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IMAT Critical Thinking (Logic): Resources and Strategies

Ace the critical thinking section of the IMAT exam with our guide. Discover valuable resources and strategies to help you prepare and succeed.

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Ari Horesh University of Pavia, Italy

The IMAT Critical Thinking section examines students’ ability to think critically and apply logic to solve problems. It is crucial to master this section to achieve a high score on the exam. 7 types of logic are commonly tested in this section, and each requires a specific approach:

  • Summarising the main conclusion: This type of question involves identifying the main conclusion of an argument or passage. To excel in this type of question, it is important to understand the key points of the argument and the relationship between them.
  • Drawing a conclusion: This type of question involves drawing a logical conclusion based on the information provided. To excel in this type of question, it is important to understand the premises and the logical relationship between them.
  • Identifying an assumption: This type of question involves identifying an implicit assumption that underlies an argument. To excel in this type of question, it is important to understand the argument and identify the unstated assumptions that are necessary for the argument to be valid.
  • Assessing the impact of additional evidence: This type of question involves evaluating the impact of additional evidence on an argument. To excel in this type of question, it is important to understand the argument and how the additional evidence affects the conclusion.
  • Detecting reasoning errors: This type of question involves identifying errors in reasoning, such as logical fallacies or false premises. To excel in this type of question, it is important to understand the types of errors in reasoning and how to identify them.
  • Matching arguments: This type of question involves matching arguments with their corresponding conclusions or assumptions. To excel in this type of question, it is important to understand the arguments and the logical relationship between the premises and the conclusion or assumption.
  • Applying principles: This type of question involves applying a principle or rule to a specific case. To excel in this type of question, it is important to understand the principle or rule and how to apply it to different cases.

Now that we’ve broken down each type of question, let’s look at some past questions and examples from similar exams to further illustrate the importance of mastering critical thinking skills. We will also discuss the best resources to use for this section and how to study for it. 

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Imat critical thinking (logic) best resources.

One of the best ways to prepare for the IMAT Critical Thinking section is to practice as many questions as possible. It is important to use a variety of resources, including past papers from the BMAT Section 1, the TSA, and past IMAT exams.

However, before practicing any questions, it is important to develop a good strategy because each thinking skill has a specific set of steps that you must always use to solve the question. It is not enough to simply rely on intuition or guesswork.

I believe about 95% of IMAT takers follow their gut feeling instead of using a specific strategy to answer questions. This is a mistake and can lead to lower scores on the exam. It is important to have a structured approach to answering questions in the critical thinking section.

One of the best resources for studying the critical thinking section is the book “A Concise Introduction to Logic, 11th edition.” This book covers all the key concepts and thinking skills required for the exam. The first part of the book provides a comprehensive overview of the different types of logic, including deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, and propositional logic. It also includes many practice questions to help you test your understanding and reinforce your learning.

Overall, using a variety of resources and developing a structured approach to answering questions are crucial for success in the IMAT Critical Thinking section. The book “A Concise Introduction to Logic” is an excellent resource that can help you prepare in the best way possible and make the exam questions look like a piece of cake.

A concise introduction to logic - Probably the best IMAT logic book you will even need!

The Most Important Type of Skills to Have

While all types of logic skills are important to master, some skills are more frequently tested on the IMAT Critical Thinking (Logic) section than others. The most important skill to have is the ability to draw valid conclusions based on given premises. This skill is tested in many different ways on the exam, including questions that ask you to draw a conclusion, identify the main conclusion, or match an argument with its corresponding conclusion.

Drawing valid conclusions is essential to succeeding in the critical thinking section because it is the foundation of logical reasoning. It requires you to carefully analyze the given premises, identify the logical relationship between them, and use that relationship to draw a logical and valid conclusion. This skill is also closely related to deductive reasoning, which is another important skill to have for the exam.

To master the skill of drawing valid conclusions, it is important to practice as many questions as possible, using the strategies and approaches we will discuss later in the article. It is also helpful to review past questions and learn from your mistakes to improve your understanding of the material. Additionally, using high-quality study resources like the “A Concise Introduction to Logic” book can provide a strong foundation in this critical thinking skill and help you succeed on the exam.

Summarizing Main Conclusion

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The “Summarizing Main Conclusion” question is one of the most straightforward types of questions in the IMAT Critical Thinking (Logic) section. Its goal is to test your ability to summarize the message of the author in 1-2 sentences.

However, the hardest part about this type of question is sorting through the answer choices. Sometimes, there can be more than one answer that looks correct, but you must remember that you are looking for the MAIN conclusion, not just something that is said in the text that is true. So, how can you more easily find the main conclusion?

First, when you read the question, avoid jumping to the answers. Instead, read the text and formulate your own conclusion in your own words. Then, underline a matching sentence from the text. The conclusion is either directly stated in the text or there will be a sentence that acts as a stepping stone to it. After making your own conclusion, you can go through the possible answer choices and start the elimination process. Find the answer that best matches your own conclusion and compare it to your underlined sentence in the text.

However, be careful: the answer selection can often be vague or overreaching, meaning that they make sense and are true in real life but they are not explained by the text alone. If you are still having doubts after completing these steps, ask yourself: “Is this really a conclusion or is this just supporting the conclusion?” Remember that just because an answer matches something from the text, does not necessarily mean it is the conclusion.

Certain words or phrases can also be a giveaway of the conclusion. For example, words such as “Therefore”, “so”, “as a result”, “thus”, “hence”, and others can indicate the conclusion. These words may not always be obvious, but with practice, you will slowly recognize these identifiers more and more.

Here are the key steps to follow when answering a “Summarizing Main Conclusion” question:

  • Read the question carefully. Do this for every question in the IMAT Critical Thinking (Logic) section.
  • Read the passage carefully and thoroughly, making sure you understand the main idea.
  • In your own words, make a conclusion for the passage. What is the author’s main idea? Be concise and precise.
  • Find a sentence in the text that matches the conclusion you made, and underline it. This sentence should either directly state the conclusion or provide a stepping stone to it.
  • Keep an eye out for giveaway words and phrases that can indicate the conclusion. Examples include “Therefore”, “so”, “as a result”, “thus”, “hence”, and others.
  • Find an answer that matches the underlined sentence. Use the elimination method to narrow down the answer choices and select the one that best matches your conclusion.

By following these steps, you can improve your ability to summarize the main conclusion and avoid falling for answer choices that are not directly related to the main idea. With practice and attention to detail, you can excel in this type of question and boost your overall score on the IMAT Critical Thinking (Logic) section.

Drawing Conclusions

imat critical thinking

The “Drawing Conclusions” question is a more abstract type of question in the IMAT Critical Thinking (Logic) section because there is no conclusion clearly written in the passage. Your goal is to find supporting evidence in the text that can be used to make a generalized statement about the passage. Once you find the supporting evidence, try to connect the dots and ask yourself: “What is the author trying to prove?”

When answering this type of question, it is important to eliminate any previous knowledge you may have and rely solely on the information provided in the text. You may see an answer that you know is true based on what you have learned in daily life, but if it is not proven by the text, then it is irrelevant.

Something to keep in mind with this type of question is that the conclusion will not always be as clear as it would be for the “Summarizing Main Conclusion” question type. When drawing conclusions, they can be less obvious as long as they are proved by what is in the passage, i.e., supported by evidence. This is a very important question to use the process of elimination for. Once you eliminate the easy outliers, you can sort between what is additional evidence, what is irrelevant, and what can be concluded. Focus on the reasons/evidence in the text; they will answer WHY we can conclude an answer.

Here are some common types of wrong answers, or tricks, you need to look out for and avoid: contradictory conclusions, conclusions that are supporting evidence and not the conclusion on their own, and conclusions that are overgeneralized.

Contradictory conclusions are usually the most obvious to spot because you can find the opposite information in the text. For example, if the text says, “Rising earth temperatures due to human pollution have been shown to cause the ice caps to melt,” a contradictory conclusion would be “humans have not contributed to the loss of polar bear habitats in the ice caps.” Our example here directly states that human pollution causes rising temperatures and, therefore, causes the ice caps to melt. Since the polar bears live there, we can draw the real conclusion that humans are, in fact, destroying their habitat.

Some answer choices offered may not be a conclusion but rather more evidence to another conclusion. These are often more difficult to spot. However, if you cannot decide between two answers at the end, try to use one answer to strengthen another. If one answer can provide more evidence and strengthen another answer, then it is likely just evidence, and the other option is your real conclusion.

When a conclusion is overgeneralized, there is too big of an assumption we have to make. For example, if the text says, “Ari likes to eat fruits and vegetables,” a conclusion stating “Ari is a vegetarian” requires us to make too big of a jump between passage and conclusion. Just because you like fruits and vegetables does not mean you eat ONLY fruits and vegetables. It is possible Ari eats other things like meat (and, therefore, is not a vegetarian).

Here are the key steps to follow when answering a “Drawing Conclusions” question:

  • Go through the text and underline evidence that supports a generalized statement.
  • Read the answer choices and eliminate the outliers. It is usually easiest to eliminate contradictory conclusions first.
  • Using the underlined evidence and examples, prove each conclusion. Ask yourself, “Is this another piece of evidence, or is this proved and strengthened by what’s in the text?”
  • Remember to ignore bias and disregard answers that may be true in the real world but are not supported by the text.

Here’s a table of some key words and phrases to remember for the “Summarizing Main Conclusion” and “Drawing Conclusions” question types:

Strengthening/Weakening the Argument

imat critical thinking

Strengthening and weakening the argument is all about supporting evidence. The most important step is to find the conclusion or main idea of the argument. Without knowing what the author is trying to prove, you will not be able to find the answer, so this should be the first priority. Once you have found the conclusion or main idea of the argument, determine whether you are strengthening or weakening the argument. The answer choices will mix both types up, giving you an easy way to eliminate a few choices. Next, go through the text and find any evidence that supports or attacks the argument of the author. This supporting evidence is needed because an answer can either strengthen or weaken the argument by adding to or attacking the evidence in the passage.

So, how can we weaken an argument?

Deny an assumption: Assumptions are the pillars of the argument. Without them, the argument collapses.

Question evidence on which the conclusion relies: A strong argument must be supported by evidence. The weaker the evidence, the weaker the argument.

Add more evidence that weakens the conclusion: Adding a negative can easily weaken an argument. Conflicting evidence is often a sign of a weak argument.

Question a claim of causation when there is only correlation: Dissociate the relationship between the argument and evidence. Prove that they are not necessarily related but more coincidental.

To find what strengthens an argument, you can simply do the opposite of the strategies mentioned above. For example, you could ask yourself, “What reinforces an assumption?” or “What adds more evidence to strengthen the conclusion?”

It’s important to note that you should pick the answer that most strengthens or weakens the argument, not just one that weakens or strengthens it a little.

Here are the key steps to follow when answering a “Strengthening/Weakening the Argument” question:

  • Find the argument: This is the most important step. Without knowing what the author is trying to prove, you will not be able to find the answer.
  • Find supporting evidence in the text: This is needed before analyzing possible answers.
  • Eliminate easy options: These will be the answers that are opposite to what you want (for example, “Strengthen” instead of “Weaken”).
  • Determine whether the answer strengthens or weakens the argument: Focus on evidence that supports or attacks the argument of the author.
  • Choose the answer that most strengthens or weakens the argument: Don’t just pick an answer that weakens or strengthens it a little.

And here are the key steps to follow when answering a “Strengthening/Weakening the Argument” question, and a shorter, easy to remember version:

  • Find the conclusion/main idea of the argument.
  • Find supporting evidence in the text.
  • Eliminate easy options (opposite to what you want).
  • Determine whether the answer weakens or strengthens the argument.
  • Choose the answer that most weakens or strengthens the argument.

Flaw In the Argument

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When searching for flaws in an argument, it is crucial to identify the assumption upon which the argument is based. The assumption is typically an obvious and fundamental concept that the author does not explicitly mention. Without the assumption, the conclusion of the argument would be false. For example, if we assume that a man only sleeps with the lights off, we can conclude that he is awake when the lights are on. However, if we remove this assumption, the conclusion is no longer valid.

Once we have identified the assumption, we need to examine each answer option to determine which one exposes the flaw in the argument. When analyzing each option, we should watch out for common flaws, such as mistaking correlation for causation, confusing absolute numbers with percentages, making illogical comparisons, projecting the qualities of a smaller group onto a larger group, and confusing necessary and sufficient conditions. We should also be aware of jumping to conclusions based on anecdotes.

To find the flaw in an argument, we should read the question and passage carefully, identify the conclusion and assumptions, and attack the assumptions with the answer options. By discarding invalid options, we can arrive at the correct answer.

here’s an explanation for each of the flaws:

  • Correlation is not causation: This is a common flaw in arguments where two things are related, but it is not clear which one causes the other. Just because two things occur together, it does not mean that one causes the other. This mistake can be made by assuming that correlation is evidence of causation when there may be other factors at play.
  • Absolute numbers vs percentages: This flaw involves confusing percentages with absolute numbers, which can be used to make a sample seem larger or smaller than it really is. For example, if a survey shows that 50% of people prefer a certain brand of soda, it is important to know how many people were surveyed to determine if this is a statistically significant result.
  • Illogical comparisons: This flaw occurs when two things are compared in a way that doesn’t make sense logically. For instance, just because one group is increasing while another group is decreasing, it doesn’t necessarily mean that people are switching from one group to another. This flaw can also be seen when comparing different groups with different sizes or in different situations.
  • Projecting: This flaw occurs when an author takes the qualities of a smaller group and applies them to a larger group without considering other factors. This can result in overgeneralizations and stereotypes, as well as ignoring other factors that may contribute to the behavior being observed.
  • Confusing necessary and sufficient conditions: This flaw involves confusing a necessary condition with a sufficient condition or vice versa. A necessary condition is something that must happen for something else to occur, but it does not guarantee that the final outcome will happen. On the other hand, a sufficient condition always results in the same consequence, but there may be other ways to achieve the same outcome.
  • Jumping to conclusions: This flaw involves making assumptions based on anecdotal evidence or hearsay without fully considering all the facts. Jumping to conclusions can lead to oversimplifications and inaccurate assumptions, and it’s important to take a more critical approach to evaluate the evidence and reasoning behind an argument.

here’s a table summarizing the most common flaws in arguments and their descriptions:

Solving Assumptions

imat critical thinking

An assumption is an unwritten connection between the evidence and the conclusion that the author must believe to be true for the conclusion to hold. It’s a crucial link that’s not explicitly stated, and without it, the conclusion is not valid.

One common mistake is choosing an answer that the author could believe but is not necessary for the conclusion to hold. To avoid this trap, look for a critical assumption that’s essential to the argument.

A helpful strategy to test if you’ve found the assumption is called the negation test. Reverse the answer, and if it contradicts the conclusion, you’ve likely found the assumption.

  • Identify the question type – the question is asking for an assumption.
  • Find the conclusion and the evidence that supports it.
  • Identify the unwritten link between the evidence and the conclusion.
  • Choose the answer that’s a critical assumption for the argument to hold.
  • Use the negation test to verify your choice.
  • Find the conclusion.
  • Find the evidence.
  • Identify the unwritten link.
  • Choose a critical assumption.
  • Use the negation test to verify your answer.

Parallel Reasoning

imat critical thinking

To solve parallel reasoning questions, you need to break down the argument into sequences or actions and assign a variable to each action. This helps to simplify the argument into its simplest form, and to identify similarities between answer options.

For example, let’s say the argument is: “My dad told me that if I learn 40 new words in German every week, he will give me 50 euros every month. Unfortunately, I am not able to learn more than 10 words per week.”

In this argument, the action is learning German words and the reaction is receiving 50 euros. To break it down using variables, let Y be the action of learning 40 new words in German every week, and R be the reaction of receiving 50 euros every month. Since the person in the argument is only able to learn 10 words per week (let G be the action of learning 10 words per week), the reaction of receiving 50 euros will not happen.

Simplify the expression with variables, and put each answer option into the same variable format to see which are the most similar. Then eliminate and solve.

Summary Steps:

  • Break down the argument into actions and reactions.
  • Assign a variable to each part.
  • Simplify the expression with variables.
  • Put each answer option into the same variable format and identify similarities.
  • Eliminate and solve.

Final Recommendations for the Written Exam:

Instead of using colors, try using variables to simplify the argument. Assign a letter to each action and reaction to help you identify similarities between answer options. Remember that every argument is made up of actions and reactions, so focus on identifying those to help you solve parallel reasoning questions.

Identifying Principles

imat critical thinking

What is a principle in an argument?

It is the underlying belief or value that the author uses to support their conclusion.

What is an example of a principle?

For instance, if an argument suggests that people who consume alcohol should be placed at the bottom of liver transplant lists, the principle could be that individuals should be responsible for their own health or medical care should prioritize those who take care of their health. Although there can be multiple principles, they are related to the same idea of health and personal responsibility.

Questions that ask for the principle of the argument are similar to parallel reasoning questions. The difference between identifying the principle of the argument and finding the parallel reasoning is that the principle is more closely related to the actual topic and conveys a message rather than being reduced to the most basic form possible.

To tackle these questions, read the text carefully, identify the main idea, and rephrase it in more general terms. Then, select the answer option that best fits the author’s belief or value. You can also think of the answer as another example that illustrates the author’s perspective.

Identify the conclusion and evidence to understand the argument.

Arguments rely on evidence to draw conclusions.

Identify the argument and generalize it.

Use the supporting evidence to determine a more generalized take-home message.

Prove your principle by demonstrating what it argues. If you can establish what the principle is arguing, it is likely a good principle.

Summary and Last Tips

In conclusion, critical thinking is a crucial skill to have when approaching the IMAT exam. By following the strategies outlined in this article, you can improve your ability to identify flaws in arguments, find the main conclusions, solve assumptions, apply principles, and use parallel reasoning. Remember to take your time, read the questions carefully, and practice as much as you can before the exam. With dedication and practice, you can enhance your critical thinking abilities and increase your chances of success on the IMAT exam. Good luck!

Crush the IMAT in 2023: Ultimate Study Plan and Tips

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to prepare for the International Medical Admissions Test (IMAT), written by Ari Horesh, a medical student at the University of Pavia and founder of EnterMedSchool . I am truly excited to provide you with the best possible advice and guidance to help you succeed on this highly competitive exam.

As a medical student myself, I know firsthand the challenges and struggles that come with studying for exams such as the IMAT. However, I also know the importance of a good study plan, quality study materials, and practice in achieving success on these exams.

That's why I've written this comprehensive guide to help you prepare for the IMAT. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about the exam, from its format to how to prepare effectively for it. You'll find helpful tips and strategies that will give you an edge in your studies and increase your chances of success.

Our guide will take you through each step of the preparation process, including how to understand the exam format, develop a study plan, use quality study materials, practice effectively, and seek help when needed. I'll also provide you with some tools that will make the process even easier to understand.

I understand that the IMAT is a crucial step for any student who wants to study medicine in Italy, and I want to help you achieve your goal of being accepted into the program of your choice. So, take the time to read through our guide and implement the tips and strategies we've outlined. With the right approach and dedication, you can achieve success on the IMAT and take the first step towards your dream of becoming a doctor.

What is the IMAT?

The International Medical Admissions Test (IMAT) is an entrance exam that is required for students who wish to pursue a degree in medicine at Italian universities. The exam is administered by the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (MIUR) and is used to evaluate the knowledge and skills of candidates who are seeking admission to medical programs in Italy and study medicine in the English language.

The IMAT consists of 60 multiple-choice questions that cover various subjects, including critical thinking, problem solving, general knowledge, biology, chemistry, physics, and math. The questions are designed to assess the candidates' critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, as well as their understanding of the scientific principles that underlie the practice of medicine.

The IMAT is a highly competitive exam, and admission to Italian medical schools is based on a combination of the candidate's exam score and their academic record. The weight given to each of these factors varies from university to university.

The IMAT has traditionally been offered once a year, in September, since 2011. However, starting from the 2023 exam, it is expected that a different company than the original one (Cambridge Assessments) will write the exam. The exam is available in testing centers around the world, and students who wish to take the exam must register in advance and pay a fee. The registration period typically opens in July and closes in August.

It is important to remember that the exam date and the registration period may change slightly from year to year, so it is essential to check the official EnterMedSchool website for up-to-date information. It is also recommended that you prepare your documents as soon as possible to ensure that you secure a spot in your preferred testing center.

If you are an international student, you may need to obtain a student visa to study in Italy. You should also check the visa requirements for your home country and plan accordingly to ensure that you have enough time to obtain the necessary documents before your exam date.

Preparing for the IMAT can be a challenging and time-consuming process. However, with the right approach and dedication, you can increase your chances of success on this critical exam. In the next sections, I will provide you with a step-by-step guide on preparing for the IMAT and improving your chances of achieving a high score, and suggest plenty of free study materials and YouTube channels you can use today.

How to Prepare for the IMAT

To succeed on the International Medical Admissions Test (IMAT), you need to have a solid understanding of the exam format and difficulty. The IMAT is a highly competitive exam that can be overwhelming and challenging to prepare for. Therefore, it's essential to have a clear understanding of what the exam entails, how it is structured, and what to expect on test day.

In this section, I'll take a closer look at the IMAT exam format and difficulty, including its structure, content, and the skills and knowledge it assesses. I'll also provide you with tips and strategies for how to prepare effectively for the exam, such as the importance of having a study planner or coach, the benefits of AI tools in studying, and how to find and utilize quality study materials.

By the end of this section, you'll have a better understanding of what the IMAT exam involves and how to prepare for it effectively. You'll be able to develop a study plan that is tailored to your unique needs and learning style, which will help you make the most of your study time and improve your chances of success on the IMAT.

Understand the IMAT Exam Format and Difficulty

It is important to remember that while the IMAT exam is highly competitive, it's not necessarily because of its difficulty level, but rather due to the number of candidates and the limited seats available in medical programs. Therefore, it is crucial to have a study planner or coach who can guide you on the highest yield concepts and chapters for the exam, to prevent over-studying and wasting time on lower yield material.

The IMAT exam is known for its tricky questions that require a lot of critical thinking and logic. It's not enough to just know the material, but also to know how to apply it in different scenarios on the exam itself, where the exam writers know how to trap students and asking the questions from "weird" directions.

As an IMAT exam taker myself, I understand how overwhelming and challenging preparing for this exam can be. To help students succeed, I offer multiple free courses and study resources for the IMAT exam on my main website, . These resources cover all the relevant topics and are designed to help students build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills necessary for the exam.

In addition to quality study materials, having a community around you is one of the most important parts of the preparation process. Joining a study group or seeking the assistance of a tutor can be incredibly helpful. That's why I've created a community for people to join and ask questions about the exam and their process. The community provides a space for students to connect, ask questions, and receive support from peers who are also preparing for the IMAT.

IMAT 2023 Study Planner

When preparing for the IMAT exam, it's essential to have a structured study plan that covers all the necessary topics and materials. One of the most effective ways to prepare for the exam is by using the recommended study materials, such as Pearson's books. These books provide a comprehensive overview of the various subjects covered on the IMAT, including biology, chemistry, physics, and math.

In addition to using quality study materials, having a study plan that is tailored to your specific needs and learning style is essential. That's why I've created a free IMAT study planner on my main website since 2020. The study planner offers a day-by-day guide that covers everything from biology and chemistry, with specific books and pages to study each day. The planner has been modified and updated based on feedback from my students and now encompasses every single thing that will most likely appear on the exam.

A Picture from EnterMedSchool's IMAT Study Planner

Click here to access the study planner on my main website.

IMAT Exam - Topic Breakdown and Resources

As we discussed earlier, the IMAT exam is a comprehensive assessment of a student's critical thinking, problem solving, general knowledge, biology, chemistry, math, and physics skills. To perform well on this exam, you must have a thorough understanding of all these topics and how they relate to the IMAT format and content.

In this section, we will be examining the official IMAT 2022 specifications in detail. Since it is unlikely that there will be significant changes to the syllabus for IMAT 2023 , we will break down each section of the exam and discuss the highest-yield subjects, the likelihood of their appearance on the exam, and the IMAT resources available online that can be used to cover them.

By the end of this section, you will have a better understanding of the IMAT exam topic breakdown and how to prepare effectively for each section. You will be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus on the most high-yield subjects while utilizing the available IMAT resources to maximize your chances of success on the exam.

IMAT Logical Reasoning

IMAT's Logical Reasoning Syllabus

"There are 7 different specific types of questions that can appear in this section of the test"
  • Summarising the main conclusion (High Probability)
  • Drawing a conclusion (High Probability)
  • Identifying an assumption (High Probability)
  • Assessing the impact of additional evidence (Lower Probability)
  • Detecting reasoning errors (Lower Probability)
  • Identifying parallel reasoning (Lowest Probability)
  • Applying principles (Lowest Probability)

The logical reasoning section of the IMAT exam is an essential component that requires critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytic skills. As mentioned earlier, there are seven specific types of questions that can appear in this section of the exam. These include summarizing the main conclusion, drawing a conclusion, identifying an assumption, assessing the impact of additional evidence, detecting reasoning errors, identifying parallel reasoning, and applying principles.

To perform well in this section, it is essential to practice as many logical reasoning questions as possible from past papers and other exams such as BMAT Section 1 and past Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) papers.

Based on past papers, it is evident that some types of logical reasoning questions are more likely to appear than others. According to the official IMAT syllabus, summarizing the main conclusion, drawing a conclusion, and identifying an assumption are the most likely types of questions to appear on the exam. Assessing the impact of additional evidence and detecting reasoning errors are less likely to appear, while identifying parallel reasoning and applying principles are the least likely.

In addition to logical reasoning, the IMAT exam also assesses problem-solving skills, which requires knowledge of basic math, statistics, and logical thinking. Students are encouraged to practice basic math and statistics and solve SAT logic questions and online IQ tests to work on spatial and pattern recognition, which are the most common types of problem-solving questions on the exam based on past papers.

Recommended Resources for the Logic Section

To prepare effectively for the logical reasoning section of the IMAT exam, it is essential to utilize quality study materials and resources that cover the various types of questions that can appear on the exam. Here are some recommended resources that you can use to prepare effectively for the logic section of the IMAT exam:

  • A Concise Introduction to Logic - 11th Edition: This book is an excellent resource for developing your logical reasoning skills. It covers the fundamentals of logic and provides clear explanations and examples of how to solve various types of logical reasoning questions. This book is particularly useful for students who are new to logic and need a solid foundation to build on.

The cover of the book you can use to study for the logic section of the IMAT exam, called "A Concise Introduction to Logic - 11th Edition"

  • TSA past papers: The Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) is another exam that assesses critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Practicing TSA past papers can help you develop your logical reasoning skills and prepare for the types of questions that may appear on the IMAT exam.
  • BMAT Section 1 past papers: The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is another exam that assesses critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Practicing BMAT Section 1 past papers can help you develop your logical reasoning skills and prepare for the types of questions that may appear on the IMAT exam.
  • IMAT past papers: Solving IMAT past papers is an essential part of the preparation process. It allows you to familiarize yourself with the exam format and content and helps you develop the skills you need to succeed on the exam. Try to solve past papers as part of simulators you will take closer to the exam date , so you can simulate exam-day conditions and improve your time management skills.

IMAT General Knowledge Topics and Breakdown

The general knowledge section of the IMAT exam is an assessment of a student's overall knowledge of current events, culture, history, and other general topics. As the name suggests, this section is general and not specific to any particular field, making it difficult and low yield to study for this section.

While it is challenging to predict the types of questions that may appear in the general knowledge section of the IMAT exam, some topics are more likely to appear than others. These topics include science Nobel prizes, famous European authors, art/artists and history, and the important world organization names (such as "NATO" and its members, "WHO" ,etc.).

imat critical thinking

However, in my experience, the general knowledge section is not a high-yield area to study for the exam. The questions in this section are relatively low in number, and they are often based on information that most students have learned at some point in their education.

For this reason, I never recommend that my students focus too much on practicing for general knowledge questions. Instead, I encourage them to focus on the other sections of the exam that require more in-depth knowledge and a higher level of critical thinking. With only 100 minutes to complete the exam and 60-70% of the questions typically solvable within that timeframe, it is essential to prioritize the most high-yield sections of the exam during your preparation.

IMAT Biology Topic List and Recommended Resources

IMAT Biology Topic List From The Official Syllabus

The biology section of the IMAT exam assesses a student's knowledge of the fundamental principles of biology and how they apply to living organisms. Here's a breakdown of the topics covered in the official IMAT syllabus for biology, along with the best resources to study each one:

The chemistry of living things

  • Weak interactions and organic molecules: Crash Course Chemistry, Khan Academy
  • Enzymes: AK Lectures, Bozeman Science

The cell as the basis of life

  • Cell theory and cell size: Amoeba Sisters, Khan Academy
  • Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells: Professor Dave Explains, Crash Course Biology
  • Cell structures and functions: AK Lectures, Khan Academy
  • Cell cycle and cell division: Bozeman Science, Khan Academy


  • ATP: Professor Dave Explains, Khan Academy
  • Redox reactions: Bozeman Science, Khan Academy
  • Photosynthesis: Bozeman Science, Crash Course Biology
  • Cellular respiration: Bozeman Science, Crash Course Biology

Reproduction and Inheritance

  • Life cycles: Crash Course Biology, Amoeba Sisters
  • Mendelian genetics: Khan Academy, Bozeman Science
  • Chromosomal theory of inheritance: AK Lectures, Khan Academy
  • Molecular genetics: AK Lectures, Khan Academy
  • Genes and gene expression: Bozeman Science, Khan Academy
  • Human genetics: Khan Academy, Bozeman Science


  • Recombinant DNA technology: AK Lectures, Crash Course Biology
  • Applications of biotechnology: Khan Academy, Bozeman Science

Inheritance and environment

  • Mutations and natural selection: Bozeman Science, Khan Academy
  • Evolutionary theories: Bozeman Science, Crash Course Biology
  • Genetic basis of evolution: Bozeman Science, Khan Academy

Anatomy and physiology of animals and humans

  • Animal tissues: Amoeba Sisters, Crash Course Biology
  • Anatomy and physiology of systems in humans: AK Lectures, Crash Course Biology
  • Homeostasis: AK Lectures, Khan Academy

While it is difficult to predict which specific topics will appear on the IMAT exam, it is highly likely that the questions related to cell biology and reproduction will appear. Additionally, at least one or two questions from biochemistry and one from evolution are expected to appear.

To prepare effectively for the biology section of the IMAT exam, I recommend using a combination of online resources such as YouTube channels and free websites, as well as textbooks and practice questions. Practice tests and simulators are also useful for developing your skills and gaining familiarity with the exam format.

IMAT Chemistry Topic List and Recommended Resources

IMAT Chemsitry Topic List From The Official Syllabus

Chemistry is an essential part of the IMAT exam, and it is important to have a good understanding of its concepts to succeed. Unlike biology, chemistry requires practice and application, not just memorization. To excel in this section, it is recommended to practice as many questions as possible and have a good grasp of the fundamentals.

In this section, we will analyze the official IMAT 2022 syllabus for chemistry and break it down into its core concepts. We will also suggest some online resources, such as YouTube channels and websites, to help you study for this section effectively. By the end of this section, you should have a solid understanding of what to expect from the chemistry section of the IMAT exam, and be well-prepared to tackle any questions that come your way.

The composition of matter

  • The ideal gas laws are a must-know for this section.
  • Khan Academy provides good videos that explain the concept in-depth, as well as grat summaries about this topic.

Atomic structure

  • The electronic structure of atoms is important for this section
  • The YouTube channel "Crash Course Chemistry" is a good resource to use for this topic, they provide very good visuals to understand this quite abstract topic.

The periodic table of the elements

  • It is important to understand the relationships between electronic structure, position in the periodic table, and element properties.
  • is a free online resource with great explanations on this topic.

The chemical bond

  • Polarity of bonds and intermolecular bonds are often asked about on the IMAT exam.
  • The website has excellent resources to study this topic.

Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry

  • Nomenclature and properties of inorganic compounds such as oxides, hydroxides, acids, and salts should be studied.
  • Khan Academy offers videos and practice exercises for inorganic chemistry topics.

Chemical reactions and stoichiometry

  • Stoichiometric calculations, balancing reactions, and types of chemical reactions are important, as well as theoretical and actual yields, and ideal gasses.
  • The YouTube channel "Tyler DeWitt" provides clear explanations and even practice problems.
  • The solvent properties of water, solubility, and ways of expressing concentration of solutions should be understood for the exam, as well as reading graphs of changing molarity and the effects of temperature on a solution.
  • The website "Chemistry LibreTexts" has a great resource on this topic, as well as the YouTube channel "Tyler DeWitt", and the "Organic Chemistry Tutor" (He has many long lessons which are definetely worth watching and practicing from)

Oxidation and reduction

  • Understanding oxidation numbers and balancing reactions is essential for the IMAT exam, as well as basic redox reaction you can solve in 45-60 seconds.
  • The YouTube channel "Crash Course Chemistry" has a great video on this topic, and then the "Organic Chemistry Tutor" will provide you with countless practice problems to solve.

Acids and bases

  • Understanding the concept of acid and base, as well as pH scale and buffer solutions, is important. It is also an important topic in Biochemistry, and sometimes these chapters overlap on the IMAT exam.
  • The website "Chemistry LibreTexts" offers a comprehensive guide on acids and bases as well as practice questions.

Fundamentals of organic chemistry

  • Aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons and functional groups such as alcohols, ethers, amines, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amides, and their nomenclature should be studied. There are many questions about naming organic molecules by finding the longest carbon chain, it's a pretty common type of questions on the IMAT.
  • The YouTube channel "Khan Academy Organic Chemistry" offers a comprehensive guide on this topic, as well as the "Organic Chemistry Tutor" channel which is perfect for this topic as the name suggests.

In conclusion, the IMAT Chemistry section covers a wide range of topics, and it is important to have a strong foundation in the fundamentals to succeed. While it may seem overwhelming at first, by breaking down the syllabus and using online resources to study, you can effectively prepare for this section. Remember that practice is essential for chemistry, so be sure to solve as many questions as possible and focus on understanding the concepts and their applications. With the resources and tips we've provided, you should be well-equipped to tackle any question that comes your way on the IMAT Chemistry section.

IMAT Physics Topic List and Recommended Resources

IMAT's Physics Topic List

Physics is a crucial part of the IMAT exam, and it is essential to have a good understanding of its concepts to succeed. In this section, we will analyze the official IMAT 2022 syllabus for physics and break it down into its core concepts. We will also suggest some online resources, such as YouTube channels and websites, to help you study for this section effectively. By the end of this section, you should have a solid understanding of what to expect from the physics section of the IMAT exam, and be well-prepared to tackle any questions that come your way.

This topic covers the fundamental and derived quantities, physical dimensions of quantities, and knowledge of the metric system and the CGS System of Units. You should also have a good understanding of the Technical (or practical) (ST) and International System (SI) units of measurement.

For this topic, Khan Academy offers comprehensive guides and practice exercises to help you practice and understand the concept of measures.

This topic covers various types of motion with particular regard to uniform and uniformly accelerating rectilinear motion, uniform circular motion, and harmonic motion. You should have a good understanding of the definitions and relationships between quantities.

The YouTube channel "Michel van Biezen" provides clear and concise explanations of the fundamental concepts of kinematics.

This topic covers vectors and vector operations, forces, moments of forces about a point, moment of a force couple, vector composition of forces, definition of mass and weight, acceleration due to gravity, density and specific gravity, the law of universal gravitation, 1st, 2nd and 3rd laws of motion, work, kinetic energy, potential energy, principle of conservation of energy, impulse, and momentum, and principle of conservation of momentum.

For this topic, the website "" offers comprehensive guides and practice exercises to help you practice and understand the concepts of dynamics.

Fluid mechanics

This topic covers pressure and its unit of measure, Archimedes' Principle, Pascal's Principle, and Stevino's law.

The website "" offers a comprehensive guide on fluid mechanics, along with interactive simulations and quizzes to help you practice and understand the concepts.


This topic covers thermometry and calorimetry, thermal capacity and specific heat capacity, modes of heat propagation, changes of state and latent heats, and the ideal Gas Laws, as well as the first and second laws of thermodynamics.

For this topic, the YouTube channel "Khan Academy Physics" provides clear and concise explanations of the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics, along with practice exercises.

Electrostatic and electrodynamics

This topic covers Coulomb's law, electric field and potential, dielectric constant, capacitors, capacitors in series and in parallel, direct current, Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Principles, electrical resistance and resistivity, electrical resistances in series and in parallel, work, power, Joule effect, generators, electromagnetic induction, and alternating currents.

For this topic, the website "" offers a comprehensive guide on electrostatic and electrodynamics, along with interactive simulations and quizzes to help you practice and understand the concepts.

IMAT Mathematics Topic List and Recommended Resources

imat critical thinking

Algebra and numerical sets

Knowledge of numbers and operations, including natural numbers, integers, rational and real numbers is crucial for the IMAT Math section.

The YouTube channel "Professor Dave Explains" has a comprehensive playlist on Algebra, and "Khan Academy" offers great resources for numerical sets.

Having a strong understanding of functions and their graphical representations is important, including composite and inverse functions.

The YouTube channel "Eddie Woo" provides excellent resources for functions, and "Mathispower4u" has a playlist specifically for composite functions. "Khan Academy" is also a great resource for inverse functions.

Geometry is a large part of the IMAT Math section, covering polygons, circles, measurements, isometries, and the Cartesian reference system, among others.

The YouTube channel "Eddie Woo" has a great playlist for geometry, and "Mathispower4u" covers a wide range of geometry topics. "Khan Academy" also offers comprehensive resources for geometry.

Probability and statistics

Understanding frequency distributions and probability is essential for the IMAT Math section.

The YouTube channel "Khan Academy" offers great resources for probability and statistics, as well as the website "Statistics How To."

It is important to practice as many questions as possible for the IMAT Math section, and to understand how to apply the concepts in problem-solving. "Khan Academy" offers plenty of practice exercises, as well as the "Organic Chemistry Tutor" channel. "Mathispower4u" also offers practice problems for each topic, and "Professor Leonard" has a playlist specifically for IMAT Math. Remember to practice solving problems by hand as the exam is computer-free.

When Should I Start Studying for The IMAT?

Studying for the IMAT exam can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and resources, it is definitely achievable. As a tutor, I have seen many students succeed by using free online materials and resources, such as YouTube videos, practice questions, and online textbooks. These resources can help you develop a solid understanding of the material, as well as practice your skills and knowledge.

I usually recommend my students to start studying for the IMAT exam early, preferably before the summer. This will give you plenty of time to work through the syllabus and understand the core concepts. During this period, it is important to use a variety of resources, including textbooks, videos, and practice questions, to ensure you have a well-rounded understanding of the material.

Once you have a good grasp of the material, it's time to start practicing as many questions as possible. Practice questions are an essential part of preparing for the IMAT exam, as they help you apply your knowledge and identify your weak spots. You can find practice questions in online resources, past papers, and practice books. It's important to work through as many questions as possible and keep track of your progress.

At EnterMedSchool, we offer 1 on 1 coaching with our students as well as a comprehensive online course that is designed to help you succeed in the IMAT exam. Our course is structured around the official IMAT syllabus, and covers all the core concepts and topics that are likely to appear on the exam. We provide videos, practice questions, and mock exams, as well as personalized feedback and coaching. Our course is designed to help you develop a deep understanding of the material, as well as practice your skills and knowledge.

However, I would like to emphasize that you can absolutely study for the IMAT exam for free, without any paid class or content. There are plenty of free resources available online, including YouTube videos, practice questions, and online textbooks. These resources can help you develop a solid understanding of the material and practice your skills.

med school testbusters

IMAT Books and preparation tips for 2024

Which are the best books to prepare for the imat, what are the best sources for the imat exam.

The only solid piece of knowledge we have about IMAT 2024 so far is that Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (CAAT) will no longer be producing the IMAT test, therefore we can only make cautious assumptions at its difficulty and the structure of its questions and wait for the Italian Ministry (MUR) to publish the Ministerial decree.

However, it’s unlikely that the syllabus will change significantly, so the preparation for the test will probably remain pretty similar to what we’ve become accustomed to over the past few years. 

Planning , theory and lots of practice are key words to a successful preparation for IMAT 2024 and for this reason choosing the best books for MAT prep is a pivotal step in your preparation.

However, navigating the numerous options can be a taxing experience, which is why we have prepared the following list of the best books and tips to help you ace the IMAT. On top of the books you can order from Amazon, we also list some free resources at the end of this article.

Logical Reasoning, Critical Thinking (Text analysis) and Problem Solving books for IMAT

This section of the IMAT test deserves to be covered separately from the other sections as it’s always been the most feared and the most diverse with regard to questions’ structure and difficulty.

It requires understanding abstract, uncommon, and specific vocabulary in real contexts, identifying elements of textual cohesion and coherence, and the ability to extract relevant information from a given text.

Though unpredictable at first glance, a clear pattern has emerged over the years in the style and the nature of the quizzes, making this section much easier to address.

In addition, this section of the IMAT has always had a variable number of questions about general knowledge.

Obviously it would be nearly impossible to be fully prepared for this last section of the test, so the best you can do is try to be up to date on the latest news and, if you’re still in high school, pay close attention to your history and literature lessons. You might take home a few points!

As for all the other subjects, we advise you to look carefully at the previous papers in order to have a better understanding of the kind of questions that might be found in IMAT 2024.

Anyway, the wording of the previous decrees regarding the content of this section has been somewhat vague and fuzzy, as this section covers a wide range of topics, but don’t panic because the following list of books will give you some clarity and help you become even more versed in your logical reasoning and critical thinking abilities.

  • Thinking Skills Coursebook (by Marc Dawes) . This one remains the most recommended book throughout the years for the Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning section. Created by Cambridge, this book provides a thorough explanation of the basics needed to tackle this section of the test. On top of a solid theoretical preparation, it contains many examples and exercises helpful to practice. If you think this section of the test is new and foreign, this book is for you. 
  • Concise Introduction to Logic (by Patrick J. Hurley and Lori Watson) . This book is another valuable tool in your pocket. We advise you to focus mainly on the first 200 pages to cover the most important information on logical reasoning and critical thinking; however if you have the time and the curiosity, feel free to read the whole thing, it certainly won’t do any harm!

Don’t want to waste time until books arrive? Instantly start learning and practicing for IMAT with our Online IMAT Course!

Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics theory books for the IMAT

The scientific part of the IMAT consists of 4 main subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.

The biology and chemistry sections make up most of the scientific part of the IMAT (and the bulk of the whole test) and therefore must be tackled with time, patience and practice.

If you feel like your knowledge of these subjects is incomplete or you have no scientific background at all, you should consider getting the books below. You should aim to review all material at A-levels / highschool level. Practice is fundamental but can only occur if you’ve studied the theory carefully . 

Biology books for IMAT

Biology is possibly the most exciting subject to take on for the (hopefully) soon-to-be med student, as it is closest to the subjects that will be studied in much more detail over the course of the six years of med school. However, this section of the test is designed a little differently than the other Scientific Knowledge parts.

While Chemistry, Maths, and Physics require a good understanding of the concepts and the questions don’t vary much in topic from year to year, Biology requires a rather more detailed and diverse approach. Therefore it would probably be best to use a combination of more comprehensive books aimed at acquiring a well-rounded and thorough knowledge of the subject.

It is not essential which book you pick, as long as it fits these requirements. Here are some Biology student-recommended books for you:

  • Biology: For the IB Diploma  IB course books are highly recommended for the IMAT exam.
  • Pearson Biology: A Global Approach, Global Editi on highly recommended by many students, it is an exceptional tool to develop a deep understanding of biology, complete with images and exercises at the end of each chapter to check what you’ve learnt.
  • Constanzo Physiology  this human physiology book will help you revise the functions of different organs and organ systems.
  • AS-level biology   and A2-level biology  A-level revision books offer a condensed review of most major concepts. They are a good option for the last stages of your preparation but may not be enough as a single source for your Biology preparation.

IMAT Chemistry books

As previously mentioned, A-level books offer a high-yield summary of Chemistry concepts. Use it as a review book prior to the exam or if you already have substantial knowledge of the topics.

  • CGP New Level Chemistry  This chemistry book includes the theory and practice questions of all the chemistry topics you will need for the IMAT.
  • IB Chemistry Study Guide  IB course books are also highly recommended for the IMAT exam.
  • If you find Chemistry particularly difficult , you might want to consider a more exhaustive resource, such as the Pearson’s Higher Level Chemistry book. This book provides a detailed introduction to chemistry, covering the syllabus of the IMAT. In addition you can find a great deal of exercises to help you check your progress.
  • Oxford IB Study guide: Chemistry for the IB Diploma is another comprehensive tool to understand basic chemistry concepts and cover the topics needed to pass the IMAT exam. 

IMAT Physics and Maths books

As for Maths and Physics, we advise you not to choose books that dive into these subjects in too much detail but rather learn the key concepts most repeated in past papers. The reason is that the questions’ topics and structure in this section have rarely changed throughout the years.

Therefore if you master several of those key concepts, with a relatively small time investment, you can get some easy points at the IMAT. Even though the number of questions in this section has varied significantly over the years (for example, going from 8 to 13 last year) and therefore, we can hardly predict what is going to happen in 2024, it is a section that can be easily tackled by understanding the recurring topics and the style of the questions.

IMAT Maths and Physics may seem like the most difficult sections for many students, which is why some even decide not to study them at all. Since they only account for a relatively small part of the test and seem like a big-time investment for little return, this is a huge mistake !

By reviewing key concepts and focusing on practicing as much as you can, you will start to look at maths and physics questions as a true possibility to boost your score. We honestly would NOT recommend the IB diploma books for this section since they’ll make you lose too much valuable time. Ideally, use these instead:

  • CGP A-Level Physics for AQA  
  • A-Level Physics for AQA: Year 2 Student Book 
  • A-Level Maths for OCR 
  • A-Level Maths for AQA 

Final tip: practice, practice, practice!

As you have probably understood by now, practice really is the key to ace IMAT.

After all, it is not an oral exam where you have to defend the reasons behind your answers, but the only thing that counts is what you’ve put down on the answer sheet. You can spend months buried in Biology or Chemistry theory books but it won’t do you any good unless you take the time to put this knowledge into practice. So the more quizzes you solve, the better prepared you’ll be. This is why we recommend getting all the practice books you can (and actually using them!) and combining them, as each offers various difficulty levels.

Here are the most recommended books with practice questions for all IMAT topics.

  • The Ultimate IMAT Guide
  • IMAT Exercise book

Additional, Free resources for IMAT Preparation

Preparing for the IMAT can be hard, discouraging and lonely, which is why our last advice is to try and make the preparation for IMAT as active and fun as possible: find a study buddy, use flashcards and look for study groups to join so that you won’t be alone in this journey and you will enjoy this crazy ride.

That’s why we have crafted our IMAT Live courses , to help you ace all the IMAT section to enjoy your life as a med student in Italy!

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IMAT (International Medical Admissions Test) Preparation 2025

IMAT test dates

Navigating the path to medical school admission can be a daunting task, but the  IMAT (International Medical Admissions Test)  offers a gateway for aspiring medical students in Italy. This comprehensive guide provides invaluable insights and strategies to help you excel in this highly competitive exam, increasing your chances of securing a coveted spot in an Italian medical program.

FREE IMAT Practice Test Online

The IMAT is a critical component of the admission process for medical schools in Italy, and effective preparation is crucial for success. This article delves into the key aspects of the IMAT, including the exam format, eligibility criteria, scoring system, and proven strategies for successful preparation. Whether you’re a high school student or a university applicant, this resource will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the IMAT with confidence.

From mastering the  IMAT syllabus  to honing your  critical thinking  and  problem-solving skills , this guide covers all the essential elements for excelling in the exam. You’ll also discover valuable insights on utilizing  IMAT study guides , practicing with sample tests, and managing time effectively during the exam.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the IMAT and the strategies needed to maximize your performance, ultimately increasing your chances of securing a coveted spot in an Italian medical program.

Key Takeaways

  • The IMAT is the entrance exam for admission to medical schools in Italy, testing a candidate’s knowledge,  critical thinking , and  problem-solving skills .
  • Effective preparation for the IMAT is crucial, as it is a highly competitive exam with a limited number of available spots in Italian medical programs.
  • Developing a structured study plan, utilizing  IMAT study guides  and practice tests, and mastering the exam syllabus are essential for success.
  • Improving  critical thinking  and  problem-solving skills , as well as practicing effective  time management  techniques, can greatly enhance your performance on the IMAT.
  • This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights and strategies to help you navigate the IMAT and increase your chances of securing a place in an Italian medical school.

Understanding the IMAT (International Medical Admissions Test) 2025

The IMAT, or the International Medical Admissions Test, is a critical examination that plays a pivotal role in the admission process for medical schools in Italy. This highly competitive exam is designed to assess a candidate’s knowledge, critical thinking abilities, and problem-solving skills, making it a crucial hurdle for aspiring medical students.

What is the IMAT?

The IMAT is an annual entrance exam organized by the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (MIUR) for admission to medical and dental programs at various universities in Italy. The exam is administered to both Italian and international applicants, ensuring a diverse pool of candidates vying for a limited number of coveted spots in these prestigious medical programs.

Eligibility Criteria for the IMAT

To be eligible to take the IMAT, candidates must meet specific criteria, including educational background and language proficiency. This includes holding a high school diploma or equivalent, as well as demonstrating a strong command of the English language. The IMAT is open to both Italian and international students, making it a truly global competition for  medical school admissions .

IMAT Test Format and Scoring

The IMAT exam consists of multiple-choice questions that cover a wide range of subjects, including biology, chemistry, physics, logic, and general knowledge. Candidates are allotted a limited time to complete the test, typically around 100 minutes, requiring them to effectively manage their time and apply critical thinking skills. The scoring system for the IMAT is designed to be highly competitive, with the final score determining the candidate’s admission to their desired medical program.

imat critical thinking

Understanding the structure and requirements of the IMAT is crucial for aspiring medical students. By familiarizing themselves with the exam’s format, eligibility criteria, and scoring system, candidates can develop a strategic plan to maximize their chances of success and secure a coveted spot in an Italian medical school.

Strategies for Effective IMAT Preparation

Successful preparation for the  IMAT (International Medical Admissions Test)  requires a well-structured study plan. Aspiring medical students must allocate sufficient time to thoroughly cover the exam’s syllabus and develop the necessary skills to excel on the test.

Developing a Study Plan

Crafting a comprehensive study plan is the first step towards  IMAT exam preparation . Candidates should begin by assessing their strengths and weaknesses in the subjects tested, such as biology, chemistry, physics, and logical reasoning. This analysis will help them prioritize their focus and allocate time accordingly.

The study plan should include a balanced mix of content review, practice tests, and targeted skill-building exercises.  IMAT test strategy  should emphasize  time management , critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which are essential for navigating the exam successfully.

Utilizing IMAT Study Guides and Practice Tests

Leveraging  IMAT study guides  and  IMAT practice tests  is a crucial component of effective preparation. These resources provide valuable insights into the exam’s structure, question types, and scoring system, allowing candidates to familiarize themselves with the test format and identify areas that require more attention.

Regular practice with  IMAT practice tests  not only helps candidates become more comfortable with the exam but also enables them to identify and address any weaknesses in their knowledge or test-taking abilities. By simulating the actual test environment, these practice exercises can help  IMAT preparation  become more focused and efficient.

Combining a well-structured study plan with the strategic use of  IMAT study guides  and  IMAT practice tests  can significantly enhance a candidate’s chances of success in the  IMAT  and secure a coveted spot in an Italian medical program.

Key Areas to Focus on for the IMAT

As aspiring medical students prepare for the  IMAT (International Medical Admissions Test) , it is crucial to focus on mastering the exam’s syllabus, improving critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and developing effective  time management  techniques.

Mastering the IMAT Syllabus

The  IMAT syllabus  covers a comprehensive range of subjects, including biology, chemistry, physics, and logical reasoning. Candidates must thoroughly familiarize themselves with the syllabus and develop a deep understanding of the key concepts and topics covered in the exam. Utilizing  IMAT study guides  and practice tests can be invaluable in this process, as they provide a structured approach to mastering the syllabus and identifying areas that require additional attention.

Improving Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

The IMAT is designed to assess not just a candidate’s knowledge but also their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Developing these skills is essential for success in the exam and in the medical field. Candidates should practice analyzing complex scenarios, identifying relevant information, and formulating logical solutions. Engaging in activities that challenge the mind, such as puzzles, brain teasers, and case studies, can help strengthen these crucial competencies.

IMAT registration process

Time Management Techniques

The IMAT is a timed exam, and effective time management is crucial for success. Candidates must learn to allocate their time efficiently, ensuring they have sufficient time to complete all sections of the test. Practicing with  IMAT practice tests  and simulating exam conditions can help candidates develop strategies for pacing themselves, identifying and addressing time-consuming questions, and managing their stress levels during the exam.

By focusing on these key areas, IMAT candidates can enhance their chances of achieving a competitive score and securing a coveted spot in an Italian medical program.

In conclusion, the  IMAT (International Medical Admissions Test)  is a highly competitive exam that plays a critical role in the admission process for medical schools in Italy. Effective preparation is essential for aspiring medical students to maximize their chances of securing a coveted spot in these programs. By understanding the  IMAT’s format, scoring system, and eligibility criteria , candidates can develop a comprehensive study plan that includes mastering the  IMAT syllabus , honing their  critical thinking and problem-solving skills , and employing  time management techniques .

Utilizing  IMAT study guides and practice tests  is a crucial component of the preparation process, as it allows candidates to familiarize themselves with the exam’s structure and content, while also identifying their strengths and weaknesses. By adopting a strategic and disciplined approach to preparation, aspiring medical students can increase their likelihood of achieving a competitive  IMAT score , which is a key factor in the admission decisions made by Italian medical universities.

Ultimately, the  IMAT (International Medical Admissions Test)  represents a significant hurdle for those seeking to pursue a career in medicine, but with the right mindset, resources, and dedication, it can be overcome. By following the comprehensive guidance provided in this article, readers can feel empowered to tackle the  IMAT  and take the first step towards their goal of becoming a medical professional in Italy.

Who is eligible to take the IMAT?

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The Ultimate IMAT Collection: 5 Books In One, a Complete Resource for the International Medical Admissions Test

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The Ultimate IMAT Collection: 5 Books In One, a Complete Resource for the International Medical Admissions Test

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Want to know how to improve your IMAT scores and impress the Italian and International medical schools of your dreams?

From UniAdmissions, the UK’s leading Oxbridge and Medical Admissions company, The Ultimate IMAT Collection contains FIVE of our bestselling IMAT books in ONE volume, giving you the best and most fully comprehensive guide to your revision, practice, and IMAT success.

When you’re applying for Medicine, the top universities expect an exceptional IMAT score. A notoriously difficult test, testing your problem solving, critical thinking, knowledge of principles of Science and Maths, and ability to write an exceptional essay that guides its reader to a logical and reasoned conclusion – all within a tight time limit. Your score in the IMAT can make or break your application, as it tests all the skills that admissions departments look for in a top medical student. Therefore, it’s essential to score as highly as possible on this crucial exam.

Written by IMAT specialists, doctors and top medical tutors, and full of insider knowledge and tips, The Ultimate IMAT Collection is designed to help you make the most of your preparation, approach the test with confidence, and get those top scores.

  • The Ultimate IMAT Guide – contains comprehensive information about the International Medical Admissions Test (IMAT), including tips, techniques and strategies to save you time and maximise your scores. Covers each of the three sections in detail, and prepares you for all question types that you’ll face in the exam, and how to approach them successfully, including sample essays. Also includes 650 questions and fully worked solutions so you can practice your skills and understand how to improve.
  • IMAT Practice Papers Volumes 1 & 2 – contains mock papers updated EVERY YEAR: 250+ questions with fully worked solutions to help you improve your scores.
  • IMAT Worked Solutions Volume 1 & 2 – clear, thorough, and extensive solutions to the real exam papers, written by experts, providing worked solutions and sample answers to ensure you can put your learning into practice. Including the fully worked solutions to EVERY PAPER updated EVERY YEAR.

Hungry for more? Visit the Uni Admissions website for even more admissions test tips, personal statement resources, and application support.

  • ISBN-10 1912557894
  • ISBN-13 978-1912557899
  • Publication date July 25, 2019
  • Book 7 of 8 The Ultimate Medical School Application Library
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 8.5 x 1.32 x 11 inches
  • Print length 584 pages
  • See all details

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The Ultimate IMAT Collection: 5 Books In One, a Complete Resource for the International Medical Admissions Test

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Get four books in one, packed full of realistic questions, and detailed worked solutions written by imat admissions experts.

4 book in 1 to make up the Ultimate IMAT Collection

Published by UniAdmissions: Global Leader in University Admissions -

  • Featured in the Guardian, Independent, The Times, Huffington Post & Channel 4
  • 74% Medicine Success Rate
  • More than 100 Books Published on University Admissions

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Why The Ultimate IMAT Collection is trusted by thousands of students & tutors:

Updated for 2023.

  • Written by IMAT examiners and expert tutors
  • Insider knowledge and expertise
  • Ensure you have all the right information

Get the best IMAT practice

  • Thousands of realistic questions.
  • Practice just like the real thing.
  • Detailed worked solutions to help you learn.

Every Section Covered

  • Includes: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Example Essays
  • Over 3000 Practice Questions
  • 6 Mock Papers and Past Paper Worked Solutions 2011-2021
  • Covers all that you need to know about the IMAT test

Key advantages:

  • A long history of admissions test books
  • Always up to date with the latest IMAT specification
  • Insights from IMAT examiners
  • Contributions from IMAT admissions tutors and professors
  • Detailed advice for all sections of the IMAT
  • Over 3000 practice questions which are just like the ones in the IMAT
  • Fully Detailed and helpful worked solutions

Ultimate IMAT Guide

Book 1 Included: The Ultimate IMAT Guide

This book will walk you through all of the question types and sections in the exam, is updated every year with loads of practice questions and solutions, and helps you practice and get better grades.

IMAT Practice Papers Vol 1 and 2

Books 2 & 3 Included: IMAT Practice Papers: Volume 1-2

These titles are packed with more full size mock IMAT papers than any other book , all just like the real deal. These can help you practice, boost your scores in each section, and revise every point of the specification while you are at it.

IMAT Past Papers Worked Solutions

Book 4 Included: IMAT Past Paper Worked Solutions

This book gives you access to all of our expertise as the UK's best IMAT teaching company.

Even more full size mock IMAT papers, all with worked solutions, give you more practice than ever before, or any other book. Use these as the pinnacle of your preparation for the IMAT. These help you make sure that you are completely ready for the real thing come exam day.

IMAT Collection 4 in 1

The Ultimate IMAT Collection gives you four huge IMAT books in one!

Make a huge saving by getting all of our books in one mammoth volume. All four books are included as part of the Ultimate IMAT Collection.

The Ultimate IMAT Guide

IMAT Practice Papers Volume 1 & 2

IMAT Past Paper Worked Solutions

The Ultimate IMAT Collection

What makes UniAdmissions Books such high quality?

Product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ RAR Medical Services (July 25, 2019)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 584 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1912557894
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1912557899
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.31 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8.5 x 1.32 x 11 inches
  • #20 in Prosthesis in Medicine
  • #589 in College Entrance Test Guides (Books)
  • #2,360 in Test Prep & Study Guides

About the author

Rohan agarwal.

Dr Rohan Agarwal graduated in Medicine from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge and is the Headmaster & CEO at UniAdmissions. He has authored 100+ books on University admissions tests and interviews. Over the last 10 years, he has tutored hundreds of successful Oxbridge and Medical applicants. In addition, he has taught physiology at Cambridge and also interviewed prospective Cambridge medical School applicants. In his spare time, he enjoys playing the piano and table tennis.

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How to best prepare and study for the IMAT Test

imat critical thinking

  • August 11, 2021
  • One Comment

Table of Contents

Preparing to sit for the International Medical Admissions Test (IMAT) can be intimidating. One exam will be the sole basis of whether you get into medical school, at the university of your choice. While the IMAT aims to assess high school levels of knowledge, it is important to be prepared and have a strategy – don’t leave it to the last minute to cram. At IMAT Buddy, we offer the latest and best IMAT preparation content in the world and provide students with the support they need to ace the IMAT.

Why sign up for IMAT Buddy?

• Beat your competition

With IMAT Buddy, you can gain a real edge over your competitors. As we offer a varied and thorough breadth of information in one place, you will be able to study more efficiently than your peers taking the exam.

• Increase your exam familiarity

Our site features hundreds of practice questions, so you can become familiar with the style of questions that will appear on the exam. This will ensure that you will not become suddenly surprised by an exam question and feel thrown off your game.

• Boost your test scores

There is no doubt about it, practice makes perfect. Through IMAT Buddy, you can revise IMAT content and complete IMAT styled test questions so you will be well prepared to sit the test and earn the best score possible.

Overview of the IMAT

The IMAT exam is a rarity in medical education – a direct pathway into medical school that doesn’t include interviews, letters of recommendation or careful networking. By introducing the IMAT test, Italy opened up its medical programs to the world. Fourteen universities in Italy use the IMAT admission test for entry into their medical or dental school, with applications accepted from around the world.

The IMAT takes 100 minutes to complete. It is an English language pen-to-paper test with 60 multiple choice questions, in four sections. These are:

• Section 1: Logical reasoning (10 questions) and general knowledge (12 questions)

• Section 2: Biology (18 questions)

• Section 3: Chemistry (12 questions)

• Section 4: Physics and Mathematics (8 questions)

The highest possible IMAT total score is 90. Each of the 14 Italian universities has its own cut-off score for admissions into their medical or dental programs. These scores change each year and are based upon the scores your competitors get that year. 

IMAT section one: General knowledge and Logical reasoning

Section one is the broadest part of the IMAT exam, testing each applicant’s generic problem-solving skills, critical thinking, analytical skills, and general knowledge.

It is worth noting that in the instance of two applicants having the same IMAT score, the one who scores higher in section one will be graded higher. 

Five non-academic ways to study for the general knowledge section

Acquiring general knowledge both involves and goes beyond academic study – it is important to become open to absorbing the world around you.

1. Study the right things

General knowledge is a bit different to other sections due to a much higher risk of over studying, you do not want to spend precious time learning about the various topics that often show up in the IMAT. Nevertheless, there are as mentioned some topics that are more likely to be assessed than others, at IMAT Buddy we tell you what these topics are and specifically what you should learn about them

2. Watch television

Historical and cultural documentaries, ideally diverse in topic and cultural background, are great ways to build your general knowledge. Rather than spending your evenings watching a comedy show or the latest movie, try watch something that will give you bonus points in general knowledge

3. Listen to podcasts and audiobooks

Play one in the background while you’re driving or doing housework, it’s an easily accessible way to gain knowledge.

Logical reasoning questions in the IMAT

This part of the IMAT looks at your analytical, reasoning, and thinking skills. There are two components, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The former is language-based and the latter focused on spatial and numerical skills.

How to study for IMAT exam section one, logical reasoning

It is highly recommended that you read through and practice the section one questions in previous IMAT tests. This will help familiarise you with the kinds of questions asked. Doing IMAT styled questions, as offered by IMAT Buddy, cannot be over-valued. Try to do these before you attempt past exams, a past exam is the best simulation you have of the actual test, so you do not want to waste them by just doing parts of the exam. Write the whole thing in one sitting and under time constraints!

Introduction to Critical Thinking

Introduction to Problem Solving

Introduction to General Knowledge

Seven non-academic ways boost your logical reasoning skills

Logical thinking skills can be partially developed by reading textbooks and watching video tutorials, but this oftentimes is not enough. You need a broader scope of activities and experiences, to harness and sharpen your mind. Some good examples of what you can do include…

1. Learn how to do repeatable IMAT problems

It is true that this section involves a lot of problems that are not directly preparable for. However, the critical thinking section is one area where you just need to learn a method and then apply that method to the problem and you will always get the mark. At IMAT Buddy we show you exactly what these methods are for all of the 7 different critical thinking type questions, meaning you will be able to answer these questions correctly every time provided you understand the method.

Problem-solving is a bit less preparable for, nevertheless, there are certain types of problems that repeat and if you can learn how to do these you might have a serious advantage should a similar problem show up when you sit the test. In either case, practising problem-solving will develop your skills as a whole for this section. 

2. Get active

Physical exercise has been proven to make a positive difference to our memory and thinking. In between study sessions, consider taking a short, fast walk or follow an online yoga tutorial. This will help you maximise your breaks whilst keeping your brain engaged.

3. Get social

When we spend time with lots of different people, we learn to understand things from a different perspective. We also learn to read other’s people’s non-verbal cues, such as body language. All of these things help broaden our own minds and build our logical thinking.

4. Get curious

Ask questions about things you wouldn’t normally think about. Ask your friend in IT to explain the basics of coding to you, or your social media influencer friend how they decide when and what to post. Your brain gets used to listening, processing and storing new kinds of information.

5. Get good at maths without a calculator

Most high school students possess all the maths knowledge required for the logical reasoning section. However, most are used to applying this with the help of a calculator and with plenty of time to do it. In the IMAT you have neither time nor calculators, so you need to get good at calculating in your head. Learn your times tables, get good at solving basic arithmetic and practice working quantitatively every day. Doing this will be a huge help throughout the whole exam.

IMAT sections two, three and four: scientific knowledge

The next four parts of the IMAT relate to specific science areas: biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. It is expected that you will have studied these subjects at high school, and have at least a basic knowledge of the listed subtopics.

IMAT Section Two: Biology

It is especially important to have good knowledge of, and a passion for, biology. With 18 questions, biology is the biggest section of the IMAT exam. It is also the section most likely to have diverse, detailed questions year-to-year. You should prepare for this section the most. Thankfully, at IMAT Buddy we cover the stuff that they like to ask.

Introduction to Biology

IMAT test preparation for Section three: Chemistry

The chemistry section of the test may seem hard, but the trick is to focus on developing your understanding of the primary concepts, and their application. At IMAT Buddy we explain the things you need to learn, there is quite a bit of detail, but if you can remember it all and get good at applying concepts to problems, you will be fine.

Introduction to Chemistry

How to prepare IMAT Section four: Physics and Mathematics

Here the questions are quite basic, if you are good at physics and maths then you will generally be pleasantly surprised by the simple nature of these questions. However, this section is very small (only 8 questions in total), so it is still quite a lot of study for just a few marks. You should thus not dedicate too much study time to this section. 

Introduction to Mathmatics

Introduction to Physics

Study sources for the IMAT scientific knowledge sections

You can find study materials for your IMAT exam from the following resources:

The oldest and most traditional study resource:

• Advantages – reliable, tangible, familiar with how you studied at high school

• Disadvantages – expensive, possibly outdated, information not distilled, a lot of different books to collect and read, even specific IMAT test preparation books

YouTube and other free, online video tutorials

• Advantages – free, online learning, good for visual learners

• Disadvantages – can be very broad in scope, you may have to comb through hours to find relevant study areas

Specialist IMAT preparation courses

• Advantages – focused, guided, a mixture of IMAT mock tests, tutoring and videos

• Disadvantages – cost, not all courses are made equal. IMAT Buddy offers high-quality resources that are not available elsewhere.

IMAT tests of past years

• Advantages – IMAT test past papers are great for familiarizing yourself with the kinds of questions asked. They provide an opportunity to do a practice IMAT test online.

General IMAT studying tips

1. Set a schedule

When revising for the IMAT, it is essential you create a revision timetable. A timetable will ensure you dedicate enough time to studying for the exam whilst factoring in other time commitments you have, such as school or work. A schedule will also ensure you don’t burn out as it can include time dedicated to relaxing.

2. Find the right environment

If you struggle to concentrate when trying to study for the IMAT, consider if a change in environment may help you to study more successfully. Some students, for example, may find working in their local library the most effective study location as it is quiet and relatively free from distractions.

3. Learn from your mistakes

When completing a practice exam or practice question, it can be disheartening to realise you have answered a question incorrectly. Rather than seeing an incorrectly answered question as a failure, you should view it as a learning opportunity. Mistakes can teach us valuable information about areas of our subject knowledge that need more attention and are useful study guides.

4. Focus on active studying

Rather than simply re-reading textbooks, ensure you actively engage with IMAT topics and information by completing past papers and creating notes and mind maps. IMAT Buddy is filled with over 22+ hours of video content, so all the information you need to succeed in your exam is at your fingertips. IMAT Buddy content encourages active studying and allows you to engage and learn subject knowledge at a deeper level than simply reading from a textbook.

IMAT information in other languages

Navigating the IMAT and studying in an effective and efficient way is not easy, and this challenge is even harder for international students. If English isn’t your first language, you may find you are dropping marks due to how the IMAT questions are phrased. At IMAT Buddy, we have courses tailored for international students and share the strategies international students need to beat the test and start their future in medical school.

Useful links for international students:

• IMAT test medicina inglese ( )

• Test IMAT Bologna 2020/20201 ( )

• IMAT test München ( )

You can pass the IMAT test

Studying for your IMAT exam can feel overwhelming, but with a good strategy and plenty of time, you can do it.

At IMAT Buddy we offer a guided, specialized set of resources for learning how to study for the IMAT, including video tutorials, practice questions, written summaries and general tricks and tips. Contact us today, check our FAQ’s or go straight to the IMAT Test Preparation Course to learn how to prepare for IMAT and begin your journey to medical school.

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What Our Customers Have to Say

Some of our top students for the imat 2023.

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  • Country: Turkey

IMAT 2023 Score: 62

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IMAT 2023 Score: 61

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