100 Good Skills to Put on a Resume [Complete Guide]

Jeff Gillis 0 Comments

resume skills list indeed

By Jeff Gillis

Updated 6/4/2022.

resume skills list indeed

When you’re adding skills to a resume, you don’t just want to focus on what you’re good at. Instead, relevancy has to be part of the equation. After all, every job you’re trying to land requires a very specific skill set, one that you need to show that you have.

Choosing the skills to put on a resume when you’re applying to a role isn’t something you should do haphazardly. Instead, you want to use the job description, company mission, and company values as a guide, creating a sense of alignment.

Additionally, it never hurts to have a handy list of skills by your side, making it easier to explore your options. So, if you’re on the hunt for good skills to put on a resume, here’s what you need to know.

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills

There are two basic types of skillsets that a job seeker can have and include on their resume: hard skills or soft skills.

Hard skills are the skills or abilities for a resume that are easily quantifiable…that can be learned through classroom work, apprenticeships, or other forms of learning. These include things like operating tools, computer programming, speaking foreign languages, or different kinds of technical prowess.

Soft skills are more subjective and harder to quantify and are often grouped together by what we know as “people skills.” Some examples of soft skills include communication, relationship building, self-awareness, and patience.

Which Skills Are More Important?

The debate rages on about which of these two types of skills is more important.

According to executive consultant and Forbes contributor Naz Beheshti , “…There is an ongoing debate about the relative importance of soft and hard skills that imply a competition between the two. However, they are both necessary and complementary to one another.”

On the one hand, job seekers with proficiency in a specific hard skill may get hired more quickly. Many employers want to hire people that can deliver value with fewer resources (ex., the need for training, etc.), making hard skills their priority.

However, we are also seeing that many hiring managers are choosing to hire candidates with highly developed soft skills.

In the end, as Indeed puts it, “soft skills are necessary to create a positive and functional work environment.” Plus, hiring managers feel that they can always train the candidate in the hard skill that is required to complete the job, but soft skills are often skills that cannot necessarily be taught.

So, what does this mean for you? Mainly that you can’t simply just pick one or the other and cross your fingers. Instead, the best strategy is to take a balanced approach and make sure that your resume contains both hard and soft skills.

How Do You Choose the Skills to List on a Resume?

Here’s the deal; there’s a good chance you know what you’re good at in a professional sense. Often, you can use your experience, duties, training, and education as a guide, giving you a strong foundation. Then, it’s about diving a bit deeper, looking at traits that could help you stand out, and comparing it all to the job description.

By using a simple process, you can make progress faster. Here’s a quick way to get started.

1. Make a List of the Skills You Know You Have

As mentioned above, the easiest way to get a grip on your current skills is to reflect on your academic and professional experiences. Consider the tasks you’ve taken on, the training you’ve completed, and the courses you had in school. In most cases, that’ll give you some solid ideas about your hard skills.

After that, it’s time for soft skills. Here, you want to think of traits or capabilities that help you engage with others and navigate professional relationships. Often, these are reflections of your personality, so use that as a jumping-off point.

2. “Mine” the Job Descriptions for Must-Have Skills

The next step is to take a look at the job description for the position you are applying for and make a list of the required skills it includes. Then, compare it to your capabilities. Are any of the skills on both of the lists you just created? If so, these are must-haves for your resume.

Now, notice if there are any skills on the job description that you don’t have. If there aren’t any, great!

But if there are…don’t panic. There are things you can do, which we’ll dig into shortly.

If you’re dealing with a vague job description, you aren’t stuck either. Here is a link to a ton of job descriptions that can give you an idea of the skills needed.

3. Tailor Your Skills to the Company/Position

As you may have read in our other blog articles, it is always very important to “tailor” your resume to the company and position you want to land. For an in-depth look into how to make that happen, check out our Tailoring Method article. 

If you want a quick overview, the idea is to focus on capabilities the company wants to find. Every job requires a unique skill set, and you want to show you have it. As a result, it is absolutely essential that skills from the job description make an appearance on your resume.

However, you also want to dig deeper. Spend some more time researching the company, including going through all of their various web properties, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages.

Why? Because they will leave clues about the types of people they hire. That gives you more ideas about the best skills to put on a resume to land a job there, particularly when it comes to soft skills you may not find in a job description.

100 Resume Skills Examples

If you’re struggling with coming up with a list of skills based on your past experience, it can be easier if you have existing resume skills lists to work with. You don’t have to think up every possible skill; you can simply review the list and find the matches.

Here is a list of resume skills examples, divided into hard skills and soft skills, that you can use when applying for a job.

Hard Skills for a Resume

  • Advanced Bookkeeping
  • Appointment Setting
  • Automotive Repair
  • Cold Calling
  • Computer Programming
  • Conversion Testing
  • Copywriting
  • Customer Engagement
  • Customer Service
  • Data Analysis
  • Digital Marketing
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Cleanup
  • Forklift Operating
  • Graphic Design
  • Heavy Machinery Operation
  • Installation
  • Landscaping
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Coding
  • Paid Online Traffic
  • Patient Care
  • Photo Editing
  • Picking and Packing
  • Project Management
  • Schedule Management
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Server Maintenance
  • Social Media
  • Spanish Fluency
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Systems Analysis
  • Technical Support
  • Telecommunications Systems
  • Travel Booking
  • Video Editing
  • Website Design
  • Word Processing

Soft Skills for a Resume

  • Accountability
  • Active Listening
  • Adaptability
  • Brainstorming
  • Business Etiquette
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Contextualizing
  • Critical Thinking
  • Decision Making
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Goal-Setting
  • Handling Pressure
  • Influencing
  • Insightfulness
  • Interpreting
  • Negotiation
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Organization
  • Prioritization
  • Problem Solving
  • Relationship Building
  • Reliability
  • Resource Management
  • Responsibility
  • Self-Confidence
  • Strategical Thinking
  • Strong Work Ethic
  • Time Management

What If I Don’t Have the Required Skill?

Whether you need to possess a specific skill depends on the job and the skill in question. Usually, here’s where you have to be honest with yourself. If the skills required are part of the core competencies of doing the job, you may want to reconsider your application.

For example, if a golf course posts a job posting for a golf pro, you probably shouldn’t apply if you’ve never swung a golf club.

However, you will come across situations where what you bring to the table is close. In this case, moving forward might be okay.

You need to be able to demonstrate, using examples from your past, that you are capable of doing the required skill, even if you haven’t specially done it. So, go over your work history with a fine-tooth comb and try to come up with a few examples of you doing something in the right ballpark.

They are going to ask about it in your interview, so don’t think you can just wing it, and everything will be fine.

Also, many job descriptions have “nice-to-have” skills on the list. If you happen to possess them, great. But if not, don’t assume you shouldn’t apply if you have the must-have skills. In the end, those capabilities aren’t outright requirements, so don’t screen yourself out based on them.

How To List Skills on a Resume

There are a few different schools of thought when it comes to deciding where to put (or how to list) the skills on your resume.

According to our friends over at online resume-builder Zety.com , “…skills are so very, very important that they should show up all over your resume. Not just in the resume skills section.” In other words, it is imperative that there are elements of your skills throughout your resume, including your resume objective/summary and experience sections.

In addition, there isn’t one right answer for where to include your skill section because that depends on the industry, company, and position you’re trying to land. For example, for a job where technical competencies are of the utmost importance, it is often beneficial to list the skills closer to the top of the resume, right underneath the resume objective or resume summary statement.

However, if through your research you determine that the hiring manager will put more weight into your experience, you may want to lead with your experience. Then, put the skills section further down your resume.

At the end of the day, the selection of the skills themselves is the most important thing. After all, most hiring managers will easily find your skill section regardless of where it is on your resume.

What About Skills for My Job Application?

When you’re looking for skills to put on a job application, you do have to treat it a little differently than skills for a resume. Usually, you’re working with a finite amount of space on an application, not just in an overall sense but in each applicable section.

Since that’s the case, you need to lean heavily on the job description. Look for any capabilities that are listed as must-haves or that are repeated through the job ad. Then, make sure those skills are featured prominently in several areas, including in work history descriptions and skills areas.

If you have to answer essay questions, discuss those skills there, too, whenever possible. Use any other relevant capability as a supplement, treating it as supporting information instead of the primary point you’re sharing.

However, if an essay question asks about a skill that’s not in the job description, feel free to dig in a bit. It’s a capability that’s clearly on the hiring manager’s mind, so touch on it occasionally to show you shine in that area.

Putting It All Together

If you were wondering, “What are some good skills to put on a resume?” you should now have a solid answer. The most important thing to remember is to select skills that are relevant to the position you are interviewing for and, more important than that, skills that your company puts a tremendous amount of value in.

Once you get your skills straightened out, you should make sure that the rest of your resume is congruent with the skills you just selected, namely, that your experience shows that you both used those skills in a work environment and developed the skill with on-the-job tasks.

resume skills list indeed

Co-founder and CTO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Jeff is a featured contributor delivering advice on job search, job interviews and career advancement, having published more than 50 pieces of unique content on the site , with his work being featured in top publications such as INC , ZDnet , MSN and more.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Jeff gillis.

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Co-founder and CTO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Jeff is a featured contributor delivering advice on job search, job interviews and career advancement, having published more than 50 pieces of unique content on the site , with his work being featured in top publications such as INC , ZDnet , MSN and more. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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resume skills list indeed

How to List Skills on a Resume (Real Skill Examples)

This essential resume writing article is about how to list skills on a resume. For more resume writing help, visit our job seeker resource center .

EdgeWater Pharmacy just posted an opening for a Sales Associate right down the street from your home. You think you are the perfect fit for the job, so you submit your resume, but so do 30 other candidates.

Do you know who is going to get called in for an interview? 

The job seeker who looks like they have the most relevant skills for the job.

Make sure you’re getting the callback for an interview from a hiring manager by reading how to list your skills on a resume.

This essential job seekers’ guide will walk you through how to add the skills a hiring manager wants to see on your resume, along with 50+ real resume examples of skills you can use.

This article on how to include key skills on a resume covers:

  • What are professional skills?
  • Why are skills important on resumes?
  • Different types of skills for job seekers
  • Where and how to incorporate skills on a job application
  • Top 50+ skills hiring managers want to see on your resume
  • Fastest ways to gain new skills to get hired

What Are Skills? Why Are Skills Important?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a skill is:

“the ability to use one’s knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance”

“a learned power of doing something competently : a developed aptitude or ability”

When it comes to job hunting, your skills are what set you apart. Every human on earth has a set of skills that is unique to them. Likewise, every professional position has a unique set of skills that is required for performing the job.

Finding the perfect alignment between these two ideas is the key goal for every hiring manager.

If a hiring manager finds someone that already possesses the skills needed for their job, they won’t have to spend so much time and money on training. It also means that their new employee will be able to pull their own weight more quickly, providing a quicker return on their hiring investment.

But how do hiring managers know who has what it takes to perform well on the job?

The first and most important place hiring managers look is at your resume. On average, a hiring manager spends 6 seconds reviewing a resume and during that time they are scanning the pages to see if the skills required for the job jump out at them.

If they find what they are looking for, you get called in for an interview. If they don’t quickly see what they are looking for, your resume will most likely be discarded.

As a job seeker, it is your responsibility to make sure you know what skills hiring managers are looking for.

Once you identify those skills, it is also your responsibility to make sure those relevant skills are incorporated into your resume in a way that stands out.

If you do these two things accurately, you will be the one getting called in for an interview and will be that much closer to landing a new job.

Types of Professional Skills (Real Resume Examples)

Skills can be broken down into four main categories:

  • Hard skills
  • Soft skills
  • Transferable skills
  • Job-related skills.

Before you start writing your own list of skills, let’s go through each of these skill categories to see what the difference between them is.

Hard Skills vs Soft Skills

Hard skills are specific, teachable, and tangible. They can be measured and tested using assignments and assessments. Hard skills are learned, either through on-the-job training or through school, rather than coming naturally.

Examples of hard skills for a resume:

Soft skills are intangible and are harder to measure. They are personality traits and interpersonal skills that come naturally to humans, rather than being learned through school.

People are born with soft skills. These soft skills grow and develop over time from your upbringing, education, and experiences.   

Examples of soft skills:

Contrary to popular belief, hiring managers often care more about soft skills than hard skills, though both hard and soft skills contribute to your appeal as a candidate.

Hard skills, such as computer programming or accounting, can be taught using a combination of curriculum and hands-on practice. Whereas soft skills, such as a positive attitude or punctuality, are harder to teach.

Regardless of your background, hiring managers are usually flexible with teaching you the hard skills needed for their job, as long as you already have the right attitude along with the aptitude to learn.

Transferable Skills vs Job-Related Skills

Transferable skills can be carried with you from one job to the other. These skills can be a hard skill or soft skill, as long as they can be used in any type of role, regardless of the industry, company, or position.

Examples of transferable skills:

Job-related skills are usually always hard skills.  These job-related skills are specific to a certain type of role or position.

Examples of job-related skills:

How And Where To List Skills On Your Resume

Skills should be included throughout your resume, rather than confined to one area.

While scanning your resume, hiring managers will be looking over each resume section, starting with the top. Because of how people read resumes, you need to make sure they see your skills immediately.

Guarantee hiring managers will see your skills by listing them in four key areas of your resume:

  • Resume header
  • Professional summary
  • Summary of skills
  • Work Experience section

If you are writing a resume from scratch, try using this free and easy-to-use resume builder from Resume.com. The sections and formatting are already created for you, so all you need to worry about is filling in the blanks to finish a free printable resume.

1. Resume Header

At the top of your resume, directly below your name, write your job title along with the three most relevant skills you have as a candidate.

This is the first section hiring managers will be reading, so it is important to draw their attention using bold and large lettering.

If you’re using this resume builder , the ‘ Blue Skies ’, ‘ Three Blocks Digital ’, and ‘ van Deco ’ resume templates already have a header section included, which will make finishing your resume easier.

When writing your header, it is crucial that you customize the job title and skills to each job you’re applying for. Your job application needs to be consistent – you can read more about consistency in this article .

For example, if you write Java Developer in your resume header, but are applying for a .NET Developer position, a huge red flag will go up for the hiring manager.

When writing your top three skills in your header, make sure they align with the required skills listed in the job posting.

If you’re applying for a job at a large company or corporation, or you’re applying through a job board, it’s helpful to keep applicant tracking systems (ATS) in mind. Make sure your resume makes it past ATS software by listing your skills using the same wording as the job posting.  

Example of skills in the resume header: 

skills in resume header example

2. Professional Summary

Below your header and contact information, you will have a professional summary section. A professional summary used to be called an ‘objective’, but the modern resume writing approach is to replace your objective with a professional summary section.

Your professional summary should give an overview of your background, years of experience, and the top skills that set you apart. The skills in your professional summary should be written in sentence form, rather than listed out.

If using the resume builder , the ‘ My Employment ’, ‘ Apple Green ’, and ‘ Side Panel ’ resume templates have professional summary sections that are sure to draw attention to your most relevant skills.

Example of skills in the professional summary of a resume:

resume example of skills in professional summary

3. Summary of Skills

Below your professional summary, include a ‘summary of skills’ section. Alternative titles for this section could be ‘core competencies’, ‘key skills’, ‘professional skills’, or ‘relevant skills’.

If you have less than 10 skills, you can list them out in columns. 

Summary of skills resume example (less than 10 professional skills) :

resume example of skills in summary of skills

Summary of skills resume example (more than 10 professional skills) :

professional skills resume example

For your skills section, your skills should be listed, rather than written out in sentence form. This formatting choice helps hiring managers to pick out the key words quickly, which they can read about in more detail in the experience section after.

4. Experience Section

The ‘experience’ section usually comes after your summary of skills on a resume. Depending on your background, this could also be called ‘professional experience’, ‘work experience’, or ‘relevant experience’.

Your experience section is the perfect place to back your skills up with real-life examples of when you have used your skills, in addition to the results you have achieved.

When writing your experience section, give specific details about where, when, and with whom you have used your skills. When possible, use numbers and metrics to quantify your achievements.

Example of how to list skills in the experience section of a resume:

how to list skills in work experience resume example

How to List Skills On A Resume – Finding Relevant Skills For You

To figure out what skills you should include on your resume, follow these three simple steps.

Step #1: Create a master list of skills

Go through each category and create a master list of the skills in your toolbox. Don’t be afraid to list things that seem obvious, like computer skills or customer service.

Although they might seem like a given in your profession, many hiring managers still want to see these skills listed.

Never include skills that you are no longer familiar with. If you write a skill on your resume, hiring managers will be expecting that you can deliver on that activity.

If you are worried that a hiring manager will over or underestimate your level of proficiency, feel free to write ‘beginner’, ‘intermediate’, or ‘proficient’ next to each skill listed.

Step #2: Figure out the skills needed for the job

When applying for jobs, it is important to identify the set of skills that are needed. Picking out the needed skills will help you determine if you are a good fit for the role. It will also help you tailor your resume skills to the specific job you are applying for.

There are two main ways to determine the skills needed for a job.

The first is to dissect job descriptions and job postings that are posted on career websites and job boards. To do this, go through a job description and highlight each quality that describes the candidate the company is looking for.

For example, here is a job posting for a cashier position: 

how to find relevant skills in job posting for resume

Then create a list of all the qualities described, making sure to write each skill using the same wording that is used in the job posting.

The second way to figure out what skills are needed for a job is to search for people on LinkedIn who are already performing the role.

By searching for a certain job title in the search bar, you can find a list of professionals who are already in that job and then search through their profile to see what skills they have listed, both in their summary and experience sections.

Step #3: Match your master list with the skills needed for a job

The skills you write on your resume should be whatever overlaps between your master list and the list of skills you created from researching jobs.

By using this technique, you will be making sure that the skills you have listed on your resume are relevant to the jobs you are applying for.

A general rule of thumb is to never include skills that aren’t important for the job you are applying for.

For example, if you are applying for a project manager position, there is no need to list that you know yoga or CPR.

Top 50+ Skills Hiring Managers Look For On Resumes

A lot of research has been done as to what hiring managers look for on a resume. Many of the skills they seek are job-specific, while others are transferable.

To increase your chances of getting called in for an interview, include these top skills throughout your resume.

These professional skills are divided by category to help you find the skills that are relevant to you.

Soft Skills

Basic computer skills, customer service, project management, art & design, human resources, fastest ways to obtain new skills.

Are you looking for your first job? Are you missing some of the required skills on a job posting? If so, don’t worry. There are a range of ways for you to obtain the needed skills quickly.

If you are in need of a hard skill, this task is much easier. Hard skills are learned, so you can typically find an online resource, school, or curriculum to pick up the needed skills.

If you don’t have enough time to attend class in person, there are a number of online learning platforms with courses that you can take online, in your spare time. Some examples of popular eLearning platforms include Lynda, Udemy, and Skillshare.

Learning soft skills are a little trickier. These interpersonal and personality traits are hardwired into humans, so the only way to get better at them is to practice, practice, practice.

If you can’t practice soft skills while on a job, try to find some day-to-day activities that you can practice these skills during.

For example, if you need to work on punctuality, set a goal to arrive 5 minutes early wherever you need to be, no matter if it is for class or for coffee. Or if you need to work on your professionalism, pick up a volunteer job based in a professional, office setting.

More Skill-Related Articles For Resume Writing:

  • How To List Hard Skills On A Resume (50+ Technical Skill Examples)
  • How to List Computer Skills on a Resume (50+ Computer Skill Examples)

30 Best Personal Skills for Your Resume [Examples]

Katie Harp

3 key takeaways

  • Personal skills are often referred to as soft skills.
  • Soft skills include qualities like leadership, teamwork, and time management.
  • Build a better skills section in your resume with Teal’s AI Resume Builder .

You've spent hours crafting the perfect resume, highlighting your professional and personal skills. But the interview invites just aren’t coming. While technical skills and experience are necessary, personal skills are equally important for standing out in a crowded market.

Personal skills for a resume showcase your ability to work effectively with others, communicate clearly, and adapt to new challenges. They demonstrate to employers that you're not just qualified on paper but will also work well within a team.

You could be overqualified in terms of experience and technical skills and still not get the job due to lacking people skills. Ultimately, the hiring manager will hire someone that complements the current team.

In this guide, you'll learn:

  • Top personal skills to add to a resume
  • How to decide which personal skills to add to your resume
  • How to format and write personal skills on a resume

Struggling to land interviews with your resume? Get started with Teal’s AI Resume Builder for free.

Understanding personal skills

Personal skills, also known as soft skills , are transferable abilities that show how you interact with colleagues and contribute to a positive work environment. Imagine a team brainstorming session—your communication skills help you exchange ideas, while teamwork lets you build on each other's contributions. Both competencies rely on personal skills.

Personal skills are used in everyday situations at work, from managing projects to effectively resolving conflicts with teammates or clients.

In one survey by Business Name Generator , 84 percent of employees and managers thought soft skills were important for new hires. By highlighting strong personal skills on your resume, you show employers you're a well-rounded professional who can integrate into their team.

Personal skills vs professional skills

Professional skills, also known as hard skills , are the technical abilities specific to your job or industry. Think coding languages for a programmer, design software for a graphic designer, or financial knowledge for an accountant. If you’re applying for an open role, these skills demonstrate your proficiency in tasks directly related to the position.

Four types of skills to add to a resume: soft skills, hard skills, transferable skills and industry-specific skills

The main difference between personal and professional skills lies in their focus. Personal skills highlight how you work with others and navigate challenges as well as your own innate qualities. Professional skills, on the other hand, demonstrate your technical expertise specific to the job or industry, like knowledge of a particular software program or financial analysis.

Here are a few different personal and professional skill examples:

Personal skills examples for resume

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management

Professional skills examples for resume

  • Programming languages
  • Graphic design
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data analysis
  • Writing skills

Some skills are both personal and professional, for example:

  • Critical thinking bridges the gap between analyzing a problem (personal) and building a solution (professional). 
  • Decision-making has aspects of choosing a deadline for a project (personal) or deciding what software to use (professional).
  • Problem-solving requires both the ability to come up with creative solutions (personal) and have technical or professional expertise (professional).

A well-crafted resume balances both soft and hard skills, proving you're a well-rounded professional with the technical chops and collaborative spirit to excel.

resume skills list indeed

Imagine two equally qualified candidates on paper. Both have the technical skills and experience listed in the job description. But one candidate stands out. Their resume highlights strong personal skills throughout the bullet points, showing off their ability to collaborate effectively, communicate clearly, and adapt to new challenges. This gives the hiring manager confidence the candidate will fit long-term. This is the importance of personal skills in a resume.

From communication and teamwork to problem-solving and adaptability, highlighting strong personal skills creates a more compelling resume, so you stand out as a job seeker.

Top list of personal skills for a resume

Of course, you should only include personal skills you really possess on your resume. At the same time, a resume is your sales pitch. Demonstrate your strongest personal skills rather than listing every single trait.

Here is a comprehensive list of in-demand personal skills to consider when writing your resume.

1. Communication

Communication skills refer to the ability to express ideas clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing. This allows everyone involved in a project to understand the situation, ask insightful questions, and contribute their expertise.

2. Teamwork

Teamwork as a skill involves collaborating with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and valuing their strengths. According to a survey from NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers), nearly 80 percent of employers are looking for candidates with teamwork skills, especially for new graduates.

3. Interpersonal

Interpersonal skills let individuals connect with people from all walks of life, building a harmonious teamwork atmosphere. This skill allows people to connect with others and demonstrate empathy and understanding.

4. Active listening

Active listening is a valuable workplace skill. It's the act of listening with the intent to understand someone else's perspective and needs. With active listening, individuals ensure clear communication and effective collaboration so everyone feels heard and valued.

5. Negotiation

Strong negotiation skills allow individuals to navigate challenging conversations with diplomacy and respect. Negotiation uses compromise and creative problem-solving to find mutually beneficial solutions that satisfy all parties.

6. Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution skills involve effectively addressing disagreements by facilitating open communication and listening to all perspectives. In addition to a useful team skills, this is one of many valuable customer service skills.

7. Leadership

 Leadership skills allow someone to motivate and guide their team toward a common goal, setting a clear vision and providing ongoing support and encouragement. True leaders don't just tell people what to do, they inspire them to achieve more, resulting in greater business results.

8. Project management

Project management skills allow individuals to excel at organizing tasks, prioritizing effectively, and managing timelines. By keeping team members aligned and focused on project goals, they ensure a smooth workflow and successful project outcomes.

9. Analytical

Individuals with strong analytical skills can dissect data, identify trends and patterns, and uncover the root causes of problems. Having an analytical mind, coupled with critical thinking skills, allows someone to develop effective solutions and make informed decisions.

10. Problem-solving

Problem-solving skills include the ability to actively identify, analyze, and overcome obstacles, both independently and as part of a team. While challenges are inevitable in any workplace, with the right problem-solving skills, they can promote opportunities for growth. 

11. Decision-making

Effective decision-making skills separate good performers from great ones. This skill gives an individual a keen ability to weigh options, assess risks and benefits, and make sound choices in a timely manner, ensuring progress and avoiding costly mistakes.

12. Initiative

Having initiative allows people to proactively identify tasks that need to be done and take ownership of them without needing constant direction. This quality is highly valued in fast-paced work environments.

13. Resourcefulness

Resourcefulness refers to the ability to find creative solutions even when faced with limited resources. Resourceful individuals excel at thinking outside the box, brainstorming unconventional approaches, and leveraging existing tools in innovative ways.

14. Adaptability

Adaptability involves adjusting to new situations, learning new skills quickly, and navigating changes in processes, technologies, or even company culture. This flexibility allows people to integrate into new teams, adopt updated workflows, and contribute effectively in any environment.

15. Time management

Time management skills allow someone to prioritize tasks effectively, manage their schedule meticulously, and meet deadlines consistently. This skill allows someone to juggle multiple responsibilities, allocate time efficiently, and make sure every task receives the attention it needs without sacrificing quality.

16. Organization

Organization skills are about managing information efficiently and prioritizing tasks well, demonstrating strong planning and task management skills. A detail-oriented approach lets someone move deftly between projects while maintaining a productive workflow.

17. Empathy

Empathy refers to connecting with others on an emotional level, understanding their feelings, and sharing their perspectives. Having emotional intelligence creates a supportive and understanding work environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

18. Integrity

Integrity is about demonstrating honest and ethical behavior in all actions. This skill builds trust and respect with both colleagues and clients. Honesty and integrity are the foundation of strong relationships, and people with integrity act with transparency and fairness in all their interactions.

19. Attention to detail

Attention to detail means a keen eye for accuracy and making sure tasks are completed meticulously, with a commitment to quality and precision. People who value attention to detail take pride in their work and go the extra mile to make sure every deliverable meets high standards.

20. Work ethic

Work ethic is evident in dedication, reliability, and an unwavering commitment to delivering quality work. Individuals with a strong work ethic consistently go above and beyond the minimum requirements, taking initiative and putting in the extra effort to achieve outstanding results.

21. Accountability

Accountability means always delivering on promises, which builds trust and reliability within a team. Accountable individuals can admit mistakes, learn from them, and take steps to improve themselves.

22. Positive attitude:

Maintaining a positive and optimistic outlook creates a supportive and motivating work environment. These individuals inspire those around them, encouraging and empowering everyone to do their best. While challenges happen, people with a positive attitude focus on solutions and maintain a "can-do" spirit.

23. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a skill that allows individuals to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as recognize and respond to the emotions of others. This creates a healthy workplace culture by letting people build strong and positive relationships with colleagues.

24. Level-headed

Being level-headed is about remaining calm and collected under pressure. Deadlines and demanding situations aren’t a problem. Level-headed individuals cope with stress and maintain their composure in challenging situations, prioritizing tasks effectively, thinking clearly under pressure, and making sound decisions even when faced with tight deadlines.

25. Delegation

Delegation skills are about providing clear instructions, ongoing support, and opportunities for independent problem-solving. Delegation allows someone to effectively assign tasks to others based on their strengths and development needs.

26. Reliability

Reliability involves consistently delivering on commitments, exceeding expectations, and earning the trust of colleagues. People know they can count on these individuals to dependably complete tasks on time and to a high standard.

27. Creativity

Creativity as a skill is the ability to develop innovative solutions to problems. Creative individuals excel at brainstorming unconventional approaches, challenging assumptions, and finding new and improved ways of doing things.

28. Motivation

Motivation means being driven to achieve goals and go above and beyond at work. Highly motivated individuals have a genuine passion for their work, creating a more positive and productive work environment.

29. Curious

Curiosity is about having a continuous desire to learn new skills and knowledge. Curious individuals are proactive in seeking out training opportunities, embracing new technologies, and staying up-to-date on industry trends.

30. Flexible

Flexibility is the ability to adapt based on changing circumstances. Flexible people are great at thinking on their feet, adjusting their work style to new situations, and finding creative solutions to unexpected problems.

For more examples of skills that you can include in your resume, download our free skills workbook .

How to write personal skills on a resume

Relevant experience is a must when it comes to landing the right job. But what truly sets you apart are your personal skills, the qualities that demonstrate how you function within a team and contribute to a positive work environment. Follow these tips to best showcase your skills on a resume.

Step 1: Identify relevant personal skills

First, carefully read the job description. Analyze it to identify key personal skills and qualities that the employer is looking for.

Look for opportunities to showcase the skills the company values most in your resume skills section . You can do this faster with Teal’s Matching mode!

Within Matching Mode in the Resume Builder, you can select a job from your job tracker to match against your resume. You’ll automatically get a list of highly relevant keyword recommendations that you can add to your resume.

Step 2: Choose powerful verbs

Replace bland words like "skilled" or "helped" with action verbs that showcase initiative and achievement, such as "spearheaded," "implemented," or "directed."

“Orchestrated the adoption of a new payroll software company-wide, leading to a 40% time savings.”

Pro Tip: Use Teal's AI Achievement feature to write impressive resume achievements in seconds.

Step 3: Quantify your impact

Quantify your resume by adding results. Did your communication skills lead to a 20% increase in project efficiency? Highlight measurable achievements to strengthen your claims.

“Increased website conversion rate by 12% through A/B testing and website optimization strategies.”

Step 4: Tailor to the job

Don't overwhelm your resume by randomly stuffing words into your experience section. Aim to highlight the top skills that best represent your strengths and align with the job requirements.

According to Teal’s Director of Talent Mike Peditto , “While there isn't a magic number of skills, a long list can become overwhelming and take focus away from the top skills needed for a job. Focus on the skills that appear early and often throughout the job description. Here, you'll likely find the top five to eight skills the job is asking for, above all else.”

resume skills list indeed

Try to personalize your skills section for each job application, emphasizing the skills most relevant to the specific role.

Step 5: Craft compelling descriptions

Structure your skill descriptions using action verbs followed by a specific example of how you used that skill to achieve a positive outcome. Don't just list responsibilities—show what you accomplished or what results you achieved.

"Built rapport with a diverse clientele, resulting in a 15% increase in client retention rate.”

Tips for using personal skills on your resume to attract recruiters

Follow these tips to use your personal skills to stand out to recruiters and hiring managers:

  • Include relevant personal skills from the job description throughout your resume, but avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Identify existing personal skills that overlap with the job description so you can demonstrate a strong fit for the role. You can use Teal’s Matching Mode in the Resume Builder to choose a job and automatically analyze the job description to find the skills the company values the most.
  • Provide specific examples from your work experience. Instead of listing "problem-solving skills," describe a challenge you tackled successfully and its impact on the business.
  • Highlight skills consistently throughout the application process, from your resume, cover letter, and interviews. Your resume is only one part of the job search process.

Teal's Matching Mode feature makes it easy to surface relevant hard and soft skills within a job description to add to your resume. It will also help you identify where the overlap lies, so you can quickly add the ones you really possess.

The best way to add personal skills to your resume

Using an AI Resume Builder like Teal can speed up the process of adding the right personal skills to your resume.

From the Resume Skills Management feature within the Resume Builder, you can add skills to your resume, or even group them together by adding a category. Drag and drop the skills to rearrange them or toggle a button to sort them from A-Z automatically.

If you’re not sure what personal skills to highlight on your resume, head over to the Matching tab at the top of the screen, then choose a job from your job tracker.

From here, Teal’s AI-powered Matching Mode will suggest what skills and keywords you should add to your resume based on the job description. Aim for an 80 percent match score.

Teal's Matching Mode within it's AI Resume Builder

Personal Skills Examples for Your Resume

Beyond specific job skills or technical expertise, job seekers also need to bring personal skills to the table. Here are some examples of how professionals can showcase personal skills in their resume, whether you’re a new graduate or a seasoned professional.

‍ For an experienced professional

One common personal skill to highlight as an experienced professional is leadership. Experienced professionals are expected to guide and support others, so it’s important to demonstrate leadership skills, especially when applying to management-level roles.

For example, a bullet point on your resume could look like this: 

“Successfully mentored and coached junior team members, contributing to their professional development and increasing team productivity by 20%."

For a new graduate

As a new grad, your work history might be lighter, but you can still highlight personal skills like teamwork. Teamwork is an important skill in just about any job. As a new grad, whether you’ve completed internships or group projects in class, this is a skill you can highlight in your resume.

For example, you could write a bullet point for a past internship like this: 

“Collaborated effectively with a team of five to develop an Instagram strategy that increased engagement by 40%.”

For a professional targeting a technical role

Be sure to highlight personal skills that complement your hard skills when applying to technical positions. Whether you’re applying for a job as a data analyst, a software engineer, or something else, highlighting your analytical skills demonstrates your ability to approach challenges logically and strategically.

For example, you might want to demonstrate that you have a strong analytical mind. A bullet point on your resume could look like this: 

“Analyzed customer data to identify trends and inform strategic decision-making, resulting in a 10% improvement in customer satisfaction.”

To further improve soft skills for your career, read our guide on interpersonal skills .

Yes, you should add personal skills to your resume

Work experience might be the foundation of your resume, but strong personal skills are key to landing your next job. However, crafting a resume that effectively showcases these skills can be tricky.

That’s where Teal makes your life easier. With Teal’s AI Resume Builder , you can not only create a detailed skills section, but also use AI to generate powerful work achievements that demonstrate your personal skills and accomplishments in context for greater impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of a personal skill.

Personal skills are strengths like communication and teamwork. You use these skills daily in the workplace, from brainstorming sessions to resolving conflicts.

What are personal skills and examples?

Personal skills, also known as soft skills, are transferable abilities that show how you interact with colleagues and contribute to a positive work environment. For example, leadership could look like motivating a team to complete a project that exceeds expectations, while initiative might involve identifying an inefficiency and creating a solution that saves the company money.

What is an example of personality on a resume?

Focus on showing, not telling, your skills on a resume. For instance, instead of listing "outgoing," highlight your communication skills by describing presentations you've led or teams you’ve managed.

resume skills list indeed

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10 Most In-Demand Soft Skills to Put on Your Resume

L ong gone are the days when listing hard skills was the best (and oftentimes only) way to get your foot in the door at a prestigious company. While technical knowledge and training will always be important, soft skills (or essentially personality traits) are becoming increasingly important to highlight on your resume. And it makes sense, as more companies prioritize work culture and, therefore, the personalities of those they’re hiring.

But which soft skills are the ones that standout the most on a resume? Using data from Indeed.com, CashNetUSA scoured job ads for 46 predetermined soft skills to find the ones that appeared the most on high-paid jobs that surpassed the 75th percentile of wages in America’s most populated cities as well as each state. These are the soft skills that came out on top.

10. Resilience

Percentage of highly paid jobs requiring the skill: 34.29%

Resilience is a soft skill that highlights your ability to handle stress and challenges that come up at work. 

A good example of how to add this to your resume could be, “Showed resilience when leading a team after budget cuts by still delivering work on time and within scope.”

* Data comes from a January 2024 report released by CashNetUSA .

9. Financial Management

Percentage of highly paid jobs requiring the skill: 38.24%

If you’ve ever been in charge of a budget of any size, you can say that you have financial management skills. 

For instance, something like “oversaw the financial management of the freelance budget” could work if you hired contractors for a specific project.

8. Innovation

Percentage of highly paid jobs requiring the skill: 39.24%

Sure, this one makes our eyes roll a bit, too, but in today’s fast-paced world, innovation is key. No one wants an employee that stays stagnant or, worse, digs their heels in at the slight mention of change. 

You know who’s not stagnant? Someone who “excelled at brainstorming and ideation in the innovation process for [fill in project name].” You get it.

7. Emotional Intelligence

Percentage of highly paid jobs requiring the skill: 43.11%

We’re actually pleasantly surprised with this one. After all, we didn’t think corporations necessarily had it in them to care about this.

Jokes aside, having emotional intelligence is something that makes a good team member and an even better manager. After all, it’s hard to resolve team conflicts without it. The more a company emphasizes a “harmonious work environment,” the more this soft skill will matter.

6. Mentoring

Percentage of highly paid jobs requiring the skill: 47.89%

Here’s another managerial skill that job ads like to use to weed out the haves from the have-nots when it comes to managers. Do you actually enjoy mentoring people or have you just fallen up the corporate ladder into a management position?

True leaders will make mentoring a priority and want to highlight it on their resume.

5. Critical Thinking

Percentage of highly paid jobs requiring the skill: 47.94%

“Critical thinking” or “problem solving” can be put in the same bucket as resilience. How did you handle a challenging situation at work? It’s even better if you have data to back up your claim.

Well, maybe you “demonstrated strong critical-thinking skills when analyzing financial reports and making forecasts for the following quarter.”

4. Presentation Skills

Percentage of highly paid jobs requiring the skill: 56%

Presentation skills are the nature of the beast when it comes to today's Corporate America. That's because lots of today’s high-paying jobs require working with cross-functional teams and being able to explain your work in easy, digestible terms.

Think someone on a data science team explaining their findings to a marketing team. Along with "presentation skills," you could also add the specific presentation tools or software you use for your presentations on your resume.

3. Persuasion

Percentage of highly paid jobs requiring the skill: 57.41%

Persuasion sounds rather seductive, but it's crucial when trying to get specific projects across the finish line.

It's also a term that's used a lot in marketing when talking about "persuasive marketing skills" required to communicate well with a customer audience.

2. Negotiation

Percentage of highly paid jobs requiring the skill: 58.26%

This skill goes back to business basics. Proper negotiation skills come in handy in any aspect of life, whether you're negotiating a $1 billion merger or whether or not your toddler can have dessert for breakfast.

That said, it's a skill that takes time to hone — which is why it's considered all the more valuable.

1. Strategic Thinking

Percentage of highly paid jobs requiring the skill: 64.77%

Strategic thinking is essentially a combination of innovation and critical thinking, but the best way to incorporate this keyword on your resume is by using the CAR (challenge, action, result) technique.

You could say something like, "Used strategic thinking skills by analyzing user engagement data and running an A/B test that resulted in increased engagement of 20 percent."

For more resume advice, check out "How to Make Your Resume Shine."

10 Most In-Demand Soft Skills to Put on Your Resume

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What Are Transferable Skills? 10 Examples for your Resume

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What Are Transferable Skills? 10 Examples for your Resume was originally published on The Muse , a great place to research companies and careers. Click here to search for great jobs and companies near you.

Transferable skills, also known as portable skills, are those versatile abilities that you can bring to any role or industry—which is particularly helpful when changing careers . But you don’t need to be an expert to have them; these valuable skills can be acquired from all sorts of experiences, like past jobs, volunteering, internships, college, or personal projects. So, even if you’re an entry-level candidate , chances are you already have some transferable skills.

If you don’t, it’s time to start developing a few. They’re highly valued by recruiters and can definitely set your resume apart. Not sure where to start? Find out everything you need to know about transferable skills: meaning, examples for your resume, and why they’re so important.

What are transferable skills?

The transferable skills definition is straightforward: they are measurable abilities or knowledge that hold value in any role or industry. The term “transferable” comes from the fact that, regardless of changes in your job title or company, these skills can seamlessly transition to your new position.

“Think of them as your superpowers!” says Muse career coach and corporate recruiting specialist Yolanda M. Owens . “These superpowers can be used in any professional setting. For example, coding, languages, research, project coordination, administrative support, data entry, editing, training….”

Update that resume and check out open jobs on The Muse that are perfect for you »

Why are transferable skills important?

Think about how many jobs require strong writing skills , even if it isn’t the main focus of the role. Or consider how often you come across job postings listing “ leadership skills ” as a requirement. This is why transferable skills are important—they show what you have to offer beyond just completing daily tasks.

“Highlighting transferable skills on a resume is a quick way for employers to see what you bring to the table and how it aligns with the roles you’re applying to,” Owens says. “This is especially true if a company is using key search words when looking for candidates.”

They can also open doors for less experienced job seekers. “It can add some valuable subtext that may help you compensate for lack of direct experience and differentiate you from the competition. And in today’s competitive market, that subtext can make or break you landing an interview ,” Owens says.

Transferable skills: Examples

Not sure what skills to showcase? Here are 10 examples of transferable skills to include on your resume—feel free to incorporate them into your cover letter or job application as well. Just remember, while these are relevant and common skills, you shouldn’t feel restricted by them. Use this list as a guide to identify these and other valuable abilities you already have—or intend to develop.

1. Languages

Speaking a second or third language is a transferable skill that comes in handy across many professions, from customer service to data analysis . Workplaces are getting more diverse than ever, especially in large companies. And this diversity isn’t just about the employees they hire; it also includes the people they serve, thanks to the internet making international businesses more accessible.

Writing is one of the most common and useful transferable skills out there: Countless job postings require some form of writing on a daily basis. Whether it’s sending emails, interacting with customers on social media, or preparing presentations for clients—the possibilities are endless.

3. Research

Can you gather, understand, and use data effectively? The ability to research, often acquired in school, is another transferable skill with applications across several industries—from finance (i.e. financial analysis ) to marketing (i.e. user research and customer analysis ). Putting this skill on your resume is strategic because being a good researcher involves a diverse set of skills, such as data collection, documentation, and writing.

4. Excel proficiency

Some people have a love-hate relationship with spreadsheets. But the truth is, they’re an indispensable tool to many businesses—whether it’s keeping track of an inventory or managing employee shifts in a restaurant. That’s why Excel proficiency is considered a transferable skill, if it makes sense with the jobs you’re seeking, it’s definitely worth adding to your resume.

Read this next: These Excel Tips Are Really Simple, and Yet So, So, Helpful

5. Data entry

Data entry involves processing, filling up, and updating information, typically within a private system or spreadsheet (yep—Excel again!). Some professions and professional settings that typically require data entry include inventory management , e-commerce , transcription , accounting , and bookkeeping.

6. Management

Every company or organization needs someone with management skills and experience. Managers are typically the ones responsible for assigning tasks, ensuring that everything is carried out as intended, and providing guidance to employees who need assistance.

7. Leadership

Leadership skills are also highly valued by employers, particularly in professional environments where initiative and self-management are crucial. People with strong leadership abilities are generally good communicators, critical thinkers, and have an easy time delegating tasks and taking calculated risks.

8. Administrative support

Administrative skills encompass a range of abilities, including scheduling tasks, meetings and appointments, data collection and entry, answering emails, organizing employee paperwork, and managing office supplies. These skills are transferable across any type of industry or company. For instance, a secretary at a marketing company relies on these skills as much as a receptionist at a dental clinic does.

9. Project coordination

If you have experience planning, managing, and executing projects, then you have a transferable skill known as project coordination. While it’s similar to leadership skills, project coordination is slightly more focused. Instead of leading a group of people, it involves successfully bringing a project together and turning it into reality.

10. Training

Having training skills means that you can provide clear instructions to teach a process or procedure to others. If you’re applying for a managerial position, for instance, this is an important skill to have, as you’ll likely be tasked with training new staff members in entry-level positions or interns.

How do you write transferable skills on a CV?

The skills section of a resume can be your best friend. However, every transferable skill listed there should be somehow linked to your experiences.

“I always recommend adding a ‘Skills’ section using your transferable skills as a base,” Owens advises. “Just make sure to justify those transferable skills by tying them to ways you’ve added value to your jobs in your resume’s ‘Experience’ section .”

Meaning that if you mention leadership skills, at least one of your experiences should illustrate how and where this skill was used, as well as the outcome of your actions.

For example:

Professional Experience

Company for devs

Web Developer, January 2021—November 2023

  • Led the development of SEO strategies for two websites, achieving an increase of 15% in the lead conversion rate

Marketing Analyst, June 2019—December 2020

  • Led and executed Google Analytics tracking campaigns to maximize the effectiveness of the re-marketing initiative, achieving a 10% increase in total sales

Relevant skills

Data analysis

Project coordination

Transferable skills vs soft skills: what’s the difference?

Many people confuse transferable skills with soft skills —after all, they’re both useful in any profession setting. However, there’s a distinct difference between the two.

“Transferable skills are measurable strengths or areas of expertise,” Owens says. “On the other hand, soft skills are interpersonal attributes—generalities that don’t speak to your ability to do a job, but could determine how you interact with others, process information, and the kind of environment you feel productive in. For example, collaboration, problem solving skills, effective time management .”

Depending on your level of experience or the role you’re applying for, it’s wise to list both your transferable skills and soft skills. Candidates writing a resume with no experience could benefit from highlighting any set of abilities and interpersonal attributes learned and developed in college, personal, or community projects.


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    Agile Development. Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) 26 Finance & Accounting Skills to Put on a Resume. The following skills—which include both hard and soft skills—are crucial for those working in a variety of financial professions, including accounting, investing, and finance management. Soft Skills.

  23. How to List Hard Skills for a Resume (With Examples)

    Here are six in-demand hard skills you can include on your resume to impress hiring managers: Please note that none of the companies, institutions or organisations mentioned in this article are affiliated with Indeed. 1. Computer skills. Computer skills allow you to use software and hardware tools to complete tasks.

  24. 30 Best Personal Skills for Your Resume [Examples]

    10. Problem-solving. Problem-solving skills include the ability to actively identify, analyze, and overcome obstacles, both independently and as part of a team. While challenges are inevitable in any workplace, with the right problem-solving skills, they can promote opportunities for growth.

  25. 10 Most In-Demand Soft Skills to Put on Your Resume

    Using data from Indeed.com, CashNetUSA scoured job ads for 46 predetermined soft skills to find the ones that appeared the most on high-paid jobs that surpassed the 75th percentile of wages in ...

  26. Research Skills for Your Resume: 40+ Examples

    List research skills on your resume. Your resume is where you get to illustrate whatever aspects of your career you want employers to see. If you want research skills to shine on your resume, treat each section as an opportunity to display them. Demonstrate information-gathering skills. Effective research begins with gathering information.

  27. What Are Transferable Skills? 10 Examples for your Resume

    Here are 10 examples of transferable skills to include on your resume—feel free to incorporate them into your cover letter or job application as well. Just remember, while these are relevant and common skills, you shouldn't feel restricted by them. Use this list as a guide to identify these and other valuable abilities you already have—or ...

  28. 10 best skills to include on a CV

    Empathy. Leadership. Teamwork. The best skills to put on a CV vary by job type, career level, education and other factors. For example, the skills most important for a commercial truck driver will differ from those of a marketing manager.

  29. 12 Creative Resume Ideas: What Works in 2021

    Resume design tip #7: Limit yourself to two pages. Writing a great resume can indeed take hours, but studies show that recruiters and hiring managers are spending a fraction of that time reviewing the fruits of your labor. Include one page on your resume for every 10 years of experience.

  30. Working as a Ranch Hand: Responsibilities and Different Work ...

    Here is a list of steps you can use to help you become a ranch hand: 1. Earn a high school diploma. A high school diploma or GED equivalent is the minimum education required to become a ranch hand. While pursuing your high school diploma, it's beneficial to take classes that can translate easily to a ranch hand career, such as biology, animal ...