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  • Essay Writing MCQs

Important Essay Writing MCQs. All of these are types of essays, except? (A). Narrative essay (B). Personal essay (C). Argumentative essay (D). Descriptive essay (E). None of these Answer: b The introductory paragraph of an essay requires the topic, thesis and (A). main ideas (B). supporting details (C). both a and b (D). a and b (E). None of these Answer: a An essay is a (A). song with a novel or a story (B). poem that has multiple stanzas (C). some kind of writing that has organized paragraphs (D). some kind of writing that requires research (E). None of these Answer: c Which of the following essays describes a subject? (A). Narrative essays (B). Reflective essays (C). Argumentative essays (D). Expository essays (E). None of these Answer: d A good essay has the characteristics except? (A). Fakeness (B). Dignified style (C). Brevity (D). Personal touch (E). None of these Answer: a Which of the following is the essay that uses to increase the imagery of the setting? The five senses means the sense of taste, sound, touch, smell, and sight. (A). Narrative essays (B). Expository essays (C). Descriptive essays (D). Argumentative essays (E). None of these Answer: c Which of the following essay tells a Story? (A). Argumentative essay (B). Descriptive essay (C). Reflective essay (D). Narrative essay (E). None of these Answer: d We can write a short or long essay. (A). True (B). False (E). None of these Answer: a Which of the followings essays are a set of one’s thoughts. (A). Reflective (B). Expository (C). Argumentative (D). Narrative (E). None of these Answer: a A good write must avoid in a good essay? (A). Brevity (B). Dignified words (C). Slang (D). Unity (E). None of these Answer: c Descriptive essays explains a person or a place. (A). True (B). False (E). None of these Answer: a The writer concludes by logical reasoning in ____ essays. (A). Narrative essays (B). Reflective essays (C). Argumentative essays (D). Descriptive essays (E). None of these Answer: c

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Academic Writing MCQs

These Academic Writing multiple-choice questions and their answers will help you strengthen your grip on the subject of Academic Writing. You can prepare for an upcoming exam or job interview with these Academic Writing MCQs. So scroll down and start answering.

1: A bibliography or list of works cited should appear:

A.   after the abstract, but before the body of the work begins

B.   in the appendices

C.   before the work's conclusion

D.   at the end of the work

2: What is included in an APA-style in-text citation?

A.   author and publisher

B.   author and publication date

C.   title and author

D.   title and page number

3: Which is a correct APA-style reference for the book "Life of Pi"?

A.   Martel, Y. (2001, Harcourt). Life of Pi: A novel.

B.   Martel, Yann. Life of Pi: A Novel. New York: Harcourt, 2001. Print.

C.   Martel, Y. Life of Pi: A novel. New York: Harcourt, 2001.

D.   Martel, Y. (2001). Life of Pi: A novel. New York: Harcourt.

4: All of the following may appear as a section in a piece of academic writing EXCEPT:

A.   Acknowledgements

B.   Debate

C.   Index or Indices

D.   Analysis

5: Views that are in opposition to your own should be addressed:

A.   in full, so that they are fully dispatched by the end of your paper.

B.   respectfully and with some brevity

C.   at length, and at each phase of your argument

D.   never

6: What is a thesis statement?

A.   a short statement of the main point

B.   an explanation of the importance of the argument

C.   a "hook" to capture the reader's attention

D.   a restatement of the most important evidence

A.   results

B.   abstract

C.   literature review

D.   conclusion

8: What is self-plagiarism?

A.   allowing colleagues or classmates to use ideas from one's own work

B.   reusing one's own work; for instance, by submitting the same paper to two classes

C.   deliberately misrepresenting the meaning of a quotation from a source

D.   directly quoting oneself, as if to imply one is an expert

9: Which is a standard order for the sections of a piece of academic writing?

A.   abstract, introduction, background, results, discussion, conclusion, references

B.   background, introduction, abstract, results, discussion, conclusion, references

C.   introduction, abstract, background, results, discussion, references, conclusion

D.   abstract, introduction, discussion, results, background, references, conclusion

10: Which of the following can be properly presented in an academic work without citation?

A.   information within the public domain

B.   paraphrasing

C.   a popular quotation

D.   common knowledge

11: While there are many acceptable structures for pieces of academic writing, all of them have in common:

A.   a thesis statement appearing at or very near the beginning of the work

B.   a 'results' section at the end of the paper, with all relevant experimental data

C.   no fewer than three large divisions within the work

D.   a description of experiments performed

12: The primary difference between an abstract and a thesis statement is:

A.   length: the thesis statement is always longer than the abstract

B.   length: the abstract is always longer than the thesis statement

C.   scope: the first summarizes the entire work, while the second clearly states the work's main purpose

D.   scope: the second summarizes the entire work, while the first clearly states the work's main purpose

13: Which of the following statements about plagiarism is true?

A.   verbatim copying of another person's writing without citation constitutes plagiarism

B.   plagiarism is always the result of deliberate dishonesty

C.   paraphrasing the ideas of another person constitutes plagiarism

D.   ideas from course lectures or discussion sections don't require citation

14: Which of the following is a form of plagiarism?

A.   not providing a citation for assertions that are common knowledge

B.   providing citations for works not directly quoted in your writing

C.   providing citations acknowledging contributions by colleagues or classmates

D.   not providing a citation for an online source without a clear author

15: What is the best pair of descriptors for academic tone?

A.   formal, impersonal

B.   formal, imperious

C.   formal, personal

D.   informal, impersonal

16: True or false: an academic argument is almost always strengthened when the author leaves out first-person pronouns.

A.   True

B.   False

17: What is the most appropriate structure for an academic essay?

A.   the inverted pyramid

B.   the appropriate structure depends on the assignment and topic

C.   the cause-and-effect model

D.   the five-paragraph essay

18: Which of the following is an example of common knowledge that would not require a citation?

A.   an interpretation of the meaning of a symbol in "The Great Gatsby"

B.   the name of the first chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

C.   a long direct quotation from Shakespeare's "King Lear"

D.   a scholar's opinion of the efficacy of the Voting Rights Act

19: Where in an academic essay is the most common place to introduce the thesis statement?

A.   as the first sentence

B.   in the first paragraph

C.   after previewing the evidence

D.   in the conclusion

20: Which of the following is an example of plagiarism?

A.   failing to cite an appropriate source

B.   citing an inappropriate source

C.   citing a source too much

D.   citing a source whose authorship cannot be determined

21: Vocabulary should be selected in academic writing primarily for its:

A.   colloquiality

B.   opacity

C.   clarity

D.   formality

22: What is an abstract?

A.   a "hook" to capture the reader's attention

B.   a condensed summary of the entire work

C.   a restatement of the most important evidence

D.   a preface or introduction

23: If a novelist were to attempt a piece of academic writing, what changes in language and tone would she be advised to make?

A.   Use a more personal, less objective voice

B.   Place less emphasis on a clear, linear line of development from one section to the next

C.   Use a less personal, more objective voice

D.   Use fancier words.

24: What is the difference between plagiarism and copyright infringement?

A.   Plagiarism involves using someone else's work without attribution, while copyright infringement involves using someone else's work without permission.

B.   Plagiarism is the least severe form of copyright infringement.

C.   Plagiarism is a legal violation, while copyright infringement is an ethical violation.

D.   Plagiarism is always copyright infrigement, but copyright infringement is not always plagiarism.

25: Which section of an academic paper describes the design of the experiment or study?

A.   abstract

B.   results

C.   references

D.   methodology

26: How should you address sources that disagree with your argument?

A.   by not mentioning them; doing so would weaken your argument

B.   by dismissing them before you begin your own argument

C.   by listing them in a separate appendix

D.   by acknowledging them and rebutting their claims

27: Which of the following could be plagiarized?

A.   data and statistics

B.   computer code

C.   (All of these)

D.   written text

28: Which is most correct? "The professor presented her ideas to the panel of her ____."

A.   colleagues

B.   buddies

C.   extremely important colleagues

D.   extremely important buddies

29: From a style perspective, good academic writing should:

A.   be as florid as possible

B.   use language that reflects the historical prominence of the relevant universities or colleges.

C.   use as sophisticated vocabulary as possible

D.   be as clear and direct as possible

30: What type of academic paper should include a results section?

A.   one that relies on historical analysis

B.   one that develops a novel argument

C.   one that focuses on an experiment or other primary research

D.   one that lacks any other citations

31: Which element is necessary to a strong argument?

A.   a thesis statement that makes a claim

B.   evidence to support a claim

C.   an acknowledgment of opposing views

D.   (All of these)

32: Which are discouraged in many forms of academic writing?

A.   (All of these)

B.   colloquial language

C.   contractions

D.   abbreviations

33: What voice is most appropriate to adopt for academic writing?

A.   folksy and verbose

B.   pretentious and stylized

C.   impassioned and emotional

D.   objective and confident

34: Choose the most correct option for a piece of academic writing: "The complete data of experiment results were ____ in the New England Journal of Medicine later that year."

A.   unfurled

B.   put on display

C.   published

D.   put out

35: What is the best approach to using jargon or technical terms in academic writing?

A.   Jargon and technical terms should be used when appropriate for precision and authority.

B.   Jargon and technical terms should be used in the body of the writing, but never in an introduction or conclusion.

C.   It should be avoided; only vocabulary that will be familiar to the average person should be used.

D.   Technical language should be used as frequently as possible, to demonstrate your mastery of the subject.

36: Which section of an academic paper evaluates the current body of published work in the field?

A.   methodology

B.   literature review

C.   introduction

D.   works cited

37: What is deductive reasoning?

A.   reasoning from general premises to a specific conclusion

B.   reasoning from specific information to broader conclusions

38: What is the relationship between a thesis statement and a topic sentence?

A.   a thesis statement can appear anywhere in the work; a topic sentence must be at the beginning of a paragraph

B.   the work as a whole has a thesis statement; each paragraph has a topic sentence

C.   there can be many thesis statements, but only one topic sentence

D.   the thesis statement is implied and abstract; the topic sentence is the literal statement of the thesis

39: Which of the following is not included in an MLA-style reference for a book?

A.   place of publication

B.   page count

C.   publisher

D.   title and edition number (if any)

40: What is the primary difference between a Works Cited list and a Bibliography?

A.   (None of these)

B.   A Works Cited list is considered more formal than a Bibliography.

C.   APA style calls for "Works Cited"; MLA style calls for "Bibliography."

D.   A Works Cited list includes only references that are cited in the text, while a Bibliography includes all sources consulted.

41: Which is most likely to be an effective strategy for avoiding plagiarism when researching?

A.   never copying down direct quotations

B.   focusing on secondary sources

C.   keeping careful track of sources

D.   using the Cornell method for note-taking

42: Choose the best thesis statement:

A.   Mozart's work contains many masonic symbols.

B.   The masonic symbols within Mozart's works reveal a subtler, politically-minded artist than was originally thought.

C.   Mozart was a great composer.

D.   The masonic symbols in Mozart's work are significant in understanding his beliefs.

43: When is it permissible to copy verbatim from a source without citation or quotation marks?

B.   when the material is in the public domain (no longer under copyright)

C.   when the material is freely available online

D.   when the purpose of the copying satisfies the tests for fair use

44: Which style of citation would be most appropriate for academic work in the social sciences?

A.   MLA

B.   APA

C.   Chicago

D.   Bluebook

45: The correct APA reference format in Academic Writing out of the following

A.   Friedman, H. S. (Ed.). (1990). Personality and disease. New York.

B.   H.S. Friedman (Ed.). Personality and disease. New York: Wiley.

C.   Friedman, H.S. (Ed.). Personality and disease. New York: Wiley.

D.   Friedman, H. S. (Ed.). (1990). Personality and disease. New York: Wiley.

A.   the departmental faculty of one specific field, within one institution or more than one institutions within a geographical area

B.   an event or conference where scholars can come together and discuss developments in their field

C.   (none of these)

D.   a group of scholars who are primarily engaged and interested in a given field

47: What is the in-text citation format for Harvard style of formatting?

A.   Author and year; Author page no.; Author and publisher, Author and title

B.   Author, year, page no.

48: Which of the following is an acceptable way to cite a web source according to the Chicago Manual of Style?

A.   "" March 2014

B.   United States Internal Revenue Service. "IRS Criminal Investigation Issues Annual Report." Accessed 10 March 2014.

C.   "IRS Criminal Investigation Issues Annual Report" 2014 Web 10 Mar 2014

D.   US IRS: "IRS Criminal Investigation Issues Annual Report,",

49: What is a difference between "Works Cited" and "References"?

A.   MLA style calls for "Works Cited"; APA style calls for "References."

B.   (None of these)

C.   A Works Cited list is considered more scientific than References.

D.   A Works Cited list is only appropriate in legal and medical contexts.

50: What is the primary difference between the MLA and Chicago styles of citation?

A.   MLA requires a bibliography, while Chicago calls for a list of works cited.

B.   MLA generally uses parenthetical citations, while Chicago generally uses footnotes or endnotes.

C.   MLA is more appropriate for scholarly use.

D.   MLA is more focused on date of publication, while Chicago emphasizes authorship.

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Research guidance, Research Journals, Top Universities

Academic Writing MCQ (Questions) with answers

A cademic Writing MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) : In this blog post (Academic Writing Quiz), we have written important multiple-choice questions on Academic writing.

These Writing Skills MCQs are very important to researchers to improve their writing skills .

Academic Writing MCQ with answers

1.  Which is the most important and of having the most weightage among the followings

 Research paper

 Conference paper


2.  The prime focus of academic writing is


  Reader friendliness



3. Which is the right flow of action in academic writing?

 Critical Reading-outline-first draft-multiple drafts- final draft- communicate- follow up

 Outline-first draft-multiple drafts- final draft- Reading-communicate- follow up

 Reading-writing draft-communicate-follow up

 Writing the First draft- checking-final draft-communicate- follow up

4. Academic writing is important to students for

 A better understanding of the topic

 Triggering critical thinking

 Improving CV

 All of the above

5. Which is the correct statement?

 You can not do academic writing if you are not doing research

 Teacher’s don’t need academic writing skills

 Academic Writing is the benchmark to assess the academic proficiency

6. Which is the right flow of action in academic writing

 Reading-writing draft-communicate-follow up-revision

7. Which of the two terms can be used together in a research article as per journal requirement?

 Introduction and acknowledgment

 Results and discussion

 Methods and reference

 Materials and discussions

8. Title of the paper should be?



 Representative of study

9. Targeting of journals should be done on the basis of

 Scope of journal

 Impact factor of the journal

 Quality of the work in the manuscript

10. Conclusion of an article gives information on

 Future perspective of research work

 Correlation of results with the previous study

 The central idea of the research work

 Sources of the study

11. The abstract must not contain


 Aim of the study



12. Comma must be thereafter



 For instance

13. Passive voice should be made

 To emphasize on the object rather than the subject

 To illustrate a universal or general truth

 To be polite in tone

14. In academic writing it should be avoided

 Writing in first person

 Writing in reader-friendly way

 Writing in the third person

15. Cohesion is

 Technical aspect

 Grammatical aspect

 Phonetic aspect

16. cohesive writing is

 Easy to follow

 Containing ornamental language

 a & b both

17. The language services and software is/are


18.  ‘Expectancy relation’ between lexical items




19. Which should be avoided in academic writing?




20. A good and simple technique to identify the language error

 Rely on a spell checker

 Getting checked from friends

 Reading aloud

 None of the above

21. Which of the following is correct? Team and group are same things. Team is a group having common goals. Team is a group with different goals. None of the above

22. In an organization, a team is involved in testing of software. This type of team is known as Software Team Quality Team Work Team Organization Team

23. Which of the following is correct? Honesty is important for team work. Enthusiasm is important for effective teamwork. Both, honesty and enthusiasm are important for team work. Team is dependent on team leader’s guidance.

24. Which of the following is correct? A team is possible with one member.   A team needs at least two members. Number of members are not defined to call a group as team. None of the above

25. Which of the following is correct? There is no significant difference between formal and informal accountability in a team.   There is need to understand concept of accountability for team leaders. There is need to understand concept of accountability for team members. Both (b) and (c) are correct.

26. Which of the following is a challenge in developing good communication environment in a team? Language difference Premature judgement Information overload All of the above

27. Which of the following is correct? Writing research paper in top journals need international team. Writing research papers in top journals need large team. Writing research papers in top journals need team with complementary skills. All of the above

28. Which of the following is a possible conflict in team while doing academic writing? Sequence of authorship Who will be corresponding author? Addition/ deletion of an author’s name All of the above

29. Which of the following is a cause of conflict in team? Communication problems Different perspectives Role ambiguity All of the above

30. Which of the following is a suitable way to resolve conflict in academic writing teams? By discussion By collaborating By accommodating All of the above

31. Methodology in grant proposal Must be addressed in detail Must be brief Need not to discussed Just need the name of method

32. What thing you must have before grant proposal writing Related prior publications/ experience Already done the work Both 1 & 2 Equipment quote

33. The research project/ grant proposal may be related to PG dissertation Ph D work Both 1 & 2 Any routine work

34. What should be the first expected outcome in any science grant proposals Publications in high impact Thesis as output Both 1 & 2 Patent

35. Participation in conferences are needed for Sharing your research on national and international platform Exchanging ideas and updating knowledge and ideas Basis for collaboration All of the above

36. What is / are to be studied before planning a book Competition Target readers a & b Research articles

37. Points for targeting publisher for book is/are Reputation, experience, policy Geographical coverage a & b Time to publish

38. The images with the following licence can only be used without permission Copyright license Creative common license Patent All of the above

39. Standard you tube licence is A kind of copyright of Youtube Free licence Creative common licence None of the above

40. Condition applied to attribute source and use the same licence CC BY SA CC CC BY NC CC BY ND

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Paragraph Writing MCQs Quiz With Answers


Welcome to our Paragraph Writing Quiz, designed to help you sharpen your writing skills and master the art of crafting well-structured paragraphs! In this quiz, you'll encounter questions that challenge you to demonstrate your ability to construct clear and coherent paragraphs. You'll explore the components of a strong paragraph, including topic sentences, supporting details, and concluding sentences. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to practice organizing ideas logically, using transitions effectively, and maintaining coherence throughout your writing. By engaging with this quiz, you'll not only test your knowledge of paragraph structure and organization but also enhance your writing skills through practical Read more application. Whether you're tackling narrative, descriptive, expository, or persuasive writing tasks, the principles you'll learn in this quiz are applicable across various genres and formats.

Paragraph Writing Questions and Answers

What is the first sentence of a paragraph called.

The introduction sentence

The exclusive sentence

The topic sentence

The first sentence

Rate this question:

How many sentences does a paragraph usually have?

When do you use supporting details or supporting sentences.

Before the first sentence in the introduction

After the last sentence because it helps you summarize the paragraph.

Never use these in paragraphs because they are for essays only.

After the topic sentence and before the closing sentence

Which of the following is the primary purpose of a topic sentence in a paragraph?

To provide supporting details

To summarize the entire essay

To introduce the main idea of the paragraph

To conclude the paragraph

What is a descriptive paragraph?

Unbiased description of a person, animal, place, or thing, along with idea and theme.

Tell a story to the reader.

Give your opinion to the reader.

Explaining a concept or idea.

The basic paragraph consists of how many parts?

A topic sentence is the central idea of each paragraph, usually appearing at the beginning of the paragraph., what is the main purpose of the persuasive paragraph.

Inspire the reader to feel a certain way towards an event, character, place, etc. 

Explain a concept in full depth.

Make the reader experience whatever is narrated.

Which element is essential to include at the beginning of a well-structured paragraph?

A detailed example

A concluding sentence

A topic sentence

A quotation

A paragraph can never end with an exclamation mark. True or false?

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General Academic Writing MCQs

1. A bibliography or list of works cited should appear:

2. What is included in an APA-style in-text citation?

3. Which is a correct APA-style reference for the book 'Life of Pi'?

4. All of the following may appear as a section in a piece of academic writing EXCEPT:

5. Views that are in opposition to your own should be addressed:

6. What is a thesis statement?

7. Which section of an academic paper reiterates the paper's claim and may suggest its further significance?

8. What is self-plagiarism?

9. Which is a standard order for the sections of a piece of academic writing?

10. Which of the following can be properly presented in an academic work without citation?

11. While there are many acceptable structures for pieces of academic writing, all of them have in common:

12. The primary difference between an abstract and a thesis statement is:

13. Which of the following statements about plagiarism is true?

14. Which of the following is a form of plagiarism?

15. What is the best pair of descriptors for academic tone?

16. True or false: an academic argument is almost always strengthened when the author leaves out first-person pronouns.

17. What is the most appropriate structure for an academic essay?

18. Which of the following is an example of common knowledge that would not require a citation?

19. Where in an academic essay is the most common place to introduce the thesis statement?

20. Which of the following is an example of plagiarism?

21. Vocabulary should be selected in academic writing primarily for its:

22. What is an abstract?

23. If a novelist were to attempt a piece of academic writing, what changes in language and tone would she be advised to make?

24. What is the difference between plagiarism and copyright infringement?

25. Which section of an academic paper describes the design of the experiment or study?

26. How should you address sources that disagree with your argument?

27. Which of the following could be plagiarized?

28. Which is most correct? 'The professor presented her ideas to the panel of her ____.'

29. From a style perspective, good academic writing should:

30. What type of academic paper should include a results section?

31. Which element is necessary to a strong argument?

32. Which are discouraged in many forms of academic writing?

33. What voice is most appropriate to adopt for academic writing?

34. Choose the most correct option for a piece of academic writing: 'The complete data of experiment results were ____ in the New England Journal of Medicine later that year.'

35. What is the best approach to using jargon or technical terms in academic writing?

36. Which section of an academic paper evaluates the current body of published work in the field?

37. What is deductive reasoning?

38. What is the relationship between a thesis statement and a topic sentence?

39. Which of the following is not included in an MLA-style reference for a book?

40. What is the primary difference between a Works Cited list and a Bibliography?

41. Which is most likely to be an effective strategy for avoiding plagiarism when researching?

42. Choose the best thesis statement:

43. When is it permissible to copy verbatim from a source without citation or quotation marks?

44. Which style of citation would be most appropriate for academic work in the social sciences?

45. The correct APA reference format in Academic Writing out of the following

46. In academics, a 'discourse community' refers to:

47. What is the in-text citation format for Harvard style of formatting?

48. Which of the following is an acceptable way to cite a web source according to the Chicago Manual of Style?

49. What is a difference between 'Works Cited' and 'References'?

50. What is the primary difference between the MLA and Chicago styles of citation?

51. Which is a quality of a good thesis statement?

52. All of the following are acceptable structures (in order) for an academic paper EXCEPT:

53. Is it appropriate to use the pronouns 'I' or 'you' in academic writing?

54. The practice of weaving pre-existing works into new ones is called:

55. What should distinguish an academic piece of writing from a general one, even if the author and topic are the same?

56. One significant difference between citation guidelines according to the MLA Handbook and Chicago Manual of Style is:

57. What is included in an MLA-style in-text citation?

58. The MLA and Chicago styles of citation are most commonly used in which discipline?

59. What is inductive reasoning?

60. Phrases like 'sort of,' 'seems to,' and 'may be' are classified as what?

61. Which is not a type of logical fallacy?

62. In an academic paper, a frame could serve to:

63. What is the logical fallacy that assumes the conclusion as one of the premises?

64. All of the following are acceptable ways to cite a passage in MLA format EXCEPT:

65. Use of the passive voice is sometimes advocated in which form of academic writing?

66. Under what circumstances might plagiarism be handled with criminal legal action, rather than handled within the institution?

67. True or false: an abstract is necessary in any extended piece of academic writing.

68. What are the three essential elements in the Toulmin model of argument?

69. Which of the following is not a variety of intertextuality?

70. An acronym describing a traditional order for an academic work, IMRAD stands for:

71. When presenting your argument, most important is:

72. The word is used as an adverb in sentence1 and as a pronoun ln senteThe following sentences denote the same word belonging to different parts of a speech according to the way in which they are used. Choose the correct option that illustrates their use. Sentence 1: I want m poverty nor riches. Sentence 2: It Is diff‌icult to negotiate where gm will trust

73. The following sentences denote the same word belonging to different parts of a speech according to the way in which they are used. Choose the correct option that illustrates their use. Sentence 1: I want neither poverty nor riches. Sentence 2: it Is diff‌icult to negotiate where neither will trust.

74. Choose the correct option to change the simple sentence given below into a compound sentence. To his eternal disgrace. he betrayed his country.

75. Choose the correct option to replace the underlined part of the following sentence. The original census of the city exposed a population of more than a million people.

76. Choose the error in the following sentence. The four richest nations of the world have assets worth more than the collective assets of the seventy poorest nations of the world.

77. The following sentences denote the same word belonging to different parts of a speech according to the way in which they are used. Choose the correct option that illustrates their use. Sentence 1: Since that day, l have not seen him. Sentence 2: Since there is no help, let us f‌lnlsh these ourselves.

78. Choose the error in the following sentence. Many things have happened once I left school.

79. He is coming at this very moment. What are the words underlined in the sentence above examples of?

80. Which of the following sentences is an example of adversative conjunction?

81. Choose the correct option to change the active voice in the sentence given below into passive voice. The Romans expected to conquer Carthage.

82. The following sentences denote the same word belonging to different parts of a speech according to the way in which they are used. Choose the correct option that illustrates their use. Sentence 1: You cannot have it both ways. Sentence 2: Both the cashier and the accountant were late.

83. Choose the correct option to replace the underlined part of the following sentence. The nanny should not have been so casual as to leave the kid on his own for an hour when she had gone to the market for a personal errand.

84. Choose the error in the following sentence. The police claims that the number of accidents caused by teenagers have increased manifold over the last two years.

85. The following sentences denote the same word belonging to different parts of a speech according to the way in which they are used. Choose the correct option that illustrates their use. Sentence 1: They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins. Sentence 2: There is something pleasing about him.

86. On either side of the road next to the building. is a narrow lane. Which kind of adjective is the underlined word in the above line?

87. In the following sentence. which word denotes an auxiliary verb? Oh. do come to the wedding! It is going to be such fun.

88. The following sentences denote the same word belonging to different parts of a speech according to the way in which they are used. Choose the correct option that illustrates their use. Sentence 1: You are paying less attention to your studies than you used to. Sentence 2: He's adamant on the amount he's demanding for his loss. He won't be satisf‌ied with less.

89. Which of the following sentences uses an Intransitive verb?

90. Choose the error in the following sentence. The marigold that beautif‌ies so many Indian gardens is not native to Asia.

91. The following sentences denote the same word belonging to different parts of a speech according to the way in which they are used. Choose the correct option that illustrates their use. Sentence 1: More of us die in bed than out of it. Sentence 2: You should talk less and work more

92. He once met me in Cairo; I have not seen him since. The underlined word is an example of which of the following?

93. I expect that I shall get a prize. What are the words underlined in the sentence above examples of:

94. Choose the correct option to change the active voice in the sentence given below into passive voice. The audience loudly cheered the mayor’s speech.

95. Choose the error in the following sentence. stuck in the elevator for two days over the weekend. a packet of biscuits and an energy bar formed the basis of the employee's diet.

96. Change active voice into passive voice. The Governor gave him a reward.

97. The following sentences denote the same word belonging to different parts of a speech according to the way in which they are used. Choose the correct option that illustrates their use. Sentence 1: They are men of like build and stature. Sentence 2: We shall not see his like again.

98. Choose the correct option to change the interrogative sentence given below into an assertive sentence. Were we sent into the world only to make money?

99. Choose the error in the following sentence. She was greatly afflicted in the loss of her only child.

100. Choose the error in the following sentence. If you are positive about your role in the scenario, you would not mind going through a lie detector test in the case.

101. The case. which has a broken umbrella. is mine. The phrase underlined in the sentence above is an example of:

102. Choose the error in the following sentence. There is a dish commonly labeled as italian that actually has its origins from the middle east.

103. Choose the error in the following sentence. The school principal has taken the necessary steps to ensure that she is able to handle the needs of the job including joining a meditation center and spending time in social work.

104. She conducted the ceremony in a swift manner. The words underlined in the sentence above are examples of:

105. Choose the correct option to replace the underlined part of the following sentence. The renowned scientist has designed a very superior automobile that uses water as a fuel.

106. Choose the error in the following sentence. Poverty is a worldwide problem. many people around the globe are affected by it. and it deters the progress of world economy.

107. Find error in the sentence. Students with less problems in their family are likely to perform better than their peers.

108. The dog that bites does not bark. What are the words underlined in the sentence above examples of?

109. They rested when the evening came. The words underlined in the sentence above are examples of:

110. Choose the error in the following sentence. I have been waiting at his door for thirty minutes but there has been no response from him.

111. Choose the correct version of the sentence given below from the options given thereafter. Postures of those kind are bad for the back: the right kind of postures help you avoid back problems.

112. Which form of tense is the sentence given below? They have been building the bridge for several months.

113. Academic papers in the social sciences use primarily which style of citation?

114. Why is it important to paraphrase, and not direct quote, throughout a research paper?

115. How do you cite in-text references for multiple references to the same manuscript using Chicago citation style?

116. Please select the sentence that is correctly referenced.

117. Ethical academic research and writing is

118. When directly quoting, what must the writer include?

119. What is a DOI?

120. Please select the correctly quoted sentence.

121. Please select the option with the correct referencing.

122. What is the difference between in-text citations using APA versus Chicago style formatting?

123. What is the proper APA citation for a blog that has no author?

124. Which could be acceptable ways to use a non-academic source in academic writing?

125. Which could be acceptable as evidence for some but not all academic theses?

126. An education major, Ava, is asked to conduct a literature review on technology in today's classrooms. She found a source from the university's library database. Using APA rules, which citation is correctly punctuated?

127. Which show academically unacceptable orthography or punctuation?

128. Based on the image, what type of source is this?

129. Why can noun-noun phrases cause specific problems for readers of academic material?

130. Which sentence would most likely be found in an academic journal?

131. 'In academic writing, the introduction: i. Is situated at the beginning of the essay and is written before the body has been completed ii. Is situated at the beginning of the essay but generally written after the body has been completed iii. Introduces key concepts iv. Introduces what is going to be discussed v. Concludes what was discussed '

132. How should the references be listed at the end of a paper that uses parenthetical citations?

133. Linking words and phrases are an important part of academic writing as they help define the flow and connectedness of an author’s thesis. Each linking word or phrase has a specific intent. As such, what is the intent of using the linking phrase 'because of'?

134. Why is using the active voice more effective than the passive voice?

135. When writing an academic piece, what are some important questions to ask when considering your audience?

136. Which of the items in the list below can be considered as proper evidentiary support for a scientific article?

137. What is the first step in the academic research process?

138. Please complete the sentence. ...has been offered a job at the national orchestra.

139. Which is the most appropriate sentence for an academic essay?

140. Which research types can be considered as strictly quantitative research?

141. An introduction is like the 'first impression' of your essay and it also serves as a 'road map.' In order, what should an effective introduction include?

142. Following is a set of five scores: 8, 3, 10, 2, and 7. What is the median of the set?

143. Which is an advantage of mixed-method research?

144. Which choices list sections which must be part of all professional academic papers, in the correct order, but not necessarily all parts?

145. Which source is creditable enough to support a research-based claim in a professional piece of academic writing?

146. What is the meaning of the 'halo effect' when discussing research bias?

147. Which sentence has the best academic style?

148. Which factor does NOT determine whether an online source is reliable?

149. Which is NOT a correct rule for comma usage?

150. If you were writing a professional academic paper about a new algorithm in artificial intelligence, which of the following would be proper to do in the first body paragraph:

151. Which rhetorical techniques are acceptable in academic writing?

152. Which rule of survey writing is violated by the following questionnaire item: 'At which university did you obtain your degree?'

153. Which properly speaking, theories?

154. Which sentence display academically acceptable grammar and usage?

155. Which common collocations in the English language are used in academic writing?

156. What are collocations?

157. Differences between standard writing and academic writing?

158. When is a researcher allowed to modify data?

159. Which statement describe 'applied research' most accurately?

160. What type of language forms are not allowed in academic writing?

161. Using strong language in academic writing can be considered as _____.

162. In which part of the academic paper do you state your thesis statement?

163. Consider the following statement: 'Time spent studying causes a change in the test score.' What type of variables are 'time spent' and 'test score'?

164. In a normal distribution, what percentage of scores falls between one standard deviation below/above the mean?

165. Which research methods is associated with observation of participants?

166. Which action can be considered as plagiarism in academic writing?

167. An English student, Amelia, is asked to write her paper on the ways in which children's literature has evolved over time. She found a source from the university's library database. Using APA rules, which citation is correctly punctuated?

168. Which statement does not use colloquial vocabulary and is consequently most suitable as an academic statement?

169. If the researcher believes that observation and reason should be used as means of understanding human behavior, he has adopted the research paradigm of:

170. Which is a main difference between experimental design and non-experimental design?

171. Which aspects of grammar are commonly used when interpreting tables and graphs in academic papers?

172. What types of language forms are allowed in academic writing?

173. Which in-text citation is properly written for a direct quote in APA style for this source:

174. A researcher found a correlation coefficient of .38 between number of trees and air quality index in a densely populated residential area. What is the relationship between number of trees and air quality index?

175. Reporting weight in kilograms is an example of a:

176. Why is a semicolon (;) used in academic writing?

177. Which research types can be considered as strictly qualitative research?

178. Which is credible sources for academic research?

179. Recent developments in computer technology, such as advanced machine learning that focuses on constructing algorithms and learning systems,

180. Of these, which ones are typically viewed as more reliable, credible sources?

181. Which option is the best example of academic writing?

182. Which is the acceptable way to reference an unpublished academic essay?

183. Which topic have a narrow enough scope for a good academic paper?

184. Reliability in research means that:

185. What prompt would most likely include primary research?

186. Difference between primary and secondary research?

187. The image depicts a Google Scholar search related neurolinguistic programming (NLP). What dictates how the results are depicted after the search has been conducted?

188. While performing research for academic writing, your sources should come primarily from where?

189. Academic research includes: i. Only using data that proves a specific claim ii. Using primarily credible sources iii. Sticking to the topic iv. Acknowledging where you got your ideas from v. Gathering sufficient information to ensure the research is complete

190. What is the purpose of using a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal? Select all that apply.

191. 'Successful academic research comprises the following: i. A clearly defined topic ii. Well defined personal opinions about the topic iii. Obtainable data iv. Within your range of competency v. Ethics '

192. A student is assigned to write a research paper on technology's impact on education. Of the lists, which one would be good first steps to complete?

193. For what purpose is an Annotated Bibliography used?

194. The various duties allocated to the floor manager are:

195. Which is essential to the coherence of an academic paper? Select all that apply.

196. Choose which statement is correct regarding a Literature Review.

197. Which method cannot provide enough reliable sources to write a professional academic paper? Select all that apply.

198. Which source would be considered most reliable (one answer only)?

199. Which demonstrate(s) an acceptable way to cite something told to you during a conversation?

200. There are many considerations to take when determining a source's credibility and reliability. Which set of questions would be most helpful in determining a source's credibility and reliability?

201. If you were writing an academic paper on ‘Critical Thinking Skills in Adolescence’, which sources on the following image do you think are the most credible?

202. What is the purpose of a literature review? Select all that apply.

203. Which sentence correctly punctuated?

204. Which sentence best combines clarity, style, and acceptable pronoun usage?

205. The Reading Teacher, 67(6), 419-429. doi:10.1002/TRTR.1224 Of the options, which one correctly cites this source?

206. Which could be considered 'academic' writing?

207. Which sentence has the most similar meaning to the following: Angelo has won several trophies in running competitions. However, he was recently involved in a car accident, and as a result of his injuries he is required to wear a cast. Nevertheless, he is expected to win the race next week.

208. Which display(s) an acceptable use of the first-person personal pronoun in academic writing?

209. Based on the following passage, choose which subject best aligns with the expected diction used in academic writing. After analysis of the linear regression model, certain gaps in reasoning have been revealed. As such, they will alter future research models in several key areas.

210. Which sentence best fits within the academic writing context?

211. Of the groups of words, which one most accurately describes features of academic writing?

212. Which is closest to the meaning of the word “critical” in an academic context?

213. Which sentence contain word usage errors?

214. Which sentence show correct usage of the abbreviated Latin phrases?

215. Which display incorrect punctuation or orthography?

216. In the show, the character Bernard _ robots, unaware that he too ___ .

217. Which version of the sentence makes sense?

218. When do you set-off a quotation as an indented block of text in academic writing?

219. Which pair of sentences is organized with the first sentence using the passive voice and the second sentence using the active voice?

220. Which sentence shows the best placement of “only”?

221. Primary sources of information include

222. What is the essential purpose of academic reading?

223. Which is NOT considered to be a credible scholarly source for academic writing? (choose all that apply)

224. Why is it important to evaluate sources before including them in academic research? Select all that apply.

225. Which sentence demonstrates the correct usage of a semi-colon?

226. The researchers wore tin foil hats _____ were safe from alien thought control.

227. To create harmony ____ people from different cultures, it helps to cast differences as __ rather than in conflict

228. Which is correctly punctuated? Select all that apply.

229. Although few people know the difference between psychiatry and psychology, practitioners assert that psychiatry is directed towards medical treatment, and

230. Which compound-complex sentence is punctuated correctly?

231. Which display academically unacceptable grammar or usage?

232. Measles is a childhood disease that

233. Pick the set of words that completes the sentence correctly: “The medication _ patients __, making institutions _____ to further tests of their __.”

234. The first stage of the writing process includes ________.


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Important MCQS

Paragraph Writing MCQs with answers


Table of Contents

Paragraph writing Important MCQs

  • A Paragraph is a group of sentences that talk about __________.

(a) one topic (b) two topic (c) multiple topic (d) Both a and c

(a) one topic

  • What are the types of paragraph writing?

(a) narrative,persuasive (b) descriptive (c) expository (d) All of above

(d) All of above

  • What is the first sentence of a paragraph called __________?

(a) introduction sentence (b) exclusive sentence (c) topic sentence (d) first sentence

(a) introduction sentence

  • _________ is necessary for writing.

(a) Planning (b) Time (c) Place (d) None

(a) Planning

  • Containing many thoughts at the same time is _________ for write.

(a) paragraph (a) Conceptual (b) Important (c) Bad (d) Both a and c

  • We should avoid _________ when we write a paragraph.

(a) Slamming the ideas (b) Not having a sequence (c) a and b

(c) a and b

  • Paragraph demands your _________ Skills of writing.

(a) Logical (b) Coherent (c) All of these

(c) All of these

  • how many types of paragraph writing?

(a) one (b) two (c) three (d) four

  • A paragraph can be longer or shorter it depending on _________.

(a) The topic (b) The time (c) The writing skill

(a) The topic

  • When we are writing something we should take care of one thing that we should _________ .

(a) Write the paragraph as a writer (b) Read the paragraph as a reader (c) Edit the paragraph as aeditor

(b) Read the paragraph as a reader

  • A paragraph should be talking about _________ .

(a) One topic (b) One thought (c) Both

  • Each sentence in a paragraph must give _________ About the topic.

(a) Idea (b) Information (c) Deception

(b) Information

  • How many types of paragraph?

(a) Three (b) Four (c) Five

  • When we talk about how to boil an egg it is the example of _____.

(a) Descriptive paragraph (b) Example Paragraph (c) Process Paragraph

(c) Process Paragraph

  • If i tell u about my dream house it is an example of ______.

(a) Descriptive paragraph (b) Process paragraph (c) Narrative paragraph

(a) Descriptive paragraph

  • In a process paragraph the writer explain how to do something .

(a) According to the topic (b) Day by day (c) Step by Step

(c) Step by Step

  • How many steps of writing process?
  • A way of gathering ideas about a topic is called _________ .

(a) Delusion (b) Strategy (c) Brainstorming

(c) Brainstorming

  • After revising your writing, check your grammar, capitalization and spelling errors is called _________ .

(a) Drafting (b) Editing (c) Revising

(b) Editing

  • A typically Paragraph has a _________ .

(a) Topic sentence (b) Supporting sentence (c) Concluding sentence (d) All of these

(d) All of these

  • The sentence that further explain the topic are called ____.

(a) Topic sentence (b) Supporting sentence (c) Concluding sentence

(c) Concluding sentence

  • The writer initiating his own explanation is called _________ .

(a) Theme of the topic (b) His speaking skill (c) Controlling ideas

(c) Controlling ideas

  • Concluding sentence repeat the information whish was given in the _______.

(a) Supporting sentence (b) Topic sentence (c) Concluding sentence

  • My doctor is very kind and patients. The underline line is called _________.

(a) Topic sentence (b) Concluding sentence (c) Controlling sentence

(c) Controlling sentence

  • Which sentences can include definitions, explanations, and examples?

(a) Controlling ideas (b) Concluding sentence (c) Supporting sentence

(c) Supporting sentence

  • Supporting sentences add information about the _________ .

(a) Topic (b) Controlling ideas (c) Both a and b

(c) Both a and b

  • The concluding sentence restates the main idea in a _________ .

(a) Wrong way (b) Difficult way (c) New way

(c) New way

  • If I tell u a fairy tail it is an example of _________.

(a) Descriptive paragraph (b) Example paragraph (c) Narrative paragraph

(c) Narrative paragraph

  • My sister like red roses. The underline words are called _________ .

(a) Concluding sentence (b) Controlling sentence (c) Topic sentence

(c) Topic sentence

  • The smooth, logical flow of sentence within a paragraph is called _________ .

(a) Paragraph deduction (b) Paragraph coherence (c) Paragraph personality

(b) Paragraph coherence

  • How can you strength the connection between sentences in paragraph?

(a) Use word pattern such as first, second, third (b) Repeat the key word, phrases or synonym (c) Both a and b

  • Which choice shows examples of words and phrases that could signal a cause-and-effect connection?

(a) Indeed, very, infect, extremely, but (b) Therefore, as a result, consequently (c) Above, behind,below

(b) Therefore, as a result, consequently

  • How long should a paragraph be?

(a) Every paragraph should be at least five sentences long (b) Good paragraph must be at least one page long. (c) Its okay for paragraphs to vary inlength.

(c) Its okay for paragraphs to vary inlength.

  • Complete the following sentence. Most paragraphs can function as _________ .

(a) Miniature essays, each with a main topic and related sentences to support it (b) Thesis statements, summarizing the key arguments in the body of the papers (c) Both a and b

(a) Miniature essays, each with a main topic and related sentences to support it

Paragraph Writing MCQs with answers

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    Academic Writing MCQ (Multiple Choice Question): In this blog post (Academic Writing Quiz), we have written important multiple-choice questions on Academic writing.. These Writing Skills MCQs are very important to researchers to improve their writing skills.. Academic Writing MCQ with answers. 1. Which is the most important and of having the most weightage among the followings

  18. Paragraph Writing MCQs Quiz with Answers

    The topic sentence introduces the main idea or topic of the paragraph, while the supporting sentences provide details, examples, or evidence to support the main idea. The concluding sentence summarizes the main points or brings closure to the paragraph. Therefore, the correct answer is 3. Rate this question: 65 0. 7.

  19. Academic Writing MCQ Questions Answers

    131. 'In academic writing, the introduction: i. Is situated at the beginning of the essay and is written before the body has been completed ii. Is situated at the beginning of the essay but generally written after the body has been completed iii. Introduces key concepts iv. Introduces what is going to be discussed v. Concludes what was discussed '

  20. Essay writing Important MCQs with Answers

    Essay writing Important MCQs with Answers Essay writing Important MCQs with Answers Short formal piece of writhing dealing with a single subject called. (a) Narrative essay (b) Essay (c) Expository essay (d) Both a and c Answer (b) Essay How many types of Essay are? (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 4 Answer (d)

  21. Paragraph Writing MCQs with answers

    Paragraph writing Important MCQs Paragraph writing Important MCQs A Paragraph is a group of sentences that talk about __________. (a) one topic (b) two topic (c) multiple topic (d) Both a and c Answer (a) one topic What are the types of paragraph writing? (a) narrative,persuasive (b) descriptive (c) expository (d) All of above Answer

  22. mcqs DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY.pdf

    View mcqs DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY.pdf from ENGLISH ES 105 at Multan College of Education, Multan. University Of Education Punjab Group Of Colleges Jhelum Campus Submitted to : SIR QASIM RAJA Submitted by : ... A free flow of ideas in no specific order An expression of emotions Your thoughts with organization and pre-planning Writing without specific ...