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Last Updated : 27 Aug, 2023 05:54 AM

Published : 27 Aug 2023 05:54 AM Last Updated : 27 Aug 2023 05:54 AM

திரை விமர்சனம்: அடியே

adiye tamil movie review

பெற்றோரை இழந்து வாழ்வில் எந்தப் பிடிப்பும் இல்லாமல் தற்கொலை செய்துகொள்ள முயல்கிறார் ஜீவா (ஜி.வி.பிரகாஷ்). அப்போது, பள்ளிப் பருவத்தில், ஒரு தலையாகக் காதலித்த செந்தாழினி (கவுரி ஜி.கிஷன்), இப்போது பின்னணிப் பாடகியாக இருப்பதையும் அவள் இப்போதும் தன்னை நினைவில் வைத்திருப்பதையும் அறிகிறார். செந்தாழினியிடம் தனது காதலைச் சொல்லும் ஜீவாவின் முயற்சிகளுக்கு பல்வேறு தடைகள் வருகின்றன. திடீரென சாலை விபத்தில் சிக்கும் ஜீவா, கண் விழிக்கும்போது வேறொரு உலகத்தில் இருக்கிறார். அங்கு தேசிய விருது வென்ற இசையமைப்பாளர் அர்ஜுன் என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறான். செந்தாழினி மனைவியாக இருக்கிறார். சுற்றி நடக்கும் எதுவும் புரியாமல், மாற்று உலகத்துக்குள் தன்னைப் பொருத்திக்கொள்ள முடியாமல் தடுமாறும் ஜீவா, ஒரு கட்டத்தில் செந்தாழினியுடன் சந்தோஷமாக, மாற்று உலகிலேயே வாழ்ந்துவிட முடிவெடுக்கும்போது நிஜ உலகுக்குள் வருகிறார். மீண்டும் மாற்று உலகுக்குச் செல்கிறார். இப்படி மாறி மாறிப் பயணித்து இறுதியில் செந்தாழினியின் கரம் பற்றினாரா இல்லையா என்பதுதான் மீதிக் கதை.

மாற்று யதார்த்தம் (ஆல்டர்னேட் ரியாலிட்டி) என்னும் புதிய கருத்தாக்கத்தை வைத்து வழக்கமான ஒருதலைக் காதல் கதையை சுவாரசியமாகச் சொல்ல முயன்றிருக்கிறார் இயக்குநர் விக்னேஷ் கார்த்திக். டைம் லூப், டைம் ட்ராவல், மல்டி வெர்ஸ், ஆல்டர்னேட் ரியாலிட்டி என்று அண்மைக் காலமாக தமிழ் சினிமா பார்வையாளர்களுக்கு அறிமுகமாகிவரும் ஐடியாக்களை வைத்து பல சுவாரசியமான காட்சிகளையும் வசனங்களையும் உருவாக்கியிருக்கிறார். ஆனால் கதையின் பழமையும் திரைக்கதையின் தொய்வும் இந்த சுவாரசியங்கள் அளிக்க வேண்டிய நிறைவை மட்டுப்படுத்துகின்றன. குறிப்பாக நாயகனின் முன்கதையைச் சொல்லும் தொடக்கக் காட்சிகளும் இரண்டாம் பாதியின் பல காட்சிகளும் இறுதிப் பகுதியும் பொறுமையை சோதிக்கின்றன.

‘ஆல்டர்னேர்ட் ரியாலிட்டி’ உலகில் சென்னையின் பெயர் மெட்ராஸ் ஆகவே இருப்பது, கால்பந்து வீரர் சச்சின் டெண்டுல்கர், பைக் ரேஸர் அஜித், கிரிக்கெட் பயிற்சியாளர் மணிரத்னம், நடனக் கலைஞர் ஏ.ஆர்.ரஹ்மான், இசையமைப்பாளர் பிரபுதேவா என நிஜ உலக பிரபலங்கள் மாற்று உலகில் வேறு துறையில் சாதனையாளர்களாக இருப்பதாகக் கூறும் வசனங்கள் கைதட்டல்களைப் பெறுகின்றன. ஆல்டர்னேட் ரியாலிட்டி என்றால் என்ன என்பதை விளக்கும் காட்சிகள் அனைவரும் புரிந்துகொள்ளும் வகையில் எளிமையாக விளக்கப்பட்டிருப்பது பாராட்டுக்குரியது.

ஜி.வி.பிரகாஷ் நிஜ உலகில் ஒருதலைக் காதல் கைகூடாத வேதனையையும் மாற்று உலகில் எதையும் புரிந்துகொள்ள முடியாத தடுமாற்றத்தையும் அழகாக வெளிப்படுத்தியிருக்கிறார். கவுரி கிஷன் நிஜ மாற்று உலகக் காட்சிகளில் சிறப்பாக நடித்திருக்கிறார்.

நிஜ உலகில் ஆல்டர்னேட் ரியாலிட்டி கருவியைத் தயாரிக்கும் விஞ்ஞானிகள் குழுவின் தலைவராகவும் மாற்று உலகில் அறிவியல் புனைவுப் படங்களை இயக்கும் கவுதம் மேனன் ஆகவும் இரண்டிலும் கலக்கியிருக்கிறார் வெங்கட்பிரபு. இரண்டு உலகங்களிலும் நாயகனின் நண்பனாக ஆர்ஜே விஜய் ஆங்காங்கே சிரிக்க வைக்கிறார். ஜஸ்டின் பிரபாகரின் பின்னணி இசை திரைக்கதைக்குத் துணை புரிந்திருக்கிறது. பாடல்களும் இனிமை. கோகுல் பினோயின் வண்ணமயமான ஒளிப்பதிவு கதைக் களத்துக்குப் பொருத்தமாக உள்ளது.

இரண்டு உலகுக்கும் மாறி மாறிப் பயணிக்கும் கதையை குழப்பாமல் சொல்லி இருப்பதில் படத்தொகுப்பாளர் முத்தையனின் பங்களிப்பைப் பாராட்டலாம்.

ஒரு தலைக் காதல் என்னும் வழக்கமான தின்பண்டத்தை ஆல்டர்னேட் ரியாலிட்டி என்னும் புதிய சுவையுடன் படைத்திருக்கிறார் விக்னேஷ் கார்த்திக். இதை வைத்து பசியாற முடியாது என்றாலும் ருசித்துப் பார்க்கலாம்

adiye tamil movie review

அன்பு வாசகர்களே....

இந்த ஊரடங்கு காலத்தில் வீட்டை விட்டு வெளியே வராமல் நமக்கு நாமே சமூக விலகல் ( Social Distancing) செய்து கொள்வோம். செய்தி ஊடகங்களின் வழியே உலகுடன் தொடர்பில் இருப்போம். பொதுவெளியில் இருந்து தனிமைப்படுத்திக் கொண்டு கரோனா பரவலைத் தடுப்பதில் நம் பங்கை முழுமையாக இந்த சமூகத்துக்கு அளிப்போம்.

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adiye tamil movie review

உங்கள் பகுதி முகவரோடு இணைந்து உங்களுக்கு நாங்கள் சேவை செய்ய….

Agency Name : G SURESH,

Area Name : AnnaNagar West


Adiyae Movie Review: A wacky premise elevates this run-of-the-mill romance

Rating: ( 3 / 5).

Adiyae caters to your average youngster whose life revolves around pop-culture references and whose attention span is limited to consuming an Instagram reel. If you are one—and get the many references in this film—you might get good laughs; if you aren’t, it’s not all bad. It’s just bizarre. Let me try explaining. National Award-winning composer GV Prakash plays Jeeva, a loser, who gets teleported to an alternate dimension, in which he is a National-Award-winning composer Arjun. Jeeva, you see, has to pretend to be Arjun until he finds the key to his reality. All of this happens less than 30 minutes into the film. It might seem convoluted, but director Vignesh and team communicate this ambitious vision without hassle. The team surely owes one to films like Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness , Everything Everywhere All At Once and our very own Oh My Kadavule and Irandam Ulagam , for familiarising the audience to the idea of an alternate reality.

Director: Vignesh Karthick

Cast: GV Prakash, Gouri Kishan, Venkat Prabhu, Mirchi Vijay

The biggest strength—and weakness—of a film dealing with the multiverse are the infinite possibilities. The premise warrants randomness, but a creator must also know when to go full throttle and when to press the brake. Director Vignesh Karthick might not always be in control, but he still makes a film that is never short of wacky ideas. It won’t surprise me if people either fall for the randomness or find the film intolerable. I quite enjoyed how the film uses the real-life personas of GV Prakash and Venkat Prabhu to the fullest. The real-life references are very many, including the angle of a high-school sweetheart, which feels like a dramatised retelling of GV Prakash’s own love story. The film doesn't concern itself with science and complexity, and this means that it breaks several thumb-rules of the genre. For instance, a character accidentally disrupts a series of events in a particular timeline with everything turning against him. But in his next jump to the future, the same timeline remains undisturbed by his previous interference. And it is a huge turn-off that Jeeva doesn’t tap into an entirely new, futuristic world of possibilities, and restricts his interaction to a handful of people. At the heart of all the problems in this film is a weak emotional core and how it’s hard to buy the protagonist Jeeva often calling Senthazhini the purpose of his existence. Given that the untimely death of his parents puts him in deep depression, what he seems to need is a support system and therapy—not romance. I wish we were given a stronger reason to root for Jeeva and his love, given that the entire story is centered on this. I also found it quite absurd that Jeeva as the newly transformed Arjun doesn't take any effort to probe into the objectionable, womaniser persona in the alternate reality or attempt to do some damage-control to his tarnished image. Senthazhini, on the other hand, always resorts to emotionally dumb decisions regardless of the reality she is in. What works in the film’s favour is Vignesh Karthick’s imagination and the different what-if situations he keeps throwing at us. The film might take its romance too seriously and the emotional inconsistencies don’t help either, but if you, like me, enjoy simple humour, like GV Prakash shouting,"Call me sir! Rolex sir!" then this is a film that you can get quite some entertainment from.

adiye tamil movie review

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Adiyae (2023)

When a depressed Jeeva gets into a freak accident, he wakes up to a bizarre utopian alternate reality, Living the most ideal life, Jeeva finds a purpose in life. But fate has other plans whe... Read all When a depressed Jeeva gets into a freak accident, he wakes up to a bizarre utopian alternate reality, Living the most ideal life, Jeeva finds a purpose in life. But fate has other plans when he gets pulled back to the reality When a depressed Jeeva gets into a freak accident, he wakes up to a bizarre utopian alternate reality, Living the most ideal life, Jeeva finds a purpose in life. But fate has other plans when he gets pulled back to the reality

  • Vignesh Karthick
  • Kishore Sankar
  • Gouri Kishan
  • G.V. Prakash Kumar
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  • Runtime 2 hours 19 minutes

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Adiyae review: A romantic drama that stands strong on lead pair’s chemistry

The first half of 'Adiyae' is a delight to watch, with the romantic portions between Jeeva and Senthazhini working like magic.

Bhaskar Basava

Published:Aug 25, 2023

adiye tamil movie review

A poster of director Vignesh Karthick's 'Adiyae' (GV Prakash/ Twitter)

An enjoyable watch.

Adiyae (Tamil)

  • Cast: GV Prakash Kumar, Venkat Prabhu, Gouri G Kishan, Madumkesh, and Mirchi Vijay
  • Director: Vignesh Karthick
  • Producer: Prabha Premkumar
  • Music: Justin Prabhakaran
  • Runtime: 2 hours 19 minutes
  • Cast: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Emraan Hashmi, and Revathy
  • Director: Maneesh Sharma
  • Producer: Aditya Chopra
  • Music: Pritam Chakraborty
  • Runtime: 2 hours 35 minutes

Director Vignesh Karthick comes up with a romantic drama titled Adiyae .

The film works primarily because of the fantastic chemistry between the lead pair of actor GV Prakash and actress Gouri Kishan.

Vignesh smartly uses the concept of an Alternate Reality to infuse an element of humour in the romantic drama, which is by and large entertaining.

Jeeva (GV Prakash) is a happy-go-lucky school student who is madly in love with Senthaazhini (Gouri G Kishen), his schoolmate and a gifted singer.

GV Prakash in Adiyae

GV Prakash in ‘Adiyae’. (GV Prakash/ Twitter) )

However, fate delivers a cruel blow to Jeeva when his parents suddenly die in an accident, leaving him helpless and in penury.

The boy’s close friends come to his aid and he starts staying with one of them. Time flies by and Senthaazhini goes on to become a popular singer while Jeeva is still yet to find his feet in the world.

A disillusioned Jeeva is on the verge of taking his own life when he gets to hear Senthaazhini, in an interview, speak about a letter from her first fan that motivated her and helped her rise to this position.

She admits that she has a crush on the person who wrote the letter, but confesses that she does not know his identity.

Her statement brings back Jeeva’s desire to live as the letter she is referring to was written by him.

However, when he decides to go to Senthaazhini and disclose that it was he who wrote that letter, he meets with an accident which teleports him to another alternate reality.

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Alternate reality.

GV Prakash and Gouri in Adiyae

GV Prakash and Gouri in ‘Adiyae’. (GV Prakash/ Twitter)

In this world, things are pleasantly different. Jeeva finds that his name in this world is Arjun and that the love of his life, Senthaazhini, is actually his wife.

Initially, it is confusing and scary for poor Jeeva, but he soon figures out that this is an alternate reality and that this is not the real world which means he is going to be moved back to the real world after a particular point.

He slowly begins to understand how the concept of alternate reality works and tries to use it to find the right opportunity to express his love to the girl he is madly in love with.

Does he succeed? Do Jeeva and Senthaazhini live happily ever after? Adiyae gives you the answers.

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Vignesh Karthick directorial Adiyae

Vignesh Karthick directorial ‘Adiyae’. (GV Prakash/ Twitter)

The first half of Adiyae is a delight to watch, with the romantic portions between Jeeva and Senthazhini working like magic. In fact, the first half is more engaging and truly romantic in nature.

The movie dwells more on Arjun’s life with Senthaazhini.

Their life together as husband and wife and their conversations, while appearing simplistic and funny at the surface, actually emphasise the significance of trust and loyalty in a relationship.

The second half is not as classy as the first. But still, it manages to entertain with Jeeva’s character flitting in and out of the Alternate Reality world.

Adiyae , by and large, works because of four reasons.

The first is the fantastic chemistry between the lead pair.

The next is the manner in which the director clearly explains the concept of Alternate Reality and how it can keep changing.

The third big factor that makes the film tick is Justin Prabhakaran’s music which breathes life into several sequences.

The fourth factor that makes the film enjoyable is the humour it provides.

RJ Vijay, who is fast turning into a bankable comedian in Tamil cinema, does a clean job of cracking jokes that find their mark.

In terms of the performances, both GV Prakash and Gouri Kishan excel. They work as a team, and as a result, their characters complement each other well.

Also Read: 69th National Film Awards: Who won what? 

Adiyae is not a perfect deal. It has its share of lapses, the most significant of which is the lag that one experiences in the second half.

But if that can be sidelined, Adiyae , for all practical reasons, comes across as an enjoyable entertainer.

(Views expressed here are personal.)

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Adiyae Movie Review: Vignesh Karthick's 'Adiyae' reduces its 'alternate reality' premise to a bunch of pop-culture jokes

  • 25 Aug 2023
  • Release Date: 25 Aug 2023

Adiyae Movie Review

Adiyae Movie Cast & Crew

Casting Venkat Prabhu in  Adiyae  makes a great deal of sense. The director made the superb  Maanaadu , which is one of the rare Tamil films that successfully explored a sci-fi premise. (1): The film was true to the genre, with no random love story and so forth. And (2): There was no hesitation, there was no "will our local audiences understand this!" confusion. Seeing Venkat Prabhu in Vignesh Karthick's movie makes you wish the senior director had been given the opportunity to doctor the script, which is a mess. The premise is that a young man (GV Prakash Kumar) keeps finding himself in alternate realities. The premise is also about "will he get the girl he loves" (played by Gouri G Kishan).

The problem with  Adiyae  is that it is so desperate to tickle the audience that it doesn't take its story seriously. What we get is a bunch of pop-culture jokes. In one reality, the shelved Gautham Menon-Vijay starrer  Yohan  has been released and is a big hit. In another reality, AR Rahman is a dance master. Christopher Nolan is a Telugu film director. This flavour of juvenile humour gets stale very quickly – but it's the foundation the film is built on. And because the love angle is hardly developed, we don't care about this couple getting together. The tone is all over the place, and nothing in the film makes a case to be taken seriously. As for the ending, it comes after a such a confusing (rather, ill-fitting) series of events that it's just a blessed relief that it's all over, and we can return to our own reality.

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Baradwaj Rangan

Baradwaj Rangan

National Award-winning film critic Baradwaj Rangan, former deputy editor of The Hindu and senior editor of Film Companion, has carved a niche for himself over the years as a powerful voice in cinema, especially the Tamil film industry, with his reviews of films. While he was pursuing his chemical engineering degree, he was fascinated with the writing and analysis of world cinema by American critics. Baradwaj completed his Master’s degree in Advertising and Public Relations through scholarship. His first review was for the Hindi film Dum, published on January 30, 2003, in the Madras Plus supplement of The Economic Times. He then started critiquing Tamil films in 2014 and did a review on the film Subramaniapuram, while also debuting as a writer in the unreleased rom-com Kadhal 2 Kalyanam. Furthermore, Baradwaj has authored two books - Conversations with Mani Ratnam, 2012, and A Journey Through Indian Cinema, 2014. In 2017, he joined Film Companion South and continued to show his prowess in critiquing for the next five years garnering a wide viewership and a fan following of his own before announcing to be a part of Galatta Media in March 2022.


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Cine Observer

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Review: Adiyae

Unlike films that have released in recent times, Adiyae does not look to force feminist thoughts down your throat. That comes as a big plus for the film.

Film: Adiyae Writer, director: Vignesh Karthick Star Cast: G.V. Prakash Kumar, Venkat Prabhu, Gouri G Kishan, Madumkesh, Mirchi Vijay Producer: Prabha Premkumar Production House: Maali & Manvi Movie Makers Cinematography: Gokul Benoy Music: Justin Prabhakaran Editor: Muthayan U Duration: 139 minutes Rating: 3.5 stars

Director Vignesh Karthick cleverly uses the concept of alternate reality to narrate an endearing romantic drama in his film, ‘Adiye’.

The film applies a concept that has been limitedly used in Tamil cinema to a theme that has often been explored to come up with a refreshing new entertainer.

Yes, Vignesh uses the concept of Alternate Reality to narrate a sweet romantic love story in a fashion that has seldom been used just in Tamil cinema.

Jeeva (G V Prakash) is madly in love with Senthaazhini (Gouri G Kishen), a girl studying in his school.

Senthaazhini is not just good at academics, she can also sing well. On one occasion, Senthaazhini begins weeping as she believes she hasn’t sung well enough in a competition. To comfort her, Jeeva pens a letter saying that he is her first fan and that she must not stop singing.

The letter brings a smile to Senthaazhini’s face and she regains her confidence.

Some days later, a tragic accident makes Jeeva an orphan and penniless. His school friends offer him shelter and care for him as one of their own. Life turns into a struggle for Jeeva.

Years pass by and at one point, he decides to end his life. However, just as he is about to make the drastic decision, he hears Senthaazhini’s interview on television.

The girl, who is now a famous singer, opens up about a letter that motivated her and helped her rise to this position. She admits that she has a crush on the person who wrote the letter but confesses she does not know his identity.

Jeeva decides to disclose to Senthazhini that the letter she is referring to was written by him. However, when he is on his way to meet her, he gets injured in an accident and is knocked unconscious.

When he wakes up, Jeeva finds himself in a new world. In this world, he is a National Award winning music director and his wife happens to be none other than his dream girl, Senthaazhini.

It takes time but Jeeva figures out that he is in a parallel world and that this is only virtual.

He slowly begins to understand how the concept of alternate reality works. He decides he will use his proximity to Senthazhini in the parallel world to express to her his love for her. What happens then is what Adiyae is all about.

The film starts off slowly but soon picks up pace. The first half is almost flawless as the romantic portions between G V Prakash as Jeeva and Gouri as Senthazhini are realistic and engaging.

The second half has more humour than romance but is a little less enjoyable than the first half as Jeeva’s character keeps flitting in and out of the Alternate Reality world.

G V Prakash and Gouri G Kishen’s chemistry on screen works big time in favour of the film. Both actors deliver commendable performances and complement each other well.

Unlike films that have released in recent times, Adiyae does not look to force feminist thoughts down your throat. That comes as a big plus for the film. Also, the absence of feminist idealogies means there is no one upmanship in the relationship between the husband and wife.

The relationship between the husband and wife characters is not built on feminist idealogy but trust and therefore comes across as solid and real.

Also, director Vignesh Karthick explains the concept of alternate reality in a crisp and clean manner. That makes it easy for the audiences to follow the plotline.

This apart, Justin Prabhakaran, who is fast earning a name for himself as the master of background scores, comes up with some really pleasant numbers and an exceptional background score.

If the romance is what makes the first half of the film tick, it is comedy which saves the day for the next half. Most of the credit for the comedy in the film must go to R J Vijay who does a brilliant job of bringing the house down with his jokes.

In all, Adiyae is an engaging romantic drama that is worth your time.

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Adiyae (U/A) 25/Aug/2023 Sci-fi, Romance 2hrs 19mins


Critics Review

Gv prakash and gouri g kishan shine in an inventive sci-fi romance.

The film's true strength lies in its cast. GV Prakash and Gouri G Kishan shine in their respective roles, delivering convincing performances that resonate well. Gouri's endearing screen presence perfectly suits her portrayal of the singer Senthazhini. Venkat Prabhu's performance in both the worlds adds value to the storyline as well. Justin Prabhakaran's music, serving as the film's backbone, accentuates the impact of key romantic moments. While Adiyae may share some traits with time travel films of the past, the film's engaging narrative, strong performances, and skillful incorporation of alternate reality elements make it a worthwhile watch. (more)

Source: Logesh Balachandran, Times Of India

GV Prakash's time-travel film is a lost opportunity

�Adiyae� is also quite enjoyable because of the chemistry between GV Prakash and Gouri Kishan. There�s also a reference to Gouri�s role in �96� as well. That said, some of the dialogues, especially the love portions, sound cringeworthy. Venkat Prabhu's act largely entertains us and also makes one question why he doesn't act more. The film comes together in the second half and that's where you get into the groove. (more)

Source: Janani, India Today

Vignesh Karthick's 'Adiyae' reduces its 'alternate reality' premise to a bunch of pop-culture jokes.

The problem with Adiyae is that it is so desperate to tickle the audience that it doesn't take its story seriously. What we get is a bunch of pop-culture jokes. In one reality, the shelved Gautham Menon-Vijay starrer Yohan has been released and is a big hit. In another reality, AR Rahman is a dance master. Christopher Nolan is a Telugu film director. This flavour of juvenile humour gets stale very quickly � but it's the foundation the film is built on. And because the love angle is hardly developed, we don't care about this couple getting together. The tone is all over the place, and nothing in the film makes a case to be taken seriously. As for the ending, it comes after a such a confusing (rather, ill-fitting) series of events that it's just a blessed relief that it's all over, and we can return to our own reality.. Read more at: (more)

Source: Baradwaj Rangan.,

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'Adiyae' Review: GV Prakash's time-travel film is a lost opportunity

Director vignesh karthick's 'adiyae', starring gv prakash and gouri g kishan, is a sci-fi film that shows promise. while it's self-aware, the screenplay is quite disjointed, says our review..

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GV Prakash's 'Adiyae' released in theatres on August 25.

  • 'Adiyae' released in theatres on August 25.
  • The film is helmed by Vignesh Karthick.
  • GV Prakash, Gouri Kishan and Venkat Prabhu play lead roles in the film.

Release Date: 25 Aug, 2023

These days, a lot is riding on the trailer and promos of a film. They determine the audience turnout in theatres. After Covid-19, audiences gauge the hype of a film and decide whether to visit the theatre or watch the film on OTT platforms. And GV Prakash and Gouri G Kishan’s ‘Adiyae’ managed to create a buzz on social media and among the audience. Has ‘Adiyae’ lived up to expectations? Let’s find out in the review!

‘Adiyae’ follows the story of Jeeva (GV Prakash) a grieving youngster, who is on the verge of taking his life. However, he listens to Senthazhini’s (Gouri Kishan) song on TV and it changes his life. It reminds him of his school days when he developed feelings for Senthazhini. Meanwhile, there’s scientist GK (Venkat Prabhu), who has lost his device, which is now lost. How does this scientific device cause changes in Jeeva’s life and how his life progresses in an alternate reality?

After ‘Indru Netru Naalai’, ‘Maanaadu’ and ‘Kanam’, ‘Adiyae’ is a promising science fiction which has some brilliant stretches of sequences. Director Vignesh Karthick strips the complexity of time travel and breaks it down for the layman. And add some current pop culture references, ‘Adiyae’ was a largely enjoyable experience. The initial stretch of the film is when the director takes his sweet time to explain the concept of a parallel universe or alternate reality.

While it is understandable that he had spent quite a bit of time registering the sci-fi concept, it also gets a bit tedious after a point. As the visuals are quite repetitive and lack finesse. The important aspect of ‘Adiyae’ is that it’s so self-aware. Mirchi Vijay’s character’s dialogues are a representation of what the audience thinks.

It’s a nice touch to see the director take subtle digs at Gautham Menon and his shelved film, ‘Yohan’, with Thalapathy Vijay. Not just Gautham Menon, there are several swipes aimed at AR Rahman, Sachin Tendulkar, Mani Ratnam, MS Dhoni and whatnot. Many sportspeople and film personalities get a mention in the film, which is so refreshing to look at.

‘Adiyae’ also has its own share of lapses in it. The brilliant stretches where the film is quite self-aware are far too few. And that’s where the inconsistency crops up. Due to this inconsistency, ‘Adiyae’ looks a bit stretched even though it's less than two-and-a-half hours long.

‘Adiyae’ is also quite enjoyable because of the chemistry between GV Prakash and Gouri Kishan. There’s also a reference to Gouri’s role in ‘96’ as well. That said, some of the dialogues, especially the love portions, sound cringeworthy. Venkat Prabhu's act largely entertains us and also makes one question why he doesn't act more. The film comes together in the second half and that's where you get into the groove.

Director Vignesh Karthick’s ‘Adiyae’ is a decent sci-fi film that could have been elevated with more finesse. With some interesting sequences and a brilliant score by Justin Prabakaran, the film ended up as a decent watch.

2 out of 5 stars for ‘Adiyae’. Published By: Anindita Mukhopadhyay Published On: Aug 25, 2023 ALSO READ | Justin Bieber follows GV Prakash on Twitter

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Adiyae REVIEW: Is GV Prakash Kumar's film worth your time and money? Read THIS

Adiyae Twitter review: This Tamil film starring GV Prakash Kumar and Gouri G Kishan released on Friday (August 25). The trailer for the scientific romance film has been making ripples since its release on social media sites. Read some social media reactions to the film.

Adiyae REVIEW: Is GV Prakash Kumar's film worth your time and money? Read THIS  RBA

Following the first half of the 'first day-first show', spectators flocked to Twitter, now known as X, to express their thoughts on the film. Critics and audiences have lauded Adiyae as a masala entertainment. They shared their reactions to the Vighnesh Karthick-directed film on the microblogging platform. Netizens appear to be pleased with the film, describing it as interesting and intriguing.

Early reviews began to flood in a day before the release. According to critics, Adiyae has the potential to do well at the box office. Given the positive hype, the film has a fair chance of grossing a significant sum on its first day in Tamil Nadu.

"#Adiyae is fun filled and pure entertainment. Different ways of story telling and screenplay by @vikikarthick88 great performances by Mr. @gvprakash & Ms. @Gourayy, the show stealer is Mr. @vp_offl, overall enjoyed it a lot (sic)," one user wrote on the micro-blogging site.

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"#Adiyae Perfect ClockBuster. Full of freshness, great work by @gvprakash sir @Gourayy Ma'am, @RJVijayOfficial sir and finally our very own @vp_offl sir. Recreating the famous finger-on-face pose of @menongautham sir #AdiyaeReview," another user said.

One said that the film shines because of the emotional factor and witty one-liners."#Adiyae is high on Emotions & Entertainment- thanks to the witty one-liners, alternate reality/time travel concept & excellent performances," his tweet read.

About the film: Venkat Prabhu, Madumkesh, and Mirchi Vijay all play important parts in Adiyae. The film's motion poster was revealed in April 2023, and the trailer was released earlier this month. Given the positive reviews, industry insiders expect that the picture will cause cash registers to ring. Jailer, starring Rajinikanth, has dominated the box office, and the action comedy may impact Adiyae in some countries.

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அடியே - விமர்சனம்


அடியே - பட காட்சிகள் ↓


அடியே - வீடியோ ↓


Adiyae Review | படம் எப்படி இருக்கு | Dinamalar cinema

  • Actors: --> ஜி.வி.பிரகாஷ் குமார்

கவுரி ஜி.கிஷன்

  • Release: --> 25 ஆக, 2023
  • இயக்குனர் : --> விக்னேஷ் கார்த்திக்
  • அடியே - உலகம் மாறினாலும் ஒரே காதல்

தயாரிப்பு - மாலி மான்வி மூவி மேக்கர்ஸ் இயக்கம் - விக்னேஷ் கார்த்திக் இசை - ஜஸ்டின் பிரபாகரன் நடிப்பு - ஜிவி பிரகாஷ்குமார், கவுரி கிஷன் வெளியான தேதி - 25 ஆகஸ்ட் 2023 நேரம் - 2 மணி நேரம் 19 நிமிடம் ரேட்டிங் - 2.75/5 அறிவியல் பூர்வக் கதைகள்ள தமிழ் சினிமாவில் அபூர்வமாகத்தான் வருகிறது. இந்த 'அடியே' டைம் டிராவலை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்ட ஒரு அறிவியல் பூர்வக் கதை. Alternate Reality (மாற்று உண்மை), Parallel World (இணை பிரபஞ்சம்) என சில நம்ப முடியாத விஷயங்களை படத்தில் வைத்திருக்கிறார் இயக்குனர் விக்னேஷ் கார்த்திக். சுவாரசியமான கதை, திரைக்கதை, காட்சிகள் என படம் நகர்கிறது. ஒரு உலகத்தில் உதவாக்கரையாக இருக்கும் ஒருவன், இணையான உலகத்தில் ஒரு திறமைசாலியாக இருப்பதுதான் படத்தின் கதை.

பெற்றோரை இழந்த ஜிவி பிரகாஷ்குமார் நண்பர்கள் தயவில் வாழ்ந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறார். அவருக்கு தன்னுடன் பள்ளியில் படித்த கவுரி கிஷன் மீது காதல். ஆனால், அதை சொல்லாமலேயே இருக்கிறார். அவரிடம் காதலைச் சொல்லலாம் என செல்லும் போது விபத்தில் சிக்கி, இணை பிரபஞ்சத்திற்குப் போய்விடுகிறார். அங்கு அவர் ஒரு இசையமைப்பாளர், அவரது மனைவியாக கவுரி கிஷன் இருக்க குழம்பிப் போகிறார் ஜிவி. சில அனுபவங்களுக்குப் பிறகு மீண்டும் இந்த பிரபஞ்சத்திற்கு வருகிறார். வந்தால் கவுரி கிஷனை அவரது நண்பரே ஏமாற்றி திருமணம் செய்ய இருக்கிறார். இந்த சிக்கலில் இருந்து அவர் எப்படி விலகினார், கவுரி கிஷனை கை பிடித்தாரா இல்லையா என்பதுதான் படத்தின் மீதிக் கதை. இயக்குனர் விக்னேஷ் கார்த்திக் 'டைம் டிராவல்' என்பதை சுவாரசியமாகக் கொடுக்க முயற்சித்திருக்கிறார். இந்த உலகத்தில் இருப்பவர்கள் இணை உலகத்தில் வேறு விதமாக இருப்பார்கள் என்பதெல்லாம் புதிதாக உள்ளவை. அறிவியல் கதையாக இருந்தாலும் காதலைப் பற்றிய கதையாகக் கையாண்டிருக்கிறார். சில நீளமான காட்சிகள் மட்டும் பொறுமையை சோதிக்கின்றன. கிளைமாக்ஸ் முன்பாக நம்மை நிறையவே குழப்பியிருக்கிறார். இணை உலகத்தில் ஜிவி பிரகாஷின் தோற்றத்தில் கொஞ்சம் மாற்றத்தைக் கொடுத்திருந்தால் இந்தக் குழப்பம் வந்திருக்காது. நிஜமாக இல்லாத ஒரு கதாபாத்திரத்தை ஏற்று நடிப்பது ஒரு சவாலான விஷயம். இந்த உலகத்தில் ஒரு கதாபாத்திரம், இணை உலகத்தில் வேறொரு கதாபாத்திரம் என சமாளித்தாக வேண்டும். இரண்டையுமே சவாலுடன் சமாளித்திருக்கிறார் ஜிவி. காதல் நடிப்பிலும், ஏக்கமான நடிப்பிலும் உருக வைக்கிறார். ஜிவியின் காதலியாக கவுரி கிஷன். அமைதியாக, பாந்தமாக இருந்தாலும் அவரிடம் ஏதோ ஒன்று இருக்கிறது, அதை நம்மை அவரது கதாபாத்திரத்துக்குள் ஈர்க்கிறது. ஜிவி, கவுரி இவர்கள் இருவரைச் சுற்றியே மொத்த படமும் நகர்கிறது. இந்த உலகத்தில் ஆராய்ச்சியாளராக, இணை உலகத்தில் சினிமா இயக்குனராக நடித்திருக்கிறார் வெங்கட் பிரபு. ஜிவி, கவுரிக்குப் பிறகு படத்தில் இவருக்குத்தான் கொஞ்சம் முக்கியத்துவம். ஜிவியின் நண்பனாக ஆர்ஜே விஜய், அவ்வப்போது வந்தாலும் கொஞ்சம் சிரிக்க வைக்கிறார். மற்றொரு நண்பராக வந்து கொஞ்சம் அதிர்ச்சியைத் தருகிறார் மதும்கேஷ். ஜஸ்டின் பிரபாகரன் பின்னணி இசை படத்திற்கு பலம் சேர்க்கிறது. பாடல்களில் அவர் இன்னும் கவனம் செலுத்தியிருக்கலாம். கோகுல் பினாய் ஒளிப்பதிவு தரம். குழப்பம் ஏற்படாத வகையில் படத்தைத் தொகுத்திருக்கிறார் எடிட்டர் முத்தையன். ஆனாலும், கிளைமாக்சில் குழம்பிப் போவது தனிக் கதை. புதிதாக முயற்சித்திருக்கிறார்கள். இன்னும் கொஞ்சம் முயன்றிருந்தால் முத்திரை பதிக்கும் படமாக அமைந்திருக்கும். அடியே - உலகம் மாறினாலும் ஒரே காதல்

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adiye tamil movie review

ஜிவி பிரகாஷின் 'அடியே' ஆக.,25ல் ரிலீஸ்

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adiye tamil movie review

‛அடியே' படத்தின் ரிலீஸ் தேதி குறித்து தகவல் இதோ

பட குழுவினர்.


ஜி.வி.பிரகாஷ் குமார்

G.V.Prakash Kumar

ஆஸ்கர் நாயகன் ஏ.ஆர்.ரஹ்மானின் சகோதரி மகன் தான் இசையமைப்பாளர் ஜி.வி.பிரகாஷ் குமார். 1987ம் ஆண்டு ஜூன் 13ம் தேதி, சென்னையில் பிறந்த ஜி.வி.பிரகாஷ், ஆரம்பத்தில் ஏ.ஆர்.ரஹ்மான் இசை குரூப்பில் பணி செய்தார். ஏ.ஆர்.ரஹ்மான் தவிர்த்து ஹாரிஸ் ஜெயராஜிடமும் பணியாற்றியிருக்கிறார். பின்னர் வசந்தபாலன் இயக்கிய வெயில் படத்தின் மூலம் இசையமைப்பாளராக அறிமுகமான ஜி.வி.பிரகாஷ், முதல் படத்திலேயே அனைவரையும் திரும்பி பார்க்க வைத்தார். தொடர்ந்து தமிழில் பல படங்களுக்கு இசையமைத்து முன்னணி இசையமைப்பாளராக உயர்ந்தார். குறுகிய காலத்தில் 50 படங்களுக்கு இசையமைத்த இசையமைப்பாளரும் இவர் தான். இசையமைப்பாளராக மட்டுமல்லாது, ஹீரோவாகவும், தயாரிப்பாளராகவும் உயர்ந்துள்ளார் ஜி.வி. தனது படங்களில் ஏராளமான பாடல்களை பாடிய பின்னணி பாடகி சைந்தவியை காதலித்து திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டார்.


ஹாட் ஸ்பாட்


திரைப்பட வரலாறு

திரைப்படம் வருடம்

மேலும் விமர்சனம் ↓

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போகுமிடம் வெகு தூரமில்லை

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நுனக்குழி (மலையாளம்)

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டிமான்டி காலனி 2

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வாசகர் கருத்து

உங்கள் கருத்தைப் பதிவு செய்ய.


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  • Gv Prakash Kumar Gouri Kishan Venkat Prabhu Starrer Adiyae Movie Review Rating In Tamil

திரைப்பட விமர்சனம்

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அடியே விமர்சனம்

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ஆஷிக் முகமது


காலை உணவுத் திட்டத்தை சுட்டிக்காட்டி வாழை படத்தை பாராட்டிய முதலமைச்சர்.. நெகிழ்ந்த மாரி செல்வராஜ்!

அடுத்த விமர்சனம்

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‘Adiyae’ movie review: A campy sci-fi rom-com that keeps getting worse

Gv prakash and gouri kishan’s film is anchored by a terribly written protagonist who takes the crown as one of the most infuriating, irrational and thickheaded characters we’ve seen in a long time.

August 25, 2023 03:11 pm | Updated 03:11 pm IST

Bhuvanesh Chandar

GV Prakash Kumar in a still from ‘Adiyae’ | Photo Credit: Think Music India/YouTube

It’s lazy and amateurish of writers to settle on their epiphanic ideas even before they are put to the test. Somewhere past the terrible opening stretch, and filmmaker Venkat Prabhu’s clumsy acting, you begin to see that this is where writer-director Vignesh Karthick fumbled while fleshing out a cool one-liner into a suitable screenplay; he seems to have settled on just the ideas , ending up making a mediocre film that only worsens with each passing moment.

Adiyae (Tamil)

With alternate reality and time travel as the devices, Vignesh wanted to tell the story of a broken man getting a taste of everything, only for his desire to consume him wholly and throw him into disarray. Teenager Jeeva’s (GV Prakash) life revolves entirely around wooing his school crush Senthazhini (Gouri Kishan). But fate intervenes tragically when his parents die, and Jeeva never manages to express his love to her. Years later, a now-grown-up Jeeva, who is suicidal and depressed, runs into Sethazhini (who has become a popular playback singer) again.

Jeeva is unsuccessful in capturing her attention even now, but thanks to an accident, enters an alternate reality where he’s an Oscar-nominated National Award-winning music director named Arjun... and married to Senthazhini! But contrary to what you’d expect, he struggles to fit into this reality too, and the original reality becomes hell as well.

Given that this whole film is about Jeeva’s quest to “get” Senthazhini, a girl who is unaware of his existence, you’d expect more of a reason to justify why this girl means so much to him after all these years, apart from her being a teenage infatuation. But the narrative that follows tells you how wrong you are to expect any emotional depth or finesse in writing.

It doesn’t help that Adiyae is a film driven by two uni-dimensional characters. Jeeva’s sole objective is to impress the love of his life, and Senthazhini (despite Gouri trying her best) becomes a puppet to the script, doing very little other than falling in love or getting married. Even the experience of Jeeva being transported to another reality ends up revolving only around this relationship!

Yes, Vignesh does have some fun in changing things up in this alternate reality — Chennai (Madras, as the name never changed) has snowfall and e-commerce delivery is done in drones, Venkat Prabhu becomes Gautham Menon directing Vijay in Yohan: Adhyayam Ondru , filmmakers Christopher Nolan and Shankar collaborate to make a movie on Formula One racer Ajith Kumar, ‘Kattipudi Kattipudi Da’ gets a romantic twist…you get the gist — and such creative takes do amuse you, along with RJ Vijay’s comedic timing. But you wonder why we don’t see Jeeva (as Arjun) experience anything else in this futuristic alternate reality other than just Venkat Prabhu’s corny impression of Gautham Menon and Senthazhini showering him with love? Why doesn’t he attempt to learn more about his new self Arjun or the life he had apparently led?

Jeeva never learns the elemental ropes of time-travel/reality-hopping either, despite an exhausting number of opportunities, and it gets infuriating to see this character repeatedly acting like a glitched robot chasing the girl. You start wishing Senthazhini escapes from the clutches of this man-child... and fast.

Considering how the director’s previous film Thittam Irandu managed to create quite a lasting impression beyond all flaws, it’s disappointing to see such writing in a story that doesn’t keep things simple, a screenplay that’s all over the place, and a done-to-dust message. So draining is the experience that an unconvincing resolution becomes the least of your worries in front of a never-ending climax. It’s also annoying how the background score is used to highlight all the melodrama; on the flip side, you wish the soundtrack deserved a better film.

Adiyae is currently running in theatres

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Adiyae Movie Review | Vikatan Review | G. V. Prakash Kumar | Venkat Prabhu | Gouri G. Kishan

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  • What is the release date of 'Adiyae'? Release date of G. V. Prakash Kumar and Venkat Prabhu starrer 'Adiyae' is 2023-08-25.
  • Who are the actors in 'Adiyae'? 'Adiyae' star cast includes G. V. Prakash Kumar, Venkat Prabhu, Gouri G Kishan and Madumkesh.
  • Who is the director of 'Adiyae'? 'Adiyae' is directed by Vignesh Karthick.
  • Who is the producer of 'Adiyae'? 'Adiyae' is produced by Prabha Premkumar.
  • What is Genre of 'Adiyae'? 'Adiyae' belongs to 'Drama' genre.
  • In Which Languages is 'Adiyae' releasing? 'Adiyae' is releasing in Tamil.

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Adiyae Story

Adiyae cast & crew.

G V Prakash Kumar

Adiyae Crew Info

Production Maali & Manvi Movie Makers
Budget TBA
Box Office TBA
OTT Platform TBA
OTT Release Date TBA
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Art Direction
Stunt Choreography

Adiyae Trailer

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Adiyae News

Adiyae Slated To Premiere Only On Sony Liv On September 29

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Adiyae

In this Adiyae film, G V Prakash Kumar , Gouri G Kishan played the primary leads.

The Adiyae was released in theaters on 25 Aug 2023.

The Adiyae was directed by Vignesh Karthik

Movies like The Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) , Veera Dheera Sooran (Part 2) , Love Insurance Kompany (LIK) and others in a similar vein had the same genre but quite different stories.

The soundtracks and background music were composed by Justin Prabhakaran for the movie Adiyae.

The cinematography for Adiyae was shot by Gokul Benoy .

The movie Adiyae belonged to the Drama,Romance,Sci - Fi, genre.

Adiyae User Review

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  1. Adiyae Movie Review: GV Prakash and Gouri G Kishan shine in an

    The film's true strength lies in its cast. GV Prakash and Gouri G Kishan shine in their respective roles, delivering convincing performances that resonate well. Gouri's endearing screen presence ...

  2. அடியே விமர்சனம்: மல்டிவெர்ஸ், ஆல்டர்நேட் ரியாலிட்டியில் காதல் கதை

    ஆங்காங்கே வந்து போனாலும் வந்த இடங்களிலெல்லாம் ஏதாவது ஒரு ...

  3. திரை விமர்சனம்: அடியே

    பெற்றோரை இழந்து வாழ்வில் எந்தப் பிடிப்பும் இல்லாமல் தற்கொலை ...

  4. Adiyae Movie Review: A wacky premise elevates this run-of-the-mill romance

    The biggest strength—and weakness—of a film dealing with the multiverse are the infinite possibilities. The premise warrants randomness, but a creator must also know when to go full throttle and when to press the brake. Director Vignesh Karthick might not always be in control, but he still makes a film that is never short of wacky ideas.

  5. Adiyae

    Adiyae (transl. Step) is a 2023 Indian Tamil-language scientific romance film written and directed by Vignesh Karthick. [1] The film stars G. V. Prakash Kumar and Gouri G. Kishan with Venkat Prabhu, Mirchi Vijay, Madumkesh and others in supporting roles.The film music was composed by Justin Prabhakaran, with cinematography done by Gokul Benoy.The title of the film is taken from the song "Adiye ...

  6. Adiyae (2023)

    Adiyae: Directed by Vignesh Karthick. With Gouri Kishan, G.V. Prakash Kumar, Madumkesh, Venkat Prabhu. When a depressed Jeeva gets into a freak accident, he wakes up to a bizarre utopian alternate reality, Living the most ideal life, Jeeva finds a purpose in life. But fate has other plans when he gets pulled back to the reality

  7. 'Adiyae' Tamil movie review

    Adiyae review: A romantic drama that stands strong on lead pair's chemistry. The first half of 'Adiyae' is a delight to watch, with the romantic portions between Jeeva and Senthazhini working like magic. A poster of director Vignesh Karthick's 'Adiyae' (GV Prakash/ Twitter) An enjoyable watch. Director Vignesh Karthick comes up with a ...

  8. Adiyae Movie Review : Vignesh Karthick's 'Adiyae' reduces its

    He then started critiquing Tamil films in 2014 and did a review on the film Subramaniapuram, while also debuting as a writer in the unreleased rom-com Kadhal 2 Kalyanam.

  9. Review: Adiyae : Cine Observer

    Director Vignesh Karthick cleverly uses the concept of alternate reality to narrate an endearing romantic drama in his film, 'Adiye'. The film applies a concept that has been limitedly used in Tamil cinema to a theme that has often been explored to come up with a refreshing new entertainer. Yes, Vignesh uses the concept of Alternate Reality ...

  10. Adiyae Tamil Movie

    Adiyae is a 2023 tamil sci-fi romance film directed by Vignesh Karthick starring Gv Prakash, Venkat Prabhu, Gouri Kishan in lead roles. The movie is produced by Prabha Premkumar and musical score by Justin Prabhakaran. ... Critics Review 3.00. GV Prakash and Gouri G Kishan shine in an inventive sci-fi romance . The film's true strength lies in ...

  11. 'Adiyae' Review: GV Prakash's time-travel film is a lost opportunity

    Director Vignesh Karthick's 'Adiyae' is a decent sci-fi film that could have been elevated with more finesse. With some interesting sequences and a brilliant score by Justin Prabakaran, the film ended up as a decent watch. 2 out of 5 stars for 'Adiyae'. Published By: Anindita Mukhopadhyay. Published On:

  12. Adiyae REVIEW: Is GV Prakash Kumar's film worth your time and money

    Early reviews began to flood in a day before the release. According to critics, Adiyae has the potential to do well at the box office. Given the positive hype, the film has a fair chance of grossing a significant sum on its first day in Tamil Nadu. "#Adiyae is fun filled and pure entertainment.

  13. அடியே

    அடியே - விமர்சனம் : அடியே - உலகம் மாறினாலும் ஒரே காதல் - Cinema Movie Review , Movie Reviews , Tamil movies , Tamil Cinema movies, Tamil Film Tamil cinema news Kollywood Bollywood Tamil movie Tamil news Tamil actress and actors gallery wallpapers Tamil movie news Tamil movie reviews video trailersTamil Cinema ...

  14. adiyae review rating in tamilஅடியே ...

    Gv Prakash Kumar Gouri Kishan Venkat Prabhu Starrer Adiyae Movie Review Rating In Tamil; ... Sci-Fi, Fantasy கால அளவு:2 Hrs 19 Min Review Movie. Critic's Rating. 3.0/5. Avg User Rating. 3/5. Rate This Movie. 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5. 2.5 /5. Submit. அடியே விமர்சனம் ...

  15. Adiyae Review Ratings

    Adiyae Twitter review: GV Prakash Kumar and Gouri G Kishan's Tamil film has finally released on Friday (August 25). The scientific romance film has been making waves ever since the makers unveiled ...

  16. 'Adiyae' movie review: A campy sci-fi rom-com that keeps getting worse

    Jeeva's sole objective is to impress the love of his life, and Senthazhini (despite Gouri trying her best) becomes a puppet to the script, doing very little other than falling in love or getting ...

  17. Adiyae review. Adiyae Tamil movie review, story, rating

    Vignesh Karthick. Production: Prabha Premkumar. Music: Justin Prabhakaran. Adiyae - An alternate reality time travel with high romance & low fuel. Recently in Tamil cinema time, SciFi concepts ...

  18. Adiyae Movie Review

    Adiyae Movie Review | Vikatan Review | G. V. Prakash Kumar | Venkat Prabhu | Gouri G. Kishan Published: 25 Aug 2023 3 PM Updated: 25 Aug 2023 3 PM Join Our Channel

  19. Adiyae Public Review

    #Adiyae #AdiyaeReview #AdiyaeMovieReview #AdiyaePublicReview #gvprakashkumar #gvprakash #gourikishan #tamilcinema #cinema #tamilcinemanews #cinemanewsupdates...

  20. Adiyae Movie: Showtimes, Review, Songs, Trailer, Posters, News & Videos

    Adiyae Movie Review. Times Of India. Logesh Balachandran, TNN, Aug 25, 2023, 05.41 PM IST Critic's Rating: 3.0/5. Adiyae Movie Synopsis: Post a fatal accident, Jeeva finds himself in an alternate ...

  21. Adiyae Movie (2023): Release Date, Cast, Ott, Review ...

    Adiyae Tamil Movie: Check out G V Prakash Kumar's Adiyae movie release date, review, cast & crew, trailer, songs, teaser, story, budget, first day collection, box office collection, ott release ...

  22. ADIYE Review

    Offered Why Tap Courses - 100% PlacementsPG Full stack - DM - - 82700 99994

  23. Adiyae (2023)

    Adiyae (2023), Comedy Romantic Sci-Fi released in Tamil language in theatre near you in erode. Know about Film reviews, lead cast & crew, photos & video gallery on BookMyShow. Search for Movies, Events, Plays, Sports and Activities. Erode. ... Upcoming & NowShowing Tamil Movies. Star Aranmanai 4 Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes The Garfield Movie.