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The Rat Race: Why We’re Always Running and What We’re Running From

November 28, 2022 February 5, 2023

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It seems like we’re always on the go, running to catch the bus or arrive at work on time. But why? Can’t we just slow down and enjoy life for once? In this blog post, we will explore the concept of the rat race and discuss some of the reasons why we feel so compelled to keep running. We will also offer some solutions for breaking free from the rat race and finding peace in our lives.

The rat race is a term that was first coined in the 1950s to describe the hustle and bustle of city life. The term was originally used to describe the competition among rats to find food and shelter. But today, the term is often used to describe the competitive, fast-paced lifestyle that many of us feel pressured to live.

A few indications that the rat race has made your life complicated are as follows:

1. You’re always rushing around and feel like you can never slow down.

If you’re always on the go, it can be tough to find time to relax. But it’s important to take a break and recharge, both mentally and physically. Luckily, there are a few simple ways to slow down and de-stress. One way to instantly feel more relaxed is to take some deep breaths. Breathe in slowly for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, and then exhale for a count of four. Another easy way to de-stress is to focus on your senses. Take a moment to notice the sights, sounds, smells, and textures around you. And finally, try to disconnect from electronics for a little while each day. Whether it’s reading a book or taking a walk outside, spending some time offline can help you feel calmer and more centered. By following these simple tips, you can learn how to slow down and enjoy life more fully.


2. You’re constantly juggling multiple tasks and commitments.

Anyone who has ever tried to juggle multiple tasks knows how quickly things can start to feel overwhelming. Once you start falling behind, it can be tough to catch up. However, there are some strategies you can use to stay on top of your commitments and avoid feeling overwhelmed. One of the most important things is to create a schedule and stick to it as much as possible. Block out time for each task and try to resist the temptation to move things around. It can also be helpful to break up larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. And finally, learn to say “no” when you’re already stretched thin. Taking on too many commitments will only make it harder to succeed. By using these strategies, you can stay focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed by your workload.

3. You feel like you’re competing with others all the time.

It can often feel like we compete with others, whether it’s for a raise at work, a promotion, or simply to be seen as successful. While a certain amount of healthy competition can be motivating, too much of it can lead to feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. If you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others, it’s important to take a step back and remember that everyone is on their unique journey. Instead of fixating on what others have that you don’t, focus on your accomplishments and what makes you special. By doing so, you’ll be able to silence your inner critic and live a happier, more fulfilling life.

I am not interested in competing with anyone. I hope we all make it.

4. You’re never really sure what you’re working towards or why.

As anyone who has ever worked a day in their life knows, it is important to have a clear understanding of what your goals are and why you are working towards them. Without this understanding, it is all too easy to become bogged down in the daily grind and lose sight of what you are trying to achieve. Unfortunately, there are many workplaces where this is the norm. Employees are given tasks to complete without any explanation of how those tasks fit into the bigger picture. As a result, they often feel like they are just going through the motions, with no real sense of purpose. If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to take initiative and ask for clarification from your superiors. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming just another cog in the machine.

5. You feel like you’re just going through the motions day after day.

We’ve all been there. You wake up in the morning, get ready for the day, and head off to work. But as the day wears on, you start to feel like you’re just going through the motions. Over time, it’s common for work to feel devalued and repetitive. If this is how you’re currently feeling, know that you are not alone. First, take a step back and try to remember why you’re doing what you’re doing. Keep your eye on the prize by understanding your goal. When you know what you’re working towards, it’ll be easier to stay motivated along the way. Additionally, try to mix things up and find new ways to approach your work. A healthy mind and body are essential for maintaining focus and avoiding burnout. If you’re struggling with motivation, these tips should help you get back on track.

6. You’re always tired and stressed out.

If you’re struggling to cope with stress, there are some things you can do to manage it effectively. First, make time for yourself every day to relax and recharge. This can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths or reading your favourite book. Secondly, exercise regularly, as this can help to reduce stress levels. Finally, talk to someone about what you’re going through. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or therapist, speaking openly about your stress can help you to feel more in control and better able to manage it. With these tips in mind, you can start to take control of your stress and feel better overall.

There are two types of tired

7. You have trouble enjoying life because you’re always so busy.

Though being busy is often congestion seen as a good thing, it can have negative effects on our physical and mental health if we are too preoccupied. We may have trouble sleeping, start to feel run-down, and even become irritable. If you find that you are always busy and struggling to enjoy your life, it may be time to take a step back and reevaluate your priorities. First, try to cut out any non-essential activities. This will give you some extra free time to relax and rejuvenate. Next, make sure you are taking care of yourself by eating healthy meals and getting enough exercise. Finally, try to focus on enjoying the moment instead of always planning for the future. If you can find a way to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life, you may be surprised at how much more enjoyable your life can be.


8. You feel like you’re missing out on important aspects of your life.

Maybe you feel like you’re missing out on important aspects of your life because you’re not where you want to be professional. Or maybe you feel like you’re missing out on important aspects of your life because you don’t have the close relationships that you want. It’s OK to feel this way. But it’s also important to remember that these feelings are often just a part of life. Instead of focusing on the things that don’t bring you happiness, focus on the people and activities that do. These are the things that will help you feel fulfilled and content in your life. Surround yourself with positive people, engage in activities that make you happy, and pursue your passions. These are the things that will help you lead a happy and fulfilling life – regardless of what other people may be doing or where they may be in their own lives.

9. Your health is suffering as a result of your busy lifestyle.

If you’re like most Americans, you lead a busy life. You might have a job, children, extracurricular activities, and a social life – and that’s just during the week! Add in weekends full of errands and activities, and it’s no wonder that so many people feel stressed and overwhelmed. Unfortunately, this busy lifestyle can also take a toll on your health. Studies have shown that chronic stress can lead to several health problems, including anxiety, depression, heart disease, gastrointestinal issues, and sleep problems. In addition, if you’re constantly on the go, you’re likely not getting enough exercise or eating a healthy diet. All of these factors can contribute to poor overall health. If you’re struggling to keep up with your busy lifestyle, it’s important to take some time for yourself and make your health a priority. Try to schedule some time each week to relax and rejuvenate, even if it’s just for a few minutes. In addition, make sure to eat healthy foods and get regular exercise. Taking care of yourself will help you feel your best and prevent long-term health problems down the road.

10. You’re not sure who you are or what you want in life.

It can be difficult to figure out who you are and what you want in life, but there are a few things that can help. One is to think about the things that make you happy. What do you enjoy doing? What makes you feel good? Another is to consider the people in your life who you admire and why you admire them. Ask yourself what admirable qualities does this person possess that you would also like to have? In addition, it is utilitarian to think about your values. What do you prioritize? What are your core beliefs? Once you meditate on these things, you will more than likely begin comprehending a clearer version of yourself and what exactly it is that you aspire to in life.

The rat race can be stressful and fast-paced, making it difficult to maintain your health and happiness. If you feel stuck, there are ways to break free and simplify your life. This may involve making some changes to your lifestyle and priorities. But the effort will be worth it in the end when you’re able to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life. Thanks for reading! We hope this blog post has helped you to better understand the rat race and why it’s important to find ways to escape it. Thanks for reading!

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A business journal from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Knowledge at Wharton Podcast

Escaping the rat race: why we are always running out of time, may 6, 2019 • 20 min listen.

Trying to balance the competing demands of work, family, finances, technology and self-care has left Americans perpetually pressed for time -- is there any way to get off the treadmill?

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  • Human Resources
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Author Daniel Hamermesh talks about his new book, Spending Time: The Most Valuable Resource

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  An edited transcript of the conversation follows.

Knowledge at Wharton: Are we spending our time wisely?

Daniel Hamermesh: I don’t think people think enough about how they spend time. They go through motions. They feel more and more rushed. Ideally, I’d like people to sit back and think about what they’re doing. Maybe it would make them feel happier and a little bit less stressed for time.

Knowledge at Wharton: What drew you to write this book?

Hamermesh: I’ve been thinking about time since I was four years old. My mom got me a watch — analog, of course — in 1947. I’ve been fascinated by time ever since. I worry about it a lot. Pure neurosis.

Knowledge at Wharton: With all the data that is out there, is it easier now to understand why we do certain things surrounding our time and our lives, compared with 30 or 40 years ago?

Hamermesh: I think it’s more understandable for two reasons. First of all, it’s only in the last 20 years that the U.S. has had very good data about how people spend their time. The government started collecting 1,000 diaries. You sit down tomorrow morning, fill out what you’re doing every minute of today. They have been getting 1,000 of those every month since 2003. So, there’s a lot more data.

The second thing is economists have thought about it much more. Only in 1965 did they really start thinking about it, and only because of these data, which I use in this book at great length, have people begun to analyze what people do with their time and test their ideas on it.

“Technology has made life better, but it hasn’t saved us much time.”

Knowledge at Wharton: You correlate economic factors with the scarcity of time. Can you talk about that?

Hamermesh: Time is an economic factor; economics is about scarcity more than anything else. Because our incomes keep on going up, whereas time doesn’t go up very much, time is the increasingly important scarce factor. That’s especially true for rich people who have a lot of money, but really no more time than poor people do.

Knowledge at Wharton: How do you distinguish the use of time between rich and poor?

Hamermesh: It’s amazing in this regard. The rich, of course, work more than the others. They should. There’s a bigger incentive to work more. But even if they don’t work, they use their time differently. A rich person does much less TV watching — over an hour less a day than a poor person. They sleep less. They do more museum-going, more theater. Anything that takes money, the rich will do more of. Things that take a lot of time and little money, the rich do less of. That’s true here in the U.S. That’s true in France, which I looked at, and true elsewhere.

Knowledge at Wharton: How do we approach the use of time here in the U.S. versus what you see in other countries?

Hamermesh: The only major difference is that Americans are the champions of work among rich countries. We work on average eight hours more per week in a typical week than Germans do, six hours more than the French do. It used to be quite a bit different. Forty years ago, we worked about average for rich countries. Today, even the Japanese work less than we do. The reason is very simple: We take very short vacations, if we take any. Other countries get four, five, six weeks. That’s the major difference.

Knowledge at Wharton: How is the pay in those countries compared with the U.S.? Is it level, or is there a significant difference on the negative?

Hamermesh: Slightly different on the negative. Germany isn’t quite as well off as we are. France isn’t. Japan isn’t. But take Norway, where they also get four or five weeks of vacation: They’re better off than we are. Yes, if we worked less, we’d have to give up a little bit, but not very much. It’s a choice, like anything else. Sit back and think about it and decide how you want to spend your time and how you’d like society to put impositions on you to spend your time — we need to do that. That’s the whole point of the book.

Knowledge at Wharton: Is there something that we can glean from what the Norwegians do?

Hamermesh: I don’t think we can do it individually. Sure, I can tell you, “Take it easy. Relax. Walk to work instead of racing for an Uber or a taxi.” But if everyone does this on his own, it’s not going to make much of a difference. All these other countries made the decision, politically, to give people more time off. Until the U.S. does that, until we do it by mandate of vacations, I don’t think people are going to feel less rushed. In fact, they’re going to feel more rushed as they get more income with no more time.

Knowledge at Wharton: In the U.S., does how much we work factor into the income inequality gap?

“I think complaining is the American national pastime, not baseball.”

Hamermesh: No question. It exacerbates the gap, very simply, because there’s more incentives for rich people to work more. There is less of an incentive for a low-wage person to work more. And the rich get richer. It’s our own behavior responding to incentives that exacerbates both the income gap and the time gap between rich and poor.

Knowledge at Wharton: How has technology affected our use of time?

Hamermesh: I don’t think it has changed the amount of time we spend on different things. There’s no question technology has made us better off. Think about going to a museum. When I went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago as a kid, you’d pull levers. You did a few things. These days, it’s all incredibly immersive. Great technology. But you can’t go to the museum in any less time. You can’t cut back on sleep. A few things are easier to do more quickly because of technology: cooking, cleaning, washing, I don’t know if you’re old enough to remember the semi-automatic washing machine with a ringer. Tremendous improvements in the things you do with the house. Technology has made life better, but it hasn’t saved us much time.

Knowledge at Wharton: I’m a dad of three kids who all play sports, so any of that extra time saved by technology is taken up with their sporting activities.

Hamermesh: Perhaps that’s true. But think of how much more fun you’re having because you can spend time with those sporting activities, whereas beforehand you would have been working in a factory eight hours a day, five days a week. So, we are better off, but it’s not that we’re going to have more time; we’re going to have less time. But we have more money chasing the same number of hours.

Knowledge at Wharton: Tell us about the differences in the way men and women use time?

Hamermesh: It’s really fascinating. In the U.S., how do you define work? We work for pay. We also work at home: shopping, cleaning, cooking, walking the dog, etc. It turns out men and women in the U.S. and other northern European rich countries do about the same amount of total work. There’s very little difference. Women work about one hour more per week than men. They do more house work, less work for pay, yet women are much more bothered by that time stress. In every country I’ve looked at, which was six, women are more bugged by feeling rushed. It’s a fascinating thing.

I think the reason is that women are house managers. Think what happens. A kid gets sick, [the father] is going to come into work. I don’t know what your spouse does, but my spouse would be the one who stayed home when we had little kids, even though she was working also. I think it’s juggling things, doing different things that makes women feel rushed for time.

Knowledge at Wharton: What about our use of time in retirement?

Hamermesh: I’m partly retired. I work only 30 hours a week, which at age 75 is a heck of a lot of work. People sort of go from age 60 to 75 and mostly stop working. What do you do with that time when you have more of it? Depressingly enough, you’d hope people would spend time enriching their lives, reading and so on. The biggest sink for time once you retire are two things: sleep, a little bit; and most important of all, TV watching. Old people watch a heck of a lot more TV than younger people. It’s a sad comment. People get more time, and an awful lot is used to watch the tube.

Knowledge at Wharton: You have a chapter titled “When We Work.” One of the unique things that’s been going on in the last few years is how the gig economy has changed when we work. People now have more options, would you agree?

Hamermesh: A little bit, but that’s very few people. It’s probably a couple of percent at most, as the evidence suggests. What’s most interesting about when we work is you compare America to western European countries, and it’s hard to find a shop open on a Sunday in western Europe. Here, we’re open all the time. Americans work more at night than anybody else. It’s not just that we work more; we also work a lot more at night, a lot more in the evenings, and a heck of a lot more on Sundays and Saturdays than people in other rich countries. We’re working all the time and more.

Knowledge at Wharton: Why do we do that?

“We want more dollars without thinking, are the dollars really going to make us happier?”

Hamermesh: It’s a rat race. If I don’t work on a Sunday and other people do, I’m not going to get ahead. Therefore, I have no incentive to get off that gerbil tube, get out of it and try to behave in a more rational way. Again, it’s a wonderful example of what economists call externalities. I do it. You do it. The only way it’s going to be solved is if somehow some external force, which in the U.S. and other rich countries is the government, imposes a mandate that forces us to behave differently. No individual can do it.

Knowledge at Wharton:   How do these issues affect our economy here in the U.S.?

Hamermesh: [Let’s] define economics as using scarce resources to maximize our well-being. So, no question, these things give us more income than we otherwise have. They also make us run around more and make us less happy. For that reason alone, I think something needs to be done about this. We have to force ourselves, as a collective, as a polity, to change our behavior. Pass legislation to do it. Every other rich country did that between 1979 and 2000. We think the Japanese are workaholics. They’re not workaholics. Compared to us, they work less than we do, yet 40 years ago they worked a heck of a lot more. They chose to cut back.

Knowledge at Wharton: Still, the productivity has to be relatively high for Japan’s economy to be so strong?

Hamermesh: Well, it is. But so are we. We’re an incredibly rich country. I wish people who were younger realized how well off they are compared to their parents or grandparents. It’s just very unfortunate. We want more dollars without thinking, are the dollars really going to make us happier?

Knowledge at Wharton: Is it possible to change our policies to acquire some of the benefits that other countries have?

Hamermesh:   I think it’s possible. But again, it takes a political will at a time in which it’s anathema to even think about raising taxes on anybody. It’s going to be a heck of a lot of trouble to change the rules so that people are mandated to take four weeks of vacation or to take a few more paid holidays. Other countries have done it. It didn’t just happen from the day the countries were born. They chose to do it. It’s a political issue, like the most important things in life. Economics feeds into it, but it requires political thought and political judgment.

Knowledge at Wharton: Do Americans complain more about time than people in other countries?

Hamermesh: That’s true. I think complaining is the American national pastime, not baseball. But the thing is, those who are complaining about the time as being scarce are the rich. People who are poor complain about not having enough money. I’m sympathetic to that. They’re stuck. The rich — if you want to stop complaining, give up some money. Don’t work so hard. Walk to work. Sleep more. Take it easy. I have no sympathy for people who say they’re too rushed for time. It’s their own darn fault.

Knowledge at Wharton: What’s your expectation as we go forward?

Hamermesh: What’s the biggest economic change in the last two years? It’s the Trump tax cut at the end of 2017. What does that do? That gives more money after taxes to the rich and no more to the lower and middle class. What’s going to happen is the rich are going to feel more rushed for time because they have no more time but more income in their pocket. They will spend more time racing around and will complain more about how scarce time is. So yes, I see in the next few years an exacerbation of this kind of time divide.

Knowledge at Wharton: Does this also widen the divide between the haves and the have-nots in the business world?

Hamermesh: Absolutely. The guys at the top are getting more money in their pocket. They’re going to feel more and more they have to race around. The fellow down on the line is not going to feel it. I think it’s an increasing time divide that will contribute to an increasing social divide. It’s not just income inequality, it’s time inequality, which is very depressing.

Knowledge at Wharton: In one chapter, you talk about togetherness, which is a great topic. Tell us about it.

Hamermesh: It’s really fascinating. What do we mean by being together? If I’m sleeping in the same bed or room as my wife, are we together? Sort of. But we aren’t really interacting. You look at how much time people spend together really doing the same thing, really interacting, it’s a couple of hours a day. Most of our time we’re running around doing different things with lots of different people, but only [spending] a few hours with the same person each day.

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Image in an article about the rat race. A man is running on a hamster wheel, chasing money.

The Detrimental Effects of the Rat Race

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In today’s rapidly changing society, it’s evident that people are drawn into an incessant whirlpool of competition. The pursuit of success, wealth, and power often comes at the expense of leisure time and happiness, resulting in a stress-inducing lifestyle. With increased focus on repetitive work, people find themselves with less time to spend with their loved ones. This widespread phenomenon, commonly known as the “ rat race ,” has become a prevalent feature of modern society.

One of the most conspicuous characteristics of the rat race is its pervasive culture of comparison and competition among individuals. Imagine being stranded on a deserted island with no other humans around — would you still strive relentlessly to amass wealth? Similarly, if you were just staying at home, would you go all-out to dress up as if you were attending a grand party? The likely answer is no, as the absence of competition renders such efforts seemingly pointless. However, in today’s society, where resources are limited but desires are insatiable, people yearn for a bigger house, more money, and a higher social status than their peers. As a result, they engage in cutthroat competition, constantly striving to outdo others in the never-ending race to the top.

While healthy competition can serve as a driving force for individuals to strive toward higher goals, the relentless and exhausting competition inherent in the rat race can have devastating effects. One of the primary reasons for this is the pervasive sense of meaningless work. Many people dedicate a substantial portion of their time to work at the cost of their leisure time, only to find that their jobs do not bring them any satisfaction or sense of purpose. Rather than experiencing fulfillment and a sense of self-worth, they find themselves working simply to survive and keep up with others. This passive and monotonous working environment can result in feelings of anxiety and depression as individuals struggle to find meaning and fulfillment in their daily grind.

The primary driving force behind the rat race mentality is the consumerist culture that dominates society. In a consumerist society, an individual’s well-being is often equated with their material possessions. People are constantly encouraged to earn more money and purchase more products in order to achieve success and fulfillment. As a result, individuals feel compelled to pursue lucrative careers, work longer hours or take on multiple jobs in order to maintain this desired lifestyle.

Furthermore, economic factors such as job insecurity and income inequality also contribute to the rat race mentality. The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been profound, resulting in business closures and widespread job losses. Certain groups, such as low-wage workers, women and minorities, have been disproportionately affected. As a result, with limited stable job opportunities available, people feel compelled to work harder in order to secure their current jobs and maintain financial stability. Additionally, college students may prioritize pursuing high-salary jobs over their personal interests, further perpetuating the cycle of the rat race.

The advancement of technology has also played a significant role in fostering the rat race lifestyle. With the ubiquity of the internet and social media, people are constantly connected and inundated with information about others’ seemingly perfect “highlight moments” and success stories. This constant exposure to others’ achievements can fuel a sense of competition and comparison, further driving individuals to engage in the rat race mentality.

Moreover, technology has also increased efficiency in the workplace. Remote work and virtual meetings through platforms like Zoom have blurred the boundaries between work and personal life. As a result, many people find themselves working longer hours, experiencing heightened stress levels and struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance. The constant pressure to be “online” and available for work can intensify the rat race mentality, as individuals feel compelled to constantly prove their worth and keep up with the demands of the digital world.

The scourge of the rat race is most prevalent among college students. Many students prioritize maintaining high GPAs and securing high-salary job opportunities at the expense of personal growth and well-being. This narrow focus on resume-building over exploring passions can result in an unhealthy work-life balance, leading to mental health problems among college students.

So, how can we break free from the rat race?

Prioritize Finding Meaning in Your Work 

While the pursuit of high-paying jobs is understandable, it is crucial for college students to align their work and studies with their passions. Engaging in a job that feels pointless and consumes most of your time can lead to depression and ultimately giving up. Therefore, strive to find purpose and fulfillment in both your work and studies.

Focus on Personal Growth 

Comparisons can lead to overlooking your own unique strengths and weaknesses and feeling pressured to conform to external expectations. This can result in anxiety, insecurity and self-doubt. It’s important to recognize that personal growth is a unique journey for each individual, and what works for someone else may not work for you. Prioritize your own growth and progress at your own pace, and cultivate self-awareness and authenticity. By doing so, you can develop a fulfilling and meaningful life that aligns with your own values and goals.

Prioritize Your Mental Health

College students face various stressors such as academic pressure, financial concerns and social challenges. However, constantly competing and pushing ourselves to outperform others at the expense of our well-being can lead to mental health issues. Engaging in the rat race and neglecting relaxation and self-care can result in increased stress, anxiety and even depression. Therefore, it is crucial to take breaks, relax with friends and prioritize self-care. Additionally, most colleges offer mental health counseling, so don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed.

As Lily Tomlin famously said, “the trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” From a human nature perspective, fear and greed are easily exploitable factors. Fear can be manipulated by low income and financial insecurity, while greed can be fueled by the pursuit of accumulating more wealth and power. However, even if we surpass others and amass wealth and power, we may still find ourselves trapped in the never-ending race, much like a rat in a maze. The rat race is not a typical healthy competition or striving for success, but rather a result of distorted values. It is a harmful pattern that involves behaviors that not only harm individuals but also society as a whole. Therefore, it is crucial to find a way to break free from this destructive cycle and seek a different path.

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Danni Shuai, University of Southern California

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15 reasons you’re stuck in the Rat Race

June 7, 2023

Everyone wants to escape the Rat Race.

Today I’m sharing my top 15 reasons why people remain stuck.

Here we go.

1. The Rat Race is a mental game

This isn’t something that happens TO you, and it’s not an environment. You subscribe to the Rat Race — playing by “rules” you’ve observed. Instead, you can be a free agent…right where you are.

2. We don’t use the 9-5 as leverage

Skills, experiences, relationships, compensation, and company logos. Do you understand how to use these for max advantage? You need systems in place to leverage them for personal freedom. Most people barely scratch the surface here.

3. Their dream isn’t big enough

You'll stay stuck if you just want a moderately better career and life. You must dream 10X bigger — make it outlandish so that it activates you. Rats play the incremental game, while my Uncaged clients operate in the realm of the exponential.

4. They’re lacking skin in the game

Half-assed self-investment won’t do jack for you. You need to invest serious money, time, and energy so that your specific transformation (e.g., building a business, being there for family) becomes THE priority in your life. Without skin in the game, you’ll give it no attention.

5. Trying to carve their new path alone

I’m guilty of trying this for too long. I thought I could build my own path by “absorbing” ideas from others. Ugh…utter failure. Instead, it’s critical to surround yourself with people, strategies, and ENERGY that keep you moving forward toward your north star. Your dream is dead on arrival without community.

6. They go straight to business-building

A common mistake that corporate pros make is immediately building their business. They believe they’ve got the concept locked down but haven’t even begun the inner work yet. Your journey must start with intense discovery (mind, talents, and market needs). Only then can we intelligently experiment with the business concept. You need a foundation first.

7. Outdated relationships hold them back

Right now, you’re carrying excess baggage. People (and voices) are infiltrating your mind, and they have no business doing so. We can’t let “default” people (e.g., family, colleagues) influence our dream. It must be one of your own design. Minimize the impact those people have on your mind.

8. Unclear how career enables desired life

Why are you striving in your career? Honestly, to what rich and compelling end? Until you generate crystal clarity on a life that’ll bring tears of gratitude to your eyes, your professional efforts are highly ineffective. Career enables life…full stop.

9. Not doing the daily micro-work required

Your “daily work” is an infinite game. It’s about continually up-leveling your goals, abilities, and energy. It might look like meditation, exercise, reading, writing, or networking. Identify what your “work” is and commit to it daily. This is the game of life.

10. They don’t set personalized “escape” criteria

Lots of people want to FULLY escape corporate life. But you need a clear strategy and plan for this. At the core, you need “criteria'' that must be met for you to qualify for leaving. You must manage risk, especially if you have a family. Escape intelligently, not recklessly.

11. They think, “I’ve already got X figured out”

Never assume — you’re making an ASS out of U and ME. Disconnecting from the Rat Race is both mental and physical. And it’s f***ing hard work. You’re going to run into challenges and fears you never anticipated. Get the mentorship you need. Empty your cup. Do the work.

12. They believe it’s all about passive income

This is a trap. People think “the next rental property” and “the next one” will buy them freedom. Yes, passive income is helpful. But it’s a secondary activity to the PRIMARY work of reinventing your relationship with work (and becoming entrepreneurial). Be active, not passive.

13. Playing “popular” entrepreneurship games

Go scour LinkedIn. Most of your “heroes” have daily posts, newsletters, and podcasts. They play the organic growth game, thinking that ALONE will unlock their dreams. But guess what? Now 100M other people are doing this too. Competition is fierce; the market is saturated. (“Crowd” behavior creates “crowd” results.) Instead, seek out atypical strategies that others are quietly succeeding with.

14. “Family” or “responsibilities” prevents them from trying

How much is your “freedom” dream worth to you? Most people answer this way to me: “It’s priceless, Matt.” Well, you better not let your so-called constraints get in the way. In fact, use them as motivation (I do all of this for my wife and kids).

15. Lacking mentors who’ve gone through the fire

This is why I declared war on digital courses . We need personalized help from people that can RELATE to what we’re experiencing. Escaping the Rat Race (per your success criteria) is inherently a highly-custom endeavor. Invest in mentors who can help you avoid pitfalls and accelerate you to your dream.

All 15 of these perspectives are based on hard-earned experience (my own and my clients). Take them to heart.

And realize: the Rat Race isn’t “out there.”

It’s all “in here.”

You have the keys to freedom, my friend.

🔥 But know this: the FASTEST & most EFFECTIVE way to escape the Rat Race is to invest in the right mentor.

Get out of your own way…and do the WORK.

An entirely new career and life await you. ​

I hope this helps.

PS - when ready, here’s how we can help you:

  • Learn to leverage corporate for entrepreneurial freedom — without quitting your job ( complimentary training )
  • Dive deep 1:1 with us in a complimentary breakthrough call to get clarity on where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there
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The college admissions rat race, an interesting argument, albeit about a tiny and vastly over-discussed segment..

James Joyner · Friday, November 26, 2021 · 21 comments

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In his New Yorker essay “ The Pointless End of Legacy Admissions ,” Matt Feeney seems to have shouldered the Sisyphean burden of defending the indefensible. But, really, he’s not so much arguing the virtues of allowing mediocre rich kids into good colleges but the absurdity of the admissions rat race.

His intro frames the ostensible topic in a way I’ve never quite thought about it before:

At élite colleges, there was a time when a brainy boy, one from a humble or upstart family, admitted thanks to his manifest talents, gained social status and career advantage by association with his high-born classmates—the ones whose dads and granddads had gone to the school, the legacies. Now, in a time of  stem  dominance and crypto-finance, a legacy kid at an élite school gains social status and career advantage by association with the smart kids. Back in the old days, the rich kids probably liked having a few smart kids from the lower classes around, or at least conceded that they were necessary. The raw bookishness of the smart kids ratified the larger enterprise that they were all participating in—it was a  college , after all. But now that the aristocrats are siphoning status from the meritocrats, the social bargain is starting to look like a bad one. What are the non-legacies getting out of it? The presence on campus of posh loafers with family connections must feel like an insult to them, given their steely commitment to the college-admissions quest.

But he soon shifts, slightly, to his actual topic:

One philosophical reason to lament the end of legacy admissions is that it’s another symptom of the institutional convergence at work in American higher education. The consideration given to legacy families is a lineal gesture, and represents one of the final emblems of qualitative distinction among schools—the regional, religious, pedagogical, and historical differences that once gave America’s many colleges their many different personalities. As long as the numbers of legacy admits were decorously low, and as long as the stakes of admission to one college over another did not feature as an emergency in American society, an old college admitting a handful of underachieving legacies went with the equable assumption that an old college was a quirky thing. The number of people who gave a damn about who got into Amherst, or Swarthmore, or Bowdoin was small enough that those schools could get away with being themselves. But now those schools compete in a fully nationalized college market, under the hot light of the college-ranking industry and the obsessive gaze of the nation’s college aspirants.

Now, the nationalization of collegiate admissions is not exactly a new phenomenon. The US News ranking system began as a marketing gimmick way back in 1983, when I was a high school junior (and dinosaurs roamed the earth). But I think it true that, back then, few gave a damn about the Amhersts and Bowdoins of the world, with the nationalization limited to the Ivies, the service academies, and maybe Notre Dame.

After quite a bit of discussion about the strategic-public relations advantages of ending legacy admissions (which Amherst has done) Feeney explains,

Yet whenever a major reform is announced from within the admissions world, it’s a good idea to ask yourself what new powers the admissions department has given itself. Just as high-profile moves by colleges such as Amherst typically boost their competitive standing, the “reforms” pursued by the admissions departments of those schools reliably increase the influence of those departments, which I’ve  written about  in  several outlets , including  this one . In this case, putting an end to legacy preferences will also remove a small but obvious limit to the selection prerogatives of admissions personnel. According to the  Times , citing McGann, the Amherst admissions department applies its legacy preference only after it has narrowed down its pool to applicants who are “qualified.” This contradicts the stereotype of the dim legacy, but it accords with recent data that  suggest  that, on hard measures such as G.P.A. and  SAT  scores, those admitted as legacies already fit within the larger pool of qualified applicants. This means that, for most legacies, the benefit they receive works within the softer, holistic section of the college application. Having an alumni parent is less like magically winning several hundred SAT points and more like writing an essay that the assistant dean really admired. Accordingly, the legacies will be replaced not by a clearly smarter bunch of applicants but by ones who were better at getting the admissions readers to like them. This prerogative—the enforcement power over not just academic standards but character traits and moral beliefs—is very important to the admissions departments of selective schools. Removing the legacy preference will expand it.

If this is an argument for legacy admissions, “Well, they’re not really all that much dumber than other admits” is a rather poor one. But, if it’s an argument for the absurdity of the selection system, “Why are we spending so much energy sorting which of the very-talented applicant pool at a given school is admitted?” is a strong point.

Finally, Feeney more-or-less takes us there:

Of course, the legacy preference is still unfair, even understood in these terms. It still has a whiff of corruption about it. But, as such, it represents the corruption of  an absurd process . Admissions departments have faced an intensifying selection problem over the last thirty years. As competitive behavior among college applicants grew more intense and self-aware, starting in the early nineties, it quickly became a feedback loop, with high-achieving teen-agers striving to outdo each other on both academic and extracurricular measures. To hedge their bets in this stiff competition, these teen-agers, who were better informed than past generations about both college rankings and the preferences of their fellow-applicants, applied to more schools and became more purely brand-conscious in their ambitions: they widened their focus to the whole nation and increasingly trained their sights on the best school that they could get into. Desirable schools were swamped with eager and qualified applicants from around the country; it was both an obvious bonanza and a headache. These institutions suddenly had too many fully qualified applicants who, on paper, looked too much alike.

And this is true. Now, for the absolutely most prestigious schools—Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Berkley, MIT, and the like—one at least gets the outrage. The difference between going to one of those and, say, Bowdoin or Boston College, can be tremendous in terms of networking and barriers to entry to graduate school and certain highly competitive fields. But, really, should we care who gets into second-tier snooty private schools?

I’m somewhat less persuaded, though, by Feeney’s corollary argument: that we’re likely to substitute legacy admits for something perhaps more pernicious.

Colleges have sought to solve this problem by inventing an evolving set of moral tests and character preferences for applicants to satisfy. But it’s easy to game these criteria with gilded résumés and ingratiating, professionally coached essays—a problem that the admissions bureaucracy has addressed by declaring a new and deeper interest in “authentic” applicants. This move, though, merely gives applicants and their essay coaches a new moral trait to perform: authenticity. This—admissions bureaucrats bidding applicants to perform authenticity for them—is why Amherst’s announcement should trigger a cynical laugh. In celebrating the end of this specific corruption, we help legitimatize the larger absurdity.

This could easily be read as a critique that the Admissions Gods are too woke. But I actually agree with Feeney’s larger point: the holistic approach, while ostensibly a means of ensuring smart, creative kids from hard-knock backgrounds get a fair shot against the well-off kids whose parents can afford to sponsor expensive extracurriculars and standardized test coaching, is actually incredibly arbitrary. And, yes, by definition gives a huge amount of power to the people who assess these essays.

Ending legacy preferences really will (purportedly) remove this one bit of unfairness, and, for that, it deserves a cheer or two, but I’m inclined to begrudge it anyway. It will only strengthen the moral presumptions behind the invasive methods of holistic admissions. And it will continue the larger charade in which élite colleges use various forms of egalitarian P.R. to launder the monumental increases in wealth and cultural power that they have accrued as a result of America’s transformation into a more precarious, unequal, and atomized society built upon a white-collar “knowledge economy.” The decisive stage of this long transformation came in the early nineties, when politicians and economists declared that the smart response to disappearing jobs was for everyone to go to college. Today, thirty years later, you can watch selfie videos of anxious college applicants awaiting their admissions decisions, then collapsing into tears at the rejections or exulting in the acceptances, and feel the awesome power that these changes have bestowed upon élite colleges via their admissions procedures.

Now, again, “everyone go to college” isn’t an ethic that sprang from the ether in the early nineties. It was certainly the prevailing wisdom when I went to school—in ruralish Alabama, no less—half a decade earlier. I’d say it started with the post-World War II GI Bill and achieved full steam by the 1960s, when enrollment in college generated a deferment from being drafted to fight in Vietnam. But, then, aside for the aforementioned pull of the truly elite schools, most of the college-bound just went to very good state and regional schools.

In its growing complexity and elaboration, the admissions process appears to impressionable teen-agers as a rational and exhaustive investigation into their objective merits. But in the spiritualized meaning and methods that the colleges attach to it, and in the powerful hints of arbitrariness that attend such obscure distinctions among basically identical applicants, and in the belief that the admissions envelope or e-mail contains a message from the Fates themselves, the drama of selective admissions takes on aspects of pagan religion. After all their academic grinding and strategic self-presentation, those kids are waiting for a coin flipped by a god to stop spinning on the floor. You can see how their response in such a fateful moment, when the choice goes their way, might be swooning gratitude for the two things together—the deserved flattery by the rational procedure and the private gift from the fickle gods, who could so easily have picked a different kid. And you can see how, for kids so flattered and fate-kissed, this gratitude might later take the form of generosity—alumni donations for the élite colleges that chose them.

I don’t think Feeney does his argument any favors by continually circling back to the unproven—and likely unprovable—charge that this is some dastardly ploy by schools to increase donations. Most of the schools in question, after all, already have absurdly large endowments. But I agree that the rat race has put too much pressure on kids and parents, some of whom start trying to set their kids up for eventual success as early as pre-kindergarten.

Now, of course, everyone doesn’t participate in this process. Indeed, relatively few do.

My wife and I both have doctorates from flagship R1 universities (Delaware and Alabama, respectively). While both are selective institutions, they’re not of the sort described in Feeney’s and so many other essays in places like the New Yorker . My oldest step-daughter recently graduated Temple, where she went on a full academic scholarship. My stepson is, for a variety of reasons, at the local junior college and we expect he’ll transition next year to a solid but not particularly competitive state school here in Virginia. My youngest step-daughter is a freshman at George Mason, a very good and somewhat selective school that happens to be a 20-minute drive from our house. My daughters, currently in 7th and 5th grade, are a ways away from college decisions but I suspect they’ll attend state schools in Virginia unless they’re competitive for truly elite schools elsewhere. (And, even then, it’s not like Virginia and William and Mary aren’t top-tier.)

Even at that level, though, there’s pressure. Mason was the “safety school” for several of my step-daughter’s high school classmates and there was some competitive angst about not getting into W&M. But her current plan is to be an elementary school teacher after graduation. There’s really no reason to sweat over institutional prestige for that and most other lines of work.

As to the nominal issue of legacy admissions, I’m rather agnostic. At the hypercompetitive schools—the Harvards and Yales of the world—it’s really hard to find a positive. Otherwise, though, there’s something to be said for family traditions and having junior attend the college where Mom and Dad met and whose teams they grew up rooting for. While it’s not really an ambition of mine, I would be perfectly happy to have my daughters go to Alabama (which is frankly a much more competitive school to get into than it was when I went) and experience the tradition there. So long as they’re qualified to get in, I don’t see much harm in my having graduated from the institution weighing in their favor.

James Joyner

About James Joyner

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When we were in StL, we lived in a neighborhood across the road from Washington Univ. I’d regularly walk the dogs on campus (both of whom had developed relationships with students that stopped to pet them and give a treat when walking by). Usually I’d pick up the school paper to see what was going on there, the incoming freshman issue one year struck me. The lead article began to the effect, we know you are disappointed to be coming here, you really wanted to go to Brown, Cornell or Columbia, but now you are here… The piece went on to talk about it’s not where you go, but what you make of yourself from being there. Yeah the college admissions rat race makes no sense.

Perhaps the answer is for the colleges to set a minimum objective criteria and have a lottery of those qualified. This would eliminate the subjective process of trying to rank by merit.

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Why the flying fuck does The New Yorker insist on slapping on unnecessary diacritical marks on perfectly cromulent fully understood English words.

Elite does not need an acute diacritical for fucks’ sakes. Grr! They do the same shit with cooperation. They add an umlaut. God damn morons. This isn’t 1450. These words have entered English centuries ago and are universally understood and have a common pronunciation. Why would anyone in 2021 America put an acute above the first e in “elite”? That’s just fucking stupid.

It is just so fucking pretentious. And I used to subscribe to the New Yorker.

Their stylebook is just so much crap.

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Now, in a time of stem dominance and crypto-finance, a legacy kid at an élite school gains social status and career advantage by association with the smart kids.

Is this actually true though? Most of the big names in tech aren’t generally the smartest people in their classes, but rather the most well capitalized people in their classes. The real value of a Havard education isn’t that it’s a better school from an education standpoint, but rather that it provides access to an unparalleled networking opportunity.

@ de stijl :

It may be annoying in most cases, but I feel like putting an entirely unnecessary diacritical on the word “elite” is entirely appropriate.

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@ de stijl : @ Stormy Dragon : I tend to think of the élite spelling as a signifier that one should pronounce it AY-lete, unlike the plebes who pronounce it EE-lete. But, yes, it may simply be a style guide thing.

@ Stormy Dragon :

If it were a brand new borrowed word maybe it might make a tiny bit of sense kinda sorta.

But “elite”? That is a stupid hill to die on.

A fucking stupid and pretentious affectation.

I eventually stumbled on the right word for this bullshit – affectation. A pose. We are smarter than you.

Smart people know that “elite” is commonly used in everyday English. Leet 1337. We get it. This is not decades after the Norman invasion. It is a French loan word. Tell me more.

The priggish affectation nonsense of it is very off-putting to me.

There is absolutely no goddamn fucking reason in the world at all to put a fucking acute above the first e in “elite” in a 2021 American publication. Doing so makes you a dick.

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Back in the old days, the rich kids probably liked having a few smart kids from the lower classes around, or at least conceded that they were necessary. The raw bookishness of the smart kids ratified the larger enterprise that they were all participating in—it was a college, after all.

A small point, but did the rich kids really feel the smart kids lent credibility? Or was it that they needed someone to crib from?

NBC reported recently that 43% of white students admitted to Harvard were legacy, recruited athletes, children of faculty and staff, or “dean’s interest” (kin of donors). That does seem excessive.

A small point, but did the rich kids really feel the smart kids lent credibility?

I was never of that class but would imagine a George W. Bush liked being able to say he went to Yale and Harvard Business, not simply because they signaled his elite status but because those brands have the association with high intellect that came from so many non-blueblood smarties getting in.

Perhaps my point was not clear: I find the accute mark in elite ironically funny, because it fits the stereotype of someone going overboard trying to “act” elite and instead just looking silly and undermining their effort. So in a way that, say, “coöperate” does not, “élite” adds an additional layer of subtext that I find hilarious, particularly in the context of a New Yorker article.

Basically, I’m arguing that an “elite college” and an “élite college” are two different things, the former being actually elite and the later only appearing to be elite.

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@ de stijl : “They do the same shit with cooperation. They add an umlaut.”

Not an umlaut, actually. A diaeresis.

Thought you’d want to know.

We are on the same page. No worries.

I was just letting my profane rant flow and used your reply as a diving board. (It was fun, btw. I enjoyed myself.)

No offense or disrespect intended at all.

It is fun and a bit cathartic to get pissed off and vent about a meaningless thing. The New Yorker stylebook is very far down the list of things that irk me, but it was a convenient target. My anger is real but shallow.

And it is such a stupid thing; just spell elite and cooperate like a normal person. You are making this weird on purpose with your style choice.

It is a distracting affectation that adds absolutely nothing.

I enjoyed that. I deserved it.

Made me laugh.

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This would eliminate the subjective process of trying to rank by merit.

And it would also eliminate the cherished notion that I/my child is getting something that I/my child deserves to have (hence the notion that these choices are meritocratic . I don’t expect that particular dodo to fly very far.

For my take, the best explanation came from an essay that I read either in The Atlantic or Harper’s where the essay subject was speculating that the most significant problem for the future is that our society simply has more elites (and people who imagine themselves to be) than there are opportunities available for elites. Not a problem that I foresee resolving itself any time soon. Granting new admissions to the elite by lottery is not likely to resonate well with either the elites or the institutions–which, except for those at the very top, could suffer backlash from “just letting anyone in.”

@ James Joyner : Or the even less than plebes, who pronounce it “uh-lete.”

“Doing so makes you a dick.”

Now I’m confused. We were talking about The New Yorker , right? If you’re not going to be a pretentious dick there, where else do you have?

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@ Just nutha ignint cracker : Ha. I read it EElete and say it UHlete or even uhLETE depending on context.

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@ Just nutha ignint cracker :

Possibly The New York Review of Books.

@ CSK : A book by the same guy may have been reviewed there, but I don’t read The New York Review of Books. Haven’t had access to it in decades.

I was thinking the same thing.

Seriously, The New Yorker is decidedly middle brow stuff. It is not intellectually challenging in the slightest for a person who is a bit educated. If you went to state school and majored in biology or anything really, you would have no problem at all.

This isn’t translating Cahiers du Cinema in your head on the fly level stuff. It is The Atlantic with an unearned veneer of sophistication.

NYT food critics get too fancy pants a lot. It’s food. Does it taste good?

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@ Sleeping Dog :

This. The college race has gotten insane. The amount they expect you to do to rise above the crowd — extracurriculars, advanced classes, volunteer work — is leaving kids with no life (and good luck if you’re a poor kid). Everyone’s blaming “screen time” and “social media” for the high stress rate among teens but with my own 14 y/o, I can see the insane amount of work she’s being given and the crazy expectations if she wants to get into an elite school. A few years ago, I had a high school intern who was crazy qualified, way better than I was and told me there was no chance she would get into an elite school.

Set a minimum standard. Say you won’t consider any extracurriculars beyond X. And everyone get a lottery ticket. Hell, give out extra ones to under-represented minorities, legacies or whatever if you want to. But the idea that there is any objective and reasonable way to distinguish between a hundred qualified applicants is lunacy.

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The success rate of applicants to my alma mater is now less than 9%. Cringe. This is now ridiculous.

(I’m still convinced I got in because of my seeming world-weary unflappability during the interview. Actual fact was I was just coming off a very intense period of Japanese immersion training and my reaction was: “oh wow, someone is speaking English to me!”)

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The New York Times

Essay | rat race.

The modern college student idolizes the campus of the 60?s and 70?s. Parents speak of their storied pasts with fire in their throats. They talk about a time of dangerous and wonderful change. A brighter future seemed possible and they were leading the way. Today, our movies, music and fashion struggle to emulate it. Throngs of students, from every walk of life, going to the same schools, taking the same drugs, and wearing the same psychedelic floral patterns, sit on windswept grassy fields and lament an era gone by before their time. Why do we look back with this glassy-eyed longing? Is it because we, the new generation of college students, America?s brightest stars, have failed to carry on the torch? Have we failed to inspire change the way our parents did? Maybe.

College has transformed since then. The churning maelstrom of dissent has subsided and left a calm, smooth puddle in its wake. The elation is waning. College is no longer an exciting or unique experience; the kind that grips a person by the heart and forces them to think and to take a stand. It is, sadly, just another step towards getting a job, a wife and a mortgage. In many ways it?s made slaves of us. From birth we were expected to go forth and succeed, shoved from the moment we could walk and told there was no other way. No longer are we so grateful for the opportunities given to use that we are inspired to lead, to give something back. We no longer look at our fellow students as members of our community, but rather as competition. We are no longer united. Struggling for a place on the enrollment list of an Ivy-league school, rending our nails from our fingertips over a poor grade; the fun is gone. Many students feel pressured to attend only at the behest of their parents forceful prodding. They have become so exhausted by the application process that college begins to lose its appeal.

After five years abroad in Israel, I returned to the United States to attend 11th and 12th grade at a private boarding school. During our first week, there was a meeting for our class on the starting procedures of the college application process. We were told it would be one of the most important decisions of our lives, that the odds were stacked against us like never before. So terrified was I, that I ended up taking an extra year of high school to delay the process. I still consider it one of my wisest choices.

Now we walk a taut and narrow path, terrified of a misstep. One mistake and you could risk your future. Our parents came to college because they wanted to. They wanted to take a risk. A private college, miles and miles from home, was the ultimate rebellion. James S. Snyder, class of Harvard ?73, fled his small Pennsylvania town and a future in furniture sales, seeking a worldlier, more enlightened existence and since his graduation he has served at both the Museum of Modern Art in New York and at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. He is not alone.

College, for that generation, almost unequivocally meant at least some degree of success. With their futures certain, they were free to fully explore the college experience. Free to put more on the line than just a signature on a piece of paper. Today, financial concerns, a shrinking job market, and the pressures of our classes rob us of our mobility. Young Americans are attending college inrecord numbers. That sounds wonderful, doesn?t it? You would like to think so. But the truth is that American colleges are boiling over with mediocrity; apathetic masses of token do-gooders desperate to shed their guilt on an anti-war petition. Brandeis University?s democratic activist organization, Democracy for America (DFA), though an active instrument of change (they played important roles in the campaigns of both Howard Dean and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick), carries surprisingly low numbers for such a liberal campus. Meanwhile, fashionable international causes such as ?Save Darfur? boast far superior numbers, despite a lack of tangible results.

Nowhere is the spirit of the 60?s missed more than on the issue of war. Our parent?s generation fought so passionately against the Vietnam War that their protests nearly tore the nation apart. We, too, should be up in arms, fighting for what we know is right. Yet the prospect of exhausting ourselves, laying protest on the ears of a seemingly deaf administration hardly warrants a march on Washington. One could miss a mid-term.

Money dilutes purity and purpose. We?ve seen it many times before. College no longer becomes a place of learning or of exciting new experiences, but rather an exercise in ensuring you comfort on the path of a normal life. We no longer do what we love, but rather what will make us secure. One only needs to look at the droves of caffeinated medical students on campus for proof. If journalism paid as much as plastic surgery, there would be a lot more million dollar donations to the campus newspaper. Yet I have persisted in my pursuit of a career in journalism despite my inability to even major in it.

As a student of the liberal arts, I see my career options shrink and change every day. I have rarely taken a class that I felt was actually preparing me for what I want to do. Who is going to teach me to be a smooth talking music journalist? Instead I am relying on my extracurricular experience at the newspaper, where I am the editor of the Arts Section, to give me the credentials I need. In an environment like this, I often feel as if I?m simply going through the motions; doing what I?ve been told I must do to succeed. Rarely do I feel like I?m given the opportunity to do something I love, and I?m not alone. While our parents rebelled against their America by packing up and heading off to college, our generation?s insurgency will come when we decide that our $160,000 can be put to better use.

The balance between success and happiness at American colleges has become heavily weighted towards the former, and with that we lose the original essence of this experience. In order to salvage what?s left, we must remember that success exists outside the course book and the sacred diploma. We?re here because we fear for our futures. We?ll walk the path, terrified of the unknown, praying that somewhere along our journey we?ll be lucky enough to find that essence again.

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Escaping the Modern Rat Race: How to Handle the Game of Competitive Signaling

Ivaylo Durmonski

The worst thing about our modern culture is the growing ignorance towards what’s really valuable in the world. From an early age, we join a long-distance rat race where the competition is measured not by who we are, but by what we own. Therefore, the desire for material possessions and attention from our peers become our chief goals. Survival, it seems to us, is based on how well we portray our qualities to the outside world – even if we don’t necessarily possess them.

Living a normal life according to our society, even if we don’t always admit it, is tightly connected to the acquisition of funds. One of the most talked-about traits promoted by institutions regardless of our location is the value of money. Of course, this is not directly mentioned by the media outlets or by our neighbors, it’s beautifully camouflaged by what money can buy.

As soon as we understand that all breathing humans worship money and stuff, the sooner we start to desire luxury items . Not so much because they are useful, but because these fancy goods make us look like we are more.

And so it happens, that directly after we come into being, these values and principles get embedded in our brains and later influence our decisions. We want better and more beautiful things. But most of all, we want others to see that we actually own these marvelous objects.

This game of competitive signaling has become unbearable only recently. When the number of available choices vastly increased and the way we communicate with others (compare ourselves with them) significantly improved.

In this post, we’ll look at why we’re stuck in this competitive rat race. Why the desire to acquire new things is never tamed and what we can do about it.

By bringing awareness to the problems, I want to liberate more people from the destructive components of this never-ending race to the bottom.

What is Rat Race Life?

A modern rat race categorizes as an endless pursuit – often quite exhausting – where you earn small rewards by conspicuous behavior reinforced by acquiring more financial gains or possessions – or both. However, these gains never feel satisfactory enough. As new things constantly appear on the horizon – new products and new competitors who are also part of the race – the only way we can stay ahead of the curve is by constantly investing resources in this rivalry.

In a way, participating in this vain competition is required. After all, our survival is tightly related to the tools, the resources we personally own, plus the relationship we form with others. That’s why we stay devoted to the race – because deep inside, our genes are focused on survival and replication.

That’s the general concept of the modern rat race. Or in the words of Tyler Durden, the protagonist in the masterpiece Fight Club, “We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.” But to really grasp the reasons we commit to a life of struggle over resources, we need to go a step deeper.

Let’s unpack the modern rat race ideology further…

Why and How The Rat Race Was Formed?

The first reference of the expression rat race was used in the 1930s during aviation training. As stated by Popular Science magazine in 1941, ‘A rat race is … a simple game of “follow the leader.'” 1 Or in other words, the expression meant that the trainee fighter pilot had to copy all the actions performed by the senior pilot.

A decade later, the term changed its original meaning.

Nowadays, the expression is more closely related to how we live our lives day by day. We don’t simply “follow the leaders”, we compete with them. We want to be like them. To have what they have and to eventually beat them in the game of resources.

This fierce rivalry for wealth is inspired and fueled by three main motivators:

1. The Genes Want to Survive

We, our actions, are highly influenced by the desires of the microorganisms that form our bodies – our genes. According to Richard Dawkins, the author of The Selfish Gene , “the main goal of the body is to propagate copies of the genes which ride inside it.” To achieve this feat, the body is required to strictly follow two commands: survive and replicate.

There is nothing more important for the genes. We live to live another day and to copy ourselves.

2. Universal Recognition of Money

Different religions exist in different countries but we are all loyal to one and only lord – the money lord. Or as Yuval Noah Harari writes in his bestseller, Sapiens , “Money is the most universal and most efficient system of mutual trust ever devised.”

During the years of our existence, we form a love-hate relationship with money. On the one hand, we hate it when we see people who are willing to do whatever it takes to earn more and to gain more power. We have movies, literature, songs, and words that mock the aggressive pursuit of more cash.

On the other hand, however, we adequately recognize the need for this resource. Since money is the currency that can literally save our lives from misery and decay, we have no other choice but to obey some sort of rules to gain more of this finite resource. Even so, while it surely exists, our desire to get more money is usually not directly expressed. Throughout our lives, we learn to successfully decoy our desire for wealth. That’s actually why money is a taboo subject.

3. Technological Advancements

High-tech gizmos and the internet greatly exceeded our expectations. These two innovations enabled us to connected like no other species.

At first, we used the Wi-Fi connection to send emails and to communicate better. Now, we use it to showcase our self-worth and to advertise our qualities to the whole world. All of this, done with the underlying desire to feel more desirable by others.

The three above-mentioned notes can be portrayed in the following way:


Our inner eagerness to survive forces us to obtain money. And cash, supports our existence. But for most, the comfort of holding large chunks of capital in the bank is not enough. We also want to be seen as wealthy.

After all, just owning money is not enough to increase your chances of survival – meeting new friends that will help you along the way and also potential mates. That’s why, we’re also eager to parade with what we have.  

Just as the peacock spreads its feathers to show its impeccable genes, we, through our actions and the things we acquire, show the world our features hoping that they’ll pick us. This our way of saying to others, “Look at me, my qualities and traits are so good that I can afford to spend $50,000 on a car. You should want to hang around with me.”

Our possessions are an advertisement, a way of showing off. They reinforce the image we desire to portray. And by going around and talking about ourselves, we want to signal to others – in a non-verbal way in most of the cases – why we are a worthy choice.

This is also called competitive signaling.

What is Competitive Signaling?

The way you spend your money can say a lot about how you want to position yourself in modern competition.

If you think carefully about everything before you buy it, and you’re not interested in high-end goods, your income is either average or you’re careless of what others think of you. In contrast, if you focus primarily on obtaining premium goods, you’re probably either rich or you want to be perceived as rich. 2

Thorstein Veblen, an American economist and sociologist, argued that the demand for luxury goods is driven largely by a single social motive: “flaunting one’s wealth.”

For example, Nissan is a car. It’s an average, not-flashy, automobile that will help you go from point A to point B, faster. Porsche, on the other hand, is an art museum on wheels. It can also get you from point A to point B, but while driving around town in this beast on wheels you radiate a completely different vibe. You present yourself as a modern, high-paid individual with taste and ambition. Figuratively speaking, the amount of cash that each of them has in the bank – the person owning a Nissan and the person owning a Porsche – can be exactly the same. On the outside though, they appear quite different.  

The more interesting thing to consider, if say the individuals in the above example really do have the same amount of cash stashed, is how they approach buying domestic goods – a set of dishes, blankets, or say cleaning products. Since these goods are not to be seen by others, they both, even the person owning a sports car, will most probably end up getting the same cheap things. 3

With this, we can conclude that the available products on the market are a mix of personal value and signaling value.

The car you have is simultaneously a way to move faster in the city and also a representation of your hierarchy in the world. Each product on the market, nowadays, comes with these qualities.

And if we can put this in a graph, it will look something like this:


At some point, certain products become a beacon of your self-worth. If you want to signal to others that you have more money, which internally means that you want to show that you’re smarter, slimmer, better than others in a way, you’ll eventually lean towards goods that are considered a luxury.

The extra you’re paying for a Porche, for example, has more to do with the message you want to convey to others, not with the usefulness of the product itself. 5

You might be wondering, “Why this should be bad?”

Well, it’s not always bad. If you have the means to get a sports car and insanely expensive pillows, of course, go for it. But I want to unpack this theory even further. Because, when society adores consumption above else, it’s getting harder for individuals to handle their finance and also feel satisfied with what they currently own.

How The Modern Rat Race is (Badly) Influencing our Lives?

“Modern Americans are feeling less and less satisfied even as their freedom of choice expands.” That’s the premise of the book The Paradox of Choice .

But “less satisfied” is gently put. The negative initiatives of how our society functions are far more destructive than “feeling bad about not getting the right product.”

Since economic growth requires constant consumption, the only way to reinforce the long-term commitment of buyers, to buy, so corporations can continue to exist and push the world forward, is to make them desire more.

A lot can be said about this insidious way the global machine functions. There are plenty of books and resources on the topic. The important thing to realize here is how the modern world influences your emotions and undermines your existence.

There are three main things to consider:

  • Modern media is all about showcasing wealth: Regardless of the platform you use, it’s all about people who have seemingly more than you. More happiness, more clothes, better jobs. When you join a social media channel, you’re promoted to follow famous people that have it all figured out. And if you do so, what do you think happens? You start to compare your life with theirs. The more they have, the less you feel you have.
  • We’re convinced that the more we have the more we are : Prestige is measured by what is visible. Others are drawn to our possessions and the way we look because this way we appear as better-equipped to handle possible disturbances in the system. But this superficial approach makes us neglectful of other important areas. We leave our thoughts and skills unexplored.
  • New things are constantly appearing on the shelves : Our economy can function only if new things are produced and purchased. Technologically and economically speaking it makes sense. After all, things break and they need to be replaced. Also, these spendings fund corporations and enable them to innovate. But the luxury goods market is a US$285.1 billion industry expected to grow to US$388 billion in 2025. 6 Meaning that more and more people focus on enhancing their social prestige.

Based on the above, the rat race takes the following form:


You see others showing their things and you’re eager to show what you have to the world – this is basically how you spread your feathers. The previous is done because deep down you’re convinced that more things is the way to go. But since new things constantly appear, and other people are also continuously sharing new stuff, you want to do the same – after all, you don’t want to be left behind and perish without propagating your own genes forward.  

So, eventually, we spend more money on things we don’t really need, thinking, that this will reinforce our survival and at the same time make our stay on the planet earth more bearable.

But this is rarely true. We all know what happens when we are caught in this continuous buy-share cycle – or at least we realize it at some point (hopefully after reading this post).

We always feel behind because it is impossible to keep with the trend. And the damage is not only economical – it’s psychological. You get stressed and crippled by the outside pressure imposed. New things appear faster than we can consume and obtain. After all, our funds are finite, compared to the infinitive amount of items available.

How to Escape The Modern Rat Race?

There are a lot of “physical” things you can do to prevent the outside noise from negatively influencing your daily life, thus help you unplug from the rat race. The most common fixes are quite popular and you’ve probably heard them before: unsubscribe from news and other daily updates, unfollow people on social media, remove social media completely, reduce the time you spend online. Or in other words, put up walls that will protect your consciousness from comparing yourself to others all day, every day.

Yet, there are things you need to do that I believe are far more important. Things that can help on a deeper psychological level.

  • Use the money you earn to upgrade your skills and expertise : The dose of happiness that physical objects can buy is short-lived. We, humans, tend to quickly return to a base level of happiness despite the events in our daily lives – both positive and negative. There is actually a term for this phenomenon: it’s called hedonic treadmill, also known as hedonic adaptation. 7 So, instead of spending all of your cash on new lenses and pretentious items, use them to acquire new skills. By doing so, you’ll expand your horizons and find better ways to spend your idle time – creating , not always consuming.
  • Commit to a really long-term goal : Our faced-paced world with quick feedback loops ruined the way we expect things to happen. Since you can have pretty much everything on demand, as long as you have enough money, we expect other achievements to also happen fast. Once a project stalls, or progress is slow, we lose interest, and we focus our attention on other things. Things that can give us quick feedback. But quick returns matter only for a glimpse of a second. Real meaningful work always requires time and effort. Find something to do that will take you 10, 20 years, and commit to making daily progress. At first, there will be no immediate feedback about how well you’re doing. But as you progress, you’ll find it more joyful to work on your task.
  • Use the outside pressure for inspiration : Not all is bad about the game of competitive signaling. There are positives too, but people usually can seize them only if they have the right mindset. For example, for some, seeing a person driving a sports car will make them doubt their skills or reconsider their current vehicle – get a loan to purchase a new one. For others, seeing the same person can motivate them to reevaluate their current profession and (probably) inspire them to make a positive change. If you are in stage one – still mostly comparing yourself to others – fleeting the modern arena full of vanity and signaling for a while can surely help. 8 If you see the progress of others as inspiration to make positive changes in your own life, you can, perhaps, leave your social media accounts intact.
  • Focus on being, not having : This last piece of advice is more elaborately explained in the book To Have or to Be? . But the short version of the mission presented in this absolute must-read is the following: focus on “productive expression of one’s human powers.” Happiness is the absence of desire and the pursuit of self-actualization . To escape the status games and get closer to your inner persona, therefore feel better, consistently pushing towards realizing your talents and potentialities will aid you in your quest.

Some Closing Thoughts

It’s obvious why people are caught up in the daily-grind-lifestyle where what you present to the world is perceived far more important than who you really are on the inside.

We live in a data-driven world where everything can be measured and compared. The clothes you wear and the car you drive is immediately associated with words like “cool”, “lame”, “average”, “wealthy”.

We do this type of categorization with others, and they do it to us. Naturally, to differentiate and distinguish ourselves from our peers. To send a message and to increase our value as a potential mate or a friend, we focus more on external signals that can boost our position in the social hierarchy and less on other things that are “invisible” to others – but far more important.

Sadly, we become neglectful of our inner desires and ambitions. We prioritize how others see us over how we see ourselves. This might not damage us at the current state of our existence, but eventually, it will take a toll on our well-being.

  • “ Rat-race “. Online Etymology Dictionary.
  • The last two are completely different things.
  • This, of course, says a lot more things about their personality. For example, you can have an average income and still get a flashy car. But then, the things that are not visible by others will probably be average to compensate. Conversely, if you’re really rich, you’ll probably buy luxury domestic goods, too.
  • Conspicuous consumption , Thorstein Veblen
  • We all know that Porche is certainly a great vehicle. But there are still cheaper alternatives that will do the same job in terms of helping you move from point A to point B.
  • Source: In-depth: Luxury Goods 2020
  • Hedonic treadmill , explained.
  • By this, I mean that it will be a good idea to remove your social media accounts for a while.

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Marc Bekoff Ph.D.

Sentient Rats: Their Cognitive, Emotional, and Moral Lives

Rats are clever, caring, and playful despite claims they're not really animals..

Posted February 2, 2020 | Reviewed by Daniel Lyons M.A.

" Rats are clever, quick thinkers; successful, but content with living a quiet and peaceful life."

2020 is the year of the rat , and a lot of attention is being directed toward these clever, sentient, and caring beings. A number of people have asked me to write about some of what we know about these smart and emotional beings, and I'm pleased to do so. I've known many rats, all of whom were wonderful companions. Of course, these amazing rodents also are used by the millions in all sorts of horrific research, and the United States' Federal Animal Welfare Act claims they're not really animals.

A brief summary of the cognitive, emotional, and moral lives of rats

“Rats are a misunderstood pet...People think of them as vermin and pests. People who think they are a really gross pet just don’t realize what they have to offer. If you are looking for a rodent pet that (sic) you are going to have a personal connection with, I would recommend a rat.” —Veterinarian Cory Bassett, " They’re intelligent and friendly. Why some people think rats are the perfect pet, for fun and comfort. "

Detailed research clearly shows rats cut deals and trade different favors with one another (they follow "tit-for-tat" when trading grooming for food, and food for grooming); know when they've forgotten something ; dream of a better future (just as humans do); display empathy for other rats by reading pain in their faces (also see Virginia Morell's " Rats see the pain in other rats’ faces "); save drowning rats rather than eat chocolate; play, laugh, and like to be tickled; tell you they're happy by relaxing their ears ; regret what they didn't do and recognize what might-have-been; and free familiar trapped rats from being restrained.

Let's focus on a few of these cognitive and emotional capacities. All of the above essays are available for free online along with many other references

Rats Know When They've Forgotten : In an essay by Diana Crow called " Rats can tell when they’ve forgotten something, just like us " we learn, "Much like students doing a test, rats tend to skip questions when they have forgotten the answer. A series of smelly experiments suggests rats are aware of what they remember and behave differently when they can’t recall something." Crow is writing about a study published in the journal Animal Cognition by Victoria Templer, Keith Lee, and Aidan Preston titled " Rats know when they remember: transfer of metacognitive responding across odor-based delayed match-to-sample tests ."

Empathic and Fun-Loving Rats Dream of a Better Future : A study published in eLife by a team of researchers at University College London with the unwieldy title, " Hippocampal place cells construct reward related sequences through unexplored space ," shows that dreaming by rats may "support preparation for future experiences in novel environments." The original research paper that's highly mathematical and technical isn't an easy read and a review by Jessica Mendoza called " Daydream believer: Rats dream of a better future " does a good job of making the results intelligible to non-researchers. She begins, "It seems humans are not alone when it comes to dreaming of a better life for themselves: apparently, rats do it, too. When at rest, rats and mice conduct mental rehearsals of journeys toward a desired future, such as a tasty treat, researchers at University College London (UCL) have found."

What this all boils down to is that the ability to imagine future events may not be unique to humans. One of the researchers notes, “What’s surprising here is that we see the hippocampus planning for the future, actually rehearsing totally novel journeys that the animals need to take in order to reach the food.”

Let's use what we know on behalf of rats and other animals

Knowing about the cognitive, emotional, and moral lives of rats is important for a general audience, because more and more research on sentient rodents is clearly showing that we're not alone in being able to accomplish complex tasks, solve difficult problems, or experience wide-ranging emotions. Nonetheless, the United States' Federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA) continues to make the utterly inane claim that rats, mice, and other animals aren't really animals .

The science that clearly shows these rodents are sentient beings continues to be totally ignored. Thus, in the 2002 iteration of the AWA we read ,

"Enacted January 23, 2002, Title X, Subtitle D of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act, changed the definition of 'animal' in the Animal Welfare Act, specifically excluding birds, rats of the genus Rattus , and mice of the genus Mus , bred for use in research." (Vol. 69, no. 108, 4 June 2004). (My emphasis)

The first time I saw this I had to read it a few times to be sure my eyes were still working. They were and are. One would think based on these research findings, all of which have been published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals and covered in popular media, that the U.S. Federal Animal Welfare Act would grant rats at least some protection. The money-driven animal-industrial breeding industry does well to have rats and mice removed from the animal kingdom: It's a shameful self-serving sham. Scientists also need to speak out about this ludicrous claim, especially those who continue to do all sorts of research on the cognitive, emotional, and moral lives of these fascinating rodents and freely tout how amazing they are. However, rather than being outraged by this absurd and ill-conceived misclassification, very few have actually openly questioned it .

essay on rat race

As Dr. Alka Chandna writes in an excellent essay published in The Hastings Center Bioethics Forum called " Rats Have Empathy, But What About the Scientists Who Experiment on Them? ," "At least one such experimenter recently acknowledged the inherent conflict: 'The more we do experiments like this, the more we wonder if we should do experiments like this .'” The same researcher also notes, "if we want to study pain and pain treatments, 'there is no alternative. Tissue cultures and computer simulations won’t work. We must do animal experiments, as we will never get ethical approval to do these tests on humans.'” Of course, there are numerous non-animal alternatives that are extremely reliable, but he and others simply choose not to use them. It's about time they did.

Where to from here?

Research continually shows that rats have highly evolved cognitive and emotional capacities, so why do we continue to torture them in labs and refuse to recognize their membership in the animal kingdom? It's long overdue for legislators to factor research findings into their guidelines and laws protecting rats and other animals and for researchers themselves to speak out about the removal of rats from membership in the animal kingdom. We've known a lot about these fascinating rodents for a long time, and it's anti-science and heartless to continue to allow rats to be abused by the millions.

Rats deeply suffer just as do companion and numerous other animals, and solid science and decency demand that it's high time to recognize rats for who they are, namely intelligent, emotional, and caring beings. New Zealand's assault on rodents and other animals is especially egregious and immoral.

Let's hope that by calling attention to them in the Year of the Rat, a lot happens to help them along in a world in which they're routinely mistreated as if they're insentient objects, including by people who know they're not but nonetheless continue to abuse them. Clearly, rats are sentient, feeling animals and deserve much more care and love than they typically receive.

Bekoff, Marc. Rethinking the Ethics of Research Involving Nonhuman Animals .

_____. Voracious Science: A Journey from Animal User to Advocate .

_____. Jane Goodall Says Don't Use 1080, Jan Wright Says Use More .

PETA, Do Mice and Rats Make Good Animal Companions? (Are mice and rats right for your family? Possibly, if you know a little about them before you decide to adopt.)

Marc Bekoff Ph.D.

Marc Bekoff, Ph.D. , is professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

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Review: A BESTIARY by Lily Hoang

Side by side covers of A Bestiar by Lily Hoang

A Bestiary  Lily Hoang Cleveland State University Poetry Center, April 2016 156 pp; $16

Buy: paperback

Reviewed by Annalia S. Linnan

Not all rat mazes have corridors. For the Morris water navigation task, it is as it reads: a rat must learn to fare in water. It is placed inside a pool and must swim to the other side. Once the rat learns its path, the scientist adds a solution to the water, causing it to become opaque. The hypothesis is that the rat will be confused. However, “despite changes to the environment, rats swim right to the platform.”

Lily Hoang is a first generation Vietnamese-American. A Bestiary , her debut collection of essays, is not about rat experiments, though they appear in some cases (as the above garnered from “On The Rat Race”). In meditations comparable to Maggie Nelson’s Bluets, Hoang both approaches and avoids her sister’s death (drug overdose), her failed marriage (white man she calls Chris), and a destructive on-again, off-again relationship (white man she calls Harold).

She has made attempts, like the rat, to find her way back home, but the paths didn’t lead the way they promised. “I had wanted to be a good wife, and for the most part, I was,” she writes, “but the fact that my marriage was a catastrophe doesn’t change.” As for Harold, he is a stubby lighthouse with broken lamps and both of them know it, but she remains. In “On Scale,” she does the math: “The weight of my love measured against the weight of my life without him measured against his betrayal and all the terrible things he’s told me over the years. In the end, no matter my options, I know I will choose Harold.”

Suffering, she tell us, is a virtue in Vietnamese culture. It is right and true and noble, a thing required of all women. Hoang points at jade bracelets, describes how when she was young “my mother would cuddle me closely when I was sick. She would say, ‘Shhh, shhh,’ and tell me that she wanted me to give her all of my sickness, so that she would be sick and I wouldn’t.” This inherited anguish—the pain and pleasure it inspires—seems to be a birthright, one that clashes with Hoang’s ideology as a feminist.

In “On Catastrophe,” she introduces us to Other Lily: “She would succeed in all the ways I have failed. She would not be a professor. She would not be divorced. She would be a good daughter.” Other Lily is a medical doctor, does not have “bad skin” or “a head full of white hair” or “do something as shameful as smoke cigarettes.” Other Lily “saves two lives and loses none”; Other Lily “is in love. And all her loyalty and love is reciprocated, an equal distribution of desire and faith.” Other Lily is perfect, the embodiment of our “better” self, the one we have always been told we should strive to become.

Actual Lily is feral and flighty, ferocious in her inner life. However, she also writes, and not without effort, “Face the facts: there is no Other Lily, and I’m pretty satisfied with my life.” Here, she stresses an essential point: she is not an either/or but a both/and. Winding, whimsical, and wild, A Bestiary  tackles race, womanhood, and memory with a precision that pinches right at the veins.

Annalia S. Linnan  is currently the web orders manager & inventory assistant at Brazos Bookstore. She earned her BA in Literature & music from Butler University. She lives & writes in Houston, TX

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The Rug Rat Race

After three decades of decline, the amount of time spent by parents on childcare in the U.S. began to rise dramatically in the mid-1990s. Moreover, the rise in childcare time was particularly pronounced among college-educated parents. Why would highly educated parents increase the amount of time they allocate to childcare at the same time that their own market returns have skyrocketed? After finding no empirical support for standard explanations, such as selection or income effects, we offer a new explanation. We argue that increased competition for college admissions may be an important source of these trends. The number of college-bound students has surged in recent years, coincident with the rise in time spent on childcare. The resulting "cohort crowding" has led parents to compete more aggressively for college slots by spending increasing amounts of time on college preparation. Our theoretical model shows that, since college-educated parents have a comparative advantage in college preparation, rivalry leads them to increase preparation time by a greater amount than less-educated parents. We provide empirical support for our explanation with a comparison of trends between the U.S. and Canada, and a comparison across racial groups in the U.S.

Valerie Ramey gratefully acknowledges financial support from National Science Foundation grant SES-0617219 through the NBER. We thank Tarek Harchaoui for helping us gain access to microdata files on Canadian time use and John Robinson for providing his 1995 U.S. time use data. We thank Julie Cullen, Nora Gordon, Daniel Hamermesh, David Schkade, Joel Sobel, Randy Wright, and participants in seminars at UCSD, Washington University, St. Louis, Statistics Canada, the University of Maryland ATUS conference, and the NBER Children's program for helpful comments. Chris Nekarda and Ben Backes provided excellent research assistance. The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.


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The rat race of competitive exams

"you cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do." — liz smith.

The rat race of competitive exams

By: Er Aausyf Ibn Farooq and Meer Harris Turabbi


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E very year, statistics have shown that thousands of aspirants embark on the challenging journey of preparing for competitive exams like UPSC, PSC, IES, IIT JEE, and NEET. These exams hold the promise of a bright future, but their uncertain and highly competitive nature means that only a small percentage of candidates find success. These exams are known for their uncertainty, immense challenges, and enormous obstacles. With typically relatively poor success rates, therefore, the possibility of achieving success seems elusive.

Yet, this pursuit has persisted for decades, with countless individuals enduring the immense hardships that come with the preparation period. However, a concerning aspect of this trend lies in the pressure placed on students to pursue certain fields of study based solely on their parents’ desires. This narrow approach not only leads to potential mismatches but also perpetuates inequality and hampers individual growth.

The Pressure to Conform

One of the most disconcerting aspects of this trend is the societal pressure that compels students to pursue specific career paths dictated by their parents. The idea that individuals should pursue medicine or engineering simply because it aligns with their family’s aspirations is flawed. Rather than considering the interests, potential, and changing demands of the world, parents often impose their preferences on their children. This approach fosters a culture of inequality and limits the importance given to other fields of study that may better align with a student's interests and talents.

Limiting Individual Potential

By pressuring students into careers that may not suit their aptitude or passion, parents and society inadvertently stifle their true potential. Not all students are destined for medicine or engineering. There exists a vast array of fields that offer fulfilling and successful career paths. By pressuring students to follow a predetermined trajectory, parents restrict their children’s opportunities to explore alternative paths that may better align with their unique skills and talents. This limitation not only diminishes individual potential but also hampers societal progress by neglecting the diverse range of talents and interests present among the youth.

The Toll on Mental Health

The goal of success in competitive exams comes at a great cost to students’ mental and emotional well-being. The overwhelming pressure to excel, coupled with the grueling hours of study, takes a significant toll on their health. Students find themselves trapped in a cycle of anxiety, stress, and burnout as they strive to meet the expectations set by their parents and society. The relentless competition and fear of failure can lead to serious mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. It is essential to acknowledge the detrimental impact this pressure has on students and prioritize their well- being above societal expectations.

Embracing Individuality and Supporting Personal Growth

The trend of pushing students towards competitive exams and specific career paths based solely on parental desires is deeply concerning. It limits their potential, increases stress levels, and jeopardizes their mental health. To address this issue, parents and society must recognize the unique talents, interests, and aspirations of each individual. Rather than imposing their preferences, parents should encourage their children to explore their passions and support them in pursuing diverse career paths. Society, in turn, should celebrate the achievements of individuals in various fields, fostering an environment that values individuality and personal growth.

To wind it up that the race for success in competitive exams is fraught with challenges and uncertainty. However, it is imperative to question the societal norms that push students into specific career paths based solely on parental desires. Recognizing and celebrating individuality can create a more inclusive and supportive society where students are encouraged to pursue their passions and explore diverse career options. Only by embracing individual potential and prioritizing mental well-being can students truly thrive, reach their full potential, and lead fulfilling lives.

Er Aausyf Farooq can be mailed at [email protected]

Meer Harriss Turabii can be mailed at [email protected]

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