the issue in question.

Here are some strategies that can make the introduction writing easier:

  • Give an overview of the essay’s topic.
  • Express the main idea.
  • Define the main terms.
  • Outline the issues that you are going to explore or argue about.
  • Explain the methodology and why you used it.
  • Write a hook to attract the reader’s attention.

Critical Analysis Thesis Statement & Examples

A thesis statement is an integral part of every essay. It keeps the paper organized and guides both the reader and the writer. A good thesis:

  • expresses the conclusion or position on a topic;
  • justifies your position or opinion with reasoning;
  • conveys one idea;
  • serves as the essay’s map.

To have a clearer understanding of what a good thesis is, let’s have a look at these examples.

The statement on the left is too general and doesn’t provide any reasoning. The one on the right narrows down the group of people to office workers and specifies the benefits of exercising.

Critical Thinking Essay Body Paragraphs: How to Write

Body paragraphs are the part of the essay where you discuss all the ideas and arguments. In a critical thinking essay, arguments are especially important. When you develop them, make sure that they:

  • reflect the key theme;
  • are supported by the sources/citations/examples.

Using counter-arguments is also effective. It shows that you acknowledge different points of view and are not easily persuaded.

In addition to your arguments, it’s essential to present the evidence . Demonstrate your critical thinking skills by analyzing each source and stating whether the author’s position is valid.

To make your essay logically flow, you may use transitions such as:

  • Accordingly,
  • For instance,
  • On the contrary,
  • In conclusion,
  • Not only… but also,
  • Undoubtedly.

How to Write a Critical Thinking Conclusion

In a critical thinking essay, the notion of “conclusion” is tightly connected to the one used in logic. A logical conclusion is a statement that specifies the author’s point of view or what the essay argues about. Each argument can have only one logical conclusion.

Sometimes they can be confused with premises. Remember that premises serve as a support for the conclusion. Unlike the conclusion, there can be several premises in a single argument. You can learn more about these concepts from the article on a logical consequence by Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Keeping this in mind, have a look at these tips for finishing your essay:

  • Briefly sum up the main points.
  • Provide a final thought on the issue.
  • Suggest some results or consequences.
  • Finish up with a call for action.

📑 Critical Thinking Essays Examples & Formatting Tips

Formatting is another crucial aspect of every formal paper. MLA and APA are two popular formats when it comes to academic writing. They share some similarities but overall are still two different styles. Here are critical essay format guidelines that you can use as a reference:

Finally, you’re welcome to check out a full critical essay sample in MLA format. Download the PDF file below:

Currently, the importance of critical thinking has grown rapidly because technological progress has led to expanded access to various content-making platforms: websites, online news agencies, and podcasts with, often, low-quality information. Fake news is used to achieve political and financial aims, targeting people with low news literacy. However, individuals can stop spreading fallacies by detecting false agendas with the help of a skeptical attitude.

✍️ Bonus Tips: Critical Thinking and Writing Exercises

Critical thinking is a process different from our regular thinking. When we think in everyday life, we do it automatically. However, when we’re thinking critically, we do it deliberately.

So how do we get better at this type of thinking and make it a habit? These useful tips will help you do it:

  • Ask basic questions. Sometimes, while we are doing research, the explanation becomes too complicated. To avoid it, always go back to your topic.
  • Question basic assumptions. When thinking through a problem, ask yourself whether your beliefs can be wrong. Keep an open mind while researching your question.
  • Think for yourself. Avoid getting carried away in the research and buying into other people’s opinions.
  • Reverse things. Sometimes it seems obvious that one thing causes another, but what if it’s the other way around?
  • Evaluate existing evidence. If you work with sources, it’s crucial to evaluate and question them.

Another way to improve your reasoning skills is to do critical thinking exercises. Here are some of them:

Thanks for reading through our article! We hope that you found it helpful and learned some new information. If you liked it, feel free to share it with your friends.

Further reading:

  • Critical Writing: Examples & Brilliant Tips [2024]
  • How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Essay: Outline, Steps, & Examples
  • How to Write an Analysis Essay: Examples + Writing Guide
  • How to Write a Critique Paper: Tips + Critique Essay Examples
  • How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay Step by Step
  • Critical Thinking and Writing: University of Kent
  • Steps to Critical Thinking: Rasmussen University
  • 3 Simple Habits to Improve Your Critical Thinking: Harvard Business Review
  • In-Class Writing Exercises: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Demonstrating Critical Thinking in Writing: University of South Australia
  • 15 Questions that Teachers and Parents Can Ask Kids to Encourage Critical Thinking: The Hun School
  • Questions to Provoke Critical Thinking: Brown University
  • How to Write a College Critical Thinking Essay: Seattle PI
  • Introductions: What They Do: Royal Literary Fund
  • Thesis Statements: Arizona State University
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Academic Writing: Critical Thinking & Writing

  • Academic Writing
  • Planning your writing
  • Structuring your assignment
  • Critical Thinking & Writing
  • Building an argument
  • Reflective Writing
  • Summarising, paraphrasing and quoting

Critical Thinking

One of the most important features of studying at university is the expectation that you will engage in thinking critically about your subject area. 

Critical thinking involves asking meaningful questions concerning the information, ideas, beliefs, and arguments that you will encounter. It requires you to approach your studies with a curious, open mind, discard preconceptions, and interrogate received knowledge and established practices.

Critical thinking is key to successfully expressing your individuality as an independent learner and thinker in an academic context. It is also a valuable life skill. 

Critical thinking enables you to:

  • Evaluate information, its validity and significance in a particular context.
  • Analyse and interpret evidence and data in response to a line of enquiry.
  • Weigh-up alternative explanations and arguments.
  • Develop your own evidence-based and well-reasoned arguments.
  • Develop well-informed viewpoints.
  • Formulate your own independent, justifiable ideas.
  • Actively engage with the wider scholarship of your academic community.

Writing Critically

Being able to demonstrate and communicate critical thinking in your written assignments through critical writing is key to achieving academic success. 

Critical writing can be distinguished from descriptive writing which is concerned with conveying information rather than interrogating information. Understanding the difference between these two styles of academic writing and when to use them is important.

The balance between descriptive writing and critical writing will vary depending on the nature of the assignment and the level of your studies. Some level of descriptive writing is generally necessary to support critical writing. More sophisticated criticality is generally required at higher levels of study with less descriptive content. You will continue to develop your critical writing skills as you progress through your course.

Descriptive Writing and Critical Writing

  • Descriptive Writing
  • Critical Writing
  • Examples of Critical Writing

Descriptive writing demonstrates the knowledge you have of a subject, and your knowledge of what other people say about that subject.  Descriptive writing often responds to questions framed as ‘what’ , ‘where’ , ‘who’ and ‘when’ .

Descriptive writing might include the following:

  • Description of what something is or what it is about (an account, facts, observable features, details): a topic, problem, situation, or context of the subject under discussion.
  • Description of where it takes place (setting and context), who is involved and when it occurs. 
  • Re-statement or summary of what others say about the topic.
  • Background facts and information for a discussion.

Description usually comes before critical content so that the reader can understand the topic you are critically engaging with.

Critical writing requires you to apply interpretation, analysis, and evaluation to the descriptions you have provided. Critical writing often responds to questions framed as ‘how’ or ‘why’ . Often, critical writing will require you to build an argument which is supported by evidence. 

Some indicators of critical writing are:

  • Investigation of positive and negative perspectives on ideas
  • Supporting ideas and arguments with evidence, which might include authoritative sources, data, statistics, research, theories, and quotations
  • Balanced, unbiased appraisal of arguments and counterarguments/alternative viewpoints
  • Honest recognition of the limitations of an argument and supporting evidence
  • Plausible, rational, convincing, and well-reasoned conclusions 

Critical writing might include the following:

  • Applying an idea or theory to different situations or relate theory to practice. Does the idea work/not work in practice? Is there a factor that makes it work/not work? For example: 'Smith's (2008) theory on teamwork is effective in the workplace because it allows a diverse group of people with different skills to work effectively'.
  • Justifying why a process or policy exists. For example: 'It was necessary for the nurse to check the patient's handover notes because...'
  • Proposing an alternative approach to view and act on situations. For example: 'By adopting a Freirian approach, we could view the student as a collaborator in our teaching and learning'. Or: 'If we had followed the NMC guidelines we could have made the patient feel calm and relaxed during the consultation'.
  • Discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of an idea/theory/policy. Why does this idea/theory/policy work? Or why does this idea not work? For example: 'Although Smith's (2008) theory on teamwork is useful for large teams, there are challenges in applying this theory to teams who work remotely'. 
  • Discussion of how the idea links to other ideas in the field (synthesis). For example: 'the user experience of parks can be greatly enhanced by examining Donnelly's (2009) customer service model used in retail’.
  • Discussion of how the idea compares and contrasts with other ideas/theories. For example: ‘The approach advocated by the NMC differs in comparison because of factor A and factor C’.
  • Discussion of the ‘’up-to-datedness” and relevance of an idea/theory/policy (its currency). For example: 'although this approach was successful in supporting the local community, Smith's model does not accommodate the needs of a modern global economy'. 
  • Evaluating an idea/theory/policy by providing evidence-informed judgment. For example: 'Therefore, May's delivery model should be discontinued as it has created significant issues for both customers and staff (Ransom, 2018)'.
  • Creating new perspectives or arguments based on knowledge. For example: 'to create strong and efficient buildings, we will look to the designs provided by nature. The designs of the Sydney Opera House are based on the segments of an orange (Cook, 2019)'. 

Further Reading

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How to write critical thinking essay: expert tips.

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Updated: April 16, 2024

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Diving into the world of critical thinking essays can be both exhilarating and daunting. Many students struggle with where to start, how to structure their thoughts, and what exactly sets a critical thinking essay apart from other types of academic writing. A critical thinking essay encourages you to analyze, interpret, and evaluate different viewpoints, supporting your conclusions with evidence and clear reasoning. In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover everything from understanding the essence of a critical thinking essay, to structuring it effectively, choosing engaging topics, and utilizing evidence to bolster your arguments, ensuring you're equipped to write a compelling and insightful essay.

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Understanding critical thinking essays: definition and purpose.

An open book with lightbulb drawn on one page, symbolizing idea generation and critical thinking, in a bright, indoor setting, Photographic, using a macro lens for detail and soft natural light.

A critical thinking essay challenges students to dive deep into a topic, question assumptions, and evaluate evidence. Unlike other essays that might only require a summary or a personal reflection, a critical thinking essay demands that you think independently and argue your points convincingly. The purpose of such essays is to develop and demonstrate your ability to think critically about complex issues, considering various viewpoints and using evidence to support your conclusions. This type of essay encourages you to:

  • Analyze and interpret information critically
  • Evaluate different perspectives
  • Support your arguments with solid evidence

What sets a critical thinking essay apart is not just the depth of analysis, but also the way it pushes you to question commonly accepted beliefs and explore alternative solutions. Writing a critical essay is an opportunity to enhance your critical thinking skills, which are invaluable not only in academics but in everyday decision-making and problem-solving. The ultimate goal of a critical thinking essay is to foster open-mindedness and a willingness to consider and engage with different ideas, arguments, and evidence. Through this process, you not only learn more about the topic at hand but also about how to think more effectively and independently.

General Guidelines for Crafting a Critical Thinking Essay

Crafting a critical thinking essay requires more than just presenting facts or opinions; it demands an in-depth analysis and evaluation of ideas from multiple perspectives. This type of essay is designed to challenge readers and writers alike to think beyond the surface level, question assumptions, and explore alternative viewpoints. To achieve this, it's essential to follow general guidelines that ensure your essay is clear, coherent, and compelling. These guidelines include understanding the essence of critical thinking, structuring your essay effectively, and supporting your arguments with solid evidence. By adhering to these principles, you can create an essay that not only demonstrates your analytical skills but also engages and enlightens your audience.

A well-crafted critical thinking essay begins with a clear thesis statement that guides the direction of your arguments and conclusions. It's crucial to develop a structured outline that organizes your thoughts and evidence logically. Each body paragraph should introduce a new idea or piece of evidence, followed by analysis and interpretation that supports your overall thesis. Concluding your essay with a strong summary of your arguments and their implications encourages readers to reflect on the issue and consider your perspective. By following these general guidelines, you can ensure that your critical thinking essay is coherent, persuasive, and thought-provoking.

Starting Your Critical Thinking Essay: Tips and Strategies

A bulletin board covered in post-it notes, symbolizing brainstorming and idea generation, in a bright, indoor setting, Photographic, using a wide-angle lens to capture the expanse of the bulletin board.

Starting a critical thinking essay can often be the most challenging part of the writing process. To ease into it, begin by brainstorming ideas and questions that challenge conventional wisdom or explore the topic from unique angles. Formulating a strong thesis statement is crucial; it serves as the backbone of your essay, guiding your arguments and conclusions. Consider employing strategies such as free-writing or clustering to generate and organize your thoughts. Remember, the introduction should not only introduce your thesis but also capture the reader's attention and highlight the importance of the issue at hand. By carefully planning your start, you set a solid foundation for a compelling critical thinking essay.

Writing a Critical Thinking Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide

Writing a critical thinking essay is a step-by-step process that involves careful planning and detailed analysis. Start with thorough research, gathering evidence from credible sources that offer diverse perspectives on your topic. It's important to critically evaluate these sources, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and considering how they support or challenge your thesis.

Next, draft your essay, beginning with an engaging introduction that outlines your thesis and the importance of the topic. In the body paragraphs, present your arguments and evidence clearly and logically, making sure each paragraph focuses on a single idea. Use transitions to ensure a smooth flow of ideas from one section to the next. Conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and reflecting on their broader implications. Throughout this process, keep your audience in mind, aiming to present your analysis in a way that is understandable and persuasive.

Structuring Your Critical Thinking Essay Effectively

Structuring your critical thinking essay effectively is key to presenting your arguments in a clear and persuasive manner. Begin with an introduction that grabs the reader's attention and clearly states your thesis. The body of your essay should consist of several paragraphs, each focused on a specific argument or piece of evidence supporting your thesis. Use the sandwich rule: introduce the idea, provide evidence, and then explain its relevance to your thesis. Conclude your essay by restating your thesis, summarizing your main arguments, and offering a final reflection on the topic. Proper structure not only enhances the clarity of your essay but also strengthens its impact on the reader.

The Importance of Critical Thinking in Academic Writing

A serene library with books and a glowing lamp on a table, symbolizing academic growth and critical thinking, Photographic, with a wide-angle lens capturing the expanse of the library in soft, warm light.

Critical thinking is the cornerstone of academic writing, serving as the engine that drives the exploration and presentation of ideas in a coherent and persuasive manner. At its core, critical thinking involves analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information to form well-reasoned arguments and conclusions. This process is crucial because it ensures that academic writing is not just a regurgitation of facts, but a thoughtful examination of topics that challenges existing viewpoints and contributes new insights. For the writer, engaging in critical thinking fosters intellectual growth and creativity, enabling them to navigate complex issues and articulate their thoughts more effectively. For the reader, it offers a structured and engaging narrative that not only informs but also stimulates further reflection and inquiry.

The benefits of incorporating critical thinking into academic writing are manifold.

  • For writers , it enhances their analytical skills, making it easier to identify key arguments and evidence, discern biases, and construct coherent narratives.
  • For readers , it transforms the reading experience, from passively absorbing information to actively engaging with the material, questioning assumptions, and evaluating the strength of the writer's arguments.

Moreover, critical thinking in academic writing sets the foundation for scholarly discourse, encouraging a culture of inquiry and debate that is essential for the advancement of knowledge. By prioritizing critical thinking, both writers and readers partake in a dynamic intellectual exchange that not only enriches their understanding of the subject matter but also cultivates essential skills for lifelong learning and informed citizenship.

Distinguishing Between Critical Thinking Essays and Other Papers

Critical thinking essays stand out from other types of academic papers due to their emphasis on analysis, evaluation, and the synthesis of various perspectives. Unlike narrative or descriptive essays, which may focus on recounting experiences or detailing subjects, critical thinking essays require you to dive deep into a topic, question established norms, and present arguments supported by evidence. The key differences include :

  • The depth of analysis required
  • The necessity to evaluate and question rather than merely describe or narrate
  • The importance of synthesizing information from multiple sources to support a well-reasoned argument

Furthermore, while argumentative essays may seem similar in that they also present a stance on a topic, critical thinking essays demand a more nuanced approach to evidence and counterarguments. Critical thinking essays encourage :

  • A balanced examination of differing viewpoints
  • The integration of counterarguments to strengthen the analysis
  • A focus on logical reasoning and evidence over persuasion alone

This distinct approach not only sharpens your analytical skills but also prepares you for engaging with complex issues in a more thoughtful and informed manner.

Choosing Topics for Your Critical Thinking Essay

Choosing a topic for your critical thinking essay can be a pivotal step in setting the stage for a compelling argument. A well-chosen topic not only sparks your interest but also challenges you to delve deeper into analyzing and questioning various perspectives. Critical thinking essays thrive on topics that are not black and white but instead reside in the grey areas of debate and discussion. These topics should encourage you to explore, question, and evaluate different viewpoints, pushing you to develop a nuanced understanding of the subject at hand.

When selecting your essay topic, consider areas that involve ethical dilemmas, socio-political controversies, or scientific debates. For example, topics like "The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace," "Analyzing the Impact of Social Media on Public Opinion," or "The Role of Government in Regulating Climate Change" can provide a rich ground for critical analysis. Remember, the best critical thinking essay topics are those that:

  • Are relevant to contemporary issues
  • Offer scope for in-depth analysis and evaluation
  • Allow you to explore various perspectives and form evidence-based conclusions

Formulating Critical Thinking Questions for Your Essay

Formulating critical thinking questions for your essay is about sparking curiosity and inviting exploration. These questions should not have straightforward answers but instead prompt you to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information from multiple sources. Begin by asking broad questions like, "What are the potential impacts of technology on human creativity?" or "How do cultural biases influence judicial systems worldwide?" Then, narrow down to more specific questions that guide your research and analysis, such as, "In what ways can technology both hinder and enhance creativity in the education sector?" or "What role does cultural bias play in sentencing disparities across different countries?" Formulating critical thinking questions is an art that sets the direction for your entire essay, encouraging a deeper investigation of the topic.

Critical Thinking Essay Examples to Guide Your Writing

Looking at critical thinking essay examples can be incredibly beneficial as you embark on your writing journey. These examples serve as practical illustrations of how to apply theoretical concepts of critical analysis, argumentation, and evidence-based reasoning in an essay format. By examining how others have tackled complex topics, you can gain insights into structuring your arguments, integrating evidence, and presenting a balanced analysis.

For instance, an essay analyzing the "Effectiveness of Environmental Policies in Reducing Carbon Emissions" might demonstrate how to critically evaluate policy outcomes, assess contradictory evidence, and argue for more effective solutions. Another example could be an essay on "The Influence of Media on Political Elections," showcasing how to dissect media strategies, understand their impact on public opinion, and evaluate their implications for democratic processes. Through these essay examples , you learn not only about the content but also about crafting a coherent structure that guides the reader through your critical thinking process.

Exercises to Enhance Your Critical Thinking Skills

Enhancing your critical thinking skills is a crucial step before diving into the writing of a critical thinking essay. One effective exercise is to practice debating on various topics with friends or classmates. Choose topics that are controversial or have multiple viewpoints. This will encourage you to:

  • Look at the issue from different angles
  • Construct and defend your arguments
  • Critically evaluate the arguments of others

Such debates not only improve your ability to think on your feet but also deepen your understanding of how to structure arguments in your essays.

Another beneficial exercise is analyzing news articles from various sources on the same event. This task helps you to:

  • Identify biases and discrepancies between reports
  • Understand the importance of reliable evidence
  • Develop the ability to distinguish fact from opinion

By regularly engaging in this exercise, you'll enhance your ability to critically analyze texts and integrate this critical perspective into your essays, ensuring your arguments are well-supported and balanced .

Using Evidence in Your Critical Thinking Essay

In a critical thinking essay, using credible evidence is not just beneficial; it's essential. This type of essay requires you to go beyond mere opinions, challenging you to analyze and evaluate information deeply. When you use evidence effectively, you're doing more than just supporting your argument; you're providing a foundation for your critical analysis. This involves:

  • Selecting evidence that is directly relevant to your thesis
  • Ensuring the sources of your evidence are credible and authoritative
  • Integrating this evidence in a way that strengthens your argument

Integrating evidence into your essay can be a challenge, but it's a critical step in crafting a persuasive argument. When you introduce evidence, be sure to explain its relevance to your argument clearly. This might mean analyzing data, quoting experts, or referencing studies that support your point of view. Remember, the goal is not just to present evidence, but to use it as a tool for critical analysis. Effective integration of evidence involves:

  • Clearly connecting each piece of evidence to your argument
  • Analyzing the evidence to show how it supports your thesis
  • Being mindful not to over-rely on one source, but rather to use a variety of evidence to build a strong, well-rounded argument

The Role of Academic Language in Critical Thinking Essays

Academic language plays a pivotal role in crafting a critical thinking essay. It's the vehicle through which your analysis, arguments, and evidence are communicated. Using proper academic language ensures that your essay is taken seriously and demonstrates your ability to engage with complex ideas in a scholarly manner. Key components of academic language in critical thinking essays include:

  • Precise vocabulary that accurately conveys your analysis and understanding of the topic
  • A formal tone that respects the academic discourse
  • Clear and logical structuring of arguments to guide the reader through your thought process

However, mastering academic language is not just about choosing the right words; it's about using those words to construct powerful and persuasive arguments. To use academic language effectively in your critical thinking essay, consider the following strategies:

  • Integrate evidence seamlessly, using direct quotes or paraphrasing to support your points while adhering to academic citation standards
  • Employ analytical expressions to evaluate and synthesize different viewpoints, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each perspective
  • Ensure clarity by avoiding jargon or overly complex language that could obscure your argument

By prioritizing academic language, you elevate your essay from a mere collection of opinions to a rigorous academic discourse, showcasing your critical thinking prowess.

Proofreading: The Final Step in Writing Your Critical Thinking Essay

After pouring hours into researching, drafting, and revising your critical thinking essay, it's easy to overlook the final, yet crucial step: proofreading . This process is not just about catching typos or grammar mistakes; it's about ensuring your essay is coherent, logically structured, and free of errors, making it a polished piece that meets academic standards. Proofreading allows you to:

  • Catch and correct misspellings and grammatical errors
  • Ensure consistency in your writing style and tone
  • Verify that all arguments and evidence are clearly and logically presented

Despite the temptation to skip this step, especially after extensive revisions, remember that proofreading can significantly impact the quality and credibility of your essay. It's the difference between an essay that feels hastily put together and one that is thoughtfully crafted and easy to read. To effectively proofread your critical thinking essay, consider:

  • Reading your essay out loud to catch awkward phrasings or inconsistencies
  • Taking breaks between writing and proofreading to approach your essay with fresh eyes
  • Utilizing tools and resources, like grammar checkers, to help identify errors you might have missed

Proofreading is not just a final check but a vital part of the essay writing process that ensures your hard work is accurately reflected in the final product.

Formatting Tips for Your Critical Thinking Essay

Formatting your critical thinking essay correctly is crucial for presenting your analysis in a clear and professional manner. Use a standard academic format like MLA or APA, as these are commonly accepted in academic writing. Your essay should be:

  • Double-spaced with 1-inch margins
  • Written in a 10-12-point font, such as Times New Roman
  • Include a page header with page numbers flush right

These formatting guidelines ensure that your essay is easy to read and looks polished.

Citations are key in a critical thinking essay, as they lend credibility to your arguments and demonstrate your engagement with the topic. Depending on the citation style you choose (MLA or APA are most common), remember to:

  • Include in-text citations whenever you summarize, paraphrase, or quote sources
  • Create a "References" or "Works Cited" page at the end of your essay, listing all your sources in alphabetical order

By adhering to these citation and layout tips, you ensure that your critical thinking essay meets academic standards and effectively communicates your ideas.

Identifying a True Critical Thinking Essay

Identifying a true critical thinking essay involves looking for specific characteristics that set it apart from other types of academic writing. A critical thinking essay should not merely present information or an opinion ; instead, it must delve deep into analysis, questioning, and evaluation of ideas from multiple perspectives. Key indicators include:

  • The presence of a clear thesis that offers a nuanced stance on a complex issue
  • Arguments supported by credible evidence and a thorough analysis of this evidence
  • Consideration of counterarguments and alternative viewpoints to demonstrate open-mindedness and depth of thought

Moreover, a true critical thinking essay will showcase the writer's ability to synthesize information and draw insightful conclusions that go beyond surface-level understanding. The language used should be precise and academic , yet accessible enough to convey complex ideas clearly. Look for:

  • Logical structuring of arguments and evidence to guide the reader through the analysis
  • Use of academic sources and proper citation to lend credibility to the essay
  • A conclusion that not only summarizes the main points but also reflects on their broader implications, encouraging further thought or discussion

Enhance Your Critical Thinking Essay with

Crafting a critical thinking essay requires deep analysis, evaluation of diverse viewpoints, and the integration of solid evidence, which can be quite daunting. steps in as a powerful ally in this process, offering AI-powered writing assistance that streamlines research, suggests credible sources, and helps organize your thoughts coherently. With features like:

  • Advanced plagiarism checks
  • Access to authentic sources
  • Tailored research experience ensures your critical thinking essay is not only original but also richly supported by evidence and structured to engage and persuade your readers.

Beyond research and organization,'s capabilities extend to refining your essay, making sure it adheres to academic integrity and is free of errors. The AI-driven tool offers suggestions that enhance your writing style, ensuring it's clear, concise, and academically sound. By leveraging, you benefit from:

  • A personalized writing assistant
  • Seamless integration of evidence
  • Enhanced proofreading capabilities

This comprehensive support empowers you to craft a critical thinking essay that stands out for its clarity, depth of analysis, and scholarly accuracy. Encouraging students and professionals alike to try could be the key to unlocking a smoother, more efficient essay writing process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start a critical thinking essay.

Starting a critical thinking essay involves brainstorming ideas and questions that challenge conventional wisdom or explore the topic from unique angles. It's crucial to formulate a strong thesis statement to guide your arguments and conclusions. Employing strategies such as free-writing or clustering can help generate and organize your thoughts. The introduction should not only introduce your thesis but also capture the reader's attention and highlight the importance of the issue at hand.

How do you start writing a critical essay?

To start writing a critical essay, begin by thoroughly researching your topic, gathering evidence from credible sources that offer diverse perspectives. Evaluate these sources critically, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Draft your essay starting with an engaging introduction that outlines your thesis and the importance of the topic. In the body paragraphs, present your arguments and evidence clearly and logically. Conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and reflecting on their broader implications.

How do you write critical thinking?

Writing critical thinking involves analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating different viewpoints, and supporting your conclusions with evidence and clear reasoning. Start with thorough research and draft your essay with an engaging introduction, clear thesis statement, and structured body paragraphs that focus on a single idea or piece of evidence, followed by analysis. Conclude by summarizing your arguments and reflecting on their implications. Throughout, maintain an open-minded approach and consider various perspectives.

What is critical thinking short essay?

A critical thinking short essay is a concise piece of writing that challenges you to analyze, interpret, and evaluate different viewpoints on a topic, supporting your conclusions with evidence and clear reasoning. Unlike other essays, it demands independent thinking and a nuanced argument, encouraging you to question assumptions and explore alternative solutions. This type of essay aims to develop and demonstrate your ability to think critically about complex issues.

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3.1: Critical Thinking in College Writing - From the Personal to the Academic

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There is something about the term “critical thinking” that makes you draw a blank every time you think about what it means.* It seems so fuzzy and abstract that you end up feeling uncomfortable, as though the term is thrust upon you, demanding an intellectual effort that you may not yet have. But you know it requires you to enter a realm of smart, complex ideas that others have written about and that you have to navigate, understand, and interact with just as intelligently. It’s a lot to ask for. It makes you feel like a stranger in a strange land.

As a writing teacher I am accustomed to reading and responding to difficult texts. In fact, I like grappling with texts that have interesting ideas no matter how complicated they are because I understand their value. I have learned through my years of education that what ultimately engages me, keeps me enthralled, is not just grammatically pristine, fluent writing, but writing that forces me to think beyond the page. It is writing where the writer has challenged herself and then offered up that challenge to the reader, like a baton in a relay race. The idea is to run with the baton.

You will often come across critical thinking and analysis as requirements for assignments in writing and upper-level courses in a variety of disciplines. Instructors have varying explanations of what they actually require of you, but, in general, they expect you to respond thoughtfully to texts you have read. The first thing you should remember is not to be afraid of critical thinking. It does not mean that you have to criticize the text, disagree with its premise, or attack the writer simply because you feel you must. Criticism is the process of responding to and evaluating ideas, argument, and style so that readers understand how and why you value these items.

Critical thinking is also a process that is fundamental to all disciplines. While in this essay I refer mainly to critical thinking in composition, the general principles behind critical thinking are strikingly similar in other fields and disciplines. In history, for instance, it could mean examining and analyzing primary sources in order to understand the context in which they were written. In the hard sciences, it usually involves careful reasoning, making judgments and decisions, and problem solving. While critical thinking may be subject-specific, that is to say, it can vary in method and technique depending on the discipline, most of its general principles such as rational thinking, making independent evaluations and judgments, and a healthy skepticism of what is being read, are common to all disciplines. No matter the area of study, the application of critical thinking skills leads to clear and flexible thinking and a better understanding of the subject at hand.

To be a critical thinker you not only have to have an informed opinion about the text but also a thoughtful response to it. There is no doubt that critical thinking is serious thinking, so here are some steps you can take to become a serious thinker and writer.

Attentive Reading: A Foundation for Critical Thinking

A critical thinker is always a good reader because to engage critically with a text you have to read attentively and with an open mind, absorbing new ideas and forming your own as you go along. Let us imagine you are reading an essay by Annie Dillard, a famous essayist, called “Living like Weasels.” Students are drawn to it because the idea of the essay appeals to something personally fundamental to all of us: how to live our lives. It is also a provocative essay that pulls the reader into the argument and forces a reaction, a good criterion for critical thinking.

So let’s say that in reading the essay you encounter a quote that gives you pause. In describing her encounter with a weasel in Hollins Pond, Dillard says, “I would like to learn, or remember, how to live . . . I don’t think I can learn from a wild animal how to live in particular . . . but I might learn something of mindlessness, something of the purity of living in the physical senses and the dignity of living without bias or motive” (220). You may not be familiar with language like this. It seems complicated, and you have to stop ever so often (perhaps after every phrase) to see if you understood what Dillard means. You may ask yourself these questions:

  • What does “mindlessness” mean in this context?
  • How can one “learn something of mindlessness?”
  • What does Dillard mean by “purity of living in the physical senses?”
  • How can one live “without bias or motive?”

These questions show that you are an attentive reader. Instead of simply glossing over this important passage, you have actually stopped to think about what the writer means and what she expects you to get from it. Here is how I read the quote and try to answer the questions above: Dillard proposes a simple and uncomplicated way of life as she looks to the animal world for inspiration. It is ironic that she admires the quality of “mindlessness” since it is our consciousness, our very capacity to think and reason, which makes us human, which makes us beings of a higher order. Yet, Dillard seems to imply that we need to live instinctually, to be guided by our senses rather than our intellect. Such a “thoughtless” approach to daily living, according to Dillard, would mean that our actions would not be tainted by our biases or motives, our prejudices. We would go back to a primal way of living, like the weasel she observes. It may take you some time to arrive at this understanding on your own, but it is important to stop, reflect, and ask questions of the text whenever you feel stumped by it. Often such questions will be helpful during class discussions and peer review sessions.

Listing Important Ideas

When reading any essay, keep track of all the important points the writer makes by jotting down a list of ideas or quotations in a notebook. This list not only allows you to remember ideas that are central to the writer’s argument, ideas that struck you in some way or the other, but it also you helps you to get a good sense of the whole reading assignment point by point. In reading Annie Dillard’s essay, we come across several points that contribute toward her proposal for better living and that help us get a better understanding of her main argument. Here is a list of some of her ideas that struck me as important:

  • “The weasel lives in necessity and we live in choice, hating necessity and dying at the last ignobly in its talons” (220).
  • “And I suspect that for me the way is like the weasel’s: open to time and death painlessly, noticing everything, remembering nothing, choosing the given with a fierce and pointed will” (221).
  • “We can live any way we want. People take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience—even of silence—by choice. The thing is to stalk your calling in a certain skilled and supple way, to locate the most tender and live spot and plug into that pulse” (221).
  • “A weasel doesn’t ‘attack’ anything; a weasel lives as he’s meant to, yielding at every moment to the perfect freedom of single necessity” (221).
  • “I think it would be well, and proper, and obedient, and pure, to grasp your one necessity and not let it go, to dangle from it limp wherever it takes you” (221).

These quotations give you a cumulative sense of what Dillard is trying to get at in her essay, that is, they lay out the elements with which she builds her argument. She first explains how the weasel lives, what she learns from observing the weasel, and then prescribes a lifestyle she admires—the central concern of her essay.

Noticing Key Terms and Summarizing Important Quotes

Within the list of quotations above are key terms and phrases that are critical to your understanding of the ideal life as Dillard describes it. For instance, “mindlessness,” “instinct,” “perfect freedom of a single necessity,” “stalk your calling,” “choice,” and “fierce and pointed will” are weighty terms and phrases, heavy with meaning, that you need to spend time understanding. You also need to understand the relationship between them and the quotations in which they appear. This is how you might work on each quotation to get a sense of its meaning and then come up with a statement that takes the key terms into account and expresses a general understanding of the text:

Quote 1: Animals (like the weasel) live in “necessity,” which means that their only goal in life is to survive. They don’t think about how they should live or what choices they should make like humans do. According to Dillard, we like to have options and resist the idea of “necessity.” We fight death—an inevitable force that we have no control over—and yet ultimately surrender to it as it is the necessary end of our lives.

Quote 2: Dillard thinks the weasel’s way of life is the best way to live. It implies a pure and simple approach to life where we do not worry about the passage of time or the approach of death. Like the weasel, we should live life in the moment, intensely experiencing everything but not dwelling on the past. We should accept our condition, what we are “given,” with a “fierce and pointed will.” Perhaps this means that we should pursue our one goal, our one passion in life, with the same single-minded determination and tenacity that we see in the weasel.

Quote 3: As humans, we can choose any lifestyle we want. The trick, however, is to go after our one goal, one passion like a stalker would after a prey.

Quote 4: While we may think that the weasel (or any animal) chooses to attack other animals, it is really only surrendering to the one thing it knows: its need to live. Dillard tells us there is “the perfect freedom” in this desire to survive because to her, the lack of options (the animal has no other option than to fight to survive) is the most liberating of all.

Quote 5: Dillard urges us to latch on to our deepest passion in life (the “one necessity”) with the tenacity of a weasel and not let go. Perhaps she’s telling us how important it is to have an unwavering focus or goal in life.

Writing a Personal Response: Looking Inward

Dillard’s ideas will have certainly provoked a response in your mind, so if you have some clear thoughts about how you feel about the essay this is the time to write them down. As you look at the quotes you have selected and your explanation of their meaning, begin to create your personal response to the essay. You may begin by using some of these strategies:

  • Tell a story. Has Dillard’s essay reminded you of an experience you have had? Write a story in which you illustrate a point that Dillard makes or hint at an idea that is connected to her essay.
  • Focus on an idea from Dillard’s essay that is personally important to you. Write down your thoughts about this idea in a first person narrative and explain your perspective on the issue.
  • If you are uncomfortable writing a personal narrative or using “I” (you should not be), reflect on some of her ideas that seem important and meaningful in general. Why were you struck by these ideas?
  • Write a short letter to Dillard in which you speak to her about the essay. You may compliment her on some of her ideas by explaining why you like them, ask her a question related to her essay and explain why that question came to you, and genuinely start up a conversation with her.

This stage in critical thinking is important for establishing your relationship with a text. What do I mean by this “relationship,” you may ask? Simply put, it has to do with how you feel about the text. Are you amazed by how true the ideas seem to be, how wise Dillard sounds? Or are you annoyed by Dillard’s let-me-tell-you-how-to-live approach and disturbed by the impractical ideas she so easily prescribes? Do you find Dillard’s voice and style thrilling and engaging or merely confusing? No matter which of the personal response options you select, your initial reaction to the text will help shape your views about it.

Making an Academic Connection: Looking Outward

First year writing courses are designed to teach a range of writing— from the personal to the academic—so that you can learn to express advanced ideas, arguments, concepts, or theories in any discipline. While the example I have been discussing pertains mainly to college writing, the method of analysis and approach to critical thinking I have demonstrated here will serve you well in a variety of disciplines. Since critical thinking and analysis are key elements of the reading and writing you will do in college, it is important to understand how they form a part of academic writing. No matter how intimidating the term “academic writing” may seem (it is, after all, associated with advanced writing and becoming an expert in a field of study), embrace it not as a temporary college requirement but as a habit of mind.

To some, academic writing often implies impersonal writing, writing that is detached, distant, and lacking in personal meaning or relevance. However, this is often not true of the academic writing you will do in a composition class. Here your presence as a writer—your thoughts, experiences, ideas, and therefore who you are—is of much significance to the writing you produce. In fact, it would not be farfetched to say that in a writing class academic writing often begins with personal writing. Let me explain. If critical thinking begins with a personal view of the text, academic writing helps you broaden that view by going beyond the personal to a more universal point of view. In other words, academic writing often has its roots in one’s private opinion or perspective about another writer’s ideas but ultimately goes beyond this opinion to the expression of larger, more abstract ideas. Your personal vision—your core beliefs and general approach to life— will help you arrive at these “larger ideas” or universal propositions that any reader can understand and be enlightened by, if not agree with. In short, academic writing is largely about taking a critical, analytical stance toward a subject in order to arrive at some compelling conclusions.

Let us now think about how you might apply your critical thinking skills to move from a personal reaction to a more formal academic response to Annie Dillard’s essay. The second stage of critical thinking involves textual analysis and requires you to do the following:

  • Summarize the writer’s ideas the best you can in a brief paragraph. This provides the basis for extended analysis since it contains the central ideas of the piece, the building blocks, so to speak.
  • Evaluate the most important ideas of the essay by considering their merits or flaws, their worthiness or lack of worthiness. Do not merely agree or disagree with the ideas but explore and explain why you believe they are socially, politically, philosophically, or historically important and relevant, or why you need to question, challenge, or reject them.
  • Identify gaps or discrepancies in the writer’s argument. Does she contradict herself? If so, explain how this contradiction forces you to think more deeply about her ideas. Or if you are confused, explain what is confusing and why.
  • Examine the strategies the writer uses to express her ideas. Look particularly at her style, voice, use of figurative language, and the way she structures her essay and organizes her ideas. Do these strategies strengthen or weaken her argument? How?
  • Include a second text—an essay, a poem, lyrics of a song— whose ideas enhance your reading and analysis of the primary text. This text may help provide evidence by supporting a point you’re making, and further your argument.
  • Extend the writer’s ideas, develop your own perspective, and propose new ways of thinking about the subject at hand.

Crafting the Essay

Once you have taken notes and developed a thorough understanding of the text, you are on your way to writing a good essay. If you were asked to write an exploratory essay, a personal response to Dillard’s essay would probably suffice. However, an academic writing assignment requires you to be more critical. As counter-intuitive as it may sound, beginning your essay with a personal anecdote often helps to establish your relationship to the text and draw the reader into your writing. It also helps to ease you into the more complex task of textual analysis. Once you begin to analyze Dillard’s ideas, go back to the list of important ideas and quotations you created as you read the essay. After a brief summary, engage with the quotations that are most important, that get to the heart of Dillard’s ideas, and explore their meaning. Textual engagement, a seemingly slippery concept, simply means that you respond directly to some of Dillard’s ideas, examine the value of Dillard’s assertions, and explain why they are worthwhile or why they should be rejected. This should help you to transition into analysis and evaluation. Also, this part of your essay will most clearly reflect your critical thinking abilities as you are expected not only to represent Dillard’s ideas but also to weigh their significance. Your observations about the various points she makes, analysis of conflicting viewpoints or contradictions, and your understanding of her general thesis should now be synthesized into a rich new idea about how we should live our lives. Conclude by explaining this fresh point of view in clear, compelling language and by rearticulating your main argument.

Modeling Good Writing

When I teach a writing class, I often show students samples of really good writing that I’ve collected over the years. I do this for two reasons: first, to show students how another freshman writer understood and responded to an assignment that they are currently working on; and second, to encourage them to succeed as well. I explain that although they may be intimidated by strong, sophisticated writing and feel pressured to perform similarly, it is always helpful to see what it takes to get an A. It also helps to follow a writer’s imagination, to learn how the mind works when confronted with a task involving critical thinking. The following sample is a response to the Annie Dillard essay. Figure 1 includes the entire student essay and my comments are inserted into the text to guide your reading.

Though this student has not included a personal narrative in his essay, his own world-vievvw is clear throughout. His personal point of view, while not expressed in first person statements, is evident from the very beginning. So we could say that a personal response to the text need not always be expressed in experiential or narrative form but may be present as reflection, as it is here. The point is that the writer has traveled through the rough terrain of critical thinking by starting out with his own ruminations on the subject, then by critically analyzing and responding to Dillard’s text, and finally by developing a strong point of view of his own about our responsibility as human beings. As readers we are engaged by clear, compelling writing and riveted by critical thinking that produces a movement of ideas that give the essay depth and meaning. The challenge Dillard set forth in her essay has been met and the baton passed along to us.


  • Write about your experiences with critical thinking assignments. What seemed to be the most difficult? What approaches did you try to overcome the difficulty?
  • Respond to the list of strategies on how to conduct textual analysis. How well do these strategies work for you? Add your own tips to the list.
  • Evaluate the student essay by noting aspects of critical thinking that are evident to you. How would you grade this essay? What other qualities (or problems) do you notice?

Works Cited

Dillard, Annie. “Living like Weasels.” One Hundred Great Essays. Ed. Robert DiYanni. New York: Longman, 2002. 217–221. Print.

  • Critical Thinking in College Writing. Authored by : Gita DasBender. Located at : . License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • February 22, 2017

How to Demonstrate Critical Thinking in Your Writing

What is critical thinking.

“Critical thinking is the art of analyzing and evaluating thinking with a view to improving it” (Paul & Elder, 2009).

Critical thinking involves a cultivated approach to learning and excellence in thought.  It requires that we go above and beyond our existing knowledge to consider new information and alternative viewpoints. When we arm ourselves with sufficient information about a concept or idea, we can demonstrate proper judgment, reasoning, and understanding. Critical thinking is an intellectual trait that will benefit you both academically and professionally.

How do you demonstrate critical thinking?

One typically cannot deliver a sufficient overview of a topic without thoroughly understanding it.  In an academic program, we are required to both learn new information and to evaluate our existing knowledge and assumptions. We must go beyond our current understanding and more deeply consider the topics or concepts we are studying. Thus, when a professor says “demonstrate critical thinking in your writing,” they are asking you to offer more than a summary of the textbook or your opinions about the topic. Here are some steps to help you demonstrate critical thinking in your writing.

Your goal is to achieve specific learning objectives by engaging with the lectures and assigned reading.  Your task is to engage with assigned reading or lectures and to gain foundational knowledge about the topic.  When you are asked to write about a topic, review the prompt or assignment directions before you begin your reading and research.  This will allow you to more conscientiously focus on the key points that you must address in your writing.


Your textbook provides necessary information that allows you to attain foundational knowledge.  However, critical thinking requires that we consider the information more deeply.  We should go beyond the textbook to take into account what other experts and professionals have to say about the subject.  Thus, we should look to scholarly sources of information.  As you complete research, look for information that fits the context and purpose of what you must write about.

Subject experts write scholarly sources.  The information that they present has been reviewed and evaluated by other professionals who have considerable knowledge and experience on the subject. One way to access scholarly information is by using the online databases offered through  MVNU’s library .


The next step is to thoroughly and logically apply the information.  To do this requires that we reflect, observe, weigh evidence, analyze, and evaluate the information.  It may seem like this is a tedious or time-consuming task.  But with practice, evaluating information becomes infused in your thinking process.  Here is a link to the Intellectual Standards .  Be sure to look these over.  You will find guiding questions to help you reshape the way that you think.  If you would like more information, you may want to read The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking.

As you can see, there is a lot of pre-work that needs to happen before we actually begin to write critically. Before typing up your response to a discussion question or writing a paper, consider what you have learned.  If you have gained sufficient knowledge through your research and evaluation, then your thoughts will flow more easily and you will be able to articulate a critical response.

  • Write with a purpose.   Consider the writing prompt and identify your argument (thesis).  What information do you need to convey?  What key points will you make?  How will you structure your thoughts?   Your professor will be looking to see if you both understand the concept and know how to apply it.

Thoroughly explain the concept, theory, or model.   Use your own words to explain the knowledge that you have gained through your research.  Avoid dropping in dictionary definitions or quotes to convey meaning or explain the topic.  Do not simply summarize what the textbook said about the topic.   Share what you have learned .

Share what it means in real life.   Use examples to illustrate your key points.  What are your observations?  What has your experience shown?  How does it apply in the real world or in your own life?  Are there any moral or spiritual implications?

  • Support your assertions and opinions.  Through your research, you have gained valuable knowledge on the topic.  Thus, you should be able to articulate an informed response.  When you make a claim, offer the reader evidence from the scholarly sources that informed your research and knowledge on the topic.  Take caution to ensure the outside content does not overshadow your original thoughts on the topic. Aim for less than 20% content from others on any submission.  Avoid using too many quotes or stringing together quotes. Don’t use ideas from other sources to replace your own thoughts.  Instead, carefully use the information to back up your assertions.

Author: Dawnel Volzke, Adjunct Professor

Reference Dr. Richard Paul and Dr. Linda Elder, The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts and Tools (Foundation for Critical Thinking, 6th ed., 2009. Kindle Edition), Location 41.

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How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay: The Complete Guide

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by  Antony W

September 13, 2022

critical thinking in writing essay

Are you looking for a detailed guide on how to write a critical thinking essay step-by-step? Maybe you have an idea to get you started by you want to be sure you have the right lead?

You’ve come to the right place.

Critical thinking is a complex system that involves conceptualization and evaluation of information and presentation of observation and analysis based on objective reasoning. The application of critical thinking in life dimension lowers the chances of making mistakes and guides humans towards finding, and possibly believing in, some kind of truth.

When it comes to critical thinking essay writing, you’ll have a topic to read and analyze critically. In the end, you should demonstrate that you not only understand everything there is to know about the topic but that you can also present an objective analysis that presents a well-researched theory.

Keep reading this guide to learn exactly how to write a critical thinking essay in the shortest time possible.

What is a Critical Thinking Essay?

A critical thinking essay is an assignment in which students have to demonstrate their analytical abilities. For it’s worth, critical thinking essays should enable you to read attentively, employ methodical doubt, identify flaws in arguments, work with concepts, and articulate thoughts clearly and reasonably.

The foundation of a critical thinking essay is the ability to ask and respond to the appropriate questions. Tutors typically evaluate both the text’s quality and the manner in which a student develops arguments about a certain subject.  

Learning how to write a critical thinking essay is the best way to hone your critical thinking ability. Doing this will assist you in developing the ability to work efficiently with information, arrange it, filter out dubious material, and draw conclusions.

How is a Critical Thinking Essay Different from Other Essay?

A critical thinking essay is essentially different from other types of essays in that it asks students to read a text and examine it through the lens of the author. In other words, producing a critical thinking essay demonstrates students’ comprehension of material and their ability to make sense of what they have read, observed, or heard.

How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay

There following is a step-by-step guide to help you write a critical thinking essay: 

Step #1: Choose a Topic

The initial step should be to choose an appropriate topic. If it is a school or college project, you will most likely receive the subject from your professor. If your teachers do not assign a topic, you may choose one.

The best themes for critical thinking include books, a film, art, or a law. You can demonstrate your knowledge by giving your perspectives on contentious issues and explaining why you support your assertion.

Step #2: Research

Conduct research on the subject and learn about its distinguishing characteristics. What makes your theme unique? By emphasizing the solution to this question, you can write an entirely distinctive critical thinking essay.

Step #3: Write the Essay

Create an outline.

Not only does an outline assist you in organizing your thoughts, but it also assists you in directing your train of thought in the appropriate direction. Additionally, it assists you in organizing your essay in such a way that it has a natural flow or rhythm.

Keep in mind that thoughts come in various ways, but an outline can help you discipline them.

Create a Thesis Statement

The introduction includes a thesis statement. A thesis statement must be compelling. Your thesis statement should be debatable, and you should be able to present adequate evidence to back your response. The thesis statement should serve as the anchor for the remainder of the essay.

Choose the Most Persuasive Evidence

Choose the most persuasive evidence from the outline’s researched list. To weed out the most vulnerable pieces of evidence, ask these questions and keep only those that respond. Which ones best support your thesis? Which of the shards of evidence will be most recognizable by subject-matter experts? Which one has the most authors and specialists advocating for the same cause? The responses will assist you in framing your topic.

Write the Body of the Essay

If you want to discuss a recent incident that affected you, you will need to conduct research to fill out the essay. Not only should you consider meeting the word count specified, but you should also include facts and pieces of pertinent information in your essay.

While expressing your opinion, discuss both the positive and negative aspects. Write about whatever evidence you come across and do not conceal any aspect of your research and provide all sides of your subject.

  • Is the issue a representative of contemporary or postmodern themes?
  • Does the topic have a connection to any historical event?
  • What questions arose as you observed or learned about your subject?
  • Create a list of these questions and respond to them in the body paragraphs.

Write a Strong Conclusion

A conclusion paragraph summarizes your points. Your conclusion should emphasize what you’ve attempted to demonstrate or prove to your readers. Prior to writing the final paragraph of your essay, take some time to think about what you have just written in order to conclude your work effectively. You can motivate the reader to take action, summarize the key points, or explain how the subject affects the reader. Make every effort to relate back to previous ideas and connect them into a unified argument.

Some Tips to Help You Write Better

  • Take a break after you finish writing the essay. By taking a brief break, you can recharge your brain. Then carefully check your document for typos, grammatical flaws, wordy sentences, and other errors that could jeopardize your work.
  • Invite a friend or family member to read your critical thinking and provide helpful feedback.
  • Cite all sources, including quotations, figures, and theoretical information that you used in your essay.
  • To alleviate stress, begin writing in advance. Typically, last-minute writings have poor grammar and organization.
  • Attempt to begin as soon as possible and produce an excellent critical thinking essay!

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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Critical thinking and writing: critical writing.

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Common feedback from lecturers is that students' writing is too descriptive, not showing enough criticality: "too descriptive", "not supported by enough evidence", "unbalanced", "not enough critical analysis". This guide provides the foundations of critical writing along with some useful techniques to assist you in strengthening this skill. 

Key features of critical writing

Key features in critical writing include:

  • Presenting strong supporting evidence and a clear argument that leads to a reasonable conclusion. 
  • Presenting a balanced argument that indicates an unbiased view by evaluating both the evidence that supports your argument as well as the counter-arguments that may show an alternative perspective on the subject.
  • Refusing to simply accept and agree with other writers - you should show criticality towards other's works and evaluate their arguments, questioning if their supporting evidence holds up, if they show any biases, whether they have considered alternative perspectives, and how their arguments fit into the wider dialogue/debate taking place in their field. 
  • Recognizing the limitations of your evidence, argument and conclusion and therefore indicating where further research is needed.

Structuring Your Writing to Express Criticality

In order to be considered critical, academic writing must go beyond being merely descriptive. Whilst you may have some descriptive writing in your assignments to clarify terms or provide background information, it is important for the majority of your assignment to provide analysis and evaluation. 

Description :

Define clearly what you are talking about, introduce a topic.

Analysis literally means to break down an issue into small components to better understand the structure of the problem. However, there is much more to analysis: you may at times need to examine and explain how parts fit into a whole; give reasons; compare and contrast different elements; show your understanding of relationships. Analysis is to much extent context and subject specific.

Here are some possible analytical questions:

  • What are the constituent elements of something?
  • How do the elements interact?
  • What can be grouped together? What does grouping reveal?
  • How does this compare and contrast with something else?
  • What are the causes (factors) of something?
  • What are the implications of something?
  • How is this influenced by different external areas, such as the economy, society etc (e.g. SWOT, PESTEL analysis)?
  • Does it happen all the time? When? Where?
  • What other factors play a role? What is absent/missing?
  • What other perspectives should we consider?
  • What if? What are the alternatives?
  • With analysis you challenge the “received knowledge” and your own your assumptions.

Analysis is different within different disciplines:

  • Data analysis (filter, cluster…)
  • Compound analysis (chemistry)
  • Financial statements analysis
  • Market analysis (SWOT analysis)
  • Program analysis (computer science) - the process of automatically analysing the behaviour of computer programs
  • Policy Analysis (public policy) – The use of statistical data to predict the effects of policy decisions made by governments and agencies
  • Content analysis (linguistics, literature)
  • Psychoanalysis – study of the unconscious mind.

Evaluation : 

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses. 
  • Assess the evidence, methodology, argument etc. presented in a source. 
  • Judge the success or failure of something, its implications and/or value.
  • Draw conclusions from your material, make judgments about it, and relate it to the question asked. 
  • Express "mini-arguments" on the issues your raise and analyse throughout your work. (See box Your Argument.)
  • Express an overarching argument on the topic of your research. (See Your Argument .)

Tip: Try to include a bit of description, analysis and evaluation in every paragraph. Writing strong paragraphs can help, as it reminds you to conclude each paragraph drawing a conclusion. However, you may also intersperse the analysis with evaluation, within the development of the paragraph. 

Your Argument

What is an argument?

Essentially, the aim of an essay (and other forms of academic writing, including dissertations) is to present and defend, with reasons and evidence, an argument relating to a given topic. In the academic context argument means something specific. It is the main claim/view/position/conclusion on a matter, which can be the  answer to the essay (or research) question . The development of an argument is closely related to criticality , as in your academic writing you are not supposed to merely describe things; you also need to analyse and draw conclusions.

Tips on devising an argument

  • Try to think of a clear statement. It may be as simple as trying to prove that a statement in the essay title is right or wrong. 
  • Identify rigorous evidence and logical reasons to back up your argument. 
  • Consider different perspectives and viewpoints, but show why your argument prevails. 
  • Structure your writing in light of your argument: the argument will shape the whole text, which will present a logical and well-structured account of background information, evidence, reasons and discussion to support your argument.
  • Link and signpost to your argument throughout your work. 

Argument or arguments?

Both! Ideally, in your essay you will have an overarching argument (claim) and several mini-arguments, which make points and take positions on the issues you discuss within the paragraphs. 

Your Argument image

  • ACADEMIC ARGUMENTATION This help-sheet highlights the differences between everyday and academic argumentation
  • Argument A useful guide developed by The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Useful resources

Learning Development, University of Plymouth (2010). Critical Thinking. University of Plymouth . Available from  [Accessed 16 January 2020].

Student Learning Development, University of Leicester (no date). Questions to ask about your level of critical writing. University of Leicester . Available from  [Accessed 16 January 2020].

Workshop recording

  • Critical thinking and writing online workshop Recording of a 45-minute online workshop on critical thinking and writing, delivered by one of our Learning Advisers, Dr Laura Niada.

Workshop Slides

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Criticality in academic writing.

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Being critical is at the heart of academic writing, but what is it and how can you incorporate it into your work?

What is criticality?

What is critical thinking.

Have you ever received feedback in a piece of work saying 'be more critical' or 'not enough critical analysis' but found yourself scratching your head, wondering what that means? Dive into this bitesize workshop to discover what it is and how to do it:

Critical Thinking: What it is and how to do it (bitesize workshop)[YouTube]

University-level work requires both descriptive and critical elements. But what's the difference?


Being descriptive shows what you know about a topic and provides the evidence to support your arguments. It uses simpler processes like  remembering , understanding and applying . You might summarise previous research, explain concepts or describe processes.

Being critical pulls evidence together to build your arguments; what does it all mean together? It uses more complex processes: analysing ,  evaluating and creating . You might make comparisons, consider reasons and implications, justify choices or consider strengths and weaknesses.

Bloom's Taxonomy  is a useful tool to consider descriptive and critical processes:

Bloom's Taxonomy [YouTube]  |  Bloom's Taxonomy [Google Doc]

Find out more about critical thinking:

Being critical

What is critical writing?

Academic writing requires criticality; it's not enough to just describe or summarise evidence, you also need to analyse and evaluate information and use it to build your own arguments. This is where you show your own thoughts based on the evidence available, so critical writing is really important for higher grades.

Explore the key features of critical writing and see it in practice in some examples:

Introduction to critical writing [Google Slides]

While we need criticality in our writing, it's definitely possible to go further than needed. We’re aiming for that Goldilocks ‘just right’ point between not critical enough and too critical. Find out more:

Google Doc

Critical reading

Criticality isn't just for writing, it is also important to read critically. Reading critically helps you:

  • evaluative whether sources are suitable for your assignments.
  • know what you're looking for when reading.
  • find the information you need quickly.

Critical reading [Interactive tutorial]  |  Critical reading [Google Doc]

Find out more on our dedicated guides:

Being Critical

Using evidence critically

Academic writing integrates evidence from sources to create your own critical arguments.

We're not looking for a list of summaries of individual sources; ideally, the important evidence should be integrated into a cohesive whole.  What does the evidence mean altogether?  Of course, a critical argument also needs some critical analysis of this evidence.  What does it all mean in terms of your argument?

Find out more about using evidence to build critical arguments in our guide to working with evidence:

critical thinking in writing essay

Critical language

Critical writing is going to require critical language. Different terms will give different nuance to your argument. Others will just keep things interesting! In the document below we go through some examples to help you out:

Assignment titles: critical or descriptive?

Assignment titles contain various words that show where you need to be descriptive and where you need to be critical. Explore some of the most common instructional words: 

Descriptive instructional words

define : give the precise meaning

examine : look at carefully; consider different aspects

explain : clearly describe how a process works, why a decision was made, or give other information needed to understand the topic

illustrate : explain and describe using examples

outline : give an overview of the key information, leaving out minor details

Critical instructional words

analyse : break down the information into parts, consider how parts work together

discuss : explain a topic, make comparisons, consider strengths & weaknesses, give reasons, consider implications

evaluate : assess something's worth, value or suitability for a purpose - this often leads to making a choice afterwards

justify : show the reasoning behind a choice, argument or standpoint

synthesise : bring together evidence and information to create a cohesive whole, integrate ideas or issues

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More guidance on breaking down assignment titles:

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  • Last Updated: Apr 3, 2024 4:02 PM
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How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay With Tips and Examples

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Essay writing is an integral academic exercise for students in higher educational institutions. As an example of different paper types, a critical thinking essay requires students to employ analytical and reflective writing skills. In essence, these skills underscore essential features of a critical thinking essay: analysis of information, reflection on key findings, a review of the relevance of the information, and an identification of any conclusions made by the author(s) or other scholars. Hence, a critical thinking essay is a specific type of writing that requires learners to read documents and make interpretations from their points of view. In turn, writers need to learn how to write a critical thinking essay to master their analytical, creative, and reflective skills.

General Guidelines for Writing a Critical Thinking Essay

Critical thinking is an essential skill, particularly for students who need to analyze and interpret data. In this case, the essence of this skill is that learners confront issues every day that require them to make prompt decisions. Moreover, critical thinking is the mechanism by which individuals arrive at these decisions. Therefore, a critical thinking essay is a document that allows students to address an issue holistically. Then, it means addressing issues in an essay format by using critical thinking skills from different perspectives, highlighting possible alternatives, and making well-thought-out decisions. To the audience, such a text makes it easy to understand the writer’s message and either agree or disagree with it. Besides, the decision to agree or disagree is based on the writer’s information regarding an issue in question. Hence, this is why authors of critical thinking essays need to provide details that make their arguments stronger and more palatable to the audience.

1. Defining Characteristics of a Critical Thinking Essay

When writing a critical thinking essay, students should address several essential features. Firstly, writers need to reflect on what they have read, meaning taking time to consider the relevance of the information. In this case, such an attitude helps them to make strong arguments in defense of their points of view. Secondly, learners need to analyze how the information is presented and state whether it is sufficient or needs improvement. Thirdly, writers need to review the information based on previous knowledge. Here, they should say whether the information advances a concept or theory or contradicts existing knowledge. Finally, scholars need to identify the conclusion reached by the author(s) of the information and support or challenge it.

2. How to Identify a Critical Thinking Essay

Based on the essential features described above, students can tell whether an essay that they are writing is a critical thinking paper. Ideally, learners can know that their papers are critical thinking essays if prompt requirements require them to read and analyze a text. Basically, the analysis process includes reflecting on the text, commenting on how information is presented and its relation to previous knowledge, and supporting or challenging the conclusion made. In principle, these requirements reflect the defining features of a critical thinking essay.

3. How Does a Critical Thinking Essay Differ From Other Papers

A critical thinking essay differs fundamentally from other types of essays because it requires a student to read a text, such as a book or a poem, and analyze it using the writer’s perspective. Moreover, some instructions need students to analyze a film. In other words, writing a critical thinking essay emphasizes the students’ understanding of information and the meaning of what they have read, watched, or heard. Indeed, it is a central point of difference from other types of papers that require students to refrain from personal viewpoints. Then, this feature means that instructors grade a critical thinking essay based on the writer’s ability to develop a coherent argument and use essential writing skills. In this light, one can argue that a critical thinking essay is a form of an argumentative essay.

Free Examples of 20 Topics for Writing a Critical Thinking Essay

How to write a critical thinking essay with examples

1. Identify Communication Differences Between Men and Women

Under this topic, the students’ task is to read texts that talk about how men and women communicate and identify the differences. In this case, writers should analyze what they have read and summarize it via concise statements or arguments.

2. Discuss Drug Use in Sports

Under this topic, the students’ task is to research texts, such as research journal articles and government reports, that address the problem of drug use in sports and summarize their findings.

3. Explore the Anti-Meth Campaign

Under this topic, the students’ task is to read widely about anti-meth campaigns and provide an in-depth analysis of their impacts. By reading a critical thinking essay, the audience should understand whether specific campaigns have been effective or ineffective.

4. Discuss Homelessness and Its Social Impacts

Under this topic, the students’ task is to read texts about homelessness, such as journal articles and reports by governments and other humanitarian organizations, and explain the root causes and social implications of homelessness.

5. Discuss the History of College Football in the United States

Under this topic, the students’ task is to read documents, such as books and media articles, narrating college football history in the US. After writing a critical thinking essay, the audience should identify specific challenges that college football has faced in its development in the country.

6. Explore Health Effects of Obesity

Under this topic, the students’ task is to read research studies and medical reports discussing obesity. In turn, a critical thinking essay should explain the specific causes of obesity and the risks that obese individuals face.

7. Discuss the Significance of Street Art and Graffiti

Under this topic, the students’ task is to read texts discussing the evolution of street art and graffiti and make compelling arguments as to why they are essential features of modern art.

8. Sports On Television: Is It Necessary?

Under this topic, the students’ task is to explain why television has become a critical platform for sports and how it undermines or helps advance its social and cultural significance.

9. What Is the Essence of Multicultural Identity?

Under this topic, the students’ task is to explore the phenomenon of multiculturalism that has become notable and acceptable in modern society and explain its significance.

10. The Relevance of Body Size in Modeling

Under this topic, the students’ task is to explore the modeling profession and explain why body size matters. In other words, a critical thinking essay should make a case as to why a model should have a particular body size.

11. Understanding Multicultural Families

Under this topic, the students’ task is to explore multicultural families by reading texts that address the issue from a research or commentary perspective and summarize the leading arguments.

12. Changing Gender Roles: What It Means for Traditionalists

Under this topic, the student’s task is to explore gender roles from a historical and present perspective and discuss how it threatens or cements traditional views about the roles of men and women.

13. What Is Ethnic Music, and Does It Matter in a Multicultural Society?

Under this topic, the students’ task is to study multiculturalism and identify how ethnic music is a significant characteristic.

14. American Society and the Latino Influence

Under this topic, the students’ task is to study contemporary American society’s characteristics and indicate the extent to which Latinos and their culture (Latin American) have become a significant part of the American identity.

15. Challenges of Single-Parent Households

Under this topic, the students’ task is to read research studies on single parenthood and identify its challenges.

16. What Are the Features of a Good Movie?

Under this topic, the students’ task is to watch movies they consider “good” and provide an analysis of what makes them so.

17. Describe a Poem With a First-Person Point of View

Under this topic, the students’ task is to select a poem, examine it, and describe its outstanding features, such as literary devices.

18. The Dynamics of Adoption in a Multicultural Society

Under this topic, the students’ task is to examine the aspect of adoption within the context of a multicultural society.

19. What Store Strategies Influence Consumers?

Under this topic, the students’ task is to study the phenomenon of retail stores and give an analysis of specific factors that lead to their growth or shut down.

20. Euthanasia: The Questions of Ethics, Morals, and Legality

Under this topic, the students’ task is to examine the aspect of euthanasia (mercy or assisted killing) and give an opinion on whether society should address it from a perspective of ethics, morals, or law.

How Students Can Understand if They Need to Write a Critical Thinking Essay by Looking at a Topic

When it comes to essay writing, the department’s requirements provide direction about a critical thinking topic. By reading such a topic, students get an idea of what kind of paper they are supposed to write. Regarding a critical thinking essay, a topic should require students to research a specific theme, reflect on what they have read, and comment on how the author(s) have presented information, the relevance of the information to existing knowledge, and the significance of the author’s conclusion. In turn, these five tasks underscore the essential features of a critical thinking essay.

Structure of a Critical Thinking Essay

When it comes to an essay structure, a critical thinking essay comprises three main sections: introduction, body, and conclusion. When writing each of these sections, students should capture essential features. Firstly, the introduction should provide a hook to capture the readers’ attention and formulate a thesis statement to guide the paper’s arguments and ideas. In the body, writers should use topic sentences to introduce paragraphs. Besides, students should follow a sandwich rule, where they make a claim, provide supporting facts, and explain the significance of cited evidence to the paper’s thesis. In the conclusion part, authors should restate a thesis statement, summarize the main body points, and make a concluding remark. Finally, other essential features that learners should use in the main text are transitions to give a critical thinking paper a natural and logical flow of ideas and arguments.

Sample Outline Template for Writing a Critical Thinking Essay

I. Introduction

A. Start with a hook sentence that makes a critical thinking essay interesting. B. Cover brief information about a theme discussed in body paragraphs. C. End with a thesis statement of a critical thinking essay.

A. Background Information:

  • introduce an issue for readers;
  • provide examples that support this issue;
  • explain how examples correlate with a theme;
  • finish with defining an issue for readers.

B. Argument on an Issue

  • begin with an argument on an issue;
  • covers examples to support this argument;
  • explain how examples and argument are related;
  • conclude how an argument on this theme is relevant.

C. Importance of an Issue

  • state why this issue is important;
  • support this statement with examples from credible sources;
  • explain how these examples underline the importance of an issue;
  • end with a concluding sentence that supports this importance.

III. Conclusion

A. Restate a thesis claim. B. Cover the key points discussed in body paragraphs. C. Provide a final thought on an issue.

An Example of a Critical Thinking Essay

Topic: Roles of Critical Thinking Skills

I. Introduction Sample of a Critical Thinking Essay

Critical thinking is a requirement in higher education because it reflects the level of mental preparedness of students intending to join the labor industry. In this case, essay writing is one of the strategies that higher education institutions use to develop these critical thinking skills in students. Writing argumentative essays has profoundly shaped my critical thinking skills and made me more reflective and analytical in my texts.

II. Examples of Body Paragraphs in a Critical Thinking Essay

A. background information of an issue.

The advent of the Internet opened a new world of research as scholars found a platform to publish research findings. Besides scholars, public and private entities have turned to the online platform to spread information they perceive as critical and needful. Over time, I have come to see the Internet as a crucial reservoir of knowledge, and I always turn to it for personal enrichment. Moreover, Gilster (1997) perceives critical thinking as a critical skill for individuals who use online platforms for academic purposes. In this case, the author demonstrates that, since the Internet is full of falsehoods and incomplete and obsolete information, it is critical for those who depend on this technology to employ critical thinking. Hence, such thinking helps users distinguish between essential, relevant information, and what appears to be irrelevant and nonessential.

On the issue of critical thinking, examining and analyzing content are fundamental exercises. In essence, critical thinking entails reading a text and interpreting it by using an analytical lens. For example, when students read novels, they can use their critical thinking skills to analyze the plot and characters and provide arguments that indicate an in-depth understanding of both (Gilster, 1997). In most cases, such ideas go beyond what is written in the novel to include the student’s interpretation of events. In my case, I use the Internet to find research and media articles on different topics, such as homelessness, substance abuse, crime, and police and law enforcement. Moreover, I use these articles to reflect on the dynamics that shape life in contemporary society, using my critical thinking skills to relate the past, present, and future. Therefore, I can state confidently that this habit has made me a strong debater on contemporary issues.

By using critical thinking skills, readers make deductions, thereby showcasing their understanding levels. As the literature suggests, critical thinking serves as a basis for knowledge accumulation and advancement (Ku & Ho, 2010). In my academic journey, I have employed critical thinking to gain insight into several issues. Furthermore, one of these issues is the significance of politics to the life of ordinary citizens. Then, many documents I have read about politics have made me conclude that politicians are selfish by default and only develop consensus when their interests are accommodated. Hence, this understanding has made me have minimal expectations from local and national political figures.

III. Conclusion Sample of a Critical Thinking Essay

Critical thinking is a key skill that helps individuals to analyze and reflect on information from diverse sources. Over the years, I have used critical thinking to analyze research and media articles published on online platforms and make logical deductions. Moreover, these deductions point to my ability to take information, analyze, and interpret it. Thus, I can confidently state that my critical thinking skills have made me aware of human weaknesses and the risk of putting too much trust in people vulnerable to shortcomings.

Gilster, P. (1997). Digital literacy: The thinking and survival skills new users need to make the Internet personally and professionally meaningful . New York, NY: Wiley.

Ku, K. Y., & Ho, I. T. (2010). Metacognitive strategies that enhance critical thinking. Metacognition and Learning , 5 (3), 251-267.

Summing Up on How to Write a Good Critical Thinking Essay

A critical thinking essay is a document that reflects students’ ability to use analytical and reflective skills in studying an issue. Although writing a critical thinking essay assumes following a basic structure of a standard essay, it has features that distinguish it from other papers. When writing this type of essay, students should master the following tips:

  • read and analyze information;
  • reflect on study findings;
  • review the relevance of the information within the context of existing knowledge;
  • identify any conclusions made by authors or other scholars and their significance.

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In order to write critically, you need to be able to think critically. Critical thinking skills are useful in many aspects of your life. The world of work expects employees to be objective, critical thinkers. Assessment tasks at university aim to help students develop critical abilities. There are many tests that employers use to measure thinking skills. The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (W-GCTA) (Pearson TalentLens (2019) is one such test often used for graduate recruitment. The domains it tests are also useful in academic writing at university; for example, academic writing values critical skills that present ideas in a clear, structured, well-reasoned way, communicate a certain point of view and convince others of your argument.

Effective critical thinkers can:

Descriptive writing merely describes information without any further comment, questions or evaluation. The table shows how critical writing can be added to descriptive writing, and if you click on the text, it provides pop-up examples using the topic of crumpets . 

Adapted from Cottrell (2005); developed further from University of Plymouth (2010).

Often in assignments, you are expected to critically evaluate - this means to assess the relevance and significance of concepts relating to a specific topic or assignment question. Introduce your point. Give examples from reading. Is there support for your argument or can you identify weaknesses?  Are there different perspectives to compare and contrast? Build your explanation and create your objective, reasoned argument (case or thesis) based on the evaluation from different perspectives. You will include your conclusion and point of view, communicating your stance, having made a judgment on research you have found and its significance in contributing to answering your assignment question.

Use the TED model to integrate critical thinking into your writing:

Each example of evidence in your writing should have a clear purpose or function. Be explicit and tell the reader what it contributes to your reasoning.  

Premises are claims or assertions and when linked they lead the reader to a conclusion. Claims are presented as statements or claims to truth. If your readers contest the validity of  any of the premises, they will probably have to reject the  conclusion you have drawn; your entire argument will fail. Premises are often chained together to strengthen an argument as more reasons offered, lead to a strong, authoritative conclusion.

Let's take our essay title: Should boxing be banned?

Here’s a simple argument:

Obviously, in academic writing your arguments are often more complex and you will introduce more background reading, evidence, research, statistics and figures to back up your developing stance. Here’s an example of a more complex argument structure and plan which builds through the development of broad themes and premises:  

Ensure that your arguments are valid. The conclusions must flow from the premises and there must be an internal logic to the claims made.

Avoid flawed arguments. Here’s one:

  • Freud was a clever man (premise one-true).
  • Freud had a beard (premise two-true).
  • All men with beards are clever. Conclusion-untrue. We cannot conflate having a beard with always being clever. Premises can be true, but they can still lead to a false conclusion.

Criteria apply to Freud: certainly, he was a man with a beard. Freud happened to have a beard and allegedly, he was clever. However, not all bearded men are clever, therefore this argument fails because the conclusion 'all men with beards are clever' is not true.

Arguments are likely to emerge from wide reading. Read journal articles around your topic. What are debates within a topic area or field? What themes are emerging? Which main ideas are contested? If you present a view, offer an opposing point of view and anticipate and neutralise counter arguments. What major ideas prevail? Are there new ideas? Are any ideas outmoded and why? Remember to use regular signposting to the reader to indicate what sense you make of the different threads of information contributing to your overall argument.

Criticality and your subject area

Different subject areas may require different approaches to criticality. Ask your subject tutors for advice on what they understand by good critical writing.  It is likely you will need to read widely to obtain research and evidence no matter what the subject. Be guided by your assignment question and spot the key verbs. Are you being ask to analyse or evaluate?

Criticality in your field could emphasise particular thinking and writing skills. Check this list below and try to identify thinking processes that may be important for your subject area/field. Some critical ways of writing may not be expected in your subject. There may be different emphases placed in our subject area. Bear the following possibilities in mind when you are preparing your assignment answers.

  • Providing supporting evidence and arguing an opinion based on reading;
  • Examining cause and effect;
  • Analysing constituent parts or factors, deconstructing;
  • Comparing and contrasting-processes, functions, ways of doing things, different theories and outcomes;
  • Offering solutions to problems;
  • Making recommendations after discussing options;
  • Synthesising information and identify new thinking;
  • Theorising about causes, other contributory factors, problems, failure, unexpected outcomes;
  • Innovating: taking known ideas and combining them and adapting them to introduce something new;
  • Discussing conditions which help and hinder;
  • Identifying trends, categories, criteria;
  • Drawing parallels;
  • Discussing why something will or won't work/ did or did not work e.g. in science;
  • Asking critical questions and using theory to explain phenomena;
  • Identifying contradictions, discrepancies, inconsistencies, lack of clarity on any issues;
  • Applying particular theoretical perspectives or lenses to offer understandings;
  • Exploring complexity, rather than offering simple explanations;
  • Being aware of fallacies, mental traps and biases in the thinking of others and yourself;
  • Contributing new ideas and understandings to the discussion of your subject area;
  • Sometimes it is possible to use theory from another setting to explain phenomena e.g psychological theory could explain phenomena in a management problem;
  • Analysing gaps between theory/ policy and implementation in reality- Are any recommendations implied? What problems could you forecast with real-world implementation? Are there any foreseeable problems or anticipated problems adapting ideas to your setting or context? Are there barriers to implementation? Could you comment on conditions which need to be in place to ensure effective implementation? What conditions would hinder implementation in your context?

How to ensure articles to back up ideas are appropriate

Ideally apply criteria for supportive evidence such as:

  • articles in journals should be 3-5 years old (unless otherwise stated);
  • peer reviewed journals;
  • with authoritative authors;
  • journal articles already cited by others.

You could use tools to analyse research validity, such as CASP tools.  The CASP website provides a range of tools for different types of research studies such as systematic reviews, quantitative research, qualitative research, randomised controlled trials. 

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Critical thinking

Critical writing.

Students sometimes receive feedback such as "your essay is too descriptive" or "you need to show more critical analysis". While some description may be necessary – for instance if you are providing background information – most university assignments require you to produce work that is analytical and critical in its approach.

Your tutors want to know what you think

Your writing needs to show your interpretation of the evidence and source material, how you have used that information to demonstrate your understanding, and your subsequent position on the topic. Being critical in your writing means engaging in academic debates and research happening in your subject area.

The sources you select, the way you show how they agree or disagree with other pieces of evidence, and the way you structure your argument will all show your thought process and how you have understood the information you have read.

Use evidence to strengthen your position

Always keep your reader in mind and try to anticipate the questions they would ask — refer back to the Critical thinking questions (PDF) to help you with this. You can use evidence to help you strengthen your position, answer readers' questions, and "neutralise" opposing points of view.

Remember to keep descriptive statements to a minimum — there is no need to provide large amounts of background or historical information.

Make sure you move from description to analysis and evaluation . Give your interpretation of the facts, and explain the significance, consequences and implications of the statements you have made.

See our advice on structuring a paragraph for more information on how to attach analysis and evaluation to each point you make.

Descriptive vs critical writing examples

The following examples demonstrate the difference between descriptive writing and critical/analytical writing. They are taken from: Cottrell, S. 2003. The Study Skills Handbook . 2nd ed. London: Palgrave.

State what happened vs identify its significance

To write critically you will need to not only describe what happened, but also identify the significance of what happened.

Descriptive example

"The data shows that the incidence (new cases) of asthma rates in children under 15 years old increased rapidly from 1977, peaking in 1993 and then declining, though rates still remain significantly higher than pre-1976 levels."

Critical example

"The trend, from 1977 until 1993, of a rapid rise in rates of asthma diagnosis in children under 15 years, suggests that one of the causal factors was particularly prevalent during this time, but has since declined in importance or effect."

Explain the theory vs show its relevance

Descriptive writing will explain what the theory says. To write critically you need to go further and show why that theory is relevant.

"Carl Rogers' theory of a person-centred approach focuses on the freedom of the individual to determine what values should be used to measure successful personal outcomes or benefit, and is particularly relevant for social workers when wanting to take into account the diverse needs of the client group."

"Carl Rogers' theory of a person-centred approach is particularly suitable for social workers wanting to work with a client group with diverse needs because it allows the client to determine what values should be used to measure successful outcomes, rather than those externally determined by, for example, the service, state or dominant culture in society."

Note the method used vs indicate its appropriateness

Rather than simply noting the method used, which is the descriptive approach, a critical writer will show how appropriate that method was.

"In addition to competency-based questions, the candidates were asked to complete an in-tray exercise, which required them to allocate different priority levels to tasks, as an appropriate method to measure their likely performance in the actual job."

"In addition to competency-based questions, candidates were asked to complete an in-tray task prioritisation exercise. This was because it was considered a more effective way to measure likely performance in the actual role as the majority of the job would involve similar tasks, with little interaction with customers and therefore less requirement for highly developed communication skills."

You can apply our critical thinking model to your own work; use our Judging your own work (PDF) questions to help you decide if your writing is critical. These questions will take you through the description-analysis-evaluation stages. Take a look at further examples of descriptive writing vs. critical/analytical writing (PDF)

1.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About a “Text”

Learning outcomes.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Develop and implement flexible strategies for reading and rereading.
  • Articulate how organizational features function for different audiences, creating cultural awareness within rhetorical situations.
  • Determine how genre conventions for structure, paragraphs, tone, and mechanics vary.
  • Identify common formats and design features for different kinds of text.
  • Read and write critically within social media platforms.

Thinking critically is crucial to success both in and after school. Indeed, this skill may be the foundation of all education. Most of Writing Guide with Handbook explores strategies for helping you become an accomplished critical writer, but as you have already learned, a close relationship exists between critical writing and critical reading. Reading and writing, like producing and consuming, are two sides of the same coin. When you study one, you inevitably learn more about the other at the same time. The more you attend to the language of published writers, the more you will learn about your own language. The more you attend to your own written language, the more you will learn about the texts you read.

Summary of Assignment: Critical Response

Select a short “text” for response. The “text” may be written, visual, or a combination of both. Keeping in mind the example of Selena Gomez or other social media activists (such as Swedish environmentalist Greta Thunberg [b. 2003] or conservative speaker and entrepreneur Wayne Dupree [b. 1968]), focus on a text, perhaps a meme or social media post, that addresses an aspect of social activism. First, read it completely for understanding. Summarize or paraphrase the main ideas of the text to check for comprehension. Second, read it critically to determine its purpose, to analyze its use of language (or another element), and to evaluate it. Finally, write a short (1–2 pages) critical response to the text, perhaps recommending or not recommending it to other readers, explaining its significance in a particular area of life or field of study, or even commenting on the diction or style of the communication and its potential impact on readers.

Another Lens. When you consider another perspective, you often learn information you have not considered before. Look at Figure 1.6 :

If you have the perspective of the X, all you see is the “back” of the L. You might not even know it’s an L. You might think it is an I, but it also could be the side of an M, or an N, or even a P. From the perspective of X, you have only limited information about the structure, letter, or whatever is in front of you. If you take the perspective of Y, you have a different information, which contrasts with what you learned from X. Furthermore, neither X nor Y has the perspective of Z. As you can see, combining the perspectives gives you a more comprehensive picture. Although it is unlikely you will ever get a complete and accurate picture of any given situation, by considering other perspectives, you begin to think critically to understand an issue, problem, or condition.

As a class or in small groups, agree on a short text to read and respond to, as described. Share your responses in small groups, paying particular attention to the evaluation, analysis, and evidence that each person presents. Revise your initial response based on these new, shared perspectives from your classmates about the same text. The goal is to learn from others’ perspectives. In so doing, consider how your classmates’ perspectives enhance your comprehension and broaden your ability to understand the interpretations of the text. As you revise, incorporate this new knowledge, and consider how the various cultures and interpretations based on culture can lead to understanding and even misunderstanding. Finally, pay attention to how you might consider these multiple perspectives to clarify the text’s purpose or meaning for an audience.

Quick Launch: Mapping the Rhetorical Situation

When you first sit down to write, you can use any of several methods to get going. The blank page can be intimidating, and facing a blank page is one of the reasons writing can be challenging at first. Figure out which “launch” methods work best for you and your style(s) of thinking and writing. Sometimes this stage is called prewriting or planning . Taking the time to prewrite helps you decide how to proceed to the actual writing and builds your confidence in the process. Some people make concept maps, others make checklists, and still others create formal outlines. Some do research on a topic before they start, whereas others just sit down and write whatever comes to mind, a process called freewrite . There is no perfect or correct way to begin writing. The important thing is to discover which strategies work for you for a particular writing task, and then to use them.

For this writing task, create a concept map with six radiating circles (or use six index cards that you can physically move around on a tabletop). Label the map as noted in Figure 1.7 . In each radiating circle, fill in the information regarding the rhetorical situation (that is, the agents and the five conditions: genre, purpose, stance, context, and culture) in relation to your chosen text. As you assess the rhetorical situation, you will further your understanding of the text, and you may begin to find areas for analysis or evaluation.

Drafting: Restating, Analyzing, and Evaluating

To restate and then respond to a text, you need to both reread and “resee” it, reconsidering its rhetorical situation and your reaction to it. Be sure that you grasp the main ideas within the text but move beyond that to a critical understanding of the text as a cultural artifact. In responding, you start a conversation with the text so that you enter into the framework and context of the communication. In general, when responding to a text, you have to

  • understand what it means within its rhetorical situation;
  • analyze its meaning;
  • evaluate its significance; and
  • determine how to incorporate it into your own thinking and writing.

Responding to Understand: Summary

A summary is a condensed version of a longer text that reviews its main ideas. Shorter than the original text, a summary is written in your own words. To prepare a summary, you may outline or annotate the text to highlight relationships between ideas or conclusions. Reread sections of the text such as abstracts, first and last paragraphs, and sections titled “Summary,” “Observations,” or “Conclusion(s).” Also consider headings, subheadings, and visuals, all of which often name main ideas. Remember, you want to provide a summary in your own words of the source’s work, not your interpretation or opinion of it. Review this video on summarizing for more information.

Responding to Clarify: Paraphrase

A paraphrase is a restatement of a text or part of a text, written in your own words, to clarify its meaning for your readers. A paraphrase is usually about the same length as the original text, although it can be either longer or shorter. Your goal in paraphrasing is to provide readers with clarity about a complex idea while still maintaining the perspective of the source. Paraphrasing can be difficult and requires practice, so be sure to review .

Responding to Analyze

Responding to analyze means moving beyond a basic understanding and appreciation of what the text says and examining it to see how it was put together in order to deepen your comprehension. From thorough analysis, you can arrive at your own theory regarding what the text means. Thus, analysis leads to interpretation and to evaluation, or judgment of its merits.

In responding to analyze, consider the following questions: How has the author constructed this text? What is the author’s subject, tone, and message or theme? For what reason or purpose has the author constructed this text in this way at this time? An analysis provides an understanding of the ways in which the parts of the text form a whole within a rhetorical situation. Any such response points to important ideas and makes connections to provide textual evidence to support the analysis.

To read a text analytically, mark it for

  • points of agreement and disagreement with claims or assertions;
  • convincing examples that support claims or assertions;
  • implications or consequences of believing the author;
  • personal associations with text material;
  • connections to other “texts” you have read;
  • recurring images, symbols, diction, phrases, ideas, and so on; and
  • conclusions.

Consider developing a coding system for cross-referencing to show that one annotation, passage, or idea is related to another. Some students write comments on different features of the text in different colors, such as green for nature imagery, blue for key terms, red for interesting anecdotes, and so on. Other students use numbers, such as 1 for plot, 2 for character, and so on.

Visit Walden University for more detail on including analysis in your writing. You can also refer to Rhetorical Analysis: Interpreting the Art of Rhetoric for more on rhetorical analysis and Print or Textual Analysis: What You Read for more on print or textual analysis.

Responding to Evaluate

Responding to evaluate means deciding whether you think the text accomplishes its purposes effectively. In other words, does the text do what it claims to do? You can also determine the significance of the text and its implications. Of course, different genres of texts should be judged using different criteria. To evaluate a text, you need to understand and analyze it in order to support your judgments.

In an argument , a writer (or speaker) advances claims and supports them with logical reasoning and evidence. A claim is a statement that something is true (or valid) or that some action should be taken. Every claim in an argument should be supported by logical reasoning (e.g., cause and effect, comparison and contrast, or problem and solution) and by reliable and sufficient evidence (e.g., facts, statistics, anecdotes, examples, or quotations). When responding to an argument, ask the following questions: Is the claim based on presented facts—information that can be verified? Is the claim based on credible inferences—connections between textual evidence and personal knowledge or experience? Is the claim based on unsubstantiated opinions—personal belief? All three elements—facts, inferences, and opinions—have their places in argumentative texts. However, the strongest arguments are those based on verifiable facts and reasonably drawn inferences. Look out for opinions masquerading as facts and for inferences stemming from insufficient facts. Refer to the social media exchange in the Annotated Student Sample and recognize how those posts present information to help you see these connections.

An informational text presents facts and draws conclusions based on those facts. When responding to an informational text, ensure that the facts are accurate, that the inferences rely on facts, and that opinions presented as evidence are based on expertise, not emotion. Decide whether the author presents enough reliable facts to justify the conclusions. In addition, consider whether the author is reliable and reasonable. Also, ask questions, such as Is the tone objective? Has all the relevant information been presented? Is the author an expert in the field? What necessary or useful information seems missing? Are other perspectives missing?

To understand an informational text, you need some context for the new ideas you encounter, some knowledge of the terms and ideas, and knowledge of the rules that govern the genre. If would be difficult to read the Emancipation Proclamation with no knowledge of the Civil War (1861–1865) or the practice of enslavement. It would also be difficult to read a biology textbook chapter about photosynthesis but know nothing of plants, cell structure, or chemical reactions. The more you know, the more you learn; the more you learn, the more critical your reading, writing, and thinking will be. As you gain knowledge, you will naturally ask more questions and make more connections or bridges between information sources, thereby enhancing your reading, writing, and critical thinking skills.

Many college instructors will ask you to read about subjects that are new to you. First, of course, it’s important to understand what you read. Comprehension means being proactive as a reader: looking up words you do not know, taking meaningful notes, asking questions, understanding the rhetorical situation of the text, and so on. Second, you want to improve your skills to analyze or evaluate texts critically and write about this understanding. However, how do you develop context, learn background, and find the rules to help you read unfamiliar texts on unfamiliar subjects? What strategies or shortcuts can speed up the learning process?

As an experiment, read the following statement issued by President Harry S. Truman (1884–1972), take notes, and practice being a proactive reader who focuses on comprehension, the rhetorical situation, and critical analysis of the passage:

public domain text Sixteen hours ago an American airplane dropped one bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, and destroyed its usefulness to the enemy. That bomb had more power than 20,000 tons of T.N.T. It had more than two thousand times the blast power of the British Grand Slam, which is the largest bomb ever yet used in the history of warfare. end public domain text

How did you do? Did your reasoning go something like this?

  • Noting the setting—Hiroshima, Japan. Prior historical knowledge suggests that Hiroshima is one of the cities on which the United States dropped an atomic bomb near the end of World War II (1939–1945).
  • Staying with the first sentence, Truman focuses on Hiroshima as something useful to the enemy that has been destroyed. There is no mention of human casualties.
  • The second sentence focuses on the destructive power of the bomb, suggesting the force of the United States’s arsenal.
  • Out of curiosity, you might have looked up the British Grand Slam to learn it was a powerful bomb type developed by engineer and inventor Sir Barnes Wallis (1887–1979) and used during World War II. Here, too, Truman suggests that the United States is even more powerful than its ally Great Britain.
  • The tone of the text is prideful, as if using the largest bomb in the history of warfare is a grand accomplishment.

Whether reading new texts, learning new information, or witnessing unfamiliar events, you usually draw meaning by following a process something like this one—trying to identify what you see, hear, or read; questioning what you do not understand; making and testing predictions; and consulting authorities for confirmation or credible information. In this way, comprehension leads to critical analysis, understanding, and evaluation.

You will encounter different text types, too. Authors of literary texts such as short stories, poems, and plays may strive to make their work believable, enjoyable, and effective in conveying their themes. To locate a theme , look for recurring language, ideas, or images. Consider how the characters change between the beginning and the end of the story. Then, consider whether the author’s choices effectively convey the theme. The strongest responses to literature or other art forms are based on textual evidence, as in most academic writing. Visit Colorado State University for more insight into evaluation.

You also can refer to Evaluation or Review: Would You Recommend It? for more on evaluation or review and Print or Textual Analysis: What You Read for more direction in approaching narrative texts.

Responding to Write

Once you understand a text, examine it more slowly to analyze and evaluate its cultural assumptions, its arguments, its evidence, its logic, and its conclusions. The best way to do this is to respond, or “talk back,” to the text in writing. Again, pay attention to the rhetorical situation: the agents and conditions. Talking back can take various forms, from actually saying words to yourself or aloud, to making margin notes, to composing a critical response. Respond to passages that cause you to pause for a moment to reflect, to question, to read again, or to say “Ah!” or “Aha!” Your reactions may suggest something important, maybe a revelation or an insight. Whichever it may be, take note of it because you may not have that reaction on another reading.

If the text is informational, try to capture the statements that are repeated or that pull together or summarize ideas. These are often critical elements to understand and possibly evaluate later. If the text is argumentative, examine the claim, reasoning, and each piece of supporting evidence. You can always go back to examine evidence or look up sources the author used when you want to gain a better understanding of the text’s purpose and position in a larger conversation. If the text is literary, pay extra attention to language features, such as images, metaphors, and crisp dialogue. Often, authors use these elements to help create a character, such as a character that always says “ya know” after every sentence, thus making a character more individual and realistic.

Basically, you want to note what’s happening to you as you read. Ask about the text’s effect on you. How are you reacting? What are you thinking or feeling? What do you like? What do you dislike? What do you trust or distrust? Why? These responses are useful especially if the information is new or unexpected. By noting them, you will be able to build your understanding and convey that to readers. Part of the goal as a writer is to take the connections and bridges you have made and provide them for your readers to help them follow the logic of those connections.

Responding to a text in writing also means locating specific evidence to quote, paraphrase, or summarize in support of your analysis or evaluation. When you quote, you use the exact language of the text; when you summarize, you reduce the text to a brief statement of its main ideas in your own words; when you paraphrase, you restate the text in your own words. In all these cases—quotation, summary, or paraphrase—you will need to cite or reference the original source. Proper and consistent citation is important for several reasons. It helps establish your authority, thus building your credibility with readers. It also allows readers to go to your sources for more details or specifics so that they, too, can take part in the conversation. And it shows you are crediting your sources, thus avoiding plagiarism. To learn more about source citation, consult MLA Documentation and Format or APA Documentation and Format .

Use this media interactive to practice identifying the different ways in which readers respond to texts. Then, examine the annotated professional critical response model below.

Critical Response: An Annotated Model

The case of jean gianini.

In 1914, in the village of Poland, New York, sixteen-year-old Jean Gianini murdered his former teacher Lydia Beecher. During the commission of this brutal murder, Gianini provided evidence that tied him to the murder through a lost a button at the crime scene. Upon arrest, Gianini confessed to the crime. At the trial, Gianni’s defense lawyers claimed that Gianini was legally insane during the commission of his crime. Psychologist Dr. Henry Herbert Goddard was called to testify as an expert witness.

Here, as the author, Henry Herbert Goddard (1866–1957) , analyzes “The Case of Jean Gianini ” (1915). The selection that follows demonstrates a framework and an example of a critical response to a text. It has been excerpted for clarity and space.


In the introduction to his critical response, Goddard includes the title of the work and a summary of the rhetorical situation. He ends the introduction with a statement of evaluation.

public domain text “We find the defendant in this case not guilty as charged . . .” end public domain text

public domain text Such was the verdict by the jury of the Supreme Court of Herkimer County, New York, on May 28th, 1914, in the case of the people vs. Jean Gianini, indicted for the murder of Lida Beecher, his former teacher. end public domain text

annotated text Here, the author cites the title of the text—a court case—and provides some early context. end annotated text

public domain text The prosecution and, at first at least, the majority of the citizens of the community held that this had been a carefully planned, premeditated, cold-blooded murder of the most atrocious character, committed with a fiendishness seldom seen among human beings. It was, on the other hand, claimed by the defense that the boy . . . had only the intelligence of a ten-year-old child, that he did not know the nature and quality of his act, and that he did not have any true realization of the enormity of his crime. For some reason unaccountable to a great many people, the jury accepted the view of the defense. end public domain text

annotated text Here, the author provides elements of the rhetorical situation: culture, context, and stance. Shared cultural assumptions are that the guilty will be punished. Contextual details of the trial include a summary of the defense and the jury’s reaction. The phrase “unaccountable to a great many people” may suggest that the author does not agree with the jury’s “not guilty” verdict. end annotated text

public domain text Not infrequently have verdicts in murder trials been unacceptable to the populace. In that respect this verdict is not an exceptional one, but from other standpoints it is remarkable. Probably no verdict in modern times has marked so great a step forward in society’s treatment of the wrongdoer. For the first time in history psychological tests of intelligence have been admitted into court and the mentality of the accused established on the basis of these facts. end public domain text

public domain text The value of this verdict cannot be overestimated. It establishes a new standard in criminal procedure. end public domain text

annotated text Here, the author offers commentary about the larger meaning of this case, historically. In addition, the author concludes with a statement of evaluation—the importance of the verdict to the administration of justice. end annotated text

The next several body paragraphs provide Goddard with the opportunity to offer the reasons behind his evaluation. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence to maintain focus and organization. For each reason offered, explanation of its importance and supporting evidence from the text through quotations, summaries, or paraphrases should follow. See MLA Documentation and Format or APA Documentation and Format for guidance on citation.

public domain text One of the unique features, so far as court procedure is concerned, was the introduction into the case, of examinations by means of the Binet-Simon Measuring Scale of Intelligence. end public domain text

annotated text In this passage, the author gives one reason to support both his and the jury’s assessment of Jean’s intelligence—an intelligence test. Moreover, it is presented as a new scientific tool, which it was in 1915, to help establish the case. end annotated text

public domain text The writer’s examination of Jean consisted largely of the use of these tests, and as a result he estimated his mentality at approximately ten years of age. It was somewhat difficult to estimate his mentality with the usual exactness since others had already used the tests, and it was impossible to say how much Jean had learned from his previous examinations. As a matter of fact, in some cases at least, he had not profited by the experiences which should have helped him greatly [. . .] For example, one of the tests is to draw from memory a diagram which he has been allowed to study for ten seconds. It is clear that if one were given this test two or three times, at the last trial he should have a pretty good idea of it and be able to draw it correctly. Although the writer’s use of this test was in the last of the series of those who tested him, yet he did not succeed in drawing it. This is usually drawn by a child of ten years. When asked to repeat a certain sentence, he replied, “Oh, I have been asked that a hundred times.” But in spite of the fact that he had heard it several times he failed to remember it, and yet this sentence is generally remembered by a child of twelve. end public domain text

annotated text Here, the author introduces evidence from the test through summary. Yet, he employs some faulty cause-and-effect reasoning. Based on Jean’s response to repeating a sentence, is it possible that he refuses to participate in the tests rather than that he is unable to produce the desired responses? By not considering alternative conclusions (or perspectives), the author shows a bias against Jean and favoritism toward the test and the conclusion he draws from it. end annotated text

To conclude, Goddard shares with readers his final thoughts about the text and leaves the readers with something to think about.

public domain text Our general studies have not yet gone far enough, and certainly our study of this particular family is far from sufficient, to enable us to decide whether this is a matter of heredity or whether we shall say that Jean’s condition as well as that of the first child is traceable directly to the mother’s insanity or to her alcoholism. end public domain text

public domain text For the present purpose, of course, it does not matter. We see in these facts, whether we regard them as causes or merely as symptoms of a deeper lying cause, sufficient reason for Jean’s [intellectual condition. [. . .] The next important question that arises is a legal one of whether [. . .] he knew the nature and quality of his act and that it was wrong. end public domain text

annotated text Finally, the author introduces subsequent (and maybe distracting) information. Additionally, the author concedes to the popular assessment of Jean’s mental condition, but he raises a legal question that prompts readers to continue thinking: Does one’s intellectual capacity excuse one from criminal culpability ? end annotated text

Now, it is your turn to put this knowledge to work. Use a graphic organizer like Table 1.1 to get started drafting your ideas in response to your chosen text.

In addition, use these sentence starters as needed during drafting:

[Name of author] explains ________.

After discussing ________, the author claims ________.

[Author’s name]’s main point is ________.


In other words, the author is saying that ________.

To paraphrase, the author claims that ________.

To simplify this idea, think about it in this way: ________.

[Name of author] develops ________ to show ________.

The author’s use of ________ supports ________.

The author employs ________ to create ________.

Evaluation :

The most important aspect of this text is ________ because ________.

[Name of author] fails to address ________ and ________, which makes me think about the impact on ________.

I think [name of author] is wrong [or correct] because ________.

As an example, the author says, “________.” (Be sure to provide accurate citation!)

The sentence “________” suggests that ________.

The use of the word “________” creates the impression that ________.

As often as possible, use the author’s name rather than a pronoun. The first time you mention it, write the full name as it is listed on the source you are using. Then, use the last name only, and be certain to cite properly. Finally, edit and revise your work to catch any oversights.

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  • Authors: Michelle Bachelor Robinson, Maria Jerskey, featuring Toby Fulwiler
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Writing Guide with Handbook
  • Publication date: Dec 21, 2021
  • Location: Houston, Texas
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American Board Blog

How Essay Writing Can Enhance Your Critical Thinking Skills

Josh carlyle.

  • November 13, 2018

critical thinking in writing essay

Learning how to develop ideas in writing is a major challenge for many students. Developing critical thinking means learning to think clearly and form judgments. Writing can be used as a tool to evaluate a student’s ability to develop coherent arguments.

75 percent of American 12 th and 8 th graders have insufficient writing skills , as estimated by the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Poor writing skills among students isn’t a new phenomenon, however. Students have always struggled with critical thinking that is both difficult to teach and difficult to learn. Students who cannot think critically have a hard time developing their ideas in writing. Teaching students to develop an original idea and support it is more complicated than teaching them how to avoid spelling errors. Critical thinking involves evaluation, problem solving, and decision making which are all necessary ingredients in a good essay. Here are 8 ways how essay writing can enhance your students’ critical thinking skills:

  • Evaluating the reliability of information

When writing essays, students have to evaluate the reliability of the information that they have. Where did it come from, and how it was acquired? Does it serve someone’s interests, and is there a reason to assume that it could biased?

Differentiating between facts and opinions

Evaluating different sources of information is important when presenting arguments. There is a difference between backing up your arguments with facts and opinions. Students will learn that facts are truths that can be proven, whereas opinions are only based on personal experiences, feelings, and beliefs that have not been tested.

Reflecting on information

Writing an essay allows students to understand how they react to information. Do they agree or disagree with it? Does it make them surprised, excited, or confused? And most importantly, why they react that way?  

  • Making decisions

Decision-making is a crucial part of critical thinking. It concerns how we make the most optimal choice between different alternatives. Students need to make decisions when they’re writing an essay and they have to choose the best way to argue their position.

Solving problems

Every writer encounters problems, and the key to being successful is to have techniques to overcome those problems. A useful technique for students is to break down their problem into smaller parts. Writing an essay becomes easier to manage when they break it down to parts such as title, introduction, body, and ending paragraph.

Using information in different forms

Understanding how information is presented is essential for formulating arguments. Is the information in the form of a graph, table, paragraph, or chart? Why is it presented in this way? Students will learn to utilize information in many different forms.

Evaluating arguments

Before students can draw their own conclusions, they must evaluate arguments from other people. Does the argument make sense in light of all evidence? When formulating their own thoughts in their essays, students will have to evaluate existing arguments. Can they find flaws in them, and is there a way to improve them?

Presenting arguments

After students have weighed up the evidence and evaluated other arguments, it’s time to present their own arguments. Writing an essay is a good practice for students to learn to present their arguments after forming judgments and making their decisions. Teaching your students to develop their critical thinking through writing essays is one thing but making sure that their language is polished and free of errors is something another. Lucky for your students, there are tools and services that can help them with this stage. The following can be useful for students who need editing for their essays:

  • Grammar Girl – a writing blog and podcast offering helpful tips for people who want to improve their writing skills.
  • Purdue OWL – an online writing lab that provides guidelines and useful tips for writing and editing your content.
  • Readable – a text analysis tool that gives you statistics about the readability of your text.

If you want to read more about how to help your students improve their essay writing skills, you can check our earlier post about tools that can make essay writing easier .

Author Bio: Josh Carlyle is an experienced writer, who covers different topics relating to educational innovations, college life and new technologies in teaching, such as  4 Top eLearning Development Trends To Look Out For  and 5 Myths About Business Writing You Probably Still Believe . He has been sharing his knowledge with communities and blogs for more than four years.    

  • Categories: American Board Tips , Career Tips , Writing Tips
  • Tags: Testing

About The Author

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Josh Carlyle is an experienced writer, who covers different topics relating to educational innovations, college life and new technologies in teaching, such as 4 Top eLearning Development Trends To Look Out For and 5 Myths About Business Writing You Probably Still Believe. He is sharing his knowledge with communities and blogs for more than four years.

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Critical thinking definition

critical thinking in writing essay

Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.

Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to belief and action, requires the critical thinking process, which is why it's often used in education and academics.

Some even may view it as a backbone of modern thought.

However, it's a skill, and skills must be trained and encouraged to be used at its full potential.

People turn up to various approaches in improving their critical thinking, like:

  • Developing technical and problem-solving skills
  • Engaging in more active listening
  • Actively questioning their assumptions and beliefs
  • Seeking out more diversity of thought
  • Opening up their curiosity in an intellectual way etc.

Is critical thinking useful in writing?

Critical thinking can help in planning your paper and making it more concise, but it's not obvious at first. We carefully pinpointed some the questions you should ask yourself when boosting critical thinking in writing:

  • What information should be included?
  • Which information resources should the author look to?
  • What degree of technical knowledge should the report assume its audience has?
  • What is the most effective way to show information?
  • How should the report be organized?
  • How should it be designed?
  • What tone and level of language difficulty should the document have?

Usage of critical thinking comes down not only to the outline of your paper, it also begs the question: How can we use critical thinking solving problems in our writing's topic?

Let's say, you have a Powerpoint on how critical thinking can reduce poverty in the United States. You'll primarily have to define critical thinking for the viewers, as well as use a lot of critical thinking questions and synonyms to get them to be familiar with your methods and start the thinking process behind it.

Are there any services that can help me use more critical thinking?

We understand that it's difficult to learn how to use critical thinking more effectively in just one article, but our service is here to help.

We are a team specializing in writing essays and other assignments for college students and all other types of customers who need a helping hand in its making. We cover a great range of topics, offer perfect quality work, always deliver on time and aim to leave our customers completely satisfied with what they ordered.

The ordering process is fully online, and it goes as follows:

  • Select the topic and the deadline of your essay.
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With lots of experience on the market, professionally degreed essay writers , online 24/7 customer support and incredibly low prices, you won't find a service offering a better deal than ours.

critical thinking in writing essay

Critical Thinking in Education

critical thinking in writing essay

Critical thinking (also known as objective analysis) is a cornerstone of education, serving as a fundamental skill that equips students with the ability to navigate a rapidly changing world. Research indicates that such skills are strongly correlated with academic success and are essential for future workplace readiness. According to a study by the American Management Association, 9 out of 10 employers believe that critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills are crucial for job performance. In today's knowledge-based economy, where information is abundant but often conflicting, students must develop the capacity to discern credible sources, analyze complex issues, and formulate well-reasoned arguments.

Moreover, it fosters intellectual curiosity and a lifelong love of learning. A National Association of Colleges and Employers report found that 80% of employers prioritize candidates with strong critical thinking skills when making hiring decisions. Beyond the classroom, it empowers individuals to become active and engaged citizens, capable of understanding diverse perspectives, challenging assumptions, and advocating for positive change in their communities. By integrating it into educational curricula, institutions can cultivate a generation of innovative thinkers equipped to tackle the multifaceted challenges of the 21st century and contribute meaningfully to society.

critical thinking in writing essay

Benefits of Critical Thinking in Education

Enhances problem-solving skills.

Objective analysis equips students with the tools to identify problems and encourages them to delve deeper into root causes and potential solutions. Through critical analysis and evaluation of different approaches, students learn to think strategically and creatively when faced with education challenges. Moreover, by honing their ability to anticipate consequences and consider multiple standpoints, they develop a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues, enabling them to devise innovative and effective solutions that address underlying concerns.

Promotes independent Learning

Critical thinking empowers students to take ownership of their learning journey by fostering intellectual curiosity and self-motivation. By encouraging active engagement with course materials and fostering a spirit of inquiry, educators can inspire students to explore topics beyond the confines of the classroom. Through self-directed research, reflection, and analysis, students develop the critical thinking skills and confidence to seek information, critically evaluate its relevance and credibility, and synthesize diverse viewpoints into well-informed opinions and arguments.

Prepares for Future Career Success

In today's rapidly evolving job market, critical thinking has emerged as a key competency sought after by employers across industries. Beyond technical expertise, employers value employees who can think analytically, solve complex problems, and adapt to changing circumstances. By cultivating objective analysis skills, educational institutions prepare students to navigate the complexities of the modern workplace with confidence and agility. Whether tackling challenging projects, collaborating with diverse teams, or making strategic decisions, individuals with strong critical thinking abilities are better positioned to thrive in dynamic and competitive environments.

Fosters Citizenship and Civic Engagement

Objective analysis is essential for personal and professional success and is crucial in shaping informed and engaged citizens. In an era of misinformation and polarization, the ability to discern fact from fiction and critically evaluate sources of information is more important than ever. By teaching students to approach information with skepticism, to ask probing questions, and to seek out diverse perspectives, educators empower them to become discerning consumers and contributors to public discourse. Armed with critical thinking tools, students are better equipped to navigate complex social, political, and ethical issues, participate meaningfully in democratic processes, and advocate for positive change in their communities and beyond.

How to Improve Critical Thinking in Education?

Improving critical thinking requires deliberate practice and honing one's analytical abilities. Here are several strategies to enhance critical thinking:

How to Improve Critical Thinking

  • Cultivate curiosity

Foster a curious mindset with critical thinking by asking questions, seeking new lookouts, and exploring diverse viewpoints. Encourage curiosity-driven inquiry inside and outside the classroom to stimulate intellectual engagement and spark creative thinking.

  • Develop analytical skills

Sharpen your critical thinking abilities by breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components. During education, practice identifying patterns, connections, and underlying assumptions to gain deeper insights and formulate well-reasoned conclusions.

  • Evaluate evidence critically

Train yourself to assess the credibility and reliability of information with critical thinking through scrutinizing sources, considering biases, and verifying facts. As an education seeker, practice discerning between reputable sources and misinformation, and challenge yourself to approach information with skepticism.

  • Practice active listening

Hone your critical thinking and listening skills by paying close attention to others' standpoints, ideas, and arguments. For education, practice active listening techniques such as paraphrasing, asking clarifying questions, and summarizing key points to demonstrate understanding and foster constructive dialogue.

  • Engage in reflective thinking

Set aside time for introspection and self-reflection to evaluate your beliefs, assumptions, and decision-making processes. As a critical thinking expert, consider alternative viewpoints and outlooks, and be open to revising your opinions based on new information or insights.

  • Seek out diverse perspectives

Expand your worldview by exposing yourself to various perspectives, experiences, and cultural backgrounds subject to critical thinking during education. Engage in respectful dialogue with individuals with different viewpoints, and be receptive to learning from their POV.

  • Practice problem-solving

To improve critical thinking, challenge yourself to solve problems creatively by exploring multiple solutions and considering their potential outcomes. Embrace trial and error as part of the learning process, and view setbacks as opportunities for growth and improvement.

  • Collaborate with others

Collaborative learning environments provide valuable opportunities to exchange ideas, debate complex issues, and receive peer feedback. Throughout education, engage in group discussions, teamwork, and peer review activities to enhance your critical thinking skills through collective problem-solving and knowledge sharing.

  • Engage in interdisciplinary learning

Broaden your knowledge base by exploring topics and subjects outside your expertise. Interdisciplinary learning encourages building connections with critical thinking between different fields of study, fostering a holistic understanding of complex issues and promoting creative problem-solving approaches that draw upon diverse perspectives and methodologies.

  • Practice mindfulness

Cultivate mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques for education to enhance critical thinking, focus, clarity, and mental agility. Mindfulness promotes awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and cognitive processes, allowing you to approach challenges with greater insight, resilience, and presence of mind.

  • Embrace intellectual humility

Adopt a humble attitude toward your education, knowledge, and beliefs, recognizing that there is always more to learn and perspectives to consider. Cultivate a willingness to admit when you don't have all the answers and seek input from others who may offer valuable insights or alternative viewpoints. By remaining open-minded and receptive to feedback, you can continuously refine your critical thinking skills and deepen your understanding of complex issues. If you’d like to learn more about how to improve critical thinking , feel free to consult this guide.

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