Classification Essay Guide

Classification Essay Topics

Last updated on: Dec 30, 2023

Classification Essay Topics List to Help You Get Started

By: Cordon J.

Reviewed By: Melisa C.

Published on: Mar 8, 2022

Classification Essay Topics

Are you looking for classification essay topics? Well, first, many of you would be wondering what is a classification essay?

A  classification essay  is obvious from its names. It classifies and categorizes the characters, ideas, and objects according to their distinct features. It is also the most common form of an essay which is a basic requirement of academia.

To write a great essay, all you need is a compelling essay topic and an organized classification essay outline.

But the most important factor is to choose an intriguing essay topic. For students, we have brought ease through this blog.

We have created a list of all the trending classification essay topics to end your topic hunting hassle.

Without a further delay, let us have a look at the list of those topics.

Classification Essay Topics

On this Page

Good Classification Essay Topics for Students

Writers always wanted to write essays that are easy for the audience to understand. Also, the audience does not lose interest while reading such an essay.  has listed the most interesting classification essay topics for all the struggling students who want to impress their instructors.

Explore the following categories of classification essay topics to craft an impressive essay.

Classification Essay Topics for Middle School Students

  • Showing systems and procedures in Middle school
  • Top 5 best places for excursion
  • Individuals, you can call your companions
  • Various kinds of individuals and their reaction to mockery
  • Enrichments for the lounge for Christmas
  • Instructions to stop smoking
  • Diverse ideological groups in your country
  • Kinds of men you should date.
  • Most well-known callings
  • The most effective method to persuade various individuals

Classification Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Classification of religions
  • For what reason in all actuality do individuals get hitched
  • Arrangement of various moving styles
  • Ways of going through ends of the week with family
  • Order of various shopping practices
  • Most famous generalizations
  • Kinds of flatmates
  • Best TV shows for secondary school understudies
  • The web-based shopping conduct of individuals
  • Best commendations to provide for a lady

Classification Essay Topics for College Students

  • Arrangement of various school majors
  • Different kind of Ethnicities
  • Sorts of specialists
  • Components of food
  • Various sorts of perusers
  • Various classes of music
  • Various connections in human's existence
  • Practicing and Bodybuilding
  • Various behavioral condition
  • Incredible educators versus terrible instructors

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Sports Classification Essay Topics

  • Soccer and futsal
  • Well known high school computer games
  • Sorts of game fans
  • Well known games
  • Showing procedures of various mentors
  • Individuals' mentality towards sports
  • Most loved athlete
  • Athletes mentality towards triumph and rout
  • Various types of outrageous games
  • Inspiration procedures utilized on athletes

Social Classification Essay Topics

  • Social media a curse or blessing?
  • Kinds of gatherings
  • Different populous states
  • Grouping of interpersonal organizations and their clients
  • Ways of further developing connections
  • American culture
  • Person to person communication locales
  • Practices of web clients
  • Various sites
  • Sorts of relationships

Classification Essay Topics on Education

  • Training assets given on the web
  • Components of customary learning
  • Highlights of the best establishment
  • How a degree helps in various circles of life
  • Present-day types of schooling
  • Composed tasks in various degrees of schools
  • Kinds of school grounds
  • Strategies used to assemble character at schools
  • Types of extracurricular exercises
  • Instructing methods

Funny Classification Essay Topics

  • Approaches to a lady's heart
  • Myths about Santa Claus
  • Step by step instructions to make your folks love you
  • Ways of irritating individuals
  • Step by step instructions to keep away from individuals
  • Characterization of the sorts of sleepers
  • Various kinds of giggling
  • Halloween cosmetics thoughts
  • Step by step instructions to try not to apologize to individuals
  • Fantasies about the tooth pixie

Classification Essay Topics on Science and Technology

  • Order of various hypotheses on how human existence arose?
  • Distinctive climatic zones of the earth
  • Order of species
  • Sorts of ocean rocks
  • Sorts of birds
  • Sorts of PCs
  • Order of versatile applications
  • Sorts of shrewd gadgets of everyday use
  • Various sorts of web search tools
  • Mechanical advancement in various fields

Classification Essay Topics About Health

  • Ways of shedding pounds
  • Ways of putting on weight
  • Order of ways of stopping drinking
  • Sorts of nutrients
  • Sorts of medicines for dandruff
  • Order of various kinds of hypersensitivities
  • Order of food varieties that causes corpulence
  • Order of elements that prompts heart infections
  • Sorts of foods grown from the ground benefits
  • Kinds of skin inflammation

Classification Essay Topics About Arts

  • Grouping of various sorts of sonnets
  • Kinds of books and books
  • Kinds of unique craftsmanship
  • Various types of music
  • The inclination of music of various societies
  • Craftsmanship in various societies
  • Sorts of specialists and their functioning procedures
  • Kinds of topic parties
  • Characterization of road workmanship
  • For what reason is spray painting workmanship?

Easy Classification Essay Topics

  • Procedures to set aside cash
  • Sorts of venders
  • Administration abilities
  • Strategies to remain solid
  • Advantages of a decent eating regimen
  • Ways of treating sadness
  • Types of political frameworks
  • Sorts of companions in a class
  • Jobs of ladies in various social orders
  • Sorts of work environment bullying

This is the exhaustive list of all the trending classification essay topics. You can choose any topic for your essay to start writing your masterpiece. Let us quickly go through the instructions about how to choose a topic for a classification essay.

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How to Choose a Classification Essay Topic?

Writing an essay is a difficult task, as stated by many students. But the real struggle is to find the right essay topic. If the topic is assigned by your instructor, then it has saved a lot of your time. In this case, the next step is just researching and gathering data about the selected topic and crafting a thesis statement.

However, if you are not provided with the topic. The first thing after getting an assignment is to search for a good topic. It is advised to select a topic idea of your interest.

But with this blog, we have put an end to your topic hunting hassle. But still, if you want to choose a classification essay idea by yourself; here are the steps:

1. Brainstorm Ideas

To come up with the easiest topic you must brainstorm ideas. No matter which type of essay you are about to write, choosing the correct topic is essential. Choose a topic that you are passionate about. In this way, you will never get bored with writing it.

2. Select the Best Suited Idea

While searching for classification and division essay topics you must select more than one topic. Conduct initial research on all these topics. And then select the topic which is easy to explain and has more details in it.

3. Cover a Broad End Topic

To write a classification essay, your essay must be broadened. So that you can cover its aspects, issues, solutions, and many things. This will help only be possible if you select a broad end and interesting topic.

4. Know your Target Audience

Knowledge about the audience is mandatory. You must study all the groups based on your audience. To write a compelling essay, don’t forget to study the audience you are writing for. Make sure to write on a topic that is best suited to your academic level and audience.

Essay writing is not a nightmare. Get yourself out of it! Try writing it once, and you’ll surely end up writing a good enough essay after these instructions. If not, getting assistance from our ‘ write my essay ’ service can be considered.

Cordon J.

Speech, Law

Cordon. is a published author and writing specialist. He has worked in the publishing industry for many years, providing writing services and digital content. His own writing career began with a focus on literature and linguistics, which he continues to pursue. Cordon is an engaging and professional individual, always looking to help others achieve their goals.

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Classification Essay Topics for Students

Home / Blog / 100+ Classification Essay Topics For Students In 2023

100+ Classification Essay Topics for Students in 2023


Classification essays are a popular type of academic writing that requires students to classify or categorize different items, people, or ideas into groups based on certain criteria. In 2023, there are countless topics that students can choose from to write an effective classification essay. These topics are diverse, ranging from personal interests to global issues. In this blog, we will discuss 100+ classification essay topics for students in 2023, along with some examples for each category.

150+ Classification Essay Topics for Students in 2023

l  Team Sports: Football, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball

l  Individual Sports: Tennis, Golf, Swimming, Boxing, Track and Field

l  Extreme Sports: Skydiving, Bungee Jumping, Snowboarding, Rock Climbing, Surfing

l  Martial Arts: Karate, Judo, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Aikido

Example: Classification of Team Sports

Team sports are a popular activity for people of all ages. They promote teamwork, cooperation, and healthy competition. Football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and baseball are the most common team sports played worldwide. Football is a contact sport that involves two teams of eleven players each. Soccer is a game where two teams try to score goals against each other by kicking a ball into a goal post. Basketball is a fast-paced sport where two teams of five players each try to score points by shooting a ball through a hoop. Volleyball is a game where two teams try to score points by hitting a ball over a net. Baseball is a game where two teams try to score runs by hitting a ball with a bat and running around four bases.

l  Fast Food: Burgers, Fries, Pizza, Hot Dogs, Fried Chicken

l  Ethnic Food: Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Indian, Thai

l  Desserts: Ice Cream, Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Brownies

l  Healthy Food: Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Lean Proteins, Nuts

Example: Classification of Ethnic Food

Ethnic food is a type of cuisine that is popular in a specific region or country. Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Indian, and Thai are some of the most popular ethnic foods around the world. Chinese cuisine is known for its variety of dishes, including dumplings, noodles, and stir-fried dishes. Italian cuisine is famous for its pasta dishes, pizzas, and lasagna. Mexican cuisine is known for its spicy and flavorful dishes like tacos, burritos, and enchiladas. Indian cuisine is known for its use of spices and flavors, such as curry, tandoori chicken, and biryani. Thai cuisine is famous for its balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors, like pad Thai, green curry, and tom yum soup.

III. Education:

l  High School: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior

l  College: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior

l  Graduate School: Master’s, Ph.D., Law School, Medical School, Business School

l  Vocational Schools: Trade Schools, Culinary Schools, Technical Schools, Beauty Schools

Example: Classification of College

College is a time for students to explore their interests and prepare for their future careers. There are four main categories of college students: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior. Freshman are first-year students who are new to college life and may need some guidance in adjusting to the new environment. Sophomores are second-year students who are becoming more involved in their majors and extracurricular activities. Juniors are third-year students who are preparing for internships, graduate school, or job applications. Seniors are fourth-year students who are ready to graduate

IV. Technology:

l  Smartphones: iPhone, Samsung, Google Pixel, OnePlus, Huawei

l  Computers: Mac, Windows, Chromebook, Linux, Gaming Laptops

l  Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok

l  Streaming Services: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Apple TV+

Example: Classification of Social Media

Social media is a part of our daily lives, allowing us to connect with friends, family, and people around the world. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and TikTok are some of the most popular social media platforms used in 2023. Facebook is a platform where users can share text, photos, and videos with their friends and family. Instagram is a visual platform where users can share photos and videos with their followers. Twitter is a platform where users can share short messages, called tweets, with their followers. Snapchat is a platform where users can share photos and videos that disappear after a short period. TikTok is a platform where users can create and share short videos, typically featuring music.

l  Domestic Travel: Beaches, National Parks, Cities, Small Towns, Mountains

l  International Travel: Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, Australia

l  Adventure Travel: Safari, Scuba Diving, Trekking, Mountaineering, Paragliding

l  Cultural Travel: Historical Sites, Museums, Art Galleries, Festivals, Local Cuisine

Example: Classification of Adventure Travel

Adventure travel is a type of travel that involves exploring new places and trying out new activities that are thrilling and challenging. Safari, scuba diving, trekking, mountaineering, and paragliding are some of the most popular adventure travel activities in 2023. Safari involves observing wild animals in their natural habitats in Africa. Scuba diving involves exploring the underwater world with the help of scuba gear. Trekking involves hiking through challenging terrains, such as mountains, forests, and deserts. Mountaineering involves climbing high-altitude mountains, such as Mount Everest or Kilimanjaro. Paragliding involves flying in the air with the help of a paraglider.

VI. Health:

l  Mental Health: Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, PTSD

l  Physical Health: Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive, Musculoskeletal, Neurological

l  Nutrition: Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Fad Diets, Veganism, Intermittent Fasting

l  Wellness: Yoga, Meditation, Acupuncture, Massage, Reiki

Example: Classification of Mental Health

Mental health is an important aspect of overall health and well-being. Anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and PTSD are some of the most common mental health disorders in 2023. Anxiety is a condition that causes excessive worry and fear, often leading to physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate and sweating. Depression is a mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest. Bipolar disorder is a condition that causes extreme mood swings, including periods of mania and depression. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that causes distorted thoughts, perceptions, and emotions. PTSD is a mental health condition that develops after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event.


In conclusion, classification essays provide an opportunity for students to showcase their critical thinking skills by categorizing various items, people, or ideas based on certain criteria. In 2023, there are numerous classification essay topics available to students, ranging from sports and food to education and health. The examples provided in this blog are just a few of the many possibilities for each category. Students can choose a topic that they are interested in orhave knowledge about and use their creativity to come up with unique subcategories within each classification.

When writing a classification essay, it is important to have a clear thesis statement that outlines the main categories and subcategories. The essay should have a logical organization, with each category and subcategory clearly defined and supported with relevant examples and evidence. Students should also use transitional words and phrases to ensure that the essay flows smoothly from one category to the next.

Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind the audience while writing an essay. The language and tone used should be appropriate for the target audience. Additionally, the essay should be well-researched and accurate, with sources cited properly.

In conclusion, classification essays are an excellent way for students to develop their critical thinking and writing skills. With the plethora of topics available in 2023, students can choose a topic that interests them and showcase their creativity by coming up with unique subcategories. By following the guidelines outlined in this blog, students can write a well-organized and informative  essay that effectively categorizes and describes the chosen topic.

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Classification Essay Topics: 50+ Ideas and Examples for You

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by  Antony W

December 16, 2023

classification essay topics

In this post, we give you a list of 50+ classification essay topics for your next assignment. So whether you’re set to write a last minute essay or you want to spend less time on brainstorming for ideas, the list can save you a lot of time.

A classification essay is an assignment that requires you to break down an issue into subgroups and then explain the characteristics that apply to each subgroup. You have to be careful to choose a topic you can handle comfortably. On top of that, you should conduct in-depth research and then write the essay based on the assignment prompt.

The idea here is that you divide a complex topic into different section to ensure clarity. It even helps you to have an easy time explaining concepts as you write each sub-section.

Your process starts with proper topic selection. Everything else follows.

Key Takeaways

  • You can pick any topic you want as long as you’re passionate about it.
  • Read the assignment prompt to understand what the topic should cover before you start in-depth research and writing.

50+ Best Classification Essay Topics

The best topic ideas don’t come to mind fast. So sometimes looking at prewritten topics can give a fresh perspective, allowing you to identify the most suitable topic fast. Here are 50+ ideas to make your ideation process easier:

Psychology Classification Essay Topics

  • Explore the kaleidoscope of psychological disorders and their telltale signs
  • The diverse landscape of therapeutic methods in counseling with a unique pathway to healing and growth
  • The myriad facets of personality traits as a mosaic of characteristics shaping every individual’s essence
  • Analyze the rich tapestry of learning theories in educational psychology

Easy Classification Essay Topics

  • Explore the hidden world of rainforests through a diverse array of animal species thriving within.
  • Uncover the multifaceted nature of the Olympic Games through its intricate subdivisions and specialized events.
  • Write about the intricate web of physiological diseases, each classified for a better understanding of their impact on the human body.
  • Write about exam preparation, with your focus on the most effective strategies to conquer your final tests with confidence.
  • Explore the various forms of self-care, with your focus on a spectrum of practices tailored for holistic well-being and rejuvenation.
  • Trace the evolution of art across history, from the majestic Renaissance to the avant-garde movements, exploring diverse artistic styles.
  • Dive into the fascinating world of science with beginner-friendly experiments covering a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines.

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Classification Essay Topics for Middle School

  • Explore historical events that sculpted our world. Categorize the events by their profound impact on societies and cultures.
  • Look into the diverse ecosystems of our planet. Focus on the unique characteristics that define their flora, fauna, and intricate relationships.
  • Unlock the artistry of poetry by navigating through various forms, each distinguished by its structure, rhythm, and expressive elements.
  • Explore the fascinating world of volcanoes. Categorize them by type and show that you understand their eruptions.
  • Write about the Periodic Table. Classify the fundamental elements that compose our universe, each with its distinct properties and behavior.
  • Explore the realm of geometry by categorizing shapes and unveiling their defining properties and mathematical intricacies.
  • Trace the achievements of ancient civilizations. Categorize them based on their innovations, cultural milestones, and lasting legacies.

Classification Essay Topics for High School

  • Analyze the evolution of modern literature by categorizing diverse literary movements, each characterized by distinct themes, styles, and philosophies.
  • Explore the political landscape by classifying systems, from democracies to dictatorships.
  • Navigate the realm of environmental conservation with a classification of strategies, ranging from preservation to sustainability initiatives.
  • Examine major historical wars by classifying them based on their causes, outcomes, and enduring impacts.
  • Trace the evolution of art by categorizing movements throughout history, from the Renaissance to modernism and beyond. 
  • Investigate energy resources. Classify them based on their sustainability and impact on the environment.
  • Dive into the diverse genres of music. Categorize them by their stylistic elements, cultural influences, and historical significance.
  • Explore the spectrum of psychological disorders. Look at their symptoms, causes, and the impact they have on mental health and behavior.

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Classification Essay Topics for College Students

  • Explore the landscape of modern philosophical movements. Categorize them by their core ideologies and influences on contemporary thought.
  • Navigate sustainable business practices from eco-friendly manufacturing to ethical supply chains.
  • Dive into the digital marketing realm. Categorize the strategies employed in the modern age, from content marketing to influencer collaborations.
  • Understand learning styles by categorizing them based on preferences such as auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Also, assess their effectiveness in educational settings.
  • Explore programming languages tailored for data science. You should categorizing them by their functionalities, statistical capabilities, and suitability for analytics and modeling.
  • Investigate entrepreneurial ventures and their models. Classify them by business structures, from startups to franchises, each with unique operational frameworks.
  • Examine architectural styles in urban design. Sort them based on aesthetics and functionality, from modernist skyscrapers to sustainable, eco-friendly designs.
  • Delve into renewable energy technologies. You can sort these by type (solar, wind, hydro, etc.) and their applications in creating sustainable power sources.
  • Explore the diverse genres of documentary filmmaking. Divide them into their storytelling approaches, such as observational, expository, or participatory.
  • Examine approaches to global economic development. Classify them accordingly, from neoliberal policies to sustainable development initiatives, each aiming for worldwide prosperity and stability.

Technology Classification Essay Topics

  • Decode the multifaceted world of mobile productivity
  • Explore programming languages and their diverse applications
  • Show that you understand the intriguing appeal of video game genres
  • Classify social media platforms by user interaction
  • Write about navigating threats and prevention measures of cyber threats
  • Wearable technologies unboxed: Categorize their multifunctional capabilities
  • Exploring varied models of e-commerce’s digital symphony in the tech age

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

Classification Paragraph, Essay, Speech, or Character Study: 50 Topics

With Prewriting Advice

  • Writing Essays
  • Writing Research Papers
  • English Grammar
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

Classification allows writers to assemble thoughts in an organized manner, especially when writer's block may strike. It is particularly useful in identifying and illustrating different types, varieties, and methods. Classification pieces can become essays or articles in themselves, or they can also be useful as prewriting exercises for something longer, such as exploring a character being developed for a fiction piece.

"While classification has been a method for organizing essays and paragraphs, classification and other traditional methods of organization [also] have come to be used as tools of invention, of systematically exploring subjects in order to develop ideas for an essay." — David Sabrio

Prewriting: Brainstorming

Making stream-of-consciousness lists can be a useful way to explore a topic. Don't let yourself pause for a few minutes, just write down whatever comes into your head about the topic. Don't censor yourself, either, as tangents may come in handy as surprising details to include or lead you down a path to a discovery that you may not have found otherwise. 

If you prefer visuals, use the mind map method where you write the topic in the middle of the page and connect concepts to it and whatever else you write down, radiating outward.

These types of prewriting exercises get your brain working on the topic so you have less to fear from that empty white page, and the prewriting can be a resource to mine at times when you might feel stuck for a direction. Having a "scraps" document can also help you store paragraphs or turns of phrase that you like but don't really fit—it feels better to relocate them rather than just delete them—when you realize that getting them out of your draft file helps you move forward with the piece overall. 

Classification Paragraph

Start your classification paragraph with a topic sentence to let the reader know what the paragraph will be about. This will likely include a list of the items you are classifying. Follow up with sentences that show how the items in the group are similar, how they differ or give some kind of exposition about how they are used or are observed. Finish with a concluding sentence. If the paragraph is intended to be the introduction to an essay, make sure there is a smooth transition into the main body of the essay.

Classification Essay

When broadening a piece into a classification essay use the classification paragraph mentioned above as an introductory paragraph. Add three or more body paragraphs. Each of these will take a different category and explore its strengths and weaknesses. Finally, a conclusion paragraph will summarize the body paragraphs, and perhaps make a judgment over which is the better option.

Classification Speech

A classification speech is different than a paragraph or essay. In such a talk, the speaker is likely looking for ways to tell an audience something in an organized manner. Rotary advises its members to give such speeches as ways to introduce themselves to fellow members.

Some of its advice for organizing thoughts:

  • Why you chose your business or profession
  • Parts of your job you find most rewarding and most difficult
  • Advice you would give those entering your career

50 Topic Suggestions

These 50  topic  suggestions should help you discover a subject that particularly interests you. If 50 isn't enough, try " 400 Writing Topics ."

  • Students in a library 
  • Music on your phone or MP3 player
  • Study habits
  • Stand-up comedians
  • Self-centered people
  • Online educational resources
  • Drivers in a traffic jam
  • Reality shows on television
  • Sales clerks
  • Fictional detectives
  • Dancing styles
  • Video games
  • Customers at your workplace
  • Ways of boring people
  • Rides at an amusement park
  • First dates
  • Videos on YouTube
  • Stores in the mall
  • People waiting in line
  • Churchgoers
  • Attitudes toward exercising
  • Reasons for attending (or not attending) college
  • Baseball pitchers, football quarterbacks, or soccer goalies
  • Styles of eating in the cafeteria
  • Ways of saving money
  • Talk-show hosts
  • Methods of studying for a final examination
  • Ways of quitting smoking
  • Attitudes toward money
  • Television comedies
  • Sports fans
  • On-campus jobs for students
  • Ways of coping with a cold
  • Note-taking strategies
  • Attitudes toward tipping in restaurants
  • Political activists
  • Portable music players
  • Different uses of social networking sites (such as Facebook and Twitter)
  • High school teachers or college professors
  • Ways of protecting the environment

Model Paragraphs and Essays

Some examples to get some inspiration on the form:

  • Draft Classification Essay: Types of Shoppers
  • E.B. White's New York
  • "Of Studies" by Francis Bacon
  • "Conversation" by Samuel Johnson
  • Sabrio, David. The Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition. Collins, Christopher, executive editor, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 1996.
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228 Classification Essay Topics for College & School

All students need to learn how to break the studied concepts into smaller parts to understand the subject in its depth and simplify the learning process. This way, students can make sense of the newly learned material quicker and classify objects in complex disciplines. Thus, writing classification essays is common at colleges, schools, and even universities.

The picture provides introductory information about the classification essay.

The classification essay topics assigned to you by the instructor can be funny or serious, classical or trending, or simple or complex. You might need some help with the writing task in any of these cases. Here we offer an extensive list of ideas that can jumpstart your composition process and a set of expert tips that can help you move on.

  • đŸ”„ Classification Essay Topics 2024

⚡ Classification and Division Essay

📏 classification essay outline.

  • 📜 Classification and Division Topics
  • 🎒 Middle School Topics
  • đŸ« High School Classification Topics
  • 🎓 Topics for College Students
  • đŸș Classification Essay Topics on History
  • 🧬 Classification Essay Topics on Biology
  • 🧠 Classification Essay Topics on Psychology
  • 📡 Classification Essay Topics on Technology

❓ Classification Essay Topics FAQ

🔗 references, đŸ”„ hot classification essay topics for 2024.

Here are some trending questions you can approach in your classification essay to fetch a high grade from the professor.

  • Personality types of social media users.
  • Online shoppers by store preference.
  • Tourism destinations by type of tourist activity.
  • Types of gamer communities in the Web3 space.
  • Can fitness enthusiasts be classified by their dietary patterns?
  • Culinary preferences of Japanese students.
  • Classification of students by learning styles.
  • Instruments for personality type classification.
  • Book genres and their readers.
  • Communication styles in the modern corporate space.
  • Parenting styles by the parents’ age.
  • Classification of environmental activists by their activities.
  • Communication methods in modern schools.
  • Classification of learning strategies by their effectiveness for different tasks.

As we’ve already mentioned, writing a classification and division essay aims to help students break down complex objects into simpler categories and analyze differences and similarities between groups. It is a vital life skill that students will apply in many daily routines unrelated to studies, so mastering the art of classifying and categorizing things is an essential step in everyone’s academic progress.

As a rule, a classification essay can utilize one of the four models for object classification:

  • Categorization by a single feature. In this strategy, you classify items into distinct categories based on one defining characteristic . For example, if you’re writing a classification essay about types of pets, you could categorize them based on their habitats, such as domestic pets, farm animals, and aquatic pets.
  • Classification by multiple criteria. In this strategy, you classify items or ideas based on multiple characteristics . This approach provides a more nuanced division and allows for a comprehensive analysis. For example, if you’re classifying types of cars, you could group them based on criteria such as size, fuel efficiency, and purpose.
  • Chronological classification. This strategy arranges items based on their chronological order or historical development. It can be useful when discussing the evolution of certain concepts or phenomena. For instance, if you’re writing an essay about technological advancements, you could start with early inventions.
  • Hierarchical classification. This strategy arranges objects in a hierarchical manner, where each subcategory is ranked based on its significance. It helps create a clear hierarchy and shows the relationship between different categories. For example, if you’re writing about government types , you could classify them into categories like democracies, monarchies, and dictatorships and further subcategorize them based on their power structure.

The image shows examples of the most catchy classification essay topics.

Once you’re ready to write your classification essay, plan it to avoid multiple revisions and editing. Here are the details of this essay’s organizational structure that may help you complete the task more efficiently.


This is the opening paragraph of your essay that informs the reader about the topic you will be exploring. For a classification essay, it should be a clear description of the group you will classify. It may be a classification of kinds of sports or music genres in Latin America – anything you want to examine should be defined in the first sentences.

It might also help to specify the purpose of your writing – for instance, you may be looking for the best team sports for kids. The final part of your introduction should be a detailed and concise thesis statement covering the object and the approach you plan to adopt to its classification.

Classification Essay Thesis Statement

An optimal formula for the construction of thesis statements is as follows: Topic + subtopics + classification criteria

Let’s consider a couple of sample thesis statements to illustrate the algorithm of this vital element’s formulation.

  • In this essay, I will examine three learning styles – auditory, visual, and kinesthetic – to determine which is more suitable for social sciences studies.
  • There are many book genres, such as romance, science fiction, mystery works, and detectives, and I will examine what features distinguish the fans of each genre.

Body Paragraphs

Next comes the body of your classification essay, in which you break down the classification into distinct categories and examine each in a separate paragraph. Here, it is vital to keep your structure clear for the readers; introduce the point in a topic sentence at the beginning of every new section and then lay out the idea in more detail, backing it with evidence as the paragraph unfolds. Ensure you include transitions between paragraphs to make the narrative cohesive and flow logically.

This is the final part of your essay that needs to recap everything you’ve said before. Don’t focus too much on the details; just restate the thesis statement to remind the readers of your general purpose and summarize the classification features for your chosen objects. Make a summative statement about the classification outcomes.

📜 47 Classification and Division Essay Topics

  • Types of pet owners based on their pet preferences.
  • Program evaluation types and evaluation significance .
  • Classification of stress coping strategies .
  • Types of outdoor activities and hobbies.
  • Different types of complainers .
  • Classification of students’ study habits.
  • Types of moviegoers based on their favorite movie genre.
  • Interpersonal conflicts at the workplace: types and resolution strategies .
  • How do different people react to emergency situations?
  • Classification of breakfast food preferences.
  • Interpersonal therapy, its types, and techniques .
  • Selfie addicts, meme sharers, political discussion fans: social mediauser types.
  • Closet organization methods.
  • How to increase happiness across all three types of subjective well-being?
  • Classification of coffee drinkers by coffee type preference.
  • Cardio or weightlifting: classification of gym goers by favorite activities.
  • Play for young children: types and values.
  • Types of conflict handling strategies.
  • Categorization of driving styles by the degree of risk.
  • Attachment theory: secure, insecure or avoidant, and ambivalent types of attachment.
  • Classification of creativity expression methods.
  • Types of fashion styles among modern Chinese youth.
  • Values and Lifestyles (VALSℱ) types.
  • Types of dessert lovers.
  • Categories of birds residing in north Canada.
  • Authoritative, authoritarian, and indulgent parenting styles .
  • Classification of problem-solving approaches.
  • Types of approaches to social media influencing.
  • Parenting styles and its effects on a child.
  • Classification of setback handling strategies.
  • Culinary preferences by age.
  • Conflict handling styles and change theories.
  • Types of pet behavior.
  • Home organization approaches.
  • Conflict management styles.
  • Classification of music genres popular in Latin America.
  • Types of partygoers.
  • Baumrind’s parenting styles scenarios.
  • Types of social media posts.
  • Classification of shopping preferences.
  • Communication styles of the counselor’s clients.
  • What are the most common approaches to holiday celebrations?
  • Effective parenting styles.
  • Functionalism, conflict, and interactionism theories.
  • Mindfulness techniques.
  • Types of jobs for auditory learners.
  • Social psychology theories: the most important and useful theories .

🎒 21 Classification Writing Topics for Middle School

Middle school students are usually assigned simple topics, such as environmental problems, school issues, sports, and the like. In case you need some inspiration or want to look at sample topics for this educational level, here you go with our set of examples.

  • Classification of religions. Talk about the religions of the past and present, which ones still have followers, what principles they’re based on, what deities they worship, and in which regions they are spread.
  • Types of cuisines. Discuss the most well-known cuisines in the world, what spices and products they use, and what fans they have worldwide. Talk about some iconic dishes and chefs representing those cuisines.
  • What types of dancing styles are there? Talk about different dancing styles, from classical to street dance, and discuss the major representatives of these styles, their principles, and use cases.
  • Classification of weekend activities. Discuss the types of activities people can engage in on weekends, from lazy TV watching on a sofa to hiking or picnicking in a forest. Talk about who is a fan of which activities and which are more suitable for solo or group practices.
  • Types of roommates. Talk about the personality types one can come across when moving to a college dorm and what their features and style of conduct are. Discuss how one can establish productive relationships with each of them.
  • Rock types, formation, characteristics, and use.
  • Classification of allergies.
  • Types of shopping behaviors.
  • Analysis of the types and causes of water pollution .
  • What kinds of stereotypes do people hold today?
  • Reasons for getting married.
  • Four alternative fuel types.
  • Types of TV shows for children.
  • Classification of Latin dance styles.
  • Environmental pollution: causes, types, and effects.
  • Types of visual art forms.
  • Types of intellectual labor professions.
  • Democracy vs. other types of government .
  • Classification of friends.
  • Types of decorations you can use in the interior .
  • Overview of the types of courage.

đŸ« 21 Classification Essay Topics for High School

At a high school level, classification essays get more complex and can deal with more interesting topics, like social media, family, psychology, mental health, and the like. The assigned prompts require more in-depth thinking and mental effort for objects’ classification and analysis. Here are some topic suggestions for your next classification home task:

  • Classification of social media posts. Discuss various types of content people post on social media, like selfies, DIY videos and tips, psychological reflections, or event coverage. Talk about the reasons and rationale behind each.
  • Types of families in modern society. Talk about two- and single-parent families , extended families, and the prevalence of each family type in various countries and regions. Discuss their implications on child rearing.
  • Classification of education types in the schooling system. Talk about different types of organizing education in terms of school attendance (full-time, part-time, and homeschooling), state funding (private, public), or gender (mixed-gender or one-gender schools).
  • Types of mental health disorders that affect academic performance. Discuss various mental health issues that can distract students from attending the lessons or misbehave. Talk about learning disabilities, conduct disorders, ADHD, and others.
  • Types of mental health professions. Discuss mental healthcare and the different occupations that mental healthcare providers may have. Talk about nursing, medical doctors, mental health consultants, psychiatrists, social workers, and auxiliary staff.
  • Domestic violence: causes and types of violence.
  • Types of factors that lead to school bullying .
  • Classification of prevention strategies for students’ exclusion.
  • Types of research questions.
  • Classification of street art in London.
  • Types of abstract art.
  • Motivation: its types and functions .
  • Social determinants of mental health.
  • Approaches to digital literacy education at schools.
  • Police corruption: definition and types .
  • Types of technologies used in distant learning.
  • Approaches to early childhood education.
  • Differences between the four types of authorities .
  • Laws related to family issues.
  • Functions of social media platforms.
  • Types of families: parenting practices in diverse family structures.

🎓 21 Classification Essay Topics for College Students

College assignments are more serious in terms of the depth of research and analysis you should exhibit in the classification essay. So, you should approach the choice of topics more responsibly, focusing on such issues as politics, criminology, business, and the like. Your main task is to make the topic interesting and debatable so that it doesn’t offer obvious solutions and gives you enough space for critical thinking. Here are some prompts that may guide you in the process:

  • Classification of ancient views on the state and politics. Discuss the views of famous ancient philosophers like Plato , Aristotle, and Socrates about state and state rule. Name their best-known works and compare their arguments.
  • Classification of political parties. Talk about the party system in modern democratic states and discuss the roles of parties. Examine the types of parties (left-wing, right-wing, liberals , conservatives, republicans, democrats, etc.) to delineate the differences in their political agendas.
  • Types of views on political power. Categorize the existing views on the exercise of political power, like moralism and realism, and classify and compare them to distinguish their main principles and differences.
  • Classification of crime definitions. Approach the concept of crime from various perspectives, such as psychological, sociological, and legal, to identify the key differences and similarities in how scholars define crime and its parameters.
  • Classification of business entities. Discuss various approaches to business classification that exist in modern business studies. Talk about the forms of ownership, types of activities, and jurisdictions. Mention the privately held and publicly owned forms of business.
  • Airbus Company advertising types .
  • What types of academic disciplines study crime?
  • Types of theories used to conceptualize and explain deviance.
  • Prejudice and discrimination: types and causes .
  • Classification of crimes in the American penal system.
  • Types of punishment for criminals.
  • Types of PMO and interface management .
  • Classification of historical periods of state formation.
  • Types of political systems existing today.
  • Types of experimental designs: comparing and contrasting .
  • Classification of levels at which politics is exercised.
  • Types of modern political values.
  • English language learning: types of assessments .
  • Existing types of political ideologies.
  • Types of personality disorders in terms of their impact on employment potential.
  • Early childhood sleep: its types and consistent routine.

đŸș 26 Classification Essay Topics on History

History is a popular subject taught at schools, colleges, and universities, so you might need to write a classification essay on a history-related topic at any moment of your academic journey. Here are some prompts to help you out:

  • Classification of ancient civilizations. Discuss the ancient civilizations known to modern historians (e.g., Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome). Talk about their achievements, manner of life, types of political rule, and the legacy they have left for future generations.
  • Types of wars humanity held in the past three centuries. Discuss world wars and regional wars; mention the most long-lasting and impactful civil wars. Talk about the scale of countries’ involvement and damage to the population.
  • What kinds of revolutions were in Europe? Discuss various types of revolutions that European states experienced in the past centuries and talk about the political and social consequences of those upheavals.
  • Historical forms of European colonialism. Discuss the major colonial powers of the past (Britain, Spain, Portugal, France) and talk about their methods of colonizing other countries, their legacy in those regions, and the long-lasting cultural and economic effects of those events.
  • Types of influential leaders that managed to change the world. Classify the best-known political leaders and their contributions to changing the world order and state of affairs (e.g., Adolf Hitler, Joan of Arc, Nelson Mandela).
  • Types of Renaissance art. Discuss Renaissance as a historical period, and talk about its distinguishing features, philosophy, and values. Examine their reflection in the art forms like paintings, fine art , and sculpture.
  • Industrial Revolution effects. Talk about the way the Industrial Revolution occurred in North America and Europe; compare and classify the processes that made it happen and the socio-economic consequences of those events.
  • Classification of monarchy types. Compare and classify the existing monarchy types, talk about the old monarchies, and explain the features of absolute, constitutional, and elective monarchies.
  • Cold War responses. The Cold War was a long-lasting and large-scale opposition between the West and the USSR. Classify states’ responses to the Red threat and measures they took to offset the Soviet aggression risks.
  • Types of scientific discoveries. The world changed tremendously over the past century, mainly due to scientific and technological progress. Classify the main types of discoveries that changed human lives (e.g., genetic testing, genetic engineering, DNA discovery, genome research, etc.).
  • Capital punishment’s history and types in America.
  • Types of popular ancient philosophies.
  • Ancient trade routes.
  • United States foreign policy styles and history.
  • Gains of various civil rights movements.
  • Types of genres in Renaissance literature.
  • The theories for the fall of the Roman Empire .
  • Modes of decolonization in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean.
  • Types of medieval warfare.
  • Reform movements and women’s rights.
  • Classification of world religions in history and modern times.
  • How did colonies emerge in America?
  • US foreign policies in the Middle East.
  • Types of ancient empires.
  • Grand natural disasters that changed life in medieval Europe.
  • Characters of the Greek and Roman myths .

🧬 26 Classification Essay Topics on Biology

Biology is an exciting subject that examines how living organisms emerge, develop, and interact with the rest of the world. You may use the following topic suggestions to advance your writing proficiency on biology topics:

  • Types of species in the animal kingdom. Discuss the species represented in the modern animal kingdom, their classes, natural habitats, and how they emerged in evolution.
  • Classification of plants. Talk about existing plants in the Earth’s flora. Discuss their structure, reproductive methods of plants, and the role of each class in the planet’s ecology.
  • Classification of microorganisms. Discuss the sets of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa microorganisms and classify them according to their functions, structure, impact on the ecosystem, and relationship with humans.
  • Human organism. Discuss different organs and organ systems in the human body; examine their components and functions, and how they contribute to human health and general existence.
  • Cell type classification. Examine various types of cells in human, animal, and plant organisms, and discuss their functions and structural differences.
  • Classification of genes. Talk about various types of genes that affect the organism’s genotype. Discuss dominant and recessive genes, gene composition, and DNA.
  • Classification of marine ecosystems. Describe the existing marine ecosystems, such as coral reefs, kelp forests, estuaries, and deep-sea inhabitants. Talk about their functions, and discuss their biological composition.
  • Classification of terrestrial biomes. Describe various biome types, such as deserts, grassland, tropical rainforest, taiga, and temperate regions. Classify them by features, climate , and vegetation types typical for those locations.
  • Classification of photosynthesis modes. Talk about known types of plant photosynthesis , such as C3, C4 and CAM varieties. Explain what distinguishes each of them and examine their processes and features.
  • Types of physiological processes in the human organism. Describe how the major physiological systems work in humans, including the lymphatic, endocrine, and immune systems.
  • Classifications of life-span development .
  • Types of existing biotechnologies.
  • Classification of neurotransmitters in humans and animals.
  • Biological theories relating to human behavior and criminality.
  • Methods of animal reproduction.
  • Types of existing food chains in various biomes.
  • Biological, psychological, and social changes in teenage boys .
  • Types of ecological succession.
  • Methods of evolutionary adaptations.
  • Cognitive functions of the brain .
  • Types of endangered species.
  • Classification of human diseases.
  • Major joints of the human body.
  • Types of viruses.
  • Classification of biological weapons.
  • The five stages of sleep.

🧠 26 Classification Essay Topics on Psychology & Mental Health

Psychology and mental health are popular subjects that students of Health and Medicine or Nursing courses may encounter. Here are a couple of topic suggestions that can help you move on with the project without stagnating in the topic selection stage:

  • Types of anxiety disorders. Discuss the existing anxiety disorders as classified in DSM-5, examine their symptoms and distinctions, and talk about how each of them impairs people’s well-being and full life. Mention PTSD, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic attacks.
  • Types of effective therapies for mental health issues. Talk about the most popular therapeutic approaches to managing mental health, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, art therapy, mindfulness-based approaches, etc. Examine their efficiency for different mental health problems.
  • Classification of mood disorders. Talk about various manifestations of mood disorders, like major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and dysthymia. Examine their symptoms and diagnostic criteria; discuss how they affect the patients’ lives.
  • Types of phobias. Discuss major types of phobias people have (e.g., agoraphobia, arachnophobia, phobias connected with height , social activity, insects, birds, etc.). Examine their symptoms and personality types more susceptible to developing these disorders.
  • Classification of psychological defence mechanisms. Talk about the existing defence mechanisms people adopt when facing problems or tragedies (e.g., denial, repression, displacement, projection, etc.). Describe each of them and classify them in terms of effectiveness.
  • Classification of personality types. Discuss various approaches to personality classification and the common features associated with each personality type, their strong and weak sides.
  • Typology of parenting styles. Talk about how a personality type affects one’s parenting behaviors and what makes people authoritative, permissive, or authoritarian in regard to their children.
  • Classification of eating disorders. Talk about the variety of existing eating disorders and their impact on human well-being and mental health. Discuss anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and orthorexia.
  • Classification of learning disabilities. Discuss the spectrum of learning disabilities that modern schoolers can be diagnosed with ( dyslexia , dyscalculia, ADHD, conduct disorders). Examine the manifestations of these disabilities in students’ behavior and their far-reaching consequences for academic achievement.
  • Classification of addictions. Talk about the best-known addiction types, like alcoholism, drug abuse, shopaholic addiction, internet addiction, and gambling . Classify them in terms of the psychological causes of their development and treatment approaches.
  • Attachment types in close relationships.
  • Types of sleep disorders.
  • Classification of intelligence types.
  • Different types of training in managing the symptoms of depression.
  • Typology of schizophrenia disorders.
  • Classification of coping mechanisms for various psychological problems.
  • Deviant behaviors: types and examples .
  • Attachment styles.
  • Types of human memory .
  • Types of defense mechanisms.
  • Types of psychological trauma and events leading to them.
  • Types of therapeutic interventions for addicts.
  • Personality types and substance abuse.
  • Categorization of mental health stigmas held by modern society.
  • Types of attitudes to the mentally ill in different countries.
  • Personality types identification in the workplace.

📡 26 Classification Essay Topics on Technology

The final part of our list of topics is dedicated to technology-related classification essays. Technology is everywhere; it affects every domain of human life and activities. Thus, writing about technologies and tech progress is unavoidable in virtually any educational course. Here are some suggestions to guide you on the way:

  • Types of operating systems. Discuss the available variety of operating systems used in modern computers, such as macOS, Linux, or Windows. Talk about mobile operating systems, like iOS and Android. Classify them in terms of their functions and operational value.
  • Types of gaming consoles. Talk about the variety of gaming consoles, like PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. Classify them by features, types of loyal audiences, and games available for players.
  • Classification of modern mobile devices. Examine the variety of mobile devices, such as smartphones, smart watches, tablets, and e-readers. Classify them by functions, price, and convenience for the users.
  • Internet connection types. Discuss the available options for connecting one’s device to the World Wide Web, such as Wi-Fi, cable, and DSL variants. Examine their characteristics, pros and cons for the users.
  • Types of available e-commerce platforms. Examine the most popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Alibaba, and Amazon . Classify them in terms of loyal audience, variety of goods, and convenience of the shopping experience.
  • Typology of storage devices. Examine the existing storage devices, like flash drives, SSDs, and HDDs, and talk about their comparative features and benefits for users.
  • Classification of programming languages. Talk about the most popular languages for software development, such as Java, Python, C++, and Rust. Classify them by use cases, features, and applicability for varied digital product development.
  • Types of social media platforms. Discuss the most popular social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Classify them by features, socio-demographic features of their audience, privacy terms, and overall content type.
  • Classification of cybersecurity hazards. Talk about the most pressing cybersecurity concerns, such as DDoS attacks, ransomware, phishing, exploits, etc. Discuss their features, scale of damage for the users and responses that can help reduce the risk of such attacks.
  • Types of AI. Artificial intelligence takes many forms today, so discuss the major use cases for AI, such as machine learning, natural language processing, image recognition and generation, computer vision, robotics, etc. Classify these use cases by purpose and business value.
  • Image processing: the two main types of noises .
  • Types of streaming services.
  • Classification of VR devices.
  • Information systems for business and their types.
  • What cloud computing services are there?
  • Types of drones.
  • Computer software types and their features .
  • Methods of home automation.
  • Renewable energy technologies.
  • Human factors accident classification system .
  • Approaches to robotics’ introduction in the workplace.
  • Types of hazards of tech progress for human jobs.
  • Computer software: classification analysis .
  • Types of wearable health trackers.
  • Ways of using technology to improve people’s health and well-being.
  • Threats to a company’s information system.

What is the classification and division essay?

This essay type is dedicated to the analysis of similar and differing features of object clusters. Students are expected to break down more complex concepts into simpler chunks and link the objects’ parameters with each other to group objects correctly.

What is the purpose of a classification essay?

Classification essays are meant to teach students to categorize things, identify their main features, differences, and similarities, and make sense of the concepts from the external world.

How to write a classification essay outline?

To compose a workable outline that will assist you in the writing process, you should choose the objects and set a clear classification parameter. After that, compose a thesis statement on your subject and the classification methodology. Collect evidence for each subject and structure paragraphs with one point per paragraph. Make a draft of a conclusion – what outcome you plan to achieve and what result you will share with the readers.

How to conclude a classification essay?

Since a classification essay doesn’t prove any point or argue a position, you should restate the thesis statement and briefly recap the classification criteria and your categorization. Don’t add any new evidence in this part; try to avoid being overly repetitive. Make it a strong summary of your main idea and classification outcomes.

  • Classification – DeWitt Library Subject Guides at SUNY Ulster
  • How to Develop and Organize a Classification Essay
  • Classification & Division Essay – Excelsior OWL
  • Writing A Classification Paper – TIP Sheet – Butte College
  • Classification-Division – English 100: Interactive Writing – LibGuides at Bowie State University
  • Developing a Thesis Statement – The Writing Center – UW–Madison
  • Essay Planning: Outlining with a Purpose – San JosĂ© State University Writing Center
  • Basic Structure of the Classification Essay – Humanities LibreTexts
  • Classification – Writing for Success

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125 Winning Debate Topics for Middle School Students

Teach students to make effective arguments.

classification essay topics middle school

When students learn to debate, they gain valuable life skills. Debates teach kids to research their topic, make informed choices, and argue effectively using facts instead of emotion. This list of middle school debate topics encompasses both serious and lighthearted ideas for kids ages 10 to 14. Each topic includes a link to an article from a reliable source that provides pros and/or cons to help kids make their arguments.

School and Education Debate Topics

Technology and entertainment debate topics, life and ethics debate topics, fun and funny debate topics.

  • Controversial Debate Topics
  • It’s better to be good at academics than to be good at sports.
  • Homework should be banned.
  • Schools should require all students to wear uniforms.
  • We should punish students for using curse words.
  • Year-round school is better for students.

Year-round school is better for students.- middle school debate topics

  • Schools should require physical education (gym class) through 12th grade.
  • All students should be required to volunteer in their community.
  • Junk food should be banned in schools.
  • All middle school students should learn a foreign language.
  • Single-gender schools are better for students.
  • Math is the most important school subject.
  • Letter grades should be abolished.
  • Teachers should be replaced by computers.
  • Students should be graded on their handwriting.
  • Kids who get better grades in school will be more successful in life.
  • Sometimes it’s OK to cheat on homework or a test.
  • Students who fail a test should be given the chance to take it again.
  • Students should be allowed to grade teachers.
  • Kids should be able to bring their pets to school.
  • Schools should give middle school students more recess time.

Schools should give middle school students more recess time.- middle school debate topics

  • The school day should be shorter.
  • Schools should eliminate dress codes.
  • College should be free for everyone who wants to attend.
  • Schools should be allowed to ban some books from their libraries.
  • Book smarts are better than street smarts.
  • All people should have free internet access.
  • Playing violent video games makes people more likely to be violent in real life.
  • Reality television depicts real life.
  • The minimum age to own a smartphone should be 16.

The minimum age to own a smartphone should be 16.

  • Students should be allowed to use phones in class.
  • Macs are better than PCs.
  • Androids are better than iPhones.
  • Kids under 13 should be allowed to use social media sites like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat.
  • Students should not be allowed to watch TV on school nights.
  • Social media does more harm than good.
  • Video games are better than board games.
  • Reading books is better than watching TV.
  • All paper documents should be replaced with electronic versions.
  • Books are always better than the movies that are made from them.
  • Parents should use their kids’ cell phones to track where they are.
  • Playing video games makes you smarter.

Playing video games makes you smarter.- middle school debate topics

  • Scientists should try to develop a way for everyone to live forever.
  • Paper books are better than e-books.
  • Schools should have surveillance cameras in classrooms and hallways.
  • Movie ratings (G, PG, PG-13, and R) should be done away with.
  • Professional athletes and celebrities deserve to make more money than the average person.
  • People have a responsibility to help one another out.
  • No one should ever tell a lie.
  • Girls face more peer pressure than boys.
  • We should lower the voting age to 12.
  • Every member of a family should have daily chores.
  • All museums and zoos should be free to everyone.
  • All people should be vegetarians.

All people should be vegetarians.

  • Democracy is the best form of government.
  • All Americans should be required to vote.
  • Cigarette smoking and vaping should be banned entirely.
  • Parents should be allowed to read their children’s private diaries.
  • Giving is better than receiving.
  • Receiving a regular allowance is good for kids.
  • Parents should be punished for their children’s mistakes.
  • Real Christmas trees are better than artificial ones.
  • We should not keep animals in zoos.
  • All kids should play on the same sports teams, regardless of gender.
  • It is better to save some of your allowance than to spend it all.
  • Kids should be allowed to stay up as late as they want.
  • Happiness is more important than success.
  • The driving age should be lowered to 14.

The driving age should be lowered to 14.- middle school debate topics

  • We should completely ban plastic bottles.
  • Parents should have to take a parenting class before having a child.
  • If you find money on the ground, it’s automatically yours to keep.
  • It is better to be kind than to be truthful.
  • All kids should have a playground or park within walking distance of their home.
  • Kids should be allowed to have credit cards.
  • It’s important to spend money exploring space.
  • All families should have a pet.
  • Dogs are better pets than cats.
  • Summer is better than winter.
  • Pepperoni is the best pizza topping.
  • Teachers shouldn’t give rewards and prizes in the classroom.
  • Clowns are more scary than funny.
  • Every home should have a robot.
  • There is intelligent life on other planets.

There is intelligent life on other planets.

  • The egg came before the chicken.
  • Pop music is better than classical music.
  • Xbox is better than PlayStation.
  • Peanut butter is better than Nutella.
  • Football is better than soccer.
  • Everyone should make their bed every day.
  • It would be better to be able to fly than to be able to turn invisible.
  • Harry Potter is better than The Lord of the Rings .
  • Pluto should still be considered a planet.
  • Santa Claus’ elves should be paid minimum wage.
  • Hot chocolate is better than a chocolate milkshake.
  • Fruit counts as dessert.
  • People should be allowed to go barefoot anywhere if they want to.
  • Fiction is better than nonfiction.

Fiction is better than non-fiction.

  • Everyone should learn to play a musical instrument.
  • Werewolves are more dangerous than vampires.
  • Kids shouldn’t have to go to school on their birthdays.

Controversial Middle School Debate Topics

These middle school debate topics are pretty contentious and might not be appropriate for all students or every classroom. But if your middle schoolers are ready to take on more serious debates, try these important questions.

  • We should abolish the death penalty.
  • Stricter gun control laws help stop mass shootings.
  • It’s necessary to continue building a wall between the United States and Mexico.
  • Segregation still exist in the United States.
  • Religion does more harm than good.
  • We will never achieve world peace.
  • We shouldn’t allow young children to play contact sports like football.

We shouldn't allow young children to play contact sports like football.

  • Parents shouldn’t be allowed to pierce a baby’s ears.
  • Beauty pageants are sexist.
  • Kids shouldn’t get participation trophies for sports.
  • It’s possible to be an ethical hunter.
  • Some stereotypes are accurate.
  • People have a responsibility to step in when they see a crime in action.
  • War is sometimes necessary.
  • There are times when we must limit freedom of speech.
  • Security is more important than freedom.
  • We should do away with gender-specific public bathrooms.
  • Anyone over age 12 should be tried as an adult in court.
  • Electric vehicles are better than gas-powered ones.

Electric vehicles are better than gas-powered ones.

  • Our society has a harmful “diet culture.”
  • All countries should have to give up their nuclear weapons.
  • We should ban testing on animals.
  • We should ban the use of fossil fuels.
  • Human cloning should be legal.
  • Vaccines should be mandatory.

What are your favorite middle school debate topics? Come share in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out 75 funny debate topics for kids of all ages ..

Looking for debate topics for middle school and junior high students? This roundup ranges from lighthearted to serious, ideal for any class.

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  • 182 Best Classification Essay Topics To Learn And Write About

September 17, 2022

classification essay topics

Do you struggle to find classification essay topics? If so, this article is ideal for you. It lists 180-plus topic ideas to consider for your paper. Also, it defines a classification essay and how to write it. This article is helpful because many students struggle to find or create titles for their classification essays.

Many educators give learners the classification essay assignment to gauge their ability to classify or categorize data. Therefore, this form of academic writing entails developing an essay by organizing or arranging events, objects, notions, or individuals into specific classes, types, or groups, based on their shared characteristics. A teacher or professor can ask learners to write this essay to assess their reasoning.

What Is A Classification Essay?

A classification essay, also called a division essay, is a write-up that shows the student’s skills in organizing or sorting things into categories or groups. The learner must select the criteria for presenting items when writing this essay. After that, they can provide examples for each class or group.

Some of the things to classify can include mobile platforms. In that case, learners can separate them into Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. Thus, the learner can select the specific traits to group or divide the objects into various categories.

How To Write A Good Classification Essay

When writing a classification essay, students can group items based on their differences or similarities. Here’s the basic process of writing this essay:

Choose a topic: While learners can pick titles from division and classification essay topics, not all are ideal for every student. Therefore, the first step is to select a title you know or have experience with to make the research and writing process easier and more enjoyable. Research: Once you’ve chosen the topic, investigate it extensively to understand the characteristics of the items or objects you intend to categorize in the essay. Define categories: Think about your essay structure before working on it. That way, you can break up the classes into different parts. Additionally, decide on your essay’s angle. Create a thesis statement: Write a persuasive thesis statement and support your claim with solid evidence. A classification essay requires a convincing primary argument. Outline the essay: Outlining will keep your writing organized while ensuring it covers every point. Also, it enables you to decide the content for every paragraph or section. Your outline can include the introduction, main body, and conclusion. Draft: Follow the outline to write the first draft. Categorize the items into different classes based on their unique traits. Write the final draft: Write the final copy of the essay based on your first copy. Ensure that the division between the items or objects comes out clearly. Edit: Proofread and edit the essay before submitting

Writing a classification essay becomes easy when you select the right topic. This article lists a wide array of division classification essay topics to help you find one you’re comfortable with before starting the writing process.

Classification Essay Topics For College Students

Are you a college student looking for good classification essay topics? If so, this section has exciting ideas you might want to explore in your papers:

  • Different types of tourists
  • Different friends types
  • Classification of social network users
  • Modern world and sports fans categories
  • Categories of college roommates
  • Categories of church-goers
  • States with different population quantity and density
  • The US youth groups today
  • The modern world and social groups
  • Categories of social values
  • Different nationalities and their traits
  • Different levels of degrees in colleges
  • Various categories of artists
  • Different types of books
  • Categories of studying techniques
  • Various types of teachers
  • Types of exercises for bodybuilders
  • Different categories of relationships
  • Different friendship types
  • Friendships and their characteristics

College students can explore these ideas in their essays. Nevertheless, learners should pick ideas they are comfortable exploring in their research and writing.

Classification Essay Topics On History

Are you pursuing a history course and need classification topics for your papers? If so, this list has exciting ideas to explore in your work:

  • Leonardo Da Vinci and his significant accomplishments
  • Historical events and their impacts on people’s lives
  • How different rulers changed the course of history
  • The role of religion in shaping history
  • The most important inventions in history
  • The turning points in history that led to significant changes
  • How wars have shaped the course of history
  • The role of geography in the development of historical events
  • Influence of different cultures on each other throughout history
  • The economic factors that have led to historic changes
  • The part of art and literature in history.
  • How political leaders can maintain security and peace
  • Slavery in different historical periods in America
  • Reasons for the strong influence of the Mayan civilization
  • Britain’s history and its most celebrated episodes
  • Various revolutions in the 19th century in America
  • Seven Wonders of the World and their information sources
  • Different printing techniques in history
  • Customs that led to modern holidays
  • Characteristics of the first civilizations
  • Military commanders and their successes
  • Nicknames for the American presidents
  • Che Guevara and his achievements
  • Milestones Adolf Hitler made during his rise and fall
  • The most influential and popular US presidents

Writing a quality essay about these titles requires in-depth research and organization of thoughts. Therefore, pick a title you’re comfortable with to draft a winning paper.

Classification Essay Topics In Economics

Are you pursuing an economics course in college? If so, this list has classification ideas worth exploring in your papers:

  • How the economy affects businesses
  • The demand and supply concepts
  • How the balance of trade impacts the economy
  • Unemployment and its different types
  • How experts measure economic growth
  • Various problems arise from a recession
  • How inflation affects the economy
  • Governments and their role in the economy
  • How taxation affects the economy
  • Multiple categories of economic systems
  • Factors affecting the prosperity of the global economy
  • The dominance of developed countries over developed ones
  • Impacts of debt taking on developing countries
  • How various market institutions affect developing nations
  • Different effects of politics on economic growth
  • Popular products that enhance economic prosperity
  • Different approaches to economic growth
  • Factors causing price volatility
  • International and regional financial organizations and their impacts on member states
  • Is global agriculture declining or expanding?
  • Categories of goods in modern economics
  • Regions or countries that control the international economy
  • Industries driving the global economy
  • Exploring different types of business cartels
  • How food safety regulations have assisted certain countries

Economics is a broad and diverse subject covering different topics. Nevertheless, any of these topics can be an excellent starting point for your essay.

Funny Classification Essay Topics

Maybe you want to have fun while researching and writing your paper. If so, consider choosing one of these topics:

  • Different categories of people you can meet at a party
  • Types of people you can meet online
  • Ways to do away with a boring person
  • Jobs you should avoid forever
  • Types of people teenagers don’t want as friends
  • Ways of classifying your Facebook friends
  • How a person becomes cynical
  • Categories of fitness freaks
  • Ways to make an ex fall in love with you
  • Ways to avoid forgetting your friends
  • How to avoid a person you don’t like
  • Ways to annoy a person without consequences
  • Types of laughter and their causes
  • Different ways someone can disgust you
  • Various ways to a girl’s heart
  • Ways to get into a man’s bed
  • Santa Claus and major myths about him
  • Multiple fashion styles and what makes them stand out
  • The best books to read and enjoy
  • Movies that will make you laugh and watch them again

Classification essays shouldn’t always be serious. Picking these ideas will lead to fun-filled research and writing experience. Nevertheless, follow your educator’s instructions to prompt them to award you the top grade in your class.

Classification And Division Essay Topics

As the name suggests, these titles require the writer to classify and divide items, concepts, or ideas. Here are topics to consider in this category:

  • Bowling as an Olympic sport
  • Types of scripted reality shows
  • Movies with CGI graphics
  • Earbuds categorization as headphones
  • Caffeinated drinks and their classification as energy drinks
  • Teens trick-or-treating rules
  • Chips as snacks, yet they are not chips
  • Social media posts and their categories
  • Different meme types
  • Categories of healthy breakfasts
  • Types of parenting styles
  • Different categories of gamers
  • Categorizing teaching styles
  • Effective calming techniques
  • Occupational fields that aren’t remote
  • Spending habits among teenagers
  • Various inventions and their categories
  • Multiple places that humans have not explored
  • Categories of holistic medicine
  • Party factions in the Democratic party

These are good division and classification essay topic examples. Nevertheless, pick the one you’re comfortable working on to enjoy your project.

Definition Classification Essay Topics

Topics in this category define and classify different items, concepts, or ideas. Here are ideas to explore in this section:

  • Various types of love
  • Different forms of beauty
  • Categories of success and their differences
  • Various types of failure
  • Different categories of fear
  • Different forms of happiness
  • Exploring different types of family
  • Various types of political parties
  • Different forms of governance
  • The concepts of political power
  • Different approaches to decision-making in politics
  • Different ideologies in politics
  • Types of economic systems
  • Different types of agriculture
  • Various types of intelligence

When writing an essay in any of these titles, students should define and classify the items or concepts they want to investigate. That way, they can show the educator that they understand them.

Easy Classification Essay Topics

Maybe you don’t want to struggle with researching and writing your essay. In that case, these topics for the classification essay are ideal for you:

  • Different strategies for adding weight
  • Five American comedians and reasons for their popularity
  • Main causes of obesity
  • Unique methods for shedding weight
  • Various ways to save money
  • Types of online sellers
  • Different types of leadership
  • Types of a balanced diet
  • Ways to make friends
  • Multiple forms of workplace bullying
  • Different categories of poems
  • Types of mental health treatments
  • Types of role models
  • Categories of individual personalities
  • Categorization of goals in life
  • Different types of weather
  • Various types of animals
  • Different categories of plants
  • Various types of rocks
  • Different mineral types
  • Various types of soil
  • Categories of ecosystems
  • Different types of climates
  • Various types of biomes
  • Different categories of habitats

These classification essay ideas are easy to research since you can quickly find a lot of information about them. Nevertheless, ensure that your chosen topic meets your educator’s requirements. If you find it difficult to choose a topic for the essay or figure out how to write a dissertation, you can always use custom dissertation writing , where you can get help in completing the assignment to a high score.

Extra Classification Essay Topics List

Maybe you didn’t find an exciting topic for a classification essay in the above categories. In that case, consider any of these ideas for your paper:

  • Types of music genres
  • Different types of clothing
  • Various categories of sports fans
  • Types of pets
  • Categories of holidays
  • Types of college majors
  • Different kinds of jobs
  • Various categories of cars
  • Types of home decorations
  • Kinds of HGTV shows
  • Different types of Facebook users
  • Texting habits of teenagers
  • Types of sports teams
  • Types of video games
  • Best summer holiday destinations
  • Prerequisites for getting the best friends
  • Types of decorations for the Christmas tree
  • Digital profession categories
  • Kinds of shopping behaviours
  • Homeless person categories
  • Different varieties of dancing styles
  • Types of lecturing strategies
  • Categories of extracurricular activities
  • Bad behaviours among artist
  • Different kinds of political cultures
  • Categories of immigrants
  • Sorts of comedy shows
  • Types of conflicts at workplaces
  • Various types of voting systems
  • Categories of climatic zones
  • Varieties of social media content
  • Different types of responsibilities

Classification essays are not challenging to write, but they require some thought and organization to succeed. The most important thing to remember is to focus on a single characteristic to help you group your subjects into manageable categories. Once you have chosen your topic and determined your purpose, the rest of the essay should fall into place more easily.

However, selecting the right topic is the first and foremost step in writing this essay. That’s because while there are many types of classification essay topics, not all suit every student. Therefore, learners should take sufficient time to investigate their titles to write winning papers.

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classification essay topics middle school

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Classification Essay

Caleb S.

A Beginner’s Guide to Classification Essay + Examples, Topics, & Tips

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Classification Essay

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Classification Essay Outline - A Step By Step Guide

A List of 270+ Classification Essay Topics for Your Next Assignment

Have you ever tried organizing your wardrobe, and separating clothes by color or style to make your mornings smoother? Well, imagine doing the same with your thoughts and ideas.

This is what a classification essay does. It offers a way to understand a topic or idea by categorizing and classifying it.

This type of essay is assigned to evaluate students’ critical thinking skills and their ability to define and categorize things on a specific basis. 

In this guide, we will learn how to write a classification essay step by step. Plus, you will also get to read some good essay examples and interesting topics to write about. 

Let’s read on!

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is a Classification Essay?
  • 2. How to Write a Classification Essay?
  • 3. Classification Essay Examples 
  • 4. Classification Essay Topics
  • 5. Tips for Writing an Effective Classification Essay

What is a Classification Essay?

A classification essay can be defined as an essay that aims to arrange its subjects in categories based on their characteristics. In other words, it's about grouping things together that share common traits.

For example, imagine you're at a library, and each book is a unique idea. The classification essay is your way of creating distinct shelves and arranging those books in an orderly fashion. It is a mixture of expository and analytical essays, as it seeks to establish, discuss, and analyze a subject’s properties and characteristics. 

Moreover, it is also related to definition essays. Things are defined by their characteristics and categories to which they belong, and so the boundaries between a classification and definition essays are often blurred.

How to Write a Classification Essay?

Here are the steps you need to follow to write an excellent classification essay.

Following are the steps that should be taken to start an impressive classification essay:

Step 1: Choose a Topic

The first crucial step is selecting a topic that provides an opportunity for useful classification. Whether it's types of movies, learning styles, or modes of transportation, your topic sets the stage for a well-organized exploration.

Here's how to navigate this crucial first step:

  • Breadth and Relevance: Select for a topic that is broad enough to offer multiple categories but specific enough to maintain focus. For instance, instead of "sports," consider "types of outdoor recreational activities."
  • Consider Your Audience: Think about who will be reading your essay. Tailor your topic to their interests and knowledge level. A topic that resonates with your audience ensures that your classifications have a meaningful impact.
  • Room for Exploration: Look for a topic with room for exploration. A good classification essay not only categorizes but also highlights nuances within each category. This adds depth to your writing and keeps your readers engaged.

Step 2: Conduct Research 

Now that you've chosen a compelling topic, it's time to delve into the world of research. Gather information to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the categories you plan to explore. With good research, you will have solid foundations for your classifications.

Here's how to gather the necessary information to enrich your classification essay:

  • Consult Reliable Sources: Start by consulting reputable sources such as books, academic journals, and credible websites. The information you gather should be accurate and up-to-date.
  • Diversify Your Sources: Get a well-rounded understanding by exploring a variety of sources. The more perspectives you study, the more comprehensive your classifications will be.
  • Take Detailed Notes: As you conduct your research, take detailed notes on relevant information, examples, and any noteworthy details. This will help in outlining and drafting your essay later.
  • Stay Organized: Keep your research organized. A systematic approach will save you time when you start outlining your essay.

Step 3: Brainstorm Ideas About Your Subject

To start writing a classification essay, it is important to first decide on a clear and specific criteria for classification. With credible information in hand, let your creativity flow. 

Jot down all the possible categories related to your chosen topic. This brainstorming phase is about exploring various angles and finding the most meaningful ways to categorize your subject matter.

This essay’s purpose is to define and discriminate between subjects, so make sure that the categories are well-defined and clear. 

Step 4: Develop a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement establishes the writer’s stance on the topic and their central argument. It is important to draft a strong thesis statement for an effective and persuasive classification essay. 

Once you’ve researched and established your categories, it's time to distill your focus into a concise thesis statement. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Your thesis should clearly state the main categories you will explore in your essay. Avoid vague or overly broad statements. The reader should have a precise understanding of what to expect.
  • The thesis statement is the central idea around which your entire essay revolves. It should convey the main point or purpose of your classification. 
  • It should also provide a roadmap, indicating the organization of your upcoming arguments.

Step 5: Draft an Outline

Now that you have a well-crafted thesis statement, it's time to organize your thoughts and create a roadmap for your classification essay. A classification essay outline should include these points:

Step 6: Write Your First Draft

Once you have the necessary information and an organized plan, it is time to start writing your classification essay. To draft an effective and flawless essay, follow the writing steps given below:

  • Write an Essay Introduction

The introduction is the first part of the essay. In this part, you need to catch the reader’s attention and introduce them to your topic. To make your introduction appealing,

  • Start with a catchy hook statement. A hook statement is the opening line of the introductory paragraph that attempts to draw the reader’s attention. 
  • Provide sufficient background and context for your topic.
  • Close your introduction with a strong thesis statement that highlights your central point. 
  • Draft the Body Paragraphs

The body section will contain three or more paragraphs depending on your arguments. The body paragraphs follow and justify the thesis statement made earlier in the introduction. Here’s how to write your body paragraphs:

  • Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that presents the main point of that paragraph.
  • Provide examples, arguments, and relevant information in each paragraph to establish your argument. 
  • Provide a detailed analysis of your subject to justify your categorizations.
  • Connect body paragraphs to each other through transition words and phrases. This is important for maintaining a logical flow.
  • Write a Strong Conclusion

The conclusion is the last paragraph, where you put together all the arguments made in the body paragraphs. Follow these tips to write a good conclusion:

  • Summarize the main categories without introducing new information.
  • Reiterate the significance of your classifications and their impact on understanding the topic.
  • End with a memorable closing statement that leaves a lasting impression.

Step 7: Revise, Edit, & Improve Your Draft

Congratulations on completing your first draft! However, your work is not done just yet. Your first draft could be full of mistakes and weaknesses, so you need to elevate it through the revision, editing, and improvement process. Here’s what you should do to ensure that your final draft is perfect:

  • Review the Overall Structure: Ensure that your introduction sets the stage effectively, each body paragraph is coherent, and the conclusion ties everything together without introducing new information.
  • Check for Clarity and Consistency: See that your language is clear and your ideas are presented logically. Check for consistency in tone and style throughout.
  • Refine Thesis Statement: Revisit your thesis statement. Does it accurately reflect the content of your essay? Make adjustments if needed to ensure it aligns with the final draft.
  • Trim Unnecessary Details: Trim any redundant or unnecessary details. Keep your writing concise and focused on the defining characteristics of each category.
  • Proofread for Errors: Thoroughly proofread your essay for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. A polished essay enhances your credibility as a writer.
  • Get Feedback: Consider seeking feedback from peers, professors, or writing professionals. Fresh perspectives can identify areas for improvement that you might have overlooked.
  • Final Polish: Give your essay a final polish. Ensure that it aligns with your original vision and effectively communicates your ideas.

Classification Essay Examples 

Before starting the writing process, it is better to look at some of the classification essay examples. This way, you will get a better understanding of how these essays are written. 

Here are some classification essay examples to help you get started.

Classification Essay Sample

Division and Classification Essay Example

Exemplification and Classification Essay Example

Types of Friends Classification Essay

Classification Essay on Relationships

Classification Essay Topics

Choosing the right topic is the cornerstone of creating a captivating classification essay. Here's a short but diverse list of classification essay ideas to spark your imagination.

  • Types of Social Media Users
  • Genres of Music
  • Learning Styles
  • Forms of Government
  • Types of Movie Endings
  • Modes of Transportation
  • Gaming Genres
  • Personality Types in a Workplace
  • Human Responses to Stress
  • Various Kinds of Study Habits

Need more ideas? Head to our classification essay topics blog and get a list of interesting ideas to choose from!

Tips for Writing an Effective Classification Essay

Mastering the art of classification essays requires more than just following a set of steps. Consider these tips to enhance the quality and impact of your classification essays:

  • Choose a Niche Topic: Opt for a topic that allows for meaningful categorization. A focused and specific subject ensures a more in-depth exploration of categories.
  • Provide Clear Criteria: Clearly define the criteria used to categorize items. Whether it's characteristics, functions, or behaviors, explicit criteria add depth and clarity to your classifications.
  • Ensure Balanced Categories: Strive for balance in the depth and coverage of each category. Avoid spending disproportionate time on one category, as it can disrupt the overall equilibrium of your essay.
  • Use Consistent Characteristics: Maintain consistency in the characteristics you use to define each category. This ensures a coherent and logical progression throughout your essay.
  • Think About Your Audience: Consider your audience's interests and knowledge level. Tailor your classifications to resonate with your readers, making the essay more engaging and relevant to them.
  • Include Vivid Examples: Illustrate each category with vivid and relevant examples. Concrete examples provide a clearer understanding and make your classifications more compelling.
  • Stay Objective: Maintain objectivity in your classifications. Avoid biases and ensure that your categories are based on observable and verifiable characteristics.
  • Read Widely: Expose yourself to a variety of classification essays. Knowing other points of views can provide inspiration, insights, and a deeper understanding of effective categorization.

In conclusion,

A classification essay is a unique and interesting kind of writing with a few special requirements. Having read its definition and writing steps above, you now know what they are: It requires you to categorize your subject based on its features and argue for its validity. 

Following the steps and tips above will allow you to craft an A-worthy classification essay. The key to success comes down to pre-writing preparation and meticulous editing and revisions. Start early, plan your essay, figure out the categories, write, and rewrite until you’re satisfied.

Still need expert help? No worries! We fully understand your writing challenges. 

At, you can get assistance from professional writers for any type of essay, regardless of your topic. Our experienced and expert writers write amazing essays for you according to your needs and requirements.

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Caleb S.

Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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Writing a Classification Essay

Once you finish prewriting, you are ready to create the first draft of your ideas. These writing activities will help you create a strong beginning, middle, and ending for your classification essay. You'll also read another student's essay to see how all of the parts came together.

Writing the Beginning Paragraph

The beginning of your classification essay should introduce your topic with some interesting background information and then give your focus statement.

Write your beginning paragraph.

Create your first paragraph, starting with interesting background information and moving toward your focus statement. Make a copy of this Google doc or download a Word template .

Lead Sentence

We humans have created devices, such as camouflage-patterned military fatigues and pepper spray, to protect ourselves in dangerous situations.

(Answers will vary.)

Detail Sentences

Have you ever wondered where we got the ideas for these tools? They may have come from examples set by other members of the animal kingdom. Animals face many dangers in their environments, and they have some unusual and inspired methods of defense.

Focus Statement

Three ways in which animals protect themselves are by changing colors, releasing chemicals, and giving up a body part.

Writing the Middle Paragraphs

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  • 150 Classification Essay Topics and Ideas

In a classification essay, you divide the subject into categories . To create these categories, you single out certain attributes of things. You can classify them according to their characteristics, themes, or traits.

Sounds complicated? Be sure that any high school or college student can manage this type of essay!

This article gives you a wide variety of classification essay topic ideas. It also provides tips with examples for writing an on-point classification and division essay. And remember, our custom writing team is always ready to help you with your assignments.

  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics
  • ✅ How-to Guide
  • 🍎 Health and Nutrition
  • đŸ€” Psychology
  • đŸ§‘đŸ»â€đŸ€â€đŸ§‘đŸœ Society

🔍 References

🔝 top 10 classification essay topics.

  • Worldwide trading structures
  • Essential plant nutrients classification
  • The 4 types of monopoly in economics
  • Voting system types around the world
  • What are the types of communication?
  • Strategies for decision making in business
  • Accessible ways to protect the environment
  • Different age groups’ workplace behaviors
  • The factors which influence consumer behavior
  • What factors contribute to the unemployment rate?

✅ How to Write a Classification Essay

The purpose of a classification essay is to deliver a clear presentation of a subject. You do it by dividing the subject into categories. Then, you arrange the information into groups in a logical sequence. Follow these steps, and you’ll be able to write an excellent classification essay:

  • Choose a topic. Pick one of the topics presented below or make up your own.
  • Come up with a thesis. It needs to be an attention-grabbing sentence. Most importantly, it should reflect the main purpose of your paper. Take your time with this one.

Come up with a thesis.

  • Tip: Classification essay outline consist of an introduction, three categories, and a conclusion.

Write an outline. Example.

  • Tip: At this stage, feel free to make changes in your outline or thesis. Be sure to keep the logical flow of your essay.
  • Write a fantastic classification essay. Continue to polish the draft paragraph by paragraph. Don’t forget to provide examples for each category. Also, make sure that everything you’ve written is connected with the thesis.
  • Proofread and turn in. Go over your paper a few times, and let one or two peers read it. Correct it if necessary, and turn it in!

🍎 Health and Nutrition Classification Ideas

There are so many things to classify when it comes to food and wellness. Think of different diets, sports activities, and self-care methods. All these are your options when choosing a topic for a classification essay.

  • What products can be included in a vegan diet to get enough protein?
  • Find out what foods are essential for athletes.
  • Research healthy meal plan ideas for college students.
  • Write about types of anemia and their diagnosis methods.
  • What foods can potentially prolong our lives?
  • Weight loss activities that don’t require a gym membership.
  • Research various diets that help lose weight .
  • Benefits of switching from junk food to home-cooked meals.
  • Types of vitamins necessary for a healthy body.
  • Research the dimensions of dieting and wellness.
  • What foods should one give up to prevent diabetes?
  • Ways to protect knees and back while exercising.
  • Types of diabetes mellitus: the role of insulin.
  • Consequences of not drinking enough water.
  • What minerals are essential for a person’s health?
  • How to receive enough carbohydrates without gaining extra weight.
  • What are the most common diet myths?
  • What can an office worker do to keep their body healthy?
  • Things everyone should know to be protected from HIV.
  • Benefits of including fruit and vegetables in one’s daily ration.

đŸ€” Psychology Classification Essay Topics

Psychology focuses on the human brain and behavior. This discipline combines medicine and philosophy, so there are several approaches to it. You can write about emotions, attitudes, and therapy methods. Or, take a scientific approach and discuss the biological side of disorders.

Feel free to pick one of these classification essay ideas on psychology:

  • What events are most likely to cause post-traumatic stress disorders ?
  • Types of therapies in modern psychology .
  • Gender dysphoria: classification, causes and treatment.
  • What causes anxiety among college students?
  • Most common childhood mental disorders.
  • Types of behavior disorders.
  • What are the most effective ways of overcoming anxiety?
  • Research various types and causes of the most common phobias .
  • Ways of befriending a person with a disorder.
  • Write about the definition and classification of responsibilities.
  • What factors contribute to the global developmental delay?
  • What are the 3 types of communication disorders ?
  • How a person with ADHD can remain a functional member of society.
  • Ways of coping with BPD in everyday life.
  • Describe the major types of depression.
  • How can a teenager overcome anorexic tendencies?
  • Research different causes of sleep disorders in the U.S.

Common sleep disorders.

  • What are the symptoms of compulsive gambling ?
  • What are the most successful methods of treating OCD ?
  • Discuss the main types of memory and their functions.

đŸ§‘đŸ»â€đŸ€â€đŸ§‘đŸœ Classification and Division Essay Topics on Society

A society consists of individuals who share surroundings, interactions, and culture. People are complicated, and so are the societies they live in. Here are several topic ideas for classification essay that touch on various sociological aspects:

  • Discuss organizational culture, its types, and success factors.
  • What values should a society have to live in harmony?
  • Research the specifics of the most populated U.S. states.
  • What are the elements of American culture?
  • Write about the leading causes of large-scale conflicts.
  • Discover the types of social segmentation in a community.
  • Research the main categories of social groups and their functions.
  • How does the music industry influence today’s teenagers?
  • What new social trends appeared after COVID-19 pandemic?
  • What are the most fun ways to socialize with friends?
  • Types and effects of cyberbullying.
  • How can a country recover from an extended period of social unrest?
  • Write about the necessary aspects of interpersonal relationships .
  • National holidays that have shaped the U.S. as a nation.
  • What traditions can help a family to maintain loving relationships ?
  • Common traits between all sports fan groups.
  • What challenges do law enforcement members face daily?
  • Describe different types of cognitive bias.
  • What makes a good U.S. citizen?
  • Research how businesses grab the attention of modern customers.

đŸ§Ș Science Classification Topics

Science continuously challenges our mindset. It also provides endless knowledge about the world. Today, there are an enormous number of scientific disciplines. Each one of them is further classified into sub-categories. Classification is at the core of science, so don’t hesitate to break down one of the following essay topics:

  • What are the main vaccines that every person should get?
  • What are the positive effects of vaccines on the human body?
  • Reasons why DNA roles are important.
  • What accessible technologies are able to improve eyesight?
  • What are the health effects of chemicals used in food packaging ?
  • The uses of statistical tables in science.

Henry Lewes quote.

  • Research the branches of biological sciences.
  • What are the known types of black holes?
  • What disproves that life exists on other planets ?
  • The most important rocket launches in history.
  • Discuss the communication methods invented over the last fifty years.
  • Research types of telescopes that are currently used.
  • Typology and examples of measuring tendency.
  • What are the modern ways of overcoming allergies?
  • Main branches of ecology.
  • What are the effects of computer technologies on the human brain ?
  • Research the most important inventions in computer science.
  • What branches of technology are actively using radio waves?
  • Computers: their classification, history, and development.
  • How is face recognition technology used by businesses and the government?

📜 Classification Essay Topics on History

History is full of exciting events, dramatic turns, and cautionary tales. It also includes life stories of remarkable people who made a difference. Consider these classification essay topics and prompts on history:

  • How can political leaders maintain peace and security?
  • Slavery in different periods of American history.
  • Reasons why the Mayan civilization was highly influential.
  • The most celebrated episodes in Britain’s history .
  • Types of revolutions that took place in 19th century America.
  • Discuss the countries that formed the Soviet Union.
  • The most significant U.S. presidents.
  • Research ancient philosophers who laid the foundations for psychology.
  • Reasons why Julius Caesar is one of the greatest leaders in history.
  • The most significant accomplishments of Leonardo Da Vinci.
  • Abraham Lincoln’s legacy in the American constitution and culture.
  • Milestones of Adolf Hitler’s rise and fall.
  • What are the greatest achievements of Che Guevara ?
  • Discuss the nicknames Americans give to their presidents.
  • The most successful military commanders in world history.
  • Research the first civilizations and their characteristics.
  • What were the main types of ancient warfare?
  • Customs that laid the foundation of modern holidays.
  • Different types of printing techniques.
  • Sources of information about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient world.

🎹 Art Classification Essay Topics

People have always expressed themselves in creative ways. Art has many branches, varieties of styles, techniques, and meanings. In your essay, focus on a specific aspect of art. This list of topics can inspire a great classification essay:

  • The main types of classical music .
  • Research the musical trends that emerged in the last hundred years.
  • Ways in which Mozart influenced the music industry.
  • Music as a way to express national character.
  • The most prominent painting techniques.
  • Come up with a classification of television shows.
  • What online outlets do modern artists use to express themselves?
  • Research the greatest Renaissance artists.
  • Reasons why graffiti is an art form.

Classifications of the arts.

  • Describe various styles of icon painting.
  • What are the main stages of film production ?
  • Describe the most popular movie genres.
  • The importance of Bauhaus for the 20th century design.
  • What are the unique features of South-American art?
  • In what ways did Asian art influence the world?
  • Reasons why it is important to have art classes in every school.
  • Variations of art therapy and its effect on human behavior.
  • Themes of Frida Kahlo’s paintings.
  • Describe several different art objects from around the world.
  • How classical music and theater take inspiration from literature.

⚜ Classification Essay Topics: Sports

Physical activity is an essential part of life. Some people see sports as a hobby, some as a daily disciple, and others view it as a career. This section has various classification essay topics on sports that will inspire a great thesis statement and a successful paper:

  • Research different kinds of water sports.
  • Requirements for the most popular winter sports.
  • Main types of weight training.
  • The most absurd extreme activities.
  • Write about American professional soccer leagues.
  • What are the different kinds of team sports?
  • The influence of African Americans on sports.
  • Famous car racing competitions.
  • Mind sports that emerged in recent decades.
  • The greatest athletes of all time.
  • Research the most recent Guinness World Records in Sports.
  • Sports included in the very first Olympic Games .
  • Describe group dynamics in baseball.
  • Research recently invented kinds of sports.
  • Challenges faced by the Olympic athletes.
  • What kinds of sports can parents consider for their children?
  • The most popular ball games.
  • Write about the reasons why eSports are in the sports category.
  • Different types of gyms .
  • What attitudes are important for athletes ?

We hope that you found this article useful. Now you’re ready to write an excellent classification essay!

Good luck with your assignment!

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Use our free Readability checker

A classification essay is a type of academic essay that categorizes a topic into distinct groups based on shared characteristics or criteria. The writer's purpose is to create a clear organization of information. Classification should be logical, making it easier for readers to remember the information being presented.

Let us guess: your professor asked you to write a classification essay. But they didn't explain how to even write one, did they? They often drop students like that as a part of self-learning. That's exactly why you're here! Writing a classification essay requires research. And making sure you've got enough information, you must double check what you've already gathered. Besides, classifying may sound simple, but it takes discipline and logical thinking. Putting thoughts into words and all that
 What a task! But we heard a little rumor that those who continue reading would master classification papers. It's time for you to see if this rumor is true!  

What Is a Classification Essay: Definition

Classification essay doesn’t want to hide its essence, considering its name. But the primary goal of this type of article is to classify. Now, what you want to rank is up to you or your professor. Your main goal is to select topics and later put them into categories. The primary purpose of this type of essay is to show your skills in categorisation and generalization. We can take food as a good and tasty example. For instance, apples and oranges belong to the fruit category, while cucumbers will definitely be vegetables. As for avocado, you have to do the research and classify this type of food. Nevertheless, you’ll definitely need to write one of those essays during your college. So to master academic and classification writing, keep reading!  

How to Write a Classification Essay

We will start by teaching you how to write a classification essay. In this case, preparation is our little saving grace. So before you begin the actual writing, typing, or scribbling, it’s a good idea to think about the overall essence of your article. For starters, here are several valuable tips worth remembering:

  • Select a type of organization (you can use tables, documents, or anything that will help you in organizing your work).
  • Choose your categories for classification.
  • Make sure that each category is distinct and clear.
  • Include different examples for visualization.

These several steps will be handy for writing a thesis and starting your introduction. Buy essay papers online once you want good results with as little time spent as possible.

Developing an Effective Classification Essay Thesis Statement

Like with other articles, the classification essay thesis is one of the most vital parts of your work. A good thing worth keeping in mind is that your thesis is the last statement of your introduction. It also determines whether your audience will continue reading your article. Here are several things you should follow to write a good thesis:

  • Summarize your work.
  • Identify your main topic, objective, or goal of your essay.
  • Above all, make readers understand what point you’re making and what your paper is gonna be about.
  • Mention the categories you have chosen.

If you can nail our list given above, congratulations, you’ve got yourself an outstanding thesis.

Classification Essay Outline

Creating a classification essay outline is one of the easiest ways to approach an excellent classification paper. It’s true that it requires a lot of research and remembering. You will not only have to write about a single subject but group topics into categories. In order to do it correctly and understandably for the reader, it’s best if you use an outline. First and foremost, your essay should follow a traditional five paragraph essay format structure. It should have a minimum of three paragraphs. But typically, professors prefer around five. So your introduction must initially include an introduction, several body paragraphs depending on the length of your article, and a conclusion. In your body paragraphs outline, it’s a good idea to describe the groups you will include in your article. So your first paragraph will group fruits according to their color, while the second one can use nutrition for a classification. This will help you to remember your points before writing.  

How to Start a Classification Essay: Introduction

Classification essay introduction is very similar to any other introduction you have probably written. You should never forget that you are writing for an audience. Doesn’t really matter if your reader is your professor or some person online. The rules of good writing apply to any kind of paper. The first thing worth doing is introducing your overall concept. There is no need to give all the information at once. Just start with something more general and narrow it down later to a thesis we’ve talked about. Make sure that you also include the relevant information. Using our previous metaphor, if you’re talking about fruits, maybe mentioning vegetables will not be a good idea. Besides, staying on one topic will help you to write more clearly. And that’s our final requirement for your introduction.  

Body Paragraphs of a Classification Essay

Classification essay's main body commonly has around 1-3 paragraphs. But don't forget to ask your professor about the length. The important thing to remember is that you are classifying items in your work. In order to achieve precise and successful organization, your body paragraphs must be concise. Each body paragraph should focus on a certain group. You're not making mashed potatoes. So stacking all of your ideas in one section would create a mess. Keep it simple in terms of structure:  

  • Paragraph 1 — fruits organized by their color
  • Paragraph 2 — fruits arranged by expert location
  • Paragraph 3 — fruits ordered by size or shape

A simple and understandable organization will make your writing sharp. And your readers will definitely say thank you!

Classification Essay Conclusion

A classification essay conclusion is, just like always, crùme de la crùme of any article. At this point, your reader knows everything you were telling them. They know all your data, issues, and ideas. Thus, quickly summarizing what they’ve read in your body paragraphs will help a lot. But the last thing to do is organize your conclusion while leaving an impression. Now, their impressions can be different. However, your readers must think about your work for at least some time. So your conclusion must end with something intriguing like the possible future of your topic or piece of mind for the readers. Just don’t include any new information, and you’ll do fantastically!  

Classification Essay Writing: Useful Tips

Even with our help, classification essay writing is challenging. So we prepared for you several good tips that will help you improve and ease your academic life. Check them out:  

  • Define the purpose of the article before you start writing.
  • Avoid popular and often used topics.
  • Write down a number of topics before picking one. (We have a list of classification essay topics at your disposal.)
  • Choose a subject that will be personally interesting for you.
  • Remember that you are also writing for someone else who might not know everything about your topic.
  • Edit and proofread your work.
  • Take a break from writing once in a while and come back with a fresh mind and new look.
  • Don’t try writing about everything simultaneously. Instead, focus on one category and lead with it.

With these steps, we can definitely say that you’re ready.

Classification Essay Examples

How could we leave you without classification essay samples? You’re right; we couldn’t. Check out this example. Keep in mind that our examples always have characteristics that we talked about. So you can read the sample and return back for this article or do some revision. It will help you a lot. What are you waiting for? You can find the example right here. Or simply buy essay for college to avoid any hard work this evening. 

Classification Essay: Bottom Line

Who knew that  writing a classification essay  wasn’t that hard? We did, and now you know that, too. You have everything it takes to create an excellent paper. You know that:  

  • Your thesis is the most essential part of the essay.
  • The introduction must contain general information on the subject.
  • Body paragraphs must be carefully organized.
  • A conclusion should leave an impression without including new information.


But if you’re still looking for proficient help, our academic writing services got you covered. Our writers do excellent research before writing a paper and deliver high-quality results. We are also proud of our timely delivery of the papers.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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FAQ about Classification Essays

1. what is the purpose of a classification essay.

The purpose of a classification essay is to organize and classify. In the beginning, you have several unique items. They indeed have some things in common. So your job is to identify in what categories they fit best. After doing the research and careful learning, you must put everything you have gathered into words. But still, keep in mind that the second purpose is to make your essay and classification clear to the reader.

2. How long is a classification essay?

There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to classification essay length. Everything will depend on the guidelines. Usually, such articles are 3 to 5 paragraphs long. Their minimum is always an introduction, one body paragraph, and conclusion. However, professors definitely enjoy 5 paragraphs as a standard length. But you always need to remember that the essay should be long enough to provide necessary information for the reader. Or it must be short enough not to drag it out.

3. What is the difference between a division and classification essay?

Division and classification essays are only slightly different. The items you choose for classification essays must belong to strict and certain categories. They cannot overlap or belong to two different groups. On the other hand, division essays allow the subjects to move from one group to another. They might be divided into different groups or categories and thus overlap.

4. What are different types of classification?

There are several types of classification. Depending on the particular topic, you can choose a specific type that fits the best. Here’s what you can choose from:

  • Spatial classification (location, place and so on).
  • Chronological (you must take time and dates into consideration).
  • Classification by attributes (qualitative).
  • Classification by size (quantitative with numbers and statistics).
  • How It Works
  • Essay Examples

20 Classification Essay Topics To Inspire You

classification essay topics

Classification essay is all about classifying something in an essay, and it can be about any aspect like shared characteristics. The subject will be defined by a broad area, and it is important to go through the area for identifying the several key elements that make up what it is. The essay writer has to then explain these parts, which may not be easily apparent to other people. On the face of it, the classification essay may seem like a simple concept as it is only intended to help make a concept easily understandable to the reader.

There are a few challenges with regard to this type of an essay; the chief of those issues will be dealing with the direction, as the writer may be forced to take an entirely different path which was not expected before. However, it is imperative to place faith in the process.

How can you choose a great classification essay topic?

Key aspects to note while choosing classification essay topics.

It is often recommended to write about topics that you know. This happens to be one of the first advices for someone about to start a classification essay. While it is completely possible for a writer to do extensive research for the topic, nothing can beat the real world experience provided by experiencing the topic in person. Some may feel that the opportunity to research and explore a different topic will help them with a great learning curve. Further, there is also the possibility of adding a new viewpoint to the topic. These aspects will come in handy when trying to classify the subject.

Plenty of prewriting time is essential before working on classification essay topics. Often, the writers tend to ignore this aspect but it can lead to a lack of knowledge on that topic. This lack of knowledge can become evident while trying to categorise the subject. It should be remembered that almost every aspect of the essay can be split up into categories, but they may not all be ideal for an interesting essay.

The pre-writing time can be used to come up with a subject list, which will be able to help categorise each subject in a much better manner. It will also help identify a subject that can be further split up into several interesting and unique ways. Let us consider the example of food, which is a common subject. Yet, it can be split up into interesting groups like nutrition, and many people may not be aware of the same. After having come up with a list of the topics that seem interesting, it is time to research on the angle from which the topic will seem interesting to the reader. It is imperative that the essay does not appeal to the writer alone.

Can the subject be classified or presented in a manner that will appeal to the reader? Can it be transformed into a category that is not popularly known? If these basic conditions are met, you have a winner on your hands in terms of the classification essay topic.

After having chosen the topic, you need to spend plenty of time in order to think about the potential categories that this topic can accommodate. Ideally, you need to come up with at least three or four categories within the topic in order to make the essay interesting and useful to readers. If not, it is time to search for a new subject and begin the process all over again.

After having chosen the subject, you should ascertain that the essay would include all the possible categories under that subject. While the idea of skipping on a couple of topics and categories may seem like a good idea when it comes to a large essay, it certainly does not make for good reading.

Here are the top points to keep in mind:

  • Identify subjects that are of interest to you or subjects on which you have previous experience
  • Strike off the subjects that do not provide an interesting angle to write about
  • Identify subjects that are capable of being categorised into multiple ways
  • Spend time to come up with all potential categories for that subject

Here Are the Top 20 Topics for a Classification Essay:

The presidential election is not the only opportunity to discuss about politics, as this subject has the potential to provide plenty of content. One can even start from as basic as focusing on the motivation to get into politics. The perspective can also be broadened to a newly formed politician and the way their actions are shaped up by their motivations. Interestingly, this happens to be a topic that can provide multiple angles to write about. Even without experience, it is possible to write on politics in the classification essay.

The global world has brought about substantial changes to the nationality, as today there are several types of people – belonging to different races and social classes – in a country. This is especially profound in a global superpower like the United States. One can come up with a classification essay that tries to shed insight into the different directions taken by each race or social class of people.

Entertainment is today one of the biggest businesses and those in the entertainment industry command huge salaries. Hence, it is possible for a writer to go through in different areas of interest like the popularity of the industry or the exorbitant salaries that is quite prevalent. It would also allow you to explore subjects that are of interest like painting or music. An advantage is the option to provide a load of examples.

Irrespective of age, sports happens to be one of the popular elements in our life. This presents plenty of opportunities to work on the subject. It can be even as basic as the reason for the popularity of sport. Furthermore, the research for the subject can be carried out even at the local stadium.

The term vacation destinations comprises of multiple choices, thus giving a great opportunity to come up with a topic. The multiple choices are with regard to prices, destination type, and duration. Hence, a writer can go into several points on this topic, while the research can also be fairly easy due to the strong availability of travel agents. You can also write from your past experiences and compare culture differences when going in-depth on a topic like this one.

Cooking is a subject where there is a lot of opinion. Food has a lot of impact of social lives, but what it is that drives us towards food as a social element? It is possible to focus on this element of the food, and it already has the makings of a winner.

People love to read books and each have their reason to do so. Going into this aspect provides a great idea for the classification essay topic. Moreover, it can be moulded into different aspects by focusing on different hobbies.

There are different genres of music with each having an interesting information and a background. Yet, most people tend to listen only to a specific type of music. At times, this exclusivity extends to a specific activity requiring a specific type of music. This provides an interesting topic for the essay.

Relationships are being viewed as the complex part of our daily life. As we get older, the relationship needs change dramatically. Apart from being able to use personal experience for the points, focusing on the relationship can also help a writer research on the various elements rather easily by taking on the experiences that occur nearby every day. Inserting some human psychology information can wow the reader.

The first dates can go either way: some are funny while some are just bad. The experiences are available in numerous ways, and it is possible to adopt plenty of styles with regard to writing on this topic.

There are the generous restaurant tippers who gave out more than 20% on occasions, but there are also those who do not provide more than one percent. What is the reason behind the substantial differences in the tipping habits? This can be an interesting topic and it is also quite easy to research on this element.

The social media reigns supreme in the modern world, but each have their own way of using social media. Some are more expressive while some are reserved – just like in real life. These differences can lend plenty of characters to write about as an essay. Just think about it - the impact of social media on students, the rise of social media manipulation, it's all there and you only have to choose a topic.

Marijuana has been a topic of much debate in the United States with a large section of people opposing it. Yet, it is growing in popularity and there is a push for legalisation. One can also think about opting for a classification paper that focuses on the multiple ways to deal with substance abuse beyond the possibility of prohibition.

There are plenty of fanatics of bodybuilding or working out out there. They regularly work out so as to keep in shape. One can consider a light-hearted classification essay that focuses on various characters in the gym. A serious topic would also be the multiple body issues faced by those who hit the gym. Another one would be about finding your motivation when heading out to train in a place that only brings you pain. Write about pain as the key to self-improvement, discuss side ideas and you will create a very wonderful piece.

There are people of different personalities in the world. Most of their personalities have been shaped up by the environment and society. One can consider a topic on the reasons for some people to have a weird personality or some to have a great personality. This topic can be approached from various angles.

Some need to come up with an essay for academic purposes as demanded by a class. This would lead to a great topic in the form of teachers and their ways of interaction. A student who has to come up with the classification topic will be able to recall the experiences from their day-to-day life in order to write this topic. Some teachers are strict compared to others. What is the reason? What is better?

It is possible to look within for the topics, as our passion can often be a great topic to write about. Crucially, the passion could be explained to the readers with the help of real-life experience, and note that this is probably the only option to really keep the reader hooked to your essay.

Neighbours can be great or worse. People have all types of experiences with neighbours. Getting into the minds of others will provide interesting insights into the different type of neighbours, thus providing a topic that seems to be on the mind of every home owner at least once in a day.

One of the favourite drinks in the world, beer tends to provide plenty of opinion amongst people. Each have their preferred the taste, but beer often tends to overcome any occasion since it is a universal bank. What is the reason for its popularity over the regular spirits? Why do some people tend to prefer a specific brand? This can be a great topic for the classification essay and it happens to be one of the easiest to research upon. Merely a visit to the local bar will lend a lot of insight for the topic.

Wrapping it up

These are some of the top 20 topics that can help a writer come up with a great classification essay. Once you have settled on the topic but are still unable to churn out the contents, you can always seek help in order to come up with best classification essay. Apart from providing the directions, we will also be able to assist you with the entire content. It's time to be creative, so now you can turn off your electronic devices to focus on just one thing. Happy writing!

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120 Good Classification Essay Topics for Neatly Organized Papers

A classification essay is an academic paper that organizes things into a system of categories or a hierarchy. For every category, there should be several examples to illustrate it. Although you will have to be logical and consistent to create such a system, you can be creative when brainstorming classification ideas for essay that will be enjoyable to write.

As long as it is relevant to your class, you can classify and organize anything. The best strategy, of course, is to find something that is both class-appropriate and interesting to you. For example, suppose you are writing for your English class. You could write about types of conversation starters if you have an outgoing personality or the types of hook sentences for novels and stories if you are a bookish introvert.

To make choosing the subject more manageable for you, we have collected this list of classification essay topics for college students and organized it into broad subject areas for better navigation. Some of them are linked to already written samples – feel free to explore.

Topics for Classification Essays on Business (Management, Marketing, Finances)

Starting off our classification essay topics list are suggestions on one of the most requested subject areas – business studies. To write a good business classification essay, you will need a thorough knowledge of the subject, so make sure to choose something you have already covered in the class.

  • Classification of economic thought
  • Classification of retail business
  • Types of entrepreneurship
  • Classification of items as assets or liabilities
  • Classification of human resources
  • Financial markets classification
  • Occupational classification
  • Consumer behavior classification
  • Customer segmentation
  • Classification of China’s industry in the Foreign Investment Catalogue
  • Classification of companies in the field of Financial Economics
  • Cost classification in business
  • Elements of forecasting in operations management
  • Give a classification for new market entry strategies
  • Types of marketing segmentation
  • Hotels segmentation
  • Types of long-term investments
  • Types of market structure microeconomics
  • Classifications of contract

Classification Essay Ideas on Health Care

Although all medical papers require specialized knowledge, we have gathered here relatively easy classification essay topics accessible to anyone with a little bit of research.

  • What is the commonly recognized classification of injuries?
  • Classification of medical practices and approaches
  • Classifications of anesthesia
  • Classification of the health services
  • Specialty Care Classifications
  • Classification of hernias
  • Types of information systems in health care
  • Classifications of drug actions on the human body
  • Types of outdoor activities in the urban environment
  • Patricia M. Schiwirian theory of nursing informatics
  • Types and classifications of euthanasia
  • Types of weight-loss strategies
  • Classification of drugs by their addictiveness
  • Classification of COVID-19 complications
  • Classification of disabilities
  • Classification of viruses
  • Cancer classification

Division and Classification Essay Topics on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)

These division and classification topics will be suitable for college students keen on logical analysis and technology. You don’t have to be majoring in STEM fields to give one of these division essay topics a go.

  • Classification of web-resources
  • Classification of cell phones
  • Classification of hackers and hacking activity
  • Bloom’s taxonomy in mathematics teaching
  • Types of machine learning
  • Types of internet-driven crime
  • Types of antennas
  • Types of port scanning
  • Causes of accidents classification
  • Types of construction work
  • Technology for people with disabilities

Classification Topics on Natural Sciences (Biology, Earth science, Environment, etc.)

Natural sciences are a cradle of taxonomy (aka the practice of categorization and classification). Carl Linnaeus started this party with his Systema Naturae back in the 18 th century, and it’s still going strong. Join in by picking one of the following topics!

  • Classification of mammals
  • Classification of mating patterns in birds
  • Microbial classification
  • Classification of air pollutants
  • Classification of water use
  • Types of water pollution
  • Classification of igneous rocks
  • Classification of flooding
  • Philosophical approaches to space exploration
  • Ocean layering and its causes
  • Classification of waste
  • Classification of energy sources

Psychology Classification Essay Topics Examples

Psychology is a fascinating subject, but it’s also very complex. For this reason, the majority of the suggested topics for classification essay are linked to essay examples from our free database. They should give you a better idea of how this type of task should be handled.

  • Models or theories of grief
  • Classification of personality disorders
  • Types of suicides according to Durkheim
  • Classification of dreams
  • Types of internet addiction
  • Types and aspects of love
  • Classifying mental conditions and disorders
  • Hierarchy of needs according to Maslow
  • Parenting styles classification
  • Classification of leadership models
  • Types of fallacies in the political arena
  • Types of cognitive bias
  • Classification of mnemonic systems

Choose Your Topic for Classification Essay from Media Studies (Music, Movie, Internet, Videogames, etc.)

This section offers you easy and entertaining subject matter to write about. It also gives you more creative freedom. It is possible that for your chosen classification essay topic from this list, you will come up with entirely new and original categories.

  • Types of tropes in films
  • Classification of television shows
  • Classification of arts
  • Classification of music
  • Classification of entertainment industries
  • Classification of movie genres
  • Classification of social media
  • Classification of internet memes
  • Classification of internet users by behavioral patterns
  • Classification of movie monsters
  • Classification of anime genres
  • Means of communication

Find Big Classification Essay Idea in Humanities (Society, Anthropology, Linguistics, History)

Although this category of division/classification essay topics is somewhat broad, we are positive you will find a good prompt for your essay here. At the very least, treat those suggestions as jumping-off points and personalize your topic based on your preferences.

  • Traditional and non-traditional students: new classification proposal
  • Classification of wars in human history
  • Classification of Aboriginal cultures
  • Classification of migration by cause
  • Classification of stereotypes
  • Classification of criminal behavior
  • Classification of correction systems
  • Classification of legal systems
  • Family: definition and classification
  • Languages of Europe
  • Classification of American Indian languages
  • Cherokee language in the linguistic classification
  • Contemporary gender classification
  • Scientific techniques of identifying criminals
  • Caste system in traditional Indian society
  • Classifications of educational philosophy
  • Classification of religious traditions
  • Classification of cases in the criminal justice and law enforcement
  • Types of inequality and insecurity
  • The nature of globalization and types of its influence
  • Types of friendship according to Aristotle

Miscellaneous Classification Paper Topics

Last but not least, here are some non-standard, out-of-the-box, or just funny classification essay topics. They didn’t quite fit any of the categories above. Still, they are perfect for familiarizing yourself with the format and having a laugh while at it.

  • Hobby classification
  • Types of cars
  • Classification of wines
  • Classification of ball games
  • Food classification using binary oppositions
  • Categorization of students based on their studying methodology
  • Types of headgear
  • Classification of colleges
  • Types of restaurants
  • Types of human reactions to something funny or amusing
  • Ways to spend two-week vacations
  • Classification of tourists
  • Types of personality tests
  • Types of sandwiches

If the topic you are interested in isn’t linked to a sample yet, hire one of our brilliant essay writers online ! They will quickly prepare a unique personalized paper sample for you on any topic, any subject area, and of any type. If you have questions, contact our support team through online chat – they are always happy to hear from you. Stay inspired and love writing!

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart came to WOWESSAYSℱ with a mission to put together and then slice and dice our vast practical experience in crafting all kinds of academic papers. Jana is an aspired blogger with rich expertise in psychology, digital learning tools, and creative writing. In this blog, she willingly shares tricks of pencraft and mind-altering ideas about academic writing any student will find utterly beneficial.

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  • 125 Classification and Division Essay Topics

Throughout your academic career, you may be asked to write a number of different essay types to demonstrate your understanding of particular concepts. One such essay type is known as a classification and division essay. In order to write one effectively, you must first understand what it is and what it requires of you.

This guide will walk you through the fundamentals of writing an excellent classification and division essay and provide 125 essay topics to use for your next writing assignment.

What Is a Classification and Division Essay?

A classification and division essay takes a large topic and breaks it down into smaller parts or categories. These categories are then further divided into more specific subcategories.

For example, if you were asked to write a classification and division essay about vehicles, you could break them down into categories such as land vehicles, water vehicles, and air vehicles. Each of these categories could then be further divided into subcategories such as:

  • cars, trucks, buses, etc. for land vehicles
  • boats, submarines, etc. for water vehicles
  • planes, helicopters, etc. for air vehicles

In order to write a classification and division essay effectively, you must choose a topic that can be easily divided into smaller parts. Once you have selected a topic, you will need to determine how you will classify and divide it. You will also need to decide on a purpose for writing your essay. For example, are you trying to inform, explain, or persuade your reader?

How to Write a Classification and Division Essay

When it comes to essay writing, each type has its own set of rules and guidelines that need to be followed in order to produce a well-written piece. The same is true for a classification and division essay.

Writing the Intro

Classification and division essays all start with an introduction. In your introduction, you will need to provide background information on your topic and explain why it is important or interesting. You will also need to state your thesis statement in your introduction. This is the main point of your essay that you will be trying to support with evidence and examples.

Remember that your goal for this essay is to effectively classify and divide your chosen topic. Therefore, your thesis statement should make this clear to your reader. For example, if you are classifying and dividing vehicles, your thesis statement might look something like this:

“There are three main types of vehicles: land, water, and air vehicles. Each type of vehicle has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.”

If your thesis is not the final sentence of your introduction paragraph, you will also need to include a road map sentence that tells your reader what you will be discussing in the rest of your essay. This will help them follow along more easily as you present your information.

Writing Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of your classification and division essay should each focus on one main category. You will need to provide evidence and examples to support each of your main points.

Continuing with the example about vehicles for land, water, and air, your first body paragraph might discuss land vehicles. You would provide information about the different types of land vehicles and their advantages and disadvantages. You would do the same for water vehicles in your second body paragraph and air vehicles in your third body paragraph.

Remember that in each body paragraph, you should have a topic sentence that introduces the main point of that paragraph as well as a transition sentence that ends the section and leads into the next one.

Writing the Conclusion

Your classification and division essay will end with a conclusion paragraph. In your conclusion, you will want to briefly summarize the main points of your essay and explain how they support your thesis statement. You’ll want to end with a final thought that wraps up your essay in a satisfying way. This could be a final line that invokes a call to action, provides a humorous insight, or leaves the reader with something to think about.

Essential Tips for Writing a Classification and Division Essay

When writing this type of essay, it is essential to follow these guidelines to ensure that you stay on track and don’t inadvertently leave anything out:

  • Pick topics that can easily be divided into smaller parts.
  • Make sure you have a clear purpose for writing your essay.
  • State your thesis statement in the introduction paragraph.
  • Focus each body paragraph on one main category.
  • Include evidence and examples to support your points.
  • Don’t introduce new information in your conclusion paragraph.
  • End with a final thought that leaves the reader satisfied.

By following these tips, you can be sure to write an effective classification and division essay that will impress your readers and get you the grade you deserve.

These topics should help you organize and outline your classification and division essay into a coherent and effective paper.

Classification and Division Essay Topics About School

  • The different types of schools
  • The different types of teachers
  • The different mechanisms for online learning
  • Standardized tests
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Post high-school options
  • Social dynamics/groups in schools
  • The different types of homeschooling
  • The different responses from colleges
  • Types of cheating in school

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Life

  • The stages of life
  • The different types of families
  • The different types of marriages
  • Types of living situations
  • Types of friends
  • The different types of sibling relationships
  • Types of parents
  • Types of pets
  • Types of awkward feelings
  • The different types of love

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Food

  • Types of cuisines
  • Types of fast food
  • Different types of diets
  • Types of restaurants
  • Ways to cook a particular food
  • The different types of ethnic foods
  • Traditional family recipes
  • Comfort foods
  • Foods from around the world

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Sports

  • Types of sports
  • Extreme sports
  • Team sports
  • Individual sports
  • Spectator sports
  • Professional athletes
  • Olympic athletes
  • College athletes
  • High school athletes
  • Children’s sports leagues

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Technology

  • The different types of phones
  • Cell phone features
  • The different types of laptops
  • Laptop features
  • Online security threats
  • Types of social media posts
  • Types of devices for a particular purpose

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Music

  • The different types of music genres
  • Types of instruments
  • Music from different cultures
  • The evolution of music
  • Music theory
  • Types of recording styles

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Movies and TV Shows

  • The different types of movies
  • The different types of TV shows
  • The different types of movie genres
  • The different types of TV show genres
  • Reality television
  • Scripted television
  • Soap operas
  • Mini-series
  • Animated movies and shows
  • Documentaries
  • Experimental films
  • Blockbuster films

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Books and Literature

  • The different types of books
  • The different types of literature
  • The different types of book genres
  • The different types of literary genres
  • The classics
  • Modern literature
  • Children’s books
  • Young adult literature

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Shopping and Clothes

  • The different types of stores
  • The different types of clothes
  • The different types of shopping experiences
  • Online shopping
  • In-person shopping
  • Luxury items
  • Everyday items
  • Clothes for a special occasion
  • Clothes for work
  • Clothes for school

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Travel and Tourism

  • The different types of vacations
  • The different types of tourist destinations
  • The different types of transportation
  • Types of luggage
  • Types of tourists
  • Different ways of packing for a trip
  • Family activities while on vacation
  • Ways of dealing with jet lag

Classification and Division Essays About Science

  • The different types of diseases
  • The different types of mental disorders
  • The different types of physical disorders
  • Types of treatments
  • Types of medication
  • Different types of therapy
  • Cures for illnesses
  • Different types of viruses

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Health

  • Ways to avoid getting sick
  • The different types of fitness programs
  • Types of exercise equipment
  • The benefits of a healthy diet
  • Ways to eat healthy on a budget
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • The different food groups
  • Eating disorders
  • Sleeping disorders

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Animals

  • The different types of animals
  • Wild animals
  • Farm animals
  • Exotic animals
  • Endangered animals
  • Animal behavior
  • The animal kingdom

With these 125 classification and division essay topics, you’ll be on your way to writing the best division and classification essay that you can. Just remember to choose a topic that can be divided into smaller, more manageable parts and to focus on a single main idea or purpose for your essay.

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classification essay topics middle school

inspiring essay topic ideas

List of 75 Essay Topic Ideas For Middle School Students

Middle school students have learned how to write and are only too willing to show off their writing. Writing their ideas on paper is one way they can express what they feel on the inside. As a teacher, it is your duty to encourage them by giving them essays to write. However, you may be lacking in inspiration with essay topics ideas for middle school students. You don’t have to worry about that any longer. In this article, you will be getting 75 essay topic ideas for middle school students. So, continue reading!

Essay Topic Ideas For Middle School Students

  • What Are The Benefits of Technology To Education?
  • Should School Cafeteria Serve Only Vegetables?
  • Is Fast Food Just As Safe As Homemade Food?
  • Why Should People Stop Taking Soda?
  • What Can Students Do To Improve Their Grades?
  • Why More Time Should Be Allocated To Sports In Schools
  • Discuss Your Understanding of Democracy
  • Describe The President of Your Country
  • Is It Possible For Virtual Friends To Become Real-life Friends?
  • Does Social Media Help Improve Mental Health?
  • Should Education Be Tuition-free?
  • Homeschooling vs Virtual Learning: Which One Should Stay?
  • Do Students Have Too Much Access To The Internet?
  • In What Ways Can Bullying Be Curbed?
  • Why Are Sports Part of The School Curriculum?
  • Should Students Engage In All Types of Sports?
  • Write About Your Understanding of Democracy
  • Write About Three of the World’s Most-Democratic Leaders
  • What Is Healthy Competition For Middle School Students?
  • What Punishment Is The Most Suitable For Bullies In Schools?
  • What Are The Top Three Countries You Would Like To Visit?
  • Should Children Be Taught How To Pray In Schools?
  • What Do You Think About Tattoos and Piercings?
  • How Can Parents Help Their Children To Do Better In Schoolwork?
  • Is Homework Necessary For Students?
  • Can A Middle Schooler Decide To Be A Vegan?
  • Can A Middle Schooler Learn How To Drive?
  • What Is The Most Embarrassing Thing That Has Ever Happened To You?
  • What Was The Happiest Day of Your Life?
  • What Was The Saddest Day of Your Life?
  • Discuss Your Experience At The Gym
  • Discuss The First Time You Learned How To Swim
  • Discuss The First Day You Went Hiking
  • Write About Your Experience With Your First Pet
  • How Did Getting Your Personal Computer Feel Like?
  • What Is That Smell You Will Never Forget?
  • What Incident Scared You The Most?
  • Write About Your Role Models
  • Which Celebrity Will You Like To Meet?
  • What Do You Think About Alien Invasion?
  • Describe A Typical Day In Your Life
  • Write About Your Favourite Parent
  • Write About Your Favourite Food
  • Should Middle School Students Be On Social Media?
  • What Do You Know About Cyber-bullying?
  • Write About Your Favourite Song
  • Write About Your Favourite Instrument To Play
  • Write About Your Favourite Movie
  • Write About The Day You Met Your Best Friend
  • Write About The Day You Got Sick
  • Describe Your Experience At A Bank
  • Describe Your Experience At A Zoo
  • Describe Your Experience At A Beach
  • Describe Your Experience With Your First Flight
  • Write About How To Take Care of A Pet Dog
  • Write About How To Take Care of A Pet Cat
  • Should More Teenagers Be Involved In Tech?
  • Write A Step-by-Step Method On How To Cook Your Favourite Meal
  • What Can Your School Do To Get Rid of Bullying?
  • Should Middle Schoolers Be Allowed To Talk About Politics In Schools?
  • What Do You Understand About Peer Pressure?
  • Should Middle School Students Be Stopped From Using A Cell Phone?
  • What Is The Biggest Problem Facing Middle School Students?
  • Why Are Uniforms So Important To Schools?
  • Write About A Famous Ideology You Disagree With
  • What Is The Best Thing About Middle School?
  • What Is The Worst Thing About Middle School?
  • If You Were To Be A Fantasy Animal, What Type of Animal Would That Be?
  • Write About Your Life As A Middle Schooler
  • Write A Letter To Your Role Model
  • Write About What You Think Of Racial Discrimination
  • Write About The Holiday You Love The Most
  • Write About Your Favourite Toy
  • What Would You Like To Study In College
  • Write About Friendships

How To Write A Middle School Essay

The structure for a middle school essay is simple; it consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. As a teacher, you should guide your students on how to write these. The introduction of the essay should provide an idea of what the student wants to write about and the conclusion should summarize all that the student has written. The body paragraphs should have a natural flow of the student’s ideas. While this may be easy for most students, as a teacher, you should expect that not all students will get this right. Thus, it becomes your duty to help them.

Coming up with essay topics for middle schoolers can be mentally tasking. Thankfully, with this article, there are 75 different topics to choose from!

classification essay topics middle school

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Informative Essay Topics For Middle School Students

Informative Essay Topics For Middle School

As students progress through middle school, they are required to write essays in a variety of different styles. Informational style essays are one such type of essay that middle school students need to be proficient in. Writing informative essays help students to develop their research skills and teaches them how to write in an objective and informative way.

One of the hardest things when teaching or writing informative essays is coming up with an interesting topic to write about. So, we have put together a useful list of 30 fun and interesting informative essay topics for middle school students to write about. Before we look at these topics, let’s first review what informative essays are.

What Is An Informative Essay?

An informative essay informs and educates the reader on a particular topic. This type of essay should never express an opinion or a persuasive argument. Rather, an informative essay can define, analyze, compare, or inform the reader on how to do something. Due to the informative nature of this kind of essay, students must research and fact-check what they write to ensure the information they are providing to the reader is true and accurate.

How To Write An Informative Essay

Most of the work for an informative essay takes place before the writing even begins. Once you have chosen a topic, you need to research the topic thoroughly and outline the steps you will take when writing your essay. Here are the steps to take to write a good informative essay:

  • Choose A Topic.
  • Research: Conduct research to fact-check your existing knowledge and to discover more about your chosen topic.
  • Outline Your Essay: Write down the facts/information about your chosen topic in a logical way that will be easy to follow for your reader.
  • Write Your Introduction: Write an introduction providing an overview of your chosen topic and an outline of what you will discuss in the essay.
  • Write The Main Body Text: Write 3/4 paragraphs detailing the main points about your chosen topic. Remember, these should inform only, and so should not express an opinion or try to persuade the reader.
  • Write The Conclusion: Summarize the information you have provided in your informative essay, making sure to include each of the main facts.
  • Proofread Your Essay: Once you have completed your first draft, proofread your essay and check it makes sense and flows together in a logical way. Also, check for typos and spelling mistakes.
  • Create The Final Draft: The last step to writing an informative essay is to create your final draft. Check to see if there are any sentences or paragraphs you can re-write to make them clearer or more concise.

Here are 30 interesting informative essay topics for middle school students to write about. If you would like to download a PDF of this list of topics, you can do so below.

  • The harmful effects of overusing your cell phone.
  • The steps to make a delicious pizza.
  • The role of social media in providing news.
  • How to book an airplane ticket.
  • The steps to make a viral YouTube Video.
  • A short history of computer game consoles.
  • What happens during photosynthesis?
  • Describe your latest vacation.
  • A brief history of the blockchain.
  • Describe your role model.
  • Describe the life of a famous woman from history.
  • How to upload a video to YouTube.
  • Why sugar makes us fat.
  • The differences between cats and dogs.
  • Define cryptocurrency.
  • Describe the origins of your favorite sport.
  • How to cook poached eggs.
  • Why are university students in so much debt?
  • How a car works.
  • How to read a train timetable.
  • What’s the difference between TikTok and Instagram?
  • A brief history of social media.
  • How cellphones work.
  • Describe the life of your favorite sports personality.
  • The difference between evaporation and boiling.
  • What are the main tourist attractions in your country?
  • What are the main reasons for climate change ?
  • What are the most popular social media platforms today?
  • Describe what ‘cookies’ in your internet browser do.
  • Describe what artificial intelligence is used for today.

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  • The State of the Asian American Middle Class

Who is in it and key trends from 2010 to 2023

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  • Acknowledgments

An image of an Asian American family

This report examines key changes in the economic status of the Asian American middle class from 2010 to 2023 and its demographic attributes in 2022. The historical analysis is based on data from the Annual Social and Economic Supplements (ASEC) of the Current Population Survey (CPS). The demographic analysis is based on data from the American Community Survey (ACS). The data is sourced from IPUMS CPS and IPUMS USA , respectively.  

The CPS, a survey of about 60,000 households, is the U.S. government’s official source for monthly estimates of unemployment . The CPS ASEC, conducted in March each year, is the official source of U.S. government estimates of income and poverty . Data on Asian Americans alone is available in the CPS starting in 2003. Our analysis of CPS data starts with the 2010 CPS ASEC, which records the incomes of households in 2009. The latest available CPS ASEC file is for 2023, which reports on household incomes in 2022.

The public-use version of the ACS is a 1% sample of the U.S. population, or more than 3 million people. This allows for a detailed study of the demographic characteristics of the middle class, including its status in U.S. metropolitan areas. ACS data is available only from 2005 onward . The latest available ACS data is for 2022.

In some instances, the demographic analysis uses data from the 5-year ACS for the period 2018-2022. This file contains data from the five ACS surveys conducted over this period and represents a 5% sample of the U.S. population, or more than 15 million people. We exclude the data for 2020 because the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on data collection in that year. The resulting file with four years of data – about 12 million people – was used to study smaller demographic groups. Refer to our methodology for more details .

Middle-income households are defined as those with an income that is two-thirds to double that of the U.S. median household income, after incomes have been adjusted for household size. Lower-income households have incomes less than two-thirds of the median, and upper-income households have incomes that are more than double the median. When using American Community Survey (ACS) data, incomes are also adjusted for cost of living in the areas in which households are located.

Estimates of household income are scaled to reflect a household size of three and expressed in 2023 dollars. In the Current Population Survey (CPS), household income refers to the calendar year prior to the survey year. Thus, the income data in the report refers to the 1970-2022 period, and the share of Americans in each income tier from the CPS refers to the 1971-2023 period.

The demographic attributes of Americans living in lower-, middle- or upper-income tiers are derived from ACS data. Except as noted, estimates pertain to the U.S. household population, excluding people living in group quarters.

The terms middle class and middle income are used interchangeably in this report.

The terms Asian and Asian American are used interchangeably in this report to refer to people who self-identified with one or more Asian race or origin and are not Hispanic. Households are grouped by the race and ethnicity of the survey reference person, or the household head.

U.S. born refers to individuals who are U.S. citizens at birth, including people born in the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico or other U.S. territories, as well as those born elsewhere to at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen. The terms foreign born and immigrant are used interchangeably in this report. They refer to people who are not U.S. citizens at birth.

Occupations describe the broad kinds of work people do on their job. For example, health care occupations include doctors, nurses, pharmacists and others who are directly engaged in the provision of health care. Industries describe the broad type of products companies produce. Each industry encompasses numerous occupations. For example, the health care and social assistance industry provides services that are produced by a combination of doctors, managers, technology and administrative staff, food preparation workers, and workers in other occupations.

The share of Asian Americans who are in the U.S. middle class has held steady since 2010. In 2023, 48% of Asian Americans lived in middle-class households, about the same share as in 2010, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

A bar chart showing that Share of Asian Americans in the U.S. middle class has not changed since 2010, but upper-income share is higher

But their economic status overall has improved since 2010. The share of Asian Americans in the upper-income tier increased from 27% in 2010 to 32% in 2023, and the share in the lower-income tier decreased from 26% to 21%. The share of Asian Americans in the lower-income tier in 2023 was less than the share of Americans overall (30%) in that tier, and their share in the upper-income tier was greater than among Americans overall (19%).

As Asian Americans moved up the income ladder, household incomes also increased at a faster rate for those at the higher rungs of the ladder. Consequently, the share of the total income of Asian American households held by the middle class has fallen since 2010, and the share of the upper-income tier has increased.

Our report focuses on the economic status of Asian Americans in the U.S. middle class. First, we examine changes in the financial well-being of those in the middle class and other income tiers since 2010. This is based on data from the Annual Social and Economic Supplements (ASEC) of the Current Population Survey (CPS), conducted in 2010 and 2023.

  • Change in income
  • Share of total U.S. household income
  • Share in middle class
  • Origin group
  • Marital status
  • Veteran status
  • Place of birth
  • Education and employment
  • Metropolitan area of residence

Then, we report on the attributes of Asian Americans who were more or less likely to be middle class in 2022 . Our focus is on their origin group , age , gender, marital and veteran status , place of birth , education , occupation , industry , and metropolitan area of residence . These estimates are derived from American Community Survey (ACS) data and differ slightly from the CPS-based estimates. In part, that is because incomes can be adjusted for the local area cost of living only with the ACS data. (Refer to the methodology for details on these two data sources.)

This analysis is one in a series of reports on the status of America’s racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. middle class and other income tiers. An accompanying report focuses on Americans overall . Forthcoming analyses will report on the state of the middle class among White, Hispanic, Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander and multiracial Americans, including subgroups within these populations. These reports are, in part, updates of previous work by the Center . But they offer much greater detail on the demographic attributes of the American middle class.

Asian Americans represented 6% of the U.S. population in 2022. Following are some key facts about the state of the Asian American middle class:

In our analysis, “middle-income” Americans are those living in households with an annual income that is two-thirds to double the national median household income. The income it takes to be middle income varies by household size, with smaller households requiring less to support the same lifestyle as larger households. It also varies by the local cost of living, with households in a more expensive area, such as Honolulu, needing a higher income than those in a less expensive area, such as Wichita, Kansas.

We don’t always know the area in which a household is located. In our two data sources – the Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC) and the American Community Survey (ACS) – only the latter provides that information, specifically the metropolitan area of a household. Thus, we aren’t able to adjust for the local cost of living when using the CPS to track changes in the status of the middle class over time. But we do adjust for the metropolitan area cost of living when using the ACS to determine the demographic attributes of the middle class in 2022.

In the 2023 CPS ASEC data , which reports income for 2022, middle-income households with three people have incomes ranging from about $61,000 to $183,000 annually. “Lower-income” households have incomes less than $61,000, and “upper-income” households have incomes greater than $183,000.

In the 2022 ACS data , middle-income households with three people have incomes ranging from about $62,000 to $187,000 annually, with incomes also adjusted for the local area cost of living. (Incomes are expressed in 2023 dollars.)

The boundaries of the income tiers also vary across years as the national median income changes.

The terms “middle income” and “middle class” are used interchangeably in this report for the sake of exposition. But being middle class can refer to more than just income , be it education level, type of profession, economic security, home ownership or social and political values. Class also could simply be a matter of self-identification .

Asian households in all income tiers had higher incomes in 2022 than in 2009, after adjusting for inflation. But gains for upper-income households were greater than the gains for middle- and lower-income households.

The median income of Asian households in the U.S. middle class increased from about $97,200 in 2009 to $112,400 in 2022, or 16%. Meanwhile, the median income of Asian households in the upper-income tier increased 26%, from about $220,500 to $277,600. (Incomes are scaled to a three-person household and expressed in 2023 dollars.)

A bar chart showing that Incomes of Asian households in the U.S. upper-income tier increased the most from 2009 to 2022

The median income for lower-income Asian households increased from about $28,500 in 2009 to $31,500 in 2022, or 11%.

Thus, there is now more of a gap between the incomes of upper-income Asian households and those in other income tiers. In 2022, the median income of upper-income Asian households was 8.8 times that of lower-income households, up from 7.7 in 2009. It was 2.5 times the median income of middle-income households in 2022, up from 2.3 in 2009.

A line chart showing that The share of the total income of Asian households held by upper-income households has increased since 2009

Among Asian households, the share of overall household income held by the middle class has fallen since 2009. In 2009, middle-income Asian households accounted for 35% of the total income of all Asian households. This share fell to 31% in 2022, despite no significant change in the share of Asian households who were in the middle class.

Over the same period, the share held by upper-income Asian households increased from 59% in 2009 to 64% in 2022. In part, this is because of the increase in the share of Asian Americans who are in the U.S. upper-income tier.

The share of the total income of Asian households held by lower-income households edged down from 6% in 2009 to 4% in 2022.

Asian Americans were considerably more likely than Americans overall to live in upper-income households in 2022. In that year, 27% of Asian Americans were in the upper-income tier, compared with 17% of Americans overall.

A bar chart showing that Asian Americans were more likely than Americans overall to live in upper-income households in 2022

Conversely, Asian Americans were less likely to be in the middle- or lower-income tier in 2022. Some 48% of Asian Americans were in the middle class in 2022 and 24% were in the lower-income tier. That compared with 52% and 30%, respectively, among Americans overall.

The economic status of Asian Americans varies greatly across origin groups. Over the period from 2018 to 2022, about four-in-ten Asian Indians (39%) and three-in-ten Chinese (29%) were in the upper-income tier.

A bar chart showing that Shares of Asian Americans in the U.S. middle class or other income tiers varied greatly across origin groups

But while only 15% of Indians were in the lower-income tier, 29% of Chinese were in that tier. These two origin groups accounted for 48% of the Asian American population over the 2018 to 2022 period.

Among the Asian origin groups, the share of the population in the middle class among Filipino, Laotian and Hmong Americans was near 60%. There were three Asian origin groups – Mongolian, Bangladeshi and Burmese – among whom about half or more were in the lower-income tier from 2018 to 2022.  

(In this section, references to Asian Indian , Chinese and Filipino include those who also identify as another race or origin. For example, Chinese include those who identified as “Chinese and Taiwanese.”)

A bar chart showing that Asian Americans 65 and older were more likely to live in lower-income households in 2022 than other ages

About a third of Asian adults 65 and older (34%) lived in lower-income households in 2022. That compared with about one-in-five among Asian adults ages 30 to 44 (18%) or 45 to 64 (21%).

The share of Asian Americans in the U.S. middle class did not vary much by age – nearly half of each age group were in the middle class in 2022. But while about a third of Asian adults ages 30 to 44 and 45 to 64 were in the upper-income tier (33% and 31%, respectively), that was so for only 19% of those 65 and older.

There was little difference in the economic status of Asian men and women in 2022. About equal shares of both lived in lower-, middle- and upper-income households in 2022.

A bar chart showing that Married Asian Americans or veterans were less likely to live in lower-income households in 2022

Marriage is associated with a move into the upper-income tier for Asian Americans. Among married Asian Americans, nearly a third (31%) were in the upper-income tier and 21% were lower income in 2022. In contrast, only 23% of Asian Americans who were separated, divorced, widowed or never married were in the upper-income tier, and 28% lived in lower-income households.

Asian veterans were less likely than nonveterans to be in the lower-income tier in 2022, 19% vs. 24%, respectively. The share of veterans in the middle class (54%) was also greater than the share among nonveterans (48%).

A bar chart showing that Asian immigrants were less likely than the U.S. born to be in the upper-income tier in 2022

Among Asian Americans, immigrants were a bit less likely than the U.S. born to be in the upper-income tier and slightly more likely to be in the lower-income tier. In 2022, equal shares (48%) of Asian immigrants and the U.S. born were in the middle class. Some 26% of Asian immigrants were in the lower-income tier compared with 22% of the U.S. born.

Meanwhile, the share of U.S.-born Asian Americans in the upper-income tier (29%) edged out the share of immigrants in that tier (26%).

Asian American immigrants accounted for 65% of the overall Asian American population in 2022.

Asian Americans with a bachelor’s degree or higher level of education were much more likely to live in upper-income households. In 2022, 41% of Asian Americans ages 25 and older with at least a bachelor’s degree were in the upper-income tier, compared with 16% or fewer among Asians without a bachelors’ degree.

A bar chart showing that Among unemployed Asian Americans and those who did not graduate from high school, 4 in 10 or more were in the lower-income tier in 2022

The share of Asian Americans in the middle class ranged from 46% among those who did not graduate from high school or had a bachelor’s degree to 58% among those with some college education. But only 13% of Asian Americans with a bachelor’s degree lived in lower-income households in 2022, compared with 46% among those without a high school diploma.

Not surprisingly, employment is critical for moving up the income ladder. Among employed Asian workers ages 16 and older, 50% were in the middle-income tier in 2022 and 34% were in the upper-income tier. Only 16% of employed Asian workers were lower income, compared with 40% of the unemployed.

A bar chart showing that About half of Asian workers in technology and management were in the upper-income tier in 2022

About half of Asian workers in computer, science and engineering (51%) or management occupations (48%) were in the upper-income tier in 2022, while only about one-in-ten or fewer were lower income. About a third or more of Asian workers in business and finance (43%), health care (36%) or legal and related occupations (33%) were also in the upper-income tier.

On the other hand, similar shares of Asian workers in occupations involving food preparation and serving (38%), personal care and other services (36%) and transportation and material moving (37%) were in the lower-income tier in 2022. Only about one-in-ten of these Asian workers were upper income.

About six-in-ten Asian workers in construction, extraction and farming (58%) or those providing protective and building maintenance (60%), office and administrative (58%), or maintenance, repair and production services (62%) were in the middle class in 2022.

A bar chart showing that Asian workers in the information, financial and professional services sectors were more likely to be upper income in 2022

Some 55% of Asian workers in the information sector, 46% in the financial services sector and 45% in the professional services sector were in the upper-income tier in 2022. In these sectors, only about one-in-ten Asian workers were in the lower-income tier. More than eight-in-ten Asian workers in the health care and social assistance, public administration, or manufacturing sectors were in either the middle class or in the upper-income tier in 2022.

Accommodation and food services and the other services sectors are the only industries in which about a third or more of Asian workers were in the lower-income tier in 2022.

The share of Asian Americans who are in the middle class or in the upper- or lower-income tiers differs across U.S. metropolitan areas. But there seems to be little pattern to which metro areas have the highest shares of Asians in each income tier. (We first adjust household incomes for differences in the cost of living across areas.)

A bar chart showing that 10 metropolitan areas with the largest shares of Asian Americans in the middle class, 2018-22

Most of the 10 metropolitan areas with the greatest shares of Asian Americans who are middle income are in coastal states. These areas include Honolulu to the west, where 59% of Asian Americans were in the middle class, and Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News (in Virginia and North Carolina) to the east, where 56% were in the middle class over the period from 2018 to 2022. In Vallejo-Fairfield, near San Francisco, 64% of Asian Americans were in the middle class and 18% each were in the lower- or upper-income tier.

But in several of these 10 metro areas – such as Stockton-Lodi, California, and Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, which includes part of Wisconsin – about a quarter to a third of Asian Americans were in the lower-income tier from 2018 to 2022.

A bar chart showing that 10 metropolitan areas with the largest shares of Asian Americans in the upper-income tier, 2018-22

Several of the 10 U.S. metropolitan areas with the highest shares of Asian upper-income residents have technology-driven economies, as is the pattern for Americans overall . This group includes San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, California, in which 48% of Asian Americans lived in upper-income households over the 2018-2022 period.

Other tech-driven areas on this list include Raleigh, North Carolina; Austin-Round Rock, Texas; San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward; and Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue. Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, Connecticut, is a financial hub.

Many of these areas are also home to major universities, research institutions and government centers, such as Trenton, New Jersey; Washington, D.C.-Arlington-Alexandria; and Baltimore-Columbia-Towson.

Overall, about a third to half of Asian Americans in these 10 metro areas were in the upper-income tier in the period from 2018 to 2022, and about one-in-five or fewer were lower income.

A bar chart showing that 10 metropolitan areas with the largest shares of Asian Americans in the lower-income tier, 2018-22

The 10 U.S. metropolitan areas with the highest shares of Asian lower-income residents include some of the nation’s most populous. From 2018 to 2022, 28% of Asian Americans in Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim were in the lower-income tier, along with 30% of Asian residents in New York-Newark-Jersey City and 32% in Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach.

Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Niagara Falls, New York – where 50% of Asian Americans lived in the lower-income tier over the 2018 to 2022 period – stands out from the rest.

In several of these areas, such as Stockton-Lodi, about half or more of Asian residents were in the middle class over the 2018-2022 period.

It’s important to note that because of sample size limitations, we were only able to study the economic status of Asian Americans in 54 out of about 280 metro areas identified in the source data.

Note: For details on how this analysis was conducted,  refer to the methodology .

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