72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

To find good research titles for your essay about dogs, you can look through science articles or trending pet blogs on the internet. Alternatively, you can check out this list of creative research topics about dogs compiled by our experts .

🐩 Dog Essays: Things to Consider

🏆 best dog titles for essays, 💡 most interesting dog topics to write about, ❓ questions about dog.

There are many different dog essays you can write, as mankind’s history with its best friends is rich and varied. Many people will name the creatures their favorite animals, citing their endearing and inspiring qualities such as loyalty, obedience, bravery, and others.

Others will discuss dog training and the variety of important roles the animals fulfill in our everyday life, working as shepherds, police members, guides to blind people, and more.

Some people will be more interested in dog breeding and the incredible variety of the animals show, ranging from decorative, small Yorkshire terriers to gigantic yet peaceful Newfoundland dogs. All of these topics are interesting and deserve covering, and you can incorporate all of them a general essay.

Dogs are excellent pet animals, as their popularity, rivaled only by cats, shows. Pack animals by nature, they are open to including members of other species into their groups and get along well with most people and animals.

They are loyal to the pack, and there are examples of dogs adopting orphaned kittens and saving other animals and children from harm.

This loyalty and readiness to face danger makes them favorite animals for many people, and the hundreds of millions of dogs worldwide show that humans appreciate their canine friends.

It also allows them to work many important jobs, guarding objects, saving people, and using their noses to sniff out various trails and substances.

However, dogs are descended from wolves, whose pack nature does not prevent them from attacking those outside the group. Some larger dogs are capable of killing an adult human alone, and most can at least inflict severe harm if they attack a child.

Dogs are trusted and loved because of their excellent trainability. They can be taught to be calm and avoid aggression or only attack once the order is given.

They can also learn a variety of other behaviors and tricks, such as not relieving themselves in the house and executing complex routines. This physical and mental capacity to perform a variety of tasks marks dogs as humanity’s best and most versatile helpers.

The variety of jobs dogs perform has led humans to try to develop distinct dog breeds for each occupation, which led to the emergence of numerous and different varieties of the same animal.

The observation of the evolution of a specific type of dog as time progressed and its purposes changed can be an interesting topic. You can also discuss dog competitions, which try to find the best dog based on various criteria and even have titles for the winners.

Comparisons between different varieties of the animal are also excellent dog argumentative essay topics. Overall, there are many interesting ideas that you can use to write a unique and excellent essay.

Regardless of what you ultimately choose to write about, you should adhere to the central points of essay writing. Make sure to describe sections of your paper with dog essay titles that identify what you will be talking about clearly.

Write an introduction that identifies the topic and provides a clear and concise thesis statement. Finish the paper with a dog essay conclusion that sums up your principal points. It will be easier and more interesting to read while also adhering to literature standards if you do this.

Below, we have provided a collection of great ideas that you can use when writing your essays, research papers, speeches, or dissertations. Take inspiration from our list of dog topics, and don’t forget to check out the samples written by other students!

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 26). 72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/dog-essay-examples/

"72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/dog-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/dog-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/dog-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/dog-essay-examples/.

Essay on Dog

Here we have shared the Essay on Dog in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Dog in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Dog in 150-250 words

Essay on dog in 400 words, essay on dog in 500-1000 words.

The dog is a remarkable and beloved animal that has been a faithful companion to humans for thousands of years. Dogs are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and unconditional love. They come in various breeds, each with its own unique characteristics and traits.

Dogs are highly social animals and thrive on human interaction. They form strong bonds with their owners and become an integral part of the family. Dogs are known for their ability to understand human emotions and provide comfort and companionship in times of need. They are often used as therapy animals to help people overcome emotional and physical challenges.

In addition to their companionship, dogs serve various practical purposes. They are commonly employed in search and rescue operations, as guide dogs for the visually impaired, and as service animals for individuals with disabilities. Dogs also play a vital role in law enforcement and are trained to detect drugs, and explosives, and track down criminals.

Furthermore, dogs are highly trainable and can learn a wide range of commands and tricks. They are often used in obedience competitions and agility trials, showcasing their intelligence and versatility.

In conclusion, dogs are incredible creatures that bring immense joy and companionship to our lives. They are more than just pets; they are true friends and loyal companions. Whether as working animals or loving family members, dogs hold a special place in our hearts and continue to enrich our lives every day.

Dogs are highly social animals and thrive on human interaction. They form strong bonds with their owners and become an integral part of the family. Their loyalty knows no bounds, and they are always there to offer comfort and companionship. Whether it’s a long day at work or a difficult time in life, a dog’s presence can provide solace and support.

One of the most admirable qualities of dogs is their intelligence. They have a remarkable ability to understand human emotions and respond accordingly. They can sense when their owners are sad, happy, or in need of attention. This intuitive understanding makes dogs excellent therapy animals, providing comfort to individuals suffering from physical or emotional distress.

In addition to their emotional support, dogs serve practical purposes in various fields. They are commonly employed in search and rescue operations, using their keen sense of smell and agility to locate missing persons or survivors in disaster-stricken areas. Guide dogs, specifically trained to assist the visually impaired, offer a sense of independence and mobility to those who are visually challenged.

Dogs also play a crucial role in law enforcement. They are trained to detect drugs, explosives, and other illegal substances, aiding in crime prevention and investigations. Their sharp senses and strong instinctive nature make them valuable assets in apprehending criminals and maintaining public safety.

Furthermore, dogs are highly trainable and can learn a wide range of commands and tricks. They excel in obedience competitions, showcasing their intelligence, agility, and ability to work alongside their handlers. Their eagerness to please and willingness to learn to make them exceptional companions for various activities, such as agility trials, flyball, and even canine sports like dock diving.

In conclusion, dogs are incredible creatures that bring immense joy, love, and companionship to our lives. Their loyalty, intelligence, and versatility make them more than just pets; they are true friends and trusted partners. Whether as working animals or loving family members, dogs hold a special place in our hearts and continue to enrich our lives every day.

Title: The Dog – Man’s Loyal Companion


The dog, a remarkable and beloved animal, has been a faithful companion to humans for thousands of years. With their unwavering loyalty, intelligence, and unconditional love, dogs have carved a special place in our hearts and homes. This essay explores the multifaceted nature of dogs, their roles in society, and the profound impact they have on human lives.

The bond between humans and dogs

Dogs are highly social animals that thrive on human interaction. Over centuries of domestication, they have developed an extraordinary ability to form deep emotional connections with their owners. Dogs become an integral part of the family, providing companionship, comfort, and a source of unwavering support. Their loyalty knows no bounds, and they are always there, ready to offer solace and a wagging tail.

Dogs as therapy animals

One of the most remarkable aspects of dogs is their empathetic nature. They possess an uncanny ability to understand human emotions and provide comfort to those in need. Therapy dogs are trained to offer emotional support to individuals suffering from physical or emotional distress. Whether it’s visiting hospitals, nursing homes, or schools, these four-legged companions bring joy, happiness, and healing to countless lives.

Dogs in practical roles

Beyond their emotional support, dogs serve various practical purposes in society. In search and rescue operations, their keen sense of smell and agility make them invaluable assets. They can locate missing persons or survivors in disaster-stricken areas, often navigating treacherous terrains with remarkable precision. Guide dogs, specifically trained to assist the visually impaired, provide independence and mobility to those who are visually challenged, helping them navigate the world with confidence.

Dogs in law enforcement

Dogs have proven to be indispensable in law enforcement. Their sharp senses, keen intuition, and unwavering loyalty make them valuable assets in crime prevention and investigations. Police dogs are trained to detect drugs, explosives, and other illegal substances, aiding in the fight against crime. Their presence alone serves as a deterrent, and their ability to apprehend criminals adds an extra layer of security to our communities.

The intelligence and versatility of dogs

Dogs are highly intelligent creatures that possess an astonishing capacity to learn and adapt. They can be trained to perform a wide range of commands and tricks, showcasing their cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. From obedience competitions to agility trials, dogs excel in various activities, demonstrating their versatility and teamwork with their handlers. Their eagerness to please and their willingness to learn make them exceptional companions for countless endeavors.

In conclusion, dogs hold a special place in the hearts of humans and continue to enrich our lives in countless ways. Their unwavering loyalty, intelligence, and versatility make them more than just pets; they are cherished friends and trusted partners. From offering emotional support as therapy animals to serving in practical roles like search and rescue or law enforcement, dogs showcase their exceptional capabilities. As we celebrate the bond between humans and dogs, let us remember to treat these remarkable creatures with the love, care, and respect they deserve. For it is in the presence of a dog that we truly understand the meaning of unconditional love and loyalty, making them man’s best friend for eternity.

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Essay On Dog

Dogs are the descendants of wolves and believed to be the most faithful animals. Dogs are widely domesticated animals and commonly loved by humans. If you look around, you may find that many of your family members or friends are ardent dog lovers. Here are a few sample essays on “Dog”.

100 Words Essay On Dog

Dogs, the first species to be domesticated, are the closest relatives to modern wolves. Hunter-gatherers first domesticated them over 15,000 years ago. Dogs are bred for various reasons. One of the most popular reasons to breed them is their sensory capabilities. Policemen and security widely use them to detect crime because of their smelling capabilities. Dogs have made human life easier and have performed various roles for mankind. From hunting to helping the police and military, dogs have been part and parcel of human life. Over the millennia, dogs have become adapted to humans and their behaviour and are thus referred to as “Man’s Best Friend”.

Essay On Dog

200 Words Essay On Dog

The dog is one of the most faithful species and is considered one of the most obedient animals worldwide. Dogs are carnivorous animals who like eating flesh. They belong to the “Canidae” family. Dogs belong to the categories of mammals as they are capable of reproduction. Dogs, when petted, become an essential part of the family. Your pain hurts them, and your happiness makes them happy.

How Dogs Become Family

Let me describe a small incident where my cousin cried buckets because her dog got hurt. I remember one evening when my cousins visited me. Tina came along with her dog, Tuffy. All of us decided to go somewhere to hang out, leaving Tuffy home. As we started the car, Tuffy started running behind our car and got hurt. Since we heard the sound of something getting hit by the car, we all stepped down to see what it was. As soon as Tina saw it was Tuffy and he got hurt, she started crying. Tuffy had started bleeding a little and had to be taken to the doctor. However, Tina kept crying the whole evening, and our outing plan was also cancelled. This shows how domesticated dogs become a part of our family.

500 Words Essay On Dog

Dogs are one of the favourite species of humans to pet. They are domesticated animals of the mammal family, whose scientific name is Canis Lupus Familiaris. Dogs are subspecies of grey wolves and also related to jackals and foxes. They are one of the most ubiquitous animals in the world.

How Dogs Communicate | Dogs bark when they wish to communicate something to someone. However, if you feel that a dog is barking excessively, it might signify that they wish to be left alone or feel threatened. Dogs also bark when they feel they are not getting enough attention and want to divert attention to themselves.

How Dogs Help Us | Different dogs belong to different breeds and thus, exhibit different characteristics. For example, domesticated dogs can help you reduce stress and anxiety. Thus, they have psychological advantages. Sniffer dogs are used in various detective missions because of their strong sense of smell.

Why Dogs Sniff | Dogs have a habit of sniffing other dogs’ rear ends. This is because sniffing rear ends helps them to gather chemical information and helps in the unique identification of another organism.

Ageing In Dogs | Ageing in dogs is another topic that humans have exaggerated. Humans believe that one human year is equivalent to 7 dog years. However, this is not true.

Despite being popularly- loved animals and one of the most widely domesticated species, dogs are often subject to cruelty, which is a sad reality. Here are a few ways we can contribute to protecting dogs from cruelty.

Protecting Dogs From Cruelty

Watching dogs exposed to animal cruelty can be a heart-wrenching experience, but knowing what you can do to prevent it can save many lives. Here are a few things you can do if you come across such a site:-

Get Veterinary Care | An abused dog or animal needs to be treated immediately. Thus, you first get the dog treated.

Voice Out | You need to voice out things to make a difference. Talk to its owner if you see a dog chained in any house. Ask them to care for their pet’s companion.

Know The Law | Get educated and be updated with animal protection laws, which can be of tremendous help to you.

Dog-Man’s Best Friend

This real-life story shows how dogs never give up on their masters. Once, a dog was adopted by an old man named Jammy. Jammy was quite old and used to live alone. To eradicate his loneliness, he adopted a dog and named him Tommy. Jammy used to spend all his time with Tommy – feeding him, playing with him, taking care of him, and nurturing him. As time passed, Tommy and Jammy became inseparable. But Jammy was getting older and unhealthier. One day Jammy did not wake up in the morning. He had died of cardiac arrest. Tommy couldn’t take his master's death, and when Jammy was being cremated, Tommy jumped into his funeral pyre and died. This story is a perfect example of how loyal and perfect friends dogs are.

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Dog - List of Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Dogs are domesticated mammals known for their loyalty, intelligence, and varied abilities, making them one of the most common companion animals worldwide. Essays on dogs might explore their domestication history, the diversity of breeds and their characteristics, or the human-dog relationship. Discussions might also delve into the roles dogs play in society, such as service or therapy dogs, working dogs in law enforcement or search and rescue, or the cultural significance of dogs in literature and art. Analyzing the multifaceted relationship between humans and dogs can offer an endearing exploration of companionship and mutual benefit. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Dog you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Dogs are Better than Cats Essay

Have you ever wondered why some people prefer cats while others prefer dogs? There are many reasons to get a pet. One could choose to get a pet for a companion, or to simply add to their family. Age also plays a factor in deciding the reasoning for taking on a pet. Older folks often choose to get a pet for companionship whereas younger folks tend to get a pet before making the decision to have children. Many families add […]

Compare and Contrast about Cats and Dogs

 Dogs and cats have several similarities, but even more distinctions. Both animals are easily loved by mankind and will display love and affection in return for good treatment. Some people enjoy the presence of a cat, and others are simply dog lovers. Based on the history, characteristics, and similarities of the two creatures, dogs are considered to be man's best friend- but most likely it's the feline who is. Thousands of years ago, a man trapped wolves and used a […]

How Animal Behavior Affects Adoption Rates

"The statistics are staggering at the amount of animals that wind up in animal shelters and humane societies across the country. While purchasing an animal from a registered purebred breeder is perfectly within the rights of an individual, we are facing a crisis in this country of over population. Ideally, every animal would have a home and every home would have an animal. However, that being said, that is not the case that we are currently facing. Millions of animals […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Dogs are the Best Pets

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The Social and Demographic Trends of the Dog Owners

Southern Delight, has all-natural ingredients and is gluten free. In pet food, gluten helps foods maintain their shape, acting as a glue that holds food together. Southern Delight also contains ingredients that not only maintain a healthy weight but also improve eyesight, hair, and nails. Southern Delight also has a good source of fiber and probiotics to keep your dog healthy and free of any bacteria within their system. Southern Delight may have additional cost but it's useful for all […]

Should People be Allowed to Keep Pit Bulls: Challenging Stereotypes

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Famous Fictional Dogs

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The Good Vs. Bad Dog

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Benefits of Adopting a Pet from Animal Shelter

Although many people in today’s society are wary of adopting a pet from an animal shelter due to factors such as being unsure of where an animal may have come from, old age, not being purebred, and an animal's potential behavioral and health issues, adoption can be extremely effective in most cases. Choosing to adopt a pet from your local Humane Society or shelter will not only help multiple animals in need by enforcing their safety, welfare, and well-being, but […]

A Problem of the Animal Adoption and Welfare

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Results from Research Conducted

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Companionship Beyond Words: Exploring the Depth of Human-Dog Relationships

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Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Animal Dog in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog


Dogs are my favourite animals due to their loyalty, intelligence, and companionship. They are often called “man’s best friend” for good reason.

Why I Love Dogs

Dogs are loyal and protective, always standing by their owners. They are smart, understanding commands and gestures. Dogs are also great companions, providing comfort and company.

The Joy of Having a Dog

Having a dog is like having a best friend who’s always happy to see you. Dogs bring joy and happiness, making our lives more beautiful. They teach us about unconditional love and loyalty.

In conclusion, dogs are my favourite animals due to their loyalty, intelligence, and companionship. They truly are man’s best friend.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog

The dog, often hailed as man’s best friend, has been the most loyal and affectionate animal to humans for thousands of years. My favourite animal, the dog, is not just a pet but a family member, offering companionship, emotional support, and even protection.

Symbol of Loyalty and Devotion

Dogs are renowned for their loyalty and devotion. They are capable of forming deep emotional bonds with their human caretakers, exhibiting an unparalleled level of loyalty. This is not merely an anthropomorphic interpretation of their behaviour; scientific studies have shown that dogs can experience similar emotions to humans, including love and attachment.

Intelligence and Trainability

Another reason why dogs are my favourite animal is their intelligence and trainability. Dogs are capable of learning a wide range of commands, tricks, and tasks, making them extremely adaptable. They are used in various fields such as search and rescue, therapy, and even in detecting diseases like cancer.

Emotional Support

Dogs provide emotional support, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. Their unconditional love and companionship can significantly improve mental health. Dogs have been used successfully in therapy settings, helping people cope with a range of mental health issues.

In conclusion, dogs are not just pets but companions, protectors, and even healers. Their loyalty, intelligence, and ability to provide emotional support make them my favourite animal. They enrich our lives in countless ways, giving us love, companionship, and a sense of purpose.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog

The animal kingdom is a vast and diverse realm, teeming with a myriad of species, each unique in its own way. Among all, the dog, often referred to as ‘man’s best friend’, stands out as my favorite animal. This essay explores the reasons behind my fondness for dogs, focusing on their intelligence, loyalty, and their role as companions.

One of the primary reasons I admire dogs is their intelligence and trainability. Dogs have been proven to understand human emotions and gestures, often responding in ways that showcase their cognitive abilities. They can be trained to perform complex tasks, from fetching items to assisting the police and military. Dogs’ intellectual capabilities are not merely limited to obeying commands; they also exhibit problem-solving skills, memory, and even a sense of time. This cognitive prowess makes dogs not just pets, but partners in various human activities.

Loyalty and Emotional Connection

Dogs are renowned for their loyalty, a trait that has been celebrated in numerous tales and anecdotes throughout history. This loyalty extends beyond simple companionship; dogs often form deep emotional connections with their human counterparts. They exhibit a unique empathy, sensing human emotions such as joy, sadness, and stress, and responding in kind. This emotional bond is perhaps why dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and continue to hold a special place in many households.

The Role of Dogs as Companions

Dogs serve as more than just pets; they are often seen as members of the family. Their playful demeanor and unconditional love provide emotional support and companionship, which can significantly improve the quality of life for their owners. Dogs are known to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, promote social interaction, and even improve physical health through the encouragement of regular exercise. Their companionship extends beyond the home, as dogs also serve crucial roles in therapy, from aiding individuals with physical disabilities to providing comfort in hospitals and care homes.

In conclusion, my fondness for dogs stems from their intelligence, loyalty, and the companionship they offer. Their ability to understand and respond to human emotions, coupled with their trainability, makes them an integral part of human society. Their unwavering loyalty and deep emotional connection make them more than just pets; they are family. The companionship they provide not only enhances the quality of life for their owners but also plays a crucial role in therapy and care. Indeed, the dog is not just my favorite animal but also a testament to the profound bond that can exist between humans and animals.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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  • My Pet Dog Essay in English for Students


Essay on My Pet Dog for Students

Essay writing is a crucial part of language studies. Not just that, it is also a mandatory question in the school exam. Essay writing is included in the exam to check students’ imagination and how well they can weave their thoughts into words. It also evaluates someone’s understanding of language and grammar. Many people love to have dogs as their pets as they are friendly, loyal and a great stress reliever. Students can get a free essay on My Pet Dog at Vedantu’s site.

An Introduction On My Pet Dog

The relationship between humans and dogs can’t be expressed in words. Dogs are loyal and friendly and their love is unconditional. Make friends with dogs and you will never feel lonely. A dog is a domestic animal. Dogs are harmless unless someone attacks them.

On the way back from school, I found a helpless hungry puppy lying on the roadside. I brought it home. It was obvious, my mother burst with anger on seeing this. But with time, my mother accepted him and allowed him to stay with us. He has sparkles in his eyes which attracted us. My sister called him Sheru and that’s how he got a new name. Sheru does not demand much but good food, frequent conversation, exercise and a little fun activity. 

Sheru is a member of our family. He loves to play and jumps all around the house. Everyone in the family loves him dearly as he is a stress buster for us. He is loyal and is a protractor of our family. There are a lot of lessons for why everyone must have dogs at home. Life becomes easy when you have an anytime available mate like them. They provide sympathy in our bad times, behave like a bodyguard in times of crises and a loving sibling at the time when we are lonely. 

Long Essay on Pet Dogs

Around the world, people keep various animals as their pets. Some are fond of cats, while others prefer fish aquariums, some love to play with cows in the cattle field. But by far, the most adored animal on the planet is a dog. It is called a man’s best friend for the same reason. The loyalty of a dog is unmatched and unbeatable. The best instinct in dogs is to protect their owner. In a world that is constantly changing and there is a rush in every aspect of life, pets provide a sense of security and peace for their owners. When the owner returns home, he/she finds a dog waiting and jumps towards them with a sense of joy and excitement. Dogs are an excellent company. A loyal confidante and undeniably cute. There are various instances in which dogs have shown their bravery, saved the lives of their owners. Some dogs, even though they aren't physically savage, still manage to rescue their owners from danger. The dogs can sense something wrong before it even happens. Animals are gifted with a sixth sense. 

For introverted people, dogs tend to be the perfect companions. The company of a dog is what a person needs when he/she is sad or upset. Dogs provide love and support, and they accurately detect when their owner is sad or crying. 

Studies have shown that being in company with a dog can result in less anxiety. For someone battling with anxiety disorder, I can vouch for it, that dogs are the greatest stress busters, and sometimes even replace therapy sessions. A long walk with a dog can do the trick.

Types of Dogs

Dogs come in a variety of breeds. The most famous dog breeds are Labrador retrievers, bulldogs, german shepherds and pugs. 

Although all the dogs are extremely friendly, nothing can beat a labrador when it comes to friendliness. They are loving and understand when their owner is upset or happy. The German shepherds, Dobermann and the bulldogs are quite protective, they serve well if the owner is living alone. The smaller breeds like pug and chihuahua are cute and are not that hard to tame. Pomeranians with their long hair are a little hard to maintain, but still can be done. 

In a real-life incident that happened in 2013, a mountain dog called Bella saved her owner out of a burning house. That's how protective and caring the dogs are. 

The reason dogs are so protective when it comes to their owners is that they consider them a family. But for a dog to act right when it's being protective it needs to be trained. Most dogs act aggressively when they are protective.

Short Essay On My Pet Dog

Owning a dog is also a huge responsibility and commitment. Owning a dog means taking care of it like a family member. It is like having a younger sibling or a small child in the home that constantly needs care and attention. 

Before owning a pet, one also needs to know how to train a dog as it is quite important.

The dogs also need timely health checkups and they need to be taken to the vet constantly. The diet should also be taken care of since most dogs are allergic to some things.

How Do Dogs Positively Affect Human Health?

Research has shown that, in the company of dogs, humans are more cheerful and happy. It is also known to reduce anxiety in humans as well as lower blood pressure. In severe cases, being in the company of dogs has cured depression and other mental health issues. 

Health Around Dogs

Any scratches or bites from dogs can be painful and may even be infectious, especially when dogs don't feel safe around something or are scared. The dog injuries can be prevented by training them and also taking a handful of precautions. Regular visits to the vet clinic can be helpful to keep any dog's infections or mites on the bay.

When petting the dog make sure the hands are washed before and after. This will reduce the risk of infections if any. 

The dogs also need hygienic surroundings. The food supplies and the dog utensils should be kept clean.

It is a human need to be loved and appreciated, and dogs do that pretty well. With the company of a dog, a human can seldom feel alone. Humans are more likely to recover from illnesses when they are in the company of a dog. The interesting fact is that owning a dog will increase one's physical activity and well-being, as you need to consistently take them out for a walk outdoors, it is a win-win for both the owner and the dog.


FAQs on My Pet Dog Essay in English for Students

1. Are dogs really a loyal animal?

Yes, dogs are really loyal and a faithful companion to have as a pet. However, if experts are to be believed, loyalty is just natural behaviour of dogs. Dogs are social creatures who prefer the company of other animals. This behaviour is a survival mechanism in dogs. Many animal experts believe this causes dogs to be loyal to their masters. 

2. Why are dogs considered one of the most loved pets?

Dogs are considered one of the most preferred and loved pets because of their friendly and loyal nature. They love to interact with humans and are believed to understand basic human emotions. Dogs are generally the most responsive animals to humans and provide excellent companionship when nurtured and taken care of. Presence of dogs at home reduces stress and makes everyone cheerful. 

3. Why is writing an essay on My Pet Dog a favourite topic for many students?

Kids love to write about their pet or animal companions, especially dogs. Love for pets is seen in most young children as they enjoy playing with them. Writing an essay on the topic My Pet Dog is really a fun task for kids as they get to express their feelings about their pet dog. In this essay, they can write about how they spend their time with their dogs, what their favourite pet loves to eat, etc. 

4. Which site provides simple essays for kids on My Pet Dog?

An essay on My Pet Dog can be found on educational websites like Vedantu. Vedantu is a premier learning platform known to cater to quality learning materials and solutions. On Vedantu’s site, students can find essays on many common topics such as My Pet Dog. These are written by experts to make students understand what to write when such topics are asked in exams. 

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My Dog Essay

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Published: Mar 5, 2024

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Psychological benefits of owning a dog, addressing counterarguments.

Image of Alex Wood

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essay of dog animal

  • Kids Learning
  • English Essays for Kids

Essay On My Pet Dog For Kids

An essay on my pet dog is one of the most interesting and trending topics at school for essay writing. A dog is considered a man’s best and most faithful friend. Kids love playing with their pet dogs and when given an opportunity they jump to the idea of writing an essay on my pet animal dog. They try to express their thoughts and feelings about their lovely friend in the best possible way.

Most people consider pets as a blessing in their lives. A pet showers unconditional love to his/her master. Pet owners often treat them like kids and the relationship evolves with time. To explore more about this topic, here we bring you a sample essay on my pet dog which can help young learners to pick some ideas when they are asked to write an essay on it.

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Essay on my pet dog.

Essay On My Pet Dog

Brownie runs very fast with his four tiny legs. He watches our house at night. In case of any noise, he barks out loudly. Although he barks at strangers, he never bites them. He loves eating vegetables and I sometimes offer him meat and fish to eat. I bathe him once every few days and play with him in the garden to ensure he is exposed to sunlight and fresh air every day.

My pet, Brownie is close to me and I love him very much. He cheers me up whenever I’m upset and we go for a walk every morning. He wags his tail with joy when I return from school. I take him to the veterinary doctor occasionally for vaccination. He is not just my pet dog, but my best friend too. He is indeed a blessing in my life.”

Dogs are indeed very intelligent and responsive pets who protect us from external dangers. We hope the above sample essay of my pet dog helps young ones to understand the importance of having a dog as a pet and how to draft an essay on this particular topic.

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Essay on Animals: How to Write a Persuasive Paper

  • Shelter and Rescue Work
  • spay and neuter

This girl (with help from her two black cats) is writing an essay on animals for school.

When writing a persuasive paper, your purpose is to convince your audience to agree with your idea or accept your recommendation for a course of action. If you’ve decided to write an essay on animals (either for a school assignment or for another purpose), here are the steps to follow.

1. Choose a topic

Some sample topics for an essay on animals include:

  • Everyone should spay or neuter their pets .
  • Adoption is the best option.
  • Dogs should be treated as individuals, not discriminated against because of breed.
  • Microchipping is important to keep pets with their families.

2. Research information on the topic

You can do research online and at the library, plus talk to experts in the field, to get more information. While reviewing the materials, look for interesting facts or tidbits that will hook your readers.

3. Create a flow chart 

4. write the thesis statement for your paper.

Now it's time to fill in the flow chart, first with your thesis statement. For example: "Everyone should spay or neuter their pets." This statement will go in the first box in your flow chart. The flow chart is a visual way to help you create an outline. An outline will help you organize the information in a logical order. Your finished product will have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

5. Write the reasons and supporting data

The body will contain the reasons and the supporting data listed on your flow chart. The body not only contains evidence to support your opinion but also addresses one or two opposing views. 

Be sure to include your counter-argument when stating the opposing view. For example, one opposing view to the above statement might be this: "Many people think that an animal who has been spayed or neutered will become lazy and fat." Your counter-argument could be this: "This is a misconception. The main reason pets become overweight is lack of exercise and overfeeding."

6. Note engaging facts

Keep the flow chart handy as you read through all the information you have gathered. In a separate place, write “Hooks and facts to grab the reader’s attention,” and as you review your material, jot down cool facts that you come across. For example: "Just one female cat and her offspring can produce an estimated 420,000 cats in only seven years."

7. Consider all angles

Be sure to address a wide variety of reasons to support your topic statement. For example: Think about pet overpopulation, overcrowded shelters, the costs to your city or town, the effects on pet health, and pet behavior. What would your audience find most important?

8. Expand each reason individually

Before writing your actual paper, keep your facts straight by writing each reason and the supporting evidence on separate sheets of paper or documents.

9. Write your essay

Write your first draft. Then, revise your outline and draft as needed until you have your final draft. If necessary, include a bibliography.

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Essay on Dog for Students and Children in 1000 Words

July 5, 2020 by ReadingJunction Leave a Comment

Essay on Dog for Students and Children in 1000 Words

In this article, you will read an Essay on Dog for Students and Children in 1000 Words. It includes characteristics, importance, breeds, and 10 lines on a dog.

Table of Contents

Introduction (Essay on Dog)

A dog is a domestic animal. A dog has powerful jaws so it can quite effectively eat flesh; it has four legs, two eyes, two ears, a tail, a mouth, and a nose. These are an ingenious animal and are useful to catch robbers.

They run very fast, barking loudly or attacking strangers. The dog is saving master life from risk. One can discover dogs all over the globe. 

Dogs are an extremely loyal animal. They have a keen intellect and a powerful sense of hearing which smells unique kinds stuff. They also have several qualities such as swimming throughout the water, jumping anywhere, and having a good sense of smell.

Color:  Dogs are of various colours. They are usually brown, black, or red. Most are white, but some are spotted. So they vary significantly in colour.

Size:  They also come in different sizes. Some dogs are extremely short, like most of them are thin or lean. Further, some are really powerful. Being two common feet tall, when it comes to English dogs, they are voluminous and powerful.

Food:  Dogs will eat up all but vegetables and fruits. They love to eat meat or bread. They can drink tea or milk, as well, and occasionally kill tiny birds such as parrots or pigeons for food. Besides, they may eat rats or cats too.

Habits:  A dog is an extremely loyal animal that always acknowledges its masters. To see him, it started wagging his tail. At the tiniest noise, it gets alert. When it sees a stranger, it barks. It is quite genuine and trustworthy.

Usefulness:  The dog is of great help to us. He’s our real friend . It never departs from its master. It safeguards his residence from thieves or robbers. It maintains a watch over his homes at night.

It’s very helpful for shepherds; it helps to keep their sheep or their goats safe. This drives the jackals or wolves off.

That is used in rabbits, deer, jackals, and other hunter’s animals, can be used to detect offenders. Spy dogs have done a service to humanity in many foreign nations.

Importance of Dog

Dogs have a powerful sense of smell. People like them more for their faithfulness. They’re smart, and they’re cautious. The dogs get a lot of colours like grey, white, black, brown, and white. They are of several kinds like a bloodhound, greyhound, pit-bull, Labrador, German shepherd, Rottweiler, bulldog poodle, and so on.

The dog usually feeds on fish, rice, bread, meat, milk, and so on. Many times dogs are named canines. Dogs sometimes are referred to as the closest buddy of man since they are kept as household pets but are generally loyal and like to be around the people.

They also help reduce stress , anxiety or depression, hopelessness, exercise or playfulness, or even enhance cardiovascular health. The dog also offers valuable accompaniment for older adults.

His master’s dogs have become so loyal nothing can ever lead him to leave his master. His master may be a poor person, or maybe even a beggar; however, dogs will not leave his master from a distance. It sees one’s master coming back from work or jumping up to them for expressing their love. 

Dogs are truthful mates, always willing to die and save a friend. If they ignore its barking, this can bite the thief and stranger, or try to mischief. Dogs also provide including day-night security for the owner.

Life Span of a Dog

A dog’s lifespan is quite small, but it can live for about 12-15 years, depending on their size, though smaller dogs are living longer lives. The female dog gives birth to a child or feeds on milk, and that is why dogs are in the category of mammals. The dog baby is named a puppy and pup and is named the kennel dog home. 

Their facility classifies dogs to people like police dogs, herding dogs, hunting dogs, guide dogs, guide dogs, sniffer dogs, and so on. It has a high smell of power that can arrest killers, thieves, or dacoits with police help. The armed force trains dogs to track explosives and to identify them.

Types of Dog Breeds

There are multiple kinds of breeds of dogs widely available. You can find a lengthy list of breeds of dogs available, and some among them are mentioned as titles like German shepherd, Doberman, Pitbull, Akbash Dog, Australian Shepherd, Basenjis, Boxer, Cairn Terrier, Beagle Barbet, Blue Lacy, Cane Corso, Polish Greyhound, and many more.

Need for Dogs

Airlines, police stations, borders, or schools can hire detection dogs. Most famous types of hunters or tracking dogs are monitoring but rather herding breeds, hounds, terriers, or dachshund. Such dogs are instructed for their human companions to become the eyes, ears and the retrievers.

10 Lines on Dog

We have listed here ten sentences about a dog, for you to have quick information

  • Dog is a faithful pet who keeps the master’s house safe from thieves and robbers.
  • Dogs have four legs with two arms and two legs, two ears, eyes, sharp teeth, and a long tail.
  • Dogs are usually very cautious while sleeping, and so they awake at the slightest movement.
  • Dogs are usually very faithful and loyal to their masters.
  • Different breeds of dogs available globally.
  • The dog is an intelligent pet.
  • Dogs are of a different color, like: red, black, and brown.
  • They come in a range of sizes differing from small to the big one.
  • Dog legs have sharp nails.
  • Dogs have powerful smelling senses.

Dogs are a superb swimmer. They are really quite helpful animals for pets. He respects his manager from the heart, and by their smell, he could even easily assume his / her existence. We should look after it well and maintain them in excellent condition. Hope you liked this essay on dog.

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essay of dog animal


“Dog is a man’s best friend” is a very common quote that best explains the relationship between man and dog. Dog has been the man’s companion since pre historic stone age. Both share a mutual give and take relationship, where a man feeds a dog in exchange of his services. Dogs are pretty honest to their masters and never ever betray or leave their side, even in most threatening situations.

Unlike other domesticated animals dog shares an exceptional emotional bond with its master and his family as well. A dog works as a watchdog, securing the premises of its owner; an alarming dog just in case if any suspicious activity is noted and works also as a playful mate. Dog and man share a pre historic relationship and will continue to do so till the last day on earth.

Long and Short Essay on Dog in English

We have provided below various essay on dog in order to help students.

Now-a-days, essays and paragraphs writing are common strategy followed by the teachers in schools and colleges in order to enhance student’s skill and knowledge about any subject.

All the dog essay provided here are written by the professional content writer using simple words and easy sentences under various words limit in order to fulfill the students need and requirement.

So, students can select any of the essays given below:

Dog Essay 1 (100 words)

The scientific name of a dog is Canis lupus familiaris. It is a domestic animal. It comes under the category of mammals as it gives birth to a baby and feed milk. Originally dogs are the breed of wolves. They are considered as the first animal ever to be domesticated by the human. There are many varieties of dogs which are used as pets by the humans. They are very helpful in nature and considered as the man’s best friend.

They have been proved very useful for the mankind for years. They understand human’s way of talking and nature very well. They can eat meat, vegetables, biscuits, milk and other things prepared as food especially for dogs. They perform their duties very well that’s why they are used as fire dogs, police dogs, assistance dogs, army dogs, hunting dogs, messenger dogs, rescue dogs, herding dogs, etc.


Dog Essay 2 (150 words)

Dog is a pet animal and has been proved as very useful and an obedient animal for the humankind. It is found all over the world in various varieties. It is very watchful animal provides its duties very faithfully. It has a sharp mind and bright eyes. It is an omnivorous animal which can eat both diet related to the plant and animal origin. It has very sharp teeth in order to tear and eat meat even bones.

They can be easily controlled and taught anything through proper training. According to the varieties of dogs some of them have fur on their whole bodies or only on their neck. Generally they have curved and hairy tail. They differ in their color, size and weight. It is very faithful animal and never cheats its owner. It guards the house of owner very watchfully from thieves 24 hrs a day. It is very friendly however become very dangerous whenever goes mad.

Dog Essay 3 (200 words)

Dog is a well-known domestic animal. It is very faithful and loyal friend of man. Wild dogs become very dangerous however pet ones are very friendly. They perform their duties very faithfully that’s why liked so much by the man. People love its service very much. They are available in various types; some of them are grey hounds, bull dogs, blood hounds, lap dogs, etc. It is a flesh eater however can eat plant origin foods that’s why called as carnivore as well as omnivore. Its teeth are very sharp which help him in tearing meat. Some dogs have long tail however some have short tail.

Its thin and strong legs help in running very fast. Dogs are generally differ in their size, shape, height, weight, color and behavior. Dogs eat many things (mainly flesh) however a domestic and trained dog can drop flesh diet and live on veg diet. European and wild dogs are very fond of eating meat and survive on flesh. A tame dog can also eat ordinary bread, rice and milk.

Dogs are useful in many fields such as guard, police, army, etc. Kids love to play with dogs in the playground. Domestic dogs live in family as a family member as they get attached heartily with everyone very soon because of its loyal jobs. Trained dogs become very loyal to their owners and do wonderful things.

Dog Essay 4 (250 words)

Dog is a pet animal and known as man’s best friend. A trained dog living in the family becomes loving friend of the humans. He guards home, offices, and man for whole day without getting anything in return. He respects his owner from heart and can guess his/her presence through their smell. Dogs can be of many kinds such as Bull dogs, Blood hounds, Grey hounds, lap dogs, etc.

A dog has sharp teeth so that it can eat flesh very easily. It has four legs, two ears, two eyes, a tail, a mouth, and a nose. It is very clever domestic animal and has been proved very useful in catching thieves and criminals. It does so as it has very powerful sense of hearing and smelling. It is loved by the people because of its noble service.

Wild dogs become carnivore however domestic dogs can be omnivore as they can eat bread, rice, fish, meat, etc. It is very intelligent and faithful animal to its owner. Because of their intelligence, they are used by the police and army to smell the traces of criminals and other investigations.

Dogs can catch thieves and robbers very easily through smell. A pet dog is considered as the family member and gets lots of love. Pet dogs have been proved a very good friends and Investigators. They are used as security agents to get solutions of problems by the investigation department. They are called as smart animal as they can learn anything through proper training.

Dog Essay 5 (300 words)

Scientific name of a dog is Canis lupus familiaris. It is found all over the world and considered as main domesticated animal and kept at home as pets. Dogs can be wild also and found in the jungles of Africa, Asia, and Australia. Some dogs, who are not pet, roam here and there on the street called as unpet or street dogs.

Wild dogs are rarely found in India such as Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Orissa, etc and much similar to the foxes and wolves. The place, where dog live at home, is called as kennel. Its baby is called as pup or puppy. Dogs vary in their colors, shapes, sizes, weight, and habits depending on the type. It is four footed carnivore animal however pet ones can be omnivore.

Some dogs that draw sledge are found in cold countries such as Greenland and Siberia. A female dog can give birth to 3-6 puppies in one time. The mother dog feeds milk and takes care to all her puppies till they become independent. The lifespan of a dog can be 12 to 15 years long. A dog sleeps in day however active in night that’s why it is called as nocturnal animal. It can make various sounds such as howl, snarl, bark, growl, etc in order to express different moods. It can run very fast thus fully capable to catch thieves and robbers.

Dogs are known as digitigrade animals as they use their toes while running or walking. They have well developed canine teeth to eat flesh. They have strong sense of smell and hearing that’s why they are used by the police and army to detect criminals. They also have sharp vision and understanding power thus called intelligent animal. Sweet glands are found in their tongue which helps in cooling themselves through the process of panting.

Dog Essay 6 (400 words)

Dog is a pet animal and considered as the man’s best friend. It gives a loving and honest companion to the man. It loves and respects its owner very much and can go everywhere with him. It shows affection towards the owner by wagging its tail and licking hand or face of owner. It helps a lot to its owner all through the life in various ways. It removes loneliness of the people by providing a friendly companion. It never allows anyone unknown to enter to the gate or touch anything of its owner. It starts barking very loudly whenever any stranger approaches the house.

It can bite a thief or stranger when they ignore its barking and try to mischief. Some people scared away very easily however some strangers never fear of it. Some people, who have pet sheep, must have dogs as they are very useful to look after sheep. They never allow any wolf or fox to come near or attack the sheep. It is very watchful animal and can catch strangers, thieves and criminals even they hide anywhere. Dog uses its sense of smell to find out the hiding thieves or criminals. Because of its watchful and intelligent nature, it is highly used by the police, army or other investigation department to catch murderers or criminals. It can led policemen to the places where murders have taken place.

It never leaves its owner whether he/she is poor, beggar or rich person. It obeys all the orders of its owner very sincerely. It becomes alert all time whether day or night to offer its services to the owner. That’s why it is called as faithful animal. It is very vigilant in nature and can hear very slow sound in the night and take action soon. It can guess the presence of its owner from long distance through smell and become alert to welcome him home. The life span of a dog is very small however it can live around 12 to 15 years long. Life span of a dog varies according to their size such as smaller dogs live longer life than the bigger ones.

A female dog gives birth to a baby and feed milk that’s why dogs come under the category of mammals. The baby of a dog is called as pup or puppy and its home as kennel. People use dogs to draws the sledge in the cold countries. Dogs are categorized according to their service to people such as guard dogs, herding dogs, hunting dogs, police dogs, guide dogs, sniffer dogs, etc.

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Students Will Love This Pet Animal Dog Essay Sample

The pet is a part of the family, and it is a great challenge to take responsibility for the little life. Many people like to get rodents, some prefer lizards and even spiders, but most people bring dogs home.

Informative Essay About Dogs

Photo from Depositphotos

A dog can cure their owners of apathy, anxiety, and bring a lot of joy in their life. There is no doubt that dogs and their owners can even start looking like each other. You can read about it in any scholarly research such as the next pet animal dog essay. There is nothing miraculous here, because when we spend a lot of time with a beloved one, we became a bit similar. More and more people like to adopt a dog from an animal shelter. This step shows the kindness of the owner and the responsibility of having a pet. Meanwhile, people often bring expensive purebred dogs to shelters or even throw them out.

Students often want to raise this problem to scholarly research; as such, you can read informative essays about dogs here. In this essay, the author wants to show the advantages of dog adoption over buying a new one.

At the WritingCheap service, you can find not only essay on dog ownership but many other samples we kindly present on our blog page.

Why Should People Adopt Dogs and Not Buy? Bringing a dog into your family can be a very exciting event. Planning out the food, toys, and treats to buy with your new companion brings more anticipation for bringing home your new pet. Where do you find your new friend, though? Should you purchase a puppy from the pet store in the mall, or should you find an animal shelter to adopt from regardless of the animal’s age? While the puppies in the windows of the mall shop have cuteness appeal, adopting a dog from a shelter is actually the better option. By adopting a dog from a shelter, you are not supporting puppy mill businesses, and you are possibly giving an older dog a second chance. A puppy mill is an organization for the mass breeding of puppies to be sold in stores. These organizations are unhealthy for puppies and their mothers. According to American Humane, these operations are unregulated so there is no guarantee the mothers and their puppies are having their basic needs being met (“Puppy Mills and Mass Breeding,” 2016). Along with their basic needs, these dogs are not being socialized or getting veterinary care. When adopting a dog from a humane society, you are preventing puppy mills from profiting. By not giving any profits to puppy mill companies, such as the stores in shopping malls, the mills are not getting anymore money to put towards staying open. Also, when you adopt a dog from an animal shelter, you can be assured your new pet has had its medical needs met, which can mean they are spayed or neutered and up to date on their shots (“Top Reasons to Adopt a Pet”). Another reason adopting from a shelter is better than buying from a store that supports puppy mills is that you may be giving an older dog a second chance. It is easy to understand how puppy stores are so profitable. People want to adopt a puppy because it is an adorable new life. When adopting from a shelter, though, puppies are not always an option. Instead, many of the dogs available are already adults. These dogs have been placed in shelters for various reasons, whether their previous family could not afford to care for them anymore or they were simply found roaming the streets. Shelters are frequently overwhelmed with the amount of animals they bring in, which means many of the animals coming in could be euthanized if they are left unadopted. The Humane Society has noted that by adopting an animal from their shelters, you are preventing that animal from being euthanized, and you are also freeing up space for another animal to be brought in (“Top Reasons to Adopt a Pet”). Puppy stores are largely popular because they are in populated areas such as malls and provide adorable puppies, provoking people to buy them. Adopting from animal shelters is a better option, though, because it prevents stores supported by puppy mills from profiting on their unethical practice, and it gives an older dog a second chance for a happy home. If people stop shopping at puppy stores completely and switch to solely adopting from shelters, puppy mills will have no choice but to stop breeding and shut down. This will also be beneficial for shelters: with more people adopting dogs, the shelters will have more space for incoming animals and less animals will have to be euthanized. Resources Puppy Mills and Mass Breeding. (2016, August 26). American Humane. Retrieved May 8, 2020, from https://www.americanhumane.org/position-statement/puppy-mills-and-mass-breeding/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwhtT1BRCiARIsAGlY51IZqtbC0j7gua-Zje2UMRp_UzTUz7FbPzWdu5jaYAISdw0P7hHGxbIaAjwlEALw_wcB. Top Reasons to Adopt a Pet. (n.d.). Humane Society. Retrieved May 8, 2020, from https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/top-reasons-adopt-pet.

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Essay on Dog in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on “Dog is a man’s best friend” is a very common quote that best explains the relationship between man and dog. Dog has been the man’s companion since pre historic stone age. Both share a mutual give and take relationship, where a man feeds a dog in exchange of his services. Dogs are pretty honest to their masters and never ever betray or leave their side, even in most threatening situations.

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Target Exam ---

Unlike other domesticated animals dog shares an exceptional emotional bond with its master and his family as well. A dog works as a watchdog, securing the premises of its owner; an alarming dog just in case if any suspicious activity is noted and works also as a playful mate. Dog and man share a pre historic relationship and will continue to do so till the last day on earth.

Long and Short Essay on Dog in English

We have provided below various essay on dog in order to help students.

Now-a-days, essays and paragraphs writing are common strategy followed by the teachers in schools and colleges in order to enhance student’s skill and knowledge about any subject.

All the dog essay provided here are written by the professional content writer using simple words and easy sentences under various words limit in order to fulfill the students need and requirement.

So, students can select any of the essays given below:

Dog Essay 1 (100 words)

The scientific name of a dog is Canis lupus familiaris. It is a domestic animal. It comes under the category of mammals as it gives birth to a baby and feed milk. Originally dogs are the breed of wolves. They are considered as the first animal ever to be domesticated by the human. There are many varieties of dogs which are used as pets by the humans. They are very helpful in nature and considered as the man’s best friend.

Dogs have been proved very useful for the mankind for years. They understand human’s way of talking and nature very well. Dogs can eat meat, vegetables, biscuits, milk and other things prepared as food especially for dogs. They perform their duties very well that’s why they are used as fire dogs, police dogs, assistance dogs, army dogs, hunting dogs, messenger dogs, rescue dogs, herding dogs, etc.

Dog Essay 2 (150 words)

Dog is a pet animal and has been proved as very useful and an obedient animal for the humankind. It is found all over the world in various varieties. It is very watchful animal provides its duties very faithfully. Dogs has a sharp mind and bright eyes. It is an omnivorous animal which can eat both diet related to the plant and animal origin. It has very sharp teeth in order to tear and eat meat even bones.

They can be easily controlled and taught anything through proper training. According to the varieties of dogs some of them have fur on their whole bodies or only on their neck. Generally they have curved and hairy tail. They differ in their color, size and weight. It is very faithful animal and never cheats its owner. Dogs guards the house of owner very watchfully from thieves 24 hrs a day. It is very friendly however become very dangerous whenever goes mad.

Dog Essay 3 (200 words)

Dog is a well-known domestic animal. It is very faithful and loyal friend of man. Wild dogs become very dangerous however pet ones are very friendly. They perform their duties very faithfully that’s why liked so much by the man. People love its service very much. They are available in various types; some of them are grey hounds, bull dogs, blood hounds, lap dogs, etc. It is a flesh eater however can eat plant origin foods that’s why called as carnivore as well as omnivore. Its teeth are very sharp which help him in tearing meat. Some dogs have long tail however some have short tail.

Its thin and strong legs help in running very fast. Dogs are generally differ in their size, shape, height, weight, color and behavior. Dogs eat many things (mainly flesh) however a domestic and trained dog can drop flesh diet and live on veg diet. European and wild dogs are very fond of eating meat and survive on flesh. A tame dog can also eat ordinary bread, rice and milk.

Dogs are useful in many fields such as guard, police, army, etc. Kids love to play with dogs in the playground. Domestic dogs live in family as a family member as they get attached heartily with everyone very soon because of its loyal jobs. Trained dogs become very loyal to their owners and do wonderful things.

Dog Essay 4 (250 words)

Dog is a pet animal and known as man’s best friend. A trained dog living in the family becomes loving friend of the humans. He guards home, offices, and man for whole day without getting anything in return. He respects his owner from heart and can guess his/her presence through their smell. Dogs can be of many kinds such as Bull dogs, Blood hounds, Grey hounds, lap dogs, etc.

A dog has sharp teeth so that it can eat flesh very easily. It has four legs, two ears, two eyes, a tail, a mouth, and a nose. Dogs is very clever domestic animal and has proved very useful in catching thieves and criminals. It does so as it has very powerful sense of hearing and smelling. It loved by the people because of its noble service.

Wild dogs become carnivore however domestic dogs can be omnivore as they can eat bread, rice, fish, meat, etc. It is very intelligent and faithful animal to its owner. Because of their intelligence, they used by the police and army to smell the traces of criminals and other investigations.

Dogs can catch thieves and robbers very easily through smell. A pet dog is considered as the family member and gets lots of love. Pet dogs have proved a very good friends and Investigators. They used as security agents to get solutions of problems by the investigation department. They called as smart animal as they can learn anything through proper training.

Dog Essay 5 (300 words)

Scientific name of a dog is Canis lupus familiaris. It found all over the world and considered as main domesticated animal and kept at home as pets. Dogs can be wild also and found in the jungles of Africa, Asia, and Australia. Some dogs, who are not pet, roam here and there on the street called as unpet or street dogs.

Wild dogs rarely found in India such as Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Orissa, etc and much similar to the foxes and wolves. The place, where dog live at home, called as kennel. Its baby called as pup or puppy. Dogs vary in their colors, shapes, sizes, weight, and habits depending on the type. It four footed carnivore animal however pet ones can be omnivore.

Some dogs that draw sledge found in cold countries such as Greenland and Siberia. A female dog can give birth to 3-6 puppies in one time. The mother dog feeds milk and takes care to all her puppies till they become independent. The lifespan of a dog can be 12 to 15 years long. A dog sleeps in day however active in night that’s why it called as nocturnal animal. It can make various sounds such as howl, snarl, bark, growl, etc in order to express different moods. It can run very fast thus fully capable to catch thieves and robbers.

Dogs known as digitigrade animals as they use their toes while running or walking. They have well developed canine teeth to eat flesh. Dogs have strong sense of smell and hearing that’s why they used by the police and army to detect criminals. They also have sharp vision and understanding power thus called intelligent animal. Sweet glands found in their tongue which helps in cooling themselves through the process of panting.

Dog Essay 6 (400 words)

Dog is a pet animal and considered as the man’s best friend. It gives a loving and honest companion to the man. It loves and respects its owner very much and can go everywhere with him. Dogs shows affection towards the owner by wagging its tail and licking hand or face of owner. It helps a lot to its owner all through the life in various ways. Dogs removes loneliness of the people by providing a friendly companion. It never allows anyone unknown to enter to the gate or touch anything of its owner. Dogs starts barking very loudly whenever any stranger approaches the house.

It can bite a thief or stranger when they ignore its barking and try to mischief. Some people scared away very easily however some strangers never fear of it. Some people, who have pet sheep, must have dogs as they are very useful to look after sheep. They never allow any wolf or fox to come near or attack the sheep. It is very watchful animal and can catch strangers, thieves and criminals even they hide anywhere. Dog uses its sense of smell to find out the hiding thieves or criminals. Because of its watchful and intelligent nature, it highly used by the police, army or other investigation department to catch murderers or criminals. It can led policemen to the places where murders have taken place.

Dog never leaves its owner whether he/she is poor, beggar or rich person. It obeys all the orders of its owner very sincerely. It becomes alert all time whether day or night to offer its services to the owner. That’s why it called as faithful animal. It is very vigilant in nature and can hear very slow sound in the night and take action soon. It can guess the presence of its owner from long distance through smell and become alert to welcome him home. The life span of a dog is very small however it can live around 12 to 15 years long. Life span of a dog varies according to their size such as smaller dogs live longer life than the bigger ones.

A female dog gives birth to a baby and feed milk that’s why dogs come under the category of mammals. The baby of a dog called as pup or puppy and its home as kennel. People use dogs to draws the sledge in the cold countries. Dogs categorized according to their service to people such as guard dogs, herding dogs, hunting dogs, police dogs, guide dogs, sniffer dogs, etc.

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Short Essay on My Favourite Animal [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Essays on the favourite animal are one of the most important topics you may find relevant for your upcoming English writing comprehension test. In this lesson, you will learn to write essays on your favourite Animals. So, let’s get started.

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Short essay on my favourite animal dog in 100 words.

  • Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Cat in 200 Words 
  • Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Lion in 400 Words 

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All animals are amazing but my favourite animal is the dog. Dogs are very loyal and make great pets. They love their owners and protect them from dangers. Dogs are largely carnivorous and eat meat, bones, organs, and some plant-based food.

Dogs are closely related to wolves, coyotes, and foxes and were domesticated by man thousands of years ago. They served as companions during hunts as well as protectors and guards. Today, dogs are mostly kept as pets at home and are treated as family members. However, there are many dogs who live miserable lives on the streets and are uncared for. We must take care of dogs and be kind to them. 

Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Cat in 200 Words

I love all animals but my favourite animal is the cat. Cats are small and cute. They have tiny paws, sharp claws, and a furry body and tail. They have beautiful bright eyes which glow in the dark. They are commonly found in colours like black, white, brown, ginger, and orange.

There are more than 60 different varieties of cats. Cats are carnivorous mammals and love to eat different types of fish like tuna and salmon. They also eat meats like chicken, turkey, beef, some whole-grain foods, and eggs. In the wild, they are known to catch rats, mice, lizards, snakes, and other small animals for food. 

Cats know how to take care of themselves and don’t demand much attention from their owners. Hence, they make great pets for people who work full time and live in small apartments. Cats love their freedom and space but they also love their owners.

They will always be there to cheer you up when you need them. They love to purr and rub against their owners to show them their affection. Many pet cats bring dead mice, twigs, and other things that they like to their owners as a token of appreciation. Each cat has a unique personality and they always make their humans happy. 

Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Lion in 400 Words

All animals are unique and amazing in their own ways. I love them all but my favourite animal is the lion. Lions are wild animals and their natural habitat includes scrublands, grasslands, savannahs, and rocky hills. They were historically found in many places around the world but now, due to loss of habitat and illegal hunting activities, they are mostly found in zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, and reserves. However, they can still be found in the wild in Africa as well as in the Gir forest in Gujarat, India. 

Lions are majestic animals and are known as the ‘King of the jungle’. There are many different subspecies of lions, like Asiatic lions, Barbary lions, Congo lions, Transvaal lions, and African lions. Male lions have a beautiful signature mane around their neck and are much larger than the females of the same species. Male lions are known to act as the protectors of the pride while the females do all the hunting.

Pride is a family unit of lions that may contain a few lions, a dozen or so lionesses, and their adolescent and young ones. Each pride has its own territory and lions mark and defend these areas by roaring and scent-marking. These territories are fiercely defended against intruding lions and male lions may sometimes get into huge fights over their territories. 

Lions usually prey on medium to large animals like zebras, antelopes, hippopotamuses, and buffaloes but they can also kill and eat smaller or larger animals, depending on the need. They are also known to eat animals killed and left by other predators. Lionesses stalk their prey from nearby cover and then leap and lunge at its neck, biting and strangling it until it is killed. Members of the pride then come forward to feed on the kill. An adult lion can eat about 34 kilograms of meat at once. 

Lions usually breed once every year in captivity but in the wild, they breed once every two or three years. Lion cubs are born with dark spots on their fur coat which fade away as they mature. They can follow their mother after 3 months and can participate in hunting after 11 months.

However, they still need assistance and can not survive on their own before two years of age. The cubs become adults at about three to four years of age and while most female cubs become members of their mother’s pride, male cubs are forced out and become nomads. 

Lions are incredible animals and have always intrigued me. They are truly the ‘kings’. 

In the session above, I have written three essays on three different animals. You can choose any of those according to your requirements. I have also tried to write the essays in a very simple language that every student can easily understand. If you still have any queries regarding this context, please let us know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on several important topics, keep browsing our Website. 

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Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog for Students [Easy Words]

January 12, 2021 by Sandeep

My Favourite Animal Essay: Dogs are the best friends of humans. They are the most lovable pet animals. They are known for their extremely loyal nature towards their masters. They have sharp teeth, alert eyes and ears, friendly nature and faithful companions. They help in catching thieves and sniffers help in bomb detection and criminal investigations. They are intelligent and have a great sense of smell. They are clever, smart and live selflessly with other family members.

Essay on My Favourite Animal

Below we have provided My Favourite Animal Essay in English, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

The bond shared between humans and animals is a profound one. Their interaction influences their behaviour. To some extent, they are mutually dependent on each other. There are numerous species of animals. All of these have unique abilities and roles on this planet. Some people are fond of wild animals, whereas some love to have pets of their own. I find animals to be very interesting and friendly. Out of all of them, my favourite animal is a dog.

Dogs are often taken as a pet because of their domestic nature. They are four-footed animals with bright shiny eyes. They have sharp noses which enables them to have a strong sense of smell.  They have two ears, sharp teeth, and a short tail. Dogs can be of different kinds. Some are small, whereas some are giants. Some are sleek, and some are furry. Their skin tones and shades vary. We can find them in different colours like white, black, brown, red, and grey.

They are present all across the globe. They can be your best friend in a matter of minutes. They are just adorable. Sometimes they can act a bit goofy and playful. However, they form an integral part of our lives once we get to know them. Dogs are very protective and faithful to us humans. They are extremely intelligent and can guard our homes from strangers. In case of theft or any other suspicious activity, their loud barks can wake up an entire neighbourhood.

Children love to spend time with dogs. They can be your true companion. These beautiful creatures are full of energy and are bound to lighten up your mood. Dogs are not only quick-witted but also easily adapt to varying situations. They love to be surrounded by their favourite humans. They can sense it if you are depressed or anxious. They try their best to get you out of that state of mind.

Having a dog means a positive effect on your fitness and well-being. They are robust creatures who love to run around. Exercise becomes a part of your life around them. Whenever you are around them, you find yourself smiling and laughing. These are affectionate animals that respect their humans and must be treated well. It is our responsibility to look after these kind and hearty companions.

Animal Essay

what happens in spring animals in spring Book

500 Words Essay on Animal

Animals carry a lot of importance in our lives. They offer humans with food and many other things. For instance, we consume meat, eggs, dairy products. Further, we use animals as a pet too. They are of great help to handicaps. Thus, through the animal essay, we will take a look at these creatures and their importance.

animal essay

Types of Animals

First of all, all kinds of living organisms which are eukaryotes and compose of numerous cells and can sexually reproduce are known as animals. All animals have a unique role to play in maintaining the balance of nature.

A lot of animal species exist in both, land and water. As a result, each of them has a purpose for their existence. The animals divide into specific groups in biology. Amphibians are those which can live on both, land and water.

Reptiles are cold-blooded animals which have scales on their body. Further, mammals are ones which give birth to their offspring in the womb and have mammary glands. Birds are animals whose forelimbs evolve into wings and their body is covered with feather.

They lay eggs to give birth. Fishes have fins and not limbs. They breathe through gills in water. Further, insects are mostly six-legged or more. Thus, these are the kinds of animals present on earth.

Importance of Animals

Animals play an essential role in human life and planet earth. Ever since an early time, humans have been using animals for their benefit. Earlier, they came in use for transportation purposes.

Further, they also come in use for food, hunting and protection. Humans use oxen for farming. Animals also come in use as companions to humans. For instance, dogs come in use to guide the physically challenged people as well as old people.

In research laboratories, animals come in use for drug testing. Rats and rabbits are mostly tested upon. These researches are useful in predicting any future diseases outbreaks. Thus, we can protect us from possible harm.

Astronomers also use animals to do their research. They also come in use for other purposes. Animals have use in various sports like racing, polo and more. In addition, they also have use in other fields.

They also come in use in recreational activities. For instance, there are circuses and then people also come door to door to display the tricks by animals to entertain children. Further, they also come in use for police forces like detection dogs.

Similarly, we also ride on them for a joyride. Horses, elephants, camels and more come in use for this purpose. Thus, they have a lot of importance in our lives.

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Conclusion of Animal Essay

Thus, animals play an important role on our planet earth and in human lives. Therefore, it is our duty as humans to protect animals for a better future. Otherwise, the human race will not be able to survive without the help of the other animals.

FAQ on Animal Essay

Question 1: Why are animals are important?

Answer 1: All animals play an important role in the ecosystem. Some of them help to bring out the nutrients from the cycle whereas the others help in decomposition, carbon, and nitrogen cycle. In other words, all kinds of animals, insects, and even microorganisms play a role in the ecosystem.

Question 2: How can we protect animals?

Answer 2: We can protect animals by adopting them. Further, one can also volunteer if one does not have the means to help. Moreover, donating to wildlife reserves can help. Most importantly, we must start buying responsibly to avoid companies which harm animals to make their products.

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Walnut and Me

By Sam Anderson Illustrations by Gaia Alari

Listen to Episode 1 of the series, where Sam Anderson explains his love for his dog, Walnut. Find all episodes of ‘Animal’ at nytimes.com/animal .


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Photo credit: Ryan Carll/Upstate Images

Sam Anderson is a staff writer for the magazine. He has written about rhinos, pencils, poets, water parks, basketball, weight loss and the fountain of youth.

Gaia Alari is a self-taught illustrator and animator, specializing in a traditional frame-by-frame style of hand animation.

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Is your family seeking a pet? Meet Spunkmeyer, Ansel, Cookie others at OKC-area shelters

Editor's note: Some animal shelters may still have restrictions due to illness. Please contact all area shelters before visiting.

Bethany Animal Control Shelter: Closed for adoptions due to vet clinic closing. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the first Saturday of the month, 5100 N College, 405-789-3431.

Central Oklahoma Humane Society Center: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, noon to 5 p.m. Sundays, 7500 N Western Ave., 405-286-1229.

El Reno Animal Shelter: Closed to intake animals, but open for adoption 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays, 2400 Spur Lane, 405-262-2121.

Edmond Animal Welfare Shelter: Pet adoptions are by appointment only during normal hours 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and noon to 4:30 p.m. Saturdays. Closed Sundays and Mondays. 2424 Old Timbers Drive, 405-216-7615.

Free to Live: 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Closed Wednesdays. Four miles north of Waterloo Road on Western Avenue, 405-282-8617, or www.freetoliveok.org.

Midwest City Animal Shelter: Closed to intake animals, open for adoptions 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday; noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, and closed on Sundays, 8485 E Reno Ave., 405-739-1400 or www.midwestcityok.org.

Moore Animal Shelter: Closed to intake animals, but open for adoptions 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.; 1 to 4 p.m. Wednesday; 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, and closed on Sundays, 4000 S Interstate 35 Service Road, 405-793-5190.

Mustang Animal Shelter: Closed due to illness. Operating hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; 8:30 to noon Wednesday; 9:30 a.m. to noon Friday, and closed on the weekend, 520 SW 59, 405-256-6207.

Oklahoma City Animal Welfare: Open for cat adoptions and some dogs noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Until overcrowding gets under control, adoption fees are waived for all dogs, no matter their size. Call to inquire about adoptions available 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week at 2811 SE 29. For more information, go to www.okc.petfinder.com and www.okc.gov.

Pets and People Humane Society: Noon to 5:30 p.m. daily for adoptions, 701 Inla Ave., Yukon, 405-350-7387, www.petsandpeople.com.

The Village Animal Shelter: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, 1701 NW 115. Call 405-751-0493 before visiting shelter.

Warr Acres Animal Shelter: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, 405-789-9025.

Yukon Animal Shelter: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Fridays, 8 a.m. to noon. Saturdays, 501 Ash Ave., 405-354-6312

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A woman took her dog to a shelter to be euthanized. A year later, the dog is up for adoption again

Kristie Pereira and her dog Beau pose for a photo in Laurel, Md., in January 2023. Pereira is seeking answers after the sick dog she took to a shelter to have euthanized turned up more than a year later on a rescue adoption site. (Kristie Pereira via AP)

Kristie Pereira and her dog Beau pose for a photo in Laurel, Md., in January 2023. Pereira is seeking answers after the sick dog she took to a shelter to have euthanized turned up more than a year later on a rescue adoption site. (Kristie Pereira via AP)

The Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation signage is displayed on its building in Falls Church, Va. Friday, May 24, 2024. A woman is seeking answers after the sick dog she took to the foundation to have euthanized turned up more than a year later on a rescue adoption site. (AP Photo/Matthew Barakat)

Beau poses for a photo in Laurel, Md., in January 2023. Kristie Pereira is seeking answers after the sick dog she took to a shelter to have euthanized turned up more than a year later on a rescue adoption site. (Kristie Pereira via AP)

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Exhausted and short on options after consulting two veterinary clinics, Kristie Pereira made the gut-wrenching decision last year to take her desperately ill puppy to a Maryland shelter to be euthanized.

So she was stunned last week to find the dog up for adoption at the same pet rescue organization where she had gotten it.

“I have a lot of questions, but first and foremost, I want him back with me,” Pereira told The Associated Press on Friday.

Pereira, who now lives in San Antonio, said she was working from home in Maryland when she paid $450 in late 2022 to adopt a 2-month-old hound mix from a local group, Lost Dog & Cat Rescue Foundation.

Eddie Peng poses with his dog Xin during an interview for the film 'Black Dog' at the 77th international film festival, Cannes, southern France, Tuesday, May 21, 2024. (Photo by Andreea Alexandru/Invision/AP)

She named the puppy Beau, and the two quickly became inseparable. Beau snuggled next to her as she worked, slept in her bed and even tagged along with her when Pereira would leave the house. But within weeks, it became clear something was wrong with the puppy, Pereira said.

A veterinarian concluded that the issue was most likely neurological. Blood tests did show the dog might have a liver problem, so Pereira was sent home with liver enzymes and told that she would “see improvement pretty fast” if Beau’s liver was the issue.

The dog’s condition only worsened. The dog’s veterinarian, the clinic’s lead veterinarian and an animal emergency room veterinarian all agreed the dog’s inability to control his bowels and lift his hind legs pointed to a severe neurological problem, Pereira said.

The cost to run a series of tests to find out, she said, was quoted as high as $12,000. Despite the sticker shock, Pereira, 32, who works in digital marketing, said she would have found a way to pay it if it would save Beau.

Instead, she was told “there’s a very slim chance of finding what is wrong,” she recalled. “And even if we do, there’s an even smaller chance of it being something that we can fix.”

That is when they began suggesting that it might be more humane to euthanize the puppy. She wasn’t ready to consider that option, she said, and held out for another month.

Throughout all of it, Pereira said, she was consulting staff at Lost Dog & Cat Rescue.

Beau poses for a photo in Laurel, Md., in January 2023. Kristie Pereira is seeking answers after the sick dog she took to a shelter to have euthanized turned up more than a year later on a rescue adoption site. (Kristie Pereira via AP)

“Honestly, I mean, after I talked to them is really when I felt, you know, that I was going to be doing the right thing by putting him down,” Pereira said. “They really gave me that support and that encouragement that, although it’s hard, sometimes that’s the best thing to do.”

Following several sleepless nights with Beau clearly in pain, Pereira said she took Beau to Montgomery County Animal Services in Derwood, Maryland, in late March 2023 and paid $15 for him to be euthanized. She was told that the shelter’s policy does not allow people to stay with their pets as they are put down.

It was during a visit to see her mother in Maryland last week that curiosity sent her to the rescue’s website to check out dogs up for adoption — and spotted Beau’s picture. The puppy was bigger but had the same markings and bore the name the rescue had given him before she adopted him: Amos Hart, based on a character in the musical “Chicago.”

Calls to the shelter confirmed that her dog had not been euthanized after veterinarians there didn’t think he needed to be. The shelter instead called Lost Dog & Cat Rescue and turned the puppy back over to them.

The rescue confirmed that Friday in a written statement, giving an extensive timeline showing that its veterinarians found no neurological issues with the dog. After tests diagnosing a liver problem and a $7,000 surgery — paid for through a GoFundMe campaign — the dog was declared healthy.

None of it was shared with Pereira, who said Friday she would pay the $7,000 cost to get Beau back. It took several days for anyone at the rescue to return her calls, she said, and when they did, it was not anyone Pereira had talked with before.

“The person that called me was so rude and just disrespectful and just being really nasty towards me,” she said, breaking down in tears. “Just saying, you know, that I abandoned him, and that I left him to die. That I never cared about him.”

Pereira was told that the dog “will never go back to you.” Then the person hung up.

The Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation signage is displayed on its building in Falls Church, Va. Friday, May 24, 2024. A woman is seeking answers after the sick dog she took to the foundation to have euthanized turned up more than a year later on a rescue adoption site. (AP Photo/Matthew Barakat)

Rescue spokesperson Chloe Floyd would not answer questions about whether someone at the rescue said those things to Pereira. But she defended the decision not to return the dog.

“LDCRF does not re-home an owner-surrendered dog with its former adopter/owner,” Floyd said in her written statement. “Our mission is to save adoptable and safe-to-the-community dogs from euthanasia.”

The rescue acknowledged that it had spoken to Pereira during her deliberation about whether to euthanize the puppy, but it said it had made clear to her the importance of taking the dog to a veterinarian that would allow her to be with the animal when it was euthanized. If she could not do that, it emphasized, the rescue would take the dog back.

The rescue and the shelter both faulted Pereira for not consenting to the extensive testing to see if it was suffering neurological issues.

Caroline Hairfield, executive director of Montgomery County Animal Services, said that it is bound by contract to return surrendered animals back to the rescue and that its hands are tied.

Hairfield said of Pereira that “everyone feels for her,” but that it’s up to the rescue on whether it will return the dog to her.

“That’s a civil issue between the two of them,” she said. “We haven’t had the animal in our care for a year.”

The dog remained available for adoption Friday on the rescue’s website.

essay of dog animal

6-week-old baby fatally mauled in crib by family dog in Tennessee

essay of dog animal

Law enforcement officials in Tennessee confirmed they are investigating after the death of a newborn baby who was mauled by a family dog.

Knox County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Kimberly Glenn on Friday confirmed the child's death.

Glenn would not release details about the case including the call time and location, citing it was "confidential as it involved a juvenile."

But the baby's parents, Chloe and Mark Mansoor told WVLT-TV their 6-week-old child, Ezra, was napping in his crib when the family's husky attacked the baby.

According to a fundraisier posted on both parents' Facebook pages, the attack on their only child took place May 24. The baby was taken to a children's hospital in Knoxville in critical condition before dying on Thursday, according to the fundraiser.

"Baby Ezra passed away today with his family by his side and is in the arms of Jesus. Although Mark and Chloe are beyond devastated, they have found comfort in knowing that other children will receive the gift of life with his organ donation," organizer Lesley Richard wrote Thursday in an update.

As of Friday, donators had raised more than $7,500 to financially help the baby's parents.

Advice that could save your life: Animal attacks reported across USA this spring.

Parents of newborn killed by dog asks for prayers

The couple told the TV station they owned the dog for eight years and had no issues with their pet prior to the attack.

"Pray for all the family really, everyone loved him so much. I know everyone's grieving right now, we're grieving right now, and it's going to be a lifelong process trying to work through this," the child's mother told the outlet.

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Husky taken to animal shelter

The case remained open and under investigation Friday, officials said.

The dog was taken to an animal shelter in Knoxville per protocol.

Natalie Neysa Alund is a senior reporter for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] and follow her on X @nataliealund.

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Chinese zoo under fire after dyeing dogs to resemble pandas

HONG KONG — A zoo in China has been accused of trying to deceive visitors with a pair of dogs dyed black and white to look like panda bears .

Videos circulating on Chinese social media show the two “panda dogs” in an exhibit at Taizhou Zoo in the eastern province of Jiangsu that opened on May 1. Though the animals are patterned to look like pandas, which are endemic to China and an international symbol of the country, their wagging tails give them away.

Zoo officials told Chinese state media that they were Chow Chows — a fluffy dog breed originally from northern China — painted black and white to resemble giant pandas, adding that they had clearly advertised them as “panda dogs” and did not make any false claims.

The dogs are still at the zoo, officials told NBC News by phone on Friday, where the number of people coming to see them remained “at a normal level.”

The zoo, which does not have real pandas, was nonetheless criticized by state media and others for misleading visitors and mistreating the dogs.

“It is not funny at all to dye Chow Chow dogs to attract tourists,” one commenter wrote on the social media platform Weibo. “Their fragile skin and naturally thick coats make them susceptible to skin diseases.”

Zoo officials defended the exhibit, saying the dogs had not been harmed.

“Normal people dye their hair,” a spokesperson told Qilu Evening News. “Dogs can dye their hair, too. It’s the same as hair.”

This is not the first time that “panda dogs” have set off social media discussion in China.

In 2019, a dog cafe in the southwestern province of Sichuan raised animal rights concerns with its six Chow Chows that were also dyed to look like the bears.

In 2020, in the same province, a “panda” being walked by a woman in a video that went viral was revealed to be a dyed Chow Chow.

Other zoos in China have also been accused of having fake animals, often dogs they tried to present as wolves or African cats.

Last July, a zoo in the eastern province of Zhejiang denied that its Malayan sun bears were human beings in disguise after a video of one standing like a person went viral. Experts debunked the claim and the zoo said there was no way a person in a fur suit would be able to withstand such high summer temperatures.

Larissa Gao is a fellow on NBC’s Asia Desk, based in Hong Kong.

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Emotional Support Dog Missing for 2 Years Reunited with Owner: ‘I Kind of Lost Hope After a While’

Loki the dog went missing almost two years ago while he was being watched by a friend

Gabrielle Rockson is a staff writer-reporter for PEOPLE. She joined PEOPLE in 2023 and covers entertainment and human interest stories. She's interviewed David Beckham, Zendaya, Timothée Chalamet and many others. Her previous work can be found in OK! Magazine, MyLondon, GRM Daily, and more.

essay of dog animal

Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control/Facebook

A woman from Fort Wayne, Indiana is celebrating the return of her support dog nearly two years after it went missing.

Samantha Powers received a call on Friday, May 24, from Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control that her dog Loki had been found after he got away while being watched by her friend, according to a post on the organization's Facebook page .

The emotional moment was also captured on a video of the pair hugging as they reunited after their long time apart.

“I kind of lost hope after a while,” Samantha told WPTA , before adding that whoever found Loki had taken good care of him but sadly didn't think to scan his microchip — something the animal center did to identify him.

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Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control/Facebook

“I think everybody and anybody that has any kind of animal – whether it’s indoors or outdoors, no matter what it is – microchip your puppies, your cats, your rats, your birds,” her mom Barbara told the outlet.

“The microchip was a lifesaver,” Samantha said. “Without that, I wouldn’t have gotten my boy back.”

“I definitely encourage people to get it.”

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According to Samantha, Loki is now getting used to being back at home, with Barbara adding she was so happy to see her “baby” have her dog back.

“Animals aren’t just animals, they’re part of your family,” she said. 

Describing Samantha's reaction when she learned that Loki had been found, she said simply that “She lost it,” per WPTA. 

“Loki is back home with his mom after being apart for almost 2 years!!! ,” Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control shared on their May 30 Facebook post about Loki being reunited with Samantha, alongside two photos of the owner and pet hugging.

“Loki got loose from the person who was caring for him as their own and was brought to our shelter to be scanned for a microchip,” the caption continued. “It is like music to our ears when we hear our microchip scanner beep..Loki had a chip!”

They added that they were then able to contact Loki’s owner.

“This is why we advocate so frequently to please get your pets microchipped in the event they ever become lost,” the organization said. “We offer walk-in microchipping services for just $15 Mon-Fri from 11a - 6p. You do not need to be a resident of Fort Wayne.”


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  1. Essay on Dog for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay On Dog. The dog is a pet animal. A dog has sharp teeth so that it can eat flesh very easily, it has four legs, two ears, two eyes, a tail, a mouth, and a nose. It is a very clever animal and is very useful in catching thieves. It runs very fast, barks loudly and attacks the strangers. A dog saves the life of the master from danger.

  2. 72 Dog Topic Ideas to Write about & Essay Samples

    The variety of jobs dogs perform has led humans to try to develop distinct dog breeds for each occupation, which led to the emergence of numerous and different varieties of the same animal. The observation of the evolution of a specific type of dog as time progressed and its purposes changed can be an interesting topic.

  3. Essay on My Pet Dog for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on My Pet Dog. Pets are a great blessing in anyone's life. They are the only ones who love us unconditionally. Pets always offer us everything they have without asking for anything in return. The main aim of any pet's life is to make their owner happy. Nowadays, even the term 'owner' is changing.

  4. Dogs Are a Great Pet: [Essay Example], 447 words GradesFixer

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    Essay on Dog in 500-1000 words; Essay on Dog in 150-250 words. The dog is a remarkable and beloved animal that has been a faithful companion to humans for thousands of years. Dogs are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and unconditional love. They come in various breeds, each with its own unique characteristics and traits. Dogs are highly ...

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  7. Dog

    dog, (Canis lupus familiaris), domestic mammal of the family Canidae (order Carnivora). It is a subspecies of the gray wolf (Canis lupus) and is related to foxes and jackals.The dog is one of the two most ubiquitous and most popular domestic animals in the world (the cat is the other). For more than 12,000 years it has lived with humans as a hunting companion, protector, object of scorn or ...

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    Dogs are widely domesticated animals and commonly loved by humans. If you look around, you may find that many of your family members or friends are ardent dog lovers. Here are a few sample essays on "Dog". 100 Words Essay On Dog. Dogs, the first species to be domesticated, are the closest relatives to modern wolves.

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    Dogs are known to be good swimmers and also friendly and helpful to humans. Dogs are said to be highly intelligent and sensitive animals. All dogs are trained to perform different tasks. The police take the help of Sniffer dogs to unearth and find hidden things. Dogs are the most loyal domestic animals in the world.

  10. Dog Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    17 essay samples found. Dogs are domesticated mammals known for their loyalty, intelligence, and varied abilities, making them one of the most common companion animals worldwide. Essays on dogs might explore their domestication history, the diversity of breeds and their characteristics, or the human-dog relationship.

  11. Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog

    The animal kingdom is a vast and diverse realm, teeming with a myriad of species, each unique in its own way. Among all, the dog, often referred to as 'man's best friend', stands out as my favorite animal. This essay explores the reasons behind my fondness for dogs, focusing on their intelligence, loyalty, and their role as companions.

  12. My Pet Dog Essay in English for Students

    An Introduction On My Pet Dog. The relationship between humans and dogs can't be expressed in words. Dogs are loyal and friendly and their love is unconditional. Make friends with dogs and you will never feel lonely. A dog is a domestic animal. Dogs are harmless unless someone attacks them.

  13. Essays on Dog

    Composing of work dog essay topics is not a very easy task, but with the proper approach, it is manageable. Check out our samples of dog essay topics for examples of solid content, structure, and outline. ... A dogs bites account for more than 90% of all animal bites 4.5 million dog bites occur each year in the united states more than 27,000 ...

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    An essay on my pet dog is one of the most interesting and trending topics at school for essay writing. A dog is considered a man's best and most faithful friend. Kids love playing with their pet dogs and when given an opportunity they jump to the idea of writing an essay on my pet animal dog.

  16. Essay on Animals

    1. Choose a topic. Some sample topics for an essay on animals include: Everyone should spay or neuter their pets. Adoption is the best option. Dogs should be treated as individuals, not discriminated against because of breed. Microchipping is important to keep pets with their families. 2.

  17. Essay on Dog for Students and Children in 1000 Words

    Introduction (Essay on Dog) A dog is a domestic animal. A dog has powerful jaws so it can quite effectively eat flesh; it has four legs, two eyes, two ears, a tail, a mouth, and a nose. These are an ingenious animal and are useful to catch robbers. They run very fast, barking loudly or attacking strangers. The dog is saving master life from risk.

  18. Long and Short Essay on Dog in English for Children and Students

    Dog Essay 1 (100 words) The scientific name of a dog is Canis lupus familiaris. It is a domestic animal. It comes under the category of mammals as it gives birth to a baby and feed milk. Originally dogs are the breed of wolves. They are considered as the first animal ever to be domesticated by the human.

  19. Students Will Love This Pet Animal Dog Essay Sample

    There is no doubt that dogs and their owners can even start looking like each other. You can read about it in any scholarly research such as the next pet animal dog essay. There is nothing miraculous here, because when we spend a lot of time with a beloved one, we became a bit similar. More and more people like to adopt a dog from an animal ...

  20. Essay on Dog in English for Children and Students

    Dog Essay 1 (100 words) The scientific name of a dog is Canis lupus familiaris. It is a domestic animal. It comes under the category of mammals as it gives birth to a baby and feed milk. Originally dogs are the breed of wolves. They are considered as the first animal ever to be domesticated by the human.

  21. Short Essay on My Favourite Animal [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog in 100 Words. All animals are amazing but my favourite animal is the dog. Dogs are very loyal and make great pets. They love their owners and protect them from dangers. Dogs are largely carnivorous and eat meat, bones, organs, and some plant-based food. Dogs are closely related to wolves, coyotes, and ...

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    My Favourite Animal Essay: Dogs are the best friends of humans. They are the most lovable pet animals. They are known for their extremely loyal nature towards their masters. They have sharp teeth, alert eyes and ears, friendly nature and faithful companions. They help in catching thieves and sniffers help in bomb detection and criminal ...

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    A writer spent a week in the world of luxury dog "hotels" to find out. Small dogs with prominent noses live longer than bigger, flat-faced canines, a new study suggests. Longevity drugs for ...

  25. Dogs and cats are available for adoption at OKC-area animal shelters

    El Reno Animal Shelter: Closed to intake animals, but open for adoption 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays, 2400 Spur Lane, 405-262-2121. Edmond Animal Welfare Shelter: Pet adoptions are by appointment only during normal hours 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and noon to 4:30 p.m. Saturdays. Closed Sundays and Mondays. 2424 Old Timbers Drive, 405-216-7615.

  26. A dog that was to be euthanized is up for adoption again

    Pereira is seeking answers after the sick dog she took to a shelter to have euthanized turned up more than a year later on a rescue adoption site. (Kristie Pereira via AP) The Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation signage is displayed on its building in Falls Church, Va. Friday, May 24, 2024.

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  28. Chiefs' Isaiah Buggs facing animal cruelty charges after police seize

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  29. Chinese zoo under fire after dyeing dogs to resemble pandas

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  30. Emotional Support Dog Missing for Close to 2 Years Reunited with Owner

    Samantha Powers and Loki reuniting . Photo: Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control/Facebook. A woman from Fort Wayne, Indiana is celebrating the return of her support dog nearly two years after it went ...