Rytr's AI generates original and compelling content that sounds like you , not a robot.

happy copywriters, marketers & entrepreneurs

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hours and $500 million+ saved in content writing so far

Trusted by 8,000,000+ content writers from companies including

websites that write articles for you free

Your Shortcut to stellar content

Choose from over 40+ content use cases and templates to streamline your writing workflow.

AI Autocomplete Text

Use AI to finish sentences/paragraphs, enhancing writing flow and quality.

Text Editing: Continue Writing

The Continue Ryting feature automatically writes for you.

Text Inflator

Expand Content turns one sentence or paragraph into two with rewrites.

Grammar Checker & Text Improver

Refine content for clarity, grammar, and tone.

AI Paragraph Generator

Add contextually relevant paragraphs to content for enhanced depth.

Rewording Generator

Rephrase content for clarity, conciseness, and unique presentation.

Sentence Shortener

Shorten content, retaining key points for concise, clear output.

AI Command Generator

Instruct Rytr's AI on what to write and it will do so.

Blog Outline Generator

Generate unique blog ideas and outlines for engaging content.

AI Blog Generator

Create engaging blog sections for improved readability and interest.

AI Meta Description Generator

Write meta descriptions for improved rankings and clicks.

SEO Meta Title Generator

Craft SEO-friendly meta titles for enhanced visibility and clicks.

AI Landing Page Generator

Generate persuasive copy for engaging landing pages and conversions.

Keyword Extractor

AI extracts keywords from text for SEO, content themes, and trends.

AI Keyword Generator

Leverage AI for high-performing keywords to boost SEO and web traffic.

AI Newsletter Generator

Craft engaging newsletters to update subscribers and foster relationships.

Custom Poem Generator

AI helps create expressive, engaging poems with unique verses.

AI Song Generator

Use AI to create captivating song lyrics and inspire songwriting.

AI Story Generator

AI-crafted intriguing story plots for engaging narratives.

Call To Action Generator

Create impactful CTAs with AI to drive engagement and action.

Social Media Ad Generator

Craft compelling ad content for social media to boost engagement.

Google Ad Generator

Create engaging Google Search Ads for improved performance.

AI Caption Generator

Create unique post and caption ideas for engaging social media.

AI SMS Generator

Create effective SMS and notifications for clear communication.

AI Bio Generator

Craft engaging social media bios and enhance online presence.

Video Description Generator

Craft detailed video descriptions to attract and inform viewers.

Video Channel Description Generator

Craft detailed descriptions for video channels to boost visibility.

Video Idea Generator

Create engaging video ideas, boosting engagement and subscribers.

AI LinkedIn Post Generator

Harness AI for engaging LinkedIn posts to boost visibility and connections.

AI Quora Answer Generator

Craft detailed Quora answers to enhance credibility and reach.

AI Facebook Post Generator

Create captivating Facebook posts to boost engagement and reach.

AI Product Description Generator

Create detailed product descriptions for enhanced appeal.

AI Bullet Point Generator

Create impactful bullet point descriptions for products.

AIDA Copywriting Generator

Create compelling content with AIDA framework for engagement.

PAS Copywriting Generator

Craft content with PAS framework to address pain points.

AI Response Generator

Create effective responses to messages and emails for better communication.

Business Pitch Generator

Create persuasive business pitches for impactful impressions.

AI Business Idea Generator

Create unique business ideas for entrepreneurial inspiration.

AI Cover Letter Generator

Create persuasive cover letters for standout applications.

Email Generator

Create effective emails for clear communication and professionalism.

AI Interview Question Generator

Harness AI to create relevant interview questions and make informed hires.

AI Job Description Generator

Craft compelling job descriptions with AI to attract qualified candidates.

AI Tagline Generator

Create memorable taglines, enhancing brand recognition and appeal.

AI Real Estate Listings

Generate compelling real estate descriptions to attract potential buyers.

Recognized by G2 as one of the leading brands in the AI Writing space

Ai content that sounds like you, not a robot..

Rytr analyzes a sample of your writing and mirrors your tone when it generates content. Plus, you can create multiple custom tones to best suit different scenarios, projects or clients.

Keep plagiarism in check

Ensure everything you create is unique. Millions of users rely on Rytr for crafting quality, eloquently written, and plagiarism-free work.

Works wherever you do

Rytr’s Chrome Extension lets you craft quality content wherever you write.

Strikingly powerful, yet unbelievably affordable

Free forever, no CC required.

Generate 10k characters per month

Access 40+ use-cases

Write in 20+ tones

Access to chrome extension

Unlimited generations for individuals getting started with generative AI.

Everything in Free +

Generate UNLIMITED copy each month

Build 1 personalised tone of voice

50/m plagiarism checks

For freelancers that need to create content for multiple brands.

Everything in Unlimited +

Build 5 personal tones of voice

Increased character input limits

Write in 40+ languages

100/m plagiarism checks

I almost couldn’t believe it was real! I shared the results with a friend who couldn’t believe it was written by AI. Worth every penny!

Rytr has been an absolute game-changer for us. it helps us easily generate professional and accurate content..

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I've tried other AI writing tools before, but none compare to the speed and accuracy of Rytr. It's definitely the best AI writing tool out there!

Abdi A. | G2

Great value, so easy to use and saves me so much time! I was shocked by how much time and brain energy it saved me. Simple & easy…gotta love that.

Karrie Brazaski

Stop wasting time and money on content and copywriting

Words you write per month: 25,000

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  • / AI Article Writer

Write High-Quality Articles in Minutes with Our AI Article Writer

AI Article Writing

AI Article Generator

Long Form Article Maker

Article Creator

Free AI Article Writer

Generate Entire Article from Scratch Using AI Article Writer

The Simplified's Article Writer lets you generate an entire article in just seconds. Use the 'AI Article Writer' which helps you with ai generate articles through a simple 4-step workflow (Blog Ideas + Titles, Blog Introduction, Blog Outline, Your Article). AI Article Generator lets you easily write your articles in seconds.

How to Use the AI Article Writer from Simplified

From your Dashboard click 'AI Writing', select 'AI Templates' and choose the 'Article Writer'.

Fill in all the prompts including 'Output Language', 'Tone', 'Topic' and the 'Information' section.

Toggle on 'Advanced Options' to select the 'Number of Results' and 'Creativity Level'.

Generate your article, edit it, add design elements, format it, and export or publish online.

AI Article Writer Tool

Market Your Brand Better with High-Quality Articles

Effortlessly share information related to your business through articles! Generate your article's using ai article writer. AI Article generator helps you increase followers, share tips, tricks, and ideas that engage your target audience. The ai-based article creator can help you beat the dreaded writer's block, ensure your work is 100% plagiarism-free, and optimize your content for search engines by inputting just a few keywords.

Do More, Learn More With Simplified

Come up with Compelling Ideas for Blog Posts

How To Write Article For LinkedIn with Free AI Article Writer

Create Fresh Copy with the AI Content Rewriter Tool

How to Write a Summary of an Article in Minutes

 Write Long Form Content with AI

How to use Simplified’s AI to write for me

The Non-Designer’s Guide to Creating Stunning Graphics for Your Blog

How to Create Graphics For Your Blog

Frequently Asked Questions

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Write Original, Relevant Copywriting with the Best AI Article Generator

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A Game-Changer in AI-Based Blog Article

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Date - Sepm 24, 2023

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the length of the article and adding keywords to sections

Frank S.

Date - 31 Dec, 2023

Super Easy to use content creator

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Idris i.

Date - July 11, 2023

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Date - Oct 17, 2023

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Date - Nov 01, 2023

An wise use of AI

I have written several articles using this awesome tool. Every time, it surprises me with deep-rooted information and well-explained writing

Best Free Online Article Writer

Do you have a project, website or blog post to write but don’t have the time or necessary writing skills? Writing quality content can be a difficult and time-consuming task. But don’t worry, with the right tools, you can get quality content in no time. In this article, we will introduce you to the best free online article writers that can help you write impressive content in just a few minutes. We will highlight the features, ease of use and pricing plans for each of these tools to help you choose the most suitable one for your needs. Get ready to kickstart your content writing journey and create content that will stand out from the crowd.

This free online Article Writer tool uses AI technology to create high-quality, engaging content quickly and efficiently. It offers features like an AI-powered content generator, a sophisticated text editor, and powerful analytics. With support for multiple languages and a variety of customization options, it’s a versatile tool for both experienced and novice content creators.

Why Use a Wordkraft AI Online Article Writer 

Using a Wordkraft AI Online Article Writer is an excellent choice for creating high-quality content quickly and efficiently. Wordkraft AI provides a variety of features for writers including an AI-powered content generator, a sophisticated text editor, and powerful analytics.

The AI-powered content generator helps writers create engaging and relevant articles quickly. It provides assistance with researching topics, generating ideas and developing articles. Wordkraft AI also offers writers a text editor with a variety of tools for formatting, editing, and polishing articles. This makes the process of creating content much smoother and faster.

Wordkraft AI also offers powerful analytics that give writers an insight into how their articles are performing. This helps them to refine their content and ensure it is engaging and effective. With Wordkraft AI, writers can create content quickly and efficiently, while also ensuring it is of the highest quality.

There are many  AI tools  from Wordkraft, like  sentence rewriter , paragraph rewriter , Paraphrasing , Paragraph generator , Blog post generator , paragraph writer and many more.

Steps to Generate Article

Free Online Article Writer

What is an online article writer?

An online article writer is a type of writing tool that helps people create content for websites, blogs, and other written materials. It combines the features of a word processor and an editor to enable users to create content quickly and easily. With the help of an online article writer, users can generate content in various formats such as HTML, XML, and PDF. It also allows users to customize their content by adding images, videos, and other interactive elements.

How can online article writer tool save time?

An online article writer can save time by streamlining the writing process. With the help of an online article writer, users can quickly create content from scratch or by using a template. They can also use the tool to edit, format, and publish the content on various platforms. This reduces the time spent on manual writing and editing, enabling users to create more content in less time.

Why do writers use online article writers?

Writers use online article writers to save time and effort in creating content. It enables them to create content quickly and easily without having to manually write and edit each piece of content. In addition, they can use the tool to customize their content by adding images, videos, and other interactive elements.

Why are online article generators better?

Online article generators are better because they can generate content in various formats such as HTML, XML, and PDF. They can also be used to customize the content by adding images, videos, and other interactive elements. In addition, they can help writers save time and effort in creating content by streamlining the writing process.

3. Popular Free Online Article Writers

Online article writers are an invaluable tool for creating content for your website or blog. There are a number of popular free online article writers available, which make it easier than ever to craft content quickly and efficiently. Here are some of the best free online article writers that you should consider using:

  • Wordkraft AI: Wordkraft Ai is a powerful online article writer that uses artificial intelligence to rewrite your text in a more natural way. It can automatically rewrite your articles in a matter of moments, allowing you to focus on other tasks.
  • Article Forge: Article Forge is an online article writer that uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to craft content. It can create high quality, original articles in just a few clicks.
  • QuillBot: QuillBot is a free online article writer that uses natural language processing to rewrite your articles. It can quickly and effectively generate unique content for your website or blog.
  • Spinbot: Spinbot is a fast and easy-to-use online article writer. It has an intuitive interface and can quickly rewrite your articles in a matter of seconds.

These are some of the best free online article writers available

4. Pros and Cons of Free Online Article Writers

Online article writing has become increasingly popular over the past few years as technology has advanced. Free online article writers offer a great way for people to quickly and easily write content for blogs, websites, and other types of projects. Here are the pros and cons of free online article writers.

  • Cost: Free online article writers are completely free which makes them very cost effective and attractive to those who are on a tight budget.
  • Efficiency: Most free online article writers offer simple tools and features that allow users to write content quickly and easily.
  • Accessible: Because free online article writers are available online, they are accessible to anyone with access to the internet, meaning they can be used anywhere in the world.
  • Quality: Free online article writers may not produce the highest quality content, as they are not typically as sophisticated as paid versions.
  • Limited Features: Free online article writers may not offer all the same features as paid versions, leaving users with fewer options for formatting and customizing their content.
  • No Support: Free online article writers rarely offer customer support and technical assistance, leaving users to fend for themselves if they run into any issues.

5. Choosing the Right Online Article Writer

Finding the right online article writer can be difficult and overwhelming. You want someone who is reliable and produces quality content. Here are five tips to finding the best free online article writer.

First, look for writers who specialize in your topic. A good writer should have extensive knowledge and experience in the subject matter they are writing about. Check to see if the writer has published any samples of their work.

Second, check for professional qualifications. A good writer should be able to provide proof of their qualifications, such as a degree, certification, or experience in the field.

Third, consider their writing style. Some writers prefer to write in a formal, professional manner, while others are more casual. Make sure you choose a writer that has the style you need for your project.

Fourth, research the writer’s reputation. Read reviews and testimonials to ensure that the writer is reliable and produces quality work.

Finally, ask for references. Make sure to speak with former clients to make sure they were satisfied with the writer’s work.

By following these tips, you’re sure to find the best free online article writer for your project.

How do I write article with AI tool?

Writing an article with an AI tool is simple and straightforward. First, you need to select the type of article you want to create, such as a blog post, an article for a website, or a press release. Then, you can enter the topic or keywords related to your article and the AI tool will generate relevant content. Finally, you can review the content and make any necessary changes.

How can I write article online for free?

There are several free online article writing tools available that can help you create content quickly and easily. These tools usually come with templates and other features such as auto-formatting, spell-checking, and more. Some of these free tools also offer editing and publishing capabilities, enabling you to create and publish your content with ease.

How is Wordkraft AI the best for article writing?

Wordkraft AI is the best for article writing because it offers a range of features that make writing easier and more efficient. It has an AI-powered content writer that can generate relevant content quickly and easily. It also has an AI-assisted editor that can help you edit and format your content. In addition, it has a content library that can be used to store your content and can be accessed from anywhere.

Can I earn money by writing articles?

Yes, you can earn money by writing articles. There are numerous websites and platforms that offer freelance writing opportunities. You can find these opportunities by searching online or by joining a freelance writing website. Once you have found opportunities that match your skills and interests, you can start writing articles and earn money.

6. Best Practices for Creating Quality Content

Creating quality content is key to successful content marketing. Here are 6 best practices you can use to ensure your content is of the highest quality:

  • Start with a plan: Before you start writing, create a plan for your content. Outline what you want your content to include, such as topics, keywords, and formatting.
  • Research your topic: Conduct thorough research on your topic before you start writing. Use trusted sources, and make sure to cite them if necessary.
  • Use images and visuals: Images and visuals can help break up your content and make it easier to read.
  • Write for your audience: Make sure to write content that is relevant and helpful to your audience.
  • Proofread and edit: Before you publish your content, make sure to proofread and edit it for typos and grammatical errors.
  • Promote your content: Once your content is published, promote it to get more views. Use social media, email newsletters, and other channels to reach new audiences.

Plagiarism Free Article Generating Tips

Plagiarism is a serious issue when it comes to writing articles, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few tips to help you generate plagiarism-free articles while using the best free online article writer.

First, make sure the source material you are using is properly cited and referenced. This includes the URL, author, and date of publication. Additionally, make sure to use your own words when writing the article and not copy and paste from other sources.

Second, use a thesaurus to come up with synonyms for words and phrases that have been used by other sources. This helps you avoid duplicate content and allows you to make your article more unique.

Third, if you are using a best free online article writer, make sure to double-check the content they generate. Many of these tools are not as accurate as they claim, and they can inadvertently copy content from other sources.

Finally, if you are unsure about the originality of your article, use an online plagiarism detection tool to check it. This will help you identify any potential issues and helps you make sure your content is 100% original.

Overview of the Wordkraft AI Online Article Writer

Wordkraft AI Online Article Writer is an innovative tool designed to help writers create high-quality articles with ease. It leverages the power of artificial intelligence to analyze the context of written text and generate content based on a prompt. The AI writer can suggest related topics, autocomplete sentences, and even suggest synonyms to improve the quality of written content. It also has built-in tools to detect grammatical and spelling errors, as well as plagiarism. Wordkraft AI can be used by both experienced and novice content creators, providing them with a comprehensive and efficient solution to create engaging content in a fraction of the time. With this tool, users can create content that is more accurate and of higher quality than if they were to produce it manually.

Benefits of a Online Article Writer

A free online article writer offers an easy and cost effective way for individuals to create high quality content for their websites, blogs, and other online platforms. Using this type of service can be beneficial in a variety of ways.

Firstly, free online article writers enable users to create fresh and original content with little to no effort and time. They can provide a library of templates and pre-written articles that can be quickly customized and published. Additionally, with the help of editing tools and keyword analyzers, content can be tailored to meet specific SEO needs.

Furthermore, by using an online article writer, users can save a great deal of money that would otherwise be spent on freelance writers or expensive software. The service is also incredibly convenient as it can be accessed from any device, anytime and from anywhere.

Lastly, free online article writers are great for non-native English speakers or anyone who is not experienced in article writing. This type of service helps to ensure that the content created is error-free, well written, and professional.

Overall, a free online article writer offers a great solution for those who need quality content fast and without breaking the bank

Where can I write articles online?

There are various platforms that offer freelance writing opportunities. You can find these opportunities by searching online or by joining a freelance writing website. Some of the popular platforms for freelance writing include Freelancer, Upwork, Fiverr, Guru, and People per hour.

How do I sell my articles?

You can sell your articles by creating a portfolio on a freelance writing website. You can also create a blog or website to showcase your writing skills. Once you have created your portfolio, you can submit it to publishers or other potential clients. You can also use social media platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn to promote your writing skills and find potential clients.

Why is Wordkraft AI article writing the best tool?

Wordkraft AI is the best tool for article writing because it offers a range of features that make writing easier and more efficient. It has an AI-powered content writer that can generate relevant content quickly and easily. It also has an AI-assisted editor that can help you edit and format your content. In addition, it has a content library that can be used to store your content and can be accessed from anywhere.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, there are numerous free online article writers available that can help you create content quickly and easily. Whether you are a novice or experienced writer, these tools can help you create content faster, save time, and make your life easier. By taking advantage of these tools, you can write quality content that will help you reach your target audience and achieve your desired goals.

Level up now!

Write 10x faster, engage your audience, and ignite your writing prowess. Unleash your potential now!

No credit card required – 2000 words free per month – 146+ content types to explore

Check more tools

  • Blog Post Generator AI Tool
  • Blog Title Generator
  • Blog Introduction Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • Blog Conclusion Generator
  • Blog Section Generator

Research Assistant

In-text citations

Elegantly structured content with references in just a few clicks.

AI Feedback

Reference finder

MLA and APA Citations

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Get your content after just few words , or go step by step.

Full control of each step

Check the references

Need more resources? Find more resources with AI Chat

Edit your references using popular reference types like APA or MLA

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Free AI Writer and Text Generator

Generate high-quality, unique essays and articles with Smodin’s free AI writer and text generator. Go from a few phrases to surprisingly great essays and articles with AI copywriting.

How Does Smodin Author Work?

Smodin's AI writer is easy to use. Provide your prompt with a few words and easily generate plagiarism-free, unique, and high-quality articles and essays in minutes. Type what you want to write about in a small sentence or two, with at least the minimum required characters for the tool to work, and click on the generate text button. Our AI Writer will create content which you can review, edit in parts or use only the parts you liked, keep tweaking the original text, or keep generating from the original seed. This easy-to-use AI text generator can be used by all education levels to produce essays and articles and also for copywriting, marketing, page creation, writing paragraphs, headlines, lists, and more. There are no software or programming skills required.

Other AI Writer Tools

Why use an ai content writer.

Writing has always been the most labor-intensive and time-consuming part for creators. You can say goodbye to writer’s block with Smodin’s AI Writer. Smodin’s Artificial intelligence content generator makes content creation as simple as clicking a button. You will also be saving significant amounts of time, and, as it is written by artificial intelligence, the text is unlikely to be plagiarized, you will be generating original content in most cases. Content will come to you like magic and you will be able to get more traffic to your website. Our AI-written text generator writes your essays and articles quickly and easily in any language. It can also help you to generate marketing content for Facebook ads, Google ads, Amazon product descriptions, LinkedIn posts, and more.

What is a Text Generator?

A text generator is an online tool that uses AI and complex algorithms to generate a text from a shortly added seed of characters. A text generation tool carries all of the key points in a text over to the expanded version. The content you receive contains a complete expansion of the initial text you added.

Why should you use a text generator?

Writing is not natural for everyone, which means that some people struggle more than others. Generating text provides a simple step to ensure that you can create something with as little effort as possible. You don’t need to be a professional writer to create fascinating works. You don’t need to scan the Internet, your brain, friends, and online resources to check for ideas. Our text generation tool takes that time-consuming effort and puts it all on a single text. With just a few clicks, your text will be generated and ready for use or correction, thus saving you time, energy, and stress. Using the text generator tool can also help you learn and increase your imagination.

What content can a text generator write?

Our text generator can write all types of text, in multiple languages, you can use it to write blogs, articles, books, essays, below is a more in-depth list of what you can use the writer to write. it can also be used as a big source of inspiration, removing writer’s block, generating new ideas and unexpected outcomes.

Smodin Author Testimonials

From plagiarism-free homework essays to high-quality, unique articles for your blog, Smodin’s AI Writer can help you generate compelling, converting text that’s either descriptive or argumentative with just a few prompts from you. Generate marketing copy for ads, product descriptions, social media content, and more within minutes and in just a few clicks.

Write Essays

Write Books

Write Websites

Write Messages

Write Letters

Write Documents

Write Legal Documents

Write Technical Documents

Write Blogs

Write Webpages

Write Articles

Write Blog Article

Write Research Papers

Write Papers

Write Dissertations

Write Assignments

Write Paragraphs

Write Sentences

Write Manuscripts

Write Things

Write Research

Write Manuals

Write Novels

Write Publications

Write Textbooks

Write Writing

Write Homework

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of essays and articles can i write with the ai.

As long as you provide us with the right prompt and sufficient context, our AI Writer can generate long text on just about any topic. You can write essays that span a range of topics for any educational level, articles in any niche, and even marketing content for Facebook ads, Google ads, Amazon product descriptions, LinkedIn posts, and more.

What technology should I learn to use this AI Writer?

There are no software or programming skills required to use this tool. Our AI Writer tool has a user-friendly interface where you can generate text in a few simple steps. Just fill in the required information about your topic and we’ll do the rest.

Are essays and articles generated unique and plagiarism-free?

Our AI Writer can produce unique and plagiarism-free content every time as long as you provide us with the right prompt. The essays are 100% generated content, whereas the articles are scraped from content from the web and might contain plagiarised content. Although all essays and all rewritten articles are expected to pass Copyscape or TurnItIn, you should use our plagiarism checker to confirm.

Do I need to edit the essays or articles generated by the AI?

The writing generated by our AI Writer may be a finished product, or may need editing. When using AI writer, there is a possibility of generating unfinished content. We provide an editor and a user-friendly interface to edit and make changes to the generated text the way you want.

How much does the AI Writer cost?

Smodin’s AI Writer is currently free to use. We will be adding additional paid options soon.

AI Writer and Text Generator in Other Languages

© 2024 Smodin LLC

Write Quality Articles In Seconds With AI

Use artificial intelligence to write article content, titles, intros, outlines, or ideas like a content writing expert in no time. Boost your traffic by generating unlimited quality articles for your blog.

How does it work?

Select the article writer tool.

Copymatic offers over 50 writing tools so make sure to choose the Article Writer tool.

Fill in the article details

Simply fill in your blog article description that you want to write about.

Review the content

Our AI content writer generates unique paragraphs or complete your sentences in seconds.

AI Article Writer

Revolutionary AI Article Writer

Boost your traffic and sales by writing an unlimited number of quality articles. Our AI will help you automate your SEO work and generate optimized articles on autopilot.

Copymatic is revolutionizing content writing with its unique article writer. Generate article titles, outlines, intros, and paragraphs, or let the AI completes your text for you in seconds.

What can you write with Copymatic?

We’ve trained our AI with the knowledge of the best content writers so you can be sure it knows how to do its job well when generating articles for your blog.

Article Content

Article headlines, article intros, article outlines, instantly generate quality articles, powered by ai.

The GPT-3 AI language model is nothing like you have seen before: natural, unique and creative.

Powerful settings

Adjust the creativity level or the tone of voice to generate the perfect copy for your business.


Trained with SEO in mind to write content that boosts your traffic effortlessly.

50+ Writing Tools

Generate all type of content for your articles in seconds with our AI blog tools.


Our AI writes unique and fresh content so you don’t have to worry about plagiarism.

Sentence rewriter

AI understands your sentence and rewrite it in a complete unique and smart way.

Boost your content marketing with AI

Our plans are simple and transparent, they are based on the number of generated words on a rolling monthly basis.

  • 1 user seat
  • Unlimited words
  • Unlimited chat access
  • Access to all tools
  • Unlimited projects
  • 25+ languages
  • Plagiarism checker
  • 5 user seats
  • 25 user seats

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Our AI is designed to generate long and quality articles. Our unique and proprietary AI-powered article writer lets you generate unlimited content for your articles by writing paragraphs or completing the text for you.

We’ve created Copymatic to produce original, plagiarism-free content that is just as human-readable as every article you write. This algorithm uses our own AI article writing tool which allows it to read and understand the context and write its own content. Please keep in mind that you should always check for plagiarism before publishing any content.

Copymatic has been voted the best AI writer on the market based on grammar, plagiarism rate, knowledge, quality, and flow. The quality of writing on our platform is by far the best. Our idea was to create an AI that can write articles as good as humans would write. The best way to check the quality would be to start our free trial and start generating some content, you would immediately notice the difference.

One credit is deducted for every content generation, for example: if you want to generate blog article titles, it will write 7-10 results and count as one credit. We estimate that it takes about 15-20 credits to write a blog article of 1,000 words.

Copymatic can be used as a content generator or content writing assistant which we estimate can help you write 10 times faster than if you would be starting from a blank page.

Need quality articles for your blog?

It’s like having access to a team of copywriting experts writing powerful copy for you in 1-click.

50+ tools to explore

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Free writing software: 24 tools to help you create better content, faster

Find the best brainstorming, researching, writing, and editing tools.

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As a freelance writer, I try to keep my app costs lean, so I'm a sucker for free writing tools. But with so many writing apps on the market, it's hard to tell which free options are actually valuable.

I've done some of the legwork for you by bringing together some of the best free writing apps on the internet. All of the options listed here are tools the Zapier team or I have used and enjoyed.

For this roundup, I prioritized completely free tools and freemium apps with a forever free plan that was sufficient for actual regular use. Many of the options have paid plans, but those plans are generally geared toward power users.

The best free writing software at a glance

Free writing tools for brainstorming and organizing your thoughts, best free writing software for expanding your ideas.

MindMeister, our pick for the best free writing software for brainstorming with a mind map

Best free writing software for creating content outlines

WorkFlowy, our pick for the best free writing software for creating content outlines

Best free writing software for brainstorming together

Miro, our pick for the best free writing software for brainstorming together

You can even use Miro with Zapier (also free), so you can automate your brainstorming workflows. Here are a couple of ideas to get you started.

Create Miro widgets with new Trello cards

Trello logo

Add Miro cards from new rows on Google Sheets

Google Sheets logo

Best free writing software for brainstorming topics

Ryan Robinson's Keyword Research Tool, our pick for the best free writing software for brainstorming topics

Keyword Research Tool pricing: Free

Best free writing software for brainstorming ideas with AI

Example of ChatGPT, powered by the GPT-3.5 model, writing marketing copy for a newsletter: headlines, taglines, and call-to-actions.

ChatGPT pricing: Free; ChatGPT Plus is $20/month

Best free writing software for brainstorming out loud

Your computer's dictation software (MacOS, Windows)

Windows dictation software

If you process your thoughts best through speaking, there's a brainstorming app already on your computer. Boot up Windows 10 Speech Recognition on Windows or Apple Dictation on Mac to record your thoughts as you brainstorm out loud.

Windows 10 Speech Recognition and Apple Dictation pricing: Free

Free writing tools for research and note-taking

Best free writing software for keeping everything in one place.

Notion, our pick for the best free writing software for keeping everything in one place

Save new tasks in Google Tasks in Notion databases

Google Tasks logo

Add new Microsoft Outlook calendar events to Notion databases

Microsoft Outlook logo

Notion pricing: Free plan available; from $8/user/month for team plans

Best free writing software for finding free copies of paywalled research

Unpaywall, our pick for the best free writing software for finding free copies of paywalled research

Unpaywall pricing: Free

Best free writing software for transcribing interview and video content

oTranscribe, our pick for the best free writing software for transcribing interview and video content

oTranscribe pricing: Free

Best free writing software for collecting research from other people

Google Forms, our pick for the best free writing software for collecting research from other people

Create Trello cards from new Google Forms responses

Google Forms logo

Share Google Forms responses in a Slack channel

Slack logo

Google Forms pricing: Free

Free writing tools for solo and collaborative writing

Best free writing software for collaborative writing.

Google Docs, our pick for the best free writing software for collaborative writing

Create new Google Docs from text with new rows in Google Sheets

Google Docs logo

Create new Google Docs when Trint transcripts are ready

Trint logo

Google Docs pricing: Free

Best free writing software for messages and blurbs

WordCounter, our pick for the best free writing software for messages and blurbs

WordCounter pricing: Free

Free writing tools for editing

Best free writing software for finding the perfect word.

OneLook Reverse Dictionary and Thesaurus, our pick for the best free writing software for finding the perfect word

OneLook Reverse Dictionary and Thesaurus offers all the synonyms you could dream of like a regular thesaurus, but it stands out in its reverse dictionary capabilities. Enter a phrase—or even a full sentence—to get words that match that meaning. This feature comes in handy when you want to write more concisely or find that word that's on the tip of your tongue.

OneLook Reverse Dictionary and Thesaurus pricing: Free

Best free writing software for finding the right word—anywhere

Power Thesaurus, our pick for the best free writing software for finding the right word—anywhere

As a freelance writer, I find myself needing to switch up words when I write on various platforms across the internet. Power Thesaurus gives me synonyms, antonyms, definitions, and other forms of word assistance wherever I like to write. It can do the same for you—put it to use on its website, in your browser, on your phone, in Google Docs, in Word, and in Gmail.

Best free writing software for rewording what you write

Wordtune, our pick for the best free writing software for rewording what you write

Best free writing software for clear and concise writing

Hemingway, our pick for the best free writing software for clear and concise writing

Best free writing software for creating compelling headlines

CoSchedule, our pick for the best free writing software for creating compelling headlines

CoSchedule Headline Studio pricing: Free for basic features; from $8/month to buy "Premium Headline" credits that give you access to an SEO score, AI writing features, headline suggestions, and word banks for a certain number of headlines

Best free writing software for finding and removing cliches

Cliche Finder, our pick for the best free writing software for finding and removing cliches

Cliche Finder pricing: Free

Best free writing software for finding jargon in your text

De-Jargonizer, our pick for the best free writing software for finding jargon in your text

De-Jargonizer pricing: Free

Best free writing software for varying your wording and sentence length

Expresso, our pick for the best free writing software for varying your wording and sentence length

Expresso pricing: Free

Best free writing software for comparing your writing to AI content

GPTZero, our pick for the best free writing software for comparing your writing to AI content

Free writing tools for proofreading

Best free writing software for catching spelling and grammar mistakes.

Grammarly, our pick for the best free writing software for catching spelling and grammar mistakes

Best free writing tool for proofreading short-form content

ProWritingAid, our pick for the best free writing tool for proofreading short-form content

Best free writing tool for making MLA citations

EasyBib, our pick for the Best free writing tool for making MLA citations

EasyBib pricing: Free

Free writing software FAQ

Here are some questions lots of people have about writing apps and how to choose the right one.

What's a good free writing tool?

Tools like Google Docs and WordCounter are free forever and very functional. Other apps, like Grammarly or ProWritingAid, have free plans that offer basic features, with more advanced features available via a paid plan.

But there are a lot of free writing tools available that perform a wide variety of functions—everything from brainstorming to research and note-taking to writing to editing to proofreading.

What writing tool do most writers use?

There's a wide variety of writing tools out there, and which one a writer uses really comes down to preference. A lot of writers use Google Docs to write because they already use Google for so many other things—but some may prefer a tool like Notion, where they can combine writing with project management.

What makes a good writing tool?

In short, whatever helps you write! If a blank page and no distraction is what helps you actually get words down, then open a new Google Doc and go at it. If you need to organize your thoughts before you even think about writing, consider adding a brainstorming tool to the mix. Each writer's process is different, and it's all about finding tools that enable your writing, not add another roadblock to your process.

Sharpen your craft with your new toolkit

Related reading:

This article was originally published in June 2015 by Jane Callahan and has also had contributions from Jessica Greene. The most recent update was in August 2023.

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Melissa King picture

Melissa King

Melissa King is a freelance writer who helps B2B SaaS companies spread the word about their products through engaging content. Outside of the content marketing world, she sometimes writes about video games. Check out her work at melissakingfreelance.com.

  • Content marketing
  • Google Docs
  • Google Forms

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The Write Life


websites that write articles for you free


websites that write articles for you free


The 100 Best Websites for Writers in 2021

by Farrah Daniel | Jan 19, 2021

Woman sitting on a couch with her laptop.

Now that we’re a few weeks into 2021, let’s all breathe a deep sigh of relief together for overcoming what has to be one of the hardest years we’ve experienced in modern times. 

And you made it through! That’s a victory worth celebrating, especially with the people who helped you navigate the chaos with websites filled with guides, tips and tricks, blog posts, podcasts and newsletters to help get better at the one thing you love the most: writing. 

If you wrote a novel while under lockdown, good for you! And if you didn’t? Good. For. You. 

When it comes to writing, output isn’t the only critical part of the process — it’s just as important to reset, refresh and reinvigorate your writing brain with new techniques that help you write better .  

Wherever you’ve landed in your writing journey, we have just the websites that’ll help you take your work-in-progress to the next level. 

New call-to-action

How we organized this list of best websites for writers

Since 2014, The Write Life has celebrated the art and business of writing by releasing a list of the 100 Best Websites for Writers, and we’re excited to do so again for the eighth consecutive year.

We separated our 2021 list into 10 categories. All the categories are listed in alphabetical order. The websites within each category are not ranked, but are instead listed in alphabetical order within their categories, with numbers for ease of reading.

  • Black voices


  • Motivation and Productivity


  • Podcasts 

Writing Communities

  • Writing and Editing

Many of the websites are tried-and-true favorites featured in our previous lists, but this year we’re thrilled to include 37 newcomers you recommended, along with two new categories: Black voices and newsletters!

In light of the conversations surrounding diversity and inclusion, as well as the importance of preserving and elevating Black lives, we felt it important to highlight Black creators. Please note these websites for writers are for all writers — not just those of color; however, in support of giving everyone a platform, we wanted to uplift voices that are often overlooked. 

How we hand-pick our annual list of best websites for writers

Because we only want to bring you the best of the best, each website featured in this list meets the following criteria:

  • It was recommended by readers of The Write Life — this year, we received more than 500 nominations — thank you!
  • It publishes content helpful to writers.
  • It has been updated recently and regularly.

We couldn’t have created this list without your helpful suggestions. And with so many great options to choose from, we wished we could have included them all! There are heaps of helpful writing websites out there beyond this list, but we could only pick 100.

If this list inspires you to start your own website or blog, here’s our step-by-step guide on how to start a blog . Your website could be next on our list!

Here’s our list of the best writing websites in 2021. (By the way, a star emoji next to a website means it’s a new addition to our list!)

Black Voices

⭐️ 1. black freelance.

Because race matters in freelancing — and most industries — writer and strategist Megan Williams created this website to show Black writers and writers of color that it’s possible to branch out on their own and successfully work outside of traditional employment. The BlackFreelance community provides freelancers of any level a place to go to learn about content marketing, ways to build better writing habits, how to run an effective freelance business and more. 

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⭐️ 2. Danielle the Writer

Danielle Wilkinson is a YA writer who uses her blog to inspire readers the way her favorite authors have inspired her. As she chips away at her goal of authorship, Danielle invites readers along her writing journey. On her site, you can learn from her writing logs, where she gives you an inside look into her writing and pitching process. Plus, in addition to the free downloads she provides, her blog is chock full of articles that break down the story structures of popular romance and superhero films.

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⭐️ 3. The Freelance Beat

Chicago-based freelance journalist Tatiana Walk-Morris has written for notorious magazines like The New York Times, Vice Magazine, Harvard University’s Nieman Reports and more — that, alone, tells you she’s an expert to learn from. Her website for writers is filled with blog posts that explore the triumphs and challenges freelance journalists experience in their early and mid-careers. If you’re taking the plunge into freelancing, there’s a lot you could learn from Tatiana’s advice and personal reflections.

Post you’ll like: What I’ve Learned From Three Years of Full-Time Freelancing

⭐️ 4. Inkwell Editorial

Yuwanda Black has earned money from her content since 2002, and she’s worked in the publishing industry for more than 30 years. As a successful author, content marketer and developer, Yuwanda wants writers to know they can lead rich careers as freelancers, too. That’s why Inkwell Editorial provides a wealth of information for writers who want to learn about SEO, social media, self-publishing, affiliate marketing, plus, how to make money through freelance work. 

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⭐️ 5. OnlineDrea

Although this website isn’t geared specifically toward writers, social media strategist Andréa Jones can show you how to create an impact beyond your brand with authentic social media marketing strategies that will build a community of engaged followers. As the business of writing becomes increasingly dependent on an online presence, all writers can benefit from her Savvy Social Podcast that discusses topics across marketing and social media.  

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6. See Jane Write

This website for writers came highly recommended. According to a reader of The Write Life, founder Javacia Harris Bowser “ shares a lot of great and motivating information. She is caring and is your biggest supporter in you being the extraordinary writer you were born to be. … We learn! but we have fun while learning! Javacia knows her stuff! I am so happy to be a member of See Jane Write!” 

Every woman has a story worth sharing, says Javacia. Though it began as a Birmingham-based membership organization for women who write and blog, See Jane Write has become a website and community for women everywhere who want to be the authors of their own lives. Here, she helps women find the creativity, confidence and community they need to use their story to make an impact and an income.

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7. Be a Freelance Blogger

Through Sophie Lizard’s blog posts, job board and Facebook group, you’ll learn what it takes to increase your blogging income. She and her team at Be a Freelance Blogger show you how to build an expert reputation and regain your freedom by blogging for hire, all without giving up your dream of working from the beach.

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8. Copyblogger

Whatever your business goals, Copyblogger can supply the tools you need to create the kind of powerful content that will achieve them. This leading resource for blogging and digital marketing has been leveling up copywriting and content marketing skills since 2006, so it wouldn’t hurt to see what they can do for yours. Its free membership includes an online-marketing e-course, free ebooks, forums and more. 

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9. How to Blog a Book

The blogging business is booming, and today, there are dozens upon dozens of strategies you can use to be successful. Creativity is encouraged! Take author Nina Amir, for example, who developed the challenge to “write a blog post a day and a book a year” by blogging your nonfiction book from beginning to end. Check out her website to learn more about her creative approaches to blogging. 

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10. ProBlogger

What do you need help with? Founder Darren Rowse and the ProBlogger team have been delivering the latest news and tips to build a better blog since 2004. This site offers extensive resources on how to monetize your blog, in addition to a robust job board that’s always updated with new opportunities.

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11. The Blogsmith

Maddy Osman is a sales and marketing pro who gleefully shares SEO writing advice and content marketing expertise to help writers drive traffic to their websites. One visit to her blog will show you she really knows her stuff, and The Write Life readers seem to agree, with one reader saying, “I always go to The Blogsmith when I need the most up to date information on industry changes that impacts writers.”

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12. A Selfish Poet

Trish Hopkinson created A Selfish Poet for poets and creative writers seeking publication. She shares no-fee calls for submissions, writing prompts, and poetry groups and events. Articles from Hopkinson and guest bloggers share the latest opportunities for writing contests, journals and other publications that pay. They’ll also help you become a better writer and a savvier submitter.

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13. Elna Cain

The path to freelancing is made simple on Elna Cain’s website, where she shares a range of action-based content to help you grow a successful business as a writer. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, join thousands of writers in improving your skills with her valuable tips. 

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14. Freelance to Freedom

Freelancing is a business, after all, so it’s important to have the tools and information that will push your business ( *ahem* money ) forward. At Freelance to Freedom, you’ll have access to a newsletter, a free Freelancer’s Toolkit, and informative articles, all of which will help you wade through some of the hard stuff, like managing your taxes and securing consistent clients.

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⭐️ 15. Kat Boogaard

Among other things, writers who check out Kat Boogaard’s blog will learn how to do three crucial things: start a freelance business, find clients and writing gigs, then refine their freelance business. After six years of full-time freelancing, this website for writers is packed with resources that focus on crafting online content related to careers, productivity, entrepreneurship and self-development. Whether you want her perspective on taxes, setting rates or freelancing in general, Kat’s encouraging website is the place to be. Oh, and don’t forget her reminder: “You got this.”

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16. Make a Living Writing

Through her blog, ebooks and paid community, award-winning freelance writer Carol Tice offers solid support and resources to help you grow in your career. Writers at any level can learn how to overcome writing fears, earn money from blogging and move up from low-paying markets. Tice also founded the popular Freelance Writers Den , a 1,500-member strong community for freelancers. Check out our Freelance Writers Den review .

This website is “my only writing website choice,” shared a reader of The Write Life. “Her blogs are informative, great training, inspirational, and provide ideas to help with marketing, blogging, or writing. When she opens her Freelance Writer’s Den grab it. That group is THE BEST and provides all you need to get started, build up, learn, encourage, and support.”

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⭐️ 17. The Freelancer by Contently

Contently is a platform for creatives that lets you showcase your work through an optimized portfolio, find prospective clients, collaborate on projects with client teams and more — did you know it also provides tons of articles for freelancers by freelancers? You can access articles that share the personal experiences of writers and their businesses, or ones that can teach you how to create a newsletter, manage your money or expand your skill set.

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18. The Freelancer’s Year

Award-winning writer Lindy Alexander shares insider knowledge she’s picked up along the way of her thriving freelance writing career. Check out her website to learn the right way to follow up with editors, how to snag gigs with limited experience and why she doesn’t believe in networking for freelance writers. 

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19. The Quiet Type

Slipping into the technical and mundane aspects of managing yourself as a freelancer is easy. Freelance copy and content writer Katie Jenison shares ample tips that will bring the creativity out of your entrepreneurship with blogs that teach ways to add a thoughtful touch to your work, plus how to land high-paying clients. 

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20. Wanderful World

Lizzie Davey quit her job and moved to Spain to start a freelance business. Now, she teaches writers everything she’s learned in the process. Between the e-courses, workshops and in-depth blogs, writers will leave feeling ready to navigate the wan-derful world of freelance writing. Don’t forget to check out her free 80+ page e-book! 

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⭐️ 21. Sarah Turner

Through her website and her Sarah Turner Agency channel on YouTube, copywriter Sarah Turner wants to help you shatter the glass ceiling of your career so you can elevate your life with writing — the kind that leads to sustainable income. If you dream of escaping your 9-to-5, Sarah’s blog and YouTube videos thoroughly break down the copywriting process so you can jump right in, even if you don’t have any experience. (You’ll want to check out her free course, too!)

Here’s what one reader of The Write Life shared about Sarah: “I love Sarah not only for introducing me to a world of opportunity in freelance copywriting but also to the amazing community of writers she has created. Before Sarah, I had given up on my dream of making a living by writing, but she has reignited that for me and I’m SO grateful!”

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22. Bakerview Consulting

Barb Drozdowich is a consultant and book blogger who believes that “authors need a social media platform to succeed in today’s ever-changing world of selling books,” so she’s helping authors, one at a time. On her blog, she tutors authors in the technology they need to build a platform through social media.

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23. Build Book Buzz

You’ve written the book — how do you get people to buy it? Marketing is tricky, but the blogs and other resources available on Build Book Buzz take the mystery out of social media strategies, self-promotion and navigating relevancy in the fickle media.

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⭐️ 24. Content Marketing Institute

The Content Marketing Institute website is brimming with practical, how-to guidance, insight and advice from industry experts, plus an active community of writers and marketers who discuss the latest information and advances that can push the industry forward. This website is perfect for writers who want a better grasp of content marketing and how to employ strategies to build a brand, website, social media channel, author platform and more.

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25. Ginny Carter

Writing coach and business book writer Ginny Carter has 22 years of marketing experience. Her blog features effective tips on how to bring your book to life, and though it’s mostly geared toward business books, the information is helpful for writers across all genres in need of platform amplification. 

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⭐️ 26. Nessgraphica

Alexander von Ness is a top-rated book cover designer for self-publishers, and he uses his website to teach writers about savvy marketing techniques that will have your books flying off the shelves. He shares expert tips on how to increase visibility with guest blogging, simple ways to market self-published books and a plethora of information to help you navigate book marketing successfully.

Plus, you might want to check out his Facebook group: “Alex’s Facebook group is filled with people from all walks of life who pose writing and publishing-related questions,” says a reader of The Write Life. “So many, many, many people are willing to help others in their dreams and goals to self-publish books.” 

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27. Nicole Bianchi

Nicole Bianchi’s tips help writers boost their productivity, improve their writing skills and build their online presence. An experienced writer, editor and web designer, she shares practical and personal advice about writing, copywriting and marketing strategies. 

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28. The Creative Penn

She’s a little bit of everything: a bestselling author, publisher, speaker, entrepreneur, podcaster, YouTuber. The Creative Penn, Joanna Penn’s well-known site, offers information on writing, book marketing, self-publishing, and how to make a living with your writing through articles, podcast episodes, videos, books and courses.

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29. Robyn Roste

Copywriter Robyn Roste helps agencies, entrepreneurs and small businesses connect with their audience and customers through powerful messaging and branding. Whether you’re interested in gaining followers, learning about the importance of hashtags, or getting the most out of your social platforms, Robyn can break it down for you. 

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Motivation & Productivity 

⭐️ 30. ashley gainer.

A freelance writer, digital marketer, content strategist and ghostwriter, Ashley Gainer has more than 10 years of experience working with influencers, entrepreneurs and small businesses. Her expertise? Helping writers create authentic copy that sounds great. To help you do that, Ashley shares a wide variety of productivity tips to help you master your craft through articles, writing courses and a podcast. 

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31. Books & Alchemy

Holly Ostara understands how grueling the writing process can be, and she wants to keep your flame from burning out. At the same time she helps you find the joy in your writing again, Holly’s motivational blog will also equip you with the tools needed to be a better writer. Don’t forget to peek into her online writing community on Slack! It’s free to join and open to everyone. 

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32. Leigh Shulman

Leigh Shulman wants writers to understand one thing: Chaos is part of the journey, so you might as well embrace it. Her free writing resources will be useful to writers at any given stage of the writing process, and her blog will gently nudge you to get out of your comfort zone and take the first step toward your ideal writing life. 

A reader of The Write Life says, “I first discovered Leigh on social media and since I am no longer on social media she makes it easy for me to stay in touch with her and other writers with her amazing workshop and daily/weekly motivation ‘sprints.’ She is always quick to respond to my questions no matter how lame they may be. I admire her a great deal and feel blessed to find a mentor in her.”

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33. Positive Writer

Writer Bryan Hutchinson has had his work featured in newspapers, national magazines, books, on world-famous blogs and even toilet paper. With all this experience, he knows first-hand how easy it is to get stuck in the harsh cycle of self-doubt — to help you break through the uncertainty, he created this website for writers to share articles that encourage, inspire and motivate you to do what you love: write. 

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⭐️ 34. The Novel Smithy

The writer behind The Novel Smithy, Lewis Jorstad, is a bestselling author who wants to help writing novices and soon-to-be-published authors improve their craft and write their best stories to share with the world. Beyond free ebooks, Lewis helps writers through a robust resource library that includes blogs about writing inspiration, story structure, character development and more. 

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⭐️ 35. The Write Conversation

“Find your voice, live your story,” is the foundational message behind this website for writers that’s been visited by nearly four million writers. Created and managed by speaker and author Edie Melson, The Write Conversation aims to inspire writers to reach their dreams with instructional and motivational blogs written by bestselling authors, columnists and a host of other experienced pros. Visit this website if you want to improve your craft with content that ranges from tips to present your best work to reminders about gratitude. 

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36. The Write Practice

If you struggle with transferring your thoughts to the page, spend some time at The Write Practice to learn about writing better and faster. Joe Bunting and his team will develop your writing rhythm, help you grow into your voice and identity as a writer through prompts, exercises and more.

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37. Writers in the Storm 

Weathering the storms of the writing process is absolutely necessary because, well… they’re inevitable. If you need a helping hand, the group of seasoned writers in charge of this blog are committed to using their unique perspectives and strengths to inspire you to get through the difficult stages. 

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38. Writing Forward

Need help staying focused on your writing ventures? Melissa Donovan’s blog “Writing Forward” is loaded with tips on everything from staying inspired, to grammar, to 1,000+ writing prompts designed to keep your mind fresh and your pen fresher. 

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39. FundsforWriters

This weekly newsletter that’s been published since 1999 reaches 35,000 subscribers who signed up to receive paying opportunities in the form of contests, grants, freelance opportunities, gig jobs and publishers/agents. The markets it highlights pay $200 or $0.10 per word and up. Besides helping writers find work, this newsletter also includes a freelance piece from a guest author (which you can also pitch and be paid for!) plus an editorial from editor C. Hope Clark. 

Subscribe to FundsforWriters free here

⭐️ 40. Jacob McMillen

Want to build a six-figure freelance writing business in the next 12 months? If so, this is the newsletter for you. Copywriting expert Jacob McMillen built his business from scratch, and now he uses his website and newsletter to teach writers the same strategies that elevated his success. Every month, he sends subscribers a new in-depth blog post, plus he hosts a live training on writing, marketing or freelancing. His newsletter also comes with a free copywriting crash course and his blueprint to a six-figure career.

Subscribe to Jacob McMillen for free here

⭐️ 41. Notes Newsletter

After years of experience as a writer and editor, Dana Sitar (who also contributes to The Write Life!) created a free newsletter that has one main goal: to help you become your editor’s favorite writer. Filled with a selection of pet peeves, warnings and advice, plus secrets and pro-tips for pitching, Notes will teach you how to write well, and — above all — keep editors happy. To receive exclusive content, check out Dana’s paid newsletter subscription Field Notes!

Subscribe to Notes for free here

⭐️ 42. The Ambitious Writer

Every Wednesday, writer Lorenzo Di Brino emails subscribers of this newsletter every step and struggle he’s met on the road to success (and failure). But not just his own — prior to starting the newsletter, Lorenzo spent six months studying writers on the rise to better understand what they all have in common. The answer? An entrepreneurial-like path. Because of that, this newsletter that doubles as a Substack weekly column and a Medium Publication aims to help fellow writers succeed as creatives and writers-entrepreneurs who properly promote their work.

Subscribe to The Ambitious Writer for free here

⭐️ 43. The Bookfox Club

Managed by John Matthew Fox, the 50,000 authors who subscribe to this newsletter get to learn how to write better books through exclusive advice on writing. In addition to Matthew’s backpacking stories from six continents and more than 40 countries, this newsletter also includes free email mini-courses tailored to a range of writer’s needs: book marketing, how to write better sentences, the art of writing children’s books and more. 

Subscribe for free here

⭐️ 44. Wylie’s Writing Tips

Writers who lead corporate communications, this one’s for you. Corporate communication trainer Ann Wylie has earned more than 60 communication awards in her career, plus she’s written more than a dozen learning tools to help you communicate effectively. In her corporate communications writing newsletter, you’ll receive tips, tricks and trends for writing better, easier and faster for the web and email. 

⭐️ 45. Writers’ HQ

A website of online creative writing courses for writers with no time or money, Writers’ HQ covers everything from plotting to editing, from short story writing to publishing. Its newsletter, on the other hand, shares “all kinds of wondrous things,” including, but not limited to, writing advice, emotional support, the latest blogs and the occasional haiku. As long as you’re comfortable with swearing, this eclectic newsletter is sure to teach you new skills while making you laugh. 

⭐️ 46. AskAlli: Self-Publishing Advice Podcast

Geared towards writers looking for a consultation hub, the Alliance of Independent Authors hosts an outreach service known as the Self Publishing Advice Centre. Presented by director Orna Ross and her team, this group shares the tools necessary to become a successful independent author. Through its bi-weekly podcast that highlights the most up-to-date practices, writers will learn new ideas and techniques in the ever-changing self-publishing industry.  

Episode you’ll like: Author Interview with Dale Roberts: Fitness Guru Finds Synergy Between Books and YouTube

47. Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

To help you overcome hurdles and reach your writing goals, Ann Kroeker’s podcast episodes offer practical tips and motivation for writers at all stages. An added bonus is that her website is home to numerous blog posts and resources for emerging writers. 

Episode you’ll like: How to Structure Your Nonfiction Book

⭐️ 48. The Honest Authors Podcast

Bestselling authors Gillian McAllister and Holly Seddon examine the realities of life as published authors. T he Honest Authors Podcast airs every two weeks, featuring discussions between the two co-hosts about the truths of being a professional writer. In addition, they feature expert insider interviews, as well as highlight honest answers to listeners’ questions.

Episode you’ll like: Prolific Authors Who Publish More Than One Book Per Year

49. How Do You Write

Rachael Herron is a best-selling author whose podcast guides you through the entire process of writing a book. Whether you need some motivation to get started writing or specific genre tricks to tighten your story, How Do You Write will inspire you to keep pushing.

Episode you’ll like: Melissa Storm on Writing with OCD

50. Indie Author Weekly

On her podcast, Indie Author Weekly, romance novelist and business-book author Sagan Marrow shares a behind-the-scenes look into her journey of writing and self-publishing books. It’s perfect for new or aspiring authors wanting to learn more about self-publishing or get tips for writing and editing your own work.

Episode you’ll like: 6 Ways to Deal With FOMO When Everyone Else is Writing a Book (And You Aren’t)

⭐️ 51. Marion Roach Smith

Memoir coach Marion Roach Smith hosts a podcast that gives listeners the blueprint on nonfiction narrative writing based on her personal memories, as well as her proven tips on how to overcome writers’ block. Her no-nonsense approach derives from her years of working at The New York Times — getting it right and making it short — is exactly what writers need to complete a nonfiction work of art that flows, reads well and is properly structured.

Episode you’ll like: How to Tell The Truth in Memoir, with Gregg McBride

52. Savannah Gilbo’s Fiction Writing Made Easy

The Fiction Writing Made Easy Podcast, hosted by Savannah Gilbo, publishes weekly episodes filled with actionable and step-by-step strategies you can immediately put to use in your writing. Gilbo is a developmental editor and book coach, and she’s certified in more ways than one. Her extensive experience will go hand-in-hand with your journey as a blossoming (or seasoned!) novelist, as her tips and guidance make sense of the process along the way. If this is the right podcast for you, be sure to check out her free starter kit.

This year, a reader of The Write Life said, “I highly recommend Savannah Gilbo’s website and her podcast! She offers great writing advice, thought-provoking information, and printables to help you on your writing journey!”

Episode you’ll like : How to Start Editing Your NaNowriMo Draft

⭐️ 53. The Bestseller Experiment

The Bestseller Experiment is precisely that: Mark Stay and Mark Desvaux set out to see if they could publish a bestseller in just one year, and they did. Now the two have started a weekly podcast where they talk with chart-topping authors. With over 250 hours of interviews from authors including Michael Connelly, Joanne Harris and Bryan Cranston (plus agents, editors, lawyers, social media experts), priceless insight is just a listen away.

Episode you’ll like: Fearless Worldbuilding. A Deep Dive with Allen Stroud

⭐️ 54. Travel Writing World Podcast

In this award-winning podcast, host Jeremy Bassetti talks with the world’s most inspiring travel writers about their work as well as the business of travel writing. For those who want to focus on travel books and long-form travel literature — or if you simply want to learn about the craft of travel writing — this podcast is definitely worth a listen.

Episode you’ll like: Isolation, Connection, & Islands with Gavin Francis

55. Writing Excuses

What could you learn about writing in less than 20 minutes? On this podcast, it might be writing fight scenes, killing your darlings, side-character arcs, the hero’s journey or tips from experts who want to help you be a better writer. 

Episode you’ll like: Maintaining Passion for a Story, with special guest Mahtab Narsimhan

56. Anne R. Allen’s Blog… With Ruth Harris

Ruth Harris and Anne R. Allen are the publishing veterans behind this blog, which they started in 2009 to prevent writers from making the mistakes they couldn’t avoid. Dive into articles about navigating the complex industry, or read up on ways to tighten your manuscript. Whatever your publishing path, this blog has something for everyone. 

Post you’ll like: DIY Book Covers Have Come a Long Way — How to Create Professional-Quality Covers with Design Apps.

⭐️ 57. Career Authors

From craft to publishing, to marketing, genre and life, the Career Authors website is led by a team of writers, editors and publishing industry professionals who want to inspire you, plus help you understand the business side of writing (a.k.a make money selling books!). The thorough blog posts found here will help you save time, keep you on track and get you closer to the dream writing career you imagine. To find the answers to the questions you’ve always wondered about, visit the guides to writing, promotion, business and process.

Post you’ll like: How to Avoid Legal Trouble When Using Real People in Fiction

58. Creativindie

Derek Murphy believes the purpose of our lives is to “create something unique that entertains, instructs, challenges or helps others.” On Creativindie, he shows writers how to do that without becoming starving artists. Ever the one-stop-shop, this website contains downloadable resources, videos, books and thorough how-to guides to help you achieve the bottom line: getting published. 

Post you’ll like: How to Write a Blurb, Pitch or Synopsis for Your Novel or Book

59. Jane Friedman

One reader of The Write Life said Jane Friedman’s website “offers consistently great information for writers (which leads to better decisions, better book deals, better workflow and bigger advances!).” 

Between having 20 years of experience in the publishing industry and a prominent blog that shares an array of publishing and writing tips, we’re inclined to agree. 

Post you’ll like: How to Move From First Draft to Second Draft to Publishable Book

60. Kindlepreneur

Dave Chesson consistently offers high-quality content that helps authors make money selling Kindle books. His actionable tips range from how to choose character names to using a Facebook author page wisely to reviews of writing tools. But what sets this site apart from the rest is Dave’s knowledge about Kindle keywords and how to optimize your book on Amazon to sell more copies. 

That’s because he’s the brains behind Publisher Rocket , which helps Kindle authors choose the right keywords (think: search engine optimization for Amazon).

61. Paperback Kingdom

So you’ve finally finished writing your fiction novel, and you couldn’t be more proud! Now, how are you going to get others to read and appreciate your crowned jewel? Pagan Malcolm can help with that. Not only will her copywriting packages help promote your work to potential readers, but she also offers author career coaching to those looking to break into their profession. 

Post you’ll like: How I Planned My Book Launch Calendar For 2021 In Just Two Hours  

62. Self Publishing Formula

Run by best-selling author Mark Dawson, this robust blog shares tips on writing, publishing, marketing and more. His blog features an array of topics including networking for indie authors, optimizing books for physical bookstores and more. Plus, check out the interviews with million-dollar selling indie authors on his podcast, or learn about craft, production and marketing through his blog courses. 

Post you’ll like: How to Optimise Books for Physical Bookstores

63. Well-Storied

Through workbooks, tutorials, a Facebook community group, a podcast and many other free resources, Kristen Kieffer helps writers turn the draft they’re hiding from into a completed masterpiece. Because she understands the struggle, her website is dedicated to guiding you through the pitfalls of writing so you can achieve your goals.

Post you’ll like: How to Test the Strength of Your Shiny New Story Idea

⭐️ 64. Writer Beware

Sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc., this website for writers was founded in 1998 and focuses on highlighting literary scams, schemes and pitfalls of the publishing world. It also provides advice on how writers all over the world can protect themselves in any market or genre. To find writing-related articles, blog posts, industry news items and a discussion forum, check out the Writer Beware Facebook group . 

Post you’ll like: A New Home For the Writer Beware Blog

65. Writer’s Relief

Writer’s Relief has been helping writers reach their publishing goals since 1994 by providing a submission service where creatives can submit their writing to literary journals, book publishers, agents and more. Sign up to receive free publishing tips and leads in your email, peruse the enriching blog, or become a subscriber to access classifieds section lists, contests, conferences and residencies.

Post you’ll like: How To Create Must-Read Excerpts From Your Book

66. Self-Publishing School

Self-Publishing School is an online education company geared toward aspiring authors, and those that are already self-published. People save 100’s of hours in the process, save thousands of dollars on key investments for success, publish a book they’re proud of, and sell 1,000+ more copies in the first year. All while allowing you to maintain control of your book–and its royalties.

Post you’ll like: How to Publish a Book

Graphic that says "100 best websites for writers 2021" over a picture of hands typing on a keyboard

67. Alessandra Torre Ink

Alessandra Torre is a New York Times bestselling author and teaches courses in writing and publishing. She also hosts an online community that provides a space for more than 14,000 novelists and aspiring writers to ask questions, share their works-in-progress and share helpful tips and articles. You can also visit her website to read blogs about publishing, marketing or to le arn new writing tips. 

“Alessandra Torre Ink has been a wealth of information that I couldn’t have published without,” wrote one reader of The Write Life. “She knows her stuff and is very helpful. I recommend her to anyone considering a career in writing or publishing.”

Join the community of Alessandra Torre Inkers

⭐️ 68. Ask A Book Editor

If you’re writing a book — or if you just have a question about writing one — this Facebook group formed by editors will give you access to knowledgeable answers to your writing questions from experts who know the writing process in and out. You can’t advertise your work in this group, but you and the 6,000 writers a part of this group can ask as many questions as you want. 

Join the Ask A Book Editor community 

69. Chronicles

Are you a science fiction and fantasy writer? See if Chronicles is a good fit for you. It’s a community and forum where members gather to discuss favorite books, authors and common themes within the genre.

Join the Chronicles community

70. Faith Writers

Faith Writers is the #1 website for Christian Writers. Those interested in spreading the gospel universally via the world’s largest database of Christian articles can set up shop on this platform. Once you get through the articles from more than 70,000 Christian writers, Faith Writers also offers a Christian writer critique circle, weekly writing challenges, and annual Christian writing contests. 

Join the Faith Writers community

71. Fiction Writing

Fiction Writing helps writers with all things related to writing/publishing: outlining, writing, editing, query letters, formatting, artwork, blurbs, self-publishing and marketing. With nearly 125,000 members, there’s plenty of new writing to review and writers to provide feedback on yours. This robust group has regular threads for sharing social media accounts, poetry and more, too.

Join the Fiction Writing community

⭐️ 72. Inner Circle Writers’ Group

New and established writers, how would you like to join the group ProWritingAid says is one of the best groups for writers on Facebook? Writers interested in the craft and practice of writing, plus everything in between, can join this group to meet encouraging members who’ll support your work and celebrate your progress. In addition to learning from blossoming and professional writers, you can also promote your work and/or services. According to the group, interaction levels are high, so be ready to participate in group conversations and activities. 

Join the Inner Circle Writers’ Group community

73. Insecure Writer’s Support Group

Some say artists are sensitive, and writers aren’t exempt. To curb the doubts and insecurities that always manage to creep up, join this encouraging community that aims to uplift writers at every stage of the game. The Insecure Writer’s Support Group came highly recommended, with one reader saying it’s “undoubtedly the best writer website. Everybody is so supportive, yet incisive in their feedback. It is a wonderful community.”

Join Insecure Writer’s Support Group

74. Scribophile

Need a beta reader (or a few) and some thoughtful critiques on your latest piece? Scribophile has your back. An online writing workshop and writer’s community, writers of all skill levels join this platform to help each other improve their work through actionable feedback, sharing writing experience, not to mention a writing blog of tips and advice that’ll further help you sharpen your work. Plus, you can even learn how to write a query letter and win prize money through free writing contests. 

Join the Scribophile community

75. The Masters Review

The Masters Review is a platform for emerging writers. It doubles as an online and print publication, and since 2011, it has been celebrating new writers by sharing useful resources, in addition to a submission process for undistributed works.

Join the Masters Review community

Writing & Editing 

76. abbie emmons.

Abbie’s way of teaching writers how to make their stories matter is fun and engaging, as she often uses her own stories and projects as lessons to guide you in the right direction. By exploring mental health and sharing productivity, writing and blogging tips, Abbie hopes to help writers harness the power of psychology and storytelling to turn their ideas into masterpieces. Be sure to check out her YouTube channel for additional content about story structure, creating characters and more.

Post you’ll like: How to Write The “Aha” Moment (The Most Important Part of Your Story)

77. Bang2Write

Lucy V. Hay has won the hearts of so many of you! It’s no wonder she made it to our list again this year. Bang2Write is all about script reading, submission, genre, pitching and characterization. You’ll find tons of advice on how to develop great stories and pitch your scripts, along with best practices for writing research. 

Post you’ll like: What Writers Can Learn From 5 Unusual Male Characters

⭐️ 78. Copywrite Matters

According to this website for writers, all the best copywriting advice you need to help you write copy that attracts and converts lives right here. Besides a newsletter that shares free, daily copywriting tips, Belinda Weaver provides writing courses and a thorough blog that are sure to take your skills from good to amazing. Discover shortcuts so you can write faster and learn how to write engaging video scripts — then, see which four-letter word is crushing your potential. 

One reader of The Write Life said this website is “packed to the brim with helpful writing advice that is both progressive whilst paying respect to tried and tested methods.” 

Post you’ll like: PASO: How One Letter Can Make the Most Effective Copywriting Formula Even Better

79. C.S. Lakin’s Live Write Thrive

A lover of writing, teaching and helping writers, C.S Lakin uses her professional experience to do all three on her website, Live Write Thrive. By day, she’s a novelist, copyeditor and writing coach. At night, she saves one writer at a time by sharing the secrets to proper scene structure, character development, editing and crafting a fantastic story. She also runs several reputable courses for writers, novelists and editors .

Post you’ll like: The Nuances of Deep POV – Part 1


Higher education isn’t an option for everyone, so founder Gabriela Pereira and her team have made it possible for writers to access it without the hefty price tag. After all, DIY MFA says the typical MFA (Master of Fine Arts) just boils down to one simple formula: Writing + Reading + Community. You can definitely find that here. (Curious about the site’s corresponding course? Check out our DIY MFA 101 review .)

Post you’ll like: Five Things to Consider Before Freelancing Full Time

81. Elizabeth Spann Craig

Elizabeth Spann Craig is a bestselling mystery author who uses articles, newsletter and guest blogs contributed by experts to teach writers how to turn an idea into a story — then, into a book. She also curates links on Twitter that are later shared on the free search engine, The Writer’s Knowledge Base, which can help you find the best writings on writing. Besides Twitterific writing links, this blog is also home to articles about genre, ad campaigns, creating believable characters and more. 

Post you’ll like: What to Do When You Discover Another Writer Is Working on the Same Idea As You

82. Helping Writers Become Authors

K.M. Weiland is a writer of historical and speculative fiction, an award-winning author and your new mentor. To answer all of your writing and publishing questions, her website provides writers a range of free resources: blog posts, instructional ebooks, vlogs and a podcast. 

Post you’ll like: What Is Dreamzoning? (7 Steps to Finding New Story Ideas)

83. Horror Tree

The Horror Tree was created with the horror writer in mind. From its humble beginnings as an outlet for speculative fiction authors to connect with horror anthologies and publishers, this online resource has since broadened to cover pieces on each step of the writing process, non-fiction, poetry, non-anthology work, and audio to boot!

Post you’ll like: An Interview With Natalie Brown, the Creator of Scary Snippets and Nocturnal Sirens Publishing

⭐️ 84. Jane Austen Writing Lessons

One of the best ways to learn to write well is to learn from the examples of great writers, says “longtime Janeite” Katherine Cowley. Her website is filled with blog posts about creative writing that use Jane Austen’s novels and other related stories to share what good writing looks and sounds like. Whether you’re interested in plot structure or character development to dialogue, each Jane Austen writing lesson focuses on one principle of writing at a time. Heads up: A new writing lesson is shared every Wednesday! 

Post you’ll like: Introduce Layered Characters to Create Deeper or Changed Meaning Later

⭐️ 85. Jerry Jenkins

Jerry Jenkins is a 21-time New York Times bestselling author with 40 years of experience in publishing and editing, but also as a novelist and nonfiction author — because of this laundry list of achievements, he’s confident he can put you on the track to writing success. With the guidance of Jerry’s blogs, writing tools and courses, you’ll quickly adopt the basic skills needed to create prose that entertains, touches hearts and has the potential to impact lives all over the world. 

Post you’ll like: How to Become a Better Writer: 26 Proven Tips

86. Kathy Steinemann

Author Kathy Steinemann has an affinity for words, especially when they’re frightening, futuristic or funny. To help you keep your word bank interesting, she shares master lists of adjectives and offers tips for avoiding overused words and being more descriptive and original in your writing.  Plus, she’ll tell you which writing habits upset editors. 

According to a reader of The Write Life, “Kathy Steinemann always helps to find the elusive word that adds polish to a manuscript. … Kathy helps you to create a far more colorful compose of words to tell your story, she offers you an escapade to the boredom of a Lazarus’ story.”

Post you’ll like: 200+ Ways to Say “Hate”: A Word List for Writers

⭐️ 87. Kiingo Writing Tips

How do you create compelling cliffhangers? How are villains born? Wait, how does story structure work? These are just some of the writing techniques and story elements you’ll learn about on the Kiingo blog, which is hosted by Kiingo Writing University, the world’s premier writing and storytelling school for the stories of today and tomorrow. To access storytelling courses, writing techniques and resources to learn the tools behind the craft of engaging storytelling, support them on Patreon. 

Post you’ll like: How Are the People of Your Story World Organized?

⭐️ 88. Kingdom Pen

Are you a Christian writer who doesn’t want to write a story that’s “cliched and preachy”? This website for writers wants to help you craft authentic and beautiful stories that challenge Christians and non-Christians to rethink how they view the world. Learn how to be an unstoppable writer with tips to build a writing habit that doesn’t quit, plus peruse the blog catalog that covers topics like work building, plot, style, theme and poetry, just to name a few.

Post you’ll like: How to Worldbuild the Best Fantasy Novel in Five Minutes

89. One Stop for Writers

Two words: Thesaurus library. The art of writing stories is no walk in the park, but it might feel that way with the free resources found on One Stop for Writers. This in-depth website covers everything from organizing research to writing authentic characters to crushing your writer’s block. Try out the free trial for the subscription to see if a full access plan offers the support you need.

Browse the resources here  

⭐️ 90. Perfect English Grammar

All writers need a firm grasp of grammar to tell stories that have clarity and precision. And with the many — and often confusing — rules that make up the English language, websites like this one should be a go-to for every writer who wants to speak and write more correct, beautiful English. Start with one of the many grammar explanations available that break down verb tenses, gerunds and infinitives and more. Then, test your knowledge with grammar exercises before you pen your next creation. 

Post you’ll like: The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

91. Pitch Travel Write

Roy Stevenson is quite the travel aficionado. With over 1,000 published articles, this travel writing expert uses his site to gleefully share everything he knows about the industry: query letters and pitches that work, crafting content that sells, capturing compelling photography, and marketing yourself. To help you become a successful freelance travel writer, Stevenson offers workshops, coaching sessions, resource guides and instructive articles. 

Post you’ll like: Travel Writers Mistakes: 5 Errors That Will  Keep You From Success

92. ProWritingAid

If you’re looking for a tool that will do more than just catch typos, this is it. ProWritingAid’s manuscript editing software will help you self-edit faster without compromising accuracy. The built-in style guide and contextual thesaurus are sure to come in handy, too. 

To give it a whirl, sign up with your email address and you’ll get to analyze 500 words of text for style, grammar, overused words, readability and more. Check out our ProWritingAid review .

Try the editing tool here

93. Quick and Dirty Tips 

For many of us, Mignon Fogarty (AKA Grammar Girl) is the go-to when we need to take the mystery out of the complicated English language. Her network, Quick and Dirty Tips, houses Grammar Girl’s wisdom for all things “grammar, punctuation, usage and fun developments in the English language.” She has a podcast, too!

Post you’ll like: How to Show Sarcasm in Text

⭐️ 94. Script Advice

London-based Yvonne Grace is a TV drama consultant who has 25 years of experience in script editing, storylining, script development and television drama production. When you visit her website, aspiring screenwriters will find a variety of content around TV writing: how to write a TV treatment, the secret to a compelling pilot script, the story structure to follow for TV drama series and so much more. According to the glowing testimonials on her site, you can’t go wrong with this expert’s advice. 

Post you’ll like: How To Write A Treatment And Structure Series Narrative

⭐️ 95. The History Quill

Have you ever read a historical fiction novel that failed to nail the details of the era it’s set in? The History Quill is the website for writers that will help you avoid this faux pas. Its mission is to provide you with what you need to write a successful and accurate story, including specialist historical fiction editing services, group coaching and a flurry of tips and resources. Here, you’ll find fun tips like how to give your characters a historical sense of humor, plus research techniques to create an authentic story. 

Post you’ll like: Going to the Toilet in Historical Fiction

⭐ ️ 96. The Porte Port

Chris La Porte is a writer, storyteller and self-proclaimed geek whose website teaches writers how to write more immersive stories. His blog is dedicated to analyzing the storytelling techniques of the movies, books, games and shows that spark our imagination, such as “Star Wars,” “Indiana Jones,” “The Office,” and stories by J. R. R. Tolkien. Through these lessons, you’ll learn how to tell your stories better. 

Post you’ll like: Star Wars and Writing a Love Story That Isn’t Cringey

97. Where to Pitch

You might have a phenomenal pitch that got rejected because it just didn’t land in the right inbox. In that case, it really isn’t you; it’s them. The key is to pitch smarter. That’s where Susan Shain’s Where to Pitch comes in. This loaded writer resource will help you decide where to pitch your articles, based on a topic or publication. Her site also offers a free newsletter that offers monthly freelance writing tips and resources.

Try out the tool here

98. Word Wise Tips

Kathy Widenhouse is a freelance Christian writer, but you might know her as the “Nonprofit Copywriter.” Her blog is loaded with simple, clear writing tips and shortcuts to simplify any writing process and help you make the most of your time. Heeding the advice of this accomplished copywriter means writing blogs, newsletters, webpages, social media copy and other projects will never be easier.

Post you’ll like: The Lead Magnet: How The Free Content Myth Got Busted

99. Writer Unboxed

Founded in 2006, Writer Unboxed is dedicated to publishing empowering, positive and provocative ideas about the craft and business of fiction. Kathleen Bolton and editorial director Therese Walsh host more than 50 contributors that share meaningful insight about writing. Plus, you won’t want to miss out on the buzzing comment section, where the conversation includes the input of community members.

Post you’ll like: Retention and Seduction: The Art of the Chapter Break

100. Writers Write

At Writers Write, where the motto is “Write to communicate”’ you’re welcomed into an all-encompassing writing resource for creative writers, business writers and bloggers. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of its vast archive of more than 1,200 informational and inspirational articles that provide solid advice, inspiration and writing assistance. 

Post you’ll like: Getting Away With Murder: A 5-Point Plan On How To Kill A Character

Whew, you made it! Thank you for all the nominations that helped make this list possible, and congratulations to 2021’s 100 websites!

Which writing websites would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below!

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Photo by  Gabby K  from  Pexels

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We will now show you a short example article that we generated using Writecream's Article writer below

Writecream: ai article writer and content generator - how to use it for a blog post.

Introduction:  Creating content for the Internet is an art and a science. You’ll need to have the right tools, to be able to generate anything from original content to blog posts. One tool that can make your life easier is AI-powered text and content generator. This tool can help you generate text and content, in a quick and easy way.

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Generate 1,000+ word blog articles in under 30 minutes

Content creation for a blog post is hard to be at the top of search engines: you need to come up with a content piece, then think of an outline (outline refers to the different sections a blog post is divided into), add powerful features for SEO performance and finally elaborate on the outline. Amidst all of that, you have to ensure the writing is compelling and free of grammatical errors so that you can be free from human writers. What if an online tool (a bot, perhaps) could do all this for you?

Our artificial intelligence technology-based content generator and article generator tool can do all of that and display your marketing ideas perfectly. From brainstorming content ideas to writing a plagiarism-free, grammatically-perfect article, Writecream can help! After completing the blog article, you can convert it to a podcast or a voice-over for a YouTube video like real-life content marketers and content writers.

Enter product description

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Once you enter the input for context, our A.I. will begin the content writing process and suggest some content ideas.

Generate a long blog article

Pick any idea or citation formats and use it to write an article (there is no word limit)

You can click on the chat button to have a word with our support team. If you prefer email, drop us a line at [email protected] .

Yes, we have a bunch of them on our YouTube channel! We have videos for almost every feature and issue, and questions people may face.

Yes, you have the rights to the generated content. You are free to use it however you want.

Of course! Here is a 1,300+ word article written using Writecream: https://bit.ly/writecream-ai-blog

Including parenthetical citations when writing your research papers is an important part of doing good research. If you include citations, you are being a responsible researcher. Our citation generator will solve your problems and provide the source by title with author names. You've shown readers that you found valuable, high-quality content elsewhere, placed it appropriately within your own project, created an amazing piece and acknowledged the original author(s) and their work.

Yes, we have multi-lingual support. Writecream supports over 75 languages. The complete list is given below. Multi-lingual support is available across all our tools, including long-form editor (A.I Article Writer), cold email icebreakers, LinkedIn icebreakers, image icebreakers, audio icebreakers, voice-over, and more. List of supported languages: Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), Catalan, Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dari, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, French Canadian, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Haitian Creole, Hausa, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Mongolian, Norwegian, Farsi (Persian), Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Spanish Mexican, Swahili, Swedish, Filipino Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Welsh

Yes, the outputs are free of plagiarism. Our A.I. generates a unique piece of SEO content for every input.

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The Top 11 Free Article Submission Sites For New Writers

Free Article Submission Sites

For new writers, free article submission sites are a terrific resource to help you publish your writing .

But another benefit is that writing and submitting your articles can also help you improve the off-page SEO of your new blog.

It’s challenging to find readers online, so it takes a bit of effort. Every new writer starts from scratch , but many find ways to succeed.

Publishing articles is one of the best ways to help you improve your writing, find readers and promote your blog.

Article Contents

What are free article submission sites?

These are sites where you can publish your articles for free and often with instant approval.

You can use them to publish articles to promote your brand, business, informational topics, or your area of expertise.

The biggest benefit for many content writers and bloggers is that you can include links in your articles.

For a new writer, understanding how links work is important.

There are two styles of links: dofollow and nofollow.

A dofollow link is of higher value because it can pass on some authority to your blog.

But a nofollow link still has some SEO value.

If you are using a free blogging platform, these links will help you a lot.

Experienced article writers look for sites that have a high Alexa domain ranking and allow dofollow links.

But if you only want to publish articles and don’t have a blog to promote, there is no need to worry about the SEO value of links.

No shortcuts to quality article writing

A great article incorporates all the features you need when you write a blog post .

You need to research your keywords and read some competitive articles to understand what you need to cover in your text.

As for your article title, you need to craft it to attract a reader’s attention.

You should also use paragraph headings to make your points clear.

Selecting relevant images, graphs, and screenshots can also add more value to an article.

Writing a quality article takes time. But it’s worth it because it will be online for a long time.

Can you publish an article on more than one site?

Yes, it’s possible. But it’s not a good idea.

When you publish the same article on different sites, it will diminish its value.

Google will not know which one is the authoritative article, so it will stand little chance of being indexed.

A better idea is to use links between your articles. If you write about fruit in one article, add a dofollow link to your other article about vegetables.

It’s the same as how a blogger uses internal links between blog posts.

When you have published ten or twenty articles, your links between them will help you get more readers.

The links will also assist in possibly getting your articles indexed by search engines.

How to select sites for article submission

One of the best criteria you can use is to do a quick check of a site’s Alexa ranking.

The lower the number, the more popular it is.

To do a check, go to Statshow , and enter a site’s URL.

Here is the result for Google.


If a site ranks in the top 100,000 sites in the world, it means that it has a high Alexa page rank.

Other factors you might want to consider are how easy it is to use, how suitable it is for your type of article content , and how many dofollow links you can use.

There are hundreds of submission sites, so you should choose carefully and make sure each one is right for you.

But to help you along, here are the top ten for you to consider.

1. Google Sites

Google Sites

If you make a selection by page ranking, then Google Sites has to be your first choice because anything Google ranks at number one.

On top of that, you can choose from a range of ready-made templates to help your content shine.

It’s one of the most popular sites for content and article writers.

2. Articlebiz

ArticleBiz logo

ArticleBiz gives you the opportunity for your articles to be picked up by online publishers.

You can submit your articles for free.

But you will need to fill in a resource box with a short bio. You can include your email and website address.

You can choose from a vast range of categories for your articles.

It has an Alexa ranking of 210,908. So it certainly does get traffic and readers.

If you are new to article writing, it is a great submission site.

3. Articleavenue

Articleavenue logo

Are you writing articles about lifestyle, travel, marketing, or crowdfunding?

If so, Articleavenue is worth investigating.

The site is well-designed and user-friendly, with a clean masonry layout.

You will need an eye-catching image to make your article stand out.

Take a look and see if it’s a fit for you.

tumblr logo blue

You might think that Tumblr is only a hobby blogging platform.

But, in fact, it is a terrific site for promoting your articles because you can use as many links as you think you need.

All you need to do is set up your free account, and you can write and publish or reblog as many articles as you want.

5. LiveJournal

live journal logo

It’s been around for a long time, but article writers often overlook LiveJournal .

However, with an Alexa rank of 426, it proves that it certainly gets a ton of traffic and lots of readers.

That makes it a site that you should definitely consider.

6. Linkedin


My guess is that you already have an account with Linkedin. That makes it easy for you to publish your articles.

All you need to do is follow the instructions for publishing Linkedin articles , and you are ready to submit.

There are millions of daily users on Linkedin, so you have an excellent opportunity to find readers for your professional articles.

Linkedin must be one of the easiest ways to publish your articles for free.

DZone Logo

If you are into writing about software and technology, Dzone is a site you might want to investigate.

It is high-ranking and very popular. But you need to read the submission guidelines carefully before you submit an article.

Also, expect to wait between seven to twelve business days for an assessment and approval of your article.

Quora Logo

You might be wondering why I have included Quora in my list.

It’s an open forum, so why is it here?

Well, it has enormous benefits when it comes to promoting your articles.

All you need to do is search for questions people ask about your topics of expertise or interest.

Then answer the question as fully as you can. An answer of around 200 words is usually sufficient.

However, the significant advantage is that you can include a link back to your published article on the topic.

If you answer perhaps five questions on a topic, you will gain five backlinks.

9. Sooper Articles

Sooper Articles

It might not look as attractive as some other sites, but Sooper Articles has an Alexa ranking of 20,850.

That means it gets a lot of traffic. You can choose from a whole host of topics, so you will almost certainly find a niche for your articles.

It’s a free service for all writers. But in the FAQs, it says that a new article takes around five days to be approved and published.

10. Bored Panda

Bored Panda

If you are looking to submit lightweight or funny articles, Bored Panda could be a choice for you.

It started in 2009, so it’s been around for a while now. Its style is a little like a tabloid newspaper, so your writing probably needs to be a bit clever.

But there are a lot of categories to choose from, such as fashion, food, nature, and social issues, so it’s not only about being witty.

11. ArticleCube


If you are writing articles about business, food, health, home, or technology, ArticleCube might be for you.

The site is attractive, with a modern news feel and layout.

A great aspect is that all articles have a featured image.

You need to register, and it’s a good idea to read the submission guidelines before you get started.

Ezine Articles

ezine articles

For more than twenty years, EzineArticles has been a go-to site for free article submissions.

However, it has now closed down and no longer appears in search engines.

But if you arrived on this page looking for it, at least the list above gives you plenty of alternatives.

It can be a bit daunting for new writers when there are so many submission sites to choose from if you do a Google search.

But as always, it’s about the quality of the sites you choose.

While some might seem quick and easy to submit, a low-ranking site may not get you many readers.

On the other hand, a top-ranking site might take longer to approve your articles.

It’s a balance you need to find.

With the ten sites I have listed in this article, you can’t go too far wrong.

But you also have another simple option. You can publish your articles in PDF , which is free and only takes a few minutes.

Related reading: The Differences Between An Article And A Blog Post

About The Author

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Derek Haines

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19 Academic Writing Tools (that are completely free!)

19 Academic Writing Tools (that are completely free!)

A selection of tools for academic writing – from collaborating, time-tracking and project management to finding the perfect phrase or translation. We are continuously updating this list (latest update: April 2023).

I often get asked about my favourite academic writing tools. That’s why I compiled this scientific tools list for you with 19 great tools to support your academic writing. You can use all these scientific research tools for free and some of them have paid versions with additional features.

Just one word of caution: Exploring new academic writing tools can be a time-suck and distract you from getting your actual writing done. If you are one of those people who spend hours signing up for new software for academic writing and getting it set up, only to abandon the tool a few days or weeks later – then be careful reading this scientific tools list, and don’t get overenthusiastic. 😉

By the way, I don’t have any affiliation with any of the academic writing tools listed below, and none of these are affiliated links.

Here, we go, 19 tools for academic writing and scientific research I recommend in no particular order:

ACADEMIC Writing tools

1. writefull.

This proof-reading tool for scientific texts is powered by AI and big data. You can integrate the Writefull app into Word or Overleaf for free. A reader of the blog brought my attention to this tool (thank you so much!) and I’ve only recently started using it, so I can’t give you a full-blown review just yet but so far the results are promising. Writefull is owned by Digital Science, a company that has released several Open Science apps, such as figshare, Overleaf and Altmetric. 

2. Phrasebank

Created by Dr John Morley from “The University Language Center” of Manchester University, the Phrasebank is a database of common phrases used in papers, dissertations and grant proposals – a real goldmine!

The phrases are organised both by the common sections in a paper such as the Introduction, Methods, Results or Discussion section. For example, in the tab for the Introduction section, one can find entries for “establishing the importance of the topic for the world or society” or “identifying a knowledge gap in the field of study”. If you click on the latter, you can find among others the following suggested phrases: “It is still unclear whether…”, “However, the behaviour of X has not yet been investigated” and “Causal factors leading to X remain speculative”.

You can also look for phrases by choosing a general language function. Some of the choices are “being cautious”, “describing trends”, “signalling transition”.   

The Phrasebank is very useful to get inspiration for new wording but I do not endorse all entries. Sometimes you find language that is a bit clunky or overly complicated so do use your own judgement when you browse this academic writing tool. PS: You can also download the Academic Phrasebank as PDF or Kindle file.

3. Thesaurus.com

If you’re looking for synonyms, thesaurus.com is the best online thesaurus I’ve found so far. It divides the synonyms based on different meanings of the word and indicates the relevance of the synonym by using three shades of orange.

Just one word of caution: Don’t fall into the trap of using too many synonyms in your academic writing. Being precise is so much more important than varying the words you are using in your writing. In particular for field-specific terminology, I advise against using synonyms .

This is a hot tip for researchers who need to transcribe interviews (hello, social scientists!), who like to record research ideas or those who like to write by dictating text into their phone. Otter is an AI-based transcription tool that works for English language recordings. The quality of the transcriptions is comparable to other transcription services using AI, meaning they are often not accurate and can give nonsensical, even comical results — especially when the recorded voice has a strong or unusual accent. Still, the automated and quick transcriptions (real time transcriptions are available too!) can be a good starting point and are a huge time saver. What’s cool about Otter compared to its competitors is that they give you 300 minutes of transcriptions per month for free!

There are many online dictionaries but Linguee is my favourite for academic writing. It suggests a translation on the basis of previous translations published on the internet.  Therefore, this dictionary is especially great if you’re looking to not only translate a word but a certain turn of phrase or idiom. Linguee translates to and from English in over 20 languages. An essential academic writing tool for all non-native English speakers!


6. authorea.

The magazine “ TechCrunch ” describes Authorea as “a Google Docs for scientists”. On the academic writing platform, you can write, edit, and insert citations, figures and data. And it’s great for collaborative writing: Co-authors can access the same text at the same time, track the changes they made, insert comments and even live-chat during writing sessions. Documents can be imported from LaTeX and Word and exported as LaTeX, Word and PDF documents. You can also submit your article as a bioRxiv preprint straight from the Authorea platform. This software for academic writing is free for up to ten documents with limited sharing options.

7. Overleaf

Overleaf is to LaTeX users, what Authorea (see tool #6) is to Word users: an online editor that allows you to access and collaborate on your writing projects from anywhere. You can, for example, invite others to comment on your work. Overleaf offers some other neat collaborative writing features, such as a track-changes function, but – unfortunately – only on the paid plan. LaTeX may seem a bit intimidating at first but you actually get the hang of it quite fast (and feel like a coder 😎). Also, in my experience, you save a lot of time formatting your text (and feel smug about it when you talk to Word users 😁).

Slack is a chat tool that you can use in your lab or with your collaborators. Used in the right way, it allows you to save time by cutting down on emails and create a group atmosphere even if the members are not working in the same location. You can easily add files to the chats and create different channels for subgroups or certain topics. There also exist virtual communities on Slack you can join, such as the New PI Slack community for Assistant professors around the world. 

Loom is a great scientific research tool when you want to share a quick video with a colleague, student or collaborator. This could be a recorded presentation or lecture, your comments on the paper of a co-author, or a tutorial on using a piece of software. You can record your screen, camera and microphone. The neat thing is that after you’re done recording, Loom auto-generates a link you can share.

Academic writing tools for Productivity and project management

Toggl is a time-tracking app that you can install on your phone and computer. There’s only one way of knowing how long certain writing tasks typically take you, and that is by tracking the time they took you to complete . Time-tracking has another great advantage: You can identify time-sucks in your day. And these may be less obvious than you think.

I like to use Toggl for time-tracking because it’s quick to use and integrates with various other scientific research tools I am using. You just need to click the big red power button to start or stop a recording and assign tracked times to different projects. This scientific research tool has paid plans but for most people the free basic plan will be sufficient.

Are you easily tempted to check your phone when you really should be writing? This app called Forest may be just right for you then. Once installed on your phone, you can start planting a virtual tree whenever you want to focus. It grows from a little plant to a full-grown tree. When you pick up your phone and leave the app, the tree dies. This way, you can build your forest representing the time you have spent on focused work (or quality time with your family and friends…). I’m not using Forest myself, but I’ve heard that it works really as an academic writing tool well for some people. Give it a go!  

12. Focusmate

As Forest (see tool #11), Focusmate is an app to help you stay focused. Instead of  gamification, the concept of Focusmate is based on social accountability. Here is how it works: You schedule a 50-minute virtual co-writing session with another Focusmate member, turn on your webcam when your session starts, greet your temporary co-worker and then get to work silently.

Even though being filmed while working is a little strange in the beginning, co-writing sessions work really well for a lot of researchers. This is why we offer co-writing sessions as part of our academic writing program, the Researchers’ Writing Academy, as well.

13. Cold Turkey

If Forest (tool #11) or Focusmate (#12) don’t get you to focus on your writing, you may need to go Cold Turkey . This software for academic writing blocks any other application and turns your computer into a typewriter. You can choose whether you want Cold Turkey to prevent you from digital distractions for a certain amount of time or until you’ve hit a certain word count. With the paid version, you can even access integrated productivity soundtracks and text formatting.

Free writing training by the author of the blog post about free writing tools

Not an app exactly, but free as well: Click the orange button below to have me walk you through my step-by-step system to write clear & concise papers for your target journals in a timely manner . This free academic writing training is perfect for you if you’re reading this blog post because you are procrastinating on writing your paper.

Trello is an excellent project management tool for your academic writing, which you can use for managing each of your writing projects, for creating a publication pipeline and as a daily and weekly to-do list. Trello is a great introduction into project management because it’s a lot easier to learn and use than most other project management software. For each project called a “Board”, you can create different “lists”, which are vertical collection of “cards”, which you can move between lists. You can add due dates, checklist lists, links, files and text to each card. To work collaboratively, you can leave comments on cards and assign them to members on your team. You can also use Trello as a brainstorming tool, using the cards just as you would use post-it notes.

Members of my online course, the Researchers’ Writing Academy , get access to Trello templates I created to easily manage their publication pipeline, the writing process for each of their scientific papers and all of their other daily, weekly and monthly tasks and projects.

15. Todoist

Todoist is an alternative to Trello (see tool #16) or can be used in addition. It’s an online to-do list organiser and project management tool that comes as an app and browser version. You can organise your tasks in projects and schedule them for a certain day. This academic writing tool shows you today’s tasks as well as those for the next seven days. It also tracks your productivity, i.e. how many tasks you have completed.

academic writing Tools for finding and reading the literature

Feedly is a neat RSS feed manager that helps you stay up to date with the scientific literature. Instead of getting email alerts from journals (because who wants to get more emails…) you can view and organise the literature you are interested in by following journals’ RSS feeds. You can not only use this for scientific literature but also subscribe to blogs, for example the one you’re reading right now, by simply putting the URL in the Feedly search: https://annaclemens.com/blog .

Are you a mindmapper? Then you need Xmind , a free mindmapping and brain-storming tool. It’s intuitive, looks good and does exactly what you want a mindmapping tool to do. The free version allows for embedding of hyperlinks, images, attachments, so you can really use it however you like! That’s all I can really say about it as I’m not using mindmapping myself. But I know scientists who swear by it!

18. Audemic

Audio formats have become so popular (I’m a big podcast lover myself!) so it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that there now is an audio tool available for the scientific literature too: Audemic . This tool — completely free to use for individual researchers — creates summaries for you (that go beyond the abstract), lets you skip sections, highlight text and take notes while listening.

There are a few reference managers for your academic writing to choose from, some of which cost money. Zotero is free, open-source and doesn’t lack in functionality. You can easily save references from your browser, organise them in folders and with tags and create bibliographies with the right style. You can also create a citation library with your co-authors or share your library with others.

That’s it: 19 academic writing apps and scientific research tools to support your writing for free! However, the best academic writing software won’t make you more productive if you don’t rely on a streamlined writing process and if you aren’t using your writing sessions effectively. If you want to get your hands on a template to write scientific papers in a systematic fashion, sign up for this 1-hour writing training now. It’s free too!

Free writing training that goes beyond writing tools

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© Copyright 2018-2024 by Anna Clemens. All Rights Reserved. 

Photography by Alice Dix


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Best Free Writing Apps in 2024

Showing 83 writing apps that match your search.

Apple Notes

Notes is the best place to jot down quick thoughts or to save longer notes filled with checklists, images, web links, scanned documents, handwritten notes, or sketches. And with iCloud, it's easy to keep all your devices in sync, so you’ll always have your notes with you.

Platforms: Mac, iPhone, iPad

Best for: Note-taking, Journal, Book, Story, Essay, Poetry, Blog, and Free

Website: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/notes/id1110145109

Base price:

Premium price:

★★★ Performance

★★★ Features

★★★ Accessibility

Also rated 3.3 ★ on the App Store

Reedsy Prompts

Join (probably?) the world's largest writing contest. Flex those creative muscles with weekly writing prompts.

Platforms: Online

Best for: Drafting, Book, Story, and Free

Website: https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/

★★★★★ Performance

★★★★★ Features

★★★★★ Value

Make mind map documents that flow like your ideas.

Best for: Note-taking, Journal, Essay, Blog, and Free

Website: https://coggle.it/

★★★★ Features

Also rated 4.5 ★ on Capterra

Learn more about Reedsy Studio .


FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free writing environment. It utilizes a hide-away interface that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of the screen, allowing the program to have a familiar look and feel to it while still getting out of the way so that you can immerse yourself in your work.

Platforms: Windows, PC

Best for: Drafting, Book, Essay, Journal, Poetry, Story, Blog, and Free

Website: https://gottcode.org/focuswriter/

Also rated 4.0 ★ on TechRadar


Ignite your creativity. Coach your brain to think creatively & spark brilliant ideas at work and in life.

Platforms: iPhone, iPad

Best for: Outlining, Journal, and Free

Website: https://brainsparker.com/

★★★★ Performance

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Also rated 4.7 ★ on the App Store

Writer Plus

Writer Plus is a writing application without the fuss and distraction of a traditional word processor, perfect for writing notes, novel, lyrics, poems, essay, draft on your phone or tablet.

Platforms: Android

Best for: Note-taking, Poetry, Story, Essay, and Free

Website: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.easy4u.w...

★★ Features

Also rated 4.6 ★ on Google Play

Writer Tools

With our writing tools you can track your progress thus far, plan your novel, write your novel and be able to focus on what matters for you the most: FINISHING THE DAMN BOOK!

Best for: Outlining, Worldbuilding, Book, Story, and Free

Website: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.ajp_gam...

Also rated 4.0 ★ on Google Play

Joplin is an open source note-taking app. Capture your thoughts and securely access them from any device.

Platforms: Android, iPhone, iPad

Website: https://joplinapp.org/

★★★★ Accessibility

Also rated 4.3 ★ on the App Store

Black Note is the black theme's notepad. It's the simple notes app.

Best for: Note-taking, Story, Book, Blog, Journal, Poetry, and Free

Website: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=notepad.not...

Also rated 4.8 ★ on Google Play

Written? Kitten!

The Internet's best write-reward system! Write one hundred words, get an image of a kitten!

Best for: Drafting, Book, Story, Essay, Journal, Poetry, Blog, and Free

Website: https://writtenkitten.co/

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Slick Write

Slick Write is a powerful, free application that makes it easy to check your writing for grammar errors, potential stylistic mistakes, and other features of interest. Whether you're a blogger, novelist, SEO professional, or student writing an essay for school, Slick Write can help take your writing to the next level.

Best for: Editing, Proofreading, Essay, Blog, and Free

Website: https://www.slickwrite.com/

Also rated 4.4 ★ on Capterra


Enjoy a distraction-free writing experience, including a full screen mode and a clean interface. With Markdown, you can write now, and format later.

Platforms: Windows, Mac, PC

Best for: Drafting, Book, Story, Poetry, Journal, Blog, Essay, and Free

Website: https://ghostwriter.kde.org/

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Free AI Paragraph Generator

Get your writing process off to a great start by generating fully coherent, compelling paragraphs.

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Use cases of ahrefs’ paragraph generator.

Content creation. Ahrefs’ Paragraph Generator can be utilized to quickly generate engaging and informative paragraphs for various types of content. Whether it's blog posts, articles, product descriptions, or social media captions, the tool can assist in generating compelling paragraphs, saving time and effort for content creators.

Academic writing. Students and researchers can benefit from Ahrefs’ Paragraph Generator when working on papers, essays, or research articles. By providing the necessary instructions, the tool can generate well-structured paragraphs that present key arguments, evidence, and analysis, aiding in the writing process.

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The technology behind Ahrefs’ Paragraph Generator

Ahrefs’ Paragraph Generator uses a language model that learns patterns, grammar, and vocabulary from large amounts of text data – then uses that knowledge to generate human-like text based on a given prompt or input. The generated text combines both the model's learned information and its understanding of the input.

Other writing tools you may find helpful

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37 Sites That Pay to Write Articles Online

by Stanley Udegbunam | Dec 26, 2023 | Making Money | 0 comments

get paid to write articles

Are you looking for sites that pay to write articles online? Working from home as a freelance article writer allows you to do so. Every day, new job opportunities for article writers are posted.

Numerous opportunities exist for freelance writers to earn income while doing what they love. From content creation to blogging, there are countless websites and platforms that offer compensation for quality written content. 

In this article, we will explore 37 websites that pay writers for their articles. I’ve categorized them into three – niche platforms, freelance, and writing platforms.

Let’s get to it!

Table of Contents

Niche Platforms

Niche platforms cater to writers with expertise or a passion for particular niches. As a result, you can share your knowledge and earn income within the chosen niches. Below are some popular niche platforms.

1. Neptune 

Neptune is a metadata repository for machine learning researchers and engineers that includes experiment tracking and model registration.

Neptune is used for machine learning research. As a result, they are mostly anticipating data science and machine learning-related content. 

So, if you have a background in AI/ML, this platform is for you.

Payment ranges from $250 to $500 per tutorial.

Learn more about   Neptune

Food52 focuses on food and cooking. They allow food enthusiasts to write recipes, tips, and articles and earn money through their Partner Program. 

Payment: Depending on the estimated length and volume of work, Food52 pays flat prices as opposed to per word. This may be as little as $200 for a brief post or simple recipe (plus up to $50 for ingredient reimbursements). Or as much as $500 for bigger projects.

Learn more about   Food52

3. LogRocket 

Tutorials on React, Redux, Node.js, Wasm, GraphQL, Rust, Flutter, and other technologies are in high demand.

LogRocket combines session replay, error monitoring, and product analytics to enable software teams to build the best online and mobile product experiences possible.

The LogRocket blog is a well-known resource among front-end developers worldwide. 

Payment ranges from $250 to $400 per article.

Learn more about   LogRocket

4. Wellbeing

This Australian-based journal has a physical and online presence and covers a wide range of health and wellness subjects. 

Wellbeing accepts submissions based on four main article kinds. These include travel, special reports, and real-life experiences. 

Payment ranges from $150-$1700 (AU) for articles up to 2000 words.

Learn more about   Wellbeing 

5. The Krazy Coupon Lady

The Krazy Coupon Lady is a website that provides coupons and money-saving ideas. 

Their content is centered on offering helpful guides on how to save money using coupons and other tactics. 

You may check out The Krazy Coupon Lady’s writer’s standards and submission procedures on their website if you’re interested in contributing to their publication.

Payment:   This ranges between $50 and $100 per article.

Learn more about   The Krazy Coupon Lady

6. Tutorialspoint

Tutorialspoint is a website for all technical individuals since it provides step-by-step instructions for every technological issue.

Almost every techie has heard of this company. Their site is full of technical information. 

But as we all know, new technology is released every month. Thus, the need for writers never ends.

Payment ranges from $250 to $500 for each tutorial.

Learn more about   Tutorialspoint

7. English Island Journal

The English Island Journal addresses issues relating to the conservation of wildlife and land, scientific and technological advancements, environmental protection and public policy, energy, agriculture, and animal rights. 

Content that explores the connections between environmental challenges and other social justice and human rights concerns particularly piques their interest. 

They news writers to write news, articles, analysis, features, interviews, and reviews and not fiction or poetry.

Payment:   $0.25 cents/word for 1,200-1,500 words and longer investigative features (2,500-3,000 words). Expect to earn about $750-$1000 for an in-depth feature story (4,000 words).

Learn more about   English Island Journal 

VICE is a media firm that pays authors for their work and covers politics, culture, and news. 

They attract a large number of those who are interested in current affairs, social issues, and culture and have a reputation for their edgy and thought-provoking content. 

Your post must meet their strict editing standards and be well-researched, educational, and captivating in order to be published.  

Payment:   This ranges between $250 and $500 for each article.

Learn more about   VICE

9. Income Diary

Income Diary is a platform and website that offers various resources, articles, and guidance related to online business, entrepreneurship, and Internet marketing. The firm began as a graphic forum, with 1000 users signing up in just six months.

Income Diary operates profitably with 400 blog entries, 7 instructional courses, and software that sells and influences millions of users.

They require articles on SEO, startup business, social media, blogging, and more. 

Payment:    $200 for articles with a minimum of 1,500 words.

Learn more about   Income Diary

Auth0 is a versatile, simple-to-use solution for adding authentication and authorization services to an application. It is a user-friendly, extensible authentication and authorization framework. 

It is the world’s most-read developer blog. Here, developers talk about issues such as security, Python, and so on.

Payment:   Up to $500 per article.

Learn more about   Auth0

11. Cooking Detective

Cooking Detective is a website dedicated to studying various culinary and cooking-related subjects. 

Writers who want to share their culinary knowledge can write various articles. These topics can be on kitchen appliances, recipes, and other facets of the culinary industry. If you love food and enjoy writing about it, 

Cooking Detective gives you the chance to share your expertise while also earning money for your efforts. 

Payment costs up to  $75 for each article. 

Learn more about   Cooking Detective 

12. Transition Abroad

Transition Abroad is a travel magazine. it encompasses a broad variety of subjects relating to travel, work, schooling, living, volunteering overseas, and more. 

There are a ton of themes available in their writer’s handbook.

The pandemic caused this website to prioritize articles that highlight “your experience with virtual internship programs.

It includes virtual volunteering, virtual learning (including language study), online teaching and other international jobs, and online learning to teach English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). 

Payment:    From $75 to $150 for an article in the 1250-3000+ word range. The average payment is $100. 

Learn more about   Transition Abroad

13. Christian Science Monitor

Christian Science Monitor provides news from across the world and the United States. 

It also features individuals changing the world and a Christian viewpoint on science, literature, the new economy, and energy.

Payment:   $.036 cents/word for 1,100-word profiles 

Learn more about   Christian Science Monitor

14. Geeks for Geeks

This is a geeky computer science portal. It comprises articles on computer science and programming that are well-written, well-thought-out, and explained.

It is a website that provides blogs, articles, and tutorials on computer science topics. Other services include computer science courses and IT interviews to help individuals in studying.

Payment:   $50-$100 for each article and prize.

Learn more about   Geeks for Geeks

15. CSS-Tricks

CSS-Tricks is a popular website among developers. This is because it gives answers to complex CSS ideas, making the developer’s life easier.

This is an excellent platform for learning CSS. It also gives an opportunity for authors interested in authoring articles about web development, particularly CSS.

Payment ranges from $300 to $400 for each post.

Learn more about   CSS-Tricks

16. Writer’s Digest

For the writing community, Writer’s Digest pays writers for articles about writing tips and techniques.

Writer’s Digest is currently accepting submissions from freelance writers. They are a print magazine with a circulation of 110,000. They have readers all over the world, but largely in North America.

Payment:   Up to $1,200 per article. 

Learn more about   Writer’s Digest

17. FundsforWriters 

FundsforWriters is a website that helps writers with tools and support.

They provide details about employment, gigs, freelancing, writing grants, and competitions for writers.

Payment:   Between $50 to $ 150 per article

Learn more about   FundsforWriters

18. SitePoint

SitePoint is one of the largest online communities for web professionals. It has a huge, active forum and hundreds of lessons.

Also, it includes a diverse selection of books, kits, and other instructional items.

SitePoint is a community for web developers to share their love of creating amazing Internet content. 

Articles about   Jamstack ,   Gatsby ,   Figma ,   Rust , and current web technologies are in high demand.

Payment ranges from $250 to $500 per article.

Learn more about   SitePoint

19. FreelanceMom

This website is dedicated to motherhood and pursuing career dreams. 

FreelanceMom prioritizes real-life stories, case studies, advice, and personal articles. All of these come with lessons learned about motherhood. 

However, this website is not limited to women alone. Men can also apply. 

Payment:   Rangers between $75 and $100

Learn more about   FreelanceMom

20. A List Apart

This platform is dedicated to web designers and developers. It offers payment for insightful articles on web design and development.

The platform primarily publishes articles, essays, and tutorials that cover a wide range of topics related to web design, web development, user experience (UX), and web standards.

They often seek out insightful and well-researched articles from industry experts and pay for contributions.

This approach has led to the publication of many influential and thought-provoking pieces on various aspects of web design and development.

Payment:   $100 per article

Learn more about   A List Apart

21. The Write Life

The Write Life is a website that provides authors with resources and guidance and also compensates writers for their work. 

They are known for sharing educational and interesting articles on a range of writing-related subjects.

This spans marketing, publishing, freelance writing, and more. 

In addition, they provide an array of tools and services for writers, such as community forums, job boards, and courses.

Payment:   It ranges from $75 to $100 for each article.

Learn more about   The Write Life

22. Great Escape Publishing

Great Escape Publishing focuses on a specific niche, which is travel writing and photography. They provide resources, training, and guidance for individuals interested in pursuing careers in this niche.

Great Escape Publishing offers a range of resources, including workshops, courses, and events. 

This will help aspiring writers and photographers hone their skills and find opportunities to get their work published.

Payment:   $150 for interviews, personal stories, and any articles they request.

Learn more about   Great Escape Publishing 

23. Nutri Inspector

The blog Nutri Inspector focuses on diet, nutrition, and weight loss. 

They release fresh, educational content, product evaluations, recipes, and how-to manuals.

You should apply for this blog if you’re interested in writing about fitness, diet and nutrition, and weight reduction strategies.

Payment:   Ultimate how-to guides (3000-4000 words): $120-$180

  • Informational articles (2000-3000 words): $120
  • Product reviews (1000 words): $60

Learn more about   Nutri Inspector 

24. Copyhackers

For authors who appreciate writing about branding, marketing, and user experience (UX) design, Copyhackers offers a number of chances. 

They also welcome submissions regarding advice for freelancers and entrepreneurship. 

If you would like to contribute to Copyhackers, go to their website, read the submission rules, and select an area of expertise to begin writing about. 

Payment:   $300 to $1,000 in income per article

Learn more about   Copyhackers

Freelancing Platforms 

1. textbroker.

Textbroker is a well-known network that serves as a hub for freelance writers wishing to work on a range of writing projects for a number of customers. 

The site functions as a content mill. 

Textbroker is a realistic option for authors looking for flexibility and the opportunity to make money via their writing abilities.

Payment ranges from $0.07 to $0.10 per word.

Learn more about   Textbroker

2. WriterAccess

WriterAccess is a platform that serves as a bridge between skilled writers and clients in search of high-quality content. 

It offers a space for writers to showcase their talents and cater to the diverse needs of clients.

One of the distinguishing features of WriterAccess is its adaptable compensation system. 

Writers on this platform are categorized according to their performance and expertise, often represented by star ratings.  

Payment ranges from $0.10 per word.

Learn more about   WriterAccess    

Cracked is a well-known online platform popular for its humorous stories. 

Cracked, known for its distinct and funny style, allows authors to exhibit their wit and humor. It is a site worth considering if you’re an aspiring writer with a sense of humor.

Payment costs up to  $200 for each piece.

Learn more about   Cracked .  

4. Vocal Media

Vocal Media has a number of writing challenges and contests where you may enter your work for a chance to win money.

Furthermore, their Vocal+ program compensates authors with a monthly fee for unique material.

Payment varies according to the effectiveness of your submissions. Members of Vocal+ may earn around $6 for every 1,000 readings.

Learn more about   Vocal Media

One of the most often-used websites for writers to locate jobs online is Upwork.   

Writers, graphic designers, videographers, marketers, and other creative workers can choose from a wide range of jobs available. 

All you need to do is complete your profile and upload samples of your written work. You may look for jobs and submit bids for the projects you’re interested in after your profile is complete.

Payment:   $5 to $20 per hour or $0.01 to $0.03 per word

 Learn more about   Upwork

nDash is a website that mainly serves as a platform for freelancers and writers. 

It connects writers with companies or clients who want written content.

It gives them a place to promote their writing skills and work with customers on a range of content projects, including whitepapers, blog posts, and articles.

Payment:    $150 – $450

Learn more about   nDash


1. How can I find websites that pay for writing articles?

You can find websites that pay for articles by searching on popular freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr. 

Additionally, you can explore dedicated platforms like Medium’s Partner Program, HubPages, Vocal Media, and Listverse, which pay writers for their content.

2. What types of articles are in demand on these sites?

The demand for articles can vary, but some popular categories include technology, health, finance, lifestyle, travel, and personal development. 

3. How much can I earn from writing articles online?

Earnings depend on factors such as your experience, niche expertise, and the platform you write for. Payment can range from a few dollars per article to hundreds of dollars, especially if you gain a reputation as an expert in your field. 

4. Do I need to have prior writing experience to get paid for my articles?

While prior writing experience is beneficial, it’s not always a strict requirement. Some websites and platforms are open to writers at various skill levels.

Final Thoughts

Remember, freelance writing is a competitive field. But with dedication and the right strategies, you can build a successful career and get paid for your articles. 

Try out the aforementioned platforms today and start earning when you write. Your determination and persistence will pay off in the long run. 

Good luck in your writing journey!

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15 Best Article Submission Sites

Picture of Sooraj Divakaran

  • July 29, 2021

Table of Contents

Are you a content writer or marketer? Then you surely understand the struggles of finding a good article submission site that can promote your content on article viewing sites. With the help of article submission sites, you can definitely augment your search engine ranking alongside increasing traffic.

Article submission, using the right keywords, is one of the most effective off-page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to increase brand and personality awareness. 

What is Article Submission?

Article submission is the process of publishing your article on a third-party website, targeted at generating high-quality backlinks to your blog or website. Dofollow article submission sites can improve your page traffic and increase the value of domain authority.

Article submission is also an integral part of content marketing, through which you can promote articles related to your business on renowned article submission sites. 

Dofollow And Nofollow Links – What To Choose?

Backlinking is simply the process through which search engine bots connect different websites. Content marketers can leverage this greatly by adding do-follow links to their blog or websites on the popular article submission sites in India. But what are these do-follow and no-follow links?

Dofollow is the state of any link which allows a visitor or search engine to view another website through the link. They can improve your ranking in the search engine results if your website’s do-follow links are available on other websites with higher domain value. They also offer a direct chance of increasing traffic if people happen to click on the links.

Nofollow links do not allow the search bots to follow your given link, thus, not playing any direct role in impacting your site’s search engine results page position. However, they allow you to enhance your exposure through article submission sites. 

Once your content starts getting good exposure, your chances of getting organic do-follow links also increase. Yet, most bloggers prefer do follow article submission sites for immediate results.

Key Benefits of Article Submission Sites

Article submission sites allow you to submit high-quality, informative, and unique content to third-party websites for better outreach. Apart from exposure, there are many additional benefits of opting for such sites, like:

  • Getting better search engine rankings.
  • Generate leads with mostly free-of-cost marketing.
  • Establish your identity as an expert in a subject matter.
  • You can get yourself some genuine, permanent backlinks.
  • Your website traffic can also increase if visitors follow the backlink.
  • Article submissions – authored or ghost – can help in boosting the domain authority of your website, thus improving the page rank as well. 
  • In this age of social media, viral content stands a chance of gathering numerous high-quality backlinks.

Are There Different Types Of Article Submission Sites?

One should note that there are two major types of such sites:

Paid Article Submission

These sites charge you for publishing your content as a nominal editorial fee. You can also consider partnering with these sites in India to publish a sponsored content.

Free Article Submission

Self-explanatory, the free article submission sites allow you to publish Web 2.0 blogs without any extra charges. You can push your link leveraging agenda here to enhance your domain value and earn do-follow or no-follow links.

How to select a suitable site for getting your article published?

As a professional content writer and website owner, it is given that you know all about article submission basics. Yet, to sum it up, here are a few things that you must look for in the best article submission websites:

  • The website should be compliant with all the copyright laws existing in its geographical location. 
  • Their terms and conditions are transparent.
  • If they are going to pay for posting your article, the payment terms should be cleared.
  • They should let your backlinks stay on the article instead of modifying it way too much. 
  • Confirm the total number of dofollow/nofollow backlinks that you will get.

There are several other things to note when pitching your article to such sites. Do your research thoroughly before you send out the work of your efforts – your article – to any random website. 

We have curated the best article submission sites list that every writer and content creator should know about. Let’s get started!

15+ Best Article Submission Sites

Popular article submission sites are immensely important to promote your content. They can help kickoff leads and sales, boost search traffic, and improve the credibility of your online presence.

Some of the best free article submission sites are:

1. sites.google.com

Undoubtedly, it is one of the best link-building mediums offered by Google. This free page creation tool is Alexa’s number one article submission site to add substance and content to your blogs.

2. github.com

With an excellent rating, this is one of the top article submission sites that gathers good audiences for the content published here.

3. iSnare.com

A decent paid article publishing site, iSnare.com  allows users to publish their content on more than 2000 web pages. The more credit you buy, the cheaper article submission gets on this platform.

4. storify.com

Another popular free article submission, storify.com, has the feature to write on one topic or combine multiple articles and share blogs and stories.

5. goarticles.info

A premium site with instant approval, goarticles.info has multiple categories where you can submit your articles for a wider readership.

6. quora.com

A gradually growing content platform, Quora presents content in a question-and-answer format. It is a great free article publishing site as you can tap directly on the target audience while scoring plenty of backlinks.

7. tumblr.com

You can create many microblogs on Tumblr and share your content with several publishers by creating your blog in no time. 

8. articlebiz.com

Articlebiz is popular amongst readers and publishers alike. It has a significant audience base coming for its extensive database of articles.

9. ezinearticles.com

Known for content promotion and marketing,  this free site offers a vast range of content types to its readers.

10. myarticles.com

With a wide range of categories to explore, myarticles.com has a large acceptance rate amongst the other free article submission sites.

Apart from these tried and tested popular article submission sites, you can also consider some article submission sites in India that offer instant approval, like:

  • livejournal.com/ (Moz rank 9.3)
  • buzzfeed.com/ (Moz rank 7.6)
  • academia.edu/ (Moz rank 7.1)
  • wattpad.com/ (Moz rank 6.8)

Other free article submission sites for SEO that also offer do-follow linking are:

  • https://seekingalpha.com (Alexa rank 807)
  • https://hubpages.com/ (Alexa rank 3095)
  • https://www.ehow.com (Alexa rank 6502)
  • https://dzone.com (Alexa rank 6522)

Knowing about the high DA and PA article submission websites is not enough. You should also understand how to properly use the best article submission sites. So here’s a quick tip!

  • Check out one of the above-mentioned article submission sites.
  • Create your account or sign in with your existing login credentials.
  • Focus on details like title, description, tags, keywords, and author bio along with the article body.
  • You should try to include the link of your website and related keywords in the author’s description too.

The key to excelling as a brand or content marketer is persistence. So keep creating useful content and submit them on the article publishing sites in India and abroad for maximizing the results!

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ZDNET's recommendations are based on many hours of testing, research, and comparison shopping. We gather data from the best available sources, including vendor and retailer listings as well as other relevant and independent reviews sites. And we pore over customer reviews to find out what matters to real people who already own and use the products and services we’re assessing.

When you click through from our site to a retailer and buy a product or service, we may earn affiliate commissions. This helps support our work, but does not affect what we cover or how, and it does not affect the price you pay. Neither ZDNET nor the author are compensated for these independent reviews. Indeed, we follow strict guidelines that ensure our editorial content is never influenced by advertisers.

ZDNET's editorial team writes on behalf of you, our reader. Our goal is to deliver the most accurate information and the most knowledgeable advice possible in order to help you make smarter buying decisions on tech gear and a wide array of products and services. Our editors thoroughly review and fact-check every article to ensure that our content meets the highest standards. If we have made an error or published misleading information, we will correct or clarify the article. If you see inaccuracies in our content, please report the mistake via this form .

Collabwriting: How to create shareable notes on any web page - and more


Have you ever found something online and thought, "I need to not only take notes about some of this content, but I'd like to share and collaborate with it."

For instance, say you come across a fascinating text snippet on a website that might interest not only co-workers, friends, or family, but is also something you'd like to comment on -- and allow others to do the same. That's what  Collabrwriting does and it does it very well.

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With this service, I can create topics, add snippets of text from websites to that topic, comment on the snippet, and share the snippet (via link) with anyone I choose.

Collabwriting is a browser extension that can be installed on any Chrome-based web browser. Unfortunately, Collabwriting isn't available for Firefox; therefore, if this feature sounds interesting, you'll need to try it on one of the many Chromium-based browsers (such as Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi, Edge, and -- my new favorite -- Arc).

There are three different plans for Collabwriting:

  • Personal - Includes unlimited shareable/collaborative topics, highlights, and comments; topic-level access roles; and community support. This plan is free.
  • Personal Pro - Includes everything in the Personal plan plus unlimited contributors, topic history, export to PDF and print, contributor-level access, and basic support. This plan is $10/month.
  • Team - Includes everything in Personal Pro plus three seats, workspace-level access, advanced search, and priority support. This plan is $15/month.

Once Collabwriting is installed, you can create topics and then easily add your snippets to the topics. Let me show you how it's done. 

How to create shareable notes on any web page 

What you'll need:  The only thing you'll need for this is a Chromium-based web browser. That's it. Let's install and use Collabwriting. 

1. Open your browser

Installing Collabrwriting on your browser of choice is as simple as opening the browser, pointing it to the Chrome Web Store (or the Edge Add-Ons Store ), clicking Install (Chrome) or Get (Edge), and OK'ing the installation.

Also: 5 ways to improve your Chrome browser's security (and why you should)

Once you've installed Collabwriting, you'll need to create an account. You can always do so by logging in with your Google, Microsoft, or GitHub account, or do so via an email/password. You do have to create an account to be able to use the service.

3. Open the Collabwriting Dashboard

The first thing you might want to do is create a topic. To do so, open the Collabwriting sidebar (by clicking the newly added left-pointing arrow near the top right of your browser window) and click Dashboard. 

The Collabwriting sidebar gives you access to everything you need.

4. Create a new topic

From the Dashboard, click + to the right of My Topics. When the new Topic page opens, give it a name (top left corner) by replacing New Topic with the title. You can continue creating as many topics as needed. You can also add a new topic by clicking + to the right of the topic drop-down in the Collabrwriting sidebar.

Creating a Collabwriting topic can be done from the Dashboard or the sidebar.

5. Add your first Snippet

It's now time to add your first Snippet to a topic. To do that, find a web page that includes the text you want to add. Open the Collabwriring sidebar, click the topic drop-down at the top, and select the topic that will house the Snippet. Once you've selected topic, go to the page you've navigated to and highlight the block of text you want to add. This will automatically add the text to the Snippet. When you're satisfied, either hit Enter on your keyboard, or click Create at the bottom right of the snippet. You can also add comments to the Snippet or click Locate to open the page from which the Snippet was found.

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Adding a Snippet from one of my ZDNET articles to Collabwriting.

6. Share the Snippet

Once you've saved the Snippet, you'll see a link at the bottom of the side panel. Click the link to copy it to your clipboard. You can then share that link to anyone who has Collabwriting installed and an account (either free or paid). Those collaborators can then comment on the Snippet and locate the source page. The only caveat on the free account is that you can't add descriptions or control access to the Snippets. With a paid account, you can limit access to restricted or anyone with the link.

If you click on the Share icon, it will open the Collabwriting sidebar, which you'd need a paid account to use for sharing.

It might take you a while to get what Collabwriting is all about but once you do, you'll see that this tool can be pretty helpful. And with a free account option, you're not out anything if it winds up not being a fit.

Why I love Arc browser's Shared Folders - and how they work

This $14 accessory is a must-have for tech drawers and diy projects, microsoft launches an ai-powered copy-and-paste tool. here's how you can use it.

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The Best Student Writing Contests for 2023-2024

Help your students take their writing to the next level.

We Are Teachers logo and text that says Guide to Student Writing Contests on dark background

When students write for teachers, it can feel like an assignment. When they write for a real purpose, they are empowered! Student writing contests are a challenging and inspiring way to try writing for an authentic audience— a real panel of judges —and the possibility of prize money or other incentives. We’ve gathered a list of the best student writing contests, and there’s something for everyone. Prepare highly motivated kids in need of an authentic writing mentor, and watch the words flow.

1.  The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

With a wide range of categories—from critical essays to science fiction and fantasy—The Scholastic Awards are a mainstay of student contests. Each category has its own rules and word counts, so be sure to check out the options  before you decide which one is best for your students.

How To Enter

Students in grades 7-12, ages 13 and up, may begin submitting work in September by uploading to an online account at Scholastic and connecting to their local region. There are entry fees, but those can be waived for students in need.

2.  YoungArts National Arts Competition

This ends soon, but if you have students who are ready to submit, it’s worth it. YoungArts offers a national competition in the categories of creative nonfiction, novel, play or script, poetry, short story, and spoken word. Student winners may receive awards of up to $10,000 as well as the chance to participate in artistic development with leaders in their fields.

YoungArts accepts submissions in each category through October 13. Students submit their work online and pay a $35 fee (there is a fee waiver option).

3. National Youth Foundation Programs

Each year, awards are given for Student Book Scholars, Amazing Women, and the “I Matter” Poetry & Art competition. This is a great chance for kids to express themselves with joy and strength.

The rules, prizes, and deadlines vary, so check out the website for more info.

4.  American Foreign Service National High School Essay Contest

If you’re looking to help students take a deep dive into international relations, history, and writing, look no further than this essay contest. Winners receive a voyage with the Semester at Sea program and a trip to Washington, DC.

Students fill out a registration form online, and a teacher or sponsor is required. The deadline to enter is the first week of April.

5.  John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

This annual contest invites students to write about a political official’s act of political courage that occurred after Kennedy’s birth in 1917. The winner receives $10,000, and 16 runners-up also receive a variety of cash prizes.

Students may submit a 700- to 1,000-word essay through January 12. The essay must feature more than five sources and a full bibliography.

6. Bennington Young Writers Awards

Bennington College offers competitions in three categories: poetry (a group of three poems), fiction (a short story or one-act play), and nonfiction (a personal or academic essay). First-place winners receive $500. Grab a poster for your classroom here .

The contest runs from September 1 to November 1. The website links to a student registration form.

7. The Princeton Ten-Minute Play Contest

Looking for student writing contests for budding playwrights? This exclusive competition, which is open only to high school juniors, is judged by the theater faculty of Princeton University. Students submit short plays in an effort to win recognition and cash prizes of up to $500. ( Note: Only open to 11th graders. )

Students submit one 10-page play script online or by mail. The deadline is the end of March. Contest details will be published in early 2024.

8. Princeton University Poetry Contest for High School Students

The Leonard L. Milberg ’53 High School Poetry Prize recognizes outstanding work by student writers in 11th grade. Prizes range from $100 to $500.

Students in 11th grade can submit their poetry. Contest details will be published this fall.

9. The New York Times Tiny Memoir Contest

This contest is also a wonderful writing challenge, and the New York Times includes lots of resources and models for students to be able to do their best work. They’ve even made a classroom poster !

Submissions need to be made electronically by November 1.

10.  Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest

The deadline for this contest is the end of October. Sponsored by Hollins University, the Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest awards prizes for the best poems submitted by young women who are sophomores or juniors in high school or preparatory school. Prizes include cash and scholarships. Winners are chosen by students and faculty members in the creative writing program at Hollins.

Students may submit either one or two poems using the online form.

11.  The Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize for Young Writers

The Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize for Young Writers is open to high school sophomores and juniors, and the winner receives a full scholarship to a  Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop .

Submissions for the prize are accepted electronically from November 1 through November 30.

12. Jane Austen Society Essay Contest

High school students can win up to $1,000 and publication by entering an essay on a topic specified by the Jane Austen Society related to a Jane Austen novel.

Details for the 2024 contest will be announced in November. Essay length is from six to eight pages, not including works cited.

13. Rattle Young Poets Anthology

Open to students from 15 to 18 years old who are interested in publication and exposure over monetary awards.

Teachers may choose five students for whom to submit up to four poems each on their behalf. The deadline is November 15.

14. The Black River Chapbook Competition

This is a chance for new and emerging writers to gain publication in their own professionally published chapbook, as well as $500 and free copies of the book.

There is an $18 entry fee, and submissions are made online.

15. YouthPlays New Voices

For students under 18, the YouthPlays one-act competition is designed for young writers to create new works for the stage. Winners receive cash awards and publication.

Scroll all the way down their web page for information on the contest, which accepts non-musical plays between 10 and 40 minutes long, submitted electronically. Entries open each year in January.

16. The Ocean Awareness Contest

The 2024 Ocean Awareness Contest, Tell Your Climate Story , encourages students to write their own unique climate story. They are asking for creative expressions of students’ personal experiences, insights, or perceptions about climate change. Students are eligible for a wide range of monetary prizes up to $1,000.

Students from 11 to 18 years old may submit work in the categories of art, creative writing, poetry and spoken word, film, interactive media and multimedia, or music and dance, accompanied by a reflection. The deadline is June 13.

17. EngineerGirl Annual Essay Contest

Each year, EngineerGirl sponsors an essay contest with topics centered on the impact of engineering on the world, and students can win up to $500 in prize money. This contest is a nice bridge between ELA and STEM and great for teachers interested in incorporating an interdisciplinary project into their curriculum. The new contest asks for pieces describing the life cycle of an everyday object. Check out these tips for integrating the content into your classroom .

Students submit their work electronically by February 1. Check out the full list of rules and requirements here .

18. NCTE Student Writing Awards

The National Council of Teachers of English offers several student writing awards, including Achievement Awards in Writing (for 10th- and 11th-grade students), Promising Young Writers (for 8th-grade students), and an award to recognize Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines.

Deadlines range from October 28 to February 15. Check out NCTE.org for more details.

19. See Us, Support Us Art Contest

Children of incarcerated parents can submit artwork, poetry, photos, videos, and more. Submissions are free and the website has a great collection of past winners.

Students can submit their entries via social media or email by October 25.

20. The Adroit Prizes for Poetry & Prose

The Adroit Journal, an education-minded nonprofit publication, awards annual prizes for poetry and prose to exceptional high school and college students. Adroit charges an entry fee but also provides a form for financial assistance.

Sign up at the website for updates for the next round of submissions.

21. National PTA Reflections Awards

The National PTA offers a variety of awards, including one for literature, in their annual Reflections Contest. Students of all ages can submit entries on the specified topic to their local PTA Reflections program. From there, winners move to the local area, state, and national levels. National-level awards include an $800 prize and a trip to the National PTA Convention.

This program requires submitting to PTAs who participate in the program. Check your school’s PTA for their deadlines.

22. World Historian Student Essay Competition

The World Historian Student Essay Competition is an international contest open to students enrolled in grades K–12 in public, private, and parochial schools, as well as those in home-study programs. The $500 prize is based on an essay that addresses one of this year’s two prompts.

Students can submit entries via email or regular mail before May 1.

23. NSHSS Creative Writing Scholarship

The National Society of High School Scholars awards three $2,000 scholarships for both poetry and fiction. They accept poetry, short stories, and graphic novel writing.

Apply online by October 31.

Whether you let your students blog, start a podcast or video channel, or enter student writing contests, giving them an authentic audience for their work is always a powerful classroom choice.

If you like this list of student writing contests and want more articles like it, subscribe to our newsletters to find out when they’re posted!

Plus, check out our favorite anchor charts for teaching writing..

Are you looking for student writing contests to share in your classroom? This list will give students plenty of opportunities.

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Best Free Cloud Storage for 2024: What Cloud Storage Providers Offer the Most Free Storage?

Cloudwards.net may earn a small commission from some purchases made through our site. However, any earnings do not affect how we review services. Learn more about our editorial integrity and research process .

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When money's tight, getting your hands on some free cloud storage is a good feeling. The problem is that many plans offering free storage come at a price not expressed in money, either through data mining or other practices that can't stand the light of day. We vetted several providers and came up with these best free cloud storage services.

Aleksander Hougen

Last Updated: 12 Apr'24 2024-04-12T15:50:43+00:00

All our content is written fully by humans; we do not publish AI writing. Learn more here.

Key Takeaways: What Is the Best Free Cloud Storage:

  • pCloud — Best overall free cloud storage with 10GB free and file syncing
  • Sync.com — 5GB free online storage, best for security
  • Icedrive — 10GB free, best fast cloud storage
  • MEGA — Whopping 20GB, second largest free cloud storage provider
  • Google Drive — 15GB free cloud storage for photos
  • OneDrive — 5GB free cloud storage but with a 100GB file size limit
  • Koofr – 10GB of free space with great security and privacy
  • Dropbox — 2GB free online cloud storage with good syncing capabilities
  • iCloud Drive — 5GB free online storage for Apple users
  • MediaFire — 10GB free bare-bones file storage
  • Degoo — 20GB free cloud storage

If you’re having second thoughts on spending money on cloud storage services, you’ll be pleased to know that there are a lot of free cloud storage providers that will allow you to store your data online, share photos and videos, or listen to your favorite music. Here’s our list of some of the best free cloud storage plans on the market today.

We’ve got 11 providers here, from pCloud, which offers up to 10GB of free storage and lots of features, to Degoo, which offers a staggering 20GB but not much else, and everything in between, each with varying storage limits and features. We’ve tried to strike a balance between the two, as having lots of storage only goes so far if the service doesn’t offer much else.

If you’re not interested in the details and just want a quick rundown of which free cloud storage plans are available, we’ve included a table that you can consult at the bottom of this article.

Updated and expanded ranking with new providers and information.

Updated Sync.com’s plan and storage information.

Removed Amazon Drive as an option following Amazon’s announcement that the company was shutting Drive down in 2023.

Added new information regarding MEGA’s security architecture.

Updated the article to remove IDrive as an option, due to changes in the free storage allotment.

We added more information about our testing and evaluation practices, and updated the information about MediaFire.

Added new and up-to-date video round-up

Updated to reflect Icedrive’s changes in pricing plans and cloud storage offers.

Updated the amount of free storage Degoo offers.

Comparison of Free Cloud Storage Plans

Logo: Icedrive

How We Chose the Best Free Cloud Storage

To review a service, we first use it for around a week, putting it through the wringer and testing every feature it offers. We place the highest importance on security, but general usability features, like reliable syncing and good speeds play a major part in our decision-making process. We also run technical tests for speed, and CPU and RAM usage.

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The first — and most obvious — criterion for this list is that the cloud storage service in question has to offer a free plan, and the bigger the better. Beyond that, the standard criteria for cloud storage apply: features, speed, ease of use, security, privacy and customer support. 

One thing to note is that beyond our top six providers, your options become either very niche (as is the case with iCloud), mediocre (like Koofr or Dropbox) or downright bad, such as MediaFire and Degoo. Still, we’ve included them on the list just in case none of the higher ranked options seem like the right pick for you.

Best Free Cloud Storage Apps & Services in 2024

The 11 Best Free Cloud Storage Options

Without further ado, let’s jump into our list of the 12 best cloud storage providers that offer free plans, ranging from 2GB all the way up to 50GB. We’ll kick things off with our favorite, which is pCloud.

1. pCloud : Best Free Storage Cloud

pcloud drive backup page

More details about pCloud:

  • Free storage : 10GB
  • Provider website : pcloud.com
  • 10GB of free cloud storage
  • Built-in multimedia playback
  • Unlocks extra storage via referrals
  • Encryption requires a paid subscription
  • No productivity app support

Let’s start with our favorite free provider. As our earlier pCloud review shows, we’ve been big fans of this free cloud storage provider for a while because it’s an all-rounder, offering lots of free cloud storage with great security and premium playback options for your media content.

Some free cloud storage plans offer a lot of space, but on a temporary basis. pCloud’s 10GB offer is yours for good — no limits, no problems. You’ll need to do a few additional tasks to get the full 10GB, such as refer other users to pCloud; otherwise, you’ll be left with a fairly basic 2GB.

Best Free Cloud Storage for Music & Videos

Aside from storage, pCloud’s built-in HD media player for videos makes it a good place to store your favorite TV shows and home videos, earning it the “best free cloud storage for videos” title. It’s also one of the best free cloud storage options for music, thanks to an impressively designed media player that lets you build your own playlists from your saved music files.

free cloud storage solutions pcloud

The only features you’ll be missing on pCloud’s free cloud storage plan are password protection for files, expiry dates for publicly shared files and zero-knowledge encryption for your important documents. If this is a problem, you can upgrade to pCloud Premium with either or of storage, starting at per month. There’s also a pCloud Lifetime plan.

  • + FREE Encryption
  • Price per user (minimum 3)
  • Encryption for pCloud Drive

2. Sync.com : Best Free Private Online Storage

sync.com best online storage platform

More details about Sync.com:

  • Free storage : 5GB encrypted cloud storage
  • Provider website : sync.com
  • Strong privacy laws
  • No file size limit
  • Good security features
  • Only 5GB of free space
  • Certain file-sharing & versioning features not in the free plan

If pCloud doesn’t appeal to you, we recommend that you take Sync.com for a spin as our best pCloud alternative . You can check out our Sync.com review first for a more detailed look at the service.

Sync.com offers 5GB of free cloud storage . That’s enough to give it a go, but once you start using it, you may find it hard to resist the temptation of upgrading to 200GB or 2TB of storage. There’s also no file size limit, making it one of the best cloud storage options for large files .

If you’d prefer “free” to mean free, and you don’t mind a bit of hustle, you could take advantage of Sync.com’s generous referral system. Get real people to sign up to use Sync.com (they have to be real; Sync.com does check), and you’ll gain an extra 1GB free cloud storage per signup. Although 20GB is the cap, the company has been known to remove it if you email them.

Best Cloud Storage for Security & Privacy

Sync.com is the best zero-knowledge cloud storage provider out there, with AES 256-bit file encryption and two-factor authentication included as standard (it’s also our best encrypted cloud storage provider). 

Strong privacy laws from Canada (where Sync.com is based) help to make it one of the most secure cloud storage providers on our list too. It has premium features aplenty, with a month of file history, password protection for your files, remote file wiping and easily accessible account logs available for free. 

sync.com free accounts

If you’re wondering how Sync.com and pCloud fare against each other in our free cloud storage battle, our Sync.com vs pCloud comparison should help, but they’re both at the top of our best cloud storage for sharing and the cheapest cloud storage services .

  • Price per user
  • Unlimited GB
  • Minimum 100 users, custom requirements, account manager, training options

3. Icedrive : Fastest Free Online Storage

non us storage icedrive

More details about Icedrive:

  • Free storage : 10GB 
  • Provider website : icedrive.net
  • Great security & privacy
  • Reasonable prices
  • Easy to use
  • Lifetime plans
  • Lacking in features
  • Bandwidth cap on lifetime plans
  • Not zero-knowledge on free plan

While it’s new to the cloud storage scene, Icedrive is already an excellent provider that offers 10GB of free space for anyone who signs up. As we cover in our Icedrive review , it also offers top-notch security and privacy, a beautiful and easy-to-use interface and lifetime storage plans.

It’s also one of the fastest cloud storage services out there, and the best cloud storage for Linux and other operating systems.

The biggest downside to Icedrive is the relatively sparse feature set. Features like block-level syncing, collaboration tools and upload links for folders are all missing. Despite these omissions, it still makes for an excellent basic cloud storage option if what you’re looking for is a way to sync files between multiple devices and share them with other people.

Icedrive Security & Privacy

Where Icedrive really shines is with security and privacy. It offers strong encryption via the Twofish protocol and is also zero knowledge, meaning that no one can access your files but you. Unfortunately, only users on one of the paid plans get access to the zero-knowledge folder.

The company also offers a great degree of transparency in that you can download all the personal data it has on you, and it’s GDPR compliant to boot.

Mac cloud storage Icedrive CTA

Beyond the free 10GB of storage you get instantly upon signup, Icedrive also offers some very reasonably priced paid plans that you can upgrade to if you require more space. The three plans come with 100GB , 1TB and 3TB of storage — and Icedrive took the top spot in our list of the best 1TB cloud storage plans. 

  • Bandwidth limit: 50GB
  • Bandwidth limit: 250GB
  • Bandwidth limit: 2TB
  • Bandwidth limit: 8TB
  • Additional 128GB storage for users who purchased the Lifetime Plan
  • Additional 512GB storage for users who purchased the Lifetime Plan
  • Additional 2TB storage for users who purchased the Lifetime Plan

4. MEGA : Second Biggest Free Cloud Storage

mega computer client

More details about MEGA:

  • Free storage : 20GB
  • Provider website : mega.io
  • Strong emphasis on privacy
  • 20GB free storage (35GB for 1 year)
  • Speeds aren’t the best
  • Lacks collaboration features & third-party integrations

MEGA is another service that makes it onto our overall top-ranked cloud storage, and a large part of that is its very generous free plan. At 20GB of free storage , no strings attached, it provides more free space than any other quality service on this list (emphasis on quality ). You can further increase this generous allowance by completing what MEGA calls “achievements.”

These are mostly simple tasks such as installing the desktop and mobile apps as well as verifying your mobile phone number for two-factor authentication. Each of these will net you an additional 5GB of storage, valid for one year, for a total of 35GB. You can also invite friends for an additional 5GB per invite.

MEGA’s Focus on Security & Privacy

Like Sync.com, MEGA also provides zero-knowledge encryption for your files. We talked about MEGA’s ultimate focus on privacy in our MEGA review — something that originates from its founder, Kim Dotcom. His unfortunate notoriety helped to push MEGA into the public sphere, and although he’s long since left the company, his ethos remains in the company tagline: The Privacy Company.

Unfortunately, a 2022 cryptographic report revealed serious problems with the service’s encryption process. That said, it’s in MEGA’s interest to be a zero-knowledge company, as it’s what gives them the plausible deniability to avoid the fate of Megaupload, its infamous predecessor.

mega additional storage

There are also some innovative, stand-out features included with MEGA, even with its free account, from end-to-end encryption for secure chats to integrated file recovery and versioning. That said, it didn’t quite win our pCloud vs MEGA and Icedrive vs MEGA comparisons, which is why it occupies a lower spot on our list, despite its large amount of free storage space.

  • File transfer: 2TB (Monthly plan) 24TB (yearly plan)
  • File transfer: (monthly plan) 96TB (yearly plan)
  • File transfer: 16TB (monthly plan) 192TB (yearly plan)
  • Price per user (minimum 3) 3TB Transfer quota

5. Google Drive : Best Free Cloud Storage for File Sharing

share files online google drive

More details about Google Drive:

  • Free storage : 15GB
  • Provider website : google.com/drive
  • Integrates with Google services
  • Great for collaboration
  • 15GB free cloud storage
  • Extremely easy to use
  • Unclear privacy regulations
  • No private encryption
  • Terrible privacy track record

It would be madness if an article about the best free online cloud storage did not include Google Drive. As our Google Drive review shows, it’s one of the best free cloud services, thanks to its seamless integration with Google Docs. Plus, there’s a generous 15GB storage limit which makes it the best cloud storage for students and free users.

You don’t have to do anything if you already have a Google account, as the Google Drive storage is included as standard. This storage applies to Drive, Gmail and other Google products, such as Google Photos, one of the best free cloud storage for photos .  

This suite of apps is arguably Google Drive’s greatest strength, as it comes with tools and apps for almost any type of files, whether it’s documents and spreadsheets or photos and videos.

Free Storage at the Cost of Privacy

There are some privacy concerns (after all, it is Google), which may be off-putting and it’s why it falls behind MEGA in this article. Google has been known to scan your files without permission, and if they don’t like what they find, they’ll terminate your account. It’s something to keep in mind if privacy is your main focus, especially as Google Drive doesn’t include file encryption.

Although we’ve gotten used to free products coming at the cost of user privacy, Google is one of the most egregious offenders in this arena, with more scandals under its belt than we have the space to list.

google drive plans

Granted, you might not necessarily care about the privacy of the files you upload to your free cloud storage, in which case there’s probably no better option than Google Drive. However, free and private cloud storage exists, so if you’re at all concerned with your online privacy, consider one of the options above instead.

  • *The plan is "hidden." To find the 200GB plan, you need to be subscribed to one of the other plans, upgrade or downgrade to the 200GB through your account's settings.

6. Microsoft OneDrive : 5GB free cloud storage

Best offline storage OneDrive

More details about Microsoft OneDrive:

  • Free storage : 5GB
  • Provider website : onedrive.com
  • Integrates with Office 365 & Windows
  • Good collaboration tools
  • No zero-knowledge security
  • Limited features on free plan

We’ve covered Google Drive, and the cloud storage solution offered by Microsoft is pretty similar, integrating cloud storage with Microsoft’s ever-popular Office and Outlook services, as well as the Windows operating system itself. We’ve compared Google Drive vs OneDrive in a separate review, but take a look at our OneDrive review for a clearer picture of the service on its own.

Free users get 5GB of storage included with their plan, with a 250GB file size limit (read our guide to OneDrive’s file size limit ). You can use this storage with Microsoft’s mobile and desktop apps, or through its direct integration with Office apps. For instance, you can save Word documents and other Microsoft Office files straight to your OneDrive storage. 

This level of integration is why OneDrive’s business storage plan made it onto our best cloud storage for collaboration short list.

OneDrive, Windows & Microsoft 365

Not only does OneDrive integrate with Microsoft 365 directly, it’s also bundled with it, which makes it especially attractive if you need the document suite anyway. OneDrive also blends in perfectly with Windows, to the extent that there are probably plenty of users who don’t realize that it’s not just a regular folder on their computer.

Onedrive homepage 2021

If you prefer Office apps over the likes of Google Docs and value the built-in integration with Windows, then OneDrive is a great option for free cloud storage, despite only offering 5GB . However, just like with Google, Microsoft’s history with privacy is a little patchy, especially with its suspected involvement in the PRISM program.

  • For one person
  • Comes with Office 365 Personal
  • Comes with Office 365 Home

7. Koofr : 10GB Online Storage With GDPR Protection

koofr office

More details about Koofr:

  • Provider website : koofr.eu
  • Based in the EU
  • Paid plans are expensive
  • Somewhat light on features

Koofr is a small cloud storage company from Slovenia that recently upgraded its free storage plan. You now get 10GB of storage for free, but there’s no achievement or referral program to expand this further. Because of its location in the European Union, all of Koofr’s customers are protected by the GDPR, and the service scores well for both security and privacy.

The biggest problem with the service (apart from the price of its paid plans) is the fact that it lacks zero-knowledge encryption. Still, the same is true for many others on the list, and Koofr certainly seems more trustworthy, at least in terms of user privacy, than the likes of Google.

Third-Party Integrations

Not only does Koofr integrate with Microsoft Office, allowing you to create and edit documents directly in its app, it also lets you link other cloud storage accounts so that you can manage files stored with all of them from one place. 

This feature supports Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox, and the service can also import media directly from your Facebook account. This means that you can take advantage of the free plan of all four cloud storage services — totaling 32GB — and access it all from the same app.

koofr home screen

Although it’s not the most feature-heavy cloud storage service out there, and its paid plans are needlessly expensive, for a free storage solution Koofr is a pretty good option. If you’d like to learn more about this secure cloud storage service, make sure to check out our full Koofr review .

  • *Prices in Euro

8. Dropbox : The Grandfather of Cloud Storage

file sharing online dropbox

More details about Dropbox:

  • Free storage : 2GB; expandable to 16GB with referrals (500MB each)
  • Provider website : dropbox.com
  • Good syncing capabilities
  • Free storage of up to 16GB
  • Great speeds
  • Only 2GB of default storage
  • Previous data breaches
  • Not the best for privacy

Dropbox is the daddy of all cloud storage providers, and its syncing capabilities make it one of the best cloud storage with sync . It’s the cloud provider that made the whole idea of cloud storage seem possible back when it launched in 2007, and although it isn’t the best cloud drive available these days, it’s decent overall and worthy of a spot on this list.

It’s still a quick, easy-to-use online storage option for users, but even though you can get a free Dropbox account , you only get 2GB of free storage , which is less than almost every other provider on this list, and nowhere near MEGA’s allowance. 

You can expand your Dropbox free storage by 250MB by completing at least five steps in the tutorial (things like installing the desktop and mobile apps, uploading files, taking the tour, etc.) and a further 16GB by referring friends at 500MB per invite.

Another big problem with Dropbox is the lack of features on the free plan. You can see the full list in the table at the end of the article, but features like the vault, smart sync, Dropbox Transfer, e-signatures, unlimited devices and offline access are all either completely missing or severely limited. You can find out more about these features in our Dropbox review .

Dropbox Sync Features

It’s not surprising that the granddaddy of sync-based cloud storage has some of the most advanced syncing features on the market. 

This includes a highly efficient block-level sync, which enables high transfer speeds, making Dropbox one of the fastest services we’ve tested. There’s also selective sync, which gives you more control over which files you sync and whether or not you need both a local and a cloud copy.

dropbox free cloud storage services

At the end of the day, Dropbox is a competent cloud storage solution, but its limited free plan means that there are a lot of better options if free storage is your main criterion. This is especially true as several of Dropbox’s headlining features like selective and block-level sync lose a lot of their utility when you’re limited to just 2GB of storage.

  • (Formerly Dropbox One) 1 user Signature requests and eSignature templates
  • 3 users minimum

9. Apple iCloud : Free Space for Mac and iOS

icloud backup features

More details about Apple iCloud:

  • Provider website : icloud.com
  • Seamless integration with Apple devices & apps
  • Difficult to use on non-Apple devices
  • Few native features

In a similar vein as both Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive, Apple’s iCloud is a service that combines with other products to become more than the sum of its parts. It offers 5GB of free storage, and if you’re an Apple user, it is probably easier to set up and use than any other service on this list. However, for anyone who isn’t invested in the Apple ecosystem, the service isn’t really worth considering.

That said, iCloud is reasonably priced if you want to upgrade to more storage, and it’s probably a slightly more private option than other major cloud storage services like Google Drive or OneDrive.

Integration With Apple Devices & Apps

On its own, iCloud is unimpressive. It lacks most of the advanced or unique features offered by providers like Sync.com, nor does it focus on security and privacy like MEGA or Icedrive does. Instead, iCloud relies on its integration into the wider Apple ecosystem. This includes not only hardware like iOS devices and Macs, but also software such as Apple Pay, Safari and others. 

This is a bit of a double-edged sword, as this reliance on the wider ecosystem leaves those with other devices out in the cold, despite creating an exceptionally streamlined user experience.

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It’s hard to recommend iCloud to anyone but the most dedicated Apple user, and even then the service provides no alternative for collaboration, as it doesn’t integrate with Google Docs or Microsoft Office. Still, 5GB of free cloud storage is very useful if you have an iPhone or iPad, so check out our full iCloud Drive review to learn more if that describes you.

10. MediaFire : Bare-Bones Free Space

web interface mediafire

More details about MediaFire:

  • Provider website : mediafire.com
  • Good free storage
  • Limited information on security & privacy
  • No desktop apps
  • Limited features

With our last two providers, we start scraping the bottom of the barrel for free cloud storage. Just because something is free doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s great, or even good. We described MediaFire as “bare-bones” in our earlier MediaFire review , and that’s still the case with this service, which sits near the bottom of our list.

Let’s start with the good, because we’re talking about file storage that costs you nothing, and that’s exactly what MediaFire offers. Free users receive 10GB of space for free, although you can increase the free 10GB up to 49GB with sign-up referrals, and gain 200MB each for installing the mobile app, connecting your Twitter account and tweeting about it.

MediaFire Free Plan Limits

Only the paid customers get all the goodies, unfortunately. On the free plan, MediaFire users can’t share files publicly, password-protect their files, access a security log or use MediaFire’s mobile apps for iOS or Android. 

You can drag and drop your files into the web app, but there isn’t a desktop app available. There are also ads built into the client, which is unusual for cloud storage, even when it’s free.

The most troubling part is that we simply don’t know whether MediaFire encrypts your data at all. It makes none of this information public, and the company’s customer support appears to be fictional.

mediafire cta

The only good thing there is to say about MediaFire’s free plan is that it’s free. When you combine the fact that it has almost no features, ads built into the free client and possibly no encryption whatsoever, it’s a difficult service to recommend.

11. Degoo : 20GB Free Cloud Storage

degoo review web app

More details about Degoo:

  • Provider website : degoo.com
  • 20GB of free storage
  • Mobile device support
  • Expensive paid plans

We’re always wary of providers that claim to offer outrageous amounts of storage, like 1TB free cloud storage. For our final entry, we’ve lowered our standards for acceptable free storage solutions, but that doesn’t mean we’re giving Degoo a free pass. Its 20GB of free storage is the only thing worth mentioning about this provider.

Degoo calls itself a cloud backup service. That means it doesn’t come with the day-to-day tools to improve productivity that Sync.com or Google Drive offer. File syncing isn’t included, and you can’t really share your files with others. The desktop program isn’t something we recommended in our earlier Degoo review , but the mobile apps aren’t bad, with support for Android and iOS.

Degoo Storage & Pricing

Although 20GB sounds incredibly generous on the surface, it’s actually not that much, given that there are backup providers that offer unlimited storage for less than $7 per month. That said, its paid versions are pretty cheap, though we have no idea why you’d want to give Degoo any money.

If we still haven’t discouraged you from checking out Degoo, head over to our full Degoo review for some more details.

  • *Prices are in GBP

Free Cloud Storage Plan Comparison

To make things easier, we’ve compiled a table of all the free plans mentioned above. We also clarify their storage quotas, whether or not (and how) you can expand them, and what (if any) limitations they have compared to their paid counterparts.

Final Thoughts: Free Cloud Storage

You’ve reached the end, so that means you’ve probably made a decision on which free cloud storage service you want to try. The good thing about the price — got to love those zeros — is that, even if you don’t like pCloud (our top recommendation), you can quickly switch to one of the other products, such as Sync.com .

However, that doesn’t mean you can ignore some of the other plans on our list. Google Drive (we also have a comparison on pCloud vs Google Drive ), OneDrive and iCloud are always going to get a mention, thanks to the ease with which they integrate with their respective ecosystems. You also can’t go wrong with the biggest free cloud storage that MEGA provides or the drag-and-drop simplicity that Dropbox offers.

Although there’s always a limit to what these companies can offer for free, if you don’t want to ever worry about storage and have some budget to spare, you can check out our article on the best unlimited cloud storage providers .

If you’ve used any of the products we’ve listed, or if you disagree with any of our comments, let us know about your experiences in the comments below. In your opinion, what is the best cloud storage for free? Are we missing an option on our list? As always, thanks for reading.

FAQ: Free Online Storage Services

pCloud is the best free cloud storage , closely followed by Sync.com and Icedrive . MEGA provides the most storage for free, whereas Google Drive is the best free cloud storage if you don’t care about privacy.

No, there is no such thing as free unlimited cloud storage, and you regard any such offer with a great deal of suspicion.

MEGA offers the biggest free cloud storage plan you can trust, with 20GB right out of the gate, which you can then expand to 35GB for a year.

Mega is best according to me. 20GB free storage with End to End Encryption.

We never trust any type of Chinese products

hello there.

I Love this content

Contrary to what has been said in some comments, Hubic is closing down this year for private users and now only serves businesses. Too bad ! It seems you missed a newcomer in Europe, Internxt, a Spanish company which claims to be highly secure and offers a free plan with 10 Gb. Otherwise, I agree with you on sync and pcloud being real good.

We actually have a review for internxt: https://www.cloudwards.net/review/internxt/

How is pcloud in the first place? they gave me 2gb storage and and additional 1gb after verifying my account. the rest is locked and no idea how to unlock it

At the top they say is for 2023, but is not even updated, degoo only offers 20 GB on its free plan. Plus other changes on its conditions.

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The 6 Best Free Ringtone Apps and Websites for iPhone

Don't waste time browsing the web for ringtones when you have these options.

Quick Links

  • Ringtones for iPhone: Music
  • Melofania.club

Tired of hearing the monotonous Marimba ringtone every time you get a phone call? Fortunately, there are several apps and websites where you can find a variety of new ringtones for your iPhone without needing to purchase them.

1 Ringtones for iPhone: Music

If you're looking for an app that only features free ringtones, the Ringtones for iPhone: Music app, developed by Jerome Melis, is your best bet! While the app being completely free to use is certainly impressive, it features more than eight hundred popular ringtones and has an incredibly easy-to-use interface.

Upon launching the app, you'll see ringtones classified as Most Popular . When you dig deeper, you'll find ringtones divided into various categories like Funny Ringtones, Summer Selection, Christmas, Old phone ringtones, and much more. Unfortunately, to access these ringtones, you need to watch an ad or rate the app on the App Store, but it's certainly better than paying money!

Once you find a ringtone you like, the app allows you to install it using GarageBand or iTunes (for which you'll need a computer). If you find a ringtone that you like that you'd like to save to view later, simply tap the Heart icon next to it to save it to your favorites.

Download: Ringtones for iPhone: Music (Free)

With over ten thousand licensed ringtones to choose from, the Tuunes app, developed by WhitePoint GmbH, is a worthwhile option. The app sorts available ringtones into various categories, like Latest Chart Remixes, Around The World, and TikTok Classics.

You can also view ringtones and alarms sorted into genres by tapping the Genre button below the search bar. You'll now see different genres, like Alternative, Blues, Children's Music, Comedy, and more. Similarly, if you'd like to view free ringtones, tap the Free button below the search bar.

Tuunes allows you to create ringtones without needing iTunes or your computer. Once you download a ringtone, all you need to do now is follow the on-screen instructions to set it as your iPhone's ringtone using GarageBand . If you'd like to recognize who's calling simply by hearing the ringtone, the app also lets you assign unique ringtones to each of your contacts.

While Tuunes has a decent collection of ringtones that you may download for free, you'll unfortunately need to collect coins to purchase the more popular ones. When you download the app initially, you're granted 75 coins. You can win 15 coins daily by watching an ad and win 30 coins by playing a quiz. If you'd like more, you'll unfortunately need to pay.

Download: Tuunes (Free, subscription available)

3 Ringtones

While Tuunes has an easy-to-use interface, the amount of free ringtones available is unfortunately limited. The Ringtones app is a great alternative if you're looking for a wider selection of ringtones for free. Ringtones are categorized into various sections, like Christmas, ASMR, Alerts, Animals, Asian, and more.

The Ringtones app also shows the most popular ringtones in a separate section called Hottest Ringtones . The app also allows you to make and set a custom ringtone on your iPhone for free. You can do so by tapping the Editor tab at the bottom of the screen.

If you want to set an audio recording as your ringtone, simply tap Recorder . Otherwise, you can use the Ringtone Maker to import an audio file from iCloud, your device's gallery, or the app's list of ringtones. Once you import audio, you can tweak its pitch and tempo, use the app's built-in equalizer to edit the audio, trim it, and more.

Once you're satisfied, you can simply export it to GarageBand and set it as your ringtone. Like Ringtone Maker, you can also assign separate ringtones to individual contacts.

Download: Ringtones (Free, subscription available)

4 Zedge.net

You've probably heard of Zedge if you've searched the web for good ringtones. From Bollywood to Hip-Hop ringtones, finding a ringtone that you vibe with using the Zedge app is no difficult task.

While the app has a wide collection of free ringtones available for download, you may need to watch an ad to unlock some of them. Similarly, you may need to purchase Zedge Credits to download exclusive ringtones.

You can use the app to set any sound you like as your notification tone or a ringtone. Once you find a tone you like, you just need to tap the Download icon and choose Set on Device . You can then use GarageBand to set the tone as your ringtone.

If you don't want to use the app, you can use Zedge's web app in any browser. Similar to the app, you can download any tone you like by simply hitting the Download button. However, you'll need to transfer the ringtone to your iPhone if you're accessing the site on a computer.

Download: Zedge (Free, subscription available)

5 Melofania.club

MeloFania is another website with a great selection of trending songs you can use as ringtones for your iPhone. However, what makes the website stand out is that it lets you extract audio from YouTube besides uploading a song of your choice.

Unlike the sites and apps listed above, the ringtones on MeloFania aren't sorted by categories. So, you'll have to rely on the search bar and dig around to find a ringtone you like. If you want to download a ringtone from a certain artist, there's also an option to browse artists by alphabet.

If you decide to create your own ringtone by uploading a tune or extracting one from a YouTube video, the platform allows you to clip the desired part, adjust the volume, and add fade-in or fade-out effects. Once you're satisfied, you can download the ringtone as an M4R file.

6 Audiko.com

While Zedge and Melofania both have a great collection of ringtones, I noticed that neither website is updated as frequently as I'd like. As a result, I couldn't find trending songs to set as my ringtone. If you're someone who likes to have viral songs as your ringtone, Audiko will undeniably be your best friend. Like most other sites, Audiko categorizes its tunes into sections like Country, Pop, K Pop, Jazz, and more.

If you want a song by a particular artist, type the artist's name in the search bar. To find trending songs, click the three horizontal lines and select Collections from the dropdown menu. Here, you'll not only find trending songs but also various alterations of them to set as your ringtone. For instance, you may find the TikTok version of the original song, the sped-up version, etc.

While Audiko has an app on the Google Play Store, iPhone users need to rely on the website in Safari or any other popular iOS browser they prefer. Once you find your desired ringtone, you can download it to your computer as a M4R file and export it to your iPhone.

Whether you're looking for a fun tune to set as a ringtone to make sure you never miss a call or are looking for more subtle ringtone options than what Apple offers, I'm sure you'll be able to find your next ringtone easily using the apps and sites above!


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