Home Free PowerPoint Templates Free Go No Go Slide Template for PowerPoint

Free Go No Go Slide Template for PowerPoint

Download free go no go slide template for powerpoint & google slides.

Editable Go No Go Presentation Slide Template for PPT

The Free Go No Go Slide Template for PowerPoint provides engaging slides for your go no go meetings. The slides of this professional PowerPoint template free download are made engaging through creative visuals and human illustrations. Go no go decision-making technique is applied in project management and business to direct workflow. In other words, it is a strategy to select the tasks to continue with or to stop executing them based on the goals and plans. For instance, the project managers might have planned to complete a particular task, but due to financial loss, they may alternately channel their operations. So, go-no-go decision-making is crucial for identifying such turning points. This Go No Go decision slide template is a free PPT template to prepare strategy and decision presentations.

Our Free Go No Go Slide Template for PowerPoint carries two editable slides, each provided in two background color variations (black & white). The first slide carries a human character visual standing with a traffic signal. This traffic light signal is a metaphor to represent the concept of the go-no-go technique. The lights and color effects are used to make this diagram real and interactive. Presenters can add the presentation title and other heading details on this slide. The following slide has a two-column layout to display supporting points for go and no go directions. The slide shows two traffic signal metaphors; one with a green light and the other with a red. With both lights, editable text boxes are provided to mention relevant points. 

In addition to business and project management, educationists and consultants can use this Free Go No Go PowerPoint template to discuss their propositions with clients helping them easily make decisions. All components on both slides are 100% editable and are compatible with all PowerPoint versions, Google Slides, and Keynote. Download and try this free PPT presentation template now!

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Home » Agile Development » Making Informed Decisions with a Go/No-Go Checklist for Agile Projects: A Scoring Approach

Making Informed Decisions with a Go/No-Go Checklist for Agile Projects: A Scoring Approach

  • Posted on March 27, 2023
  • / Under Agile Development , Project Management

Agile methodologies have gained significant popularity in recent years due to their ability to deliver products quickly and adapt to changing requirements. However, not all projects are feasible, and it’s crucial to make informed decisions about whether to proceed with a project or not. The Go/No-Go Checklist combined with a weighted scoring approach can provide a framework for evaluating the feasibility of an Agile project. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of a Go/No-Go Checklist and how a weighted scoring approach can help in making informed decisions.

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The Project Go/No-Go Checklist

Best Practice | By James W.J. Hutt | Read time minutes

A cartoon figure pointing at a checklist with a red pencil

Many projects have failed at the last hurdle due to poor implementation planning or inadequate analysis immediately prior to go-live. It is the project manager's responsibility to ensure that the implementation has been planned out and communicated to stakeholders, and that sufficient due diligence is undertaken before the project proceeds. This second point is often overlooked. Many project managers put together some form of implementation or cutover plan yet fail to carry out the necessary rigorous analysis to determine whether they should proceed. This article focuses on this analysis - what is termed the 'go-live decision'.

The decision to go-live or not should not be taken lightly; it is without doubt one of the most important decisions in the project lifecycle and getting it wrong can jeopardise the success of the entire project.

Going-live without everything in place may result in:

  • Unresolved defects
  • Inadequate testing
  • Insufficient training
  • Business processes not understood
  • Procedures not written
  • Stakeholders missed
  • Lack of communications
  • Data migration failure
  • Interfaces not working
  • System administration and support not in place
  • Business areas not ready for the changes
  • No contingencies in place
  • Workflows and exceptions not mapped out
  • No backups and disaster recovery in place
  • Inadequate system security
  • Unclear responsibilities, accountabilities and ownership
  • Inadequate implementation strategy

And ultimately…

  • System/application failure
  • Impact to the business/organisation
  • Project failure

Whilst the project manager is always under pressure to deliver within schedule, sometimes it is prudent for them to step back and delay go-live rather than risk the consequences of steaming ahead.

What due diligence needs to be done?

Ideally the project should secure an independent resource to perform the readiness assessment. If the analysis is undertaken by the project manager, or people closely associated with the project, there is a risk of bias or influence from the pressure to implement on time. Using an independent resource provides a level of impartiality and therefore credibility to the decision making process. It is also useful to get an outsider's perspective, especially if it's from someone with years of project experience and knowledge. Well funded projects often employ outside consultants to perform audits and health checks throughout the project lifecycle, including the go-live readiness assessments.

Unfortunately not all projects have the means or desire to employ consultants, and therefore need to utilise internal staff. In this case it's best to use a resource with prior project experience (e.g. another project manager), but with no vested interest in the outcome of the project. This improves the chances of an objective outcome and recommendations. Remember, it is in the project manager's interests to get an honest assessment of where the project is really at, as any major deficiencies must be either addressed or mitigated against before go-live. If the outcome of the assessment is pre-determined or intentionally slanted, there is little point in doing the assessment!

If it's not possible to secure an independent internal resource to carry out the readiness assessment, the project manager can do it themselves. However they need to make sure that they give an honest account of the situation, ask searching questions of people and don't hide issues. These assessments should never be conducted without extensive consultation, as it's vital to speak to as many project people as possible to find out the true state of play. Some people may hide issues or only tell you the positives. It's important to get the 'warts and all' view, as any major issues and roadblocks must be uncovered and addressed before a decision is made.

Go/No-Go Checklist

What should the assessment cover? Rather than starting from scratch, it's easier to use a Go/No-Go checklist. This provides a starting place, based upon common best practice, and ensures that you won't miss any key areas in your review. Use what's in the checklist to prompt other questions and checks that may be relevant to the project.

The project does not have to tick all of the boxes to proceed, and there is no required score or pass/fail mark. However, if there are several glaring gaps the decision becomes fairly obvious. The checklist helps to identify serious gaps and deficiencies to be addressed before go-live. It may also provide support for further funds or resources if a particular area needs addressing. The checklist should support the decision making process, rather than form the basis of a decision. Whoever makes the decision (normally a steering committee) must also consider the bigger picture and include other factors such as external pressures, urgency to proceed, appetite for risk, consequences of delays, etc.

If significant gaps are identified, it is usually far better for all concerned to delay implementation until these gaps have been addressed/mitigated. The implications and costs of a failed or troublesome go-live are often far worse than a minor delay in the schedule. The only exception to this is if there is a non-negotiable implementation date (e.g. a response to legislation changes that have to be in by a certain date). In this case the gaps on the checklist should be prioritised and addressed in order of importance and ability to resolve. In this case by going-live the steering committee would essentially be accepting the risks identified in the assessment, on the basis that meeting the implementation date is more important than mitigating the risks and having a smooth go-live.


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Go/No-Go Decision Making And How To Use It In Business

In general, terms, go/no-go decision making is a process of passing or failing a proposition. Each proposition is assessed according to criteria that determine whether a project advances to the next stage. The outcome of the go/no-go decision making is to assess whether to go or not to go with a project, or perhaps proceed with caveats.

Table of Contents

Understanding go/no-go decision making

Go/no-go decision making is traditionally associated with the NASA space program. After months or sometimes years of project advancement, the final decision on whether to launch a spaceship comes down to a simple yes or no decision.

In business, this form of decision making allows businesses to identify projects with a high probability of success. This is achieved by considering the project life cycle, where decisions attached to incremental stages determine whether a project continues.

However, go/no-go decision making is effective in any scenario that requires a formal check. This makes the process well suited to product and human resource management. It is important in navigating many corporate constraints relating to rules, regulations, policies, or acceptances of terms.

Although the name suggests a binary means of decision making, many interpretations incorporate three answers:

  • Go – a project aspect can proceed.
  • No-go – a project aspect cannot proceed. Reasons for a no-go determination should be recorded for future reference and deliberation.
  • Go with caveats – a project aspect can proceed if certain caveats are reconciled within a set period of time.

A simple go/no-go decision-making process

With project team members in place, a business should first define project aspects to be evaluated. Then, each must be evaluated based on certain criteria and as objectively as possible.

To assist in objectivity, many project teams use a numbered scale for each of the three possible answers. For example, a “go” answer scores 10 points while a “no-go” scores zero. In the middle, “go-with-caveat” answers score anywhere from 1 to 9.

With a list of criteria for each project aspect identified and weighted:

  • Assess the overall rating of each and compare the ratings given amongst each member of the team. If all criteria ratings for a project aspect match, then proceed with “go”. If all ratings  could  be matched subject to further discussion or conditions, choose “go with caveats”. If none are matched, do not proceed.
  • When a decision is made to proceed, the group should determine the necessary actions to make each a reality. Who will perform the action and when will it be performed? 

Using a go/no-go decision-making matrix

Many tools exist to help teams think through a decision, but a decision-making matrix is perhaps best suited to the go/no-go analysis . 

Criteria (or project factors) identified in the previous section can be listed in the left-hand column of the matrix, with the rows across the top labeled as:

  • Go (positive).
  • No-Go (negative).
  • Options (neutral), and

Members of the team then complete the matrix to the best of their ability and may have to perform additional research on some factors.

Decision matrix example

Now, let’s imagine that a company is considering whether to introduce a new product to the market. The team first assembles the key stakeholders and then lists the following ten factors in the matrix:

  • Is it easy to target potential customers?
  • Does the product differ from others in the market?
  • Is the potential product packaging effective in terms of logistics requirements and customer attractiveness?
  • Are there sufficient funds to develop product prototypes and models?
  • Is the manufacturer of the product willing or able to cover some start-up costs?
  • Is the market size sufficiently large?
  • Does the product deliver the benefits customers want?
  • Do customers understand what benefits they can derive?
  • Does the potential value of the product exceed the manufacturing cost by at least a factor of five?
  • Can product support costs be covered?

For example, for question number two about whether the product differs from others in the market, the team may fill in the matrix in this way:

  • Go – the product offers two new features that no competitors offer.
  • No-Go – the product is not particularly innovative and can easily be replicated by another company.
  • Options – make the product more innovative or ensure the additional features are driven by the customer and not by the development team.

Note that the project factor is typically scored on a scale of 1-5, with higher scores denoting “Go” decisions and lower scores for “No-go” decisions. The team then sums the scores for each project factor and uses a scale of its choice to determine whether to proceed.

Go/no-go decision making best practices

To get the most out of go/no-go decision making, consider these tips:

  • Do not lose sight of the bigger picture. Go/no-go decision making is only effective if a business has a clear vision . Without it, a business will have no understanding of whether its actions align with its goals. In other words, no understanding of when to choose “no-go” and end a project.
  • Trust the process. Go/no-go decision making can be prone to bias or manipulation from individuals with vested interests. Others may believe that every project requires a customized approach, but this is simply untrue. Go/no-go decision making is suitable for the vast majority of project scenarios.
  • Become less reliant on numbers. Data is an important measure of success, but decision making involves people with emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Ideally, staff should feel passionate enough about the project to see it through to completion. In other words, “no-go” decisions owing to lack of interest or passion should be respected.
  • Encourage a collaborative approach. While managers invariably make the final decision, the third “go with caveats” decision option ensures that project team member perspectives are not dismissed out of hand. This creates an environment where all staff – regardless of rank – feel heard and respected.

When is go/no go decision-making useful?

Note that not every question or decision requires a go/no-go analysis . 

Should the business replace a critically important sales manager after they move across the country to be nearer to family? Should the business proceed with an underfunded project that is outside its area of expertise?

The answers to these questions should be obvious, and it is these types of questions that do not require this analysis to be performed.

With that in mind, here are some of the situations where a go/no-go analysis may be useful:

  • A project involves multiple departments and/or consultation with external stakeholders. In this case, it is important to assess the project’s impact on relationships and resources.
  • A project can be tackled from numerous different directions and a decision to move forward cannot be made until each is explored.
  • The business does not have all the information it needs to make an informed decision. Here, the analysis itself serves as a means of researching and collating the necessary information.
  • Opinion is divided on whether the project should proceed. In other words, there are strong opinions or feelings on both sides of the argument, and
  • The project is associated with significant risks and/or opportunities that require careful and detailed analysis .

Key takeaways

  • Go/no-go decision making allows businesses to separate opportunities into those that will be pursued and those that will not.
  • During go/no-go decision making, three decisions can be made: go, no-go, and go with caveats. Each decision should be arrived at through group consensus without being influenced by vested interests.
  • Go/no-go decision making places less emphasis on performance metrics to guide decisions. Instead, there is more reliance on passionate, engaged staff who are more likely to see meaningful projects through to completion.

Go/No-Go Decision Making Highlights:

  • Definition : Go/No-Go Decision Making is a process of evaluating propositions against predetermined criteria to determine whether a project should proceed, be rejected, or proceed with conditions.
  • Origin : Associated with the NASA space program and widely used in business to identify projects with higher chances of success.
  • Application : Effective for product and human resource management, project stages, and navigating corporate constraints.
  • Go: Project advances.
  • No-Go: Project rejected, reasons documented.
  • Go with Caveats: Project proceeds if specific conditions are met within a set timeframe.
  • Define project aspects.
  • Evaluate each aspect based on criteria using a scoring system.
  • If all criteria ratings match, proceed with “go.” If subject to further discussion, choose “go with caveats.” If none match, do not proceed.
  • Determine necessary actions and responsibilities if decision is to proceed.
  • Decision-Making Matrix : A matrix helps teams analyze factors against “Go,” “No-Go,” and “Options” with corresponding scores.
  • Example : Deciding whether to introduce a new product involves listing factors like market differentiation, funding availability, manufacturing support, etc., and assigning scores based on impact.
  • Align decisions with a clear business vision .
  • Trust the process and avoid unnecessary customization.
  • Balance data-driven decisions with passion and commitment.
  • Foster a collaborative environment where team perspectives are valued.
  • Use Cases : Useful when projects involve multiple departments or stakeholders, when multiple directions are possible, when there’s insufficient information, when opinions are divided, or when risks/opportunities need thorough analysis .
  • Key Takeaway : Go/No-Go Decision Making separates viable opportunities from non-viable ones, encourages collaborative decision-making, values passion and commitment, and is most effective in scenarios where multiple factors influence the decision-making process.

Connected Decision-Making Frameworks



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Cynefin Framework


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Blindspot Analysis


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Paired Comparison Analysis


Hickam’s Dictum


Occam’s Razor


Occam’s Broom


Outcome Bias


Principle-Agent Problem


TDODAR Decision Model


Mendelow Stakeholder Matrix


Go/No-Go Decision Making


Read Next: Biases , Decision-Making , Bounded Rationality .

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The Lightning Decision Jam

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Gennaro Cuofano

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Go No Go PowerPoint Template

Go No Go PowerPoint Template & Google Slides Theme

Product Description:

Go no go presentation template.

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Go No Go Meeting Agenda Template

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When it comes to important business decisions, you can't afford to leave anything up to chance. That's why ClickUp's Go/No Go Meeting Agenda Template is a game-changer for project managers and decision-makers.

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No more wasting time in unproductive meetings or making decisions based on incomplete information. Get the clarity and structure you need to make informed decisions with ClickUp's Go/No Go Meeting Agenda Template.

Benefits of Go No Go Meeting Agenda Template

When it comes to making important project decisions, a "Go/No Go" meeting agenda template can be a game-changer. Here's how it can benefit your team:

  • Streamlining the decision-making process by providing a clear structure and agenda for the meeting
  • Ensuring that all relevant information and data are discussed and evaluated before making a decision
  • Facilitating effective communication and collaboration among team members, stakeholders, and decision-makers
  • Improving transparency and accountability by documenting the meeting discussions and outcomes.

Main Elements of Go No Go Meeting Agenda Template

ClickUp's Go No Go Meeting Agenda template is designed to help you streamline your decision-making process and ensure that you have all the necessary information before making critical decisions.

Key elements of this template include:

  • Document Template: Use the Doc template format to create a structured agenda that outlines the purpose, objectives, and key discussion points of your Go No Go meeting.
  • Custom Statuses: Set up custom statuses to track the progress of each agenda item, such as "Pending Review," "In Discussion," "Approved," or "Rejected."
  • Custom Fields: Utilize custom fields to capture important information related to each agenda item, such as decision criteria, stakeholders, risks, or action items.
  • Different Views: Access different views to visualize and interact with your meeting agenda. For example, use the Table view to see a comprehensive overview of all agenda items, or switch to the Board view to manage the status of each item through a drag-and-drop interface.

With ClickUp's Go No Go Meeting Agenda template, you can effectively plan and conduct your meetings, ensuring that every decision is well-informed and aligned with your organization's goals.

How to Use Meeting Agenda for Go No Go Meeting

When it comes to making important decisions, a Go No Go meeting can help ensure that you have all the information you need to move forward or halt a project. To effectively use the Go No Go Meeting Agenda Template in ClickUp, follow these steps:

1. Define the purpose of the meeting

Before the meeting, clearly define the purpose and objective of the decision you need to make. Are you deciding whether to launch a new product, proceed with a marketing campaign, or invest in a new project? This will help set the context for the meeting and guide the discussion.

Use the Goals feature in ClickUp to set the objective for the meeting and keep everyone focused.

2. Identify the decision criteria

Determine the specific criteria that will be used to evaluate whether to proceed or not. These criteria should be measurable and aligned with your overall goals and objectives. It could include factors such as market research, financial projections, resource availability, or risk assessment.

Create custom fields in ClickUp to list and track the decision criteria for easy reference during the meeting.

3. Collect and analyze relevant information

Gather all the necessary information and data that will help inform the decision-making process. This could include market research reports, financial statements, project timelines, feedback from stakeholders, or any other relevant data. Analyze the information and identify any gaps or areas of concern.

Use the Docs feature in ClickUp to store and collaborate on all the relevant documents and data needed for the meeting.

4. Conduct the meeting and make a decision

During the Go No Go meeting, present the decision criteria and discuss the collected information. Evaluate each criterion and have a structured discussion with the stakeholders. Based on the discussion and analysis, make a clear decision whether to proceed with the project or not. Document the decision and any action items that need to be taken.

Use the Automations feature in ClickUp to automate the creation of meeting agendas and capture meeting minutes for easy reference and follow-up.

By following these steps and using the Go No Go Meeting Agenda Template in ClickUp, you can ensure that your decision-making process is thorough, well-informed, and aligned with your goals and objectives.

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Get Started with ClickUp’s Go No Go Meeting Agenda Template

Project managers and decision-makers can use the Go No Go Meeting Agenda Template to streamline their decision-making process.

First, hit “Add Template” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to conduct effective Go/No Go meetings:

  • Use the Agenda View to outline the topics and objectives of the meeting
  • The Decision View will help you evaluate the pros and cons of the project and make an informed decision
  • Use the Action Items View to assign tasks and follow up on action items after the meeting
  • The Notes View will allow you to take and share meeting notes with all participants
  • Organize agenda items into different statuses to keep track of progress
  • Update statuses as you discuss and evaluate each agenda item
  • Monitor and analyze meeting outcomes to ensure effective decision-making.

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Go/No-Go Decision Template for RFPs

Assess customer fit at the very beginning of a project’s life cycle with this helpful project management tool. Try the go/no-go decision template today and prioritize incoming RFPs with confidence.

RFP go/no-go decision template

Proactively Respond to the Right RFPs at the Start of Your Project Lifecycle

This essential go/no-go decision template uses best practices from project managers and insights from proposal professionals to help you select which RFPs advance to the next stage. Ensure your team makes informed go decisions by using this scoring system to rank the different project aspects like:

Client Relationship

Project insight, team availability, download go/no-go rfp template, faqs about go/no-go decisions, what is a go/no-go checklist.

A go/no-go checklist is a decision-making tool that helps response management professionals determine which RFPs are worth responding to (go decisions ✅) and which are not worth responding to (no-go decisions ⛔).   This checklist/template examines different factors to help your team make the right go or no-go decision in the RFP evaluation process . For example, it will help you answer important questions like:  

  • Can you win it? Is the language in the RFP neutral, or does it reference competitor features?
  • Can you do it? Review your internal capacity. Does the core response team have the bandwidth to take on new projects?
  • Do you want it? Think about the fit between this opportunity and your long-term business goals. Are you aware of obstacles?

  Having the answers to these essential questions helps your team make informed decisions on whether or not to proceed with an RFP response.

What is an example of a go/no-go?

An example of a go/no-go process is when an organization receives a request, examines different criteria, and finally decides whether to respond to the request (go) or not respond to the request (no-go).   Here’s an example of go/no-go in action:   Granny Smith runs a small fruit business and receives a request from a large grocery chain. She skims the proposal, and some key details stand out to her:   🔥 Competition is fierce: the request specifically mentions McIntosh apples, a variety that only her competitor grows. 🧑‍🌾 Resources are sparse: the farmers she works with are slammed with orders, and Granny herself is busy selling her products at farmers’ markets. 😣 No project insight: Granny did not anticipate this request and has limited information about the scope and details.   After examining the factors above (and more) , Granny Smith decides to focus on her existing business, so she does not respond to the RFP. This organized go/no-go process helps Granny proactively reach a decision while saving her valuable time—a win-win.

What is the meaning of go/no-go decision?

It’s the choice a company makes after receiving an RFP. But, if we break down the term go/no-go decision, there are actually two separate meanings.   🟢 Go decision: when a proposal team scores the various factors of an RFP and rules that the opportunities in the request are worth pursuing (e.g. your company has had success with similar clients) .   🔴 No go decision: when a proposal team scores the various factors of an RFP and can identify several obstacles associated with the request (e.g. the core proposal team has minimal bandwidth) . As a result, your company does not pursue the RFP.

Should I use a go decision powerpoint template?

It depends—you can use a powerpoint template or an RFP evaluation matrix like the one provided here . Whatever format you select, your team should implement a go/no-go system to save valuable time and resources.

What is the importance of setting a go/no-go position?

Outside of the immense time savings mentioned above, there are many other important reasons to set a go/no-position and implement a scoring system:  

  • Tools, like go decision templates, help encourage a proactive response to RFPs to avoid any last-minute scrambling.
  • A standard scoring system eliminates bias/personal opinion when weighing the pros and cons of an incoming RFP.
  • These templates help set a company-wide example to thoughtfully consider workload and team capacity before taking on big projects.

Related Resources

  • Why Salesforce Trusts Loopio to Power Their RFP Program Learn More
  • 2024 RFP Trends: From AI Optimism to Economic Uncertainty Learn More
  • 2024 RFP Response Trends & Benchmarks Report Learn More

See Loopio’s RFP Software in Action

Go, No-Go Traffic Lights for PowerPoint

Free Go, No-Go Traffic Lights for PowerPoint

2 options , Analogy , Bad , Comparison , Good , Green Light , Ideas , Infographics , Opposite , Red Light , Road sign , Traffic Lights

Free Go, No-Go traffic lights for PowerPoint. Design illustration of two (2) vertical traffic signals, with the red light on for the left one, and the green light on the other one (right). Editable graphics with text and icon placeholders.

Go, No-Go Traffic Lights

Icons are used in place of the lights.

Use this infographic in your presentation to compare 2 different ideas or concepts (for example).

Also, great graphics to oppose 2 ideas , concepts or results, like “best/winning vs. another concept”, “good vs. bad”, “positive vs. negative”, etc.

Shapes are 100% editable : colors and sizes can be easily changed.

Includes 2 slide option designs: Standard (4:3) and Widescreen (16:9).

Widescreen (16:9) size preview:

Free Go, No-Go Traffic Lights Comparison for PowerPoint

This ‘Go, No-Go Traffic Lights for PowerPoint’ features:

  • 2 unique slides
  • Light and Dark layout
  • Ready to use template with text and icon placeholders
  • Completely editable shapes
  • Uses a selection of editable PowerPoint icons
  • Standard (4:3) and Widescreen (16:9) aspect ratios
  • PPTX file (PowerPoint)

Free fonts used:

  • Helvetica (System Font)
  • Calibri (System Font)

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Free Traffic Lights Comparison for PowerPoint

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Free Google Slides Business Model Canvas Templates

By Courtney Patterson | May 8, 2024

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These customizable Google Slides business model canvas templates are tailored for entrepreneurs, startup enthusiasts, and strategic planners. Download any template to help you develop and refine your business model, establishing a solid base for growth and innovation. This collection includes a  Lean business model canvas template , a  social enterprise business model canvas template , a  tech startup business model canvas template , and more.

Google Slides Simple Business Model Canvas Template

Simple Business Model Canvas Template

Download the Simple Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides 

When to Use This Template:  Use this streamlined business model canvas template during dynamic strategy meetings or brainstorming sessions. It's particularly useful for entrepreneurs, startups, and educators looking for a fast way to kick-start planning, facilitate workshops, or clarify ongoing business strategies. 

Notable Template Features:  This template efficiently outlines key aspects of a business model, such as value propositions, target customer segments, and critical operations. The user-friendly layout ensures swift updates and engaging team discussions, making it an essential resource for visualizing and refining strategic plans. 

Access this complimentary collection of  free business model canvas templates to effectively visualize your business's fundamental elements. 

Google Slides Lean Business Model Canvas Template

Lean Business Model Canvas Template

Download the Sample Lean Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides 

Download the Blank Lean Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides

When to Use This Template:  Ideal for high-velocity environments, this Lean business model canvas template with or without sample data allows forward-thinking innovators to expedite the testing and validation of their business concepts. It focuses on refining the pivotal aspects of a business strategy to adjust based on real-time market responses. 

Notable Template Features:  This template highlights critical Lean startup principles, including the alignment of solutions with customer problems, compelling value propositions, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Its interactive and flexible design makes it a vital resource for teams striving for continual progress. Download the sample version for a pre-filled template, or try the blank version to fill in the sections with your own data.

Google Slides Business Capability Model Template

Business Capability Model Template

Download the Business Capability Model Template for Google Slides  

When to Use This Template:  Use this template to streamline your strategic planning. It is designed to help organizations assess and outline their core business functions and capabilities so that they can synchronize business strategies with operational strengths and identify areas for investment. 

Notable Template Features:  Across multiple dynamic slides, this template facilitates a thorough analysis of business capabilities, from day-to-day operations to customer interaction tactics. Its organized layout allows for a methodical review of your company's strengths, weaknesses, and growth opportunities, improving communication and strategic alignment across teams and sectors. 

Google Slides Social Enterprise Business Model Canvas Template

Social Enterprise Canvas Template

Download the Social Enterprise Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides

When to Use This Template:  This Google Slides template is ideal for social enterprises and mission-driven organizations that need to strategize how to balance social impact with financial viability. Use this template in brainstorming sessions or strategic planning meetings to navigate the challenges of creating social value and financial stability. 

Notable Template Features:  This template emphasizes integrating social objectives with core business functions. It includes dedicated sections for outlining social missions, evaluating impact, and building community relationships. Its comprehensive design enables you to map out both the social and economic facets of your business. 

Google Slides Customer-Focused Business Model Canvas Template

Customer Focused Canvas Template Example

Download the Sample Customer-Focused Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides  

Download the Blank Customer-Focused Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides  

When to Use This Template:  Use this customer-focused template with or without sample data when you're fine-tuning or developing a business strategy with a strong emphasis on customer insights. The template is particularly effective at turning customer needs into unique market positions and customized experiences.

Notable Template Features:  Specially crafted to highlight the role of customer perspectives in strategic planning, this template features dedicated areas for detailing customer journeys, preferences, and the feedback process. It offers a comprehensive examination of how your business model caters to customer demands, prioritizing customer satisfaction and active engagement in every strategic move.

Google Slides E-Commerce Business Model Canvas Template

E-Commerce Business Model Canvas Template

Download the E-Commerce Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides  

When to Use This Template:  Try this e-commerce template when you need to elevate your presence in the digital retail space. Ideal for strategizing the launch of a new online store or refining the operations of an existing one, this template facilitates a detailed examination and improvement of an online shopping journey, from the first interaction to follow-up after sales. 

Notable Template Features:  Tailor-made for the nuances of e-commerce, this template provides a guide for strategizing around online consumer behaviors, digital marketing tactics, and logistical operations. It covers crucial strategic e-commerce activities, such as enhancing the customer experience, streamlining payment systems, and ensuring effective customer support. 

Google Slides Tech Startup Business Model Canvas Template

Tech Startup Model Canvas Template

Download the Tech Startup Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides

When to Use This Template:  Use this tech startup template during critical phases of brainstorming and entering the market or as you adjust your tech enterprise to meet the changing needs of the industry. It's designed to help you better understand the relationship between your technological innovations and market requirements.

Notable Template Features:  Adapted for the unique challenges and opportunities of the tech sector, this template emphasizes research and development, intellectual property management, and strategies for gaining users. It offers a comprehensive layout for mapping out how your tech solutions align with market expectations, with a focus on ensuring scalability, security measures, and innovation.

Related Templates

Explore these complimentary Google Slides templates rooted in business model canvas methodologies. Tailored to boost your strategic business planning, these resources emphasize strategic planning, market analysis, value proposition clarification, and customer journey mapping. 

Free SWOT Analysis Templates for Google Slides

Basic SWOT Matrix Template

Make use of these  free SWOT analysis templates for Google Slides to better understand your organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, allowing for new strategic initiatives and insightful decision-making. 

Free Google Slides Project Management Templates

Simple Project Plan Example Template Google Slides

These  free Google Slides project management templates offer users an intuitive way to organize, track, and present project details, timelines, and milestones, enhancing project visibility and team collaboration. 

Free Brand Presentation Templates

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See this collection of  free brand presentation templates for resources to help you seamlessly integrate and showcase your brand's identity in your business model canvas, enhancing how you communicate your value proposition and market positioning. 

Free Marketing Report Templates

Monthly Marketing Report Presentation Template

Take a look at these  free marketing report templates for help analyzing and presenting your marketing efforts and ensuring that they align with the strategies outlined in your business model canvas. 

Free Change Management Strategy Templates

Change Management Strategy Presentation Example Template

Check out these  free change management strategy templates to help you effectively plan and execute organizational changes, ensuring they align with your strategic objectives. 

Free Go-to-Market Strategy Templates

Go-To-Market Strategy Presentation Template

Explore these  free go-to-market strategy templates when you need a targeted strategic approach for launching a product or service. 

Free Project Timeline Templates

3 Month Project Timeline Template

Dive into these  free project timeline templates to help you map out the key milestones and timelines for your strategic initiatives, aligning them with the broader goals outlined in your business model canvas. 

Free Annual Plan Templates and Yearly Planning Templates

Annual Plan Slide Template

Discover these  free annual plan templates and yearly planning templates to assist you in setting annual goals and strategies that are in harmony with your long-term objectives. 

Free Google Timeline Templates

Simple Timeline Template

Check out these  free Google timeline templates to help you effectively visualize and plan the chronological development and execution of the strategies outlined in your business model canvas. 

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Legal experts say a TikTok ban without specific evidence violates the First Amendment

Bobby Allyn

Bobby Allyn

project go no go presentation template

TikTok sued the Biden administration in response to a new law that bans the video app in the U.S. unless it is sold in the next 12 months. Michael Dwyer/AP hide caption

TikTok sued the Biden administration in response to a new law that bans the video app in the U.S. unless it is sold in the next 12 months.

Forcing TikTok to shut down its American operations over unspecified national security concerns would represent a violation of the First Amendment, according to six legal scholars surveyed by NPR.

TikTok last week filed a legal challenge against the Biden administration over a law that would ban the video app unless it fully divests from its China-based parent company, ByteDance, within 12 months.

Lawmakers and the White House have justified the crackdown on TikTok by claiming the app's link to Beijing makes it a national security threat. But supporters of a ban have not offered direct evidence of the Chinese government ever attempting to obtain data from the company, nor any proof that authorities there have ever influenced content on the platform used by 170 million Americans.

NPR reached out to a host of legal scholars who specialize in constitutional law, and the half-dozen who responded all said the U.S. government forcing the closure of TikTok on vague national security grounds would most likely infringe on TikTokkers First Amendment rights.

Evelyn Douek, a professor at Stanford Law School who focuses on online speech, said First Amendment legal precedents make clear that the government cannot shut down speech based on a hypothetical or potential threat to national security.

"The First Amendment places the burden on the government to demonstrate that the harms are real and that their response will actually mitigate those harms," Douek said. "To date, the government has not met this bar in the public domain, at least with respect to TikTok."

A Justice Department spokesperson said the agency looks forward to defending the law in court.

"This legislation addresses critical national security concerns in a manner that is consistent with the First Amendment and other constitutional limitations," the Justice spokesperson said.

TikTok's 'Project Texas' could be a major issue

Legal experts said that in addition to proving that TikTok is a security risk, U.S. officials will have to prove in court that its ban was the least restrictive way of dealing with the threat.

Most experts agree that a ban on TikTok will be examined under what is known as "strict scrutiny," meaning speech can only be curtailed if there is a compelling government reason and the solution is as narrow as possible.

Banning an entire social media platform, many have pointed out, looks like the opposite of a narrow solution.

"I find this especially implausible in light of TikTok's own good faith effort — Project Texas — to address the government's stated fears," said Ryan Calo, a professor in the University of Washington's School of Law.

Calo is referring to a plan TikTok says it has spent $2 billion on that would, with the help of Austin-based tech company Oracle, create a firewall between U.S. user data and the app's Beijing-based parent company.

TikTok officials go on a public charm offensive amid a stalemate in Biden White House

TikTok officials go on a public charm offensive amid a stalemate in Biden White House

TikTok officials presented Project Texas to national security officials in Washington but the plan failed to assuage critics, as it did not include a complete severing of TikTok from ByteDance.

While TikTok did make sweeping promises that Project Texas would sequester Americans' data from the company's Chinese headquarters, reports have indicated that data still flows between TikTok's U.S. personnel and those in China. On top of that, ByteDance still controls TikTok's "secret-sauce" algorithm, and ByteDance staff in China routinely work with the software updates that determine what millions see on the app every day.

For five years TikTok has been in talks with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S., a panel led by the Treasury Department that reviews foreign investment for national security concerns. In its lawsuit, lawyers for TikTok say its proposed plan included giving the U.S. a "shut-down option" it could use if TikTok did not meet its data security standards.

The government will have to show how exactly Project Texas was an inadequate solution, said the University of Washington's Calo.

Douglas Laycock, a constitutional law expert at the University of Virginia, said the government will likely try to make the case that this is a "content neutral" regulation of a business owned by a foreign adversary that poses a national security threat to the U.S., not a case about censoring speech.

While the government will try to make the legal case about security issues rather than free speech, it will be difficult to avoid the constitutional implications, experts said.

"The First Amendment protects our ability to speak, to associate freely, and to receive information, both from others here in the United States and from people overseas," said Patrick Toomey with the ACLU's National Security Project. "TikTok is host to an enormous global community that the app's creators and users in the United States could not readily reach and engage with elsewhere online."

Is divesting from ByteDance actually workable?

In its suit, TikTok said divesting from ByteDance is "not commercially, not technologically, not legally" possible.

One thing that would bolster the government case, Laycock said, is "a showing that the sale of TikTok, with its algorithm, is entirely workable," he said, "and that any obstacles to a sale are just ByteDance deliberately refusing to comply and sabotaging the law."

It's not just the company's resistance, though. Regulations in China would complicate, or even completely obstruct, a TikTok sale.

Any purchase of TikTok's U.S. offices would require the approval of the Chinese government, which opposes a forced sale. ByteDance has said it is not interested in potential TikTok bidders.

And then there are questions about what would even be purchased, since export-control laws in China would prevent TikTok's algorithm from being sold, meaning someone would be buying one of the world's most popular apps without the technology that propelled its popularity.

Classified briefing looms large

When former President Donald Trump tried to shut down TikTok through an executive order, federal judges blocked it over, in part, a lack of evidence that the app posed a security risk to to the nation. In Montana, a federal judge prevented a statewide ban from taking effect after declaring that the effort included a "pervasive undertone of anti-Chinese sentiment."

Before Congress added the ban to a foreign aid bill, lawmakers received a classified briefing about TikTok. Exactly what lawmakers heard has not been revealed publicly, but it was enough to coalesce overwhelming bipartisan support for forcing TikTok to divest from ByteDance or face a nationwide shutdown.

"My reaction to this briefing is that TikTok is a gun aimed at Americans' heads," Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., told reporters after the session, adding, "The Chinese Communists are weaponizing information that they are constantly, surreptitiously collecting from 170 million Americans and potentially aiming that information, using it through algorithms, at the core of American democracy."

Laws in China would compel ByteDance to turn over any requests for Americans' data, but TikTok said it has never been asked for any information from the Chinese Community Party. While ByteDance staff have had access to U.S. user data, there is no public evidence of Chinese government officials attempting to obtain data on U.S. citizens.

Legal experts agree the case could turn on what proof the Department of Justice brings to court, since the public campaign against TikTok has not cited any specific instances of the Chinese government trying to use the app as a cyberweapon.

When asked what is the most important unknown in the case, Jameel Jaffer, who leads the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, said: "The government's purported secret evidence."

Other experts agreed.

"[It will depend on] whether the government can present some sort of exceptional evidence to justify this exceptional measure adopted through an exceptional procedure," Douek of Stanford said. "First Amendment law should not countenance shutting down an entire vibrant speech platform for anything less."

  • free speech
  • First Amendment
  • social media


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