Essay on Democracy with Outline and Quotations

Essay on democracy for matric, intermediate and graduation | merits and demerits.

In this essay on democracy , we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of democracy in any country. We will try to find out that, is Democracy is the best form of Government? Democracy Essay is also very important for the Examinations of 10th class, 2nd Year and Graduation Annual Exams. Here you will find 2 examples of Essay For more English Essays you can go here .

Essay on Democracy Vs Dictatorship with Quotations and Outline

  • A successful and popular form of government.
  • A mechanism of choosing the representatives by voting.
  • A change in government is brought about by peaceful methods.
  • The guardian of fundamental rights.
  • Causes of the weak democratic system.
  • Dictatorship is the rule of one man.
  • Conclusion.

Democracy is a successful popular form of government in modern times. It is a modern type of government where the “Public Will” is expressed. The dictum, “ Some are born to rule and others to obey.” is rejected. Abraham Lincoln once defined democracy as:

 “Government of the people, by the people, for the people,  shall not perish from the Earth.”

Democracy is a mechanism through which people choose their representatives by voting their political parties in a democratic country. The party which wins by the majority of the opposition in the “Legislative Assembly. In the assembly, important, issues are put up, discussed and decided by voting.

In a democratic system, people elect their own rulers. If they do not serve them well for one term, they will not be elected again. The ministers are responsible for the legislature and as soon as they lose trust, they are made to resign. Thus, a change in government is brought about by peaceful methods.

“The voice of the people is the voice of God”

In a civil society, democracy is the guardian of equality, liberty and the fundamental tighs of the people. It makes all the citizens interested in national affairs by giving them a feeling of participation and a sense of responsibility. Everyone enjoys freedom of thought, action and speech. The four pillars of democracy are the rule of law, freedom of opinion, freedom of association and freedom of the press. Bernard Shaw has defined democracy as:

“A social order aiming at the greatest available welfare of the whole  population and not for a class.”

Unfortunately, democracy could not flourish in Pakistan because of political immaturity, economic insecurity and institutional instability. Sectarianism, illiteracy a caste system have deteriorated our social and political system. At the time of elections, the voters are either bribed or threatened to give their votes in favour of illegible and irresponsible candidates. Power is abused for the promotion of selfish ends. Corruption and favouritism are rampant. In this way, the lawmakers become law-breakers. Moreover, the continual military interventions also destabilize the democratic system of the country.

                        “The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy.”

Dictatorship is the rule of one man who exercises absolute power. The dictators usually belong to well-organised political parties or the security forces of the country. They come to rescue the people but make them more miserable than before. In a dictatorship, the fundamental rights of civil society are suspended. Criticism is silenced and the opposition is ruthlessly suppressed. In this way, it creates frustration suffocation in society.

In spite of its demerits, democracy is a reasonable, useful and successful system of government. It is based on consent and not force, persuasion and not dictation. On the other hand, in spite of a few merits dictatorship is a curse to humanity.

                        “Democracy isn’t perfect, I just  don’t know a better system.” (Winston Churchill)

2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy Essay for Class 10, 2nd Year and Graduation

Democracy may be defined in the words of Abraham Lincoln:

“Government of the people, for the people and by the people.”

Thus democracy is a public kind of government. All classes of people from a layman to a lord take part in democracy. That is why this form of government is widely liked by nations all over the world. It is the most favourite form of government of this age. Many people like democracy for its favourable features. They are as follows.

Advantages of Democracy

Democracy impedes the way of cruel rulers. As people themselves elect their rulers, they do not vote for stern savages. They try to elect those people who are polite and cultured. Then these kind rulers ever try to solve the problems of their voters. They work for the welfare of the state.

Democracy prevents wars. War is a necessary evil. But in this age of nuclear weapons, a war would mean a wholesale killing of humans. Democratic rulers do not take the risk of wars. Rather they try to resolve their disputes through diplomatic dialogues. Thus democracy indirectly prevents wars.

Democracy brings about the prosperity of the state. The elected members of the ruling class know that they have come to the throne by the votes of the masses. Therefore, they try to satisfy their voters otherwise they know that people would not cast their votes in favour of them in the next election.

Democracy tends to foster human development. It works for the better health of the masses. It generates opportunities for education. It tries to enhance human facilities. It tries to promote better living conditions.

Democracy promotes political culture and democratic values. People know the power of their votes. They participate effectively in the political process. They make their views about the political policies of various political parties. They have got full right to accept or reject policy. Thus the democratic process is decided by the people and not by the political organizations.

Democracy safeguards the fundamental interest of people. It helps people to exercise their legal and political rights. It creates a sense of pride in the masses that they are living under the laws of their own choice. Thus, people become law-abiding. Democracy also creates an environment of political equality. All citizens enjoy equal rights and privileges.

Disadvantages of Democracy

Being popular is no guarantee for a thing to be asserted as good. So, we cannot say that democracy is the only form of good government. It has advantages as well as disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages of democracy are discussed below.

Democracy brings about inequalities in economic and social resources. People with greater resources naturally win the election and come to power. They influence the political system and the economic policies of the state to their advantage. Thus they hinder a satisfactory level of political equality. They try to oblige the workers of their political party. Thus democracy causes inequality and injustice.

Democracy is also dangerous when the majority of corrupt and dishonest people come into power. They misuse their powers and authority. They have won the election by the dint of their social status and wealth. Thus their first preference is to earn money many times greater than the money they have spent during the election.

If we analyze democracy from the point of view of our country, we come to know that it has never been successful in our country. The main reasons are lack of education, the lack of political sense and interruption from non-political elements. No government has ever been given a chance to run its affairs smoothly. But in spite of all this, if our political leaders pay some heed to the golden rules of Islamic democracy, they would be successful rulers indeed.

In this Essay, we discussed everything about the Advantages and Disadvantages of democracy . Furthermore, Essay on democracy is very important if you are preparing selective and choosey essays for 2nd year and graduation. You can also try Mobile Phone Essay .

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Democracy Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on democracy.

Democracy is known as the finest form of government. Why so? Because in a democracy, the people of the country choose their government. They enjoy certain rights which are very essential for any human being to live freely and happily. There are various democratic countries in the world , but India is the largest one. Democracy has withstood the test of time, and while other forms have the government has failed, democracy stood strong. It has time and again proved its importance and impact.

Democracy essay

Significance of a Democracy

Democracy is very important for human development . When people have free will to live freely, they will be happier. Moreover, we have seen how other forms of government have turned out to be. Citizens are not that happy and prosperous in a monarchy or anarchy.

Furthermore, democracy lets people have equal rights. This ensures that equality prevails all over the country. Subsequently, it also gives them duties. These duties make them better citizens and are also important for their overall development.

Most importantly, in a democracy, the people form the government. So, this selection of the government by the citizens gives everyone a chance to work for their country. It allows the law to prevail efficiently as the rules are made by people whom they have selected.

In addition, democracy allows people of various religions and cultures to exist peacefully. It makes them live in harmony with one another. People of democracy are more tolerant and accepting of each other’s differences. This is very important for any country to be happy and prosper.

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India: A Democratic Country

India is known to be the largest democracy all over the world. After the rule of the British ended in 1947 , India adopted democracy. In India, all the citizens who are above the age of 18 get the right to vote. It does not discriminate on the basis of caste, creed, gender, color, or more.

democracy essay 2nd year

Although India is the largest democracy it still has a long way to go. The country faces a lot of problems which do not let it efficiently function as a democracy. The caste system is still prevalent which hampers with the socialist principle of democracy. Moreover, communalism is also on the rise. This interferes with the secular aspect of the country. All these differences need to be set aside to ensure the happiness and prosperity of the citizens.

In short, democracy in India is still better than that in most of the countries. Nonetheless, there is a lot of room for improvement which we must focus on. The government must implement stringent laws to ensure no discrimination takes place. In addition, awareness programs must be held to make citizens aware of their rights and duties.

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  • Democracy Essay for Students in English


Essay on Democracy


Democracy is mainly a Greek word which means people and their rules, here peoples have the to select their own government as per their choice. Greece was the first democratic country in the world. India is a democratic country where people select their government of their own choice, also people have the rights to do the work of their choice. There are two types of democracy: direct and representative and hybrid or semi-direct democracy. There are many decisions which are made under democracies. People enjoy few rights which are very essential for human beings to live happily. 

Our country has the largest democracy. In a democracy, each person has equal rights to fight for development. After the independence, India has adopted democracy, where the people vote those who are above 18 years of age, but these votes do not vary by any caste; people from every caste have equal rights to select their government. Democracy, also called as a rule of the majority, means whatever the majority of people decide, it has to be followed or implemented, the representative winning with the most number of votes will have the power. We can say the place where literacy people are more there shows the success of the democracy even lack of consciousness is also dangerous in a democracy. Democracy is associated with higher human accumulation and higher economic freedom. Democracy is closely tied with the economic source of growth like education and quality of life as well as health care. The constituent assembly in India was adopted by Dr B.R. Ambedkar on 26 th November 1949 and became sovereign democratic after its constitution came into effect on 26 January 1950.

What are the Challenges:

There are many challenges for democracy like- corruption here, many political leaders and officers who don’t do work with integrity everywhere they demand bribes, resulting in the lack of trust on the citizens which affects the country very badly. Anti-social elements- which are seen during elections where people are given bribes and they are forced to vote for a particular candidate. Caste and community- where a large number of people give importance to their caste and community, therefore, the political party also selects the candidate on the majority caste. We see wherever the particular caste people win the elections whether they do good for the society or not, and in some cases, good leaders lose because of less count of the vote.

India is considered to be the largest democracy around the globe, with a population of 1.3 billion. Even though being the biggest democratic nation, India still has a long way to becoming the best democratic system. The caste system still prevails in some parts, which hurts the socialist principle of democracy. Communalism is on the rise throughout the globe and also in India, which interferes with the secular principle of democracy. All these differences need to be set aside to ensure a thriving democracy.

Principles of Democracy:

There are mainly five principles like- republic, socialist, sovereign, democratic and secular, with all these quality political parties will contest for elections. There will be many bribes given to the needy person who require food, money, shelter and ask them to vote whom they want. But we can say that democracy in India is still better than the other countries.

Basically, any country needs democracy for development and better functioning of the government. In some countries, freedom of political expression, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, are considered to ensure that voters are well informed, enabling them to vote according to their own interests.

Let us Discuss These Five Principles in Further Detail

Sovereign: In short, being sovereign or sovereignty means the independent authority of a state. The country has the authority to make all the decisions whether it be on internal issues or external issues, without the interference of any third party.

Socialist: Being socialist means the country (and the Govt.), always works for the welfare of the people, who live in that country. There should be many bribes offered to the needy person, basic requirements of them should be fulfilled by any means. No one should starve in such a country.

Secular: There will be no such thing as a state religion, the country does not make any bias on the basis of religion. Every religion must be the same in front of the law, no discrimination on the basis of someone’s religion is tolerated. Everyone is allowed to practice and propagate any religion, they can change their religion at any time.

Republic: In a republic form of Government, the head of the state is elected, directly or indirectly by the people and is not a hereditary monarch. This elected head is also there for a fixed tenure. In India, the head of the state is the president, who is indirectly elected and has a fixed term of office (5 years).

Democratic: By a democratic form of government, means the country’s government is elected by the people via the process of voting. All the adult citizens in the country have the right to vote to elect the government they want, only if they meet a certain age limit of voting.

Merits of Democracy:

better government forms because it is more accountable and in the interest of the people.

improves the quality of decision making and enhances the dignity of the citizens.

provide a method to deal with differences and conflicts.

A democratic system of government is a form of government in which supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodic free elections. It permits citizens to participate in making laws and public policies by choosing their leaders, therefore citizens should be educated so that they can select the right candidate for the ruling government. Also, there are some concerns regarding democracy- leaders always keep changing in democracy with the interest of citizens and on the count of votes which leads to instability. It is all about political competition and power, no scope for morality.

Factors Affect Democracy:

capital and civil society

economic development


Norway and Iceland are the best democratic countries in the world. India is standing at fifty-one position.

India is a parliamentary democratic republic where the President is head of the state and Prime minister is head of the government. The guiding principles of democracy such as protected rights and freedoms, free and fair elections, accountability and transparency of government officials, citizens have a responsibility to uphold and support their principles. Democracy was first practised in the 6 th century BCE, in the city-state of Athens. One basic principle of democracy is that people are the source of all the political power, in a democracy people rule themselves and also respect given to diverse groups of citizens, so democracy is required to select the government of their own interest and make the nation developed by electing good leaders.


FAQs on Democracy Essay for Students in English

1. What are the Features of Democracy?

Features of Democracy are as follows

Equality: Democracy provides equal rights to everyone, regardless of their gender, caste, colour, religion or creed.

Individual Freedom: Everybody has the right to do anything they want until it does not affect another person’s liberty.

Majority Rules: In a democracy, things are decided by the majority rule, if the majority agrees to something, it will be done.

Free Election: Everyone has the right to vote or to become a candidate to fight the elections.

2. Define Democracy?

Democracy means where people have the right to choose the rulers and also people have freedom to express views, freedom to organise and freedom to protest. Protesting and showing Dissent is a major part of a healthy democracy. Democracy is the most successful and popular form of government throughout the globe.

Democracy holds a special place in India, also India is still the largest democracy in existence around the world.

3. What are the Benefits of Democracy?

Let us discuss some of the benefits received by the use of democracy to form a government. Benefits of democracy are: 

It is more accountable

Improves the quality of decision as the decision is taken after a long time of discussion and consultation.

It provides a better method to deal with differences and conflicts.

It safeguards the fundamental rights of people and brings a sense of equality and freedom.

It works for the welfare of both the people and the state.

4. Which country is the largest democracy in the World?

India is considered the largest democracy, all around the world. India decided to have a democratic Govt. from the very first day of its independence after the rule of the British. In India, everyone above the age of 18 years can go to vote to select the Government, without any kind of discrimination on the basis of caste, colour, religion, gender or more. But India, even being the largest democracy, still has a long way to become perfect.

5. Write about the five principles of Democracy?

There are five key principles that are followed in a democracy. These Five Principles of Democracy of India are -  secular, sovereign, republic, socialist, and democratic. These five principles have to be respected by every political party, participating in the general elections in India. The party which got the most votes forms the government which represents the democratic principle. No discrimination is done on the basis of religion which represents the secular nature of democracy. The govt. formed after the election has to work for the welfare of common people which shows socialism in play.

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Essay on Democracy in 100, 300 and 500 Words

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  • Updated on  
  • Jan 15, 2024

Essay on Democracy

The oldest account of democracy can be traced back to 508–507 BCC Athens . Today there are over 50 different types of democracy across the world. But, what is the ideal form of democracy? Why is democracy considered the epitome of freedom and rights around the globe? Let’s explore what self-governance is and how you can write a creative and informative essay on democracy and its significance. 

Today, India is the largest democracy with a population of 1.41 billion and counting. Everyone in India above the age of 18 is given the right to vote and elect their representative. Isn’t it beautiful, when people are given the option to vote for their leader, one that understands their problems and promises to end their miseries? This is just one feature of democracy , for we have a lot of samples for you in the essay on democracy. Stay tuned!

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This Blog Includes:

What is democracy , sample essay on democracy (100 words), sample essay on democracy (250 to 300 words), sample essay on democracy for upsc (500 words).

Democracy is a form of government in which the final authority to deliberate and decide the legislation for the country lies with the people, either directly or through representatives. Within a democracy, the method of decision-making, and the demarcation of citizens vary among countries. However, some fundamental principles of democracy include the rule of law, inclusivity, political deliberations, voting via elections , etc. 

Did you know: On 15th August 1947, India became the world’s largest democracy after adopting the Indian Constitution and granting fundamental rights to its citizens?

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Democracy where people make decisions for the country is the only known form of governance in the world that promises to inculcate principles of equality, liberty and justice. The deliberations and negotiations to form policies and make decisions for the country are the basis on which the government works, with supreme power to people to choose their representatives, delegate the country’s matters and express their dissent. The democratic system is usually of two types, the presidential system, and the parliamentary system. In India, the three pillars of democracy, namely legislature, executive and judiciary, working independently and still interconnected, along with a free press and media provide a structure for a truly functional democracy. Despite the longest-written constitution incorporating values of sovereignty, socialism, secularism etc. India, like other countries, still faces challenges like corruption, bigotry, and oppression of certain communities and thus, struggles to stay true to its democratic ideals.

essay on democracy

Did you know: Some of the richest countries in the world are democracies?

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As Abraham Lincoln once said, “democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people.” There is undeniably no doubt that the core of democracies lies in making people the ultimate decision-makers. With time, the simple definition of democracy has evolved to include other principles like equality, political accountability, rights of the citizens and to an extent, values of liberty and justice. Across the globe, representative democracies are widely prevalent, however, there is a major variation in how democracies are practised. The major two types of representative democracy are presidential and parliamentary forms of democracy. Moreover, not all those who present themselves as a democratic republic follow its values.

Many countries have legally deprived some communities of living with dignity and protecting their liberty, or are practising authoritarian rule through majoritarianism or populist leaders. Despite this, one of the things that are central and basic to all is the practice of elections and voting. However, even in such a case, the principles of universal adult franchise and the practice of free and fair elections are theoretically essential but very limited in practice, for a democracy. Unlike several other nations, India is still, at least constitutionally and principally, a practitioner of an ideal democracy.

With our three organs of the government, namely legislative, executive and judiciary, the constitutional rights to citizens, a multiparty system, laws to curb discrimination and spread the virtues of equality, protection to minorities, and a space for people to discuss, debate and dissent, India has shown a commitment towards democratic values. In recent times, with challenges to freedom of speech, rights of minority groups and a conundrum between the protection of diversity and unification of the country, the debate about the preservation of democracy has become vital to public discussion.

democracy essay

Did you know: In countries like Brazil, Scotland, Switzerland, Argentina, and Austria the minimum voting age is 16 years?

Also Read: Difference Between Democracy and Dictatorship

Democracy originated from the Greek word dēmokratiā , with dēmos ‘people’ and Kratos ‘rule.’ For the first time, the term appeared in the 5th century BC to denote the political systems then existing in Greek city-states, notably Classical Athens, to mean “rule of the people.” It now refers to a form of governance where the people have the right to participate in the decision-making of the country. Majorly, it is either a direct democracy where citizens deliberate and make legislation while in a representative democracy, they choose government officials on their behalf, like in a parliamentary or presidential democracy.

The presidential system (like in the USA) has the President as the head of the country and the government, while the parliamentary system (like in the UK and India) has both a Prime Minister who derives its legitimacy from a parliament and even a nominal head like a monarch or a President.

The notions and principle frameworks of democracy have evolved with time. At the core, lies the idea of political discussions and negotiations. In contrast to its alternatives like monarchy, anarchy, oligarchy etc., it is the one with the most liberty to incorporate diversity. The ideas of equality, political representation to all, active public participation, the inclusion of dissent, and most importantly, the authority to the law by all make it an attractive option for citizens to prefer, and countries to follow.

The largest democracy in the world, India with the lengthiest constitution has tried and to an extent, successfully achieved incorporating the framework to be a functional democracy. It is a parliamentary democratic republic where the President is head of the state and the Prime minister is head of the government. It works on the functioning of three bodies, namely legislative, executive, and judiciary. By including the principles of a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic, and undertaking the guidelines to establish equality, liberty and justice, in the preamble itself, India shows true dedication to achieving the ideal.

It has formed a structure that allows people to enjoy their rights, fight against discrimination or any other form of suppression, and protect their rights as well. The ban on all and any form of discrimination, an independent judiciary, governmental accountability to its citizens, freedom of media and press, and secular values are some common values shared by all types of democracies.

Across the world, countries have tried rooting their constitution with the principles of democracy. However, the reality is different. Even though elections are conducted everywhere, mostly, they lack freedom of choice and fairness. Even in the world’s greatest democracies, there are challenges like political instability, suppression of dissent, corruption , and power dynamics polluting the political sphere and making it unjust for the citizens. Despite the consensus on democracy as the best form of government, the journey to achieve true democracy is both painstaking and tiresome. 


Did you know: Countries like Singapore, Peru, and Brazil have compulsory voting?

Must Read: Democracy and Diversity Class 10 Notes

Democracy is a process through which the government of a country is elected by and for the people.

Yes, India is a democratic country and also holds the title of the world’s largest democracy.

Direct and Representative Democracy are the two major types of Democracy.

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Essay on Democracy in Pakistan

Democracy in Pakistan Essay with Quotations

by Pakiology | Apr 24, 2024 | Essay | 1 comment

Explore the evolution, challenges, and progress of democracy in Pakistan in this in-depth essay . Gain insights into the nation’s rich history, the influence of the military, the pervasive issue of corruption, and the role of civil society in shaping Pakistan’s democratic landscape.

Title: The Evolution of Democracy in Pakistan: Challenges, Progress, and Prospects for the Future


Pakistan, a country characterized by its rich and diverse history, has embarked on a tumultuous journey in pursuit of democracy. Overcoming numerous obstacles, its citizens have tenaciously defended their democratic rights and worked diligently to forge a more equitable society. In this comprehensive essay, we delve into the current state of democracy in Pakistan, recognizing its historical context, addressing the persistent challenges it confronts, highlighting the progress made, and considering the prospects for the future.

The Historical Landscape

Democracy, at its core, is a system of government grounded in the principle of representation, allowing citizens to actively participate in decision-making processes that impact their lives. Regrettably, the implementation of democracy in Pakistan has been marred by a series of military coups and periods of martial law, intermittently disrupting its democratic trajectory. Despite these adversities, Pakistan now operates as a federal parliamentary republic with a president and prime minister at the helm.

The Military’s Influence: A Persistent Challenge

A major impediment to democracy in Pakistan has been the enduring influence of the military on the political landscape. Pakistan’s history is replete with instances of military interventions in civilian governance, including several coups and martial law declarations. This persistent interference not only undermines democratic principles but also erodes public trust in the democratic system. Additionally, intelligence agencies have faced accusations of wielding substantial influence in the political sphere, further eroding democratic institutions and processes.

Corruption as a Hindrance: A Deep-Seated Issue

Another significant challenge is the pervasiveness of corruption within Pakistan. Corruption has become deeply ingrained in the country, with numerous politicians and government officials implicated in embezzlement and bribery. This deeply rooted issue corrodes the legitimacy of the democratic process and erodes public trust in the government. The adverse effects of corruption are most acutely felt by marginalized communities, who suffer from a lack of essential public services and resources.

The Resilience of Democratic Aspirations: Signs of Progress

Despite these formidable challenges, the citizens of Pakistan persistently strive to defend their democratic rights and fortify democratic institutions. In recent years, the country has seen a notable rise in the number of civil society organizations dedicated to advocating for transparency, accountability, and the promotion of awareness regarding democratic rights and freedoms. Additionally, the media has played a pivotal role in promoting democratic values and holding the government accountable for its actions.

The Role of Civil Society

Civil society organizations have emerged as vital agents of change in Pakistan’s democratic landscape. They tirelessly work to bridge the gap between the government and the governed, acting as watchdogs for accountability and transparency. Through advocacy, awareness campaigns, and public mobilization, these organizations have managed to shine a spotlight on the pressing issues of democracy and governance in Pakistan. Their activities range from monitoring elections to exposing corruption and advocating for the rule of law.

Media as the Fourth Estate

The media in Pakistan has undergone a transformational journey, evolving into a vibrant fourth estate that plays a crucial role in promoting democratic values. While media outlets often grapple with challenges such as censorship and intimidation, they continue to serve as a check on government power and a forum for diverse voices. Investigative journalism has uncovered corruption scandals, challenged authoritarianism, and provided a platform for citizens to engage in political discourse.

In conclusion, democracy in Pakistan remains an imperfect yet indispensable system, despite the numerous setbacks and challenges it has encountered. The people of Pakistan ardently safeguard their democratic rights, and the fortification of democratic institutions and processes is pivotal for the nation’s future. The enduring challenges posed by military influence, corruption, and public mistrust can only be surmounted through persistent efforts and sustained citizen engagement in the democratic process. As Pakistan continues its journey towards a more robust democracy, the world watches with hope and anticipation, recognizing the nation’s potential to overcome its challenges and achieve democratic excellence. The path may be long and arduous, but the resilience and determination of Pakistan’s people offer a promising outlook for the future of democracy in the country.

Quotes Related to Democracy

Here are a few quotes related to democracy and its challenges in Pakistan:

“A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” – Milton Friedman, Economist
“The greatest threat to democracy is not the enemies from without, but the enemies from within.” – Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States
“I believe that the real solution to the problems facing Pakistan lies in true democracy and the rule of law.” – Imran Khan, Former Prime Minister of Pakistan
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” – John Philpot Curran, Irish Orator and Statesman.

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Sir you have used a lot of bitter words in this essay which are enough to awake a nation.😭😭😭😭 But It’s reality I think inshallah one day we will achieve that original democracy which will prevent our basic rights and our motherland…..

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Important Essay for 2nd year 2024

The compilation of significant essays for second-year students serves as a valuable roadmap to essential topics within the English curriculum. Carefully curated, these important essays are designed to address a diverse range of subjects, fostering the development of critical thinking and communication skills. Encompassing various aspects of life, society, and personal experiences, these essays ensure that students are thoroughly equipped for their academic assessments. Exploring these important essays not only improves students’ writing proficiency but also provides insights into crucial societal issues, contributing to a well-rounded education that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities that await in the future.

In this article, I present a compilation of significant essay topics specifically tailored for 12th-grade students in 2024. These topics bear significance not only for class exams but also for other examinations such as PPSC papers, Matric exams, supplementary exams, and more.

List of Important Essays for 2nd Year:

  •  Patriotism
  •  My Aim in Life
  •  Corruption
  •  Why I Love Pakistan
  • A Visit to a Historical Place
  •  A Cricket Match
  •  Co-Education
  • Life in A Village
  • My First Day at College
  •  Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phones
  •  The Holy Quran
  •  My Favorite Personality / My Hero in History
  •  Life in a Big City

Additionally, there are evergreen essay topics that transcend time and remain relevant for examinations of various levels:

Evergreen Essay Topics for 2nd Year:

  •   Unemployment
  •  Examinations
  •  My Favorite Book
  •  Visit to the Zoo
  •  Blessings of Science
  • Population Explosion
  •  Technical Education
  •  An Ideal Student

Mastering these topics is strongly encouraged as they encompass a diverse range of social, educational, and cultural aspects, ensuring students excel in their English essay writing examinations.

  • Floods In Pakistan Essay
  • Education System in Pakistan Essay
  • Blessing of Science Essay
  • Energy Crisis in Pakistan Essay

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Guest Essay

The Deep, Tangled Roots of American Illiberalism

An illustration of a scene of mayhem with men in Colonial-era clothing fighting in a small room.

By Steven Hahn

Dr. Hahn is a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian at New York University and the author, most recently, of “Illiberal America: a History.”

In a recent interview with Time, Donald Trump promised a second term of authoritarian power grabs, administrative cronyism, mass deportations of the undocumented, harassment of women over abortion, trade wars and vengeance brought upon his rivals and enemies, including President Biden. “If they said that a president doesn’t get immunity,” Mr. Trump told Time, “then Biden, I am sure, will be prosecuted for all of his crimes.”

Further evidence, it seems, of Mr. Trump’s efforts to construct a political world like no other in American history. But how unprecedented is it, really? That Mr. Trump continues to lead in polls should make plain that he and his MAGA movement are more than noxious weeds in otherwise liberal democratic soil.

Many of us have not wanted to see it that way. “This is not who we are as a nation,” one journalist exclaimed in what was a common response to the violence on Jan. 6, “and we must not let ourselves or others believe otherwise.” Mr. Biden has said much the same thing.

While it’s true that Mr. Trump was the first president to lose an election and attempt to stay in power, observers have come to recognize the need for a lengthier view of Trumpism. Even so, they are prone to imagining that there was a time not all that long ago when political “normalcy” prevailed. What they have failed to grasp is that American illiberalism is deeply rooted in our past and fed by practices, relationships and sensibilities that have been close to the surface, even when they haven’t exploded into view.

Illiberalism is generally seen as a backlash against modern liberal and progressive ideas and policies, especially those meant to protect the rights and advance the aspirations of groups long pushed to the margins of American political life. But in the United States, illiberalism is better understood as coherent sets of ideas that are related but also change over time.

This illiberalism celebrates hierarchies of gender, race and nationality; cultural homogeneity; Christian religious faith; the marking of internal as well as external enemies; patriarchal families; heterosexuality; the will of the community over the rule of law; and the use of political violence to achieve or maintain power. This illiberalism sank roots from the time of European settlement and spread out from villages and towns to the highest levels of government. In one form or another, it has shaped much of our history. Illiberalism has frequently been a stalking horse, if not in the winner’s circle. Hardly ever has it been roundly defeated.

A few examples may be illustrative. Although European colonization of North America has often been imagined as a sharp break from the ways of home countries, neo-feudal dreams inspired the making of Euro-American societies from the Carolinas up through the Hudson Valley, based as they were on landed estates and coerced labor, while the Puritan towns of New England, with their own hierarchies, demanded submission to the faith and harshly policed their members and potential intruders alike. The backcountry began to fill up with land-hungry settlers who generally formed ethnicity-based enclaves, eyed outsiders with suspicion and, with rare exceptions, hoped to rid their territory of Native peoples. Most of those who arrived in North America between the early 17th century and the time of the American Revolution were either enslaved or in servitude, and master-servant jurisprudence shaped labor relations well after slavery was abolished, a phenomenon that has been described as “belated feudalism.”

The anti-colonialism of the American Revolution was accompanied not only by warfare against Native peoples and rewards for enslavers, but also by a deeply ingrained anti-Catholicism, and hostility to Catholics remained a potent political force well into the 20th century. Monarchist solutions were bruited about during the writing of the Constitution and the first decade of the American Republic: John Adams thought that the country would move in such a direction and other leaders at the time, including Washington, Madison and Hamilton, wondered privately if a king would be necessary in the event a “republican remedy” failed.

The 1830s, commonly seen as the height of Jacksonian democracy, were racked by violent expulsions of Catholics , Mormons and abolitionists of both races, along with thousands of Native peoples dispossessed of their homelands and sent to “Indian Territory” west of the Mississippi.

The new democratic politics of the time was often marked by Election Day violence after campaigns suffused with military cadences, while elected officials usually required the support of elite patrons to guarantee the bonds they had to post. Even in state legislatures and Congress, weapons could be brandished and duels arranged; “bullies” enforced the wills of their allies.

When enslavers in the Southern states resorted to secession rather than risk their system under a Lincoln administration, they made clear that their Confederacy was built on the cornerstone of slavery and white supremacy. And although their crushing defeat brought abolition, the establishment of birthright citizenship (except for Native peoples), the political exclusion of Confederates, and the extension of voting rights to Black men — the results of one of the world’s great revolutions — it was not long before the revolution went into reverse.

The federal government soon allowed former Confederates and their white supporters to return to power, destroy Black political activism and, accompanied by lynchings (expressing the “will” of white communities), build the edifice of Jim Crow: segregation, political disfranchisement and a harsh labor regime. Already previewed in the pre-Civil War North, Jim Crow received the imprimatur of the Supreme Court and the administration of Woodrow Wilson .

Few Progressives of the early 20th century had much trouble with this. Segregation seemed a modern way to choreograph “race relations,” and disfranchisement resonated with their disenchantment with popular politics, whether it was powered by Black voters in the South or European immigrants in the North. Many Progressives were devotees of eugenics and other forms of social engineering, and they generally favored overseas imperialism; some began to envision the scaffolding of a corporate state — all anticipating the dark turns in Europe over the next decades.

The 1920s, in fact, saw fascist pulses coming from a number of directions in the United States and, as in Europe, targeting political radicals. Benito Mussolini won accolades in many American quarters. The lab where Josef Mengele worked received support from the Rockefeller Foundation. White Protestant fundamentalism reigned in towns and the countryside. And the Immigration Act of 1924 set limits on the number of newcomers, especially those from Southern and Eastern Europe, who were thought to be politically and culturally unassimilable.

Most worrisome, the Ku Klux Klan, energized by anti-Catholicism and antisemitism as well as anti-Black racism, marched brazenly in cities great and small. The Klan became a mass movement and wielded significant political power; it was crucial, for example , to the enforcement of Prohibition. Once the organization unraveled in the late 1920s, many Klansmen and women found their way to new fascist groups and the radical right more generally.

Sidelined by the Great Depression and New Deal, the illiberal right regained traction in the late 1930s, and during the 1950s won grass-roots support through vehement anti-Communism and opposition to the civil rights movement. As early as 1964, in a run for the Democratic presidential nomination, Gov. George Wallace of Alabama began to hone a rhetoric of white grievance and racial hostility that had appeal in the Midwest and Middle Atlantic, and Barry Goldwater’s campaign that year, despite its failure, put winds in the sails of the John Birch Society and Young Americans for Freedom.

Four years later, Wallace mobilized enough support as a third-party candidate to win five states. And in 1972, once again as a Democrat, Wallace racked up primary wins in both the North and the South before an assassination attempt forced him out of the race. Growing backlashes against school desegregation and feminism added further fuel to the fire on the right, paving the way for the conservative ascendancy of the 1980s.

By the early 1990s, the neo-Nazi and Klansman David Duke had won a seat in the Louisiana Legislature and nearly three-fifths of the white vote in campaigns for governor and senator. Pat Buchanan, seeking the Republican presidential nomination in 1992, called for “America First,” the fortification of the border (a “Buchanan fence”), and a culture war for the “soul” of America, while the National Rifle Association became a powerful force on the right and in the Republican Party.

When Mr. Trump questioned Barack Obama’s legitimacy to serve as president, a project that quickly became known as “birtherism,” he made use of a Reconstruction-era racist trope that rejected the legitimacy of Black political rights and power. In so doing, Mr. Trump began to cement a coalition of aggrieved white voters. They were ready to push back against the nation’s growing cultural diversity — embodied by Mr. Obama — and the challenges they saw to traditional hierarchies of family, gender and race. They had much on which to build.

Back in the 1830s, Alexis de Tocqueville, in “Democracy in America,” glimpsed the illiberal currents that already entangled the country’s politics. While he marveled at the “equality of conditions,” the fluidity of social life and the strength of republican institutions, he also worried about the “omnipotence of the majority.”

“What I find most repulsive in America is not the extreme freedom reigning there,” Tocqueville wrote, “but the shortage of guarantees against tyranny.” He pointed to communities “taking justice into their own hands,” and warned that “associations of plain citizens can compose very rich, influential, and powerful bodies, in other words, aristocratic bodies.” Lamenting their intellectual conformity, Tocqueville believed that if Americans ever gave up republican government, “they will pass rapidly on to despotism,” restricting “the sphere of political rights, taking some of them away in order to entrust them to a single man.”

The slide toward despotism that Tocqueville feared may be well underway, whatever the election’s outcome. Even if they try to fool themselves into thinking that Mr. Trump won’t follow through, millions of voters seem ready to entrust their rights to “a single man” who has announced his intent to use autocratic powers for retribution, repression, expulsion and misogyny.

Only by recognizing what we’re up against can we mount an effective campaign to protect our democracy, leaning on the important political struggles — abolitionism, antimonopoly, social democracy, human rights, civil rights, feminism — that have challenged illiberalism in the past and offer the vision and political pathways to guide us in the future.

Our biggest mistake would be to believe that we’re watching an exceptional departure in the country’s history. Because from the first, Mr. Trump has tapped into deep and ever-expanding illiberal roots. Illiberalism’s history is America’s history.

Steven Hahn is a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian at New York University and the author, most recently, of “ Illiberal America: a History .”

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Biden once nearly died of an aneurysm. Risky surgery changed his life.

Decades ago, Biden’s condition was misdiagnosed as a pinched nerve. His survival helps explain the 81-year-old’s motivations today.

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Joe Biden awoke suddenly in his hotel room, curled up on the floor and fully clothed, and felt an electric surge inside his head, “a rip of pain like I never felt before,” as he later recalled. It was 4:10 a.m. on a winter day in 1988.

The debilitating headaches had been happening for nearly a year, interrupting his first presidential campaign as the 45-year-old Biden popped up to 10 Tylenols a day. He had been diagnosed with a pinched nerve and for a time wore a cervical collar. Now, as he lay on the floor of his hotel room in Rochester, N.Y., the pain was even worse. His legs felt dead, and he struggled to turn his head.

Instead of heading to an emergency room, Biden flew home with an aide to Wilmington, Del., where he tried to get some sleep. Awakened hours later by even greater pain, he rushed to St. Francis Hospital. It wasn’t a pinched nerve. Doctors found blood in his spinal fluid, and then a dangerous balloon-shaped bulge — an aneurysm — on an artery wall at the base of the brain. Even worse, Biden’s aneurysm had already burst, leaking blood around the base of his brain.

The danger was immense: If the aneurysm burst again and sent blood coursing into his brain, it could mentally and physically disable him — or be fatal.

A priest was called to his bedside to deliver last rites, but Jill Biden, who had been ordered to stay out of the room, burst in, yelling at him to leave. “You’re not giving him the last rites. He’s not going to die,” she said, according to an account by Biden’s sister, Valerie.

Now there was only one hope, the doctors concluded: Biden needed immediate, risky surgery.

The race was on to save Biden’s life.

The story of how Biden survived the aneurysm — as well as a second one and a blood clot — is one of the most revealing if little understood episodes in the life of the 81-year-old president.

A review of the events, as described by the president, his family and his associates, in books and other forums, as well as Washington Post interviews with a surgeon who operated on Biden, provides a nearly moment-by-moment account that reveals new details about how close Biden came to incapacitation or death — and how those events shape him to this day.

The near-fatal experience highlights the depth of Biden’s resilience, which had already guided him to political success even after the deaths of his first wife and young daughter. But it also underscores how he initially played down a serious health issue for fear of the political consequences and, as he later acknowledged, sometimes failed to heed the advice of his doctors.

As Biden now seeks reelection amid voter concerns about his health and age, his opponent — 78-year-old Donald Trump — has alleged without medical evidence that Biden is “cognitively impaired,” an allegation dismissed by the surgeon who operated on Biden. Doctors who treated Biden say he fully recovered and suffered no brain damage. And while some people who have had aneurysm surgery do experience longer-term health repercussions, experts say, there is no evidence that Biden has suffered such consequences — though he has said it significantly changed his outlook on life.

In those early moments in a Wilmington hospital room, though, the idea that Biden would fully recover, much less become president and seek reelection, seemed remote.

‘A fifty-fifty chance’

Sixteen years earlier, Biden had rushed to the same Delaware hospital where he now lay on a table with doctors hovering nearby. On that night, shortly after his 1972 election to the Senate, his first wife, Neilia, and 18-month-old daughter, Naomi, who was known as Amy, had been killed when an 18-wheeler crashed into their car. His sons, Beau and Hunter, had been seriously injured in the accident and Joe had visited them at St. Francis.

In the years since, he had become a leading Democrat in the Senate and had launched a presidential bid in 1987. But that effort had fizzled months earlier amid a plagiarism scandal.

Now it was Biden’s second wife, Jill, who agreed with his political team on a perilous plan. The family believed the Delaware hospital was not equipped to save his life. So Biden would have to be taken to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington. If the aneurysm burst during the trip, Biden wrote in his memoir, “Promises to Keep,” there was nothing those traveling with him could do to save him.

Outside, though, conditions were deteriorating — foggy with wet snow that stung his face as firefighters wheeled him on a gurney to the ambulance. President Ronald Reagan, briefed on the emergency, had offered a helicopter. But the weather was too dire, and doctors worried that the change in air pressure could kill Biden.

So an ambulance team with a police escort began driving Biden more than 100 miles south on Interstate 95 toward Washington; Delaware police stopped at the state line, with Maryland officers taking over, Biden wrote.

At Walter Reed, Biden was given a more thorough test by the institution’s neurosurgeon, Eugene George. He not only confirmed the aneurysm that had bled on the left side of Biden’s brain but also found a smaller one on the right that had not burst.

The left one needed to be operated on immediately, Biden wrote. (George could not be reached for comment.)

The previous misdiagnosis of Biden’s condition had put the family on edge. Biden’s brother James “demanded” a second opinion, according to Biden, and narrowed his search to one surgeon: Neal Kassell, a legendary figure in the world of neurosurgery and particularly in the treatment of aneurysms.

Born with near-blindness in his left eye, Kassell had decided at age 10 that he wanted to be a neurosurgeon. As a high school sophomore in Philadelphia in 1964, he worked as a neurosurgeon’s assistant, during a period when he has said he was so poor he ate the food given to laboratory monkeys.

One day, Kassell observed an operation on a young mother who had an aneurysm bleeding at the base of her brain — similar to what he would encounter with Biden decades later. After what seemed to be a successful treatment, the woman died of a complication called a vasospasm, a persistent narrowing of arteries that restricts blood flow.

That experience would haunt Kassell for much of his career as he became one of the nation’s top neurosurgeons, he later said.

When Biden’s family reached out to the 41-year-old specialist, it wasn’t clear he would be available in time. He practiced at the medical center of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, nearly a three-hour drive from Washington.

As it happened, though, Kassell was minutes away, attending a conference. George agreed to consult with Kassell, who had written numerous medical articles on cerebral aneurysms, which affect an estimated 6.8 million Americans — many of whom live a normal life if the aneurysm never ruptures. But for the 30,000 people annually who suffer a rupture, it proves fatal about half the time, according to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation. Fifteen percent die before they get to a hospital, it said. And 66 percent of survivors have some permanent neurological damage.

Kassell was initially reluctant to get involved. He had performed almost all such surgeries with his team in Charlottesville.

“The success of aneurysm surgery is not only surgical virtuosity but, more importantly, the ability to orchestrate a whole team,” Kassell said in one of several interviews with The Washington Post conducted mainly in 2020. (Kassell told The Post recently that he stood by his earlier statements and had no further comment.) “Obviously, I didn’t have my team there.”

Nonetheless, Kassell agreed and determined that Biden needed immediate attention on two fronts: to secure the aneurysm from the risk of new bleeding, and then to do everything possible to prevent the potentially deadly complication of the artery-tightening vasospasm.

The standard practice for treating an aneurysm at that time was a brute-force method: drilling a hole in the head and then moving the brain slightly to operate on the aneurysm.

In his memoir, Biden wrote that he discussed the risks with George. “As I heard it, my chances of surviving the surgery were certainly better than fifty-fifty. But the chances of waking up with serious deficits to my mental faculties were more significant.”

Jill Biden wrote in her autobiography that a doctor told her there was “a fifty-fifty chance Joe wouldn’t survive surgery.” She wrote that she was told “it was even more likely Joe would have permanent brain damage if he survived. And if any part of his brain would be adversely affected, it would be the area that governed speech.”

In September 2020, Biden put the risk in even more dire terms, saying a neurosurgeon told him that he had “a relatively small chance of making it after it was all over.”

Biden was told he should prepare to talk with his family, in case he died on the operating table. He wrote that he worried that his sons would lose a parent for the second time, and that his 6-year-old daughter, Ashley, would have to be told he wasn’t returning home, just as he had once told Hunter and Beau that their mother wasn’t coming back.

“I’m so proud of you,” Biden said he told his sons. “So I know you’ll live up to your obligations. I know you’ll take great care of your mother and your sister.”

“Don’t say that, Dad,” responded Beau, who had recently turned 19. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Biden was wheeled into an airy operating room, where doctors and nurses in scrubs were busily lining up equipment. An anesthesiologist put a mask over his face.

Biden wrote that he wasn’t frightened and had “no real fear of dying,” but that, as he lay on the operating table, he felt like he was “floating gently in a wide-open sea,” with his life in the hands of the surgeons.

Biden’s skull was readied to be cut open.

A mass of blood

Kassell had performed this surgery at least 1,500 times. Still, the three-to-five-hour procedure could be fraught, especially if the aneurysm burst, which happened about 10 percent of the time.

Kassell, who stressed in the interviews that George was a crucial partner, said they started by drilling a two-inch hole in Biden’s head, precisely cut so that the “lid” could be removed. “You break off a piece of the skull, like removing the top of a cookie jar,” Kassell said. As delicate as it sounded, Kassell said, that was the easy part, “like carpentry.”

A cantilevered arm holding a microscope was swung over Biden to give Kassell a detailed view as the dura — the outer layer of tissue over the brain — was opened. With his one good eye, Kassell peered through the microscope. He elevated Biden’s brain from the base of the skull and saw the aneurysm on the left side. It was “like a balloon with a neck that came off the wall of the artery. … It was certainly dangerous,” Kassell said.

He prepared to put a tiny metal clip around it, which would deflate the aneurysm and begin healing the artery.

Suddenly, Kassell’s field of vision flooded with a mass of blood that was about the size of a quarter — a large amount in his microscope’s view.

The aneurysm had burst. The risk now was exponentially greater that the blood could leak into the brain, which could be fatal.

Kassell uttered a four-letter expletive.

Yet he also felt a sense of calm, he later said. He had encountered this numerous times and knew precisely what to do. He controlled the bleeding, preventing it from damaging the brain, and sealed the aneurysm with the clip.

The rupture on the operating table was not widely known, apparently not even to Biden at the time or years later. Biden never mentioned it in his autobiography.

Kassell’s account was confirmed by Ted Kaufman, Biden’s Senate chief of staff, who said he remembered Kassell describing the incident at the time.

To Kassell’s relief, Biden did not suffer a vasospasm, the complication that Kassell had seen kill other patients. Kassell said Biden was fortunate that he was in good physical condition before the surgery. “The blood did not bleed into his brain — it bled around his brain,” Kassell said. “So he had no brain damage whatsoever.”

Still, there were more surgeries, and more risks, to come.

Only the beginning

“Am I alive?” Biden recalled asking Jill after the operation.

His shaved skull had been stapled back together, and his head looked like “a misshapen baseball that had just had its cover nearly knocked off,” Biden wrote in his autobiography.

“You’re alive,” Jill responded.

Jill believed that Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race had saved his life, according to the Bidens’ accounts. It had been humiliating to end his bid, but he might have continued disregarding the pain if he’d stayed on the trail. He also might have refused a trip to the hospital, which could have been politically damaging.

The aneurysm on the left side had been successfully treated, but that was only the beginning. He was hooked up to an array of monitors that measured his vital signs and, he would later write, was having trouble breathing — “I almost quit the fight.” He stayed at the hospital for 10 days, resting in preparation for surgery to treat the aneurysm on the right side, and then was sent home to wait.

The doctors had warned Biden that he would have a long recovery and needed to be extraordinarily careful. He was forbidden to climb stairs, for example. Jill soon caught Biden ignoring that order.

“I was so sure I was making a remarkable recovery, so intent on proving my health, that I took chances,” Biden wrote.

Then, Biden said, he got permission to go to a friend’s condo at Bethany Beach, Del. After arriving, he felt as if something was rattling in his head and the room was spinning, an experience he was told was normal. After returning to Wilmington, he wrote, he was extra careful, but found that he could not get out of bed. He felt a knifelike pain in his chest and abdomen, even worse than his headache months earlier.

Jill called the doctor who had misdiagnosed his aneurysm as a pinched nerve, and this time, the doctor diagnosed his new pain as “a gas bubble.” Biden wrote that “my neighborhood doctor was wrong again.” He did not name the doctor.

Biden agreed to be rushed to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a blood clot in his lung, which Biden wrote probably came from spending so much time in bed recovering from surgery. His doctors worried that this and possibly other clots would kill or disable him. Once again, Biden went to Walter Reed, where specialists successfully inserted a titanium filter on the sides of an artery to prevent clots from reaching his lungs or heart, he wrote in his memoir. (Such devices are actually implanted in veins, a medical expert told The Post.) He was also given a drug to prevent clots from causing an embolism, or artery blockage, that could kill him. After 10 days of treatment, he returned home.

Three months after the initial aneurysm surgery, it was time to deal with the right side. Twenty percent of people with one aneurysm have a second one, Kassell said. Biden again went to Walter Reed, where Kassell once again was on the surgery team.

As Kassell entered the operating room, Biden said, “Doc, do a good job, because someday I’m going to be president,” according to Kassell.

This time, the aneurysm didn’t rupture. The surgery was successful, but the risks were still so great that Biden was required to stay at the hospital for much of May 1988, he would write. Kaufman said he watched his boss “very carefully” afterward and saw no sign of any change.

In all, Biden was largely absent from public life for six months after the first surgery. Under doctor’s orders, he didn’t go to his office, cast a vote or deliver a speech.

After Biden was released from Walter Reed, reporters found him in the parking garage. No news conference had been arranged, but Biden was ready with a joke: “I’ve asked you all to come today because I’ve decided to announce that I am reentering the race for president.”

Defying the odds

For years, Biden’s triumph over the aneurysms was the subject of bipartisan applause. But during the 2020 campaign, Trump began raising doubts about Biden’s mental acuity. Trump’s son Don Jr. tweeted that it is “strange they never talk about Joe Biden’s TWO brain aneurysms and brain surgeries.” He added mockingly: “That has nothing to do with why he can’t remember where he is most days.”

On Oct. 11, 2020, Fox Business Network host Maria Bartiromo told Trump during an interview that her “medical sources have told me that Joe Biden had two brain aneurysms, not one, but two brain aneurysms. I pray to God it isn’t true, but my medical sources are solid on this. … Do you believe he should be disclosing that?”

Trump responded that “he should certainly come clean, and he should — he should say something about that. Absolutely. If that’s the case.”

In fact, Biden had disclosed both of his aneurysms when they were discovered in 1988.

During the current campaign, Trump has alleged that his Democratic opponent is “cognitively impaired.” Biden’s doctors have said there is no evidence that he has any such issues, and Biden’s supporters note that Trump has made a series of confused statements, such as when he mixed up former speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi with former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley .

Voters have said in polls that the physical and mental state of the candidates is one of their greatest concerns. Biden has released a six-page letter with specific details about his blood tests, conditions and medication, while Trump, whose father died of conditions related to Alzheimer’s disease, has issued a vague three-paragraph letter from his doctor that says he is in excellent health and has “exceptional” cognitive ability.

Biden has long said surviving the aneurysms affected him in personal ways, citing how close he came to death as a reckoning. While the episode was a humbling one of frailty, he has said the recovery was a lesson in resilience.

Biden said that dropping out of the 1988 presidential campaign “saved my life. My doctors told me point-blank that I would not be alive today had I stayed in the race.” He said his medical emergency had made him “a little wiser … and more serene.” Had he done what doctors told him, he wrote, he might have avoided the blood clot in his lung. The lesson, he wrote, was that seeking the presidency “could wait. There would be another time if I really wanted it.” Surviving the aneurysms, he wrote, was “my second chance in life.”

In the years after the surgery, Biden called Kassell on the anniversary to thank him. As Kassell got to know Biden in a setting other than the operating room, he concluded that the experience had forever changed the future president.

“For a lot of people, it changes their perspective about what’s really important and how they use their time,” said Kassell, who now runs the Focused Ultrasound Foundation , a Charlottesville-based group that aims to use beams of sound waves to treat medical conditions including Parkinson’s disease and some cancers. “Biden’s the type of person that this did have an impact on him, how precious life is.”

The treatment of brain aneurysms, meanwhile, has changed dramatically since Biden’s operations, often making the recovery much quicker and easier. While many patients are still best served by removing part of their skull for surgery, the majority today are treated by inserting a tube through the wrist or groin, with a coil instead of a clip used on a burst aneurysm, specialists said.

In Biden’s case, the clips remain and are expected to last the rest of his life. (Biden took medication aimed at preventing further blood clots for a few months; today, he takes the anticoagulant Eliquis to mitigate stroke risk from atrial fibrillation, which in Biden’s case is stable, according to his medical reports.) Christine Buckley, executive director of the Brain Aneurysm Foundation, said she knows of no concerns that such clips could fail. Biden released a medical report in 2014 saying that a scan showed there had been no recurrence of aneurysms.

As for the long-term impact of such surgery, Biden and Kassell have both said Biden completely recovered with no ill effects.

Biden, Jill, and his siblings Valerie and James all declined to comment for this story. White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in an emailed statement that “President Biden is grateful that he received high quality care and support from his family that enabled a full recovery. The experience is one of many reasons that he’s fighting for every American to have access to affordable health care.”

For some patients, the aftereffects of such surgery can be long-lasting. A 2016 study published in the Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery concluded that “many patients with ruptured cerebral aneurysms … struggle with a poor quality of life,” including issues with memory loss and depression.

Erwin Mangubat, a co-author of the study and chief of neurosurgery at Prisma Health in South Carolina, said in an interview that having a ruptured aneurysm “can be very life-changing” but that many patients “continue to live pretty normal, active and functional lives despite a very scary event.”

Biden’s outcome — defying the odds of death or disability despite an initial misdiagnosis — makes him an extraordinary success story, according to Tom Tinlin, who also survived two aneurysm surgeries and is now chairman of the Brain Aneurysm Foundation. The former Massachusetts highway administrator said such stories are all too rare, with far too few aneurysms being diagnosed. He said a bill in Congress to increase funding for aneurysm research by $10 million annually for five years has long been stalled.

He said there is no reason to think the aneurysm surgeries have had any mental or physical impact on Biden. The president is particularly fortunate, Tinlin said, because blood did not leak into the brain.

“I look at Joe Biden as the person — to those of us in the brain aneurysm community — that we all strive to be: very high-functioning and productive,” Tinlin said.

Alice Crites contributed to this report

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