Research Analyst Career Path: Roles, Salaries & Progression

From a broad perspective, the role of research analyst can be used to describe any individual who collects and interprets data, and presents their findings in a clear way to help guide any decisions that need to be made by an organization.

In the finance sector, research analysts are usually involved in creating market reports on assets, securities or other investment opportunities for use either internally, such as by an investment bank, or to provide to external clients. 

A range of titles are used such as investment analyst or perhaps more commonly equity research analyst, depending on the specific company and area of finance they work in. However most analysts are responsible for similar scopes of work, which is to gather data, analyze and present information that forms a foundation for their firm’s strategy and decision making.

Becoming a research analyst will provide professionals with a great deal of career flexibility. As these positions are also in high demand, recruiters are always looking for individuals who possess the talent and drive to ascend to the next level. 

Are you considering a research analyst career path? Here’s everything you need to know to decide if it is right for you.

data analysis stock market

Buy-side versus sell-side analysts

When talking about research analysts, an important distinction needs to be made. Those who take on the role of a research analyst will normally be provided with two possible career paths:

  • Sell-side analysts
  • Buy-side analysts

What are the differences between these two terms? 

Sell-side analysts are primarily concerned with industry-specific stocks and assets, and conduct their research in order to provide targeted investment advice. They can work in tandem with institutional investors, traders and wealth management specialists. This communication takes place via research reports and ratings in regard to the asset(s) in question.

Buy-side analysts are more directly involved with the investments themselves. Often working on the behalf of a company, their main goal is to provide opportunities for capital growth that is in accordance with the aims (and the portfolio) of the firm itself. This research is generally not offered to the public. Opportunities often involve asset classes such as mutual funds, private equity schemes and pensions.

It’s worth bearing in mind that the market for sell-side analysts has slightly dried up in recent years. This is primarily due to an increase in the number of regulations that have been put in place, such as MiFID II. While there are still opportunities available, a growing number of candidates tend to be more focused upon buy-side positions.

computer work settings

What does a research analyst do?

Although the exact responsibilities of a research analyst will vary depending upon the position and the company, some of the core duties are likely to include:

  • Keeping up to date with the latest news and data.
  • Performing quantitative and qualitative analyses in relation to this data, mainly building earnings models and valuations.
  • Monitor market conditions and anticipate the potential short and long term impact it has on an asset under coverage.
  • Communicating and presenting investment ideas with others such as managers, co-workers, and clients.

As an entry level associate or junior analyst, you’ll most likely report to a senior analyst and a typical day will be structured according to priorities set by managers. Hours can sometimes be long, with 12 hour days not unusual, or longer at busy periods such as financial results announcement season.

investment tracking portfolio data statistic

Why become a research analyst?

Those who progress through the ranks as an analyst can enjoy decent salaries, challenging, analytical work where everyday is different. While hours can sometimes be long, particularly for entry level roles, a career as an analyst can be financially rewarding.

In addition to a good compensation, another advantage associated with this career is the sheer level of expertise that an analyst is required to possess. Highly desirable by firms that hope to embrace a competitive edge, this enables experienced analysts to diversify into other similar fields as potential future exit opportunities.

Despite experienced research analysts having a significant amount of knowledge, this field is reasonably easy to get into, at an entry level at least, in comparison to some other financial careers . Therefore it can be a good option for those who are keen to get their career underway right out of university or college and who possess a degree in the right subject.

While the job can be demanding, for those who enjoy using their analytical and numerical skills to identify the best solutions, it can also be extremely satisfying and intellectually stimulating. Analysts can work and specialize in a variety of different industries and asset types and, which makes this career path quite dynamic.

Personality traits which will normally be associated with a good research associate or analyst candidate include:

  • Critical thinking
  • Strong communication skills
  • Logical reasoning
  • An attention to detail
  • A talent for maths and numbers in general

target goal career stepping stone

Research analyst hierarchy and progressing within the role

Assuming that you have decided to explore the role of a research analyst, how will your career progress in accordance with your experience? 

Unlike roles in investment banking which progression times are more ‘standard’, the exact time required to advance between stages in a research analyst career path is rather fluid. In other words, some individuals will ascend faster than others. That said, here are the typical 4 stage progression structure in a research role:

Research associate

Most associates will be accepted into an entry-level position after having graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business, finance or a similar field. These individuals will be directly supervised by a senior or VP analyst; enabling them to further hone their skills while gaining real-world experience. It is not uncommon for new entrants to be shifted between different senior analysts during the first few months.

Once one has gained enough experience, he or she will be granted the title of “Analyst” as opposed to “Associate”. While this might seem like a minor change, analysts can hold a number of additional titles such as vice president of analytics. Additionally, there can be different levels of analysts in research analytics, meaning not everyone who is an analyst is operating at the same level within the hierarchy. 

Analysts will therefore oversee their junior associates while also communicating with their seniors. While they still perform a fair amount of basic tasks, the added responsibility will provide room to further improve existing skill sets.

Senior VP analyst

Senior analysts are heavily involved in the final interpretation of data before it is presented to stakeholders (such as institutional investors or company management). Thus, they represent the “face” of an organization more than an associate or a mid-level analyst. Some additional duties involve taking ownership of the covered sector coverage, build relationships with investor relations teams of covered companies, communicating with clients, and making well-informed recommendations. Due to the technical nature of this position, many senior analysts will seek to obtain a master’s degree.

Research director

This final stage generally represents the top of the food chain within the career of a research analyst. Directors are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of a firm. The duties can vary in accordance with the exact position, but some core roles include:

  • Approving the onboarding of new employees.
  • Monitoring team performance.
  • Meeting with high-level clients and travelling when required.
  • Defining the overall mission statement of an organization.
  • Determining which asset classes/opportunities are in alignment with short- and long-term goals.

Due to the sheer number of responsibilities associated with a research director, up to 7 years of prior managerial experience may be required.

money salaries compensation pay

Research analyst salary

How much can you expect to earn as a research analyst? This will once again be based on experience and the exact role. Let’s compare typical average salaries of those working in financial centres in the UK and the US.

Expected research analyst salaries in London

Expected research analyst salaries in new york.

As this illustrates, research analysts in the US could generally expect to receive higher pay than those in the UK (and indeed the rest of Europe). It’s important to point out that salaries can range quite significantly between firms and location, with larger banks usually paying higher than smaller ones.

rocket start begin

How to become a research analyst

Most research analysts will require a formal university degree in subjects such as economics, business, finance, or accounting in order to join as an entry level associate. That said, obtaining a summer internship whilst still studying can certainly improve your odds to secure a full time role before graduating. 

From there, it’s a matter of performing well, gaining experience and keeping an eye out for opportunities. Research teams can often be smaller than in other financial roles like investment banking , which means opportunities to progress can be more limited. It may therefore be necessary to move between firms to rise up the ranks more quickly.

Those who wish to switch their careers from a different financial role , such as investment banking into equity research could do so given the high transferable skills. However, it may be still necessary to begin at an entry-level position. The primary difference is that those with prior experience will tend to ascend faster through the hierarchy.

What types of skills do recruiters look for when headhunting potential research analysts? While technical knowledge is certainly important, a handful of traits are just as critical, including:

  • A familiarity with financial analysis software and the ability to learn new programs.
  • An understanding of human behaviour and behavioural finance (important when identifying specific trends).
  • Superior levels of reading, writing, communication and data analysis.
  • The ability to maintain focus within individual and group settings.

Above all, analysts should always possess the ability to embrace new skills; the learning curve within this career never truly ends.

graduate graduation ceremony

What qualifications are useful as a research analyst?

The competitive nature of this field dictates that candidates who possess prior qualifications tend to be hired quicker than those with little knowledge other than a university degree. Thankfully, a number of the best finance certifications are available to those either already working as a research analyst, or hoping to do so, and each of these offers its own unique advantages.

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

Those who hold a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) distinction will already possess an advantage over their competitors. As perhaps the gold standard of financial qualifications, a CFA charter demonstrates real-world skills and knowledge that are highly relevant to anyone wanting to begin or already following a research analyst career path. There are nearly 170,000 CFA charterholders worldwide ( some of these being research analysts ) and this number is expected to grow into the future.

Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA)

A Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) certification is another useful “string to the bow” for research analysts. As a growing number of investors and organizations are interested in diversification and seeking higher returns, those who possess a working knowledge of alternative investment opportunities are now in high demand. More than 70,000 professionals are certified as CAIA charterholders and while narrower in scope when compared to the CFA, it is becoming extremely popular amongst a range of finance professionals.

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) certifications

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns are becoming increasingly important topics in this day and age. This is particularly relevant when discussing buy-side analysts due to the amount of transparency that is now required. Those holding an ESG certification will be able to appreciate the environmental impacts of their recommendations while also being capable of assessing any potential risks that may be present.

As investment groups become even more concerned with potential compliance issues, ESG analysts are now more relevant than ever before, and qualifications like the CFA Institute’s Certificate in ESG Investing (and a whole range of ESG qualification options ) are designed to equip finance professionals with the skills to navigate this fast growing sector.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

An MBA (Master of Business Administration) certification is another possible option for those involved in the research analysis sector. This is generally something undertaken by those wanting to move into a senior analyst or director role, as they will be required to oversee the day-to-day operations of an organization as well as its subordinates.

An MBA is also an excellent way to increase one’s existing salary; some studies finding that annual pay rate may rise by up to 50%. Whether an MBA versus a CFA or other financially focused qualification is the best choice largely depends on the individual and the way in which they’re aiming to progress their career.

career goal target climbing ladder

Research analyst career outlook

Aside from strong data analysis skills, candidates will also need to possess a working knowledge of common financial software packages to handle bigger datasets. Some other notable observations include:

  • The ability to adapt to a hybrid work environment.
  • A greater focus upon ethical and sustainable investment opportunities.
  • Critical thinking is expected to gain more weight within the field.

However, it is prudent to highlight that the demand for sell side equity research analysts has somewhat dampened in recent years. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that employment of research analysts (both buy and sell side) is expected to grow 6% on average from 2020-2030 , about as fast as the average for all occupations. This may be the result of increased regulations and leaner business models associated with lower commissions.

Although there are still opportunities, some are not as attractive as they once were. This brings us to the next point.

going home exit quit leave

Research analyst exit options and opportunities

The good news is that those who have recently entered into the field of research analytics always have the opportunity to gain experience and to progress to higher professional levels. This is particularly the case for anyone who is a CFA charterholder or a similar certification.

What about potential exit opportunities? Assuming that you wish to change financial careers , numerous options may be available. For instance, the technical nature of this position may provide the ability to migrate into investment banking . Some other interesting alternatives include:

  • Portfolio management
  • Hedge funds
  • Corporate finance/development
  • Private equity
  • Wealth management

The exact career path will ultimately depend upon your experience, interest and career goals.

digital nomad working sunset

Is a research analyst a good career choice for you?

Would the role of a research analyst fulfil your professional goals? Not only is this position quite varied, good salary and work life balance (compared to investment banking), but it is unique in the fact that there are a variety of potential exit opportunities in the future.

Still, there are some possible downsides. These include:

  • The demand for sell-side analysts has diminished in recent times.
  • It is not normally possible to obtain an entry-level position without a university degree.

Ultimately, it is wise to balance these observations with all of the other metrics highlighted throughout this article. If you’re interested in a fast-paced, yet sustainable finance career with a strong focus on combining analytical and qualitative work to make an informed decision, it’s likely that research analyst career may be suitable for you.

We hope the guide above shed some light on a research analyst career. Do you think  this career path suits you ? Let us know in the comments below!

Meanwhile, here are related articles which you may find interesting:

  • Finance Career Quiz: Which Finance Career Fits Your Skills & Personality?
  • CFA Careers: What Are Typical Job Opportunities for CFA Charterholders?
  • Why is ESG Important and Which Careers Can Benefit From It?
  • Finance Career Change: Plan Your Finance Career Switch With Our Free Tool
  • Epic Career Path Guides:  Accounting  |  Investment Banking  |  Corporate Finance | Portfolio Management | Financial Planning  | Private Equity | Wealth Management | Risk Management | Hedge Funds | Fintech


1 thought on “Research Analyst Career Path: Roles, Salaries & Progression”

Excellent prescrived above for research analyst carrer and qualification skill devolups

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Market Research Analyst Overview

Overall Score 5.7 / 10

  • # 7 in Best Business Jobs
  • # 27 in 100 Best Jobs

What is a Market Research Analyst ?

research analyst job growth

  • Communicating with stakeholders and participating in meetings.
  • Analyzing data and creating visualizations.
  • Ensuring project timelines are met.
  • Monitoring sales trends. 

Market Research Analysts rank # 7 in Best Business Jobs . Jobs are ranked according to their ability to offer an elusive mix of factors. Read more about how we rank the best jobs.

  • Job Market 4.6
  • Future Growth 8.1
  • Work Life Balance 4.8

How Much Does a Market Research Analyst Make?

Job satisfaction.

Average Americans work well into their 60s, so workers might as well have a job that's enjoyable and a career that's fulfilling. A job with a low stress level, good work-life balance and solid prospects to improve, get promoted and earn a higher salary would make many employees happy. Here's how Market Research Analysts job satisfaction is rated in terms of upward mobility, stress level and flexibility.

Opportunities for advancements and salary

Work environment and complexities of the job's responsibilities

Alternative working schedule and work life balance

Kara Coleman Fields

Kara Coleman Fields is an editor and writer on the Advice Products team, where she works on projects including Best Companies to Work For and Best Jobs. Previously, she wrote and edited SkillBuilder, loans and credit cards content for U.S. News. Prior to joining U.S. News, she worked for news outlets in Alabama and Tennessee. Read more

How to Become a Market Research Analyst ?

U.s. news best jobs.

Job Outlook

Job outlook for research analysts in the United States

Research analyst job growth summary. After extensive research, interviews, and analysis, Zippia's data science team found that:

The projected research analyst job growth rate is 19% from 2018-2028.

About 150,300 new jobs for research analysts are projected over the next decade.

Research analyst salaries have increased 5% for research analysts in the last 5 years.

There are over 51,143 research analysts currently employed in the United States.

There are 81,374 active research analyst job openings in the US.

The average research analyst salary is $70,232.

Are research analyst jobs in demand?

Research analyst job and salary trends over time, research analyst jobs over time, research analyst job growth rate over time, average research analyst salary over time, research analyst salary by year, research analyst jobs by state, most common states for research analysts, most common cities for research analysts, research analyst job outlook: expert opinions, our panel of research analyst experts.

University of Nebraska - Omaha

Middlebury College

Lafayette College

University of Minnesota - Duluth

Princeton University

Pepperdine University

Furman University

University of Cincinnati

Fairfield University

research analyst job growth

Seattle University

research analyst job growth

Case Western Reserve University

research analyst job growth

Red Rocks Community College

Johns Hopkins University

research analyst job growth

Dillard University

John Clark Ph.D., CFA, CFP®

What research analyst skills would you recommend for someone trying to advance their career.

John Clark Ph.D., CFA, CFP®: In the next 3-5 years, I think the finance industry will see a number of opportunities develop for tech savvy graduates. In many areas, incorporating data analytics and understanding how to handle big data will become an important skill. Banks and insurance companies will continue to develop tools for underwriting and credit analysis. Investment firms will begin to utilize the tools of big data to provide clients greater customization at lower costs. Corporations will desire these skills to provide better data for decision making and to help deliver better outcomes for their customers.

Religion/Religious Studies

What general advice would you give to a Research Analyst?

John Lyden: Research skills (ability to find and interpret information), oral and written communication skills (ability to present information clearly), data analysis and interpretation, language interpretation and translation. Computer facility will be highly valued. Employers will include those in higher education, government, non-profits, research institutes, and museums.

John Lyden: You should realize that your degree can lead to many careers, and that you can even change your career direction easily. Your degree has given you important skills in communication, critical thinking, analysis, and problem solving. Employers will see that you are good at adapting to new tasks and learning new skills that go well beyond the content you have studied.

What will help Research Analysts increase their earning potential?

John Lyden: Convey to potential employers the range of skills you possess and the ways you have used them. If you had an internship, describe the skills you used and explain how they can apply to various jobs. Emphasize and demonstrate your communication and research skills. Give examples from the courses you took and explain the connections between them that have allowed you to utilize higher order thinking of analysis and synthesis. Your degree in Religion can also be combined with a complementary minor or double major and may lead you to graduate school in almost any field you choose to pursue.

Jeffrey Knopf

International Relations And National Security Studies

Jeffrey Knopf: Some of the most important skills are traditional skills. Good communication skills are still number one. The ability to write well and communicate clearly will always help you. Qualitative research skills also remain important. The ability to learn from history or understand other cultures will always be valuable. Beyond this, I am seeing increasing demand for a variety of hard practical skills, such as data analytics or imagery analysis. Finally, in a world where the problems of misinformation and disinformation keep getting worse, critical thinking skills and the ability to discern what is true and what is fake will only increase in importance.

Jeffrey Knopf: Getting your foot in the door is still the most important first step. For example, if you can get a government job, even if it's not your preferred position, it becomes easier to learn about other openings and to move lateral to something better. Doing a good job also helps. If you prove your worth to employers, they will want to keep you and promote you, or your bosses may want to bring you with them if they move elsewhere. Finally, it is good to have specific skills or training you can highlight. These might include being fluent in other languages or having data analytics skills, among others.

Jeffrey Knopf: It's a good idea to be open to different possibilities. If a graduate is willing to say yes to an opportunity, even if it is not ideally what they were looking for, this can open the door to better opportunities down the road. Relationships with other people are also very important. The better you can get along with and work with other people, the more those people will become part of your network and maybe able to help you later on.

Brett Hendrickson PhD, MDiv (he/him)

Brett Hendrickson PhD, MDiv (he/him): Remember that employers in many sectors want and need people with the skill set that Religious Studies teaches you. With a Religious Studies major, you have high levels of cultural competence and cultural empathy. Your critical thinking skills are matched by your ability to communicate your ideas in both oral and written formats. When it comes to problem-solving, you are highly skilled in studying and understanding the historical, political, and ethical contexts that guide people's decision making. You are an expert researcher, able to read and digest large amounts of text in a short amount of time.

Brett Hendrickson PhD, MDiv (he/him): Religious Studies majors who wish to maximize their salary potential should be bold in articulating the digital research tools that they learned as part of their education. Religious Studies graduates know how to use and assess historical and cultural data from multiple online data sources. They should also emphasize their excellent interpersonal skills and that they are well-versed in interacting with diverse people on highly sensitive topics.

Brett Hendrickson PhD, MDiv (he/him): The skills that will be even more important in the near and long-term future are culturally-competent communication, problem-solving and critical thinking, and information literacy.

Colin McEwen

Colin McEwen: In the next 3-5 years, several skills are likely to become increasingly important and prevalent in the field of legal research and advanced professional studies.

Colin McEwen: Maximizing your salary potential when starting your career in legal research and advanced professional studies requires a combination of strategic planning, skill development, networking, and salary research.

Colin McEwen: For a graduate beginning their career in the field of legal research and Advanced Professional Studies, here are some general pieces of advice.

Ahmed Maamoun Ph.D.

Ahmed Maamoun Ph.D.: The news from the job market is quite startling. A recent study from McKinsey & Company estimates that nearly half of all U.S. jobs will be automated by 2030. Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and robots will make routine and conventional jobs obsolete. Most of what students are learning will be irrelevant and dated by the time they graduate. This highlights the need for emphasizing not just the academic abilities of graduates, but their soft and professional skills as well. Graduates (regardless of their undergraduate major) who demonstrate a capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, learn adaptively, make ethical decisions, work well with others, and solve complex problems will stand a better chance of surviving in that ever-changing job market. For example, in one survey, 93% of employers reported that "a candidate's demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more important than his or her undergraduate major."

Amir Ali Ahmadi

Operations Research

Amir Ali Ahmadi: When faced with an operations research problem, first formulate the simplest possible mathematical model that captures the essence of the problem. Bells and whistles can be added later, but intuition often comes from simple models.

Anna Penner

Anna Penner: Other than getting a job teaching sociology, there really aren't jobs that will be advertised as looking for a sociologist. But sociology gives you tools to be able to work in nearly whatever industry you want to be in. Don't limit yourself to a "sociology" job and don't sell yourself short because you don't have a major the job may be aimed at. Because many people don't have a clear understanding of what sociology is, you will likely need to explain how your degree has positioned you to be uniquely qualified to do the job you're applying for. You have a lot of skills that employers want and need; look over job descriptions and find ways that you can meet and exceed the expectations for those jobs and make sure to call attention to them in job applications and interviews.

Anna Penner: Market yourself strategically. Think about what you learned by getting a sociology degree--the ability to do original research and analyze data, the ability to understand how institutions shape society and individuals, the ability to think critically about problems you see in the world around you. Make sure to highlight the assets that you bring to the table as a possible outsider to the industry you are applying for. Also be aware that you may need to spend some time making less than you'd like, but know what you're worth, and after some time proving yourself at your organization make sure you're properly compensated for what you add to the team.

Anna Penner: Methodological skills are important. Knowing how to construct a good survey or conduct an interview to get rich data is critical. But I think just as important as being able to analyze qualitative or statistical data, is finding ways to communicate results in clear and compelling ways so that stakeholders know what action to take is equally important. Some of the gaps we are seeing between science and the general public today could be ameliorated by someone explaining findings in concise and applicable ways that show why we should care about this information. You could be the bridge from expertise to the general public.

Dr. Claire Gilliland PhD

Dr. Claire Gilliland PhD: The skills we prioritize in sociology (generating research questions, thinking critically, examining social systems, analyzing multiple types of data) are all skills that are well-suited to multiple different careers, but it may require some translation to match the priorities of a particular field.

Dr. Claire Gilliland PhD: I've only worked in academia, so I don't have a good sense about salary potential or where the field is heading. Someone in career services would know more about what job ads are looking for in current graduates.

Dr. Claire Gilliland PhD: my general advice is for students to be thoughtful and strategic about how they sell the skills they've gained in sociology to potential employers. The skills we prioritize in sociology (generating research questions, thinking critically, examining social systems, analyzing multiple types of data) are all skills that are well-suited to multiple different careers, but it may require some translation to match the priorities of a particular field. For example, students would describe a class paper where they searched for and read about empirical research as a "literature review," a term that mostly applies to academic work. However, the skills required for a literature review are gathering, analyzing, and synthesizing information from a range of sources, which is a skill many employers would want in a future employee.

Giovanna Percontino

Giovanna Percontino: Research the industries that really speak to your values and philosophies. Look for the companies you want to work for not necessarily the role. Align your skills with the roles you are interested make sure you are a good fit. Ask questions to those who are in the industry or jobs you would love to be. These are just conversations with successful people.

Giovanna Percontino: The soft skills are really important now: Communication, Adaptability, Reliability, Leadership, Writing, Rigor

Giovanna Percontino: Take a salary negotiation workshop at U Career Success. Research the current trends and salaries.

Autumn Mathias Ph.D., LCSW

Autumn Mathias Ph.D., LCSW: I think it is important for graduates to look at projections on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website and to conduct general research on the state of certain industries at the time of graduation. For instance, the tech industry is currently very saturated; some people who started positions as user experience researchers just a few years ago were laid off. Individuals who have years of experience in these positions will then have an advantage in securing new positions. That being said, I believe that quantitative research skills in particular are advantageous for many positions. This includes attaining coding skills and learning coding languages such as Python, R, and Java. In addition to the tech industry, the higher education market for individuals with a Master's degree or PhD in sociology for tenure-track, full-time assistant professor positions in sociology proves to remain highly competitive, as there are far more graduates than full-time positions. That being said, some Master's programs emphasize an applied focus that prepares students for a variety of research and evaluation positions. In relation to research skills focused on data collection and analysis, sociology majors develop writing and presentation skills that are crucial to success in any field. Also, the major's emphasis on a critical global perspective along with cultural humility, cultural competence, empathy, and overall interpersonal skills are sought-after skills in many fields. For instance, the U.S. is experiencing a serious shortage of mental health professionals. Although some mental health positions require a bachelor's or Master's degree in social work, others are also open to individuals with a bachelor's degree in sociology or psychology.

Martha Taylor

Martha Taylor: As AI takes over, there will still be a need for people who can read and interpret texts---perhaps even a greater need. Burnish and be able to demonstrate your critical reading and critical analysis skills. Also, take every opportunity to develop your skills in digital Humanities. Classical languages graduates are problem solvers and very good at pattern identification. They have strong research skills. All of these will remain very important.

Martha Taylor: Stay abreast of new trends. Read broadly and be widely curious. Keep up with advances in English literature (since so much of interpretation of Classical texts follows similar lines).

Dr. Jennifer Caplan PhD

Culinary, Entertainment, And Personal Services

Dr. Jennifer Caplan PhD: Technology advances so quickly these days that staying on top of advances will be really important. Luckily, any religion major has spent a ton of time thinking about the way society advances and develops, so you're well-positioned to be an early adopter of new software and tech platforms.

Dr. Jennifer Caplan PhD: The great thing about a religion major, of course, is that there IS no one field you're funneled into! Religion majors succeed highly in EVERY field, because you get such well-rounded training. So the best way to maximize your salary potential is to harness the skills you have gained, and to tap into the innate curiosity and interest in the world to throw yourself into your new career and ensure you shine. Religion majors know how to see the big picture of the world around them and how to really analyze the documents or tasks in front of them. Those are talents that are perfect to help you rise to the top!

Dr. Jennifer Caplan PhD: My biggest advice would be to use the skills you have spent 4 years developing to your best advantage! The transition from being a senior who knows a lot to a new member of a field can be rough, so just remember that you have killer reading comprehension, excellent writing skills, and an ability to synthesize information that far outstrips colleagues who came through less interdisciplinary majors, so use those to learn quickly and nail your new workload!

Alessandra Bryant PhD, LMFT

Human Development, Family Studies, And Related Services

Alessandra Bryant PhD, LMFT: -Research proficiency-get involved in undergrad if you can. As the field progresses, we need innovative thinkers to keep advancing our knowledge.

Neilroy Singer

Neilroy Singer: Organization/Workload. Keep a good record of all the past, upcoming and current research that is going on in your field. Store data properly and always back it up. Go to community meetings (ie., town halls, chapter houses and university research seminars). Don't overwork yourself, keep a steady pace and complete your tasks in a timely manner. Communicate with your supervisor and ask questions. Learn to lead and be polite/courteous.

Harriet Phinney Ph.D.

Department of Anthropology and Sociology

What soft skills should all Research Analysts possess?

Harriet Phinney Ph.D.: Understanding human diversity, effective communication (speaking and writing: the ability to convey complex ideas respectfully to a diverse audience) across differences, adept at working in groups, yet also independent thinkers.

What hard/technical skills are most important for Research Analysts?

Harriet Phinney Ph.D.: Empirical data collection: Research skills for collecting original data, analyzing the data, writing up the information collected, and presenting it in a professional manner.

Pooyan Kazemian Ph.D.

Operations Department

What skills stand out on Research Analyst resumes?

Pooyan Kazemian Ph.D.: OR Analysts are expected to be conversant with a variety of analytics methods, including descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, as well as mathematical modeling and computer simulation. These methods are essential to better understand available data and make more informed decisions.

Pooyan Kazemian Ph.D.: It can vary based on the specific position/industry, but a working knowledge of mathematical modeling, optimization, statistical analysis, machine learning, and programming languages such as R and Python are fundamental technical skills needed for most OR Analyst positions.

Janiece Kneppe

Early Childhood Department

Will there be an enduring impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Research Analysts?

Janiece Kneppe: I would say yes, there is an enduring impact on each of us from the coronavirus pandemic. As human beings we have these lived experiences unique to our time and place in history that influences our behaviors, beliefs, and identity. My parents grew up during the Great Depression in the U.S. and came of age during WWII and the Korean War. These lived experiences impacted how they lived their lives and raised their children. I grew up in the 60's and 70's-I lived in the Vietnam War era, saw the first people in space and land on the moon, technology exploded during the latter half of the 20th Century (e.g. development of the telephone to cell phones, Oye!). These lived experiences have impacted my identity, my life, and how I raised my children. So too, our graduates, and the children today who have experienced the coronavirus pandemic, will see enduring impacts around how they relate to people socially and emotionally. And not just them, but all people today have learned and are still learning how to adjust to interpersonal relationships and skills because of the social distancing put into place to slow the spread of the coronavirus in our communities. Our graduates have learned skills with regards to virtual learning (particularly persistence, and perseverance) that will help them face new challenges as they enter the workforce and their own places in society. A key thing to remember is that we are all living with trauma right now (to greater or lesser degrees). How we cope, the resilience we build for ourselves, will greatly impact how we come out of this coronavirus pandemic as individuals and as a society.

What's a day at work look like for a Research Analyst?

Janiece Kneppe: Probably much as it always has in early care and education-meeting and greeting families, caring for and educating the children in our settings, learning to work together with other individuals. Three of the greatest challenges that a recent graduate will face includes figuring out behavior management with the children, learning how to work effectively and professionally with their co-workers, and with the families, and recognize their own roles in supporting high-quality programming for children and their families given the heighten requirements for health and safety, teaching in an inclusive and culturally responsive manner that recognizes equity, access, and participation in high quality early care and education programs. These are daunting challenges individually, but put them all together in a single setting with limited resources and support for teachers and you will see why so many people in this field burn out and leave early childhood as a profession. Learning how to build your community of practice to support yourself and your colleagues is the buffer needed to meet and overcome these challenges.

Janiece Kneppe: The short answer is to be willing to invest in your own sense of professionalism and your career. Be willing to pursue formal education because it opens doors to new roles and challenges that are often accompanied with more pay. Be willing to invest in attending professional development workshops and conferences because this is how we stay current with the research and information that continues to expand as we learn more about developmental psychology and child development. Be courageous and ask for more responsibilities in the workplace and then follow through and meet the tasks given to the best of your ability. We learn best when we stretch ourselves to grow like this! And become a member of a professional organization like NAEYC, Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Zero To Three Organization, National Head Start Association (NHSA), or National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC). Being connected with a professional organization will support an individual's sense of public presentation where he or she can articulate what we are doing and why we are doing it (the value of ECE), to advocate on behalf of children and their families, and share his or her professional judgement, that is the application of professional knowledge, professional experiences, and ethical behaviors, with a wider audience.

Steven Ross Ph.D.

Center for Research and Reform in Education

Steven Ross Ph.D.: Research findings are complex and nuanced. It is rare that program evaluation studies yield clear results that are interpreted the same ways by all consumers and stakeholders. A researcher/evaluator needs to be an effective communicator, open to alternative views of findings and their implications for practice. Soft skills are also needed to partner effectively and mutually with schools and practitioners on meaningful studies. Obviously, many soft skills are needed for effective teaching in higher ed.

How have salaries changed over time for Research Analysts?

Steven Ross Ph.D.: They seem mostly flat to me.

History Department

What technical skills for a Research Analyst stand out to employers?

Eva Baham: History graduates often apply to law schools. Although this is a delayed profession for an undergraduate degree, there are several sources including the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC), which note that a high percentage of students with history degrees are admitted to law school. History's emphasis on research, analysis, and evidence prepare students for law school.

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Market Research Analyst

Market research analysts study consumer preferences, business conditions, and other factors to assess potential sales of a product or service. They help companies understand what products people want, who will buy them, and at what price.

Market research analysts typically do the following:

  • Monitor and forecast marketing and sales trends
  • Measure the effectiveness of marketing programs and strategies
  • Devise and evaluate methods for collecting data, such as surveys, questionnaires, and opinion polls
  • Gather data on consumers, competitors, and market conditions
  • Analyze data using statistical software
  • Convert data and findings into tables, graphs, and written reports
  • Prepare reports and present results to clients and management

Market research analysts gather data and study other information to help a company promote its products or services. They gather data on consumer buying habits, demographics, needs, and preferences. They collect data and information using a variety of methods, such as focus groups, interviews, literature reviews, market analysis surveys, public opinion polls, and questionnaires.

Analysts help determine a company’s position in the marketplace by researching their competitors and studying their marketing methods, prices, and sales. Using this information, analysts may determine potential markets, product demand, and pricing. Their knowledge of the targeted consumer enables analysts to develop advertising brochures and commercials, product promotions, and sales plans.

Market research analysts evaluate data using statistical techniques and software. They must interpret what the data mean for their client, and they may forecast future trends. They often make charts, graphs, infographics, and other visual aids to present the results of their research.

Workers who design and conduct surveys that market research analysts use are survey researchers.

Market research analysts held about 792,500 jobs in 2021. The largest employers of market research analysts were as follows:

Because most industries use market research, these analysts are employed throughout the economy.

Market research analysts work individually or as part of a team, collecting, analyzing, and presenting data. For example, some analysts work with graphic designers and artists to create charts, graphs, and infographics summarizing their research and findings.

Work Schedules

Most market research analysts work full time during regular business hours.

Market research analysts typically need a bachelor’s degree. Some employers require or prefer that job candidates have a master’s degree. Strong research and analytical skills are essential.

Market research analysts typically need a bachelor's degree in market research or a related business, communications, or social science field.

Courses in statistics, research methods, and marketing are important for prospective analysts. Courses in communications and social sciences, such as economics or consumer behavior, are also helpful.

Some employers of market research analysts require or prefer a master’s degree. Several schools offer graduate programs in marketing research, but analysts may choose to complete a bachelor’s degree in another field, such as statistics and marketing, and earn a master’s degree in business administration (MBA). A master’s degree is often required for leadership positions or positions that perform more technical research.

Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations

Analysts may pursue certification, which is voluntary, to demonstrate a level of professional competency. The  Insights Association  offers several certifications for market research analysts, including the IPC Principal and the IPC Masters. Candidates qualify based on industry experience and passing an exam.

Other Experience

Completing an internship while in school may be helpful. Prospective analysts also may gain experience by volunteering for an organization and helping with market research or related projects.

Employers may prefer to hire candidates who have experience in other positions that require collecting and analyzing data or writing reports to summarize research. 

Market research analysts typically have an interest in the Thinking, Persuading and Organizing interest areas, according to the Holland Code framework. The Thinking interest area indicates a focus on researching, investigating, and increasing the understanding of natural laws. The Persuading interest area indicates a focus on influencing, motivating, and selling to other people. The Organizing interest area indicates a focus on working with information and processes to keep things arranged in orderly systems.

If you are not sure whether you have a Thinking or Persuading or Organizing interest which might fit with a career as a market research analyst, you can take a career test to measure your interests.

Market research analysts should also possess the following specific qualities:

Analytical skills. Market research analysts must be able to understand large amounts of data and information. 

Communication skills. Market research analysts need strong communication skills when gathering information, interpreting data, and presenting results to clients. 

Critical-thinking skills. Market research analysts must assess all available information to determine what marketing strategy would work best for a company.

Detail oriented. Market research analysts must be detail oriented because they often do precise data analysis.

The median annual wage for market research analysts was $63,920 in May 2021. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $37,570, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $128,320.

In May 2021, the median annual wages for market research analysts in the top industries in which they worked were as follows:

Employment of market research analysts is projected to grow 19 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations.

About 99,800 openings for market research analysts are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire. 

Employment growth will be driven by an increasing use of data and market research across many industries. These workers will be needed to help understand the needs and wants of customers, measure the effectiveness of marketing and business strategies, and identify the factors affecting product demand.

The increase in the collection and analyses of big data—extremely large sets of information, such as social media comments or online product reviews—can provide insight on consumer behaviors and preferences. Businesses will need market research analysts to conduct analyses of the data and information.

For more information about market research analysts, visit

Insights Association

For resources and information about qualitative research, visit

Qualitative Research Consultants Association  (QRCA)

Where does this information come from?

The career information above is taken from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook . This excellent resource for occupational data is published by the U.S. Department of Labor every two years. Truity periodically updates our site with information from the BLS database.

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There is no published author for this page. Please use citation guidelines for webpages without an author available. 

I think I have found an error or inaccurate information on this page. Who should I contact?

This information is taken directly from the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Truity does not editorialize the information, including changing information that our readers believe is inaccurate, because we consider the BLS to be the authority on occupational information. However, if you would like to correct a typo or other technical error, you can reach us at [email protected] .

I am not sure if this career is right for me. How can I decide?

There are many excellent tools available that will allow you to measure your interests, profile your personality, and match these traits with appropriate careers. On this site, you can take the Career Personality Profiler assessment, the Holland Code assessment, or the Photo Career Quiz .

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  • Market Research Analysts: Jobs, Career, Salary and Education Information

Market Research Analysts

Career, salary and education information.

What They Do : Market research analysts study market conditions to examine potential sales of a product or service.

Work Environment : Because most industries use market research, these analysts are employed throughout the economy. Most analysts work full time during regular business hours. Some work under pressure of deadlines and tight schedules.

How to Become One : Most market research analysts need at least a bachelor’s degree. Some research positions may require a master’s degree. Strong math and analytical skills are essential.

Salary : The median annual wage for market research analysts is $63,920.

Job Outlook : Employment of market research analysts is projected to grow 19 percent over the next ten years, much faster than the average for all occupations.

Related Careers : Compare the job duties, education, job growth, and pay of market research analysts with similar occupations.

Following is everything you need to know about a career as a market research analyst with lots of details. As a first step, take a look at some of the following jobs, which are real jobs with real employers. You will be able to see the very real job career requirements for employers who are actively hiring. The link will open in a new tab so that you can come back to this page to continue reading about the career:

Top 3 Market Research Analyst Jobs

Position Overview · The market research analyst is responsible for initial drafting of questionnaires, analysis of data and report writing, and will work with the senior analysts to finalize ...

The Market Research Analyst (Political and Corporate) reports to the Associate or Director and is responsible for assisting with the execution and implementation of custom qualitative and ...

We are looking for a professional Market Research & Pricing Analyst to take leadership of all aspects of market research projects and support fact-based decision making of our management to ensure ...

See all Market Research Analyst jobs

What Market Research Analysts Do [ About this section ] [ To Top ]

Market research analysts study market conditions to examine potential sales of a product or service. They help companies understand what products people want, who will buy them, and at what price.

Duties of Market Research Analysts

Market research analysts typically do the following:

  • Monitor and forecast marketing and sales trends
  • Measure the effectiveness of marketing programs and strategies
  • Devise and evaluate methods for collecting data, such as surveys, questionnaires, and opinion polls
  • Gather data on consumers, competitors, and market conditions
  • Analyze data using statistical software
  • Convert complex data and findings into understandable tables, graphs, and written reports
  • Prepare reports and present results to clients and management

Market research analysts research and gather data to help a company market its products or services. They gather data on consumer demographics, preferences, needs, and buying habits. They collect data and information using a variety of methods, such as interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, market analysis surveys, public opinion polls, and literature reviews.

Analysts help determine a company's position in the marketplace by researching their competitors and analyzing their prices, sales, and marketing methods. Using this information, they may determine potential markets, product demand, and pricing. Their knowledge of the targeted consumer enables them to develop advertising brochures and commercials, sales plans, and product promotions.

Market research analysts evaluate data using statistical techniques and software. They must interpret what the data mean for their client, and they may forecast future trends. They often make charts, graphs, infographics, and other visual aids to present the results of their research.

Workers who design and conduct surveys are known as survey researchers .

Work Environment for Market Research Analysts [ About this section ] [ To Top ]

Market research analysts hold about 792,500 jobs. The largest employers of market research analysts are as follows:

Because most industries use market research, these analysts are employed throughout the economy.

Market research analysts can work individually or as part of a team, collecting, analyzing, and presenting data. For example, some analysts may work with graphic designers and artists to create charts, graphs, and infographics summarizing the research and findings.

Market Research Analyst Work Schedules

Most market research analysts work full time during regular business hours. Some, however, work under pressure of deadlines and tight schedules, which may require additional hours of work.

How to Become a Market Research Analyst [ About this section ] [ To Top ]

Get the education you need: Find schools for Market Research Analysts near you!

Most market research analysts need at least a bachelor's degree. Some research positions may require a master's degree. Strong math and analytical skills are essential.

Education for Market Research Analysts

Market research analysts typically need a bachelor's degree in market research or a related field. Many have degrees in fields such as statistics, math, or computer science. Others have backgrounds in business administration, the social sciences, or communications.

Courses in statistics, research methods, and marketing are essential for these workers. Courses in communications and social sciences, such as economics or consumer behavior, are also important.

Some market research analyst jobs require a master's degree. Several schools offer graduate programs in marketing research, but many analysts complete degrees in other fields, such as statistics and marketing, and/or earn a master's degree in business administration (MBA). A master's degree is often required for leadership positions or positions that perform more technical research.

Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations for Market Research Analysts

Certification is voluntary, but analysts may pursue certification to demonstrate a level of professional competency. The Marketing Research Association offers the Professional Researcher Certification (PRC) for market research analysts. Candidates qualify on the basis of experience and knowledge; they must pass an exam, have at least 3 years working in opinion and marketing research, and complete 12 hours of industry-related education courses. Individuals must complete 20 hours of industry-related continuing education courses every 2 years to renew their certification.

Important Qualities for Market Research Analysts

Analytical skills. Market research analysts must be able to understand large amounts of data and information.

Communication skills. Market research analysts need strong communication skills when gathering information, interpreting data, and presenting results to clients.

Critical-thinking skills. To determine what marketing strategy would work best for a company, market research analysts must assess all available information.

Detail oriented. Market research analysts must be detail oriented because they often do precise data analysis.

Market Research Analyst Salaries [ About this section ] [ More salary/earnings info ] [ To Top ]

The median annual wage for market research analysts is $63,920. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $37,570, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $128,320.

The median annual wages for market research analysts in the top industries in which they work are as follows:

Job Outlook for Market Research Analysts [ About this section ] [ To Top ]

Employment of market research analysts is projected to grow 19 percent over the next ten years, much faster than the average for all occupations.

About 99,800 openings for market research analysts are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.

Employment of Market Research Analysts

Employment growth will be driven by an increasing use of data and market research across many industries. They will be needed to help understand the needs and wants of customers, measure the effectiveness of marketing and business strategies, and identify the factors affecting product demand.

The increase in the collection and analyses of big data—extremely large sets of information, such as social media comments or online product reviews—can provide insight on consumer behaviors and preferences. Businesses will need market research analysts to conduct analyses of the data and information.

Careers Related to Market Research Analysts [ About this section ] [ To Top ]

Advertising, promotions, and marketing managers.

Advertising, promotions, and marketing managers plan programs to generate interest in products or services. They work with art directors, sales agents, and financial staff members.

Cost Estimators

Cost estimators collect and analyze data in order to estimate the time, money, materials, and labor required to manufacture a product, construct a building, or provide a service. They generally specialize in a particular product or industry.

Data Scientists

Data scientists use analytical tools and techniques to extract meaningful insights from data.

Economists study the production and distribution of resources, goods, and services by collecting and analyzing data, researching trends, and evaluating economic issues.

Mathematicians and Statisticians

Mathematicians and statisticians analyze data and apply mathematical and statistical techniques to help solve real-world problems in business, engineering, healthcare, or other fields.

Operations Research Analysts

Operations research analysts use advanced mathematical and analytical methods to help organizations investigate complex issues, identify and solve problems, and make better decisions.

Public Relations Specialists

Public relations specialists create and maintain a favorable public image for the organization they represent. They craft media releases and develop social media programs to shape public perception of their organization and to increase awareness of its work and goals.

Survey Researchers

Survey researchers design and conduct surveys and analyze data. Surveys are used to collect factual data, such as employment and salary information, or to ask questions in order to understand people's opinions, preferences, beliefs, or desires.

More Market Research Analyst Information [ About this section ] [ To Top ]

For more information about market research analysts, visit

Insights Association

A portion of the information on this page is used by permission of the U.S. Department of Labor.

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Research Analyst

The professional who develops investigative reports on other securities and assets for their companies or clients.

Osman Ahmed

Osman started his career as an investment banking analyst at Thomas Weisel Partners where he spent just over two years before moving into a growth equity investing role at  Scale Venture Partners , focused on technology. He's currently a VP at KCK Group, the private equity arm of a middle eastern family office. Osman has a generalist industry focus on lower middle market growth equity and buyout transactions.

Osman holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Southern California and a Master of Business Administration with concentrations in Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Economics from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Patrick Curtis

Prior to becoming our CEO & Founder at Wall Street Oasis, Patrick spent three years as a Private Equity  Associate for Tailwind Capital  in New York and two years as an Investment Banking Analyst at Rothschild.

Patrick has an  MBA  in Entrepreneurial Management from The Wharton School and a BA in Economics from Williams College.

  • What Is A Research Analyst?
  • What Does A Research Analyst Do?
  • Types Of Research Analysts

What Skills/Personality Do You Need?

  • Financial Analyst Vs. Research Analyst 

What is a Research Analyst?

Research analysts develop investigative reports on other securities and assets for their companies or clients. They can also be known as securities, equity, investment, or rating analysts. They are responsible for researching, analyzing, and interpreting market data.

research analyst job growth

They also use data from operations, finance and accounting, economics , and customers. However, the analyst typically only deals with quantitative data.

There are primarily two types of equity analysts:

  • Buy-side analysts
  • Sell-side analysts

Both analysts have the same quantitative and analytical characteristics, but their responsibilities and day-to-day duties can differ slightly. 

To become a rating analyst, you need to earn a bachelor's degree in finance, marketing, statistics, business, or something related. Once you obtain a bachelors, you will usually move to an entry-level position for a consulting firm or an internal analyst group.

Someone who wants to be an equity analyst is going to need experience. Most people who want to reach that point will complete at least one internship while getting their bachelor's degree. Most of the internships given are met during their junior year of college.

There are many different analysts: research, financial, investment banking, and risk analysts. All of these positions are different and fulfill specific roles in their firms. For example, an investment banking analyst may work on M&A deals for their firm. 

Research analysts can make a wide range of different salaries based on their experience level. Also, in 2014, the ten-year job outlook was thirty percent. As a result, these analysts are typically one of the first entry-level positions filled at firms. 

The job demand for securities analysts is skyrocketing across the country. The level of growth is considerably higher than most other occupations across the U.S.

Key Takeaways

  • Research analysts, also known as securities, equity, investment, or rating analysts, are responsible for researching, analyzing, and interpreting market data. They primarily deal with quantitative data from various sources.
  • There are two main types of equity analysts - buy-side and sell-side analysts. They share quantitative and analytical skills but have different responsibilities and daily tasks.
  • To become a research analyst, a bachelor's degree in fields like finance, statistics, or business is typically required. Experience, often gained through internships, is valuable for aspiring equity analysts. Some may choose to pursue a master's degree for career advancement.
  • Research analysts need both technical and soft skills. Technical skills include research methods, statistics, database administration, and A/B testing. Soft skills like communication, client focus, logical reasoning, critical thinking, and attention to detail are also essential.
  • Salaries for research analysts can vary but generally range from $50,000 to $90,000, with higher pay for mid to senior-level positions. The job demand for research analysts is high, with a projected 19% growth between 2021 and 2031, driven by the increasing reliance on data in various industries, particularly in technology and finance.

What Does a Research Analyst Do?

These analysts are responsible for researching, analyzing, and interpreting market data. They also use data from operations, finance and accounting, economics, and customers. As a result, most analysts have quantitative characteristics and analytical personalities. 

These roles can be considered data crunching; the analyst gathers and analyzes working data to make their companies or customers save more money or become more efficient and profitable. Their job is to take in data and make it readable and understandable. 

Data is the bottom line factor in the role of these analysts. In 2019, the world created 41 zettabytes of data. The world could reach 175 zettabytes of data by 2025. 

Data research, analysis, and reporting are the foundation of companies now. For example, some of the highest-valued companies in the world are run off of data, such as Microsoft and google.

Analysts can evaluate and understand the data through statistical methods and software. Once they collect their data, they can analyze it through mathematical, statistical, and analytical models to find patterns and trends that may lead them to business opportunities. 

After they have analyzed the data and understand what it is telling them, they will combine all of the information into a report to make it understandable for management. This way, analysts can communicate with them to make future business decisions.

In most cases, the research analyst is an entry-level position; thus, they work as part of a team and differ from those presenting the information. So, when they are in meetings and conference calls, they do not say much, but the information they create does. 

Types of Research Analysts

There are primarily two types, there are buy-side and sell-side analysts, and their responsibilities slightly differ. The buy-side analyst usually works for a brokerage firm, and the sell-side research analyst usually works for an investment firm. 

When asset management (buy-side) hires rating analysts, they help the company make better business decisions by researching, analyzing, and communicating data to management. This data pertains typically to specific security they may invest in. 

Buy-side  securities analysts  usually work for large institutional investment firms such as hedge funds, mutual funds , or pension funds. Buy-side analysts are considered more professional, academic, and reputable when compared with sell-side research analysts. 

Being a buy-side analyst is all about being right and occasionally avoiding negatives. They also cover one sector, such as the industrial or technology sector. For sell-side analysts, it is common for funds to have multiple analysts for one industry. 

A sell-side analyst's job is to follow a few companies, most within the same sector. These analysts will provide reports on the companies, offer models that project the firm's financial results, and speak with customers or competitors. 

The sell-side analyst's job is to provide research and reports on companies, financial estimates, and price targets. Many analysts will combine their estimates and price targets into one, calling it a consensus estimate. Sell-side analysts provide their reports to investment institutions. 

The analysts will report their research results and what they can conclude. Most of the results they will find are in large clumps of data that most people cannot read. When transitioning it into a presentation, they will add a buy, sell, or hold recommendation. 

Buy-side and sell-side do a lot of the same work; however, the sell-side will sell the research and reports made. That said, the sell side could see a decrease in demand since the buy and sell sides do the same work. 

Research Analyst Qualifications

Most analysts will need a minimum of a bachelor's degree even to be considered for a job. Most employers like their analysts to have a bachelor's degree in statistics, mathematics, or a related discipline. Most entry-level positions do not require a master's degree.

Here is a list of acceptable degrees:

  • Mathematics 
  • Statistics 
  • Business administration 
  • Data Analytics

Most entry-level analyst positions do not need much experience, but some mid to senior-level positions may require a minimum of two to four years of experience. In addition, many students complete internships throughout college, which helps them land their first job. 

Once they have completed their bachelor's and worked for a few years to gain experience, they may consider returning to school to complete a master's degree in statistics or mathematics. This will help an analyst get better positions within their companies. 

Other degrees that show future employers that you understand the field are data science, data analytics, and computer science. Many analysts work with computers for most of their days, so understanding how computers work, and applications work may be helpful.

There are a few reasons employers are okay with if an analyst does not have prior experience. First, employers can teach the analyst how they want their jobs completed. Also, although analysts may not have much experience, they still might have valuable skills.

There are primarily two groups of skills you need to become a securities analyst. Technical skills are those that can be required for a specific job. Soft skills are those that travel from job to job. 

For physicians, a few technical skills would be prescribing medication correctly or diagnosing conditions. However, a car mechanic would not need these. Instead, both professions could use soft skills like communication and leadership.

These are the technical skills needed to become a research analyst, and you should consider gaining a few before applying for internships and jobs. These skills are:

  • Research methods
  • Statistics, statistical modeling
  • Database Administration
  • Knowledge of A/B testing

A/B testing is a way of comparing two different methods to figure out which one performs better. For example, an analyst may consider A/B testing two other securities to determine which may perform better over time. 

Some soft skills needed to become an equity analyst are:

  • Communication skills
  • General computer skills
  • Customer or client focus

These skills are required for an entry-level position. Although surprising, client focus is a superior skill that impacts the success of analyst jobs.

For instance, analysts will need to use their communication and client-focus skills to win a client over or express their opinion on a certain asset. In addition, the analyst must be able to communicate the information they find in their research to clients and managers. 

The analyst will need more skills that can also be considered logical reasoning, critical thinking, attention to detail, presentation, and organizational skills. These skills are must-haves if one wishes to become an equity analyst.

For example, an analyst will work with lots of data from different places. If they cannot organize the data into something readable and clean, they will not be able to conclude anything from the information.

There are many skills and moving parts as an analyst; this is why the field can be so competitive. 

Financial Analyst vs. Research Analyst 

There are many slight differences between a financial analyst and a securities analyst. Still, the main difference is that research analysts cover a much broader use of research, examination, and interpretation. The data collection can be considered more of an investigative act. 

Financial analysts will likely give trading or investing advice from the data they collect, examine, and report to their managers. A crucial role of financial analysts is to analyze investment portfolio performance and look for new flaws or opportunities. 

These analysts rely on fundamental analysis to determine a company's value; they will analyze its:

  • Profitability

current outstanding debt.

This detailed analysis can be used to find an investment opportunity for their firm. 

Securities analysts can be considered more data crunchers. They will spot:

  • Market trends
  • Abnormalities
  • Flaws to find investment opportunities

As a result, their outlook can be broader than financial analysts. Although, some research positions are closely related to financial analysis. These are investment research analysts, they can be considered higher securities analysts, and they make more than the average securities analyst. 

The two jobs regarding education are similar. Although both analysts need a good background in finance and economics, financial analysts certainly need it more than securities analysts. Both also need a good education in mathematics. 

Regarding pay, financial and equity analysts have little difference in their salaries; the average for both careers is about $80,000. Senior-level positions are usually paid more. However, entry-level positions for both jobs are between $50,000 and $70,000. 

Generally, there are a few main differences between financial and equity analysts. A financial analyst inspects financial data and helps companies make decisions. An equity analyst will gather and interpret data and make future financial projections. 

Salary, Job Demand, and Job Outlook

Salaries for equity analysts can be pretty stout; for an entry-level position straight out of college, analysts can expect to make $50,000 to $70,000 a year. Although that does not sound like a great paycheck, remember you have little to no experience, and it takes time. 

Mid to senior-level analysts can expect to make salaries between $65,000 and $90,000 yearly. However, salaries also depend on the companies you work for and your location. For example, an equity analyst for JP Morgan will likely make more than an analyst at a local college.

Most places need these analysts: they provide crucial information for corporations, hospitals, colleges, universities, and, most importantly, large financial institutions. This is important for college students who desire to be equity analysts in the economic field. 

Research analysts understand how to collect, interpret, and report data, including unstructured and big data. This is extremely important for companies as more and more companies rely on technology, making the demand for security analysts very high. 

The job outlook for these analysts is outstanding: These positions are expected to grow by 19% between 2021 and 2031. This growth rate is much higher than most of their occupations. Technology and finance companies are relying on equity analysts more and more.

Analysts are needed in large financial institutions, small businesses, local banks, and corporations. Moreover, they are highly beneficial to those that use them.

Research analysts are people who research, develop data, investigate the data, and report it to their managers. The data they are looking for can be anything from news, financials, or press releases of companies or markets. These analysts work for large financial institutions. 

Some of the responsibilities of analysts are to be data crunchers. The analyst will research, analyze, and interpret data from markets. Analysts have many quantitative and analytical characteristics that make them suitable for the job. 

Data is the foundation of many companies. The analyst brings it to one place, analyzes it, and reports it to their managers clearly and concisely. They play a vital role in the success of financial institutions and many other businesses by giving projections and advice on equities.

Someone aspiring to become an equity analyst should complete a bachelor's degree in statistics, mathematics, or something related. Then, after a few years, it may be worthwhile to go back and complete their master's. Experience is the biggest motivator for promotions and raises. 

Experience will bring better technical skills, including research skills, statistical reasoning, modeling, and A/B testing. However, soft skills are also necessary, such as excellent written and verbal communication and leadership. 

Lastly, securities analysts can expect to make between $50,000 and $70,000 at an entry-level position and between $65,000 and $90,000 for mid to senior-level positions. The job outlook for securities analysts is also excellent; between 2021 and 2031, the expected job growth is 19%. 

Analysts play a crucial role in many businesses and are especially important to financial institutions. It is also an excellent career for those who like to solve mathematical and statistical problems. 

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What Does a Market Research Analyst Do?

A market research analyst doing her job, reviewing data on three computer monitors.

Understanding the Numbers When reviewing job growth and salary information, it’s important to remember that actual numbers can vary due to many different factors — like years of experience in the role, industry of employment, geographic location, worker skill and economic conditions. Cited projections do not guarantee actual salary or job growth.

Big data is big business.

That's why there's a need for employees who can work with data. And there are plenty of job titles in the workforce for people who take on this work. One of them? Market research analysts.

So who are these people?

Dr. Gary White with the text Dr. Gary White

White teaches at the graduate level at SNHU, guiding students through Advanced Marketing Research and Analytics as well as their capstone course. Before he made the shift to higher education, he was director of operations — which involved a considerable amount of market needs assessment research — for one of the largest fast-food restaurant chains in the country.

In studying the data, White says, you attempt to uncover customer needs and wants in an attempt to understand the products or services that the target market wants.

What Does a Market Research Analyst Do on a Daily Basis? 

Dr. Lester Wills with the text Dr. Lester Wills

"The market research analyst is responsible for monitoring and forecasting various trends in order to gauge the effectiveness of marketing campaigns," said Dr. Lester Wills , an SNHU adjunct instructor.

Wills previously managed the marketing divisions of several multinational corporations in Australia, where he and his teams conducted market research as an integral part of marketing programs. He also has led several research programs and headed up a task force for the main financial services industry body in Australia. Today, Wills teaches several graduate-level marketing courses at SNHU, including Market Research, Advanced Market Research and Analytics, and Ethical and Legal Issues in Marketing. 

So what exactly can you expect in an analyst role?

The median market research analyst salary in May 2022 was $68,230 , according to the BLS: That's 47% more than the median wages for all workers across the U.S.*

(It's good to note that the BLS states that the highest 10% received more than $131,850 as a median salary in 2022 — earning 6 figures is possible in this field.)*

And 3 industries each had median salaries above the median for all market research analysts, according to the BLS:

  • Management of companies and enterprises*
  • Information*
  • Finance and insurance*

What Qualifications Do You Need to Be a Market Analyst?

There's one question that you might have when considering the career: "Do market research analysts use math?" 

Great news if you're not a fan:

"Good math skills are certainly helpful, because the market research analyst is heavily involved in statistical analysis of data," White said. "However, today’s modern statistical software performs all of the mathematical calculations for you."

Wills agreed.

"Given there are both quantitative and qualitative aspects  to the role, a mix of skills is essential," he said. "You do not need to be good at math to be able to conduct qualitative research. However, some basic math skills are required for the quantitative research."

If a number of skills are needed to analyze market research, what should you study? 

Fortunately, there are a number of college degree programs that can help you achieve your goal. Between White and Wills, their suggestions for bachelor's degrees  and focused courses include:

  • Business Administration

An undergraduate degree can help you get the job, though you'll want to note that some employers may require a master's degree, Wills said.

Plus, BLS states that market research analysts are in demand — so when you graduate, you could see more openings here than in a number of other fields.*

According to the BLS, over 115,000 new jobs are projected to be added to the workforce through 2032.* (That's a 13% increase in roles, over 4 times the average growth rate for all occupations!)*

White confirms that analysts are sought-after roles: "Companies continue to need knowledge regarding customer behavior in order to gain or maintain their competitive advantage in the marketplace," he said.

Find Your Program

What is the difference between market research and market analysis.

In your job search, you may see "market research" and "market analysis" as separate functions. And that's because they are.

"Market research primarily focuses on data directly from the market and customers," Wills said. "It looks to utilize consumer behavior and economic trends to confirm business ideas. It is focused on primary research."

It can work hand in hand with the analysis tasks.

"Market analysis is a form of secondary research and tends to be focused on a particular sector or niche in the market to try and answer specific questions," Wills said. "The research can be used to gain an understanding of how particular products and services are likely to perform in a certain environment."

Is a Market Research Analyst a Good Job?

Choosing to become a market research analyst can be an exciting decision — and one that can allow you to have an impact in your company.

"You have the opportunity to interface directly with consumers in the marketplace, collect and analyze data," White said. "And you get to report the results of your data and recommendations to marketing decision-makers within an organization."

Wills shared this view.

"If you love trying to understand consumer behavior and/or predict trends in the market, it can be a great role, since an analyst will help companies make important decisions," he said.

A degree can change your life. Find the SNHU business program  that can best help you meet your goals.

*Cited job growth projections may not reflect local and/or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth. Actual salaries and/or earning potential may be the result of a combination of factors including, but not limited to: years of experience, industry of employment, geographic location, and worker skill.

Deidre Ashe was 9 years old when she launched her professional writing career. While spending a day at work with her dad, she penned her first book, illustrated it and sent it off to a publishing company – after finding the address on the copyright page of one of her paperbacks. While the story never made it to the shelves of libraries, the editors wrote back, encouraging her to continue pursuing her writing passion. (Yes, she still has that letter.)

After earning a bachelor’s in journalism, Ashe spent a decade working in the media industry. She then transitioned into marketing, later getting her MA in Communication from Southern New Hampshire University in 2018.

Ashe serves as senior copy director at SNHU. She and her family live in New Hampshire. Connect with Ashe on LinkedIn .

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SNHU is a nonprofit, accredited university with a mission to make high-quality education more accessible and affordable for everyone.

Founded in 1932, and online since 1995, we’ve helped countless students reach their goals with flexible, career-focused programs . Our 300-acre campus in Manchester, NH is home to over 3,000 students, and we serve over 135,000 students online. Visit our about SNHU  page to learn more about our mission, accreditations, leadership team, national recognitions and awards.

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Research Analyst Roles and Job Description

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A research analyst monitors data on several screens.

Research analysts are known as data crunchers. They’re skilled in gathering, analyzing and working with data to improve efficiency, profitability and savings for companies and organizations in many industries. They’re also effective communicators; they present the data in an understandable format for business decision-makers.

Simply put, data is at the core of research analyst roles and responsibilities.

Why is data so vital today?

A look at some revealing statistics about data usage worldwide can provide some perspective on the growing importance of data:

  • The world created 41 zettabytes of data in 2019, according to a Statista report; 1 ZB is about a trillion gigabytes.
  • Worldwide, the number of bytes, a unit of measure for data, is 40 times higher than that of the stars in the universe, according to the World Economic Forum.
  • Seagate reports that by 2025, the world will have created 175 ZB of data.

These statistics provide a glimpse of how data is embedded into the fabric of modern society. Data is critical to business success, too. The ability to harness its power provides businesses with competitive advantages.

A look at the most valuable brands in the world reveals how data has transformed global commerce. According to Visual Capitalist, the top-four most valuable brands include the following:

  • Amazon, valued at $220 billion
  • Google, valued at $160 billion
  • Apple, valued at $140 billion
  • Microsoft, valued at $117 billion

A common thread among these companies is that data is foundational to their businesses. These companies are the most active and largest hyperscale data center companies in the world, each investing upwards of $1 billion for a single data center campus, according to Data Center Frontier. Hyperscale data centers are massive facilities full of racks, technology and equipment that house the very data that drives the digital transformation of commerce and society.

The digital transformation, also known as digitization, represents unprecedented opportunities for businesses. By acquiring essential insights from data, companies can improve their products and services. They can also change how they operate and interact with customers, contributing to a healthier bottom line. There’s even a catchphrase used to describe the growing influence of data in the business world — “data is the new oil.”

The metaphor speaks to data’s role in transforming society and the global economy. Still, there are clear differences between oil and data. For one, oil is a natural resource requiring extraction, a process that makes up to 57 percent of costs incurred for oil and gas producers, according to Towards Data Science. Extracting data isn’t nearly as costly. However, like oil, data must be refined so that it can add value to businesses. A vital part of research analyst roles and responsibilities, processing data is essential to uncovering its value to businesses.

How do research analysts extract value from data? Expanding on the metaphor, oil refineries process crude oil through an industrial process to make useful products, such as gasoline, plastics and jet fuel. For raw data to be processed, it requires human ingenuity and technology, such as Python, R and SQL programming languages. Part of the research analyst’s toolkit is to use quantitative modeling and data-mining methods and tools to reveal the business value in data.

Ninety-four percent of enterprises consider data and analytics critical for business growth and digital transformation, according to a recent Forbes article. Businesses understand the critical role data plays in ensuring their success, so they invest in people and technology to collect more of it from the Internet, databases, search engines, social networks, mobile phones and smart devices. These trends are creating new career opportunities for individuals interested in using their analytical, technical and business skills and advancing their education to help companies and organizations improve their products, operations and effectiveness.

What Is a Research Analyst?

Research analysts are professionals who work with data in both private and public organizations. Data in and of itself has no intrinsic value until a data analytics professional, such as a research analyst, makes sense of it. They put data to good use for business purposes, such as identifying sales opportunities or market trends.

Research analysts understand the strategic value of different types of data, including unstructured data and big data. Their expertise in collecting, analyzing and translating data into valuable insights offer businesses a competitive advantage in the marketplace. A research analyst’s role is critical to helping organizations reach their business aims, including improved efficiency and operational performance.

What Does a Research Analyst Do?

Research analyst roles and responsibilities include a host of activities to transform raw data into valuable business insights. The following activities are typical for research analyst roles:

  • When research analysts conduct research, they look at historical data from various sources, including internal databases, such as financial, accounting and sales systems. At this point, the data is typically in raw form. Research analysts examine and validate the accuracy of the data to ensure that it produces meaningful information.
  • Analyze data. Upon collecting the data, research analysts use mathematical, statistical and analytical models to find patterns that may reveal business opportunities. For example, the data may uncover a fundamental flaw in how a company interacts with its customers, creating negative experiences. With the data in hand, research analysts help develop potential solutions to improve the ways the company interacts with its customers, opening opportunities for additional sales.
  • Present data. Research analyst roles and responsibilities include compiling information drawn from the data to help managers see the business value. Research analysts prepare communications, such as reports and presentations, to provide insights on what the data reveals to facilitate decision-making.
  • Interpret data. In meetings and during conference calls, research analysts interpret data, demonstrate what they’ve learned and explain its value from a business perspective.

In addition to these activities, research analysts design methods and strategies to capture, store and manage data. They also help implement analytics tools, a driving force behind the growth of the data and business analytics industry. According to IDC, it’s valued at around $189 billion as of 2019 and projected to grow by double-digits through 2022.

This tool selection process typically involves determining which technologies best fit the needs of the business. Popular open-source tools include BIRT, Matomo, OmniSci and Apache Zeppelin. In determining the best tools, research analysts often have to work closely with technology vendors and other stakeholders. Other important elements of the job include ensuring the effective management, protection and governance of data, working together with data security experts.

Research Analyst Skills and Education

Research analyst roles and responsibilities vary across different organizations and sectors, but at a minimum, strong math and statistics skills are required. Through sophisticated data-driven mathematical models, analysts derive useful information to help achieve business goals, from improving performance to cutting costs.

Still, research analysts do more than work with numbers and raw data all day. They also interact with other analysts and share their findings with business decision-makers through presentations, face-to-face meetings and reports.

The following is a sampling of research analysts’ essential competencies and skills:

  • Mathematics and statistics skills  to work with the data and develop models
  • Ability to recognize patterns  to find useful information in the data that’s sometimes unstructured
  • Research, fact-checking and validation skills  to ensure valid data sources and verify accuracy
  • Analytical and critical thinking skills  to find value and understand what’s in the data
  • Communication, presentation and writing skills  to present findings derived from the data
  • Financial skills  to calculate the financial performance of companies, especially in accounting and finance operations
  • Focus and organization  to work on multiple tasks and projects
  • Interpersonal skills  to build relationships with teams from other departments
  • Knowledge of the company’s business  to understand customer behavior and market trends relevant to the company’s industry
  • Technology skills  to work with various research, data analytics, modeling and predictive tools, as well as business productivity software
  • Forecasting  to determine future trends, often presented in charts, infographics and other visual aids
  • Problem-solving  to address the challenges of data collection and analysis, as well as help guide decision-makers toward solutions that resolve issues revealed in the data

Research analysts typically have bachelor’s degrees in a business-related field. However, depending on the industry, a master’s degree may add value to their career prospects, especially if they’re aiming for senior research analyst roles. Because research analysts work across many industries, formal education or experience relevant to the sector they work in may offer additional advantages for advancement. For example, a research analyst working in the oil and gas industry could benefit from knowledge about energy and climate policy.

Research Analyst Careers

The versatility of the role means that there are various types of research analyst careers available. Research analysts can work in technology, marketing, health care, finance, government finance, public policy, management consulting, aviation and other industries.

Job titles for research analysts can vary based on the industries of their employers. For example, research analysts working in an investment bank, a financial institution, a securities firm or an insurance company might be called investment analysts, financial analysts, securities analysts or insurance analysts. In financial organizations, the work of financial analysts involves examining, collecting and interpreting financial information to help make business decisions. Market research analysts and operations research analysts are also popular careers.

Market Research Analyst Career Path

Businesses want to understand who their customers are, what they need and their preferred method of buying. Market research analysts help them get a better picture of their customers through data. Market research analysts work for various types of organizations, examining market conditions and helping determine opportunities to grow sales of products or services.

Competitor researching, price analysis, and investigating sales and marketing processes enable market research analysts to provide critical business information that provides competitive advantages. Market research analysts use their knowledge about customer behavior to explain the benefits and shortcomings of their employers’ products or services. For example, they can present the data that shows what customers are buying and at what price.

This type of information is useful for companies to align their product and service offerings with consumer preferences. Data from market research analysts also helps marketing directors determine appropriate marketing, sales and content strategies.

On a typical day, market research analyst roles and responsibilities include the following:

  • Gathering and analyzing data on market trends and consumer demographics, customer needs, and people’s buying habits to create forecasts and help optimize marketing efforts
  • Using a combination of traditional methods, such as focus groups and questionnaires, statistical techniques, modeling and analytics software
  • Interpreting findings to determine pricing strategies, forecast future trends, and help develop targeted marketing strategies and tactics
  • Assessing the impact and performance of marketing programs and strategies and working with sales and marketing teams to develop solutions
  • Creating tables, graphs, reports and presentations to present their findings to senior managers and clients
  • Collecting and analyzing data on demographics, customer preferences, market needs and consumer buying habits
  • Developing and refining processes for data collection and analysis

Market research analysts are in high demand; the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects the field to grow by 20 percent between 2018 and 2028. Entry-level candidates typically have a bachelor’s degree in market research, business administration, statistics, math, communications or computer science. A master’s degree may create opportunities to advance to an organization’s highest levels.

Many market research analysts begin as field researchers for market research agencies. Then, they progress to serve in client-facing roles and project management roles. However, career paths in market research aren’t always straightforward, thanks to the many specialized disciplines available: technology, marketing and big data, to name a few.

The BLS reports a median annual salary of $63,790 for market research analysts in 2019. According to U.S. News & World Report , market research analyst is ranked No. 8 in the Best Business Jobs category. The position is also given a high ranking for advancement and salary by professionals in the field.

Operations Research Analyst Career Path

Operations research analysts are problem-solvers. Organizations turn to operations research analysts for critical decisions that can affect the success of their operations. Operations research analysts can help corporations, manufacturing firms, airlines, technology companies, government agencies, and other businesses and organizations. They work with business leaders to tackle problems that lead to reduced operational costs, improved efficiency and increased profitability.

At an airline, for example, an operations research analyst might look into the shipping operation of an airline to help improve logistics. Logistics describes management of the flow of resources, equipment, people and supplies between different facilities or destinations.

At a food and beverage manufacturer, an analyst might investigate whether the materials or processes used in the production of goods indicate patterns of waste. The analyst can identify areas where improvements can generate more products more efficiently and achieve cost-savings for both the company and its customers.

Operations research analysts uncover value from data that can lead to improvements in the productivity of processes, machines and people. Research analysts can also leverage data to help:

  • Improve interactions with consumers to meet growing demands for better and faster service
  • Accelerate manufacturing and distribution to ensure the availability of products
  • Ensure accuracy in operating processes and machines to minimize errors, which can be costly

Thanks to operations research analysts and their skill in applying mathematical models and statistical analysis and the use of sophisticated data analytics tools, organizations can address the pressing challenges created by a global marketplace.

On a typical day, operations research analyst roles and responsibilities include the following:

  • Identifying opportunities to help organizations operate more efficiently and lower costs
  • Developing models to ensure sufficient inventory to meet market demands
  • Using optimization and data mining tools, conducting statistical analysis, and developing mathematical models
  • Advising business leaders on the costs and benefits of taking a course of action
  • Collecting data from various sources, including internally from workers with specialized knowledge or who experience an issue needing a solution
  • Examining data and running simulations to identify patterns that may reveal future trends

The path to becoming an operations research analyst begins with education. Entry-level candidates typically have a bachelor’s degree in business, math or engineering. A master’s degree may create opportunities to advance to the highest levels. Many begin their careers as analysts, then progress to become senior analysts or directors of a team or department.

The BLS reports a median annual salary of $84,810 for operations research analysts in 2019. U.S. News & World Report ranks operations research analyst No. 4 in the Best Business Jobs category, with above average advancement and salary reported by professionals in the field. The demand for operations researchers is expected to increase dramatically, according to the BLS, with 26 percent growth projected between 2018 and 2028.

Embark on a Career in Research Analytics

Employers are looking for knowledgeable research analysts to help solve complex problems and make better business decisions. For individuals seeking roles in operations research or market research, honing their research, analytical, technology and mathematical skills can help garner the attention of these employers. Explore how the online Master of Science in Business Analytics program offered by the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland can prepare you for a successful career as a research analyst.

Recommended Readings

Data Mining in Business: Skills and Competencies Needed to Succeed

6 Data Analyst Skills for the Modern Marketer to Master

Comparing Analytics Careers: Business Analyst vs. Data Analyst

American Marketing Association, “Market Research: The Entry-Level Job You Should Take”

Data Center Frontier, “Reshaping the Global IT Landscape: The Impact of Hyperscale Data Centers”

Forbes , “The Global State Of Enterprise Analytics, 2020”

Houston Chronicle , “Careers as a Research Analyst”

Houston Chronicle , “The Top Skills for a Research Analyst”

Informs, FAQs About O.R. & Analytics

Investopedia, “Financial Analyst vs. Research Analyst: What’s the Difference?”

Investopedia, “Research Analyst”

Medium, “Market Research: the Entry-Level Job You Should Take”

MicroStrategy, Business Analytics: Everything You Need to Know

ONet OnLine, Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists

ONet OnLine, Operations Research Analysts

PayScale, Average Research Analyst Salary

Seagate, Data Age 2025

Statista, Volume of Data/Information Created Worldwide From 2010 to 2025

Towards Data Science, “Data Is Not the New Oil”

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Market Research Analysts

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Operations Research Analysts

U.S. News & World Report , Market Research Analyst

U.S. News & World Report , Operations Research Analyst

Visual Capitalist, “Ranked: The Most Valuable Brands in the World”

World Economic Forum, “How Much Data Is Generated Each Day?”

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Market Research Analyst: Job Description & Skills in 2024

research analyst job growth

As a market research analyst, you play a crucial role in helping companies understand their audience and make better-informed business decisions. In this article, we will explore the job description and skills required to excel in this field.

Definition of Market Research Analyst

A market research analyst is responsible for collecting and analyzing data on consumer behavior, market trends, and competitors to help their organization make informed decisions. They use various research methods, including surveys, focus groups, and statistical analysis, to gather insights that can be used to improve products and services, develop marketing strategies, and identify opportunities for growth.

Importance of Market Research Analyst

Market research analysts are essential to helping companies stay competitive in today’s constantly evolving business landscape. By providing valuable insights into consumer trends and preferences, they help businesses make more informed decisions about product development, marketing, and sales.

In addition to helping businesses stay ahead of the competition, market research analysts also play a critical role in identifying emerging trends and opportunities. By keeping a pulse on the latest industry developments and consumer preferences, they can help their organization stay agile and adapt to changing market conditions.

Overview of the Article

Throughout the article, we will cover the following topics:

  • The role of a market research analyst, including key responsibilities and requirements
  • Essential skills and experience for success in this field
  • Job outlook and earning potential for market research analysts
  • Tips for breaking into the field and advancing your career
  • Case studies and real-world examples of successful market research strategies

By the end of this article, readers will have a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to become a top-performing market research analyst and how to excel in this exciting and fast-paced field.

Market Research Analyst Job Description

Market research analysts play a crucial role in the success of a business by providing insights into customer needs, preferences, and habits.

A. Responsibilities

Market research analysts are responsible for conducting research in order to help businesses make informed decisions. They analyze data and information, evaluate findings, and communicate with clients, managers, and other stakeholders.

B. Gather Data and Information

One of the key responsibilities of a market research analyst is gathering data and information. This might involve conducting surveys, focus groups, or other types of research to collect information about customer preferences, purchasing habits, and other relevant data. They may also collect data from internal sources, such as sales data, customer databases, and website analytics.

C. Analyze Data and Information

Once data and information have been gathered, market research analysts must then analyze it. This may involve using statistical software to identify patterns and trends, conducting market research to identify competitors and market trends, and analyzing customer feedback to determine customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

D. Evaluate and Present Findings

After analyzing data and information, market research analysts must then evaluate the findings. This involves drawing conclusions based on the data and identifying opportunities for growth and improvement. They may then create presentations, reports, and other materials to communicate their findings to clients, managers, and other stakeholders.

E. Communicate with Clients, Managers, and Stakeholders

Communication is a key part of a market research analyst’s job. They must be able to communicate complex data and findings in a way that is clear and understandable to non-technical stakeholders. This may involve creating reports, presentations, and other materials that can be easily understood by people outside of the research field.

F. Maintain Research Databases and Technology

Market research analysts must also ensure that research databases and technology are maintained and updated. This may involve managing databases of customer information, tracking trends in the industry, and staying up-to-date on new research methodologies and technologies. They must also ensure that all research is conducted ethically and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Market research analysts are critical to the success of businesses across all industries. Their responsibilities include gathering and analyzing data, evaluating findings, communicating with clients and stakeholders, and maintaining research databases and technology. With their expertise, market research analysts help businesses make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Qualifications and Skills for Market Research Analyst

Market research analysts are responsible for deciphering data and insights to help organizations make informed business decisions. This involves a diverse skill set and a strong educational background. To be successful in this field, there are several vital qualifications and skills that market research analysts should have.

A. Education and Certification The first qualification for a market research analyst is to hold at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as marketing, statistics, or business administration. Advanced degrees, such as an MBA or a master’s in marketing research, offer a competitive advantage in this field. Additionally, certification programs, such as the Professional Researcher Certification (PRC) from the Insights Association, can enhance a candidate’s credentials.

B. Technical Skills Market research analysts should be proficient in data analysis and have a strong understanding of the latest technologies and data collection methods. This includes expertise in data analytics software and statistical analysis tools, as well as experience with survey and research methodologies.

C. Analytical Skills Market research analysts should possess strong analytical skills to help them interpret data and turn it into actionable insights. These skills include critical thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to identify patterns and trends.

D. Communication Skills Market research analysts should be effective communicators who can present complex data and insights in an easy-to-understand format. This includes not only verbal communication but also written communication through reports, presentations, and dashboards.

E. Organizational Skills Market research analysts need to possess strong organizational skills to manage multiple projects and deadlines simultaneously. This includes the ability to prioritize tasks, manage resources, and maintain accurate records.

F. Interpersonal Skills Market research analysts should have strong interpersonal skills to work effectively with team members and clients. This includes the ability to build rapport, active listening, and empathy.

G. Adaptability and Flexibility Market research analysts should possess excellent adaptability and flexibility skills to ensure they can respond to rapidly changing business needs. This includes the ability to pivot direction, multitask, and handle unexpected challenges with ease.

Market research analysts must have a unique blend of qualifications and skills to succeed in this industry. Having a strong background in education, technical skills, analytical skills, communication skills, organizational skills, interpersonal skills, and adaptability and flexibility are essential. As the market research industry continues to evolve, these skills will only become more critical for success.

Career Prospects and Salary for Market Research Analysts

Market research analysts are in high demand, as organizations across various industries rely on their insights to make informed business decisions. Here are some things to consider when it comes to career growth opportunities, job market trends and outlook, salary and compensation, and geographic and industry variation in salaries for market research analysts.

A. Career Growth Opportunities

Market research analysts typically begin their careers with a bachelor’s degree in marketing or a related field, though some employers may prefer candidates with a master’s degree. As they gain experience, market research analysts may have the opportunity to move into leadership roles, such as managing a team of analysts or becoming a director of market research.

In addition, market research analysts can expand their skills by developing expertise in specific areas, such as consumer behavior or market segmentation. They can also stay up-to-date with emerging trends and technologies by attending industry conferences or completing training programs.

B. Job Market Trends and Outlook

The job market for market research analysts is expected to grow at a fast pace, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting a 18% increase in employment between 2019 and 2029. This growth is largely due to the increasing importance of data-driven decision making in today’s business landscape.

As more organizations embrace digital technologies, market research analysts with experience in areas such as social media analytics and digital marketing research may be particularly in demand.

C. Salary and Compensation

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for market research analysts was $63,790 as of May 2019. However, salaries can vary widely based on factors such as experience level, industry, and geographic location.

Market research analysts working in the management, scientific, and technical consulting services industry tend to earn higher salaries, with a median annual wage of $85,730. Those working in the wholesale trade industry tend to earn lower salaries, with a median annual wage of $60,140.

D. Geographic and Industry Variation in Salaries

Geographic location can also impact salaries for market research analysts. For example, those working in metropolitan areas such as San Francisco, New York, and Boston tend to earn higher salaries due to the higher cost of living in these locations.

In terms of industry, market research analysts working in the computer systems design and related services industry tend to earn the highest salaries, with a median annual wage of $92,520 as of May 2019. Those working in the educational services industry tend to earn lower salaries, with a median annual wage of $51,860.

Market research analysts can expect strong job growth and competitive salaries. By continuing to develop their skills and expertise, they can position themselves for long-term success in this exciting field.

Types of Market Research Analyst

As a market research analyst, you can specialize in different areas of research depending on your interests and expertise. Below are some of the most common types of market research analysts:

A. Industry-Specific Market Research Analyst

Industry-specific market research analysts specialize in gathering information and insights about a particular industry or market segment. They study trends, consumer behavior, competition, and other factors that affect the industry they are focused on.

For instance, an industry-specific market research analyst may specialize in the healthcare industry, researching the latest developments in medical technology, changes in healthcare policies, and consumer behavior in healthcare settings.

B. Geographical Market Research Analyst

Geographical market research analysts focus on gathering data about specific regions or locations. They may study demographics, consumer behavior, or economic trends in a particular region.

For example, a geographical market research analyst working for a real estate company may gather data about property values, rental demand, and consumer preferences in a specific city or neighborhood.

C. Demographic Market Research Analyst

Demographic market research analysts specialize in understanding consumer behavior and preferences based on demographics such as age, gender, income, and education. They study consumer trends and buying behavior within specific demographics and use this data to improve marketing and product development strategies.

For instance, a demographic market research analyst may gather data on the spending habits and media consumption of millennials to help a company develop more targeted marketing campaigns for this demographic.

D. Product-Specific Market Research Analyst

A product-specific market research analyst specializes in understanding consumer behavior and preferences specific to a particular product or service. They gather data on consumer preferences, usage patterns, and satisfaction levels to help companies develop and improve their products and services.

For instance, a product-specific market research analyst may gather data on consumer preferences for mobile phone features to help a technology company design a new device that meets customer needs and preferences.

Market research analysts can specialize in different areas of research depending on their interests and expertise. Whether you prefer to analyze data about industries, demographics, products, or regions, there are exciting opportunities for you to apply your skills as a market research analyst.

Types of Market Research Techniques

Market research is a crucial aspect of any organization, allowing them to identify their target market and gather information about their customers’ needs and preferences. There are various techniques of market research, including:

A. Qualitative Research

Qualitative research focuses on gathering subjective data through direct communication with customers, including interviews, focus groups, and surveys. This technique helps to collect in-depth information about customers’ experiences, opinions, and attitudes, enabling businesses to gain a better understanding of consumer behavior.

B. Quantitative Research

Quantitative research, on the other hand, focuses on the collection of numerical data through surveys, polls, and questionnaires. This technique helps businesses to gather specific information about customer preferences and behaviors, enabling them to determine the most effective marketing strategies.

C. Primary Research

Primary research refers to the gathering of data directly from the source, typically through interviews, surveys, or observations. This form of research helps businesses to gain a comprehensive understanding of their target market and customer needs.

D. Secondary Research

Secondary research involves analyzing data that has already been collected by others, including industry reports, government publications, and academic research. This technique is often used to supplement primary research and provides a broader perspective on market trends and customer behavior.

Market research is an essential tool for any organization looking to understand their target audience and gain a competitive advantage. By utilizing different techniques such as qualitative and quantitative research, as well as primary and secondary research, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, helping them to make informed decisions about their marketing strategies. ** Commonly Used Market Research Tools

Market research analysts rely on a variety of tools to help them gather, manage, and analyze data related to consumer behavior, market trends, and product performance. Here are some of the most commonly used tools in the field:

A. Survey Tools

One of the primary methods that market researchers use to collect information is through surveys. Survey tools help analysts create customizable surveys that can be distributed to targeted groups of people. Some of the most commonly used survey tools include SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, and Google Forms. These tools allow analysts to design surveys with a wide range of questions types, including multiple-choice, ranking, and open-ended questions. Many survey tools also offer features like respondent tracking, data analysis, and reporting.

B. Data Analysis Tools

Once market researchers have collected data, they need to analyze it to identify patterns, trends, and insights that can inform business decisions. Data analysis tools, like SAS, Excel, and R, help researchers manage, clean, and analyze data sets. These tools allow analysts to create charts, graphs, and other visualizations that can help them to better understand patterns in the data. They can also run statistical analyses to identify correlations between variables and test hypotheses.

C. Project Management Tools

Market research projects can involve multiple stakeholders and moving parts, which can make them difficult to manage. Project management tools, like Asana, Trello, and Basecamp, help researchers keep track of project timelines, budgets, and deliverables. These tools allow users to assign tasks and deadlines, communicate with team members, and track progress in real-time. Project management tools can also help researchers to better manage resources, identify areas of inefficiency, and improve collaboration across teams.

D. Reporting Tools

Once market researchers have collected and analyzed their data, they need to present their findings to stakeholders in a clear and compelling way. Reporting tools, like Tableau, QlikView, and Microsoft Power BI, help researchers create customizable reports and dashboards that can visualize data in meaningful ways. These tools allow users to create interactive charts, graphs, and maps that can reveal insights at a glance. They can also help researchers to identify trends over time and make comparisons between different data sets.

Market research analysts rely on a variety of tools to help them gather, analyze, and present data related to consumer behavior, market trends, and product performance. By leveraging these tools, market researchers can gain deeper insights into consumer preferences and behaviors, enabling businesses to make more informed decisions about marketing strategies, product development, and other key initiatives.

Important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Market Research Analysts

As a market research analyst, it is important to know the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help measure and analyze the success of your research strategies. Understanding KPIs is crucial for identifying areas of improvement, identifying opportunities for growth, and ensuring that your research is effectively contributing to the overall success of your organization.

Here are six key performance indicators that you should always keep in mind:

A. Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a critical KPI for market research analysts. It measures how satisfied customers are with the products or services offered by a company. Customer satisfaction can be measured through surveys or feedback forms, and can be used to assess overall performance, identify areas for improvement, and help in developing strategies to improve customer satisfaction.

B. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is another important KPI for market research analysts. NPS is a score that measures how likely customers are to refer a company to a friend or colleague. This KPI is crucial because customers who are highly likely to recommend a company are more likely to be loyal and make repeat purchases.

C. Market Share

Market share is another vital KPI for market research analysts. It is the percentage of the total market that a company has captured. This KPI is critical because it helps you understand how your company is performing in comparison to competitors. It can also help you identify new areas for growth and opportunities for expansion.

D. Customer Retention

Customer retention is a KPI that measures the percentage of customers that continue to do business with a company over time. This KPI is essential because retaining customers is much easier and more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. It is important to keep this KPI in mind when developing strategies to improve customer loyalty and prevent churn.

E. Sales Growth

Sales growth is a measurable KPI that is essential for assessing the performance of a company. It measures the increase or decrease in revenue over time. A market research analyst must keep this KPI in mind when developing pricing and promotional strategies, identifying new markets, and optimizing product offerings.

F. Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is one of the most important KPIs for market research analysts. It measures how well a company is recognized and perceived by its customers. This KPI can be assessed through brand surveys or qualitative research studies. Measuring and improving brand awareness is essential for building a loyal customer base and improving sales growth.

Understanding and tracking these six key performance indicators will help market research analysts to assess the success of their research strategies, identify areas for improvement, and contribute to the overall success of their organization.

Challenges Faced by Market Research Analysts

Market research analysts play a critical role in businesses by gathering and analyzing data to help companies make informed decisions. However, this job comes with its own set of challenges. Here are the top five challenges faced by market research analysts:

A. Limited Time and Resources

Market research analysts are often tasked with conducting research on a tight deadline and limited budget. This can be challenging because it requires them to work efficiently and effectively to deliver accurate results within a constrained time frame. To tackle this challenge, analysts must prioritize their tasks, identify the most important data points, and use technology to automate and streamline certain processes.

B. Handling and Managing Big Data

With the rise of big data, handling and managing large amounts of data has become a critical challenge for market research analysts. It can be difficult to know where to begin when sorting through such vast amounts of information. Analysts must develop a strong understanding of data management and be able to analyze data from various sources to provide meaningful recommendations to their clients.

C. Staying Up-To-Date with Technological Advancements

Technology is rapidly advancing, and market research analysts must stay up-to-date with the latest tools and techniques to effectively perform their job. With the increase in social media and mobile devices, it is essential to understand new data sources and their potential value in informing business decisions. Additionally, analysts must have a strong understanding of data visualization and other tools to effectively communicate findings to clients.

D. Increased Competition

As the demand for skilled market research analysts continues to grow, so does the competition for jobs. This can be challenging for analysts who are just starting out in the industry, as more experienced candidates may have an advantage. Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and honing specialized skills can make an analyst stand out in a crowded job market.

E. Evolving Market Trends and Consumer Behaviour

Market research is consistently impacted by evolving trends and changing consumer behaviours, making it important for analysts to stay up-to-date on the latest shifts in the market. Traditional market research methods may not always suffice, and new data sources may become necessary to incorporate into analysis. Analysts must be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances to ensure that their research is current and relevant.

Market research analyst faces challenges such as limited time and resources, handling and managing big data, staying up-to-date with technological advancements, increased competition, and evolving market trends and consumer behavior. Addressing these challenges requires market research analysts to stay informed, adaptable, and creative in their work.

Importance of Market Research Analyst for Various Industries

Market research analysts play a crucial role in various industries by helping businesses make informed decisions about their products, customers, and competitors. They collect and analyze data to identify trends, market opportunities, and customer preferences, which businesses can use to improve their products or services and stay ahead of the competition. In this section, we will discuss the importance of market research analysts for various industries, including:

A. Retail Industry

The retail industry is one of the largest and most competitive industries in the world. Market research analysts help retailers understand consumer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns, which can help them make decisions about product design, pricing, and promotions. They use various data collection methods, such as surveys, focus groups, and sales data analysis, to gather valuable insights about their target audience. In addition, market research analysts can help retailers identify new market opportunities and stay ahead of industry trends.

B. Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry is another sector that benefits greatly from market research analysis. Market research analysts help healthcare providers understand patient needs, preferences, and satisfaction levels, which can help them improve patient care and services. They also help healthcare providers identify market opportunities and determine the viability of new treatments or medical devices. Market research analysts in the healthcare industry help insurance companies determine pricing and coverage policies based on economic and demographic factors.

C. Technology Industry

The fast-paced and rapidly evolving technology industry requires constant innovation, and market research analysts play a critical role in this process. They help technology companies understand customer needs and preferences to develop products that meet those needs. They also help companies identify emerging trends and new markets to expand into, which can lead to increased revenue and market share. Market research analysts can also help technology companies develop marketing and advertising campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

D. Manufacturing Industry

In the manufacturing industry, market research analysts help companies gather information about their products, competitors, and target markets. They use data analysis to identify consumer preferences and trends, as well as to gauge demand for specific products. Market research analysts can also help manufacturing companies identify new markets and sales opportunities, as well as assess the viability of new products in development.

E. Food & Beverage Industry

Market research analysts in the food and beverage industry help companies understand consumer preferences and develop products that meet those preferences. They use surveys, focus groups, and other methods to gather data about consumer behavior regarding food and beverage products, as well as to identify emerging trends in the industry. Market research can also help companies identify new markets, such as niche diets or eating habits, and develop products that cater to those markets.

Market research analysts are essential in various industries as they provide valuable insights that businesses can use to improve their products or services, stay ahead of the competition, and identify new market opportunities.

Example Case Studies

As a market research analyst, one of the most important skills you need to have is the ability to analyze data and generate insights from it. In this case study, we’ll take a look at how Jane, a market research analyst working for a consumer goods company, used her skills to help the company make better business decisions.

The company was considering launching a new line of organic snacks targeted at health-conscious consumers. The marketing team had already conducted some preliminary research, such as focus groups and surveys, but they needed more in-depth insights to make informed decisions about the product lineup and pricing strategy.

Jane’s first step was to conduct a comprehensive market analysis. She looked at consumer trends, competitor offerings, and market size and growth potential. This helped the team understand the broader industry landscape and potential demand for the product.

Next, Jane analyzed the data collected from the focus groups and surveys. She used statistical methods to identify patterns and trends in the responses, such as which features consumers valued most in organic snacks and which price points they were willing to pay. She also looked at demographic data to better understand the target consumer segment.

Based on her analysis, Jane recommended that the company launch three different varieties of organic snacks, each with a slightly different flavor profile and price point. She also suggested that the company create a loyalty program to incentivize repeat purchases and capture data about customer preferences.

The marketing team implemented Jane’s recommendations and launched the new line of snacks. Sales exceeded the team’s projections, and the company was able to capture more market share in the health food sector. Jane’s insights helped the company make informed decisions that led to a successful product launch.

This case study shows the importance of market research analysis skills in driving business success. As a market research analyst, you need to be able to gather and interpret data accurately to generate insights that are actionable and drive impact. Whether you’re working for a consumer goods company or a technology startup, these skills are essential for helping your organization make smart, data-driven decisions.

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Table of Contents

What is a research analyst, research analyst job description, research analyst roles and responsibilities, research analyst job requirements, research analyst career path, how to become a research analyst, research analyst skills , research analyst salary, research analyst job outlook, how to crack a research analyst interview, choose the right course, research analyst job description: unlocking insights [2024].

Research Analyst Job Description: Unlocking Insights [2024]

Are you looking for a lucrative career opportunity? Are you interested in joining a field with a strong future job outlook? Consider embarking on a career as a research analyst. Research analysts enable organizations to make data-driven decisions by analyzing market research and extracting valuable insights. Their expertise in maximizing the potential of data has made them invaluable assets in various sectors.

The demand for skilled professionals in this area is expected to rise significantly in the coming years, and the compensation offered is notably higher than the national average. Numerous compelling reasons exist to investigate the path to becoming a research analyst.

A research analyst, often referred to in specific sectors like finance, market research, or data analysis, gathers, interprets, and uses various data to help decision-making processes. Their work can span several industries, including finance, marketing, economics, healthcare, and more. Here's a breakdown of what a research analyst does:

  • Data Gathering: They collect data from various sources, such as financial reports, databases , surveys, or relevant industry-specific sources.
  • Data Analysis: They use statistical tools and models to identify trends, patterns, and insights. This process often involves the use of specialized software for quantitative analysis.
  • Report Writing: They compile their findings into reports, presentations, or dashboards. These reports typically include visual data representations like charts and graphs, written summaries and analysis to make the information accessible to stakeholders.
  • Making Recommendations: Research analysts may predict future trends and offer recommendations to their clients or employers based on their analysis. These recommendations can guide strategic planning, investment decisions, policy formulation, or marketing strategies.
  • Staying Informed: Research analysts must stay up-to-date with industry trends, economic conditions, and technological advancements relevant to their field of specialization. Continuous learning is a key part of their role.
  • Specializations: Depending on their field, research analysts may have specific titles, such as financial analyst, market research analyst, operations research analyst, or data analyst . Each specialization focuses on particular types of data and serves different business needs.

Here’s what a Research Analyst Job description looks like:

Job Title: Research Analyst

Job Summary: The Research Analyst collects, analyzes, and interprets data to help the company make informed decisions. This role involves conducting market research, analyzing financial data, identifying trends, and preparing reports contributing to the organization's strategic planning and operational efficiency.

Key Job Responsibilities of a Research Analyst:

  • Collect data from various sources, including public databases, financial reports, and surveys.
  • Analyze data using statistical tools and analytical methods. Interpret data sets and identify trends, patterns, and insights relevant to the company's goals.
  • Prepare detailed reports and presentations that summarize findings and analysis.
  • Provide insights based on data analysis to support department decision-making processes.
  • Work closely with other departments to understand their data needs and assist in data-driven decision-making.
  • Manage research projects from conception to completion, ensuring they are delivered on time and within budget.

Skills and Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Business Administration, or a related field. A Master’s degree is preferred for advanced positions.
  • Proven experience in a research analyst role or similar position.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Proficiency in statistical software (e.g., SPSS, SAS) and Microsoft Office Suite, especially Excel.
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills.
  • Attention to detail and accuracy.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
  • Time management skills and handling multiple projects simultaneously.

Work Environment and Physical Demands:

  • This is primarily an office-based role.
  • May require occasional travel to conduct field research or attend conferences.

Career Path:

Research Analysts can advance to senior analyst positions, research managers, or specialized roles depending on their expertise and interest.

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  • Data Collection: Gather data from diverse sources, including databases, surveys, interviews, and financial reports.
  • Data Analysis: Analyze data using statistical methods and software to uncover trends, patterns, and insights.
  • Reporting: Prepare detailed reports and presentations summarizing research findings, including charts, graphs, and written analysis.
  • Making Recommendations: Provide actionable recommendations based on data analysis to guide decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Market Monitoring: This will inform research and analysis and keep you abreast of industry trends, market conditions, and competitor activities.
  • Quality Control: Ensure the accuracy and reliability of data collected and analyses conducted.
  • Collaboration: Work closely with other departments or teams to understand their research needs and support them with data-driven insights.

The job requirements for a Research Analyst can vary depending on the field and employer, but generally, they include a mix of educational background, skills, and personal qualities. Below are the standard requirements you might find in a job listing for a Research Analyst:

Educational Background

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Required in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Mathematics, Business Administration, or a related discipline.
  • Master’s Degree: This is preferred or required for more advanced positions, especially in specialized fields like finance or market research.
  • Relevant Experience: Many positions require previous experience in research, analysis, or a related role. Entry-level roles may require less experience, but internships in relevant fields can be beneficial.
  • Industry-Specific Knowledge: Knowledge of a specific industry can be crucial for certain sectors, such as finance, healthcare, or technology .

Analytical Skills

  • Statistical Skills
  • Mathematical Skills

Technical Skills

Communication skills.

  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Attention to Detail Skills
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Project Management Skills

Personal Qualities

  • Curiosity: A strong desire to learn and understand data, trends, and industry dynamics.
  • Independence: Ability to work autonomously on projects with minimal supervision.
  • Teamwork: Being able to collaborate effectively with other team members and departments.
  • Adaptability: Flexibility to adapt to new challenges, methodologies, and technologies.


Certifications can be beneficial depending on the specific role and industry, such as Chartered Financial Analyst or Professional Certificate Course In Data Analytics .

The career path for a Research Analyst can be both rewarding and varied, offering numerous opportunities for advancement and specialization. Here’s a general overview of the career trajectory, from entry-level positions to senior roles, and potential avenues for further specialization:

Entry-Level Positions

  • Junior Research Analyst: This role starts by assisting senior analysts in data collection, preliminary analysis, and report preparation. It is a learning ground for mastering analytical tools and methodologies.
  • Data Analyst: Focuses on manipulating and analyzing data sets to support business decisions. Requires strong technical skills in data management and analysis software.

Mid-Level Positions

  • Research Analyst: With experience, analysts take on more complex projects, develop specialized knowledge in certain sectors or methodologies, and are responsible for entire research projects from start to finish.
  • Senior Research Analyst: This position leads research projects, manages junior analysts, and is key in decision-making processes. Senior analysts often have specialized knowledge in specific industries or types of analysis.

Advanced Positions

  • Lead Analyst/Research Manager: Oversees the research department or teams, setting research goals and strategies and ensuring output quality. Involves strategic planning and often direct interaction with senior management or clients.
  • Director of Research: At this level, the role involves more strategic oversight, resource allocation, and integration of research findings into the broader organizational strategy. It may also involve influencing policy or strategic direction based on research insights.

Specialization Opportunities

  • Industry Specialist: Becoming an expert in a specific industry (e.g., finance, healthcare, technology) allows analysts to provide deeper insights and more targeted analysis.
  • Methodology Expert: Specializing in certain research methodologies or types of analysis , such as qualitative research, econometrics, or data visualization.
  • Consultant: Many experienced analysts move into consulting roles to offer their expertise to businesses on a project basis.

Transitioning Roles

  • Moving into Executive Management: With substantial experience and a track record of impactful analysis, some research analysts transition into executive roles, such as Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), where they can shape company strategy based on data-driven insights.
  • Teaching and Academia: Some choose to share their knowledge through teaching at universities or engaging in academic research.

Becoming a Research Analyst involves a combination of education, skills development, and gaining relevant experience. Here is a step-by-step guide to start and advance in a career as a Research Analyst:

1. Obtain the Necessary Education

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Earn a bachelor's degree in a relevant field such as economics, finance, statistics, mathematics, business administration, or a related area. This is the minimum educational requirement.
  • Consider a Master’s Degree: For more advanced positions or to specialize in a particular area, consider obtaining a master’s degree in your field of interest.

2. Develop Essential Skills

  • Analytical Skills: Gain proficiency in analyzing data and extracting meaningful insights.
  • Technical Skills: Learn to use statistical software (e.g., SPSS, SAS, R, Python) and database management tools. Become proficient in Excel.
  • Critical Thinking: Practice critical thinking to assess information objectively and solve problems.

3. Gain Relevant Experience

  • Internships: Look for research or data analysis internships to gain practical experience.
  • Entry-Level Positions: Apply for entry-level positions such as Junior Research Analyst or Data Analyst to gain hands-on experience.

4. Build a Portfolio

Showcase Your Work: Assemble a portfolio of your research projects, analyses, and reports. Include any relevant coursework, projects from internships, or freelance work.

5. Obtain Certifications

Certifications: Depending on your field, consider obtaining certifications to demonstrate your expertise and commitment to the profession.

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6. Network and Seek Mentorship

  • Professional Networking: Join professional organizations, attend industry conferences, and connect with professionals in your field through LinkedIn.
  • Mentorship: Seek mentors who can provide guidance, advice, and opportunities to advance your career.

7. Apply for Jobs and Advance Your Career

  • Job Search: Use job boards, LinkedIn, and your professional network to find research analyst positions.
  • Continuous Development: As you gain experience, continue seeking learning and professional development opportunities to advance to higher-level positions.

8. Consider Specialization

Specialize: Certain areas or industries may be particularly interesting or rewarding over time. Specializing in a niche can make you a highly sought-after expert.

A Research Analyst needs a blend of technical, analytical, and soft skills to succeed. Here's a comprehensive list of skills that are essential for Research Analysts:

  • Statistical Analysis: Proficiency in using statistical methods to analyze data.
  • Data Management: Ability to manage and manipulate large datasets.
  • Software Proficiency: Familiarity with statistical software (e.g., SPSS, SAS, R) and programming languages (e.g., Python, R) for data analysis.
  • Database Management: Understanding database systems and query languages (e.g., SQL).
  • Excel Skills: Advanced competency in Excel for data analysis and visualization.
  • Data Visualization: Skill in creating graphs, charts, and other visual representations of data using tools like Tableau or Power BI.
  • Survey Design and Analysis: Ability to design surveys and analyze survey data.
  • Critical Thinking: Analyze and evaluate an issue to form a judgment.
  • Problem-solving: The ability to discern intricate issues, analyze relevant information, formulate potential solutions, and execute effective resolutions.
  • Quantitative Analysis: Proficiency in applying quantitative techniques to solve business problems.
  • Report Writing: Ability to write clear and informative research reports.
  • Verbal Communication: Skills in presenting findings and insights to technical and non-technical audiences.
  • Listening Skills: Ability to understand and incorporate feedback and requirements from stakeholders.

Soft Skills

  • Attention to Detail: Precision in data analysis and reporting.
  • Adaptability: Flexibility to adjust to new data, trends, and technologies.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Ability to work well with others across different departments and disciplines.
  • Ethical Judgement: Maintaining integrity and confidentiality of data.

Research Skills

  • Methodology Knowledge: Understanding of various research methodologies and when to apply them.
  • Industry Knowledge: Specialized knowledge of specific industries relevant to the role.

Research Analyst salaries vary depending on the country, the specific industry, level of experience, and educational background.

United States

Average Annual Salary: Approximately $60,000 to $70,000

Average Annual Salary: Approximately CAD 57,000 to CAD 65,000

United Kingdom

Average Annual Salary: Approximately £30,000 to £40,000

Average Annual Salary: Approximately AUD 70,000 to AUD 80,000

Average Annual Salary: Approximately €50,000 to €60,000

Average Annual Salary: Approximately ₹4,00,000 to ₹7,00,000

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The job outlook for Research Analysts is generally positive, with several factors contributing to steady demand across various industries. This outlook can vary by specialization, such as market research, financial analysis, or data analysis, but overarching trends support growth in these roles. Key factors influencing the job outlook include:

Increasing Data Availability

The explosion of data in the digital age has significantly increased the need for skilled professionals who can interpret this information. Businesses and organizations across sectors rely on data to make informed decisions, driving demand for Research Analysts.

Technological Advancements

Advancements in technology, especially in data collection , storage, and analysis tools, have made data more accessible and easier to analyze. This has increased the need for analysts who can use these technologies effectively.

Decision-making Based on Data

There is a growing recognition of the importance of data-driven decision-making in enhancing business efficiency, competitiveness, and innovation. This emphasizes the role of Research Analysts in providing insights and recommendations.

Specialized Fields

Certain fields, such as healthcare, finance, and technology, demand particularly strongly for Research Analysts. For instance, the healthcare industry requires analysts to interpret patient care, treatment outcomes, and operational efficiency data. At the same time, the finance sector relies on analysts for market trends, investment opportunities, and risk management.


The global nature of business today means that companies often require analysts who understand international markets and can analyze data from diverse sources. This can lead to opportunities for analysts with language skills and international experience.

Job Market Projections

  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that employment for market research analysts will grow 18% from 2019 to 2029.
  • Similar projections suggest robust growth for data science and analytics roles, reflecting the broader demand for data expertise.

Cracking a Research Analyst interview requires demonstrating your analytical skills, showcasing your knowledge of the industry and research methodologies, and communicating effectively. Here are strategies and tips to prepare for and succeed in a Research Analyst interview:

1. Understand the Job Description

Match Skills and Qualifications: Carefully read the Research Analyst job description to understand the required skills, tools, and qualifications. Tailor your responses to highlight your experience with these aspects.

2. Brush Up on Your Technical Skills

  • Software and Tools: Be prepared to discuss your proficiency with statistical software (e.g., SPSS, SAS, R, Python), databases, and data visualization tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI).
  • Statistical Knowledge: Refresh your knowledge of statistical methods, data analysis techniques, and when to use them.

3. Prepare Your Portfolio

Bring a portfolio of your work, such as research reports, analyses, or data visualizations, demonstrating your skills and impact.

4. Practice Common Interview Questions

  • Technical Questions: Be ready to answer questions on statistical methods, data analysis processes, and how you approach complex research problems.
  • Behavioral Questions: Prepare examples demonstrating your problem-solving skills, ability to work under pressure, teamwork, and adaptability. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses.

5. Stay Informed About the Industry

  • Current Trends: Be aware of the latest trends in the industry relevant to the role. This could include new data analysis techniques, software tools, or industry-specific challenges.
  • Company Research: Research the company, its products or services, competitors, and position in the industry and be prepared to discuss how your skills can help address their challenges.

6. Ask Insightful Questions

Prepare thoughtful questions about the role, team, company culture, or specific projects you might work on. This shows your interest and enthusiasm for the position.

7. Communicate Clearly and Confidently

Be able to explain complex analysis or research findings in simple terms. This demonstrates your ability to communicate with stakeholders needing a technical background.

8. Highlight Your Soft Skills

  • Team Collaboration: Share examples of how you've worked effectively in teams, especially in cross-functional teams.
  • Time Management: Discuss how you prioritize tasks and manage deadlines, especially when managing multiple projects.
Program Name Data Analyst Post Graduate Program In Data Analytics Data Analytics Bootcamp Geo All Geos All Geos US University Simplilearn Purdue Caltech Course Duration 11 Months 8 Months 6 Months Coding Experience Required No Basic No Skills You Will Learn 10+ skills including Python, MySQL, Tableau, NumPy and more Data Analytics, Statistical Analysis using Excel, Data Analysis Python and R, and more Data Visualization with Tableau, Linear and Logistic Regression, Data Manipulation and more Additional Benefits Applied Learning via Capstone and 20+ industry-relevant Data Analytics projects Purdue Alumni Association Membership Free IIMJobs Pro-Membership of 6 months Access to Integrated Practical Labs Caltech CTME Circle Membership Cost $$ $$$$ $$$$ Explore Program Explore Program Explore Program

The role of a Research Analyst in 2024 is more vital than ever, bridging the gap between vast data sets and actionable insights. As organizations navigate digital complexities, the demand for skilled analysts capable of deciphering data to guide strategic decisions will only escalate.

For those inspired by the potential of this dynamic field and seeking to advance their skills or pivot their career path, the Data Analyst Masters course offered by Simplilearn emerges as a compelling option. This program will equip you with the necessary tools, techniques, and knowledge to excel in data analysis.

1. What are the best degrees for becoming a research analyst? 

Economics, statistics, business administration, finance, and computer science are the most advantageous degrees for aspiring research analysts. These fields provide a strong foundation in analytical skills, critical thinking, and data interpretation, which are crucial for effectively analyzing market trends, consumer behavior, and financial data.

2. How important is programming knowledge for a research analyst?

Programming knowledge is increasingly important for research analysts, especially skills in languages such as Python, R, and SQL. These tools are essential for data manipulation, analysis, and visualization, enabling analysts to handle large datasets efficiently and derive insights more effectively. While not all roles require deep programming expertise, a fundamental understanding is beneficial.

3. Can you transition into a research analyst role from a different field? 

Yes, it's possible to transition into a research analyst role from different fields, especially if you possess strong analytical skills, are proficient in data analysis tools, and have a knack for problem-solving. Additional qualifications, such as relevant certifications or courses in data analysis, statistics, or the specific industry of interest, can facilitate this transition.

4. What is the difference between a research analyst and a data analyst? 

Research analysts focus more on qualitative analysis, market trends, consumer behavior, and industry-specific research. On the other hand, data analysts are more involved in quantitative analysis, working primarily with numerical data, statistical models, and predictive analytics to inform business decisions. The roles may overlap but cater to different aspects of data and research.

5. How do research analysts stay current with industry trends?

Research analysts stay current by continuously monitoring industry reports, publications, and news, attending relevant conferences and webinars, participating in professional networks and forums, and undergoing regular training and certification programs. Staying informed about advancements in analysis tools and methodologies is also crucial to adapt to the evolving demands of the role.

Data Science & Business Analytics Courses Duration and Fees

Data Science & Business Analytics programs typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

Learn from Industry Experts with free Masterclasses

Data science & business analytics.

Break into a Rewarding AI & Data Science Career with Brown University

Data Scientist vs Data Analyst: Breaking Down the Roles

Open Gates to a Successful AI & Data Science Career in 2024 with Brown University

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Data Analyst Resume Guide

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Business Intelligence Career Guide: Your Complete Guide to Becoming a Business Analyst

How to Become a Research Engineer? Description, Skills, and Salary

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Get Affiliated Certifications with Live Class programs

  • PMP, PMI, PMBOK, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, ACP, PBA, RMP, SP, and OPM3 are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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Current Opportunities With Us

Research Data Analyst 

Jobs , Jobs - Open

Research Data Analyst

The Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University (the Center) seeks a Research Data Analyst to join the Data & Insights team. The first of its kind in the world, the Center aims to advance the field of public sector innovation by marrying cutting-edge practice with world class research in order to transform the culture of government, deliver exceptional results for residents, and inspire trust in public service.

Data & Insights establishes and unites key performance indicators, generates internal and external intelligence, advances our relationship intelligence, and informs future practice. You will report to the Senior Advisor, Data and Insights. This position includes,

  • Data-oriented research.
  • Data collection.
  • Cleaning, exploration, analysis.
  • Visualization to uncover insights.
  • Answer policy-related questions.
  • Innovate, creative solutions that help local governments solve problems that matter to leaders and residents.
  • You should have a strong understanding of Quantitative analysis methodologies.
  • Curiosity and commitment to unlocking the full potential of data for the public good.

The Center is committed to addressing structural and entrenched racism and recognizes the public sector’s role in perpetuating these legacies. We are looking for candidates committed to dismantling structural and entrenched racism and addressing these issues, both as we build a new organization and advance this work in communities.

Specific Duties & Responsibilities

  • Identify and use public open data sources (like the U.S. Census) and other research data sources.
  • Clean and combine data from internal and external sources to tell a multifaceted story.
  • Visualize data to explore trends and relationships.
  • Collect insights from qualitative data, such as interviews, and combine it with quantitative data.
  • Create proxies for unattainable data (e.g. number of closed pothole complaints on 311 rather than actual potholes in a city).
  • Help to produce new resources related to data governance and tool adoption including reports, tutorials, and guides to strengthen the Center’s internal knowledge base.
  • Provide research and analytical support to Communications team and other practice areas.
  • Collaborate with other analysts, data scientists, researchers, policy experts, and other technical and non-technical partners.
  • Perform routine administrative tasks, including scheduling and document management.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Special Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities

  • Familiarity with ArcGIS Online and Operational Dashboard or QGIS.
  • Familiarity with public sector data, policies.
  • Familiarity with qualitative research methods and how to combine qualitative and quantitative data for analysis.
  • Familiarity with Salesforce.
  • Knowledge of open-source relational databases such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • Knowledge of how to use SQL to access and modify relational databases.
  • Experience translating complex analytical findings into clear summaries for many different audiences.
  • Ability to work with, and understand, complex datasets – including protocols for optimizing data hygiene and working with sensitive data.
  • Ability to fill-in the holes of incomplete datasets with additional data and/or proxies for missing results.
  • Ability to self-initiate in a results-oriented workplace.
  • Desire to go beyond the immediate requested task and ‘follow the data’ wherever it leads.
  • Interest in learning new tools and skills necessary to perform the work.
  • Excellent oral, written, and research skills.
  • Excellent attention to detail and a systematic approach to problem solving.
  • Commitment to a collegial workplace.

  Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in related discipline.
  • Three years related experience.
  • Additional education may substitute for required experience to the extent permitted by the JHU equivalency formula.

  Preferred Qualifications

  • Bachelors’ Degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Data Science, Computer Science, Engineering, Information Science, or related field.
  • Programming proficiency in Python for data cleaning and analysis. Familiarity with the Matplotlib Python library is preferred. Experience with a different programming language such as R will be considered.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel (including Pivot tables).
  • Proficiency in Google Suite (including Sheets, Docs, Slides).
  • Experience collecting data and/or modifying data in databases via APIs.
  • Experience automating data pipelines.
  • Experience with entity relationship diagrams.
  • Experience with version control software (e.g. GitHub).
  • Experience building and maintaining dashboards in PowerBI and Tableau Cloud.
  • Experience using project management and collaboration software such as Asana.
  • An understanding of quantitative and qualitative research methods. 

Classified Title: Research Data Analyst Role/Level/Range: ACRP/04/MC Starting Salary Range: $47,500 – $83,300 Annually ($75,000 targeted; Commensurate with experience) Employee group: Full Time Schedule: Monday – Friday 9am-5:30pm Exempt Status: Exempt Location: Hybrid/Homewood Campus Department name: ​​​​​​​Ctrs for Govt Excellence & Public Innova Personnel area: Academic and Business Centers

Total Rewards

The referenced salary range is based on Johns Hopkins University’s good faith belief at the time of posting. Actual compensation may vary based on factors such as geographic location, work experience, market conditions, education/training and skill level. Johns Hopkins offers a total rewards package that supports our employees’ health, life, career and retirement. More information can be found here: .

Please refer to the job description above to see which forms of equivalency are permitted for this position. If permitted, equivalencies will follow these guidelines: JHU Equivalency Formula: 30 undergraduate degree credits (semester hours) or 18 graduate degree credits may substitute for one year of experience. Additional related experience may substitute for required education on the same basis. For jobs where equivalency is permitted, up to two years of non-related college course work may be applied towards the total minimum education/experience required for the respective job.

**Applicants who do not meet the posted requirements but are completing their final academic semester/quarter will be considered eligible for employment and may be asked to provide additional information confirming their academic completion date.

The successful candidate(s) for this position will be subject to a pre-employment background check. Johns Hopkins is committed to hiring individuals with a justice-involved background, consistent with applicable policies and current practice. A prior criminal history does not automatically preclude candidates from employment at Johns Hopkins University. In accordance with applicable law, the university will review, on an individual basis, the date of a candidate’s conviction, the nature of the conviction and how the conviction relates to an essential job-related qualification or function.

The Johns Hopkins University values diversity, equity and inclusion and advances these through our key strategic framework, the JHU Roadmap on Diversity and Inclusion.

Equal Opportunity Employer All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran.

EEO is the Law:

Accommodation Information

If you are interested in applying for employment with The Johns Hopkins University and require special assistance or accommodation during any part of the pre-employment process, please contact the Talent Acquisition Office at [email protected] . For TTY users, call via Maryland Relay or dial 711. For more information about workplace accommodations or accessibility at Johns Hopkins University, please visit .

Johns Hopkins has mandated COVID-19 and influenza vaccines, as applicable. The COVID-19 vaccine does not apply to positions located in the State of Florida. Exceptions to the COVID and flu vaccine requirements may be provided to individuals for religious beliefs or medical reasons. Requests for an exception must be submitted to the JHU vaccination registry. For additional information, applicants for SOM positions should visit  and all other JHU applicants should visit .

The following additional provisions may apply, depending upon campus. Your recruiter will advise accordingly.

The pre-employment physical for positions in clinical areas, laboratories, working with research subjects, or involving community contact requires documentation of immune status against Rubella (German measles), Rubeola (Measles), Mumps, Varicella (chickenpox), Hepatitis B and documentation of having received the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccination. This may include documentation of having two (2) MMR vaccines; two (2) Varicella vaccines; or antibody status to these diseases from laboratory testing. Blood tests for immunities to these diseases are ordinarily included in the pre-employment physical exam except for those employees who provide results of blood tests or immunization documentation from their own health care providers. Any vaccinations required for these diseases will be given at no cost in our Occupational Health office.

Hybrid: On-site 1-2 days a week

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Career Options after Chartered Financial Analyst | CFA Jobs in USA

A Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) is a professional designation awarded by the CFA Institute to individuals who have completed the CFA Program and met the requirements for work experience and ethical conduct. The CFA designation is globally recognized and highly respected in the investment management industry. CFAs are typically employed in roles such as portfolio management, investment analysis, research, financial advising, risk management, and corporate finance. They are valued for their deep understanding of financial markets, analytical skills, and commitment to ethical conduct.

Table of Content

  • Who is a CFA?

List of CFA Jobs

1. portfolio manager, 2. equity research analyst, 3. investment banker, 4. risk manager, 5. financial advisor, cfa jobs in us – faqs.

A portfolio manager oversees investment portfolios for individuals, institutions, or funds. Their primary role involves making investment decisions and strategizing to meet clients’ financial objectives. They play a critical part in managing and growing clients’ assets by developing tailored strategies and monitoring performance.

Role and Responsibilities

  • Create and implement investment strategies based on clients’ risk tolerance, financial goals, and market conditions.
  • Determine how to allocate assets across various classes like equities, bonds , and alternative investments.
  • Identify and select individual securities that fit the overall investment strategy.
  • Regularly review portfolio performance and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Report on portfolio status and educate clients on market trends, financial products, and investment decisions.
  • Ensure that the portfolio management practices align with regulatory standards.
Salary: The average salary for a Portfolio Manager is $97922 per year in United States.

An equity research analyst specializes in analyzing companies’ financial data, industry trends, and economic factors to provide investment recommendations on individual stocks. Their insights are crucial for investors and financial institutions seeking to make informed decisions on buying, holding, or selling securities.

  • Examine financial statements and performance metrics of companies to evaluate their profitability and growth prospects.
  • Conduct in-depth studies of various industries, identifying trends, challenges, and opportunities that could impact specific companies.
  • Build complex financial models to forecast earnings and project potential market movements.
  • Develop and present investment recommendations based on thorough research, often including a buy, hold, or sell rating.
  • Produce detailed research reports that explain their analyses and justify investment strategies.
  • Communicate with institutional clients, portfolio managers, and individual investors to present findings and recommendations.
Salary: The average salary for Equity Research Analyst is $1,47,641 per year  in the United States.

An investment banker helps clients raise capital and provides strategic financial advice for mergers & acquisitions , and other complex transactions. They often work with corporations, governments, or other large organizations. The role is crucial in guiding clients through critical financial decisions that can shape the future of their business.

  • Assist clients in raising capital by issuing stocks or bonds and arranging debt financing.
  • Provide strategic advice and support during mergers, acquisitions, and other business restructurings.
  • Facilitate public offerings, ensuring that new securities meet regulatory standards.
  • Create financial model to forecast business scenarios and evaluate potential deals.
  • Conduct valuations of companies and assets , using methods like discounted cash flow analysis.
  • Advise clients on the structure and timing of transactions and identify potential risks and opportunities.
  • Prepare presentations and pitchbooks to showcase potential investment opportunities to clients and investors .
Salary: The average salary for Investment-Banker is $2,24,527 per year in the United States.

A risk manager identifies, assesses, and manages risks to minimize their impact on an organization. They are integral to financial institutions, corporations, and government entities, where they safeguard against potential losses by developing strategies to mitigate various types of risks, from market to operational.

  • Identify potential risks through comprehensive analysis of market conditions, business operations, and financial activities.
  • Evaluate the likelihood and impact of different risks on the organization.
  • Develop and implement strategies to mitigate risks, such as diversifying investments, hedging, or creating contingency plans.
  • Ensure that the organization’s risk management policies and practices comply with relevant regulations and standards.
  • Continuously monitor risk levels and provide regular reports to senior management on potential exposures.
  • Work closely with other departments to understand their risk exposures and align the overall risk management strategy.
Salary: The average salary for a Risk Manager is ₹1,29456 per year in United States.

A financial advisor provides personalized financial planning and investment advice to clients. They work with individuals, families, and organizations to help them reach their financial goals, whether for retirement, education, or other major life events. Their expertise is crucial in crafting strategies that align with clients’ risk tolerance and long-term objectives.

  • Assess clients’ financial status, needs, and goals to develop a comprehensive financial plan.
  • Recommend investment strategies and specific financial products based on market trends and client objectives.
  • Monitor and adjust investment portfolios to ensure they remain aligned with clients’ evolving needs.
  • Help clients build effective retirement plans, including 401(k)s, IRAs, and other investment vehicles.
  • Collaborate with tax professionals and attorneys to advise clients on tax-efficient strategies and estate planning.
  • Educate clients about financial concepts, investment products, and strategies to empower informed decisions.
  • Ensure all financial planning activities and recommendations adhere to regulatory standards.
Salary: The average salary for a Financial Advisor is $72,165 per year in United States.

CFA professionals are crucial across various finance sectors, with their specialized skills enabling them to thrive in high-demand roles. While salaries vary depending on location, industry, and experience, CFAs generally command competitive compensation. This reflects the rigorous training and deep expertise required to hold such positions. In a rapidly changing financial landscape, their adaptability and analytical prowess keep them well-positioned for long-term career growth.

What qualifications are required to work as a portfolio manager?

A bachelor’s degree in finance or economics is essential, along with relevant certifications like the CFA charter. Experience in financial analysis, portfolio management, or a related field is also important.

How does an equity research analyst differ from a financial advisor?

An equity research analyst primarily focuses on analyzing and recommending individual securities, while a financial advisor provides comprehensive financial planning and investment guidance tailored to clients’ needs.

Is an MBA necessary to become an investment banker?

While an MBA can be beneficial, it’s not mandatory. Investment banking typically values skills, experience, and certifications, with many professionals holding bachelor’s degrees or CFAs.

How can I transition to a risk management role from another financial job?

Gain knowledge in risk management practices through courses or certifications, and develop analytical skills. Networking and gaining practical experience in a related department also help in making this transition.

What are the growth prospects for financial advisors?

Financial advisors have strong growth prospects as demand rises for retirement planning, wealth management, and investment advice. Advisors who specialize in niches like tax planning or socially responsible investing may find unique opportunities.

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Research Finance Analyst II, Research Operations

Research administration.

  • 1 Boston Medical Center Place, Boston, Massachusetts

Position: Research Finance Analyst II, Finance Administration

Location: Boston, MA

Schedule: 40 hours per week, Hybrid

At Boston Medical Center (BMC), our diverse staff works together for one goal — to provide exceptional and equitable care to improve the health of the people of Boston. Our bold vision to transform health care is powered by our respect for our patients and our commitment to ensure everyone who comes through our doors has a positive experience.

You’ll find a supportive work environment at BMC, with rich opportunities throughout your career for training, development, and growth and where you’ll have the tools you need to take charge of your own practice environment.  


The Research Finance Analyst II is the key sponsored program financial contact for department administrators, principal investigators and BMC central research administration related to monitoring, controlling, and reporting of grants and contracts.  The position performs, on a daily basis, analysis of accounts and communication with the BMC research community, sponsors and central BMC research administration personnel.  The Research Finance Analyst II is responsible for monitoring and communicating about the fiscal management of grants and contracts in accordance with government regulations, donor requirements, and Hospital policy. 


  • The Research Finance Analyst II will be assigned a sponsored projects portfolio, for which he or she performs all grant related post-award functions according to the terms and conditions of the sponsor, including, award setup and update, budget and expense analysis, monthly invoicing, and financial reporting.
  • Responsible for communicating with investigators, department administrators regarding post-award financial management of sponsored funds, including spending versus budget, unbilled and billed amounts, aged receivables/collection items, un-reconciled accounts, and deficits.  Meets to review status of accounts.
  • Performs all financial closeout functions according to the terms and conditions of the sponsor and Hospital policy, including, reconciliation of the grant, preparation and submission of financial reports, final invoicing, purchase order liquidations, carryover of available funds, and AR follow-up. 
  • As necessary communicates with sponsors for problem resolution, outstanding receivables, budget adjustments and information gathering.
  • May be responsible for: shared inbox management, accounts receivable management, vendor invoices/uploads, processing journal entries, purchase order management, LOC draw prep, BU salary approvals and monthly invoice/upload, FFR and grant ending notifications, and subrecipient invoice review and payment.
  • Assists in supporting internal and external sponsor audits, pulling together supporting documentation and liaising with department staff to meet audit needs.

(The above statements in this job description are intended to depict the general nature and level of work assigned to the employee(s) in this job.  The above is not intended to represent an exhaustive list of accountable duties and responsibilities required).


  • BS/BA or equivalent work experience preferred, preferably in Accounting, Finance, or Business


  • Requires two to five years of relevant work experience, preferably in an Accounting or Financial role


Requires strong computer skills, including a comprehensive knowledge of Microsoft Office, particularly Excel  

  • Individual should have strong interpersonal skills with a high degree of analytical ability and capable of communicating effectively, both verbally and written
  • The ideal candidate will possess strong deductive reasoning skills and the ability to work both independently and as part of a team are required


  • Competitive pay
  • Tuition reimbursement and tuition remission programs
  • Highly subsidized medical, dental, and vision insurance options
  • Career Advancement/Professional Development: Access a wealth of ongoing training and development opportunities that will not only enhance your skills but also expand your knowledge base especially for individuals pursuing careers in medicine or biomedical research.
  • Pioneering Research: Engage in groundbreaking research projects that are driving the forefront of biomedical science.


As the primary teaching hospital for Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine and BU schools of public health and dentistry, intellectual rigor shapes our inquiries. Our research is led by a belief that skin color, zip code, and financial circumstances shouldn’t dictate health.

Boston Medical Center is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. If you need accommodation for any part of the application process because of a medical condition or disability, please send an e-mail to  [email protected]  or call 617-638-8582 to let us know the nature of your request.

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EEO & Accommodation Statement Boston Medical Center is an equal employment/affirmative action employer. We ensure equal employment opportunities for all, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression or any other non-job-related characteristic. If you need accommodation for any part of the application process because of a medical condition or disability, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call 617-638-8582 to let us know the nature of your request

E-Verify Program Boston Medical Center participates in the Electronic Employment Verification Program. As an E-Verify employer, prospective employees of BMC must complete a background check and receive medical clearance before beginning their employment at the hospital.

Federal Trade Commission Statement: According to the FTC, there has been a rise in employment offer scams. Our current job openings are listed on our website and applications are received only through our website. We do not ask or require downloads of any applications, or “apps” job offers are not extended over text messages or social media platforms. We do not ask individuals to purchase equipment for or prior to employment. To avoid becoming a victim of an employment offer scam, please follow these tips from the FTC: FTC Tips

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  • Data library

2024 Housing Market Forecast and Predictions: Housing Affordability Finally Begins to Turnaround

Danielle Hale

As we look ahead to 2024 , we see a mix of continuity and change in both the housing market and economy. Against a backdrop of modest economic growth, slightly higher unemployment, and easing inflation longer term interest rates including mortgage rates begin a slow retreat. The shift from climbing to falling mortgage rates improves housing affordability, but saps some of the urgency home shoppers had previously sensed. Less frenzied housing demand and plenty of rental home options keep home sales relatively stable at low levels in 2024, helping home prices to adjust slightly lower even as the number of for-sale homes continues to dwindle. ® 2024 Forecast for Key Housing Indicators

research analyst job growth

Home Prices Dip, Improving Affordability

Home prices grew at a double-digit annual clip for the better part of two years spanning the second half of 2020 through 2022, a notable burst following a growing streak that spanned back to 2012. As mortgage rates climbed, home price growth flatlined, actually declining on an annual basis in early 2023 before an early-year dip in mortgage rates spurred enough buyer demand to reignite competition for still-limited inventory. Home prices began to climb again, and while they did not reach a new monthly peak, on average for the year we expect that the 2023 median home price will slightly exceed the 2022 annual median.

Nevertheless, even during the brief period when prices eased, using a mortgage to buy a home remained expensive. Since May 2022, purchasing the typical for-sale home listing at the prevailing rate for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage with a 20% down payment meant forking over a quarter or more of the typical household paycheck. In fact, in October 2023, it required 39% of the typical household income and this share is expected to average 36.7% for the full calendar year in 2023. This figure has typically ranged around 21%, so it is well above historical average. We expect that the return to pricing in line with financing costs will begin in 2024, and home prices, mortgage rates, and income growth will each contribute to the improvement. Home prices are expected to ease slightly, dropping less than 2% for the year on average. Combined with lower mortgage rates and income growth this will improve the home purchase mortgage payment share relative to median income to an average 34.9% in 2024, with the share slipping under 30% by the end of the year.

research analyst job growth

Home Sales Barely Budge Above 2023’s Likely Record Low

After soaring during the pandemic, existing home sales were weighed down in the latter half of 2022 as mortgage rates took off, climbing from just over 3% at the start of the year to a peak of more than 7% in the fourth quarter. The reprieve in mortgage rates in early 2023, when they dipped to around 6%, brought some life to home sales, but the renewed climb of mortgage rates has again exerted significant pressure on home sales that is exacerbated by the fact that a greater than usual number of households bought homes over the past few years, and despite stories of pandemic purchase regret , for the most part, these homeowners continue to be happy in their homes. 

This is consistent with what visitors to report when asked why they are not planning to sell their homes. The number one reason homeowners aren’t trying to sell is that they just don’t need to; concern about losing an existing low-rate mortgage is the top financial concern cited. Our current projection is for 2023 home sales to tally just over 4 million, a dip of 19% over the 2022 5 million total. 


With many of the same forces at play heading into 2024, the housing chill will continue, with sales expected to remain essentially unchanged at just over 4 million. Although mortgage rates are expected to ease throughout the course of the year, the continuation of high costs will mean that existing homeowners will have a very high threshold for deciding to move, with many likely choosing to stay in place.  Moves of necessity–for job changes, family situation changes, and downsizing to a more affordable market–are likely to drive home sales in 2024. 

research analyst job growth

Shoppers Find Even Fewer Existing Homes For Sale

Even before the pandemic, housing inventory was on a long, slow downward trajectory. Insufficient building meant that the supply of houses did not keep up with household formation and left little slack in the housing market. Both homeowner and rental vacancy remain below historic averages . In contrast with the existing home market, which remains sluggish, builders have been catching up, with construction remaining near pre-pandemic highs for single-family and hitting record levels for multi-family . 

research analyst job growth

Despite this, the lack of excess capacity in housing has been painfully obvious in the for-sale home market. The number of existing homes on the market has dwindled. With home sales activity to continue at a relatively low pace, the number of unsold homes on the market is also expected to remain low.  Although mortgage rates are expected to begin to ease, they are expected to exceed 6.5% for the calendar year. This means that the lock-in effect, in which the gap between market mortgage rates and the mortgage rates existing homeowners enjoy on their outstanding mortgage, will remain a factor. Roughly two-thirds of outstanding mortgages have a rate under 4% and more than 90% have a rate less than 6%.

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Rental Supply Outpaces Demand to Drive Mild Further Decline in Rents

After almost a full year of double-digit rent growth between mid-2021 and mid-2022, the rental market has finally cooled down, as evidenced by the year-over-year decline that started in May 2023 . In 2024, we expect the rental market will closely resemble the dynamics witnessed in 2023, as the tug of war between supply and demand results in a mild annual decline of -0.2% in the median asking rent.

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New multi-family supply will continue to be a key element shaping the 2024 rental market.  In the third quarter of 2023, the annual pace of newly completed multi-family homes stood at 385,000 units. Although absorption rates remained elevated in the second quarter, especially at lower price points, the rental vacancy rate ticked up to 6.6% in the third quarter. This uptick in rental vacancy suggests the recent supply has outpaced demand, but context is important. After recent gains, the rental vacancy rate is on par with its level right before the onset of the pandemic in early 2020, still below its 7.2% average from the 2013 to 2019 period.  Looking ahead, the strong construction pipeline– which hit a record high for units under construction this summer –is expected to continue fueling rental supply growth in 2024 pushing rental vacancy back toward its long-run average. 

While the surge in new multi-family supply gives renters options, the sheer number of renters will minimize the potential price impact. The median asking rent in 2024 is expected to drop only slightly below its 2023 level. Renting is expected to continue to be a more budget friendly option than buying in the vast majority of markets, even though home prices and mortgage rates are both expected to dip, helping pull the purchase market down slightly from record unaffordability. 

Young adult renters who lack the benefit of historically high home equity to tap into for a home purchase will continue to find the housing market challenging. Specifically, as many Millennials age past first-time home buying age and more Gen Z approach these years, the current housing landscape is likely to keep these households in the rental market for a longer period as they work to save up more money for the growing down payment needed to buy a first home. This trend is expected to sustain robust demand for rental properties. Consequently, we anticipate that rental markets favored by young adults , a list which includes a mix of affordable areas and tech-heavy job markets in the South, Midwest, and West, will be rental markets to watch in 2024.

Key Wildcards:

  • Wildcard 1: Mortgage Rates With both mortgage rates and home prices expected to turn the corner in 2024, record high unaffordability will become a thing of the past, though as noted above, the return to normal won’t be accomplished within the year. This prediction hinges on the expectation that inflation will continue to subside, enabling the recent declines in longer-term interest rates to continue. If inflation were to instead see a surprise resurgence, this aspect of the forecast would change, and home sales could slip lower instead of steadying.
  • Wildcard 2: Geopolitics In our forecast for 2023 , we cited the risk of geopolitical instability on trade and energy costs as something to watch. In addition to Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine, instability in the Middle East has not only had a catastrophic human toll, both conflicts have the potential to impact the economic outlook in ways that cannot be fully anticipated. 
  • Wildcard 3: Domestic Politics: 2024 Elections In 2020, amid the upheaval of pandemic-era adaptations, many Americans were on the move. We noted that traffic patterns indicated that home shoppers in very traditionally ‘blue’ or Democratic areas were tending to look for homes in markets where voters have more typically voted ‘red’ or Republican. While consumers also reported preferring to live in locations where their political views align with the majority , few actually reported wanting to move for this reason alone. 

Housing Perspectives:

What will the market be like for homebuyers, especially first-time homebuyers.

First-time homebuyers will continue to face a challenging housing market in 2024, but there are some green shoots. The record-high share of income required to purchase the median priced home is expected to begin to decline as mortgage rates ease, home prices soften, and incomes grow. In 2023 we expect that for the year as a whole, the monthly cost of financing the typical for-sale home will average more than $2,240, a nearly 20% increase over the mortgage payment in 2022, and roughly double the typical payment for buyers in 2020. This amounted to a whopping nearly 37% of the typical household income. In 2024 as modest price declines take hold and mortgage rates dip, the typical purchase cost is expected to slip just under $2,200 which would amount to nearly 35% of income. While far higher than historically average, this is a significant first step in a buyer-friendly direction.

How can homebuyers prepare? 

Homebuyers can prepare for this year’s housing market by getting financially ready. Buyers can use a home affordability calculator , like this one at to translate their income and savings into a home price range. And shoppers can pressure test the results by using a mortgage calculator to consider different down payment, price, and loan scenarios to see how their monthly costs would be impacted. Working with a lender can help potential buyers explore different loan products such as FHA or VA loans that may offer lower mortgage interest rates or more flexible credit criteria. 

Although prices are anticipated to fall in 2024, housing costs remain high, and a down payment can be a big obstacle for buyers. Recent research shows that the typical down payment on a home reached a record high of $30,000 .  To make it easier to cobble together a down payment, shoppers can access information about down payment assistance options at and in the monthly payment section of home listing pages. Furthermore, home shoppers can explore loan products geared toward helping families access homeownership by enabling down payments as low as 3.5% in the case of FHA loans and 0% in the case of VA loans .

What will the market be like for home sellers?

Home sellers are likely to face more competition from builders than from other sellers in 2024. Because builders are continuing to maintain supply and increasingly adapting to market conditions, they are increasingly focused on lower-priced homes and willing to make price adjustments when needed. As a result, potential sellers will want to consider the landscape for new construction housing in their markets and any implications for pricing and marketing before listing their home for sale.

What will the market be like for renters?

In 2024, renting is expected to continue to be a more cost-effective option than buying in the short term even though we anticipate the advantage for renting to diminish as home prices and mortgage rates decline. 

However, for those considering the pursuit of long-term equity through homeownership, it’s essential to not only stay alert about market trends but also to carefully consider the intended duration of residence in their next home. When home prices rise rapidly, like they did during the pandemic, the higher cost of purchasing a home may break even with the cost of renting in as little as 3 years. Generally, it takes longer to reach the breakeven point, typically within a 5 to 7-year timeframe. Importantly, when home prices are falling and rents are also declining, as is expected to be the case in 2024, it can take longer to recoup some of the higher costs of buying a home. Individuals using’s Rent vs. Buy Calculator can thoroughly evaluate the costs and benefits associated with renting versus buying over time and how many years current market trends suggest it will take before buying is the better financial decision. This comprehensive tool can provide insights tailored to a household’s specific rent versus buying decision and empowers consumers to consider not only the optimal choice for the current month but also how the trade-offs evolve over several years.

Local Market Predictions:

All real estate is local and while the national trends are instructive, what matters most is what’s expected in your local market. 

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