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LaTeX cheatsheet

This cheat sheet summarizes a reference list of LaTeX commonly used display math notation and some application examples of KaTeX .

# Getting Started

# introduction.

LaTeX A TEX-based typesetting system suitable for producing scientific, mathematical, and physical documents of high print quality.

  • LaTeX official website (
  • KaTeX official website (

And KaTeX handles only a smaller subset of LaTeX's mathematical notation for display on the web

Example based on KaTeX showing on one line: KaTeX:\int_0^\infty x^2 dx

# Supported Functions

# emphasis in \text, # delimiter sizing, # greek and hebrew letters, # other letters, # alphabets and unicode, # annotation.

\tag{hi} x+y^{2x}

\tag*{hi} x+y^{2x}

# Vertical layout

# overlap and spacing.

\sum_{\mathclap{1\le i\le j\le n}} x_{ij}

# KaTeX:\LaTeX math constructs

# delimiters.

The pair of expressions \left KaTeX:s_1 and \right KaTeX:s_2 can be used to match the height of the separators KaTeX:s_1 and KaTeX:s_2 to the height of their content, e.g. :

# Variable Size Symbols

# standard function name, # function names should be in roman font, not italics, for example:, # logic and set theory, # special symbols, # mathematical operator, # big operator, # fractions and binomials, # binary operator, # negative relationship, # symbols and punctuation, # environments, # environments 1, # environments 2, # environments 3, # environments 4, # environments 5, # environments 6, # environments 7, # environments 8, # environments 9, # environments 10, # environments 11, # environments 12, # environments 13, # environments 14, # environments 15, # environments 16, # environments 17, # style, color, size and font.

  • symbols.pdf (

Basic thesis template

This Thesis LaTeX template is an ideal starting point for writing your PhD thesis, masters dissertation or final year project. The style is appropriate for most universities, and can be easily customised. This LaTeX template includes a title page, a declaration, an abstract, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of figures/tables, a dedication, and example chapters and sections.

This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.

Basic thesis template

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Guide to Writing Your Thesis in LaTeX

Step 1: install latex and a latex aware editor.

LaTeX is not a word processor, it is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. It is most often used for medium-to-large technical or scientific documents, but it can be used for almost any form of publishing. LaTeX encourages authors not to worry too much about the appearance of their documents but to concentrate on getting the content right.

Because LaTeX source files are just ordinary text files, any text editor can be used to edit them, but it is important to have a LaTeX aware editor. A LaTeX aware editor can do things like syntax highlighting, spell checking, and automatic formatting. It can also run LaTeX on the source files, update the bibliography, then update the document in a viewer all at the click of a button.

Below are links to what you need to get started on various operating systems. Check out the LaTeX Project website for more information.

Your system distribution or vendor has probably provided a LaTeX system. If not, check your usual software source for the texlive package, or otherwise install texlive directly. All of the Linux systems in the ELE Department already have a complete LaTeX system installed.

Two good editors for Linux are Texmaker and TeXstudio .

MacTeX is a full LaTeX system for MacOS which includes an editor.

The editors Texmaker and TeXstudio can also be used.

Microsoft Windows

proTeXt is a full LaTeX system for Windows, which includes MikTeX and an editor. You can also install MikTeX directly with the editor of your choice.

There are numerous good editors for Windows, some of which are TeXnicCenter , Texmaker and TeXstudio .

Information Technology

LaTeX Your Thesis

General thesis tips, about the thesis template, changing headers, using and modifying sections, handling images and tables, landscape orientation, managing paragraph spacing, uploading the thesis template to overleaf, add a collaborator, managing your bibliography, choosing a bibliography style, how to cite a reed thesis, changing the title of your bibliography, fragment your thesis with \include, using labels and references, adding appendices, including full page pdfs.

  • Additional Resources - LaTeX Cheat Sheet
  • BACK UP YOUR THESIS. Often you will not realize for days or weeks that important paragraph or page is missing. Make recovery as easy as possible by keeping a dated backup of each writing session. Then copy those backups to at least two locations other than your hard drive: your home server, Gmail account, thumb drive, the options are wide and numerous. There is no excuse for not backing up the most important document of your Reed career.
  • Start your bibliographic database the day you start reading. Keep it up to date and annotate it, so you know where it came from (library, Summit, ILL, public library, professor), whether you've read it, and where you want to cite it. This will make the writing process less frustrating and creating the bibliography seamless.
  • Think of thesis formatting as a form of productive procrastination. Please don't put it off until the last week.
  • BACK UP. No, seriously. It's not "if" your hard drive fails, it's "when." Not to scare you or anything, but it's a good habit, like buckling your seat belt or not leaving your laptop unattended. You really don't want to wish you had taken that small precaution.
  • Keep the editable original of each graphic you want to include in your thesis in one folder. Later you may need to change a graphic quickly and having the editable original makes it easy. For graphs, keep the original Excel/JMP/Stata document, not a PDF. For photographs, keep a high resolution copy (such as a tiff). For drawings and illustrations, keep the original Illustrator document.
  • Use the timesaving benefits of LaTeX from the first day. Cross references can refer to tables, graphics, and chapters so you do not have to update references as your thesis changes. Use comments to make notes about what needs to added or changed.
  • Enjoy the experience! And get some sleep, food and relaxation on occasion. Hundreds of people did this before you; you can do this too.

The thesis template, available for download here , contains two main files of importance: Reedthesis.cls and Thesis.tex . (As you noticed, there are many other files in the folder. For more information about all the files LaTeX creates, see our article on the subject. ) Reedthesis.cls is a document class like article or book, and so must be defined in the preamble (see the section about document classes for more info ). Additionally, since the average installation (even Reed's) does not include Reedthesis.cls, you will have to bring the file wherever you want to work on your thesis.

The thesis template folder also contains bonus materials you may find helpful, such as an array of bibliography style files (.bst) that can support an undergraduate thesis citation and files already modified to work with a psychology major's specific needs. So make sure that you have the latest version of the thesis template and read through the thesis.tex file for more complete overview of the template's contents.

Common Queries

While the content of your thesis is certainly much more important than the appearance, a nicely typeset thesis will be more pleasant to look upon ten years from now. We have collected nearly every query for the last few years so you can make the changes you want and get back to revising your latest chapter. That typo on the first page will bug you even more than the headers once the thesis is bound and in the library. Most of these answers are links that lead to other pages in our LaTeX documentation because they fit well elsewhere and this page would be much too long if we decided to be redundant.

If you don't like how your headers appear, you can change them. That is, they are modifiable in LaTeX, but your adviser or the library might not like the change. But people change how they look all the time (usually to have the name of the chapter in small caps and without the title of the current \section), so the advanced LaTeX page has a few ways to go about tweaking the headers .

When using Reedthesis.cls, you will use \chapter{ optional title here } to denote the beginning of a new chapter (obviously) while \section{ title } and \subsection{ title } will subdivide those chapters. You do not need to use \subsection if you don't wish to, but \section will probably prove very useful to break up your chapters.

If you don't like the automatic numbering of \chapter, \section and \subsection, you can easily eliminate the numbering by adding an asterix to the command ( \chapter*{ title }, \section*{ title } , etc.), but then the section won't show up in the Table of Contents. To learn how to make sure these show up in the ToC, and to learn more about sectioning commands in general, check out the advanced LaTeX page .

In order to add an image in LaTeX, you must use the package graphicx and place the image ( \includegraphics{ imagename } ) inside the figure environment. Be sure to give a caption if necessary, but remember that LaTeX will add the "Figure x.x" to your caption on the typeset document. For more information on handling images, including the answers to our most common questions, see our graphics documentation . To make your life easier, I highly suggest that you read the section on using references and labels .

Like figures, tables also need to be in a float environment such as tabular or longtable . For an introduction to tables or to learn how to do more complex table formatting, see our documentation on tables . To learn how to change their position, numbering or presentation, the graphics documentation covers the same material. You may have to replace figure with table wherever appropriate, but the commands are basically the same. Feel free to stop by the CUS desk or try Google if you get lost!

When you have a table or figure that is too wide for your page, you will need to rotate your page to be in landscape rather than portrait orientation. To avoid rotating your headers and footers as well, use the package lscape (for more information on packages, see the advanced LaTeX section ) and enclose whatever needs to be rotated in the landscape environment:

\begin{landscape} \begin{figure}[htbp] \caption{A Really Wide Figure} \includegraphics{panoramicimage} \label{pan} \end{figure} \end{landscape}

This will keep the headers and page numbers in the portrait orientation, but rotate your figure or table as well as the appropriate caption. You do not want to use the package Portland ; this rotates the headers and footers as well, and the registrar will probably not accept such a setup.

The line breaking and spacing algorithms of LaTeX are not always successful. Sometimes the space between paragraphs is inconsistent from page to page, or even within the same page. If this happens to you, try ignoring it for a bit and continue to write your paper. Often the addition of a new subsection or just more words will be reorganized into a more pleasing arrangement.

But don't add unnecessary bulk to your thesis just to make it look good. Try putting this in the preamble: \setlength{\parskip}{0pt} . This sets the inter-paragraph spacing to 0 pts. You could also tell LaTeX that it can be more permissive when placing page breaks by putting \allowdisplaybreaks or \raggedbottom in the preamble. If none of these solutions work and you don't want to add more content to your finished chapter, bring your .tex file to the CUS desk and we shall see what we can do.

Using Overleaf

Overleaf is an online LaTeX editor that allows one to use LaTeX software without downloading or configuring. It has a variety of templates, but can also be used to make changes on our thesis template. 

  • Download the LaTeX template .zip file from the Thesis Templates section at
  • Go to and create an account. We recommend using personal credentials so you don’t lose any data after graduation. Note: If you have a subscription through Reed you’ll have to use your Reed credentials instead

Image shows overleaf logo in upper left corner, below is a green button which says "New Project" with a dropdown menu offering "Blank project", "Example project", "Upload Project", and "Import from Github". "Upload Project" is highlighted in green

  • Select template .zip file from your computer and click Upload  if prompted.
  • Using the template is the same as with any LaTeX compiler  
  • Thesis edits should be made to thesis.tex, and a live version can be viewed by clicking Recompile . You can also upload your own .bib file to your project instead of using the example prelim.bib .

You can add your adviser as a collaborator so they may leave comments on your work as you go. Without a subscription you can have a single collaborator, with a student subscription you can have up to 6. If you are interested in joining our pilot subscription program, inquire by emailing [email protected] .

  • Open your project.

This is a screenshot from the upper right hand corner of a screen. There is a dark bar which has five options with an icon before each one. The options read: "Review", "Share", "Submit", "History", "chat". "Share" is highlighted.


Unless you are doing a creative writing thesis, you will read way too much for your thesis. As a result, your bibliography will be ridiculously long. Thankfully, there is this great program called BibTeX that will typeset your bibliography for you. For more general information on using BibTeX to create your bibliography, as well as choosing a bibliography format and using a bibliography manager, see our BibTeX documentation .

While it is possible to create a bibliography manually , and there are reasons to do so, your senior year will be made a bit easier if you take advantage of BibTeX's automation . We strongly suggest that you use an application such as JabRef or BibDesk , both of which have documentation on the BibTex page. 

The BibTeX page has the following advice for creating your bibliography in BibTeX, but I thought it was worth repeating here:

  • Like with thesis formatting, the sooner you start compiling your bibliography for something as large as thesis, the better. Typing in source after source is mind-numbing enough; do you really want to do it for hours on end in late April? Think of it as procrastination.
  • When you have more than one author or editor, you need to separate each author's name by the word and .
  • The cite key (a citation's label) needs to be unique from the other entries.
  • Bibliographies made using BibTeX (whether manually or using a manager) accept LaTeX markup, so you can italicize and add symbols as necessary.
  • To force capitalization in an article title or where all lowercase is generally used, bracket the capital letter in curly braces.
  • You can add a Reed Thesis citation option. In fact, your bibliography style (.bst) may already have the option. See the thesis template for more details.

If you know what bibliography style you need to be using (Chicago or MLA, for example), then you should check out the available bibliography styles on the page about BibTeX styles . If your discipline varies with regard to preferred bibliography style, ask your adviser which format or journal you should use, then check out the BibTeX style page for a Reed edition, or for most other styles. 

A normal bibliography style (.bst) has formats for a PhD thesis and a Master's thesis, but no preset format for an undergraduate thesis. In your .bib file, use the Phd. thesis entry type, and in the optional type field, enter "Reed thesis" or "Undergraduate thesis" and that will be displayed instead of "Phd.thesis".

The default bibliography title is just "Bibliography," but if you want to change this, LaTeX gives you an easy way to do so. Here is an example of a bibliography renamed to "Works Cited." Note the placement after the command \backmatter and before the commands that make the bibliography ( \bibliographystyle and \bibliography ).

\backmatter \renewcommand{\bibname}{ Works Cited } \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{thesis}

Special Topics In Thesis: Tricks to Make Life Easier

Thesis may be scary, but putting it together doesn't have to be. A number of recent alumni answered a call for recommendations to the next crop of seniors; here are the computer related gems.

Your thesis is big, or at least it will be soon enough. Instead of typing everything into the thesis template, you can have separate files for each chapter and then include them in the thesis template. To learn more about using the commands \include and \input , see the appropriate section in the advanced LaTeX documentation.

If you've made a table or figure, you have probably noticed the command \label{default} . If you want to refer to that table or figure elsewhere in your document, you need only to write \ref{default} and your typeset document will replace that ref with the number of the item. But you can refer to more than just tables and figures with ease:

  • For figures and tables, the label command should be inserted right after the \caption .
  • For equations or lists, the label command should be within the environment as a whole.
  • For chapters or sections, it will refer to the first preceding section title, whether it is a subsection, section, or chapter.
  • If you want the page number of the reference, use the \pageref{ marker } command. If you want just the reference, use the \ref{ marker } command. For correct spacing, you may wish to precede the reference commands with a tilde (~) if you are using the reference in a sentence or text.
  • You will need to typeset your document at least twice to see cross-references reflect any changes. You will know that you need to typeset again if you see question marks where there should be references.

To add an appendix to your thesis, find \appendix towards the end of your thesis template. Right after the \appendix , it should have another \chapter command, in which you can specify the name of your appendix. This is what the template has:

\appendix \chapter{The First Appendix} \chapter{The Second Appendix, For Fun}

You can either write directly in the template as if the appendix is just another chapter, or stick an external document in using \input (for .tex documents only, see the documentation on this ) or \includegraphics (for PDFs and other formats, see below). Your appendices will appear in the Table of Contents as Appendix A: Appendix Name (the second appendix will be Appendix B, and so on). The appendix itself will have both Appendix A and the appendix title on separate lines.

If you want to remove the "appendix" part of your appendix title or otherwise modify how that part of the title is displayed, remove \appendix from your thesis, thus making your appendices into normal chapters. You then need to keep the appendix from being numbered as "Chapter # ", so make the following modifications to your document:

Original: \appendix \chapter{The First Appendix} To make the appendix named Appendix: The First Appendix, change the above to: \chapter*{Appendix: The First Appendix} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix: The First Appendix} \chaptermark{Appendix} \markboth{Appendix}{Appendix}

The \chapter* creates an unnumbered chapter and \addcontentsline adds the chapter to the Table of Contents with the title you specify. The commands \chaptermark and \markboth handle the headers. For more on modifying chapter names, look at the documentation on sectioning . To learn more about changing headers, read the Headers In a Thesis section.

Music Majors: There are two LaTeX related routes to typesetting music, MusicTeX and LilyPond. However, past music seniors have struggled to incorporate the files from both programs into their theses. The official CUS recommendation is to use Finale to typeset your music, then export the sheet music to PDF. (See this page to learn how to create pdfs in a program such as Finale.) Using \includepdf (with the package PDFPages ) is a great way to add them. PDFPages is a powerful and flexible way to include multi-page PDF files in your LaTeX document. Example: \includepdf[pages=1-8 offset=15 -15,scale=.80, frame=true,pagecommand={\thispagestyle{plain}}]{Orlando.pdf}

Additional Resources

For a quick LaTeX Cheat Sheet, please visit .

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A collection of useful LaTeX templates.


Folders and files, repository files navigation, latex_templates.

A collection of useful LaTeX templates. Pull requests are welcome.

latex thesis cheat sheet

  • article_plus -- Article with some packages and setup.
  • cheat_sheet -- A cheat sheet for mathematics.
  • exam -- An exam based on the exam class.
  • large_thesis -- A large thesis, such as a masters thesis.
  • presentation_corporate -- A presentation with a non-academic look.
  • presentation_uib -- A presentation template mimicking the UiB style.
  • report -- A report with a non-academic look.
  • thesis -- Small/medium sized thesis with some packages and setup.
  • tools -- A collection of scripts and tools.

LaTeX resources

Here's a list of resources. Wikibooks is my favorite.

  • [web] TeX Resources on the Web
  • [web] LaTeX - Wikibooks
  • [pdf] The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2
  • [pdf] Introduction to LaTeX
  • [pdf] An introduction to LaTeX
  • [pdf] Reference Sheet

Useful LaTeX packages

  • List of packages by popularity on arXiv
  • What packages do people load by default in LaTeX? asked at
  • Python 5.2%


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  6. LaTeX Cheat Sheet

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  6. L06: Using the Stellenbosch thesis LaTeX template in Overleaf


  1. How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX (Part 1): Basic Structure

    The preamble. In this example, the main.tex file is the root document and is the .tex file that will draw the whole document together. The first thing we need to choose is a document class. The article class isn't designed for writing long documents (such as a thesis) so we'll choose the report class, but we could also choose the book class.. We can also change the font size by adding square ...

  2. PDF LaTeX Cheat Sheet

    G.1. Entry types @article @book @collection @incollection @misc @online @phdthesis @proceedings @report. F.3. Tables width aligned material. With 'table' the environment to place aligned material is meant. The table caption is printed where the caption command is placed in the input. For positioning options see F.1.

  3. LaTeX Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference

    This cheat sheet summarizes a reference list of LaTeX commonly used display math notation and some application

  4. How to get started writing your thesis in LaTeX

    Here we provide a guide to getting started on writing your thesis in LaTeX, using a standard template which is pre-loaded into Overleaf. We have a large number of thesis templates in our online library, and you can upload your own if your university provides a set of LaTeX template files. We'll assume you've used LaTeX before and so are ...

  5. PDF A quick guide to LATEX

    A quick guide to LATEX What is LATEX? LATEX(usually pronounced "LAY teck," sometimes "LAH teck," and never "LAY tex") is a mathematics typesetting program that is the standard for most professional mathematics writing.

  6. PDF LTEX2 Cheat Sheet Justi cation Environment Declaration

    school Name of school (for thesis). series Name of series of books. title Title of work. type Type of tech. report, ex. \Research Note". volume Volume of a journal or book. year Year of publication. Not all elds need to be lled. See example below. Common BibTEX style les abbrv Standard abstract alphawith abstract alpha Standard apa APA

  7. Basic thesis template

    This LaTeX template includes a title page, a declaration, an abstract, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of figures/tables, a dedication, and example chapters and sections. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019. This Thesis LaTeX template is an ideal starting point for ...

  8. LaTeX Cheat Sheet

    LaTeX Cheat Sheet. Learn everything you need to know about LaTeX in this convenient cheat sheet! May 2024. Share. Have this cheat sheet at your fingertips. Download PDF. Comments. Insert a comment with% % this text is ignored Environments. Environments are sections in a document that apply special behavior rules to the enclosed text. ...

  9. Guide to Writing Your Thesis in LaTeX

    Step 1: Install LaTeX and a LaTeX Aware Editor. LaTeX is not a word processor, it is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. It is most often used for medium-to-large technical or scientific documents, but it can be used for almost any form of publishing. LaTeX encourages authors not to worry too much about the appearance of ...

  10. LaTeX Your Thesis

    Additional Resources - LaTeX Cheat Sheet; General Thesis Tips. BACK UP YOUR THESIS. Often you will not realize for days or weeks that important paragraph or page is missing. Make recovery as easy as possible by keeping a dated backup of each writing session. Then copy those backups to at least two locations other than your hard drive: your home ...

  11. Preparing cheat sheets

    That cheat sheet was my inspiration, and it was too difficult for a rookie like me :) minimal documentclass has too wide margins too, I want to use all the space I can. - nimcap Jan 12, 2011 at 19:20

  12. A template for creating a nice cheat sheet with LaTeX

    TeX Book Template: A template for writing a nice book with LaTeX. TeX Course Index Template: A template for writing a condensed course index leveraging LaTeX indexing. TeX Master Thesis Template: A template for writing a nice master thesis dissertation with LaTeX. TeX Poster Template: A template for creating a nice scientific poster with LaTeX.

  13. CTAN: Package latex-refsheet

    latex-refsheet -. L. a. T. X. Reference Sheet for a thesis with KOMA-Script. This LaTX Reference Sheet is for writing a thesis using the KOMA-Script document classes ( scrartcl , scrreprt , scrbook ) and all the packages needed for a thesis in natural sciences. the contents of this package in one zip archive (7.0M).

  14. PDF Short Math Guide for LATEX

    Short Math Guide for LATEX, version 2.0 (2017/12/22) 6 3. Math symbols and math fonts 3.1. Classes of math symbols. The symbols in a math formula fall into di erent classes that correspond more or less to the part of speech each symbol would have if the formula A A TEX

  15. GitHub

    University of Southampton LaTeX templates and LaTeX commands' cheat sheet - nt1n16/LaTeX-cheat-sheet. University of Southampton LaTeX templates and LaTeX commands' cheat sheet - nt1n16/LaTeX-cheat-sheet ... ecsthesis.cls-- This style file produces a document for the final submission of the PhD thesis. Directory structure: The .tex files are ...

  16. CTAN: /tex-archive/info/latex-refsheet

    Directory. info/latex-refsheet. This LaTX Reference Sheet is for writing a thesis with the KOMAScript document classes (scrartcl, scrreprt, scrbook) and all the packages which a thesis in the natural sciences needs. The source code and all parts are provided for creating your own version of a Reference Sheet, adapted to your personal needs.

  17. A collection of useful LaTeX templates.

    article_plus-- Article with some packages and setup.; cheat_sheet-- A cheat sheet for mathematics.; exam-- An exam based on the exam class.; large_thesis-- A large thesis, such as a masters thesis.; presentation_corporate-- A presentation with a non-academic look.; presentation_uib-- A presentation template mimicking the UiB style.; report-- A report with a non-academic look.

  18. CTAN: Package cheatsheet

    tex-font-errors-cheatsheet: Cheat sheet outlining the most common T e X font errors; latex-refsheet: L a T e X Reference Sheet for a thesis with KOMA-Script; undergradmath: L a T e X Math for Undergraduates cheat sheet; lshort: A short introduction to L a T e X 2e; more

  19. How to write a cheat sheet like this in LaTeX?

    First of all you need to set up the page in the header so that you can use as much space as you want - use geometry package like this or similarly: \usepackage[. total={130mm,277mm}, top=0mm, bottom=0mm, left=0mm, marginparwidth=0mm, marginparsep=0mm, centering,

  20. How to make cheat sheets in Latex?

    When you use the code copy the template and put your LaTeX code in external files like section1.tex, section2.tex,.... Than you can easily follow the normal structure inside these LaTeX files like. \section{Title of section 1} \subsection*{Title of subsection 1} Some text... \subsection*{Title of subsection 2}

  21. Reference Sheet for a Thesis with LATEX2e and KOMA Script, Cheat Sheet

    Download Cheat Sheet - Reference Sheet for a Thesis with LATEX2e and KOMA Script | Logan University | Useful reference cheat sheet for a thesis with ... LATEX Basics A.1. Units ß Available units for length and dimensions: bp point (typographic) mm millimeter in inch em width of M px pixel (1/72in) cm centimeter pc pica ex height of x ß ...

  22. PDF Biblatex Cheat Sheet

    Biblatex Cheat Sheet Forfurtherdetails,explanations,hints,caveats,examplesandaltern-atives to the backend Biber, seethe Biblatex manual. For a list of