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Inside the APA: Applying for APA Grants

Inside the APA graphic.

One of the many ways the APA supports philosophers and helps address issues in the field is through grants. If you’re an APA member, you’re eligible to apply for an APA grant, and in this post I’ll share a bit about each of the types of grants the APA offers and how they work.

To start, there are three APA grant programs: the Small Grant Program, the Diversity & Inclusiveness Grant Program, and the Micro-Grant Program. I’ll discuss each of them in turn.

Small Grant Program

First, the Small Grant Program . This program, launched in 2007 and funded by the Eastern Division, provides grants of up to $5,000 to projects benefiting the philosophical community, up to a total of $25,000 per year. The Small Grant Program has helped support a variety of innovative and now-well-known projects over the years, including the journal Questions: Philosophy for Young People , the UNC Chapel Hill Philosophy in the Community Outreach Program, the Collegium of Black Women Philosophers Conference, the Public Philosophy Network, the Mentoring Workshop for Junior Women in Philosophy, Philosophy Talk , and Wireless Philosophy (Wi-Phi).

Applications for the Small Grant Program must be submitted by June 30 each year. After they are submitted, each application is reviewed by at least two of the APA’s standing committees ,[1]  and based on the committee reviews, the executive director prepares funding recommendations for the board of officers. The board reviews these recommendations at its meeting each November, and funds are available to grantees by January 1.

More about the Small Grant Program , including specific eligibility and evaluation criteria, is available on the APA website.

Diversity & Inclusiveness Grant Program

The Diversity & Inclusiveness Grant Program was launched in 2014 and dedicates up to $20,000 in APA operating funds each year to provide either one $20,000 grant or two $10,000 grants to projects aiming to increase the presence and participation of women, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, people of low socioeconomic status, and other underrepresented groups at all levels of philosophy.

Among the projects supported by the Diversity & Inclusiveness Grant Program over the past ten years are the UCSD Summer Program for Women in Philosophy, Philosophy for Children at the Mexico-US Border, the Summer Program for Diversity in Logic for Undergraduates, the National High School Ethics Bowl, and the Lavender Library.

Applications for the Diversity & Inclusiveness Grant Program are also due on June 30 each year. Grant applications are reviewed by the Committee on Inclusiveness in the Profession over the summer, and then the board of officers makes the final decision on what program(s) will be funded at its November meeting. Grant funds are available to grantees by January 1.

More about the Diversity & Inclusiveness Grant Program , including specific eligibility and evaluation criteria, is available on the APA website.

Micro-Grant Program

The third type of grant the APA offers is a micro-grant. Micro-grants are grants of up to $1,000 made from one of the APA’s donor-supported funds: the Fund for Diversity & Inclusiveness , the Teaching Fund , and the Berry Fund for Public Philosophy .

Micro-grants from the Fund for Diversity & Inclusiveness and the Teaching Fund are quick-turnaround grants: they require only a very brief application form, and funding decisions are made quickly—normally within two weeks of application.

When an application is received, it is reviewed by two APA committee chairs. If the chairs agree on a funding decision, then that decision stands; if the chairs disagree, the executive director breaks the tie and makes the final funding decision.

Because of high demand for grants from the Berry Fund for Public Philosophy, grants from that fund are made available twice a year, in the spring and fall. Applications must be submitted by April 30 for the spring cycle and October 30 for the fall cycle. Applications are then reviewed by the members of the Committee on Public Philosophy, and the committee normally makes funding decisions within one month of the application deadline.

What to know about APA grants

If you’re interested in applying for any of the above APA grants, I’m happy to share a few insights and tips.

  • Make sure to fill out the application form completely and submit it on time!
  • Look at the evaluation criteria and make sure your project fits them. For example, because APA grant funds are limited, there is a strong preference for providing seed funding for new projects, rather than providing operating grants to established or previously funded projects. If your project is in the latter category, your application should make a compelling case as to why the funding is needed. The APA also prefers funding projects that will have impacts beyond an individual institution or campus, so make sure your application tells us about the project’s broader reach.
  • In your application, try to anticipate and address potential questions. For example, proposals are likely to be more successful if they have secured local support. If you are applying for a grant hosted by your institution but your APA grant application budget includes paying for the use of space on campus, that’s a potential sign to the board that you don’t have much local support. But maybe that’s not what’s happening—and if not, your application is the place to preemptively answer those questions.
  • Keep in mind that these grant programs are competitive—we receive at least twice as many applications as we can fund, and often more than that. If you don’t get a grant on your first try, don’t be discouraged—work on improving your application and apply again in the next cycle.
  • Check out the list of previously funded projects to see what a successful application looks like. Learn from others’ past successes!

And finally, while I can’t predict what the APA board and committees will decide about grant funding in any given year, I have developed a good sense of what kinds of projects are a good fit for APA grant programs, so don’t hesitate to reach out and ask questions. I’m here to help!

Two of our regular grant deadlines are coming up—the Berry Fund on April 30 and the Small Grant Program and Diversity & Inclusiveness Grant Program on June 30—so now’s a great time to get going on a project you’ve been thinking about starting up. I look forward to reading your application!

[1] The APA’s standing committees are the six committees named in the APA bylaws: (1) the Committee on Academic Career Opportunities and Placement, (2) the Committee on Inclusiveness in the Profession, (3) the Committee on International Cooperation, (4) the Committee on Lectures, Publications, and Research, (5) the Committee on the Status and Future of the Profession, and (6) the Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy.

“Inside the APA” is a series that offers insight into what happens behind the scenes in the American Philosophical Association. If you have suggestions for future posts in the series, please submit them  here .

Photo of Amy Ferrer

Amy Ferrer has been Executive Director of the APA since 2012. She holds a bachelor's degree in women's studies and a master's degree in public policy and administration, both from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She has spent more than 15 years in nonprofit management, having previously worked for national and regional organizations focusing on civil liberties, public health, and advocacy. Both her work and educational background have focused on diversity issues, communications, development, and program management. She currently serves on the boards of Delaware Humanities and the Academic Placement and Data Analysis project , and has previously served on the boards of the National Humanities Alliance , the American Council of Learned Societies , and the Association of American Colleges and Universities .

  • APA Berry Fund for Public Philosophy
  • diversity and inclusiveness grants
  • Erin Shepherd
  • Inside the APA
  • micro-grant program
  • Sabrina D. MisirHiralall
  • small grants
  • Teaching Fund


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   The following links contain information on government programs and private foundations that make research grants in psychology. If you want to suggest any additions or changes to this list, click .

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Undergraduate Research Grants

The purpose of this program is to provide funds for members to defray the cost of conducting a research project.

Deadline: May 1, 2022; October 15, 2022

Sponsor: Psi Chi

  • Description
  • Eligibility
  • How to Apply

Individual grants are up to $1,500 or $3,500 for research requiring the applicant to travel significant distances. An annual total of $75,000 in funding is available for student research projects.

Applicants must:

be an enrolled undergraduate student;

be a Psi Chi member;

be the first author; and

have a faculty member serve as sponsor/co-investigator.

Apply online. Please visit the Psi Chi program page for more information.

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  • Published: 29 August 2024

Federal funding shapes knowledge in clinical science

  • Bunmi O. Olatunji 1 &
  • Alexandra M. Adamis 1  

Nature Reviews Psychology ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Psychiatric disorders
  • Scientific community

Advances in clinical science often rely on federal funding, but an overly prescriptive funding agenda might limit the societal benefits of clinical research. Greater diversity in funding schemes is needed to ensure the highest clinical impact.

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Olatunji, B. O., Cisler, J. M. & Deacon, B. J. Efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders: a review of meta-analytic findings. Psychiatr. Clin. North Am. 33 , 557–577 (2010).

Article   PubMed   Google Scholar  

Barlow, D. H. et al. The unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders compared with diagnosis-specific protocols for anxiety disorders: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry 74 , 875–884 (2017).

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Insel, T. et al. Research domain criteria (RDoC): toward a new classification framework for research on mental disorders. Am. J. Psychiatry 167 , 748–751 (2010).

Torrey, E. F. Did the human genome project affect research on schizophrenia? Psychiatry Res 333 , 115691 (2024).

Abi-Dargham, A. et al. Candidate biomarkers in psychiatric disorders: state of the field. World Psychiatry 22 , 236–262 (2023).

Franklin, J. C. et al. Risk factors for suicidal thoughts and behaviors: a meta-analysis of 50 years of research. Psychol. Bull. 143 , 187–232 (2017).

Rogers, A. Star neuroscientist Tom Insel leaves the Google-spawned Verily for ... a startup? Wired https://www.wired.com/2017/05/star-neuroscientist-tom-insel-leaves-google-spawned-verily-startup/ (2017).

Kessler, R. C. et al. Changes in prevalence of mental illness among US adults during compared with before the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychiatr. Clin. North Am. 45 , 1–28 (2022).

Lebowitz, M. S. & Appelbaum, P. S. Biomedical explanations of psychopathology and their implications for attitudes and beliefs about mental disorders. Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 15 , 555–577 (2019).

Lei, C., Qu, D., Liu, K. & Chen, R. Ecological momentary assessment and machine learning for predicting suicidal ideation among sexual and gender minority individuals. JAMA Netw. Open 6 , e2333164 (2023).

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Department of Psychology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA

Bunmi O. Olatunji & Alexandra M. Adamis

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Correspondence to Bunmi O. Olatunji .

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Olatunji, B.O., Adamis, A.M. Federal funding shapes knowledge in clinical science. Nat Rev Psychol (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44159-024-00357-2

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Published : 29 August 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s44159-024-00357-2

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APA priorities on track to receive increased federal funding

Behavioral science cited as a congressional priority in the House FY 2022 appropriations bill.

  • Funding and Grants

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The House Appropriations Committees are starting to release their annual appropriations bills . On July 15, 2021, the Committee released the second largest of the 12 funding bills (PDF, 465KB) , the Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS). During consideration of the bill, the chair of the Appropriations and Subcommittee on Labor-HHS, Rosa DeLauro, (D-CT), stated that the legislation provides a “historic” increase of 28% above last year. “We are bringing hope to the individuals, communities, and regions that need it most and providing crucial funding to build a better tomorrow and expand our capacity to meet any future challenges,” she said.

APASI convened more than 400 psychologists as part of the virtual winter and spring advocacy summits, who made over 500 congressional visits to encourage Congress to provide increased funding for three of APA’s priorities supporting behavioral research and training:

Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research

The Labor-HHS bill’s accompanying report (PDF, 3.07MB) included language providing a budget of $49.8 million, a $19.5 million increase for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR), an increase APA promoted at the May 16 Stand for Science to Advance Psychology: Science Advocacy Summit 2021 . The report further noted the committee’s strong support for the “continued strengthening of the behavioral science enterprise at NIH and urges OBSSR funding be increased to accomplish this mission.” The office’s mission is to enhance the impact of health-related behavioral and social sciences research, coordinate and integrate this science within the larger NIH research enterprise, and to communicate health-related behavioral and social sciences research to stakeholders.

Graduate Psychology Education 

The Labor-HHS bill included $25 million for graduate psychology education (GPE), a $6 million increase over FY21’s enacted level. Administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration, GPE supports the education and training of doctoral-level health service psychologists . Established in 2002, GPE provides three-year grants to accredited psychology doctoral, internship, and postdoctoral training programs to support the interprofessional training of psychology graduate students while also providing mental and behavioral health services to vulnerable populations in underserved communities. Increased funding for the program would support additional grantees in FY22, as a new funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is expected this fall.

Minority Fellowship Program

APA has also prioritized increasing funding for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Minority Fellowship Program (MFP), which provides funding for training, career development, and mentoring for mental and behavioral health professionals to work with ethnic minorities. The committee provided $20.3 for the MFP currently funded at $16.2M. The president’s budget requested $17.1 million for FY 2022.

Specifically, MFP focuses on training students, postdoctoral fellows, and residents to be culturally and linguistically competent to adequately address the needs of minorities in underserved areas. It funds trainees in psychology, nursing, social work, psychiatry, addiction counseling, professional counseling, and marriage and family therapy. Culturally competent behavioral health professionals are a key component to improving health care outcomes for underserved communities. They also help with addressing the lack of bilingual providers.

Funding amounts provided for other APA priorities for agencies and programs in the House bills are can be found in the  Highlights from FY22 House Appropriations Bills (PDF, 90KB) .

The House is scheduled to consider a package of seven bills (also known as a minibus (PDF, 2.19MB) ) the week of July 26 on the House floor, including Labor-HHS, Agriculture-FDA, Energy and Water, Financial Services, Interior-Environment, Military Construction, and Transportation-HUD. Consideration of the remaining five bills has not been scheduled. The Senate is expected to begin considering its versions of the appropriations bills during the August recess.

For more information, contact Angela Sharpe .

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  3. Awards, Honors, and Research Funding

    Research funding for outstanding dissertation proposals. Three (3) awards of $10,000 and seven (7) awards of $5,000 are offered each year. APF/COGDOP Graduate Student Scholarships. Deadline: June 26, 2024. Recognizes outstanding graduate student research in psychology. Twenty-one (21) awards of $2,000-$5,000 are offered each year.

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  6. Federal Funding for Psychological Research

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    750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242. Telephone: (800) 374-2721; (202) 336-5500 | TDD/TTY: (202) 336-6123. Understand why organizations provide funding support, how our research fits their missions, and how grant funds are handled on your campus.

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  21. Undergraduate Research Grants

    Individual grants are up to $1,500 or $3,500 for research requiring the applicant to travel significant distances. An annual total of $75,000 in funding is available for student research projects. have a faculty member serve as sponsor/co-investigator. Provides funds for members to defray the cost of conducting a research project.

  22. Federal funding shapes knowledge in clinical science

    Nature Reviews Psychology - Advances in clinical science often rely on federal funding, but an overly prescriptive funding agenda might limit the societal benefits of clinical research. Greater ...

  23. Funding

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  24. APA priorities on track to receive increased federal funding

    The House Appropriations Committees are starting to release their annual appropriations bills.On July 15, 2021, the Committee released the second largest of the 12 funding bills (PDF, 465KB), the Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS).During consideration of the bill, the chair of the Appropriations and Subcommittee on Labor-HHS, Rosa DeLauro, (D-CT ...