10+ Free High School Resume Templates for 2024

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Writing your high school resume is already hard as it is - you shouldn’t have to spend hours working on your resume layout and format.

Want to fast-track your resume-creation process?

Use one of these 10+ free high school resume templates!

All you have to do is pick a template that resonates with you and fill in the contents. Zero formatting hassle is required!

10+ Free High School Resume Templates [Pick & Download]

#1. simple resume template.

high school resume template 1

This timeless layout works for everyone - highschoolers and seasoned professionals alike. 

The understated design and clean look put equal emphasis on all parts of your resume.

#2. Professional Resume Template

high school resume template 2

The Professional template puts more emphasis on your work experience and skills. Don’t have much work experience? You can always replace it with some other relevant section like extracurricular activities or volunteering experience.

#3. College Resume Template

high school resume template 3

Created with recent graduates in mind, this template is also suitably structured for any applicant with little to no work experience. 

#4. Creative Resume Template

creative high school resume

If you’re looking for a job in the creative industry or want to try something a bit bolder, the Creative template is right for you. It’s guaranteed to stand out in any resume pile with its light on dark header and circle style skill graphs. 

#5. Modern Resume Template

modern high school resume templates

The Modern template is a step up from the more basic designs. It has an organized look featuring brackets and squares.

#6. Functional Resume Template

functional high school resume template

The Functional Resume template puts more emphasis on your educational background, making it a perfect fit for highschoolers or just about anyone with no work experience.

#7. One Color Resume Template

one color high school resume template

This template is quite simple and to-the-point. The sections are clearly separated, and the resume objective is located top and center. Bonus points: you can even personalize this high school resume template by customizing the color scheme.

#8. Two-Column Resume Template

two column high school resume

The template has a rather unique two-column resume structure . It is easy to skim and pleasant to look at. 

It also has a very compact look, making it perfect for job-seekers with no work experience.

#9. Vertical Header Resume Template

Vertical Header Resume Template

What’s interesting about this template is the vertical layout in the header section. It looks refreshing and straight-up cool. However, it’s a hit or miss kind of situation. The recruiter will either be intrigued by it, or be bothered by having to turn the page to the side. Use at your own risk.

#10. Infographic Resume Template

Infographic Resume Template high school

Infographic resume templates in general use graphs and charts to illustrate the information. This template in particular uses bubbles to portray skills and level of competence, as well as icons to illustrate interests. This makes the resume quick to skim through and the information easy to understand. 

How Long Should a High School Resume Be?

The resume length discussion has been going on for ages and typically, the answer tends to vary depending on industry and years of experience. 

When it comes to a high school resume, however, there’s no room for discussion: your resume should be one-page max. 

It’s justifiable to have a two-page resume in case you have, say 10+ years of experience in the industry (which you don’t).

If your draft resume ends up being longer, revise your content with a critical eye and cut out anything that’s not relevant for the job you’re applying for.

Remember: the recruiter wants to know what your top skills and experiences are, not your entire life story!

What Should I Include In My High School Resume?

In your high school resume, include the following sections:

  • Contact Information - This consists of personal and contact information like first and last name, phone number, e-mail address, or links to other profiles. Make sure everything is written correctly so the recruiter can reach you back.
  • Resume Objective - This is a 3-4 sentence statement that describes your career goals and aspirations as well as mentions your skills and achievements. It’s used to grab the recruiter’s attention and ensure that they read the rest of your resume.
  • Education - You can already guess what this one’s about, right? You should list down your education institution (high school) as well as any academic-related certifications or achievements.
  • Extracurricular Activities - This is your resume’s selling point. The equivalent of work experience, if you will. Your extracurriculars are usually participation in high school clubs or various events and they show the recruiter you’re a competent and engaged individual.
  • Projects & Gigs - In this section, you’d mention any independent projects you’ve worked on outside of academics. For example, a side-gig or your own blog - anything that shows you’re a self-starter.
  • Work Experience (optional) - If you have any, you can list your work experiences. An internship or volunteer work also qualifies for this section.
  • Languages - An extra language or two will definitely give you an edge over the other candidates. So, if you’re good at languages, make sure to list a dedicated section for that!
  • Hobbies & Interests - Choose a few things that will give the recruiter some insight into your personality. Bonus points if these hobbies and interests are related to the industry where you’re applying - they’ll show you’re passionate and genuinely interested in the job.

And that’s about it!

How to Create a High School Resume With No Work Experience?

You’ve probably heard of the famous trope:

“You need work experience to get a job, but a job to get work experience.”

Fortunately, it’s not actually true.

If you’re applying for an entry-level position in any field, no one’s actually expecting you to have work experience.

Instead, you can focus on the experiences you do have to stand out from the rest of the applicants. Some things you can include in your resume are:

  • Extracurricular activities
  • Projects & gigs
  • Hobbies & interests
  • Internships

Key Takeaways

And that’s about it on high school resume templates!

If you want to know more about what to write and how to write it, check out our in-depth guide to writing a high school resume .

Before you go your way, let’s go over the main points of this article one more time:

  • Always use a high school resume template instead of working on your resume from scratch - trust us, it’s going to save you a lot of time.
  • Stick to the one-page resume limit. The recruiter wants to know about your work experience, not about your entire life story.
  • Instead of work experience, focus on alternative sections like extracurricular activities, projects, volunteering experience, and so on.

Discover More Resume Templates

  • Word Resume Templates
  • Google Docs Resume Templates
  • Chronological Resume Templates
  • One Page Resume Templates
  • Combination Resume Templates
  • Creative Resume Templates
  • 2 Page Resume Templates
  • Minimalistic Resume Templates

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16 High School Student Resume Examples Created for 2024

Stephen Greet

High School Student Resume

  • High School Student Resumes by Experience
  • High School Student Resumes by Role

High school is one of the best times of your life, but it can also be one of the most difficult when looking for your first or second job. You’ve got to fill out applications, prep for interviews, and write your resume.

Using ChatGPT for resumes  is a cool idea, but can still feel daunting and overwhelming. We’ve all been there, and up until now, there hasn’t been a good resource for high schoolers to help  craft compelling resumes or student cover letters .

We’ve analyzed countless high school resumes to discover  what would get students job interviews in 2024 . While you may want to start with a simple  resume outline , keep reading to find 16 high school resume samples (plus writing tips) that are jam-packed with essential techniques and tricks.

or download as PDF

High school student resume example with 2 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • If you choose to use a template, make sure you adjust the  resume’s formatting  so that your text is big enough to read with one-inch margins on the side.
  • However, you should write your bullet points like you would for a job. Highlight any responsibilities and accomplishments relevant to the job you’re applying for now.
  • For example, if you’re looking for a job in sales, emphasize your ability to work in groups and create a good customer experience.

High School Student No Experience Resume

High school student no experience resume example with no experience

  • If you don’t have work history, include projects and volunteer work instead. Treat them like a job and write bullet points according to your responsibilities.
  • Make sure you start every bullet point with active verbs, and always double-check for typos. You’ve got this!
  • Include your unique skills, your desired position, and the company you hope to work for to make your objective stand out from the rest!

First Job High School Student Resume

First job high school student resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • To remedy that problem, add a  skills section on your resume  to give hiring managers an important overview of your strengths.
  • To really highlight your abilities, incorporate the same skills in your work experience, too. Demonstrate how you used your skills to better your workplace, and you can’t go wrong!
  • Adding stylistic elements like color and different fonts can help you show a bit of your personality (and make your resume more fun to read). 

Experienced High School Student Resume

Experienced high school student resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • Remember, your resume is a highlight reel, so you need to include what’s most important (like your achievements and relevant metrics). 
  • You can adjust your layout, font sizes, and margins, but keep it easy to read. 
  • Use a bit of color and some fun fonts, provided it still looks professional. You’ve got this!

High School Senior Resume

High school senior resume example experience with project experience

  • This statement must align with the potential employer’s needs, proving you understand the job requirements and have gone the extra mile to address doubts about your capabilities. As for experiences that might have prepared you for the job, workshops and volunteering programs you’ve participated in are prominent candidates.

Out of High School Resume

Out of high school resume example with project experience

  • Leisure activities range from soccer, hiking, drawing and sketching, robotics, and photography to journalism. But how do they fit in the picture? Well, a penchant for drawing and sketching could reflect creativity and an eye for detail, while journalism stints could hint at strong communication and critical thinking.

High School Graduate Resume

High school graduate resume example with newspaper and photography experience

  • Right from the first line of the career objective, you can see the candidate’s passion and willingness to work in this field. Notice how Serai’s love for photography is clearly backed by a previous project for a school newspaper.
  • These details will be perfect when Serai’s ready for the AI cover letter generator to bring her application to perfection.

High School Student Scholarship Resume

High school student scholarship resume example with volunteer and project experience

  • Your high school student scholarship resume should vividly show your positive contributions to noble causes, such as offering ADLs to seniors, and emphasize your impact on society.

High School Student College Application Resume

High school student college application resume example with 1 year of work experience

  • Ensure your high school student college application resume shows your practical and classwork achievements that emphasize your grand vision to make a positive contribution to society.

High School Student for College Resume

High school student for college resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Before hitting “submit,” always  check your resume  for typos and other minor errors. It’s amazing what you can miss during your first few reviews.
  • A good GPA can demonstrate, at least in part, your willingness to work hard. We’d recommend including your GPA only if it’s above 3.5, but anything above a 3 is a good average.

High School Student for Customer Service Resume

High school student for customer service resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Including projects, volunteer work, or club memberships is a great way to add value to your resume.
  • Your resume should focus on your abilities and other activities you’ve engaged in that will show your value.
  • Read the responsibilities and qualifications to look for key skills and tasks. Then, incorporate some of those skills and responsibilities into your high school student customer service resume.

High School Student Internship Resume

High school student internship resume example with 3 years of experience

  • For example, if the job description lists responsibilities like writing and analyzing data, include “written communication” and “data analysis” in your skills section.
  • One easy way to customize your resume is by focusing your  resume skills  on things that apply to the internship. 
  • Make sure you keep your resume professional and to the point. You don’t want to include anything too personal about your beliefs, religion, politics, or personal information.
  • For example, you can list “volunteering at local church,” but avoid saying “fasting every weekend.” It doesn’t show off relevant skills and is a bit too forward for a resume.

High School Student Office Worker Resume

High school student office worker resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Good projects include anything that demonstrates your leadership abilities or desire for knowledge. Senior projects, personal blogs, or even being on a sports team are all good examples to include!
  • Add work experience directly under your contact information and name, then add any relevant projects if you’re low on space. 
  • While there are plenty of  resume writing tips , your resume should be as unique as you. Don’t get so caught up in what you think you “should” do that your resume is bland and cookie-cutter. 

High School Student Sales Resume

High school student sales resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Numbers demonstrate your value, and they’re useful tools for the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) software that hiring managers use to sort through job applicants.
  • Trust us, and incorporate metrics into at least 80% of your bullet points!
  • For example, you know that different  resume templates  can change your resume’s appearance, but different templates can also stretch or streamline your content. 
  • Mess with multiple templates to see what your content will look like—you may find a template that allows for more room, or one that allows you to highlight your skills better.

High School Student Athlete  Resume

High school student athlete resume example with 4 years of athletic experience

  • Think of a time you proved you were the MVP on your team—Did you lead your team to a championship? Perhaps you made the game-winning shot in a crucial, nail-biting game?

High School Student Music Resume

High school student music resume example with 4 years of music experience

  • When you include hobbies like songwriting or your interest in classical music in your high school student music resume , it conveys to your recruiter that you’re super dedicated and passionate about your craft.
  • You can also include hobbies that are different, too. For example, if you enjoy experimenting with new recipes from around the world, that can show you’re ready to give new genres a whirl or that you understand that music—while art—is still supposed to be fun and adventuresome.

Related resume guides

  • Entry Level

Create my free resume now

High School Resume Templates

Outline your academic qualifications and extracurricular activities to stand out with an appealing college, scholarship, internship, or part-time job application using Venngage's customizable high school resume templates.

high school resume templates

Other resume templates

  • Professional resumes
  • Simple resumes
  • Student resumes
  • Cover letters
  • Scholarship resumes
  • Babysitter resumes
  • College resumes
  • Acting resumes
  • Graphic design resumes
  • Modern resumes
  • Photo resumes
  • Creative resumes
  • Teacher resumes
  • Corporate resumes
  • Infographic resumes
  • Academic resumes
  • Colorful resumes
  • Minimalist resume
  • Tech resumes

High School Resume Design Templates

Popular template categories

  • Infographics
  • Presentations
  • White papers
  • Letterheads
  • Newsletters
  • Business cards
  • Human resources
  • Certificates
  • Invitations
  • Social media
  • Table of contents
  • Magazine covers
  • Price lists
  • Album covers
  • Book covers
  • See All Templates

My Resume Templates

Free Student Resume Example in Word

student resume template

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Download your free student resume template in Word format

Use this free student resume to apply to universities , internships , or even your first job . We help make your job search a smoother experience by providing the perfect resume template for you ! Just download the resume template and start editing it in Word. Find your next job now!

  • File format:  Word (Microsoft)
  • File size:  355 KB
  • Ready-to-use:  fast, easy, and free


Are you on the hunt for student resume templates in Word format? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll cover essential tips, the necessary sections for a student resume , the importance of a profile summary, how to showcase your experiences and education, and the critical skills and software that can make your resume shine.

Whether you’re a high school student exploring part-time opportunities or a college graduate looking for your first full-time job, our guide and free student resume template in Word are here to assist you.

This guide will provide you with :

  • Your free student resume template to download in Word.
  • A student resume example that you can copy for inspiration.
  • How to best showcase your skills and experiences in a way that can get you hired ASAP.

Also download: Academic CV Template

Student Resume Example (Text Format)

John Doe [email protected] (555) 555-5555 linkedin.com/johndoe

  • Profile Summary

Energetic and highly motivated student with a passion for marketing and a track record of academic excellence. Adept at implementing innovative marketing strategies, collaborating in team environments, and adapting to challenges. Seeking an entry-level position to leverage my skills and knowledge to contribute to a dynamic marketing team.

Professional Experiences

Marketing Intern, XYZ Company, Anytown, USA Summer 20 XX

  • Collaborated with the marketing team to execute a social media campaign that increased online engagement by 30%.
  • Conducted market research to identify emerging industry trends, providing insights that led to a 15% increase in sales.
  • Assisted in the creation and distribution of marketing materials, including brochures, email newsletters, and product catalogs.

Content Creator, Freelance 20XX-Present

  • Produced blog posts, social media content, and video scripts for various clients, resulting in an average of 20% growth in online followers.
  • Conducted keyword research and SEO optimization to enhance content visibility and organic traffic.
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously, meeting deadlines consistently and maintaining client satisfaction.

Sales Associate , – ABC Retail, Anytown, USA 20XX-20 XX

  • Provided exceptional customer service, resulting in a 10% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Utilized excellent communication and interpersonal skills to assist customers in making informed purchasing decisions.
  • Actively participated in visual merchandising and store operations, contributing to a 5% boost in overall sales.

Master of Business Administration , NYU May 20XX

Bachelor of Arts in Communication , NYU May 20XX

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Video Production
  • Market Research and Analysis
  • Google Analytics
  • Communication
  • Team Collaboration
  • Problem Solving
  • Adaptability
  • Time Management
  • English (Native)
  • Spanish (Conversational)
  • Social Media Trends
  • Photography
  • Public Speaking

Tips for Making a Good Student Resume

Crafting a compelling student resume is a crucial step toward opening doors to educational opportunities and future careers. A well-structured resume not only showcases your academic achievements but also highlights your skills, experiences, and unique qualities.

Keep these in mind while editing your student resume in Word

We get it. You’re still a student . And if you’re one of the lucky ones, you’ve most likely never had to work a day in your life. That means you’re probably freaking out right now and wishing this was all over yesterday.

It wasn’t, but it will be. Bear with us for a bit longer, and you will be making bank in no time !

Follow these suggestions so that you’re be better equipped to create a compelling document that grabs the attention of recruiters, educators, or anyone reviewing your credentials.

student resume template

  • Highlight achievements : Showcase your accomplishments, such as academic awards, extracurricular activities, and volunteer work.
  • Tailor for the job : Customize your resume to match the requirements of the position you’re applying for.
  • Keep it concise : Aim for a one-page resume, highlighting your most relevant information.
  • Use action verbs : Begin your bullet points with strong action verbs to describe your experiences.
  • Be organized : Structure your resume logically, making it easy for recruiters to skim.
  • Proofread : Ensure there are no typos or grammatical errors to present a professional image.

Choosing the right sections for your student resume

To ensure your resume stands out in a sea of applicants, thoughtful consideration must be given to the sections included. Each section should strategically showcase your unique blend of skills, experiences, and potential contributions to a prospective employer.

Here are some essential tips to guide you in choosing the right sections while editing your free student resume sample in Word, creating a document that not only reflects your academic achievements but also positions you as a well-rounded candidate.

Recommended Sections

  • Contact Information
  • Experiences

Optional Sections

  • Awards and Honors

Check out 10 Resume Sections for more

Student Resume Profile Summary

This section, nestled at the beginning of a CV, allows students to highlight their unique strengths and career goals , setting the stage for a more comprehensive exploration of their qualifications.

By succinctly encapsulating the essence of one’s academic and extracurricular journey, a profile summary becomes the gateway for recruiters to quickly gauge a student’s suitability for a given role.

Nursing student resume objective example

Compassionate and dedicated nursing student with a strong foundation in medical theory and hands-on clinical experience. Adept at providing patient-centered care and collaborating with interdisciplinary teams. Proven ability to maintain composure in high-pressure situations. Eager to leverage theoretical knowledge and practical skills gained through rigorous coursework to contribute to a dynamic healthcare environment.

Example of resume objective for a law student

Diligent law student with a passion for justice and a keen eye for legal intricacies. Proficient in legal research, case analysis, and persuasive argumentation. Demonstrated excellence in moot court competitions, honing public speaking and advocacy skills. Seeking to apply legal acumen and a commitment to fairness in a challenging legal internship, with aspirations to contribute to the betterment of the legal system.

Engineering student resume objective example

Results-oriented engineering student with a strong foundation in mechanical design and problem-solving. Proficient in CAD software and experienced in collaborative project environments. Proven ability to conceptualize and implement innovative solutions. Seeking a dynamic engineering role to apply theoretical knowledge and hands-on expertise, contributing to projects that push the boundaries of technological advancement.

Also read: Resume Objective Examples for Job Seekers

Experiences Section in a Student Resume

To make the most of this section, it’s crucial to not only list your experiences but also to provide specific details about your job titles, the companies you’ve worked for, the dates you held each position, and most importantly, a concise yet compelling list of your achievements in a bulleted format.

This way, you can leave a lasting impression, showing that you’re ready to step into the professional world with confidence and capability.

Example of experiences on a resume for students

Marketing Intern , XYZ Marketing Agency, NY May 20XX – August 20XX

  • Assisted in developing and executing social media campaigns, increasing engagement by 30%.
  • Conducted market research, identifying trends that led to a 15% boost in client satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with the design team to create visually appealing content, resulting in a 25% increase in click-through rates.

Sales Associate , ABC Electronics, NY June 20XX – December 20XX

  • Consistently exceeded monthly sales targets by 20%.
  • Provided excellent customer service, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rate.

Volunteer Coordinator , Community Outreach Program, NY September 20XX – May 20XX

  • Recruited and managed a team of 15 volunteers for community events, increasing participation by 40%.
  • Planned and executed fundraising initiatives, raising $10,000 for the organization.
  • Established a streamlined communication system within the organization, reducing response times by 30%.

Student Resume Education Section

The “Education” section of your student resume is where you lay the foundation for your future career. While your academic journey is only one part of your professional story, it’s a pivotal one.

This section not only provides a glimpse into your formal education but also speaks volumes about your dedication , commitment , and the knowledge you’ve acquired along the way.

Resume education section for students

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science , NYU August 20XX – May 20 XX

  • Data Structures
  • Web Development
  • Software Engineering

Honors: Magna Cum Laude

Hard Skills for the Student Resume

Hard skills are the concrete qualifications that employers seek when hiring. They demonstrate your competence and proficiency in areas that are directly applicable to the role you’re pursuing. This section is a vital component of your resume, as it offers potential employers an immediate glimpse of your qualifications.

Examples of hard skills to add on a resume for students

  • Data Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Content Writing
  • Graphic Design
  • Programming (e.g., Python, Java)
  • Customer Service
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

student making a resume

Soft Skills for the Student Resume

Soft skills include traits like communication, teamwork, adaptability, and leadership . While they may not be as easily quantifiable as hard skills, they are highly sought after by employers. In fact, many employers consider soft skills just as important, if not more so, than hard skills because they determine how effectively you can collaborate with colleagues, adapt to new challenges, and navigate the intricacies of the workplace.

Examples of soft skills to add on a resume for students

  • Problem-Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Organization
  • Attention to Detail

Software (Optional Section)

In today’s digitally driven world, software skills are increasingly important for students entering the job market. Your proficiency with specific software applications can greatly enhance your qualifications and set you apart from other candidates. The “Software” section of your student resume is the space to highlight your technical abilities, demonstrating to potential employers that you possess the tools to excel in your chosen field.

Example of how to add software on a student resume

  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

FAQs for a Student Resume

Is it necessary to include references on my student resume.

Including references is optional. You can add them if the job posting specifically requests them, but otherwise, you can provide references upon request.

How do I explain employment gaps on my student resume?

If you have employment gaps, be honest and brief in your explanation. Mention personal or academic reasons and highlight any skills or experiences gained during the gap that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Crafting an effective student resume is a crucial step in your career journey. Remember to adapt your resume for each application, highlight your achievements, and always proofread for the best results. Good luck with your job search!

How to download the resume example for high school students for free.

It cannot get any easier than this! Follow the steps below to successfully download and edit your free student resume template :

  • Click on the free Download button above.
  • The download will start automatically.
  • Go to the downloads folder on your device and open the Word document.
  • Edit your resume student and export it to PDF.
  • Send to recruiters!

Get started on your resume example for students now !

Sarah Shaar

Expert resume and career advice writer

Updated March 13, 2024

  • Free Resume Example
  • Written Example
  • Hard Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • Resume Examples
  • Resume Templates
  • Basic Resume Templates

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student resume template

Resume templates

Put your best qualities on display with professional, customizable resume and cv templates. no matter your line of work or length of professional history, you'll find resume and cv templates that'll help you get the gig..

Resume template surrounded by 3D design elements

Download free resume templates

Land your dream job with free, customizable resume templates. Showcase your potential to recruiters and stand out from other candidates with a professional template. Whether you're applying to corporate positions or creative roles, go with a sleek design or show your creativity with bold colors .

Resumes don't need to look boring—add flair to your professional experience with a creative resume template. There are plenty of resume designs to choose from, like simple resume templates and modern resume templates. Each resume template is fully customizable in Microsoft Word , so you can personalize each design element and add your own text. Using a template also makes it easier to customize your resume for each position you apply to.

Print out as many copies as you'd like or download the template for free to share digitally when applying online. These professional resume templates are perfect for any stage of life or career. Whether you're a high school student, actor, or seeking a career in nursing, you can find any format for any job type.

There are also a variety of free CV (Curriculum Vitae) templates to choose from. A CV is often longer than a resume and contains an in-depth look at your education and professional accomplishments. Like our resume templates, these CV templates are also customizable in Word.

Remember, your next job is only a template away! Once you've customized your resume, explore free cover letter templates to help you land the job.

High School Resume

Personal details:.

Age: [Your Age]

Date of Birth: [Month, Day, Year]

Religion: [Your Religion]

Address: [Your Company Address]

A motivated and enthusiastic high school student at [Your Company Name] looking to leverage strong skills in communication and team collaboration as a [Desired Position] at [Company You're Applying To] .

Passionate about [Your Areas of Interest] and eager to develop professional skills by contributing to team success through hard work, attention to detail, and excellent organizational skills.

Aiming to use my abilities to successfully fulfill the [Position Name] role while gaining valuable work experience and insight into the [Industry Type] industry.

[Your Company Name], [City, State]

Expected Graduation: [Month, Year]

Relevant coursework includes Advanced Placement (AP) English Literature, Honors Biology, Algebra II, Spanish Language and Culture, Computer Science Fundamentals.

Consistently maintained a GPA above [Your GPA] , demonstrating strong academic performance in [Subjects You Excel In] .

Engaged in various extracurricular activities contributing to a well-rounded educational experience.

[Job Title or Extracurricular Role 1] at [Company Name or School Club] , [City, State]

[Start Date] - [End Date] or Present

Analyzed and improved the filing system for classroom materials, resulting in a 30% reduction in time spent searching for resources.

Led weekly study group sessions to review class materials and prepare for exams.

[Job Title or Extracurricular Role 2] at [Company Name or School Club] , [City, State]

Developed and implemented a community service project focused on environmental conservation, resulting in the collection of over 500 pounds of litter from public spaces.

Managed inventory and supplies for school club events, increasing club membership by 20% through targeted outreach and promotional activities.

Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Strong leadership skills - Served as captain of the varsity soccer team, leading practices and motivating teammates to achieve success on and off the field.

Excellent time management - Successfully balanced academic coursework, extracurricular activities, and part-time job responsibilities while maintaining a high GPA.

Awards and Honors

Acknowledged for academic excellence with [Name of Award] in [Year] .

Recognized as Student of the Year in Mathematics for outstanding achievement and dedication in the subject.


Volunteer at [Name of Organization] , [City, State]

Contributed to [Project or Service] , helping to raise awareness about environmental issues and gain valuable experience in social responsibility.

Spanish: Intermediate proficiency.

French: Basic proficiency.

Available upon request.

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    In this resume template for a high school student, the "Professional Skills" section is named "Relevant Skills.". It highlights the skills learned from projects, showing that the student has what it takes to do the job despite not having a professional background. Resume for a high school student with internship experience.

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    Start with the right contact details so the employer is able to get in touch. Write a captivating resume objective for your heading statement. Document your current high school education thus far. Add past or current teenage work experience, if you have it. Prove your teen resume accomplishments by using numbers.

  9. High School Student Resume Examples & Writing Guide

    Below are three resume samples to help you visualize your end goal: a complete job application for a high school student with no experience, part-time experience, or plenty of work history. #1 High School Resume Example With No Proper Work Experience. Jill Kikorski. High School Senior.

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    Build Your Resume. Resume Builder offers free, HR-approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. 1. Write a dynamic profile summarizing your qualifications. In a brief paragraph, your profile summary should describe your top three to five qualifications for your target high school job.

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    16 High School Student. Resume Examples Created for 2024. Stephen Greet March 27, 2024. High school is one of the best times of your life, but it can also be one of the most difficult when looking for your first or second job. You've got to fill out applications, prep for interviews, and write your resume. Using ChatGPT for resumes is a cool ...

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    Resume tips for high school students. 1. Make a list of things you're proud of. Before writing your resume, prepare a list of accomplishments you're proud of. If it's your first time writing a resume, brainstorming achievements from your high school career will help you choose the top achievements for your resume.

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    High School Student Resume Example: Professional. Consider this professional high school student resume example featuring a clean and traditional design, including a concise objective statement, relevant skills, quantifiable achievements, and academic accomplishments. The resume adheres to a traditional and clean format, conveying ...

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    Whether you're a college graduate entering the workforce or a parent returning to work after a long time, you need a compelling résumé to show recruiters you're the best fit for an open ...