new ceo introduction speech

Satya Nadella email to employees on first day as CEO

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From: Satya Nadella To: All Employees Date: Feb. 4, 2014 Subject: RE: Satya Nadella – Microsoft’s New CEO

Today is a very humbling day for me. It reminds me of my very first day at Microsoft, 22 years ago. Like you, I had a choice about where to come to work. I came here because I believed Microsoft was the best company in the world. I saw then how clearly we empower people to do magical things with our creations and ultimately make the world a better place. I knew there was no better company to join if I wanted to make a difference. This is the very same inspiration that continues to drive me today.

It is an incredible honor for me to lead and serve this great company of ours. Steve and Bill have taken it from an idea to one of the greatest and most universally admired companies in the world. I’ve been fortunate to work closely with both Bill and Steve in my different roles at Microsoft, and as I step in as CEO, I’ve asked Bill to devote additional time to the company, focused on technology and products. I’m also looking forward to working with John Thompson as our new Chairman of the Board.

While we have seen great success, we are hungry to do more. Our industry does not respect tradition — it only respects innovation. This is a critical time for the industry and for Microsoft. Make no mistake, we are headed for greater places — as technology evolves and we evolve with and ahead of it. Our job is to ensure that Microsoft thrives in a mobile and cloud-first world.

As we start a new phase of our journey together, I wanted to share some background on myself and what inspires and motivates me.

I am 46. I’ve been married for 22 years and we have 3 kids. And like anyone else, a lot of what I do and how I think has been shaped by my family and my overall life experiences. Many who know me say I am also defined by my curiosity and thirst for learning. I buy more books than I can finish. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. I fundamentally believe that if you are not learning new things, you stop doing great and useful things. So family, curiosity and hunger for knowledge all define me.

Why am I here?

I am here for the same reason I think most people join Microsoft — to change the world through technology that empowers people to do amazing things. I know it can sound hyperbolic — and yet it’s true. We have done it, we’re doing it today, and we are the team that will do it again.

I believe over the next decade computing will become even more ubiquitous and intelligence will become ambient. The coevolution of software and new hardware form factors will intermediate and digitize — many of the things we do and experience in business, life and our world. This will be made possible by an ever-growing network of connected devices, incredible computing capacity from the cloud, insights from big data, and intelligence from machine learning.

This is a software-powered world.

It will better connect us to our friends and families and help us see, express, and share our world in ways never before possible. It will enable businesses to engage customers in more meaningful ways.

I am here because we have unparalleled capability to make an impact.

Why are we here?

In our early history, our mission was about the PC on every desk and home, a goal we have mostly achieved in the developed world. Today we’re focused on a broader range of devices. While the deal is not yet complete, we will welcome to our family Nokia devices and services and the new mobile capabilities they bring us.

As we look forward, we must zero in on what Microsoft can uniquely contribute to the world. The opportunity ahead will require us to reimagine a lot of what we have done in the past for a mobile and cloud-first world, and do new things.

We are the only ones who can harness the power of software and deliver it through devices and services that truly empower every individual and every organization. We are the only company with history and continued focus in building platforms and ecosystems that create broad opportunity.

Qi Lu captured it well in a recent meeting when he said that Microsoft uniquely empowers people to “do more.” This doesn’t mean that we need to do more things, but that the work we do empowers the world to do more of what they care about — get stuff done, have fun, communicate and accomplish great things. This is the core of who we are, and driving this core value in all that we do — be it the cloud or device experiences — is why we are here.

What do we do next?

To paraphrase a quote from Oscar Wilde — we need to believe in the impossible and remove the improbable.

This starts with clarity of purpose and sense of mission that will lead us to imagine the impossible and deliver it. We need to prioritize innovation that is centered on our core value of empowering users and organizations to “do more.” We have picked a set of high-value activities as part of our One Microsoft strategy. And with every service and device launch going forward we need to bring more innovation to bear around these scenarios.

Next, every one of us needs to do our best work, lead and help drive cultural change. We sometimes underestimate what we each can do to make things happen and overestimate what others need to do to move us forward. We must change this.

Finally, I truly believe that each of us must find meaning in our work. The best work happens when you know that it’s not just work, but something that will improve other people’s lives. This is the opportunity that drives each of us at this company.

Many companies aspire to change the world. But very few have all the elements required: talent, resources, and perseverance. Microsoft has proven that it has all three in abundance. And as the new CEO, I can’t ask for a better foundation.

Let’s build on this foundation together.

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10 Introducing a New CEO Best Practices

If you're introducing a new CEO to your company, it's important to do it right. Here are 10 best practices to help you make a smooth transition.

new ceo introduction speech

Introducing a new CEO to the organization can be a daunting task. It is important to make sure that the transition is smooth and that the new CEO is welcomed and accepted by the team.

In this article, we will discuss 10 best practices for introducing a new CEO. From creating a communication plan to setting expectations, these best practices will help ensure that the transition is successful and that the new CEO is able to hit the ground running.

1. Develop a plan for introducing the new CEO to employees, customers, and other stakeholders

The plan should include a timeline for introducing the new CEO, as well as specific goals and objectives. This will ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the change in leadership and can adjust accordingly. It also allows the organization to control the message and ensure that it is communicated accurately and consistently.

The plan should also include strategies for engaging with employees, customers, and other stakeholders. For example, the plan could include an employee town hall meeting or customer webinar where the new CEO can introduce themselves and answer questions. Additionally, the plan should include communication channels such as email, social media, and press releases to ensure that everyone is informed about the transition.

2. Prepare an introduction speech that highlights the CEO’s qualifications and goals for the company

The introduction speech should be tailored to the company’s culture and values, as well as the CEO’s background. This will help set the tone for how the new leader is perceived by employees, customers, and other stakeholders. It also gives the audience a better understanding of what the CEO brings to the table and why they were chosen for the role.

When crafting the introduction speech, it’s important to focus on the CEO’s qualifications and experience that are relevant to the position. For example, if the CEO has extensive experience in the industry, this should be highlighted. Additionally, any awards or recognition the CEO has received should be mentioned.

It’s also important to include the CEO’s goals for the company. This helps give the audience an idea of where the company is headed under the new leadership. The goals should be specific and measurable so that everyone can track progress over time.

3. Schedule meetings with key personnel to discuss the new CEO’s vision for the company

Having meetings with key personnel allows the new CEO to communicate their vision for the company in a more personal and direct way. This helps ensure that everyone is on the same page, as well as provides an opportunity for the new CEO to answer any questions or address any concerns that may arise.

The best way to go about scheduling these meetings is by first identifying who the key personnel are. These could include members of the executive team, department heads, and other stakeholders. Once identified, it’s important to set up individual meetings with each person so they can have one-on-one time with the new CEO. It’s also beneficial to provide an agenda ahead of time so everyone knows what topics will be discussed.

4. Create a timeline for introducing the new CEO to external stakeholders such as investors, partners, and media

Creating a timeline allows the organization to plan and coordinate the introduction of the new CEO in an organized manner. It also helps ensure that all stakeholders are informed at the same time, which is important for maintaining consistency in messaging and avoiding any confusion or misunderstandings.

The timeline should include key dates such as when the announcement will be made, when the new CEO will start, and when they will meet with external stakeholders. It should also include details about how each stakeholder group will be introduced to the new CEO, such as through press releases, interviews, or other forms of communication. Additionally, it should outline what information will be shared with each stakeholder group, such as background on the new CEO’s experience and qualifications.

5. Leverage social media channels to broadcast the news of the new CEO appointment

Social media channels are a great way to reach a wide audience quickly and effectively. By broadcasting the news of the new CEO appointment on social media, companies can ensure that their message reaches a large number of people in a short amount of time. Additionally, it allows for two-way communication between the company and its stakeholders, which is important when introducing a new leader.

When leveraging social media channels to broadcast the news of the new CEO appointment, companies should create content that is engaging and informative. This could include an official announcement post with details about the new CEO’s background and qualifications, as well as posts featuring interviews or Q&A sessions with the new CEO. Companies should also use visuals such as photos and videos to make the content more appealing and shareable. Furthermore, they should encourage followers to engage with the content by asking questions and providing feedback.

6. Invite the new CEO to attend industry events and conferences to build relationships with peers

Attending industry events and conferences is a great way for the new CEO to become familiar with their peers in the industry, as well as gain insight into current trends and topics. This will help them better understand the competitive landscape and develop relationships that can be beneficial for the company.

The best way to do this is by having the new CEO attend events and conferences related to their field of expertise. They should also take advantage of networking opportunities at these events, such as attending panel discussions or speaking engagements. Additionally, they should make sure to introduce themselves to other attendees and exchange contact information. Doing so will allow them to stay connected and build meaningful relationships with their peers.

7. Set up a team of internal ambassadors to help spread the word about the new leader

The team of internal ambassadors can help to create a sense of excitement and enthusiasm about the new CEO. They can also provide an opportunity for employees to get to know the new leader on a more personal level, which helps to build trust and loyalty. Additionally, having a team of internal ambassadors allows the new CEO to have direct access to employees in order to answer questions and address any concerns they may have.

To set up a team of internal ambassadors, it is important to select individuals who are respected by their peers and have strong communication skills. These individuals should be given clear instructions on how to communicate information about the new CEO and what topics to discuss. It is also important to ensure that these ambassadors receive regular updates from the new CEO so that they can stay informed and pass along accurate information.

8. Provide resources and training to ensure all staff are familiar with the new CEO’s background and objectives

Having resources and training available to staff allows them to become familiar with the new CEO’s background, which can help build trust between the CEO and the staff. It also helps staff understand the CEO’s objectives and how they fit into the company’s overall mission. This understanding can help create a sense of unity among the staff and make it easier for them to work together towards achieving those objectives.

Providing resources and training can be done in various ways. For example, the company could host an orientation session where the new CEO introduces themselves and their goals. They could also provide written materials such as brochures or handouts that explain the CEO’s background and objectives. Additionally, the company could offer online courses or webinars that cover the same topics. By providing multiple methods of learning, the company ensures that all staff members have access to the information they need to get up to speed on the new CEO.

9. Encourage open dialogue between the new CEO and staff to foster trust and collaboration

Open dialogue between the new CEO and staff is important because it allows for a two-way exchange of ideas, opinions, and feedback. This helps to create an environment of trust and collaboration, which can be beneficial in many ways. For example, open dialogue encourages employees to feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns, which can lead to better problem solving and decision making. Additionally, it can help build relationships between the new CEO and staff, as well as foster a sense of unity within the organization.

To encourage open dialogue between the new CEO and staff, there are several strategies that can be implemented. One way is to hold regular meetings with staff members where they can ask questions and provide feedback. These meetings should be held in a safe and respectful environment so that everyone feels comfortable speaking up. Additionally, the new CEO should make themselves available to answer any questions or address any issues that may arise. They should also take the time to get to know each employee on a personal level, as this will help to build stronger relationships. Lastly, the new CEO should strive to create an atmosphere of transparency and openness by being honest and transparent about their plans and goals for the company.

10. Establish clear communication channels so that employees can provide feedback on their experience working with the new CEO

Having a clear communication channel allows employees to provide feedback in an organized and efficient manner. This helps the new CEO understand how their leadership is being received, as well as any areas of improvement that may be needed. It also gives employees a sense of ownership over the transition process, which can help build trust between them and the new leader.

The best way to establish these channels is by setting up a dedicated email address or online form for employees to submit their feedback. This should be promoted throughout the organization so that all employees are aware of it. Additionally, having a designated person or team responsible for collecting and responding to employee feedback will ensure that it is taken seriously and addressed in a timely manner.

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CEOs: Read this Before You Open Your Mouth

  • Peggy Klaus

Are you a CEO preparing to give a town hall state-of-the-union talk to your employees? Whether you’re a new CEO or one who’s been sitting in the chair for some time, keep reading. An awful lot of planning, time and resources go into these town halls. They’re frequently big productions beamed via satellite to offices […]

Are you a CEO preparing to give a town hall state-of-the-union talk to your employees? Whether you’re a new CEO or one who’s been sitting in the chair for some time, keep reading.

new ceo introduction speech

  • PK Peggy Klaus consults with executives and organizations on leadership and communication.

Partner Center

Mastering CEO Town Hall Speeches: Strategies for Engaging Communication

  • August 13, 2023

new ceo introduction speech

CEO town hall speeches are crucial events that require careful planning and execution to ensure effective communication. The success of these speeches hinges on the ability of CEOs to engage and captivate their audience. In this article, we explore strategies for mastering CEO town hall speeches and achieving engaging communication. Drawing from research and best practices, we discuss techniques such as utilizing visuals, incorporating storytelling, and employing humor. Additionally, we delve into effective communication techniques, emphasizing the importance of clearly defining objectives, using concise language, and encouraging two-way communication. By implementing these strategies, CEOs can enhance their communication skills and foster a stronger connection with their audience.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Preparation is crucial for a successful CEO town hall speech
  • Strategies for capturing audience attention include using engaging visuals, storytelling, humor, and strong opening statements
  • Effective communication techniques for CEO speeches include defining purpose, using concise language, practicing active listening, encouraging two-way communication, and tailoring the speech to the audience
  • Building trust and credibility as a CEO involves transparency, empathy, follow-through, appreciation, and fostering an inclusive work environment

The Importance of Preparation for CEO Town Hall Speeches

The success of CEO town hall speeches heavily relies on thorough preparation, as lack thereof can result in ineffective communication. Preparation techniques play a crucial role in engaging the audience during these speeches. Effective audience engagement is achieved through various strategies, including the use of engaging visuals and multimedia elements. Incorporating storytelling techniques helps make the speech more relatable to the audience. Humor creates a positive and engaging atmosphere, capturing the attention of the listeners. A strong and attention-grabbing opening statement sets the tone for the speech. Maintaining a confident and energetic delivery throughout the speech keeps the audience engaged. By employing these preparation techniques, CEOs can effectively communicate with their audience during town hall speeches.

Strategies for Capturing Audience Attention

Engaging visuals and multimedia elements can be used to capture the attention of the audience during a CEO town hall speech. These strategies are effective in creating an interactive and engaging atmosphere, encouraging audience participation. Some strategies to capture the audience’s attention include:

  • Incorporating interactive activities: Including activities such as live polling, quizzes, or interactive Q&A sessions can actively involve the audience and make the speech more engaging.
  • Encouraging audience participation: Allowing the audience to provide input, ask questions, or share their experiences during the speech can create a sense of involvement and make the speech more interactive.
  • Utilizing multimedia elements: Incorporating videos, graphics, or slideshows can visually enhance the speech, making it more visually appealing and memorable for the audience.

Utilizing Engaging Visuals and Multimedia Elements

Utilizing visually stimulating graphics and multimedia elements enhances the effectiveness of a CEO town hall speech. Engaging visual aids and multimedia elements capture the attention of the audience and make the speech more compelling. By incorporating visually appealing graphics, such as charts, graphs, and infographics, the CEO can effectively convey complex information in a concise and easily understandable manner. Multimedia elements, such as videos and animations, add dynamism and excitement to the speech, making it more engaging and memorable. These elements not only enhance the delivery of key messages but also create a visually appealing and interactive experience for the audience. The use of engaging visual aids and multimedia elements in a CEO town hall speech is essential for maximizing audience engagement and ensuring effective communication.

Incorporating Storytelling Techniques for Relatability

Incorporating storytelling techniques in a CEO town hall speech allows for a more relatable and engaging experience for the audience. Crafting compelling narratives in a speech can captivate the emotions of the listeners and create a connection with the speaker. This technique involves using anecdotes, personal experiences, or case studies to illustrate key points and make them more memorable. By framing information within a narrative structure, the CEO can effectively convey their message and engage the emotions of the audience. This can help the audience to connect with the speaker on a deeper level and make the speech more impactful. Additionally, storytelling can also help to simplify complex ideas and make them easier to understand and digest. Overall, incorporating storytelling techniques in a CEO town hall speech enhances the communication experience and fosters a stronger connection between the speaker and the audience.

Using Humor to Create a Positive and Engaging Atmosphere

Humor can be an effective tool in fostering a positive and engaging atmosphere during a CEO town hall speech. By incorporating humor techniques, such as clever anecdotes, playful language, and well-timed jokes, the speaker can create a relaxed and enjoyable environment. This can increase audience engagement and make the speech more memorable. Humor can also help to build rapport between the CEO and the audience, as it creates a sense of shared understanding and camaraderie. However, it is important to use humor judiciously and appropriately, as what may be funny to one person may not be to another. Additionally, the speaker should consider the cultural context and sensitivities of the audience to ensure that the humor does not offend or alienate anyone. Overall, using humor can be an effective strategy for creating a positive and engaging atmosphere during a CEO town hall speech and increasing audience engagement.

Crafting a Strong and Attention-Grabbing Opening Statement

Crafting a strong and attention-grabbing opening statement is essential for capturing the audience’s interest and setting the tone for a CEO town hall speech. An impactful introduction can set the stage for a successful speech by immediately engaging the audience and piquing their curiosity. To achieve this, CEOs can employ several strategies:

  • Start with a provocative question or statement that challenges the audience’s thinking.
  • Use a compelling anecdote or story that relates to the topic of the speech.
  • Incorporate surprising or thought-provoking statistics or facts that grab attention.

Mastering a Confident and Energetic Delivery

A confident and energetic delivery is crucial for capturing the attention and maintaining the engagement of the audience during a CEO town hall speech. Non-verbal communication plays a significant role in conveying confidence and energy. Body language, facial expressions, and gestures should be used effectively to enhance the delivery. Maintaining good eye contact with the audience indicates attentiveness and connection. Additionally, utilizing vocal variety, such as tone, pitch, and pace, can help convey enthusiasm and maintain audience interest. A CEO should project their voice clearly and use appropriate pauses for emphasis. It is also important to be aware of posture and movement on stage, as they can contribute to the overall impression. By mastering a confident and energetic delivery, a CEO can effectively engage the audience and make a lasting impact.

Effective Communication Techniques for CEO Speeches

Effective communication techniques for CEO speeches involve clearly defining the purpose and objectives of the speech, utilizing concise and impactful language, practicing active listening, encouraging two-way communication, and tailoring the speech to the specific audience and their interests.

Active Listening Techniques:

Maintain eye contact and nonverbal cues to show attentiveness

Paraphrase and summarize key points to demonstrate understanding

Ask clarifying questions to gather more information

Post-Speech Evaluation:

Collect feedback from employees to assess the effectiveness of the speech

Analyze the impact of the speech on employee morale and engagement

Address any unanswered questions or concerns raised during the speech

Follow-up Actions:

Implement necessary changes based on the feedback received

Communicate follow-up actions and progress to employees in a timely manner

Continuously evaluate and improve future CEO speeches based on previous evaluations and feedback.

Clearly Defining the Purpose and Objectives

In order to effectively communicate during CEO town hall speeches, it is essential to clearly define the purpose and objectives of the speech. This involves setting clear goals and outlining what the speech aims to achieve. By doing so, the messaging becomes more focused and impactful. Clear objectives provide a roadmap for the speech, ensuring that the CEO stays on track and delivers a coherent message to the audience. Additionally, defining the purpose and objectives helps in crafting effective messaging that aligns with the desired outcomes. This includes using concise and impactful language to convey key messages and ensure that the audience understands the intended meaning. By clearly defining the purpose and objectives, the CEO can enhance the overall effectiveness of the speech and successfully engage with the audience.

Using Concise and Impactful Language

Utilizing concise and impactful language is crucial for conveying key messages effectively and engaging the audience during CEO town hall speeches. To achieve this, CEOs can employ several strategies:

  • Craft clear and succinct messages that capture the essence of their ideas.
  • Use strong and persuasive language to create a lasting impact on the audience.
  • Employ rhetorical devices such as repetition and parallelism to enhance the delivery of key points.

Encouraging Two-Way Communication and Tailoring the Speech

In addition to using concise and impactful language, effective CEO town hall speeches require encouraging two-way communication and tailoring the speech to the specific audience. Active listening plays a crucial role in fostering dialogue and understanding the needs and concerns of employees. By actively engaging with their audience, CEOs can create an inclusive atmosphere where employees feel valued and heard. Furthermore, tailoring the speech to the specific audience ensures that the content is relevant and resonates with their interests. CEOs can achieve this by conducting thorough research and understanding the demographics, preferences, and expectations of the audience. By incorporating active listening and specific audience targeting, CEOs can enhance the effectiveness of their town hall speeches and establish stronger connections with their employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can a ceo ensure that their town hall speech is well-prepared.

To ensure a well-prepared CEO town hall speech, executives should prioritize planning and invest sufficient time and resources. Adequate preparation is crucial for effective communication, capturing audience attention, and delivering key messages concisely and impactfully.

What Are Some Examples of Engaging Visuals and Multimedia Elements That Can Be Incorporated Into a CEO Town Hall Speech?

Engaging visuals and multimedia elements, such as compelling images, videos, and interactive slides, can enhance a CEO town hall speech. These elements capture attention, convey information effectively, and create a visually stimulating experience for the audience.

How Can Storytelling Techniques Be Used to Make a CEO Town Hall Speech More Relatable to the Audience?

Storytelling techniques create an emotional connection in CEO town hall speeches, enhancing relatability. By incorporating authentic narratives, CEOs can engage the audience, evoke empathy, and convey meaningful messages, fostering a deeper understanding and connection.

What Are Some Tips for Using Humor Effectively in a CEO Town Hall Speech to Create a Positive and Engaging Atmosphere?

Using humor effectively in a CEO town hall speech can create a positive and engaging atmosphere. Strategies include incorporating appropriate and relatable jokes, maintaining a professional tone, and ensuring the humor aligns with the overall message and objectives of the speech.

Why Is It Important for a CEO to Begin Their Town Hall Speech With a Strong and Attention-Grabbing Opening Statement?

The importance of a CEO’s opening statement lies in its ability to capture and maintain the attention of the audience. Attention-grabbing openers have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the town hall speech.

How to Introduce a New Executive to Staff

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A properly planned CEO introduction to staff and external stakeholders sets the new boss up for success. Too often CEOs come and go with little fanfare. Consequently, nearly 33 percent of employees have no idea what their company CEO even looks like, and that’s a missed opportunity, says APPrise Mobile.

Employees want to know something about their leaders to feel motivated and engaged with the goals of the organization. Clients, vendors and the general public appreciate information about leadership changes and what that might mean for the direction of the company. A new CEO transition checklist can include email announcements, an open house, introductions at team meetings and a press release, for example.

CEO Introduction Sample

Introducing a new CEO to employees should take precedence over notifying those outside the organization. An email can be sent prior to the new executive’s arrival as an initial introduction. The standard format includes the CEO's name, title, credentials and start date followed by a brief job history. If appropriate, the announcement may explain who the new person is replacing. Also include key responsibilities of the job and attach a professional photo of the CEO or a video greeting sent from the CEO.

For example:

  • “The Board of Directors of Widget Manufacturing is pleased to announce the appointment of Jane Doe as chief executive officer. Effective January 2, Ms. Doe will step into the shoes of our retiring CEO. Ms. Doe holds a B.S. in engineering from Widget University. She brings 20 years of progressive experience in the industry. She will oversee budgeting, personnel and strategic planning. Please join me in welcoming her."

Similar information can later go out in a letter or email to external stakeholders. For high-profile positions with community ties, the department responsible for media relations can write and distribute a press release.

Prepare Staff for Transition

Introducing a new CEO to employees may present certain challenges that should not be ignored. For example, if a well-liked internal candidate interviewed but was not chosen for the job, there may be hard feelings and resistance to the new executive. Smooth the waters by talking with disgruntled employees. Explain that the process was fair, and the new CEO possesses a unique skill set that aligns well with the needs of the organization.

Change can be difficult for employees even if they’re dissatisfied with the status quo. If it’s no secret that the new CEO was hired to bring about change, quell rumors by introducing the new CEO soon after arrival. To the extent possible, the CEO’s role in matters affecting the workforce, like reorganization, downsizing or mergers, should be openly discussed in the interest of transparency.

Host In-Person Meetings

Email is efficient in getting the word out but doesn’t leave a lasting impression of the new executive. Without follow up communication, employees may soon forget the new CEO’s name. ACH Communications stresses the power of personal introductions in the workplace to enculturate the new executive and garner employee loyalty.

A witty and gregarious CEO can leverage his personality to win over employees if given a chance to personally meet people at an open house, luncheon or staff retreat, for example. Allow time for the CEO to speak if there’s a short program. Also arrange for the CEO to attend team meetings and visit each department. Provide new CEOs with an organizational chart to help them learn employee names and duties.

Create a Sense of Excitement

A new CEO presents an opportunity for an organization to revisit its mission, vision and purpose. Create excitement in employees by highlighting the experiences and fresh perspectives that the new CEO offers. If desired, arrange for the new CEO to communicate directly with employees prior to arrival. The communication can be a letter of introduction and a statement of expectations of staff.

Project Manager suggests that one of the best ways of making a good impression on a new CEO is to create a friendly, welcoming environment that includes ample opportunity for introductions. Offer to take the CEO on a tour of the building and make introductions that first day.

  • ACH Communications: Rethinking How to Introduce a New CEO to Employees
  • Project Manager: How to Make a New Team Member Feel Welcome
  • Take the executive on a tour of the office and introduce him to as many individuals as possible. Meeting all of the staff can be more feasible in a smaller company. Having the new executive meet at least the management staff in a large company can still help to facilitate a harmonious atmosphere.

Mary Dowd holds a doctorate in educational leadership and a master’s in counseling and student affairs from Minnesota State Mankato. Helping students succeed has been her passion while serving in many areas of student affairs and adjunct teaching. Currently she is a dean of students at a large, public university. Dr. Dpwd’s writing experience includes published research, training materials and hundreds of practical online articles.

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AirMason Blog

Crafting the Perfect CEO Welcome Message to New Employees

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  • October 11, 2023

Crafting the Perfect CEO Welcome Message to New Employees

Crafting the perfect CEO welcome message to new employees can be a game-changer for your organization. A well-crafted message sets the stage for a positive work environment, fosters employee engagement, and ultimately contributes to the success of your entire team. Get ready to explore the art of creating a powerful and memorable CEO welcome message to new employees that will leave a lasting impact on your new hires.

Key Takeaways

  • Create a positive first impression and motivate new employees with an inspiring CEO welcome message that is personalized, includes company’s vision & values, and offers support & encouragement.
  • Be authentic, concise & engaging in your communication to build trust among team members.
  • Tailor the message to individual employees for successful onboarding experience!

The Importance of a CEO Welcome Message

A CEO welcome message can make a significant difference by creating a positive first impression and helping new employees feel welcomed, engaged, and committed to the entire team and organization. Imagine the impact of a warm welcome message on your new team members, setting the tone for a great working relationship and making them feel appreciated and seen. This connection can increase employee engagement and help your dynamic team reach even greater heights.

Not only does a thoughtful welcome message boost employee morale, but it also plays a crucial role in the onboarding process, which ultimately impacts employee retention. A genuine and heartfelt welcome message sets the stage for a smooth transition into your organization, allowing new hires to feel valued from the get-go and hit the ground running.

Crafting the Perfect CEO Welcome Message to New Employees

Welcome in the Team

When we say “ welcome in the team, ” we truly mean it from the depths of our hearts. This is not just a formality, but a genuine embrace into our collaborative family. As you step into this new role, know that you are joining a group of individuals who are eager to support you, learn from you, and grow alongside you. Your unique perspective and skills are invaluable, and we believe that together, we can achieve extraordinary things. Embrace this opportunity to not only contribute to our collective success but also to find your own sense of fulfillment and purpose within the team. Remember, we’re all here to learn from each other, to lean on each other, and to celebrate each other’s victories, both big and small. Welcome aboard!

Key Elements of an Effective CEO Welcome Message

A CEO and the entire team welcoming new employees to the company

To craft a truly effective CEO welcome message, consider incorporating three key elements: personalization, sharing the company vision and values, and providing support and encouragement. Integrating these components will not only make your message stand out but also ensure a warm and engaging welcome for your new employees.

We will examine each of these important components more closely.

Personal Touch

Adding a personal touch to your welcome message can create a strong connection between the new employee and the CEO, making them feel valued and part of the company. Personalization is an essential aspect of crafting welcome messages for new employees, as it sets the stage for their onboarding journey and motivates them to stay in the company and contribute to the amazing team.

Successful CEOs use various techniques to personalize their welcome messages, such as:

  • Sending a heartfelt letter
  • Creating an engaging video
  • Addressing the new employee by name in the welcome email
  • Sharing personal learnings and insights from the CEO to motivate and inspire.

Incorporating these personalization techniques fosters a supportive work environment, empowering new employees to thrive and making the employee handbook a valuable resource.

Company Vision and Values

Sharing the company’s vision and values in a CEO welcome message can help new employees gain a better understanding of the organization’s culture and expectations, enabling them to feel the warmest welcome and be more motivated to be part of the team. A well-defined vision statement outlines the company’s long-term goals and aspirations, while values define the guiding principles and beliefs that influence employee behavior and decision-making.

When a new team member understands and aligns with the vision and values, it creates a strong sense of unity and shared purpose within the company. This connection can lead to greater motivation, engagement, and productivity, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the entire team, including other team members, and the organization.

Offer Support and Encouragement

Offering support and encouragement in a CEO welcome message creates a supportive environment that encourages new employees to reach their full potential and succeed after receiving a job offer. Including uplifting phrases in your message, such as “Congratulations on becoming part of our team! Keep pushing forward in your work, learn from any missteps, and always aim for excellence”, can energize new employees and make them feel valued and seen.

Research indicates that employees who feel appreciated and inspired are more likely to stay with the company. Encouraging meaningful connections and fostering relationships can effectively boost employee retention rates, creating a nurturing work environment for all.

Examples of Inspiring CEO Welcome Messages

A CEO delivering an inspiring welcome message to new employees

To assist you in crafting your own impactful CEO welcome message, we’ll examine inspiring examples from various companies. These examples demonstrate the power of a well-crafted welcome message in setting the stage for a positive work environment and fostering employee engagement.

One company, known by their unique company name, incorporated the inspiring quote, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do” by Steve Jobs, to motivate their new hires and provide a fresh perspective into the core values of their company culture.

Another organization created a professionally filmed video showcasing the company’s unique values, aspirations, and how the new employee can be part of something great. The CEO in the Pioneer Human Services video emphasizes the company’s commitment to the community, proudly demonstrating their culture and principles, and encouraging the new employee to share the same values and beliefs.

Welcome GIF for New Employees

Introducing a “ Welcome GIF for New Employees ” is an excellent way to kickstart their journey with your company. This animated greeting not only adds a touch of warmth to their onboarding experience but also sets the tone for a positive work environment. The carefully chosen GIF can convey a sense of camaraderie and inclusivity, making new team members feel instantly connected. It serves as a visual handshake, providing an immediate sense of belonging. Additionally, a well-curated GIF can also showcase your company’s culture and values, giving new hires a glimpse into what makes your organization unique. So, consider selecting a lively, on-brand GIF that captures the essence of your workplace, and watch it pave the way for a smooth and engaging start for your new employees.

Tips for Crafting Your Own CEO Welcome Message

An image of the CEO addressing new employees during the ceo welcome message to new employees session.

With inspiring examples and key insights at your disposal, you’re now ready to create your own effective CEO welcome message. To create a compelling message that resonates with your new employees, consider the following tips: be authentic and genuine, keep it concise and engaging, and tailor the message to the audience.

We will delve into these tips with more detail.

Be Authentic and Genuine

Being authentic and genuine in your welcome message helps establish trust and credibility with new employees. Openness, honesty, and sincerity are vital when expressing your excitement and appreciation for the new hire. This authentic approach fosters a sense of safety and security, enabling new employees to feel more comfortable and engaged in their new job environment.

Authentic communication fosters trust and a sense of safety, driving employee engagement. When communication is authentic, employees feel appreciated, heard, and understood, resulting in higher levels of engagement and dedication to their work. Authentic communication creates organizational trust and strengthens the overall employee experience.

Keep It Concise and Engaging

Keeping your welcome message concise and engaging ensures that new employees will read and absorb the information. Here are some tips to make your message impactful:

  • Use clear and concise language
  • Avoid jargon
  • Focus on the key points
  • Evoke action or emotion to resonate with the reader and leave a lasting impact.

A concise welcome message facilitates better information absorption and understanding, making the message stand out and promoting a welcoming atmosphere and engagement. Crafting a great welcome message can make a big difference in employee engagement and the onboarding process.

Tailor the Message to the Audience

Tailoring the message to the audience, such as addressing specific departments or roles, makes the welcome message more relevant and impactful. By taking the time to understand the unique needs, interests, and priorities of each audience, you can frame the message in a way that speaks to them and makes it more effective.

Customizing the welcome message for individual employees by incorporating personalization elements, such as mentioning their name, role, or unique skills, can make the message more personalized and meaningful. This approach shows the employee how much they are valued and appreciated, fostering a supportive work environment that empowers new employees to succeed.

How to Deliver Your CEO Welcome Message

A CEO delivering a welcome message to new employees

With your inspiring CEO welcome message ready, it’s time to contemplate the most effective delivery method. Email, video, or in-person during orientation are great ways to ensure a successful delivery of your message. Each delivery method has its benefits, and choosing the right one depends on your organization’s culture and the message you want to convey.

Email is an efficient way to instantly convey your message to new employees. Videos, on the other hand, can showcase the company’s unique values, mission, and vision, and provide a warm welcome from the CEO. In-person orientation allows for a more personal touch, giving new employees the opportunity to meet their colleagues and ask questions in a face-to-face setting.

Whichever method you choose, remember that the key is to make your message meaningful and memorable for your new employees.

Letter for Hiring New Employee

When it comes to welcoming a new member to your team, crafting an effective “ letter for hiring new employee ” is crucial. This document serves as the official introduction and initial point of contact between your organization and the incoming employee. In this letter, you have the opportunity to express your excitement about their joining, outline the terms and conditions of their employment, and provide any necessary information about their role, the company culture, and the onboarding process. A well-structured letter not only sets the tone for a positive start but also ensures clarity and transparency, helping the new hire feel confident and valued from the very beginning. Therefore, it is essential to dedicate time and attention to composing a thoughtful and informative “letter for hiring new employee.”

The Role of the CEO in Employee Onboarding

The CEO is instrumental in employee onboarding, setting expectations, cultivating a positive culture, and offering continual support to new hires as they integrate into the company. An inspiring onboarding experience can be fostered by emphasizing diverse perspectives, articulating company vision and goals, and building strong relationships with newly hired employees.

A successful onboarding process, such as the one offered by Buffer, provides new hires with not one, but three buddies to help them navigate their new work environment. This approach showcases the benefits of having a work buddy, who can provide support and guidance during the onboarding process, making the transition into the company smoother and more enjoyable.

In summary, crafting the perfect CEO welcome message is an essential aspect of the onboarding process, setting the stage for a positive work environment and fostering employee engagement. By incorporating key elements such as personalization, company vision, and offering support and encouragement, you can create a powerful and memorable message that will leave a lasting impact on your new hires.

Remember to be authentic, genuine, and concise in your message, and tailor it to the audience for maximum impact. Deliver your message through the most appropriate method for your organization and ensure a positive onboarding experience for your new employees. By taking these steps, you are setting the stage for success, not only for your new hires but for the entire team and organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best ceo welcome message to new employees.

Welcome aboard! We’re thrilled to have you join our team and can’t wait to see all the great things you’ll accomplish here. Our company core values will guide us every step of the way as we work together. Let’s make a difference!

How do you write a welcome message for a new employee?

Welcome aboard! We’re excited to have you join us and can’t wait to see your skills in action. Your unique talent and superb personality will make you the perfect addition to our team. Congratulations on joining us and we look forward to sharing many laughs, wins, and success together!

What is a good welcome message?

Welcome! We are delighted to have you here and excited to share this moment with you. Let’s make it a great one!

How do you welcome someone professionally?

Welcome aboard, [Name]! It’s amazing to have such a talented new member join our team. We are delighted that you have decided to join us and send a warm welcome from everyone at [Company Name]. Congratulations and welcome aboard!

What are the key elements of an effective CEO welcome message?

Personalize your message, express the company’s vision and values, and offer support and encouragement to set the tone for a successful welcome.

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Tehsin Bhayani

AirMason was born when Tehsin was trying to create a digital culture book, but couldn’t find any solutions in the market that had all the features he needed. In 2016, AirMason officially launched. In five years, AirMason has created thousands of handbooks for more than 1,000 clients around the world.

CAP Ground Team Task Guide: A Comprehensive Guide

Sample email to implement new process: crafting the perfect message to employees, press esc to close.

Letter to a newly appointed CEO

London June 1, 2010

Dear Frank,

It was great to meet for dinner yesterday. Once again, congratulations on your appointment as CEO. It’s a big honour, and an opportunity that I am sure you will relish.

I am glad that you found our discussion on CEO transitions useful. You mentioned that it would be helpful to you if I jotted down the key points we discussed, so I am putting pen to paper. My suggestions are focused on making a successful leadership transition—not on the role and attributes of a successful CEO, about which so much has already been written. They are based primarily on personal observation of many CEO transitions, as well as on interviews with a number of leading CEOs and chairmen from around the world.

1. Context is critical. As an outside appointment, you must quickly learn about the history, board structure, governance, and national heritage of the company, not to mention its financial performance, morale, and capabilities. Then you must look at this context through the eyes of other constituencies and stakeholders. An early sense of how they might see things is valuable in its own right; it also can help provide a reality check on any assumptions or prejudices, as well as insights, that you may have built up during your interview and recruitment process. Too many CEO transitions get off to a poor start as new leaders learn that what worked in one context doesn’t necessarily transfer well to another. Experience is valuable, but it also creates bias. You won’t often get such an opportunity or time to step back and reflect, so take it.

2. We talked about the alleged importance of the first 100 days. In my view, this is an arbitrary number to be treated with scepticism. In a crisis or turnaround situation, for example, you would not have the luxury of a 100-day transition. In other cases, like the one you are stepping into, you can afford to take a more measured approach. You don’t want or need to make decisions on, say, strategy or people or core control processes when you are not confident in your knowledge. There is a big difference between being undecided and indecisive.

The key is to be thoughtful and purposeful about your transition time frame and to be very clear on what you believe would constitute a successful leadership transition. Set specific transition goals (for example, establishing the trust of your top team and developing a good relationship with your chairman).

Transitions involve leaving as well as starting. Do not overlook the task of disengaging from your prior job elegantly and professionally. Apart from it being the right thing to do, people will notice and remember. People will also notice and remember how you talk about and acknowledge your predecessor as CEO, and how much respect you have for the past.

3. Taking over as a new CEO is exhilarating but can also be overwhelming. A critical task early on is to establish priorities. On day one, you will be handed a list of commitments and meetings. Many of these will be nonnegotiable (for instance, board meetings, annual general meetings), but some will be driven by history and the preferences of your predecessors. Take time to decide which ones you want to attend, bearing in mind the signalling effect your decisions will have.

Your style in these early transition days and in your first meetings will be watched and noted. It will be important to establish early what you stand for. It will also be important to engage early with employees at all levels to understand the mood and culture and to get a sense of what they actually do and how they feel about the company. People will pay particular attention to how you conduct internal meetings, how you listen, and how much attention you do or do not give to process.

As you establish your priorities you will need to understand the expectations of the different constituents—for example, your chairman, key investors and analysts, regulators, unions, as well as the people in your organisation. You will receive a lot of advice to set bold expectations, but during the transition period it is more important to understand expectations. This understanding will help you stress test your emerging priorities and your degrees of freedom. It will also help you establish your communications approach.

4. Time will be a big challenge, particularly as your truly discretionary time will be limited. It will seem that everyone wants a piece of you. This will be true externally and internally. Be ruthless on the use of your time and on what you will and won’t do. Avoid developing a habit of cancelling meetings because of time pressures. This will make you look disorganised and will be demoralising to those you stand up. Don’t underestimate the possibility and impact of unforeseen events, particularly when things are going well. Leave space for reflection and for crises—you won’t know when they will happen, but they will. The rule of thumb is that you can expect at least one potentially career-threatening event a year.

5. You are fully aware that constructing your top team and building relationships with key people will be a fundamental—perhaps the most important—early task. In your case, coming in as an external appointment, you will need to get to know the current team and to understand their motivations, capabilities, attitude to risk, and ways of operating. Be open minded and take time to reassess initial impressions or previous experiences. (This would be all the more true had you been an internal CEO appointment.) As always, don’t be shy of biting the bullet if you feel it necessary: it can be easier to make tough calls early in your tenure as CEO. There is always the temptation to surround yourself not just with people you respect but with people with whom you feel comfortable and who are aligned with your way of thinking. This is important, but it can also be important to have a “bit of grit in the oyster.” This diversity should enhance the quality of challenge and reduce decision-making bias and risk. It will also send a message of openness to the broader organisation.

6. Do not underestimate the importance of building a professional, respect-based peer relationship quickly with your board and, particularly, with your chairman. It’s difficult to overstate the importance of the support and confidence of both—you will need them, particularly when the going gets tough. This is a two-way street, of course, but it’s essential to invest the necessary time and to start this process early. Do not feel that this is solely the responsibility of the chairman. In particular, observe your chairman closely and get a good feel of how he likes to run the board and how he likes to be kept informed.

It’s useful to remember that the board consists of individuals, each with his or her own experiences, perspectives, and priorities; it’s valuable and rewarding to understand these. Remember, it is the board that appointed you and it is the board that is accountable to the company’s stakeholders for your success. They, and particularly the chairman, will be as anxious as anyone that you get off to a solid start and establish an effective working relationship with the board, as well as credibility within the organisation.

As you work on building your relationships with your chairman and board, also make sure that you become familiar with the formal corporate governance principles and company by-laws. Your chairman and key institutional investors will expect it, and you don’t want to get caught out on such technicalities.

There will be many other relationships that could merit your time during the transition period when you are establishing yourself as CEO—for example, with customers, investors, external advisers, media, and suppliers. You will not be able to do them all justice initially, so it’s useful to draw up a map of whom you will (and won’t) contact and when, based on your judgement of priorities. It may be advisable to share this map with your top team and seek their input. Again, the key thought here is to get control and make mindful choices, rather than letting circumstances or your staff dictate your priorities.

7. The quality and credibility of your direct support team will be key. Your choice of personal assistant and of the support office and technical infrastructure around you will be among your most important (and sometimes most difficult) early decisions. They should both support and reflect your own style and method of operating and be designed to take as much of the burden off your shoulders as possible. One CEO I know made a big mistake in keeping his predecessor’s assistant and support set-up, even though he was committed to a radical change agenda.

8. It is advisable to develop—early—a clear transition communications strategy, both for internal and external audiences, recognising that what appears in the external media has a bigger influence on internal and board perceptions than you might initially think. Are you going to be personally visible and accessible to your organisation and to your customers, or are you primarily going to delegate through the line? How are you going to use communication technologies (such as WebEx, blogs, and video messaging) to leverage your presence and reach? How will you use management conferences to build understanding and alignment? What sort of external personal profile do you want or need to have in the media and with investors? What role will your chairman play in the company’s communications and external profile?

Consistency of message is key. Over time you will need to develop coherent themes and directions that enable you to “tell the story.” But in the CEO transition period, particularly if you are an outside appointment, you may not be clear on your key messages, and, in fact, people may not want or expect you to be too specific. In this circumstance, it can be highly effective to focus on your beliefs and what you stand for. In time, these can evolve into specific themes that reflect your strategic priorities and direction as well as your own style and personality. Don’t underestimate the damage and confusion that can be caused by saying too much too soon or by making promises (sometimes unintended) that cannot be delivered on subsequently.

9. A perennial challenge for all in positions of authority is how to get objective, balanced feedback and information. This can be all the more problematic in a CEO transition. As soon as an appointment is announced, relationships shift in both context and tone. What you hear directly will now usually be filtered in some way. People may be more prone than usual to tell you what they think you want to hear. Conversely others may overemphasise their criticisms and worries in their desire to make an impression or simply to reflect their own temperaments and frustrations.

Successful CEOs use a range of techniques to get around the problem, but all involve some form of triangulation and diversity of perspective. The chairman and board have a role to play as do investors, customers, and suppliers—it’s always advisable to keep an external orientation to check that the messages from the market are aligned with the messages from within your organisation. Some CEOs use external advisors to help gain perspective; others use more formal techniques such as surveys and systematic feedback mechanisms. Find some room and time for the mavericks inside and outside your organisation. Find some room and time to talk to frontline staff. Most boards review the CEO’s performance annually. In your first year, you may well find it helpful to have a six-month review as well. This may sound like unwanted extra pressure, but in reality it will provide additional objective feedback.

You should aim to build your own bulletproof fact base, so challenge data and information that is presented to you, particularly in your early days as CEO. How was it collected? How reliable is it? Have there been any definitional problems in the past? Such a judicious approach will increase your knowledge and confidence in the information you receive (and occasionally, but valuably, they will do the opposite!). They will also send a strong message to your organisation about the importance of accuracy and of making assumptions explicit.

10. This note is too long already, but one final thought about personal priorities and ground rules. The CEO role has the structural potential to be all consuming. “The reality is enslavement,” a CEO once said to me. It’s hard to escape and it’s hard to switch off. Nevertheless, there are some tips and techniques that might help. It’s important to establish early on how you are prepared to live your CEO life, at least when you are not in those occasional situations that require a 24/7 commitment. Are you going to be routinely available during weekends for meetings and travel? Will you honour holiday commitments? Do you intend to use air travel as a chance to work or as a chance to relax? Will you routinely go to external functions and dinners? It’s important to establish your own pattern and priorities relatively early—not just for you and your family but also to allow your organisation to adjust.

It can be helpful to develop simple habits and rules that reduce stress and wear and tear—examples include not looking at your Blackberry within two hours of going to bed, controlling your accessibility via e-mail or mobile phone, setting limits on alcohol consumption, planning travel meticulously to avoid continental crisscrossing, and setting aside specific time for exercise or nonwork reading. And, as we discussed over dinner, the nine-hour rule has always helped me put sufficient space between my last appointment on one day and my first appointment the following day—and get a reasonable night’s sleep.

Finally, don’t forget that the role of CEO brings an element of celebrity as well as power, with all the attendant benefits, temptations, and dangers.

Frank, I hope this letter is a helpful summary of our discussion. I am attaching a page which summarises the key questions that new CEOs might ask during their transition period. Hopefully it will be a useful checklist for you over the next months. As I have said, there are few absolute rights and wrongs, but it is important to make mindful choices about each of them. I will obviously be interested to hear of your experiences and feedback.

In the meantime, as we discussed, I will set up meetings with a few other CEOs. I’m sure you will enjoy getting to know them and that they will form a useful peer group and sounding board for you.

Best of luck in what I am sure will be a great experience. I look forward to catching up with you in a month or so—my turn to pay this time.

Yours ever,

Ian Davis is a former worldwide managing director of McKinsey & Company.

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Apple announces new accessibility features, including Eye Tracking, Music Haptics, and Vocal Shortcuts

Eye Tracking Comes to iPad and iPhone

Music Haptics Makes Songs More Accessible

New Features for a Wide Range of Speech

On iPhone 15 Pro, a screen reads “Set Up Vocal Shortcuts” and prompts the user to choose an action and record a phrase to teach their iPhone how to recognize their voice.

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The new Sound Recognition feature in CarPlay alerts a user of a potential siren sound.

Accessibility Features Coming to visionOS

The Live Captions experience in visionOS is shown from an Apple Vision Pro user’s point of view.

Additional Updates

  • For users who are blind or have low vision, VoiceOver will include new voices, a flexible Voice Rotor, custom volume control, and the ability to customize VoiceOver keyboard shortcuts on Mac.
  • Magnifier will offer a new Reader Mode and the option to easily launch Detection Mode with the Action button.
  • Braille users will get a new way to start and stay in Braille Screen Input for faster control and text editing; Japanese language availability for Braille Screen Input; support for multi-line braille with Dot Pad ; and the option to choose different input and output tables.
  • For users with low vision, Hover Typing shows larger text when typing in a text field, and in a user’s preferred font and color.
  • For users at risk of losing their ability to speak, Personal Voice will be available in Mandarin Chinese. Users who have difficulty pronouncing or reading full sentences will be able to create a Personal Voice using shortened phrases.
  • For users who are nonspeaking, Live Speech will include categories and simultaneous compatibility with Live Captions .
  • For users with physical disabilities, Virtual Trackpad for AssistiveTouch allows users to control their device using a small region of the screen as a resizable trackpad.
  • Switch Control will include the option to use the cameras in iPhone and iPad to recognize finger-tap gestures as switches.
  • Voice Control will offer support for custom vocabularies and complex words.

The new Reader Mode in Magnifier is shown on iPhone 15 Pro.

Celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day with Apple

  • Throughout the month of May, select Apple Store locations will host free sessions to help customers explore and discover accessibility features built into the products they love. Apple Piazza Liberty in Milan will feature the talent behind “Assume that I can,” the viral campaign for World Down Syndrome Day. And available year-round at Apple Store locations globally, Today at Apple group reservations are a place where friends, families, schools, and community groups can learn about accessibility features together.
  • Shortcuts adds Calming Sounds , which plays ambient soundscapes to minimize distractions, helping users focus or rest.
  • Visit the App Store to discover incredible apps and games that promote access and inclusion for all, including the accessible App Store Award-winning game Unpacking, apps as tools for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), and more.
  • The Apple TV app will honor trailblazing creators, performers, and activists who passionately share the experiences of people with disabilities. This year’s theme is Remaking the World , and each story invites viewers to envision a reality where everyone is empowered to add their voice to the greater human story.
  • Apple Books will spotlight lived experiences of disability through curated collections of first-person narratives by disabled writers in ebook and audiobook formats.
  • Apple Fitness+ workouts, meditations, and trainer tips welcome users who are deaf or hard of hearing with American Sign Language, and Time to Walk now includes transcripts in the Apple Podcasts app. Fitness+ workouts always include Audio Hints to support users who are blind or have low vision, as well as modifiers so that users of all levels can participate.
  • Users can visit Apple Support to learn how their Apple devices can be customized using built-in accessibility features. From adapting the gestures to customizing how information is presented on a device’s screen, the Apple Accessibility playlist will help users learn how to personalize Apple Vision Pro, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac to work best for them.

Text of this article

May 15, 2024


CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA  Apple today announced new accessibility features coming later this year, including Eye Tracking, a way for users with physical disabilities to control iPad or iPhone with their eyes. Additionally, Music Haptics will offer a new way for users who are deaf or hard of hearing to experience music using the Taptic Engine in iPhone; Vocal Shortcuts will allow users to perform tasks by making a custom sound; Vehicle Motion Cues can help reduce motion sickness when using iPhone or iPad in a moving vehicle; and more accessibility features will come to visionOS. These features combine the power of Apple hardware and software, harnessing Apple silicon, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to further Apple’s decades-long commitment to designing products for everyone.

“We believe deeply in the transformative power of innovation to enrich lives,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “That’s why for nearly 40 years, Apple has championed inclusive design by embedding accessibility at the core of our hardware and software. We’re continuously pushing the boundaries of technology, and these new features reflect our long-standing commitment to delivering the best possible experience to all of our users.”

“Each year, we break new ground when it comes to accessibility,” said Sarah Herrlinger, Apple’s senior director of Global Accessibility Policy and Initiatives. “These new features will make an impact in the lives of a wide range of users, providing new ways to communicate, control their devices, and move through the world.”

Powered by artificial intelligence, Eye Tracking gives users a built-in option for navigating iPad and iPhone with just their eyes. Designed for users with physical disabilities, Eye Tracking uses the front-facing camera to set up and calibrate in seconds, and with on-device machine learning, all data used to set up and control this feature is kept securely on device, and isn’t shared with Apple.

Eye Tracking works across iPadOS and iOS apps, and doesn’t require additional hardware or accessories. With Eye Tracking, users can navigate through the elements of an app and use Dwell Control to activate each element, accessing additional functions such as physical buttons, swipes, and other gestures solely with their eyes.

Music Haptics is a new way for users who are deaf or hard of hearing to experience music on iPhone. With this accessibility feature turned on, the Taptic Engine in iPhone plays taps, textures, and refined vibrations to the audio of the music. Music Haptics works across millions of songs in the Apple Music catalog, and will be available as an API for developers to make music more accessible in their apps.

With Vocal Shortcuts, iPhone and iPad users can assign custom utterances that Siri can understand to launch shortcuts and complete complex tasks. Listen for Atypical Speech, another new feature, gives users an option for enhancing speech recognition for a wider range of speech. Listen for Atypical Speech uses on-device machine learning to recognize user speech patterns. Designed for users with acquired or progressive conditions that affect speech, such as cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or stroke, these features provide a new level of customization and control, building on features introduced in iOS 17 for users who are nonspeaking or at risk of losing their ability to speak.

“Artificial intelligence has the potential to improve speech recognition for millions of people with atypical speech, so we are thrilled that Apple is bringing these new accessibility features to consumers,” said Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, the Speech Accessibility Project at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s principal investigator. “The Speech Accessibility Project was designed as a broad-based, community-supported effort to help companies and universities make speech recognition more robust and effective, and Apple is among the accessibility advocates who made the Speech Accessibility Project possible.”

Vehicle Motion Cues is a new experience for iPhone and iPad that can help reduce motion sickness for passengers in moving vehicles. Research shows that motion sickness is commonly caused by a sensory conflict between what a person sees and what they feel, which can prevent some users from comfortably using iPhone or iPad while riding in a moving vehicle. With Vehicle Motion Cues, animated dots on the edges of the screen represent changes in vehicle motion to help reduce sensory conflict without interfering with the main content. Using sensors built into iPhone and iPad, Vehicle Motion Cues recognizes when a user is in a moving vehicle and responds accordingly. The feature can be set to show automatically on iPhone, or can be turned on and off in Control Center.

Accessibility features coming to CarPlay include Voice Control, Color Filters, and Sound Recognition. With Voice Control, users can navigate CarPlay and control apps with just their voice. With Sound Recognition, drivers or passengers who are deaf or hard of hearing can turn on alerts to be notified of car horns and sirens. For users who are colorblind, Color Filters make the CarPlay interface visually easier to use, with additional visual accessibility features including Bold Text.

This year, accessibility features coming to visionOS will include systemwide Live Captions to help everyone — including users who are deaf or hard of hearing — follow along with spoken dialogue in live conversations and in audio from apps. With Live Captions for FaceTime in visionOS, more users can easily enjoy the unique experience of connecting and collaborating using their Persona. Apple Vision Pro will add the capability to move captions using the window bar during Apple Immersive Video, as well as support for additional Made for iPhone hearing devices and cochlear hearing processors. Updates for vision accessibility will include the addition of Reduce Transparency, Smart Invert, and Dim Flashing Lights for users who have low vision, or those who want to avoid bright lights and frequent flashing.

These features join the dozens of accessibility features already available in Apple Vision Pro, which offers a flexible input system and an intuitive interface designed with a wide range of users in mind. Features such as VoiceOver, Zoom, and Color Filters can also provide users who are blind or have low vision access to spatial computing, while features such as Guided Access can support users with cognitive disabilities. Users can control Vision Pro with any combination of their eyes, hands, or voice, with accessibility features including Switch Control, Sound Actions, and Dwell Control that can also help those with physical disabilities.

“Apple Vision Pro is without a doubt the most accessible technology I’ve ever used,” said Ryan Hudson-Peralta, a Detroit-based product designer, accessibility consultant, and cofounder of Equal Accessibility LLC. “As someone born without hands and unable to walk, I know the world was not designed with me in mind, so it’s been incredible to see that visionOS just works. It’s a testament to the power and importance of accessible and inclusive design.”

This week, Apple is introducing new features, curated collections, and more in celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day:

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B rilliant Skin Essentials celebrated summer in style on May 19 with a vibrant event on Boracay Island, unveiling a new product line and introducing their latest ambassador.

Brilliant Skin Essentials CEO Glenda dela Cruz opened the festivities with a heartfelt speech, expressing gratitude and excitement for the brand's future.

"Welcome to a 'Brilliant' Summer! I am so overwhelmed with everyone's presence," dela Cruz enthused.

The event, attended by over 300 franchisees and distributors, featured appearances from brand endorser Andrea Brillantes and new ambassador Kyle Echarri.

"Of course, my favorite part of this endorsement is the most important one– how the products of Brilliant Skin are really effective. I can say this because I've been a user since I was 15 years old."

Echarri echoed her sentiments, adding, "I can feel that too. And I also feel like Blythe [Brillantes' nickname] would add that another favorite part is that you really feel like family with Ms. Glenda's team."

Echarri officially joined the Brilliant Skin family by signing his contract at the event, expressing his gratitude to everyone behind the brand: "Thank you very much to my Brilliant family. I love you all. I hope we stay together for a long time. I'm so grateful and so blessed to be part of the family."

The event also marked the launch of three new products, namely, Brilliant Sun Professional Sunscreen for the ultimate summer glow, Hello Melo Drinks — a specialty beauty drink infused with collagen and essential vitamins, and Hyper Hydra Pressed Powder, which provides SPF 50 protection in four versatile shades.

Additionally, Brilliant Skin Essentials honored their top city, municipal, district, and provincial distributors, along with top franchisees for the first quarter of 2024. The celebration was punctuated with raffle and cash prizes.

The summer bash concluded with excitement and anticipation for the future, showcasing Brillantes and Echarri and introducing products set to captivate the market.

Brilliant Skin brings Andrea Brillantes, Kyle Echarri to Boracay


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