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Dominique de Sade

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Dominique de Sade (ドミニク・ド・サド, Dominiku do Sado ), frequently nicknamed Domi (ドミ, Domi ) is a major protagonist from Jun Mochizuki 's The Case Study of Vanitas . A Vampire of the Crimson Moon , she is the childhood friend of Noé Archiviste , having met him through her grandfather, his Teacher . Born the youngest child of the influential House de Sade , Dominique adopts a brash, authoritative persona, taking it upon herself to serve as Noé's "protector." She holds a great distrust for Vanitas , whom she regards as a potential corrupting influence on her close friend. She works as a knight for Carbunculus Castle . [1]

Icon murr transparent

Twenty years prior to Noé's trip to Paris, Dominique was born, raised to believe she was a year younger than her brother Louis , and the youngest of four siblings. While Louis was declared a curse-bearer and sent to live with their grandfather, Dominique was raised by her biological parents in Altus Paris , only occasionally visiting him in the rural village of Averoigne . When she and Louis were still quite young, they met Noé, who had been taken as a student by their grandfather. The three quickly developed a deep friendship, Dominique developing romantic feelings for Noé over the next several years. [2]

When she, Louis, and Noé were in their teens, a failed attempt to rescue a child in the final stages of Malnomen resulted in the corruption of Louis's True Name and his death by decapitation. [2] She gave Noé a box of unknown contents upon Louis's instruction, having been told to give it to Noé "when the time comes." Horrified by what was inside, Noé collapsed, [3] leaving Dominique to fret over his health for the next several days. It was during this time she learned she and Louis had in fact been twins, the birth of which was highly stigmatized in Vampire society. Their birth as twins had been covered up, Domi chosen arbitrarily from the two to survive, Louis intended for death but rescued by their grandfather on a whim. After Noé briefly confuses Dominique for Louis before collapsing again, Dominique developed an extreme inferiority complex surrounding her brother. She began to crossdress and adopt a more masculine persona out of the belief Noé would've preferred Louis survived in her stead. [4]

  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Powers and Abilities
  • 5 Appearances
  • 7 References
  • 8 Navigation

Appearance [ ]

Dominique is a tall, thin woman with pale skin and a neat hourglass body type. She has broad shoulders, a small bust, wide hips, and a well-defined butt. Her face is round with a small, pointed chin, a large forehead, thin eyebrows, and large, golden, upturned eyes with thick eyelashes. Black, wavy hair falls past her hips, her long bangs parted in the center of her forehead such that some of her hair falls into her eyes, while the rest covers her ears. Otherwise, her hair is usually kept loose and unstyled. Like all vampires of the Crimson Moon, her eyes will occasionally turn red.

Though she changes outfits several times over the course of the series, Dominique's usual outfit consists of a black button-up over white pants, a long, white, gold-accented tailcoat with large cuffs, black thigh-high boots, and a black bow. In addition to this, she wears a purple, ribbon-like sash attached to a sword sheath, where she normally keeps a rapier. In most of her appearances, she wears purple gloves. Her outfit would be considered very masculine for the setting.

As a child, Dominique bore a very strong resemblance to her brother , though she was shorter and their fashion tastes differed. Prior to Louis's death, Dominique had long hair she would keep loose or in a bun, and would favor dresses. She either lacked bangs or parted them to the side. After he died, she cut her hair short and began to deliberately mimic his choices in fashion, styling her hair like his, beginning to wear pants, and adopting an overall less feminine gender presentation.

Personality [ ]

Dominique is initially presented as a confident and flirtatious young woman with a bold and ostentatious manner. During her introduction she asserts that she is Noé's fiancée and, when Noé reveals this is a lie, flirts with Nox to distract from her indiscretion (though the latter interaction is cut from the anime). She naturally attempts to protect those she likes, such as Noé and Jeanne, though this protectiveness does not often take into account other's wishes. As such, she is hostile to Vanitas, going so far as to threaten, interrogate, and briefly stalk him, as she perceives him as a threat to Noé and later Jeanne.

Despite her apparent confidence, Domi is shown to fake competence at times. When Jeanne asks for advice to scare Vanitas off on the presumption Dominique has a history with troublesome men, Dominique refuses to admit she has no dating experience with men and instead gives Jeanne advice based on what she'd learned of Vanitas through Noé in an attempt to remain Jeanne's protector. Though she tells Jeanne she does not care for the impact their relations may have on her reputation (as Dominique is a noble and Jeanne is a Bourreau,) she is greatly embarrassed by being defeated and bound in combat.

Behind this brash, outgoing, and sometimes sadistic exterior, Dominique is deeply insecure, and her narration frequently turns to self-degradation. She is frequently the target of bullying by her elder siblings, who refer to her as a failure and mock her fondness for Noé and Jeanne. Following Louis's death, Dominique becomes convinced both Noé and her family would've preferred she had perished instead. While Noé had come down with a fever, she suffers a breakdown and goes so far as to attack her maids when they tried to stop her from cutting her hair. Subsequently she attempted to play Louis's role, adopting a male speech pattern and style of dress. Nevertheless, her relationship with her family does not improve, and Noé does not return her feelings for him. After meeting Misha, Dominique becomes convinced that Noé would be happier were she to die. When Jeanne thwarts Dominique's suicide attempt, Domi expresses jealousy towards her and claims to despise her.

Dominique has a more girlish side. She is sometimes flustered by discussions of sex or romance, despite affecting a more experienced personality. When Jeanne mentions the possibility of sex with Vanitas, Dominique tells her that relationships between men and women should start with the exchange of letters. Her siblings' discussion of sex causes her great embarrassment, and she was susceptible to teasing by Louis regarding her crush on Noé.

Powers and Abilities [ ]

General: As a Vampire , Dominique has far greater strength, speed, and endurance than an average human being by strengthening her physical abilities with interference of the World Formula . She is fit, active, and trained in combat, very much capable of holding her own in a fight with ease, but her natural abilities are no more than that of an average Vampire. Still, she has been shown fighting easily against multiple other Vampires [3] and works as a knight in Carbunculus Castle , [5] showing her skills and credentials to be significant in their own right.

Weapons: Dominique's main weapon of choice is a long thing rapier with gold and purple sheath and hilt, which is nearly always strapped to the side of her waist. She is very skilled and highly trained in sword fighting, her movements and reflexes very fast and accurate. [6] She is able to both exert deadly force if need be, and also fight to subdue and restrain against less dangerous foes. In addition to her sword, she is also very skilled at knife throwing, easily hitting her intended targets even upon a spinning wheel. [7]

World Formula Interference: As a de Sade Dominique possesses the ability of cryokinesis , the ability to create and control ice, by rewriting the World Formula much like her older siblings. Whereas the rest of her family uses their powers destructively and nearly always with deadly force and intent, Dominique is more likely to use her ability with restraint and mercy. With her cryokinesis, Dominique can summon large shards of ice out of thin air and manipulate them to fly and crash into any target she wishes. The shards of ice will explode and expand into massive waves of ice, which she can use to restrain and trap people. The ice Dominique produces is so strong it can protect against the weight of a falling ferris wheel without giving or breaking in any way. While the other de Sades' powers are far more forceful, Dominique still possesses her own keen, precise kind of strength. [8]

  • “I worry… that you might be thinking that what happened back then … is your fault…” [1]
  • “Go ahead. I’ll give you… all of it… mon chéri.” [1]
  • “Just so you’re aware… even if you cry or scream, no one will come.” [7]
  • “Doesn’t the very fact that you’re using his name show that you worship the Vampire of the Blue Moon!?” [7]
  • “‘Acts of pleasure are the passion to which all others are subordinate.’ I’m quoting my father. I possess no passions that deserve priority over admiring a beautiful flower that blooms before me.” [9]
  • “…I envy you, Louis.” [10]
  • “‘Why wasn’t it me?’ It’s something I’ve wondered ever since the day Louis died. I wish I’d been the one to become a curse-bearer. I wish I’d been the one to get beheaded. I wish Louis was the one who was here with Noé now. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry…” [4]
  • “Noé. Would you rather have had Louis too? More than me… did you want Louis to live…?” [4]
  • “I’m sorry. I wish I’d been the one to die.” [4]
  • “I wish I’d been the one to become a curse-bearer. If Louis had lived instead of me, Noé would have been happier too.” [11]
  • “Noé’s getting hurt, and I… I can’t just… watch that happen…! If I lose Noé too… I can’t survive.” [12]
  • “Heh! Hilarious. Are you sure you’re doing this for Noé’s sake?” [6]
  • “I… I hate myself. I’m indecisive and pathetic. I can’t stand myself! But even so, there’s one thing I won’t compromise on. I won’t forgive anyone that hurts Noé. If my getting hurt makes Noé feel that way… then I mustn’t allow it, no matter what!!” [13]
  • “Our True Name isn’t the least bit defiled.” [13]
  • “It’s all right. No voice like that could unsettle us. Keep your eyes on me. I’ll face the two of you squarely as well. For now, in order to protect… take up your sword with me!” [8]
  • “Me too!! I love you too!!!” [14]
  • “He gets lost right off the bat, and he doesn’t even know he’s lost. It’s incredible. He’s kind to me when he has no idea how I feel. He’s straightforward, and it’s not fair of him. Since he’s like that, I—!” [14]
  • “‘Costuming’… doesn’t simply mean dressing oneself beautifully. It’s also the act of veiling one’s true nature so that it’s seen as something else.” [15]

Appearances [ ]

  • Mémoire 1: Vanitas — In the Event of Rusty Hopes (First Appearance)
  • Mémoire 5: Archiviste — Fangs That Reveal Blood
  • Mémoire 6: Altus — Other World
  • Mémoire 7: Bal Masqué — Night of Sneering Masks
  • Mémoire 8: Louis — Sinking in a Pool of Blood
  • Mémoire 9: Réminiscence — Friends*
  • Mémoire 10: Salvatio — Uncertainty
  • Mémoire 11: Deux Ombres — Point of Departure
  • Mémoire 12: Pause 𝄻
  • Mémoire 13: Glissando — Glissando*
  • Entracte: Chambre d'enfants — A Dream of the Sound of Rain*
  • Mémoire 20: Serment — Promise (Part One)*
  • Mémoire 21: Serment — Promise (Part Two)
  • Mémoire 22: Hurler — A Calling Voice*
  • Mémoire 23: Au Pas Camarade — Pace*
  • Mémoire 24: Forêt d'argent — Chance Encounter (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 30: Strascinando — Tremolo*
  • Mémoire 43: Encens Restant — Lingering Scent of the Dream
  • Mémoire 44: Mal d'Amour — The Incurable Illness (Part One)
  • Mémoire 45: Mal d'Amour — The Incurable Illness (Part Two)
  • Mémoire 46: Un Autre — Scar
  • Entracte: Jours Bruyants — Tales of Lost Children
  • Mémoire 47: Hétérogène — Sneering Laughter
  • Mémoire 50: Petrichor — The Thread That Reels in the Past
  • Mémoire 51: Tempest — A Silent Scream
  • Extra: The Case Study of Vanitash!!!! —Expanded Edition— (Non-Canon)
  • Mémoire 52: Sens Unique — Fall
  • Mémoire 53: Pleuvoir — Rain Which Doesn't Know the Sky
  • Mémoire 54: La nuit sans lune — Dark Night (Part One)
  • Mémoire 54.5: La nuit sans lune — Dark Night (Part Two)
  • Mémoire 55: Après la pluie — His Wish (Part One)
  • Mémoire 55.5: Après la pluie — His Wish (Part Two)
  • Mémoire 56: Faire un gâteau — Bittersweet (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 58: Observation — The Darkness in Between
  • Mémoire 60: Bonne journée — Sweets, Complaints, and Reconciliation
  • Entracte: Couche — On Clothing
  • Mémoire 61: Jeu de paume — Court Tennis (Part One)
  • Mémoire 61.5: Jeu de paume — Court Tennis (Part Two)
  • Mémoire 62: Bourdonnement — Wingbeats of Scattered Thought (Part One)
  • Mémoire 63: Quelqu'un — Someone
  • Mémoire 1: Vanitas -In the Event of Rusty Hopes-*
  • Mémoire 3: Archiviste -Fangs That Lay Bare Blood- (First Appearance)
  • Mémoire 4: Bal masqué -Night of Mocking Masks-
  • Mémoire 5: Réminiscence -Friends-*
  • Mémoire 6: Salvatio -Questions-
  • Mémoire 7: Femme fatale -Love-
  • Mémoire 11: Serment -Promises-
  • Mémoire 12: Deux Ombres -Point of Departure-
  • Mémoire 13: Forêt d'argent -Chance Encounter- (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 15: Oiseau et ciel -The d'Apchiers' Vampire-*
  • Mémoire 20: Mal d'amour -The Incurable Disease-
  • Mémoire 21: Un Autre -Scars-
  • Mémoire 23: Pleuvoir -Tears like Rain-
  • Mémoire 24: Après la pluie -His Wish-

(*) - Denotes that the character did not appear physically, but as a part of another character's memories.

  • "Dominique" means "of the lord." [16]
  • In Mémoire 12: Pause , Dominique says to Jeanne "'Acts of pleasure are the passion to which all others are subordinate.' I'm quoting my father." This is one possible translation of a quote attributed to the real life Marquis de Sade, usually translated as, "Sexual pleasure is, I agree, a passion to which all others are subordinate but in which they all unite." This confirms the fictional head of the de Sade family to be directly based on the Marquis de Sade.
  • After Louis's death, Dominique changes her preferred first-person pronoun from 私 ( watashi ) to the more masculine 僕 ( boku ).
  • She is a weepy drunk. [18]
  • Dominique is one of the first of Mochizuki's characters to be portrayed as bisexual, having expressed romantic affection for a man—Noé [9] —and a woman—Jeanne. [14]

References [ ]

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mémoire 6: Altus
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 Mémoire 9: Réminiscence
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 Mémoire 10: Salvatio
  • ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Mémoire 46: Un Autre
  • ↑ Mémoire 47: Hétérogène
  • ↑ 6.0 6.1 Mémoire 53: Pleuvoir
  • ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Mémoire 7: Bal Masqué
  • ↑ 8.0 8.1 Mémoire 54.5: La nuit sans lune (Part Two)
  • ↑ 9.0 9.1 Mémoire 12: Pause
  • ↑ Entracte: Chambre d’enfants
  • ↑ Mémoire 50: Petrichor
  • ↑ Mémoire 52: Sens Unique
  • ↑ 13.0 13.1 Mémoire 54: La nuit sans lune (Part One)
  • ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Mémoire 60: Bonne journée
  • ↑ Entracte: Couche
  • ↑ Wikipedia: Dominique (name)
  • ↑ Wikipedia: Marquis de Sade
  • ↑ Extra: The Case Study of Vanitash!!!! —Expanded Edition—

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The Case Study of Vanitas

Episode list

The case study of vanitas.

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E1 ∙ In the Event of Rusty Hopes

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E2 ∙ In the City of Flowers

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E3 ∙ Fangs That Lay Bare Blood

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E4 ∙ Night of Mocking Masks

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E5 ∙ Friends

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E6 ∙ Questions

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E7 ∙ Love

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E8 ∙ Where Death Slumbers

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E9 ∙ Those Who Hunt Crimson

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E10 ∙ No. 69

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E11 ∙ Promise

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E12 ∙ Point of Departure

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E13 ∙ A Chance Encounter

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E14 ∙ The Witch and the Young Man

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E15 ∙ The d'Apchiers' Vampire

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E16 ∙ The Beast

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E17 ∙ Hands Upon a Nightmare

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E18 ∙ Just the Two of Us

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E19 ∙ Snow Flower

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E20 ∙ The Incurable Disease

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E21 ∙ Scars

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E22 ∙ Blue Night

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E23 ∙ Tears like Rain

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

S1.E24 ∙ His Wish

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The Case Study Of Vanitas - What We Know So Far

Noé Archiviste looking surprised

Avid manga readers have probably picked up, or at least heard of, "The Case Study of Vanitas." Set in 19th century Paris, the story's use of steampunk has produced gorgeous and unique art that puts one in mind of the ever-popular "Black Butler." However, the aesthetic isn't the only thing that makes this story interesting. Created by Jun Mochizuki ("Pandora Heart"), "Case Study" follows Noé Archiviste as he aids Vanitas on his journey to help vampires from giving into their predatory nature. It is not an easy task though, as danger lurks in every corner and a force called the Charlatan tries to corrupt the vampires before they can be saved. The series has appeared in Square Enix's "Monthly Gangan Joker" since 2015, and has since produced 8 volumes. 

Fans of "Case Study" will be pleased to know that Vanitas and Noé will be animated. The anime will be adapted by Bones Inc. Studio, which is known for producing popular series such as " Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ," "Ouran High School Host Club" and, most recently, "My Hero Academia." Here is everything we know about "The Case Study of Vanitas." 

When will The Case Study of Vanitas be released?

According to Anime News Network , Aniplex revealed back in March that the anime adaptation of "The Case Study of Vanitas" was on its way. It was later announced that the series would premiere on July 2nd and will air across multiple TV networks (via  Crunchyroll ). In addition to Bones Inc., Tomoyuki Itamura of "Owarimonogatari" will be directing, while Deko Akao of "Snow White with the Red Hair" and Yoshiyuki Ito of "Carole & Tuesday" will be serving as the script overseer and the character designer, respectively.

The anime's official Twitter also recently attached a trailer , which features Vanita's book of healing, fights with vicious vampires , and of course, the stunning 19th century Paris in which all the action takes place. Fan reaction to the over minute-long teaser was overwhelming, with many merely responding with heart-eyes emojis and gifs to accurately express their excitement. 

With only a couple of weeks to go, viewers won't have to wait long to return to Vanita's world or venture into it for the very first time. 

What characters will be in the "The Case Study of Vanitas?"

"The Case Study of Vanitas" features a wide variety of characters, who add more to both the plot and various relationships. If the anime will cover the first 40 or so chapters, fans can expect many of these people to make an appearance. 

Vanitas is the current holder of the Book of Vanitas, and thanks to its powers, he can do amazing things, though he claims to be a normal human. Despite his seemingly carefree personality, Vanitas' childhood — his parents were murdered by a vampire and his guardian subjected him to painful tests — has shaped who he is and what he does. During his travels, he meets Noé Archiviste, a man seeking the Book under the orders of his teacher. Noé is very caring, and because of this, he travels with Vanitas, finding his mission to save vampires rather than kill them to be an honorable deed. 

On Noé's and Vanitas' journeys, they come across other friends and enemies. These include Jeanne, an enslaved vampire ordered to kill her own kind; Luca, a young vampire and son of the Grand Duke; Dominique, Noé's childhood friend who harbors unrequited feelings for him, and the Teacher, a cruel, mysterious, and ancient vampire that exploits his students. 

The series is also likely to expand on supporting characters responsible for leading the main cast into even more perilous situations. 

What will be the plot of "The Case Study of Vanitas?"

Noé Archiviste hopes to find the legendary Book of Vanitas, a relic with extraordinary powers. Aboard a 19th century blimp, he meets Vanitas, the newest inheritor of the ancient text. Together, they search for sick vampires and use the power of the book to heal them. 

Most animes' first seasons usually follow up to the manga's  sixth or seventh volume, so we can expect this series to do the same. Within those approximately 40 chapters, the adaptation will depict Noé's first meeting with Vanitas, how Vanitas utilizes the book to get the job done, the introductions of Luca, Jeanne, and Dominique, Noé's relationship with the mysterious Teacher, and the risks of dealing with bloodsuckers and the Charlatan that threatens to undo Vanitas' work and continue to corrupt any vampires. 

Though there are more than seven volumes currently published, fans will have to wait for the "Case Study of Vanitas" to get renewed if they want to see the next adventure animated.


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The Case Study of Vanitas 10

Artist: Jun Mochizuki

Letterer: Bianca Pistillo

Translated by: Taylor Engel

Mikhail’s machinations have succeeded in turning Noé and Vanitas against each other—and in a desperate attempt to stop Noé, Dominique throws herself offff the Ferris wheel! Locked in a fifierce struggle against a relentless Vanitas, Noé cannot do anything but watch as his childhood friend plummets to her death…Are they doomed to end this sordid affffair exactly as Mikhail intended?

series cover

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 10

the case study of vanitas noe and dominique

The Case Study of Vanitas Volumes

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 10

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 9

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 8

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 8

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 7

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 7

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 6

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 6

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 5

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 5

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 4

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 4

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 3

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 3

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 2

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 2

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 1

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 1

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The Case Study of Vanitas’ Complex Shipping Situation

Episode 7 of The Case Study of Vanitas introduces a messy love square that cumulates in a surprisingly progressive dance party.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for The Case Study of Vanitas , Episode 7, “Love,” now streaming on Funimation.

The creator of The Case Study of Vanitas Jun Mochizuki has been known for her penchant for portraying melodramatic relationships ever since Pandora Hearts , and this is also a major selling point of The Case Study of Vanitas . The entangled romance aspect of the story is on full display in Episode 7 of the anime, appropriately titled “Love”.

The Jeanne/Vanitas ship has been well underway ever since the non-consensual kiss in Episode 3 . It also helps that Jeanne fervently sucked Vanitas’ blood in Episode 4 when she was taken over by bloodlust, even leaving her mark on him. And Jeanne doesn’t even seem to hate Vanitas all that much.

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But of course, this relationship is not as straightforward as one might think. At the end of this episode, Noe asks Vanitas what he loves about Jeanne, and while Vanitas mentions a lot of superficial things like her strength, her looks and how she is easy to tease, in the end, he says that he loves the fact that Jeanne would never love him back, as he won't love someone who also loves him. This hints at some self-loathing tendencies within Vanitas, as well as the way in which he displays his “hatred” toward vampires by curing them; aspects that are very likely related to his tormented past.

Vanitas’ feelings for Jeanne might not even be love. He claims that he doesn’t know what love is, but his heart quickens when he sees Jeanne and he interprets this as love. However, since Vanitas has no experience with romance, demonstrated by the very pubescent way he treats Jeanne, it's possible that he has misinterpreted his feelings.

Although Vanitas thinks Jeanne will never love him, this is not how the show portrays things. Jeanne constantly blushes when she sees Vanitas. She doesn’t dislike being around him and also agreed to suck only his blood from now on. Jeanne may also relate to Vanitas in terms of his self-loathing, as her reputation as a ruthless executioner makes her feel inferior. However, if she falls for Vanitas, then by his logic, he would stop loving her, so this seems like a doomed ship from the beginning.

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To complicate things further, there is Noe, who is still quite innocent and knows very little about love. During their meeting where he is served his favorite dessert, tarte Tatin, he takes particular notice of Jeanne. When Jeanne drags Vanitas outside, fearing that he might expose her bloodthirsty secret, Noe feels lost and even abandons his dessert to go after them.

Noe then witnesses Jeanne willingly suck Vanitas’ blood and admits that he feels agony in his heart. While Noe attributes this feeling to also wanting to taste Vanitas’ blood in front of Domi, he may sense it’s something more, because he tries to invite Jeanne to a dance that night. However, he is interrupted by Domi, who clearly loves Noe and doesn’t want him to realize his true feelings. There might still be hope for Domi though, as Noe is used to sucking her blood and is still very obtuse about his feelings, so it might take a long time for him to realize anything.

If all these ships seem hopelessly heterosexual, don't despair, because the melodramatic love square cumulates in a very ingenious way as the foursome participate in a dance party that evening. Domi surprisingly invites Jeanne to dance in an attempt to stop Noe from falling further for Jeanne. While Noe and Vanitas watch, Noe also invites Vanitas to dance, as he thought he could teach Vanitas.

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The dance scene is a wonderful moment that disrupts the heteronormativity in the series so far. The matter-of-fact way this moment is portrayed is refreshing. By not making a big deal out of this, the series is also making way (whether consciously or not) for more organic portrayals of same-sex interaction.

Hilariously, as the two same-sex pairs have their progressive dance party, Luca is the only one left on the sidelines, watching as the adults have fun and hoping that he can grow up soon enough to invite Jeanne, as he obviously has a massive crush on her.

It's worth noting that in the manga, it’s a bit more ambiguous who Noe is really jealous of, because it could be interpreted as either Vanitas or Jeanne. However, the anime’s editing makes it very clear that he has feelings for Jeanne, not Vanitas, and Dominique is the only one who notices this -- although this doesn’t mean that the Noe/Vanitas ship is going nowhere. The dance scene in this episode, plus Noe’s heartfelt confession from Episode 6 , solidifies their partnership as something that can potentially transcend distrust, perhaps even jealousy.

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The Case Study of Vanitas

Where to watch.

Watch The Case Study of Vanitas with a subscription on Hulu, or buy it on Prime Video.

Cast & Crew

Zeno Robinson

Tomoyuki Itamura

Naoki Amano

Executive Producer

Goro Ishida

Masanori Miyake

Series Info

The Case Study of Vanitas

Noé searches for the "Book of Vanitas" and meets a questionable stranger aboard an airship to Paris.

Vanitas and Noé are in a bind until an invitation arrives; at their benefactor's, they find they must prove the Book of Vanitas can restore a vampire's true name.

Vanitas and Noé return to Count Orlok to learn their fate along with Amelia's; Noé digs deeper into the cause of Amelia's name corruption and goes on a journey with an old friend.

The Teacher explains the World Formula theory; Vanitas is put off by Noé and Dominique's relationship; Vanitas encounters Jeanne again and reveals himself to the ball guests.

Noé's encounter with Charlatan triggers a childhood flashback; an attempt to save one of their inner circle has tragic consequences.

Vanitas comes to the rescue and helps Noé and company battle Charlatan's curse-bearers; Noé confronts Vanitas about his methods.

Cast & Crew

Natsuki Hanae

Kaito Ishikawa

Inori Minase

Shino Shimoji


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Case study definition

the case study of vanitas noe and dominique

Case study, a term which some of you may know from the "Case Study of Vanitas" anime and manga, is a thorough examination of a particular subject, such as a person, group, location, occasion, establishment, phenomena, etc. They are most frequently utilized in research of business, medicine, education and social behaviour. There are a different types of case studies that researchers might use:

• Collective case studies

• Descriptive case studies

• Explanatory case studies

• Exploratory case studies

• Instrumental case studies

• Intrinsic case studies

Case studies are usually much more sophisticated and professional than regular essays and courseworks, as they require a lot of verified data, are research-oriented and not necessarily designed to be read by the general public.

How to write a case study?

It very much depends on the topic of your case study, as a medical case study and a coffee business case study have completely different sources, outlines, target demographics, etc. But just for this example, let's outline a coffee roaster case study. Firstly, it's likely going to be a problem-solving case study, like most in the business and economics field are. Here are some tips for these types of case studies:

• Your case scenario should be precisely defined in terms of your unique assessment criteria.

• Determine the primary issues by analyzing the scenario. Think about how they connect to the main ideas and theories in your piece.

• Find and investigate any theories or methods that might be relevant to your case.

• Keep your audience in mind. Exactly who are your stakeholder(s)? If writing a case study on coffee roasters, it's probably gonna be suppliers, landlords, investors, customers, etc.

• Indicate the best solution(s) and how they should be implemented. Make sure your suggestions are grounded in pertinent theories and useful resources, as well as being realistic, practical, and attainable.

• Carefully proofread your case study. Keep in mind these four principles when editing: clarity, honesty, reality and relevance.

Are there any online services that could write a case study for me?

Luckily, there are!

We completely understand and have been ourselves in a position, where we couldn't wrap our head around how to write an effective and useful case study, but don't fear - our service is here.

We are a group that specializes in writing all kinds of case studies and other projects for academic customers and business clients who require assistance with its creation. We require our writers to have a degree in your topic and carefully interview them before they can join our team, as we try to ensure quality above all. We cover a great range of topics, offer perfect quality work, always deliver on time and aim to leave our customers completely satisfied with what they ordered.

The ordering process is fully online, and it goes as follows:

• Select the topic and the deadline of your case study.

• Provide us with any details, requirements, statements that should be emphasized or particular parts of the writing process you struggle with.

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With lots of experience on the market, professionally degreed writers, online 24/7 customer support and incredibly low prices, you won't find a service offering a better deal than ours.

the case study of vanitas noe and dominique


  1. Louis and Dominique de Sade along with Noe Archiviste || Vanitas no

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  2. Dominique de Sade and Noe Archiviste / Vanitas no Carte

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  3. The case study of vanitas / noe / vanitas / Dominique de Sade / jeanne

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  6. Vanitas no Shuki (The Case Study Of Vanitas) Image by BONES (Studio

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  1. Dominique de Sade

    Dominique de Sade (ドミニク・ド・サド, Dominiku do Sado), frequently nicknamed Domi (ドミ, Domi) is a major protagonist from Jun Mochizuki's The Case Study of Vanitas. A Vampire of the Crimson Moon, she is the childhood friend of Noé Archiviste, having met him through her grandfather, his Teacher. Born the youngest child of the influential House de Sade, Dominique adopts a brash ...

  2. The Case Study of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas (Japanese: ヴァニタスの 手記 ( カルテ ), Hepburn: Vanitasu no Karute) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki.It has been serialized in Square Enix's shōnen manga magazine Monthly Gangan Joker since December 2015. In North America, the manga is published in English by Yen Press.. The Case Study of Vanitas is set in a ...

  3. The Case Study of Vanitas (TV Series 2021-2022)

    The Case Study of Vanitas: With Zeno Robinson, Stephen Fu, Alexis Tipton, Molly Searcy. A human wields a magic book that can cure vampires of their bloodlust, and sets out to find vampires to cure with the book.

  4. The Case Study of Vanitas (TV Series 2021-2022)

    S1.E21 ∙ Scars. Sat, Mar 12, 2022. Dominique is taken hostage by Vanitas' adoptive brother, Mikhail, who sends a letter to Noé with a lock of her hair. Noé meets Mikhail in an amusement park and after threatening to harm Domi, he forces Noé to drink his blood to reveal his memories.

  5. Vanitas no Karte (The Case Study of Vanitas)

    Scorned by others of his kind for being born under a blue moon, the vampire Vanitas grew afraid and desolate. According to legend, he created a cursed grimoire known as the "Book of Vanitas," and it is said he would one day use it to bring retribution upon all vampires of the crimson moon. In 19th century Paris, Noé Archiviste is searching for the fabled Book of Vanitas. Whilst traveling ...

  6. The Case Study of Vanitas (English Dub)

    Watch The Case Study of Vanitas (English Dub) Night of Mocking Masks, on Crunchyroll. The Teacher explains the World Formula theory. Vanitas is put off by Noé and Dominique's relationship.

  7. The Case Study of Vanitas: Season 1

    Watch The Case Study of Vanitas — Season 1 with a subscription on Hulu, or buy it on Prime Video. In 19th-century Paris, young vampire Noé finds the "Book of Vanitas" in the hands of a doctor ...

  8. The Case Study of Vanitas (English Dub) Promises

    Man's has a kink. Watch The Case Study of Vanitas (English Dub) Promises, on Crunchyroll. Dominique offers Jeanne advice. Jeanne surprises Vanitas with an invitation, and Dominique shadows them ...

  9. The Case Study Of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas is a perfect blend of Parisian backgrounds and vampire hunting. ... a young vampire and son of the Grand Duke; Dominique, Noé's childhood friend who harbors unrequited ...

  10. The Case Study of Vanitas Promises

    Watch The Case Study of Vanitas Promises, on Crunchyroll. Dominique offers Jeanne advice. Jeanne surprises Vanitas with an invitation, and Dominique shadows them. ... The Case Study of Vanitas. 4. ...

  11. The Case Study of Vanitas

    Accept! Mikhail's machinations have succeeded in turning Noé and Vanitas against each other—and in a desperate attempt to stop Noé, Dominique throws herself offff.

  12. The Case Study of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas Anime 2021 Available on Prime Video, iTunes, Disney+, Hulu, Crunchyroll In nineteenth-century France, humans and vampires coexist. ... Dominique rakes Vanitas over the coals. Vanitas encounters Jeanne again and reveals himself to the ball guests. Chaos ensues when gate crashers arrive. 23 min · Dec 23, 2021 TV-14 ...

  13. The Case Study of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas - Season 1, Episode 11. Dominique offers Jeanne advice; Jeanne surprises Vanitas with an invitation, and Dominique shadows them; Noé encounters Lord Ruthven, but he ...

  14. The Case Study of Vanitas' Shipping Situation

    RELATED: The Case Study of Vanitas and Anime's History of Seductive Gothic Horror But of course, this relationship is not as straightforward as one might think. At the end of this episode, Noe asks Vanitas what he loves about Jeanne, and while Vanitas mentions a lot of superficial things like her strength, her looks and how she is easy to tease, in the end, he says that he loves the fact ...

  15. The Case Study of Vanitas

    Watch The Case Study of Vanitas with a subscription on Hulu, or buy it on Prime Video. In 19th-century Paris, young vampire Noé finds the "Book of Vanitas" in the hands of a doctor, who tempts ...

  16. The Case Study of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas Anime 2021 Available on Crunchyroll ... Vanitas is put off by Noé and Dominique's relationship; Vanitas encounters Jeanne again and reveals himself to the ball guests. 23 min · 23 Dec 2021 15+ EPISODE 5 Episode 5 ...

  17. The Case Study of Vanitas

    The Teacher explains the World Formula theory; Vanitas is put off by Noé and Dominique's relationship; Vanitas encounters Jeanne again and reveals himself to the ball guests. ... The Case Study of Vanitas ANIME In nineteenth-century France, humans and vampires coexist; Noé is travelling to Paris in search of The Book of Vanitas, a book ...

  18. List of The Case Study of Vanitas episodes

    List of. The Case Study of Vanitas. episodes. Cover art of the first English Blu-ray compilation, featuring Noé Archiviste, Vanitas (front), Dominique de Sade, Jeanne, and Lucius Oriflamme (back). The anime television series The Case Study of Vanitas is based in on the manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki.

  19. Best Case Study Writing Service

    Case study, a term which some of you may know from the "Case Study of Vanitas" anime and manga, is a thorough examination of a particular subject, such as a person, group, location, occasion, establishment, phenomena, etc. They are most frequently utilized in research of business, medicine, education and social behaviour. ...

  20. The Case Study of Vanitas

    December 20, 2021. 24min. 13+. The battle between Vanitas and the Hellfire Witch takes an unexpected turn. Vanitas and Noé return to Count Orlok to learn their fate along with Amelia's. Noé digs deeper into the cause of Amelia's name corruption and goes on a journey with an old friend. Store Filled.

  21. #VANOÉ || #thecasestudyofvanitas #casestudyofvanitas #vanitas ...

    187 Likes, TikTok video from Alex turner (@arct1c__m0nk3ys): "#VANOÉ || #thecasestudyofvanitas #casestudyofvanitas #vanitas #noé #anime #vanoé #fyp #edit #viral #foryou #foryoupage". The Case Study Of Vanitas Edit. original sound - Alex turner.

  22. Vanitas

    98 likes, 1 comments - vanitas_san123 on May 10, 2024: "Noe Archiviste 殺 ----- Anime The Case Study of Vanitas -----...".

  23. Vanitas

    227 likes, 5 comments - vanitas_san123 on May 9, 2024: "Vanitas And Noe ----- Anime The Case Study of Vanitas -----...".