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How to Mention a Referral in Your Cover Letter

sample cover letter referral from friend

What is a Referral Cover Letter?

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If you know someone at a company or someone with a strong connection to a company, it can be helpful to mention them in your cover letter when you apply for a job. Having a referral can help you stand out from the crowd when you're job searching, and including the referral in your cover letter can help get your application noticed by the hiring manager.

Mentioning that you're referred by someone is like getting an employment reference in advance. Hiring managers and recruiters will likely take a closer look at candidates with whom they share a mutual contact, and for good reason: studies have shown that hiring through employee referrals results in faster, cheaper, more effective hiring than relying on job sites.

Applicants with a referral are four times more likely to be offered a job than candidates without one. Referral hires also tend to get up to speed more quickly, fit in better, and stay with the company longer.

Mentioning your referral and shared connection in your cover letter can make the difference in helping your application get noticed by prospective employers.

It also gives the hiring manager some context for your work background and provides additional information about you.

Here's how to write a referral cover letter, the best way to mention the contact who is referring you, what to include, and a sample letter with a template to download.

A referral cover letter mentions a mutual connection when applying for a job. You might be referred by a colleague, a friend, an employee at the company you’re interested in, a client or vendor, or even your college career office.

Referred candidates are a leading source of new hires, and many employers actively seek referrals when hiring for open positions. Even if a company doesn't have a formal employee referral program , referrals are typically welcomed as a way to expedite the hiring process and secure strong candidates for available jobs.

Having a referral name to mention in your cover letter helps the hiring manager understand the shared connection you have with them or their employer. A referral also helps relate your experience to the open position and, depending on how you know the referring party, can provide some insight into how well you might fit in at the company.

Your cover letter also provides an opportunity to briefly highlight your education, skills, and qualifications for the job. In addition to mentioning your referral, you'll have the chance to add a few specific examples of why you are the best candidate for the position and share other details not included on your resume.

There are many different ways to be referred for a job. A connection at a company may inquire into whether you have an interest in exploring new opportunities. You may find that you're connected with an employee on LinkedIn. Before you apply for a job, take a look to see who you know at the organization.

The referral doesn't have to be a business connection. You can ask anyone you know at the company or who has a contact at the company if they would recommend you for a job.

Be sure to check with the individual in advance and ask if they are willing to give you a referral . Even if you’re certain they’d vouch for you, giving a potential referral the heads-up ensures that they’ll be ready and able to offer the best possible recommendation, given the job requirements.

You can send a letter or email asking for a referral , which gives the person the time and opportunity to think through what they can do for you, and how to proceed. Asking in writing also gives your connection an out if they aren't comfortable referring you.

  • Mention who is referring you. When you use a referral in your cover letter, mention them in the first paragraph. Include the individual by name and describe your connection with them as well.
  • Explain how you know the person. Give a brief account of how you know the person, and explain how they came to be familiar with your work qualifications and skills.
  • Describe why they are recommending you. If the person recommended that you apply for this particular position, take the opportunity to mention why they are endorsing you. What specific qualities of yours made them think that you would be a good fit for the company and for the job? What do you have to offer the company?

Here's an example of an introductory paragraph mentioning that the candidate has been referred by a colleague:

My colleague Amy Smith recommended that I contact you directly about the sales representative position at ABC, Inc. Amy and I have worked closely in the industry for many years, and she thought the company would be a good fit for my style and experience in sales. She pointed out that as a successful, award-winning salesperson, I would be an excellent addition to the team at ABC, Inc.

Name-dropping does not come easily to some people, especially if you're already wrestling with how to write about your accomplishments and sell yourself to a hiring manager. Even though it might be a challenge, being referred for a job can give you a boost over the competition. At the least, it should help you get considered for an interview. At best, it could give you a foot in the door that might lead to a job offer.

Review examples. If you're not sure what to write, it helps to look at examples of cover letters , although you'll want to tailor your letter to fit your specific personal and professional circumstances.

Mention the referral upfront. Remember to include a brief mention of your referral and recommendation right away in your cover letter. This strategy puts the referral at the front of the reader's mind, giving them context for the information that follows.

Make the best first impression. Expand on your strengths and why you're the best candidate for the job. Your cover letter offers a chance to make a strong first impression, since it's likely the first thing a hiring manager sees, possibly even before your resume.

Share your accomplishments. Mention brief examples of your successes in the workplace to prove that you are the most qualified person for the job.

Carefully proofread your letter. As with all business correspondence, make sure that you proofread your cover letter for correct spelling and grammar, and check that the information matches across all the documents you submit. 

This is an example of a cover letter that mentions a referral. Download the referral cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online).

Referral Cover Letter Sample (Text Version)

Betty Forbes 999 Main Street Anytown, MA 02222 555-123-4567 bforbes1223@email.com

February 28, 2022

George Smith Marketing Director Acme Communications 1234 Fragrant Way Citytown, MA 02224

Dear Mr. Smith,

It was with great interest that I learned of the opening in your department for a marketing associate. Your marketing manager, Anna Black, was my supervisor at Catz Marketing before taking her current position with Acme Communications. As she can attest, I bring a unique perspective, and can integrate the many facets of a media campaign.

With Anna at Catz Marketing, I worked with a local company to build their business and promote their grand opening. We continued to work with them for the first few years, developing a total media plan and implementing it. Their continued success and recommendations brought other businesses to seek our services as well.

My experience with Catz Marketing has prepared me to take on the challenges of working in a national company such as Acme Communications, and I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how I can be an asset to your team.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Signature (hard copy letter)

Betty Forbes

More Cover Letter Examples 

Need more inspiration for writing your own cover letters? Review these  cover letter samples and downloadable templates  for many different types of jobs to get started.

Key Takeaways

  • A cover letter with a referral can help get your application considered.
  • It's important to ask permission to mention them from the person you're asking to refer you.
  • Include the referral in the first paragraph of your cover letter.
  • Also include specifics on why you're a leading contender for the job.

LinkedIn. " Here is Why Employee Referrals are the Best Way to Hire ."

Zippia. "Employee Referral Statistics [2022].  Facts About Employee Referrals in the US ."

Jobvite. " 4 Reasons to Invest in Employee Referrals ."

CareerOneStop. " Make Your Next Cover Letter a Great One ."

SHRM. " Employee Referrals Remain Top Source for Hires ."

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How To Mention A Referral In Your Cover Letter (With Examples)

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Having a referral by someone who is already employed at the company you’re applying to can be an excellent way to get your foot in the door. Mentioning a referral in your cover letter is one of the ways to do this.

To help you write the best referral in your cover letter, we’ll go over how to include a reference in a cover letter, provide some referral cover letter examples, and some benefits to being referred.

Key Takeaways:

Make sure you have a reliable referral that is in good standing with a company, and that they know they are being included before putting down a referral.

Candidates that are referred also tend to feel more of an obligation to the company, their reference, and their team, allowing them to get up to speed more quickly and adapt to the new culture and workplace more efficiently.

Writing a cover letter with referral will allow you to highlight the key skills you can bring to the position and provide specific examples of why you are the best fit for this job.

How To Mention A Referral In Your Cover Letter (With Examples)

What is a referral cover letter?

How to mention a referral in your cover letter, referral cover letter examples, who to ask for a referral, the benefits of being referred, referral in your cover letter faq, final thoughts, expert opinion.

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A referral cover letter is an application document for a potential job opportunity that mentions a mutual contact you may share with the hiring manager or someone in the company. This connection can be an old colleague, a friend, or a networking acquaintance who likely works at the company you are applying to.

When done effectively, you can drop their name in your cover letter to emphasize how your skills and abilities align with the job and how you’ve worked with your referral in the past. You can mention specific projects and details that you know this person may be able to vouch for.

Your cover letter is the first thing your employer or hiring manager is likely to see, so use it as your moment to shine. This document will allow you to provide additional details about your education, qualifications, skills, and work ethic. You can point to specific projects and challenges you may have experienced and discuss how you overcame them and how those abilities translate to the job you are applying for.

When mentioning a referral in your cover letter, make sure your referral knows you are including them before, and then mention their name in the letter and explain why they are recommending you. Here is a more detailed list of how to add reference in cover letter:

Make sure your referral knows. Mentioning a referral in your cover letter is appropriate when you have directly contacted the person you’re planning to mention as your referral. This could be someone you contacted or someone that contacted you. It can even be someone who is not your contact on LinkedIn or other networks, but you’ve reached out to them, and they’ve agreed to be a referral.

However, in instances where you have not asked for explicit permission from the person you’re planning to use as your referral or this person is not in good standing with their employer, you should stay clear of mentioning them in your cover letter .

Mention who is referring you. The purpose of the cover letter is to impress from the start . Mention your referral within the first paragraph of your note. To do this effectively, include:

The person’s name

How you know them

How they are familiar with your skills and qualifications

Explain why they are recommending you. You can give the hiring manager a quick summary of why they are recommending you and how your past experience gives you the skills required to do the job well.

Keep it short. Try to keep your referral to one single paragraph in your cover letter. The rest of your letter should expand more on you and your skills, including how the things you have learned in previous work environments are transferable to your new role .

Send a copy of your cover letter to your referral. The last thing you should do is send a copy of your cover letter to your referral so they can read it over. Doing this is a nice gesture and allows them to know what you are saying about them. Be sure to also thank them for their help.

We’ve included some examples of how it may look to include a referral in your cover letter.

Cover letter with referral example

Dear Angela Morris, I am writing to inquire about the Marketing Director position, which came highly recommended to me by Bill Jeffries, Vice President of Marketing at Apple, Inc. Bill and I worked closely together for several years at Nabisco, where we tackled a variety of event coordination and digital lead generation efforts. Bill believes my marketing experience and skill for developing memorable events can have a profound impact on the marketing team and organization as a whole.
Dear Larry Smith, Bill Jeffries suggested I reach out to you regarding the Marketing Director position at Apple, Inc. I met Bill while coordinating a conference at the end of last year. We worked closely together with vendors, contracts, and design. He was able to see my ability to bring booths to life, develop innovative ideas to capture new leads, and drive to continually improve marketing programs, which is why he’s referred me to this role on your team.
Dear John Riley, Tom Johnson suggested I contact you regarding the Customer Representative Position at XYZ Company. I worked with Tom last year when we worked together at ABC Corp. Working closely together allowed him to see my ability to connect with others and drive sales. This is why he referred me to this role and your team.

Getting a referral when you don’t know someone well can sometimes be tricky. But there are a variety of ways to be referred for a job . A connection at the company you’re applying for might inquire whether you’re interested in exploring new job opportunities. You may have an old connection on LinkedIn that you forgot about.

LinkedIn is a great tool to explore whether you know anyone at the company you are applying to. You can easily see if you know an existing connection or if one of your contacts knows someone at the company currently.

Once you choose someone to provide a referral , be sure to reach out to them before applying for the job. Ask if they are willing to give you a referral for the job. Even if you assume this person will build your credibility with the hiring manager, it’s important to check with them first. You don’t want to bombard someone at the last minute, and you certainly don’t want to tell the hiring manager that a person has vouched for you when they actually haven’t.

To do this, you can send them an email or a letter asking them for a referral. Similar to a reference letter , this will give the person you are asking a chance to look over the requirements and think about how they can best help you. This also gives them an opportunity to opt out of a referral in case they don’t feel comfortable.

Being a candidate who is referred by someone respected in the company is a tremendous benefit for you as a job seeker such as an expedited hiring process or the ability to highlight key skills. Here are some more benefits of being referred.

It can quicken the hiring process. Even if a company doesn’t have a formal employee referral program , the human resources (HR) department typically welcomes referrals. They help to expedite the hiring process and ensure that strong candidates fill open spots on teams.

Allows the interviewer to see you in a different light. When you are referred for a job, it might feel like a lot to live up to. However, if you view it as a step up during your interview process , you will be better suited for your interview. Ultimately, having a candidate referred gives the hiring manager an authentic glimpse into the kind of employee you will be and will help them relate your experience to the position.

A better understanding of the company culture. The person who referred you will likely be asked to provide insights into how you will fit into their company culture . However, there is no need to worry because the person who referred you would not have vouched for you if they didn’t think you were the right fit for this job.

Being able to highlight key skills. Putting this referral in your cover letter will allow you to highlight the key skills you can bring to the position and provide specific examples of why you are the best fit for this job. Cover letters give you another area to share additional details that your resume may not include.

Should you mention a referral in a cover letter?

Yes, you should mention a referral in your cover letter. Mentioning a referral in a cover letter helps to emphasize how your skills and abilities align with the job and how you’ve worked with your referral in the past. The best way to do this is to mention specific projects and details how you know the person and how they can vouch for you.

Who should be a referral for a job?

A referral should be someone you know such as an old colleague, former classmate, or someone from your network who works at the company you are applying for. The person who is referring you should be a current employee and someone you trust. They should be able to help highlight your strengths and abilities.

How do you mention a referral in your cover letter?

To mention a referral in your cover letter be sure to mention by name the person who referred you and your relationship to the. This should be a person who is a current employee who can highlight your skills and abilities. Your referral in your cover letter should be kept short and to the point.

If you come into a company with the right type of referral and a person who can actively vouch for your work ethic, you’ll already place yourself ahead of the competition. Even if you have a vast network and land your dream job, continue to network . Ensure that you always depart work environments on good terms with colleagues and managers. You never know who you will cross paths with later in your career journey: the broader your network, the better chance you will have to name-drop in the future.

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How To Mention A Referral In Your Cover Letter

Martha Nicks Career Services Provider

“My colleague XXX recommended that I contact you directly about this position ” is an easy way to name drop your referral in the cover letter. To strengthen the statement, add something about the relationship of the referral to the company.

University of South Florida – Cover Letter Do’s & Don’ts

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Caitlin Mazur is a freelance writer at Zippia. Caitlin is passionate about helping Zippia’s readers land the jobs of their dreams by offering content that discusses job-seeking advice based on experience and extensive research. Caitlin holds a degree in English from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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