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How to Make a Resume for First Job In 6 Steps (+ Examples)

  • Julia Mlcuchova , 
  • Updated January 12, 2024 15 min read

“How to make a resume for first job,” you ask?

In this highly competitive job market, even the most experienced professionals can struggle for success. So how can you, a fresh graduate with no experience , stand out from the rest? Believe us, you can. 

We'll show you how to highlight your skills and academic achievements , and other relevant experiences you might have, in a way that makes up for the lack of experience and catches an employer's eye.

In this article you'll find how to make an effective resume with no experience and land your first job. You'll also find out:

  • If you need a resume for your first job;
  • How to make a resume for first job in 6 steps;
  • How to know what is relevant;
  • First job resume examples.

But let's start with the basics...

Table of Contents

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What even is a resume?

Do you need a resume for your first job, how to make a resume for your first job in 6 steps, how to know what is relevant, resume example for first job.

  • Key takeaways: How to make a resume for first job?

In short, resume is a document which presents your career history in a succinct way. It provides an overview of your most relevant achievements (professional and educational):

  • the skills you've acquired; 
  • any qualifications, awards, or certificates you've gained; 
  • your education;
  • and work experience. 

Stylistically speaking, resumes are formal, brief, and packed with information . 

The aim of a resume is to present a summary of everything you need to convince the hiring managers that you are the right person to fill the open position in their company.

Who is the resume meant for? 

The target audience of your resume are the recruiters or the hiring manager . 

Resume serves as the initial point of contact between you and the people who decide whether you get invited to a job interview . With a good resume, you can make a strong first impression which will get you on the list of promising candidates.

Recruiters like brevity and efficiency, so make sure you communicate with them in clear and concise language .

What does a resume consist of? 

Given the volume of information included in a resume, you must organize it into appropriate and clearly distinguished resume sections . This will prevent your resume from looking cluttered and chaotic.

Generally speaking, there are two types of resume sections: necessary and optional .

The necessary resume sections include:

  • Personal/contact information
  • Resume summary or resume objective
  • Work experience

From the optional sections , the most frequent include:

  • Hobbies and interests
  • Awards and achievements
  • Certificates
  • Volunteering
  • References (though this one is mainly used in CVs, rather than resumes.)

How long should a resume be?

Choosing the right resume length can be tricky, believe it or not. Luckily for you, there is only one correct answer. 

Our recommendation to keep your resume to only one page probably won't surprise you. 


Whether it's your first or fiftieth time, you always need to attach a resume to your job application . 

Your resume is something like an ID card in the workforce – it tells people who you are, what you can do , and how they can reach you . Without a resume you won't get invited to a job interview; and without a job interview, well, you won't get a job. 

Maybe you feel that since you have no practical experience, writing a resume is pointless - this statement couldn't be further from true. 

After all, you would have to create a resume at one point in your life, so it may as well be now.

The simple fact of having a well-done resume already displays a certain level of professionalism and readiness for the workplace. 

Knowing how to best present yourself and your abilities – especially when you have no previous experience to vouch for them – is a skill in itself. And every skill needs practice. 

So let's practise!

Writing a good resume for your first job can be intimidating; but following these 6 steps will make the process much easier.

Instead of a resume summary, opt for a resume objective. In 3-5 sentences, focus on your career goals and academic achievements. Express your enthusiasm for the job, your goals, and your desire to grow professionally. 

This might be the most important section of your resume. Write your education entries in detail. You can mention relevant coursework, projects, or awards.

If you lack professional experience, you can build on your relevant internships, volunteering, independent projects, your teen jobs , summer jobs, or part-time jobs. Especially highlight those that are at least somewhat relevant for the job.

Highlight hard skills, like languages, computer skills , or other tools. Also, don't forget to include soft skills , which are personality traits and are transferrable from your old jobs or school. You can also organize your skills section into smaller categories and use infographics.

Include your contact information in your resume header. Make sure they are clearly visible and easy to find with the first glance. Don't forget to include your LinkedIn profile.

If you feel that there's still relevant information to be mentioned, but you lack separate resume sections – create them. For instance, create a separate 'Independent Projects' section and boast about your endeavours.

Now, let's go through these steps in detail.

Step 1: Create a compelling resume summary/objective 

What is the purpose.

What separates a good resume from a great one is its ability to immediately capture the attention of whoever is reading it. A nifty piece of text called a resume summary does the trick. 

This brief text placed near the top of your resume, close to your contact information, condenses your resume highlights into 3-5 sentences . 

It provides an overview of your most impressive professional qualities:

  • Most significant achievements
  • Most relevant skills
  • Experiences that cater to specific needs of the job you want

What can you do?  

Obviously, you can't really do all that. But you can still create a persuasive short text that will make the recruiters keep on reading the rest of your resume. 

Instead of writing a resume summary, try to compose a resume objective . 

Instead of past experience and achievements, you can highlight your:

  • Career goals 
  • Enthusiasm to learn and grow professionally
  • Educational achievements

Look at this example:

What makes this resume objective good?

  • Anita shows the recruiters her qualifications by informing them of her bachelor's degree.
  • She states exactly what she can offer to her future employer: proactive approach, problem-solving, critical thinking. 
  • She expresses her desire to “ grow professionally ”

Step 2: Flash out your education

The education section is where you list your degrees and your academic accomplishments. To be honest, candidates with years of professional experience need this section only as a way to show that they hold an academic degree. Simply because such is the convention. 

In their case, an education entry contains the following:

  • The name of the institution
  • Location of the school
  • Years of study
  • Level of study 
  • Name of their degree

What can you do?

For fresh graduates, the education section of a resume is often the most significant part . Make sure to put some meat on the bones … a lot of it actually.

At this point in your professional life, your academic achievements are probably the only way to showcase your most relevant abilities and substantial qualifications . Throughout your academic journey, you've likely gained and achieved a multitude of things, use this section to show your range. 

Apart from the information shown above, you should elaborate on your education entries by detailing your:

  • Relevant coursework. Being fresh out of school does have a certain advantage – all the theoretical knowledge is still in your head. 
  • Final thesis. Your final thesis is the climax of your studies. It's by far your most elaborate project. It requires a lot of effort, good time management, dedication and long-term commitment – all the qualities highly desired by employers. Not to mention if the subject of your thesis directly links to the job you're applying for!
  • Extracurricular activities. It's good to demonstrate your interest in things outside of the prescribed curriculum – this might suggest similar tendencies in work environment. 
  • Projects you've worked on. Apart from the knowledge, you've gained valuable teamwork experience.
  • Scholarships.  
  • Academic awards. Make the recruiters recognize your hard work. 
  • GPA . Include it only if it's higher than 3.5.

In short, make note of every relevant information that will make your future employers see your potential.

Keep in mind that your education entries should be listed in reverse-chronological order .

Consider this example:

What makes this education section good?

  • By mentioning the acknowledgements for her academic performance, Hannah shows the recruiters that she is focused, hard-working and consistent. 
  • Her membership in various societies and clubs suggest that she's developed strong communication and networking skills.

Step 3: Camouflage your work experience.

Normally, the work experience section takes up the most space on a resume. It is here where candidates demonstrate their acquired skills and know-how with practical examples from real-life professional situations.

One of the defining characteristics of those just entering the workforce, such as yourself, is the lack of practical work experience. 

This doesn't have to mean that you have no experience whatsoever. 

Instead of dealing with this section in the traditional way, you can make for your lack of experience by focusing on:

  • Internships. You can treat your internships as if they were regular jobs. In a few bullet points, note your responsibilities and accomplishments. Include any projects or studies you've participated in. What problems did you solve? What outcomes did you contribute to?
  • Independent projects . Feel free to add any kind of projects you've worked on. These can be academic, personal, work-related, freelance projects, etc. For instance, if you created a website for your college society, include this along with the transferrable skills you gained and a URL link.
  • Volunteering. Volunteering is as valid as any other work experience. Just because something wasn't paid, doesn't mean that it didn't bring you anything valuable. Plus, if the company you're interested in shares your passion for volunteering, this can be your greatest weapon. 
  • Part-time jobs. What relevant tasks did you undertake? What were your responsibilities? 

If you pick one, two, or combination of all – keep in mind that all the information on your resume should be relevant! This means that everything you decide to put on this document has to connect to the job you're applying for in some way.

If none of your experience aligns with the demands of your target job, you can still include it. Just make sure to focus on all the transferable skills you’ve gained because of it. 

Here is one example of how to deal with the feared “work experience” section:

What makes this work experience section good?

  • Despite not having any full-time experience, Nathan utilized his internship to the maximum. 
  • He clearly states the competences and tasks he undertook.
  • He details the accomplishments and skills he employed with specific examples . 
  • To make the text more readable and organized, he used bullet points and bold fonts . As a consequence, the whole entry feels less dense.

Step 4: Show relevant skills

It's quite straightforward, really – the skills section on your resume is there to highlight any skills that can help you get the job. 

Your abilities fall under one of two categories: hard or soft skills. 

Hard skills are those you can obtain through education or training – they can be easily measured and quantified. The most prominent hard skills are:

  • Foreign language proficiency
  • Computer skills (coding languages, spreadsheets, etc.)
  • Completed training (forklift operation, driving licence, etc.)

Soft skills , on the other hand, aren't so easily defined. We can say that these are the interpersonal and social nuances one cultivates throughout years and years of experience. You can also know them under the term transferable . Some of the most sought-after soft skills include:

  • Communication skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Leadership 
  • Reliability
  • Time management 

Since soft skills aren't strictly tied to a particular job position, you can apply them across all industries. Yes, even you .

Although both hard and soft skills can be included in the skills section , we recommend you to do this:

  • Use the skills section to mark your hard skills . Since these can be objectively measured, you can mark down the level of your proficiency by using infographics. Your resume will be sleeker and visually more interesting.  
  • Sprinkle your soft skills throughout other parts of your resume . Don't just write communication skills and blackout three out of five circles – that doesn't say much. We aren't saying that this is necessarily wrong; but you can do better!
  • Instead of just writing teamwork , mention your participation in various projects when you talk about your education. 
  • Don't just write reliable, show how many responsibilities and competences you were able to handle during your internship.
  • Instead of just writing leadership skills , mention the fact you led multiple group projects in your resume objective. 

Let's look at Anita's resume again. Focus on her skills section:

What makes this skills section good?

  • She included hard skills only, which allowed her to include more of them. (all relevant to the job position though!)
  • Anita organized her skills section into two categories . This made it more readable. 
  • By including infographics, she elevated the overall look of her resume.

Step 5: Provide up-to date contact information

A good resume is incomplete without your personal contact information. The recruiters need to know how to get in touch with you as soon as they look at your resume. Don't forget to clearly state your:

  • Full name; 
  • email address;
  • phone number;
  • and links to your LinkedIn, online portfolio of social media account (only if relevant!)

Make your contact info stand apart from the rest of the text. Place it in the topmost part of your resume (also called the resume header ). 

You can use a bigger font size to draw immediate attention to your name. 

And for the love of God, don't use unprofessional-sounding emails such as [email protected]

Step 6: Enhance your resume with optional sections

Optional sections in a resume are those that are not essential but can be included to provide additional context about your skills, experiences, or personal interests. 

These sections can be particularly useful for highlighting aspects of your profile that might not be evident from the standard sections.

When it comes to organizing your resume sections, there really is only one rule. The more important the information, the sooner it should be accessible . 

If you want to draw the recruiters' attention to all the certificates you've gained – create yourself a stand-alone certificate section . 

Maybe you have both internship and volunteering experience, but you only went into detail on your internship – create a volunteering section . 

Or, you may want to create a separate Projects section where you provide links and descriptions of your independent endeavours you did as a freelancer or just for fun.

Your additional section can look like this:

What makes this example good?

  • By organizing all certificates under one section, you draw attention to your qualifications head on. 
  • Each certificate is explained in detail with 1-2 short sentences.

If you'd like some more inspiration, breeze through our resume samples and have a look at resumes that have actually helped our customers to land the job they'd wanted. 

Congratulations. Now you know how to make resume for first job. 

Just one more thing.

If you've read carefully you might've noticed how often the word relevant pops up in this post. (Could be a good drinking game actually.)

By relevant we mean pertaining to the job you're applying for . 

Knowing what your job demands allows you to tailor your resume to each job posting you wish to reply to. The closer your resume aligns with these requirements, the better chance to land a job interview you'll have.  

Go to the job posting and read it again. Which key words and phrases catch your eye? 

In this example, we've highlighted them for you: 

Job posting example:

 Entry-Level Customer Service Representative

XYZ Tech Solutions is looking for a motivated Entry-Level Customer Service Representative to join our team in Miami, FL. The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills , basic computer proficiency, and a strong command of both English and Spanish . This role involves addressing customer queries, solving problems with a proactive approach, and contributing to team efforts in a fast-paced environment. No previous experience required, making it perfect for those starting their professional journey. If you’re passionate about delivering exceptional customer service and ready to grow your skills, apply now and kickstart your career with us!

When constructing your resume, make sure that you've managed to tick as many boxes as possible . Just don't lie!

Have a look at the following resume example.

Now, let's have a look at a great example resume for first job belonging to a student intern.

She highlights her skills and education, effectively camouflaging the lack of work experience.

She makes use of the skills-based resume format , which focuses on your skills rather than professional experience – also a great way to make up for the lack of experience.

The best thing is you can use this resume as your first draft.

Student Intern Resume Sample

This resume was written by our experienced resume writers specifically for this profession.

K ey takeaways: How to make a resume for first job?

Even without formal work experience, a resume is crucial. It serves as the initial point of contact between you and potential employers .

To make your first resume land with a bang, follow these simple steps:

  • Create a compelling resume objective. Focus on career goals and academic achievements.
  • Flash out your education. Highlight relevant coursework, projects, or awards.
  • Camouflage your work experience. Utilize internships, volunteering, and part-time jobs to adequatly compensate for your lack of experience.
  • Show relevant skills. Include both hard and transferabe skills. For better readability use infographics if possible. 
  • Provide up-to date contact information. Ensure it's up-to-date and prominently displayed.
  • Enhance your resume with optional sections. Add any other relevant sections as needed.

Don't forget the golden rule – always customize your resume to align with the specific job requirements, focusing on relevant skills and qualities .

Finally, a good resume should always be accompanied by a good cover letter. It can lend you more space to show the recruiters your passion and personal motivation to work for their company. As a fresh graduate, this is how you write a cover letter with no experience .

Is your first resume any good?

Scan your resume for issues and see how it compares against other resumes in our database.

Julia has recently joined Kickresume as a career writer. From helping people with their English to get admitted to the uni of their dreams to advising them on how to succeed in the job market. It would seem that her career is on a steadfast trajectory. Julia holds a degree in Anglophone studies from Metropolitan University in Prague, where she also resides. Apart from creative writing and languages, she takes a keen interest in literature and theatre.

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First Job Resume Examples + Samples for 2022

This page provides you with First Job Resume Examples + Samples for 2022 resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder . Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a First Job Resume Examples + Samples for 2022 resume.

Retail Sales Associate Resume Sample and Template

If you’re a new graduate worrying about how to write your first ever resume, you’re not alone! When you don’t have a lot of past work experience, resumes can be pretty intimidating. It’s easy to wonder how you’ll fill all the space, especially if you’ve never even held down a part-time job before.

Don’t panic! Even if you’re totally new to the world of work, you almost certainly have enough relevant experience behind you to build a great resume for your first job. If you think laterally, it’s perfectly possible – and very much allowed! – to include things like club activities, school-based responsibilities, and volunteering work on your first job resume.

To get you started, we’ve put together this helpful guide to writing your first job resume. We’ve put together some example resume sections, some do’s and don'ts for writing your resume, and some advice on what to expect from the job application process – including some tips you may not hear from your college careers office. Read on, and you’ll be building your first job resume in no time!

If you’ve never worked before, chances are that you’ve never had to write a resume before, either. Don’t worry – it’s not as complicated as you think! As a general rule, a resume contains the following sections:

  • A summary and/or objective
  • A record of your past work experience
  • A list of your qualifications, certifications, and licenses
  • A list of your relevant skills

It’s important to remember that your resume needs to show a hiring manager two things, particularly when you have no work experience. The first is that you have relevant qualifications for the role you want – whether that’s an academic qualification in a relevant field, or just some volunteering-based or extracurricular experience. The second is that you have the skills you will need to do great work in the role.

What this means is that it’s okay if your experience section feels a little thin on the ground. As a current student or a new graduate, you won’t be expected to bring a ton of professional experience to the table. What matters is how you present yourself – which means making the most of the skills, qualifications and experience that you do have, so hiring managers can see a good reason to take a chance on you.

We’ll cover each section one at a time, so you have all the information you need to make your resume as strong as possible.

The Best Format for a First Job Resume

Before you get started on actually writing your resume, you’ll need to choose your resume format! This dictates what hiring managers will notice first when they take their first look at your application. The right format will draw their eyes to your strongest assets, and away from the places where you’re not as strong as you’d prefer.

When you choose your professionally-designed first job resume template from our selection, make sure you keep that in mind. Since you won’t have much prior work experience, it makes sense to choose a format that will call attention to your qualifications and skills instead. This will give recruiters an opportunity to see the best side of you, first and foremost!

Remember, this is just your first job resume – you will be able to create a brand new resume once you have more experience behind you. After you’ve built up a stronger work history in your field of choice, you’ll be able to opt for a resume format that balances your skills and qualifications with your work experience. We have a range of resume guides for a variety of different fields and industries, to help you pick the best resume format when the time comes!

  • Applicant Tracking Systems

You may not know that some companies use an applicant tracking system (or ATS) to sort through the resumes they receive when inviting applications for a position. ATS software filters resumes based on keywords (usually drawn from the job description) to help winnow out resumes that are generic, not qualified for the role, or otherwise unsuitable to move to the next stage of the process. This is great for hiring managers, as it saves them valuable time and enables them to speed up the hiring process.

But for candidates, it isn’t always such good news! If your resume doesn’t make it past the ATS software, it is likely to be rejected before a human gets to see it and make informed decisions about your application. That can be a blow, particularly if you’ve spent a lot of time and effort on your resume.

You can maximize your chances of beating the ATS software by paying close attention to what the job description is asking for. Try to use the exact words used in the job description when describing your skills and experience: for example, if a job description asks for ‘strong time management skills,’ use that exact phrase when writing about your history of meeting deadlines for school. If you don’t treat the job description as your guide, you risk losing the role before the hiring process has truly begun.

ATS software can also be confused by complex and intricate resume formatting. That’s why all of VisualCV’s resume templates are designed to make your resume easy for ATS software to read, regardless of the layout they provide. That means you don’t have to worry about the software getting confused by your resume format – you can just focus on making sure your resume is as strong as it can be.

How to Write a Summary for Your First Job Resume

Most resumes begin with a summary. It’s the first thing most recruiters will see when they pick up your resume, and it’s intended to give them a clear, concise picture of your best qualities. Writing a good summary is all about brevity – think about your biggest strengths in relation to this particular role, and write them down in three sentences or less.

Remember, your summary should be tailored to the specific role you’re applying for. You can’t write just one summary, then reuse it across multiple applications! Recruiters will notice, and it will hurt your chances of getting the job.

Because you’re applying for your first job, you won’t be able to talk about your prior work experience in your summary. However, you can mention your educational background, your skills, your best qualities, and any relevant non-work experience you have. Later in your career, you can use your summary to describe the trajectory of your career so far, so recruiters can see at a glance where you’re coming from. 3 First Job Summary Examples

  • Current student at NYU majoring in International Relations. Secretary of the NYU Tea Society, with experience in planning, communication, and working to deadlines. A quick and adaptable learner with a strong work ethic.
  • Maintaining a 3.8 GPA at Williams College. Former editor at the Williams Record, with experience of project management and collaborative work. Dedicated to learning new skills without compromising on the quality of my output.
  • Majoring in Computing at UT Austin. Three years of volunteer experience in a residential care home, delivering enrichment activities to residents. Strong customer service skills with a compassionate mindset and a drive to deliver the best.
  • How Not to Write a First Job Resume Summary

It can be tempting to turn your summary into a second cover letter – a long-form piece of writing focusing on the story behind why you want the job. Don’t give in to that temptation! It’s the number one thing to avoid when writing a resume summary.

Remember, your summary needs to be clear and direct, focused on what you can offer an employer in the role you want. Keep it brief, keep it focused, and keep it professional. You can talk more about yourself in your cover letter – don’t give up valuable resume space for the sake of a more in-depth summary than you need.

Summaries can be tricky to get right. Not every recruiter agrees that you need one – in fact, opinion is pretty divided – so don’t despair if you’re struggling with it! Leave it out for now, and consider coming back to it later.

  • For the past three years, I have worked as a volunteer at the Shady Pines Residential Care Home, delivering enrichment activities to residents every weekend. I am excited to apply my experience with customer service to the role of Cashier. I believe I have the customer-focused mindset and the work ethic to really succeed in this position.

Do You Need a Resume Objective?

We’ve covered summaries pretty thoroughly – but what about your resume objective?

When you’re applying for a first job, an objective is a great way to give a hiring manager a little more information about your long-term goals. It’s a single-sentence statement about where you want to work or what you want to do in the longer term. Needless to say, your objective should have some relevance to the role you’re applying for!

Keep in mind that you won’t always need a resume objective. They’re not so useful when you already have an extensive work history, as your career so far can go a long way toward telling a hiring manager about your long-term plans. But at the beginning of your career, they’re generally considered to be worth including on your resume. First Job Resume Objective Example:

  • International Relations major at NYU, hoping to build a career in the communications industry.

How to Describe Your Experience on Your First Job Resume

By definition, you probably don’t have any previous experience of holding down a paid job – after all, this is your first job resume! But that doesn’t mean you don’t have any relevant experience. Here are just a few of the things you can include in this section of your resume, provided you’ve participated in them in the past:

  • High school clubs
  • College extracurriculars
  • Volunteering experience
  • Internships
  • Work experience placements
  • Relevant hobbies and achievements

As long as you can draw on the experience to show why it makes you a good fit for the role you want, you can include it! It’s worth sitting down and listing all of the skills you used or learned during your non-work experience. Then you can include any experience where those skills align with the skills listed on your job description – generally a good sign that the experience is relevant to the role.

Remember, you don’t have to include everything you’ve ever done on your resume. If you have a lot of experience, be selective. On the other hand, if you don’t have much experience, don’t even think about lying to bulk it out – if you get caught (and you are likely to get caught), it will throw up red flags that recruiters won’t be able to ignore.

  • Describe Your Experience Effectively

Each ‘item’ of experience on your resume is usually accompanied by a bullet-pointed list of things you achieved while carrying out the job. But as you’ll see in the example below, it’s not as simple as all that! Every bullet point you write should prove that you have at least one of the skills or qualities listed in the job description.

That’s why you should make sure to write about what you actually achieved – not just about the bare bones of what you did from day to day. Instead of ‘answered emails,’ try ‘addressed client queries promptly via email, ensuring clear communication and building trust.’ Doesn’t that sound so much more impressive?

As a rule, hiring managers will want to see evidence that you were able to succeed in your previous work – whatever it was. Point to the results you achieved by completing each task, and hiring managers will be more likely to believe that you can achieve results again in a future role.

Do: Editor, The Williams Record | 2019-20

  • Responded to pitches for articles and columns from fellow students, selecting pitches for content in line with the mission and tone of the newspaper
  • Supported writers in delivering their articles on time and to a high standard
  • Liaised with other members of the editorial team to ensure that each issue went to print in good time
  • How Not to Describe Your Experience

Don’t just write a list of the tasks you completed! Without any further context, a straightforward list of responsibilities assigned to you won’t tell a hiring manager anything. They won’t have any reason to believe that you excelled at those tasks, or that you might excel at similar tasks in a new job.

When writing a resume, you need to show hiring managers that you have the skills it takes to succeed. Be clear and explicit about those skills and how you applied them – don’t assume that they will make those connections for you.

Don’t: Editor, The Williams Record | 2019-20

  • Answered emails
  • Edited articles
  • Worked with other editors

How to List Skills on Your First Job Resume

Your skills section should be a list of the skills you possess that will help you in the role you want. You can usually refer to the job description for the skills necessary for the job! Most of the time, they include a list of qualities that applicants should have – use that as a guide when listing skills on your resume.

It’s useful to distinguish between ‘hard skills’ and ‘soft skills.’ Hard skills are the practical skills you’ll use from day to day in your role – things like the use of particular software packages, or the ability to use a cash register. If you don’t have all the hard skills listed as necessary for the role you want, don’t panic – you can write, either in your cover letter or as part of your skills section, that you are willing to learn on the job.

On the other hand, you probably already have some relevant soft skills! We’ll cover those in more detail below.

For general information about skills on your resume, check out our resume skills guide here!

Important Soft Skills for Your First Job

Soft skills are the skills that you use in every aspect of your professional life. Skills like communication, organization and attention to detail are vital in almost every line of work, and will give you an advantage in navigating a new work environment. Plus, when you don’t have much prior work experience, a strong portfolio of soft skills can show an employer that you have what it takes to succeed.

Here are some of the most important soft skills to include on your first job resume, regardless of the job you’re applying for!

  • Communication

Can you get along with people and make yourself understood, whether in person, in writing, or over the phone? Communication is foundational to almost every job – being able to communicate effectively will make you a better team member, as well as better at liaising with clients or customers.

  • Organization

In the world of work, it’s vital to be organized. That means balancing all your commitments, showing up on time, looking presentable, and managing your working hours effectively. Prove that you can do all that, and your application will be that much stronger as a result.

  • Willingness to Learn

This one is particularly important for people looking for their first job, as they’re likely to need more on-the-job training than more experienced candidates. Being willing and able to take in and adapt to new information is a crucial skill!

Very few jobs will need you to work in perfect isolation. You’ll have to get along efficiently with people from all walks of life, regardless of your personal feelings about them, in order to do most jobs to the best of your ability. That means being able to take on your share of responsibilities, all while keeping the wellbeing and morale of your colleagues in mind.

Final Thoughts

Landing that first job can be a daunting prospect, but it’s not impossible! With a well-written, well-constructed resume, you’ll be on your way up the career ladder in no time. Use what you have, think laterally about your experience, and don’t be deterred by rejection – keep pushing, and you’ll get there.

For a little extra boost to your resume, consider a VisualCV Pro membership! Pro membership allows you to customize every aspect of your resume, so you can show hiring managers your very best self from the outset of the application process. Sign up today, and get the head start you deserve on that first job.

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Resume Examples For First Job: Learn How To Craft An Entry-Level Application That Gets You Hired

Elena Prokopets

So how do you land your first job? That’s a multifaceted question. Previously, we shared some tips on getting an entry-level job . But what about your first job ever? This might be your first job as a high school graduate , or a job you pursue as an adult after staying home to raise a family. In any case, the following advice assumes that you are entirely new to the workforce and that you are starting from scratch.

Where exactly do you begin? Take a look at our roaster of entry-level resume examples. The, check out the resume tips we have below. These are tailored to completely inexperienced job seekers, strong attestations to how someone with a lack of experience can still show how they can be valuable to an organization.

Three Compelling Entry-Level Resume Examples 

The best way to learn anything new is to follow an example. Thus our team prepared several different variations of an entry-level resume you can use as a reference for writing.

Resume Template For Entry-Level (Word version)

resume template for first job

Download resume example (.docx)

Resume Example For a First Job (text version)

Seeking a job opportunity that will allow me to use my computer skills, personality, and organizational skills in an entry-level position as an assistant, clerk, or receptionist in an office or retail environment.

Relevant Skills

  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Typing And Data Entry
  • Fluent in Both English And Spanish
  • Direct Sales Experience
  • Team Building

Professional Experience

Pampered Chef Intern: Direct Sales Representative June 2016 – April 2017

Sold kitchen related accessories and supplies direct to consumers. Organized and hosted sales parties both online and in customer’s homes. Recruited other sales representatives. Delivered items to customers, kept track of inventory and order sheets.

Volunteer Work Girl Scouts of America Troop Leader April 2017 – Present

Maintained membership roles, recruited parent volunteers, attended leadership training seminars, planned activities, and mentored troop members. Led activities, and conducted troop leadership training. Coordinated fundraising efforts. Partnered with other troop leaders to plan events and activities.

West Side University Business Management BA May, 2005

Example of High School Student Resume with No Work Experience

Resume objective.

I am a high school student with a strong work ethic and organizational skills, willing to take direction, punctual, and friendly. I’m interested in pursuing a part-time position that will allow me to learn on the job while gaining real-life work experience.

Washington Highschool 2018-Present  GPA:3.75 Activities: 

  • Student Service Organization
  • Science Fair
  • Future Business Leaders Of America
  • Junior Achievement

Work and Volunteer Experience

Babysitting 2018-2020

Established a trusting and nurturing relationship with my neighbor’s young children while they were at work during the summer. Tasks would include cleaning rooms, feeding, changing, and giving small children a safe environment until their mother returned. Volunteer Work: Humane Society 2020-Present

Took time to nurture animals in the shelter under supervision. Fed animals, cleaned kennels of any debris, ensured paperwork was properly processed during adoption. Answered questions about concerns on animal welfare, and care participation.

Volunteer Work: Counselor at Girlscouts camp 2019-2020

Lead groups of young girls on adventurous outings in a safe and nurturing environment. Ensured the safety and wellbeing of a group of children ranging in age from 10 years to 14 years of age. Prepared meals for the campers and myself. Took a leadership role in a wide range of activities such as swimming, hiking, and fishing. Relayed information to both campers and other counselors in a calm manner. Worked as an assistant to the camp’s art instructor.

Skills and Accomplishments

  • Treasurer of the Honors society
  • MVP: Varsity Field Hockey Team
  • Proficient in Math
  • Proficient in Microsoft applications.
  • Proficient leadership skills

Entry-Level Software Engineer Resume Example 

Objective statement .

I am an honors BS engineering student with high digital literacy skills, entry-level programming, and UI/UX design skills. Looking to gain entry-level experience at a software engineering firm where I can contribute my front-end software development skills and obtain mentorship.

  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Software Testing
  • Communications Skills
  • Google And MS Suites
  • Team Player

City College: Albany New York Bachelor of Science Degree: Software Engineering, 112/120 Credits completed.

  • Academic Honors: Deans List (4 semesters)
  • National Honor Society

Upstate Tech Institute- Albany, NY Associate of Computer Science, May 2017

  • Graduated Magna Cum Laude, May 2017

Work Experience

Front-End Developer — Freelance  May 2019- Present

  • Developed several UI components for an eLearning app 
  • Coded landing page design for a WordPress resto website 
  • Provided manual UX/UI testing services for an eLearning portal 
  • Portfolio available at [insert your portfolio URL here]

City College College- Albany, NY Administrative Assistant (Work-Study), September 2017- Present

  • Took Phone calls and messages
  • Answered inquiries on behalf of students, faculty, and other staff members
  • Kept an organized and well-functioning workspace. 
  • Assisted other members of the office in a variety of tasks.

ABC Bakery Courtesy Clerk: April 2016- March 2017

  • Provided excellent customer service while serving customers a wide range of baked goods and drinks. Performed bussing duties as needed. Drummed up excellent PR that ended up attracting returning customers.

Technology Summary

Adobe Studio, Photoshop, XML/HTML, Javascript, Windows, Linux, Apple, MS Office suite.

Don’t be shy to include any paid or unpaid, internship, or volunteer work as your experience, just like our candidate did here.  Even if it was a few years ago, go ahead and add it to your resume as this still can show the skills you have developed. Also, you can make your resume “pop” by using a creative resume template . We have a wide array of those listed on our website for free!

How to Make a Resume with No Experience

No experience — no good resume? Wrong! 

Even if you are fresh to the workforce, you still have some important qualities and even qualifications to offer a prospective employer. Be it traditional education, alternative online learning certifications, strong soft skills, or even informal work experience such as volunteering, freelance, or even home-based work. What you have to do though is communicate the above in a marketable way. 

Here are step-by-step instructions for writing a resume with no experience:

  • Go for a functional resume format 
  • Create a list of accomplishments
  • Drop the cutesy add-ons 
  • Write an objective statement 
  • List all your education 
  • Add a great cover letter 

You can complete all of the above steps in our free resume generator and instantly download your resume copy.

1. Choose A Functional Resume

A functional resume emphasizes your skills first, rather than starting with your work experience. This is the best choice for inexperienced workers. After all, you can pick up marketable skills through your schooling, hobbies, and just life experience in general. Create a list of hard and soft skills that you have that would be valuable in the entry-level position you’re after.

Hard skills might include:

  • Internet Research
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Social Media Content Creation 
  • Typing and Data Entry
  • Cash Handling

Check this extra list of in-demand skills employers look for . 

Soft skills are:

  • Written communication
  • Listening 
  • Negotiation
  • Multi-Tasking

Need more ideas? Browse the following lists we’ve made:

  • Universal soft skills examples for a resume 
  • Core interpersonal skills for a resume  
  • Best organizational skills for your resume 
  • Transferable skills to put on your resume 

2. Make A List Of Your Accomplishments

Create a master list of the notable things that you’ve done over the years. You won’t include the entire list on your resume , but you can mine the list for items to add depending on the job for which you are applying. Think about organizations you’ve been part of, hobbies that you’ve pursued to the point of expertise, volunteer work, etc. List any awards and accolades as well. Most importantly, list the skills you’ve developed along the way.

Read more about how to list your accomplishments on a resume . 

3. Avoid Unprofessional Or ‘Cutesy’ Additions

Professionalism is going to be key. Anyone looking at your resume will need to believe that you can enter any work situation, and understand the basics of business ethics and conduct yourself appropriately in a work environment. Your resume shouldn’t contain any cringe-worthy elements, including:

  • An unprofessional email address. The best choice is an email address using your college or university, Gmail, or some other widely accepted domain. Use a combination of your first name/first initial and last name.
  • Rambling ‘explanations’ for your lack of work experience . It’s perfectly acceptable to have spent your time pursuing an education, or focusing on other things.
  • Cutesy terms such as ‘momtrepreneur’ or ‘CEO of my home and family’.
  • Hobbies or interests that don’t contribute to your fitness for the position you are after.
  • Any type of buzzword you’ve heard others using, but do not fully understand yourself. 

4. Use An Objective Statement

Since you don’t have work experience, a personal statement or professional summary won’t work. Instead, write an objective statement , but focus on what you can do for your employer. Avoid language that focuses on what you want the employer to provide for you.

5. Add All Of Your Education

Take advantage of any educational experience that you have. This includes formal education, but also other forms of schooling. Have you taken online classes, finished self-study courses, or attended seminars or bootcamps? Add those to your resume!

6: Add A Great Cover Letter

A good cover letter can really fill in a lot of gaps. You can use it to show your passion for a particular job, to explain your lack of employment history, and go into detail about why you would be a great fit.

FAQs about Entry-Level Resumes

Below are answers to some common questions about entry-level resume writing and job search. 

What do you say when applying for a job with no experience?

Don’t draw attention to the fact that you have no experience at all. Instead, build your narrative around the soft and hard skills you possess, plus your personal quality. Instead of saying that “I am a high school student with no experience”, try this “I’m a motivated, organized, and digital savvy high school student, looking to gain further experience with X, Y, Z.” 

How do I pass a job interview with no experience?

Double-down on the preparation and company research. Try to learn as much as you can about the company and the role you are after. Specifically, try to find information on the main duties, company values, history, and overall culture. Then think which of your personal attributes and experiences would make you appear like a good add-on to the team. Then, during the interview, focus on describing the “matching points” between you and the company, instead of talking about your lack of experience. 

Can I get hired without a resume?

Yes, sometimes you can get hired without a resume. Mostly, this is the case for informal, part-time jobs such as babysitting, delivery work, or waitering jobs. Yet, the employer may ask for a personal reference letter instead. Also, most freelance jobs don’t require you to file a formal resume. And so do popular gig platforms. 

Should I put beginner skills on resume?

If that’s all you have as an enty-level worker, sure, put down your beginner-level skills on your resume. But don’t try to pass them off as full proficiency. Instead, add a quick note about your actual levels of expertise. Also, omit any beginner-level skills if these are irrelevant to the position you are after.

Updated on September 2021.

sample first job resume

Elena runs content operations at Freesumes since 2017. She works closely with copywriters, designers, and invited career experts to ensure that all content meets our highest editorial standards. Up to date, she wrote over 200 career-related pieces around resume writing, career advice... more

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Resume Examples for 2024 & Guides for Any Job [90+ Examples]

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In today’s competitive job market, having an impactful resume is more essential than ever. 

However, many job seekers struggle to craft a resume that effectively highlights their skills and experience and, in turn, misses out on potential job opportunities. 

This is where our extensive library of resume examples comes in. 

By looking at examples of resumes for different industries and professions, you can gain great insight into what works and what doesn’t, get inspired to present your own qualifications, and stand out from the competition.

Let’s dive in!

15+ Resume Examples

#1. architect resume example.

resume example

Here’s what this architect resume example does right:

  • Lists related experience. This resume highlights the relevant professional experience the candidate gained in the field during their internship.
  • Mentions achievements and responsibilities. The candidate backs up their claims by going into detail about their achievements and responsibilities. 
  • Focus on personal projects. By dedicating a section to their personal projects, this candidate makes up for their lack of work experience and shows off their dedication to the industry. 

#2. Business Resume Example

business resume examples

Here’s what this business-related resume example does right:

  • Prioritizes work experience. The work experience section is arguably the most important section in every resume, which is why this candidate has given it a priority by giving it enough resume space and going into detail about their previous positions. 
  • Highlights accomplishments. To make their professional experience even more impactful, this candidate has supported all their claims with quantifiable achievements. 
  • Lists the right optional sections . The candidate adds more value to their resume by including the organizations, honors, and conferences as optional sections.

#3. Computer Science Resume Example

resume sample

Here’s what this computer science resume does right: 

  • Prioritizes technical skills. Technical skills are essential when it comes to IT-related roles, which is why this candidate has prioritized them over soft skills.
  • Keeps the education section concise. With such extensive professional experience in the field, the candidate has opted to keep their education section short.
  • Lists relevant social media profiles. Listing websites like GitHub and LinkedIn is a great way to provide recruiters with additional information about your skills.

#4. Data Analyst Resume Example

resume samples

Here’s what this data analyst resume does right: 

  • Includes a strong resume summary . This candidate showcases their key skills and qualifications from the get-go, which is much more likely to get recruiters to read their resumes from start to finish.
  • Highlights technical skills. Data analysts work with “big data,” so this candidate prioritizes their quantitative and technical skills over other resume sections.
  • Lists relevant professional certifications . The resume lists the candidate’s most noteworthy professional certificates.

#5. College Resume Example

best resume template

Here’s what this college resume example does right: 

  • Lists relevant social media profiles. By including their Medium and LinkedIn accounts, this candidate gives the hiring manager a chance to know them more professionally. 
  • Highlights achievements . Although they lack work experience, the candidate has listed everything they’ve achieved during their academic career, thus showing they’re a promising candidate. 
  • Mentions the right optional sections. Adding hobbies and interests and foreign languages to a resume is a huge plus for a candidate with no work experience.

#6. Customer Service Resume Example

best resume example

Here’s what this customer service resume does right: 

  • Includes both soft and hard skills . Customer service roles require a mix of soft and hard skills, so this candidate has listed both. 
  • Mentions quantifiable achievements. To make their achievements more impressive, the candidate has backed up their work achievements with data and numbers. 
  • Lists foreign language skills. Foreign languages are a huge plus when you’re working in customer service and this resume does a good job highlighting the candidate’s foreign language skills. 

#7. Digital Marketing Resume Example

best resume sample

Here’s what this digital marketing resume does right: 

  • Follows the reverse chronological format . This format is the most popular one worldwide and is easily the safest choice.
  • Grabs attention with a resume summary. In a single glance, the recruiter can tell that the candidate is a digital marketing professional with the right amount of experience.
  • Lists relevant skills. The digital marketing specialist resume above lists in-demand marketing skills like Google Ads, SEO, and others.

#8. Graduate Resume Example

graduate resume example

Here’s what this graduate resume example does right:

  • Starts off with a well-written resume objective . The resume objective does a great job of showing off the candidate’s promise and industry-related experience. 
  • Includes work experience. The candidate has gained professional experience while they were a student and they’ve made sure to include that in their resume. 
  • Takes advantage of optional sections. Sections like volunteer experience, and personal projects and achievements can help make up for the lack of extensive experience in the industry. 

#9. HR Resume Example

hr resume example

Here’s what this human resources resume example does right: 

  • Follows the right format. The reverse chronological format lists the candidate’s latest experience and achievements first, which is exactly what recruiters want to see. 
  • Highlights professional experience. With so many years in the industry, this candidate has dedicated the biggest part of their resume to their work history. 
  • Includes courses and certificates. To make their achievements even more impressive, the candidate has included all their courses and certifications. 

#10. Medical Assistant Resume Example

Medical Assistant Resume Example

Here’s what this medical assistant resume example does right: 

  • Starts off with a memorable resume summary. The candidate lists their years of experience, skills, and passion for the industry, making it more likely for the hiring manager to read the rest of their resume. 
  • Lists the candidate’s certificates. There are many certifications one can obtain in the medical field, and this candidate proves how professional they are by listing theirs. 
  • Highlights the candidate’s extensive work experience. Experience speaks louder than a thousand words, which is why this resume example provides the work experience section its due space. 

#11. Project Manager Resume Example

Project Manager Resume Example

Here’s what this project manager resume example does right: 

  • Uses bullet points. The candidate uses bullet points to organize and present the information which makes this project manager resume example look neat and structured.
  • Keeps their education section relevant. The candidate only includes their key education details, such as their Bachelor’s degree and a field-related minor.
  • Takes advantage of additional sections. The candidate takes advantage of the extra space on their project manager resume by including relevant additional sections, such as their industry-related certifications and academic achievements

#12. Bar Manager Resume Example

Bar Manager Resume Example

Here’s what this bar manager resume example does right:

  • Includes relevant social media profiles. Details such as your LinkedIn profile or Instagram handle make you look more professional (as long as they’re work-related). 
  • Mentions industry-related skills. Instead of listing a bunch of unrelated skills, the bar manager resume example above only lists industry-relevant skills.
  • Quantifiable achievements. This applicant quantifies their achievements as much as possible, showing the bar owner how they stand out amongst other candidates.

#13. Supervisor Resume Example

Supervisor Resume Example

Here’s what this supervisor resume example does right: 

  • Lists relevant contact details . The supervisor resume example above leaves out redundancies like marital status or age and includes relevant information, like a LinkedIn URL. 
  • Features as many accomplishments as possible. To really highlight their candidate’s professional experience, the supervisor example lists achievements over responsibilities. 
  • Lists the right kind of skills. This supervisor's resume example doesn’t list every skill under the sun. Instead, they keep the section relevant by only listing skills required from a supervisor. 

#14. Teacher Resume Example

Teacher Resume Example

Here’s what this teacher resume example does right:

  • Mentions industry-relevant skills. The candidate lists all the soft and hard skills a teacher should have. 
  • Includes hobbies and interests . By including hobbies and interests, the hiring manager will see the candidate as more than just a resume. 
  • Lists volunteer experience. The candidate reinforces their teaching experience by including their teaching volunteer gigs and experience. 

#15. Writer Resume Example

Writer Resume Example

Here’s just what this writer resume example does right: 

  • Impressive resume summary. The resume includes a brief but effective resume summary that highlights the candidate’s skills and top achievements.
  • Relevant contact details. This writer resume example contains relevant contact information, including the candidate’s name and surname, email address, phone number, location, professional website URL, and LinkedIn URL. 
  • Short education section. A writer’s skills and experience matter more than their education. For this reason, this candidate kept their writer resume’s education section short and sweet. 

#16. Web Developer Resume Example

Web Developer Resume Example

Here’s what this web developer resume example does right: 

  • Focuses on technical skills. Technical skills are essential for web development, which is why this candidate has prioritized theirs.
  • Grabs attention with their work experience. Their rich work experience, listed in reverse chronological order, shows the candidate is a promising professional.
  • Keeps their education section minimal. With such extensive work experience and training, the candidate has kept their education section concise.

65+ More Resume Examples and Guides 

Couldn’t find a resume example for your field? Worry not!

Below you can find a number of other resume examples for different fields and industries:

  • Accountant Resume
  • Administrative Assistant Resume
  • AI Engineer Resume
  • Animator Resume
  • Babysitter Resume
  • Banking Resume
  • Bank Teller Resume
  • Barbie's Resume
  • Barista Resume
  • Bartender Resume
  • Bookkeeper Resume
  • Business Analyst Resume
  • Career Change Resume
  • Caregiver Resume
  • Cashier Resume
  • College Application Resume
  • College Freshman Resume
  • Consultant Resume
  • Construction Project Manager
  • Creative Resume Examples
  • Data Entry Specialist Resume
  • Data Scientist Resume
  • Dentist Resume
  • DevOps Engineer Resume
  • Digital Marketing Manager Resume
  • Editor Resume
  • Electrical Engineer Resume
  • Elon Musk's One-Page Resume
  • Engineering Resume
  • Esthetician Resume
  • Europass CV
  • Event Planner Resume
  • Executive Assistant Resume
  • Federal Resume
  • Financial Analyst Resume
  • Flight Attendant Resume
  • Game Designer Resume 
  • Graphic Designer Resume
  • High School Resume
  • Illustrator Resume 
  • Interior Designer Resume
  • Internship Resume
  • Java Developer Resume
  • Military to Civilian Resume
  • Marketing Executive Resume
  • Minimalistic Resume Examples
  • Nanny Resume Example
  • Nurse Resume
  • Office Assistant Resume
  • Office Manager Resume
  • Operations Manager Resume
  • Paralegal Resume
  • Pharmacist Resume
  • Photographer Resume
  • Program Manager Resume
  • Real Estate Agent Resume
  • Receptionist Resume
  • Recruiter Resume
  • Research Assistant Resume
  • Restaurant Manager Resume
  • Retail Manager Resume
  • Richard Branson's One-Page Resume
  • Sales Resume
  • Sales Associate Resume
  • Satya Nadella's One-Page Resume
  • Server Resume
  • Social Worker Resume
  • Software Engineer Resume
  • Stay-at-home Mom Resume
  • Student Resume
  • Student Resume Templates
  • Taylor Swift Resume
  • Video Editor Resume
  • Volunteer Resume
  • Waiter/Waitress Resume
  • Warehouse Worker Resume
  • Web Developer Resume
  • Welder Resume

career masterclass

5+ Examples of Resume Templates

Your resume template can play an important role in helping you make a great first impression on the hiring manager. 

Specifically, your industry, work experience, or skills all impact how your resume should look, so make sure to choose the right template when making your resume: 

#1. Traditional Resume

traditional resume example

A straightforward format that gives equal importance to all resume sections , emphasizing skills and work experience.

#2. Creative Resume

Creative Resume example

Land your dream job in the creative industry by using this creative resume template. 

#3. Minimalist Resume

Minimalist Resume example

A simple and easy-to-follow resume template. Perfect for more conservative industries which prefer less flashy templates.

#4. Basic Resume

basic resume example

This easy-to-personalize basic resume layout can be ready in under ten minutes through our resume builder .

#5. IT Resume

IT Resume example

One of the best resume layouts to choose when you wish to showcase your IT expertise.

#6. Modern Resume 

modern resume example

It can be hard to stand out from the crowd, but this modern resume sample will take care of this.

#7. General Resume

general resume example

5+ Resume Examples by Career Level

#1. no experience resume .

No Experience Resume example

Are you a student with no experience ? Learn how to write a compelling resume with our guide! 

#2. College Freshman Resume

College Freshman Resume example

Learn how to ace your college freshman resume with our comprehensive guide! 

#3. Graduate Resume

graduate resume sample

Fresh out of college? Write an impactful graduate resume to land your first gig after college. 

#4. Career Change Resume

Career Change Resume example

Going through a career change? Perfect your career change resume to make the transition as smooth as possible. 

#5. Manager Resume

Manager Resume example

#6. Executive Resume

Executive Resume example

The Perfect Resume Structure 

The Perfect Resume Structure

Not sure how to structure your resume?

Here’s our tried-and-tested resume layout :

  • Choose the right resume format or pick a template. If you’re formatting your resume yourself, follow the reverse-chronological format and make sure to follow the right layout rules. Alternatively, you can use one of our premade resume templates and not have to worry about formatting your resume one bit. 
  • Add relevant contact details and make sure they’re mistake-free. You shouldn’t be missing information such as your full name and job title, e-mail address, and where you’re based. Optionally, you can also include some relevant social media profiles, such as your LinkedIn.
  • Include a resume summary or a resume objective. Done right, a resume summary will show the hiring manager you’re a relevant candidate from the get-go and have them read the rest of your resume.
  • List your work experience, placing special focus on your achievements. Your work experience becomes more meaningful if you include your achievements in your past roles and manage to make them quantifiable.
  • Mention your top soft and hard skills. List any skills you have that are relevant to the job you’re applying for in a seperate section. 
  • Keep your education section short and concise. Unless you’re an entry-level candidate with little-to-no work experience, keep your education section short and to the point. 
  • Leverage optional sections like “Languages,” “Certifications,” or “Hobbies and Interests.” Fill up the rest of your resume space with optional sections that can highlight your strengths and qualifications as a candidate (e.g. foreign languages you speak, certifications you’ve obtained over the years, or your hobbies and interests).

3 Examples of Resume Formats 

#1. reverse chronological resume format.

Reverse Chronological Resume Format example

This resume format highlights your experience and key professional achievements by listing your latest position and acquired skills first. It’s the most popular resume format among recruiters and the one we advise job seekers to use in 99% of cases. 

#2. Functional Resume Format

Functional Resume Format Example

A functional resume , also known as the skill-based resume, is a resume format that focuses on your professional skill test as opposed to work experience. You’re better off using a functional resume if you’re a recent graduate with no work experience, if you’re switching careers, or if you have a long employment gap . 

#3. Hybrid Resume Format

Hybrid Resume Format Example

A combination resume combines the two traditional resume formats: the reverse-chronological resume and the functional resume.

As such, this format places emphasis on a candidate’s skills and work experience. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Resume Examples

1. Are resume examples helpful?

Resume examples are helpful for several reasons. For starters, they can inspire you to write an A+ resume that meets the industry’s requirements. 

Also, resume examples can show you the best practices for listing your work experience and achievements, can guide you through your resume formatting and can help you understand exactly what the end result should look like.

2. How were these resume examples created?

All our resume examples and resume templates were created in full collaboration with industry-leading HR professionals.

This means that they meet all job market requirements, are modern and impactful, and meet recruiters’ standards worldwide.

3. What if I can’t find a resume example for my job?

While we’ve tried to list as many resume examples as possible for different jobs across several industries, it might happen that you can’t find the resume example that perfectly matches your needs. 

If that’s the case, you can check out our guide on how to write a resume , and learn to create an effective resume regardless of industry.

4. What is the best resume format in 2024?

The reverse-chronological format is still the best resume format in 2024. It remains the most widely used and preferred format by employers and recruiters alike. In this format, you list your work experience in reverse chronological format, starting with your most recent position and working backward.

This format showcases our most recent and relevant experience, making it easier for employers to see our career progression and accomplishments. 

5. Are these resume examples free? 

Yes, most of these resume examples can be used for free in the Basic account, while there is also a selection of templates included in the Premium account. All of them though can be tested for free in our editor. 

6. Do you also have cover letter examples?

Yes, we have an entire article dedicated to cover letter examples for different fields and jobs. Not just that, but you can also find tips on how to write a great cover letter and an FAQ section to answer any question you may have. 

7. Should my resume and cover letter match?

Yes, having a cover letter that’s consistent with your resume in terms of style, tone, and content can be a plus for your overall job application. In a nutshell, a matching resume and cover letter can increase your chances of getting an interview by demonstrating your professionalism, attention to detail, and suitability for the role. 


And that’s a wrap!

We hope the examples and guides provided in this article can help you create a powerful and effective resume that highlights your unique qualifications and experiences. 

Whether you're a recent graduate, a mid-career employee, or a seasoned professional, there are tips and templates here to help you create a compelling resume for any job.

For more career advice, make sure to check out our career blog . 

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Exploring the 6 Different Types of Resumes

N avigating through the job market requires an impressive resume, one that highlights your skills, experience and achievements effectively. It's the initial step towards getting noticed by recruiters, and it often determines whether you'll move to the next stage of the hiring process.

The right resume format doesn't just present your qualifications but does so in a manner that aligns with your career goals and the specific job you're targeting.

This guide explores the different types of resumes and their unique features, helping you choose the format that best suits your professional profile.

Do I need a resume?

In the realm of job hunting, a resume is more than just a document — it's a marketing tool, a bridge that connects job seekers to potential employers. Its role is pivotal as it provides a concise and compelling snapshot of your professional journey. It encapsulates your work history, skills, accomplishments and unique qualities that make you an ideal candidate for the job.

Moreover, the importance of a well-structured resume is heightened due to the use of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) in the recruitment process. These automated software applications streamline the hiring process for employers by filtering out resumes that don't meet specific criteria.

A poorly formatted resume, or one that doesn't include key terms relevant to the job description, may fail to make it past these systems. Hence, understanding different types of resumes and the strategic use of keywords are vital steps toward crafting an ATS-friendly resume that gets you closer to your dream job.

Related: Everything You Need to Know About Writing the Perfect Resume

What different types of resumes exist?

While every resume shares the common goal of selling your professional abilities, not all resumes are the same. Each type has its unique structure, purpose and benefits.

Here are the different types of resumes:

1. Chronological resume

The chronological resume, or reverse chronological resume, is a time-tested format favored by many hiring managers. This format presents your work history in reverse chronological order, with the most recent job listed first and the rest following in descending order.

In a chronological resume, each job listing typically includes the job title, the company's name, the company's location and the dates of employment. Following this information, a list of job responsibilities and accomplishments is given in bullet points. This allows hiring managers to see at a glance not only where you've worked but also what you've achieved in those roles.

This format works particularly well for job seekers with a clear career progression in a single field without significant gaps in employment. It allows recruiters to quickly see the career trajectory and understand how the applicant's experience fits with the new role.

2. Functional resume

A functional resume, also known as a skills-based resume, places the focus on skills and competencies rather than work history. This type of resume usually begins with a summary of qualifications, followed by a list of skills and examples of their use in work or other settings.

The employment history is typically listed towards the end of the resume, often providing only a basic list of positions without detailed descriptions of each role.

This format can be particularly useful for job seekers with gaps in their employment history, those who are changing careers and have skills transferable to a new industry or recent graduates with limited work experience but possess relevant skills acquired through coursework, internships or extracurricular activities.

Related: How to Build a Better Resume in 4 Easy Steps

3. Combination resume

The combination resume, or hybrid resume, merges elements from both chronological and functional resumes. It typically begins with a section highlighting your skills and achievements. This is followed by a detailed chronological work history.

This format allows you to showcase your relevant skills and accomplishments at the top of the document, helping to catch the hiring manager's eye. Following this with a chronological listing of your employment history allows the recruiter to see your work trajectory and understand the context in which you've applied your skills.

The combination resume can be effective for job seekers with a solid employment history who want to change fields or those with a robust set of transferable skills and experiences across multiple sectors.

4. Targeted resume

A targeted resume is tailored specifically to a particular job posting. Instead of a generic resume sent to multiple employers, a targeted resume aligns your skills, experience and qualifications precisely with the job description. Each section of your resume, from the objective statement to the employment history, is customized to highlight why you are the perfect fit for the specific role.

This format can be more time-consuming to create as it requires tweaking your resume for every job application. However, it can pay off, especially when applying for jobs in highly competitive industries. A well-tailored resume can stand out among a sea of generic resumes and increase your chances of securing an interview.

5. Infographic resume

An infographic resume visually presents your career history and skills using charts, graphs, images and other graphic design elements. This format can make your resume stand out and show your creativity and innovative thinking.

Infographic resumes can be particularly effective in fields such as graphic design, marketing and other creative industries. However, it's essential to remember that some applicant tracking systems (ATS) may struggle to read and process these types of resumes, so if you're applying through an ATS, it's better to stick with a more traditional format.

6. Non-traditional resumes

Non-traditional resumes break away from the standard formats and allow for more creativity. These may include video resumes, LinkedIn resumes, digital portfolios, personal websites or social resumes.

Non-traditional resumes can demonstrate your skills in a way that traditional resumes may not, such as showcasing your video editing skills through a video resume or your web design skills through a personal website.

Just as with the infographic resume, if you're applying through an ATS, a more traditional resume format would be better. Non-traditional resumes are typically best when sent directly to a hiring manager or when you're working in a creative industry that values innovative presentation.

Each of these resume formats has its strengths and is best suited to specific situations. Carefully consider your career goals, work history and the needs of the job you're applying for when choosing your resume format.

What circumstances should you consider in resume writing?

Crafting a resume can sometimes present unique challenges based on personal circumstances. Here are a few special scenarios and how to handle them:

Writing a resume for a career change

If you're making a career change, your resume should highlight transferable skills and any relevant certifications. Although your work history might not be directly related to the new field, showcasing your adaptable skills can convince hiring managers of your suitability for the role.

Handling employment gaps

Employment gaps can often be a concern for job seekers. However, these can be managed strategically on a resume. Use the space to highlight any productive activities during the gap, such as volunteer work , courses or freelance projects.

What is a mini resume?

A mini resume is a brief summary of your top skills and career highlights. It's often used for networking purposes, perhaps on a business card or LinkedIn summary. It offers an at-a-glance overview of your professional qualifications.

Related: 7 Tips for Networking

What are some additional components of a job application?

Apart from a well-structured resume, a few more elements add to the strength of your job application:

Cover letter

A cover letter serves as an introduction and provides context to your resume. It allows you to elaborate on certain points in your resume and express your enthusiasm for the job.

Just like your resume, your cover letter should be tailored to the specific job you're applying for, focusing on how your skills and experience make you an ideal candidate.

The job title on your resume can significantly influence its appeal to hiring managers. It should accurately reflect your role and responsibilities while aligning with the industry norms. Misrepresenting a job title can be detrimental to your application and professional reputation.

ATS-friendly resumes

Incorporating relevant keywords and phrases from the job description into your resume can enhance its visibility in an applicant tracking system (ATS). ATS-friendly resumes are concise, straightforward and void of complex formatting, ensuring they can be read and understood by the system.

Related: 3 Ways an ATS Can Help Your Business Source the Top Hires

What are resume builders and resume templates?

With a plethora of resources available, creating an attractive and professional resume has never been easier. Resume builders are online tools that provide step-by-step guidance to generate a well-structured resume. They offer various templates, customization options and pre-written phrases to assist you in the process.

On the other hand, resume templates serve as a predesigned framework for your resume. They come in numerous styles and formats, allowing you to choose one that aligns with your personal taste and the industry's standards.

While these tools simplify the resume creation process, remember to personalize your resume and reflect your unique professional journey accurately. A tailored resume stands out more to hiring managers than a generic, cookie-cutter one.

What are some tips for effective resume writing?

No matter which resume format you choose, following certain writing tips can optimize your resume:

Highlight relevant experience

The most effective resume isn't necessarily the one that includes all your experiences but the one that strategically highlights the most relevant ones. Avoid detailing every job you've had and focus on the ones that matter to the job you're applying for.

Include a skills section

A well-crafted skills section can be a game-changer, particularly for functional or combination resumes. Here, include hard (technical) and soft skills relevant to the job. Be specific; instead of saying "good communicator," consider "experienced in public speaking and client presentations."

Use bullet points

Use bullet points for easy readability. They help break down information into digestible pieces, ensuring that key points don't get lost in dense paragraphs. Remember to write bullet points as complete sentences with periods at the end, following our client's style preference.

Include a resume summary or objective

The top of your resume should contain a summary or an objective, a brief snapshot of your qualifications. This section should be concise yet impactful, as it's likely the first thing a hiring manager will read.

Looking forward

Crafting the perfect resume is an evolving process that may require several drafts and iterations. While these different types of resumes and their corresponding tips provide a general guideline, remember that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. The most effective resume will be the one that best showcases your unique skills, experiences and career goals.

Always revisit and revise your resume for each job application, ensuring it aligns with the specific job requirements and expectations. With a well-structured, compelling resume, you're one step closer to securing that dream job.

Explore Entrepreneur.com for more insights and resources to guide your professional journey.

Exploring the 6 Different Types of Resumes


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4 Resume Mistakes to Avoid When You Don’t Have Much Experience

  • Irina Cozma

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A good resume can set you apart and help you land that interview.

Understanding the common mistakes job candidates make on resumes, and how to overcome them, can set you apart from your competitors. The first mistake is including irrelevant work experience. Instead, only add roles that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. The second is customizing your resume. While it’s in your benefit to adjust your resume to better match the job description, over-tuning your resume for every application can be a waste of time — and end up slowing down your search. This is especially true if you’re focused on securing a particular position that has a standard job title like “marketing coordinator” or “sales associate.” The third is overdesigning your resume. Recruiters only spend a few seconds scanning it, so keep the format simple and straightforward. The fourth is coming off as a novice. For example, don’t use an ancient email address — update it to something that sounds more professional, and give your resume a specific name so it’s easier to identify.

Resumes. Love them or hate them, you will probably need one when you apply for a job. The resume has a specific tactical role to play in your search — to get you the interview. You need to make sure it checks a few boxes to do that work because, even if you take advantage of your network, sooner or later, you will need to share your resume with the hiring manager.

  • Irina Cozma , Ph.D., is a career and executive coach who supports professionals to have better career adventures. She coached hundreds of Fortune 500 executives from global organizations like Salesforce, Hitachi, and Abbott. Irina also coaches startups and the Physicians MBA at the University of Tennessee. Download her free career guide to help you prepare for your next career adventure.

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    How to format a resume with no experience: Follow the reverse-chronological order (i.e. put the most recent info up top). Add section headings to make your first-job resume easier to navigate. Use professional-looking fonts that are easy on the recruiter's eyes. Stick to the 11-12pt size range for regular text.

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  23. How To Make A Resume (With Free Template)

    Choose 1.0 or 1.5 inch line spacing. Set margins to 1 inch on all sides. Save your résumé as a PDF or Docx, using your full name and sometimes the job title as the file name. Adhere to the ...

  24. Exploring the 6 Different Types of Resumes

    1. Chronological resume. The chronological resume, or reverse chronological resume, is a time-tested format favored by many hiring managers. This format presents your work history in reverse ...

  25. 4 Resume Mistakes to Avoid When You Don't Have Much Experience

    Summary. Understanding the common mistakes job candidates make on resumes, and how to overcome them, can set you apart from your competitors. The first mistake is including irrelevant work ...

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    For example, you could use a: Resume objective (best for first-time job seekers or career changers) Resume profile (best if you want to add more detail) Summary of qualifications (best for highly accomplished, experienced job seekers) 5. Fill out your work experience section.

  27. USAJOBS Help Center

    Get started. USAJOBS posts all federal job opportunities with a position description and instructions how to apply. With USAJOBS.gov tools and resources, you can find the right federal job faster. Get started.

  28. It's Always A Good Time To Rewrite Your Resume

    "For example, maybe a high school job taught you communication or technology skills." In terms of page count, don'texceed two pages. For an entry-level position, a one-page resume that gets to the point can make a good first impression.

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    Decide on a CV format and style. Before you start writing your CV, you need to format it properly. Open a new document in Microsoft Word or Google Docs and use the following settings: Set ½ - 1" margins on each side. Use a font size between 10 and 12 points. Select a professional font such as Times New Roman or Arial.