Exam pass rates

Certificate in Business Accounting, CIMA’s CGMA® Professional Qualification Objective Test and Case Study Exam pass rates

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CIMA Pass Rates - The Most Recent Numbers

In this guide, we’ll explore the most recently released public data on CIMA exam pass rates.

cima strategic case study pass rates

Becoming a CIMA-qualified accountant can seem like a long journey. 

You’ll have to undergo a series of exams that cover several topics and test your skills – from writing business recommendations to interpreting data and calculations. 

The entire process can be exhausting, yet, the rewards are well worth it.

‍ A CIMA qualification can open many doors for you . It will help you gain competitive skills to get the job of your dreams and boost your earning potential.

So, in this guide, we’ll explore the most recently released data on CIMA pass rates .

We hope this will inspire you, whether you are about to take your first CIMA exam or are deep into your CIMA studies and want a glimpse of the topic you’ll be tested on.

CIMA Qualification at a Glance

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants​​ is the world’s leading and largest professional body of management accountants.

By studying the CIMA qualification and becoming a member, you can use the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation. 

‍ To earn a CIMA qualification, you must pass a series of tests comprising four levels: certificate, operational, management, and strategic. These degrees are part of the Professional Qualification program. Beginning with the CIMA Certificate to the Strategic level, there are a total of 16 CIMA exams.

However, it’s not as simple as beginning with “CIMA exam 1” and ending it with “CIMA exam 16.” They appear in these levels:

The Four Levels of CIMA Exams

cima strategic case study pass rates

Certificate Level

Also referred to as the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting, the Certificate Level exam covers the basics of business and accounting. It is meant to act as a foundation for your CIMA qualifications.

Exams in this level cover:

  • BA1 (Fundamentals of Business Economics) 
  • BA2 (Fundamentals of Management Accounting)
  • BA3 (Fundamentals of Financial Accounting)
  • BA4 (Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law)

All CIMA Certificate exams are two hours long. You may encounter multiple choice questions, number entries, multiple responses, drag-and-drop types of answering, or hotspot (marking the correct spot). ‍

Operational Level

This is a Professional Level in your CIMA studies. It focuses on daily operations and short-term strategy, with a particular emphasis on working as a member of a larger team and on technology.

Exams at the Operational level covers: 

  • CIMA E1 (Organizational Management)
  • CIMA P1 (Management Accounting)
  • CIMA F1 (Financial Reporting and Taxation)
  • Operational Case Study ‍

Management Level

This part of your study turns the monitoring, analysis, and implementation of decisions. Most especially on how you can make medium-term decisions from long-term ones. At this level, the exams you’ll take are

  • CIMA E2 (Project and Relationship Management)
  • CIMA P2 (Advanced Management Accounting)
  • CIMA F2 (Advanced Financial Reporting)
  • Management Case Study ‍

Passing the "CIMA Gateway" exam is viewed as equal to passing the Operational and Management levels

For those with a Master’s in Accounting degree or an MBA, they can choose to take the CIMA Gateway exam instead. Essentially, this is the same exam as the Management Case Study . If passed, they’ll be seen as equivalent to passing both Operational and Management levels and go straight to the Strategic Level of their CIMA studies.

But make no mistake, this exam is not easy and has the lowest pass rate (only an average of 18% vs 61% on other exams) among all exams. Remember that having a Master’s Degree doesn’t necessarily mean you are familiar with the CIMA Gateway exam structure. You will need to ensure you are familiar with all the theory covered in the previous "Objective Test" exams (i.e. E1 through to F2). Plugging any gaps in your knowledge here will be key.

Don’t worry, though, as it can be achieved with careful preparation and the guidance of a great tuition provider (like VIVA!). ‍

Strategic Level

As you reach this level, you’re almost done with your CIMA study, and you already have extensive accounting knowledge. The Strategic level is where you’ll learn about supporting leaders in a company or group and about long-term strategic decision-making.

Exams at the Strategic level cover:

  • CIMA E3 (Strategic Management)
  • CIMA P3 (Risk Management)
  • CIMA F3 (Financial Strategy)
  • Strategic Case Study

Be sure to check out our guides on How To Pass CIMA Exams and 6 Tips to Pass CIMA Fast . 

CIMA Exam Pass Rates

cima strategic case study pass rates

CIMA Case Study Exams

cima strategic case study pass rates

In every one of the three levels of exams (Operational, Management, and Strategic), there are another three exams from each of the learning pillars. These include the Enterprise Pillar (E) exams, Performance Pillar (P) exams, and the Financial Pillar (F) exams. These are known collectively as the "Objective Test" exams.

Objective Test Exams

cima strategic case study pass rates

In any OT exam, you are provided with 60 questions and 90 minutes to finish answering them. It means it only takes about 90 seconds per question. 

Some questions require less reading and consideration, while others require more focus to balance the test. The questions are presented differently for each exam as they use randomisation. 

Key Ways To Succeed in Your CIMA Exams (First Time!)

Passing your CIMA exams doesn’t have to be a hard nut to crack. Here are some tips to succeed.

1. Have a plan

Having a robust plan is vital to exam success. Before you even begin studying, sit down and make a feasible plan that fits into your life, ensuring you cover the whole syllabus.

It’s also important to know the type of learner you are. Some people are better at retaining information by reading, others by listening. Some enjoy practical exercises. You can then choose the format that works best for you, whether it’s notes, podcasts, video or a combination.

2. Start early

Don’t wait for the pre-seen material to be released to start studying. Begin early so you’ll have enough time for practice and revision.

‍ The sooner you start, the more you’ll learn and the more confident you’ll become on exam day.

3. Take mock exams

Mock exams simulate the actual exam conditions and provide an opportunity to test your knowledge, identify knowledge gaps, and assess your exam readiness. By taking mock exams, you can practice time management, learn how to approach different types of questions, and improve your exam technique.

Additionally, mock exams can help you develop a deeper understanding of the course content and boost your confidence in tackling the exam. 

4. Find practical ways to manage your stress

At some point, you may feel stressed studying for your CIMA exams. Others have been there too!

So, take a moment to pause and breathe when things get too much. Be kind to yourself. Allow time to rest. If you want, you can give yourself mini rewards once in a while once you achieve your study goals. 

‍ Combing all these tips, you should be exam ready. Be confident of the amount of preparation and work you’ve put in. 

Improve Your Chances of Passing CIMA Exams Today

cima strategic case study pass rates

Pass rates change with each sitting. So, don’t focus too much on one result. Although these pass rates are useful, they don’t necessarily mean that one exam is always going to be harder than another. 

Make the most of these numbers by factoring them into how much study time you feel you may need to devote to each subject. But don’t get too distracted from the immediate task at hand – namely, consistent and effective studying and practice.

And please, don’t forget to look after your well-being! Be in your healthiest mindset always makes it easier to achieve your goals.

VIVA is the only tuition provider you need to pass your CIMA exams first time.  In 2020, CIMA honoured VIVA with the prestigious CIMA Global Pass Rate Excellence Award due to its outstanding pass rates compared to the average.

‍ But don’t just take our, or CIMA's, word for it! Check out these independent testimonials from our delighted CIMA students.

Accelerate your CIMA journey now. Click here .

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CIMA Strategic Case Study

Theory revision series

In our post-exam surveys after almost every strategic case study exam, students tell us they wish they’d spent MORE time revising the theory from their E3, F3 and P3 exams.

For many students, it’s been months (if not years) between them passing their objective test exams and attempting the case study – a lot of time for their knowledge to slip!

And yet, to revise all three subjects in full is nigh on impossible when you also have to understand the pre-seen and master your case study technique too.

Our aim is to save you time and make your life easier!  We have examined the last 8 years of case studies to work out what theory tends to come up regularly and what rarely comes up at all, and summarised all the key examinable topics in a clear and simple way in our revision texts and videos.

Our SCS theory revision series: + Covers all the most important theory that you need to know for the case study exams + Converts the key content from over 1,100 pages of syllabus study texts into just 552 pages + Condenses the theory into manageable chunks, with around 33 hours of video to watch + Gives you the platform to successfully apply the syllabus theory to the pre-seen company and the un-seen exam scenarios

Find out exactly what’s covered and take a look at our samples from the theory revision series below.

“I couldn’t recommend Astranti enough. I used them throughout my case study preparations and found their materials prepared me so well for the exams, meaning I was confident in all aspects from exam technique to theory to case study analysis.”

CIMA Case Study Student , January 2024

“I have completed CIMA’s MCS and SCS with Astranti and have passed them both at first attempt. Great Customer Service, Course Structure is Excellent. Mocks and Theory Revision Kits are the best feature of the course.”

CIMA Qualified , April 2022

Learn what it takes to pass

Focus on the key topics you’re most likely to be tested on

Refresh your syllabus knowledge with help from our tutors

Clear and simple examples bring each topic to life

Reduce revision time

Avoid rereading the full E3, F3 and P3 study texts

Save yourself time and focus on the most important topics

Revise from one place, using our study texts or videos

Switch up your learning

Watch the videos, download the audio or print the study texts

Cement your knowledge in the way that suits you

Content is split into manageable chunks to make things easier

Take a look for yourself…

Part 1 – Key theory from CIMA E3

Part 1 - What's covered?

  • Chapter 1: Mission and Objectives
  • Chapter 2: External Analysis
  • Chapter 3: Scenario Analysis
  • Chapter 4: Internal Analysis
  • Chapter 5: Product and Corporate Appraisal
  • Chapter 6: Developing Strategic Options
  • Chapter 7: Strategy Evaluation
  • Chapter 8: Supply Chain Management
  • Chapter 9: Digital Technologies

Total video running time: 10 hours

Part 2 – Key theory from CIMA F3

Part 2 - What's covered?

  • Chapter 1: Finance Strategy
  • Chapter 2 : Dividend Policy
  • Chapter 3: Equity Finance
  • Chapter 4 : Debt Finance
  • Chapter 5: Financial Risk
  • Chapter 6: Currency Risk
  • Chapter 7: Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Chapter 8: Business Valuation I
  • Chapter 9: Business Valuation II

Total video running time: 13 hours

Part 3 – Key theory from CIMA P3

Part 3 - What's covered?

  • Chapter 1: Risk
  • Chapter 2: Further Risk Management
  • Chapter 3: Governance and Reporting
  • Chapter 4: Internal Controls
  • Chapter 5: Management Control Systems
  • Chapter 6: The Role of Internal Audit
  • Chapter 7: Cyber Threats
  • Chapter 8: Cybersecurity Objectives
  • Chapter 9: Cybersecurity Processes

What our students have to say…

Please see our  testimonials page  for our latest student reviews. Here are a couple of examples:

“I passed my SCS exam in November 2023. As I came through the CFO pathway, I knew I needed to fill knowledge gaps before tackling the CIMA Strategic Case Study.

Astranti’s Strategic level theory summaries proved invaluable for this. This streamlined approach saved me precious time and helped me confidently navigate the pre-seen material.”

CIMA Qualified , November 2023

“I have purchased the theory revision series for Management Case Study and now Strategic. Very informative and provides useful scenarios you can expect to see in the exams as well as gaining an understanding of how to build application marks in case studies.

I passed MCS first time with the help of this, so I’ve purchased in again for SCS. Fingers crossed! Would highly recommend this revision series. Thank you!”

Passed CIMA MCS , October 2021

Purchase the theory revision series

The Theory Revision Series is also part of our SCS Premium Course. Head to the course page to find out more.

SCS Theory Revision Series £165

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CIMA has finally released the pass rates for the February case study sitting – and they are a bit of a mixed bag.

Students sitting the first Operational Case Study exam for 2023 achieved a 68% pass rate. That is higher than any pass rate in 2022, and two percentage points higher than last November. The Management Case Study February pass rate was also up on November 2022 – from 71% to 72%.

The worry is the Strategic Case Study pass rate, which has dipped to just 56%. The final case study pass rates seem to jump around a lot more than the other case study pass rates, too. In February 2022 the pass rate for the SCS was a very respectable 72% – some 16 percentage points higher than this February.

cima strategic case study pass rates


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The latest and historical pass rates for OT and CS exams


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    Exam pass rates. Certificate in Business Accounting, CIMA's CGMA® Professional Qualification Objective Test. and Case Study Exam pass rates. Our guarantee. Every purchase you make from the AICPA & CIMA is safe and secure. We also guarantee 100% customer satisfaction on most of our products. If you're not satisfied with your purchase ...

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    At Strategic Case Study (SCS), however, you are one step higher to reflect the level of your studies. So you need to think strategically, as an advisor to the board. This article has been developed to set you up for CIMA's CGMA Strategic case study exam, so you can be in the best possible position to pass. The CGMA Study Hub keeps you on track ...

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    This award is presented to tuition providers who exceed average pass rates over three case study windows and across all three levels of the CIMA Professional Qualification. It's an honour to have won this award in both 2022 and 2023, so a massive thank you and congratulations go out to all the students who made it possible!

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  13. Astranti: CIMA Strategic Case Study Theory Revision Series

    For the second year running, Astranti has been presented with a Global Pass Rate Excellence Award in the AICPA & CIMA Registered Tuition Provider Excellence Awards!. This award is presented to tuition providers who exceed average pass rates over three case study windows and across all three levels of the CIMA Professional Qualification.. It's an honour to have won this award in both 2022 and ...

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    Students sitting the first Operational Case Study exam for 2023 achieved a 68% pass rate. That is higher than any pass rate in 2022, and two percentage points higher than last November. The Management Case Study February pass rate was also up on the November 2022 - from 71% to 72%. The worry will be with the Strategic Case Study pass rate ...

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  20. Your CIMA case study pass rates

    The Management Case Study February pass rate was also up on November 2022 - from 71% to 72%. The worry is the Strategic Case Study pass rate, which has dipped to just 56%. The final case study pass rates seem to jump around a lot more than the other case study pass rates, too. In February 2022 the pass rate for the SCS was a very respectable ...

  21. Pass rates

    Pass rates. The latest and historical pass rates for OT and CS exams. Open. Published 1/1/18. The CGMA Study Hub keeps you on track to achieve your personal study goals.