AI Resume Builder: Make Your Resume for Free

AI resume writer that makes your life easier. Use our proven templates and with the help of AI create a job-winning resume in no time.

Resume Template

Use AI to create a resume in 3 simple steps:

Choose a template.

Build a perfect resume for free with our AI resume builder! Select from various professionally designed templates that are visually appealing and ATS-optimized.

Make AI resume online

Supercharge your resume with the help of AI and expert tips! Simply input your details and watch as our advanced technology and insider tips take your resume to the next level.

Download your resume

Have your resume ready fast with our AI resume generator. With just a few clicks, get a polished and professional resume in the PDF format. Waste no time and start applying for your dream job now!


Our free AI resume builder offers a variety of ATS-friendly templates and provides step-by-step tips throughout the entire process to make creating a resume easier.

Content suggestions

Boost your resume with our AI resume generator! It comes with ready-made content explicitly tailored for various jobs and industries, available for every resume section you’ll need.

Easy and fast

Leverage the synergy of AI and our seasoned career professionals to craft your resume like never before. It's swift, simple, and only takes a few clicks to generate a professional resume ready to land you interviews.

More than just an AI Resume Writer

Intuitive interface

Intuitive interface

Creating a resume is no longer a chore with our AI resume maker. It expertly guides you through each step, sending valuable tips along the way, ensuring you walk away with a top-notch resume ready for immediate job applications.

Professional templates

Professional templates

Our AI resume generator comes with 21 professionally designed templates. Pick the one that aligns with your personal brand and make a resume destined to secure your dream job. Your journey to professional success starts here.

Built-in AI content suggestions

Built-in AI content suggestions

Struggle with writing? Say goodbye to your worries. Our AI resume builder is equipped with ready-made content suggestions for every section of your resume. With a wide array of options personalized for various jobs and industries, you'll never be short of choices.

Customization at every step

Customization at every step

With our AI resume maker, you can make a resume reflecting your style and personality. Tailor each section, handpick the perfect color, modify fonts, and more, all with just a few intuitive clicks.

Matching AI cover letter builder

Cover letters can help you stand out and score extra points with the hiring manager. That's why our AI resume writer comes with a matching AI cover letter builder, where our technology will write a cover letter for you in just a few clicks.

Cover Letter

You don’t have to take our word for it. See what customers think about our AI resume writer:

I'm very impressed with this AI resume builder - the templates are incredibly customizable and packed with great features. It's easily the best one I've used, and it's made my job search much easier. Highly recommended!

The templates were modern and professional, and pre-worded suggestions made updating my work history easy. I was so excited about the end result that I couldn't wait to show it off.

I LOVE IT! I had no clue how to create my resume and cover letter, but now I have a kickass resume! Thank you SO much!

Join thousands who found their dream jobs with our AI resume maker

Frequently Asked Questions about the AI Resume Builder

What is the best ai resume builder.

There are many online AI resume writers, but Resume Builder AI is considered to be the best one. Users praise it for its 21 customizable templates, built-in content suggestions, and a matching cover letter builder.

It’s also ATS-friendly, which means resumes created with it will pass the Applicant Tracking System test and will have a higher chance of landing on recruiters’ desks. Its highly intuitive interface makes the entire resume-building process quicker and easier than many other AI resume builders.

Are AI resume builders worth it?

Yes, a good and free AI resume builder can be worth it, as it suggests relevant achievements and skills for your specific position. You only need to devote some time to apply the necessary changes to the AI-generated content.

However, it’s not always enough to help you get hired. Some free AI resume builders might offer a resume with a watermark that states it was done using an AI resume generator, which won’t work in your favor. Even the best AI resume builders won’t give you the human touch required to make a great first impression as an outstanding candidate, but they can help you create your resume and a cover letter faster and easier.

Is there any free AI resume builder?

Yes, there are free AI resume builders, such as:

  • Resume Builder AI

Each AI resume builder is powered by the AI, such as ChatGPT. It uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to generate human-like answers and help you produce your documents quickly. They sometimes offer a few resume templates, but usually no resume-writing tips, no matching cover letter builders, and no resume customization. All that, however, can be found in Resume Builder AI, which helps you stand out even more.

How do I get AI to write my resume?

To get an AI to help you write your resume, you need to do the following:

  • Upload your already-written resume, or choose to create a completely new one.
  • Determine your experience level and select the type of job you want to get so that AI can learn more about your experience.
  • See AI-selected professional resume templates and pick the best one for you.
  • Put some basic information in your resume header, such as name, email address, and phone number.
  • Fill in the job title to allow the AI to recommend the best customizable and personalized pre-written content for your work-related achievements.
  • Include details, such as school name, degree, and dates, in your education section.
  • Select AI-suggested skills that will work best for your specific industry and with your specific experience.
  • Create your resume summary or objective using pre-written phrases created by our resume experts and the AI.
  • Fill in any relevant information in your additional resume sections, such as hobbies, languages, certificates, etc.
  • Check our AI-generated resume score to see if your document requires any improvement.
  • Download your resume and start working on your cover letter, in which AI can also help you with.

Is it OK to use AI for resume?

Yes, it’s OK to use AI for a resume, but you need to know its limitations. No AI resume writer, whether ChatGPT or ChatSonic, knows about your personal information, such as contact info, professional experience and education, as much as you do.

They are perfect for creating a first draft of your resume, checking its grammar, helping it pass the ATS test and optimizing it for resume keywords.

Do recruiters check resumes for AI?

Yes, recruiters use resume AI-based screening tools for detecting any sort of AI help used for building a resume. Creating your document with the best AI resume builder will help you distinguish it from AI-generated content and create a unique resume.

That’s why choosing the right AI resume generator is a must if you want to impress your recruiter, have an outstanding template, and create a matching cover letter while saving much of your time.


Online Resume Builder

It takes only 5 seconds to screen your resume. write it well., writing a resume has never been easier. try now for free and create your professional resume within minutes. what are you waiting for.


Our professional resumes get people jobs at top companies


Impressive & HR-Approved templates to land your dream job

Choose one of our professional templates. you can easily change colors to any resume format you choose., ready to use templates that will help your resume stand out to recruiters.


Easy-to-use platform. Create your job winning resume and start your job search!


Try Resumaker's professional resume builder now. Start for free!

10 resume writing tips that will make you stand out.

Here are some helpful tips on how you can ensure that your resume not only highlights your accomplishments and skills, but also captures employers’ attention immediately. 1. Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for. Your resume should showcase your skills and accomplishments as it relates to the role you are applying for. Even if your employment history is not aligned with the role, it is important to find elements that match the requirements of the position you are applying for. This will show employers that you have the potential to grow within the role, and therefore will be more inclined to move forward with your candidacy. 2. A good self-introduction can do wonders. Before you dive into the technical details of your past roles and education, try to add a short introduction of no more than 2-3 sentences. This is your place to tell employers a little about yourself and don’t be afraid to be creative. A few sentences can give employers a chance to get to know you and your potential contribution to their companies. Also, a self-introduction can be useful if you are applying for a role that is outside your current field - use this section as a means to tell employers why this specific position or field interests you. 3. Remember to use a reverse chronological order when listing your jobs, degrees and/or projects (from new to old). Your resume space is limited to one page (unless you have particularly extensive experience) and employers read it from top to bottom when looking for the latest employment experience at the top. 4. Do not use first person in your writing, such as "I made presentations", or “I managed people". This is incorrect and it makes the resume seem like a story. Since this is an official document, it should speak a professional language. For example, you should write that your role in a certain company included: "Preparing presentations", "Managing employees", "Creating collaborations". These should appear as bullet points and neatly organized. 5. Be brief! It is not necessary to list all the roles you have ever held. You want to showcase your most recent experience as it is most relevant to who you are today, and share your less relevant experience in one line at the bottom of your resume. Refrain from including short-term positions that are not relevant to the skills that are required for the position you are interested in (working as a waiter during the studying for a degree, etc.). Also, be careful not to leave "blanks" in your resume, or period during which you did not work. This can make employers wonder about your credibility and reduce your chances of being considered for the role. 6. Use quantitative information to outline your accomplishments. People find it easier to grasp quantitative information, so try to use numbers and percentages when describing your professional experience. Using data will not only specify your experience, but also make it sound more powerful by using concrete examples. For example, instead of saying "budget management", try using "budget management of 10 million dollars per year". Or instead of "employee management", you can say "managing 6 employees". This tip is also useful for entry-level jobs - instead of saying "responsibility for handling customer inquiries", try saying "responsibility for handling about 10,000 customer inquiries a month". 7. Don’t forget to include your soft skills. In your skills section, you should emphasize both your technical and analytical skills, as well your human relations skills. Employers want to know that you will be able to get along with others on the team, so even if you are a security expert with extensive knowledge on the most innovative software, your resume should also emphasize your ability to work in a team environment and communicate well with others. 8. Incorporate keywords into your resume. Use keywords that derive from the job description, from recruiting company’s website, or from descriptions of similar jobs in other companies. For example, if it says that candidates must have knowledge in Microsoft office, add it to your resume - do not let the employer make assumptions about your experience. Be mindful to not overdo it - stay true to yourself and your experience. 9. Pay attention to the smallest details. Impressive design, no spelling errors, a uniform font, bulleted chapter headings, and spaces between paragraphs with reasonable margins. All of these finer details show that you not only invested in your resume, but also you are organized and attentive to detail – which are important qualities to have in any position. 10. Make sure your resume is neat, easy to read and symmetrical. You will have a lot to say about your accomplishments, but the important highlights of your career will be lost if your resume is cluttered and tires the employer. Choose a professional design that highlights your experience and capabilities, and do not be afraid to add a little color so that your resume stands out from other candidates.  

Why is the best AI resumer builder?

Welcome to the Future of Resume Building: Unveiling Our Unparalleled AI-Powered Resume Builder! In a world where first impressions matter more than ever, crafting a standout resume that captures your unique professional essence is non-negotiable. This is where our AI Resume Builder steps in, ready to revolutionize your job application game and elevate your career journey like never before. What sets our AI Resume Builder apart from the crowded market is not just its cutting-edge technology, but the seamless synergy of innovation and human touch. Here's why we confidently claim to be the best:

  • Precision Redefined: Our AI Resume Builder employs state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to meticulously analyze your input and understand your career objectives. By comprehending nuanced industry jargon and specific job requirements, it tailors your resume to perfection, presenting your skills and experiences in the most relevant and impactful manner.
  • Your Story, Your Way: We understand that each individual has a unique professional narrative. Our AI doesn't just generate a generic template – it intuitively adapts to your personal style and preferences. The result? A resume that feels authentically you, resonating with recruiters and employers.
  • Time-Saving Brilliance: In today's fast-paced world, time is of the essence. Our AI Resume Builder streamlines the resume creation process, minimizing the hours spent on formatting and content structuring. You provide the information; our AI does the heavy lifting, delivering a polished resume within minutes.
  • Adaptability to Trends: The job market evolves, and so should your resume. Our AI Resume Builder keeps pace with the ever-changing recruitment landscape. It is programmed to understand the latest industry trends and incorporate them into your resume, ensuring that you remain ahead of the curve.
  • Error-Proof Guarantee: Say goodbye to typos, grammatical slip-ups, and formatting blunders. Our AI Resume Builder is an infallible proofreader, catching even the tiniest mistakes that might escape your notice. This attention to detail showcases your professionalism and commitment to excellence.
  • Unrivaled Customization: Whether you're a recent graduate, a mid-career professional, or a seasoned executive, our AI Resume Builder caters to all career stages. It crafts resumes for diverse industries, roles, and skill sets, highlighting your strengths and achievements effectively.
  • Confidence Booster: A resume created with our AI Resume Builder not only presents your qualifications eloquently but also instills confidence in you. Knowing that your resume stands out among the competition gives you an edge during interviews and negotiations.
  • Privacy and Security: Your personal information is valuable, and we treat it with utmost care. Our platform employs industry-standard security protocols to safeguard your data, ensuring a worry-free experience.

In a world flooded with ordinary resume builders, our AI-powered solution emerges as the beacon of innovation and effectiveness. Trust in a resume-building experience that combines the brilliance of technology with the touch of human finesse. Join countless successful professionals who have unlocked their career potential with our AI Resume Builder. Your dream job awaits – let's build your path to it, together.

What is the difference between Resume and CV?

The distinction between a resume and a CV lies in their length, content, and purpose. In the United States, the terms are often used interchangeably, but in other parts of the world like Europe, they have different meanings.

Resume: - Length: Typically 1-2 pages. - Content: Summarizes your work experience, education, skills, and achievements. It's tailored to the specific job you're applying for, focusing on relevant qualifications. - Purpose: Mainly used for job applications in various industries. Its concise format makes it suitable for quickly showcasing your qualifications to potential employers.

CV (Curriculum Vitae): - Length: Can vary in length, often several pages. - Content: Provides a comprehensive overview of your entire professional history, including all jobs, education, research, publications, presentations, awards, and more. It's more exhaustive and doesn't necessarily get customized for each application. - Purpose: Commonly used in academic and research fields, as well as when applying for positions where a detailed overview of your accomplishments is crucial.

In the US, the distinction between these two terms is prevalent. However, in many other countries, especially in Europe, the term "CV" is used as a synonym for what Americans would call a resume.

It's important to note that conventions can vary, so when applying for jobs or academic opportunities, it's always wise to follow the regional norms and expectations. If you're interested in delving deeper into the subject of Curriculum Vitae, explore our comprehensive guide: "How to write a Resume."  

What to include in a Resume?

A resume is a concise document that highlights your qualifications, skills, and experiences, tailored specifically for a job application. It should effectively showcase your suitability for a particular role and capture the attention of potential employers. Here's what you should include in a resume:

  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Optional: LinkedIn Profile (if it's professional and up-to-date)
  • A brief statement that summarizes your career goals, skills, and what you bring to the role.
  • Tailor this section to match the specific job you're applying for.
  • Highlight relevant skills that align with the job description.
  • Categorize skills into sections like Technical Skills, Soft Skills, Language Proficiencies, etc.
  • List your relevant work experiences in reverse chronological order.
  • Include the job title, company name, location, dates of employment, and key responsibilities and achievements.
  • Use bullet points to describe your accomplishments in each role.
  • Quantify your achievements when possible (e.g., "Increased sales by 20%," "Managed a team of 10").
  • List your educational background in reverse chronological order.
  • Include the degree(s) earned, institution name, location, dates attended, and any honors or awards.
  • Include relevant certifications, workshops, seminars, and training programs.
  • This section can demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning and professional development.
  • Highlight relevant projects you've worked on, especially if they demonstrate your skills and accomplishments.
  • Include the project's name, your role, a brief description, and outcomes.
  • Include any relevant awards, honors, or achievements that showcase your capabilities.
  • List memberships in industry associations, organizations, or societies that pertain to the role.
  • Include relevant volunteer work or extracurricular activities that highlight your character and skills.
  • Similar to the resume, you can mention that references are available if required.
  • Use a clean and professional format with a readable font.
  • Use bullet points for easy scanning.
  • Keep the resume to one page for early-career professionals; consider a second page for more experienced candidates.
  • Ensure consistent formatting for headings, bullet points, and text alignment.

Tailor your resume for each application by aligning your experiences and skills with the job description. Focus on the most relevant information that will make you stand out as a strong candidate. Proofread carefully to ensure accuracy and clarity. A well-crafted resume will enhance your chances of getting noticed and progressing to the interview stage.

What is a chronological resume, and what order should it be in?

A chronological resume is a type of resume format that focuses on presenting your work history in reverse chronological order. This means that you list your most recent job or experience first and then proceed in reverse order, highlighting your earlier roles. This format is commonly used and is particularly effective if you have a consistent and strong work history. The order of sections in a chronological resume typically follows this structure:

Remember to keep the layout clean, use clear headings, and employ bullet points for easy readability. Tailor your descriptions and achievements to align with the job you're seeking. The chronological format is effective for showcasing a strong work history, but if you have gaps in employment or are changing careers, you might consider other resume formats that better highlight your strengths in those situations.

  • Contact Information: Include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the page.
  • Summary or Objective Statement: Provide a brief overview of your skills, experiences, and career goals. This section is optional but can be beneficial if tailored to the specific job you're applying for.
  • Job Title: Your job title in that role.
  • Company: The name of the company you worked for.
  • Dates: The duration of your employment (month and year).
  • Responsibilities and Achievements: Use bullet points to outline your key responsibilities and accomplishments for each role. Focus on quantifiable achievements and specific contributions.
  • Degree: The degree you earned.
  • Major: Your field of study.
  • Institution: The name of the institution where you studied.
  • Graduation Date: The date you graduated or expect to graduate.
  • Skills: Highlight relevant skills, both hard and soft, that are pertinent to the job you're applying for. This can include technical skills, languages, software proficiency, and more.
  • Optional Sections: Depending on your circumstances, you might include additional sections such as certifications, awards, volunteer work, or relevant projects.
  • References: Mention that references are available upon request. You can include this statement, or if requested by the employer, provide references' contact information.

Remember to keep the layout clean, use clear headings, and employ bullet points for easy readability. Tailor your descriptions and achievements to align with the job you're seeking. The chronological format is effective for showcasing a strong work history, but if you have gaps in employment or are changing careers, you might consider other resume formats that better highlight your strengths in those situations.  

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a formal document that accompanies your resume or CV when applying for a job, internship, or other professional opportunities. It's typically sent along with your application materials, either as a physical letter or as part of an email. A cover letter serves as an introduction to your application and provides additional context about your qualifications and motivations.

Key components of a cover letter include:

  • Contact Information: Similar to your resume, include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the letter.
  • Date: The date on which you're writing the letter.
  • Recipient's Information: Address the letter to the hiring manager or relevant person. If you have their name, use it. If not, a generic salutation like "Dear Hiring Manager" can suffice.
  • Introduction: Begin with a professional and engaging opening paragraph. Mention the specific job title you're applying for and briefly state how you learned about the position or the company.
  • Body Paragraphs: Use one or two paragraphs to highlight your relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences. You can expand upon points from your resume, but avoid restating everything verbatim. Focus on specific examples that demonstrate your suitability for the position and how your skills align with the company's needs.
  • Motivation and Fit: Explain why you're interested in the role and the company. Show that you've done your research and discuss how your goals and values align with the company's mission and culture.
  • Closing Paragraph: Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and invite the reader to review your resume or CV for more details. Indicate your willingness to discuss your application further and provide your contact information.
  • Closing Salutation: Use a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards."
  • Signature: Sign your name above your typed name.

A well-crafted cover letter allows you to showcase your communication skills, demonstrate your genuine interest in the position, and provide insights that may not be fully covered in your resume. It's an opportunity to make a personalized connection with the employer and stand out from other applicants. Customize each cover letter for the specific job you're applying for, addressing the company's needs and showcasing how you can contribute to their success.

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AI Resume Writer

Automate your CV creation with our AI resume builder.

Some people simply don’t enjoy writing resumes as much as we do. That’s okay. Our AI Resume Writer is for you.

A professional resume built by OpenAI

AI Resume Builder

Powered by OpenAI's GPT-4 NLP model.

GPT-4 is an AI language model so powerful, it was at first deemed too dangerous to unleash on the world. Now you can use it to write your resume. And while that may seem like an overkill, GPT-4 is uniquely well-suited for generating structured documents such as resumes. Try it for free and see the results for yourself.

  • The world’s most powerful natural language processing model
  • Trained on hundreds of billions of words

Automatic Resume Writer

How does the ai resume writer work.

You can use our AI-powered resume builder to automatically generate your entire resume. The AI Resume Writer can write professional sections for your resume summary, work experience, and education, with a consistent tone throughout the document. Try it for free and get your AI-generated CV ready in seconds.

  • Automatically writes great bullet points for your resume
  • Quick & easy resume generator

Resume Check

AI Cover Letter Generator

Use AI to generate a matching cover letter.

Once you’ve polished your resume, you can use our AI Cover Letter Writer to quickly generate a great cover letter that visually matches your resume. The AI Writer takes into consideration the content of your resume and generates a full-fledged cover letter in seconds. Learn more about the AI Cover Letter Writer.

  • Let AI generate the first draft of your cover letter
  • Customizable templates to match your resume

AI Generated Resume

Ai-generated resume examples.

What does an AI-generated resume look like? See for yourself! These resumes were generated by our AI resume builder.

Resume sample generated by Kickresume AI resume writer.

“Not only does Kickresume provide templates, it also makes you think vigorously about yourself as a candidate, thus getting the best out of you. I would highly recommend Kickresume to every enthusiastic jobseeker — give it a try and you'll fall in love with it.“ David Mantic, Product Manager at Telekom
“Kickresume helped me land a job at Philips! Creating my CV and cover letter was very quick and easy, and the outcome very professional. It impressed every single job interviewer I had an interview with. Definitely worth the small investment as it will benefit your career substantially.“ Dennis Bondarev, Key account manager at Philips
“When I was changing careers, I wanted a resume with a modern look and feel that would set me apart from other applicants. When I came across Kickresume, I absolutely loved their designs and the ease of use. What's more, interviewers would often tell me how pleased they were with the look of my resume.“ Steve Dominguez, Graphic Designer at K-Brite
“Kickresume is by far the most powerful resume editor on the web. It helped me create my resume really fast and people are always "Wow" when they see it. Moreover, having a portfolio website is awesome and it's easy to create. A must-have tool for anyone who changes jobs regularly.“ Bastien Vidé, Full-stack Developer & Team Manager at Airfrance
“When I was looking for my first job after finishing university, I struggled to stand out from the crowd of other graduates. Kickresume gave me the edge I needed. Suddenly I would get invited to interviews! I can't recommend it enough. Great designs, incredibly easy to use and totally worth the upgrade.“ Peter Trenkner, Product Line Manager at Dell
“Being a college student who is transitioning to the work life, I consider Kickresume the most helpful tool available. It is very user-friendly with a variety of designs tailored to your personal preferences and profession. It doesn't get any better than this!!!“ Giamnys Valdés Lastre, Research Intern at University of Kentucky

The only career toolbox you'll ever need.

Let artificial intelligence write your resume. Our AI Resume Writer is powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model and it can produce your first draft in seconds.

AI Cover Letter Builder

Try our AI Cover Letter Writer and produce a rock-solid cover letter in seconds. Most people struggle to find the right words for their cover letter. Let AI find them for you.

40+ ATS-Ready Templates

All resume and cover letter templates are customizable, ATS-friendly, and designed by a team of professional typographers and recruiters.

AI Resignation Letter Generator

Our AI Resignation Letter Writer will help you find the right words to quit your job and leave all bridges unburned.

Kickresume for Mobile

Create a perfect resume or cover letter from your mobile device. You can now access and edit your career documents from anywhere! Available on both iOS and Android.

1,500+ Resume Examples

Get inspired by resume and cover letter examples that helped real people land jobs with the world’s top companies. Search by company or job title.

Resume Checker

Find out how your resume compares against other successful resumes in our database. Receive your resume score and get personalized tips on how to improve it.

Website Builder

Turn your resume into a personal website with a single click. Choose from a number of customizable templates and let your future employer find you online.


Let our experienced human proofreaders make sure that your resume or cover letter have impeccable grammar. Don’t let a silly mistake ruin your chances of landing a job.

AI Resume Writer FAQ

While we’ve tried to make this tool as easy to use as possible, it’s okay to have questions. If you don’t find your answers here, contact our customer support.

What is Kickresume AI Resume Writer?

Kickresume AI Resume Writer is based on OpenAI’s GPT-3 neural network which is a powerful language model able to produce texts that are indistinguishable from texts written by human writers.

In other words, the AI Resume Writer does exactly what you’d think it would — automatically writes your resume.

  • All you have to do is enter your job title, click “Use AI Writer” and the AI will generate a number of bullet points for your work experience subsection.
  • If you don't like these bullet points, you can either edit them or delete them and click the button again.
  • If you like the bullet points but feel like that section is still too short, simply click the button again and the AI will add more phrases to it.

But naturally, since the text is written by AI and not you, you still need to tweak some details in the end. Nevertheless, it can still help you write your first draft.

Is the AI Resume Writer free?

Even with a free account, you get a limited number of uses. Every premium subscription (starting at $5/month) includes a substantially higher number of AI requests.

At the beginning of every billing period, credits are added to your account (whether it’s a month, three months, or a year).

GPT-3 is a paid tool and we have to pay Open-AI for every API request. We’re “buying” the use of their AI technology. Because of that, we had to put a limit on how many times you can use the AI Writer per month.

Kickresume’s AI Resume Writer is able to generate a work experience section based on a provided job title.

All you have to do is:

  • Sign up or log in to your Kickresume account. When logged in, on the dashboard scroll down to Your Documents and click on Create New.
  • When filling in the Work Experience section, enter your job title, click “ Use AI Writer ” and the AI will generate a number of bullet points for your work experience subsection.

Our AI Resume Builder is easy to use, generates unique resumes every time, and uses natural language indistinguishable from resumes written by human writers.

How do I make an AI resume?

With Kickresume’s AI Resume Writer it's really simple. All you have to do is:

How to make a resume in AI?

Let your resume do the work..

Join 5,000,000 job seekers worldwide and get hired faster with your best resume yet.

english template

Create a Professional Resume in minutes

Transform your resume-building process with our cutting-edge free resume builder. Craft professional resumes in minutes with customizable templates tailored to your career goals. Begin your journey toward your dream career today, all without spending a dime!

AI resume and cover letter builder

What users say about us

Our intuitive platform transformed workflows, empowered individuals & organizations to achieve their goals.


Powered by OpenAI's GPT NLP model, our free resume builder leverages AI to help you secure your ideal role. Craft tailored resumes and cover letters that highlight your professional achievements with industry-standard keywords and phrases, focusing on your career goals.

AI-Powered Resume & Cover Letter Creation

Create outstanding resumes and cover letters with AI-powered language assistance, personalized recommendations, and customizable templates

Personalized Recommendations

Receive personalized resume and CV recommendations based on your past experience and career goals, that reflects your unique skills and achievements.

Customizable Templates

Choose from a variety of simple, intuitive, and user-friendly free resume templates that best showcases your experience and skills.

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Create your resume in just one minute.


Build Your Resume Quickly and Effortlessly

Craft a professional resume swiftly and easily using our trusted AI resume builder. Generate a matching cover letter and apply for your next job without any hassle.

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Explore a diverse range of professionally crafted resume templates tailored to various career paths and preferences. Select the template that best aligns with your career goals and showcases your unique personality and strengths.


Ask me anything

As you work on making your resume and cover letter shine, our free resume builder is here to lend a hand. We're all about helping you show off your skills and experience in a professional way. Our CV builder tool and Ask Me Anything feature make it easy for you to create top-notch documents that impress.

Cover letter

Our AI-powered cover letter builder, a key feature of our professional resume suite, analyzes your resume to craft a customized cover letter. This tailored approach enhances your prospects with potential employers.

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Introducing Your Comprehensive Application Management Solution!

CareerAI offers an extensive toolkit to streamline your job application process. Alongside our AI-Powered resume and cover letter builder, we provide virtual assistants, expert resume and cover letter review services, and a robust application tracking platform.

Stay on top of the hiring game with CareerAI

A variety of effective features to enhance and streamline the process, allowing you to land your dream job.

Frequently Asked Questions

Didn't find what you're looking for? — View all our FAQs

If you are a professional in need of assistance in improving your resume, our resume builder powered by OpenAI can help you generate the best version of your resume thus far.

AI Resume Builder

Build your best resume, ever.

Make your resume stand out by quickly customizing it to each application and applying to more jobs.

Quickly Create and Edit Resumes

create and edit resumes

Analyze Your Resume's Effectiveness

analyze your resume

Customize and Enhance Your Resume with AI

resume ai features

Take Design Control and Create A Resume You Are Proud Of

create ATS friendly resumes

Match Your Resume to Job Descriptions

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Create and Export Unlimited Free Resumes

Advance your career like never before.

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Need to level up your career even faster?

Unlimited resumes.

  • Unlimited Resumes Templates
  • Unlimited Job Tracking
  • Top 5 Keywords
  • 1 Email Template Per job stage
  • Basic analysis in the resume builder
  • Basic Resume Keyword Matching
  • Everything in Teal Free
  • Unlimited Advanced Resume Analysis
  • Unlimited Resume Keyword Matching
  • Unlimited keywords (hard and soft skills) listed in the job tracker
  • Unlimited Email Templates
  • No ads across the entire platform
  • 24/7 Email Support

AI Resume Builder Features

Resume editor, multiple formats, ai generated content, quality analysis, import resumes, match score, cover letter builder.

Enhancv’s Resume Builder helps you get hired at top companies

Resume Example

Loved by interviewers at

Pick a resume template and build your resume in minutes!

Double Column Resume Template

Resumes optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS)

Enhancv resumes and cover letters are vigorously tested against major ATS systems to ensure complete parsability

Check your resume for grammatical and punctuation errors

A built-in content checker tool helping you stay on top of grammar errors and clichés

Check your resume for grammatical and punctuation errors

Resume tailoring based on the job you’re applying for

Quickly ensure that your resume covers key skills and experiences by pasting the job ad you’re applying for

Resume tailoring based on the job you're applying for

20+ Professionally designed resume sections

Express your professional history without limitations or worry about how your resume looks

Arrow decoration Third

The resume builder that’s right for your job and experience

Business Analyst resume

The most powerful resume checker on the market

Get an understanding of how good your resume really is – Enhancv’s AI-powered resume checker performs over 250 different checks and provides you with actionable insights

A feature-packed resume builder

Easily edit your resume with Enhancv’s drag-and-drop resume builder. Choose from different templates, various backgrounds and sections.

Enhancv Resume Builder

Enhancv Executive has changed my life: One week & four interviews later, I will be making 150% more doing the job I chose.

Your resume is an extension of yourself – make one that’s truly you, frequently asked questions about enhancv, what makes enhancv the perfect tool to prepare your job application.

  • Drag-and-drop Resume Builder with professional resume templates for every career situation.
  • Resume and CV Examples written with modern CV templates for international jobs and academic applications.
  • Cover Letter Builder , with matching cover letter templates and hundreds of cover letter examples for inspiration.
  • Resume and CV examples written by experienced professionals in their field, with real resumes of people who got hired.
  • Choosing how to get started - you can upload an old resume, your LinkedIn profile, or with a blank page.
  • Built-in content improvements according to your job title and experience, as well as proofing suggestions.
  • Resume Tailoring feature that helps you customize your resume to the job application.
  • A free Resume Checker that evaluates your resume for ATS-friendliness, and gives you actionable suggestions.
  • Downloading your resume in PDF or TXT formats, or saving them in US letter format or A4 format.
  • Cloud storage with 30 documents to edit, duplicate or update .

How to use Enhancv Resume Creator?

  • Upload your old resume or select your job title to pick the most appropriate resume template.
  • At this stage, you can begin editing your resume or sign up to save your work.
  • Fill in your basic contact information details , as well as your resume title headline .
  • Drag and drop your resume sections according to the best resume format for your situation. The best one to go with is the reverse-chronological resume format , but if you’re changing careers or just entering the job market, you can choose between the hybrid resume or the functional resume .
  • Write a memorable resume summary , or a resume objective , if you’re making a resume for a first job .
  • Describe your resume work experience , from the newest to the oldest job.
  • Don’t forget to include your education on your resume , with details such as GPA , Coursework , MBA , or Major and Minor , in case you’re writing an entry-level resume .
  • Enhancv will encourage you to think beyond the obvious resume layout . Add additional information, such as proudest accomplishments , internships , awards , volunteer work , hobbies and interests , certifications , computer skills , soft skills , language skills , or publications .

Why do I have to make a different resume for every job application?

Should i use a resume template in 2024, should my resume be in pdf or word format, should i send a cover letter with my resume.

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Made with love by people who care.

Build amazing resumes with the power of AI

example of a web developer resume

Make a resume with ease

Free job guides

Resume Examples

total Users

Resume examples, templates & objectives

We are continously adding to your collection of resume examples & templates to make sure we cover as many job titles as possible.

We work with expert resume writers to give you ATS, keyword friendly resumes ready for you to modify.

Get hired by your dream company with your free templates, examples & expert advice. 

Ai resume maker.

Transform your resume creation experience with our AI Resume Maker. Leverage cutting-edge technology to craft personalized, impactful resumes that stand out. Effortlessly blend your unique skills and experiences into a masterpiece.

Free job specific examples

Explore an extensive library of free, job-specific resume examples. From tech to teaching, find inspiration and practical examples to model your resume on, ensuring you hit the mark for your target role.

ATS Friendly

Beat the bots with ATS-friendly resumes. Our designs are optimized to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems, ensuring your resume reaches human hands. Highlight your qualifications without getting lost in translation.

Objectives & Summaries

Start strong with compelling objectives and summaries. Learn how to encapsulate your career goals and professional essence in a few powerful sentences, setting the tone for the rest of your resume.


Unleash your resume's full potential with unparalleled customization options. Tailor every section to reflect your individuality, from skill bars to color schemes, making your application impossible to overlook.

Expert guides & articles

Access a wealth of knowledge through our expert guides and articles. Stay ahead with insights on the latest resume trends, tips for interviews, and strategies to navigate your career path successfully.


ResumeGiants’ Free Resume Builder

Writing your very first resume is a big step. Make this task 10x easier with ResumeGiants’ free professional and AI-powered Resume Builder

resume examples carousel

Our 100% free online resume builder

Have you wondered if you could use ChatGPT to write a resume ?

Well with our ChatGPT-powered AI resume builder, you can write your resume in seconds .  After all, having a smart and stylish resume is the best way to get the attention of employers and ResumeGiants is here to guide you through this process.

With our completely free resume builder , you can avoid the stress, wasted time, and mistakes most people make when writing a resume for the first time.

We’ll help you show why you’re the best candidate for any job you apply for and make it easier to create a professional-looking resume that gets results.

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How to Make Your Resume With ResumeGiants’ AI Builder

ResumeGiants’ online free resume builder is your helping hand when you’re preparing a job application , no matter your experience. Our tools simplify the process and support you in getting everything down on paper that you can download for free.

Select a template

We’ve prepared a wide range of stylish and eye-catching designs to choose from.

Fill in Your Information

Add your personal information with step-by-step instructions to guide you with AI text suggestions based on your profile and experience.

Edit and Customize

Add any other personalized touches you need to make your resume appeal to employers.

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Why Use ResumeGiants’ AI Resume Builder

Using a ChatGPT-powered resume builder is the perfect way to quickly and easily optimize your application with AI and get on the radar of employers. The whole process of writing is streamlined with the help of our resume maker.

With our builder, your resume sections will be organized and tailored to the job application. This will ensure that your resume is ready and that your qualifications are laid out to help you prepare for your job interview.  

Find out below how you can create the perfect resume with our assistance.

Create Your Online Resume Worry-Free

Creating a resume for the first time can be nerve-wracking. Fortunately, ResumeGiants’ AI builder and editor tools take the stress out of creating a brand new resume with step-by-step instructions, expert tips, and easily customizable templates .

And the best about it? It’s totally free. You can download your resume without paying.

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Write a Resume in Minutes Not Hours

Writing a resume without the right support takes a lot longer than having guidance. Our resume builder can help you every step of the way and let you shorten the amount of time needed to get results.

Your Resume Stand Out

No one is born a resume writing expert. They have to learn the essentials to get results. Our resume builder can give you a quick crash course in all the details you must include to get employers on-side.

Get Hired Faster For Free

You’ll have all of ResumeGiants’ tools at your disposal totally free ! Get the support you need as a new graduate to design and build expert resumes that employers will notice without paying big bucks for the privilege.

What People Say About ResumeGiants

We’ve helped a lot of grads get past those tricky first steps towards building their own resume. Find out what the experience of using ResumeGiants is like from those who tried it themselves below.

Susan Carter Sales Associate “ResumeGiants helped me create my very first resume out of college. It was really useful as I really didn’t know what I was doing at the beginning. It made the whole process so much simpler and helped me get interviews almost straight away. Huge thanks ResumeGiants”
John Patrick Events Coordinator “I was beginning to think I didn’t have what it takes to get hired in my sector until I started using ResumeGiants. I was able to see where I’d been going wrong with my resumes before and had a much better success rate with job applications.”

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Free Resume Templates

Using resume templates that are proven to work will help you  move your career search forward. Start and customize yourwith our free AI-powered resume builder .

FAQs About ResumeGiants’ Resume Builder

Before starting your very first resume you may have questions about how our resume builder works. Find out more about the service we offer below.

A resume builder is a type of software that can help you prepare and fill in a resume template online. These tools are also known as resume makers or resume generators, and they can help you create your own resume in a few easy steps .

  • Pick one of the verified templates that we provide
  • Drag and drop your information
  • Autofill the rest

No more having to worry about the formatting or structure of the document . After finishing your resume, you’re able to go back and make any changes you need. You can edit the design you’ve chosen however you like, whether it’s changing the colors, typeface, or adjusting the spacing.

Once you’re happy with everything you’ve made, you can easily download and print your completed document . Your resume will also be permanently stored on our platform, meaning that you can go back and edit it whenever you need.

Yes, our resume-building tools are free for absolutely everyone, no exceptions . We know that the first weeks and months out of college or high school can be a scary time, especially if you have loans to pay back.

The same goes for anyone changing careers or looking for a new job. As a result, we let grads and professionals alike use our resources 100% free . We want to help you go through this tricky transition stress-free so that you’re able to land the job of your dreams in no time!

We offer a wide range of special features in our resume building software including:

  • Optimized resume template designs
  • Step-by-step resume writing guide
  • Pre-written texts
  • Expert preparation tips
  • User support
  • AI photo checking
  • .pdf or .txt file downloads

Our tools are available online from any PC, laptop, or handheld device . You can access your files from any of these devices whenever and wherever you are by just logging in via the web browser on your system. Your data is securely synchronized in the cloud, so you can easily make changes on the go . Enjoy complete flexibility to make sure you don’t miss any last-minute application deadlines for your dream job!

Unlike the vast majority of other resume-building tools, ResumeGiants’s resume builder is completely free . Although there are some other resume builders which are free to start with, they usually block some of their features behind extra paywalls.

Furthermore, our resume builder has been created in collaboration with a team of experienced career advisors, resume writers, and job-finding coaches . This means that all our templates, tools, and services have been verified by industry professionals as being top of the line.

The response to this question is simple: Yes. Your resume makes a huge difference during a job search .

What gets you an interview for the job you want are your qualifications and experience.

They need to appear perfectly placed on your resume.

It is usually the difference between a potential employer calling you in for an interview or moving on to a different application.

Our resume-building tools can help you create the ideal resume .

A great way to show off your skill set to a potential employer is through a well-outlined resume.

Whether you are trying to get your first job or move on to another company, using a resume builder is always a great idea. Our website offers you the best templates, writing guides, and more to help you land the interview to make your next move.

The answer is yes. Using ResumeGiants, you can create a free resume and download it without paying. Our website offers all of our resume-building tools to everyone for free.

As someone new to the workforce, you may feel it is hard for you to fill out a resume. If that’s the case, take advantage of a year of our services without charge. Don’t let your lack of work experience stop you from having a resume that catches the eye of the recruiters.

Are you someone who’s already experienced?

If you already have work experience, our services will outline your talents and work history in the most relevant way.

ResumeGiants offers a resume builder that has many features for you to create an amazing resume.

There are few other resume-building tools that can help you create a free resume without paying for an entire year. With our services, you have access to:

  • Writing guides
  • Template designs
  • Preparation tips

This is the perfect resume-building tool that is for people new to the work force. Also, for experienced jobseekers that want to make their resume stand out from the rest of the pack. Take advantage of our resume-building services and give yourself the best chance of landing your dream job .

Yes, our free resume builder can help you strengthen your online profile! By using our tool, you can highlight your strengths and skills in the most effective way on your application with AI-generated keywords and phrases.  With these suggestions from our AI builder, you’ll stand out to potential employers whether it’s on your resume or on online profiles like LinkedIn thanks to AI.

An AI builder analyzes your resume and job descriptions to offer tailored suggestions and keywords specific to your position, ensuring your resume is both eye-catching and relevant to employers. This technology simplifies optimizing your resume, making it more effective in job applications. Our free resume builder features artificial intelligence like those found on ChatGPT and Gemini AI to streamline and enhance the resume creation process.

You can use ChatGPT to help you write a cover letter or resume. However, for the best results, it’s crucial to use tools like our AI resume builder specifically designed for job applications . 

Specialized tools like these ensure your resumes and cover letters are tailored to your position and sector.

The online resume builder getting folks hired by BBC, Google, Apple, Tesla, and Airbnb.

Build your brand-new resume in as little as 5 minutes. try it for free..

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Recruiters Love Our Resume Builder. Learn Why Below.

P.S. The video is less than 2 minutes

Resume Templates for Every Career Path.

You can pick one of our handcrafted resume templates above. You can start building your resume in less than 5 seconds, using predefined sections approved by recruiters worldwide. You can also customize it to your own needs and personality and hit 'Download'. It's THAT easy to use, even if you've never made a resume in your life before!

Build Your Resume Fast and Easy.

Novorésumé is lightning fast. There's no software to download. No multi-part sign-up form. No long-winded tutorials. Just a straightforward process.

Why Use The Novorésumé Resume Builder?

Novocareer Section Image

Introducing e-learning!

Whether you're job hunting, planning a career shift, or aiming to enhance your professional skills, our e-learning feature is designed to tackle your unique challenges .

  • Top-notch content by certified experts
  • Address specific challenges using tailor content
  • Help us shape the final product
  • Receive discounts and exclusive content

Novocareer is the latest addition to our platform, and we're excited to embark on this journey with you. Together, we'll shape and expand the content to meet your evolving needs and aspirations.

Premium Features for Ambitious Job-Seekers

The job market today is competitive – you’ll need every edge to stand out. Here’s how Novorésumé Premium can help you:


The jobseeker's

The guide to getting hired in 2024


Job Search Masterclass

Don’t have much career experience? Not sure how to write your resume, ace your interview, or land that job? Check out our Job Search Masterclass! We’ll teach you how to do the following:

  • Create a Resume That Grabs Recruiters’ Attention Every Single Time
  • Ace Your Interview (Even if You’re an Introvert)
  • Find a Job You’ll Love (And Actually Get It)

Resume Builder FAQ.

Ready to jump-start your career.


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  • Generative AI Tools /

11 Best AI Resume Builder Free – Use AI Resume Tool

Table of Contents

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11 Best AI Resume Builder Free – Use AI Resume Tool-feature image

Summary: Employers nowadays use ATS tool to filter out applicants. So, your resume should cover all your achievements convincingly and have proper headings in the right format. Discover how to easily create an impressive resume for free with the revolutionary AI resume builders.

According to Indeed, a hiring manager takes only 6 seconds to read your resume. This means if you use a difficult-to-read font, flashy designs or bad layouts you could miss out on a job opportunity. (Source)

A resume shows your expertise, skills, qualifications and makes employers understand what you are going to bring to the table. So, your resume needs to be clean, concise and it should have proper headings in the right format.

However, making a resume correctly can seem a tedious task. But with the AI resume builder, you can create a resume easily and efficiently. AI tools can analyze and optimize your resume for specific job applications to help you stay ahead of other applicants.

11 Best Free AI Resume Builder in 2024

  • Teal AI Resume Builder
  • Prepory (Formerly
  • This Resume Does Not Exist

With an abundance of AI-powered resume builders available for free, you now have access to a sophisticated tool to excel in a competitive job market. Let’s get to it!

1. Novoresume


Novoresume is a popular online platform that helps people create professional resumes and cover letters. It offers a huge library of modern resume templates to help you create resumes in less than 5 minutes.

You can also create a resume from scratch by entering your information into a questionnaire. Resumes built with Novoresume are considered to be ATS-friendly and it also provides tips and suggestions to help you improve your resume.

Features of Novoresume Resume Maker AI

  • Personalize your resume by customizing its design, layout, template and more
  • Nvoresume generate ATS-friendly resume to help you get noticed by recruiters
  • Offers real-time feedback for your resume’s content, style and format
  • Variety of creative and professional templates to choose from
  • Generates up to 10-page resume/CV

Free Trial: N/A

Pricing: Novoresume offers both free and paid plans with a 14-day money back guarantee.

  • Basic : Free to use plan with maximum 1 page resume building
  • Premium : Starts at INR 899/month

2. Kickresume


Kickresume is a user-friendly resume builder AI which is powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4. It helps job seekers create professional resumes, cover letters, and personal websites.

With over 40 ATS-friendly resume templates designed by a team of HR experts, you can select and customize any template in any way you want. Kickresume also provides real resume examples from big companies like Apple, Nike, Facebook and more to get inspiration from.

Features of Kickresume, AI Tool for Resume Making

  • Offers 400+ job specific resumes and CV guides
  • Build a matching cover letter for your resume with AI
  • You will get access to AI-powered resume, cover letter and resignation letter maker
  • Provides 1500+ resume examples
  • Offers a resume checker option that reviews and provides feedback on your resume
  • You can build website from resume with just one click

Kickresume Pricing: Plans are as follows:

  • Free: Free to use plan with 4 basic resume templates
  • Premium: Starts at INR 820/month with a 14-day money back guarantee.

3. is another AI resume maker that can build a professional resume within minutes. You can simply sign up to the website, provide your details and it will build a resume on its own.

Its user-friendly interface, diverse templates, and AI-powered suggestions make it a popular choice for individuals at all stages of their careers. Furthermore,’s automatic spellchecker can help you to create a resume with zero typos or errors.

Features of

  • It offers professional-designed, approved templates and examples
  • Supports multiple formats such as Word, PDF, etc. to store and download resumes
  • uses strong 256-bit encryption to keep your data private
  • Helps create a powerful resume profile or cover letter with Automatic Summary Generator feature
  • You can choose pre-generated effective phrases and keywords for your resumes

Pricing: offers a free plan to build one resume and a cover letter. The paid plan starts at INR 247 for 7 days with unlimited CV or resume.

Rezi resume builder ai

Rezi is one of the well-known and probably most-used AI resume builders out there. It allows you to write, edit, and format your resumes with minimal input. It uses AI to identify relevant keywords based on your desired job and suggests incorporating them strategically in your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

The tool also provides feedback on your resume as you write, highlighting potential content errors, missing information, and overuse of any word. With Rezi’s Google Chrome extension , users can create a resume from their LinkedIn profile.

Features of Rezi, AI Tool for Resume

  • Rezi provides your resume with Rezi Score (From 1-100) based on over 23 criteria to help you build the best resume possible
  • You can download resumes or CV in various formats like Docs, MS Word, and PDF
  • Allows you to submit your resume for an expert review directly through the platform
  • Offers over 350 resumes, cover letters, and resignation letters templates

Rezi Pricing: Rezi offers different types of plans. These are:

  • Free: AI resume builder free plan with 1 resume limit
  • Pro: Starts at around INR 2500/month with unlimited resumes
  • Lifetime: Will cost you around INR 10,000 for lifetime access with all Pro features

5. Teal AI Resume Builder

Teal cv maker ai

Teal uses AI and GPT technology to build professional resumes easily and efficiently. You can customize your resume with AI-generated summaries, achievements, and cover letters suited to the job descriptions.

All their resume templates are ATS friendly and have multiple settings to add your personal style. You will also get real-time feedback and expert tips with their resume checker. Apart from resume building, Teal can also organize job searches, research job openings and auto fill applications.

Features of Teal, Resume AI Free Software

  • You can build resumes either using template, from scratch or by importing your LinkedIn profile
  • Easily analyze your resume’s effectiveness and get expert feedback
  • Teal has a built-in applicant tracker feature to keep track of all your job applications and manage your job search
  • Offers AI-powered resume, CV and email generation
  • Teal also has a LinkedIn review tool to optimize your profile

Pricing: Teal AI offers a free plan with basic analysis and resume building features. Its paid plan starts at around INR 800 per week.

6. Prepory (Formerly

resumemaker is an AI-powered tool designed to simplify the resume-writing process. You can build a resume by inputting your job title and context and it will generate tailored resume content using best practices for bullet points and relevant skills.

Users can customize their resumes using various formats provided and access hundreds of templates. Additionally, the platform offers ATS keyword targeting and real-time content analysis for high quality resumes.

Features of

  • 250+ resume and cover letter templates
  • helps you build ATS-friendly resume to stay ahead of competition
  • Get your resumes reviewed by career coach experts
  • Download your resumes in various file formats

Pricing: offers a free plan with 1 resume limit. The paid plans are as follows:

  • Basic: Starts at around INR 220/month with standard templates only
  • Pro: Starts at around INR 2400/month with unlimited resume and CV generation
  • Lifetime: It will cost you around INR 10,000 one-time payment and access to all pro features

7. HyreSnap

HyreSnap resume maker ai

HyreSnap AI resume builder empowers job seekers to create top-notch resumes in just minutes. With its AI-driven technology, it provides personalized suggestions and scores to optimize your resume’s impact.

The platform offers a variety of modern templates tailored to different career levels that ensures your resume stands out to potential employers. HyreSnap is trusted by over 1.3 million users worldwide and endorsed by HR experts. It is the go-to solution for landing interviews and getting hired by top companies.

Features of HyreSnap AI Resume Maker

  • Build ATS compliant resume to tackle applicant tracking systems
  • A variety of templates are available, such as functional, minimalists, chronological, classic black-and-white etc.
  • HyreSnap is ideal for all sorts of industries- from designing to marketing, everything
  • Helps you customize your resume as per the job description
  • Review your resume with over 45 metrics
  • HyreSnap also helps job seekers with job search

Pricing: HyreSnap’s paid plan starts at INR 99/month

8. This Resume Does Not Exist

This Resume Does Not Exist

This tool not only has a unique name, but also unique features. This Resume Does Not Exist has over 1000 AI-generated resume examples. You can look at the resumes of the world’s most successful people and create a resume accordingly.

The examples are inspired by the accomplishments and careers of famous people. It includes examples of resumes for business moguls such as Elon Musk, Mark Zukerberg, Bill gates and many other faces.

Features of This Resume Does Not Exist

  • The platform acts as a search engine for resumes of famous people
  • Get resume example across various industries
  • You can mimic the resumes of successful people and get your dream job
  • Open AI-powered resume example generator

Pricing: Free to use platform

Enhancv ai resume builder

Enhancv’s AI Resume Builder is a powerful tool designed to help you stand out and get hired by top companies. It offers a variety of professionally designed resume templates, allowing you to customize layouts, fonts, and colors.

The tool can help you build ATS compliant resumes with optimized skills sections, and content improvement suggestions. It features a resume checker that performs over 250 checks, giving you actionable insights to enhance your resume.

Enhancv supports easy editing, and cloud storage, and offers a separate section for interview preparation and career counseling, which makes it a complete solution for job seekers.

Features of Enhancv AI Resume Maker

  • Two column, single column and multi- page layout resumes
  • ATS-friendly designed resumes
  • Get wording and readability access
  • Edit your resume with Enhancv’s drag-and-drop resume builder
  • Offers traditional, modern, creative and simple resume formats

Pricing: Enhancv offers a free plan with two resumes and cover letters. The Pro plan starts at INR 889/month.


Resume Builder claims a 33% quicker hiring rate and 25% more job offers for its users. With over 30 design templates, including modern and ATS-friendly options, users can create personalized resumes according to their needs.

The AI-powered resume wizard provides intelligent suggestions to optimize content for keywords and increase visibility among employers. Additionally, users can benefit from their expert tips on building resumes and access to a vast library of resume examples.

Features of Resume Builder, AI Tool for Resume

  • Build your resume using template, from scratch or by importing LinkedIn profile
  • Get expert suggestion and guidance while making resumes
  • Get access to over 500 resume examples and templates
  • You can customize font colors, designs, layouts to build a professional looking resume

Pricing: Resume Builder offers different types of plans. These are:

  • Free account: Free to use plan with .TXT file downloads
  • Paid trial: 14-day trail plan for around INR 200
  • Monthly Pro: Starts at around INR 500/month

11. Skillroads

skillroads ai resume builder free

Skillroads uses AI for career counseling, explores professional interests, and instantly generates a tailored resume. The goal is to provide users with a perfect job match. You can enter your information and generate a professional resume in minutes.

The AI builder will suggest keywords and phrases to include in your resume and will also format your resume in a way that is ATS-friendly. Skillroads also offers a range of career services, including job application packages, cover letter builder, LinkedIn profile editing, and more.

Features of Skillroads

  • Build resume online with the help of AI
  • LinkedIn profile optimization
  • Skillroads also offers professional career tips
  • Evaluate your resume under 21 key metrics

Pricing: Available on request

How We Tested AI Resume Builders in This Article?

When we were looking for the best AI resume builder online, we looked at various factors such as ease of usage, design templates, customization options, ATS compatibility, pricing plans, and more.

We tested each and every AI resume builder listed above to see how quickly we could create a professional-looking resume. We also examined the range of design templates for different industries and career levels. Additionally, we assessed the customization options available, such as font styles, colors, and layout adjustments.

Moreover, we paid close attention to the ATS compatibility so that the resumes are optimized for applicant tracking systems used by employers.

Last but not least, we considered the pricing plans offered by each AI resume builder as well as the affordability of paid plans.

Which Free AI Resume Builder to Choose?

In conclusion, those were the best free AI resume builders in. These tools offer a range of features and capabilities to help job seekers create professional resumes quickly and easily. Whether you’re looking for customizable design templates, ATS compatibility, real-time feedback, or affordable pricing plans, there’s a resume AI builder out there to suit your needs.

By using the power of AI technology, these platforms can help you stand out in a competitive job market and land your dream job.

AI Resume Builder: Frequently Asked Questions

Can ai build my resume.

Yes, AI-powered resume builders can help you create professional resumes quickly and efficiently. These platforms use artificial intelligence technology to read, analyze and optimize your resume for specific job applications.

What is the best AI-friendly resume builder?

Some of the best AI-friendly resume builders are Novoresume, Kickresume,, and Rezi, among others. However, it's important to consider other factors such as design templates, customization options, ATS compatibility, pricing plans, and user reviews when choosing the right resume AI builder.

Do AI resume builders work?

Yes, AI resume builders are effective tools for creating professional resumes. These platforms use artificial intelligence technology to analyze your skills, qualifications, and job preferences and generate a tailored resume based on your requirements.

Which resume builder is actually free?

Some AI resume builders such as Teal AI Resume Builder, Prepory, This Resume Does Not Exist and offer free plans with limited features. These free plans typically allow you to create a basic resume with a limited number of templates and customization options.

What is the best AI resume builder?

The choice of best AI resume builder will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Some popular options include Teal, Resumemaker, HyreSnap, Novoresume, Kickresume,, Rezi, and Enhancv, among others.

What is the best free AI resume builder?

The best free AI resume builder will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Some popular options include Novoresume, Kickresume, and, among others. These platforms offer free plans with limited features, such as basic resume templates and customization options.

What is the best online resume builder?

The best online resume AI builder will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Some popular options include Zet, Rezi,, Skillroads, etc. These platforms offer a range of features and capabilities to help you create professional resumes quickly and easily.

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Shubham Roy is an experienced writer with a strong Technical and Business background. With over three years of experience as a content writer, he has honed his skills in various domains, including technical writing, business, software, Travel, Food and finance. His passion for creating engaging and informative content... Read more

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5 Easy-to-Use Online Resume Tools to Make Better CVs and Land Jobs

T he first step to landing your dream job is to make a resume that will impress any recruiter. From open-source and privacy-friendly online CV makers to AI-assisted cover letters, these free tools make it easier than ever to create a resume that will stand out from the crowd.

1. OpenResume (Web): Open Source, 100% Free and Ad-Free, Privacy-Friendly

A common issue with several online resume builders is that even though they tout they are free, there are several hidden clauses. They'll have ads, or ask you to sign up to store your personal and professional information on their servers or ask for a fee to remove watermarks when downloading the final PDF. OpenResume is an attempt to solve all those issues by building an open-source, completely free, and ad-free online resume builder which also protects your privacy.

OpenResume guides first-time resume makers to create a new CV with a template that relies on best standards and practices. Simply fill the data in the boxes as asked, and you'll see the resume updating in real-time in the preview. You can tweak colors, fonts, and paper size at any time.

The app works in your browser cache, so you won't be sending any of this data to the internet, keeping your information private and safe. OpenResume also includes a parser to check how ATS systems will read your CV, letting you then write an ATS-friendly resume .

2. Leet Resumes (Web): AI Analyzes and Upgrades Your Current Resume

After using writers to create thousands of free resumes for job applicants, Leet Resumes has trained an AI to analyze those resumes and use those learnings to make changes to your existing resume. It's completely free too.

Start by uploading your current resume as a PDF or DOC file. Leet Resumes will then take you through a series of steps to spruce up the CV. It will determine what your next job positions could be, suggest words and skills to add to your current resume, and coax information from you through pointed questions. Once you finish the questionnaire, Leet Resumes will create a new CV for you with all this information.

You can download the resume for free and then even tweak it if you want to make changes. Leet Resumes follows only one resume template design, but it's a standard recommended by founder Marc Cenedella, an expert in recruiting who has also written multiple books on how to write winning resumes.

3. Chat Career (Web): AI-Crafted Resume Tailored for Job Postings

One of the essential tips for a winning resume is to tweak it slightly for each job that you're applying for. It shows you have read the job posting and understood the requirements. Chat Career uses AI to help you make such tailored resumes.

When you start the app, you'll need to add the job description from the company's posting. Then, you can either upload your current CV, give it access to your LinkedIn bio, or craft a new resume from scratch. Chat Career will then review whether you are fit for the job. The AI asks questions in a chat window, much like using ChatGPT. Answer questions in plain English, and provide as many details as you want.

It will brainstorm with you about how you should highlight your experience and qualifications and even suggests how to add missing elements for maximum job fit. Once the process is done, you'll get a new resume, ready to send to this job. And if you save your profile, you can then use Chat Career to quickly generate tailored resumes for any future job postings.

4. CoverLetterGPT (Web): Generate Cover Letters Quickly With ChatGPT

Much like tailoring your CV for the job description, it's good practice to write a cover letter that addresses the hiring manager directly. The key to writing a good cover letter is to succinctly explain why you are the right fit for the job, how your resume will reflect that, and to display your personality through your words. A lot of people struggle with it, but the whole process is much smoother when AI assists you.

As the name suggests, CoverLetterGPT will help you write a cover letter using ChatGPT without needing to learn ChatGPT prompts or even create an OpenAI account. Add the job title, company, job description, and upload your current CV. Once CoverLetterGPT analyzes this input, it'll spit out a cover letter in a few seconds that you can copy-paste into a document.

CoverLetterGPT also lets you easily prompt ChatGPT to change any sentence or paragraph in the cover letter it has generated. Highlight the text, and you'll get an option to ask ChatGPT to make it more concise, detailed, professional, or informal. You can also ask for a whimsical sign-off to add a little fun to your letter.

5. SwiftCV (Web): Free, Beautiful Personal Online Resume Web Page

Can you really afford to apply for a job in the 2020s without an online CV? And it needs to look a little better than a basic web page where you've uploaded your resume as a PDF. SwiftCV makes it easy for anyone with no knowledge of creating websites to make a beautiful online resume that you can share with recruiters.

Create an account, and you can start adding details in different sections, as prompted by SwiftCV. You can also import your LinkedIn profile to quickly populate your online CV. The app makes good use of company logos, font colors, sizes, and other icons to make a resume that looks modern and professional. It also follows a responsive design, so your CV can be read on a computer or phone.

In the end, you'll get an online CV with a custom URL for you. SwiftCV also shows you analytics data of people who viewed your profile, so you can track who is interested. The free version has a few limitations (such as the downloadable PDF and website having SwiftCV branding), but most job-seekers probably don't need to pay for the premium version.

Don't Rely on AI Alone

It's amazing how AI is helping users to create better resumes and CVs, especially for those who don't have senior professionals to guide them through the process. But you do run the risk of not standing out from the crowd if you over-rely on AI. To add a personal touch, use the AI suggestions as a starting block, and edit it to infuse your personality into the resume or cover letter.

5 Easy-to-Use Online Resume Tools to Make Better CVs and Land Jobs

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Find Jobs Easier with This AI Resume Builder on Sale for $90 Canyon Pro features automated resume writing, application autofilling, and more helpful tools for finding a job.

By Entrepreneur Store Edited by Jason Fell May 18, 2024

Disclosure: Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you'll find interesting and useful. If you purchase them, Entrepreneur may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners.

Sometimes entrepreneurs need to supplement their income with some side work to keep the dream alive. Other times, you flat out just need to find a job to pay the bills. Regardless of your inspiration, you don't have to fall victim to the overly tedious, repetitive requirements of today's job-seeking market.

To help automate and streamline your outreach, you can get a Canyon Pro Plan lifetime subscription on sale for only $89.99 (reg. $684) .

This AI resume builder allows users to build optimal CVs that help them find their dream jobs. Within the platform, you can use the platform's AI to manage, write, and edit your resumes, and you can customize them by doing those things yourself. You can always enhance a resume with AI and use it to improve your resume score.

Among Canyon Pro's many attractive features , its autofill feature makes the repetitive and often frustrating task of filling out the same questionnaires over and over again while looking for a job a thing of the past. Using it is as simple as installing a free Chrome extension into your internet browser.

Some of Canyon Pro's other helpful features include its unlimited AI mock interview practices and the ability to save and track job applications, making monitoring your progress easy. Canyon Pro is also designed to build ATS-friendly resumes so you can break through the noise.

Don't forget that for a limited time only, you can get a Canyon Pro Plan lifetime subscription while it's on sale for only $89.99 (reg. $684).

StackSocial prices subject to change.

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  24. 5 Easy-to-Use Online Resume Tools to Make Better CVs and Land Jobs

    3. Chat Career (Web): AI-Crafted Resume Tailored for Job Postings . One of the essential tips for a winning resume is to tweak it slightly for each job that you're applying for. It shows you have ...

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