English Summary

My Favourite Season Autumn Essay

Autumn is one of the four major seasons in a year. Autumn changes the season from summer to winter because it falls between them. Autumn falls at different time in different part of the Earth.

In our country, this season falls from the month of September to November. Every season has its own features. Autumn is also known as ‘fall’ because the leaves from the trees start falling in Autumn. Due to lack of rain, leaves start drying up and then they fall and the new leaves come up in winter.

In Autumn everything turns from green to yellow. Trees and grass become yellow in colour and the fallen leaves cover the face of the earth. Autumn has its own unique beauty.

Animals start preparing for winter in this season. Some birds like Cuckoos migrate to warmer places. Small animals like squirrels and mouse start storing food. In winters, they do not come out from their holes and eat the stored food only. Animals like Bears, Turtles etc find a warm place where they can hibernate in winter.

Autumn season is a great season for growing vegetables and fruits. Carrot, Cauliflower, Beans, Apples, Grapes, Oranges are the gifts of this season. In our country, festivals like Durga Puja and Garba are celebrated in Autumn.

This season shows a totally new face of nature. The weather in this season is loved by all because it is moderate. Autumn season teaches us that even if the leaves fall, new leaves will take their place one day.

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essay on my favourite season autumn

Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: My Favourite Season

Everyone has a favorite season. Whether it’s the blossoming of spring, the warmth of summer, the colors of autumn, or the chill of winter, each season holds a unique charm and significance. Writing a short essay about your favorite season can be a delightful way to express your personal feelings and observations. Here’s how to articulate your fondness for a particular time of year in a structured and engaging way.

Table of Contents


Begin with an introduction that captures the essence of your favorite season. Use sensory details to create a vivid image in the reader’s mind. This could be a personal anecdote or a series of striking descriptions that convey why this season stands out to you.

Divide the body of your essay into a few paragraphs, each focusing on different aspects that make this season special to you. Here’s a way you might structure it:

  • Describe the changes in the environment during this season. For autumn, you might discuss the transformation of foliage, the migration of birds, or the first frost.
  • Use imagery to help the reader visualize the landscape and feel the atmosphere of the season.
  • Detail the activities that are particularly enjoyable during this season. This could be about seasonal festivals, holidays, or simple pleasures like walking through a park or baking with seasonal ingredients.
  • Explain how these activities make you feel and why they are more enjoyable during this season.
  • Share personal memories or traditions that you associate with this season. Reflect on moments that have deepened your appreciation for this time of year.
  • Discuss how this season influences your mood, behavior, or choices in your daily life.

Wrap up your essay by summarizing why this season holds a special place in your heart. Reflect on the broader implications of the season on your life and possibly on others.

My Favourite Season Essay Example #1

Seasons come and go, each with its unique characteristics that make it stand out. However, my favorite season is autumn. It is a time of change and beauty. The cool weather, the beautiful foliage, and the many outdoor activities make it a season to look forward to. In this essay, I will explain why autumn is my favorite season.

My favorite season is autumn because of the cool weather and beautiful foliage. After the hot and humid summer, the cool weather that autumn brings is a welcome relief. The temperature is just right, not too hot and not too cold. The air becomes crisp and refreshing, making it perfect for outdoor activities. The leaves on the trees change color and fall, creating a beautiful landscape. The red, yellow, and orange colors of the leaves are a sight to behold. The cool weather and the beautiful foliage are the main reasons why autumn is my favorite season.

During autumn, the air becomes crisp and refreshing, and I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and apple picking. The cool weather makes it perfect for outdoor activities that were not possible in the summer. Hiking is one of my favorite activities, and during autumn, the weather is perfect for it. The trails are not too crowded, and the scenery is beautiful. Apple picking is another activity that I enjoy during autumn. It is a fun activity that allows me to enjoy the cool weather and the beautiful foliage.

The changing colors of the leaves create a picturesque landscape that is a joy to behold. The red, yellow, and orange colors of the leaves make the landscape look like a painting. The changing colors of the leaves also symbolize change and remind us that nothing is permanent. The leaves fall, and the trees become bare, but they will grow new leaves in the spring. The changing colors of the leaves make autumn a season of reflection and appreciation.

In conclusion, autumn is my favorite season because of the cool weather, beautiful foliage, and the many outdoor activities. The cool weather makes it perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking and apple picking, and the changing colors of the leaves create a picturesque landscape that is a joy to behold. Autumn is a season of change and reflection, and it reminds us that nothing is permanent.

My Favourite Season Essay Example #2

Every season has its own unique charm and beauty, but there is always one that stands out as a personal favorite. For me, that season is autumn. From the stunning foliage to the comfortable temperatures, there are so many reasons why I love this time of year. In this essay, I will explain why autumn is my favourite season by exploring its beautiful scenery, outdoor activities, and cozy atmosphere.

The first reason why autumn is my favourite season is the breathtaking foliage that it brings. As the leaves begin to change colour, the entire landscape transforms into a stunning display of red, orange, and yellow. The trees appear to be on fire, and it is truly a sight to behold. I love taking long walks during this time of year, admiring the beauty of nature and feeling the crisp air on my face. There is something incredibly peaceful about being surrounded by such natural beauty.

Another reason why I love autumn is the perfect weather it brings. The heat of summer has subsided, and the chill of winter has not yet arrived. This makes it the ideal time for outdoor activities such as hiking and apple picking. The cool, dry air is refreshing and invigorating, and it makes physical activity much more enjoyable. I love spending my weekends exploring the outdoors during this time of year, soaking up the beauty of the season and staying active at the same time.

Finally, autumn is a special time of year because of the cozy atmosphere it creates. As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, people tend to spend more time indoors. This creates the perfect opportunity for indulging in seasonal treats such as pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider. The warm and comforting flavours of these drinks make them the perfect accompaniment to a cozy night in. Additionally, the soft lighting and warm blankets create a relaxing and inviting atmosphere that is perfect for spending time with loved ones.

In conclusion, autumn is my favourite season for many reasons. From the stunning foliage to the perfect weather and cozy atmosphere, there is so much to love about this time of year. Whether I am enjoying a brisk walk through the woods or cuddled up with a warm drink, I always feel a sense of peace and contentment during the autumn months. It is truly a special time of year, and I am grateful for the beauty and joy it brings to my life.

My Favourite Season Essay Example #3

Seasons are an essential aspect of nature that brings changes in the environment and our daily lives. Each season has its unique charm and beauty, which attracts people differently. In my opinion, my favourite season is autumn. Autumn is the transitional season between summer and winter, and it is marked by a cool, crisp air and beautiful fall foliage. During this season, there are many fun outdoor activities to enjoy, and the cozy atmosphere makes it the perfect time for enjoying warm drinks and spending time with family and friends. In this essay, I will elaborate on why autumn is my favourite season.

The first reason why autumn is my favourite season is the cool, crisp air and beautiful fall foliage. The temperature during autumn is perfect, and the air is fresh, making it a pleasant experience to be outside. The fall foliage is another factor that makes this season unique. The leaves on trees change colour from green to yellow, orange, and red, creating a beautiful sight. Walking through a park or forest and seeing the leaves falling gently to the ground is a magical experience. Furthermore, the sound of leaves crunching underfoot adds to the autumn season’s beauty.

The second reason why autumn is my favourite season is the fun outdoor activities to enjoy. During this season, there are many activities to do, such as apple picking, hiking, and camping. Apple picking is a fun activity to do with friends and family, and it is an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors while getting fresh fruit. Hiking is another activity that is enjoyable during autumn because the weather is perfect, and the fall foliage adds to the scenery’s beauty. Camping during autumn is a unique experience, and it is an opportunity to escape from the city’s hustle and bustle and relax in nature.

The third reason why autumn is my favourite season is the cozy atmosphere. The weather during autumn is perfect for enjoying warm drinks such as hot chocolate, coffee, and tea. The cool air creates a cozy atmosphere, making it the perfect time to spend time with family and friends. Autumn is also the season for holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving, making it an opportunity to enjoy time with loved ones. Furthermore, autumn is the season for comfort food such as pies, soups, and stews, making it the perfect time to indulge in delicious food.

In conclusion, autumn is my favourite season because of the cool, crisp air and beautiful fall foliage, fun outdoor activities to enjoy, and the cozy atmosphere. The season’s unique charm and beauty make it a memorable experience, and it is an opportunity to enjoy nature and spend time with loved ones. Autumn is a season that brings joy and happiness to people’s lives, and I look forward to it every year.

Final Tips for Effective Writing

  • Be Descriptive:  Engage all the senses when describing the season. Talk about the sights, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes that define this time of year for you.
  • Be Personal:  This essay is an opportunity to share your unique perspective and personal experiences. Let your personality shine through.
  • Stay Structured:  Even though the essay is personal and descriptive, maintaining a clear structure will help keep your writing coherent and engaging.
  • Proofread:  Always revise your work. Ensuring your essay is free from grammatical errors and typos will make your writing more professional and enjoyable to read.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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essay on my favourite season autumn

English Aspirants

Essay on My Favourite Season for Students [5+ Essays]

My Favourite Season essay: There are six seasons in India. Summer (Grishma Ritu), Monsoon (Varsha Ritu), Autumn (Sharad Ritu), Pre-Winter (Hemant Ritu), Winter (Shishir Ritu), and Spring (Vasant Ritu). In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay/paragraph on my favourite season or the season I like most. Here, we’ve included essays/paragraphs on all the six seasons of India. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Essay on My Favourite Season Winter

Winter is the best of all seasons and I like this season the most. December, January and February are the three winter months. The weather at this time is very pleasant. In this season we can work hard but do not get tired. We put on warm clothes and enjoy the bright sunshine. The nights are very cold. The night in a warm bed under a quilt is very comfortable.

Paddy is harvested in this season. Colourful seasonal flowers grow in gardens. Fish, vegetables and fruits are also available in plenty in this season. They are very cheap also. This is the most suitable time for holding picnics in the open air. We can go out and hold excursions in winter.

Various types of fairs are held and festivals like Saraswati Puja, Christmas, and New Year’s Day are celebrated in this season. While we enjoy the cool comfort of the winter, the poor people suffer a lot during these months. They do not have warm clothes to protect them from cold. Overall I love this season very much.

essay on my favourite season winter

My Favourite Season Summer Essay

Of all the six seasons, my favourite season is summer. It is the hottest season of the year. The summer season starts in March and ends in June. In this season the sun shines brightly. The best part of this season is summer vacation. This is a great relief from a hectic schedule, home works, and exam pressure. I enjoy the vacation by going to a beach or a hill station with friends and families. In summer I like to have cold drinks, lassi, ice cream, and coconut water.

We get many fruits in this season like mango, watermelon, litchi, jackfruit, pineapple etc. Many festivals such as charak puja, Rama Navami, Baisakhi, Rabindra Jayanti, etc. are celebrated in this season. There are varieties of fruits and vegetables available during this season. Many beautiful flowers like Lilly, Marigold, Roses, Dahlia, and Sunflower bloom in this season. Summer is just a wonderful season with so much fun and enjoyment. 

my favourite season summer essay

My Favourite season Rainy Season

The season I like most is the Rainy season or monsoon. In India, this season begins in mid-June and ends in early September. Rainy season comes after the scorching heat of summer season and gives us relief. Clouds float here and there in the sky. Lightning and thunder occur frequently. People can be seen with umbrellas and raincoats. Dry rivers and lakes become full.

Farmers plough their fields. Children become very happy. They make paper boats and dance in the rain. A variety of fruits, vegetables, and crops grow in this season. Beautiful flowers blossom in this time. Beautiful rainbows can be seen in the sky.  This season brings a lot of festivals like Raksha Bandhan, 15th August, Teej, Janmashtami, etc. We can enjoy various types of dishes in the rain.

But sometimes heavy rainfall brings the flood. Flood causes many to lose their lives, houses, and livelihood. On the other hand, if there is no rainfall for a long time, drought can occur. This causes extensive damage to crops. So, the Rainy season is an important season for us.

my favourite season rainy season

Also Read: Paragraph on Rainy Season 

My Favourite Season Spring Essay

The season of spring is dear to poets and lovers. This is taken as a time of beauty, melody and happiness. Spring lasts for a little more than two months-from February to mid-April. The weather in spring is rather pleasant. This is neither too cold nor too hot. There is also no troublesome rainfall. The sky looks clear and blue.

The gentle breeze soothes Trees and lands are all green and lovely. This is particularly a season of flowers and fruit. Different sorts of vegetables too, grow in plenty. The season has the festivals of the Saraswati Puja and the Holi. Indeed many are found, like the poet, to long for spring-“If winter comes, can spring be far behind ?”.

my favourite season spring essay

Also Read: A Rainy Day Paragraph

My Favourite Season Autumn

India is a land of seasons. Six seasons come and pass away here. Autumn, however, appears to me the most charming season of all. It covers roughly two months-September and October. Our earth looks fresh and bright with its coming. The cloudy sky and the rainy weather are over in autumn. A deep blue sky smiles and the sun shines brightly. Nature is adorned with grace and charms. The natural beauty of the season is greatly appealing to me.

Autumn is dear to me for another important reason. This is the season for the greatest Bengali festival-the Durga Puja. This is the festival of joy and happiness. It makes one happy. I enjoy in it the happiness of the season.

my favourite season autumn essay

My Favourite Season Autumn Essay

During the rainy season, the sky remains overcast with clouds. Rains fall continually. But, with autumn, the clouds are no more. A deep blue sky spreads, like a deep blue sea. The white patches of clouds float like little fairy boats.

The day looks golden with the sun shining. The night has a silvery moon, with its silvery luster. The millions of stars, too, sparkle. Now and then, rain begins to fall thick and fast. But then suddenly the rain stops and, again, a deep blue sky smiles. In autumn, the rivers are full to the brim. The fields are all green and golden with crops. Men and women are busy among them, reaping the harvest. Nature and man seem to unite in one mood of peaceful gladness. Autumn is my favourite season.

Read More: 1. Essay on a Visit to a Hill Station 2. A Journey by Train Essay 3. A Visit to a Zoo Essay 4. A Visit to a Historical Place Essay

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Essay on My Favourite Season

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Season in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Season


My favourite season is spring. It is the season that follows winter and precedes summer.

The Beauty of Spring

Spring is a season of rebirth. Trees regain their green leaves, flowers bloom, and animals come out of hibernation. The world seems to come alive with vibrant colours.

Enjoying the Outdoors

Spring is the perfect time for outdoor activities. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. I love to play in parks, enjoy picnics, and take long walks during spring.

In conclusion, spring is my favourite season because of its beauty and the opportunities it provides to enjoy the outdoors.

Also check:

  • 10 Lines on My Favourite Season

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Season

Every season brings its own unique charm, but the one I hold dearest to my heart is autumn. Often overshadowed by the vibrant summer or the cozy winter, autumn, for me, is a sublime blend of the two, offering a warm, tranquil ambiance that resonates with my soul.

The Aesthetic Appeal

Autumn is an artist’s dream, a season that transforms the world into a living canvas. The leaves morph from monotonous green to a spectrum of reds, oranges, and yellows, painting a breathtaking panorama that no other season can replicate. The soft rustling of the leaves underfoot and the crisp air tinged with the scent of earth and rain, create a sensory symphony that is both soothing and invigorating.

Symbolism of Autumn

Autumn is not just a visual delight; it is a season rich in symbolism. It represents change and transformation, reminding us of the cyclical nature of life. As the leaves fall, they symbolize the need to shed the old to make way for the new, a lesson that resonates deeply in our personal and academic lives.

Autumn Activities

Autumn also brings with it a plethora of activities. From apple picking to pumpkin carving, from hiking through the autumn foliage to cozy evenings by the fire, the season is a treasure trove of experiences that are both simple and profound.

In conclusion, autumn is my favorite season, not just for its aesthetic appeal, but also for its symbolism and the unique experiences it offers. It is a season that inspires, rejuvenates, and evokes a sense of serenity and introspection, making it a truly special time of the year.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Season

Introduction: the charm of seasons.

Seasons are a beautiful testament to the cyclical nature of life, each carrying its own distinct charm and character. Among them all, my favourite is the autumn season. Autumn, with its vibrant hues and mellow weather, is a season of change and introspection, making it an unparalleled source of inspiration.

Autumn: A Symphony of Colours

Autumn is often associated with a rich palette of colours. The leaves change from a monotonous green to a vibrant array of yellows, oranges, and reds. This transformation is not just a visual spectacle but a metaphor for life itself. It signifies the importance of change, of letting go, and of rejuvenation. The trees shed their leaves, preparing for a new cycle of life, much like how we must shed old habits and thoughts to make way for new perspectives.

The Weather: A Mellow Respite

The weather during autumn is another aspect that makes it my favourite season. The scorching heat of the summer gives way to a mellow coolness, while the biting cold of winter is still a distant thought. The days are warm, and the nights are cool, providing a comfortable balance. This weather is symbolic of a calm equilibrium, a lesson about the importance of balance in life.

Autumn: A Season of Harvest

Autumn is also the season of harvest, a time of abundance and celebration. It is a reminder that hard work and patience bear fruit. The harvest season is a testament to the fact that nature works in its own rhythm, and we must respect this rhythm in our lives as well.

Autumn Nights: A Celestial Spectacle

The clear autumn nights provide a celestial spectacle, with the stars shining brightly against the dark sky. This clarity and brightness serve as a metaphor for hope and aspiration. Even in the darkness, there is a light guiding us, much like the stars guide us through the dark autumn nights.

Conclusion: Autumn, A Season of Life’s Lessons

In conclusion, autumn, for me, is more than just a season. It is a teacher imparting life’s lessons through its changing colours, mellow weather, abundant harvest, and clear nights. It is a season of introspection, of understanding the importance of change, balance, patience, and hope. It is a season that reminds us of the cyclical nature of life, encouraging us to embrace change and look forward to rejuvenation. This profound connection with autumn makes it my favourite season.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Spring Season
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  • Essay on South Korea

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Why Autumn is The Best Season for Me

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Updated: 28 November, 2023

Words: 770 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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essay on my favourite season autumn

Autumn is my Favorite Season

In this personal essay, the writer will express their fondness for the autumn season, describing the sensory experiences, activities, and feelings it evokes. The piece will discuss the aesthetic appeal of autumn, such as the changing leaves and cooler weather, and how these changes influence mood and lifestyle. The essay will also reflect on the cultural and personal significance of autumn, including traditions and memories associated with the season. It aims to provide a personal and descriptive account that resonates with readers who share a similar appreciation for autumn. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to Attention.

How it works

Each person has their own favorite season. Some people like winter, which brings New Years, skiing, snowballing. Others admire the spring, sometimes the awakening of nature from sleep. Sometimes, when streams ring and drops cry. Someone simply adores summer: vacations, swimming in rivers, walks with friends. And I like autumn.

I think autumn is the most beautiful time. The leaves of the trees change their color, if in the summer they were green, now they glow with golden, crimson, orange colors.

Nature is preparing for a long winter sleep, but there are still warm days, it is so good to walk in the autumn park when fallen leaves are barely audible and mysteriously rustling underfoot as if saying goodbye to the past summer.

Fresh air smells like rotten leaves, wet earth. High in the sky, cranes are chirping and flying to hot countries.

Walking in the autumn park, I really like to collect bouquets of fallen colorful leaves.

It turns out such wonderful bright bouquets, which are in no way inferior to bouquets of flowers. I also like to use autumn leaves instead of bookmarks for books.

Most of all, I like autumn because it is the rainiest time, I really like to walk in the rain. When it’s time for long rains, it’s so nice to get into a comfortable chair, cover yourself with a blanket and, listening to the sound of the rain outside the window, read some interesting book, or just dream about something.

Every year our school hosts the Golden Autumn holiday. The assembly hall is decorated with garlands of autumn leaves, and on the tables – gifts of autumn, because autumn is the time for harvesting.

All our poets wrote about autumn, showered it with dozens of epithets, autumn was depicted on their canvases by all great painters, conveying with paints all the splendor of this divine beauty.

Near my house, a rowan grows under the window, how beautiful it is in autumn! When leaves have already flown from all the trees, the mountain ash simply blazes with its clusters of scarlet berries.

I love the time of falling leaves, when the leaves slowly swirling in the air, slowly falling and covering the whole earth with a golden carpet. I also like it when in the fall the loose leaves gathered in a heap are burned. For some reason, the smell of these leaves always evokes in me a feeling of some kind of nagging sadness and sadness, but light and light sadness. I was born in the fall, maybe that’s why I love this most wonderful time of the year with all my heart and soul. I am always looking forward to the onset of this wonderful time, which gives me happiness and joy.

Nothing is quite so remarkable as the change that takes place in the autumn. Where not so long ago we were surrounded by bushes and trees resplendent in their summer greens, we are now living in a world of jumbled hues of orange and gold and rust. Where just days ago the lawn around the house was a well-vacuumed carpet of grass, clipped and tidy, it is now virtually covered over with fallen dried leaves. Autumn lingers like pleasant memories from a good friend’s visit, like the fresh-scrubbed oxygen that a thunderstorm leaves behind. It is a time of change when every morning brings new colors, new smells, and an altered vista. It is a time when even as the pace of change quickens in the natural world, the pace of man slows. It is the season of meandering strolls through multihued glens, through the melancholy fluttering of leaves falling to the ground.

Autumn is a time of introspection when the sniff of drying foliage and loam slow the mind to consider days past, the highs and lows of a life. Every season has its own beauty, but autumn, like spring, brings with it a mood. If spring exults in new life, autumn examines the old; if spring is the anticipation of tomorrow, autumn is a meditation on yesterday. So much of life is a process; so much of it is just paying attention. What good is our stumbling if we never look back to understand why we tripped? What good is a victory if it doesn’t leave us more humble? What good is life itself if tomorrow doesn’t find us better than we were the day before? In the magnificent untidiness of our life-walk, it is necessary to pause beneath the drifting, dying leaves of autumn and examine the grace just spent. I want to learn to pay better attention: to listen, to observe, to learn. Nature never stands still; it is always moving, pressing into the next day. Today’s tree will be taller tomorrow—or it will be fallen, lying dead and rotting in last year’s leaves. Today’s grass, luxuriously pliant and green, will tomorrow be brittle and parched, brown and sharp to the touch. The fawn that accompanies his mother today will next year be taller and on his own—or he may become a hunter’s trophy. Time never stops.

Season passes into season, change inevitably comes. As I gaze out my window, into the trees of Land Park that each day put on new clothes, I feel a sense of urgency. What have I accomplished today? The days continue to tick by; what am I doing that will yield eternal results? The person I pass on the street today will tomorrow be older—or dead. What have I done today so that his tomorrow will be something more than just his being one day older? Have I been kind to those around me, or have I been impatient and rude? Do I expect everyone to be perfect like me? Or do I allow for the imperfections everyone else permits me? Will the world be better—or larger—tomorrow, because of something I’ve done today? Have I filled up each day using the gifts God has graciously entrusted to me? Have I used them or have I squandered them? Some young plants and trees still need to be watered in the autumn. They ask for deep-rooted sustenance to carry them through the dormancy of winter. As I fill the old galvanized bucket with water and carry it to the base of the small tree newly planted in the yard, I notice a few drops leaking from the bottom edge, trailing a glistening path of drips through the drying leaves that carpet the grass. And I realize that when we are born, we are each given a bucketful of days. God fills our bucket to overflowing, pouring into it, as well, all God’s goodness and blessings, gifts and opportunities. As time passes, the days drip out, one by one, until, at our earthly end, the bucket is dry. Our days have run out. Our gifts and opportunities have reached their end. No more. Each of us begins with a bucketful of days. But only God knows how many days are in our bucket. Will we spend them well? 


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Essay On My Favourite Season: Sample in 100, 200 & 300 words

essay on my favourite season autumn

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  • May 13, 2024

Essay on my favourite season

Essay on My Favourite Season: Loving a season has no specific reason. Some might like the rainy season because it’s refreshing, while others may like the summer because it is the best time for outdoor activities. Similarly, some like the winter season so that friends and family can go for a bonfire activity. Season preference depends on one’s choice and idea of refreshments as it affects the human feel and influences behaviour. 

In this blog, we will provide three essay writing samples on the topic ¨My Favourite Season¨ which will help the students with ideas and information. 

Also Read: NCERT Class 9 Climate Change Notes (Free PDF)

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 100 Words
  • 2 Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 200 Words
  • 3 Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 300 Words
  • 4 Short Essay on My Favourite Season in English
  • 5 FAQs 

Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 100 Words

My favourite season is Summer. As the season is characterised by long days and short nights, there are ample daylight hours for outdoor activities. During the summer season, children in north and south India are free from school for a couple of months. They go for summer holidays to their favourite places with their parents and make these days their memorable childhood memories. 

Summertime brings refreshing and water-packed food like muskmelon, cucumber, and peaches. These nourishments help the body get hydrated and benefit the body. Also, we get to enjoy ice cream, cold drinks, and other chilled refreshments. So, I enjoy this season thoroughly with friends and family while enjoying refreshing fruits and drinks. 

Also Read: Essay on Rainy Season in 100, 200, 300 & 500 Words

Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 200 Words

My favourite season is Winter . After the scorching heat of summer, winter arrives and brings pleasant changes to the weather. The cool breeze of the winter season carries a hint of freshness and brings comfort.  

During the winter season, nature undergoes a subtle transformation. Trees shed their leaves, and the surroundings appear peaceful. Mornings are misty and create a magical ambience, especially in areas with diverse topography. 

Winter brings festival time to India and among them, Diwali is a major celebration. The festival comes with lights, decorations, and a spirit of togetherness. All these warming features make the festival a joyous occasion for families and friends. 

One of the highlights of the winter season is the nourishing warm and comforting foods. From hot tea to traditional delicacies like gajar ka halwa and makki ki roti, adds a delicious experience to the winter season in northern India. 

Also, the winter season brings snowfall possibilities in higher altitudes in northern parts of India. Besides, people also eagerly wait for the arrival of migratory birds in sanctuaries. The arrival of birds from faraway lands increases the diversity and adds richness to the biodiversity of that particular area.  

Altogether, the winter season brings delightfulness and festive celebrations. A unique mix of cultural and natural experiences makes the winter season my favourite time of the year. 

Also Read: Essay on Winter Vacation: Samples in 150, 250 Words 

Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 300 Words

Spring Season brings a world of wonder and joy. Winter birds bid farewell and spring arrives with a burst of colours and peaceful nature. The air carries warmth and gentleness which transforms the world into a magical place.

During the spring season, the flowers bloom in vibrant colours and carpet the earth with beautiful flowers. In this season, we witness blossoms of cherries, daffodils, and tulips. These flowers create a breathtaking sight and turn the gardens into a palette of a painter. 

Further, the mild temperature of Spring allows one to spend more time outdoors, playing in the sunshine and exploring the natural world. The trees that were bare once, adorn themselves with fresh green leaves, creating a canopy that dances in the breeze.

One of the most admiring things about the spring season is the return of birds. They come back from their winter migration and fill the air with cheerful sons. These chirping beautiful songs of birds are like a melody that lifts the spirits and brings a sense of harmony to the surroundings.

Spring is a time of new life and beginnings. Animal babies like lambs and chicks are born during the spring season and add a touch of innocence and playfulness to the season. Watching these young newborns taking their first steps is a heartwarming experience that reminds us of the beauty of life´s cycle. 

As we walk through parks or simply gaze out of our windows, we see colourful butterflies and bees busy pollinating flowers. It is like nature seems to come alive with activity and creates a vibrant ecosystem. 

Thus, spring is a season that fills our hearts with joy and wonder. It is a time for nature and spirits to blossom. The beautiful colours, fragrances, and lively sounds of the spring season make it a truly enchanting and magical season that we look forward to every year. 

Also Read: To Feel Under the Weather Meaning, Usage With Examples

Short Essay on My Favourite Season in English

Here is a format on short essay on my favourite season in English:

Also Read: Essay on Good Manners in 250 Words, in 500 Words

Ans. Spring is the favourite season of many people for its colourful blooms, mild weather, and the sense of renewal it brings. 

Ans. Many people think Spring is beautiful because of the colourful flowers and nice weather. 

Ans. In India, the names of the six seasons are Spring, Summer, Rainy, Autumn, Pre-winter, and Winter. 

Ans. The winter season is nice because the weather is cool and there are many fun festivals like Diwali. Also, the Winter season brings warm and tasty food items. 

Ans. The best season is different for everyone. Some like Spring, because of the blooming of flowers, others like winter for the cool weather. It completely depends on one preference and choice. 

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Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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Essay on My Favourite Season 500+ Words

Each season has its own unique charm, but if I were to choose a favorite, it would undoubtedly be autumn. The season of autumn, often called fall, is a time of transformation, beauty, and coziness. In this essay, I will present my arguments for why autumn is my favorite season.

Nature’s Artistry

Autumn paints the world in stunning colors. The trees shed their leaves in shades of red, orange, and yellow, creating a breathtaking landscape. The beauty of autumn is like a work of art by Mother Nature herself, and it’s a feast for the eyes.

Perfect Weather

Autumn brings with it the ideal weather. It’s not too hot like summer or too cold like winter. The crisp and refreshing air of autumn makes it perfect for outdoor activities like hiking, picnics, and playing in the park.

Harvest Festivals

One of the highlights of autumn is the abundance of harvest festivals. These celebrations bring communities together to enjoy delicious food, music, and fun activities. It’s a time when people share the bounties of the season and build strong bonds.

Cozy Comfort

As the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, autumn invites us to embrace cozy comforts. It’s the season for warm sweaters, hot cocoa, and snuggling up with a good book by the fireplace. Autumn gives us a sense of security and warmth.

Halloween Delights

For many, Halloween is the most exciting part of autumn. It’s a time when we get to dress up in creative costumes, go trick-or-treating, and enjoy spooky decorations. Halloween adds an element of thrill and excitement to the season.

Seasonal Delicacies

Autumn is a time for delightful treats. From pumpkin pies to apple cider donuts, the flavors of autumn are irresistible. These seasonal delicacies are a delicious reason to look forward to this time of year.

Time for Reflection

Autumn encourages us to slow down and reflect. The falling leaves remind us of the beauty of change and the importance of letting go. It’s a season that teaches us valuable life lessons about impermanence and renewal.

Outdoor Adventures

Autumn offers a wide range of outdoor adventures. Whether it’s jumping in a pile of leaves, going apple picking, or watching migratory birds, there’s no shortage of exciting activities to enjoy this season.

Conclusion of Essay on My Favourite Season

In conclusion, autumn is my favorite season for its sheer beauty, perfect weather, harvest festivals, cozy comforts, Halloween fun, delicious treats, and valuable life lessons. It’s a time when nature showcases its artistry, and the world transforms into a captivating canvas of colors. Autumn is not just a season; it’s a celebration of life, change, and the simple joys that make each day special. With its unique blend of warmth and wonder, autumn will forever hold a special place in my heart.

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay About Autumn

Caleb S.

Learn Tips to Write a Descriptive Essay About Autumn - Step into the Golden Season

Descriptive Essay about Autumn

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Write A Descriptive Essay About Nature With This Guide

Autumn is often regarded as one of the most beautiful seasons, spreading colors that refresh us after a hot summer. It's no wonder why many people look forward to this time of year! 

Descriptive writing about autumn is a great way to share your appreciation for this time of year.

You must be wondering, how can you describe your love for autumn in an essay. Don't worry! This guide is for you!

By following these examples and tips, you can craft an essay that brings the beauty of autumn to life!

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  • 1. Descriptive Essay - Overview

  • 3. Get Inspired by Examples of Descriptive Essays about Autumn 

Descriptive Essay - Overview

A descriptive essay is a type of writing in which you describe a person, place, thing, or event in detail. Unlike other forms of essays, this type requires you to use sensory details and figurative language to help your readers visualize.

In other words, the goal of a descriptive essay is to evoke an emotion, mood, or feeling in the reader.

Although descriptive writing is considered one of the easiest, it becomes very challenging when you don't know how to start.

Here’s a video about descriptive essays you can watch:

  Tips for Writing an Autumn Descriptive Essay

Here are some tips that you can use when writing a descriptive essay about autumn:

Step#1: Introduction - Set the Autumnal Scene

Before delving into the rich details of autumn, it's crucial to set the stage with an engaging introduction that captures your readers' attention. Begin by providing a brief overview of why autumn is a season worthy of exploration and description. 

You might want to mention its distinctive characteristics, such as the changing colors of the leaves, the crispness in the air, and the overall sense of transition.

Step#2: Use Sensory Details to Create Vivid Imagery

The best way to evoke emotion in your readers is to use vibrant language that appeals to all five senses. Include descriptions of the scents, sounds, and tastes that make up autumn. For instance, you can include how leaves turn bright yellow or brown as they fall to the ground.

This will help your readers imagine being in the middle of the season.

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Step#3: Remember to Use Descriptive Adjectives and Adverbs

Descriptive writing is all about the details. Make sure to use strong adjectives and adverbs to describe the season in vivid detail. This will help you create a more engaging essay that captures your readers’ attention.

Step#4: Include Vivid Examples of Autumn Activities

Autumn is a time for many activities, like apple picking, hayrides, and pumpkin carving. And it is also ideal for contemplation and meditation. Include vivid descriptions of these activities in your essay to make it more interesting and engaging.

Step#5: Use Figurative Language to Convey Emotion

Figurative language can help you evoke feelings and emotions in your readers. For example, you can use metaphors and similes to compare autumn to something else and create vivid imagery.

Step#6: Provide a Powerful Conclusion

Finally, make sure to provide a powerful conclusion that leaves your readers reflecting on the beauty of autumn. Use strong words and phrases to emphasize why you think autumn is one of the best seasons of all!

By following these tips, you will be able to write an autumn descriptive essay that captures its beauty perfectly. You can also use these tips to write on other descriptive essay topics .

So step into the golden season, and write a masterpiece that celebrates this wonderful time of year!

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Get Inspired by Examples of Descriptive Essays about Autumn 

Reading example essays is the best way to make sense of the tips provided above. 

Here's an example of a descriptive essay about nature, accompanied by an explanation of its effectiveness.

Why This Essay Works?

This essay is effective due to the following reasons:

  • Vivid Imagery

The essay employs vivid and evocative descriptions that paint a clear and captivating picture of autumn, making the reader feel immersed in the season's beauty.

  • Emotional Connection

It establishes an emotional connection with the reader by exploring the bittersweet and nostalgic aspects of autumn, evoking feelings of appreciation and reflection.

  • Seasonal Symbolism

The essay effectively uses autumn as a symbol of transition and change, connecting it to broader themes of life's cyclical nature.

  • Engaging Language

The language used is engaging and poetic, enhancing the overall reading experience and conveying the author's appreciation for the subject.

  • Well-Structured

The essay follows a logical structure, progressing from the visual elements of autumn to its sensory aspects and emotional impact. This provides a comprehensive exploration of the season.

  • Relatable Themes

It touches on universal themes of change, the passage of time, and the beauty in impermanence, making it relatable to a broad audience.

If you still need inspiration for your descriptive essay, explore the following examples for guidance.

Autumn Essay - Descriptive Essay Sample PDF

Descriptive Writing About a Park in Autumn

Description About Autumn Season - PDF Example

Descriptive Paragraph About Autumn

Descriptive Essay About Seasons

Descriptive Essay About Weather

These examples will give you an idea of how to use the tips and write a great descriptive essay about autumn. 

You can also read other descriptive essay examples to get a better idea.

To wrap it up,

We hope this guide is useful in helping you craft a captivating essay that celebrates one of the most beautiful seasons. Remember to use sensory details and vivid imagery when writing your essay that will help your readers relate to the topic. 

With these examples and tips in mind, you can write an amazing essay that captures the beauty of autumn.

Looking for professional help? Our essay writing service for college has got that for you!

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Essay On My Favourite Season

essay on my favourite season autumn

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My Favourite Season

Of all the seasons, my favorite is summer. There are many reasons why I love summer and why it is my favorite season. This essay will explore some of the reasons why summer is my favorite season.

One of the main reasons why I love summer is the warm weather. After a long and cold winter, nothing feels better than soaking up the sun and feeling the warmth on your skin. The warm weather allows me to be outside, enjoying all the outdoor activities that summer has to offer. Whether it’s going for a swim, playing sports, or just relaxing on the beach, summer is the perfect time to be outside.

Another reason why I love summer is the long days. During the summer, the days are longer and the nights are shorter, which means there is more time to spend outside and to enjoy all the outdoor activities. This is especially great for kids, as they can play outside for longer periods of time, exploring and discovering all that summer has to offer.

Summer is also a time for vacations and traveling. It is a time to take a break from the daily routine and to explore new places, meet new people, and try new things. Whether it’s a trip to the beach, a camping trip, or a road trip, summer is the perfect time to escape the daily grind and enjoy some much-needed time off.

Finally, summer is also a time for festivals and fairs. From county fairs to music festivals, summer is the time to get out and enjoy all the festivities. Whether you’re into food, music, or just having fun, there is something for everyone during the summer.

In conclusion, summer is my favorite season for many reasons. From the warm weather to the long days, the vacations to the festivals, summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and adventure. Whether you’re young or old, there is something for everyone during the summer and that is why it is my favorite season.

Long Essay On My Favourite Season

As the seasons come and go, it’s hard not to have a favorite. Whether it’s the warm summer months or the crisp chill of winter, each season brings something special with it. But for me, there is one season in particular that stands out above the rest: autumn. From the changing colors of nature to the feeling of cozy warmth from a cup of hot chocolate, this article will explore why autumn is my favorite season.


My favourite season is spring. I love the warmer weather and the longer days. This is the time of year when the natural world comes alive after a long winter. The trees and flowers start to bloom, and the birds start to sing. There is something special about this time of year that just makes me feel good.

I also enjoy the extra daylight in springtime. I can go for a walk after work or take my dog for a run in the park without worrying about it getting dark. And, of course, there are all the public holidays in spring like Easter and Anzac Day.

So, what’s not to love about spring? For me, it’s simply the best time of year.

Definition of a Season

The four seasons are winter, spring, summer, and fall. Winter is the coldest season of the year, while summer is the warmest. Spring and fall are considered to be transition seasons. Each season has its own characteristics that make it unique.

Winter is typically associated with snow and ice. The days are shorter and the nights are longer. The weather is usually colder and there is often a chill in the air. Spring is a time of new beginnings. The days become warmer and the flowers start to bloom. The trees begin to turn green as the leaves start to grow back. Summer is the hottest season of the year. The days are long and the nights are short. The weather is usually very hot and humid. Fall is a time of change. The leaves on the trees begin to change color and eventually fall off. The days become shorter and the nights become longer.

Reasons why Summer is My Favourite Season

Summer is my favourite season because the weather is perfect for outdoor activities, the days are longer so you can enjoy more time outside, and there are always fun events happening.

I love spending time outdoors in the summertime, whether I’m going for a hike or just relaxing in my backyard. The warm weather is perfect for being active, and I always feel so refreshed after spending time in the sunshine. There are also so many fun events that happen in the summer, like music festivals and farmers markets. I always feel like there’s something exciting to do during summer months.

Overall, I just love everything about summertime! It’s definitely my favourite season of the year.

– Weather and Climate

There are mainly three seasons in India. Winter, summer and the monsoon. I like all the three seasons but I love summer the most. It is my favourite season.

The weather during the summer months is very hot and dry. The sun shines brightly for most of the day and there is very little rainfall. However, despite the heat, I enjoy spending time outdoors in the summer months. There are a number of reasons why summer is my favourite season.

Firstly, I love the long sunny days. I can spend hours outside in the sun without feeling tired or bored. Secondly, I love eating ice cream and other cold drinks to cool down in the heat. Thirdly, I get to go on holidays with my family during the summer break. We usually travel to a hill station or go camping in the mountains. Lastly, I enjoy playing sports such as cricket and tennis in the summer months.

So these are a few reasons why summer is my favourite season. What about you? What is your favourite season?

– Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities are so much fun in the springtime! The weather is warm but not too hot, and there’s a refreshing breeze that makes everything feel new again. Here are some of our favorite things to do outdoors in the spring:

• Go on a nature walk – Spring is a great time to get outside and appreciate all the natural beauty around us. Take a leisurely stroll through your neighborhood or a nearby park, and take in all the sights and sounds of nature coming back to life.

• Have a picnic – There’s nothing quite like enjoying a meal outdoors on a beautiful spring day. Spread out a blanket in your backyard or at your local park, and enjoy some quality time with family or friends while you feast on delicious food and drink.

• Plant something – Whether you have a green thumb or not, planting something in the springtime is always satisfying. If you’re not into gardening, try planting some flowers in pots on your porch or balcony. Or, plant some veggies in a small plot of land if you’re feeling ambitious!

• Go for a bike ride – Exploring your town or city by bike is such a great way to get some exercise while also taking in all the sights. Spring is the perfect time to dust off your bicycle and hit the road!

– Festivities and Celebrations

When it comes to festive seasons and celebrations, there is no better time than spring. This is the season when nature comes alive after a long winter sleep, and people can finally enjoy some warmer weather. There are many different festivals and celebrations that take place during spring, so there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Some of the most popular spring festivals include Easter, which is celebrated by Christians all over the world, and Passover, which is celebrated by Jewish people. Both of these holidays have religious significance, but they are also enjoyed by many people who do not follow any particular faith. Other popular spring festivals include May Day and Beltane.

May Day is a traditional festival that celebrates the start of summer. It is often observed with maypole dancing and other fun activities. Beltane is another ancient festival that was originally celebrated by pagans. It marks the beginning of summer and the end of winter, and it is usually celebrated with bonfires and other festivities.

Whether you are looking for religious or secular celebrations, there is sure to be something going on during springtime that you will enjoy. So get out there and celebrate the arrival of warmer weather!

In conclusion, my favourite season is winter. There are so many things to love about the cold, crisp air and snow-covered landscapes that make it a special time of year. From skiing down a mountain to sipping hot cocoa by the fire, winter activities bring me joy and provide me with memories I will never forget. While other seasons have their own advantages, nothing beats the feeling of Winter for me!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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  • Essay on My Favourite Season

500 Words Essay On My Favourite Season

Seasons keep changing but they also come back every year. This is one of my most favourite parts about them. They always return no matter what. Everyone has a favourite season and so do I. My favourite season is the summer season. There are many reasons to like it which I will explain below.

my favourite season

Why Summer is My Favourite Season

Just like many other kids my age, I like the summer season the most. What’s not to like about it? You get to enjoy long holidays as everyone gets a break from school. Similarly, parents allow the kids to have ice creams.

Cold drinks are another reasons why summer is my favourite season. We get to have such a wide variety of food items during this season. On the healthier side, we also get incredible mangoes in the summer season.

As mangoes are my favourite fruit, I tend to like summers even more. Summers make us truly appreciate and savour a lot of things. During the summer season, we get holidays for a long time.

During the summer holidays, I get to spend time with my family and friends to the fullest. When we get lucky, we even go on family trips. I look forward to them every year, even if it is a small trip.

Most importantly, there are so many activities that I get to do during summers like joining summer camps, cycling, swimming, and more. Summers are so bright and exciting that it has always been my favourite season.

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The Specialty of Summer Season

The summer season has long days and short nights. The days are sunny and bright. We get to relax completely during the afternoons during summers. Similarly, we also get so much sunlight .

The water parks are always full of people during summers that help people stay cool and have a good time. I like swimming in the pools during summers as it makes me feel free. There are also different varieties of food items I get to enjoy during summers.

There are fresh cucumbers, huge watermelons, juicy oranges, sweet guavas, nutritious muskmelons, and more. The early mornings of summer are incredible and nothing can match the atmosphere.

Another speciality of summer has to be the clothes. People enjoy wearing shorts, dresses, sleeveless shirts, and more to enjoy summers to the fullest. The hill stations are swarmed during the summer season as everyone goes there to escape the heat. Therefore, all these specialities make me love summer even more.

All in all, summer is my favourite season as everything is bright and lovely. Even the fruits and vegetables we get are so colourful that it makes a good sight for sore eyes. School going children love summers even more as summer break allows us to play more and relax. Summers are warm, sunny, and delightful.

FAQ on Essay on My Favourite Season

Question 1: Why do kids like summer more?

Answer 1: Most kids like summer more as they allow them to relax and take a break from school. The long summer holidays give them a break where they can play, learn new hobbies, eat delicious fruits and vegetables and do more fun activities.

Question 2: What is the speciality of summer?

Answer 2: Summer has a lot of specialities. They include a variety of food items like mangoes, cucumbers, muskmelons, oranges, guavas, and more. Further, people enjoy their time in swimming pools and get to wear light clothes.

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My Favourite Season Essay: Embracing The Magic Of Autumn

My Favourite Season Essay: Embracing The Magic Of Autumn

My Favourite Season Essay: Seasons come and go, but everyone has a favorite season that they look forward to each year. Some love the warmth of summer, while others prefer the cozy atmosphere of winter. For me, my favorite season is autumn. There’s something magical about the changing colors of the leaves, the crisp air, and the seasonal traditions that make autumn my favorite time of the year.

Table of Contents

My Favourite Season Essay

In this blog My Favourite Season Essay, we include About My Favourite Season Essay, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover My Favourite Season Essay for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students. You can read more  Essay Writing in 10 lines about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… My Favourite Season Essay is also available in different languages. In this My Favourite Season Essay, the following features are explained in the given manner.

What Is My Favorite Season And Why

Autumn, or fall, is my favorite season for several reasons. Firstly, the weather during this season is perfect. It’s not too hot or too cold, and the air is crisp and refreshing. The colors of nature are also magnificent during this time of the year. The leaves of the trees change to beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow, creating a stunning backdrop everywhere you look. The natural beauty of autumn is breathtaking, and I love taking walks or hikes to enjoy the scenery.

Moreover, autumn is also the perfect time for many activities that I love, such as apple picking, pumpkin carving, and baking seasonal treats like apple pies and pumpkin bread. There’s also the excitement of the upcoming holidays, which adds to the overall ambiance of the season.

Activities And Traditions Of My Favorite Season

  • One of my favorite autumn activities is apple picking. Going to an apple orchard and picking fresh apples straight from the tree is a fun and memorable experience.
  • It’s also a great opportunity to support local farms and businesses. Afterward, I love baking apple pies, apple crisp, and caramel apples with the apples I picked.
  • Another autumn tradition I love is pumpkin carving. It’s a fun and creative activity that allows me to express my artistic side. It’s also a great way to spend time with family and friends, as we all gather around the table to carve our pumpkins and enjoy hot cider and seasonal snacks.
  • There are also many seasonal events and celebrations that occur during autumn. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the Harvest Festival are just a few examples.
  • These celebrations bring people together and create a sense of community and belonging. They also provide an opportunity to reflect on the blessings and abundance of the season.

Activities And Traditions Of My Favorite Season

The Benefits Of Embracing Different Seasons

Embracing different seasons has many benefits. Each season offers unique opportunities for personal growth, reflection, and appreciation of nature. For instance, summer provides a chance to relax, recharge, and enjoy the outdoors.

  • Winter is an opportunity to reflect on the past year, set new goals, and appreciate the beauty of a snowy landscape.
  • Autumn, in particular, is a great time to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life. It’s a time to take walks in nature, enjoy the crisp air, and spend time with loved ones. It’s also a time to reflect on the abundance of the season and to give thanks for all that we have.
  • Moreover, embracing different seasons is important for our environment. Each season provides a unique opportunity to appreciate and protect our natural resources.
  • For example, autumn is a great time to plant trees, as the weather is perfect for growth. It’s also an opportunity to conserve water and energy, as the cooler temperatures mean less need for air conditioning and watering plants.

In conclusion, autumn is my favorite season for many reasons. The changing colors of the leaves, the crisp air, and the seasonal traditions make autumn a magical time of the year. Embracing different seasons is essential for personal growth and reflection, and it’s also important for our environment. By appreciating and protecting our natural resources, we can create a better future for ourselves and future generations. So, let’s embrace the beauty of nature and enjoy each season to the fullest!

FAQ’s On My Favourite Season Essay

Question 1. How do I write a favorite season essay?

  • Choose your favorite season and explain why you love it.
  • Describe the weather, scenery, and activities associated with the season.
  • Share any personal memories or experiences that make the season special to you.
  • Conclude by summarizing why the season is your favorite and how it contributes to your overall happiness and well-being.

Question 2. Why summer is my favorite season essay?

  • Summer is my favorite season because of the warm weather and longer days.
  • I love spending time at the beach, swimming, and soaking up the sun.
  • Some of my favorite memories are from summer vacations with my family.
  • Overall, summer brings me happiness and a sense of freedom that I don’t feel during other seasons.

Question 3. Why your favourite season is winter?

  • Winter is my favorite season because of the snow and festive atmosphere.
  • I love skiing, ice skating, and building snowmen with my family and friends.
  • Some of my favorite memories are from cozy nights spent by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa.
  • Overall, winter brings me joy and a sense of wonder that I don’t feel during other seasons.

Question 4. What is India’s favorite season?

Answer: India’s favorite season is the monsoon season, which typically lasts from June to September. The monsoon brings relief from the intense heat of summer, and helps to irrigate crops and provide water for drinking and other uses. Many festivals and cultural events are also associated with the monsoon season in India. Overall, the monsoon season is an important and beloved part of Indian culture and life.

Question 5. Which season is best why?

Answer: There is no one “best” season, as different seasons have different advantages and disadvantages depending on personal preferences and location. For example, some may prefer summer for its warm weather and outdoor activities, while others may prefer winter for snow sports and festive holidays. Ultimately, the “best” season is subjective and varies based on individual preferences and circumstances. The important thing is to appreciate the unique beauty and opportunities that each season has to offer.

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The Magic of Autumn: 10 Reasons Why Fall Is the Best Season

You cannot deny it, autumn is magical. And there are so many reasons why fall is the best season.

As the leaves begin to change their colors and the air turns crisp, there’s a certain magic in the atmosphere that signifies the arrival of my (and many others) favorite season, fall.

why fall is the best season

From pumpkins to cozy sweaters and hay rides, fall offers a unique blend of warmth and nostalgia that captures our hearts.

Living in Upstate NY, I am lucky enough to experience the beautiful colors and magic of fall every year. It’s so inspiring as an artist to see the stunning color palette sweep over landscapes.

In this post, I go over 10 reasons why I think fall is the best season of the year to get you excited for the upcoming autumn season!

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Why Fall Is the Best Season

Why do people like the fall season

Transformation of Nature

To me, nature during the fall is one of the top reasons why fall is the best. Trees adorn landscapes with their rich shades of red, orange, and yellow, and crunchy leaves hit the ground. This explosion of color creates a picturesque backdrop for outdoor activities and scenic drives. I got married the first week of November and it was breathtaking!

The Weather

Fall simply brings relief from the summer heat. Opening windows in the house to let in an autumn breeze is just the best. The mild temperatures also allow for comfortable outdoor adventures without breaking a sweat.

Sweaters & Comfy Clothes

I love it when I can break out my flannels, leggings, and oversized sweaters! Fall fashion is all about comfort and style. It’s the season of cozy sweaters , warm color palettes, and layering.

As a person who someday wants to be a pumpkin farmer, pumpkins are another reason why I think fall is the best season. From pumpkin spice , pumpkin pies, and pumpkin-scented candles, fall is known for the delightful flavor and aroma of this beloved gourd.

Festivals & Events

There are usually so many local events and festivals during the fall season. I personally love going to farms, buying apple cider and baked goods, and going on hayrides!

Halloween Magic

For many kids and adults, Halloween is the highlight of the fall season. Dressing up in costumes, carving pumpkins, and the thrill of trick-or-treating all contribute to the enchantment of autumn. Halloween is my favorite holiday!

Check Out My Handmade Fall Greeting Cards!

Fall is the perfect time for comforting dishes and warm apple cider. I love to make chili on the weekends and experiment with new baking recipes during this season.

Slowing Down

With the days getting shorter, fall evenings provide an opportunity to unwind and relax. After a busy summer, it’s refreshing to have a season to sit back and enjoy the simple things. The fireplace, Netflix, cozy socks, and blankets are the perfect combo for a night in!

Picture-Perfect Moments

Whether you’re an amateur or a professional photographer, this season provides a backdrop of unparalleled beauty for capturing precious memories. I try to get some nice shots of the leaves changing every year.

A Sense of Renewal

Fall is not just about endings; it’s also about beginnings. As nature sheds its old leaves, it symbolizes a fresh start. This season encourages self-reflection and personal growth, making it a perfect time to set new goals and aspirations.

The Magic Of Fall

As you embrace the crisp air and the pumpkin-spiced delights, take a moment to appreciate the magic that is fall.

Fall is special to everyone for their own reasons. Though we can all probably agree on the obvious reasons why it’s special, it means something different to each individual person. Whether that be football games, back to school, holidays, food, or spending more time with family, there are so many reasons why fall is the best.

What makes fall the best season for you? Let me know in the comments below! Thanks for reading. 🙂

This post was all about why fall is the best season of the year.

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Descriptive Essay About Autumn Season In 150 Words

The autumn season is characterized by falling leaves, crisp air and school get-together. The beautiful colored leaves are among nature’s lovely gifts to mankind.They bring cheer to the minds of people during this gloomy season when darkness starts descending.

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My Favorite Autumn Season Essay For Students

The autumn season lightens up the mood of even an unhappy soul with its brightly-hued foliage. The enchanting sight of the leaves when the wind rustles them softly is something to be experienced and not described in words.

The autumn season comes out with its magnificent display of colours such as yellow, gold, brown and red which add a special charm to man-made buildings and structures. It’s during this time that trees shed their leaves and become bare. The brown, dead leaves that are left behind give the trees a dull look and they may not always look attractive. However, once the first winter snow starts falling, these leafless trees assume an enchanting beauty which can be compared to none other. During this season there is abundance of fruits like persimmon and grapes which are available in plenty. Tourists throng to see famous autumn leaves spots around Japan.

The autumn season is closely associated with poems , paintings and songs which enhance the charm of this season. The cherry blossom festival, chrysanthemum shows and kabuki performances are some of the interesting events that take place during autumn. Art galleries and museums become very active during this time and special exhibitions are put up for guests.

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Essay On Autumn Season In India For Children – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay

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Key Points to Remember When Writing Autumn Season Essay for Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on autumn season for kids, short essay on autumn season in english for children, long essay on autumn season for kids, what will your child learn from autumn season essay.

Autumn is one of the lesser-known seasons in India as it overlaps with the late monsoon and the beginning of winter. In the higher latitudes, it is popularly known as “fall,” as it is a distinct season in the north where trees begin shedding their leaves in preparation for winter. In this article, we will show you how to write an essay on the autumn season for classes 1, 2 and 3. To make it easier for different grades, we have split the essays into one-line, short and long essays with increasing levels of difficulty.

Writing an essay on the autumn season can be interesting and fun. Here are some tips on how to write an essay on the autumn season:

  • The autumn season is a great topic to balance creativity with facts. So, start by gathering important information about the seasonal temperature, effects on the plants and animals, cultural significance, etc.
  • The one-line essays can break up descriptions of the season into multiple lines. Maintaining a flow and context is important here.
  • Long-form essays should have introductory and concluding paragraphs/sentences.
  • Talk about the seasonal changes and the effect it has on plants, animals, and people.

One-line essays are the best place to start essay writing in the lower grades. Here is an example of a 10-line essay for classes 1 and 2:

  • Autumn is one of the five major seasons in India.
  • Autumn starts in the month of September and ends around the first week of November.
  • It is the brief period between the end of the monsoon rains and the onset of winter.
  • Autumn is characterized by some of the deciduous trees shedding their leaves.
  • The temperature in autumn is very pleasant as it moves from summer heat to the winter chill.
  • By the onset of autumn, the days start becoming shorter and the nights longer.
  • Autumn is loved by most people as the leaves of many species of trees start turning into a beautiful shade of yellow.
  • This season is the last break of fresh and beautiful weather before the cold of winter sets in.
  • It is also a busy season for farmers as it is the last opportunity to grow and harvest many crops before frost starts setting in.
  • Autumn is a favourite season for poets as it is symbolic of the coming of an end.

A short essay is a necessary step before attempting longer essays for children. Here is an autumn season paragraph in the form of a short essay:

The autumn season all around the world is a major season between the summer and winter. It is the time when the processes in nature, especially at higher latitudes, become slower in preparation for winter. Animals start stocking up on food and get ready to hibernate while the trees and shrubs begin to shed their leaves in preparation for the freezing winter temperatures. In India, autumn overlaps with the late monsoon, making it much harder to notice. However, many species of trees do shed their leaves in preparation for winter. Autumn generally has very pleasant weather as it is a transition period between the heavy monsoon rains in the south to chilly winters. Many festivals are held during this season which symbolizes the year coming to an end. It is also the last opportunity for farmers to grow crops that require an extensive supply of water. Autumn is a favourite season for many as it is literally and symbolically beautiful.

A long descriptive essay about autumn can delve into many aspects of the season. Students need to gather information and write it with an orderly flow to come up with an impressive essay. Here is an example of an autumn essay for class 3:

Autumn is the season that lasts from the month of September to November in the northern hemisphere. This season is called the fall in higher latitudes because most of the trees start shedding their leaves around this time. Autumn is also when the high activity during the summer months starts slowing down in preparation for winter. Animals start stocking up on food before the freezing cold, and many prepare to hibernate throughout winter.

In India, autumn is not evenly seen throughout the country. The southern parts closer to the equator still continue to experience the periodic monsoon showers by the time autumn begins. However, the northern part of the country experiences more clear skies, and a distinct transition is noticeable. As we go higher in latitude, autumn’s effect starts becoming apparent.

While the weather is very pleasant, we start to notice that there is a change in nature all around us. Most of the trees start the process of shedding leaves around autumn. As a consequence, their leaves turn into different shades of yellow, brown, orange, and pink. The lush greenery of the summer can be seen fading in the trees as the leaves wilt with dullness. The whole neighbourhood and parks are filled with fallen leaves, and the weather every day is a mix of a mild sun and setting cold that brings about a pleasantry matched by no other season.

Autumn is a particularly beautiful season because of the welcoming weather and the different shades of flora all around. It involves a sense of melancholy as the activity of the bright seasons is coming to an end with a looming cold winter ahead.

The autumn season essay examples above are meant to serve as a guide to children in the lower classes. They learn important information about the season while also picking up inputs about how to weave a good write-up on the subject. The writing skills developed here are important in their long-term academic success.

1. Why is autumn the favourite season for many people?

Autumn is the fall season between summer and winter. It is characterized by milder weather as the heat of the summer is coming to an end and the chill of winter is starting to pick up. It is also a favourite for people because of the stunning change in the colour of the leaves it brings and the different kinds of emotions it evokes.

2. Is there any downside to the autumn season?

The Autumn season is a period for seasonal allergies because of the shedding leaves and organic matter decay all around. As the season signals the onset of winter, some people may also find the weather depressing.

Autumn is a season loved by many people for all the hues and shades it brings with it. Children will learn important essay writing skills by referring to these articles and also find important information on the topic.

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Describe Your Favourite Season [IELTS Speaking Part 2]

Posted by David S. Wills | Mar 28, 2018 | IELTS Tips , Speaking | 0

Describe Your Favourite Season [IELTS Speaking Part 2]

Here in China, the weather just turned very hot! Where I live, there is practically no spring. One day it is winter and the next is summer! Last week I needed to use my heating and this week it is almost time for air conditioning. It got me wondering about this IELTS speaking part 2 cue card: Describe your favourite season. (Or, to use the American spelling, Describe your favorite season.)

Months and Seasons

In English, we have a slightly more complicated system of months than other languages. In some countries, it is very easy to learn the months – they just go “first month,” “second month,” “third month,” and so on. However, in English all our months have unique names with old origins . Unfortunately, you need to learn them all and be able to name them without too much hesitation.

essay on my favourite season autumn

  • Autumn (or Fall, as it’s called in America)

So that’s only four words to remember – or five, if you remember the American term too.

Of course, the seasons will fall into different months depending on where you are in the world. Where I grew up, winter lasted from November to February. Spring was from March to May. Summer lasted from June to August. And autumn arrived in September and lasted through October. As the topic of seasons may come up in the IELTS exam, you should be able to state this basic information quite readily for your country.

Note: Remember that some places also have hot seasons, rainy seasons, and dry seasons!

Describing Climate

The seasons bring with them different sorts of weather. Another way to say weather is climate . As you may be asked about seasons or climate, you should be able to talk about both. At the most basic level, you should know the different kinds of weather:

  • sun (sunny)
  • rain (rainy)
  • wind (windy)

These, of course, would only get you a quite low IELTS score. Instead, you should aim for a flexible and advanced grasp of language for describing seasons and climate. You should try upgrading your language for variety and specificity.

Hot weather could be described as:

and cold weather as:

You could be more precise and talk about the temperature:

  • It rarely gets about fifteen degrees Celsius.
  • In summer, it can reach forty-five degrees Celsius!

You could also mention factors like humidity, precipitation, aridity, or wind chill. All this builds up to a more interesting and accurate description of the climate. You can actually find some great examples of this by looking on Wikipedia for places to describe. Here’s a link to my hometown. It contains some great language for describing climate!

essay on my favourite season autumn

The Effects of Weather

This is something that’s a bit overlooked but nonetheless very important in describing weather. Think of it this way: How does weather make you feel? Go beyond the basics – happy or sad or uncomfortable – and think about its physical and mental effects. Let’s look at some descriptions of how weather affects people:

  • My teeth are chattering. (very cold)
  • I’m drenched. (very wet)
  • I’m sweating like crazy. (very hot)
  • I’m soaked right through. (very wet)
  • I’m frozen to the bone. (very cold)

In the IELTS, when asked about weather, there’s a good chance it will be a personal question and so you should be able to talk about your reaction to the weather. Think about how it made you feel and then describe that sensation.

Moreover, what about your habits? Do you stay indoors on rainy days? Do you go out in temperate weather? Do you prefer hot or cold weather? How do these affect what you do in daily life?

Here’s a possible IELTS part 2 question about seasons:

Describe your favourite season. You should say: what the season is and when it occurs what the weather is like during this season what your typical activities are during this season and explain why it is your favourite season.

In analyzing this question, you need to think about what vocabulary to use and also how long you can reasonably talk about each part of the question. I think this is actually a quite difficult question because there isn’t that much to talk about. You could easily mention the month and weather in just ten or twenty seconds, and then have to talk about your activities and reasons why you like it for another minute. So think of anything extra you’d like to add.

You don’t want to stray off topic, so anything extra you might say should be related to the material above. You could talk about the effects of the weather on yourself or others, or anything related to those activities and the season. You may want to also mention any interesting facts or ideas about the season you choose.

Making notes

Remember that making notes is vital to success in the IELTS speaking part 2. You can’t write down too much because you only have one minute to prepare. So you should just note down some important vocabulary and structural ideas. Note down phrases that could help you to speak for longer – ie keywords to spark your memory. Practice this at home often and remember to time yourself with a watch or your phone.

essay on my favourite season autumn

Your notes might look like this:

  • spring = march, april
  • mild weather, rising temps (range=15-25c)
  • flowers in bloom
  • activities possible (ie hiking)

That’s all you really need. As long as you have important vocabulary and ideas to spark your imagination, you are all set!

Sample Answer

Here’s my sample answer to the question.

My favourite season is spring. Where I grew up, spring usually falls in the months of March and April, although depending on the year it may begin or end earlier or later. It is a brief season, but it is a pleasant one. People tend to be in a good mood during this time of year because it has a pleasant climate, with mild weather. After a long, cold winter, the warm spring temperatures are a welcome change. They rise to a range of between fifteen and twenty-five degrees Celsius, which I think is much more pleasant than the freezing winter or sweltering summer. In the springtime, I do many things that are impossible in winter and uncomfortable in summer. I like to go outside and do activities like hiking and rock climbing. The spring weather is perfect for this because the high humidity has not yet set in. It’s also really pretty in spring because the flowers are in bloom and the animals are giving birth so there is a sense of colour and life in the hills. Moreover, spring in my country is pretty dry and so you don’t have to worry too much about carrying an umbrella. People do a lot sports outdoors at this time of year, and I find it’s the time when I get the most exercises too. This is probably why I like spring the most. It’s just an all-round pleasant time of year when you can do what you want without worrying about harsh weather conditions.

Here’s a video of me reading the above sample answer. 🙂 Please give it a like and subscribe to the channel!

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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  • Class 3 My Favourite Season Essay

My Favourite Season Essay for Class 3

Today, we will be discussing my favourite season essay for Class 3 kids. We will see how young learners can compose 10 lines on My Favourite Season. Keeping in mind that the kids are in primary classes, we have crafted the essay in very simple words.

Seasons are categorised into four major parts – Winter, Summer, Autumn and Rainy. As the winter season is cherished by most of us, we are offering you here 10 lines Essay on my favourite season, winter. You can download the essay in PDF format for free!

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My Favourite Season Essay for Class 3

My Favourite Season “Winter” Essay

  • Winter is my favourite season of the year.
  • It is very cold during winter.
  • Winter season starts in the month of November and ends in February.
  • December and January are the coldest months of the season.
  • Some places have heavy snowfall and hail storms in winter.
  • People wear warm clothes like jackets, sweaters and coats. Some also burn wood to get some warmth.
  • Hot drinks and eatables are preferred by people to keep themselves warm.
  • We get a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables during this season.
  • I like drinking hot milk with Bournvita in the winter season.
  • During winter, I love to cover myself with a quilt and read books when at home.

Above are 10 lines on my favourite season, winter. Seasons affect our moods to a great extent. Too much rainfall might make us feel irritated, while good weather naturally uplifts our state of mind.

Winters are often loved by people because of many reasons. For instance, unlike summers, winters do not bother us with a lot of sweat secretion. Winter does not leave roads full of mud and water, unlike the rainy season. Although we might have a favourite season, we must keep in mind that each season has its own importance and merits.

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