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International Business Dissertation Topics (28 Examples) For Research

Mark May 31, 2020 Jun 5, 2020 Business , International Business No Comments

With time, the business world has evolved, and globalisation has contributed to bringing revolutionary changes in the field of business. With the increasing internationalisation, the scope and area for research in the field of international business have increased. We have listed down some very interesting and unique international business dissertation topics to help you in […]

international business dissertation topics

With time, the business world has evolved, and globalisation has contributed to bringing revolutionary changes in the field of business. With the increasing internationalisation, the scope and area for research in the field of international business have increased.

We have listed down some very interesting and unique international business dissertation topics to help you in choosing a workable topic. The following list of research topics on international business are developed to help students in finding the best topic for their research project.

You can also check our other business related topics posts to have further options.

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List of International business dissertation topics

An analysis of global migrants studying the implications for international business and management.

An overview of the recent trends and future challenges in international business, cities, and competitiveness.

Exploring the international business in the information and digital age.

A systematic review of the issues of international entrepreneurship.

Exploring the competitive advantage strategies based on network analysis.

Studying the internationalisation of African firms based on opportunities, challenges and risks.

An investigation of the changing retail trends: emerging opportunities and challenges in Asian countries.

A review of protectionism, state discrimination, and international studies onset of the global financial crisis.

Examining the evolution of entrepreneurial finance in the last 10 years.

A study of the emergence of impacts of mobile commerce – an exploratory study.

Evaluation of the emergence and evolution of blue ocean strategy through the lens of management fashion theory.

Studying the impact of organisational performance on the emergence of Asian American leaders.

The importance of designing a closed-loop supply chain for improving the sustainability of global business practices.

A literature review of strategies for winning and competing in the global market.

Exploring the concepts of populism and the economics of globalisation.

An analysis of how effective leadership can contribute to facilitating change in the international business context.

Studying the influence of cross-cultural differences on international marketing.

Analysing the implications of domestic reforms and international relations on international businesses.

A review of the effects of globalisation on Asian international retailing taking the case of IKEA.

An analysis of technology trends and their impact on the internationalisation of businesses.

A study of emerging trends in global business and its implications for economies.

Identifying the five major trends that are dramatically changing work and the workplace in this era.

The emergence of corporate social responsibilities and its importance for international businesses.

An analysis of the trade challenges at the world trade organisations .

Analysing the strategic challenges of outsourcing innovation in the global market.

Studying the evolving global strategic trends.

Exploring the policy challenges from closer international trade and financial integration.

Why do businesses internationalise? – a review of factor influencing the decisions to internationalise.

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80 International Business Management Research Topics

FacebookXEmailWhatsAppRedditPinterestLinkedInGreetings, ambitious scholars! If you find yourself on the exhilarating journey of seeking captivating research topics in international business Management, you’ve landed in the perfect haven. Our treasure trove of comprehensive topics awaits, tailored to fuel your academic aspirations, whether pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s, or even a doctoral degree. The dynamic landscape of international business […]

international business research topics

Greetings, ambitious scholars! If you find yourself on the exhilarating journey of seeking captivating research topics in international business Management, you’ve landed in the perfect haven. Our treasure trove of comprehensive topics awaits, tailored to fuel your academic aspirations, whether pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s, or even a doctoral degree.

The dynamic landscape of international business offers a tapestry of uncharted territories waiting to be explored. From dissecting the intricacies of global market expansions to unravelling the complexities of cross-cultural negotiations, each topic opens a gateway to new horizons of knowledge. Allow our curated list to be your guiding compass, steering you through the boundless opportunities for research and discovery. As you delve into these thought-provoking subjects, you’re not just unravelling research ideas but unearthing insights that could shape the global business arena. So, fellow scholars, embark on this exciting odyssey, let curiosity be your compass, and set sail into international business research together. Happy exploring!

A List Of Potential Research Topics In International Business Management:

  • The role of social media in international branding and marketing.
  • Digital transformation and global trade: opportunities and challenges in the new normal.
  • Tourism recovery in a post-covid world: international business implications and strategies.
  • Strategies for managing political and economic risks in international business.
  • Cross-border investment strategies in uncertain times: assessing risks and returns.
  • Remote work and cross-border management: navigating cultural and operational challenges.
  • A meta-analysis of foreign direct investment patterns and economic growth in developing countries.
  • The influence of cultural norms on international marketing campaigns.
  • International business strategies for market entry into African economies.
  • The role of multinational corporations in promoting corporate social responsibility globally.
  • International business strategies for navigating trade disputes.
  • Analyzing the evolution of international business models: a comparative literature review.
  • Global consumer behaviour: trends and implications for marketing strategies.
  • International investment in renewable energy: opportunities and challenges.
  • Emerging trends in global supply chain sustainability.
  • The role of trade facilitation in enhancing cross-border business activities.
  • International business ethics in the age of corporate social responsibility.
  • Cross-cultural negotiation strategies in global business deals.
  • Technology transfer and innovation diffusion in global business networks.
  • The impact of geopolitical factors on international trade and investment.
  • Literature review on the role of cultural intelligence in international business success.
  • Foreign direct investment in emerging markets: risks and rewards.
  • The rise of emerging market multinationals: strategies and implications.
  • The challenges and strategies of managing multicultural teams.
  • A systematic review of international market entry modes: trends, challenges, and success factors.
  • The role of cultural diversity in enhancing global team creativity.
  • Global talent management: strategies for attracting and retaining top talent.
  • Reviewing the effects of geopolitical factors on international trade and investment decisions.
  • The role of UK multinational corporations in global supply chains: strategies and contributions.
  • The impact of Globalization on labour practices and workers’ rights.
  • International marketing strategies for cultural adaptation and brand localization.
  • Technological innovation and competitive advantage in global markets.
  • Comparative analysis of international business laws and regulations.
  • A comprehensive review of global supply chain disruptions and resilience strategies.
  • International joint ventures and strategic alliances: success factors and challenges.
  • Digital transformation of UK retail: navigating consumer behaviour changes and e-commerce expansion.
  • Crisis management in the tourism industry: adapting strategies for post-pandemic recovery.
  • Digital transformation in international supply chain management .
  • The digital divide and global e-commerce accessibility.
  • Strategies for managing ethical dilemmas in international business.
  • The role of international trade in economic development.
  • Literature review on the impact of trade agreements on international business performance.
  • Reconfiguring global value chains: impacts of the pandemic on manufacturing and distribution.
  • Internationalization of UK fintech startups: strategies, challenges, and global market entry.
  • Expatriate management and cross-border talent mobility.
  • The role of international financial institutions in promoting economic development.
  • Market entry modes for international expansion: a comparative analysis.
  • Sustainability practices in international business post-covid: balancing health and environment.
  • Cross-cultural communication in virtual international business environments: lessons from the pandemic.
  • Globalization and cultural identity: challenges and responses.
  • Intellectual property protection in international business ventures.
  • The role of microfinance in promoting entrepreneurship in developing countries.
  • Corporate ethics and anti-corruption measures in international business.
  • Cross-border mergers and acquisitions involving UK companies: impact on business performance.
  • Sustainable sourcing and supply chain resilience in international business.
  • The role of e-government initiatives in facilitating international trade.
  • Brexit’s impact on UK-EU trade relations: trade barriers, opportunities, and implications for international business.
  • Global supply chain resilience after COVID-19: strategies for adaptation and recovery.
  • Cultural intelligence and its role in international business success.
  • Reviewing sustainability practices in international business: trends, drivers, and outcomes.
  • Sustainability certification and consumer perceptions in global markets.
  • Global e-commerce trends: consumer behaviour and cross-border online shopping.
  • Corporate governance practices in multinational corporations.
  • International retailing and omnichannel customer experience.
  • A systematic review of cross-cultural communication challenges in international business.
  • International entrepreneurship and start-up ecosystems.
  • The UK’s role in global energy transition: renewable energy investments and international partnerships.
  • Global health and safety standards in international business operations.
  • Cultural adaptation of human resource practices in multinational companies.
  • Review of digital transformation strategies in international business: lessons from global companies.
  • E-commerce growth and consumer behaviour shift in a post-pandemic global market.
  • Sustainability practices in international supply chains: trends and barriers.
  • Managing cross-border technology transfer and innovation.
  • Global outsourcing and offshoring: benefits and risks.
  • The impact of trade agreements on international business activities.
  • International business strategies for crisis management and resilience.
  • Sustainable business practices in the UK fashion industry: balancing ethical values and profitability.
  • Supply chain localization vs. Globalization: reshaping strategies after disruptions.
  • Impact of currency fluctuations on international business performance.
  • Green logistics and environmental sustainability in international supply chains.

In international business Management, our curated list of research topics awaits your exploration at every academic level. From undergraduate to doctoral studies, these topics unveil a world of potential. Dive into cross-border trade intricacies, dissect cultural communication dynamics, or analyze global supply chain shifts. This list is your compass for groundbreaking research that resonates globally. Your academic journey starts here, where possibilities are limitless, and discoveries are transformative. Begin your international business odyssey today and shape tomorrow’s global landscape. Happy researching!

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dissertation topics for msc international business

International Business Dissertation Topics Ideas and Examples

How to choose a dissertation topic in international business? Choosing international business dissertation topics involves a methodical approach. Start by identifying your personal interests within the field, conduct a literature review to find gaps in existing research. Consult with professors for guidance and narrow down your focus. Ensure your topic is globally relevant, feasible for […]

international business dissertation topics

Table of Contents

How to choose a dissertation topic in international business?

Choosing international business dissertation topics involves a methodical approach. Start by identifying your personal interests within the field, conduct a literature review to find gaps in existing research.

Consult with professors for guidance and narrow down your focus. Ensure your topic is globally relevant, feasible for research, and aligned with your career goals.

Stay updated on current international business trends and seek feedback from mentors. A well-chosen topic should be researchable, reflect your interests, and contribute to the field.

Many students find it difficult to choose the perfect international business dissertation topics for their dissertations. In fact, many students choose a narrow topic for international business research because of the depth and breadth of the field.

Business dissertations , reports, or theses are difficult to write. It is a curiosity among students how to choose a good dissertation topic for international business.

Our goal is to prepare our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to choose research topics internationally. Choosing to judge without delay can be fatal.

What are the topics in an international business course?

Top 5 international business dissertation topics along with topic brief.

Here are the top 5 international business dissertation topics along with brief descriptions:

  • Brief : Explore how global trade agreements, such as free trade agreements and the World Trade Organization rules, influence international business strategies, market entry decisions, and trade practices.
  • Brief : Investigate the challenges faced by multinational corporations in managing diverse, cross-cultural teams and the strategies they employ to promote effective communication, collaboration, and performance.
  • Brief : Examine how companies are integrating sustainability principles into their global supply chain operations. Investigate the adoption of eco-friendly practices, ethical sourcing, and their impact on global supply chains.
  • Brief : Assess the strategies employed by SMEs to expand into international markets, considering the unique challenges they face, including resource limitations and market entry barriers.
  • Brief : Explore the digital transformation of global business operations, including the adoption of e-commerce, cloud computing, and data analytics. Analyze the impact on international business strategies, customer engagement, and global competitiveness.

These international business dissertation topics cover a range of contemporary issues and offer opportunities for in-depth research, providing valuable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of global business and trade.

International Trade and Economics

  • Impact of trade agreements on international business
  • Effects of tariffs and trade barriers on global commerce
  • Role of multinational corporations in fostering international trade
  • Comparative analysis of trade policies among developed and developing countries
  • The significance of regional economic integration on global trade patterns
  • More Business economics dissertation topics Ideas and Examples

Global Marketing Strategies

  • Cross-cultural marketing strategies for multinational corporations
  • The influence of social media on international brand management
  • Adaptation vs. standardization of marketing strategies in different markets
  • Market entry strategies for emerging economies
  • The role of cultural intelligence in global marketing campaigns
  • More Marketing Management Dissertation Topics Examples

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

  • Determinants of FDI inflows in developing countries
  • The impact of political risk on multinational corporations’ investment decisions
  • Comparative analysis of FDI policies across different regions
  • The role of FDI in technology transfer and economic development
  • FDI spillover effects on local economies in host countries

Global Supply Chain Management

  • Risks and challenges in global supply chain networks
  • Strategies for mitigating supply chain disruptions in international business
  • Sustainability practices in global supply chain management
  • The role of information technology in enhancing supply chain efficiency
  • Outsourcing strategies and their impact on global supply chain dynamics
  • More  What are the dissertation topics under supply chain management?

International Finance and Risk Management

  • Exchange rate risk management strategies for multinational corporations
  • The impact of financial crises on international business operations
  • Comparative analysis of financial systems across different countries
  • Corporate governance practices and their influence on international finance
  • The role of hedging instruments in managing currency and commodity price risks
  • More Risk Management Dissertation Topics Ideas examples

International Human Resource Management

  • Cross-cultural challenges in expatriate assignments
  • Talent management strategies for global workforce diversity
  • Comparative analysis of labor laws and regulations across different countries
  • The role of corporate culture in attracting and retaining international talent
  • Training and development programs for building global leadership competencies.
  • More  How can you choose best HRM dissertation topics?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Global Business

  • CSR practices of multinational corporations in developing countries
  • The impact of CSR initiatives on brand reputation and consumer behavior
  • Stakeholder engagement strategies in international CSR efforts
  • Comparative analysis of CSR reporting standards across different regions
  • The role of NGOs and civil society in shaping corporate responsibility agendas

International Business Ethics and Governance

  • Ethical dilemmas in cross-border business transactions
  • Corporate governance mechanisms in multinational corporations
  • Compliance with international business ethics standards
  • Bribery and corruption risks in global business operations
  • The role of cultural differences in ethical decision-making processes

Supply Chain Management

  • Adoption of blockchain technology in enhancing supply chain transparency and traceability
  • Resilience strategies for supply chain disruptions: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Integration of green practices into global supply chain management: challenges and opportunities
  • The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in optimizing supply chain operations
  • Supply chain risk management in the era of geopolitical uncertainty: case studies from various industries

Business Ethics and Corporate Governance

  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and shareholder value: exploring the relationship
  • Ethical leadership in multinational corporations: impact on organizational culture and performance
  • Whistleblowing policies and their effectiveness in promoting corporate ethics and transparency
  • Corporate governance mechanisms and their influence on financial performance in emerging markets
  • Addressing ethical challenges in cross-border mergers and acquisitions: case studies and best practices


  • The role of government policies in fostering entrepreneurship in developing economies
  • Entrepreneurial finance and access to capital: challenges faced by startups in international markets
  • Cross-cultural entrepreneurship: strategies for overcoming cultural barriers in global business ventures
  • Women entrepreneurship in emerging markets: barriers, opportunities, and policy implications
  • Corporate entrepreneurship: fostering innovation and intrapreneurship in multinational corporations

Globalization and Impact

  • Cultural imperialism vs. cultural hybridization: the impact of globalization on indigenous cultures
  • Economic inequality and globalization: exploring the widening gap between rich and poor nations
  • Globalization and environmental sustainability: assessing the trade-off between economic growth and ecological preservation
  • Globalization and labor market dynamics: implications for job creation, wages, and working conditions
  • The rise of anti-globalization movements: causes, consequences, and policy responses

Sustainable Finance and Investment

  • Impact investing: aligning financial returns with social and environmental goals
  • Green bonds and sustainable finance: trends, challenges, and opportunities for investors and issuers
  • Corporate sustainability reporting: standards, frameworks, and disclosure practices
  • Socially responsible investing (SRI) in emerging markets: drivers, barriers, and performance implications
  • The role of financial institutions in promoting sustainable development: case studies from the banking and investment sectors

Work Culture in International Business Dissertation Topics

  • Cultural diversity and organizational effectiveness: managing multicultural teams in global corporations
  • Expatriate management practices: challenges and strategies for integrating foreign employees into local work cultures
  • Work-life balance in multinational corporations: comparing attitudes and policies across different countries
  • The impact of national culture on leadership styles and employee motivation in global organizations
  • Remote work and virtual teams: implications for organizational culture and productivity in international business settings

General dissertation topics in international business

Below is the list of best dissertation topics for international business for master’s and undergraduate students:

  • The Role of Cultural Intelligence in International Negotiations.
  • Implications of Brexit on International Supply Chain Management.
  • The Effect of Economic Sanctions on International Trade.
  • Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets: Case Studies from Africa.
  • The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Global Trade Finance.
  • Greenfield vs. Acquisition: Entry Strategies in Developing Countries.
  • The Influence of Political Instability on Foreign Direct Investment Decisions.
  • Cross-Border E-commerce in the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • The Role of Ethical Leadership in Multinational Corporations’ Social Responsibility.
  • Transnational Entrepreneurship: Success Factors in Expanding Startups Globally.
  • Cultural Adaptation in Global Marketing: A Comparative Study.
  • The Geopolitical Impact on International Business Strategies in the Arctic Region.
  • Internationalization of Family-Owned Businesses: A Comparative Analysis.
  • Human Rights and Corporate Accountability in International Business.
  • SMEs in Global Value Chains: Challenges and Pathways to Success.
  • International Business Negotiation Strategies in High-Context Cultures.
  • Sustainable Tourism Development in Emerging Markets: A Case Study.
  • The Role of International Trade Agreements in Agricultural Export Growth.
  • Consumer Behavior in Cross-Border Online Shopping: A Comparative Study.
  • MNEs’ Strategies in Managing Political Risks in Conflict Zones.
  • Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
  • The Influence of Geopolitical Tensions on International Financial Markets.
  • Supply Chain Resilience in Times of Global Health Crises.
  • SME Internationalization through Crowdfunding Platforms.
  • The Digitalization of Cross-Border Payment Systems: Implications for Global Finance.
  • Use the standard approach to business strategy for different businesses
  • The impact of the coronavirus on the global economy
  • How Social Media Branding Can Make Businesses More Competitive in the Age of  Globalization
  • How does advertising policy affect economic management around the world?
  • If accidents happen every day, is the business model of developing driverless cars still valid?
  • The value of English as a global business language and why Chinese companies are ordering from Africa
  • What kinds of education and images can create cultural change and conflict in the global classroom of diverse cultures and cultural backgrounds?
  • The Impact of Different Models of Business-Government Relations on the Process of Economic Development: A Case Study in Emerging Markets.
  • Look at the impact Brexit will have on UK businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Strategy, structure, relevance, and performance: relations between Kev Lag Luam and the government within the framework of contingency theory.
  • What is the meaning and process of globalization and how does it affect the way business teams work together?
  • Global strategy and local use: Exploring how crowdfunding is used in governance in China.
  • What factors affect the policy choices of many companies? Study the impact of perceived governance on corporate governance.
  • Does a woman in a leadership position threaten the identity of male subordinates? Study women in such roles.
  • How safe is it to release encrypted chat information of business owners on WhatsApp? Are there ways to protect user privacy?
  • Exploring the relationship between cooperation and marketing in the business sector: a case study of the partnership with Qatar Airways.
  • What are the business strategies and key advantages of financial institutions in the global environment?
  • How is AI innovation threatening the jobs of workers in labor-intensive industries like Amazon warehouses?
  • Will the business model of self-driving cars survive in the reality of everyday situations?
  • What effects will the consumers’ increasing use of the online channel for fashion shopping have on the strategies used by UK clothing retailers?
  • Can CSR dampen the mood of share markets and investment prospects?

Customize Dissertation Topics in International Business

Above is the best list of international business dissertation topics you can pick any one and start your dissertation writing. If you are still looking for some other unique dissertation topics for international business, fill out the form below and get a unique researched topic along with a 500-word topic brief.

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  • 2-3 research questions.
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A radical reading list: How can we decolonise our education?

Co-creator intern Shloka Murarka describes her work with the SOAS Library in creating a 'radical reading list', highlighting independent publishing from around the work.

MSc International Business and Strategy: Global Challenges

This programme is rooted in two academic domains, International Business and Strategy. It will suit graduates from any discipline who wish to specialise and critically engage in these subjects. You will learn to unpack world challenges in new ways, creating an understanding of the complexities of internationalisation, current strategic thinking and sustainability challenges in business and society.

The programme will equip you with a competitive advantage in the graduate jobs market by giving you the tools to deal with the new 'mega-forces' of globalisation driven by technological advancement, climate change, global health crises and geopolitical events.

This MSc draws on cutting-edge research by leading academics who will guide you to explore the Global Challenges facing international businesses and society, such as global warming, increasing migration flows, food insecurity, poverty, and greater competition for increasingly scarce resources. You will gain the contextual, historical, and political perspectives of experts in these areas to enable them to think critically and solve problems practically in the workplace.

This programme will help you to:

  • become an expert in strategic management with the ability to respond to global challenges,
  • prepare for a career in international and multinational companies, NGOs and SMEs with an international outlook,
  • focus on sustainability; specialising in either Marketing, Human Resources Management or Operations Management.

Graduates from this programme will benefit from studying at a top 10 UK university (QS World University Rankings 2024). 88% of our Business and Management research is rated as world-leading or internationally excellent (REF 2021), reflecting its impact on shaping policy and practice.

Sustainability is a priority for Bristol, which was the first UK city to attain European Green Capital status in 2015. The University of Bristol was the first in the UK to declare a Climate Emergency and has sustainability at the core of its strategy.

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Programme structure

You will study five core and one elective unit (20 credits each), as well as the International Business and Strategy Dissertation (60 credits).

The first three units will introduce you to core theoretical perspectives and critical issues underpinning International Business and Strategy, preparing you for the further specialist taught units as well as the research dissertation.

Core units:

  • International Business Perspectives in a Turbulent World will focus on core concepts from international business and broader contextual issues in the global economy.
  • Global Strategy will introduce concepts from strategic management and focus on the specific strategic management challenges for multinationals in a global environment.
  • Global Challenges will focus on the 'wicked problems' facing society that contemporary organisations need to navigate.
  • Entrepreneurship and Society will provide the opportunity to develop problem-solving skills to seek solutions to global challenges and consider how entrepreneurship can serve as a means to achieve sustainable systemic social impact. It will also seek to develop socially entrepreneurial mindsets.
  • Research Skills for International Business and Strategy will provide a thorough understanding of both theoretical and practical aspects of conducting research in International Business and Strategy.

Elective unit, studying the impact of sustainability on a domain of your choosing. Choose one from the below:

  • Sustainability and Ethics in Global Supply Chains
  • Sustainability and Social Impact in Marketing
  • Sustainable Work Futures in the Digital Economy

The final unit comprises the International Business and Strategy Dissertation, which allows you to conduct a research project on a topic of your choice

Visit our programme catalogue for full details of the structure and unit content for our MSc in International Business and Strategy.

World-leading research

The University of Bristol is ranked fifth for research in the UK ( Times Higher Education ).

94% of our research assessed as world-leading or internationally excellent.

Entry requirements

An upper second-class honours degree or international equivalent in any discipline.

For applicants who are currently completing a degree, we understand that their final grade may be higher than the interim grades or module/unit grades they achieve during their studies.

We will consider applicants whose interim grades are currently slightly lower than the programme's entry requirements. We may make these applicants an aspirational offer. This offer would be at the standard level, so the applicant would need to achieve the standard entry requirements by the end of their degree. Specific module requirements may still apply.

We will consider applicants whose grades are slightly lower than the programme's entry requirements, if they have at least one of the following:

  • evidence of significant (minimum of 1 year in a paid role) relevant work experience in a managerial role.
  • a relevant postgraduate qualification.

If this is the case, applicants should include their CV (curriculum vitae / résumé) when they apply, showing details of their relevant work experience and/or qualifications.

See international equivalent qualifications on the International Office website.

Read the programme admissions statement for important information on entry requirements, the application process and supporting documents required.

If English is not your first language, you will need to reach the requirements outlined in our  profile level B.

Further information about  English language requirements and profile levels .

Fees and funding

Fees are subject to an annual review. For programmes that last longer than one year, please budget for up to an 8% increase in fees each year.

More about tuition fees, living costs and financial support .

Alumni discount

University of Bristol students and graduates can benefit from a 25% reduction in tuition fees for postgraduate study.  Check your eligibility for an alumni discount.

Funding for 2024/25

Further information on funding for prospective UK and international postgraduate students.

Career prospects

Graduates from this programme can pursue an exciting range of career opportunities in international business, strategy and sustainability.

The programme will teach you to respond to a fast-paced and ever-changing business environment, supporting your ambitions to attain strategic positions in business development, strategic management, consultancy, international business development, and sustainability at a senior level.

This programme will give you an understanding of the complexities of international business operations to prepare you for a variety of roles in government, policy design, multinational corporations in all sectors, NGOs and fast-growing 'go global' businesses that are seeking to rapidly internationalise.

Our postgraduate students are given opportunities to engage with industry, increase their professional networks and develop their professional skills and experience whilst they are studying. Find out more about our Professional Liaison Network .

How to apply

Apply via our online application system. For further information, please see the guidance for how to apply on our webpages.

Due to high demand we will be closing MSc International Business and Strategy: Global Challenges to applicants from   China on   4 December 2023   and to   remaining applicants from outside of the UK   on 24 July 2024 .

Please find out more information by reading our  guidance for when to apply .

Home applicants: 9 August 2024.

Places are limited and allocated on a continuous basis from October 2023 until all places are filled. Early applications are advised to avoid disappointment.

Faculty of Social Sciences and Law

University of Bristol Business School

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MSc International Business

For 2024-2025: £15,030 (UK) £30,330 (International)

  • Visit an Open Day
  • Request a prospectus
  • Course details
  • Entry Requirements
  • Teaching and assessment
  • Employability

Launch your global career by studying on our research-informed, practical-focused International Business MSc programme.

As the business sector continues to undergo a digital transformation, it has become even more important that the next generation of leaders understand the challenges facing international business. Through this research informed and practice-orientated programme, you will develop your problem solving and decision-making skills to ensure you are ready to handle the fast pace of global business. 

On our MSc in International Business programme, you will consider the latest practical issues facing international firms. These include the multifaceted concept of responsible business, trade-offs in operations, cooperative strategies, and new approaches to enhancing competitiveness. With responsible and ethical business practices embedded at its core, this programme will enable you to become part of a new generation of leaders who can make positive and sustainable changes to the industry. 

The programme is designed around a pathway-to-practice approach that focuses on developing key skills including understanding the latest business models, international competition, optimising modern technology, innovation, and data analytics. 

You will have the opportunity to learn and work with our staff and students from our Dubai and Singapore campuses, allowing you to gain international experiences from an educational and practical point of view. There will also be opportunities to work on company projects that tackle issues global firms are experiencing in real life.

On the MSc International Business programme you will benefit from these international industrial links and will join an innovative community of learners studying International Business.

Who is this course for? 

This programme is for those interested in current international issues and who want to start a global career in business management. 

Why study this course at Birmingham?

  • Join an international cohort of students with access to a diverse learning community and opportunities to study abroad at our Dubai and Singapore campuses. 
  • Birmingham is the UK’s second city and is located at the heart of the country, making it a well-connected business hub to some of the largest global companies. 
  • Our International Business programme is a pathway-to-practice , co-created by employers, alumni, and academics, to ensure you are well-equipped to take on lead roles once you graduate. 
  • The University of Birmingham is a globally-ranked, world –top 100 university and is a member of the prestigious Russell Group. 
  • Birmingham Business School is part of an elite group of global business schools that holds the Triple-Crown accreditation from leading bodies AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB.   

Discover our unique scholarship offers

Students walking on University campus

These awards are available to both UK and international applicants and range in value from partial to full tuition fee support.

Find out more about our scholarship offers

Dubai Campus

Study in Dubai 

Places are also available on the MSc International Business degree  at our campus in Dubai International Academic City (DIAC). Our leading academic staff teach to the same standards as our UK based programmes and you will graduate with the same MSc degree from the University of Birmingham. Dubai is a rapidly developing, cosmopolitan city that offers an exciting experience and a world of opportunity to students. 

Study MSc International Business in Dubai

Study in Singapore 

view of some of the campus buildings at the Singapore Institute of Management

Study MSc International Business in Singapore

Celebrating 20 years

dissertation topics for msc international business

My connections from the MSc International Business have opened doors to international opportunities and provided insights into different markets and industries. Irmak Yolcu, Senior Business Development Manager

2023-2024 marks the 20th anniversary of our MSc International Business. Our graduates are working across the globe in a variety of organisations, industries and positions.  Read about their journeys here .

Unless indicated otherwise the modules listed for this programme are for students starting in 2024.

Core modules

  • International Business (20 credits)
  • International Strategy (20 credits)
  • Practising and Managing International Business (20 credits)   
  • Dissertation (60 credits) 

You will then choose 3 optional modules from the list below. Each module is worth 20 credits.

  • International Business Data Analytics  
  • Cooperative Strategy in International Business  
  • International Entrepreneurship and Marketing  
  • Global Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Governance and Global Responsibility  
  • Disruptive Innovation and International Business  

Depending on availability, you may be able to apply to study abroad (e.g., Dubai campus, or the Singapore Institute of Management) for one of your second semester 20 credit modules. 

Please note: The modules listed on the website for this programme are regularly reviewed to ensure they are up-to-date and informed by the latest research and teaching methods. On rare occasions, we may need to make unexpected changes to compulsory modules; in this event we will contact offer holders as soon as possible to inform or consult them as appropriate.

Fees for 2024 - 2025

  • £15,030 (UK)
  • £30,330 (International)

Please note that you will be required to pay a £50 non-refundable application fee for all of the above courses.

  • For further information on programme fees and information please visit our  Fees and Financing  page.


  • For information on scholarships you may be eligible to apply for, please use our  PG Funding Database .
  • Business School Scholarships may be available, find out more about  our scholarships .

Additional Course Costs

  • In addition to the Tuition Fees you will need to consider accommodation, living expenses and daily costs. You can find financial advice and support on our  Finance  pages.
  • For information on our accommodation and services, including the support we offer to students wanting to rent privately, please visit the  Accommodation  pages.

Questions about funding? Use our  Student Help  knowledge base to find the answer.

How To Apply

7 May 2024 is the application deadline for international students applying through the student route who wish to study in the United Kingdom. We are not able to consider applications for 2024 made after this date. The deadline for Home students is 30 August 2024.

Before you submit your application, you should have the following supporting documents:

  • Evidence of your  academic and/or professional qualifications
  • An up-to-date copy of your  resume or CV
  • One  academic reference , and one  work related reference  (if you don't have an academic reference, we will accept two work references)
  • Your  personal statement , including why you wish to apply to the MBA course, why you have chosen to apply to the Birmingham MBA in particular, highlights of your career to date, examples of managerial responsibility, and your career aspirations for the future (maximum 2 pages)
  • How to apply

To apply for a postgraduate taught programme, you will need to submit your application and supporting documents online. We have put together some helpful information on the taught programme application process and supporting documents on our how to apply page . Please read this information carefully before completing your application.

Our Standard Requirements

In order to be considered, applicants will have or should be expecting to achieve an Honours degree (2:1 or higher) or postgraduate diploma from a UK university (or overseas equivalent) in any subject.

Applicants who demonstrate being able to exceed the minimum entry requirements will be given preference.

International Requirements

Holders of a Licence, Diplome, Diplome d'Etudes Superieures, Diplome d'Ingenieur or a Diplome d'Architecte from a recognised university in Algeria will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of one of these qualifications will normally be expected to have achieved a score of 15/20 for 2:1 equivalency or 13/20 for 2:2 equivalency.  

Holders of the Licenciado or an equivalent professional title from a recognised Argentinian university, with a promedio of at least 7.5, may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. Applicants for PhD degrees will normally have a Maestria or equivalent

A Bachelors (Honours) degree from an accredited Australian higher education institution may be considered for admission to a Masters degree.   Applicants with 3 year Bachelors with distinction from a recognised university, can be considered for admission to a Masters degree.

Holders of a Diplom, a Diplomstudium/Magister or a three-year Bachelors degree from a recognised university with a minimum overall grade of 2.5 for 2:1 equivalency or 3.0 for 2:2 equivalency, or a high-scoring Fachhochschuldiplom (FH) from a recognised Austrian Fachhochschule, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes. 

Students with a good 5-year Specialist Diploma or 4-year Bachelor degree from a recognised higher education institution in Azerbaijan, with a minimum GPA of 4/5 or 80% will be considered for entry to postgraduate taught programmes at the University of Birmingham.

For postgraduate research programmes applicants should have a good 5-year Specialist Diploma (completed after 1991), with a minimum grade point average of 4/5 or 80%, from a recognised higher education institution or a Masters or “Magistr Diplomu” or “Kandidat Nauk” from a recognised higher education institution in Azerbaijan.

 Holders of a bachelors degree of four years duration from a recognised university in Bahrain will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.0/4, 3.75/5 or 75% for 2:1 equivalency or 2.8/4, 3.5/5 or 70% for 2:2 equivalency.  

Holders of a Bachelors (Honours) degree of three years duration, followed by a Masters degree of one or two years duration from a recognised university in Bangladesh will be considered for postgraduate taught study. Students with a Bachelors degree of at least four years duration may also be considered for postgraduate study. Degrees must be from a recognised institution in Bangladesh.

Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.0-3.3/4.0 or 65% or above for 2:1 equivalency, or a GPA of 2.6-3.1/4.0 or 60% or above for 2:2 equivalency depending on the awarding institution.  

Students who hold a Masters degree from the University of Botswana with a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0 or 3.5/5.0 (70%/B/'very good') will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.

Please note 4-year bachelor degrees from the University of Botswana are considered equivalent to a Diploma of Higher Education. 5-year bachelor degrees from the University of Botswana are considered equivalent to a British Bachelor (Ordinary) degree.

Students who have completed a Masters degree from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study.

A Licenciatura or Bacharelado degree from a recognised Brazilian university:

  • A grade of 7.5/10 for entry to programmes with a 2:1 requirement
  • A grade of 6.5/10for entry to programmes with a 2:2 requirement

Holders of a good Bachelors degree with honours (4 to 6 years) from a recognised university with a upper second class grade or higher will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.  Holders of a good Masters degree from a recognised university will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a good Diploma za Zavarsheno Visshe Obrazovanie (‘Diploma of Completed Higher Education’), a pre-2001 Masters degree or a post-2001 Bachelors degree from a recognised university with a minimum overall grade of 5 out of 6, mnogo dobur/’very good’ for 2:1 equivalence; or 4 out of 6, dobur/’good’ for 2:2 equivalence; will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Students with a minimum average of 14 out of 20 (or 70%) on a 4-year Licence, Bachelor degree or Diplôme d'Etudes Superieures de Commerce (DESC) or Diplôme d'Ingénieur or a Maîtrise will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.

Holders of a bachelor degree with honours from a recognised Canadian university may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. A GPA of 3.0/4, 7.0/9 or 75% is usually equivalent to a UK 2.1.

Holders of the Licenciado or equivalent Professional Title from a recognised Chilean university will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. Applicants for PhD study will preferably hold a Magister degree or equivalent.

Students with a bachelor’s degree (4 years minimum) may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. However please note that we will only consider students who meet the entry guidance below.  Please note: for the subject areas below we use the Shanghai Ranking 2022 (full table)  ,  Shanghai Ranking 2023 (full table) , and Shanghai Ranking of Chinese Art Universities 2023 .

需要具备学士学位(4年制)的申请人可申请研究生课程。请根据所申请的课程查看相应的入学要求。 请注意,中国院校名单参考 软科中国大学排名2022(总榜) ,  软科中国大学排名2023(总榜) ,以及 软科中国艺术类高校名单2023 。  

Business School    - MSc programmes (excluding MBA)  


School of Computer Science – all MSc programmes 计算机学院硕士课程入学要求

College of Social Sciences – courses listed below 社会科学 学院部分硕士课程入学要求 MA Education  (including all pathways) MSc TESOL Education MSc Public Management MA Global Public Policy MA Social Policy MA Sociology Department of Political Science and International Studies  全部硕士课程 International Development Department  全部硕士课程

  All other programmes (including MBA)   所有其他 硕士课程(包括 MBA)入学要求

Please note:

  • Borderline cases: We may consider students with lower average score (within 5%) on a case-by-case basis if you have a relevant degree and very excellent grades in relevant subjects and/or relevant work experience. 如申请人均分低于相应录取要求(5%以内),但具有出色学术背景,优异的专业成绩,以及(或)相关的工作经验,部分课程将有可能单独酌情考虑。
  • Please contact the China Recruitment Team for any questions on the above entry requirements. 如果您对录取要求有疑问,请联系伯明翰大学中国办公室   [email protected]

Holders of the Licenciado/Professional Title from a recognised Colombian university will be considered for our Postgraduate Diploma and Masters degrees. Applicants for PhD degrees will normally have a Maestria or equivalent.

Holders of a good bachelor degree with honours (4 to 6 years) from a recognised university with a upper second class grade or higher will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.  Holders of a good Masters degree from a recognised university will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a good Diploma Visoko Obrazovanje (Advanced Diploma of Education) or Bacclaureus (Bachelors) from a recognised Croatian higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 4.0 out of 5.0, vrlo dobar ‘very good’, for 2:1 equivalence or 3.0 out of 5.0, dobar ‘good’, for 2:2 equivalence, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.  Holders of a good Bacclaureus (Bachelors) from a recognised Croatian Higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 4.0 out of 5.0, vrlo dobar ‘very good’, or a Masters degree, will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a Bachelors degree(from the University of the West Indies or the University of Technology) may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. A Class II Upper Division degree is usually equivalent to a UK 2.1. For further details on particular institutions please refer to the list below.  Applicants for PhD level study will preferably hold a Masters degree or Mphil from the University of the West Indies.

Holders of a good four-year government-accredited Bachelors degree from a recognised Higher Education college with a minimum overall GPA of 3 out of 4 for 2:1 equivalency, or a GPA of 2.75 out of 4 for 2:2 equivalency; or a good four-year Bachelors degree (Ptychio) from a recognised University, with a minimum overall grade of 6.5 out of 10 for 2:1 equivalency, or 5.5 for 2:2 equivalency; will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Holders of a good Bakalár, or a good pre-2002 Magistr, from a recognised Czech Higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 1.5, B, velmi dobre ‘very good’ (post-2004) or 2, velmi dobre ‘good’ (pre-2004), for 2:1 equivalence, or 2.5, C, dobre ‘good’ (post-2004) or 3, dobre ‘pass’ (pre-2004) for 2:2 equivalence, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes. 

Holders of a good Bachelors degree/Candidatus Philosophiae, Professionbachelor or Eksamensbevis from a recognised Danish university, with a minimum overall grade of 7-10 out of 12 (or 8 out of 13) or higher for 2:1 equivalence, or 4-7 out of 12 (or 7 out of 13) for 2:2 equivalence depending on the awarding institution will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Holders of the Licenciado or an equivalent professional title from a recognised Ecuadorian university may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. Grades of 70% or higher can be considered as UK 2.1 equivalent.  Applicants for PhD level study will preferably hold a Magister/Masterado or equivalent qualification, but holders of the Licenciado with excellent grades can be considered.

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised university in Egypt will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.0/4 for 2:1 equivalency or 2.8 for 2:2 equivalency. Applicants holding a Bachelors degree with alternative grading systems, will normally be expected to have achieved a 75% (Very Good) for 2:1 equivalency or 65% (Good) for 2:2 equivalency. For applicants with a grading system different to those mentioned here, please contact [email protected] for advice on what the requirements will be for you.

Holders of a good Bakalaurusekraad from a recognised university or Applied Higher Education Institution with a minimum overall grade of 4/5 or B for 2:1 equivalency or 3/5 or C for 2:2 equivalency, or a good Rakenduskõrgharidusõppe Diplom (Professional Higher Education Diploma), will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Students who hold a Masters degree with very good grades (grade B, 3.5/4 GPA or 85%) will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. 

Holders of a good Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto (AMK) (new system), an Yrkeshögskoleexamen (YHS) (new system), a Kandidaatti / Kandidat (new system), an Oikeustieteen Notaari or a Rättsnotarie, a good Kandidaatti / Kandidat (old system), a professional title such as Ekonomi, Diplomi-insinööri, Arkkitehti, Lisensiaatti (in Medicine, Dentistry and Vetinary Medicine), or a Maisteri / Magister (new system), Lisensiaatti / Licenciat, Oikeustieteen Kandidaatti / Juris Kandidat (new system) or Proviisori / Provisor from a recognised Finnish Higher Education institution, with a minimum overall grade of 2/3 or 3-4/5 for 2:1 equivalence or 1-2/3 or 2.5-3/5 for 2:2 equivalence, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes. 

Holders of a good three-year Licence, License Professionnelle, Diplôme d'Ingénieur/Architecte Diplômé d'État, Diplôme from an Ecole Superieure de Commerce / Gestion / Politique, or Diplome d'Etat Maitrise of three years duration or a Maîtrise from a recognised French university or Grande École will be considered for postgraduate taught study.

Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a minimum overall grade of 13 out of 20, bien, for 2:1 equivalency, or 11 out of 20, assez bien, for 2:2 equivalency depending on the awarding institution.  

Holders of a good three-year Bachelor degree, a Magister Artium, a Diplom or an Erstes Staatsexamen from a recognised university, or a good Fachhochschuldiplom from a Fachhochschule (university of applied sciences), with a minimum overall grade of 2.5 for 2:1 equivalency, or 3.0 for 2:2 equivalency, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Students from Germany who have completed three years of the Erstes Staatsexamen qualification with a grade point average (GPA) of 10 from the first six semesters of study within the Juristische Universitätsprüfung programme would be considered for entry onto LLM programmes.  Students from Germany who have completed the five year Erstes Staatsexamen qualification with a grade point average (GPA) of 6.5 would be considered for entry onto LLM programmes. 

Students who hold a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. Most taught Masters programmes require a minimum of an upper second class degree (2.1) with a minimum GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or 3.5/5.0 Students who have completed a Masters degree from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study.

Holders of a good four-year Ptychio (Bachelor degree) from a recognised Greek university (AEI) with a minimum overall grade of 6.5 out of 10 for 2:1 equivalency, or 5.5 out of 10 for 2:2 equivalency, or a good four-year Ptychio from a recognised Technical Higher Education institution (TEI) with a minimum overall grade of 7.5 out of 10 for 2:1 equivalency, or 6.5 out of 10 for 2:2 equivalency, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

4-year Licenciado is deemed equivalent to a UK bachelors degree. A score of 75 or higher from Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) can be considered comparable to a UK 2.1, 60 is comparable to a UK 2.2.  Private universities have a higher pass mark, so 80 or higher should be considered comparable to a UK 2.1, 70 is comparable to a UK 2.2

The Hong Kong Bachelor degree is considered comparable to British Bachelor degree standard. Students with bachelor degrees awarded by universities in Hong Kong may be considered for entry to one of our postgraduate degree programmes.

Students with Masters degrees may be considered for PhD study.

Holders of a good Alapfokozat / Alapképzés (Bachelors degree) or Egyetemi Oklevel (university diploma) from a recognised Hungarian university, or a Foiskola Oklevel (college diploma) from a recognised college of Higher Education, with a minimum overall grade of 3.5 for 2:1 equivalency, or 3 for 2:2 equivalency, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes. 

Holders of a Bachelors degree of three or four years in duration from a recognised university in India will be considered for postgraduate taught study. Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved 55% - 60% or higher for 2:1 equivalency, or 50% - 55% for 2:2 equivalency depending on the awarding institution.  

Either: A four-year Bachelors degree (first class or very good upper second class)

Or: A three-year Bachelors degree (first class) from recognised institutions in India.

For MSc programmes, the Business School will consider holders of three-year degree programmes (first class or very good upper second class) from recognised institutions in India.

For entry to LLM programmes, Birmingham is happy to accept applications from 3 or 5 year LLB holders from India from prestigious institutions.

Holders of the 4 year Sarjana (S1) from a recognised Indonesian institution will be considered for postgraduate study. Entry requirements vary with a minimum requirement of a GPA of 2.8.

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised university in Iran with a minimum of 14/20 or 70% will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate taught programmes.

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised university in Iraq will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of a Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.0/4 or 75% for 2:1 equivalency, or 2.8/4 or 70% for 2:2 equivalency.

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised university in Israel will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved score of 80% for 2:1 equivalency or 65% for 2:2 equivalency.  

Holders of a good Diploma di Laurea, Licenza di Accademia di Belle Arti, Diploma di Mediatore Linguistico or Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello from a recognised Italian university with a minimum overall grade of 100 out of 110 for 2:1 equivalence, or 92 out of 110 for 2:2 equivalence, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Students who hold the Maitrise, Diplome d'Etude Approfondies, Diplome d'Etude Superieures or Diplome d'Etude Superieures Specialisees will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees (14-15/20 or Bien from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 12-13/20 or Assez Bien is considered comparable to a UK 2.2).

Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised university in Japan will be considered for entry to a postgraduate Masters degree provided they achieve a sufficiently high overall score in their first (Bachelor) degree. A GPA of 3.0/4.0 or a B average from a good Japanese university is usually considered equivalent to a UK 2:1.

Students with a Masters degree from a recognised university in Japan will be considered for PhD study. A high overall grade will be necessary to be considered.

Holders of a Bachelors degree of four years duration from a recognised university in Jordan will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.0/4, 3.75/5 or 75% for 2:1 equivalency or 2.8/4, 3.5/5 or 70% for 2:2 equivalency.  

Students who have completed their Specialist Diploma Мамаң дипломы/Диплом специалиста) or "Magistr" (Магистр дипломы/Диплом магистра) degree (completed after 1991) from a recognised higher education institution, with a minimum GPA of 2.67/4.00 for courses requiring a UK lower second and 3.00/4.00 for courses requiring a UK upper second class degree, will be considered for entry to postgraduate Masters degrees and, occasionally, directly for PhD degrees.  Holders of a Bachelor "Bakalavr" degree (Бакалавр дипломы/Диплом бакалавра) from a recognised higher education institution, with a minimum GPA of  2.67/4.00 for courses requiring a UK lower second and 3.00/4.00 for courses requiring a UK upper second class degree, may also be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Students who hold a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. Most taught Masters programmes require a minimum of an upper second class degree (2.1) with a minimum GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or 3.5/50

Holders of a Bachelors degree of four years duration from a recognised university in Kuwait will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.0/4, 3.75/5 or 75% for 2:1 equivalency or 2.8/4, 3.5/5 or 70% for 2:2 equivalency.  

Holders of a good pre-2000 Magistrs or post-2000 Bakalaurs from a recognised university, or a good Postgraduate Diploma (professional programme) from a recognised university or institution of Higher Education, with a minimum overall grade of 7.5 out of 10 for 2:1 equivalency, or 6.5 out of 10 for 2:2 equivalency, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised university in Lebanon will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of a Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a score of 16/20 or 80% for 2:1 equivalency, or 14/20 or 70% for 2:2 equivalency.

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised university in Libya will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of a Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved score of 70% for 2:1 equivalency or 65% for 2:2 equivalency. Alternatively students will require a minimum of 3.0/4.0 or BB to be considered.

Holders of a good Bakalauras (post 2001), Profesinis Bakalauras (post 2001) or pre-2001 Magistras from a recognised university with a minimum overall grade of 8 out of 10 for 2:1 equivalency, or 7 out of 10 for 2:2 equivalency, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes. 

Holders of a good Bachelors degree or Diplôme d'Ingénieur Industriel from a recognised Luxembourgish Higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 16 out of 20 for 2:1 equivalence, or 14 out of 20 for 2:2 equivalence, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Students who hold a Masters degree will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees (70-74% or A or Marginal Distinction from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 60-69% or B or Bare Distinction/Credit is considered comparable to a UK 2.2).

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised Malaysian institution (usually achieved with the equivalent of a second class upper or a grade point average minimum of 3.0) will be considered for postgraduate study at Diploma or Masters level.

Holders of a good Bachelors degree from a recognised Higher Education Institution with a minimum grade of 2:1 (Hons) for UK 2:1 equivalency, or 2:2 (Hons) for UK 2:2 equivalency, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Students who hold a Bachelor degree (Honours) from a recognised institution (including the University of Mauritius) will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.  Most taught Masters programmes require a minimum of an upper second class degree (2:1).

Students who hold the Licenciado/Professional Titulo from a recognised Mexican university with a promedio of at least 8 will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.

Students who have completed a Maestria from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study.

Holders of a Bachelors degree, licence or Maîtrise from a recognised university in Morocco will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of a Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a score of 15/20 or 75% for 2:1 equivalency, or 13/20 for 2:2 equivalency.

Students with a good four year honours degree from a recognised university will be considered for postgraduate study at the University of Birmingham. PhD applications will be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of a Bachelors (Honours) degree of four years duration from a recognised university in Nepal will be considered for postgraduate taught study. Students with a Bachelors degree of at least three years duration plus a Masters degree may also be considered for postgraduate study. Degrees must be from a recognised institution in Nepal.

Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.2/4.0 or 65%-79% average or higher for 2:1 equivalency, or a GPA of 3.0/4.0 or 60%-65% for 2:2 equivalency depending on the awarding institution.  

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised Dutch university, or Bachelors degree from a recognised Hogeschool (University of Professional Education), or a good Doctoraal from a recognised Dutch university, with a minimum overall grade of 7 out of 10 for 2:1 equivalence, or 6 out of 10 for 2:2 equivalence, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes. 

Students who hold a Bachelor degree (minimum 4 years and/or level 400) from a recognised institution will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.  Most taught Masters programmes require a minimum of an upper second class degree (2.1) with a minimum GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or 3.5/5.0

Holders of a good three-six-year Bachelorgrad, Candidatus Magisterii, Sivilingeniø (siv. Ing. - Engineering), "Siviløkonom" (siv. Øk. - Economics) degree from a recognised Norwegian education institution with a minimum GPA of B/Very Good or 1.6-2.5 for a 2.1 equivalency, or a GPA of C/Good or 2.6-3.2 for a 2.2 equivalency; will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Holders of a Bachelors degree of four years duration from a recognised university in Oman will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.0/4, 3.75/5 or 75% for 2:1 equivalency or 2.8/4, 3.5/5 or 70% for 2:2 equivalency.  

Holders of a Bachelors degree of four years in duration from a recognised university in Pakistan will be considered for postgraduate taught study. Students with a Bachelors degree of at least three years duration followed by a Masters degree of one or two years duration, or holders of a two year Bachelors degree and a two year Masters degree in the same subject, may also be considered for postgraduate study.

Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 2.8-3.0/4.0 or 65% or above for 2:1 equivalency, or a GPA of 2.6/4.0 or 60% or above for 2:2 equivalency depending on the awarding institution.  

A two-year degree followed by a three-year LLB will count as a full Bachelors degree.

All qualifications must be from recognised institutions. For further details on recognised institutions, please refer to Pakistan’s Higher Education Commission

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised university in the Palestinian Territories will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3/4 or 80% for 2:1 equivalency or a GPA of 2.5/4 or 70% for 2:2 equivalency.    

Holders of the Título de Licenciado /Título de (4-6 years) or an equivalent professional title from a recognised Paraguayan university may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. Grades of 4/5 or higher can be considered as UK 2.1 equivalent.  The Título Intermedio is a 2-3 year degree and is equivalent to a HNC, it is not suitable for postgraduate entry but holders of this award could be considered for second year undergraduate entry or pre-Masters.  Applicants for PhD level study will preferably hold a Título de Maestría / Magister or equivalent qualification, but holders of the Título/Grado de Licenciado/a with excellent grades can be considered.

Holders of the Licenciado, with at least 13/20 may be considered as UK 2.1 equivalent. The Grado de Bachiller is equivalent to an ordinary degree, so grades of 15+/20 are required.  Applicants for PhD level study will preferably hold a Título de Maestría or equivalent qualification.

Holders of a good post-2001 Licencjat / Inzynier (Bachelors degree), or a pre-2001 Magister, from a recognised Polish university, with a minimum overall grade of 4.5/4+ out of 5, dobry plus ‘better than good’ for 2:1 equivalence, or 4 out of 5, dobry 'good' for 2:2 equivalence, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes. 

Holders of a good Licenciado from a recognised university, or a Diploma de Estudos Superiores Especializados (DESE) from a recognised Polytechnic Institution, with a minimum overall grade of 16 out of 20, bom com distinção ‘good with distinction’, for 2:1 equivalence, or 14 out of 20, bom ‘good’, for 2:2 equivalence, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes. 

Holders of a Bachelors degree of four years duration from a recognised university in Qatar will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of a Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.0/4, 3.75/5 or 75% for 2:1 equivalency or 2.8/4, 3.5/5 or 70% for 2:2 equivalency.  

Holders of a good Diplomă de Licenţă, Diplomă de Inginer, Diplomă de Urbanist Diplomat, Diplomă de Arhitect, Diplomă de Farmacist or Diplomã de Doctor-Medic Arhitect (Bachelors degree) from a recognised Romanian Higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 8 out of 10 for 2:1 equivalence, or 7 out of 10 for 2:2 equivalence, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Holders of a good Диплом Бакалавра (Bakalavr) degree with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 4.0 from recognised universities in Russia may be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes/MPhil degrees. 

Students who hold a 4-year Bachelor degree with at least 16/20 or 70% will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.   

Holders of a Bachelors degree of four years duration from a recognised university in the Saudi Arabia will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.0/4, 3.75/5 or 75% for 2:1 equivalency or 2.8/4, 3.5/5 or 70% for 2:2 equivalency.  

Students who hold a Maitrise, Diplome d'Etude Approfondies,Diplome d'Etude Superieures or Diplome d'Etude Superieures Specialisees will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. A score of 14-15/20 or Bien from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 12-13/20 or Assez Bien is considered comparable to a UK 2.2

Students who hold a Bachelor (Honours) degree from a recognised institution with a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0 or 3.5/5.0 (or a score of 60-69% or B+) from a well ranked institution will be considered for most our Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees with a 2:1 requirement.

Students holding a good Bachelors Honours degree will be considered for postgraduate study at Diploma or Masters level.

Holders of a good three-year Bakalár or pre-2002 Magister from a recognised Slovakian Higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 1.5, B, Vel’mi dobrý ‘very good’ for 2:1 equivalence, or 2, C, Dobrý ‘good’ for 2:2 equivalence, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes. 

Holders of a good Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi (Bachelors degree), Diplomant (Professionally oriented first degree), Univerzitetni diplomant (Academically oriented first degree) or Visoko Obrazovanja (until 1999) from a recognised Slovenian Higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 8.0 out of 10 for 2:1 equivalence, or 7.0 out of 10 for 2:2 equivalence, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes. 

Students who hold a Bachelor Honours degree (also known as Baccalaureus Honores / Baccalaureus Cum Honoribus) from a recognised institution will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. Most Masters programmes will require a second class upper (70%) or a distinction (75%).

Holders of a Masters degree will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a Bachelor degree from a recognised South Korean institution (usually with the equivalent of a second class upper or a grade point average 3.0/4.0 or 3.2/4.5) will be considered for Masters programmes.

Holders of a good Masters degree from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study on an individual basis.

Holders of a good Título de Licenciado / Título Universitario Oficial de Graduado (Grado) /Título de Ingeniero / Título de Arquitecto from a recognised Spanish university with a minimum overall grade of 7 out of 10 for 2:1 equivalence, or 6 out of 10 for 2:2 equivalence, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Holders of a Special or Professional Bachelors degree of four years duration from a recognised university in Sri Lanka will be considered for postgraduate taught study.

Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved 60-74% or a CGPA 3.30/4.0 or B+ for 2:1 equivalency, or 55-59% or a CGPA 3.0/4.0 or B for 2:2 equivalency depending on the awarding institution.  

Holders of a good Kandidatexamen (Bachelors degree) or Yrkesexamen (Professional Bachelors degree) from a recognised Swedish Higher Education institution with the majority of subjects with a grade of VG (Val godkänd) for 2:1 equivalency, or G (godkänd) for 2:2 equivalency, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes. Holders of a good Kandidatexamen (Bachelors degree) or Yrkesexamen (Professional Bachelors degree) from a recognised Swedish Higher Education institution with the majority of subjects with a grade of VG (Val godkänd), and/or a good Magisterexamen (Masters degree), International Masters degree or Licentiatexamen (comparable to a UK Mphil), will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a good " Baccalauréat universitaire/ Diplom / Diplôme; Lizentiat / Licence; Staatsdiplom / Diplôme d'Etat" degree from a recognised Swiss higher education institution (with a minimum GPA of 5/6 or 8/10 or 2/5 (gut-bien-bene/good) for a 2.1 equivalence) will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised university in Syria will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved score of 70%, or ‘very good’ for 2:1 equivalency or 60%, or ‘good’ for 2:2 equivalency.  

Holders of a good Bachelor degree (from 75% to 85% depending upon the university in Taiwan) from a recognised institution will be considered for postgraduate Masters study. Holders of a good Masters degree from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study.

Students who hold a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.  Most taught Masters programmes require a minimum of an upper second class degree (2.1) Students who have completed a Masters degree from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study.

Holders of a good Bachelors degree from a recognised institution will be considered for postgraduate study at Diploma or Masters level. Holders of Bachelors degree from prestigious institutions (see list below) will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.0/4.0 for 2:1 equivalency or 2.7 for 2:2 equivalency. Applicants with grades slightly below these requirements may also be considered for an offer if they have a relevant Bachelors degree, good scores in relevant modules, or relevant work experience.

Holders of a Bachelors degree from all other institutions will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.2/4.0 for 2:1 equivalency, or 2.8 for 2:2 equivalency.

Prestigious institutions: Assumption University Chiang Mai University Chulalongkorn University Kasetsart University Khon Kaen University King Mongkut University of Technology - Thonburi (known as KMUTT or KMUT) Mahidol University Prince of Songla University Srinakharinwirot University Thammasat University

Holders of a bachelor degree with honours from a recognised Caribbean and West Indies university may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. 

Students with a Bachelors degree from the following universities may be considered for entry to postgraduate programmes:

  • Ateneo de Manila University - Quezon City
  • De La Salle University - Manila
  • University of Santo Tomas
  • University of the Philippines - Diliman

Students from all other institutions with a Bachelors and a Masters degree or relevant work experience may be considered for postgraduate programmes.

Grading Schemes

1-5 where 1 is the highest 2.1 = 1.75 2.2 = 2.25 

Out of 4.0 where 4 is the highest 2.1 = 3.0 2.2 = 2.5

Letter grades and percentages 2.1 = B / 3.00 / 83% 2.2 = C+ / 2.5 / 77%

Holders of a postdoctoral qualification from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study.  Students may be considered for PhD study if they have a Masters from one of the above listed universities.

Holders of a Lisans Diplomasi with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0/4.0 from a recognised university will be considered for postgraduate study at Diploma or Masters level.

Holders of a Yuksek Diplomasi from a recognised university will be considered for PhD study.

Holders of a Bachelors degree of four years duration from a recognised university in the UAE will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of a Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3.0/4, 3.75/5 or 75% for 2:1 equivalency or 2.8/4, 3.5/5 or 70% for 2:2 equivalency.  

Students who hold a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. Most Masters programmes will require a second class upper (2.1) or GPA of 3.5/5.0

Holders of a good four-year Bachelors degree/ Диплом бакалавра (Dyplom Bakalavra), Диплом спеціаліста (Specialist Diploma) or a Dyplom Magistra from a recognised institution, with a minimum GPA of 4.0/5.0, 3.5/4, 8/12 or 80% or higher for 2:1 equivalence, or a GPA of 3.5/5.0, 3.0/4, 6/12 or 70% for 2:2 equivalence, depending on the awarding institution, will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

The University will consider students who hold an Honours degree from a recognised institution in the USA with a GPA of:

  • 2.8 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) for entry to programmes with a 2:2 requirement 
  • 3.2 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) for entry to programmes with a 2:1 requirement 

Please note that some subjects which are studied at postgraduate level in the USA, eg. Medicine and Law, are traditionally studied at undergraduate level in the UK.

Holders of the Magistr Diplomi (Master's degree) or Diplomi (Specialist Diploma), awarded by prestigious universities, who have attained high grades in their studies will be considered for postgraduate study.  Holders of the Fanlari Nomzodi (Candidate of Science), where appropriate, will be considered for PhD study.

Holders of the Licenciatura/Título or an equivalent professional title from a recognised Venezuelan university may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. Scales of 1-5, 1-10 and 1-20 are used, an overall score of 70% or equivalent can be considered equivalent to a UK 2.1.  Applicants for PhD level study will preferably hold a Maestria or equivalent qualification

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised Vietnamese institution (usually achieved with the equivalent of a second class upper or a grade point average minimum GPA of 7.0 and above) will be considered for postgraduate study at Diploma or Masters level.  Holders of a Masters degree (thac si) will be considered for entry to PhD programmes.

Students who hold a Masters degree with a minimum GPA of 3.5/5.0 or a mark of 2.0/2.5 (A) will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.   

Students who hold a good Bachelor Honours degree will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. 

International Students

Standard English language requirements  apply (IELTS 6.5 with no less than 6.0 in any band).

  • IELTS 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any band)
  • TOEFL: 88 overall with no less than 21 in Reading, 20 in Listening, 22 in Speaking and 21 in Writing
  • Pearson Test of English (PTE) including online: PTE Academic 67 with no less than 64 in all four skills
  • Cambridge English (exams taken from 2015): Advanced or Proficiency – minimum overall score of 176, with no less than 169 in any component

If you are currently studying at a Chinese university, please view our  specific entry requirements including our list of acceptable universities for further study at Birmingham .

English Presessional Programmes 

If you’re looking to improve your knowledge of spoken and written English in preparation for studying at Birmingham, our pre-sessional English courses are for you. If you have a conditional offer, you can take one of these courses as an alternative to retaking IELTS or other similar qualifications.  Find out more  

Birmingham has strong links with industry meaning your academic study will be combined with a real practical focus, leading to excellent job opportunities.  

A high-class learning environment

Students outside the Alan Walters Building

Assessment Methods

Taught modules contribute towards two thirds of your final assessment. The dissertation contributes one third. Modules are assessed using written examinations and coursework. Coursework can take a variety of forms, including reports, essays, group presentations and practical assignments. Some coursework is group based.

Get prepared for the real world of business 

This programme will ensure you are practice-ready and able to tackle real-life challenges in international business. Working with real databases and business case studies, this programme will support you to develop the key skills that are in demand by organisations across the world. 

Be part of an international learning community 

Gain experience of working in a diverse team by working closely with our student cohorts at our Edgbaston, Dubai, and Singapore campuses. This programme also provides students with the opportunity to study abroad at one of our partner universities. 

Employability is placed at the forefront  

The programme is designed to enhance your employability by building your knowledge in key areas of international business such as cooperative strategy, global operations, business analytics, marketing, and global responsibility. 

You will also have the opportunity to draw on the talents of our alumni who are very much integrated into the programme. With their expertise, combined with the breadth of the syllabus, this Masters programme will prepare you for a successful international career. 

Our graduates have gone on to have careers in the following roles: 

  • Marketing Executive 
  • Financial Auditor 
  • Project Manager 
  • Digital Marketing Specialist 
  • Operations Manager 
  • Communications Analyst 
  • Human Resources Advisor 
  • Management Consultant 
  • Cyber Security Analyst 
  • Risk Advisory Consultant 
  • Assistant Brand Manager  
  • Strategic Projects Analyst 

BBS Careers and Careers Network

As a Birmingham Business School student, you will benefit from two award-winning Careers teams.  

Careers Network  is the University of Birmingham careers and employability team offering: career fairs, employer events with top firms across the UK, start-up and entrepreneurial activities, and support. Internships and bursaries are also available exclusively to University of Birmingham students.   

BBS Careers  is a dedicated service for Birmingham Business School students. The team provides guidance, support, and work experience opportunities, tailored to business school students, to help you succeed during and after university. We offer workshops, alumni and employer events, and 1-to-1 consultations. These will help you to develop your skills and learn how to submit high-quality internship and graduate applications.  

BBS Careers is one of a few, if not the only business school career service to offer life-long support.  

We are here to support you! Whether you are applying for postgraduate end-of-study internship, a graduate job, or applying for a management role five years after graduation.  

Visit the BBS website for more details

  • Online chat events
  • Ask our students

Grad Coach

Research Topics & Ideas: Business

50+ Management Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Business/management/MBA research topics

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a business/management-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of  research ideas and topic thought-starters for management-related research degrees (MBAs/DBAs, etc.). These research topics span management strategy, HR, finance, operations, international business and leadership.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the management domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: Business Research Topics

  • Business /management strategy
  • Human resources (HR) and industrial psychology
  • Finance and accounting
  • Operations management
  • International business
  • Actual business dissertations & theses

Strategy-Related Research Topics

  • An analysis of the impact of digital transformation on business strategy in consulting firms
  • The role of innovation in transportation practices for creating a competitive advantage within the agricultural sector
  • Exploring the effect of globalisation on strategic decision-making practices for multinational Fashion brands.
  • An evaluation of corporate social responsibility in shaping business strategy, a case study of power utilities in Nigeria
  • Analysing the relationship between corporate culture and business strategy in the new digital era, exploring the role of remote working.
  • Assessing the impact of sustainability practices on business strategy and performance in the motor vehicle manufacturing industry
  • An analysis of the effect of social media on strategic partnerships and alliances development in the insurance industry
  • Exploring the role of data-driven decision-making in business strategy developments following supply-chain disruptions in the agricultural sector
  • Developing a conceptual framework for assessing the influence of market orientation on business strategy and performance in the video game publishing industry
  • A review of strategic cost management best practices in the healthcare sector of Indonesia
  • Identification of key strategic considerations required for the effective implementation of Industry 4.0 to develop a circular economy
  • Reviewing how Globalisation has affected business model innovation strategies in the education sector
  • A comparison of merger and acquisition strategies’ effects on novel product development in the Pharmaceutical industry
  • An analysis of market strategy performance during recessions, a retrospective review of the luxury goods market in the US
  • Comparing the performance of digital stakeholder engagement strategies and their contribution towards meeting SDGs in the mining sector

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Human Resources (HR)

  • Exploring the impact of digital employee engagement practices on organizational performance in SMEs
  • The role of diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • An evaluation of remote employee training and development programs efficacy in the e-commerce sector
  • Comparing the effect of flexible work arrangements on employee satisfaction and productivity across generational divides
  • Assessing the relationship between gender-focused employee empowerment programs and job satisfaction in the UAE
  • A review of the impact of technology and digitisation on human resource management practices in the construction industry
  • An analysis of the role of human resource management in talent acquisition and retention in response to globalisation and crisis, a case study of the South African power utility
  • The influence of leadership style on remote working employee motivation and performance in the education sector.
  • A comparison of performance appraisal systems for managing employee performance in the luxury retail fashion industry
  • An examination of the relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction in blue-collar workplaces, A systematic review
  • Exploring HR personnel’s experiences managing digital workplace bullying in multinational corporations
  • Assessing the success of HR team integration following merger and acquisition on employee engagement and performance
  • Exploring HR green practices and their effects on retention of millennial talent in the fintech industry
  • Assessing the impact of human resources analytics in successfully navigating digital transformation within the healthcare sector
  • Exploring the role of HR staff in the development and maintenance of ethical business practices in fintech SMEs
  • An analysis of employee perceptions of current HRM practices in a fully remote IT workspace

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Finance & Accounting

  • An analysis of the effect of employee financial literacy on decision-making in manufacturing start-ups in Ghana
  • Assessing the impact of corporate green innovation on financial performance in listed companies in Estonia
  • Assessing the effect of corporate governance on financial performance in the mining industry in Papua New Guinea
  • An evaluation of financial risk management practices in the construction industry of Saudi Arabia
  • Exploring the role of leadership financial literacy in the transition from start-up to scale-up in the retail e-commerce industry.
  • A review of influential macroeconomic factors on the adoption of cryptocurrencies as legal tender
  • An examination of the use of financial derivatives in risk management
  • Exploring the impact of the cryptocurrency disruption on stock trading practices in the EU
  • An analysis of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in academic publishing houses
  • A comparison of financial ratios performance in evaluating E-commerce startups in South Korea.
  • An evaluation of the role of government policies in facilitating manufacturing companies’ successful transitioning from start-up to scale-ups in Denmark
  • Assessing the financial value associated with industry 4.0 transitions in the Indian pharmaceutical industry
  • Exploring the role of effective e-leadership on financial performance in the Nigerian fintech industry
  • A review of digital disruptions in CRM practices and their associated financial impact on listed companies during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Exploring the importance of Sharia-based business practices on SME financial performance in multicultural countries

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Ideas: Operations Management

  • An assessment of the impact of blockchain technology on operations management practices in the transport industry of Estonia
  • An evaluation of supply chain disruption management strategies and their impact on business performance in Lithuania
  • Exploring the role of lean manufacturing in the automotive industry of Malaysia and its effects on improving operational efficiency
  • A critical review of optimal operations management strategies in luxury goods manufacturing for ensuring supply chain resilience
  • Exploring the role of globalization on Supply chain diversification, a pre/post analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • An analysis of the relationship between quality management and customer satisfaction in subscription-based business models
  • Assessing the cost of sustainable sourcing practices on operations management and supply chain resilience in the Cocao industry.
  • An examination of the adoption of behavioural predictive analytics in operations management practices, a case study of the
  • Italian automotive industry
  • Exploring the effect of operational complexity on business performance following digital transformation
  • An evaluation of barriers to the implementation of agile methods in project management within governmental institutions
  • Assessing how the relationship between operational processes and business strategy change as companies transition from start-ups to scale-ups
  • Exploring the relationship between operational management and innovative business models, lessons from the fintech industry
  • A review of best practices for operations management facilitating the transition towards a circular economy in the fast food industry
  • Exploring the viability of lean manufacturing practices in Vietnam’s plastics industry
  • Assessing engagement in cybersecurity considerations associated with operations management practices in industry 4.0 manufacturing

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Topics & Ideas: International Business

  • The impact of cultural differences in communication on international business relationships
  • An evaluation of the role of government import and export policies in shaping international business practices
  • The effect of global shipping conditions on international business strategies
  • An analysis of the challenges of managing multinational corporations: branch management
  • The influence of social media marketing on international business operations
  • The role of international trade agreements on business activities in developing countries
  • An examination of the impact of currency fluctuations on international business and cost competitiveness
  • The relationship between international business and sustainable development: perspectives and benefits
  • An evaluation of the challenges and opportunities of doing business in emerging markets such as the renewable energy industry
  • An analysis of the role of internationalisation via strategic alliances in international business
  • The impact of cross-cultural management on international business performance
  • The effect of political instability on international business operations: A case study of Russia
  • An analysis of the role of intellectual property rights in an international technology company’s business strategies
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and international business strategy: a comparative study of different industries
  • The impact of technology on international business in the fashion industry

Topics & Ideas: Leadership

  • A comparative study of the impact of different leadership styles on organizational performance
  • An evaluation of transformational leadership in today’s non-profit organizations
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and productivity
  • An analysis of the relationship between leadership style and employee motivation
  • The influence of diversity and inclusion on leadership practices in South Africa
  • The impact of Artificial Intelligence technology on leadership in the digital age
  • An examination of the challenges of leadership in a rapidly changing business environment: examples from the finance industry
  • The relationship between leadership and corporate culture and job satisfaction
  • An evaluation of the role of transformational leadership in strategic decision-making
  • The use of leadership development programs in enhancing leadership effectiveness in multinational organisations
  • The impact of ethical leadership on organizational trust and reputation: an empirical study
  • An analysis of the relationship between various leadership styles and employee well-being in healthcare organizations
  • The role of leadership in promoting good work-life balance and job satisfaction in the age of remote work
  • The influence of leadership on knowledge sharing and innovation in the technology industry
  • An investigation of the impact of cultural intelligence on cross-cultural leadership effectiveness in global organizations

Business/Management Dissertation & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a business-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various management-related degree programs (e.g., MBAs, DBAs, etc.) to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Sustaining Microbreweries Beyond 5 Years (Yanez, 2022)
  • Perceived Stakeholder and Stockholder Views: A Comparison Among Accounting Students, Non-Accounting Business Students And Non-Business Students (Shajan, 2020)
  • Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility and the New Ecological Paradigm among Business Students in Southern California (Barullas, 2020)
  • Entrepreneurial opportunity alertness in small business: a narrative research study exploring established small business founders’ experience with opportunity alertness in an evolving economic landscape in the Southeastern United States (Hughes, 2019)
  • Work-Integrated Learning in Closing Skills Gap in Public Procurement: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study (Culver, 2021)
  • Analyzing the Drivers and Barriers to Green Business Practices for Small and Medium Enterprises in Ohio (Purwandani, 2020)
  • The Role of Executive Business Travel in a Virtual World (Gale, 2022)
  • Outsourcing Security and International Corporate Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of Private Military Companies (PMCs) and Human Rights Violations (Hawkins, 2022)
  • Lean-excellence business management for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies in Kurdistan region of Iraq (Mohammad, 2021)
  • Science Data Sharing: Applying a Disruptive Technology Platform Business Model (Edwards, 2022)
  • Impact of Hurricanes on Small Construction Business and Their Recovery (Sahu, 2022)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Fast-Track Your Topic Ideation

If you’d like hands-on help to speed up your topic ideation process and ensure that you develop a rock-solid research topic, check our our Topic Kickstarter service below.

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Thank you so much for helping me understand how to craft a research topic. I’m pursuing a PGDE. Thank you


Effect of Leadership, computerized accounting systems, risk management and monitoring on the quality of financial Reports among listed banks

Denford Chimboza

May you assist on a possible PhD topic on analyzing economic behaviours within environmental, climate and energy domains, from a gender perspective. I seek to further investigate if/to which extent policies in these domains can be deemed economically unfair from a gender perspective, and whether the effectiveness of the policies can be increased while striving for inequalities not being perpetuated.

Negessa Abdisa

healthy work environment and employee diversity, technological innovations and their role in management practices, cultural difference affecting advertising, honesty as a company policy, an analysis of the relationships between quality management and customer satisfaction in subscription based business model,business corruption cases. That I was selected from the above topics.

Ngam Leke

Research topic accounting

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Business Management Dissertation Topics

Published by Owen Ingram at January 4th, 2023 , Revised On August 15, 2023

A degree in business administration is intended for those wishing to start their own business or expand an existing one. When you choose business management as your field of study, you are not a typical student because you want to learn about all possible aspects of managing a business.

However, if you are struggling to develop a trending and meaningful business management dissertation topic and need a helping hand. There’s no need to worry! Our unique business management dissertation topic ideas have been developed specifically to ensure you have the best idea to investigate as part of your project.

The process of finding and writing a dissertation is time-consuming. To help you with the topic selection and proposal writing, we have compiled a list of several unique and manageable business management dissertation topics. Without further ado, here we go!

  • International Development Dissertation Topics
  • Cooperate Governance Dissertation Topics
  • Business Intelligence Dissertation Topics
  • Business Information Technology Dissertation Topics
  • International Business Dissertation Topics
  • Business Psychology Dissertation Topics
  • Business Law Dissertation Topics
  • Project Management Dissertation Topics
  • Business Dissertation Topics
  • HRM Dissertation Topics
  • Management Dissertation Topics
  • Operations Management Dissertation Topics

Unique Business Management Dissertation Topics

  • Coordinating communications and teamwork among remote workers
  • How business attract their customers
  • Artificial intelligence investment and its effect on customer satisfaction
  • Impact of globalization on corporate management
  • Customer viewpoint on how they use their data when using mobile banking
  • Investigating the procedure for business model innovation
  • Evaluation of dynamic capability modelling
  • An investigation of managerial strategies in the hospitality sector
  • Important project management abilities required to implement a significant change in an organization’s workplace culture
  • Voice and silence’s effects on destructive leadership
  • Influence of store atmosphere on customers’ spontaneous buying habits
  • Evaluating the effect of forwarding integration on operational efficiency
  • The contribution of employee training and development to surviving the economic crisis
  • Comparative comparison of the biggest consumer trends in the United States and the United Kingdom in the automotive industry
  • A case study demonstrating how cutting-edge businesses like Microsoft and Google acquire a competitive edge through efficient technology management in developing nations
  • To demonstrate the necessity of economic and social variables for developing a viable chemical engineering industry in the UK.
  • Assessing the full impact of technological advances on business management techniques in America.
  • A case study showed how top companies such as Microsoft and Google gain a competitive advantage through effective technology management in developing countries.
  • Illumination of the challenges facing American companies in terms of sustainability and ethical corporate governance
  • Assessing the significance and value of eBay’s and Craigslist’s e-commerce industry assumptions, alliances and strategic partnership
  • demonstrating the need for social and economic variables in the development of a viable chemical engineering industry in the UK.
  • Study of SONY and Microsoft’s employee retention rates while contrasting their approaches to business management
  • Psychosocial risks’ effects on workplace risk control
  • Leadership’s function in a company’s transformative shift
  • Individual performance factors in SMEs
  • Business tactics to draw in foreign capital
  • Enterprise social networking platforms’ effects on knowledge management and organizational learning
  • How do internal marketing and employee empowerment affect organizational productivity?
  • Improving the sustainability of American business operations worldwide by developing a closed supply chain.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

Choosing a business management dissertation topic can be extremely stressful for anyone. You can research your topics online and find topics on any subject, for example,  nursing dissertation topics or even those related to business, such as marketing dissertation topics.

You must consider several factors when choosing your business management dissertation topics, such as your lecturers’ or supervisor’s specifications and guidelines. Those who break the rules will have their dissertations rejected, so it is important to follow them.

To ensure that your dissertation captures the reader’s attention, choose a dissertation topic that is currently popular. Once you have selected a topic, you can take help from proposal writing services before you start working on the actual thesis paper.

Free Dissertation Topic

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find business management dissertation topics.

To discover business management dissertation topics:

  • Research recent industry challenges.
  • Analyze emerging trends.
  • Examine managerial theories.
  • Consider global perspectives.
  • Interview professionals.
  • Select a topic aligning with your career aspirations.

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For entry in the academic year beginning September 2024, the tuition fees are as follows:

  • MSc (full-time) UK students (per annum): £17,000 International, including EU, students (per annum): £30,500

Further information for EU students can be found on our dedicated EU page.

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Due to the competition for places and limited availability, our courses require a deposit of £1000 to cover non-recoverable costs and secure your place. The deposit will be deducted from your tuition fees when you register on the course.

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  • Tell us why you are interested in the MSc International Business and Management course at Alliance MBS and how the course will impact on your future
  • Describe whatmakes you an outstanding applicant and describe your potential to contribute to all aspects of the course.

How your application is considered

We can only process applications with the following documents:

  • valid English language qualification
  • first and second year transcript (scanned copies are accepted at the time of application)
  • statement of purpose (this is included as part of your application form, you do not need to email your statement of purpose directly to the Admissions Team)

Course details

Course description.

  • Develop the ability to think and work across boundaries and borders - vital skills for a globalised economy, but equally important for understanding and navigating the current challenges for global business. 
  • Acquire valuable research and critical thinking skills to prepare for flexible strategy development and decision making under increasing complexity.
  • Focus on current issues in an interconnected world, including company visits and interaction with those working in industry.
  • Work with renowned researchers in the fields of international management, multinational strategy, corporate social responsibility, inclusive value chains, technology transfer and sustainable development.
  • Apply for an international exchange to broaden your horizons and enhance your employability in the global job market. 
  • Prepare for a career in the public or private sector, including careers in multinational enterprises or small and medium-sized enterprises. 

Special features

There is an opportunity to apply to spend an exchange semester at one of Alliance Manchester Business School's partner institutions abroad.

Coursework and assessment

The course units feature a variety of assessment methods testing different skills and types of knowledge, with a combination of examinations, individual essays, and group exercises and presentations.

A key component of the programme is the research dissertation of 8,000 words.

Course unit details

  • Chinese immigrant entrepreneurship in the Italian region of Prato
  • European football clubs’ international CSR engagements
  • The effect of cross-border mergers and acquisitions on innovation behaviour in target firms
  • The effect of formal and informal institutional pressures on climate change performance of
  • The effect of national culture on sharing economy participation
  • The impact of Brexit on the tourism industry

Course unit list

The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.

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dissertation topics for msc international business

200+ Subject-Wise MBA Dissertation Topics to Check Out This Year

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Master Your Degree with These Top MBA Dissertation Topics of 2024

Research, Discuss, Dissert

Feeling the dissertation pressure mounting? Don't let writer's block turn your thesis into a 'to-do' list!  Here’s a list of 200+ MBA dissertation topics that go beyond the usual suspects.  From unique tech trends to the future of sustainability, we've got ideas to start your research passion and impress the professors. So, forget the generic, and let's craft MBA dissertation ideas that make your thesis stand out!

3 Key Considerations when Selecting MBA Dissertation Topics

Picking an MBA dissertation idea isn't everyone's favourite task, but knowing how to select the best MBA research topics is crucial. Three key things to remember when searching for MBA dissertation ideas are:

1. Choosing Unique MBA Dissertation Topics

Selecting MBA dissertation ideas may seem daunting, but don't fret if they've been explored before. The key lies in infusing your unique perspective into existing topics. Be innovative in your research approach to stand out.

2. Ensuring Availability of Secondary Data

Avoid last-minute topic changes by ensuring ample secondary data for your chosen MBA thesis topics. Don't delay the search for secondary data; confirm its availability during topic selection to streamline your research process.

3. Inculcating Quantitative Study

While textual analysis is appealing, integrating quantitative study enhances the depth of your MBA thesis topics. Numbers provide credibility and engage readers effectively. Strike a balance between theory and numerical analysis for impactful research.

Pursuing an MBA will help you advance your career in the business world. Many of the top universities and colleges in the world offer MBA programs in various fields. 

Subject-Wise Best Research Topics for MBA Students

The possibilities for MBA thesis topics are vast, covering all facets of business administration. To narrow down options, consider various subjects. Despite constraints, here's a list of excellent research topics for MBA students for your research and exploration.

dissertation topics for msc international business


1. Investigating the influence of industry and public knowledge on market share index fluctuations

2. Assessing the significance of auditing for large corporations

3. Analysing the country’s tax scheme

4. Factors to consider when investing in financial markets

5. Evaluating risk-taking in companies from an accounting perspective

6. Providing recommendations for circular debt management in business firms

7. Exploring the differences and similarities between external and internal auditors

8. Examining the challenges faced by external audits due to equal value calculations

9. Analysing taxation as a human rights policy and supporting it with evidence

10. Understanding the impact of the current tax structure on lower-income individuals

Operations Management Dissertation Topics

1. Defining the concept of ‘Legality’ in supply chain design

2. Exploring the role of virtual supply chains in facilitating short-term business collaborations

3. Assessing the feasibility and effectiveness of self-driving cars in supply chain management

4. Impact of big data analytics on efficient inventory management

5. Significance of RFID in Toyota's inventory management

6. E-commerce inventory management strategies

7. Production scheduling strategies in manufacturing environments

8. Production scheduling strategies in the automobile industry

9. Case study: Toyota's production scheduling strategies in the UK

10. Utilising AI for quality control: A case study of Amazon.com

Business Management Dissertation Topics

1. Strategies for supporting gender equity in traditionally male-dominated industries

2. Impact of management's socio-cultural background on leadership relationships

3. The effect of employment benefits on employee and company productivity

4. Adaptation of small business strategies to globalisation

5. Role of feedback in cultural shifts within multinational corporations

6. Assessing team performance in multinational corporations

7. Examining small business strategies in the context of globalisation

8. Analysing team performance in multinational corporations

9. Human resource management and policies in non-profit organisations

10. Role of foreign direct investment in the economy of developing countries

Finance Dissertation Topics

1. Exploring the swift expansion of international microfinance

2. Investigating the growth of microfinance within the UK banking sector

3. Analysing the impact of microfinance on emerging economies

4. Assessing the role of credit and financial services in investment

5. Examining microfinance's contribution to poverty alleviation and economic growth

6. Contrasting FDI strategies between Europe and Asia

7. Studying emerging market stock synchronicity and analyst coverage

8. Evaluating the influence of foreign direct investment on developing nations

9. Assessing the effects of European financial regulations on cross-border investments

10. Scrutinising ongoing banking sector reforms in emerging economies: the Brazilian case

We also have a list of different finance dissertation topics in brief. You can also check out these topics for more information.

Marketing Dissertation Topics

1. Evaluating the significance of personalization in digital relationship marketing during the COVID-19 era

2. A case study on UK fitness brands building customer loyalty through high-value content

3. Analysing obstacles facing Tesco’s loyalty card scheme in today's market dynamics

4. Leveraging social media for customer acquisition through relationship marketing

5. Investigating the impact of product quality on consumer satisfaction

6. Assessing consumer understanding of brand values through a Starbucks vs. McDonald’s case study

7. Using digital methods to enhance brand salience: a case study approach

8. Exploring the impact of product availability on SME brand image

9. Transitioning a brand's reputation across industries: lessons from Virgin Cola

10. Assessing beauty brands' direct marketing efficacy using YouTube

Information Technology Management Dissertation Topics

1. Predicting the future impact of information technology on global business

2. Assessing the pace of technological advancement in meeting global financial system demands

3. Analysing the impact of the Sony hack on international market transactions

4. Exploring how technological advancements enhance global trade

5. Investigating the influence of religion on IT adoption in Yemeni universities

6. Assessing the impact of mobile technology on international students in British universities

7. Examining online discussions' role in promoting interaction and collaboration in blended learning environments

8. Applying instructional techniques to improve problem-solving abilities

9. Evaluating the effectiveness of automated tools in literature reviews for students

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Strategic risk management dissertation topics.

1. Exploring the Influence of Current Global Supply Chain Trends on Risk Management Strategies

2. Investigating Social Risks' Impact on Multinational Corporations and Shareholder Value

3. Assessing Liquidity and Credit Risk Management in Financial Markets

4. Best Practices in Operational Risk Management for Warehousing

5. Comparative Analysis of Risk Management in Financial Sectors

7. Critical Factors for Operational Management Success in Financial Services

8. Analysis and Mitigation of Social Risks

9. Overcoming Obstacles in Operational Risk Management

10. Utilising Risk Assessment to Manage Medical Errors

11. Long-term Risk Management in the Banking Sector

Entrepreneurship Dissertation Topics

1. Consequences of Chronic Unemployment in Major Economies

2. Government Bailouts vs. Corporate Responsibility

3. Profit Dynamics of Insurance Firms

4. Subsidised Loans and Business Practice Ethics

5. Risk and Reward in High-Risk Investments

6. Tactics for Long-term Financial Security in Small Companies

7. Real Estate Investment Risks and Myths

8. Investment Opportunities During Economic Downturns

9. Strategies for Risk-free Profits in the Stock Market

10. Factors Influencing Business Bankruptcy Probability

11. Human Resource Management Dissertation Topics

Implementing HR Philosophies in the Workplace

1. Collaboration Between Corporate Management and HR

2. Choosing Interpersonal Skills: Soft vs. Hard

3. Objectivity vs. Subjectivity in Employee Appraisal

4. Employee Engagement and Incentive Impact

5. HR Departments' Role in Organisational Change

6. Performance Improvement Strategies for Employee Evaluation

7. Employee Perspectives on Performance Reviews

8. Impact of Motivation Programs on Productivity

9. Enhancing the Employee Selection Process

E-Commerce Dissertation Topics

1. Investigating New Businesses' E-Commerce Strategies

2. Analysing Traditional Businesses' E-Commerce Migration

3. E-Commerce Strategies: Serendipity or Strategy?

4. Components of a Successful E-Commerce Strategy

5. Examining Payment Processing Models

6. Evaluating Social Media's Role in E-Commerce

7. Strengthening Customer Relationships through E-Commerce Tactics

8. The Significance of Unique Selling Points in E-Commerce Growth

9. E-Commerce Marketing Mix: Online vs. Hybrid Presence

10. Comparing Pay-Per-Click and Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Economics Dissertation Topics

1. Impact of Market Competition on Corporate Growth Strategies

2. COVID-19's Influence on Corporate Market Entry

3. Non-Profit Financing Models and Long-Term Viability

4. Privatisation's Economic Policy Ramifications

5. Challenges Posed by Digitalization in Industries

6. Brexit's Effects on UK Industrial Policies

7. COVID-19's Impact on the Entertainment Industry

8. Global Perspectives on Alternative Energy Markets

9. Shifting Consumer Preferences Over Two Decades

10. Cultural Influence on Entrepreneurial Behavior and Business Initiatives

Health Care Management Dissertation Topics

1. Examining Mid-Level Providers' Role in Healthcare

2. Telemedicine's Impact on Healthcare Administration

3. Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Healthcare

4. Growth and Consequences of Urgent Care Clinics

5. Supporting Families Caring for Dementia Patients

6. Health Literacy's Influence on Prostate Cancer Outcomes

7. Governance and Ethics in Patient Portal Use by Guardians

8. Employee Turnover Due to Tuition Reimbursement Programs

9. Follow-Up Procedures After Medical Errors

10. State Legislation's Effects on Medical Malpractice Insurance

International Business Dissertation Topics

1. Investigating the Success of Global Business Teams in Multinational Companies: Testing an Interfering Process Model.

2. Exploring Corporate Governance's Role in Globalization and Firm Performance.

3. Assessing Brexit's Impact on British SMEs: An Examination of Likely Effects.

4. Analysing Business-Government Relations: Contingency Theory Perspective.

5. Understanding Globalization's Method and Impact on Business Collaboration.

6. Retail Management Dissertation Topics

7. The Contribution of Visual Merchandising to Clothing Brand Income in UK Malls.

8. Management's Role in Revenue Generation in Automotive Retail.

9. Evaluating Store Location Effects on Apparel Brand Sales in UK Malls.

10. Assessing the Impact of Retail Promotions on Inventory Turnover.

11. Applied Retail Analysis in B2B Industries: Optimal Store Placement.

Rural Management Dissertation Topics

1. Examining Media Influence on Rural Development.

2. Rural Development and Community Health Administration: Exploring Roles.

3. Cooperative Societies' Impact on Rural Development.

4. Community Banks' Contribution to Rural Development.

5. Identifying Socioeconomic Barriers to Rural Growth.

Change Management on Dissertation Topics

1. Dissertation Topics on Managing Change

2. Incorporating Change Management Education in Universities

3. Identification of Tools and Techniques for Change Management in Construction Projects

4. Critical Analysis of Organisational Change Management in UK-based Companies

5. Impact of Change Management Processes on Performance in Mega Programme Projects

6. Change Management Perspectives among Veterinary Nurses

7. Inter-organisational System Performance and Change Management

8. Examining Africa's Change Management Approaches: The Ubuntu Values

9. The Influence of Business and IT Functions on Organisational Change Management

10. Evolution of Change Management Perspectives over Time

11. Change Management and Cultural Revitalisation Movements in Organisations

12. Change Management in Healthcare Nursing: A Comprehensive Review

13. Hexagonal vs. Pentagonal Models in Change Management

14. Significance of Grounded Theory Approach in Change Management

15. Ethics, Values, and Leadership in Change Management

1. Entrepreneurship Trends: A Recent Boom

2. Impact of Increasing Entrepreneurs on the UK Economy

3. Entrepreneurial Adoption of Cloud Technology for Quality Control and Cost Savings

4. Scope of Entrepreneurship in the UK: Implications for Competition and Productivity

5. Technological Developments and Entrepreneurship Effects

6. Gender Dynamics in Developing Entrepreneurial Skills

7. Government Policy Influence on Entrepreneurship

8. Entrepreneurial Role in Economic Development

9. Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Creativity

10. Entrepreneurship Education's Impact on Skill Development

11. Public Support for Technology-based Ventures

12. Factors Affecting New Ventures' Growth

13. Legislative and Fiscal Policies Encouraging Entrepreneurship

14. Alternative Marketing Tactics for Small-scale Food Entrepreneurs

15. Crowdsourcing: Definition and Functionality

Logistics and Supply Chain Management Dissertation Topics

1.  Investigating the Importance of Supply Chain Management in Company Outsourcing

2. Assessing Risks within a Supply Chain

3. Analysis of Technology's Role in Present Supply Chain Structures

4. Examining the Connections Between Supply Chain and Company Logistics

5. Investigating Tax Evasion in Car Supply Chains and Its Impact on Procurement Costs

6. Challenges to Implementing an Effective Supply Management System

7. Evaluation of Information Dissemination and Sharing Among Supply Chain Intermediaries

8. Evaluating Cost Reduction Measures in China's Car Exports and Imports

9. Importance of Logistics Management in UK Clothing Reorders

10. Coping with Supply Chain and Logistics Changes: A Study on UK Businesses

So, there you have it! A diverse buffet of MBA dissertation topics to tantalise your intellectual taste buds. Remember, choosing the right one is key. Don't be afraid to get creative and explore uncharted territory. After all, your dissertation is your chance to shine, showcase your expertise, and leave a lasting mark on the business world. Dive in, research, analyse, and remember, the perfect MBA dissertation idea awaits!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Business Dissertation Topics

2020 was a year of drastic change, with many businesses shut down by the pandemic. However 2021-22 onwards promises rapid economic growth, as business activity sharply expands. So, to help you out we’ve provided a selection of free and original business dissertation topics, suitable for both Master’s and Bachelor’s degree dissertations. These topics cover a large range of subjects within the business discipline, so you are sure to find one suited to your own interests. Each of these topics will allow you to produce an original and ambitious dissertation that will contribute to the existing knowledge of your subject area. So, if you’ve been searching far and wide for a great business dissertation topic, look no further!

Global Politics and Global Business Dissertation Topics

Global strategy for business dissertation topics, technology and innovation management business dissertation topics, corporate social responsibility business dissertation topics, international human resource management dissertation topics, management of international change dissertation topics, leadership and innovation business dissertation topics, globalisation and strategy business dissertation topics.

This is one of the most important aspects of international business as it examines the connection between global politics and global business. It looks at some of the most important factors, institutions, and processes that affect international business and studies the political environment of business, which has been particularly volatile over the last five years.

  • Evaluating the performance of global business teams within multinational corporations: the test of an intervening process model.
  • How does Corporate Governance affect internationalisation, globalisation and the performance of firms?
  • What sorts of themes and images might create trans-cultural resonance and dissonance within an international classroom comprised of diverse nationalities and cultural backgrounds?
  • Can production for global markets help business groups to mobilise collectively? Under what conditions does globalisation enable the private sector to develop independent organisational bases and create effective relationships with the state?
  • How different patterns of business-government relations affect processes of industrial upgrading: A case study of emerging economies.
  • How do multinational organisations tackle the growing complexity of managing themselves in light of the rise to significant power of non-governmental organisations?
  • A look at the effect that Brexit is likely to have on British businesses, especially the average small and medium enterprise (SME).
  • How will Brexit impact on the regulatory burden of large business and corporations in the United Kingdom and Europe?
  • Business-Government relations within a contingency theory framework: strategy, structure, fit, and performance.
  • What is the meaning and process of globalisation and how does it impact the way in which business teams work together?
  • In the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis, is globalisation still going to be a key market driver?
  • Global strategy and local implementation: Examining how multinational corporations apply Corporate Governance in China.
  • How will firms investing in China manage the political undercurrents, as talk increases of a new Cold War between the West and China?
  • What factors affect multinational corporations’ choice of corporate political strategy? Examining the influence of perceived regulatory pressure on company’s political strategies.
  • Using a legitimacy perspective to examine how firms entering the Chinese market manage political risk.
  • A critical examination of the potential implications of Brexit for UK firms’ EU-based supply chain.
  • Brexit and foreign direct investment into the UK: An examination of the potential impact on new venture start-ups in the UK.

Global business strategy focuses on understanding the main strategic issues that organisations face when they operate as a global business. Specifically, the issues relate to three areas: understanding global strategic analysis, formulating a global strategy, and developing sources of competitive advantage in a given company.

  • What are the risks and benefits of an International Joint Venture?
  • How should a business strategy be developed to expand a business in an international market?
  • A comparative study of Mergers and Acquisitions within the Aviation sector: Case study of Qatar Airways’ joint venture with the International Airlines Group.
  • A research on the exit strategy of foreign venture capital investment in international private business sector.
  • What are the business strategies and key success factors of Financial Holding Companies in the international environment?
  • How does an organisation benefit from an effective vendor management strategy?
  • Why are some vendor relationships more successful than others?
  • Developing an effective framework for knowledge sharing and utilisation in global project teams.
  • Can entrepreneurship be utilised as an effective management strategy within a business unit?
  • What effects will the consumers’ increasing use of the online channel to fashion shopping have on the strategies used by UK clothing retailers?
  • An assessment of sustainable competitive advantage within the UK DIY multiple market sector.
  • Develop your own definition of logistics, that you think reflects how logistics is evolving and explain why you think it is appropriate for today and the next decade.
  • A study of the problems of managing international collaboration in the military aero-engine business.
  • New possibilities in logistics and supply chain management provided by Big Data: examining the birth and growth of supply chain analytics.
  • Designing a closed-loop supply chain for improving sustainability of global business practices.
  • Developing a strategy for winning in the Indian market: A case study of Suzuki Motor Corporation.

These topics consider the ways in which business firms develop and implement technology as a strategy and integrate technological and innovative capabilities in support of their business operations. These topics mainly investigate how technology has revolutionised the business environment causing disruption, new opportunities and challenges for firms to deal with.

  • A study of how business operations have improved as a result of innovation: Are they converging towards one universal approach?
  • What are the market challenges experienced by new UK mobile telecommunication companies?
  • How will 5G technology impact on the growth of digital consumer markets in the UK?
  • How does online branding provide competitive advantage in the digital era: a study of the consumer electronics industry?
  • A study into how ICT integration has transformed procurement of goods and services.
  • Building virtual dominions – A comparative study of mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances in e-commerce: case studies of Amazon.com and eBay.
  • What are the technological factors surrounding the relationship between organisational growth and performance?
  • A study into the role of online marketing in creating global supply chain networks.
  • A study into how organisations suffer the negative effects of modern day technology.
  • What are the main factors impacting on the success of online branding for corporations?
  • Assessing the role of social media in global branding: cases of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • Exploring the impact of technology on CRM operations within call centres in the UK and analyse the factors that affect the well-being of the employee?
  • A study into the opportunities of implementing an e-HR system: Case of British Energy.
  • A study into how companies influence technology and innovation within suppliers: Case of Apple.
  • Assessing technology diffusion models among online shoppers in the UK.
  • Business process reengineering and the challenges facing airlines, a critical study of the factors influencing Saudi Airlines’ BPR initiatives.
  • What are the barriers to successful/profitable e-commerce deployment in government organisations?
  • Comparing and contrasting government e-commerce portals with private ones such as eBay and Amazon: which offers the better user experience and business outcomes?
  • How has integration of technology into HR improved organisational efficiency?
  • What is the impact of technology on FMCG industry towards meeting consumer demands in the UK market?
  • Assessing the role of innovation towards creation of new opportunities for SMEs in the UK.
  • What determinant factors influence integration of technology in the Supply Chain Management (SCM) sector.

Governments, activists and the media have become adept at holding companies to account for the social consequences of their actions. In response, corporate social responsibility has emerged as an inescapable priority for business leaders in every country. The fact is many prevailing approaches to CSR are quite disconnected from strategy. Business should treat CSR as something central to their strategy and hence contribute as a core competence for many organisations. These topics evaluate how business can utilise CSR practices to enhance opportunities for organisational success.

  • How does Corporate Social Responsibility impact on customer loyalty?
  • What is the role of staff training in developing and executing CSR skills?
  • What are the key strategic decisions facing companies in order to improve their performance in Corporate Social Responsibility?
  • Does Corporate Social Responsibility enhance corporate reputation? A case study of Tesco.
  • What are the challenges facing ethical businesses in the UK for moving to the mainstream?
  • How can businesses gain advantage from adopting CSR practices with respect to climate change?
  • A study into the impact of green and lean practices on organisational performance.
  • How have environmental policies transformed CSR practices within organisations: Case of BAT.
  • What are the effects of CSR on sustainability: Case of Coca Cola.
  • How will multinational organisations deal with the growing emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in large markets like Germany and India?
  • To what extent will CSR be sacrificed for greater economic growth in the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic?
  • How can firms successfully make Corporate Social Responsibility operable in the modern corporate environment?
  • Is there a relationship between diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility, what is its contribution to organisational performance?
  • What is the impact of CSR on brand equity: Case study of Toyota UK?
  • How does CSR impact on organisational performance?
  • CSR and societal expectations: A case study of Unilever.

International Human Resource Management refers to activities that are designed to support organisations in managing human resources at an international level so that competitive advantage can be maintained at both the national and international level. The subject area includes understanding of culture factors, both in terms of beliefs and attitudes of international employees and in relation to international employment legislation. Studying the area provides insights into the way that corporate HR functions can contribute to international business strategy and build functional knowledge of the main developments in the management of expatriates and other forms of international management. Changing perspectives are crucial as more and more organisations operate on a global basis and have head offices in a home country and operational sites in host nations. Functionally this can involve expatriates but increasingly includes high usage of virtual technology to create links between home and host country operational sites. The following topics are an indication of key areas of current interest in the field.

  • What are the benefits and challenges of inter-cultural team working in virtual environments and how these teams influence competitive advantage.
  • Virtual working environments became something of a norm during the pandemic. Will this apply to home countries of international corporations as well?
  • What are the bases of employee commitment in terms of affective, normative and calculative commitment in a global multi-national?
  • What are the effects of organisational transition on employee commitment in large multinational companies?
  • How do mergers impact on employee motivation and commitment, and how can any fallout be managed?
  • How can cultural differences in international collaborative projects be managed?
  • Can job-swaps between international workers improve inter-cultural working in multi-national organisations?
  • What is the relationship between the three components of commitment to organisational change and the perceived success of an organisational change?
  • What effect will the UK’s decision to leave the EU have on economic migrants, and how can this be managed by IHRM practices and polices?
  • How will Brexit impact on British workers in the EU, and to what extent can this be managed by IHRM practices and policies?
  • How does one manage employee commitment in the not-for-profit sector across different national cultures?
  • Using models of Strategic Human Resource Management assess and appraise how BAE Systems is achieving strategy through effective people management practices.
  • What are the main factors that affect employee retention at international call centres?
  • What are the most effective practices for working a unique Human Resource policy across multiple divisions of large diversified companies?
  • A study of the constantly changing global business environment and how effective human resource planning enables organisations to achieve their strategic objectives.
  • What effect does the Brexit decision and subsequent negotiations have on the management of EU operational sites by UK based companies?
  • What is the role and value of effective IHRM strategic thinking to effective negotiation of joint ventures between the UK and BRIC countries?
  • Can IHRM be effective in delivering culturally appropriate work-life balance and flexible working patterns for multi-national firms?

Change, at the organisational level is vital for continued innovation and retention of competitive advantage. Therefore, understanding the different aspects of this topic is vital in creating awareness of existing views and practices for implementing and managing successful change, particularly at the international level. This topic area is therefore focused on the what, why and how involving managing change in contemporary organisations and social systems in general, and how they may impact on the effectiveness of change. In particular, it examines the issues and dilemmas facing those managing change, as well as the skills required for successful adaptation and evolution, especially in an international context.

  • What internal and external factors have the greatest impact on employees in cross-national mergers and acquisitions?
  • Managing change across multi-cultural teams through technology and virtual project management: The impact of social understanding and use of digital media.
  • What are the biggest changes in home working practises going to be following Coronavirus, and what impact will they have on employee retention?
  • Managing change: Developing a framework that links intended strategies and unanticipated outcomes.
  • Employee adjustment during organisational change: The role of organisational level and occupation.
  • How can employee motivation levels be sustained during organizational restructuring?
  • Success of a Product Lifecycle Management Implementation – an investigation into the electronics manufacturing industry.
  • How power works through managing emotion in organisational change: emotion management as power.
  • How can the measurement of levels of work stress in individuals employed in an organisation undergoing change benefit it?
  • Encouraging gender equality across international firms – what role can change management approaches take in supporting increased female representation in traditionally masculine firms?
  • Managing change in Asian business – A comparison between Chinese-educated and English-educated Chinese entrepreneurs in Singapore.
  • What is the impact of feedback during organisational culture change: a case study of a financial firm?
  • Stakeholder Communication and Transformational Change: A case study in the use of a proprietary change management system.
  • What effect is there on levels of resistance and conflict when organisational change is lead by a servant or spiritual leader?
  • How social media can facilitate acceptance of change in international organisations.
  • Soft skills are not enough: Why change management approaches also need strong project management planning to be successful.
  • What are the key project management skills needed to execute a major change in the working culture of an organization?

Innovation has become a primary force driving the growth, performance, and valuation of companies. However, sometimes there is a wide gap between the aspirations of executives to innovate and their ability to execute. Many companies make the mistake of trying to spur innovation by turning to unreliable best practices, and to organisational structures and processes. Moreover, executives who focus on stimulating and supporting innovation by their employees can promote and sustain it with the current talent and resources more effectively than they could by using other incentives. This area focuses on innovation at the individual level and at the group level within organisations.

  • What are the effects of team innovation and leadership clarity in organisations? A health care case study.
  • Does socio-cultural context moderate the relationship of leadership with top-management influence on innovation?
  • What are the effects of leadership style and team process on performance and innovation in functionally heterogeneous teams?
  • An exploratory study of leadership, organisational culture and organisational innovativeness in a sample of non-profit organisations.
  • Is there a difference in leadership style between profit and non-organisations, and what are the reasons for this?
  • How do business leaders see their role in enabling innovation in large organisations?
  • Transformation or transactional? The role of leadership in supporting individual-level creativity within organisations.
  • How exactly do we put leadership and innovation together? How does a company lead in a way that generates innovation?
  • What are the key factors required for a creative organisation? How are barriers to implementing these factors overcome?
  • Organising for team creativity: Creating an organisational system for harvesting ideas for leadership and innovation.
  • What is the nature and role of leadership in three ideal types of public management innovation: politically-led, organisational turnarounds and bottom-up innovations?
  • How is leadership different in the engineering function? An assessment of Airbus UK?
  • What are the behavioural and personality correlations of transactional and transformational leadership?
  • What is the relationship between leadership style and creativity? Systematically reviewing the literature.
  • From managing to enabling innovation: Leaders’ facilitating innovation through cultural change.
  • The role of leaders in balancing creativity and standardisation in the firm.

Globalisation is a complex trend, encompassing many forces and many effects. Globalisation has revolutionised the global market as Multinational Enterprises renew their strategies to attain competitive edge. These topics evaluate different strategies adopted by business firms to uniquely position themselves in the global market.

  • The analysis of suitability and applicability of Porter’s Generic Strategies in the light of emerging business trends and an unpredictable operating environment post-pandemic.
  • Does globalisation have a future in the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic?
  • What is the significance of ICT integration as a business strategy?
  • How globalisation has broken trade barriers and its impact on trade tariffs: the case of BRIC countries.
  • What current strategies are in place for businesses to meet dynamic consumer demands?
  • To what extent is consumer demand shaped by corporate innovation? A comparative study of Apple and Samsung.
  • Assessing the impact of globalisation on UK businesses operating on both international and local levels.
  • Does Brexit signal a rollback in globalisation in the UK and Europe?
  • An examination of empowerment, conflict and corporate vision as factors in developing global business strategies for multinational firms.
  • What are the transformational strategies adopted by companies in the globalisation era?
  • How have countries changed their trade policies in the face of new global market challenges?
  • A study into the FDI strategies used by UK multinational companies: case study of Vodafone.
  • Investigating the role of strategic alliances in creating global supply chain networks.
  • Assessing the impact of internationalisation strategies on multinational corporations: case study Tullow Oil.

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International Business Management Dissertation Topics by Top Business Management Experts

A lot of students struggle to create interesting International Business dissertation topics 2021 especially. If you are looking for a list of business and international marketing dissertation topics that can help you get the best grades then you don’t have to look anywhere else. We are presenting you with a list of topics for your International Business Management dissertation crafted by miraculously talented dissertation experts.

Captivating International Business Management Dissertation Ideas for Intriguing Dissertation Topics

We are giving you a list of topics shortly but before that, we are going to give some open-ended dissertation topics for international business management. The aim of these ideas is to motivate you to craft your own dissertation topics. That is because brainstorming can be miraculous if done right.

You can craft as many topics as you can using these ideas. Make sure that you are keeping your interests as well as the guidelines and instructions from your teachers in your mind as well while crafting dissertation topics in international business and other subjects too. Being certain about your instructions will help you kick start your research as well.

  • Small and Big International Businesses Management: The objective of this dissertation idea is to study the management strategies of business and then comparing them with other similar but a smaller or bigger business model. For instance, you can select discuss the business management strategies of Gucci or freight forwarding company in comparison with another international fashion business or logistics company in a smaller scale. You can discuss specific strategies and their impacts on the sales, employee retention or turnover rate, relationship between employees and employers, and other similar aspects as well.
  • Scope of Study: The aim of this dissertation idea is to discuss the benefits of studying business management in a certain region. For instance, you can discuss career opportunities studying international business management in the United Kingdom. You can further evaluate your discussion with statistics and proofs to show the success rate of people pursuing a certain career in the respective field.

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List of International Business Management Dissertation Topics by Field Experts for Free!

Moving on from the brilliant ideas from our professionals, the list of custom International Business Management dissertation topics curated by our professional researchers is going to be yours.  Before that, we’d like to give you some tips that will help you choose the perfect dissertation topic.

First of all, grab as many topics as you can from the list below that peak your interest. After you have shortlisted the International Business Management dissertation topics, create multiple drafts for each of the topics and then finalize on the best topic that suits you as well as meets the criteria set by your teachers.

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Disclaimer: Kindly note that the work we provide is not the final version, it is research based work which you have to incorporate and edit according to your university requirements.

Postgraduate taught

dissertation topics for msc international business

MSc International Business

Discover how organisations respond to the challenges of operating on a global scale

Year of entry: 2024 (September)

1 year full-time

School for Business and Society

September 2024 ( semester dates )

Apply for this course

Join us online or in person to find out more about postgraduate study at York.

In order to operate across borders, organisations need a good understanding of the international business environment.

This course covers some of the major issues which affect enterprises working in different countries, from local circumstances to international politics.

You'll develop your skills in critical analysis, information processing, and data presentation. You'll prepare for a range of careers in international business and management, with the skills and outlook to thrive in an increasingly interconnected global workplace.

This course is one of three interrelated Masters programmes covering business and management in global contexts:

dissertation topics for msc international business

MSc International Strategic Management

focuses on ways in which enterprises identify and achieve their strategic goals.

emphasises quantitative analysis in examining the global business environment.

MSc International Business and Strategic Management

unites both perspectives, analysing strategies for success worldwide.

Course content

You'll study some of the core issues in international business. You'll develop a theoretical toolkit with which to investigate and discuss the strategies used in the international business environment.

Later you'll specialise your studies while continuing to develop crucial skills for independent learning and research. You'll choose an option module to develop a deeper understanding of an area of international business and management. You'll also focus your efforts on an 8,000-word (Applied) or 10,000-word (Academic) dissertation.


Core modules:.

You will take core modules which may include:

  • Strategy and Strategic Management
  • International Business in the Global Context
  • Managing People in the Global Context
  • International Political Economy & Business
  • International Business Management and Emerging Markets

Option modules:

You will also study one option module. In previous years, options have covered topics such as:

  • Research Methods
  • Strategy in Global Organisations
  • Sustainable Operations & Supply Chain Management
  • Management and Sustainability
  • Accounting and Finance Fundamentals

Our modules may change to reflect the latest academic thinking and expertise of our staff.

You can choose to undertake either:

  • Dissertation Management Studies (Academic)   or,
  • Dissertation Management Studies (Applied)

To complete the Dissertation Management Studies (Academic), students will need to have studied Research Methods as their option module .

The dissertation requires you to initiate, design, and implement a substantial research project. You'll have three to four months to complete an 8,000-word (Applied) or 10,000-word (Academic) dissertation based on your original research. 

You can choose to focus your research on any topic related to international business that interests you. It could be a chance to explore a previous topic in greater depth, or investigate an organisational challenge in an industry close to your heart. Recent titles include:

  • Investigation of Cultural Management and Successful Factors for International Mergers and Acquisitions: The Case study of Foxconn’s acquisition of Sharp
  • The Influence of Haidilao's Organizational Culture on Employees' Emotions

You'll work under the guidance of a personal supervisor with expertise in the subject you're studying. They'll help you develop your research project, including identifying theories and methods to investigate and analyse your topic.

The York approach

Every course at York is built on a distinctive set of learning outcomes. These will give you a clear understanding of what you will be able to accomplish at the end of the course and help you explain what you can offer employers. Our academics identify the knowledge, skills, and experiences you'll need upon graduation and then design the course to get you there.

Students who complete this course will be able to:

  • Devise socially and ethically responsible, creative and strategic solutions to real-life business problems in the international business environment.
  • Interpret and apply complex numerical and non-numerical data by utilising their knowledge of relevant quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.
  • Design, execute, and present significant and extended pieces of independent research in a field of their choice related to international strategy management, deploying appropriate research methods.
  • Critically evaluate organisational decision-making in a range of international business settings.
  • Develop professionally by reflecting on personal strengths and weaknesses in order to identify areas for growth and plan self-directed learning.
  • Communicate complex information and well-evidenced arguments effectively and persuasively to professional and business audiences.
  • Interpret and influence complex international business situations by applying an advanced understanding of economic, political, and social factors that shape the international business environment.
The School is extremely international in its outlook. Academic staff are experts in their fields and come from all over the world. Our professors make topics immediately relevant by using current business cases from different areas, and though my course took strategic management as its focus, it always referred to the broader aspects of international business and the global environment. MSc in International Business and Strategic Management student

Fees and funding

Annual tuition fees for 2024/25.

Students on a Student Visa are not currently permitted to study part-time at York.

Fees information

UK (home) or international fees?  The level of fee that you will be asked to pay depends on whether you're classed as a UK (home) or international student.  Check your fee status .

Find out more information about tuition fees and how to pay them.

  • Postgraduate taught fees and expenses

Funding information

Discover your funding options to help with tuition fees and living costs.

We'll confirm more funding opportunities for students joining us in 2024/25 throughout the year.

If you've successfully completed an undergraduate degree at York you could be eligible for a  10% Masters fee discount .

Funding opportunities

  • UK government Masters loans
  • Funding for UK students
  • Funding for international students

Living costs

You can use our  living costs guide  to help plan your budget. It covers additional costs that are not included in your tuition fee such as expenses for accommodation and study materials.

Teaching and assessment

You’ll work with world‐leading academics who’ll challenge you to think independently and excel in all that you do. Our approach to teaching will provide you with the knowledge, opportunities, and support you need to grow and succeed in a global workplace.

Teaching format

We use a wide range of teaching methods to suit different learning styles, including:

  • Practical workshops

You'll also put your skills of analysis, decision-making and creative thinking to the test in business simulation games, working in teams to accomplish your goals.

We'll help you develop skills of research and investigation to support your independent learning.

Teaching location

You will be based in the School of Business & Society on  Campus West . Most of your teaching will take place in the Church Lane Building, with additional contact hours elsewhere on Campus East and Campus West.

About our campus

Our beautiful green campus offers a student-friendly setting in which to live and study, within easy reach of the action in the city centre. It's  easy to get around campus  - everything is within walking or pedalling distance, or you can always use the fast and frequent bus service.

Assessment and feedback

Your modules are assessed with a mixture of exams, essays and presentations. You'll also complete formative assignments including presentations and literature reviews. You'll receive feedback on all the work you submit, helping you to understand your strengths and identify areas for improvement.

Your final assessment is an 8,000-word (Applied) or 10,000-word (Academic) dissertation, which makes up a third of your overall grade.

dissertation topics for msc international business

Related courses

  • International Strategic Management (MSc)
  • International Business and Strategic Management (MSc)
  • Management (MSc)
  • International Business, Leadership and Management Online (MSc)
  • Sustainable Business: Leadership, Innovation and Management (MSc).

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Dissertation in International Business - BUSN9083

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Module delivery information

This module is not currently running in 2024 to 2025.

This research project forms a major assessed element of the course. The dissertation must be on a topic relevant to the MSc in International Business and Economic Development, as proposed by the individual student and approved by the relevant supervisor. Students are assigned a supervisor upon submission of the dissertation proposal to topic and staff expertise. Supervision of work on the dissertation is concentrated in the second half of the academic year.

Contact hours

Total contact hours: 12 Private study hours: 588 Total study hours: 600

Method of assessment

Main assessment methods Project (10000 - 15000 words) (100%) Reassessment methods 100% project

Indicative reading

The research reading list will vary according to topic, but the following list is of general readings offered to students: Biggam, J. (2011) Succeeding with your Master's Dissertation: a Step by Step Handbook, (2nd edition), Open University Press: Maidenhead, UK Bryman, A. & Bell, E. (2011) Business Research Methods, (3rd edition), Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK Saunders, N. K. (2012) Research Methods for Business Students, (6th edition), Pearson Education Limited: Harlow, UK Wisker, G. (2007) The Postgraduate Research Handbook: Succeed with your MA, MPhil, EdD and PhD, (2nd edition), Palgrave: Basingstoke, UK

See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)

Learning outcomes

The intended subject specific learning outcomes. On successfully completing the module students will be able to: - demonstrate understanding of ontological, epistemological, and methodological issues involved in the research design of dissertation projects in international business, and the relationship between these concepts; - demonstrate awareness of the difficulties involved in formulating a meaningful and feasible research question, as well as of the ways of overcoming these difficulties; - demonstrate awareness of the need to be methodical and systematic in their studies, and to be critical in their use of the work done by other international business scholars; - demonstrate familiarity with learning resources in international business; - demonstrate familiarity with the literature, theories, concepts and methods relevant to their research topic; - critically engage with international business phenomena, including the terminology, concepts, theories and methods of international business analysis; - examine and evaluate different interpretations of international business issues, events and solutions to problems; - describe, evaluate and apply different approaches involved in collecting, analysing and presenting data relevant to international business; - demonstrate familiarity with the various conventions of academic writing (style, citation, bibliography, etc.). The intended generic learning outcomes. On successfully completing the module students will be able to: - work with theoretical knowledge at the forefront of their discipline; - be aware of the ethical dimensions of the scholarly work done in their discipline in general as well as of their own work in particular; - develop a comprehensive understanding of methods and methodologies in their discipline; - undertake analysis of complex, incomplete or contradictory areas of knowledge; - develop a level of conceptual understanding that will allow them to critically evaluate research, advanced scholarship and methodologies and argue alternative approaches; - become reflective and self-critical in their research work; - engage in academic and professional communication; - develop independent learning ability required for continuing professional study.

  • ECTS credits are recognised throughout the EU and allow you to transfer credit easily from one university to another.
  • The named convenor is the convenor for the current academic session.

University of Kent makes every effort to ensure that module information is accurate for the relevant academic session and to provide educational services as described. However, courses, services and other matters may be subject to change. Please read our full disclaimer .


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  6. UNIT 1 || International business || Bcom 6 semester


  1. International Business Dissertation Topics

    International Business Dissertation Topics For 2024. MNCs' use of a standardised approach to business strategy. Impact of the coronavirus outbreak on global business operations. Management and globalisation governance appendix. Factors affecting MNCs' decision about their corporate political approach in emerging economies.

  2. International Business Dissertation Topics (28 Examples) For Research

    Topic With Mini-Proposal (Paid Service) Undergraduate: £30 (250 Words) Master: £45 (400 Words) Doctoral: £70 (600 Words) Along with a topic, you will also get; An explanation why we choose this topic. 2-3 research questions. Key literature resources identification. Suitable methodology with identification of raw sample size, and data ...

  3. 80 International Business Management Research Topics

    A List Of Potential Research Topics In International Business Management: The role of social media in international branding and marketing. Digital transformation and global trade: opportunities and challenges in the new normal. Tourism recovery in a post-covid world: international business implications and strategies.

  4. 201 Best International Business Dissertation Topics 2024

    Many students find it difficult to choose the perfect International Business Dissertation Topics for their dissertations. In fact, many students choose a narrow topic. [email protected]. 44-207-097-1871; Toggle navigation. ... MSC Dissertation; MBA Dissertation; Finance Dissertation; Law Dissertation; Nursing Dissertation +44 207 097 ...

  5. Business Dissertation Topics and Titles

    Business Dissertation Topics for 2022. Topic 1: Assessing how the regional differences between countries influence the business strategies of multinational companies. Topic 2: How corporate social responsibility (CSR) affects customer loyalty: A case study of the UK petroleum industry.

  6. Dissertation in International Business

    7. Credits. 60. The dissertation is the final culminating piece of work for the MSc International Business. It is based on an original piece of research undertaken by the student on a topic relevant to the aims and objectives of the MSc International Business programme. The dissertation project brings together theory and method in a small-scale ...

  7. MSc International Business and Strategy: Global Challenges

    The final unit comprises the International Business and Strategy Dissertation, which allows you to conduct a research project on a topic of your choice. Visit our programme catalogue for full details of the structure and unit content for our MSc in International Business and Strategy.

  8. International Business Management (Masters) Research topics

    MSC International Business Research topics. Discussion. 5 replies. Asked 3rd Mar, 2021; ... Dissertation Topic Ideas for MSc Business Management? Question. 32 answers. Asked 16th Feb, 2021;

  9. MSc International Business and Management / Course details

    Examples of recent MSc International Business and Management dissertation project topics include: Chinese immigrant entrepreneurship in the Italian region of Prato ; European football clubs' international CSR engagements ; The effect of cross-border mergers and acquisitions on innovation behaviour in target firms ...

  10. International Business Masters

    Our International Business programme is a pathway-to-practice, co-created by employers, alumni, and academics, to ensure you are well-equipped to take on lead roles once you graduate. The University of Birmingham is a globally-ranked, world -top 100 university and is a member of the prestigious Russell Group.

  11. MSc International Business and Strategic Management

    You'll study some of the core issues in international business and management. You'll develop a theoretical toolkit with which to investigate and discuss the strategies used in the international business environment. Later you'll study specialist modules while continuing to develop crucial skills for independent learning and research.

  12. MBA Research Topics In Business (+ Free Webinar)

    Here, we'll explore a variety of research ideas and topic thought-starters for management-related research degrees (MBAs/DBAs, etc.). These research topics span management strategy, HR, finance, operations, international business and leadership. NB - This is just the start…. The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps.

  13. 30 Business Management Dissertation Topics

    Conclusion. Choosing a business management dissertation topic can be extremely stressful for anyone. You can research your topics online and find topics on any subject, for example, nursing dissertation topics or even those related to business, such as marketing dissertation topics. You must consider several factors when choosing your business management dissertation topics, such as your ...

  14. MSc International Business and Management

    Over the summer period, you will carry out your Research Dissertation, worth 60 credits. Examples of recent MSc International Business and Management dissertation project topics include: Chinese immigrant entrepreneurship in the Italian region of Prato ; European football clubs' international CSR engagements

  15. 200+ Subject-Wise MBA Dissertation Topics to Check Out This Year

    Operations Management Dissertation Topics. 1. Defining the concept of 'Legality' in supply chain design. 2. Exploring the role of virtual supply chains in facilitating short-term business collaborations. 3. Assessing the feasibility and effectiveness of self-driving cars in supply chain management. 4.

  16. Business Dissertation Topics

    Global Strategy for Business Dissertation Topics. Technology and Innovation Management Business Dissertation Topics. Corporate Social Responsibility Business Dissertation Topics. International Human Resource Management Dissertation Topics. Management of International change Dissertation Topics. Leadership and Innovation Business Dissertation ...

  17. Dissertation topics for masters in international business?

    University of Sumer. The impact of strategic partnership on achieving global strategic entrepreneurship. Cite. Mohammed Shamsul Karim. University of Essex. Influence of women board members ...

  18. Msc International Business Dissertation Topics

    Msc International Business Dissertation Topics - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  19. MSC International Business Research topics

    Cite. Kenneth Lui-ming Ngie. The University of Newcastle, Australia. The guidance/direction of International Business Research as per the following papers may further help: Aharoni, Y. and Brock ...

  20. International Business Management Dissertation Topics and Ideas

    Captivating International Business Management Dissertation Ideas for Intriguing Dissertation Topics. We are giving you a list of topics shortly but before that, we are going to give some open-ended dissertation topics for international business management. The aim of these ideas is to motivate you to craft your own dissertation topics.

  21. MSc International Business

    The dissertation requires you to initiate, design, and implement a substantial research project. You'll have three to four months to complete an 8,000-word (Applied) or 10,000-word (Academic) dissertation based on your original research. You can choose to focus your research on any topic related to international business that interests you.

  22. Dissertation in International Business

    The dissertation must be on a topic relevant to the MSc in International Business and Economic Development, as proposed by the individual student and approved by the relevant supervisor. Students are assigned a supervisor upon submission of the dissertation proposal to topic and staff expertise. Supervision of work on the dissertation is ...