How to write a Statement of Purpose for a Student visa


  • Citizenship
  • Immigration
  • Study Abroad

If you’d like to study abroad in Australia, Canada, the USA, or many other countries, you will need to provide a Statement of Purpose (SOP) along with your visa application. Here’s how to write one.

Hands writing a statement of purpose next to a pair of glasses and pile of sticky notes

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Your statement of purpose is a signed essay that is the essence of your visa application to study abroad . While it is personal to you and intended to reflect your own situation, there are certain areas you need to cover.

Why are you right for this course?

Write about your best achievements, hobbies, school/college, any relevant work experience, and anything you think might be helpful in showing the visa agent that you are a knowledgeable student. In this section, you want to make yourself stand out from the crowd.

Also include what your most recent qualification was, where you studied it and what you’ve been doing since completing it. You should explain how the new course is a progression on top of your previous qualification, and how your previous course and subjects will help you in this new course (even high school subjects). 

If the time between your last course or high school and your chosen course is more than six months, they will expect you to have been doing something useful since then. This might include voluntary work, a paid job, or short academic courses. If you were previously unsuccessful in your studies, you will need to explain why this was and why you will be able to perform better now.

What do you know about the programme you have chosen?

Here’s where you can show your passion. What are some of the subjects you will study? Is there an internship component?

Demonstrate why this course fits into your plans. Why does this subject interest you? What is it about this course and the modules in it that interests you?

What do you know about the university you have chosen?

What are your reasons for choosing this particular institution and have you considered any other colleges or universities for a similar course?

You need to show your knowledge of the institution. You can include facts such as location, rankings, facilities, noteworthy professors, etc.

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What do you know about the country and city you have chosen?

You need to explain why you have chosen that country and add details. You should be able to answer why you want to study in this country rather than any other country. Why not your country? Especially if this course is available in your country.

What is your plan after completion of studies?

Show how this course will help you to achieve your career goals, and what your plans are after you have completed your studies. Give details and make sure your plan is in your home country.

It is extremely important that your Statement of Purpose shows clearly that you do not intend to stay in the country in which you are studying and that you have strong ties to your home and will be returning.

See also: How we can help you study abroad .

Statement of Purpose format

Always check the requirements for your specific country. In general, SOPs should be about two pages long and written in paragraph form. A good rule of thumb is to try to write between 1,000 and 1,500 words.

Avoid using colourful text, fonts, images and an over-reliance on bullet points.

It’s good practice to use the format of a formal letter, with your name, address and email address in the top right corner and your name signed at the bottom. The statement should be addressed to the visa officer of the country you’re applying to, for example:

The Visa Officer High Commission of Australia

This should be followed by the subject: Statement of Purpose for Student Visa application (or similar)

Tips for writing your statement of purpose

  • Be sure to avoid too much repetition.
  • Do not use automatic translation software.
  • Remember to include the name of your educational institution.
  • Keep your sentences clear and concise and come straight to the point.
  • Tell the truth about yourself and your achievements.
  • Avoid using slang or informal language.
  • Be as specific as possible, avoid overly general or cliched words and sentences.
  • Take your time to write it and think about what you’d like to say.
  • Ask someone to proofread your statement to check for typos and grammatical errors so that you can make the best impression.
  • Be original and express yourself. You want to show your unique personality and goals, so don’t rely on ChatGPT or other AI to write your statement for you, don’t use a template or copy anyone else’s statement.

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  • Statement of Purpose (SOP) for USA: A Brief Guideline
  • The United States of America (USA)

Statement of Purpose (SOP) for USA: A Brief Guideline

When the students come to a point to compose a Statement of purpose for a student visa, most of them take it as a strenuous task. However, with specific techniques and steps, this is not as daunting as you think. This article will provide you with the most accessible skills to formulate a sample of SOP for the USA. Before we go into how to write SOP for the USA, let’s get some background information. 

 Firstly, what is the SOP of a student visa? To understand easily, it is a personal essay where the prospective students write about themselves, their career goals, and reasons for choosing a particular course, university and country. SOP is one of the critical documents for international students to obtain a student visa in any country. 

In the context of the USA, the SOP is often denoted as the Letter of Intent or Motivation letter. So whenever you come across phrases such as “Letter of Intent sample”, “Letter of Intent for USA”, or “Motivation Letter”, understand that these are referring to the SOP. 

For American colleges and universities, SOP is mandatory to apply for the i20. Misleading facts and non-genuine reasons in SOP may lead to rejecting i20. Thus, try to be genuine and honest and not give misleading details. You should convey the same or at least not the opposite information from your SOP during the visa interview. 

There is no specific word limit regarding SOP for the USA. However, it can be composed of between 700-800 words. If your SOP is content loaded and accurate, this word limit will be sufficient for a successful application. 

Things to consider whilst writing SOP for the USA:

  • Although not mandatory, starting your SOP with an impressive quotation relevant to your scenario is recommended.
  • Discuss your academic and family background. Show a clear departure while explaining how your interest in your chosen course grew inside you.
  • Talk about your passion for the intended course without exaggerating it.
  • Provide the reasons for choosing that college or university. Here you can talk about the student support services they provide, unique course structure, affordability of the fees, Scholarship opportunities (if you've got any) and so on.
  • Do not forget to mention the reasons for choosing the USA over other countries. Here, you should present your understanding of the strength of the American educational system, the student support services they provide, multiculturalism, international recognition of the course and so on. Compare the USA with some of the significant study destinations as well.
  • If you have education gaps, always compose an additional paragraph and explain in detail about them. If you have work experience, provide the things you learnt during your tenure and what motivated you to continue your study again.
  • Finally, it would be best if you also mentioned your career goals. Explain how studying a particular course in an American university or college will help you to achieve your dream career.

Apart from the points mentioned above, it would be best if you extended your SOP by adding the following paragraphs:

  • Talk about your finances in detail. In this paragraph, you should talk about your financial sponsors. Make a clear stand about how you are going to fund your study.
  • While mentioning the reasons to return to your home country, do not forget to mention specific reasons. Always mention your personal, economic and social ties in your home country.
  • Always remember that your SOP should reflect all of your circumstances. This is the reason why every SOP is unique.

American universities mostly look for your previous project work, involvement in extracurricular activities and so on. Likewise, your community engagement is vital to your successful visa application. The reason to stress these points is that US universities have an outstanding reputation in global education. They want a book lover pupil in their family and a student who is an overall package. 

For instance, if you are applying for an MBA degree, do not only mention your academic grade of bachelors and the units you studied. Instead, talk about your past managerial roles or the leadership skills you experienced. Link your past to the future goal and how this course will sharpen your skills.

That could be the SOP for undergraduate admission or statement of purpose in research, the SOP for MS in the USA or the SOP for MBA in the USA, always try to incorporate your community engagement, social activities, extracurricular activities, inspiration from a renowned personality and so on.  

Some students are only high school grads intending to pursue a Bachelor of IT. Here, do not only discuss the generic reasons to choose some university or course. Do some renowned scientists inspire you? Have you done some IT projects at your school level? If yes, explain these events in your SOP to maximize the chances of your application success. 

PHD aspirants should focus on their research skills and similar experience rather than academic achievements.  

These are all about the dos of SOP formation. Let’s talk about don’ts as well.

  • Avoid plagiarism. A highly plagiarized SOP could result in an i20 and visa rejection.
  • Do not beat around the bush. Come direct to the point. Give reasons and justify them. Do not unnecessarily lengthen your essay.
  • Avoid grammatical inaccuracies. Remember, you are applying for a student visa where English is the primary language. Make sure your SOP is precise and free of grammatical errors.
  • Do not provide misleading information.

Lastly, do not submit your SOP hastily. Take time. First, prepare a statement of a purpose sample essay and keep amending it until it is error-free. Keep on checking the government’s policies for international students' official websites of the universities to get correct facts and figures, which will help you to strengthen your SOP.

If you have difficulty developing an SOP, check out this Statement of Purpose Template (SOP) | All you need to know . 

You can also have a look at other SOP samples:

  • Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Australia: A Brief Guideline
  • Statement of Purpose (SOP) for UK: a brief guideline
  • Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Canada: a brief guideline
  • Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Master in Data Science
  • Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Nursing
  • Statement of Purpose (SOP) sample for IT
  • Statement of purpose (SOP) sample for Business
  • Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Social Work
  • Statement of Purpose for Hospitality Management
  • Statement of Purpose for MBA

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essay about visa

How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Visa Application (5 Min Trick)

Planning on studying abroad read on to know more about what is a statement of purpose and how to write a statement of purpose for a visa application a statement of purpose (sop) is the most important document that could be the deciding factor on whether or not your visa application gets accepted..

How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Visa Application

If you’ve been making plans to study abroad , you would have done your part of the research to understand what are the requirements for visa application. Though it may differ from country to country, below is a generic list of requirements while applying for a student visa:

  • A valid passport
  • Proof of funds
  • Passport-size photos
  • Acceptance to a designated educational institution
  • Application fee payment receipt

Statement of Purpose for visa application

  • English language proficiency examination score

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What is a Statement of Purpose?

A Statement of purpose or an SOP is a detailed description given by an applicant which essays their professional and educational backgrounds, their personality traits and personal story. It also needs to give an explanation outlining the reasons for choosing a particular institution in the specific country, the academic course and the career choice thereafter. An SOP is required to be submitted to:

  • The admissions committee at the particular university or college of choice
  • Visa centre 

This is to convince them to accept your visa application to have your student visa issued. A Statement of purpose for a visa differs from that which needs to be submitted to colleges and universities.

Your Statement of Purpose for visa application should essentially cover these following 3 W’s:

  • W ho are you?
  • W hat are your academic qualifications and credentials?
  • Why are you the right candidate?

An SOP is typically an essay that is 1000-1500 words long and should be written in such a way that it reflects your traits and characteristics. It should be unique and specific to you. So if the content of your SOP is copied from someone else’s SOP, you would risk it being rejected. Several professional writing services provide SOP writing services. Companies like Write Right provide exemplary SOP services with their team of highly-qualified writers. 

The importance of a Statement of Purpose

An SOP is not to be mistaken with a Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) or a Biodata . It is a rather detailed story that clearly explains and engulfs your profile including the following points:

  • Your life visions 
  • Your desire to study abroad
  • Your career goals
  • Your beliefs
  • Subject knowledge
  • Plans after pursuing a course abroad.

To put it in a gist, a well-written SOP should portray your overall personality and your general outlook. Remember, an SOP is very important as it would be scrutinized by the visa officer and the institution to which you are applying. So take it as an opportunity, like a marketing strategy, where you need to pitch your purpose to the concerned authorities while advertising your story as well as how well you can express yourself with your impressive writing skills. 

Needless to say, there would be tons of applications that you would be competing with. In a subtle, yet impactful way, your statement of purpose for visa application should paint a picture of all the reasons why you should be selected over other applicants. You may think that your academic background falls short of the requisite expectations. But even in such a case, there is no need to lose hope. A well-written SOP could compensate for a slight lack in your academics by highlighting your future goals and explaining how ambitious you are.

Statement of Purpose for visa application is the most crucial part of your student visa application. The Visa officers would only consider your application if your SOP is honest and reflects your true persona and identity explained professionally. If you are planning on studying abroad, it is important to note that most of the countries would require you to write an SOP to be attached to your visa file, like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the USA, and the UK.

Format of SOP

While there may not be a fixed format for a statement of purpose for visa application, it would bode well for you if it is formatted and sequentially written professionally. Below are a few simple pointers that you might need to remember while drafting your SOP:

  • An SOP is written in paragraph form. It should ideally be 5-7 paragraphs long with 150 to 250 words per para.
  • The use of bullet points is accepted but its usage should be kept to a bare minimum and maybe even avoided altogether as far as possible.
  • Follow the general rules associated with essay writing.
  • A standard SOP is ideally two pages long unless otherwise specified.
  • The maximum font size to be used is a 12 point font and should be double spaced in normal margins. So, a standard SOP would be around 800-1000 words depending upon the font type used. The acceptable length could exceed 1000 words, but you need to ensure that it does not go beyond 1200 words.
  • Colourful text, font, and images should not be used. The text should be the default color of plain black and nothing else other than black.

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Structure of Statement of Purpose for Visa

Let us go through the paragraphs as stated below to understand the structure of the statement of purpose. Please note that the below-mentioned structure is not the only way to write your SOP. It is only indicative of how a well-written SOP should be structured.

Start with the top right corner by mentioning your name and your address along with your e-mail address. Below this, on the left-hand side, address the statement of purpose to the visa officer of the particular country for which you are applying.

This is the part where you mention the subject of the matter in your SOP, not unlike the format in which you write a letter or an e-mail. It is a header that needs to mention the subject matter of your statement of purpose for visa application. For example-

  • An SOP for Masters
  • An SOP for Grad school
  • An SOP for MBA

3. Introduction

This should be the starting paragraph, but it is not to be confused with a self-introduction. Instead of using it to describe yourself, this paragraph should be used to give a brief description of what you intend to discuss in your statement of purpose for your visa application. You may adopt various approaches to go about this paragraph: 

  • Talk about your long-term goal and inter-link it with your aspiration of pursuing the course you are applying for.
  • Explain your understanding of your chosen field and also elaborate on how you could contribute to the said field.
  • In about 2-3 lines give a brief about your background and connect it with your future goals
  • To give it more of personal touch you can even mention an anecdote that helped you realize your interest in the chosen professional field which will help. It humanizes your statement of purpose for visa application and the officer might be able to connect with the narration.
  • More often than not, students make the mistake of introducing themselves or talking about their childhood in the first paragraph. But it is very important to understand and realize the purpose behind writing the SOP. It is not about narrating a detailed story about yourself. It is all about expressively and professionally sharing your past experiences, your current aspirations, and your plans, joining all these dots in a sequential flow while also trying to convince that you have a contribution to make to their country just as their country will contribute to your growth.

4. Academic Background and details

This is the second paragraph that should summarize your academic background, qualifications, and accolades (if any). It also elaborates on what you have done so far, what you are currently pursuing,

academic strengths, projects done, or any industrial training exposure. If your grades are not that impressive, fret not. Please make sure that you do not particularly highlight any negative aspects in your SOP, without being dishonest in your approach. Do take note that you have to put across your point subtly and give them the necessary details emphasizing the noteworthy aspects of your academics.

5. Professional Experience

The third paragraph comprises your professional experiences. That is if you have any professional experience it should be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs. This helps in establishing your career progression. An impressive career graph is also a great plus point and would add to your positives.

6. Reasons why you choose this particular Course

In the fourth paragraph, you need to list out the reasons for opting for the particular academic course in question.   In this paragraph, you should elaborate on the reasons for wanting to join the desired specific course and the different modules that you would be covering during this course. You should also discuss the skills you would be acquiring as a result of the course along with the exposure you would gain in this duration that would help in developing and honing the skills that are required to achieve your professional goals.

7. Career Goals and aspirations

This is the most important paragraph and should be the highlight of your SOP. Here you should elaborate on your near-future short-term goals as well as your long-term plans. 

Short-term goal: This mentions your immediate goal of where and what kind of a company you would want to work with right after you graduate from the course post-completion. Do remember to name some good MNCs with a global presence to not limit yourself geographically. Also, make a mention of the designation at which you see yourself working. Simply put, this paragraph should give a brief about the kind of job profile that you aspire to have in your near future.

Long-term plans: This is where you discuss your dream goals and aspirations like where do you see yourself in 10-15 years from the present. Although your plans may change later, you have to give an honest view about what you currently aspire to be or do. Say, for example, you may see yourself working at the top management level of a big multinational corporation or maybe you want to be an entrepreneur and are working towards starting and expanding your own business. You may be planning on contributing to expanding your family business to a global level or you may want to study further, maybe get a doctorate, or even want to become a professor or a researcher.

Whatever your plans may be, it is advisable to briefly discuss your professional goals, principles and core values. But please note that it should not just be about you. You need to ensure that you also mention how you would be able to create a difference while treading on your journey. It is important to be able to portray how you would also influence young aspirants within the industry considering the current industrial and economic scenarios and also guide them to achieve their goals and become better global citizens of tomorrow.

  8. Reasons why you opted for this University

In paragraph number six, you should try and convince the specific University about your suitability of candidature. You should discuss the benefits of the knowledgeable faculty, the course curriculum, research and fieldwork, internship opportunities as well as other activities that are specific to the university. Also, make sure that you mention how all of these things would contribute to enhancing your profile as well as how you would be the right fit for their college and how you could make a contribution to them.  

9. Closing Paragraph of SOP

In this paragraph of your statement of purpose for visa application, you should conclude by stating your passion, willingness, and readiness to pursue your desired course at the college of your choice. You need to ensure that you sound focused on your vision for the future and emphasize your seriousness to follow your dreams. Also, do make sure that you mention your preparedness to face and overcome the challenges that come your way. This para should reflect your zeal and zest to work hard and succeed with the help of your course and your college and also how willing you are to make a difference to your specific industry and the world at large on a global platform.

Is there a difference between a Statement of Purpose same as a Personal Statement?

A personal statement seems to be quite similar to a statement of purpose, except for a few aspects. An SOP would ideally include a two-page essay about your goals, motivation, experience, extracurricular activities, achievements, and so on. A personal statement on the other hand is a crisp, one-page essay about your experiences, motivation, achievements, and so on. A personal statement is usually more personal than an SOP. So a personal statement should be more elaborate about your goals and aspirations. Whereas an SOP is a much more detailed form of a personal statement.

How to write a great SOP?

Here are the three major steps that need to be kept in mind while writing your SOP:

  • Plan your SOP well- The first and foremost thing to be done is to plan your SOP by outlining a structure and accordingly work towards constructing the SOP. A good way to build your introductory paragraph is by quoting an anecdote that piqued your interest in your chosen field. List down relevant pointers and create a step-by-step framework for each paragraph, then elaborate on each of the points mentioned systematically and creatively. Also, most importantly, emphasize your reason for choosing the course and the university.
  • Prepare a draft- Before moving on further, ensure that you create a draft and then re-draft your SOP to eliminate errors. Please note that when you also share your learnings from your professional experiences, it shows that you are a keen learner, which is a positive point. Ensure to use active voice when writing your SOP. Try and limit the use of technical terms and jargon. The introduction and conclusion of your SOP need to be clear and concise that communicates your vision. One point to remember, your SOP should always be written in reverse chronological order.
  • Review before you send your final SOP submission- It’s always important to review your work before final submission. Reviewing and re-analyzing your work will help to rectify any flaws in the order, flow, grammar, vocabulary, long sentences, punctuation, sentence construction errors, and other errors and issues. Please ensure that your SOP is proofread, verified, and double-checked properly before submission. If possible, try and get a second opinion, maybe from your professor, a senior, or a counsellor.

Here are a couple of tips to write an impactful SOP

  • Please DO NOT COPY the content available on the internet and paste it into your SOP.
  • Please ensure that your SOP is not too long and limit the number of words to 1000-1500 maximum.
  • Keep it brief and concise and avoid going on and on to make your point.
  • Avoid simple grammatical errors in the final SOP. Moreover, try to keep the sentences short and simple.
  • Please do not cook up stories in your SOP. Ensure that everything you mention is authentic and believable. Your honesty will go a long way.
  • Keep the tone of your SOP conversational tone to make it interesting.
  • Try to get some expert guidance that will help you to write an effective and impactful SOP.
  • You are narrating your story through your SOP so write sentences in the first person and not in the second/third person.
  • Make sure you highlight your achievements (academic and extra-curricular).

What to include in SOP?

  • Introduction with an anecdote
  • Professional aspirations
  • Academic goals
  • Personal motivations
  • Reason to choose the particular course or College
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Achievements

What not to include in your SOP?

  • Family background
  • Informal language or slang
  • Irrelevant and unnecessary information
  • Repetition of words or phrases
  • Long, meaningless sentences

Common mistakes that students should avoid while writing SOP

Here are some of the common mistakes that students generally make while writing the SOP:

  • Sometimes students make the grave mistake of taking the SOP too lightly. Please make sure that you give it proper thought and spend enough time writing an impactful SOP.  In the eleventh-hour students often make the mistake of copying and simply pasting it as their work. Do not take that risk and ensure you do proper homework for your SOP.
  • Creating a weak introduction and conclusion could result in the rejection of your SOP. Try to summarize your academic achievements and experiences in a concise form that reflects your overall personality.
  • The use of informal language or slang in your SOP. Ensure that you write your SOP in a formal, professional language.
  • Exceeding the word limit by getting carried away with your story and writing irrelevant information will result in creating a negative impression. Keep it professional.
  • Submission without proofreading your SOP. Reverification and double-checking are very important.

Writing an effective and impactful Statement of Purpose for visa application requires a lot of time, effort, and thought. However, it also depends upon the way you do your research and homework. It is also quite subjective and the time taken to write the SOP may vary from person to person.  But the important thing is that you do not make the mistake of taking it too lightly. This is not like your regular college assignment. A well-written SOP can make or break your dream of studying abroad. And remember, nobody is perfect. Sometimes, it’s a swing and a miss. Yet, you have no reason to give up hope. If your application gets rejected for some reason, you can always try again and this time, do it even better.

Give it your all, work hard, and eventually, the results will speak for themselves. SOP demonstrates an important aspect of your personality- which is your communication. It all depends on how you portray everything. So do not get too bogged down by all the information available online. Be patient, do some research, and spend your valuable time on the right resources.

All the best!

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Q. How many pages should an SOP be visa be?

For a student visa application an SOP should be of 2 pages which means an application should have 1000 to 1500 words for example if the applicant is applying for student visa in Canada.

Q. Is SOP for visa and admission different?

Yes. The SOP for admission means the student is applying for the enrollment in the university for the course. SOP for visa is after an acceptance when the student is called for a visa interview.

Q. Is SOP compulsory for a visa application?

Yes. SOP is very important the applicant have to write an SOP whether it is for SDS or non- SDS. SOP mentions the reason why the applicant is choosing a particular course in the chosen university. So yes, SOP is a must for visa.

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Writing an Immigration Essay: 75 Essay Topic Ideas

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The whole world watches the immigration drama that occurs in the USA. Separated families, tears, anger, escalation of antimigration attitudes in society—this all are consequences of immigration regulations.

Writing an essay on immigration may seem difficult enough. However, the IvyPanda team is here to help you. Just keep reading and you’ll find out simple tips to ace your assignment.

Immigration Essay: Research the Problem

Before you start drafting your essay outline, you should understand what is immigration, its causes, forms, and develop your opinion.

What is immigration? This is the process of acquiring permanent residence in a foreign country. And, accordingly, an immigrant is a person who undergoes this process.

Why do people decide to immigrate?

Actually, every person has their own reason. But we gathered most common immigration causes below:

  • Economics. Most people decide to move to other country when they are not satisfied with conditions in their homeland: lack of jobs, low salaries, high taxes, corruption. All of these make a person seek a better life.
  • Politics . In some countries, government bans certain parts of population from occupying certain positions, gaining education they want, etc. For example, lists professions and occupations that are prohibited for woman.

Black woman works in an office

  • Wars. Even though we’re living in the 21st century, wars still occur. And the desire to save immigrants’ families, and escape from death leads to increasing number of refugees.
  • Human right and freedom. We all want to live in a better place with our loved ones, being able to choose a career, and religion, regardless of our social or marital status. However, some countries ban same-sex marriage, some religions and religious trends other than the dominant ones. There are also a lot of countries where there is no freedom of speech. Imagine that even a short post in your social media account may lead to a prison.
  • Personal causes. It may be a desire to take the career to the next level, a realisation of childhood dream to live in a certain place, to acquire education in a certain institution or country, etc.

Immigration can be legal and illegal. Legal immigration means that the person is acquiring the residential status in accordance to government regulations. On the other side are immigrants who decide to try and flee to foreign countries illegally .

Is it bad? You have conduct a thorough research and form your opinion.

China street food

If you’re doing your research for illegal immigration essay, you should also investigate effects of it. Mostly, it negative impacts on economics. Illegal immigrants take any job that provides an income to support their families. Employers use this labor force without paying any taxes, providing insurance and often pay less than minimum wage. This leads to legal job cuts and lower budget revenues. And, as a result, cuts in social, education, public health, and other important programs occur.

Among other effects, we can name the rise of terrorist and criminal activities. You can explore this topic when writing the immigration essay or paper on terrorism.

Relatively easy way of illegal immigration leads to reduced motivation for legal immigration. It’s cheaper and easier.

If you’re writing the overpopulation essay, you can mention that overpopulation can be both cause and effect. The lack of access to fresh water, poverty, and pollution makes people seek for the better life somewhere else. And, as a consequence, immigration explosions provoke overpopulation, cut of legal jobs, increased pollution in the destination country.

Immigration Essay: Stick to the Structure

Now, let’s get back to the writing. First of all, brainstorm some ideas of your immigration or overpopulation essay. Write them down and then pick the topic that appeals to you the most. Don’t forget to check if there are enough sources for your paper. There are plenty of free essays and examples to help you with all of that.

The next step is to create an essay outline. A typical essay structure consists of introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Even if you need to write a five-paragraph essay, you must include these elements.

First things first, let’s start with the essay introduction. In the intro of any type of essays, you must give a hook to your readers and provide an essay thesis. Engage your readers with a couple of suggestions about the problems of immigrants that you’ve researched.

Little girl sitting on a street

As for the essay body, its contents may vary depending on the type of assignment. In the argumentative or persuasive essay, you must put several arguments supporting your point of view. In the for and against essay, provide a counterargument after each argument. If you’re writing an opinion essay, express your thoughts and don’t forget to keep a logical flow. Otherwise, your readers will be bored and quickly lose their attention.

As well as the introduction, a conclusion is also a mandatory element. In this part, you must restate thesis and ideas, presented in a body without repeating it. Write it in other words.

Top 15 Immigration Essay Topics You Should Try

  • Changing Attitudes Towards Migrants in the US.
  • India–Pakistan Border Conflicts Today.
  • Much-needed Reforms to Improve the US Immigration Process.
  • How News Influence Our Opinion on Immigrants.
  • Cultural Relationships between Migrants and Locals.
  • New Methods of Immigrant Integration into Society.
  • How Immigration Influences Global Economy.
  • Language, immigration, and the clash of cultures.
  • The Ways Illegal Immigration Affects Canadian Society.
  • Immigration Laws in the UK: What Can Be Improved.

Immigration Essay: 65 Topic Ideas

Now you know how to write your essay on immigration. But you may need some ideas. That’s why IvyPanda’s experts prepared some excellent topic ideas and essay samples you may use in your assignment.

All you have to do is just check the list below, pick up ones that you find the most interesting and use them as an inspiration.

Immigrant women applauds

So, grab a cup of tasty coffee or tea and choose the immigration, poverty, or overpopulation essay topic:

  • The Impact of Immigration on the Economy of the USA
  • Migration, Immigration, and Emigration, and their Effects on Religion, Women, and Minorities in Egypt
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Argument for Measures to Control Illegal Immigration
  • Free-rider problem and illegal immigration
  • The History of Canada, Its Position on Immigration
  • Economic Contribution of Slaves and Present Day Legal and Illegal Immigration
  • Legal Immigration versus Illegal Immigration in America
  • Crossing Borders: Immigration Issue
  • Immigration and Crime Rate
  • Pros and Cons of Immigration for the Immigrants
  • Immigration Admissions and Control Policies
  • Immigration and Ethnic Relations
  • Illegal immigration in the US
  • World Publics Welcome Global Trade – but not Immigration
  • Maria Full of Grace and De Nadie: Immigration in Terms of Shots and Angles
  • World Hunger
  • History of Indigenous Australians before the arrival of the First Fleet
  • Legislating homeland security
  • White Australian Policy
  • Globalization in Politics and on the World peace
  • Illegal Migration
  • Poverty among Women and Aboriginals
  • The Singer Solution to World Poverty
  • Poverty in America Rural and Urban Difference
  • Immigrants on poverty
  • Effects of Poverty on Immigrant Children
  • Global Poverty
  • Ending global poverty
  • Women Immigrants from Asia
  • Immigration
  • Mexican American Discrimination
  • Citizenship
  • High Population Growth
  • Causes and Consequences of Native American Migration
  • Illegal Immigrants and Amnesty: A Pro Argument
  • Labor migration and remittances in the middle east
  • Challenges of the Arab Gulf States
  • Overpopulation
  • 19th Century Industrialization, Technologies, and Business Strategies
  • Diverse Backgrounds
  • A response to the article “Inequality and the American Dream”
  • Undocumented workers in the United States
  • Difficulties of a Child in a Foreign Linguistic Environment
  • Global Population Issues and Population in Our Country
  • Impact of illegal immigrants on America
  • The unemployed and illegal immigrants in the United States are more likely to be involved in crime than the employed and legal immigrants
  • Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants
  • Dealing with Illegal Immigrants in the US
  • Should Illegal Immigrants be Deported?
  • Immigration as political issue in the USA
  • Immigration policy
  • The concept of citizenship in the United States
  • Nation of Immigrants
  • Anglo-American Western Expansion
  • Politics of Globalization
  • Immigration Debate
  • Recent population trends and their impact on cities and suburbs
  • Impacts of Overpopulation on the Environment
  • Bioregionalism
  • What causes poverty in the world
  • The Cause and Effect of the Growing Population
  • Poverty in urban areas
  • The Worrying Population Statistics
  • Population Pressure
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Essay on united states immigration policy.


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The United States' immigration policy is the source of much controversy. This is a highly complex issue that is at the forefront of discussions about the American workforce. The following paper provided by Ultius' essay writing services  focuses on the matter of immigration as it relates to student education for foreign nationals within the United States 

United States immigration policy 

One of the single greatest issues that is at the crux of the United States immigration policy is the legal status of skilled workers and their ability to obtain visas. The process is a complex and intricate one as a result of employer unwillingness coupled with an unfamiliarity with how workers can obtain this important document. In addition, each and every year, international students come to the U.S. in the hopes of gaining an education and, because of strict laws, they run into a myriad of problems. The United States may need to resolve challenges of immigration  and improve its policies for international students in order to have a positive effect on its workforce.

When international students emerge from a world-class education (they have received in the US), the challenges associated with finding a job can be daunting to say the least. This is exacerbated by the difficulty that many non-US nationals face yearly. Many have argued that this daunting task poses a threat to the United States workforce as a whole. Thus, the reason why so many international students find difficulty in locating employment post-graduation is because of that premise.

Yet, opposition to such reasoning was presented in a NAFSA (National Association of Foreign Student Advisors) report stating that by preventing foreign nationals from working in the United States, the United States is not helped at all. In fact, the report stated that many US employers actually outsource their jobs overseas and capital is not pushed within the country.  Some interpret this information and hope the United States will reexamine their current immigration policy in the context of employers shipping jobs overseas rather than filling them in the country.

A college educated workforce

Currently, the U.S. immigration policy all but ignores the economic benefits of a college-educated workforce. One solution should be to integrate individuals of all backgrounds, domestic or international, in an effort to increase the power and earnings potential of the United States. However, the United States is currently losing out because of the policies currently in place. By allowing the immigration policy changes and thus shifting the dynamic of the current United States workforce, there are four main benefits that will result.

  • Immigrants with higher degrees enhance employment for US natives with strong confirmation supported within the fields of engineering, mathematics, science and technology.
  • Data regarding provisional foreign workers either skilled or nominally skilled has been shown to boost fiscal efforts. Temporary workers in the H-1B Visa program and the H-2B Visa programs had higher employment resulting in a significant increase in overall employment.
  • Thorough examination suggests that employment of citizens is not damaged in any way as a result of hiring international workers into the mix. The current blueprint is not designed to capitalize on job creation, meaning there is no numerical data to back up the notion that international workers hurt the workforce of the United States.
  • Highly educated immigrants pay more taxes than they receive back in benefits in being in the United States. As quiet as it's kept, non-citizen workers receive one-tenth the size of typical benefits that a U.S. citizen worker receives. While all of these benefits can indeed have an impact on the United States workforce, is it realistic to change the policy to fit the needs of non-US workers who work within the country? One possible argument here is that by relaxing the current policy, current United States graduates are able to benefit more if immigrants were not allowed to be in the workforce at all. Please see an additional blog that uncovers the complex relationship between education and economics  in more depth. 

Top American schools exist, but for few foreign students

While America has some of the finest universities in the world, the enforcers of the immigration policies presently in place have made them less appealing to international students. Other countries are keen to capitalize on the workers that the US and Britain reject. Australia and Canada have taken essential steps by allowing postgraduate workers to stay and work in the countries (where they earned degrees) for a period of three years with no restriction whatsoever. However, the benefits of allowing non-US workers (post-graduate immigrants) work in the workforce outweigh the disadvantages. Yet, even President Obama's recent immigration reform initiatives did not target this international-student group.

Further information of the United States' immigration policy and the effects on economics shows:

  • If the United States does not seek to change its current way of operating with regard to international students, it is estimated that countries such as Australia and Canada could have a higher share of the global overseas-student market  
  • The costs associated with current universities are also drawing international students away from the United States education. It is notable that many universities outside the United States are offereing competitive programs to international students, and at reduced costs. This trend is likely to continue as long as the United States continues to abhor or relinquish the opportunities to allow international workers a chance to work here post-graduation. In spite of the remarkable education that the United States offers, many immigrants have not found it to be all it is noted to be. 
  • Opportunities to start a business or for a similar success were less than educated immigrants anticipated.
  • The strongest reason students cited as to why they opted to leave the United States after graduating was that they wanted to be in the home countries and the perception of US opportunities were not as they hoped and that their home country opportunities for work were better. 

Perhaps the United States can keep the international students from leaving once they graduated through updating policies.  A significant issue posing a threat to changing the immigration policy and in turn keeping international students in the country once it is changed is outsourcing.

One solution would be to allow foreign workers the chance to compete on the same levels as United States workers, rather than outsourcing and increasing competition from abroad. The United States loses out on much needed fiscal benefits as a result. International students who leave post-graduation and do not remain in the United States to work take their expertise elsewhere resulting in no movement along the economic scale. 

In fact, immigrants tend to pay more taxes to the government than they receive in federal benefits. This is simply due to the relationship of an immigrant's education, which significantly impacts his/her's chance of employment and its' higher earnings. Given the lethargic financial expansion that has persisted for years, policymakers can afford to fight more for immigrants to work in the United States. This strengthens the employment opportunities as a whole, not solely for domestic workers, but for international ones also and costs associated with outsourcing and other efforts are minimized. The argument is therefore strengthened for a change in the U.S. immigration policy as a result. 

Employment and immigration

U.S. policymakers can capitalize on strengthening opportunities for employment for domestic and international workers via the following ways.

  • Prioritize immigration by workers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) fields who have higher degrees from US institutions. The major effect on the costs and in turn economic efforts for the United States with regard to immigration is through STEM fields. Studies have shown and continue to show this to be the principal area of employment boost. 
  • Reallocate US immigration policy's focus to cost-effective intensification by increasing the number of green cards for those workers who are skilled with pivotal expertise.
  • Increase temporary worker programs for both skilled workers and those who are not as skilled. Foreign students who have become known from STEM programs  acquire privileged jobs and as a result pay more in taxes. The Brookings Institute published a study on the H1B visa procedure and it revealed that several employers want to have more work visas on hand, yet the process is vigorous and complicated.   

Another issue that discourages immigrants from seeking out work post-graduation is the green card process. The tedious process of securing a green card is caused by long wait-time. In addition, the annual quota of 140,000 (people) is too low for the number of skilled foreign nationals employers seek to sponsor for permanent residence. The 140,000 annual limit was set by Congress in 1990 and includes both the principal and dependent family members, with dependents typically using half or more of the slots.

While the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States has nearly tripled (in nominal dollars) since 1990, from $5.8 trillion to over $15 trillion in 2012, the employment-based immigrant visa category has remained at 140,000 visas annually. In addition, there is 'per country limit'. Under the per country limit,

"The total number of  immigrant visas made available to natives of any single foreign state . . . may not exceed 7 percent . . . of the total  number of such visas made available under such subsections in that fiscal year."   Immigration and Nationality Act, in Section 202(a)

Even with the green card process being such a challenge, there isn't a major push by Congress to change or even consider changing the current aspects of the immigration policy.

Crucial issues for US immigration policy

The static nature of the US immigration policies will continue to yield troubling results in spite of the many advantageous effects that non-US workers will provide to the workforce. Congress is not seeking to fight for immigration reform as a united front, given the green card issue and despite companies wanting more work visas permitted. Newly elected President Trump presented a number of immigration proposals ,  during the election campaign in 2016. Some U.S. workers feel they are threatened by highly skilled and advanced degree non-US workers, yet several studies have depicted a different picture altogether. The onus then will be on those in favor of changes to the current situation within the United States to be more proactive in getting Congress to get moving within the milieu that currently stands. If the situation persists, other countries will receive many more non-US workers and the United States will suffer.

Interested in immigration policy? Check out this critical analysis on Documented , a documentary about undocumented immigrants. 


"Foreign students: Not welcome here." The Economist. (accessed February 19, 2013).

Sarwar, Ruzan. "This Is What's Wrong With Our Immigration Policy." The Huffington Post. (accessed February 19, 2013).

“Still Waiting: Green Card Problems Persist for High Skill Immigrants." National Foundation For American Policy. (accessed February 18, 2013).

Wadhwa, Vivek, Saxenian, AnnaLee, Freeman, Richard and Salkever, Alex. "Losing The World's Best and Brightest."Marion Kaufman Foundation 5 (2009).'s_Best_and_Brightest.pdf (accessed February 19, 2013).

Zavodny, Madeline. "Immigration and American Jobs." American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research & Partnership For A New American Economy. (accessed February 19, 2013).

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This post was written by Ultius.

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5 Tips to Ace your Statement of Purpose for a Student Visa


As a student aspiring to study abroad, getting a visa would probably be your final step in venturing into a new country. You may or may not go in front of a visa officer, but you surely would need a statement of purpose for a student visa to substantiate your application to study abroad. A visa officer typically adjudicates a few hundred applications every day and has probably read all kinds of stories about scores of people.

So, what makes your application a unique, standalone piece? An honest story of your struggles and little wins that inspired you to take up the course would be a good place to start with! Personalised stories that are honest and tell a story are more appreciated than templated applications.

At AECC Global Philippines, we have curated a blog for aspiring students who are looking for assistance to write an SOP that could be a sure-shot winner. But first, let us start with an understanding of what exactly a Statement of Purpose is and why it is such an important document.

Let’s dive right in… What is a Statement of Purpose? How to Structure Your Statement of Purpose Statement of Purpose Tips Kickstart your study abroad journey now!

What is a Statement of Purpose?

The Statement of Purpose is a letter of Intent, where you lay out details about yourself, your intent to study abroad, the reason behind taking a particular course and other details that are not available in your academic record. The SOP enables the visa officer to understand the reason behind your choice of course and destination and facilitates in making a decision about your application. The statement of purpose is an important document and is required by countries like the United States, Australia, United Kingdom and Canada along with supporting documents. Every statement of purpose is unique and enlists individual problem statements and goals, making it a vital supporting document that requires a lot of attention and articulation.

How to Structure Your Statement of Purpose to Make it Stand Out?

  • Start with a small narrative that enlists the motivation for choosing a particular degree. Keep it unique and as personal as possible.
  • Move on to talk about your academic qualifications and co-curricular that would substantiate your intent to choose a particular course.
  • Next, you need to substantiate your choice of university, its strengths and the unique selling point that motivated you to choose that particular university in the preferred destination.
  • Financial capacity to support your studies and accommodation is a very important requirement and should be enlisted along with proper supporting documents like loan disbursement documents, property and deposit proofs and any such document that is accepted as evidence of your financial capacity.
  • Finally, elucidate your career goals and what you aim to achieve upon the completion of your studies.

  Statement of Purpose Tips

As you structure your Statement of purpose, it would be a good idea to keep the following tips in mind:

1. Do thorough research before you write.

Before you start writing your SOP, the general tendency would be to look for existing best practices on the internet, and you can surely use samples for reference. However, the essay should be an original piece of writing. Do a good amount of research — think about why you should be admitted over other applicants and what you bring to the table.

2. Keep it crisp and succinct.

An SOP needs to be crisp, clear, and succinct. It should mention the most critical parts of your academics and aim to do the course while keeping it brief and easy to understand. When you woo the visa officer with your snappiness, you'll get across half the bridge. The rest will come once you get there. So remember to keep things crispy and clear!

3. Make it about you.

The statement of purpose is a personal statement about why you'd like to enrol for a course at a university. This isn't a literary essay- it should be truthful and straightforward. So, structure your statement with a lot of care to keep it real and cut out the fluff.

4. Draft a rough SOP and revise as you go.

The Statement of purpose is a vital document that would decide the whole course of your study abroad journey, so invest a substantial amount of time on it. The narrative should be to the point, so decide what you want to showcase, and what can be left out. Discuss with your family and friends and take reviews from professors who would be able to help you out.

5. Be sure to present an error-free and fact-checked statement.

Finally, check the spelling and grammar, and make sure all the facts have been verified before you submit your application. It would be a great idea to run it through a professional writer or an agency before you make a final submission. A seasoned professional would be able to look into the nitty-gritty of the statement and suggest improvements to make sure that your essay is accepted. 

The process of writing a Statement of Purpose may seem tiring and confusing at first, but a well-written essay that results in an approved visa is definitely worth it! So, take your time, write, edit, revise, and fine-tune your essay before you arrive at the final submission. You can also speak to our award-winning counsellors at AECC Global Philippines who can help you with the process of writing your statement of purpose for a visa application. Rest assured, a successful visa application would put you on the right path to pursue your studies abroad.

Book your FREE appointment with our Education Counselor here!

About the author

AECC Global

AECC Global

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Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Canada Student Visa: Samples

Archana S Image

Mar 4, 2024 | 11 min read

SOP for Canada Student Visa: Some tips to write an effective SOP in the right format for admission to the top Canadian universities for International Students.

Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Canada Student Visa: Samples

An SOP for Canada Student Visa is an important requirement for international students willing to pursue higher education in Canada. There is no standard format for an SOP for Canada as the format is determined by a variety of factors including the university, the course, and the applicant's academic and professional background.

A purpose statement  is a 1000-1500 words essay explaining the personal and academic achievements of the international applicant. There are various important aspects that international students must consider while writing a statement of purpose of Canada. In this article, we have covered all the important details and tips for writing a great statement of purpose for Canada student visa. 

Table of Contents

  • What is SOP for Canada? 

Why is SOP for Canada Important?

Sop for canada student visa, important points to include in the statement of purpose for canada, sample sop for canada student visa, tips for writing a good sop for canada, common mistakes to avoid in statement of purpose canada, what is sop for canada.

An SOP Canada sample is a 1000-word essay to be attached along with the application for the targeted Canadian university/ institution. It is one of the important documents for admission to Canadian universities at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The SOP Canada sample is a document that should include all the achievements of the applicant along with his/ her goals and dreams and also the purpose of seeking admission into a particular program at the Canadian university. Canada has a diverse student community and is looking for students who can blend into the Canadian culture and environment. An engaging statement of purpose for a Canada student visa gives the international applicant an edge over other students applying to the respective Canadian universities.

Canada is the study abroad hub for international students from all over the world. There are over 6,50,000 international students in Canada enrolled in the various undergraduate and Masters courses in Canada . Canadian universities have to choose some of the best students from a pool of international applicants from all over the world. Here, an engaging SOP for Canada is taken into consideration. An SOP is the first opportunity for an international student to explain about himself/ herself to the admission committee of the respective university in Canada. Students should write their achievements, goals, and expectations in the SOP for the admission committee to select them over any other prospective candidate.

An SOP for Canada Student Visa should not be copied or plagiarized. An unimpressive and exaggerated SOP is not entertained by Canadian universities. A student having a weaker academic profile with an impressive SOP has higher chances of getting admission to the top Canadian universities. An SOP is one of the most important admission prerequisites for international students irrespective of academic, professional, and other achievements. An engaging SOP is given importance by the top universities in Canada. Lower ranked universities, however, do not give much preference to SOP in Canada.

In most cases, a Letter of Explanation or an SOP for Canada student visa determines whether an applicant is accepted or rejected for a visa interview.  Your statement of purpose should not just cover all the required questions but also showcase your individuality. Make sure the introduction is compelling; so that the visa officer becomes curious to read further.

Applicants must submit a well-written statement of purpose, one that highlights their goals, expectations, and financial ability.  Make sure to address the following questions while preparing an SOP for Canada student visa:

  • What are your reasons for studying in Canada? Here, you are not only required to explain why you wish to study in Canada, but also why you prefer it over other countries like the USA, the UK, Australia, etc.
  • Why did you choose to apply to this particular Canadian university? Think beyond the rankings and reputation of the university. You should explain how the Canadian university you are considering is suitable for you in terms of program offerings, affordability, curriculum, etc.
  • Which program are you interested in studying and why? Describe your motivation to pursue the chosen program (include the full name of the course, no short form) and how you intend to succeed in it.
  • Have you taken a gap year? Canada is strict about gap years, so please make sure that you address this question carefully. Explain in detail about your gap year activities.
  • Will you return to your country of origin? Ensure that you focus strongly on the reasons for returning to your country and describe your long-term plans.

As well as responding to these questions, students are encouraged to respond to the following elements as well:

  • How will you finance your studies in Canada? Indicate whether you have a scholarship or sponsorship, or if you will receive funding from your parents. Provide evidence of financial support in the form of affidavits, bank statements, etc.
  • As an international student, are you aware of all your responsibilities? A student who plans to work part time and off campus during an academic semester can do so for a maximum of 20 hours per week.

A Statement of Purpose (SOP) is basically a long essay of 1000-1500 words explaining the purpose of applying to a particular program and Canadian college/ institute. An SOP explains both the personal and academic qualifications of the applicant. A statement of purpose for Canada student visa should include some of the basic information related to the personal and professional achievements of the applicant. The SOP format for Canada should include past academic records, work experience, community work, extra-curricular achievements, and other academic and professional achievements of the candidate. Some of the basic points to include in the SOP format for Canada are listed below:

  • The Canada SOP should include details of the applicants' academic and professional achievements in the previous years of study. Work experience details should also be included, if applicable. The international students should mention their field of study and the university/ institution from which they have pursued their studies.
  • The international applicant should mention the course of study at the respective Canadian university. The statement of purpose Canada should have the complete name of the program in which the student intends to get enrolled.
  • The Canada SOP should mention the reason for pursuing a particular course of study at the Canadian university. International students should explain the motivation behind choosing the particular program of study to the admission committee of the respective university in Canada.
  • International students should write about the relevant experience in the mentioned field along with the details about certifications, publications, or projects in a particular field of study.
  • The international applicant should explain the reason for choosing to study the course/ program in a particular Canadian university. All the details about the course structure, faculty/ professors, facilities, and student clubs offered at the university should be highlighted. Students can also mention the research work conducted at the university that can add further value to the admission profile. The intention of the application should be clearly explained in the first paragraph of the best SOP for Canada study visa.

A sample SOP for Canada Student Visa has been shown below for students' reference:

The Visa Officer,

The Canadian High Commission, New Delhi.

Subject: Application for Canada study visa

Sir/ Ma’am,

I have been accepted into the Masters of Science in computer science program at the University of Alberta for Fall 2022. Now, I request the Canadian Government to grant me a study permit in order to pursue this course. The program is scheduled to begin on 1st September 2022, and will last for two years.


My father works at HDFC Bank as a senior manager, and my mother is a homemaker. I have two older sisters who work in the medical field. The elder one is a senior doctor in a private hospital in Delhi and the other one is an Assistant Medical Superintendent in Fortis Healthcare.

I completed my senior secondary education from the Delhi Public School before moving in 2012. Shortly after, I enrolled in a four-year engineering program (information and technology) at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ghaziabad.


After I completed my engineering degree, I was selected by Deloitte through campus placements and began working for the company as a Senior Analyst from 10th July 2016 to 31st August 2018. I then joined HCL Technologies Pvt. Ltd. as a Network Associate Engineer.  


I have gained a great deal of knowledge by learning about miscellaneous technologies. It has always been my curiosity and enthusiasm to learn more about technology that has shaped my career path. It is vital that I acquire profound knowledge about the subjects in order to become a skilled professional. In order to reach my goal, I intend to pursue higher studies in the area of Networks.

As I already have experience as a Network Associate Engineer, this course will enable me to enhance my knowledge and develop my career skills so that I can design and implement different networks. I would be exposed to global standards and familiarize myself with international competition, which will help me make significant contributions in my field.


On researching about the education systems around the world, I found that Canadian universities are among the best in the world for providing high-quality education. As a result, a degree from a Canadian university is in high demand around the world, particularly in India. Furthermore, there are no reputable Indian universities offering the specialization that I wish to study in Canada.

In spite of the quality of the program, I cannot get those kind of co-op programs, internships, or access to excellent technical facilities in my home country. Canada is renowned for nurturing leaders and entrepreneurs who successfully make a global impact, and I look forward to discovering my own identity in this international setting.

International students are also well served by the supportive policies of the Canadian Government. With welcoming policies and warm people, I know I will spend my time in Canada in a secure, safe, and fulfilling manner. Canada takes all of the necessary security measures to ensure the safety of its students and the people in its vicinity, from health care to education. A multicultural environment will allow me to interact and learn from as many perspectives as possible.


Many professionals who graduate from the University of Alberta are successful because of the university's strong traditions along with its intensive and upbeat training. It will be the perfect environment for me to nurture and fine-tune my spirit of innovation. Studying with the most brilliant minds and interacting with a diverse peer group, I will gain a better understanding of network technologies. 

Furthermore, I will be prepared for the highly competitive job market with the quality of education that I will receive. This course appealed to me because of the practicum part of the curriculum. Creating a balance between practical training and business practice is essential in this field, and this course does exactly that.  The University of Alberta will provide me with the knowledge, diversity, and professionals I need to advance my career goals.


My goal is to carve out my own niche in the Indian tech industry, and I believe that an education abroad can help me achieve that goal. Having a degree that is valued by Indian companies, I am sure I will land a position in a big tech company in India. Beyond the enormous scope, it is also my familial responsibilities that align my goals. I want to return to India to work in large companies so that I can gain the broadest range of experience possible in the short term. As a long-term goal, I would like to start my own information technology company and settle in India.


The following are my finances:

  • 14800 CAD as tuition fee for the 1st Year
  • 4500 CAD as non-refundable program fee
  • 10,000 CAD as GIC

Hence, I request the Canadian High Commission to consider my student visa application. I greatly appreciate you for reviewing my application.


(Your Name)

A statement of purpose for Canada is one of the important documents for international students seeking admission to top Canadian universities at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The top universities in Canada offer admission to diverse students who can contribute to the Canadian culture and environment. The student should be able to prove his/ her edge over other applicants in the same Canadian university. Listed below are some of the tips for writing the best SOP samples for Canada student visa :

  • The best SOP for Canada sample should include the reason why the applicant chose Canada for their higher studies and also the reason for choosing the particular Canadian university.
  • The students should elaborate on their short-term and long-term goals in the SOP for Canada sample.
  • The sample SOP for Canada student visa should be unique and original and should be written in a short and crisp manner. Students should write the SOP in simple correct grammar and avoid unwanted usage of complicated words.
  • The SOP should be written in an orderly and systematic manner and should maintain the content flow. The content should be professional and to the point.
  • The sample of SOP for Canada student visa should be logical and engaging to read. Students should avoid exaggeration in all forms.
  • The sample of SOP for Canada study visa should include the social engagement and extracurricular activities of the applicant. Students should avoid writing what is already written in the CV and be unique and engaging.
  • The best SOP samples for Canada student visas should have a logical flow of content. The content should be interesting to read and blend well with the intended audience. The tone of writing should be between casual and formal.
  • The sample SOP for Canada student visa should not have plagiarized content and it should not be repetitive. Applicants can refer to other SOPs that have led to admissions at the respective universities but should ensure that the content of their SOP for Canada visa is original and unique.

A statement of purpose (SOP) is one of the most important requirements for international students applying for higher studies in Canada. Most Canadian universities require international applicants to submit an SOP for admission at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The SOP for Canada visa should not have the same details already mentioned in the CV of the applicant. International applicants should elaborate on their academic and professional achievements in the Canada SOP, but that needs to be done subtly. Exaggerating/ false information should be avoided by all means. Some of the other common mistakes to avoid while writing the sample SOP for Canada study permit are:

  • International applicants should avoid using short forms and slang words in the Canada SOP. The content should be written in proper language and correct grammar should be used.
  • International applicants should maintain the word limit so that the content of the statement of purpose Canada is not too lengthy and boring.
  • The sample SOP for Canada study permit should not be repetitive. The Canada SOP should be written in simple words for easier understanding and credibility.


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How to write Statement of purpose for Canada Tourist Visa?

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How to write Statement of purpose for Canada Tourist Visa?

What is statement of purpose (SOP)?

A statement of purpose for a visa is a written document that explains the reason why an individual wants to travel to a particular country and what they intend to do during their stay. It is a necessary component of a visa application, and it is used by the visa officer to assess the applicant’s eligibility for a visa.

The statement of purpose should be clear and concise, and it should provide relevant information about the applicant’s travel plans, financial status, employment or study commitments, and ties to their home country. It should also demonstrate that the applicant has a genuine reason for traveling and that they have no intention of overstaying their visa.

A well-written statement of purpose can significantly increase the chances of getting a visa approved, as it shows that the applicant has planned their trip and is aware of the requirements and restrictions of the visa. It is important to provide accurate and honest information in the statement of purpose, as providing false or misleading information can lead to the visa application being denied.

Here are the things that you must include in your statement of purpose:

  • Clear and concise purpose of travel: Your statement should clearly state your purpose of travel and the activities you plan to engage in during your stay in Canada. This will help the visa officer understand the reason for your visit.
  • Detailed itinerary: Providing a detailed itinerary of your trip can show that you have planned your trip and have a clear idea of your travel plans. This can include information on the places you plan to visit, the duration of your stay at each location, and any pre-booked tours or activities.
  • Financial stability: You should provide evidence of your financial stability and show that you have the means to cover all expenses related to your trip. This can include bank statements, employment or income details, and proof of any sponsorships.
  • Strong ties to your home country: It is important to demonstrate that you have strong ties to your home country and that you have no intention of overstaying your visa. This can include evidence of your employment or study commitments, family ties, or property ownership.
  • Travel history : If you have a travel history of complying with visa requirements and returning to your home country on time, it can be helpful to include this in your statement.
  • Honesty and clarity : Be honest and clear in your statement, and avoid any false or misleading information. Provide all relevant details and answer any questions the visa officer may have to the best of your knowledge.

Sample SOP for Tourist Visa

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A visa is a document issued by a country giving an individual permission to formally request entrance to the country during a given period of time and for certain purposes. It is usually stamped or glued inside a passport, or is sometimes issued as a separate piece of paper. In recent years, some countries (i.e., the United States, Canada, and some European nations) have issued plastic cards that contain biometric information on a magnetic strip on the back of the card.

The U.S. work visa is a document issued by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (formerly known as the Immigration and Naturalization Service [INS]) to foreign individuals who wish to enter the country to work and reside for a period of time. The most popular work visas in the United States are the H-1B, H-2B, L-1, L-2, E-1, E-2, TN, EB-2, EB-3, J-1, O-1, O-2, P, EB-5, R-1, and green cards.

A U.S. I-94 Arrival-Departure Form is a form denoting the arrival-departure record of particular foreigners and is used by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Form I-94 must be filled out at the time of entry to the United States by the foreign citizens who are being admitted to the United States.

Citizens of the countries on the U.S. Visa Waiver Program list who are entering the United States for a short stay and who are not U.S. citizens or permanent U.S. residents must fill out form I-94W instead.

The types of visas issued by various countries worldwide include the following:

  • Transit visa, usually valid for five days or less, for passing through the country to a third destination.
  • Tourist visa, for a limited period of leisure travel, no business activities allowed.
  • Business visa, for engaging in commerce in the country. These visas generally preclude permanent employment for which a work visa would be required.
  • Temporary worker visa, for approved employment in the host country.
  • On-arrival visa, granted immediately prior to entering the country, such as at an airport or border control post.
  • Spousal visa, granted to the spouse of a resident or citizen of a given country to enable the couple to settle in that country.
  • Student visa, which allows its holder to study at an institution of higher learning in the issuing country.
  • Working holiday visa, for individuals traveling between nations offering a working holiday program, allowing young people to undertake temporary work while traveling.
  • Diplomatic visa (sometimes official visa) is normally only available to bearers of diplomatic passports.
  • Courtesy visa issued to representatives of foreign governments or international organizations who do not qualify for diplomatic status but do merit expedited, courteous treatment.
  • Journalist visa, which some countries require of people in that occupation when traveling for their respective news organizations.
  • Marriage visa, granted for a limited period prior to intended marriage, based on a proven relationship with a citizen of the destination country.
  • Immigrant visa, granted for those intending to immigrate to the issuing country.
  • Pensioner visa (also known as retiree visa or retirement visa), issued by a limited number of countries (Australia, Argentina, etc.), to those who can demonstrate a foreign source of income and who do not intend to work in the issuing country.

Visa Refusal

The border-crossing authorities make the final determination to allow entry and may even cancel a visa at the border if the alien cannot demonstrate to their satisfaction that they will abide by the status their visa granted to them.

A visa may be denied for a number of reasons, including (but not limited to) if the applicant

  • has committed fraud or misrepresentation in his/her application
  • cannot prove to have strong ties to their current country of residence
  • intends to permanently reside or work in the country he/she will visit
  • does not have a legitimate reason for the journey
  • has no visible means of sustenance
  • does not have lodging in the destination country
  • has not arranged his/her transportation
  • does not have health/travel insurance valid for the destination and the duration of stay
  • has a criminal record or has criminal charges pending
  • does not have a good moral character
  • is applying on short notice
  • is considered to be a security risk
  • had their previous visa application(s) rejected
  • is a citizen of a country with whom the host country has poor or nonexistent relations
  • has a communicable disease such as tuberculosis
  • has previous immigration violations
  • has a passport that expires too soon

Conditions Of Issue

Some visas can be granted on arrival or by prior application at the country’s embassy or consulate, or sometimes through a specialized travel agency with permission from the issuing country in the country of departure. If there is no embassy or consulate in one’s home country, then one would have to travel to a third country (or apply by mail) and try to get a visa issued there.

Some countries have reciprocal visa regimes: If Country A requires citizens of Country B to have a visa to travel there, then Country B may apply reciprocity and require a visa from citizens of Country A. Likewise, if A allows B’s citizens to enter without a visa, B may allow A’s citizens to enter without a visa. One example is the Schengen countries.

Once in the country, the validity period of a visa or authorized stay can often be extended for a fee at the discretion of immigration authorities. Overstaying a period of authorized stay given by an immigration officer is considered illegal immigration even if the visa validity period is not over, and is a form of being “out of status.” The offender may be fined, prosecuted, deported, or even blacklisted from entering the country again.

Entering a country without a valid visa or visa exemption may result in detention and removal (deportation or exclusion) from the country. Undertaking activities that are not authorized by the status of entry (e.g., working while possessing a nonworker tourist status) can result in the individual being deemed removable.


  • Jerrod F. Thormond, Visa Issues: Policies and Waiver Programs (Nova Science Publishers, 2008);
  • S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, (cited March 2009);
  • S. Department of State, “Temporary Workers,” (cited March 2009);
  • com, (cited March 2009).

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When world leaders thought you shouldn’t need passports or visas

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Associate Professor of Political Sciences, Université Paris Cité

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In the age of heavily restricted migration , passport control seems a natural prerogative of the state. The idea of abolishing passports is almost unthinkable. But in the 20th century, governments considered their “total abolition” as an important goal, and even discussed the issue at several international conferences.

The first passport conference was held in Paris in 1920, under the auspices of the League of Nations (the predecessor of the United Nations). Part of the Committee on Communication and Transit’s aim was to restore the pre-war regime of freedom of movement.

Indeed, for much of the 19th century, as an International Labour Organisation report stated in 1922:

Migration was generally speaking, unhindered and each emigrant could decide on the time of his departure, his arrival or his return, to suit his own convenience.

But the World War I brought harsh restrictions on freedom of movement.

In 1914, warring states France, Germany, and Italy were the first to make passports mandatory, a measure rapidly followed by others, including the neutral states of Spain, Denmark and Switzerland.

At the end of the war, the regime of obligatory passports was widespread. The 1919 Treaty of Versailles, which established the League of Nations, stipulated that member states commit to “secure and maintain freedom of communications and of transit”.

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Fences are easier to build than to dismantle. The 1920 Paris conference recognised that restrictions on freedom of movement affect “personal relations between the peoples of various countries” and “constitute a serious obstacle to the resumption of normal intercourse and to the economic recovery of the world”.

But its delegates also assumed that security concerns prevented:

for the time being, the total abolition of restrictions and the complete return to pre-war conditions which the Conference hopes, nevertheless, to see gradually re-established in the near future.

To facilitate freedom of movement, participants agreed instead to establish a uniform, international passport, issued for a single journey or for a period two years. This is how we ended up with the format of the passports we use today.

Participants also decided to abolish exit visas and decrease the cost of entry visas.

Close but no cigar

During the conferences that followed, several resolutions again highlighted the goal of abolishing passports, but concluded that the time was not yet right. In 1924, the International Conference of Emigration and Immigration in Rome maintained that “the necessity of obtaining passports should be abolished as soon as possible” but in the meantime advocated other measures to facilitate travel. These measures included an increase in the number of offices delivering passports, allowing emigrants to save time and money.

In Geneva in 1926, Polish delegate, Franciszek Sokal , opened proceedings by bluntly asking the parties to adopt “as a general rule that all States Members of the League of Nations should abolish passports”.

At that time, passports and visas were still regarded as a serious obstacle to freedom of movement, as a Mr Junod from the International Chamber of Commerce said :

Could not the Conference adopt a resolution contemplating the abolition of passports at the earliest possible date? Public opinion would regard this as a step in the right direction.

But by then, most governments had already adopted the uniform passport and some of them saw it as an important document that was meant to protect emigrants. As the Italian delegate reminded the conference that conditions had changed after the war and the passport was “particularly necessary as an identification document for workers and their families; it provided them with the protection they needed, enabled them to obtain permits of sojourn.”

Another delegate alluded to the Soviet Union when he refused to restore the pre-war regime. He said:

conditions had changed so much since the war that everyone had to take into consideration a good many things they could formerly ignore.

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Discussions about passport abolition resumed after World War II.

In 1947, the first problem considered at an expert meeting preparing for the UN World Conference on Passports and Frontier Formalities , was “the possibility of a return to the regime which existed before 1914 involving as a general rule the abolition of any requirement that travelers should carry passports”.

But delegates ultimately decided that a return to a passport-free world could only happen alongside a return to the global conditions that prevailed before the start of the first world war. By 1947, that was a distant dream. The experts advised instead a series of bilateral and multilateral agreements to attain this goal.

World leaders were still talking about banning passports as late as 1963, when the UN Conference on International Travel and Tourism recognised “the desirability, from both an economic and social point, of progressively freer international travel”. Once again, it was estimated that “it is not feasible to recommend the abolition of passports on a world-wide basis.”

Now, neither the public nor governments consider passports as a serious obstacle to freedom of movement, though any would-be traveller from Yemen, Afghanistan or Somalia would no doubt argue differently.

It takes less than a century, it seems, to see the absence of freedom as a natural condition.

  • World War II
  • World War I
  • League of Nations
  • Treaty of Versailles
  • Freedom of movement
  • Open borders
  • Global perspectives

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Best SOP For Canada Student Visa: Sample, Format & Tips

SOP for Canada Study Study Visa

Hello there, future scholars! Wish to embark on an academic journey in Canada with a successful student application? Well, you must be aware that among academic transcripts, extracurriculars, and other achievements, it is a Statement of Purpose that ties your application together. A Statement of Purpose is a formal essay, crafted personally by the student, that reflects their academic journey, course justification, and what they aim for in the future. An SOP for Canada is the most efficient way for you to put forth your application in front of the admissions body as well as the High Consulate of Canada. To write the perfect SOP for Canada, read on! 

Table of Contents

What Is the SOP for a Canada Student Visa?

When you apply for a student visa to Canada, you must write a formal essay demonstrating your academic life, professional experience, your personal background, as well as why you chose the course and college that you are applying for and to. An SOP for Canada is crucial for a successful college application as well as a student visa file. The document can be written in around 1000-1500 words. Lastly, ensure that you stick to the point and make the SOP for Canada extremely relatable and interesting to read. 

Why Do You Need to Write an SOP to Study in Canada?

As a student hoping to travel to Canada, you must answer any questions the visa officials may have before granting you a student visa.  By using the SOP for student visas, you will inform the authorities:

Why did you choose Canada?

How will you pay for your tuition and other living expenses in Canada?

What plans do you have for the future?

If there are any unique case situations, such as backlogs or gaps, that require clarification

Tips for Setting Up Your Canada Student Visa SOP, Here is the Structure of the Paragraphs

It is a good idea to title each paragraph in your SOP for a study visa to Canada so that the reader understands what to expect from that paragraph. Name your paragraphs and organize your text this way, based on how you wish to express your arguments. For your consideration, the general structure is provided below

  • Overview and ancestry

Give a brief introduction to your paper at the beginning, explaining who you are, your family history, why you chose to pursue further education, etc. To make your ideas easily relatable to the reader, try to present them in an interesting manner similar to the SOP for Canada study visa templates. List the data in chronological sequence.

  • Professional and academic background

Whatever best describes it should be named “academic/professional history” in the next paragraph. Try to concentrate on providing details about your education and previous employment in the business in this paragraph. Explain the degree to which they are relevant to the course you have selected. If you have chosen a different field, explain why you have chosen it as well as how your prior experiences influenced your choice.

  • Why are you taking this course at this institute?

Justify your decision to pursue your selected course at this specific Canadian institution. Give a thorough explanation of why you chose the particular course. It would be beneficial to bring up any pertinent occurrence or narrative. Additionally, describe the academic and/or non-academic aspects that drew you to the institute and how you believe it will support your decision.

  • Why Canada and not your nation of origin?

Try to persuade the reader of your reasoning for selecting Canada as your study location in this paragraph. It would be wise to note in your explanation how your institute’s course is different from others offered in Canada.

  • Plans for the future

Make it clear in your plans that you intend to go back home and use your knowledge, experience, and time to establish a fulfilling job in your field of love there, helping the people or communities that are dear to your heart.

Finally, express your excitement about studying in Canada and express your expectations for the richness of information and opportunities that your education will provide.

Six Crucial Pointers to Make Your Study Permit Application Stand Out

Do you want to be sure that your selectors won’t overlook your Canada visa SOP? Here are six crucial pointers to help you do that in your writing.

  • Pay attention to the most relevant qualities.

Refrain from enumerating all of your abilities and strengths. Select a handful that is most pertinent to the situation at hand, then support them with facts.

  • Keep it interesting.

Make your statement enjoyable to read. To help the reader relate to you, write in plain, everyday language and with a great deal of personal detail.

  • Make the beginning captivating.

In addition to summarising the essay’s contents, the introduction should provide the reader with a positive initial impression of your narrative.

  • Don’t brag.

When Canadian officials examine your visa application, nothing goes wrong more than false information.  Give your statement your whole attention.

  • Stay upbeat.

Make sure the SOP for your Canada visa accurately reflects your energy, optimism, and self-assurance. Never allow it to take on a bad tone. 

  • Demonstrate your uniqueness.

Try to highlight why you are the best applicant above the others, instead of just stating how much you must study in Canada.

How Can Study Gap Be Justified?

Don’t conceal any study gaps or arrears from Canadian officials, who carefully review all of your records. Implicit statements about gaps will lead to more inquiries. Learn how to fill up the gap for a study visa by using these recommendations. 

  • Discuss the difference and its causes.
  • Describe how you resolved it.
  • Show that the gaps didn’t have a detrimental impact on your job; instead, they allowed you to learn something fascinating about it.
  • Enumerate the abilities you acquired or any noteworthy accomplishments you had throughout the specified time frame.

12 Common Errors to Avoid in Your Canada Study Visa SOP

The following errors are commonly seen in the SOPs that students submit for study visas to Canada. Authorities will shortlist profiles with perfect SOPs when there are a lot of visa applications. In a situation like this, even the smallest errors might ruin your prospects. 

  • Last-minute writing
  • Failing to Comply with the University/Visa Office Guidelines
  • Including Unwanted Details
  • Opening with an Unimpressive, Mediocre Intro
  • Using Informal Language and Slang
  • Writing without an Effective, Apt Format
  • Concentrating Exceedingly on Weak Academic Scores
  • Grammatical or Syntax Errors in the SOP
  • Using the First Draft as the Final Copy for Submission
  • Too Much Praising for the University/Country
  • Using Dishonest Statements to Make You Look Better
  • Plagiarizing Sample SOPs Available Online

The top eight explanations for Canada student visa denials are shown below. When submitting your visa application, keep these reasons for rejection in mind. Your study gap justification letter and immigration SOP can be used to persuasively support any points you believe the visa officers should make clearer.

  • Failure to establish that you are a bona fide student
  • Not being able to justify the choice of your program
  • Failure to show your financial capability to live in Canada
  • Not possessing adequate English language proficiency
  • Incomplete documents presented with the application
  • Not clear career goals in the   home country after the course in Canada
  • Lack of career prospects in the home country for the chosen course
  • Lack of identity or travel documents submitted with the SOP

Sample: SOP for Canada 

In an increasingly connected world, I am fascinated by the exchange of goods, services and culture across borders. During my Bachelor’s degree in Commerce, I developed a keen interest in global trade, logistics, sourcing and supply chain management. This motivated me to gain specialized expertise to excel in this domain. I now wish to pursue a Master in Supply Chain Management in Canada to equip myself with the latest skills and exposure.

My Background

I have always been passionate about academics, further fueled by excellent results in 12th 12th-grade Commerce stream. Later, my analytical aptitude and basics of accounts management helped me achieve a respectable percentage in my Bachelor’s of Commerce from Bhartiya Vidyapeeth University. However, to take on demanding corporate roles, I realised that I needed deeper supply chain skills that would help me become the best at what I do.

I gained hands-on experience at FedEx as a Junior Logistics Executive handling route planning, resolving delivery issues and managing customer expectations. Liaising cross-functionally enriched my understanding. Transitioning to CK Products as Dispatch Assistant offered procurement insights – I handled local supplier coordination and inventory replenishments. However, with rising automation and innovation reshaping supply chains, I felt an urgent need to reskill internationally.

Why University of Toronto

The MS Supply Chain Management curriculum advances forecasting models, logistics sustainability, cost analysis and procurement ethics – crucial for modern strategists. Studying in Canada, a critical shipping hub allows unmatched industry exposure. With pioneering research in procurement, shipment across the globe, logistics in marginalised areas, etc., I wish to develop a global outlook to ultimately drive impact in India.

Home to shipping giants like FedEX and a skilled talent base, Canada provides the ideal ecosystem for supply chain leadership. By pursuing Master here, I aim to absorb global best practices and networks. This will enable innovative transformations across private and public sector organisations in India later.

Future Goals

I envision pioneering an AI-powered ethical supply chain organization expanding market access for businesses globally. With the Indian Government targeting significant logistics cost reductions to boost competitiveness, industry innovators like me can enable over INR 6 Lakh crores in savings annually. As per reports, around $12 trillion in sustainability-driven automation and network opportunities will arise by 2030. With learnings from this globally accredited program, I will qualify for leadership roles in top Indian firms, charting high-impact strategies ahead.

I sincerely request favourable consideration of my application. Moreover, I promise to stay in compliance with law and order as well as focus on my academic requirements during my time at University of Toronto. I thank you for considering my application. 

Sample 2: Statement of Purpose

I believe that technology is bringing revolutionary changes to society. Even basic daily tasks are now convenient thanks to advancements in computer science across industries like finance and education. I have always taken a big picture perspective and pursuing computer science aligns with my personal and professional goals. I wish to attain a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo, Canada, to further develop my skills.

I spent my early years in southern India, known for achievements in science. My analytical thinking drew me further towards science. After excelling in 10th grade, I took up science in 11th and 12th, scoring very well in exams. This allowed me to pursue a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering. I learned subjects like data structures, system design, machine learning and gained expertise in Java, Python and databases. Alongside theory, I worked on a GUI-based project predicting heart disease and Parkinson’s risk percentages. I also demonstrated leadership as event head of the gaming festival at my college.

After graduating, I have been working as a Junior Developer at CGI Company. My roles involve assisting seniors in software design, codebase learning and productive meetings. I developed a music player application using Java and Android tools like JavaScript and Spring boot. This experience showed how beneficial higher study in the US would be for better opportunities.

Why Master’s in Computer Science

Through my machine learning project and work experience, I realized computer science facilitates many global industries through emerging technologies. While I gained important perspectives so far, the field is very vast and complex. Formal Master’s education would elevate my expertise significantly. Therefore, for the next step in my career, I wish to upskill myself. 

Why Canada? 

I chose Canada for higher studies because of the advanced, reputed education system and globally recognized degrees. Top global universities are based in Canada which indicates educational excellence. The student-friendly environment helps fully develop academic and professional potential through a flexible range of programs. Moreover, Canada’s diversity and warmth help international students settle in comfortably.

Why the University of Waterloo? 

The University of Waterloo is highly ranked for Computer Science which is why I wish to study here. Established in 1957, it has tremendously contributed to Canada’s esteemed education. State-of-the-art campus facilities promote inclusive learning and growth. By guiding students through research and projects, University of Waterloo builds practical skills under expert faculty. Renowned for outstanding talent across industries, the university is dedicated towards transforming society positively. Moreover, experienced faculty impart theoretical concepts and practical application knowledge to handle professional challenges. 

Family Ties

My family has supported me tremendously in every endeavour that I have undertaker, be it academic or extracurricular. As I pursue my goals, I must pursue my future goals while being around my family. Also, we have family ancestral properties in India that would require my attention, given the fact that my parents are now ageing. My family will sponsor my finances and fully understand the importance of overseas education for my career growth. Therefore, after my education in Canada, I wholeheartedly wish to return to India to pursue my professional goals. 

Future Plans

India’s pioneering computer science industry assists various organizations through the latest technologies like AI, IoT and automation. With growing dependence on technology across spheres and a booming economy, demand for skilled technology professionals is rising. I wish to transform Indian lives by making significant computer science advancements. Prestigious employment along with good remuneration is assured given the growing IT industry size. With international academic credentials from Canada, I plan to work with software testing, development and the latest technologies at top tech firms like Amazon and Apple in India.


Through various samples for SOP for Canada, we have come to the conclusion that an award-winning SOP must be personalised, honest, and devoid of vague information. Remember, an excellent SOP can get you into your dream school abroad! If you still need guidance in drafting the perfect SOP, or university shortlisting, fret not! Admissify is a pioneer in helping students achieve their academic goals, and you too can book a free counselling session at your convenience. 

Is SOP mandatory for studying abroad? 

Absolutely. A statement of purpose is like a window that provides a glimpse into your life. This helps the admissions body as well as visa officers to understand why you deserve a spot. 

Can I get my SOP written by someone else?

While getting guidance is not an issue, getting your SOP written by someone other than you can be an issue. Moreover, if caught, your application might be null and void. 

What pointers are to be kept in mind while drafting an SOP for Canada?

In conclusion, ensure that you stay true to yourself while writing the SOP. Apart from this, do not add false information, avoid maintaining an autonomous tone, and mention why you deserve a spot over other like-minded students. 

Gaurav Kandari

Gaurav Kandari is a seasoned study abroad consultant with over 5 years of experience, specializing in guiding students to the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia. An avid traveler, he draws on his global adventures to enrich his consulting, providing invaluable insights to aspiring scholars.

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Free VISA Inc. Essay Sample

Visa is the most famous global payments method. Visa's technology connects "consumers, banks, businesses and governments in more than 200 countries and territories, enabling them to use digital currency instead of cash and checks." The company own Visa, Visa Electron, PLUS and Interlink, which license clients to use its payment programs. Visa offers a wide range of branded payment product platforms, which their clients, primarily financial institutions, use to develop and offer credit, debit, prepaid and cash access programs for their customers (individuals, businesses and government entities).

Visa operate an open-loop payments network, a multi-party system in which Visa connects financial institutions-issuing financial institutions that issue cards to cardholders, and acquiring financial institutions that have the banking relationship with merchants-and manage the exchange of information and value between them. The company does not issue cards to their customers but scores or sets rate and fees of services for consumers. Visa's revenues are primarily from fees paid by cardholders' payments volume, transactions that Visa processes and other related services that the company provides. Based on consumer's credit rate, Visa offers Visa Classic, Visa Gold, Visa Platinum, Visa Signature, Visa Signature Preferred and Visa Infinite.

Consumer spending and overall economic conditions are key factors affecting the performance and operations of the Visa Inc. Consumer spending has been fairly low in the past two years because of the global financial crisis that led to cancelation of vacations and review of expenditure with most expenditure being cut downwards by consumers. This has led to low payment volume growth with much improvement expected due to the regulatory measures put in place and the upward trend of the global economic recovery. Nominal payment volume and number of processed transactions impact on the volume of revenues realized this has also been in an upward trend a show of a continued shift by consumers to electronic mode of payments globally.

Some of the risk factors affect Visa's financial conditions that lead to operating losses. Especially security is most important for credit card companies like Visa. Risk management service that including Visa Advanced Authorization, include preventive, monitoring, investigative and predictive tools, which are intended to mitigate and help eliminate fraud at the cardholder and merchant level. Also, with Cyber Source technology, Visa make it easier for ecommerce merchants to accept, process and reconcile payments, manage fraud, and safeguard payment security online.

Then company under review is Visa Inc which operates in the security exchange industry. Visa is the global market leader in this security exchange industry with the other major being Marta card and American Express. The major growth driver in Visa is its strong brand that is continuing to grow by the issuance of trademark and technology intellectual property licenses and the increased demand in the electronic mode of payments. The main future concern to the management is the negative global economic condition which adversely affects the purchasing power of consumers, whether the demand in electronic mode of payment is sustainable in the future. Another concern to the management is the risk factors globally that include fraud and technological system complications where transactions cannot be noticed in time leading to erroneous billing. This concern is serious because it impacts directly on the customers and can easily lead to reduction of customer confidence in the brand.

Management issues predicting statements, which are basically limited to the date they are issued, not an assurance of the future performance and are subjects to assumptions that cannot be used for future financial analysis. The reason why American Express and MasterCard offer a fair comparison to Visa Inc in this industry is that in as much as Visa has the Highest profitability, Master Card showed the highest return on assets over the two companies while American Express came closely behind Visa with regards to return on invested capital.

Comparison of Financial Accounting Policies between Visa Inc. and Its Peers

The financial accounting and standards Board (FASB) in February 2007 agreed on Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) no. 159 to be used by Visa as the accounting policy. SFAS no 159 allows financial instruments and other certain assets and liabilities to be measured at fair value on an instrument -by- instrument basis. IN MasterCard however, Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) implemented accounting standard Qualification and hierarchy of Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP) as the sole source of authoritative accounting principle on July 1, 2009. The new principle was not intended to change existing authoritative guidance. American Express also uses the GAAP for its financial reporting that reflects card member loans included in the company's consolidated balance sheet. There is no major difference in the accounting reporting principles among these organizations..

In the first quarter after the end of the fiscal year, Visa filed form 10-Q which provided financial analysis with regards to general financial information, financial statements, management discussions and analysis of financial condition, results of operation and controls and procedures among other information required by law. The general financial information provided in the fiscal year ended march 2010 recorded improve operating revenues earned in the United States, rest of the world and with a drop from Visa Europe. There was a 21% and 17% increase in the U.S operating revenues and the rest of the world respectively. However there was a decline in revenue from Visa Europe by 3% as compared to 2009. This was because revenues from visa Europe are as a result of contractual arrangement as governed by the framework agreement for trademark and technology licenses and bilateral services. This explains that the revenues f4rom Visa Europe is from trademark and not core business. 

Service revenue also improves by 9% due to growth in nominal payments volume but however lower that the growth in the nominal payment volume as a result of the difference in the dollar value owed to the difference in geographical payment points globally and the global economic recovery rate which regulates the dollar competitive value and growth opportunities. Data processing revenues also increased by 25% from 2009 to 2010 due to the competitive different pricing actions across all the geographical pay points, as a result of the increase in the number of transactions processed globally. This revenue growth points to a sustainable and consistent future growth of the company. The upward trend indicates the general adoption of electronic payments globally, a positive business opportunity to the company.

Other revenues increased basically due to licenses fees from VisaNet do Brasil for the use of Visa trademark and technology intellectual property. The purpose of the form is to provide summarized financial information on the affaires of the company. The actual importance of the form is to provide an update on the operations of the company, improve investor confidence and bring on board potential investors.  It equally helps the management get a clear picture of the company in terms of performance whether on an upward or downward trend and projection of future growth; these are necessary pieces of information in decision making whether to make managerial, technological, human capital or brand changes or to maintain the status quo.

The information on Visa trademark and technology intellectual property revenues from VisaNet do Brasil provided in form 10 - Q, was particularly important in planning, predicting and projecting the growth of Visa as a company and a brand. It clearly shows that more organizations in various regions of the world have embraced Visa a mode of payments. The growth in data processing revenue, service and operating revenue globally, shows that the Visa brand is indeed growing and establishing its position as the global market leader and that the world is moving towards electronic payment methods as the preferred mode of payment. This in itself is an indication of Visa's undeterred future growth.

Evaluation of Visa's Quality of Earnings

Quality earnings were noted in several items contained in Visa's financial statement for the period ended March 2010, among them was the Gross Margin / sales ratio with a score of 5 owed to a controlled and minimized operating expenses against maximized sales revenues of $ 837 billion and $ 1.959 trillion respectively. This shows that Visa as a company has working internal control systems (ICS) that has helped them effectively manage their expenditure. Earnings variability rated at 4 because there were varied revenue streams ranging from intellectual property licenses, data processing revenues, service revenues and operational revenues. This variability provides spread of revenue avenues that ensures profitability even when certain segments record a downward trend in business.

Employee stock option expense was rated at 4 in 2009.Visa offered an Equity Incentive Compensation Plan to its staff in February 2009. The company granted 3,233 options, 3169 Restricted Stock Awards (RSAs) and 371 Restricted Stock Units at a fair value of $22.42 the when the actual market value at the NYSE was $53.85. Equally, in November 2008, the company issued 1,281,891 non qualified stock options out of which, 1,231,227 RSAs and 272,022 RSU to its employees under the 2007 Equity incentive Compensations Plan (EIP) at a fair value of $23.53 instead of the actual value of $56.47. This makes the Visa employees own the company thus builds their own dividends leading to increased employee productivity, Tax rate percentage rated at 5, a quality earning as a result of improved overall performance in profitability.

The growth of profit in March 2010 was higher than that of the same period the previous year. This is a clear show of growth in overall revenue of the company. Share buy back/ issuance rated at 4 is quality earning for Visa. In October 2009 the board of director authorized $ 1.0 billion share repurchase plan that would run up to March31 2010. This is done to create stoke reserve that can at any time of need be sold to the market for purposes of expansion. In a case like this, the company proves the liquidity strength and disaster and risk preparedness for any future eventuality.

Accounting changes was rated as  a quality earning at 4, due to the restructuring by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) that issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS)  no. 159,  that allows the measurement of a number of financial instruments and certain other assets  and liabilities at fair value  on an instrument-by instrument basis under fair value option. Visa adopted SFAS 159 in October 2008 and this led to the fair valuation of the Mutual Fund Equity Security Investment(MFESI), relating to employee compensation plans which had earlier been reported as 'available -for- sale investment' (VISA INC.-10-Q). This new accounting methods impact positively on evaluation of results since it adds value to the asset base without depleting the cash flow by changing the investments that had earlier been unproductive and redundant.

Trend analysis

Below is a comparison of the total assets of the companies under analysis:

The largest of the three companies in terms of total assets or resources is American Express with $143 billion followed by Visa with $33 billion and the smallest is Master Card with $8 billion as of the year ended 2010.

In terms of growth rate annually Master showed the largest rate in 2010 over 2009 at 22%, whereas Visa showed the lowest 3.49% growth rate for the same years. American Express is in the middle at a modest 18%. As shown below Master showed the highest growth from 2007 to 2010 at more than 82% compared to American Express of only 12% over the same period. Visa Card had a 32.83% growth for the same period.

Shown below are comparative financial ratios of the three companies:

Profitability Analysis

The comparative table as shown above on profitability shows that the Visa showed the highest profitability efficiency among the three companies. First, it has the highest net margin rate of 36.78% compared to the largest company American Express of only a 13% net margin rate in same year 2010. Master Card showed the highest return on assets over the two companies, which was almost 5 times better. Likewise, the return on invested capital was the highest at 42% compared to Amex and Visa which showed 6.58% and 12.47%, respectively. The capacity to generate cash on operations also showed Visa as the highest generator with 62.32% of sales, whereas Amex and MasterCard showed only 28% and 38.54%, respectively. The reason for such a tremendously high performance of Visa, when compared to Amex and Visa is its high operating profit margin which at 56.34% is far above Amex of 20.14% and MasterCard at 50.14%.Asset Utilization Analysis

Asset Utilization Analysis

The high asset turnover ratio of Master Card is mainly due is also the highest among the three companies. This means that it is able to generate more revenues for every dollar of its total resources. Visa which has the highest total assets turned out to be much better in its performance than American Express. Asset turnover of Visa was .24 compared to .21 of American Express.

In the companies' use of cash on capital assets Master Card was the highest at 85% of total assets and American Express next highest. While this is the case, Master Card used only 1% of its sales for asset expansion, whereas Visa used up 26% of its sales generated cash. This strategy of Master Card is the result of a high profit margin which was retained by the company. The equity of Master Card was 99% of total asset. As shown in the leverage ratios Master Card has a dividend payout of only 4.29% per share from its annual earnings yearly. Master Card is the highest performer among the three companies on its percentage of working capital to total capital with 63% performance in 2010 compared to Visa, the larger in total assets, of 20.91% percent of capital. The latter may default in the payment of its short term liabilities when these become due.

Leverage Analysis

In terms of solvency performance for the year 2010 American Express showed the worst solvency position, followed by Visa and Master Card shows the best debt to equity position. This is shown in the Leverage Ratios table.  American Express had total debt of more than 400%, Visa had 0.18% to common. Master Card on the other hand showed an almost nil percentage of debt to common equity. It is almost same between Visa and MasterCard. This makes Master Card and Visa well entrenched on its long term solvency, whereas Amex is actually trading on the equity with a high debt to equity ratio.

This picture is duplicated in the short term solvency of the three companies. Why is this so? In the table above showing the number of day's receivable Visa had only 58 days uncollected compare to Master card and Amex, with low solvency position of its receivable staying uncollected for 85 days for Amex and 70 days of MasterCard. Visa shows best position in liquidity. Quick ratio is most liquidity assets which is 2.03 compare to 0.98 and 1.86 of American Express and MasterCard. This ratio determines a firm's ability to pay off current liabilities without relying on the sale of inventories. Again in terms of current ratio performance Visa had a 2.50:1 ratio whereas the MasterCard had a 2.05 to 1 and had less than $1 of current assets to every $1 of current liability of American Express. Gross margin and Cost of goods sold analysis of Visa.

Gross margin and Cost of goods sold analysis of Visa

Shown below are the relevant financial ratios of Visa Steel in the analysis of its cost of sales and inventory performance:

The gross profit margin of Visa appears to be much better in 2010 compared to 2007 at the rate of 81.56 and 73.29, respectively. This is due to the lower percentage of cost of sales to revenues which decreased from 22.32 in 2007 down to only 15.15 in 2010. This improvement may not necessarily mean better performance in its cost of goods procured. It is likely that this decrease is due to a higher rate of increase in its revenues from 2007 to 2010. The reason for such conclusion is the fact that the asset turnover rate of its inventory increased from 0.21 times in 2007 to 0.24 times in 2010. It means company's profit is increased. This is confirmed by the number of accounts receivable days was held shorter in 2010 than in 2009 at 58.63 days and 78.59 days, respectively. We can conclude from this observation, also, that the company management of its assets is better in 2010 than it was in 2007.

Master Card is the most profitable company for investment due to its highest performance from among the three companies. Its revenues are growing and its use of its resources is outstanding compared to the other two companies. But, during this economic condition, Visa is the best company for investment due to its financial stability and performed highest ability in liquidation. It also has the best growth potential through acquisition and intellectual trademark licensing of its brand to other relatively smaller industry players around the world.

With the global upward trend in usage and acceptance of electronic modes of payments for goods and services, Visa presents a wonderful opportunity for new investors and assures the existing share holders of stable growth in their investments. It equally provides business growth opportunities to financial institutions and merchants who can embrace the Visa brand to increase their sales turnovers.

Visa has today embarked on an anti fraud education program and   works closely with government and law enforcement agencies, to help educate consumers on how to Recognize, Report and Stop fraud in an effort to curb this vice. Together  with governments, law enforcement and industry partners, Visa has dedicated the month of March to fraud prevention, this period is used to deliver fraud awareness messages to users through a variety of channels. These efforts include developing educational material on how consumers can protect themselves against the latest fraudulent ways in the market. The fraud prevention education helps Visa in not only protecting its business but also help card holders avoid loss of hard earned funds. During this period of fraud awareness campaign, Visa also takes the advantage to market its brand and this has contributed to the soaring recognition all over the world.

Looking at the performance of American Express, it is clear that market presence in the United States alone cannot grow business. Visa and MasterCard have over the years focused and spent huge resources in exporting their brands beyond the American border and this has been a major contributor to the stronger financial performance today.

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