16 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Deforestation

Deforestation is defined as the widespread clearing of trees from a specific parcel of land. The purpose of this process is to create an area of space that can be used for purposes other than forest management. Most deforestation actions occur in tropical rainforests as a way to prepare large swaths of land for farming, plantations, or agricultural pastures.

Although farming is a common cause for deforestation that is often discussed, there are multiple reasons why these actions are taken. Resource extraction, logging, and mining activities all create cash opportunities that the land cannot provide when it is covered with trees. Even though we know the dangers of removing trees from the environment, deforestation activities continue to escalate in the patterns that were first established in the 1960s.

The United Nations estimates that over 18,000,000 acres of forest are lost each year due to these activities. Since 2010, countries like Afghanistan have lost over 70% of their forests due to development efforts.

These are the significant deforestation pros and cons to review.

List of the Pros of Deforestation

1. Deforestation creates more usable land for agricultural activities. Although recent human population estimates for the year 2050 have been revised downward to about 9 billion people, that means we still must have enough crops grown to feed each person. We must have access to fresh water resources that support human population levels to this extent. One of the ways that we can do that is through the creation of more usable agricultural space.

Removing a forest should never be the first option. The advantage that it gives us is access to the space we need to create the food resources that will support us in the future. If we plant more trees to compensate for the ones that must be harvested to create the space, then we can offset many of the disadvantages that come through this practice.

2. Deforestation creates income-earning opportunities. There are numerous materials harvested from forests that earn an income for the workers and countries involved. Logging gives us access to timber which is used to build structures. We can work on mineral extraction, oil and gas, and mining activities that generate ongoing income options. When the costs of removing the timber are compared to the profits that can be earned from the resources found in that area, deforestation becomes an economically profitable venture when it is appropriately managed.

3. Deforestation is a job creator. There are few employment opportunities found in the countries where deforestation takes place most often. Most workers in these regions are trained in agricultural work only. Clearing forests is a way to create logging jobs. The mining opportunities found in the spaces create high wage positions which would not exist otherwise. Even transforming the land into something that produces agricultural products creates more employment options for the region. This process generates an income for families that may not earn anything otherwise.

4. Deforestation gives us the products that we need. We must sacrifice a lot if we reverse our emphasis on deforestation. Wood pulp that is used to create paper comes from timber taken from these activities at times. We build furniture based on the logging work what happens in the modern forest. Items like rubber, Carnauba wax, and aspirin all have ingredients which are sourced from the rain forest. A better solution would be to utilize responsible harvesting practices instead of attempting to clear cut trees when trying to create new economic opportunities.

5. Deforestation creates tax revenues. The income generation opportunities provided through deforestation activities do not stop wants the land is cleared. Farming generates crops which can lead to higher levels of taxation on property and products. Mining and oil production work generates revenue that the government can use in other ways too. In the countries were deforestation occurs most often, numerous social programs are funded by work that falls into this category.

6. Deforestation can stop urban overcrowding issues. Urban sprawl frequently occurs in the countries which feature deforestation activities. By creating new space that is usable for various needs, new communities can begin forming in areas that were once classified as being unusable. This structure makes it possible to reduce the urban population levels by creating new land ownership opportunities which would not exist otherwise. These actions create new chances for economic output, while also reducing the effects of urbanization which also create negative impacts.

List of the Cons of Deforestation

1. Deforestation creates a lack of cultural and biological diversity. The loss of diversity on our planet is a devastating experience. Many of the scientific discoveries that occurred today are because of research that was based in forests. We can even trace humanities tribal past through the study of ancient rainforests. When we get rid of diversity, that gives rise to a higher risk of mutations forming within plant, animal, and human genomes. More than a dozen genetic mutations and humans are associated directly with incestual activities. When these issues occur, they tend to stick around for centuries, which impacts future generations in unknown ways.

2. Deforestation is not necessary to create additional agricultural space. The nation of Brazil achieved a 75% reduction in their deforestation activities in 2015. The government then received $1 billion in funding from a project which works to preserve forest lands around the world. We can work together to find alternative solutions for our agricultural leads when we’re willing to explore ideas that are outside the box. Norway supports this activity in Brazil because it helps to offset the omissions they generate from oil production. Imagine how we could support additional tree grows by utilizing spaces that receive little attention right now.

3. Deforestation can encourage violence. The history of reclaiming land from the rainforest in Brazil is one that is extremely violent. Ranchers would hire mercenaries to remove local tribes, trespassers, or anyone who might threaten their deforestation activities. Some tribes of been so devastated by these activities that they are down to just a handful of members. Even when the government tries to protect these groups, the people who want the land for their own purposes use their resources to counter those protective measures. There is a very real threat of genocide with these activities is outside interventions are not possible.

4. Deforestation disrupts human cultures. Our tribalism may have evolved to be based on borders instead of forests, but it still exists. If we are unwilling to respect the ancient cultures which have not moved to a modern society, then that speaks more about us then it does of them. We cannot substitute patriotism for meaningful social contact with one another. Some of the tribes that lived in these forests seek no contact with the outside world. There may still be hundreds of isolated tribes living in South America and Oceania which reflects the history of humanity’s culture.

When we make contact with these people, we destroyed them. It only takes one year for an isolated tried to lose 50% of the remaining members because of the consequences of outside contacts.

5. Deforestation takes advantage of a dwindling resource. The process of deforestation can only last for so long. We only have a specific number of trees on our planet at any given time. If we continue to cut them down for other purposes, then eventually they will all disappear. At the current rate of deforestation in South America, the Amazon rainforest could be completely gone by the year 2060. An escalation of harvesting activities could make this deadline even sooner. Since only 1% of life on our planet that is believed to live in these environments has ever been studied, we would lose out on numerous potential scientific advances if this outcome we’re allowed to be achieved.

6. Deforestation encourages flooding and erosion. Trees offer stability to the soil. Without their presence, it would not be able to absorb water in the same way it does today. Poor drainage occurs when the land is overworked. This outcome creates higher levels of flooding and erosion because there is nothing left to stop the movement of the water. Then the extra water moves into streams and rivers, which causes downstream flooding for communities hundreds of miles away from where the deforestation activities are taking place.

7. Deforestation offers limited profit opportunities. The act of deforestation creates limited profits for those who are participating in these activities. The removal of trees creates a tangible cost that limits the economic impact our global society needs. According to information published by the BBC, up to $5 trillion is lost each year because of our effort to remove forests. The total loss we experience financially is the equivalent to almost the entire GDP from all the countries which are participating in deforestation activities in the first place.

8. Deforestation creates changes in weather patterns. When there are fewer trees filtering carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, then greenhouse gases can accumulate in harmful ways. Drought caused by human activities creates a global impact which limits life on our planet in numerous ways. It limits our ability to grow crops, access water supplies, and meet the basic needs that we have every day. This pollution creates so much harm that over 200,000 people each year just in the United States die because of its influence. We must understand that the frequency and severity of these climate changes are directly tied to tree removal.

9. Deforestation does not create usable agricultural space in every circumstance. Although deforestation creates more open space, that isn’t a guarantee that people have access to usable land. The issue with this word is that most tropical soils are old and weathered. Their nutrient profile does not support crop grows without artificial intervention. Dense vegetation areas, like you would find in a rainforest, increase the acidity level of the soil as well. There are toxic levels of aluminum and iron found in cleared lands. Once you add in the repair costs to alleviate these issues, the financial benefits of clearing the trees might not outweigh the disadvantages that occur when there is less biological diversity.

10. Deforestation prevents ongoing research. Recent research suggests that up to 70% of the plant life found in rainforests offer the potential of cancer treatment properties. We currently use over 200 plants for the medicines we take today because of the work that was done in the rainforests in previous generations. Not only would we be stopping future medical advancements with our deforestation activities, but we are also eliminating current treatment options for people who are sick.

Vista for station pros and cons make it pretty clear that we cannot continue with the status quo. We must be responsible with our forestry management from here on out. If we are not, then our children and grandchildren will pay the price for our inactivity. We may only have five decades left to fix this problem. That means we must all get started on it today.

Human Rights Careers

10 Negative Effects of Deforestation

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , forests cover 31% of the world’s land area. That’s over 4 billion hectares of an incredibly biodiverse, precious ecosystem. Over half of the world’s forests are in just five countries – Brazil, Canada, the United States, China, and the Russian Federation. Since 1990, around 420 million hectares of forest have been lost, and while deforestation has decreased in the past decades, it remains a serious problem. Why? Here are ten negative effects deforestation has on humans and the planet:

#1. Deforestation harms biomass and worsens climate change

A recent paper in Nature Communications used climate models and satellite data to measure the climate impact of tropical deforestation on the forests left behind. They found that after deforestation in one patch of the Amazon, the resulting climate changes led to another 5.1% loss of total biomass (roots, branches, leaves, etc) for the Amazon basin. This matters because a tree’s biomass stores carbon. Since 2010, deforestation has removed 1 petagram (1 trillion kilograms) of carbon every year. That carbon goes into the atmosphere and drives climate change. Understanding how deforestation affects other forests is essential to measuring its impact and figuring out solutions.

#2. Deforestation makes air pollution worse

Forests are essential to clean air. Through photosynthesis, the leaves of trees take in carbon dioxide and water. Combined with the sun’s energy, they convert these materials into nutrients. A by-product of this process? Oxygen. One large tree can produce as much as a day’s supply of oxygen for four people. Trees also reduce the effects of PM , which are particles of different chemicals that can cause lung and heart disease. This makes trees especially valuable in cities where pollution is higher. They also store carbon dioxide and keep it out of the atmosphere. healthy forests are essentially large air filters. Deforestation has the opposite effect. It removes an essential source of cleaner air and releases the stored carbon, worsening the air quality. Bad air has serious consequences. According to the World Health Organization , around 4.2 million people die every year as a result of outdoor air pollution. Those who don’t die are at risk for a score of lung and heart diseases.

#3. Deforestation increases the risk for more pandemics

Deforestation makes pandemics more likely. Why? Many viral diseases (like COVID-19 and Ebola) come from animals living in tropical forests. As tropical forests are destroyed , the animals that carry these diseases come into closer and closer contact with humans, giving the pathogens prime opportunities to evolve and make the jump to other species. Several studies link deforestation to malaria epidemics in South America as forest clearing helps mosquitoes, which are major vectors of human diseases. Experts have been warning about the health consequences of deforestation for decades. In an article from Nature , epidemiologist Ibrahima Socé Fall is quoted, “If we continue to have this level of deforestation, disorganized mining and unplanned development, we are going to have more outbreaks.”

#4. Deforestation threatens the creation of medicines

Forests not only shield humans from dangerous pathogens. They’re a source of medicine and medical supplies. According to the UN, forest products play a huge role in public health systems, especially during COVID-19 . Things like paper towels, ethanol for hand sanitizers, toilet paper, and more all come from forest products. PPE like masks and clothing for medical workers also use forest products like wood pulp. Many medications have forest origins, too. Around 120 prescription drugs and ⅔ of all medicine with cancer-fighting properties come from rainforest plants . Compounds found in these plants have been used to treat everything from heart disease to diabetes to malaria. Only a small fraction of plants have been tested for their medicinal properties, so it’s essential to protect forests and research what else they can offer humanity.

#5. Deforestation leads to greater soil erosion

Soil erosion has devastating effects on the environment, including the loss of fertile land and crops. Areas with high soil erosion are also more vulnerable to flooding, mudslides, dust storms, and water pollution. Erosion usually occurs when soil is exposed to moving water, hard rain, and strong winds. With their roots, fallen leaves, and branches, forests shield the topsoil from these harmful elements. When trees are cut down, the soil is left exposed. Soil erosion can also worsen climate change because soil holds high volumes of carbon dioxide. When soil is degraded through deforestation, the carbon is released into the atmosphere. The ocean holds significantly more carbon, but with proper land and forest management, healthy soil is a vital tool in the fight against climate change.

#6. Deforestation affects biodiversity

Biodiversity is the variety of life found on earth, including plants, animals, and microorganisms. It measures variations in genetics, species, and ecosystems. Biodiversity comes with a range of benefits, such as healthier soil, cleaner water, healthier plants and animals, and better food security. Every ecosystem’s delicate balance is a little bit different, but experts agree that biodiversity is important for every ecosystem. A piece on The Conversation summarizes what researchers found when they examined five million records stretching over 150 years. They discovered many things, including how changes in biodiversity affect species differently depending on their lifespan. Deforestation also harms biodiversity more in “pristine forests” than in forests more accustomed to disturbances. How significant the forest loss is matters, too. If forests are destroyed, animals and plants could go completely extinct if they can’t adapt fast enough.

#7. Deforestation throws off the water cycle

Trees play an important role in the water cycle. Moisture falls on the ground through rain, snow, and fog. The soil and streams absorb a lot of water but some seeps deeper into underground aquifers or gets evaporated into vapor. The forest’s roots drink in water from the soil, moving it through the tree in a process called transpiration. The water then evaporates from the leaves or needles of the tree and returns to the atmosphere. A study in 2019 found that on a local scale, the forest canopy can regulate the rate of moisture and energy returning to the atmosphere. This impacts water retention and forest ecosystems. The bigger the forest, the bigger its impact. When forests are destroyed, the water cycle is disrupted, which can impact how much rain an area gets, the air temperature, and the health of the surrounding plant, animal, and human communities.

#8. Deforestation harms forest watersheds

Speaking of water, forest watersheds are also vital to humanity and the planet. In the United States alone , forest watersheds are a source of clean water for over 180 million people. When forests are healthy , they filter water, regulate rainfall, manage groundwater tables, and protect communities from droughts and floods. On the coast, forests are essential for marine life. Deforestation causes harm in a variety of ways. Forests are unable to filter properly or regulate the water supply. The risk for floods, erosion, and landslides increases. In 2016, Global Forest Watch released a report showing the world’s watersheds lost 6% of their tree cover between 2000 and 2014. Forest loss, fire, and erosion were common threats. The watershed in Sumatra, Indonesia, lost more than 22% of its forest cover from logging, agricultural expansion, and infrastructure. The effects? More water pollution, landslides, fires, and floods.

#9. Deforestation makes outdoor work dangerous

Millions of people work outdoors in industries like construction and agriculture. When forests are healthy, they block the sun’s radiation, offer shade, and cool down the air. When trees in places like the Amazon are cut down, the temperature shoots up. According to 2021 a study in One Earth, nearly 5 million people working in tropical areas over the past 15 years lost around 30 minutes of safe work time per day because of deforestation. In other tropical areas, around 100,000 people (90% of whom live in Asia) lost more than 2 hours of safe work time. Losing safe work time forces many to continue working in unsafe conditions where high temperatures cause heat strain and heat stroke, which can be fatal. The study’s lead author said : “Our findings highlight the vital role tropical forests play in effectively providing natural air-conditioning services for populations vulnerable to climate change – given these are typically regions where outdoor work tends to be the only option for many, and where workers don’t have the luxury of retiring to air-conditioned offices whenever the temperature rises to intolerable levels.”

#10. Deforestation has a huge economic impact

Forests are a crucial economy . Everywhere in the world, communities living in forests depend on their biodiversity. Around 86 million green jobs involve forests while 880 million people collect wood for fuel or produce charcoal. People of all income levels use forests, but 90% of those living in extreme poverty depend on them for at least part of their livelihood. Many forms of recreation and tourism also rely on forests. Based on some estimates, the economic value of the forest’s ecosystem services could be as high as $16.2 trillion every year. The total value could be much higher. According to an analysis by the Boston Consulting Group, which attempted to measure value based on climate regulatory function, environmental benefits, social value, and commercial output, the world’s forests could be worth as much as $150 trillion. As much as 90% of the value comes from forests’ ability to store carbon. The analysis pointed to land-use changes and rising global temperatures as the biggest threats to that value.

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About the author, emmaline soken-huberty.

Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. She started to become interested in human rights while attending college, eventually getting a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. In her spare time, she can be found reading or enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty with her husband and dog.


Why deforestation matters—and what we can do to stop it

Large scale destruction of trees—deforestation—affects ecosystems, climate, and even increases risk for zoonotic diseases spreading to humans.

As the world seeks to slow the pace of climate change , preserve wildlife, and support more than eight billion people , trees inevitably hold a major part of the answer. Yet the mass destruction of trees—deforestation—continues, sacrificing the long-term benefits of standing trees for short-term gain of fuel, and materials for manufacturing and construction.

We need trees for a variety of reasons, not least of which is that they absorb the carbon dioxide we exhale and the heat-trapping greenhouse gases that human activities emit. As those gases enter the atmosphere, global warming increases, a trend scientists now prefer to call climate change.

There is also the imminent danger of disease caused by deforestation. An estimated 60 percent of emerging infectious diseases come from animals, and a major cause of viruses’ jump from wildlife to humans is habitat loss, often through deforestation.

But we can still save our forests. Aggressive efforts to rewild and reforest are already showing success. Tropical tree cover alone can provide 23 percent of the climate mitigation needed to meet goals set in the Paris Agreement in 2015, according to one estimate .

a melting iceberg

Causes of deforestation

Forests still cover about 30 percent of the world’s land area, but they are disappearing at an alarming rate. Since 1990, the world has lost more than 420 million hectares or about a billion acres of forest, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations —mainly in Africa and South America. About 17 percent of the Amazonian rainforest has been destroyed over the past 50 years, and losses recently have been on the rise . The organization Amazon Conservation reports that destruction rose by 21 percent in 2020 , a loss the size of Israel.

Farming, grazing of livestock, mining, and drilling combined account for more than half of all deforestation . Forestry practices, wildfires and, in small part, urbanization account for the rest. In Malaysia and Indonesia, forests are cut down to make way for producing palm oil , which can be found in everything from shampoo to saltine crackers. In the Amazon, cattle ranching and farms—particularly soy plantations—are key culprits .

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Logging operations, which provide the world’s wood and paper products, also fell countless trees each year. Loggers, some of them acting illegally , also build roads to access more and more remote forests—which leads to further deforestation. Forests are also cut as a result of growing urban sprawl as land is developed for homes.

Not all deforestation is intentional. Some is caused by a combination of human and natural factors like wildfires and overgrazing, which may prevent the growth of young trees.

Why it matters

There are some 250 million people who live in forest and savannah areas and depend on them for subsistence and income—many of them among the world’s rural poor.

Eighty percent of Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests , and deforestation threatens species including the orangutan , Sumatran tiger , and many species of birds. Removing trees deprives the forest of portions of its canopy, which blocks the sun’s rays during the day and retains heat at night. That disruption leads to more extreme temperature swings that can be harmful to plants and animals.

With wild habitats destroyed and human life ever expanding, the line between animal and human areas blurs, opening the door to zoonotic diseases . In 2014, for example, the Ebola virus killed over 11,000 people in West Africa after fruit bats transmitted the disease to a toddler who was playing near trees where bats were roosting.

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Some scientists believe there could be as many as 1.7 million currently “undiscovered” viruses in mammals and birds, of which up to 827,000 could have the ability to infect people, according to a 2018 study .

Deforestation’s effects reach far beyond the people and animals where trees are cut. The South American rainforest, for example, influences regional and perhaps even global water cycles, and it's key to the water supply in Brazilian cities and neighboring countries. The Amazon actually helps furnish water to some of the soy farmers and beef ranchers who are clearing the forest. The loss of clean water and biodiversity from all forests could have many other effects we can’t foresee, touching even your morning cup of coffee .

In terms of climate change, cutting trees both adds carbon dioxide to the air and removes the ability to absorb existing carbon dioxide. If tropical deforestation were a country, according to the World Resources Institute , it would rank third in carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions, behind China and the U.S.

What can be done

The numbers are grim, but many conservationists see reasons for hope . A movement is under way to preserve existing forest ecosystems and restore lost tree cover by first reforesting (replanting trees) and ultimately rewilding (a more comprehensive mission to restore entire ecosystems).

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Organizations and activists are working to fight illegal mining and logging—National Geographic Explorer Topher White, for example, has come up with a way to use recycled cell phones to monitor for chainsaws . In Tanzania, the residents of Kokota have planted more than 2 million trees on their small island over a decade, aiming to repair previous damage. And in Brazil, conservationists are rallying in the face of ominous signals that the government may roll back forest protections.

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Stopping deforestation before it reaches a critical point will play a key role in avoiding the next zoonotic pandemic. A November 2022 study showed that when bats struggle to find suitable habitat, they travel closer to human communities where diseases are more likely to spillover. Inversely, when bats’ native habitats were left intact, they stayed away from humans. This research is the first to show how we can predict and avoid spillovers through monitoring and maintaining wildlife habitats.

For consumers, it makes sense to examine the products and meats you buy, looking for sustainably produced sources when you can. Nonprofit groups such as the Forest Stewardship Council and the Rainforest Alliance certify products they consider sustainable, while the World Wildlife Fund has a palm oil scorecard for consumer brands.

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Deforestation is the intentional clearing of forested land.

Biology, Ecology, Conservation

Trees are cut down for timber, waiting to be transported and sold.

Photograph by Esemelwe

Trees are cut down for timber, waiting to be transported and sold.

Deforestation is the purposeful clearing of forested land. Throughout history and into modern times, forests have been razed to make space for agriculture and animal grazing, and to obtain wood for fuel, manufacturing, and construction.

Deforestation has greatly altered landscapes around the world. About 2,000 years ago, 80 percent of Western Europe was forested; today the figure is 34 percent. In North America, about half of the forests in the eastern part of the continent were cut down from the 1600s to the 1870s for timber and agriculture. China has lost great expanses of its forests over the past 4,000 years and now just over 20 percent of it is forested. Much of Earth’s farmland was once forests.

Today, the greatest amount of deforestation is occurring in tropical rainforests, aided by extensive road construction into regions that were once almost inaccessible. Building or upgrading roads into forests makes them more accessible for exploitation. Slash-and-burn agriculture is a big contributor to deforestation in the tropics. With this agricultural method, farmers burn large swaths of forest, allowing the ash to fertilize the land for crops. The land is only fertile for a few years, however, after which the farmers move on to repeat the process elsewhere. Tropical forests are also cleared to make way for logging, cattle ranching, and oil palm and rubber tree plantations.

Deforestation can result in more carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere. That is because trees take in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis , and carbon is locked chemically in their wood. When trees are burned, this carbon returns to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide . With fewer trees around to take in the carbon dioxide , this greenhouse gas accumulates in the atmosphere and accelerates global warming.

Deforestation also threatens the world’s biodiversity . Tropical forests are home to great numbers of animal and plant species. When forests are logged or burned, it can drive many of those species into extinction. Some scientists say we are already in the midst of a mass-extinction episode.

More immediately, the loss of trees from a forest can leave soil more prone to erosion . This causes the remaining plants to become more vulnerable to fire as the forest shifts from being a closed, moist environment to an open, dry one.

While deforestation can be permanent, this is not always the case. In North America, for example, forests in many areas are returning thanks to conservation efforts.

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Essay on Effects of Deforestation for Students and Children

500 words essay on the effects of deforestation.

The world is losing most of its natural resources as and when you read this. There are many factors which are making this happen, however, one major concern is that of deforestation. Human activities are resulting in deforestation at a very rapid rate. Moreover, the effects of this activity are very dangerous. We do not realize the damage we are causing to living beings as well as the vegetation by cutting down trees. It will be clearer if we understand the impact of deforestation and make attempts to prevent it.

essay on effects of deforestation

Impact of Deforestation

When we cut down even a single tree , the impact it has is huge. Now imagine if we clear out whole forests only altogether, how damaging would that be. We cut down forests to meet the needs of humans. In order to fulfill the agricultural , commercial , industrial , residential and other needs we remove forests . Most of the earth was covered with forests until a hundred years ago, however, now we don’t have much of them left.

Deforestation causes disruption in the ecological balance. Moreover, it also interferes with the lives of wildlife and human beings as well. Firstly, when there won’t be many forests left, the water cycle of the earth will get disturbed. There won’t be enough trees left to absorb the water. Moreover, it will cause floods and droughts too. Similarly, soil erosion will be another effect of deforestation.

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Other than that, the climate will experience massive change. Global warming is also happening partly due to deforestation only. The oxygen level in the atmosphere will drop down by a great number and thus naturally carbon dioxide levels will increase. Most importantly, the wildlife is losing their habitats due to deforestation. Forests are their only home and with no place left to go, they either lose their lives or wreak havoc in the cities.

Therefore, we must all come together to stop this from happening and saving our earth as well as our lives. Humans must not be so selfish so as to make other animals homeless to shelter themselves. We must not damage our vegetation to create a beautiful garden for ourselves.

How to Prevent Deforestation?

We can do a lot of things that will contribute to preventing deforestation. To begin with, do not waste paper. The more demand there will be the more supply will happen. This way, trees will keep getting cut to meet these needs.

Similarly, the government must put a ban on deforestation so the big firms can find other alternatives instead of clearing forests for commercial and industrial needs. The laws must be made stringent enough and also implemented properly to prevent it.

Moreover, there must be measures taken to control the increasing population . As there are more mouths to feed and fewer resources, our nature and forests are getting burdened. There is not adequate supply to meet the ever-increasing demands of the population. Thus, the lesser the demand, the better the conditions of the forests as well.

FAQs on Effects of Deforestation

Q.1 What is the impact of deforestation?

A.1 Deforestation has many seriously damaging effects. It disrupts the water cycle and increases the level of carbon dioxide and decreases oxygen levels. Further, it also causes floods, droughts, soil erosion and more.

Q.2 How can we prevent deforestation?

A.2 We can do a joint effort to prevent deforestation. Do not waste paper so there will be lesser cutting of trees. The government must put a ban on deforestation. The government must practice population control so as to not burden forests to meet the ever-increasing needs.

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How Does Deforestation Affect the Environment?

How Does Deforestation Affect the Environment?

Forests, a vital component of life on Earth, cover approximately 31% of our planet’s land area . However, more than 75% of the Earth’s surface has been modified and degraded by human activities such as deforestation. Destroying forests alters weather patterns, destroys habitats, and negatively affects rural communities, leading to food insecurity and causing irreversible damage to entire ecosystems. So how does deforestation affect the environment and what threats does it pose to living species?

To answer the question of how deforestation affects the environment, it is important to look at why humans need forests in the first place. Deforestation is the purposeful cleaning of forest land for other uses. Among the main reasons for this damaging practice are agricultural expansion and cattle breeding as well as to obtain raw materials such as palm oil, a key ingredient in cosmetics and food products widely used around the world, and timber used for fuel, manufacturing, and infrastructure development. Studies show that 15,3 billion trees are chopped down every year and over the past 12,000 years, nearly 50% of the world’s trees have been purposefully cleared by humans. This practice threatens our environment, from altering the climate and various ecosystems to compromising the existence of millions of humans and animals.

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1. Effects on Climate Change

The scientific consensus on deforestation is that it intensifies climate change at a dramatic rate. The Global Forest Watch made it clear: protecting tropical rainforests is essential for achieving the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. Trees are known for their capacity to absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Healthy forests act as extremely valuable carbon sinks, with the Amazon rainforest being one of the world’s most important ones. However, deforestation is turning these sinks into huge net emitters , something that can have huge implications for slowing the pace of climate change and contributing to a steep rise in global temperatures. The current rate of rainforest-loss generated emissions is nearly 25% higher than those generated in the European Union and just slightly below US levels. Deforestation also increases the risk of uncontrollable wildfires because of humans burning vegetation. This, in turn, contributes to destroying forests, intensifying deforestation even more.

Tropical primary forest loss

2. Effects on Soil Pollution and the Water Cycle

In addition to their role as carbon sinks, forests are a crucial component of the water cycle and have the all important function of preventing desertification. Cutting down trees can disrupt the cycle by decreasing precipitation and affecting river flow and water volume. In the case of the Amazon rainforest, research shows that at least 80% of its trees would be needed in order to keep the hydrological cycle going. With nearly 17% of the forest lost already, the Amazon is currently at its tipping point . Statistics show that deforestation in the tropics reduces precipitation over the Amazon by around 10% , or 138 millimeter, every year. In the South Asian Monsoon region, the reduction in rainfall is even higher, with around 18% less rain recorded in India in a single year.

Aside from their contribution to the water flow, trees help the land retain water and sustain forest life by supplying the soil with rich nutrients. Deforestation deprives the land of its cover, leaving the soil exposed to wind and rain. This makes soil vulnerable to being washed away, and prone to erosion. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), as much as half of the world’s topsoil has been lost as a consequence of the nearly 4 million square miles of forest that have been lost since the beginning of the 20th century.

3. The Effects on Humans 

In answering the question of how does deforestation affect the environment, you may discover that in fact, it also has a direct impact on the human population. With the loss of trees and entire forests, homelands are also being destroyed in the process. Indigenous communities who live in forests and depend on them to sustain their life bear the brunt of impacts from deforestation. As their houses are destroyed and resources compromised, these tribes are forced to migrate elsewhere and find other ways to sustain themselves. The Amazon rainforest is home to over one million Indigenous people , mostly of Indian descent, divided into more than 400 indigenous tribes. They live in settled villages by the rivers, and grow and hunt their food. These “uncontacted” tribes live by the rules of nature but are becoming increasingly vulnerable to deforestation, which has forced many of them to migrate. While some of them move into areas occupied by other tribes, straining the land’s resources, others are forced to relocate to urban settings and completely change their way of living.

4. The Effects on Animals and Plants

Along with Indigenous tribes, animals are some of the biggest victims of deforestation. Forests around the world are home to more than 80% of all terrestrial animal, plant, and insect species . However, the rapid destruction of forests is contributing to a decline in biodiversity never seen before. The main effect of deforestation on animals and plants is the loss of their habitat. Many factors related to cutting down trees contribute to driving species to extinction. Through land erosion, the soil is depleted of its nutrients, a huge source of nourishment for animals and plants. Furthermore, many animal species are heavily reliant on specific plants and their fruits for food sources. When these resources are lost, animals become weaker, more vulnerable to diseases and often succumb to starvation. Another important role of trees is to regulate the temperature of forests and maintain it constant. When deforestation occurs, temperature variates more drastically from day to night and this extreme change can often prove fatal for many animal species.  

5. The Effects on Food Security

One last major effect of deforestation is its impact on food security through the loss of biodiversity. While food availability for Indigenous tribes and animals that live in forests is reduced in the process of deforestation, its effects on weather patterns and soil degradation also drastically decrease agricultural productivity. Populations located in the proximity of tropical forests are mostly impacted by the worsening trend. Indeed, millions of people living in these areas depend almost entirely on agriculture and are thus extremely vulnerable to the impact of deforestation on food security, struggling to grow enough food and prevent crops from damage. It has been shown that the deforestation of the Amazon contributes to a decline in pasture productivity of about 39% as well as a drop of soy yields of nearly 25% in over half of the Amazon region and of a staggering 60% in a third of the area.

You might also like: 12 Major Companies Responsible for Deforestation

Can We Halt Deforestation?

Knowing how deforestation affect the environment more than one way and its catastrophic effects on the planet, it is crucial that people around the world take action to mitigate its impact. This can be done on an individual level, for example by reducing meat consumption, going paperless and recycling products as much as possible, opting for natural products that do not contain ingredients such as palm oil and supporting organisations and sustainable companies that are committed to reducing this dangerous practice. On a governmental level, the consequences of deforestation can be mitigated by introducing policies that protect natural forests and regulate mining and logging operations as well as other operations that require the destruction of tree plantations.

Featured image: Global Water for Sustainability 

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disadvantages of deforestation essay

Martina Igini

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International Day of Forests: 10 Deforestation Facts You Should Know About

International Day of Forests: 10 Deforestation Facts You Should Know About

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20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Deforestation

Deforestation is the act of clearing a wide area of trees to change the purpose of the land. This subject is usually discussed when looking at the effects it has on the rainforest biome, but it can also occur anywhere in the world when a forest is artificially transformed for another purpose. Farming is the most common reason for this action. Timber companies will clear-cut for short-term profits at times, while ranches or urban use are also possibilities.

Although trees are part of the natural cycle of life on our planet, human-driven deforestation can affect our ecosystems, weather patterns, wildlife, and climate. Forests still cover about 30% of the land area on our planet, but they are also disappearing at a rapid pace. Since 1990, over 502,000 square miles of forest biome, which is an area larger than the country of South Africa, has gone through this process.

Since humans first started to cut down forests to use the natural resource for their own needs, we have lost 46% of our total trees. Almost one-fifth of the Amazon rainforest has disappeared in the last 50 years – and the pace of devastation is increasing still today.

That is why we must carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of deforestation right now. If we wait too long and this practice alters life on our planet, the results could be devastating for future generations.

List of the Advantages of Deforestation

1. This practice gives us access to the products we use every day. Farming, livestock grazing, drilling, and mining activities are responsible for over 50% of all deforestation activities today. In places like Indonesia and Malaysia, farmers are replacing the trees of the forest with groves that can produce palm oil. That means we all have access to affordable products that include saltine crackers and shampoo because of these efforts. Soy plantations in the Amazon exist because of this activity. Despite the potential changes to the environment that occur, new plantings can help to mitigate the harvests that occur.

2. We have access to paper and wood products because of deforestation. Although deforestation practices are not solely responsible for our paper and wood products, the actions of timber companies give us access to these needed items. Access roads that go into the remote forests make it possible to thin out some of the trees without harming the overall biome as well. Sustainable practices that encourage profits and usability without the need for full clearcutting is possible with proper management techniques. Some individuals and companies may not practice that agenda, but there are times when deforestation simply leads to a new forest being planted.

3. It creates an economic benefit that some communities need for survival. There are more than 250 million people who live in the savannahs and forest areas where the activities of deforestation are essential to their survival. Many of the families who live in those biomes are some of the poorest people in the world today. Although 80% of the plants and land animals on our planet live in the forests, the disruptions are permitted because the alternative means placing even more sacrifices on those who already have so little. Billions of dollars in the import-export market exist because of the logging activities and agricultural outcomes that are possible because of this practice.

4. We can create more usable land for a growing population. The kids of the 1980s will be in their 70s when the world’s population is expected to reach 10 billion people for the first time. That number is expected to place a lot of pressure on our natural resources. Scientists have legitimate concerns about our abilities to distribute food, have access to fresh water, and provide living space to all of those people. Deforestation may not be the preferred method of expansion, but it will give us a way to make more land usable for agricultural or urban purposes.

5. Logging jobs aren’t the only ones that deforestation activities support. There are tens of thousands of jobs available today, many of them which provide a high local standard or living, because of the effects of deforestation. We can extract natural gas and oil from these rich lands to meet our energy needs. Miners have access to precious metals like gold and silver, and there are minerals which are accessible in these areas as well. The revenues from these operations help to support the local economy as well. If agencies were to plant new trees for the ones that they take out, then the impact of many potential disadvantages would be significantly reduced.

6. We have an opportunity to discover new species. Because of the research opportunities that developed due, in part, to the actions of deforestation, we have discovered tens of thousands of new species in the rainforest biome since the 1950s. There have been thousands of new animals discovered during that time as well, along with almost countless new insects. Scientists recently explored a rainforest located in Mount Lico and found a new species of butterfly, an unclassified mouse species, and have the expectation to find much more.

7. Social safety net programs receive funding through deforestation efforts. When companies make a profit through their actions of deforestation, then the tax revenues that come from those earnings help to fund local government activities. Social welfare programs receive funding because of this advantage. There are roads, bridges, and other infrastructure items available thanks to these actions as well. Over $6 billion gets generated each year because of these actions, which means the economic fallout from a complete stoppage could be devastating.

List of the Disadvantages of Deforestation

1. Without trees, we lose the environmental benefits they provide. We need to have our forests for a variety of reasons, including the fact that they absorb carbon dioxide from our atmosphere and what we exhale. This biome will also stop the heat-trapping greenhouse gases that we produce from our regular activities. Tropical tree cover by itself can provide over 20% of the climate mitigation that we need by 2025 to meet the goals that were set by the Paris Agreement in 2015. If we are continuing to cut down trees to create more farmland, ranches, or usable space, then the short-term profits we encounter are really a debt that will be placed on the next generation.

2. Removing trees can influence global temperatures. When forests disappear because of deforestation, then there are portions of the canopy which disappear in this biome. This event causes more sunlight to reach the forest floor, which means there is less heat retained during the evening hours as well. It is a disadvantage which causes more severe swings in global temperatures because there are fewer influences in place to stabilize the temperature. That means the days can get hotter, the nights get colder, and plans and animals encounter a higher risk for harm because of those extreme swings.

Cutting trees creates a double disadvantage here. Not only are we limiting the amount of CO2 that is absorbable from the atmosphere, but we are adding more to the air that we breathe. If our deforestation activities were a single country, it would rank third behind China and the United States for equivalent emissions.

3. It can adversely impact local water supplies. The effects of deforestation go beyond changes in the ambient temperature. Removing trees can impact the local, regional, and global water cycles. The Amazon rainforest is responsible for the water supply to many Brazilian cities. Neighboring countries almost solely rely on this natural resource for their drinking supplies. When we lose clean water and biodiversity at the same time because of clearcutting activities, then there can be numerous effects that happen in the future that we could never predict. Everyone would be affected in some way, even if they only have a cup of coffee in the morning.

4. The soil from forest lands is rarely usable right away. The actions of deforestation might create more usable space, but it is an adverse impact in many situations because the soil is not useful in its current state. When rainforests are cleared in tropical areas, the nutrient availability is negligible. That means farmers and ranchers must apply fertilizers and artificial stimulants to make the land usable for crops, even if palm oil is the intended harvest.

There can be issues with acidity as well, which means changes to the pH level are necessary. When you consider the added cost of additives and fertilizers, the benefits of deforestation are sometimes negligible.

5. The revenue boosts that economies receive are temporary. When you clear-cut a forest, the trees will not grow back unless there are planting activities which occur afterward. Because that process creates an added cost for some firms, the short-term profits from the timber are taken instead. That means each acre provides a limited revenue boost that must be duplicated with each budget cycle. That’s why we’re losing more than 18 million acres of forest biome each year. Since there is no effort made to encourage sustainability, it is impossible to build the foundation of a long-term profitable enterprise. At some point, there will no longer be a rainforest available to harvest, which means all of the benefits listed here will disappear.

6. Deforestation can lead to issues with species extinction. When we take away the habitats where animals live, then they must either adapt to their new living conditions or die. The latter option happens far too often over the past 60 years when deforestation began to grow at exponential levels. Mother Nature can only change at a certain speed and to a certain extent. Plants receive adverse impacts because of this disadvantage as well.

The World Wildlife Federation released a report in 2018 that included 59 scientists from around the planet. Their conclusion was shocking: since 1970, humans have eliminated 60% of the animal species because of growing consumption of resources and food. We must come to realize that nature is our life-support system instead of being something that is nice to have.

7. It leads to increased levels of soil erosion. When there are no longer trees available to anchor fertile soils, then erosion can occur in the first weather cycle after the deforestation event. Rainfall can sweep the new land into the rivers, especially since any new agricultural plants don’t have the same root base strength that the previous trees could offer. Some crops, including soybeans, wheat, cotton, palm oil, and coffee, can make this disadvantage worse even if the CO2 issues are neutralized. Up to one-third of the arable land on our planet has already washed away because of soil erosion or degradation issues in the past 60 years.

Since producers just move on when this disadvantage occurs, more deforestation takes place. That process continues the cycle of soil loss, which eventually can lead to a recessive economy when no other options are possible.

8. Deforestation can disrupt the livelihood of entire cultures. There are over 1.2 billion people in the world today who rely on the forest biome for their shelter. Water, fuel, and food security are also possible because of our responsible use of trees. About 750 million people actually live in the forest, including 60 million indigenous people. The act of deforestation disrupts all of these lives, often with devastating consequences when it occurs. The rural poor in Brazil have already been lured out from their villages to work in abusive, forced conditions on plantations as a form of modern slavery. In the Mekong region of Southeast Asia, this action had led to population migration, social conflict, and higher levels of violence.

9. It can lead to issues with local and regional flooding. When there is less soil stability because of the disadvantage of erosion, the risk of a flooding event occurring during the rainy season increases dramatically. Poor water absorption levels make it easier for higher accumulation levels since the trees are no longer present to take up the extra moisture. That runoff then funnels into the streams and rivers in the region, creating problems for downstream communities. As the conditions worsen in the region, the speed and ferocity of the flooding events continue to increase, threatening property and lives in ways that wouldn’t occur if deforestation wasn’t happening.

Although this disadvantage may eventually disappear as the forests go away, a secondary problem will begin. If the Amazon rainforest were to be entirely consumed by the year 2060, then it could create untold climate impacts that may be devastating to human populations.

10. Deforestation changes our culture. Humans rely on their tribal instincts far more often then they realize. Although we often associate this behavior with indigenous people, we all choose neighborhoods, friends, and even spiritual communities based on our comfort levels. When we choose deforestation over the future of our planet, then we are doing more than changing the lives of the 100+ isolated tribes that continue to live in the rainforest biome. We are changing ourselves.

Up to 50% of a single tribe is usually dead after the first year of contact with the modern world because of disease exposure. More pass away because they cannot adapt to the changes demanded of them. Our lives also change because of weather changes, such as alterations to the hurricane season or historic heat waves that come around with greater frequency.

11. We might lose the future of medicine because of deforestation. Up to 70% of the plants in the rainforest biome have some level of anti-cancer reactions when studied under clinical research conditions. Many of these species only exist in the Amazon region. There are medicines that we can develop from the trees and plants that can help with addiction withdrawal, metabolism, and problematic infections. If deforestation continues, then we would lose access to our current medical resources while eliminating the potential for additional discoveries.

12. People become violent over their grabbing of new resources. Governments take action to protect indigenous tribes from outside interactions because of the health dangers that such exposure creates. There are times when a single family or individual might be the remaining members of their tribe. Local farmers, ranchers, and entrepreneurs understand that the protections that stop them from expanding their operations disappear when those individuals are gone.

The most well-known example of this disadvantage is of an individual called Man of the Hole. On protected lands, he grows vegetables and maintains his tribal way of life despite being its last known member. Government officials must protect him because of how people frequently target him to claim his land.

13. Deforestation encourages a loss of diversity. When we lose diversity in our DNA, then there is a noticeable increase in risk of genetic mutations occurring. This disadvantage is often called a “bottleneck.” There is more than a dozen of these issues directly related to familial mating practices in humans, with the impact still affecting newborns centuries after they develop. One family has a medical issue called Uner Tan Syndrome which causes them to walk like a quadruped. Hypertrichosis causes hair excessive hair to grow on the face, ears, and shoulders.

If we apply this same principle to Mother Nature and our artificial interventions due to deforestation, then the same problems could occur. By limiting diversity, we are creating problems that may last for generations even if we can eventually reverse the issue.

Verdict on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Deforestation

Humans looked at forests as a usable, commercial product in the centuries before because our population numbers were low, and the biome was so rich. As time has passed, our numbers have grown to levels that are not sustainable with traditional practices. We are now adversely impacting our very ways of life under the guise of giving ourselves a brighter future. The evidence would suggest otherwise.

We must begin to create a sustainable infrastructure to counter the problems that deforestation creates. The value of the forest must be factored into the financing decisions that take places for the mines, farms, and roads that take the place of trees.

The advantages and disadvantages of deforestation must encourage a transition to different bioenergy resources if we want to stop future issues. Instead of using wood and charcoal for fuel, we can create energy with residues, wastes, and even algae. It is possible to have 100% of our energy come from renewable resources by 2050 if we make the investments today.

The Impact of Logging and Deforestations on an Ecosystem Essay (Critical Writing)

Introduction, background and overview, reasons for deforestation, effects of deforestation.

The ability to understand and address the effects of deforestation and logging forms the basis towards sustainability of resources, greater social-economic development, political stability and ecological sanctity in the fast globalizing society. Deforestation is not a one state issue as it was previously thought.

In fact, it is a highly diverse aspect with far reaching implications to all environmental aspects. Lawrence et al (2012) point out that the current trend in deforestation around various countries across the world is shocking.

If this trend is not addressed, its cumulative effects would be irreversible and therefore greatly risk the existence of future generations. At this point, key questions that have frequently been asked have included the following: What entails deforestation?

How does deforestation affect a natural forest ecosystem? What are the main causes and resulting effects? What are some of the current efforts that have been put in place to address deforestation? Are these efforts efficient?

The current concerns on global deforestation have been examined in this paper as part of underscore its magnitude on a global scale and the litany of the disaster in the market. To indicate the road path that has resulted into the current precarious position and how it can be addressed, the national policy options have also been evaluated.

Finally, using the market to address the problem of deforestation and logging, the paper indicates the opportunities that can be assimilated to promote sound environmental practices that are equally sustainable while maximizing the returns to the people.

The ability to balance between economic development and natural resources capacity to sustainably maintain profitability forms the basis of the human race to match into the future with dignity and vitality.

Though the understanding of deforestation and logging as analysts concur is highly contested, the revelation of its related impacts has created a critical niche that demands involvement by all stakeholders.

Over the last few decades, the problem of global warming in conjunction with aspects such as deforestation have been cited as the most dangerous disasters in waiting on a global scale.

This has been the case due to its expansive deforestation and destruction of nature that makes even those not involved directly in its destruction to severely suffer the negative effects.

In their publication, Lawrence et al (2012) define deforestation as a permanent destruction of woodlands and forests. The definition points out at indigenous tree as well as vegetation cover which does not include plantations of pines and gums or industrial forests. The role that forest plays in the balancing of an ecosystem is very crucial.

Environmentalists indicate that besides being a source of materials human beings use every day, it serves as a habitat for endemic plants, birds and wild animals. The problem of deforestation has been massive in most regions in the world with recent reports from the World Bank showing a four fifth reduction of indigenous forest.

Other reports indicate that by 2011, half the total forest of the world had disappeared posing a threat to the majority of plant species and animals living in the tropical forests.

On the other hand, logging is part of deforestation whereby trees are cut, processed on-site and loaded into trucks. The latter is a silviculture activity with similar effects like deforestation.

While some would argue that the logistics behind logging is to remove wood from forest to a lumber yard outside a forest, it is imperative to note that the practice directly connects with deforestation. It is a theft of timber and violates the law.

Figure1: A figure showing the effect of logging

A figure showing the effect of logging.


The current fast deteriorating status of natural environment has greatly been caused by poor domestication, articulation, and harmonization of international laws by individual countries and states.

This has been prompted by lack of enough good will to address all issues relating to environment in a holistic outlook thereby compromising the overall resilience of the same natural resources.

Due to much bitterness, scholars have lamented about the reduced capacity to comprehend the inability of their non-inclusive sole conservation strategies which factors not the interconnectedness of the natural environment.

As a result, this has created a strong rift between the conservations and implementing bodies over who is to blame for the mayhem. Over the years, the desire to advance and grow both economically, socially, and culturally have been entirely dependent on nature.

Whereas various countries lag behind in implementation of different conservation laws in their jurisdictions, it is clear that the practice of deforestation and logging is committing the world into a more perilous state than it is currently.

Virtually all products and services are nature-derived. Even for the few that may claim non-derivative status, their transport and eventual spatial temporal application have great connotation of nature.

Studies indicate that deforestation is not a new phenomenon since it has been a difficult issue blamed on numerous factors. Lindsay and Thornton (2012) indicate that some one of the reasons behind deforestation is the growing need among agricultural dependent communities to convert forest and woodland areas into agricultural lands.

It is imperative to highlight that this has been a factor that has been motivated by the demand to feed the ever growing populations. Besides, many societies in tropical countries have over the years turned to cattle ranching and growing of cash crops to earn money and foreign exchange.

As a result, many large forest areas have been cleared and turned into farming zones for livestock breeding and cash crop farming.

Figure 2: A diagram showing deforestation

A diagram showing deforestation.

Additionally, deforestation occurs when businesses within an industry practice commercial logging. The latter has been a method widely used by industries that supply the world market with a variety of wood such as ebony, mahogany, teak, and meranti.

This practice has not only destroyed forests, but has opened up large tracts of land for agriculture. The felling of trees has not only stopped with businesses, but also the construction sector which relies on trees for building.

Global warming and climate change

Global warming is the increase in the average temperatures on the troposphere due to excessive emissions of green house gases into the atmosphere. Scientifically, green house gases allow easy penetration of short wavelength radiations from the outer space while obscuring escape of the long wave radiations from the earth surface.

As a result, there has been a direct build up of the surface temperatures in the earth thereby causing vast climate changes. As a concern by the natural laws, this change has been directly linked to massive destruction of natural ecosystems in the world.

Excessive thawing in the polar regions, rising levels of the sea, loss of forests, flooding, higher levels of tropical weather systems and most importantly desertification.

Scientifically, carbon dioxide is an important component in green plants’ photosynthetic process. However, Lindsay and Thornton (2012) point out that human beings have constantly been clearing forests for agricultural purposes, urban development, settlements and industrial development.

Besides, forests have also been cleared as raw materials for wood based industries. On average, Masood and Shah (2012) indicate that about 80,000 acres of forests are cleared every day globally. As a result, the critical role of sinking the atmospheric carbon has greatly been compromised and therefore resulting to greater accumulation of greenhouse gases.

High levels of poverty

While many human activities on forest have been aimed at improving living standards through agriculture, it goes without mentioning that the deforestation has instead increased global poverty levels that have plagued the society today.

In their publication, Lawrence et al (2012) indicate that the immediate concerns for individuals clearing forests for agriculture or burning charcoal for money is neither conservation nor environmentalism. Rather, they are mostly concerned with basic survival. This practice therefore puts the environment under great pressure.

This coupled with intensified mechanization of deforestation by industries has resulted to extremely high rates of forest cover removal. The impact has been a devastating 13 million hectares of land being cleared down every year around the world.

This puts pressure on the natural resources and forest clearance either for alleviating poverty, raising economic status or promoting greater development through mechanization affects the balance in the ecosystem leading to poverty.

A more worrying effect to agree with Bonan(2008) is desertification. The rising temperatures as recorded over the years intensify the severity of draughts, by making more land uncultivable and less habitable.

Floods and submergence of coastal lowlands

According to Betts et al (2001), the rising temperatures over the years have resulted to excessive thawing of ice waters at the Polar Regions.

Consequently, the additional waters has resulted to key submergence and flooding of the low lying costal lands. Islands and low lying regions such as Venice, New Orleans and Indonesia have recorded key losses from floods (Lindsay & Thornton, 2012).

In the Caribbean, nations such as Cuba, Haiti and the Domican Republic which rely on beach tourism to support their economies have started experiencing major losses from floods and could be headed to major disasters if the problem is not addressed.

From the above analysis, it is clear that deforestation is one of the most critical aspects that require immediate address if the earth is to avoid major disasters. Cooperation and ethical responsibility is therefore critical for the risk to be effectively addressed.

Of greater importance is the need to assimilate better mechanisms based on research that provides empirical information on how to address the problem.

Besides, the future of individuals and businesses in the world is considered to be on a critical balance as states and their associated social-economic and political systems appear to differ greatly on the model that could be used to address deforestation and the awaiting disaster.

It is critical that the society at large take a leading role in progressively assimilating models that reduced felling of trees for whatever reasons. Due to the extent of the negative effects, corporate social responsibility by businesses should be taken with greater emphasis to link the respective stakeholders in addressing the problem.

For many years, trading in timber has been claimed to be a negligible factor in loss of forests. There has been a notion that wood fuel and agricultural land clearance are the most harmful forms of deforestation (Masood & Shah, 2012).

Growth in population is believed to be the cause of the major scourge in forestation. Industrial exploitation of wood is also a valid problem when it comes to the impacts of deforestation. Research has proven that there has been a misconception in the determination of the most relevant cause of forest loss.

Besides, the efforts by the international board of bio diversity preservation to define this problem are quite reliable. In its mission to enhance survival of the ecosystems, they have managed to give a clear picture of the problem at hand. It has been concluded that trading in timber is the most significant factor which leads to forest loss and degradation of the environment.

It is possible to conduct a detailed discussion which gives an account of how logging is harmful to forestation. This can be attained through pointing out realities which are on the ground. It is not easy to find a rich endowment of forests in areas which have large or small scale operations in timber harvesting.

Regions which have a high diversity of tree coverage have both old and valued trees. These are the major targets of commercial activities. It goes without saying that the more valuable a certain species is, the scantier it becomes as time progresses.

Hence, natural forests have been devastated. This is more rampant in areas where stewardship of forests is done by indigenous people or groups who are politically not empowered. A nominal state of control is experienced which later opens up forests towards deforestation.

The fact that these high diversified forests have a rich value has continued to draw growing attention. They have an established flow to markets given that they are easily acquired.

Commercial activities in timber industry have also led to reduction in the quality of forests. In a conservation perspective, it is true that there is no positive difference brought by replacing the world’s forest cover with plantations of trees. It should be noted that a principle of destroying in order to repair is not helpful at all.

It is a destructive plot which continues to abhor efforts of saving our ecosystems. It is also worth noting that the majority of native wildlife should not be destroyed intentionally with a mentality that replacement will be done in the near future.

Original native species should be left intact to continue multiplying. Even though it is impossible to retain a constant number of a given species, it is important to keep all rare trees alive. Replacing them with exotic types leads to the growth of weed species. This is as a result of cross pollinations which may not be easily curbed.

Poor quality of forests is being experienced across the globe. Most parts of Australia, North America, Europe and Africa at large have suffered greatly due to this problem. This is more felt in the biological value of forests. Analysis shows that the loss of trees which cover land has a far reaching impact than it is thought.

Quality in composition of forests is a basic intrinsic element which should be preserved to keep good ecosystems. This is because trees have different values. If ecosystems are not given a natural chance to have full development, then there is likelihood that forests will suffer numerous extinctions in the near future.

The impact of forest loss continues to be felt as time goes by. Forests have continued to grow scantly in different areas. Many countries have remained with fragments of what used to be areas of high forest cover. The only regions which seem to have rich forests are those which are next to human habitations.

The latter have proved to be less reliable due to the fact that timber trade has continued to grow. Actions of timber traders are at a critical level with the survival of biological forest. Ecosystems have been significantly affected in pursuit of timber (Lindsay & Thornton, 2012).

There have been years of continued degradation and as such, forests have terribly suffered. Areas with natural forest cover have remained to be the hope for future forestry. The earth has reached a point where it has vast pieces of land which had adequate forest cover but was cleared.

Young regenerations of such forests have minimal chances of survival because logging has devastated the available tree cover. Old forests have reached a point of no return. Research shows that if forests were not tempered with by timber harvesting, then flora and fauna would retain their primary growth.

Undisturbed forests are rear to obtain. They have been left in the hands of merciless activities of logging. It is evident that the quality of ecosystems in the current world has undergone gross degradation.

In a pursuit of what is believed to be sustainable development, nations have destroyed their rich natural ecosystem. Natural ecosystems are barely able to support life. There is a clear representation of the picture when chances of survival of given species of organisms are under the care of human beings.

The fact that people cannot stop commercial logging even after seeing its adverse effects is a solid prove of how tree life is no longer given the reverence it deserves. It should be noted that the activity of commercial logging is going to dilapidate ecosystems and posses a threat to the biological well being of both fauna and flora.

Assessments show that legal timber trade is harmful. In fact, deforestation due to illegal logging is negligible. Timber from illegal activities is a small percentage of the bulk that circulates in the global timer industry.

Logging has therefore proven to be a major cause of loss of forest cover. It is true that countries which carry out logging have a relatively high impact of losing sustainable ecosystems.

Indeed, the period of 30 years from now is very pivotal as far forest ecosystems are concerned. According to the current rate of commercial logging and deforestation for the sake of habitation, this period is going to determine the future of diverse natural forest ecosystems.

Policies interventions made during this period will play a vital role. An implicit decision of saving the world’s ecosystems is indeed vital (Masood & Shah, 2012).

This is a serious situation and more united stewardship of forests needs to be put in place. Governments should take this issue without hesitation. This is the time to regulate the international timber industry.

Betts, R. A., Falloon, P. D., Goldewijk, K. K. and Ramankutty, N. (2001) Biogeophysical effects of land use on climate: Model simulations of radiative forcing and large- scale temperature change . Agriculture for Meteor , 142, 216-233.

Bonan, G. B., (2008) Forests and climate change: Forcings, feedbacks, and the climate benefits of forests. Science , 320 (3), 1444- 1449.

Lawrence, P. et al (2012). Simulating the biogeochemical and biogeophysical impacts of transient land cover change and wood harvest in the community climate system model (CCSM4) from 1850 to 2100. Journal of Climate , 25(9), 3071-3095.

Masood, M., & Shah, F. (2012). Dilemma of third world countries – problems facing Pakistan energy crisis a case-in-point. International Journal of Business and Management , 7(5), 231-246.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 18). The Impact of Logging and Deforestations on an Ecosystem. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-impact-of-logging-and-deforestations-on-an-ecosystem-critical-writing/

"The Impact of Logging and Deforestations on an Ecosystem." IvyPanda , 18 Apr. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/the-impact-of-logging-and-deforestations-on-an-ecosystem-critical-writing/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'The Impact of Logging and Deforestations on an Ecosystem'. 18 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "The Impact of Logging and Deforestations on an Ecosystem." April 18, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-impact-of-logging-and-deforestations-on-an-ecosystem-critical-writing/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Impact of Logging and Deforestations on an Ecosystem." April 18, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-impact-of-logging-and-deforestations-on-an-ecosystem-critical-writing/.


IvyPanda . "The Impact of Logging and Deforestations on an Ecosystem." April 18, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-impact-of-logging-and-deforestations-on-an-ecosystem-critical-writing/.

Pros Cons Advantages Disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages of deforestation essay in points.

shoaibraza134 April 20, 2018 Environment Leave a comment 19,396 Views

This topic will help you to understand the advantages and disadvantages of deforestation . Forests are often referred to as the lungs of planet earth. They are the primary source of numerous resources that are important for our survival. They not only provide the major amount of oxygen, they also provide habitat to the majority of the wild life.  Although forests are an important asset for our planet, deforestation is causing a sharp decline in it its quality as well as quantity. Deforestation is the destruction of forests by replacing it with something else. It includes the clearing and removal of forests by replacing it with housing or commercial projects. The major impacts of deforestation are certainly negative but there are numerous advantages too. So, let us stat discussing the major advantages and disadvantaged obtained from the clearing of forests.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Deforestation

Advantages of deforestation.

  • Advantages of major source of natural resources

One of the possible and a significant advantage of deforestation is the extraction of essential natural resources such as timber and charcoal. All of these natural resources are important for industries and the commercial sector which requires them for producing other goods and services. Hence, deforestation plays an important role in the economic growth of the country.

  • Creates a large number of jobs Advantages

Deforestation tends to create a large number of job opportunities for the unemployed. Through deforestation not only the demand for wood cutters and machinery increases but the demand for manufacturing, transportation, and construction industries also increase. More and more people will be needed for the available jobs thus increasing the employment level in all industries.

  • Advantages of Removes Dead Trees

All deforestation is not done for just clearing the area and using it for commercial purposes. Sometimes deforestation is also done to cut down the dead trees that are not useful and replace them with new plants of trees. This way the same space can be utilized for the same purpose however there will be a significant increase in the productivity of the area.

  • Advantages of Provides Residential Land

One of the main aims of clearing the forests is to increase the land for residential purposes. These days, the growing population is finding it hard to settle in large towns and cities because of shortage of residential lands. So, by cutting down forests, governments can ease the shortage and provide its citizens with cheap lands that could be used for residential purpose.

  • Advantages of Increases the area for agriculture

Another possible advantage of deforestation is the rise in the land for agricultural purposes. By cutting down the trees, the space can be used for multiple purposes such as residential purposes and commercial purposes while it can also be used for agricultural purposes thus increasing the output of the sector and increasing the economic growth too.

  • Increases the quality of livestock Advantages

Although, the majority of the land obtained after deforestation is used for commercial and residential purposes, it is also used for growing livestock. Many farmers get additional space as well as better breeding grounds for their livestock.

Disadvantages of Deforestation

  • Disadvantages of Harms Wildlife and Destroys Habitat

Forests are the biggest habitat for every wild life species out there. It not only is a home to wild life species but is also the major source of food as well as protection for them. Once, a forest is cut down and the trees are removed, the overall ecosystem of that area is affected significantly. In the short run it will only affect the habitat of those wild life species but in the long run they can even become endangered or extinct. So, this is one of the biggest disadvantages of deforestation.

  • Eliminates the overall beauty of the area Disadvantages

An area filled with trees and greenery always looks beautiful but once all the trees are cut down and the area is cleared, the overall beauty of the area is lost. Although, the land is used for the betterment of the society, we should also remember that these forests will take centuries to grow again.

  • Affects the global climate pattern Disadvantages

Deforestation is one of the major contributors to the green house effect. One of the major functions of plants and trees is to take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. But, once the trees are cut down, this means that the carbon dioxide is not being utilized and is not getting replaced by oxygen so the overall weather pattern of the world will be affected. This is the reason why some places are experiencing too much heat while some are experiencing too much cold weather.

  • Disadvantages to causes soil erosion

Trees are one of the major reasons behind the humidity and moisture in the soil which helps in the growth of further agriculture. However, once the trees are cut down it will cause soil erosion and will increase the process of desertification making the land less fertile and no further vegetation could be done on that land again.

  • affects the water cycle Disadvantages

Trees and plants are a key player in the water cycle process globally. They help in creating water reserves by the complex processes of evaporation and infiltration. These processes when combined form the, water cycle. So, once these trees are cut down the global water cycle is affected causing the shortage of rain in many areas which can even lead to famine, shortage of food, spread of diseases, and even the loss of lives.

  • Disadvantages of causes floods and fires

Trees play an important role when it comes to floods and fires. They hold the ground together and when floods occur they reduce the pressure and speed of the water reducing any major damage done by floods. While they also reduce the chances of extreme fires as they keep the ground and air humid, this decreases the chances of sudden fires to a great extent. If you have any point about this essay of “advantages and disadvantages of deforestation”. Please share with your friends via using below comment box.

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Essay on Deforestation

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Deforestation, the large-scale removal of forests, stands as one of the most critical environmental issues facing our planet today. This process, driven by various factors including agricultural expansion, logging, and urban development, has profound implications for the Earth’s biodiversity, climate, and human communities. This essay delves into the causes, effects, and possible solutions to deforestation, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of this complex issue.

Causes of Deforestation

Agricultural Expansion: The primary cause of deforestation is agricultural expansion. As the global population continues to grow, so does the demand for food, leading to the clearing of forests to create more land for crop production and livestock grazing. This practice is particularly prevalent in tropical regions, where vast areas of rainforest are lost every year.

Logging: Logging for timber and paper products contributes significantly to deforestation. Often, this logging is done illegally, further exacerbating the problem. The demand for wood products drives the continuous exploitation of forests, leading to their degradation and fragmentation.

Urban Development: The expansion of urban areas also leads to the clearing of forests. As cities grow, land is needed for housing, infrastructure, and industry, resulting in the loss of forested areas.

Mining: Mining operations, including the extraction of minerals and oil, require significant land clearing. These activities not only lead to the direct loss of forests but also pollute the environment, affecting both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Effects of Deforestation

Biodiversity Loss: Forests are home to over half of the world’s terrestrial species. Deforestation leads to the loss of habitat, pushing countless species towards extinction. This loss of biodiversity has severe implications for the ecological balance and the services ecosystems provide.

Climate Change: Forests play a critical role in regulating the Earth’s climate by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The removal of forests contributes to increased levels of greenhouse gases, leading to global warming and climate change. This has far-reaching effects on weather patterns, sea levels, and the frequency of extreme weather events.

Soil Erosion and Degradation: Trees help to bind the soil, preventing erosion. The removal of trees exposes soil to the elements, leading to increased erosion and loss of fertile land. This can result in decreased agricultural productivity and increased vulnerability to natural disasters such as landslides and floods.

Impact on Indigenous Communities: Many indigenous communities rely on forests for their livelihood, culture, and survival. Deforestation threatens their way of life, leading to conflicts over land and resources.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Deforestation

Advantages of deforestation.

  • Agricultural Expansion : Deforestation allows for the expansion of agricultural lands, enabling farmers to grow more crops and rear livestock, which can help to feed the growing global population.
  • Economic Growth : The timber industry benefits economically from deforestation through the sale of wood and wood products. Additionally, cleared land can be used for infrastructure development, contributing to economic growth.
  • Urbanization and Development : Deforestation makes way for urban expansion, housing, and infrastructure projects, such as roads and schools, that are essential for community development and modernization.
  • Energy Production : Trees are a source of biomass energy. Clearing forests can provide materials for biofuel production, contributing to energy diversification.

Disadvantages of Deforestation

  • Loss of Biodiversity : Forests are home to a significant portion of the world’s terrestrial species. Deforestation leads to habitat loss, endangering plant and animal species, and contributing to extinction.
  • Climate Change : Trees play a critical role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Their removal contributes to increased levels of CO2, exacerbating greenhouse gas effects and climate change.
  • Soil Erosion and Degradation : Trees protect soil from erosion with their roots and canopies. Without this protection, soil is more susceptible to erosion, leading to loss of fertile land and sedimentation in rivers and lakes.
  • Water Cycle Disruption : Forests contribute to the regulation of the water cycle by absorbing rainfall and releasing water vapor into the atmosphere. Deforestation disrupts these processes, leading to dryer climates and decreased water availability.
  • Impact on Indigenous Communities : Many indigenous communities depend on forests for their livelihood, culture, and traditions. Deforestation can displace these communities and destroy their way of life.
  • Loss of Natural Carbon Sink : Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing more carbon than they emit. Deforestation not only releases the carbon stored in trees but also decreases the amount of carbon capture, contributing to global warming.
  • Increased Greenhouse Gases : The burning of trees in the process of deforestation releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases, further contributing to climate change.

Solutions to Deforestation

Sustainable Agriculture: Implementing sustainable agricultural practices can reduce the need for new agricultural land. Techniques such as agroforestry, where crops are grown among or around trees, can help maintain forest cover while providing agricultural yield.

Responsible Logging: Promoting responsible logging practices and the use of certified wood products can help reduce the impact of logging on forests. This includes enforcing laws against illegal logging and encouraging the use of sustainably sourced timber.

Reforestation and Afforestation: Planting trees in deforested areas (reforestation) and creating new forests on non-forested land (afforestation) can help restore ecosystems. These efforts can also contribute to carbon sequestration, helping to mitigate climate change.

Protected Areas: Establishing protected areas and national parks can help conserve remaining forests and biodiversity. Enforcing these protected areas is crucial to preventing illegal activities that lead to deforestation.

Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about the importance of forests and the consequences of deforestation can lead to greater public support for conservation efforts. Education plays a key role in changing consumer behavior and influencing policy.

Deforestation poses a significant threat to our planet’s health, affecting biodiversity, climate, and human communities. The causes of deforestation are complex and interrelated, requiring a multifaceted approach to address. Solutions such as sustainable agriculture, responsible logging, reforestation, and conservation efforts, combined with education and awareness, can help mitigate the impacts of deforestation. It is imperative that governments, businesses, and individuals come together to protect and restore our planet’s forests. Only through collective action can we hope to preserve these vital ecosystems for future generations.


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Published: Mar 6, 2024

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The environmental impact, the economic benefits, the importance of sustainable practices, the role of government and international cooperation.

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disadvantages of deforestation essay

Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses: a Dual Approach to Self-Improvement

This essay about assessing strengths and weaknesses discusses the importance of recognizing personal attributes in the context of self-improvement. It highlights how identifying strengths allows individuals to leverage them effectively, enhancing personal and professional satisfaction. Conversely, acknowledging weaknesses, though challenging, is portrayed as crucial for growth and development. The essay argues that balancing an understanding of both strengths and weaknesses is vital for true self-assessment and personal development. It suggests that ongoing reflection and adaptability are essential as personal circumstances evolve. Ultimately, the essay emphasizes that a comprehensive approach to understanding personal strengths and weaknesses can lead to better self-awareness, performance, and overall life satisfaction.

How it works

Recognizing our advantages and disadvantages is crucial as we continue to strive for both professional and personal development. This method helps us become more self-aware while also enabling us to improve the things we do well and address the areas in which we need improvement. Through self-evaluation, we can establish attainable objectives, cultivate improved connections, and eventually live a more satisfying life.

Finding one’s own abilities is frequently the most satisfying aspect of this evaluation. These are the traits and abilities that drive us and give us value in both social and professional contexts.

They are also the ones at which we thrive. For instance, someone may be very good at communicating, which would enable them to effectively communicate concepts and resolve disputes. Some people may have a natural ability to analyze problems and come up with creative solutions. When people are aware of their talents, they can use them more strategically in their pursuit of personal, professional, or educational goals.

Conversely, acknowledging our weaknesses can be somewhat disheartening but is equally crucial. Weaknesses are the areas where there is substantial room for improvement. For instance, someone might struggle with time management, often finding themselves scrambling at the last minute to meet deadlines. Another common weakness is a difficulty in handling criticism, which can hinder personal and professional growth. By honestly identifying these areas, we can take actionable steps to mitigate them, such as attending workshops, seeking mentorship, or practicing new behaviors.

Balancing the recognition of strengths and weaknesses is a delicate act but crucial for true self-assessment. It involves not only listing traits but also understanding how these characteristics interact in various aspects of life. For example, while being highly detail-oriented is a strength, it can morph into a weakness if it leads to perfectionism that delays project completion. Similarly, someone’s charismatic nature might help in leadership roles but could become a liability if it overshadows or undermines others’ contributions in team settings.

The process of addressing weaknesses has its own set of challenges and rewards. It requires not just acknowledgment but also courage, effort, and ongoing evaluation. Developing strategies to overcome weaknesses often leads to discovering hidden strengths, like resilience and adaptability. Moreover, this endeavor can improve emotional intelligence by increasing empathy for others who face similar challenges.

Integrating strengths and weaknesses into our personal development plans involves continuous reflection and adaptability. It is not enough to recognize a strength or admit a weakness once; we must revisit and reevaluate them as we grow and our environments change. This dynamic approach ensures that we remain responsive to our evolving needs and circumstances.

In conclusion, identifying and assessing our strengths and weaknesses are essential components of strategic personal development rather than just self-improvement projects. We create the conditions for greater self-awareness, improved performance, and more enjoyment in a variety of spheres of life when we embrace both. This holistic approach better qualifies us to face the unanticipated difficulties of the future in addition to helping us traverse our current contexts more skillfully. Recall that the path to bettering oneself is a continuous one, and that every step—no matter how tiny at first—over time contributes to substantial progress.


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PapersOwl.com. (2024). Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses: A Dual Approach to Self-Improvement . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/assessing-strengths-and-weaknesses-a-dual-approach-to-self-improvement/ [Accessed: 23 May. 2024]

"Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses: A Dual Approach to Self-Improvement." PapersOwl.com, May 21, 2024. Accessed May 23, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/assessing-strengths-and-weaknesses-a-dual-approach-to-self-improvement/

"Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses: A Dual Approach to Self-Improvement," PapersOwl.com , 21-May-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/assessing-strengths-and-weaknesses-a-dual-approach-to-self-improvement/. [Accessed: 23-May-2024]

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    3. The Effects on Humans. In answering the question of how does deforestation affect the environment, you may discover that in fact, it also has a direct impact on the human population. With the loss of trees and entire forests, homelands are also being destroyed in the process. Indigenous communities who live in forests and depend on them to ...

  14. Advantages and Disadvantages of Deforestation Essay

    The Pros of Deforestation. For one, our population is growing and it is expected that our Planet Earth will house around 10 billion people by 2035, around a third more of our current population. These 3 billion humans will naturally require more space for housing, business and many more. First of all, these people require food and sustenance ...

  15. PDF Deforestation: Causes, Effects and Control Strategies

    2. World deforestation According to Professor Norman Myers, one of the foremost authorities on rates of deforestation in tropical forests, the annual destruction rates seems set to accelerate further and could well double in another decade (Myers, 1992). Mostly deforestation has occurred in the temperate and sub-tropical areas.

  16. 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Deforestation

    4. The soil from forest lands is rarely usable right away. The actions of deforestation might create more usable space, but it is an adverse impact in many situations because the soil is not useful in its current state. When rainforests are cleared in tropical areas, the nutrient availability is negligible.

  17. Disadvantages Of Deforestation

    Disadvantages Of Deforestation. Trees are one of the many natural beauties growing from the Earth all around us. They do so much for us, other providing shade from the sun, of course. However, humanity has begun a new age of society, and deforestation plays a big, bad, role in it. Jim Robbins, veteran journalist at Yale School of Forestry and ...

  18. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Deforestation Essay

    Advantages And Disadvantages Of Deforestation Essay. Deforestation is an everlasting and unending ruination/demolition of forest just to make land obtainable for people. Deforestation allocate more land for cultivation, shelter, uplift of animals and it provides puree for paper. Palm oil and latex both are extracted from forest trees and it may ...

  19. The Impact of Logging and Deforestations on an Ecosystem Essay

    The problem of deforestation has been massive in most regions in the world with recent reports from the World Bank showing a four fifth reduction of indigenous forest. Other reports indicate that by 2011, half the total forest of the world had disappeared posing a threat to the majority of plant species and animals living in the tropical forests.

  20. Advantages and Disadvantages of Deforestation Essay in Points

    Advantages of Removes Dead Trees. All deforestation is not done for just clearing the area and using it for commercial purposes. Sometimes deforestation is also done to cut down the dead trees that are not useful and replace them with new plants of trees. This way the same space can be utilized for the same purpose however there will be a ...

  21. Essay on Deforestation [Edit & Download], Pdf

    Essay on Deforestation. Deforestation, the large-scale removal of forests, stands as one of the most critical environmental issues facing our planet today. This process, driven by various factors including agricultural expansion, logging, and urban development, has profound implications for the Earth's biodiversity, climate, and human ...

  22. The Importance of Deforestation: [Essay Example], 604 words

    The loss of biodiversity not only disrupts the delicate balance of ecosystems but also reduces the potential for scientific discovery and the development of new medicines. Furthermore, deforestation contributes to global warming. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, helping to regulate the Earth's climate.

  23. Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses: a Dual Approach to Self-Improvement

    Conversely, acknowledging weaknesses, though challenging, is portrayed as crucial for growth and development. The essay argues that balancing an understanding of both strengths and weaknesses is vital for true self-assessment and personal development. It suggests that ongoing reflection and adaptability are essential as personal circumstances ...