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Barts and the London (QMUL) Medical School Interview Explained – 2023

qmul medicine personal statement

Congratulations! You’ve managed to secure an interview at QMUL and now you’re trying your best to prepare to turn the interview into an offer. General preparation for all your interviews will certainly help, but make sure you read this blog so you are familiar with what QMUL might test you on specifically. This way, you can be the most prepared you can be for whatever they throw at you during the interview!

Barts and the London (QMUL) Selection Criteria

Just a recap if you are still waiting for your interview invite, the academic criteria for an application at QMUL are as follows:

3 As and 3 Bs at GCSE including Biology, Chemistry, English language and Maths

A*AA at A level including Chemistry OR Biology + another science OR Maths

If the minimum academic requirements are achieved, applicants will then go through a selection process for an interview. The process is outlined below:

UCAT scores within the third decile range or above will be considered.

They will then have a UCAS tariff calculated based on achieved/predicted grades

UCAS tariff must be a minimum of 152 points to be selected for an interview.

Click HERE and scroll to page 12 to read more details about this.

Barts and the London (QMUL) interview format

For 2023 entry, interviews for QMUL will take place online and will be a 15–20-minute panel-style interview. The interviews for QMUL usually take place between January and March, and the panel will consist of 2 members of senior staff (clinical or non-clinical) and a current student.

The panel-style interview will be a different experience to the MMIs that most other medical students use, but try not to be thrown off–the interview is likely to be more discussion-based than the typical question/answer style of MMI, so try to relax and just be yourself!

What do Barts and the London (QMUL) assess at interviews?

QMUL say that the interview is used to assess the following qualities in each of the candidates:

Communication skills

Teamwork skills


An awareness of the realities of working in the medical profession

This will be done through reflections on work experience or voluntary work. You will also be closely questioned about your personal statement at the interview to analyse your motivation for medicine, to understand what your other interests are and to assess your suitability as a future clinician.

Finally, unique to QMUL, when you are invited for an interview you will be sent a case scenario or topical issue which you will be expected to discuss in the interview with the panellists. This is part of the interview that you will be able to extensively prepare for, and this will be touched on again later.

Work experience – Barts and the London (QMUL)

When talking about work experience in your interviews, it is important that you not only describe what you did but also reflect on what you learned from that scenario. This could be what you learned about yourself – have you discovered a quality about yourself you didn’t know you had or improved on a quality? This could also be what you have learned about the healthcare profession as a whole, or what you have learned about what it’s like to care for others.

QMUL acknowledge it is not always possible to have work experience in a healthcare setting but expects some experience in “working with the public in a caring or service role.” Regardless of your experience, it would be great if you could discuss it in terms of the qualities QMUL are looking for as described in the previous section.

For example, if you witnessed an MDT discussing a case on work experience, you could reflect on how teamwork is important in medicine, and how it is necessary for optimising patient care. You could then talk about an experience where you also demonstrated effective teamwork skills, to prove to the interviewer that you have the qualities required of a future doctor.

The panellists will also expect you to have explored what a career in medicine entails through your work experience. It would be important to highlight any negative experiences you had to demonstrate you have an understanding of the drawbacks of working in healthcare as well as the benefits.

Personal statement – Barts and the London (QMUL)

Since your personal statement will be analysed in the interview, it is important that you are familiar with what you wrote, and that you are able to talk about every aspect. This part of the interview will particularly highlight your motivation for medicine, so ensure that you are able to articulate this effectively.

Furthermore, be prepared to answer further follow-up questions about what you have written. Similarly when you are talking about work experience, try to expand on what you learned from the experiences you have had, and relate back to the qualities you know QMUL are looking for.

The personal statement is also an opportunity for you to express your personality to the panellists – you will have written about things you enjoy and are passionate about in your statement, so let this show! The interview is about assessing you as a whole and what you will contribute to the University as well as analysing how good of a doctor you will become, so make sure that you be yourself and talk candidly to the interviewers. The better the panellists get to know you, the more memorable you become!

The Article

It is guaranteed that you will be asked about the article that QMUL will send you with your interview invitation, so it is most important that you dedicate some time to familiarise yourself with it. Make sure you understand everything that is written about within the article so that you can effectively answer questions about it in the interview. Some key things to do before you go to the interview are:

Think about the topics addressed in the article. It is likely that these will be current issues, so it is important that you have some background knowledge as well.

What is the author’s opinion? Why is this the case? What arguments do they use?

What are your own opinions on the topic? Be prepared to give a justification for your opinions.

It might be a good idea to write down as many questions/prompts as you can that you think the interviewer may use to test you. Try to go through these questions and practice articulating your answers out loud so you can answer anything that comes up!

Make sure you do some general practice, but also focus on these three sections mentioned in particular to ensure you ace your interview at QMUL!

To test yourself in a simulation of the real thing, book a 1-1 QMUL mock interview with us today. We have built this using the information published by the university online.
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This article was updated in December 2023 with the latest information, and we will continue to regularly update it! 

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How Is Barts Interviewing for 2024 Entry?

Barts has confirmed interviews for the 2024 cycle will be online. Medicine interviews at Queen Mary University of London are normally in the style of a panel. This consists of 2 members of senior academia or clinical staff, a medical student and sometimes a lay selector.

The interview lasts 20 minutes and comprises two parts. Firstly, you will be asked questions on an article sent to you prior to the interview. In the second part, the panel will conduct a more traditional medical interview.

It is important to note that undergraduate candidates will receive the article a week before their interview but graduate candidates will only receive this 24 hours in advance.

When are the medicine interviews at Barts?

Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry generally interview home candidates from January to March. Overseas interviews are normally held in late February and are usually held in Malaysia and Singapore and take place in late February.

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What are the common topics for the Queen Mary Medicine Interview?

  • Motivation and realistic approach to medicine as a career
  • Initiative, resilience and maturity
  • Organisation and problem solving abilities
  • Contribution to university life
  • Communication skills

At Medic Mind we’ve helped many students secure offers from QMUL and other medical schools. If you’re applying to QMUL, we can do a high quality 1-1 mock with you with a QMUL tutor and panel questions uniquely for QMUL. 

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List of Recent Queen Mary University of London Panel Stations

If you would like to practice for the queen mary medicine interview, have a go at the following questions and check out our tips for panel interviews : qm medicine interview.

  • Describe a time when you worked within a team
  • What have you read recently that’s related to medicine?
  • Describe a memorable moment from your work experience, what did you learn from it?
  • Talk about your strengths
  • Why do you want to attend Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry? We have University specific interview lessons which could help you with a question like this, check out more information here: University Specific Interviews

Insider Guide: Barts Medicine Interview Day

What did you have to bring for the queen mary medicine interview.

The dress code is as usual for an interview – suits for boys, and smart clothes for girls. ID is required, but nothing else specifically other than knowledge from the article that they sent to you.

Is your personal statement used in the Queen Mary University of London Panel Interview?

It is not used in scoring at interviews and is used to give extra insight into your interests and potential contributions to the medical school. It is still worth being familiar with your personal statement so when asked about what you could bring to the medical school you can mention activities that you highlighted in your personal statement.

What was the panel for the Queen Mary Medicine Interview like?

Everyone at Queen Mary’s is really friendly and always happy to answer any questions. Different candidates had varying experiences but overall, interviewers give you time to speak and ask questions. Many will be encouraging and nod along with what you are saying and smile as a form of encouragement. Others can be quite stern, strict and challenge points made and ask follow up questions.

There were three different examiners. For example, one previous candidate was interviewed by a specialist doctor, a GP and a medical student. Students and staff understand that interviews are stressful and try to make the process as smooth as possible. Overall, the examiners were polite and very focused on the interview; they started the first question almost immediately.

Did the Barts medicine interviewers ask a lot of follow up questions?

There were lots of follow up questions regarding the article that was given beforehand. They based their  follow up questions on what was said. For example if a candidate expressed a particular view, they asked them to elaborate or to explain the disadvantages of that view. Otherwise, Queen Mary’s like to have a set of questions that they get through to standardise the interview process so do not generally ask follow up questions on your answer. Normally, they will move on to the next question once you have finished speaking. Try to be concise and keep your answers to about 2 minutes in length so they don’t have to cut you off.

How long is the actual Queen Mary University of London Panel Interview?

The medicine interview at Barts was 20 minutes long and was split into  two 10 minutes halves. The first half was based on the article emailed to you prior to the interview. The second half was questions about personal qualities and motivation for medicine. They leave time at the end of the interview for you to add anything you might want to tell them and give you time to ask them questions.

How long did it take you to hear back after your Barts medicine interview?

Candidates tend to receive their results around two to four weeks after their medicine interview at Barts and the London.

STRONG COMMUNITY FEEL: Prior to the start of first year, students can apply online to receive ‘Barts Parents’ for when they arrive. These will be two more senior Barts students who are there to help you settle in, make friends and introduce you to the local area and university societies. This is beneficial for students looking for a strong community feel at Medical School.

Top Tips for Queen Mary University of London Medicine Panel Interview 

1. Research your article and know it well. It’s very important for you to research your article well and be confident speaking about it, especially because half of your interview is based on this. Consider which of the pillars of medical ethics are involved, the implications for the NHS as well as different aspects of society. You may find our article on model answers for useful questions here: NHS Hot Topics

2. Be prepared to be asked about anything in your personal statement. A very common mistake is to not go over your personal statement,  but remember that the interviewers don’t know you personally. Your personal statement is the only information they have about you so they will be keen for you to elaborate on elements of it during your interview.

3. Prepare your answers for the typical questions. These include questions about why medicine and why Barts, and remember to make your answers personal to you by mentioning your work experience and volunteering etc. 

4. Know about the local community. Make sure you research about the Mile End/Whitechapel area and what the community is like there. This is very important for you Barts interview as you are likely to be asked questions about the community and health issues there.

5. Look into the social aspects of the university as well as academics. This will show the interviewers that you’re interested in the university as a whole and have taken the time to look at what the experience of studying at Barts is like. This will help with your answer for questions such as ‘What can you contribute to this university?’ because you’ll have an idea of how you want to get involved.

qmul medicine personal statement

Frequently Asked Question

→what is the queen mary university of london medicine interview process.

The Queen Mary University of London Medicine interview process is a traditional panel interview. The panel interview is a more traditional interview format, where you will be asked questions on an article you read prior to the day and questions about your motivation for studying medicine and your suitability for the course.

→What types of questions are asked at the Queen Mary University of London Medicine interview?

The types of questions asked at the Queen Mary University of London Medicine interview vary depending on the stage of the interview. You may be asked questions about your motivation for studying medicine, your experiences in the field, and your personal qualities.

→How can I prepare for the Queen Mary University of London Medicine interview?

To prepare for the Queen Mary University of London Medicine interview, it is important to research the course and the university. You should also practise answering common interview questions and familiarise yourself with the article sent to you. Additionally, you can attend mock interviews or interview preparation workshops to help you feel more confident and prepared on the day.

→What is the timeline for the Queen Mary University of London Medicine interview process?

The timeline for the Queen Mary University of London Medicine interview process varies. Applicants will be notified of their interview date at least two weeks in advance.

→How long does the Queen Mary University of London Medicine interview last?

The Queen Mary University of London Medicine interview process lasts approximately 20 minutes. Applicants should plan to arrive early.

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Barts and the London (QMUL) Medical School

qmul medicine personal statement

Section A: The Barts (QMUL) Medical School Application Process

1. what qualities does barts (queen mary) medical school look for in applicants.

Barts and the London looks for well-rounded students, i.e. a student with a diverse set of interests and talents (extra-curriculars) as well as academic excellence so that the students can both cope with studying medicine but also contribute to the university. They also would like students to have been involved in volunteering in some form. Find out more here: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/smd/undergraduate/courses/full-entry-requirements/medicine-mbbs/

2. What elements of your medical school application does Barts (Queen Mary) value most?

To receive an offer from Barts is a two-fold process. To receive an interview the medical school uses a cutoff academic score which is made up of your UCAT score and predicted/attained A-levels (UCAS tariff). After the interview, the university will assess your personal statement and interview answers to decide whether to give you an offer. The number of students selected for an interview can vary year on year but most recently (2020) 999/1399 students who applied reached the interview stage. More statistics, for example those specifically looking at overseas students, can be found here: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/smd/undergraduate/courses/admissions-statistics-for-medicine--dentistry/ .

3. What UCAT score is needed for Barts (Queen Mary)?

Barts uses the UCAT and not the BMAT as part of the admissions process. The UCAT is a vital part of the application in helping you to secure an interview. Immediately, candidates with a UCAT result below the third national decile will be filtered away. The remaining students will be selected for interview based on a 50:50 balance between their UCAT score and UCAS tariff. The lowest UCAT scores achieved by offer holders can vary year on year but in the 2020 cycle it was 2300, with the average being around 2700. There is no particular guidance on the SJT banding, but it is likely to be considered at the interview stage alongside your interview performance.

The UCAS tariff is a score that you can calculate here: https://www.ucas.com/ucas/tariff-calculator . It is made up of your predicted or achieved A-level grades and AS grades and other qualifications e.g. EPQ, dance/music exams etc. Each qualification gives you points - these vary depending on what the qualification is and your level of achievement in it - which are accumulated to give you a total score.

The majority of points will be gained through A-level results/predictions: an A* is 56 points, an A is 48 points, a B is 40 points and a C is 32 points. Barts has a cutoff score of 152 which is equal to a prediction/achieved result of AAA, thus aligning to their A-level requirements. In the most recent cycle, the lowest tariff achieved by offer holders was 152 but the average is closer to 200 which is roughly equal to an AS level graded A, predicted AAA at A-level + an EPQ predicted A OR an AAAA prediction at A-level.

Because of the 50:50 weighting, achieving a high UCAT score will mean the UCAS tariff you require will be lower and vice versa. Combinations of scores that were sufficient to achieve an offer at Barts in the 2020 cycle include:

  • Low Tariff of 166 supported by a high UCAT of 3050
  • High Tariff of 260 supporting a low UCAT of 2410
  • Mid-range examples: Tariff 242 UCAT 2580, Tariff 216 UCAT 2640, Tariff 180 UCAT 2720, Tariff 168 UCAT 2750

Note: Tariff scores are only counted for the highest level of achievement in a subject i.e. you cannot count points for an A in AS biology if you are predicted an A in A-level biology.

All of the scores listed above for the 2020 cycle can be found here: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/smd/undergraduate/courses/admissions-statistics-for-medicine--dentistry/ .

4. What grades do you need for Barts (Queen Mary) medical school?

The entry requirements can change year on year and have increased in recent years, but the current requirements are A*AA which as stated earlier, aligns with the minimum UCAS tariff requirement to reach the interview stage. It is quite rare but not impossible for students who miss their offer by a single grade to be accepted. Recent statistics have shown 3, 1 and 13 students in 2016, 2017 and 2018 respectively to still be accepted despite missing their offer by one grade. No students have been accepted for missing their offer by two grades. The few students who are accepted are carefully chosen depending on the space left in the cohort, and the student's application (interview and UCAT score).

5. What other entry requirements does Barts (Queen Mary) have for Medicine?

The university has a minimum requirement for GCSE grades but it is not involved in the comparison of students. The minimum is a 777666 or AAABBB in subjects that must include Biology or Human Biology, Chemistry, English Language, Mathematics or Additional Mathematics or Statistics, and Science (Double Award) or substituted with any individual science.

6. What does Barts (Queen Mary) look for in a Medicine personal statement?

The medical school has outlined several qualities that they are looking for in students which they assess in your personal statement and at interview. These are:

  • your motivation and realistic approach to medicine as a career
  • whether you show initiative, resilience and maturity
  • whether you work well as part of a team
  • your organisational and problem-solving abilities
  • your ability to communicate effectively

Therefore make sure to write/talk about experiences where you have shown these skills. Often these may overlap e.g. leading a sports team can give improve your initiative, team-working and organisational ability. Be obvious and clear when explaining how an experience allowed you to demonstrate a certain skill.

They also state that they want students to be well-rounded and to have contributed to their community. So, it is important to discuss your involvement in extra-curricular activities as well as any volunteering experiences that you have.

Although work experience in medicine (GP, hospital) is a good way of showing your understanding of a career in medicine, they are aware that it can be difficult to attain work experience and so virtual experience/volunteering in a care role can be an alternative. It is also important to demonstrate your understanding of a medical career in your personal statement and interview.

7. What is the Barts (Queen Mary) interview style for Medicine?

Barts have a single 20 minute panel interview which is made up of one or more members of senior academic/clinical staff and a medical student. The interviewers are always very friendly and will try to make you feel at ease.

8. What does Barts (Queen Mary) look for in Medicine applicants at interview?

During the interview they will be assessing the following:

  • your interests/talents (extracurricular activities) - both academic and non-academic as well as voluntary
  • why you want to study at Queen Mary/Barts (have a bit of knowledge about the course structure/location/placements/societies etc)
  • what you can contribute to the university

The questions they ask will guide you so that you have the opportunity to cover these points. Before the interview, the university may also send you an article to read around medicine/ethics. They will then ask you questions on the article in your interview (these are usually relatively straightforward/predictable so it is a good idea to brainstorm what kind of questions might come up beforehand). An example could be a news article on organ donation becoming an opt-out system and in the interview they may ask questions on the pros and cons and potentially also your own opinion. If you are asked questions on an article, the interviewer will make sure to leave sufficient time (at least half the interview) to ask you questions about yourself and allow you to demonstrate your qualities.

9. What are my chances of getting into Barts (Queen Mary) medical school?

In recent years around 250-280 places are available for home/EU students and 24 available for international students for the A100 undergraduate medicine course.

The number of applications varies year on year and COVID has also had a substantial impact on this as universities have had to change the way they decide on interviews, and also encouraged medical schools to increase the number of places on offer. This means that these stats aren't as reliable as they were previously but for interest they are as follows:

Note: these are specific stats for home/EU applications in the A100 course.

2017 cycle: 2088 applications, 813 interviews, 549 offers, 253 places

2018 cycle: 2190 applications, 916 interviews, 589 offers, 253 places

2019 cycle: 1655 applications, 989 interviews, 692 offers, 276 places

2020 cycle: 1399 applications, 999 interviews, 752 offers, places unknown as of yet

Therefore the chance of an interview has been 39%, 42%, 60%, 71% in the years 2017-2020.

Post interview the chance of an offer has been 68%, 64%, 70%, 75% in the years 2017-2020.

The overall chance of an offer has been 26%, 27%, 42%, 54% in the years 2017-2020.

This information has been carefully taken from a spreadsheet posted by Queen Mary here where you can find more about the statistics for A101 and for international students/graduates: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/a100_admission_statistics_medici_4 .

10. How competitive is Medicine at Barts (Queen Mary)?

Find everything about entry requirements here: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/smd/undergraduate/courses/full-entry-requirements/medicine-mbbs/.

Section B: What is Medicine at Barts (QMUL) really like?

1. what are the different courses available at barts (queen mary) medical school.

Barts (QMUL) offers two medicine courses :

  • Undergraduate Medicine (5-Year) - A100 (in England and in Malta - for more information on the Malta programme visit https://www.qmul.ac.uk/malta/programme-details/the-mbbs-malta-course-/ ).
  • Graduate Medicine (4-year) - A101.

Both courses are open for home/EU students and International students.

Note that students also have the opportunity to take an additional intercalated BSc/MSc year within the undergraduate course making it 6 years in total. This is either taken post 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of medicine (however MSc's must be taken after at least 3 years) and can be studied internally or externally (although this is very competitive).

2. What is the structure of the 5 year Medicine course at Barts (Queen Mary)?

The course structure is fairly traditional with a pre-clinical and clinical split but there is an element of clinical exposure from early on in the course.

The course is split into three phases:

Phase 1 (Years 1 and 2) - During this phase students learn about normal biological structure and science of the body as well as environmental and social factors that influence health. This teaching is supplemented with SSC (student selected components) as well as fortnightly placements at hospitals/GP's.

Phase 2 (Years 3 and 4) - After learning about the basic sciences of the body, students enter clinical placements where they will spend most of their time at hospitals and in community placements. These placements are intertwined with relevant teaching for the module they are learning at the time. During the placements they will learn about applying the knowledge and skills they know to real life medicine.

Phase 3 (Year 5) - The central focus of the final year is to prepare students to be a foundation year doctor. Their time is split between shadowing current foundation year doctors, learning about a specialty that they may have not experienced, and practising common scenarios they may face as a FY1. They finish the year with an elective and a final 4-week placement shadowing the FY1 doctor they will be replacing.

3. Is the teaching style at Barts (Queen Mary) PBL?

The teaching style is a mix of traditional and problem/case-based learning. Within Phase 1 the timetable is split between lectures, problem-based learning group sessions, anatomy/physiology/histology classes, and fortnightly clinical skills sessions. Problem-based learning, anatomy/physiology classes and clinical skills sessions are done in small groups of 10-20 students. Within Phase 2 and 3 the timetable is split between placements, clinical skills and problem-based learning. Throughout the course there are also student selected components (SSCs).

Summary of the different teaching sessions:

  • Lectures - The frequency of lectures reduces as you go through the years. Lectures in the first phase are usually in a large theatre with the entire year group and are the basis of examinations. The lectures are generally recorded with slides uploaded online and attendance isn't usually monitored. As you enter Phase 2 and 3, lectures are in smaller groups and become more haphazard in terms of recordings/slide availability.
  • Problem based learning - These are sessions in small groups (around 8 students) where students work together on a case study on a specific topic/condition. This allows students to develop teamwork as they work through the case and develop objectives to research individually. In the following session students then teach other what they have researched to increase their understanding.
  • Anatomy/Physiology/Microanatomy - These take place in laboratories and IT labs, building upon topics covered during lectures. Anatomy a sessions take place in the laboratories where small groups of students can look and study prosections whilst filling out workbooks and asking questions to the anatomists at the session. Physiology sessions usually consist of fun practicals/experiments done in small groups (PBL groups) to learn about the workings of the human body and lastly microanatomy is taught in the IT labs where students can work through e-learning courses whilst doing quizzes and asking questions to the present lecturer.
  • Clinical Skills - These include practical skills such as learning how to conduct physical examinations and communication skills
  • SSC's - This stands for 'Student Selected Components' and are projects that you select that are completed throughout the year including making a group poster, doing anatomy dissection, learning more about a topic in healthcare, medical education, surgical skills and many more (or anything you can self organise). In later years these are more patient based.

4. What is an average day in the life of a medical student at Barts (Queen Mary) like?

A first year medical student timetable is biweekly and can look something like this:

qmul medicine personal statement

However, a clinical years timetable can look quite different and less specific. A week of teaching is usually followed by placements, timetable of which can depend on the hospital you are based at and more teaching sessions are dotted around your time on the wards. Problem/case based learning continues in clinical years and usually done at placements.

Do check out the youtube channel of Journey2Med to learn about days in the life of two medical students at Queen Mary in first and second year.

5. Can you intercalate at Barts (Queen Mary)?

An intercalated year is a year taken out of medical school to study something else for a year, this can be either a BSc or an MSc. You can learn more about intercalated degrees in our blog post ' What is an Intercalated Degree And Is It Worth It? '.

As mentioned earlier, Barts (QMUL) does allow students to undertake an iBSc or an MSc. iBSc's can be taken post the 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of medicine and MSc's can be taken after the 3rd or 4th year.

There are a large variety of iBSc's and MSc's available at Queen Mary but there is also the opportunity to study an intercalated degree at an external university. It must be noted that this opportunity is limited to 25-30 students and so is quite competitive (decided based on medical school ranking/results).

There are 8 intercalated BSc's available as of writing this including:

  • Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Materials
  • Experimental Pathology
  • Global Public Health
  • Medical Education
  • Neuroscience
  • Pharmacology and Innovative Therapeutics
  • Prehospital Medicine
  • Sports & Exercise Medicine

There are also 16 MSc's available including:

  • MSc Cancer & Clinical Oncology
  • MSc Cancer & Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • MSc Cancer & Molecular Pathology and Genomics
  • MSc Cancer & Therapeutics
  • MSc Clinical Drug Development
  • MSc Clinical Endocrinology
  • MSc Creative Arts and Mental Health
  • MSc Critical Care
  • MSc Cultural Psychology and Psychiatry
  • MSc Forensic Medical Science
  • MSc Gastroenterology
  • MSc Global Public Health and Policy
  • MSc Healthcare Research Methods
  • MSc Laparoscopic Surgery & Surgical Skills
  • MSc Neuroscience and Translational Medicine
  • MSc Regenerative Medicine

You can read more about intercalation at Barts (QMUL) here: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/smd/undergraduate/courses/intercalated/

6. How many medical students does Barts (Queen Mary) take and does this change as you progress through the course?

The cohort size during first year has been briefly discussed earlier - it changes year on year and as medical schools are being encouraged to include more places it is likely to grow in size over successive years. Recently the statistics are as follows:

2018: 253 Home/Eu students + 24 international students

2019: 284 Home/Eu students + 24 international students

2020: 284 Home/EU students + 24 international students

Within Phase 1 (Year 1 and 2) these numbers are fairly stable, however they can change in Phase 2. This is because after the second year of the undergraduate course:

  • A few students choose to intercalate
  • The graduate medics join the cohort (around 40)
  • 10 Qualified dentists join the cohort to then enter oral medicine once qualified
  • A few students join as transfers from St Andrews

As a result cohorts after the second year generally increase by about 50 students.

However in the fourth year the personelle of the cohort can change significantly but numbers stay relatively constant as students leave to intercalate and other return from intercalation.

The cohort of the final year of medicine is mostly the same as the fourth year as few students intercalate after the fourth year.

There are also students who may retake a year due to failure or defer a year because of extenuating circumstances. There are very few students who are deregistered from the course.

7. Which hospitals are associated with Barts (Queen Mary)?

There are several hospitals associated with Barts and the London. These are split into In-firms and Out-firms. You will be placed at these hospitals from third year onwards (Phase 2 and 3).

In-firms are hospitals based in East London and include:

  • The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel
  • St Bartholomew's Hospital, West Smithfield, London
  • Whipps Cross University Hospital, Leytonstone, London
  • Newham University Hospital, Newham, London
  • Homerton University Hospital, Homerton, London
  • Queens Hospital, Romford, Essex
  • King George Hospital, Romford, Essex

qmul medicine personal statement

Out-firms are hospitals based in Essex and include:

  • Southend University Hospital, Southend, Essex
  • Colchester University Hospital, Colchester, Essex
  • The Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow, Essex
  • Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex

In-firms are variable distances from campus with all except two being within a 30 min tube ride. Out-firms are based in Essex which can be up to 100 miles from campus. However, the medical school will provide you with free accommodation close to the hospital throughout your placement stay. Therefore you are often very close to where you need to go and you don't need to worry about residential costs. However, as with in-firms, you are expected to organise travel yourself from your residence to the hospital. Out-firms generally have less students and so students report more teaching time but they do sacrifice having to living away from friends on campus.

You do receive some choice as to where you will like to be placed in your clinical years. You will be asked to put three preferences for each placement and the medical school will try to assign you to one of those choices however it depends on the choices of the rest of the cohort. Generally, throughout your time at medical school, they will try to assign you to as many different hospital placements as possible to give you a feel as to how different ones work.

The medical school will try to balance the number of in-firms and out-firms you undertake throughout your clinical years.

Section C: University & Medical School Life

1. where is barts (queen mary) located.

Barts (QMUL) is located in East London, specifically in Mile End, however the medical school is based a 15 min walk away from Mile End, at Whitechapel, just beside the Royal London hospital. Teaching is usually split between Whitechapel, Mile End and also West Smithfield/Barbican (found next to St Barts hospital). The East London campuses (Whitechapel and Mile End) are in a slightly less well developed area of London but there are still fantastic facilities close by for example great restaurants, cafes, leisure centres and a lovely park. The East London campus is just a 25 min tube ride from Central London (Barbican) where you can experience the attractions of London with an abundance of activities and things to see.

Note: there is also a campus based in Malta .

qmul medicine personal statement

2. Are medical students at Barts (Queen Mary) encouraged to take part in societies?

Societies are generally split between those at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry and Queen Mary. A full list of societies can be found here https://www.qmsu.org/clubs-socs/find/ - as you can see there is a great split between academic and non-academic societies. It's much more natural for medical students to join the societies at Barts and the London (BL) as opposed to Queen Mary as they can be more relevant (medicine based) but also closer and easier to access. However, students also join societies across at Mile End in Queen Mary which gives them a great opportunity to meet students from other courses at the university. Whether it's academia, education, sports, music, or performing arts, there is a society for everyone at Barts and the London (or Queen Mary), and if there isn't why not start a new one!

Barts and the London (BL) Societies include..

Academic: BL Anaesthestics and Intensive Care, BL Ear Nose and Throat, BL Friends of MSF, BL Gastroenterology, BL Haematology, BL Plastic Surgery, BL Respiratory, BL CardioSoc, BL Radiology, BL Urology.

Non-academic: BL African and Caribbean, BL Badminton, BL Art and Photography, BL Christian Union, BL Commuters, BL Gospel Choir, BL Indian, BL Irish, BL North African, BL Tamil, BL Tennis, BL Cricket, BL Golf, BL Netball, BL Football, BL Sustainability, BL SAMDA (Student Assisted Medical and Dental Applications)

3. What is the student satisfaction score for Medicine at Barts (Queen Mary)?

The most recently available results (2010) have shown overall satisfaction on the MBBS course to go up from 94 per cent to 96 per cent putting Barts and the London as the top in London, third in the Russell Group and seventh equal in the UK for this measurement. This is based on a survey asking final year medical students. Unfortunately more recent, specific Barts and the London statistics are unavailable as of yet - we are in the process of sourcing this information.

4. Is Barts (Queen Mary) medical school diverse?

Barts and the London is a very diverse medical school especially being based in East London. The school itself accepts around 24 international students every year. Students are from a variety of ages and backgrounds in both the undergraduate and graduate courses. To improve diversity, Barts offer several means to help talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds. They offer contextual admissions (more information can be found here https://www.qmul.ac.uk/undergraduate/apply/entry/contextualised-admissions/ ), which includes over 60 offers for students from widening participation programmes such as Realising Opportunities or their own programme called Bridge the Gap where they teach students about what it means to be a doctor, give you a mentor and offer mock interviews with Barts students.

5. Are there bursaries for medical students at Barts (Queen Mary)?

Queen Mary offer a standard bursary for the undergraduate course of £1,700 per year if your household income is less than £20,000, or £1,000 per year if your household income is between £20,000 and £35,000. This should be assessed when you apply for student funding (e.g. SFE) but contact the university before you start (pre-August) university to make sure - the email can be found here https://www.qmul.ac.uk/scholarships/items/bursary---queen-mary-university-of-london-bursary-202122.html .

There are also several other scholarships available to medical students, which are listed here https://www.qmul.ac.uk/undergraduate/feesandfunding/find-a-scholarship/ and here https://www.qmul.ac.uk/smd/undergraduate/finance/bursaries/.

6. Are student support services readily available and easy to access at Barts (Queen Mary)?

As Barts and the London is slightly separate from QMUL , there are multiple means of accessing student support. Medical school student support can be accessed via email, phone, Microsoft Teams or by visiting the office itself. The student office offer advice, support, and counselling for all issues via a service called SAPS (Student Academic and Pastoral Support) which aims to help with all issues and minimise them having any impact on your academic progress.

Additionally, there is support from QMUL which students can access and they offer high quality counselling and therapy if needed.

The university understands that welfare is of utmost priority, and is very aware that students can often experience difficulties during their studies. Therefore they allow students to submit extenuating circumstances for difficulties around exams, this is often accepted and leads to deferred examinations. However deferred examinations can mean there is no time for a resit if you are unable to pass. A failure in this case (or in a resit) can often mean students have to retake the year.

7. What are the best food spots around Barts (Queen Mary)?

There are some great places to eat on campus both at Whitechapel and Queen Mary. The most popular place for a bite in Whitechapel is at the Griff Inn where students can get reasonably priced breakfast and lunch and attend regular events such as Tables (a weekly celebration of BL sporting teams) every Wednesday. At Mile End, the most popular place is the Drapers Bar and Kitchen which offers a great menu and caters to a variety of dietary requirements. Check more about the food spots at campus here: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/topten/favourite-place-to-eat-on-campus/.

Outside of campus, in East London, there are several restaurants available with classic fast food chains as well as cheap pizza houses, cafes and a variety of cuisines. Being in the capital of course means there is an immense variety of restaurants when you venture out towards Central London. In terms of supermarket availability, there are some cool maps available here https://www.bartslondon.com/accommodation showing the nearest shops at each accommodation.

8. Is student accommodation available for Barts (Queen Mary)?

There are two main student accommodations for Barts and the London medical school which are Dawson Hall and Floyer House.

Dawson Hall is based in Charterhouse Square (Barbican) which is a 25 min tube ride from the Whitechapel Campus buts gives you the opportunity to live in Central London for a fraction of a normal stay there.

Floyer House is located at Whitechapel, at the medical school campus meaning you are usually just a couple of minutes walk away from lectures and PBLs in your first year.

There is also a smaller third accommodation called Albert Stern which is located at Mile End, near the main university campus.

You can check out more information here https://www.bartslondon.com/accommodation

The prices for accommodation varies depending on the type of room which you choose to rent. In Dawson Hall the price ranges between £138-158 a week. In Floyer House it ranges between £100-175 a week and at Albert Stern between £100-137. For all accommodation, the contract length is of a minimum of 38.3 weeks (268 days).

Virtually tour each type of room at each accommodation here: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/residences/college/qm-accommodation/

See the specific costs here: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/residences/college/fees/

There is alternate accommodation available (private halls/accommodation) which is usually used by students after their first year once they have an idea of where they would like to stay and who with.

The Aspiring Medics

Barts and the london (queen mary) medicine interview questions (2023 entry), about barts and the london (qmul) (2023 edition).

qmul medicine personal statement

Barts and the London is a very practical, progressive and supportive medical school.

With an emphasis on problem based learning, full body dissection and general practice placements from the first year of studying, the teaching at Barts is engaging and pro-active .

Set in the heart of East London, there is a strong sense of community , ensuring all students are continually supported by staff and colleagues.

Barts and The London (QMUL) Interview Information

😊 How does Imperial College select candidates for interviews?

A-Levels: A*AA , including either Biology or Chemistry , AND a second science subject (Biology/Chemistry/Physics).

GCSEs: At least AAABBB, including Biology, Chemistry, English Language, and Maths.

UCAT : At least 3rd decile .

Personal statements and references are NOT considered, but show the university that you have a genuine interest in Medicine.

Work experience is strongly recommended.

🧬 What is the interview format?

The QMUL interviews are panel style, lasting 20-30 minutes each. The interviewers will be two members of senior clinical or non-clinical staff, and a current student.

📆 When will you get interview invitations?

👩‍💼 When are the interviews usually held?


📝 What are the main topics I will be asked at the interview?

You should show motivation, communication skills, team work skills and personality. You WILL be asked about work experience. You will also be asked to discuss a case scenario or topical issue , which will be sent to you in advance.

As well as the interview, you will be expected to participate in a group-based task , which will be observed.

☑️ How will my interview be marked?

Trained assessors will take into account your academic achievement, group-based task participation, and your panel interview, to create a score.

🏠 How many applicants are there per interview (Home)?

In the 2021 interview cycle 2111 home students applied for Medicine at QMUL and 1015 (48%) were offered an interview.

🌎 How many applicants are there per interview (International)?

In 2021, out of 563 overseas students who applied, 240 (43%) were offered an interview at Barts/QMUL.

✨ How likely is it that I will be given an offer after an interview

73% chance!

qmul medicine personal statement

Read up around the article provided before the interview - especially any key people and words.

Come to a decision about your own view about the article and be willing to share this.

Finally always have questions for the panel too, this shows engagement and interest.

The personal statement does not form part of the scoring at interview, however, in addition to your academic ability, your interviewers will consider your interests, talents, and the contribution you can make to the School.

Check out our Medicine Interview Course!

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Example Interview Questions

🔥 Motivation Interview Questions

Why do you want to come to Barts and the London?

How would you contribute to Barts as a university?

Has anyone tried to put you off medicine?

How do you cope with technology (in relation to self-directed learning and PBL)?

What are the disadvantages of being a medical student?

What do you like about London ?

Why do you want to be a doctor ?

What do you want to specialise in? Why does this speciality interest you?

⚖️ Medical Ethics Interview Questions

An article may be provided before the interview about a current healthcare topic, and you may be asked questions about the article, such as:

Does a patient have the right to choose assisted suicide?

What happens if we need to transfuse blood but a patient refuses for religious reasons?

Should contraception be offered to anyone who asks for it?

🤯Values and Skills Interview Questions

How would you want your patients to perceive you?

What extracurricular activities do you do?

How do you cope with stress ?

How would I deal with death as a doctor?

📰 NHS Interview Questions

Who will be impacted the most by strike action?

Which areas of healthcare should we be increasing funding for?

What do you know about the postcode lottery ?

What are the values upon which the NHS was founded ?

🏨 Teamwork Interview Questions

When have you shown good teamwork ?

What qualities do you have that makes you a good team leader?

What makes a good team leader ?

🎭 Roleplay Interview Questions

🏥 Work Experience Interview Questions

What work experience have you had in the past?

Tell us about your work experience and what skill/experiences you have taken away from it

What have you done to prepare for medicine?

qmul medicine personal statement

Barts has general practice placements from the very first term in the first year as well as problem based learning and full body dissection . With an addition of lectures, physiology and histology practical sessions, the large range of teaching will make it engaging and enjoyable for all. A hands-on approach from the very start improves confidence in clinical and practical skills from early on. Placements are located in East London primarily but ranges to areas such as Colchester and Southend, ensuring placements provide a range of experience.

qmul medicine personal statement

Being in the heart of East London means Shoreditch, Stratford and Brick Lane are all a few minutes away so there is always something close by for you to do to escape the library. Travel could not be easier with Whitechapel tube station and buses at our doorstep. Floyer House and Dawson Hall are the most popular student accommodations for first years. From then on, there is a large range of student accommodation to live in throughout East London with flatmates or alone if you wish. On campus the student union has many events throughout the week and both sports and societies can be a great way to meet others and spend time enjoying interests.

qmul medicine personal statement

There is an immense sense of community at Barts which means no one is isolated or left out. The medical school has its own campus in Whitechapel and there are many student union events meaning you will get to know a lot of familiar faces quickly. From first year you are assigned a Barts family meaning there will always be someone you can reach out to. Whilst there are a large number of sports and societies at Barts, students are also welcome to join those at Queen Mary in Mile End as well, making opportunities endless. No matter what your interests are, there will be something for you.

qmul medicine personal statement

Medical events are known to be the best events you will attend. With all your colleagues and Barts family there, you feel an immense sense of community. Events to note include the Boat Ball in first year, the half-way ball in third year and the Rites of Passage where you graduate in St Pauls Cathedral. Others include the annual association dinner where you celebrate society and sports achievements with staff and students as well as regular shows by dance and drama in Laird Hall. Tradition is considered incredibly important at Barts and these events are at the heart of them.

qmul medicine personal statement

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Alex | Founder of Medfully

Ultimate guide to queen mary medicine interviews (2023) | questions & tips, queen mary / barts medical school: overview.

Ranked #1 for Medicine in London by The Guardian University Ranking 2021, QMUL is certainly a great place to study medicine! With the main campus being in East London, medical students at Queen Mary not only get to experience the vivid life of London but also benefit from slightly cheaper rent and going out than in central London. Moreover, its location also means a link to large, world-class teaching hospitals, such as the Royal London Hospital and St Bartholomew’s Hospital.

Barts Medical School (which is another name for QMUL) offers a PBL course with early clinical contact (as early as the first term of Year 1). Students who enjoy a practical and independent approach to learning, those who are not afraid to take initiative and ask questions will likely find Queen Mary Medical School a good choice.

🔢 How does Queen Mary select for interviews in 2023?

GCSEs:  QMUL doesn’t rank students based on GCSE scores, but only checks if you meet minimum entry requirements.

A-levels/IB:  All academic and several non-academic scores are converted into a score according to the UCAT Tariff. This score is given 50% weight when shortlisting candidates for an interview at Barts. You can use  this calculator  created by UCAS to convert your predicted grades and other qualifications to the UCAT Tariff score. In the past few years, the minimum Tariff score for an interview was 152.

Personal Statement:  The personal statement is not used by Barts to rank candidates for the interview, but may be used during the interview to spark a discussion about your interests and potential contribution to QMUL.

UCAT:  UCAT scores are given 50% weight (with Tariff scores being the other 50%).

📊 What is the lowest required UCAT score to get an interview at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)?

Home Students:  For students from the UK, QMUL sets the UCAT cut off at the third decile. Therefore, if you score within the third decile or above, you won’t get automatically rejected (but it doesn’t mean scoring in the third decile will grant you an interview at Barts). For home students, the lowest UCAT score to get an interview was 2300 in 2021.

Home Graduates:  Last year, the lowest UCAT score for graduate students with a 1st class degree was 2520, while for graduates with a 2.1 the lowest UCAT score to receive an interview was 2960.

International Students:  Admissions officers at Queen Mary divide international candidates into 3 categories and students compete within these individual categories. The categories are based on your country of residence: Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong & Rest. The lowest UCAT scores to get an interview at QMUL were 2330, 2420, and 2310 respectively for each category.

📈 Want to save yourself some  time, stress and money  preparing for a medical school interview at Queen Mary? Prepare with  Medfully , the best interview preparation tool for self-paced interview preparation!

📤 When does Queen Mary Medical School send out interview invitations?

In the past years, the admissions team at QMUL tended to send out all interview invitations and rejections on one day in December, right before Christmas. So make sure you include “an interview at Queen Mary” in your letter to Santa this year!

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 How many candidates get interviewed for Medicine at Barts?

Home Students:  In the 2021 interview cycle 2111 home students applied for Medicine at QMUL and 1015 (48%) were offered an interview.

International Students:  In 2021, out of 563 overseas students who applied, 240 (43%) were offered an interview at Barts/QMUL.


2023/2024 Medicine Interviews at Queen Mary (QMUL): 🗓️ Barts Medicine 2023 Interview dates:

Medicine interviews at QMUL usually take place between January and March on campus. Interviews for overseas candidates also take place in person in Singapore and Malaysia around the end of February.

Make sure to regularly check the  QMUL’s official medicine admissions website  for the latest updates.

💬 What’s the interview format at Queen Mary University of London?

At Queen Mary/Barts you can expect a panel interview. The interview panel usually consists of 3 people; two members of the academic staff at QMUL, clinical staff or medical students and one layperson. Like most panel interviews, medicine interview at QMUL is short (20-25 minutes) and rather straightforward.

Check the sections below for example questions that can be asked at a Queen Mary Medical School interview! You can use those to get a gist of what’s the style of questions at QMUL and practise for your 2023 Queen Mary interviews.

👀 What are the interviewers at QMUL looking for during interviews?

According to  QMUL’s official website , the interviewers will evaluate you within the following areas:

  • Motivation and realistic approach to medicine as a career
  • Show initiative, resilience and maturity
  • Work well as part of a team
  • Be well organised and demonstrate problem-solving abilities
  • Likely contribution to university life
  • Communicate effectively in a wide range of situations

📖 Queen Mary Medicine Interviews: The Article

If you happen to get invited to a medical interview at QMUL (which we are sure you will!) you should receive an article to read. The article differs from year to year and usually revolves around a medical topic and contains questions about the content.

During your QMUL interview, the interviewers will ask you questions about the article so make sure you are familiar with the content and thoroughly reflect on it! Check the Tips section at the bottom of this blog for more tips on how to best deal with this article task 👇

🏆 How likely is it I’ll be given an offer after an interview at Barts?

Home Students:  Out of 1136 home students interviewed in 2020, 834 (so as much as  73%! ) have been offered a place to study medicine at Queen Mary. This percentage has been similar (65-73%) in the past several years.

International Students:  Out of 137 overseas students interviewed in 2020 86 (as much as  63% ) were given offers to study medicine at QMUL.

This means that once you get invited to an interview at Queen Mary you stand a good chance to get offered a place! Yay!

💅 What to do before the interview at Queen Mary Medical School?

  • go through the article you get with the email invitation
  • come up with questions based on the content of the article
  • find and prepare your ID
  • prepare your outfit in advance, checking for stains and how well it fits you
  • increase your confidence and interview knowledge by preparing with  Medfully

⏳ How long does it takes to hear back from Queen Mary?

You will be informed about the outcome of your interview only once all interviews have been completed, so usually around the end of March of the application cycle.

💡 How To Prepare for Medicine Interviews at Queen Mary?

🧠 queen mary medicine interview questions (2023):.

Motivation for Medicine:

  • Why would you make a good doctor?
  • Has anyone ever tried to dissuade you from applying to medicine? If yes, why did you made you decide to resist it?
  • Why do you prefer medicine over a career in research?


  • Tell us about a situation when you encountered a challenge, but were able to overcome it.
  • How do you cope with stress?
  • Why do you think we evaluate students applying to medicine on their resilience?
  • What’s your understanding of the term Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)? Follow-up: Why do doctors need to work in MDTs?
  • When is it better that doctors work alone and when is it necessary that they work efficiently in a team?
  • Based on your experiences, what makes a good team member?


  • A 14-year old boy is rushed into A&E after a car crash. The patient is unconscious and has sustained huge blood loss as a result of the accident. Together with your team, you decide the boy requires an urgent blood transfusion. As you are about to take the boy into the OR, his parents arrive and forbid you to carry on with the blood transfusion on religious grounds. How would you proceed, and what factors should you consider?
  • Imagine you are the head of the surgical department in a hospital. There are two patients, A and B, both requiring an urgent liver transplant, but there is only one viable liver. Patient A is a 32-year old social activist, with a drug abuse history. Patient B is a 78-year old woman, who takes care of 3 children, whose parents died in a car accident. How would you allocate the liver and why?

Contribution to QMUL:

  • Why would you like to join Queen Mary medical school?
  • How are you planning to contribute to QMUL, besides contributing academically?
  • Are there any societies you would like to join or establish at Barts?


  • There are only 10 seats on a lifeboat, but 11 passengers on a sinking boat. What criteria would you use to decide who to leave behind?
  • A patient weighing 72kg requires a 75mg dose of Ibunapratosan via an IV drip. You have a 0.1L bag with an Ibunapratosan concentration of 5mg/mL. What volume of fluid from the bag should you give to the patient?
  • Describe the way you took to get here from your home.

🚀  TOP Tip:  Have a hard time answering any of the above questions? You’ll find insider tactics to tackle all of the above questions and formulate convincing and structured answers at  Medfully - #1 Medicine Interview Preparation Resource.

Please note that these aren’t questions that have been asked at QMUL in past years. Publishing such information would be against QMUL’s policy. The above questions are adjusted for the interview style at QMUL and are meant to give you a broad sense of the questions you may face.

✅ Barts and the London Medical School Interviews: 3 Tips

Familiarise Yourself With The Article

It’s guaranteed that you’ll be asked about the article during your interview at Queen Mary medical school, which is why you need to familiarise yourself with it.

Read the article a few times and dedicate some time to reflect on it. Think about the topics addressed by the article, the author's opinion and the arguments they use. Don’t be tempted to simply memorise the facts or figures in the text - formulate your own opinions and conclusions. Make sure to write them down and review them before the interview.

Write Down a List of Questions

Once you familiarise yourself with the article come up with a list of prompts/questions that you would use as an interviewer. Then try to go through these questions, answering them out loud and evaluating how easily and fluently you can talk about the article.

If you encounter any challenges whilst answering questions about the article, read up on the topic and check our  interview knowledge bank .

Become Best Friends with Medical Ethics.

Make sure you know the meaning of and can apply each of the following terms; beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, capacity, confidentiality and consent. These terms form the foundation of medical ethics and may come in handy when discussing the article or any topic related to ethics and clinical medicine.

🤞 Fingers crossed for your 2023/2024 interview at Queen Mary / Barts Medical School! You’ll crush it!

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Make your interview preparation structured ,fun & affordable, prepare to ace your interviews with medfully, the best all-in-one interview preparation tool.

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Queen Mary University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to Queen Mary, University of London. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

You can also view our entire collection of personal statements or view personal statements for application at other universities .

Linguistics Personal Statement Example 1 My most memorable Christmas came with a parcel of Harry Potter audio books and this was where my quest to understanding language began. The moment Stephen Fry started to narrate chapter one, I fell in love with words and all they could achieve...

History Personal Statement Example 3 Recently, I found out that my grandma was gambled into slavery for seven years. She escaped her prison and made her way back to Hong Kong, 300 miles south. I was amazed at how courageous she was. This personal discovery led me to read Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans' which made me both proud and ashamed of my heritage...

Mechanical/Electrical Engineering Personal Statement Example I have always been fascinated by the vast jobs robots are able to perform, and by the way all these cars around us were designed. The problem is, my interest was not satisfied by revolving around the outer appearance of these machines or by how well they achieved their functions, but was constantly demanding to learn more about how they managed to do so, and what inner complexities I was not allowed to meet closely made it capable of attracting my attention...

History and Economic History Personal Statement Example Studying History at degree level has been my interest since my first ever history lesson in High School, for it is a subject that invites debate and feeds my inquisitive side. I have always been intrigued by what has happened before us and how it has led to where we are now...

Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement Example 1 As Pythagoras may have said, (Ambitious)2 + (Bold)2 = (Critical thinker)2 makes a perfect student and is what I strive to be. From the simple Pythagorean to the complex Fermat's Last Theorem, mathematics is a never ending branch of study which I enthusiastically enjoy studying and why I wish to pursue it even further at university...

Politics & International Relations Personal Statement Example 2 It was November 1989. My parents were rattling their keys in the main square of Bratislava with other Czechoslovak youngsters asking for the democracy that was denied by the Communist regime. They raised me in an environment, where appreciation of freedom, expressing my thoughts and being an active citizen have been essential...

Mathematics and Physics Personal Statement Example 1 Mathematics is a fundamental tool for understanding our world: it can be used to define the symmetry of flowers or to manage global companies. What is so appealing about mathematics is the opportunity of applying it in the physical world...

Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement Example 32 Since humans have existed we have been susceptible to disease and illness. With the progress in the search of treatments for long-standing diseases accelerating faster than ever before, I believe that now is the perfect opportunity to utilise my interests in cell biology, biochemistry and neuroscience by studying a biomedicine degree...

Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 5 Venturing into the unknown and never-ending world of science and medicine has been a passion and desire of mine for the majority of my life. I am captivated by how a simple idea can be transformed into a reality that can pave the way for new cures and more advanced anatomical understanding...

Economics Personal Statement Example 5 Choosing an undergraduate degree in economics is a result of my deep seated curiosity to know why economies are they way they are; why oil prices in my country, Pakistan, rapidly fluctuate whereas economies like USA and China continue to strengthen despite recessions...

Politics Personal Statement Example 5 My background, living in three major metropolises, Lagos, London and Aberdeen bestowed me a very diverse, open, multicultural way of thinking. The cultural shock of Lagos widened my eyes to vastness of the world and prepped my involvement in the Community Development Committee, allowing me to get in touch with all sectors of Nigerian society; here my interest in sociology, politics and government took flight...

Sociology/Social Policy Personal Statement Example Since starting my A-Level in sociology, I've realised it is a subject I can easily grasp and immerse myself in, and that by pursuing courses based around society, social changes and policies at university, I can further understand and appreciate the inner workings of society and how it can be adapted to meet the ever-increasing diversity of the country we live in...

English Personal Statement Example 23 My love of literature is rooted in the connection it gives us to centuries of ideas, giving us the ability to converse with ghosts, linking us with the greatest and most eloquent minds in history; as Bovee puts it, “books are embalmed minds”...

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Psychology Personal Statement Example 51 There is a reason behind everything we do, a purpose to our actions. The cognition behind any decision that we make is one of the many aspects of psychology that I am fascinated by. The following five words, as said by the Prophet Muhammad, I believe explain such a suggestion: "Actions are but by intentions"...

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Biological Sciences Personal Statement Example 2 I am interested in pursuing a career in biological sciences because I am captivated by the wonders of the components of life. There upon, I desire to understand the background of problems that are formulated by biology on a molecular level, such as cancer, diseases and genetic disorders...

Aerospace Engineering Personal Statement Example 15 Aircraft is one of the major contributions of all time. The intricate engineering behind aircraft, space shuttle and satellite really captivates me. The work of aerospace engineers is quite challenging as they apply their acquired knowledge of Mathematics and Physics to design such major products to satisfy real world necessities...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 51 Building my first computer was an experience I will never forget. Looking over what seemed to be a city of silicone, I marveled at how elegantly the components were arranged on the motherboard. Yet I did not feel fully satisfied, as I knew there was a whole other world of computing, which could only be explored by completing a degree in computer science...

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Top 15 medical school personal statement examples.

qmul medicine personal statement

Reviewed by:

Jonathan Preminger

Former Admissions Committee Member, Hofstra-Northwell School of Medicine

Reviewed: 5/13/22

Does the perfect medical school personal statement exist? What do good personal statements for medical school look like? All of these questions and more will be answered below!

When you’re writing your personal statement for medical school, you’ll want to keep the three E’s in mind: engagement, enthusiasm, and explanation. 

You want your personal statement to be engaging throughout, to clearly illustrate your enthusiasm to join the medical school, and to explain your motivation for pursuing this field. 

But this is easier said than done! Including all of these elements in your personal statement while simultaneously ensuring it stands out and showcases your individuality can be challenging. 

Luckily, this guide will ease these difficulties! In it, we’ll not only provide you with a step-by-step of how to write your own personal statement, but we’ll also go over 15 medical school personal statement examples!

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15 Medical School Personal Statement Examples

Before we give you a run down of how to write a winning personal statement for medical school, it will be beneficial to read some samples and explain why they’re successful! Here are 15 excellent personal statement for medical school examples you can draw inspiration from!

Please note, the names and identifying details in these personal statements have been removed to ensure anonymity. 

Sarah was the second victim they brought to the hospital that night. Pellets from the shotgun covered the entire right side of her body. The shooter had hit multiple individuals at the birthday party, and Sarah was transported to our emergency department soon after. She was the first patient I ever treated as an EMT. 

After evaluating and stabilizing her condition, I used saline and gauze to clean the blood off her exposed skin, making a special effort to gently wash the contours of her face. Jeff, the ER technician I was shadowing that evening, diligently watched my every move. "He's got you looking good as new!" he said, breaking the heavy silence. At that moment, I saw a delicate smile emerge from her shocked, shell-like demeanor. I had treated her physical injuries, and he had addressed her mental well-being. Together, we had cared for the patient. At that moment, I began to understand the charge and function of the modern physician. My journey to that emergency room began in an unexpected place: the rolling foothills of Kentucky in the small town I call home, surrounded by cow farms and fields of soybeans. My parents had immigrated from Nigeria and taught English and Philosophy at our local university. My childhood was a perpetual humanities classroom. Seneca's "Letters from a Stoic" better characterized my understanding of human suffering than the halls of a hospital emergency department. 

However, by my freshman year of high school, I knew that my academic interest lay not within ancient literature but rather within the living cell. In my mind, the cell is a metropolis waiting to be explored. I began to carve a professional path to pursue my fascination with the cell and study the mechanisms that create and sustain life. However, during my sophomore year, my diabetic father’s cognitive impairments developed into severe early-onset dementia. As much as I hoped to pursue my interests as a molecular biologist, my perspectives began to shift. My upbringing in the humanities and the challenge of caring for my father deepened my understanding of how our shared human experiences give meaning to our existence. I could spend my life studying the functions and pathologies of the cell. But, beyond the boundaries of its membrane, remains a human being with tangible, immediate needs, just like my father.

To understand this duality between biology and the human experience, I have spent my college career immersed in both research and clinical activities. My passion for molecular biology is manifested in my undergraduate research. My scientific exploration of the cell reinforced my fascination with its mechanisms and cultivated my desire to discover new molecular phenomena. Beyond research, I worked to build a new program in partnership with an internationally renowned medical center that trained undergraduate students to provide social support to geriatric inpatients. As co-president and avid volunteer, I have spent over a hundred hours listening to patients and their life stories as they sat in isolation in their hospital rooms. 

Hand in hand, I comforted Mr. Stevens in the face of imminent mortality as he simultaneously mourned his terminal kidney failure and the death of his wife just weeks earlier. Listening to Mrs. Williams jokingly talk about her "adventures" completing word search puzzles during the pandemic always made me laugh. I witnessed a spectrum of human experience as defined by the heritage and identity of these patients, leaving each interaction filled with purpose and meaning. In the quiet rooms of the geriatric ward and the tense hallways of the emergency department, I confronted the vulnerability within the patient experience. I began to understand the individual in the context of disease. 

As a researcher, my curiosity with the cell led to a fascination with its hallmark pathology: cancer. In my sophomore year, I worked to redesign a novel inhibitor of HSP90, a molecular chaperone implicated in over 600 types of cancer. Later, as a radiation immunology intern, I genetically modified cancer cell lines, studied their pathology in mice, and worked to find correlations between tumor RNA expression and therapeutic outcomes in human pancreatic cancer. The spectrum between basic and clinical cancer research inspires me with its potential to revolutionize the lives of patients. As a future oncologist, I endeavor to harness the power within biomedical discovery and our shared human experience to push back the boundaries of cancerous dysfunction in favor of the patients I serve. 

As I closed the door to Sarah's room and followed Jeff to our next patient, I carried the realization that biomedical science and humanities are not only entwined but entirely interdependent. To serve a patient effectively is to address the disease in the context of the human. I embrace the charge to work at this complex interface. I want to lead patients through their most vulnerable moments with the competency and empathy demanded of the profession as I expand my knowledge of our molecular profile through attentive study and avid research.

Why It Works

This is a powerful personal statement for numerous reasons:

  • Opening hook : The essay starts with a gripping and dramatic scene of the applicant treating a gunshot victim, immediately capturing the reader's attention.
  • Personal narrative : The essay weaves a personal narrative throughout, sharing the applicant's journey from their upbringing in a small town to their experiences as an EMT, their father's illness, and their involvement in research and clinical activities, adding personality and authenticity to the story.
  • Passion and motivation : The applicant’s passion for medicine and their strong desire to make a difference in the lives of patients is clear through their dedication to research, their engagement with geriatric inpatients, and their focus on oncology.
  • Reflection and growth : The applicant reflects on their experiences and how they have shaped their understanding of medicine. They show personal growth and a shift in perspective, emphasizing the importance of the human experience in healthcare.
  • Connection between science and humanities : The essay effectively highlights the interdependence between biomedical science and the humanities, showing the applicant's ability to bridge the gap and approach patient care from a holistic perspective.
  • Clear future goals : The essay concludes by outlining the applicant's future aspirations as an oncologist and their commitment to combining biomedical discovery with compassionate patient care. Having defined goals is essential to portray your commitment to medicine.
  • Engaging writing style : The essay is well-written and engaging, uses descriptive language, vivid anecdotes, and thoughtful reflections to captivate the reader and convey the applicant's message effectively.

This is the type of statement that leaves a lasting impression on the admissions committee!

‍ My family immigrated from Cuba to the United States roughly 27 years ago. My father fled to the U.S. on a wooden makeshift raft and my mother came as a political refugee—making me a first generation American. After moving to the U.S., my family faced significant adversity—financial, language, and community barriers. As a result of these difficulties, I noticed that my family adopted a “avoid doctors unless you absolutely cannot,” mentality. 

The first time my family looked into healthcare resources was during the arrival of my maternal great grandmother to the United States, a previous political prisoner in Cuba. While in solitary confinement for 12 years, she developed thrombosis in her legs, with doctors in Cuba only offering amputation. No one in the family spoke English, and there was a disconnect between providers and my grandmother—both sides could only comprehend about half of what was happening. The physicians were limited on time given the line of patients waiting. However, my family was not only fluent in another language, but they were also from a culture that avoided healthcare professionals. These factors were not able to be conveyed in a 20-minute conversation involving translation issues with an interpreter. Eventually, through other immigrants, they found Dr. Alvarez, an Argentinean physician. He was Spanish speaking and offered her surgical vein reconstruction—most importantly, he was able to build rapport with her quickly, and my grandmother went ahead with his suggested care. After that experience with Dr. Alvarez, my mother would cross state lines to take me to a Spanish-speaking pediatrician, Dr. Arias. 

Observing my family’s determination in finding physicians like Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Arias made me realize the importance of Hispanic, Spanish-speaking, culturally competent physicians in the U.S. I spent time learning about healthcare inequities between Hispanic populations and other ethnicities, inside and outside the classroom. I was driven to pursue a career in medicine to be an advocate and manage care for patients from vulnerable communities—bridging the divide in comprehension and quality of care between Hispanic and other underrepresented minorities in the United States. 

During my first week at college, I became a volunteer at [Hospital]. My first job was to be an admissions ambassador, a liaison helping patients navigate the hospital. Hispanic patients frequently approached me for guidance. “Olivia,” an Ecuadorian mother with her 3-year-old daughter in a stroller approached me one day. She was lost trying to find a physician’s office. I could see her daughter recently had a surgical procedure done on her little hand. After a few detours, I located the physician’s office. He happened to be there and was eager to have me translate. Olivia asked several questions regarding accrued treatment costs. She was running out of money. After assessing the situation and helping express her concerns to the physician, we reached out to the appropriate personnel and helped her navigate the system—she was relieved by the end of the conversation. I couldn’t help but think back to my own family and struggles they faced as refugees navigating the U.S. healthcare system. Being a resource in this manner brought me a new sense of fulfillment, further inspiring me to pursue medicine. 

The comfort my interpreting skills brought to Hispanic patients at [Hospital] sparked my desire to seek more formal interpreting positions. I located a free clinic treating uninsured adults, the [Local Clinic]. As a medical interpreter and patient advocate, I helped Hispanic patients through their check-ups and physical exams. I also worked in the OB-GYN clinic, guiding Hispanic women through intimate conversations with their providers. Many of these patients were a bit hesitant to open up, but after I spoke to them in Spanish, they became more comfortable and told their stories. I remember one story in particular about “Catalina,” a woman from Mexico that immigrated to the U.S. less than a year before visiting the clinic. While waiting for the medical student to return from presenting her case to the attending, she asked me what my future plans were. I told Catalina I wanted to become a physician, and her eyes lit up—she was incredibly supportive, telling me there needed to be more Hispanic physicians and encouraged me to stay on the path. While healthcare is not an easy road, interactions like these continue to drive me—I want to be able to ease concerns, allowing patients to open up. 

My family background and personal experiences as an interpreter have ignited my desire to become a physician that provides culturally competent care to patients from vulnerable communities and increase minority representation in the healthcare space. Discovering the positive impact I had as a bridge between patients and the U.S. healthcare system alone, made me imagine the impact I could have as their physician in the future. A career in medicine with public service at the center will allow me to provide direct medical care without the need for this bridge. This would enable me to address health inequities vulnerable communities are burdened by while being a role model for future first generation Americans.

What stands out the most in this essay is the student’s passion! It’s clear they’re determined to make healthcare more accessible and inclusive, which is an excellent goal to have as a future physician. The student also hits the mark in the following ways:

  • Offers a unique, diverse perspective : The applicant’s background as a first-generation American brings a unique perspective to their personal statement. This diversity adds value to the medical school community and showcases the applicant's ability to bring a different cultural lens to patient care.
  • Involves cultural competence and advocacy : The applicant demonstrates a clear understanding of the healthcare disparities faced by Hispanic populations and other vulnerable communities. This type of awareness is crucial to have in the medical field.
  • Shares relevant experiences : The essay highlights the applicant's involvement in volunteer work at a hospital and a free clinic, where they served as a translator and patient advocate. These experiences demonstrate they understand the challenges of healthcare and are still determined to pursue a career in it.
  • Aligns with the values of medicine : The applicant's desire to provide culturally competent care and increase minority representation in the healthcare field aligns with the core values of medicine, such as social justice and advocacy, making them a more attractive med school candidate. 
  • Is well-balanced : The student maintains a balance between their personal anecdotes and professional aspirations, ensuring the reader gains a comprehensive understanding of their motivations and qualifications.

Overall, this statement is focused and clear. It illustrates this student’s past, present, and potential future as a healthcare provider. 

There are sounds, throughout the course of a day, that demand our attention and those that blend, seamlessly, into the static noise of detail that our brain chooses to filter. There is an immediacy to the social demand of a friend calling our name, the ping of an incoming text, and the incessant honking of a car as we attempt to merge lanes. On the other hand, we tend to ignore, even mute, the soft bubbling of a kettle on the stove, the footsteps of someone walking by, and the ticking of a clock. 

In a society characterized by a constant influx of information, I believe the mere act of listening can be easily overlooked. Furthermore, listening is the foundation for empathy: the ability to not only understand what another is going through but also to take part in their journey is the bedrock of human relationships. I have come to realize that listening to others – not simply hearing them – is a necessary component to any relationship: the former being intentional and the latter unintentional.

For me, a fulfilling career combines my fascination with the sciences, my desire to serve the community and provides the chance to grow from a variety of relationships through listening. The field of medicine uniquely brings together my diverse interests and experiences while fulfilling my desire to help my fellow man. 

Through the study of biology, I have gained a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of the biotic and abiotic environment. Combined with the exploration of the “instructions” for life, encoded within molecules no wider than strands of hair, I have cultivated a child-like fascination for the human body. The study of economics has provided insight into decision-making and how that is manifested in a world with finite resources. Additionally, my research experiences working with the genetic diversity of Sporisorium ellisii and traumatic brain injuries have given me an appreciation for not only the reliability of the scientific method but also the bridge between creativity and impact. I want to continue to foster my curiosity through a field that explores the challenges facing human life both on a microscopic and macroscopic level.

Although I found my courses interesting, I also found them lacking - I desired to have a more hands-on role within the field. In part to ameliorate this void, I took an active role in leading the committee for a health clinic that my service fraternity hosted at a major hospital in the greater [Local] community. After months of soliciting and coordinating the assistance of various student organizations as well as local professionals, there were fewer than ten attendees during the entire five-hour clinic. Rather than simply admitting failure, I, along with other committee members, went out into the community for an explanation. After listening to locals, we discovered that there was mistrust in the healthcare system. The following year, we addressed the issue by choosing a location where the community frequently gathered: a local church. We were then met with much greater success, as locals interacted with both students and professionals to express concerns regarding healthcare. Actively listening to the individuals’ concerns was the catalyst that ultimately allowed for a greater impact on the community as a whole. 

After discovering the impact that could be made from listening to the community, I endeavored to make a difference on a more personal level. I found that my yearning was sated by my experience teaching others leading me to work in an urban high school through City Year following graduation. My goal for the year was to challenge myself and strive to find commonalities that transcend physical differences. Working with these students gave me invaluable experience in understanding the impact backgrounds have on perspectives and helped me develop patience while adhering to time-dependent goals. The patient-doctor relationship is similar to that of the student- teacher: both parties must be willing to learn from one another. I want to not only use my skills to help those in need but also grow from serving my patients. Medicine provides a unique challenge requiring knowledge about the background of physical ailments and an understanding of the relevant social factors that comes about through deep personal relationships. 

Through my interests and extracurricular involvement I have learned to remain inquisitive but not overzealous, patient but not complacent and supportive but not overbearing. Coupled with my time volunteering in hospitals and shadowing, I know that practicing medicine provides this harmony I am striving for. In my mind, there can be no greater fulfillment than having the opportunity to enter a dynamic profession that seeks to understand the nuances of the human body, to adapt to healthcare in the 21st century and to serve the community at-large not only as a source of knowledge but also as a student of the human condition. As I embark upon this journey, I hope to gain the skills necessary to champion for the betterment of my patients. I would cherish the opportunity to critically think about the human body, to build meaningful inter-personal relationships, to be a teacher and most importantly, to listen, rather than simply hear. 

This personal statement is captivating from beginning to end, and here’s why:

  • Has a distinct hook : It’s always impressive when students open with seemingly unrelated hooks and tactfully connect them to their interest in medicine, which this student has done perfectly.
  • It integrates diverse interests and experiences : The applicant effectively integrates their passion for the sciences, community service, and human relationships. They demonstrate how the field of medicine provides a platform to combine these interests, showing their strong critical thinking skills.
  • Shows a commitment to growth and learning : The student expresses their desire to actively seek out opportunities to challenge themselves and broaden their perspectives. This commitment aligns with the values of medicine as a lifelong learning profession, showcasing their preparedness for med school.
  • Has a strong conclusion : The conclusion effectively summarizes the applicant's motivations and aspirations, highlighting their desire to critically think about the human body, build meaningful relationships, and listen actively, leaving a lasting impression on the judges.

All of these elements combined create a compelling narrative that showcases the applicant's suitability and passion for a career in medicine!

undergraduate student writing a personal statement for medical school

The shed behind the [Hospital] in Uganda was full of broken wheelchairs. I took one apart, and began to build the framework for a standing wheel that Jeremy, an eight-year-old with cerebral palsy, could spin in circles to strengthen his spastic rotator cuff. As I baked in the midday heat, I tried to ignore my own festering doubts about the integrity of my design project. I wasn’t sure that I would be able to help Jeremy overcome his condition just using discarded parts, but I couldn’t let that stop me from trying. 

My path here had not been straightforward. What had started as a project focused on repairing old medical equipment had quickly become a firsthand exploration into patient care. In the United States, healthcare providers and engineers typically work separately from one another, but in Uganda, medical equipment maintenance is performed directly in hospital wards, often bringing me face-to-face with patients. In [Town], for example, I only happened to meet Jeremy, beaming at me from his bright-red walking frame, because I was fixing his hospital bed. I smiled back, assuming our interactions would end there. But he stayed, and as he laughed at my attempts to speak L’Uganda, I started to realize how refreshing it was to have the chance to talk with a patient being impacted by my work. Noticing the pain from his shaking left shoulder, I also grasped the limits on helping patients without face-to-face interaction; I would have never thought to build Jeremy a physical therapy device had I never met him in person. Over time, I grew increasingly interested in acting in a role that bridged the gap between patient and medical technology through direct contact. 

Even with my newfound interest in patient care, my exposure to the realities of healthcare disparities proved equally profound. Most strikingly, I recall my time in [Hospital’s] neonatal ICU, where I witnessed multiple premature newborns being placed into incubators only meant to fit one infant. The incubators regulated body temperature, but overcrowding compromised their functionality. One day, this overcrowding resulted in the death of a newborn girl who succumbed to the cold. As the child’s mother grieved, I sat a few feet away, filled with guilt that my inability to fix every piece of equipment made me partly responsible for her loss. Noticing my frustration, my mentor, Dr. Carlos, told me, “three years ago, only a few of these incubators were working. Now only a few are left to fix.” A life had been lost, but by our equipment maintenance, many other lives had been saved. His words encouraged me to stay resolute in my belief that the gradual efforts of the composite healthcare team can - and will - bridge disparities in healthcare. This experience reaffirmed my desire to stay invested in the development of strong medical infrastructure, specifically in a role where I can directly work with patients to avoid the outcome I witnessed at [Hospital].

Returning to [Location], I discovered that inequities in medical care, so plainly visible in the developing world, were hidden right under my nose at home. Volunteering at the [Nursing Home], a Medicaid-funded nursing home for the disadvantaged, I found that another crucial component to addressing these inequities is to connect with those who feel neglected. Here, I came across obstacles to medical care I had grown to expect, such as understaffing, older equipment, and an inability to finance high-cost treatments. However, most residents’ frustrations with their medical care were secondary to their struggles with social isolation. Olivia, one of my favorite residents, has COPD and end-stage renal failure, and cannot sit up in her bed. 

Despite all her ailments, nothing hurt her more than the fact that no one came to visit her. Week by week, as we discussed everything from Latin etymology to the merits of broccoli as a side to chicken wings, I watched Olivia’s smile grow with every visit I paid her. The ability I had to brighten her day just by giving her an hour of my time every week helped me appreciate the unique privilege physicians must have to set patients at ease by letting them know that someone is continually invested in their well-being. After a few months at the [Nursing Home], Olivia surprised me with the comment that she didn’t feel alone anymore. I marveled at how just by being present in a patient’s life, I had made my own small contribution to overcome her emotional pain. I was inspired to pursue a role where I could expand upon my ability to heal patients by providing not only emotional support, but also clinical care. 

My medical journey has been wayward. It has taken me to Uganda, where a boy taught me to value the patients I encounter even more than the machines I fix. It has led me back to America, where a nursing home resident made me realize the simple but powerful gesture of healing by forming connections. It has been demanding, but extremely fulfilling. As a physician, I hope to merge the lessons from all my experiences to work at the interface of science, society, and person, contributing to advancements in medical infrastructure while never losing sight of the individual patients who make medicine so meaningful. 

As you read through this medical school personal statement example, pay particular attention to the way the author implements the following techniques into their personal statement:

  • Opening with a compelling anecdote : The essay begins with a great description of the applicant's experience building a standing wheel for a child with cerebral palsy in Uganda. This engaging opening captures the reader's attention and creates a sense of curiosity.
  • Showing personal growth and transformation : The essay demonstrates how the applicant's experiences in Uganda and at a nursing home have shaped their perspective on patient care. This portrayal of personal growth and transformation adds depth to the narrative.
  • Effectively uses descriptive language and storytelling : The essay utilizes descriptive language to paint a picture of the environments and individuals they’ve encountered. The use of specific details helps the reader visualize the scenes and empathize with the experiences described.
  • Linking personal experiences to broader themes : The applicant connects their experiences in Uganda and at the nursing home to broader themes of healthcare disparities, patient care, and the importance of human connection, showing their analytic skills and level of perspective. 

Consider using some of these techniques to elevate your own personal statement!

As two surgical residents rushed into my room at 10:30 pm with a cart of equipment, a few nightmare scenarios raced through my mind. Where are they going to stick that tube? Why the scissors? 

It turned out that my team of doctors had decided that a nasogastric (NG) tube needed to be placed immediately. By that point I had already been through a lot: years of immunosuppressant drugs and steroids that made my face moon-shaped, a series of surgeries to rearrange my digestive tract, and a few bowel obstructions that led me to the emergency room. For some reason, none of those experiences haunt me more than recalling that NG tube on that night. Five painful attempts to force the tube down my nose and into my throat were all unsuccessful. I was in tears, one of the residents was in tears, and blood and mucus covered my hospital gown; the night had gone downhill fast.

Enduring grueling medical interventions was nothing out of the ordinary for me, but the lack of conversation or connection with my team left me emotionally unprepared and in shock. Alone and recovering from surgery, I was vulnerable at that moment and suddenly felt like the doctors were not on my team. I began to feel like the residents were disappointed in me and that I had caused the procedure to fail. I still remember being unable to process what had happened and staring out the window all that night. I knew that residents had already undergone years of training, yet seeing one resident cry made me wonder if she was just as scared as I was. In the same way that nothing could have prepared me for that night, countless hours of training as a medical student does not necessarily prepare one to gain the trust of a vulnerable, anxious patient.

In the days following this experience, I developed a new appreciation for my primary care physician at the time, colorectal surgeon Dr. [NAME]. It is frightening to be surgically sliced into, but Dr. [NAME] had a way about him of making every decision and action seem perfectly natural and safe. He greeted me the same way every morning: “kak dila, Aaronchik,” asking me how I was doing and calling me by the Russian name only my mom used. We would speak in English, but when he dropped in a Russian word at the beginning or end it reminded me that he recognized me not just as a patient, but as a person. His constant efforts to connect with me and reassure me were the basis of my confidence in Dr. [NAME]. I knew that he had gone through extensive training and was technically qualified, but his emotional appeals were the overwhelming factor in the state of my morale. The atmosphere of security Dr. [NAME] brought into the room was the most memorable part of my interactions with him and separated him from all the other physicians I had seen. 

In the years prior to the NG tube incident unfolding, through countless conversations with attendings, residents, and medical students who took care of me throughout my adolescence, I cultivated a deep-rooted interest in pursuing a medical career. I learned a great deal about the intellectual and physical challenges of medical school and residency. However, my challenging experience with the NG tube provided me with a new understanding of patient care: I realized that it is not necessarily about what you know but about how you integrate that knowledge to make a meaningful connection with a human being under your care.

Dr. [NAME] exemplified how critical it is as a physician to instill palpable trust, not through pedigree and authority but through humanity. Thinking about Dr. [NAME] crystallized the feelings I had for years as a patient, that the field of medicine could be better, not only through technical advances but through the human touch and word, and that I could directly make this happen. Attending medical school will provide me with the tools and education I need to return to the wards, not as a patient but as a provider. In the back of my mind, I will always retain the inspiration of Dr. [NAME], who helped me recognize that my perspective from hardship will one day benefit those under my care.

As another one of the excellent medical school personal statement examples shared in this guide, let’s breakdown what makes this essay so effective:

  • Uses personal anecdotes to convey emotional impact : The essay describes the applicant's emotional state during the NG tube placement, highlighting their vulnerability, shock, and feelings of disappointment and isolation. The use of specific details adds depth and evokes empathy from the reader.
  • Maintains a consistent theme : Throughout the essay, the theme of the importance of empathy, connection, and the human touch in patient care is consistently emphasized, creating a cohesive narrative that reinforces the applicant's passion and commitment to medicine.
  • It defines what good medicine means to them : The student explains the lack of empathy they faced as a patient and how it informed their own philosophy on medicine and the type of doctor they’d like to become, giving the committee concrete future goals and demonstrating their intent and ambition. 
  • Reflections on the broader implications of their experiences : The applicant reflects on their experiences as a patient and draws broader conclusions about the field of medicine as a whole, which demonstrates their ability to think critically about the healthcare system and how they can contribute to it.

All of these features work together to ensure this personal statement follows the three E’s! 

“[NAME] is a seventeen-year-old female with suicidal ideations.” The emergency room nurse continued her report as I nervously riffled through [NAME]’s transfer of care paperwork. Looking toward the room where [NAME] and her parents were waiting to speak with me, I could not shake the overwhelming feeling that I was unprepared.

As a new EMT, I was filled with excitement and anticipation to gain experience in the medical field. After months of training, I was finally using my skills to help real patients. As I saw it, this would affirm my desire to become a doctor, a goal I have had since my aunt was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer when I was eight years old. I witnessed firsthand the comfort that my aunt’s medical team brought to my family during such a daunting time in our lives, and I knew then that I wanted to one day be that source of knowledge and support for others. 

My aunt’s illness also illuminated my interest in the science of medicine. I spent a lot of time learning from my uncle, a medical research scientist, who answered my countless questions about astrocytomas, innovative surgeries, and chemotherapies. I carried my fascination for the medical field with me throughout my undergraduate education, where my coursework, research, and my EMT training prepared me to care for patients biologically. And while I knew how to assess vitals, manage an airway, deliver medications, and even the physiologic processes of those actions, I now found myself face-to-face with a much more personal facet of medicine. I felt utterly underqualified to care for [NAME] psychologically. 

I knocked apprehensively on the glass sliding door to the emergency department exam room. “Hi [NAME], my name is [NAME]. I’m an EMT with the ambulance service here to transport you to the mental health facility. How are you feeling?” [NAME]’s solemn expression and her parents’ frightened eyes heightened my nerves. Had I already asked the wrong thing? Was I equipped to handle this situation?

After helping [NAME] into the ambulance and taking my seat, I searched for something to say. The nurse had explained that social pressures including moving away for college were exacerbating [NAME]’s struggles with anxiety and depression. I was afraid that approaching topics such as friends and school, as I normally would with patients her age, would make her more upset. Reaching for the blood pressure cuff near her stack of belongings, I spotted a novel by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

“Are you reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo? I love that book!” I exclaimed, nervously hoping for a connection.

As it turned out, like me, [NAME] loved to read. I smiled as she looked up and began talking excitedly about her favorite books. [NAME] continued to open up, but an uneasiness returned to her voice when she asked me about the facility and how long her treatment would take. I knew my answer was not one she wanted to hear. 

Preparing to deliver the difficult news, I was reminded of talking to my sisters. Growing up, uncertain times were the norm for me and my sisters because of our aunt’s diagnosis. Like me, my sisters were afraid and confused as we watched one of our favorite people slowly succumb to her illness. As the oldest, I often took on the responsibility of explaining my aunt’s condition to my sisters in a way I knew they would understand. When it came time for my aunt to go into hospice care, I wanted to be the one to tell my sisters, knowing I could string the words together delicately for them. It was through caring for my younger sisters that I developed the communication skills needed to discuss difficult subjects.

Holding [NAME]’s hand as I would my own sister’s, I explained that she would likely miss out on time with friends and family during her treatment. I consoled her and gave reassurance that her wellbeing was the main priority of both her medical team and her loved ones. 

Offering [NAME] some solace during that uncertain time in her life exemplifies why I want to go into medicine. Through my aunt’s physicians and the ones I have shadowed, I have always been inspired by the role each played in ensuring that patients felt comfortable, informed, and cared for. As an EMT, comforting words were the most I had to offer [NAME], and I learned that these are sometimes the most important medicine we have to offer. I want to be a physician so I can gain the knowledge and skills necessary to care for patients both medically and emotionally through hard times. 

While not every patient opens up as [NAME] did, I always do my best to ensure each patient feels safe and heard. I often think of my aunt and my sisters during these encounters and how I would want them to be treated. Studying medicine will be a way for me to honor my family’s story and to use the way it has shaped me to care for others. While I still at times doubt myself when caring for patients, these situations drive my motivation to become a physician. I have learned that I enjoy working in an ever-advancing field where each day brings unique challenges. A career in medicine will always be fulfilling, as every patient interaction is an opportunity for me to become better. I am excited to continue to face challenging situations throughout my career which will push me to be an empathetic physician.

As you read through these medical school personal statement examples, you’ll notice many of them focus on patient care that goes beyond simply diagnosing and treating illness. Instead, they focus on empathetic care and comfort. 

This is because so many personal statements tend to focus solely on the former, and approaching patient care from a different angle can make your statement more distinct. 

This essay also focuses on being an empathetic physician, which helps it stand out. Here are some other parts of the essay that also stand out:

  • It shows vulnerability : As an aspiring med student, you’ll have much to learn about healthcare. This student demonstrates their awareness of this by stating they felt unprepared to handle the psychological aspects of patient care, proving they are self-aware and willing to improve their skill set.
  • It integrates the past, present, and future : The applicant effectively weaves together their past experiences, current interactions with patients, and future aspirations in medicine. They draw connections between their personal experiences, their growth as an EMT, and their vision for their future.
  • It takes an interdisciplinary approach : The applicant brings a unique perspective by sharing how their background as an EMT prepared them for patient care, but also emphasizes the importance of addressing psychological aspects of medicine, adding depth to their understanding of healthcare.

Overall, the student is able to demonstrate their passion, limitations, and skills while also proving their dedication to patient-centered care and knowledge that comprehensive patient care involves treating the mind and body.

The radio went off, and we burst into action. My crew and I grabbed our medical equipment, taking off in the direction of the dispatch, a student overdose in a nearby freshman dorm room. 

I had joined the [COLLEGE]’s Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) as a freshman because I wanted to be a doctor. I’ve had this dream since I was four, when I began going on rounds with my father at the hospital. I loved seeing the positive impact my father’s job had on people. It made me proud of my father to know that his care helped all of those patients, struggling with fear and anxiety over their ailments, feel safe and comforted. I knew that one day I wanted to have the same impact on people. That excitement about medicine led to my study of pre-medicine and health care economics in college. But my studies, my health care research, and shadowing doctors were not enough to satisfy my medical aspirations. I wanted to participate firsthand. MERT was an opportunity to gain hands-on medical experience. 

That night, on the short way over to the dorm, my mind raced. I was just a freshman, with barely more than an untested skill set and a few months of response experience. Not surprisingly, I was second-guessing myself. An overdose? Can I even treat that? And then suddenly there I was, on scene, unbelievably scared. I looked around the room, put on my gloves, took a deep breath, and forgot my fears.

“Hello, my name is [NAME]. I’m an EMT. What’s going on today?”

A freshman, stressed about school and family issues, had overdosed on antidepressants mixed with a few Tylenol and chased with some vodka. She was having trouble breathing, so we started to set up an oxygen mask to help her. But she fought us. She kept trying to take the mask off, repeatedly telling us that she did not want it, then yelling at us that she didn’t need it. 

I began to plead with her, my voice nearly breaking. As I slowly attempted to wrestle the mask back into place over her mouth and nose, I told her that we were just trying to help. Her response will never leave me. In a sudden fit of calm, she grabbed my hand, kissed it, looked me in the eyes and said, “I know.”

We continued to care for our patient. Soon enough, the paramedics arrived on scene and they strapped her into a stair chair to be taken to the ambulance and then to the hospital.

My team and I sat in the squad room immediately after the call shaking and wired. As we debriefed and enjoyed a post-call pizza, I began to realize the importance of our interventions. I had seen my fair share of drunken patients, minor injuries, and flu patients—ailments that, while dangerous, allow the care provider time to think, ask questions, and assess. But here, the intervention required had been more immediate. The more experienced EMTs around me walked me through the debrief. They aided me in overcoming my panic and apprehension that we could have done more and that this could have happened to someone I knew. 

I thought back to what the patient had said to me, that she knew I wanted to help. Her words made me think about why I wanted to help. On one level, the answer was simple: I wanted to help because I knew I could. But on a deeper level, I helped because I want to have the same positive impact on people as my father. I want to make people feel safe and cared for. I can’t think of anything more satisfying than using my knowledge and skills to assist someone who really needs me.

This event was a turning point for me. I began to dedicate as much time as possible to MERT, eventually rising through the ranks to become a clinical crew chief and then captain. 

More recently, toward the end of junior year, I had another overdose call. Another stressed college student, but this time he was completely unresponsive from a heroin overdose. Through proper airway management, I assisted in saving his life. This time there was no second-guessing or anxiety, just a determination to help the patient. I led my crew through the call and, after the call, the debrief. As a leader in MERT, I was able to walk them through overcoming their own feelings of doubt and anxiety, so they could be proud of the work they had done.

Being a college EMT offers a unique set of difficulties. We treat our friends and colleagues, seeing them at their worst. And when it’s all over, we have to sit down, write up what we saw in a patient care report, and then try to go back to just being college students who eat pizza with their friends on weeknights. But I love the work I do with MERT and the determination, stress-management, and compassion I get to practice through it.

MERT has become an integral part of my life. It challenges me every day to learn more and apply my knowledge in critical situations. This has been a hugely influential step for me on my path to becoming a doctor. I know that as I continue learning and striving as an EMT, I will encounter many more high-stress, high-stakes situations. These experiences will shape me as I grow into a more proficient, emotionally adept care provider. I look forward to the challenges I will encounter as an EMT, and later as a doctor.

Sharing a tale where you’re the hero who saves a patient is always a great way to spruce up your personal statement, as this student has! However, that’s not the only aspect that makes this a winning personal statement:

  • It demonstrates their personal motivation : The writer shares a childhood dream of becoming a doctor that was inspired by their father's impact on patients. This demonstrates a long-standing passion for medicine.
  • It shows they have hands-on experience : Having experience in the field tells the admissions committee you’re already honing the skills required to thrive in the field. The writer discusses their involvement in MERT,which shows their proactive approach to pursuing opportunities beyond classroom learning.
  • It's realistic : The writer acknowledges the difficulties of being a college EMT, treating friends and colleagues, and dealing with the emotional aftermath of intense situations. This shows their understanding of the complexities and demands of the medical profession.
  • It includes their future outlook : The essay concludes by expressing enthusiasm for the continued challenges and growth opportunities that lie ahead as an EMT and future doctor. This demonstrates a resilient and forward-thinking mindset that the admissions committee will surely appreciate.

While this type of experience can certainly add intrigue to your personal statement, remember that you don’t need to share such a heroic tale to write a captivating essay! Any experience you share in your personal statement, if explained descriptively and connected to your desire to pursue medicine, can be powerful!

“We only use around 10% of our brains.” Ms. [LAST NAME]’s voice permeated through the silent 4th grade classroom. All of us intently took notes while she read off of the day’s lesson plan. My brow furrowed - was this correct?

At the dinner table, I asked my parents. They smiled, and told me to use my resources to find out. I used the family computer to ask Google, and as I suspected, website after website labeled the statement as a myth. Many sources echoed a similar rationale, stating that “FDG-PET, relying on the high quantities of glucose absorbed by Neurons and Glia, shows large amounts of brain activity even when we’re asleep.” I read the statement again. And again. We’d learned about glucose in our science class, but what in the world were Neurons and Glia?

My curiosity pushed me down a rabbit hole. The more I read, the more questions I had. What’s an action potential? What’s a synapse? I kept searching until I heard my mother say “Tulog na, [NAME]” It was time to go to bed.

Progressing through school, I never fully understood the answers to my questions. This changed when I took psychology, where we focused on the brain. Although this knowledge answered my 4th grade self’s inquiries, tens more replaced them, all culminating in one large question: how does our brain, and body as a whole, even work?

Looking for answers, I turned to AI. Believing it to be the closest estimate to how the brain worked, I learned Python and other languages. The deeper I went, the more enamored I became - fixing bugs was extremely gratifying, creating a positive feedback loop. Eventually, I wrote and trained my own AI, my first triumph in a sea of errors. By 10th grade, I was set on entering the world of Computer Science (CS). At the time, however, I didn’t realize that something was missing from this profession.

My perspective changed in 11th grade because of one word: Hyperaldosteronism. Battling with hypertension and hypokalemia throughout the majority of his life, my dad finally had a diagnosis. The culprit was a peanut sized tumor in his adrenal glands. The surgeon was confident in its removal. I was amazed - she, in her early 30s, had devised a minimally invasive procedure to resect the tumor. In the same way us coders wrote, debugged, and endlessly tested code, this surgeon studied, tested, and applied her knowledge of human anatomy to craft a less invasive but equally successful procedure. This experience helped me understand exactly what CS was missing: the element of serving others.

Upon diving into what it meant to be a healthcare professional, I realized medicine held the same allure as CS; both were mentally stimulating, and learning the etiology of diseases gave that same feeling of gratification that pushed me in CS. However, instead of a screen displaying lines of code, it was a smiling face that evidenced a job well done. This contrast became apparent when shadowing a neurosurgeon. Our first case was a veteran presenting for a post-op checkup. Previously rendered unable to walk because of an IED, I watched in awe as he took his first steps in 5 years. “It still hurts like hell,” he muttered jokingly. His wife replied, “but you’re walking ain’tcha?” The joy that emanated from deep patient-provider relationships recapitulated itself as I observed how other physicians went the extra mile to guide their patients through tough moments in their lives. Sure, it would take an extra 10 minutes to fully explain a treatment plan, but every one of those seconds was a brick in the shared path to healing. 

At [PROGRAM], I’ve explored the intersection of computer science and patient care. Working in a Digital Pathology lab, I am able to apply the concepts of computer vision to aid pathologists in their meticulous investigation of patient slides. My PI believes in using the creative process to solve problems, which provides the independence for us to experience the beauty of the scientific method. Despite the steep learning curve of such an approach, each “eureka!” moment became easier and easier to achieve. This culminated in [TOOL NAME], a tool developed by our lab to expedite the process of validating uncountably many slide annotations. Although I felt a great sense of accomplishment seeing my 3 years of work elegantly manifest in a simple yet powerful tool, the same sense of longing that irked me in high school once again reared its ugly head. I missed the patient-provider interactions of clinical work that completed the field for me.

To that end, I have continued to pursue the provider perspective of medicine. From Cardiology and Endocrinology to Gastroenterology and Neurology, each opportunity showcased the importance of compassionate care. Through these amazing physicians, I was able to see the difference the extra mile makes as patient after patient thanked their provider for explaining their condition and the rationale for their treatment.

With these experiences, my love for medicine has grown immensely. While I am immersed in these clinical settings, it’s apparent that there’s no way humans only use 10% of their brains; rather, seeing and modeling the compassionate work of my physician role models has made it clear I use 100% of my brain when serving those facing paralytic questions of health.

Here’s what works well in this medical school personal statement example:

  • It starts with a quote : Starting your statement off with a quote can make it cliche unless you do what this student has and use a personal quote that a teacher, friend, or family member—and not an influential leader—said.
  • It’s coherent and shows progression : The essay flows logically, connecting the writer's childhood curiosity to their exploration of computer science and medicine, and arriving at their current passion for patient care. This allows the reader to follow the writer's journey of self-discovery.
  • It’s passionate and authentic : Throughout the essay, the writer's genuine passion for both computer science and medicine shines through. While many students solely focus on medicine, including these additional passions helps set this statement apart and add authenticity. 
  • It shares relevant and desirable experiences : The writer mentions their experiences shadowing physicians in various specialties, which provided them with insight into the medical field and reinforced their love for medicine. These experiences demonstrate their commitment to and readiness for medicine.

In summary, this personal statement effectively combines the writer's intellectual pursuits, personal experiences, and reflections to showcase their commitment to medicine. It also portrays their understanding of the importance of compassionate care and their unique perspective as someone with a background in computer science. 

If you have a passion other than medicine, use it to your advantage to make your statement memorable! The committee knows you aren’t just interested in medicine, so give them deeper insight into your background and what makes you, you!

“I don’t know.” Those were the words of my infectious disease specialist, who saw me after I lost 20 pounds and was suffering from a temperature of 100-102˚F nearly 24 hours a day. What followed in the next eight months was a battery of tests; everything from Lupus to cancer was ruled out, and upon coming to a diagnostic dead end, I confronted those three devastating words. How could they come out of a physician’s mouth? My disease was labeled as a fever of unknown origin, or FUO. Unlike the other times I had been sick, there was no pill to take or treatment plan to follow. 

This experience not only fueled my desire to pursue medicine, but also helped me overcome what was the toughest year of my life. I emerged from the FUO with a new sense of resilience that I attribute to the myriad of interactions with my doctor. Furthermore, I always carried the implicit lesson I learned from him: that it is vital to recognize you will not know everything, but it is equally as important to keep searching for answers.

Ultimately, this poignant realization transformed my deeply ingrained fear of the unknown into a passion to seek, confront, and solve challenging problems. More importantly, it provided a path to pursue that passion; I knew that guiding people through harrowing times, regardless of whether I had all the answers, would give me the same satisfaction that exuded from my doctor when the FUO finally faded away a year later. Specifically, I recognized the courage and commitment that drove my doctor to never surrender were also virtues of my own character. This was made apparent in many experiences, such as rescuing a brother and sister from the deep end as a lifeguard or consoling a decompensating man in the back of an ambulance as an EMT.

My experiences during my FUO and the shadowing of others in healthcare revealed the importance of being comfortable with uncertainty. I have realized that success does not come from “faking it until you make it;” instead, it stems from reaching out to others with the purpose of expanding your own knowledge so that you may in turn guide those who are lost. Early on, I was afraid to do this, as I thought physicians, and therefore me as well, should always have an answer. However, after observing what I believed was an omniscient hospitalist ask the nurses about what they thought of each patient before even walking into the patients’ rooms, that fear subsided. 

This realization affected my attitude in the lab as well. To me, research is an archetypal form of the unknown; it is impossible to predict whether a single transformation, let alone an entire experiment, will succeed. My new mentality caused the failed iterations of my antibody cloning projects to become valuable information rather than red X’s in my notebook, and instead of hesitating to tell my PI that “It didn’t work, again,” I strode into his office, determined to brainstorm a new strategy. While this uncertainty was unnerving at first, my lesson on confronting such situations anchored my resolve to be both relentless in effort and unafraid to approach others for guidance. 

Despite the drive that emanates from having a passion constantly being reinforced by experiences inside and outside of a healthcare setting, I knew that without certain principles such as resiliency, I would be unable to help others like my specialist helped me. His tenacity inspired me to seek a volunteer experience abroad that challenged me to develop a critical consciousness in an unfamiliar culture. While the societal ills plaguing low-income Scottish communities were similar to those in the U.S., it was difficult to persuade the community members that I was an advocate rather than a critical outsider. The service-users were initially skeptical of my intentions, but I was able to break free from the “voluntourism” stereotype by adapting my dialogue to fit the nuances I encountered. 

Attacking this problem required reaching out to [NAME], my supervisor. Whether it was how to respond to someone who tried to warn me about the “dangers of the neighborhood” or brainstorming a more appropriate phrase in the workout guide I was creating, I treated the uncertainty and problems I encountered as temporary roadblocks that could be overcome with enough effort. Ultimately, drawing upon my resiliency resulted in a community gym guide that the organization later printed en masse to hand out to new members. In light of my previous problems in acclimating to the culture, I was ecstatic to hear that I had made a lasting impact on people in what otherwise would have been a transient experience. 

Ironically, hearing “I don’t know” from a physician ultimately led me to realizing that I want to become one. I believe the principles and lessons derived from that event and the experiences that followed have set me on the path to medical school with the wind at my back. While I dread the day I utter those three words to my patient, I know that admitting so will never dampen my desire to change lives. It is my values and passion in conjunction with the knowledge gained from facing challenges riddled with uncertainty that I will confidently guide others through their toughest times so they too can pursue their passions unencumbered by sickness or fear. 

  • It tells a unique story : This story is told in a creative way in which ambiguity is turned into inspiration and effectively describes how this student decided to pursue medicine.
  • It shows awareness : It can be easy to paint doctors as all-knowing individuals who have all the answers. But this isn’t realistic! This student brings attention to this and shows their self-awareness by stating they may not always know the answer as a physician, but it won’t stop them from trying to change lives.
  • It immerses the reader : The detailed imagery and inclusion of dialogue adds a sense of immediacy and authenticity to the narrative. It brings the reader into the scene and makes the experiences more relatable.
  • There’s emotional appeal : The author effectively appeals to the reader's emotions by sharing personal struggles and triumphs. By expressing vulnerability and reflecting on the impact of their experiences, the author carefully creates an emotional connection with the reader.

By employing these writing techniques, the author creates a personal statement that is both compelling and impactful–two traits you’ll notice all of the medical school personal statement examples in this guide have!

When I first learned how to whistle as a child, I couldn’t stop. My whistling was endless, from morning to night, until my exasperated parents told me an old Korean superstition that whistling at night brings out snakes and evil spirits. The fact that they were saying this to tame my newfound talents flew past my head. To keep the snakes and spirits safely at bay, I dutifully stopped whistling after sundown.

Because my parents are both doctors who worked long hours during my childhood, they often could not pick me up after school. As the shadows grew longer and darker in the empty school hallways, I would often avoid bad omens out of fear of what could be lurking, such as steering clear of the 13th classroom. At my violin recitals, I would cross my fingers and knock on wood hoping my parents would be able to get out of work and attend. A lot of the time, I was unable to see my parents’ faces among the audience as I got up on the stage. My superstitious beliefs consumed my mind, and I found myself relentlessly performing these habits without a second thought as to their effectiveness. 

All throughout high school, I felt pressured to follow in my parents’ footsteps and become a physician. From my childhood experiences, my understanding of medicine was limited to the sacrifices my parents made as they were both hard workers and dedicated physicians. My dad had to stay in South Korea to support us, while my mom lived the life of a single mom in America, without actually being a single mom. I had and still have deep respect for their sacrifices, but I also saw the toll it took on our family. As I entered [COLLEGE], I started taking pre-med courses, but by then, I had a complicated relationship with medicine and had internal conflicts about what it meant to be a doctor. 

Just as my childhood superstitious tendencies had been engraved in me without taking a critical look at them, I saw my parents’ lives as doctors as examples of what I should be without questioning it. I didn’t have my own true passion at that point to support this goal. I took some time to reflect within and considered other avenues for my future. Instead of pursuing medicine, I decided to major in Psychology and Public Health. 

When my friend was in a bus accident, I spent a great deal of time in the ICU. When I wasn’t by her bedside, I looked around the ICU, curious about the doctors’ discussing their patients’ progress and their ability to heal others, the spotless, white equipment everywhere, and the quiet, contemplative environment filled with people dedicated to helping their fellow human being in pain. This profound experience inspired me to shadow an ICU physician at [HOSPITAL NAME] Hospital to gain real firsthand experience and to decide if this was truly the right path for me. 

My experiences there transformed my thoughts about what it meant to be a doctor, when the mother of a coma patient clutched at the coat of the attending physician, begging for answers as to why her previously healthy, happy daughter was now fighting for her life. Suddenly, being a doctor was not just science classes and doctor parents missing my recitals as a child. Being a doctor meant having the education and abilities to give comfort to patients’ families, just as much as it meant treating illness and saving lives. The way that the attending calmly communicated methods of recourse and explanations for the coma struck something within me. No one else in the world could have given that mother the relief and counsel that she needed at a time when she was at her most vulnerable. I wanted nothing more than to take on that role and finally knew, after all this experience, that medicine was my calling. 

As a senior student teetering on graduation and going out into the world, and with all the new insight I had gained through shadowing, I decided that becoming a physician was one of my ultimate life goals. With the renewed sense of direction I garnered, along with the firm conviction that a career in medicine is the right path for me, I am confident that I will be able to take on a rigorous pre-med curriculum and succeed. During the time that I was not pre-med, I was able to discover my passion for medicine. As such, this time in my life was instrumental in getting me to where I am today. It would be the privilege of a lifetime to be accepted into [COLLEGE NAME]’s post-baccalaureate program, and I know that it would provide an extraordinary foundation to become a great physician. 

Here are some key points to consider as you reflect on this personal statement:

  • It uses engaging storytelling : The personal statement begins with a descriptive and unique childhood anecdote about whistling and superstition, immediately capturing the reader's attention and immersing the reader.
  • It has a clear purpose : The personal statement conveys the author's newfound passion and commitment to medicine. It demonstrates a clear understanding of the challenges and responsibilities of being a physician and the desire to make a difference in people's lives.
  • It flows well : The essay transitions smoothly from discussing childhood experiences to exploring the author's realization and passion for medicine. The transition is logical and allows the reader to understand the development of the author's aspirations.
  • It’s specific : The personal statement mentions shadowing experiences and highlights the author's desire to pursue a rigorous pre-med curriculum. It shows that the author has gained practical exposure to the field and is dedicated to acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in it.
  • It’s tailored to the institution : The personal statement mentions the student’s desire to be accepted into a specific post-baccalaureate program, indicating research and knowledge about the institution. This demonstrates a genuine interest in the program and a willingness to contribute to its community.

The author's ability to convey their personal experiences and evoke emotion makes this statement stand out. It is a testament to their growth, resilience, and unwavering determination to pursue medicine. 

Warm covers slide off my body as I come to my senses. In the corner of my eyes, dust dances in the amber rays that shine through the blinds. As my fingers tap away at my phone, astray text catches my eye. My childhood friend, [NAME], took his own life at a park in our hometown.

Caught in a moment I could never prepare for, my mind races. I inhale, then exhale. “This changes nothing,” I assure myself. Tears soak my eyes and my vision blurs.

As the days passed, I found it difficult to look at life and school the same way. I grappled with the question of how I could become a doctor knowing that I would witness death again. Cycling through the stages of grief, I became irate on certain days and felt hopeless on others. 

To cope, I went to great lengths to watch my diet, manage my sleep hygiene and ensure that my health came first. Through countless nights, I would flip through pages on various philosophies and religions; of note to me were Buddhism, Christianity and Stoicism. No amount of self care and enlightenment could bring [NAME] back. Instead, it helped me come to terms with the difficult truth that I had been denying: [NAME]’s passing changed everything.

As I came to accept [NAME]’s passing, I developed the belief that we are responsible for ascribing meaning to the sacrifices of those who have passed. Since [NAME] had struggled with addiction, I began reading to better understand the functions of addiction and observe the many ways it manifested, seeking to spread mental health awareness on campus. 

With this knowledge, I would aim to help patients find value in their own lives, in spite of the physical and mental ailments they may face. My responsibility as a doctor would be two-fold - just as I would be responsible for diagnosing and treating patients on a physical level, I must also ensure that their emotional needs are met and they feel comfortable working with me as their doctor. 

With time, I saw the impact of my approach pay off. I enlisted to become co-director of the advocacy branch of [COLLEGE NAME]s Active Minds chapter, spreading my story in hopes it would inspire others. I reached out to students who were struggling with their own mental health and provided them with aid and support using the iCBT tools I learned through [COLLEGE NAME]’s STAND program. 

By taking into account the lives of the patients and their own mental wellbeing, their path to recovery can be much smoother - their quality of life will improve and they will realize that the doctor is working for the betterment of the patient’s life.

It was through these connections that I began to discover my innate passion and talent for guiding others. By ensuring fellow students and friends felt heard and understood, I could ease their worries and alleviate their tensions in life.

I find this property of the human condition charming; all it takes is a touch of connection to realize that the strife and tiredness that so often arises in life does not control us. I wish to give my future patients hope that even if they are suffering from a physical or mental condition, there will always be a blissful part of our soul that we can find ourselves comfortable in during the healing process.

Though many clinicians are involved in this healing process and can provide this necessary ‘calming presence,’ great doctors effectively shoulder an immense amount of trust and responsibility from both their patients and their colleagues. They often decide how to treat patients while balancing their wealth of knowledge with empathy and compassion. 

As a doctor, I would work to use this influence in order to ensure that the needs of people of color, women, LGBTQ+ communities and individuals facing mental illness are properly addressed. My time at [COLLEGE] allowed me to interact and work with members of these communities - opportunities that I did not have in the more culturally homogenous state of [STATE].

My care for patients would extend beyond empathy and compassion. Whether I was looking to elevate my experience in research by administering psychological tests to patients taking initiative to elevate my involvement in Active Minds, [COLLEGE]s mental health organization, I have always sought for ways to pursue new and enriching experiences beyond what was expected of me. 

Rather than taking a top-down approach to medicine, it would be my job to facilitate a connection that allows both the patient and myself to grow and understand more about one another.

Just as I would learn more about each patient and case that I review, I know that I would constantly have to research and incorporate new developments in medicine. I hope to embrace these changes in an effort to understand how the body and mind continue to evolve. By approaching each day as a learning experience, rather than a set mission with a set end, I hope to continue expanding my knowledge by understanding patients better, staying informed on the latest treatments and navigating public policy well beyond medical school and residency.

[NAME]’s passing brought me much heartache and grief. Through time, this grief has become a transformative experience. Rather than lamenting on his passing, I hope to do well on his legacy. Just as his deep laughter once brought joy to my life, perhaps my work will afford a future patient many more days of laughter and life.

There are multiple aspects of this medical school personal statement example that work well:

  • It uses an engaging narrative : The personal statement follows a narrative structure, starting with the initial event and progressing through the author's emotional and intellectual development. This structure helps engage the reader and creates a cohesive flow to the story.
  • Its integration of personal experience and academic interest : The author effectively connects their personal experience of loss with their academic interest in medicine. They demonstrate how their personal journey led them to develop a strong commitment to mental health advocacy and patient care.
  • It uses concrete anecdotes : The author includes specific anecdotes and experiences to illustrate their growth and passion for helping others. These anecdotes provide concrete examples of their commitment to medicine.
  • It ends strong : The author mentions their friend’s legacy and their desire to continue it through their work as a physician, which leaves an impression on the readers and adds depth to their motivation to join the field.

This personal statement is emotional and captivating. It provides the committee with a glimpse of who this student is, what they have been through, and how they resiliently used adversity as inspiration to become a better physician and person overall. 

While many students focus on proving their ability to be great physicians, few also prove their ability and desire to be great people overall, but the two go hand in hand! Demonstrating both can make you a more attractive and well-rounded candidate. 

The doctor’s voice faded as I stared blankly at the wall behind her. Tears welled in my eyes, and the staccato sips of the oxygen regulator quickened with my pulse. The words “We can’t do anything for you,” echoed and stung. 

Just a couple of years before, I identified as a healthy, active young woman, but now I felt like a prisoner in my own body. Bound to 24-hour oxygen, I was nearing end-stage pulmonary hypertension from multiple blood clots that turned to scar tissue in my lungs, and the doctor was telling me the disease would only progress.

Just as vividly as I remember the doctor saying nothing could be done, I also remember the day the care team came into my hospital room after my pulmonary thromboendarterectomy to discuss the Results of my most recent pulmonary diffusion scan. My heart pounded. I wanted nothing more than to hear that I would be okay and that I could return to activities like running and backpacking that previously brought me so much joy. 

As my physician pointed out the differences between my pre- and post-op scans, smiles and tears emerged on every face in the room. After two years of severely limited lung capacity, my lungs had nearly normalized, the hypertension was gone, and my heart would heal over the next few months. 

I am often at a loss for words when trying to convey the impact my doctors and care team had on the trajectory of my life, and I would not be who I am today without their empathy and dedication to improving my health. Although I always had a strong interest in medicine, this transformative experience inspired me to pursue a career as a physician so I may help others as my physicians have helped me.

One month after my surgery, I went back to school motivated and eager to advance in my prerequisites and achieve my goal of attending medical school and becoming a physician. I earned As in every class I took, often setting the curve on exams and accepting requests by professors to tutor my peers. 

Outside of school, I sought out non-profit organizations that aligned with my values and fueled my passion for service, health equity, and education. I dedicated my time to Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) where I helped organize fundraisers to repeal [STATE]s Three Strikes sentencing law. 

I also volunteer at the [CLINIC NAME] where I am conducting a client-based study that will impact clinic policy, procedures, and recruitment to better serve marginalized communities.

Along the way, I discovered a love and gift for human connection. Through these human connections, I learned that being a physician does not always mean “fixing” people’s ailments, but making sure people feel heard and validated as they receive the care every human deserves. 

While working as a medical assistant, I helped take care of a young, female patient who suffered from a worsening and debilitating eye condition. She came to us desperate, scared, and discouraged after being referred out of six clinics. 

When she arrived, I gathered a thorough medical history, taking note of the details leading up to and following the start of her symptoms. As she described her significant decline in vision, she broke down and shared how terrified she was. Drawing from my own experience, I gave her time and space to express her fears and concerns, reassuring her that we were there to take care of her. 

Given her recent travel history, we identified a parasitic infection as a likely diagnosis, and we urgently referred her to the top infectious disease clinic in our area. Following this appointment, the patient emailed our clinic to thank us for listening to her and making her feel like she mattered. 

During times of uncertainty, the most reassuring gift my physicians gave me was their time, allowing me to feel understood and supported. Knowing I have the capacity and tools to do the same for others is one of the many motivations that will carry me through medical school and beyond.

Reflecting on these experiences, I now understand medicine to be as much of a social practice as it is a scientific one, and, as a physician, I will prioritize patient advocacy, empathetic listening, cultural competency, and holistic approaches to care. 

Additionally, after seeing medicine through the lens of a patient, I am fortunate to know what is at stake when someone’s health is stripped from them and am not afraid to be vulnerable or express humility when faced with challenges that do not have a clear resolution. I believe uncovering patient-specific variables is not only key to avoiding generalizations and potential misdiagnoses, but also to fostering the meaningful doctor-patient relationships essential for successful, equitable treatment.

I have been a runner since I was twelve years old but thought I would never run again after I got sick. When running now, my mind sometimes wanders back to that day in the doctor’s office when I sat tethered to an oxygen tank and struggled to accept that life as I knew it was over. I close my eyes and breathe in deeply, listen to the rhythmic taps of my shoes on the pavement, and take inventory of the immense gratitude I feel for life and the physicians who gave me mine back.

I smile, open my eyes, and run into that feeling of lightness, knowing I can provide that for others.

If out of all the medical school personal statement examples, this one catches your eye, here are its most noteworthy features that you can implement in your own essay:

  • It has an emotional impact : The writer effectively conveys the emotional turmoil they experienced when receiving the diagnosis and hearing the words "We can't do anything for you." The details evoke a sense of empathy, putting the reader right in the writer’s shoes.
  • It demonstrates excellence and passion : The writer showcases their academic achievements, earning top grades and setting the curve in their classes. They also describe their involvement in non-profit organizations which demonstrate their dedication, leadership, and commitment to making a positive impact.
  • They reflect on medicine : The writer reflects on their understanding of medicine as a social practice in addition to a scientific one. Their acknowledgment of the complexity and uncertainties of medicine shows their willingness to express humility-–an important and often overlooked trait for physicians to have.
  • It demonstrates resilience : The passage ends on a hopeful note, as the writer reflects on their ability to run again and the immense gratitude they feel for life and their physicians. They express their determination to provide that sense of lightness and hope to others, proving they have clear direction and intent.

This personal statement is highly reflective, shows the writer’s vulnerability and humility, and proves they have clear goals that they are highly motivated to achieve!

The gravity of a phone call was something I had not fully understood until May 7, 2022. Mere weeks after her wedding, my cousin reached out to our family and delivered news none of us were prepared for. My aunt, affectionately called [AUNT’S NAME] in our native language Telugu, had fallen down the stairs and vomited. My cousin explained that [AUNT’S NAME]'s speech was impaired after the fall, but we did not expect to hear the unimaginable - she was diagnosed with glioblastoma. I felt my cousin's words on a visceral level, trying to put together the pieces she relayed over the phone. [AUNT’S NAME] was the light of every room she walked into, and as a nurse she was able to share her benevolence with patients.

Hearing she was no longer her full-of life self reflected how quickly things would never be the same. Within weeks, she was at [HOSPITAL] undergoing a craniotomy to extract her frontal lobe tumors. The uncertainty my family felt on the ride to visit her post-operation was palpable. Upon arriving, we were assured by the neurosurgeons that the surgery was successful and her tumors were removed. The thorough explanations with which they answered our endless inquiries were immediately noticeable, and I appreciated their patience and compassion in ensuring we were updated on her condition even after a lengthy operation. [AUNT’S NAME] underwent chemotherapy and radiation shortly after. We visited her in August, and the toll these procedures took on her was evident. She could not speak how she once did and her memory and mobility declined: it was painful to see her like this. On Christmas Eve, we visited her as she lay on the hospice bed, opening her eyes every few seconds. She could not experience the new year.

What startled me the most about [AUNT’S NAME]'s death was how sudden everything happened. How could someone who was happy and dancing in April be no longer here with us by December? Glioblastoma had the staggering ability to transform someone who brought warmth and light to everyone into a shell of her former self. As someone fascinated with healthcare since middle school, I had been confident in the ability of medicine to cure any patient's condition. But the doctors did their best, and it still was not enough to save [AUNT’S NAME]'s life. All of their education, training, and work could not fix her affliction. 

Arriving at that realization, I candidly reflected on the true societal value of physicians. The advocacy and support they gave our family during our darkest moments together was nothing short of meritorious. The neurosurgeons and oncologists used their medical knowledge to form a treatment plan around my aunt, and their contributions made all the difference despite her tumors' aggressiveness. More importantly, they prioritized explaining their work to our family in a comprehensible and empathetic way very few others can and ensured she was comfortable during her final days. After recognizing their impact, I felt a calling to also provide care and empathy for patients and their families during moments of need, knowing how much that meant to our family. Much like [AUNT’S NAME] was a shining light in our lives, her doctors provided light for us in the form of knowledge and empathy in our darkest hours. Invigorated to experience what it was like to be an advocate for patients like [AUNT’S NAME], I sought to witness firsthand the work physicians do.

My experience shadowing Dr. [NAME] enabled me to connect with patients from all walks of life. I gained clinical experience working at his clinic and, during my time there, was able to interact with patients like [NAME], who had such severe peripheral neuropathy that he was unable to even pick up a cup of water. Realizing [NAME] was once vibrant and healthy like [AUNT’S NAME] was, I knew [NAME] had the ability and privilege to guide him through this condition beyond merely prescribing medications. I saw my aunt in [NAME], and I knew having the assistance of [NAME] meant the world to him as he navigated living with his condition.

The ephemerality of life I understood following [AUNT’S NAME]s death compelled me to further dedicate my efforts towards serving disadvantaged people through volunteer work. From helping coordinate food drives to serving the homeless at soup kitchens, I was able to connect with local communities by offering hope to the underserved. These experiences developed in me a desire and commitment to apply my medical knowledge in treating patients of various backgrounds with the end goal of improving my community's health. My experiences fostering relationships with patients perpetually remind me of how gratifying it is hearing people from different walks of life and being their advocate throughout their journey of overcoming the illnesses they have.

My desire to complete graduate-level coursework is attributed to my eagerness to pursue a career in medicine. I believe this will hone my study skills and enhance my work ethic so I can excel in medical school and beyond. In addition to developing my study skills, I hope to actively engage in the community and continue shadowing to strengthen my competence to serve patients as their resolute advocate by offering hope in their lowest times.

It’s not unusual for students to write about their own or a loved one’s experience being ill in their medical school personal statement. While the topic may be common, there are ways to still ensure you stand out! Here’s how this student does so:

  • It’s clear and concise : Despite the emotional nature of the subject matter, the writing remains clear and concise. The writer effectively conveys their thoughts and experiences using precise language and impactful imagery.
  • It adds personal touches : Rather than just focusing on their aunt’s experience with her illness, they give the readers a glimpse into their own thought process, what they felt and saw during this challenging time.
  • It’s highly reflective : The writer candidly reflects on their initial confidence in medicine's ability to cure any condition and their subsequent realization that even the doctors' best efforts were not enough to save their aunt's life. This introspection adds depth, maturity, and authenticity to the narrative.
  • There’s a lesson learned : Using their aunt’s story, the writer acknowledges and appreciates the advocacy, support, and empathy provided by their aunt's doctors and explains the importance of physicians that extends beyond just treating sickness, showcasing their well-rounded perspective of a physician’s role.

Overall, these aspects contribute to the effectiveness of the writing by creating an emotionally resonant narrative, highlighting personal growth and reflection, and emphasizing the writer's commitment to compassionate care! 

They may take a similar direction as other students, but their anecdote is highly personal which ensures their personal statement is distinct nonetheless!

I woke up suddenly in agony, unable to move my leg. I shouted over to my mom feeling confused and helpless. I was only 11 years old and had never felt this type of pain. The pain endured, simply getting out of bed was a daily struggle. I met with dozens of specialists looking for answers. However, no one was able to diagnose me, deferring the disability as something musculoskeletal with no real solution. I felt demoralized that I was unable to run around with my friends anymore. The hospital became a revolving door. This pain was consuming my life. No one seemed to understand my urgency. After six long months of little progress, I began to lose hope that I would ever be the same. That was when I met Dr. [NAME].

His attention towards my ailment was different. His demeanor of a warm smile and pure enthusiasm made me feel immediately at ease. He was the only doctor that spoke directly to me, instead of to my parents. For the first time, I felt like I mattered. Although I was not sure he would find the solution to my problem, I knew I found someone who would do everything in his power to try. Fortunately, Dr. [NAME]s investment in my well-being helped determine I was suffering from a psoas impingement. Shortly after surgery, I was able to move my leg again, pain-free. Within a few months, to my surprise, I was able to walk without pain. From that moment on, I wanted to be just like Dr. [NAME]. I wanted to be a vector of hope. I wanted to be a doctor. 

In college, I wanted to test my own volition for medicine. After volunteering in the ER, I became a [CITY] EMT. While I cherished the responsibility of knowing my patients entrusted me with their health, I experienced first hand that my role was far more than having medical knowledge as a first responder. I recall [NAME], a veteran whom I met transporting from dialysis every week. As I helped him onto bed, I heard him ask an aide for water. When I returned for the nurse’s signature, I noticed he still had not gotten his water and so got it for him instead. [NAME] was a bilateral amputee and due to his limited mobility, was completely dependent on his caregivers. 

Although I could not understand [NAME]’s struggles, I knew how it felt to be in a vulnerable state from my own experience as a patient. I could not change [NAME]’s situation; however, I had the opportunity to give [NAME] the same sense of relevance that Dr. [NAME] gave me. I tried to make [NAME] feel at ease – listening and validating his concerns. I connected with him as a person and not just a patient, enabling him to regain a sense of autonomy despite his disabling circumstances. I began to visit him outside of work and helped him find a prosthetist. Seeing the impact I was able to have on [NAME] and so many others as an EMT, further solidified my desire to become a doctor. 

Following graduation, I embarked on a unique opportunity to work for Count Me In (CMI), a research organization at the [INSTITUTE NAME]. CMI applies a patient-centered approach to cancer research, partnering directly with patients and empowering them as experts of their own disease. I analyze patient medical records for all metastatic and rare cancers. Initially, it was challenging because most patients were terminally-ill. Each new record was like starting a book that I knew was going to have an unfortunate ending. I found myself subconsciously reconstructing the patient’s narrative. It was difficult to recount their years of trauma only as a bystander without any ability to change their outcome. 

Fortunately, I was able to meet several patients including [NAME], a patient diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. I will always remember the enthusiasm she spoke with as she described how grateful she was for being a part of CMI. She emphasized how it helped her regain a sense of control over her disease and provided purpose to her suffering. It was empowering to see her excitement for the potential of her data helping others and sense of fulfillment from being involved in her own cancer’s research. I realized the reward of assisting patients attain a sense of autonomy superseded any emotional struggle I may experience studying their hardships. 

I applied to medical school in 2018 following graduation and again in 2020. Since my last application, I have continued to work for CMI, allowing me countless meaningful patient interactions through advisory council meetings and virtual conferences. Each encounter has been a reminder to stay on course, reinforcing my desire to become a physician dedicated to helping patients. CMI has given me the tools and skills needed to be a strong and effective champion of patient advocacy. As a doctor, I will leverage this experience to push for patient autonomy and prioritize patients at the forefront of their care. 

My decision to reapply reflects my conviction that I will be an impactful physician attuned to my patients’ needs. It reflects my endurance as an applicant, which will pay dividends in the long and difficult journey that is medical school and residency. Furthermore, I believe this endurance will allow me to serve as a source of strength for my patients in their disease pathologies, never giving up on finding a solution. I want nothing more than to be a physician. I want to be like Dr. [NAME]. I want to be Dr. [WRITER’S NAME]

Here’s what makes this personal statement effective: 

  • It demonstrates persistence and resilience : The personal statement underscores the writer's persistence and resilience in the face of challenges. They mention reapplying to medical school and continuing to work for CMI, despite previous application setbacks.
  • It showcases clear communication skills : The writer effectively communicates their thoughts, experiences, and motivations using precise language and impactful storytelling. This demonstrates their ability to articulate their ideas and experiences effectively, a valuable skill for a future physician.
  • It remains positive : Despite the challenges described, the writer maintains an overall positive and hopeful tone. The writer focuses on the lessons learned and the impact they can make as a future physician. They do not aim to evoke pity, which is a smart move because it never goes well with admissions committees!
  • It’s authentic : The writing feels genuine and authentic, reflecting the writer's personal experiences, emotions, and motivations. This authenticity makes the personal statement more relatable and compelling to read.

While this personal statement certainly tugs at the heartstrings, it goes beyond simply telling a sad story. Using their difficult experience, they share their inspiration to become a physician, demonstrate their perseverance, and prove they’re dedicated to medicine.

“Who is Wilson and can you tell him that I have basketball practice tonight?” I joked to an assembly of doctors and nurses surrounding my hospital bed. Rather than starting my senior year of high school, I was admitted to the hospital and subjected to several days of relentless testing and consultations. Ultimately, it was confirmed that I was one of 30,000 people in the world diagnosed with Wilson’s disease, a rare copper metabolism disorder that can cause fulminant liver failure. This reserved me a status 1A spot on the national transplant list, a status generally reserved for those who have a prognosis of only a few days of survival. Over the next nine days, I was encephalopathic – dozing in and out of consciousness. Due to the compassionate and selfless act of a twenty--year--old named [NAME], I overcame the inevitable. When no cadaveric donors were available, [NAME] chose to donate a portion of her liver to give me a fighting chance to live. The seventeen-hour surgery and subsequent procedures over the following weeks kick-started an arduous road to recovery and gave me a newfound appreciation for what it means to live. My journey, although daunting, instilled in me a high regard for the fragility of life and has inspired me to want to help others preserve it.

Prior to my own four-month hospital stay, I was no stranger to the weight of a patient’s room. At ten years old, a time when most kids rely on their mom, I instead fulfilled a very different role as mine battled breast cancer. Attending every chemotherapy appointment, emergency room visit, and trip to pick out a new wig, I served as a part of my mom’s care team. I could always be found by her side, painting her nails or watching marathons of I Love Lucy on days when she did not have the strength to get out of bed. Despite all efforts, I lost her. However, I found solace with a newfound appreciation for the impact of death. While she may have physically departed from my presence, her lessons and memories continue to have a hold. My mom’s diagnosis revealed her zest for perseverance. She taught me the immeasurable value of emotional support, which empowered me to provide that to others. I decided to run for the position of Philanthropy Chairman of my sorority at [COLLEGE] and was elected. With this appointment, I strengthened our chapter’s ties with Breastcancer.org — an online forum that supports patients and their families as they are battling breast cancer. I was responsible for raising money and awareness and organized a basketball tournament with the entire student body to support the cause. Just as I sat by my mom’s side throughout every part of her journey, I know she is guiding me wherever my journey leads. And it is because of her that I found resilience when I fought my own battles 7 years later. 

Through my personal struggles as a liver transplant recipient, I was invested in understanding more about my disease process. This desire further sparked my interest in the field of medicine and catalyzed my scientific curiosity to be involved in research. I was given the fortuitous opportunity to study organ rejection patterns and the efficacy of two immunosuppressants - Tacrolimus and Sirolimus. Working alongside Dr. [NAME], my former physician while I was a patient at [HOSPITAL], I gained experience on the power of research. My project entailed retrospectively reviewing the Nemours transplant database and collecting data on all liver transplant recipients. Additionally, I had the opportunity to speak and relate directly to patients and their families. Through my firsthand experiences as both a patient and a research assistant, I know that research is an integral component of medical education and advancement. I hope to continue my involvement in investigative and clinical outcomes research in medical school and as a future physician. 

Furthermore, I have quickly realized the sense of satisfaction and purpose I gain from sharing my story with others. I solidified my commitment to medicine by enrolling in the [COLLEGE]’s Pre-Health Post-Baccalaureate program. To further bolster my education, I became a medical scribe and inserted myself at the center of the patient-provider interaction. I empower my patients to ask questions and provide them with a say in their own care. With this experience, I have learned that bedside manner is just as important as having the medical knowledge to diagnose and treat illness. As someone who has spent time both in hospital beds and preparing beds for medical procedures, I understand the anxiety and complications that come with human health and take pride in sharing my emotional support with my patients each day.

Rather than allowing my diagnosis to define me, I named my puppy Wilson to remind myself of my journey and perseverance. As I put on my scrubs each morning and take Wilson for a walk, my motivation to become a physician grows stronger. My past has enabled me to appreciate the importance of compassion, value of human life, and the kind of person I want to become. I have fully immersed myself in the field and am ready to embark on the next chapter of my life as a future physician—Wilson always at my side.

The following elements make this a winning personal statement:

  • It tells a unique personal story : The writer shares a personal journey that is intimate and impactful. From being diagnosed with a rare disease to experiencing the loss of their mother to cancer, the writer's personal experiences add depth and emotional resonance to their narrative.
  • It demonstrates a commitment to patient advocacy: The writer's philanthropic activities and role as a medical scribe reflect their dedication to advocating for patients. They recognize the importance of empowering patients and involving them in their own care, which are all green flags for the admission committee!
  • The little details matter : Naming their puppy Wilson as a reminder of their journey and perseverance adds a nice personal touch and symbolizes the writer's unwavering motivation to become a physician. It conveys their deep connection to their experiences and their drive to make a difference. 

In case these 15 personal statement examples aren’t enough, you can access a dozen more samples to spark your creativity and help you write a stellar statement!

Steps to Write Your Personal Statement for Medical School

med student writing essay

After reviewing the above medical school personal statement examples, you likely noticed some patterns and have a rough idea of how to structure your statement. But, if you’re still feeling a bit unsure about diving into the writing process, here’s a simple roadmap to get you started :

  • Step one : Spend considerable time on the brainstorming process and reflect on the experiences that have shaped your desire to pursue medicine. Consider your personal growth, the challenges you’ve overcome, your meaningful encounters, and your career aspirations.
  • Step two : Narrow your choices down and choose one significant story that you can connect your other meaningful experiences to.
  • Step three : Use effective storytelling throughout your essay. Show, don’t tell, be descriptive, and immerse your readers! Make sure your story is authentic and reflects your unique perspective.
  • Step four : Prove you’ve done your research and carefully considered your medical school choice. Show how your career goals and interests align with your school’s values.
  • Step five : Revise and edit your work multiple times until you’re satisfied with it, even if it means rewriting your entire essay or changing your central narrative! 
  • Step six : Get feedback from a trusted friend, family member, or mentor to catch any lingering errors or typos.
  • Step seven : Be authentic in your personal statement. Don’t try to impress the admissions committee by using overly embellished or exaggerated stories! Admissions committees appreciate honesty and genuine passion, and they can typically see right through insincerity!

Although writing your personal statement may seem overwhelming at first, following these steps and reflecting on the effective elements of the medical school personal statement examples above should help you complete this application requirement with more confidence!

FAQs: Med School Personal Statements

We’ve gone over several medical school personal statement examples, provided you with a run-down of how to approach your statement, and hopefully instilled some hope and motivation in you to begin your writing journey. 

In case you have any remaining concerns about this application component, here are the answers to frequently asked questions about personal statements for med school! 

1. What Should a Medical School Personal Statement Say?

Your medical school personal statement should clearly articulate your genuine interest in the field and explain what drives you to become a doctor. This could be a personal story, an influential experience, or a deep-rooted desire to make a positive impact on people's lives through healthcare.

You should also share relevant personal experiences that have shaped your decision to pursue medicine and discuss your proudest accomplishments, whether it be extracurriculars , academic achievements, or volunteer endeavors.

Ensure your narrative is unique and that you highlight the qualities that make you a strong candidate for medical school.

2. How Should I Start My Personal Statement for Medical School?

Start your statements as all of the medical school personal statement examples in this guide have—with a unique and intriguing hook. Share an experience that influenced you to become a physician and fully immerse your reader by being descriptive and focusing on several senses.

Try to involve your reader in your writing by painting a vivid picture for them!

3. What Should Be Avoided In a Personal Statement for Medical School?

While there are endless topics you can choose to write about in your personal statement, you should avoid doing the following :

  • Being generic : Have specific goals, intentions, and concrete examples to demonstrate your commitment to medicine.
  • Being cliche : Don’t use overused quotes or claim you pursued medicine to change the world. The committee has seen it a million times and wants deeper insight into what medicine means to you and what kind of physician you hope to become.
  • The Debbie downer : Remain positive in your personal statement, even if you’re mentioning hardship you experienced!
  • Risky humor : while adding some humor into your statement can elevate it and add personality to it, you want to be very careful with the types of jokes you use and err on the side of caution by avoiding any potentially offensive or niche jokes.
  • Neglecting to edit your work : Typos, spelling errors, or grammatical mistakes will reduce the efficacy of your statement. Do not skip the final step of proofreading your work!

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be one step closer to writing an excellent med school personal statement!

Final Thoughts

Remember, your personal statement is your opportunity to make a lasting impression on the admissions committee. It’s your time to highlight your achievements and share those transformative experiences that made you realize your calling and the impact you want to make in the world!

Be genuine, think outside of the box, tell your story, and let your passion for medicine shine through. Good luck!

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Comparing IM Residency Application Personal Statements Generated by GPT-4 and Authentic Applicants

  • Concise Research Report
  • Published: 30 April 2024

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qmul medicine personal statement

  • Vishnu Nair MD   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0406-3987 1 ,
  • Ashwin Nayak MD MS 2 ,
  • Neera Ahuja MD 2 ,
  • Yingjie Weng MHS 3 ,
  • Kevin Keet MD 2 ,
  • Poonam Hosamani MD 2 &
  • Jason Hom MD 2  

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qmul medicine personal statement

Data Availability

The data that support the findings of this study are available, but restrictions apply to the availability of these data as mandated by ERAS (Electronic Residency Application System), which involve individual residency applications and so are not publicly available. This confidential data is available from the authors upon reasonable request and release is contingent upon permission from the Stanford Internal Medicine residency program and Stanford Institutional Review Board.

Boscardin CK, Gin B, Golde PB, Hauer KE . ChatGPT and Generative Artificial Intelligence for Medical Education: Potential Impact and Opportunity [published online ahead of print, 2023 Aug 31]. Acad Med. 2023; https://doi.org/10.1097/ACM.0000000000005439 .

Nayak A, Alkaitis MS, Nayak K, Nikolov M, Weinfurt KP, Schulman K . Comparison of History of Present Illness Summaries Generated by a Chatbot and Senior Internal Medicine Residents. JAMA Intern Med. Published online July 17, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamainternmed.2023.2561 .

Kung-Yee Liang; Scott Zeger . Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models. Biometrika. 1986;73 (1): 13–22., for generalized estimating equations.

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Johnstone RE, Neely G, Sizemore DC . Artificial intelligence software can generate residency application personal statements that program directors find acceptable and difficult to distinguish from applicant compositions. J Clin Anesth. 2023;89:111185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclinane.2023.111185

Article   PubMed   Google Scholar  

Patel V, Deleonibus A, Wells MW, Bernard SL, Schwarz GS . Distinguishing Authentic Voices in the age of ChatGPT: Comparing AI-Generated and Applicant-Written Personal Statements for Plastic Surgery Residency Application. Ann Plast Surg. 2023;91(3):324-325. https://doi.org/10.1097/SAP.0000000000003653

Article   CAS   PubMed   Google Scholar  

Woodfin MW . The Personal Statement in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Acad Med. 2023;98(8):869. https://doi.org/10.1097/ACM.0000000000005266

Omiye, J.A., Lester, J.C., Spichak, S., et al. Large language models propagate race-based medicine. npj Digit. Med. 6, 195 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41746-023-00939-z

Article   PubMed   PubMed Central   Google Scholar  

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Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA

Vishnu Nair MD

Division of Hospital Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA

Ashwin Nayak MD MS, Neera Ahuja MD, Kevin Keet MD, Poonam Hosamani MD & Jason Hom MD

Quantitative Sciences Unit, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

Yingjie Weng MHS

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Nair, V., Nayak, A., Ahuja, N. et al. Comparing IM Residency Application Personal Statements Generated by GPT-4 and Authentic Applicants. J GEN INTERN MED (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-024-08784-w

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Received : 28 December 2023

Accepted : 22 April 2024

Published : 30 April 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-024-08784-w

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Case Western Reserve University

Pre-Professional Health Series: Personal Statement Review Workshop (virtual)

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Add to Calendar: Add to Calendar 2024-03-27 12:00:00 2024-03-27 13:00:00 Pre-Professional Health Series: Personal Statement Review Workshop (virtual)   Please join Anthony Saar, M.Ed., Director of PRIME and Tessianna Misko, PhD, Director of Career & Professional Development for this virtual personal statement workshop. Students are asked to bring a copy of their personal statement drafts that they can share with another student during the workshop to get some feedback on your draft to further the development of your personal statement. Sharing with others is how you can start to gauge if the message you are trying to get across in your personal statement is what others are perceiving.   Weatherhead School of Management Weatherhead School of Management UTC public

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Please join Anthony Saar, M.Ed., Director of PRIME and Tessianna Misko, PhD, Director of Career & Professional Development for this virtual personal statement workshop. Students are asked to bring a copy of their personal statement drafts that they can share with another student during the workshop to get some feedback on your draft to further the development of your personal statement. Sharing with others is how you can start to gauge if the message you are trying to get across in your personal statement is what others are perceiving.  

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Medicine Personal Statement

Get advice on your Medicine Personal Statement, including what to include, how to structure it, and how you can get help with this vital part of your application.

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  • Understand how long it needs to be
  • Find out what it should include
  • Discover how to structure your Personal Statement
  • Explore how to get help with it

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Your Personal Statement for Medicine is your chance to tell Medical Schools why you want to study Medicine and become a Doctor. With a successful Medicine Personal Statement, you’ll really stand out from the pool of other applicants.

What is a Medicine Personal Statement?

Your Personal Statement supports your UCAS Application. It’s designed to help Medical Schools choose the best candidates.

It gives you the chance to tell Admissions Tutors about the skills or qualities you have that are relevant to studying Medicine and being a Doctor – and write about your motivation to study Medicine .

Have a look at our Medicine Personal Statement examples from current Medical School students to get an understanding of the content and structure.

How Important Is It?

Medical Schools use Personal Statements in different ways.

You’ll find that some Medical Schools won’t pay much attention to it, while some will use it to shortlist candidates for interview . Some will also use it to form the basis of interview questions , so make sure your PS is interview-proof and doesn’t include anything you can’t justify or elaborate on.

If a Medical School is struggling to decide between two candidates, they may use the Personal Statement as a deciding factor.

You can learn more in our guide to how Medical Schools use your Personal Statement .

Make Sure You Stand Out

Get The Best Personal Statement Advice

How Long Should My Personal Statement Be?

Your Medicine Personal Statement needs to be 4,000 characters – which is around 500 words – over 47 lines.

What Should My Personal Statement Include?

Medicine Personal Statements should cover the following elements, so that Medical Schools can get to know you.

  • Motivation — Why do you want to study Medicine and become a Doctor?
  • Exploration — What have you done to learn about Medicine? For example: work experience , volunteering , wider reading or research
  • Suitability — Why are you a good fit for Medicine?

Reflection should be a big part of your PS. When you’re writing it, don’t just list your work experience placements, academic achievements and extracurricular activities — reflect on key learning points and link everything back to qualities that are important for Medicine.

For more specific advice about what to include when you’re applying for Graduate Entry Medicine, check out this blog .

What Should My Personal Statement NOT Include?

When you’re writing your Personal Statement, try to keep it concise and avoid unnecessary information. After all, you only have a limited number of words!

Some common PS mistakes include:

  • Giving a generic or clich éd reason for wanting to become a Doctor
  • Writing about what you did for work experience, without offering any reflections on what you actually learned from the experience
  • Claiming that you have a certain quality (e.g. empathy ) without backing it up
  • Listing all of the extracurricular activities you do, without mentioning the skills they helped you to develop which are relevant to Medicine

Of course, it’s also important to check your PS for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Get it checked by someone else for a second opinion too.

When Should I Start Writing My Personal Statement?

Personal Statements need to be submitted before the UCAS deadline, which is typically a date in October for Medicine.

Don’t leave it until the last minute! It’s a good idea to start working on it during the summer break – perhaps after you’ve got your UCAT out of the way. If you leave it all until September or October, remember that you’ll be writing it alongside A-Level work and BMAT revision if you’re planning to sit the BMAT.

Start by reading some Medicine Personal Statement examples for inspiration. Then note down everything you can think of to cover your Motivation, Exploration and Suitability for Medicine. Perhaps check this content plan with someone like a parent to see if you’ve missed out anything important. After you have a clear plan, you can start writing your first draft.

How Should I Structure My Personal Statement?

The structure of your Personal Statement is a matter of personal preference, but we advise you to follow a format that covers the following points:

  • Why you want to study Medicine and become a Doctor (Motivation)
  • Work experience and/or volunteering – and what you learned from it (Exploration)
  • Wider reading and study beyond your school curriculum (Exploration)
  • Skills from extracurricular activities which are relevant to a Doctor’s skill set, e.g. leadership skills, communication skills, teamwork, etc (Suitability)
  • Conclusion (Motivation)

The Ultimate UCAS Support

Make Your Application Amazing

What Is Changing In The Future?

UCAS has announced that Personal Statements will be changing in the future. To make the writing process more structured, there are plans to provide applicants with a series of questions to answer.

These questions have not been confirmed yet, but UCAS says they are likely to cover areas such as:

  • Motivation for the course
  • Preparation for the course through learning and through other experiences
  • Preparedness for student life
  • Preferred learning styles
  • Extenuating circumstances

According to UCAS, the changes will be introduced no earlier than 2024, for candidates applying for 2025 entry. Find out more here.

How Can I Get Help?

Getting feedback on your Personal Statement for Medical School is incredibly important.

You could ask a relative to read it, give you feedback on how it reads, and let you know if you’ve forgotten any big accomplishments that they can remember. Another option is to ask a friend or a teacher to have a read and tell you if it makes sense and gives a good impression.

You might also like to get professional help with your medical Personal Statement, since it’s such an important piece of writing.

Of course it’s important that you write it yourself, but getting advice and getting it reviewed can be incredibly beneficial. Some of the best options include:

  • Get a Personal Statement Review by an Admissions Tutor
  • Join a Personal Statement Workshop to get help crafting an excellent statement
  • Focus on one-to-one help with Personal Statement Tutoring for your Medical School application

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Health insurance giant Kaiser will notify millions of a data breach after sharing patients’ data with advertisers

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U.S. health conglomerate Kaiser is notifying millions of current and former members of a data breach after confirming it shared patients’ information with third-party advertisers, including Google, Microsoft and X (formerly Twitter).

In a statement shared with TechCrunch, Kaiser said that it conducted an investigation that found “ certain online technologies, previously installed on its websites and mobile applications, may have transmitted personal information to third-party vendors.”

Kaiser said that the data shared with advertisers includes member names and IP addresses, as well as information that could indicate if members were signed into a Kaiser Permanente account or service and how members “interacted with and navigated through the website and mobile applications, and search terms used in the health encyclopedia.”

Kaiser said it subsequently removed the tracking code from its websites and mobile apps.

Kaiser is the latest healthcare organization to confirm it shared patients’ personal information with third-party advertisers by way of online tracking code , often embedded in web pages and mobile apps and designed to collect information about users’ online activity for analytics. Over the past year, telehealth startups Cerebral , Monument and Tempest have pulled tracking code from their apps that shared patients’ personal and health information with advertisers.

Kaiser spokesperson Diana Yee said that the organization would begin notifying 13.4 million affected current and former members and patients who accessed its websites and mobile apps. The notifications will start in May in all markets where Kaiser Permanente operates, the spokesperson said.

The health giant also filed a legally required notice with the U.S. government on April 12 but made public on Thursday confirming that 13.4 million residents had information exposed.

U.S. organizations covered under the health privacy law known as HIPAA are required to notify the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services of data breaches involving protected health information, such as medical data and patient records. Kaiser also notified California’s attorney general of the data breach, but did not provide any further details.

The Kaiser Foundation Health Plan is the parent organization of several entities that make up Kaiser Permanente, one of the largest healthcare organizations in the United States. The Kaiser Foundation Health Plan provides health insurance plans to employers and reported 12.5 million members as of the end of 2023.

The breach at Kaiser is listed on the Department of Health and Human Services’ website as the largest confirmed health-related data breach of 2024 so far.

To contact this reporter, get in touch on Signal and WhatsApp at +1 646-755-8849, or by email . You can also send files and documents via  SecureDrop .

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  • Philips' First-Quarter Results 2024

Philips delivers first-quarter results in line with 2024 performance improvement plan; Resolves the Respironics personal injury and medical monitoring litigation in the US for USD 1.1 billion

Apr 29, 2024 | 6 minute read

  • Group sales amounted to EUR 4.1 billion, with comparable sales growth of 2.4%
  • Comparable order intake -3.8%, mainly due to China
  • USD 1.1 billion Respironics litigation settlement reached in the US (provision recognized of EUR 982 million)
  • Income from operations EUR -824 million, including above provision
  • Adjusted EBITA margin of 9.4% of sales
  • Free cash outflow of EUR 336 million
  • EUR 540 million agreement reached with insurers for Respironics recall-related product liability claims

Roy Jakobs, CEO of Royal Philips:  

“We started the year in line with our plan, with order intake growth outside China turning positive and strong margin improvement. Supported by key innovation launches and strong focus on our execution priorities, we remain confident in our performance improvement plan for 2024. Patient safety and quality is our highest priority, and we have taken important steps in further resolving the consequences of the Respironics recall. The remediation of the sleep therapy devices for patients is almost complete, and the test results to date show the use of these devices is not expected to result in appreciable harm to health. We do regret the concern that patients may have experienced. The approved consent decree and economic loss settlement, and now the resolution of the personal injury and medical monitoring litigation in the US, are significant milestones and provide further clarity on the way forward for Philips.”

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Extenuating Circumstances: a guide for students

This is a guide for Queen Mary students on undergraduate or postgraduate taught programmes on how to apply for what are known as ‘Extenuating Circumstances’.

Postgraduate research students who are interested in applying for more time to complete elements of their studies are advised to contact the Research Degrees Office .

What does ‘extenuating’ mean?

There are times in everyone’s life when things happen unexpectedly. Sometimes these unexpected events mean that our daily routines or plans are thrown off course, which may mean that we cannot do the things we intended to do.

As students, we might have a coursework or assessment deadline that we have every intention of meeting, but something beyond our control may mean that we can no longer meet that deadline. For example, we might break an arm playing football a few days before an important exam or coursework deadline. This is where the University’s ‘Extenuating Circumstances’ process can help.

The word “extenuate” has its origins in a latin word that means ‘to make thin’ and has come into the English language as a word that infers someone’s individual circumstances are taken into account when assessing their situation.

Queen Mary defines Extenuating Circumstances as follows:

"Extenuating circumstances are circumstances that are outside a student’s control and which may have a negative impact on a student’s ability to undertake or complete any assessment so as to cast doubt the likely validity of the assessment as a measure of the student’s achievement."

** Other universities use terms like mitigating circumstances to describe situations like this, but essentially ‘extenuating circumstances’ are those that are unforeseen and beyond your control.

What evidence do I need?

When you start your Extenuating Circumstances claim on MySIS, the second section allows you to select the claim type as either ‘Standard Claim’ or ‘Self-Certification’. 

(The claim type cannot later be changed - if you selected the incorrect type you will need to delete your claim and start a new one)


The Extenuating Circumstances policy states that as an alternative to providing evidence relating to a claim, each student is entitled to submit up to three self-certified claims per academic year (NB: each individual claim can relate to multiple assessments/modules), which involves providing details of the extenuating circumstances without the provision of documentary evidence.

Each self-certification can cover a period of up to seven calendar days -  this is the maximum amount of time that each instance of self-certification can cover .

From the 2022-23 academic year it is not permitted to use consecutive self-certification applications, that is, you cannot claim for two back-to-back seven-day periods using self-certification. Also, you cannot normally use a self-certified application more than once for the same assessment.

Some Schools / Institutes may allow assessment submission extensions as an outcome of approved Extenuating Circumstances. Where a School / Institute does allow extensions and agrees to grant one, the extension cannot be for more than seven days when it is granted on the basis of a self-certified application.

Consideration and potential acceptance of such claims will still fall to the academic department (i.e. the School or Institute) in which you are taking your modules.

If you have exhausted your allocation of three self-certificated claims per year, or if you have evidence or documentation that supports your application, you can upload evidence to support your application onto MySIS.

Evidencing your application for Extenuating Circumstances

The following summary provides some examples of appropriate evidence that students can use to support their Extenuating Circumstances application:

Serious illness or injury - Medical certificate (e.g. a ‘fit note’), hospital admission certificate, report from a qualified medical professional.

Unforeseen personal difficulties - A written statement from an external professional, e.g. a psychiatrist, or someone appropriate from within university wellbeing services.

Disability / long-term condition - Some students will have a long-term condition or disability that results in periodic flare-ups, or episodes, that are part of the condition but unpredictable in nature. While students with such conditions will need to apply for Extenuating Circumstances to request extensions, etc. they may be able to ask their Disability Adviser (based in the Disability and Dyslexia Service) to add something to their Student Support Summary which means they do not have to produce fresh medical evidence with each application.

Some disabled students may wish to discuss the possibility of requesting an alternative assessment should they find themselves in a situation where a particular form of assessment is proving problematic. 

Serious illness or death of an immediate family member or close friend - Appropriate medical evidence, copy of a death certificate.

Victim of crime - Police report, crime reference number.

Legal proceedings requiring attendance at court - Supporting evidence from a court or solicitor.

Jury service - Anyone who is normally resident in the UK can be asked to perform this public service. In some circumstances it may be possible to delay your jury service. If you receive a letter asking you to do jury service, please discuss this with your Student Support Officer or Academic Advisor immediately to help you decide if you should apply to delay it.

PLEASE NOTE - all evidence submitted in support of your Extenuating Circumstances application MUST be in English. If your evidence is not in English, it is your responsibility to obtain a certified translation.

Can I submit without evidence?

If you are unable to supply evidence when making an Extenuating Circumstances claim you can indicate that you will supply it later. You will be able to supply this evidence later on the Extenuating Circumstances page of MySIS.

You will have 14 days from the point of the request to supply the evidence and your deadline will be made clear when you submit the request.

You will also receive an email reminder after 7 and 12 days if you have still not submitted the evidence.

If you do not submit within 14 days your request will automatically be rejected and you would need to make a new request.

Please be advised that if your department has an internal deadline for their Subject Exam Board this will take precedence.

What would not be considered an Extenuating Circumstance?

Broadly, something is not extenuating if it can be predicted, or expected. Coursework deadlines are set in advance, students are advised to look at the information on their QMplus module pages / course handbooks regarding assessment deadlines and plan accordingly.

The following list is not exhaustive, but gives some examples of common queries from students that would not be considered as appropriate claims for Extenuating Circumstances:

  • Academic workload, e.g. multiple deadlines.
  • Employment commitments.
  • The observance of a religious festival or holy day is not an Extenuating Circumstance. You should plan your work to take into account participation in religious services and other forms of observance.  Students wishing to notify the University of any religious reasons which may affect their ability to sit examinations on specific dates should complete the religious holiday notification form available from your academic school office or, for formal examinations, the Exams webpage .
  • Long-term personal issues.
  • Long-term health issues in and of themselves are not considered to be an Extenuating Circumstance, although the University accepts that some long-term conditions and disabilities will involve periodic flare-ups or episodes and these can be evidenced using a Student Support Summary through the Disability and Dyslexia Service (see the section on evidencing your Extenuating Circumstances).
  • Specific learning differences or mental health diagnoses are not in themselves considered Extenuating Circumstances. Students are advised to take up the support available from our student wellbeing services, e.g. the Disability and Dyslexia Service and the Advice and Counselling Service in order to access specialist support to enable them to cope with the impact of their condition(s) on their academic workload. For example, a student with dyslexia or ADHD can access specialist one to one study skills support to develop time management strategies.
  • Technical issues such as internet connectivity, may not be accepted as an Extenuating Circumstance. For example, if students are allocated extended periods of time to complete a take-home / online assessment these assessments are designed to factor in any issues with broadband speeds or connections dropping. As with other areas of guidance, we would encourage students to factor in enough time to cope with any issues associated with uploading documents or completing online tasks.
  • Travel disruption: delays to buses, trains and other forms of public transport would not normally be considered Extenuating Circumstances; students are advised to allow plenty of time to travel to campus for exams and other in-person assessments.

If you feel that your ongoing health or personal circumstances are making it difficult for you to manage your studies, you may need to consider taking a break from your programme. This is called an ‘Interruption of Study’ and basically means that you ask the University for permission to take a break from your studies and return in the future when your health or your personal situation is more manageable.

Refer to the Advice and Counselling Service how to request an interruption of study guides covering the practical and financial implications of doing so, including guides for undergraduate home and EU students, for postgraduate home and EU students, and for international students.

How to apply

The Extenuating Circumstances task on MySIS allows you to register extenuating circumstance claims against assessment elements/modules where it is felt that illness or other circumstances led to non-attendance or non-submission. The task can be found on MySIS under its own section entitled ‘Extenuating Circumstances’. Any student registered for assessments will automatically have access.

  • Log in to your MySIS account and click on ‘Extenuating Circumstances’ in the menu bar at the top of the screen. This will bring up a summary showing your personal details, details of your programme and various headings denoting different stages of the claim process. 
  • Click on the ‘New Claim’ button. 

To help you navigate the claim process there is PDF 'Extenuating Circumstances Student Guide' which can be found on the MySIS Extenuating Circumstances home page. 

In most cases Extenuating Circumstances claims should be made by students themselves, but it is possible for your home department to create a claim on your behalf if necessary. This should only ever be done on your request and based on evidence/self-certification details that you have provided.

What happens if I make a mistake?

Once you have submitted your claim you are not able to make any changes.

Your department can amend the assessment details (including add/removing assessments, amending deadline dates and the impact) and also upload additional evidence on your behalf. If you wish to make this kind of change please contact your department with the details.

Any other type of change would not be possible and as such the request would need to be rejected and you would need to submit another.

When submitting a claim it is important that you take time to check all the details are correct and accurate in order to prevent any delays to the processing of your request.

Local Guidance: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

While some students are based solely in one School, many students at Queen Mary are following a joint honours programme or are taking different modules in different Schools. For example, Associate students typically pick a suite of modules from three or more Schools. When submitting an application for Extenuating Circumstances you need to follow the process for the School that the module belongs to.

As such, it is advisable to consult with the guide produced by the  School or Institute who deliver the relevant module before submitting a claim for Extenuating Circumstances, as there are some differences between the Schools in how the claims are organised. Links to the guides for each School can be found below:

School of Business Management

Students in the School of Business Management can find details of how to apply for Extenuating Circumstances on the School’s QMplus page.

School of Economics and Finance

The Extenuating Circumstances guide for post graduate students studying in the School of Economics and Finance can be found on the undergraduate 'Info Zone'.

School of English and Drama

The School of English and Drama (SED) Extenuating Circumstances policy and EC claim guidance can be found in the relevant (UG or PGT) Student Handbook via QMplus. If you are a student taking a SED module and have an EC claim query please refer to the SED Student Handbook on QMplus in the first instance.  

School of History

Students in the School of History can find details of how to apply for Extenuating Circumstances on the School’s QMplus page.

School of Geography

Post graduate (taught) students studying in the School of Geography can find guidance on applying for Extenuating Circumstances on the Masters Information Zone on QMplus under the Teaching and Learning tab.

School of Languages, Linguistics and Film

Students studying in the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film (SLLF) can find guidance on applying for Extenuating Circumstances in the relevant chapter in the SLLF Student Handbook and on QMplus. Student can also ask their Advisor,  Module Organiser, the Student Support team ( [email protected] ) or the Senior Tutor ( [email protected] )

School of Law

Students based in the School of Law can apply for Extenuating Circumstances by following the instructions in the School of Law handbook.

School of Politics and International Relations

Students in the School of Politics and International Relations can find details of how to apply for Extenuating Circumstances on the School of Politics and International Relations QMplus page .

Local Guidance: Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

While some students are based solely in one Institute, many students at Queen Mary are following a joint honours programme or are taking different modules in different Institute. For example, Associate students typically pick a suite of modules from three or more Institutes. When submitting an application for Extenuating Circumstances you need to follow the process for the Institutes that the module belongs to.

As such, it is advisable to consult with the guide produced by the School or Institute who deliver the relevant module before submitting a claim for Extenuating Circumstances, as there are some differences between the Institutes in how the claims are organised. Links to the guides for each Institute can be found below:

Barts Cancer Institute

Barts Cancer Institute students are advised to consult the Student Handbook on the Barts Cancer Institute QMplus Home Page.

The Blizard Institute

Students in the Blizard Institute are advised to consult their home QMplus for any specific guidance on how to apply for Extenuating Circumstances.

Institute of Dentistry

Students based in the Institute of Dentistry can find information on how to apply for Extenuating Circumstances on the Institute of Dentistry QMplus page .

Institute of Health Sciences Education

Students based in the Institute of Health Sciences Education should refer to chapter 9 in the MBBS handbook for specific information in relations to applying for Extenuating Circumstances.

William Harvey Research Institute

Students based in the William Harvey Research Institute are advised to consult their home QMplus for any specific guidance on how to apply for Extenuating Circumstances.

Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Students based in the Wolfson Institute of Population Health are advised to consult their home QMplus for any specific guidance on how to apply for Extenuating Circumstances.

The Centre of the Cell

Students based in the Centre of the Cell are advised to consult their home QMplus for any specific guidance on how to apply for Extenuating Circumstances.

Local Guidance: Faculty of Science and Engineering

School of biological and  behavioural sciences (undergraduate).

Undergraduate students based in the School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences can find advice about their School’s Extenuating Circumstances processes on this QMplus page. Or refer to the SBBS Postgraduate information page .

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Students based in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science should apply for extenuating circumstances (EC) claims on MySIS. For more information please contact the Student Support Officer.

School of Engineering and Materials Science

Students based in the School of Engineering and Materials Science should apply for extenuating circumstances (EC) claims on MySIS. You need to submit a claim within 3 days of your coursework deadline or missed lab session for this to be considered.  

Please see the SEMS Student Handbook and the SEMS QMplus Landing Page for further details including: 

·        How to apply for authorised absence from a lab

·        Likely adjustments to be made for coursework

·        Deadlines for application for examinations

School of Mathematical Sciences

In the School of Mathematical Sciences UG Student Handbook , on the right-hand side of the page you’ll find a ‘Table of Contents’ with all items included in the handbook, the EC section is under ‘Absences and Extenuating Circumstances’. Throughout the academic year we send students reminders about the EC process and dates particularly in the lead up to the deadlines for ECs. I’ve attached the information we send to students in case you find it useful. 

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Students studying in the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences can find guidance on how to apply for Extenuating Circumstances on the ‘Info Zone’ on their QMplus pages. 

The School also sends this information as an email to all students in weeks A1 (Intro to Extenuating Circumstances), A11 (a reminder for the Semester A deadline), January examinations, week B1 (with deadlines), B11 (reminder), as well as the May examinations.

Materials Research Institute

Students based in the Materials Research Institute are advised to consult their home QMplus for any specific guidance on how to apply for Extenuating Circumstances.

Local Guidance: Science and Engineering Foundation Programme

Students on a Science and Engineering Foundation Programme should claim for Extenuating Circumstances, (ECs) via MySIS. ECs should be submitted within 2 days of the assessment deadline.

The maximum extension for a self-certify claim is 7 days from the assessment deadline, therefore an EC should be submitted as close to the assessment deadline as possible to maximise the extension.

For more information, please refer to the Science and Engineering Foundation Year Handbook, visit the Foundation QMplus page , or contact the Foundation team at [email protected] for more information.

Who can I contact for help in applying for Extenuating Circumstances?

The best people to support you in applying for Extenuating Circumstances will be the supporting staff in your School or Institute; these are usually known as Student Support Officers .

If you are taking modules outside of your home school you need to be aware this advice may be different, you will need to follow the policy of the school which the module sits in, and therefore you should get in contact with the SSO from that school or refer to that School’s information zone and EC policy. You can find a list of the student support contacts and may also wish to discuss your situation with your Academic Advisor.

The ‘Fit to Sit’ policy

Queen Mary University of London has a ‘fit to sit’ policy, which applies to all assessments. This means that if you sit an exam or submit an assignment, you are declaring yourself fit to do so.    Being ‘fit’ generally means that you are feeling well and functioning effectively. Therefore, if you are feeling unwell because of medical or personal difficulties, you should not sit an exam or submit an assignment.    If you take an exam or submit an assignment knowing that you are unwell, you will not normally be able to successfully claim Extenuating Circumstances. There are very limited circumstances in which a student can make a successful extenuating circumstances claim after having gone ahead and sat an exam or submitted an assignment knowing they were unwell. This would normally be limited to situations where a student was so unwell that they were unable to recognise or determine their own ill health, and medical documentation would need to be provided to confirm this.

If you decide not to sit an exam or submit an assignment because of Extenuating Circumstances, you must submit a claim in the usual way. If you attend an exam and fall ill during it and do not feel able to continue, the invigilators will make a record of the incident. You may submit a claim for Extenuating Circumstances, but this will only be accepted if you were ‘fit to sit’ on entering the venue but – for unforeseen reasons – became ill during the examination. 

In these circumstances, any work completed up to the point at which you left the venue will become null and void, irrespective of whether the Extenuating Circumstances claim is subsequently upheld; you will be treated as if you had never attended the examination and offered the chance to take the examination again as a ‘first sit’. This could be in the Late Summer Resit period – this is usually in August – or possibly the following academic year if this happens during a resit exam. 

What academic assessments are Extenuating Circumstances considered for?

Students can submit an application for Extenuating Circumstances for any form of assessment, including examinations (both in-person and online).

How and when will I find out if my extenuating circumstances claim has been accepted?

The role of making a final decision on whether a claim is accepted or not falls to your home school when the Subject Exam Board meets - this happens after the exam period. If you are studying a single honours subject ‘home school’ just means the School you are based in, e.g. Law or Mathematics.

Your home school is the school responsible for the programme you are enrolled on. In the majority of instances, the school responsible for the module being claimed against and your home school will be the same. There will, however, be instances where the two are separate schools, in which case the module owning school will assess the claim first and pass their comments on to your home school who will then confirm the claim for EC sub-board consideration. (The exception to this is if you are an Associate student, in which case the claim is dealt with exclusively by the module owning school.)

Students will be informed of the decision of the Subject Exam Board by email after the board has met.

What happens if my claim for Extenuating Circumstances is not accepted?

Should your Extenuating Circumstances claim not be accepted the module owning School or Institute will provide more information about next steps.

If your claim for Extenuating Circumstances is rejected then you will receive a zero mark as if you had not submitted any of the work – this will then count as one of your attempts.

If you are absent from your assessment, or if you take the assessment and fail, you will be given a mark of ‘zero fail’ for the exam. You will have the opportunity to re-sit the exam (as long as you have not exhausted all of your attempts), but the maximum mark you could get for the module will be ‘capped’ at the pass mark (40.0 for most undergraduate students and 50.0 for taught postgraduates).

You cannot re-sit assessments or modules that you have already passed in order to improve your marks.

Students can appeal against a decision not to accept their Extenuating Circumstances application.

Please note – an Extenuating Circumstances decision is not official until your marks have been confirmed by the relevant examination boards. If you wish to appeal an Extenuating Circumstances decision, you can only do so AFTER your official results have been confirmed and released to you. You will have 14 calendar days from the date your results are released to you to submit an appeal.

If you feel that there has been a procedural error in the consideration of your claim, or if you believe that there are exceptional circumstances which meant that you were either incapable of making a claim, or that there were relevant details to the claim that you could not have known at the time, you can submit an appeal .

Students may also benefit from accessing the Academic Advice Service in Queen Mary Students' Union , who offer a independent, free and confidential service to all Queen Mary students.

I’ve read this guide, but I would still like some support. Who can I contact?

In addition the support staff within the School or Institute that you are based in, e.g. the Student Support Officer(s) , the university has lots of departments and services that offer students support.

Student Wellbeing services such as the Advice and Counselling Service and the Disability and Dyslexia Service, support thousands of Queen Mary students.

Academic Advice Service, Queen Mary Students’ Union

This service can give you independent advice about your extenuating circumstances claim. You can also get independent advice about your rights and entitlements under the university’s regulations and procedures. To get advice, you need to go to  the Academic Advice Services web page  and fill out the Academic Representation Form from that page, and then email it to the address on that page.

QMSU Academic Advice Service Students’ Union Hub Mile End Campus Tel: 020 7882 8042

Students sharing living space with others can sometimes experience conflict or disputes which can have a significant impact on their emotional wellbeing. Queen Mary provides a support service for students living in university residences, to help mediate in these circumstances so that any negative impact on academic work and personal wellbeing can be avoided or reduced. If you are experiencing problems in university residences, contact the Residential Support service as soon as possible so that a remedy can be found.

Residential Support Residences Reception France House Student Village Mile End Campus Email: [email protected]


  1. Selection criteria

    Selection criteria. Admission to the MBBS (A100) degree programme at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London is highly competitive. Over 2600 applications for entry in 2023. Approximately 42% of applicants were interviewed and of those, 58% were offered a place. The number of places we expect to be available for ...

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  4. Barts and the London (QMUL) Medical School Interview Explained

    Barts and the London (QMUL) interview format. For 2023 entry, interviews for QMUL will take place online and will be a 15-20-minute panel-style interview. The interviews for QMUL usually take place between January and March, and the panel will consist of 2 members of senior staff (clinical or non-clinical) and a current student.

  5. Queen Mary University of London Medicine Interview Questions

    Barts has confirmed interviews for the 2024 cycle will be online. Medicine interviews at Queen Mary University of London are normally in the style of a panel. This consists of 2 members of senior academia or clinical staff, a medical student and sometimes a lay selector. The interview lasts 20 minutes and comprises two parts.

  6. Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

    Medical students' selection criteria. Completion of 2, 3 or 4 years of the MBBS course (at least 2 years of a graduate entry programme). Completion of years 3 or 4 for MSc applicants without prior BSc degrees; 2 years of the Direct Clinical Entry programme. Passes in Parts 1, 2 and 3 MBBS (as relevant to the year of intercalation) Applicants ...

  7. Barts and the London (QMUL) Medical School

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  8. Medicine Personal Statement Example 6

    Medicine Personal Statement Example 6. Check out this successful Medicine Personal Statement example. The applicant got into Graduate Entry Medicine at King's - and also had interviews for Undergraduate Medicine at King's, QMUL and Exeter.

  9. Barts and the London (Queen Mary) Medicine Interview Questions (2023 entry)

    In the 2021 interview cycle 2111 home students applied for Medicine at QMUL and 1015 (48%) were offered an interview. ... The personal statement does not form part of the scoring at interview, however, in addition to your academic ability, your interviewers will consider your interests, talents, and the contribution you can make to the School. ...

  10. Ultimate Guide to Queen Mary Medicine Interviews (2023 ...

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  12. How to Get Into Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)

    Using QMUL's own resources and having your own career goals in mind will help you enhance your personal statement and prove to QMUL that you are motivated and committed to your academic future. 4. Invest in your personal statement! For many of QMUL's competitive courses, lots of applicants will achieve the grades required for entry.

  13. Medicine personal statement help : r/6thForm

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  14. Queen Mary, University of London Personal Statements

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  15. How to apply

    In the first instance prospective applicants from external medical schools can contact Thuraisha Naidoo (Email: [email protected]). To apply, completion of an on-line application form for intercalation at Barts and The London is required. You will be asked to provide 3 course choices in order of preference and a personal statement.

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  26. How to apply

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  28. Extenuating Circumstances: a guide for students

    Serious illness or injury - Medical certificate (e.g. a 'fit note'), hospital admission certificate, report from a qualified medical professional. Unforeseen personal difficulties - A written statement from an external professional, e.g. a psychiatrist, or someone appropriate from within university wellbeing services.