
Essay on Qualities Of A Successful Student

Students are often asked to write an essay on Qualities Of A Successful Student in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Qualities Of A Successful Student


A successful student isn’t just someone who gets good grades. They also show certain qualities that make them stand out. These traits help them excel not only in academics but also in life.


A successful student has self-discipline. They manage their time well, prioritize tasks, and avoid procrastination. This helps them complete assignments on time and study regularly, leading to better grades.

Curiosity is another key trait. Successful students have a thirst for knowledge. They ask questions, seek answers, and are always eager to learn new things. This helps them understand and remember lessons better.


Determination is critical. Successful students don’t give up easily. They face challenges head-on and work hard to overcome them. This determination helps them achieve their academic goals.


Successful students are respectful. They listen to their teachers and classmates, value their opinions, and treat everyone with kindness. This creates a positive learning environment.

In conclusion, a successful student has self-discipline, curiosity, determination, and respectfulness. These qualities help them excel in school and prepare them for future success.

250 Words Essay on Qualities Of A Successful Student

Being a successful student is not just about getting high grades. One of the most important qualities is hard work. A student who works hard knows that learning takes time and effort. They do not give up easily and are always ready to put in the extra time to understand their lessons.

Time Management

Another key quality is time management. A successful student knows how to plan their day. They make sure they have enough time for studying, doing homework, and rest. They understand that every minute counts and use their time wisely.

Curiosity is also a significant quality. A curious student is always eager to learn new things. They ask questions and try to find answers. They are not afraid of making mistakes because they know that mistakes are part of learning.

Respect is another important quality. A successful student respects their teachers, classmates, and themselves. They listen to others and value their opinions. They treat everyone with kindness and fairness.


Lastly, responsibility is a vital quality. A successful student takes charge of their learning. They complete their assignments on time and prepare for exams well in advance. They understand that their success depends on their actions.

In conclusion, being a successful student is about more than just getting good grades. It involves working hard, managing time, being curious, showing respect, and taking responsibility. These qualities not only help in school but also in life.

500 Words Essay on Qualities Of A Successful Student

A successful student is not defined only by their grades, but also by their habits, skills, and attitude towards learning. There are several qualities that contribute to a student’s success. Let’s explore these qualities in detail.

Hard Work and Diligence

Hard work is one of the most important qualities of a successful student. Success does not come easy; it requires dedication and effort. Successful students understand that they need to put in the time and effort to understand and learn new concepts. They do not shy away from challenges but face them head-on, knowing that it is an opportunity to grow.

Curiosity and Love for Learning

Successful students have a deep love for learning. They are always curious and eager to know more. This quality drives them to explore new topics, ask questions, and seek answers. Their thirst for knowledge helps them to excel in their studies and beyond.

Good time management is another crucial quality. Successful students know how to balance their time between studies, hobbies, rest, and other activities. They plan their day well, ensuring they have enough time for each task. They understand that time is precious and make the most of it.

Responsibility and Discipline

Successful students are responsible and disciplined. They take ownership of their learning, completing assignments on time, and preparing well for exams. They understand the importance of following rules and maintaining discipline, both in and out of the classroom.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from failures and setbacks. Successful students understand that failure is a part of the learning process. They do not get disheartened by poor grades or difficult subjects. Instead, they learn from their mistakes, pick themselves up, and try again.

Good Communication Skills

Good communication skills are vital for a successful student. They need to express their ideas clearly, both in writing and speaking. This helps them to share their thoughts, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions with teachers and classmates.

In conclusion, being a successful student is about more than just getting good grades. It’s about having a positive attitude towards learning, working hard, managing time well, being responsible and disciplined, being resilient, and having good communication skills. These qualities not only help students succeed in school but also prepare them for success in life. Remember, success is not an overnight achievement, but a result of consistent efforts and the right attitude.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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essay on qualities of a good learner

Undercover Classroom

Teaching the 6 Qualities of a Good Learner

qualities of a good learner

One of the biggest mistakes we can make as teachers is making assumptions about what our students know and/or don’t know. 

Sometimes we dumb things down for a group of students who could complete the task at a higher level, or we assume that a text is too hard for a student only to hear from their parents that they are reading that same text aloud to their siblings every night.

We also often assume that students have certain soft skills. That they understand what ‘being good’ looks like or what being ‘respectful’ sounds like. Unfortunately, not all kids are aware of  these qualities and skills we take for granted.

Often, our students are not trying to be bad students; they just have no idea what a good student is.

Teaching the qualities of a good learner

I realized that my students didn’t really know what a good learner looked like, so I finally decided to start explicitly teaching it. In fact, the 6 qualities of good learners took on a special role in my classroom.

The six key qualities I focused on in my lessons …

  • Positive Attitude
  • Citizenship
  • Responsibility
  • Cooperation
  • Perseverance

Teach Qualities of a Good Student

Teaching kids about the qualities of good students and learners was at times like teaching a foreign language. Students were not familiar with the term perseverance, but they knew what ‘trying again’ was or they had heard people talk about ‘not giving up.’

The term citizenship often stumped them completely, and it was hard to get them to understand that cooperation was now about an end product, rather it was about the process a group worked through to arrive at a product/decision.

After teaching on these topics for a few years, I started to identify that good instruction on these qualities included a few key components.

First, explicit instruction.

Qualities of a Student Flip Book

Students needed explicit instruction on each quality. We didn’t just brainstorm a list of qualities and move on. I spent time really discussing each quality on the list with my students.

Reading about the qualities and diving into what it means to possess each quality was key for my students, and once they could ‘talk the talk,’ they were able to start ‘walking the walk.’

Second, we assessed. 

I felt it was important for students to really consider where they stood on each quality. We know that it is great to be a ‘10’ in all of these qualities, but if you didn’t notice…perfection is not one of the qualities of a good learner. Having a good work ethic is.

Once we honestly assessed where we were on each quality, we knew which qualities were strengths and which needed more attention and growth.

Lastly, we spent time reflecting.

After explicitly teaching about each quality and asking students to honestly assess themselves on each quality, I gave them time to reflect. They spent time thinking deeply about which areas they needed to put more focus and created action steps to work on improving that quality. I’m sure it’s no surprise that every student had something they needed to work on.

Constructing a positive culture of learning

Explicitly teaching, assessing, and reflecting on the qualities of a good learner put the whole class on an even playing field. We knew what our goals were, and we were making plans to accomplish them. The common vocabulary that my class could now share and use to discuss our strengths and weaknesses helped us build a positive culture and community where we all knew what was expected of us.

The Tab Book

I have since developed an entire resource based around the qualities of a good learner. My Qualities of a Student Tab Book provides all three of the pieces of instruction that I believe to be most valuable for students as they learn about the qualities of a good learner: explicit instruction, assessment, and reflection. 

Students are given reading passages focused on each quality, a scale to assess themselves, and space to reflect on their overall evaluation. 

If you are looking for a way to help your students be more successful learners, the Qualities of a Student Tab Book may be just what you need to get the conversation started!

essay on qualities of a good learner

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Thank you for this post. Just hearing the words “Students needed explicit instruction on each quality” is a game changer. We do tend to forget that teaching these concepts is important. I have copied this post (with your credits) so that I can keep this reminder close by.

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Character strengths for students

Character Strengths for Students

What are they.

Character strengths are the positive qualities individuals have—as reflected in their thoughts, feelings, and actions—that promote the well-being of themselves and others. Though people may value different strengths to different extents, in general, parents and educators across cultures value these qualities and try to cultivate them in children and youth.

The idea of desirable character traits has existed since ancient times, but research on them is more recent, spurred by the rise of positive psychology—a movement that endeavors to use the tools of psychology not only to identify and fix problems, but also to recognize and foster positive qualities and flourishing.

Research on character strengths in both adults and youth tends to use the Values in Action (VIA) Classification , a framework that identifies 24 character strengths, which are often organized under six core virtues. The virtues are broader characteristics that have been valued in philosophical and spiritual traditions across time and place, while the character strengths function as components of or pathways to the virtues. The six virtues and their corresponding character strengths of the VIA are:

  • Wisdom (creativity; curiosity; judgment; love of learning; perspective)
  • Courage (bravery; perseverance; honesty; zest)
  • Humanity (love; kindness; social-emotional intelligence)
  • Justice (teamwork; fairness; leadership)
  • Temperance (forgiveness; humility; prudence; self-regulation)
  • Transcendence (appreciation of beauty and excellence; gratitude; hope; humor; spirituality)

In this view , good character is not a single attribute, but is multidimensional, a “family” of positive traits that may each be evident to different extents in different people. Each student has a unique profile of strengths, with some strengths being more developed and others less so, regardless of how they compare to other students.

One student may be particularly strong in curiosity, love of learning, and perseverance, while another may be strongest in kindness, humility, and fairness; yet another could have zest, social-emotional intelligence, and teamwork as top strengths.

Why Are They Important?

Research with young people has found that character strengths relate to multiple aspects of well-being, including happiness, mental/emotional health, social relationships, and academic achievement.

Character strengths help make kids happier.

  • Many character strengths are associated with higher satisfaction with life. In one study, for young children (ages 3-9), the strengths of love, hope, and zest were particularly associated with happiness ; for older kids, happiness was most related to these same strengths (love, hope, and zest), plus gratitude.
  • Strengths relating to transcendence and temperance generally relate to higher life satisfaction in children and youth.
  • Adolescents who participated in character strength-based exercises at school showed improvements in life satisfaction compared to other students.

Character strengths promote better psychological health.

  • Studies have shown that certain character strengths are associated with fewer psychological problems among youth, both internalizing (e.g., hope, zest, and leadership associated with lower levels of anxiety and depression) and externalizing (e.g. perseverance, honesty, prudence, and love associated with less aggression).
  • Other-directed strengths such as kindness and teamwork predict fewer symptoms of depression over time among youth.

Kids with character strengths get along better with peers.

  • Students rated as more popular by their teachers tend to rate more highly on leadership and fairness, as well as on temperance strengths such as self-regulation, prudence, and forgiveness.
  • Other-directed strengths such as kindness, teamwork, and social-emotional intelligence are associated with better social functioning at school.

Character strengths increase academic adjustment and success.

  • Character strengths seem to help students adjust to school, from the beginning of elementary school through middle school and beyond; they have been associated with satisfaction with school, academic self-efficacy, and positive classroom behavior.
  • Various strengths relate to academic achievement across ages, from middle school to college , above and beyond the effect of IQ .

Students gain greater self awareness by identifying the people and places that influence changes in their emotions.

The Pendulum

Teachers will foster students’ moral identity through selective use of language in the classroom.

Encouraging Moral Character Through Language

Inspire students to practice intellectual humility by introducing them to what intellectual humility is, what it looks like, and why it is valuable.

Exemplars Who Inspire Intellectual Humility

Students explore what forgiveness is and what it is not.

Introduction to Forgiveness

Students explore how every person has dignity and worth—even those who hurt us.

Understanding Inherent Worth: A Path towards Forgiveness

Students learn about forgiveness from book characters

Learning from Courageous Forgivers 

Students brainstorm ideas for coping with anger as a first step to forgiveness

Creating Space for Forgiveness by Letting Go of Anger

A values-informed process to help students make the best possible ethical choices

Student Self Check-In Journal

Students will identify the gender stereotypes they hold and consider the impact those stereotypes have on the fair treatment of athletes.

Challenging Gender Stereotyping and Homophobia in Sports

Students will identify their personal biases and consider how those biases influence their ability to treat others fairly.

Confronting the -isms

Develop students’ intellectual humility by helping them to recognize the limits of their knowledge, ask questions, and evaluate evidence. 

Tug for Truth

Develop students’ intellectual humility through concept mapping

3-2-1 Bridge

Students practice kindness to increase their happiness 

Random Acts of Kindness

Strategies for parents and caregivers to help teens understand and practice being humble

Take-Home Skill: Humility Reflection for Teens

Strategies to encourage and help students practice honesty

Honesty Commitment for Students

A process for helping students generate purposeful projects or endeavors

Purpose Compass

Students identify their strengths to increase self-understanding.

Discover Your Great Full Self

Students look for the good in others by acknowledging each other’s strengths.

Seeing the Good in Others

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GGIE Online Courses for Educators

Do you want to dive deeper into the science behind our GGIE practices? Enroll in one of our online courses for educators!

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Leading to Learning | Resources for Parents

What makes a good learner?

As a teacher of students who were struggling to learn I had one question.

Why do some children learn more easily than others?

I knew that it had nothing to do with a child’s intelligence because some of the slow learners I worked with were very bright –  just not ‘school bright’.  By ‘school bright’ I mean able to learn the way schools wanted them to.

It took training, research and asked endless questions and eventually I found my answer.

Children who learn more easily than others have the skills that lead to learning.  They know how to learn!

The students who were struggling to learn did not have all the skills they needed.  They did not have the vital foundational skills that make learning possible.

So what are these skills?  And how can we make sure children develop them?

When you look up ‘learning skills’ you get a host of different ideas and few of them relate to how children learn in school.  I took all these ideas as well as those I had been taught to diagnose in class and regrouped them into a more manageable system – one based on over 35 years as a classroom teacher, my diagnostic training and experiences and the latest research into how children learn.

Here is the result!

A good learner has developed every one of the following skills and knows how to use them.  It is a simple list but it is effective.  I have used this knowledge and skill categorization to help hundreds of parents unlock their child’s genius and children overcome learning hurdles.

Don’t be confused by how simple they are.  They are the basis of all learning and when you know what they are you can look at your child’s learning issues in a new way, a way that leads to learning.

The Porter Skills List©

These foundational learning skills come in three categories.

There are –

  • physical learning skills – the skills that enable student learning –they are pretty obvious when you think about it but they can get overlooked with disastrous results.
  • emotional learning skills – these are attitudes children need that get them ready to learn. Without the right attitude to learning children never even try to do their work
  • cognitive learning skills – these are the skills children need to get their work done. They are school based skills, specific to learning in class.

Let’s take a closer look

Physical skills – The ABLE to learn skills

There are four physical attributes children need. These attributes give children the physical ability they need to learn.  They seem obvious but they are often overlooked and can cause learning difficulties.  Fortunately, once discovered they are easy to correct.  A visit to a professional or small changes in lifestyle are often all that is needed.

Children need to be able to see clearly.  Any disturbance in their visual ability becomes a learning hurdle.  These ‘disturbances’ may be caused by astigmatism, myopia, long sightedness or dry eyes.

Yearly checks by an optometrist are recommended.

This is a tricky issue and has been the cause of many learning issues.  Lack of hearing is a ‘hidden’ disability.  The child with a hearing issue may not know this is the cause of their problems.

There are two kinds of hearing loss.  One is a general hearing loss that can be corrected using hearing aids.  The other is intermittent hearing loss which is much more insidious.  When children have colds their ears get blocked and they cannot hear well.  They miss much of what is being said in class.  When the cold goes away their hearing is back to normal but they may never catch up with the learning they have missed.

Yearly check-ups from a hearing specialist are advised.

There are two kinds of movement – gross movement that uses the big muscles of the body and allows a child to walk run and jump and fine movement that uses smaller muscles and allows a child to hold a pencil and do a puzzle.

These skills of movement are developmental but if their development is delayed children are often labelled as clumsy or uncoordinated and their work can be affected.  Children with major movement issues – such as those in wheelchairs- – have extra limitations on their ability to learn.  Children with minor movement issues may not produce work that looks good or get chosen for the class sports team!

Learning takes energy!  The brain needs energy to function well.  Children get energy in two ways – food and sleep.

When a child is hungry his or her brain reverts to using their ‘primal brain’, the part of the brain that works on getting basic human needs met.  There is no energy left for the ‘thinking’ part of their brain.

Please make sure your child has a nutritious breakfast.  Cereal and milk is fine.  It may be a good idea to get the food out the night before as mornings can be rushed.  Teenagers may skip breakfast because they are still sleepy (teenagers never really wake up till later in the morning.  We shouldn’t be asking them to go to school before 10 a.m.). Having cereal and milk at the ready helps them avoid doing this.

Your child’s brain needs sleep. When your child is asleep his or her brain is busy.  It is sorting out the events of the day and putting useless information in the garbage.  Useful information gets sent to memory for use later!

How long does this process take?  A minimum of eight hours.  Younger children need more sleep to help regulate their brain and renew their energy.

How much seep does your child get each night?  Is he or she getting enough sleep to be ready to learn the next day?

The emotional learning skills – The READY to learn skills

Children may be able to learn, they may have the physical skills they need, but re they ready to learn?  Do they have the right attitudes and ways of thinking that make them open to learning?  Or does their attitude to learning get in the way of their success? Here are the four attitudes children need to be ready to learn.

Good feelings about themselves and their ability to learn.

Children need to know that they can learn.  They need self-confidence in their learning abilities.   When a child struggles to learn or undergoes repeated failure in school their confidence in their abilities gets smaller and smaller until the think they cannot learn and don’t even try.

Without confidence in their abilities, the confidence to keep trying despite failures, children very quickly give up and stop learning.  About half of my time teaching children was spent boosting their self-confidence.  Until they felt good about themselves there was no point trying to teach them.

Parents know when their child starts to lose confidence in their abilities.  Talk to your child about what is happening and why.  Then take steps to change the situation.

Good feelings about others and sharing knowledge

Going to school is a social activity.  Social activities require sharing and taking responsibility for your actions.  A child who is open to sharing what he has learned and who is responsible for getting work done is much more able to benefit from classroom teaching than a child who does not have these skills.

Children often learn in groups and they certainly learn from each other.  A child who is not social, who does not feel like sharing and taking responsibility for their own actions misses out on these learning opportunities.

You want your child to be sociable, to have friends, to enjoy the company of others.  If your child is having difficulty with this, you need to know why.

Your child may be shy and unwilling to share with others or aggressive and unwilling to take responsibility for his or her actions.

Whatever the situation you need to help your child have a good attitude about working and learning within the classroom situation.

Good feelings about their work and what they are learning

Children have little control over what they are taught in school.  Much of what they are expected to learn seems to have little or no relevance to their lives.  They wonder why they have to learn all the things they are taught and why they should put effort into seemingly irrelevant topics.

Children need to know that their efforts are going to yield results.  Often the result they want is a good report card or a good mark on an exam but sometimes that is not enough to make them feel happy about their work.  Then learning becomes a slog and the child is unhappy and possibly resentful.

Children need to know why they have to do the work they are given.  Many young students have no idea why they go to school.   Make sure your child understands why school is important and that learning sometimes seemingly irrelevant facts and subjects leads to a better outcome in life.

Good feelings about the future and what they can achieve in life

No one knows what the future will look like.  Children need to be optimistic.  They need to know that their future could include a family, a job they love, and enough money to cover their needs.  Without hope for the future there is no point in trying to get there.  There is no point in doing school work because it won’t make any difference what the child does if he or she thinks the future is out of their control.

Student who are sad or depressed do not have good feelings about the future.  They are too wrapped up with their own concerns to look forward.

Curiosity is a good approach to thinking about the future.  A child who is curious and asks questions is imagining what the future might look like and knowing what opportunities await gives a child some sense of control and optimism.

The best way to help your child feel good about the future is to model optimism and curiosity.  If your child sees you being optimistic and curious, he will want to follow your lead.

  • The cognitive learning skills – the PREPARED to learn skills

When a child has the physical and emotional learning skills he or she is almost prepared to learn in class.    Learning is a process and children need to be able to follow the process to get to a result.  In order to follow the process of learning children need the following four skills.

Attention – the ability to focus on what matters for the amount of time it matters

Children who cannot pay attention or who have a short attention span never even get to first base!  Attention is a skill that needs developing and using wisely.  There are several types of attention; selective, sustained, alternating, divided, and children need to be able to use them all.

One way of helping your child learn this skill is by redirecting his or her attention when you notice it straying.

Understanding – the ability to understand what they have paid attention to

Then comes the skill of understanding.  Children need to use visual and aural perception skills to make sense of what they have seen.

You can help your child makes sense of what he or she sees and hears by asking him or her to describe the experience.  What did you see? What did you hear?  This is also a way of helping your child develop the skill of attention.

Processing – the ability to process the information and make it their own

When your child has paid attention and understood what he or she has seen and heard the next step in the learning process is to process that information.  This is normally called ‘thinking’.  This thinking process takes place when new information is added and compared to what a child already knows.  It is a way to push knowledge forward.

For this to happen children need to have access to their memories. You can help by asking your child if they remember another situation like this and how they handled it.  Asking any of the five ‘W’ questions is also a good way of promoting thinking skills.

Production – the ability to show others what they have learned

This skill is often overlooked in school.  Teachers are not good at letting students know what a finished piece of work should look like.  If a student does not produce work that looks good, that answer the right questions, that is well organized and easy to understand their marks will be low.

This level of production takes time and effort. Don’t expect your child to produce perfectly produced work all the time.   Decide which work needs this effort and concentrate on that.

These twelve skills will lead your child to learning, will help him or her reach their full potential and succeed in school.  If children are missing, or not using, one or more of these skills they will struggle to be all that they can be.

The reason your bright child underachieves may be that he or she lacks one or more of these skills and all that is required for him or her to flourish and grow is to discover which skill needs developing and provide the support that helps your child develop it!

Do you agree with this list?  Do you have any skills to add?  I’d love to hear from you.

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Greater Good Science Center • Magazine • In Action • In Education

How to Be a Lifelong Learner

People around the world are hungry to learn. Instructor Barbara Oakley discovered this when her online course “ Learning How to Learn ”—filmed in her basement in front of a green screen—attracted more than 1.5 million students.

Part of the goal of her course—and her new book, Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential —is to debunk some of the myths that get in the way of learning, like the belief that we’re bad at math or too old to change careers. These are just artificial obstacles, she argues. 

“People can often do more, change more, and learn more—often far more—than they’ve ever dreamed possible. Our potential is hidden in plain sight all around us,” Oakley writes.

essay on qualities of a good learner

She should know: Throughout her early schooling, she flunked math and science classes and resisted family pressure to pursue a science degree. Today? She’s a professor of engineering at Oakland University, after many different jobs in between.

Her book aims to help readers discover their hidden potential, by offering them both the tools and the inspiration to transform themselves through learning. 

The benefits of lifelong learning

Besides being fun, Oakley explains, continued learning can serve us well in the workforce. Many professionals today are engaging in a practice called “second-skilling”: gaining a second area of expertise, whether it’s related to their work (like a marketer learning programming) or completely different (a fundraiser training to be a yoga instructor).

When we lose our job, or work just starts to feel unsatisfying, having other skills can give us more choice and flexibility. We can quit our job and find a new one, of course, but we can also choose to move horizontally within the same organization, taking on different responsibilities.

Mindshift tells the story of one Dutch university employee who enriched her career thanks to her passion for online video gaming. Though she didn’t necessarily think of that as a “second skill,” it ended up benefitting her (and her employer) greatly: She became community manager of the university’s online courses, devising strategies to keep digital interactions civil just as she had done in the gaming world. This goes to show, Oakley writes, that we can never tell where our expertise will lead us or where it will come in handy.

Keeping our brains active and engaged in new areas also has cognitive benefits down the line. According to one study , people who knit, sew, quilt, do plumbing or carpentry, play games, use computers, or read have greater cognitive abilities as they age. Other research found that the more education you have , or the more cognitively stimulating activity you engage in , the lower your risk of Alzheimer’s.

Learning could even extend your life. People who read books for more than 3.5 hours a week are 23 percent less likely to die over a 12-year period—a good reason to keep cracking books after college!

Learn how to learn

Whether you’re inspired to learn woodworking or web development, Mindshift offers many tips that can make your learning more efficient and enjoyable.

Focus (and don’t focus). In order to absorb information, our brains need periods of intense focus followed by periods of mind-wandering , or “diffuse attention,” Oakley explains. So, learners will actually retain more if they incorporate time for rest and relaxation to allow this processing to happen. Perhaps that’s why aficionados love the Pomodoro technique , which recommends 25-minute bursts of work followed by five-minute breaks. 

We should also experiment with different levels of background noise to achieve optimal focus, Oakley advises. Quiet promotes deeper focus, while minor distractions or background noise—like what you’d find at a cafe—may encourage more diffuse attention and creative insight . (While your favorite music could help you get in the zone, music that’s loud, lyrical , or displeasing might be a distraction.)

Practice efficiently. Neuroscience research is now exploring what learning looks like in the brain—and it’s bad news for those of us who loved to cram in college. Apparently the brain can only build so many neurons each night , so regular, repeated practice is crucial.

Oakley recommends learning in “chunks”—bite-sized bits of information or skills, such as a passage in a song, one karate move, or the code for a particular technical command. Practicing these regularly allows them to become second nature, freeing up space in our conscious mind and working memory so we can continue building new knowledge. (If this doesn’t happen, you may have to select a smaller chunk.)

It also helps to practice in a variety of ways, at a variety of times. To understand information more deeply, Oakley recommends actively engaging with it by teaching ourselves aloud or creating mindmaps —web-like drawings connecting different concepts and ideas. We can also try practicing in our downtime (in line at Starbucks or in the car commuting, for example), and quickly reviewing the day’s lessons before going to sleep.

Exercise. One of the most surprising—and easiest—ways to supercharge our learning is to exercise. Physical activity can actually help us grow new brain cells and neurotransmitters ; it’s also been shown to improve our long-term memory and reverse age-related declines in brain function. In fact, walking for just 11 minutes a day is enough to reap some benefits.

While clearly informed by neuroscience, Mindshift focuses more on telling stories than explaining research—which makes it a fast read. After hearing so many tales of curiosity and transformation, you yourself may be inspired to pick up that random hobby you’ve fantasized about, or take one of many college-level courses now available online for free (like our very own Science of Happiness course ). Me? The one I signed up for starts next week.

About the Author

Headshot of Kira M. Newman

Kira M. Newman

Kira M. Newman is the managing editor of Greater Good . Her work has been published in outlets including the Washington Post , Mindful magazine, Social Media Monthly , and Tech.co, and she is the co-editor of The Gratitude Project . Follow her on Twitter!

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What Makes a Good Learner

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What makes a good learner?

Learning is one of the greatest parts in our life when we are in school days, and even after the graduation we step into society, we still need to learn new knowledge to adapt to the work life. As everyone knows, learning is critical way to stay open-minded and keep our minds healthy as we grow older. However, even with the great benefit that learning promises, there are few of us are able to become good learners successfully. So how can be defined as an effective learner? I asked one of my friends who had unique perspective on this problem and he told me that a good learner must fulfill the following conditions.

Fist, a good learner must be cultivated a spirit of doubting. Before it was proven the earth was round, it was well-known truth that it was flat. The truth was so widely accepted that no one dared test it until Columbus questioned common knowledge and asked “what if?” Since then, examples of the impossible being made possible can be found throughout history. When an answer considered to as authority, it is necessary for a good learner to think of and doubt it. And it is precondition for a good learner to be incredulous of authority and keep doubting spirit.

Second, as a good learner possesses the ability of doubting, he or she should include the ability of organizing. We always schedule a time for learning in our daily life. However, a good learner, instead of scheduling the time of learning, they prefer to schedule the quantity of learning. For example, if one plan to read three chapters of a book within one day then just does it, he or she does not need to care how much time it will cost. As long as one can memorize and absorb the new knowledge, he or she should get rid of distractions like notebook and cell phone and focus our attention on learning goals until we finish it no matter how much the time it would spend.

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The third creed is to repeat, repeat, and repeat. This one can not get enough attention by many people except good learners. We build and maintain connections in our long-term memory over time. In order to really mastering a specific skill, there is no other secret of success but to put in the time to review and practice. As an old saying the repetition is the mother of memorizing. A good learner may be not a genius, and he or she also would forget what has learned. But the difference between good learners and other people is effective repetition for learning.

As we just mentioned, learning takes time, it takes repetition and practice. Successful learners also stick to it. Most people can understand the idea of lifelong learning, but few of us really commit to making a regular, focused part of our lives. Perseverance means setting clear goals for your plan what to learn, how you plan to go about it, and how long it will take.

In conclusion, scientific learning methods contribute to a good learner. And it is not reachless for us because the qualities of good learners are not difficult to have. Nonetheless, some established methods can not meet everyone’s demand, only one can find his or her own ways to learn, can the result be effective and satisfied.

(570 words)

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essay on qualities of a good learner

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essay on qualities of a good learner

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essay on qualities of a good learner

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essay on qualities of a good learner

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essay on qualities of a good learner

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essay on qualities of a good learner

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essay on qualities of a good learner

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The A – Z of Being a Successful Learner

Posted by Linda Stade | Nov 30, 2022 | Learning |

The A – Z of Being a Successful Learner

A successful learner knows that these 26 traits, practices, and skills are important. The good news is they can all be taught! (Includes PDF) 

Being a successful learner does not mean receiving an A on every assignment or always achieving wonderful test results. Although, that would be nice. It means being engaged in learning and developing life-long skills so that learning continues forever.

A good learner is one who understands that they are responsible for their own learning. A good teacher helps, but the best teacher in the world can’t help a student who doesn’t work in partnership with them. So, what are a student’s responsibilities in that partnership?

They are all here in the A – Z of becoming a successful learner. What is great about this list is that they are all skills and traits that can be learnt.

A – Adaptable

School is a fast-paced, constantly changing environment. Each hour of the school day, you are likely to have a new teacher and a new learning space or classroom. Successful students acknowledge the need to change gears quickly and adapt to different teachers’ styles and varying expectations.

Effective learning requires bravery i n taking learning risks. If you don’t risk being wrong or looking silly every now and again, you stay safe in what you already know; however, that isn’t growing or learning.

C – Creative

Creativity is not just for Art and Drama and the razzle-dazzle subjects. Good learners are creative in their problem solving and in their thinking.

D – Determined

Not all learning comes easily. There will be obstacles and there will be frustration. Successful learning is built on determination.

E – Engaged and invested

When you care about what you are learning it becomes much less a chore and more enjoyable. Successful learning comes to those who are engaged with the content of their lessons, their teachers and their classmates. They are also invested in their learning. It matters to them!

A successful learner is curious

F – Failure friendly

Failure is one of the greatest tools in the learning process. Unfortunately, too many people are simply overwhelmed by the feeling of failure rather than being able to stand back and look at the lessons it can teach us. Having the tenacity to stare down failure is an extraordinary skill.

G – Growth mindset

A growth mindset is a deeply held belief that a person can learn anything given enough time and effort. A student with a growth mindset believes that just because they haven’t mastered a skill YET, doesn’t mean they never will.

H – Healthy mind and body

Eat well, exercise and make sure you have enough sleep. By looking after the basics, you give yourself the best possible chance for successful learning.

A good learner knows keeping healthy is important

I – Internal locus of control

An internal locus of control is the understanding that you are responsible for your own success, and this includes your learning success. Someone with this view of the world takes responsibility for their own learning and achieves for their own self-fulfillment rather than external rewards.

J – Judgements are carefully considered

It is a superpower to reserve judgement until evidence and evaluation are considered critically. Take your time. Consider all the research or evidence. Think carefully. Our first reactions and ideas are seldom the most useful, insightful, or powerful.

K – Keen focus

It may feel good to message with a friend while doing your homework, or to have the tv on in the background. However, it does negatively impact your learning. Always try to work in an environment that is free from distractions and maintain keen focus for blocks of time of up to 45 minutes. Then give yourself a short break.

L – Link learning to life

When you link learning to real life it becomes more relevant and thus more engaging. There is nothing worse that learning purely for a test. When you can see that your learning will matter in the future, it matters in the present.

essay on qualities of a good learner

M – Mentors

Mentors are people who guide, challenge and give us advice. They can be a teacher, a sibling, a parent, a friend, or any trusted person. Generally, a mentor is older than you and has learnt from their experience. They share those lessons and understandings with you.

N – Navigate learning obstacles

There will always be obstacles to learning. How you navigate those obstacles is what counts. You can employ, teachers, mentors, past learning experiences, and your own internal strength and qualities, such as persistence and resilience.

O – Organisation

It is easier to be engaged and learning in class when you have the right books or resources. It’s also easier to keep up when you are doing the required work at home.

P – Practise

Nobody becomes skilled at a sport or a craft or a musical instrument without practising. Learning at school is the same. Every new skill you learn requires repetition before your brain makes it a part of your natural repertoire. If you want to be good at writing essays… write essays!

A successful learner

Q – Questions

The only thing better than a well-considered answer is a well-considered question. When we ask thoughtful questions instead of just absorbing facts, we move into higher order thinking and learning. That’s where growth happens.

R – Reflection

Reflect on your work and your work processes. When we reflect, we can see areas for improvement and measure our growth in the learning journey. When we don’t reflect, we keep on repeating the same mistakes. “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got”. That’s some wise advice from Henry Ford.

S – Set achievable goals

Goal setting focuses your attention on certain behaviours and information and away from distractions. Research tells us that incremental goals are far more effective than large goals. So, break your goals down into achievable steps. As you achieve each step acknowledge your progress. You will achieve goals one step at a time.

T – Teachers as partners

Successful learners see their teachers as their partners in education. A positive relationship between student and teacher is one of the most powerful factors in effective learning. You don’t have to be great mates with your teachers, but you do need a mutually respectful and productive relationship.

A good learner knows that these 26 traits, practices, and skills are important.

U – Use experiences

Learning is a building process. We add new knowledge and skills on top of old knowledge and skills. When confronted with a challenge, think about what worked well in the past and what didn’t. What do other people do that seems to work? Have you done something similar in the past that might help in this new situation?

V – Value education

If you are to achieve success in education, you need to value education. In life, we very rarely persist or strive in an endeavour if we don’t think it is valuable. Education itself may not feel important to you but think about where it can take you and what it can help you achieve. That’s valuable!

W – Work with others

Collaboration is one of the skills most highly valued by employers. In teams we can grow ideas more quickly and with the benefit of diverse experiences and skills. At school, it is possible to harness this people-power with study buddies and in study groups.

X – eXperiment

Sometimes learning is about trial and error. We often get into the habit of playing it safe just because we got satisfactory results in the past. School is the ideal place to take risks and experiment with learning. The stakes are not high, and you have teachers and family to support and guide you.

essay on qualities of a good learner

Y – You’re responsible for your learning

As you become older you can become more responsible for your own learning and learning behaviours. In secondary school you need a workable routine for getting yourself ready for a day at school and then a timetable for homework and study at home.

Z – Zone of flow

There is a space beyond our comfort zone and just before fear where we thrive in our learning. If you push yourself and become used to the discomfort of ‘not knowing’, you will build a beautiful brain.

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essay on qualities of a good learner

This article was initially written for Lourdes Hill College ‘s blog, Inspiring Girls.

About The Author

Linda stade.

Linda Stade has worked in various teaching and management roles in education for thirty years. She has worked in government and private schools, country and city, single-sex and co-ed. Currently, she is a writer, speaker, and consultant in Western Australia.

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essay on qualities of a good learner

Linda Stade is an educator, writer, speaker, and consultant in Western Australia. She works with parents and teachers to help grow happy, healthy kids who thrive on learning.

[email protected]

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Top 5 Habits of Highly Effective Learners and How to Develop Them

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Top 5 Habits of Highly Effective Learners and How to Develop Them | Career | Emeritus

What are the Five Habits of Highly Effective Learners?

How to develop these five habits, importance of managing a healthy work-life-study balance, embark on the career development journey with emeritus.

A 2022 Statista survey revealed that 25% of online students in the U.S.—current, prospective, and former—expressed concerns about balancing their education with family, work, and household obligations. It can be a challenge to find the time to study while juggling your professional and personal life, particularly if you’re learning remotely. It therefore becomes important to be an efficient and effective learner, especially when you are a working professional trying to juggle an online course. And to achieve success in this endeavor, you need to absorb and retain as much knowledge as possible while managing time efficiently.

If you’re wondering how to enhance your learning ability, chart out an effective study plan, and execute it successfully to attain your learning objectives, read on and find out! 

The ability to learn effectively is influenced by a variety of different habits such as being organized, paying attention to detail, and managing time efficiently. To become successful learners, especially in an online setting, students will benefit by inculcating the following traits: 

1. Get Organized

One of the most important habits of highly effective learners is being organized. They can keep track of their assignments, deadlines, and schedules, prioritize tasks, and manage their time well. Being organized helps learners to stay on top of their studies as well as ensure that they complete their assignments on time.

2. Be Meticulous

Another important habit of successful learners is being meticulous. A meticulous learner pays attention to detail and can identify patterns, connections, and trends in the information they are gaining. They can effectively analyze and evaluate the information they receive, which helps them to retain it better. Being meticulous also helps learners to identify and course correct quickly.

3. Manage Time Effectively

Time management is the process of effectively allocating time between different tasks. It involves setting goals, creating a schedule, and sticking to it. Time management skills are crucial for learners to be able to balance their studies with other commitments such as work and family responsibilities. 

4. Have a Clear Plan

Clear planning helps learners to stay organized and on top of their tasks. Clear planners can break down large projects into smaller tasks and prioritize them. Moreover, they can also set themselves deadlines, and successfully meet them through effective time management and developing the ability to multitask.

5. Be Prepared to Adapt

Last but not least, being agile and ready to adapt is crucial to being successful learners. Agile learners can adjust their approach to adapt to changes quickly and find new ways to augment their learning ability. They can also learn from their mistakes to improve their skills and upskill quickly in order to advance in their career.

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Now that you know what it is that is needed to be an effective learner, find out what you can do to be one yourself. In this section, we look at the steps you can take to scale up your learning ability to help you maximize your learning outcomes. 

1. Start with Decluttering

To get organized, start by decluttering your space. This can be your home, office, or even your computer. Get rid of anything that you no longer need or use. Once you have decluttered, create an organized system for everything that you need. This could be labeling or color-coding your files, folders, even storage containers. 

2. Pay Attention to Minute Details

The first step to becoming meticulous is to pay close attention to the minute details. This means taking the time to evaluate your learning methods, double-checking your assignments, and being mindful of the progress you are making. Given that this habit will take time and effort to develop, start by focusing on one thing at a time and slowly work your way into other areas.

3. Create a Schedule and Stick to it

To improve your time management skills, start by creating a schedule—a daily, weekly, or monthly one. Make sure to include everything that you need to do, including the professional and the personal. Also make sure you find time to relax. Once that’s done, stick to it as much as possible. If you find that you are still constantly running out of time, try to streamline your tasks and learning methods.  

4. Maintain a Weekly/Monthly Planner

To become a clear planner, you need to first create a learning plan, set goals, and follow through with them. Make a list of the tasks you need to achieve, such as your weekly or monthly to-do list, to attain your learning goals. Prioritize the tasks you have scheduled by their order of importance. Thereafter, make sure to check your list regularly and update it as needed if your goals or priorities change. 

5. Be Open to Change

To become agile and ready to adapt, you need to be open to change. To develop this attitude, try to approach new situations with an open mind and be willing to consider different perspectives. Practice being proactive instead of reactive. This way, you’ll be able to anticipate and adapt to changes more effectively.

It’s necessary to strike a balance between the time you spend on work, your personal life, and education. All three are crucial for a fresh mind that will further enhance your learning ability. The benefits of a work-life-study balance include:

1. Improved Physical and Mental Health

Maintaining a healthy work-life-study balance helps avoid excessive stress and burnout caused due to overwork. Moreover, it helps to improve mental and physical health as well as reduce the risk of stress-related illnesses such as hypertension or heart disease. 

2. Increased Productivity

You can focus entirely on successfully finishing the assigned tasks at work, leading to enhanced organizational productivity. Moreover, this will help you meet more work targets and enhance your performance.

3. Strong Relationships

A balance between work, personal life, and education allows you to spend more time with family and friends. This, in turn, increases happiness and peace of mind and can even motivate you to perform better professionally. 

4. Improved Learning Ability

Maintaining a healthy work-life-study balance allows you to focus effectively on optimizing your learning goals. Since you are no longer stressed due to overworking, you can concentrate better on your studies, thus making it possible to gain a deep understanding of subjects, retain valuable information, and derive better learning outcomes. 

ALSO READ : ​​ Emeritus Global Career Impact Survey Shows 94% of Learners See a Positive Impact on Their Career

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12 Characteristics of Successful Learners

Successful learning may happen organically, but it does not happen accidentally. One might be surrounded with rich educational resources, but without key capabilities, those learning opportunities will go untapped.

Characteristics of Successful Learners

What makes a successful learner?

 Successful learners…

  • …are leaders in their own learning.
  • …engage with the world around them.
  • …question everything.
  • …think for themselves.
  • …are driven by their interests.
  • …push through challenges.
  • …are determined to succeed.
  • …have inner motivation and self discipline.
  • …exercise their minds and their bodies.
  • …cultivate good habits.
  • …know how and when to ask for help.
  • …are willing to take risks, fail, and learn from their mistakes.

What other characteristics can you add to this list? How did you encourage successful learning today?

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  • Tips for Teaching Gifted Students
  • The Freedom to be Flexible

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Home / Samples / Education / All Education Essays Examples / Education Essay Example: Essay on Qualities of a Good Student

Education Essay Example: Essay on Qualities of a Good Student

Qualities of a Good Student: Striving for Academic Excellence and Personal Growth

Education is a journey that transforms individuals, shaping their character and preparing them for the challenges of the future. Within this educational odyssey, the role of a student is pivotal, and the qualities they possess significantly influence their success. A good student is not merely defined by academic achievements but encompasses a broad spectrum of traits that contribute to personal and intellectual growth. In this essay, we will delve into the various qualities that define a good student, examining their impact on academic pursuits and holistic development.

**1. Passion for Learning: The Foundation of Academic Excellence

A fundamental quality of a good student is an innate passion for learning. This intrinsic motivation fuels a desire to explore new concepts, question assumptions, and delve into the depths of knowledge. A passionate student doesn’t view education as a chore but as a thrilling adventure, constantly seeking to expand their intellectual horizons. This passion serves as the cornerstone for academic excellence, driving the student to excel not merely for grades but for the sheer joy of understanding and mastering new subjects.

**2. Discipline and Time Management: Keys to Success

Discipline and effective time management are indispensable qualities for any successful student. The ability to organize one’s time, prioritize tasks, and maintain a disciplined approach to studies ensures that the student can navigate the complexities of academic life. Balancing coursework, assignments, and extracurricular activities demands a structured routine, and a good student excels in maintaining this delicate equilibrium. These skills extend beyond academia, becoming valuable assets in professional and personal spheres.

**3. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Nurturing Analytical Minds

In a rapidly evolving world, the ability to think critically and solve problems is crucial. A good student possesses analytical skills that extend beyond rote memorization. They question information, evaluate evidence, and draw informed conclusions. This intellectual dexterity not only aids in academic pursuits but also equips the student to tackle real-world challenges with resilience and creativity.

**4. Effective Communication: Bridging Gaps and Fostering Collaboration

Communication is a cornerstone of success in any field. A good student not only comprehends complex ideas but also articulates them effectively. Whether through written assignments, oral presentations, or collaborative projects, effective communication skills empower students to convey their thoughts with clarity and precision. This ability not only facilitates academic success but also prepares them for future professional endeavors where effective communication is a prized asset.

**5. Adaptability: Embracing Change for Continuous Growth

The ability to adapt to new situations and embrace change is a quality that sets exceptional students apart. In an era characterized by rapid advancements, adaptability is a vital skill. A good student is not resistant to change but sees it as an opportunity for growth and exploration. This adaptability extends to various aspects of life, fostering resilience and the capacity to thrive in diverse environments.

**6. Curiosity and a Hunger for Knowledge: A Lifelong Quest

Curiosity is the engine that drives the quest for knowledge. A good student harbors an insatiable hunger for understanding the world around them. This curiosity extends beyond the confines of textbooks, prompting the student to explore diverse fields of study and engage in continuous self-directed learning. This quality not only enriches their academic experience but cultivates a lifelong love for learning.

**7. Responsible Citizenship: Nurturing Social Conscience

Beyond academic prowess, a good student recognizes their role as a responsible citizen. They understand the importance of community engagement, social justice, and ethical conduct. By actively participating in community service, advocating for positive change, and demonstrating ethical behavior, a good student contributes to the betterment of society. This quality transcends the academic realm, shaping individuals who are not only intellectually adept but also socially responsible.

**8. Resilience and Perseverance: Overcoming Challenges

The journey of education is fraught with challenges – academic setbacks, personal struggles, and unforeseen obstacles. A good student exhibits resilience, bouncing back from setbacks with unwavering perseverance. This quality is a testament to their determination and commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. Resilience ensures that challenges become stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks on the path to success.

Conclusion: Cultivating Well-Rounded Individuals

In conclusion, the qualities of a good student extend far beyond the confines of academic achievements. A good student embodies passion for learning, discipline, critical thinking, effective communication, adaptability, curiosity, a sense of responsibility, and resilience. These qualities collectively contribute to the holistic development of individuals who not only excel academically but also navigate the complexities of life with grace and purpose. As we strive to nurture the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators, it is essential to recognize and cultivate these qualities that define a truly exceptional student.

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Developing Qualities as a Learner: A Reflective Essay

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