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Collection: Free Resume Templates in Photoshop (PSD) Format

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Design Soft Skills

18 minute read

10 Free PSD Resume Templates to Help Yours Stand Out

Devan Ciccarelli

Devan Ciccarelli

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Be honest. When was the last time you updated your resume?

You do have one, right?

Whether yours needs a fresh facelift or you’re just starting out, you can save yourself a world of time and spare yourself the Photoshop skills by using a template instead. We’re showcasing 10 free PSD resume templates guaranteed to help yours stand out from the stack in today’s guide.

That's right, these creative templates are free to use! Simply download them at the end of this guide and you’ll have 10 brand new templates to show off your skills with.

You can jump to the sections you're interested in below, or check each one out to see what you’re missing.

How to choose the right PSD resume template

  • Templates that highlight skills
  • Templates that highlight skills and experience
  • Templates that highlight education
  • Templates that stand out even more

How to edit your PSD resume template (no Photoshop required)

  • Download your free PSD resume templates

To help you get started on the right path, let’s talk about how to use these templates first.

Get your free resume templates

Get one step closer to the 'yes' pile with these eye-catching resume templates.

While you may be visually drawn to one particular type of resume, you have to remember that your tastes are only half of the equation when it comes to the right one.

When you’re looking to get hired, you need to consider how the other half — potential hiring managers — may view that same resume.

What they’re looking for in a resume might vary from what you’re looking for. And if you only take your needs into consideration, you’ll drastically affect your chances of getting an interview .

Thinking about the needs of a potential employer ensures that your resume is a step ahead of the others vying for your position.

So how can you get inside the heads of a hiring manager or recruiter? It’s simple.

Check out the job description and take note of what’s mentioned first or prominently.

Ask yourself: Where do they place emphasis? On skills? Education? Experience? Extracurricular activities and volunteer work?

Once you uncover this, you’ll want to find a template that both highlights these points and balances them with other positive traits and skills you possess.

Now that you know what the perfect resume template should accomplish, you’re ready to head first into the templates themselves.

If you’re applying for a job ad that’s mainly skills-focused, check out these first two templates.

Are your skills strong enough to get the job done?

If having the right skills matters more than your education or experience to future employers, it’s essential you choose a resume style that shows these off best.

The following two PSD resume templates do just that.

In this first template, you see a break from the horizontal layout of traditional resumes — and this was done for good reason.

Free PSD Resume Templates 1

Not only that, your headshot lines up perfectly with these skills which helps employers make the connection between who’s behind the resume and their list of awesome abilities.

And in true resume fashion, it has all the details you’d want to include as well.

On the left side, you can add your contact details, a link to your portfolio, and another series of links to your verified skills. All of your work skills, education, and experience gets listed nice and neatly on the right.

You can even highlight special projects and other employment avenues using this resume.

Then again, if you prefer a more traditional layout with a modern update, this next PSD resume template has your name on it.

As with most resumes, all of the contact details and links to portfolio pieces sit right on top of this template.

But instead of jumping into experience like conventional resumes do, this one highlights your skills , achievements, and extracurricular activities first.

Free PSD Resume Templates 2

After all, if you’ve spent the time honing your expertise while balancing a full workload, especially to the point of being recognized for it, why not show off your hard work?

Plus, many employers want to see job candidates who are well rounded and this resume accomplishes that.

It also gives you plenty of room to include your experience, special projects, education, and other unrelated employment ventures to complete the picture of exactly who you are.

The next three resumes on our list work best for jobs requiring candidates with the right experience.

What if your skills and experience equally matter?

Some employers focus more of their attention on skill and experience in an effort to reduce how much time they need to train their new hires.

If you notice that’s the case with a potential job description, you’ll want to use a resume format that leads with your work history and experience.

With the resume template below, you’ll have a chance to highlight two specific skills that are backed by your previous jobs.

Free PSD Resume Templates 3

You also have the option to add two more skills under the ‘Other Employment’ section to show that you’re proficient in other areas too.

Or, you could use that space to reiterate that you’ve sharpened the same two skills throughout other jobs and over the course of several years, proving you have the focused experience needed.

The following resume does a similar job of this.

This time, you’ll notice that instead of only focusing on two skills, this template gives you the option of adding a third area of expertise in the mix.

Free PSD Resume Templates 4

And if your other jobs involved using your second and third skill, you can still give them the space they need to stand out in the ‘Other Employment’ and ‘Special Project’ sections.

Another unique feature about this resume template is that the contact information is tucked away in the far right corner.

This simple shift ensures that you’re not wasting the precious real estate on the top of the page for information that doesn’t show off who you are as a potential hire.

If you prefer the traditional route with your contact information on top, but you love the idea of focusing the attention on one overall skill with two supporting ones, this next resume has just what you need.

In this resume, you can see that the contact information is displayed like a business card in the top right hand corner.

But as soon as you make your way down the page, the format deviates from a traditional layout and is more like one we discussed earlier on our list.

Free PSD Resume Templates5

You’ll also notice this resume template has a huge burst of color, making it a great option for candidates hoping to show off their personality and stand out. (If you want to stand out even more, don’t miss the last three resumes on our list!).

The progress bars on the bottom and the neat formatting also make this resume visually appealing and sure to capture attention without distracting anyone.

So far you’ve seen resumes that highlight skills and experience. Up next, we’ll show you two that focus on leading with education.

Use these templates when education trumps the rest

Certain jobs require higher levels of education and some employers will want to see where you received your degree before knowing anything else.

If that’s the case, your resume should start with your educational background like these templates do.

You’ll see that the overall layout of this resume is similar to the first one: the left hand side has your headshot and contact information while the right side shows off your actual resume.

What’s different about this one, aside from the color, is that it focuses on your education first and then segues into your professional experience, whereas the first one started with skills and education.

Free PSD Resume Templates 6

By doing this, you’re showing potential employers that you have both the educational background and experience needed to get the job done. That’s a big reason why this template works so well.

Now if you’re looking to break free from the updated-yet-traditional layout, consider using this next template to really get noticed.

Similar to the last resume, this template leads with education and experience — but it takes a drastically different turn from there.

This time, the resume reads like a timeline that extends from the headshot all the way down the page to your skills.

Free PSD Resume Templates 7

You’ll also notice that when the timeline stops, it leads right into an organized section that beautifully displays your skills, honors, and clubs.

Not only is this resume template eye-catching and visually stimulating, it also highlights everything in a linear fashion to guide readers right down the page. It almost begs a hiring manager to read your resume all the way through to the end.

This template is guaranteed to help you stand out in a good way, but if you’re looking to take your resume game even further, consider using one of the next three resume templates instead.

These templates help you stand out (even more) from the pack

Our last set of resumes come standard with all the usual details of a traditional resume. They just have a little extra flair.

If you’re not scared of giving potential employers a peek at your personality (which never hurts), go bold with one of these templates and you’ll definitely get noticed.

This template is perfect for the brave job candidate who isn’t afraid of grabbing attention.

It’s also an ideal template if you’d rather not include a headshot on your resume, but you’d still like to do something to help differentiate your resume from the stack.

Free PSD Resume Templates 8

Despite the bold colors, they don’t distract readers as they scroll down from basics like your contact information, education, and professional experience to your skills, special projects, and other employment.

It’s a win for those who want to be unique even though they’re trying to court jobs in conservative companies.

The next resume on our list uses the exact same layout only with a slight twist.

When compared to the last resume template, this one also inserts your professional experience, contact information, and education at the top of the page.

The big difference is in the order — it leads with experience instead of contact details.

Free PSD Resume Templates 9

With this way of reading, potential employers see your work history before they make their way over to your contact information instead of vice versa.

And just like the previous template, this one balances personality and professionalism with bright pops of color and easy to read fonts.

Keep in mind, if you’re going to use a colorful resume template like this one, you must make sure it’s legible and not difficult to read, which this example does well.

Another thing to point out with this template and the next one on our list is the feminine accents. So if you’d like to showcase a softer side, our final template shows you how to use pink professionally.

In theory, an all-pink background for a resume might give off an Elle Woods Legally Blonde vibe, but this one couldn’t be further from that.

Free PSD Resume Templates 10

That same refined theme is carried throughout the resume in the font choices and perfectly spaced boxes.

Because of all these well-thought out details, this resume template is for those job candidates who aren’t afraid to show off their softer side to get what they want. This template keeps everything neat and professional to give you the (soft) edge you need to stand out.

This resume style works well for anyone interested in female-led companies or for ladies who find both their feminine and creative sides empowering.

So you’ve picked out the perfect template to get your foot in the door at your dream job. Here’s how to edit the template to enter your own information.

Download your resume templates below.

Unzip your file.

Then unzip the specific resume template you want to edit (cv1, cv2, etc).

If you don’t have Photoshop:

Download a Photoshop free trial

Use a friend’s or local library’s Photoshop

Find a tool that lets you edit Photoshop files:




If you have Photoshop, install the fonts from the folder of the specific template you want to edit. If using Photopea , you can drag and drop the fonts into your project.

Open your file by dragging and dropping the PSD into your preferred editing tool's window. If PSD files are associated with a particular software on your computer, you can double click the file to open it. Or select File --> Open from within the program, and navigate to the folder with the PSD file.

Edit your file. In this example we're using free tool Photopea, but these steps will also work in Photoshop.

  • In the layers panel, click on the section you want to edit, for example "Education". Click the arrow next to its name to open it up. You will see there are subfolders inside that correspond to the University portion of the template.


  • Open up a subfolder by clicking the arrow by its name, for example the "University" folder. Inside you will see items that correspond to the text fields on the template, such as graduation date, city, and so on.


  • Click on the item you want to update, for example the graduation date. You will notice it has a "T" symbol, to denote it is text.


  • Click on the Type tool from the tools panel, usually found on the left side of your window.


  • Click on the corresponding area of the template, in this case the date "2002", and type in your new text. You can also copy your info from a program like Word, and paste it in. (We've included a Word doc for you as part of the download.)


  • Repeat for each of the sections until your resume is personalized!  
  • In some countries, including a photo on your resume is expected, while in others it isn't as common. If you do want to add a professional photo to your template, here's a video of how to do this in Photoshop . The instructions are very similar in Photopea below.  
  • In the layers panel, locate a folder labeled "Avatar_ Name" and click the arrow to expand it.


  • Right click on "Avatar_icon" and select "Convert to Smart Object" from the menu. Then, double click the thumbnail to open it in a new tab.


  • Drag and drop your photo into the new tab. Your photo should now appear in place of the icon. Hold down the Shift key and drag the edge of the image to resize.


  • Save your changes to the image (Ctrl + S). Now go back to your original tab, and you will see your image has been added to your resume template!


Download your free PSD resume templates today

The key to using these PSD resume templates to your advantage is to first identify exactly what the potential hiring manager is looking for. You’ll find these key details right in the job description.

Once you have that narrowed down, you’re ready to choose a template that highlights these specific details while showing off your personality.

You should download and use a few templates since no two job descriptions are alike. After all, you’re likely to find that, despite being a similar position, different employers are focused on certain aspects of your background more than others.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your free access to all of the PSD resume templates featured in today’s guide!

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Devan Ciccarelli

Crafting fluff-free content is Devan’s jam. When she’s not writing for GoSkills, you’ll find her outside reading, soaking up the sun, or hiking her next adventure.

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Theme Junkie

40+ Best Photoshop Resume Templates (PSD) With Modern Designs

On the hunt for a new job, or starting to think about taking the next step in your career? The first thing you’ll need is a fabulous new CV that showcases all of your skills, talents, and achievements in a professional and modern manner. How much your resume stands out in a pile of applicants can often determine whether you get selected for an interview, but of course, you don’t want to go overboard – so we’ve put together a collection of the best Photoshop resume templates with modern designs, for you to download and customize!

It gets even better – we’ve included both premium and free resume templates, so regardless of whether you want to splurge on a top-notch design or save your pennies, there’s bound to be a perfect match for you.

Let’s take a look at our list of the best Photoshop resumes from Envato Elements and other free online sources.

Watercolour PSD Resume Template

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The first of our Photoshop resumes to be featured is a stunning premium template from Envato Elements that offers elegant watercolor-inspired design elements and a beautifully cohesive color scheme. It includes a matching cover letter template and a range of pixel-perfect vector shapes to help you customize.

Professional Photoshop Resume Template

photoshop resume template

Check out this simple yet elegant PSD resume template that will instantly draw your employer’s attention, and get him curious to read more. It features a colorful design that is very easy to customize according to your liking.

Booklet Resume Template

Booklet Resume Template

The Booklet Resume Template is a beautifully crafted tool that lets you leave a lasting impression on clients. Offering standard A4 and US letter sizes, it’s adaptability extends to its fully editable feature and inclusion of a portfolio section for effectively displaying your work. Secure this asset now to enjoy its outstanding characteristics and spur noticeable career strides.

MALINA Resume PSD Template

MALINA Resume PSD Template

The MALINA Resume PSD Template is a current and polished design kit that includes a captivating resume template, perfect for any opportunity you seek. With 12 matching logos and 20 unique, hand-drawn seamless patterns, this kit allows you to add a personal touch to your professional profile, fast and easy. Compatible with InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop, it includes single and multi-page resumes and cover letters, in both US letter and EU A4 sizes. Immaculately organised and fully editable, this template set is your stepping stone to landing the perfect job.

Blue & Pink Resume Template

Blue & Pink Resume Template

The Blue & Pink Resume Template by Graphicook is perfect for those seeking an easy-to-customize, elegant design. This product, compatible with Adobe Illustrator CC and Adobe Photoshop CS4-CS6, is fully editable with texts, images, and graphics on separate layers. Be informed that free fonts and photography images are not included but links are provided for downloads.

Minimal Monochrome Resume

Minimal Monochrome Resume

The “Minimal Monochrome Resume” is a two-page resume/CV template that’s easy to use and alter for any project need. It is available in A4 and US letter sizes, can be printed in professional quality resolution, and is compatible with Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, and Affinity software. It includes an application letter template, organized sections for experience, skills, and references, and easily editable text, color, and objects.

Creative Photoshop Resume Template

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This creative resume template for Photoshop features a well-organized and fully layered file with high-quality vector graphic elements and a 300 DPI resolution for a professional-looking finish. It’s super easy to customize using Photoshop or Illustrator.

Minimal Photoshop Resume Template

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The best resumes should speak for themselves, and this stunning minimal template will help your CV stand out without distracting from your impressive experience and qualifications – it features smart objects and vector graphics plus free fonts and a versatile two-page design.

Mary Photoshop Resume Template

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Featuring a colorful abstract design that’s sure to help your CV attract the attention of your next employer, this awesome resume template for Photoshop features a range of fully customizable vector graphics and an easy to edit layout, plus a link to download the relevant fonts.

Impressive PSD Resume Template

photoshop resume template

If you are looking for a resume that gives you a leg up at your next interview, consider this beautifully designed template that comes packed with a resume, cover letter, and portfolio page. It can be customized using Photoshop, Microsoft Word, and Illustrator.

Minimalist PSD Resume Template

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The next of our premium Photoshop resumes from Envato Elements is this lovely minimalist layout that includes a cover letter, CV, and portfolio, making it super versatile. It’s fully editable and includes all necessary files for quick and easy customization, as well as free fonts and two-size formats.

Develop Photoshop Resume Template

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Our next resume template PSD to be featured is the Develop template, a modern and eye-catching design that’s suitable for professionals of all kinds. The fully layered file comes with paragraph styles, modern graphic elements, and a high definition 300 DPI resolution.

Coffee PSD Resume Template

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Next up, we have this coffee-colored CV template PSD file that features well-organized layers, a print-ready CMYK color space, 300 DPI resolution, and free fonts. It also comes with a matching cover letter and portfolio template and high-quality vector graphics that can be easily customized.

Classic PSD Resume Template

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Our next Photoshop resume template is super easy to edit, thanks to a PDF help file that’s included with your download. It’s also one of the most versatile Photoshop resumes that we’ve found, and can be used for any job description within any industry.

Modern CV Template PSD

photoshop resume template

Wanting to create a resume in PSD format that no recruiter can say no to? Take a leap of faith in this gorgeous Photoshop template providing everything you need to create an impressive resume, better than the other candidates.

Corporate PSD Resume Template

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Here we have an elegant minimalist Photoshop resume template that features a fully layered design, smart object images, vector graphics, and a range of free fonts. With a neutral color scheme and strong typography, it’s the perfect choice for a corporate professional in the banking, finance, or insurance industries.

Professional PSD Resume Template

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The next resume PSD in our list is this super professional and easy to edit template featuring well-organized layers, vector graphics, a range of customization options, and a print-ready CMYK color space with 300 DPI resolution for a high-quality finish, perfect for securing that interview!

Simple PSD Resume Template

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Looking for a classic, minimalist resume layout with professional and modern design elements? This fully customizable template is perfect – it offers fully organized layers, a simple design, and strong, modern typography, and is compatible with Adobe Photoshop versions CS4 and later. It also features prominent use of images, ideal if you want to include a photo.

Graphic PSD Resume Template

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Ideal for a graphic designer or IT professional, this stunning CV template PSD file features futuristic graphic elements and an eye-catching layout inspired by geometrical concepts, plus space for a photo or image that contrasts perfectly with the black and white color scheme.

Elegant PSD Resume Template

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If you’re after a beautifully designed resume or CV template with a matching business card to help you make connections and generate job leads, look no further! This elegant and ultra-modern design can be adapted to fit any industry and features a visually appealing structure, perfectly combined graphic elements, and full layering for simple customization.

Monochrome PSD Resume Template

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Next up, we have a versatile and intuitively designed resume and cover letter duo that’s sure to impress even the most prestigious companies. It offers a customizable layout featuring a professional use of monochromatic graphic elements, and also includes space for a portfolio to showcase your work.

Symmetrical PSD Resume Template

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For a stunning symmetrical design with a greyscale color scheme and small profile photo featured at the top, consider this PSD resume template offering a matching cover letter, simple customization and editing options, vector shapes, and pixel-perfect graphics. All elements are able to be adjusted to suit your style.

Sophia PSD Resume Template

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Here we have a creatively designed premium package featuring a resume, cover letter, and portfolio template with eye-catching shapes and colors to help your application stand out. It’s compatible with Photoshop, Illustrator, and Word, and is super easy to edit, offering well-organized layers and fully customizable graphics.

Alexandriano PSD Resume Template

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Next up is this creative yet professional resume template set featuring a CV, cover letter, and portfolio, each with a large feature image displayed at the top. It comes in A4 format with a clean and modern design, earthy tones, and strong yet simple typography.

Fiteen PSD Resume Template

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Fiteen is a beautiful geometrically inspired Photoshop resume template set that’s ideal for anyone in the fashion or design industries. It comes with a CV, cover letter, portfolio, and business card design, all featuring an elegant combination of neutral colors and classic typography for a highly professional look.

Angelina PSD Resume Template

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Our next option is Angelina, a modern two-page template offering both a resume and cover letter in A4 format, each of which can be fully customized to show off your own style. It includes free fonts, vector-based shapes, pixel-perfect graphics, and easy image placement.

Jennifer PSD Resume Template

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Ideal for a creative professional, this CV template PSD offers a matching resume, portfolio, and cover letter set, each of which includes a clean and modern design, grid-based layout, and a featured image at the top of the page. It comes in A4 size with a print-ready CMYK color space and 300 DPI resolution.

Creative Photoshop CV Template

photoshop resume

If you’re looking for a resume template with a wild and uncommon design, this one is made just for you. It comes with a wild design that will make your resume stand out from the crowd. The template includes multiple pages with highly visual designs ideal for graphic designers. It comes in AI and EPS formats.

Stylish Graphic Designer Resume Template

photoshop resume

This resume template also features a very stylish and visual design that will help show off your identity as a graphic designer. The template includes both the resume and cover letter designs in A4 size. You can also edit and customize it using MS Word, Photoshop, and Illustrator.

Minimal Resume Template for Photoshop

photoshop resume

If you’re a designer who prefers minimal layouts, this resume is a perfect fit for you. It features a minimal yet elegant design that makes it a great choice for both web designers as well as graphic designers. It comes with a cover letter design and in multiple file formats.

Colorful Photoshop Resume Template for Designers

photoshop resume

This resume template is designed with interior designers in mind but it’s also perfect for making CVs for graphic designers as well. The template comes with 3 page layouts including one for resume, cover letter, and for your portfolio. They are available in MS Word, PSD, AI, and EPS file formats.

Modern Photoshop CV Resume Template

photoshop resume

You can use this resume template to design a modern and stylish resume for a web designer. It includes 3 page layouts including two CV pages and a cover letter design. Each template is easily customizable so you can edit them according to your needs. They come in multiple file formats as well.

Free Photoshop Resumes

Nothing beats premium Photoshop resume templates, but if you are someone who does not want to spend money in order to get a professionally designed CV, no worries. Let’s take a look at some of the best free Photoshop resumes that truly stand out:

Free Designer Photoshop Resume Template

photoshop resume template

Whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional, this Photoshop resume template will do a great job at getting you the interview you have been chasing for a long time. It’s an outstanding free PSD resume template that works for virtually every job position there is.

Free Resume PSD Template

photoshop resume template

Next in our list of the best free Photoshop resumes is this clean and elegant option perfect for individuals looking to apply for a job opening in the IT sector. It features a dark background sidebar, complemented by yellow color accentuating the look and feel of the CV. The template is available in 3 colors.

Free Monochrome Photoshop Resume Template

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Here we have a classy and monochromatic resume template for Photoshop that’s perfect for displaying your skills and qualifications in a simple yet effective manner. It’s fully editable, print-ready, and comes in a 300 DPI resolution, and is available as a free download from Behance.

Free Minimal PSD Resume Template

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Here we have a free Photoshop resume template that can be downloaded from CreativeBooster and offers a minimal, column-based layout that features a wide range of text fields, plus a small profile photo at the top. The contrasting background and graphic colors give it an eye-catching appeal.

Free Bold PSD Resume Template

resume template free download psd

Another free template from CreativeBooster, our next resume offers a simple, modern layout with bright colors scattered throughout, and a profile photo featured next to your name. The grid-based layout and functional serif fonts give it a highly professional look.

Free Colour Block PSD Resume Template

resume template free download psd

Our next free resume PSD features a creative use of color, including a bold color block on one side of the layout and matching graphics throughout each of the text areas. It can be easily adapted to suit almost any profession and is available as a free download from Behance.

Free Geometrical PSD Resume Template

resume template free download psd

The last template in our lineup of Photoshop resumes is this gorgeous minimal template that features strong, geometrically inspired graphics and a clean black and white design. Incredibly versatile and easy to customize, this free download is available from Behance.

And with that, there’s nothing standing in the way of you and that shiny new job! Go forth and apply, knowing that with these professionally designed templates, your resume is bound to make a lasting impression for all the right reasons.

20+ Best Photoshop Resume & CV Templates (PSD Resume Templates)

A resume with a unique design and a detailed layout is a must-have for making a great first impression on your potential employers.

Today we have a collection of the perfect Photoshop resume templates for you to download and customize to create killer resumes to land a guaranteed job interview.

The modern layouts, quality typography, and stunning designs of these templates will surely make your CV and resumes look much more attractive than every other job application.

A great thing about making a resume in Photoshop is there are plenty of ways you can customize the design. And with these templates, that task becomes much easier.

You can also download all these templates for a single price by subscribing to Envato Elements . Of course, we included a few free items as well. Have a look.

2 Million+ CV & Resume Templates, Cover Letters + More

Download thousands of resume templates, cover letters, and many other design elements, with a monthly Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

Pro Resume Template

Pro Resume Template

Doc, psd, ai.

Resume Anna

Resume Anna

Word / psd / indesign.

Unique Resume Template

Unique Resume Template

Colorful Resume

Colorful Resume


Simple CV Template

Simple CV Template

Pastel Resume

Pastel Resume

Ai, pdf, doc.

See More Resume Templates

Creative Photoshop Resume Template

Creative Photoshop Resume Template

If you want to make a resume that blends modern design trends with a professional layout, this Photoshop template is made just for you. It features a colorful design featuring space to feature a profile photo alongside abstract shapes and elements. It includes a resume and cover letter page design. And the template comes in Photoshop, Illustrator, and MS Word formats.

Simple Photoshop Resume & Cover Letter

Simple Photoshop Resume & Cover Letter

A resume with a simple and casual design is ideal for applying to service-based jobs and creative roles. This template also has space to showcase a profile photo and it uses lots of stylish shapes to create a visually appealing look for the entire resume. There’s a matching cover letter template as well.

Photoshop Resume Template for UX Designers

Photoshop Resume Template for UX Designers

When creating a resume for a professional UX or UI designer, a modern and stylish layout is a must-have feature. This Photoshop resume template will fit perfectly for creating such resumes and CVs. It features a highly visual design where you can showcase your previous clients, skills, and experience in an attractive way. The template is available in 4 color variations.

Professional Resume Template for Photoshop

Professional Resume Template for Photoshop

This resume template features a two-page resume design with one page for your portfolio. It also has a cover letter design as well. All these pages have simple yet professional layouts for showing off your skills and talents more effectively. The template is available in multiple formats, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Word.

One Page Resume Photoshop Template

One Page Resume Photoshop Template

This Photoshop CV template is ideal for designers as it comes with a one-page layout that uses a visual approach to showcasing your skills and experience. You can use it to showcase your previous clients, brands, and education using visual elements and logos. The template comes in 4 colors and includes a cover letter as well.

Free Photoshop Resume Template for Designers

Free Photoshop Resume Template for Designers

You can download this template for free to design a simple resume when applying for jobs in the design industry. It’s especially suitable for UI and UX designers as the layout features many sections for showcasing your skills. The template uses free fonts as well.

Professional Photoshop Resume Template FREE

Professional Photoshop Resume Template FREE

This Photoshop resume template is also free to download. It has a clean design that’s ideal for creative professionals. You can use it to apply to service-based jobs, freelance jobs, creative agencies, and much more. It can be customized to change colors and fonts.

Trendy Photoshop Resume Template

Trendy Photoshop Resume Template

The stunningly beautiful design of this template makes it most suitable for graphic designers and UX designers. It features a trendy design that uses creative gradient color schemes. While you can print this template, the colors will look much more vibrant when used in digital formats. The template is available in Photoshop, Word, and Illustrator formats.

Photoshop Resume Template for Designers

Photoshop Resume Template for Designers

With this Photoshop resume template, you can design an elegant CV or resume for a designer. And it’s especially ideal for fashion designers and artists. The template features two pages, including a matching cover letter. And it uses free fonts. You can also print it out in A4 size or convert it to digital format.

Clean Photoshop Resume Template

Clean Photoshop Resume Template

If you prefer clean and minimalist designs, this Photoshop CV template is for you. It features a highly minimal layout that uses a black-and-white design. It has two sections to showcase your experience, previous clients, skills, and education on one page. And there’s a cover letter template as well. It also comes in PSD, AI, and Word formats.

Elegant Photoshop CV Resume Template

Elegant Photoshop Resume Template

Whether you’re applying for a job at a creative agency or want to land your dream job at your favorite beauty brand, this stylish resume will surely help make your CV look much more glamorous. It’s especially great for adding a chic and feminine look to your resume. The template is available in A4 and US Letter sizes.

Business Resume Template for Photoshop

Business Resume Template for Photoshop

The classic resume layout is the perfect choice for applying to corporate jobs. This resume template comes with a similar classic design that will make your resume and CV look much more appropriate for a corporate position. It has a two-page resume and a cover letter design. The template also features icon packs for social media and activities. You can also customize the colors to your preference.

Free Simple Photoshop Resume Template

Free Simple Photoshop Resume Template

Grab this Photoshop resume template for free. It uses a simple two-section design where you can include all your details in one place. The single-page design makes it much more suitable for applying to internships as well.

Designer Photoshop Resume Template Free

Designer Photoshop Resume Template Free

This CV template is perfect for graphic designers and web designers to create a clean and straightforward resume. It has a modern design with creative elements to highlight your skills and experience more effectively. You can edit the template to change colors too.

Modern Photoshop CV Template For Designers

Modern Photoshop CV Template For Designers

Make your resume look much more attractive with this modern Photoshop template. It features the perfect layout for designers to showcase their skills and expertise. The template includes a one-page CV and a cover letter. You can fully customize it using Photoshop, Illustrator, and MS Word as well. It uses free fonts.

Colorful Photoshop Resume for Freelancers

Colorful Photoshop Resume for Freelancers

The casual and colorful design of this resume template makes it most suitable for creative professionals and freelancers. It’s great for freelance writers, artists, and designers too. The template has a matching cover letter design featuring free fonts and A4 size. It also comes in Photoshop, MS Word, and Illustrator file formats.

Unique Photoshop Resume Template

Unique Photoshop Resume Template

This resume template has a very unique design that uses a combination of colors and shapes to create an uncommon look. This will allow you to craft a stylish CV design to apply for jobs at modern brands and startups. The template can be fully customized however you like using Photoshop and MS Word.

Simple CV Resume Template for Photoshop

Simple CV Resume Template for Photoshop

A simple yet professional resume design featuring a bold layout. This template uses stylish shapes and borders to create a well-organized resume to showcase all your details and qualifications in one place. The template includes free fonts, editable graphics, and it comes in A4 size.

Photoshop Resume Template for Creatives

Photoshop Resume Template for Creatives

This Photoshop resume template is a perfect choice for all sorts of creative professionals. It’s especially suitable for game designers, developers, artists, and illustrators. The colorful and quirky design gives it a very casual look and feel as well. You can also change the colors, fonts, and images to your preference. It comes in PSD, AI, and Word formats.

Stylish Free Photoshop Resume Template

Stylish Free Photoshop Resume Template

You can download this template for free to design a stylish resume for various types of professions. The CV layout has two sections to show off your skills, education, experience, and contact information, all on one page. You can fully customize it to change colors and fonts too.

Cool Photoshop Resume CV Template Free

Cool Photoshop Resume CV Template Free

Another free Photoshop resume template for creative professionals. This template has an uncommon design that will surely make your CV or resume stand out from the crowd. It’s also ideal for graphic designers and artists. The template comes in 3 different colors as well.

Modern Business Resume CV Template PSD

Modern Business Resume CV Template PSD

This resume template comes with a simple one-page layout for creating a short and effective CV or resumes for your job application. It features a modern and professional design that has space to showcase your profile picture and contact information on one side and other info on the other side. It’s available in AI and EPS formats too.

Minimalist Photoshop CV Resume Template

Minimalist Photoshop CV Resume Template

Looking for a simple and minimal one-page resume template? Then give this one a try. It has a clean layout for including your skills, experience, and education all in one page. And there’s a matching page for your cover letter too. The template is also available in Word format.

Five Essential Tips for Designing a Resume in Photoshop

1. start with a template.

Starting with a resume template can save you time and ensure your resume is well-structured. Photoshop offers various templates that are tailored to different job types and industries. You can customize the template to fit your personal information and style preference.

2. Keep It Professional

While Photoshop gives you the freedom to get creative with your resume, remember to keep the design professional. Use colors and fonts that are clean and easy to read. Stick to traditional resume formatting as much as possible, with clear sections and bullet points.

3. Use High-Quality Images

If you choose to use images or icons in your resume, ensure they are of high quality. Low-resolution images can make your resume look unprofessional. Remember, any graphics used should support your resume content, not distract from it.

4. Save in an Appropriate Format

Although Photoshop’s native format is PSD, this is not widely accepted for job applications. Save your resume as a PDF to ensure it can be opened on any computer without format issues. If applying online, double-check the requested format — some job applications may require specific file types.

5. Pay Attention to Details

Photoshop’s powerful tools allow you to fine-tune the details of your resume. Use guides and grids to ensure text and graphics are aligned properly. Even small visual inconsistencies can make your resume appear less professional. Always double-check your design for any alignment or spacing issues before finalizing your resume.

Looking for resume templates for Microsoft Word? Then be sure to check out our best Word resume templates collection.


Category - Resume Templates

Personal Portfolio Resume PSD Template

Personal Portfolio Resume PSD Template

Download Free Personal Portfolio Resume PSD Template. This Personal Portfolio Resume PSD Template that help you make a lasting impression when applying for your dream career. This free resume has unique approach to boring resume, creating modern...

Premium Creative Resume Template PSD

Premium Creative Resume Template PSD

Download Free Premium Creative Resume Template PSD. This Premium Creative Resume Template PSD is perfect for graphic designer, photographers, web designer and developers. The Premium Creative Resume Template PSD have a very organized and named...

Awesome Modern Resume CV PSD Template

Awesome Modern Resume CV PSD Template

Download Free Awesome Modern Resume CV PSD Template. This Awesome Modern Resume CV PSD Template is perfect for graphic designer, photographers, web designer and developers. The Resume PSD Template have a very organized and named layers, really...

Elegant Minimalist Resume Design PSD

Elegant Minimalist Resume Design PSD

Download Free Elegant Minimalist Resume Design PSD. This Elegant Minimalist Resume Design PSD is perfect for graphic designer, photographers, web designer and developers. The Elegant Minimalist Resume Design PSD have a very organized and named...

Modern CV Resume Template PSD

Modern CV Resume Template PSD

Download Free Modern CV Resume Template PSD. This Modern CV Resume Template PSD is perfect for graphic designer, photographers, web designer and developers. The Modern CV Resume Template PSD have a very organized and named layers, really easy...

Professional Clean Resume CV Template PSD

Professional Clean Resume CV Template PSD

Download Free Professional Clean Resume CV Template PSD. This Professional Clean Resume CV Template PSD is perfect for graphic designer, photographers, web designer and developers. The Professional Clean Resume CV Template PSD have a very...

Minimalist Curriculum Vitae Template PSD

Minimalist Curriculum Vitae Template PSD

Download Free Minimalist Curriculum Vitae Template PSD. This Minimalist Curriculum Vitae Template PSD is perfect for graphic designer, photographers, web designer and developers. The Resume PSD Template have a very organized and named layers...

Designer Resume CV Design PSD Bundle

Designer Resume CV Design PSD Bundle

Download Free Designer Resume CV Design PSD Bundle. This Designer Resume CV Design PSD Bundle is perfect for graphic designer, photographers, web designer and developers. The Designer Resume CV Design PSD Bundle have a very organized and named...

Cool and Colorful Resume CV PSD Template

Cool and Colorful Resume CV PSD Template

Download Free Cool and Colorful Resume CV PSD Template. This Cool and Colorful Resume CV PSD Template is perfect for graphic designer, photographers, web designer and developers. The Resume CV PSD Template have a very organized and named...

Minimalist Resume CV Design PSD

Minimalist Resume CV Design PSD

Download Free Minimalist Resume CV Design PSD. This Minimalist Resume CV Design PSD is perfect for graphic designer, photographers, web designer and developers. The Resume PSD Template have a very organized and named layers, really easy to...

A4 Size Designer Resume PSD Template

A4 Size Designer Resume PSD Template

Download Free A4 Size Designer Resume PSD Template. This A4 Size Designer Resume PSD Template that help you make a lasting impression when applying for your dream career. This free resume has unique approach to boring resume, creating modern...

Clean Modern Resume CV PSD Template

Clean Modern Resume CV PSD Template

Download Free Clean Modern Resume CV PSD Template. This Clean Modern Resume CV PSD Template is perfect for graphic designer, photographers, web designer and developers. The Clean Modern Resume CV PSD Template have a very organized and named layers...

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35+ Free Resume Templates for Photoshop in PSD

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Every application for a job starts with sending a resume. A polished, original and carefully filled in CV along with a well-written cover letter is your chance to interest a potential employer, and make a great first impression. The problem is that while searching for a perfect candidate a recruiter or a boss looks through dozens of similar applications. This means that a professionally crafted and stylish CV levels up your chances to score a dream job.

Yellow Images Marketplace

In this special compilation we’ve gathered 35+ amazing resume and cover letter PSD templates. Crafted by the skilled designers from popular online resources, all of the pieces below stand to the highest standards, and will look great whether printed or on the web. The PSD format allows you to adjust any template with the minimal knowledge of Photoshop.

Anything from a photo to text and colors can be customized in just a few clicks. What’s most important, all samples in the collection provided here are available for free. All you need to do is scroll the page and download free resume PSD template which perfectly matches your style, preferences and needs. We hope that you enjoy our unique collection, and find an impeccable resume model which helps you score your dream job!

1. CV and Cover Letter – Free Resume Templates

Cv and cover letter resume psd template

Stand out from the crowd with this fantastic CV & cover letter template! Bold writing and decorative elements in black create a catchy contrast with the colors of the background grading softly from violet to orange. The template looks playful, yet modern and unique.

2. CV and Cover Letter – Free Resume Templates

CV abd cover letter resume

Draw the utmost attention to your resume and cover letter using this stylish template! Aside from smart minimalist layout its biggest advantage is the palette: the vibrant tiffany color contrasting with black and white will instantly catch every look.

3. Project Manager

Project manager resume template psd

Here’s one of the most amazing CV models on our list! Various shapes, textures, and colors varying from violet to pink make the background of this template look unique and creative. The information is arranged neatly in accordance with the design.

4. Free CV PSD Template and Cover Letter

Free resume template psd

Keep it simple yet impressive with a cool resume and cover letter template presented here. The neat layout and a few accents in vivid yellow is all it takes to make this CV model noticeable. Filling in the sections with your own text in PS won’t take long.

5. Free Resume PSD Templates

Free CV resume template psd

A few accents in dark red make the overall reserved palette of this CV model look contrasting and stylish. Your information will be organized neatly in several sections; editing them is easy in PS. The cover letter page is included.

6. Infographic Resume Templates in PSD

Infographic free resume template psd

Although this resume sample might seem simplistic at a first glance, you surely will notice many amazing details as you look closely at it. A unique layout with the catchy infographic, an array of stylish icons, and a pleasant palette with the accents in turquoise and dark gray will definitely interest your potential employer.

7. Resume – Free CV Templates in PSD

CV resume template in PSD

This stylish template will help make a great impression on everyone reading your CV. The original layout, and color accents in light gray and blue give this sample a pleasant and interesting look. The PS temple is extremely easy to adjust in Photoshop.

8. Personal Portfolio Resume Templates in PSD

Personal portfolio resume template free psd

This free template with a few abstract rounded shapes included into its layout will easily draw extra attention to your CV. Dark gray and fresh lime color create a stylish combo, making this resume model stand out from the crowd.

9. CV – Free Resume PSD Templates

CV free resume psd template

Here’s a sample which looks both professional and unique. An original layout divides the sheet into four sections, the top one assigned for your photo. The cover letter matching the CV model looks just as stylish and well-organized.

10. The Software Developer Resume Templates

The software developer resume templates free

A special set here includes the templates for a CV, a cover letter and a portfolio which means that you’ll be able to present yourself to a potential employer in the best way possible. The accents in dark brown and light pink look interesting together, but you can apply other colors in PS.

11. Job – Free Resume PSD Templates

Job cv free resume psd templates

We love the set of these unique CV and cover letter templates presented here. An out-of-the-ordinary design and color accents in purple, pink and mint give it a stylish, light-hearted look. We grant that your resume will get extra attention from the employers.

12. Free Photographer Resume PSD Templates

Free photographer psd resume template

Unique, fashionable and well-balanced, this template can become a perfect pick for a photographer or other artist. Although a big professional image of juicy ferns in the upper part of the sample looks impressive, you can replace it, along with the other images and text in PS.

13. Free Best Resume PSD Templates

Best free resume psd template

Make a bold statement while applying for your dream job with this cool and eye-catching template! Intense yellow color which contrasts with black and plain white will instantly draw every look to your resume and cover letter. Smart layout allows arranging all key info with ease.

14. Minimal Resume or CV Design Template Free PSD

A minimal designer resume template in psd

If you’re into minimalism this template might be the right one for you. Keeping it simple and reserved, this piece will however make a great impression on any employer reading it. Only a few accents in vivid yellow and information being arranged wisely on the sheet will make your CV look extra stylish!

15. Lawyer Resume – Free CV and Cover Letter PSD Templates

A lawyer sc and cover letter psd template

Thanks to a dark palette and a thought-through layout, this CV template looks solid and professional. The sections of text and the images arranged neatly both on the resume and the cover letter pages will give an impression of you being an experienced and a serious employee.

16. Professional Resume Templates for Web Designers

A minimal professional resume templates psd

An amazing pick for web designers, photographers and other creative workers, this template will help you stand out from the crowd of eager applicants. The big images placed on the top and on the side of the template look impressive, while the text in the middle remains minimalistic and simple.

17. CV – Free Resume PSD Templates

CV free resume psd templates

This set of a CV and a cover letter template looks stylish, modern, and thought-through. While the middle part of the resume template is meant for providing the key information, your social media and other contacts will be accentuated placed in the rounded black and yellow sections on the top and at the bottom of the page.

18. Elegant Minimalist Resume Design PSD

Elegant designer resume template in psd

Divided into several plain segments, this CV template places the main focus on your name and photo put on the left side of the page. Original icons and a special layout make this model even more interesting. Although the blue & white palette looks cool and fresh, you can apply other colors in PS.

19. Free CV and Cover Letter PSD Templates

Free cv and cover letter psd templates

Aside from looking professional and stylish, this amazing sample will help to bring out your individuality and show a positive approach to life. The accents in soft hues of orange and yellow will bring in a cheerful note, placing a smile on your potential employer’s face.

20. Free Resume Templates in PSD

Free resume psd templates

Here are a couple of original templates that have a cool and light-hearted vibe to them. Rounded shapes and a palette in blue & pink will point out your creativity, while the thought through layout will allow you to arrange all important info neatly on both pages.

21. Free CV and Cover Letter PSD Templates

Free cv resume template in psd

Here’re the special samples that can do great for illustrators, graphic designers and other creative workers. A few cute doodle-like icons help to divide the text into clear segments while adding up some extra charm to both the CV and the cover template.

22. Clean Modern Resume or CV Template Free PSD

A modern resume template in psd

This template will help you make a bold statement while pursuing a vacancy of your dreams. While the text remains clean and minimalistic, the main focus falls on the two wide intersecting sections in vivid yellow and dark gray – they will help to highlight your name, photo, contacts and other important details.

23. Free CV and Cover Letter PSD Templates

Free cv and cover letter psd templates

A breezy blue hue which a designer chose for this pair of templates makes them look unusual and appealing. The accents in a darker tint of blue help dividing the text into smart sections. An image matching an applicant’s photo adds a stylish detail to the layout. The samples are fully adjustable in Photoshop.

24. Clean Modern Resume or CV Template Free PSD

Clean and modern resume template free psd

Keep it simple, modern and extra stylish with this special template we offer. A few terracotta accents are enough to make this clean and clear layout look amiable and catchy. The text and the photo are extremely easy to replace in Photoshop.

25. Free CV and Cover Letter PSD

A free cv and cover letter psd template

Who told you that the resumes should look dead serious to make a good impression? Here’s a template that will instantly draw much attention from potential employers. An unusual layout with an applicant’s photo placed in the middle, funny emojis and cute minimalist icons will point out your individuality and sense of humor.

26. Cool and Colorful Resume CV PSD Templates

A colorful modern resume cv psd templates

This cool template with the catchy sections in yellow and dark turquoise will easily interest any employer whether they look at your resume printed or online. Simple text, infographics and an applicant’s name written in a creative font add style to the piece.

27. Free CV PSD Resume Templates

Free cv psd resume templates

Your resume will certainly gain much attention with this special designer template. A combination of plain white and a light mint tint looks fresh and eye-pleasing. The information, your contact and a photo will be arranged neatly along the page.

28. Free Resume and Cover Letter PSD Templates

Free resume and cover latter templates in psd

We believe that yellow and black matched in a resume template is a winning combination which can help you stand out from a long line of applicants. A B&W city view image in the background makes this professionally crafted piece look extra stylish!

29. Professional Modern Resume Templates Free

Professional resume templates free psd

We love the vibrant emerald and green that a designer chose for this CV template. Clear sections and infographics will keep your information organized neatly on the page. Small icons make the sample look original. This Resume is easy to customize in PS.

30. Free PSD Modern Resume or CV Design Template

Free minimal psd resume or cv design psd

Here’s a fashionable resume template where your information will be presented in a few sections in light pastel colors. Simple fonts and a clean layout give this piece a minimalistic and stylish look. The photo and text are easy to adjust using PS.

31. Free Editable Resume Template PSD in Minimal Botanical Theme

Free editable resume template psd

Despite being minimalistic and reserved, this free CV template looks incredibly stylish. The upper part of the page colored in fresh mint pastel, and an applicant’s name written vertically in bold black letters create an impressive contrast that will draw extra attention to the resume.

32. Free Creative Resume PSD Templates

A free creative resume cv template with flowers

Here’s a set of two special templates – a CV and a cover letter – that will enchant everyone with its elegant look and lovely floral motives. An original illustration of red flowers and twigs looks catchy against the soft lines and pastels in the background. A few headlines in red help to set the right accents and structure the text.

33. Modern Free Resume Templates with Cover Letter

A modern free resume template with cover letter

Keep it simple yet effective with this cool resume model! A minimalist layout looks well-organized thanks to the colorful icons, infographic and headings. Even a quick glance will be enough for a recruiter to understand how diligent, professional and creative an applicant sending this CV is.

34. Awesome Modern Resume CV PSD Templates

Modern free resume cv templates in psd

Present yourself as a skilled, proactive and creative potential employee using this fantastic resume template. A few sections and accents in catchy lime color will easily focus a recruiter’s eyes on your CV. Minimalistic layout and a few words written in a bold black font add style to this free adjustable sample.

35. Curriculum Vitae Template Free PSD

A free creative curriculum vitae template psd

A CV looking as amazing as this will instantly steal an employer’s attention! Playful geometric shapes and a cheerful hue of yellow used for the background can surely make anyone smile. In contrast to these light-hearted elements, the layout of the template is kept as simple and restrained as possible which overall gives a perfect result.

Now that you’ve finally reached the bottom of this list presenting 35+ free templates in Photoshop we hope that you chose a CV sample which perfectly corresponds to your professional goals. Don’t forget that all templates included into this collection are fully customizable in PS, and what’s important too, they are available for free!

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Free Professional Resume Templates in PSD

Elevate Your Professional Image! Explore our Professional Resume and CV PSD Template Category, showcasing templates that exude competence and sophistication. Customize and craft a standout resume that reflects your expertise and commitment to your career.

Business CV - Professional

A well-crafted resume plays a pivotal role in leaving a lasting impression on potential employers. One avenue that has gained prominence is the use of professional resume templates in PSD format, offered by Elegantflyer. Our editable samples not only simplify the resume creation process but also provide a polished and aesthetically pleasing presentation.

The Appeal of Ready-Made Templates from Elegantflyer

Elegantflyer has emerged as a distinguished source for professional resume templates in PSD with a free download due to our commitment to high-quality design and user-friendly customization. All our options are created by skilled graphic designers who understand the dynamics of visual appeal and readability in a resume.

The following are some key reasons why people pick Elegantflyer's ready-made templates:

Time Efficiency. Crafting a resume from scratch is not for everyone. Elegantflyer's templates offer a shortcut, allowing job seekers to focus on the content rather than the design. It proves especially advantageous for individuals who are seeking opportunities urgently or are applying to multiple positions simultaneously.

Design Consistency. Free templates from Elegantflyer adhere to contemporary design principles, ensuring a consistent and professional appearance. The use of aesthetically pleasing typography, well-organized sections, and a balanced layout contributes to an overall harmonious look that appeals to HR professionals.

No Design Skills Required. Not everyone possesses graphic design skills, but with Elegantflyer's professional resume template in Photoshop, that doesn't matter. Our templates are designed in a way that allows users to simply input their information into the designated fields, eliminating the need for specialized design expertise.

Benefits for Job Seekers

Various segments of job seekers stand to benefit from utilizing the professional resume in Photoshop format, particularly those provided by Elegantflyer:

  • Entry-Level Candidates

Individuals who are new to the job market often lack substantial work experience. In such cases, a visually appealing and well-structured resume can compensate for the limited professional background. Elegantflyer templates can help these candidates make a strong first impression.

  • Career Changers

Those transitioning into a different field face the challenge of presenting transferable skills effectively. The use of templates allows them to emphasize their relevant skills and experiences in a format that resonates with their new target industry.

  • Experienced Professionals

Even seasoned professionals benefit from Elegantflyer's templates by presenting their extensive work history in an organized and compelling manner. Our templates offer a fresh perspective on traditional resume layouts, catching the eye of HR professionals who review countless resumes.

Grabbing HR Attention with Professional Designs

Creating a memorable first impression is crucial to capturing the attention of HR professionals.

With Elegantflyer's Photoshop professional resume, job seekers have a valuable tool at their disposal:

  • Visual Differentiation

HR professionals often skim through numerous resumes in a short time. A well-designed template can make your resume stand out amidst a sea of plain text documents. The visually pleasing layout draws the reader's eye to key sections and creates a memorable impact.

  • Clarity and Readability

A cluttered resume can be off-putting for HR professionals. Elegantflyer's templates emphasize clear and organized presentations, ensuring that vital information is easily accessible. This improves the chances of HR personnel grasping your qualifications quickly.

  • Brand Alignment

The templates allow for customization while maintaining a professional aesthetic. Job seekers can align the template's color scheme and typography with their brand, showcasing their unique identity while maintaining a polished appearance.

Download Elegantflyer's professional resume templates in Photoshop, streamline the resume creation process, and capture the attention of HR professionals with their visually striking and meticulously designed resumes.

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Resume Template PSD

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22+ Minimal & Creative Resume Templates – PSD, Word & AI (Free Download & Premium)

Creative and beautiful resume templates are must have to showcase your great job profile and to leave a lasting impression on a potential employer. You have worked hard to build up your impressive portfolio but if you put it together in a Microsoft Word File with clunky looking default formatting, it is only going to look dull and boring.

In this article we have rounded up some of the most impressive, minimal and creative resume templates which you can download for free and edit easily to build your own resume in minutes. Whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional looking for new job opportunities, these resume templates would surely strike a chord with your employer. These resume templates are available as PSD , Word  and AI (Adobe Illustrator)  files and are well suited for easy editing and exporting to PDF or for taking a print out.

Do also check out these HTML & CSS resume templates too that we have listed on our site. If you are applying for a job, then these remote job boards can help you land your next dream job.

Free Resume Templates

There are a ton of free resume templates available on the web but we have made sure to hand pick only the best ones which will add that extra punch to your profile. Glance through them below and find the link to download them below each preview.

Simple Snapshot – The Freebie Photo Resume Template

freebie resume template

Job-hunting? This resume template can dramatically enhance your chances to get noticed and entice hiring managers to further read your job profile. The template is completely editable with Microsoft Word to replace the text with your own. It’s easy to use and absolutely yours for free for your personal use!

Resume Template Freebie


Make your CV shine and win the competition with this free template offered by Fancy-Resumes . The file is in PSD format editable with Photoshop.

Free Modern CV Template


This creative resume template will help you get the attention of recruiters and HR managers. Just change the text and photo in Photoshop and you’re all set!

Free Minimal & Clean Resume Template | PS & AI

free minimal clean resume template

A minimalistic and clean resume template with a cover letter which works with both Illustrator and Photoshop. Contains resume, cv and cover letter. Header is Smart Object and works great on white too. It is free for personal and commercial use. It comes in standard A4 size with 300dpi settings and uses Montserrat font for great modern typography.

Free Resume Template with Cover Letter

free resume template cover 1

This free resume PSD template is designed by Alamin Mir and features elegant design with clean and modern typography.

Free Resume Template by Fernando Báez

clean professional resume template

This template was designed by Fernando Báez . The file is in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format. The download also includes a PSD file containing a set icons.

Creative Resume Template by Pixeden


A modern creative resume template with boldness in its design and visual impact in the layout. We provide the black and white version for printing to make your next creative resume a hit.

Free PSD CV/Resume Template by PSDboom


A Professional CV/Resume PSD Template with Cover Letter by PSDboom. There are 8 major sections (Portfolio, Cover letter, About Me, Experience, Interest, Skills, Education & Capabilities) along with name & contact info. You can add images of your portfolio too in this resume template.

UI Inspired Resume Template

cv shot

This is a nice approach to mix print and web design to create a UI inspired resume. The template is designed by  Rodrigo Angelim and is available as PSD download along with a sample PDF export.

Resume Template by Raka Caesar

resume cv skill rating

This resume template includes both educational/experience timeline as well as personal and professional skill rating sections. You can easily include your social media profile urls too.

Premium Resume Templates

Given the importance of a job application, a free template may not be always enough to showcase your talent. This is why we are also presenting a great collection of premium and professional looking resume templates from leading marketplaces such as GraphicRiver and CreativeMarket. These modern and clean resume templates are professionally crafted and allow a wide range of customization options and color choices. They are sure to leave a lasting impression and add shine to your career profile.

Premium Resume Bundle

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This pack includes 10 professionally crafted resume templates with their matching cover letters. They are delivered in Word format for quick and easy editing. As an extra bonus, you also get a job interview tracker to help you keeping track of passed and upcoming job interviews.

Details & Download

3-Piece Resume CV Cover Letter


This is a professional 3-piece Resume template with clean and trendy layout. It includes Cover Letter, Resume/CV and Portfolio templates and is available in light and dark version. Template is prepared in standard A4 (210×297mm) and US letter (8.5×11inch) format. With 300dpi CMYK, it is ready to print. Download is available as InDesign & Photoshop documents

Clean Cv-Resume


A clean CV resume template with Cover Letter. Template is available as CS5 InDesign Files (INDD), CS4 InDesign Files (IDML), Microsoft Word Files (DOCX), Photoshop files (PSD) and PDF for preview. Fonts used in the resume are free and you can find links to download them in the help file.

Infographic Resume Vol.1


This is a Single Page Resume Template in Infographic Style. It is professionally designed, easy-to-edit template package for the job seeker who wants to leave an unforgettable impression. Fast track your job search with a resume as professional, creative, and versatile as you are! Fully customizable in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign or in Microsoft Word (Docx).

Clean & Simple Resume CV


A clean and simple CV template including resume & cover letter. It also includes folio and references section. Available in AI, PSD, InDesign CS4+, Vector EPS and many other formats.

Modern Resume Template


This modern resume template is designed to make you stand out among the competition. Professional, innovative, creative, clean & overwhelmingly simple to edit. The file includes: – 2 Illustrator files (1 that incorporates free fonts and has both color themes in different layers, and 1 that incorporates fonts you must purchase, but give your resume that ‘next level’ look) – 4 PSD files (2 with free fonts, 1 in color and 1 in black & white; and 2 with the premium fonts, 1 in color and 1 in black & white – 1 PDF ‘Help File’ that beautifully maps out which layers you need to access to edit the graphs and charts.

Mono Resume


Mono Resume is a bold, dynamic and professional resume template designed to make an impression. Easy to edit and customise, with a single page resume design, cover letter and portfolio templates. Business cards are also included to complete the look. All elements can be customised to perfectly fit your needs. This is the fast and flexible solution for anyone looking for a professional looking resume. 4 different file formats Adobe Illustrator , Adobe Indesign , Adobe Photoshop and  Microsoft Word are included so you can use the software you are most comfortable with.

2-Piece Pro Resume + Cover Letter


Clean and professional 2 page resume template with cover letter. Download conatins 2 InDesign files, 4 Illustrator files, 4 EPS files, 4 Photoshop files and  4 MS Word files. Open sans font is used for typography and it is compatible with MS Word 2003.

Clean Resume Set


This clean and professional resume design contains Cover Letter & Portfolio page. Free fonts are used to design this template and therefore you don’t need to purchase any additional fonts. Included files are PSD File ( CS and above ), Ai File ( CS3 and above ), Indesign Files ( INDD for CS6 & IDML for CS4 and above ), Word Files ( Docx and Doc ).

Resume / CV – “Reynolds”


The resume template “Reynolds” represents the perfect blend of elegance and simplicity. This resume template is easily editable and you can customize the colors, the fonts, basically any and every graphic element to suit your needs and style. You can introduce dot points under each job title too if you prefer. The template is available as PSD, AI, EPS, INDD, IDML, DOCX files.

Infographic Resume – Psd Indd & Docx


This is a professionally designed infographic style resume template which is easy-to-edit. The template is fully customizable in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign and in Microsoft Word. The template is available as A4 as well as US letter paper size.

Word Resume & Cover Letter Template


A modern & eye catching Resume/CV Template available as editable Word & PDF files. Web link to download the free fonts used in the template is also provided with the zip file download.

Resume/CV + Cover Letter


An elegant and modern looking resume template with Cover Letter which allows you to change the colors if you like. This ready to print, high resolution is easy to edit and contains only free fonts Lato and Source Sans Pro.

Perfect for Job Applications

Our collection of these clean, modern and professional resume templates are perfect for applying for new jobs in tech companies and other multi-national companies. These resume templates are also suitable for freshers applying for their first job or college students applying for an internship.

We hope to have included a wide variety of options in these free and premium templates but in case you are not able to find what you want then do let us know and we will be glad to update our collection with more resume templates. Don’t forget to check out these material design resume templates or our collection of best HTML resume templates and free resume templates for Word .

SDR Team

SDR team is committed to highlight the latest products, services, freebies and news relevant to community of designers, developers and online entrepreneurs. Do get in touch if you want to share any useful resource with our community.

3 thoughts on “22+ Minimal & Creative Resume Templates – PSD, Word & AI (Free Download & Premium)”

That’s what I was looking for. :) Thank you so much.

I downloaded the free template and it won’t open! I don’t mind paying for it…I just want that specific template! free-resume-31020 – Free Modern CV Template – Jonathan Doe – Gray & Yellow Design….Please help

Hello Jennifer, We are able to open that template just fine. Please note that it is a PSD file and you would need Photoshop installed to open and edit it.

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Free Clean CV Template (PSD)

Clean CV Template

Do you have a neat looking resume? When creating your resume, it’s essential to keep your audience in mind, and these are no other than the employing managers you want to impress. For this reason, organizing the information you want to promote about yourself in a presentable way is key to having a great resume.

Add a little flair to your resume by downloading this free clean CV template by PSD Zone . This perfectly organized and layered template comes in a PSD format as 2 A4 files of 300 dpi resolution and in 2 colors in CMYK mode. It’s easy to edit and is thus perfect for a different range of expertise, whether you’re a designer, engineer, lawyer, or a writer. Personalize it in Adobe Photoshop and increase your chances of catching an employer’s eye!

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PSD Resume Template – 51+ Free Samples, Examples, Format Download!

The overall look, presentation and content of a resume can make or break a candidate’s career. Therefore, one common piece of advice hiring managers and recruiters dole out often is: make sure you create a resume which is qualitative and matches with your caliber as a career-focused professional. It is no secret that not all of us are pros when it comes to designing and building a resume. Well, there’s no reason to worry as there are readymade PSD resume templates easily available for grabs now! You can also see free resume templates .

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Modern Free PSD Resume Template

Modern Free PSD Resume Template

Home » Downloads » Modern Free PSD Resume Template

Free PSD Resume Template

Here we present you the modern free PSD resume template for free download. This psd resume template has an impressive layout design which attracts the job interviewer within a seconds. You can use this simple and clean resume for any type of positions either its experience or non-experience. This two-column CV template has an attractive theme with a clean font family.

This resume file available in PSD (.psd) file format using a smart layer object to update your photo image with ease. Also, It’s simple and quick to add your information by just clicking on the layer. A big thanks to Yari Tokway  for providing us this awesome free resume template.

  • A4 & US Letter Size
  • Fully Layered & Easy Edit.
  • CMYK & 300 DPI
  • Print Ready
  • File Format: PSD

Related Resume Templates:

  • A4 size & US Letter
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    Add a little flair to your resume by downloading this free clean CV template by PSD Zone. This perfectly organized and layered template comes in a PSD format as 2 A4 files of 300 dpi resolution and in 2 colors in CMYK mode. It's easy to edit and is thus perfect for a different range of expertise, whether you're a designer, engineer, lawyer ...

  18. PSD Resume Template Free Download in 2024

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