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  • How to Integrate Technology

Successful technology integration is more than just getting the tools into the classroom; here are some ideas on how to engage students and enliven your lessons with those tools.

When technology integration in the classroom is seamless and thoughtful, students not only become more engaged, they begin to take more control over their own learning, too. Effective tech integration changes classroom dynamics, encouraging student-centered project-based learning.

Think about how you are using technology with your students. Are they employing technology daily in the classroom, using a variety of tools to complete assignments and create projects that show a deep understanding of content?

If your answer is "No," is it because you lack enough access to technology? Is it because you don't feel ready? Or do you feel ready, but need additional support in your classroom? Depending on your answer, your path to tech integration may look different from someone else's. However varied access and readiness may be, tech integration can successfully occur in any classroom.

integrating technology in the classroom powerpoint presentation

Getting Started

The first step in successful tech integration is recognizing the change that may need to happen inside of yourself and in your approach to teaching. When any teacher brings technology into the classroom, he or she will no longer be the center of attention. The level of refocused attention will, of course, depend on the amount and the type of technology (e.g., mobile device, e-reader, laptop, interactive whiteboard) being brought into the classroom. However, this does not mean that the teacher is no longer essential to the learning process. While students may be surrounded by technology at home, it is dangerous to assume that they know how to use it for learning -- this is commonly referred to as the "myth of the digital native," and you can read more about it in this Edutopia blog post: " Digital Native vs. Digital Citizen? Examining a Dangerous Stereotype ." Most students still need a guide to help them use digital tools effectively for learning and collaboration.

Integrating Technology Across the Access Spectrum

As discussed in the What is Successful Technology Integration? section, how we define "technology integration" depends on the kinds of technology available and how much access one has to technology. This definition also depends on who is using the technology. For instance, in a classroom with only an interactive whiteboard and one computer, learning will still remain teacher centered and integration will revolve around teacher needs, which are not necessarily student needs. Still, there are ways to use an interactive whiteboard to make it a tool for your students. Even with one computer in the room, there are ways to integrate that one machine into your classroom and still make sure that you and your students are indeed doing things that you couldn't do before, not just doing the same things you did before in a quicker, more efficient way.

integrating technology in the classroom powerpoint presentation

Below you will find a quick overview with suggestions of what kinds of tools and activities are best matched with various levels of technology access. All of the resources linked to are either free or offer free versions.

If your class has an interactive whiteboard and projector:

  • Try interactive websites such as BrainPOP .
  • Dig in to Scholastic's whiteboard activities page .
  • Show online videos related to the lessons.
  • Explore virtual math manipulatives .
  • Check out the native software that came with the board.
  • Use the videoconferencing tool Skype to connect beyond the classroom.

If there is only one computer in your room:

  • All of the above, plus…
  • Assign one student to be the class scribe and take notes.
  • Start a collaborative class blog.
  • Check out the Skype an Author Network website.
  • Try Voicethread , a collaborative multimedia conversation tool.
  • Let students access review or intervention materials on a rotating schedule.
  • Curate resources for students via a Livebinder .
  • Build a Google Site to house class content.
  • Encourage skills practice, research, or the creation of collaborative stories using Google Docs .
  • Record Screencasts for providing onscreen instruction.
  • Find more free resources and ideas from this Eduptopia blog post .

If you have a pod of three to five computers in the classroom or access to a library with a pod of computers:

  • Encourage individual student blogging using Kidblog .
  • Have students create digital stories using Voicethread .
  • Explore student-created multimedia presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint, LibreOffice , Prezi , or Google Docs .
  • Use Edmodo , Schoology , or Moodle to manage course content, assignments, and assessments.
  • Get the students to create cartoons using ToonDoo .
  • Have students make videos using Windows Movie Maker or Animoto .
  • Build websites with students using Weebly or Wikispaces .

If you have access to a laptop cart or a computer lab:

  • Enable students to work through course content at their own pace through the use of screencasts, e-books, and other digital media.
  • Use Poll Everywhere or Socrative to poll students.
  • Start live class discussions with TodaysMeet .
  • Explore enhanced digital note taking with Evernote .

If your students have 1:1 laptops or netbooks:

  • All of the above, whenever you want, for however long you like (especially if students take their laptops or netbooks home).

If you have access to a handful of mobile devices:

  • Have students create videos using the Animoto app
  • Record group discussions using a voice recording app.
  • Have students record themselves reading aloud for fluency checks.
  • Assign student-created comics using the Puppet Pals app .
  • Offer e-books for required readings.
  • Upload and access course content using the Edmodo or Schoology apps.
  • Conduct research.
  • Foster skills practice using apps specific to subject area.
  • Collaborate using apps like Whiteboard .

If your students have 1:1 mobile devices:

  • Use them as multifunction devices (e.g., e-book readers, calculators, platforms for taking notes).
  • Try out a tool like Nearpod to project information onto student devices.
  • Check out mobile apps for student polling from Poll Everywhere or Socrative .

Getting to "Seamless" Integration

To begin to move your tech integration to the point where it is "seamless," consider these questions:

  • What skills are applied to nearly all tools (e.g., saving a file, naming a file, finding a file, logging in and out of accounts)? Have your students mastered these basic skills?
  • How many different tools will you introduce this year? How many is too many?
  • How will technology help your students better understand content -- will it push them to a deeper understanding that could not have been achieved without technology?
  • What level of integration do you want in your classroom by the end of the school year? What specific steps must you take to achieve that goal? What is a realistic goal based on time and resources?

For more on levels of technology access and what that means for tech integration, read this blog post: " What Does 'Technology Integration' Mean? "

You can also check out the outstanding Technology Integration Matrix produced by the Arizona K12 Center. It provides guidance on different levels of tech integration based on readiness and current practice, and offers links to sample lessons.

Tips for Shared Hardware

In schools that are not 1:1, sharing resources can be a huge challenge. Here are some quick tips for sharing resources effectively:

  • Hold an introductory session with your students when introducing a new tool.
  • Use the tool yourself first before putting your students in front of it.
  • Have a plan for collecting student work.
  • Communicate with other colleagues that may want to use the resources as well.
  • Manage time with the resources wisely. Set goals for work completion with your students.
  • Communicate with your administration about how and when you will be using shared technology.

Get more details about these six tips from this blog post: " Six Tips for Teachers: How to Maximize Shared Resources ."

Creating a Professional-Development Plan

Once you have discovered what level of access you have and what possibilities this access affords you, it is time to address your own comfort level with the technology that is in your classroom. This can be achieved through self-assessment and/or the use of a fellow teacher or an instructional coach in your school or district. Once you know your comfort level, then you can begin to build a professional-development plan for yourself. This can be done alone, as part of your "grade team," or as part of your school or district's personal-growth plan. You can also begin to seek out professional-development opportunities online and outside of your district or school to begin to connect with other educators exploring the same challenges and seeking solutions. For more resources for taking professional development into your own hands, check out our DIY Professional Development page .

It doesn't matter what your comfort level is with technology in your classroom -- without a continuous professional-development plan, you will never be as effective as you can be. Many schools and districts have made the mistake of placing technology into classrooms without a comprehensive plan for training teachers. Often, this technology sits unused or underused. If you are a teacher in a situation where technology has been "thrown" at you with no professional development, be thankful for the new tool(s) that you have at your fingertips -- and then do your best to learn about how they can transform and improve your teaching and have a positive effect on student learning. You can do this either on your own or by asking for help from your colleagues, mentors, or professional learning community.

Unlike many other aspects of teaching, technology changes constantly. Just as in any industry, it is vital that educators stay current with new trends and developments in both pedagogy and new technologies. If you have a tech-integration specialist at your school, then use this person to your full advantage, as they are the front line for the tools you have or may want to bring into your classroom.

Hardware and Equipment

While hardware and software vary across classrooms, schools, and districts, one thing can be guaranteed across the board: technology, no matter what kind it is, will fail.

This inevitable part of tech integration is often the number-one fear of classroom teachers everywhere. Whether you are taking the steps to integrate technology into your classroom on your own or as part of a schoolwide or district initiative, this fear must be the first hurdle to overcome.

Here are some basic tips for when technology goes awry:

  • Have a nontechnology backup plan.
  • Just as we always tell our students that failure is OK, that we learn from failure, and that failure is part of the learning process, so must we, as adults, follow our own advice.
  • Model troubleshooting with your students.
  • Report the problem (and know to whom this reporting should be done).
  • Ask for help. Have someone who knows how to fix the problem show you how for next time.

Using Technology for Feedback and Assessment

One of the most exciting aspects of bringing technology into your classroom -- and into your students' hands -- is the enhanced opportunity for timely and meaningful feedback.

Quick Checks: If you want to know if your students grasp enough of a particular concept before you move on, you can use tools such as Poll Everywhere , Socrative , or Mentimeter to get a quick snapshot of the class. By creating a short quiz or open-ended response question using one of these tools and having your students use an internet-enabled device to answer, you can get quick and easy feedback that will help inform your instruction.

Personalized Feedback: Through the use of course-management tools such as Edmodo , Schoology , or Moodle , it is now possible for teachers to provide personalized feedback quickly and efficiently to their students. All three tools provide the ability for teachers to leave personalized comments and notes on student work, and they provide a messaging service for students who may want to send emails with questions or concerns about the course.

Screencasts can also provide personalized feedback on student work. A teacher can record his or her computer screen while viewing student work, pointing out areas for improvement and areas where a student has excelled. Some great tools for this are Screencast-O-Matic and Jing .

In addition, Evernote is a powerful note-taking tool that can be accessed through any Internet-enabled device through a web browser or the mobile app. It allows users to record audio notes, and it can be a great way to provide personalized feedback to students. Teachers can share these recordings, which are embedded in notes created through the app or website, with students through email. This can be a great way to keep students updated on their progress or to provide feedback on a particular assignment asynchronously. Because the feedback is recorded, students can also rewind and relisten for better comprehension or to refer back to if they like.

Please note, all of these kinds of tools require that students have access to Internet-enabled devices on a regular basis and that they hand in their work digitally.

For more on using technology to provide feedback to students, you can read this blog post: " Using Tech Tools to Provide Timely Feedback ."

The Role of Digital Citizenship

Our students are constantly immersed in technology, yet that does not mean that they know how to use it for learning. We also cannot assume that they know how to use it responsibly either. Just as we teach our children how to handle bullies on the playground, or as we admonish a student for copying someone's work and handing it in as his or her own, we must take the time to explicitly teach about cyberbullying, copyright, plagiarism, digital footprint, and proper conduct online.

Of course, what we teach and how we teach it depend on grade level. We probably wouldn't teach first graders about the nitty-gritty details of copyright law, but we might teach them what kinds of information are safe or unsafe to share online. Likewise, while we may quickly review safe and unsafe information with high school students, we are more likely to focus on digital footprint and plagiarism.

It is worth your time to spend some time early in the year setting expectations for online conduct, use of information found online, and staying safe when using digital tools. For more on teaching digital citizenship, you can visit BrainPOP , Common Sense Media , or Edutopia's Digital Citizenship Resource Roundup .

Since it's clear that tech integration is here to stay, it is not a question of whether teachers integrate technology into their classrooms, but rather how to do it best. By taking small steps, teachers can begin to reap the benefits that technology can bring to their teaching and to student learning. This process does not have to be painful, and no one will become a tech-integration whiz overnight. However, even with limited access, with careful planning, some risk taking, and an open mind, teachers can successfully use technology to enhance their teaching and bring learning to life for their students.

Continue to the next section of the guide, Workshop Activities .

This guide is organized into six sections:

  • Introduction
  • Why Integrate Technology?
  • What Is Tech Integration?
  • Workshop Activities
  • Resources for Tech Integration

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Integrating Technology Into the Classroom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

integrating technology in the classroom powerpoint presentation

Integrating Technology Into the Classroom

Memoves is appropriate for mainstream classrooms prek-3rd grade, ... integrating technology into the classroom author: akuehn last modified by: smaikkula – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • By Allyson Kuehn
  • Ipad / Itouch
  • Digital Camera
  • Flip Camera
  • PowerPoint Books
  • Inexpensive
  • 500-800 per device
  • Mobile /Fast
  • Not a word processer
  • Can print / e-printer
  • http//vimeo.com/16678024
  • Learn about Shapes / Geography
  • Read Aloud Share
  • Practice Letter Formations
  • Paint /Draw
  • Presentations
  • Use Hinge questions to understand learner
  • Large and Small group Projections
  • Speech to Text
  • Practice Math Skills
  • Control Your classroom computer
  • Note taking
  • Save /Edit Images
  • Elementary Blogs even 4 year olds
  • w/Drawing Pad
  • Mind Mapping for Projects
  • Video Streaming
  • Make own comic book strips
  • w/ Strip maker
  • Mapmaking / Map Reading
  • w/ Google Earth / MapQuest
  • Student Record Keeping /
  • Behavior Progress monitoring
  • w/ Tap Forms
  • Reading Orally / Improves Fluency
  • Make their own stories
  • w/ Photo Card Lite, Story Buddy, Others
  • Learn Language
  • w/Talking Tom watch violence
  • http//www.slideshare.net/johnvandongen/30-interes ting-ways-to-use-an-ipad-in-the-classroom
  • eBooks - Guided reading
  • podcasts in iTunes on a topic of
  • study and listen to them on the iPad.
  • Subscribe to various periodicals
  • Watch any number of quality online shows, searching by the topic of study, bookmarking and maintaining a list and critique of sources.
  • Purchase the Keynote app and teach your students how to prepare professional presentations
  • Mind Body Connect
  • http//www.thinkingmoves.com/
  • An award winning DVD, one two-minute MeMoves sequence can immediately calm even a child with autism in distress. Imitating those on the screen, users are transformed by the images, movements and music.
  • App Store - 6.99
  • Originally created for those with special needs(autism, sensory integration disorder, ED, etc.)
  • MeMoves is praised by teachers and  therapists for quickly and easily transforming their classrooms and creating a calm, productive learning environment. After using MeMoves, kids are focused, relaxed, and attentive.
  • MeMoves excels as a transition tool and a priming activity, and makes any subsequent activity easier and more effective.  Teachers use MeMoves as a transition at the start of the day, after lunch or recess, before teaching new or difficult material,  and before testing. 
  • Designed for ease of use, the program can be started is as little as 10 seconds,  and requires no classroom re-configuration, special knowledge or training. To use MeMoves, all that is needed is a DVD player, screen and speakers. MeMoves is perfectly suited for computer or SmartBoard use.
  • MeMoves is appropriate for mainstream classrooms prek-3rd grade, and all those with special needs.
  • Promote Visual Literacy
  • Enhance Student and Teacher Communication
  • http//www.zardec.net.au/keith/digcam.htm
  • Easy to Use
  • Just the camera your computer
  • Designed for teens to post to Utube
  • Many ways to use the flip camera in the classroom Google Doc
  • http//www.freetech4teachers.com/2010/03/20-ways-t o-use-flip-cameras-in.html
  • Quick Easy to Create
  • Many Free on-line
  • Great Switch activities
  • Great to project on the smart/white board for interactive activities
  • http//www.talkingbooklibrary.net/
  • Teacher Tools
  • Skype Meetings
  • Demonstrate Behavior in Students w/parents
  • Sharing of videos
  • Video of just about anything
  • Promote Learning for the 21st Century
  • Move from demonstration to interactive learning
  • Use Blooms Taxonomy as your guide
  • What is your educational goal
  • Pilot first.. Dont spend big things change too fast

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Integrating Technology

Published by Hugo Fisher Modified over 5 years ago

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Why I Prefer Google Slides to Microsoft PowerPoint

Quick links.

  • Ease of Collaboration
  • Offline Access
  • Integration With Other Google Tools
  • More Storage Space
  • Compatibility With PowerPoint
  • AI Features
  • Provide Detailed Version History
  • Customization Features and Template Options

PowerPoint and Google Slides are two popular options for presentations, but which one is best? As someone who has used both programs for a long time, I've found that Google Slides offers many advantages that make it my go-to choice.

Let's be clear: I'm comparing the web-based PowerPoint and Google Slides versions. It's unfair to compare Google Slides to the desktop version of PowerPoint, isn't it? Here are some reasons why Google Slides is my favorite presentation tool.

1. Ease of Collaboration

Ease of collaboration was the central reason I switched to Google Slides for my presentation needs. As a content creator, I always aim for a seamless collaboration experience while dealing with my clients and team members. Google Slides offered exactly that, and I was in love with it.

So, is Google Slides better than PowerPoint for collaboration? It certainly has advantages that make it an ideal choice for a lot of users.

With Google Slides, you can efficiently work with others and share your work , no matter what kind of computer or phone you use. If you have a Google account and the link to the presentation, you can join in and make changes simultaneously with other members.

In contrast, to collaborate in PowerPoint, you have to consider various external factors, such as the user's working device and storage locations. For example, you might not be able to easily collaborate with someone who has an older version of PowerPoint, or with someone using a PowerPoint mobile due to feature limitations. Some things that are restricted in the free web and mobile version compared to PowerPoint on desktop include limited commenting tags, editing options, and more.

Additionally, Google Slides also has built-in chat and commenting features. This feature allows all your team members to stay on the same page and communicate with each other to streamline editing. In PowerPoint, you're limited to comments only.

2. Offline Access

Another important reason for my switch to Google Slides is the offline access feature. With this feature, you can create, edit, and present presentations to others even without an internet connection. Any changes you apply offline are synced automatically once you're back online, so you can keep working even without an internet connection.

You can activate offline access by checking the offline mode option in your Google Drive settings.

Also, with Google Slides, you don't need software installed on your computer to access your presentations offline. However, Microsoft PowerPoint requires an internet connection to save changes to OneDrive storage. No internet, no autosave!

3. Integration With Other Google Tools

Switching to Google Slides is easy if you already use Google apps like Docs, Sheet, Meet, and Gmail. They all work well together. You can import charts and tables from Google Sheets into your presentations with just a few clicks. Any modifications to the original data in Google Sheets will automatically be reflected in your Google Slides presentation.

For example, on Google Slides, open the "Insert" tab and navigate to the "Chart" option. From there, click on the "From Sheets" option and import a chart from Google Sheets.

Furthermore, you can add Google Keep notes to your Slides and share your content in Google Meet with Smart Canvas without switching between tabs.

On the other hand, Microsoft PowerPoint integrates with other Microsoft tools, but it's not as seamless as Google Slides and has limited integration capabilities. For example, unlike Google Sheets, which updates data automatically in Slides, PowerPoint requires you to manual refresh to update Excel charts. This means you need to copy and paste the updated chart from Excel to PowerPoint.

4. More Storage Space

Google Slides offers more storage space through Google Drive. With a Google account, you get 15GB of storage shared across Google Photos, Drive, and Gmail. This is significantly more than what Microsoft offers with its free PowerPoint Web version, which only provides 5GB of OneDrive storage. If you create large presentations with many images or videos, Google's extra storage space can be a significant advantage.

Additionally, Google offers affordable plans to upgrade your storage if needed. For example, you can get 100GB of storage for a $20 annual fee, which is perfect for those who create and store a lot of presentations. However, it's important to note that pricing for additional storage might be different depending on your region.

For detailed information, it's best to check your plans manually by clicking the "Get More Storage" option in Drive.

5. Compatibility With PowerPoint

I know what you're thinking—what if I need to work with someone who only uses Microsoft PowerPoint? Fear not; Google Slides has got you covered. You can import and export PowerPoint presentations into Google Slides, making switching between the two platforms easy.

This feature has been a lifesaver for me when I work with my clients or colleagues who use PowerPoint. I can easily collaborate with them and edit their files without any hassle. After making changes, I can save the Google Slides file again as a PowerPoint file.

You can add your PowerPoint file to Google Slides by either uploading it on Drive or directly opening it from the File > Open option.

6. AI Features

You can also use Google AI tools like Gemini to improve your presentations. For example, the Gemini AI feature in Google Slides allows users to generate images and slides based on their prompts. You can access Gemini from the Slides side panel and input your prompts, such as "Create a slide about," and it will generate slides accordingly.

This feature lets you quickly add relevant and visually appealing presentation content without leaving the Google Slides platform. Using Gemini AI, you can also generate background images in various styles, such as Vector art, Photography, Watercolor, and others.

In contrast, Microsoft AI feature tools like Copilot are not available on the PowerPoint web version. To use Copilot and other AI features in PowerPoint requires a paid subscription to either Microsoft 365 or Copilot Pro.

7. Provide Detailed Version History

Both Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint allow you to view and restore previously edited versions of your presentation. However, Google Slides stands out with its detailed version history feature. This feature groups certain versions of your presentation together if you make multiple changes over a short period. This makes it easy to find and select the version you need. These group versions are displayed under the Version History panel.

Another notable feature of Google Slides is the ability to name the modified versions. This is quite useful when working on large documents with multiple collaborators, as it can take time to find the version you want, among many others. To rename a version, open the "Version History" panel, click the three-dot icon, and then select "Name This Version" from the dropdown menu.

Once you've named important versions of your presentation, you can filter them by selecting the "Named Versions" option from the drop menu. This will highlight only the renamed versions, along with the current version of the document, making it easy to locate the version you need.

8. Customization Features and Template Options

The web version of Microsoft PowerPoint has limited features compared to the PowerPoint desktop app, which can sometimes be helpful while designing presentations. For example, you can't insert charts or equations in the web version. Additionally, you can't add hyperlinks to pictures or shapes. On the other hand, you can add equations, charts, and hyperlinks to images in Google Slides.

While both platforms offer a good selection of templates, I prefer Google Slides because its templates are user-friendly and easy to customize. It also provides more flexibility when working with themes compared to the web version of PowerPoint.

Google Slides isn't a flawless tool, but for me and many other presentation creators, it not only gets the job done but also has some advantages over PowerPoint. Whether you're a student, team, or regular user, you can use it to make clear and effective presentations.

Why I Prefer Google Slides to Microsoft PowerPoint

integration of technology in the classroom

Integration of Technology in the Classroom

Apr 02, 2019

140 likes | 447 Views

Integration of Technology in the Classroom. By: Sam Hossler , Jamee Crosby, and Ross Lunsford. Instructional Tech. Def. of instructional technology: The theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.

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  • immediate feedback
  • effective technology integration
  • learning innovations
  • academic search complete


Presentation Transcript

Integration of Technology in the Classroom By: Sam Hossler, Jamee Crosby, and Ross Lunsford

Instructional Tech. • Def. of instructional technology: • The theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning

From the basic pen to the advanced computer Technology is everywhere and just about everything

Integration of Tech Achieved • Edutopia states: • Effective technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is routine and transparent and when technology supports curricular goals.

Time for an Activity!

Benefits of Promethean/SMART • Realtime class participation • Immediate feedback for the teacher

New Tech: The iPad and iPod A recent development on a hands on touch screen device that has thousands of applications for entertainment/education or BOTH!

In Conclusion…

WORKS CITED • Kelly, Melissa. "Integrating Technology into the Classroom." Secondary School Education - Education and Teaching. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. • "Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons Are Many | Edutopia." K-12 Education & Learning Innovations with Proven Strategies That Work | Edutopia. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. • Pellegrino, James W., and Edys S. Quellmalz. "Perspectives on the Integration of Technology and Assessment." Journal of Research on Technology in Education 43.2 (2010): 119-134. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 26 Mar. 2011. • Hazzan, Orit. "Prospective High School Mathematics Teachers' Attitudes toward Integrating Computers in Their Future Teaching." Journal of Research on Technology in Education 35.2 (2002): 213. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 26 Mar. 2011. • Lavin, Angeline M., Leon Korte, and Thomas L. Davies. "The impact of classroom technology on student behavior." Journal of Technology Research 2.(2010): 1-13. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 26 Mar. 2011.

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Technology Integration in the Classroom

Technology Integration in the Classroom

Technology Integration in the Classroom. Presented by: Samantha Thomas, Kathy West, Kimmie Gillespie. 1. Take note of this…. Uses/types of technology in the classroom Feelings/attitudes of teachers and students about technology in the classroom

375 views • 16 slides

Technology in the classroom

Technology in the classroom

Technology in the classroom. Mallory Phillips Nick Haddad Haley Hatch Hannah Gauthier. Focus Points. -The benefits and challenges of new technology in the teaching/learning experience -The use of CLICKERS in the classroom -Teacher/Student communication

641 views • 20 slides

Integration of Technology into classroom,Franchise computer

Integration of Technology into classroom,Franchise computer

http://www.technokidsindia.com digital resources make it easy for Integration of Technology into classroom ideal for multiple sitting like classroom, computer lab, extended day programming or at home.http://www.technokidsindia.com/integrationoftechnologyintoclassroom Engaging Students:Our digital resources make it easy to integrate technology into the classroom ideal for multiple sitting. Use Technokids in classroom, computer lab, extended day program or even at home strengthening home and school learning.Features:1) Techno Manage is Web-delivered so no downloads.2) Continuously update its curriculum to reflect ongoing changes in technology.3) Recent additions include Robotics, programming units to support logic and innovation, digital citizenship, financial literacy and collaboration skills.4) Guided Instructions5) Online quiz and evaluation.6) Students can do lessons any time anywhere.7) Online assignments can be assigned by teachers8) Students can upload their assignments21st century skills:Teachers don't have to stop or change what they plan to teach to integrate technology and 21st century skills. TechnoKids provides comprehensive, step by step instructions that incorporate 21st century skills and technology skills into the curriculum.Students acquire essential skill through the use of popular application software while its been integrated with English, math, science in early grades. As the students grow up integration goes beyond teaching technology skills and gives students the opportunity to explore real-world challenges in the classroom, preparing them for college and career, promoting critical and creative thinking!For more details please visit our website http://www.technokidsindia.com or call us at 91-40-65247872.Regards,Business ownerTechnokidsindiahttp://www.technokidsindia.com

287 views • 11 slides

ICT Integration in the Classroom

ICT Integration in the Classroom

ICT Integration in the Classroom. Report on Implementation plan At El Dorado East Secondary School. Our Goal. Our goal is to motivate teachers to integrate ICT in curriculum delivery. Our philosophy.

315 views • 13 slides

Classroom Management & Technology Integration

Classroom Management & Technology Integration

Classroom Management & Technology Integration. A reflection by Jenn Chick. Resources. We have been giving so many tools in this class to help further my understanding of technology and management. These are the most memorable. Projects.

242 views • 12 slides

Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Classroom . Molly zwisler. Positive Effects of Technology in the Classroom. Students now have access to new and different types of information, as well as more information. Learning is more creative.

644 views • 13 slides



ICT INTEGRATION in the CLASSROOM. St Joseph’s Convent San Fernando Friday, February 04, 2011. EXPECTED OUTCOMES. At the end of this session teachers will: Appreciate the ways in which ICT can enhance the teaching/learning process

496 views • 14 slides

Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Classroom. Presenters: Megan Smith Ben Houston Casey Loshe. the Chalkboard. Professor Eastman EDUC111. the Overhead. MIMIO. Mimio.

354 views • 20 slides

Turning up the HEAT: Integration of technology in the english classroom

Turning up the HEAT: Integration of technology in the english classroom

Turning up the HEAT: Integration of technology in the english classroom. Hart County High School: Crystal Thompson, Bobbi Taylor, and Jamie Williams A Vision of K-12 Students Today. 1:1 Laptop Initiative .

206 views • 10 slides

Technology Integration in the Classroom

Technology Integration in the Classroom. Aaron Jones & Ericka Welch. EDTL 2300, WF 11:30. Educational Technology. To understand technology integration, technology must be understood.

1.65k views • 16 slides

Technology Integration for the STEM Classroom

Technology Integration for the STEM Classroom

Technology Integration for the STEM Classroom. Making Connections with Technology . Texas A&M International University. Rio Grande Roundup Math Science and Technology Teacher Academy. Dr. Arturo Limón Jorge Aviles March 21, 2011. Field Based Workshops. Integration Technology.

264 views • 10 slides

Effective Integration of Computer Technology into the Classroom

Effective Integration of Computer Technology into the Classroom

Effective Integration of Computer Technology into the Classroom. The 1 – 4 Computer Classroom Is It Possible?. Technology Integration. Technology is used as another tool for learning. Not used in isolation for a separate set of skills or as an add-on.

349 views • 19 slides

Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Classroom. Past and Present. Carla Huggins and Amanda Traylor Summer 1+ 2013. http:www.takepart.com/photos/classroom/2000s--teaching-kids-how-to-use-podcasts//. http://www.takepart.com/photos/classroom/2012--ipads-in-the-classroom. Field Trips vs. Virtual Tours.

382 views • 7 slides

Technology in the Classroom

What is effective technology integration?. Technology in the Classroom. Can you relate to any of the following slides?. The Reason You Feel Breathless…. Let’s Group. Web 2.0. By Web 2.0 Tools 8 Groups of 6 + 4. The Best You Have Ever Seen . . .

590 views • 40 slides

Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Classroom. Faculty In-Service Saturday, October 9, 2010 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. Presentation Times. 9:00 am – 9:05 am Introduction 9:06 am – 9:50 am Adam Misner (Campus Portal) 9:51 am – 10:05 am Question and Answer Session 10:06 am – 10:50 am Stephenie Rostron (LRC)

217 views • 5 slides

Technology Integration in the Elementary Classroom

Technology Integration in the Elementary Classroom

Technology Integration in the Elementary Classroom. Janet Lynch Milton Elementary School [email protected]. First and Second Grade Technology Grade Expectations. Enter, Select and Delete Text. Manipulate Text (Bold, Italicize, Underline). Illustrate Concepts Using a Paint Application.

229 views • 13 slides

Technology Integration in the Foreign Language Classroom

Technology Integration in the Foreign Language Classroom

Technology Integration in the Foreign Language Classroom. Margaret McKenzie Campbell High School Eve Israel-Hiles Mabry Middle School. Communication Cultures Connections Comparisons Communities

473 views • 25 slides

Technology Integration in Today’s Classroom

Technology Integration in Today’s Classroom

Technology Integration in Today’s Classroom. By Jessica Foland EDUC 506 September 27, 2013. Reasons for Technology Integration. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun.

457 views • 22 slides

Teaching C ompetencies for Technology Integration in the Classroom

Teaching C ompetencies for Technology Integration in the Classroom

Teaching C ompetencies for Technology Integration in the Classroom. Sabiha Uzman. Burçin Yalman. Outline. Introduction Methodhology Domains associated with teacher training in technology integration Domains, knowledges and teaching competencies for tech. Integration

275 views • 19 slides

Literacy and Technology Integration in the Classroom

Literacy and Technology Integration in the Classroom

Literacy and Technology Integration in the Classroom. Stephanie Ciaravolo Final Presentation. Table of Contents. Statement of the problem Review of the literature Hypothesis Method Results Discussion Implications References. Statement of the Problem.

317 views • 21 slides

Literacy and Technology Integration in the Classroom

Literacy and Technology Integration in the Classroom. Stephanie Ciaravolo Education 702.22 Spring 2010 Midterm Presentation. Table of Contents. Statement of the Problem Pg. 3 Review of The Literature Pg. 4 Hypothesis Pg. 11 References Pg. 12. Statement of the Problem.

235 views • 12 slides


  1. PPT

    integrating technology in the classroom powerpoint presentation

  2. PPT

    integrating technology in the classroom powerpoint presentation

  3. PPT

    integrating technology in the classroom powerpoint presentation

  4. PPT

    integrating technology in the classroom powerpoint presentation

  5. Stages of Educational Technology Integration Infographic

    integrating technology in the classroom powerpoint presentation

  6. Benefits Of Technology Integration In Education Infographic

    integrating technology in the classroom powerpoint presentation


  1. How the connected classroom enhances the teacher and student experience

  2. KVS 2023


  4. How to Insert Video in PowerPoint (2024)


  6. Video presentation (introduction to technology for teaching and learning)


  1. Technology in the classroom

    Jul 29, 2014 • Download as PPT, PDF •. 18 likes • 26,736 views. Teachers of India. Integration of technology in teaching and learning is an important aspect of today's education.Here is a presentation on what technology integration is, its benefits, and how teachers can put it into practice. Read more. Education. 1 of 12. Download now.

  2. Strategies for Integrating Technology in the Classroom

    7. Five Ways To Integrate Technology 1. Teachers must be comfortable with technology and be willing to experiment with it before deploying it in the classroom. 2. Teachers must be prepared to offer students a personalized educational experience that takes into account their learning preferences. 3.

  3. Integrating technology in the classroom power point

    2 likes • 3,187 views. B. Brenda Collins. Ideas for integrating technology in the classroom. Education Technology. 1 of 10. Download now. Integrating technology in the classroom power point - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  4. PPT

    Benefits of Technology Integration in the Classroom • Increases student engagement and focus • Novelty encourages participation • Convenience • Speed • (Harper 2009) Future Classroom Technologies • Distance and hybrid learning will become more prevalent. • Tables and chairs will be more advanced, ergonomical.

  5. How to Integrate Technology

    The first step in successful tech integration is recognizing the change that may need to happen inside of yourself and in your approach to teaching. When any teacher brings technology into the classroom, he or she will no longer be the center of attention. The level of refocused attention will, of course, depend on the amount and the type of ...



  7. How to Integrate Technology in the Classroom

    Integrating simple technologies Power Points, games, internet homework assignments, or online grading systems can be difference makers in students' growth in the classroom. Power Points and Games. Powerpoint presentations can be used to introduce a classroom concept while providing the opportunity for engagement.

  8. Integrating Technology in the classroom

    Presentation on theme: "Integrating Technology in the classroom"— Presentation transcript: 1 Integrating Technology in the classroom SAMR PRESENTATION - MODULE 2 ASSIGNMENT BY: MICHELE DELORME

  9. PPT

    Integrating Technology in the Classroom. An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. Download presentation by click this link.

  10. TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM Integration of technology in teaching and

    Why technology integration? The availability of new technology tools that can help the teacher in making teaching interesting and engaging The technology skills and knowledge that students gain in the classroom will create the foundation for the skills and knowledge they will need in the future. The decision of the National Curriculum Framework to use technology to support and extend ...

  11. PDF The 21 Century Classroom: Creating a Culture of Innovation in ICT

    Conclusion. Capacity and technology that results in a digital learning environment extends far beyon the traditional classroom. "These are the seeds from which widespread innovation will grow" (Dr. Linda Clark, Superintendent, West Ada School District) High quality learning is characterized by embracing the demonds of our rapidly evolving.

  12. PPT

    The Integration of Technology and innovation in the classroom Education has evolved over the years with new pedagogical methodologies, practical immersions, and most of all the use and integration of technology in the classrooms. Student experiences and learning styles have made a paradigm shift as children rely on the use of laptops, ipads, mobile apps, and virtual classrooms rather than just ...

  13. Technology in the classroom powerpoint

    Technology in the classroom powerpoint - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... Integration of technology in teaching and learning is an important aspect of today's education.Here is a presentation on what technology integration is, its benefits, and how teachers can put it into practice. Technology in the classroom.


    1. Use students' mobile technology in the classroom to create more interactive classrooms that offer opportunities for students to participate. 2. Train instructors to use PowerPoint and other forms of technology more effectively to create more interactive classrooms. 3. Integrate training in learning technology with training in

  15. Technology Power Point

    IntegratIng technology resources Into the classroom. Tim othy Bu tl e r ELM- A man da Br uce 6/26/202 2. Introduction. Technology is everywhere! How will you let technology affect your classroom? Will your students be distracted by the gadgets, or will you harness the technology to enhance their learning (Langenhorst, 2018)? Technology in our ...

  16. Integrating Technology in the Classroom

    6. LoTi Used with permission of LoTi Inc. www.loticonnection.com Level 0 Non-use No tech use Level 1 Awareness Teacher-centered , productivity Level 2 Explora-tion Teacher-centered, student use is for lower level cognition Level 3 Infusion Teacher-centered, student use includes higher order thinking Level 4 Integration Student-centered , student use includes real-world, applied learning Level ...

  17. PPT

    Integrating Technology Into the Classroom Author: akuehn Last modified by: smaikkula - A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on PowerShow.com - id: 452547-NmQ5N ... The PowerPoint PPT presentation: "Integrating Technology Into the Classroom" is the property of its rightful owner.

  18. Integrating Technology

    What is Technology Integration? The use of technology resources incorporated into daily lessons in the classroom to enhance each student's education. Some Technology Resources Computers Digital cameras PowerPoint Internet Videos Educational Programs SMART boards Interactive websites Senteoes Educational Videos

  19. PPT

    Technology Integration in the Classroom Presented by: Samantha Thomas, Kathy West, Kimmie Gillespie 1. Take note of this… • Uses/types of technology in the classroom • Feelings/attitudes of teachers and students about technology in the classroom • Positive and negative parts of technology in the classroom • See examples from different levels within the educational system • Do an ...

  20. PPT

    Integrating Technology into the Classroom. Integrating Technology into the Classroom. Benefits of Using Technology. Provide the classroom with more interesting, diverse, and up-to-date learning materials Students more likely to stay on task and be engaged Provides teachers with various ways to reach different types of learners. 189 views • 5 ...

  21. People, Process, Technology (PPT) Framework Explained

    The PPT framework assists companies in building systems that coordinate strategies for people, processes, and technology to support one another during a change process. It's based on the idea that these three elements must operate together to mitigate the effects of transitions. An element that is weak or doesn't contribute to a business ...

  22. Technology integration

    This presentation took place at the 2016 PeDTICE Colloquium at the University of Sherbrooke in Montreal, Canada. This presentation discusses the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model, explores the affordances and constraints that are commonly associated with the integration educational technology into teacher education curricula in general, and highlights the relationship ...

  23. Why I Prefer Google Slides to Microsoft PowerPoint

    3. Integration With Other Google Tools . Switching to Google Slides is easy if you already use Google apps like Docs, Sheet, Meet, and Gmail.

  24. PPT

    Integrating Technology in the Classroom Moira Hallinan CIS 1055-005. Today's Issue • Today's youth grew up in a high speed world • They multitask constantly and expect to pick on things quickly • They prefer interaction and creating over reading • Spend more time on TV or videogames than on reading • Increasingly more tech savvy ...

  25. PPT

    Integration of Technology in the Classroom. By: Sam Hossler , Jamee Crosby, and Ross Lunsford. Instructional Tech. Def. of instructional technology: The theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.