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Essays About Fashion: Top 5 Examples and 9 Prompts

If you are writing essays about fashion, check out our guide of helpful examples and exciting writing prompts to get started.

Fashion is individuals’ way of expressing their personalities. They do this through clothes and accessories that display their tastes and preferences. There are different fashion styles and trends, and anyone can choose anything they want to follow. Additionally, fashion has various benefits, such as boosting self-confidence, lightening moods, and developing creativity. Our fashion choices also help us send messages and present our beliefs. Thus, fashion can also be political .

Below are five essay examples and nine writing prompts to help you create an eye-catching essay about fashion:

5 Top Essay Examples

1. why fashion is important by george k., 2. fashion: an important part of life by ankita yadav, 3. fashion as communication by eunice summers, 4. fashion 2022 by edudwar, 5. the effect of fashion on teenagers in school by anonymous on, 1. fashion trends and women, 2. fashion evolution, 3. fashion and starting a business, 4. effects of fashion on society, 5. the best fashion styles for men, 6. fashion trends in different countries , 7. careers in the fashion industry, 8. cultural fashion vs. modern fashion, 9. the best and worst of fashion trends.

“The clothes we wear has become more than merely a way to cover our nakedness; instead it has also become one of the primary ways in which people express themselves.”

George K explains that fashion separates individuals from the rest. A person can introduce himself to others for who and what he is through style choices. Further, the author expounds on how fashion is a very competitive industry that depends on one’s search for identity. The author also points out that every person is unique and thus needs a distinct style to fit them. However, because of constant peer pressure and criticism, an individual’s fashion picks can’t be entirely their own. Ultimately, George K reminds the reader that it’s not just the clothes but how individuals wear and feel in them.

“…if we can do something then it is choosing the right stuff like entertainment, adventure, fashion, etc. All these things can make us happy and are also an important part of life. Fashion always attracts and it is available for all,”

Yadav considers how fashion originated from people’s traditions and cultures and became what it is today through individuals adopting each style and making it their own. In the following sections of the essay, she defines fashion and lists its importance, including how it developed new employment options and how styles speak for the wearer. 

In her conclusion, she encourages everyone to choose their styles and not to mind their age. Fashion helps everyone live life to the fullest.

“Fashion is an industry based on creating a need where there is none and nowadays, due to the current recession, I can understand that fashion may not be people’s biggest concern. But we cannot qualify it as ‘trivial’ since we are surrounded by it; each new generation of customers is highly exposed to commercial influences.”

Summers gives her opinion about the book “Fashion as Communication” by Malcolm Barnard . She identifies points in the work and shares her thoughts on them. The first point being those working in the fashion industry aren’t smart. As a Fashion Marketing student, Summers vehemently disagrees with this statement and recounts her experiences to counter it. She continues to analyze Barnard’s other arguments and agrees with some of them. Summers ends her essay by highlighting that fashion is too essential in modern culture and economic organization for it to be considered “trivial.”

“…the youth cares more about what they wear and how they look which could affect their status in their peer group and meddle with their mental health. Following trends and doing what everyone is doing like a sheep is never a good idea. Fashion is there to reflect your personal style, not copying what other people think is trendy.”

User Edudwar reminds people that fashion is not simply following what’s currently trendy. Fashion is there to give people the chance to show off their individualism and personalities and not present a fake version of themselves to be accepted by society. Additionally, he mentions that youth nowadays are more sensitive to what people think of them, so some will always do everything to follow trends, even if they’re not presentable or appropriate.

“Youths of the present times have indulged themselves in so much fashion that they do not receive sufficient time for other work… The time spent on studies is being used in watching TV programmes, reading fashion articles, or even finding the recent trendy outfits on the Internet.”

The essay discusses the real effects of fashion on today’s youth. The author focuses on kids zeroing in on finding the latest style instead of caring for their studies that directly affect their future. The essay also delves into how youths of yesterday had ambitions and goals in life compared to today’s youths, who prefer to have fun rather than study hard.

See our best essay writing tips to help you write an attractive, attention-grabbing essay.

9 Writing Prompts For Essays About Fashion

To assist you with your essay, we’ve compiled nine exciting writing prompts you can use:

Some women follow fashion trends religiously. They are also more conscious of their physical appearance. Some even go to the extreme and do plastic surgeries to look better in clothes. In your essay, discuss what you think these trends do to women’s perception of their worth and beauty. Add which trends you believe are unhealthy and why there’s more societal pressure for women to be fashionable.

Each era had its styles that directly resulted from that time’s circumstances. Make a timeline of how fashion evolved and the factors that influenced them. At the end of your essay, pick what you think is the best fashion era and explain why.

For this prompt, include the relevant things a future fashion clothing boutique owner should bear in mind. For instance, they should always be on top of the fashion trends and know how to balance demand and costs. Then, find a boutique owner and interview them about their experience to make your essay more fun to read.

Tackle what makes people choose the clothes they wear daily. Some prefer their fashion to display their personalities while others merely follow what they think is popular. To make your essay more interesting, you can do a simple experiment: Go out in public on two occasions: while wearing your fashion picks and donning the latest fashionable clothes. Then, add your findings and how people reacted to you.

Essays About Fashion: The best fashion styles for men

Fashion for men is different from women. Although most brands dedicate their line to women, men also deserve to know what makes them look fashionable; this essay lists styles that are excellent for men depending on the setting and event. 

What could be considered fashionable in one country can be seen as disrespectful in another. For this prompt, compile fashion trends many do but are unacceptable in other places. Reasons why may include religion or tradition. Use research data and cite reliable sourcing for a compelling piece.

In this essay, identify the career opportunities available in the fashion industry, including the steps to get there. Next, list the different job roles within fashion, and describe the responsibilities for each. Then, add tips on succeeding in that job and standing out from the rest. For an intriguing essay, conduct interviews with professionals within the industry and include this in your piece.

Our ancestors’ culture greatly influenced today’s fashion. Meanwhile, modern styles are those that the current generation uses. Write an essay about cultural and contemporary fashion’s differences, similarities, advantages, and disadvantages. 

Fashion trends come and go. However, not all popular fashion is pleasing to the eyes. For this essay, compile a list of what is, in your opinion, the best and worst fashion trends. Then, describe why you have formed these opinions and describe the details of each outfit.

Are you looking for your next essay subject? Check out our list of the best writing topics for students .

opinion essay fashion

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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Essay: Why Fashion is Important

The Fashionisto

Published October 18, 2017

Updated May 4, 2024

Louis Vuitton 2016 Spring Summer Backstage

Fashion is one of the most critical industries in our world today. Style has become one of the primary ways in which people express their personality and distinguish themselves from those around them. With every New Year which comes and goes, new fashions arrive on the scene, and they all endeavor to be more colorful and fashionable than those which saw last year. There’s inspiration everywhere, from online retailers like Roden Gray to printed magazines. The desire to express one was present throughout human history.

People of all ages are addicted to new trends in fashion. There is a tremendous amount of competition within the industry and also among consumers. The style is also different among different cultures and nationalities, which is why it’s so exciting when one travels to various parts of the planet to observe firsthand how people dress in those countries. Our clothes have become more than merely a way to cover our nakedness. Instead, it has also become one of the primary ways in which people express themselves.

Garments which may fit one person may not necessarily be equally suitable for someone else. And even if those clothes are fantastic designer efforts, it does not mean everyone would be equally comfortable wearing them. Different people will need different styles and designs, which will be an expression of their uniqueness and personality before they will not be comfortable wearing that specific fashion design. Human beings are complicated creatures; everyone has different desires, dreams, and objectives that they deem essential to success in their life. Fashion trends are a critical aspect of that success.

There is a lot of discrimination among human beings and also a lot of criticism. People will do everything possible to avoid such criticism. Peer pressure continues to affect people throughout their lives, and it is a powerful motivator when it comes to crucial fashion decisions. It is also true that fashion design has reached a very sophisticated level, and therefore some of the most popular models can be very costly.

It has the result that such fashion may only be accessible to affluent people. It can make it very difficult for people of average income to compete in fashion designs. Fortunately, there has been a lot of progress by fashion designers to cater to middle-income consumers. It is why there are a lot of fashion designs available, which can make it possible for less fortunate people to own still fashion designs that will be of very high quality and attractive.

There are fashion items for every season and every occasion, making it possible for people to express themselves differently depending on the specific season or time of the year. Looking at all the consumer needs that have emerged in modern times, it becomes easy to see why fashion design has become such a specialized industry.

Another aspect that deserves contemplation is the fact that there is a measure of similarity in those fashion trends which aim at the low-income person. It is going a long way in avoiding discrimination or unnecessary competition because there is a lot of similarity in the designs which aim at this consumer market. Therefore, less affluent people can avoid unwarranted discrimination and criticism because, they are dressed very similarly in many ways to their friends, colleagues, or family members.

Care should be taken to avoid fashion designs of poor quality, especially in cases where failed fashion experiments are nevertheless mass-produced and then dumped on the low-income consumer. On the other hand, some poor people cannot afford anything better, leaving her with no choice but to purchase low-quality products.

Nevertheless, an eye for detail can be a blessing because this can help a person who may only have access to low-quality fashion items to mix and match those things very efficiently so that the overall result is nonetheless beautiful. There is some truth to the statement that it’s not what you wear but how you wear it, which is the most critical issue.

Unfortunately, many people never seem to learn how to combine different fashion items correctly and adequately. Knowing which colors go together is a rare gift that some people never master. Therefore, even affluent people with access to very costly fashion items often fail to do those things justice because of a lack of understanding regarding color matching.

Many people seem to think tight clothing is more attractive than a loose-fitting dress, and then they make fools of themselves by wearing unnecessarily close-fitting clothes. It is why it is essential to have at least a basic understanding of choosing your fashion items and mixing and matching those things for the best results. Access to the most expensive fashion trends on the market is undoubtedly a benefit. Still, it’s even more important to have a basic sense of how to maximize how the wearer will display those clothes and other articles.

Clothes are also known to impact people’s moods substantially; likewise, some colors are more effective than others in putting people in a better place as far as their mindset and emotions are concerned. Every person should do at least an introductory modeling course to understand how to make the best of their free clothes and accessories. Like we said earlier, it is not so much what you are wearing but rather how you are wearing it, which will ultimately provide proof of your competence as far as fashion and personal appearance is concerned.

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Essay on Fashion for Students and Children

500+ words essay on fashion.

Fashion refers to anything that becomes a rage among the masses. Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression. Most Noteworthy, it is something that is in vogue. Fashion appears in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, hairstyles, lifestyle, and body proportions. Furthermore, Fashion is an industry-supported expression. In the contemporary world, people take fashion very seriously. Fashion is something that has permeated every aspect of human culture.

Essay on Fashion

History of Fashion

The origin of Fashion is from the year 1826. Probably everyone believes Charles Frederick to be the first fashion designer of the world. He also established the first Fashion house in Paris. Consequently, he began the tradition of Fashion houses. Furthermore, he gave advice to customers on what clothing would suit them. He was prominent form 1826 to 1895.

During this period, many design houses hired artists. Furthermore, the job of these artists was to develop innovative designs for garments. The clients would examine many different patterns. Then they would pick the one they like. Consequently, a tradition began of presenting patterns to customers and then stitching them.

At the beginning of the 20th century, new developments in Fashion took place. These developments certainly began in Paris first. Then they spread in other parts of the world. Consequently, new designs first came into existence in France. From Paris, they went to other parts of the world. Hence, Paris became the Fashion capital of the world. Also, Fashion in this era was ‘haute couture’. This Fashion design was exclusively for individuals.

In the mid-20th century, a change took place. Now Fashion garments underwent mass production. There was a significant increase in the rate of production of Fashion garments. As a result, more and more people became involved with Fashion garments. By the end of the 20th century, a sense of Fashion awareness was very strong. Now people began to choose clothes based on their own style preference. Hence, people began to create their own trends instead of relying on existing trends.

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Fashion Trend

Political influences certainly play a major role in influencing Fashion. Many politicians become fashion symbols. Notable examples are First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Diana. Also, political revolutions make a huge impact on the Fashion trend. For example, in 1960’s America, liberal clothing styles became popular among the younger generation. This was due to the Liberal revolution.

Another significant factor which influences Fashion trend is technology. There certainly has been a rapid growth of technology in the Fashion industry. For example, wearable technology has become a popular Fashion trend. Furthermore, 3D printing technology and the internet have also made an impact on Fashion.

Social influences are probably the strongest influences on the Fashion trend. Many music stars strongly influence Fashion choice. For example, wearing hoodies became famous due to rap musicians. Furthermore, movie and television actors create a big impact on Fashion. Many youngsters love to emulate the Fashion sense of their favourite celebrity.

To sum it up, Fashion certainly has become a part and parcel of human life. It certainly is a force that is here to stay. Most noteworthy, Fashion has immersed every place on Earth.

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235 Fashion Essay Topics to Write About

Are you looking for unique fashion topics to discuss? StudyCorgi has prepared a list of ideas about fashion trends and problems. Feel free to use these engaging and controversial fashion topics for your research, speech, essay, or for article writing.

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Fashion

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  • Fast Fashion and Its Impact on the Fashion Industry
  • Vinted Fashion Company Building Brand Awareness
  • Business Plan of Personal Fashion Market and Clothing
  • Customer Satisfaction in the Fashion Industry: H&M Case
  • Child Labour in Fashion Industry
  • Zara in the United Kingdom’s Retail Fashion Market
  • Fashion and Technology: Modern Fashion
  • Fashion Design as a Major Fashion design has long become global and spans across a multitude of industries, including clothing, modeling, retailing, and advertising.
  • JD Sports Fashion Plc’s Financial Analysis JD Sports Fashion Plc financial performance has been affected by COVID-19, hence altering its operations, however, the company did not record losses over the last three years.
  • Fashion Media Effects on Society Fashion media are a great way to implement change, giving publicity to major events and movements, which are supported by the fashion industry.
  • H&M, Zara, Benetton Firms Supplying Fast Fashion The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Supply Chain Management (SCM) of three famous and successful fashion retail brands, H&M, Zara, and Benetton.
  • Chloé Fashion House’s Business Model Analysis Chloé fashion house is under luxury brands holding Company and numerous celebrities have endorsed its products.
  • The Future of Fashion Industry Wearable technology, design for inclusivity, and digitalizing the value chain are transformed due to socio-economic and cultural impacts.
  • Popular Culture’s and Fashion Industry’s Influences The popular culture influences particularly the youth. This paper creates awareness for the audience concerning the effects of the manufacturers’ advertisements.
  • The Luxury Market and Fashion in Nigeria This paper provides an overview of the luxury market in Nigeria, with a focus on the fashion industry and Polo Luxury.
  • Fashion Industry and Social Media The impact of networking services causes more competition, honesty, and creativity in professional clothes design and marketing.
  • Influencer Marketing Essay: Application in the Fashion Industry & Examples This paper explored the emerging field of IM and provided valuable information regarding the background and current research on best practices of using influencers.
  • Computer Technologies in Fashion Industry The advancement of the fashion industry and modern fashion patterns have consistently been reliant on technological inventions, generation, appropriation, and utilization.
  • The True Cost: Fast Fashion, Garment Workers, and Environment The True Cost is a documentary that shows the background of the fast-fashion world, where garment workers live in terrible conditions, facing poverty and a lack of safety.
  • The Impact of Societal Change on Female Fashion and Identity in the 60’s and 70’s The paper argues alterations in how people perceive themselves and the world around them are inherently tied to a greater range of factors lying outside of the culture spectrum.
  • Fashion Sustainability for High-End and Low-Cost Brands The purpose of this paper is to evaluate sustainable fashion in order to compare and contrast the probability of the future for luxury and low-cost brands.
  • Fashion Industry Analysis: Interview With J. Jamshed In future Junaid Jamshed plans to expand its business internationally, and opening more opportunities for young entrepreneurs, providing training through workshops.
  • Paris as the Fashion Centre The French were the very first people to make a successful industry out of fashion. This was in the 17th century.
  • The Impact of Fashion Marketing on Middle Eastern Culture Factors contributing to the growth of the fashion industry in Middle Eastern culture combine both the principles of fashion itself and consumerist behavior.
  • Digital Marketing in the Fashion Industry This essay presents how the fashion industry uses digital marketing technologies to attract new customers and increase customer engagement.
  • Marie Antoinette’s Influence on Fashion When discussing fashion, the name, Marie Antoinette is mentioned frequently. Her contribution is so significant to fashion that some fashions are associated with her.
  • John Galliano, a Fashion Designer Fashion design is the practical art concerned with clothing and daily life accessories created in the cultural and societal influences of a certain period.
  • The 1920s Fashion: Historical Overview It was said that the evolution of women in the workplace influenced a great deal on early 1920s fashion until the 1930s.
  • The Influence of Euphoria on Fashion The show’s Euphoria costumes present a mix of older items with nostalgic undertones and more modern outfits, such as skinny jeans and knitted blouses.
  • Fast Fashion and Its Impacts on Global Warming Fast fashion contributes to this change in weather conditions due to its improper disposal, leading to the release of emissions into the atmosphere, thus causing global warming.
  • Anti-Fashion as Trends of the 1970s This paper concentrates on anti-fashion as one of the most remarkable fashion trends of the 1970s, including its most significant icons and the factors affecting its development.
  • Effective Public Relations in the Fashion Industry The influence of public relations on other aspects of marketing, as well as on the perception and attitude of potential buyers to the promoted product.
  • Digital Marketing in Fashion Industry The projections show that about 10,000 similar outlets are set to close their operations this year because of similar reasons.
  • Pangaia: An Eco-Friendly Fashion Brand Pangaea is an ethical fashion brand that employs the latest advancement in the textile industry to diminish the adverse impact on the environment.
  • How AI and Machine Learning Influence Marketing in the Fashion Industry The study aims to determine if the perception of AI in fashion is a novel concept and whether it holds enough appeal to impact the purchasing decisions of fashion consumers.
  • Sustainability in Fashion Overview Sustainable clothes remain to be mass-produced, affecting the future of our planet. The company should also focus more on designing for the longevity of the use.
  • Fashion in the Clothes Industry The term “fashion” is heavily used in the clothing industry and it is sometimes taken to be synonymous with its trends.
  • Feathers Fashion: The UAE Brand in Saudi Arabia In order for Feathers Fashion to open a branch in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, the company will need to take a look at the local market and its key features.
  • Fashion Affecting People’s Health Lots of people put much focus on slim figures and fashion clothing, forgetting that there is some link between the fashions displayed and the health of the people.
  • ASOS Company: Business Plan, Fashion Sector ASOS is a global online fashion and beauty retailer and offers more than 50,000 different product lines for men, women and children.
  • A Body Image in a Contemporary Fashion The modern fashion industry has long been criticized for establishing unhealthy standards for women’s bodies by producing clothing that looks well only on underweight individuals.
  • The Interrelationship Between Fashion and Architecture The interrelationship between fashion and architecture plays an important role in advancing new technologies in both fields as well as other fields.
  • The Spanish Fashion Industry: Business Model Innovation The Spanish companies tend to move from the idea of fast fashion models to more sustainable innovative business models.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company’s Operations Management The paper reviews operations management in business with reference to the Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd., which is situated in Hong Kong.
  • Millennials Influence on the Fashion Purchasing Behavior The research study attempts to reveal new details about the generation of Millennials and their effect on the purchasing behavior of the fashion industry in the UK.
  • Fashion Brands Cooperation and Its Attractiveness The author discusses the topic of possible collaborations of fashion brands and concludes that the attractiveness of cooperation stems from the uniqueness of the final result.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company: Marketing Plan Assignment In this discussion, the topics analyzed are financial sections overview, break-even analysis, sales forecasting, and expense forecasting.
  • Small and Medium-Sized Fashion Retail Enterprises The current dissertation proposal offers to investigate several success factors for small and medium-sized enterprises in fashion retail business in the UK.
  • Inventory Control in Fashion Clothing Production The paper creates a periodic inventory control system for the Fine Garments Company that sells fashion clothing.
  • The United States Fashion Industry’s Overview The American fashion industry’s primary utility involves adorning oneself, making one’s identity, and protecting oneself from external elements.
  • Cinderella Syndrome’s Impact on Sustainable Fashion Cinderella syndrome promotes not only unsustainable fashion but the degradation of the soul as well, encouraging dysfunctional consumption and narcissism.
  • The Dandyism Style in Fashion This paper examines the style of dandyism, which appeared and spread in Europe in the 19th century, and then found its reflection in the fashion and culture of other countries.
  • Overseas Sweatshops in the Fashion Industry This paper covers a brief history of the issue and reasons why fashion giants decided to move their production abroad.
  • Fast Fashion: Segment of the Fashion Industry Fast fashion is a segment of the fashion industry that massively produces clothes from low-quality materials and uses cheap labor.
  • Business Plan and All Aspects That Includes Successful Fashion Industry According to recorded research, the fashion industry keeps on evolving every decade, and it is unlikely that a particular trend will spread past one decade.
  • Headscarf as an Ingredient of Fashion and Cultural Traditions The meaning of the headscarf is described in this paper, the functions and purposes of its wearing, its social impacts in terms of religion and culture are outlined.
  • Fashion in Architecture: Museum of Architectural Fashion The project under consideration will fulfill the function of the combination of fashion and architecture reflecting all stages their development and gradation.
  • Alessandra Rich Fashion House’s Launch of Menswear The paper presents an overview of Alessandra Rich fashion house, including brand identity, a brief competitor analysis, and a target market.
  • Jack Wills in China: Fashion Consultancy Project The promotion of Jack Wills in the Chinese market may be fraught with specific difficulties due to the specifics of the local cultural, economic, and political environment.
  • The Unique Fashion Style: Changing Standards and Ideals Each woman tries to find her unique style in the world of fashion. Still, having completed a difficult journey in order to find the exclusive style, many women choose to follow well-known standards and images.
  • Dog Fashion as an Extension of Personal Style One of the ways in which pet dogs are treated well is by being clothed. This literature review proves that dog fashion is just an extension of a personal style.
  • Fast Fashion Industries: Threats to Society Fast fashion industries pose various threats to society. However, poverty traps, limited opportunities for child development, and pollution are among the prominent ones.
  • The Fast Fashion and Related Ethical Problems This research paper discusses the ethical problems related to fast fashion and the clothing industry in general.
  • Nigerian Luxury Fashion Stores in Dubai Nigerians love designs and fashion, which is seen in their involvement in the Dubai fashion trade market. The Nigerian fashion design industry is on the rise in the 21st century.
  • Fashion Nova’s Labor Standards and Transparency Fashion Nova should recheck its outsourcing contracts to be certified by labor standards. Also, they should increase the company’s transparency in terms of financial activities.
  • Current Fashion Trends’ Analysis 2020-2021 The design of the Fall/Winter 2020-2021 collection can fit any individual character since there is a blend of different patterns.
  • Fashion Magazine Analysis. Race and Ethnicity Cosmopolitan’s target audience includes females aged between 18 and 35. At the same time, the general target audience that Vogue reaches is females aged from 20 to 40.
  • Is Imitation the Sincerest Form of Fashion? Imitation as a form of fashion is not as sincere as many think. It has filled the market with knock off fashion accessories like handbags, shoes and clothes.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company: Barriers to Communication This paper discusses barriers to communication in Thai-Lay Fashion, communication barriers at the organization level and complexity in organizational structure, information overload, technology.
  • Supply Chain as a Crucial Component of Sustainability in the Fashion Industry The fashion industry has always been one of the most influential drivers of society. Designers of apparel dictated the rules, and millions of people worldwide obeyed them.
  • Young Female Customers’ Luxury Fashion Purchasing in the UK The research study presents an insight into the motives defining the purchasing and consumption of luxury fashion among young female customers in the UK.
  • Fashion in the USSR: Soviet Clothing Fashion in the USSR became a recognized part of the Soviet way of life. The clothing reflected the social processes of creating a unique fashion tradition.
  • Sustainable Fashion Design Strategies: Product Strategy Concept A company’s product strategy is a plan for how it will create and introduce new products to the market. It encompasses decisions about what types of products to develop.
  • The Fashion Channel Competition Issue and Solution The Fashion Channel faces problems represented by the inability to compete with rivals due to the firm’s unwillingness to accept changes.
  • Shifting Gender Politics in Fashion and Textiles As cultural changes are reflected in cinematography, so does the changing perception of gender influences movies.
  • The Competition of Personnel in the Fashion Industry The paper states that the competition of personnel in the fashion industry is very high. Many factors affect a company’s ability to attract employees.
  • The United States Fashion Industry’s Future Performance The fashion industry’s primary utility involves adorning oneself, making one’s identity, and protecting oneself from external elements.
  • How the Internet Transformed Design Fashion By using the Internet, people can shop online and avoid overcrowded shopping malls. It saves time, and people do not get tired while looking for a specific product.
  • Fashion and Interior Design: From the XX Century to Current Times Currently, the world of fashion and design is in search of new meanings, turning to past eras for inspiration, and eclectic styles, retro and neoclassical, are in fashion.
  • Fashion in the United States: Revision of History Revisions might represent the growth of a particular fashion house or a designer. It might show the formation of the fashion centers throughout time.
  • Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness in Fashion Sustainability, which stands for eco-friendly and rational socio-economic development, has become critical, and hence needs incorporating into everyday life.
  • Digital Blackface: The Popular Fashion The Digital Blackface is a modern example of wearing the mask on the Internet. Imitating the behavior and culture of black people was a thing even in the 20th century.
  • Kaptivate Kulture is Preparing for Delightful Debut at Couture Fashion Week New York Kaptivate Kulture’s mission is to be a luxury brand that strives to empower cultural diversity worldwide by allowing people to express their individuality in our garments.
  • Effectivenes of Fashion Blogs Analysis One of my most favorite fashion blogs is Penny Pincher Fashion. I have started to follow Penny’s style insights because I enjoyed her approach to the industry.
  • Cardigan History. Fashion Industry Issues Cardware Company, a family business that the Cardigans run, has earned the reputation of a reliable sweater designer manufacturing for a wide range of customers.
  • Fashion Merchandising and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Education There has been substantial research about the ability level, motivation, self-efficacy at schools specialising in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education.
  • The Council of Fashion Designers of America The Council of Fashion Designers of America played a critical role in the development and the area of American fashion design and art culture along with fashion trading.
  • Child Labor in Fashion Industry Fashion industry and the idea to use child labor in sweatshops continue bothering many people but still, nothing is done to change the situation for the better.
  • Michelle Obama Effect on the Fashion Industry The author analyzes an article by D. Yermack on the impact of Michelle Obama on the fashion industry and argues how she destabilized the balance of the stock and fashion markets.
  • What Ideas About Gender & Sexuality Are Communicated by Contemporary Fashion Images? The paper examines diverse ideas about gender and sexuality that are communicated by contemporary fashion images that are taking dominance in the media.
  • Fashion Trends 2009: International Collections Trend report 2009 showed that this year will see unexpected extravagance in style of clothes and its mixture with accessories.
  • Yumi Company’s Fashion Marketing The aim of this paper is to analyze a consumer’s image of the Yumi fashion company and analyze the presence of the company on the market of women’s clothes.
  • The Contemporary Fashion Collections of Ann Demeulemeester and Gucci Ann Demeulemeester and Gucci deserve their titles for being the best known designers. However, both designers have their own idea of style.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Co. Ltd.: Financial Accounting Analysis The goal of working capital management is to manage the firm’s current assets and liability in such a way that a satisfactory level of working capital is maintained.
  • Thai Lay Fashion Co Ltd.: Managing a Business Enterprise The review of sixth week of learning about managing a business enterprise, dedicated to the financial aspects of running a business.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Co., Ltd Company Strategy Thai-lay fashion Co. Ltd. is a garment manufacturing company in London. It is engaged in production of garments from 100% organically grown cotton.
  • Thai Lay Fashion Company: Business Plan Suitable business plans have to be formulated for managing the business successfully at each stage of the business growth cycle.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.: Managing Resources The Thai-Lay Fashion company Ltd. is a well-managed company with more than twenty-seven years of experience in the garment export and manufacturing business.
  • The Thai Lay Fashion Company: Franchising The initial franchise fee for obtaining a license will help to bring in capital at a later stage which can be used to develop the business. This paper is a marketing plan for the franchise business plan.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.’s Financial Management There are several methods that will help managers make capital investment decisions. These will be discussed here with reference to the Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.
  • Operations Management in Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd. Thai-Lay is a textile manufacturing company in Hong Kong with its markets situated mainly in Europe. The company produces a wide range of ready-made garments for adults and children of both sexes.
  • Accounting in Thai-Lay Fashion Company A comprehensive study of Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd. has been done here with reference to the accounting and management practices of the organization.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company’s Marketing Plan Thai-Lay Fashion Company needs to develop a modified marketing plan considering the financial and economic conditions in the environment.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Ltd.: Leadership and Motivation A study with regard to how motivation can be improved in the Thai Lay Fashion Company has been conducted here.
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  • Company’s Success in Online Fashion Market The success of Company is a result of its online advertising strategy. The internet offers a lot of potentials based on consumer trends.
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  • How Fashion and Appearance Are Central to the Construction of Social Identities
  • Does Men’s Fashion Reflect Changes in Male Gender Roles?
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  • Fashion, Gender Distinction, and the Industrial Revolution
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  • Fast Fashion Feedback and Imitation of Fashion Trends
  • Economic and Social Issues in the Fashion Industry
  • The Unrealistic Beauty Standards of the Fashion Industry
  • Fashion Industry, Anorexia and Orthorexia Among Young People, Models and Celebrities
  • How Luxury Fashion Brands Centralize Public Relations
  • Analyze for Zara’s Success in the Fashion Retailing Business
  • Relationship Between Gender Empowerment and Fashion
  • Understanding Agile Supply Chain Management in the Fashion Industry
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  • Case Study Zara the Technology Giant of the Fashion World
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  • Fashion: Logo and Online Personal Shopper
  • Status Consciousness and Its Effect on Men’s Fashion Consumption
  • New Fashion Styles and Trends Sets the Standards for the Rising Generation
  • How Are Fashion and Appearance Central to the Construction of Social Identities
  • Conformity-Based Behavior and the Dynamics of Price Competition: A New Rationale for Fashion Shifts
  • How Fashion and Appearance Are Central to the Construction of Social Identities?
  • Brand Competition, Peer Influence, and Purchase Intentions Towards Fashion Apparel in Mexico
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  • Fashion for Middle-Class Women in the Medieval Age
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  • Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: Case of Fashion Industry Growth in South Africa
  • Comparing the Similarities, Differences, and Qualities Between Native American Clothing and American Fashion
  • The Fashion Trends and Beauty Tips for Teenage Girls
  • The Link Between Eating Disorders and the Fashion Industry
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  • Consider How National Identity and Culture Is Constructed Through Fashion
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  • Fashion Photography and the Effects of New Image Technology
  • Barbie Doll Fashion Versus Medieval Children’s Fashion
  • Overview of Fashion and Women’s Movements in the Past Century
  • Are Ethical Purchases and Fast Fashion Mutually Exclusive?
  • How Fashion Professionals Are Inspired by History and Culture
  • How Technology Can Affect Fashion in the Marketing of Armani Company
  • Fashion Trends and Evolution of Women’s Clothing Throughout History
  • Communicating Green Fashion Across Different Cultures and Geographical Regions
  • Virtual Organization for Supply Chain Integration: Two Cases in the Textile and Fashion Retailing Industry
  • Traveling Around the Fashion Trends of Women: 20th – 21st Century
  • Applying the Four Theoretical Perspective to the Problem of Fashion Case Studies
  • Fashion for Ideal People and How They Are Defined
  • How Elizabethan Fashion Has Influenced the Modern Day Fashion World
  • Dealing With Your Teenager and the Latest Fashion Trends?
  • Vertical Integration and Rapid Response in Fashion Apparel
  • Consumer Behavior and the Luxury Fashion Industry
  • What Fast Fashion Is and to Know Which Factor Influences Fast Fashion?
  • How Fashion Evolved Throughout the Centuries and Its Influence on Our Looks Today
  • Does Buy-Back Induce More Fashion Sub-Sourcing?
  • Does the Macroeconomy Predict U.K. Asset Returns in a Nonlinear Fashion?
  • When Did Fashion Start in History?
  • What Are Three Interesting History Facts About Fashion?
  • How Does Clothing Fashion Aid in the Social Construction of Gender?
  • How Are Fashion and Appearance Central to the Construction of Social Identities?
  • How Are People Involved in Fashion?
  • How Does Branding Influences Consumers’ Luxury Fashion Choices?
  • Who Is the Father of Fashion?
  • What Is a Theme in Fashion?
  • How Does Celebrity Fashion Affect Teen’s Self-Image?
  • Who Was the First Female Fashion Designer?
  • Where Was the First Fashion Week Held?
  • How Christian Principles Can Be Applied to Ethical Issues That Relate to Cost of Fashion?
  • What Are the Ten Main Sources of Inspiration in Fashion?
  • What Are the Four Main Fashion Weeks?
  • Who Invented Fashion Week?
  • How Does Social Media Affect the Fashion Industry?
  • How Does the Fashion Industry Market to Women as Consumers?
  • How Elizabethan Fashion Has Influenced the Modern-Day Fashion World?
  • What Causes Changes in Fashion?
  • How Many Types of Fashion Shows Are There?
  • What Is the Biggest Fashion Week?
  • How Fashion Professionals Are Inspired by History and Culture?
  • Why Is Paris Known for Fashion?
  • How Fashion Trends Can Make You Stand Out?
  • What Fast Fashion Is, and to Know Which Factor Influences Fast Fashion?
  • When Did Fashion Start in India?
  • What Makes Fashion Offensive?
  • What is the impact of fast fashion on consumer buying behavior?
  • What are the environmental effects of fast fashion?
  • How can 3D printing help make fast fashion more sustainable?
  • How do fast fashion marketing strategies affect consumers’ body image?
  • What are consumer attitudes toward the ethics and sustainability of fast fashion?
  • What are the psychological effects of fast fashion on customers?
  • How does fast fashion affect the local economies of developing countries?
  • How can fast fashion companies balance profitability and sustainability?
  • What is the contribution of fast fashion to the throwaway culture?
  • How do social media drive the demand for fast fashion?
  • The case against animal cruelty in fashion.
  • Fashion marketing should promote body positivity.
  • Fashion companies should respect and protect cultural traditions.
  • Is there a need for gender-neutral fashion?
  • Is it ethical to buy counterfeit luxury fashion goods?
  • Fast fashion vs. Slow fashion: which is more ethical and sustainable?
  • Inclusivity of luxury fashion: is it ever possible?
  • The fashion industry perpetuates consumerist culture.
  • Should fashion be recognized as art?
  • Does the fashion industry have an ageism problem?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 12). 235 Fashion Essay Topics to Write About.

"235 Fashion Essay Topics to Write About." StudyCorgi , 12 Nov. 2021,

StudyCorgi . (2021) '235 Fashion Essay Topics to Write About'. 12 November.

1. StudyCorgi . "235 Fashion Essay Topics to Write About." November 12, 2021.


StudyCorgi . "235 Fashion Essay Topics to Write About." November 12, 2021.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "235 Fashion Essay Topics to Write About." November 12, 2021.

These essay examples and topics on Fashion were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 8, 2024 .

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How to write an essay about the fashion industry

Iskra Banović

Fashion is all around us. It has been part of our culture for centuries, and it continues to evolve as time passes by. Whether you’re in school learning about history or business management, chances are that the fashion industry will be a topic you’ll want to become familiar with. But researching the subject can be overwhelming; from trends, influencers, fabrics, and colors – there’s so much information out there! Don’t worry though – we’ve got your back. In this blog post, we’ll help you learn how to plan and write an essay about the fashion industry that will have everyone talking! We’ll discuss important topics such as developing your research strategy and crafting eye-catching introductions – plus plenty more insights into writing a compelling paper on this ever-evolving global platform for creativity! So get ready to take notes – it’s time to dive deep into the world of fashion studies!

Introduce the topic of the fashion industry and its importance

The fashion industry is a multifaceted and ever-evolving landscape that provides college essay writing service with enough material to generate interesting content. It is a complex network of producers, consumers, retailers, marketers, designers, manufacturers, and stylists all connected in a global system. The industry is constantly changing—from trends to materials used—there are always new stories to tell and innovations to explore. As college students grow increasingly familiar with the latest fashion news, they are able to write compelling essays that reflect their understanding of the complexities and nuances of the fashion industry. Whether discussing fast fashion or sustainable practices within the manufacturing process, college essay writers can provide exciting educational opportunities that introduce readers to this dynamic sector of marketing and design.

Discuss different aspects of the fashion industry, such as design, production, marketing, and retail

As an essay writer from pay for assignment passionate about the fashion industry, I have explored many aspects of this unique field. From design and production to marketing and retail, I have enjoyed learning about the various roles the industry encompasses. For example, designing clothes takes an eye for style and an understanding of what is popular in the market. Production requires attention to detail since fabric must be cut properly and garments must be stitched together expertly. Marketing plays a large role as well; many companies rely on creative campaigns to reach more people and convince them to buy their products. Lastly, retail businesses work hard to ensure customers receive a satisfactory level of service throughout their entire shopping experience. All these tasks are essential within the fashion industry and contribute to its unwavering success!

Analyze how the fashion industry has changed over time

The fashion industry has evolved rapidly over time. It seems that each day brings a new trend, item of clothing, or style to the market. Consumers have become used to constant change and seem eager to adopt it. However, while this ever-evolving culture of fashion can be both exciting and attractive, assignment writing help is essential in understanding the history behind it. Examining how clothing style has shifted over time helps provide insight into not only why certain trends come and go but also into what elements of society are influencing these changes. Fashion designers and retailers must keep this in mind when creating new collections by taking into account past styles that have been well-loved as well as current societal values. By doing this, they can create looks that will prove timeless among those that are simply fashionable for a season or two.

Offer your opinion on the future of the fashion industry

The future of the fashion industry is uncertain, however, custom essay writing can offer valuable insight into how people assume it will evolve. As technology advances and environmental awareness spreads, custom essays reveal that many individuals expect designers to create clothing lines that prioritize ethical production, sustainable materials, and innovative designs. The custom essay might also project that the fashion industry could simplify its operations with tech-driven solutions or take on a more collaborative approach to the sales process. Technology trends such as augmented reality may make custom-fit clothing easier to produce or try on from home, changing both online delivery processes and customer experience expectations. These are just a few of the potential paths for the future of the fashion industry – custom essays about this topic can expand upon these ideas and explore endless new possibilities.

Offer your opinion on the future of the fashion industry

Summarize your main points and provide a conclusion

In conclusion, fashion is an intriguing and complex topic that has implications both inside and outside the realms of style and aesthetics. It is a way to showcase individual personality while still adhering to social norms, as well as a reflection of world culture. Fashion also plays an important role in our economy by providing jobs, generating wealth, and increasing international trade. Furthermore, it is a powerful tool for making political statements and standing up for the causes we believe in. As individuals build their personal identities through clothing choices, we should remain conscious of the fact that fashion influences people’s lives in ways beyond what we can see on the surface.

Iskra Banovic Bio Picture

Iskra Banović is our seasoned Editor-in-Chief at Blufashion . She has been steering the website’s content and editorial direction since 2018. With a rich background in fashion design, Iskra’s expertise spans across fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture.

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Extraordinary Prompts For Creating A Unique Fashion Essay

Fashion is considered a personal choice yet you do not have as much freedom when compiling an essay about fashion. The first element to capture the mind of your reader will be the topic. With a lot of debate about fashion, there is need to consider something unique and captivating for your reader. Here are interesting prompts to make your paper captivating to read.

  • Is fashion creative or based on culture?
  • The moral code to follow when developing a fashion line
  • Celebrities who take fashion too far
  • How fashion determines the identity of the wearer
  • Fashion and its influence on the social agenda
  • When fashion throws modesty out of the window
  • Fashion and the conflict of religion
  • The price of fashion
  • How the moral code of a generation is influenced by fashion
  • When fashion is unaffordable
  • What sells between fashion and the designer
  • The element of globalization in the fashion industry

There are many other ideas you can discuss in your passion for fashion essay. The challenge is in finding new and captivating ideas that help you avoid the old and mundane ones. Where can one find new ideas do explore in a paper?

  • News Items - there is a lot of discussion on fashion on different media outlets that can inform your paper. The discussions focus on the latest trends in the industry. These ideas are also discussed because they are relevant to the public and industry. Pick one idea from these discussions and use it to formulate your paper.
  • Research suggestions - read a lot of books on fashion and check for recommendations by the authors on areas that are worth exploring. The recommendations are usually found at the end of the paper or book. These recommendations point at areas where there is scarcity of material. It is your opportunity to add to the debate.
  • Passion - is there an element of fashion that you think is receiving little attention yet is important? Take the chance to explore it. It will be exciting to see gurus in fashion expanding your idea.

When asked to write an essay about fashion, remember that your teacher is looking for something captivating. Be creative and focus on a subject you are passionate about. Be factual in your discussions and include materials that can be verified.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Human Impact — Fast Fashion

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Essays on Fast Fashion

Prompt examples for fast fashion essays, the rise of fast fashion.

Discuss the evolution and growth of the fast fashion industry. How has it become a dominant force in the fashion world, and what are the key characteristics of fast fashion brands?

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

Analyze the environmental consequences of fast fashion. How does the rapid production and disposal of clothing contribute to issues like pollution, waste, and resource depletion?

Labor Practices and Ethical Concerns

Examine the labor practices and ethical concerns associated with fast fashion production. What are the working conditions for garment workers, and how do issues like sweatshops and exploitation intersect with the industry?

Consumer Culture and Fast Fashion

Discuss the role of consumer culture in driving the fast fashion industry. How do marketing strategies, consumer demand for low prices, and the "buy now, wear once" mentality contribute to its success?

Alternatives to Fast Fashion

Explore alternatives to fast fashion and sustainable fashion practices. What are some initiatives and movements aimed at promoting ethical and eco-friendly clothing choices?

Impact on Local Industries

Analyze how fast fashion affects local and traditional fashion industries. How do smaller businesses and artisans contend with the competition posed by large, fast fashion corporations?

Hook Examples for Fast Fashion Essays

Anecdotal hook.

Picture this: a whirlwind of shopping sprees, constant style changes, and overflowing closets. Fast fashion has transformed the way we consume clothing. Let's delve into this fashion frenzy.

Question Hook

Is fast fashion a blessing or a curse for the fashion industry and the environment? How does it impact our society's perception of clothing and its consequences?

Quotation Hook

"Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life." These words from Bill Cunningham highlight the role of fashion in our lives. But does fast fashion offer authentic armor or mere illusion?

Environmental Impact Hook

Behind the glamour of fast fashion lies a trail of environmental destruction. Explore the ecological footprint left by the industry and the urgent need for sustainable alternatives.

Consumer Behavior Hook

Fast fashion isn't just about clothes; it's a reflection of our changing consumer behavior. Analyze how the desire for instant gratification and constant novelty has fueled this phenomenon.

Labor and Ethics Hook

Beneath the fashionable exterior are stories of exploited labor and questionable ethics. Delve into the working conditions and ethical dilemmas associated with fast fashion production.

Alternatives and Solutions Hook

Amid the fast fashion frenzy, alternatives are emerging. Explore innovative approaches to fashion that prioritize sustainability, ethics, and a more mindful approach to dressing.

The Negative Impact of Fast Fashion on The Environment and The Society

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Analysis of "The True Cost" Documentary: The Consequences of Fast Fashion

Fast fashion and its influence on the industry in the 21st century, the detrimental effects of fast fashion on the fashion industry.

Fast fashion is a term used to describe the contemporary model of clothing production and consumption characterized by the rapid production of inexpensive, trendy garments that are quickly replicated and made available to consumers. It refers to the accelerated speed at which fashion trends are introduced and adopted by the market, resulting in a constant cycle of new styles and collections.

This phenomenon is fueled by the desire for affordable, up-to-date clothing, with brands often prioritizing low costs and quick turnover over quality and sustainability. Fast fashion companies often rely on outsourced labor and global supply chains to produce garments at a rapid pace, leading to concerns regarding working conditions and environmental impact. The term "fast fashion" encapsulates the mass production, consumption, and disposal of clothing, emphasizing the disposable nature of these garments. It represents a shift in the fashion industry, where trends are short-lived and clothing is viewed as a disposable commodity rather than an investment.

Fast fashion originated in the 1990s as a response to the increasing demand for affordable and trendy clothing. The concept emerged from a combination of factors, including advancements in technology, globalization, and changes in consumer behavior. One of the key developments was the advent of fast and efficient production techniques, such as outsourcing manufacturing to low-wage countries, where garments could be produced quickly and inexpensively. This allowed fashion brands to produce large quantities of clothing at a rapid pace, ensuring a constant flow of new styles and collections to the market. Globalization also played a significant role in the rise of fast fashion. It enabled companies to establish global supply chains, sourcing materials and labor from different parts of the world to cut costs and maximize profits. Additionally, advancements in transportation and communication facilitated the speedy movement of goods across borders, making it easier for fashion brands to respond quickly to changing consumer trends. Changes in consumer behavior, such as a desire for instant gratification and the influence of social media, further fueled the demand for fast fashion. Consumers wanted to keep up with the latest fashion trends without breaking the bank, leading to the rise of affordable, disposable clothing options. Over time, fast fashion has grown into a global industry, dominating the retail landscape and facing criticism for its negative social and environmental impacts.

Zara, H&M, Shein, C&A, Peacocks, ASOS, Forever 21, Uniqlo, Primark

Fast fashion has had a significant presence and impact in the United States. With its promise of affordable and on-trend clothing, fast fashion has gained popularity among consumers, leading to an increase in its prevalence across the country. One notable characteristic of fast fashion in the US is the abundance of fast fashion retailers. Numerous well-known brands have established a strong presence, offering a wide range of inexpensive clothing options to cater to the demand for affordable fashion. However, the fast fashion industry in the US is not without its concerns. Environmental sustainability is a pressing issue, as the fast fashion model relies on rapid production cycles and low-cost materials, which contribute to resource depletion, pollution, and waste generation. Additionally, the labor practices associated with fast fashion, such as outsourcing production to countries with lower labor standards, raise ethical concerns regarding worker rights and fair wages. Efforts to address the impact of fast fashion in the US are underway. Sustainable fashion initiatives, including eco-friendly materials, ethical production practices, and consumer awareness campaigns, aim to promote more responsible and conscious fashion consumption.

Public opinion on fast fashion is multifaceted and influenced by various factors. While some individuals appreciate the affordability and accessibility of fast fashion, others express concerns about its negative consequences. One common sentiment is the growing awareness of the environmental impact of fast fashion. People are becoming more conscious of the excessive waste, pollution, and resource depletion associated with the industry. This has led to an increased demand for sustainable and ethical alternatives. Moreover, there is a growing recognition of the social implications of fast fashion. Concerns about exploitative labor practices, unsafe working conditions, and low wages in garment factories have sparked public outrage. Consumers are increasingly demanding transparency and accountability from brands regarding their supply chain practices. However, despite these concerns, fast fashion continues to enjoy popularity due to its affordability and trend-driven nature. Some individuals may prioritize price and convenience over the ethical and environmental implications.

1. Affordability 2. Trendy Styles 3. Variety and Choice 4. Economic Impact

1. Environmental Impact 2. Exploitative Labor Practices 3. Disposable Culture 4. Lack of Transparency

Fast fashion has gained significant attention in the media, with various outlets exploring its impact on the environment, labor practices, and consumer behavior. Documentaries like "The True Cost" (2015) directed by Andrew Morgan shed light on the social and environmental consequences of fast fashion. It exposes the exploitative labor conditions in garment factories and the ecological damage caused by the industry. Media articles and news segments often discuss the unethical practices of fast fashion brands and the need for more sustainable alternatives. For instance, The Guardian published an article in 2021 titled "The Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion" that highlights the environmental toll of the industry and advocates for responsible fashion choices. Social media platforms also play a significant role in raising awareness about fast fashion. Influencers and activists use their platforms to educate their followers about the negative effects of fast fashion and promote sustainable alternatives. The #whomademyclothes and #slowfashion hashtags have gained popularity as consumers demand transparency and ethical practices from fashion brands.

1. According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the fast fashion industry is responsible for around 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, which is more than the emissions from international flights and maritime shipping combined. 2. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation estimates that the equivalent of one garbage truck full of textiles is landfilled or burned every second. This amounts to approximately 92 million tons of textile waste generated each year, with the majority coming from fast fashion production and consumption. 3. The fashion industry is the second-largest consumer of water worldwide, with estimates suggesting that it takes around 2,700 liters of water to produce a single cotton t-shirt.

Fast fashion is an important topic to explore in an essay due to its significant implications for the environment, society, and economy. The fashion industry's rapid production and consumption cycles have led to a range of detrimental effects that deserve attention and analysis. Firstly, the environmental impact of fast fashion is alarming, with high carbon emissions, water pollution, and massive textile waste. Understanding and addressing these issues are crucial for promoting sustainability and combating climate change. Secondly, fast fashion has social implications, as it often relies on exploitative labor practices in developing countries, leading to poor working conditions and low wages. Examining these ethical concerns helps raise awareness and promote fair labor practices. Lastly, the economic aspect of fast fashion cannot be ignored. The industry's emphasis on low-cost, disposable garments contributes to the devaluation of clothing and the exploitation of resources. Exploring alternatives and promoting a shift towards sustainable fashion practices can foster a more equitable and responsible economy.

1. Cline, E. L. (2012). Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion. Penguin. 2. Fletcher, K. (2014). Sustainable Fashion and Textiles: Design Journeys. Routledge. 3. Fuad-Luke, A. (2009). Design Activism: Beautiful Strangeness for a Sustainable World. Earthscan. 4. Gwilt, A., & Rissanen, T. (2011). Shaping Sustainable Fashion: Changing the Way We Make and Use Clothes. Earthscan. 5. Hethorn, J., & Ulasewicz, C. (Eds.). (2008). Sustainable Fashion: Why Now?: A Conversation Exploring Issues, Practices, and Possibilities. Fairchild Books. 6. Hess, M., & Slade, E. (Eds.). (2013). Sustainable Fashion: Past, Present, and Future. Bloomsbury Publishing. 7. Seo, J., & Taylor, A. (Eds.). (2020). Sustainable Fashion: Consumer Awareness and Education. Springer. 8. Shaw, D., & Hardie, B. (2017). Fashion Ethics. Routledge. 9. Sinclair, C. (2014). Sustainable Fashion: Past, Present and Future. Berg Publishers. 10. Tungate, M. (2014). Fashion Brands: Branding Style from Armani to Zara. Kogan Page.

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  • Fashion Essay



Fashion is a non-verbal way of communication that conveys a lot about the person’s personality, background and style. Earlier it was exclusively the world of the affluent, celebrities and royalty. However, fashion is now within the reach of the common man, especially the youth. Besides, dress fashion is an evolution of ideas, which begins as a fad, but in course of time gets accepted in society as a style, which could be in attire, behaviour or lifestyle. Fashion is mostly associated with glamour. It makes people feel confident and bold. People can express themselves openly. Today fashion is not limited to western countries; now, every country has come out with their fashion sense, not only the clothing but the accent of that country, the living style.

Vedantu experts have crafted an essay on fashion that covers its significance and how it reflects in your personality. This essay has promoted the thought perfectly that fashion is also about carrying yourself in society without having an attractive or trendy attire.  It is about being comfortable with yourself and not being a doppelganger of another person.

Why is Fashion Important?

Fashion is important because it reflects the culture of a country. It makes our life colourful and changes our life with time. In a way it also adds variety to life, providing an opportunity in trying out something new. Fashion is not only limited to clothing or makeup but in a much broader sense includes accessories like shoes, perfume, hairstyle, mannerism, etiquette and attitude towards life. Fashion is not restricted to self-expression only but also a means of self-empowerment and confidence. It encompasses the total spectrum of human activity, which relates to a specific period. It is an outlook of life.

Fashion is how you carry yourself in society without wearing anything trendy. It is how you attempt to make yourself look flawless even without any make-up. It helps you in revealing your true identity.


Evolution of Fashion

The world of fashion is always evolving.  It is amazing to see how the different events in history have influenced and changed the way people dressed and looked throughout time. Thus long dresses, veiled headgear that was trends of the Victorian era, have been replaced with micro and mini dresses and the jeans culture associated with the modern era. 

From the 1920s to the 1990s fashion just not changed in clothing but also in accessories, footwear and hairstyles. The trends of wearing hats, carrying purses, shoes and men wearing long ties and bows have been continuously changing with periods, occasions and culture.

Hairstyles also have been changing throughout time. Short boyish haircuts were popular during the 1920s to 1940s. Wigs were more popular in the 1960s and thereafter hairstyles kept changing from short to bob cut then to mid-back cut and now maintaining long hair.

Fashion Industry

As fashion evolved, the industry was formulated to manage the process for the consumers. The fashion world has given shape to a new industry, the ‘Fashion Industry’.

The fashion industry was created to design, manufacture and market clothes, footwear and accessories. Before creating the apparel industry, people made clothes for themselves. The mass production of clothing began in the mid-nineties when some creators began to make garments that did not require any fitting session with the tailors. The fashion industry in its true sense was established in the twentieth century when the neighbourhood tailors decided to become the manufacturing business.

Fashion impacting the Youth

The positive side of fashion is it enhances your life. It not only allows you to dress fashionably but also allows being independent in thinking and maintaining self-esteem. At the same time, fashion is negatively impacting the youth. It has taken up the life of the youth so much that the youngsters are highly obsessed with creating style statements at an age where they need to focus on their studies and other important aspects of life. The fashion trend has become a cult with today’s generation. They blindly try to imitate the models and celebrities without understanding the true essence of fashion.

Advantages of Vedantu Essay on Fashion

Vedantu gives you ideas about the necessary things to include in an essay on fashion. The experts available on the Vedantu have included moral based thoughts in this particular essay that help students connect with the meaning of the phrases. 

Vedantu has uploaded essays on subjects relevant to the students or trending in the world platform, which have more chances of occurring in the examination.

Content of Fashion Essay

Vedantu has provided you with a piece of detailed information on the essential points to include in the essay on fashion. After a thorough study, experts have added the following points.

While writing about fashion, you have to put some extra effort to explain evolution in both positive and negative ways.

The fashion world has given a new face to the clothing market. It has turned into a fashion industry.

Impact of fashion on teenagers

Teenagers are more cautious about their attire; they are aware of only one prevalent face of fashion.

What is the importance of fashion?

The need is therefore to strike a balance between being fashionable and wearing what suits you. The young generation needs to understand that fashion in the true sense is the attitude that you carry and just not fashionable clothes and accessories.


FAQs on Fashion Essay

1. What is the core of fashion?

Fashion is not only about wearing trendy clothes or footwear. The core of fashion lies inside the person. Fashionable core comes active when you wear something with confidence to show your choices to the world. And that is the only thing to make fashion a trend from time to time. Vedantu experts, after a detailed study, have explained this stuff, and that’s what makes an essay on fashion a complete package to deliver to the audience.

2. How is fashion impacting today’s generation?

Fashion affects today’s generation with its useless and dented influence that fashion is limited to costly clothes and gadgets. Teenagers are easy targets for those who consider themselves influential personalities under the name of fashion. Many of the time, the child gets intrigued by looking at the lifestyle of another person. They fall into the eye-pleasing trap and try to copy the same. It leads them to lose their own identity and wear fake costly attire to please their hunger for recognition among their friends.

3. How does Vedantu help in essay writing?

Vedantu offers you essays on different topics that have a chance of coming in the exams or already had in the exams. Experts of Vedantu have explained the requirement of the essay and suggested the points to include in a good essay. Also, with Vedantu, you learn various facts about various topics that can help you retain the process of making an excellent essay. Go to to explore more topics, and start writing essays of your own to express your understanding of the topics.

4. Does fashion help in your growth?

Yes, fashion does help you grow if you understand the right meaning of it. Following any person and famishing for recognition is not a fashion that can help you grow. It helps you when you understand fashion is more about being right with your choices regarding the dressing, accent, or culture of your community or country. Fashion is nothing more than a term for the things that makes you comfortable and enhance your confidence in being you.

5. Are fashion and trends different?

Yes, fashion and trends are different. The trend follows the fashion; fashion never leaves the frame, it gets highlighted from time to time, and at some particular time, it becomes a trend that everybody follows. Trends have a short life, but fashion stays for life. It gets older with time, like the dhoti kurta culture of India has become old, but it gets rejuvenated with the new look, and it becomes a trend for a while. Fashion is more real than trends.

6. What is Fashion?

Fashion is self-expression in the form of clothing, accessories, footwear, hairstyle, perfume, etiquettes and attitude.

7. Who is known as the Father of Fashion?

Charles Frederick Worth is known as the father of fashion.

8. How is Fashion impacting Today’s Generation?

Fashion has become a cult in this modern era. Youngsters especially blindly want to imitate celebrities and models. They are forgetting the true essence of fashion. They think that fashion is confined to only clothing, footwear and accessories.

9. Why is Fashion Important?

Fashion is important because it is the reflection of our society and culture.

267 Hottest Fashion Topics to Write About in 2024

In today’s world, fashion has become one of the most significant aspects of our lives. It influences everything from clothing and furniture to language and etiquette. It propels the economy, shapes people’s personal tastes, defines individuals and communities, and satisfies all possible desires and needs.

In 2023, the global apparel market revenue equaled 1.74 trillion dollars.

In this article, experts will present 267 unique fashion topics, discussion ideas, and fast fashion questions worth investigating. We will also help you figure out what the structure of an essay on fashion may look like.

Sounds interesting? Let’s get started!

  • 🔝 Top 12 Fashion Topics
  • ✍️ Essay Topics
  • 👒 Research Topics
  • ❓ Fast Fashion Questions
  • 👜 Article Topics
  • 🗣️ Topics to Discuss
  • 💡 Essay Prompts
  • ✅ Writing Guide

🔗 References

🔝 top 12 fashion topics to write about.

  • Goth fashion: origin and history
  • Fashion industry and marketing
  • Anti-fashion trends of the 2000s
  • The impact of fashion on nature
  • The rise of new fashion brands
  • The disadvantages of fast fashion
  • The use of child labor in fashion
  • Fashion as a way to express oneself
  • Key principles of eco-friendly fashion trends
  • Why do teenagers want to be fashionable?
  • What are the benefits of sustainable fashion?
  • The role of fashion influencers in setting trends

✍️ Fashion Topics for Essays

Fashion argumentative essay topics.

  • Fashion is a lifestyle
  • Freedom from stereotypes as a feature of unisex clothes
  • Aesthetics of Y2K as the height of futuristic fashion
  • Sportswear can be a staple in a man’s wardrobe
  • Wearing ethnic headdresses is cultural appropriation
  • How fashion photography revolutionized the art form
  • Influencers are new agents in the fashion industry
  • Fashion psychology is a necessary field of science
  • Reasons for Parisian style’s enduring appeal
  • What is Athleisure, and why is it popular?
  • Modern clothing is less concerned with the body type
  • Liberating effects of mixing business and casual clothes
  • Why is the classic fashion style timeless?
  • Minimalist style is an alternative to consumerism
  • Sportswear is an empowering choice for girls
  • Clothing styles : from avant-garde to classic, from grunge to glamour
  • Radically changing one’s style of clothing can be a healing experience
  • Opting for thrift-store clothing is beneficial for the environment
  • From classic to outrageous: what makes a fabulous Red Carpet look
  • Dress code is the key element of the corporate culture
  • How fashion serves as the armor to survive the reality of everyday life
  • AI-generated designs are the future of fashion
  • Office clothes for the heatwave: new solutions within the dress code
  • Fashion shows as activism platforms
  • What’s the purpose of motivational prints?
  • The psychology of vibrant prints
  • Is vegetable-tanned leather superior to artificial leather?
  • Wearing leather pants is not for everyone
  • Role of appearance and fashion in shaping social identities
  • Explore the connection between men’s fashion and changing gender roles
  • Relationship between fashion and consumerism in the 1960s culture
  • We must stop the practice of whitewashing POC fashion models
  • Can a face mask be fashionable?
  • Marketing practices for male jewelry need to be changed
  • Are skinny sunnies useless?
  • National identity is constructed through fashion
  • Does male fashion need more variety?
  • Fighting for environmental justice with fashion
  • The best version of yourself: can sportswear inspire you to work out?
  • Expert thoughts are more important than amateur fashion criticism
  • Assess the impact of women’s fashion on society in 1901-1945
  • The role of appearance in consumers’ fashion habits
  • What impact does social media have on the fashion industry?
  • Can a fashion trend last longer than a year?
  • Construction of body types through definitions of “ ideal “
  • Examine masculinity and femininity in fashion through a historical lens 
  • Fashion is political: power dynamics and global exchange
  • Vivienne Westwood’s fashion activism and its lasting influence
  • Stay warm, stay beautiful: benefits of eco-fur coats
  • Optical illusions in clothes: tacky or not?
  • How did the BLM movement influence fashion?
  • Relationship between fashion trends and body image
  • The ethics of miniskirts
  • Health benefits of linen clothes

To write an argumentative essay about fashion, you’ll need to research a topic by gathering and assessing data and establishing a coherent viewpoint on the subject. Feel free to use our topics for inspiration! 

Informative Fashion Topics to Write About

  • Representation of gender roles in fashion during the Industrial Revolution
  • Branding strategies for the luxury fashion line extensions
  • Challenges faced by the fashion industry in Ghana
  • Entrepreneurship opportunities in Africa’s burgeoning fashion sector
  • Gender distinctions in fashion during the Industrial Revolution
  • Compare Elizabethan and Jacobian fashion styles
  • How to transform fashion innovation into entrepreneurial ventures
  • Fashion trends and social movements during the Second World War
  • Harmful results of the fashion industry’s reliance on ultra-thin models
  • Using fashion to embrace differences within subcultures across the world
  • Victorian Era fashion for upper-class women
  • Evolution of women’s fashion and social roles over the 20 th century
  • Consumer decision-making processes in the fashion industry
  • Influence of Western fashion on Islamic outwear
  • Economic and social issues facing the fashion industry
  • Implementing sustainable practices in the fashion industry’s supply chain management
  • Diversification of the fashion industry and runway shows
  • Effects of AI technology on fashion photography
  • How to travel safely with expensive jewelry
  • Combining several prints the right way
  • Compare Barbie doll outfits with traditional children’s fashion
  • Hats off: how to wear a bucket hat in autumn
  • Women’s fashion and social movements in the past century
  • How to care for white sneakers in winter
  • Compatibility of ethical fashion purchases
  • Ways to wear high heels without harm to feet and veins
  • Fashion professionals’ inspiration from history and culture
  • Harder, faster, stronger: the most comfortable cross-fit shoes
  • Where to find trendy socks and what to combine them with?
  • Role of technology in fashion marketing : Armani case study
  • Evolution of women’s clothing throughout history
  • Women’s fashion trends between 20th and 21st centuries
  • Not a penny more: how to resist impulsive purchases
  • Influence of the Elizabethan era on modern fashion
  • How do dressing norms vary across the world ?
  • Strategies for creating teenage fashion trends
  • Evolution of fashion and its appearance throughout history
  • Role of fashion in the social construction of gender
  • The connection between style and the construction of social identities
  • People’s engagement with fashion as consumers and designers
  • Influence of branding on consumer luxury choices
  • Who can be called the “father of fashion”?
  • Impact of celebrity fashion on teenagers’ self-image
  • Madeleine Chéruit: one of the first woman designers
  • The location of the first Fashion Week event and its significance

An informative essay on fashion can focus on trends, practices, textiles, brands, and even the history of fashion. Our topics will definitely help you write an excellent paper. 

👒 Fashion Research Topics

  • Dressing standards in contemporary democracies
  • Impact of buy-back on fashion sub-sourcing
  • How much does music affect what people wear?
  • Suggest ways of communicating the concept of green fashion across different cultures
  • How to manage the supply networks of the Chinese fashion apparel industry
  • Explain how to apply theoretical perspectives to fashion case studies
  • Vertical integration in the fashion apparel industry
  • The impact of AI technology on fashion design and production
  • Research the influence of brand and quality on clothing price
  • Why is pale skin the standard for beauty ?
  • Contrast rural and urban approaches to fashion
  • Todd Fields’ Tar and its influence on menswear trends
  • The cultural and social influences on fashion trends
  • How much does globalization influence style?
  • The psychological effects of color in fashion
  • Does today’s fashion promote a positive body image ?
  • How have ballgowns changed over the years?
  • The role of storytelling in modern branding and design
  • The idea behind school uniforms and their design
  • Analyze the phenomenon of nostalgia in contemporary art and fashion
  • The influence of cultural identity on fashion design
  • Is formal attire dwindling in popularity in offices?
  • Sustainable fashion : is it succeeding in making a change?
  • Write a chronological study of the development of above-knee-length skirts
  • Does globalization have an impact on garment design ?
  • Is it immoral to wear uncomfortable clothing?
  • Social media “hauls” in fashion marketing
  • Evaluate the use alternate and sustainable materials in the fashion industry
  • How contemporary social issues are reflected in fashion design
  • The influence of celebrities on international fashion trends
  • How does gender identity influence fashion choices?
  • The role of fashion and design in ancient societies
  • The development of the American fashion industry
  • How fashion trends of the 2020s embraced femininity
  • The role of body positivity in fashion design
  • How does fashion affect political discourse?
  • Explain how to read luxury fashion advertisements
  • How Western fashion influences the rest of the world
  • Evaluate the effect of street style on high fashion trends
  • Education in fashion entrepreneurship
  • Role of social media influencers in shaping consumer behavior
  • The intersection of art and fashion in contemporary design
  • The evolution of costume design in film and theater
  • What’s the role of diversity and inclusivity in fashion?
  • The future of fashion retail in the digital age
  • The use of virtual reality in the fashion industry
  • Best ways of storing suede clothes and accessories
  • How does body positivity impact fashion marketing?

Fashion has always been at the forefront of innovation, from the creation of machines for sewing to the rise of e-commerce. Fashion technology is evolving at a greater rate than ever before. Our research topics will help you look into the most exciting aspects of the fashion industry. 

❓ Fast Fashion Research Questions

  • Can fast fashion purchases be ethical?
  • How does fast fashion relate to economic cycles?
  • How do fast fashion brands copy runway designs?
  • What factors led to the emergence of fast fashion?
  • What tactics do fast fashion brands use for promotion?
  • Why does fast fashion contribute so much to landfills ?
  • Do fast fashion brands do anything to minimize their negative impact?
  • How can we question the ethics of fast fashion brands ?
  • What revealing information do models provide regarding fast fashion?
  • What influences the formation of new trends in the fast fashion industry?
  • What are the biggest mistakes of fast fashion companies and their consequences?
  • What’s the importance of public coverage in the fast fashion industry?
  • What are the leading supply chain management strategies in fast fashion?
  • What characterizes consumer behavior in the fast fashion sector?
  • How do the production and transportation of fast fashion garments contribute to CO2 levels?

The price of clothing has gone down by 8.5% since 1992.

  • How are fast fashion factory workers systematically mistreated?
  • Shein fast fashion brand : what’s the price of its success?
  • Why is disposable fashion popular among low-income customers?
  • Why we’re buying more clothes than ever but wearing them less?
  • What are the most effective ways of boycotting fast fashion brands?
  • How can you determine which brands are using greenwashing?
  • What can be done about transparency issues among fashion brands?
  • Why is the fashion industry the world’s second-largest polluter?
  • How do fast fashion practices contribute to climate change?
  • What are the implications of physical and sexual abuse among H&M workers?

Fast fashion refers to the massive production of inexpensive garments. This approach makes clothes more affordable but has severe ethical and environmental implications. You can explore them in your paper with the help of our research questions about fast fashion.

👜 Fashion Article Topics to Write About

  • The role of public opinion in choosing clothes
  • Do fashion brand newsletters affect sales?
  • The influence of Instagram on the fashion industry
  • How to create lookbooks for brands
  • Tacky is the new stylish: why are Y2K fashion choices back in style?
  • Eco trend: three great brands will give your jeans a second life
  • Warm and fluffy fleece: what it is and how to wear it
  • The fashion blogging sphere and its subdivisions
  • Evaluate the impact of politics on fashion
  • Review the principles of news coverage of prestigious fashion shows
  • How bloggers can promote daring fashion designs
  • The evolution of fashion blogging over the past ten years
  • Latest critical events in the fashion media space
  • The enduring appeal of fashion magazines
  • What affects the share of television news in fashion shows?
  • The impact of activism on fashion trends
  • How can we bring revolutionary ideas to sustainable fashion ?
  • The effect of influencer promotion on emerging brands
  • What are the required qualifications for a fashion news reporter?
  • Tips and tricks for beginner fashion photographers
  • Ways of creating trends by ignoring specific rules in fashion
  • Fashion blogging as a way of self-expression
  • International relations in fashion companies
  • Clothing as a way to express political views
  • Opportunities to create a trendy blog space
  • How to accumulate knowledge about fashion
  • The difference between Grunge and Biker styles
  • How to overcome a crisis in personal style
  • Methods of collecting information for a feature story about fashion
  • How online blogging is replacing printed fashion publications
  • Best ways to make fashion photography more inclusive
  • The rise of Barbiecore: femininity and nostalgia
  • Cycles in fashion and future trends
  • Opportunities for networking with fashion brands
  • Personal style as a factor in self-realization
  • Assess the prevalence of fake reviews in the fashion industry
  • Old trends returning: is it the essence of fashion?

The fashion industry is a vast spectrum that includes countless sub-fields and trends. The popularity of articles and blog posts on fashion is on the rise. Write one yourself with the help of our topics!

🗣️ Fashion Topics to Discuss

  • The legacy of Elsa Schiaparelli
  • What makes a good brand logo?
  • The history of the Oxford shoes
  • Reflection of feminist trends in clothing
  • Zara: brand’s features and history
  • The impact of French fashion on global trends
  • Implementation of modern technologies in fashion using 3D printers
  • How fashion designers’ personalities are reflected in their designs
  • Individual styles of Giorgio Armani and Versace: comparative aspect
  • Contemporary trends in established fashion brands: Chanel case study
  • The problem of the inconsistency of new fashion trends
  • Features of fashion design during the coronavirus pandemic
  • Military style as the romanticization of war
  • Elements of Classic Hollywood’s clothing and makeup
  • The individual style in the fashion of Ilaria Urbinati
  • Explore the aspects of harmony between clothes and accessories
  • Features and the instrumentation of theatrical costumes
  • Compare the characteristics of fashion trends in France
  • How Native Americans’ national dress contributed to fashion
  • How fashion brands choose their muses and ambassadors
  • Features of mass production in garment manufacturing
  • Jewelry design as an essential component of modern fashion
  • What are the characteristics of a collaboration between hairdressers and stylists?
  • Features of popularization of plus size clothing in America
  • The main trends in Asian fashion: China and Japan
  • Evaluate the importance of marketing research for clothing stores
  • Advantages of the mass market in developing countries
  • The origin of second-hands in Eastern Europe
  • Modern trends of men’s suits for business meetings
  • Design of sports uniforms at the 2022 World Cup
  • Differences in casual style in different states of America
  • Advantages of boat shoes and moccasins: comparative aspect
  • Stereotypes and benefits of sustainable fashion
  • Research market monopolization of eyewear styles by Ray-Ban
  • The problem of mindlessly following the latest trends
  • Inclusive trends in the underwear design
  • The impact of subcultures on modern fashion
  • How pop culture influences fashion
  • Features of ethical fashion in Australia
  • The transition from sophistication to comfort in fashion
  • The no-bra movement as part of the feminist concept
  • Elements of mask fashion during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Gender-neutral clothing as a symbol of the gender revolution
  • Fashion as a character in Quentin Tarantino’s movies

Fashion reflects people’s thoughts, identities, and cultures. It can influence and shape lives because of its close connection to all things surrounding us. That is why there are still a lot of controversial discussion topics . If you’re looking for good fashion topics to talk about, feel free to pick any of the ideas above.

💡 Fashion Essay Prompts

Fast fashion essay prompt.

Fast fashion refers to clothing designs that travel swiftly from the runway to stores to capitalize on trends. The collections are frequently inspired by styles seen during Fashion Week or worn by celebrities. Fast fashion allows mainstream consumers to get the hottest new look or the next great thing at a reasonable cost, but it also has its drawbacks.

Can’t find good fast fashion topics? Get inspired with the following questions:

  • What does the term “fast fashion” mean? In your essay, you can explain the definition of the term and explore its history.
  • Who are the fast fashion leaders in the market? Here, you can analyze the current mass-market clothing companies, such as Zara , H&M, and others. What strategies do they use? What makes them popular?
  • What are the benefits of fast fashion? Fast fashion contributes to the economy, lets low-income individuals wear stylish clothes, and leads to the overall democratization of fashionable clothing. You can discuss some of these points in your paper.
  • What are the drawbacks of fast fashion? Although it has many benefits, fast fashion is seen as a primarily negative phenomenon. It promotes consumerism , contributes to pollution, and exploits underpaid workers.
  • How does fast fashion pollute the environment? One of the main disadvantages of fast fashion is the pollution it causes. It contributes to greenhouse emissions and pollutes the oceans through the use of harmful chemicals.

Fashion and Identity Essay Prompts

Fashion is important because it contributes to the formation of people’s identities. It creates a sense of belonging to a specific group through what we wear. How we utilize fashion also helps us express our personalities.

Since fashion is an especially relevant topic for students, it can be a great college essay topic. Here are some ideas you can discuss:

  • Your opinion on modern trends . Here, you can discuss the trends you like or dislike and the reasons for that.
  • Connection with peers through style. You can analyze how clothing style reflects one’s personality and tastes and if it helps bond with others.
  • Fashion as a way to reflect social status. In your essay, you can explore how fashion and clothing choices can create an illusion of a higher social status and class.
  • Fashionable ways to reflect your authentic self. Here, you may focus on how clothing style can also serve as a tool for self-expression and be a crucial element for creating the right impression.
  • Fashion methods to boost confidence. Analyze how wearing proper clothes can also make one more confident.

Sustainable Fashion Essay Prompt 

Few industries brag about their commitment to sustainability more than the fashion industry. Items ranging from swimwear to wedding dresses are advertised as carbon-positive, organic, or vegan. Sadly, the fashion industry’s experimentations over the last 25 years have failed to reduce its environmental impact. Here are the themes you can focus on in your essay:

  • The importance of sustainable fashion. Start by discussing the fashion industry’s influence on the environment and climate change . Then, turn your attention to the new safe models of the fashion business.
  • The contribution of eco-friendly fashion brands. Analyze approaches of brands willing to make sustainable fashion affordable. How will they aid in decreasing environmental damage and providing new bio-based textiles in manufacturing?

List of environmental problems caused by the fashion inductry.

Prompt for an Essay on Fashion and Style

Style and fashion play a major role in reflecting modern society’s values, norms, and cultural trends. This makes them excellent topics for essays. Your paper on fashion and style may raise the following questions: 

  • How do changes in fashion reflect transformations in broader social and economic structures?  For this topic, you should explore fashion history to analyze the correlation between fashion trends and social situations.
  • How did the mainstreaming of streetwear affect its role as a subcultural style?  Fashion has always played an essential role in subcultures. Streetwear is particularly important for numerous subcultures, from hip-hop to the skate scene. What does the popularization of streetwear and its elements mean for their unique identity?
  • How has the rise of digital platforms impacted our relationship with fashion and style? In your essay, you can discuss how social networks help quickly spread new trends. What are the pros and cons of this phenomenon?
  • Can fashion be truly inclusive and accepting, or are attempts of representation simply performative?  You may focus on a particular brand’s strategy or cover the issue in general.
  • How can consumers make better aesthetic choices when making fashion purchases ? Here, you can suggest your ideas for keeping up with the trends without compromising one’s personal style.

✅ Fashion Essay Writing Tips

Need some assistance with structuring your fashion essay? Check out our handy guide with helpful advice! We’ve also included examples you can use for inspiration.

Fashion Essay Introduction

To write a great introduction for your paper on fashion, do the following: 

  • Write a hook . Introduce your topic in a catchy opening sentence to make your reader invested in your essay. It can be an interesting fact, a quotation, or an intriguing question. Fashion and sociology may seem like they have nothing in common, but are they really so different? 
  • Give some background . Provide enough information to familiarize the reader with the topic. Throughout history, fashion has impacted society and reflected its cultural and economic changes. Additionally, this impact has evolved to be recognized psychologically, with people identifying mentally and emotionally with fashion to interpret visual information. 
  • Explain unknown words . You may be using terms that are essential to understanding the essay but are unfamiliar to your readers. Make sure to define them as early as possible. Basque is an extension below the waistline of a fitted bodice or jacket. 
  • Find interesting information for your introduction. For example, you can look up a piece of statistics demonstrating the scope of the issue you intend to address.  The U.S. fashion market is estimated to be worth $343.70 billion. 

Thesis Statement about Fashion

There are 3 key characteristics of a good thesis statement:

  • Providing a clear and concise claim that needs to be clarified and supported by additional discussion. 
  • Demonstrating your main idea and arguments. 
  • Showing your understanding of challenges and conflicts. 

Here’s what it can look like:

Despite all the fierce advertising and promotion, it is our own likes, dislikes, and emotions that impact what we wear.

You can also check out our free thesis statement generator . It will help make your essay even better!

Fashion Essay: Main Body

A good body paragraph has a clear structure with 3 key elements: 

  • A topic sentence is the opening statement of a paragraph that expresses its key idea. 
  • Supporting evidence bolsters your core idea after the topic sentence. 
  • Concluding sentence s can express an opinion, forecast events, or serve as a transition . 

Fashion encourages us to unleash our creativity. Combining different pieces of textiles and jewelry allows anyone to stay fashionable and dress creatively. All of these things have the potential to foster our ingenuity and creativity. Also, fashion provides us with experiences to evaluate our innovative selves.

Fashion Essay Conclusion

The conclusion should summarize your essay’s main ideas. To write it, take the following steps: 

  • Reflect on the topic of your paper in the restated thesis .
  • Inform the reader of how your supporting evidence helped strengthen your main claim. 
  • Give a few final ideas regarding the significance of your topic. 
  • Avoid introducing any new information.
  • Summarize all the essential points. 

Check out what a conclusion may look like:

Whether we like to admit it or not, fashion significantly impacts most people’s lives. It aids in reflecting a country’s culture, expressing ourselves, or inspiring creativity. That is precisely why we should not judge the fashion industry but rather embrace it as a part of everyday life.

We hope our 269 unique fashion topics will inspire you to write a great paper! We’ll be happy if you leave a comment below or share this page with your friends you may need inspiration.

Further reading:

  • 220 Pop Culture Topics for an A+ Essay
  • 208 Interesting History Essay Topics and Events to Write about
  • 260 Expository Essay Topics for School & College
  • A List of 185 Interesting Cultural Topics to Write About
  • Fashion Trends: University of Washington
  • Applications of Technology in Fashion Trend Forecasting: University of Southern California
  • Fast Fashion Getting Faster: a Look at the Unethical Labor Practices Sustaining a Growing Industry: The George Washington University
  • Why Fashion Needs to Be More Sustainable: Columbia University
  • Fast Fashion Quick to Cause Environmental Havoc: The University of Queensland
  • Fast Fashion: Changes in the Fashion Industry: Michigan State University
  • The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment: Princeton University
  • Barebones of Fashion: Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Fast Fashion: How It Affects Laborers and the Environment: Boise State University
  • Does the Current Embrace of 1950s-Influenced Fashion Reflect Broader Cultural Trends?: Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Zara’s Secret for Fast Fashion: Harvard Business School
  • History of Fashion 1900 – 1970: Victoria and Albert Museum
  • The View from the Front Row: a History of the Fashion Show – Photo Essay: The Guardian
  • How Fashions Have Changed Since the 1920s: The People History
  • The Real Environmental Impact of the Fashion Industry: Bloomberg
  • Fast Fashion: How Clothes Are Linked to Climate Change: BBC
  • The environmental costs of fast fashion: United Nations Environment Programme
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Lesson Plans and Ideas

B2 – Writing Part 1 (Essay) – The effects of fashion on people’s lives

Love it or hate it, we all follow trends and fashion. It’s also one of the evergreen topics that can be approached in many different ways. You can deal with fast fashion and sustainability, the newest trends during the fashion week, or do what I did and talk about its effects on our lives.

My inspiration to create Cambridge lesson plans comes in waves, depending on the students and their upcoming exams. One of my B2 students is taking her FCE exam at the beginning of March, which motivates me to craft lessons for her and ensure that she gets the highest score possible. I thought that this week we could review and tackle Writing Part 1. As this part is obligatory, it is essential to be well-prepared and ready to write the best essay possible while following and having a deep understanding of the writing assessment criteria.

Scroll until the end of the post to get the worksheet with the teacher’s notes, and the presentation in case you teach online (like I do!). This lesson material can also be found in  B2 Sample Paper 2 , and all the example essays are taken from  B2 First Handbook .

opinion essay fashion

The other week in one of the podcasts that I listen to regularly, I heard about a fashion rule that we should all follow. Before you get dressed, think about three adjectives that best describe your style, and dress accordingly. I immediately thought that this activity could work well as a warm-up before the heavier part of the class, which is all about analysing the exam task and understanding the writing criteria. If you have a bigger group, you could ask them to write the three adjectives anonymously on sticky notes and then match the style descriptions with the students.

Once you match everyone with their style descriptions, present students with five  stylish  women. Students may work in pairs (or individually) and rank them from 1-5, 1 being the most fashionable and 5 being the least. Students present their order and justify their choices.

opinion essay fashion

Introduce the writing task by showing the thesis of the essay –  Some people say the fashion industry has a bad effect on people’s lives . Divide students into two groups. Group A thinks about reasons that support this statement. The other group thinks of reasons against this point. Once groups have a few ideas, put one student A with one student B, so they can debate each other’s points and reach a final decision.

Now, show students an example essay which relates to the previous statement. Students read for gist and check if any of the ideas mentioned in the previous activity appeared in the text. Read it again and identify three main points that the text deals with. Are they positive or negative?  (There are one positive and two negative points) . Show the exam task and explain the rules of FCE Writing Part 1. Say that in this part, students always have to write an essay. They need to include two points mentioned in the task and one extra idea of their own. Read the text again and underline the parts of the text that mention all three points. Point out the structure of the essay and the purpose of each paragraph.

  • Paragraph 1: Introduction
  • Paragraph 2: Points supporting the thesis (job creation)
  • Paragraph 3: Points against the thesis (judging appearance and the price of clothes)
  • Paragraph 4: Conclusion

Now that everyone read the example answer at least three times, analyse the examiner’s notes. Explain the criteria used in the writing assessment – content, communicative achievement, organisation and language. I think that students must understand what they are being assessed on to perform well in this part. It will help them see that even though grammar and vocabulary are important, they are not critical, and it’s possible to get a good score, even with some mistakes.

Once they understand the criteria, it’s time to put on the examiner’s hat. Show two essays answering the same task as before. Give some time to read the answers and discuss which of the two is better and why. It’s obvious that the second one is way better, but students may already start justifying their decisions using the writing assessment criteria. Put students into pairs and ask them to score the two answers. Look at everyone’s answers and compare them with the actual scores and explanations. Discuss if any of the scores surprised them.

If you have some spare time, you can give 5 minutes to plan the answers to the same task as before. Explain the importance of planning and thinking before jumping into writing. If you can afford it and make sure that everyone hands in their essay, give them about 40 minutes to write their answers. You can even shorten this time, as there was plenty of time to think about the answers, and most likely students already know what they want to write about. If you don’t have that much time, you can set it as homework.

Since the lesson was quite heavy with a lot of reading and analysis, finish by discussing four short questions on fashion and style. Think about the importance of getting dressed well and people who decide what’s fashionable or not.

Hope you enjoyed this instalment of FCE practice! Click the files below to get the presentation and the worksheet with the teacher’s notes.

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Published by joannaesl

A CELTA certified ESL teacher based in Altea, Spain. I share my experience regarding teaching in Spain, getting into ESL from scratch, but I also like to prepare lesson plans and classroom content. View all posts by joannaesl

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Fast Fashion and Ethical Consumption Essay (Literature Review)

Introduction, outline of the topic, methodology reflection, literature review, analysis and critical discussion (implications), conclusions, reference list.

The industry of fast fashion offers a wide range of available garments, which makes it attractive for many people around the world. The widespread consumption of cheap clothing is used by companies to maximise their profits and sell as many products as possible. The global apparel market grows rapidly by 3-6% per year (O’Connell, 2019). Chang and Jai (2015) state that this dominant business model promotes greater consumption that is led by the claims for the so-called democratisation of fashion when the latest trends are made available for all consumers. In this context, fast fashion is understood as cheap clothing that was created based on celebrity culture and high street stores (Chang and Jai, 2015). The main idea behind fast fashion is to copy and produce clothing for the mass market as soon as possible, catching the moment of their popularity.

Fast fashion leads to overproduction and overconsumption that compose one of the key problems in the 21st century. Stringer, Mortimer and Payne (2020) emphasise that a lack of sustainable consumption, environmental pollution, and changing consumer preferences compose the adverse consequences of these problems. Considering that globalisation facilitates international relations, fast fashion develops across the countries. Western companies, such as Gap or Walmart, tend to cooperate with the developing countries due to cheap labour; Bangladesh, Cambodia, and China are the leading exporters for fast fashion (Taplin, 2014). A lack of ethical consumption minors global morality and erodes society since those who buy do not think about the influence of their purchasing decisions, while those who produce have to work for minimal wages in dangerous environments.

The environmental impact of fast fashion is another concern that is discussed in the literature. Many retailers use the cheapest fabrics that are produced from fossil fuels, which promote global warming, and the use of microspheres multiplies plastic trash (Zamani, Sandin and Peters, 2017). The use of these materials requires a lot of water and electricity, which can result in soil quality and biodiversity issues. Bowers (2019) reports that the fast fashion industry produces 10% of carbon emissions and causes 20% of water pollution, while 85% of garments is sent to landfills annually. At the same time, fast fashion encourages the culture of throwing away and overconsumption. Such clothing implies rapid obsolesce and the need to constantly buy more products as a way of satisfaction (Kim, Park and Glovinsky, 2018). The pressure on the environment and people is enormous, and it is likely to grow without changing people’s attitudes towards fast fashion. Therefore, it is critical to pay attention to how fast fashion impacts society, understanding the current trends and gaps.

The issue of fast fashion is of contemporary, topical, and academic interest since it should be considered from different perspectives. For academics, research is the main instrument to identify underlying problems and suggest decisions. The organisation and structuring of the existing literature is another beneficial step towards determining the areas to improve the identified situation. For policymakers, the findings of academics seem to be useful to adjust the policies for reducing environmental pollution and making the choices of consumers more deliberate. In turn, practicing managers may gain valuable insights by understanding the buying intentions of customers and the ways to make consumption more sustainable (Li et al. , 2014). A collaborative approach to the solution of the given problem seems to be the most relevant option.

The research shows that society tends to become more and more aware of the need to reconsider purchasing behaviours. The emergence of calls for sustainable consumption and environmental pollution prevention tend to be pronounced within the last decade (Li et al ., 2014). In this connection, both the production end and consumers should transform their approaches to fashion consumption. Consequently, it is important to understand motivations that underpin customers’ choices and also explore the impact of fast fashion on the environment. One of the promising areas for improvement is the concept brand sustainability, which may increase customer loyalty and the perceived value of clothing. By paying attention to how companies build their business models and integrate environmental issues, it is possible to better understand the problem and come up with pertinent solutions. Without further research and practical actions, the identified issues would escalate, leading to disruptive outcomes. In other words, the timeliness of this review is justified by the urgent nature of the mentioned problems.

The main advantage of this narrative literature review is the presentation of a variety of perspectives. As stated by Bhattacharya (2017), reviews encourage scholarly discussions that, in turn, stimulate both scholars and readers to ponder over the target problem. Another benefit is associated with the method of information collection and analysis, which is transparent and reproducible by others. The qualitative nature of the review also allows for detailed explorations of the context, methods, and results of the studies. However, the disadvantages of this narrative review comprise the risk of biased conclusions that can be caused by the subjectivity of a researcher, as well as the potential failure to merely describe data instead of synthesis (Maruyama and Ryan, 2014). The limitations that should be mentioned are the restricted number of articles under the review and the journals included in the ABS list.

A narrative literature review is selected to analyse and synthesise available information on the impact of fast fashion on society. The findings are structured in three tables (streams), each of which focuses on a particular sub-topic, including ethical consumption, environmental impact, and customer preferences and intentions. The investigation of three areas is useful for presenting a broad perspective on the issue being reviewed. Based on the condensed format of data in tables, the details are discussed in a written format. Consistent with Juntunen and Lehenkari (2019), this narrative literature review pulls different pieces of evidence into a readable version. The integration of articles is expected to reveal the gaps, tendencies, and limitations that exist in the contemporary literature.

For this literature review, data is obtained from academic articles published in peer-reviewed journals and enumerated on the ABS list. The use of this academic journal guide ensures that information is of high quality. In addition, all of the reviewed articles are empirical as they include data collection and analysis. The inclusion criteria are the relevance to the target topic, study design, and publication date (2013-2020). Among the exclusion criteria, there are systematic reviews, conceptual papers and outdated sources. Before including a study in the review, the abstracts were thoroughly examined and integrated according to common issues being researched. This allowed the researcher to use the time more effectively, avoiding non-pertinent sources. After that, the full texts of the selected articles were read to make sure that all the necessary details will be noted. In the process of writing this report, some supporting articles were found and cited to make the paper more comprehensive and beneficial to accomplish the goal of clarifying implications for managers, management education and policy makers.

The Discover search engine was used to search the relevant literature and select the articles that fit the inclusion criteria. The key words for the stream of ethical consumption involved such words as “ethical consumption”, “sustainable consumption” and fast fashion consumption. The query returned 9,456 articles, of which 10 were selected due to their potential contribution to the theme of this literature review paper. For the second stream of fast fashion impact on customers’ behaviours, the following search key words were considered: “fast fashion”, “hedonism”, “utilitarianism”, “circular clothing perception”, and “awareness of sustainable clothing”. After filtering 6,254 findings, 11 studies were included in the review. The third stream of the review focuses on the role of fast fashion in environmental pollution. It turned out that this sub-topic included plenty of technologic and environmental studies, but the relations between the mentioned issues were researched insufficiently. The initial return of 12,262 sources was sorted based on both exclusion and inclusion criteria to arrive at 10 articles. The repeated sources were also eliminated, and common sense was applied to avoid out of topic studies.

The fast fashion literature includes a range of academic articles that explore several companies and resources to identify the current tendencies and problems. Considering the nature of collected articles and the themes they highlight, it was decided to organise this literature review according to the following three streams: ethical consumption, environmental impact and customer preferences / intentions. Namely, the streams are summarised in the format of tables.

Ethical Consumption

Ethical customer identification: motivation.

Fast fashion revolutionised the clothing industry by making it more accessible to different categories of customers. This low-cost production is made of cheap materials and rapidly replaced by new models, which creates overconsumption threats (Coskun, Gupta and Burnaz, 2020; Pantano, Giglio and Dennis, 2019). With the emergence and rapid development of sustainable consumption agenda, many researchers turned to focusing on the links between fast fashion and ethical consumption. In their study, McNeill and Moore (2015) employed the developmental theory, which implies that human cognition can be classified to stages, to understand the attitudes of customers regarding sustainable consumption. The data was collected by means of open-ended interviews with 28 participants (Table 1). The authors arrived at the conclusion that there are three types of customers with various values. In particular, “self” consumers are oriented towards hedonistic principles that declare the importance of pleasure (McNeill and Moore, 2015). “Sacrifice” consumers try to decrease their influence on the world, while “social” clients are engaged in social image concerns.

A more detailed customer identification of ethical consumption of clothing is presented by Bly, Gwozdz, and Reisch (2015) and Reimers, Magnuson and Chao (2016). These scholars focused on the research of the so-called sustainable fashion consumption pioneers, who tend to actively engage in the discussion of the need to buy green apparel. Using passive netnography and semi-structured interviews, it was revealed that for them, ethical consumption means decreasing measurable environmental or social impact (Bly, Gwozdz, and Reisch, 2015). In other words, for people valuing green consumption, the concepts of fashion and one’s personal style are much wider compared to average customers, who cannot imagine their lives without the constant purchase of fast fashion clothes. At the same time, Reimers, Magnuson and Chao (2016) add to the evidence by investigating how consumers identify and measure sustainability of fast fashion. They reported that environmental responsibility, animal welfare, employee welfare and slow fashion attributes are the key areas of concern.

Customers’ Perception Patterns

While speaking about how customers perceive ethical consumption, it is beneficial to review several studies that study eco-friendliness in the context of fast fashion. Blasi, Brigato and Sedita (2020) reviewed the accounts of Twitter users to test the hypothesis that greater eco-friendliness improves a brand’s image. The authors applied a novel data mining technology to synthesise social media conversations. Such key words as style, glamour, fashion, ethical business and environment were targeted. As a result, they computed the similarity and found the correlation between luxury brands’ images and positive perceptions of customers. However, this correlation is weaker for fast fashion brands, which indicates the insufficient consideration of ethical clothing from retailers (see Table 1 for details). The potential extension of H&M and Zara was examined by the above authors based on the online survey that was completed by 598 customers (Hill and Lee, 2015). It is essential to note that customers consider that fast fashion can be sustainable.

Another issue discussed by McNeill and Moore (2015) refers to the perceived barriers to ethical consumption of fast fashion. The authors rationally state that the fear to look worse and less fashionable, social conditioning and costs that can be significantly higher. In turn, the barriers that impede customers from ethical consumption are investigated by Wiederhold and Martinez (2018), who focus on 13 participants from Germany (Table 1). In both articles, it is emphasised that green purchasing behaviour is a trend, but there is a gap between customers’ views and their purchasing. The analysis of interviews allowed revealing the following list of barriers: barriers are price, transparency, availability, knowledge, consumption habits, image and inertia. Price and a lack of proper information are regarded as the most widely discussed barriers, which means that better awareness of consumers and more affordable prices would improve the situation. These inhibiting determinants are noted as useful for retailers and managers to consider them while planning new collections and interacting with customers.

A lack of sustainable fast fashion is mentioned by customers as one of the most challenging issues on the way to green apparel purchasing. Consistent with Wiederhold and Martinez (2018), Lundblad and Davies (2015) found that ethical brands are rarely presented in this sector. The interviewees’ concerns refer to the association between trendy designs and synthetic fabrics. More to the point, the majority of ethical brands look non-fashionable, boring, and alternative, as reported by consumers (Wiederhold and Martinez, 2018). This leads to the distorted perceptions of green apparel as of poor image clothing. The means-end approach that was employed by Lundblad and Davies (2015) also showed that the need for self-expression and self-esteem play a critical role in the fact that customers underestimate sustainable fashion consumption. The details of the above study are given in Table 1.

Sustainable Marketing Activities

The study of sustainable marketing activities can be identified as another area of research even though it is not sufficient yet. According to Jung, Kim and Kim (2020), brands’ sustainable approaches improve customers’ satisfaction and trust. This article adopted the quantitative method of data collection and analysis to determine the key characteristics of sustainability increase in the fashion industry. The ethical brand image was confirmed to impact brand loyalty and customer satisfaction, which is also stated by other articles involved in this literature review. Stringer, Mortimer and Payne (2020) and Turker and Altuntas (2014) claim that supplier amenableness with their code of conduct is one of the ways to build a sustainable product. Such values as self-transcendence and openness to changes are two more aspects that make a positive influence on customer awareness. Authenticity and trust were also found to be linked with the purchasing intentions of customers, who are interested in fast fashion ethical consumption (Jung, Kim and Kim (2020). As it can be understood from the last three studies, companies have not yet adopted ethical approaches, while they tend to be increasingly interested in the future changes.

The issue of ethical consumption of fast fashion products is widely explored in the academic literature, which points to the interest among scholars and practitioners. The articles included in this stream are varied in their focus of analysis and areas of coverage. Since these studies reflect the key findings of the recent research, it is possible to state that they are influential regarding the required changes. It becomes transparent that the call for a more ethical clothing consumption contributes to further studies. The awareness of customers’ perceptions, attitudes, motivational factors and barriers allows for understanding how to promote sustainability. The practical implications for managers, policy makers and retailers are clarified in the Analysis and Critical Discussion section of this paper.

Table 1. Fast fashion and ethical consumption

Impact of Fast Fashion Industry on Changing Consumer Preferences and Intentions

Responsiveness to consumer needs.

The increased responsiveness to the demands of customers is one of the key features of fast fashion. The process of developing and launching new products is quite rapid as retailers are likely to present new clothes and accessories weekly or even daily (Gabrielli, Baghi and Codeluppi, 2013; Miller, 2013). This requires involving a range of actors, such as designers, managers, marketers, textile and technical specialists, et cetera. Such a collaborative approach to fast fashion products impacts customers by making them savvy for continuous purchasing. There is a range of ways to interact with customers and collect data regarding their expectations. For example, Payne (2016) listed celebrity styles and magazines, sales data and other brands as the determining factors (Table 2). Accordingly, fast fashion companies strive to support the modern negative trend of overconsumption (Payne, 2016). Although some brands offer recycled clothes, others seem to disregard the calls for sustainable consumption.

Emotional Connection

The loyalty to fast fashion brands is one of the major areas of concern that are presented in the academic literature. According to the mixed method study by Kim, Park and Glovinsky (2018), customer involvement allows for changing their consciousness and improving their trust to the brand. This study included 306 female participants, who were interviewed for collecting the necessary data. The emotional connection is also stressed by Gabrielli, Baghi and Codeluppi (2013), stating that the analysis of fast fashion from the standpoint for a customer is poorly researched, while this approach has a great potential to clarify the preferences of particular consumers. This exploratory study included 64 consumers who were asked to share their attitudes towards fast fashion clothing (Gabrielli, Baghi and Codeluppi, 2013) (Table 2). The main benefit of this article is that it introduces a new perspective on evaluating customers’ intentions. By being aware of this perspective, it is possible to better comprehend their needs and influence their purchasing decisions.

To remain aware of the fast fashion industry, customers visit online sources, celebrity blogs and online stores. The statistical analysis conducted by Payne (2016) showed that consensus was targeted by the companies to gather relevant information from inspiration sources and interpret it with regard to customers’ preferences. This method is mentioned as useful for not only providing customers with a wide choice of options but also motivate them to look better. Embodiment is another method that is applied by fast fashion retailers either deliberately or unconsciously, thus tapping to their interests. The so-called gut feeling is reported by the interviewed designers (Payne, 2016). Linking the above article with the rest of the literature, one can refer to the statement that ephemeral fashion and uniqueness drive customers’ pleasure seeking-activities (Miller, 2013). It is clear that hedonistic consumer responses are caused by the appeal to have fun and enjoyment and develop one’s fantasy. For example, Zara launched the mobile application that allows customers to mix clothes and see prices without visiting their stores.

Hedonistic Consumption and Purchase Urgency

Along with inviting customers to have a pleasant experience, fast fashion creates a sense of urgency for purchasing. In this connection, Mrad et al. (2020) explored the phenomenon of brand addiction, concluding that hedonic consumption is associated with the transfer of symbolic meaning and emotional excitement, a stream of fantasies, feelings and impressions, regardless of the connection with the direct attributes of the purchased product. Su and Chang (2018) also stressed that the fantasy aspect of hedonistic consumption refers to a consumer’s reproduction of emotional images. In turn, by means of focus groups and interviews, Zarley Watson and Yan (2013) pointed to utilitarianism, self-image congruence and remorse avoidance as the driving forces that make customers purchase more (Table 2). As noted by these authors, the continued satisfaction with the purchased product is another issue that was found to be useful for brand loyalty.

The belongingness to the fast fashion trend does not prevent it from the opportunity of being perfectly combined with the clothing of the luxury segment, because it has a rich palette of colours and line-up (Zarley Watson and Yan (2013). Namely, it is not complicated to create such collaboration as fashion brings trends to people, high design is a of peak state, a starting point, and fast fashion is a flow directed specifically towards a consumer. A customer can always come and choose an ultra-fashionable cloth for a special price, depending on his or her preferences. Zarley Watson and Yan (2013) and Shen, Choi and Chow (2017) claim that it is convenient, especially since the choice is always huge, these things are easy to combine with each other and complement, and they are available. The motive of pleasure is becoming more and more important in the consumption of fast fashion and luxury fashion as well (Shen, Choi and Chow (2017). For example, a growing number of jewellery purchases are made by women not for the purpose of long-term investments or the acquisition of symbols of social success, but for the sake of satisfying the desire to pamper and please themselves.

Business Strategies: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

The available literature on the impact of fast fashion on customer intentions is associated with the business strategies. Camargo, Pereira and Scarpin, (2020) compared fast fashion and emerging ultra-fast fashion, which refers to online stores and a focus on social media, to understand the differences in their supply chain management. The authors reported that the new fast fashion trend prevents excess inventory, works with local manufactures and uses a set of lean and agile strategies (see Table 2 for details). On the contrary to fast fashion’s poor stickiness to sustainable consumption, ultra fashion is likely to make customers closer to their preferred clothes, allowing practising ethical purchasing behaviours (Camargo, Pereira and Scarpin, 2020). However, the other side of this trend is even faster production rates and greater overconsumption. These results can be supplemented by the findings of Chang and Jai (2015), proposing that corporate social responsibility of fast fashion retailers can be achieved via proper positioning that prioritises a positive impact on society. The use of the between-subject Web experiment, allowed the authors to find that corporate social responsibility correlates with the intentions of customers to buy clothes, along with brand equity and price value.

Reuse and recycle trends compose one more area of impact fast fashion retailers made on their consumers. The online consumer interviews (Owela) with 83 participants was conducted by Vehmas et al. (2018) with the purpose of examining the changes in customers’ perceptions regarding circular clothing (Table 2). It was discovered that the offers of sustainable clothing lines find responses and activity from consumers, who ask for more information about circular products. Therefore, communication of these issues should be timely and comprehensive, including all the aspects that are of interest for target audiences (Cook and Yurchisin, 2017; Chang and Fan, 2017). In general, research on the impact of companies on customers’ views of recycled clothes is limited. The majority of studies lack the identification of customers being interviewed, while some of them included college students and different age consumers. Therefore, the insights provided in this stream can be used by scholars to conduct further studies for addressing the existing gaps.

Table 2. Impact of Fast Fashion Industry on Changing Consumer Preferences and Intentions

Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion

Fast fashion’s negative environmental imprint.

The industry of fast fashion is one of the largest sectors that make a significant negative environmental imprint (Belzagui et al., 2019). The studies by Haseeb et al . (2020) and Zamani et al. (2015) point to the enormous resource consumption and toxic production processes that are the main environmental concerns. In turn, Mukherjee (2015) adds that greenhouse gas emissions impact the air pollution since synthetic textiles are made of polyester and other products. The production of clothing is extremely damaging to the environment. The share of light industry in CO2 emissions is higher than that of aviation and shipping combined (Mukherjee, 2015). Over the past 15 years, fast fashion apparel sales worldwide have doubled, while their average life has dropped dramatically (Haseeb et al ., 2020). The textile industry produces over a billion tonnes of CO2 annually, more than all international air travel and shipping (Shirvanimoghaddam et al. , 2020).

Considering that environmental pollution is a critical problem, fast fashion businesses should contribute to its minimization. It should be added that there is the pollution of the oceans by microplastics from textile fibres and the use of toxic chemicals. Polyester, nylon, acrylic and other synthetic materials are forms of plastic that make up 60% of the material from which clothes are made (Shirvanimoghaddam et al. , 2020). These fibres contribute to the subtle but pervasive plastic pollution of the ocean. A single load of laundry can drain hundreds of thousands of textile from our clothing into the plumbing (Arrigo, 2020). It is a global problem: synthetic fabrics are common in developing countries that do not have powerful treatment facilities; the garments will take hundreds of years to completely decompose.

Ways Businesses Can Improve Their Impact

These commitments indicate that major fashion manufacturers have realised that sustainability is in trend today. However, this is not just a marketing issue as it also concerns production and after use processes. Ganesan et al. (2015) see the transition to sustainable production as inevitable. The global demand for clothing is constantly growing – not least due to the emerging Asian and African markets. At the current rate of apparel production, by 2050, its volume is expected to triple (Arrigo, 2020). According to a study by Mair, Druckman and Jackson (2016), if the textile industry does not change, the environmental impact will be catastrophic. The solution to the problem is waste-free production: one of the actively explored ways to make the garment industry greener is the so-called circular economy. It suggests that the resources used in production should be used as long as possible. Ideally, such a scheme should only work with renewable energy sources. In terms of ethical consumption, Joung and Park‐Poaps (2013) note that donation and resale are the most widely cited opportunities.

Despite the fact that the governments of different countries are already passing laws prohibiting the use of plastic bags and disposable plastic items, the problem is far from being solved. The main result is that the problem has become widely discussed, and the environmental agenda has become relevant not only for small eco-brands, but also for companies of the higher level, such as Zara, Nike, H&M and others (Bick, Halsey and Ekenga, 2018). In contrast to the fast fashion that has emerged in recent decades, slow fashion is rapidly developing – a movement that calls for observing the above rules. The term was coined by the writer and designer Keith Fletcher. The movement rejects mass production and only recognises things that are individually handcrafted. The followers of slow fashion prefer to buy vintage items, boycott the mass market and choose universal clothes that will be stylish regardless of fashion trends and the latest design solutions (Akhter, Rutherford and Chu, 2017; Park and Lin, 2018). The representatives of this direction learn to sew, repair and recycle clothes on their own to buy less.

Speaking of the environmental impact of fast fashion, it is also important to pay attention to the position of workers in textile plants. To reduce costs, fast fashion companies are outsourcing their production to economically developing countries, where labour is much cheaper, and related policies are almost absent (Iran and Schrader, 2017; Niinimäki et al., 2020). Repeated scandals due to poor working conditions, disregard for basic safety measures, low wages, workplace violence and the use of child labour created discussions. For example, in 2013, the explosion occurred at a textile factory on the outskirts of the Bangladesh capital – Dhaka. According to Taplin (2014), citing information from the detailed content analysis of reports, a gas boiler exploded. At the time of the collapse, there were several hundred people inside the building, including workers of the textile factory. The inadequate approach to workers is also mentioned by Mair, Druckman and Jackson (2016), who used a sub-system global multi-regional input output analysis and found that Western European workers have low wages. These studies demonstrated that not only environmental impact but also social footprint of textile factories is negative.

Table 3. Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion

Thus, the literature review revealed that today, customers’ purchasing preferences are driven by a range of factors, including hedonism, sustainable consumption, social image, and so on. In their turn, businesses try to meet and anticipate their customers’ expectations to enrich their experience. Since the industry of fast fashion tends to grow, and its’ environmental impact is adverse, there is a need to formulate recommendations for different stakeholders, such as managers, designers, policy makers, and researchers.

Marketers and Managers

The studies included in this literature review allow for clarifying practical implications for managers who work directly with customers. Speaking more precisely, the motivations and barriers of consumers to follow green purchasing should be understood by companies who decided to shift towards sustainability. Even though the prices of ethical clothing can be higher, it is important to explain to customers that they are more durable and contributing to the environment protection. In this connection, proper sustainability communication is the key recommendation for managers and leaders of fast fashion retails (Wiederhold and Martinez, 2018). For example, the value of unique designs, natural materials and health benefits can be included in the appealing message to customers. In other words, the creation of emotional benefits and application of appropriate communication strategy should be prioritised. Considering the growing digitalisation of society, social media, blogs and other online means of communication can be implemented.

Speaking of the implications that are related to the environment, one should state that manufacturers must take responsibility for the entire supply chain and control the initial stages. Bly, Gwozdz, and Reisch (2015) argue that fast fashion has affected the economies of developing countries, giving people jobs but violating workers’ rights. It is important to do the best to use less water in the production process and definitely share with all our best practices. The ambitious package of solutions also includes a variety of measures to set new standards for manufacturers of fabrics, washing machines and detergents and to stimulate a culture of less consumption through taxes and increased liability of manufacturers and sellers of clothing (Reimers, Magnuson and Chao, 2016). The next direction is to extend the life of clothes through the mutual exchange of used clothing on special websites or the return of old clothing in the store in exchange for a new one at a discount.

To meet the demands of those customers who want to look fashionable and purchase clothes at an affordable price, retailers can change their business models towards ultra-fast fashion. The presentation to local manufacturers and avoidance of excess inventory are likely to be useful to make their products more sustainable to prevent environmental pollution. In addition, such a decision can increase a brand’s image and strengthen customer loyalty (Joung and Park‐Poaps, 2013). For new start-ups, it is also a promising way to use their limited resources and handle the challenges of the highly competitive fashion industry. For practitioners, it seems to be critical to carefully adopt proper positioning strategies so that their customers would be involved. For example, they can be engaged in the process of product creation that is achievable by requesting feedback regarding the existing products and expected new clothing lines (Park and Lin, 2018). The appeal to customers’ creativity and imagination can also be viewed by managers as the potential features to implement in their positioning strategies.

The evidence on brand addiction and customer involvement shows that managers need to pay attention to building trustful relationships with customers. Different communication channels can be applied to reach them, and interact to interpret their needs and design products accordingly, also using inspiration sources such as designers and luxury brands. The cooperation of fast fashion and luxury fashion retailers is another recommendation for practitioners to take into account to create unique products with several price and form options (Shen, Choi and Chow, 2017). As for management education, the analysis of the current cooperation’s can be included in the curriculum so that students better understood this promising strategy. Studies conducted showed that the attitude to fast fashion among the majority of consumers, especially young ones, is ambiguous. For now, most consumers are not ready to give up the benefits of fast fashion, but the attitude towards fashion is becoming more and more conscious.

Fast Fashion Designers

It should be noted that consumer demand is starting to shift, with more focus on products that are less dependent on natural resources. Designers should increasingly respond to this to become an active part of the market. Fashion can be more sustainable, and people in the supply chain can be fairly rewarded (Hill and Lee, 2015). To create this positive effect, it is vital to rethink how design is created, resources are obtained, production operates, and clothing is consumed and distributed. Designers are the source of inspiration for every model they create, and the ethics and sustainability of a product ultimately depend on themselves. In other words, designers and retailers can have a positive impact on the fast fashion industry by sourcing and selecting materials, using different design techniques and choosing a place of production. They can even influence customers at the stage of clothing use, as well as the final disposal methods (Lundblad and Davies, 2015). By looking at the environmental aspect of the production, distribution and post-consumption, it is possible to make environmental protection and sustainability the great sources of inspiration.

Policy Makers

There are calls for the governments to invest in sustainable fashion and develop standards for the durability of garments, and for manufacturers, to become more responsible. According to Gabrielli, Baghi and Codeluppi (2013), consumers need to reconsider their approach to buying clothes to perceive fashion and clothing more as a functional product than as entertainment, and be willing to pay a higher price for clothing, which takes into account the impact of fashion on the environment. At the same time, attention should be paid to the employees working in textile factories to ensure that they have appropriate wages and safe working environments (Druckman and Jackson, 2016). In the stores, managers should be attentive to customers’ requests, being ready to provide information about the place of production and fabrics used in the clothes.


Future research is necessary to explore the perceptions and existing knowledge of consumers with the aim of designing appropriate product sustainability communication strategies. One of the extensive areas to explore refers to the extent to which customers are ready to pay more for ethical clothes in the fast fashion market. For those who value fashionable apparel more than a sustainable approach to society, certain measures should be researched to show them that their contribution is critical. In a larger context, overconsumption should be discussed regarding its current amount and expected consequences, as well as the ways to stop unconscious purchasing behaviours. In this connection, there is a need to create the cooperation across countries, governments and companies since only a comprehensive approach can help in resolving the problem of the adverse impact of fast fashion on society and environment.

To conclude, it should be emphasised that this literature review was expected to integrate the relevant evidence and present it to the readers to identify implications for practitioners, policymakers and management education. The use of sustainable fast fashion clothing is not only a tendency that wearing dresses made from recycled materials becomes fashionable and prestigious. Instead, the concept of ethical clothing is slowly but surely shifting towards the concern for the health of the planet and humanity, which is expressed in the increasing interest regarding the protection of the environment. Thus, despite fast fashion overconsumption, a more conscious culture of buying clothes is beginning to form across the world, and a course has been taken to ensure that the concept of fast fashion includes designs as a more meaningful, responsible and environmentally friendly approach to clothing.

The coverage of the literature that is provided in this report is appropriate since it includes more than 30 empirical articles. All of the sources were thoroughly studied and sorted according to their pertinence to the topic being discussed, research methods and high quality. Data collection and analysis are the integral parts of all the articles included. The sample sizes are the weaknesses of this review since many articles focused on a limited number of participants and reports. As for the geographical area of coverage, such countries as Sweden, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Vietnam and Western Europe in general were mentioned. Thus, this review seems to contribute to a wider body of evidence by presenting a detailed review of available academic literature.

Learning Statement

While working on this narrative literature review, I have learned that it is a complex process that requires collecting relevant sources and synthesising them to achieve the stated goal. For this project, the topic of fast fashion’s impact on society was chosen, with such streams as ethical consumption, the impact on customer preferences and intentions and environmental influence. The most challenging issue was related to reviewing the articles and revealing common features, difference and gaps existing in the literature.

A review of sources and literature always began with a description of the relevance of the studied problem. I tried to describe the existing views on the problem, the main representatives and their achievements. The bulk of the review of the literature was created based on publications containing direct research materials. In accordance with the guidelines, the review started with a brief description of the main results and conclusions drawn in the articles, which are applicable to the research topic. I understood that it is not necessary to reproduce all the data in its entirety (tables, conclusions and so on) as it is better to restrict to only individual indicators, facts, results that have the greatest value for research.

The review of sources and literature was analytical, which allowed making the presentation of facts critical, but without personal judgements. In this connection, the literature analysis was established around the problem, not articles. In carrying out the analysis, I emphasised both the similarity in the practical results, along with discrepancies and insufficient coverage of certain issues. Analysing the sources, it is required to identify weaknesses in the works, finding previously unexplored aspects. At the same time, I did not state my vision of the issue since the central task of analysing the literature is to identify problems and familiarise with the present state of the research area.

The use of the tabular analysis was the main issue that contributed to the structuration and organisation of information from the review articles. It is possible to suggest that without this strategy, I would probably spend much more time and efforts to reveal key information and compare it across the articles. Therefore, I believe that the use of this analysis strategy was quite important for the successful completion of this report. Since the tables were created for all three streams, it allowed for keeping data clear and easily finding the key trends of the literature. The analysis and interpretation of the studies were directed towards discussing the current significance of outcomes and their relation to the future research needs.

Considering that there were a lot of articles, the coordination of ideas was the difficulty I faced. The guidelines regarding the content of the narrative literature review imply no specific issues to be included, which made it quite challenging to decide personally. I was confused to start the review as I though it can be incorrect. However, my critical thinking skills allowed me to detect differences and similarities across the articles, which can be found in the report. I have learned that it is critical to constantly review the results of the tabular analysis to remain focused on the ideas being discussed.

After completing this report, I can state that I would organise the process of writing the narrative literature review differently. Although it was not required by the instructions, I would probably identify the connections across the three streams to reflect on the interdependent nature of the topics. In my point of view, such an approach would promote greater awareness of how fast fashion impacts society across various dimensions. I will do my best to make my future literature review would be more elaborate and detailed. I believe that this experience is of great importance for practising organisation, critical review and argumentation skills. Thus, this assignment was significant for me to practice my skills and apply my theoretical knowledge in practice.

Along with my personal benefits that are mentioned above, this narrative literature review will be useful for other students and scholars, who can employ its result to determine the areas for further research. Based on this report, it is possible to understand that the fast fashion retailers should change their business models to make production and clothing sustainable and ethical. The ways to achieve this goal, related challenges and the attitudes of customers are the potential gaps to study. In addition, my future employer seems to benefit as well since this research shows my analytic and critical thinking skills that I can apply in my work.

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IvyPanda. (2022, June 7). Fast Fashion and Ethical Consumption.

"Fast Fashion and Ethical Consumption." IvyPanda , 7 June 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Fast Fashion and Ethical Consumption'. 7 June.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Fast Fashion and Ethical Consumption." June 7, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Fast Fashion and Ethical Consumption." June 7, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Fast Fashion and Ethical Consumption." June 7, 2022.

LAFCU essay winners: How my environment molded me into the person I am today

Here are the four winners of LAFCU's Write to Educate essay contest. The students were tasked with answering this question: How has the place you have grown up molded you into the person you are today and impacted your life?

The winners each received a $5,000 college scholarship and another $500 was donated to each winner's designated charity.

My community shaped and expanded my worldview

Nature vs Nurture. How much does the environment a person is placed into have an effect on their character versus how they were born?

I have contemplated this question many times when it comes to myself and how much I have allowed myself to be changed by the people around me. From a young age I have always had a strong sense of self. I have known who I am and what I need to do to accomplish my goals of becoming smarter and stronger. I have had little care for the judgments from my peers.

This has been an asset because it has allowed me to reach heights beyond what I thought was possible but that does not mean I always know my path forward. That doesn’t mean I have not changed. As much as I, and every other human on the planet, resists change, it is impossible to grow without changing.

Becoming older means expanding one’s view of the world from a simplified version to a messy one. A world full of complexity and inconsistency which each and every one of us must navigate and find our own path through the shroud known as our future. The community that I have grown up with are my paddles allowing me to navigate the treacherous river, giving me advice and a wider world view of things I never thought existed.

My morality is the first thing that was shaped by my community. Every person has the basics of morality sewn into them from birth but when it comes to more complicated situations, my community has changed my view.

My younger self was much more cut and dry where I would label something as wrong no matter what, with no exception. My community has taught me to view these situations with more context to make more informed decisions.

For example, a kid beats another kid because he was being bullied by him. My old self would say the kid who got into the fight should be punished because he laid his hands on another person and should have taken other outlets to resolve the problem. The way I see it now is that even though his decision was wrong to hurt the other kid, no one was able to stop the bully from bullying him and the system itself has failed the kid by allowing the bullying to happen. I have no wish for anyone to get hurt, but I see that situation as much more nuanced than I once did.

These ideas have been shaped by my own experiences and by the people around me who have been put into tough situations. I have learned from the diverse community around me that the choices people make are rarely simple ones.

My political views have also been shaped by my community. I am growing up in a community that largely has different political views from my own. Having different people to communicate with that have grown up in ways different from my own, has allowed me to find where I stand on certain issues.

Within my community I have been able to find people that I respect, and I take note of the things they believe and challenge their ideas versus my own. Even if in the end our ideas of how the world should be run may differ, I have been able to find common ground with tons of people and I have been able to refine my views into a more well-rounded, multi-faceted, diverse view of the world.

My community is full of people from all different races and cultures, and by combining perspectives from all those different people, we can find a way to have a more united world with the basic necessity of finding common ground and understanding which can unite us all. Where I have grown up has shaped the way I think and how I act. Even though I have always had a strong sense of self, there are parts of my personality that have been changed and molded by my experiences, and my community has influenced the way that I view different situations. Without my community I would not be as accepting and open-minded as I am today.

— Antonio Rojas of East Lansing High School is headed to the University of Michigan. Chosen charity: Cristo Rey Community Center

Lansing Hmong community encouraged my success

Many things in life are taken for granted. During my childhood, I was very active in the Hmong Lansing community. The community would occasionally hold multiple annual events for gatherings. I would meet many new people there and hear their stories, advice or opinions on life. The younger me at the time didn’t know what to take from these experiences and failed to appreciate these moments.

As I matured, I understood what these opportunities meant when I grew around the community. It was the experience of learning from others. The learning experiences growing up in the Hmong Lansing community have molded me to become a person of ambitions, someone who gives back, and the love of cooking for others.

In the Hmong community, the place has molded me into a person of ambitions. I am a first-generation Asian American coming from Hmong immigrants. My parents came to America for a better opportunity. Within my community, most do not have a college education. People from the Hmong community had to adjust to the culture, language, and way of life in America. Born in America, I adjusted to the culture there easily compared to my community.

I felt the need to carry their dreams of being successful. I wanted to take the opportunity that wasn’t given to my community and achieve greater heights. I want to strive for success within the Hmong community.I have grown into a person who gives back to their community. I can always remember the events that brought the community together all over Michigan. It was a yearly cultural event called the Lansing Hmong New Year. It was an event of celebration, bonding, and opportunity to connect with others. I wanted to help continue thisongoing tradition. I started doing community service to involve myself.

Even though it may not have been much, I felt a sense of accomplishment in giving back to the community. Seeing the joy of others is what truly motivates me to give back to my community.

The place I had grown up in created a love for cooking. I vividly remember the times when my parents would have a barbecue for various occasions for the community. I would always ask my dad to teach me how to grill. It was until one particular day that pestering led my dad to teach me how to grill. It was my brother’s graduation event.

Graduation from high school was important in the Hmong community; it was the time for people to gather for the success of one’s education. My dad guided me in the process of grilling until he thought I was ready by myself. I took my first step in grilling, and it was a success. People in the community for my brother’s graduation thought my cooking was delicious. I was filled with joy and pride. I liked having that feeling and having others enjoy what I make. Learning that skill gave me a passion for cooking for others.

Throughout my life in the Hmong Lansing community, it has taught me many valuable lessons in life. Whether it was basic knowledge or insights, these life lessons were appreciated. Without the love, guidance, and support from the community, I wouldn’t have grown into the person I am now. The Hmong Lansing community holds a special place in my heart.

— Elvis Vue of Waverly High School will attend Ferris State University. Chosen charity: Hmong Family Association

Rural upbringing influenced my career choice

Did you know that rural students are now officially recognized as an under-represented group in colleges?

For decades, rural students have faced unique barriers in getting into the best colleges, but in recent years, people have started to realize that the lack of rural representation in academia is a problem. From my own experiences growing up in a small, rural town, I have gained skills vital to my future career as a plasma physicist, allowing me to collaborate with my peers in the scientific community to better the world.

One of the key things that Napoleon has offered me is a close-knit community, which has given me social skills that I would not otherwise have, allowing me to effectively collaborate with others when the time comes to work as a group. These skills will serve me well in my future career, where I will be collaborating with scientists both in my own field and related disciplines.

As a smaller, rural school district, Napoleon had not always had the resources of larger schools. Despite this, my teachers have helped me to develop creative ways to solve problems when not all the tools are available, allowing me to effectively function in situations where I do not have the same opportunities as other students.

For instance, though my school doesn’t offer advanced physics education, I was able to seek out opportunities like the Academically Talented Youth Program at Western Michigan University or Physicists Inspiring the Next Generation (PING) at Michigan State University, which allowed me to gain knowledge I would not otherwise have, and I was supported in this endeavor by my school.

As a student in ATYP, I had to leave school early once a week in order to gain an accelerated honors education in English − not only was my school able to accommodate my periodic absences, they were also willing to accept my ATYP credits in lieu of the school’s English classes. This flexibility let me have more time at school to pursue other modes of education such as dual enrollment.

Similarly, my upbringing in a more rural area has given me a perspective on the world and how it works that is beyond what my more urban peers are familiar with. Growing up in a forest, I have always been surrounded by nature, and I have a deep love for the woods around my home. This has spurred my intention to enter the field of plasma physics, where I can make a difference by working towards the end goal of nuclear fusion energy, a clean and safe source of electricity that will keep the woodlands I have loved safe for centuries to come.

Already, I am able to apply this perspective to the community around me. In my role for the Jackson Community Foundation’s Youth Advisory Committee, I have had an incredible opportunity to serve as a mediator, helping to resolve issues that occur in my group of students working towards a better future for the youth of Jackson County.

— Thomas Hays of Napolean High School will attend Michigan State University. Chosen charity: Jackson Community Foundation

Success comes from overcoming rural limitations

Livingston County has always been my home. Despite continuing development, the area where I live remains rural. Growing up in a rural area is equal parts wonderful and frustrating. Rural means fewer people per square mile with smaller communities and less diversity.

My school is not known in the area for its diversity. There is not much variety when it comes to everything from what grocery store your family shops at to what school you attend.

My education has been limited by my rural community because my school has fewer class selections and availability. For example, both last year and this year I signed up to take classes (AP English Literature and Pre-Calculus) my school offers but I was unable to attend these classes because the only availability conflicted with my other classes. To combat this struggle, I committed to learning these classes online through a virtual education platform with whom my school partners.

One of my other choices, AP biology, did not have enough student interest to schedule the class and I had to change selections. This has been a limiting challenge for me as well as other students in my district. To broaden options, many students participate in dual enrollment classes with community colleges in the area. Limited variety and availability has encouraged me to stretch my idea of traditional school to take the classes that will help shape my future.

Activities like archery and horseback riding are local to me. I attended horse camp at age 6 and have been involved with horses ever since. Currently I am a member of my school’s equestrian team and own my own horse, Gingersnap. Horsemanship has taught me selflessness, hard work, responsibility, and perseverance. Without access to local barns and camps I would have missed out on developing important life skills.

My school’s archery team was started by another student in my grade who had a passion for archery, the outdoors, and hunting. I joined immediately. In addition to memories and friendships, archery has taught me how to set and achieve realistic goals, that practice makes progress, and teamwork. I am grateful for my community being in an area that supports and fosters growth in clubs such as these.

Despite the lack of variety, I strive for excellence in every opportunity to reach my full potential. My classmates and l help encourage each other in many areas from academics to sports and clubs. A friend of mine created the Environmental Club, of which I was a member, to help promote recycling and decrease wastefulness. She also created Students for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). Our club not only recognizes diversity but we find solutions to problems in our community every day. We spread awareness at school through bulletin boards displaying achievements by a variety of groups in hopes to foster change and inspire others in our community and the world beyond.

With a smaller school population, there is less diversity but we do have an inclusive program called Peer to Peer. Neurotypical students are paired with neurodivergent students (called “links”) to assist them with participation and making friends. These “links” are often the only friendships these students have at school. I helped encourage my “link” to communicate with me by starting conversations, asking questions, and playing games.

Our school is small enough that our Peer to Peer class was able to meet and play Braille Uno during lunch. The more intimate setting including our whole group may not be possible in a larger district. While we may not have the diversity of a larger school, I embrace any available opportunities to learn about others.

I would not trade growing up in a rural area as I feel I made the most of my opportunities and developed skills that will support my transition to a larger college community and beyond.

— Vivian Hansen of Pinckney High School will attend Eastern Michigan University. Chosen charity: Bountiful Harvest Pantry

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A Federal Judge Delivers Another Urgent, Scathing Warning About the Supreme Court

It takes a lot of courage for a lower court judge to criticize the Supreme Court, but Judge Carlton Reeves has long felt a responsibility to speak candidly to the public about threats to their civil rights. In an opinion on Monday, he calls for the abolition of qualified immunity—a noxious legal doctrine that insulates violent and corrupt government officials, especially law enforcement, from accountability. He embedded this call to action in a broader critique of the Supreme Court’s selective application of precedent—with a focus on the cavalier reversal of Roe v. Wade —as well as its pernicious distrust of democracy. Reeves’ opinion warns all who wish to listen that a broad array of our constitutional liberties are in serious and imminent jeopardy.

A Barack Obama appointee, Reeves sits on a U.S. District Court in Mississippi. His latest opinion was sparked by facts that he sees all too often and has written about before : the egregious violation of a criminal suspect’s constitutional rights as an innocent person wrongly charged with a crime. It began when detective Jacquelyn Thomas of Jackson, Mississippi, accused Desmond Green of murder. The detective’s only evidence was a statement made by Green’s acquaintance, Samuel Jennings—after Jennings was arrested for burglary and grand larceny, and while he was under the influence of meth. Thomas allegedly encouraged Jennings to select Green’s picture out of a photo lineup after he identified someone else as the killer. Allegedly, she also misled the grand jury to secure an indictment, concealing Jennings’ drug abuse as well as the many inconsistencies and inaccuracies in his statement.

Jennings later recanted, admitting that, in his meth-addled state, he’d provided a bogus tip. A judge finally dismissed the charges. By that point, Green had spent 22 months in jail, serving pretrial detention. The facility was violent. The food was moldy. He slept on the floor. His cell was infested with snakes and vermin.

Green then sued Thomas, accusing her of malicious prosecution in violation of the Constitution . Thomas promptly asserted qualified immunity to defeat the lawsuit. This doctrine protects government officials from liability unless they run afoul of “clearly established” law. In other words, there must be an earlier case on the books with similar, “particularized” facts that explicitly bars the official’s actions. If there is no near-identical precedent that unambiguously prohibits those acts, qualified immunity kicks in, the lawsuit is tossed out, and the case never even reaches a jury.

This shield has allowed a repulsive amount of wrongdoing by police and prosecutors to go totally unpunished. Cops are permitted to brutally beat, murder , steal from , and conspire against innocent people because the rights they violate are, ostensibly, not “clearly established.” Courts regularly apply the doctrine when there is a tiny discrepancy between a previous case and the facts at hand as an excuse to let the officer off scot-free. And over the past few decades, SCOTUS itself has expanded qualified immunity to new extremes . The result, as Reeves wrote, is “a perpetuation of racial inequality”: Black Americans experience more violations of their civil rights than any other class, yet qualified immunity denies them a remedy in even the most appalling circumstances.

Here, though, Reeves refused to let the doctrine devour the Constitution. He concluded that there is sufficient on-point precedent to show that Thomas’ malicious prosecution, if proved, violated Green’s “clearly established” rights. So the case may go to trial. That, however, was not the end of his analysis—because, as he pointed out, the concept of qualified immunity is unlawful, unworkable, and indefensible.

The first problem is that judges made up the doctrine as a special favor to other employees of the government. Congress, as Reeves explained, gave individuals the power to sue state officials in federal court through the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, enacted after the Civil War so newly freed Black Americans could sue racist and abusive local police. Congress did not establish anything like “qualified immunity” in the statute. Rather, the Supreme Court invented the doctrine in 1967 , purporting to protect cops who commit illegal arrests in “good faith,” and imposed it unilaterally on the nation. It then crept, kudzu-like , into other areas of law.

“The People never enshrined qualified immunity in the Constitution,” Reeves wrote. “Our representatives in Congress never put it into the statute or voted for it. No President signed it into law. If anything, it represents a kind of ‘trickle-down’ democratic legitimacy.” In recent years, the Supreme Court has not bothered to account for qualified immunity’s origins, but rather maintains it on the basis of respect for precedent: It exists already, so it might as well keep existing.

And here is where Reeves goes for the jugular: The Supreme Court has tossed out far more defensible and entrenched precedent on the basis of far feebler excuses. How can it justify keeping qualified immunity around while recklessly destabilizing vast areas of settled law it doesn’t like?

SCOTUS has suggested that law enforcement officers have come to rely on qualified immunity, creating a “reliance interest” that counsels keeping the doctrine. But when the court overruled Roe in 2022’s Dobbs decision, Reeves wrote, the majority rejected that “kind of vague, ‘generalized assertion about the national psyche.’ ” Instead, Reeves wrote, the justices “thought voters should resolve reliance interests, not judges.” He then repurposed Dobbs ’ most notorious lines : “After all, just like women, law enforcement officers and their unions ‘are not without electoral or political power.’ ” Law enforcement officers, like women, can “affect the legislative process by influencing public opinion, lobbying legislators, voting, and running for office.” If courts can’t protect women’s bodily autonomy, he asked, why should they do the bidding of police unions?

Dobbs , Reeves went on, “also reflects the Supreme Court’s desire to remove itself from the center of a hot-button issue and return it to the electoral process.” Police reform, like abortion, is undoubtedly a “controversy on issues of life and death, where passions run high.” Yet even after Dobbs , SCOTUS “has not yet seen fit to return this contested issue to the democratic process,” Reeves opined. “It is not clear why.” After all, “the current court is certainly not shy about overturning precedent.” And the list of cases on the chopping block “seems to grow every year.” Teachers’ unions and racial minorities have watched the court gut precedent that shielded them for decades. Why should cops get favored treatment? Merely because of SCOTUS’ “policy-based choice” to “privilege government officials over all others.”

Reeves has a complex history with reproductive rights. He was the district court judge who struck down the Mississippi law that the Supreme Court later upheld in Dobbs when overruling Roe . His emphatic opinion famously accused the Mississippi Legislature of misogynistic “gaslighting,” analogizing the state’s defiance of Roe to its earlier defiance of Brown v. Board of Education . It’s evident that, to Reeves, the Supreme Court’s embrace of democracy in Dobbs rings hollow alongside its rejection of democracy in so many other areas, including the Second Amendment. (In a pointed footnote, he called out the court for treating the right to bear arms as a uniquely absolute, unlimited freedom —while greenlighting the erosion of other liberties that it values less.)

The judge folds together these rather scathing observations by reminding us that the Supreme Court’s creation and expansion of qualified immunity is, itself, a rejection of democracy. The Framers, after all, envisioned jury trials as a bulwark of democratic power, a check by “We the People” on government abuse. It was, Reeves wrote, designed to be exercised “one dispute at a time, day after day, rather than on fixed election days.” Unfortunately, an arrogant “judicial supremacy has too-often deprived the people of their proper role” in deciding whether public officials should be liable for their unconstitutional acts. Qualified immunity “reflects a deep distrust of ordinary people” in direct conflict with the Constitution. “In the same way we trust the collective judgment of voters in elections, we must trust the judgment of jurors in deciding cases,” Reeves wrote. They can resolve “tensions and contradictions case by case, as the evidence dictates.” All judges must do “is tell jurors the truth.”

Will the Supreme Court listen? The conservative justices seem disinclined to reevaluate their cynical, selective concerns about precedent and democracy. But with this opinion, Reeves has given the public yet another reason to question these justices’ increasingly dubious wisdom and integrity. Just as importantly, other judges may take note of Monday’s critique and follow Reeves’ suggestion of narrowing qualified immunity wherever possible. They might even join him in calling for its eradication, forcing SCOTUS to either stand by its handiwork or reevaluate it. The judge’s simple suggestion boils down to this: If we’re going to do democracy, let’s actually do democracy—not whatever partisan, half-baked substitute this Supreme Court is trying to pass off to the people.

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Guest Essay

A Federal Judge Wonders: How Could Alito Have Been So Foolish?

A photo of Justice Samuel Alito.

By Michael Ponsor

Judge Ponsor is a senior judge on the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. He was appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1994 after serving 10 years as a federal magistrate judge.

The controversy about the decision to fly an upside-down American flag outside the home of Justice Samuel Alito recalls St. Paul’s admonition that while some things may be lawful, “not all things are helpful.”

I can offer no opinion as to whether the flag display at the justice’s house was unlawful. I won’t even opine whether my flying the flag upside-down at my house would have constituted a violation of the code of ethics that binds me and all federal judges — except the justices.

To me, the flag issue is much simpler. The fact is that, regardless of its legality, displaying the flag in that way, at that time, shouldn’t have happened. To put it bluntly, any judge with reasonable ethical instincts would have realized immediately that flying the flag then and in that way was improper. And dumb.

The same goes for the flying of an “Appeal to Heaven” flag at Justice Alito’s vacation house along the New Jersey shore. Like the upside-down flag, this flag is viewed by a great many people as a banner of allegiance on partisan issues that are or could be before the court.

Courts work because people trust judges. Taking sides in this way erodes that trust.

In four decades as a federal judge, I have known scores, possibly hundreds, of federal trial and appellate judges pretty well. I can’t think of a single one, no matter who appointed her or him, who has engaged or would engage in conduct like that. You just don’t do that sort of thing, whether it may be considered over the line, or just edging up to the margin. Flying those flags was tantamount to sticking a “Stop the steal” bumper sticker on your car. You just don’t do it.

Assuming it is true that it was Justice Alito’s wife who raised the inverted American flag, apparently in response to some provocative behavior from a neighbor, I do sympathize. (How the “Appeal to Heaven” flag came to be flown at his house is not known.) Being a judge’s spouse is not easy. On the one hand, a person should not have to forfeit the right to free expression at the marriage altar. On the other hand, it is not unreasonable to expect a spouse to avoid embarrassing a loved one or complicating his or her professional life. This is true not only for Supreme Court justices but also for people in many walks of life.

Let me offer an example. About 25 years ago, I presided over a death penalty case involving a nurse charged with murdering several of her patients at a Veterans Affairs hospital in Western Massachusetts. It was a tough case, regularly on the front pages of our local papers. Let’s say my wife was strongly opposed to the death penalty and wished to speak out publicly against it. I’m not saying this is true, but let’s imagine it. The primary emotional current in our marriage is, of course, deep and passionate love, but right next to that is equally deep and passionate respect. We would have had a problem, and we would have needed to talk.

In this hypothetical situation, I hope that my wife would have held off making any public statements about capital punishment, and restrained herself from talking about the issue with me, while the trial unfolded. On the other hand, if my wife had felt strongly that she needed to espouse her viewpoint publicly, I would have had to recuse myself from presiding over the case, based on the appearance of partiality.

However this issue came out, by the way, I certainly would not have had the temerity to claim that my wife and I never discussed the problem. Any protestation of this sort would have provoked raucous laughter from our circle of friends. They know very well that we talk about everything.

Did Justice Alito and his wife discuss the issue of the upside-down flag before it went up? I don’t know, of course. But I do know they should have. And I know that some other method should have been found to express the couple’s unhappiness with their neighbor’s possibly crummy conduct.

The court recently adopted an ethics code to “guide the conduct” of the justices. One of its canons states that a justice should “act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.” That’s all very well. But basic ethical behavior should not rely on laws or regulations. It should be folded into a judge’s DNA. That didn’t happen here. The flag display may or may not have been unlawful, but as far as the public’s perception of the court’s integrity, it certainly was not helpful.

Michael Ponsor is a senior judge on the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. He was appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1994 after serving 10 years as a federal magistrate judge.

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