GameMaker: Studio
Originally posted by Blyxx : Changed a few things, they are marked with comments, hope it helps. while(!place_meeting(x+sign(hsp),y,obj_wall)) { x += sign(hsp); } hsp = 0; dir *= -1; //You had a closing brace here with no opening brace earlier to match it x += hsp; if (instance_exists(obj_player)) { if (round(obj_player.y + (obj_player.sprite_height/2)) > y) || (obj_player.key_down) // I added braces around the next statement, can't remember if they are required strictly by // gamemaker, but the rest of your code follows this format with if statements { mask_index = -1; } else { mask_index = spr_platform; if place_meeting(x,y-1,obj_player) { obj_player.hsp_carry } } }
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