
Top 15+ JavaScript Projects With Source Code (2023)

Javascript projects ideas (2023), javascript projects for beginners, intermediate javascript projects with source code, advanced javascript projects with source code, javascript projects: why are they so important, frequently asked questions, additional resources.

JavaScript is one of the web’s most powerful and adaptable programming languages. It powers most websites’ dynamic behavior. JavaScript is a lightweight object-oriented programming language that is used to script web pages by several websites. When applied to an HTML document, it is an interpreted, full-featured programming language that enables dynamic interactivity on websites. It was first released in 1995 to allow users to add programs to web pages in the Netscape Navigator browser.

Since then, all other graphical web browsers have embraced it. Users can use JavaScript to create modern web applications that interact immediately, without having to reload the page every time. JavaScript is used on a standard website to provide many sorts of interactivity and simplicity. Companies are continuously looking for experienced JavaScript Developers who can create unique GitHub JavaScript projects. Working on some real-time JavaScript projects is the best thing you can do if you’re a JavaScript programming newbie.

Let’s have a quick look at some features of JavaScript:

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  • Because it has built-in execution environments, all popular web browsers support JavaScript.
  • The grammar and structure of JavaScript are based on the C programming language. As a result, it is classified as a structured programming language.
  • JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that inherits through prototypes rather than classes.
  • It’s a simple and interpreted language.
  • The language is case-sensitive.
  • JavaScript is compatible with a variety of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • It gives consumers complete control over their web browsers.

If you’re seeking JavaScript practice projects, we’ve compiled a list of JavaScript project ideas you can get started on right now (whether you’re looking for JavaScript projects for beginners, intermediate programmers, or experienced coders). This is an excellent compilation of projects for both beginners and advanced users. Follow the project link when you locate a JavaScript project that catches your interest and is at par with your skill level. The source code for each of these open-source JavaScript projects has been provided in this article for you to use as a reference.

Below are a few exciting JavaScript Projects to try. We have divided projects based on beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.

1. JavaScript Calculator

Calculators are fun, so, to begin with, we will build a simple Calculator using JavaScript. We’ll utilize fundamental JavaScript functions to make all the components work, as well as simple HTML and CSS. We’ll use HTML to display buttons and numbers, and CSS to make them more appealing. Furthermore, we’ll utilize JavaScript to make the buttons do their jobs. 

The source code link of a simple JavaScript Calculator is given below-

Link to the source code

2. Build a Clock using JavaScript

Who does not use a clock? It would be great if you can build a clock using JavaScript. There’s a good possibility you’re on a webpage or using a web application that has a self-updating time component (like a clock), and it’s powered by JavaScript code. This implies that JavaScript clocks aren’t just useful for creating JavaScript projects; they also allow you to practice the type of work you’ll be doing as a JavaScript developer. The source code of a very nice and interactive clock has been provided below for your reference.

3. Hex Color Application

With this basic hex colors application, you can make the web a little prettier. With a single button press, this software changes the backdrop color and shows the color’s hexadecimal value on the screen. Pretty simple, ain’t it?

You can learn how to utilize click to connect a function to a button while working on this project. In this project, a function was to generate a random hex color and set it as the backdrop color. Since practically every modern web application includes buttons, learning this would be beneficial.

4.Random Quote Generator

If you’re looking for some inspiration, we’ve got you covered. You’ll make an app that displays random famous quotes every time a button is pressed in this project. A quote from a prominent athlete, politician, or historical figure can be displayed:

To finish this project, you’ll need to know fundamental JavaScript syntaxes, such as variables, loops, and object literals. This project will allow you to practice fundamental JavaScript skills in a fun and effective way. It also includes a small interactive portfolio piece that you may use to demonstrate your knowledge of JavaScript.

5. Tip Calculator

With this tip calculator, you won’t have to look around the table to determine who’s responsible for the tip. This tip Calculator is made with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to help you figure out how much to tip at restaurants when the need arises. The design might seem simple but is quite hard to implement.

Building a simple timer turns out to be more difficult than it appears. One would expect that displaying the proper time would be as simple as utilizing the same setInterval method as in the digital clock project. It turns out that the method doesn’t work in this case. We establish variables to hold various time-related information for this project, such as when the time was begun, when the time was stopped, and how long the time was paused. Our digital clock would simply be unable to display the time elapsed without these variables and the calculations we conduct with them.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s build our timer using JavaScript. Ready, Set, Go.

Link for the source code

7. Grocery List

Hungry? Let’s go some grocery shopping with our grocery list. This is a cool app using which you can keep a list of items you need to buy, you just have to add the items needed. You can also delete the item/items which are not required. 

8. BMI Calculator 

You can create BMI Calculator for all the fitness freaks out there. The BMI Calculator takes your height and weight as input and gives BMI (Body Mass Index) as an output. The source code link of a BMI calculator is provided below.

9. Happy Bouncing Balls

Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, a bouncing ball may be generated, and some bouncing actions can be performed on it. Seeing the colored dancing balls around the screen might actually make someone happy.

Here is an example of happy bouncing balls

A link for the GitHub source code of the project is given below.

Link for the source code.

10. JavaScript Form Validation

Many websites utilize form validation for client-side validation of user details, card details, address details, and other information. If a mandatory input field name exists, the user can type a number, leave the field blank, type only one letter, and so on. All of these validations are simple to implement using JavaScript. Let’s look at an example of a simple form validation project. HTML elements will be required as well, as is customary.

11. Guess the number game

The objective of this fun game is to code a game where the user must guess a randomly generated number between 1 and 100. You, too, can build this game. The source code for the project is provided below.

Link to the source project

12. Whack-a-mole game

I think everyone has once in his lifetime played this game. A standard Whack-A-Mole machine has a waist-level cabinet with a play area and a display screen, as well as a huge, soft black mallet. Five holes in the top of the play area are stuffed with small plastic moles that appear at random. Whacking each mole as it appears earns you points. The higher the score, the faster the reaction. To create this game, one has to keep in mind these functions-

  • A function that generates a random length of time for the mole to peep.
  • A function that selects a random hole for the mole to peep from.
  • Using the two functions above, create a function to make the mole emerge out of the random hole.
  • A start-up function for the game.

The objective of this project is to create a Whack-a-mole game using JavaScript. The source code has been given below.

13. Rock Paper Scissors game

Anyone who has not been living under the rocks must have heard about the game Rock Paper Scissors game. Rock paper scissors is a classic two-person hand game in which each participant forms one of three shapes with their outstretched hand at the same time. Wouldn’t it be nice if we can implement it using JavaScript? The project given below is a simple DOM (Document Object Model) rock scissors paper project.

14. Real-time Weather app

This project will show you how to create a weather app using Vanilla JS, HTML, and CSS. For getting meteorological information, the instructor uses the Dark Sky API, which is a terrific opportunity for you to learn how to communicate with APIs, which is another great thing you can do with JavaScript. The only issue you might have is figuring out how to use JavaScript to interact with an API. But believe me when I say that won’t be an issue.

In this app you’re going to make: our weather app will display weather data from the API like this: an icon that represents the current weather status, the temperature value (18°C) in Celsius units, the weather description (clear sky), and finally the user’s city and country (London, GB).

The temperature value will be converted from Celsius to Fahrenheit when the user clicks on it.

15. Movie App

This is a movie app made with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap using API calls from The Movie Database. It uses API calls to get movies from The Movie Database. Users can view the most popular movies, arrange them by genre, or use the search function to find other titles.

16. Real-Time Chat Application

How about we build our own chat application? We’ll make a full-fledged real-time chat application. On the front end, we’ll use React, and on the back end, we’ll utilize NodeJS and the web socket library. By the end of this project, you’ll know how to use web sockets and to send and receive messages in order to create any real-time application.

Covered topics: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, and

17. File Sharing App 

You need a file-sharing app every time you want to share files from one device to the other. This is a demonstration app that illustrates how to utilize the Virgil Crypto Library in JavaScript to construct a secure file-sharing app. You will be able to download, decrypt, and view encrypted media files from a browser after completing the procedures in the setup section.

18. Instagram Clone

Instagram is a famous social media site used to share photos. After completing this project, you will be able to create a perfect clone of Instagram. However, there is a challenge. Users should be able to enjoy features comparable to those found on Instagram. For instance, image upload, tagging, and likes.

The source code given below is of an Instagram clone. This app features all the latest tools and practices in web development-

  • React JS — A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Node JS — A web framework for Node JS
  • Postgres — A cross-platform and open-source document-oriented database
  • Redis — A platform for caching
  • JWT — A library for authentication of users
  • Context — A state handler

The fact that JavaScript is currently used by 94.5 percent of all websites demonstrates its relevance as a web technology. JavaScript is a client-side programming language that allows web developers to write customized client-side scripts to make web pages more dynamic and interactive. At the same time, developers can create server-side code in JavaScript using cross-platform runtime engines like Node.js. They can even integrate JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 to produce web pages that are compatible with all browsers, platforms, and devices. There are a number of other reasons why any modern web developer should be familiar with JavaScript and how to take advantage of all of its features.

JavaScript’s skills may lead to a variety of hard and exciting employment opportunities, such as designing mobile and desktop apps, creating dynamic websites from scratch, working as a UI/UX designer, or even working as a full stack developer . If you know the fundamentals of JavaScript, projects are the next logical step in boosting your resume’s star rating. If you have no prior programming knowledge, you can enroll in some fundamental JavaScript classes and then return to these projects. Most JavaScript projects with the source code listed above will be understandable if you know a little HTML and CSS.

We have suggested some JavaScript projects categorized into beginner level, intermediate level, and advanced level projects. These projects will enhance your JS skills and will add a lot of value to your portfolio. They cover practically all of the major JavaScript principles. 

Q. What kind of project is JavaScript used for? JavaScript is a programming language primarily used by developers to create dynamic and interactive web projects.

Q. Where can I get JavaScript projects? We have recommended some great JavaScript projects in this article along with their source code links. You can also explore some great projects on GitHub.

Q. How do I start a project in JavaScript? If you are a beginner in JavaScript, start with learning the language first. After you have learned the language to its perfection, you can try to create a beginner-level project with JavaScript.  If you already know the language, then you can try to build an advanced-level project in JavaScript language.

Q. Is JavaScript that difficult?  No, JavaScript is not that difficult. You can easily get the hang of it. Here is a free course on JavaScript by Scaler Topics that can assist you in getting started.

  • Javascript Interview Questions
  • Online Javascript Compiler
  • JavaScript Features
  • Top JavaScript Libraries
  • JavaScript IDE
  • JavaScript Frameworks
  • JavaScript Applications
  • JavaScript Books
  • Difference Between HTML and JavaScript
  • Javascript vs JQuery
  • Javascript Vs Python
  • Java vs Javascript
  • Typescript vs Javascript
  • JavaScript Projects

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Top 15 java projects with source code [2023], top skills to become a full stack developer (2023).

Today's 45 Best JavaScript Blogs

Javascript blogs.

Jack Franklin's Blog

1 . Jack Franklin's Blog

Jack Franklin writes about JavaScript, unit testing, working in VS Code, and software development in general.

Albert Walicki's Blog

2 . Albert Walicki's Blog

Albert writes about HTML, CSS, UX, UI and other frontend development topics. His goal is to help junior frontend developers boost their portfolio and teach them how to deal with pixel-perfect layouts from an implementation standpoint.

Tomasz' Blog

3 . Tomasz' Blog

Tomasz writes about AWS in a way that helps frontend developers get into working in the cloud. He covers topics like AWS Lambda, using the AWS SDK, S3, SNS, and other AWS services.

Flavio Copes' Blog

4 . Flavio Copes' Blog

JavaScript and Web Development Tutorials. Flavio is one of the most recognizable JavaScript bloggers, and has been publishing a new post every day for years. Each one is bite-sized and easy to digest.

Ryan Chandler's Blog

5 . Ryan Chandler's Blog

Ryan writes about Laravel, PHP, and working with JavaScript, especially Alpine.js.

Aman Mittal's Blog

6 . Aman Mittal's Blog

Aman often write posts on React.js, React Native and Node.js. These days his focus is on React Native and how to use it for cross-platform mobile development.

Brent Jackson's Blog

7 . Brent Jackson's Blog

Brent Jackson is a frontend developer at Gatsby and writes about CSS, CSS-in-JS, and design systems. He's the author of Styled System and Theme UI.

Sébastien Lorber's Blog

8 . Sébastien Lorber's Blog

Sébastien writes original content about React, ReactNative, JavaScript, TypeScript, Jamstack, cross-platform...

Dan Cornock's Blog

9 . Dan Cornock's Blog

Dan blogs about web development in general, but focused in particular on Angular and unit testing. Recent articles include tutorials on how to scrape websites with Puppeteer and working with TypeScript.

Swizec Teller's Blog

10 . Swizec Teller's Blog

Swizec writes about JavaScript, ReactJS, and technical skills that will boost your career. He also writes about data visualization with d3 and serverless development.

Stefan Judis' Blog

11 . Stefan Judis' Blog

Stefan writes about topics like Next.js, CSS, and web development in general. He also runs a monthly newsletter that covers productivity tips for developers and made

That's an Egg

12 . That's an Egg

Beginner-oriented web development and JavaScript blog called "That's an Egg". Written by Twan Mulder, developer and CRO specialist at Accenture. Also covers topics like accessibility, CSS, and animation.

Josh W. Comeau's Blog

13 . Josh W. Comeau's Blog

Josh writes playful and interactive articles with a focus on React, Gatsby, CSS, and animation. Formerly employed by Gatsby, he recently went full-time to work on an interactive CSS course, built on his own course software.

Harry Wolff's Blog

14 . Harry Wolff's Blog

Harry writes about JavaScript, React, web development, and works at MongoDB during the day.

15 .

Swyx writes about frontend development with JavaScript and careers in software development. He's also a known advocate for Learning In Public.


16 . Overreacted

Blog written by Dan Abramov, a member of the React Core Team and author of Redux. He writes about UI engineering, software development practices, and concepts in React.js.

Kent C. Dodds' Blog

17 . Kent C. Dodds' Blog

Kent C. Dodds writes about React, JavaScript, and Node.js. He's particularly written a lot about testing with Jest and Cypress. Formerly employed by PayPal, he now creates educational material full-time for web developers.

Daily Dev Tips

18 . Daily Dev Tips

Chris writes every single day about web development snippets that will help you become a better developer. He focuses on frontend development, JavaScript, popular frameworks, and HTML and CSS.


19 . Localghost

Sophie writes about web development and accessibility. Her latest posts talk about misconceptions about web accessibility, cross-site scripting attacks and security, and deploying with CircleCI. Sophie works at Monzo as a senior web engineer.

Umar Hansa's Blog

20 . Umar Hansa's Blog

Umar writes about frontend development and JavaScript topics, including accessibility, Chrome's DevTools, and cutting edge browser features.

Chris Biscardi's Digital Garden

21 . Chris Biscardi's Digital Garden

Chris writes about Rust, Docker, NodeJS, web development, and open source. You can find posts on topics ranging from Haskell to community building in his digital garden.

Redd Developer

22 . Redd Developer

Artem writes about frontend software development with tools like linters, Rollup, and advanced form libraries. You'll also find tips for working with CI tools like CircleCI on this blog, plus general software development topics like effective code review practices.

The Code Barbarian

23 . The Code Barbarian

Valeri writes about TypeScript, Node, static site generators, and Mongoose, the ORM for MongoDB in Node.js.

Amelia Wattenberger's Blog

24 . Amelia Wattenberger's Blog

Interactive guides & walkthroughs of web development & data visualization concepts, which explore novel article formats. She uses React.js and d3.js to create visualizations that help you better understand CSS and JavaScript concepts.

Max Stoiber's Blog

25 . Max Stoiber's Blog

Max writes about frontend development, mostly React, as well as various other related topics. He's the creator of styled-components and react-boilerplate and currently works at Gatsby.

Marius Schulz' Blog

26 . Marius Schulz' Blog

Marius has written a ton about TypeScript, as well as JavaScript and working in VS Code.

Writing JavaScript

27 . Writing JavaScript

Instead of focusing on large frameworks like React/Angular/Vue, this blog emphasizes how much is possible without them if you possess the right skills. Learn how to improve your code longevity and perhaps put an end to the constant code rewrites when a new framework becomes popular.

Nicolas Hoizey's blog

28 . Nicolas Hoizey's blog

Drawing on over 20 years of experience, Nicolas advocates a pragmatic use of Web technologies based on progressive enhancement. He writes about web performance, particularly responsive images, the JAMstack, and the IndieWeb.

Lee Robinson's Blog

29 . Lee Robinson's Blog

Lee works at Vercel and write about Next.js, MDX, Node, and React. His most popular posts are about design systems and design, as well as how to work with Yarn Workspaces and Lerna.


30 . Blogccasion

The personal blog of Thomas Steiner, mostly covering latest browser APIs, some JavaScript and CSS topics, and the occasional personal post. Recent articles cover topics like working with Safari extensions, handling SVGs, and generally how Chrome works. Thomas works as a Chrome Developer Advocate.

Dev By RayRay

31 . Dev By RayRay

RayRay write stories about Frontend Dev, JavaScript, Typescript, Angular, NodeJS, Serverless Functions, JAM Stack, FaunaDB, Netlify. His posts also aim to help developers during difficult moments and getting started with their journey in software.

Coder's Block

32 . Coder's Block

Will writes about front-end web development, especially JavaScript and CSS. His blog posts typically talk through interesting things you can create with demos showing how they work.

Paul Scanlon’s Blog

33 . Paul Scanlon’s Blog

A blog for React, JavaScript, Typescript and Gatsby fans who also love the art of good UX and UI. Articles dig deep in to Design Systems and Component Library best practices with useful hints and tips to help level up your UI skills.

Monica Dinculescu's Blog

34 . Monica Dinculescu's Blog

Monica blogs about Magenta.js, JavaScript, the inner workings of Chrome, Emoji, previously Polymer, and Web Components.

Addy Osmani's Blog

35 . Addy Osmani's Blog

Addy Osmani (Adnan Osmani) is an engineering manager at Google working on Chrome. His teams work on tools like Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights. He is author of open-source projects like Yeoman, TodoMVC and Material Design Lite.

Adam Wathan's Blog

36 . Adam Wathan's Blog

Adam Wathan is the creator of Tailwind CSS, and writes primarily about CSS and JavaScript with Vue.js and Next.js. He's also known for co-creating Refactoring UI, a popular ebook that teaches developers how to design UIs that actually look good.

Kitty Giraudel's Blog

37 . Kitty Giraudel's Blog

Kitty's blog has been focused on accessibility for a few years now, and has practical tips for web developers looking to make their sites and apps more accessible using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Recent posts also cover working with Node and Cypress.

Code with Linda

38 . Code with Linda

CodeWithLinda is Linda Ikechukwu's Blog where she writes Beginner Friendly Articles on Frontend Development, Cloud, Dev Life and more.

Utkarsh's Blog

39 . Utkarsh's Blog

Utkarsh shares his insights on how to write simple code for complex web apps. The content is mostly related to the frontend, recent focus has been around ReactJS and typescript. Focused towards junior devs who are looking for easy explanations for the latest practices with real-world examples .


40 . 2ality

2ality is a blog about JavaScript, web development and mobile computing (but other topics are covered, too, occasionally). It's written by Axel Rauschmayer, a software engineer based in Munich, Germany.

The Smart Coder Blog

41 . The Smart Coder Blog

The Smart Coder covers a wide range of topics around web development. Its goal is to provide best content for developers around the world, such as project ideas, GitHub repositories, guides, and much more. This site is a combination blog and additional features that help developers discover new content.

David Walsh's Blog

42 . David Walsh's Blog

A blog featuring tutorials about JavaScript, HTML5, AJAX, PHP, CSS, WordPress, and everything else development.

Feross' Blog

43 . Feross' Blog

Feross Aboukhadijeh is a computer security researcher, teacher, web developer, designer, long distance runner, gamer, music lover, and builder of websites that (sometimes) go viral. He writes about JavaScript and Node.

Human Who Codes

44 . Human Who Codes

Nicholas is a frontend engineer and author of ESLint. He writes about frontend development and JavaScript.

Ben Nadel's Blog

45 . Ben Nadel's Blog

Ben Nadel is a cofounder of Invision and blogs about ColdFusion, jQuery, HTML5, AJAX, SQL, and all aspects of web application development. He's also known for his articles about working with Angular.

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The Best JavaScript Blogs

Published on Oct 09, 2020 in technical-blogs by Matthew Warholak 15 minute read

JavaScript is used by almost every website on the internet , so I embarked on a quest to find the best active JavaScript blogs for programmers. Each of these sites demonstrates technical expertise, is relatively easy to comprehend, publishes content consistently, and has stood the test of time.

During this process, I used a consistent approach to analyze and compare common qualities (or deficiencies) in each blog. I looked at the depth of each blog’s technical content and the usefulness of that content. I read a few posts from start to finish to get a sense of the writing quality and comprehensibility. I looked at how consistently each web dev blog publishes new content, and I did some digging to learn how long each site has been around. Most of these blogs are similar in that they offer in-depth articles on other areas of JavaScript app development , making them ideal blogs for programmers.

Based on those criteria, here are the 26 best JavaScript blogs I could find:

1. Ben Nadel

Ben Nadel is a NY-based programmer, co-founder, and principal engineer at InVision App, Inc, a design and user experience (UX) company. His blog — sometimes known as “The Kinky Solutions” blog — documents his programming experimentation. The blog has a huge collection of useful and in-depth articles which is a treasure trove for any web developer looking for blogs for programmers. The nearly 15-year-old blog is an excellent vector for demonstrating Nadel’s technical expertise and strong technical programming knowledge. The blog’s writing quality is excellent, and I found it clean, concise, and thought-provoking. The consistency in which he posts articles (several new articles every month) adds to it being one of the best programming blogs for web developers.

  • Writing Quality - 5
  • Consistency - 5
  • Longevity - 5
  • Technical Depth - 5
  • Broad Usefulness - 5

Overall Score: 5.0

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2. CSS Tricks

CSS Tricks home page

CSS Tricks is a web dev blog that’s been active on Front End Development and building websites since 2007. Their army of writers publishes articles on tangible programming exercises and strategies, and the content is as diverse as the writers themselves. They have some for-sale books and merchandise confined to a sales part of the site, leaving articles unencumbered. While every author is different, the writing style and content is top-notch, well-organized, and features a plethora of applicable visuals and interactive code samples. Articles range in length but are generally thorough and technical. The subject matter can be simple but is commonly moderate to advanced with proportionately advanced explanations. I found they publish multiple posts per week and are one of the more popular web dev blogs.

  • Writing Quality - 4.5

Overall Score: 4.9

3. Smashing Magazine

Smashing Mag home page

SmashingMagazine is an independent programming publication that posts articles written by and for developers making it the quintessential blog for programmers. The blog’s articles range in topics, but are all applicable to web programmers. My only knocks on them are the full-screen in-text ads and company promotions. All articles are written and reviewed by programmers to ensure their usefulness and legitimacy. Look for articles of moderate to expert technical proficiency without any personal rambles or filler. The blog is published multiple times per week on a consistent basis. The blog’s writing quality is mostly excellent, with minor grammatical blemishes that don’t take away from the content. Each article features several supporting visuals and links, which helps speak to programmers in any language.

  • Writing Quality - 4
  • Broad Usefulness - 4

Overall Score: 4.6

4. Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew is a notable web developer, writer, public speaker. She’s also a Co-founder of Perch CMS and Notist , and a member of the CSS Working Group . The blog is a collection of articles written solely by Rachel, many of which are hosted on Smashing Magazine or the Notist blog. However, they are widely applicable, and concentrate on programming, business, and conferences. Articles are professionally written, and Rachel’s points are articulate. The blog is published roughly once per month and has been since 2005. Though topics are beginner to intermediate-level, they are thoroughly explained with great detail and authority.

  • Consistency - 3

Overall Score: 4.4

Theodo is a software development consulting company that enlists teams of full-stack engineers to complete projects. Theodo’s in-house blog features programming and technical articles written by in-house engineers. Their posts are published sporadically with typically 5 new publications per month. The content detail is excellent but occasionally undermined by language or grammar uh-ohs. The lack of supporting links and images doesn’t help, but at least there are plenty of code snippets.

6. David Walsh

This is the self-named blog by web developer and software engineer David Walsh. Walsh is a Senior Software Engineer and evangelist for Mozilla, Core Developer for the MooTools JavaScript Framework, creator of numerous MooTools plugins, Founder of Script & Style and

Founder of Wynq Web Labs. His blog for programmers is a collection of web development articles, tutorials, and demos. Articles are not incredibly long, but are technically sound and helpful to almost any programmer. Minor spelling and grammar issues are present, but not enough to detract from the value-add and presentation of the content. David makes multiple posts per week.

  • Technical Depth - 4

2ality article

The 2ality blog is written by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer, a Munich-based web developer. Axel specializes in JavaScript and has been developing web applications since 1995. Since 2011, he has been blogging at and has written several books on JavaScript. The blog is a collection of hundreds of different Javascript commands, functions, and projects. The content is very thorough and demonstrates strong technical proficiency across the board. This web dev blog is published at least once a month, sometimes as many as several new articles in the same span. The writing quality is dense and informative, but a little dry. Articles are text-heavy with lots of code snapshots, but barely any links or visuals.

Zeldman is a personal blog by Jeffrey Zeldman, a well-known web designer, formerly of Automattic, Co-Founder of The Web Standards Project, and writer of two books on web standards. The blog is an interesting look into a decorated web designer’s mind but doesn’t offer much for a new web developer. You might find more useful information in his books or courses. While Zeldman is an experienced web developer, the articles’ topics don’t get quite as technical as other blogs on this list. Zeldman is an excellent writer who has a strong command of language. Articles do not feature many images but are strewn with relevant links. The blog is published multiple times per month without any sort of schedule.

  • Consistency - 4
  • Broad Usefulness - 3

Overall Score: 4.2

9. CSS Wizardry

CSS Wizardry is the blog of Harry Roberts, an award-winning independent Web Engineering Consultant. He has worked with well-known organizations such as Google, the BBC, The UN, and General Electric. The blog’s archive of articles consists solely of technical tips and tricks Harry has used while working with high-profile clients. Therefore, they are highly applicable and should offer excellent value or insight for any front end developer. Articles are well-written and clear, and supporting evidence is abundant. The content shows technical knowledge of the subject, but the concepts are probably most useful for moderate to advanced developers. Regarding the publishing schedule, there is no degree of consistency; you would be lucky to see one new post per month.

  • Consistency - 2

10. Tania Rascia

Tania is a Senior Software Engineer and open-source hobbyist. She has been featured in the official React docs, won 3rd in Personal Dev Blog of the Year, and has written dozens of articles for DigitalOcean, SitePoint, Envato Tuts+, and more. Her web dev blog content consists of articles, tutorials, and tips on programming, and are sought after by millions every year. The blog displays the author’s technical expertise and ability to break down complicated subjects into simple terms which makes it one of the best programming blogs for beginners. Tania’s writing is excellent, concise, and informative. There are little to no errors or inaccuracies, and facts are backed up with code snapshots and links. On average 1-2 new articles are published every month and have been since 2015.

  • Longevity - 3

11. Ethan Marcotte

Blog posts are a combination of conceptual topics and personal topics. You’ll find some interesting commentary on programming nuances but won’t find any code. The blog is excellently written with fluid language, organization, and supporting examples with links. Look for a couple of new posts every month with a standard deviation of 2.

  • Technical Depth - 3

12. Ultimate Courses

Ultimate Courses has plenty of recent articles with exercises, but also plenty of side- and in-text company promotions for their paid courses. Articles solely focus on technical application and do an excellent job of explaining concepts without being boring. They’re written well and provide plenty of information through text and code. Supporting links and images are abundant in the 1-5 articles they post per month.

Overall Score: 4.0

13. MarmeLab

Marmelab is a French software research and development agency that helps clients build b2b applications. Their in-house blog hosts a combination of technical and promotional company articles surrounding their front-end framework. Fortunately, their framework is open-source, so the application and content are available to anyone. A lot of their articles are written in French, so English readers will need a translate extension! Marmelab’s posts demonstrate a strong technical knowledge of the subject matter and use ample evidence to support the article’s point. The blog is updated on average at least a couple of times every month, sometimes with a handful of new posts. The blog’s writing is extremely dense and informative, but could use some polish on its grammar.

  • Writing Quality - 3
  • Longevity - 4

14. Algolia

Algolia blog home page

Algolia is a search-as-a-service platform with a robust API for developers. The blog produces posts on engineering, eCommerce, and of course, Algolia product integrations. The content is useful for most programmers, despite expected company promotions, and both Algolia employees and users contribute. Articles are a combination of conceptual and technical, and the writing quality is well above average. Facts and claims are backed up with code snippets and useful links. This web dev blog consistently publishes multiple original posts every month.

DHTMLX is a Javascript UI framework that provides high-speed web and mobile app development with customizable HTML5 UI controls. This blog is more applicable if you use DHTMLX, but even without, there is some value to be extracted here. Predictably, many of the blog’s articles are product updates or tutorials specifically for their product suite. However, there is a healthy amount of otherwise relevant but non-company promotional pieces. The blog is strictly technical, and thus posts are geared towards active developers familiar with programming fundamentals. This developer blog’s writing quality is not perfect but compares well against other company blogs. Articles are formatted sensibly and utilize a variety of supporting images and code examples. The blog is published regularly, but not exclusively limited to Javascript.

16. Stuff and Nonsense

Stuff and Nonsense is a web design blog by Andy Clarke, a well-known Welsh web designer who has worked with WWF, Greenpeace, Disney Store UK, Home Office UK, and more. There are two content sections: “Articles” and “Blogs,” both of which contain ample posts on design concepts and styles. While this may be useful for a web designer, a web developer may be less intrigued without a mention of code on the blog in years. While the articles show understanding of web design concepts and machinations, they remain on the surface level and make no attempt to touch upon code or programming details. Clarke’s writing is excellent and has minor blemishes. The blog’s content is informative and includes relevant links and visuals, but it’s more of a blog for designers rather than a developer blog.

Overall Score: 3.8

17. Juristr

Juristr is a blog by Italian software architect Juri Strumpflohner, a Google Developer Expert in Web Tech and an Instructor. The blog is a personal portfolio but has many useful resources, such as all his course uploads and regular technical articles. His technical writing spans back nearly 15 years and provides heavily technical pieces that let the code do the talking. Articles are decently written, but it’s the information that is most valuable. There are a few obvious typos in most articles, but they also have a few supporting links and visuals. The blog is published roughly once per month.

18. Bedrock Tech

BedRock Tech is the Technical Blog for the French Media company Bedrock Streaming. It hosts a collection of articles dating back to 2012 and open-source contributions from the team. Articles are technical explanations and conference summaries, the latter of which was more insightful than I anticipated. The blog’s content is a clear reflection of relevant topics and issues the Bedrock Tech team has encountered and addressed, and they produce high-quality writing with only minor grammar blunders. Articles are fluid, in-depth, and feature a natural blend of facts backed up with links and visuals. Blog posts are published inconsistently from anywhere between one to three months. is an open-source social network for computer programming. Posts are crowd-sourced an updated in real-time, providing a huge centralized source of new content that you can also post a response to. Many of the articles are simple, short-form posts, but the majority of posts maintain a high standard of technical mastery. With any community blog, the diverse community means diverse writing quality and style. is no exception, but the blog’s standard is higher than expected. Posts are aesthetically pleasing and refined enough to prevent grammar mistakes. Crowdsourced developer blog posts are published all day every day.

  • Longevity - 1

20. Dmitri Pavlutin

This is the self-named personal blog of a front-end software developer, Dmitri Pavlutin. He maintains an open-source JavaScript library called, and occasionally helps fellow developers on StackOverflow. His blog is purely technical and focuses on various Javascripts strategies and tools. The blog’s content varies in difficulty but is presented authoritatively and educationally. Articles are written passably well but have some language and grammar flaws. Dmitri includes plenty of code examples, but not many links to supporting evidence. The blog is reliably published every week.

21. Nodesource

Nodesource is a platform that enables organizations to build, manage, secure, and analyze Node.js applications. The majority of articles are product updates and demos, but some articles dive into Node.js. Nodesource’s posts are technically sound and provide enterprise-level JavaScript expertise. This node js blog’s content is superbly written, both in content and grammar, and there are minimal errors and ample sources for the reader. The blog sees anywhere from 1-4 new posts each month.

22. Reginald Braithewait

Reginald Braithewait is a programmer whose interests include constructing surreal numbers, deconstructing hopelessly egocentric nulls, and celebrating the joy of programming. He is the author of JavaScript Allongé, CoffeeScript Ristretto, and and develops user experiences at PagerDuty. While the articles on his blog are insightful, my only knock is that there isn’t a deep archive of content. Braithewait’s articles are extremely thorough, and the blog’s content quality is very high. Though it has an occasional spelling or grammar blunder, it is otherwise strongly written and laden with supporting evidence. Unfortunately, it has become decreasingly consistent with the publishing of new content since its launch in 2008.

  • Consistency - 1

Overall Score: 3.6

23. Codeshare

The blog’s topics are mostly tutorials and troubleshooting guides for common technical issues. They are a collection of experiences and methods used by active programmers and would serve useful to other Web Developers as well. Most articles are relatively short-form but technical nonetheless. A small crew of writers shows their programming prowess, which frankly supersedes minor grammar issues so long as programmers reading the articles get the point. Images and supporting links are frequently used to boost content quality. Codeshare’s focus on video tutorials make it a great space to learn and enhance your skill set adding to its reputation as a highly engaging developer blog. Expect a couple of sporadic posts per month.

24. Oracle Developers

This is the blog for the Oracle Developers community program, which features current news and articles on databases, programming languages, platforms, and the cloud. While new JavaScript articles only appear monthly, the blog as a whole offers a host of other related front-end and programming sections as well. The limited archive of JavaScript articles is made up for by technical command. The blog’s writing quality is above average and offers many in-text links, visuals, and examples. They publish new articles monthly but has only been around this year.

Overall Score: 3.4

25. JSManifest

JS Manifest is a niche blog that covers JavaScript for web development, smartphones, desktops, robots, AI, and more. The blog consists of detailed long-form articles with real applications most programmers can use. Articles are thorough and provide a sense of expert knowledge, and the writing is above average. The formatting is not always the best, but the content is otherwise solid. Each article contains multiple visuals but, unfortunately, doesn’t include many supporting links. This developer blog is updated a couple of times per month.

Overall Score: 3.2

26. GetAround Tech is the blog for the peer-to-peer car rental start-up. Articles are geared towards programmers, and while there isn’t a huge archive, the articles are highly applicable and not confined to their company’s product. Posts are detailed and provide thorough explanations from start to finish. Articles are informative and thorough but hindered by occasional grammar mistakes and run-ons. They currently publish a handful of articles every year.

  • Longevity - 2

This concludes my hunt to identify, analyze, and rank the best JavaScript blogs in 2020. While my grading system may not be perfect, it allowed me to assign some numerical value to each blog and let the data do the talking. It’s a satisfying approach for the technical blogger in me.

Know another blog I should consider for this list? Click here to submit it .

If you’ve enjoyed this, don’t miss our other Best Technical Blogs lists .

Matthew Warholak

By Matthew Warholak

Matt is a Technical Writer and Editor for Technology, Financial Services, and everything in-between. When he's not writing or editing, he's analyzing commodity markets, ideating new ventures, or learning French.

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40 JavaScript Projects for Beginners – Easy Ideas to Get Started Coding JS

Jessica Wilkins

The best way to learn a new programming language is to build projects.

I have created a list of 40 beginner friendly project tutorials in Vanilla JavaScript, React, and TypeScript.

My advice for tutorials would be to watch the video, build the project, break it apart and rebuild it your own way. Experiment with adding new features or using different methods.

That will test if you have really learned the concepts or not.

You can click on any of the projects listed below to jump to that section of the article.

Vanilla JavaScript Projects

How to create a color flipper.

  • How to create a counter
  • How to create a review carousel
  • How to create a responsive navbar
  • How to create a sidebar
  • How to create a modal

How to create a FAQ page

How to create a restaurant menu page, how to create a video background, how to create a navigation bar on scroll, how to create tabs that display different content, how to create a countdown clock, how to create your own lorem ipsum, how to create a grocery list, how to create an image slider, how to create a rock paper scissors game, how to create a simon game, how to create a platformer game.

  • How to create Doodle Jump
  • How to create Flappy Bird
  • How to create a Memory game
  • How to create a Whack-a-mole game
  • How to create Connect Four game
  • How to create a Snake game
  • How to create a Space Invaders game
  • How to create a Frogger game
  • How to create a Tetris game

React Projects

How to build a tic-tac-toe game using react hooks, how to build a tetris game using react hooks, how to create a birthday reminder app.

  • How to create a tours page

How to create an accordion menu

How to create tabs for a portfolio page, how to create a review slider, how to create a color generator, how to create a stripe payment menu page, how to create a shopping cart page, how to create a cocktail search page, typescript projects, how to build a quiz app with react and typescript, how to create an arkanoid game with typescript.

If you have not learned JavaScript fundamentals, then I would suggest watching this course before proceeding with the projects.

Many of the screenshots below are from here .


In this John Smilga tutorial , you will learn how to create a random background color changer. This is a good project to get you started working with the DOM.

In Leonardo Maldonado's article on why it is important to learn about the DOM, he states:

By manipulating the DOM, you have infinite possibilities. You can create applications that update the data of the page without needing a refresh. Also, you can create applications that are customizable by the user and then change the layout of the page without a refresh.

Key concepts covered:

  • document.getElementById()
  • document.querySelector()
  • addEventListener()
  • Math.floor()
  • Math.random()
  • array.length

Before you get started, I would suggest watching the introduction where John goes over how to access the setup files for all of his projects.

How to create a Counter


In this John Smilga tutorial , you will learn how to create a counter and write conditions that change the color based on positive or negative numbers displayed.

This project will give you more practice working with the DOM and you can use this simple counter in other projects like a pomodoro clock.

  • document.querySelectorAll()
  • currentTarget property
  • textContent

How to create a Review carousel


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a carousel of reviews with a button that generates random reviews.

This is a good feature to have on an ecommerce site to display customer reviews or a personal portfolio to display client reviews.

  • DOMContentLoaded

How to create a responsive Navbar


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a responsive navbar that will show the hamburger menu for smaller devices.

Learning how to develop responsive websites is an important part of being a web developer. This is a popular feature used on a lot of websites.

  • classList.toggle()

How to create a Sidebar


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a sidebar with animation.

This is a cool feature that you can add to your personal website.

  • classList.remove()

How to create a Modal


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a modal window which is used on websites to get users to do or see something specific.

A good example of a modal window would be if a user made changes in a site without saving them and tried to go to another page. You can create a modal window that warns them to save their changes or else that information will be lost.

  • classList.add()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a frequently asked questions page which educates users about a business and drives traffic to the website through organic search results.    


In this tutorial , you will learn how to make a restaurant menu page that filters through the different food menus. This is a fun project that will teach you higher order functions like map, reduce, and filter.

In Yazeed Bzadough's article on higher order functions, he states:

the greatest benefit of HOFs is greater reusability.
  • map, reduce, and filter
  • includes method


In this tutorial , you will learn how to make a video background with a play and pause feature.  This is a common feature found in a lot of websites.

  • classList.contains()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a navbar that slides down when scrolling and then stays at a fixed position at a certain height.

This is a popular feature found on many professional websites.

  • getFullYear()
  • getBoundingClientRect()
  • slice method
  • window.scrollTo()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create tabs that will display different content which is useful when creating single page applications.


In this tutorial , you will learn how to make a countdown clock which can be used when a new product is coming out or a sale is about to end on an ecommerce site.

  • setInterval()
  • clearInterval()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create your own Lorem ipsum generator.

Lorem ipsum is the go to placeholder text for websites. This is a fun project to show off your creativity and create your own text.

  • event.preventDefault()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to update and delete items from a grocery list and create a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) application.

CRUD plays a very important role in developing full stack applications. Without it, you wouldn't be able to do things like edit or delete posts on your favorite social media platform.  

  • createAttribute()
  • setAttributeNode()
  • appendChild()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to build an image slider that you can add to any website.

  • querySelectorAll()
  • if/else statements


In this tutorial , Tenzin will teach you how to create a Rock Paper Scissors game. This is a fun project that will give more practice working with the DOM.

  • switch statements


In this tutorial , Beau Carnes will teach you how to create the classic Simon Game. This is a good project that will get you thinking about the different components behind the game and how you would build out each of those functionalities.

  • querySelector()
  • setTimeout()


In this tutorial , Frank Poth will teach you how to build a platformer game. This project will introduce you to Object Oriented Programming principles and the Model, View, Controller software pattern.

  • this keyword
  • OOP principles
  • MVC pattern

How to create Doodle Jump and Flappy Bird


In this video series , Ania Kubow will teach you how to build Doodle Jump and Flappy Bird .

Building games are a fun way to learn more about JavaScript and will cover many popular JavaScript methods.

  • createElement()
  • removeChild()
  • removeEventListener()

How to create seven classic games with Ania Kubow


You will have a lot of fun creating seven games in this course by Ania Kubow:

  • Memory Game
  • Whack-a-mole
  • Connect Four
  • Space Invaders
  • onclick event
  • arrow functions

If you are not familiar with React fundamentals, then I would suggest taking this course before proceeding with the projects.


In this freeCodeCamp article , Per Harald Borgen talks about Scrimba's Tic-Tac-Toe game tutorial led by Thomas Weibenfalk. You can view the video course on Scimba's YouTube Channel.

This is a good project to start getting comfortable with React basics and working with hooks.

  • import / export


In this tutorial , Thomas Weibenfalk will teach you how to build a Tetris game using React Hooks and styled components.

  • useEffect()
  • useCallback()
  • styled components


In this John Smilga course, you will learn how to create a birthday reminder app. This is a good project to start getting comfortable with React basics and working with hooks.

I would also suggest watching John's video on the startup files for this project.

How to create a Tours Page


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a tours page where the user can delete which tours they are not interested in.

This will give you practice with React hooks and the async/await pattern.

  • try...catch statement
  • async/await pattern


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a questions and answers accordion menu. These menus can be helpful in revealing content to users in a progressive way.

  • React icons


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create tabs for a mock portfolio page. Tabs are useful when you want to display different content in single page applications.


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a review slider that changes to a new review every few seconds.

This is a cool feature that you can incorporate into an ecommerce site or portfolio.


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a color generator. This is a good project to continue practicing working with hooks and setTimeout.

  • clearTimeout()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a Stripe payment menu page. This project will give you good practice on how to design a product landing page using React components.

  • useContext()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a shopping cart page that updates and deletes items. This project will also be a good introduction to the useReducer hook.

  • <svg> elements
  • useReducer()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a cocktail search page. This project will give you an introduction to how to use React router.

React router gives you the ability to create a navigation on your website and change views to different components like an about or contact page.

  • <Router>
  • <Switch>

If you are unfamiliar with TypeScript, then I would suggest watching this course before proceeding with this project.


In this tutorial , Thomas Weibenfalk will teach you how to build a quiz app with React and TypeScript. This is a good opportunity to practice the basics of TypeScript.

  • dangerouslySetInnerHTML


In this tutorial , Thomas Weibenfalk will teach you how to build the classic Arkanoid game in TypeScript. This is a good project that will give you practice working with the basic concepts for TypeScript.

  • HTMLCanvasElement

I hope you enjoy this list of 40 project tutorials in Vanilla JavaScript, React and TypeScript.

Happy coding!

I am a musician and a programmer.

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Great JavaScript bloggers to follow in 2022

Let me share some of the great blogs I regularly learn something new from.

It is an opinionated list with the only criteria - the posts should appear regularly, at least monthly (this is why the otherwise brilliant Dan Abramov's Overreacted is not on the list).

The ordering goes from less popular (subjectively) to more popular.

Amelia Watternberger writes beautifully crafted tutorials on various topics with many visuals. Take, for example, Creating a Gauge in React or Combining React and D3 .

Zhenghao , an engineer at Instacart, has a gift of writing very clearly on complicated topics. The write-ups are mostly about React and TypeScript , but also on general and self-reflecting topics like carrying out an interview , or becoming a manager .

Steven is a web developer, but the topics here writes on are notoriously broad. I recommend reading React - The Missing Parts , and, completely unrelated, On Progress about how products become worse. Oh yeah, and that stunning intro!

Josh W Comeau is a regular author of the Smashing Magazine . He mostly writes about UI and CSS: why using a UI framework might not be a good idea , a nice way to organize a React app ,

Robin Wieruch mostly writes on React and Node. His write-ups are usually very thorough and beginner-friendly.

I believe Dr. Rauschmayer aka 2ality doesn't need any special introduction. He is famous for his concise articles in which he explores and explains some of the new ECMAScript and Node features: Rest vs. spread , on findLast and findLastIndex , etc. His blog goes back as far as 2005 and remains one of the greatest sources of knowledge for developers.

I love David Walsh's small mini-tutorials on how to use a specific feature like valueAsNumber on inputs , CSS :has property , or detecting dark mode .

BONUS (not really a JavaScript blog): Bartosz Ciechanowski explains complicated topics with stunning visualizations. I've found out about it recently and was blown away by the quality and the amount of work put into those articles. It's pretty crazy. Just open a random article and prepare to be amazed.

popular blog javascript assignment expert

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Discover the depths of advanced JavaScript concepts. Explore closures, ES6, hoisting, OOP, prototypes, and more in this collection of expert-written tutorials.

Closures and Scope

Learn the ins and outs of closures and scope in JavaScript. From the basics to advanced techniques, this guide will help you understand how they work and how to use them to write more efficient and maintainable code

ES6 and Beyond

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Hoisting in JavaScript

Understand hoisting in JavaScript with our in-depth guide. Learn how hoisting works and avoid common mistakes in your code.

JavaScript Object Oriented Programming

Discover the power of object-oriented programming with Javascript. Learn the fundamentals and explore practical examples.

Prototypes and Inheritance

Discover the power of prototypes and inheritance in JavaScript with our in-depth guide. Learn how they work and gain a solid understanding with real-world examples. Perfect for beginners and advanced programmers alike.

Calisto Code

Mastering JavaScript Assignment: A Comprehensive Guide

JavaScript Assignment

As one of the most widely used programming languages, JavaScript is a must-learn for any aspiring software developer. It is the backbone of the modern web, powering everything from interactive web pages to complex web applications. One of the fundamental concepts in JavaScript is assignment, which is the process of storing a value in a variable or object property. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at JavaScript assignment, covering everything from basic syntax to more advanced topics like destructuring and object spread.

Understanding JavaScript Assignment

JavaScript assignment involves storing a value in a variable or object property. The basic syntax for assignment in JavaScript is as follows:

Here, variable is the name of the variable, and value is the value that is being assigned to it. For example:

In this example, x is the variable name, and 10 is the value that is being assigned to it. Once the value is assigned to the variable, it can be used throughout the program.

Assigning Values to Multiple Variables

In JavaScript, it is possible to assign values to multiple variables in a single statement. This is known as destructuring assignment. The basic syntax for destructuring assignment is as follows:

Here, array is an array containing the values that are being assigned to the variables. For example:

In this example, x and y are the variable names, and 10 and 20 are the values that are being assigned to them.

Assigning Values to Object Properties

In addition to assigning values to variables, JavaScript also allows you to assign values to object properties. The basic syntax for assigning values to object properties is as follows:

Here, object is the name of the object, property is the name of the property, and value is the value that is being assigned to it. For example:

In this example, person is the name of the object, age is the name of the property, and 31 is the value that is being assigned to it.

Object Spread

Object spread is a relatively new feature in JavaScript that allows you to copy the properties of one object into another object. The basic syntax for object spread is as follows:

Here, oldObj is the object whose properties are being copied, and newObj is the new object that is being created. For example:

In this example, person is the old object, and newPerson is the new object that is being created. The ...person syntax copies all of the properties from person into newPerson , and the age: 31 syntax overrides the age property in newPerson .

JavaScript Assignment

Best Practices for JavaScript Assignment

While JavaScript assignment is a fairly straightforward concept, there are a few best practices that you should keep in mind when working with assignments in your code.

Use Descriptive Variable Names

One of the most important best practices when it comes to JavaScript assignment is to use descriptive variable names. This will make your code easier to read and understand for both yourself and other developers who may need to work on your code in the future. Avoid using single-letter variable names like x and y , and instead use descriptive names that indicate the purpose of the variable. For example, if you are storing a person’s name in a variable, you could use personName instead of name .

Avoid Implicit Assignment

Implicit assignment is when a variable is created without being explicitly declared with the let , var , or const keywords. While JavaScript allows for implicit assignment, it can lead to errors and make your code harder to understand. Always declare your variables explicitly with the appropriate keyword.

Use Destructuring Assignment

Destructuring assignment can be a powerful tool for working with arrays and objects in JavaScript. It can simplify your code and make it more readable by allowing you to extract values from arrays and objects and assign them to variables in a single statement. Take advantage of destructuring assignment when working with complex data structures.

Use Object Spread

Object spread can be a useful feature for working with objects in JavaScript. It allows you to easily copy the properties of one object into another object, making it a convenient way to create new objects or modify existing ones. Use object spread when you need to create a new object that is similar to an existing one, or when you need to add or modify properties in an existing object.

Avoid Reassignment of Constants

Constants, declared with the const keyword, are variables that cannot be reassigned once they have been declared. While it is possible to modify the properties of objects that are declared with const , you should avoid reassigning the entire object. This can lead to unexpected behavior in your code and make it harder to reason about.

In this article, we have covered the basics of JavaScript assignment, including syntax for assigning values to variables and object properties, destructuring assignments, and object spread. We have also discussed some best practices for working with assignments in your code, such as using descriptive variable names and avoiding implicit assignments.

Following these best practices allows you to write cleaner, more readable code and avoid common errors and pitfalls when working with JavaScript assignments. As always, practice makes perfect, so be sure to experiment with different assignments in your code to become more comfortable with this fundamental concept in JavaScript.

📕 Related articles about Javascript

  • JavaScript Callbacks: Understanding and Using Callback Functions in JavaScript Programming

Understanding JavaScript Output

  • How to Use Javascript for Web Animations
  • JavaScript Const: The Definitive Guide
  • Understanding JavaScript Strict Mode
  • How to Learn JavaScript from Scratch: A Comprehensive Guide [5 easy steps]

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Bobby is a quick learner and always stays up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in software development. He is committed to continuous learning and improvement and seeks opportunities to enhance his skills and knowledge.

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In this tutorial, you will learn about all the different assignment operators in javascript and how to use them in javascript.

Assignment Operators

In javascript, there are 16 different assignment operators that are used to assign value to the variable. It is shorthand of other operators which is recommended to use.

The assignment operators are used to assign value based on the right operand to its left operand.

The left operand must be a variable while the right operand may be a variable, number, boolean, string, expression, object, or combination of any other.

One of the most basic assignment operators is equal = , which is used to directly assign a value.

javascript assignment operator

Assignment Operators List

Here is the list of all assignment operators in JavaScript:

In the following table if variable a is not defined then assume it to be 10.

Assignment operator

The assignment operator = is the simplest value assigning operator which assigns a given value to a variable.

The assignment operators support chaining, which means you can assign a single value in multiple variables in a single line.

Addition assignment operator

The addition assignment operator += is used to add the value of the right operand to the value of the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

On the basis of the data type of variable, the addition assignment operator may add or concatenate the variables.

Subtraction assignment operator

The subtraction assignment operator -= subtracts the value of the right operand from the value of the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

If the value can not be subtracted then it results in a NaN .

Multiplication assignment operator

The multiplication assignment operator *= assigns the result to the left operand after multiplying values of the left and right operand.

Division assignment operator

The division assignment operator /= divides the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

Remainder assignment operator

The remainder assignment operator %= assigns the remainder to the left operand after dividing the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand.

Exponentiation assignment operator

The exponential assignment operator **= assigns the result of exponentiation to the left operand after exponentiating the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand.

Left shift assignment

The left shift assignment operator <<= assigns the result of the left shift to the left operand after shifting the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand.

Right shift assignment

The right shift assignment operator >>= assigns the result of the right shift to the left operand after shifting the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand.

Unsigned right shift assignment

The unsigned right shift assignment operator >>>= assigns the result of the unsigned right shift to the left operand after shifting the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand.

Bitwise AND assignment

The bitwise AND assignment operator &= assigns the result of bitwise AND to the left operand after ANDing the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand.

Bitwise OR assignment

The bitwise OR assignment operator |= assigns the result of bitwise OR to the left operand after ORing the value of left operand by the value of the right operand.

Bitwise XOR assignment

The bitwise XOR assignment operator ^= assigns the result of bitwise XOR to the left operand after XORing the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand.

Logical AND assignment

The logical AND assignment operator &&= assigns value to left operand only when it is truthy .

Note : A truthy value is a value that is considered true when encountered in a boolean context.

Logical OR assignment

The logical OR assignment operator ||= assigns value to left operand only when it is falsy .

Note : A falsy value is a value that is considered false when encountered in a boolean context.

Logical nullish assignment

The logical nullish assignment operator ??= assigns value to left operand only when it is nullish ( null or undefined ).

JS Tutorial

Js versions, js functions, js html dom, js browser bom, js web apis, js vs jquery, js graphics, js examples, js references, javascript assignment, javascript assignment operators.

Assignment operators assign values to JavaScript variables.

Shift Assignment Operators

Bitwise assignment operators, logical assignment operators, the = operator.

The Simple Assignment Operator assigns a value to a variable.

Simple Assignment Examples

The += operator.

The Addition Assignment Operator adds a value to a variable.

Addition Assignment Examples

The -= operator.

The Subtraction Assignment Operator subtracts a value from a variable.

Subtraction Assignment Example

The *= operator.

The Multiplication Assignment Operator multiplies a variable.

Multiplication Assignment Example

The **= operator.

The Exponentiation Assignment Operator raises a variable to the power of the operand.

Exponentiation Assignment Example

The /= operator.

The Division Assignment Operator divides a variable.

Division Assignment Example

The %= operator.

The Remainder Assignment Operator assigns a remainder to a variable.

Remainder Assignment Example


The <<= Operator

The Left Shift Assignment Operator left shifts a variable.

Left Shift Assignment Example

The >>= operator.

The Right Shift Assignment Operator right shifts a variable (signed).

Right Shift Assignment Example

The >>>= operator.

The Unsigned Right Shift Assignment Operator right shifts a variable (unsigned).

Unsigned Right Shift Assignment Example

The &= operator.

The Bitwise AND Assignment Operator does a bitwise AND operation on two operands and assigns the result to the the variable.

Bitwise AND Assignment Example

The |= operator.

The Bitwise OR Assignment Operator does a bitwise OR operation on two operands and assigns the result to the variable.

Bitwise OR Assignment Example

The ^= operator.

The Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator does a bitwise XOR operation on two operands and assigns the result to the variable.

Bitwise XOR Assignment Example

The &&= operator.

The Logical AND assignment operator is used between two values.

If the first value is true, the second value is assigned.

Logical AND Assignment Example

The &&= operator is an ES2020 feature .

The ||= Operator

The Logical OR assignment operator is used between two values.

If the first value is false, the second value is assigned.

Logical OR Assignment Example

The ||= operator is an ES2020 feature .

The ??= Operator

The Nullish coalescing assignment operator is used between two values.

If the first value is undefined or null, the second value is assigned.

Nullish Coalescing Assignment Example

The ??= operator is an ES2020 feature .

Test Yourself With Exercises

Use the correct assignment operator that will result in x being 15 (same as x = x + y ).

Start the Exercise

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Through our educational and interesting blog section, you can stay up to date on the newest JavaScript assignment insights, tips, and ideas. Our experienced team constantly produces articles on a variety of topics to help you improve your understanding of JavaScript programming and excel in your assignments. Explore our blog posts for helpful tools and advice

JavaScript has become a popular programming language, allowing developers to create dynamic and interactive web pages. However, learning JavaScript can be difficult, especially when it comes to completing assignments and projects. Fortunately, students may now get JavaScript assignment help from cer...

JavaScript is a versatile and extensively used programming language that allows for the creation of dynamic and interactive online applications. As a JavaScript student or developer, you will almost certainly be given multiple tasks and projects that will put your knowledge and talents to the test. ...

JavaScript is a sophisticated computer language that allows website developers to add interactive and dynamic features. It is not uncommon to find issues or errors in your code while working on a JavaScript assignment. Debugging is the process of finding and correcting these problems, ensuring that ...

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Joseph is an experienced JavaScript assignment writer with over 8 years of expertise. He specializes in writing clean, efficient code that satisfies the demands of even the most difficult jobs. With a passion for programming and a commitment to delivering high-quality work, Joseph has assisted countless students in completing their JavaScript assignments successfully.

JavaScript Assignment Tutor

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Joyce is a talented JavaScript assignment doer with a knack for problem-solving. She has vast experience creating, debugging, and testing JavaScript code and is capable of handling a wide range of programming duties. Joyce has become a trusted expert in the subject of JavaScript assignment help due to her attention to detail and commitment to perfection.

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Everett is a well-known JavaScript assignment expert who enjoys teaching and coaching. He is an expert in JavaScript programming and has produced multiple research papers in the field. Everett is a good pick for anyone looking for JavaScript assignment help due to his extensive understanding of programming principles and passion for helping students achieve.

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  23. Assignment Help Blog

    Posted on 31 October 2021. Filed under Homework Help. There are three certainties in this world: Death, Taxes and Homework Assignments. No matter where you study, and no matter which level you are studying at, there will be, at some point in your academic career, homework assignments that need to be done.