Presentation Geeks

How To Make A Financial Presentation That Engages Audiences

Table of contents, what is a financial presentation.

A financial presentation is a communication tool consisting of a series of slides used by businesses to help communicate and share information relating to finances such as an organization’s net income, net profit, the balance sheet, the overall budget and other important information.

What you’ll find included in a financial presentation are charts and graphs often depicting analysis on projections, total company assets and other critical business information that would communicate the financial health of a company. These presentations can be shared internally with employee and board members or they can be shared externally with the public if your company is publicly traded.

We’ve helped multiple business operating in the financial sector create engaging financial presentations that not only communicate complex data effectively, but in an engaging way that keeps your audience interested. Most financial presentations simply transfer data from statements sheets onto a PowerPoint slide, but don’t provide context on what the numbers mean. They forget to explain the greater picture and this is where most financial presentations fail. We will help take your financial presentation and make it engaging so you can present your financial information with confidence.

For ING Financial, we used real data to create a multitude of graphs & figures to help showcase their successes.

prezi financial presentation

We Create Engaging Financial Presentations That Make Financial Data Interesting!

At Presentation Geeks, we pride ourselves in our ability to make financial presentations engaging. Whether they are created using Prezi , PowerPoint or Google Slides , we create some of the presentations in the world. Rather than taking complex data points and leaving it up to the audience to decipher what the numbers mean, we collaboratively work with you to create an engaging story with the numbers.

Most people remember information as it relates to a story. Give people random numbers and data points without context and they will likely forget the information or get lost with how the numbers relate to one another. Package the numbers and data in a story and you will be able to provide your audience with an impactful message that is relevant to them and one they will remember.

Whether it is presenting a financial presentation to a group of stakeholders or highlighting the key figures of a financials analysis, we can help you start a more engaging, robust conversation around finances with key audiences. Below is an example of a financial presentation we put together for Citibank , a well-known, globally respected financial institution.

Citibank Presentation Example Slides

prezi financial presentation

Why You Should Get Financial Presentations Professionally Made

You should consider having your presentations professionally made because they help communicate vital information. Not only do you need to worry about the information being presented, but you also need to keep in mind that presentations are a representation of your brand.

At the end of the day, a presentation is a tool used to communicate with your audience. If you have a tool that does not effectively do the job it is designed to do, then it has failed its purpose and your audience will take not of this. It is obvious when a presentation is bad. Do not leave this to chance. Ensure your company presentation is professionally made. Let’s take a closer look as to why you should have your presentation professionally made.

Communicating Information

A presentation is a tool and when a tool is defective, it does not serve its intended purpose. At Presentation Geeks, we are professional presentation designers who have mastered the art of creating powerful presentations that work as effective communication tools. We help support presenters with their presentation needs to ensure they are fully enabled to present data on slides that will engage an audience.

This ability is even more critical when sensitive and important information is being presented like finances. When you are tasked with giving financial suggestions, providing financial tips or figure out what direction the business should go in based on data analysis work, then you need to have a well-crafted presentation.

prezi financial presentation

Brand Representation

Presentations are not always internal meetings. Presentations can be externally facing where your presentation will be seen by an audience outside of your organization. When presenting, what message do you want them to have of you and your company?

Misaligned slides that are off brand with no clear tone or design in the PowerPoint slides makes your company feel disjointed and sporadic. These are characteristics you do NOT want associated with your business when dealing with finances. At Presentation Geeks, we ensure your brand is respectfully and properly displayed throughout all slides of a presentation – from beginning to end. A consistent tone of message will provide key stakeholders with the confidence they need to move forward in building professional relationships and with you.

Not convinced? Take a look at one of our multiple financial presentation examples we’ve created for some country’s top financial/investing companies.

Can Financial Statements Be Incorporated In A Presentation?

Of course financial statements can be incorporated in a presentation and we make it fun!

You’re probably hesitant to incorporate financial statements and other financial key points because it will get overwhelming with all the numbers and figures. It will be a burden on your audience to analyze the information effectively. Luckily, this is not the case when working with Presentation Geeks.

We are able to focus on the details that matter most. Sifting through the numbers and picking out the high-level numbers that matter most to the audience you’re presenting to. Not all audiences need to look at the same numbers. This is another reason why some financial presentations fail.

They try and follow a one-size-fits-all approach, hoping one financial presentation can be used for multiple audience groups. This does not work. We work collaboratively with you to identify which audience group you will be presenting to and then highlight the numbers based on this group. If it is an internal group of employees from various departments, focus on the high-level numbers showing a company’s growth. If it is to shareholders, you will be required to share financial information as required by law.

Are You Looking For A Financial Presentation? We Love Making Financial Information Engaging!

Not only are we Presentation Geeks, but we are geeks in general. We love taking complex financial information and creating understandable graphs and charts that help break down large figures and make sense of them in a story format.

We believe interaction within presentations and getting your audience to participate is critical to help them fully understand the information you are trying to explain as the presenter. How can this be done with financial presentations? Let’s connect and explore how we can transform your financial PowerPoint into a more engaging experience.

Author:  Content Team

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Create a Perfect Financial Slide (Tips Examples & Templates)

Learn to create engaging financial slides for startup pitch decks with insights from top examples. Discover digital tools to enhance your presentation.


6 minute read

How to make a financial slide in a pitch deck

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What is a Financial Slide in a Pitch Deck?

A financial slide in a pitch deck provides a snapshot of a startup's current financial status and future projections. It showcases key metrics like revenue, expenses, and profitability, offering investors insight into the company's monetary health and growth potential.

How to Craft an Artful yet Scientific Financial Slide for Your Pitch Deck

Creating a financial slide for your pitch deck necessitates a blend of investor assurance and financial foresight demonstration.

Begin by constructing robust financial models, and employ clear, visually engaging elements such as bar graphs, line charts, and pie charts to depict crucial metrics including projected revenue, expenses, EBITDA, and cash flow for the upcoming 3 to 5 years.

These visual elements not only enhance comprehension but also make data digestible, ensuring investors remain engaged during the presentation.

It's imperative to clearly state the underlying assumptions behind your projections, and when feasible, juxtapose them with industry benchmarks to provide a comparative perspective.

Let’s delve into why it’s pivotal and how you can master it.

Why is the Financial Slide Crucial in a Pitch Deck?

The financial slide in a pitch deck is crucial as it offers a clear picture of a startup's financial health and future prospects.

It helps investors gauge the viability and potential return on investment, building trust and making the funding pursuit compelling and convincing.

5 benefits of having a well-constructed financial slide in your pitch deck:

Investor Assurance: Gives a clear view of financial viability and revenue potential.

Strategic Planning: Aids in aligning financial goals with business strategy.

Performance Metrics: Showcases key financial benchmarks for growth monitoring.

Risk Assessment: Helps in evaluating and mitigating financial risks .

Future Funding: Lays a financial foundation for securing further investments.

What is the Importance of Portraying Financial Health?

Portraying financial health goes beyond just showing what you have in the bank. It's about how well you manage resources, generate revenue, and plan for future growth.

Use realistic projections, backed by solid data.

Highlight past financial milestones, if any, to build credibility.

When discussing feasibility, it's about showing your understanding of the market and how you plan to maneuver your startup in the midst of financial uncertainties.

Dropbox's Pitch Deck Example: Dropbox effectively illustrated user growth alongside revenue projections, painting a compelling, credible financial narrative that enthralled potential investors.

What Constitutes the Core of a Financial Slide?

The core of a financial slide rests on simplicity, truth, and foresight.

Avoid financial jargon, be transparent with your current financial status, be realistic with projections, and showcase a well-thought-out financial strategy for the future, to craft a compelling narrative for potential investors.

6 basic components of a financial slide:

1) Balance Sheet Overview

The balance sheet is your financial snapshot, showcasing your assets, liabilities, and equity. It should be simple, clean, and easy to digest at a glance.

Use visual aids like graphs or pie charts to represent the data.

Show a brief comparison with industry standards or competitors if possible.

2) Income Statement Summary

This section demonstrates how your company has performed over a specific period.

It clearly depicts your revenue, expenses, and net income , providing a transparent financial snapshot for potential investors to scrutinize.

3) Financial Projections

Financial projections are where you get to shine a light on your foresight. It's where you paint a picture of financial growth and stability.

Back your projections with data, market trends, and a solid business strategy.

4) Marketing Budget Estimation

Your marketing budget is a reflection of your understanding of the market and your strategy to penetrate it.

Example: Showing how a specific percentage of your budget will be used for different marketing strategies and the expected ROI can be helpful

5) Growth Projection

Growth projections should mirror your ambitious yet achievable targets, laced with a realistic timeline.

Tip: Align growth projections with industry standards and market trends.

6) Gross Profit Margin

This metric showcases the efficiency of your business model, where a higher margin indicates better efficiency and potential profitability.

Compare with industry averages to show your standing.

Highlight any positive trend in improving this margin.

Share strategies to enhance this margin in the future.

3 Expert Advice to Make Financial Slides Easily Digestible

Complex financial data can be challenging to navigate, but with the right approach, it can be made digestible, engaging, and informative.

1) Visual Representation

Charts, graphs, and infographics are excellent tools for simplifying complex financial data.

Incorporating interactive tools is essential as they engage investors better, allowing them to explore data at their own pace, and providing a deeper understanding of your financial narrative.

2) Simplification of Financial Terms

Avoid jargon and use simple terms to explain your financial position and projections. If a term needs to be used, explain it briefly.

In case a term like "EBITDA" must be used, briefly explain it as, "a measure of a company's operational performance, excluding costs of capital investments and tax implications.

Tip: A glossary slide at the end can be useful for investors to refer to.

3) Consistent Formatting

Maintain a consistent format for presenting financial data to help the audience follow along without getting lost in varying styles or formats.

Your pitch deck is a gateway to endless possibilities, and the financial slide is its cornerstone.

Getting it right means you're a step closer to making your startup dream a reality.

2 Exemplary Financial Slides from Renowned Pitch Decks

Observing and learning from the success stories in the startup ecosystem can significantly aid in honing your pitch deck.

Several renowned startups have excelled in portraying their financial narratives creatively and effectively.

Key insights:

Benchmarking Success: Examining successful pitch decks can provide a benchmark for creating an engaging financial slide.

Storytelling through Numbers: How numbers are not merely figures but narrators of a company's journey and potential.

For enhanced storytelling in content design , merge text, images, and multimedia into engaging "scenes." Segment your content, add multimedia, and let readers control pacing for optimal experience.

Here are 2 examples of effectively showcasing revenue growth:

1) Dissecting Dropbox's Revenue Projection

Dropbox’s pitch deck was a masterpiece in displaying a clear revenue projection alongside user growth, making their financial narrative compelling.

The correlation between user growth and revenue growth in Dropbox's pitch deck reflects a realistic and promising financial trajectory.

2) Airbnb's Historical Revenue Growth

Airbnb showcased its revenue growth effectively, portraying a success story that investors could buy into.

When Airbnb highlighted its historical financial growth, it provided a strong base for illustrating future financial projections.

Dissecting the Blue Guy Kawasaki Financial Pitch Deck Template

The Guy Kawasaki pitch deck template is revered in the startup ecosystem for its simplicity and effectiveness.

Here's a dive into its financial slide structure and content.

Structure and Content Analysis

The template emphasizes a 10/20/30 rule - 10 slides, 20 minutes, and a 30-point font .

The financial slide adheres to these principles, ensuring clarity and brevity.

Sticking to a simplistic structure while ensuring all vital financial data is presented comprehensively.

Highlighting Key Metrics

Focusing on key metrics rather than bombarding them with numerous financial data can help in keeping the investors engaged.

Showcasing the cost of customer acquisition, lifetime value, and burn rate in a clear, understandable manner.

How Can Digital Tools like Storydoc Aid in Creating an Engaging Financial Slide?

Creating an engaging financial slide involves a blend of storytelling, data analysis, and aesthetic presentation. Digital tools like Storydoc can be invaluable assets in this endeavor.

Streamlining Branding Across the Pitch Deck

Starting with a template, tailor it to echo your financial narrative, ensuring cohesiveness. Customize colors, graphs, and data points to mirror your brand's identity.

Leverage Storydoc's interactive charts and real-time collaboration to enrich your financial slide.

Consistent brand representation across the pitch deck fosters a professional, trustworthy image for potential investors.

Utilizing interactive charts lets them delve into the data at their pace.

Here’s an example of a financial slide:

Financials slide example

Exploring Storydoc’s Financial Templates

Storydoc offers a variety of templates that can help in crafting a financial slide that's not only informative but visually appealing.

Choosing a template that aligns with your brand and the story you wish to tell.

Here are examples of financial slide templates:

Create story from scratch

Financial strategy slide

I am a Marketing Specialist at Storydoc, I research, analyze and write on our core topics of business presentations, sales, and fundraising. I love talking to clients about their successes and failures so I can get a rounded understanding of their world.

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What is Prezi and How Can it Be Used to Teach? Tips & Tricks

Prezi is a powerful presentation system that uses lots of media types making it very versatile as a teaching tool


Prezi is a presentation tool that uses different media types to help make whatever is being shown as engaging as possible. This is specifically targeted at education, as well as business users.

The free version offers lots of functionality, but there are more features on the education-specific tiered payment options. 

Everything is made with easy-to-use guidance and templates so it can be utilized both by educators and students alike. This is a helpful way to learn design but also acts as a useful online tool for sharing with students wherever they are, in or out of the class.

So is Prezi the right tool for you?

What is Prezi?

Prezi  is a multimedia presentation tool that is based online and works across most devices with a browser window. That makes this very minimal in terms of strain on the device but also on the user, who should find everything clear to understand.


Prezi is made up of three basic sections: Prezi Video, Prezi Design, and Prezi Present. 

Prezi Video allows educators to present streamed video to the class from wherever they are. This, with Present, is more than just a video as you can add in images, graphs, documents, and more to be overlaid on the screen as you talk.

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Prezi Design is a template-based slideshow-style presentation builder. This lets you create a slideshow with rich media such as images, video, graphs, and more.

Prezi Present is a bit like a combination of the above two, letting you create video-based presentations that combine slides, PowerPoints, videos, and more.

How does Prezi work?

Prezi is easy to sign up to with just your email and name needed to start an account. You can be in the system and building your own presentation within a minute or two. You're then given all the options on a clear home page that features the sub sections mentioned above, all listed on the left menu bar.


Jump into the Prezi Design section, for example, and as you can see in the above image, you're met with an intuitive slideshow design template that you can edit to suit your needs.

Usefully, in the Present section, you can upload a PowerPoint you've already created and use that in your presentation, adding your own video as needed or editing the presentation itself. Similarly, in the Design section you can upload your own PDF and DOC files to convert and use in your presentation.

A wide range of templates is available and makes starting very easy, and can be a helpful way to make sure the learning curve isn't too steep for younger students using this tool.

What are the best Prezi features?

Prezi is graphically very inviting as everything is spaced out without too much clutter or information, making it very intuitive even if it's your first time with this or any presentation tool.


Videos are easy to record immediately from within the website, allowing teachers and students to upload directly from their smartphones or laptops. The ability to layer more information in these videos, effectively combining a slideshow presentation and a video presentation, is a super appealing feature here.

The library feature offers lots of different projects, including pre-recorded videos, that can be used freely. There are more options in the paid versions, and you can be pestered to upgrade as you use the system, however generally, the free versions can be enough for teaching.

How much does Prezi cost?

Prezi is free to use the Basic plan, which is limited to five projects, however, there are also paid options specifically for educators.

There is a Plus version for educators, priced at $5 per month , which gets you unlimited projects, importing of PowerPoints, PDF export, video download, the desktop app, and offline access.

The Pro version, at $10 per month , has all the above plus analytics, training, and support.

The EDU Teams plan is available for scaling up, and is offered on a quotation basis.

Prezi best tips and tricks

Turn in Have students turn in projects using Prezi to teach them how to design and layout work in a more engaging way, which for example, could be useful in future jobs.

Be timeless Create a presentation lesson and save it so you can use it again the following year, or share with other teachers that may find it helpful.

Flip the class Build a lesson presentation and have students work through it before coming to class, then use what they've learned to hold a debate in the room to see how well the content has been understood.

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Luke Edwards is a freelance writer and editor with more than two decades of experience covering tech, science, and health. He writes for many publications covering health tech, software and apps, digital teaching tools, VPNs, TV, audio, smart home, antivirus, broadband, smartphones, cars and much more.

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10 PowerPoint Slides You Need for Your Next Financial Report or review

10 Slide Ideas for Financial Report Presentation

Last Updated on April 30, 2024 by Anastasia

Working on a company financial report, and want to make it different this time? Financial reviews full of data and analysis are typically difficult to digest by non-financial audiences, and it can be challenging to communicate the meaning behind the figures. If you want to disclose your quarterly or annual numbers in a simple and understandable way to your key stakeholders, check our blog for examples and inspiration.

A financial report is a management tool used to communicate key financial information to both internal and external stakeholders by covering aspects of financial affairs with the help of KPIs, such as income statements, balance sheets, cash flow, or financial ratios analysis. See how to prepare structured and professional financial slides smoothly using PowerPoint tools.

All graphics examples presented below can be downloaded as an editable source. Explore the Financial Report and Performance Indicators Presentation for PowerPoint.

Get inspired by seven examples of how you can illustrate the components of your financial report presentation and a quick instruction on how you can create a P&L Statement table using simple design tricks.

Visualize your key financial indicators

Financial Summary Overview with Key Indicators- Global Net Revenue, Like for Like Growth, Cash Conversion Cycle, Profit Before Tax

Such a general slide with a financial report presentation summary will help to analyze the big picture and ensure you’re on the same page with the audience.

You can list the common key indicators such as Global Net Revenue, Like for Like Growth, Cash Conversion Cycle, and Profit Before Tax. A neutral background picture makes the slide more attractive and circles with highlights on the right help to stay focused on important numbers.

Show revenue and profit snapshots on one dashboard slide

Revenue and Profit Snapshot Dashboard Net sales and Profitability Evolution in 5 years

This slide shows how you can summarize net sales and profitability evolution using gauges and a simple bar chart. The dashboard illustrates typical profitability measures: Net Sales, Operating Expenses, EBIDTA, and PBT as easy-to-read gauge charts. The profit growth over the years is shown as a clear bar chart.

Illustrate revenue highlights with clear charts

Revenue Highlights over Time Sales Distribution Breakdown Chart by Months and Categories

If you’d like to include additional data, for example, revenue highlights over time or regions, you can do it as on the slides above. The first one presents a sales distribution breakdown by months and categories. The second slide example presents sales split by worldwide market geographies on a world map as a light background underlining the location of the markets.

Small elements, like pin icons, doughnut charts, and color-coding will help you add a professional look to your presentation.

Pro tip: To help non-financial people digest the data, keep your slides short, don’t stuff them with jargon words . Use illustrations, and make the most essential data points clearly visible.

Include balance sheet and cash flow tables

Balance Sheet Table with Current, Fixed, Intangible, Total Assets, Current, Long-Term Liabilities, Shareholders’ Equity

The very common problem is the unreadability of massive tables. The balance sheet and cash flow statement will be definitely complex, as you need to squeeze many numbers inside.

Notice how color-coding is used for various table sections, and illustrative symbols, which don’t steal attention from the content, but rather nicely add up. A text box aside can be used for your comments or notes.

Compare key drivers of revenue growth

Annual Revenue Key Growth Drivers E-commerce, Emerging Markets, Organic Growth, New Product Lines Categories Stacked Chart

To illustrate the comparison of several growth drivers, you can apply such stacked bars.

Notice how specific drivers (E-commerce, Emerging Markets, Organic Growth, New Product Lines) are illustrated by corresponding icon symbols, all in one consistent style.

Visualize revenue analysis for each quarter in your financial report

Revenue Analysis over YearData Chart with Split by Quarters and Channels in financial report

To present an analysis of sales revenue over the year, you can use such a bar chart. It’s slightly enhanced by adding quarter signs over the data chart.

This data chart illustrates revenue analysis split by quarters and channels. If you have some comments or notes you’d like to discuss, we advise putting the most essential point in bold.

Present your financial metrics and indicators as a dashboard grid

Financial Metrics and Indicators Explained Definitions Template Growth, Profitability, Liquidity, Efficiency, Solvency and Capital Market Ratios

Want to go deeper and include the analysis of some ratios? A good idea is to firstly remind your audience what are those indicators and what exactly they show.

If you have more items to show on one slide, it’s good to organize them into some regular grid. Make sure all elements are aligned to make it look professional.

If you have more items to show on one slide, it’s good to organize them to some regular grid.

Capital Market Ratios Dividend – Price Ratio, P:E Ratio Financial Metrics KPI Chart

You can include general definitions and development of key financial analysis ratios e.g. growth, profitability, liquidity, efficiency, solvency, and capital market ratios. On the slide example, you can see the capital market ratios KPI line chart which shows the Dividend Yield and P/E Ratio change over the years.

Guide on how to redesign P&L Statement to a stylish table

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can create a P&L Statement table using simple shapes, icons, and a few tricks that will save you time.

1. Use simple PowerPoint shapes to create a stylish table design.

guide on P&L Statement table redesign step first

2. Adjust your source P&L table to be readable.

The trick is to have enough margin inside the table cell.

guide on P&L Statement table redesign step second

3. Enhance the table header

Add ribbon shapes as an additional header row to make the table look nicer.

guide on P&L Statement table redesign step third

4. Redesign the first column

You can add stylish arrows in a place of 1st table column.

guide on P&L Statement table redesign step fourth

5. Enrich your table with icons and a background picture.

guide on P&L Statement table redesign step final

See the whole instruction and other visual examples here: How to Create an Effective Company Financial Report Using PowerPoint.

Need to prepare a broader annual report and focus on business highlights? See how to create a comprehensive overview of activities using graphs, icons, infographic elements, and data-driven charts in this blog .

Resource: Financial Report and Performance Indicators Presentation

The graphics in this blog are a part of our financial report layouts collection. Our financial review deck incorporates 30 infographic slide templates for a financial summary overview, balance sheets with assets and liabilities, financial analysis presentation, income statements, profit and loss reports, revenue and profit snapshots, cash flow statements, explain types of financial ratios, key growth drivers, or breakdown of your operational expenses.

You can reuse graphs and charts, and tailor them to your needs in order to make your slides clear and easy to understand. See the full deck here:

Financial Report and Performance Indicators PPT Presentation

Using concise, modern images will make your PowerPoint structured and consistent. To make your presentations even more appealing, consider also using this collection of professionally designed diagram layouts .

More Resources to Get Inspired

If you’re looking for more design inspiration, check our movie guide on how to present financial reports, financial analyses, and financial highlights professionally (you’ll find many more practical tips on our YouTube channel):

Subscribe to the newsletter  and follow our  YouTube channel  to get more design tips and slide inspiration.

35+ Best Finance PowerPoint PPT Templates (Financial Presentations)

Big numbers and data play an important role in every financial PowerPoint presentation. It’s how you validate and prove your claims.

But the way you present the data in your PowerPoint slides is the key to delivering a successful presentation.

Whether it’s a pitch deck for a financial project, a yearly financial report, or promoting a finance consulting firm, your presentation slides need to be designed in a way that makes your statements and data easy to understand.

Of course, not everyone has the time or the experience to design over-the-top presentations. And thanks to pre-made PowerPoint templates, you don’t have to.

We handpicked a collection of financial PowerPoint presentation examples that you can use to find inspiration for your slideshow designs. The best part is you can download these templates to make amazing finance presentations within minutes. Have a look.

How Does Unlimited PowerPoint Templates Sound?

Download thousands of PowerPoint templates, and many other design elements, with a monthly Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.


Ciri Template

Mystify Presentation

Mystify Presentation

Explore PowerPoint Templates

Investor – Financial Consulting PowerPoint Template

Investor - Financial Consulting PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is designed with financial consulting firms and agencies in mind. It’s perfect for making presentations for showcasing your business as well as for promoting your services. The template includes 30 unique slide layouts with useful designs including pricing tables, charts, editable graphics, and more.

Financial Pitch – PowerPoint Presentation Template

Financial Pitch - Powerpoint Presentation Template

If you’re working on a pitch deck design for presenting a financial project, you can take inspiration from this PowerPoint template. It includes 30 must-have slides for every pitch deck presentation. And you can easily download and customize each slide to make your own pitch decks as well.

Financy – Financial PowerPoint Template

Financy - Financial PowerPoint Template

Financy is a multipurpose PowerPoint template that you can use for all kinds of finance-related presentations. It includes 40 unique slides with flexible designs. You can edit them to make unique layouts for financial reports, agency portfolios, business profiles, and much more. You’ll also find editable graphics, device mockups, and charts for making your presentations more convincing.

Investment & Financial Consulting PowerPoint Template

Investment & Financial Consulting PowerPoint Template

Making slides with a clean and minimal design makes it easier to give more attention to the text, quotes, and data in a presentation. This PowerPoint template is designed with that goal in mind. It features 32 different slides with clean designs. The slides also include editable graphics, image placeholders, and more.

Dashi – Financial Dashboard PowerPoint Template

Dashi - Financial Dashboard PowerPoint template

If you want to create financial dashboard slides to showcase data and statistics in visual form, this template will come in handy. Dashi is a PowerPoint template that features a collection of financial dashboard layouts. Each slide in the template has fully customizable charts and graphs for showcasing data with attractive designs.

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Sales Planning Process - Free Finance PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template you can use to create presentations related to the sales planning process. It gives you 35 different slides to choose from to create powerful and effective presentations. It also features charts, graphs, and infographics as well.

Financo – Financial Technology PowerPoint Template

Financo - Financial Technology Powerpoint Template

Financo is a modern PowerPoint template you can use to craft presentations related to finance and technology. It comes with 25 different slides with colorful and highly visual designs. You can easily edit them to change colors, fonts, and images too.

Finance Company PowerPoint Template

Finance Company PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is made for financial companies. It has 20 unique slides you can use to make various types of presentations for financial reports and monthly meetings. The template has master slides and image placeholders as well.

Fintech Finance PowerPoint Template

Fintech Finance PowerPoint Template

You can use this PowerPoint template to design presentations for fintech startups and businesses. There are 40 different slides in this template that come in both light and dark color themes. They include editable graphics and changeable colors.

Coins – Finance PowerPoint Template

Coins - Finance Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint template includes a set of professional slides that are ideal for making corporate finance presentations. It has 30 different slides that have modern and simple designs. The slides are available in 3 different color themes and in light and dark versions.

Financial Meeting Free PowerPoint Template

Financial Meeting Free PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template you can use to create attractive presentations for your financial meetings. There are 20 slides included in this template and it comes in Google Slides format too.

Fintech – Payment Finance PowerPoint Template

Fintech - Payment Finance PowerPoint Template

Just as the title suggests, this PowerPoint template is made with fintech startups and businesses in mind. It has a modern and attractive design you can leverage to create attention-grabbing slideshows to talk about finance tech topics.

Investment – Finance PowerPoint Template

Investment - Finance PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template has the perfect design for making presentations for investment-related topics. There are 30 unique slides in this template with fully editable layouts, changeable colors, image placeholders, and more.

PerfectPitch – Investor Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

PerfectPitch – Investor Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

The colorful design and its sleek layouts make this PowerPoint template a great choice for creating pitch decks for finance-related projects. It includes 40 unique slides with editable graphics and free fonts.

Finova – Financial & Business PowerPoint Template

Finova - Financial & Business Powerpoint Template

A bold and professional PowerPoint template for creating business and finance presentations. This template comes with more than 27 unique slides with master slides, free icons, and editable graphics.

Tax Agency – Free Finance PowerPoint Template

Tax Agency - Free Finance PowerPoint Template

Download this PowerPoint template for free to create slideshows for all kinds of tax-related presentations. It includes 21 different slides with colorful designs and an icon pack with 500 icons.

Financial & Data Consulting Free PowerPoint Template

Financial & Data Consulting Free PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template includes a complete toolkit for creating presentations for financial consulting firms. In addition to its unique style of slide design, this template comes with a total of 51 slides full of editable graphics and icons.

Finance Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Finance Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Another minimal and clean PowerPoint template for designing effective pitch presentations. This template is ideal for presenting your ideas and financial plans in an attractive way. You can choose from 30 different slide layouts to create various types of financial pitch presentations.

Finzo – Finance PowerPoint Presentation

Finzo - Financial PowerPoint Presentation

Finzo is a PowerPoint template for making company profiles and portfolio presentations. And it’s specially designed for finance-related businesses. The template has 30 slides with fully customizable layouts, editable graphics, image placeholders, as well as master slide layouts.

Alaza – Financial PowerPoint Templates

Alaza - Financial Powerpoint Templates

This PowerPoint template comes with a creative layout that allows you to make presentations for financial consulting firms and agencies. It includes a total of 40 slide designs with editable colors, vector icons, device mockups, master slides, and vector graphics. You can also change the images and fonts to your preference as well.

Apollo – Modern Finance PowerPoint Template

Apollo - Modern Finance Powerpoint Template

Apollo is another colorful finance PowerPoint template that comes with slides full of gradient colors. The creative and colorful design of these slides will surely help make your presentations stand out from the crowd. It includes 40 slides with fully customizable layouts as well as editable graphics, image placeholders, and more.

Profit & Loss – Finance PowerPoint Infographics Slides

Profit and Loss - Finance PowerPoint Infographics Slides

This slides template pack is a must-have for showcasing your data in visual form. It includes 33 different infographic slides you can use to create charts and graphs for presenting statistics on profits and losses. Each slide is available in 12 different color schemes and you can also change colors and text with just a few clicks.

Microfinance – Free Financial PowerPoint Template

Microfinance - Free Financial PowerPoint Template

Just as the name suggests, this free PowerPoint template is designed with microfinance presentations in mind. It includes 12 different slide layouts that you can easily customize to create your own beautiful presentations.

Finance & Investment – Free PowerPoint Template

Finance & Investment - Free PowerPoint Template

With 25 different slides to choose from, this free PowerPoint template includes everything you need to design an effective presentation for your financial meetings and events. Each slide can be easily customized to your preference as well.

Financial Report PowerPoint Presentation Template

Financial Report Powerpoint Presentation Template

Creating financial reports usually involves lots of diagrams, pie charts, and timelines. The good news is this PowerPoint template has them all and more for creating effective financial report presentations. It includes a total of 130 slide designs that are available in 50 different XML color themes, as well as light and dark designs.

Finanza – Finance PowerPoint Template

Finanza - Finance PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is perfect for making company profile presentations for showcasing your financial consultancy firms, agencies, and businesses. It lets you choose from 45 different slide layouts that include changeable colors, editable vector graphics, image placeholders, and more.

Fund Investing Finance PowerPoint Template

Fund Investing Finance PowerPoint Template

If you’re working on a PowerPoint slideshow to present the financial data related to investing or funding rounds, this template is made just for you. It features lots of highly visual and colorful slides for showcasing stats and data in creative ways. There are 65 different slide designs included in this template.

FINCASH – Finance & Consulting PowerPoint Template

FINCASH - Finance & Consulting Powerpoint Template

Fincash is a PowerPoint template made with modern finance consulting firms in mind. It features a set of beautiful slide layouts with professional layouts. There are lots of charts, graphs, and infographics for visualizing data. You can also choose from more than 60 different slides to create unique presentations.

Finance Infographics PowerPoint Template

Finance Infographics Powerpoint Template

Looking for clean and professional infographic templates for showcasing your data in visual form? Then be sure to download this PowerPoint template. It comes with a total of 60 infographic slides with charts and timelines for presenting your data in different ways. Each slide is available in light and dark color themes and they can be easily customized to your preference.

Investment Business Free Financial PowerPoint Template

Investment Business Plan Free Financial PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template uses a simple and minimal design for making financial and investment presentations. It includes 30 unique slides with minimal colors. You can also edit the slides to change colors and images as well.

Free Finance Infographics PowerPoint Templates

Free Finance Infographics PowerPoint Templates

This PowerPoint template includes a collection of creative and colorful infographic slides for presenting different types of data and statistics. There are 30 different slides included in this free template. And it’s also available in Google Slides format.

Banc – Business & Financial PowerPoint Template

Banc - Business & Financial Powerpoint Template

Banc is a professional PowerPoint template designed for making all kinds of business and financial presentations. It comes with 30 different slide layouts that include company profile slides, team management slides, charts, graphs, and more.

Financie – Finance PowerPoint Presentation Template

Financie - Finance PowerPoint Presentation Template

With this PowerPoint template, you can create modern slide decks for delivering powerful presentations. It’s especially suitable for creating presentations related to the latest trends in finance, cryptocurrency, trading, and more. The template has a total of 150 slides, featuring 30 slides in 5 different color schemes.

Annual Report – Business & Finance PowerPoint Template

Annual Report – Business & Finance PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is great for making various annual report presentations, including financial reports. It features a total of 34 unique slides with fully editable designs. You can also include pyramid charts, graphs, timelines, and more in your presentations with pre-made slides in the template.

Financial Planning & Investment PowerPoint Template

Financial planning & Investment PowerPoint Template

You can use this PowerPoint template to create more sophisticated presentations for financial planning and investment management meetings. It includes 10 carefully crafted slides that are useful in presenting your data and ideas.

For more professional templates, you can check out our best business PowerPoint templates collection.

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Different types of presentations

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Meghan Ryan July 29, 2022

Before you start building a presentation, you need a good structure. Ask yourself the purpose of your presentation – why are you getting in front of your audience? Are you trying to convince them to care about an issue and take action? Who are you speaking to – colleagues, customers, or investors? Asking yourself these questions will help you start to determine the type of presentation and structure it accordingly. Read on to discover different types of presentations and how to structure them.

Persuasive presentations

What is a persuasive presentation.

A persuasive presentation is one that tries to convince the audience to accept a certain position and to take action. It uses facts, logic, and emotion to help the audience understand the impact of a certain situation and see it from a different perspective.

How to make a persuasive presentation

  • Start your presentation off strong and make the first 30 seconds of your presentation count. This presentation type needs a good hook that draws the audience in and starts getting them invested in the topic.
  • Introduce the problem that needs to be solved and compare it with your solution.
  • Build a narrative around your solution. Use evidence, back up your ideas with statistics and findings, and use emotion to pull your audience through the narrative. You should be building to a strong conclusion at this point.
  • End with a summary of your points and relate them back to the actions that your audience takes.

This type of presentation requires confidence. Show that you feel passionate about your topic and believe in your solution to your audience. They need to feel trust in you to follow your ideas. Rehearse your presentation, but not to the point that you have every single line memorized. You want to sound authentic, not as though you’re rattling off facts and figures.

Persuasive presentation examples

Some of the most common types of persuasive presentations are product or business pitches, but there are so many more out there. Seeing how someone persuades their audience might give you some inspiration, so here we’ve compiled a few of our favorite examples of this type of presentation.

Watch this product pitch by Thriftplan, a workspace-saving solution helping companies retain their talent and employees manage their long-term savings.

This presentation on deforestation shows the effects that deforestation has had on the planet and introduces ways to become a “tree hugger” and combat it:

Learn more about what goes into an effective persuasive speech by reading our article on the topic.

Informative presentations

What is an informative presentation.

An informative presentation is a type of presentation that is just there to provide information. Unlike a persuasive presentation, you’re not necessarily delivering it to get your audience to take action or change their minds. This type of presentation is often analytical. It may just “report the facts,” but you might also want to include some analysis of the information.

How to make an informative presentation

  • This type of presentation needs to be about a specific topic, so research your topic thoroughly. Whether that means gathering data from your team or colleagues, or going to the library or interviewing experts, you’ll want to take every step you can in order to seem like an expert in front of your audience.
  • Consider your crowd and write this presentation type for them. If your audience knows a lot about your topic, you can skip some of the background information, like when you deliver a report to your team. A teacher will want to go into much more detail if they’re preparing a lesson plan, though.
  • Write a thesis statement and organize the presentation around that. This will help you structure all the data and information that you’re discussing, rather than just doing a data dump.
  • End on a call to action. This type of presentation is of course different from a persuasive presentation, but it’s good practice to give your audience something to do with the information you just presented.

Informative presentation examples

You have likely come across this type of presentation often throughout your workday. Here’s one by Devin Banerjee describing parental leave policies in the financial sector.

Motivational presentations

What is a motivational presentation.

Motivational speaking might be one of the most enviable types of presentations for people. Motivational presentations can turn a mere story into an inspiring tale. Very similar to a persuasive presentation, a good motivational presentation will convince you to do something, rather than just waiting for it to happen. It has a clear purpose, often pulling from a personal story written for a specific audience, and inspires the audience to make a change in their lives.

How to make a motivational presentation

  • Know your purpose. This is important for any type of presentation, but none more so than for this presentation type. You need to know the purpose of your presentation and build upon a singular message.
  • Understand your audience and write your content for them.
  • Start your presentation with a strong hook, like a question, a personal story, or a compelling statistic.
  • Include a personal narrative or a story that your audience can closely relate to. This helps them understand the core message of your presentation and feel more compelled to take action at the end.
  • Conclude your presentation with a call to action. Your audience is motivated to make a change, so they need an outlet to do so.

Motivational presentation examples

There are so many motivational presentations out there, and many of them live here on Prezi. Look at this presentation on climate change, which compels you to take action and combat climate change on your own.

Instructive presentations

What is an instructive presentation.

An instructive presentation provides specific directions to accomplish a task. It might be a little longer than most types of presentations because you’ll need to discuss it step by step. In the end, your audience should walk away from this type of presentation more informed and with a new skill.

How to make an instructive presentation

  • Determine exactly what you want your audience to learn at the end of your presentation. This type of presentation goes beyond just sharing facts. People want to learn how to do something, so make sure you have a clear idea of what that is.
  • Map out the steps. Be clear about all ideas and information that is packed into your presentation.
  • Have an understanding of your audience’s level of knowledge. Are they an informed audience or fresh to the topic you’re presenting? This type of presentation will be different depending on the audience you’re with.
  • Use visuals and examples throughout your presentation so people new to the topic can more easily follow along.

Instructive presentation examples

Teacher Nucleo Vega teaches how to play and understand eighth-note subdivisions in his instructional video:

For even more examples of instructional presentations, read our article on the best instructional videos on Prezi.

Training presentation

What is a training presentation .

A training presentation is like a lesson that uses pictures and talking to teach something. People use it to help others learn about a specific topic or how to follow a certain process. It’s like a teacher’s tool to share information, show examples, and make sure everyone understands. You might see these types of presentations in school, at work, or in workshops to help people get better at something or understand new subjects. 

How to make a training presentation

  • Start by clarifying the main goal of your presentation. Are you teaching a new skill, explaining a process, or sharing important information? Understanding your purpose will help you structure your content effectively.
  • Consider who your audience is and what they already know about the topic. Tailor your presentation to their knowledge level, interests, and needs. This will make your training more relevant and engaging.
  • Structure your presentation logically with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Use headings, subheadings, or an outline to create a coherent flow of information. Make sure your key points are easy to follow.
  • Use visuals like images, charts, and diagrams to complement your text. Visuals help explain concepts and make your presentation more visually appealing. However, keep visuals simple and uncluttered to avoid overwhelming your audience.

Discover more insights and tips on online training and Prezi’s impact.

Training presentation examples

This Prezi on effective onboarding for PMs is a great example of a training presentation. It goes into detail about onboarding methods. This would be useful training material for product managers or their supervisors looking to provide instructional advice when taking on a new role. 

Status update presentation

What is a status update presentation .

A status update presentation typically includes information about what has been done, what is currently being worked on, and any challenges or issues that need attention. It’s a way for a team or organization to communicate openly about the state of their projects and ensure everyone is on the same page. These types of presentations are often given in meetings to keep stakeholders informed and make decisions based on the project’s progress.

How to make a status update presentation

  • Clearly communicate the specific timeframe covered in your status update, whether it’s a weekly, monthly, or project milestone report. This ensures your audience understands the context and timeline of the information presented.
  • Identify and focus on the most relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your project, such as completion rates, milestone achievements, or budget status. These metrics should succinctly convey the essential aspects of your project’s progress.
  • Employ charts, graphs, or visuals to illustrate progress effectively. Visual representations, like Gantt charts depicting project timelines and task dependencies, aid in conveying complex information clearly and concisely.
  • Proactively address potential risks or challenges that may impact the project’s timeline or goals. Clearly communicate any issues and provide mitigation strategies to demonstrate transparency and preparedness in managing project uncertainties.
  • Clearly outline the next steps for the project and assign responsibilities. Summarize key action items, including upcoming milestones, tasks, and deadlines, to make it easy for your audience to understand what requires attention or action in the upcoming period.

Example of a status update presentation

The structure of this Prezi provides a comprehensive year plan. It includes dynamic segments that offer a creative outlet for setting goals. The presentation covers setting goals, tracking progress, and getting started with your plans, which also makes a great base structure for a well-rounded status update presentation.

Pitch presentation

What’s a pitch presentation .

A pitch presentation is like a quick talk where someone explains their business idea, product, or service to persuade others to get on board. It shows why the idea is good, who it helps, and how it can succeed. People often use these types of presentations when they want support, financial investments, or to team up with others. They share key details about the problem their idea solves, who it’s for, and why it’s a great opportunity. The goal is to grab the audience’s interest and convince them it’s worth backing or investing in. You often see these types of presentations in startups or when someone is trying to get support for a new project.

How to make a pitch presentation

  • Start with a strong intro to grab attention. Clearly state the problem your idea solves, keeping it brief and impactful.
  • Explain the problem your idea tackles and introduce your solution. Keep it straightforward, emphasizing how your idea provides a solution.
  • Present info about the market opportunity, including target audience, market size, and relevant trends. Use data to show that there’s a real need for your solution.
  • Highlight your idea’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Clearly state the benefits your solution offers, focusing on what makes it stand out.
  • End with a clear call to action. Summarize key points and provide a way for your audience to follow up or get involved.

Remember, keep it simple, engaging, and tailored to your audience’s interests and needs. Discover more tips on how to create a successful pitch presentation and investor pitch deck .

Pitch presentation examples

The Elevator Pitch Prezi is a good example of a pitch presentation. The presentation starts by stating the problem and then providing a solution, ending with a call to action – which is great for persuading potential investors. Discover more good sales pitch examples in this article.

Crisis communication presentation 

What’s a crisis communication presentation .

A crisis communication presentation is like a talk that happens when there’s a serious issue or emergency. It’s a way to share important information and updates with people who need to know—like employees, stakeholders, or the public. In these types of presentations, you’d cover what the crisis is, what steps are being taken to deal with it, and what the next moves are. It’s about keeping everyone informed and on the same page during challenging times. The goal is to be transparent, provide clarity on the situation, and let people know what’s being done to handle the crisis. It’s a crucial tool in managing and addressing unexpected and difficult situations.

How to create a crisis communication presentation

  • Identify the nature of the crisis and tailor your message to the concerns of your specific audience.
  • Your presentation should address what happened, its impact, ongoing resolution efforts, and preventive measures for the future. Keep the language simple and direct.
  • Demonstrate understanding and empathy for those affected. Maintain transparency about the situation, including uncertainties, and commit to providing updates.
  • Anticipate and prepare for potential questions, including difficult ones, to maintain control of the message.
  • Support your message with helpful visuals like charts or timelines. Practice delivering your presentation confidently, with attention to non-verbal cues like body language.

By combining these elements, you can create a sense of trust with your audience and convince them you’re handling the situation effectively. Remember, honesty is key when it comes to these types of presentations. 

Prezi for all types of presentations

Prezi is a presentation platform that stands out for its dynamic features, making it ideal for various presentations. Its unique zooming user interface allows presenters to create visually engaging presentations, moving easily between ideas and topics.

The versatility of Prezi enables presenters to convey various moods and emotions effectively. Whether you’re delivering a corporate report, an educational lesson, or a personal story, Prezi’s array of templates and design options can be tailored to fit lots of different types of presentations. This flexibility means that your presentation aligns perfectly with your content, from serious and formal to playful and informal.

Moreover, different types of presentations require different presentation styles. Learn about presentation styles and explore what suits best for you and your presentation type by watching the following video.

Prezi Video

Prezi Video adds another layer of engagement by allowing you to present live alongside your content virtually. This feature is particularly useful in today’s hybrid work environments, as it fosters a more personal connection with your audience. With Prezi Video, you can interact with your visuals in real-time, creating a more immersive experience across all types of presentations. This blend of visual storytelling and live presentation helps to keep the audience engaged and improves the overall impact of your message.

Prezi Video

Prezi’s AI text editing tool

Creating Prezi presentations just got even easier! With Prezi’s AI text editing tool , you can easily create all types of presentations in less time. This feature helps you shorten, expand, highlight, and summarize content to help you communicate your ideas better. It simplifies the process by offering relevant suggestions, making it easier to create cohesive presentations. 

Prezi with all its accessible features makes it easy to create content for any industry, from different types of business presentations to classroom and learning environments, Prezi’s versatility makes it a great platform for all. 

Final thoughts on different types of presentations

There are a lot of types of presentations out there, but they’re only effective if you understand the structure of each and utilize the structure to your advantage. Find more examples of presentations in our presentation gallery , or check out Prezi to start creating your own presentation today.

prezi financial presentation

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Quarterly Finance Report - Prezi Next Template

  $ 5.00, description.

  • Image Preview

Prezi Template for presenting Quarterly or Annual Finance Reports.

Big year number, your logo and presentation title on a gray world background (changeable).

12 rectangles which illustrate each month – zoom in to present the details.

Present your business/company information with a minimal yet clean, professional and sleek looking template.

Use bars graphs, line charts, show statistics, percentages, money, unit sales and marketing results.

Talk about sales statements, credit rating, company results, future goals.

professional business quarterly finance report prezi template

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prezi financial presentation

5 Better Alternatives To Google Slides

I f you're looking to create a compelling presentation to showcase a new idea or persuade others, Google Slides may be the first option that comes to mind. But with few built-in templates, basic themes, and a limited graphics collection, you'll likely have a hard time making your presentation stand out against others.

If you want to make your presentation truly stand out, there are several alternatives to Google Slides that offer extra perks and features to give your presentations an edge. While Google focuses on integrating Slides with its other work-based apps like Sheets and Docs, other presentation apps focus more on design elements, transitions, and themes to help you convey your brand or personal image throughout your presentation.

We've tested these Google Slide alternatives to give you an idea of other available options to deliver impactful presentations. If you're looking for a way to make boring information more fun and engaging, here are the best presentation apps to replace Google Slides.

Read more: Major Graphics Card Brands Ranked Worst To Best

Microsoft PowerPoint

There's a reason so many businesses around the globe use Microsoft PowerPoint. Building its reputation as the go-to option for delivering high-quality presentations, the software generated $100 million in annual sales only three years after its initial release in 1990.

Microsoft PowerPoint may be Google Slides' largest competitor, but there are plenty of unique features that can add an extra flourish to your slides. PowerPoint excels in its impressive library of custom animations and slide transitions, which are fairly limited in Google Slides. Another unique feature is its AI-powered Designer tool. This provides professional design schemes that mirror the words used in your slides. For instance, if your title slide is named "Basketball Team 2024," Designer will automatically suggest pictures and slide layouts associated with basketball.

As PowerPoint has been in development longer than Google Slides, it naturally offers more nuanced features if you're looking for something specific. For example, you can save individual slides as an image file (using .png or .jpeg formats) or as a separate presentation file. There's also a large library of free PowerPoint templates designed to speed up your workflow. Moreover, PowerPoint integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams with its PowerPoint Live function, allowing you to easily share your presentation with your co-workers.

Prezi offers an innovative approach to showing presentations with its unique canvas feature. Unlike traditional presentation software, Prezi lets you zoom and pan around a flexible canvas. The canvas may feel distant to something of a presentation program, but there is still some linear order provided thanks to the Timeline view.

Finding ways to visualize data is one of the biggest challenges when dealing with presentation software. Prezi resolves this struggle with the help of its Story Blocks: a series of infographics available in multiple designs to visually represent data. You can easily edit infographics and even add animations to individual shapes. This can help add a story to your presentation and help you emphasize key points.

To further enhance your presentation visually, Prezi offers several topic path settings, which let you change how Prezi transitions from one topic to another. These options include subtopics, which are super helpful for breaking large chunks of information down. If you're looking for a unique, modern approach to presenting information, Prezi is a top pick.

If you're looking to create a professional presentation to convince potential clients about your business idea, Slidebean is a popular choice among professionals with plenty of customization options. One of the issues with Google Slides is its fairly limited template library, which is filled mostly with basic designs. Slidebean offers a better alternative with a broad selection of innovative templates split into categories for convenience.

The app's user interface is easy to navigate so that you can create slides in less time. Each slide has a dedicated Design and Outline tab. You can use the Outline tab to quickly edit the information on each slide without being distracted by all the visual elements. Another productivity-enhancing feature is the ability to generate a presentation theme from your website. Simply enter your URL, and Slidebean will automatically apply the theming to your presentation.

Slidebean is another presentation app to take advantage of AI. Using the Auto-Design feature, you can generate recommended slide layouts based on your existing content. It also features AI text suggestions designed to suit different industries. Overall, Slidebean offers a quicker, more efficient method for creating stunning presentations compared to Google Slides.

Canva is a well-known app among graphic designers, but it's also capable of making stunning presentations. The app also has mobile editions, so you can easily create and edit presentations on your Android phone , iOS device, or tablet. As long as you have an internet connection, you can modify your designs wherever you are.

To get started, head to Canva's online presentation maker . Canva offers a vast range of templates categorized by topic, which easily surpasses the simple templates in Google Slides . While some of the templates are only available to Canva Pro members, there is an ample amount of free templates to help you get started. You'll also find a large selection of stock photos, shapes, and illustrations to create beautiful customized slides.

Because Canva is built for graphic designers, you can access several features to give your presentation consistent theming. These include color palettes, font sets, and even a brand kit that allows you to add your company's fonts (available to Pro members only). One time-saving feature is Canva's Uploads tab, which lets you access recently uploaded media files. This offers a convenient way to copy content between different presentations.

Visme is a powerful visual design tool able to create videos, infographics, and presentations. One of the perks of using Visme is the company's free educational content, which offers advice on how to create impactful content to boost your brand. After signing up, the company also asks whether you're using Visme for your business, education purposes, or personal use to offer personalized tips.

In terms of charts and graphs, Visme offers some of the most impressive features we've seen from a presentation app, so you can effortlessly convey important statistics. From the Data tab, you can access dozens of graph styles to visually represent your data. Then, simply double-click a chart inside your presentation to edit the values instantly in a simple table format.

Another area that Visme excels in is collaboration. You can either generate a link to publish your presentation on the web or share your presentation privately with others. For each team member, you can choose who can view, edit, and comment slides for a seamless workflow. There's also a Slack integration that lets you receive messages whenever changes are made to your presentation. Visme is free for all users, with limited features available in its premium plans.

Read the original article on SlashGear .

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Dhanshree Shripad Shenwai

Dhanshree Shenwai is a Computer Science Engineer and has a good experience in FinTech companies covering Financial, Cards & Payments and Banking domain with keen interest in applications of AI. She is enthusiastic about exploring new technologies and advancements in today’s evolving world making everyone's life easy.

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  1. Presentation templates for professionals

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  2. Create Game-Changing Investor Pitch Decks

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    Use This Template. Bring boring financial statements to life with engaging data visualizations in this presentation template. We made this elegant and professional template to help you present financial reports, budget plans, and sales strategies in an engaging and impactful way. Change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding.

  12. 10 Slide Ideas for Financial Report Presentation

    The trick is to have enough margin inside the table cell. 3. Enhance the table header. Add ribbon shapes as an additional header row to make the table look nicer. 4. Redesign the first column. You can add stylish arrows in a place of 1st table column. 5. Enrich your table with icons and a background picture.

  13. 35+ Best Finance PowerPoint PPT Templates (Financial Presentations

    Financy - Financial PowerPoint Template. Financy is a multipurpose PowerPoint template that you can use for all kinds of finance-related presentations. It includes 40 unique slides with flexible designs. You can edit them to make unique layouts for financial reports, agency portfolios, business profiles, and much more.

  14. Discover different types of presentations

    Pitch presentation examples. The Elevator Pitch Prezi is a good example of a pitch presentation. The presentation starts by stating the problem and then providing a solution, ending with a call to action - which is great for persuading potential investors. Discover more good sales pitch examples in this article.

  15. Quarterly Finance Report Prezi Template

    Prezi Template for presenting Quarterly or Annual Finance Reports. Big year number, your logo and presentation title on a gray world background (changeable). 12 rectangles which illustrate each month - zoom in to present the details. Present your business/company information with a minimal yet clean, professional and sleek looking template.

  16. Master Prezi and Keynote for Impactful Presentations

    Here's how you can master presentation software like Prezi or Keynote for maximum impact. Powered by AI and the LinkedIn community. 1. Know Your Tools. 2. Design Matters. Be the first to add your ...

  17. Using presenter notes in Prezi Video

    Adding presenter notes to your video. 1. To display, add and edit your presenter notes, first go to the View icon on the top of the screen and select Show presenter notes. 2. Type in your notes and select a text size that is comfortable for you to read from the screen in the text box above the video feed. 3.

  18. 5 Better Alternatives To Google Slides

    Overall, Slidebean offers a quicker, more efficient method for creating stunning presentations compared to Google Slides. Canva is a well-known app among graphic designers, but it's also capable ...

  19. 17 Presentation Apps and PowerPoint Alternatives for 2024

    3. Prezi. Another popular presentation app is Prezi. The main feature that Prezi is known for is allowing its users to easily create non-linear presentations. This type of presentation can be highly engaging for your audience because instead of side-to-side transitions, you can create a pan and zoom effect each time you switch over to another ...

  20. Top AI Presentation Generators/Tools

    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to power presentation generators has changed presentation creation and delivery in the modern digital era. These technologies use AI to make creating easier, visually appealing, and engaging for the audience. If you want to take your next presentation to the next level, this article will review the fourteen best AI presentation generators. Tome To make ...

  21. PDF FY2023 Consolidated Financial Results

    Sony has adopted IFRS 17 "Insurance Contracts" ("IFRS 17") from Q1 FY23, in lieu of the previously applied IFRS 4 "Insurance Contracts.". Figures for FY22 are restated in accordance with IFRS 17 (applies to all following pages). Adjusted OIBDA, Adjusted EBITDA and figures for Sony without Financial Services are not measures in ...