How to Write a Recommendation From a Physical Education Teacher

David koenig.

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A letter of recommendation supports a person in an application for a job or school. As a physical education teacher, you have observed students and learned their strengths and personal qualities. When a student asks you to write a recommendation, draw on your knowledge and personal experience of him in a way that's relevant to the application and casts him in the best possible light as a candidate for the position.

Explore this article

  • Introduce yourself in the first paragraph
  • Describe the student's and in the next paragraph or two
  • Provide examples relevant to the application
  • Refer specifically
  • Mention athletic achievements

1 Introduce yourself in the first paragraph

Introduce yourself in the first paragraph, stating your role as a P.E. teacher, the name of the school and how you met the student. For example: "I am John Smith, Head of P.E. at St. James High School since 2002. I taught Jane Doe from 2004 to 2009."

2 Describe the student's and in the next paragraph or two

Describe the student's strengths and qualities in the next paragraph or two, providing concrete examples rather than simply making general statements. For example, instead of writing, "William picks up new skills quickly," write, "William had never played hockey when I met him, but he advanced to the position of team captain within six months."

3 Provide examples relevant to the application

Provide examples relevant to the application. For example, if the student is applying for vocational training as a social worker, share an experience that shows her people skills: "Jane devoted up to four hours a week to mentoring young swimmers. I trusted her with the task because she is a natural motivator."

Write about your personal relationship to the student, as this is information that only you can provide: "I looked forward to teaching Jane, as I knew she would give me her best efforts every time. Teaching her was often an inspiration and encouragement on an otherwise unremarkable day." Again, tie in these observations with specific examples.

5 Refer specifically

Refer specifically to the college and program in the recommendation, explaining why your student is a good candidate. Say why you think he will benefit from it and what benefits the college will receive in return.

6 Mention athletic achievements

Mention athletic achievements, such as awards and wins. Include details such as the number of other competitors or names of previous recipients if these facts help make the scale of the achievement clearer. For example: "Jane had to beat over 200 other contestants to win first place," or "William won the Player of the Year award, a feat previously achieved by Joe Blow, the Springfield Stars footballer."

  • 1 University of Washington: Writing a Letter of Recommendation

About the Author

Dave Koenig has written professionally since 2005. His writing interests include the arts, film, religion and language. Koenig holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical-theological studies from Manchester University and a Postgraduate Certificate of Education in religious studies from Lancaster University.

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Impactful Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher [Examples]

By Editorial Team on September 8, 2023 — 13 minutes to read

  • Purpose of a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Part 1
  • Components of a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Part 2
  • Steps to Writing a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Part 3
  • Sample Phrases for a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Part 4
  • Teacher Letter of Recommendation Template 1 Part 5
  • Teacher Letter of Recommendation Template 2 Part 6
  • Teacher Letter of Recommendation Template 3 Part 7
  • Teacher Recommendation Letter Example From a Co-Worker Part 8
  • Recommendation Letter Example From a Principal Part 9
  • Template of a Character Reference Letter for a Teacher Part 10
  • Mistakes to Avoid Part 11

A well-crafted letter of recommendation can make a world of difference for a teacher, showcasing their strengths and helping them land the perfect teaching job. Whether you’re a colleague, supervisor, or student, your insight into the teacher’s skills, character, and performance carries significant weight. By sharing this through a well-structured letter, you can contribute to their career development. This article will provide you with useful tips and examples that will help you convey the teacher’s capabilities in the best possible light.

Related: Best Teacher Cover Letter (Examples and Templates)

Part 1 Purpose of a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher

Purpose of a letter.

A letter of recommendation for a teacher is written to showcase a teacher’s qualifications, skills, and achievements. It helps potential employers, such as schools and educational institutions, evaluate the candidate’s suitability for a teaching position. Often, they play a significant role in the hiring process, as they not only provide an insight into the teacher’s expertise but also their personality and teaching philosophy. It’s crucial for you, as the author of the letter, to be honest and objective while highlighting key strengths and instances of excellence.

Part 2 Components of a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher

When writing a letter of recommendation for a teacher, there are specific components you should include to make it comprehensive and useful:

  • Introduction : Start by identifying yourself and your relationship to the teacher. Provide context on how long you have known them and in which capacity.
  • Teaching Skills : Describe the teacher’s prowess in their subject area and instructional methods. Mention their ability to create engaging lesson plans, adapt to students’ needs, and assess learning outcomes effectively.
  • Classroom Management : Highlight the teacher’s capacity to maintain a well-organized and disciplined classroom environment while promoting a positive learning atmosphere.
  • Interpersonal Skills : Discuss the teacher’s rapport with students, colleagues, and parents. Detail their ability to work collaboratively in a team, as well as their communication and listening skills.
  • Achievements and Contributions : Provide specific examples of the teacher’s accomplishments, such as high test scores, successful school events, or innovative teaching initiatives they have spearheaded.
  • Personal Traits : Describe the teacher’s character and work ethic. Talk about their dedication, motivation, professionalism, and ability to handle pressure.
  • Closing Statement : Reiterate your endorsement, expressing confidence in the teacher’s capabilities, and offer your contact information for further queries.

Part 3 Steps to Writing a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher

1. set the tone.

Start by addressing your letter to the appropriate person or committee. Use a formal salutation, such as “Dear Hiring Committee” or “To Whom It May Concern.” In the opening paragraph, mention your relationship with the teacher, including the length of time you have known them and in what capacity. This helps establish your credibility as a reference.

2. Discuss Qualifications and Provide Specific Examples

Next, talk about their education, certifications, and teaching experience. Mention any awards or special recognitions they have received. Highlight their strengths as an educator, such as strong communication skills, dedication to student success, or passion for innovative teaching techniques. Use descriptive language to paint a clear picture of what sets this teacher apart from others.

Support your assertions by providing specific examples of the teacher’s accomplishments and successes. Describe instances where they went above and beyond in their role or made a meaningful impact on a student’s life. This may include their ability to create engaging lesson plans, adapt to different learning styles, or foster a positive classroom environment. Incorporate details that showcase the teacher’s unique approach to education and their commitment to their students.

3. Closing Statement

In the last paragraph, reiterate your wholehearted recommendation of the teacher for the position they are seeking. Offer your contact information, including phone number and email address, in case the recipient has any questions or would like further information. Finish your letter with a respectful and professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your signature and printed name.

Part 4 Sample Phrases for a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher


  • I am writing to recommend [teacher’s name] for [position].
  • My name is [Your name], and I have had the pleasure of knowing [Teacher’s name] for [number of years] in my capacity as [relationship].
  • As a former student of [Teacher’s name], I am honored to write this letter of recommendation.
  • I am writing this letter on behalf of [Teacher’s name], who I have worked with for [number of years] as a colleague.
  • It is my pleasure to recommend [Teacher’s name], whom I have known for [number of years] as a friend and fellow educator.
  • I have had the privilege of knowing [Teacher’s name] for [number of years] in my capacity as [relationship], and I am confident in their abilities as an educator.
  • It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for [teacher’s name].

Qualifications and Specific Examples

  • They have [number of years] of experience teaching [subject/grade level].
  • [Teacher’s name] has received numerous awards and recognitions for their work in education.
  • Their strengths as an educator include [list of strengths], which make them an exceptional candidate for [position].
  • I have witnessed firsthand [teacher’s name]’s ability to [specific example].
  • [Teacher’s name] has a talent for [specific skill], as demonstrated by [specific example].
  • They have created a classroom environment that is [specific adjective], which has led to [specific result].
  • [Teacher’s name] has made a significant impact on [specific student’s name] by [specific action].
  • [Teacher’s name] has a unique talent for creating lesson plans that are both engaging and effective in promoting student learning.
  • They are skilled at adapting their instructional methods to meet the diverse needs of their students, ensuring that everyone in the classroom is able to thrive.
  • [Teacher’s name] has a keen eye for assessing learning outcomes, using data to inform their teaching practices and improve student achievement.
  • [Teacher’s name] is highly skilled at maintaining a well-organized classroom environment that is conducive to learning.
  • They are able to effectively manage student behavior, promoting a positive and respectful atmosphere in the classroom.
  • [Teacher’s name] has a talent for creating a sense of community among their students, fostering a supportive learning environment that encourages collaboration and mutual respect.
  • [Teacher’s name] has a natural rapport with their students, earning their trust and respect through their kindness and dedication.
  • [Teacher’s name] is an excellent communicator, able to listen carefully to the needs of their students, colleagues, and parents, and respond with empathy and understanding.
  • [Teacher’s name] has consistently achieved high test scores among their students, demonstrating their effectiveness as an educator.
  • They have spearheaded several successful school events, such as [specific event], which have brought the school community together and promoted school spirit.
  • [Teacher’s name] has been recognized for their innovative teaching initiatives, such as [specific initiative], which have had a positive impact on student learning.
  • [Teacher’s name] is highly dedicated to their students and their profession, going above and beyond to ensure their success.

Closing Statement

  • I highly recommend [teacher’s name] for [position].
  • I wholeheartedly recommend [teacher’s name] for the position they are seeking and am confident they would be an asset to your organization.
  • I am honored to recommend [teacher’s name] for this position and am certain they will excel in this role.
  • Thank you for considering [teacher’s name] for this position. I am confident that they will exceed your expectations and make a positive impact on your organization.
  • I hope you will give [teacher’s name] serious consideration for this position. They are an exceptional educator with a passion for teaching and a dedication to their students.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Part 5 Teacher Letter of Recommendation Template 1

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to highly recommend [Teacher’s Name] for the position of [Job Title] at [School or Institution]. [Teacher’s Name] has been a [Subject/Grade Level] teacher at [Current School] for [Number of Years]. During this time, I have had the pleasure of witnessing their dedication, enthusiasm, and expertise in teaching.

[Teacher’s Name] has demonstrated exceptional skills in lesson planning, classroom management, and student engagement. They consistently receive positive feedback from both students and parents. Furthermore, [Teacher’s Name] has shown a commitment to professional development and works effectively with colleagues.

I am confident that [Teacher’s Name] will be an incredible asset to your institution and will greatly contribute to the success of your students. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

[Your Name]

Part 6 Teacher Letter of Recommendation Template 2

I am pleased to offer my strong endorsement for [Teacher’s Name] as a candidate for the [Job Title] position at [School or Institution]. As [Your Title], I have had the opportunity to observe [Teacher’s Name] in various professional settings since they became a part of the [Subject/Grade Level] team at [Current School] in [Year].

[Teacher’s Name] has consistently demonstrated a high level of proficiency in instructional design and delivery, employing a variety of strategies to engage students and foster a growth mindset. They have also exhibited strong collaboration skills, actively participating in curriculum review and school-wide initiatives.

What truly sets [Teacher’s Name] apart, though, is their passion for teaching and unwavering commitment to helping each student reach their full potential. I am certain that the dedication and skill set that [Teacher’s Name] brings will make a significant impact on the academic achievement of your students.

If there is any additional information I can provide, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

Part 7 Teacher Letter of Recommendation Template 3

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my wholehearted recommendation for [Teacher’s Name] as they seek the [Job Title] position at [School or Institution]. I have had the privilege of knowing [Teacher’s Name] personally for many years, and I can confidently attest to their outstanding qualities as an educator.

[Teacher’s Name] brings a unique combination of warmth, creativity, and patience to their teaching. They genuinely care about the well-being and success of each of their students, and they foster an environment of trust and mutual respect in their classroom. Their lesson plans are both engaging and thoughtfully tailored to the diverse needs of their students.

In conclusion, I believe that [Teacher’s Name] would be an exceptional addition to your faculty, inspiring a love of learning and making a lasting impact on the lives of your students. I am confident that you will find their passion and expertise invaluable. Please feel free to contact me for any additional information.

Warm regards,

Part 8 Teacher Recommendation Letter Example From a Co-Worker

Dear [Recipient’s Name], I am writing to recommend [Teacher’s Name] for the position of [Position]. As a co-worker for the past five years at [School Name], I have closely observed their teaching methods, commitment to the job, and growth over time. [Teacher’s Name] is a creative and lesson plan developer. They know how to engage students in a variety of subjects and deliver comprehensive material that caters to different learning styles. They are always looking for new ways to challenge their students. [Teacher’s Name] consistently demonstrates patience and understanding when working with students who struggle academically or behaviorally. They go above and beyond to provide support and tailored approaches to help students succeed. I wholeheartedly believe [Teacher’s Name] is an excellent choice for the position of [Position] at [Name of School or Institution]. Their passion for teaching and dedication to the profession is unparalleled, and I am confident they would be a valuable addition to your team. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

Part 9 Teacher Recommendation Letter Example From a Principal

Dear [Recipient’s Name], I am writing to endorse [Teacher’s Name] for the position of [Position]. As the principal of [School Name], I have had the pleasure of observing [Teacher’s Name] teach for the past six years. I can confidently affirm that they have made a significant impact on our students and school culture. [Teacher’s Name]’s classroom management skills are exceptional. They create a positive and respectful learning environment that results in increased student participation and achievement. Their dedication to inclusivity and social skills development has fostered a strong sense of community in the classroom. Not only is [Teacher’s Name] a highly skilled educator, but they are also an active contributor to our school body. They have played a pivotal role in organizing extracurricular activities, championing school improvement initiatives, and supporting their fellow teachers. I highly recommend [Teacher’s Name] for the position of [Position] at [Name of School or Institution]. I am confident they will bring the same level of passion, expertise, and commitment to your organization. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information] Part 10 Template of a Character Reference Letter for a Teacher Dear [Recipient], I am writing to enthusiastically endorse [Teacher’s Name] for the teaching position at [School Name]. As a colleague, I have been fortunate to witness [Teacher’s Name]’s exceptional dedication, kindness, and empathy towards students. [Teacher’s Name] excels in creating a warm and engaging learning environment. They are attentive to each student’s needs and always encourage their strengths. I remember a time when [Teacher’s Name] took extra hours to tutor a struggling student, ultimately helping them achieve remarkable improvement. In summary, [Teacher’s Name] embodies the qualities of a remarkable educator, and I wholeheartedly recommend them for the teaching position. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Part 11 Mistakes to Avoid

When writing a letter of recommendation for a teacher, there are certain mistakes you must avoid to ensure the letter is as effective as possible:

  • Being too generic: Make sure to personalize the letter by highlighting the teacher’s unique skills, strengths, and accomplishments. If your recommendation letter is too broad and lacks specific examples, it may lose credibility and fail to impress the reader.
  • Neglecting to proofread: Typos, grammar, and punctuation errors can undermine the professionalism and impact of a well-written letter of recommendation. Always proofread your work carefully before submitting it to ensure it is error-free and maintains a polished appearance.
  • Focusing solely on the past: While it’s important to mention the teacher’s past achievements, also emphasize their potential for future success. Describe the skills and qualities that make them a valuable educator in their current role, as well as how they will contribute positively to future endeavors.
  • Overlooking the format and structure: A well-organized and properly formatted letter demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism. Include all the necessary elements, such as the date, a salutation, an introductory paragraph, a body with specific examples, and a conclusion with a compelling endorsement. Also, make sure to be consistent with font, spacing, and style throughout.
  • Making unverified claims: Avoid exaggerating the teacher’s abilities or fabricating achievements that can’t be verified, as this could damage their reputation and harm their chances of being considered seriously. Stick to genuine examples and honest assessments of their skills and accomplishments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key elements to include in a teacher recommendation letter.

When writing a recommendation letter for a teacher, make sure to include their full name, your relationship with them, and their teaching position. Explain your teacher’s specific skills and strengths, and provide examples of their successes. Describe their dedication, work ethic, and collaboration with colleagues. Lastly, mention their impact on students’ growth and learning.

How can a parent write an effective letter of recommendation for a teacher?

As a parent, focus on the teacher’s impact on your child’s learning and development. Describe the teacher’s teaching methods, their ability to engage and motivate students, and their adaptability to different learning styles. Provide specific examples showing how the teacher went above and beyond their duties to help your child. Close the letter by expressing your gratitude and enthusiasm for the teacher’s work.

What does an ideal recommendation letter from a principal look like?

An effective principal recommendation highlights the teacher’s professionalism, collaboration, and impact on the school community. Start by introducing your role, your relationship to the teacher, and the teacher’s teaching position. Discuss their expertise, classroom management skills, and commitment to professional development. Share examples of how they have improved student outcomes and contributed to the school’s goals.

  • How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation [Examples]
  • Impactful Teacher Cover Letter (Inspiring Examples)
  • Recommendation Letter for a Student (5 Free Templates)
  • A Perfect Letter of Recommendation [8 Templates]
  • A Perfect Letter of Introduction [Examples]
  • A Perfect Resignation Letter [Templates]


  • Career Blog

5 Examples of Recommendation Letter for a Teacher

letter of recommendation physical education teacher

When it comes to seeking a new teaching job or advancing in the field of education, a recommendation letter can be a powerful tool. In this article, we will discuss five examples of recommendation letters for teachers, and the purpose behind each.

Overview of recommendation letters for teachers

Recommendation letters, also known as reference letters, are written by someone who can attest to a teacher’s skills, expertise, and qualifications. These letters are often requested by employers and institutions as a way to gain insight into a teacher’s character and work ethic. A recommendation letter should highlight the teacher’s strengths and qualifications, and provide context that demonstrates their ability to excel in their role.

Importance of recommendation letters

In the highly competitive field of education, a strong recommendation letter can make all the difference when it comes to securing a job or advancing in your career. A well-written letter can provide the credibility and validation needed to stand out amongst a pool of applicants. A recommendation letter can also illustrate the teacher’s potential for future growth and success, which can be a valuable asset when seeking leadership positions or pursuing advanced education roles.

What is a recommendation letter for a teacher?

A recommendation letter, also known as a reference letter, is a document that provides insight into the professional and personal qualities of a teacher. It is typically written by a colleague, supervisor, or principal who has worked closely with the teacher and can vouch for their skills, experience, and character.

A. Definition of a teacher recommendation letter

A teacher recommendation letter is a written document that provides an endorsement of a teacher’s suitability for a teaching role. It includes details about the teacher’s experience, skills, achievements, and character, as well as a recommendation for their employment or academic pursuits.

B. Types of teacher recommendation letters

There are several types of teacher recommendation letters that may be required for different purposes:

Job Application Letters: These letters are written when a teacher is applying for a new teaching position. They should highlight the teacher’s relevant experience, skills, and achievements, as well as their suitability for the role.

Graduate School Application Letters: These letters are written when a teacher is applying for a graduate degree program. They should focus on the teacher’s academic achievements and potential for future success in the field.

Promotion Letters: These letters are written when a teacher is seeking a promotion within their current school or district. They should highlight the teacher’s accomplishments, leadership abilities, and potential for further growth.

C. Who writes teacher recommendation letters?

Teacher recommendation letters are typically written by colleagues, supervisors, principals, or other educators who have worked closely with the teacher and can provide a detailed assessment of their skills, experience, and character. It is important to choose someone who can provide a strong endorsement of the teacher’s abilities and who has a positive relationship with them.

A teacher recommendation letter is a written document that provides an endorsement of a teacher’s skills, experience, and character. There are several types of teacher recommendation letters, and they are typically written by colleagues, supervisors, or other educators who have worked closely with the teacher.

How to write a recommendation letter for a teacher

When it comes to writing a recommendation letter for a teacher, there are certain tips to keep in mind to ensure that the letter is strong and effective in conveying the teacher’s capabilities and achievements.

A. Tips for writing a strong teacher recommendation letter

Start with a clear introduction: Begin the letter with a clear introduction that explains your relationship with the teacher and your qualifications for writing the recommendation letter.

Highlight the teacher’s strengths: Focus on the teacher’s strengths and accomplishments, giving specific examples to back up your claims. Explain why you believe the teacher is a good fit for whatever opportunity they are applying for.

Include personal anecdotes: Use personal anecdotes to illustrate the teacher’s character and qualities. Discuss moments where the teacher went above and beyond for their students, exhibiting an exceptional dedication to their work.

Be specific and relevant: Make sure that your letter is specific and relevant to the opportunity that the teacher is seeking. Tailor your letter to focus on the particular skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job or program.

Use a positive, professional tone: Keep your letter positive and professional in tone, avoiding any negative comments or criticisms.

B. What to include in a teacher recommendation letter

When writing a recommendation letter for a teacher, there are certain elements that you should include to ensure that the letter is comprehensive and effective.

Your relationship with the teacher: Begin the letter with an explanation of your relationship with the teacher, including how long you have known them and in what capacity.

The teacher’s accomplishments: Discuss the teacher’s accomplishments, highlighting their strengths and specific achievements.

The teacher’s skills and qualities: Discuss the teacher’s skills and qualities that contribute to their success in the classroom, such as their ability to inspire and motivate students or their expertise in a particular subject area.

Personal anecdotes: Use personal anecdotes to provide concrete examples of the teacher’s character and qualities.

A conclusion that strongly endorses the teacher: Close the letter with a strong endorsement of the teacher, expressing your confidence in their abilities and recommending them for the opportunity they are seeking.

C. Mistakes to avoid in a teacher recommendation letter

There are certain mistakes that you should avoid when writing a teacher recommendation letter.

Being too vague: Make sure that your statements are specific and grounded in evidence so that the letter carries real weight.

Focusing on weaknesses: Avoid discussing any weaknesses or shortcomings that the teacher may have, instead focusing on their accomplishments and strengths.

Making vague or unsubstantiated claims: Avoid making vague or unsupported claims about the teacher’s abilities or accomplishments.

Being overly negative or critical: Keep your tone positive and avoid any negative or critical comments about the teacher.

Sample Recommendation Letter for a Teacher

In this section, we will provide three sample recommendation letters for different types of teachers. Whether you are writing a letter for a new teacher, an experienced teacher or a substitute teacher, these samples will provide you with a good framework to follow.

A. Sample Recommendation Letter for a New Teacher

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to recommend [Name] for a position as a new teacher at [School Name]. I have had the pleasure of knowing [Name] for [insert number of years] years and can say, without hesitation, that they would make an excellent addition to your teaching staff.

[Name] graduated from [insert college/university] with a degree in [insert major/area of study]. During their studies, they consistently demonstrated a passion for education and a natural ability to connect with students. They completed several internships, in which they received high praise from their supervising teachers for their creativity, organization, and commitment to their students’ success.

[Name] has an engaging teaching style that fosters student curiosity and encourages students to participate and take ownership of their learning. They are patient, energetic, and committed to helping their students succeed. Outside of the classroom, [Name] is also involved in a range of extra-curricular activities, including after-school tutoring and mentoring programs.

I wholeheartedly recommend [Name] for any teaching position. They are confident, dedicated and will undoubtedly be an asset to your school. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about my recommendation.

[Your Name and Title]

B. Sample Recommendation Letter for an Experienced Teacher

Dear [Hiring Manager],

I am writing this recommendation on behalf of [Name], who I have known for [insert number of years] years. [Name] has worked as a teacher in my department at [School Name] and has consistently demonstrated outstanding teaching skills and exceptional dedication to their students.

As an experienced teacher, [Name] has a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of their subject matter. They are able to create engaging lesson plans and provide clear explanations that help their students easily grasp complex concepts. Their personality, creativity, and enthusiasm contribute to their ability to foster a positive and dynamic learning environment.

[Name] has also taken an active role in coaching other teachers and providing mentorship to new teachers. They have a natural ability to effectively communicate and provide constructive feedback. I have no doubt that, with their wealth of experience, [Name] will make a valuable contribution to any school.

I strongly recommend [Name] for any teaching position they may apply for. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

C. Sample Recommendation Letter for a Substitute Teacher

I am writing this letter to recommend [Name] for a substitute teaching position.

[Name] has been working as a substitute teacher at [School Name] for the past [insert number of years], and I have had the pleasure of witnessing their exceptional teaching skills firsthand.

[Name] is highly reliable and adaptable, always stepping in with enthusiasm and professionalism whenever they are called upon. They have a strong ability to quickly establish rapport with students and create a positive classroom environment. Their effective classroom management skills ensure that learning continues seamlessly in the absence of the regular teacher.

I have received positive feedback from both students and staff regarding [Name]’s teaching abilities. They have a talent for delivering engaging and interactive lessons that keep students focused and motivated. [Name] also demonstrates patience, flexibility, and the ability to adjust their teaching style to accommodate different learning needs.

In addition to their teaching skills, [Name] is a great team player and is always willing to collaborate with other teachers and support staff. They actively participate in staff meetings and contribute valuable insights and suggestions.

I have full confidence in [Name]’s abilities as a substitute teacher and highly recommend them for any substitute teaching position. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me.

D. Conclusion

Writing a recommendation letter is an important task that can greatly influence a teacher’s career prospects. Whether you are recommending a new teacher, an experienced teacher, or a substitute teacher, it is crucial to highlight their qualifications, teaching abilities, and dedication to their students. These sample recommendation letters can serve as a helpful guide in crafting a strong and compelling letter of recommendation.

Example Recommendation Letter for a Teacher

When it comes to recommendation letters for teachers, there are several instances where they may be needed. In this section, we’ll provide three examples of recommendation letters for different purposes.

A. Example Recommendation Letter for a Teacher for College Admission

[Dear Admissions Committee,]

I am writing this letter to highly recommend [Teacher’s Name] for admission to [College’s Name]. As a former student of [Teacher’s Name], I can attest to the fact that [he/she] is an exceptional educator, mentor, and role model.

[Teacher’s Name] has always gone above and beyond to ensure that [his/her] students receive a top-notch education. [He/She] possesses an innate ability to connect with students of all backgrounds and learning styles, making [his/her] classroom a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Aside from [his/her] impressive teaching skills, [Teacher’s Name] is also a dedicated member of the community. [He/She] has helped to organize numerous volunteer projects and extracurricular activities for students, which have had a positive impact on everyone involved.

I have no doubt in my mind that [Teacher’s Name] would excel at [College’s Name] and be a valuable asset to the campus community. [His/Her] passion for education and commitment to helping students achieve their full potential make [him/her] an exceptional candidate for admission.

[Your Name]

B. Example Recommendation Letter for a Teacher for a Job Application

[To Whom It May Concern,]

I am writing to express my enthusiasm for [Teacher’s Name] as a candidate for the [Job Position] at [Company’s Name]. As a former colleague of [Teacher’s Name] at [School’s Name], I can attest to [his/her] exceptional skills as an educator and leader.

[Teacher’s Name] is a natural leader who has always had a positive impact on [his/her] colleagues and students. [He/She] possesses excellent communication skills, which enable [him/her] to effectively collaborate with others, both within and outside of the classroom.

Aside from [his/her] teaching skills, [Teacher’s Name] is also an excellent problem-solver and critical thinker. [He/She] has a great talent for finding creative solutions to complex issues and inspiring others to do the same.

I have no doubt that [Teacher’s Name] would be a valuable asset to [Company’s Name]. [He/She] possesses all the qualities necessary to succeed in the [Job Position] and make significant contributions to the organization.

C. Example Recommendation Letter for a Teacher for a Scholarship

[Dear Scholarship Committee,]

I am writing this letter to recommend [Teacher’s Name] for the [Name of Scholarship] scholarship.

[Teacher’s Name] is an outstanding educator who has made a significant impact on the lives of [his/her] students. [He/She] is highly deserving of this scholarship due to [his/her] dedication to education and commitment to helping students succeed.

As a teacher, [Teacher’s Name] goes above and beyond to create a stimulating and inclusive learning environment. [He/She] tailors lessons to accommodate diverse learning styles and ensures that every student has the opportunity to excel. [His/Her] passion for teaching is evident in [his/her] ability to inspire and motivate students to reach their full potential.

Beyond the classroom, [Teacher’s Name] is actively involved in extracurricular activities and community engagement. [He/She] has initiated various projects that have positively impacted both students and the community at large. [His/Her] leadership skills, creativity, and dedication to service make [him/her] an exceptional candidate for this scholarship.

I wholeheartedly support [Teacher’s Name]’s application for the [Name of Scholarship] scholarship. [His/Her] unwavering commitment to education and the betterment of students’ lives make [him/her] a deserving recipient. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or have any questions.

Recommendation letters play a vital role in highlighting the qualities and accomplishments of teachers in various contexts. Whether it’s for college admission, job applications, or scholarships, these examples provide a framework for crafting compelling recommendation letters that emphasize the teacher’s exceptional abilities, dedication to students, and positive impact on the learning environment.

Tips for getting a strong teacher recommendation letter

Getting a strong teacher recommendation letter can be an essential part of your journey to academic or professional success, and there are a few tips to make the process more manageable.

A. How to ask for a recommendation letter

The key to asking for a recommendation letter is to give your teacher enough time to write it and provide them with sufficient information about yourself. Consider following these tips when asking:

Don’t wait until the last minute: Ideally, you should ask for a recommendation letter at least four weeks before you need it.

Choose the right teacher: Select a teacher who knows you well, or someone you have had a positive educational experience with.

Provide information: Give your teacher an idea of what you want the letter to convey about you, and provide them with information about yourself, such as why you want the recommendation and the context of the application.

Offer to make it easy: Suggest providing them with materials such as a resume, personal statement or any other relevant information that may help them in writing the letter.

B. How to follow-up on a recommendation letter

Your teachers are busy people, so it’s essential to follow up with them after asking for a recommendation letter. Here are some tips to make the follow-up process less daunting:

Send reminders: Send polite reminders about a week before the deadline, in case your teacher forgot to write your letter.

Express Gratitude: Use the opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation for their time and effort in writing a recommendation letter for you.

Provide updates: If you receive any updates relevant to the letter, make sure to inform your teacher, so they can adjust the content accordingly.

C. How to thank a teacher for writing a recommendation letter

After your teacher has written the recommendation letter, it’s vital to show gratitude and appreciation for their work. Here are some tips on thanking your teacher:

Consider writing a thank-you note: a handwritten note is a thoughtful gesture that shows gratitude and appreciation.

Send an email: Send an email thanking your teacher for their time, and informing them of your progress is another way to show that you value their effort.

Stay in touch: Keep your teacher updated on your progress and any milestones you achieve. It shows that you appreciate their effort and support.

By following these tips, you can improve your chances of getting a strong teacher recommendation letter and demonstrating to your teacher that you value their support.

Commonly asked questions about teacher recommendation letters

A. can a student write a recommendation letter for a teacher.

While it is not common practice for a student to write a recommendation letter for a teacher, there may be certain occasions where the student’s insight can be valuable. For example, in a personal letter of recommendation where a student wishes to express their admiration for a teacher, their advice can be included as a testimonial. However, it is important to keep in mind that the recommendation letter must primarily come from the teacher themselves, as they are the subject matter expert in providing an unbiased and professional opinion.

B. How many recommendation letters should a teacher have?

The number of recommendation letters a teacher should have is subjective and depends on the institution or program’s requirements. For example, some universities may request at least three recommendation letters, while others may only require one. Therefore, it is important to carefully review the application requirements to ensure that you are submitting the right amount of recommendation letters. Additionally, it is also important to choose your recommenders wisely, as quality is more important than quantity.

C. What happens if a teacher declines to write a recommendation letter?

It is important to respect a teacher’s decision if they decline to write a recommendation letter. Teachers may decline to write a letter due to a variety of reasons, such as not having enough personal experience with the student, lack of time, or an ethical conflict of interest. In such cases, it is important to communicate the situation promptly to the institution or program that requested the letter and find an alternative solution to meet their requirements.

Recommendation letters are an important part of the teacher’s professional portfolio and can provide valuable insight into the teacher’s character, skills, and experience. Students, therefore, should carefully consider who to ask for a recommendation and how to ask them in a professional and respectful manner. By doing so, they can increase their chances of standing out in the application process and receiving an acceptance letter.

Importance of a Strong Teacher Recommendation Letter

As a teacher, you understand how valuable a recommendation letter can be to your students. A strong letter of recommendation can make all the difference in a student’s future. Not only does it provide insight into the student’s academic performance, but it also highlights their personal attributes, leadership qualities, and potential for success. Here are some key points on how a strong teacher recommendation letter can impact a student’s future:

A. How a Strong Teacher Recommendation Letter Can Impact a Student’s Future

Helps students stand out: With increased competition for admission to colleges and universities, a well-written letter of recommendation can help set your students apart from the rest. It can demonstrate their unique qualities and strengths, making them a more desirable candidate for admission.

Enhances scholarship applications: Many scholarship opportunities require letters of recommendation. With a strong endorsement from a teacher, a student is more likely to receive the funding they need to pursue their education.

Opens doors to career opportunities: Letters of recommendation from teachers can also help students secure employment opportunities. Prospective employers look for traits like leadership, communication, and teamwork skills that are reflected in a strong recommendation letter.

A strong recommendation letter can be a powerful tool in helping a student achieve their academic and professional goals.

B. How a Strong Teacher Recommendation Letter Can Benefit a Teacher’s Career

Not only does a strong teacher recommendation letter have a positive impact on a student’s future, but it can also benefit a teacher’s career. Here are some ways that writing solid recommendation letters can increase your professional standing:

Builds a professional network: By writing strong letters of recommendation, you are demonstrating your expertise and forming connections with colleagues and administrators. This can enhance your reputation as an educator and increase your opportunities for professional growth.

Encourages trust and respect: Writing strong recommendation letters can be seen as an added responsibility to your job. However, it can be a significant way to earn the trust and respect of your students, colleagues, and administrators.

Demonstrates your teaching abilities: Writing a letter of recommendation is a chance to showcase your understanding of your student’s strengths, goals, and achievements. It is a testament to your ability to guide and inspire your students.

C. Real-Life Examples of the Impact of a Strong Teacher Recommendation Letter

A strong recommendation letter can be life-changing for a student. Here are some real-life examples of how a strong recommendation letter helped students achieve their goals:

Scholarships: Jennifer was a bright student, but her family struggled financially. Her teacher wrote a compelling recommendation letter that highlighted her academic abilities and her involvement in the community. The scholarship board was impressed and awarded Jennifer a full scholarship to attend college.

Graduate School: Michael wanted to pursue a career in law. He reached out to his former professor for a recommendation letter. Impressed by Michael’s dedication and exceptional performance in class, the professor wrote a compelling recommendation letter highlighting his analytical skills, strong work ethic, and passion for justice. As a result, Michael gained admission to a prestigious law school and was able to pursue his dream career.

Job Placement: Sarah, a recent graduate, was seeking employment in the competitive field of marketing. Her professor, who had closely observed her creativity, strategic thinking, and strong interpersonal skills, wrote a glowing recommendation letter. This helped Sarah stand out among other candidates and secure a coveted position at a leading marketing agency.

These real-life examples demonstrate the tangible impact that a strong teacher recommendation letter can have on a student’s future. It can open doors, provide opportunities, and set them on a path to success.

In conclusion, a strong teacher recommendation letter holds immense significance for both students and teachers. It can greatly influence a student’s chances of admission, scholarship opportunities, and career prospects. Additionally, writing solid recommendation letters can enhance a teacher’s professional standing and foster trust and respect within the educational community. By understanding the importance of a well-crafted recommendation letter and harnessing its power, teachers can make a lasting impact on their students’ futures.

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How To Write a Reference Letter (Examples and Free Template)

Pass along your praise in a meaningful way.

letter of recommendation physical education teacher

Teacher job searches frequently require something many other careers don’t: a letter of reference. Both principals and teachers may find themselves asked to write these letters for their employees or coworkers. Wondering what to include and how to make the recommendation useful? Here’s how to write a reference letter for a teacher.

Want to make things even easier? Grab our free reference letter printable template, which walks you through the whole process. Just fill out the form on this page .

What is a reference letter?

How to write a letter of reference, reference letter example: principal for teacher, reference letter example: teacher for coworker.

Reference letters are just what they sound like: a testimonial about a person’s professional qualifications, abilities, and achievements. They’re written by someone who knows the applicant well and can speak to specifics about their career.

These days, most jobs don’t require reference letters since employers perform reference checks themselves. However, academia is different. Many teaching jobs require candidates to submit written letters of reference as part of their application packet. This is just one part of their overall evaluation of a candidate, of course. But these letters remain a key part of many teachers’ job searches.

Letter of Reference vs. Letter of Recommendation

These two terms are often used interchangeably, but reference letters are almost always specific to a job search. Students often need letters of recommendation for scholarships and college applications. If you need help writing a letter of recommendation for a student, check out these articles:

  • Tips for Writing a College Recommendation Letter
  • Strong Scholarship Recommendation Letter Examples

Writing a reference letter can feel like a daunting task, but these tips can help. Don’t forget to grab our free printable letter of reference template too!

Review Reference Letter Samples

If you’ve never written a reference letter or you want to up your game, take a look at some samples first. One of our favorite ways to do it is to use AI like ChatGPT to generate some reference letter samples specific to your situation. You definitely don’t want to copy these word-for-word, but you might find some helpful phrases or get a better idea of the format you should use. We’ve included some sample letters below too.

Brainstorm Ideas First

Before you begin writing, do a quick brainstorming session and jot down your thoughts about these prompts:

  • What three words first come to mind when you think of this teacher?
  • List this person’s biggest strengths as an educator.
  • List a few times when this teacher really impressed you.
  • Has this person won any awards or accolades worth mentioning?
  • What makes this teacher special compared to their peers?
  • What would this teacher’s students say about them? What about parents or co-workers? (If you have examples, round them up to include in the letter.)

Personalize the Letter

If you can, try to write a letter that’s specific to the job the teacher needs a reference letter for. Find out what they’ll be doing in their new role or position so you can include the most relevant qualities in your recommendation. Some reference letters are more general, so it’s OK if you can’t personalize them to the job.

Ask the teacher if there’s anything specific they’d like you to mention. You may also ask if there’s anything they’d prefer to keep confidential. For instance, if the teacher has a disability, they may not want to disclose that information yet.

Write an Introduction

Introduce yourself and explain your relationship to the teacher you’re providing a reference for. Include information such as how long you’ve known them and whether you’re speaking as a colleague, coworker, mentor, or supervisor.

Verify Their Qualifications and Experience

In the next paragraph, speak to the teacher’s education, including any special certifications or professional development achievements. Mention any awards, honors, or accolades they’ve earned. You can keep this section fairly short; the teacher has likely listed all of this on their CV already. Your reference letter will just help verify these qualifications.

Highlight Their Best Qualities

In the body of your letter, write two or three paragraphs that really help identify what makes this teacher special. Don’t try to squeeze in everything you know; instead, think about what really helps the person you’re recommending stand out. For each paragraph, focus on one of these areas (or other relevant topics), choosing the two or three overall that seem most important for this person.

  • Subject matter knowledge and expertise
  • Pedagogy skills
  • Student and/or parent relationships
  • Professional development
  • Community relations
  • Communication skills
  • Leadership roles
  • School pride and loyalty
  • Personal traits, such as passion, enthusiasm, dedication, creativity, etc.

Provide Specific Examples and Anecdotes

This is where you really have the chance to make your letter valuable to the candidate. It’s easy to describe a person as “passionate about recognizing diversity” or “excellent at differentiating learning.” Without examples, though, these are just words. Try to anchor each quality you mention with specific examples or anecdotes that back up those words. Here are a couple of examples:

  • “Alana is passionate about recognizing and celebrating diversity in her classroom. She frequently draws on her strong community relationships to bring diverse speakers and cultural activities to her classroom. Last fall, she organized an incredibly popular school-wide Diversity Fair where students and their families were encouraged to share their own cultures and experiences and learn from each other. One parent noted, ‘I’ve lived in this community for three years, but this is the first time I really feel like I know my neighbors.’”
  • “One of Jamie’s strongest qualities is their ability to differentiate learning for their students. They’re always willing to determine what’s keeping a student from doing their best and finding new ways to overcome challenges. For instance, Jamie was instrumental in helping our school implement text-to-speech software that assists struggling readers and those who have visual impairment. This leveled the playing field in their history and geography classes, helping students focus on the subject at hand instead of spending too much time deciphering text.”

Conclude With a Strong Endorsement

You’ve come all this way, so don’t fall short at the very end! This is the time to state your personal recommendation in no uncertain terms. Sum up your major points, and offer to provide more information if needed.

  • “I’m pleased to recommend Alana Whitmore for an elementary teaching position at your school. Her commitment to diversity, creative classroom approaches, and compassion for students and fellow coworkers would make her an excellent addition to any education team. If you want to discuss her qualifications further, don’t hesitate to contact me.”

Write Professionally and Proofread Carefully

This is a business communication, so strive for a professional but warm tone overall. If it’s a paper letter, use the standard business letter format (on your school letterhead if you’re an administrator). In an email, be sure your signature includes contact information such as a phone number and school address.

Don’t forget to proofread! A letter riddled with spelling errors and grammar mistakes is unlikely to hold much sway with a hiring committee or selection panel. Use a program like Grammarly to help you edit your letter until you’re satisfied with the final version.

Dear Hiring Committee,

I am writing to enthusiastically recommend Alana Whitmore for any opportunity that may arise that aligns with her exceptional skills and dedication as an elementary school teacher. In my capacity as the principal of Maya Angelou Elementary, I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the invaluable contributions Alana has made to our school community.

Alana has worked here for seven years, three as a fifth-grade teacher and four in third grade. She came to us fresh from earning her teaching certification at Lancaster University, and continued her education over the last several years to earn her Master’s of Education in Curriculum Design and Development. She was honored with our district’s Teacher of the Year award in 2022 and was the keynote speaker at our state’s education conference in 2023.

Alana is an exemplary educator who consistently demonstrates a deep commitment to the academic and emotional growth of her students. Through her inventive teaching methods and personalized approach, she ensures that every child in her classroom is provided with opportunities to thrive and succeed. During a recent observation, I noted how she cleverly adapted her unit on volcanoes to embrace different learning styles. She provided choices like watching a video, reading an article, or listening to a short podcast to build background knowledge. Students individually chose the option they preferred, then used their knowledge to work with a partner to design a poster, write a report, or give a short presentation on the topic. Students were all engaged throughout the process, enjoying a measure of autonomy while still meeting the stated learning objectives.

Furthermore, Alana excels in building strong and collaborative relationships with parents and guardians. She understands the importance of fostering open communication and partnership between home and school, and she actively seeks opportunities to involve families in their child’s education. One parent reached out to me to share these thoughts: “Ms. Whitmore is the first teacher who seems to care about me as a parent and a person. She went out of her way to arrange a videoconference that met my hectic work schedule, and seemed genuinely interested in the suggestions I had for helping my son. Knowing that she really cares has made this school year so much better for us all.”

In addition to her effectiveness in the classroom and with parents, Alana is highly regarded by her colleagues for her collaborative spirit and willingness to share her expertise. Last year, she helped organize a very well-received professional development day, with a variety of sessions that allowed every teacher to find a subject that truly mattered to them. She serves as a mentor to one of our new teachers, who told me that Alana has helped him see how he can put his college educational theories into practice in the real world. Other teachers regularly share praise for Alana’s cooperative spirit, and she’s been awarded “Coworker of the Year” by our staff three years in a row.

Alana embodies the qualities of an exceptional educator: She is dedicated, passionate, and deeply invested in the well-being and success of her students. Her commitment to differentiation, parent relationships, and collaboration sets her apart as a truly outstanding teacher. I wholeheartedly recommend Alana Whitmore for any role or opportunity where her skills, expertise, and dedication can make a meaningful impact. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information.

Gina Torres Principal, Maya Angelou Elementary

Dear Selection Committee,

I am writing to enthusiastically recommend Jamie Lin for any teaching position that may become available within your school. As a fellow teacher and colleague at Ridgemont High School, I have had the pleasure of working closely with Jamie and have witnessed firsthand their exceptional talents and dedication to the field of education.

Jamie came to our school as a teacher of history and geography in 2019, working with ninth- through twelfth-grade students each year since. Before joining our team, they earned their Master’s Degree in Education with a focus on diversity studies. During Jamie’s four years here, they have been nominated for Teacher of the Year three times and received the award in 2023. Jamie frequently speaks at educational conferences on subjects like cultural relevance and student diversity.

One of Jamie’s greatest strengths is their ability to foster diversity and inclusivity within the learning environment. Whether discussing historical events or exploring global cultures, Jamie ensures that all students feel valued, respected, and represented in the curriculum. They frequently draw on their strong community relationships to bring diverse speakers and cultural activities to the classroom. Speakers and cultural presentations have included representatives of several indigenous communities and local authors from a variety of backgrounds. They also invite community politicians and activists to debate key issues, while students observe and then question the speakers themselves.

In addition to their dedication to diversity, Jamie is a remarkably creative educator who consistently goes above and beyond to engage students in meaningful and thought-provoking learning experiences. They have a passion for project-based learning, teaching critical thinking and problem-solving by having students tackle real-world issues. Through their projects, Jamie’s students have painted cultural murals on the walls in the school courtyard, helped translate our school handbook and other documents into three different languages, and created clubs for fellow students interested in topics like history, geography, and global cultures. Jamie believes in demonstrating what you’ve learned in meaningful ways, and their students thrive in this environment.

Furthermore, Jamie excels at building strong community relationships both inside and outside the classroom. They actively collaborate with colleagues, parents, and community members to create a supportive and enriching learning environment that extends beyond the walls of the school. Last fall, Jamie organized an incredibly popular school-wide Diversity Fair where students and their families were encouraged to share their own cultures and experiences and learn from each other. One parent noted, “I’ve lived in this community for three years, but this is the first time I really feel like I know my neighbors.”

Overall, Jamie Lin is an exceptional educator who embodies the qualities of excellence, creativity, and community engagement. Their passion for teaching, dedication to diversity, and innovative approach to education make them an invaluable asset to any school community.

I wholeheartedly endorse Jamie Lin for any teaching position and am confident that they will continue to make a positive impact on the lives of their students and colleagues. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information.

Fatima Sundaram Teacher of Civics and Government, Ridgemont High School

Grab our free reference letter template!

This free editable template guides you through the process of how to write a reference letter. Just fill out the form on this page for instant access.

Have more questions about how to write a reference letter? Come ask for advice in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

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How to Write a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher

Write a Powerful Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher

posted on September 21, 2020

You’ve been asked to write another letter of recommendation for a teacher colleague. You want to be supportive but are already behind on so many other things. Fortunately, you can write a great letter of recommendation for a teacher (or other educator) quickly. Let me show you how.

It’s no exaggeration to say that I’ve written hundreds of letters of recommendation during my time in education. As a teacher and principal, I’ve written letters for students searching for jobs or applying for colleges and scholarships. As an administrator, I write letters of recommendation for student teachers and other educators looking to move to another school .

Having worked in education for almost 20 years, I’ve built quite a network of people who ask for new and updated letters. I’m always glad to support good people on their next steps, but it can become quite overwhelming at certain times of the year. 

To stay sane, I’ve developed a template and process to quickly write high-impact letters of recommendation. I’ll describe it below and you can download the template near the end of the post.

Ways you can use this template and process:

  • Teacher writing a letter of recommendation for a student
  • Writing a letter of recommendation for a student teacher
  • School principal writing a letter of reference for a teacher
  • Teacher writing a letter of recommendation for a colleague
  • Writing a letter of recommendation for administrators
  • (I actually think this works for most job types, but I focus on education!)

I hope this helps you and those you are recommending!

Table of contents

Your relationship to the candidate, keep it tight / structured, focus on important qualities, specific examples, writing letters for friends, general descriptions without examples, writing a letter for candidates you don’t believe in, 1. preparation – before you start.

  • 2. Establish Authority As A Reference

3. Most Important Quality

4. repeat with qualities 2 and 3, 5. summary close, putting it all together – an effective letter of recommendation for a teacher, keys to writing an effective letter of recommendation for a teacher / student.

 In addition to writing a lot of letters, I’ve read thousands more for administrative, teacher, and paraeducator positions. I thought I’d mention what works well, and what doesn’t based on both my personal preferences and those I’ve seen from other readers.

Here are some things to keep in mind while writing your letter. 

State how long you’ve known the person and in what capacity. It’s best if you’ve worked directly with them.

I’m a big believer in the 1-page letter. It doesn’t matter how many amazing things you have to say if you lose the reader. Most are skimming anyway.

One page. Broken into short paragraphs with what you want your reader to remember in the first sentence. 

This will be enough for those who read carefully. It also allows skimmers to form the impression you want.

Three. That’s my number. Pick the three most important things you want a reader to know about the person you’re writing the letter for. If these align with something specific the hiring team is looking for – even better. 

When someone requests that I write a letter, I often ask “Is there anything specific you’d like me to consider highlighting?” Often, this will give me 1 – 2 of the focus qualities and my experience can give me the others.

Give specific, work-based, examples of how the candidate demonstrates the focus quality. Don’t just say they “form strong relationships.” Describe an example or be specific about how. 

What To Avoid

Don’t write a letter for someone in a professional situation unless you’ve actually worked with them. Most hiring teams won’t be convinced by a friend’s recommendation, and some will actively discount the candidate for submitting such a letter.

If you’re friends in a professional context, and you’re willing to tell your friend where they need to improve – then go for it. If not, just pass. 

Saying someone is a “good guy” is of course a waste of everyone’s time. I’d argue that saying someone is “good with kids” an “effective teacher” or “passionate about equity” are equal wastes if you don’t include specific examples that show they are those things.

If you can’t provide specific examples, you aren’t helping.

This is a tricky one. There can be a lot of politics and pressure around references. Remember though – any reference you provide is connected directly to your professional credibility.

I think of letter requests in three tiers. 

Those I’m fully confident in and thrilled to write a letter for. Done!

Those I’m lukewarm on. In some cases you can avoid these, in others it’s probably wise to recommend. I’ll discuss later how I navigate this.

Those I don’t believe are qualified or ready for the position. Do not write letters of recommendation in these cases. Just don’t. 

But, you should be fair – be honest with the requestor about why and what they’d need to change. Example phrases I’ve used (all honest in the circumstances):

  • I’m sorry. I don’t have enough knowledge of your practice. I’d be glad to schedule an observation to see if I can offer my recommendation.
  • I believe teachers need to build strong supportive relationships with students. I’ve seen you use shame often as a management tool. I can’t offer a recommendation until that changes.
  • This scholarship asks for demonstrated commitment to service. I’ll have to decline because I’m not aware of your involvement in anything beyond athletics. If I’m wrong, let me know and I’d be glad to reconsider.

Writing the Letter of Recommendation

5 Easy Steps to a Teacher Letter of Recommendation

Here’s the formula I follow to complete quick and effective letters of recommendation for teachers from a principal. It’s five simple parts, and it works for just about any letter. Even better, once you get comfortable, you can quickly tailor it to be personal and powerful for any candidate.

I’m going to assume you know to date, open with a greeting, and close with a signature. They’re in the template, too.

Before you start writing, take a moment to identify the three most important things you want to say about the person. If they’ve provided you suggestions, you can review and select or reject those for inclusion.

If you are struggling to find three, here are some ways to think about and identify three things:

  • job-related characteristics (examples – talented instructor, skilled with data analysis, experienced organizer)
  • specific areas of knowledge (examples – trained in a specific curriculum, worked in a PBIS school, uses an evidenced-based practice)
  • professional characteristics (examples – committed to equity, driven to improve student outcomes, avid reader of research, inclusive in decision-making)

After you identify the three, make sure you have specific examples to back each. Then, rank them in order of importance. Your first characteristic should be the candidate’s strong point OR something that is incredibly important to the position for which they are applying. If both – great!

Now you’ve got all you need to write this letter.

2. Establish Authority As A Reference

You want the reader to believe you are qualified to offer a reference on the candidate. You can quickly prove this in two ways.

First, use your school/district letterhead if possible. You’ll want to check your school policy on the use of letterhead. If you can use it – do it. It’s a quick simple step that tells a reader at a glance that you are legit.

Second, your first paragraph should clearly establish that you know what the person is applying for, and that you’ve got enough knowledge to serve as a reference.

In the first paragraph, name the position, or at least job type. 

It’s my pleasure to offer a reference for <Candidate Name> as a middle school social studies teacher.

I’m thrilled to write this letter of recommendation for <Candidate Name> as a district administrator.

Then, describe your relationship. Name the time you’ve known the candidate and in what capacity.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with <Candidate> for the past seven years. During that time, he taught 3rd grade and I was the building principal.

I’ve watched <Student> standout in the math department for the past three years. I had the pleasure of teaching her in three advanced math classes.

This paragraph can be boring, but it provides critical information that some reviewers expect to know immediately. You can liven it up by adjusting your descriptions, but always include position sought when possible, time known, and relationship. 

After the opening paragraph, lead with an impactful sentence naming the candidate’s most important quality. This sentence is probably the most critical in the whole letter. EVERY reader will see this sentence, even the skimmers.

Ms. XYZ has the greatest impact on student achievement of any teacher I’ve ever supervised.

Jazmin is the most driven student I’ve ever had the pleasure of teaching.

I’ve never worked with a principal who connects with families as frequently and authentically as Principal LMNOP.

Once you’ve hit the opening sentence, then follow-up with 2 – 3 more backing it up. It could be a specific anecdote, or more detail on how the individual demonstrates the characteristic.

Her students increase their average reading level by two full years in the time they’re with her. She assesses constantly, provides ongoing support, and makes them believe they are readers. It’s truly incredible.

In every class, she gives her all. For example, she once missed a week of calculus due to a family illness. During that time, she independently located and read online sources about the subject the class was studying. Then, when she returned she made up every assignment and helped tutor another student who was struggling with the concept.

Then close with the result of this quality if it wasn’t included in the descriptor.

Related Post: Teacher Interview Questions

Do the same thing with each of the two remaining qualities you’ve identified. Opening sentence names the quality, then 2 – 3 sentences with specifics. Close with result.

These are separate paragraphs, contained capsules of information, that add to the visual flow and support skimmers.

You’ll find a flow that works for you. I prefer to lead with the most important job-specific quality, then discuss specific knowledge, and finish up with a bigger picture personal characteristic of aspiration. 

Do what works for you. Just keep it short and tight.

In the closing paragraph, I do two things. I tie it all together while reiterating my points. Then, I offer my recommendation again, while providing contact information. 

Tying it all together looks like this:

<Candidate Name> is <quality 1>, <quality 2>, <quality 3>. These will serve her well as <position and location.> 

Ms. James is a skilled reading teacher, strong communicator, and committed to ensuring all students achieve. These qualities will serve her well as the reading specialist at Johnson elementary school.

Then, I close by reiterating my recommendation and providing contact information. The basic format looks like this:

Raymond has my highest recommendation. If I can provide more information, you can reach me at <phone number> and <email.>

 Here is where I differentiate a little bit, and provide a subtle signal to readers. Remember those three levels of confidence I expressed earlier? 

If I’m fully confident and passionate about the recommendation, I use words like “highest” and “unreserved” recommendation. I want this person to get this job. 

If I’m less confident, but still willing to write the letter I simply say “has my recommendation.”

As I said before, avoid writing a letter for someone you aren’t confident in. That said, sometimes it happens or needs to be done politically. In that case, I leave out the statement of recommendation, but provide the contact information. Be aware though, that it’s unfair and potentially dangerous, to tell a candidate you are recommending them and then contradict yourself in a follow-up. It is far better to be honest and transparent up front.

Here’s a visual representation of those five steps.

5 Steps on a Letter of Recommendation for Teacher

If you’d like a blank template that lets you easily follow the five steps and include all available information, you can download it here:

By using this approach, you’ll write high-quality letters of reference that are efficient and help those you’re supporting be selected for the next steps.

Time efficiency and supporting others? Exactly what we educators need!

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Reader interactions.

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September 21, 2020 at 8:37 am

That’s great advice. I have run into friends who I did work with asking me to write letters like that. Its easy when they were top notch performers but I’ve also had friends who were great buddies to do stuff with but were slackers at the office. That’s a very tough situation. I went ahead and wrote one for a guy that was kind of on the bubble performance wise and I did not write one for another who really had a lazy streak, it does strain a friendship to refuse the request. I guess that’s just a risk of having friends in a work environment?

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September 22, 2020 at 5:53 pm

Those are the most challenging requests. I try to walk a similar line and avoid writing for people who’s future performance will reflect badly on me and my references. I don’t want it to cost someone great a job opportunity down the road.

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Letters of Recommendation


According to the Connecticut State Department of Education , there were up to 29 applicants per teaching position in Connecticut last year! Teaching's a competitive field, so a stand-out letter of recommendation can go a long way.

In the sample letter below, a principal recommends an art teacher applying to another school due to budget cuts. Check out what the principal has to say about this teacher, and then read on for an analysis of what this letter does well.

Sample Letter #2: Written by a Principal for a Teacher

Mr. Henry Nichols School Principal Cityville Middle School 1 School Road Cityville, NJ 08008

Dear Principal Nichols,

It's my honor and pleasure to provide this letter of recommendation for Julia as she pursues an art teaching position with Cityville Middle School. As the principal of Townston Middle School, I've enjoyed having Julia on the teaching team for grades 6 through 8. We'll all miss her and her contributions to our school community.

Unfortunately, budgetary restrictions have forced us to reduce the art teaching faculty, and as the most recent hire, Julia will no longer have a position with us next year. This decision in no way reflects on her skills, and I wholeheartedly endorse her candidacy as she seeks a position elsewhere. It's my wish that she finds a school with the resources to support her talent for teaching art.

Julia started her teaching career with us fresh out of graduate school two years ago. She brought with her a solid training in pedagogical methods and art history, along with great energy and enthusiasm. She introduced several new projects that are now a part of the curriculum, including a self-portrait assignment that asks students to reflect on their identities, a stop-motion animation project using clay and iPads, and a papier-mache "sled challenge" that resulted in fun races down the hill beside the school. Julia also contributed to the "3D Printer Build-a-Thon," a weekend-long event during which students, educators, and community members came together to assemble over 20 3D printers. Julia brings exciting new ideas to life; I'm confident that she will continue her momentum with her next school.

Julia also impressed me with her commitment to lifelong learning. She successfully collaborated with her mentor, took advantage of several professional development opportunities offered in the district, and took classes on digital technology and special education over the last two summers. She also went out of her way to elicit feedback from her students, inviting them to share their experiences at the end of each semester. It's this commitment to growth and her students' well-being that makes Julia an outstanding educator who empowers her pupils.

Julia is charismatic and creative, and she thinks outside the box. She has shown excellent classroom management skills and developed a rapport with students, colleagues, and parents that is characterized by mutual respect. At the end of last year, I had a parent come to me specifically to praise Julia's teaching and the impact she's had on her son. Beyond her strengths as an art teacher, Julia's also a talented artist and has some of her oil and acrylic paintings displayed in a nearby gallery.

Julia has my highest recommendation for the position of art instructor, and I look forward to learning more about the accomplishments that lie in her professional future. If the circumstances were different, I would strive to retain Julia on our art department teaching team. Please don't hesitate to contact me for any further information. Thank you for your time.

Elsa Skools School Principal Townston Middle School [email protected] (866) 811-5546


Will this letter convince Principal Nichols to make room for Julia and her paintbrushes?

Recommendation Letter #2: The Breakdown

Like the first sample, this recommendation letter represents a common relationship between letter writer and candidate. It starts out with a strong statement of support with, "It's my honor and pleasure to provide this letter." This statement is then quickly followed by an explanation of who the letter writer is, thereby showing why she's qualified to recommend Julia.

Principal Skools explains why Julia's applying elsewhere and makes sure to state that she would retain her on the teaching team if the budget allowed. She goes on to describe Julia's contributions with specific examples of projects she introduced and community events to which she contributed.

The writer uses highly positive language to describe Julia, calling her creative, energetic, and committed to continuous improvement. She also touches on her personal talents as an artist. The letter's structured to describe three main points: Julia's accomplishments at the school, her commitment to learning and improvement, and her relationships with teachers, parents, and colleagues.

In her glowing endorsement, Principal Skools gives specific examples of the achievements Julia's made and will continue to make in her next art teaching position.

What's Next?

What experience do you need to become a teacher in the first place? Find out what degree you do (or don't) need to teach in this article .

On to the next! Click here to read our third recommendation letter sample written by a restaurant manager for a part-time employee .

Are you looking for a different type of sample letter? Head back to our original recommendation letter guide to find more samples and learn about the key features of outstanding reference letters.

Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT.

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Requesting and Writing a Reference

How to write recommendation letter for a teacher, more reference letter examples.

It’s an honor when a teaching colleague asks for a reference, but do you know how to write one? Or maybe you’re the one applying for a job, and you need to request a reference letter for a teaching job.

In either case, knowing how to write a reference letter, and having a sample, will come in handy. Read advice on writing a recommendation letter for a teacher, and review samples as well.

Writing a Reference Letter

If you’re writing a letter for a teacher, use samples to guide your own writing. A letter sample can help you decide what kind of content you should include in your letter, as well as how to format it.

While letter samples are a great starting point for your own letter, you should always tailor a letter to fit the particular person you are writing the letter for, and the information they ask you to include.

Requesting a Reference Letter

If you’re requesting a reference letter for a teaching position from a colleague or previous boss, you might send a reference letter sample to the writer to help guide their own letter.

Be sure to also provide them with clear instructions on what information you need them to include and give them a resume or list of your skills and experiences to help them write the letter.

You don’t want them to simply copy and paste the sample reference letter. In fact, there are a number of things to think about when asking someone for a letter of reference for a teaching job.

Review guidelines for requesting a reference letter before you ask your references to endorse you.

Follow business letter format. Use official business letter format when writing your letter of recommendation. If time is of the essence, you might consider sending a recommendation email instead of a letter.

Focus on the job description. Ask the person for whom you’re writing the letter for a copy of the job posting or job description. This way, you can focus on the requirements of the position while you write.

Try to include language from the job description in your letter.

Even if you’re writing a more general recommendation, you can still ask the person about the types of teaching jobs they’re interested in (e.g., what teaching positions, what kinds of schools).

Include specific examples. In the letter, provide examples of ways in which the person demonstrated various positive traits in the past. If possible, use numbers to quantify their successes. For example, “Under Mr. Smith’s guidance, our students’ state test scores improved in Biology by 20%.”

Remain positive. When you write the letter of recommendation, be sure to state that you believe this person is a strong candidate. You might say something such as, “I recommend Ms. Johnson without reservation,” or “I would hire Mrs. Smith again if I could.” You want to help this candidate stand out among all the other prospective candidates.

Share your contact information. Provide a way for the employer to contact you if they have further questions. Include your email address, telephone number, or both. If your reference is in business letter format, your contact information will be at the top of the letter. If you are sending an email reference letter , include your contact information below your typed signature .

Follow the submission guidelines. Ask the person you’re referring for guidance on how to submit the letter. You may be asked to email it or upload it online. Make sure you follow any requirements, especially about where to send it and when, as well as the format (for example, PDF, physical letter, etc.). Make sure you have the correct address or email address.

Proofread, edit, and test your message . Make sure your letter is accurate, professionally formatted, and typo-free before sending. Pay close attention to the spellings of proper names, including school names. Have a friend proofread your note before you send it. If you send the letter via email, be sure to send yourself a test to make sure that your formatting holds up. 

Sample Recommendation Letter for a Teacher

This is a recommendation letter example for a teacher. Download the letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word) or see below for more examples.

The Balance

Sample Reference Letter for a Teacher (Text Version)

Mary Haddock 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555

April 12, 2022

Serena Cummings Principal The Charter School 123 Cairns Rd. School City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Cummings,

I highly recommend Michelle Johnson as a candidate for the position of fifth-grade lead teacher at your school. As principal of St. Paul's School, I have had the pleasure of working with Michelle for the past five years. She is a driven, organized teacher who develops inspiring relationships with her students.

Michelle has always been driven to develop her skills as a teacher. She came to us as a student teacher, eagerly taking up extra responsibilities such as advisor of the school newspaper and was a member of our curriculum committee. She continued to demonstrate this drive through her tenure at our school, even becoming the head of the curriculum committee last year. Michelle embraces any opportunity for professional development, which makes her an ideal leader.

Michelle has a wonderful rapport with people of all ages, especially children. Her ability to connect with her students and her talent at teaching simple concepts, as well as more advanced topics, are both truly superior. She also has excellent written and verbal communication skills with both parents and teachers.

Michelle accomplishes all these tasks with great initiative and with a positive attitude. I recommend Michelle to you without reservation. If you have any further questions with regard to her background or qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Signature (hard copy letter)

Mary Haddock Principal St. Paul's School

Review more examples of reference letters for a variety of circumstances and get free templates to download to use as a starting point for your own correspondence.

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  • Formal Letter Closing and Signature Examples
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  • How to Write Reference Letters for Students and Recent Grads

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Physical Education Teacher Cover Letter Example

Kick-start your career & learn how to improve your next cover letter with our free, editable Physical Education Teacher cover letter example. Download this cover letter example free of charge or rewrite it directly in our online cover letter creator.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Physical Education Teacher Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Emma Summers

Dear Hiring Manager,

As a Physical Education Teacher with 10 years of teaching experience in private and public schools, I apply with enthusiasm for this opportunity.

Mirroring your requirements, in my current role as Physical Education Teacher at Elite Academy in Dresden I work closely with the Head of Department on curriculum, assessment, teaching, and learning matters. As well as collaborating in the whole school strategic planning process for sports in alignment with the curriculum, I create and promote events for the after-school sports program, which create a sense of school spirit and community between teachers, students, and parents. I also oversee the scheduling, planning, hosting, and promotion of home and away sports events, including monitoring coaches and teams and coordinating equipment and venues. 

In addition to my professional experience, I hold a Master of Education, a Bachelor of Exercise Science, and a Level 2 First Aid with CPR qualification. In my spare time, I am actively involved in a wide range of sporting activities such as football, skydiving, fencing, skiing, and marathons.

I have enjoyed my time at Elite Academy immensely. As the school has decided to teach online this year due to the global pandemic, my role is no longer active. I am therefore seeking a stimulating opportunity with your excellent school where I can make a similarly positive impact.

Please find attached my résumé for your consideration. Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you regarding next steps.

Yours faithfully,

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Edit this sample using our resume builder.

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. artificial intelligence can write it for you..

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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StandOut CV

PE Teacher cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

You’re athletic, enthusiastic and a great teacher, but unfortunately, when it comes to the job search, the ball is not in your court.

If you hope to secure an interview, you need to prove to the recruiter you’ve got the skills and experience to lead a class.

Make the most of our guide below, along with our PE teacher cover letter examples to help get your application past the finish line.

CV templates 

PE Teacher cover letter example 1

PE Teacher cover letter 1

PE Teacher cover letter example 2

PE Teacher cover letter 2

PE Teacher cover letter example 3

PE Teacher cover letter 3

The example cover letters here should give you a good general idea on how your PE Teacher cover letter should be formatted and written.

The rest of this guide gives more specific guidance on how to create your own cover letter in this format, and even includes some templates you can copy and paste.

How to write a PE Teacher cover letter

Here’s how to write your own winning PE Teacher cover letter

How to write a cover letter

Write your cover letter in the body of an email/message

You should write your cover letter in the body of the email (or messaging system if sending via a job board) and never attach it as a document.

The reason for this?

You want your cover letter to start connecting with the recruiter from the moment they open your application.

If they have to open a document to read it, it will slow things down and they may not even bother to open it.

Write cover letter in body of email

Start with a friendly greeting

Cover letter address

Start you cover letter with a greeting that is professional but friendly.

This will build rapport with the recruiter whilst showing your professionalism.

  • Hi, hope you’re well
  • Hi [insert recruiter name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Avoid overly formal greetings like “Dear sir/madam ” unless applying to very traditional companies.

How to find the contact’s name?

Addressing the recruitment contact by name is an excellent way to start building a strong relationship. If it is not listed in the job advert, try these methods to find it.

  • Check out the company website and look at their  About page. If you see a hiring manager, HR person or internal recruiter, use their name. You could also try to figure out who would be your manager in the role and use their name.
  • Head to LinkedIn , search for the company and scan through the list of employees. Most professionals are on LinkedIn these days, so this is a good bet.

Identify the role you are applying for

Once you have opened the cover letter with a warm greeting, you need to explain which role you are interested in.

Sometimes a recruitment consultant could be managing over 10 vacancies, so it’s crucial to pinpoint exactly which one you are interested in.

Highlight the department/area if possible and look for any reference numbers you can quote.

These are some examples you can add..

  • I am interested in applying for the role of PE Teacher with your company.
  • I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 40f57393)
  • I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department
  • I saw your advert for an IT project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role.

See also: CV examples – how to write a CV – CV profiles

Highlight your suitability

The bulk of your cover letter should be focused around highlighting your suitability for the job you are applying to.

Doing this will show the recruiter that you are suitable candidate and encourage them to open your CV.

The best way to do this, is by studying the job advert you are applying to, and find out what the most important skills and knowledge are.

Once you know the most important requirements, you then need to highlight your matching skills to the recruiter. In a few sentences, tell them exactly why you are a good fit for the job and what you can offer the company.

Cover letter tips

Keep it short and sharp

A good cover letter is short and sharp, getting to the point quickly with just enough information to grab the attention of recruiters.

Ideally your cover letter should be around 4-8 sentences long – anything longer will risk losing the attention of time-strapped recruiters and hiring managers .

Essentially you need to include just enough information to persuade the reader to open up your CV, where the in-depth details will sit.

Sign off professionally

To round of your cover letter, add a professional signature to the bottom, giving recruiters your vital contact information.

This not only gives various means of contacting you, it also looks really professional and shows that you know how to communicate in the workplace.

Include the following points;

  • A friendly sign off – e.g. “Warm regards”
  • Your full name
  • Phone number (one you can answer quickly)
  • Email address
  • Profession title
  • Professional social network – e.g. LinkedIn

Here is an example signature;

Warm regards,

Gerald Baker Senior Accountant 07887500404 [email protected] LinkedIn

Quick tip : To save yourself from having to write your signature every time you send a job application email, you can save it within your email drafts, or on a separate document that you could copy in.

Email signatures

What to include in your PE Teacher cover letter

So, what type of information should you write about in your PE Teacher cover letter?

The specifics will obviously depend on your profession and the jobs you are applying to, but these are the key areas you should be covering.

  • Your industry experience – Tell recruiters the types of companies you have been working for and the roles you have held in the past.
  • Your qualifications – Highlight your most important relevant qualifications to show employers you are qualified to do the roles you are applying for.
  • The impact you have made – Demonstrate the positive impact you have made for employers in previous jobs. Have you saved money? Improved processes? Made customers happy?
  • Your reasons for moving – Employers will want to know why you are leaving your current/previous role, so provide them with a brief explanation here.
  • Your availability – When will you be able to start a new job ? Check your current contract to find out your notice period if you are in a position already.

PE Teacher cover letter templates

Copy and paste these PE Teacher cover letter templates to get a head start on your own.

I hope you are well. I am writing to express my interest in the Graduate PE Teacher role at The Pioneer Academy. With a recent BA (Hons) in Physical Education from Durham University, I am eager to apply my passion for promoting health and fitness to inspire students to lead active and balanced lives.

During my studies, I gained a comprehensive understanding of behaviourist, cognitive, and social constructivist learning theories, as well as pedagogical practices which prepared me to create engaging lesson plans that catered to diverse pupils. My coursework included specialised training in motor skills development, team sports, and health education, which provided me with a strong foundation to deliver comprehensive PE curriculum.

My student teaching experience at Perins School enabled me to work closely with scholars of varying ages and abilities, where I successfully designed and implemented interactive classes that encouraged sportsmanship and a positive attitude towards physical activity, increased overall fitness levels by 15% through targeted exercises, as well as achieved an average participation rate of 98%.

Thank you for your time in considering my application. I am immediately available to attend an interview.

Kind regards

Wayne Cahill

Dear Samantha

I am writing to express my strong interest in the available PE Teacher vacancy at Claverham College. With 8 years of experience and a passion for fostering student well-being, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my innovative student-centred approach to your school community.

In my current role at Mayflower Primary School, I have successfully integrated interdisciplinary projects that combine physical education with subjects such as science and mathematics. These initiatives not only deepen scholars’ understanding of the human body and its capabilities but also cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

I have consistently aimed to create an engaging and inclusive learning environment that encourages pupils of different ages and backgrounds to develop lifelong physical activity habits. My expertise in incorporating technology and personalised fitness plans has resulted in a 15% increase in student participation and 25% boost in cardiovascular endurance. Additionally, I coached an U11 boys’ football team towards winning the district championship title.

I can be immediately available for an interview. Thank you for taking the time to review my application.

Zack Thorne

Good day Luke

As an advocate for athletic excellence, I am excited to express my interest in the Senior PE Teacher job at Civitas Academy. With a passion for fostering students’ physical and mental wellbeing, combined with a track record of curriculum innovation, I am eager to contribute my skills to your institution.

Throughout my 15-year career working for Blue Gate Junior School, I have created PE syllabi that empower pupils to lead healthy and active lives. I have successfully designed and implemented interdisciplinary units that integrate physical education with biology to foster a deeper understanding of the connections between exercise and academic success. Under my leadership, I introduced new sports offerings that resulting in a 15% increase in student participation and implemented data-driven assessment strategies that enhanced pupils’ overall performance by 10%.

I am impressed by your school’s reputation for academic excellence and its commitment to providing a holistic education to its scholars. I am confident that my leadership abilities and dedication to fostering well-rounded individuals align well with your values.

Please feel free to reach out to me to schedule an interview ASAP to discuss my qualifications and skills.

Frank Covington

Writing an impressive cover letter is a crucial step in landing a PE Teacher job, so taking the time to perfect it is well worth while.

By following the tips and examples above you will be able to create an eye-catching cover letter that will wow recruiters and ensure your CV gets read – leading to more job interviews for you.

Good luck with your job search!

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  • Salt Lake City
  • San Francisco
  • San Luis Obispo
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  • Washington D.C.
  • Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia

Professional Category (1)

  • Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)

Featured Reviews for Home & House Stagers in Elektrostal'

  • Reach out to the pro(s) you want, then share your vision to get the ball rolling.
  • Request and compare quotes, then hire the Home Stager that perfectly fits your project and budget limits.

A home stager is a professional who prepares a house for sale, aiming to attract more buyers and potentially secure a higher selling price. They achieve this through the following techniques:

  • Rearranging furniture to optimize space and functionality.
  • Decluttering to create a clean and spacious look.
  • Making repairs to address visible issues.
  • Enhancing aesthetics with artwork, accessories, and lighting.
  • Introducing new furnishings to update the style.

Their goal is to present the house in the best light. Home stagers in Elektrostal' help buyers envision themselves living there, increasing the chances of a successful sale.

  • Decluttering
  • Furniture Selection
  • Space Planning
  • Art Selection
  • Accessory Selection

Benefits of the home staging in Elektrostal':

  • Attractive and inviting: Staging creates a welcoming atmosphere for potential buyers.
  • Faster sale: Homes sell more quickly, reducing time on the market.
  • Higher sale price: Staging can lead to higher offers and appeal to a wider range of buyers.
  • Showcasing best features: Strategic arrangement highlights positives and minimizes flaws.
  • Stand out online: Staged homes capture attention in online listings.
  • Emotional connection: Staging creates a positive impression that resonates with buyers.
  • Easy visualization: Buyers can easily picture themselves living in a staged home.
  • Competitive advantage: Staging sets your home apart from others on the market.
  • Affordable investment: Cost-effective way to maximize selling potential and ROI.
  • Professional expertise: Experienced stagers ensure optimal presentation for attracting buyers.

What does an Elektrostal' home stager do?

What should i consider before hiring an interior staging company, questions to ask potential real estate staging companies in elektrostal', moscow oblast, russia:, business services, connect with us.


  1. Letter Of Recommendation For Pe Teacher • Invitation Template Ideas

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  2. 50 Amazing Recommendation Letters For Student From Teacher

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  3. 😂 Letter of recommendation for physical education teacher. Sample of an

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  4. Physical Education Teacher's Cover Letter Example

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  5. Free Teacher Recommendation Letter Template

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  6. Physical Education Teacher Cover Letter

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  1. "A" letter word || the start with A #shortvideo #viral #aletterword #activity #alphabet

  2. Physical education answer key

  3. How to make recommendation letters For Scholarship

  4. How to Request a Letter of Recommendation from Your Professor: 5 Dos and 5 Don'ts #collegetips

  5. How to write a Recommendation Letter

  6. What is (LOR) Letter of Recommendation ?


  1. How to Write a Recommendation From a Physical Education Teacher

    A letter of recommendation supports a person in an application for a job or school. As a physical education teacher, you have observed students and learned their strengths and personal qualities. When a student asks you to write a recommendation, draw on your knowledge and personal experience of him in a way ...

  2. Impactful Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher [Examples]

    Part 8 Teacher Recommendation Letter Example From a Co-Worker. Dear [Recipient's Name], I am writing to recommend [Teacher's Name] for the position of [Position]. As a co-worker for the past five years at [School Name], I have closely observed their teaching methods, commitment to the job, and growth over time.

  3. How To Write a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher in 6 Steps

    Letters of recommendation can be an important part of a teacher's application materials. If asked to write a letter of recommendation for a colleague, here are a few steps you can follow: 1. Include the proper heading. At the top of your letter, it's traditional to include your name, job title, location, phone number and email address.

  4. 5 Examples of Recommendation Letter for a Teacher

    When it comes to seeking a new teaching job or advancing in the field of education, a recommendation letter can be a powerful tool. In this article, we will discuss five examples of recommendation letters for teachers, and the purpose behind each. Overview of recommendation letters for teachers Recommendation letters, also known as reference letters, are written by someone who can attest to a ...

  5. Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher (With Sample)

    A letter of recommendation for a teacher can use a professional format and tone. While each letter of recommendation may vary depending on the candidate and the position, there are a few pieces of information you can include: Your name and address in the top right corner. The date. The recipient's name and address.

  6. Letter of recommendation for teacher [Full template

    3. Work on our template to flesh out your own teacher recommendation letter. Now that you know what to include in general, modify our teacher recommendation letter template: Dear [insert name], I am writing to recommend [teacher_name]. [He/She/They] worked with me at [education_institution_name] for [time_period] as a [teaching_capacity].

  7. Teacher Recommendation Letter Template

    The general form for a teacher recommendation letter includes a letterhead, an introduction, at least two (2) body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The length of the letter will depend on how familiar the author is with the person that they are writing on behalf of. That being said, it should only fill one page.

  8. How To Write a Reference Letter (Examples and Free Template)

    However, academia is different. Many teaching jobs require candidates to submit written letters of reference as part of their application packet. This is just one part of their overall evaluation of a candidate, of course. But these letters remain a key part of many teachers' job searches. Letter of Reference vs. Letter of Recommendation

  9. Write a Powerful Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher

    In the first paragraph, name the position, or at least job type. It's my pleasure to offer a reference for <Candidate Name> as a middle school social studies teacher. I'm thrilled to write this letter of recommendation for <Candidate Name> as a district administrator. Then, describe your relationship.

  10. Letter of recommendation for teacher [Full template + Sample

    Use this teacher recommendation letter template to use your thinking in order and offer helpful information about the person you're referring. Tailoring this sample to fit your feedback on that specific person. Admission Requirements. A minimum 2.8 GPA; Three fair letters of suggestion. For least one letter of recommendation require remain an ...

  11. 35 Perfect Recommendation Letters for Teachers

    A recommendation letter for a teacher is a formal document used to validate a teacher's resume or credentials. It provides information on the teacher's characteristics, qualities, and capabilities. Teachers with no experience, such as recent graduates, use recommendation letters to help strengthen their resumes. It can also be used by teachers who are applying for positions at universities ...

  12. A School Principal's Recommendation Letter for a Teacher

    According to the Connecticut State Department of Education, there were up to 29 applicants per teaching position in Connecticut last year!Teaching's a competitive field, so a stand-out letter of recommendation can go a long way. In the sample letter below, a principal recommends an art teacher applying to another school due to budget cuts.

  13. Sample Recommendation Letter for a Teacher

    Include specific examples. In the letter, provide examples of ways in which the person demonstrated various positive traits in the past. If possible, use numbers to quantify their successes. For example, "Under Mr. Smith's guidance, our students' state test scores improved in Biology by 20%.". Remain positive.

  14. How To Write a PT School Letter of Recommendation in 5 Steps

    Example of a PT school letter of recommendation Here's an example of a PT school letter of recommendation that you can use as a reference: Mitchell Willhite Program director Hanover School of Physical Therapy September 27, 2021 Dear Mr. Willhite, My name is Mark Selby, and it's my pleasure to recommend Julia Green for your physical therapy school. I was Julia's anatomy professor and lab ...

  15. Letter of recommendation for a physical education teacher ...

    Letter of Recommendation. Letter of Recommendation I am immensely pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Dr. Abhinav Mahatma Gujuka who is applying for admission in your Health Administration programme. He has been a bonafide student of S.V.S. Dental College from 2006 to 2011 to secure his B.D.S. degree.

  16. Letter of Recommendation 1

    Letter of Recommendation 1 | PDF | Physical Education | Teachers. letter of recommendation 1 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  17. Physical Education Teacher Cover Letter Example

    555-555-5555. [email protected]. Boston High School. Boston, MA, United States of America. 02 February 2021. Application for Physical Education Teacher. Dear Hiring Manager, As a Physical Education Teacher with 10 years of teaching experience in private and public schools, I apply with enthusiasm for this opportunity.

  18. PE Teacher cover letter examples

    PE Teacher cover letter example 3. CV templates. The example cover letters here should give you a good general idea on how your PE Teacher cover letter should be formatted and written. The rest of this guide gives more specific guidance on how to create your own cover letter in this format, and even includes some templates you can copy and paste.

  19. How To Write a Physical Education Teacher Cover Letter

    Follow these steps to help you write a winning physical education cover letter: 1. Include contact information. A physical education teacher cover letter begins with your contact information at the top of the page, which includes your full name, phone number and email address. You can also decide if you'd like to include your location and links ...

  20. OOO Remstroy Construction Company

    2000. Seven years of successful work have shown that combining different types of activities in the same company is not always convenient. And in the year 2000 the founders of OOO Firm ERG decided to create and register a monoprofile construction company OOO Remstroy Construction Company. Industrial construction was chosen as the priority area.

  21. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia's Internet Speeds

    To be added to this list for mobile or fixed broadband, 75% of a city's monthly unique user totals over a 13-month period must have a minimum of 200 monthly unique user results.

  22. Custom Fireplace Contractors & Installers in Elektrostal'

    Fireplaces go beyond physical comforts too, offering psychological and emotional warmth even in modern households. However, new fireplace construction can go wrong, quickly. There is a lot to keep in mind, and there are plenty of safety measures that you need to get right. Reaching out to an Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia fireplace ...

  23. Best 15 Home & House Stagers in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Search 23 Elektrostal' home & house stagers to find the best home stager for your project. See the top reviewed local home stagers in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia on Houzz.